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mall. good morning. i'm maureen umeh. let's get right to our wet weather. tucker? >> good morning. we have some rainfall out there. there you go. you can see that spin in the atmosphere. we are not done with it yet. the heaviest rain for the past hour or so has been redeveloping here in the city and west. even east into the prince george's county and anne arundel county, you too will get more rain shortly. you can see some yellows up towards columbia and damascus. rain will be with us here on and off through the morning commute and for much of the day today before we can get it out of here. the storm system is really wrapping up. the storm system is spinning through the area as we speak. lots of clouds around today and cool temperatures this afternoon. 51 right now. our highs later today only in the low 60s. might be a little late day sunshine. still plenty of clouds around. the first half of the day, we have the risk of showers. bring along an umbrella if you are running out the door for work. a look at this morning's top stories. president obama will outline his plans to reducing the nation's debt this afternoon. part of that will include spending on medicare and medicaid. mr.obama is also calling for raising taxes on americans raising $250,000 a year. nasa has announced where it will house the retiring space shuttle fleet. the announcement came yesterday on the 50th anniversary of man's first journey into space. we have a report. >> reporter: space lovers gather at viewing parties across the country waiting to find out where nasa will send its space shuttles into retirement. the first to find a home is atlantis. >> first, here at the kennedy space center where every shuttle mission and so many other historic human space flights have originated, we'll showcase my old friend, atlantis. >> reporter: it's official. scheduled for its last mission in june, atlantis will go for the kennedy space center. discovery to the smithsonian in washington, d.c. and endeavour to the california science crentder in los angeles. in all, 21 museums put in bids to house the shuttle. >> for all of them, take good care of our vehicles. they've served the nation well and we at nasa have a deep and abiding relationship and love affair with them that is hard to put into words. >> reporter: the space shuttlementer price on display at the smithsonian since 2004 will move to the intrepid sea, air and space museum in the big apple. it was used as a test model but never flew in orbit. the shuttle announcement coincides with the 30th anniversary of the first shuttle flight and the 50th anniversary of human space flight. >> the fact that west enterprise, which is the test and prototype and it was the reason that the others were able to go out into space and perform the functions and exploration that they did, that is pretty stunning. >> reporter: the cost of moving the shuttles to their new homes is pegged at more than $28 million there is currently no replacement for the nasa shuttle program. in sports, get ready to rock the red. the washington caps face off against the new york rangers at 7:30 tonight at verizon center. it is the best of the seven series. the caps are hoping to reach the stanley cup finals for the first time since 1998. in baseball, jayson werth had a big game last night. he homered and doubled to lead the washington nationalled to a 7-4 win against the philadelphia phillies. he did that despite being booed throughout the game from phillies fans in attendance. fox 5 morning news at 4:30 starts now. good wednesday morning, april 13th, 2011. taking a live look at the lincoln memorial where power has been restored after some darkness for a couple of hours there on the national mall. good morning. i'm maureen umeh. welcome to fox 5 morning news. let's get right to weather and tucker talking about this wet and cold start to the day. i was kind of jarred when i walked out. >> were you? >> i really was. i heard the rain. i thought it might be a little warm. >> it didn't have anything to do with the fact that it was 3:45 in the morning. >> yes. >> we'll show you the radar. the rain will be with us for the morning commute across much of the area. looks like the heaviest rain is pushing off to the north up into montgomery county and howard county up towards -- well, western howard county. rain here in the district and you can see points west. to the south and east, that the exception but you too will get more rain before all is said and done. let me show you the bigger picture. it is the actual area of low pressure we were watching out to the west yesterday spinning through the area. you can see this is last little band of it. losing that first frame. a little later today, we'll got a chance to dry out a little bit and maybe a little date lay sunshine with temperatures about 60 or so for daytime highs. currently, we are 51 at reagan national. 49 at b wait a minute marshall so a lot cooler than it was a couple of days ago. showers sticking around for the first half of the day and by later this afternoon, the breezes will pick up a little bit and we'll have highs about 60 degrees or so. >> let's check in with julie now. >> an accident 270 as you approach 370. prepare yourself this morning. hydroplane easy to do. coming across the 14th street bridge, an easy drive. no problems to report as you work you way across the potomac riverhooded over -- across the potomac river headed over to the freeway. no problems reported on the beltway. the lanes are open as you head from college park through silver spring. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. a big story we're following this morning. the latest on the budget battle. president obama will lay out his plans today for reducing the nation's debt. fox 5's stacy cohan is live in northwest at george washington university with more. >> reporter: president obama will be unveiling his much- anticipated plan here at george washington university. it is that budget deficit reduction plan that we have been talking about all week. now, as the nation is bumping up against the debt ceiling set at $14.3 trillion, anxious lawmaker are looking for answers and some from that you are president but how to handle those numbers remain as a deeply political issue. the decembers say the proposed cuts in the current budget plan go too far while republicans say the cuts don't go far enough. >> there is no way to tax our way out of this problem. from my point of view, taxes are not on the table because we don't have a revenue problem. we have a spending problem. >> disappointing to see them try to tear down programs that have kept americans out of poverty and out of the hospital for decades just to please their base. >> reporter: the $38.5 billion in cuts in the current deal affect many, many federal agencies including the department of justice, transportation, housing, commerce and labor. however, there are some government agencies that are getting an increase and those include the pentagon and the veterans administration. reporting live from gw university, i'm stacy cohan. back to you. >> thank you. we are learning new details on the budget deal that congress made to avoid a government shutdown. high-speed rail projects will lose nearly $3 billion while the environmental protection agency budget is dropping by $1.6 billion. the defense department got a $5 billion increase. a did i after getting arrested, d.c. mayor vincent gray and six other council members were outside planned parenthood in northwest yesterday talking about their arrests. seven council members did not participate in the protest mostly because each had a prior engagement. congresswoman eleanor holmes norton said she stayed away show congress could not say she was behind the protest. mayor gray is angry about congress having oversight over the city. >> what we were being told is we can't spend our own money in the district of columbia and frankly, i'm sick and tired of somebody telling me that our budget decisions made by very intelligent, capable experienced people in the city have to be second guessed by congress. >> who was responsible for this was d.c. vote and the outrage of d.c. residents. if congress had seen me at the head of the line, they would say i noel nor got all those people out there. they can't say that now. >> reporter: d.c. vote says scherr now planning another protest on capitol hill on friday. this one will be led by students. we asked our facebook fans what do you think about the protest by d.c. mayor gray and others on monday. jeff winebar guest r told us just be a mayor. of this was a stunt to take the heat off himself. >> reporter: but fell issue asmith says although he has deep seated issues, i do commend him for his act of civil disobedience. do you understand why he did it? our thanks to all of you who commented. you can still post a comment in you want. we are following developing news from egypt where the facebook page says former president hosni mubarak and his sons are being detained. mubarak was rush the to the hospital after he apparently suffered a heart attack during initial questioning by prosecutors yesterday. mubarak and his sons were called to answer questions about who ordered police to fire on protesters earlier this year. the bethesda clothing store where a woman was murdered last month will open. the owner says the store will be back in business sometime in the next few months although they are not gaving an exact date. a woman gets into a fight in her home. minutes later, police say she loaded her kids into her minivan and did the unthinkable. that is up next. a gloomy outlook that may put a damper on your summer travel plans. stay with us. it's a beautiful day inside when you use lysol neutra air fabric mist. that's because lysol fabric mist does more. lysol fabric mist eliminates bacterial odors at the source better than febreze. and unlike febreze, it's approved to kill 99.9% of bacteria on soft surfaces. two things febreze can't say. and two reasons why with lysol, a fresh home is the sign of a healthy home. a tragic story out of new york. firefighters say mother drove her minivan into the hudson river after an argument at home. she killed herself and three of her young children. i fourth child alerted the authorities. we are learning that a drone attack in afghani have mistanly killed two american troops last week. senior defense officials say they were killed by a drone. they say a marine sergeant from texas and a navy seaman from michigan were hit while moving toward other marines under fire. we are getting a look at a stunning video of an air france jet clipping a small commuter plane at jfk airport. take a look at the small plane gets spun around. passengers on the yum bow jet say -- on the jumbo jet say they didn't feel a thing. that wasn't the case for those on the smaller plane who say it shook violently. if you wince every time you see the prices at the pump, get country are seeing prices rise above $4 a gallon and government data shows the summer fuel costs won't be going down. in fact, they are expected to jump 40% this season. that is compared with the same time last year. for five consecutive weeks, consumers have bought less gas than they did a year ago. >> i think they're ridiculous. i didn't even fill up my tank all the way. >> you got to make a decision on the way you drive and the way you go nowadays. >> according to aaa, the national average price for a gallon regular gas is about $3.79 right now. it is up 22 cents since last movement. a debate brewing involving your kids' school lunch, specifically chocolate milk. many schools banned chocolate milk due to obesity concerns. now a move is sparking more debate. we'll hear from both sides. >> maureen, i got to have my chocolate milk. >> we've got rain across the region. it will continue for the morning commute. julie has a look at your on- time traffic in just a minute. these are the old aerosols you know, and this is the next generation of air fresheners from air wick; powered by 100% natural propellants for a cleaner fragrance experience. come see how refreshing, a fresh scent can be. but actually, it's easier than you think, because general mills big g line of cereals is america's number one source of whole grain at breakfast. there's whole grain in every box... ♪ ...from chex... to cheerios... to lucky charms. so you can get the whole grain you want with the taste you love. get started on the whole grain you're missing with your favorite big g cereals. make sure to look for the white check. you want that? 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who is that? >> you wanted to bring along a jacket and umbrella. >> you do it so much better. >> let's go to hd radar. you can see the rain falling across the area again. not amounting tie whole lot here to the east but enough to wet the roadways. enough to definitely slow your commute out to the west and to the south and west. dale city, manassas, still getting some rain showers. it will be with us here for much of the morning. southern maryland, not so much. east across the day, you are not getting rain either. but this whole system is spinning here and we'll see some rain showers push east. most of us will see some morning rain here before we can get it out of here. let's show you what is going o remember yesterday, we had that big spin out to our west out into kentucky. well, it is on top of us now. very cool in the upper atmosphere. temperatures not a last warmer here. upper 40s out to the west. you can see the back edge of the storm system. it will be with us for most of the day. most of the day unfortunately going to be cloudy today and i think late this afternoon, you might see a little sunshine just in time for sunset. going to be cool out there as well with highs only expected to be about 60 or so. tomorrow, much improvement. we should have bright sunshine by tomorrow and high temperatures back near 70 so this will be one more cool day with some weather. 50 for you in leonardtown. 52 with rain in manassas and 50 in martinsburg. a look at your forecast for today. plenty of clouds out there, early showers likely. mostly cloudy again this afternoon. might be a little sunshine. winds out of the north and west five to 10 with a high temperature of 61 degrees the later tonight, 45 the overnight low. much better tomorrow, just a beautiful day tomorrow. 70degrees with sunshine. friday, we've taken rain out of the forecast. that is good news, upper 60s. saturday look like showers with clouds around, 62. sunday, it looks like we'll get some sunshine. that is a look at the weather forecast. maureen, i'll toss it back to you. a traffic alert, a sinkhole is shutting down a road in frederick, maryland. the hole opened up tuesday along monocacy boulevard at storage way. frederick city officials say it is also restricting some access to i-07 as you can see the hole isn't actually in the road. it is right beside it but it is affecting the stability of the road. speaking of the roadways, let us get a check now of on-time traffic with julie wright. >> all right. so far, so good, no incidents have been reported as you continue to work your way out of virginia headed into d.c., 395 by way of the 14th street bridge, traffic volume moving at speed in spite of the fact that we are dealing with wet pavement. no incidents as you continue to work your way northbound across the potomac river. light, easy traffic volume at the wilson bridge. the beltway is running without incident as you travel from andrews headed in towards landover. outer loop of the beltway north of town at speed college park headed in towards silver spring. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. making headlines this morning, chocolate milk used to be a school lunch staple. now, it is the subjected of debate a cording to the "washington post," concerns over childhood obesity prompted school districted nationwide to ban the drink unless it was made healthier with less sugar. that includes schools in virginia and the district. last friday, fairfax county public schools announced it will start selling chocolate milk again may 2nd and not everyone is happy about t we spoke with a dietitian from the national dairy council and the director of physician education at the committee for responsible medicine about the controversial issue. >> we are in the midst of a childhood obesity epidemic. obesity rates have tripled and sugar sweetened beverages which is what chocolate milk is contribute to that body fat in kids. >> removing chocolate milk from the school, will that really make an impact and give us a healthier generation? as a registered dietitian, i say no. added sugar from flavored milk really only contributes about 3% of the added sugar that children have and yet, when you remove flavored milk from the lunchroom, you take all its nonessential nutrients with it. you may soon be able to dine out with your dog some maryland. the general assembly approved a bill allowing owners to take their dogs to outdoor restaurants if the restaurant owner says it is okay. internet gambling will soon be okay in d.c. michael brown hopes the revenue riced will help offset cuts to social services programs. the city could make as much as $1 million over the next four years -- $13 million over the next four years. move over tv. computer tablets are taking over. a recent google survey found more than one in three people use their tabbettes more than they watch tv. 77% report watching their desk tops even less. the most popular tablet activity, gaming, searching for info and e-mailing. the least popular, shopping and e-reading. a gw student uses technology to track down his ipad that was stolen from his dorm room. he was able to tell police where it was. will thomas has the story you will only see here on fox 5. >> reporter: he is a george washington university sophomore but this student turned sleuth after someone ransacked and burglarized his dorm room. >> i felt violated that someone comes into your room is looking through your stuff. >> reporter: hugo says he was traveling with the campus soccer club saturday when the break-in happened. $500 his ipad gone. >> i worked so hard for this. i worked for months as a soccer coach and for it to just be gone -- i know it is just an ipad but it is the loss of all that time you've put in and that you worked so hard to get it and someone walks in and steals t it is almost like an additional layer of pain. >> reporter: but hugo downloaded the free mobile me service from apple shortly after he bought his ipad. if your ipad is lost or stolen, you can actually pinpoint exactly where it is. use the remote lock function which would prevent anyone from using it without the pass code or send a message with sound. if someone is using your ipad, the message instantly appears. hugo tracked his to a home in landover, maryland. then went to d.c. police, provided his mobile me account information and detectives followed up. >> they activated the sound so they could hear where it was. they can hear the sound like beep, beep, beep. >> reporter: police didn't recover hugo's stolen cash but he got his ipad because mobile me allowed him and cops to track it down. >> two days after it was stolen, i have you've got it back in my hands. it is amazing. >> that was will thomas reporting. the people in the home where hugo's ipad was recovered said they purchased it and they provided information that may lead police to the real thief. mobile me is initially free but after a period there is a charge. a new way to help you look younger actually face-lift but not the way you might think. no cutting or synthetic fillers. we'll fill you in on the so- called vampire face-lift. time to rock the red. the caps get ready to drop the puck in the playoffs. we'll hear from coach bruce boudreau and we'll run down the redskins pre-season schedule also. stay with us. 3q um, miss? up here! those are hard water stains. truth is, 85% of us have hard water. unlike the leading all-purpose cleaner, lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime calcium and rust, lime-a-way is a must. [ female announcer ] important events can sneak up on you. oh, i am not ready. [ female announcer ] but in two weeks, you could feel ready. introducing yoplait light's two week tune up diet plan. you could lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks when you replace breakfast and lunch with a fruit, grain, and yoplait light. betsy bets. you haven't changed a bit. oh...neither have you... sean. well, yeah. [ female announcer ] go to to start your two week tune up. this week yoplait light yogurt is only 20 for $10 at giant. they'll be rocking the red when the role hockey season begins today. not that the other 82 games. they are looking for win the lord stanley cup trophy. they host the rangers tonight and coach bruce boudreau named michael nouvert as the goalie. this year will not be any easier. the rangers come in riding a hot streak down the stretch. >> the fact that the rangers are going to play as hard as they can. it should be two teams battling, two warriors. that is what makes the stanley cup playoff so special. there is nothing left on the table. both teams will give it everything they've got and somebody is going to win. >> yeah, the capitals are going to win. to the diamond we go. the nats' jayson werth cracked a smile when fuely fans booed him at the park. nice hit here -- when philly fans booed him at the park. nice hit here. later, added a home run. nats defeat the phillies 7-4. to football we go if we must. the redskins released their pre- season schedule. only one date is set. you can see the schedule on your screen. maureen, back to you. in books and movies, vampires are careful to avoid sunlight and they may provide a clue for betterskin. the so-called vampire face-lift is the new rage in looking young ir. laura ingall shows us what that procedure can actually do. >> i get a glimpse of one eye looking a little sagging. i'm not so happy with the lines on my face there. i want -- i don't want to look 0 years younger. i just want to look refreshed. >> reporter: 51-year-old nancy has found a way to breathe new life into her looks without any cutting or synthetic fillers. >> you improve the little acne scars you have around the face. >> reporter: the so-called vampire face-lift uses the patient's own drew boulevard to pump up areas that have lost elasticity. doctors take plate it is lets out of the sample and inject them back into the patient's skin. >> platelets will aduract the body's stem cells. they become -- will attract the body's stem sells. if i inject stem cells to a wrinkle or scar tissue, they become skin. >> reporter: this procedure can't pr

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