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bedroom door? >> yeah, but they're here. >> we'll hear from that brave young girl about her terrifying ordeal. and she did it again. after two famously failed marriages, britney spears is marrying her former agent. after years of breakups, bad haircuts and very public meltdowns, is her life finally back on track? ♪ i'm not that innocent and in a sign of the times, britney spears announced her engagement via twitter. >> makes sense. >> we wish them the best. they've been dating for a few years. good for them. more on that story coming up. a lot of other news to get to today. a big day in the case against former penn state coach jerry sandusky. the key eyewitness finally testified in court. we'll tell you what he said. whether his story changed, and just how damaging it could be. >> it could be very damaging. a story that sounds like a premise for a tv show. an nfl star that makes millions leading a double life as a drug kingpin. that's what police say sam hurd of the chicago bears has been doing. how did this devout christian and dedicated family man get into such serious trouble? a great story for you. a week before christmas eve. a story of the season. about a bunch of secret santas. why are they showing up at a bunch of kmarts and the good deeds they're doing. we'll tell you what's going on there. >> what these people are doing is incredible. we're going to start this morning with ron claiborne with breaking news from overnight. >> good morning, everyone. senate leaders have reached a deal to avert payroll tax hike affecting millions of americans that would go into effect on new year's day 2012. the senate votes this morning on the an agreement to extend a payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits for two months. it's a partial victory for the president, who wanted it extended for a year. it forces him to make a decision on a controversial canada to texas oil pipeline. leon panetta arrived overseas in libya. the first pentagon chief to visit that country. he meets with leaders of the government today. how will the u.s. help the new libyan government will be determined. and in the philippines, more than two dozen people were killed and dozens are missing after flood waters flowed over the islands. rivers overflowed and muddy waters cascaded. and last month's hazing death of a florida drum major was ruled a homicide. he died within an hour of being beaten. he has injuries to his chest, arms, shourders and back and had internal bleeding. and the so-called barefoot bandit has been sentenced to seven years in prison. he pleaded guilty to dozens of charges, including burglary and identity theft. from his two-year crime spree. he pled guilty for federal charges as well. and be sentenced for that some time next year. finally, heavy snow in china has created a winter wonderland for a couple of pandas. the pandas, seen there, that's one of them, rolled around the snow, putting on a show for the visitors at their nature reserve. and as wildlife expert dan harris can tell you, they are so comfortable in the snow. >> thank you for giving me credit. now i need to go back and get my zoology degree. >> i have a question for you. you finished your holiday shopping? >> i haven't started. >> you have time. you have time because you want to know why? today is super saturday. by some estimates, it's the busiest shopping day of the year. exceeding black friday and cyber monday. this year's calendar is a bit different. retailers are pulling out all the stops with big sales to get shoppers in the stores today. where are the big deals? is next saturday, christmas eve, an even better day to score big bargains? t.j. winick is at new york's herald square. at the macy's. maybe doing shopping of his own. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it's go time for retailers. 40% of americans say they finished their holiday shopping last week. to make those cash registers sing, some retailers are giving you not one, but two super saturdays. to shop or not to shop? that is the question. and so called super saturday falls a week early. you see, super saturday, a day of huge savings and deep discounts, normally falls on the last saturday before christmas. this year, that day is christmas eve. leaving just hours for retailers to unload all of that holiday merchandise. that's why several national chains, including macy's sears, and j.c. penney, will celebrate super saturday today. >> some of them are offering 40% off the entire store for a limited period of time. >> reporter: yet others are sticking with the 24th. this scheduling snafu is a big deal for desperate retailers. while thanksgiving weekend might have set sales records, the drop of 2.4% in the following weeks was the biggest since 2000. so get ready for 60% off toys, coats, and luggage at j.c. penney. sears will give away diamond earrings when you buy $199 or more of diamond jewelry. >> fingers are crossed we get a big kickoff. >> reporter: the stakes are even higher when you consider that more customers than ever are having buyer's remorse. for every dollar stores take in, they'll have to give back 9.9 cents in returns. according to the national retail federation. in better economic times, it's about seven sents. in the run up to christmas, several sears and target stores will stay open until midnight. many macy's locations will be open 83 straight hours up to the holiday. dan? >> incredible. t.v., thank you. now to the star witness in the penn state child sex abuse scandal, speaking for the first time about what he saw the legendary defensive coach doeng doing in the showers. and answering the burning question, why did he not stop it? jim avila is on the story. >> reporter: he's the center of the case against his former coaching colleague, jerry sandusky. his grand jury testimony forced his mentor, joe paterno, to retire. and now threatens to send two university officials to prison for allegedly lying about what he told them. penn state coach mike mcqueary on the stand. sticking to the story that he told the university. i saw jerry in the shower with a boy and it was extremely sexual this nature, and over the line, and wrong. mcqueary is the only adult witness to that alleged assault in the penn state football team showers. he said he went to his mentor, coach joe paterno about what he saw. i told paterno i saw jerry with a young boy in the showers. way over the line. extremely sexual in nature, and i thought i needed to tell him. his account backed by coach paterno's grand jury testimony. it was of a sexual nature. enough, say prosecutors, that the university officials accused of personalry and not reporting the crime lied when hay said it was all just horseplay. >> now you have paterno and mcqueary saying they told them it was a sexual act going on. at the university. >> reporter: the judge agreeing. the case will go to trial. one underlying question remained, why didn't mike mcqueary do more? he said he slammed his locker shut loudly, hoping to stop the attack. but did not confront sandusky, remove the child he saw assaulted, or go to police. >> he should have done something. it's sickening that he didn't. >> reporter: a point that the defense says proves their case. if he really saw what he says he did, he would not have just walked away. jim avila, abc news, new york. >> let's go to a man who has covered this story extensively, as the host of "prime news" on hln, vinnie politan. thanks for joining us. >> good morning. >> if he didn't do anything to stop this, which appears to be the case, does that hurt his credibility as a witness? >> it's an argument the defense is going to make. my goodness, if a grown man, 6'4", 240 pounds sees this happening and doesn't do anything, doesn't call police, logic tells you, it didn't happen. but on the other hand, dan, i mean, look at it. why would he make it up? how is mike mcqueary's life better by making up this story. >> exactly. sit incumbent on the defense, then, to say why he would make it up? >> i think. i think that's the only way to convince the jury he's making it up. he's not the only witness. every one of these victims are also witnesses. they are adults now. they can talk about what happened to them when they were children. so he's -- in the sandusky case, he's more of a corroborating witness than a primary witness in the case. >> let me ask you about the ten alleged victims, many of whom are expected to testify, what kind of defense strategy can they device -- devise to deal with this onslaught? >> there's just one. mcqueary is the witness. but if you have ten victims, what you have to do is victim by victim, come up with a reason why they would make it up. it will be all about the money. most of them have civil attorneys. civil suits have not necessarily been filed yet. but that's where they're going to going. they're going to say, listen, why do you hire a civil attorney? oh, you're not going to sue him, not going to sue penn state? really? when did you come forward? questions like that. they'll talk about the interactions some of the victims have had, since the assault, with jerry sandusky. listen, if you were assaulted by this man and he was so bad the you, why are you hanging out with him years later? i think those are the places the defense will go in attempting to discredit the victims. >> still an uphill battle. thanks for joining us this morning, vinnie politan. >> thank you. >> bianna, over to you. >> thanks, dan. another story making headlines. victoria's secret is famous for super models. today, the nation's biggest lingerie retailer is facing an entirely different type of bombshell. the company is under fire because child labor may have been involved in producing some of its famous underwear. cecilia vega has the latest from washington. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. so many of us will rush out to finish our holiday shopping today. the new allegations about one of the best known lingerie makers might make you think twice about where some popular products are coming from. these are the images of perfection and glamour victoria's secret are known for. models seen strutting their stuff at the annual fashion show. ♪ behind the sexy underwear line lies another kind of secret. according to bloomberg news, the cotton used to make the underwear may have been picked by the hands of children on a poor farm in west africa. >> we found foster children that could be abandoned, often be sought to do work. >> reporter: 13-year-old clarice is one of them. she spends her day doing back-breaking work, hour after hour picking cotton, often, bloomberg says, enduring beatings from the farmer who makes the profit. the company says it relies on fair trade organizations to make sure that workers are not exploited. and that children are not being used in the field. >> this is not a secret in this village. everybody knows about it. that's why it's so easy to find. and why they spoke about it so extensively with farmers. they really didn't know that they were doing anything wrong. >> reporter: victoria's secret gave this statement. to abc news. our standards specifically prohibit child labor. we are vig usely engaging with stake holders to fully investigate this matter. they have more than 1,000 stores in north america. on one of the biggest shopping days of the year, it's fighting to maintain its famous image of perfection. one of the fair trade groups responsible for policing farms and factories from child labor is alsoinvestigating. victoria's secret says all the farm this case buy from are required to maintain standards. dan? >> big p.r. problem this morning. now to one of the most dramatic trials of the year. millionaire bob ward was convicted of killing his wife. at his sentencing on friday, his two daughters came out to plead for mercy for the man who killed their mother. dan gutman is on the story. >> it breaks my heart to see him behind bars. >> reporter: sara ward's desperate plea to save the man who killed their mother. >> justice for my mom is not locking my dad behind bars for the rest of his life. it's giving our family a second chance. >> reporter: and mallory ward beseeching the judge to commute bob ward's 30-year sentence. >> i'll sentence you at this time to 30 years in prison. >> reporter: a sentence that would likely condemn the 63-year-old former millionaire and developer, who lived in the same neighborhood as tiger woods and shaquille o'neal, to life in prison. his daughters seemed incensed, muttering profanity and heart-broken. throughout the trial, they steadfastly supported their father. >> that's my dad. >> do you love him? >> more than anything. >> reporter: even when they heard this damning tape. >> i just shot my wife. >> you just what? >> i just shot my wife. she's dead. she's done. i'm sorry. >> reporter: ultimately, it was bob ward's constantly shifting story that seemed to condemn him. he said this ohours after his arrest. >> i have nothing to be worried about, other than i was trying to get the gun out of her hand. >> reporter: there's this jailhouse video, dancing a jig. making light of the dismal conditions. and vowing to be out for a week. that was in 2009. for "good morning america," matt gutman, abc news. now let's downshift. to something we hope will be lighter. let's go to ginger zee. >> good morning, everyone. the most volatile weather in the nation in the southwest again. we'll start with video from kabc. we have signs on top of cars. this is not the worst they have seen. the 150-mile-an-hour from weeks ago would be bigger. 70-mile-an-hour winds would knock trees down, too. it will be a ruckus there. wind advisories, high wind warnings. that storm going to pull away and move east into other parts of the southwest, including arizona, new mexico, and eventually oklahoma and nebraska. kansas too. you're starting to see winter weather advisories. in the northeast, you're asking, what about winter here? lyi light snow from chicago. buffalo, burlingtoburlington, af >> all i want for christmas are some great facebook photos. so help me out. you can go to a great one from phoenix. christine on the airplane. just great pictures. >> that's all you want for christmas? you're easy. >> so easy to shop for. santa won't have to work too hard for you. now to a story that involves a santa. it's putting us all in a good mood this morning. a slew of santas are showing up at scores around the country helping people pay off their debt just in time for the holidays. >> an angel just dropped out of the sky. >> reporter: an angel at a checkout counter? people at the kmart in indianapolis said it happened. >> i took out my credit card to pay the minimum. she said, don't pay that. i'm going to pay it for you. >> reporter: angie was visited by the christmas angel at the layaway counter. an anonymous stranger who offered to pay the remaining debt on her daughter's christmas gifts. >> i said, what can we do for you? she said, the only thing you can do for me is to give back. >> reporter: this secret santa then paid other strangers' debts. and handed out $50 bills to shocked shoppers. >> here you go, george, merry christmas. >> reporter: sort of like the residents of bedford falls helping out george bailey. just like the real santa makes the rounds on christmas eve, these secret santas have suddenly been popping up all across the country, in states like nebraska, missouri, illinois, michigan, and north carolina. >> it's incredible. it gives me chills thinking about it. >> reporter: and at another one in montana -- >> he walked in and wanted to pay on some layaways. and i asked him what ones he wanted? he said some that weren't going to have christmas and were late. >> ma'am, merry christmas, that's for you. >> reporter: this happened before. larry stewart, a legendary santa until his death in 2007. >> oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. >> reporter: he doled out nearly $1 million over 30 years to families in need. and in salvation army kettles, near gettysburg, pennsylvania, every year, a gold coin worth $1,700. for angie, she was able to make her daughter's christmas dreams come true, debt free. >> thank you so much that she did this for us. i can't believe it. >> it just reminds you of what the holidays are truly about. >> i love it. i suspect it will catch on. coming up, the terrified 13-year-old girl and the call to 911 as she hides under the bed with the intruders in her room. >> do you have a lock on your bedroom dor? >> they're in my room. >> where are you, under the bed? and was this nfl player leading a double life. federal agents say he was playing ball and dealing drugs at the same time. that story coming up. and the burning question, will the third time be the charm for britney spears? will another walk down the aisle change the pop star's wild ways? keep it here. i take an omega for my heart. but to be honest, i find the omega choices overwhelming. which one is right for me? then i found new pronutrients omega-3. it's from centrum, a name i trust. it goes beyond my heart to support my brain and eyes too. and these ultra-concentrated minigels are much smaller than many others. it's part of a whole new line of supplements. there's probiotic and fruit & veggie too. new pronutrients from centrum helps make nutrition possible. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. [ grandma ] ok. ♪ ah. then we will all do it together. treats! teets...teets...teets... yeah, look at this. [ female announcer ] it seems like the best family traditions... always start in the kitchen. ♪ rice krispies®. happy holidays. coming up on "good morning america," a quick-thinking 13-year-old manages to call 911 from under her bed as intruders enter her house. er? sometimes life can be, well, a little uncomfortable, but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go... it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. nyquil tylenol: we are?ylenol. you know we're kinda like twins. nyquil (stuffy): yeah, we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. tylenol: and i relieve nasal congestion. nyquil (stuffy): overachiever. anncr vo: tylenol cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion... nyquil cold & flu doesn't. ♪ oops i did it again i played with my heart ♪ >> she did it again. these are pictures from las vegas last night. britney spears. getting engaged for the third time. >> can a new marriage help this woman, who became the poster child for the perils of childhood stardom, turn it all around? it's a good start. they've been dating for a few years. she has two boys of her own. good morning, america. i'm bianna golodryga. it's saturday, december 17th. >> good morning, everybody. i'm dan harris. also coming up, how a teenager in washington, d.c., scored an invitation to the white house christmas party. we'll tell you what he did that caught the first lady's eye? and a mystery from the world of sports? did this pro football player with a multimillion dollar contract lead a double life as a drug kingpin? we're going to start with the story of a 13-year-old girl home alone when two men broke in. what chloe did next was very brave. you'll hear it in a 911 call. ron is here with that story. >> dan, picture this. you're home by yourself in the middle of the day, when suddenly you see two men enter your house, ransacking it. they're coming toward you next. what young chloe went through is terrifying. >> 911, where is your emergency? i think there's somebody in my house. i don't know who. >> reporter: the call, chilling. >> where are you at? >> i'm in my room. i saw somebody looking through my drawer downstairs. >> reporter: even more terrifying, the caller was just 13 years old. she was home alone, out sick from school in her michigan home, when she spotted two intruders. >> i went to my door again, looked down to see a guy looking through the table door next to my front door. i got freaked out. >> reporter: she rushed to her room, hid under her bed and dialed 911. as she continued the call, the burglars approached her room. >> do you have a closet in your room? [ whispering ] >> yeah, i think they're in the room. >> they're on the way already. i want you to go some -- do you have a lock on your bedroom door? >> reporter: but it was too late. >> yeah, but they're already here. >> reporter: then on the line. >> where are you, under the bed? >> reporter: silence. >> okay.ay quiet. i can listen, okay? >> reporter: somehow, they didn't spot chloe. >> how did they not see you? >> i don't know. >> reporter: as they were leaving the home carrying gifts they had allegedly stolen, the police were waiting for them. >> chloe, i think they've spotted the guys. i don't want you to come out of your bedroom. okay? i want you to stay there until i tell you it's safe, all right? >> okay. >> the deputies are out there. >> reporter: it was her quick thinking at the may have saved her from harm. quick thinking she says she learned from her dad. >> my dad's always said, think now, react. or panic later. >> and the two 19-year-old suspects were allegedly caught with electronics, a camera, and jewelry. more upsetting for chloe, one of the pair was an acquaintance of hers who had been in the family's home a few years earlier. pretty disturbing. >> what a kid. >> a great kid. >> very brave. so chilling to hear her voice on the 911 calls. ron, thank you. now to the story asking, why would he do it? chicago bears have cut one of their big-time players, sam hurd, a wide receiver, two days after he was arrested of setting up a major drug-dealing ring. why would a professional athlete and respected family man, earning millions of dollars, want to be a drug kingpin? barbara pinto has more. >> reporter: on the field and off, sam hurd was known as a solid player and a solid man. a devout christian, married to his college sweetheart, raising a daughter in this suburban home. >> every one of the bears say, good guy, great guy, quoting the bible. great guy to be around. obviously, he was conning them if he's involved in this. >> reporter: federal investigators say hurd led a double life. he was arrested outside this steak house on wednesday after a dinner with undercover agents. who were posing as drug dealers. they allege he wanted to buy and distribute 10 kilos of cocaine and 1,000 pounds of marijuana a week. >> it appears he was a full-time drug dealer, if you believe what the government says in the complaint, and a part-time football player. >> reporter: most perplexing to fans, he just signed a $5 million deal. >> i'm just having fun out there. >> reporter: with a $1.3 million signing bonus. >> we're supporting you, helping pay you, and you're doing something like this. >> reporter: authorities allege his drug empire could have earned him up to $700,000 a week. his lawyer vowed to fight the charges and denied rumors his client was dealing drugs to other players. >> out of respect to the nfl, to his teammates and other players, he 100% denies that allegation. >> reporter: the chicago bears cut sam hurd on friday and said they did their homework before they hired him. >> there was nothing we found that would create a flag, an alert, or a concern. you know in sam hurd's case. >> reporter: the player who appeared to have a bright future now faces up to 40 years in prison. for "good morning america," barbara pinto, abc news, chicago. >> if this proves to be true, just an example of someone throwing all their talent, their life away. all right, let's go to ron claiborne with a look at the other headlines this morning. did i catch you off guard, there, ron? >> you did. i'm watching you on tv other here. you want some news? >> i would love some. >> i got some news. good morning, everyone. in the news, retailers are racheting up the deals today for what many hope will be the biggest shopping day of the year. so-called "super saturday" usually false on the last saturday before christmas. but this year, it's christmas eve. baseball's all-time home run king has avoided jail time. he was sentenced to 30 days of house arrest and two years probation. he'll remain free while he appeals his conviction. and basketball star kobe bryant's wife has filed for divorce. vanessa bryant, who stood by her husband when he was charged with sexual assault several years ago, cited inreconcilable differences. well, it's not occupy wall street. students at a school got a civics lesson. they were proe tesing water fountains and chocolate milk. >> it's time for the weather and bianna golodryga. >> oh, you caught me off guard. >> i'll handle that. you can come help me anytime. a clipper system helping the snow-starved great lakes and northeast. a lot of folks asking, just where is the snow? you'll get a dusting around chicago of snow. and lake-enhanced snow for upstate new york. we'll fly around the nation. to give you an idea of what to expect on your saturday. warm, still in the southeast. but about seasonally cool. denver, 48. dallas, dry, at 60. the southwest looking for strong winds near >> this weather report has been brought to you by ghirardelli chocolates. dan and bianna? >> we could never catch you offguard. right, ginger? >> i'm sure you will. coming up on "good morning america," britney's big announcement. who is husband-to-be number three? cement. who is to be husband number three? ♪ a little rendezvous ♪ that special something ♪ that will carry you through ♪ that little reward ♪ for all the things you do [ female announcer ] luscious, creamy filling -- perfectly combined with our intense, slow-melting chocolate -- the one and only ghirardelli squares chocolate. for all the things you do. ghirardelli. moments of timeless pleasure. but they should always be comfortable. [ nicole ] how do they feel? [ woman ] they feel wicked good. 'cause it's the wicked good slipper. [ nicole ] my name is nicole waite. i sell wicked good slippers. and the holidays are made here at l.l.bean, where your order ships for free. at l.l.bean, ed cross responds and your support makes it possible. visit ♪ oops i did it again as we said, britney spears has really become a case study in the pitfalls of modern celebrity. in recent years, she's been rather quiet. she's taking another shot at marriage. here's abc's dan kloeffler. ♪ oops, i did it again >> reporter: she did it again, and again. making it engagement number three for britney spears. and reason to celebrate last night. at the chateau nightclub and gardens in las vegas. jason trawick surprised the pop princess, popping the question. >> he proposed in front of her children, actually, which is very important to her. her boys are her everything. in a private location in california thursday evening. he asked britney's father, jamie, for his blessing before proposing to britney. >> reporter: friday she tweeted. last night jason surprised me with the one gift i've been waiting for. can't wait to show you, so, so, so excited, xxo. ♪ my loneliness is killing me >> reporter: but, with two previous marriages, she's hardly been alone. she had a 55-hour wedding to a childhood friend. jason alexander, back in 2004. she and kevin federline share two sons from a marriage of 2 1/2 years. that ended in 2006, when the lights started to flicker on spears' personal and professional life. >> she went off the deep end after her divorce. >> reporter: remember this? a lot of people counted spears out when she shaved her head and went into rehab. for substance abuse. but now, she's brought the glam back into her work with her new music video, "criminal," featuring her new man. >> i think she's more mature, in a better mental state. she's ready for this relationship. and this marriage. we think it is going to last. >> reporter: and if this year's mtv music awards is any indication, spears may be learning and moving on from her past. >> i've done that already. >> reporter: for good morning america, dan kloeffler, abc news. >> this just in from britney -- tonight was one of the most magical nights of my life. such an amazing time with my new fiance and our closest friends and family. >> good for her. coming up, "your three words." but first, how this high school student scored an invite to the white house. white house. the pain was so frustrating. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can feel better and do more of what i love. 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[ chuckles ] really? ♪ [ chuckles ] what are you doing? you're my present this year. ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup you didn't think we would leave you without your say of the week, right? here's a look at "your three words" this week. the song is tiny tree christmas. by guster. dan enjoys the band. right? >> i do. check them out. >> christmas cookies, yum! >> daddy's coming home. ♪ wonderful life plays on the tube making for a perfect christmas time ♪ ♪ in your heart you have all the pieces, grandmama, nephews and nieces ♪ ♪ all the while the joy increases get behind the perfect christmas tree ♪ ♪ a tiny tree christmas hanging for the wishes ♪ ♪ turn the light and start to sing you got your own bells ♪ ♪ a star that sings capture the tiny tree ♪ ♪ ♪ holidays oh please don't ever go away away ♪ ♪ oh holidays that's what we celebrate today ♪ ♪ oh ♪ la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪ ♪ la, la, la, la, la, la >> you're on. >> all: merry christmas. >> and happy new year. ♪ and many more >> those kids seemed so surprised by the disneyland thing. >> they were thrilled jumping around. if you want to share your three words, visit our website, we'll be back tomorrow. on monday on "gma," emeril is here. you decide what least making. vote using the "gma" app on your smart phone or our facebook page for special strata quiche of holiday cup of joe. >> we're always online. don't forget "world news" with david muir later this evening. have a wonderful day, everybody. evening. have a wonderful day, everybody.

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