he also has empowered a viciously anti-semitic part of the american electorate that had not previously had a voice and that even though donald trump has some kind of philo semitic tendencies see their own narrative of the world in the story he tells about kind of "the people" who are menace bid conspiratorial elites from above and a par it is cal underclass from below. it's 2 classic anti-semitic narrative, he just takes the jews out of it. >> well put. >> and there's -- that sense of agrievement is something very conservative in its nature. mitt romney was caught on that 47% tape. he was also saying if my grandfather had aually had a mexican last name, i'd probably be president right now. now that's a bizarre statement to make as the son of a former governor, former head of the -- i mean, there's a sense of personal agrooechlt and this for