Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News Headquarters 20120107

FOXNEWSW Americas News Headquarters January 7, 2012

in iowa. [laughter] >> and maybe, could we double that number? instead of an eight vote margin? 16 i sure hope, i want to win. let me tell you, don't get too confident with the poll numbers, i've watched polls come and go and thanks change quickly, it's fluid and i need to make sure you guys get your friends to go out and vote and you vote as well. >> jamie: none of the candidates taking anything for granted in new sham hire, while romney may be number one in that average that could change with one big debate around the corner. chief political correspondent carl cameron live in amhurst, new hampshire, keeping an eye on polls that suggest it could be a blowout. what do you think, carl? >> polls are polls and there's a cliche in new hampshire, voters don't make up their minds until they meet the candidates a number of times. there's sophistication and their history and familiarity of the process and they get overpolled. polled a ton and i spoke to people a few moments ago and they got three different polls called last night and they recognize them from the caller i.d. and they gave their support to three different candidates. so, there you go. i want to show you something over my shoulder here, this is the post card, this is what new hampshire is all about. and that's rick santorum right there. standing on a picnic table, in the woods, on the side of the road in amhurst. he was going to do a meet and greet, a general store was too crowded and 4 or 500 people there. rick santorum doesn't have a big campaign here, but 4 or 500 people in the woods to undertake it. it's an expression of the type of support that he has. the race for first, romney will probably win, but the santorum campaign is really in a battle now for the possibility of coming in second, and eclipsing ron paul and that's really where the race may turn out to be here in new hampshire and romney's win, if he does in fact hold it together, will have to be sustained through tonight's debate, tomorrow's debate and the last 36 hour sprint to the tuesday primary. if that's possible, then the question is, ron paul versus rick santorum. santorum's crowds are growing fast and again, this is a primary where independents and undecides can vote and because of that anything can happen and with people who are getting polled are openly telling reporters that they're fibbing to the pollsters, let the voters decide on tuesday. >> jamie: take about perspective. that certainly is. you know, carl, i'm supposed to ask you about newt gingrich and ron paul and ask you about john huntsman put all of his efforts into new hampshire and how are they doing? how do you think that will shake out at this point? >> well, john huntsman campaign is hoping to break 10% to be competitive and a couple of polls in third place this year, or in recent weeks, if he doesn't come in third, which is again, just third. his candidacy is in real trouble. he's spend all of his time in new hampshire and pull all the eggs in had basket and he's focusing only on florida, but that's predicated on a win here. huntsman is in trouble. and ron paul has huge support no doubt about it, there's a libertarian streak here in new hampshire and plenty of students like him and he ron with mitt romney as well and newt gingrich is changing his candidacy, where in iowa he was saying positive and talk about running against obama and he could support anybody in the republican nomination against president obama, now, newt gingrich is becoming more aggressive and specifically aimed at mitt romney. unveiled a new web page, not romney. quotes and statements from different republicans beating up the massachusetts ex-governor over the years and he's going to unleash ads in south carolina that will really go aggressively against romney on the issue of abortion. romney was pro choice in 2004 and 5 and turned in 2006 as he he was gearing up to the republican presidential campaign of '08. as governor changed his position to pro-life and gingrich will hit him in ads he was taxpayer funding to keep abortion legal and taxpayer funded in massachusetts. that sort of thing is going to go very, very aggressively against romney and could resound against gingrich. he was popular when he insisted he would be positive. he's not going negative, but talking about facts of romney's record, but it's increasingly caustic, and could do damage. >> jamie: the gingrich camp says it's not negative campaigning or negative ads, they're just laying out the facts as politicians will do, thanks so much, carl, good to see you, we'll check back with you, of course, we will have full coverage of the new hampshire preemry. remember, this is a primary unlike the caucuses which were nonbinding in iowa. it starts on january 10th. bret baier and kelly, they will lead our coverage from manchester, kelly. >> kelly: president obama making an effort to keep the u.s. jobs at home 6789 the white house proposed boosting the economy by quote, insourcing u.s. jobs. doug has more details. happy saturday to you, make no mistakes that yesterday's jobs number showed unemployment 8.5% is a shot in the arm to the economy, but also to the obama campaign and if that trend continues, the president steals the thunder from his republican rivals and some of their job creation, attacks against his administration. and he made that clear in a campaign like rally appearance yesterday, at the consumer financial protection bureau and listen up to this. >> moving in the right direction, we have made real progress. now is not the time to stop so i would urge congress to make sure they stay on top of their job to make sure that everybody else is able to enjoy hopefully an even more robust recovery in 2012. >> so striking a job creation theme because the next couple of weeks, including next wednesday, he's going to be hosting that insourcing american jobs forum that you talked about at the white house. and this gathering will feature american companies relocating jobs back to the united states. include returning a hundred jobs to milwaukee from overseas and lincoln furniture, 130 new jobs to a once vacant plant and galaxy solutions, a company that created the outsource detroit program and dupont, which started up a new 500 million plant last year to reduce anti-ballistic fiber near charleston. and a lot of companies that made decisions to bring jobs back to the u.s. will attend the forum. and giving the campaign a fuel of their own the president proposing an increase pay for federal workers after he froze their pay for two years an and critics say it's a blown thrown, and taxpayers funded workers who already enjoy much greater job security and retirement benefits than their counterparts in the private sector, kelly. >> kelly: pretty much it's about the politics, but it will be interesting to see what happens with that insourcing proposal. doug mcelway, thank you. >> jamie: and the president pointing to an unemployment rate 8.5%, it's a three-year low, but what does it mean for the president's reelection bid? a fox news contributor, angela mcglowan and doug schoen. good to see you. >> jamie: angela how real are the numbers, for december, a team not only a lot of add-ones for the employment rosters for holiday shopping and retailer organizations and others. do you think it's a trend as opposed to just a monthly number? >> well, you ask how real are the numbers? perception is reality and if this is a trend, where the economy seems like it's sustaining itself and job creation is happening, obama might win for more years, but right now, people are not hopeful and don't think that the economy is getting better or that job creation is getting better. so we'll have to see. if it's a trend or if the numbers truly are real. >> doug, if you're one of the people that got a job in december and you're happy to be a part of that job role and they are the best numbers we've seen in a really long time, you're probably leaning towards the current administration and the fact that they were able to add those jobs, but if you look at the candidates, particularly in new hampshire, mitt romney, newt gingrich saying he created so many jobs and also john huntsman saying his state had good employment numbers, who do you believe? >> well, that's really the question. i think angela's exactly right. people are cautious and skeptical on the one hand, the news from yesterday is very good. the consumer confidence is improving and the sense the economy is headed in the wrong direction is also dissipating. but that being said, there's still a lot of concern and a lot of worry and i would just conclude, jamie, the person who was hired in december, wants to know that they're going to actually have a job for the long-term, not just be a victim of seasonal hiring. >> jamie: particularly in november, the president would like them to keep their jobs. >> absolutely. >> jamie: you said you're going to conclude. i'm not letting you go just yet. >> concludes that comment. >> jamie: you'll have one other one for sure. >> please. >> jamie: angela, first, where do the numbers need to be at election time come november 2012? >> they need to be much more 8.5%. and remember, whoever is the republican nominee can run this ad. obama said in 2009 if you pass my stimulus plan, that the unemployment rate would not go over 8%. he also said, as candidate obama, if i can't change the economy in four years then you do not need to reelect me. so, jamie, it needs to be much lower than 8.5% and there's eight states that the democrats are actually targeting, and florida is one of them. where the unemployment rate is 10.5%. so, it needs to go lower than that e you know, this may seem like out of the box question, doug, but i'm wondering what the impact could be if one of the candidates, if somebody else decides to be a third party candidate, who does have a better jobs record in their state. whether it's a governor, or someone else that served in congress or just a businessman that really in their field was huge in terms of employing folks? >> i don't see it as out of the box question. i've worked with americans elect to put such a candidate on the ballot. because the american people do want alternatives. the democrats and obama, as angela correctly suggested, have a lot of vulnerability on jobs and it would be great if there was a third alternative. i hartley support it and more importantly, the american people want it and think it would be beneficial. >> any names before i ask angela? >> i don't have any names, but let's just suggest any business leader, a howard schultz, a fred smith, from federal express, they would be terrific names to add to the mix, and they have a lot to offer. >> now, jamie, this is a wild card. but john hunts n ma -- huntsman, not saying he would do this. when he was governor and mitt romney was governor, john huntsman did create jobs and a better economy in the state of utah. what if john huntsman does not win new hampshire and becomes a third party candidate. >> jamie: what about it? >> the more the merrier. governor huntsman has spoken truth to power and he's talked about entitlement reform and served in the obama administration and a terrific mix of people broadening the choice for the american people. >> jamie: doug, i'm waiting for you to throw your hat in the ring. >> you may have to hold your breath. >> i know you're a democrat and you know what i'm saying, and a little bit you're agreeing with angela here. let's say ron paul decides to, to throw his hat in the third party ring. what's his record on jobs? >> well, ron paul, listen, ob-gyn, i don't know his records on jobs, but if he became a third party candidate he'd have a lot of young support. a lot of college students that really like this guy. >> but he's been in congress, does he have a record on unemployment? >> i don't, jamie, i hate to say that much to ron paul besides his newsletter and some of the whacky ideas he's come out with. >> very interesting. all right. guys, i'm going to leave it there. we will watch what happens in new hampshire and can't wait to talk to you about south carolina, too, thanks so much. >> thanks, jamie. >> doug schoen and angela mcglowan. >> kelly: the obama administration to make it easier for some he will legal immigrants to seek legal residency in the united states. familiar will is may wait years to get a visa from their home country before settling down here in america. now, the white house says it will tweak that rule, allowing illegals to stay in the u.s. for much of that process. the change is likely to go into effect later this year. we're getting new reaction from the white house to a new tell-all book, targeting president obama and the first lady, coming out this week. the controversial book depicting tensions between michelle obama and some white house aides. our peter doocy joins us live down in washington. peter, how, how tense were things getting between michelle obama and then chief of staff rahm emanuel? >> kelly, this book indicates that the first lady and rahm emanuel didn't get along at all partly because she was skeptical of his selection as chief of staff and partly he didn't trust first ladies dating back to clashes he had with hillary clinton in the '90s and the author also suggests after then press secretary robert gibbs worked very hard to shoot down rumors that the first lady thought living in the white house was hell, the first lady told advisor and friend, valerie jarrett that gibbs didn't handle the matter properly, a point jarrett raised at a staff meeting that caused gibbs to flip out and he says he stopped taking jarrett at all seriously as an advisor to the president, her viewpoint in advising the president is that she has to be up and the rest of the white house has to be down. robert gibbs, kelly, left the white house in early 2011, valerie jarrett is still there. >> kelly: still there. and has the white house reacted to the stories, the story in the book at all? >> yes, and they're trying to make it sound like the author, jody can tore, also a new york times reporter, doesn't know what she's talking about, with the white house spokesman eric schultz telling fox, the author last interviewed the obamas in 2009 for a magazine piece and did not interview them for this book. the emotions, thoughts and private moments described in the book though often seemingly ascribed to the president and first lady seem little more than the author's own thoughts. the author did speak with over 30 current or former white house staffers and the rest of the book hits the shelves on tuesday, kelly. >> kelly: peter doocy with that book, tell-all book that a lot of people will no doubt be standing in line to read. thanks, sir. ♪ >> you know we often talk about illegal immigrants in the united states and how those that should be deported aren't. how about someone who is deported that shouldn't have been? it's a little twist on the story. as an american teenager who was mistakenly deported to colombia, she's 15 and from texas. she's now home, reunited with her mom, julie banderas with all the twists and turns, bizarre details in this one. how did it happen? >> bizarre is a good word for it. u.s. officials reported the teenagers because she was an illegal immigrants, that's what she told authorities and that's where the international mystery begins. how could the government, responsible for tracking illegals in the country deport someone without verifying if they are illegal or not. and that's what the family wants to know. especially considering, she is a minor. and she is not fluent in spanish and has no ties to colombia. u.s. and colombian officials are pointing fingers over who is responsible. the 15-year-old meanwhile was returned to dallas and reunited with her family last night. >> i feel good today. i really do. i feel good and i hope and pray there's no one else has to go through what i went through. i think the system need to be changed and long with more security and more protection. >> a family attorney says she's happy to be home and added the family would not be aurning any further statements other than to say they are ecstatic to have her back in texas and quote, do what we can do to make sure she gets back to a normal life. the saga began when she ran away more than a year ago in 2010 and houston police say the girl was arrested in 2011 from a misdemeanor theft and claimed to be tika renee cortez, a colombian woman born in 1990. a sheriff's office employee recommended an immigration detainer be put on her and immigration judge ultimately ordered her back to colombia. u.s. immigration officials insist they followed procedure and found nothing to indicate she wasn't a colombian woman living illegally in the country, jamie. >> jamie: can't make it up. >> reporter: i know. and she did make it up. it's unbelievable, sure. >> jamie: i hope she got at least grounded. thanks so much. >> reporter: sure. >> kelly: well, history class found in violation of the law. why that could cost one school district millions. >> jamie: millions? wow. and serious new concerns about cuts to our military. sed why critics are warning that the strategy the president's proposing ignores the most dangerous threat that we're facing. >> kelly: you've got to check this out. new details on a deadly air disaster. what caused this horrific hot air balloon crash that killed 11 people and shook one community to its core. . >> so, it had been released by-- from what i've seen, something happened went up in the air and the whole they think went up in flames and not that long and-- look! the phillips' lady! we have to thank you for the advice on phillips' caplets. magnesium, right? you bet! phillips' caplets use magnesium. works more naturally than smulant laxatives... for gentle relief of occasional constipation. can i get an autograph? [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. learn more at iment. >> jamie: welcome back everybody, an out of control big rig winding up in a precarious situation in minnesotament take a look. police say the driver veered off the highway, skidding more than 100 yards across a pond and crashed through the thin ice. wow. the semi, sinking up to the windshield the driver hospitalized for only minor injuries. first and game officials are warning folks across the northeast and the midwest that there's uncommonly thin ice and to take every precaution you can before you venture out on to seemingly frozen lakes and ponds. why would you drive that? be careful. >> new fallout from an arizona school district's decision to teach a mexican american studies program. a judge ruling that the program violates the law. as the state school chief ordering the state to go without millions of dollars in funding if the problems are not fixed. and our casey stegall live from tucson, arizona with more details. this could be very troubling for that school district. >> yeah, especially when a lot of school districts are struggling financially, kelly, and this class promotes racial resentment, and activism against white people and those are the exact words that an arizona judge used to characterize some of the classes being offered here, to students in tucson, with this ethnic studies program. the idea behind the whole program is to teach chicano history, literacy and awareness, but the department of education says the mexican american program violates the state law because the curriculum, textbook and lesson plan do not have t

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