Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20160618

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who texted her husband asking where are you around 2:00 a.m. just as the attack was getting underway. mateen reportedly responded by asking do you see what's happening? to which salman reportedly replied, no. nbc's source says mateen then responded, quote. i love you, babe. and that seems to be the last of the texts. nbc is now reporting that since then, both the gunman's wife and his father seddique have been added to the government's no fly list as this investigation continues toen unfold. the fbi director james comey traveled to florida to thank the first responders who saved so many lives during saturday's attack as his agency continues to expand its investigation. that's where we begin tonight with fox chief intelligence correspondent catherine hairage. >> reporter: an intelligence source confirms to fox news that the fbi has recovered the surveillance video from inside the pulse nightclub that captured the murder of 49 innocent people. it shows the shooter methodingcally conduct down his victims with his assault rifle apparently loading at least once. our contact said viewing the video was a soul destroying experience. and a new story of significant premeditation, that omar mateen's plot took shape at least four or five weeks ago when he tried to purchase body armor and bulk am nugs at this store. mateen signed papers turning over his share of a house to relatives including a sister and brother-in-law. the quitclaim deed transferred interested in theport st. lucie house valued at $165,000 for just $10. while it may have been in the works for a while, combined with other evidence, it does suggest mateen was getting his affairs in order because he planned to die in a suicide attack. mateen's wife noor salman signed the documents as a witness. separately, law enforcement sources report there were text messages between noor and her husband two hours into the mass car and he apparently asked if she had seen the news. at one point, salman said she loved him she later called his cell several times but he didn't answer. source tell fox news they believe the wife has left florida and is now with relatives. for context, it is not unusual after a series of interviews for the subject to be cut loose for the fbi so they can be tailed and find out where they go. moob ian, you went through the radicalization process. you know it well. you got married to your wife during that process. and you say she didn't even know? do you believe in this instance where we are learning that he had somewhat close ties with his family, according to what we've learned so far -- do you believe it's possible that his wife did not know that he planned to carry out this attack? >> well, it's an ongoing investigation, of course, and a lot more information is going to come out. and my comment is purely speculation on the basis of what kind of information we are already seeing. and i'm inclining towards she knew something was up. we know for a fact that she purchased the ammunition with him. we know she cased the nightclub with him. we know she said to fbi that she tried to talk him out of it. so she clearly had knowledge of the attack. >> there is conflicting stories there because we know she is saying now she didn't have knowledge of the attack. before she said she tried to talk him out of that attack. a bit about yourself. you describe what led to your radicalization with an identity crisis growing up in toronto at the age of 18 you decided to travel to india and pakistan. and you had an encounter with the taliban, and that radicalization process started. you went back to canada. you joined extremist groups. based on what you have seen so far, was this man acting in, you know, was he led by a terror group? or was he inspired by a terror group? what conclusion can you draw based on having gone through this process yourself? >> it seems that this individual was also undergoing some severe identity conflict issues. i think it's pretty clear by now that he was, himself, a closet homosexual, couldn't deal with that identity, didn't know which one to reconcile, should i be muslim, can i be muslim and also -- and my suggestion is that -- and this is what happened with me as well, where i became hyper religious to make up for that party life-style that i used to live. and you know, to do away with that life-style. so in this case you have an extreme version of that where he is basically killing homosexuals because what he is doing is he is killing himself, his old identity. >> you actually have a theory, mubin, that it was part of the plan -- and you say this is just one of your theories -- that it was a shame for his family that he was going through this, that he was identified -- identified to his family that he was gay and that this was some sort of plot? >> it's possible. i looked at -- you know, my job is to think about potential trajectories, what's possible, what's likely, unless the expert investigators on -- i'll let the experts on the ground tell you the real deal, but i think it was like an honor killing in reverse. basically, they said, look, we know you are like this, but the only way we can cleanse our family of this shame is for you to go and kill a whole bunch of them. you know, the father is running for political office in afghanistan. and it would have looked really bad on him if it came out that his son was in fact gay. it would have actually work for him if the son went off and killed a bunch of lgbt people, americans, you know, and then slapped on the isis label to make it, look, this is a great jihadi warrior. >> mubin, good to get your perspective on that. thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you very much. with all of today's developments one of the main questions folks are asking is with this new trail of text messages help or hurt omar mateen's wife as this investigation continues. michael wilds is a former fed real prosecutor and a professor. wendy patrick is a prosecuting attorney who has prosecuted dozens of hate crimes. wendy, what do you make of this investigation so far and what we are learn being the vechlt involvement of his family, particularly his wife? >> these text messages are very interesting, sandra. what woman doesn't know where her husband is in the middle of the night? the question is is it ignorance in the moment or does it reflect a greater ignorance of his activities? we know this man was a triple threat. he was radicalized, armed and angry, whether the anger stemmed from identity or ideology, this trio of risk factors is something we would expect she would have known about it. but was it a secret of the relationship the fact that he kept this identity from her. that's exactly what the grand jurors will be asking. we know they went to the club together but was it casing or not? we know she went with him to buy am nugs, but was she aware of the plan for it or not. >> michael, what's your view of the text messages. >> if it establishes the knowledge or the actions taken in furtherance of the conspiracy theory. this is a pattern of rene attacks. we see the haasage taker in paris of the kosher supermarket actually used his wife's cell phone to speak to collaboratorc. the boston marathon widow, despite computers and photos, and bomb making materials, and the url showing that she went on line to see whether or not she would get a reward after her husband martyred himself was not enough to level charges. the charges here, the e-mails, the forensics of what the fbi and our federal prosecutors are going to glean, and the deliberate sense of proprietiy that they need to take in the wake of a violation into the lgbt community is so delicate. >> wendy, this transfer of property also that catherine hair i think just laid out. this share of the property that he owned to his sister and brother-in-law that he sold for -- it's been reported by fox $10, or our outlets reported $100. nonetheless, a very small amount. what does this tell you? >> it's more circumstantial evidence. it could be argued that way, that this man was headed war to martyrdom. we also know he has made statements like that in the past. what we are doing is looking at the aggregate of circumstances. when we are looking at charging the wife it gets trickier. remember with all the evidence we had in the boston marathon bombing case, catherine russel was never charged despite the fact they were apparently making the bombs in her apartment. i have also got to say i'm frankly surprised we have as much information as we do at this point. typically these investigations are more private because nobody wants to compromise the integrity of the ongoing investigation. >> we don't really know where she is. they are telling us she is down in mississippi. we don't know herb whereabouts, who is talking to her, what they are looking at. we don't know real specifics other than they are looking at their electronic devices. >> you don't want to compromise the methods and the proours as they collect all the evidence. the truth be told i'm shocked we went to see the fbi without an attorney. is that naivete? because she had no idea what was going on? or maybe she had representation and there is selective information out there to make sure that the fed ral prosecutors that are intelligence sources can see was this gentleman acting as a lone wolf, are there other conphi dants. others who gave him material aid. bottom line, there is an ongoing investigation. the violation is heart felt. and these deliberate, very mature processes have to go. run was word. right now we have to make sure that all the equipment, the intelligence, the cell phones, and all of the material support that would go to these individuals and the people that would want to help people will be taken away. >> we have got to leave it there. michael, wehby thank you. also tonight, despite warn prosecution the cia obama administration is fast tracking the evident to bring more refugees from one of the worst terror hot spots in the world. "the kelly file" uncovered stunny numbers on this story. two homeland security pros sol schaeffer and mike ball bony are next on the possible danger here. >> the group is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the west, including in refugee flows, smuggling routes, and legitimate methods of travel. what's it like to be in good hands? man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. and you're talking to your doctor about your medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? 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>> right. to quote yogi berra it's deja vu all over again. i've seen this movie. we did something similar to this after 9/11. the hijackers were here legally. john brenta is saying what we've been saying here on this show the past eight months. isis is coming, isis is here. we are talking about probably between 50 to 70% of individuals come through the refugee emstream. we know they are going to be here legally. they are going to use that method as well. john brenta talked about that. this is beyond a schott shadow of a doubt. we know they are coming and they are looking for individuals like the individual in florida. look, you don't have to have someone come from a foreign country. you can have operatives come here, recruit people locally and have them execute their mission here. that's what we're going to see and we are going to see more of it. >> some people will say, republicans will say we want to stop this process at least now, at least when we are facing this crisis. some are more moderate and saying let's slow the process or stop it just for a little while. >> when you talk to folks who do secured, who are on the front lines and police forces they are shaking their heads saying why would we be bringing folks from a part of the world where they are going to have the opportunity and exposure to potentially become radicalized or at least learn how to use munitions and weapons and bring them here now when you can't vet them. they say -- it's hard enough when you bring in different classes of immigrants to kind of know who is on the streets and what you are dealing with when you have an incident. but to have this at this time when you can't vet them, it's really -- everyone is saying this is just the wrong way to do it. not right now. >> colonel, we already know they are overwhelmed by the investigate process. that -- that -- it takes a long time to properly vet somebody. so my question is, if we are going to continue to see this play out, despite anything that happens here on american soil, what kind of risk are we at here? >> high risk. i mean doug said in his report opening up on this all the places these people are coming from, they are radicalized. one of the issues we talked about here and other places when they come here they set up enclaves and they do not become a part of american society. they become separate from american society and practice shi rhea law. let me be clear. sharia law is inimicible to our constitution. you cannot have laws for women and gays and say you cannot be how you are. we recognize this is a threat not only to our principle way of life, openness of our society, you have individuals coming in who are going to be willing to pick up arms and do something to kill people. >> you bring up the problem of lack of assimilation, which is different from what we have seen in the past. the migration policy institute, which is a non-partisan think tank in washington looked back at all the syrians that have been admitted to the u.s. since 2011. and none have been arrested on terror-related charges. it's fair to at least pointed that out. >> okay. it's fair enough. but how these things become the camouflage for other radicals to hide win. they don't get turned in. this guy didn't get turned in. the people in san bernardino didn't get turned n. that's our point. if you don't have essentially a standard for everyone you set up these enclaves where things can happen. that's what i'm saying. we saw it in europe. europe became essentially radicalized because you had these enclavs. that's why you had the attacks in france and belgium. they become separate and you use this as a camouflage for others to act out. >> michael there is a deadline, they have put out the number. it doesn't look like there is going to be any change on the part of the obama administration, at least now. >> they have made no attempt to sell the rationale. why it's okay to do it now? why is this safe? why we have insisted there is a vetting process for everybody else who comes into the country but we are going to take this group -- but safety is owe crucial, particularly now after san bernardino and what happened in florida. the president should be explaining why now, why this way, why we are taking a step back from the rules that say you better vet who is come across, particularly coming from a war torn area. >> all right. thanks to both of you, michael and colonel, thank you for joining us tonight. the more we learn about omar mateen, the more it seems serious warning signs were missed. could it also be that some folks were too afraid to say anything if they saw something? we'll talk about that. of the lexus is f sport. because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ (mamost of the show. we missed (woman) and there's no way to restart it. 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are people afraid to say anything this this country to alert the fbi when they see something because they may be label a bigot or a racist? >> well i don't think in this case there is any evidence that that's what happened. first of all, start with the fact that i don't think the fbi is run by a bunch of liberal weanies. right, this is not a place that is not overly concerned about political correctness. i don't think they dropped the investigation because of that. i think what is happening is that the fbi is -- this is a threat that has been changing and they are looking probably at the wrong things. the types of things that in the past would have led you to believe that this person is not a threat such as not having direct ties to terror organizations might now not mean anything. >> the director of the fbi is a fair guy a well respected guy. when he came out in the wake of this attack and said he doesn't think that the fbi could have done anything differently having conducted two investigations on omar mateen. he said looking back, somebody should have told us something and they didn't. but in this case didn't they? we have evidence that concerned coworkers reached out. today of course we heard from the gun store owner down in florida who spoke out and alerted the fbi when omar mateen tried to come in and buy the body armor. >> yeah, no. political correctness stifles individuals from making common sense conclusions because for fear of being outed for being homophobic or bigoted. it's true. you saw it in san bernardino. you see it in subtle places here around the orlando attack. and kiersten says the fbi is not run by liberal weanies. about you the white house is. and the white house sets the term of how they conduct these investigations. there is a reason that we haven't been able to surveil mosques can inform abts since october of 2011, because the white house doesn't want the fbi to be perceived as solely focused on muslims. while every muslim is not a terrorist. but guess what, everyone who has been shooting up nightclubs or in san bernardino, they were affiliated with islam or radical islam. so you have got a problem that you should be narrowly focused on. but political correctness at the individual level where you won't say anything or at the constitutional level at the white house where hey you shouldn't shouldn't be focusing on muslims has infiltrated our system. we are handcuffed and we are not where he should be. >> we know he attended a mask where a suicide bomber most recently attended the same mosque but we don't have anybody in there? >> i don't think there is literally a sled of evidence to suggest this was dropped because of political correctness. while pete may believe that and governor huckabee may believe that that's what happened, i mean, comy has said -- >> you don't think the white house is being political -- >> first of all, i don't think the white house was involved in this investigation. i don't think you have a sled -- shred of evidence they were. should they have been using a different criteria? i think yes that's probably true. but based on the type of criteria they have used to determine whether someone is a terrorist they determined he wasn't. and he hadn't committed a crime. i don't know how you keep an investigation going on somebody who you don't have any evidence to believe they are going to commit a crime. >> we are at war. we are at war. and the culture this administration has created is one of -- these are criminal acts as opposed to acts of war. so you close the investigation as opposed to understanding, hey, if this person was radicalized and has said ral radical things then it's likely maybe a year or two from now as their experience shows us they could be potentially a continual threat. >> there is no need to let our guard down a bit so we aren't so fearful -- being politically correct, sensitive to the point where we are jeopardizing our national security? you don't see any instances of that happening? >> i certainly have criticized political correctness. i mean i wrote a whole book about it, basically. but i'm saying in this instance i don't think that's what led them. first of all, they were investigating him. so the idea that people dn't feel they could say anything season true. they were investigating him and what they have said is they decided he said things somebody who had been randlized would say. he didn't even know the difference between isis and hezbollah. this isn't somebody who is particularly radicalized in their book, right, i'm saying they need to use different criteria in determining and realizing there are lone wolf types that can be inspired by isis but not necessarily be working with them but are dangerous. >> you have both made your points clear. pete, kiersten, thanks. the question now, how are events in florida affecting the 2016 race and the way people look at trump and clinton? the answers next with david, allen and rich. stay untooed. >> the bottom line is that hillary supports policies that bring the threat of radical islam into america. if you have o severe plaque psoriasis isn't it time to let the real you shine through? 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oh whatever you're making. triple cheddar stuffed sliders. sold! new reaction tonight to donald trump and hillary clinton's plans to fight for as we get closer to the political conventions. terrorism raises questions of legacy for hillary clinton, who was of course once a part of the obama administration. the same administration that has weathered no less than eight terror attacks on u.s. interests across president obama's two terms. but clinton and trump appear eager to make the voter's choice about them personally. slinging attack at each other when it comes to orlando. >> anti-muslim rhetoric and threatening to ban the families and friends of muslim americans as well as millions of muslim business people and tourists from entering our country hurts the vast majority of muslims who love freedom and hate terror. >> the bottom line is that hillary supports policies that bring the threat of radical islam into america. >> donald's words are especially non-spence c nonsensic nonsensical. >> believe me, hillary clinton, weak, ineffective. >> not one of donald trump's reckless ideas would have saved a single life in orlando. it's just more evidence that he is temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be commander in chief. >> hillary clinton essentially wants to abolish the second amendment. it is under siege and war going to protect it. >> joining me now, david wall, and alan colmes, and rich lowry. david, i'll start with you first. we've seen the back and forth. you just saw it, between hillary clinton and donald trump. hillary clinton might even ramp up and have some more aggressive language like we have seen in recent days to try to combat donald trump. and her supporters are going to tout she has got the experience. >> barack obama has painted himself into a corner regarding islamic terrorism and hillary clinton has leaped over there with him. the reality is that they are both proposing in light of this horrible slaughter in orlando of lgbt people by this islamic terrorist, they are proposing a drastic acceleration of the immigration of people from a culture that frankly has a notable disdain toward gay people and often finds that slaughtering them or killing them is an effective way of dealing with their hatred of these family. >> allan, he is going to be tough for hillary clinton after these eight years is it going to be tough for her to defend his record on the campaign trail? >> absolutely not. the last horrible attack we had prior to the current run of attacks was 9/11 on bush's watch. we had 13 embassies and cons lats hit while bush was president. we were not safe then. we are not necessarily safe now. but you can't blame the president. by the way if you are going to blame the president for every event that ever takes place of a negative nature the next time you are a republican president you are made into a hypocrite because are we going to blame the next republican president whenever an act of terrorism takes place. >> terrorism is the top campaign issue. several months out from the election. who does this benefit? >> look, hillary is the candidate of the status quo. she is a candidate of the third obama term. and no matter what allan says, it is a significant failure of president obama that he has allowed isis to establish a califate across iraq and syria that's made it much easier to inspire self radicalizing muslims in the west and here in this country. that we have had two significant terror attacks in the last six months is a very big deal. and president obama says oh, well it's not an extension threat. bup he is underestimating how if we suffer another couple attacks like this, this society will feel under siege. and that's a very big deal. >> david, does trump have all the answers here. >> well trump -- he is the only one proposing a thorough and comprehensive vetting of these people before they come over. whether that takes months or whether that ticks years. when he assumes office that's what he is going to do. you know something, it will protect american people. if it makes people overseas uncomfortable or angry at us because we are going to screen people before they enter our country, people if hot beds of islamic terror that's their problem. too bad. he is looking out for americans first. whoever wins this election -- there is no chois. it has to be mr. trump. >> hillary clinton and the trump have been reluctant the name the enemy. >> if you say the phrase that pace, islamic terrorism, all of a sudden isis will fold. oh, he said islamic terrorism. we surrender. this is absurd. by the way, george w. bush refused to call it islamic terrorism. there is a different standard being applied to this president. and you have got trump by the way lying about hillary clinton. she is not going to take away the second amendment. and you have paul ryan saying he would sue donald trump if he enacted a ban on muslim immigration. the speaker of the house, republican, would sue donald trump -- >> amazing in an election year, after two years, eight years of president obama in the white house how often al am combs is still talking about george w. bush. >> i'm talking about -- >> let me get in here. >> i'm talking about -- >> multiple mull. >> i said that to rich. >> i'm talking about paul ryan, about donald trump lie about hillary clinton. >> you also talk about bush a lot. allan, the reason why you call it radical islam it's true. it's never the case that bush never said that. he talked about extremism. he talked about islamic radicalism. and hillary clinton notably, under political pressure, and under pressure from donald trump, has changed her tune on this because it was just several months ago allan when she was saying oh, if we say radical islam we will alienate all of the islamic word. >> i want to get david back in here. david you look at thele poing and the polling does show that there is hesitancy open of republicans to say that donald trump has what it takes to fight proper with his lack of experience many still point out. >> that's not any poll i've ever seen. sandra. his experience, his lack of being a politician is exactly what people want. he is not politically correct. he is fighting a war on terror in a way that's extremely politically incorrect. that's what people love about him. he is going to offend people, make people upset but he is going to protect americans. and you know what, when push comes to shove, who can argue with that? come on, really. >> difference between capable and the experience. hillary clinton does win as far as who has the experience to fight this. guys, good discussion. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. thank you. >> up next the media sounds off on the orlando terror attack and howie occurs is here with a round up of the not so fair and balanced coverage. nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here. i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit . this week's horrific attack drawing attention, the main. went so far as suggesting the republican bigotry is to blame for the attack. but one of the most dramatic claims this week came from joy behar from "the view". >> the thing about trump is, he is the recruiter in chief. he basically worked with isis to kill us. they are working together. yes. just remember what i'm saying. >> wow, joining me now is howard kurtz, the host of "media buzz" here on fox, what did you make of that? >> it makes me angry when they score political points, president obama's fault. it seems almost stuck on hyper speed. so this nra, thanks, nra. the nra's policies or background checks, and no-fly list, that is ugly stuff. and "the new york times" editorial, if i can just read the orlando news. too often, driven by republican politicians who see bigotry as something to exploit. that conflates two things, the senseless slaughter of 49 americans. >> why is this happening, howie? this rhetoric out there, how different is this from what we've seen in the past because it seems like it's quickly changing. >> it has gone on for a long time back during the oklahoma bombing, for example. president clinton pointed a finger at rush limbaugh said he would help to create a climate of intolerance that led to something like timothy mcveigh. i was disappointed when john mccain came out and said he pointed the finger at president obama and blamed him. >> he corrected himself. >> to his credit he came out and said i misspoke. this is a former presidential candidate talking about how the left loves both gays and islam. here is what pat robertson had to say. >> the left is having a dilemma of major proportions, and i think for those of you who disagree with some of their policies the best thing to do is to sit on the sidelines and let them kill themselves. >> wow. >> i mean, the media reaction in general, the boston times, the globe news, it's been all over the place. why is it being allowed? joy behar, can you imagine if somebody had placed blame on president obama in that way. the visceral reaction we would see from the left. >> the bottom line, it adds to polarization in our country and doesn't do a thing to help. there are all of these pieces of the puzzle, whether it's assault weapons or attacks on gays, whether it's terror or radicalized muslims, and if everybody is pointing a finger and the media is exacerbating this. >> we'll be right back with a heart-warming reunion in the wake of the tragedy in orlando. there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips' fiber good gummies plus energy support. it's a fiber supplement that helps support regularity, and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmm, these are good! nice work phillips'. the tasty side of fiber, from phillips. the call just came in. she's about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. walter!nncr: scorching heat today, stay cool out there! stop suffering with hot ac - cool it yourself with a/c pro. in just 3 easy steps, enjoy the comfort of 2 times the cooling boosters from the #1 selling coldest air. nothing cools like a/c pro. oa skin transformation that rivals the leading department store moisturizer. revives skin to fight 7 signs of aging. with olay, you age less, so you can be ageless. olay. ageless. duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones i'm looking up, and some cops, which i wish i could remember his face or his name because to this day i'm grateful for him. he looks at me to make sure that i'm alive. he grabs my hand and says this is the only way i can take you out. i couldn't walk, i'm in pain right now. so he -- he starts to drag me out across the street to the wendys. >> that was one of the orlando shooting victims who remembered the moments when the officers saved his life. at the time he could not remember much about the man who dragged him to safety. but yesterday, the two men had an emotional reunion. >> how are you doing, angel? >> good? >> good, my name is officer delgado, one of the officers who helped you. i need a big hug, so glad you're alive? he came in, just had a smile on his face, i was so happy. i just wanted to see the man who took me out of that horrible place that was all just filled with craziness. i was happy. i was so happy. very, very emotional. just knowing that they helped assist, saving the man's life, and i can't put it into words. you only get one life. >> thanks to him you only get one life, we wish all the survivors a speedy recovery at the end of this long week, our thoughts are with those who lost loved ones on the terrible night. and also a shoutout to all the fathers out there this weekend. happy father's day. enjoy, thank you for joining us on "the kelly file." tell us what you think. visit us on facebook at "the kelly file." and welcome to the special edition of hannity jihad in america. now tonight for the entire hour we'll examine the growing threat of radical islam right here in the u.s. now, the orlando terror attack is only the latest example of how radical islamists will want to destroy your freedom and your way of life. let's take a look. and we've just got word of not one, but two explosions near the finish line at the boston

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