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metro's rail line. metro is open and running this morning after trains were shut down twice in less than 24 hours because of a systemwide failure. overnight train service stopped because of a computer glitch. derrick ward is outside of gallery place and chinatown. that metro station there. what's happening over them can >> reporter: well, good morning. things are back to normal after this problem we have had twice over the past 24 hours. happened yesterday afternoon and early this morning. what metro says, this is a monitoring system. this allows them to know where the trains are in the tunnel. when this happened at 1:35, they were instructed to take the trains to the next station and hold there. now, we are told again this had nothing to do with the control of the train, the speed of the trains or the proximity of trains to each other. this allows the people in the control center to know exactly where the trains are. this has been happening over the weekend so far, but it's still an inconvenience as we hear from some riders. >> it took an hour just to get from pentagon city to chinatown. and that's half our day already just to get to ben's chili bowl. >> complete chaos, the trains are not running due to a computer system. i have been here for over 20 minutes waiting on a train. i was alerted there is no train service. so thank god they have cabs and buses that are still running but for us that are relying on the train system, that puts a damper in our day. >> reporter: so technicians are now working to see if they can solve this problem and hopefully it won't happen again during rush hour. it could have a lot more of an effect. >> all right. thanks. metro's computer glitch comes as the transit agency does track work this weekend. on the blue and yellow lines, reagan national and crystal city's metro stations are closed. buses are replacing trains between braddock road and pentagon city. trains are single tracking on the red, green and orange lines. all service is scheduled to be back to normal by tomorrow morning. and falls church is investigating a possible murder/suicide. crews were called out last night and they found two men dead. one of them from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. if you have any information, please call falls church police. also new this morning, one man is dead in a bizarre armed robbery in prince georges county. police say it started out when three masked men with guns came up to a group on oat street in fairmont heights and demanded they get on the ground. one man laid down in front a car and a woman still in the car got startled and pressed the gas and ran the man over and killing him. police are looking for the armed robbers. d.c. place are investigating a deadly pedestrian accident that involved a tour bus. this happened on new york avenue northeast. the bus hit an adult male. he was taken to the hospital where he later died. the driver of the bus did stay on the scene. outbound new york avenue and bladensburg avenue was shut down for three hours because of the accident. just in to news4, a news4 exclusive. montgomery county fire officials say fireworks are to play for a massive garage fire last night. they arrived at kent oaks mews to find a detached garage ablaze. they got it under control after about an hour. it caused about $75,000 worth of damage. no reports of injuries because of the fire. this morning the police need your help solving a murder mystery. a man was found dead last night in langley park. someone shot and killed him in the hallway of an apartment building. no word yet on the motive or the victim's identity. now to decision 2012 where president obama is back at the white house for a short time. the president will head back out on the road in a couple of days. he'll travel to texas for events in san antonio and austin. yesterday, he continued his trip through virginia with stops in richmond and clifton including a stop at centerville high school. he spoke to a rain-soaked crowd in glenn allen. despite calls for him to apologize for his attacks on bain capital, the president hammered him for outsourcing jobs. >> he invested in jobs that have been called pioneers of outsourcing. i didn't want to pioneer in outsourcing. >> the president also said that the middle class is the key to rebounding these tough economic times and that government should be doing more to help out middle class families. mitt romney will be in pennsylvania and ohio this week and he's facing more pressure to release more of his tax returns. this time, it's coming from his own party. alabama governor robert bentley said if you're running for president you should be willing to release anything and everything. we spoke to "meet the press" moderator david gregory about the debate over romney's business experience. he says president obama has a tough task convincing the public that romney's experience is a bad thing. >> i think the larger charge that the president's team is making is that if you're going to evaluate mitt romney's time as somebody in the private sector, as a former business executive then you have to look at the totality of what bain did. what it was engaged in. there's still no question that people evaluate mitt romney and say, you know what, he has better ideas on how to turn the economy around. he's benefiting from that. >> this morning on "meet the press" senators dick durbin and jon kyl square off. and senior romney adviser ed gillespie stops by. be sure to tune in starting at 10:30. one of mitt romney's former opponents for governor is running against him for president. dr. jill stein won the green party nomination at the party's convention yesterday in baltimore. this is the first election that the green party qualified for federal matching funds which stein says will help them spread their message. stein right ahmed of comedian rosanne barr. she came in second place. the time is 9:07. new this morn, why concert organizers turned off the mics for bruce springsteen and paul mccartney. >> and madonna strikes a controversial pose in france that has her facing trouble. the pop culture phenomenon, going on right now that may dict matters. pioneers in outsourcing us jobs supports tax breaks overseas. insourcing. industry and favors bring jobs home. it matters. the first time i saw fiospproved it was absolutely amazing. for years and years we had to put up with cable. once we got fios it was like somebody like took our computer and shook all the junk out of it. [ male announcer ] don't settle for the same old cable technology. switch to a verizon fios triple play and upgrade your entertainment equipment with our 100% fiber-optic network and whole home solution, including a high-speed wireless router plus a new multi-room dvr and new hd set top box free for 12 months. everything has to be fast now, and that's what fios provides us right now when we want it. [ male announcer ] and now, with new fios quantum speeds, you can enjoy internet more than twice as fast as anything you've ever seen. fios gives me way more for my money. [ male announcer ] switching to fios has never been easier with our whole home solution. get what you need in one easy package -- a $359 value. call 1-877-827-fios. that's 1-877-827-3467. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. say goodbye to your old technology. welcome to life on fios. ♪ penn state continues to make changes to its campus in response to the latest allegations in the school's sex abuse case. the artist behind a mural showing joe paterno with a halo has removed the halo. the artist added it after persontern died. he added a blue rib on the lapel which symbolizes support for child abuse victims. he also removed jerry sandusky from the mural. and the new york times reports that paterno reached a deal days before he testified before the grand jury. he would receive a $3 million bonus if he retired after the 2011 season. paterno was fired in november. he died in january of lung cancer. the school paid out the rest of the contract to his estate earlier this year. a russian rocket with a u.s. astronaut aboard is on its way to the international space station. >> liftoff. liftoff of the soyuz. >> astronaut is a nita williams is part of a three-person crew. she joined the russian cosmon t cosmonauts and nasa now relies on other countries to send u.s. astronauts to state. a political party in in france has beef with madonna this morning. the far right national front plans to file a complaint after the singer showed a video with an image of the party's leader with a swastika on her forehead. it had been shown at other concerts on the tour. she had tried to clean up her racist and anti-semitic remarks during her recent bid for president. talk about unplugged. ♪ talk about an unplugged concert, organizers cut off rocker bruce springsteen last night in london. paul mccartney joined springsteen at the end of the concert. they broke the sound curfew. they silenced it at 10:30 last night and that was already 30 minutes past the curfew. one of the band members tweeted on a saturday, who were we disturbing? >> yeah, saturday is party night. >> i know. i know. the boss. the unplug -- they unplugged the boss and a sir. >> should be in big trouble for that i'm sure the people at the concert would have been bummed out. >> the springsteen fans are hard score. in 12 days all eyes will be on europe as they host the 2012 olympics. >> and all the people visiting there have to eat somewhere. we'll get a taste of the tour. we'll see what there is to eat over there. all right. get ready for heat and humidity. meteorologist chuck bell has your workweek forecast. that's next. when the president was elected, he talked about hope and change. whatever happened to hope and change? now it seems he's just coming right out of the box with these old-fashioned, negative ads. by starting negative, by going extremely tough and extremely hard, looking conventional, and frankly running ads that are inaccurate. barack obama's campaign and allies will run more negative ads against this republican nominee in 2012 than have ever been run in the history of the world. whatever happened to hope and change? [ romney ] i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. it's safe to say this summer has been taken over by superheroes. >> hey, watch out. i'm swinging here. >> the amazing spider-man is just one of multiple comic book movies this summer and the genre seems to be getting more popular. this weekend is the largest collection of super heroes and villains and creatures in the world. mark barger takes us inside the world of comic-con. >> comic-con rules! >> reporter: for the fans of sci-fi, superheroes and the supernatural it's christmas in july. >> this is best time of the year for me and my friends. >> reporter: 130,000 people from around the world are making the trek to the san diego convention center for comic-con. it's a multimedia extravaganza that's exploded beyond the simple comic book roots 4years ago. >> it's look walking up to the geeky buffet. there's always a place for comics. they're sitting now alongside of everything that's happening in movies and television. >> reporter: in fact, the event is a major promotional tour, plugging tv shows both current and upcoming as well as pushing potential big screen blockbusters. for fans of the twilight series -- >> it is bittersweet. >> reporter: excitement over seeing the main stars -- >> they're not like all vampires. >> reporter: is this tempered by the fall's finale. batman fans share that feeling. the film farewell is days away. when it comes to come akic-con, that's rarely a shortage of surprises. >> even the pets are getting involved. >> nicholas the old dog might not like being there. given the dog days of sum manier are getting -- of summer are getting close to us. heat and humidity is coming back at us. temperatures are going to start to soar. we might be flirting with 100 degrees again by as early as tuesday. so enjoy the cloud cover and the relative coolness of today. where we'll only be up in the low 90s. in fact, this cloud cover outside might keep us cooler than forecasted. so that will be welcome news for those of us who don't care about being over the 100 mark. dew points are back into the low 70s. real humid out there. 82% relative humidity in washington now. 77 for the current temperature in gaithersburg and rockville. up towards frederick, maryland. already 80 degrees in charlottesville and 81 in annapolis. temperatures on their way up. will be in the low 80s after the 10:00 hour. we'll have no trouble cracking the 90 degree mark. we'll bubble up showers and thunderstorms possible later on this afternoon. if you're driving over to the beaches today, not the best beach day today. tomorrow, begins to improve and great beach weather coming up for the beginning of the week. ocean water temperature, 78 degrees. there are light rain showers in frederick and northern maryland and even a few drops now. upper montgomery into loudon county, virginia. rain drops, very light rain. those showers are coming your way. leesburg over towards about poolsville and western montgomery county, a couple of drops headed your way. the showers and embedded thunderstorms are headed this way. at the pace they're on, they're eight hours away. eight hours from now, 4:00 or 5:00 this afternoon, up into northern maryland, good chance for storms there. moving around this large area of high pressure down across the southeast atlantic coast line that high pressure going to put the heat and humidity in place for much of the upcoming week. shower chance this morning. a thunderstorm chance coming up later on this afternoon. generally quiet weather, but muggy and mild overnight tonight. another steam bath tomorrow. mostly cloudy, late afternoon thunderstorms, be on the lookout for those. i'll be tweeting out any updates although i'm not expecting severe weather today. here's the seven-day forecast. mid 90s tomorrow and upper 90s for tuesday and wednesday. and then wednesday night into thursday, cooling showers to bring us down closer to the average. angie and richard? >> thanks. just 12 days away from the opening ceremony of the olympic games in london. >> as the days tick down, the olympic village has started to welcome the 17,000 athletes from 200 countries. >> it contains more than 3,000 athletes. >> as fans from all over the world flock to london they're going to need something to eat. >> of course. storm 4's doug kammerer shows us there are plenty of options for those looking for an authentic british meal. >> reporter: when you travel there are many things you look forward to. you look forward to the sights. you look forward to the people and the culture. and you look forward to the food. like any great city of london, it is known for its food. of the international flavor you can get anything you want here. this just happens right next to the thames. now you can always get your hometown favorites from mcdonald's to kfc. even the malls have vast food courts that serve anything your heart or stomach desire. but if you want to eat the local fare, order fish and chips. although nowadays it's served a bit different. in most places it comes with mushy peas and get this, a side of curry. one of the best places to order up your local fish and chips is the pub. >> i think the pub is at the heart of the community. doesn't matter if you're in a big city or the smallest, you'll find a pub. >> we found pubs on every corner of the city and all were packed during the late afternoon. >> great meeting places. beer. british brewed. brilliant brew. a place to meet. >> reporter: pubs are a great place to hang out with new friends. we met up with a tour group from purdue university. ♪ maybe it's because i'm a londoner and i love london town ♪ >> cheers. >> what a tough assignment. tasting british beer. >> i can't believe that dan was par party pooper. didn't have a drink. we are less than two weeks away from the olympics. >> the u.s. men's and women's basketball time are paying respects to the troops that serve our country. around 3,000 service members and their families filled the d.c. armory for the hoops for the troops event. in addition to lessons from the women's team for some lucky young ones, the men's team scrimmaged for the crowd. they were thrilled to see the best basketball players in the world up close and personal. >> i think this is outstanding. the fact that they would come here and do this for service members is incredible. you know, before they go off to london. >> it's awesome. really is. for us to get a chance to see the guys where we might not never get to see them, it's truly awesome. really is. >> the u.s. men play tomorrow at the verizon center against brazil. you love basketball. you should check it out. >> i do. >> for everything olympic head on over to the web side and you feel find a schedule and athletes from our region. check out two nbc apps to down load to watch the games on the go. don't forget, it all begins july 27th with the apps just another reason why no one will be working during the olympics who can watch it at their desk. >> only happens every four years. next we'll get the latest on the metro computer glitch that shut down the system not once but twice this weekend. how a microscopic piece of evidence cleared a man ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. hi, everyone. good morning. welcome to news4 today. i'm richard jordan. >> i'm angie goff. it's sunday, july 15, 2012. chuck bell is standing by on the new patio. you're always leaning on something. >> you ditched us this weekend, chuck. >> well, when you have a prop this great, why not take advantage of it? beautiful day outside. plenty of humidity around and as you can see i must be on the north side of the tree because this is the side where the moss is. but there's moss on the other side as well. i just happen to know this is the northside. temperatures are pushing 80 degrees already at the friendly peacock here in northwest washington. 81 in baltimore already. 75 in hagerstown. storm 4 radar shows there are some light rain showers primarily in northern maryland but a few showers in loudon county, virginia. and headed up into far western fairfax county. a five-minute rain shower that's all we're facing around the area for this morning. but i think with some heating coming our way later this afternoon we'll cook up some thunderstorms. i don't think the coverage will be quite as much as yesterday. i think the places that are more likely to get the rain today are north and west of town whereas yesterday it was down to the south and southwest. it will be hot and steamy. make sure you don't get caught by surprise by any of the afternoon thunderstorms. >> thanks. now to a developing story, metro is open and running this morning after trains were shut down twice in less than 24 hours because of a systemwide computer glitch. derrick ward is live outside the gallery place, chinatown metro station. what's the situation right now? >> well, you can imagine that some tech people are pretty busy. the computer glitch happened twice over the last 24 hours. the first time was saturday, 2:00 that resulted in a 45-minute delay in the system. we are told that it did not affect the control of the train simply the tracking of the trains. got that cleared up, but at 1:35 this morning it happened again. this time it resulted in a 30-minute delay. then another 30-minute in residual delays. they stopped the trains in the stations that they were closest to as a safety precaution. they couldn't monitor where the trains were throughout the system. the lucky thing is this happened over the weekend. as we said, technicians will be busy getting to the bottom of this. so they won't have to contend with the problem when it's heavily used and cause the most inconvenience to passengers. derrick ward, news4. >> thanks. there's some good news if you take metro downtown during the week. the transit agency announced it will soon end midday track work for the year. they have been causing trains to single track during the evenings. vincent gray is keeping up with the schedule despite an on going investigation. he'll speak at mount gill ad baptist church. a former aide pleaded guilty to running a $650,000 shadow campaign for gray in 2010. calls for his rez -- resignatin are premature. three masked men came up to a group on oak street and demanded they all get to the ground. one man laid down in front of a car. police say a woman still in the car got startled and pressed the gas. she ran over the man killing him. police are looking for the armed robbers this morning. d.c. place are investigating a deadly pedestrian accident involving a private tour bus. it happened around midnight in the 3600 block of new york avenue northeast. police say the bus hit an adult male. he was taken to a hospital where he later died. the driver of the bus did stay on the scene. outbound bladensburg road was shut down for three hours because of that accident. and a man sexually assaulted a woman at gun point. then he attacked that woman early thursday morning. the man pulled a gun and sexually assaulted her. he then walked her to a nearby atm and forced her to withdraw money. the suspect was last seen walking in the 1300 block of good hope road southeast. a d.c. man who spent 22 years behind bars for a crime he did not commit is now officially cleared of all charges. a judge signed an order exonerating kirk odom on friday. he was convicted of raping a woman in her capitol hill apartment in 1981. the key piece of evidence was a single strand of hair found on the victim. the fbi said it matched odom's hair on a microscopic level but new dna testing found the hair was not his. >> you know, to hell really. to be honest with you. they sent me straight to hell. >> the case has sparked a review of thousands of other similar cases where hair analysis was used. the fbi maintains it is sound science, but others say the practice is too subjective. congress is ordering national standards to try and prevent other false convictions. the weekend's computer glitch is yet another black mark for metro. but there is a change of pace for the transit agency coming this week. why you may soon see quite a why if you want less,quite a you can always have less, but i like having a lot more a lot more than having a lot less. and the more more i have, the more i like having more. and that's exactly what i get at embassy suites. more post-meeting celebrations, more complimentary drinks, more for my money... mmm, more bar snacks... ♪ more olives. definitely. i want so much more it's more more than a mortal man can handle. now that's more like it. [ female announcer ] complimentary drinks. free breakfast. more room. embassy suites. get more. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. p it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, wod you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. in the black forest. [ metallic bell toll ] [ car speeding down the road, lightning strikes ] where things aren't always what they seem. [ wolves howling ] because thrills hide in the shadows just waiting at every turn. [ coaster whoosh ] brave the black forest on verbolten. the all-new multi-launch coaster. only at busch gardens. welcome back. hundreds of young people from across the country come to washington each summer to become interns on capitol hill. well, 15 of this summer's interns hope to change the nation's foster care system. >> all of them know how it works because all of them were once part of that system. barbara harrison has more on their mission and a very special wednesday's child. >> reporter: on capitol hill, there are 15 young summer interns who hope to make a difference in foster care across the country. they know the problems. >> we all come from similar backgrounds. >> reporter: they know because they have all been there. >> i was in the system in an out my whole life. >> i was abused, abandoned. neglected by everyone involved in my life. >> i think i had 20 placements. >> there's a troubling statistic out there, nearly 700 kids get pulled off the reservation. >> reporter: each day they head out to work for their congressional representative. the program was an idea of the congressional coalition on adoption institution. >> they spend ten weeks as a congressional intern getting to see policy making from the inside out and then using their experience from foster care to try and make change. >> 13 to 15 was probably the most difficult time in my life. i was bouncing around from house to house. >> from 3 to 6, i was going to different foster homes. the good thing is i got to stay with my brother and sister, but we experienced abuse and neglect in the foster home. >> i was 14 when i entered the foster care system in las vegas. at the beginning it was pretty rocky. in the end it turned out well. >> reporter: what happened in the end? >> i found a great foster home where i've stayed. >> reporter: they come with a message to help bring a change to the lives of children in foster care. >> tell our members of congress that the issue that they're facing. >> voicing what i have gone through. >> what tribe are you? >> i'm sioux. >> do you think this is the place to make the difference? >> this is the right place. >> not the only place, but -- >> good start. >> this is where it can happen at the top level and then trickle it down. >> reporter: 15 voices with a powerful message they hope will bring changes for children across the nation. barbara harrison, news4, for wednesday's child. >> if you have room in your home and your heart for any wednesday's child, you can call our adoption line. 188-to-adopt-me. you can log on to our home page. chuck is back in the house. got the jacket back on. >> yes. >> you said it was muggy out there. >> you can't wear the jacket outside. this is a shorts sleeve weather kind of day. even with the cloud cover. awfully humid out there. [ obama ] i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. [ female announcer ] every woman who believes decisions about our bodies and our health care should be our own is troubled mitt romney supports overturning roe versus wade. romney backed a law that outlaws all abortion -- even in cases of rape and incest. and that's not all. i'll cut off funding to planned parenthood. [ female announcer ] for women, planned parenthood means life-saving cancer screenings and family-planning services. but, for mitt romney... planned parenthood. we're going to get rid of that. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. this morning people on the eastern shore of virginia are cleaning up from a tornado. look at the video a viewer shot yesterday afternoon in accomack county. the tornado is forming in the distance. the tornado tore down trees and power lines and lifted up cars. no injuries have been reported. and if you take another look at what was going on yesterday, in our area this was in annandale, virginia. you can see off to the left, a beautiful rainbow. this is after we had a deluge out there. it was coming down really, really hard. that's my baby adora. trying to show her the rainbow. we had eaten a big feast of korean food. >> looked like soaking puddles there in the parking lot. you didn't let her jump this the puddles? >> no. >> bad parent. >> she's 2. puddles are made for 2-year-olds. >> i know. she had just eaten, she was tired. we had to remove her from the restaurant. it was a little past her nap time. and we did everybody a favor. >> very good. well, outside today, we may have more puddles for kids of all ages to jump in or play in. because we'll have another chance for some showers and thunderstorms bubbling up in the daytime heating. be ready for that. not every backyard barbecue will get away rain free today. keep a weather eye to the sky. the good news, down toward fredericksburg, looks like the best threat for heavier rain today will be north and west of washington. so another chance for some slow moving summer soakers. hopefully they'll land in different places today. we all -- almost everybody's yard could use a drink. cloudy skies and 79 degrees in downtown. light wind averaging only six miles an hour. 82 in college park and silver springs. 77 in brandywine. and 80 degrees at ft. belvoir. 78 reston town center. 79 in gaithersburg. go further out, temperatures still in the 70s. 74 now petersburg, west virginia, already 80 in charlottesvil charlottesville. not a whole lot going on from a rain perspective just yet. there are more chances for rain coming up. but for this morning, most of the light little sprinkles are up across northern parts of frederick and carroll county. hagerstown and down to boons borough getting a quick spritz. not a whole lot left in this first little patch. embedded rumbles of thunder across west virginia. they're driving northeast bound, so they're about eight hours away. that puts them into the panhandle of west virginia, between 5:00 and 6:00 this afternoon. with daytime heating we can bubble up. don't necessarily think you'll have to wait all that long for showers. high pressure down to our south is going to continue to pump that southwesterly flow that. that means things will get real warm and rather uncomfortable by late monday afternoon on into tuesday and wednesday. more flirting with 100s kind of weather. humid today with a scattering of light showers this morning and a chance for some thunderstorms bubbling up later on this afternoon. this trough of low pressure will act as a focusing mechanism today. another mild and muggy overnight stretch coming and a warm start tomorrow. tomorrow, right back into the heat we go. lower rain chances tomorrow. as a result, higher temperatures. today, mostly cloudy. showers and sprinkles first thing this morning. turning into a chance for some thunderstorms today. not looking for organized severe weather, but any time you hear thunder that's a signal to get back inside to safe, dry ground. more sun than today and warmer than today and fewer chances for rain. todays highs 90 to 95. the real heat will come in. good news, it doesn't look like this heat wave will be any more than a quick passing one. that's welcome news for those of us trying to get our running miles in during the week. cooler weather just in time for next weekend. a little 2 1/2, 3-day heat wave. updates on the thunderstorm progress later on this afternoon on my twitter handle, and also putting on our facebook page. so a lot of ways even if we're not on the air you can get the information you need. >> thanks, chuck. take a look at this video. it is in no way a typical backyard stunt. >> what that i tried to pull off with the helium balloons next. you're watching news4 today. building pass, corporate card, verizon 4g lte phone. the global ready one ? yeah, but you won't need... ♪ hajimemashite. hajimemashite. hajimemashite. you guys like football ? thank you so much. i'm stoked. you stoked ? totally. ... and he says, "under the mattress." souse le matelas. ( laughter ) why's the new guy sending me emails from paris ? paris, france ? verizon's 4g lte devices are global-ready. plus, global data for just $25. only from verizon. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios whatever happened to hope and change? now it seems he's just coming right out of the box with these old-fashioned, negative ads. by starting negative, by going extremely tough and extremely hard, looking conventional, and frankly running ads that are inaccurate. barack obama's campaign and allies will run more negative ads against this republican nominee in 2012 than have ever been run in the history of the world. whatever happened to hope and change? [ romney ] i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. welcome back. nbc is your place for politics this election season. >> coming up next is "the chris matthews show" followed by "meet the press." let's find out what chris and david are working on. >> good morning. coming up at 10:00, in a new book we learn about the secret club of men with one thing in common -- they once were the most powerful people in the world and now they have sleepovers together. they're the former american presidents. and they're some fascinating stories in how they have had each other's backs. and great anecdotes like ronald reagan taught bill clinton how to salute. they didn't always help each other. we know that nixon stole the vietnam peace talks to win in '68 and lyndon johnson knew it. join me and michael duffy, andrea mitchell and casey hunt for a great round table. now for a look at what's coming up on "meet the press," here's david gregory. >> thanks. coming up a new very negative phase, the battle over bane and the battle to define mitt romney. president obama is on the offensive. the romney campaign responds. i'll talk to senior adviser ed gillespie. and then the battle over the bush era tax cuts. with me is senator durbin and senator kyl of arizona. we'll break up on the politics and a few minutes with bob costas as we talk about the fallout from that damaging penn state report this week. it's all this morning on "meet the press." be sure to stay tuned after the program for a special press pass conference with actress sigourney weaver on her new miniseries. only here on nbc4. despite met ro's computers this weekend, they're looking for singers and dancers and poets to perform at the metro stations. they will hold the auditions for the metro performs talent programs. it will happen tuesday night from 5:00 to 7:00. selected artists will perform for free from july through september. they'll get invited to perform as part of the music on the mall program. maybe we need to get our band together. >> perhaps. i'll play the sax. well, that's one way to travel. two oregon men strapped themselves into lawn chairs and tried to break a world record. they trusted 350 helium filled balloons to get them 500 miles. they had to stop 30 miles into the journey because of bad weather. they'll go for the record in iraq in october. >> wow. >> those aren't your average balloons though. >> they're very big. >> mega balloons. >> this isn't a cartoon either. this is real life. >> this is real life. really kind of looks like a big bunch of grapes. >> fruit of the loom. >> reminded me of charlie and the chocolate factory when she becomes the big blueberry or whatever. >> weather stopped them at 30 miles. >> the trick with the balloons, it gets really cold as you go up. as warm as it is here, if you went up 10,000 feet, it would be below freezing and up yes airplanes ply, that could be 20 or 30 below zero. they didn't look like they were ready for sub freezing temperatures on their little trip. >> well, we don't have to worry about below freezing on the ground down here. >> no freezing temperatures here until october or november. >> just steamy weather. >> that's going to do it for this edition of news4 today. thank you for joining us. >> don't forget to wake us up with at 4:30 tomorrow matters. pioneers in outsourcing us jobs supports tax breaks overseas. insourcing. industry and favors bring jobs home. it matters. this message.

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