Frontiers | A Polygenic Score for Type 2 Diabetes Improves Risk Stratification Beyond Current Clinical Screening Factors in an Ancestrally Diverse Sample

A substantial proportion of the adult US population with type 2 diabetes (T2D) are undiagnosed, calling into question the comprehensiveness of current screening practices, which primarily rely on age, family history, and body mass index (BMI). We hypothesized that a polygenic score (PGS) may serve as a complementary tool to identify high-risk individuals. The T2D PGS maintained predictive utility after adjusting for family history and combining genetics with family history led to even more improved disease risk prediction. We observed that the PGS was meaningfully related to age of onset with implications for screening practices: there was a linear and statistically significant relationship between the PGS and T2D onset (-1.3 years per standard deviation of the PGS). Evaluation of U.S. Preventive Task Force and a simplified version of American Diabetes Association screening guidelines showed that addition of a screening criterion for those above the 90th percentile of the PGS provided a small increase the sensitivity of the screening algorithm. Among T2D-negative individuals, the T2D PGS was associated with prediabetes, where each standard deviation increase of the PGS was associated with a 23% increase in the odds of prediabetes diagnosis. Additionally, each standard deviation increase in the PGS corresponded to a 43% increase in the odds of incident T2D at one-year follow-up. Using complications and forms of clinical intervention (i.e., lifestyle modification, metformin treatment, or insulin treatment) as proxies for advanced illness we also found statistically significant associations between the T2D PGS and insulin treatment and diabetic neuropathy. Importantly, we were able to replicate many findings in a Hispanic/Latino cohort from our database, highlighting the value of the T2D PGS as a clinical tool for individuals with ancestry other than European. In this group, the T2D PGS provided additional disease risk information beyond that offered by traditional screening methodologies. The T2D PGS also had predictive value for the age of onset and for prediabetes among T2D-negative Hispanic/Latino participants. These findings strengthen the notion that a T2D PGS could play a role in the clinical setting across multiple ancestries, potentially improving T2D screening practices, risk stratification, and disease management.

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San Diego , California , United States , Texas , America , American , Pattillo Smith , Jb Meigset Al , Association Of Polygenic Risk Score , Us Preventive Service Task , Me Personal Genome Service , National Institute Of Diabetes , Me Inc , American Diabetes Association , National Diabetes Statistics , Ethical Independent Review Services , Us Preventive Services Task , Centers For Disease , Us Dept Of Health , Risk State For Diabetes Development , Polygenic Score Development , Human Services , Health Consequences Of Uniparental Disomy , Centers For Disease Control , Health Metrics , Us Preventive Services Task Force , Association Analyses , Services Task Force , Disease Control , Personal Genome Service , Independent Review , Descriptive Sample , Analytical Sample , Incidence Sample , Incident Diagnosis Sample , Polygenic Score , Illumina Infinium Global Screening Array , White Paper , African American , Polygenic Score Provides Information Not Captured , Alaska Native , Pacific Islander , Analytic Sample , Score Associations , Related Quantitative Traits , Med Abstract , Crossref Full Text , Diabetes Association , Medical Care , Generalized Method , Accessed January , Dynamic Modeling , Genome Wide Assessment , Genetic Risk , Systemic Lupus Erythematosus , National Institute , Kidney Diseases , Lifestyle Changes , Systematic Review , Care Diabetes , Genetic Risk Score , Family History , Estimating Prostate Cancer , Integrating Clinical , Polygenic Factors , Predict Breast Cancer Risk , Women Undergoing Genetic , Genome Wide Polygenic Scores , Common Diseases Identify Individuals , Risk Equivalent , Polygenic Score Catalog , Open Database , Clinical Risk Scores , Their Impact , Cardiometabolic Diseases , Clinical Use , Health Consequences , Uniparental Disomy , Four Million Individuals , Polygenic Contribution , Variable Expressivity , Eleven Rare Genetic , Polygenic Risk Scores , Polygenic Risk Score , Cognitive Decline , Motor Progression , Diabetes Mellitus , Comparing Distributions , Coronary Heart Disease , Delayed Diagnosis , Incident Type , Statistical Modeling , Science Conference , Guide Screening , Aggressive Prostate Cancer , Large Scale , Better Measurement , Inherited Risk , Prostate Cancer Than Family , High Risk State , Risk Prediction , Genetic Risk Scores , Coronary Heart Disease Is Independent , Self Reported Family , Their Response , Intensive Blood Pressure , Efficient Replication , Self Reported Medical , Genetic Loci Informed , Multi Trait Associations , Disease Mechanisms , Soft Clustering , Service Task , Genome Wide Association Analyses Identify , Putative Regulatory Mechanisms , Global Aetiology , Polygenic Score Pgs , Ype 2 Diabees T2d , Consumer Genomics , Enetic Risk , Diabetes Screening ,

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