Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News At 900PM On KOFY 20131221 : v

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News At 900PM On KOFY 20131221

man with gunshot wound taken to the hospital with non-life threatening wounds so he should be okay. he was shot after verbal dispute. suspect, they say, left the scene in a whitcomb packet vehicle. mall remained opened after the shooting, except for one area of the parking lot that was clothesed off. our coverage continues on this site and on the 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. we will update you on that story. and in tracy police say shots fired at the west valley mall at 4:45. east parking lot was locked down but the mall did stay open. gunman reportedly got into a white toyota camry and left the area. one store manager says he heard 2 shots which hit the door frame and shattered the glass. which you can sea here in this picture that was sent to us bay twitter. no one was hurt. >> and oakland family got reprieve tonight in the fight to keep their daughter on life support. 13-year-old little girl will remain on ventilator through the weekend until another court hearing on monda monday. she has been declared brain dead but children's hospital oakland after tonsillectomy operation that went terribly wrong. judge grant add 3 day temporary restraining order saying her parents should be able to access their daughter's medical records and obtain an independent medical examinatio examination. the judge will select a doctor on monday to perform the tests on the girl. he expects to have a determination on her condition by tuesday. the hospital says it was, has compassion for the family polite and pleased the jump is moving to resolve the case. >> we are optimistic on tuesday that the court will deliver adjust outcome that may assist the family as well as the hospital community to reach closure here. >> under california law a person who is declared brain dead is legally and psychologically dead physiologically dead. the girl suffered cardiac arrest and declared brain dead on december the 12th. 19-year-old dominic romero spend christmas in the hospital after being hit by a stray bullet while she was watching television as you might be right now in her living room. happened in richmond. tonight police are offering reward to catch whoever fired that shot. lee ann is on the story. >> the this is the first picture of dominic romero in a cast taken at the hospital. her family says she's up beat and staying positive despite concerns that a bullet lodged in her speenl area may have left her paralyze. lori is dominic mother who is staying with an aunt in concord to be closer to the hospital. >> they are saying paralyze we say walk. she felonies sensation in her leg and tingle in her leg when we touch them. >> sitting there and sit ting there and it came in through right here. >>reporter: dominic sister showed us where the bullets 2 of them came in through the the walls. outside police marked the area on the street where the casings landed. >> i don't know. 2 people against each other and my house was in the middle of where they were at. i can't tell you that. >>reporter: richmond police say no connection with the family and the shooting. romero says the neighborhood is safe and has a school at the end of the street. while police continue to investigate the bizarre incident, the family has received numerous calls and e-mails from people who want to help. family has now set up a crowd funding account through you her mother says dominic was working hard to save money to buy presents for christmas. when this happened, the family was in the process of decorating the tree. >> i'll be with her my christmas gift is she's alive. >> if you want to help dominic and her family, we have a link to the fundraising web site on our site abc 7 click on see it on tv. >> in san francisco tonight, police are looking in the third fatal accident involving a truck in recent month. this time it happened on jones street in the tenderloin. sergio has >> police are trying to figure out if the man who was hit by this truck heard it as it was reversing. also investigating to see if the back up beeper on the truck was working at the time. >> we have video and witnesses that were reviewing and talking to. at this point we haven't come to a final determination in the case. >> a spokesman at the scene offered the company condolence of the family of the man kille killed. reid says the truck involved is used to deliver dumpster. >> bigger than a pickup truck. the we are cooperating with the police and there they are to go a very thorough investigation. >> this is second case in two day where pedestrians died in san francisco. in china town on stockton street yesterday woman was killed when a driver lost control and caused chain reaction exploratorium police say it's tough to come up with a common thread to the deadly incidents. >> it's tough to correlate, you know, accidents to having, they are so different. the drivers are different. people involved are different. you never quite know what all the factors are. >>reporter: there have been at least 15 pedestrians killed in san francisco this year. following today's fatal accident the police reminded pedestrians to be especially careful around big commercial trucks. >> as pedestrians who want to make sure really that these vehicles see you. it's just for your own safety to be out there. >> lots of attention has been focused on pedestrians safety in the last couple of years. last year 800 people were injured. 17 were killed. this year as of october 5 29 pedestrians were injured. in san francisco, this is abc 7 news. >> tonight 3 more men have been charged in connection with the black market drug firm. man alledgedlydor traffic in drugs on the site. marnld with money laundering and conspiracy. the supposed mastermind of silk road was arrested in october at the san francisco public library. he operated on computer network that relayed messages through 3 separate server to disguise its users. ac trans it and union reached tentative contract agreement again. this means there will not be a strike on monday. the transit union which represents the agency bus drivers and mechanic will present the agreement to its members in the next few daisy. now the 2 sides have been trying to iron out a new agreement for the last 9 month months. may recall back in august then october tentative agreements were reached but the union membership rejected those deals. >> well coming up next. final sprint. desperate retailers offering you big deals as the shopping marathon starts to wind down. >> how you can take advantage of it. also. >> we saw your story that's what touched our hearts. >> how some bay area kids have a very happy christmas after all. spencer is here. we have a happy weekend spencer. >> yes we will indeed. winter arrives tomorrow but won't feel like winter in the bay area for quite some time. accu-weather forecast coming up. >> thanks. and the candlestick farewell. how will they demonthly he shall the 53-year-old iconic stadium you? 7 news a subaru... ...are the hands that do good things for the whole community: the environment, seniors, kids, and animals. that's why we created the share the love event. by the end of this year, the total donated by subaru could reach 35 million dollars. you get a great deal on a new subaru. we'll donate 250 dollars to a choice of charities that benefit your community. it feels good to be a helping hand. to thoseworried...ited... poked and prodded... taken risks... and lived in a state of "what if?"... welcome to a new state... of health. welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage. financial help for those in need. and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll now at >> this is a big weekend of marathon shopping for many people. maybe you. macy, k-mart keep stores open for hours until christmas. paula ferris on the final sprint to the christmas finish sprint to the christmas finish line >> all out war for your business with just 5 days until christmas. some retailers open around the clock. catering to those late game shoppers. >> do you like to witness to the last michbility i don't like to but happens this way. >> these next few day 4 of the busiest in the holiday season with estimated 51 billion to be spent. and rae tail expert says you are the one who benefits. >> this is the most desperate i have ever seen retailers. >> tip no. 1. you waited this long. hold out. >> on december 24th there is going to be a panic among retailers. to off load whatever they can before the after christmas sale begin. >> just make sure you ask for the praise match. tip no. 2 find the best on line deals install price link to the browser. scours the internet for the best prices. that's how we found christmas favorite like this bracelet kit for 12 12.88. 12 dollars cheaper than competitor and this camera for 129 dollars 50 dollars below list price and don't be afraid to negotiate. >> are there any coupons. >> 50% kawp on off today. >> great. is there anything else. >> our bargaining expert showed us how it's done. going undercover. >> $25 but i'm paying. >> 5.44. >> the price in hello holiday deals. paula, abc news, new york. >> we have a new development in the massive credit card security breach at target. 40 million accounts compromised. by hackers who obtained the credit and debit card information between now -- november 27th rather and december 15th. ceo of the target today offered a 10% discount tomorrow and sunday to shoppers. and the company says that customers will not be held financially liable for any credit card or debit card frau fraud. in the mean time, cash was certainly king at target stores. they eliminated the problem but people were not convinced so showed up with cash money just for some peace of mind. >> well as we have been reporting grinch in the bay area have been targeting packages that have been delivered to homes in an attempt to steal some holiday cheer. mountain view citizen captured these images on security camera showing suspected package, thief approaching the home. now the female suspect picks up the package and conceals it in alarming bag. investigators say the thief normally travel in pairs this woman got into a waiting white cadillac and driven away. so there was a second accomplice. if you have any information about either suspect or vehicle mountain view police would very much like to hear from you. well, celebrity have personal stylist to help pick out clothes and now you can to too. 2 local companies are making it easier than ever for you to look your better. here's the best part. you never even have to step into the a store. amma has the story. >> tan yell looks forward to finding out what is in the box. she ordered it but doesn't know what is inside. >> so that's really cute. >> items inside picked just for her. by the styling team at san francisco base stitch fix. >> this is really nice. >> personal shorp for every day woman. >> katrina the company founder and ceo. >> just like having addressing room delivered to your home and simply try and buy at home so you try everything on. get federal back from your husband and from your friend. tray things on with jeans in your closet and simply pay for what you keep and send back what you don't want to keep. >>reporter: to get started you tell stitch fix about your personal style. is then the company uses technology to choose what is best for you. it work as bit like pandora or netflix by keeping track of what you like and don't like. >> i think i like it because i don't have to do anything. like i can have the more current styles of things that i probably wouldn't pick out on my own shipped over to me. >>reporter: each fix afternoons 300 dollars. 20 dollar styling fee but credited to anything you keep. customers can send back what they don't like. keep all 5 items they send and stitch fix will knock off another 25%. at these offices, co-founder is taking a one-on-one approach. >> we connect you with a personal stylist and then you get to meet with her through video chat and you meet one-on-one. you get good chunk of time with her and she sort of asks what your needs are. >> hello how is it going. >>reporter: customers have consultation with the stylist to determine the style measurement and needs then stylist ship off a box that they think the customer mate like. >> pretty delicious jacket. >> yes. i want this like this but hard to find one within my price range. >> she has been using them for more than two years. >> i like to shop but doesn't really make sense to do it myself and act as my approximatey and show me how to put everything together. >>reporter: you set your budget from 200 dollars to 1500 dollars. the company then puts together between 5 and 15 pieces. keep what you like. send back what you don't. like stitch fix the customer decides how often they receive a shipment. >> that's pretty nice. >>reporter: this is abc 7 new news. >> all right. all of us at abc 7 thank you for helping make our give where you live campaign such a huge success. because of you 75,000 dollars is going to the bay area feeding america food bank. and congratulations to this man. he won 7000 dollars for his pledge to help fight hunger in the bay area part of the xaichbility we pick a big winner. doing the laundry last nature when he got the call from me telling him that he had won. i have to tell you it was fun call to make. his family is struggling and he already has plans for that extra cash. >> for my kids and pay the ren rent. bills that i have to, that i have since i haven't been working for a little by. i have been out of a job for almost a month and then i have bills to pay. kind of hard. >> he has his 8-year-old son tile tore thank. tyler was on facebook when he saw give where you live button and ideas how dad should spend some of the wings. >> help charity and help people get a new bed. get new desk and get a new couch. and get clothes. >> way to go tyler what a good kid. >> still give where you live to help out local food bank the need is great as we approach christmas and new year's. go to our web site and click on see it on tv for location near you. still plenty of time to make a difference. we hope you will do it. appreciate so much all of you that participated in this effort. >> spencer is here with the forecast. spent a lot of days at the vir us have had bank around the bay area. >> visited 5 food bank around the bay area including all the 9 bay area county and response from the public and viewers and people just around the food bank. >> fun to see so much goodwill. >> great to see. let's sustain it for the full year. not just around here. good idea. >> here's live doppler 7 hd. people get nice weather for you here. things look nice tonigh tonight. clear skies. wait a minute. let me start back at the beginning. because this isn't where i wanted to be. don't worry. we'll get you there. >> all right. this is where i want to be. live doppler 7hd clear skies all around the bay area right now but things are anything but clear and calm in the nation mid section. we have a major winter ice storm moving through parts of the central southern plains but north central texas up through oklahoma and into kansas. thunderstorms south of the area ice storm this is all traveling to northeast and moving into the eastern half of the nation tomorrow. no doubt complicating conditions for travelers. we continue to follow this for you. live view here locally from your roof top camera at embarcadero center. 52 degrees right now in san francisco. temperatures in the mid 40's oakland redwood city. san jose los gatos 39 half moon bay and sutro tower cam are looking out over san francisco it's 46 degrees right now in santa rosa. down to 37 napa. 39 at novato fairfield mid 40's at concord livermore and live view from our east bay hills camera. peak over the bay. forecast feature clear tonight with chilly conditions inland. milder tomorrow as winter officially arrives. and this dry pattern we have now will continue right on through christmas into the end of next week. satellite image shows high pressure dominant feature in our weather picture. stormtrack flowing well to our north a little disturbance in the pacific northwest won't affect bay area weather. check this out. winter arrives tomorrow. winter solstice at 9:11 pacific standard time. nine hours and 33 minutes of daylight tomorrow. it's the shortest period of daylight of any day during the year. so winter officially begins tomorrow. but it will feel rather spring lake overnight tonight. may fell winter like. low pressure generally in the low 40's around the bay upper 30's inland valley and then tomorrow sunny sky with high in the mid 60's low to mid 60's in the south bay. 62 at san jose. low 60's on the peninsula. 63 redwood city. upper 50's on the coast. 60 degrees downtown san francisco. north bay high. mid 60's, 66 at santa rosa and napa. on the east bay look for high of 63 at oakland san leandro. inland east bay 65. walnut creek 64 at concord san a ramone and accu-weather 7 day forecast. these temperatures in the mid 60's will continue right on through most of next week. certainly through christmas. tapering off slightly by next friday. we see low 60's on the coast through most of this period so this is indeed a mild stretch of weather. not exactly winter like but it's lovely. so welcome to winter. maybe the new winter. >> nice while it lasts. thanks very much spencer. >> still to come on 7 news at 9:00. man in the midwest with passion for christmas. passion for christmas. incredible way >> one missouri pastor really knows how to deck rita tree and believe you me, he's had a lot of practice at it. december is pastor powell favorite month you see. he loves smachlts he loves christmas trees. proof? powell has 111 of them and all squeezed i hope his home. so many tag each tree to remember what room they are in. he has them in the living room. the bedroom. even the bathroom. >> to go from every shape and size. go over nip feat tall. some about a foot, foot and a half tall. i was walking down the hall which and saw a corne corner. rate size tree probably could fit there. >>reporter: can you believe this? powell says it takes up to the a month to take the trees down after the holidays. if you have ever if you ever find yourself in missouri he says give him a call he would be happy to give you a tour. it sound like you could go into january early february because still some trees up at his house. >> we have more ahead here on 7 >> we have more ahead here on 7 news at 9:00. >> my poll gown and down a lot during the course of my career. >> president obama reflects on 2013 just before leaving on his annual holiday trip. >> plus bayou backlash. new video of the suspended reality tv star drawing more fire. will the duck dynasty family call it all quits? >> and the dangers of social media. mom gets arrested for topless photo snapped and topless photo snapped and posted by her teenager daughte >> good evening once again. we start this half hour in washington where the president used the financial news conference of the career to defend his health care plan admitting it hasn't worked the way he had hoped and wanted. monday is the last day to sign up in order to guarantee health coverage is in place at the start of the new year. now this comes as word of more last minute changes in store for millions of americans regarding the health insurance. jonathan karl is in washington. >> it has been a year where the president has been stopped by cross congress and approval rating sink to lowest level ever. >> not the worst year of the presidency but a tough year. for you personally, what do you think has been your biggest. >> the health care roll out the fact is it didn't happen in the first month. for 6 weeks in a way that was at all acceptable and since i'm in charge obviously we scawd it up. >>reporter: that didn't stop the president from offering a full throat defense of the law saying 1 million people have signed up for private insurance through obama care since october 1st. half million over the last 3 weeks alone. >> bottom line also is that we have got several million people have health care that works. >>reporter: but problems persist even today shortly before his press conference in just three days from that first big deadline, health care.govern was down again. late last night the administration was forced to make a last meant change to the law. saying that people who had had the health insurance cancelled wouldn't be penaltyize if they failed to get new insurance next year. nobody has been fired over any of this yet but the president hinted changes may come soon and maybe some personal adjustments too. >> end ovtd year is a good time to reflect and see what can you do better next year. that's how i intend to approach it. i'm sure that i will have even better idea after a couple days of sleep and sun. >>reporter: jonathan karl reporting. now reminer you must be enrolled by monday to start receiving coverage january 1st. you have until january sixth to submit paymen payment. coverage california state marketplace for health care act expect to see 100,000 californians enrolled before the deadline. >> enrollment number are extraordinary. 23,000 californians enrolled yesterda yesterday. they picked the health plan for them. they get a bill and insured january 1. in one day. >>reporter: if you missed the dead help monday you have until january 15 to enroll for coverage to begin in february. if you don't have insurance by the end of march, you will pay a penalty. cover california call center open sunday from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. to help those last minute enrolle if you need to call that is the number and those are the hours that they will be there. >> astronauts will make critical walk in space tomorrow to make repair to the international space station. this will be the first of 3 emergency l space walk to fix crucial cooling system. astronauts will spend about 20 hours in space removing fairly large cooling pump and replacing it with a spare. much of that time is spent dangling from the station robotic arm. it's a risky fix and comes at tense time as the last astronaut to attempt a walk in space nearly lost his life. however nasa feels confident that having performed a similar repair in 2010 that it expects the last space one to take place christmas morning and feel like it should go pretty well. >> well, now the star of the wildly pop already show duck dynasty suspended for comments he made about gays and african americans. new video of phil robertson is drawing more fire and family warns that if he goes, so does the show. abc news reporter matt with the latest. >> tonight he's under fire for this new video. duck dynasty patriarch phil robertson apparently dispairnling gays in speech from 2010. >> first thing you see from them is gross sexual im morality. >>reporter: firerim stone sermon delivered before the family of duck hunters present sided over the most watched reality cable show in history. >> they are inso lent. arrogant. god haters. >>reporter: the star is already under fire for magazine interview like engine gay to terrorists. even suggesting he never saw african americans mistreated before the civil rights era. naacp and gay rights organization calling robertson remark dangerous and revisionist. the family rally behind him and how close they are when i spent a day with them early this year. >> not the journey, okay. it's who you are with on the journey. >> stick together as a family. >>reporter: and tonight this family whose mir chan diagrams worth hundreds of millions is rallying around him. threatening to walk out on the show patriarch is not reinstated. critic point out the interpretation of the pwibl is sometimes arcane and wrong by robertson, others defend the self-proclaimed bayou bible thumb perfect rate to speak his mind. supporters revving to duck and cover on line millions putting their names on various petition. we counted at least 13 separate petitions supporting robertson on alone. then the facebook petition with million and a half like. part owner of the a&e owner set toary latest season of duck dynasty beginning in january. but still not clear how big a role robertson will play. this is abc news miami. >> federal judge issued a long awaited ruling today allowing same sex marriage in utah where the mormon church long against it. with hours county clerk began issuing marriage license and this couple seth and michael became utah first gay newlywed. judge overturned an amend many passed by voters in 2004 saying it violates the right of gay and lesbian cup toll equal protection unthe cons stution. late today the utah attorney general office said it will appeal. >> canada highest court today struck down the country anti-prostitution laws. in unanimous 9-nothing court high court struck down law keeping a brothel, living on prostitutio prostitution, and straight soliciting. ruling is victory for sex workers with safer working conditions because it found the law violated the charter guarantee to life liberty and security of the person. the court decision does give parliament a one year reprieve to respond with new legislation. >> missouri woman is in hot water after her teenager daughter snapped a picture of her getting out of the family hot tub and posted it on the internet. 50-year-old missouri mother was booked on one misdemeanor count of child endangerment after topless photo of her and teenager daughter hit the internet. face concealed to protect her teenager daughter. it was shared on the app that delete the photo after few second. circulated around 2 local high schools. >> i was aware that the photo was taken by my 13-year-old daughter and specifically told her at that second please delete the photo this was a mother who made a very poor choice. they didn't want to it blow up the way it did. it did and she only has her poor just a minute to blame for that. mother says she wasn't posing simply getting out of the hot tub. prosecutors says the woman face probation or up to a year in jail. >> i'll be back in a moment. farewell to candlestick park. we are going to show you what it its going to look like once it its going to look like once the dust clear from >> there is growing nostalgia about candlestick park that host the final regular season forty-niner game on monday night. we have mixed feelings about the place and today wayne spent some time with the people who plan to remake what was candlestick. >> some habit just die hard. why else would these guys park the car outside candlestick park three days before the nippers and this old stadium sing their swan song. >> you lick the ambiance. >> who. >> how about everyone who played here. everything that ever happened. the beatless. the pope. 2 world series. plenty of bay area identity rapid into the stick but after monday the days are numbered. as we are the park will satisfies to exist. structure will disappear. the question is how to get rid of it. piece by piece or implosion what has become disposable society we have certainly seen a few implosion by now. cincinnati field and 3 rivers in pittsburgh. those structure were similar in style the candlestick. here in san francisco we are still at legislature a year away. and the man who asipe the stadium death warrant is still undecided as to method preference would be to implode. because my gut tells me that that may the least offensive to the over all enabled. >> company plans to build 1 12,000 homes business restaurant park and bridge between candlestick point and hunter point shipyard. if wondering that iconic old crane. >> it's a landmark forth legacy of hunter point shipyard. >>reporter: but what about our memory of candlestick. well the scene of dwight clark become the middle of someone living room. >> we can provide for anybody who is interested in the history of the great event at camp stick, something. >>reporter: good idea. because these guys might need it. at candlestick park, abc 7 news. >> now there are still tickets to monday night game. stub hub 1700 seat listed between 300 to 3000 dollars if you weren't to go for that price. 49ers have had a number of special events planned for monday nye night game bust it together. fans 7 final game pennant. former owner will be the honorary game captain. everyone in the stadium will participate in card stunt after the first quarter. half time dwight clark honored at the spot where he caught the game winning catch in the 1981 nfc championship game the catch. and after the game ceremony honoring 49ers tenure at candlestick. there will be 50% more police officers at the stick on monday than normal game and lacking for fans rowdy or drunk. trying to steal a piece of the park. >> there are meters so you can't get in with a weapon and any tool to take something apart could double as a weapon. >> they will not allow the stuff in. at half time the niners have a special tribute to the officers who have patrolled candlestick on game days all these years is here's some camp stick memory you sent in. big flag on the field at half time. frainer fans tailgating before a game with the 49ers banjo man and this woman daughter took her to her first game in 55 years. how cool is that. like to see your photo too. e-mail them to us at you report at this web site. >> coming up next at 9:00. bay area man with a lot of money has a plan to turn california into 6 different states. how he p avo: the volkswagen "sign then drive" sales event is back. which means it's never been easier to get a new 2014 jetta. it gets an impressive 34 highway mpg and comes with no charge scheduled maintenance. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. sign. then drive. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends january 2nd. visit today l. >> california talks about splitting the state in two for decade but now i hope investigator take it a step fuvrments he wants to turn california into 6 separate states. draper put up this web site and is preparing to submit a ballot proposition to the state in the next few days. the argument is that california is not represented in the u.s. senate adequately. 6 states would be named silicon valley, jefferson, north central, west and south california. i wouldn't hold your breath for that to actually happen but interesting. >> lets go back up date the forecast. spencer micro climate at to micro states. >> there you go. lived in self states where i felt i wasn't adequately represented in the senate. california is not one of them, though. here's a look at live doppler 7hd we have mostly clear sdi skies right now and we have some mild weather coming our way. state wide tomorrow. sunny skies. high pressure in the upper 60's at chico sacramento. 61 at fresno. mid 60's down in l.a. and here in the bay year spectacular day coming our way first day of winter which arrives at 9:11 tomorrow morning. inland high and bay side high in the low mid 60's upper 50's on the coast. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast. this mailed weather will be with us through christmas and basically to the end of next week at least. no rain in sight that is unfortunate because we do need the rape but we have lovely sunny sky and mild afternoon coming our way enjoy while here because the rains will eventually begin to pour. >> no doubt january can be really wet. >> hundreds of parents went shopping for christmas toy today's without ever having to pull out a wallet. salvation my in san francisco hosteded 1 1300 low income family for this shopping spree. parents browsed aisles with personal shopper and then hand picked at least 3 toys for each kid. >> they can browse different toy selection we have and hand pick the toy that they feel that their kid would really love to have on christmas day. parents know what their kids look what happened the kids want so it's really good that they get to pick them out. >> make all the difference. salvation army one of the few charity providing gifts for teenagers who areften forgotten by donor. each teen received an mp3 player along with gifts picked out by their parents. that's a really is in jess take your. good point to too. that so often we forget it's hard to buy for teenagers any way sometimes and when donating toys they are often overlooked sadly. >> i saw very is in 49er jackets there. lucky kid scored for sure. >> in sports tonight. bill domestic tonighted northern california high school football for years. but they say a huge test tomorrow. huge as in 3 by pounds coming at you. in the state championship game [ female announcer ] here's to a whole world of happier holidays. time to enchant, delight and amaze. safeway will help you gather everyone 'round. a smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. starbucks is just $6.99, that's a cup of good cheer. get sweet clementines for $4.99, enough for everyone here. turns out this season less is really so much more. so make your holiday merrier than ever before. safeway. ingredients for life. >> coming up tonight on 7 news at 11:00 o'clock. i sit down with the mother of the youngest girl on life support after a seemingly simple surgery. it is an enter have you you will see only on abc 7 news. >> plus tale of true friend shichlt she gave her friend battling brain cancer and it changed both thr lives. join us tonight on 7 news at 11:00. larry here now with all the sports. >> yes. warriors going through tough times. they are. >> not a lot of holiday cheer or smiles right now, long faces and disappointment really after last night loss to the spurs who are without the 3 best players. you can't lose that game. warriors turn the ball over 24 times. defense has been the case a lot early in the season. spotty and they allow tip here. really goal tending call any way then couldn't get off last second shot. a decent look in the final moments. clay thompson in the midst of own personal minislump. 13 points. you lack at the warriors writ now. such great expectation. 14 and 13. really a disappointing record. so far. here's clay in video provided by the warriors. >> had turn overs. battle on defense. terrible game on my part. i know shots won't fall every night and rough stretch but shouldn't affect how you play the rest of the game. i take it personal. my biggest downfall. i have learned a lot the last year so when you play well, this is humbling to have a few bad games. >> extremely honest. this is bad. we this the it was bad last in and it is. shark ridiculousie expected to be out for at least a month after the neon knee hit by brown of the kings. 20-year-old from the czech republic didn't return. he had 15 goal and maybe now you know why the a's didn't really move to reseen grant the closer. orioles have walked away from 2 year, 15 million dollar deal they had the former a's closer saying they had concerns after his physical. we think it's the shoulder they were worried about but the temperature not specific. his agent iists that baltimore just had a change of heart and 35-year-old reliever is actually healthy. >> while the a's future home is unmostly clear full speed ahead for the wolf other team. earthquake. they have begun construction of the new stadium super structure in place today 23,000 pound girder. they open play in the new stadium in 201 2015. >> well the gym is for the state championship in california. might as well be for the national championship. fourth rank lasalle and no. 3 saint john boss could bellflower and all the marble tomorrow night in carson. as collin explains this game could be decided by some massive men in the trenches. >> the key to why they have been so good on the field for so many years. >> more so than ever they need to be good saturday for lasalle to beat the team with 15 division one rae cawt. like the spartan the braves are run first offense with 6 foot 5, 3 53 pound damion leading the way. >> not just the size. he has good feet. not the only one. they average over 300 pounds. they have good technique. physical. so it's going to be a real tough challenge for our guys. we ve to play really well. >> we have big d up front. both sides of the ball do what we do big nasty up front. >> spartan answer with nfl pedigree offensive line it's allen the third. that larry allen. 6 foot 3, 2 85. son of general manager mckenzie. 6 foot 4 30 9. you look at them and watch them on film. doesn't lack like a high school football team. they walk out like oh. is this college or nfl? >> our goal is to just my our hardest and be as physical as we can. try our best to wear them down and make sure our running game is tight. that's what definitely thinking. >> lasalle played for talented more athletic team in the state title game before. came out victorious to make it 7 out of 9? >> we have to t out hit them. if we let them dictate the pace of the gym and everything to us we are in trouble. we have to nullify the offensive line and move the defensive lane. everything is completely predicated on that. >>reporter: in concord, abc 7 sports. >> impressive. >> will sal down this road before. they have not lost to another team in california since 2008. they are a juggernaut so we'll see. >> perennial year in year out. >> they get it do than. >> that's this edition of abc 7 news on coffee tv 20. for all of us here, thanks for watchin watching. appreciate your time watching. appreciate your time as always. sebuzzing] hey, buzby, how are you today? not so great, bumbleton. i have a ton of pollen to collect, but i'm really tired. flying a little low? maybe you should get high. who's this? this is drugs. aren't drugs bad? no way.

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