Transcripts For FBC FBN AM 20161125 :

Transcripts For FBC FBN AM 20161125

nicole: meanwhile the trump transition team split over potential candidate for america's top diplomat. lauren: market will only be open for three and a half hours today. dow futures higher for 66 points, nasdaq about 8. nicole: let's check oil. 47.61 the barrel. down three quarters of 1%. lauren: 5:01 in new york. it feels like a monday. it is friday. i'm all confused. it's friday november 25th, welcome to fbn:am, first look at morning markets, breaking news and what to expect for the day ahead. too much topping, nicole. nicole: black friday, biggest shopping days of the deal. the stores such as target, macy's, wal-mart, the buyers and the doors have opened as even wednesday. >> i'm not going to quit. i just started. once a year i want to enjoy myself big-time. don't worry about it. i'm not going to leave. >> i got here wednesday at noon. it was kind of cool tonight but we got through it. >> i cooked, had all the people in my house, rushed them out, i have to go shopping. nicole: some of the most popular items includes electronics, cashmere, toys. hatchable eggs with animated animals inside. black friday for the busiest shopping day of the year and saturday before christmas and there's cybermonday but you've seen deals, that's all close together. lauren: they are cool except expensive. since 1930's black friday has been considered the start of the holiday shopping season but with the lines circling the night before, when does it really begin? cheryl casone joins us live from gal earn mall in white plains new york. charles, did you buy anything yet? cheryl: good morning, a lot of people have been buying but a lot of buying has been online. let me give you a sense of what's happening across the country. whether los angeles, chicago, or here in new york, but because stores opened up on black friday, the numbers maybe a little bit low as far as foot traffic but the money spent is not going to be national retail federation saying that they expect to see 131 million people shopping for the higher weekend because you said so much focus on black friday, now it's more about the entire weekend and that started thanksgiving day. they expect overall numbers to rise, the amount of sales happening over the weekend. 3.6% from last year. part of that might be higher thinking about the recent stock market that we have seen. let me show you some of the things that are going to be the specials. i want to show you right now. look at this. you have thomas the truck, you have things like purses, you have cookies and things like that, your favorite, new york giants fan. i forget that you're a new york jets or new york giants fan, nicole. hot items that they will be selling when the mall opens at 7:00 a.m. they have a macy's here which styeded to open later. i think you have victoria secret, staples, types of items that they expect to sell. flash sales all day here and also having different kinds of specials and all of these are going to be giveaways, price giveaways. but i will say one thing we are saying this year, a lot of companies have decided a lot of retailers saying they are not going to open thanksgiving day. they made it a big marketing push, we saw staples and also retailers understand that they're online present is just as crucial as their physical presence so we are going see the sales numbers likely up according to retail fedderation but what we are going to see not likely a big rush that we usually see unless you're in a target somewhere in america and you're trying to get a great deal on a television and there are great deals. money will be spent. we are doing it a little different this year. >> thanksgiving day, more than a billion spent online, half of that on our phones. cheryl have fun today. nicole: thanks, cheryl, awesome. not stopping for thanksgiving, president-elect trump attempt to go stop another american company to moves jobs to méxico. he tweeted this yesterday in regards to carrier air-conditioning. working hard even on thanksgiving, making progress, will know soon. carrier working 1400 jobs from indiana to méxico, a move trump is trying to counter and trump offering message to the nation on wednesday. take a look at this. >> it's my prayer that on this thanksgiving, we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country, strengthened by share purpose and very, very common resolve. nicole: the president elect remains in florida today. lauren: ever wondered how the future of the united states spend thanksgiving? they spend time in mar-a-lago. lobster bisque, oven roasted turkey, traditional stuffing, sweet mash potatoes. one of the options was a three layer trump chocolate cake. i guess he's a fan of chocolate. nicole: sounds good. trump made appointments all over the ard. many are saying he should appoint those loyal to him during campaign. trump loyalists wilbur ross continued to be front runner for secretary of commerce. included promises of withdrawals from free trade agreements and more jobs for americans. then mitt romney remains a contender for the secretary of state position but certainly has been criticized for history of division with donald trump, some saying this should be a disqualifying factor. rudy giuliani a trump loyalist is another top contender for that role. lauren: we will see. jill stein is leading the effort to recount election day votes in three swing states that went to donald trump, wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. stein has raised 3 and a half million so far. looks like he might have done and deadline for count for wisconsin, fees $.5 million. stein's campaign says it's not intended to help hillary clinton but deserve what we can trust. nicole: 19 shots were fired near the juice bowl at 1:30 p.m. mayor was uninjured and taken to safety, the motive for the shootings is still unknown. but louisville homicide record to 112 and that's a new record high for that city. lauren: such a sad thanksgiving for those families. global market action over night. great day, great friday in asia. check out nikkei in japan. we saw that core consumers prices fell for the eighth month and that could push pressure to introduce stimulus. check out shanghai composite in china, up two-thirds of one percent. kospi in south korea up about two tenths of 1% today. nicole: let's check out what's going on in europe. dent forget we hit records again on wednesday, thursday, we were close and we are seeing up arrows around the globe. cac quarante is up 4 points, again a fractional move. trying to find direction here. german dax up 1 point. lauren: here in u.s. markets close at 1:00 eastern. very likely see new highs today for the dow and the s&p, those futures up 4 points, nasdaq futures gaining 7. nicole: black friday is here and we want to know about the hot items, where the go-to sales and how going out compares to staying and shopping at home. she is a retail analyst, consumer spending columnist at u.s. news and world report and author of the book black market billions, how to organize, joining us live in the studio to make some headway here on black friday. when you're thinking about black friday, traditionally this is the day people go to the stores and now we have competition for online. >> you are seeing retailers, wal-mart, they spend so much in infrastructure online, almost a billion dollars there trying to beef up and prepare for online sales going into black friday, but while it was out, it was just out at the store a couple of hours ago, there was still a lot of traffic. people going in there shopping, mostly buying things like televisions, toys. nicole: overnight shopping, thanksgiving night. >> what was interesting that over the couple of years -- i have been doing it for eight years. the traffic started to get really heavy during the hours of 12:00 to 3:00 many years ago. this year because a lot of the black friday sales started at 6:00 a.m. -- 6:00 p.m. i should say, the traffic was really high during 6:00 p.m. to maybe 8:00 p.m. and then start today -- started to peter down. lauren: 6:00 p.m. on? >> this year it was 6:00 p.m. on because started deals started at 6:00 p.m. target opened the doors. raur lawyer what stores were the hottest? >> i was in wal-mart, a lot of traffic there. they were selling things like televisions, i did do the search finish the hatch bles, we heard about this, hot item around 70, $80. they sold out at the store i was at at wal-mart. the tv was the best-hottest item . when you went to like kohl's it was mostly apparel. $25,000 per second. nicole: per second. tough economy, 25,000 a second. thank you so much for joining us and giving insight into the shopping that begins now for the holidays. lauren: hopefully you can see sleep now. >> not now. lauren: death toll continues to rise in disaster in china. what happened there? we will let you know. you're watching fbn:am, first look at morning markets and breaking news. [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette. and her new business: i do, to go. jeanette was excellent at marrying people. but had trouble getting paid. not a good time, jeanette. even worse. now i'm uncomfortable. but here's the good news, jeanette got quickbooks. send that invoice, jeanette. looks like they viewed it. and, ta-da! paid twice as fast. oh, she's an efficient officiant. way to grow, jeanette. get paid twice as fast. visit quickbooks-dot-com. whythen get worse?nks taste chalky? introducing protein shots from 5-hour energy. protein shots from 5-hour energy are smooth and tasty, and still deliver 21 grams of protein with 100 calories. they're great for workouts, no matter how you work out... whether you're going for reps... or laps... or distance. you gotta try it... period. protein shots from 5-hour energy. great taste. 100 calories. 21 grams of protein. nicole: good morning, 5:15 a.m. get up, you're digesting that turkey. black friday maddens has already begun and competing retailers are starting early than ever. president-elect donald trump has been working hard over the holiday trying to stop another american company from exporting jobs over the méxico. he's also actively considering billionaire wilbur ross for commerce secretary and still wondering is romney too big of a threat to trump's administration, we will check that out for secretary of state n. paris, french police are searching for a mass gunman after a woman was stabbed in a retirement home. it's been reported there's an unusually large police operation on this one. we will give you all the details as it ub folds. let's check in on u.s. stock market futures. half day today, stocks and equity markets closing at 1:00 p.m. today right after. right now dow futures are looking higher and s&p futures up 4. lauren, that's what's happening now. lauren: u.s. military suffering first combat death in syria. officials are reporting an american service member is dead from an improvised explosive device, ied in the northern part of the country. americans are in the area organizing an offensive against isis, u.s. war planes have been bombing inside syria to help thousands of fighters. we have 74 dead after the collapse accident in more than two years. the power plant tower collapsed, more than 500 rescue workers digged by hand along with rescue dogs, two are reported injured. well, the fallout continuing for wells fargo over phoney account scandal. the bank has asked the u.s. court to order customers suing the company to resolve the matter through private arbitration. wells fargo has agreed to pay $185 million in fines plus $5 million back to customers over this scandal. nicole. nicole: thanksgiving shopping already has been breaking records. adobe hit $1.1 billion, $149 million has come from shopping on mobile device. that's nearly 60% higher than the prior year. lauren: that only goes till 5:00 p.m., when we get the overnight numbers we will see how big it got. carroll brady died after heart condition surrounded by friends and family, tributes to henderson have poured in on social media with many calling her america's mom. lauren henderson dead at 82. nicole: she would be fondly remembered. the holiday shopping season is kicking off. millions taking advantage of the black friday deals. >> burn calories after thanksgiving dinner. >> my wife is shopping. i hang out here and guard the grandchildren. nicole: big retails stores have already opened giving shoppers early start, we will tell you who are early winners so far. russell hit life-time highs yesterday. 3 record straight closes. wednesday, i mean, this morning stocks up in asia, euro and also right here in the states. dow futures up 54, s&p futures up 4, the dollar index soaring a 14-year high as well. something to watch as well. you're watching fbn:am i can't believe we broke old man hennessey's window correction dude, you broke. i just threw the ball. this is really bad. what are we going to do? dude, kiss your life goodbye. let's go. ♪oh. keep smiling, keep shining♪ ♪knowing you can always count on me, for sure♪ hi ♪knowing you can always count on me, for sure♪ tell him it was an accident and we can fix the window. ♪knowing you can always count on me, for sure♪ i'll come with you. ♪woah, that's what friends are for♪ lauren: welcome back, with several stores offering a variety of deals it's hard to determine which black friday sale is the best. we will hear more on that and the big retail winner was, strategic resource managing director and you were up, you've been up 48 hours shopping? >> along with the country, not shopping as much, some lines were so long in stores that i couldn't check out. lauren: what stores caught your eye and why? >> the rocky balboa, a couple of weeks ago toys"r"us and jc penny. they were packed, new management team was fantastic. all the wrong advice for penny almost killing the company, best buy was doing phenomenal business as well, macy's, american eagle, urban outfitter, big disappointment was target, they according to merchandise christmas. more vacuum cleaners than christmas items. nicole: interesting, you are giving us some of the winners. millennials are out. what about the tough economy? you've been up 48 hours straight. >> millennial are still on 34th street now, forever 21, american eagle, urban, macy's, millennials are using it as a great event to socialize, stocks are reported well, they will spend record amounts online too. they want to get together with their friends and there are a number of great buys. lauren: you find the door busters but also the experience but i say to myself, it's like cyber week, all week i've seen coming through to my e-mail. you can get something equal to black friday maybe a little bit less but you can do so in the comfort of your own homes. there's a number from retail fedderation that online shopping is only 11% of total holiday retail sells at 655 billion. i don't get it. it doesn't make sense to me. 17%. >> that's it and growing 17% a year, it'll double in the next decade. only about a third of the business within ten years. lauren: interesting. >> wal-mart is under doug dynamic ceo making phenomenal comeback, the depth, quality of the apparel they have, even art which is on the edge of the cliff had terrific and target really disappointing. nicole: you mentioned jc pennies, winners, you are putting positive spin on retail overall going into the holidays. are you really bullish on this group overall? >> bullish on the companies that have great leadership, barish on the land-base retail. you've got 400% for retail footage in the u.s. and to your present point online is growing and almost an accelerating retail ice age where less capable retailers will reach a point of unplanned. >> did you see the 18,000cartier watch that wal-mart is selling online, wal-mart and cartier, never thought i would say that in the same sentence. >> and nieman marcus with the new trump white house on fifth avenue, nieman owns, so nieman markets both members and women are barricaded around both blocks as tiffany's. tough times ahead and with wal-mart saying the 18,000-dollar cartier watch maybe tougher for nieman-marcus. lauren: hopefully you'll be in the market for that. [laughter] nicole: shopping spree has started and began last night to some customers even for this boy. >> i'm going to go shopping for my parents, my uncles and cousins. i guess i'm not going to go to sleep tonight. we will go to dinner and then go shopping. nicole: president-elect donald trump working hard even on thanksgiving ♪rock guitar ♪yeah ♪(rock music) ♪you can't do this, you can't deny ♪they feed us lines, but i won't act♪ ♪and all good things will come to pass♪ ♪but the truth is all you have to have♪ ♪and would you lie for it? ♪cry for it? ♪die for it? ♪would you? ♪i believe ♪believe we're still worth the fight♪ ♪you'll see there's hope for this world tonight♪ ♪i believe, i believe >> i've got headphones. i wasn't planning on these. xbox, movies, games, tv. we are just looking around right now. >> how happy are you right now? >> happy as i can be. >> better than christmas. lauren: black friday maddens then happiness underway. turkey has been cleared from the table and time to shop, shop, shop. we go live to new york on one of the busiest shopping days of the year. good morning, happy black friday. nicole: how happy are you right now? good morning, i'm nicole petallides. president-elect trump spent with family in florida saying he's been working hard on keeping jobs right here in america. lauren: trump transition team reportedly split for candidate for secretary of state. nicole: let's check out u.s. stock market futures, s&p and nasdaq on wednesday and let's check in on u.s. stock market futures this morning, all up arrows, s&p futures up 5. lauren: price of oil was down two days in a row and down again today. day number three. down 1%. nicole: good morning, 5:31 a.m. here in new york, november 25th, we hope you had a nice thanksgiving. we welcome you to fbn:am, first look at what's moving in today's markets and the latest breaking news. lauren: black friday, folks, if you didn't already know, one of the biggest and busiest shopping days of the year. with the deals rolling out earlier and earlier every year, stores like target and macy's and wal-mart had buyers at their doors as early as wednesday. >> i got some headphones, i wasn't planning on these. x box, movies, games, tv. >> how happy are you right now? >> happy as i can be. better than christmas. [laughter] lauren: popular items include electronics, cashmeres, hatchable eggs, they are not cheap. cybermonday which is monday after this weekend following close behind. nicole: someone right on it since 1930's black friday has been considered the start of the holiday shopping season but with lines circling around when does it really begin and our brick and mortar stores really where the majority of americans do their spending? cheryl casone is all over this, the gal earn mall in white plains new york, the hottest product. she knows what's going on. good morning, cheryl. cheryl: good morning, i've covered several black fridays in my career. let me leave it there for you, ladies, this morning, what we are seeing so different this year versus many years past even rick and mortar malls themselves, we are not going to open on thanksgiving. they are changing strategies to go with the times which is online shopping as lauren and you and i talked in the show. folks are going online shopping and that's where they are spending their money. again, the crowds need to be here and they're waiting this year in this part of new york, but i will tell you this, overall the money is going to be there. 131million americans are expected to shop over the thanksgiving weekend, so that's thanksgiving all the way into sunday. they are also expecting the numbers to be there. they expect sales to growly 3.6% growing from last year november-december to this year november-december. there are certain stores across america that we have certainly seen a lot of action, whether it's macy's, at your target, at your wal-mart, but again strategies are very different this year and the deals have to be there. that's why i wanted to show you some of the things offering here in the flash sales when they open up the doors in a little bit. first, they are doing a toy drive. that's incredible. they want to make sure that those who don't have toys for the christmas will get them. things like macorone, these are 12 for $20. that's part of flash sales. new york giants hat, the football hats, me and my football. these are flying off the shelves. buy one get the half one free. emoji slippers. they expect to really sell. these are get two for $20. things like that. and then i'm going to move over here and finally give the victoria secret stuff, we love our logses and our per peoples and things, right, if you spend $75 you get the tote bag, make-up kit and everything inside. if you're looking for the big deals, the story definitely as it was last year is is online, lauren, nicole. lauren: president elect stopping company from moving to méxico. working hard even on thanksgiving, making progress, will know soon. carrier is plan to go move 1400 jobs from indiana to méxico. a move that trump is trying to counter. trump also offered a special thanksgiving message to the nation. here is a listen. >> it's my prayer that on this thanksgiving we begin to heal our divisions and move forward in one country by shared purpose and very common resolve. lauren: president elect remains in florida today. nicole: ever wonder how the future president of the united states does thanksgiving, well, you can look at this, the president-elect donald trump and his family spent nice thanks giving in mar-a-lago club in palm beach, florida, some of the options on the menu, lobster bisqui, salad, turkey, traditional stuffing, sweet mash potatoes and three layer trump chocolate cake. lauren: there's no such thing as a simonetti cake. charlie has reported that trump loyalists and billionaire wilbur ross is believed to be front runner for secretary of commerce. ross has helped agenda of trump campaign and more jobs for americans and he also knows a thing or two about steel and coal, two industries that trump wants to revive. mitt romney remains a contender for secretary of state but has been criticized for history of fierce opposition to trump. some saying this should be a disqualifying factor, rudy giuliani on the other hand a trump loyalists from the get-two is another top contender for secretary of state. nicole: newt gringrich has been very vocal. he says that there's lots of other choices. we want to turn to black friday. we want to know what's hot and what's not, the go-to sales, where are they, going out compares to staying in and post thanksgiving shopping? here to hell -- to tell us all about it, the author of the book . let's talk about what americans are doing now and what's the biggest thing that you're seeing right now on a positive note? >> i'm going to throw a number to you, 2.1 billion and that is the number of globally how many people are smartphones. that number is going to go up 2.8 billion by 2020. so why that is important is because everyone is shopping via mobile phones and that's why we are seeing numbers go up online versus store traffic that i was seeing last night. the stores were full. i was out wondering around the wal-marts, targets and kohl's. there was definitely store traffic. it start today dissipate, the people are shopping in their homes. lauren: you can get shopping done there and same sales for the most partonline. what are the top categories that you're seeing this year? >> they did a study. suitcases, office supplies. no one really wants printer ink for the holidays, all the supplies 50% in general. computer and electronics down to 47% in general. that's what you're going to see the discount on. now is the time to go out and get computer ifs you need one, maybe those i pads, apple actually starts having incredible discounts now at the wal-marts and distribution retailers. nicole: what stores are going to be the winners of this holiday season? >> we saw the numbers coming out of target where they beat estimates the other day when they reported out earnings. while they didn't have a lot of product still available, it's still a retailer that is really resinating -- nicole: do you like target? he actually was more of a wal-mart guy. >> i'm on the opposite end. exactly. i think what target, again, demand is certainly there because of product mix. they are definitely going to have con restaurant tream of people coming into the stores in addition to the fact that merchandise going into the next quarter is also online. people are going to be able to shop there. lauren: 145-second answer, how come the online portion of over all holiday spending is stuck at $100 million, or 17%. are. >> retailers aren't there yet. wal-mart just spent a billion dollars in infrastructure and trying to catch up with amazon. nicole: thank you so much for joining us. you spent the night in the stores, thank you. lauren: let's get you caught up on global market action overnight, this is how stocks in asia, great friday there. shanghai composite in china up .6%. hang seng in hong kong up half of 1% and kospi in south korea adding over a tenth of 1%. nicole: let's check out european stocks. we saw records here in the states on wednesday. we see up arrows in asia now, london ftse is fractionally up as the the cac quarante in france and german dax down slightly. we have seen also light tradin this week as well. lauren: volume has been very low, they are only open for three and a half hours today. they close at 1:00 earn time. the s&p is up 3, both of those should hit records and potentially close at record highs too. nasdaq up 6 points today. we are watching that for a potential record as well. nicole: coming up, hollywood is mourning a loss of someone special. the actress who went from broadway star to television ie son when she became carol brady. so we are going to watch for that. and we are also watching a construction disaster in china and you are watching fbn:am, we have up arrows, will we see another record for the markets? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ how else do you think he gets around so fast? take the reins this holiday and get the mercedes-benz you've always wanted during the winter event. now lease the 2017 gle350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. whythen get worse?nks taste chalky? introducing protein shots from 5-hour energy. protein shots from 5-hour energy are smooth and tasty, and still deliver 21 grams of protein with 100 calories. they're great for workouts, no matter how you work out... whether you're going for reps... or laps... or distance. you gotta try it... period. protein shots from 5-hour energy. great taste. 100 calories. 21 grams of protein. lauren: welcome back, 5:45 a.m. in new york. good morning, let's get you caught up on what's happening now. it's black friday and the maddens has begun online and in store. take a look at what to expect today and what you missed while eating turkey. donald trump has been working hard over the holiday trying to stop another american company from ebbing porting jobs from indiana to méxico. he's also actively considering billionaire wilbur ross for commerce secretary and some are still wondering if mitt romney is still a big of a threat if he were to become secretary of state. we are going to check that out for you. in paris, police searching after woman stabbed in retirement. unusually large police operation on this. we will give you details as they unfold. stock futures pointing up this morning. dow futures could look at fifth record in a row. ninth since donald trump was elected president. dow futures now up 49. s&p futures up 3, nasdaq gaining 7. that's a look at what's happening now. nicole: keeping a look at johnson johnson & johnson. we do have a news alert, u.s. military suffering first combat death, an american service member death from improvised explosion device, americans are in that area organizing offensive against isis. u.s. war planes have been bombing targets inside syria to help thousand of mill -- militia fighters. lauren: country's worst work safety accident. over 500 workers went through debris by hands along with rescue dogs, two are reported injured. nicole: fallout for wells fargo for phoney account scandal, the banks has asked u.s. courts to resolve the matter through private arbitration. wells fargo has agree today pay out $185 million in fees, plus $5 million back to customers over that scandal. lauren: thanksgiving shopping already breaking record. adobe online $5.5 billion and 449 million has come from shopping on mobile phones. you heard say more than 2 billion people have phones. nicole: $986. that's what she said. nicole: she died of a heart condition surrounded by friends and family. florence henderson died at the age of 82. lauren: many people taking advantage of black friday deals. >> i'm trying to burn calories after thanks giving dinner. >> my wife is shopping, i hang out here and guard the grandchildren. lauren: big retail stores opened on thanksgiving day to give shoppers an early start. who is the early winner so far? we will see. investors are the winners today because futures are pointing to shortened session to higher open. dow futures 48, nasdaq up 7. you're watching fbn:am, first look at morning markets and breaking news. which allergy? eees. bees? eese. trees? eese. xerox helps hospitals use electronic health records so doctors provide more personalized care. cheese? cheese! xerox healthcare services... ...soon to be conduent. that's it. how was your commute? good. yours? good. xerox real time analytics make transit systems run more smoothly... and morning chitchat... less interesting. xerox transportation services... ...soon to be conduent. nicole: all right, good morning, several stores offering a variety of deals it's hard to determine which black friday sale is the very best and here with more on that and who the big thanksgiving retail winner will be, let's two to strategic resource group, manager, director, he's been up for 40 hours, lots of coffee. lauren: 41 now. nicole: give us the one, two, three, what are the best we need to know. >> phenomenal deals at best buy, wal-mart has tv's at every price point. everything to several hundred dollars. interesting thing people are spending store wide at wal-mart for the first time in 15 years apparel, consumer electronics. target are filling in even at 2:00 o'clock in the morning and the closest wal-mart super center brooklyn, john david wright took an entire church bus because it was so crowded in the first 24 hours that the store was open and the whole congregation store shopping because they couldn't get in earlier. if you've got the churches, you're going to win the wars in the stores and target is not getting the churches. lauren: the election would impact how -- how much we were going to open wallets for the holidays, are you seeing that at all? the election impacting our shopping? >> yes. one thing we are seeing is you reported yesterday is the cars in the parking lot are more beat up and older than ever. lauren: the average anal of -- average age of a car is record high. target, you pay an extra 5 bucks for aspirin. people are paying the 98 cents for the aspirin and saving a dollar to 5, $25 on everything else. wal-mart -- target jacked up the prices of toys two weeks ago and discounted them back this week so it's crazy. nicole: let me ask you a question. nicole: what's driving the american culture for spending more? why do they have confidence? >> innovation from talking to stores around the clock and wee hours this morning. beats headphones, apple products, toy are us are doing a phenomenal job with disney games. innovation is driving it. i'm at the board of cornell and people want environmentally responsible close. they are starting to see that. even kmart and wal-mart and victoria secret too which is packed at 3:00 o'clock in the morning. so people want environmentally responsible product, they want new product, and if they can't get new they are going to thrift stores or say vers to get repurpose product. lauren: how does amazon fit into all of this in. >> let's make fox business listeners some money. if you're going to buy some stocks, one amazon, recommending at $555, two toys"r"us preferred stocks that yields about 10% symbol xke or jc penny preferred stocked. nicole: i like it. lauren: thank you so much. coming up we are going to hand it over to mornings with maria. winning week for the stock market and certainly looking like it's going to be a winning shortened trading day. nasdaq up 6. we will be right back family road trip! fun! check engine. not fun! but, you've got hum. that's like driving with this guy. all you do is press this, and in plain english, "coolant", you'll know what's wrong. if you do need a mechanic, just press this. 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[and her new business: i do, to jeanetgo. jeanette was excellent at marrying people. but had trouble getting paid. not a good time, jeanette. even worse. now i'm uncomfortable. but here's the good news, jeanette got quickbooks. send that invoice, jeanette. looks like they viewed it. and, ta-da! paid twice as fast. oh, she's an efficient officiant. way to grow, jeanette. get paid twice as fast. visit quickbooks-dot-com. nicole: we might see another record again for stocks. johnson & johnson stock to watch . lauren: dagen mcdowell will take through the next hours. dagen: great to see everybody. good morning, i'm dagen mcdowell in for maria bartiromo. it's friday november 25th, top stories at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. shoppers across america rushing to claim massive deals as the holiday shopping season kicks off but sales began tragedy striking in nevada, a fight over parking spot turns deadly. transition of power continues in this country. president-elect donald trump calling for unity in his thanksgiving message. >> we just finished a long and bruising political campaign, emotions and tensions don't heal overnight. it doesn't go quickly, unfortunately, but we have before us a chance to make history together, to make real change to washington, real

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