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they have lost a champion. kevin tibbles, nbc news, chicago. >> stay with us, everyone. "news 4 today" continues now at 5:00. salute to the senator. the long and remarkable carr of edward kennedy. this morning a public memorial planned in honor of the powerful patriarch of america's most well-known political family. how family members, friends, colleagues and supporters will pay tribute to his life. well, good morning and welcome to "news 4 tod." i'm joe krebs. >> and i'm eun yang in for barbara harrison. today thursday, august 27th, 2009. we're going to take a live look outside at 5:00 this morning. 75 degrees it looks like. the capitol dome lit up today in the dark sky but we know that the sun will be coming up eventually. we want to know what the forecast will be like, tom. >> sunrise in about an hour and a haar ,ound 6:30. tof'rof a ar do have a few clouds we dhave a few clouds tr o ou h rtnonoo our noh ra dar. radar. temperatures, 75 iwashingt. a littlend nort h,es andtnorth, morning. slo morning. low 70s in southern maryland, near the bay. dese are the current that'ss. r that's rather humid. a weak front is along the mason-dixon line, pennsylvania border and drifting to the e bns wile b increasing clouds this afternoon. ghhishould reach the mid and upghr 80s before that. it will be a rather steamy day, d quitmihubut cooler on friday and saturday ami likelihood of passinghowe on friday, mainly in the afternoon and perhaps on saturday a smaller chance. a small chance of maybe an afternoon thundershower on a sunday. as we look into next ek l,erow humityov mes in with some very delightful temperatures, in the 70s to near 80, in the comfort zone as we start off next week. the latest on tropical storm danny coming up in ten minutes. >> okay. thank you, tom. >> now let's go to jerry edwards and take another look at the roadways. any problems right now? >> not yet. so far, so good. nice and quiet as we get going here. interstate 66 eastbound headed out of fair oaks en route to the capital beltway moving along quite nicely. no early hang-ups. headed to points west, that looks good. new york avenue, kenilworth avenue, everything is moving well. top side of the beltway, no early issues. back to you. >> thank you, jerry. >> thank you, jerry. funeral plans are set for ted kennedy. a man known as the liberal lion of the senate and one of the most influential lawmakers of our time. >> today the kennedy family will travel from hyannisport to boston with senator kennedy's body. he will lie in repose today and tomorrow at the john f. kennedy presidential library and museum. kennedy's body will then be flown to virginia for his burial at arlington national cemetery saturday afternoon. >> michelle franzen joins us live from hyannisport, massachusetts. she has more on this story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. course, here in hyannisport, the kennedy compound as served as a retreat in both happy times and hard times. the family, of course, circling around and gathering since the death of senator kennedy, but now as they get to move his body to boston for the public they'll now have a chance to embrace the man and his life. this morning, the inevitable fare well begins. the body of senator ted kennedy leaves the family compound in hyannisport, bound for boston where he will be honored in a ceremony fitting for the iconic senator. along the route, the motorcade will mark significant moments in kennedy's life. his body will lie in repose at the jfk library and museum over the next two days, offering the public a chance to say good-bye to the influential senator. on saturday, funeral services will be held at our lady of p perpetual help, a grand catholic cathedral in a blue collar section of boston. dignitaries, past presidents and president obama will be there to pay tribute. kennedy will be buried at arlington cemetery next to brothers jack and robert. last night in hyannisport, the family gathered for a vigil at kennedy's home, a private place to mourn and celebrate his life. senator john kerry called it a perfect and private moment. >> it's very spiritual and about as beautiful as it could be. i think it's everything that senator kennedy would have wanted. >> and the dream shall never die. >> reporter: private and public tributes kennedy would have loved. just offshore, a light on a navigational hazar ship flashed and served as a symbol of hope for the family, and a reminder of kennedy's love of the water and sailing. at fenway park, taps played in his honor at the red sox game. and flags flew at half staff near his home all the way to the nation's capital. and back here in hyannisport, the focus, of course, this morning will remain here on this home that senator nnedy found solace in, especially in the final months. the public viewing of the jfk presidential library and museum will get under way later this afternoon. joe, eun? >> michelle, thanks very much. on saturday, president obama will speak at the private funeral mass in boston. kennedy served as mr. obama's mentor in the senate. he also delivered what was perhaps the key endorsement of the obama campae es during the presidential primary. you can learn more about senator kennedy's legacy by visiting our website, you'll find slide shows, videos and tributes from those who knew him. you can also send us your thoughts on his passing by e-mailing nbc 4 >> in other news now, today the government will release its latest employment report and economists predict weekly jobless claims will finally be on the decline. other economic predictors also show the economy may finally be on the rebound. big ticket spending in july soared by the largest in years. sales of new homes were up 9.6% in july, that's the fourth monthly increase in a roechlt row. >> the recession is going to stay but the financial crisis will not end until foreclosures peak, banks begin lending again. there's still a good amount of risk in front of us. >> economists say severale incentives have also helped the economy, those like cash for clunkers program and the first time home buyers federal tax credit that expires in november. >> news 4 connected to your commute. a heads-up for drivers in  northern virginia who take i-95. vdot will be closing a number of lanes between route 1 and lorton over the next couple of months. crews will be replacing overhead signs. those closures include plans to build steel at the furnace road overpass tonight. the right lane of the northbound side of the highway will be closed all night. furnace road will also be closed periodically. >> preservationists are taking their battle against a walmart store near a virginia civil war battlefield to bentonville, arkansas. the wilderness battlefield coalition is appealing directly to walmart president and ceo michael duke. in the letter the group said they're gravely concerned about the retailer's plan to build near the battlefield. the store was approved by orange county leaders this week. >> our time right now is 5:07, 75 degrees. activists' latest plans to rally people around legalizing gay marriage in the district. >> plus, a warning for parents about a major product recall and its threat to small children. >> a terrifying scene on the beltway when a dump truck loses a wheel that went airborne into traffic. our time right now is 5:10, approaching 5:11. time again for a look at traffic and weather on the 1s. >> let's check in with meteorologist tom kierein. he's up in storm center 4 with our forecast. good morning, tom. >> hi, eun and joe. off to a clear start. rather humid this morning. temperatures 75 in washington, near 0 in the suburbs. southern maryland, around the bay near 70. we have a weak front to our north that will be drifting in, bringing in some clouds today. highs should be reaching the 80s. tomorrow, about a 50% chance of a passing shower, mainly in the afternoon. saturday, 30% chance of a shower. could get a passing shower on sunday. monday, tuesday, wednesday we dry out with lower humidity and some very pleasant temperatures. here's a look at the latest with tropical storm danny, which may become a hurricane tomorrow. right now danny's getting a little better organized. it has winds sustained at near 60 with gusts near 70. continuing on a west/northwesterly track today and then just off our atlantic seaboard on saturday and heading through new england, perhaps the eastern part of new england on late saturday, sunday. now let's check traffic. jerry, how's it oking? >> doing pretty well so far on this thursday morning. good morning, everyone. the drive over the capital beltway just off the spripg field interchange, springfield right around there, both loops moving along nicely under a light volume of traffic with travel lanes open. no weather-related travel concerns so good news there. no hang-ups on route 50 out at the bay bridge. trip in on the dulles toll road out to the west route 15, everything seems to be nice and quiet. joe and eun, back to you. >> let's keep it that way. thank you, jerry. >> now 5:12, 75 degrees. a new study reveals startling statistics about how much influence parents have over their kids' use of alcohol and drugs. >> plus, the death of senator edward kennedy. next at 5:15, a look back at how the politician is being remembered by his colleagues on capitol hill. our time is 5:15. some of the top stories we're following today in the news for today, senator edward kennedy's family will accompany his body on a trip from his hometown to cape cod of boston this morning. a family spokesman says the hearse will pass several family sites along the way that were significant to the lawmakers. his body will lie in repose for two days before his funeral on saturday. a new round of lane closures on interstate 95 in northern virginia begins tonight. crews will be conducting brief shutdowns of all lanes on the interstate between route 1 and lorton road while they widen the highway and replace overhead signs. commuters opof t0 3 u ofmi minutes. tropicalrman dny is gaining strength. it's on tr dk to o ipcl t eipas coast of the united states this weekend. meteorologist tom kierein says danny has top winds near 60 miles an hour. e eun? >> reaction to senator kennedy's death is pouring in from far and wide. presidents, colleagues and friends are sharing their memories of the liberal lion of the senate and celebrating the life and legacy of ted kennedy. news 4's megan mcgrath joins us now with some of those emotional tributes. good morning. >> good morning. senator edward kennedy was so many things to so many people. he was one of the most influential political figures of our time, a kennedy, a husband and father, and to so many, a dear friend. and those friendships crossed political lines. although known as a fierce liberal, he was liked and respected by the conservatives and moderate as well as the left-leaning members of congress. vice president joe biden, who spent a great deal of time with kennedy in the senate, was nearly brought to tears remembering his dear friend and the way he could put aside partisan politics to get the job done. his colleagues and fellow sailing enthusiast chris dodd spoke of kennedy's passion for causes close to his heart. >> so many of his -- so many of his foes embrace him because they know he made them bigger. he made them more graceful. by the way in which he conducted himself. >> be out in the middle of the oeb an, i'd be his only audience. he'd be banging his fist on the side of the boat about health care, mental health, about what was happening to people being unemployed. i would say, i'm the only audience. you don't have to scream at me. >> the tributes will continue in the coming days. president barack obama is giving the eulogy at saturday's funeral mass in boston. back to you, joe. >> thanks very much, megan mcgrath reporting live. senator kennedy's personal life was filled with many triumphs but also with many downfalls. through it all there were several women who were by his side. the first major player was his mother rose. the second was first wife and mother of his children, joan. she stood beside him through his brothers' deaths and his personal tragedies. for the last 17 years o his life, though, it was his second wife, now his widow vicki. >> she took control of his life both mentally and physically and gave him a form of stability that he had been lacking. >> friends say victoria was kennedy's soul mate and the one who ultimately helped him anchor his life. >> a local couple is grateful to be alive this morning after a near-death expernc traveling on the inner loop of the beltway near connecticut avenue when it hit some debris and lost two of its tires. one of them headed toward the couple's lexus suv on the inner loop. the driver didn't have time to stop. he swerved and thought about his family. >> when you know you're going to die, what are you scared about? there's nothing to be scared about. i thought i should have called my son and daughter. >> the tire struck on the driver's side and besides cuts from flying glass, the couple, who was returningrom taking the oath of citizenship, emerged unscathed. a similar accident on the beltway last year had deadly consequences. a pregnant woman died when a loose truck wheel hit her car. >> after a big loss, the chicago cubs are coming to nats park looking for revenge and, unfortunately for the nats they got it. >> dan hellie has more in your sports minute. >> good morning, everybody, your sports minute starts with the nationals, liven hernandez made his first start for the nats and pitched well. went six innings, gave up two runs. the cubs exploded for six runs in the eighth off the nats bull pen and they get revenge after that 15-6 loss. the cubbies beat the nats 9-4. the orioles got good pitching and enough offense to beat the twins last night on the ro. felix be ahit a so low home run. the o's beat the twins 5-1. to soccer where d.c. united hosted at that luke a. at that luke a opened the scoring in the fifth minute of the game and beat the black and red 3-1. to the other football, american-style. redskins have the day off from practice as they get ready for the patriots tomorrow night at fedex field. that's your sports minute. i'm dan hellie. everybody have a great day. >> 5:21 is our time now. time again for traffic and weather on the 1s. >> let's check in with meteorologist tom kierein up in storm center 4. good morning, tom. >> hi, eun and joe. we've got a jewel gleaming in the eastern sky, a live picture from our city camera. that bright spot is venus, super bright this morning. jupiter is in the western sky. temperatures now in the mid-70s. i'm going to show you a dramatic view of jupiter taken by a local astronomer showing the moons of jupiter and their shadows on the surface of jupiter. that will be coming up in the next half hour. stay tuned for that. mid-70s in washington, near 70 in the suburbs, rural areas west and north in the 60s. weather watchers checking in from southern maryland, northern neck reporting temperatures near 70. we have some clouds just to our north along a weak front that will drift to our south today, bringing in clouds, highs in the 80s. it's going to be rather humid. humid into the weekend. pretty good chance of passing showers on friday, a smaller chance saturday and sunday. that's the way it looks right now with weather. how's the traffic, jerry? >> doing well so far. can check out southeast washington, up pennsylvania avenue toward southern avenue, up to the sousa bridge. very much on the light side with no early hang-ups. the freeway is fine. other anacostia bridges looking good. on the capital beltway as you travel from college park to route 50 on the inner loop, 8 minutes. from route 50 across the wilson bridge, only 16 minutes so far so that's good news. off the wilson bridge over toward i-95 springfield, tack on another 7 minutes. so far, so good out there. joe and eun, back to you. >> thank you, jerry. >> thank you, jerry. time, 5:22, 75 degrees. a best-selling and well-known journalist and author loses his life. >> also, the surprising statistics that show just how much influence parents' bad habits might have on their kids. >> plus, the products being pulled off store shelves at some of the nation's largest retailer because of its threat to small just how much influence do you have over whether your kids drink or use drugs? you may be surprised. a new study find that's more than 1/3 of teens have seen one ore more of their parents drunk. that makes them twice as likely to get drunk themselves. researchers say one out of five teens can get theirands on prescription drugs. they say beware of your kids' school as well. 2/3 of high school students say drugs are readily available there. >> we have a warning to tell you about this morning if your home has venetian blinds. millions of emei are bng recalled. the consumer products safety commission says the blinds and winds sdehare which are being sold at some of the country's biggest retailers pe a risk to small children. the commission says children co d strangle in the blinds' cords. the 5.5 million blinders being sold under various names at stores that include ikea, pottery barn kids and target. >> parents need to understand that these are hidden dangers, that a child can get entangled on these cords very quickly. >> manufacturers are already designing childproof blinds and shades but retailers say the items already out there should be returned right away. >> 5:27 is your time now, 75 degrees. a major road project set to get under way. how the construction is going to impact yr commute. >> remembering the life of senator edward kennedy, the maerls, his funeral and where he will be laid to rest. >> also, a major airline once again adding more fees. a legendary life. senator edward kennedy, his legacy being remembered from massachusetts to washington and beyond. the preparations now under way for the final farewell to a man who steered his family and the nation through tragedy and t trium triumph. good morning to you. welcome to "news 4 today." i'm joe krebs. >> i'm eun yang in for barbara harrison today. thursday, august 27th, 2009. we're going to start by taking a live look outside at 5:31. 75 degrees. meteorologist tom kierein is in the studio with us. he's going to tell us how the weather will shape up to be today. >> a little more humid this morning. a bright s ern stern skyky we just saw is venus. we have ale car c sky morning, not shing hongwimog, nothing showing up o radar. a few clouds, though, uonpennsyo pennlvania border. 6sy0s,te esre i t the 0s, near 70 in the suburbs and the dew points are in the mid and upper 60s. that's rather humid. temperures in theow 7tes. sh le,in0 750s.s 50s in the mountains. clouds just to o north odaucg in tew few sprinkles in pennsylvania but won't have any of that today. just increasing clouds. highs should be reaching the upper 80s by mid-afternoon. and then overnight night, cloudy. by this time tomorrow morning might have a few sprinkles around, near 70. friday, audlo cy day, 50% chance ang psias erowsh, mainly in the after foon with highs near 80. more of the same on saturday al aghouimow dinished chance of showers. d could get some thundershowers on sunday. a look into next week coming up in ten minutes at 5:41. stay tuned. >> thank you, tom. >> let's go to jerry edwards and the news 4 traffic network. >> good news continues to roll on as we take a look here, washington boulevard near the pentagon, there's the washington monument in the background. right now everything's moving along nicely. elsewhere 270 southbound no early concerns. on briggs cheney road near good hope road, montgomery county police heade for an accident. look out up there. >> thanks very much. >> preparations for senator edward kennedy's final resting place are under way this morning. the funeral will take place on saturday. >> in the meantime, the kennedy family is giving the public chances to say good-bye. kimberly suiters joins us here in the studio with the latest. good morning. >> good morning. from dupont circle to fenway park, there are spontaneous public tributes to the life and legacy of senator ted kennedy. today the family will travel from hyannisport to boston with senator kennedy's body which will lie in repose today at the john f. kennedy presidential library and museum. the family will have private time. the public will be allowed in around 6:00 in the evening. a private funeral mass will b ad l of lyf o uarplpet ilrpetual help st onbo.l stboon. bkee bn ow flown to virginia for his burial at arlington national cemetery saturday afternoon. he will be laid to rest near the graves of his brothers, john and bobby. ted kennedy's tenure as a senator along with his two years in the army do qualify him for burial at arlington. his grave will be about 95 feet south of where the eternal flame burns in memory of president john f. kennedy. something interesting about the visitation today. it will remain open until all members of the public who want to pay their respects are able to. as a reference, library staff say that when house speaker tip o'neill lay in repose at the library, they had mourners filing in well past 11:00 p.m. on friday evening, then there will be a celebration of the senator's life for invited guests. eun, back to you. >> kimberly suiters. kimberly, thank you. best selling author dominick dunne has died at his home in manhattan. he had been fighting bladder cancer. in addition to his novels which include "the two mrs. greenvilles" he was best known for his coverage of the o.j. simpson trial. his final novel, "too much money" will be released in september. he was 83. >> news 4 is always connected to your commute and that commute could take longer than usual if yo rnhe cngloanes lrn bsl i- lo b rwe 1en i-95 between r ad e plronethveouxte 1or cof adro over the next couple of news s4' news 4'sour yr mm utco mat gins u lis ining us live with more on this story. >> reporter: good morning. everyone in the washington area and those who have traveled through the washington area know how crazy it can be when you get to lorton. it is a bottleneck. as you can see here, they're working to try and fix that. they're figuring that the way to fix it is with some extra lanes. that's going to mean some road closures and also some delays for commers. now, work is under way to build a fourth lane in each direction on i-95 between the fairfax county parkway and newington and route 123. it will mean again some closures. officials say commuters should tag on about 30 extra minutes to their commute over the next two months. there will be a few brief evening closures that will completely shut down i-95. officials say those closures will result in even longer backups. so just be prepared for all of that. now, here's the good news. in 2011, they're saying that's when this work should be complete. so, you'll live with it for about two years but then hopefully the results will help with easing some of that bottleneck in the lorton area and some of the congestion commuters have been complaining about forever. i'm tracee wilkins, live in lorton. back to you. >> thanks very much. >> activists are planning a call to action event in support of gay marriage in d.c. the gathering will be held on september 30th at the true reformer building on u street. organizers say they will use the event to outline steps residents can take to help the upcoming same-sex marriage bill pass in the district. >> our time is 5:36, 75 degrees right now. how much more you will have to pay to check your bags when you fly us airways now. >> also, the shocking allegations against a virginia school teacher that landed him behind bars. >> plus, wait until you see this local man's pennance for cheating on his wife.iv good morning and welcome back. fl, mark you for this new -a-fckhi iil s chick-fil-a is givaw f eefray aaw free food and this time you aic free chickent sicannhdw oi labor day just by wri sports-related tssp borssfe.lna ne b ainthron sports. that's happening on labor day, september 7th. i love a good chick-fil-a sandwich. >> no matter what you have to wear. 5:41 is just about the time. let's go to tom kierein in storm center 4. >> i won derd why your fingers were greasy. i have some napkins up here. we have temperatures around the region now, mid-70s in washington near the bay. weather watchers checking in reporting in the 60s farther to our west and north now. we've got a mostly clear sky. venus is in the east and jupiter in the southwestern sky. in the western sky now have some clouds just to our north in pennsylvania along a weak front that will drift to our south later on today and bring in some clouds. it will be rather humid as well. could get some passing showers as well. in fact, likely passing showers friday and cloudy. a smaller chance saturday and sunday. into nextitumyid ler humidity moves in. latest on tropical storm danny in ten minutes. how's the traffic? >> check out the capital beltway. yesterday the stretch between springfield and the american legion bridge was miserable. not so this morning. both directions moving nicely. quickly check the wilson bridge. we're okay. southeast washington nothing to worry about so far any of the anacostia bridges. back to you. >> thank you, jerry. it is now 5:41. the new baggage fees for another major airline. >> plus, the death of senator edward kennedy and the impact he had here on capitol hill. next at 5:45, what colleagues, olis palitic g friiaen are saynn about this political giantal updating your top stories at 5:44, in the news today, ted kennedy's body will travel from hyannisport, massachusetts, to boston. the senator will lie in repose today and tomorrow at the jfk presidential library. president obama will speak during a private funeral mass on saturday. then kennedy will be buried at arlington national cemetery. a new round of lane closures on interstate 95 begins tonight. crews will be conducting brief shutdowns of all lanes on the interstate between route 1 and lorton road while they widen the highway and replace overhead signs. commuters should expect delays up to 30 minutes. and michael vick makes his return to the nfl. he's expected to play for the eagles tonight. their preseason matchup against the jaguars. vick has not played in two years. he served 18 months in prison for dogfighting. joe? >> edward kennedy certainly was a legend in american politics, having spent more than half his life on the senate floor and this morning there are questions about the impact his death will have on an issue he felt so passionately about, and that, of course, is health care reform. tracie potts joins us live from capitol hill now with more on that. good morning, tracy. >> reporter: good morning. if you live in this area i don't have to tell you that washington is a town where politics reigns and there are often fierce debates but the tone here this morning on the political front is very different. this is a city in mourning. >> the hope rises again. >> the dream shall never die. ♪ we shall overcome >> reporter: a vigil and moment of silence in washington's dupont circle to honor the man known for much more than the causes he championed. >> for me, i lost my best friend in the senate. a great friend. >> repter: congress is still on break but around the country, senator ted kennedy's colleagues remembered not only his passion for helping people -- >> you name the subject, ted kennedy was there. >> reporter: they also remembered his personal touch with democrats and republins. >> he gave his word, he kept his word. and that meant a lot to me. >> he was universally beloved in the senate so we're going to -- we're going to miss him. >> chest pain on the right or left? >> reporter: especially now as congress struggles to strike a compromise on health care. colleagues remember kennedy never backed away from a fight. >> he didn't mind taking the sword to the dragon and chaining the dragon to the chair. for what he believed in. >> reporter: when congress returns, no one will occupy kennedy's seat. massachusetts must wait almost five months before holding a special election to replace him. just last week, kennedy lobbied to change that law, and the state's governor agreed. >> right now, massachusetts needs two voices in the united states senate. >> reporter: to replace the voice that's been lost. we've learned this morning that there's a special edition of "newsweek" magazine coming out, special 99-page commemorative edition. it will be out tomorrow, with one of the older pictures of the kennedy brothers on the front. it will be entitled "the has letter brother." that's the latest this morning. from capitol hill, i'm tracie potts. back to you. >> thanks very much. >> the kennedy family has gathered at its compound in hyannisport, massachusetts. it's the same place they gathered just weeks ago to mourn the passing of the senator's sister, eunice kennedy shriver. residents and visitors have been coming to offer their condolences. many have left flowers, notes and cards for a man many had never even met. >> what people thought about his political ideas, they're going to hurt because they lost a great guy. >> ted kennedy spent much of his time in hyannisport after being diagnosed with cancer. sailing on his boat named the mya. >> a public school teacher in virginia is behind bars on sex, drug and pornography charges. scott howe teaches reading and math at cedar lee middle school in fauquier county. the 33-year-old faces child sex charges involving a 15-year-old boy. deputies originally went to his home after receiving a tip the teacher was growing marijuana in his back yard. authorities say they found the marijuana and evidence that he produced child pornography. well, an act of public pennance had heads turning in tysons corner yesterday. william taylor stood at the busy intersection of route 7 and international drive during yesterday morning's rush hour. he wore a sign that read "i cheated. this is my punishment." taylor said his wife found evidence of him having an affair on his cell phone and forced him to publicly atone. his wife texted him to say that he could come home after he stood out there for two hours. hmm. >> like i said yesterday, i think he got off easy. it could have been far worse. >> he could be out there much longer than two hours. >> imagine if all the men who had ever cheated would have to -- and women. i should be fair. have to stand outside. the road was be crowded. >> the traffic would have real problems. >> we had good atonement weather yesterday. >> we did. >> it was a nice day. around our region this morning it is rather humid. off to a clear start. as we look at the sky, we see venus gleaming brilliantly in a mostly clear sky over the potomac. there's capitol hill in the wain..nshsh ar taround this , no morning. we do have a weak front to our north now. temperatures around the shenandoah valley,he blue ridge, rural areas of virginia and maryland. weather watchers reporting there. it's in the mid-60s so a pleasant start there. it's a little more humid around washington, points south and east, in montgomery county now in the low 70s. upper 60s in parts of fairfax county and into prince george's county near 70. mid-70s right near the bay, but a little farther inland and calvert, charles, st. mary's, anne arundel counties, weather watchers reporting around 70. culpepper down to 63. the central shenandoah valley, dew points are lower there, in the low 60s but the dew points around washington, points south and east are rather steamy this morning. temperatures on the eastern shore now in the low 70s. out in the mountains, upper 50s to nr 60 degrees. it's comfortably dry in the mountains. well, let's take a look at our sky. there's this weak front just to our north. a few showers to the north of that front will be tracking east and staying away from us, but a mostly clear sky over washington, much of virginia and west virginia, eastern shore, but the clouds are just now beginning to come into our northern suburbs and we'll see those clouds continuing to drift to the south as this front slowly drifts to the south. meanwhile, way out here in the atlantic, here's what's happening with tropical storm danny. here's washington. here's the outer banks. here's florida. danny is continuing to get a little better organized. it's a huge cluster of thunderstorms right now. the winds have increased overnight. sustained winds are near 60 with gusts to near 70. it's moving northwest at about 10 miles an hour. right now it's about 780 miles south/southeast of ocean city, maryland. over the next several days, it's going to continue on a west/northwesterly track and then turn north and northeasterly as it gets off the outer banks by very early saturday morning it should be just to the east of virginia beach. by then it should be a hurricane but a category 1 hurricane. does not look like it will be a major hurricane. but there could be some heavy surf at the beaches and rather gusty winds as well from virginia beach all the way up to cape hen hope even. look out, new england. coming near martha's vineyard by later on saturday, into saturday afternoon. very strong winds, could have near hurricane-force winds there. and then moving farther to the north and along the maine coast on sunday, up into the canadian maritimes after that. here's how things are looking around our part of the world. traveling today, could be flight delays in florida and through georgia, alabama as well as around chicago, the lower great lakes, through the central plains and across texas. maybe a few isolated storms in the northern plains. elsewhere you should not have any travel problems. this photo is taken last night by amateur astronomer mark brown in springfield, virginia, of jupiter which is now in our western sky. actually you can see a couple of jupiter's moons and their shadows on jupiter itself. very small moons, but the shadows are looking larger. those dark spots were visible in an amateur telescope even right here in our local suburbs. thank you, mark brown. a terrific shot. let's take a look now over the last 12 hours. this front just to our north is slowly drifting down to our south but it's a little more potent in the midwest. got some showers and thundershowers there. high pressure just to our south is going to continue to drift. this front will be drifting over us and stall out here the next day or so and perhaps give us some showers tomorrow. tor y,to we'll have mostly y nnsumorning but by noontime,nn clouds will begin to thicken up. will be in the mid-80s,henn becoming partly to mosytl cloud by late afternoon. highs in the mid and upper 80s, rather steamy. sunrise 6:33, the sunset at y 7:46. cloudy tonight. by this time tomorrow morning we may have a few sprinkles around, near 70. cloudy on friday and cooler, s gh thes upper 70s. a likelihood of passing afternoon showers and perhaps into friday night. then saturday looks like a smaller chance of showers because danny now is looking keli iwiellke b b farther out t sea. there could be some heavy surf at the beaches. inland just a 30% chance of a passing shower saturday. otherwise, partly sunny. may triggereom thundershowers, mainly i tofternoon to be followed by lower humidity. comfort zone weather as we get into next week. that's the way it looks. >> okay. thank you, tom. >> like to hear that. let's go to jerry edwards, see if we're in the comfort zone on the roadways this early thursday morning. >> good morning. yes, we are. check out interstate 70 just west of and just east of i-270 up in frederick, very quiet commute both directions. very good news. there's the exit for 270 southbound after i-70. this is just west of the interchange headed over to baltimore. looking good. elsewhere we'll check things out through northeast. earlier police activity kenilworth avenue and eastern avenue should be wrapped up. on briggs cheney road, people heading for a wreck. not to worry. 20 quiet. back to you. >> thanks very much. prince george's county is bracing for a potential swine flu outbreak. county school officials unveiled their current plans for dealing with both h 1 h 1 and seasonal flew. they say they're focusing on preventative measures. the measures include encouraging younger students to get vaccinated for at least the seasonal flu. swine flu vaccines are not yet available but officials say they will be provided at selected schools this fall when they're available. >> you can expect plenty of company on the roads if you're getting out of town for the labor day weekend. aaa expects more than 39 million americans to travel at least 50 miles from home for the holiday weekend. most of those travelers will be in their cars. that number is down more than 13% from last labor day weekend. aaa blames the economy and the fact that the holiday falls later in the month than it did last year. >> well, you may want to pack some extra cachet long with your suitcase the next time you fly u.s. airlines. they're the latest to start charging passengers to check eir bags. it will cost you $25 for the first piece you check and another $35 if you check a second bag. flying overseas, expect to pay even more. us airways will charge $50 for a second checked bag on trantlantic flights. you can get a $5 discount, though, if you check your bags in advance at us >> now to the money crisis and a look at how the foreign markets are doing. another down day overseas. the nikkei fell 1.56%. the hang seng last 1.1%. back here in the u.s., the dow futures are off 14 points. yesterday, the dow rose a little, under 4 1/4 points to close at 9543. the nasdaq remained steady at 2024. >> well, this mning news 4 continues to find jobs for u.yo the economic club of washington hi srceangu. for an assistant mb smeipshervices manager. if y'rees iiperntdn ieaer lrning more about t lshi sis,poonti or even to apply, go to nbcwashiton.mcoon and search jobs 4 you. >> 5:57 is your time now, 75 degrees. coming up at 6:00, much more on the life and death of senator ted kennedy. >> d.c. mayor -- funeral arrangementsi arrangements are bei d.c. mayor adrias a. d.c. mayor adrian join us live w join us livet . l ilin was hk.6: we will ask himmany of you ny a of you are getting in the mail that you're calling a waste of taxpayer dollars. >> and traffic and weather on the 1s. remembering ted kennedy. today begins three days of public tributes for a man who spent his life serving the country and his final resting place will be right here in the washington area. >> slowing down on your commute. a major construction project is expected to start today on i-95 that will include a number of lane closures. >> good morning and welcome back to "news 4 today." i'm joe krebs. >> i'm eun yang in for barbara harrison today. it is thursday, august 27th, 2009. we're going to take a live look outside right now. looks like the sun is up at 6:00, 75 degrees out there. the humidity is creeping back, tom. >> it has turned a little.ig ht htl ws stermi trnvehi.wa a it will stay this way as we sunrise about half anyou h sunrise about half an hourada nb on ecradar, no to ara mostly ce jut bu tstour o north we have a few clouds. he'sor t fheecast for today. right now we're in t fhe0s 6nd 70s. l nilitrea 80 by noon the mid-80s. a partly sunny afte oon, highs in the upper 80s. sunset at 7:46. then cloudy tonight. we'll be in the 70s by midnight. near 70 tomorrow morning. by this time tomorrow morning we afar,ave cloudy on friday a co.erol temperatures in the upper 70s. a likelihood of passing mainly smaller chce r le ochance of passingce showers on saturday and again on sunday, highs low 80s. a look into next week. that will be coming up in ten minutes at 6:11. >> see you then. thank you, tom. >> thanks very much. let's go to jerry edwards and the news 4 traffic network, see what the traffic looks like as we begin the 6:00 hour. looks bad behind you. >> yeah, unfortunately, got some bad news. good morning, everyone. the issue, an accident just happened so there goes the commute, at least for the near future. 395 northbound up at glebe road. does not appear to be a serious accident at this point, but police are just beginning to arrive on the scene. 395 northbound near glebe road, right side of the roadway is already blocked. obviously already slow, only to get slower. we'll ve to watch this very, very carefully. plan accordingly. elsewhere, wilson bridge, no worries. so far, so good there. northeast is quiet as is southeast to all the anacostia bridges. back to you. >> thank you, jerry. >> thanks. well, funeral plans are now set for ted kennedy. the man known as the liberal lion of the u.s. senate and one of thelu ialennf ti influential lawmakers of our time. >> today theennedy family will tor's .dyom hisnnyartpo to wheililie l inie repose today motoow at the kennedy --nmo joh . kennedy presidential libry an umdmuse.ody willmuedy's bynl flown to virgini foris his buril at arlington national cemetery saturday afternoon. michelle franzen has more. >> reporter: this morning, the inn eftsable farewell begins. the body of senator ted kennedy leaves the family compound in hyannisport, bound for boston where he will be honored in a ceremony fitting for the iconic senator. along the route, the motorcade will mark significant ments in kennedy's life. his body will lie in repose at the jfk library and museum over the next two days, offering the public a chance to say good-bye to the influential senator. on saturday, funeral services will be held at our lady of perpetual help, a grand catholic cathedral in a blue collar section of boston. dignitaries, past presidents and president obama will be there to pay tribute. kennedy will be buried at arlington cemetery next to brothers jack and robert. last night in hyannisport, the family gathered for a vigil at kennedy's home, a private place to mourn and celebrate his life. senator john kerry called it a perfect and private moment. >> it's very spiritual and about as beautiful as it could be. i think it's everything that senator kennedy would have wanted. >> and the dream shall never die. >> reporter: private and public tributes kennedy would have loved. just offshore, a light on a navigational hazard ship flashed and served as a symbol of hope for the family, and a reminder of kennedy's love of the water and sailing. ♪ at fenway park, taps played in his honor at the red sox game. and flags flew at half staff near his home all the way to the nation's capital. viewing at the jfk library and museum is expected to get under way late this afternoon. in hyannisport, michelle franzen, nbc news. >> senator ted kennedy's tenure as a u.s. senator along with his two years in tarmy qualify him for burial at arlington national cemetery. his grave is expected to be about 95 feet south of where the eternal flame burns in memory of president kennedy. >> the hope still is and the dream shall never die. >> mourners paid tribute to senator kennedy in dupont circle. about 75 people attended a candlelight vigil in his honor last night. they said they wanted to recognize a man who made it his life's work to champion social causes. one man read some of kennedy's most famous speeches. you can learn more about senator kennedy's legacy by visiting you'll find slide shows, videos and tributes from those who knew him. you can also send us your thoughts on his passing by e-mailing nbc 4 rou y to yr ct pe some slow gog on par ts p95n i virginia in the ntg. months. vdot will be closinge of the interstate between lorton road and route 1. tracee wilkins is live with more on what you can expect. >> you don't have to live in the washington area to mow when you get to lorton you will be dealing with a bottleneck. here on 95 most times of the day. officials here in virginia are figuring that the way to fix that problem is to add some extra lanes, but that's going to mean some closures. and that's going to mean some delays for commuters who come through this area. work is under way to build a fourth lane in each direction on i-95 between the fairfax county parkway and newington and route 123 south to auk a kwon. it will mean some lan closures and officials say commuters should tag on about 30 extra minutes to their commute over the next two months. there will be a few brief evening closures also that will completely shut down i-95. officials say those closures will result in even longer backups, but the good news is this project shouldn't last longer than two years. they're saying by 2011 they should be done. i'm tracee wilkins, live this morning. back to you. >> thank you very much. district police are on the scene of a police-involved shooting in northeast washington. it happened around 3:30 this morning in the 3300 block of benning road. we're told that one person was injured. however, the officer involved was not injured. benning road is blocked between 34th street and anacostia avenue right now while the investigation continues. we'll have more on this coming up. >> 6:07 is your time now. members of congress vow to win one for teddy. a runaway wheel on the beltway slams into an suv. this morning the driver of the suv shares his amazing survival story. >> what michael vick and the philadelphia eagles will face tonight. a lot more than m. posing team. >>ee freee cfeof w> ith this news rgbabln t. pa ss icuc staksksre of hdbiayrt. ay.hdrt l hayoalo veu ido tshaat atbustcockarm.s.buarco s.m. thyos n our yon our birthday at participating starbucks stores. >> it's just about 6:11. that means we will check traffic and weather on the 1s. >> let's go to meteorologist tom kierein in storm center 4. >> off to a pleasant start this morning, a little more humid. temperatures now 75 in washington. we're in low 70s in southern maryland, ather watchers reporting. weather watchers checking in across maryland and virginia. it's in the low and mid-60s there. mid-60s in montgomery and fairfax counties, upper 60s in prince george's and arlington counties. afternoon highs in the 80s and increasing clouds. it's going to stay humid through the weekend. cloudy tomorrow, maybe a morning shower, greater chance of some passing afternoon showers. saturd saturday, partly sunny as tropical storm, maybe hurricane danny is off our east coast. we may get a few passing tropical showers. a smaller chance now it appears for saturday. sunday a front coming through may trigger a thundershower and then as we get into monday, first part of next week, lower humidity moves in. highs in the 70s. now how's our traffic, jerry? >> tom, starting to get busy out there. good morning, everyone. 66 eastbound near route 28 getting the initial reports of an accident. could be just after the interchange at 28. we'll continue to work on that, let you know. eastbound 66. westbound you're looking okay toward manassas. accident remains 395 northbound up at glebe road. ties up the right side of the roadway. now we're getting the initial reports of an accident up on 270 southbound near route 85, bucky's town pike. rescue crews are headed there. coming out of frederick, watch for the flashing lights. back to you. >> thank you. >> the frightening ordeal for one driver. a runaway wheel crashes into his suv on the beltway.ur we have much me on the life of ted kennedy. good morning and welcome back. today, ted kennedy's body will travel from hyannisport, massachusetts, to boston. the senator will lie in repose today and tomorrow. the jfk presidential library. president obama will speak during a private funeral mass on saturday. then kennedy will be buried at arlington national cemetery. >> the tributes to senator edward kennedy are pouring in from far and wide. friends and colleagues are remembering the life and legacy of the liberal lion of the senate. news 4's megan mcgrath joins us now with more on this. good morning. >> well, good morning, eun. senator edward kennedy was so many things to so many people. he was a u.s. senator, one of the most influential politicians of our time, a kennedy, and a husband and father. his friends were many and those friendships crossed political lines. although known as a fierce liberal, he was liked and respected by the conservatives and moderate as well as the left-leaning members of congress. his colleagues and fellow sailing enthusiast chris dodd spoke of kennedy's passion for causes close to his heart. vice president joe biden, who spent so much time with kennedy in the senate, was nearly brought to tears remembering his dear friend and the way he could put aside partisan politics to get the job done. >> so many of his -- so many of his foes embrace him because they know he made them bigger. he made them more graceful by the way in which he conducted himself. >> be out in the middle of the ocean. i'd be his only audience. he'd be banging his physical ought the side of that boat about health care, mental health, what was happening to people who were unemployed. i'd say, i'm the only audience. you don't ha to scream at me. >> and the tributes will continue in the coming days. president barack obama is giving the eulogy at saturday's funeral mass in boston. eun, back to you. >> megan mcgrath. megan, thank you. one of the issues senator kennedy was most passionate about was health care reform and with the debate raging on his voice and leadership wille sorely missed. until now there has been very little republican support but democrats say respect for kennedy may change minds. >> the ironic thing is that now that he's not there it might finally get done. it might be an opportunity for democrats and republicans to come together. >> still, republicans, close friends of edward kennedy say admiration will not swing many votes. >> well, police are investigating the stabbing of two transgendered people in the district. the victims are found in the 200 block of q street northwest yesterday afternoon. both were taken to the hospital. one victim a 21-year-old joshua mack of clinton, maryland, later died. the other, 26-year-old darius queen of southeast washington, is expected to be okay. it does not appear at this point that the stabbings were hate crimes. a local couple is happy to be alive this morning after a near-death experience on the beltway. they were driving near connecticut avenue after taking the oath of citizenship in baltimore. a dump truck traveling inhe opposite direction hit some debris and lost two of its tires. one of them headed toward the couple's lexus suv. the driver, ravi, did not have time to stop. he swerved and thought about his family, he said. >> when you knowou're going to die, what is there to be scared? nothing to be scared about. i was thinking i should have called my son and daughter. >> the tire struck hard on the driver's side, but besides cuts from flying glass, the couple emerged unnerved but inn scathed. a similar accident on the beltway last year had deadly con kwenss. a pregnant woman was killed when a loose truck wheel hit her car in the windshield. >> after a 2 1/2 year hiatus, michael vick will make his return to the nfl tonight. he will play in the preseason game against the jacksonville jaguars. he will be met by a mixed crowd. fans a planning their usual tailgate parties, but animal rights activists are expected to show up and protest his return. he ras was released from custod after 18 months. elsewhere in sports, the nats will battle it out with the chicago cubs. dan hellie has more in your sports minute. >> good morning, everybody, your sports minute starts with the nationals, livan hernandez made his first start in a long time for the nats and he pitched well. went six innings, gave up two runs. the cubs exploded for six runs in the eighth off the nats' bull pen and they get revenge after that 15-6 loss. the cubbies beat the nats 9-4. the orioles got good pitching and enough offense to beat the twins last night on the road. felix pie hit a solo home run. the o's beat the twins 5-1. to soccer where d.c. united hosted toluca. toluca opened the scoring in the fifth minute of the game and they beat the black and red 3-1. to the other football, american-style. redskins have the day off from practice as they get ready for the patriots tomorrow night at fedex field. that's your sports minute. i'm dan hellie. everybody have a great day. >> just about 6:21 now. time again for traffic and weather on the 1s. >> let's check in once again with meteorologist tom kierein up in storm center 4. good morning, tom. >> hi, eun and joe. tomorrow night's game may be wet atedex field. right now we're dry under a clear sky, 75 in washington, 60s in montgomery, fairfax and prince george's counties. a little cooler farther to our west and north. low and mid-70s right near the bay. now over the last, oh, seven or eight hours or so, tropical storm danny has increased a bit in strength. right now it is about 780 miles south/southeast of ocean city, maryland, with sustained winds about 60 miles an hour with gusts near 70. moving northwest at 9. it will continue on that track today. and then be just off the outer banks by very early saturday morning. and then east of ocean city during thefternoon on saturday, and looks like it may travel right near nantucket and martha's vineyard and cape cod by late saturday afternoon. looks like it could become a hurricane by late tomorrow. then after that it heads up farther to the north. for us for today, it will be partly sunny with highs in the upper 80s. humid through the weekend. showers likely tomorrow and saturday and sunday a small chance of showers. now let's check traffic. how's it looking, jerry? >> tom, police are still dealing with the accident, 395 northbound at glebe road at the exit ramp that would take from you glebe road to go north onto 395. that exit ramp pretty much shut down so those folks are having to merge. quite a mess from duke street to 395 northbound. all this activity in the main lanes. hovs are doing fine. the drive in from the north along i-270, look out for the accident near the interchange of route 85. police should be on the scene dealing with that. back to you. >> all right, jerry. thank you very much. >> the public punishment for a man in northern virginia who was caught cheating on his wife. a story parents need to hear. a new study is out on just how influential p liney lohan bar glurized again. police got a lkho a w dtglid it. aseraught c cam three suspects. police say theyasdse a un unlocd door to get into hire home in hollywood hills. lohan's mother says the trio stole a safe. the latest burglary comes three months after burglars unsuccessfully tried to get into lohan's home. >> may seem like they never listen but a new study claims that teenagers definitely observe and are influenced by their parents, at least when it comes to drugs and alcohol. the study find that's more than 1/3 of teenagers have seen one or both of their parents drunk. that makes them twice as likely to get drunk. your home may also enable your kids to abuse drugs. researchers say one out of five teens can get their hands on prescription drugs. they say beware of your kids' school as well. 2/3 of high school students say that drugs are readily available in school. >> we are connecting you to your commute. a major construction project on i-95 is expected to start today. we'll have much more on the life and death of senator ted kennedy,ludingng i arrangemts and remembering ted kennedy. today begins three days of public tributes for a man who spent his life serving the country and his final resting place will be right here in the washington area. good morning and welcome back to "news 4 today." i'm joe 'm and i'm eun y inun f baara haharrnon today. thursday, august 27th, 2009. we're going to take a live look outside now at 6:30. 75 degrees. the skies look hazy out there. tom, what does that meanha i an a little steamy a littley mit s as we get into the week amd. just three minut s awro sunrise now. no tipirenonta orar. it's in the in innc pe ri ge nt cge nc mid-60s now in60 toarngli ngn, leirfax andonertg my omticoun cooler ferarthtesr w and thnoinmoisg.rn th mornishe errther to o a and east, tc , hewaarrslechs, hers, charles, arcat,lver mary's, nean s nd aruou mary's, anne arundel counties near the 70s there. current dew points in the lid m. m0s.ty stermihueamidi.ou steamier around the bay and the eastern shore where it's near 70 now. out in the tamouns,in fresh and cool and dry, in thes,0spp 5er there now. as the day proesses we'll have increasing cl .ea oungsicrclouds. by 9:00 inhe uerpp0 7s. byoon0-8id m0s. paly toidtl mosy cloudy at times by late afternoon, highs reaching the upper 80s. sunset at 7:46. a cloudy night tonight. by this time tomorrow morng we may have a few sprinkles around, near 70. cloudy tomorrow,as p sngsihorsng during the afternoon may affect the skinsnd pats friday night. and then saturday and sunday a smlecer chan of passing showers as hurricane danny will be right off the atlantic seaboard. the latest on that coming up this half hour. >> thank you, tom. >> thanks very much. let's go to jerry edwards and the news 4 traffic network. jerry? >> good morning. we're getting busy out there. northern virginia, this is southbound i-95. this is the ramp to 7100 off of southbound 95. the ramp had been closed for a couple of minutes because of a reported motorcycle accident. as you can see, traff just moments ago released. left side still blocked by the remake polimake police on the s. there is a southbound backup. elsewhere 395 northbound, the accident remains up at glebe road, right side blocked there. northeast washington outbound benning road is closed. outbound is blocked at 34th street northeast because of police activity. inbound benning road you will be able to get by but watch for the flashing lights. back to you. >> thank you. in the news this morning, preparations for senator edward kennedy's final resting place are under way this morning. the funeral will take place on saturday. >> in the meantime, the kennedy family is giving the public chances to say good-bye. kimberly suiters joins us now with the latest. good morning. >> good morning. from a candlelight vigil at dupont circle to tributes at fenway park, there are spontaneous public outpourings for the life and legacy of senator edward kennedy. ♪ this, of course, fenway park where there was a moment of silence as well as taps played, phot prachephs,pleo even hdplhe taha slllf thunro country. today, the kennedy travel from travel from hpoyaisnnrt to issedkey' edy's boposerenn repose today jt ethn. fekennedy library and museum. theilam fam will have private time. enub t phelic will be allowed in,un pro a6:d 00 in the evenin. a private funeral mass will be heldhe saturday at the ourady of hepel ualprp basilica in bost. kennedy's bodwill tnhe be ow n flgi vto firor his burial at arlington national cemetery saturday afternoon. he will be laid to rest near the graves of his brothers, john and bobby. ted kennedy's tenure as a u.s. senator, along with his two years in the army, qualify him for burial at arlington. the senator's grave is expected to be about 95 feet south of . ere the eternal flame burns in kennedident john f. kennedy. now, something about the visitation. it will remain open until all members of the public who want to pay their respects are able to. as a reference, library staff says when house speak are tip o'neill lay in repose at the library, they did have mourners filing in past 11:00 at night. and on friday evening, there will be a celebration of the senator's life for invited guests only. joe, back to you. >> thanks very much, kimberly suiters, reporting live. the reaction to kennedy's death, of course, is pouring in from far and wide this morning. for this countless colleagues in the senate, his loss has left a void. throughout his career, senator kennedy was legendary for reefg across the aisle. he was also revered for his devotion to civil rights. >> devoted to the ill provement of the status of life of those who are poor and deprived and persecuted and ignored. >> no one, no one in the senate, no one in the house stood taller than senator kennedy. >> mourners also paid tribute to senator kennedy in dupont circle. about 75 people attended a can'tle light vigil in his honor last night. they recognized his social causes and read some of his most famous speeches. you can learn more about senator kennedy's legacy by visiting you'll find slide shows there, videos and tributes from those who knew him. you can also send us your thoughts on his passing by e-mailing i we're connected to your rafeo take i-95 in invi. vdt virginia. es anwill be closing some l f the interstate at nightver xt couple of os.e lothe closures stretch from route 1 to lorton road. tracee wilkins is live in lorton with more on this story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we already know that lorton can be a bit of a bottleneck which is the reason they're doing all of this work. so you get delays on a normal day. you're going to have a few more delays. the good news is hopefully in about two years the work will be done. take a look up here. you can see they're beginning to start this work. pretty much already under way but it's going to mean some road closures and then also some delays. they are trying to build a fourth lane in each direction on i-95 between the fairfax county parkway and newington and route 123 south of occoquan. it will be mean again some lane closures. they're saying commuters should tag on about an extra 30 minutes to their commute over the next two months. there will be a few brief evening closures as well that will completely shut down i-95. firms say those closures will result in even longer backups. again, by 2011, they should be done with all of this work. in the meantime, just put in an extra 30 minutes into your commute and plan for the possibility of some extraordinary backups here in the lorton area of 95 and beyond. i'm tracee wilkins, live this morning in lorton. back to you in the studio. >> tracee, thanks very much. >> d.c. mayor adrian fenty will join us live in just a few minutes for "connecting with the mayor." >> the public punishmen nsun i n ir vginia when his fe found out he had cheated on her. >> tropical storm danny is churning in the atlantic and could become a hurricane any day now. oast cst this enwen e st this weekend. we have breaking news to report right mao. district police are on the scene of a police-involved shooting in northeast. it happened around 3:30 in the morning in the 3300 block of benning road. we're told one person was injured. however, the officer involved was not hurt. benning road is blocked between 34th street and on a costs tia avenue while the investigation continues. we'll bring you more on this storydato4 " on "news 4 today." >> right now at 6:41, time again for traffic and weather on tit tom kierein in storm center 4. >> good morning. live view of our sunrise. the sun just now emerging through a thick late-summer haze. it's quite humid this morning. 75 degrees in washington. upper 60s in prince george's county, arlington, fairfax county, montgomery counties are in the mid-60s. from mt. pleasant to bladensburg, mclean and kensington, it's mostly clear. clouds on the increase today as highs reach the 80s. tomorrow cloudy, maybe a morning shore, maybe a greater pass of a passing afternoon shower. into the low 80s on saturday and partly sunny. a small chance of a passing shower. small chance of an afternoon thundershower on sunday. into next week, lower humidity moves back with plet eateratures. the latest on tropical storm danny in ten minutes. how's the traffic? there is some good news, bad news this morning. the good news is the accident 395 northbound up at glebe road finally over to the shoulder but there is a hefty price to pay. delays of again from at least duke street headed up. right now all through lanes are open, barring any late complications. elsewhere, traffic light issues, potomac avenue at capitol avenue. the police activity that we just mentioned a few minutes ago, benning road at 34th street, the inbound side of benning road is open. outbound benning road, though, between 33rd and 34th northeast, outbound benning road does remain closed. eun, back to you. >> thanks so much, jerry. 6:42 is your time. federal stimulus checks sent to hundreds of convicts behind bars. we'll explain how that happened. >> and d.c. mayor adrian fenty is here with us for "connecting with the mayor." we have a lot to talk about this morning, including something residents are calling a waste of taxpayer money, as well as ted ridistct.n e ristct . good morning and welcome back. i'm here this morning with d.c. mayor adrian fenty for "connecting with the mayor." thanks for joining us. >> good morning. thanks for havingme. >> before we get to some questions from our viewers, let me ask you your thoughts on the life and legacy for the district of senator ted kennedy. >> senator ted kennedy was a strong supporter of d.c. voting rights. that's our number one issue, so we really will miss him. but i think he was also kind of philosophically aligned with most things d.c. residents really passionate about, education, health care, civil rights and he's just a great american. people wanted to come to the city because ted kennedy was here as well. >> an active resident of the city. >> yeah, absolutely. right over in the calamari area. really just a gem of a guy. someone who kind of treated everybody equally and with great respect. i will personally miss him and the city will. >> let me move on to something else. we've gotten from our viewers, we know you've asked for privacy regarding your sons going to d.c. public schools. >> yes. >> they attend, but without geing into details about that, can you simply say that you followed all the rules for out of boundary students and received no special favors to have your sons admitted to the school? >> i really do appreciate everybody's concerns and questions, but what we said from the beginning was my kids are just like any other kids. you don't go around asking people all these wild questions about, you know, what school your kids are going to go to, whether they're out of boundary, how they get there, blah, blah, blah. my kids deserve privacy and i'm not going to answer those questions. four years ago i said i was going to send them to public school. on monday we did that. i really just respect anybody that they have to ask the question but we're not going any further than that. >> don't you think it's important that people feel the mayor is not getting special favors? >> here's what i think. i think just like you have kids and everyone else, that i think you draw a line at some point. i have two 9-year-old sons. they have to get a good education and i have to be a parent. i think it's a bad path, a bad precedent. i for one am not going to do it. i said i was going tut pi my kids in public school. thar me the public school. i'm going to leave it at that. >> let me ask you about another topi it befen. this writer that writes in to say, mr. mayor, please justify why documentsef already in possession ofen the d.c. government have to be bmsureitted for versuication of the homestead exemption. this seems to be a waes. taxpayer dollars. what are your thoughts? >> i think what's happening at the office of tax and revenue is maybe out of an abundance of caution from the scandal a couple years ago, everything is being double checked. so i know that this is one of the things that is being double checked because a l of people are taking advantage of the homestead exemption and i know they probably file their paperwork correctly, but i think good auditing procedures is really requiring that you go back over that. so i didn't know about this issue. office of tax and revenue is independent from the executive branch but i do know this is why ey're doing it. it'sn abundance of caution. maybe there are some things going forward. i would apologize to res departments for being onerous but a way of having checks and balance on the problems. >> but a response to the problems from earlier? >> one of them, people were being dishonest about really living in their homes and getting the homestead deduction. >> let me get to this last question. earlier this month the southeast and learning center received an eviction notice because of its corporate rej strigs was revoked. what's going to happen to that center? certainly been a great place for a t of people. >> the center has always been run by parks and recreation employees. there's about seven people who work there. and those seven people work for me. they will continue to. the wish list, which is this organization that didn't have the proper paperwork in place, was more of a supplement, after-school component to it. they did some great things. whether or not that continues, another group, we don't know yet. but without any question, the services will not be interrupted. in fact, we want to grow the services. you have a question ote ific. h you have a question or cofommt heen tr mayo a t e-maoiln t a e-mail to we'll pass along the e-mail to the mayor and may use it when he joins us next week. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, mr. mayor, and thank you, joe. there are new signs the economy isn the mend. commerce department numbers show new home sales and orders for durable goods are both up. courtney reagan joins us live. >> reporter: good morning. futures pointing to kind of a mixed open on wall street to relatively flat after stocks barely moved the needle yesterday. investors kind of giving a tid response to positive economic news on both durable goods orders and new home sales. asian markets fell overnight on renewed concerns that the global ock rally may be running out of steam. europe, however, is slightly higher. we will get two reports this morning, new filings for unemployment benefits as we do every thursday, as well as a revised read on the gdp. it is expected to show that the economy shrank a bit more this spring than previously thought. the dow did rise four points on wednesday. the nasdaq inched up a fraction to 2024. back to you in d.c. >> all right. courtney, have a great day. see you soon. it's pretty hard to spend $250 from prison, but that didn't prevent about 1,700 i inmates from receiving federal stimulus checks. they were part of the economic stimulus package that wento social security recipients and people receiving supplemental security income. somehow, those checks were sent accidentally to prisoners because records didn't indicate they were behind bars at the time. prisons returned most of that money. well, it wasn't the scarlett letter but you might call it the next best thing. this is william taylor. he says his wife forced him to stand on leesburg pike in tysons corner yesterday morning. he had a sign around his neck that said, "i cheated. this is my punishnt." taylor said his wife found out about his affair because he had left incriminating evidence on his cell phone. after two hours of public humiliation, taylor's wife texted him to say he could come home. >> maybe he learned. >> let's hope so. all right, tom. we want to get a check on the forecast. >> all right. off to a mostly clear start now. re is a live view from our city camera. the sun is up. sunrise was at 6:33. sunrises are getting later and later now. in fact, by the equinox, september 22nd, sunrise is at 6:56.56 let's take a look now at radar. no precipitation around the region. temperatures are fresh and cool around the blue ridge, shenandoah valley. weather watchers reportinghis morning. but it's a little steamier south and east of washington, charles, calvert, st. mary's, anne arundel counties. near 70 in prince george's county, mid-70s in washington, fairfax, arlington counties in the mid-60s. these are the current dew points. not too humid in washington or points west and north, but dew points upper 70s around the bay, northern neck, eastern shore where it's near 70 degrees now. out in the mountains, fresh and cool, in the 50s to near 60 degrees. over the last six hours, there's a front sort of slowly sagging south from central pennsylvania, bringing some clouds into northern maryland now. here's a latest with tropical storm danny. here's washington. here's the atlantic seaboard. danny is still rather diss oshgd but it's showing some signs of getting more organized. increased in strength overnight. winds are now about 60 miles an hour with gusts to 70. about 780 miles south/southeast of ocean city, maryland. could become a hurricane tomorrow when it's off the outer banks and east of virginia beach. then on saturday it will be just to the east of ocean city and could be some heavy surf at the beaches as well as some gusty winds. then latenaturday it's going to be racing across cape cod and martha's vineyard, nantucket, and maybe some hurricane-force winds there. if you're traveling today, could be some flight delays, florida, georgia, from the upper midwest through the plains and texas and the northern plains. look at this view from -- of space from telescope in springfield taken by mark brown of jupiter and jupiter's moons casting shadows the planet. here's your school bus stop forecast. we'll have temperatures in the 60s and low 70s this morning. sunrise was at 6:33 be rather huld this morning the rest of the day. highs reaching the upper 80s with inc6:asreg clouds. cloudy tonight. near 70 tomorrow morning. could have some showers in the morning and off and on friday and there's a chance of passing showers saturday and sunday, a smaller chance, highs l0 8ows. dry weather moves in. pleasant, comfort zone weather first part of nextweek. back with frequent updates throughout the "today" show. see you "news 4 midday" at 11:00. >> start on the top side of the beltway. haven't talked too much about that. that's because there's not a lot to tell yexcept some on again, off again delays. the sun will slow you down in a couple spots on the inner loop. 395 heavy but steady headed for downtown by way of the 14th street bridge. >> today the country and the kennedy family will start saying good-bye to senator ted kennedy. >> kimberly suiters joins us live with more on the funeral plans for the senator. >> today the family will travel from hyannisport to boston with senator kennedy's body which will lie in repose today at the john f. kennedy presidential library and museum. the family will have private time and then the public will be allowed in around 6:00 in the evening. a private funeral mass will be held saturday morning in boston. kennedy will be bur at arlington national cemetery saturday afternoon near the graves of his brothers, john and bobby. ted kennedy's tenure as a u.s. senator, along with his two years in army, qualify him for burial at arlington. his grave is expected to be about 95 feet south of where the eternal flame burns in memory of president john f. kennedy. something about the visitation. it will re-open open until all members of the public who want to pair think respects are able to. it's anticipated that mourners will file past well into the night and early morning hours. eun and joe, back to you. >> all right, kimberly suiters. kimberly, thank you. >> today's news 4 morning person is dcribed as a person w ve umr negrr py never grumpy or without a smileo david edgellhi david edgehill information infon se ernfbamdir based her co ke-w o-workeitayhot os l deaayhitays they also say that haeylso say that he's always ady with a joke or a wise ifou if you're having a bad day. , if you know someone like f -m el that person's -mory alon witon ah clear, close-up a picture or video to >> what a great smile. growing up, your mother probably taught you never to play with your food but this week in spain those rules just went flying out the window. welcome to the annual tomato-throwing festival. it's a giant food fight involving 275,000 pounds of ripe tomatoes. thousands of people gather in the street as trucks rolled through the crowds. the tradition dates back to 1945 when a food fight broke out at a local restaurant. >> nothing better than mob marinara. that's "news 4 today." thanks for starting your day with us. >> have a great day. we hope you join us tomorrow. >> bye. still in that aisle. determined to find the answer for his acne. kid, get a life. i'm trying. the truth is... acne...even when it's mild... is a medical condition. huh? in doctor ? ohhhhhh. and that's how 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