Transcripts For WTKR Up To The Minute 20160202

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too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... you realize i have gold status? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. money laundering is big business. criminals turning ill-gotten gains na assets that appear legitimate, they set up a maze of dummy corporations and offshore accounts. how easy it is, steve croft found out for 60 minutes. >> reporter: look no further for evidence than changing skyline of new york city where much of the pricey real estate is being snapped up not by individuals but by anonymous shell companies with secret owners. there is nothing ilg leelegal as long as money is legitimate. no way to tell if you don't know who the real buyers are. one of the reasons global witness, london based nonprofit organization that exposed international corruption came to it wanted to see how helpful u.s. lawyers would be in concealing questionable funds. this hidden camera footage was shot in law firms across manhattan, without the lawyer's knowledge. by the man in the gray coat with the german accent. >> it's ralph? >> ralph kaiser. not his real name. an investigator for global witness, posing as representative of a government official from a poor west african country who wants to move millions of dollars into suspicious fund into the united states. he need the lawyer's help. >> tell me what country? >> i can't tell you. it is one of those -- mineral rich countries in west africa. >> attorney gerald ross and other lawyers were told seek res was essential because the the african minister had amassed his fortune collecting special payments from foreign companies he helped obtain valuable so companies are eager to get ahold of minerals. >> yes. >> so they pay some special money for it. kaiser said it was all legal. he told attorney james silkenaught that the minister was shopping for a townhouse, a jet and a yacht. but his name must not be connected to the purchases. >> if his name now would appear in connection with buying some real estate here and other items, it would look at least very, very embarrassing. >> right. presumably his salary and, wherever it is, would not cover the kind of acquisitions? here. how can we make sure that he is being able to buy property here? and to live a nice life but his name being out? >> right. we are talking about, for the brownstone and other items? >> for the brownstone, $10 million. for second hand gulf stream, $10 million, $20 million. a yacht would be at least $2 million, $3 million. >> reporter: the fictitious story of the minister was cooked up in global witness's london office based on a money laundering case. the investigator phoned 50 law firms with experience in private asset protection and got face to face meetings with 16 lawyers in 13 firms. >> i would say, gray money. i think somebody, blank money. >> reporter: global witness says the pitch was designed to to raise red flags and to give the lawyers good reason to suspect that the minister's millions came from official corruption. and they all did. >> i told you the money is a bit tainted. >> tainted. >> pretty much. >> you gave another expression. so i have to be frank. how would you name it? >> some people call it bribes. >> no, not bribes. business deals. okay, bribe. bribe. >> the story, the african minister would have raised eyebrows for the average person on the street. >> co-founder of global witness, public advocacy group that exposes. corruption in the developing world. previous underconinvestigations, exposed the african blood diamond. this investigation, she says, exposes flaws in the u.s. legal system that made it a hub for international money laundering. >> what the lawyers laid out for us in some detal was all the different possibilities and ways in which it could be done. >> reporter: if you want to get dirty money into the united states it is not that hard to do. and pretty shocking and pretty concerning. because, that money could be coming from anywhere. >> reporter: of the 16 lawyers that global witness recorded in the preliminary meetings, only attorney, jeffrey herman fltly declined to participate and showed ralph kaiser the door. >> i have some real question as but that. under the foreign corrupt practices. >> right. >> under the foreign corrupt practices act, bribing foreign officials is illegal. >> buy americans. >> by americans. >> but americans are not involved? so it is money from others, not american entities. >> it's not -- >> aside from one exception. 12 of 13 law firms, including 15 kaiser out, they suggested ways that the suspicious fund could be moved into the u.s. without compromising the minister's identity. attorney james silkenaught was select by global witness. at the time heap was president was president of american bar association. he and his colleague, provided what prosecutors said was a road map using layers of interconnected shell companies in multiple jurisdictions. >> presumably, set up a little bit of series of owners to tripe to have protect, privacy as much as anything else. >> yeah. >> company a owned by b, c, d. and your party owns -- all of the majority of the shares of cc and d. >> create several companies all in new york? >> at some point. probably pretty quickly you go >> reporter: attorney john jankoff and partner, recommended variations of the same strategy. >> lot of people in africa use the isle of mann, some use liechtenstein, and just take his millions of dollars put it into a swiss bank account. swiss will have it. and then -- he comes to us. then he comes to us,. >> the attorney also suggested the minister could move his money out of west africa to europe where it could be scrubbed in anonymous corporate entity that his firm would be happy to set up. >> the money as it sits now, in his name? >> it is different names. >> okay. so it will come asas -- different names. >> including his name. >> we have to scrub it at the beginning or intermediary location. that means the bank in liechtenstein, luxembourg? >> we'll set up an appropriate entity. called it whatever. that will send money into the united states. >> reporter: if that was a banker talking instead of a lawyer. he could be in serious trouble. that's because under u.s. law, bankers are required to report suspicious financial activity to the authorities. lawyers are under no such legal obligation. banks in america are required to be cognizant of risk and report on it if there is an issue, or money laundering. yet, absolutely bizarrely american lawyers aren't. this is clearly an issue. i think our investigation has shown the potential for what could happen. because of that lack of regulation. >> reporter: global witness says that anomaly is one of the flaws in the u.s. legal system that >> another is the ease with which anonymous shell companies can be set up here to conceal ownership of money and assets. last year, 2 million new corporations were set up in the united states, many with no offices, products, or employees. just an address, and perhaps a bank account. >> the in many states across america you need less identification to open an anonymous company than a library guard. >> anonymous shell come pans are get away cars for crooks. designed to put them as far away as possible from the scene of their crime. according to a world bank study, the u.s. was the favorite place to set up anonymous shell companies. >> there was a good academic study and the u.s. was easiest place to set up after kenya. >> did the study have anything to do with your decision to do >> it inspired us. we thought it can't beep this bad, can it. what we found was it is. >> we'll have part two of steve croft's story, tomorrow. or seat full report on our website. the overnight news will be right back. and getting some rest. and you can combine these simple remedies with airborne. no other leading immunity brand gives you more vitamin c. plus it has a specially crafted blend of 13 vitamins, minerals and herbs. so when you want to support your immune system, take airborne, and enjoy living well. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. for your free information kit. (sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. the world health organization declared international emergency over the zika virus. the virus carried by mosquitoes latin america and the caribbean. most people may not notice they have zika. for pregnant women it can cause miscarriage or birth defects. >> coordinated response is needed to minimize the threat in affected countries and reduce the risk of further international spread. >> dr. jon lapook has more from ground zero in the zika fight. >> brazil hardest hit by the zika arice. may have arrived in 2014 in the u.s. soccer tournament since then exploded infecting 1.5 million people here in brazil alone. the fear is it could spread to another 4 million people across the america's in the next 12 months. it's become an all too common scene. health officials spraying insecticide in the hopes of killing this. the mosquito responsible for the zika virus sweeping through the virus suspected of causing increase in microcephaly. children born with unusually small heads often with brain damage. more than 4,100 suspected cases of microcephaly report sewed far in brazil. pregnant women fear other side effects from the virus. >> the public doesn't know everything. we don't know, exactly the consequence of it only microcephaly. >> reporter: tourism will likely suffer despite officials downplaying risks to visitors. rio's carnival begins, february 5th. health workers here took to the streets armed with instruments and information. and brazil set to host the summer olympics in august. events like this wrestling match are already under way. athletes are using bug spray nothing really you can do. if you are planning taking a trip to niagara falls. go soon. new york state is making plans to dewater the falls on the u.s. side. two historic bridges are in desperate need of repair the to get that done they have to reroute the river at least for a time. vinita nair has more from the falls. >> reporter: you see and hear the roaring falls, hard to imagine engineers could divert this much water. 15% of the water. the canadian side has 85% of it. the plan could affect that side as well. it is a view that will take your breath away. more than 750,000 gallons of water gush over the edge every second. but for the millions of tourist whose come to see niagara falls each year they could soon be in for a big surprise. >> what makes us nervous when the featured attraction american falls has to be turned off. >> reporter: yes, turned off. the new york state park's department wants to divert the river to the canadian side to replace two bridges closed to the public since 2004. rotted and rusted from century next to the falls. >> either we replace them or they crumble into the river. if they crumble we will have an environmental mess to clean up. >> reporter: daming the river would make american side nonexistent while the horse shoes falls in canada would become more intense. dewatering could lead to more visitors seeking once in a lifetime opportunity. >> potential is huge for us to build a successful strategic, directed marketing campaign around the activity. >> reporter: this isn't the first time the iconic falls have stopped flowing. in 1969, u.s. army corps of engineers diverted water, to ultimately the temporary dam was removed with millions of coins people tossed in. and being in upstate new york they can freeze during the winter or aper to. in 2014 and 2015 during the polar vortex, ice formations grew out of the falls. underneath the water kept rushing. for locals seeing the icon waterless is a step in the right direction. >> this is such a beautiful area, one of the wonders of the world. finally they're putting money become into this place. >> reporter: if the project is a prove it will still take several years for the work to begin. talking 2019. officials would still have to secure about $37 million worth of funding. one piece of advice, we have for engineers. don't start the work in wintertime. that's the overnight news for this tuesday. for some of you, the news continue thousands. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and "cbs this morning" from city. this is the "cbs overnight news." freshman senator ted cruz of texas has done it. he won last night's republican caucuses in iowa. democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders split the vote. cruz beat donald trump who finishes second after skipping the last gop debate. a surprisingly strong showing by florida senator marco rubio gives him third place. and a claim to the title establishment alternative. mike huckabee who won iowa eight years ago is dropping out. >> tonight is a victory for millions of americans who have shouldered the burden of seven years of washington deals run amok. tonight is a victory for every american who has watched in dismay as career politicians in washington in both parties fail to keep their commitments to the people. tonight is a victory for every american who understands that after we survive eight long years of the obama presidency, that no one personality can right the wrongs done by washington. to the revolutionary understanding that all men and all women are created equal. that our rights do not come from the democratic party or the republican party or even from the tea party. our rights come from our creator. and the federal government's role, the federal government's those fundamental rights, to defend us. and while americans will continue to suffer, under a president who has set an agenda that is causing millions to hurt across this country, i want to remind you of the promise of scripture. weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. >> and we finished second, i want to till you something. i'm just honored. really honored. i want to congratulate ted. i want to congratulate all of the incredible candidates including mike huckabee who has become a really good friend of mine. congratulations to everybody. [ applause ] congratulations. we have had every indication, we are going now on, we have a poll new hampshire. we love new hampshire. we love south carolina. and, we're leaving tonight and tomorrow afternoon we'll be in new hampshire. that will be something special. a great week. up here next week. i think we are going to be proclaiming victory, i hope. i will say this -- i don't know who is going to win between bernie and hillary, i don't know what is going to happen with hillary has got other problems maybe bigger than the problems she has in terms of nominations. but we have had so many different indications and polls that we beat her and we beat her easily. we will go on to get the republican nomination and we will go on to easily beat hillary or bernie or who ever the hell they throw up there. iowa, we love you. we thank you. you're special. we will be back many, many times. here and buy a farm. i love it. okay. thk you. thank you, everybody. thank you. >> for months they told us we had no chance. for months they told us because we offered too much optimism in the time of anger we had no chance. for months they told us because we don't have the right endorsements or the right political connections we had no chance. no chance because my hair wasn't gray enough and my boots were too high. they told me i need to wait my turn. that i needed to wait in line. >> it is your turn! [ applause ] but tonight -- tonight, here in iowa, the people of this great state sent a very clear message. after seven years of barack longer to take our country back. [ cheers and applause ] when i am the nominee, we are going to unify this party, and we are going to unify the conservative movement. >> now to the democrats where the race is too close to call. hillary clinton who once had a commanding lead is essentially tied with bernie sanders. martin o'malley is dropping out. and i am excited about really getting into the debate with senator sanders about the best way forward to fight for us and america. i know that we may have differences of opinion about how best to achieve our goals. but i believe we have a very clear idea that the democratic party and this campaign stands [ cheers and applause ] when it is all said and done. we have to be united against a republican vision and candidates who would drive us apart and divide us. that is not who we are, my friends. i followed their campaign very closely. i understand what they're appealing to. and i intend to stand against it. i will not -- i will not let their divisiveness, their efforts to rip away the progress that we have made, be successful. because we can't afford that. so as i stand here tonight, breathing a big sigh of relief, thank you, iowa. [ cheers and applause ] nine months ago, we came to this beautiful state. we had no political organization. we had no money. we had no name recognition. and we were taking on the most powerful political organization in the united states of america. [ cheers and applause ] tonight while the results are still not known, it looks like [ cheers and applause ] we are thrilled to welcome back to the evening news a man who has covered every presidential election since 1968, our very own bob schieffer. bob, how does this one look to you? >> thank you, scott. i have to say, primary campaigns are like weddings. they bring out the best and worst in families. if this campaign were a wedding we would be halfway through the weird uncles long unfunny and embarrassing rehearsal dinner toast. the difference here is all of the participants in this campaign appear to be stone cold sober. and that may be the scariest part of all. people are madder than ever. the partisan divide is wider than ever. and we are seeing a campaign reflecting the changes in our culture brought on by social media. nasty, illogical, ill tempered strong on attitude light on too many times people have own set of facts. like a blog. jerk. no you are a blank, blank, jerk. inspirational, not just yet. there is light at the end of the church. iowa tonight, as the candidates begin their long walk down the aisle of the caucuses and primaries, we'll finally start to hear from another group voters. scott, that's a good thing. >> you will be with us on the long walk to election day. bob, thank you. snow on the way tonight in iowa, but not until after the caucuses. california got hammered by weather, the past two days. and san diego an 8-foot-wide oak fell on a car and killed a woman. wind gusts reported as high as to the north, i-80, was shut after a pileup of 29 vehicles. this system could dump a foot of snow on denver. in another major story tonight, the world health organization took the rare step today of declaring zika virus and its suspected link to severe birth defects an international public health emergency. the outbreak started in brazil and our dr. jon lapook is there tonight. jon. >> reporter: scott, i spent the day at the hospital in recite which has seen the most number of cases of microcephaly in all of brazil. the couple i spoke to was anguished as they try to figure out what the condition means for their baby. alice bezerra depaz had a healthy first baby, but two months ago, her second child, joao heitor was born with microcephaly, a birth defect linked to the zika outbreak. babies with microcephaly had a delays. we never expected to have an infant like this, she said. but we will care for him the same way. today, the parents came to the hospital in recite where doctors have seen 300 infants with microcephaly since september. before that this region only saw an average of nine cases a year. dr. angela rocha heads up the effort to understand and manage the crisis. in her four decades as a pediatric infectious disease expert she has never seen anything like it. this is different she said. it is a generation of babies with disability. which is a huge social, economic and public health problem. tell me what it is like to have a conversation with a mother and tell her that her baby has microcephaly? >> a situation with stress, panic, worry and insecurity she that's because these parents and even health experts here are trying to figure out what services these infants will need. today the president of brazil gave public health officials the right to enter any home or business to eradicate mosquito breeding ground. scott, we'll be reporting on this in the days to come. >> jon lapook in brazil. jon, thank you. amtrak is trying to find out what hit a high speed acela train last night in philadelphia. whatever it was it gashed a window. the train was taken out of service. nobody was hurt. this is eerily similar though to last may when a commuter train was hit by something just before an amtrak regional train crashed in philadelphia. that crash killed eight and injured nearly 200. today federal investigators gave us an update on their investigation. here is kris van cleave. >> reporter: newly released pictures taken from train 18 camera show the moment the speeding train left the tracks. 8 dash engineer brandon bostian told investigators a minute before the accident he realized he was began accelerating. his next memory was feeling as though i was going too fast around a curve. the train's event recorder found bostian applied full throttle a mile and a half from the curve. the train reached 106 miles an hour before bostian hit the brakes. he said i remember holding on to the controls tightly and feeling like, okay, well this is it. i'm going over. toxicology reports found no evidence of drugs or alcohol in bostian's blood and not using his cell phone at the time of the crash. lawyer tom kline represents several of hundreds injured. >> the train was being operated at 106 miles an hour. and there was a system that could have been in place and in fact was on place going the other way on the tracks. which could have prevented it. >> that technology, positive train control or ptc is now active along amtrak's heavily used northeast corridor linking boston to washington, d.c. >> i am actually going to try to put full power on the train here >> amtrak's chris jagodzinki showed us how ptc prevents a train from going too fast. >> what happened here -- brakes. taking away all the power on the locomotive. now applying the brakes. >> regardless of what you do? now, the train -- >> i can't do anything. >> i can't do anything. the computer has taken over. >> reporter: investigators found no issues with the train, tracks or signals. scott, we still don't know definitively if and when an object may have struck the train's windshield and if that could have contributed to the crash. a lawyer for bostian declined to comment. >> 106 miles an hour was double the speed limit on the curve. kris, thanks very much. one of the super bowl quarterbacks addresses a report that he used a banned substance. danger on the high seas. the cbs "overnight news" will be introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. stress sweat. it can happen anytime to anyone. stress sweat is different than ordinary sweat, it smells worse. get 4 times the protection against stress sweat. with secret clinical strength invisible solid and clear gel. living well your immune system works hard to keep you on top of your game. you can support it by eating healthy, drinking fluids, and getting some rest. and you can combine these simple remedies with airborne. no other leading immunity brand gives you more vitamin c. plus it has a specially crafted blend of 13 vitamins, minerals and herbs. so when you want to support your immune system, take airborne, we were below the 88th southern parallel. for over 850 miles. my men driven nearly mad from starvation and frostbite. today we make history. >>bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you're dora the explorer, you explore. it's what you do. >>what took you so long? if you want to save on car insurance, you switch to geico. >>you did it, yay! let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast max. it's the same difference. this one is max strength and fights mucus. mucinex fast max. the only cold and flu liquid gel that's max-strength and fights mucus. six days before the super bowl, one of denver's team buses got into a minor accident after practice. nobody hurt. bronco's quarterback, peyton manning addressed a documentary last month that linked him to human growth hormone, performance enhancing drug banned by the nfl. manning spoke with cbs analyst, >> you vehemently denied allegations of hgh. i know the nfl is doing an ongoing investigation. have you talked to them. do you plan on fully cooperating with them? >> absolutely. as far as i know that is going to start after the season as far as my role. i welcome that investigation. i understand when an allegation is made that the nfl has no choice to investigate it. i get that. going to find. a big fat, nothing. it's been completely fabricated as far as allegations what they suggested i did. it has been nothing but pure junk. i welcome that investigation. i think that will start after the season. >> the quarterback on the other side, sunday, cam newton. describe his style? >> boy he is fun to watch. >> last week his longest run was 14 yards. yours was 12. >> the difference it took him, you know, 1.2 second to make 14 it took me 10 second to get 12. >> it felt like i ran a lot longer. felt like a 30-yard run. 12? only got 12? >> you can see the interviews with peyton manning and panthers' cam newton this sunday on cbs during coverage of super bowl 50. the pregame begins at 2:00 eastern. there is an update on the e.coli outbreak traced to that's ahead. if you google most valuable companies, google's parent at after trading to day, alphabet was worth $571 billion. $33 billion more than apple. >> today chipotle restaurants got the all clear from the cdc. over the last few weeks, 60 people in 14 states got sick from e.coli bacteria linked to chipotle. the government says there hasn't been a new case in two months. this cargo ship loaded with wood, construction equipment and fuel started listing off france. rescuers couldn't reach it for five days because of the weather. today they towed her to safety. in a moment, the opening white house. the modern iowa caucuses date back to 1972. when democrat ed muskey of maine finished second to uncommitted. dean reynolds found a place where the start of the presidential race always ends in day photo finish. >> reporter: winners and losers adorn the walls, photographs, chronicleing iowa's caucuses from jimmy carter to ted cruz. there is john kerry on the floor. and the bench. al hague with a piglet. john mccain, back and front. two marco rubios, two joe bidens. 20 years apart. bushs, father, son, and son. >> the thing about iowa it can really make a candidate. it can bring somebody like jimmy carter to national prominence. or even obama when he was here. and with dean it worked the opposite. it sort of doomed his campaign. >> right. >> this is your picture? >> this is my picture. >> former des moines register photographer captured howard dean hitting the highest note at his lowest point. >> then we are going to washington, d.c. to take back the white house. yeah! today wells is the curator for the exhibit. >> we just started shooting. we knew this was different. something was happening. >> he didn't ask for a copy of the picture, did he? >> not that i know of. >> reporter: mike huckabee, visits the barber shop. jams with the king. michele bachmann behold a sight of beef. >> what we were all wondering why she decided to visit the meat locker. there are protests. and arrests. abundance. mitt romney the candidate always seemed freshly pressed. on caucus night four years ago so was the flag at his premature victory rally. photographer christopher gannon spotted it. >> this gentleman came out. and, plugged in an iron. i'm think to myself what is going on here. a question you can ask about a lot of the amazing photos. and one of the great things about the caucus is there will be many more to come. dean reynolds, cbs news, des moines. and that's the "overnight news" for this tuesday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." york city, i'm scott pelley. >> announcer: this is the cbs "overnight news." freshman senator ted cruz of texas has done it. he won last night's republican caucuses in iowa. democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders, split the vote. cruz beat archrival donald trump who finishes second after skipping the last gop debate. surprisingly strong showing by florida senator marco rubio gives him third place and a claim to the title, establishment alternative. mike huckabee who won iowa eight years ago is dropping out. >> tonight is a victory for millions of americans. who have shouldered the burden of seven years of washington deals run amok. tonight is a victory for every american who has watched in dismay as career politicians in washington in both parties to the people. tonight is a victory for every american who understands that after we survive eight long years of the obama presidency, that no one personality can right the wrongs done by washington. to the revolutionary understanding that all men and all women are created equal. that our rights do not come from the democratic party or the republican party or even from the tea party. our rights come from our creator. and the federal government's role, the federal government's those fundamental rights, to defend us. and while americans will continue to suffer, under a president who has set an agenda that is causing millions to hurt across this country, i want to remind you of the promise of scripture. "weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." >> and we finished second, i want to tell you something. i'm just honored. really honored. i want to congratulate ted. i want to congratulate all of the incredible candidates including mike huckabee who has become a really good friend of mine. congratulations to everybody. [ applause ] congratulations. we have had every indication, we are going now on, we have a poll we are at 28 points ahead. we love new hampshire. we love south carolina. and, we're leaving tonight and tomorrow afternoon we'll be in new hampshire. that will be something special. a great week. up here next week. i think we are going to be proclaiming victory, i hope. i will say this -- i don't know who is going to win between bernie and hillary, i don't know what is going to happen with hillary has got other problems maybe bigger than the problems she has in terms of nominations. but we have had so many different indications and polls that we beat her and we beat her easily. we will go on to get the republican nomination and we will go on to easily beat hillary or bernie or who ever the hell they throw up there. iowa, we love you. we thank you. you're special. we will be back many, many times. in fact, i think i might come i love it. okay. thank you. thank you, everybody. thank you. >> for months they told us we had no chance. for months they told us because we offered too much optimism in the time of anger we had no chance. for months they told us because we don't have the right endorsements or the right political connections we had no chance. they told me that that we have no chance because my hair wasn't gray enough and my boots were too high. they told me i need to wait my turn. that i needed to wait in line. >> it is your turn! [ applause ] but tonight -- tonight, here in iowa, the people of this great state sent a very clear message. after seven years of barack obama, we are not waiting any [ cheers and applause ] when i am the nominee, we are going to unify this party, and we are going to unify the conservative movement. >> now to the democrats where the race is too close to call. hillary clinton who once had a commanding lead is essentially tied with bernie sanders. martin o'malley is dropping out. and i am excited about really getting into the debate with senator sanders about the best way forward to fight for us and america. i know that we may have differences of opinion about how best to achieve our goals. but i believe we have a very clear idea that the democratic rty and this campaign stands [ cheers and applause ] when it is all said and done. we have to be united against a republican vision and candidates who would drive us apart and divide us. that is not who we are, my friends. i followed their campaign very closely. i understand what they're appealing to. and i intend to stand against it. i will not let their divisiveness, their efforts to have made, be successful. because we can't afford that. so as i stand here tonight, breathing a big sigh of relief, thank you, iowa. [ cheers and applause ] nine months ago, we came to this beautiful state. we had no political organization. we had no money. we had no name recognition. and we were taking on the most powerful political organization in the united states of america. [ cheers and applause ] tonight while the results are still not known, it looks like we are in a virtual tie. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] that's fun. it's already dry! no wait time. this is great. it's very soft. can i keep it? (laughs) all the care of dove... in a dry antiperspirant spray. living well your immune system works hard to keep you on top of your game. you can support it by eating healthy, drinking fluids, and getting some rest. and you can combine these simple remedies with airborne. no other leading immunity brand gives you more vitamin c. plus it has a specially crafted blend of 13 vitamins, minerals and herbs. so when you want to support your immune system, take airborne, laundry can wreak havoc on our clothes, ruining them forever. sweaters stretch into muumuus. and pilled cardigans become pets. but it's not you, it's the laundry. protect your clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. ...with downy fabric conditioner... it not only softens and freshens, it helps protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. money laundering is big business. around the world and the united states is no different. criminals turning ill-gotten gains into assets that appear legitimate, they do it by hiring of dummy corporations and offshore accounts. how easy it is, steve croft >> reporter: look no further for evidence than changing skyline of new york city where much of the pricey real estate is being snapped up not by individuals but by anonymous shell companies with secret owners. there is nothing illegal as long as money is legitimate. no way to tell if you don't know who the real buyers are. one of the reasons global witness, london based nonprofit international corruption came to new york city 19 months ago. it wanted to see how helpful u.s. lawyers would be in concealing questionable funds. this hidden camera footage was shot in law firms across manhattan, without the lawyer's knowledge. by the man in the gray coat with the german accent. >> it's ralph? >> ralph kaiser. not his real name. an investigator for global witness, posing as representative of a government official from a poor west african country who wants to move millions of dollars into suspicious fund into the united states. he need the lawyer's help. >> tell me what country? >> i can't tell you. it is one of those -- mineral rich countries in west africa. >> attorney gerald ross and other lawyers were told seek res was essential because the the african minister had amassed his payments from foreign companies he helped obtain valuable mineral rights. so companies are eager to get ahold of minerals. >> yes. >> so they pay some special money for it. kaiser said it was all legal. he told attorney james silkenaught that the minister was shopping for a townhouse, a jet and a yacht. but his name must not be connected to the purchases. >> if his name now would appear in connection with buying some real estate here and other items, it would look at least very, very embarrassing. >> right. presumably his salary and, wherever it is, would not cover the kind of acquisitions? >> sure, the salary of a teacher here. how can we make sure that he is being able to buy property here? and to live a nice life but his name being out? >> right. any guesses as to how much money brownstone and other items? >> for the brownstone, $10 million. for second hand gulf stream, $10 million, $20 million. a yacht would be at least $2 million, $3 million. >> reporter: the fictitious story of the minister was cooked up in global witness's london office based on a money laundering case. the investigator phoned 50 law firms with experience in private asset protection and got face to face meetings with 16 lawyers in 13 firms. >> i would say, gray money. i think somebody, blank money. >> reporter: global witness says the pitch was designed to to raise red flags and to give the lawyers good reason to suspect that the minister's millions came from official corruption. and they all did. >> i told you the money is a bit tainted. >> tainted. >> pretty much. >> okay. so i have to be frank. how would you name it? >> some people call it bribes. >> no, not bribes. business deals. okay, bribe. bribe. >> the story, the african minister would have raised eyebrows for the average person on the street. >> co-founder of global witness, public advocacy group that exposes. corruption in the developing world. previous undercover investigations, exposed the african blood diamond. this investigation, she says, exposes flaws in the u.s. legal system that made it a hub for international money laundering. >> what the lawyers laid out for us in some detail was all the different possibilities and ways in which it could be done. dirty money into the united states it is not that hard to do. >> i am saying there is an open door. and pretty shocking and pretty concerning. because, that money could be coming from anywhere. >> reporter: of the 16 lawyers that global witness recorded in the preliminary meetings, only attorney, jeffrey herman flatly declined to participate and showed ralph kaiser the door. >> i have some real questions about that -- under the foreign corrupt practices. >> right. >> under the foreign corrupt practices act, bribing foreign officials is illegal. >> by americans. >> by americans. >> but americans are not involved? so it is money from others, not american entities. >> it's not -- 12 of 13 law firms, including 15 of 16 lawyers, not only heard kaiser out, they suggested ways that the suspicious fund could be moved into the u.s. without compromising the minister's identity. attorney james silkenaught was select by global witness. at the time he was president of american bar association. he and his colleague, provided what prosecutors said was a road map using layers of interconnected shell companies in multiple jurisdictions. >> presumably, set up a little bit of series of owners to tripe to have protect, privacy as much as anything else. >> yeah. >> company a owned by b, c, d. and your party owns -- all of the majority of the shares of cc and d. >> create several companies all in new york? >> at some point. probably pretty quickly you go offshore. jankoff and partner, recommended variations of the same strategy. >> lot of people in africa use the isle of mann, some use liechtenstein, and just take his millions of dollars put it into a swiss bank account. swiss will have it. and then -- he comes to us. then he comes to us. >> the attorney also suggested the minister could move his money out of west africa to europe where it could be scrubbed in anonymous corporate entity that his firm would be happy to set up. >> the money as it sits now, in his name? >> it is different names. >> okay. so it will come as -- different names. >> including his name. >> we have to scrub it at the beginning or intermediary location. >> how you do this? liechtenstein, luxembourg? >> we'll set up an appropriate entity. called it whatever. that will send money into the united states. >> reporter: if that was a banker talking instead of a lawyer. he could be in serious trouble. that's because under u.s. law, bankers are required to report suspicious financial activity to the authorities. lawyers are under no such legal obligation. banks in america are required to be cognizant of risk and report on it if there is an issue, or money laundering. yet, absolutely bizarrely american lawyers aren't. this is clearly an issue. i think our investigation has shown the potential for what because of that lack of regulation. >> reporter: global witness says that anomaly is one of the flaws in the u.s. legal system that helps facilitate money >> another is the ease with which anonymous shell companies ownership of money and assets. corporations were set up in the united states, many with no just an address, and perhaps a bank account. >> the in many states across identification to open an anonymous company than a library guard. >> anonymous shell come pans are get away cars for crooks. designed to put them as far away as possible from the scene of their crime. according to a world bank study, the u.s. was the favorite place to set up anonymous shell companies. >> there was a good academic study and the u.s. was easiest place to set up after kenya. >> did the study have anything >> it inspired us. we thought it can't be this bad, can it? what we found was it is. >> we'll have part two of steve croft's story, tomorrow. or you can see the full report on our website. the overnight news will be right back. music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class? janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? it works on his cough too. cough! it works on his cough too. mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. let's end this. this is mineral build up it collects leaving gross germ-ridden stains. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match for that. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral build-up effortlessly. so why choose anything other than lysol? how can this have been washed 12 weeks ago and still smell like springtime? the more you pour, the more scent you'll savor. toss it in before your clothes for luxurious scent up to 12 weeks unstopables by downy. america's best scent booster. the world health organization declared international emergency over the zika virus. the virus carried by mosquitoes and running rampant through latin america and the caribbean. most people may not notice they for pregnant women it can cause miscarriage or birth defects. >> coordinated response is needed to minimize the threat in affected countries and reduce the risk of further international spread. >> dr. jon lapook has more from ground zero in the zika fight. >> brazil hardest hit by the zika virus. it may have arrived in 2014 in the u.s. soccer tournament since then exploded infecting 1.5 million people here in brazil alone. the fear is it could spread to another 4 million people across the america's in the next 12 months. it's become an all too common scene. health officials spraying insecticide in the hopes of killing this. zika virus sweeping through latin america and the caribbean. the virus suspected of causing increase in microcephaly. children born with unusually small heads often with brain damage. more than 4,100 suspected cases of microcephaly have been reported so far in in brazil. pregnant women fear other side effects from the virus. >> the public doesn't know everything about the disease. we don't know, exactly the consequence of it only microcephaly. >> reporter: tourism will likely suffer despite officials downplaying risks to visitors. rio's carnival begins, february 5th. health workers here took to the streets armed with instruments and information. and brazil set to host the summer olympics in august. events like this wrestling match are already under way. athletes are using bug spray staying indoors. nothing really you can do. if you are planning taking a trip to niagara falls. you better go soon. new york state is making plans to dewater the falls on the u.s. side. state says -- two historic bridges are in desperate need of repair the to get that done they have to reroute the river at least for a time. vinita nair has more from the falls. >> reporter: you see and hear the roaring falls, hard to imagine engineers could divert this much water. this is only 15% of the water. the canadian side has 85% of it. the plan could affect that side as well. it is a view that will take your breath away. more than 750,000 gallons of water gush over the edge every second. but for the millions of tourist whose come to see niagara falls each year they could soon be in for a big surprise. >> what makes us nervous when the featured attraction american falls has to be turned off. >> reporter: yes, turned off. the new york state park's department wants to divert the river to the canadian side to replace two bridges closed to the public since 2004. rotted and rusted from century next to the falls. >> either we replace them or they crumble into the river. if they crumble we will have an environmental mess to clean up. >> reporter: daming the river would make american side nonexistent while the horse shoes falls in canada would become more intense. dewatering could lead to more visitors seeking once in a lifetime opportunity. >> potential is huge for us to build a successful strategic, directed marketing campaign around the activity. >> reporter: this isn't the first time the iconic falls have stopped flowing. in 1969, u.s. army corps of engineers diverted water, to study effects of erosion. ultimately the temporary dam was removed with millions of coins people tossed in. and being in upstate new york they can freeze during the winter or appear to. winter or aper to. in 2014 and 2015 during the polar vortex, ice formations grew out of the falls. rushing. for locals seeing the icon waterless is a step in the right direction. >> this is such a beautiful area, one of the wonders of the world. finally they're putting money become into this place. >> reporter: if the project is a prove it will still take several talking 2019. this is the cbs overnight news. freshman senator ted cruz of texas has done it. he won last night's republican caucuses in iowa. democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders split the vote. cruz beat donald trump who finishes second after skipping the last gop debate. a surprisingly strong showing by florida senator marco rubio gives him third place. and a claim to the title establishment alternative. mike huckabee who won iowa eight years ago is dropping out. >> tonight is a victory for millions of americans who have shouldered the burden of seven years of washington deals run amok. tonight is a victory for every american who has watched in dismay as career politicians in refuse to listen and too often fail to keep their commitments to the people. tonight is a victory for every american who understands that after we survive eight long years of the obama presidency, that no one personality can right the wrongs done by washington. to the revolutionary understanding that all men and all women are created equal. that our rights do not come from the democratic party or the republican party or even from the tea party. our rights come from our creator. role, the federal government's responsibility is to defend those fundamental rights, to defend us. and while americans will continue to suffer, under a president who has set an agenda that is causing millions to hurt across this country, i want to remind you of the promise of scripture. weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. >> and we finished second, i want to till you something. i'm just honored. really honored. i want to congratulate ted. i want to congratulate all of the incredible candidates including mike huckabee who has become a really good friend of mine. congratulations to everybody. [ applause ] congratulations. we have had every indication, we we are at 2 points a8 points ahead. new hampshire. we love new hampshire. we love south carolina. and, we're leaving tonight and tomorrow afternoon we'll be in new hampshire. that will be something special. a great week. up here next week. i think we are going to be proclaiming victory, i hope. i will say this -- i don't know who is going to win between bernie and hillary, i don't know what is going to happen with hillary has got other problems maybe bigger than the problems she has in terms of nominations. but we have had so many different indications and polls that we beat her and we beat her easily. we will go on to get the republican nomination and we will go on to easily beat hillary or bernie or who ever the hell they throw up there. iowa, we love you. we thank you. you're special. we will be back many, many times. here and buy a farm. i love it. okay. thank you. thank you, everybody. thank you. >> for months they told us we had no chance. for months they told us because we offered too much optimism in the time of anger we had no chance. for months they told us because we don't have the right endorsements or the right political connections we had no chance. they told me that that we have no chance because my hair wasn't gray enough and my boots were too high. they told me i need to wait my turn. that i needed to wait in line. >> it is your turn! [ applause ] but tonight -- tonight, here in iowa, the people of this great state sent a very clear message. after seven years of barack obama, we are not waiting any [ cheers and applause ] when i am the nominee, we are going to unify this party, and we are going to unify the conservative movement. >> now to the democrats where the race is too close to call. hillary clinton who once had a commanding lead is essentially tied with bernie sanders. martin o'malley is dropping out. and i am excited about really getting into the debate with senator sanders about the best way forward to fight for us and america. i know that we may have differences of opinion about how best to achieve our goals. but i believe we have a very clear idea that the democratic party and this campaign stands and we have to be united. [ cheers and applause ] when it is all said and done. we have to be united against a republican vision and candidates who would drive us apart and divide us. that is not who we are, my friends. i followed their campaign very closely. i understand what they're appealing to. and i intend to stand against it. i will not -- i will not let their divisiveness, their efforts to rip away the progress that we have made, be successful. because we can't afford that. so as i stand here tonight, breathing a big sigh of relief, thank you, iowa. [ cheers and applause ] nine months ago, we came to this beautiful state. we had no political organization. we had no money. we had no name recognition. and we were taking on the most powerful political organization in the united states of america. [ cheers and applause ] tonight while the results are still not known, it looks like we are in a virtual tie. [ cheers a we are thrilled to welcome back to the evening news a man who has covered every presidential election since 1968, our very own bob schieffer. bob, how does this one look to you? >> thank you, scott. i have to say, primary campaigns are like weddings. they bring out the best and worst in families. if this campaign were a wedding we would be halfway through the weird uncles long unfunny and embarrassing rehearsal dinner toast. the difference here is all of the participants in this campaign appear to be stone cold sober. and that may be the scariest part of all. people are madder than ever. the partisan divide is wider than ever. and we are seeing a campaign reflecting the changes in our culture brought on by social media. nasty, illogical, ill tempered strong on attitude light on issues. arrived at this wedding wit not just opinions, but their own set of facts. the campaign narrative has gone from in in aane, to profane, more like a blog. you are a jerk, you are a bigger jerk. no you are a blank, blank, jerk. inspirational, not just yet. there is light at the end of the church. iowa tonight, as the candidates begin their long walk down the aisle of the caucuses and primaries, we'll finally start to hear from another group voters. scott, that's a good thing. >> you will be with us on the long walk to election day. bob, thank you. snow on the way tonight in iowa, but not until after the caucuses. california got hammered by weather, the past two days. and san diego an 8-foot-wide oak fell on a car and killed a woman. wind gusts reported as high as 115 miles an hour. shut after a pileup of 29 vehicles. this system could dump a foot of snow on denver. in another major story tonight, the world health organization took the rare step today of declaring zika virus and its suspected link to severe birth defects an international public health emergency. the outbreak started in brazil and our dr. jon lapook is there tonight. jon. >> reporter: scott, i spent the day at the hospital in recite which has seen the most number of cases of microcephaly in brazil. the couple i spk to was anguished as they try to figure out what the condition means for their baby. alice bezerra depaz had a healthy baby, but her second child was born with microcephaly, a birth defect linked to the zika outbreak. delays. we never expected to have an infant like this, she said. but we will care for him the same way. to date parents came to the hospital in recite where doctors have seen 300 infants with microcephaly since september. before that this region only saw an average of nine cases a year. dr. angela rocha heads up the effort to understand and manage the crisis. in her four decades as a infectious disease expert she has never seen anything like it. this is different she said. it is a generation of babies with disability. which is a huge social, economic and public health problem. tell me what it is like to have a conversation with a mother and tell her that her baby has microcephaly? >> a situation with stress, panic, worry and insecurity she told me. that's because these parents and trying to figure out what need. today the president of brazil gave public health officials the right to enter any home or breeding ground. scott, we'll be reporting. >> jon lapook in brazil. amtrak is trying to find out what hit a high speed acela philadelphia. window. service. nobody was hurt. this is eerily similar though to last may when a commuter train was hit by something just before an amtrak regional train crashed in philadelphia. that crash killed eight and injured nearly 200. today federal investigators gave us an update on their investigation. here is kris van cleave. pictures from train 188 dash camera show the moment the speeding train left the tracks. engineer brandon bostian told the accident he realized he was going ten miles too slow and began accelerating. next memory was feeling as the i was going too fast around a curve. the train's event recorder found that he applied full throttle a mile and a half from the curve. the train reached 106 mild an hour before bostian hit the brakes. he said i remember holding on to the controls tightly and feeling like, okay, well this is it. i'm going over. toxicology reports found no evidence of drugs or alcohol in bostian's blood and not using his cell phone at the time of the crash. lawyer tom kline represents several of hundreds injured. >> the train was being operated at 106 miles an hour. and there was a system that could have been in place and in fact was on place going the other way on the tracks. which could have prevented it. >> that technology, positive train control or ptc is now active along amtrak's heavily used northeast corridor linking boston to washington, d.c. >> i will fry to put full power >> amtrak's chris jagodzinki showed us how pdc prevents a train from going too fast. what happened here. brakes. taking away all the power on the locomotive. now applying the brakes. >> regardless of what you do? >> i can't do anything. the computer has taken over. >> reporter: investigators foubd no issues with the train, tracks or sig nalds. scott, we still don't know definitively if and when an object may have struck the windshield and if that could have contributed to the crash. a lawyer for bostian decloond to comment. >> 106 miles an hour was double the speed limit on the curve. chris, thank you very much. one of the super bowl quarterbacks, address is a report that he used a banned substance. danger on the high seas. th living well your immune system works hard to keep you on top of your game. you can support it by eating healthy, drinking fluids, and getting some rest. and you can combine these simple remedies with airborne. gives you more vitamin c. plus it has a specially crafted blend of 13 vitamins, minerals and herbs. so when you want to support your immune system, take airborne, and enjoy living well. dry spray? that's fun. it's already dry! no wait time. this is great. it's very soft. can i keep it? (laughs) all the care of dove... in a dry antiperspirant spray. (sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class? man (sternly): where do you think you're going? mr. mucus: to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. man: you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. i'm good all day. [announcer:] mucinex keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 hours. six days before the super bowl one of denver's team buses got into a minor accident after practice. nobody hurt. bronco's quarterback, peyton manning adressed a documentary last month that linked him to human growth hormone, performance enhancing drug banned by the nfl. manning spoke with cbs analyst, >> you vehemently denied allegations of hgh. i know the nfl is doing an ongoing investigation. have you talked to them. do you plan on fully cooperating with them? >> absolutely. as far as i know that is going to start after the season as far as my role. i welcome that investigation. i understand when an allegation is made that the nfl has no choice to investigate it. i get that. but i can tell you what they're going to find. a big fat, nothing. it's been completely fabricated as far as allegations what they suggested i did. it has been nothing but pure junk. i've welcome that investigation. i welcome that investigation. i think that will start after the season. >> the quarterback on the other side, sunday, cam newton. describe his style? >> buy, heoy he is fun to watch. >> last week his longest run was 14 yards. yours was 12. >> the difference it took him, it took me 10 second to get 12. >> it felt like i ran a lot longer. felt like a 30-yard run. 12? only got 12? >> you can see the interviews with peyton manning and panthers' cam newton this sunday on cbs during coverage of super bowl 50. the pregame begins at 2:00 eastern. there is an update on the that's ahead. if you google most valuable scum companies, google's parent at the top of the list. was worth $571 billion. $33 billion more than apple. >> today chipotle restaurants got the all clear from the cdc. over the last few weeks, 60 people in 14 states got sick from e.coli bacteria linked to chipotle. the government says there hasn't been a new case in two months. this cargo ship loaded with wood, construction equipment and fuel started listing off france. rescuers couldn't reach it for five days because of the weather. today they towed her to safety. white house. the modern iowa caucuses date back to 1972. when democrat ed muskey of maine finished second to uncommitted. dean reynolds found a place where the start of the presidential race always ends in a go towphoto winners. photographs, chronicling iowa's caucuses from jimmy carter to ted cruz. there is john kerry on the floor. and the bench. al hague with a piglet. john mccain, back and front. two marco rubios, two joe bidens. 20 years apart. bushs, father, son, and son. >> the thing about iowa it can really make a candidate. it can bring somebody like jimmy carter to national prominence. or even obama when he was here. and with dean it worked the opposite. it sort of doomed his campaign. >> right. >> this is your picture? >> this is my picture. >> former des moines register photographer captured howard dean hitting the highest note at his lowest point. >> then we are going to washington, d.c. to take back the white house. yeah! today wells is the curator for the exhibit. >> we just started shooting. we knew this was different. something was happening. >> he didn't ask for a copy of the picture, did he? >> not that i know of. >> reporter: mike huckabee, visits the barber shop. jams with the king. michele bachmann behold a sight of beef. >> what we were all wononring why she decided to visit the meat locker. there are protests. and the flag is here in abundance. mitt romney the candidate always seemed freshly pressed. on caucus night four years ago so was the flag at his premature victory rally. christopher gannon spotted it. >> this gentleman came out. and, plugged in an iron. i'm think to myself what is going on here. a question you can ask about a lot of the amazing photos. one of the great thing as but the caucus is there will be many more to come. dean reynolds, cbs news, des moines. that's the overnight news for this tuesday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." york city, i'm scott pelley. it's tuesday, february 2nd, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." the first votes are in, and the race is on. iowa caucusgoers deliver a victory for republican ted cruz over donald trump while democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders are locked in a virtual tie. as the candidates pull out of iowa, wintry weather, storms, snow, and ice blows into the plains from the rockies. and countdown to kickoff. super bowl week gets under way as the broncos and the panthers talk pigskin in prime time. captioning funded by cbs good morning from the studio

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