Transcripts For MSNBCW The Ed Show 20130308 :

MSNBCW The Ed Show March 8, 2013

0 the united states. this is totally crazy. and to accuse the president of conspiring to kill americans in this country in cafes. and what's he picking on san francisco for? well, houston was in there, too. i mean, come on! this is a united states senator playing with fantasy that you know what? these drones are pretty powerful things. i mean, we could be using these things to take out americans. as if there's absolutely a free-for-all going on, that there's no oversight whatsoever? some members of rand paul's own party had heard enough. >> we've done i think a disservice to a lot of americans by making them believe that somehow they're in danger from their government. they're not. >> wow. he's got all his marbles. senator mccain was outraged in the senate chamber today because he knows a thing or two about inflaming the fringe elements in the country. you see, he once had a running mate that did it all the time. mccain was joined by his tag team partner from south carolina, lindsey graham, calling out the junior senator from kentucky. >> i find the question offensive. as much as i disagree with president obama, much as i support past presidents, i do not believe that question deserves an answer. >> well, wait a second now. attorney general eric holder thinks that rand paul does deserve an answer. and he gave him one. after 13 hours of filibustering holder sent a simple 43-word response to senator paul. "it has come to my attention that you have now asked an additional question -- does the president have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an american not engaged in combat on american soil? and the answer to that question is no." well, rand paul said that he was satisfied with that response and there was no additional hold on john brennan's nomination. brennan was confirmed today by the senate by a vote of 63-34. but the great divide within the republican party remains. while senator rand paul was in the late hours of his filibuster last night, republicans, including john mccain, they were out to dinner with the president. and today mccain was one of the leading voices defending the obama administration. >> to somehow say that someone who disagrees with american policy and even may demonstrate against it is somehow a member of an organization which makes that individual an enemy combatant is simply false. it is simply false. >> mccain's anger was directed at other colleagues who said that they should know better. drone supporter marco rubio jumped into rand paul's spotlight to question the use of drones. so did republican leader mitch mcconnell. lindsey graham had to laugh at the hypocrisy of these opportunists. >> to my republican colleagues, i don't remember any of you coming down here suggesting that president bush was going to kill anybody with a drone. >> graham's point is at the heart of the disagreement with rand paul. rand paul has a problem with the republican definition of war. >> their position is that the whole world is a battlefield including america and that the laws of war apply to america. in war you don't get due process. if you're in afghanistan, you're american shooting at our soldiers, they can shoot you, they don't ask for a warrant. but in our country you do have due process. so our country isn't a battlefield with no laws. >> this is an argument all americans no doubt should consider. but it is not what rand paul was doing in his filibuster. he was taking it i think to a new level of extremism. his colleagues were right to call him out on it. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, was senator paul's rhetoric during his filibuster dangerous? text a for yes, b for no to 67622. you can always go to our blog at we'll bring you the results later on in the show. joining me tonight, james carville, democratic strategist, political consultant, and author of "it's the middle class, stupid." james, good to have you back on "the ed show." >> always good to be here. >> i tell you what, that must have been a heck of a dinner last night. president obama must have really fed them good when you've got john mccain and lindsey graham defending his policy on the senate floor and calling out their own party. what do you make of that? >> well, they've gone back and that vast numbers, vast numbers believe that the president was not born in the united states. dinosaurs and people occupied vast numbers deny climate change. i mean, they've got people like preppers and birthers and god so some of them are going to believe when rand paul says that -- by the way, freedomworks, you remember this clown outfit, paid in there trying to get papers out and everything? the nth degree. don't think for one minute that he doesn't have deep support with all these cockamamie conspiracy theories he's got going and blowing people up in restaurants in houston and bedrooms in bowling green. >> it is so over the top it's i've never heard a senator theorize like that on the floor before. >> but ed, you've got ten house members that are on birther bills. you had half the republican presidential field in 2008 denying evolution. i mean, this isn't just some kind of nutty thing -- this is a party -- i'm not saying all of them. of the weirdest stuff that you can imagine. >> yeah. well, he's definitely playing with his imagination to think -- what's he think, that the military's going to call up the state police there in ken and all of a sudden a couple of his buddies are going to be a target? it's just nuts. >> but i mean look -- there's a organic tea party, freedomworks and them, they're supporting this. support out here among these republicans. it doesn't make sense to me, but a lot of stuff that they say makes no sense to me. >> and rand paul of course is pounding his chest, talking about all the support he's getting for the filibuster. >> a lot of americans send us letters and e-mails and twitter. people were excited that we were standing up for something that's important to a lot of people. >> okay. now, is this all about 2016 for this joker? what do you think? >> well, it's a combination. i think it is about 2016 for him. i think it's also about -- i think he believes some of this stuff. i don't have a question to -- rand paul i think has been out there and been out there for a long, long time. but understand, he's not way out of the mainstream of a good part of the republican party. these are the same people that were buying gold bullion from glenn beck or whatever he was doing over there. these people will bite on any kind of conspiracy you put out and it has a great deal of frustration. i think rand paul's thing was kind of a comic show to a lot of people. but it was a 12 or 13-hour thing. >> about the drone program, where are the democrats on this debate? there's been very few democrats who are willing to call the president out on this. is it because he's just so popular, they're protect the president, they think he's got enough on his plate? they don't want to cause more problems for him? or what? >> you know, this is a difficult question. they've got a lot of bad people in the world. and the idea that you can kill some of these people without endangering our own people is attractive to some democrats. some attraction. this democrat being one of them. look, it's a difficult thing. there can be some oversight, there's some way we can deal with this. but we've gotten a lot of bad people with this program. we shouldn't forget that. >> rand paul talked about his problem with the definition of war. lindsey graham had a response to that today. here it is. >> to my party, i'm a bit disappointed that you no longer apparently think we're at war. not senator paul. he's a man to himself. he has a view that i don't think is a republican view. i think is a legitimately held libertarian view. >> is this where the republican party is headed, a libertarian cam. and a traditional camp? i mean, the hypocrisy of, you know, a couple of these senators getting up, standing with rand paul on this. probably just to keep the filibuster going. but it just seems that they have really identified to the american people they've got an identity crisis, they don't even know where they stand on the use of military action if they've got the wrong president in there. >> look, certainly you have the libertarian camp and the national security camp for lack of a better word. rand paul versus mccain you're talking about. but look at now the immigration thing. some of them are coming out saying we need to change that. a lot of them are saying no, under no conditions can you do that. now you have some republicans after the election saying maybe we should consider being for gay marriage. most of them are saying there's no way you can be for that. there's a lot of emerging strains of just coming together because this is a party and it's a movement that's under considerable pressure. it's been -- it's been rejected again by the voters in the presidential election, and it's driving them crazy. and you're seeing a lot of stuff. i love watching this. this is almost as much fun as going to tiger stadium, watching lsu playing an s.e.c. game. i'm enjoying it, to tell you the truth. >> that means you liked watching jeb bush earlier this week on immigration. there was a lost bouncing around on that. >> right. exactly. and he's really talented. governor bush is all tied up in a knot, too. there's a lot of people tied up in a knot. >> all right, james. you come back on "the ed show." good to have you with us tonight. >> thank you so much. >> remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of your screen. share your thoughts with us on twitter @edshow and on facebook. we always want to know what you think and appreciate you communicating with us, if you know. liberals. they are worried about president obama and what he served up at dinner last night. were afraid it might be the big three. bernie sanders has a lot to say about it next. and so do i. stay with us. ♪ looking for a litter with natural ingredients that helps neutralize odors. discover tidy cats pure nature. uniquely formulated with cedar, pine, and corn. diarrhea, gas, bloating? 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