Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20170330 : vimarsan

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20170330

the 50s.your "ready 4 school" daypart forecast calls for gradual no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze (mark) in the east bay... one man is dead after a propane tank explodes in an apartment in walnut creek. anny hong is at the breaking news desk with the details. anny? (anny) it happened at the walnut creek manor senior apartments on mayhew way right off 680 near the pleasant hill border. take a look at video of the scene. it's unclear why there was a propane tank inside the man's apartment. it's also unclear what specifically caused the gas to ignite...blowing out the apartment windows the man was badly burned and not breathing when firefighters pulled him from his burning home. he was rushed to john muir medical center where he died from his injuries. nobody else at the apartment complex was injured. ( darya ) happening now... a gunman is on the loose after a woman was shot and killed in san francisco. two other people were injured in that shooting. it happened just before eleven yesterday morning in the city's oceanview neighborhood. the two people who were injured are expected to be okay this morning. but a 65-year old woman died in the shooting. police say all three victims were innocent bystanders. and it's not the first time someone has been killed in neighborhood. the woman is the third person to be killed in the months. < avei st. pierre says it's always traumatizing.>< ahsha safai says we've talked about security cameras. we've talked about increased police presence. we've also talked to community based organizations to do some intervention work to give people. . young men in particular. . alternative opportunities. employment to get them out of life of crime.> ( darya ) so far police have not said what led up to the shooting. ( mark ) you could soon be paying more at the gas pump to help pay for repairs on bay area roads damaged in recent storms. ( darya ) governor jerry brown has a plan that could cost you a few bucks each time you fill-up. will tran is live in fremont this morning to explain. will. ( will ) governor jerry brown has a plan to fix roads across the state that have been damaged because of recent storms. but it will cost you. the governor and other democratic leaders are proposing to increase the gas tax and car registration fees. the measure would increase the price of gas 12 cents over a ten-year period. some people we spoke to said this isn't so scary. but others we talked to say california already has the highest transportation taxes and fees in the country. ( will ) two-thirds of the california legislature will have to approve the measure for it to pass. i will be here all morning talking to drivers about how they feel about possibly paying more at the pump. (darya) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. (mark) happening now.. five people in pacifica are without a home after a fire broke out inside their kitchen. it happened just before nine last night at a two-story house on gateway drive. firefighters went inside the home and found flames coming from the kitchen. they also found smoke throughout the house. firefighters were able to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading. the fire was caused by someone leaving their cooking unattended. (darya) we are learning new information about a 19- year-old who was found shot and killed near an elementary school in san jose. it happened over the weekend. joseph viramontes was found dead at toyon elementary school on saturday morning. he grew up playing youth football in san jose. friends and family gathered for a vigil at the school last night. they are pleading for help from the public in finding his killer. (darya) right now police do not have a suspect or motive. a go fund me page has been set up to help joseph's grandfather with funeral expenses. if you want to help, we have a link to it on our website at kron-four dot com. ( mark ) we are now learning more about an 18- year-old who fell to his death at a santa cruz county beach. officials say neel foon was from the east bay and in his first year at u-c-l-a. he had just graduated from the oakland school for the arts. this is video from the school of him playing the guitar. he was from hercules. foon was walking near the edge of a cliff at panther beach tuesday evening with a group of friends when the ground gave way. in a statement, the oakland school for the arts said "neel was an incredible student and musician. adding alongside his dedication and remarkably positive attitude, he was a fantastic model to his peers; we will forever remember him fondly." ( darya ) with the weather warming up.. more people are heading to the beach. and there are safety warnings out this morning. ( mark ) these reminders come after several incidents of people being swept in the ocean including one child who was killed. rebecca strom is here with the story. ( rebecca ) on monday at baker beach in san francisco, a 22-year-old man was rescued while attempting to save another man. crews are now working to recover the body of that other man. on tuesday afternoon, a 9-year-old boy washed out into the ocean at mona-stery beach in carmel. he was rescued, but later died at the hospital. beach goers who spoke to kron four say they are being more cautious around the water. ( rebecca ) the san francisco fire department tweeted out reminding people that rip tides in san francisco are always strong. if you are caught in one, you should not fight the current. you should swim parallel to the shore until the current releases you and then make your way back to shore. officials say if a friend or pet is caught in the current, don't attempt to rescue them on your own, call 9-1-1. back to you. ( darya ) another setback for president trump's immigration travel ban. a federal judge in hawaii granted a request to extend a temporary block on the ban. the halt on the ban has been extended indefinitely the ban would restrict travel from 6 muslim majority countries for 90 days and halt the country's refugee program. hawaii's attorney general says the judge's decision affirms values of religious freedom. the department of justice has already appealed a different judge's decision to halt the 90-day travel ban. (mark) and president trump's travel ban could cost the u-s tourism sector more than 18-billion dollars over the next two years. that is according to analysts at "tourism economics." foreign tourism is a 250-billion dollar-a-year business in the u-s. the expected decline in international tourism marks a reversal from recent years. foreign visitors increased by over 20-million people in 20-16 compared to 2009. ( mark ) happening now... the senate intelligence committee is holding it's first public hearing into possible russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. this is a live picture from washington, d.c. among those set to eventually testify are president trump's son-in-law, jared kushner and former campaign chairman paul manafort. the senators leading the committee say that this is a bi-partisan investigation. the committee says it has already spoken with former national security adviser michael flynn... who resigned after misleading the administration about his contact with russia's ambassador to the u-s. ( darya ) happening now... p-g-and-e is warning people to watch out for scammers this tax season. the scams involve people going door-to-door posing as p-g-and-e workers to get inside peoples' homes. scammers are also sending people e-mails asking customers to make a payment online, as well as calling customers asking for payment information over the phone. p-g-and-e says they will never ask for personal information or credit card information over the phone. you should always ask for identification before letting someone claiming to be an employee into their home. (darya) police are searching for a woman who they say stole about 11 thousand dollars in cash and property from a car in livermore. and it was all caught on home surveillance video. it happened sometime between the evening of march 25th and the early morning hours on march 26th. police say the car was left unlocked and parked in the driveway. officers are asking residents in the area to check their security systems for more video of the woman that could help with the investigation. (mark) still ahead on the kron four morning news... parents and students in the east bay are upset after two separate displays of discrimination at a high school. hear how the school is responding this morning. and a man is facing a hefty fine this morning... for saving the life of a bear cub. hear why he could be in trouble for his good deed. (anny) and severe weather kills six people across the southern plains... and more storms are expected today. i'm at the breaking news desk with the details. áááábreakáááá . (darya) in the weather center with james tracking the forecast... (james) (james)we're expecting a cool down today as a storm system to our north brings cooler air and wind this afternoon.let's go outside and check out our 4-zone camera network.we're seeing mostly cloudy skies right now with temperatures in the 50s.your daypart forecast calls for gradual clearing by mid morning as temperatures warm to the upper 50s.then by this afternoon expect mostly sunny skies and temperatures ranging from the low 60s at the bay to upper 60s inland. there is a wind advisory in effect from noon until 8 pm today for all bay area hills. expect northwest winds of 20-30 mph with gusts as strong as 45 mph. this may be strong enough to bring down older trees weakened by recent storms.that's today's forecast, but what about the weekend?your extended outlook shows a warming trend still on track for friday and the weekend ahead.temperatures for saturday and sunday push closer to 80 degrees. no major hot spots. slow traffic on wb 92 from 880 to the high rise of the sanmateo beidge. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze. accident in pleasanton on wb 580 at el charro slow from 84 (darya) severe storms continue in the south this morning.. and we are now learning that six people have been killed due to the weather... including two children. anny hong has the details on where the storm is hitting today. (anny) the mississippi valley is in the severe weather bull's-eye today... the system moving through has already left at least six people dead. take a look at some of the damage in texas. you can see homes completely destroyed. northern mississippi and western tennessee will have a moderate risk of severe thunderstorms today... but there are elevated risks of tornadoes and hailstorms. the storm system has already led to the traffic deaths of three storm chasers in west texas. and two children who touched a downed power line while playing in fort worth were electrocuted to death. and a truck driver was killed when strong winds blew his rig off an interstate in oklahoma. here's a look at the national weather map. you can see where the storm is hitting right now... it's expected to last into the afternoon. we will continue to monitor the latest. back to you. (mark) two separate displays of discrimination at an east bay high school. this after school officials say students were doing nazi salutes. there was an assembly at albany high school to address these issues. last week we told you about racist pictures that were posted on instagram. and now we've learned a group of kids at the school has been busted for doing nazi salutes. officials say everyone involved has been disciplined. however district officials will not say how the students were disciplined. because they are minors i'm not allowed to say specifically what that discipline is because the minors have privacy rights. student: there needs to be more emphasis on the punishment for that kind of thing. because if people see what they got away with doing, its just so crazy what they posted. and if people see if they only got suspension or blah blah blah what's that gonna mean for patterns in the future happening again. >( mark ) kron 4 spoke to several students on campus who say they've heard the students were suspended for several days. and they say that they do not think that penalty is harsh enough. the superintendent says they will continue to work on solutions to deal with the issues. (mark) there are now posters on bart cars advising passengers on what to do if they witness a racially or religiously motivated attack on a train. a group of people used a "go-fund-me" page to raise nearly three - thousand dollars for the ads. the art shows one method of stopping a verbal attack against a muslim person on public transit. the step-by-step process advises.... sitting next to the person being targeted... starting a conversation and ignoring the attacker. the ads also advise ... keeping eye contact... and not acknowledging the attacker's presence. (darya) new this morning... pedestrian deaths are on the rise... and a new report says distraction is to blame. there were nearly 6-thousand pedestrians killed across the nation last year. that's the highest total in more than two decades and 11-percent higher than 20- 15. researchers say the biggest factor in pedestrian deaths is more drivers and walkers are distracted by cell phones and other devices. the report also says pedestrian deaths are rising quicker than motorist deaths. (darya) a mother faces multiple charges this morning after she showed up at her daughter's high school to confront her bully... and attacked her twice. it happened in miami gardens, florida on monday. police say the 30-year-old went to the school and took a 17- year-old student's cellphone... and then repeatedly punched her in the face. when the girl went to the woman's house to get her phone back... police say the mother broke the teen's finger and destroyed her car with an ax. the woman then posted about the fight on facebook warning people not to mess with her daughter. (mark) an oregon man is facing prison time this morning for saving the life of a malnourished bear cub. corey hancock lives in salem. he says he could face a year in jail and a six-thousand-dollar fine for his good deed. he came across the cub while he was hiking on monday. when he realized the bear was close to death... he drove it to a wildlife center. (mark) the bear was given some fluids and nursed back to health. the oregon department of fish and wildlife says hancocks actions were not safe and he should have called them before removing the animal from the wild. they say oregon state police will be following up. (darya) now to the latest on the oakland raiders and their move to las vegas. the silver and black could be leaving the bay area sooner than originally thought. (mark) rebecca strom joins us now with the details. (rebecca) the raiders new las vegas stadium won't be ready for three more seasons... and they do have lease options in oakland for the next two seasons after that... but the director of the oakland coliseum says they don't want the raiders for the 2019 season.(rebecca) the director also says that hosting the raiders will cost them $1 million per year for the next two seasons. mark davis has already ruled out playing in u-n-l-v's 35,000-seat sam bowd stadium in 2019 possible bay area alternatives include cal's memorial stadium and the 49ers levi's stadium. (rebecca) according to reports, the team is considering san antonio as a átemporary home... for 2019 or if things don't work out in oakland in the 2018 season. san antonio was floated around as a possible landing spot...before las vegas emerged as the raiders next home. the alamo dome has worked as an n-f-l venue before. the saints played three home games there after hurricane katrina. darya back (darya) still ahead on the kron four morning news.. the accounting firm that caused a big mess at this year's oscars will be back next year... but under one condition. find out what it is. ((advance)) plus after the break... a popular computer game is being credited for helping patients after severe trauma. we'll in our suvs, you feel every mountain we've ever conquered. in our sports cars, you feel every podium we've ever climbed. and now, they've come together to create something you've never felt before. introducing the glc coupe. part suv. part sports car. all mercedes-benz. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze (darya) playing tetris can reduce post traumatic stress disorder. that's according to a new study out of sweden. (mark) after experiencing or witness a traumatic event... people are likely to develop anxiety or distress in relation to that event soon after. but researcher say playing the game tetris within hours of that experience can prevent those feelings from taking over your mind.(darya) they say the visualization of the game can block the memories from happening. the study says playing tetris reduced intrusive memories by 62-percent. (mark) the same accounting firm that messed up the academy awards last month will be back at the oscars next year.(darya) the price- waterhouse coopers accountant handed warren beatty the wrong envelope which led to "la la land" being announced as the winner for best picture instead of "moonlight." the academy voted yesterday to keep p-w-c, which has handled the oscar ballots for 83 years. but next year... accountants won't be allowed to bring their cell phones backstage.(mark) accountants used their phones to tweet a photo of "la la land" star emma stone backstage and they were distracted which is why warren beatty was given the wrong envelope. (james) tracking your morning forecast. details coming up. (mark) and we are (mark) (mark) and we are getting a first look at the inside of the apartment that caught on fire in oakland killing four people. we'll show you new pictures of what it was like to live in that building up ahead. (darya)(mark) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (james)we're expecting a cool down today as a storm system to our north brings cooler air and wind this afternoon.let's go outside and check out our 4-zone camera network.we're seeing mostly cloudy skies right now with temperatures in the 50s.your daypart forecast calls for gradual clearing by mid morning as temperatures warm to the upper 50s.then by this afternoon expect mostly sunny skies and temperatures ranging from the low 60s at the bay to upper 60s inland. there is a wind advisory in effect from noon until 8 pm today for all bay area hills. expect northwest winds of 20-30 mph with gusts as strong as 45 mph. this may be strong enough to bring down older trees weakened by recent no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze ( mark ) this morning investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the deadly fire in oakland earlier this week...( darya ) and we are now seeing what it was like to live in that building before the fire broke out take a look at these pictures of the living conditions inside one of the units at 2551 san pablo avenue. (mark) you can see a bathroom with unfinished walls, a kitchen sink with an appearance of mold, and a room with a huge hole in the ceiling, the photos are from a unit and common space area rented by a resident with developmental disabilities. the apartment is run by urojas community services and serves as a halfway house for people who live in oakland. (mark) building inspection records from earlier this month note a major plumbing leak, an opened ceiling with leaking water, and electrical violations. the record also shows that the urojas organization filed a complaint with the city against the owner of the property. 4 people were killed when that fire broke out on monday morning. (darya) 13 people are dead after a crash involving a church bus near san antonio, texas. anny hong is at the breaking news desk with more on the deadly crash. anny? ( anny @ flash ) 13- church members were traveling in a minibus briniging senior churchgoers back from a retreat when they were killed in a two-vehicle crash in texas hill country. two people were injured, including the driver of a large white pickup that collided with the bus, according to officers. twelve people people, including the bus driver, died at the scene. the 13th victim died at a san antonio hospital, about 75 miles away. the 14th person on the bus is in serious but stable condition, according to the church. ( anny ) as of right now police are trying to figure out why a truck veered into oncoming traffic and slammed head - on into the bus. according to the church's website... they plan on publishing an official statement and a list of names of the victims some time today. they will also be holding a prayer vigil later this evening. ( mark ) a new bill may close a major loophole in federal safety standards for new busses in california. right now, new buses are required to be equipped with seatbelts but do 'not' require passengers to actually wear them. the new bill was introduced by state senator jerry hill who represents san mateo and santa clara counties.. it comes on the heels of the n-t-s-b report issued just this week on the greyhound bus crash in san jose last year.. the report blamed the accident on caltrans... saying the roadway wasn't properly marked. the report also noted that only two of the 21 passengers were wearing their seatbelts the accident killed 2 and injured 13 (darya) a richmond police officer is attacked by a man who he had just helped. the officer has a broken nose after he was punched. this happened on 23rd street near downer avenue. police say a man was standing in the middle of the street while cars were swerving to miss him. the officer helped him out of the road and then police say the man got mad and punched the officer. police think the man was intoxicated. the man has been arrested and charged with assault. ( mark ) police in san francisco are looking for a hit and run driver that struck a 76-year-old woman it happened in the city's north beach neighborhood just after three yesterday afternoon. police say the woman was walking on filbert street near columbus avenue when the car hit her. knocking her unconscious. she was taken to the hospital with life - threatening injuries. and as of right now we do not know her condition and her identity has not been released. no vehicle description has been released. ( darya ) a road between oakland and castro valley - is closed as crews work to repair the road that engineers say is now at risk of collapsing. this is video courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. redwood road, which travels along the east side of anthony chabot regional park - was shutdown around 9:30 yesterday morning. the county road connects castro valley to skyline boulevard in oakland. drivers are being asked to avoid the area - and find an alternate route. crews noticed the damage road back in february - but it has since gotten worse. engineers estimate the repair to cost about 3-million-dollars. there is no estimate of when the repairs will be complete. (mark) happening today... lawmakers in north carolina have reached a deal to repeal that states controversial bathroom law. (darya) rebecca strom is here to explain. (rebecca) the agreement would end the controversial transgender bathroom law that was passed last year. the law requires transgender people to use public restrooms corresponding to the sex on their birth certificate. opponents of the bill argued that it limits l-g-b-t protections. the state faces losing n-c-double-a championship events through the year 2022 if lawmakers do not repeal the law by today. the law has also caused some businesses to hat expansions in north carolina and to cancel concerts. a report says the transgender law will cost the state more than three- billion dollars in lost business over a dozen years. ( mark ) the city of san jose and the santa clara valley water district are now debating who is to blame for last months devastating flood along coyote creek. in a public meeting yesterday, the water district reviewed stream flows over the weekend leading up to the flood. they oversee flood control along coyote creek and they concluded that san jose had ample warning but failed to act and didn't evacuate the four-thousand people affected. mayor sam liccardo claims that the district provided inaccurate information about how much water the creek would hold before it would overflow. ( mark ) the mayor says if the district can't provide more detailed information, the city will hire it's own experts. (darya) coming up on the kron four morning news... what's fueling the warriors? we'll ask gary radnich if it could be a toaster or a dog. and who has it worse, dogs or minor league baseball players? you decide. plus, no more sexy burger girls, what? the world according to gary is in just a few minutes. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze ( mark ) ( mark ) ( mark ) in san francisco.... attorneys representing people who live in the millennium tower have filed a 200-million-dollar lawsuit. they say the building has sunk 16-inches and is tilting 12 inches. the lawsuit targets millennium tower developers, contractors, engineers, architects and the transbay transit center. a spokesman for the developer says the lawsuit is filled with falsehoods and he is blaming the transbay transit center for the problems. the transbay transit center is blaming the developers saying the buildings' problems are due to an inadequate foundation. attorneys say problems with the millennium tower were known years before they were shared with home owners. (james) tracking your morning forecast... the world according to gary is after the break. (darya) ( darya ) the warriors looking lock up the number one seed in the west. but they'd have to do it in san antonio against gregg popovich and the spurs let's jump to the 1st. and things weren't looking good early on for the dubs. the spurs jumped out to a 15 to nothing lead. and at one point led by as many as 22 in the 1st quarter. but then the warriors got things going in the 2nd. scoring 37 points to go into the half up 59 to 57. the warriors would pull away behind curry's double double of 29 points and 11 assists on the game. final score 110 98 dubs. ( darya ) take a look at this. a fan actually asked klay thompson to sign a toaster for him. he looked at it like he couldn't believe it. he signed it anyway. ( darya ) steph and ayesha curry have a new family member. they recently paid $3,800 for this 10-week-old golden-doodle from a breeder in floridathe currys evidently fell in love with the puppy at first sight, specifically due to his green eyes like ayehsas. the kids named then pup "rookie" who joins the familys other dog "reza" ( darya ) a 26-year-old matt pare is entering his fifth year in the giants minor-league system. he spent much of last season as a part-time catcher and is the oldest player on the club's class-a team. he lives on wages that are less than the national minimum wage and earns no money for spring training. he says he is cool with it. through a boston college baseball connection, he is staying outside someone's mansion in their fitness casita. he is sleeping on a pull out coach. ( darya ) carl's jr. and hardee's are ditching the bikinis and getting back to the burgers. the chains are famous for advertisements featuring models and celebrities like paris hilton, kate upton and emily ratajkowski munching on burgers while scantily clad. a new commercial for the chains shows the imagined carl hardee sr. taking back control of the operation from immature son carl hardee jr. carl sr. rips down photos of swimsuit models and puts up framed pictures of hamburgers. the chains are now calling themselves "pioneers of the great american burger." the company's racy advertising campaign had a defender in andrew puzder, who is stepping down as ceo of the chains' parent company, carpinteria, california-based cke restaurant holdings. puzder withdrew as president donald trump's nominee for labor department secretary last month. ( darya ) at outback here's our 3 point shot:ss!?! 1. take our bloomin' onion... 2. cover it with aussie cheese fries... 3. top it off with our center-cut sirloin. the three point bloomin' onion. over twenty-five dollars worth for just $12.99. hurry in... it's for march only! happening today... tickets go on sale for the outside lands music festival in san francisco. this year 3-day tickets will cost $355 dollars. that is up by about $30 from last year. this is video from last year's concerts. organizers have not yet announced who will be performing but that announcement is expected in the next week or two. outside lands takes place at golden gate park on august 11th through the 13th. ( darya ) singer john legend decided to bring his sound underground.< john legend singing> some commuters at a london train station had the chance to see legend sing and play piano. legend performed several of his hits. the singer hinted on twitter that he was stopping by. he asked whether the station still had public pianos before he arrived. legend performed for about fifteen minutes. (mark) ahead at eight on the kron 4 morning news... governor jerry brown has a plan to pay for damaged roads. but it's going to cost you. kron four's will tran is talking with drivers to hear how they feel about gas prices going up. ((advance)) plus... one person is dead after an explosion at an apartment complex in the east bay. a deadly explosion at an apartment complex in the east bay. we have details on what was inside the apartment that caused the blast. ((advance)) and one person is dead and two others are injured after a shooting in san francisco. the shooter is still on the loose this morning. we'll have more on the investigation up ahead. ( darya ) good morning i'm darya folsom..( mark ) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... (james)we're expecting a cool down today as a storm system to our north brings cooler air and wind this afternoon.let's go outside and check out our 4-zone camera network.we're seeing mostly cloudy skies right now with temperatures in the 50s.your "ready 4 school" daypart forecast calls for gradual clearing by mid morning as temperatures warm to the upper 50s.then by this afternoon expect mostly sunny skies and temperatures ranging from the low 60s at the bay to upper 60s inland.there is a wind advisory in effect from noon until 8 pm today for all bay area hills. expect northwest winds of 20-30 mph with gusts as strong as may be strong enough to bring down older trees weakened by recent storms.that's today's forecast, but what about the weekend?i'll have your extended outlook coming up in 15-minutes. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( mark ) one man is dead after a propane tank explodes in an apartment in walnut creek. this is video of the scene. it happened at the walnut creek manor senior apartments on mayhew way right off 680 near the pleasant hill border. it's unclear why there was a propane tank inside the man's apartment. it's also unclear what specifically caused the gas to ignite...blowing out the apartment windows the man was badly burned and not breathing when firefighters pulled him from his burning home. he was rushed to john muir medical center where he died from his injuries. nobody else at the apartment complex was injured. ( darya ) happening right now... a gunman is on the loose after a woman was shot and killed in san anny hong is at the breaking news desk with the details. anny. (anny) two other people were injured in that shooting. it happened just before eleven yesterday morning in the city's oceanview neighborhood at plymouth avenue and broad street. this is the same intersection where a teenager was gunned down in january. the two people who were injured are expected to be okay this morning. but a 65-year old woman, identified as lian xiu wu, died in the shooting. police say she and the two other victims were innocent bystanders. and it's not the first time someone has been killed in this neighborhood. police say the wu is the third person to be killed in the area in the last six months. < avei st. pierre says it's always traumatizing.>< ahsha safai says we've talked about security cameras. we've talked about increased police presence. we've also talked to community based organizations to do some intervention work to give people. . young men in particular. . alternative opportunities. employment to get them out of life of crime.> ( anny ) so far police have not said what led up to the shooting. (anny) san francisco police are looking for at least one gunman.. and possibly two. we will continue to follow the latest and bring you updates as they come into the newsroom. back to you. ( darya ) we are learning new information about a 19- year-old who was found shot and killed near an elementary school in san jose. it happened over the weekend. joseph viramontes was found dead at toyon elementary school on saturday morning. he grew up playing youth football in san jose. friends and family gathered for a vigil at the school last night. they are pleading for help from the public in finding his killer. ( darya ) right now police do not have a suspect or motive. a go fund me page has been set up to help joseph's grandfather with funeral expenses. if you want to help, we have a link to it on our website at kron-four dot com. ( mark ) you could soon be paying more at the gas pump to help pay for repairs on bay area roads damaged in recent storms. ( darya ) governor jerry brown has a plan that could cost you a few bucks each time you fill-up. will tran is live in fremont this morning to explain. will. ( will ) governor jerry brown has a plan to fix roads across the state that have been damaged because of recent storms. but it will cost you. the governor and other democratic leaders are proposing to increase the gas tax and car registration fees. the measure would increase the price of gas 12 cents over a ten-year period. some people we spoke to said this isn't so scary. but others we talked to say california already has the highest transportation taxes and fees in the country. because if not it's going to mess up my car with all the pot holes on the streets and if they're not fixed i'm going to have to pay more to have my car fixed so at the end of the end i'm the one who has to pay for it or miss out">( will ) two-thirds of the california legislature will have to approve the measure for it to pass. i will be here all morning talking to drivers about how they feel about possibly paying more at the pump. (darya) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( darya ) with the weather warming up.. more people are heading to the beach. and there are safety warnings out this morning. ( mark ) these reminders come after several incidents of people being swept in the ocean including one child who was killed. rebecca strom is here story. ( rebecca ) on monday at baker beach in san francisco, a 22-year-old man was rescued while attempting to save another man. crews are now working to recover the body of that other man. then on tuesday afternoon, a 9- year-old boy washed out into the ocean at mona-stery beach in carmel. he was rescued, but later died at the hospital. beach goers who spoke to kron four say they are being more cautious around the water. ( rebecca ) the san francisco fire department tweeted out reminding people that rip tides in san francisco are always strong. if you are caught in one, you should not fight the current. you should swim parallel to the shore until the current releases you and then make your way back to shore. officials say if a friend or pet is caught in the current, don't attempt to rescue them on your own, call 9-1-1. back to you. ( darya ) coming up... another setback for president trump's immigration travel ban. how long a judges order to block the ban will now last. and... displays of discrimination at an east bay high school. the racist gesture school officials say students were doing. also happening now...the senate's first public hearing into possible russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. details next. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze. accident cleared in castro valley eb 580 at redwood, slow from 238 ( mark ) happening now... the senate intelligence committee is holding it's first public hearing into possible russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. this is a live picture from washington, d.c. among those set to eventually testify are president trump's son-in-law, jared kushner and former campaign chairman paul manafort. the senators leading the committee say that this is a bi-partisan investigation. the committee says it has already spoken with former national security adviser michael flynn... who resigned after misleading the administration about his contact with russia's ambassador to the u-s. (anny) and severe weather kills six people across the southern plains... and more storms are expected today. i'm at the breaking news desk with the details. grown man now. i don't want to pry... dad. but have you made a decision? i'm going with the $1000 in cash back. my son... ...a cash man. dad, are you crying? nah, just something in my eye. the volkswagen 3 and easy event... ...where you can choose one of three easy ways to get a $1000 offer. hurry in to your volkswagen dealer now and you can get $1000 as an apr bonus, a lease bonus, or cash back. let's get a check of the weather this morning... (james)we're expecting a cool down today as a storm system to our north brings cooler air and wind this afternoon.let's go outside and check out our 4-zone camera network.we're seeing mostly cloudy skies right now with temperatures in the 50s.your daypart forecast calls for gradual clearing by mid morning as temperatures warm to the upper 50s.then by this afternoon expect mostly sunny skies and temperatures ranging from the low 60s at the bay to upper 60s inland. there is a wind advisory in effect from noon until 8 pm today for all bay area hills. expect northwest winds of 20-30 mph with gusts as strong as 45 mph. this may be strong enough to bring down older trees weakened by recent storms.that's today's forecast, but what about the weekend?your extended outlook shows a warming trend still on track for friday and the weekend ahead.temperatures for saturday and sunday push closer to 80 degrees. no major hot spots. eb 580 slow from richmond pkwy to the toll plaza. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze. ( darya ) another setback for president trump's immigration travel ban. a federal judge in hawaii granted a request to extend a temporary block on the ban. the halt on the ban has been extended indefinitely the ban would restrict travel from 6 muslim majority countries for 90 days and halt the country's refugee program. hawaii's attorney general says the judge's decision affirms values of religious freedom. the department of justice has already appealed a different judge's decision to halt the 90-day travel ban. (darya) severe storms continue in the south this morning.. and we are now learning that six people have been killed due to the weather... including two children. anny hong has the details on where the storm is hitting today. (anny) the mississippi valley is in the severe weather bull's-eye today... the system moving through has already left at least six people dead. take a look at some of the damage in texas. you can see homes completely destroyed. northern mississippi and western tennessee will have a moderate risk of severe thunderstorms today... but there are elevated risks of tornadoes and hailstorms. the storm system has already led to the traffic deaths of three storm chasers in west texas. and two children who touched a downed power line while playing in fort worth were electrocuted to death. and a truck driver was killed when strong winds blew his rig off an interstate in oklahoma. here's a look at the national weather map. you can see where the storms are hitting right now... scattered severe storms are most likely from the midwest to the deep south with damaging winds, a few tornadoes, and hail possible from midday to evening. we will continue to monitor the latest. back to you. ( mark ) two separate displays of discrimination at an east bay high school. this after school officials say students were doing nazi salutes. there was an assembly at albany high school to address the racism it was just last week that racist instagram postings were found involviing albany high students. officials say everyone involved has been disciplined. however district officials will not say how the students were disciplined. ( mark ) still to come... an east bay police officer attacked by a man he was trying to help. what police say led up to the attack. and next... the raiders could be leaving oakland sooner than expected. after the break... why they could be forced out of the coliseum before their las vegas stadium is finished. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge. (vo) what's your dog food's first ingredient? corn? wheat? in new purina one true instinct grain free with beef, real beef is number one. no corn, wheat or soy. support your dog's whole body health with purina one. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze ( darya ) the raiders could be leaving oakland sooner than originally thought. their new las vegas stadium won't be ready for three more seasons.( mark ) the raiders have lease options in oakland for the next two seasons but after that... the director of the oakland coliseum says they don't want the raiders for the 2019 season. absolutely no appitite for a third year of 2019.">( mark ) the director also says that hosting the raiders will cost them $1 million per year for the next two seasons. mark davis has already ruled out playing in u-n-l-v's 35,000-seat sam bowd stadium in 2019 possible bay area alternatives include cal's memorial stadium and the 49ers levi's stadium. ( mark ) according to reports, the team is considering san antonio as a átemporary home... for 2019 or if things don't work out in oakland in the 2018 season. san antonio was floated around as a possible landing spot...before las vegas emerged as the raiders next home. the alamo dome has worked as an n-f-l venue before. the saints played three home games there after hurricane katrina. ( rebecca ) still ahead... we are getting a first look at what it was like to live inside the apartment building that caught fire in oakland killing four people. we'll show you new pictures of what it was like to live in that building...coming up.( james ) and here is a look at the current temperatures. your bay area forecast is next. (james) tracking your morning forecast. what to expect as you head out the door right after the break. áááábreakáááá ( darya ) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (james) we're expecting a cool down today as a storm system to our north brings cooler air and wind this afternoon.let's go outside and check out our 4-zone camera network.we're seeing mostly cloudy skies right now with temperatures in the 50s.your daypart forecast calls for gradual clearing by mid morning as temperatures warm to the upper 50s.then by this afternoon expect mostly sunny skies and temperatures ranging from the low 60s at the bay to upper 60s inland. there is a wind advisory in effect from noon until 8 pm today for all bay area hills. expect northwest winds of 20-30 mph with gusts as strong as may be strong enough to older trees weakened by recent that's today's forecast, but the weekend?i'll have your outlook coming up in 15- minutes. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( mark ) this morning investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the deadly fire in oakland on monday morning and we are now seeing what it was like to live in that building before the fire broke out. ( darya ) rebecca strom his here with the details. rebecca. ( rebecca ) take a look at these pictures of the living conditions inside one of the units at 2551 san pablo avenue. you can see a bathroom with unfinished walls, a kitchen sink with an appearance of mold, and a room with a huge hole in the ceiling, the photos are from a unit and common space area rented by a resident with developmental disabilities. the apartment is run by urojas (u-row-haus) community services and serves as a halfway house for people who live in oakland. ( rebecca ) building inspection records from earlier this month note a major plumbing leak, an opened ceiling with leaking water, and electrical violations. the record also shows that the urojas (u-row-haus) organization filed a complaint with the city against the owner of the property. 4 people were killed when that fire broke out on monday morning. (rebecca @ landing) back to you guys. ( mark ) a richmond police officer is attacked by a man who he had just helped. the officer has a broken nose after he was punched. this happened on 23rd street near downer avenue. police say a man was standing in the middle of the street while cars were swerving to miss him. the officer helped him out of the road and then police say the man got mad and punched the officer. police think the man was intoxicated. he has been arrested and charged with assault. ( mark ) police in san francisco are looking for a hit and run driver that struck a 76-year-old woman it happened in the city's north beach neighborhood just after three yesterday afternoon. police say the woman was walking on filbert street near columbus avenue when the car hit her. knocking her unconscious. she was taken to the hospital with life - threatening injuries. and as of right now we do not know her condition and her identity has not been released. no vehicle description has been ( darya ) new this morning.... a man who described himself as the best friend of murder suspect antolin garcia-torres testified in his death penalty case of missing teen sierra lamar. saying he and garcia-torres went on a snowboarding trip the weekend after lamar disappeared. daniel fernandez says he met garcia-torres in kindergarten. defense attorneys also questioned fernandez about his and garcia-torres' use of marijuana. including their making of hash oil. safeway records show that garcia-torres purchased a turkey baster and a jug of bleach shortly before sierra's disapperance. prosecutors say those were tools he used to break up evidence of a sexual assault. garcia- torres' lawyers argue that he bought the baster to make hash oil. ( mark ) a road between oakland and castro valley - is closed as crews work to repair the road that engineers say is now at risk of collapsing. this is video courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. redwood road, which travels along the east side of anthony chabot regional park - was shutdown around 9:30 yesterday morning. the county road connects castro valley to skyline boulevard in oakland. drivers are being asked to avoid the area - and find an alternate route. crews noticed the damage road back in february - but it has since gotten worse. engineers estimate the repair to cost about 3-million-dollars. there is no estimate of when the repairs will be complete. ( darya ) the city of san jose and the santa clara valley water district are now debating who is to blame for last month's devastating flood along coyote creek. in a public meeting yesterday, the water district reviewed stream flows over the weekend leading up to the flood. the district oversees flood control along coyote creek and they concluded that san jose had ample warning but failed to act and didn't evacuate the four-thousand people affected. mayor sam liccardo claims that the district provided inaccurate information about how much water the creek would hold before it would ( darya ) the mayor says if the district can't provide more detailed information, the city will hire it's own ( mark ) 13 people are dead after a crash involving a church bus near san antonio, texas. 13- church members and the driver were on their way home from a church retreat when the accident happened. the bus driver is in critical condition this morning. as of right now police are trying to figure out why a truck veered into oncoming traffic and slammed head - on into the bus. the church is still waiting to learn the names of the people who died. ( mark ) a new bill may close a major loophole in federal safety standards for new busses in california. right now, new buses are required to be equipped with seatbelts but do 'not' require passengers to actually wear them. the new bill was introduced by state senator jerry hill who represents san mateo and santa clara counties.. it comes on the heels of the n-t-s-b report issued just this week on the greyhound bus crash in san jose last year.. the report blamed the accident on caltrans... saying the roadway wasn't properly marked. the report also noted that only two of the 21 passengers were wearing their seatbelts the accident killed 2 and injured 13 ( darya ) now to bay area basketball... the warriors looking to lock up the number one seed in the west. ( mark ) but they'd have to do it in san antonio against gregg popovich and the spurs and things weren't looking good early on for the dubs. the spurs jumped out to a 15 to nothing lead. and at one point led by as many as 22 in the 1st quarter. but then the warriors got things going in the 2nd. scoring 37 points to go into the half up 59 to 57. the warriors would pull away behind curry's 29 points and 11 assists on the game. warriors win 110 to 98. and now have a 3 and half game lead over the spurs with just 7 games left in the season ( darya ) kevin durant is on track to return before the regular season ends. the warriors said he has been cleared for non-contact basketball drills and could return from his knee injury for the final 3 regular season games durant will be re- evaluated in the next seven to 10 days as he recovers from a left knee and leg injury that has sidelined him since february 28th. the warriors struggled initially without durant but since have won 9 straight games. ( mark ) and... a high school senior asks his grandmother to prom... hear why the school's principal say she can't go. and... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze ( mark ) a high school senior in alabama asked his grandmother to prom, but now his school principal is saying she can't go. 18-year-old bryce maine asked his grandma to prom because she had never been before. his grandma even bought a dress for the special event before the school principal banned her from going. take her?'" >( mark ) when bryce initially asked the principal, he said he never got a clear yes or no answer. the principal later told him that his grandma could give out alcohol to minors. bryce plans on taking his grandma out to dinner the night of the prom. (james) watching the weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break. we're coming up on 5:45... here's a quick look at the top stories we're following this morning... one man is dead after a propane tank explodes in an apartment in walnut creek. it happened at the walnut creek manor senior apartments on mayhew way. it's unclear why there was a propane tank inside the man's apartment. it's also unclear what specifically caused the gas to ignite...blowing out the apartment nobody apartment injured.( darya ) one woman is dead and two others injured after a shooting in san francisco. and police are still looking for the shooter... the shooting happened just before eleven yesterday morning in the city's oceanview neighborhood. police say all the victims bystanders.( mark ) governor jerry brown has a plan to fix roads across the state that have been damaged because of recent storms. but it will cost you. the governor and other democratic leaders are proposing to increase the gas tax and car registration fees. the measure would increase the price of gas 12 cents over a ten-year period. two-thirds of the california legislature will have to approve the measure for it to pass. ( mark )( darya )( james ) check of bay area weather this morning. (james)we're expecting a cool down today as a storm system to our north brings cooler air and wind this afternoon.let's go outside and check out our 4-zone camera network.we're seeing mostly cloudy skies right now with temperatures in the 50s.your daypart forecast calls for gradual clearing by mid morning as temperatures warm to the upper 50s.then by this afternoon expect mostly sunny skies and temperatures ranging from the low 60s at the bay to upper 60s inland. there is a wind advisory in effect from noon until 8 pm today for all bay area hills. expect northwest winds of 20-30 mph with gusts as strong as 45 mph. this may be strong enough to bring down older trees weakened by recent storms.that's today's forecast, but what about the weekend?your extended outlook shows a warming trend still on track for friday and the weekend ahead.temperatures for saturday and sunday push closer to 80 degrees. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( mark ) happening today... british lawmakers will meet with silicon valley leaders in the wake of last week's deadly terror attack in london. today's meeting will be with representatives from facebook, twitter and google. british lawmakers claim those companies do not do enough to combat terror threats. police say the london attacker used whats app to send a message before the attack. investigators say they cannot access that message because it is encrypted. 4 people were killed in that attack. ( darya ) this morning... for the first time we are hearing the 9-1-1 calls from the deadly ohio nightclub shooting that happened over the weekend. one person was killed and more than a dozen others were injured. in the 9-1-1 calls you can hear the people at the club describing the frantic scene. shot. the shooter is still on the loose this morning. (mark) happening today... lawmakers in north carolina have reached a deal to repeal that states controversial bathroom law. (darya) rebecca strom is here to explain. (rebecca) the agreement would end the controversial transgender bathroom law that was passed last year. the law requires transgender people to use public restrooms corresponding to the sex on their birth certificate. opponents of the bill argued that it limits l-g-b-t protections. the state faces losing n-c-double-a championship events, through the year 20-22 if lawmakers do not repeal the law by today. the law has also caused some businesses to hat expansions in north carolina and to cancel concerts. a report says the transgender law will cost the state more than three- billion dollars in lost business over a dozen years. mark ( mark ) in southern california...two couples were caught on camera fighting during a road rage incident. it happened monday afternoon in chula vista, near san diego. the men were wrestling each other to the ground. the women were also fighting. an off-duty officer was nearby and stopped the fight. one bystander was also kicked in the face. ( darya ) baseball season starts this weekend and the san francisco giants are getting ready.( mark ) the giants and a's will be playing each other tonight in an exhibition game at a-t-and-t park. the team held their media day yesterday and we got a sneak preview of what type of food is in store for giants fans this year. first and it's a really good first.>( darya ) those are just a few of the dishes the team is serving up this season. you'll get a full taste of ballpark cuisine coming up on dine and dish - when the season is in full-swing next week. ( mark ) once a month several police departments in santa clara county team up to crack down on traffic violators.( darya ) stanely roberts shows us on this edition of people behaving badley. it's never a good time to behave badly, (sound of motorcycles engines) and some days more than others(sound of motorcycles engines) traffic officers from morgan hill, santa clara county sheriff's office, sunnyvale department of public safety, san jose police, santa clara police, milpitas police department and lapd .no not that l.a.p.d., i'm talking about los altos police department they hits the problem areas of los altos they focused on speed around school zones with is usually 15 miles per hour 43 although school hasn't started yet one driver was caught on lidar well over the speed limit when school is not in sessiongood morning sir sergeant sheer with the santa clara police department, were doing a joint task force with los altos pd i stopped you for doing a 43 in a 25 zone when school is in session it goes down to 15 officers also conducted a pedestrian safety crackdown where a police decoy crossed el camino real to see if drivers were following state law and yielding to anyone in the crosswalk unlike this driver, in the pickup truck who did not stop. did you see the pedestrian? yea i did.. why did you go around him because i was in the .. he cut right in front (he stopped) he cut right in front then the stopped they also focused of cell phone violations .i don't know if i want to be interviewed am i really going to get a ticket they also looked for speeders all around . santa clara county sheriffs office caught this drive rolling well over the posted speed limit the reason i stopped you is because you were speeding ok the speed limt is 35 on here you were doing 52 miles per hour once a month santa clara county agencies hit different cities and sometimes san mateo county sheriffs joins them they call it allied enforcement excuse me deal with the officer not with me ma'am and even if you don't feel comfortable being recorded, the fact still remains hey i know you ..i'm not behaving badly /what i did couldn't cost anybody their lives even if you are on that little river in egypt you know denial ill have more on the pederians crackdown and the school zone speeders in a future edition of people behaving badly in los altos stanley roberts kron 4 news ( mark ) coming up in kron four news at seven... take a look these two new otter pups living at the oregon zoo. hear how you can help name them after the break. and here's a live look outside... golden gate bridge... ( mark ) the oregon zoo needs your help with naming its two newest otter pups. the zoo now has a public poll after the pups were born four weeks ago. one is a boy and the other is a girl. both pups weigh two pounds. votes are accepted now through next wednesday. the names will be announced next thursday. to cast your vote...we have a link on our website at kron-four-dot-com. ( darya ) coming up... governor jerry brown has a plan to pay for damaged roads. but it's going to cost you. kron four's will tran is talking with drivers to feel about gas prices going up.((advance)) plus... one person is dead after an explosion at an apartment complex in the east bay. details on what was inside the apartment that caused the blast. ((advance)) and one person is dead and two others are injured after a shooting in san francisco. the search for the shooter. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(mark) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... (anny hong) cooler and breezy conditions are forecast for today in the wake of a cold frontal system. most locations will not receive measurable rainfall from this dry system. locally strong and gusty northwest winds are likely from thursday afternoon into friday. a warming trend is then expected for the upcoming weekend as high pressure rebuilds over the region. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze ( mark ) one man is dead after a propane tank explodes in an apartment in walnut creek.( darya ) rebecca strom is here with the latest. ( rebecca ) it happened at the walnut creek manor senior apartments on mayhew way right off 680 near the pleasant hill border. this is video of the scene. it's unclear why there was a propane tank inside the man's apartment. it's also unclear what specifically caused the gas to ignite...blowing out the apartment windows the man was badly burned and not breathing when firefighters pulled him from his burning home. he was rushed to john muir medical center where he died from his injuries. nobody else at the apartment complex was injured. ( darya ) happening now... a gunman is on the loose after a woman was shot and killed in san francisco. two other people were injured in that shooting. it happened just before eleven yesterday morning in the city's oceanview neighborhood. the two people who were injured are expected to be okay this morning. but a 65-year old woman died in the shooting. police say all three victims were innocent bystanders. and it's not the first time someone has been killed in this neighborhood. police say the woman is the third person to be killed in the last six months. < avei st. pierre says it's always traumatizing.>< ahsha safai says we've talked about security cameras. we've talked about increased police presence. we've also talked to community based organizations to do some intervention work to give people. . young men in particular. . alternative opportunities. employment to get them out of life of crime.> ( darya ) so far police have not said what led up to the shooting. ( mark ) you could soon be paying more at the gas pump to help pay for repairs on bay area roads damaged in recent storms. ( darya ) governor jerry brown has a plan that could cost you a few bucks each time you fill-up. will tran is live in fremont to explain. will. ( will ) governor jerry brown has a plan to fix roads across the state that have been damaged because of recent storms. but it will cost you. the governor and other democratic leaders are proposing to increase the gas tax and car registration fees. the measure would increase the price of gas 12 cents over a ten-year period. some people we spoke to said this isn't so scary. but others we talked to say california already has the highest transportation taxes and fees in the country. struggling already to pay rent. living paycheck to paycheck. it's one of those things where you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.)(reporter-so if i had to put you in a corner. do you like it or you don't like it?)(jason sandoval/motorist-don't like it. i'm already struggling as it is. i can only get a few dollars of gas every two weeks. i can't even get a full tank)>( will ) two-thirds of the two-thirds ( will )full tank)> ( will ) two-thirds of the california legislature will have to approve the measure for it to pass. i will be here all morning talking to drivers about how they feel about possibly paying more at the pump. (darya) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. (mark) happening now.. five people in pacifica are without a home after a fire broke out inside their kitchen. it happened just before nine last night at a two-story house on gateway drive. firefighters went inside the home and found flames coming from the kitchen. they also found smoke throughout the house. firefighters were able to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading. the fire was caused by someone leaving their cooking unattended. (darya) we are learning new information about a 19- year-old who was found shot and killed near an elementary school in san jose. it happened over the weekend. joseph viramontes was found dead at toyon elementary school on saturday morning. he grew up playing youth football in san jose. friends and family gathered for a vigil at the school last night. they are pleading for help from the public in finding his killer. sunshine when i got up in the morning. he was everything for me. ">(darya) right now police do not have a suspect or motive. a go fund me page has been set up to help joseph's grandfather with funeral expenses. if you want to help, we have a link to it on our website at kron-four dot com. ( darya ) we are now learning more about an 18- year-old who fell to his death at a santa cruz county beach. officials say neel foon was from the east bay and in his first year at u-c-l-a. he had just graduated from the oakland school for the arts. this is video from the school of him playing the guitar. he was from hercules. foon was walking near the edge of a cliff at panther beach tuesday evening with a group of friends when the ground gave way. in a statement, the oakland school for the arts said "neel was an incredible student and musician. adding alongside his dedication and remarkably positive attitude, he was a fantastic model to his peers; we will forever fondly." ( mark ) with the weather warming up.. more people are heading to the beach. and there are safety warnings out this morning. on monday at baker beach in san francisco, a 22-year-old man was rescued while attempting to save another man. crews are now working to recover the body of that other man. on tuesday afternoon, a 9- year-old boy washed out into the ocean at monastery beach in carmel. he was rescued, but later died at the hospital. beach goers who spoke to kron four say they are being more cautious around the water. ( mark ) the san francisco fire department tweeted out reminding people that rip tides in san francisco are always strong. if you are caught in one you should not fight the current. you should swim parallel to the shore until the current releases you and then make your way back to shore. officials say if a friend or pet is caught in the current, don't attempt to rescue them on your own, call 9-1-1. back to you. ( darya ) happening now... p-g-and-e is warning people to watch out for scammers this tax season. the scams involve people going door-to-door posing as p-g-and-e workers to get inside peoples' homes. scammers are also sending people e-mails asking customers to make a payment online, as well as calling customers asking for payment information over the phone. p-g-and-e says they will never ask for personal information or credit card information over the phone. you should always ask for identification before letting someone claiming to be an employee into their home. (mark) still ahead on the kron four morning news... parents and students in the east bay are upset after two separate displays of discrimination at a high school. hear how the school is responding this morning. and a man is facing a hefty fine this morning... for saving the life of a bear cub. hear why he could be in trouble for his good deed. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge no major hot spots. wb 92 slow from 880 to the high rise. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze (mark) an oregon man is facing prison time this morning for saving the life of a malnourished bear cub. (darya) corey hancock lives in salem. he says he could face a year in jail and a six-thousand-dollar fine for his good deed. he came across the cub while he was hiking on monday. when he realized the bear was close to death... he drove it to a wildlife center. (mark) the bear was given some fluids and nursed back to health. the oregon department of fish and wildlife says hancocks actions were not safe and he should have called them before removing the animal from the wild. they say oregon state police will be following up. (anny) and i'm tracking your morning forecast. a full weather report right after the break. (darya) welcome back... getting a check of weather with anny.. (mark) (anny hong) cooler and breezy conditions are forecast for today in the wake of a cold frontal system. most locations will not receive measurable rainfall from this dry system. locally strong and gusty northwest winds are likely from thursday afternoon into friday. a warming trend is then expected for the upcoming weekend as high pressure rebuilds over the region. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze. no major delays across the golden gate bridge on sb 101 ( mark ) two separate displays of discrimination at an east bay high school.( darya ) this after school officials say students were doing nazi salutes. rebecca strom is here with the school is doing about it. ( rebecca ) there was an assembly at albany high school to address the racism it was just last week that racist instagram postings were found involviing albany high students. officials say everyone involved has been disciplined. however district officials will not say how the students were disciplined. future happening again. >( rebecca ) kron 4 spoke to several students on campus who say they've heard the students were suspended for several days. and they also say that they do not think that penalty is harsh enough. the superintendent says they will continue to work on solutions to deal with the issues. (darya) there are now posters on bart cars advising passengers on what to do if they witness a racially or religiously motivated attack on a train. a group of people used a "go-fund-me" page to raise nearly three - thousand dollars for the ads. the art shows one method of stopping a verbal attack against a muslim person on public transit. the step-by-step process advises.... sitting next to the person being targeted... starting a conversation and ignoring the attacker. the ads also advise ... keeping eye contact... and not acknowledging the attacker's presence. ( mark ) happening now... the senate intelligence committee is holding it's first public hearing into possible russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. this is a live picture from washington, d.c. among those set to eventually testify are president trump's son-in-law, jared kushner and former campaign chairman paul manafort. the senators leading the committee say that this is a bi-partisan investigation. the committee says it has already spoken with former national security adviser michael flynn... who resigned after misleading the administration about his contact with russia's ambassador to the u-s. (darya) new this morning... pedestrian deaths are on the rise... and a new report says distraction is to blame. there were nearly 6-thousand pedestrians killed across the nation last year. that's the highest total in more than two decades and 11-percent higher than 20- 15. researchers say the biggest factor in pedestrian deaths is more drivers and walkers are distracted by cell phones and other devices. the report also says pedestrian deaths are rising quicker than motorist deaths. (darya) a mother faces multiple charges this morning after she showed up at her daughter's high school to confront her bully... and attacked her twice. it happened in miami gardens, florida on monday. police say the 30-year-old went to the school and took a 17- year-old student's cellphone... and then repeatedly punched her in the face. when the girl went to the woman's house to get her phone back... police say the mother broke the teen's finger and destroyed her car with an ax. the woman then posted about the fight on facebook warning people not to mess with her daughter. (mark) in southern california... a man was dancing on the outside of a pick-up truck while the truck was driving on a freeway and it was all caught on camera... kimberly cheng explains what happened. the california highway patrol is investigating after a man was caught on camera car- surfing along the 15 freeway in corona, according to a witness who spoke to the agency after seeing the stunt in person.jennifer driscoll- frerichs recorded the man hanging onto the side of a pickup truck as the vehicle moved along the freeway saturday morning."my only thought was that it was pretty dumb," said driscoll-frerichs. "i was just cruising down the freeway with my husband and i saw someone start to get out of the window. he made it all the way out and was dancing on the side of the car."traffic was moving about 10 to 15 mph but soon picked up to 20 to 30 mph, according to driscoll-frerichs. the man got back into the vehicle after traffic began moving more quickly, driscoll-frerichs said."he could've fallen, and you know, got really hurt and then caused more accidents around. it could've been really dangerous," she said. driscoll-frerichs posted the video clip to social media to show "how stupid people can be in a stunt like that -- trying to be cool." (mark) nobody was injured during the stunt. and police are still looking for the driver and people involved. (darya) still ahead on the kron four morning news.. the accounting firm that caused a big mess at this year's oscars will be back next year... but under one condition. find out what it is. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge. spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze (mark) the same accounting the same (mark) the same accounting firm that messed up the academy awards last month will be back at the oscars next year.(darya) the price-waterhouse coopers accountant handed warren beatty the wrong envelope which led to "la la land" being announced as the winner for best picture instead of "moonlight." the academy voted yesterday to keep p-w-c, which has handled the oscar ballots for 83 years. but next year... accountants won't be allowed to bring their cell phones backstage.(mark) accountants used their phones to tweet a photo of "la la land" stone backstage and distracted which is why was given the wrong (mark) coming up on the kron four morning news... we are getting a first look at what it was like to live inside the apartment building that caught fire in oakland killing four people. we'll show you new pictures. (darya)(mark) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (anny hong) cooler and breezy conditions are forecast for today in the wake of a cold frontal system. most locations will not receive measurable rainfall from this dry system. locally strong and gusty northwest winds are likely from thursday afternoon into friday. a warming trend is then expected for the upcoming weekend as high pressure rebuilds over the region. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from the maze ( mark ) this morning investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the deadly aparment building fire in oakland on monday( darya ) and we are now seeing what it was like to live in that building before the fire broke out take a look at these pictures of the living conditions inside one of the units at 2551 san pablo avenue. (mark) you can see a bathroom with unfinished walls, a kitchen sink with an appearance of mold, and a room with a huge hole in the ceiling, the photos are from a unit and common space area rented by a resident with developmental disabilities. the apartment is run by urojas community services and served as a halfway house for people who live in oakland. (mark) building inspection records from earlier this month note a major plumbing leak, an opened ceiling with leaking water, and electrical violations. the record also shows that the urojas organization filed a complaint with the city against the owner of the property. 4 people were killed when that fire broke out on monday morning. ( darya ) new this morning.... a man who described himself as the best friend of murder suspect antolin garcia-torres testified in his death penalty case of missing teen sierra lamar. he says he and garcia-torres went on a snowboarding trip the weekend after lamar disappeared. daniel fernandez says he met garcia-torres in kindergarten. defense attorneys also questioned fernandez about his and garcia-torres' use of marijuana. including their making of hash oil. safeway records show that garcia-torres purchased a turkey baster and a jug of bleach shortly before sierra's disapperance. prosecutors say those were tools he used to break up evidence of a sexual assault. garcia- torres' lawyers argue that he bought the baster to make hash oil. ( mark ) severe storms continue in the south this morning.. and we are now learning that six people have been killed due to the weather... including two children. ( darya ) rebecca strom has the details on where the storm is hitting today. ( rebecca ) the mississippi valley is in the severe weather bull's-eye today... the system moving through has already left at least six people dead. take a look at some of the damage in texas. you can see homes completely destroyed. northern mississippi and western tennessee will have a moderate risk of severe thunderstorms today... but there are elevated risks of tornadoes and hailstorms. the storm system has already led to the traffic deaths of three storm chasers in west texas. and two children who touched a downed power line while playing in fort worth were electrocuted. and a truck driver was killed when strong winds blew his rig off an interstate in oklahoma. here's a look at the national weather map. you can see where the storm is hitting right now... it's expected to last into the afternoon. we will continue to monitor the latest. darya back to you. (darya) police in san francisco are looking for a hit and run driver that struck a 76-year-old woman it happened in the city's north beach neighborhood just after three yesterday afternoon. police say the woman was walking on filbert street near columbus avenue when the car hit her. knocking her unconscious. she was taken to the hospital with life - threatening injuries. and as of right now we do not know her condition and her identity has not been released. no vehicle description has been released. ( mark ) a road between oakland and castro valley - is closed as crews work to repair the road that engineers say is now at risk of collapsing. this is video courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. redwood road, which travels along the east side of anthony chabot regional park - was shutdown around 9:30 yesterday morning. the county road connects castro valley to skyline boulevard in oakland. drivers are being asked to avoid the area - and find an alternate route. crews noticed the damage road back in february - but it has since gotten worse. engineers estimate the repair to cost about 3-million-dollars. there is no estimate of when the repairs will be complete. (darya) 13 people are dead after a crash involving a church bus near san antonio, texas. 13- church members and the driver were on their way home from a church retreat when the accident happened. the bus driver is in critical condition this morning. as of right now police are trying to figure out why a truck veered into oncoming traffic and slammed head - on into the bus. the church is still waiting to learn the names of the people who died. ( darya ) another setback for president trump's immigration travel ban. a federal judge in hawaii granted a request to extend a temporary block on the ban. the halt on the ban has been extended indefinitely the ban would restrict travel from 6 muslim majority countries for 90 days and halt the country's refugee program. hawaii's attorney general says the judge's decision affirms values of religious freedom. the department of justice has already appealed a different judge's decision to halt the 90-day travel ban. ( darya ) the raiders could be leaving oakland sooner than originally thought. their new las vegas stadium won't be ready for three more seasons.( mark ) the raiders have lease options in oakland for the next two seasons but after that... the director of the oakland coliseum says they don't want the raiders for the 2019 season.( mark ) the director also says that hosting the raiders will cost them $1 million per year for the next two seasons. mark davis has already ruled out playing in u-n-l-v's 35,000-seat sam bowd stadium in 2019 possible bay area alternatives include cal's memorial stadium and the 49ers levi's stadium. ( mark ) according to reports, the team is considering san antonio as a átemporary home... for 2019 or if things don't work out in oakland in the 2018 season. san antonio was floated around as a possible landing spot...before las vegas emerged as the raiders next home. the alamo dome has worked as an n-f-l venue before. the saints played three home games there after hurricane katrina. (darya) coming up on the kron four morning news... what's fueling the warriors? we'll ask gary radnich if it could be a toaster or a dog. and who has it worse, dogs or minor league baseball players? you decide. plus, no more sexy burger girls, what? the gary rewind is in just a few minutes. spots. bay bridge wb 80 is slow from west grand. san mateo bridge wb 92 is still crowded from hesperian to the high rise. wb 580 slow from the western drive onramp to the tolls. ( mark ) in southern ( mark ) ( mark ) in southern california...two couples were caught on camera fighting during a road rage incident. it happened monday afternoon in chula vista, near san diego. the men were wrestling each other to the ground. the women were also fighting. an off-duty officer was nearby and stopped the fight. one bystander was also kicked in the face. (anny) and i'm tracking your morning forecast. a full weather report right after the break. welcome back to the kron 4 morning news... every morning at 7:45 we talk sports with gary radnich. and in case you missed it here's the rewind. ( darya )the warriors looking lock up the number one seed in the west. but they'd have to do it in san antonio against gregg popovich and the spurs let's jump to the 1st. and things weren't looking good early on for the dubs. the spurs jumped out to a 15 to nothing lead. and at one point led by as many as 22 in the 1st quarter. but then the warriors got things going in the 2nd. scoring 37 points to go into the half up 59 to 57. the warriors would pull away behind curry's double double of 29 points and 11 assists on the game. final score 110 98 dubs. ( darya ) take a look at this. a fan actually asked klay thompson to sign a toaster for him. he looked at it like he couldn't believe it. he signed it anyway.( darya ) steph and ayesha curry have a new family member. they recently paid $3,800 for this 10-week-old golden-doodle from a breeder in floridathe currys evidently fell in love with the puppy at first sight, specifically due to his green eyes like ayehsas. the kids named then pup "rookie" who joins the familys other dog "reza" ( darya ) baseball season starts this weekend and the san francisco giants are getting ready. the giants and a's will be playing each other tonight in an exhibition game at a-t-and-t park. first pitch is at 7:15. ( darya ) a 26-year-old matt pare is entering his fifth year in the giants minor-league system. he spent much of last season as a part-time catcher and is the oldest player on the club's class-a team. he lives on wages that are less than the national minimum wage and earns no money for spring training. he says he is cool with it. through a boston college baseball connection, he is staying outside someone's mansion in their fitness casita. he is sleeping on a pull out coach. are famous for advertisements featuring models and celebrities like paris hilton, kate upton and emily ratajkowski munching on burgers while scantily clad. a new commercial for the chains shows the imagined carl hardee sr. taking back control of the operation from immature son carl hardee jr. carl sr. rips down photos of swimsuit models and puts up framed pictures of hamburgers. the chains are now calling themselves "pioneers of the great american burger." the company's racy advertising campaign had a defender in andrew puzder, who is stepping down as ceo of the chains' parent company, carpinteria, california-based cke restaurant holdings. puzder withdrew as president donald trump's nominee for labor department secretary last month. today... tickets go on sale for the outside lands music festival in san francisco. this year 3-day tickets will cost $355 dollars. that is up by about $30 from last year. this is video from last year's concerts. organizers have not yet announced who will be performing but that announcement is expected in the next week or two. outside lands takes place at golden gate park on august 11th through the 13th. they go on sale in just a few minutes at 10-am. < john legend singing>(darya) singer john legend decided to bring his sound underground. some commuters at a london train station had the chance to see legend sing and play piano. legend performed his hit song "all of me"... and several others. the singer hinted on twitter that he was stopping by. he asked whether the station still had public pianos before he arrived. legend performed for about fifteen minutes before going into a waiting car. ( mark ) the oregon zoo needs your help with naming its two newest otter pups. the zoo now has a public poll after the pups were born four weeks ago. one is a boy and the other is a girl. both pups weigh two pounds. votes are accepted now through next wednesday. the names will be announced next thursday. to cast your vote...we have a link on our website at kron-four-dot- com. seven day (darya)that's it for us this morning... our next newscast is at 5 o clock tonight. (mark) don't forget, you can stay connected on our mobile app, kron four dot com and on our facebook and twitit >> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." he admits he's a cheater. >> dr. phil: how many women would you say you've slept with? >> announcer: and a liar. >> dr. phil: you served in the military? >> i didn't say that. >> announcer: did she marry a stranger? >> i feel like i've been catfished. >> dr. phil: you had no clue about this? >> i love him but if he's the one to cheat -- >> dr. phil: i think she's saying james bond you're not. >> dr. phil: let's do it! >> have a good show, everybody. >> dr. phil: this is a safe place to talk about hard things. >> stand by, i'll count you down. >> dr. phil: i try to be an emotional compass and point you in the right direction. >> five, four -- >> dr. phil: i'm not giving up on you. [cheers & applause]

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