The UN have really blown it this time! No doubt concerned that CO2 propaganda is failing the UN Environment Program, a well-known collection of crackpots, no offense intended, have now decided to obsess on methane. Alighting, typically, on anthropogenic emissions at the expense of natural sources, they have highlighted bovine emissions, in other words they’re worried about cow farts. No doubt some of these hysterics are genuine, in the sense that they have limited capacity for rational thought, but there’s more to the global warming nonsense than scientific illiteracy. You’ve guessed it – they want us all to eat less beef, presumably by going to McDonald’s, and drink less milk. This is on top of using our cars less, because they emit CO2, indeed governments who have fallen for the scam, including Boris Johnson’s, have pledged to phase out the sale of gasoline-powered cars altogether, in favor of electric.