Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20171116 : vimarsa

Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20171116

the strategy that led to the winning bid. grocery wars. the retailer slashing prices just in time for thanksgiving shopping. plus, forget the lines. the store about to open with no cashiers. and president trump's case of dry mouth. >> they don't have water. that's okay. >> the internet goes wild and marco ruby gets even. oh, oh. good to go. all right. >> whew, i'm glad you found that. >> stay hydrated. good thursday morning to everyone. we'll start things off with the embattled senate candidate roy moore facing new allegations as republicans scramble to figure out their next move. >> several new accusers are sharing disturbing details about encounters they say they had with moore, one of them just a senior in high school at the time but roy is not backing down. his attorney is now questioning the credibility of one of the several women who broke down in tears as she told her story. abc's lana zak has the overnight details from d.c. lana, hope you stayed hydrated all night. >> i'm so thirsty. can somebody get me some water. good morning to you, kendis and diane. we've been following all of these details and increasingly we have seen national republicans siding with the women, the female accusers over roy moore himself, though he still enjoys a lot of support among alabama republicans. and he says he's not backing down. a new day and several new accusers have come forward against alabama senate candidate roy moore. tina johnson tells that moore grabbed her at his law office and "the washington post" reports two more women describe unwanted overtures by roy moore at alabama mall. one of those women gena richardson says moore approached her when she was just a teen and asked for her phone number which she declined to give. a few days laters she was in class at gadsden high school when she was summoned to the principal's office for a phone call and tells "the post" the male on the sorry said, gena, this is roy moore. i was like, what, he said what are you doing. i said i'm in trig class. moore is fighting back and his attorney asking for a handwriting expert to look at the signature in the yearbook of beverly young nelson. >> love roy moore, old hickory house and signed it roy moore d.a. >> ago at these two 7s and look at the 77 below. person?hink it was written by >> reporter: republicans are scrambling to save the senate seat that previously belonged to attorney general jeff sessions considering him as a write-in candidate and politico reports are even looking at asking luther strange to resign his seat authorized to trigger a new special election, a move that might not be possible. president trump is remaining silent. >> should roy moore resign, mr. president? do you believe his accusers. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: moore continues to maintain his innocence and also tweeted at senate majority leader mitch mcconnell quote, bring it on though it's important to note that his attorney did not address the specifics of any of moore's original accusers. kendis, diane. >> all right, fighting times in alabama and d.c., thank you. on capitol hill the sweeping tax overhaul bill has suffered a setback with a key republican senator coming out against it. senator ron johnson says the proposal benefits big corporations over small businesses. now, senate republicans can only afford two no votes for the bill to pass but several others are still undecided. like susan collins of maine. she's concerned about the bill's latest edition. repealing the obamacare mandate. the house is expected to pass its version of the bill today. the president will be on capitol hill looking to boost momentum. a new case of sexual misconduct in congress has surfaced after congresswoman jackie speier revealed allegations against two of her colleague. she's part of a group of lawmakers who just introduced a bill that would make it easier for staff members on capitol hill to file harassment claims. she said that she was approached this week by a staffer with another horrific story. >> then she proceeded to tell me a story, it was a few years ago but a story about how she was working on the house floor. late at night. there were votes i guess at one point. a member comes up to her, rubs up against her, and sticks his tongue in her ear. >> get this, she says in the past 20 years the government has paid more than $15 million of taxpayer money to settle hundreds of cases of harassment in congress. federal agencies are offering a $60,000 reward as they search for the man who shot a baltimore detective in the head. police say the detective a husband and father of two was investigating a homicide when he confronted a man acting suspiciously. that man then opened fire and fled the scene. the detective is said to be in grave condition. police in northern california are defending their decision not to arrest the man responsible for this week's deadly shooting rampage. the gunman had previously violated a court order that banned him from having guns. and neighbors complained about shots being fired from his house. but police say when they responded to complaints, he did not answer the door. authorities now say the shooter was a madman on the loose and his sister seems to confirm that. >> we're so sorry. so sorry. can you even imagine what they're dealing with and it's a small community. >> he clearly had no business with firearms. he had full on paranoia and delusions. >> reporter: now, the death toll from the rampage is now five. police say the first victim was the gunman's wife, her body was found under the floor of their home. a top army general is raising serious concerns admitting there are gaps and failures in reporting soldiers' criminal activity, up to 20% of army crimes are not reported 20 civilian authorities and come as the pentagon investigates the texas church massacre. the shooter who was an air force veteran was able to buy guns because his violent history was not reported. time now for a look at your weather on this thursday morning. a powerful storm is hammering the west unleashing heavy winds and up to three feet of snow in the mountains. heavy rain is hitting the san francisco area. that includes the wine country devastated by recent wildfires. the area is now especially vulnerable to flash flooding and mud slides. checking the rest of the country, temperatures in the northwest will be in the 40s, minneapolis will stay in the 30s, 54 here in new york. 45 in boston. still a balmy 81 down in miami. well, coming up right here, one major retailer slashing prices at the grocery store. but first a developing story this morning about notorious killer charles manson. and up next, caught on camera, officers running towards a home when it suddenly explodes. kelly! we're out of body wash! what are you doing?? 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at least not on this sign at a new location in boston. they want to show its food menu offers more than just doughnuts. like boston chicken became boston market. >> or when kentucky fried chicken became kfc, i had no idea what they were offering. a group of high school students give a final salute to a veteran they never even knew. the shocking selling price for a rare da vinci painting and new history surrounding the buyer. striking a pose with big money, the backlash after the treasury secretary took this photo. we come into this world needing others. ♪ then we are told it's braver to go it alone. ♪ but there is another way to live. ♪ a way that sees the only path to fulfillment- is through others. ♪ hey, need fast try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. your body was made for better things than rheumatiod arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. it can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. ♪ and the piece is sold. >> the gavel came down in new york last night. when it did an anonymous buyer paid a record-smashing price for a very famous painting. so that painting of jesus by leonardo da vinci sold for $450 million. "salvator mundi" which means savior of the world. christie's insists it was painted by da vinci himself but critics have their doubts and people at the auction watched the bidding climb for nearly 20 minutes before it came to an abrupt end. >> the last one bid is directly from like 370 million to 400 million so you can see like they don't want to waste time. >> so the paining was expected to sell for just $100 million back in '58 when people thought it was painted by hundred of wist students it was sold for $58. >> hey. inflation. >> quite an asset. big medal headline. researchers say for the first them they detected cte in a living patient. the evidence was found in the brain scans of former pro football player before he died. cte which is dementia-like disease linked to head trauma can only be diagnosed after an autopsy. but doctors hope the scans they used which found a certain protein in the brain will lead to further breaks that will help them diagnose living patients and perhaps find a treatment. a louisiana man who served four decades in prison for a crime he did not commit is finally free. will bert joanis is now 65 years old. he walked out of prison yesterday after a judge ruled authorities withheld evidence in a rape case that would have cleared him. but jones says he's not bitter about the lost time. >> most of my life was took away from me for something i didn't do and just enjoy life and praise god. because he get the glory. i kabts make up for lost time but the time left we spend together and have this joy in life. >> prosecutors are appealing the ruling that set jones free. in massachusetts a military veteran who died homeless had a proper burial thanks to students. when some catholic high school students learned he had no living relatives they decided they would become his family. they planned every last detail of the funeral for the man they only knew as john. >> we have a lot of veterans in our family and so i know the sacrifice that he made for the country and i know the service that he committed in the years that he committed to serving our country. john, in this case, needed a family and we were there to be john's family. >> school officials saying planning that funeral was a bitter lesson for those students than they could have learned in ray book. time for sports. nba highlights from espn. he's stan. i'm neil. >> taking the stash. >> november, recognize. >> you grew it quick. only gone a couple of days and you got a null look of hair. joem embiid put on a show. ben simmons, he nearly had a triple double. a rebound away from it. but embiid, five blocks in the third quarter alone wound up seven for the game for 46 point, 15 boards and seven assists, no one has ever put those numbering up in nba history, the "w" 115-109. haven't had a three-game win streak. the playoffs started wednesday, they wouldn't be in them. playoffs don't start wednesday so that really is nonsensical to say but just let me turn some time while james burned michael kidd-gilchrist. that's james working on his offensive recompounding. charlotte up six and then james to wade. these two have played together before. james 31 point, 8 assist, 6 rebounds and the cavaliers get the win. yeah, they're pretty good. >> they're pretty good. >> yeah. 'stache is pretty good. >> happy movembemovember. why rose and jack from "titanic" are coming back. also ahead, call it a pizza plate. one driver's attempt to fool the cops. president trump's sudden case of dry mouth gives marco rubio some sweet revenge. it's the phillips' lady! anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips' colon health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips' colon health. america's favorite cookie ♪ delicious chocolate candy ♪ oreo chocolate candy bars ♪ now also available in mint flavor ♪ it is time for your thursday "pulse." we'll start with the president and his own water bottle moment. >> it happened about a speech during his accomplishments in asia. check it out. >> 17,000 jobs. thank you. they don't have water. that's okay. what? it's okay. oh. >> so his water bottle wasn't apparently in the usual spot so reporters then finally helped him out locating where it actually was. >> two hands. for senator marco rubio this was payback. in 2013 he suffered his own awkward water bottle moment stays thirsty to the response to the state-of-the-art of the union. >> when they put marco on to refute president obama's speech, do you remember that catastrophe? it's rubio. >> so, yeah, donald trump didn't let him live that one down too easily so rubio was more than happy to return the favor and tweeted similar but needs work on his form. has to be done in one single motion and eyes should never leave the camera. but not bad for his first time. >> and just one hand. hopefully. it's not that heavy. it's a small bottle. >> he was demonstrating. >> i guess so. next up the treasury secretary getting a lot of attention after he and his wife posted a series of photos. >> you might remember steve mnuchin has been criticized for his use of government planes and his wife was blasted for bragging about her designer clothes on social media. >> well, now, money, money, money. this couple posing with a fresh sheet of dollar bills. it's the first batch with mnuchin's signature on it. >> they look pretty happy. it didn't take long for memes to start spreading. some are saying they look bond villains. this photo shopped them into the scene of "gold finger." >> why is louise dressed like kylo ren. another person wrote choosing wallpaper for their bedroom. >> green is a nice color. >> yes, it is. break out the tissue, everybody, because jack and rose are coming back 20 years later. >> "titanic" is coming back to theaters for a week-long celebration of the film's 20th anniversary. this time it's been remastered in ultra high def and some will show in 3d and james cameron said it never looked so good. don't tell me how it ends. >> i'm flying jack. never let go. one driver gets an "a" for effort while trying to fool the cops. >> officers arrested him for making his own license plate out of a pizza box and magic markers. surprise, surprise. it didn't work. >> where is the pizza? hi, it's anne from edward jones. i'm glad i caught you. well i'm just leaving the office so for once i've got plenty of time. what's going on? so those financial regulations being talked about? they could affect your accounts, so let's get together and talk, and make sure everything's clear. thanks. yeah. that would be great. we've grown to over $900 billion in assets under care... by being proactive, not reactive. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. yea, s#stuffynoset this cold #nosleep i got it... #mouthbreather yep, we've got a mouth breather. well just put on a breathe right strip and... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone so you can breathe... ...and sleep. go to today to request a free sample. but on the inside, i feel like chronic, widespread pain. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. and improves function. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more with my family. talk to your doctor today. see if lyrica can help. something good morning i'm tamala edwards, we're following several breaking and developing stories on "action news" a bizarre tractor-trailer crash has a inning county road shut down. our karen rogers is tracking all the details. developing now, the search for an escaped teenage murder suspect continues after he broke free from a south jersey center. radar is taking a sweep of the area, rain is here and david murphy is tracking what it means for your thursday, we have those stories and so much more next up on "action news." midwest. mild and mostly dry across the south. 79 in houston today. finally a new allegation out of hollywood involving terry crews. >> he's now calling out a powerful hollywood agent. here's michael strahan. >> terry crews, the former nfl lebron james turned actor adding his voice to the tidalal wave of people claiming sexual assault. crews said he and adam venit were at the same party. instead of a professional meet and greet he claims venit leered at him. >> he takes his right hand and under mine and immediately geezes, grabs my genitals and just -- i'm, hey, hey, hey. hey. whoa. and he -- he still -- he jumps back and he still does this tongue stuff and he's making weird noises and he comes back again and grabs me again. and slap his hand away. pushed him back more forcefully. what are you doing? >> reporter: since going public crews filed a police report. law enforcement sources confirm to abc station kabc that venit was named as crews' alleged harassers on the report. >> i have been victimized and i made the choice to not be a victim. >> reporter: terry crews said he ended the relationship with the agency last week. williams morris endeavor says he's been suspended following the internal investigation. venit declined to comment. crews hopes going public will force hollywood to change. >> hollywood doesn't even get the morals to its own movies. that's what's so crazy. >> reporter: this hollywood strong man stronger than ever. >> you cannot violate any boundaries anymore. look, life has no limits but it should have plenty of boundaries. >> reporter: i'm michael strahan in new york. >> life has no limbs but should have plenty of boundaries. good work for terry crews. that's what's making >> good morning it is 4:30 a.m. on this thursday, november 16. >> we're following breaking news, a tractor-trailer driver strikes an overpass at the radnor septa station, train officials are inspecting the tracks. philadelphia police are trying to figure out how an elderly man died found inside a home as they described covered in blood. looking at center city skyline we're tracking light showers for the morning commute. let's go over to david murphy helping you out with karen rogers. >> reporter: sometimes a little bit of rain causing a little bit of

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