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up his speech. >> last night was -- did not give me the encouragement we need. >> reporter: a country facing more political division as the election year gets underway. alice barr, nbc news, washington. well plenty of reaction from around the country and around the world. including from our elected leaders here in california. house speaker nancy pelosi on twitter, the president will boast he has been acquitted. there can be no acquittal without a trial and no trial without witnesses, documents and evidence. senator kamala harris called the senate vote, quote, shameful, adding the president should not be a -- above the law and senator feinstein said impeachment inspired a record number of calls to her office with nearly 90,000 supporting the president's removal. and we have a lot more coverage on our website. had a includes this video highlighting key moments from the trial. you could watch it at they are back in the states but not out of the woods. nearly 200 americans evacuated from wuhan, china, are being quarantined at travis afb. more than 28,000 people are infected with the virus. 563 people have died. there are 12 confirmed cases in the u.s. the -- the newest one reported today in wisconsin melissa colorado joins us with more on what is is a head of the coronavirus evacuees. melissa? >> reporter: the evacuees are traumatized but they are relieved to be back here on american soil. for the next two weeks 178 men, women and children, they will not be able to leave a hotel here at travis air force base in fairfield so doctors will monitor them and checking body temperature every single day. looking out for any symptoms of the deadly coronavirus. and speaking of symptoms we're hold a young child came down with a fever during that flight from china. the -- to california and now the child was transported to a local hospital and is being tested. >> trankly it was an emotional experience. having the first family walk through the door. >> reporter: applause broke out when 178 evacuees from china's hubei province landed safely at travis air force base this morning. >> they were happy and smiling and happy to be home. >> reporter: doctors wearing protective gear were the first to greet them. most of them are american citizens, ranging from ages from yunk younger than two to older than 65. >> they've been through a lot and we'll do everything possible to care for them. >> reporter: they were taken to the west wind inn which is their temporary home for the next 14 days. >> 14 days is the longest incubation period ever observed with coronavirus. >> reporter: the cdc said during the flight a child came down with a fever. the child was taken to an undisclosed hospital and being tested for the deadly virus. at the hotel turned quarantine center -- yan of san diego speaked to her loved ones through facetime and said the worst is over and now the waiting begins. >> i thank you all for being here. it is so different, the experience we got when we were stuck in china. >> reporter: and the evacuees do not show any symptoms of the coronavirus after the 14 days, the cdc said this le release these 176 individuals to help them get back home. in fairfield, i'm melissa colorado, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. another family under quarantine is telling us about their experience. the roth family from wisconsin is also at travis air force base and sharing photoses with us. this is the inside of the plane transformed into a makeshift triage unit as medical professionals care for patients returning from china. the roth family was in wuhan to visit family for the lunar new year. as we mentioned, travis air force base is one of four bases where americans are being held. about 180 people there. another 170 down here at marine corp air station miramar near san diego. the air force base in san antonio, there is also military place in omaha. they're also preparing for quarantines. now the risk of getting the coronavirus is still very low. there are 12 confirmed cases in the u.s. they're scattered across the country. the latest one today in hamadis, wisconsin with. bay area hospitals are are ready to handle any patients diagnosed. zuckerberg san francisco general has 40 rooms to be isolated and treated if needed. coming up at 6:00 we'll take a tour of the negative pressure room and how it is designed to keep viruses from spreading to other rooms in the hospital. an emotion angeles and dramatic day in court. opening statements began in the nia wilson murder case. john lee cowell is accused of killing wilson in a unprovoked attack at the mcarthur b.a.r.t. station in oakland. christie smith joins us from the courthouse in oakland with the details. christie? >> reporter: well, john lee cowell was let out of court in oakland after an outburst, disagreeing with what the prosecutor was saying and he only came back for what amounted to a short amount of tie-- amou of time and he was not in court when the brutal attack was played. >> i was just too devastated to watch. >> reporter: emotions ran high in court as surveillance video showed the horrific stabbing of nia wilson at the b.a.r.t. station. there were sobs and silence. wilson's mother spoke to us during a break about the case. >> pure evil. evil. evilness. that is evilness. how could you do something to these beautiful young women. they didn't do nothing. they didn't see him. they didn't react to him. they don't know him. pure evil. >> reporter: prosecutors laid out the opening arguments in the trial of john lee cowell, describing a premeditated deliberate surprise attack in 2018. >> it gets really emotional. especially when the family are having flashbacks of just receiving the news on the day of nia murder. >> reporter: he's charged with attempted murder because nia sister was wounded. he changed clothes and like others directed officers to the scene and later boarded a bus. >> i would like him to go to principle and lock away and throw away the key. >> reporter: cowell had an outburst and spent most of the day outside of the courtroom. his attorney argued he was incompetent to stand trial but a judge disagreed and today his attorney described his battle with schizophrenia and acted because of his delusional misinterpretation of the world. now today the prosecutor was able to call a few witnesses including two b.a.r.t. workers who explained to the courtroom exactly how the camera systems work. reporting live in oakland, christie smith, nbc bay area news. an arrest turned violent in oakland this afternoon. police responding to reports of a man sleeping in a parked car with a gun in his lap. the car was on 89th avenue on of bancroft near the oakland zoo. officers surrounded that white car with the police suv when the man woke up he started ramming his car into the patrol cars. eventually making a gap in the barricade and escaping. but police did chase him down a couple of blocks later. thankfully no one was hur. as it turned out the white car and the gun the man was holding were stolen. this just in. actor kirk douglas has died at the age of 103. his son actor michael douglas released the news with a poignant tribute on instagram. he posted this picture along with a tribute that said in part, to the world he was a legend, an actor from the golden age of movies who lives well into his golden years. but to me and my brothers, he was simply dad. for decades kurt douglas was one of the hollywood biggest stars but worked on broadway and the son of russian immigrants his first film was the strange love of martha iris back in 1946. sparticus is among one of the main roles and he received a oscar nomination by playing vince vincent van gogh. his career spanned decades. 25 years after a college student went missing there is a glimmer of hope. search warrants were served at four different spots in the case of kristin smart. she disappeared in 1996 while attending calpoly san luis obispo. today warrants were served at two different locations in san luis obispo county as well as one in l.a. county and washington state. the sheriff's office would only say the warrants are for specific items of evidence. kristin smart was there stockton and she was 19 when she went missing while returning home from a party. smart was seen with another student at the time but he was never arrested or charged in the case. new results from iowa. the iowa state democratic party has now reported 86% of the vote and the results have narrowed the lead between pete buttigieg and bernie sanders. only 1.3% is separating the two. elizabeth warren is in third. joe biden is in fourth. the delay results is coming from coding issues with the app. the party was using the app to tally votes on monday. now to verify the votes staff members are comparing paper ballots with the numbers in the app. it is still unclear when the final results will announced. up next here at 5:00, a very close call. watch as a tire flies down the road and narrowly misses an east bay motorcycle officer. and a keanu reeves sighting in san francisco. we head to the set of matrix 4. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. a lot of blue sky today. well tell you when it leads to 70 degrees temperatures and what is happening with our rainfall chances. i'll have that in about eight minutes. recognize that guy. >> oh, yeah. he hasn't aged a bit. >> looks good. hollywood star power in san francisco today. that is keanu reeves turning plenty of heads as he begins filming a new movie and he has plenty of star-struck fans hanging out on the set or near the set in san francisco. >> we are live in chinatown and did you see him up close? >> reporter: i did. i did catch a dplims of him a couple of times and so did everyone else at jackson and kerney. in the last hour the sidewalk behind me was cleaned up but there was equipment and dozens of crew members as well as keanu reeves. he came out of the house of nan king several times, walked down to the grassland and everyone had smartphones out ready to get their shot. >> oh, my gosh. >> i can't believe it. >> reporter: matrix fans knew it might be their only chance. >> oh, wow! . this is a great day. >> reporter: take jackson street, the story ends. take kerney street and see if star keanu reeves emerges from the rabbit hole. or in this case the house of nan king with the matrix 4 was filming. >> i wasn't sure if we could get a glimpse of him. >> you're blushing a little. >> yeah. >> reporter: the actor had multiple takes on the sidewalks of san francisco's chinatown. >> keanu reeves is standing right there and at nan king and having coffee and smoking a cigarette. it was beautiful. >> reporter: and onlookers -- >> hello -- >> reporter: hopes for their own shot in the director's series. >> so you're keanu reeves? >> i'm friends. >> reporter: can you do your best keanu. now drivers may have felt the same way as they were routed around the movie set all day and should expect for road closures throughout the month as they continue filming. film crews will film helicopters taking off as well as crash scenes and gunfire simulation. we'll have more coming up at 6:00. also on the film impact on the chinatown businesses. live in san francisco, lili tan, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. it is a dangerous job as this video provesment motorcycle officers must always be on a alert. a tweet out of the video showing an officer making a traffic stop and now as he stopped a runaway tire soon comes bouncing down the street. there it comes and it crashes into his motorcycle. the officer is fine. he returned to work the next day. as the investigation continues into that deadly helicopter crash that killed nine people including kobe bryant senator feinstein is calling for changes. the senator wants it to be a federal rule that crash warning systems are required on commercial helicopters. the device called a terrain awareness and warning system signals when a helicopter is in danger of hitting the ground. the ntsb recommended it for helicopters and a bill for stronger standards by the faa was introduced by a southern california congressman and two weeks ago the helicopter crashed into a hillside in calabasas in foggy weather and it could be months until the investigation is completed. uber self driving cars are one step closer to reality. the dmv issued a permit allowing the test of cars on public roads across california. uber will be required to have a human, a back-up driver during the tests. in the past, uber has tested self-driving cars in san francisco and that program was halted after a deadly accident in arizona in 2018. san francisco's ride board of directors meets in just a couple of hours over what their board president calls an illegal vote. last month some current and former google employees called for pride to drop google as a participant due to poor treatment of lgbtq people on youtube and other google platforms. the move to ban google from the parade passed but now it seems the vote was not legally binding. in a statement pride said, quote, our legal team has reviewed last week's vote by a small group of the 326 members and determined this measure is not binding. as such there is no ban in place at this time. this small dprup is not representative of the larger pride community. jeff ranieri is back with us now talking about the gorgeous day and perfect keanu reeves viewing weather. >> yes. it is. perfect sunset weather. hopefully keanu is enjoying the bay area if you're watching right now, kiana, stay and make yourself comfortable. we have great weather ahead. over the next couple of days, then eventually we'll be talking about some dangerous wind building back into the forecast. i did want to start off now with the top headline and it is about high pressure starting to build in bringing us sunny warm weather, which, yes, it make it nice the next two days but unfortunately it is keeping the storm track way, way off to the north. this is more like a spring pattern and instead of a winter pattern. so we'd really like to get rainfall in here. we'll show you what we have coming our way in that extended outlook in about two minutes. but i do want to go ahead and move right into tomorrow morning forecast. it will start off cold but not nearly as cold as it was earlier this week. so i think we could get through this just fine. we're at 38 here for the tri-valley. peninsula 42 and the south bay at 40. mostly sunny skies so remember those sunglasses for the morning commute. over to the east bay. 39 degrees. san francisco 44. and the north bay at 39. now that area of high pressure i talked about, we just showed you that will really begin to move on top of california through tomorrow afternoon. so while you need a jacket to start, by the afternoon hours it's no jacket down here in the south bay. short sleeves, maybe even shorts. especially right over here to gilroy at 69 degrees in february. some really rare weather with us. temperatures 10 to about 15 degrees above average. for the east bay, sunny skies and light winds, 70 in concord and pittsburg and close to 67 in palo alto. san francisco 62 in the mission. 64 the embarcadero. and also right there maybe around some of the movie shoot action in chinatown we're looking at low 60s tomorrow and sunny skies. and for the north bay, 69 in clear lake. 70 in napa. also 70 in ukiah. i want to spend time on the seven-day forecast because we do have changes moving on in. so as you see in san francisco here, we are looking at drive weather the next seven days. this is great for the chinese new year parade on saturday. but winds are expected to kick up by sunday and that is when we could get into trouble. possibly some tree limbs down. we might even go to a microclimate weather alert. i want to get you a closer look and see all of the bay area would be impacted by gusty winds. starting to pick up by sunday afternoon. 15 to about 30-mile-per-hour gusts and getting stronger by sunday night. we'll be here to cover it for you this weekend. now for the inland valley forecast, we're getting you that mild weather we've been talking about for the next two days. then we cool off as that wind gets here on sunday. down to 62. a little bit of a bump up on monday to 68me and then drop do to 59 by next wednesday. so up down and back up again patterns on the teams but the number one question i keep getting asked is what about rainfall. the high pressure bringing the warm air looks like it would be around for the next couple of days into about february the 12th. so no big storms through february 12th. then after this we height get a drier storm with shower chances by february 13th. not a big storm system but it is all we got right now. maybe some showers by february 13th and low snow. we'll be all over this. we'll keep an eye on it. but for right now, enjoy that sunshine. >> enjoy the sunset as well. thanks jeff . up next, a pardon. how the move could help others who face a similar situation. all them. week we break down the housing crisis, meet the people fighting for survival and find real solutions. making it in the bay, all next week only on nbc bay area. we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. othroughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. two bacon, two sausage, this is the two eggssuper slam. hash browns and pancakes and now make those pancakes all you can eat for a buck. that's where the duper comes in. the all new super duper slam just seven ninety nine. see you at denny's. the search is on tonight for the man you see in the surveillance video. he walked into a 7-eleven in concord and tried to take a bag of chips without paying and when he was told to pay for it the man tried to punch him and jumped the counter and pushed the employee and then also stole a pack of cigarettes. if you recognize that guy, please call concord police. and the search is on for the drivers who opened fire at other cars on the freeway in the east bay this morning. it all started around 3:00 a.m. with the driver of a black bmw said to cars started following him on 80 in fremont. the driver of the bmw said all of a sudden someone in the car started shooting at him and the two cars took off. the driver got off the freeway and called 911. chp said the shooter hit the car several times. officers found five shell casings on the freeway where the shooting took place. thankfully no one was hurt. a pardon from the governor to correct a wrong. bay yard reston what a famed civil rights leader who died in 1987 known as a key organizer of the 1963 march on washington. he was openly gay and in the 1950s was sentenced to 60 days in jail after he was arrested in california for having sex in a car. governor newsom is pardoning people who were prosecuted in california for being gay. such arrests were stopped in 1975 but the governor will now clear the records for those who were prosecuted. well an auto shop class in the east bay gets its own self-driving car. we'll show you next. >> get complete bay area sports coverage with the xfinity sports desk every day at 6:00 and 11:00 p.m. only on nbc bay area news. tv just keeps getting better. how you watch it does too. this is xfinity x1. featuring the emmy award-winning voice remote. streaming services without changing passwords and input. live sports - with real-time stats and scores. access to the most 4k content. and your movies and shows to go. the best tv experience is the best tv value. xfinity x1. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. actions speak louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. tonight at 6:00, an unexpected loss for preschoolers on the peninsula. the vandals that struck a playground and the chicken coop coming up. and next on "nightly news," americans quarantined on cruise ships because the coronavirus. the nightmare conditions for passengers stuck in their cabins with no clear end in sight. lester holt joins us in just a minute. okay, finally tonight, this is ollie, a electric car. wow, it is about to make new friends at pittsburg high. it will be the star of a through auto shop program. contra costa transportation authority teamed up with the manufacturer to help create it. it will give students experience in building and repairing autonomous cars. lokol motors will send technicians to mentor the students. this is the first program in the state with this level of technical training for electric autonomous cars. >> what a great program. >> oh, man, it is not a tesla. >> that is all right. >> they'll be building the tesla any time. >> great training. >> way ahead of the curve and you leave with a skill. >> every high school in the bay area will implement that. >> before we go, how we r we looking tonight. >> we have mostly clear skies and tomorrow upper 30s and low 40s by the afternoon 70 inland. we drop down cooler on sunday with 62 and some wind. and we're dry over the next sen days. let's take a little side step into the chinese new year parade on saturday. dry weather to 515 and second and market street looks perfect if you're headed out there. it is a great time. >> one of the best events of the year. >> hanks for joining us. we'll see you at 6:00. lester holt is next with "nightly news.." >> bye folks. see you soon. breaking news tonight. president trump acquitted. the historic verdict in the impeachment trial. the president found not guilty in a dramatic final vote by the republican-controlled senate but a major surprise as mitt romney defies his party. >> the president is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust. >> every democrat voting to remove the president from office. and just in tonight, the president's reaction also breaking news on the coronavirus the emergency evacuation, new flights to the u.s., hundreds more americans under quarantine after arriving home. and the desperation growing on two cruise ships thousands of tourists on lockdown and on

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