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0 there's certain rules you can say and this say rule. >> a firearm is real clear. eugene o'donnell thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> my pleasure. >> chris hayes is up next. political armageddon. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews up in new york. let me start with this. the dirty little secret of american politics today is this battle between president obama and his enemies is not a contest of achievement. no, it's about a president who wants to do great things, and preventing a third war with iran and -- against those who would deny others of different sexual orientations. uninsured and the oppressed. his opponents are trying to take away these rights. the opponents of the president prevented millions of people from having access to health care under the law. they've suppressed voting rights of minorities, specifically african-americans. they have derailed the principles of fairness. let's look at the first one of these segments. republicans in 24 states now have rejected the expansion of medicaid. as a result, there are working americans whose access to the insurance under the law has been voided. astonishingly it is a badge of honor for those like rand paul. here he is attacking chris christie. >> on the case of the new jersey governor, i think embracing obama care, expanding medicaid in his state is very expensive and not fiscally conservative. that would lead you to the conclusion it's not a good conservative proposal. >> he's going after a somewhat right muddle of the road republican and blasting him. he at least allows the expansion of medicaid to the working poor and for that he's basically calling him not a republican. >> i think your thesis is correct. i don't think there's any arguing it. i think the republicans do have a philosophy. they do have an agenda. and that agenda is what they think of as liberty, what they think as freedom, but they define it as a project to dismantle or block every proposal, essentially every proposal president obama has made from the day they kale into office. that's been their operating philosophy from day one. they're very proud of it. they think that's an agenda. and that's what they're pursuing. and in the case of medicaid in the states, there's no greater proof of it than the fact that for many years to come, and essentially on into the distant future, the federal government, not the state governments, will be picking up the costs of those programs. so what the governors in those states are doing is deliberately standing before history and shouting stop. and as you say, they're proud of the result. >> i've never seen a political party put vicious gut hatred into a program of negativity. jonathan, it's like they have a gut, despising -- i'm trying to think of the right words. i don't know if it's hatred of obama. it is in some cases. they spew out that gut hatred in knee-jerk reaction of a lot of folks in the republican party to oppose anything the president wants to do even if it's the right thing to do. >> i want to talk to you, you're about my age. i remember someone i worked with, and he said something i never realized. he said if you want to be loved by history, sport the expansion of rights. they go out to many more people. and the more that that grows, the more people in the future who benefit from that will remember who was on their side. now my question here is, here's the president doing though. his enemies out there made it a goal to suppress the rights of voters. look at this map. under the leadership reince priebus, the gop has voter suppression bills all across the country. i have to tell you. every once in a while i come across somebody who says we have to do that to prevent cheating. i say where's the cheating? or is this just to say there aren't as many white people as there have been in the past we need to reduce the numbers of black voters. there's a lesser number of whites. therefore the only way whites win these elections is to make sure that the other people don't vote. if it isn't that, what is it? >> i think the actions is the perfect emblem for what you're talking about. it's a negative, stop-the-world kind of theory. and you don't have to say it in directly racial terms. it's that the newly empowered people, hispanics, other immigrants from around the world who have come to the united states, for whom voting is a wonderful prize of their life. it's what america is all about. and for the republicans to be focussing on winnowing out that crowd is what worries them. the more they put their hands up like a traffic cop, the more they're painting themselves into a corner. >> you have ever been to one of those naturalization ceremonies? apparently a lot of republicans don't like that sight. look at the patterns here. they're trying to sabotage the affordable care act, of course, which extends the basic right that you should see a doctor if you get sick without bankrupting you. they've also fought against extending marriage rights to same-sex couples. and they won't even touch a bill passed by the senate to fix the immigration system. the house gop agenda is basically a blank piece of paper. jonathan, this is investigative reporting. the republican party doesn't have an agenda except to screw obama and anything with his name on it. your thoughts? >> right, right. this is absolutely right. let's say they were successful in repealing the affordable care act. let's say they are being successful in squashing immigration reform. let's say they're successful in squashing the employment non-discrimination act. >> what's successful for that? michelle bachman's husband? switch these people around. maybe we can fix them, make them straight. then we won't need all this stuff. >> that's a whole other conversation, chris. but the thing is, let's say they were to repeal the affordable care act. then the american people are going to start asking, well, then, what you got? what do you have to replace that with because there are some things that we like. all those things you mentioned before. immigration, gay rights. remember that gop autopsy? all those things were mentioned in the gop autopsy. and it said we must reach out to these communities if we are going to survive in future elections. everything they are doing now, everything they have done since that autopsy has come out has made a mockery. >> what about this workplace thing? the republicans really believe it's okay to keep someone from working with you if you have a gay manner? do they think it's okay to reject somebody because of manner or suggestion? >> for a lot of tea party people in their hearts, they don't believe that, but they're playing to the red hot core of their base. most that have a half brain realize what a losing proposition this is because of demographic and social changes that are happening in america and that most people overwhelmingly approve. they think it's a winning political proposition. they're making a bet that bawl care will not be fixed, that it won't recover by the fall of next year. in fact, it will be worse. rates will be higher, et cetera. that's their guess. it's animus. >> this thing about workplace behavior and discrimination. is this the don't ask/don't tell policy rewritten for the workplace? >> i think these folks don't believe that it's a real issue. i think they don't think, they don't think it's a big deal. i think what's so ridiculous about the conversation about the employment nondiscrimination act, most fortune 500 companies already do what the folks on capitol hill won't allow the federal government to do. so the folks who are preventing the employment non-discrimination act from being passed are really, a perfect example of them being behind the times and way behind where the rest of the country is. >> so well said. thank you. coming up, look who suddenly loves women. the republican, their allies the koch brothers are sponsoring ads to help destroy the affordable care act. and some footage of kennedy. it's a rare glimpse of jack kennedy as he really was without the cameras on. he was caught off guard and you see the charming -- he's in a greenroom getting makeup on, talking about nixon's bad makeup. and here's a bad combination, rob ford and school children and a four-letter word. it gets worse and worse for the torontans and their mayor. and jackie kennedy had a separate memorial that she wanted, and i know about it. le ] if you're a rinse user, you may have heard there's a new rinse that talks about protecting, even after eating and drinking. crest pro-health has always done that. it's clinically proven to fight plaque and gingivitis. rinsing with pro-health after brushing can take your oral health to a new level. now that's the new you need. right from the beginning i could really feel it changing something for the better. i know there's been an improvement. my pearly whites, they feel really good. [ male announcer ] go pro. with the brand you can trust, crest pro-health. [knock] no one was at home, but on the kitchen table sat three insurance policies. the first had lots of coverage. the second, only a little. but the third was... just right! bear: hi! yeah, we love visitors. that's why we moved to a secluded house in the middle of the wilderness. just the right coverage at just the right price. coverage checker from progressive. the obama/clinton alliance was in full effect today. president obama awarded the presidential medal of freedom to former president clinton and he cited his ability to spur economic growth. among the 15 other honorees, oprah winfrey. the presidential medal of honor is the highest civilian honor.

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