Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends First 20201006 : vimar

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends First 20201006

these neighbors prove we can come together no matter what side of the aisle or fence you are on. "fox and friends first" starts right now. ♪ all those things i should have been doing ♪ just danced and danced ♪ todd: a fun, beat and happy song to kickoff your tuesday. i have no idea what days going to bring. >> i have no idea what the next two hours will bring. >> welcome, you are watching "fox and friends first" this tuesday morning. >> thank you for starting the day. we begin with donald trump speaking directly to the american people hours after being released from walter reed medical center. >> is under the watch of top doctors at the white house as he continues to be treated for covid-19. >> jackie ibanez joins us with more on his road to recovery. >> in its a video donald trump encouraged the country to stay positive and optimistic in the fight against covid-19. >> one thing is for certain, don't let it dominate you, don't be afraid we're going back to work, we will be out front. is your leader i had to do that. i knew there was danger but had to do it. nobody that is a leader would not do what i did. >> reporter: the president's supporters lining streets of albany medical center cheering him on as he left, as he continues to receive treatment to combat covid-19. his medical team say he may not be out of the woods yet but safe for him to return home where he will be monitored by doctors. >> we will give the fourth dose of remdesivir before he goes back to the white house. and his treatment course at the white house. >> no evidence of live virus still present that he could transmit to others. shannon: joe biden taking fresh digs at donald trump saying he was not surprised he contracted the virus. >> anybody who contracts the virus by essentially saying masks don't matter, social distancing doesn't matter i think is responsible for what happens. shannon: nancy pelosi blasting the president's nationwide approach to combating the coronavirus. >> as president of the united states, he is acting frivolously with this virus as he has done all along, very destructive and dangerous to the country. >> reporter: the president who has no scheduled events for today will continue his covid-19 treatment at the white house. >> thanks. >> 5 white house staffers tested positive including kayleigh mcenany, she updated sean hannity on the significance of the president's mrs.. >> i am having no symptoms, i am blessed to have a mild case, asymptomatic case. my heart goes out to those who have been affected by this and all those people, i'm pleased to see our commander-in-chief is doing well, watching him on that balcony showing we will overcome, america will overcome as he is overcoming this illness, nice moment for the country to see. >> first lady milania trump recovering at the white house tweeting she is feeling good and continuing to rest. >> washington post columnist calling to defend walter reed after donald trump announces return to the white house, jennifer rubin tweeting for congress to take action saying the medical center is a, quote, public health hazard and blasting the president's doctor saying, quote, what planet does conley inhabit, where's the rest of walter reed? she called for the doctors to lose their licenses. donald trump's lawyer really giuliani will join us to react. todd: showdown in salt lake city, mike pence landing in utah with kamala harris. jillian: they will be separated by plexiglas on stage. griff jenkins has all the precautions. >> reporter: welcome to the university of utah campus come behind me they will the bait. an exciting time. everyone feeling the energy as both candidates are on the ground. it will look different in that you have the candidate separated by plexiglas to be seated by 12 feet apart, there will be no handshake, no mask and it will be moderated by is in page. it will be 90 minutes, broken down into 9, 10 minute segments. we will see how that goes. mike pence arrived last night, met by the governor and called into a virtual campaign events, the vice president says he is ready to go. >> it is on, i can't wait to take the day debate stand against kamala harris. to draw a contrast between donald trump's america first agenda and joe biden and kamala harris's agenda of higher taxes, open borders, green new deal. >> senator harris got a jumpstart on pence coming over the weekend, she visited sites that are very significant to latter day saints, to appeal to them, she had no public comment yesterday, joe biden was in miami, as long as scientists sign off he will be for the next president of the made in miami next week, donald trump, listen. >> i didn't want to further demean the process of the bait by getting in a shouting match with them and tried hard to look at the camera and ask the questions directly. i hope we have an opportunity to hear the question and answer the question directly before there is an interruption. >> reporter: is the president returned to the white house he did tweet yesterday we will be back on the campaign trail soon, not sure exactly when and where he will get back on the campaign trail. one interesting to note, these things come to the campaign trails, we will see joe notes. the former vice president weing he will start writing notes to supporters through the remainder of the campaign. we will see if joe notes is something that takes off. we are ready to get the debate underway in utah. shannon: got it, thank you. now to a fox news alert, texas police officers charged with murder in the shooting death of a black man trying to break up a fight, sean lucas responded to a call on saturday, the family says he was helping a woman during an argument, the texas rangers saying he used the taser and opened fire. added because's actions were not objectionable in reasonable. being held on a $1 million bail. extreme weather, delta strengthening to a hurricane in the gulf of mexico overnight. it could make landfall on the us gulf coast as soon as friday. the storm is expected to start hitting mexico's yucatán peninsula tonight, that region is still recovering from damage by tropical storm gamma over the weekend. >> show biden called out on remarks about americans in quarantine. >> the reason i was able to stay sequestered in my home is because somebody was able to stack the grocery shelf. >> social media lighting up over the clip. biden was talking about how americans were able to look past race when appreciating essential workers. his campaign has not responded to fox request for comment. two texas neighbors supporting different political parties are uniting to show love and respect, more powerful than division. tosha hancock, democrat and marty let, republican, changing the narrative, they took action after seeing neighbors destroy each other's political science, the once you have on your front lawn. they will join us live coming up at 4:30 eastern with their story. >> 9 minutes after the out. one day from the vice presidential debate so what should voters expect? we may finally get to real -- see the real kamala harris, why this debate matters more than ever. >> one woman lands a job, breaking got her happy dance to celebrate, caught on camera going viral, "fox and friends first" on tuesday. ♪ >> 13 after the hour tomorrow night kamala harris will go head the head with mike pence for the first and only vice presidential debate. >> according to fox news contributor this peak it will be one of the most important vp debate in history. >> lose joins us with why it is reversal of the 2024 race, that four years from now. why do you say this one is more important than most? >> clearly there is widespread speculation that if elected joe biden is not going to serve four years of his term. he's shown signs of mental deterioration. many instances of wandering off script and into the ether and a lot of people are worried in four years he won't make it through so who takes over? kamala harris, his vice presidential pick and here's the problem. we don't know much about kamala harris. if you notice she's done a lot of virtual fundraisers, she's gone to a bunch of meetings and events in the last couple months but almost never takes questions from the press just like joe biden so the question, what is she hiding, the answer is she's hiding the fact she was ranked the most liberal democrat in the senate which is saying something if you think about as we don't know where she stands on a lot of issues she's pretending to be a moderate about like abortion, does she approve of last-minute abortion? does she approve of stacking the supreme court, which she refuses to answer questions about or changing the electoral college. there are a lot of issues, green new deal, medicare for all that she embraced when she was running in the primary because she wanted to move to the left but now that she's pretending i would say to be a moderate and running as joe biden's second-in-command and he too has done the same thing pretending to be a moderate voters need to know where she stands on a lot of issues. jillian: the topics your listing, packing the supreme court, law and order and criminal justice reform, the last two, law and order and cuddle justice reform, what are you interested to hear from her? >> he has praised black lives matter as brilliant and talked about how the marches and protests which turned into violent riots in a slew of cities were essential to moving the country forward. what we know as they hurt minority neighborhoods most of all which is why black voters have signaled through polling that they are not at all in favor of defunding the police, she praised eric garcetti, the mayor of los angeles when he defunded his own police department by $100 million was what does she think about defunding the police more generally? voters are not in favor of that, kamala harris is. >> a new gallup poll shows the economy and national security remain the top issues for voters, let's pop them up on screen so you can see, if you were advising the president how would you run these numbers in terms of influencing the president and what he talks about on the campaign trail which is focused on the economy or just double down on law and order? >> coronavirus responses their too. >> would you go all in on the economy? >> these are the top issues to voters that is what he should address and the economy is always number one and we know always voters raise trump above biden in being able to take us into a better economy. these issues are why democrats are not making this race about issues, they wanted all to be a referendum on donald trump's personality. a lot of voters don't like donald trump's personality but they do once measures in place to boost our economy, improve our national security by weighing such items as closing our borders, democrats are terrible on these issues. education, donald trump, education, democrats are so enthralled in the teachers union they can't even address the issues of failing schools in the inner cities which hurt black kids. this is something donald trump should hammer home on the campaign trail but number one the economy the economy the economy. >> running out of time, less than a month to go and a lot of other stuff going on so we will see, thanks for your time. >> it is 18 after the hour, joe biden making a statement if amy connie barrett and upon the supreme court. >> the only response would be to pass legislation making it the law of the land. jillian: we dig into his troubling message in the next confirmation hearing. todd: a lot of other news stations, chicago, the deadliest september in 25 years, raymond lopez on what needs to happen to end the violence. >> chicago seeing deadliest september, the windy city approaching 600 homicides with 3 months left in the year. what can leaders do to stop the violence? joining me to discuss, raymond lopez, thanks for being here. we've been talking about this rise in violence for months but the numbers are not going down, they are going up. at least 81 homicides last month, the most since 1993. why aren't more people talking about what amounts to a medium-sized plane crashing and killing everybody every single month? >> that is one of the failures of many politicians to address and call out directly the violence and perpetrators of the violence we see in many neighborhoods not just in chicago but across the cities, across the united states, a political failure, lack of will to hold our own voters accountable. we know oftentimes who are the individuals perpetrating these crimes but because so many liberal politicians try to correct the social justices of the past by ignoring the sins of the present we have situations like we do now in chicago. >> killings of 50% since last year. black lives matter working to make those numbers go down? >> we have a number of efforts working with anti-violence groups and others throughout the city of chicago but you cannot simply enable bad behavior, you have to hold people accountable for it and one thing i have said routinely as we cannot always offer forgiveness to those individuals who refuse to accept responsibility and reconcile themselves for what they've done and the millions of dollars we spent push that mentality that is okay, but if the center is not willing to accept responsibility we are doing a disservice to them and our community use. we have the equivalent of 120 something children shot and killed in the city of chicago, almost an entire school in some neighborhoods and if that is not something that causes every politician absurdity every community member's hard we are failing our children and i don't know what it will take. we need to allow police to do their job, work with individuals and not be afraid to hold people accountable, nothing wrong with accountability particularly when children's lives are at stake. >> groups like black lives matter need to do more to drop these numbers? >> absolutely. we have to look at not only issues when it comes to police like black lives matter but also internally at what is going on in our own neighborhoods that is causing these numbers to be on the rise because there are certain benchmarks we should not shape and being the most dangerous this year in 20 years is not a record i want my city to reach. todd: the mayor did respond as follows we need to deal with the reality of gun violence, take gun supplies out of the hands of children and teenagers and adults, we've got to stop the flow but you would agree there are a plethora of other issues that need to be addressed so little boys and girls can grow up in chicago, not grow up in fear. we appreciate your time. jillian: the white house is pushing rapid testing to detect covid-19 but the question is how accurate are they. doctor debbie break down free trimmer went for a wild ride 100 feet in the air. we are coming back on tuesday morning. ♪ if you have medicare, listen up. the medicare enrollment deadline is only weeks away. with so many changes, do you know if your plan is still the right fit? 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>> they will have to keep an eye on him to make sure there are no changes in terms of his oxygen level, his breathing and his symptoms. the thing about the viruses they seem to be two phase is where if you get infected the virus itself can cause damage in the early phase and then the second part is where the immune system responds. sometimes it goes haywire, responds too aggressively and when that happens people conceal the types of complications so that the parts we still have to look for. by felt pretty optimistic seeing the president's videos and tweets and seeing him walk up the stairs of the white house yesterday. we are looking at things with telehealth seeing people digitally, the measures i use in terms of looking at how people are doing will continue conversation without getting short of breath, long sentences versus short sentences because they have to take more breasts, can they keep up their volume. of you have a soft voice may be assigned you're not able to pass enough air between your vocal cords and do you look breathless, do you have to use your neck and other muscles to get air in. to me the president looked pretty comfortable giving these talks and speeches over twitter and climbing up the stairs without gasping for breath or having difficulties. >> we do know he will be receiving his last dose of remdesivir today, we will follow that. let's talk about rapid testing. a lot of speculation is out there right now. a lot of people talking about that rose garden ceremony on saturday and a lot of people say that was the super spreader events, too early to say that because contact tracing takes a while, there are a number of people at that event. 48% of positive cases mixed by abbott testing using dry nasal swabs and we know everyone who did the rose garden ceremony was tested and tested negative beforehand. how accurate are these rapid tests? what do you know, do you like them? >> they have their own role so there are different tests, there are tests looking for active infections and there are tests look for antibodies. we are talking two different tests that look for active infections, does the lab tests and in these rapid tests that for antigens, proteins. the difference is one is looking for the virus itself, those tend to be more accurate in these rapid tests looking for proteins to build the virus so you lose some accuracy although you gain a complete, there are a couple problems with that. if you have people with absolutely no symptoms the test loses accuracy, there are some reports it might be 30, 35% accurate, some reports they could be as high as 100% accurate but we don't have the benefit of experience, something like the blue that has been around for decades there's more chance of it being more accurate but if you have something new like this it takes time to build a database and calculate the accuracy. someone has symptoms and have the test and it comes out positive, most likely it is accurate. you can have confidence of that but on the other hand if someone has no symptoms like we presume happened at the rose garden ceremony then harder to tell how accurate the test will be. >> information, still learning a lot of things. thank you very much. >> thoughts soaring after donald trump said he was being released from walter reed, discharging concerns about more political uncertainty is the president continues treatment for covid-19. the dow jumping 466 points, the s&p 500, nasdaq went up 256. shannon: overnight mike pompeo meet with allies in tokyo over china's growing power. >> beijing ramps up its war of words against the us. >> reporter: overnight us secretary of state mike pompeo did meet with american allies in tokyo to garner support for the trump administration's continued plan to put pressure on the chinese government. pompeo meeting with leaders from india, japan and australia about how to address the growing world power, they are tying for a free and open indo pacific. the new york times reported a new chinese propaganda video shows a simulated strike on us soil, chinese troops running through a forest saying, quote, if war breaks out this is my cancer. the increase rhetoric out of aging, tensions mounted us taiwan relationship, china's does not recognize taiwan as an independent state, the relationship with america regarding traded knows how operation continues to grow and the backdrop to the us china disputes on things like trade and expansion come and the covid-19 pandemic, the trump administration is calling for accountability when it comes to information regarding the early spread of this disease. jillian: thanks. todd: four men charged with attempted murder for shooting into the home of two police officers they shot 7 bullets last month, two camden officers were inside with her newborn baby, the police chief believes the targeted house was the wrong house. jillian: judge amy coney barrett after pam court confirmation hearings on track, but judiciary committee will begin four hearings on monday, joe biden says of confirmed he will take action to protect abortion rights. >> our expectation is she may very well move to overrule roe, the only responsible response would be to pass legislation making roe the law of the land, that is what i would do. >> if the senate confirms barrett conservatives would have a 6-3 majority on the court. >> did you see this? one treat her heads to hold on tight during the day on the job. watch this. >> i like the reaction, the palm trees swaying from side to side in california, he was 100 feet in the air but wasn't scared. i would have been. he was eventually able to climb down. he's not still up there. >> i'm sure he's happy about that. this brings the happy dance to a new level, woman, and camera celebrating a parking lot, she couldn't help it after a single job interview georgia restaurants, she was homeless for two years and lost several jobs during the pandemic, the restaurant owner says he saw something in her, she got the job and as you can see went on to celebrate when she walked out. >> this leaves to the request for the producers, can you get this person on which you love when we do it. in front of everybody, 38 after the hour, new york schools and coronavirus hotspots closing today but the governor and mayor, at odds over shutting down businesses, the mayor and governor at odds? job or releases democrats are behaving like kids, the city councilman joins us live. >> the tennis superstar hitting another line judge in the face. the consequences we hammer out. ♪ i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. >> welcome back, the cdc unveiling new guidelines about airborne transmission of covid-19. carley shimkus joins us as the agency cleans the virus could stay in the air for hours. what is the latest. >> the cdc out with a startling update, new guidance posted in the agency's website says, quote, some infections can be spread by exposure to virus in small droplets and particles that can linger in the air from minutes to hours. these viruses may be able to infect people who are further than 6 feet away from the person who is infected or after that person has left the space. the agency notes this typically occurs in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation. a spike in cases in new york city causing some schools to switch to remote learning starting today. >> i would not send my child to a school in a hotspot cluster that has not been tested. i am not going to recommend or allow any new york city family to send their child to a school i wouldn't send my child. >> governor andrew, threatening to shutdown religious institutions that don't follow the rules but denied bill diblasio's request to shutdown nonessential businesses in virus hotspots. >> we present a plan for closing down nonessential businesses. >> businesses are not mass spreaders, talking about small stores. >> our plan is to read wednesday morning with enforcement of all nonessential businesses. >> businesses will be really affected by the lines you drove. >> and michigan governor gretchen witmer rail against the state supreme court for striking down her emergency powers on monday. she filed a motion asking for a 28 day transition period before the ruling takes effect. a michigan barber who broke one of those executive orders by opening a shop is asking for his to misdemeanor charges to be dropped in light of that decision. you will be on "fox and friends" later to explain. >> joining us on the closing schools in new york city hotspots, joe borelli. we know these guys don't like each other, they have this thing going on like the two guys in the muppets, the two old guys who don't like each other but the act is getting stale because people's lives are on the line. why couldn't they come together just this one time for a coherent covid-19 strategy? >> this is what it is like living in new york city, you have these two guys playing dueling banjos but one has a trombone and the other one has a harpsichord. they can't seem to even get on the same conference call so they are even announcing one thing. if you read the new york post yesterday morning you would have saw newspaper articles highlighting the troubled small business owners are devastated the bill diblasio was shutting down the business again. if you open today's paper you will see the same business owners saying i don't have to shut down after all. this is no way to run a city let alone one that is in the midst of a serious pandemic. businesses are shutting down but the consistency you see out of bill diblasio and governor cuomo is really upsetting and should be troubling to new yorkers especially when you think of the inconsistency in cuomo's entire state of new york. we have areas of the state that have higher positivity rates the new york city and despite governor cuomo saying he wouldn't send kids to those schools there are still schools open in the hudson valley, orange county, roxy the land county even with those high positivity rates, makes no sense. >> it is confusing to people in new york and people outside new york who are looking at this, greatest city in the world as we stand wondering what is going on. cuomo just wants to shutdown certain schools, diblasio wants to nonessential businesses to close the take a look at these unemployment numbers from august, they are not good. unemployment in the city, 16%. what is your message to diblasio on what he's doing to small businesses and the people they employ? >> i had a long conversation with bill diblasio the other day and i don't think he's hearing from the sector of new york city that is struggling to reopen. he's in a bubble of people who are fearful and wants things to stay shutdown. he's not hearing from parents who need schools to be open and business owners that need business to be open. i don't know how much more we can try to get the message to him that the only way new york city can recover for is children going to school and learning and where we have businesses operating as close to normal as possible. todd: it is a broken record that doesn't seem able to get fixed. we appreciate you being here and raising these issues once more. jillian: texas neighbors with opposite view in politics showing friendship can out sign division, setting an example and they join us live next. ♪ nobody going to worry about nothing ♪ >> good morning welcome back. after watching political division spread across our community two texas neighbors with opposing political views sending a message that love and respect can still exist and should exist no matter what side of the aisle you are on. tosha and marnie join me with your story, thanks for being here. why don't we start with you. tell me what is happening in your neighborhood that you didn't like that made you decide to send this message out into the world? >> marnie posted on her facebook page to our neighborhood she was a trump supporter and i thought it would be a good idea for us to get together because we are neighbors and friends, i thought it was a great idea for us to come together and take a picture. we've been friends for six years and neighbors and we just thought, i thought it would be a great idea to come together. our neighborhood had some vandalism of our signs on both sides of the fence and thought it would be a good idea for us to come together and take a picture. jillian: when you posted that online what type of response were you expecting to get and what response did you get? >> we posted to our neighborhood page. we were expecting, it was overwhelming, hundreds of thank you for doing this, acting like adults, showing it is possible, people asked if they could share it and it went crazy. had no idea it would do that. there for a few negative ones, local news and nationally but we decided we are not communicating that, we are not responding. we will try to take the message you can be friends and love and respect each other even if you are voting for different political party. shannon: you talk about political issues? >> marnie and i both? >> with each other? >> now, not really. >> every once in a wildly >> you are just friends. what comes from this? what do you hope comes from this? >> one of the main reasons we want to do was to show our kids, being a good example, we are both mothers, for our children that just because you look different or have political beliefs that's not everything in life, you can still be friends and also just we know that it doesn't mean you have to be as friends with everybody but a little more tolerant. there's a lot of divisiveness and hatred out there. may be more tolerant. >> what is your message to america this morning? >> to remain kinds even though we are all going through challenging times. people are losing their jobs, their homes, can't provide for their families. this is a time for our nation to come together, respect each other and be kind. jillian: what do you want your kids to know about this experience? you said it is something you are doing because you want to raise them with values to respect one another. >> it is okay to look different, it is okay to have different opinions and still remain friends, that's something we promote in our home. >> our kids come over for movie night and we do halloween so we all hang out and have hung out and just because we don't share the same political views they know that i respect -- i my family votes republican, we respect it and move on. there is more to friendship. >> i think you ladies are fantastic, so excited that you joined us, it is a message everyone needs to hear right now, you are an inspiration to everyone so thank you very much. have a good day. >> we need more people like that. what we don't need is now that joke of which versus boys and girls, hitting a line judge with the tennis ball again. 17 time grand slam winner hitting him in the face during the quarterfinal of the french open, the judge is okay. the ball was in play. have a month after he was disqualified for this, hitting a line judge in the throat with a ball, hits everybody, line judges, what do you think? coming up in the next hour of "fox and friends first," the president bouncing back and mainstream media melting down. >> i literally was overwhelmed. >> what does that mean don't be afraid? >> so horrible, so destructive. >> we are staying on top of the president's recovery with rudy giuliani in the next hour. they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the services of the post office plus ups only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. a 4-week trial probinwithout the commission a digfees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. don't let it dominate, don't let it take over your lives, we are the greatest country in the world. is leader i had to do that. i had to do it. >> it is tuesday october 6th. donald trump back in the west wing, his full message to america about covid-19 as critics melt down over his return. >> the stage nearly set in salt lake city where mike pence will go head to head with kamala harris. we are live in utah ahead of the debate and the pandemic precautions. >> another hurricane targeting the gulf coast the could make landfall this week. "fox and friends first" continues right now.

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