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the last couple of days. cloudy skies and precipitation off to the north and west but it is making its way here and we think by this afternoon we start to see rain showers move across the washington area. here is a look at the current regional temperatures. here in the region we were at 53 degrees. 49 in pittsburgh. 47 in richmond, and 51 in new york city. so across the mid-atlantic, temperatures in the 40s and 50s. your forecast for today, a lot of clouds and cooler than normal. afternoon showers are possible. high of about 60 degrees, although many of you will top out in the upper 50s. that's a look at the weather. now let's get an early morning look at traffic. there is a big traffic problem out there. here is julie wright. you're right. and it occurred in virginia along northbound i-95 as you approach the prince william parkway. eight-car pileup is tieing up our commute. we have three vehicles here and four here in the middle and another vehicle just out of camera range. it spun around and facing the wrong direction. you need to know that northbound 95, the main line is blocked here at the prince william parkway. for a while they were allowing traffic to use the service road to squeeze by. now v-dot tells me they have listed the h.o.v. rules on 95 to alleviate the tieups out of stafford and through dumfries toward newington and springfield. but if you commit do the h.o.v. lanes out of woodbridge, you can't exit into the main line until you reach newington so that is tricky. do make note of that. again the service roadway, single file to the right will get you through and the h.o.v. lanes and restrictions have been lifted. but again, you cannot make your exit back into the main lie until you reach the fly over at 7100 out toward the tank farm. at least five injured in the incident and the main lines of the 95 are closed. and out of rockville, heavy and slow from shady grove toward the split. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. the united states touting major progress into day number two of the nuclear summit. china has agreed to work with the united states on possible sanctions in iran. doug luzader has our big story. >> reporter: idea here is to lockdown nuclear material around the world but so much of the talk now is focused on a country that isn't even here, iran. for president obama, it's been a blur of meetings, handshakes and photo ops and the white house points outs there been solid progress here too. >> today ukraine announced a landmark decision to get rid of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium by the time of the next security sum knit 2010. >> reporter: and that's the idea here. to get a handle on nuclear material around the world. and if countries like youkain step forward to give up stockpiles, all the better. but the thorny issue was at a meeting between the u.s. and china when there was talk about china helping out with u.n. sanctions against iran. >> we feel good about a resolution at the u.n. but that's not the end of this. we'll continue to press the iranians and continue to try to receive the outcome we desire. >> reporter: but critics say it will go nowhere. >> it means nothing. it means the chinese won't veto or doesn't say what will be in the resolution and the chinese could obtain. >> reporter: but there is at least talk and the white house says progressment and this would be the fourth round of sanctions against iran and the government there remains defiant. doug luzader fox news. and a big story outside of the convention center and today investigators will focus more attention outside as they try to figure out what led to a deadly accident. >> a national guard truck used to block traffic hit and killed a cyclist. sarah simmons outside of the secure zone with more on the investigation. sarah. >> reporter: there is a lot of activity down here with motorcades coming in and out of the secure zone. and that's what was going on yesterday. a motorcade was expected to come through and they were trying to block that intersection at 12th and new york avenue which is a couple of blocks from where we are right nowment and we happened to have a crew at the scene at the time because it occurred when two national guard trucks tried to block the street and the second truck hit the cyclist and killed the woman. the height of the trucks makes it difficult to see because they are high off the ground but there is a ground guide expected to walk next to the truck and a national guard spokesperson talked about what went on yesterday. >> if you look at the video to make sure that the pedestrian didn't roll into the path of the truck as it was moving but there was a ground guy holding the crowd back at this time. >> reporter: now the first truck did manage to miss the cyclist and the second one did not and it's unclear if the driver even saw the woman before he hit her and at this point the d.c. police are investigating to figure out exactly what happened here. live in northwest, sarah simmons, fox 5 news. >> and you can follow the latest developments online at prince george's county police are investigating a deadly attack last night in riverdale. police got a call before 10:00 about a cutting. they arrived in the 6600 block of 60th avenue to find a woman who had been cut. now she died. not clear who called the police. they don't have a suspect at this time. also in prince george's county, police are searching for a suspect in a deadly shooting around 7:30 on central avenue in capitol heights. two men were shot and taken to the hospital where one of them died. the victim's identities have not been released and police have no motive in the shooting. a dramatic video leaving to an investigation of prince george's police. you might remember a riot after the terps beat duke in a basketball game. one student says police attacked him and his lawyer said there is video to prove it. with more, here is beth parker. >> reporter: at first he's celebrating. but watch what happens as university of maryland student jack mckenna nears some police officers along knox road in college park. he stops and then suddenly prince george's county officers charge him and start beating him. >> it's outrageous. anybody who would see that, you see a young man who is completely defenseless, who hasn't committed a crime and was brutally beaten. >> reporter: mckenna ended up with a concussion and eight staples in his head and contusions on his back and arms. the police chief feels his department is bruises too. >> i saw the tape and i'm outraged on behalf of my officers i saw on camera and i'll tell you that won't be tolerated. >> reporter: it's not just what the officers are accused of doing but what someone wrote. the charging document in the case says mckenna, quote, struck those officers and their horses. >> the charging documents were nothing more than an attempt to cover up the police misconduct. >> we have officers on the front lines and sometimes we have arrest teams and officers that do processing. so the officer that wrote the statement of charges might not be one of the ones involved in the physical arrest. so to say it's a cover-up is going too far. >> reporter: glenn ivey is the prince george's county state's attorney. >> does that concern you that appears to contradict what the video shows. >> yeah. it's important to have charging documents that square with the evidence that took place on the scene for sure. why there is this discrepancy we'll have to figure out. >> reporter: jack mckenna was charged with assaulting a police officer and disorderly conduct and the county has dropped those charges. another man that was charged also suffered injuries as the hands of the police. a a grand jury will decide if the officers used excessive force. and we did ask to interview jack mckenna, and his parents ask that he not do interviews right now because he's studying for final exams. in the news room, beth parker, fox 5 news. this morning maryland alley will turn the general's late night work into law signing bills that were approved last night. one of those measures past is a ban of cell phone usage and a $5,000 tax credit for maryland employers who hire those unemployed and enticing more bidding in western maryland and approving several changes to the state's policy on sex offenders, and including lifetime supervision and increasing the sentence to 15 years for people who commit sexual offenses against children. it is 7:10 right now and the catholic church spelling out rules about sex abuse on the website. just ahead on fox 5 morning news we'll take a closer look at what the rules are calling for. plus we'll hear from the catholic priest asking the pope to step down. as we head to break, we'll take another look outside. we have some trouble on the road right now. this is 95 north at the prince william parkway. five people hurt and seven vehi involved, at least. we'll check in with julie wright after the break. it's coming up on 11 minutes past the hour.  ♪ [ sniffs ] morning. you got in pretty late last night. still, it was late. well... you're not gonna have to worry about that anymore. yeah, why's that? ♪ todd's a lucky man. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ that's what i told him when we talked last week. ♪ folgers in your cup 8:14. it looks like a beat in the clouds or perhaps they're rolling in. regardless it's april 13th and chillier than the last couple of days. >> treatments -- temperatures dropping off. and we do have more clouds than in the last few days and that trend will continue throughout the course of the day today. let's take a look at hd radar. and we'll talk about some precipitation that will move through the area later on this afternoon. there it is. it's too the north of here. and moving southward, so at some point late morning, early afternoon, we'll see some showers start to move across the region. most of it will be light to moderate shower activity and we're not expecting heavy rain or any thunderstorm activity. there are some areas of heavy rain to the north of pittsburgh and north and west of that city into ohio. here is a look at the national map and we'll show you what is going on. first of all, a good amount of cloud cover, to the northeast and into the central plains, western portions of texas and out across the mountain states. underneath the clouds in the mountains we're seeing some mountain snow in the western united states. temperatures across the country, well they range from mild to fairly cold in some places. 53 degrees here. 61 degrees in wichita. check out salt lake city, it's 33 there. boise, 36 in idaho. and look at miami. and here is your forecast. showers developing and high in the upper 50s to around 60. tomorrow cool as well, 63 degrees. thursday and friday temperatures in the mid-70s but we cloud up on friday. chance of precipitation late friday night and into early saturday. that's a look at the weather. more is coming up in just a little bit. >> but it will be warmer. >> warmer for thursday and friday, yes. >> thanks so much, tony. julie has her hands full. what is going on out there. >> it's a lot on 95. a seven-car pileup out of woodbridge with we have the main line shut down. nobody is getting through on the main line. callers are experiencing out of the delays out of dumfries on 95. so to help alleviate the tie- ups v-dot has listed the h.o.v. rules. but if you choose to use the h.o.v. lanes once you commit in woodbridge, you cannot exit until the fly-over ramp near the tank farm. then when you can dump out and back into the main lines. so do make note of that. the service road is available and both lanes open out of dale city but a lot of slow traffic out of the stafford interchanges headed northbound into woodbridge. route 1 is taking a beating. a lot of folks taking that but extensive delays there as well. college park through silver spring with all lanes now open. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. making headlines this morning, a roman catholic priest from massachusetts is calling on the pope to step down over allegations that the pontiff did not properly deal with priests who molested children. the reverend wants greater protection for children and wants to see the church have more accountability for the way it handles allegations of child sexual abuse by priests. >> the perverseity is to pervasive, it's global. and therefore, if it's blown -- blown can we say those in the vatican have not have known. i think the only way the church will be healed is to be truthful. >> they are saying the pope and church leaders around the world now how difficult it is for victims of clergy abuse. a maimer move for the vatican regarding sexual abuse. >> the vatican is making it explicitly clear that high ranking church members should report crimes to police if required by law. gurvir is live in studio with more. gurvir. >> reporter: the sex abuse by members of the church is a touchy topic and this move of accusations of clergy members concealing crimes. making it crystal clear, the vatican website now spells out what bishops and other top level clerics should do in dealing with allegations of sexual abuse in the church. >> these guidelines are very important, not only from a practical point of view because they tell exactly what the bishop has to do, but because they show that the termination of the pope -- the determination of the pope to follow the zero tolerance line. >> reporter: the vatican has insistent that it's been the policy for bishops to obey laws but the guidelines posted on the website, the vatican spells out such a policy. over the years victims who have claimed that they were sexually abused by clergy have accused the church of turning the situation into a conspiracy saying the vatican was more interested in protecting the church than members by keeping allegations secret. >> the pope wants nothing covered up from now on and the pope wants these priests are punished, are removed, and are brought before state court. >> reporter: pope benedict came under fire after an allegation more than 30 years old. pope benedict, then cardinal joseph rad singer, resisted to turn the case of a reverend creasely over to authorities after tieing up two boys. and the local bishop is supposed to be protecting the people. but meantime making news today, the vatican's second highest authority says the sex scandals are linked to homosexuality and not celibacy. comments were made in chili yesterday where one of the highest profile case is involving a priest having sex with young girls. russian investigators say human error might be the reason why a pilot ignored a recommendation to land elsewhere because of fog. the polish president's body is expected to arrive back today and. the president will open the nuclear summit today with a moment of silence to honor those lives lost. an investigator from tennessee should be charged after trying to send her 7-year- old adopted son back to russia by himself. and new locations that could save you time and money. plus retro humor meets sci- fi horror wrapped together with singing and dancing. we're talking about little shop of horrors as it started it's run at the ford theater in northwest d.c. holly is looking at that coming up. time now is 7:21. we'll be right back. here's to the believers. the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t. a woman returns her adopted son to russia, sending him off alone on an airline last week seems wrong, but was it illegal. that's what investigators in tennessee are trying to figure out. we get the latest on the story from lauren green. >> reporter: authorities in tennessee want some answers but so far tory hanson is not talking and apparently won't do so unless charges are filed >> this lady will not show up again and it appears to me that what we're going to have to do at this point is continue the investigation. >> reporter: the child flew unaccompanied to moscow last week leaving from dulles international airport outside of washington with a note from hanson saying she no longer wants the boy because he has psychological problems. investigators hope there is enough to charge her with child abandonment or neglect and they don't know if that could stick if the adoption wasn't completed. >> it may be charged, but there is no proof of any law she's broken at this point. >> reporter: police are troubled and angry russian officials says the u.s. has no right to get involved, arguing that the child is not a u.s. citizen. >> we are trying to resolve the most recent case. >> reporter: the child's future is a hot topic in russia. they are trying to determine if a return to his original orphanage makes the most sense. lauren green, fox 5 news. and a closer look at what this case to mean to international adoptions. we'll sit down with the ceo of the international council of adoptions. the housing market still one of the biggest economic hurdles so said ben bernanke last week. but has the american dream of homeownership become a nightmare. we'll break down a new survey by fannie mae coming up next. hello, we're ocean spray growers up here in maine at cousin everett's blueberry farm to talk about our blueberry juice drinks. they're made with my sweet, ripe blueberries, packed with th-those antioxidants that are good for ya. tastes real good, too! to give you an idea, let's whip up a quick sample. or you could just try this. [ chuckles ] yeah. ocean spray blueberry juice drinks. real blueberries, real good. coneon o'brien coming back to tv this fall but not on one of the main networks. conan o'brien will return to late night on cable station tbs. he'll host a talk show airing monday through thursday at 11:00 p.m. and that will lead into lopez tonight. george lopez show getting pushed back to midnight. the five-year deal worth more than conan's deal with nbc. he was taken off the air by nbc after just a few months of hosting the tonight show after accommodate jay leno's s to the return to the late-night lineup. apparently the money is big. but he gets openership -- ownership of the show and he can do with it what he wants. >> and the lopez show is an appointment for a lot of people. so smart. >> if you're a george lopez fan you're not thrilled because that show is being pushed back later. >> but in this age of dvr and tivo. >> he does have a good showch it's not bad. but i'm surprised it didn't work out with fox. >> money, money, money. >> it might have been the ownership thing. >> money. >> he landed on tv. are you going to claim ownership on the weather. >> it is what it is. and i'll tell you what it will be. it's not the worst forecast. much cooler today. >> we do have a mortgage segment coming up. you might want to keep to the forecast. >> showers arrive this afternoon and it will be a cool day. more sunshine i think tomorrow than we'll have for today and then we warm up toward the end of the week. in the 70s for thursday and friday. current temperatures around the region and right here in the district and we're in the low 50s, 53 at this hour. 48 in gaithersburg, baltimore is at 51. quantico is at 50. out to the west, winchester is at 49 degrees. satellite composite for the eastern u.s., here we go. here are your clouds over us this morning. there is your precipitation still well off to the north and west with more precip behind that leading edge. so once rain showers move through the area, they'll probably be with us for a good part of the afternoon and possibly during the evening as well. there may be some breaks in the activity but then more showers will move through. pittsburgh right now seeing some heavy rain just to the north of that city. here is the forecast for us for today. this is what it all amounts to. mostly cloudy skies, cooler than normal temperatures. certainly cooler than the temperatures we've had in the 70s recently. afternoon showers are possible. high about 60 degrees. for tonight, a cool night, low in town, about 45 degrees. low 40s elsewhere. a few more showers during the evening. winds out of the northeast at 5 miles per hour. five-day forecast, after today, tomorrow more sunshine and 63. that's still below normal. our normal high for this date 66 degrees. thursday, friday, in the 70s but clouds build in on friday. could see some rain showers late friday and into early saturday and then back into the 60s. that's it. that's what is happening with the weather. here is julie wright with a look at traffic. they keep backing the start time up for the show. i think we're doing a late- night show these days. >> i think we are. >> where are the writers. i'm going to write-up this comedy up myself. northbound 95 is blocked off northbound at the prince william parkway. talking about this almost an hour. the northbound lanes of 95 shut down. a seven-car pileup. five people injured and the main line is closed and this activity is here at the prince william parkway. now the service road remains open and to help alleviate tie- ups, d-dot lifted the h.o.v. restrictions on 95 and 395 but traffic stacked up out of the stafford interchanges and dumfries continuing north bound on the interstate. traveling the top side, outer loop, slow leaving college park through silver spring and delays south on 270, leaving gaithersburg toward the split. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. topping business news, former executives from washington mutual will be on capitol hill today. the mortgage lender was the biggest u.s. bank in history to fail. the testimony follows an 18- month probe by investigators. they found that washington muteure awarded loan officers for the volume and speed of the subprime loans they closed on. extra bonuses went to those who overcharged borrowers. the senate panel will decide whether to make a formal referral to the justice department for possible criminal prosecution. well despite recent economic uncertainty, news like we just told you about as well, americans remain committed to achieving the dream of homeownership. in a new housing survey, nearly two third of surveyed respondents prefer owning to renting. joining us about how we're viewing our ability to buy and maintain new homes, doug duncan chief economist at fannie mae, the federal national mortgage association. thank you for coming in today. >> thank you for having us. >> and i want to ask you your reaction to the news we just read. but i'll continue on to the news. what did you find the main bullet point out of this. are we feeling more confident about homeownership these days. >> well 65% of the people that we polled said they still would like to be homeowners and among renters, higher to 67%. nobody had conducted any research and fannie decided to gather information. people are more cautious when we ask questions about their perm financial sit -- their personal financial situation. people are rebalancing and making sure homeownership will be sustainable rather than perhaps getting a house and not being prepared for it. >> all of this has made us much more realistic and smarter. >> yeah. i think the results support that. we were looking at people that own their house out right, people with a mortgage and renters. renters still want to own home but a quarter of them expected to delay that because they didn't have enough savings or they weren't sure they could afford it given the current financial situation and they wanted their employment to be more stable. >> and you talked about this too. nearly two-thirds of the respondents did prefer owning to renting, still committed to that american dream even after everything we've been through. >> that's right. and about 70% of them said they viewed it as a safe investment. now that's down from 1983 -- i'm sorry 2003, the last time we asked that question when it was about 83%. so clearly what has gone on the last couple of years has introduced some caution and some rebalancing in there. >> which leads to that. you touched on it. the rebalancing attitude and taking the more cautious approach. do you know how people are going to go about this. are they going to wait until they have that down payment and not fall for the old schemes we may have fallen for a couple of years ago. >> well we asked them about the personal financial situation and they're more optimistic about the personal situation than the economy. but we asked them also what level of savings would you -- do you think is appropriate and they expressed they're not where they think she should be and -- they should be and some expressed financial concern. >> and asked about homeownership for the future generations, what did you find. >> they think it will be harder for children to become homeowners for themselves and that it was harder for them than their parents. we're not sure whether that is simply we're in a recession and there was a lot of job loss and credit underwriting has tightened so it could be more of a reaction to current events than the longer term. we'll do the survey again to see if that changes. >> and last key points fighting each other a little bit. you found the folks that you asked said they were likely to walk away if they knew someone that had already defaulted on their loan but yet still people disapprove of the thought of walking away and that was like some 88% that say it's not acceptable. if you owe money, pay the money and don't walk away. >> right. the general population was very clear. almost 90% said that it was inappropriate to walk away. but we also wanted to know whether knowledge of others in trouble in your area affected your feelings about that and among delinquent borrowers someone who knew someone who defaulted they would more likely consider it themselves. so there is some contagiousness and there was a reasoning to try to understand the behaviors to get the housing market past the current troubles and back to a stable relationship by working with borrowers and business partners. >> and owning a home here in our economy keeps it going forward, the thought of ownership. do you think we will one day come back to the confidence level that we once enjoyed? >> well people still feel very strongly about housing being important to the economy. and we will work through the current downturn at some point. demographic indicators for the u.s. population show that homeownership will still be a good business and good for the economy. >> doug duncan sh the vice president and chief economist with fannie mae. thank you for being with us today. coming up on fox 5 morning news, there is a new list of cool communities out there. up next we'll tell you why hyattsville beat out the likes of u. street and old town. stay with us for that. 7:40. >> ...berber carpet. it was a whole bowl of stew. nooo. why? i could have saved this one. i could have saved this one. ♪ call 1-800-steemer bacon? gotta get that bacon! smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! (child laughing) where is it? where is the bacon? tv anchor: bacon popular, story at 11. yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm...i love you! i love bacon! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! toss 'em, fling 'em, zing 'em. have fun, with beggin' canadian cuts. 7:43 right now. welcome back to fox 5 morning news on a tuesday. >> tony is with us once again with a look at our forecast. a few changes out there after a run of nice weather. you picked a good time to be off. >> it was a nice weekend. we need those every now and then. >> we sure do. >> yes. and today we do have changes. it will be cooler today. it's already cooler. and we'll see some rain showers move in by late this morning and then during the early afternoon hours. here are the current temperatures around the region. we remain at 53 degrees here in the district at this hour. baltimore is at 51 degrees. ocean city -- ocean city 40 degrees. dulles airport 52 degrees there. satellite radar composite, some clouds in over us. we'll continue to see those move in. off to the north and west, rain and showers moving into western portions of maryland and we'll get some rain pushing in here later on this morning and during the early afternoon hours. for today and the next five days, here is what we are looking at. you can see some heavier rain off to the west near pittsburgh. north and west. 60 degrees today for the high. and frankly i think many of us will top out in the upper 50s. won't even get to 60. rain showers late this morning and during the afternoon hours and possibly into the evening. tomorrow dry but 63 degrees so cool still. thursday 74, friday clouds build in, 76 and maybe some rain showers late on friday into the early part of saturday and then we cool off again. that's a look at the weather. we'll have more coming up in just a little while. >> it's different from last weekend too. >> it is. >> we'll make it through. we have to get through traffic this morning right now with julie wright. she has her hands full. >> we've been talking about this accident, seven cars involved for over an hour. 95 at the prince william parkway. they are retrieving the vehicles and we have the rollback on the scene and here are a couple of them off the road to the shoulder. but the main line is still blocked as they continue to clean up the debris northbound on 95. so we're hoping to have a lane get through here. but in the meantime v-dot has lifted the restrictions at the truck scales. 395 is slow at the beltway up to shirlington where an incident reported now out of the road. at 270 at falls road, main line is not looking too bad but the local lanes still tied up south of 28 toward the split. and northbound route 4 at talbert, that's where we have an accident in anne arundel county. mostly a vehicle accident and a lot of equipment on the scene and traffic is jammed up with only one lane getting through. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. is your neighborhood a cool place to live? i'm talking a cool place to live. not just about trendy shopping and hip restaurants, for some people a cool community has to have one more thing going for it. and melanie alnwick shows us there is a community doing that right here in our area. >> reporter: vibrant restaurants, quirky spaces and trendy townhouses and it's hip and happening and it's hyattsville. >> hyattsville and the great qualities seems to be a secret. >> reporter: this city of 18,000 is getting a makeover centered around the new art district development. >> a new 14 cinema theater, the coming busboys and poets and target. there are new businesses that have come up. >> reporter: and that is not the only thing that makes it cool. >> you can live there and visit restaurants and then get on a bus and go downtown to a job. >> reporter: and because of that the hyattsville art district landed on a list of cool communities ranked by a coalition for growth. cool meaning producing safe house gases. >> they can rely on transit and biking and walking. >> reporter: and less driving means less money spent on gas and car repairs. the new carrollton transit district is the only other development in prince george's county to make the list. but it is said the county has a lot of potential. >> they are in a great position. 15 metro stations. not a lot around them right now. as we look at adding over a million people and jobs over the next 20-30 years, this is a great place for the commune toyota grow. >> reporter: it takes more than just rising roadsides. >> we're reversing a downward trend inside the beltway. >> reporter: it's bringing in a new way of thinking along with a new difficulting. >> with the new art building they expect to add 5,000 residents without adding to the environmental burden. you can see the rest of the cool cities on our website, >> thanks, mel. it is 7:48 right now. 53 degrees out there. singing, dancing, talking plants. recognize that? little shop of horrors has it all. >> holly is at ford theater this morning. >> reporter: they don't necessarily going together. receipt re, humor, sci-fi and horror and why else wouldn't you burst into song. it is the little shop of horrors and it is at the historic ford theateare getting action. two puppeteers will show us why you need to see this version of the show and you need to see it here. it's all next on fox 5 morning news. stay with us.  if you are not familiar with little shop of horrors, it got it's start as a cult comedy from back in the '60s and it was made into a movie starring rick moranis and steve martin. >> and now it is brought here to the ford theater. holly is here with the cast. >> reporter: it was a movie and then back to the stage. it comes full circle but it takes magic to bring the little shop of horrors to life and two of the men providing that are with me on stage. this is mark pet sino and scott hicks. so when you have something done so much like little shop of horrors, how do you make it your own and make it different. >> that's really a challenge. one of the things the entire team have done here, including coy and court, they have made the rotating stage, the smaller, more intimate settings. people have tried to put this on a big set and it gets lost. >> reporter: but that's one of the beauties of ford theater. is it cool to play in a venue such as this with so much history. >> it's fantastic. it's been an honor for us. we've both por formed at different -- performed at different venues and mark has performed at a lot of different places. >> reporter: and even if you don't think that's the right answer this morning. well for people that have seen little shop of horrors, you can't see it enough. i love it. if you haven't seen it and you aren't familiar with the story, then you need to come see it. so tell us just a little bit of background about the story and why it appeals to such a broad spectrum of people. >> well it's your classic boy meets giant man eating plant. >> reporter: well that happens all of the time. it depends on what section of town but it happens. >> the music is fantastic and it's a great score. the puppets in particular i think really attract a lot of people. >> it is a lot of fun. >> reporter: it seems like we've seen this resurgence of puppets. they were so big and then they became passay and now they are coming back in story lines which is good for you puppeteers. >> yeah, happily. >> reporter: how hard is it for you to bring something to life without it being like you yourself out there on the stage? how do you emoat a pup>> that's a good question. but there is a voice as well. it's a group effort and it's a team. for us, it's a lot of physicality, the physical movement and the leaning at different points and making sure that everything we're doing is in sync. >> reporter: how many puppets are in the show? >> four. >> yeah, there is the -- the first one is the small plant and then eventually. >> reporter: and that's the plant. and then it gets a little out of control. and it grows into something like that. so it's one person and it ends up being the two of you doing the big plant? or how many does it take? >> we do one por night. we rotate so no one gets injured. >> reporter: did you say so no one gets injured? do you have to warm up and work out and stretch before you hop in there. >> absolutely. it is very heavy. >> reporter: do you feel like the puppet has a personality? >> i hope so. >> reporter: before you bring it to life, you connect with your props here? >> yeah. i mean, this is so much more than just a propch it's an embodiment of the character and so you want to add life to it and that's part of the fun and challenge and making this over 125-pound monster do intimate moves and look like a kid at times or an angry person. >> reporter: now audrey ii is carnivorous and does eat people and there was some plant food needed this morning and they offered me up. >> well did you put on that worcester sauce? >> reporter: i'll have to find some between now and the next hour because in the next hour we'll see how audrey ii does eat people. let's see if i can find someone else that is willing to go in there. but come out and enjoy the show here at ford theater, running through may 22nd. is our website. we have a link to theirs. there is ample opportunity for you to come out and be entertained. they have shows every day of the week except for sunday and then they have two shows a day on thursday and saturday. so you can do a matinee if that fits better into your schedule. we'll have more little shop of horror fun in the next hour. back to you. coming up on 7:57 on this tuesday morning. new this morning, consumer reports urging readers to not buy one suv because of safety concerns. we'll tell you more about that after 8:00. and in the next hour, before you take off in the next vacation, we'll talk about the best and worst airlines out there. stay with us. we'll be right back. here's to the believers. the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t. death at the historic nuclear summit as a bicyclist that was hit by a vehicle that was supposed to be keeping everyone safe. and then the body of all 29 west virginia coal miners killed in the explosion last week have been pulled from the mine. a rare warning from consumer reports urging readers to not buy this lexus suv because of safety concerns. we'll have more on the warning coming up at 8:00. good morning. i'm steve chenevey. >> and i'm allison seymour. >> and i'm tony perkins. >> hi, tony. >> hi there. we have some rain showers on the way. we're not going to see them immediately but later on today we'll get them in here starting in late morning and then be with us during the course of the afternoon hours. let me show them to you on the hd radar. now right now we are dry. we do have clouds across here but the rain is to the north. it is well to the north. it is now beginning to impact westminster, hagerstown, we were seeing it over in western maryland earlier but now it's moving southward and gradually it will makes it presence known in the washington area. but our viewers north and west of the city will get that first and then move into here. i think by late this morning we'll see the activity but certainly by the afternoon. regional temperatures look like this: here in the district we are at -- as we go to the graphics -- we have at 53 degrees in washington, 51 in new york city, 50 in richmond. pittsburgh is 44 degrees. today mostly cloudy and cool, showers developing, high in the upper 50s, if you are lucky you'll get to 60 degrees. we'll have more details in the forecast. will the as check in with -- let's check in with julie wright this morning. >> after an hour and a half v- dot has cleared the accident on the roadway at the prince william parkway. so again the lanes have been reopened, you're going to find delays leaving dale city and the h.o.v. rules lifted on 95 and 395 in virginia to help alleviate the tie-ups. south on 270 lanes are open out of gaithersburg, leaving mva south and incident here pulled off to the shoulder and lanes open toward 28. no problems continuing along 355. this is the live shot of 395 trying to get north of shirlington circle. had an incident in the main line along the right side. that's been moved out of the way. but traffic is heavy and slow north of edsel road past shirlington and again crossing over the 14th street bridge. traveling in anne arundel county, northbound route 4 at ward drive where we have delays continuing up toward talbert road, at least 11 vehicles in this crash. traffic squeezes by to the left. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. new this morning, another blow for toyota. consumer reports urging people not to buy a lexus suv because of safety concerns. gurvir is here with this top story. >> reporter: consumer reports have slapped the vehicle with a don't bye-bye risk. it carries a high risk of rollover. during standard handling tests drivers approached too quickly and reduced the similar pedal, similar to exiting a high way ramp too quickly and this causes the rear of the suv to slide. consumer reports shows the suv was nearly sideways before the vehicle regained control. they said this could occur if it hit a curb or went off the road. the gx 460 is a seven-seat suv and starting price at about $52,000. toyota has sold about 5,000 of these vehicles in the three months since this vehicle has been on sale. consumer reports says that it's notified toyota and said the automaker is investigating the problem. the gx 460 is not covered by the recent gas pedal recall. steve, over to you. >> thank you, gurvir. now we move on to the deadly crash outside of the g 45 summit in northwest washington. a national guard truck struck and killed a bicyclist -- bicyclist last night. sarah simmons has more details for us this morning. >> reporter: well, steve, police are still not releasing the cyclist's name this morning. they are still investigating to figure out what happened. but let's paint the picture here. it was rush hour here yesterday much like now. it was near the nuclear summit and a lot of security and motorcades whizzing in and out of here and that is what was happening yesterday. we had a crew on scene when this occurred. it was at about 6:00. police were trying to shut down the intersection and two national guard trucks were trying to clear the street when a second truck hit the cyclist. the woman was killed and pronounced dead at the scene. and the hight of the trucks make it difficult to see. there is a ground guide that walks next to the trucks and from our video that is what appeared to be going on and the national guard will take a look at that video. but we spoke with witnesses who also heard the crash take place. >> when you looked out your window and what do you see? >> police and civilians running up to the down bicyclists to see what had happened and immediately turning away. there was nothing they could do. >> reporter: somehow the first truck managed to miss the cyclist and it was the second truck who hit her. it is unclear if the driver was able to see her. but at this point the national guard are looking into video to see what occurred yesterday evening and d.c. police are continuing their investigation as well. live here in northwest, sarah simmons, fox 5 news. back to you. as we move on to more about the summit itself. iran not invited to attend the nuclear summit but it's name came up and came up often. we get the latest on these details from lauren green. >> reporter: the obama administration says the goal is straightforward, locking down all nuclear materials within four years and keeping them out of the hands of terrorists. >> you have enough material out there to make over 100,000 nuclear weapons so we need to focus on it. >> reporter: and if monday is any indication of the two-day s be a water shed moment for the president, the forum kicked off with the word the ukraine would get rid of it uranium. >> they announced to get rid of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium by the time of the next summit in 2012. they intend to remove a substantial amount of stocks this year. >> reporter: but the chinese president comments could be the biggest surprise. they will aim at halting iran's nuclear ambitions. many are pleased but for now it is a wait and see approach because china has said sanctions are not an effective way of solving disputes. >> we do anticipate making good progress. >> reporter: the leaders from 47 different nations may be a welcome sight for the president but for some d.c. residents the security measures have been an inconvenience. >> it's straight confusion. it's a ball of confusion. perhaps some closure for those grieving the 29 coal miners killed in an explosion in west virginia. a spokeswoman for the state mine office says the last of the victims were removed from the mine early this morning. meantime federal investigators are now trying to piece together what caused the deadly blast last week and a trusty retirement fund that holds stock in massey energy asks the ceo to step down. they said he did not stop the risks of the mine properly. >> as elected representatives it is our duty to make sure we find out exactly what happened. >> massey energy has repeatedly been cited for the problemmed with ventilation in the mine. and governor bob mcdonnell and virginia has restored $750,000 to the state budget for mine expenses and it had recently been cut from the finances. police were called to the 6600 block of 60th street in riverdale last night and when she got to the scene they found a woman who was stabbed and she died. they don't have a suspect at this point. and police searching for a suspect in a deadly shooting at 7:30 on central avenue. two men shot were taken to the hospital where one of them died. the victims' identities have not been released and no motive in that either. and a stabbing near a metro station. two men stabbed last night at georgia and new hampshire avenue yesterday. they are hospitalized and said to be in serious condition. it's not clear what led to those stabbings either. later this morning governor alley will turn the late night work into law signing several bills last night. among the measured pass, a ban on cell phone use. drivers could be fined $40. mediation between borrowers facing foreclosures and the mortgage lenders, a job initiation initiative which includes a $5,000 tax credit for maryland employers and changes to the state slot machine policy to entice more bidding in western maryland. it is 10 minutes past the hour on this tuesday morning. coming up, a look at big changes that could be coming to your bail box soon. and a maryland student busted for bringing a gun to class. we'll check out other stories making headlines when we come back. stay with us. 53 degrees out there, it's 8:10. do you know what's in your spread ? in land o' lakes spreadable butter with canola oil, there are just three natural ingredients. delicious sweet cream, canola oil and salt. nothing hidden, nothing artificial. spread pure, natural goodness straight from the fridge. discover land o' lakes spreadable butter with canola oil. land o' lakes, where simple goodness begins. hey bets, can i borrow a quarter? sure, still not dry? i'm trying to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... [ female announcer ] people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 calories per serving. multigrain cheerios. try new chocolate cheerios with a touch of delicious chocolate taste in every bite. it's 8:13 right now. we'll take a look at stories making headline this is morning. dramatic home video for prince george's county police. watch the video near the house. you might remember the riots in college park after the terps beat duke. the family of this man is planning on suing the police department and the police department is shocked by the beating. a gun brought to school by a boy. the gun was legally registered to a parent. and we get to tony and the forecast. >> and the cuteness factor of the day. >> we start with the my first 5 photo of the day. boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, let's take a look. this is abby enjoying some chocolate after an easter egg hunt at day care. >> how sweet, literally. >> she had a good time with the chocolate there. thank you for sending that in. what happened? bring her back. if you want to send us your child's picture go to and click on mornings. very cute. here is a look at the hd radar. your rain showers are just up to the north. they'll be making their way through here later on today. i say late morning and early afternoon in the way it's shaping up right now. there are rain showers in hagerstown and in westminster in northern portions of maryland. here is a look at the national map. and we can show you that rain not just here in this air why but up to the north and west in pennsylvania, ohio, back into detroit and around the great lakes and in the upper midwest as well. cloudy skies for the nation's mid section and a few spots of snow out in the western u.s. temperatures across the nation, we are at 53 degrees here. it's generally cool across the northeast with temperatures in the 40s and 50s. but not too bad down south. new orleans 64 and miami 74 at this hour. and we still have some spots in the 30s. out to the west, salt lake city, 34 degrees. five-day forecast, high today upper 50s to around 60. that will do it. 63 tomorrow. and then on thursday probably the nicest day of the week, i think on thursday. aside from monday. 74 degrees, a good amount of sunshine. on friday, clouds build in and rain late in the day. saturday 66 for the high. that's a look at the weather. now let's get an update on traffic from julie wright. >> little abby needs to come spent some time with aunt julie so we can show her how to get the chocolate off the face and in the tummy. i'm an expert at that. wasn't that cute with the little cheeks. >> she had a good time. >> yes she did. northbound on 95 you probably heard us talking about the crash at the prince william parkway. and it is out of your way. and all lanes are open and v- dot did alleviate the tie-ups by lifting the h.o.v. restrictions on 95 and 395 but traffic still heavy in the area out of dale city. along 270 leaving mva, a incident on the shoulder. traffic is slow toward 28 and again at the split. outer loop of the beltway coming from van dorn toward eisenhower avenue, accident activity at ike that has been pulled over to the shoulder, but that is the focal point in the outer loop in the direction of the wilson bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. well are you ready to do without mail delivery on saturday? it might become a reality along with other reforms that could help prop up and restructure the nation's postal service. joining us now, phil put, director of infrastructure at the government accountability process which has just issued a new report on postal realignment. good morning. thank you for coming in. >> good morning, allison. >> how do you think the public will respond to these things we're talking about. pretty significant changes will be coming. >> i think there will be some resistance. any time you change, like moving from 6 to 5 days, looking at realignment of facilities there will be some questions and i think that's part of the process, working through some of those. >> and the g.a.o. has recommended, among things that you said in the restructuring, staff reductions, also outsourcing some functions and that dropping saturday service and i think people might hear, what, no saturday service? >> it is a proposal the post master made several years ago and they issued their version of what they expect to happen with that. this is a proposal still under study. we did outline a number of options that could be considered so when we talk about staff reductions, some of that could be done through attrition. there are a large number of employees. this year alone 150,000 are eligible to retire and we're thinking it could be done in this matter. and part of this is the mail volume is not there and the revenue is not there and the way people have used the mail has changed. >> please, everybody is on their blackberry. who gets a letter any more. it's just the way things are in 2010. how much did that contribute? >> it contributed a lot. mail volume in 2006 was 213 billion pieces of mail. a lot of mail, perhaps there was a bubble given the financial inflation. we all got a lot of credit card and mortgage solicitations. this year they're looking at volume of about 166 billion pieces. a very big drop in a relatively short amount of time with the revenue decline associated with that. >> so the post master general in talks to figure out ways to make it a more lean and lean machine here. and i was going to get right down to the entry level positions. >> in a situation like this, there is broad agreement with the options. the postal service issued it's own report about a month ago and i think there is acknowledgment of the challenges the postal service changes and the need to move forward and take action. the postal service does not get taxpayer revenue. its revenues came from the sale of stamps and that kind of thing. >> and that's when you go to the post office there is a whole list of things you can do before you leave. would you like a book of stamp? and that makes sense now. and what could fail if the recommendations aren't put in place? >> one of the challenges there could be a cash shortage. now for those of us with our own checkbooks, their cash balance at the end of the year might be around $200 million but they'll go into october where they have three biweekly payrolls and works compensation claims and they're looking at problems and if it doesn't get worked out, probably some sort of financial support from the government then. >> let's talk about the upside. we're not by any stretch -- we need the united states postal service. a long, grand history in it country. what the upside for the post office? does it go along as business as usual? >> i think business as usual can't be the way forward. the massive declines in pail volume and the revenues associated with that, the way people use the mail, you allosed to the fact of who males a letter any more, and banks and things like that, financial institutions are all encouraging people to move online. most of us get our pay stubs electronically now and i now i think people need to take a hard look at what we need and how much of the infrastructure we can support and what revenues are. >> and looking for a one word answer, how soon are these going to happen? >> some soon. but the five-day proposal that would not happen until about a year from now, given about the time line. >> thank you so much. director of infrastructure from the g.a.o. >> thank you. and ben roethlisberger and gilbert arenas, two athletes in the headlines recently. and not for the right reasons. we'll have an update on both when we come back. and then the historic fords theater now home to the musical little shop of horrors and we're there with a preview later on this hour on fox 5 morning news. so stay with us. much more coming up. (announcer)  we're in the energy business. but we're also in the showing-kids- new-worlds business. and the startup-capital- for-barbers business. and the this-won't- hurt-a-bit business. because we don't just work here. we live here. these are our families. and our neighbors. and by changing lives we're in more than the energy business we're in the human energy business. chevron. the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t. a sexual assault on the campus of georgetown university has officers increasing patrols. the university department of public safety said a young woman left her dorm room and was walking downstairs and when a man grabbed her from behind and pinned her against the wall and groped her. she shoved him away and left the building. it's not clear if the suspect is a student. ben roethlisberger dodged charges in a sexual assault allegations in georgia. the district attorney decided not to press charges after a college student accused the nfl star of assaulting her in a club bathroom but he did lecture the q.b. telling him to grow up. roethlisberger still has to meet with the nfl commissioner and could face a fine or suspension. washington wizards guard gilbert arenas is now spending his nights at a halfway house. before that he spent two days in jail. he's serving a 30 day sentence for bringing guns into the locker room. he must pay a fine and do 400 hours of community service which can not include basketball clinics. and 8:26 right now. up next, we'll check out other stories making headlines. >> and that includes an update on tourism in d.c. and before you take off on the next vacation, we'll look at the best and worst airlines out there. stay with us. we'll be right back. ♪ [ female announcer ] yoplait's perfect blend of real fruit and the goodness of dairy is just a peel away. explore all the delicious flavors. yoplait. it is so good. that, on the list of things kids love, our party pizzas have just passed toy robots. awkward. kids love totino's party pizzas. if it flakes out when it gets there? flakes are finished with new covergirl lashblast length. it kicks some lash over the leading lengthening mascara since our elasta-nylon formula flexes without flaking. women prefer it 4 to 1. with our longest brush yet lashes look up to 80% longer. for lashes that go long and stay strong. get new lashblast length. from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. just before 8:30 now on a tuesday morning. it's 53 degrees. let's take a look at stories making headline this is morning. the vatinnic -- the vatican is posting rules on its website that pope benedict the xvi has not done enough to address the scandal. the procedure has been in place for years. it instructs bishops to report cases to police and follow civil law. and a foiled attempt to bomb the new york subway system, emerging as a fourth person has been arrested in pakistan. last year when police arrested najibullah zazi he said the men planned to blow themselves up at the central square in grand central station. the cherry blossom festivals did wonders for washington, d.c. but many didn't open up their wallets so much. and tourist hotels say many people who did stay with relatives and those who stayed in hotels paid discount rates. >> the down side of the economy. what can you do. >> but they had great weather for the cherry blossoms. >> and they'll think fondly of our fair city. >> and they'll come back and spend more money next year. and the cherry blossoms are gone but down at the tidal basin, the rain showers will move in here. and it will be cool today with highs only about 60 or so. so much -- a good 10-15 degrees cooler than yesterday. >> okay. >> let's get right to it. and we'll talk about the headlines for the day. i mentioned the cooler temperatures and probably a jacket. after we enjoyed the 70s the last couple of days, it will fool cooler. showers arriving by the afternoon and we have them on the radar across northern maryland. for sunshine for wednesday. in fact by tomorrow the sunshine will be nice and bright and if you want 70s back in the forecast just hang in there and by thursday and friday right back into the 70s. so this will be a short-term cooldown but with storminess on the way it will feel more like spring out there. still have 40s on the map. 48 at gaithersburg. 48 in frederick and rain showers breaking out across northern sections of maryland and southern pennsylvania. 55 for us in quantico. here come the rain showers and the storminess here is off to the north and west, bringing heavy rain into places like cleveland and pittsburgh today. when all is said and done, this won't amount to a whole lot. but the timing will bring it in late this morning and tick around for the afternoon commute. so not a beautiful day with lots of clouds around and showers but it will all be out of here as we get into tomorrow morning and then right back into the sunshine by tomorrow afternoon and then the 70s and sunshine by the end of the week. there you go. plenty of clouds, cool showers likely today and so bring along a jacket and winds at 5-10. and tomorrow still cool. highs in the low to mid-60s. 70s for thursday and friday. and by saturday we could have some showers friday night and saturday. we'll have to time that as we get closer. that's a look at the weather. let's toss it to steve. are you flying the friendly skies or just flying in general? an overall performance ranking of 18 airlines released said airline quality may be improving. so how did your favorite airline fair? travel reporter from usa today ben fer bau is with us. and so we have airlines out there and they ranked them from top to bottom looking at airline performance, mishandled baggage and over boarding and consumer complaints. and who was number one? >> hawaiian airlines finished on top and they do fly from honolulu, l.a. and fiji and others where the weather is good. and number two was airtran and then followed by jet blue and now northwest and then southwest number five. >> we want to know who is the at bottom. american eagle in the 18 spot of the 18 names and at the bottom atlantic, southeast, com air and delta. the regional carriers got hit hard. >> because they can't control their main line partners. when delta delays they are going to delay 300 people going to l.a. or 30 people going to knoxville, that would be a different. and regional carriers were all among the bottom and delta was among the bottom five. >> major carriers at the bottom, delta number 15 and united ahead at 13 and then jumping up to number 9. and for com air, atlantic southeast, they were at the bottom. is that because of what you were saying. >> cincinnati had some bad weather in the past year but it's a deciding whether they're going to fly a 757 far away or when it's their own carrier, the delta flight goes online and com air does not. >> and airtran at the top. but when it comes to baggage, they're seeing less and less bags were lost but then again because of the baggage fees we're seeing less bags checked. >> it's a mixed bag the fees for bags are up significantly. now when customers are being charges $25, $35 a bag, less bags are getting put on but there are more in overhead bin. >> and jet blue did better. and southwest had the least complaints and delta had the most. overall the airline industry is in bad shape. they say things are getting better. still lost $6 billion last year and still 60 million less travelers than two years ago. what is the airline industry going to have to do in the future to stay in business. are they just going to pass things like rates on to us. >> yeah. the carry on and charger and other things are -- charges and others things are not going away. once the economy improves and travel rebounds and see numbers like 2006 and 2007 you can bet your bottom dollar the industry will show it's signs of strain when every flight seemed like it was delayed and long lines to get on and the airlines are doing better. people are not flying and it's easier to manage and air traffic control is rebounding and we'll see if and how they do. >> spirit air not a part of this particular study. would not have been a good time r you -- right now. >> it would have been interesting to see how they fair. >> it would. thank you very much. and well a high wire act almost turns tragic and this stunt involved children and tigers. and then gleeks, tonight is the night you've been waiting for you. the new series restart at glee coming up for you on fox 5 morning news. ♪ (announcer) we all want to stay active. we don't want anything... slow us down. but even in your 30s... ...your bones can begin to change. overtime, you can begin to have bone loss. calcium and vitamin d work together to help keep your bones strong. and yoplait gives you... ...20% of your daily calcium... ...and is the only leading yogurt with vitamin d in every cup. keep your bones strong every day... ...with yoplait. my subaru saved my life. i won't ever forget that. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. debate continues today on a senate measure to restore unemployment benefits to hundreds of thousands of people still out of work out there. four republicans joined in democrats killing a g.o.p. filibuster of the measure. they want to find money to fund the extension and not just tack it on to the deficit. and if you're looking for work, check out our job shop. our job of the day is at iron mountain operations in landover. the company is looking for an operations supervisor and a warehouse supervisor. for more on those jobs and many others go to and click on the job shop tab near the top of the home page. >> how about this for a job. walk a tight rope above a pen filled with tigers. not in the job disruption you'll see every day. but that's what some stunt artists have been doing. now the high wire show is canceled. that comes after these images were released. a 3-year-old girl tight roping above the tiger. you can't see it in this picture. she apparently fell. luckily she was tethered and didn't get as low as the animals. there is the youngster. one of the stunt kids on a ladder barely out of reach. again, the show has been scrapped. not exactly the family business you want to be a part of. 8:42 right now. coming up on this tuesday morning, i would label this as disturbing. a lot of people talking about the new oprah book and a lot of people can't believe she and john tesch had a relationship. >> in this world we think we know everything. but one of the parties between oprah and john tesch is speaking out and find out if they are confirming or denying the story when we come back. holly, good morning. >> reporter: and i can confirm for you there is a people- eating plant in the district. it begs the question why i'm standing close to you. we're live at the ford theater and giving you every reason to come out and see their rendition of little shop of horrors. stay with us. is that your stomach growling? is that what i hear? if we will likely get new insight into john and jackie kennedy last year. marking the 50th anniversary of the inauguration. caroline kennedy is allowing seven interviews she sat for to be published. she spoke about their marriage and time in the white house and president kennedy's thoughts about a second term. 6 and a half hours of audio tapes will also be released. it turns out the oprah deal is true. john tesch now confirming he dated oprah back in the 1970, the report came to light in an unauthorized biography on the queen of talk. they didn't just date but claims they lived together and they broke up because the actor turned new age musician could not handle being in an interracial relationship. the book's author kitty kelly will join us live in the studio on friday and won't we have a few things to talk about with her. actor dennis quaid was in washington yesterday raising awareness of the dangers of medical mistakes. they account for nearly 100,000 deaths each year and that's according to the advocacy group patient first. quaid has been involved in that organization since his twins got a thousand times the dosage of a blood thinner. >> real health care reform is impossible without dramatically cutting preventible harm. it will save lives and money and restore the sacred trust between patients and care givers. >> quaid says doctors and nurses are only human and they naturally make mistakes and his twins are all right now. 8:47 right now. the little shop of horrors now playing at ford theater. >> and holly morris is there this morning to meet one of the big and hungry stars of the show. be careful, holly. >> reporter: i know. somehow i feel like i'm in danger standing up here on stage. i don't know why. maybe it's the perfume i'm wearing. but this is a show you and your family will enjoy. it's a good show for all ages. it has a little bit of everything. and the person that is shaking her head standing next to me is lauren bigay because she's here with ford theater. and you guys are trying to figure out your programming and you see this and you think we have to bring it. why? >> absolutely. well ford theater focuses on presenting shows ab productions about the american experience and what is more american than sci-fi classics and great musicals. so that in and of itself is a perfect reason so have little shop of horrors be part of our theater. >> reporter: and i think people think it's the old american classic but renouned actors and people that have been in theater for a long time and maybe think oh, i'm not going to bring my 8-year-old but this is great for a family. >> this is terrific. and we have such a great turnout of all different school groups in the springtime, people coming to d.c. for the cherry blossoms for the spring break and this is a great time to introduce younger and older audiences again. >> reporter: the show started in march. how has it been received? >> it's been well received. audiences are laughing and singing along. >> reporter: and you never want to sit next to me in a musical because i burst into song. but it has gotten great reviews so it's running through may so make sure you put this on your family calendar. thank you so much. >> absolutely. >> reporter: well one of the reasons it's getting rave reviews is because of the puppeteers. and mark receiptrow sino. and so how does someone start in a career like this? >> i was a marine biology student. >> reporter: well that makes perfect sense. >> it's a logical procession. no. i did puppets when i was a kid. >> reporter: did birthday parties and worked your way on to ford theater. >> pretty much. >> reporter: this is very taxing. >> it is only a 5 minute piece but during the entire second act it's 45 minutes and it's a marathon. >> reporter: and how does audrey travel? >> by a truck. she has a pallet and a crate for other smaller versions of her. >> reporter: well i know she's carnivorous and is she an early morning person and does she need coffee or anything like that in the mountain? >> that or sometimes maybe a little blood. but if you want to get in here, it's probably safe, she probably wouldn't eat you. >> reporter: because she has a bigger dinner. so how do we wake her up? >> just knock. [ knocking ] >> reporter: well hello there. it looks like she has her makeup on and everything. >> she's always ready for a show. >> reporter: she has a pretty big mouth there. >> i bet you could think. you could probably measure it with your hands. >> reporter: why would i want to step no there. she eats people, mark. this is not my first day. >> you can't truly experience little shop without it. >> reporter: let me check it out. can i climb on your tooth, use your tooth as leverage. >> get comfortable. >> reporter: tickle, tickle. oh, you are ticklish. i don't want to hit her gag reflex. this isn't so bad. they said she was a big bad eating monitor plant. and here is what you feed to know. >> audrey. >> reporter: this runs through may. the best thing is to do is go to our website. and they have shows every day except for sunday, two on thursday and two on saturday. got thrown off there, because it's a little nerve wracking. >> do you guys have another holly back there in the studio? >> it's a tough day when you start off your morning getting eaten by a plant. we'll see if she makes it back later. and so we just talked about the oprah biography and it includes some dirt from right here in the nation's capitol. we'll talk with dina shore coming up with the book in the next hour. and a boy returned to russia by his adoptive american mother. we'll take a closer look at that. here's to the believers. the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t. hmmm, i'm losing energy this raimorning. so blue? did you have a good breakfast? nooo. here, try this, it's under three hundred calories and pretty satisfying. mmmm! tasty! looks like everything is back to normal. fight the morning fade in under three hundred calories. jimmy dean d-lights. shine on. got a double shot of music tonight on fox. the hit series glee is back tonight. a new season promising the hit songs and the dancing and the plot twists. anita vogle has a preview for us. >> this is amazing. everybody looks at us differently. >> reporter: the fox spring fling is singing in harmony for the return of glee bringing back an excited cast and some guest stars. [ singing ] >> we haven't even done a full season of the show. we've done some -- 13 episodes. and we have 9 more. we have olivia newton john coming on, adina medsell and we're doing a madonna episode. it's an exciting time to be on the glee set. [ singing ] >> reporter: this musical series has set the industry, winning a s.a.g. and a golden globe trophy focusing on the shows. >> get used to it. we're stars now. >> for the back nine episodes, the musical numbers are bigger and better. the arrangement that's we've come up with for this back nine are so incredible. for the musical numbers, some of them have turned into this epic numbers. especially the group ones. >> oh, my god, you are jessie saint james. >> reporter: and with new cast members, don't expect sue sylvester to lose her passion for chaos and trouble. >> well sue has grand associations, i don't know if they're true but she supposedly taught a young sarah palin at a cheerleading camp and had something to do with being second shooter with lee harvey oswald. she dropped a little bomb that she was involved in the dallas depository. and they are all historical things. but because she was on special forces she knows how to keep a low profile. >> you wouldn't be burying hatchets unless i happen to get a clear shot to your groin. >> reporter: in hollywood, anita vogle. fox news. >> and here is your lineup now. glee is on until 10:30 and followed by fox 5 news at 10:00 and followed by the news edge. so there you go. right now it is coming up on 9:00 a.m. that means one more hour of fox 5 morning news as we turn things over to tony and allison. >> thank you so much, steve. coming up, disturbing video. this is university of maryland riot police and police are probing this after dramatic video captured during a celebration gone wild at the university of maryland. and we're going to tell you why university students are accusing officers of attacking him and the video was from the deadly accident surrounding the nuclear summit. and a lot of people talking about this 7-year-old child, russian child who was adopted by an american mom and sent back to russia by himself with a note saying she's giving up rights to him. we'll talk about this case. now russia might want to stop all u.s. adoptions and we'll talk about how this case will effect current adoptions and more adoptive parents need to think about before the adoption process. and you know what hits the store shelves today. >> the big o., oprah book. and it includes stories of a diva episode here in town. e

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