sometimes known as union joe. but he's pushing here and reluctant, but pushing here, worried about the effects on the broader economy. has he let you and your members down? >> yes, to an extent, jim. we're trying to address an issue here of sick time. it's very important as we've already discussed, and this action prevents us from reaching the end of our process. it takes away the strength and the abilities that we have to force bar beginning or force the railroads into a situation to actually do the right thing. >> michael baldwin, president of the brotherhood of railroad signalmen we wish you good luck in the coming days. >> thank you very much, jim, thanks again for the opportunity this morning. >> happy to. interesting there, jim, for him to say he's a bit disappointed with the president. the president wanted to avoid this and thought he had a deal in september. clearly that's not the case and we have a potential strike days