Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 20180106

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let's get right to your first alert neighborhood weather with meteorologist krystal klei. krystal, these temperatures are just absolutely brutal. >> yeah. that's exactly right. that dangerous cold first alert has been in effect since yesterday. and the dangerous cold conditions are not going anywhere through today. for the entire area at least through tomorrow morning around 8:00 a.m. we have this first alert in effect. here's why. dray already said it. bitter stinging cold. you know what i'm talking about. when you step outside for even an instant you can feel it on your face. any exposed skin just that sting that hits feels like temperatures between 5 and 25 below zero during the morning hours is what we're expecting today and again tomorrow. frostbite in as little as 30 minutes can set in when you have these kind of conditions. that's why we're calling it dangerous. it's not okay to be outside during this type of weather. right now actual temperatures 8 degrees in philadelphia. 8 in wilmington. 9 in northeast philly. and 6 in allentown. i've been checking the board, no numbers are setting records quite yet, but wilmington's only one degree short of tying a record for cold this morning. so this is rough weather. some of the coldest we have ever seen in this region for these two dates, today and tomorrow. feels like temperatures take a look 12 degrees below zero what it feels like right now in philly and in allentown. 27 below mt. pocono and 10 below in millville. that kind of cold going to continue as we go through today. in fact, many spots i don't think will feel zero or above through the rest of our saturday. radar and satellite though shows us finally a bit of a good picture. there's no rain, no snow, no icing to track for us today or even tomorrow. it's all about the cold. then comes monday and things change. we'll talk about some of the changes as we go into the workweek coming up in just a few minutes. we'll see you in just a few. thanks for that, krystal. this morning we're learning the deep freeze has turned deadly. police in vineland, cumberland county, tell us a man died because of exposure to the bitter temperatures. officers found him early thursday in the snow in an empty parking lot. new this morning, five families in montgomery county are without electricity on this bitter cold morning following a car crash involving a power pole. initially more than 100 families were effected. it happened at the intersection here of routes 309 and 202 in montgomery township right around 1:30 this morning. the dark spot in this video from our traffic camera a little bit earlier today is the neighborhood without power. peco tells us those last few homes without electricity should be back online by noon. it can be dangerous, even life threatening as we've been reporting, to be outside in cold like this for a long stretch of time, especially if you're not properly dressed. and some people are going to have to venture out today. >> yeah, nbc10's randy gyllenhaal is live in university city where people are actually waiting to catch buses this morning. good morning, randy. >> reporter: yeah, tough morning to be standing outside waiting on the bus. so far good news is the bolt buses and mega buses have been relatively on time. but you combine the snow on the ground, the tough cold we've got and the windchill making it real tough. take a look a few people out lining up. another bus just left to new york city. another one coming here in the next ten minutes. shouldn't take too long. show you a zoomed in look here at the american flags next to 30th street station. they are blowing in the wind right now. and that's the concern is the windchill, which today and tomorrow could reach negative 20 in some places. that's going to cause your frostbite to exposed skin in less than 30 minutes. we caught up with some folks out here waiting for about ten minutes outside in the cold. >> we're going to new york. >> reporter: new york. and you aren't from the nort? >> nope. i'm from kentucky. >> from houston. >> reporter: so this is negative 10 windchill right now. how does it feel? >> pretty cold. pretty cold. >> awful. >> i don't feel my fingers. >> reporter: i think that group of ladies was actually from kentucky, so this is a culture shock for them. we should note that the buses have been relatively on time. a lot of people have been taking the advice to take an uber over here so they don't have to actually walk to the station. might be worth the expense to take a taxi or an uber some time today. for now live at 30th street station, randy gyllenhaal, nbc10 news. >> wish those ladies luck on their visit to new york city. it's cold up there. the cold is making it more difficult for people who are still cleaning up from this week's winter storm. in philadelphia crews are working around the clock to clean every street. some crew members actually have been sleeping at work so they can get right back out to plow and salt the roads. if you have a problem, by the way, or question about something in the city, you can always call 311. callers flooded the line this week had mostly wanted to know when plows would come to their street or when their trash would be picked up. well, the nbc10 weather app will help you stay on top of this dangerous cold with your forecast for your neighborhood, plus look for 20 tips to keep your family, home and pets safe during this winter blast. developing now, 76ers legend julius erving, dr. j, is in the hospital. the sixers released a statement saying he fell ill last night at the wells fargo center. this is video of dr. j ringing the bell before the sixers game with the pistons. according to the 76ers dr. j should be released from the hospital following a medical evaluation. julius erving by the way is 67 years old. the hall of famer was at the wells fargo center last night marking the 36th anniversary of his iconic dunk against the l.a. lakers. before the game dr. j tweeted, rock the cradle, i threw down this dunk with the sixers and still one of my favorites. we'll keep you posted on his situation as soon as we learn new information. this morning a driver in the hospital after being shot during an argument. it happened last night outside the takka grill and shrimpies restaurant in philadelphia's oakland neighborhood. police say it's a miracle because the shooter fired at point-blank range at the victim's stomach. investigators are now looking for that gunman. we have new details this morning about a mass exodus from the philadelphia district attorney's office. more than two dozen assistant d.a.s left their jobs yesterday after they were asked to resign immediately. nbc10 has learned those requests came from new district attorney larry krasner. our cameras captured employees carrying boxing out of the d.a.'s office yesterday. the 31 prosecutors who left took years of experience with them, also many of those lawyers were in the middle of high profile cases. several of them tell nbc10 they feel terribly for the families of murder victims with whom they'd been working. the d.a.'s office says krasner is keeping his campaign office of change by making the personnel moves. 6:07 right now on this saturday. today in philadelphia the kimmel center will celebrate three kings day. the event will feature reenactment of the story of the three wise men and their journey to see the newborn baby jesus. guests will also be able to break pinatas and enjoy traditional bread. the free celebration begins at 6:00 this evening. ♪ feliz navidad dozens of families celebrated three kings last night in camden. all of the children received toys which local businesses donated. three kings day traditionally marks the end of the christmas season in puerto rico, latin america and in spain. your time now 6:08 on this saturday morning. efforts by the president to stop a new book about his white house seems to have backfired. coming up this morning, the "fire and fury" shoots to number one on the best seller list. but you may not be able to get ahold of it any time soon. and an uber driver in our area who's helping the homeless get to shelters for free is now inspiring more acts of kindness. we've got those details when we return. welcome back. first alert meteorologist krystal klei here. talk about that dangerous cold outside, that continues through today with temperatures that feel below zero pretty much the entire day and then again tonight into tomorrow morning. here's the good news though, change is on the way. we've got to get through monday first though. monday late day into the evening and even early tuesday we'll have kind of a messy mix in the forecast. it looks like at least a chance of some short-lived snow, sleet, freezing rain mixing across the region. so that is still going to be an issue i think especially for the monday evening and tuesday morning commutes. but here's the good news, the january thaw in the forecast 50s will actually return as we get into next week. if you want to see that, take a peek at the bottom of the screen. right now though, look at this. we've got below zero for minneapolis, chicago, indianapolis. we're only at 8 degrees. i mean, this is a huge area of just brutally cold air. and it is sticking through the rest of today so this is another day to plan indoors. in philly around lunchtime feeling 4 below zero. 6 below zero in the p.a. suburbs and in the lehigh valley about the same. notice the icons here that we're going to have sunshine like yesterday. it's just the sunshine's not going to assist us much. feeling near 10 degrees below in delaware, new jersey, the shore this morning and staying below the zero line throughout much of today. we'll talk more about the change in temperatures starting tomorrow coming up. a flu emergency is striking all across the country. hospitals are overwhelmed by season three times worse than last year. begs the question, just how effective is the flu shot? that's next. dreaded call, a south jersey fire captain is dispatched to his own home. coming up, how neighbors are banding together to help. we need to stand up and say enough. the only way this problem is going to be solved is if we raise our voices. choose help over helplessness, hope over hopelessness. make sure that the lives we've lost will not have been lost in vain. addiction is a disease. when you ask for help, help is there for you. the trump administration is asking congress for $18 billion to complete part of a proposed border wall in mexico. the money would pay for hundreds of miles of new fencing and reinforcing fencing already in place over the next decade. president trump wants democrats to approve the funding request in exchange for allowing undocumented immigrants brought to the u.s. as children and protected by the daca program to remain. democratic senator dick durbin of illinois called the request, outrageous. the new book president trump likely doesn't want you to read is now flying off the shelves as a best seller. >> yeah, it's called "fire and fury." it's a tell-all about the trump white house. the book raises questions about the president's mental fitness for office. it also includes former trump adviser steve bannon attacking the president's adult children. the publisher rushed the book's release after mr. trump threatened legal action against its sale. it wasn't supposed to be released until tuesday of next week. on the "today" show yesterday author michael wolff defended his work what the white house calls pure fantasy. "fire and fury" is already a worldwide phenomenon. take a look at the sales of the book in london yesterday. bookstores in washington, london and new york are already sold out and amazon has the title on back order. the author of the explosive book michael wolff will be chuck todd's guest on "meet the press." the exclusive sunday morning interview comes your way tomorrow morning at 10:30 right here on nbc10. now to a follow-up about a local uber driver helping the homeless during this dangerously cold weather. earlier this week we introduced you to ma linda boyer, she drives homeless people to shelters for free. uber philly told us they saw the story and were proud that she wanted to make a difference. so they donated $500 to two homeless shelters in malinda's name. it is the emergency call that one first responder never imagined he would get. >> a south jersey fire captain and his family are starting over after a fire destroyed their house. when jason penwell and his crews with the tabernacle fire company got the call wednesday, he couldn't believe it was his own address over the radio. by the time he and the crews arrived, the fast moving flames consumed the house torching everything inside. >> knowing at 38 years old i'm starting over, four kids, wife. i've got nothing. >> it's unclear exactly what started the fire. the community in the meantime is rallying around the penwells with donations pouring in to help them get back on their feet. the flu season is off to a fast and brutal start. tens of thousands have been sicken sickened in nearly every state and the peak of the season is still weeks away. according to the cdc more than 40,000 cases have been reported this flu season. that's nearly three times more than last season. those cases include some people who actually got the flu shot like a family who lives in portland, oregon. >> christm consisted of the one who were sick wearing surgical masks to open their presents. and then pretty much going back and laying in all of our beds again. >> it turns out that family was hit with two different strands of the flu. while the flu shot isn't always effective, doctors say if you catch the flu and you've had the shot, the symptoms may be less severe. and all of this is why summer is my favorite season. let's talk about conditions outside. so this is another day where you going to stay indoors. live look over city hall and you can see still some of the snow on the ground. it's not going anywhere because temperatures have not been above freezing, so everything on the ground is sticking aside from those spots that have been treated. roadways of course are looking a lot better than they were a couple of days ago. feels like temperatures out there 12 degrees below zero right now in philadelphia. 10 below in millville. 12 below in allentown. look at mt. pocono, 27 degrees below. we were telling you a couple days ago that mt. pocono could see up to 30 below zero and that's pretty much exactly what we have seen so far. so highs for today are only going to make their way into the teens. about 14 in center city. 16 in summerton. in the pennsylvania suburbs, 14 puerto rico fo pottstown and 15 westchester. look at the numbers in blue, zero is about the best we have on the board for a feels like. you see negative 2, 2 below in allentown, pottstown, as we go into new jersey, 14 for berlin and 15 in boardentown. 14 in cape may and a temperature of 17 this afternoon smyrna with a feels like temperature of zero. future wind gusts, as we get to lunchtime gusts will be around 30, 35 miles per hour. so these kind of gusts are what's making it feel so much worse than it actually is. and it is already bad when you have temperatures in the teens. those two mixing together is what's making it dangerously cold. part of the issue with windchill is the heat that your body omits that helps keep you in a bubble of warmth, that can't stick. the winds move it off. that's why your body perceives it as colder than it actually is. that's what makes it so dangerous. future wind gusts at 6:00 this evening, still around 25 miles per hour. but here's the good news, we get to tomorrow morning, bam, those winds really weaken. we're talking 5 to 15 miles per hour winds at best tomorrow morning. now the temperature will still be very cold tomorrow morning, but we will be seeing the feels like temperatures not as extreme by tomorrow afternoon. so tonight still under that first alert for dangerous cold. these will be the temperatures by tomorrow morning. those early, early morning hours. 1 for the low in philadelphia. 1 below for the low in trenton. and vineland. 2 below in allentown. these are not feels like. these are actual temperatures that we are expecting by tomorrow morning. now, tomorrow in the afternoon like i mentioned the winds die down, the temperature will creep up a bit more. so by tomorrow afternoon things are a bit better off and that's why we will no longer be under a first alert. 22 in philly, delaware, you see similar at the jersey shore. monday we will get up to around or even a little above freezing for the first time in that will be 13 days. so this will be a big change for us by monday. but that also comes with a chance of a rain/snow/icing mix. show you ten-day on ten, dangerous cold lasting through tomorrow morning with temperature of 22 in the afternoon. 34 on monday, but monday late day into the overnight is when we have a chance of wintry mix. and then a little bit of a dry spell tuesday, wednesday, thursday. check that out. 40s to, there it is, 53 degrees by your friday. and we are tracking right now the eagles game potentially with some wet weather. >> i know, we're thinking the 50s sound more like 70s. we'll take it. this might make you dance, eagles fans, we want to hear from you. >> that very familiar fight song is a battle cry we want to hear in new ways how you can add your voice next. your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 1,300 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. eagles fist playoffs game is still a week away. >> nbc10 is holding a flight song challenge. our keith jones shows you how to make your version stand out. >> reporter: i know you know the fight song, but can you sing it with gusto? what better place to find out than the wells fargo center right here. let's see what you got. we're a city that trusts the process, from our orchestra to the mummers. not even frostbite could stop them. the same goes for our birds, even our youngest kids know the song. ♪ watch our eagles fly >> reporter: what do you think about the eagles? >> great. good season. lucky season this year. >> reporter: that's why nbc10 is looking for creativity, big groups, bands, flyers, anyone at halftime we found one great example. ♪ >> reporter: fly eagles fly comes natural to giovanni. >> i've been playing the violin for nine years. >> nine years. how old are you? >> i'm 12. >> reporter: these philly fans needed help, luckily luigi stepped in. you were more than happy to lead. >> absolutely. i'm philadelphian i bleed green, baby. >> reporter: just the thought of a road to victory got him fired up. >> oh, my gosh, bring this place -- i mean, we'll flip cars. we will, i'm just saying, we will flip cars. that's how it will be. that's how it is. i know it's illegal, but -- >> reporter: we could show your rendition on nbc10, your official home of the philadelphia eagles. just post it to twitter or instagram. use #flyeaglesfly. and make sure to mention @nbc10fiphiladelphia. >> are you doing this one? >> let me see, e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles are the best. say it with your chest. oh! >> at 6:26 on a saturday morning you never thought you'd get that. here you go. >> the eagles first playoff game is next saturday by the way, january 13th. kickoff against the falcons, the panthers or saints at the linc at 4:35. you can see the game only right here on nbc10, your official eagles station. all right. the worst cold of the year no laughing matter is coming up. nbc10's randy gyllenhaal is in university city keeping an eye on things there for us this morning. >> reporter: it is a bitter cold blast in philadelphia. windchills well below zero. coming up next, the people have to stand and work outside in temperatures like this. >> and those temperatures below zero across the board this morning, likely will stay below zero the rest of the day. we'll talk about how long this dangerous cold will last. and right now leave you with a view from center city atop the aramark building as flags are flapping in the wind. excuse me everyone! paul? paul? this is three million dollar mega multiplier the new game from the pennsylvania lottery with top prizes of three million dollars! three million dollars! did you win? i don't know. i'm so excited about it. this could be a big winner! just had to share. carry on. sometimes the moments before you scratch are as exciting as the moments you do. keep on scratchin'! the coldest air of the season is coming this weekend. the actual temperatures will only be in the single digits. and the wind will make it feel even worse. >> mega jackpots up for grabs. one ticket is a big winner for megamillions. and we still have another chance at another half a billion dollars this weekend. >> and big blaze, firefighters in our area battle flames and freezing temperatures as they work overnight to stop this fire from spreading. good morning and welcome back to "nbc10 news today." i'm dray clark. >> and i'm rosemary connors. it is 6:30 on this saturday. a first alert still in effect through tomorrow morning. that's how long this dangerous big chill will be with us. meteorologist krystal klei is tracking the relentless deep freeze in the neighborhood forecast. krystal. >> yeah, guys. and it's our entire region that's under this first alert through at least 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. although we may extend this. why are we under this first alert for so long? because through tomorrow morning we will just have bitter stinging cold. with feels like temperatures 5 to 25 degrees below zero in the morning hours. frostbite can set in as little as 30 minutes when we have got these kind of conditions. which is why we're calling this dangerous cold. we're not just using words to throw around to be dramatic. this truly is the type of cold that can be fatal if people are outdoors for an extended period of time. look at temperatures out there right now. we're at 6 in allentown, 8 philadelphia and mt. holly as well as vineland. these are actual temperatures, single digits or mt. pocono's case zero. then we have the feels like conditions, these are ruthless. 12 degrees below zero, allentown, coatesville, philadelphia. 10 below in vineland and 7 below in atlantic city. it feels this cold because of the wind. those winds are not as gusty as they were say a couple days ago, but they are still very strong. 9 in lehigh valley, 13 for coatesville, 16 miles per hour winds in millville. 17 miles per hour in philadelphia. these winds mixed with the types of cold we're feeling that's when it feels horribly cold on our skin. this is going to last through sunday morning, then there are some big changes in the sunday forecast. we'll talk about those changes as they set in coming up in a few minutes. new this morning, forced out into the cold. a gas leak in west philadelphia led to evacuations along hobart street here earlier this morning. first responders and a septa bus helped keep the evacuated residents warm while pgw found the leak. crews later gave the all clear and everybody is now back inside their homes. a downright frigid start to the day. this is a live look over 30th street station. anybody commuting should be covered up from head to toe. >> absolutely. nbc10's randy gyllenhaal is live in university city where people are waiting in the cold to board buses this morning. randy. >> reporter: yeah, not an easy morning to stand outside waiting for your commute, for your bus or train. we're here at 30th street station. it's always coldest just before sunrise. and that's what it feels like right now with the wind hitting your face. take a look couple different buses pulling up right now including a bolt bus and mega bus. you can see people oult here completely bundled up. a lot of people have scarves covering their faces, heavy coats. we're actually talking with the uber drivers who are dropping these people off. we're not seeing a lot of people walking to the bus stop. nearly everybody getting dropped off by a taxi or an uber. good business for those guys driving around the city. >> they just thank fe more picking them up. i'm thanking them for paying me but they're thanking me for picking them up. they want out of the cold as soon as possible. >> reporter: and you can see some pictures here of people waiting on those buses. luckily they are coming pretty quickly. they are relatively on time today, so they're hopping back on the bus. and they're heading to new york or d.c., it's pretty warm in there tho. look live at 30th street station, those are the american flags blowing in the wind. that windchill is going to be the concern going over the next 24 hours especially tomorrow morning. windchills approaching negative 10, negative 20 degrees in this area as krystal was saying that will cause frostbite in less than 30 minutes outside to exposed skin. for now live at 30th street station, randy gyllenhaal, nbc10 news. thanks for that, randy. staying in philadelphia, as many as 800 city employees and contractors are working to clear the snow from this week's winter storm. crews reported to work on wednesday. they have been on the clock since then. plows and salt trucks are focusing on residential streets, especially the side streets where the packed snow and frigid temperatures are making conditions slick. the last time our area was this cold for this long was decades ago. and it's certainly caught people off guard. >> yeah, more people are getting frostbite from not covering and layering up when they head outside. in the past week the emergency room at thomas jefferson university has seen a jump in patients with cold-related illnesses. your hands, feet and nose are the most common places where doctors see frostbite first. we talked to a doctor at jefferson about what patients should do if their extremities turn red. >> at that time we want you to go inside and try to get warm. if things like that persist or you have a change in the color of your fingers, where they start to turn more white or they become more painful, that would be a time to seek emergency care for a cold-related injury like that. >> the doctor also says if your hands are cold and numb, put them in warm water until they get warm again. you can read more about frostbite and hypothermia on the nbc10 app. and check out just how cold your neighborhood will be this weekend with a tap of the app. let's head now to delaware county where at least two people are hurt after a car collided with a tow truck. itap1:30 this morning near westchester pike. first responders pulled the victims from the wreckage. we're working to find out about their conditions. in the meantime, police are looking into the cause of this crash. now to a follow-up about a terrifying new year's eve for an elderly couple in bucks county. a car came crashing right through their house throwing the husband across the room. amazingly he and his wife survived. here's how it all unfolded. the car came barrelling into the couple's home on gun road in bristol township. the sudden crash threw jim albright out of his recliner. his wife mary just feet away. you can see where medics treated jim for a head injury. even though he was hurt he tried to run to the car to rescue the driver. >> the car was still running, so i wanted to shut the car off. stop it, it was going like that. i said it's going to go right through the house. >> the driver, edward o'brien, survived. police arrested him. they believe he overdosed on heroin. this by the way was the second time that a car crashed right through the albrights' backyard. they're now looking to get a barrier or guardrail installed so it doesn't happen again. 6:36 right now. coming up, meltdown at jfk. >> yeah, stranded on the runway, left waiting for hours. we'll check in on social media as passengers vent about the problem. p and say enough. the only way this problem is going to be solved is if we raise our voices. choose help over helplessness, hope over hopelessness. make sure that the lives we've lost will not have been lost in vain. addiction is a disease. when you ask for help, help is there for you. we're just about 20 minutes out from the start of the "today" show at 7:00. >> let's check in with craig and sheinelle for a look at this morning's show. good morning, guys. >> hey, dray, rosemary. >> good morning. coming up on a saturday morning here on "today," we're still talking about the bitter cold. more than 120 million people are waking up to another freezing day. the mercury keeps dropping, and it's not finished yet. dylan will let us know if we'll ever see a warmup. >> also ahead this morning, we are tackling 2018 by taking a look at everything from your personal finances to your health and wellness and organizations and simple things we can all do today to make this new year even better. >> and we're catching up with the currys. we'll sit down with basketball star steph curry and his wife, a power player in her own right. how the pair is making plays both on and off the court. >> love the currys. >> uh-huh. >> those stories and more when we get started on a saturday morning here on "today." >> craig, where's your purple? everybody's got on purple. >> you missed the memo. >> i saw you guys again and last week you claimed you did not coordinate. i find it hard to believe that two weekends in a row -- >> we didn't. >> -- you happen to be dressed in the same colors. >> this is great minds including sheinelle. >> there you go. same wavelength. >> i'll wear mine next week. >> thanks, man. have a great show. >> see you guys. >> you got it. apparently i also did not get the purple memo. and i had one in my room i could have worn. dang it. here's a look at radar and satellite. we have got a clear picture for us right now through the rest of today, even tomorrow we will not be tracking any type of precipitation, which is very good news. with this type of cold, the last thing we need is a system to roll on through. it will stay dry. we'll even see sunshine today. but unfortunately that sun will not help with the temperatures. that cold air stuck over us ain't going to budge quite yet. 8 degrees where we are right now. as we go throughout the day 13 degrees at noon, 14 at 2:00 in the afternoon. that's about as good as it gets. feels like temperatures will be below zero or near zero throughout the rest of the afternoon hours. so this is going to be another just very, very cold day type of cold where as we've been saying you need to stay inside. as we look throughout the pennsylvania suburbs, 5 degrees for the temperature right now. 9 at 10:00 a.m. and as we get into the afternoon about 13 at 2:00. i don't know, someone deleted our banner here that said pennsylvania suburbs, but it is for the suburbs 7 where we are in new jersey. the time 6:41 this morning we'll feel about 1 below this afternoon, 15 the actual temperature. and let's wrap up here with delaware. we're at 8 degrees, conditions are clear. they'll stay that way through the morning hours. at lunchtime 14 for your temperature, but still feeling below zero. about 3 below at 2:00. 16 degrees feeling 1 below. we'll talk about the change in temperatures as they gradually start to rise into the workweek coming up. >> all right. also coming up, we have to talk sports. the birds, eagles waiting to find out who they'll face off in the playoffs. >> meanwhile, the sixers are heating up the basketball court. highlights from one of their best efforts of the season coming up next in sports. your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 1,300 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. quite a scary situation for passengers as two planes collided and one of them caught fire at the airport in toronto. officials say a plane just landed and waiting to go to a gate when it was hit by a sun wings airplane last night. nobody was on the sun wing plane, it was being moved by a ground crew. passengers on this plane screamed as they watched the fire on their wing. all passengers from that airliner were evacuated. none of them were hurt. massive delays, walls of people trying to get their luggage and long waits to get to a gate after landing. this morning passengers are taking to social media to describe the chaos as they put it at jfk airport in new york city. the massive air hub shut down for thursday's snowstorm. and since then the problems have just been piling up. last night's situation got worse, planes sat on the tarmac for hours because they didn't have a gate to go to. one passenger posted this tweet after being stuck on a plane for three hours following a landing. it says multiple passengers seeking medical attention, staff not communicating, babies literally crying from hunger and people calling police from the plane. the airport has not commented on the disruptions and the delays. new this morning, investigators will be looking for the cause of this fire that ripped through a commercial building. it happened in phillipsburg, new jersey. it broke out around 2:00 this morning. crews battled heavy flames shooting through the roof as well as the bitter cold. right now there are no reports of any injuries. the mayor of allentown is focusing on goals for the new year. just two weeks before his criminal trial mayor ed pawlowski delivered his state of the city address yesterday. later this month he's scheduled to face federal corruption charges in court. pawlowski is accused in a pay to play scheme involving city contracts. he said he can't wait to tell his side of the story. the mayor offered several goals for 2018 including cracking down on blight and absentee landlords. lots of people are waking up wondering if they hit the first of two giant lottery jackpots. well, we know the megamillions winner is somewhere in florida. one ticket sold in the sunshine state match all six numbers in last night's drawing for $450 million. and here are the winning numbers so you can check your tickets and see if you won a smaller amount, because you didn't win the big one. they are 28, 30, 39, 59, 70 and the megaball is the number 10. and you still have another chance to become a multimillionaire. the powerball jackpot is now at an estimated $570 million for tonight's drawing. the cash option for that prize is more than $358 million. well, hundreds of puerto rican evacuees living in the lehigh valley are now better suited for a degree of cold weather they've never experienced before. a charity called make the road p.a. handed out winter weather gear to the evacuees in allentown yesterday. the group spent the past few weeks collecting donated coats, hats, scarves and gloves. those items are now in the hands of families who moved here from puerto rico after hurricane maria. >> this is not even weather i'm used to and i've lived here for quite some time. and it hurts. the wind hurts. so people that are coming from puerto rico clearly need a little more extra help. >> organizers said they wanted to make sure the families had the warm clothes in time for three kings day, the traditional end of the christmas season in puerto rico. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei here. feels like temperatures this morning just as painful as they were yesterday. 12 degrees below what it feels like in philadelphia. 8 below in wilmington and trenton. 12 below in allentown. and 9 below what it feels like in pottstown. let's talk about some of the safety precautions you can take during extreme cold. of course the best option to stay safe is to stay indoors where there is heating to keep your body warm. if you have to be out, try to cover as much of your body as possible leaving as little skin as you can exposed because that is where the issue comes in. in less than 30 minutes frostbite can set in on exposed skin. wearing three layers is the best bet. loose layers, don't want a bunch of tight stuff but loose layers especially if you can have an insulating layer between the two, so you have fleece, something like that to help out. important to stay dry as well. avoid sweating or staying in damp clothes. if you're starting to sweat when you're outdoors. that means you need to get inside. not take off the jacket. that can be dangerous. take breaks, hydrate, things like shivering, confusion and memory loss can be those early symptoms of hypothermia. so just stay very proactive in keeping safe. take a look at radar and satellite view, a nice wide view here. there's nothing going on around us aside from the bitter cold. that cold air is kind of circling over us. so everyone in this area staying cold but doesn't have to worry about things like snow at this point, which is good for us today. forecast winds, this is a big problem on top of the very cold air sitting on top of us. we still have windy conditions pulling in from the northwest. that makes the bitter windchills exist. 19-mile-per-hour winds sustaining in philadelphia, coatesville 15 and mt. holly, but gusts 30 to 35 miles per hour possible again today. right on through the afternoon. so as a result, watch these feels like temperatures. this is at 10:30 in the morning. still around 5 to 10 below zero. as we get into 3:00 in the afternoon, between zero degrees and 5 below what it will feel like. so we are talking at best philly feeling around zero. that's at best at 3:00 this afternoon. as we go into tonight, yet again we start to plummet 2 below in philly, 9 below in allentown at 8:00 this evening. watch this, this is sunday morning 8:30 a.m. still around 10 degrees below zero what it will feel like outside. but at this point the winds have weakened considerably. so what does that mean? the actual temperature is going to be much colder than we've been seeing. this will be the lowest point tomorrow morning. and as a result it looks like we may see some records set for cold. the forecast is 1 degree in philadelphia, the previous record was 4 set back in 2014. so this will be a record. same deal in areas like reading, trenton, atlantic city and wilmington all right around 1 to 1 below. and that's likely to set records for cold tomorrow. let's go through the hour by hour model. for today it's a mix of clouds and sun. for tomorrow we start clear and then we'll see some clouds setting in in the afternoon. but, again, a dry one. no worry of rain or snow. then we get to monday and this is a day of change for us. temperatures are going to be a little warmer than they have been. we'll make it to the 30s, which will be welcome. we'll start with clouds in the morning commute, but look at the evening commute. about 6:00 we could start to see a mix of rain/snow, potentially freezing rain moving in. it's likely this will last into monday night and the earliest hours of tuesday morning. we'll talk about the ten-day on ten coming up. this is sports desk brought to you by xfinity. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. hey, hey, good morning. good to see you as always. i'm danny pommells from nbc sports philadelphia. the sixers hoping to make it four straight last night in south philly against the pistons. joel embiid in the lineup, he missed the last game with a hand injury, nothing wrong with him in this one. sixers got off to a crazy start. ben simmons to embiid with a two-handed flush, sixers up 17 after the first quarter 23 for jojo. second quarter simmons gets a turnover and cruises in for the two-handed bang. a 20-point lead at the half for philly. third quarter simmons another drive and two-handed finish. he had 19. sixers up by as many as 40. they cruise 114-78 and get back to .500 for the season. >> we're moving the ball, you know. coach doesn't have to call a lot of plays, we just play into the system we have been placed. past couple days been doing good so we have to keep on learning. >> how about the eagles? they've earned an extra week to prepare for their first playoff game since 2014, but they don't know who they're preparing for. that's the difference between the bye week during the season and the first round bye in the playoffs. so this week there's more about the birds looking in the mirror and getting some me time. >> that's the beauty of this bye week is we get a lot of great work in, but you can self-scout yourself because we don't know who we're playing. you try to utilize and practice fundamental stuff. having a great high speed practice with pads on, going back watching old film, studying, just sort of doing what we can throughout these days and obviously rest. it's awesome. >> let's go to the college hardwood. university of pennsylvania was closed yesterday so last night's game postponed until this afternoon. a game you can see on nbc sports philadelphia plus. drexel on the court though hosting charleston. this one went to overtime tied at 76, dragons harper drives and dishes to lee. and, yeah, it falls. the corner three helps the dragons to the 87-82 win. lee with 22 points. that is your look at sports. i'm danny pommells from nbc sports philadelphia. enjoy your saturday. this weekend you can take a step back in time. millions of years back in time in fact. dinosaur time trek stomps into the pennsylvania convention center in center city today and tomorrow. visitors can cuddle a baby dinosaur, dig for dinosaur bones and enjoy other interactive exhibits. >> the best part, it's indoors. >> especially sitting on your own couch and watching nbc10 good for today. look at camelback mountain snow on the ground. we all still have it. you can see why. 14 for the afternoon high, we stay under first alert through tomorrow morning, but aside from that wintry mix we have possible late monday into the night we have a warming trend and a welcome forecast, 40s through thursday, 50s looks like on friday. >> heat wave. >> yeah. big time. that's going to feel like triple digits basically. >> thank you, krystal. that's all for now. we'll see you for an update in another 25 minutes or so. >> the "today" show is coming up next. have a good one. trusted battery for your son's favorite toy?t maybe not. maybe, you could trust he wouldn't leave the upstairs water running. (woman screams) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ el: broke, homeless, selling my body to get high, locked up, a slave to heroin - that was my life. married, a homeowner, a professional, recovering and thriving - that's my life now. i got help. you can too. new years means a new day for those struggling with addiction. don't suffer. don't wait. choose help. call 844 reachnj or visit . good morning. unbearable. more than 120 million people waking up to bitterly cold temperatures once again this morning, whipping winds making it feel like 30 to 40 below in some places. on mt. washington in new hampshire it could reach negative 100 degrees. the death toll, more than three dozen, and the deep freeze is expected to get even worse. dylan will have the full details. breaking overnight, one winning ticket. someone or a group of people in florida are $450 million richer this morning. . the one winning ticket sold in the sunshine state. if it's not you, you

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