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3 3 mapssfiber- 3back to maps 3 mother nature wass't playing night.wicced weather tore through parts f maryland... knocking downnttees and damaging cars! roads were flooded... making aamess for ppople trring tooget around counties.megan gilliland has a closer look attthe damage thooe storms caused.megan? gooo morning patrice,aa thhs hour, we are downnto just 25-hhudred b-g-e customers without power..hat's a uge improvement... from the more than 52-thousand left in the dark yesterday... from these storms.but s the lights come on... we are seeing the damage that has been done. especiallyyif you live in the city...this is the 900 block of ellwood avenue in canton. where powerrullwinds uprooted this can see it toppled over and smashed this car. the torms also slammed baltimore county.there were cars... trapped in lood waters along several roads in dundalk.... 3nats:water22:233its really deep 22:20-- dont know why people wwuud drive throogh this nats: wavessot 22245 ive nevvr see anythingglike thissbee beforeneither have the olks in howard county.lightning actually sttuck the buffall &pgrill in norrh laurel causing a two alarm took crews from howard, anne arundel and princc georges county about an hour to knock down the ffre. time, but no one was hurt.the ann fortunately that seemm to bb the case all the way around our region... despite all this damage... no lives were lost. certianly something to be thankful for when you see how strong hese storms were.megan gilliland foxx5 morning ews. flloding got so bad... water was up to this truck's tires. this photo wasssent into uu by darla. and in dundalk... nearrnorth &ppoint roaa... this was the scene.kiid standing around... after an entire road was flooded.this photo was sent into us by brandon. when it comes to pews in your neighborhooo.... see it.. shoot it.. send it. you can upload photos and videos tooour website.go to fox baltimore dot com and click on the "see it, shoott it, senn t icon. you an lso your cell phone to "pics at foxbaltimore dot com." a toddler in prince george's countt is fighting foo his life this morning... after peing shot by a stray bullet. it happened outside an apartment omplex in landover. boy was playing outside ith e - his mother on bright seat road... when he was cauggt in tte crossfirr between two &ppeople.the toddler's mother i making an emotional plea... por the shooter to surreeder to police. johhson says: "please, my aby was nnocent..he didn't do anything. he gotta uffer a lot. he gotta go through stuff for the rest of hissliie."but to "please, just pleaae. just turn yourself in please." please."police are now tryinn who'ssconsidered toobe a person of interest. 3& poliie are searching for answers... after a maryland student disappeaard from his college campus. 22-year old roswell friend... is a native of cockeysville... and was still living on temple university's campuss. where he had just graduated two weeks ago. on thuusdayy.. he went for a run near campus ... and hasn''t been seen since. police say his cell phone and wallet are stiil at his hhuse. the onny thing missing are hhs house keys.friends are holdinn out "i pray that that thhs was not his own doing...i hope its ooay....because e are all justtwaiting to see whats haapeniig" investigators are asking anyone with infoomation to call philadelphia police. starting today.. aaeriicns will get their first view... of the newest national monument. monument. this is whatt you'll see at the new mmrrin - a huge bolder .. repressnting mountains ... aachorr both sides of the entrance... looated off independence avenue... crrators say they wanted to convey doctor king's message offjuutice, democracc, hope 3 herees what you eed to pnow if you are planning to visit the nnw mnumeet.the monument will officially open but for the rest of this week.. the memorial will haae a soft opening... and will be open starting today from 9am to 10 pm.there will be a deddcation ceremony this sunddy the 28th. it is free and open to the ppblic. if you want to see more about the dedication schedule or learn about the nnw monumenn, we've posted a link forryou. go to ox baltimore dot command click on our newslinks tabb tummy tucks... chin lifts... cosmetic proceduues... for humans.but now... they're also becoming common procedures for áppts.á more pet owners around the couutry are starting to put their pets under the knife... of the most dicaa - outrageous procedures?... if neutered... you cca fill tte void offhis manhood... with silicone implants.but most vets say f your animal doesn't need a medical procedure... leave him oo her at home. they say marriage has its ups and downs... but one "down" point f their marriage - the knnt. theecouple goo married at a roller coaster ride... because that's wherr they goo engaged llst august.after saying their "i do's"... the couppe and their wedding party strapped in for a wild ride on the 2-hundred-32-foot tall coasttr. and from roller ccasters to trains.this couple tied the knot while riding the rails in brazil.the bride got onnat a separate stop from the groom... and literally walked pown the aisle. tte two decide it was theeperfect place for the wedding... because that's where they met. coming up... jazz takes center stage this weekend... at the baltimore music festival.what big-namm performerr.. will headline the evvnt. [ whistling ] ♪ ♪ [ webber ] discover the unexpected beauty and man-made relaxation in northwest florida. and only at can you get 99-dollar fares nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach. [ ding ] from bwi airport to panama city beach. --bilal ali is live with the petails n --bblal ali is live --bilal ali is live with the 3 details on this mmrning's hometown hotssot --international smooth jazz super star sseve cole festival ---heeevent is also a &pschool supply fundraiser fundraiser the balttmore music festival &pis at centerstage on saturday. poors open at 6pm.for more baltimore dot com slash ox morniig. 3 3 maps-fiber- libbrty-back to maps comiig up... nasa is senning ut there... to gather more evidence. and the hit movie" the help" wins big at the box office number of ticket saless.. &pcomes as surprising news. you'rr watching fox 45 mmrning &pnews.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) new this morning... rape charges against former iiternational monetary fuud chief, dominique strauss--han may be dropped soon.the attooney's for the hotel housekeeper ... who accused strauss khan of rape back in letter friday from her.. to meet with prosecutors today... foo an update on the case.they say the tone of that letter suggests the district attorney plans to ddop the criminal for tomorrow.strauss kahan t ppeaded not guilty to those charges. flu season ii right around the orner... and there's good news for those f you looking to get vaccinated. the enters for diiease connrol and prevention says paccines to go arounn this year.the c-d-c recommends that everyone over the age of 6-months get a fluushot.flu seasoo typiially runs from october to may.vaccines should be available beginning in september. nasa is hoping to gett better understanding offthe &pred planet when they launch a new and ábetterá mars rover later this year.the new modee is an upggade from the remote connrolled nasa vehicles thatt have been roaming the surfaae of mars ffr seven years. the unmanneddvehicle ost nearly 2 ááillioná dollars ... and will hhlp scientists study wheeher theee was ever ife on the rrd planet. the rover iss &pthanksgiving day... and will take 8 months to reach mars. theehit movie ""he help" cleaned house at the box office this weekend.the best- seller turned movie came in at number oneeat the box office... beating out four ánewá releasee.last weekend's winnee, "rise of the plaaet of the apes"... drooped to number release "spy kids: all the time in the porld""rounded out the top three. coming up... rebel forces are gaining ground in libya.what authorities are reporting and later... one kid's show. we'll show you how long he managed to disrupt one reporter's liie shot... with silly're watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all ((break 3)) morniig. 3 3 after 42 years... moammar gadhafi's grip on libya could pe melia raney explainn... rebel forces are gaining ground... anddthe libyan people have ttken to the streets in celebrationn celebration. after months of fighting, rebel forces advanced into libya's capital city sunday. in celebration."this is the ffr 42 years. overnight the sprrad that gadhafi army forces could beeheaded to tripoli. "we didnnt really see any of that... hen we got into green square it was quiet except for a few people blasting off celebratory rounds in the air."natoos secretary general says gadhafi's regime i crumbling. an allegation the embattled ruler denies, despite reports that three of his ssns aae been captured.he is urging his people to fight on."how can you allow tripoli to be destroyed, burned..."go on your horses and defend tripoll" the toll frrm the bloody people died in a 12-hour nment 3 period.thousands more were could happen next."our concern have to find out wwere is he. i believe verr much in what phe tnc is doing. i think the takeover of tripoli tooay is amazing. i never expected." pthe big question now... thee big mystery is what happened to the tees oo thousands of loyal gadhafi troops ho gadhafi himselffsaid just a few hours ago said would fight until the death to defend the libyan capital."i'm melisa raney reporring. president obamaarrleased a statement laae sunday night... calling on moammar gadhafi to relinquish power. coming upp.. lingerie... for áchildren?á we'll tell you which company is looking to make a profit ((megan live tease))storms push throughhmaryland leaving a trail of destructiin.iim megan gilliland, we'll show you he incredible moments caughh on cameraa.. ann the issues yoo'll stiil be facing this're watching fox 45 mmrning ñ tte grand prix. iff the race will paa back what it's costing the ccty...on fox 45 3 -capitol bbilding 3 3 3 maps-95at195-back to maps-fiber map 3 3 3 downed trees... and washed out rrads. roads.wickee sorms ripped through baltimore and surrounding areas yesterday... wake.megan gilliland is here up to this morning. are waking - good morning patrice,the flood waters have subsided this morning... buttthis storm eft path.that will be affecting 's - many of you again this morning. &psome ppople in baalimooe county will probably be taking the bbu to work today after getting stuck in this... take a lookkcars... trapppd in flood waters along several point road... power lines were draped like curtains. aad in baltimore city... powerful winds uprooted this tree onnthe 900 block of ellwood avenue in can see it toppled over and smashed the car parked oo the 24:20-we just heard a crack, it was obviouuly the tree snappnig and hittiig the car in theeback25:30-i ddnt know come.. no telling when this will be off the road rradand it could be awhile before the howard countt running.lightning struck the restaarant yesterday afternoon... caussng a two an hour to kkook it down. fortunately no oneewas hurr. and slowly but ssrely, thingg are starting to ggt customers without powee.that's a huge improvementt...from the the dark yesttrday.megan gilliland fox45 morning newss a scary scene for drivers headed over the bay bridge. take a look at this lightning strikee...captured nearby..his &pphoto was sent into us by and in dundalk... this was the scene.a car... submerged under us by amanda and jjanient into - whee it comes to news in your neighborhood... see it.. shoot it.. send it. you can uplood photos and videos to our website.go cllck on the "see it, shoot it, send it icon.yyu can also send photos directly from your cell hone to "pics at foxbaltimore dot com." pew detaiil are emerging... in theecaseeof the frederrck womaa missing ii aruba. aruba.a witness has come forward... disputing tte accounts of what happened the disappeared. the witness says he saw gardner and gary giordano walking arrund the peef... anddthat the two never got in he water.he says they drove away a ssort time later.giirdano claims the two went snorkellng... and that garddnr nevee returned ashore. casey anthony's lawyerrsays his client ii bbck n florida.. anthony wassreleased from jail last month after being daughter caylee. her - lawyyr jose baez says anthony is back and ready to serve probatiin in a separate case. guilty to six counts of check fraud while she was awaiting triaa for murder. starting today.. americans will get theirrfirst view... of the newesttnational monument. monument. this isswhht you'll see at he new marrin luther king junior memoriall representing mountainss... anchors both sides of the entrance... located off independence avenue... with more than a hundred cherry trees surrounding. creators say they wanted to ponvey doctor king's message of justice, democracy, hope and love. here's what you need to kkow if you are planning to vvsit the new monument.the next monday morning at 11am. but for the rest of this a soft opening... and will be to 10 pm.there will be a sunday the 28th. it is free and open to the public. f you want to ee more about the dedication schedule or learn posted a link for you. go to fox baatimore dot ccm and click on our nnwslinks tab. it's aafrencc clothing line... that's causiig quite the stir. "jours apres lunes" ... which translates to "days after moons"... is ákids.átake a look at the for á webbite.the company selll items like make-up... camisoles and bras... all foo does it mennionn whyá a smalll child nneds these items... buu company has already been piirce. ttat brings us to our question of the day:should stores be lingerie for children?g we'll be taking your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell post your thoughts on our under ouu new facebook section "insideefox45".you can foxbaltimore. or text your ansser to 5203. nter fox45a ffr yes.. or fox45b for no. live reporting isn't alwayy easy... especially when just askkone c-n-n reporter... who was stuck competing with a young boy. reporter kareen wynter was out covvring kim kardashian's to get in on d - can't quite tell if she notices what's goinngon behind her.the boy went on wiihhhis out of goofyyfaces. cominn up... it's been a year or tte record many billions of dollars in damage... have been caused by natural disasters. 3 3((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 maps-fiber-liberry-back to 3 3 3 3 p(bump in)) &p it's our mobidea week.. weell bring you a deal - from mobideals... which provides coupons directly too your cell phone! phone!! this week's deal comeesfrom "it's about health."get half off an "ion-cleense detox.. just go to my-mobideals-dot--om to get started.. or look for mobiieals on our smaatppone. smartphone.. mobideals is a product f our parent company.. sinclair broaacast groupp coming up... &pamerica welcomes itt newest nntional monument today... in hooor of the marrin luther know... if you plan to visit. and 2011 becomes costly year... for natural disasters. how many billions of dollars in damage was're watthing fox 45 morning news.. all local...all mooning. ((break 6)) 3 newwthis moonnng... libyan rebels have captured three of moammar gadhafi's sons.that... according to authorities there... who believe the other four sons are either in hiding or have run away.the whereabouts of moaamar gadhafi himself is still unknown. rebels claim ttey've taken control of tripoli. 2011 becomes one for the record bookk... as an historic year for weather-rellted the u-s has had 9 weather ... least 1-billion dollars in daaage. disasters incluue tornadoes, flooding and total... 35-billion dollars in damage has been done this year. starting today.. americans will get theirrfirst view... of the newest national monument. this is what you'll see at the new martin a huge bolder .. orial. representing mountains ... anchors both sidds of the entrance....located off independence avenue... ith more than a hundred cherry trees surrounding. creators say they wanted to convey doctor king's message of justice, democracy, hopp &pand love. here's what you need to know if you are plaaninggto visit the new monummnt.the monument will fficially open next monday morninn at 11am. buttfor the rest of this week.. the memorial will have a soft opening... and will be opennstarting today froo am to 10 pm.there will be a dedication ceremooy this free and open to the pubbic. if you want to see more about the dedication schedule or learn about the nnw monument, we've posted a link for you. go to foo baltimore dot com and click on our newslinks tab. flu season ii right around the corner... and you looking to get vaccinated. the centers for disease control aad prevention says there should be plenty of vaccines to go around this yeaa.theec-d-c recommends that everyone over the age of seasonntypically runs from - occober to ay.vaccines shouldd be available beginning in september. p nasa is hoping to get a better understanding of the red planet when they launch a new and betterá mars rover later this year.the new model is an upgrade from the remote have been roaming the surface of maas for seven years. the unmanned vehicle cost nearly 2 ábillioná dollars ... and will there was ever life on the red plaaet. the rover is scheduled for launch on thhnksgiving day... and will take 8 months to reach mars. p as summer winds down is balancinn work and fun on his vacation. white house officials say the obama administration is "making progress" on the jobs plan expecttd to rolllout after labor day. buu as barbara hall asks... will the leaders see eye-to--ye on the - jobbfront? p3 coming up... fans are gearing coming up... 3 coming up... fans are gearing up for seleea gomez... oming to the maryland state fair..we hear frommthe singer next... about what áshe'sá looking forward to most. aad in our hometown hotspot... jazz takes center stage... t the baltimore music festival.what big-name performer... will heaaliie the're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. aall ((break 7)) 3 ((sslena gomez package)) 3 the 130th maryland state fair starts on august 26th and runs through september 5.fox45 is the proud media sponsor of the state fair. fair.selena gomez will perform on friday august 26th... hich is fox45 night at the fair. blake shellon performs sattrday septemberrthirddand "all time low" wwll be in concert on sunday september ffurth. whiie you're waiting for he greaa concerts attthe state fair... we can cooper stars in the film e..-3 limmtlees. a single pill unlocks a hunnred perrent of his brain power... potential. robert deniro also stars in the film. 20th century fox sent us copies f limitless to give away. away. you can win one on dvd now if you''e the 4th or 5th allee at 410-481-4545. comiig up in our 7 o'clock hhur... a public houuing scam... in baltimore city.what some residents are doing... to put themselves at riskkyou'ree watching fox 45 morning news.. pll local.. 3 3storms push through maryland peaving a trail f destructton. the incredible moments caught &pon camera... and the issues morning. the nation'ssnewest memoriil.. honoring martin luther king juuior.. will be open to the public for the first time you're headiig downtown to see it. 3 its overwhelming veteran .. gets a new home ured- designed around his special he's getting it.. for free. 3 3 tooay is monday, august 22nd. 3 3 3&maps-fiberr back to mapp maps-fiber--ack to maps please 3 3 mother nature wasn't playing around last nighh. night.wicked weather tears through parts of maayyand... damaggng cars! roads were flooddd... making a mess for people trying to get around balttmooe and the surrounding counties.megan gilliland has a closer look at the damage those storms caused.megan? good morning patrice,at thii hour, we are down to juss 13-hundred b-g-e cuutomers without power.that's a huge than 100-thousand customers left in the dark since the storm began on friday.but as the lights come on... we are seeing the damage that has beee done. especially if you live innthe city...this issthe 900 block of ellwood avenue in canton. where pooerfullwinds uprooted this can sse it toppled over nd smashed this par. the storms also slammed &pbaltimore coonty.there were cars... trapped in flood waters along severrl roads in dundalk... 3&nats:water22:23-itssreally deep 22:20-i dont know why people would drive through this nats: wavessott 22:45 ive beforeneither have the folks in howard county.lightnnng actually struck the buffalo &pgrill innnorth laurel causing a two alarm took crews from howard, anne arundel and prince georges county about an hour to knock down the fire. the restaurant was open at the time, but no one was hurt. and forrunately thaa seems to be the case all the way around our region... despite all this damage... no lives were lost. thankful for when you see how ptrong these storms were.baakk to you patriie. pat- when will powerr e restored to all customers?meg- bge just sent us an update... phey ssyyby early this afternoon. charles mcdaniels sent in this photo of darr, ominous skies george from dundalkk.. sent us this picture... this is at dundalk and holibird avenue. storm left behind.f what thh when it comes to see it.. shoot it.. send it. yyu can upload photos and videos to our website.go to fox baltimore dot om andd cllck on the "see it, shoot it, send it icon. you can also send photos direetly ffom your celllphoneeto "pics at foxbaltimore dot com." a homicide investigation is baltimoreeitthappened late sunday ight around 10- 30 on chase street.authorities say when officers reached the location... they found a mmle the head.he was taken toothe hospital whereehe later died. no wood n motive or arrests at this time. a toddler in prince george's county is fighting for hii life this morning... after being shot byya sttay bullet. itthappened outside an ppartment complex in landover. landover.police say the little boy was playing outsideewith his mother on bright seat rrad... when hhewas caaght in &pthe crossfire between two people.the toddllr's mother is making an emotional plea... for the shooter to surrender to police. johnson says: ""lease, my baby was innoccnt. he dddn't o anything. he gotta suffer a lot. he gotta go thrrugh stuff for the rest of his life."but to"please, just please. just turn yourselffin please." 3 please.""olice are nowwtrring devon matos.he's considered a person of interest. startinn todaa.. americans will get theii first view... of the newest nattonal monument. monument. this is what you'll see at the new martin luther king junior memorial. a huge bolder .. representing mountains ... anchors both siies of the entrance... looated off independence avenue... wwth more than hundred cherry trees surrounding. creators say they wanted to convey doctor king's message of justice, democracy, hope and love. here's what you need tt know if you are planning to visit the new monnment.the &pmonument will officially open but for the est of this - week.. thh memorial will havee a soft opening... and ill be ppen starting today from 9am to 10 pm.there ill be a dddication eremony this sunnay hh 28th. it is free and open to the public. f you dedicatioo schedule or leern about the new monumenn, we've posted a link for you. gg to fox baltimore dot com and click on our in florida... a wounded army vettran willlsoon have a new home fit for his needs....for ffee!in 2006... retired army staff sergeanttjuan roldan's vehicll was hit by an explosive device... causing prain and pinal cord injuries. both of his legs had to be amp he'd never live a normml life again, and was wooried about taking care of his four year old daughter.a non profit group has stepped in... showing their appreciatiin for his sacrificee.. by building a specially esigned home. "it'' overwhelming. it's definitely going to help my "what he's done not only for - us here innflorida, ut our country in general it's very patriotic, a noble ccuse, it's the least e can dooto ggvv back to such an importaat perso" the hoose is expeeted to e done in three months. roldan says he hopes to pay this favor forward and help otherr wounded soldiers in the &pfuture. &p3coming uu... jam out ,,bbltimore!the soundss you can expect to hear at the baltimore music festival.. next in yoor hometown hotspot. hotspot. you're 3&&pwat &pall local.. all morning.. ((break 1)) woman: working for cox is not for the faint of heart. i love what i do. i enjoy the work, but it's a very hectic pace. ♪ let's go, don't want to miss a thing ♪ strayer university met my needs in terms of my family, my work/life balance. the fact that leading companies are hiring strayer graduates is impressive, but it's not surprising. these companies want us so badly. i'm felicia blow, and i earned my mba from strayer university. [ woman ] we didn't know where to go next with eric's adhd. his stimulant medicine was helping, but some symptoms were still in his way. so the doctor kept eric on his current medicine and added nonstimulant intuniv to his treatment plan. [ male announcer ] for some children like eric, adding once-daily nonstimulant intuniv to their stimulant has been shown to provide additional adhd symptom improvement. don't take if allergic to intuniv, its ingredients, or taking other medicines with guanfacine, like tenex. intuniv may cause serious side effects, such as low blood pressure, low heart rate, fainting, and sleepiness. intuniv may affect the ability to drive or use machinery. other side effects include nausea, tiredness, trouble sleeping, stomach pain, and dizziness. tell the doctor about your child's medicines and medical conditions, including heart, liver, or kidney problems. [ woman ] adding intuniv helped eric. [ male announcer ] ask the doctor about once-daily nonstimulant intuniv. bilal ali -- is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot --international smooth jazz super star steve cole headlines he baltimore music --the event is also a school supppy fundraiser fundraiser the baltimore usic festivaa is at centerstage on saturday. doors open at 6pm.for more information, log on to ffx morning.e ot ccm slash 3 3 3maps-fiber-liberty-bacc to maps please :) still ahead.. flu season ii almost here... &pthe outlook on yyu getting a vaccine this year.. and who is advissd to get it... next. next. you're watching ox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. new ttis morrinn...police aae searching for answers... afterr &pa maryland student disappeare from his college cammus. 22-year old roswell friend... is a natiie of cockeysville... and was still living on templee universsty's campus.. where he had just graddated tww weeks ago. on thursday... he went for a run near campus ... and hasn't been seen since. pollce say his cell phoneeand wallet are still at his house. the only thing issing are his house keys. rape chhrgee against former international monetary fund chiif, dominique trauss - khan may be dropped soon.the attorney's for thh hotel housekeeper ... whooaccused strauss khan of rape back in may... say they receivvd a letter friday from hhr.. to for an update on the case.ttey say the tone of that letter suggests the district attorney plans to drop the ccimiial flu season is right around the corner... and there's good newssfor those of the centers for diseaseeiated..- there should be plenty of year.the c-d-c recommends that everyone over tte age of 6-months get a flu shot.flu season typically runs from octooer to may.vaccines shouldd september. the capitollbuilding.. the all been a part of the d-c skyline for one more long-awaited monumeet is joining their ranks. ranks.the martin luther kkng jr memorial will officiaaly open in a soft opening to the public tooay in the naaion's capital.holly firffr joins us liie from washington with more. more.holly? holly? visitors here in washington martin luther king jr memorial it opens to thh, memorial is not scheduled until sunday, but the gates will e open today or what they arr calling a ""oft openin. opening".the memorial to dr. king will represent his ideals and love. through the main entrance there will be a crrscenttshaped inscription wwich is aligned on the axis offthe jefferson and lincoln the mlk memorial will be in essence be in the middle of the twoo..he memorial s on 4 acres and is in he shapeeof a semi-circle -- right on he tidal bbsin and will incorporate thh water ii its views..he adddess is symbblic as well,.. 1964 independence avenue- a direct nod to the civil rights act of 1964.and its in the area f trees-- which were a gift from mayor of washinnton dc and e otherrdd political leaders dedication will be on sunday phe 28th. 28th. and there will be celebrations all week.. an interfaith prayer service on saturday.. and a black tie gala on saturday night among other events --suggested questions-- 1) do we know which 3 dignitaries will be in attendance? still to come.. a warning when ii comes to public housing availabilty in baltimore.upp next.. what yoo need to know aaout a new scaa going aroond. where this was.. and if people were hurt. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((breaa 33) ((mw)) iffyou saw the flyers that were circulating recently .... about thee waitling list foo sectiin 8 housinn re-opening today aad were planning to go ... don'tt the baltimore housing authority says the flyer is a fraud ... and it's all a scam o get your personal information. corliss alston, managing director of the housing choice morniig with the real facts. vouuher program is-is there a waaiinn list aad what is the stttus -when will ittbe opened .. and how will people be notified-one list is open and accepting applications coming upp. 3&new information has eeerged concerning the missing maryland woman in aruba..find out who has stepped fooward... and knows something about her de ddsappearancestooms pushh through maryland leaving a iicredible moments caught on - pamera... and thh issues you'll still be facing this morning. yoo're watching foo 45 morning nees... ((ad lib horoscopes)) tte grand prix. iff the race will paa back what it's costing the ccty...on fox 45 3 3 3 maps-fiber-maps pleass 3 3 3 downed trres.... and ashed out roads. roads.wicked storms ripped through baltimore and leeving severe dammge in it's wake.megan gilliland is here to show us what you are waking up to thhs morning. good morning atrice,the flood waters have suusided ttis &pmorning... but this storm lef a trail of destruction in it's path.that will be affecting many of you again this morning. some people innbaltimore county ill probably be taking the bus to work today after getting stuck in this... take a in flood waters along several roads in dundalk.on north point road... power lines were draped like curtains. and in baltimore city... powerful winds uprooted this tree on tte 900 block of can see it topplld over and smashed the car paaked on the side of the road. 24:20-we just eard a crack, snappnig and hitting the car in the back25:30-i dont know comee. nn telling wwen his before the howard county adand buffalo grill s back up and running.lightning struck the pestaurant yesterday afternoon... caussnn a wo alaam took crews about pn hour to knock ittdown. forrunatell no one was hhrt theree and slowly but surely, things are startinn to get this hour, weeare down to just 25-hundred b-g-e customers without power.that's a huge improvement... from the more than 100-thousnad left in the park since the storms began on friday.meean gilliland fox45 morning nees. resstred to all customers?meg- bge just sent us an updatt... they say by early ttis afternoon. this picture is from of he pond at bayvvew hospital...flooding. jonathaa wilson senn n theee photos of flooding in dundalk. just look at all that water!he says he took these ictures right after thh storm passed through his area last night. when it comes o news in your neighborhood... see ii.. shoot it.. send it. you can uuload photos and videos to our website. o to foxbaltimore dot com and click on the "see it, shoot it, end it icon. you can also senddphotos directll from your cell phone to "pics at foxbaltimore dot com." 3&ann we weren't the only ones with bad weather... this was the scene in mmchigan.powerffl storms.. downed powerlinee ... sparking happened during a car show.take a look, fire behind the tree. no injuries were repooted. an argument downnown... turns into the scene of a triple stabbing. it happened ust after 11 friday night... near baltimore street and park avenue. thatts near ffrst mariner arena. when ollce men with stab wounds. police say a 19-year-old and 20 year-old man were taken to the hospital... but tte third person refused treatment. so far... no one has been charged. an attempted robbery goes wrong... after an off-duty security guaad turns the tables on the suspect. before 3 a-m sunday... on dolfield aaenue in northwest baltimore.the off-duty guard told police that a man poonted a gun at him during a rrbbery attempt... caussng him to fire back in self-defense. police sayythe 20-year-old man then &psped off... but was found &plater on dukelann street with aaguushot wound to his wassnot hurr. nee details aree mergiig... in theecase of the frederick woman missing in aruba.a witness as come ffrward... dissuting the accounts of what happened the day 35-year-old robyn gardner disappeared. the witness says he saw gardner &ang aaound the reef... and that the two never oo ii the water.he says they drove away a short time later.giordaao claims the two wentt snorkeling... and that gardnerr never retuuned ashore. a business owner says imple math proves ... there's something wrong with speed cameras in prince georges county.will oreman says hii &pcompany's drivers have rrceived sixty speed camerr believe a single one is valii.. foreman did some calculations from the pictures... and says time fter time ... the speed he calculates is slower than the speed the cameras say the car was traveling.but the company that runs ttee cameras...says their cameras don't lie. "our cameras hhve been proven in every test, we're tested on 3rd party labratory tests our sensors, our cameras are checked every day gainst foor pps satellites" satelliies"foreman has won 5 calculattons... but friday...a judge rulld against him in 15 citations. foreman says he will continue to fight. starting today.. americans will get their first vieww.. of the newest national monument. monument. this is what you'll see at the new martin puther king junior memorial. a huge bolder .. anchors both sides of the entrance... located off independence avenue... with moreethan a hundred cherry trees surrounding. creattrs say they wanted to convey dootor ing's message oo justice, democracy, hope and love. hhre's what you needdto know if you are planning to monument will officially open next monday morning at 11am. but for the rest of thii week.. thh memorial will hhve open starting today from 9am - po 10 pm.there will be a dedication ceremonyythis sunday the 28th. it is free and open to the public. if you wann to see more about the dedicatiin schedule or learn about the new monument, we've &pposted a link for you. go to fox baltimore dot com and click on our newslinks tab. 3 the ravens wrap up their big winnooer kansas city. city.the ravens took on the chiifs at home friday night... and cored a 31--13 ictory ... giving them their first ravens plaa agaan thursday.. when they take on tte redskins at home. casey anthony's lawyer says his client is back n florida. nthony was released from jjil last month after being acquitted on ccarges she &pmurdered her two year old is back anddready to serve ny - probation ii a ssparate caae. anthony awaiting trial for murder. was it's a french clothing &pthe stir. "jours apres lunes" ... which translates to "days after moons"... ii beginning tt sell lingerre for á ákids.átake a look at the websste.the company sells items llke make-uu... ccmisoles and bras... all for children.nowhere oo the site does it mention áwhyá a small chiid needs these items... but the backlash against the company has already been fierce. that brings us to our question of the day:should stores b prohibited from selling liigerie for children?phone lines are open now.. the number to call 410- 481- 4545. fox-balttmore dot com and tell us what you think... post your thoughts on our facebook wall ...or ... answer underrour new facebook section inside fox45".you can also send us a tweet.. at answer to 44203. enter ox45a ffrryes.. or fox45b for no. still to ome.. are ww done with ll this seven day forecast... next. next. you'reewatchiig fox all morning. 3 3 ((ad lib 3 maps-fiber-back to maps- liberty-back to maps lingerie... for kids!a french websitt is marketing.. bras, camisoles... nd even make up &p... for children of all ages! pgessthat brings u to our question of the day.should stores be prohhbited from our phone lines re opennnnw.. p10-481-4545. ou're watching fox 45 morninggnews.. all ocal.. all morniin. ((break 6)) kids gging sexy?that seems to be the ggal for a ffench website.. that' s mmrketing lingerie to them.thhewebsite hasn't said áwhyá they're targeeing kidss question of the day.shouldd stores be prohibited from selling lingerie for children? 410-481-4545. &p isis--bmmre dana- randallstown randallstownjuanita - "you the optionnto buy or not to buy, if you don't like it don't buy." world coming to? somm peopple will do anytting for money. i wonner if this idea camm from a child abuser." abuser."matthew - "we live in of choice. you can't alwwys baa whht you don't like. for me, i thinkkthis is a reat version of natural selection. any parent williiggto purchase this for their child if obviously an unfit parent." commnggup n our 8 coming up in our 8 o'clook and who's trying to evict thiss elderly woman.. who has lived at her residence for over she was scammed... you're watching fox 45 morning news.. d97 ((break 7)) (((umppin)) after 42 years of living in greet-grandmother may soon get kicked out. she says she's the victim of predatory lending. she locked herself behind fencing, chicken wire and a crowd of supporters. and as susan candiootiishoos ps... it was quite a backdrop in the fight to avoiddbeing evi. evicted. --reporter pkg-aa follows -- "we want jussice for our people.""honk your horn." supporters rallied outside the home of 2-year-old mary ward. a marshal was due any minute to evict her from the only home she's known since 1969. "it means everrthing to me beccuse i have put everything into this house."ward rrn into trouble in tte mid-1990s when she refinanced in ordee to paise cash to fight for custody of her great graad- daughter. he was hoping to "i turned and looked aa the check when they handed it to me i almmst passed out. 1167 dollars and 51 cents.""ar less than the 10 thousand she expected. she still has a copy of the checc."the very next day, i went to theedistriit attorney's ffice beccuse i didn't know whattto do."the lender turned ouu to be shady, but ward couldn't get the loan into foreclosure. after a long legal battle, her ome was sold at an auction 3 yeers out."i have no intention of leaving. now, if they break in and take me, i won't resist."cnn was iiside warrs local assemblywoman interceded, setting up a meeting with ward ann the new owner. "we spoke to the marshal. the marshal will nott be taking any action today. p(cceers))after the clossd door meeting, cnn caught up he told us he's considering a proposal from ward's lawyers to hand the property over to a ward to stay in her home."i had a meeting ith them, and couldn't come to a resoluuton upstairs?sc i did not get a chance to talk to her... this is the first day i am talking to her..nn: do you hink you'll come to an agreement?scc iihope so."ward, the proud granddaughher of a slave, returned home from the safe from eviction for a ffw more weeks, but after that, her fate depends on hether her laayerr can strike a deal with the owner."it will be hard (long pause) but justice is going to be done and soon dignity for all. they try to take away our dignity, but they'll never take away my -di african-american women who are tarreted by predattry lenders...the shady company in this deal was fooced oot of players are back in unable to reach money wws - &pthem...suuporters are trying cnn, brooklyn.-----end----- cnn.script coming up in our 8 o'clock luckk person who will meet singer selena gomez at he stattefair!we're drawing the wi! winner!and marriige is said to be a roller coaster this couple took hat ssying to heart... why they got marriid on an actual roller coaster. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 storms push thhough maryland peaving a trail of destruction. the incredible momeets cauggt on camera... and the issues you'll still be facing this morning. the nation's newest memorial.. honoring martin luther king junior.. will be open to he public for the first time you'rr heading downtown to sse it. and... plassic surgery.. for pets??the most ccmmon procedure that has people putting their pooches under the kniie. 3 3 monday, auuust 22nd --elena gomez coming to maryland state fair -we are doingga drawing or a &pentries were sent in forrthis ootest-3 3--3 maps- libertt-back to maps- fiber-back to maps 33 ddwned trees... and washed thrrugh theebaltimore area and surroundinggarras...leaving severe damage in it's wake. 3at this hoor, we are down to &pjuut 12-hunnred b-g-e customers without pooer.ttat's more than 100-thousand left inn the dark since theestorms began on friday. friday.but aa the liihts come onn.. we are seeing the damage that has been done. especiilly if you live in the city...this is tte 900 blook of ellwood avenue inncanton. this can see it car. &pthe storms also slammed baltimore county.there were waters along severaa roads in dundaak... nats:water22:23-its really &pdeep 22:20-i ont know why people would drive through this nats: wavessst 22:45 ive never see anything like this bee beforeeeiiher havv the folks in howard county.,3 grill in north laurel causing a two alarm ook crews the restaurant wws open at the time, fortunately no onn was hurt. we've beennreceiving lots of photos from viewerss.. showing weekend's storms.this ne is from was taken outtide a family dollar in shows aacar &psubmerged in waterr and charles mcdannels sent in this photo of dark, ominous skies over bel air. when it comes to newssinnyour neiggborhooo... see it.. shoot it.. seed it. you can upload photos &pand videos to our website.go to foxbaltimore dot com aad click on he ""ee it, shoot &pit, send it can also send photos directly from yourr ell phone to "pics at foxbaltimooe dot com." a toddler in prince george's county is fightiig for his life this morning... after being shot by a stray bullet. it haapened outsideean apartment complexxin landovvr. landover.police say the little his mooher on bright seat roadd.. when he was caught in the crossffre between two people.the toddler's mother is making annemotional plea... for the shooter to surrender to police. johnson says: "please, my baby anything. he gottt uffer a lot. e gottaago throogh stuff foo the rest of his life."but to"please, just please. juss turn yourself n please." ppease." police are now trying to track down 18-year-old devon matos. he's considered a peeson of interest. 3&police aae searching for answers... after a maryland student disappearrd from his college campus. 22-year pld roswwll friennd.. is aa natiie of cockeysville... and was still living on temple univerriiy's campus.. where he had just graduated two weeks ago. on thursday... he pent foo a run neer campus ... and hasnnttbben seennsince. a pecurity camera captured himm leaving... around 7-30 that night. police say his cell phone and wallet are stiil at his house. the only thing missing are his house keys. call police. &pstartinggttday.. americans pill get their first vieww.. of the newest national monument. monument. thhs is what youull see at the new martin luther king junior memooial. a huge bolder .. representing mountains ... &panchors both sidds of the entrance... locattd off pndependence avenue... with more than a hundred cherry trees surrounding. creators say hey wanted to conveyy octor king's message of justice, emocracy, hope and love. 3 here's what you need too know if you are planning to visit tte new monument.tte monument will ooficially open next monday mmrning at 11am. but for the rest of this open startinggtoday from 99m - to 10 pm.there will be aa dedication ceremony this sunday the 28th. it is free ann open to the public. if you dedicationnschedule or learn about the nee monument, we''v posted a link for you. go to fox baatimore dot com and click onn ur newslinks tab. they say maariage has itssuus and downs... but one virginia couple hhd heefirrt "down" point of their marriage ... juut moments after tyiig the knot. the ouple got married at a roller coaster ride... because that's wherr they got engaged last august.after saying their "i do's"... the coupleeand tthir wedding party strapped in foo a wild ride on the 2-hundred-32-foot tall coaster. and from roller coasters to trains.this couple tied thh knot hile riding the rails in brazil.the bride got on at a separate ssop from the groom... and literally wallkd down theeaisle. the two pecided it was the perfect place for the wedding... because that's wwere they met. let's hope those couples can last as long as our next pairr thii oregon couple will celebrate their seventy-eighth weddingganniversary tomorrow. erman and erma johnston tied the knot on august 23rd 3 19-33. she was only eighteen-years-old ...and he looe-birds still share a lot of kisses. erman saas: " i don't want her to run off with some of these younn bucks."erma says: "you young bucks don't ant me." me." the couple has three sons, nine grandchildren, nine-teen great grandchildren ... and three ágreat-greatá grandchildden. coming up... jazz takes center stagg this weekend... at he bbltimore festival.we'll tell you what big-name performer... will headline the event. 3& you're watching club" starting monday. wars, violence, natural disasters, economic chaos, threats to privacy and security. were these events foretold centuries ago? what ancient prophetic writings say is coming next... pat robertson teaches on the signs of the times: --bilal ali is live with the --bilal ali is live with the details on his morning's &phometown hotspot --internationnl smooth jazz super star steve cole school supply baltimore music 3 3fundraiser funnraiser the baltimore centerstage on aturday.doors open at 6pm.for more innormation, log on to ffx baltimore dot com lash morning. 3 3 maps- liberty-back to paps-fiber-back to maps commng up... looking for work? we'lllfill yyu in on the 11 companies that are hiring... and later... president obama's outlook... on our nationns job &pgroothh what he thinks could happen... by labor day. you're watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) 3(bump in)))- kids are hhadinn back to school next week .. and no doubt it will be a crazy timm aa parent's and kids get back into their routine. yoo want to make your mornings as easy as possible .. but still send the good. calixto blount wwth salon salontra suites joins us this morning llsting airstyles.-are their 5 minute styles that look niie-will they last all day ... or mmre than one day -can kids do this .. or will parents hhve to -what are you doing to theirr hair-we'rr going to checc ack with you in our 9 o'clock hour to see the the latest... onnthe case offa maryland woman... missinggin aauba.who is now speaking out... abbut the disappearnce. and later... one kid's show. we'll show yyu how long he managed to disrupt one reporter's live shot. you're watching fox 45 mooning news.. &pall llcal.. all mornnng. ((breek 3)) ((bump in)))- looking ffr one last adventure have to travel far.marylandd has some great state parks, hiiing and biking trails, and historic sites.margot amelia, executive directoo of the maryland office of tourism more.-the "c and " canal national historic paak... along the potomac from cumberland to d-c... commercial ink between 1850 and,, hike or bike it... event there brunswick bicycle festival auuust 27 and williamsport mountain 3park and cunninggam alls state park in thurmont - part of a national park service project in 1935 that developed land into arks and proviidd employment.... 25 miles of hiking traals.-fort mcheery national anthem, star-shapedd bombardment in 1814... has a new, expanded visitor center, livinn-history depicttons of life during the waarof 1812, also, ednessay evening bird-walks this week and next national seashore...wwrces terrcounty... get here on a pedestrian bridge.....37 mile long barrier ssand... canoeing, kayaking, shell- known for wild horses g, - 3 for more for more information on the maryland office of pouuism, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morninn. coming up... we're drawing ur winnee... for the selena omez meet-and-greet... and the maryland staae fair.stay tunee... that's cominn up just minutes from're watching fox 45 morning n 3 -inner harbor 3 -selena omez coming tt maryland state fair-we are doing a draaing for a meet-and-greet... plls tickees to see her concert... sometime this hour-nearly 12-hundred entries were sent in for this contest 3 &p maps-liberty-back to maps 3 3 thheflood waters have subsided... bbt this storm left a trail of destruction in paah.that will be affecting mann of you again this mooning. 3&some people in baltimore county will probably be taking the bus to work today after getting tuck in this... take a trapped in flood waters along several roads in dundalk.on north point road... power lines were draped like curtains. and in balttmmre city... powerful winds uprooted this ellwood avenue in canton.youu can see it toppled over aad side of the road. 24:20-we just heard aacrack, it was obviously the tree snappnig and hitting the car in the back25:30-i dont know when a clean up crew will pome.. no telling when this will be off the road roadand it could be awhile before the howarddcounty buffalo grill is back up and running.lightning struck the restaurant yesteeday &pafternoon... causing a two aaarm took crews about an hour to knock it down. fortunately o one was urt. here are some piis sent into us byya shows the storms in undalk.thank you george....for shariig thiss with us. and patrician sent us in this piiture... of bay view when it comes to news in your neighborhood.... you can upload photos and viieos o our website. go to foxbbltimorr dot com and click on the "see it, shoot it, send it icon. you can lso send photos diiectly from your cell phone to "picssat foxbaltimore dot com." the case of the frederick in - wwman missing in aruua. aruba.a witness has come forward... disputing the accounts of what happened the day 35-year-old robyn gardnnr disappearrd. the witness says he saw ardner and ggry ggordano walking around the reef... and that the two neeer got in the waterrhe says latee.giordano claims the two wwnt norkeling... and that gardner never rettrned ashore. ccsey anthhny's lawyer says his client is back in florida. last month after being oo jail - &pmurdered her two year old daughtee caylee. hee lawyer jose baezzsays anthony is back and ready to serve probation in a sepaarte case. anthony pleaded fraud while she was awaiting triaa for murder. a businnss owner says simple something wrong wiihhspeed county.will foreman says his nt. company's drivers have received sixty speed camera tickets... anddhh doesn'' foreman did some calculations from the pictures... and says time after ime ... the speed he calculatts is slower than company that runs the say the - cameras...says their camerrs don't lie. "our camerass ave beennproven pn every test, we're testeddon a regulaa basis independentt sensors, our cameras are our - checked every day against ffur gps satellites" courttdeciisons with his cclculations... but friday...a judge ruled against him in 15 citations. foreean saasshe will continue to fight. starting today.. americans will get their first view... of the newest national monumenn. monument. this is what you'll see aa tte new martin luther king junior memorial. a hugg boldee .. representinggmountains ... anchors bott sides of the entrance... located offf with more than a hundred cherry trees surrounding. crrators say they wanted to of justice, democracy, hope and love. here's what you need to know if you aae pllnning to visit the new monument.the monument will offfcially oppn next monday morning at 11am. but forrthe rest of this week.. the memoriil ill have a soft openingg.. and will be ppen starting today from 9am tt 10 pm.there will be a dedicatiin ceremony this sunday thh 22th. it is free and opee o the public. if you want to see more abouu tte dedication schedule or learn about theenew monument, we've posted a linkkfor you. go to fox baltimore dot com and click on our newslinks tab. did you come back frrm your last getaway feeliig less thaa relaxed? thh culprit could be in our pocket or purse. 3&as karin caifa explainss.. many americans are finding technology can be addictive... more difficult to break away. away. aaericans love their mobiie phoness new research finds 8 in ten of s have one for work, plly,,making social connections, or just taving off boredom. but those digital devices can also be a dinner without looking around and seeing somebody having everyone's on their eye contact or having a conversation with each other. phe pew research center's project found that less than one-third of mobile phone users take a break and turn them off.and while you field pop-ups, check tweets and return emails, experts say the pultitasking might end up more stressful than you think.while weethink ii's iiportant and we parttcular piece, we're actually hurting our performmnce on that as well ass were focusing on . so a week, a day, or juss an hour unplugged can make a difference. whether it's make in the door, and you're going -- to set the blackbeery on the nightstand for the nextttwo hours while you spend time witt your family. and if your own willpower isn't sttong enough some hotels will help yyu check out, when you check ii.the quincy hotel in washington is one with a package that encourages guests tt stow devices for their stay anddtaae advantage of varioos caifa, and you're now, clicked 3 the 110th maryland state fair starts on ugust 26th and runs through seetember 5.fox45 is the proud media sponsor of fair.selena gomez will perform on fridaa august 26th... which is fox45 ight at the fair. blake shelton performs saturday september third.and "all time ow" will be in fourth. pnd so far... we've iven away tickets... for a meet-aad-greet with blake shelton... as well as all time low.but this morning... we're giving you a chancc to meet selena gomez. nearly á12- &phundred peopleá entered for a chance to win this contest.and right noww.. we're picking our . winner. 3 live reporting isn't always easy... especially whenn distractions get in the way. who was stuck competing with a talk about stealing the show! covering im karrashian's out - wedding... when a boy decided to get in on tte action.yyuu can't quite tell if she notices what's going on behind her.the boy went on with his production for quite somm time... never sseming to run out of goofy faces. coming up... &pit'' been a year for hh bbllions oo dollars in daaage... have been caused by natural disasters. you're watching fox 45 morning neww.. all ((brrakk5)) for the record books... as an historic year ffr weather-related disasters.soo far this year... theeu-s has had 9 weather disasters... each causing at least 1- billiin ollars 3& disasterr include tornadoes, &pflooding and tttal... 33-billion dollars in &pdamage has been done ttis year &pp3 year. ((toss tt weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3- meteorologiit))((ad lib ((toss to weather)) ((toss o weathhr))this year. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 meteerooogist))((ad lib ((ad lib meteorologiss)) 3 3 coming up next... looking forr pork?we'll fill you in on the 10 compannes that are hiring... áthis week.á week.áyou're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) white house addinistration is "making progress" on the jobs lan expected to roll out after labor day. but as barbara hall assss.. will the presidenn aad other political leaders see eye-to- eye on the job front? 3 --reporter pkg-as foolows -- will polltics get in the wayy of crraaing more jobs? president bama's jobs plan remains a work in progress -- even during his summer still looking foo work. so we peeddfolkk in washington - the people wwose job it is to deal pith the countryyssproblems, tte people who you elected to &pserve - we need them to putt aaide heir differences to get can do right now that will mean more customers ffr bussnesses and more jobs across the country..uring last week's bus tour, the president was criticized by some for not ptopping in communities ho need jobs he moot. we want the president to go to iowa but we also want him to comm to detroit, we want him to come to los angeles and we want him toostick with a jobs aggnda. a jobb plln is &peepected to be introduced after laborrday. awmakers from both parties are saying...the economm needs help - though their prescriptionn are differentfor a modern economy o create joos a modern economy requires pnvestments.the tea party says class america wants - less spendinggand a balanced budget and want to keep taxes where they are..that's a reesonable message. and some g-o-p presidential candidates are making political capital oot of jobswell there's not anybody else in the race, including the president that &phas created as mann jobssas i have.president obama is said to beemeeting regularly with key economic advisers during his vaaation -- and will be briefed again monday morning. from atlanta. -----end----- cnn.sccipp if you knowwsomeone who's loooing for work... listen up.accordinngto a-o-l dot com... at least 10 large companies are now looking to hire áthis week.á those ccmpanies include citi-bank... sunrise senior living... bridgestone... spirit halloween superstores... andddollar geeer. general. also hirinn this week... radiishacc... amazon... panera bread ccmpany... a-d-t... and liberty mutual. coming up neet... 3plastic surgery... for ápets?áthe most common're waaching fox . 45 morning news.. all local.. all moonnng. man: my employer had been putting together a program for executive education, grooming the leadership abilities of their top 5%. a requirement to be accepted in the program was an undergraduate degree, which i did not have. that was the wake-up call i needed. ♪ don't want to miss a thing strayer university has afforded me the opportunity to progress to the level that i am now, which is chief information officer at the largest teaching hospital in southern new jersey. i'm michael sinno, and i earned my bachelor of science degree from strayer university. tuumy tuccs, hin lifts, and potox. they're all common cosmetic ppocedures... for humans..ut people aren't the knife. as kisha henry shows us... there's someone else... getting a little nip and tuck. 3 the most ccmmon procedures are ear croppings.. and tail dockings. cutting tte ears so instead of folding over, they sttnd upwards or ptand erect... and ttil doccing s shortening of the tail. pet owners-- far and widee- are putting their pett under the knife... both foo cosmetic reasons.. and medical. your pup some problems when hee may cause your pup we all find oh soocute may cause your pup some problems when he gets &polder, but there's a nasal passage ppocedure for that. if ou looo at a normal dog, they have a round opening to tteir nose. the dogs thht have the flattened faces, often just havv the little slits for nostrils. but-- what about those not ss common pet procedures... like tummy tucks.. and chhinlifts.. maybe in beverly hills, but not in oolahoma city.if idd is getttng little chubbb.. dr. boatsman says-- skip the tummy tuck. we actually have some weight loss medications that you can use in dogs. and if our poooh's wrinkles are get infections in theeogs will skinfolds, where they have the wrinkles in their face and we can go in there and reconstruct those wrinkles. and if you just took old bubba &pin to get neutered... yyu ca ffll the void of his manhood... wiih neuticcls.. bean-shaped silicone implants. there's a caveean psyche there that... they gotta have 'em. thee range in sizes.. from petite.. to extra-extra large. i don't know what sizee i would have... they would not be petite. day baltimore... 33 it was hailed the biggest wwdding... on this side of the . atlantic.we give you yourr -&fi kardashian's wedding..ou're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 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