Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170207 : vimars

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170207

5. in the district police d.c. tlees police are investigating two accidents serious pedestrian involved accident tenth on u street and second incident is deadly shooting in northeast. a live look at shooting scream along the 1500 blk of irving street a man was shot and killed before 2:00 this morning no word on suspect or motive and now more on the pedestrian accident. police say a woman suffered life-threatening injuries and it hatched before 11 last night and we're told the driver of the car did remain on the scene. >> and developing story frederick country, maryland, take a good look at your screen now. police in frederick need your help. hopefully we get this picture up of a missing boy. there he s take a good look if you can please. michael done add white last seen at his home 200 block of cancel terrace. >> and developing story out of prince ill william county virginia police discovering marsay wodz. the repaipz where are taken to the medical came inner's office for investigation. there's no need for concern in the surrounding community this incident does not appear random. >> happening now, democratic senators pulling all nighter to accepted a message before the final confirmation vote of president trump controversial nominee for education secretary. >> they're haeping it convince one more republican not to support betsy devos. melanie alnwick live on capitol hill with the latest. good morning, mel. >> good morning, guys, it is definitely a final stand here for the democrats and they've been taking the floor in hour long stretches since late last the night and chris murphy of connecticut making empassioned plea on behalf of parents of sandy hook. victims saying that they're deeply offended by betsy devos's support and add occasions for guns in schools and also word basically the fact that she does not support or advocate for the kids who are most at risk. this is the message that's been heard continuously as senator after senator is taking the floor here. but they don't really have much of a chance of success. it would be a big surprise if one more republican to join the other two who have said they will not vote for betsy devos for education secretary and her record is one that people are really pointing to here. she's taken a lot of heat for. it she's a michigan billionaire and con sebtive act visit and big time donor to arts and republican party. now her web site says he she is a disrupt ter and advocate fighting to remove barriers and enact change believes in charter schools and re directing money from public schools to support school choice and critics are hitting hard at lack of experience of public schools and lack of experience with student lopz and lack protecting special education. here's virginia senator time kaine when he took the floor at:00 this morning. >> i don't think mrs. devos cab a champion of public schools. she told me she doesn't think all schools should be equally accountable to receive taxpayer tlarz and not committed to schools receiving federal monies following the individual's with disabilities education act. >> this explains why to me the volume of calls into my office over this have been so high. >> and when talking high, it's been incredible volume of calls flooding offices of gop, senators, phone lines, emails as well and again just trying to find one person that they think they could probably turn the #hold the vote is trending on twitter this morning and what people are doing is they're sharing the names and phone numbers and twitter accounts of the senators they think possibly they may have a comes noon today with voice president mike pence saying he will be honored to cast deciding vote in betsy devos's favor. live on capitol hill, i'm melanie alnwick, "fox5 local news". >> thank you for that and happening today president trump temporary travel ban is set to go before federal appeals court in san francisco decides where the ban with be reinstated on put on hold. the justice department argues the ban is within president trump constitutional pouzers. >> also happening today classes cancel again at save" elementary school because of a pest control issue there. they're be fighting the ongoing bed bug and row don't program. savoy students will be displaced an entire no. me can get breakfast, lunch and dinner berry farm recreation center and then classes resume at ferry school. >> 17 win at home on the line after they play the cavaliers. bradley beihl hits a three. bam. >> oh, >> from the top of the key. game tied 116. final second, cavs down three, long inbound to james the king retreats, spipz, get the shot off the backboard at three force the game to over tile. james with 32 points. in over time, james sit down fouled out kylee irving hit the three. gives the calves a lead. it's the first in two months. man they wept down fighting. >> that was exciting game. >> we deposit come up on winning end. but they were in it. >> they were in it. >> we're talking about the lot of love over the years. >> meanwhile everyone is loving you mike. yesterday was like spring literal spring. >> wait until this afternoon it will feel like summer given we have not hit 70 in a few months. 70 very, very rare for february we have got done it since 2012 i think we'll be there later this afternoon. numbers outside are not bad at all, 50 washington and 55 mannasas and 56 fredericksburg and mild start especially south and west of town and north and east it's a little cooler, baltimore at 41 to start the day. sat late and radar showing showers that are shooj scotting off norm and west could be a couple around d.c. and bulk of heavy rain stays norm. high temps later today, 70 d.c. and upper 60s to near 70s most locations atill waib mix of cloud and sun and very warm and pleasant tuesday afternoon. all right. let's check the forecast. erin como has to check the records roads. >> hey >> and well it's 5:07 now if you take the rails and skip roads metro right now delay free across all six rail lines keep in mind safe track 12 will kids in line. the beltway look going through college park 95 to georgia bottom side oxon hill and police activity closing georgia northwest, traffic flowing free will you now once begun. let's look live outside 270 urbana to 109 wide on 70 to truck scales and cruising and 66 inbound from ginzville also at speed now. no problems. little volume increasing eastbound side. questions, erin, fox d.c. on twitter an it's tuesday and it will be warmer out i like that, ma ur even, holly, back to you. >> coming up on "fox news morning" a growing movement in the district is trying to find ways to keep congress out of city affairs does and later t cele the super bowl champs. >> we're headed to break now live look across the d.c. region nice day on top. 5:08 is the time, back after this four-year period 2011 to 2015 the report says civilians and military personnel that opposed assad regime or snransed to death. beaten, be drived of food and medical care. >> police need your haep identifying people in this vedo that trashed a limo and set it on fire inauguration k street franklin square during inauguration day riots you see them' ing flares flares into the limo. they're trying to investigate two of the vandals seen until the video. if you have information call police. >> in rare snow storm hitting northwest, 0" expected in cascade mountains expected to knock out power he to people in seattle and same system dumping rain on it is to help organize. >> celebration begins today. city will host a parade later this morning, tom brady declared today a city wide holiday so fans can dance in the streets. the teal will enjoy the break from on board the famous duck boat. >> does he have the power to do that. >> apparently does. >> he's tom brady. >> i tom brady can. >> coming up, melania trump files $150 million liable lawsuit. >> and changes are being made to the movie psych >> a live look acrossgi on we airport a warm day on this february 7. 5:11 is the time now and we're at 51 already. fox news is back after this what are you doing up? mom said i could have a midnight snack. it's not even midnight, it's ten forty-three. well, let's have a ten forty-three snack. quietly, though. okay. yeah. mmmm. shhhh. hey i'll share my yoplait custard if you share your yoplait dippers? al.hhh. deal. mmmm. the family favorite. yoplait. beautiful shot there on the capitol. michael thomas says in for another spring like treat. >> almost summerlike treat today. >> as soon as we have noteen as warm as we have been it will feel hotter than you expect. 53 current number in washington. fred rikdzburg 56. baltimore at 41. heading to satellite and heavy rain showers ohio to inton handle as well and won't rule out scattered showers. maybe couple raindrops in d.c.. looks like bulk of it stays north for the morning hours. good news there. your setup is a big strong area of prb you're rising up to through brakes be ahead of it big surge of warm air wind gustsing 20 to 30 miles an hour and breezes will be bringing in warmer air. 60s and 70s. yes lower 70s but no the less for february not something we say t often here in the weather department. let's do future cast. 10 a.m. today scattered showers knowledge of town and roll into the afternoon. mixture of clouds and sunshine. and the more sun we get the arm warmer we will be this afternoon. again if we have mostly sunny conditions for a couple hours we may reach 71, 7 this afternoon. very warm day c tomorrow much of the same. maybe early morning showers breaks off to s and we get a cold front swiking through later in the day bringing a shower or two to the region and look what we look at thursday morning, 4:00 thursday morning future cast yes that's snow you see even though we talk about 70 degree temperatures laterer today. quickly in the forecast today, 70 this afternoon. scattered mornings shower and break off into sun later this afternoon and we talk about winds gusting upwards of 20 miles an hour. your forecast high of course 70. today's report is 64. we should have no problem breaking that. >> there's a quick look at the 7 day forecast. talking about snow returning thursday morning. how much we're able to get and colder temperatures iday, thursday night before we heat it back up headed to next weekend. let's check the forecast airport and is back. wearing black today. >> this is summer dress because of warmer temperatures today i'm celebrating. >> sleeveless. >> right now for c gw parkway to ky bridge and problem free 29 are southbound earlier crash with 50 and that cleared out of the way and as you make your way georgia avenue that reopened from earlier police activity. traffic slowing right now de cater vitae to emmerson northwest. as we look in staff fortd now. 95 southbound. construction center parkway could slow up done a bit. no major delays there. nobody side seeing green past courthouse road. i'll let you know when morning congestion pops up. 9 as you pass dale city trying to get past frankonia springfield area 95 and northbound flowing freely that trend continues 395. this is look upper loop right now headlights coming towards us annandale from mixing bowl to 66. we're still at speed. and then that continues across the legion bridge as we forward cameras again we'll look upper an outer loop topside of beltway seeing slow downs now. 270 southbound from the spur is in great shape now if you take metro this morning all metro he rail lines on delay. metro buses on time. any questions @erinfoxdc twitter. we'll help you get around tuesday morning and dampness coming in and lights rain possible. we'll let you know if it puts a damper on your commute. maureen, holly. >> time out 5:18 and let's look at the stories you're engaging with. >> wisdom back now with what's hot on the web. >> president trump picked to lead the f. c is taking skipz at consumer protection regulations created by president obama. taking aim at neutrality rules to ensure equal context on the internet. he stopped companies from -- he scrapped the proposal to break on the cable box market. >> first lady melania refiled a liable lawsuit this time in new york for reporting rumors that she worked as an escort. the first lady attorney's argued report damaged her ability to approval off the high profile. >> and popular pet food rawldz. dog and cat food evingers is recalling dog food after some god sick and died. it causes drowseyness, disneyness, loss of balance, nausea and death. >> doctors at johns hopkins will share with 750 u.s. hospitals how they provide surgical care for pairpts and it's to improve outcomes and reduce risks to patients nationwide. patient care guidelines are used widely in europe for adopted by hopkins in 2013. and finally the sight imdb will shut down the message board. most prefer to and actors on social media sites. they will close for good february 206789 maureen, holly. >> thank you for that. coming up on "fox news morning" securities and investigation into chick egg prices. >> and mgm harbor is raking in the dough. >> headed to break. 5:20 is the time and 50 degrees. back after this. z25eiz z16fz z29kuz zstz y29kuy ysty the bakery flavors you love... [ ding! ] available in your dunkin' coffee. sip in the happy with a medium vanilla cupcake, or new fudge brownie macchiato or latte for $1.99 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. america runs on dunkin'. >> they believe it's related to allegations involved in i an eye trust with proyl chickens. it claims involved in a conspiracy. the company denies the allegations. >> when you look for dominion resources and the company has a new logo. it believes the change will better reflect as revolving are role in the energy marketplace. >> abercrombie and fitch is getting a makeover. it will on seven boutique concept stores this year the storeen including shop within a shop complex. one area will sell denim and another fragrances and fitting rooms will be redesigned. these khaivlings come as abercrombie stumbled against sforz like h & m and forever 21. >> will they turn up the lights. >> no that won't sell more. >> my eyes can't take it. dollar general is creating aa concept targeting millennials they're call it dgx quick trip with a modern design and and go snack then brute coffee station. the company is into the buying power of millennials. >> maryland's largest casino state's 6th casino on for over a month. guess what, raking in the doe. prince george country casino opened in december and so far generated 40 million from slots machines and table games. state's top money maker. >> #the house always wins. >> indeed always does. >> in my next leafy want to own an casino. >> i'm telling you right? >> right. >> game, food, drivingz and cash. >> have not lost money on that yet. >> you have been. >> not xwret i'm sure i will i have lots of money to lose i guess. >> we'll take it. >> let's dot for forecast outside. temperatures aupped ro the region now above where they should be, 5 above average high already reagan national. dulles 51. dwi 41. take a look at stormtracker radar not tracking immediate metro area. north for the most part depend if you wake up this morning in garrett country dealing with wet conditions and heavy rain crossing i 68 heading for couple better land maryland. that's it so far on radar this morning. could see more popping up as we head to latter portion of the morning and especially north and west of town. we'll keep our eye on that for you. setup today warming wind coming up big strong system norm and west and high pressure off the coast line. this say setup we see in the summer. we'll have that later this afternoon. winds gust at times between 0 and 0 miles an hour and no wind chill because temperatures will be too warm. 56. leaving showers in the forecast through the morning hours by the afternoon breaking clouds up getting into sunshine by 1:00 2450 the mid 60s already. 64 and for after school hours kids getting out, 69 at 4:00 and woo servely will not feel like typical february 7 >> all right that's a check of let's do traffic with erin como. >> 5:25 we have breaking news from metro right now. single tracking across three lines we're deal with signal problem outside stadium armory. on the blue and silver line single tracking between stadium armory and addison road. delays in both directions there and impact the orange line. single tracking orange line between stadium armory and chefly. delays in both directions as well. three of six metro rail lines dealing with delay. check the schedule and get an early start if that's the direction you're travel this morning. good news for morning commute on 66 through fairfax. problem free and restin and tysons look going and problem free chevy chase and outer loop college park delay free 95 to georgia and no problem in the city now. in the district georgia avenue norm west reopened. police activity clears can. you see the secondarys in that area including kansas avenue northwest moving along long without any issues and white house problem free. any questions erin fox d.c. on twitter and we you have covered back to you. >> m coming up on "fox" news morning one half of the virginia state house approved a bill for sanctuary cities in the commonwealth. >> strangers in vehicles following children around. >> a live look across the d.c. region. 5:27 is the time. 50 on this tuesday. "fox5 news morning" back after ♪ weeks not days that's how long student members and family employ as at savoy is forced to use a temporary building and saying good-bye forever less than two weeks to see one of the zoo's most favorite attractions before she joins a plane to china. good morning to you thank you for joining us i'm wisdom martin. >> i'm holly morris. >> today is tuesday, february 7. >> all right. michael thomas is here to talk about weather and airport erin talking about traffic in a breaking news from overnight in washington d.c. >> police are investigating a deadly sooting in northeast a man was found dead before 2:00 this morning along the 1500 block of irving street and right now there's no word on a suspect or motive. >> and update on the pedestrian involved accidents in norm west. "fox5" just learned the victim has eye died. police say a woman was hit late last night 10th and u street the driver of the car remained on the scene. several roads in that area were closed. and earlier but they are back on this hour. >> and 5:1 is the time now. let's head to capitol hill and talk about what is happening there. democratic senators holding floor of senate all night trying to stand in the way of bet she devos form nation for secretary. >> they're 18 hours in 24 hour protests of devos and that should go to the schedule at noon. good morning to you mel. >> reporter: good morning, guys, typeal stand from rally not much of a chance of success here. but they areic making it their voices and their opinions heard and the people on social media certainly are hearing them loud and clear #hold the vote trending this morning and people saying they're literally staying up all night for the democrats to watch empassioned speeches and right now senator of oregon talking about the need to protect special education services for students with disabilities and all of this going on as they are trying to convince just one republican senator possibly to change his or her vote and that would be all that would be needed to redale this confirmation. devos is michigan billionaire con sebtive activist and big time done or to many causes including arts and republican party. her web site says she's disrupt ter and advocate fighting to remove barriers and enact change. she believes strongly in charter schools and in redirecting money f schools to support school choice. critics are hitting her hard at lack of experience with public skoomz and lack of knowledge on student lopz and lack of knowledge of laws protecting special education. that has been the continuous message from the senate floor. senator chris mur if he at 4:00 this morning said connecticut families are offended by devos support for guns in schools. >> her first answer was that really should be up to states and local school district. i asked the next logical question. if president trump asked you to implement his preposeal to ban local school disstrict and state's ability to decide from themselves as to whether they want guns in schools wow support it she said i would support whatever he did whatever he asked me to do. on one happened up to straight and local district whether guns in the classroom and on the other hand she will support federal prohibition on gun free scho z and so supporters on social media again with the #hold the floor they're sharing the names of senators, republican senators they think possibly they might be able to turn they're asking everyone to call them and those calls were coming in. the calls the emails flooding the senate offices continuously over the weekend and at the as the lasts minute push continues the vote sketched for noon today and mike pence said he would be honored to make the final vote. >> also happening today president trump temporary travel ban is set to go before federal appeals court. ninth srkit of appeals in san francisco will decide whether the man can be reinstated over overhaul. the justice department argues the ban is within trump's constitutional poudzers. >> and developing this morning savoy could be closed several weeks as pest control crews work around the clock to look at the bedbugs and row department problem. jew crews were working on this issue last night. stun that receive reduced price meals can bet their meals at berry farm recreation center. they attend questions at feshy hope elementary school. parents should find out 3 p.m. today how their children will get to the school. >> special elections held in the city of fair fox. in less than 30 minute polls will elect a new mayor. >> scott silverthorne resigned amid scanle. he was arrested in august in an undercover sting aus kood of trading drugs for sex. >> polls will be on. >> talking warm now with mike thomas now yesterday big thumbs up. >> oh, my gosh. >> you can remember ever a february this nice. >> it made me yesterday made me happy. >> today will make you happier. >> all right i'll take it, 70 you ready for that. >> i'm ready. >> you're on a role. >> 2 for 2. >> i'll be three for three tomorrow and thursday you'll want to punch me. >> exactly that's why mother nature pull the rug out from under it. >> back to reality. >> 53 current number in washington and 55 mannasas and 54 culpeper and satellite and radar showers norm and west we're watching energy because it we may get showers closer to home as we slide through the morning hours. by the afternoon most are dry and warm. 70 later on today. believe it or not we have not done 70 in d.c. in february since february of 2012. airport erin has a terrific of traffic this morning. >> if you take metro breaking news for you. we're dealing with single tracking impacting blue, silver and orange lines. not sure when this wraps and silver line between stadium armory and addison road. if you happen to take the orange line single tracking between stadium and chefly check the schedule for metro. if you head out give yourself extra time and take metro busful you get back to normal there. we'll keep you posted oween metro, red, yellow and green on top. moving over to look of roads in fair land. water main break impacting north columbia break rolling closures icc letting traffic by and stopping traffic and detouring them allow extra time get to that area. any questions erin fox d.c. on twitter and posting latest on metro. >> coming up on "fox news morning" israel passes new corporate verseial settlement law. >> and a new study point plame for chicago violent crime at agreement between city and cclu. >> a live look across the did. mv. 50. back in a home the bakery flavors you love... [ ding! ] available in your dunkin' coffee. sip in the happy with a medium vanilla cupcake, or new fudge brownie macchiato or latte for $1.99 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. america runs on dunkin'. from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grains as our first ingredient. and "no way" to high fructose corn syrup. ♪ in every honey nut "o". every lucky charms spoonful. and every cinnamon toast crunch square. ♪ you can feel good about general mills big g cereals. z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy mmmmm psst. yoplait custard's back. the family favorite... protein. protein proteiny protein. protein proteiny protein. at least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. new greek 100 protein. from yoplait. >> welcome back, time 5:40 head lies lines making news. israel passed a bill to sees palestinian land for future settlements. it protects homes in jewish settlement. it will turn the world against israel. >> kick chick now where the city agreement between the requires s to document details of every encounter they have to be collected bit aclu. owe research shows since agreement was made police stop policemeneted and crimes spiked it. >> most of us never saw this. never saw the experiences of plaque chicagoians around "stop and frisk". but it was harmful to the community. >> the amount above and beyond type of ak toughty officers were engaged in that we may not see at the same level ever again. >> recent department of justice deemed chicago police department to be racist and in need of better training. >> in maryland a push to give juveniles thatit whiched a crime a chance. the system is it unconstitutional because they don't have a realistic opportunity for release. >> house lay mawkzer passe mill to increase your line texting. >> and if you have a smart tv your television could be spying on sdmru a live look across root emon. tuesday is the day. 50 already even at this early hour. it will be nice and warm today for february. fox news morning back after this >> joseph schreiber admitted to investigators that he set the september 11 fire prosecutors described the 2 years as anti islam. >> capitol hill the house approved a bill up to date privacy permissions emails obtained by third party providers such as google and gentleman hoo. they must obtain a warrant before providing right now a warrant is not required tore emails stored nor more than 108 days. >> that can mean one thing it's time to talk to the one own only, it's happening, mike thomas. >> look at that he cannot even stand still. >> i don't know why that makes me laugh. >> i'm excited every morning. >> you bust everyone morning. >> it's back and forth head it. >> got go with the street. there you go. >> windows down yesterday i was doing that. >> you'll are have them down again holly. we have good weather coming your way. record highs not only possible but probably likely this afternoon. today, weirdly enough is actually the day record high is coolest. coolest of any day all yearlong. i don't think we'll have any problem at all breaking it this afternoon. we're only 14 degrees away already this morning. satellite and radar showing heavy rainfall is that the moving off north this morning and energy associated with it will kind of cross the northern suburbs over the next several hours and picking up couple more showers through the morning hours i won't rule that out. for now in d.c. we're dry. temperature 50. too warm for whipped chills and wind chill 50 out. there whipped out of south at 9 miles an hour. later this afternoon they could gust upwards of 20. take that auto account. gusty winds the warmth from the south. highs not just d.c. southern and central portions of united states up to 20 plus in some locations above normal this afternoon. very warm. 60s and yes 7 owes coming our way later this afternoon. here's temps. 70 washington, quantico, fredericksburg. looks like updated numbers look at all the 70s. 70 dulles and whip chester and unlike mannasas you get a 70. 71 martinsburg and 70 hagerstown and again warmer air kind of settling in and it won't last too long. eyes on thursday. cold air spilling back into the region and as this frontal boundary sinks south a storm spunz up along it and if it tracks far enough south of region we could get rain just snow transition going around the morning commute hour of thursday morning. let me take to you future caston thursday. this is well 10 p.m. wednesday night showers starting to get their act together and work our way to overnight hours of thursday morning and this 3 p.m. snow coming down and not app issue on the roads. weep we'll keep an" on it. if it is heviest enough to cause problems for the morning commute. 70 leaves showers in for morning hours. and quick look at the 7 day forecast. cold returns to end the workweek. next weekend we warm things up. 60s returned by surprised. let's check the forecast. erin como has road and rails this morning. >> that's right we'll talk to you about the rail problems big delays for metro. stadium armory tracking blue and silver lines between stadium armory and delays in both directions and because of that signal problem we're dealing with single tracking armory and cheverly as well. and tuesday morning commute the beltway still looking nice right now. little con joington 295 southbound south of 50 towards 11 street brim and as you make your way southwest 0 twelfth street activity and outr loop looking nice and as you have an early morning flight traffic on we ta bwi and dulles cruising along without issues and live look at 66 however. 6 past 234 business starting to see morning congestion now that we head towards 6:00 hour from 234 prince william to 28 a 10 minute slow down and any questions erin "fox5" d.c. on twitter back to you guys. >> in vir senior a new bill allows victims of crimes to sue sanctuary cities within the state. virginia communities that don't cooperate with federal immigration authorities could be sued over crimes committed by people in the country illegally over the measure the state senate amoved immediately. the bill to crackdown comes after president trump signed executive order last month to strip funding from such communities. >> arlington of children followedly strangers in vehicles. >> first involved 11-year-old girl walking near 15 street norming and north stafford in ar liping top. the girl says she noticed red mini van fol her and she ran to a friends' house and couple days later a dark sedan following two middle school aged boys near 1 and north nelson street. in both instance as i man drove off in an unknown direction. if you know anything about either incident please call police. >> police in northwest d.c. tracking recent of dozens of robberies and tlaevts in upper northwest a cording to crime reports there's been fearly 5 theft and robbyes in the area in the last five days. victims include a couple robbed at gun point while getting young kids out of the car in friendship heights. >> former mayor and d.c. council member vincent gray is trying to keep veteran police officers from retiring. proposing a new incentive to keepff going out and getting other jobs. the city says they cannot recruit and train officers as fast as they are losing them and new legislation will offer officers more incentive to stay. >> metro transit plans on cutting more jobs this year. 200 positions including managers are being eliminated over the next month and 300 jobs tie todd bus and railway system are up for consideration. the initial 500 positions would be ltsed and metro says new wave of cuts are based on redundancy and efficiency. >> time now 5:51 let's look at stories you're engaged with this most this morning on social media. >> mature and auto back with what is hot on the web. >> fistp a democratic senator is blasting what he calls president done add trump promance with vladimir putin. he called ot the president when he compared united states to russia. senator layhe says trump needs to respect country and constitution more. and president pick to run labor department once hired undoumentd immigrant to work at housekeeper and andrew putner said he was unaware of her status when hired her and once he found he out he ended her employment and offered assistance for legal status. he's facing a lot of criticism over wage violations at restaurants and minimum wage avenue use of ads that are de meaning to women. >> after successful women's march organizers are back at it again going on strike. in a tweet they wrote general strook a day without a woman. the date of the strike will be announced soon. >> if you have a smart tv listen up according to federal trade commission vizio used 11 million televisions to spy on its customers the. the company agreed to pay 2.2 million to set case with f. it c and new jersey attorney general office after agency accused vizio of secretly graphics and viewer habits. >> and tom brady's super bowl jersey is still missing. it disappeared from his bag in the new england patriots locker room in the game. he expected to see it in auction online. the team will have a victory parade in boston. no jersey but you get a parade. maybe not the best tradeoff. >> i guess he has both of those before right. >> he's been in a parade before. >> yes. >> and had. >> he has four other jerseys it's all good. >> thank you maureen. >> absolutely. >> some of the nation's most celebrated paintings will page make a stop in nation's capitol. several normal rockwell paintings will be on display. it's called enduring ideals. it will begin its tour in new york city 2018 and end in france 2020. >> zoo and pab running otts of time to visits bowbow the-year-old will move to china february 21 all part of the deal with the wild life conservation association. all cubs born in our zoo have to go to china after turning four. bowbow turns four in august. >> they grow up so fast, wiz, can't even believe. >> time for face back fan of the day. we're saying good morning to shavon beachhatch she watches "fox5" every morning while drinking coowe nut water. >> probably why she looks so good. >> she says after that she works with autistic children and kids with learning disabilities. she says she helps to team them social and life skills. good work, congratulations, if you wants to be the fan of the day post your picture below this lovely picture. lovely speaking of the weather right mike thomas. >> lovely forecast. shavon is a hero to the kids. we have a hero forecast for her this afternoon. guess what temperatures believe it or not 70s. 70s later this afternoon. once we get rid of little cloud cover stuck out there this morning. pickup temperatures north and east of town hanging out in 40s this morning around d.c. and locations south happening out in 50s. not a bad start for early february and we'll leave showers or threat of scattered showers in the forecast through the morning hours. and afternoon looks dry and crowds break up and we'll get warm this afternoon. we'll also be breezy as well. forecast high for this tuesday is 70 degrees. our record. the number to beat is only 64. we'll do it regardless of whether or not we hit that 70. i think 64 is good as beaten. 2008, 1887 is last two times we hit 64 in the state the last 70 degree day in february as february of 201 70 during the ang. 66 tomorrow and sec tomorrow afd front passes temperatures drop and they drop all day on thursday and we could have snow around for the morning commute. we'll have to watch this. could be accumulations norm and west of town. could be a few inches of snow. again we'll keep our eye on that thursday, sunny and cole and warming up again. 58 saturday and back up to mid 60s on surprised. that's a check of the forecast. erin como is back. checking the roads. alert, mike, 5:5 look at the huge scene behind me outer loop at vandoren street and the left lanes blocked and right lanes getting by and we see a backup springfield to past vandoren street again left lanes blocked with huge police presence big crash we'll keep you updated on those delays. be prepared to keep to right lanes as we make your way toy pennsylvania avenue. let's switch over from al police activity impacking street forth west. keep it to fox news morning. busy tuesday morning ride. democrats desperately>> best go far. back and forming, over time. wizard came up short ending home whipping streak at 17. >> live look outside on this tuesday, february 7. it's a georgous day shaping up to be a little rain. but, hey, when you have temps inches to 70s please no raining on our parade today. 6:05 is the time. weather and traffic. and at the meantime i'm maureen umeh in for allison. >> i'm steve chenevey welcome to "fox 5 news morning" developing overnight in the district. police investigating a deadly shooting in northeast d.c. where a man was found dead before 2:00 this morning

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