troubling and potentially illegal scheme to line his own pockets, is demanding his wealthy backers including state contractors give donations that will go directly back into his pockets. would you like to answer that? >> the answer is in the first part of the question. the democrat party of kentucky, of course they don't like it. i'm running against their candidate is going to lose, the state attorney general, they are increasingly desperate, he can't get people to turn out, they are having trouble raising money. this is a bunch of nonsense but it has been coming from that party for quite some time which is why they are losing traction. >> they want to focus on one of the things that has been a tough thing for a lot of republican governors around the country, the idea of medicaid expansion and healthcare, generally something that polls will for democrats so how do you answer their claims about your decisions on that front? >> i want to see and we have applied front 1115 waiver. i am a guy who grew up a below the poverty level. i never had access to any healthcare insurance in my life until i was in active-duty army officer. i was in my 20s before i ever