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linked to iran. the air strikes in response to ramped up attacks at u.s. forces on bases in the middle east. in the mediterranean five u.s. service members were killed when their helicopter crashed in training. what we know about that accident. hospitals in gaza say they're under siege and patients are dying as israel's military closes in. doctors sharing these photos, primis, they say are fighting to survive without incubators and israel is working to evacuate patients and deliver fuel. plus new efforts to get the hostages released. a u.s. envoy heading into the region and what israel's prime minister told nbc news. >> how closer you to reaching a deal to get more of the hostages out? >> a massive fire in los angeles closes down a critical freeway. the city bracing for a nightmare monday morning commute. just five days until the federal government shuts down unless congress acts. will the newest proposal get enough votes? and the major new study on weight loss drugs. the new evidence. they reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. will insurance now cover the drugs? this is "nbc nightly news "woet with kate snow. good evening. we are tracking multiple major developments involving the fighting in the middle east. the secretary of defense announcing late today that u.s. military forces conducted precision strikes on facilities in eastern syria used by groups affiliated with iran adding the strikes were in response to continued attacks on u.s. personnel in iraq and syria. it all comes as the war against israel and hamas rages on. tonight hospitals in gaza say they are very much caught in the cross fire. israel claims hamas uses hospitals as staging grounds for the terror group. doctors say they're under attack and patients are now dying. this photo shows three dozen prematurely born babies who should be in incubators and with power failing and supplies all but out they are fighting for survival without a functioning nicu. we begin with megan fitzgerald. >> the u.s. announcing attacks on eastern syria targeting a safe house used by iranian-affiliated groups and the a stack comes four days after the u.s. launches an air strike on weapons facility and after hitting other targets on october 26th and all of the strikes in syria. >> we have been very clear to countries in the region that we are incredibly keen on ensuring that this conflict does not spread. >> defense secretary lloyd austin in a statement saying the u.s. will defend itself and its personnel. it's the latest response from the pentagon to a spike in attacks from iranian-backed groups on u.s. forces. there have been at least 47 attacks on u.s. bases in iraq and syria since october 17th. since then, at least one american has died of a heart attack with at least 56 others suffering minor injuries. these strikes come on the same day the pentagon announced five u.s. service members were killed in a helicopter crash while training. the accident happened here in the eastern mediterranean just off the coast of cyprus. the pentagon not releasing a lot of detail, but said the helicopter was undergoing a routine refueling mission during training when it somehow suffered a mishap causing it to crash. search and rescue efforts began immediately. >> megan is with me. the pentagon suggesting this may not be the last retaliatory strike. ? kate, that's right. the pentagon has emphasized that the u.s. will not hesitate what they're calling further necessary measures if these attacks by iranian-backed groups. >> meaghan, thank you. hospitals find themselves part of the front lines in the fight. now with supplies nearly gone, doctors say they are under siege, but israel says strikes near hospitals are happening because that's where hamas militants are hiding. ier erin mclachlan has more. >> tonight as troops push deeper into gaza city, desperation and despair at the city's main hospital now surrounded. the doctor runs the al shifa's burn unit. >> are you inside the hospital? >> i am inside the hospital. you can hear in the background it's like bombardment and bombing of the hospital. and from all sides, a lot of gunshots. >> he says power outages and a lack of essential supplies jeopardize the remaining 700 patients. according to the palestinian health ministry in gaza, at least 16 have died due to a lack of oxygen and medicine including three babies born premature. in this photo we obtained from a doctor showing some of the three dozen newborns the palestinian health ministry says are now at risk taken off incubators. >> the babies are still inside the hospital? >> yes. they are inside the hospital. they didn't move outside of the hospital. >> the israeli military alleges, hamas hides in tunnels under the hospital, tonight the military spokesperson releasing this footage showing israeli soldiers dropping off 300 liters of fuel at the hospital's entrance. they're insisting it's allowing safe passage for gazans in al shifa. benjamin netanyahu telling nbc's "meet the press". >> so far they've moved a few patient, not enough. >> the fuel given is a fraction of what they need and no one is being allowed out of al shifa, not even the dead. sunday morning a deadly air strike to the south where tens was thousands of civilians have been told to evacuate. and in israel, rallies for the hostages. malky is marching for his 21-year-old son omer. he's one of the 139 hostages head by hamas. >> we don't know what to do. >> erin is with us now. the israeli military says hamas is exploiteding these hospitals using them as shields essentially. what are doctors telling you? >> kate, a doctor tells me inside al shifa there is no sign of hamas, quote, not even a single gun. kate? >> all right. erin mclachlan for us. thank you. with each passing day the agony of this war is growing more profound for the families of hundreds of hostages still captive inside gaza including americans and today we learned by a new push to make a deal by those held by hamas. josh letterman joins me from tel aviv. josh, what is the white house doing to help get this done? >> well, kate, the white house is sending a top official to israel and qatar to try to broker a deal. the u.s. believes there may be nine americans brought to gaza as hostage e but at this point doesn't know how many of them are still alive. an official tells nbc news there are various deals under discussion including one where hamas would release 80 women and children and israel would release palestinian prisoners. prime minister netanyahu saying a deal is possible. hundreds of beds with those sleeping far from home tonight. >> appreciate it. back in the u.s. the clock is tick toward yet another government shutdown and yes, it was just six weeks ago we had this same conversation when a last-minute deal averted a shutdown. well, now, there's a new speaker in the house and he has a new plan to keep the government open, but does he have enough support from his own party? ali rafa reports. >> tonight, there are just five days left until the government shuts down. some of what's at stake, pay for military and federal workers while social security and medicare check will still go out. new house speaker mike johnson now pushing an untested plan to keep the government open with a two-step approach. the first would fund some parts of the government until january. the second, funding the rest until february, but notably absent from the plan, military aid to israel and spending cuts. johnson can only afford to lose four votes and right now at least three house republicans publicly oppose his plan. the new speaker trying to convince hard line holdouts of the urgency felt by some members of his caucus. >> it is too urgent. we can't sit back and do nothing. >> but johnson's plan may hinge on democrats' support. >> it looks gimmicky to me, but i'm open to what the house is talking about. >> relying on democrats could prove risky. it was former speaker kevin mccarthy's decision to work with democrats on the last continuing resolution that ultimately cost him the gavel. >> ali joins me now from the white house. ali, the plan does not include any of the funding requested by president biden for israel, for ukraine and the southern border. how is the white house reacting? >> the white house is slamming this proposal for recipe for more republican chaos that puts critical national security and domestic priorities at risk. allie rafah. thank you. one of the busiest freeways is shut down indefinitely due to a massive fire. the i-10 running through los angeles, a storage yard under the freeway went up in flames. it was so bad the heat damaged an overpass. the governor declared a state of emergency and today officials said portions of the i-10 will be closed until further notice. a nightmare for commuters navigating l.a.'s already notoriously bad traffic. >> there is heartache in houston tonight after six people including three former university football players all died in a crash just hours before their school's annual home coming game. priscilla thompson is in houston with more. >> grief on the gridiron. >> homecoming in houston, but it's a bit of a subdued atmosphere. >> university of houston fan pausing the home coming game for a moment of silence in honor of three football players killed in a car crash hours before kickoff. >> a sad day to be a coug, whether you knew them or didn't know them, they're cougs. they're family. they were riding in this suv saturday morning when another driver slammed into them. >> the other vehicle ran a red light and appears to be going very fast, high velocity. >> six people were killed and u of h confirming d.j. hayden, zachary mcmillin and oragwu and former members and coaches remembering the trio as amazing young men with infectious smiles and laughter that lit up every moment. >> what will you remember the most about them? showing the absolute, genuine love. >> zach would know everybody name in the building down to the janitor and nothing, but love. >> cameron oliver knew all three. d.j. was very -- he was loved by everybody. being that guy who you can look to as an example. >> hayden, a houston area native survived a near-fatal heart injury in his senior year at u of h before going on to become a first-round draft pick by the oakland raiders in 2013. he played nine seasons in the nfl? oakland, detroit, jacksonville and washington. >> and the raiders are suiting up for their game tonight remembering hayden for his courage, perseverance and dedication to his teammates. kate? >> priscilla thompson, thank you. still ahead tonight, the new study on those popular weight loss drugs. could they even prevent heart at ta i'm in everybodies home and my favorite homes are wayfair homes. the wayfair homes just have that razzle dazzle. they redid the guest room. all at prices you can't believe but you should and blitzen fast shipping, north pole in two days so this year go to wayfair for goodness sake. the gifts. you have one job nick. ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... ♪♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. we are back with a crash landing caught on camera near dallas. take a look at this. a small plane making an emergency landing crashed into a fence on the road right near a car and remarkably no one was sersly hurt. they are the blockbuster drugs helping millions lose weight and now a new study finds that drugs like wegovy and o zem irk may not just help people lose weight, but it could help their heart health. liz kroit has the details. >> as the weight loss drug revolution exploits nationwide. new research shows the medications may not only help patients shed pounds and improve heart health. a recent clinical trial show could reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 20%. >> highly significant. >> dr. mike linkoff is the author of the trial which followed 17,000 obese adults 45 and older who had pre-existing cardiovascular deez and were not diabetic. 8% who received a placebo had a heart attack or stroke compared to 65% who took wegovy. >> up until now no one has shown with overweight and obesity that the risk of cardiovascular events could be reduced. the founder of novo nordisk the maker of wegovy comes as the fda approves mounjaro for weight loss called zepbound. new research founds tricep tide may lower the risk of heart disease. >> mounjaro changed my life. >> 30-year-old alexis mitchell has been taking mounjaro for just over a year now and says she's lost 125 pounds. >> i don't want to wait until i have a heart attack. i don't want to wait until i have a stroke. >> but despite the promise of these drugs, all of the side effects are not fully known. >> this is not meant for the person who wants to casually lose five or ten pounds before a big event. we don't think it's worth taking some of the risks some of which are known and some of which aren't known. >> and the drugs aren't cheap. most health care plans don't cover them and experts say these finding can push insurance companies to do so. >> very interesting. >> very interesting. tultomiris is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody positive. it is lasting control over your gmg symptoms. and, ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with 8 weeks of freedom between infusions. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious, life-threatening meningococcal and other types of infections. if not vaccinated, you must receive meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris and if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive 2 weeks of antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is here. ask your doctor about managing your generalized myasthenia gravis with ultomiris. there is a sobering new front line in the nation's fence nil crisis. more young people, even as young as middle schoolers are now accidentally being poisoned by pills containing fentanyl. the problem has gotten so bad in one community the school district now teaching parents how to save children from an overdose. morgan chesky reports. >> some time after 9:00 he took the pill that took his life. >> alexander neville died of fentanyl poisoning in 2020. the california teen was 14 years old, just barely out of middle school. >> you feel like a complete failure, right? we're beating ourselves up all of the time. >> his mother amy confessing she didn't even know what fentanyl was. >> that blindsided us. no one was talking about fentanyl at the time. >> her son thought he was taking oxycodone, but a toxicology. >> reporter:ed that one fatal pill was laced with fentanyl. >> it was a life or death situation, and i didn't realize that. >> a threat that's now made its way to cleveland, texas. >> a sobering show and tell at a middle school. >> ready? that's it. you just saved a life. >> in a cafeteria where kids each lunch, parents learning how to use narcan to save their children from fentanyl poisoning. >> at first i was, like, no because let's not have this because it's going to give a gateway for these children to go ahead and say hey, there's something to save me. let's just try it anyway. >> and now? >> and now, we need it. >> that's because parents here are facing something they've never seen before. an explosion of opioid-related incidents. barely three months into the school year the districts reported 15 emt calls, eight overdoses, none of them fatal, but four needing narcan and even an arrest in one of the middle schools for possession of opioids. if anything were to happen to one of these students our district would completely feel it. the fight is personnel for lacy green who rebuilt campus first aid kits. >> equipped with the life-saving drug. >> if it's a situation that they need to give narcan in, they already have it on them. now narcan kits are at every campus in the district and even the elementary schools. junior leslie gonzalez and say the difference from last year to now, dramatic. not just in overdoses, but in access to drugs like percocet, unknowingly laced with the fatal drug. >> how easy are these drugs to come by? >> very easy. >> you can look at someone in your class and you can ask and they would have it. >> texas has seen fentanyl-related deaths surge in more than three years. more than 200 of those deaths involving people 18 and under. >> what happened since the pandemic with youth is a skyrocketing, national epidemic of crushing anxiety that makes these kids not want to come to school. >> which is what drives dr. joy alonso to come to town halls like cleveland. >> this is texas to tennessee, baltimore to los angeles, no one is spared. >> it's hard because i just want my kid. >> a painful reality, one amy neville wishes she could rewind every single day. >> a little bit of information would have gone a long way in our house that night and unfortunately, we didn't have that and we paid a price. >> morgan chesky, nbc news, cleveland, texas. >> so hard. when we come back the dads when we come back the dads ma ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ (vo) it's another ultimate endless shrimp ♪flavor dropis really swell, ♪ with new tequila lime shrimp one of seven endless choices right now, only at red lobster welcome to fun dining when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. ♪♪ ♪♪ there's good news tonight about a show of support from a group of dads looking to bring joy and motivation to elementary school kids in kentucky. [ applause ] >> there you go! there you go! >> at elementary schools across louisville, kentucky. >> that's what i'm talking about! >> some mornings start with a big surprise. >> all right, big guy! >> hugs, high fives, smiles. and support. >> good morning! good morning! >> once a month the flash dads show up, a program started in jefferson county public schools seven years ago. >> dozens of dads with all kinds of jobs, army veteran james bogan and roger collins are regulars. >> what's a flash dad? >> it's just dads, community members showing up for students who sometimes don't have anybody to show up for them. [ applause ] >> been with the program since day one. >> good morning! good morning! >> my grandson went to the school that they were going to, so i felt it was a great opportunity for me to surf prize him as well. >> good morning! all right! all right. >> and i tell you, it's contagious. i've been doing it ever since. >> good morning! good morning! >> what keeps you coming back? >> the kids. the students. the energy. >> my man! >> erica walker is the principal at audubon traditional elementary. >> it sounds like such a simple thing, you know? a bunch of dads greeting everybody. >> a man's presence in elementary school is just amazing. >> everyone doesn't have a father in their home, a positive role model in their home so when they do see these men in schools they step in and they're able to give the students the encouragement and the motivation they need to be here. >> a joy, too, for the flash dads. nothing better than partying with, you know, 300, 400 elementary school students at 9:00 in the morning and they're looking for mentors. they need mentors, and that's what we do. >> all right. >> there you go! there you go! >> we continue to reach out to these students and let them know we're not there just that day. we are there whenever you need us. it's not a one-day event. it's a lifetime event. >> i love it. the district has just started a morning with moms program, too. that's "nbc nightly news." stay right here for sunday night football. i'm kate ow, forsn

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Pentagon , Lloyd Austin , Statement , Spike , 47 , Heart Attack , Injuries , American , October 17th , 56 , 17 , One , Lot , Helicopter Crash , Detail , Coast , Eastern Mediterranean , Cyprus , Megan , Mishap , Search And Rescue , Routine Refueling Mission , That S Right , Strike , Measures , Fight , Supplies , Militants , Lines , Meaghan , Hiding , Hospital , Ier Erin Mclachlan , Despair , Troops , Desperation , Doctor , Al Shifa , Background , Sides , Bombardment , Bombing , Burn Unit , Black , Essential Supplies , Medicine , Gunshots , Power Outages , Oxygen , Health Ministry In Gaza , 16 , 700 , Doctor Showing , Newborns , Yes , Military , Tunnels , Spokesperson , Hamas Hides , Safe Passage For Gazans , Footage , Entrance , Benjamin Netanyahu , Soldiers , 300 , Patient , Fraction , Tens , Sunday Morning , Civilians , Thousands , South , Fuel Given , Meet The Press , Malky , Son Omer , 139 , 21 , Sign , Exploiteding , Israeli Military , Hundreds , Families , Gun , Quote , Agony , White House , Help , Done , Push , Josh Letterman , Gaza Including Americans , Tel Aviv , Official , Americans , Many , Point Doesn T , Qatar , Hostage E , Nine , Children , Where , Discussion , Deals , Women , Palestinian Prisoners , 80 , Home , Back , Tick , Government Shutdown , Sleeping , Clock , Six , House , Plan , Support , Speaker , Shutdown , Party , Conversation , Ali Rafa Reports , Mike Johnson , Some , Social Security , Stake , Workers , Check , Medicare , First , Parts , Military Aid , Approach , Cuts , Second , Spending , Rest , Two , Urgency , Line Holdouts , Republicans , Nothing , Democrats , Caucus , Kevin Mccarthy , Resolution , Decision , Gavel , Funding , Mali , Biden , Security , Border , Recipe , Chaos , Ukraine , Republican , Freeways , Priorities , I 10 , Allie Rafah , Storage Yard , 10 , In Flames , Commuters , Overpass , Governor , Officials , Notice , Heat , Portions , State Of Emergency , People , Middle School , University Football Players , Heartache , Priscilla Thompson , Houston , Crash , Game , Traffic , Navigating L A , Homecoming , Bit , More , Home Coming Game For A Moment Of Silence , University Of Houston , Gridiron , Grief , Atmosphere , Honor , Fan Pausing , Car Crash , Football , Players , Family , Coug , Suv , Riding , Vehicle , Driver , Red Light , Velocity , Hayden , D J , Zachary Mcmillin , Trio , Men , Coaches , Smiles , Laughter , Most , Absolute , Love , Janitor , Building , Everybody Name , Zach , Cameron Oliver , Everybody , Guy , Native , Heart Injury , Example , Draft Pick , Area , Oakland Raiders , 2013 , Raiders , Perseverance , Game Tonight Remembering Hayden , Teammates , Courage , Dedication , Oakland , Nfl , Washington , Detroit , Jacksonville , Seasons , Wayfair Homes , Heart , Homes , Data , Everybodies , Razzle Dazzle , Prices , Guest Room , Fast Shipping , Goodness Sake , Blitzen , North Pole , Breathing , Things , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Breztri , Copd , Gifts , Job Nick , Won T , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , High Blood Pressure , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Don T , Spain , Vision Changes , Body , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Swelling , Eye , Tongue , Gut , Balance , Bloating , Probiotic , Discomfort , Gas , Frustration , Upsets , Gastroenterologists , Life , Crohn S Disease , Symptom Relief , Signs , Skyrizi , Everything , Control , Abdominal Pain , Crohn , Feel , Bowel Movements , Il 23 , 4 , 23 , Infections , Reactions , Remission , Ability , Damage , Majority , Intestinal Lining , Infection , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Crohn S , Vaccine , Gastroenterologist , No One , On The Road , Plane , Emergency Landing , Look , Crash Landing , Car , Camera Near Dallas , Weight , Heart Health , Blockbuster Drugs , Details , Millions , O Zem , Irk , Wegovy , Liz Kroit , Sersly , Show , Medications , Weight Loss Drug , Help Patients , Research , Revolution Exploits , Clinical Trial , Adults , Dr , Author , Trial , Mike Linkoff , 45 , 20 , 17000 , Stroke , Placebo , Cardiovascular Deez , 8 , 65 , Mounjaro , Founder , Events , Weight Loss , Obesity , Maker , Zepbound , Fda , Novo Nordisk , Heart Disease , Alexis Mitchell , Research Founds Tricep Tide , My Life , 30 , 125 , Side Effects , Person , Promise , Event , Health Care Plans , Worth , Aren T , Experts , Ten , Tultomiris , Finding , Insurance Companies , Receptor Antibody Positive , Myasthenia Gravis , Starting Ultomiris , Freedom , Chance , Treatment , Serious , Infusions , Immune System , Gmg , Vaccines , Types , Antibiotics , Meningococcal , 2 , Limb Discomfort , Conditions , Tiredness , Dizziness , Parents , Fentanyl , Schoolers , Problem , Front Line , Pills , School District , Community , Nation , Fence Nil Crisis , Pill , Fentanyl Poisoning , Morgan Chesky , Overdose , Teen , Alexander Neville , California , 2020 , 9 , 14 , 00 , Amy Confessing , Failure , Situation , Death , Son , Reporter , Toxicology , Oxycodone , Bed , Kids , Way , Texas , Threat , Cleveland , Cafeteria , Narcan , Lunch , Something , Explosion , Gateway , Schools , Overdoses , Opioids , Possession , Emt Calls , Districts , Incidents , None , Arrest , 15 , Eight , Students , Campus , Life Saving Drug , District , Kits , Aid , Lacy Green , Anything , Elementary Schools , Difference , Junior Leslie Gonzalez , Narcan In , Drug , Someone , Percocet , Class , Deaths , Youth , Pandemic , 18 , 200 , Epidemic , Skyrocketing , Anxiety , Town Halls , Joy Alonso , Tennessee , One Amy Neville , Reality , Kid , Baltimore , Dads , Price , Information , Stop Taking Jardiance , Story , Type 2 Diabetes , It , Day S Staaart , Seee , Sugar , A1c , 24 7 , Ketoacidosis , Urinary Tract Infections , Kidney Function , Dehydration , Genital Yeast , Perineum , Skin , Jardiance May , Reaction , Insulin , Blood Sugar , Dialysis , Sulfonylurea , Flavor Dropis , Lime , Choices , Vo , Red Lobster , Seven , News , Motivation , Applause , Group , I M Talking , Elementary School Kids , Kentucky , Louisville , Program , Mornings , Flash Dads , Surprise , Hugs , Big Guy , High Fives , Flash , Community Members , Dozens , Dad , Jefferson County Public Schools , Jobs , Kinds , Regulars , Roger Collins , James Bogan , Army , Grandson , Day One , Anybody , Prize , Opportunity , Oman , Thing , Principal , Energy , Bunch , Audubon Traditional Elementary , Erica Walker , Everyone Doesn T , Presence , Elementary School , Father , Role Model , Elementary School Students , Mentors , Joy , Encouragement , 400 , Morning , Moms Program , Sunday Night Football , Kate Ow , Forsn ,

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