Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Katy Tur 20191030

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tomorrow o'vo tomorrow's vote will be the first step toward taking the investigation public. explosive testimony given by lieutenant colonel alexander vindman. he was the first witness to testify who actually heard the president's call to the ukraine president. he told the white house this transcript edited out crucial details, details he unsuccess fortunatelily tri unsuccessfully tried to get back into the transcript. he said trump tried to pressure the ukraine president. even suggesting that his long-time servant didn't hear what he said he heard. >> he's not the only one listening to the call. there are a number of individuals listening to the call and they put the transcript together. so if one person disagrees, it's a collective group that decides, not the president. >> i can't say exactly what he said, but the changes that were outlined in the press were not a big deal, if in fact that was the case. >> joining me, msnbc correspondent garrett hague, and shannon pettipiece and ned price. so good to see all of you. garrett, let's start with the state officials on the hill right now. what can you tell me about the testimony they'll provide today and how it fits into this big picture of impeachment? >> reporter: sure, we're expecting the handover to happen between the officials and cr cramming two depositions in one day. kurt volker was the president's envoy to ukraine, and each of them can speak to small pieces of this here. they said holding money for ukraine said it was directed specifically by the president. another one will be able to talk about the role rudy giuliani was playing inside ukraine and reporting back to the president. but by and large, democrats on these committees are looking to these witnesses as folks who can confirm or perhaps draw into contrast the testimony of other witnesses. we are not expecting any bombshells today, but chris, you never know. >> yeah, we've been surprised before. are they, like others, testifying against the white house orders? >> reporter: both of these witnesses are. a lot of witnesses seem to be waiting until they are given a subpoena. it's almost a form of protection for their day jobs to come back and sair and say, look, i was under a congressional subpoena, i had to show up. >> so we are looking now at a whole new phase of where this is going. it gets marked up today. what then happens tomorrow, and is there any question about the numbers in terms of it passing? >> reporter: well, look, nancy pelosi is unlikely to put this thing on the floor today until she's dead certain she will have the votes to pass it. and because of the procedural nature of this resolution, it doesn't seem to be much of a particular risk. this is not the vote of an article of impeachment, this is not a vote on a conviction, this is not a vote on really the substance of the inquiry at all, it's a road map. it's essentially a calendar without dates on it laying out the next steps in this process, including open hearings eventually in the intel committee, other open hearings eventually in the judiciary committee, and requiring the intel committee to produce a report of all of their work that will guide the judiciary in eventually crafting those articles. the thinking is when this vote is locked down, tomorrow is supposed to be the day witnesses fly home, and there is more than wanting to get out of the white house, chris. >> i'm going to quote tom cole of oklahoma here. this thing has been poisoned from the very beginning. so even though this gives, in many ways, republicans what they said they wanted, get this out from behind closed doors, let's have this all out in public, what do you see as the real political impact of this resolution? does it change anything? >> well, i think it certainly underscores the point that republicans should be careful what they ask for. i think you pointed out, chris, everything they've demanded this resolution now puts forward and enshrines for congress to follow as a framework for the impeachment hearings in the weeks to come. the fact of the matter is this has never been about a process. republicans, i think, have only turned to process just because the substance is so difficult, if not impossible, for them to defend. and strangely, in recent days, it's been reported that president trump actually wants them to try to defend him on the substance, to try to make the case that it is actually okay to ask a foreign government to interfere in american elections on your behalf using all of the resources of the oval office, oof the highest office in the land. i think it's no surprise, we haven't heard republicans really go that route, because very few, except for the most ardent of trump supporters will actually put their neck out and make an argument that is both a loser on the merits, and i would imagine, politically for them as well. >> and the white house has already said, as tom cole suggested, that this resolution is a joke, it's to be rejected, illegitimate sham, i think, is the phrase that was used by the white house press secretary. so what's the lefvel of concern inside the white house right now? >> chris, i am a little concerned about the vote itself. it isn't particularly high, but the white house is concerned about something that i think ned was just alluding to there which was the degree of strength and vociferousness of republican defense of the president. i think there will be zero republican votes for this tomorrow, there might be potentially one or two, but we think probably zero, the president wants to see a little more than that from his republican defenders in congress, and he really feels like republicans should be going out and saying that the president did nothing wrong, period, full stop, and that goes to the question of whether republicans can really say that, and they fall back on the process argument when they feel queasy about saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with what's right there in black and white in that account of the call. >> the president was tweeting again this morning, shannon, "witch hunt," something we've seen him tweet, i would say, countless times before. his son also went on tv to defend his dad. let's take a listen to this. >> there is no "there" there. they do the usual thing, right? they bring in another guy that they believe is beyond rapproch like they did with mueller. he's a decorated guy, head of the fbi. meanwhile it took about 30 seconds for people to realize when they put him on the stand that he had never even seen the mueller report. it was ray jo it was a joke. now they'll do it this with guy. he's a decorated marine. >> is this what the president means when he says, defend me on substance, not process? >> well, if all those arguments sound eerily familiar to the mueller investigation, that's exactly the strategy we're seeing play out. quid pro quo is the new no collusion. it's just another witch hunt. they are discrediting the investigators, the democrats in this case, like they discredited mueller and discrediting the witnesses similar to the way they did in the mueller investigation. that's really this white house playbook that we're going to continue to see. to the point i think anna and ned were making in terms of the presidential support, the president would always make more support for his republican allies, more storming of the hearing committee last week, that was something the president was really gleeful to see. but there is some reassurance in the white house that calms some of their nerves some, and that's the fact that in all of these impeachment polls, despite seeing the trend move in favor of impeachment and certainly in favor of an impeachment inquiry, republican support is holding pretty steady. you see it dropping off a bit among the margins, but it's holding steady. to them that speaks to not what's going to happen in 2020 but what's going to happen to a house or senate vote when it comes to republicans sticking by the president. if republican voters still stand by this president, then senators know if they don't want to face a primary challenger in 2020, they, too, need to stand by the president. that's one of the big main comforts they're drawing on right now. >> we know the president feels comfortable with the tactics because he knows republicans like it. far from being submissive of it, they have, as you say, stuck with him. but this morning, ned, senator chuck schumer called for whistleblower protections for colonel vindman. is that a political statement or is it necessary? >> unfortunately, it's necessary. it's necessary because we have seen this administration take reprir reprizals both in terms of administrative officials. they're saying this is a colonel that has served admiringly. this is an active duty officer, someone who received the purple heart in 2008, someone who has never been shy about serving his country and even making significant sacrifices for his country. he in fact made another sacrifice yesterday when he had to buck orders from the white house and went forward to testify pursuant to a subpoena. the fact alone that he had to disregard orders from his superiors to comply with a lawful subpoena from a coequal branch of government, i think, should be very disturbing to all of us that he was placed in that situation. even having been placed there, he once again served his country honorably yesterday by going forward, and as it seems, telling the truth and telling a story that does not reflect well on his current boss, the president of the united states. >> ned, you're going to stay with us. garrett haake and shannon, good luck to you. we want to go back to california where a fire is getting dangerously close to the reagan library. it's called the simi fire, and due to high winds consumed hundreds of acres. residential areas around the reagan library have already been evacuated. joining me now from simi valley, california, nbc news correspondent steve patterson. my goodness, what's going on there, steve? >> reporter: chris, firefighters are doing everything that they can to battle the flames here. hot spots are popping up all over this ridgeside. you can see the homes that they're trying to protect in the valley below down there mixed in with crews who have now built a containment line. it's impressive what they've done. even on this mountainside, you can see the handwork they've done. you can see right next to me they've built a line. that is the wall, basically, between those flames that you see and some of this dry brush that is overtaking this hillside. the star of the show here, though, is the wind. the wind has been so incredibly powerful here, chris. it could blow an ember and then have another hot spot rage for another few minutes, leading firefighters to go off in very different directions. take a look behind me, if you can. you can see some of the hand crews heading to what is likely another hot spot. in fact, there is one in the foreground right here. they're marching right through it going back to get to another spot because of how incredibly windy it is. you're talking about these extreme red flag winds powerful enough to be in a hurricane, and they've enveloped this firestorm, covered in fire and smoke, making it incredibly hard for these firefighters to make these incredible air drops that they have to. you're talking about flames just a few feet wide but towering embers stredi inspreading to the below. they have to be incredibly accurate, and it's incredible to think they're even in the air at all. the fire fight is behind me. you can see they got some water on the line down here. the reagan library is just over my right shoulder. you see some of those calfire trucks off to my right here. this is where the crews are heading. they've built a solid containment around that. they've got 5% containment on that fire. as we've been saying all day long, it's the wind that's so powerful, so erratic. it can pick up an ember any moment and the whole situation can change again. take a look at the crews down here. you see them heading to where those houses are in the valley. some 6500 people or homes in the threat zone as this fire continues to very rapidly spread. again, fire crews have a good water source. they've been putting air drops on it. they've gotten crews out to where they need to. it's just the wind that picks up that is so incredibly dangerous up here, chris. >> so many fires that are going now, and obviously there is an exhaustion factor that's happening. are they bringing in firefighters from any other states? how are folks there holding up, because this is very grueling work physically, mentally, emotionally because a lot of these firefighters who are fighting these flames are doing so in neighborhoods that they know, maybe even where they live. >> reporter: and that's always the case in a fire like this, chris. you have guys dealing with situations and people that they know, communities that they're a part of. as with anything in this state, calfire has arrived. they are the big sort of almost military operation that is able to swoop in and develop -- and devote and develop a lot of resources on a fire like this. 1300 acres is a big fire when you're talking about structures that are right in the valley like this. but it is not a big fire in the sense of some of the massive fires weav've seen across the state. ventura fire has done an excellent job preparing their folks and getting them where they need to be, so calfire has come with a cavalry and they've been able to get more containment on this fire in a very quick manner with, again, these winds blowing at a very rapid pace, and hampering firefighter efforts wherever they go. it's incredible what they're able to do with this amount of wind, chris. >> those winds can also carry sparks to start fires elsewhere, so you be careful out there. steve patterson, thank you, and we appreciate all the work the firefighters are doing. obviously we're keeping a close eye on the reagan library. we also have more breaking news, this time from the federal reserve. the fed cut interest rates again by a quarter point. this is the third cut since july. fed chair jerome powell has been under pressure from the public to cut rates to zero. where in the world is mick mulvaney? new reporting just how out of the loop he seems to be. plus, why the airport near your house -- yes, the airport -- says a lot about how you may vote. the connection between flights and the ballot. but first, how far are republicans willing to go to defend president trump? defend president trump stelara® works differently. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection or flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. talk to your doctor today, and learn how janssen can help you explore cost support options. remission can start with stelara®. ♪ ♪ ♪ born to be wild... a critical question today for republicans involving impeachment. just how far are they willing to go to defend president trump? the president himself is falling back on a well-worn tactic, attacking military heroes, in this case, key witness and purple heart recipient lieutenant colonel alexander vindman. trump tweeting just this morning, yesterday's never trumper witness could not find any quid pro quo in the transcript of the phone call. there were many people listening to the call. how come they, including the president of ukraine, found nothing wrong with it? witch hunt. the president found attacks from right wingmen to be a traitor r w who can't be trusted. trump has never hesitated to attack military who appear to not be supporting him. joining me, "washington post" congressional reporter and ned price. ned, there are opponents who push back against this. mitt romney called it misplaced and unfortunate. liz cheney said we need to show that we are better than that as a nation. but how much of a bind do republicans feel they're in here? they have a president who complains they need to defend him more, running up against witnesses who, frankly, their biographies and reputations speak for themselves. >> well, i think you put it right, chris. witnesses, plural. i think it is -- it says a lot about us as a country and i think it reflects poorly on us in some ways that it takes a uniform, that it takes someone who has served his country in the military like lieutenant colonel vindman, to actually engender some bit of distancing from these horrific ad hominim attacks that multiple witnesses have endured. we have heard from multiple public servants who have served their country with distinction and honor over the course of years, if not decades. we have heard from two ambassadors, career ambassadors, weaver heard from other civil servants, we've heard from other civilians who are serving in the department of defense. and i think in some ways it reflects very poorly on all of us that this outrage didn't start to fester and come to the surface until colonel vindman showed up in his uniform. this is not to detract from der colonel vindman whose sacrifice to our country, including the ied attack he was in. but i think we need to take stock of the fact that all of these individuals who have testified before congress have done so with honor and integrity despite the attacks that they have endured without the same rush to defend them that we've seen for colonel vindman. >> mike, you heard about the evolving defense of the gop for the "washington post." run line of defense seems to be just don't talk about it, right? avoid commenting. i want to play for you a little clip from this morning on cnbc. >> i respect my colleagues and they have the capacity to make their own decisions, but in my view it's time for me to stay silent on impeachment until the process is complete. >> good answer. >> you second that? >> yes, i do. >> we've seen it, too, haven't we, mac? we've seen a lot of republican members, particularly in the senate, saying, i might be a juror so i can't say anything, but what are they weighing here as they consider the gop line of defense? >> that's right, chris, in that particular brand of silence the i'm going to be asked to be a juror, i may have to weigh in on this someday is truly prevalent in the senate right now. it's a little different on the house side. i think people are a little more willing to either defend the president wholeheartedly or basically make the argument what he did was wrong but not impeachable. every republican, whether they're in the house or the senate, is basically engaged in a balance of politics and principle. i think there is just a deep amount of discomfort with the actual conduct. we hear that privately routinely. but there is also a real question about whether you're actually going to be sacrificing your own personal political career if you go out on a limb and attack the president, criticize the president, suggest that he might be worthy of impeachment. we saw just in the last week or so a florida republican francis rooney float, maybe there is something here. he didn't go so far as to say he would impeach the president, but literally 48 hours after he made those comments, he announced he was retiring. i had a conversation with him and he said he's gotten quite a bit of backlash back home from his pro-trump constituents, and there is a real sense that you're going to pay a real political price if you cross the president. even if the president himself doesn't tweet about you, his supporters back home will know about it and you're going to put your reelection at risk. >> mike debonis and ned price, thank you. good to see you both. what airports can tell us about who has the best chance to win the white house in 2020. but first, could the press open a revolving door at the white house? 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>> moments like this are make or break for any president, and it's a critical development with any presidency and you would expect the chief of staff to be there, not only to maybe offer advice or counsel but also just to run sort of logisticsicalall about the things that need to happen in the aftermath of a case like this, notifications and other various things. it really underscores that mick mulvaney is not seen by president trump as a key adviser, which is highly unusual, as chris will tell you, for any chief of staff. as he said, unprecedented. >> how unusual is it, chris, for a president to leave a chief of staff in the dark on what was arguably his biggest foreign policy move of the presidency? >> absolutely extraordinary. first of all, great reporting by carol and her colleagues. but i've never heard of anything like this where the white house chief of staff was awol during one of the most significant national security operations of the administration. and i've interviewed every white house chief of staff going back to lyndon johnson, and i can tell you marvin watson was at lbj's side. >> but not absent without leave, uninvited. >> and that makes it even worse. obama -- >> let me play devil's advocate here. there is another train of thought that says, you know what? this is just trump being trump. trump doesn't think about, what's my overall strategy? his only thought was, we're going to do this, i'm going to watch it and then i'm going to go out and tell the american people. he sort of does everything, so maybe we shouldn't be surprised he was left out. >> we're lucky it ended well. you have to be prepared for every eventuality. during the bin laden raid, the chief of staff was involved in every step, to the day of the mission when bill daly got up and put on his best sunday suit, because as he put it, he knew it would either be the end of the obama presidency or a day to celebrate for america. you've got to be prepared for every eventualty, and they had speeches ready for any eventuality in that case. you just don't see any planning in this white house. >> chris, i want to reiterate the story that you wrote, and you reported that a person close to the president was, cooked, in response to that question about a quid pro quo, and i want to watch it to remind people. >> the look back to what happened in 2016 certainly was part of the thing that he was worried about in corruption with that nation. that is absolutely appropriate. >> holding the funding. >> yeah. >> you just described a quid pro quo. it is, funding will not flow unless the investigation into the democrats' server happened as well. >> we do that all the time in foreign policy. i have news for everybody. get over it. there is going to be political influence in foreign policy. >> "get over it" would be the kind of thing the president would actually like, but what was it about that answer that cooked him? >> yeah, it was a really critical and pivotal moment for mick mulvaney. i talked to people inside the white house after that who said their jaws were just on the floor throughout the west wing as he was talking because people couldn't believe what he was saying. he eventually had to issue a statement clarg fifying and walg back what he said. everybody was distancing themselves from it, including the president's lawyers. if you go back to when mick mulvaney came in, he was named "acting." that phrase has never been removed from his title, he's never been the chief of staff. there's always been this question about where his standing is in the white house, but after that moment in the briefing room, what we've been told is that the questions -- it really heated up and that there is active consideration about whether or not he should remain in the job, and he's not, then who could come in. and i think that last part of who can come in is the main question that people are unable to answer at this point. if it's not him, then who? >> who might want to do that, given the fact you've just seen that you don't have any power or any influence, necessarily, so, chris, what do you think the chances are that mick mulvaney stays in the job? >> i think he may stay for a while, but -- >> has there ever been any history that if it's clear the president no longer trusts you, you're no longer in that inner circle as a chief of staff should be that you go in and tender your resignation? >> it really does not matter at this point who the white house chief of staff is, what his name is, whether he is acting or formal. this is a president who has never understood the job of the white house chief of staff, who doesn't believe that he needs one, who feels empowered to just act out and make decisions without any input. it's a president for whom focus and discipline and process are anathema. and that's dangerous. i think we were lucky with this latest raid. like the big california quake, there may be a bigger national security crisis on its way, and this white house won't be prepared for it. >> chris whipple, always great to have you here. carol lee, again, great reporting thanks to you. ahead, democratic congressman eric swalwell will join me just minutes until the house democrats begin marking up impeachment legislation. your airport and how you vote. my next guest says there really is a connection. y is a connection. hey there people eligible for medicare. gimme two minutes. and i'll tell you some important things to know about medicare. first, it doesn't pay for everything. say this pizza... 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>> 50% of americans live in areas that are not considered metropolitan. they have direct links with other continents, democrats are doing extremely well in those metropolitan areas like dallas, new york and san francisco that have at least two intercontinental flights, regularly scheduled per day. but they're stagnating in the types of regional airports served urban areas where there aren't a lot of international flights or there aren't any, but there's a runway long enough to have landed donald trump's 757 for a rally in 2016. and when democrats are thinking about the electoral college in 2020, they have to be careful because those global metros, they're really overrepresented in a lot of the states that are safe for one party or the other, like california or texas. but democrats, for purposes of winning those key battleground states, have to be focused on how does it play in a more regional metro area like erie or saginaw, michigan or green bay, wisconsin. >> just ask al gore or hillary clinton, the electoral college, not the number of votes determines who becomes president of the united states. there is another sort of part of things that we look at a lot and it's suburban women. there is a new iowa poll from ann seltzer, and it just found that 26% of suburban women approve of the job president trump is doing. 66% of them disapprove. she also found that while 78% of respondents say they will definitely vote in 2020, 78% overall, 88% of suburban women say they will, so what does that tell us? >> 2018 was the year of the fired-up female college graduate. that's why democrats were able to flip so many republican seats in the suburbs. but not all suburbs are built alike. and i believe the key demographic in 2020 is not necessarily those high turnout, high education femaif hfemale suburbanites but the high-powered women that are secular but independent. those white women without college degrees, they voted for donald trump marginally in 2016. the question is whether he's alienated enough of them and whether democrats nominee can attract enough of them to beat him in some of these key battle groun grounds in 2020. that's really, if i had to narrow it down, the key group. >> thank you, david wasserman, for coming on. appreciate it. >> thank you very much. joe biden leading with 26%, but his lead has been cut in half from elizabeth warren. he's gone down six points since august. this poll means tulsi gabbard means she needs just one more of 3%. if she can get one more poll where she's at 3%, she will qualify for the november debate. in moments, house democrats will begin that markup of the impeachment resolution, the first step toward making it public. will this appease republicans complaining about secrecy and that they've been left out? congressman eric swalwell joins me next. congressman eric swalwell joins me next. unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you? for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease, stelara® works differently. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection or flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. talk to your doctor today, and learn how janssen can help you explore cost support options. remission can start with stelara®. you may have gingivitis. when you brush, and the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums, and possibly... tooth loss. help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. leave bleeding gums behind. parodontax. high protein. low sugar. tastes great! high protein. low sugar. so good! high protein. low sugar. mmmm, birthday cake! pure protein bars. try lemon cake. we have an update now on the two career diplomats who are testifying in the impeachment inquiry. christopher anderson has arrived on capitol hill for his deposition. he literally switched suvs with catherine croft, who wrapped up her testimony after several hours. our staff is watching closely and we'll keep you posted on what we learn about their testimonies throughout the afternoon. is set to begin in just a couple minutes. as it stands that legislation would bring impeachment out into the open and invite republicans into the process. but will that be enough to appease them? joining me, congressman eric swalwe swalwell. good to see you. good afternoon. >> you too. thanks so much, chris. >> so when the now famous run on the scif happened, as secret interviews, selective leaks, and weird theatrical performances of transcripts that never happened. so do you believe that this new process, assuming that this gets voted in, which will be public as we said, which will allow the president's lawyers to cross-examine witnesses, will change any minds? >> let me first defend the initial phase. the investigative phase. any investigation that has integrity starts with a closed process. now, almost 50 republicans were a part of this secret hearing that mr. gates described. but it was a close hold in a sense that we did not want witnesses to talk to each other or tailor alibis to fit each other. and we're about to finish that process. i can't say when but, you know, we are about to finish it and move to a public process. here's what's important, though, chris. if we had set public hearings before doing the initial investigative phase, i think it would have been a fair criticism to say that we were jumping to conclusions. what we are saying now is that we have heard enough to justify moving to a public phase and we're now laying out the process that the president and the minority, the republicans, will have to be a part of that new phase. >> so i guess the question remains, can you change any minds? or do you think it's already baked in? i mean, did you ever -- >> i hope so. >> did you ever consider, for example, of not moving on to this new phase? >> yes, and actually that's why i -- i believe it would have been irresponsible to just jump to conclusions. we went into this with an open mind. all the arrows have pointed toward the president running a shakedown scheme with tax payer dollars over the ukrainians. but i will point you to francis rooney, a republican who was quoted yesterday in the new yorker commending chairman schiff for the fair process he has run so far. >> you were also quoted in that new yorker article. and i think you said something that kind of gets to the heart of the challenge for democrats. you said and i'm quoting you, we have this bomb shell confession. so we don't want the public to be thinking there's something coming when it's actually already here. so if this is, as nancy pelosi says, a public process that the american people have to get behind it, how do you change minds if the most damning thing, in your opinion, is already known? >> a confession is not a conviction. and in america, even people who confess to crimes are entitled to a fair process. that includes the president of the united states. but we should make sure that the american people know that what the whistle-blower alleged when this person pulled the fire alarm has been corroborated by the witnesses who have come in and the president's own call record admission and the co-signing of that admission by mick mulvaney who said there was a quid pro quo. that doesn't mean he's not entitled to a fair process. it doesn't mean republicans shouldn't be able to question the witnesses. and it doesn't mean when it gets to the judiciary committee that the president shouldn't be able to have his counsel present and able to be a part of the process. that will all be afforded to them, as it is afforded to every suspect in america who confesses to a crime. >> and we're looking at the room. you can't see it but we're looking at the room where the marc up is going to happen. obviously, this takes this to a whole new phase. we know the president has used his bully pulpit in the past to shift narratives and chuck schumer suggested we could be heading for a government shutdown over impeachment. do you believe that could happen? and what would it mean for the process? >> we expect the president to still do his job and we're still going to do ours. now, we believe there are still opportunities on the table around infrastructure, prescription drugs, getting a background check bill passed. of course, the president walked away on the infrastructure meeting with speaker pelosi. >> expectations aren't always the same as reality. what do you think reality-wise is actually going to happen here, congressman? >> well, we know the president is not above using, you know, any tactic, you know, to try and distract. including, a shutdown. but i stood at josé andre's kitchen in washington, d.c. and helped serve meals to uniformed federal police officers. and if anyone in congress or the president in washington thinks that we should go back to federal workers being out of work and standing in food lines, you know, that would be a very sad day if we return to that here in washington. >> we're out of time but i want to ask you quickly. your colleague on intel, shawn maloney of new york said that inside the hearing room between democrats and republicans, it's been largely very professional. do you believe that you'll get republican votes tomorrow? >> i'm not -- i'm not going to count them out, chris. they asked for a fair process. this is a vote that will establish -- >> have any republicans suggested to you that they're thinking about that? >> i don't want to betray, you know, their confidences but i am -- i have talked to my republican colleagues and i'm not going to write them off. and we can't write them off. >> congressman eric swalwell of california. thank you. much appreciated. >> my pleasure. thanks. >> startling new climate study to tell you about. increasing the amount of cities and lives at risk within our lifetimes. one more thing next. wik thin our lifetimes. one more thing next. welcome to the place where people go to learn about their medicare options... before they're on medicare. come on in. you're turning 65 soon? yep. and you're retiring at 67? that's the plan! well, you've come to the right place. it's also a great time to learn about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. here's why... medicare part b doesn't pay for everything. only about 80% of your medical costs. this part is up to you... yeah, everyone's a little surprised to learn that one. a medicare supplement plan helps pay for some of what medicare doesn't. that could help cut down on those out-of-your-pocket medical costs. call unitedhealthcare insurance company today... to request this free, and very helpful, decision guide. and learn about the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp. selected for meeting their high standards of quality and service. this type of plan lets you say "yes" to any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. there are no networks or referrals to worry about. do you accept medicare patients? 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we can't stop what's happening. we can only slow it. that's going to wrap things up for this hour. i'm chris jansing in for katy tur. ali velshi is here. >> you do have to acknowledge it's happening. >> not everyone does is the problem, right? >> that is the problem. chris, good to see you. >> you too. >> all right. it's wednesday october the 30th. the president's republican allies have tried to hide the president's conduct but the american people will now see the facts first hand. on this day at this hour, the house rules committee begins its markup of a resolution that will formally map out how the case for impeaching president trump will be made to the american people. there have only been three times in u.s. history when congress drafted articles of impeachment against a president. right now, we are witnessing that democracy at work. the resolution t

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