seiu president andy stern visits the white house now more than anyone else. 28 times we have on record. i'm not sure how andy stern is qualified for this but there are reports that the white house is considering this guy who wears a pinkie ring -- never trust a man who wears a pinkie ring. new jersey, apologies. florida, apologies. the thing about adding this guy to the federal deficit panel, let me ask can you, how does that make any sense whatsoever? aren't union pensions one of the reasons that many state governments are facing massive deficits? check out the state of the some of the unions and their pension funds. in april, the seiu national industry pension fund which covers 100,000 rank and file members, seiu. this guy, announced his pension has been put in what the feds call critical status. or the red zone. in july, the country's largest union local, seiu