Transcripts For WNYW Good Day Early Call 20151127

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ben: i am sure she is, i hope all low she was off wednesday and texted it me at 6:30. it is black friday, mike woods is here, pretty warm out there. not that people are rushing out the door right now. theresa: they might be. >> meteorologist: they have been doing that since yesterday or the day before. some fog out there, visibility down to cut a quarter of a mile in the tristate, dense fog advisory at 9:00, 10:00 across the majority of the tristate north waste, you may run into fog around the tristate, quarter of a mile at bridgeport and islip, in the city begins in dense fog from time to time but overall it is not that bad but the streets are wet and that is because of high-level, the high as well. hit 45 in newark, 45 in monticello, 33 in newark, not freezing around the majority of the tristate, cloud cover not a big deal, low cloudiness in the tristate, that is what you are going to see as we go forward through the day. it warm temperatures, 62 by noon, 64 degrees, how much reign of getting? tomorrow, showers across baja, high-temperatures, this is the warm front, 64 is your eye, 54 tomorrow, nine for a high. let's bring in ines to see if we have many problems. we do. ines: keeping an eye on an accident in the grand central, no problems this morning across bronx, long island, nassau county, said in state and alive live by noonhyde park, hoffman triborough bridge heading eastbound, traffic being diverted, accident investigation has all lanes closed. street cleaning rules back in effect today. ben: one of the biggest shopping days of the year. be ready to face a big round. theresa: are there jen has more on the shopping frenzy we know as jack friday -- black friday. >> black friday or black thursday. >> reporter: up pastimes of frenzied we can't remember which day it is, shoppers kicked off the holiday shopping season, in line for a play station, plenty of company. >> this is going to be a long time waiting here. >> a little after 2:00. >> reporter: you are second in line. i have done this five years in a row. >> reporter: national retail federation estimates 130 million shoppers hit stores this weekend, a boost over the regular estimates as retailers open their doors early this year on thanksgiving day. some come to work of the turkey. >> okay, let's do black friday and hit the floor isn't it is awesome. >> reporter: unattended for bargains to make room for a big meal. >> i am having a border region thanksgiving. >> macaroni and cheese, francs and beans, fried cheese. >> in the economy this year, at at 3% increase in spending this year as shoppers at getting savvier, researching and buying online. theresa: i know how you feel about black friday and gray thursday. ben: that is not bad. theresa: it is 4:34. providing security for macy's thanksgiving day parade. ben: a drone was spotted too close for comfort, dan bowen tells us who is flying it and why. >> reporter: photos released by the nypd shows a small drone hovering near the parade route at 81st street and central park west at 10:30 thanksgiving morning, police located the operators of the unmanned craft quickly, father and son from russia. officers briefly took the into custody. >> reporter: more than 2500 officers were stationed along the parade route, the most officers at verisign to be event. many gomez has a brief security breach showing the dangers of drones in large public gatherings and the need for added regulations. >> we have to license them, registered them at least in city areas and keep a close eye, legislate like we do firearms who could actually own a drone. >> reporter: bill deblasio stressing public safety was first and foremost on this day. >> what terrorists try to do is intimidate, people in new york city are not intimidated, they're coming out in droves to celebrate everything right about the city and the country. >> reporter: parade goers had no worries. >> it is fantastic job they are doing. i am a retired nypd lieutenant with full faith and confidence in their ability. i appreciate the sacrifices they make for the holiday. >> reporter: they begin a ticket and released and got their grown back. from the newsroom dan bowen, fox 5 news. theresa: the president of france and russia uniting to fight the islamic state. intelligence to help an air strike against isis, they also agreed to conduct air strikes that target isis and jihadi groups. one hair and beard 30 people were killed in paris, more than 220 people died after a isis down the russian passenger jet last month. of the the man who jumped the white house fence faces criminal charges, joseph caputo failed the north fence wearing an american flag, and taken into custody. president obama and his family, the white house was put into lot down. and eyewitness saw beholding. >> i heard him take a big deep breath and whispered to himself let's do this and he took off, when over the barricades and climbed the fence. ben: this is the third time someone has jumped the white house fence. theresa: strong winds caused a turkeys a mishap, a blimp making an emergency landing behind woodward park elementary school in nassau county. the pilot says he was flying 1,000 feet while advertising at the institute. was heading back republic airport but got worried after the wind picked up so the decided to end his flight and land safely on a field. >> comfortable i would get to the airport, might get too close and land somewhere not as good. >> plenty big, no obstacles, no power lines, a good opportunity to come in to land. theresa: a pilot was not hurt and the 150 foot-long blimp wasn't damaged. still ahead on "good day early call," mike has a check of the ben: we are couple days from december in the mid 60s, president obama prepares syrian refugees for pilgrims on the introducing kisses deluxe chocolates. with a whole-roasted hazelnut, delicate crisps, and layers of rich, creamy chocolate, they' re twice the size of the kisses chocolates you love. that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. it's always worth remembering... that icing the cinnamon rolls is a privilege not a right. unleash the power of dough. catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees. from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., enjoy any medium latte or macchiato for $1.99. ben: ergo. >> meteorologist: cloudy skies around the tristate, actually me low cloudiness we have here, 52 degrees, some fog especially in long island, dewpoint at 48 degrees, humidity levels are high, a good chance of fog in long island. other temperatures in the region quite mild, the cool spot here 45 degrees, 59 degrees in buffalo, 51 in boston, low cloudiness, that is what we will see coming in to us, low cloudiness and fog, a cold front will approach as but it will take time to get here. across the great lakes into the deep south showers primarily rain, snow, we are not getting snow out of it but rain is not here for another 24 hours. take a look at future cast, decent sky today, low cloudiness that butts up against the coast and we will see low cloudiness and fog for the morning tonight and tomorrow morning, showers front crosses the area keeping its murky with showers, doesn't look like it will completely clear out, we get beyond saturday and even then looking at clouds in the tristate region, a murky part of this holiday weekend. low cloudiness and fog, 64 for i.t. but lacking sunshine but still it will be very mild. we dropped to a low of 49 degrees. in the morning as well as the afternoon, it is keeping cloud cover on sunday. 45, cooler temperatures, 54 tomorrow, 49 sunday, more sunshine on monday. however high temperatures 47. live interactive radar, check the rain and see where it is, weather apps at the apple itunes store, google play let's bring in ines rosales. should be a quiet day except for the black friday part. ines: the commute in new jersey doing good, no problems on 287, new jersey turnpike because of the fog, speed restriction 45 miles per hour north of interchange 12, 55 miles per hour, staten island expressway for the verrazzano you are fine, one spark away looks good. let's take a look at the freeway, rocks of a landslide, how foggy it is, traffic a little below the speed limit, tappan zee bridge because of foggy conditions 45 m.p.h. speed restrictions, grand central parkway accident investigation as you get off the triborough bridge, traffic of to a story of boulevard all lanes closed with this investigation. got to be careful out there. trains, a little different this morning, metro-north on a saturday schedule with extra service in the morning and evening for rush hour. go shopping or got to work, long island rail road on regular schedule, new jersey transit has trained on modified weekday schedule which means a lists trains. street cleaning rules that affect avoid the ticket, biggest ticketing date of the year. ben: people forget. theresa: it is not a national holiday. that is the rule. they get enough tickets i will try to avoid one today. president obama urging americans to show compassion for cerium refugees. ben: the president compared the refugees to pilgrims who fled persecution when they came to america in 1620. >> chile four centuries after the mayflower set sail the world is still full of pilgrims, men and women who want nothing more than the chance for savor better future for themselves and their families. what makes america america is the we offer that chance. ben: mr. obama's plan to acceptance of the refugees has attacks in paris two weeks ago. theresa: joining us in studio is curtis sliwa. what say you? >> let me think mike woods for global warming, stock, barack obama, it is great to be in the 60s on black friday. number 2, what a horrible image to use? i thought this guy was boy genius from harvard and columbia? and want to see his records from columbia. did he realize the pilgrims turned their guns on the indians in year number 2 and wasted them all? did he realize that? the pilgrims massacred the indians in massachusetts near plymouth? ben: lot of people are debating the syrian refugees. >> let the assyrian refugees come in with the vetting, we've met them, really? mike i am going to trust your administration or any other administration? what kind of vetting process was done there? is better to keep them overbear in a nice safe zones so eventually win series returns to normal they can go back to their homes. ben: that is not what this country is about, this country is 300 year history has always been open to immigrants. we are a nation of immigrants that have of these refugees are children. >> remember scar face? remember the schmuck president we had, jimmy carter on the shores there? it come on criminals and mentally ill, you people, remember the boat lift when we accepted the poor and the wretched and the tired and bored from cuba and they became the biggest drug dealers we ever had in the united states because the vetting was lower effect. theresa: your problem is with crime, you think it will drive >> i am talking suicide bomber vests, doing jihad. >> some believe what they're terrorists we can't accommodate them, we have been of issues dealing with our homeless and things like that. >> that is another regent. your mayor comrade bill deblasio can't even find a place for the mentally ill and homeless. and all of a sudden, the picture of a 3-year-old child dead on the shores of turkey saying we must accept them. they agreed with our money. if it was their money, president barack obama's money or bill deblasio's money would they be spending that on those syrian refugees? it is our money, our taxpayer money. ben: facebook announced it would grant four months paid paternity leave, one of the most generous paternity leave policies out there, it is still kind of an issuing company's across the leave to fathers when their spouse as a child. >> last place i want to be is in a house when the baby is crying and who bring in their diapers. that is the last place i want to be. of the mother wants to be at home and take care of the kids that is fine, she can have all the maternity be she wants, leave me at work, i don't want to deal with that. by the way you want to realize that right now. watching football yesterday, all three football games. exposing him to allow xenotransplants of your beloved philadelphia -- ben: giving you fire. theresa: what about the issue at hand, you are jammed in for fathers everywhere. >> we would rather be at work, using fathers would rather be at home? theresa: it should be their choice, if you want to go to work go to work, if he wants to be home, why not do that? >> father has to go out and bring in the boat -- ben: you can't do it if they're going to pay you. >> looking at a gold brick and a deadbeat, milk misses some. >> how about a month or two? >> what is this? you can sit home and watch football all day long and obviously -- theresa: that is to assume staying home with your child is nothing more than -- >> probably have an old pair from peru. theresa: a you going to be on the radio? >> of course i'm going to be on the radio. ben: how many ex wives? theresa: someone flipped the switch. >> one of them and that was too much. ben: are you thankful for anything this year? one thing you are thankful for? >> when i woke up this morning i knock on wood. other than that not at all. ben: still ahead. theresa: what is a head? where do we go from here? ben: back to black friday the the other craziness, the hottest shopping destinations in the region. theresa: "good day early call" coming right back. switch now, new york and get installed as early as today. mom switched. we switched. i switched to time warner cable and knew exactly when they were coming. thanks to their 1 hour appointment window. for $89.99 a month, you'll 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high in central park, n.y. allentown and islip, 57 in bridgeport and islip, today will be warmer, 64 is your forecast i today with a lot of low cloudiness and fog early on but it will burn off and in the tristate many of us had dense fog advisory. 50 is the normal high, 72 the record high, we are not going to normal, 52 central park with a lot of low clouds on radar and satellite, doesn't show well but a lot of low cloudiness and fog in the area and that is the bottom line, takes time to burn off but it will eventually do so and we will head to the high of 64, 54 is your high tomorrow with showers in the morning as well as the afternoon, high temperature 49 on sunday, showers should be dropping down a bit, maybe some drizzle at that time but that is it. theresa: after the turkey is time to watch some pig skin, football of course. ben: brett favre getting his number retired at halftime under a minute and have, first goal on 1, jeremy lankford take the hand off and muscling his way into the end zone, 14-13 at the half, 17-13 bears. final minutes packers chance to james jones, jones rocks in the end zone, packers lose 17-13 is the final. arnold: theresa: panthers and cowboys and defeated this season with tony romo starting at quarterback, that street comes to an end, romo was intercepted three times. in the third quarter was hurt on this stack. walk off holding his left shoulder. is being called a left tropical injury, his second injury of the year, 33-14 the final. ben: eagles went to detroit to face the lions and got mauled, 6-0 in the last six thanks giving games, better than any team on that holiday. met the stafford through five touchdowns, calvin johnson matched his career high three touchdown interceptions, lions routed the eagles, it was ugly, 45-14 the final. theresa: good news for the giants, if the eagles and cowboys lose the average if they beat washington, 6-5 record, two games ahead of washington and chili, three games at of the cowboys. could snap their three year run without a playoff first. after the jets they practice yesterday, everyone eating turkey, gangrene was working out ahead of this sunday's match against miami at metlife, quarterback joe rodriguez won't concussions symptoms. was not in yesterday's practice. ben: that makes him miss the miami heat, the first thanksgiving of the holiday, not celebrated, he called the post, turkey is rarely eaten there so he had his first-ever thanksgiving feast at his home in westchester, mom and dad are living with him until next month and she picked up a big bird for the 7 ft. 3 rookie. in hockey the rangers played the bruins in boston, the islanders in florida to face the panthers, the devils play the montreal canadiens at home. theresa: a few minutes from the top of the 5:00 hour. ben: "good day" wake-up up next. hey buddy, let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast max. it's the same difference. these are multi-symptom. well so are these. 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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Turkey , Boston , Massachusetts , Syria , Westchester , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Staten Island , Monticello , New Jersey , Chile , Islip , Republic Airport , Peru , Allentown , Cuba , Newark , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Nassau County , Americans , Syrian , Russian , American , Joe Rodriguez , Brett Favre , Jimmy Carter , Calvin Johnson , Barack Obama , Ines Rosales , America , Jeremy Lankford , James Jones , Curtis Sliwa , Dan Bowen , Tony Romo , Joseph Caputo ,

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