Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20090924 : vimarsana.c

Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20090924

vaccine. fox 5 morning news starts right now. good morning. it is thursday, september 24th, 7:00 in the morning. there is a view of the jefferson memorial. lovely view and the tidal basin on a warm and rather steamy morning. i'm tony perkins in for steve chenevey. >> i'm allison seymour. it could be tough to catch a cab in the coming weekend. taxi drivers expected to protest new rules and we'll talk with the mayor about the new plan coming up. plus aids reaching epidemic levels. we'll talk with blair underwood who is joining the fight to prevent the disease. he's talking about a new treatment center in d.c. live here in the 8:00 hour. and in the 9:00 hour, they are world famous for their kick line and they are already preparing for the upcoming holiday shows and they'll be in d.c. performing too. we'll get a lesson from the rockettes. >> i didn't know that. you're getting a lesson? >> and so are you, and so is gwen. >> well it's a good thing gwen is here. because she can dance. >> i'm kicking up my heels. it's sticky and muggy outside. tucker picks a good day to be off. 73 at national airport, 72 at dulles and 73 at baltimore this morning. cooler to the west. 69 in roanoke and 64 in pittsburgh because of a cold front that will start to slide through, cooler conditions behind it that we'll feel later on in the week. 73 degrees in boston. as far as skies are concerned. we had a bit of wet weather through the course of yesterday. now well to the east of us. some clouds but we are not quite out of the clear. we do have a chance of seeing a shower by the course of the afternoon. heris a look at your day planner. high today of 85 degrees. cloudy skies, not much going on in the sunshine department but once again a chance of a shower in our forecast. so if i were you i would grab the umbrella as you head out of the door on the safe side. bus forecast, temperatures mild for the young folks but not a bad day. hang on it the umbrella. how are the roads doing out there? julie wright, commuter time it doesn't look bat. on the op we had a crash at 355 and that activity has cleared. delays on the outer loop extend from college park headed west over toward bethesda. this is a live shot of 270 out of germantown and delays stacking up for those on 118. traffic slows leaving falls road toward the split. northbound 395 right here at duke street, you can see we're starting to get a little slow as you continue northbound toward seminary road but all laneare open. inbound new york avenue slows at bladensberg road and again into the third street tunnel. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. more fallout now in the wake of that deadly metro crash this summer. and it's coming just one day at the ntsb bring in new safety recommendations. >> sarah simmons joins us live with more details. >> reporter: some union workers feel as though they're under unnecessary pressure after the june 22nd crash and they the accountability needs to come from the top with john catoe who coming up at 9:00 at the regular board meeting, they are expected to discuss his contract during the meeting. this discussion coming as the ntsb just issued urgent safety recommendations. >> we're looking for parasitic oscillation. >> reporter: the ntsb said it can happ anywhere. jim graham says the monitor of circuits no new information. >> monitor what is the question. and i don't want to be disrespectful in any way to the ntsb conclusions, but it continues to be frustrating that we haven't pinned down a cause so we can take the real action to make sure this doesn't happen. >> reporter: for some still unexplained reason ntsb said it can send a false signal and give the all clear when a train is on the track. ey question why no one in management is responsible for the deaths. >> metro has attempted to scapegoat members. my members need to know when they come to work they won't be disciplined and lose their jobs. >> reporter: metro says they continue to test the circuits twice a day and monitors safety glitched in realtime and keeping trains in manual mode. >> i hope they have further reason to understand why we're still on manual operation and we haven't gone to automated train opation because it would be dangerous. >> reporter: the ntsb warnings have been sent out to the manufacturer ofthe metro circuits and metro says it is still working on a computerize system to detect the safety glitches. notice meantime they continue to operate in manual mode. back to you. >> sarah simmons, thank you. fox 5 is n top of another big story that will impact the future commute for thousands of you. maryland is out with the proposed tolls for the intercounty connector. the state wants to charge 25-35 cents per mile during rush hour. if you rode the entire 18-mile stretch during the rush hour, that could be $6.15. tolls will be collected using an easy pass. if you don't have one, a picture will be taken of your car and you will get a bill in the mail. the first section is set to open next year. the other big story today, president obama on the world stage. this morning the president repains in new york for meetings at the u.n. in just about two hour mrs. obama will preside over a meeting of the security council, the first u.s. president to do so. he is expected to focus on the nuclear threat from iran and north korea. then he hosted the g-20 summit and is expected to tell world leaders that the global economy can't keep relying on huge borrowing and spending by americans and massive exports from countries like china. the summit is already drawing protests. yesterday members of green peace hung a banner from a bridge that spans the ohio river. some businesses have boarded up because they have learned they are the target of antisemitic rallies. many businesses boarded up. the man behind the terror probe will be in court. it is believed that one man has links to al-qaeda. the search in the terror probe is expanding. authorities are reinterviewing people they previously spoke with in looking for new potential suspects. it is 8 minutes after 7:00. up next on fox 5 morning news, threats of ataxi protest in d.c.'s busiest neighborhoods. >> plus teachers in the district set to voice their anger about proposed layoffs at d.c. schools. we're talking to the mayor about next coming up next. and swine flu hits another local campus hard. what officials are telling students to stop the spread of the potentially deadly virus. k is dan? he used to eat cereal every day. i heard he eats breakfast out now. dan! dan! dan! you can afford breakfast to go. buy any beverage and get a sausage biscuit for just 99¢. because it's breakfast, not brokefast. america saves on dunkin'. get 40% off this bonded leather sofa, just $299, with very cool styling and so affordable. and at 40% off, it's just $299. from jennifer. you don't have to spend a lot to have good taste. and we're joined this morning by d.c. mayor adrian fenty. >> thanks for joining us. you talked about the 92 count indictment of the todd place crew. ll us how important it is for city and what it means to get the drugs and guns and the cash off the streets. >> the chief reported over a four-month period, one homicide and just multiple shootings. i know that on my blackberry, the whole todd place back and forth with some other groups has been going on for sometime. so this is important. the detectives and u.s. attorney was there yesterday saying this will keep our crime rate going down. this will do even more for that. >> 11 people off the streets. crack, heroin, extacy, pcp, whatever you can name it. >> it's a 92 count indictment. >> so that's good news. >> it's fantastic, the ief is doing a great job. and we'll give her the resources she needs to keep it up. >> good news. and we have to talk about the proposed layoff of the schoolteachers. and you and chancellor michelle rhee had said these are necessary due to cuts by the city council. and we had vincent gray on the show earlier in the week and this is what he said. >> well it certainly appears, one, that the mayor and chancellor have wanted t change the rk force within the school system. there have been protracted negotiations between the union about a new contract and they have not reached any agreement about a new agreement. the effort to reduce and change the work force in the school system, the council has nothing to do with that? >> is it because of the council or something else that is going on? >> well it's one of those things where if you kind of split different parts of the story, you'll end up with exactly that, the different parts of the story. what is better is to just tell the whole story and that is in august, as you guys have reported now for months, the council added about $20 million in cuts. at the time the chancellor said we can absorb those cuts and not sacrifice the schools. if fox 5 had to take cuts, you don't cry over spilled book and you say you still get better. well one of the ways the chancellor will do that is to find personnel within the school system who doesn't think if they lose their positions will detract on the performance of the school system. it seems like management 101, if you will. and i commend the chancellor for being willing to make tough decisions. >> what about the concerns of the teachers union, number one they say well why hire 900 new teachers earlier in the year only to have to cut them a couple of months later and there are some who are saying it's an effort to get union teachers out of the system? >> well the 900 teachers who were hired right around the beginning of the summer, into the last school year, that was critical, because we were preparing for the next school year. you cannot hire 900 new teachers at the beginning. school year. you know what happens then. it's the old d.c. schoolist problem. you don't have any teachers to teach the kids. so you have to overhire. the hope was there wouldn't have to be any cuts because if we could have made it through the summer without any reductions, then we probably would be able to keep more people at least on staff. that didn't happen. that was a decision that was made. and we will have to make cuts. but the cuts will not be the way they used to be done where you kind of let people go more on a seniority basis. we'll do just like they would do here in fox 5 or any anywhere else in the world, the people th get the job done, you keep and the people not getting the job done, you let them go. >> all right. >> legislation has been introduced to councilman jim graham saying there are too many cabbies in the city and the body of cabbies are going to say, wait a minute, not so fast. this is coming up in the hearing and the cabbies are saying they will strike some of the hot spots and see how the city fairs then. what is your take on this going on here as far as cutting down on the number of cabbies? >> i don't know much about the issue. i'll look forward to the testimony coming out of the hearing. we'll trying to see if we can emulate what they new york. and there is a question as to how much they can charge to cap and the move to meters have been widely accepted as good decisions by residents having a cap. going to meters instead of zones. this other change, i don't know much about. but we'll talk about it on a future show. >> do you think another fee would be unfair to the cabby. >> another fee? >> that you would be granted to a certificate if you meet these requirements? the hearing is next thursday. >> i haven't read the proopponents testimony and why they think it would work here. >> we'll talk about it next week then. >> i'll be ready. >> and it looks like you have a new tinley library. >> there will be six new librairies opening up, up on benly road and ana costia and good hope. and that will be exciting. >> t you have to cut hours due to budget cuts. >> again, mrs. cooper will make sure it doesn't impact. an hour here or there and hopefully we can get i restored when the budget turns back around. >> mayor, thank you. >> thank you. >> and you can e-mail us your questions for the mayor. sent them to the mayor will be back next week. thank you very much, sir. before we get to gwen, of newof a foggy morning. >> the news isn't all bad. it is muggy with a sticky start to the day and temperatures are above seasonal. let's begin with a look at our weather maps. right now 64 degrees at reagan national. improvement with the humidity. it was 90% last hour and it's now at 87% and a very light wind starting to move in from the north. so you can see the wind shifting. 72 at dulles, 70 degrees in baltimore and 71 to the south at fredericksberg. and mostly cloudy skies for your bus stop forecast. we've got 70s, mild temperatures. let's look at true view. a lot of the moisture is streaming it's way up from the south. the rainfall that pushed tough yesterday is now well to the east of us, but the clouds are rolling in and we've got an eye to keep to the skies. let's go back to the weather maps then. so for today, we are talking a high that will hit us at about 85 degrees. and mostly cloudy skies. grab the umbrella. there is a chance of a shower. well to the south of us, there is a chance, across lower southern maryland and into virginia that we could see a chance of a pop-up thunderstorm or two but that's associated with a frontal system moving through. and we'll have a look at your full five-day forecast later on. and the all-important weekend that i know julie wright loves coming up around the corner. julie, how is the traffic looking. busy right now. but you said the key word of weekend and my ears perked up. on 95 college park toward georgia avenue, no accidents, just delays. on 295 out towards clarksberg, this extends past montgomery village avenue and extends to falls road and the lane divide. clarksberg into rockville and out toward the split. a slow go from 395. and in from 66, an accident here cleared over to the shoulder, but delays stack up in gainesville toward fair oaks. more slow traffic on nutley street to the beltway. northbound 95 not bad leaving springfield on to 395. traveling on 95 you'll find yourself in a delay leaving dale city and more traffic on 395 druke street to seminary road. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. >> julie, thank you very much. >> get it right. >> i know. that's not a good one to mess up. new hope in the fight against aids. there is a promising new development in the latest research for a possible > plus a community organization group acorn fighting back against the undercover video shot in the baltimore offices. why they say she's images are illegal. for first responders, one mistake could cost them their life. holly shows us where they perfect their techniques. stay wuss. 7:22 now.  meet the volkswagen jetta. it gets an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon, and was named an iihs top safety pick. all for just $179 a month. and like all new volkswagens, it comes with 3 years or 36,000 miles of no-charge scheduled carefree maintenan. it's all part of why the jetta is the top-selling german engineered sedan in america. virginians are asking lots of questions about b mcdonnell's "thesis." how old was he when he wrote it? mcdonnell was 34, married and attending pat robertson's law school. and what did the thesis say about women? a lot... abortion should be outlawed and birth control should be restricted-- even for married adults. then as a legislator he introduced 35 bills to restrict a woman's right to choose. learn more. i'm creigh deeds, candidate for governor, and my campaign sponsored this ad. the swine flu is spreading on the campus of georgetown and university officials are asking students to please, please stay home if you are sick. about 250 student have come down with the flu. the cdc says this is challenging, because many young people don't worry about catching h1n1. they recommend that students wear masks when kissing. a new aids vaccine is showing a lot of promise. for the first time a experimental vaccine has found that it reduced the sped by 31%. acorn is suing the people who made a hidden camera video in its baltimore office. it shows employees giving tax advice to a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute. acorn says the audio was obtained illegally because maryland requires two party consent to create sound recordings. meanwhile the irs will no longer include the group in its volunteer tax assistance program. just ahead here, we're looking at the day's top stories including the musical link between a rapper and the members of a virginia family he allegedly killed. and the look at the debate over health care reform. we talk with former house majority lead leader dick gep hart coming up. more and more, the quality of our lives depends on our connections. access to high-eed internet, at home and on the go, is no longer a luxury. it's how our children access education. it's how we find jobs, 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bureaucrats out of your health care you choose your own doctor, make your own decisions, and you can't be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition. that's reform we can all feel good about. making headlines. new details coming to light on that quadruple murder in virginia. a hard core want to be rapper charged with murdering a pastor. he's also suspected of killing the pastors daughter and her friend. there are reports that the teenage daughter was in counseling for her counseling to this music and her mother took her to concerts to keep an eye on her. she vanished a month ago but there is still hope to find her. she is only 14 years old. daquan was last seen at her foster home. she has a butterfly on her and police hope your help can find her. this woman wandered into the hospital and police fingerprinted her and didn't get a match. if you recognize her, police want to hear from you. a new threat from the flooding in the southeast. the rain moved out of georgia, tennessee and alabama. some people are being allowed to go back home to see what they lost. but the cdc is warning people that the floodwaters could be harboring disease causing bacteria and chemicals. more rain is in the forecast, flooding is being blamed on ten deaths in georgia and alabama. >> when i worked for abc i would travel and cover these flooding stories and it's a big concern after the fact, the disease. and in many places you have gas leaks and chemicals in the water and snakes and everything come out. so it's a mess and very dangerous. >> i'm sure the sewer system is bad. >> it's not bad. >> i feel for those folks down there. yes. but we're doing better. with the exception of a chance a few showers later on, that's where i start. that we do have a chance of a shower later on today. could see a rumble of thunder to the south of us, to parts of virginia, but other than that, we're looking at mainly some cloudy skies. the cold front that we're dealing with will start to move it's way through. that's another trigger we're watching closely. the days ahead will dip. temperatures start to drop behind the frontal system because we've been above seasonle and an unsettled weekend. so be prepared for out door plans. right now 74 at national. 72 at dulles and 70 at baltimorement and along the mid- atlantic. 71 at raleigh, 72 at norfolk, virginia. 73 for new york. and at boston, 73 there as well. only 64 in pittsburgh and 68 in roanoke. we have the frontal system that is drapes around here sliding it's way through and so this cooler air behind it. in the meantime we have mainy cloudy conditions. a moisture stream from the south from all of the precipitation, we're feeling the affects of it because it's adding to our humidity as we deal with that. but we'll get more of a north, northeasterly flow into the course of the day and tonight. a little precipitation to the west of us as well. so the cold front will slide it's way through. ahead of it we have a chance of seeing a shower or two pop up into the course of the day. still very warm. temperatures above seasonal today. and then we'll see the switch once that frontal system moves through. but it will stall to the south and as it does, for the weekend that will set us up for a chance of wet weather across saturday and sunday. be prepared for that. temperatures will be into the 70s as well. and for a look at what we expect for the five-day forecast, there is the cooler conditions. right across the board, the showers possibly for saturday and sunday. by the time into monday we're back into dry conditions. and tomorrow is not bad. mainly sunny skies and a few clos at 76 degrees. so hopefully you'll be able to put all of your plans around it. time to check on the roads, the highways and the byways and who better to check with than julie wright. it's been busy out there. we have been reporting delays on route 50 toward northeast washington. slow from bladensberg road and again out at the third street tunnel. slow leaving college park and through silver spring and again all lanes are open, southbound 29 a slow go toward four corners and 270 on the brakes from clarksberg toward the split. meanwhile, this is the inner loop of the beltway, just west of the springfield interchange here at the robinson terminal. slow past braddock and 236. all of this traffic here is up until 66. and just about a 20-mile backup out of gainesville and eastbound in toward the capital. you're never at speed as you continuein bond from gainesville toward nutley street and toward the cap it will beltway. 395, slowing in dale city and again on 395 beltway toward king street. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. while president obama spends the weekeeting with world leaders, vice president joe biden is picking up the push for health care reform. the vice president pitched the president's plan at a montgomery county retirement home. he says the insurance reform being proposed would not hurt medicare. >> all of us who qualify for medicare are going to be better off under reforms we're proposing, not worse off. >> the vice president also said if reforms aren't passed, medicare would run out of money in less than a decade. the health care reform issue is nthing new on capitol hill. in 1993 a similar health care battle ended in a stalemate. in 2004 the health care was at the center stage with dick gephardt. he joins us this morning. we're talking about health care and this is no easy task. >> it absolutely is a hard task but a task that i think the congress and the president are going to complete this time, unlike what happened to us in -- 20 years ago. i'm very encouraged by what is going on now in the senate. i'm encouraged by what the house has already accomplished. i think this is the moment and the time for health care reform because everybody in business, labor and government, understands that health care costs are going up too fast and have to be contained. that's the central issue they're trying to deal with right now. when you made your presidential bid, this was 2004 and this wasn't new then and you called it the moral issue of our time. and you've seen the contentious debates from a presidential level, quite frankly, to the town hall meetings. what, sir, do you think is the core issue here? does this come down to money? what is the stumbling block, i'll ask you? >> well it's a hard issue to deal with, because it's complicated. there are a lots of people and businesses and entities that are involved in health care and everybody is worried about where they come out. and i understand all of that. but the overwhelming problem we face is cost. that's why both business and labor, i'm on a board of a group that has a lot of business and labor people in it, and they agree on dealing with costs. we have to have teams of health care professionals who coordinate care for every american. we've got to have big case management and prevention of chronic disease. we have to have medical innovation so that we solve some of the big problems and we have to have better record- keeping and information systems to make health care more efficient. that's the issue we have to deal with. >> do you think at this juncture it is possible to get a reform bill passed and what concessions would be madeto do that this year? >> well i think they will get a bill done this year. i'm very optimistic about their ability to do this. again, because everybody knows the problem is cost. and at the end of the day, it's going to have a little less in it than a lot of people want. but it's going to be a huge step in the right direction. so if we just keep putting one foot in front of the other and work on this day by day together, we can get a broad- based bill that is a real step toward containing cost, making health care more efficient, and eventually, maybe not as fast as some would like, but eventually getting every american covered with good efficient health care insurance. >> are you at all concerned by the seemingly lack of bipartisan support, not just in this push, but today where we stand in congress? >> it's always hard to get bipartisan support for health care. people have differing views on both ends of how to do this. but i think senator baucus and others in the senate, harry reid are working to pull together that group. > group. i think the same will go on in the house. they'll get broad support in the democratic party and again something will be done that will be good for all americans in terms of the huge cost increases that we've suffered over the last years. >> congressman dick gephardt, thanks for spending time with us. we're all trying to make sense of this and we appreciate your input. >> thanks so much. time now is 7:40. the dalai lama received freedom award in memphis from the national civil rights museum, but it's the unconventional way the mayor said hello that has people buzzing. a 20-game losing streak and counting, could the lyons pull off an upset this week against the redskins. we'll hear from head coach jim zorn next. looking to save more? use your giant card and get double the number of deals. like capri sun juice drinks 10-pack, a weekly special at $1.99. kellogg's pop-tart a multiweek real deal at for $5, and other great deals. enjoy more savings, only with your giant card. want more for your money? use your giant card and get double the number of deals. like sparkle paper towels 8-pack, a weekly special at 2 for $10. campbell's select harvest soups, a multiweek real deal at 3 for $5, and other great deals. enjoy more savings, only with your giant card. he used to eat cereal every day. i heard he eats breakfast out now. dan!dan! dan! you can afford breakfast to go. buy any beverage and get a sausage biscuit for just 99¢. because it's breakfast, not brokeft. america saves on dunkin'. welcome back. it's 7:43 now. now when it comes to meeting dignitaries, there are rules and signs of respect you're supposed to show. but sometimes people have to learn about the every day folk. like when the dalai lama arrived in memphis this week. take a look. >> we have a tradition about [ inaudible ]. [ laughter ] >> i've always wanted to say, hello, dolly. >> that's the dalai lama getting a lesson in fist bumps from the mayor of memphis. he's in memphis to receive the freedom award from the national civil rights museum. he didn't seem to mind the informal greeting at all. >> he seemed to like it. >> i would imagine people like him do, because everything is always so fomal. >> and he had his own little fist. >> he caught on just like that. >> and the mayor didn't just spring it on him, he said this is how. >> it is step by step when it comes to the bump. >> and he said i've always wanted to say, hello dolly. >> and wouldn't it be great if he said, i hear that all of the time. >> that's pretty funny video. hi, gwen. kind of humid out there today. >> a sticky start to the day. we have moisture streaming in from the south. we'll sow you true view and show it to you. and cloudy conditions. but most of the precipitation that moved through yesterday is well to the east of us now, but we're still not quite out of the clear because we have a frontal system that is going to head through and that will set us up for a chance of a shower later on. in fact, well to the south of us, we could even see into parts of virginia an isolated thunderstorm or two popping up. but clouds and humidity, yes. it is definitely all up there. so if you're stepping outside, be prepared. it is going to be sticky and just a little bit on the uncomfortable side as far as that goes. and let me just kind of try to get my next weather map p here. it doesn't want to move for me. here is a look at what we can expect for today. it jumped quite a bit. today we're talking a high of 85 degrees, mostly cloudy. a chance of some showers across the area. the winds will shift as well. easterly flow at 5-10 and right now our temperatures are into the 70-degree mark. 70 at baltimore, 72 at dulles, 73 at winchester and 69 in frederick. but the frontal system will give us a change in the temperatures as we move into the week. temperatures will dip back into the 70s where they should be. >> nice time of year. thank you, gwen. julie wright has a look at the roadways. and julie, i hope you did not hear earlier when tony forget your name for a second. >> i did. >> just for a second. i was thinking ahead. because weave blair underwood coming in this morning. >> woe! >> he was distracted. i don't know why tony was distracted. >> honey, it's blair underwood, the man looks good. hi, blair. [ laughter ] >> here we go out on the roads. from college park toward silver spring, delays forming at 95 college park toward the exit for georgia avenue. with southbound 29 slowing from white oak down to university boulevard and 270 on the blakes, clarksberg toward the split. 395 slowing in separate stretches, delays leaving the beltway toward seminary and from boundary canal over the 14th street bridge. heads up westbound on the freeway from d.c. accident activity on main along the right and slowing your ride from south capitol street. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. back to you. in sports this morning, the redskins continue to prepare for this weekend's match with the detroit lyons. despite an 0-2 record on the season and a 20-game losing streak overall, the lyons have shown some light thanks to rookie quarterback matthew stafford. but are the lyons a desperate team? >> they have a young quarterback but he's got tremendous talent. but it just takes longer in that area, that would be the only thing i think they're probably still trying to get up to their level. >> i'm desperate for a win, since we haven't had one. >> we're all desperate for a win. >> true. but we have one. >> yes, remember it? a win is a win, tony. >> that's right. it is now 7:48 just about and holly is spending her morning with real heroes. holly. >> reporter: you got that right. we are live in southwest at the d.c. re and ems training academy where we are spending the morning with the special operations division. what is that? you'll find out this morning. and we'll talk live with the chief. he'll join us and we'll get an update on the department and watch these guys as they gear up to shows the dramatic rescues. it's all live next. stay with us. n (announcer) what the world needs now is energy. the energy to get the economy humming again. the energy to tackle challenges like climate change. what if that energy, came from an energy company. every day, chevron invests $62 million in people. in ideas. seeking, teaching, building. fueling growth around the world, to move us all ahead. this is the power of human energy. chevron. ( music throughout ) hey bets, can i borrow a quarter? sure, still not dry? i'm trying to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are tooig how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... studies show that people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains... and 110 calories per lightly sweetened serving. more grains. less you. multigrain cheerios. you picked your favorites. and now it's time to figure out the six finalists from the fox rocks gets to perform. our panel of judges includes your fan vote at clarendon grill. for more go to practice makes perfect, especially people putting their lives in your hands. >> that's why the d.c. fire and emergency medical services team takes every chance they can to practice life-saving scenarios that are as real as possible. holly is spending the morning with heroes in training. good morning, holly. >> reporter: good morning. i have a question for you guys. on average how many calls do you think fire and ems answer or respond to? >> i would say maybe 2500. >> no way. i'm going to say -- that's crazy. >> i'm just picking out a number. it's hard, holly, to pick a round number. >> your a bad number guesser. >> reporter: allison, i shouldn't put you in this position. what do you think tony? >> i would say 100. >> reporter: 435. about 150,000 a year. standing next to me, and shaking his head, is chief dennis rubin. because he knows about all 435 calls a day. good morning, sir. good to see you. thanks for having us out. >> thanks for coming out. >> reporter: and everybody is familiar with firefighters and the em that help with car accidents but you all do a whole lot more than that. and i don't think everybody understands that. so tell me about the special ops. >> we have a major unit of the department called the special operations division that handle many, many unique and difficult circumstances. today i think we're going to be talking about high-angle rescue. we probably two or three of those per month every month where somebody is in a position that needs assistance, whether they are elevated or below ground where the firefighters have to repel down to make a rescue. >> and in order to do that, you have to have the equipment and the training. >> it takes a lot of specialized equipment and a lot of members. it doesn't seem like it's a labor intensive process, but it truly is. we have to have folks on top, folks ready to provide medical care and the folk that's go down and do the actual rescue. today i think we're going to simulate picking you off of doing a window washing exercise. >> reporter: this just happened last month. a window washingtoner just -- a window washer got rescued. >> and we have a citizen cpr class and a regional arson class where we bring in folks in from around several states not just district of columbia. so it is a very busy place and time. the special operations is one of the main focuses that we have as well. and when the helicopter lands as an excel pell for the president, the special operations division is there. when anybody moves, vice president or the president, special operations or when we have a baseball game, so you can see they stay busy, and also provide the protection for our harbor and waterways. >> reporter: so is it current firefighters aspire to be in this division? you don't start out in special ops? >> exactly. it takes a couple, two or three years, of getting the basics out of the way of being a firefighter and engine company, ambulance, ladder truck company, putting in a special request and ask for a chance to go and if you learn the collection of skills necessary to do that, then you can move over into special operations. so it is something that folks aspire to. in fact there is a battalion chief that heads up special operations. they are spread thin in that we have two special operations alarmed actively working right now. >> reporter: and an update on our fire hydrants and the ems. >> well we're working hard with the fire hydrants. we have the most aggressive inspection and flush test program. that's the part that the fire and ems department has control over. twice a year we get out and flush test the hydrants. we want folks to understand that we know whether they're hydrants work or not. and we have that done. emergency medical services, we have so much activity it's going through the roof. whether it's quality control, working with the medical director and getting ready for h1n1. and maybe one day you'll come back and get vaccinated with us. >> i will do that. i just called my doctor yesterday to see if he had a vaccine and he said no. >> we have one. >> reporter: thank you, chief. you heard him talking about the heroes. we'll put them to the test in the next hour. we'll see a high-angle rescue and i'm going to be the victim. >> thank you, hollies. it is 7:56 and 70-something degrees -- 74 degrees. and today actor blair underwood is in town to hope agree-/aids clinic. >> and before he does that, we'll talk with him. and we are live at a loudoun county school where they are about to get a big award for writing and illustrating a children's book. stay with us, we'll be right back. ahead at 8:00, one day after the ntsb hands down new safety recommendations to trapsity agencies, the union for metro workers is demanding someone at the hop be held accountable for this deadly crash. then the president has a busy day ahead of him. he'll finish up work at the united nations and then head to the g-20 summit. and then the hiv rate is higher in d.c. than it is in nigeria. blair underwood is in town to help hope a free-aids clinic and he'll be le to talk about it. and some are calling it a medical milestone. researcher have comup with an experimental aids vaccine. >> those stories and more in this hour and also weather. the all-important weather. and not going to be a cool day today. let's say that, by any stretch. >> it's starting out to be a warm and sticky day. the humidity is up there. i'm in today for tucker barnes. it is sticky out there. cloudy skies and we could see a shower later on in the day. right now cloudy conditions. the weather well to the east and as well as to the west of us. but that moisture streaming it in to make it feel humid. 74 degrees at national, 72 at dulles, 70 at baltimore, and 73 at winchester. so a cold front will move through and stall out to the south but going to set us up for a chance of some showers into the course of the afternoon. temperatures are ntinuing to be above seasonal. but once that front moves through, it will see a change into t course of the next few days as well as into the early part of next week and that frontal system will bring in cooler air and we'll be back where we should be. but nod tote. 85 degrees, above seasonal. plenty of clouds and warm and sticky and humid and a chance of an afternoon shower. you might want to grab your em bella. areas into central virginia and even parts of extreme lower maryland could even see an isolated thunderstorm or two. but we are talking just a chance of a shower here in the metro area. so be prepared. you might want to put that a.c. back on if you turned it off. >> that happened last night. thanks, gwen. >> that you put it on? >> i had to put it back on. >> i haven't turned mine off yet. julie wright is standing by. >> you guys said blair underwood and i had to crank up the a.c. in here today. >> probably shouldn't have told you. >> because now i can't concentrate. i've already called my mom a. she's watching online at out on the roads this morning, the big backup is out on 66 and it's a 20-mile backup at least. you heard correct. a 20-mile backup at 66 toward fair lane, fair oaks and east of 50 fair oaks toward the capital beltway. trust me when i say you're never at speed east bound on 66 leaving 29 gainesville toward the capital beltway. so a in they ride there. but 50 is looking better for you if you want to stick with that toward the exit in chantilly. southbound on 270, we've cleared out in clarksbergut you'll slow in germantown toward the split. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. we begin this hour with breaking news. d.c. police call in hazmat crews after officers and prisoners get sick. this is at the first district station on m. street southwest. the fumes were from a diesel generator that got sucked into the h vac system. we have a crew on the way to the scene end we'll bring you more information as we get it. just one day after the ntsb issued new safety recommendations in the wake of the deadly crash on metro, the union is demanding someone at the top be held accountable. metro says morale is at an all time low. the ntsb says the equipment sent a false signal and gave the all clear despite another train being on the tracks. but ntsb says the recommendations don't offer any new information. >> i don't want to be disrespectful in any way to the ntsb conclusions, but it continues to be frustrating that we haven't pinned down a cause so we can take the real action to make sure this doesn't happen. >> now since the accident metro has been operating in manual mode and is now testing the circuits twice a day. today president obama becomes the first u.s. president to chair a summit- level meeting of the u.n. security council. he will be joid by 14 other world leaders. a unanimous vote is expected to call for a reduction of nuclear weapons. yesterday at the president's first address to the u.n. assembly, he had a blunt message for america's critics. >> this can not solely be america's endeavor. those who used to chastise america for standing alone, cannot stand by and wait for america to solve the world's problem alone. >> the president challenged leaders to step up and help solve the problems of the world. it's the secrets of two leaders that have people talking today. several delegations including the u.s. walked out during mahmoud ahmadinejad's speech. it was filled with attacks again the u.s. and the west in general. and today some are questioning momar khadafi during his presentation. asserted h1n1 is created by an unknown military. it's off to the g-20 summit in pittsburgh. leaders of the world's major economies are meeting with the goal of preventing a repeat of the condition that's took them to the brink of a meltdown. the summit is drawing protests before it officially begins. yesterday members of green peace hung a banner from one of the bridges that expands the ohio river. all around pittsburgh businesses have boarded up on advice of city officials that they could be the target of anti-capitalist protestors. that is a picture of a flower shop taking that action. the industrial industry in pennsylvania at the g-20 summit. >> people come here and see our skyline and greet rivers and see a clean city and growing that has an unemployment rate that is 2% below the national average. >> reporter: the pittsburgh steel industry survived but the smoke blackened builts and blotted out the sun. >> in midday the streetlights came on. but when you ask the industrialists about the smell, they would smell the sky and say it smells like money to me. >> reporter: steeltown lost thor man $100,000 jobs in the 1980. now pittsburgh has reinvented itself, creating tens of thousands of jobs in medical research, higher education and new nothing, transforming one of the dirtiest cities into one that is environmentally friendly. >> the median age is 42.5. which is 6 years older than all other major metropolitan area and this is the city with more deaths than births in year. city leaders say it's a perfect role model for those aending it the g-20 summit. fox 5 news. today de vaux patrick will name a successor to ted kennedy. yesterday the law was changed to allow a temporary appointment be allowed until a special election in january. this will give democrats a critical 60th u.s. senate vote needed to pass the health care overhaul. in maryland, zenna peter has quit the mayoral race. she stepped down as there were lawsuits from unpaid debts and foreclosure. she says she believes the questions are misdirected and they are personal. >> i'm reminded of the great sarah carter that said when you sling mud at someone, always remember that there will be some mud left on your face. >> trust me, she will be back and will come back and we'll be stronger and we'll win. >> democratic officials will meet tomorrow to consider candidates to replace her. they have until october 2nd to name a nominee. 8:09 now. 74 degrees on this thursday morning. coming up next, a new warning for americans traveling to germany. and then blair underwood is here today to open an as-clinic in our area. and we are live at a loudoun county school where a group of students are about to get an award for writing and illustrating a children's book. stay wuss. fox 5 morning news will be right back.  virginians are asking lots of questions about bob mcdonnell's "thesis." how old was he when he wrote it? mcdonnell was 34, married and attending pat robertson's law school. and what did the thesis say about women? a lot... abortion should be outlawed and birth control should be restricted-- even for married adults. then as a legislator he introduced 35 bills to restrict a woman's right to choose. learn more. i'm creigh deeds, candidate for governor, and my campaign sponsored this ad. it's 8:13 now. time for a look at stories making headlines. the three money charged in a terror probe are heading to court today. najibullah zazi and his father will face a judge in denver. the third suspect has a hearing in new york city. so far they are only charged with lying to the feds in an investigation. a travel warning for u.s. citizens heading to germany. americans should be on high aert. al-qaeda released a video threatening an attack if there is a re-election in the upcoming election. we could soon see possible changes to traffic patterns near the white house. f. street may be turned into a one-way street. tre is concerned a speeding vehicle could come west on f. and plow into the treasury building. they plan to ask for the proposal. we have a special guest for the cuteness factor of the day. >> it's older than five but i figure today it's okay. >> are you talking about blair underwood? >> yes. >> are you nervous? >> you're not supposed to say that on tv. let get to the my first 5 photo of the day. >> i thought you were talking about tucker. i'll vote for blair as well. but it is time now for the real first 5 photo of the day. it's cute little 2-year-old lea. and she's at her pool party that she attended this summer and isn't she just a major cute factor. she could be a rockette there. she's having a ball. to send us your child's picture go to and click on mornings. the cute 5 factor. she's just a living doll. and if you're outside, you might want to jump in the pool. talk about humidity. it is sticky and warm and we have all of that going on. right now it's 75 in the district. 69 at roanoke and 71 at rally. 73 degrees at norfolk, virginia. take a look at all of the moisture streaming up from the south. that's adding to our humidity. we have a cold front that we'll be keeping an eye on. but also set up for a chance of a shower or two as we move through the later part of the day. cloudy skies. i can't give you much sunshine today at all and we'll see the temperatures above seasonal. a high of 85 degrees today. one again, if you're heading -- leaving the house, i should say, and heading out, you might want to grab your umbrella, because a chance of a shower is very real. areas into central virginia could even see an isolated thunderstorm or two. that cold front will stall out to the south and as it does, it will set us up for a little bit of an unsettled weekend. for the weekend we're talking a chance of showers on both days. highs at 70 degrees on saturday and 76 on sunday. and behind that cold front, if you notice temperatures 10 degrees cooler than today. let's check in now with traffic. julie wright hang on to that traffic clicker. don't be talking to the side to run in here. >guys say blair underwood and what am i supposed to do. pain we should stake a picture of prayer underwood on 66 and maybe that will help ease the congest shawn because it is still backed up in manassas from 7100 past 123 and nutley street toward the capital beltway. so bumper-to-bumper traffic toward 495. inner loop if virginia very slow leaving braddock toward 66. you'll also find slow traffic on the dulles toll road, 7100 to hunter mill and again at wolf trap. top stretch of the beltway tied up leaving college park and through silver spring. inner loop not bad continuing toward landover. southbound 95 on the brakes toward the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. new this morning. encouraging news in the fight against aids. for the first time an experimental vaccine has prevented infection, cutting the risk by more than 31%. doctors say this is the first time a possible vaccine is possible. and a majority of d.c. residents are positive. blair underwood is in town to help open a clippic on k. street northwest. and we've gotten it out of the way. my stomach hurts and my palms are sweaty. because this is blair underwood. how are you? >> i'm very good. >> and julie is watching. >> where is that julie? >> she's getting hooked up. you are in town for a serious issue making the area. the right of aids and hiv here 3% higher than one of the hardest hit places in the world, nigeria. >> the rate here in d.c. is the highest of any city in d.c., in the united states, which is unheard of. so today is the opening of the clinic. it's a free clinic. people can have access. and there is not enough access or education. i think people are still in denial, it's like that dirty secret and 2009 is now where the numbers are staggering. >> and it's the blair underwood health center and it is opening up 10 at 10:00. and i read up on some of the things the clinic does and they have 21 centers across the country. and you can walk in and get tested or free temperature. >> and now you can test and find out what your status is within 20 minutes or so. and there are mobile clinics that travel the country. right now magic johnson has a mobile clinic and that will be parked out front today. it's 2141 k. street. so in terps of testing, you can find out what your status is and be treated, the therapy involved is -e ereis no excuse when you have that kind of access. >> and you're no stranger in this fight. why get involved in the battle to find a cure and to raise research money for this disease? >> well for me it started almost 20 years ago. i'm the co-founder for artists for news in south africa. to see firsthand and see how many kids have been orphaned by aids in south africa, i'm a sucker for kids. that's what started. my education in the treatment front has been very affective. and i should say i'm hobberred that they would allow me to associate my name with the center. and if you ask the community, it's numbered disapportioned. >> and they were saying that the campaign that you have with the billboard, it's just been extremely successful, probably because men probably look up and say, well if blair underwood can talk about this, maybe i can talk about this because i've been involved in some risky behavior or what have you? >> when i was a kid i got in trouble for talking too much and now it's time to not talk about it. and the bottom line is the gay community has done a great job of educating the community. heterosexual community not so much. and i said we need to broughten and let people know. you can't talk about it any more, it's affecting everybody. >> well i mean kudos to you. and it is 2141 k. street. that is the address. and the testing doesn't start until next week. today is the ground breaking and you will be there. >> that's right. i'm feeling better. >> i work with you every day and your stomach never gets upset. >> no, it never does. and there is a lot to cover this thursday morning, for example the swine flu is spreading on another local college campus. and then the d.c. fire and ems department saves people every day. coming up they will save our holly morris. she's playing the part of a window washer who needs rescuing. find out how they do it here on fox 5 morning news. more and more, the quality of our lives depends on our connections. access to high-speed internet, at home and on the go, is no longer a luxury. it's how our children access education. it's how we find jobs, discover information, and connect with family and friends. it's the spark that drives innovation, creates investment, and builds a stronger econo. to shape a better tomorrow, at&t is investing in america's future - working to create an internet that's smart, mobile and safe. last year at&t invested more than any other company in the u.s. and we're continuing to invest this year, to expand and enhance our wireless and wired networks. we support a national plan that ensures high speed internet access and enables adoption by all americans, over the next five years. adoption by all americans, over the next five years. the future is our business. at&t. your world delivered. we have an update on the breaking news. we have some video just into the news room of the hazmat situation we talked about at the top of the hour. three people were treated on the scene at the first district police station on m. street southwest. fire officials tell fox 5 fumes from a diesel generator were sucked into the air- conditioning system and that made people sick. no one had to go to the hospital, we are told. we want to bring you this traffic alert. parts of massachusetts avenue northwest are shut down at this moment as police look into a suspicious backpack at a bus stop. massachusetts is closed between 47th street and dell mont road: we'll keep you to posted on this story. and now to georgetown university. the school is dealing with 250 suspected cases of swine flu and administrators ask students to stay home if they are sick they say curbing the outbreak is hard on college campus, because students don't seem worried about catching the swine flu. it is 8:26 now. up next we'll check out some of the other stories making headlines today. >> then we're live at loudoun county elementary school where's a group of students is about to get a big reward for writing and illustrating a children's book. fox 5 morning news will be right back. 8:26 right now. 8:29 now. it is 75 degrees. looking at stories making head lines. the fbi is investigating whether a census worker found dead in kentucky was targeted by someone with a grudge against the government. bill sparksman was hanged from a tree with the -- with the word fed written across his chest. a mother and her teenage daughter were in counseling over the girl's obsession with hard core music, the same music her boyfriend was into. 21-year-old richard mccross key is suspected of killing the girl and her friend. and this is dequwan thompson. she was last seen at her foster home, and she has a butterfly tattoo on her arm and has disappeared. if you know anything, contact police. this woman wandered in georgetown hospital and doesn't remember her name. she is not hurt. police have fingerprinted her but didn't get a match. if you recognize her, police want to hear from you. 8:30 now. should we calm down, you and gwen. >> we can calm down now. >> you were so taken by blair underwood. >> it is a truly handsome man. >> and to see the affect he has on the women around here, i have to tell you, when you're someone like blair or myself, it's a burden, because you have to account for the reaction. [ laughter ] >> and i asked him that, is it hard to be you? is it hard to e you, tony perkins? >> yes. for different reasons. tony, it's called washington dreaming. we love you too, tony. >> no, it's okay. he is a great guy. it's now 75 degrees outside. humidity is dropped but is still up there. still sticky out there and sticky and on the muggy side. 75 in the nation's capital. 75 in dulles. and 72 in fredericksberg and 74 at hagerstownch and we're talking today about mostly cloudy skies. chancef showers with a high of 85 degrees. an easterly wind flow from 5-10 miles per hour and what we'll deal with is the moisture streaming up from the south across the area. and that's causing the humidity. but we do have a frontal system that will move through and that will set us up for showers once the front passes by. time for a look at traffic. and julie, i don't know about you, but i am still feeling it. oh, we're not going to julie. i'm sorry. i'm confused. back to the anchors. >> julie had to go take a nap. >> hopefully she saw the big kiss that he blew her. it's an exciting day for leesberg students. they're being an awarded a prize. >> they wrote and illustrated a book called the greatest homework excuse book ever. good morning, gurvir. >> reporter: are you talking to me? i was just looking at the excuse book to see if there was anything i could use and might work with my boss. t you're right, and allison, blair underwood is a celebrity, but these young pele are real celebrity. these youngsters are authors. they were fourth graders last year and this year they're in the 5th grade and they did come up with the greatest homework excuse book ever. it was a project that took them 6 or 7 weeks together. their teacher leann vander worth is here. were you shocked when you found out. >> it was a complete shock when they were talking about it at the assembly. >> you started working on this project back in the first part of the year? >> we started working on it in january and the contest deadline was in march and we worked for six weeks after school and ever day they were exciting and it was a meeting day. it didn't seem like work, it was a lot of fun. >> reporter: and they have the classic, the dog ate my homework. who came up with that? was it you, sam? >> yeah. >> reporter: what was the hardest part? >> coming up with the rimes. >> because there are how many excuses in here? >> um ... >> reporter: they just got a copy of the book today. so this is the first time they've seen it. >> 10. >> reporter: and so all of the pages had rimes and you came up with illustrations. now did everybody come up with an illustration. >> reporter: and what was that like? >> it was really fun and it dn't really feel like work at all. it was just really cool hanging out with everybody. >> and tell me your name? >> olivia. >> reporter: and this is harrison. and you say this is a project that was fun. in terms of working together, was it easy or no? >> no. not easy. because sometimes we get along with what we wanted to say. and some people wanted something else and some people wanted something else so it was kind of hard. but most of the time it was kind of easy. >> most of the time it was pretty easy.and then once everybody came up with an idea, did you you will have to say we like this or don't like this and how did that work out? >> well we all came up with ideas and we went through them to see if we wanted to change anything. >> now here is a question. are any of the excuses in this book, excuses that you all have used yourselves? >> well, no, i've never used an excuse before. but i would never use the aliens. that is not a good excuse. >> th's a od one. that the aliens took the homework. you guys are great. congratulations to you. >> reporter: and this contest was sponsored by scholastic book fairs. and carolyn is with scholastic book fairs. i know you had so many entries, but how did you pick this book. >> well we g through five levels of judging and we see if it has a great title and cover. this one obviously did. it doesn't have a homework excuse from the past and then we have to look inside, does the story and illustrations live up to the title and the illustrations and this book did. and it will be seen by university students, professors, area teachers and we have a panel of the most recognized names in children's literature. today looking at the back and so to be selected one of the two grand prize winners is a accomplishment. >> reporter: and i know this was a book of fiction. the school will get $5,000 as a result of this. so congratulations to you for that. the ceremony will take place here at 9:00 this morning. hopefully we'll be able to bring that to you live. and in the meantime, i'm going to flip through this. allison and tony, your kids might need this some day. >> you know you're looking at it for yourself? >> well, yes. >> thanks, gurvir. it is 8:37 right now on this thursday morning. new unemployment numbers are coming into the news room. we'll have that when we ome back. then it's been almost 3 months since the jesus rist death, and there is a new song -- it's been about 3 months since michael jackson has died and we'll see a new song that is coming out. h-speed internet, at home and on the go, is no longer a luxury. it's how our children access education. it's how we find jobs, discover information, and connect with family and friends. it's the spark that drives innovation, creates investment, and builds a stronger economy. to shape a better tomorrow, at&t is investing in america's future - working to create an internet that's smart, mobile and safe. last year at&t invested more than any other company in the u.s. and we're continuing to invest this year, to expand and enhance our wireless and wired networks. we support a national plan that ensures high speed internet access and enables adoption by all americans, over the next five years. adoption by all americans, over the next five years. the future is our business. at&t. your world delivered. get 50 percent off beautiful and... ...affordable fall style at jcpenney stores open early saturday with doorbusters. save 50 percent on all worthington, st. john's bay, and nicole by nicole miller. save 50 percent on all stafford dress shirts. all boys' and girls' arizona tops and jeans are 50 percent off. save 50 percent on linden street quick dry towels. athletic shoes are 29.99. go to and see everything on sale. style, quality and price matter. jcpenney. you'll never have to call them to the dinner table twice of pillsbury cinnamon rolls bring everyone to the table in their sunday best there's nothing more important than our health. so when it comes to health reform, we need a solution that works for all of us. now the president and congress have a plan that combines the best ideas, from democrats and republicans, business owners and workers, doctors, nurses and patients. a plan that keeps bureaucrats out of your health care you choose your own doctor, make your own decisions, and you can't be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition. that's reform we can all feel good about. positive news just in on the economy. the labor department says new unemployment requests dropped to 530,000. this is the third straight week that new claims went down. continuing jobless claims also fell. and if you are looking for work, check out our job shop on our job of the day is at dkw communications. it is a government contract and they're looking for a technical writer in washington. for more on this position and many others, go to and click on the job shop tab near the top of the home page. it is now 8:41and coming up next, derek thomas shows us how to make copies of your favorite plants. holly good morning. >> reporter: we are live at d.c. fire and ems training academy. right now i'm a window washer, but i'm about ready to find myself in per ill. per ill. stay tuned. welcome ba to fox 5 morning news. it is now 8:45 on this thursday morning. 75 degrees. every day the d.c. fire and emergency medical services department keeps people in our area safe. and this morning holly morris is helping then as they practice the high-angle rescue training. holly. >> reporter: good morning. it's t every day i get to be the damsel in distress. we're at the training am add my and they're special operations unit gets called out for special rescues like the one we'll show you 2-3 times a month. you remember last month there was a window washer that got stuck and special ops had to help them. and so i'm the window washer that is in peril. and this is my special ops firefighter and this is the squad driver and tail give us the play-by-play of what is going on. good morning, terry. >> good morning. how are you? >> i've been better. i'm stranded. >> are you ready for this? >> reporter: i'm ready. you tell me what is going on. okay. we're going to be lowering peter town to attach his system to you. right now you have two points of contact, with your feet being on the window and the safety line that we have attached to you. pete also has two lines. he'll come down and attach is safely line which is hooked to his back and then that will be made to yours and he's lowering his line. >> reporter: pete, where you been all my life? >> hanging around. >> and now this is the backup. >> reporter: now i have to ask you, pete, when you encounter these victims, are they panicked or calm? >> most of them are calm because they're used to hanging up high by ropes. but they can't get out of the situation by themselves. now you have your main line and belly line. system floater and we'll lower you to the ground. nice, easy ride. how do you feel? >> reporter: i'm going to be honest. this is not the most comfortable ride, but you're saying me so i'll be appreciative. and it's happening at a nice relatively slow pace so that does ease the panic. >> we don't want to drop people. >> reporter: where is the big mat it you jumped into. >> that's out for repair. >> reporter: and so pete is doing the rescue, but it takes a team. >> the whole team is doing most of the work and i'm just hanging out here for you. >> we have an average about 12 other people involved. you have a backup rescuer on the roof of the building. along with the whole team. and then we'll have an ems crew come in and make sure you're okay after your window washing incident. >> i feel like i should have a group. >> let the people take a look at you. >> main off the lay. >> reporter: it continues after this. they're checking to make sure my blood pressure and heart rate is okay. so for you, terry, this is something you worked towards. >> all of my career i've been in the d.c. fire department for 17 years and in special operations for 10 years. i became a squad driver five years ago and i love it. >> reporter: what does it feel like to be a hero every day? >> you get used to it. >> reporter: they are is humble. square-feet people's lives it's just what i do here. >> that's why we do what we do. >> reporter: it's why they do what they do. my hat is off to you. in this case my hard hat. is our website and we have a link to the fire and ems website. they're always recruiting. in the next hour, we'll see another rescue and i think it involves the canine unit. you'll be glad when you leave here. i keep getting in trouble. back to you guys. now that summer is over, you might think that your season to garden is over too but that's not the case. today we have our gardening expert derek thomas in from thomas landscape to show you how to make copies of your favorite plan. >> right. propagating is a technique of getting new plants and there are different ways that you can propagate plants, but we'll talk about seeds, stem cutting and then con tract. your first inclination is to get new seeds. and you can have the same plants without having to go to the store and get the seeds. and this is basil. well this entire spice is loaded with seeds that you can use next year. the one thing about seed prop ogation. you want to find out if there is something the seed needs. for example echinacea, they need a cold period before they germination. so they have to freeze before they germinate. and i know someone has given you a plant at some point and said oh, just take this, take it home and stick it the water and it will root. that's an easy way. and we have plants like basil, and if you want to extendthe life of your basil, bring it indoors and put it in a vessel of water. the most important thing, when you're doing this, is that you remove the bottom leaves and have a push and a stem and a node, where the leaf was. >> this is fascinating. from this it will makes it own roots again. >> it will makes it own roots and you'll be able to have it again. and if your more adventurous, you can dit this way. we have sand. that is a great rooting medium. we have a actual -- this is a product called the group and this is english ivey. most people think english ivey didn't need thinking and it just grows, but you dip that in there and gently -- gently push that into the sand. and what i'll do with this tray afterwards, same thing with coley us, i will simply cover it over with a clear plastic so that can can -- so that it can get light. now washington is known as the city for -- another neat way to do it, this is creating a little terrarium, and it's filled with sand. now washington is known as the city of azaleas. it is a great way right now to get things going for next year. what you want to do is you want to take a healthy shoot of the -- of thize aleia. and then cover thatthe stem. the plant will root out and next year you can root it away and have your favorite plant. >> that is amazing. i love that. >> wonderful way to do. >> this man is a genus and necessary our art person. and on because you have a brand new page. >> and thanks to plant world because they've donated the plants we used today. >> tony, back to you. a donation of $1 million to help build the martin luther king mall. they say he is a contributor to washington. well it looks like its king of pop isn't done releasing hits. michael jackson has a new song called this is it. it will be released on october 12th. his brothers sing backup on the song. two weeks after that the -- sony will release a two video set that shows him practicing. we have a lot ahead for you in the 9:00 hour. the president is about to chair a u.n. security council. we'll take a look at his steps this week. and if you do online shopping from home you've probably heard washings about buying safely with your credit card. we look at whether a new in home swiping device offers protection from theft ty thieves. and a new checkout on your network. and you need to see us with the rockettes. they are here to share good news about the annual christmas show and you don't have to go to new york to see it. the rockettes here in our studio. stay with us. we'll be right back. man: i like this one. [ power drill whirring ] thank you. excuse me, sir?! can you tell me which coffee tastes better? man: "a," definitely. this one. thank you. in a national taste test, more hardworking americans preferred the taste of dunkin' donuts over starbucks. try the coffee that won. excuse me, sir! thank yo america runs on dunkin'. get a great deal today on any of our new biscuit sandwiches, and pair it with america's favorite coffee. the ntsb orders new safety regulation following the deadly crash on the red line. employees are outraged and who they want held accountable. and the president is about to become the first american president in ten years to run a u.s. security council meeting. we'll talk with an insider about the president's speech and some of the remarks made by foreign leaders that had dozen of diplomats walking out in protest. and then john travolta taking a stand in the extortion trial over his son's death and makes a big announcement about the boy's medical condition. a live look outside right now at the traffic around the pentagon. just about a minute or so before 9:00. and we'll check on the weather in just a second from gwen tolbert. good morning, i'm allison seymour. >> i'm tony perkins. a baby in indonesia is getting buzz because of his size. he weighs in at 19 pounds. >> and now is the time to dig up some dirt if there's dirt to be had, like if he's married, did have he a shady past and how your iphone can help you investigate. and the dalai lama is drawing criticism this m

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