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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240611

teaming up to launch a super pac focused on attracting disillusioned young voters. will it work in italics? ainsley: plus. [laughter] ainsley: gosh, my voice cracked. [laughter] ainsley: seasonal allergies, right, steve? plus, supermodel nomani campbell message for young women skipping motherhood over economic. it will change her mind. as a study finds more trump supporters than biden supporters say marriage and children should be a priority. steve: look at that speaking of parents. this sunday s is father s day. we have the top of the line ideas for kids. ainsley: what is that? steve: waterproof. lawrence: what a tease because we are all interested. the second hour of fox & friends starts right now. and remember, mornings are better with friends. brian: get dressed. lawrence: make sure you are already dressed. so president biden hosting an early juneteenth celebration at the white house yesterday as his support among black voters continues to go down. brian: now one polling guru is suggesting that joe biden should drop out of the presidential race with less than five months to election day? steve: peter doocy just back from france joins us from washington. peter? good morning. and the president came back to the white house last night after a few days in france and a few days in delaware to host an early juneteenth celebration there on the south lawn. we have got some video of it. i don t remember ever seeing president biden try to dance on camera. last night was not going to be the night. did he briefly address the crowd on the south lawn though who accuse republicans of trying to take away black americans right to vote. trying to do anything to reverse this trend. he has shed 7% of his black voter support since october of 2020. trump has gained in that time 9%. things are bleak with young voters, too. so now we have got this headline from the wrap. snl and parks and recreation writers pitch ads to help biden reach gen z and young millennials. these ads are going to come out next month in july. and the organizer is claiming in this interview that it s not your average celebrity endorsement. rather they are creating content with millennial and gen z writers for millennial and gen z voters. at the same time, the pollster, nate silber is warning, biden just hit a new all-time low in approval. 37.4% at 5:38 yesterday. dropping out would be a big risk. but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don t know but it s more than fair to ask. we have no indication president biden is planning to drop out. is he going to go talk about gun safety before heading out to europe italy where the talk will turn, last week to russia v. ukraine. back to you. brian: peter, i was pretty stunned to say how much jill biden s trips back and forth across the oceans. ainsley: how expensive they were? brian: $345,000 it s cost taxpayers. peter: sounds like the dnc is going to reimburse the cost of some first class tickets. brian: that s like a few thousand dollars. ainsley: remember, peter, you told the story and you said how much is this going to cost the taxpayer? peter: you are welcome taxpayers for getting reimbursement for first class tickets. steve: nate silver, they should have liivesd to me in february. he should have dropped out last year. nobody at the white house or at the campaign saying okay we re going to lay low and just before the convention is he going to drop out. nobody is suggesting that he is going to say, you know what? i had a good year. so long. peter: no. there was a lot of talk about different prominent democrats months ago putting themselves in a position if biden decide he had he was going to bow out. that is all done. they are all systems go with biden at the top of the ticket and harris has the vice president and honing for the best. lawrence: peter, i m hoping can you put this into context. when you look at the numbers he is under water when it comes to young voters, obviously losing support amongst minority voters. and voters point to the economy. they say all of this is impacting them. they can t get a house and all that stuff. the white house already has some of the best hollywood people to produce their messaging and all of that. is it the position of the white house that people just don t understand the story of the administration? that they have actually done more and if they could just get these producers to make these little ads that they will understand more? i mean, i m just not understanding. peter: it is, lawrence, a lot of people you talk to at the white house or a lot of people from delaware have been say for a couple months now well, a lot of voters are just not paying attention, they are not as plugged into politics as we are, but, at some point, it s too late. at some point people do have to start paying attention because we are like two and a half months away from people forming opinions and then applying for ballots to get sent to their house. and so, it s the time for people to start paying attention is coming up quickly. steve: peter, here s date. june 14th, 2017. you were supposed to go to the congressional baseball practice that day over in virginia but you had an assignment and you couldn t make it. and now you have got a special on fox nation called strike zone, right? peter peters yeah, we have spent a couple months on this new project. this is the first time we are talking about it. nobody has done in the seven years since this congressional baseball practice shooting, nobody has done a documentary about it. and so, with the whole team at fox nation, we put together a three-part series and they are all my wife and i watched it last night. it was her birthday. this is what we did for her birthday. it is gripping the way that the story has been put together. we talked to the heroes of that day. we talked to some of the victims. and we were actually able to, with the input from the people who were at the shooting, including officer david bailey, who was one of the officers engaging with the gunman, we were able to go back to the baseball field with permits and recreate the shooting to give you an idea. steve: with real guns. peter: with real guns. they were out there just a couple days ago. the finished product it looks more like something you would see in a trailer for bad boys than in a trailer for something about a congressional baseball practice. but, it really shows how violent this action was. and we can you stream the whole thing now on fox nation. we also, for the first time on camera. took steve scalise back to second base on that practice field where he almost lost his life. and to hear him tell the story right there at second base is one of the most moving experiences that i have had in 15 years of doing different assignments. so, please do go watch it on fox nation. any time now. but start during the break. [laughter] peter: all right. ainsley: that sounds fascinating. i can t believe it s been seven years. we were all together reporting on that. steve: live on the couch. ainsley: yeah, we were. thank you, peter. he has a great wife who is also in the business and on her birthday they are watching peter on tv. lawrence: that s awesome. steve: honey, i have got a special get to see the fox nation three part series one day early. happy birthday, hillary by the way. secret recording by a liberal filmmaker captures samuel alito and john roberts discussing whether they believe compromise between the left and the right is possible. brian: wow. look at this. brooke singman is here with more. brooke: this is a wild story. this liberal documentary filmmaker who lied and represented herself as a religious conservative to get into the supreme court historical society s annual dinner last week secretly recorded a conversation with justice samuel alito and chief justice john roberts discussing the current political climate in america. so in the audio obtained exclusively by rolling stone, justifiable alito is heard questioning whether compromise between the left and the right is even possible. he said one side or the other is going to win. adding there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully but it s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised. the filmmaker justified her decision to intentionally mislead the justices telling rolling stone that she did it because, quote: the supreme court is shrouded in secrecy and they are refusing to submit to any accountability in the face of overwhelming evidence of serious ethics breaches. meanwhile when pressed by the filmmaker chief justice roberts says the polarization in today s society is nothing new. citing high tensions during wars of the past. however roberts focus might be elsewhere right now as senate democrats are currently debating whether or not to subpoena him in the fight over judicial ethics reform. at the moment, democrats seem to be divided on the strategy of issuing a subpoena as they acknowledge it s unclear whether they can even get majority support in the senate judiciary committee. guys? steve: all right, brooke. thank you very much. brian: there is all out attack on the supreme court justice. the flag controversy. what is justin thomas doing on vacation? what is justice alito think when being surreptitiously recorded. lawrence: that recording didn t even get anything. brian: didn t get much. lawrence: no one disagrees with the statements. steve: john roberts disagreed with what she said. ainsley: said he wasn t able to compromise her. some things you can t compromise. steve. lawrence: even if the statement is true nothing wrong with that statement. ainsley: we have ha h. a lot of the people. brian: they are attacking them. ainsley: what about her credibility as a journalist. if she lied to get into this event. steve: it looks like she had an agenda. it looked like she was trying to get that she got it. it was revealed. i m kind of curious about the circumstances. lawrence: they want to destroy the court. steve: meanwhile, talk a little bit about this. you know there is going to be an elections, first tuesday in november. and, you know, look at the polls. we were talking about them a little while ago. right now donald trump is leading in the swing states. and that is causing a number of people on the political left to say my hair is on fire. and their hair is on fire. because they are terrified that donald trump would be returned to the white house and there could be some revenge as well. ainsley: here is rachel maddow talking about her concerns if donald trump is elected. steve: she said this, is a quote. ainsley: i m worried about the country broadly. if we put someone in power who is openly avowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people, and to root out what he describes in subhuman terms, as his enemy from within. what convinces you that these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants? so, yes, i m worried about me. but, only as much as i m worried about all of us. steve: going to the camp? brian: andy mccabe, the fbi guy who was caught putting together a master plan to have this russia hoax put forward. lawrence: lisa page, peter strzok. ains. brian: he said the same thing. chris matthews said the same thing. i watched over the weekend the president was asked by sean hannity, dr. phil in another interview, do you plan on revenge for all the lawfare that has been put out on you. he said i m going to be too busy. you can t blame me if i did and people are mad because i didn t last time with hillary. took the second half he said and put a montage and said the president is out for revenge, why? because they are out to stop the president. they are not out to cover an election. they are out to stop donald trump. lawrence: it s so ironic that the people that has attacked not only the president of the united states, but all of his supporters, whether you are talking about donald trump or just mothers expressing some concern about their kids going after school board moms that are upset with the system, to then say they re going to be targeted, also, the former president has also said, ainsley, that part of his goggle is to make sure that no one else gets targeted. ainsley: where were they when this was happening to donald trump the weapons of our government, our justice system? they all loved that they loved that they were seeking revenge against donald trump, just for having properties in new york. they were running some of our elected officials here were run obligor then issue that i will take down donald trump. that s the weaponization of government. that s what they fear if trump gets elected? brian: that s why james carville came out and said the lawfare is not working here s what trump actually said. sean: on those that want people to believe that you want retribution. that you will use the system of justice to go after your political opponents. number one they are wrong it. has to stop. otherwise, we won t have a country. look, when this election is over, based on what they ve done, i would have every right to go after them and it s easy because it s joe biden and you see all the criminality all of the money going into the family and him. all of this money from china from russia. from ukraine. lawrence: you know, i think it s important. because it s been a quick four years. but, remember where we were four years ago when this came to the campaign back and forth. and you had the 40-plus intelligence former officials come out and say 50, right? it was russian disinformation the hunter biden laptop. and now right now four years later almost, we are in a court of law where they are using that same laptop and the judge has said that it s actually legitimate and not only that. the fbi knew that it was legitimate. but, because it s a campaign, all bets are off. let s scare the american people, let s use people with fancy titles, a part of the community. to say weaponize against and then donald trump can t even suggest? maybe we should undo some of these agents. that s what they are worried about. maybe break up. so agencies. maybe root out the political corruption. it s not like there is proof or anything that they have attacked the former president while he was president of the united states they said they weren t going to take the orders from him. read the goat from rachel maddow worried about a camp. not just people on tv. a.o.c. a congresswoman from here in new york she is worried that apparently trump will arrest her because she has been a big, you know, anti-trump person through the last. lawrence: so ridiculous. one day maddow is afraid of the former president as if he went after one day during the first four years. it s not like we don t have a record to see of the guy they said this the last time he was going to go after the political opponents go. after the journalists. last time i checked it was barack obama s administration spied on journalist spied on our own people at fox news. there is no reports about that. brian: all right. well, we ll see what happens. i just know this, 62% of the country is in favor of rounding up illegal immigrants into camps and sending them back. and that s margaret brennan of face the nation. still can t get her jaw off the ground. steve: she was shocked. it is 7:16 in new york city. carley has the news. carley: unbelievable scene unfolded. chaotic anti-israel protests rocking new york city. [chanting] carley: that s activists chanting long live intifada. victims of the nova music festival murdered by hamas on october 7th. protesters set off flares chanted anti-israel slogans. demonstrators could be seen carrying around a banner that said long live october 7th if you can believe it. maize praising the mass killing left bide hamas left over 1200 israelis dead. at least 120 hostages are still in the hands of hamas. a young missionary couple ongoing unrest in haiti have been laid to rest in home state of missouri. their parents joined us earlier on fox & friends first. all about sharing the love of christ with others. and just helping those that are in need. and they did that during their time there in haiti. it s truly beautiful to see what they did there and how much they loved the culture and the people. it is a dark place, but, you know, i believe that the darkest places need the light. and that s why davey and natalie were there. davey and natalie lloyd were married just two years ago. they had spent the majority of the last few years of their life devoted to god and serving others. an arrest has been made in northern china after four americans were stabbed in a park over the weekend. chinese police say a 55-year-old man is in custody for attacking four instructors from iowa s cornell college on sunday. the victims are now recovering. their conditions are not known at this time. this just in former president trump s legal team is filing a new motion to dismiss the classified documents indictment. this move comes as house democrats launch a group to respond to a possible second trump term. california congressman jared huffman is helping lead the effort. he said, quote. this stuff is going to be coming at us at light speed. and we are on our heels and reacting to it. we could lose our democracy according to that congressman. florida governor ron desantis is raising teacher pay. the governor announced 1.55 $25 billion in new education funding yesterday. while also take swipe at the state s teacher s union. salaries for teachers would increase f 40,000 per year to 47,000 per year. across the country and around the world. that s the one thing you hear about florida they don t pay their teachers a lot. ainsley: in florida. they used to now. brian: they just gave them a raise. steve: thank you, carley. apparently the teacher s union is talking about how carley is number 50 when it comes to teacher pay. ainsley: then i think it changed to 16 now. steve: 16th in the country. ainsley: 16th in the country. steve: i just saw what the teacher s union had said and they said that says florida is 50th in u.s. overall in teacher s pay and teacher short damage. brian: maybe after this increase. ainsley: we were talking about it before the show. you and i were on that with the producers say making them number 16 in the country. lawrence lawrence i just wonder for all the criticism of ron desantis, this is something that he has done and the teachers union, they have not been friendly to him. steve: no. brian: but you know, why, right? school choice. lawrence: 100 percent. steve: and books. lawrence: will they give him credit for signing this bill into law to give them the increases that he needs. so at least is he fighting the culture war as well as taking care of the teachers as well. ainsley: my mom was that teacher for 33 years. my sister is a school teacher in south carolina. i m all for this. they don t make the amount of money for the amount of work they put into it. steve: they do not. brian: i agree. steve: speaking of children naomi campbell has two children at home now. ainsley: her first one at 50 years old. steve: they were born by a surrogate. she talks in the london times now about, you know, i don t think she saw it coming. how much of an impact and how her life changed. she says, my children are my 110% priority. and she loves parenting. and she worries that a number of younger women who are not having children right now because of economy or for some other issue, they are going to some day regret not having a kid. ainsley: i know. she said i have heard a lot of young girls saying that it s too goive have children. they may not want them. and i have said you will change your mind. you will want to be a mom. i understand economically it s tough. but my mom, she is from england, had nothing. and she made it work. it s worth it. it is so amazing. i agree with her. i understand for women out there a lot of single moms, some people making decisions whether they want to raise a child by themselves. if you decide to be a parent, it is the greatest joy. jesus christ, i tell my daughter all the time, getting saved, knowing jesus christ was most important day of my life. my number two day was on november 6th, 2015. the moment that doctor put her in my arms, it changes your life forever. there is nothing sweeter, nothing better. everything you do is for someone else now. you come to work for someone else. it teaches you to be selfless, and it is such a joy. when she walks in that room. i light up. when your children walk in the room, when yours do, there s nothing better. brian: i will find out how much they like me on sunday on father s day. i will look at value that i get back and i will find out what i mean to them. ainsley: you love being a father you talk about it all the time. steve: brian, do you think they are going to be recycling that scottevest. brian: scottevest that guy got outed big time. remember? the leaked audio of him putting downtown fox viewers. attention family, no scottevest. i got enough pockets. lawrence: i will just say as the only one on the couch without children, i do think there is a legitimate fear, especially if you grew up in a family that struggled of what the right time is. ainsley: right. i agree with that. lawrence: we could do better job elders lived through some things to educate. we look at our parents and say they struggled and we don t want our kids to struggle the same way we grew up struggling. i think naomi was trying to do that of trying to say hey, you can make it. i know it s not the glamorizing thing but just put back a little bit more. you will be able to do this. i think my generation that s a lot of what we think of. ainsley: did i change my mind. i was probably like 34 when i said okay, i have done the career thing for so long. i definitely want to. lawrence: ainsley you are saying there is still time for you to change your mind l.j. ainsley: you will be a parent. you will be a great dad. brian: naomi campbell was married to david bow j y.? ainsley: no imam. lawrence: get them mixed up. brian: supermodel collection. ainsley: they are all gorgeous. brian: hard to know who they are married. to say. ainsley: we have a fox news alert. in 90 minutes jury deliberations resume in the hunter biden federal gun trial. we are live outside the courthouse. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. steve all right. 90 minutes from now 9:00 a.m. eastern time. day two of deliberations will start in hunter biden s gun trial in delaware. the fate of the president s son could be decided by a jury today after federal prosecutors told the jury to ignore the first family s presence throughout the proceedings. rich edson is live outside of the courthouse in wilmington. rich, yesterday, inside the courthouse, it looked like a biden family reunion. it did. we have seen a lot of that throughout the week. biden family members out of the courtroom first lady nearly every day. the jurors the next hour and a half. [chanting] deliberate berated for hour and 10 minutes yesterday when they began resuming here. prosecutors began closing telling jurors there is overwhelming evidence against hunter biden. they accused him of using drugs, lying about it on a federal form to buy a gun and illegally owning and possessing that weapon for 11 days in october of 2018. i don t think this guy is a juror. [man shouting] rich: referring directly to biden family. jill biden saying people in the gallery are not evidence. nobody is above the law. prosecutors highlighted testimony from hunter s exs detailing drug use and recapped messages. the defense basically says that the prosecution s case depends on, quote, a magic trick of relying on evidence of past. when he bought that gun. no photos or proof that he was doing so in october of 2018. brian, we will throw it back to you. brian: thanks so much, rich. i appreciate it. i know there is screaming behind you but nothing can rattle you. that s tremendous. awesome job. rich: not at all. brian: got it. let s move ahead. president biden is gearing up for a meeting g 7 in italy later this week to talk on the continued support for ukraine. and as a european union continues to count votes for parliament, get this, right wing parties have made significant ground across the continent, in countries like france. in countries like germany. and elsewhere. taking over a third of the country s seats. here to react, iowa senator joni ernst, senator, it s pretty stunning, i was just jotting this down before the segment. snap elections. right wing make huge progress with france and germany and other nations. what s the message they are trying to send? as you see in europe you will see that in the united states as well, brian. you see the folks in europe really pushing back against a lot of the migration that has happened. many of these countries just opened their doors to migrants that were sweeping across europe. we see that same thing here in the united states with an open southern border. the folks in those countries are so tired. their own government can t support their own people now they are expected to support migrants. we see that in the united states of america, you also see this huge push for green energy to bow to the idol of green climate ideas. of course, people are tired of that as well. you will see that here in the united states, too. with all of the regulation that president biden has been shoving down our throats. and just as we have seen in europe, i can expect that we will see that in november here as well. brian: i don t know if it applies but perhaps it does. remember in 2015 brexit happened and they bucked everything and england broke away. one year later donald trump happened. right. brian: that bucked tradition, too. it made the establishment extremely upset. we know at this point that it looks like france has about half of support of the le pen party. which is right wing. don t love how cozy they are with russia. but the right wing conservatives and in germany it looks like the socialist party took a beating, too. let s move on and talk about what is happening here. earlier we talked about in politico, the first story, talks about how wall street is lining up behind former president donald trump, big numbers. and then you cecil con valley huge $12 million raised for former president trump and does that play into where they think the economy is right now? absolutely it does, brian. you would not see wall street executives lining up to support the former president unless they knew go back, compare the four years of the administration under donald trump and how well our economy was doing then. compare that to today under joe biden. his administration has put so many regulations out there. the impacted to business over $400 billion worth of costs to businesses in new regulations. that s just with joe biden. small businesses are being strangled out of the marketplace because of these regulations. under donald trump, we saw a thriving economy. we can expect to see that again. people are really anxious for the november election. they are even more anxious for january of 2025 when donald j. trump is our next president. brian: the president is going to be addressing business leaders on thursday so that s going to be big. joe biden was invited but he has got to be in italy. oh well donald trump will have a captive audience. brian: absolutely, he answers questions. and he does other thing of listening to what the problem is. exactly. brian: senator, thank you so much. thank you, brian. brian: hundreds of migrants crossing after joe biden s so-called crackdown with one even saying he loves president biden. a live report, next. this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] meanwhile, at a vrbo. when other vacation rentals aren t what they re cracked up to be, try one where you know what you ll get. i m not a doctor. i m not even in a doctor s office. i m standing on the streets talking to real people about their heart. how s your heart? my hear s pretty good. you sure? i think so. how do you know? you re driving a car, you have the check engine light. but the heart doesn t have a hey, check heart sign. i want to show you something. put both fingers right on those pads. there you go. in 30 seconds we re going to have a medical-grade ekg reading. -there it is! -that is you. look at that. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it s the only personal ekg that s fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this device costs? probably a thousand. $99! wow! that s impressive. this year, give dad peace of mind for father s day with kardiamobile for just $79. check out our father s day sale at or amazon. lawrence: so it looks like the biden administration is reportedly looking at more border action, including a proposal to shield illegal immigrants spouses of u.s. citizens from deportation. this as hundreds of migrants from countries around the world continue streaming into the u.s. despite biden s recent executive order. griff jenkins is live at the white house. griff, it doesn t seem like it s working. griff: no, it doesn t seem like that at all, lawrence. good morning. the white house tells fox they are continuing to explore a series of policy options but they are apparently elaborating on that to the new york times who writes this today. the biden administration is considering a proposal to protect undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens from deportation and allow them to work in the country legally. according to four officials with knowledge of the discussions and such any such program could also provide some spouses an easier route to obtain u.s. citizenship. the times says it s unclear how many people this could effect in the no final decision has yet been made. but it comes as you mentioned, lawrence, a week ago today, the president announcing he is cracking down on asylum seekers. so farther numbers have simply shown no decrease illegal crossings. and in places like the san diego sector, they are continuing to release migrants from eastern hemisphere countries that are hard too send back. fox news capturing these images of hundreds crossing in jacumba, california. turkey, india and yemen. one migrant told our colleague matt finn he believes biden is helping him. did you pay anyone to help you get here. no, no, no, no. i just searched the internet and then follow those guides. i searched the internet. a way you can come here. what do you think of president biden? biden, i love biden. why do you love him? biden helped us. griff: caribbean illegal crossers not so lucky. the u.s. coast guard says they returned a combined 305 migrants to the bahamas and haiti on sunday and monday. this was all a part of operation vigilant century where they are trying to crack down on merit me illegal crossings. lawrence: how could they hate him at least on that side of the border. griff, thanks so much for joining the program. griff: thank you. lawrence: los angeles is set to open what could be the world s fanciest homeless shelter and it s costing taxpayers. the 19-story apartment complex in skid row cost $165 million to build or almost $600,000 per unit. joining us is one taxpayer in l.a. business owner paul gentleman van know. paul, everyone wants to help the homeless get them off the st street. doesn t seem like a money issue. what is your thoughts about this program. it certainly isn t good morning, lawrence. it certainly isn t a money issue. this building is being built being built through what is known as measure h, which was it s maybe 6 years old now which was a bond measure to raise $3.75 billion over 10 years city hhh and counter measure h. another $3.75 billion half a percent sales tax increase in the county. combined $7.5 billion over 10 years and if do you that math, that s $2 million a day for 10 years. and that s just those two measures. maxine waters is in congress right now and i don t have the members but she has got two resolutions pimping for $150 billion for homeless and $100 billion for housing for five major cities around the country, los angeles, san francisco, denver, you know, so on and so forth. it is not a money issue. it s they i think what he are doing is artificially no what they are doing is artificially maintaining these monstrously high numbers to justify all this spending. but, it needs to be broken down because we don t have 100 if you use their numbers, we don t have 175,000 homeless people. we have, you know, thousands of homeless people, but we also have tens of thousands that are just drug tourists. we have tens of thousands who are not homeless. they have homes. they just don t like their parents anymore. so they come here and just live in a tent and live off the grid. the numbers you get to build $600,000, 900 square foot apartments because you have endless supply. you have endless supply of money because you have inflated numbers. and it s being being done [inaudible]. lawrence: paul, they keep taxing people like you. i have been down there. i have sat down with the homeless. i sat down on the beach and talked with them. i asked them where do you get the needles for the drugs in the government. give it to them on the street. where do you get the food in the government gives them the food. i asked them where do they get some of the enhanced drugs, the fentanyl and all that yeah, just a local supplier. they don t want to leave because there is really no incentive. so, we re praying for you guys. hopefully some things can turn around. lawrence, the biggest tax that they are taxing us is the effect on the streets. the effect on the retail scene. if it were a money issue, i m happy like, i will buy buildings like that all day long as long as the locks are on the outside. lawrence: you guys have a big heart out there. unfortunately, at love the businesses there are shutting down because they just can t take the taxes anymore. paul, thanks so much for joining the program. thanks, lawrence. lawrence: so, father s day is right around the corner. and skip bedell is here with gifts that any dad would love. we just trying to catch a good time even if it takes all night pass that bottle around theedr camp fire-f ig that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i d buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh.ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. life s daily battles are not meant to be fought alone. - we re not powerless. so long as we don t lose sight of what s important. don t be afraid to seize that moment to talk to your friends. - cloud, you okay? because checking in on a friend can create a safe space. - the first step on our new journey. you coming? reach out to a friend about their mental health. seize the awkward. it s totally worth it. janice: good morning, everyone. a beautiful day in new york city. i have some friends here from arkansas. wave to everybody at home. yea. take a look at the maps. the heat is still a big concern in the west and throughout the southwest where we have excessive heat watches and warnings in effect. temperatures soaring well over 100 degrees. that s going to be continuing throughout the workweek. i mean, these are the types of temperatures you see, you know, into the summertime like july-august. we are getting them in just before summer. and it s really causing issues, you know, people are heat related illness are urged to stay inside. that heat is going to travel across the eastern u.s. over the next couple of days. so we will enjoy that. a little taste of summertime. but very warm in areas that i just mentioned across california and the southwest. also want to make mention in florida, heavy rainfall. this is not a three-point line system but it is deep three-point line moisture. we could get anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of rain friday through saturday. keep that in mind. fox for all of your latest details. look who is outside steve, ainsley, brian and l.j. and skip bedell. steve: thank you very much, janice. lawrence: thanks, j.d. steve: sunday is father s day this weekend. and if you are looking for the best outdoor gifts, have you come to the right place. brian: skip bedell is in the right place. skip: hi, guys. i have curated the best list for dads. starting off with montana knife company. hand crafted from master knife smith josh smith. look at the presentation on this. super quality. such a beautiful gift for dad. hunting knives from a hatchet and all the way up to the sweet piece culinary set. even when magnetic wood block dad can display his knives. steve: great. montana knife unbelievable. brian: or skip bedell. skip: rapid radios. communicating nationwide one touch radios. right in no bills, no contracts, no monthly service fee. $50 a year and nationwide communication. like a one touch walkie talky. lawrence: brian goes dallas this week can i communicate. skip: one push to talk nationwide radio. no monthly bills no contract. rapid unbelievable. steve: earlier, you i thought this was a fan. it s a speaker. skip: ultimate bluetooth speaker turtle box. check this out. loudest outdoor speaker. it s super adorable. it is 100 percent waterproof. marine grade. so this is a true waterproof outdoor bluetooth speaker that dad can take camping, take continue othe boat. best thing it s durable and 100 percent waterproof. brian: i don t know something like this existed. skip: i m wearing brunt work wear. dad works on the job site. any trade. trust me he will love if you give him from grunt work. real texas steel leather. unbelievable pants that are flexible. what you are hold something a uv protection shirt. like i have on. super soft. the fabric. feel, this brian. tell me it s not the softest shirt you ever felt. right? brian: first time i felt a man s shirt. skip: unbelievable work wear. steve: are those abs? skip: you felt that, right? a pencil holder on your hat. brunt work dad is going to love if you get him anything from brunt. this is a firestorm. check this out. this is a portable fire pit. this thing packs up flat, goes into a backpack. it is the only fire pit in the world that packs up and go into a case dad can take his fire pit with him anywhere. it s made 100 percent out of powder coated steel right here in colorado. steve: just need a can of propane. skip: smokeless. best part it goes into a case. steve: less than a minute the lightning round. skip: chill couth 15 by stone glacier. top of the mountain ultimate in sleeping bags. dad is into adventure, camping and hunting. going to keep dad warm and dry for days all the way in the back country. it s all about light weight and compact. this whole thing packs up into this tiny little bag. stone glasure,. brian: dad is sleeping alone in the backyard again. skip: couple different models available at stone glacier, check it out. ready wise pro-meals take camping and hunting, add hot water. they are delicious meals one month emergency food supply all from ready wise. going to make it easy for dad to have food wherever he goes. brian: this is what we gave to the ukrainians during the obama administration. mres. skip: pro-meal by ready wise. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier. apoquel. the trusted number one treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it! lumineux is the first fluoride free toothpaste i ve ever found that actually works. my dentist was blown away with how clean and white my teeth are. my gums and teeth are so healthy. it s crazy. you can get lumineux toothpaste at walmart and target. this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts. in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo hi, i m gina. i ve tried so many things to lose weight. none of it worked. i would quit after a few days or a week at the most. golo is not like any of those. with golo and release i not only met my goal i ve surpassed it. and i m keeping it off. ainsley: it s 8 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, june 11, this is fox and friends . we are expecting to see hunter bide

Steve-scalise , Brian-goes-dallas , Lawrence , Friends , Mornings , Fox-friends , Tease , Waterproof , Person , People , Photograph , Product

Transcripts for FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240604 10:02:00

That. brian: we all got older. steve: news flash. brian: breaking news. this as a national journal report aides and lawmakers are discussing his cognitive decline behind closed doors. rachel: breaking news, brian, is that you have a subscription to time. brian: i fill out the little card. ains. rachel: now we also have a fox weather alert. the first major heat wave of the season is sweeping across the west with temperatures reaching 108 in vegas. 109 in phoenix and expected to be even hotter tomorrow. janice is tracking it all with the maps. lawrence: make sure you stay hydrated. fox & friends starts right now. remember, mornings are better with friends. steve: all right. let s start here. a fox news alert. joe biden s border executive action is now in effect, has been for six hours and one minute as cbp sources confirm agents are seeing an average of 5,000 illegal border crossings a day. and this is over the cap.

Brian , Steve-fox-news-alert , Rachel , Lawmakers , Breaking-news , Behind-closed-doors , Report-aides , Subscription , National-journal , News-flash , Season , Card

Transcripts for FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240604 11:20:00

Times. i think is he a really sharp scientist. the issue is he sticks to one narrative and that s the narrative and this does public harm. ainsley: he was involved in nih funding. yes, yes. ainsley: ains and no one understood why he was the end all, be all in this when he was involved in it. when he had something to lose immunologist. we need people to tell us public health. people like mike osterholm in minnesota. people who study public health their whole lives. ainsley: when you have seen this before covid. it s fine to tell the american people we don t know. we have never seen anything like this. bear with us. we are going to do some studies, instead of slapping marks on our kids and putting social distancing. sealing sealing supposed to be two weeks to bend the curve and ended up being two years.

Issue , Ainsley-plus , Ains , Times , Scientist , Narrative , Harm , Yes , Nih-funding , One , All-over-the-world , People

Transcripts for FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240604 11:05:00

Ains why do you think he is doing this. steve: we were talking about this last week as politico said there are people in the white house and the campaign and freaking out over the poll numbers. ainsley: debate a few weeks away at the end of june and election in november. lawrence: he needs something. steve: he needs something and this is his latest hail mary. we have another fox news alert. in just over an hour. hunter biden s criminal gun trial will start in wilmington, delaware with jury selection. the first son faces three felony charges for allegedly lying on a gun application. rich edson is live outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware, with a preview. rich? hi, good morning, steve. the first of two criminal trials for the president s son hunter biden set to begin here within the next couple of hours in wilmington, delaware on those federal gun charges. jury selection is up for today, possibly the next couple of days here. prosecutors say that back when hunter was trying to buy a gun, in 2018, that he lied on a federal form saying that he was

Steve , People , Something , David-lawrence , Ains , Ainsley-plus , White-house , Politico , Poll-numbers , Campaign , Election , The-end

Transcripts for FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240604 11:46:00

I was in the national guard under president biden i served under bush obama and trump and guard the inauguration and d.c. guard. long story. get it in chapter 6 of this book. ultimately members of my unit in leadership deemed i was an extremist or a white nationalist because i have a tattoo i have which is a religious tattoo. a jerusalem cross. everybody can look it up. it was used as a premise to revoke my orders to guard the inauguration. ainsley: is it really about a toot too? pete: was it because i m a trump supporter or because patriot extremist. fox news, they said it was a tattoo. ains gains they were a threat you were just going to stand there? pete: part of the purge we have seen vaccine mandates. the gadsden flag don t tread on me can t have that on military folks. don t tread on me not aloud patriot extremists. they filtered out people they think are of the wrong ideology. not everybody, there is a lot of

Donald-trump , Let-s-make-it , Hallie-biden , Book , Trump , Story , Chapter , Guard , Inauguration , Obama , Unit , Members

Transcripts for CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240604 08:26:00

Led by prime minister narendra modi s bjp is expected to secure another five years in power nearly 1 billion people were eligible to vote in the seven phase election, which began on april 9, 19th, in south africa, the newly formed mk party is threatening to challenge the results in court, claiming without evidence that the vote was rigged. now, this is the party s surprisingly strong showing looks set to cost the ruling african national congress its majority for the first time 30 years. the party of nelson mandela will be forced to form a coalition with parties like mk k in order to stay in power with counting nearly complete support for the ains see is just over 40% clashes in rome saturday as demonstrators carrying palestinian flags, protests against italian prime minister giorgia meloni and the governments policies on the war in gaza, please blocked roads and fired tear gas to break up the crowds. the clashes took places at least far-right. prime minister held a campaign

People , Narendra-modi , Phase-election , Bjp , South-africa , Led , Seven , 19 , 1-billion , Five , April-9 , 9

Monday Morning Weather | Another breezy day ahead with gusty winds over 30 MPH

Winds will remain breezy as the work week begins. Expect easterly winds of 15-25 mph in the morning, gradually dropping to 10-25 mph. There will also be stronger gusts over

Honolulu , Hawaii , United-states , Island-news , Eather , Ocal , Inds , Ains , Surf ,

Cholera cases on the rise amid devastating floods

Contaminated flood waters have become breeding grounds for cholera bacteria.

Cholera , Ains , Loods , Tana-river , Ealth , Anitation , Oilet ,