Live Breaking News & Updates on Anthony schaeffer

Transcripts For MSNBC The Dylan Ratigan Show 20110909

global anti-terror efforts. for more on the developing story this afternoon we begin with lieutenant corner anthony schaeffer, afghan effort and received a bronze star and on breaking news on this specific threat in new york and d.c. for nbc, wnbc s chief investigative reporter and a man i point out to all of you as one of the better investigative journalists working in broadcast television today. jonathan. quickly what do you know? talk toed about three men. the fbi and security officials unclear if these three men even exist. as a precaution because of this threat, tip, this information that came from that pakistan region they re running around concerned that maybe there is some legitimacy to this, some credibility. no documentation of specific man on specific airplanes or specific documentation? none of that. nothing. except for the word of this informant, who has been credible in the past. so they re running around and as a precaution, what do you do? in bin laden s compound after he was killed they found documents saying i want to strike on the anniversary of 9/11. now another piece of threat information, hey, maybe their guy is coming here to do that? what do you do? you have to protect the public, put the information out there, respond. perhaps the wording of the way this threat warning was put out there, you know, credible, but uncorroborated. i don t trying to figure that out ten years, tony. what does that mean? well i think they ve thrown in the kitchen sink and everything else in, too. remember here basically this fits the pattern of lg al qaeda s new operational methodology. a friend of mine publisheding book the next wave passport holder, green cards, gain access to our country easily. with that said, there s nothing linking this methodology at this point that acan see from reporting that says this guy, these guys, are the ones actually doing it. the problem with this, in my mind it s very clear. you don t want to do it often. this is almost like crying wolf. we ll see. at this point, i don t see anything you can take and say i ve got to do x, y, z based on this report. that is a question that reoccurred to all of us and i suspect everyone watching the show and experiencing the warnings. on the one hand, if this exists, i would like to be informed of this existing and be able to adapt in some way to protect myself. on the other hand, i don t want to feel that i m being injected into a, an incredible fearful state for ambiguous reasons, because somebody else doesn t really know what s going on. creating the cry wolf scenario. is there any this has gone back to george bush in green, red, yellow orange. we got rid of the colors and we re doing this with these reports. what is the mechanism? is there a protocol for issues terror threats and what is the threshold and who sets it? i think here in the city it s a case-by-case basis. we saw the mayor and the fbi come out and they put it in context and said, look. trying to run it down. we don t think you should change your lifestyle and plans but you need to know this and you can make your choice. we re going to do everything we can to protect you and run this down, but we know in this case, the mayor of new york sets the threshold for they were briefed following homeland does homeland security set the threshold? in other words, a decision was played to communicate. with the media, with the people, at some point by somebody. to me this may be an overcompensation. this is how i m looking at it. the last two attacks, facade in times square, the underwear bomber. look back at that, great forensics rapidly. we knew with 24 hour all the pieces out there. the car bomb, where he got the propane tank? the problem it wasn t anticipatory. we ve changed process after 9/11. people changed the rules. the culture remains dogged. a lot of despite the fact they are supposed to shire information, they don t always, this may be an overcompensation saying, by gosh, we re going get it all out there and have people be aware. frankly, everybody today i was walking around here in new york before i came in. anytime a motorcycle backfires everybody takes not now. i m not sure if that s good or bad but it s made people nor ale more alert of things around them. what if they didn t tell us and something happened? not forgivable. the at least you can do, put it out there, we can make our own choices and then do the best to protect us. that rationale resonates, i totally understand. at the same time, you and i and everybody else understands the risk you incur by inflating the fear machine, not on purpose, because you re attempting to do this, creating the cry wolf liability when there ultimately is a threat you get a diminished response because people have been through the cycle so many times. the theft of information perhaps on its own, isolation may not have warranted as much as attention as it s gotten. remember the week and time we re in. we have a ten-year anniversary happening here. thousands of people coming to ground zero. the president, a former president. i don t think you can take any chances. not only that, the media is located in new york. it s a threat on the people who work in the media, which tends to get more the earthquake in d.c., an earthquake the size of the earthquake in d.c. if a couple weeks ago that didn t occur in d.c. and new york would not have been covered wall to wall by new york media, when it s around us, we re more prone to it as well. financial media, political, et says ra. this is we need to look at future threats, which can do greater damage. for example, last night we had san diego and arizona in the dark because of one single mistake. i work with america looking at threats, there are things we don t understand how to stop. terrorists understand that, too. we can look at it every day but we have to get ahead of them. where we re not doing as well as we should. we need 0 look how, wall street, all of these thing, here. terrorists understand our vulnerabilities. now that they have the next generation onboard understand us better than ever how to hurt us even worse. going through cloud computer, power grids, this type of stuff. right. we have to look past the simple car bombings and look deecher into the threat. they re going to adapt. almost ten years between world trade center to 2001. adapting, smarter, we have to start focusing. quickly, who is in charge of that? the president? homeland security secretary? what are we doing on this? you ve got a you have secretary of homeland security, janet napolitano. you ve got the director of cia, panetta, getting intel coming in. the fbi. all of these organizations plus the pentagon. and nypd. and nypd it s own independent free-standing army. pretty much. not a bad thing avlgts great thing. not just as a new yorker but the nature of the the problem. we ve layered things. we have to look at how this layering helped us? i met with a 9/11 commission a few years ago and talked what the 9/11 commission envisioned is not what happened. they didn t want layering. they want the integration shari sharing. we re not there yet and have things we need to be worried about. in this case, skepticism about this threat. they haven t ruled it out. they re still running around. maybe the source is credible and right. until they know they have a job to do and need to do it and they re running around. until they can true in, rule it out, get through the weekend, pumped up security. not only do they have a job, we have a job to do that across the board anybody who is involved in any of this, meaning if you are a citizen of new york are off d.c. or a member of any community organization, whether it s the media, church, anything else, if you know there s a potential threat, it goes to say something, which i know is not as simple as it gets, but seems to be one of the most effective anti-terrorist events known to man. thank you for helping me and the oughtians as well. up next, hear the symbol of a nation in a world changed forever and the reason we even have homeland security. live at ground zero on a beautiful late summer afternoon right after this. let s design a vacation on a bumake it work.edia. see what anandra did? 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[ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what s in your wallet? it has been nearly ten years, you know this, since the twin towers fell from the new york skyline and the world. the people in those buildings that perished cause all of us to continue to reflect on the loved ones who were lost. remember those we knew and honor the heroes who paid the ultimate price in trying to address the crisis. nbc s peter alexander at the heart of it on an absolutely beautiful late summer afternoon in lower manhattan. hi, peter. reporter: dylan, good to visit given the weather over the course of this week. it s fitting on the anniversary of the tenth anniversary, the heavens are shine on this location. so many loved ones that lost their lives here at ground zero returning this weekend to pay respects to those lost on that day. a live picture. give you a better sense what the location looks like today. for many they re getting a first chance to see it in its new form. right there you can see the reflecting pools. that s one of the two built in place of the two towers that fell. 234is is just the south tower site. around it, that dark rim to it where these waterfalls fall 30 feet that is engraved with the names of all the victims lost on that day. revealed when the families get their first chance to see it on sunday, and then opens the public to the public officially on monday, 20129/11. only one tree remains on the ground zero site. the one oak tree that survived, the survivor tree that survived in the rubble on that day there. you see the second reflecting pool. art, our am cameraman. known as freedom tower but now known at one world trade center. you see the remarkable site. revealed at roughly 9:03 today. the same time the second plane hit the south tower back ten years ago. unif you wered by the workers here. many of whom will not be here for the events of this weekend, and wanted to participate in honoring those lives lost. so it s a pool, to honor the dead. this building in many ways honors the lives of the living. it will chloe to be the largest pild building in the united states of america. 1,706 feet. the freedom tower. we call this location ground zero. the maybe michael bloomberg made it clear over the course of the week he d like to put in many ways that name to bed. it has a negative connotation. this is the world trade center site and new york is back in business. you get a live look what is a spectacular day in advance of so many dignitaries arriving over the course of the week. among them, president barack obama here sunday as events begin at 8:40 a.m. and the former president, george w. bush. the former player of the city, rudy jewel joe giuliani. the former mayor. george pataki, and present governor michael bloomberg as well. joined with a couple of guests tied by their loss ten years ago and more importantly their work since then, focusing on educating all the rest of us and most importantly, our young people to these events. i am proud to welcome back to this show edi, co-founder of the relief fund and author of an unbroken bond. there s the book. and lee from the september 11th family association. nice to see both of you again. the last time we spoke, it became an impassioned conversation about the desperate need for education specifically around 9/11 more broadly, globally, suches that the more educate wed are the less likely we all come to kill each other. where do we stand with that? we stand at zero. we ve had a great opportunity to speak last week with governor cuomo, who is now taking a strong stance on education. and he doesn t like curriculum. that s our regions people but he is going to promote it to the regions people who express the need we need to educate. we should be the first state in respect still is zero states that have in type of curriculum to talk about that history. talk about your book for a second, edi. it s being described in flattering terms, most specifically one of the notice realistic and continued portrayal. not just a book about that day. this is a book about the experience and the consequences that followed. exactly. it s a journey of ten years. i think that what s contained in it it s going to have a lot of relevance going forward even past that ten year, and it really is a private look into what was a very public event. people think know know what happened and they don t. i ll give you a very easy example. most people don t know that nowhere down at the world trade center memorial does it say september 11, 2001, anywhere. and so that s you know, that s like a little bit of information that nobody knows. most people, because they re looking at what they re looking at now forget at one point this memorial will be completely under ground. so there s a lot that s gone on, and there are so many lessons that we still need to learn. talk about education with lee. had i finished writing the book, there were 2,000 schools that another organization that has put together a curriculum program did to educate our children about 9/11. only one was a public school in new york city. out of those 2,000 schools that had cruurriculum prap programs only one from the new york area. why do you think that? why do you think there s such a slow response rate? we talk about complacency. get past that. we re never going to be anything other than half complacency, such a beautiful country, never attacked before. why education is so critical. we know what s happened today, under severe threat. are we going to be afraid to talk about radical islamic fundamentalists as opposed to good muslim people? there s so many good but we re afraid to use those words. it s nots coming out of my mouth. we re afraid to use it. if we continue down that road not explaining to the world about this small fraction called radical islamic fundamentalists, well, slam on us. we can only give ray kelly this beautiful job of his here, doing a great job, but they re going to slip. some place the terrorists are going slip into this country and that doesn t make any sense to me. a professor at nyu on earlier this week who hit exactly the point you just made. which is, we refuse to talk about radical islam. people with islam refuse to talk about it, because they don t want to be seen at alienating inside their own community. liberals and the leftees, if you will, don t want to talk about it, they don t want to be seen as a bigot or racist and the right wing doesn t want to talk about it, because they re invested in the fear of all islam, and as result, no differentiation. whatever your view is, it s clear that a less fearful and more honest analysis of threats and behavior is in order, and education will be the only pathway to that. fair? absolutely. that s right. look at peter king. i mean, he stepped up to the blat. he s not afraid to talk about it. he s not putting good muslim people in the same group. he s just understand the fact that you do. we need to educate our young people. globally. this doesn t the vast majority of muslims by the way and non-muslims. absolutely. the danger, because of the, what we re talking about, everybody. i want to talk about the ceremony a second. a lot of talk about who s not going to this. it s unbelievable to me. what s going on? that, look the priorities for this administration was to get this memorial open for the ten year anniversary. because the construction all around it, there s only a certain number of people, i guess, they feel they can safely have at the memorial. and so the choices they ve made are, to my mind s eye inappropriate. i mean, somebody made a great statement to me the other day. they said, you know, the firemen and the police officers weren t invited to 9/11 but they came anyway. and that s only looking at the uniform services people. i have three people, and i talk about them in my book, that survived. they re burn victims. they re not allowed to be there, because they re survivors. i have people who were in the lobby, who were in the elevators who saw their colleagues and friends and family members die, and unless you re an immediate family, you re not allowed to be there. that is not a memorial service. that is not the opening of a memorial service. i m running out of time. converted into a political event? in other words, is it just powerful people who are friends with the mayor and the president who are at this thing? i hope not. am i too cynical? i hope not. i hope not. maybe it s because we have so many powerful people coming here and they re worried about protecting them. i spent my working with the most beautiful men and women you d of want 0 work with. not just firemen and cops. i worked with volunteers from all over this beautiful country of ours. i worked with chaplains. can t tell you how many were at the site every single solitary bay. gave their heart to us, our city. now, i don t want to get into the political end of this, but these people deserve their day here. you know. maybe some will want to come become, but i can t tell you how many phone calls i ve gotten. they want to come on the tenth anniversary. they were part of this. of course they do. they found many of the people from the 658 that were lost in cantor and on and on and now they re not able to come here and just give their respects? that doesn t it does make sense to me. there s a lot in this process that doesn t make a lot of sense, and it s one of the main reasons that i wrote an unbroken bond was because you see little snippets of things as events occur, and we talk about them in the media, but you don t see it all put together. you know? and usually when you write a memoir, it does have a lot of footnotes at the end, but this one does. a continuous narrative from the past ten years takes us forward. i really appreciate that. thank you so much. thanks to both of you. you as well. lee and edie. weeg take a break. more 9/11 coverage after this. newtons fruit thins, one unique cookie. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that s a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on. her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. i am sending this congress a plan that you should pass right away. you should pass this job plans right away. pass this bill. pass this jobs bill. this plan is the right thing to do right now. you should pass it. i don t about you, i think we got the message anyway. breaking briefly from our 9/11 coverage to cover our president s latest jobs pitch to congress and the nation. was it really just another cover-up plan? one tlap avoids solving the underlying tax trade and banking problems that have assailed our nation for now well in excess of ten years? our friday mega panel krystal ball, toure and ari all here. obviously i m a critic, noechbl not only of the president and the congress, but with that said, anything you heard you felt was at least better than anything else you heard? yes. actually, i was prechtly surprised by this proposal. you know i agree with you in terms of fundamental reforms. this does not address the fundamental issues facing our country but it s a proposal worth supporting because it gets us out of the negative feedback cycle we ve been in. it gets people back to work at the state and local level, which is critical. spending on infrastructure we need. it gets things going and we need that. in a nutshell, doesn t solve the structure but a good looking band-aid? t. is. gets us going. we need that. we could use one. we re bleeding. go ahead. look, the plan is good. that s what i care about. the speech aggressive. this that. the plan inside this speech is good. it s not great and not perfect, but it is stimulative, although he didn t actually use that word because polling says you should call it something else. again, i don t care what you call it. but will it pass? probably not in this form. is this the right time? no. so for all of those practical reasons, good plan, but not a very encouraging environment. right. and the facts of the matter is we re going to have weeks and months to discuss this very topic, and so i m going to turn to the news of the day, if you will, toure. and you re going to come along a little later with a rant and talk about all the grist of the 9/11 coverage. even the news. day. it s not news. this is, like, just remembrances of feelings long ago. you know i disagree with you, is the news is the reopening of the world one world trade site. on monday. i thought were you going to say the reopening of the wound of 9/11. no. maybe view viewers thought that, trying to anticipate my words as you do. those were not actually the words that left my mouth. no. the news is the reopening of the site, and the obviously convergence of the people to do that. i don t disagree with your accession. we ll save that for the rant. an interesting dynamic, however, here journalistically caused by this, anybody looking for an angle. right? one of the angles that has come up which i think is more interesting than the others what if 9/11 had never happened? gitmo wouldn t have opened. we wouldn t have invaded afghanistan. we d be able to get on a plane we wouldn t have homeland security. wouldn t have the fearmongering that has dominated the last ten years that anybody at any time for security reasons, and can do anything after you say that enter a building, get on a plane, whatever. it s for security reasons. so that s why i have to give you my cell phone? what good is that going to do? i thought it used to be, because i was black. now all of a sudden do it to everybody. do it to black men in harm let me harlem, now everybody s got to do it. if 9/11 hadn t happened, we wouldn t all be black. that s true. look at me. look at me. i m not totally sure that that s the case. it s easy to say we wouldn t have invaded iraq. would not have invaded that s what i was going to say. i think the vice president had already determined he wanted to invade iraq. right. you know, i don t know. was it only a matter of time until we lost that sort of innocence and went to this more security-minded war on terror approach? to me that s an open question. i don t know if it may have been inevitable we had to take i m not sure. 9/11 was the catalyst for change, but that the change was coming anyway, whether it was this 9/11 catalyst or some other event. something else. i think probably entirely possible. without an america on america, which fundamentally changed how we thought about america, you couldn t have pushed through these reforms in security and just basic sort of human rights and civil rights with america that, to get on the plane, that sort of thing. you couldn t just like if we do that the deterioration, always thought it was interesting and perplexing, the idea i m going to approach toure or krystal or ari and say i want to make you more secure. i m leer here to help you. what i m going to do as a result, diminish your rights. i think there s something counterintuitive. the point you re making. which is, how is it that by taking away his rights, by taking away your rights and her rights and my rights and the audience s rights, that that can create safety? and we right. buy this. we think this is a good idea. yes, we absolutely must do this. give the government everything they need. because you could be saved. yes. and you know i must say i had a good old-fashioned tsa pat-down this morning. congratulations. but i completely agree with everything you re saying and it s obviously very lard to say, what would have happened if it hadn t happened but i will say this we are living now in an era of black swan events. things you would never expect to happen. very bad things. things you would never predict happening, happening. 9/11 was what we experienced causing security. i m not sure if it hadn t happened another experience wouldn t have taken us to this same place. the real tragedy is that we have a bipartisan consensus around the security state. i don t know about going back to 2001, but i can say to you compared to, say, 2004, in the middle of the bush era i would have thought that the rejection of his presidency, which did occur by the end of his second term. 08, right. would have substantive repercussions. security? right. dylan, you mentioned guantanamo. we had an election with a nominee saying no to guantanamo and coming in on the first day saying i m going to shut it down. it s only fair to point out while running on that we have a president in obama who has not shut guantanamo down. a congress that got in his way of doing that. and a congress that got elected promising to, a take on the security and democrats in 06 and 08 who perp pech waited security. look at the action, not words, action on guantanamo from democrats, action on the national surveillance stake, what is most disturbing to me on the set of issues is that actually it has been ratified now twice by both parties. that is something i frankly was more optistic about in seeing the public rejection and then that i think is going to be a big problem. we talked about the reauthorization of the patriot act on this program. frankly, it didn t get a lot of coverage and not a lot of pushback against it. interesting. we re going to have to wrap this on time, but we talk so much about the division, the democratics and republicans. unanimous consent kweth whether on the security state, banking systems, trade agreements, whether on the tax code, all of these things, seems like the things that trurly are affecting us are things that we have very little debate on and the things most pro vauk tib for the political process and the media and sort of the lizard brain, gay marriage and all this, obviously occupy a lot of the space. a momentary break. still ahead what we no and what most of us do not know about the day that changed america. as a home, there are things i m supposed to do. like, keep one of these over your head. well, i wasn t supposed to need flood insurance, but i have it. fred over here chose not to have it. me, i ve got a plan. fred he uh. fred what is your plan? do i look like i have a plan? not really. [ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. for a free brochure, call the number on your screen. events of 9/11 as we all have our recollections, in my case i was hosting a live morning television show for bloomberg television here in new york. bloomberg was and still is an exclusively finance-driven media company. and as the e-mails started to cascade on to my bloomberg instant messenger live on the broadcast set, the same one that sits here with the blumberg terminal. messages from friends and old sources in the buildings. as the minutes ticked by and the information continued to pour in, it quickly became apparent to me and those around me that the events that i would witness and narrate on television those events were taking the lives of a number of old friends and close sources. in the two years following those events i moved to a home that i still live in today. it s about six blocks north of ground zero. at this point in my career i was working for cnbc. my job had me commuting by foot. i like to walk. down to the new york stock exchange each day. i would walk to the exchange each morning, and peer through the fences to see whether that gigantic hole was still in the ground. and for most of the past decade, it was. in 2009, i began working here at msnbc. and my commute no longer had me walking past ground zero every day. but i have continued and do continue to live and shop for groceries and other things only a few blocks away from the site that we re covering. weekends come as a reminder to me and my neighbors of what happened to this community, our country and our world on that day. in the most recent years the hole in the ground began to close and we have started to see the emergence of life once again at that previously scorched earth. witnessing all of this has been painful, but now comes with glimmers of hope. so now we can only hope that as the earth at ground zero begins to heal so, too, will the psychological scars on our nation, ourselves, and the rest of the world. we re back after this. than many other allergy medications. omnaris. omnaris, to the nose! did you know nasal symptoms like congestion can be caused by allergic inflammation? omnaris relieves your symptoms by fighting inflammation. side effects may include headache, nosebleed, and sore throat. i tossed those allergy symptoms out of my party. 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what we know rather more than we used to know. during the first the official investigations. that was the congressional inquiry in late 2002, the fbi withheld for a long time information that involved saudis who had supported the first two future hijackers to arrive in the united states. that was as early as the millennium. 20 months before 9/11. the congressional investigation stumbled on it themselves and then found themselves locked in a bitter fight with the bureau to get the information out. and at the end of their work, the president bush personally ordered that the last 28 pages of the congressional inquiry report would be withheld, and we know from sources that we know that it involved the question of foreign support for the perpetrators of 9/11. and we know from sources that that support came in the view of the investigators for the congressional group from saudi arabia. what i ve put together in the last week or so going back to an old counterterrorism contact has been to develop a story indicating that there was almost a mirror image of the california situation in west florida, that the hijackers had come and gone from a gated community where a named saudi couple lived. we are hugely oil dependent on saudi arabia. they are our our oil dealer of last resort. the central bank of oil. right? it s said they have so much of it. because it s easy to get out of the ground and easy for us to burn, we also are the big arms dealer for saudi arabia. uh-huh. so saudi arabia gives us lots of business on the military side. it s easy to look at this information and think, so we re attacking afghanistan, iraq, all of these other places, which may have very well harbored, i m not suggesting there wasn t valid reason for afghanistan, whatever it is, but it s befuddled why it is there has not been aniest to engage saudi arabia for not only their role in these events that we re commemorating again today, but the nature of american ongoing dependent relationship with a nation that clearly played a role in these attacks, one way or the other. whether at a government level or private wealth, i don t even care. well, it s more complicated than a government and nongovernmental issue. it s groups with that government supporting al qaeda while other groups are actually very pro-western. while the evidence suggests that there may have been a support network and perhaps funding for al qaeda, people with the saudi government talk about the fact they were closely surveilling the al qaeda operative and why didn t the u.s. intelligence agencies listen to them, take their advice? so it s very difficult to know without the release of things like the 28 pages that anthony just mentioned, the joint congressional committee came up with, where those stories interlock. were they surveilling the hijackers? was it an intelligence mission gone awry, or was it the more simple explanation, saudi fundamentalists support channeling money and other kinds of support to the hijackers themselves. the question that occurs to me is whether the confusion, if you will, inside of the nature of the saudi relationship with the terrorists, with america, all of these things, the inability to clearly define that, how much did that contribute to the desire to scapegoat iraq? which was an easier mark than trying to deal with the complex nature of analyzing saudi arabia? very much so. i mean, you had president bush in the knowledge two days after the 9/11 attacks, in the knowledge that 15 of the 19 hijackers had been saudi, receiving the saudi ambassador at the white house, embracing him, saying, hello, prince, your highness or whatever and smoking a cigar with him on the truman balcony as if there was nothing wrong. this year when we wanted to use a photograph, a white house photograph of that, the former president s office tried to intervene to stop us using the picture. he was very sensitive about that relationship, of protecting the relationship with the saudis. personally? vested and protected relationship? personally but i think more than that. that short word, o-i-l. with the oil investment question was more important, perhaps, than the truth to the american people. i m going to leave it on that note. the book is called the 11th day: the full story of september 11th real pleasure to have you both here. appreciate it. congratulations on finishing the book and having the courage to try to introduce a critical new information to this dialogue. thank you. thank you. next, toure back with his thoughts on what s become a yearly ritual of reliving 9/11. yep. the longer you stay with us, the more you save. and when you switch from another company to us, we even reward you for the time you spent there. genius. yeah, genius. you guys must have your own loyalty program, right? well, we have something. show her, tom. huh? you should see november! oh, yeah? giving you more. now that s progressive. call or click today. helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at probiotic. [ female announcer ] phillips colon health. i know his thoughts on the tenth anniversary. our friends toure. we are once again in the midst of the 9/11 nostalgia mill, the annual ritual where print and television media churn out remember brans and images of 9/11. this year the tenth anniversary an extra intensity. more pages, more tv time devoted to it as if there s a going out of business sale on 9/11 memories. i can almost see some immediatiest telling troops the tenth anniversary of the ap apocalypse. let s unload the vaults. it s weirding me out. we must remember the valiance ones on the plane, encrusted and courageous first respond toers went into areas most humans would run from and never came out. when i see those car window stickers that say never forget and show an image of the towers i want to salute. but this media 9/11 nostalgia isn t the same. is it about remembering the dead or like a car crash gawking situation? is it like, when people would come to new york and want to see ground zero as if the wreckage was some sort of tourist site? i refuse to take visiting friends to ground zero to see the massive hole in the ground. it s not a tourist site. a place where many people and a part of america died. the america i lived in before that morning, before planes met towers, no longer exist in my mind or in anyone else s. we ve changed in fundamental ways. we can no lock longer a nation would never be attacked on no longer feel totally free moving through america. keeping one eye out for the next shoe to drop, for the next attack to come. we ve been remaining vigilant because we re on the verge of another attack, we ve been told that so many times i m numb to it. like the government is the boy who cried wolf. the america me and you died on 9/11 replaced by a nation mistrustful of its own citizens. when you go to the airport we re guilty until proven harmless, which can only be proven by getting naked and being x-rayed or intimately padded down. a nation comfortable hating all of islam and mochks built with a certainly proximity with ground zero and by that i mean with the proximity of the united states. and the where were you when the planes hit stuff? remember that crazy day stuff? like we re in aa telling each other our stories. i know it s traumatic. i m a knonew yorker and smellede smoke days after. are we doing this for a good human reason like to heal the wounds that remain? or is it a tool to get people to watch and read, because fear sells and wallowing in the deep pool of 9/11 pain is good for business? i agree with you. it s an interesting situation. because i just did an hour show on 9/11. do the people want it, or do we want to give it to them? i don t know that there s an answer to that question that i have. it may exist. i don t know it. i mean, if you do the show i do, however think that at least in the our case, and it s easy to think that, that we try to have a conversation in a way that moves things forward. whether it s the education, with lee and edie and that sort of thing, but i am hopeful that your words go to i m not even going to bother. we re on an attention based economy. things accumulate attention will get programmed on television. whether kim kardashian, the hurricane. yes. 9/11, the super bowl. this is going to get attention. and that makes money for media companies. but if we had done, you had done a normal show on the banks, the jobs, the thing us normally love to talk about, would people have said, he s not talking about 9/11! my knees are not being i don t know. me neither. i don t know. nice to see you, though. we got to talk about that at some point. all right. that s going to do it for us today. i am dylan ratigan, and hardball s up right now. the battle for richmond. let s play hardball.

United-states , New-york , Arizona , Iraq , Afghanistan , Florida , Saudi-arabia , California , San-diego , Washington , District-of-columbia , Pakistan

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Dylan Ratigan Show 20110909

qaeda, possibly with car bombs. a lot of possibles in this. a manhunt is under way and security checkpoints in full effect throughout the city of new york and washington, d.c. a u.s. source saying in pakistan that two or three wannabe terrorists may have flown into america. some using u.s. passports. we cannot confirm it. we are doing everything with our power. all hands are on deck. you don t mess with this country when you attack us. we made clear that when that happens, we will come and get you. since the attacks, 6,234 u.s. troops have been killed in iraq and afghanistan. more than double the number that per issued on 9/11 itself. we, of course, have spent more than $1.3 trillion dollars since that fateful day on war and global anti-terror efforts. for more on the developing story this afternoon we begin with lieutenant corner anthony schaeffer, afghan effort and received a bronze star and on breaking news on this specific threat in new york and d.c. for nbc, wnbc s chief investigative reporter and a man i point out to all of you as one of the better investigative journalists working in broadcast television today. jonathan. quickly what do you know? talk toed about three men. the fbi and security officials unclear if these three men even exist. as a precaution because of this threat, tip, this information that came from that pakistan region they re running around concerned that maybe there is some legitimacy to this, some credibility. no documentation of specific man on specific airplanes or specific documentation? none of that. nothing. except for the word of this informant, who has been credible in the past. so they re running around and as a precaution, what do you do? in bin laden s compound after he was killed they found documents saying i want to strike on the anniversary of 9/11. now another piece of threat information, hey, maybe their guy is coming here to do that? what do you do? you have to protect the public, put the information out there, respond. perhaps the wording of the way this threat warning was put out there, you know, credible, but uncorroborated. i don t trying to figure that out ten years, tony. what does that mean? well i think they ve thrown in the kitchen sink and everything else in, too. remember here basically this fits the pattern of lg al qaeda s new operational methodology. a friend of mine publisheding book the next wave passport holder, green cards, gain access to our country easily. with that said, there s nothing linking this methodology at this point that acan see from reporting that says this guy, these guys, are the ones actually doing it. the problem with this, in my mind it s very clear. you don t want to do it often. this is almost like crying wolf. we ll see. at this point, i don t see anything you can take and say i ve got to do x, y, z based on this report. that is a question that reoccurred to all of us and i suspect everyone watching the show and experiencing the warnings. on the one hand, if this exists, i would like to be informed of this existing and be able to adapt in some way to protect myself. on the other hand, i don t want to feel that i m being injected into a, an incredible fearful state for ambiguous reasons, because somebody else doesn t really know what s going on. creating the cry wolf scenario. is there any this has gone back to george bush in green, red, yellow orange. we got rid of the colors and we re doing this with these reports. what is the mechanism? is there a protocol for issues terror threats and what is the threshold and who sets it? i think here in the city it s a case-by-case basis. we saw the mayor and the fbi come out and they put it in context and said, look. trying to run it down. we don t think you should change your lifestyle and plans but you need to know this and you can make your choice. we re going to do everything we can to protect you and run this down, but we know in this case, the mayor of new york sets the threshold for they were briefed following homeland does homeland security set the threshold? in other words, a decision was played to communicate. with the media, with the people, at some point by somebody. to me this may be an overcompensation. this is how i m looking at it. the last two attacks, facade in times square, the underwear bomber. look back at that, great forensics rapidly. we knew with 24 hour all the pieces out there. the car bomb, where he got the propane tank? the problem it wasn t anticipatory. we ve changed process after 9/11. people changed the rules. the culture remains dogged. a lot of despite the fact they are supposed to shire information, they don t always, this may be an overcompensation saying, by gosh, we re going get it all out there and have people be aware. frankly, everybody today i was walking around here in new york before i came in. anytime a motorcycle backfires everybody takes not now. i m not sure if that s good or bad but it s made people nor ale more alert of things around them. what if they didn t tell us and something happened? not forgivable. the at least you can do, put it out there, we can make our own choices and then do the best to protect us. that rationale resonates, i totally understand. at the same time, you and i and everybody else understands the risk you incur by inflating the fear machine, not on purpose, because you re attempting to do this, creating the cry wolf liability when there ultimately is a threat you get a diminished response because people have been through the cycle so many times. the theft of information perhaps on its own, isolation may not have warranted as much as attention as it s gotten. remember the week and time we re in. we have a ten-year anniversary happening here. thousands of people coming to ground zero. the president, a former president. i don t think you can take any chances. not only that, the media is located in new york. it s a threat on the people who work in the media, which tends to get more the earthquake in d.c., an earthquake the size of the earthquake in d.c. if a couple weeks ago that didn t occur in d.c. and new york would not have been covered wall to wall by new york media, when it s around us, we re more prone to it as well. financial media, political, et says ra. this is we need to look at future threats, which can do greater damage. for example, last night we had san diego and arizona in the dark because of one single mistake. i work with america looking at threats, there are things we don t understand how to stop. terrorists understand that, too. we can look at it every day but we have to get ahead of them. where we re not doing as well as we should. we need 0 look how, wall street, all of these thing, here. terrorists understand our vulnerabilities. now that they have the next generation onboard understand us better than ever how to hurt us even worse. going through cloud computer, power grids, this type of stuff. right. we have to look past the simple car bombings and look deecher into the threat. they re going to adapt. almost ten years between world trade center to 2001. adapting, smarter, we have to start focusing. quickly, who is in charge of that? the president? homeland security secretary? what are we doing on this? you ve got a you have secretary of homeland security, janet napolitano. you ve got the director of cia, panetta, getting intel coming in. the fbi. all of these organizations plus the pentagon. and nypd. and nypd it s own independent free-standing army. pretty much. not a bad thing avlgts great thing. not just as a new yorker but the nature of the the problem. we ve layered things. we have to look at how this layering helped us? i met with a 9/11 commission a few years ago and talked what the 9/11 commission envisioned is not what happened. they didn t want layering. they want the integration shari sharing. we re not there yet and have things we need to be worried about. in this case, skepticism about this threat. they haven t ruled it out. they re still running around. maybe the source is credible and right. until they know they have a job to do and need to do it and they re running around. until they can true in, rule it out, get through the weekend, pumped up security. not only do they have a job, we have a job to do that across the board anybody who is involved in any of this, meaning if you are a citizen of new york are off d.c. or a member of any community organization, whether it s the media, church, anything else, if you know there s a potential threat, it goes to say something, which i know is not as simple as it gets, but seems to be one of the most effective anti-terrorist events known to man. thank you for helping me and the oughtians as well. up next, hear the symbol of a nation in a world changed forever and the reason we even have homeland security. live at ground zero on a beautiful late summer afternoon right after this. let s design a vacation on a bumake it work.edia. see what anandra did? 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[ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what s in your wallet? it has been nearly ten years, you know this, since the twin towers fell from the new york skyline and the world. the people in those buildings that perished cause all of us to continue to reflect on the loved ones who were lost. remember those we knew and honor the heroes who paid the ultimate price in trying to address the crisis. nbc s peter alexander at the heart of it on an absolutely beautiful late summer afternoon in lower manhattan. hi, peter. reporter: dylan, good to visit given the weather over the course of this week. it s fitting on the anniversary of the tenth anniversary, the heavens are shine on this location. so many loved ones that lost their lives here at ground zero returning this weekend to pay respects to those lost on that day. a live picture. give you a better sense what the location looks like today. for many they re getting a first chance to see it in its new form. right there you can see the reflecting pools. that s one of the two built in place of the two towers that fell. 234is is just the south tower site. around it, that dark rim to it where these waterfalls fall 30 feet that is engraved with the names of all the victims lost on that day. revealed when the families get their first chance to see it on sunday, and then opens the public to the public officially on monday, 20129/11. only one tree remains on the ground zero site. the one oak tree that survived, the survivor tree that survived in the rubble on that day there. you see the second reflecting pool. art, our am cameraman. known as freedom tower but now known at one world trade center. you see the remarkable site. revealed at roughly 9:03 today. the same time the second plane hit the south tower back ten years ago. unif you wered by the workers here. many of whom will not be here for the events of this weekend, and wanted to participate in honoring those lives lost. so it s a pool, to honor the dead. this building in many ways honors the lives of the living. it will chloe to be the largest pild building in the united states of america. 1,706 feet. the freedom tower. we call this location ground zero. the maybe michael bloomberg made it clear over the course of the week he d like to put in many ways that name to bed. it has a negative connotation. this is the world trade center site and new york is back in business. you get a live look what is a spectacular day in advance of so many dignitaries arriving over the course of the week. among them, president barack obama here sunday as events begin at 8:40 a.m. and the former president, george w. bush. the former player of the city, rudy jewel joe giuliani. the former mayor. george pataki, and present governor michael bloomberg as well. joined with a couple of guests tied by their loss ten years ago and more importantly their work since then, focusing on educating all the rest of us and most importantly, our young people to these events. i am proud to welcome back to this show edi, co-founder of the relief fund and author of an unbroken bond. there s the book. and lee from the september 11th family association. nice to see both of you again. the last time we spoke, it became an impassioned conversation about the desperate need for education specifically around 9/11 more broadly, globally, suches that the more educate wed are the less likely we all come to kill each other. where do we stand with that? we stand at zero. we ve had a great opportunity to speak last week with governor cuomo, who is now taking a strong stance on education. and he doesn t like curriculum. that s our regions people but he is going to promote it to the regions people who express the need we need to educate. we should be the first state in respect still is zero states that have in type of curriculum to talk about that history. talk about your book for a second, edi. it s being described in flattering terms, most specifically one of the notice realistic and continued portrayal. not just a book about that day. this is a book about the experience and the consequences that followed. exactly. it s a journey of ten years. i think that what s contained in it it s going to have a lot of relevance going forward even past that ten year, and it really is a private look into what was a very public event. people think know know what happened and they don t. i ll give you a very easy example. most people don t know that nowhere down at the world trade center memorial does it say september 11, 2001, anywhere. and so that s you know, that s like a little bit of information that nobody knows. most people, because they re looking at what they re looking at now forget at one point this memorial will be completely under ground. so there s a lot that s gone on, and there are so many lessons that we still need to learn. talk about education with lee. had i finished writing the book, there were 2,000 schools that another organization that has put together a curriculum program did to educate our children about 9/11. only one was a public school in new york city. out of those 2,000 schools that had cruurriculum prap programs only one from the new york area. why do you think that? why do you think there s such a slow response rate? we talk about complacency. get past that. we re never going to be anything other than half complacency, such a beautiful country, never attacked before. why education is so critical. we know what s happened today, under severe threat. are we going to be afraid to talk about radical islamic fundamentalists as opposed to good muslim people? there s so many good but we re afraid to use those words. it s nots coming out of my mouth. we re afraid to use it. if we continue down that road not explaining to the world about this small fraction called radical islamic fundamentalists, well, slam on us. we can only give ray kelly this beautiful job of his here, doing a great job, but they re going to slip. some place the terrorists are going slip into this country and that doesn t make any sense to me. a professor at nyu on earlier this week who hit exactly the point you just made. which is, we refuse to talk about radical islam. people with islam refuse to talk about it, because they don t want to be seen at alienating inside their own community. liberals and the leftees, if you will, don t want to talk about it, they don t want to be seen as a bigot or racist and the right wing doesn t want to talk about it, because they re invested in the fear of all islam, and as result, no differentiation. whatever your view is, it s clear that a less fearful and more honest analysis of threats and behavior is in order, and education will be the only pathway to that. fair? absolutely. that s right. look at peter king. i mean, he stepped up to the blat. he s not afraid to talk about it. he s not putting good muslim people in the same group. he s just understand the fact that you do. we need to educate our young people. globally. this doesn t the vast majority of muslims by the way and non-muslims. absolutely. the danger, because of the, what we re talking about, everybody. i want to talk about the ceremony a second. a lot of talk about who s not going to this. it s unbelievable to me. what s going on? that, look the priorities for this administration was to get this memorial open for the ten year anniversary. because the construction all around it, there s only a certain number of people, i guess, they feel they can safely have at the memorial. and so the choices they ve made are, to my mind s eye inappropriate. i mean, somebody made a great statement to me the other day. they said, you know, the firemen and the police officers weren t invited to 9/11 but they came anyway. and that s only looking at the uniform services people. i have three people, and i talk about them in my book, that survived. they re burn victims. they re not allowed to be there, because they re survivors. i have people who were in the lobby, who were in the elevators who saw their colleagues and friends and family members die, and unless you re an immediate family, you re not allowed to be there. that is not a memorial service. that is not the opening of a memorial service. i m running out of time. converted into a political event? in other words, is it just powerful people who are friends with the mayor and the president who are at this thing? i hope not. am i too cynical? i hope not. i hope not. maybe it s because we have so many powerful people coming here and they re worried about protecting them. i spent my working with the most beautiful men and women you d of want 0 work with. not just firemen and cops. i worked with volunteers from all over this beautiful country of ours. i worked with chaplains. can t tell you how many were at the site every single solitary bay. gave their heart to us, our city. now, i don t want to get into the political end of this, but these people deserve their day here. you know. maybe some will want to come become, but i can t tell you how many phone calls i ve gotten. they want to come on the tenth anniversary. they were part of this. of course they do. they found many of the people from the 658 that were lost in cantor and on and on and now they re not able to come here and just give their respects? that doesn t it does make sense to me. there s a lot in this process that doesn t make a lot of sense, and it s one of the main reasons that i wrote an unbroken bond was because you see little snippets of things as events occur, and we talk about them in the media, but you don t see it all put together. you know? and usually when you write a memoir, it does have a lot of footnotes at the end, but this one does. a continuous narrative from the past ten years takes us forward. i really appreciate that. thank you so much. thanks to both of you. you as well. lee and edie. weeg take a break. more 9/11 coverage after this. newtons fruit thins, one unique cookie. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that s a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on. her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. i am sending this congress a plan that you should pass right away. you should pass this job plans right away. pass this bill. pass this jobs bill. this plan is the right thing to do right now. you should pass it. i don t about you, i think we got the message anyway. breaking briefly from our 9/11 coverage to cover our president s latest jobs pitch to congress and the nation. was it really just another cover-up plan? one tlap avoids solving the underlying tax trade and banking problems that have assailed our nation for now well in excess of ten years? our friday mega panel krystal ball, toure and ari all here. obviously i m a critic, noechbl not only of the president and the congress, but with that said, anything you heard you felt was at least better than anything else you heard? yes. actually, i was prechtly surprised by this proposal. you know i agree with you in terms of fundamental reforms. this does not address the fundamental issues facing our country but it s a proposal worth supporting because it gets us out of the negative feedback cycle we ve been in. it gets people back to work at the state and local level, which is critical. spending on infrastructure we need. it gets things going and we need that. in a nutshell, doesn t solve the structure but a good looking band-aid? t. is. gets us going. we need that. we could use one. we re bleeding. go ahead. look, the plan is good. that s what i care about. the speech aggressive. this that. the plan inside this speech is good. it s not great and not perfect, but it is stimulative, although he didn t actually use that word because polling says you should call it something else. again, i don t care what you call it. but will it pass? probably not in this form. is this the right time? no. so for all of those practical reasons, good plan, but not a very encouraging environment. right. and the facts of the matter is we re going to have weeks and months to discuss this very topic, and so i m going to return to the news of the day, if you will, toure. and you re going to come along a little later with a rant and talk about all the grist of the 9/11 coverage. even the news. day. it s not news. this is, like, just remembrances of feelings long ago. you know i disagree with you, is the news is the reopening of the world one world trade site. on monday. i thought were you going to say the reopening of the wound of 9/11. no. maybe view viewers thought that, trying to anticipate my words as you do. those were not actually the words that left my mouth. no. the news is the reopening of the site, and the obviously convergence of the people to do that. i don t disagree with your accession. we ll save that for the rant. an interesting dynamic, however, here journalistically caused by this, anybody looking for an angle. right? one of the angles that has come up which i think is more interesting than the others what if 9/11 had never happened? gitmo wouldn t have opened. we wouldn t have invaded afghanistan. we d be able to get on a plane we wouldn t have homeland security. wouldn t have the fearmongering that has dominated the last ten years that anybody at any time for security reasons, and can do anything after you say that enter a building, get on a plane, whatever. it s for security reasons. so that s why i have to give you my cell phone? what good is that going to do? i thought it used to be, because i was black. now all of a sudden do it to everybody. do it to black men in harm let me harlem, now everybody s got to do it. if 9/11 hadn t happened, we wouldn t all be black. that s true. look at me. look at me. i m not totally sure that that s the case. it s easy to say we wouldn t have invaded iraq. would not have invaded that s what i was going to say. i think the vice president had already determined he wanted to invade iraq. right. you know, i don t know. was it only a matter of time until we lost that sort of innocence and went to this more security-minded war on terror approach? to me that s an open question. i don t know if it may have been inevitable we had to take i m not sure. 9/11 was the catalyst for change, but that the change was coming anyway, whether it was this 9/11 catalyst or some other event. something else. i think probably entirely possible. without an america on america, which fundamentally changed how we thought about america, you couldn t have pushed through these reforms in security and just basic sort of human rights and civil rights with america that, to get on the plane, that sort of thing. you couldn t just like if we do that the deterioration, always thought it was interesting and perplexing, the idea i m going to approach toure or krystal or ari and say i want to make you more secure. i m leer here to help you. what i m going to do as a result, diminish your rights. i think there s something counterintuitive. the point you re making. which is, how is it that by taking away his rights, by taking away your rights and her rights and my rights and the audience s rights, that that can create safety? and we right. buy this. we think this is a good idea. yes, we absolutely must do this. give the government everything they need. because you could be saved. yes. and you know i must say i had a good old-fashioned tsa pat-down this morning. congratulations. but i completely agree with everything you re saying and it s obviously very lard to say, what would have happened if it hadn t happened but i will say this we are living now in an era of black swan events. things you would never expect to happen. very bad things. things you would never predict happening, happening. 9/11 was what we experienced causing security. i m not sure if it hadn t happened another experience wouldn t have taken us to this same place. the real tragedy is that we have a bipartisan consensus around the security state. i don t know about going back to 2001, but i can say to you compared to, say, 2004, in the middle of the bush era i would have thought that the rejection of his presidency, which did occur by the end of his second term. 08, right. would have substantive repercussions. security? right. dylan, you mentioned guantanamo. we had an election with a nominee saying no to guantanamo and coming in on the first day saying i m going to shut it down. it s only fair to point out while running on that we have a president in obama who has not shut guantanamo down. a congress that got in his way of doing that. and a congress that got elected promising to, a take on the security and democrats in 06 and 08 who perp pech waited security. look at the action, not words, action on guantanamo from democrats, action on the national surveillance stake, what is most disturbing to me on the set of issues is that actually it has been ratified now twice by both parties. that is something i frankly was more optistic about in seeing the public rejection and then that i think is going to be a big problem. we talked about the reauthorization of the patriot act on this program. frankly, it didn t get a lot of coverage and not a lot of pushback against it. interesting. we re going to have to wrap this on time, but we talk so much about the division, the democratics and republicans. unanimous consent kweth whether on the security state, banking systems, trade agreements, whether on the tax code, all of these things, seems like the things that trurly are affecting us are things that we have very little debate on and the things most pro vauk tib for the political process and the media and sort of the lizard brain, gay marriage and all this, obviously occupy a lot of the space. a momentary break. still ahead what we no and what most of us do not know about the day that changed america. as a home, there are things i m supposed to do. like, keepne of these over your head. well, i wasn t supposed to need flood insurance, but i have it. fred over here chose not to have it. me, i ve got a plan. fred he uh. fred what is your plan? do i look like i have a plan? not really. [ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. for a free brochure, call the number on your screen. events of 9/11 as we all have our recollections, in my case i was hosting a live morning television show for bloomberg television here in new york. bloomberg was and still is an exclusively finance-driven media company. and as the e-mails started to cascade on to my bloomberg instant messenger live on the broadcast set, the same one that sits here with the blumberg terminal. messages from friends and old sources in the buildings. as the minutes ticked by and the information continued to pour in, it quickly became apparent to me and those around me that the events that i would witness and narrate on television those events were taking the lives of a number of old friends and close sources. in the two years following those events i moved to a home that i still live in today. it s about six blocks north of ground zero. at this point in my career i was working for cnbc. my job had me commuting by foot. i like to walk. down to the new york stock exchange each day. i would walk to the exchange each morning, and peer through the fences to see whether that gigantic hole was still in the ground. and for most of the past decade, it was. in 2009, i began working here at msnbc. and my commute no longer had me walking past ground zero every day. but i have continued and do continue to live and shop for groceries and other things only a few blocks away from the site that we re covering. weekends come as a reminder to me and my neighbors of what happened to this community, our country and our world on that day. in the most recent years the hole in the ground began to close and we have started to see the emergence of life once again at that previously scorched earth. witnessing all of this has been painful, but now comes with glimmers of hope. so now we can only hope that as the earth at ground zero begins to heal so, too, will the psychological scars on our nation, ourselves, and the rest of the world. we re back after this. than many other allergy medications. omnaris. omnaris, to the nose! did you know nasal symptoms like congestion can be caused by allergic inflammation? omnaris relieves your symptoms by fighting inflammation. side effects may include headache, nosebleed, and sore throat. i tossed those allergy symptoms out of my party. 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what we know rather more than we used to know. during the first the official investigations. that was the congressional inquiry in late 2002, the fbi withheld for a long time information that involved saudis who had supported the first two future hijackers to arrive in the united states. that was as early as the millennium. 20 months before 9/11. the congressional investigation stumbled on it themselves and then found themselves locked in a bitter fight with the bureau to get the information out. and at the end of their work, the president bush personally ordered that the last 28 pages of the congressional inquiry report would be withheld, and we know from sources that we know that it involved the question of foreign support for the perpetrators of 9/11. and we know from sources that that support came in the view of the investigators for the congressional group from saudi arabia. what i ve put together in the last week or so going back to an old counterterrorism contact has been to develop a story indicating that there was almost a mirror image of the california situation in west florida, that the hijackers had come and gone from a gated community where a named saudi couple lived. we are hugely oil dependent on saudi arabia. they are our our oil dealer of last resort. the central bank of oil. right? it s said they have so much of it. because it s easy to get out of the ground and easy for us to burn, we also are the big arms dealer for saudi arabia. uh-huh. so saudi arabia gives us lots of business on the military side. it s easy to look at this information and think, so we re attacking afghanistan, iraq, all of these other places, which may have very well harbored, i m not suggesting there wasn t valid reason for afghanistan, whatever it is, but it s befuddled why it is there has not been aniest to engage saudi arabia for not only their role in these events that we re commemorating again today, but the nature of american ongoing dependent relationship with a nation that clearly played a role in these attacks, one way or the other. whether at a government level or private wealth, i don t even care. well, it s more complicated than a government and nongovernmental issue. it s groups with that government supporting al qaeda while other groups are actually very pro-western. while the evidence suggests that there may have been a support network and perhaps funding for al qaeda, people with the saudi government talk about the fact they were closely surveilling the al qaeda operative and why didn t the u.s. intelligence agencies listen to them, take their advice? so it s very difficult to know without the release of things like the 28 pages that anthony just mentioned, the joint congressional committee came up with, where those stories interlock. were they surveilling the hijackers? was it an intelligence mission gone awry, or was it the more simple explanation, saudi fundamentalists support channeling money and other kinds of support to the hijackers themselves. the question that occurs to me is whether the confusion, if you will, inside of the nature of the saudi relationship with the terrorists, with america, all of these things, the inability to clearly define that, how much did that contribute to the desire to scapegoat iraq? which was an easier mark than trying to deal with the complex nature of analyzing saudi arabia? very much so. i mean, you had president bush in the knowledge two days after the 9/11 attacks, in the knowledge that 15 of the 19 hijackers had been saudi, receiving the saudi ambassador at the white house, embracing him, saying, hello, prince, your highness or whatever and smoking a cigar with him on the truman balcony as if there was nothing wrong. this year when we wanted to use a photograph, a white house photograph of that, the former president s office tried to intervene to stop us using the picture. he was very sensitive about that relationship, of protecting the relationship with the saudis. personally? vested and protected relationship? personally but i think more than that. that short word, o-i-l. with the oil investment question was more important, perhaps, than the truth to the american people. i m going to leave it on that note. full story of september 11th real pleasure to have you both here. appreciate it. congratulations on finishing the book and having the courage to try to introduce a critical new information to this dialogue. thank you. thank you. next, toure back with his thoughts on what s become a yearly ritual of reliving 9/11. yep. the longer you stay with us, the more you save. and when you switch from another company to us, we even reward you for the time you spent there. genius. yeah, genius. you guys must have your own loyalty program, right? well, we have something. show her, tom. huh? you should see november! oh, yeah? giving you more. now that s progressive. call or click today. helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at probiotic. [ female announcer ] phillips colon health. i know his thoughts on the tenth anniversary. our friends toure. we are once again in the midst of the 9/11 nostalgia mill, the annual ritual where print and television media churn out remember brans and images of 9/11. this year the tenth anniversary an extra intensity. more pages, more tv time devoted to it as if there s a going out of business sale on 9/11 memories. i can almost see some immediatiest telling troops the tenth anniversary of the ap apocalypse. let s unload the vaults. it s weirding me out. we must remember the valiance ones on the plane, encrusted and courageous first respond toers went into areas most humans would run from and never came out. when i see those car window stickers that say never forget and show an image of the towers i want to salute. but this media 9/11 nostalgia isn t the same. is it about remembering the dead or like a car crash gawking situation? is it like, when people would come to new york and want to see ground zero as if the wreckage was some sort of tourist site? i refuse to take visiting friends to ground zero to see the massive hole in the ground. it s not a tourist site. a place where many people and a part of america died. the america i lived in before that morning, before planes met towers, no longer exist in my mind or in anyone else s. we ve changed in fundamental ways. we can no lock longer a nation would never be attacked on no longer feel totally free moving through america. keeping one eye out for the next shoe to drop, for the next attack to come. we ve been remaining vigilant because we re on the verge of another attack, we ve been told that so many times i m numb to it. like the government is the boy who cried wolf. the america me and you died on 9/11 replaced by a nation mistrustful of its own citizens. when you go to the airport we re guilty until proven harmless, which can only be proven by getting naked and being x-rayed or intimately padded down. a nation comfortable hating all of islam and mochks built with a certainly proximity with ground zero and by that i mean with the proximity of the united states. and the where were you when the planes hit stuff? remember that crazy day stuff? like we re in aa telling each other our stories. i know it s traumatic. i m a knonew yorker and smellede smoke days after. are we doing this for a good human reason like to heal the wounds that remain? or is it a tool to get people to watch and read, because fear sells and wallowing in the deep pool of 9/11 pain is good for business? i agree with you. it s an interesting situation. because i just did an hour show on 9/11. do the people want it, or do we want to give it to them? i don t know that there s an answer to that question that i have. it may exist. i don t know it. i mean, if you do the show i do, however think that at least in the our case, and it s easy to think that, that we try to have a conversation in a way that moves things forward. whether it s the education, with lee and edie and that sort of thing, but i am hopeful that your words go to i m not even going to bother. we r

United-states , New-york , Arizona , Iraq , Afghanistan , Florida , Saudi-arabia , California , San-diego , Washington , District-of-columbia , Pakistan

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends Sunday 20110313

what a city in japan looked like before and then after the tsunami. stunning images show how powerful the natural disaster really was. fox & friends, hour two, starts right now. . dave: for many of you it s hour number one, those of you that didn t spring forward and get the clocks reset. it is hour number two. clayton: and a lot happening. the nuclear explosion in one of the plants was the word from the government that the plant is on the verge of a meltdown. alisyn: hard to know. what s the late s, david. reporter: there s a warning from the government that there could be an explosion at the plant, there s been a build up of hydrogen, different from the one yesterday and warning that there could have been already a partial meltdown of one of the units and major concern and the evacuation around it, continuing at this time and more than 170,000 people have been moved now and checked for radiation poisoning, back to you. alisyn: another explosion, that would obviously mean huge fumes. do they think they have any radiation leak contained? reporter: they say they have it contained at the present time. the levels of radiation that have been released aren t dangerous to humans, they say, but there have been some workers who have received radiation poisoning. but the difficulty is that if they can t keep it contained, and there is a meltdown, there s likely to be another explosion and when that explosion happens, that would likely release a lot of radiation into the air and that s he when it gets particularly dangerous for the larger population. dave: david, thank you, sir. we should calm a bit of the panic. jack spencer, earlier on, says even if there was a full meltdown there, it would be smaller than what we saw in chernobyl and the likelihood that any people are hurt. it s very, very low and the likely that any of this radiation gets in the ground and water and air, very unlikely. alisyn: true, but they also say, what the truth is, that the radiation that people are getting in that area in one hour is equivalent to what people get offer the course of one year. clayton: and 160 people who have already been tested for radiation and obviously, we saw the images of the children being tested, obviously, you know, were radiation tested in that area, and workers who worked at that plants and obviously, now a look on the screen right now, that s the reacting that we saw explode yesterday and of course, just a shell of its former self. right now though if you re just waking up and curious what the numbers are at this hour officially, the confirmed death toll 1200 individuals. over 170,000 people have been evacuated. that s an official number, but now, the nhk, the japan s broadcast services report well over 350,000 people may have been evacuated. 1.4 million households are sitting right now without water. dave: 2 1/2 million households without electricity and in case you didn t notice, the earthquake has been upgraded now and not a tremendous difference, but hey, we re talking 9.0 now, the fifth largest earthquake ever recorded. and in waves this tragedy has come, the earthquake, the tsunami, the potential nuclear disaster. 48 hours without water, food is running out in some stores, shelves are bare. several tragics and the people are going to have to withstand and hopefully the nuclear situation has been contained and it sounds like the prime minister is giving a press conference as we speak and maybe more information. alisyn: there s a bulletin that said he s urging everyone across the country even in tokoyo to conserve power, so many millions of people are without power and in fact, a grim picture painted basically by, in which he they described that even these evaluation shelters, emergency shelters are completely dark and without food and aid. so there are thousands of people huddled in the dark in the emergency shelters and unable to get what they need. clayton: and that s the silver lining, and that is that the international community. every country trying to send aid and international help right now. the united states of course sending a massive amount of aid and the u.s. military. the u.s.s. ronald reagan, the carrier strike group has an aircraft carrier and a number of united states ships there assisting in the rescue efforts as well as using we saw this in hurricane katrina, of course, the military and coast card using the massive ships as basically floating hospitals where they have fresh water and dave you pointed out earlier, the des desalization process. and that s vital and 70 countries offered aid including china which is interesting because they ve been very contentious for years and years, especially in the last couple, over an incident that international waters in japan, and we won t get into the particulars, however, china came to their aid and offered condolences, offered money and as we ve pointed out, the united states appears to be leading the way and we re supposed to check in with the 7th fleet of the navy later on this morning what they re doing to help. alisyn: you can see already, food ap supplies are distributed by our military and meanwhile, satellite photos are just showing the stark, before and after pictures, before the quake and after the quake. we re seeing close-ups of the aftermath, but when you see the satellite images and i hope that we can show some for you, you can see the devastation. and so look at that over here okay, here we go. these are the satellite images because japan moved eight feet, shifted eight feet after the quake. and you re seeing the the differences here in the before on the left side of the screen, and the right side of the screen, you can see the same location, and the country moved. but you re talking about an image, again, satellite photo. so if you see any shift there, it s pretty amazing to consider, some say up to 13 feet the coast line has shifted and the earth s axis has shifted, and our rotation has sped up. it s not just one hour of sleep you re missing, this moved the entire planet in our rotation. here are some other photos from before and after the earthquake, obviously, on the left side of the screen there, taken in 2002 and you can see the after effects there, just brown sludge covered areas. there s another photo of the before and after, you can see all of the buildings. yeah, i mean, again, this is obviously after the tsunami rolls in and taken out a large swath of what used to be in that area. rural. and look at the places again, there used to be little houses dotting the coastline. and this is sendai, an industrial center, you can see this, of course, google are the. alisyn: and vanishing off the map. amazing to see the images and rick reichmuth, our chief meteorologist, says it s not that uncommon for coastlines to shift and rotation to speed up. yeah, anytime you change the mass of the earth, mass moves from one spot to another, it s going to change the rotation just a little bit and you can even do it, doing a little research on this. you know the three gorges built in china, if that lake is completely filled it could speed up the rotation of the earth by .06 microseconds. so, changes like this happen as the mass of the earth changes as well. that axis changes a little bit. and interesting to note as they re upgrading to 9.0 earthquake, that ties them for the fourth strongest earthquake since 1900. and so just a little stronger than we dpekted and probably the devastating tsunami. that s a look at that and also want to point out. 228 aftershocks now we ve seen since yesterday. we were talking about that we were at 154 and now 228. the initial quake 9.0 and the red dots you see 1228 aftershocks. and what you re looking at. across florida, only in the 40 s and cool things down a lot and things are very clear, at least across most of the southeastern part of the the country and a little bit of snow this morning, moving across us and new york, we ll have the snow today and in kansas and then out across the west, big storms are rolling in, continuing with rain and see the rotation there and over the next four days, very heavy rains and snowfall, some areas five to six inches of rain that would cause continued flooding there, also, guys. dave: thanks, rick. a little perspective, the japane japanese looking at the rest of the headlines, another fox news alert to tell you about. thee american hikers held in iran face a second court hearing on may 11th. and they were arrested you ll remember in iran in 2009 for allegedly entering the country illegally. and they were charged later with espionage. the araining court held a closed door trial, and shourd, i would say she was released in september and not appear in court. the others are in prison in iran. state television reporting that libyan leader moammar gadhafi s forces have retaken brega as the gadhafi regime, the u.n. security council imposed a no-fly zone. meanwhile, in yemen, some died and 19 wounded as police fired bullets and tear gas at the protesters. and 32 year rule. and the driver of the mangled tour bus is under investigation following yesterday s faith crash on i-95 in new york s bronx borough, 14 people died and series injuries after the bus slammed into a pole, ripping it apart. williams, the driver, lost control after trying to avert a tractor-trailer, but they say he may have been speeding before the accident returning from mohegan sun. an explosion leveled a home in missouri, a man suffered minor injuries, he was inside during the blast. neighbors said he had a hobby of making fireworks in the basement. reminds me of a guy in south dakota who divided to warm up the car oil and brought it inside and put it in the cock pot. alisyn: didn t work. clayton: didn t work and blew up the kitchen. dave: kids, don t try this at home. coming up, wisconsin s missing state democrats return to what, not boos, but cheers. even though they held up the government for three weeks, the senate senator majority leader calls it an insult. alisyn: and a sdas ner, reports of a meltdown or close to one, reactor. are american nuclear plants prepared for a disaster here? . who s your someone? campbell s healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it s amazing what soup can do. when you save 30% on beach vacations at travelocity. umbrellas! little umbrellas! spf i m in heaven! i m going to be as red as a lobster. 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[ male announcer ] wells fargo. together we ll go far. the motorola xoom tablet. the first tablet powered by android 3.0, with a 3-d interface and a widescreen hd display. grab it and it grabs you. only at verizon. it s personal. i have diabetes. so i m proud to manufacture the accu-chek aviva meters and test strips here in the usa. and now we put a prescription discount card in every box so you ll pay no more than $15 on tt strips, which is a true american value foreople with dbetes likee. [ male announcer ] accu-chek aviva. born in the usa. welcome back to fox & friends. the 14 awol democratic senate senators in wisconsin defending their move to bail on the state to avoid voting on a bill that would strip unions of their collective bargaining rights. what we did was the right thing and got them angry and emboldened the people in the state to do the right thing. i m very disappointed in his comments. we did it for the right reasons. why they did what they did, i don t know why. alisyn: well, joining us now on the phone is wisconsin state senate majority leader scott fitzgerald. good morning mr. fitzgerald. good morning, good to be with you. alisyn: the democrats have returned home after three weeks across state lines and described as a hero s welcome. 100,000 people turning out, cheering them, thank you, thank you. does that surprise you? it didn t surprise me that the protesters that have trashed the capital over the last month or you know, basically ruined everything in and around the building, put law enforcement in harm s way tore the senate rule book in half and basically broke every personal relationship in the building. it doesn t surprise me that they offered them a hero s rally. it s disappointing. i think they have he totally misunderstood what the republican senators have gone through, the death threats that still exist. our inability to really, i think, repair some of what this institution, the wisconsin state senate food for more than a hundred years and guys like dave hanson screaming at the top of his lungs is one of the guys that lectured me over the years that this is about the quorum, this is about parliamentary procedure, this is about making sure that you live up to the spirit of the senate rules and suddenly, it was okay for them to just leave town and trash all that. dave: right. and that democratic state senator, dave hanson, who was quoted yesterday, we lost the battle, but we re going to win the war. i have no idea what that means. dave: well, next is the recalls. because eight democratic state senators, eight republican state senators are being targeted for a recall. how did this thing end, senator? well, i hope it ended, dave hanson being recalled and losing his reelection. because he he represents green bay, which is a conservative area of the state that our good people, that understand that government should work and he should be held responsible like these other senators that are under recall, it s a much different thing to recall a state senator because you don t like the way he they voted on the bill. it s another thing to recall them because they abandoned their posts and that s what dave hanson and some of these other democratic senators did. alisyn: senator, you just referred to the death threats that you and other republicans have received. what have those been? you know, i mean, this has been happening, basically for the last three weeks and they ve been ramped up and actually the last couple of days, they ve had the significantly more about retribution than they have been about, you know, trying to, you know, kind of influence the way we vote on the bill and now that it s law, now that governor walker signed this into law, these death threats continue to be scarier. dave: okay. well, state senator scott fitzgerald, the majority leader this in wisconsin. please keep us informed as that thing continues. we hope, regardless how this political debate ends, that your families are safe and we dial down the rhetoric a little bit, needless to say. alisyn: thank you, senator. meanwhile, a japanese official reports a partial meltdown is likely underway and one of of japan s nuclear plants. if the u.s. were to be hit by an earthquake the caliber that japan was, would the american nuclear plants be prepared? also, an american professor reportedly kidnapped then freed in mexico, but what was she doing there in the first place? 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[ male announcer ] so don t blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. all right. after that massive earthquake and tsunami, japan is now facing a battle against time as they try to avoid meltdowns at two nuclear reactors. japan is taking all necessary precautions, evacuating hundreds of thousands of people from areas surrounding the plants and testing for radiation. this may not be happening in the u.s., but it does make people wonder if our country would be prepared for a similar event. here is weigh in on this is dr. dale cline. former chairman of nuclear regulatory commission, also assistant secretary of defense for the nuclear biological and defense programs which makes him an expert and you can answer that question for us, doc. are we prepared in the united states for something like what happened in japan? well, good morning. we certainly are prepared in the united states, i think what s important for the public to know, these plants are designed in a robust manner, not only are they built in a very robust manner, they are also designed so they hypothesize an accident and i think weiss okay in the united states. dave: congressman from massachusetts is alarmed, struck by the fact that the tragic events unfolding in japan could easily occur in the united states. where does he have this wrong? well, i think if you notice, mark has always been one who creates a lot of hysteria and a lot of emotional reactions, so, i think when we look at over 4,000 people at the nuclear regulatory commission that are designed to help protect the public and look at the massive number of people in the industry that operate the plants safely. they re designed in a robust manner and designed to handle earthquakes and designed to handle tsunamis. clayton: there s been some concern, the type of reactor, one of the original reactors, there, many, many, similar reactors in the united states and there were a number of safety concerns about this particular reactor for years and some people raising a red. ing that we could have the similar safety concerns in the united states as relates to this exact same type of plant. he no concerns at all? well, i think if you look at what has happened at the fukushima site it should give people a confidence in the fact that the reactors are robust. first, they had a major earthquake, then they had a tsunami and then they had an explosion. and so far, there s been little radioactivity released through the plant so i think the public should really understand that the plants are robust, they re designed with defense and concept in mind and i think the public should be reassured at this point that these plants are robust. dave: how important do you think the next 24 to 48 hours are in terms of the future of nuclear power here in the united states? well, i i think what we will find for the people of japan, the next 24 to 48 hours are one, that they will be working very hard to keep the core covered, to keep the radiation contained, and i think for the united states we will continue to look at a long-term energy policy, and nuclear should be a part of that policy, but not a total one. no electrical generation is safe. we just have to make them as safe as we can, nuclear is very safe. clayton: dr. dale klein, joining us from austin, texas, we appreciate your expertise, thank you. thank you. dave: coming up, a manhunt underway for these two fugitives, take a look, suspected in the murder of an ohio man where police are searching. that story coming up. clayton: rescue efforts underway this morning as the search for survivors in japan continues. a report on the recovery live from tokyo. . dave: and we re bringing you images from the devastation taken by the people who survived the earthquake, incredible pictures streaming in as fox & friends continues in two minutes. we wiped the slate clean. then we created a powerful, refined and aerodynamic design destined to shape our future. the jaguar xj. automobile magazine s 2011 design of the year. which beneful prepared meals. tonight? roasted chicken recipe? okay, savory rice and lamb stew. 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bmw 7-series or mercedes s-class. making the decision to own a jaguar just arational as it is emotional. japanese prime minister kan called the earthquake and tsunami the country s worst crisis since world war ii. police say the death toll could top 10,000, even more, as japanese engineers rush to stop a nuclear power plant from a possible meltdown and fox s david piper is in tokoyo and brings us the latest from the ground and david, tell us what you know that s new this morning. reporter: yeah, hi there. the japanese government are warning at this time there could be another explosion at that plant in fukushima. there seems to be a hydrogen buildup there. we had an explosion in another unit yesterday and the japanese government is also suggesting there could already be a partial meltdown at that plant. let s move on to the death toll. figures coming out here suggest it could rise to as much as 10,000 according to the japanese media, but the numbers we re looking at now, we re hearing from the japanese police that just in one city 10,000 are missing and a report yesterday in another area that nearly 10,000 were missing from just one town alone, so that could jump considerably over the next 24, 48 hours. 100,000 japanese troops are now involved in the operation to help the survivors. and on top of the u.s. military and rescue teams from across the world. the u.s. carrier ronald reagan is now off the northeastern coast and the japanese government requested that its helicopters help transport food and also, japanese troops, the worst affected areas and they ve already taken 20 missions have been accomplished so far today we re hearing. the focus is now turning to those who have survived and there are evacuation shelters over 300,000 people are in them and they are struggling for water and electricity and food. and according to the u.s. embassy, there s 160,000 american citizens here and 1300 of them are in the affected area and they re trying to contact them at this time, to find out if they are okay. back to you. have they had any success at all, david, trying to get in contact with the 1300 americans. have they been able to reach them at all? they ve managed to reach many, but the telephone lines are still affected. and i was also speaking to an american friend in bangkok and he he still hasn t been able to contact his friend in the affected area. and so, there is real concerns about these 1300 americans. they are urging them to try it contact relatives and just make sure everybody s okay, thank you. dave: david, thank you. talking with friends who actually lived in tokoyo for a number of years, they all said that the japanese government always is prone to showing a calm face and portraying that everything is okay. and he said he s not surprised at all by the low death tolls, by the tampering down of the nuclear situation, that they re never the most forthright government when it comes to telling their people what s going on, so and by the way, just we can just do the math because there are whole village disappeared. dave: gone. alisyn: they are he gone. dave: two different groups of 10,000 missing 48 hours after the quake. alisyn: that s right the fact that there are 10,000 people in one village alone missing means that by definition the death tolls will be going up sadly. dave: exponentially. clayton: meanwhile the japanese prime minister is asking everyone to conserve power there because of the power outages across the country and said the quake and tsunami caused the worst hardship since world war ii, of course since the atomic bombs of nagasaki and hiroshima of course and countless death toll and loss of live with the imperial army of world war ii. you can mantel without the power, 1.2 million people who are affected and do not have food and water right now, and 300,000 people that david piper was talking about, who have been evacuated to shelters and of course the official number out of japan has been around 100-some. alisyn: that s the nuclear reactors. the thousands evacuated around fukushi fukushima. and in terms of the people displaced, hundred of thousands. dave: needless to say the social network has been key in telling the stories and getting out pictures and videos and things that, you know, camera crews, can t do. here are some of the pictures from twitter. this one probably stops you in your tracks the most. the young child being scanned for what appears to be radiation. we assume somewhere near that fukushima nuclear plant. alisyn: here are damaged homes we have been showing you. dave: look at that. alisyn: shocking to see the house with innards outside of it all and people on the roof who have taken shelter up there and look at what happened beneath them. massive ships sitting in the middle of the town square not something you see every day and also cars, we ve soon all the cars on tops of houses and literally stacked one on top of another and you think about the weight of these things just being picked up as rick is talking about, only takes six inches of water move a car in if you ve been in flood situations in this country and driven through large swaths of water on the read ways, you know how difficult it is. dave: reading eyewitness reports, if you ve been to a beach, the cars in this case are like sea shells kind of of littered across the beach, just been carried away and this earthquake is so strong, it actually cracked the earth, something like 180 feet long by more than 50 feet wide. alisyn: my gosh, look at those pictures, that really tells the story, another huge crack, crevice there in the earth. and more. dave: here, obviously, youtube one of the major ways that people are using. clayton: remember, how digitally advanced and everyone who lives in japan uses a cell phone, in fact the primary way that they watch their video. they don t sit and watch television the way we do. they watch television shows like this on the mobile devices on high speed trains all the time and submitting videos like this to the world via youtube, here is a youtube video from a grocery store, we think it s passed and starts to shake and suddenly it comes back and starts to shake again. alisyn: i want to see this shaking because we ve talked about how the buildings are outfitted there and anti-earthquake technology, that they re built at that way, but it doesn t stop them from shaking violently and that one is just swaying. dave: obviously, and feel it a bit more in the suburbs and here is a home, there you notice it a lot more drastically in terms of the television shaking, the entire room shaking and youtube has been essential in helping to tell the story and get to some of the videos out there. looks like two different worlds, you see the images of tokoyo, calm, very little damage and buildings still upright, and then you see the suburbs. and the tiny villages where it s just been destroyed. alisyn: let s bring in rick reichmuth to share with us what the weather is it going to look like this in around. really not bad at least for the next 24, 36 hours, pretty clear skies from monday. temps into the 60 s and that certainly is nice, if people are out there certainly struggling or people, the search and rescue people are out and then it starts to go down a little bit, guys. tuesday into wednesday, and temps into the 40 s and overnight lows to the mid 20 s and likely see snow tuesday night into wednesday and right now, 44 degrees and clear winds out of of the west, that s gun if there is any kind of radiation leaking from any of the nuclear facilities that means it would be pulling it out to sea not over some of the populated areas, so that is one little bright spot here to the story. back across the u.s., lots of flooding going on. at least to the east of the mississippi. we ve got the snow pack and very heavy rains the last couple of weeks and now, all of that water moving into the streams, into the bigger rivers and anywhere you see the green we have flood warnings going on. a lot of the rivers around pennsylvania, upstate new york and new jersey are going to crest today and then begin to recede a little bit, but a lot of them will move across parts of the ohio river valley and that water is going to continue to rise over the next number of days. right now a little bit of snow, upstate new york and not cause too much in the way of problems. little bit of rain and snow across the central part of the country and then this storm right here, a very strong storm moving in across parts of the pacific northwest and it s going to have a lot of rain the next few days. here is the forecast for the next few days, 70 s across the south and light hours, arkansas and missouri and kansas, shunts cause too many problems and rain across the west, but the southwest looking beautiful and we ll see plenty of sunshine around the four corners, all right, guys, send it back to you. rick, the rest of your headlines now, a manhunt is underway this morning for two dangerous fugitives and take a look at your screen, 36-year-old ricky wedge worth and darian drake pierce escaped from a louisiana prison this week while on work detail and police believe the man stole a car and investigators say he was pulled over, he managed to escape. a clerk reported that one of the suspects bought survival girl and turned out to be a false alarm. if you have any information, call local police. the white house expecting cuba to release an american contractor sentenced to 15 years behind bars. a cuben court convicted alan gross for crimes against the country. he was accused of trying to improve internet access in cuba and overthree the gofrt. an american professor is taken home after reportedly being kidnapped at gun point in mexico. she was visiting her mother in the border city of cuidad juarez when masked men allegedly grabbed her while she was walking to her car. she sent an e-mail to friends, now safe and recovering and school officials say it may have been an express kidnapping bye usually involves an exchange of cash, for a person s release. 10,000 people rallied at the texas state capital in report not spending money for educational programs. parents and teachers showed up in full force hoping to prevent the legislature from cutting 5 billion dollars in public school funds from the state budget. the texas school coalition wants the state to move part of pa billion dollar rainy day fund. and talk about drastic cuts to education. those are your headlines. clayton: the hearings on radical islam being called witch hunts. dave: the aftershocks keeps coming as japan continues to search for survivors in the largest earthquake in their country s history. a live report from the ground coming up. 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[ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyo, including people with liver problems and wen who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. let s go! [ laughs ] if you have high cholesterol you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don t kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor. 44 minutes after the hour, time for quick headline, overnight a roadside bomb killed four civilians driving in southern afghanistan. the explosion happened in the kandahar province. and police say they discovered two more devices planted on the road and diffused them. in de kalb county, georgia, a fire shut down roads and evacuated homes for a few hours and shut down commuter rail lines. describing the flames of walls of fire. no major injuries have been reported. clayton. clayton: thanks, ali. congressman peter king s hearings on muslim extremism causing major conflicts. including getting personal. a dad blamed extremist muslims. some have taken revenge on my son, manipulated and lied to. they set him up, telling him he could teach english in a british school, ending up in a camp run by terrorists. clayton: and he testified in congress and blames imams, joining us is from the islamic forum for democracy, nice to see you, doctor. nice to see you, thank you for having me. one of the goals that congressman peter king tried to do with the hearings, he told us he wanted to bring more awareness to the muslim community, this is a muslim problem, they need as a community to stand up and tackle this issue. do you think he was effective? absolutely. i mean, i think we finally began a conversation and once you set aside the vitriol and the theater. we came into this looking for a solution and vast majority of american muslims are patriotic and trying to solve the problem, but the dialog so far has been well, it s just a problem of violence. someone who is going to blow up something or commit an act of violence, we ve been failing the last few years over 220 terror arrests have happened, 180 of them are muslim and we re just less than 2% of the population, so there s a problem and the hearings began to look at the anecdotes and look at some solutions that we as muslims can see where the problems are. clayton: let s get specific on that point. i think that s interesting, you say that most of the focus has just been on the violence, just radical islam, but you say more attention needs to be paid to the slippery slope of radicalization, stopping it years before. how does at that happen? do you think the hearings were effective in that way? i really think so. my testimony, the written testimony that was extensive entered into the record and in my discussions with both sides of the aisle, i saw, set aside some of the vitriolic stuff and most of the question and answer with both the democrats and republicans looked at well, dr. jasper, what do you mean about political islam and what s the slippery sloan and discussed with them as prime minister cameron he wieloquent britain, many imams say they re not identifying with who they are and separated that the islamic state is better than the west. than americans and westerners are not equal to them. imam al-awlaki, he was in the exactly preaching love and one of the things i found fascinating from your testimony. muslims in some corners of the united states don t believe in a separation of church and state and what america is founded on and they don t understand that as well, do they. it s interesting, they believe in it while they re here, but yet, when they apply it to where muslims are majority or where they would, around the law, they say in islam you can t separate. and this is duality is creating radicalization. make no mistake, most muslims are here we want to separate mosque and state, but the ideology of mixture, pre enlightenment of islamic law and society, that inability to say that islam has come to terms with the establishment cause is the core of what leads towards radicalization and we have to have a conversation and a strategy as a nation on how to prevent that. clayton: dr. johnson, we appreciate you joining us and thanks for your testimony on thursday, it was enlightening. thanks for having me. clayton: absolutely. coming up on the show chaos in libas as gadhafi s forces push back for rebel fighters. will a call for a no-fly zone make any difference? fox news sunday chris wallace anchor live with his thoughts. and japan continues to search through the rubble for survivors. a live report from the ground, that s next. it s pain relief without the pills. no pills, no pain. how can you get pain relief without taking pills around the clock? try thermacare heatwraps, for all day relief without pills. i was surprised, thermacare worked all day. you feel the heat. and it relaxes and unlocks the muscle. you ve got to try it. [ man ] thermacare, more effective for back pain than the maximum dose of acetaminophen, the medicine in tylenol. go to today for a $3 off coupon. thermacare. no pills. no pain. just relief. japanese officials are scrambling to avoid a meltdown at two nuclear reactors this morning. thousands of people have been evacuated and hundreds are being tested for their radiation levels. meanwhile, elsewhere, food, water, and power are in very short supply as the rescue and recovery efforts continue to search for survivors this morning. dave: joining us on the phone with the latest, is the managing editor of the wall street in japan. good morning to you. hi. dave: we understand you are still experiencing aftershocks, tell us about that. yeah, it comes every few hours and when we re watching tv, the alert chime goes on, after a while it starts shaking. i was on the way to work this morning and the subway stopped and the cars started rocking and it stopped for a few minutes while the train was being expected. clayton: terrifying, i m sure it s not what people need at the moment. from a reporter s standpoint, trying to get information and we hear conflicting reports from japanese official saying one thing and we ll hear our reports. as a reporter for the wall street journal, how are you able to cut through the fog and get accurate information. it s really difficult for anybody to try to assess the extent of the damage and we re hearing conflicting reports, one, on the number of deaths expected and the number of missing. but that really is difficult. we just heard from one of the governors of the prefecture mostly affected might be 10,000 dead just there alone because of the tsunami, but they re not able to know for sure because they can t count any bodies. it s awful. alisyn: and we re hearing wildly conflicting reports what is happening at the nuclear facility there. and one of our reporters say there may have been a second explosion this morning, and obviously, one of your chief the chief cabinet secretaries over there reported yesterday that he believed that a possible meltdown was underway. what s the latest information? yeah, the word meltdown is being used in all sorts of ways that might have been out of context, but we are getting update and press conferences almost every hour from the government and there s new information all the time. this morning, there was a third reactor where pressure was building up and that s very dangerous because when measure builds up that quickly radioactive leakage. they were able to cool that down. the other two reactors are being cooled down and nobody is sure what s going on because you can t really get inside the radio the nuclear reactors to see what s going on. and part of it s uncertainty and part of it is the new information that keeps coming out. dave: sorry, and clearly, that complicates the search and rescue mission, the nuclear situation, but where are the japanese government and the military in terms of being able to rescue some of these people, being able to recover? go ahead. rescue and recovery, where is that situation right now? yeah, well, the worst damaged place is a little bit north to the nuclear reactor in question and there, the government is getting through with food and aid, but very difficult, you know, they re running out of gas, they re running out of food in some places before the government gets there, and also, it s very difficult for the people, you know, where they are evacuated. some poom are up on the roof tops of buildings and it s hard for helicopters to come down and get them. yeah, there s still a long way to go. clayton: yumiko ono from the wall street journal in japan. we ll check with you later, thank you very much. thank you. alisyn: meanwhile back home wisconsin sees its largest pro union rally as missing democrats return to a hero s welcome. why they re being celebrated. forty years ago, he wasn t worried about retirement. he d yet to he of mutual funds, iras, or annuities. back then, he had something more important to do. he wasn t focused on his future but fortunately, somebody else was. at usaa we provide retirement solutions for our military, veterans and their families. from investments. to life insurce. to health care options. learn more with our free usaa retirement guide. call 877-242-usaa. with the velocity of a 1-ghz dual core processor, 3-d graphics engine, gyroscope, and a widescreen hd display. grab it and it grabs you. only at verizon. just don t feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies. more passion for the one ya love. more fun with your family and friends. it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. come on, stop living in the shadows. you ve got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don t blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. good morning everyone, it s sunday, march 13th, i m alisyn camerota, we start with a fox news alert. because the death toll estimates are of course, rising in japan. officials now say there could be more than 10,000 people dead in just one of the worst hit towns. a live report from the ground in moments. dave: meanwhile, hundreds of thousands being evacuated from the area around japan s nuclear facilities. the race is on to prevent potential nuclear disaster. clayton: plus, the u.s.s. ronald reagan one of the many navy ships providing help to the millions in japan without food or water and we will have the latest on the rescue and relief efforts and the race to find survivors at this hour. fox & friends, hour three begins right now. welcome to fox & friends on this sunday morning, we start out with breaking news out of japan. the country s prime minister now calling deadly quake and tsunami the greatest crisis facing the country since the second world war. plus there are conflicting reports on the quake-damaged nuclear reactors and potential for nuclear disaster. alisyn: david piper is live in tokyo with the latest developments. david, tell us what s happening first at the nuclear reactor, if you would. reporter: hi, yes, i understand that there has been a warning issued that there could be another explosion at this fukushima nuclear complex. there was one yesterday after a hydrogen release and the japanese government says there s a real danger, in fact, that happened in another unit and poor coolants and sea water to try and bring down the temperature around the reactor. they do say they have it under control, but there is real fear now that there could be some kind of partial meltdown at that plant. looking at the death toll now, initial reports here are saying that it could rise to as many as 10,000 now, but we re hearing reports from places like miaki prefecture that perhaps 10,000 are missing there and one town was swept nearby and another 9,500 are missing so he we do expect the death toll to jump considerably over the next 24 to 48 hours. now, the rescue effort is continuing at this time. the japanese troops are pouring into the region, over 100,000 are involved. that s 40% of the total japanese army moving into there. they are also getting support from us forces and rescue teams from around the world, but there is real concern at this time, also, for the people in that region. temperatures dropped to around zero during the night and there s concerns about food supplies and electricity supplies cut there and they also want clean water. so there continues to be a real focus on the living now here, back to you. clayton: all right, david piper reporting for us in tokoyo and mentioning that the 160,000 americans living in japan and of course, the 1300 or 1600 currently missing at this hour and still trying to get a hold of those people and 1300 i should correct myself. as that live in the hardest hit areas and telephone lines down and can t get a hold of. dave: and the nearly 40,000 troops in japan, and accounted for, and they will help in the rescue effort. and we hear terms, meltdown, partial meltdown thrown around. how big a risk is facing the people of japan? even if there was a full meltdown, it would be less radiation exposure than chernobyl back in 1987, but here is what dr. dale klein, a former chairman of the nuclear regulatory commission says. he says perhaps this is being a bit blown out of proportion. well, i think if you look at what has happened at the fukushima site. it should give people a confidence in the fact that the reactors are robust, first they had a major earthquake, then a tsunami ten an explosion and so far, there has been little radioactivity released from the plant. so i think the public should really understand that these plants are very robust, they re designed with defensive concept in mind and i think the public should be reassured at this point that these plants are robust. alisyn: on the flip side, they ve found that nine people have suffered radiation exposure. another 160 were being tested because they were thought to have, excuse me, high radiation levels because they live in the area and you can see the testing going on here. these were people who were trying to be evacuated, as i understand it, by helicopter. so they were in that area waiting for help to come when they may have been exposed somehow and even toddlers as you can see. clayton: getting radiology tests and how frightening for parents to have to get scanned that way and for years afterwards, of course, they were still finding blips of high amounts of radiation at chernobyl after the 1986 disaster in soviet union. so and birth defects. and people for a generation. clayton: as dr. segal was talking yesterday, the major concern of course the thyroid and the most prone part of the body to this type of a disaster and giving them iodine was a way to try to suppress and counter that. also, looking at satellite images, it s pretty remarkable, from a geology perspective, japan has shifted eight feet where it used to be. the entire country moved eight feet. alisyn: and what s more mind blowing is that it also, the earthquake was so huge, that it redistributed the earth s mass and changed the rotation of our planet by 1.8 microseconds. dave: hard to figure that into your day, folks, but i think it s frankly take a look at the photos, these are satellite photos that show the actual shift. as clayton say eight feet. some say 13 feet actually moving the coast. our chief meteorologist told us earlier that this is not that uncommon with these enormous quakes and this is seen. we ve seen it several times in the last couple of decades, but still, hard to believe when you look at the photos. clayton: all the before and after google earth images, you can see where the brown sludge and mess on the right side of the screen after the tsunami rolled in and once picturesque locations. in some areas, $400 a night for picturesque hotels, and $400 a night hotel rooms completely washed away. alisyn: and just look at before and after and there again, you see buildings and homes that have now vanished off the face of the map. we want to bring in rick reichmuth now. so the earth has shifted on its axis, rick, it s just mind blowing. it is, dave, not that it s uncommon. i mean, these kinds of earthquakes are not common. dave: right, right. when there s a major quake, you see february 2010, there was a big earthquake in chile that caused the tsunami and went as far as hawaii and western part of the u.s. that one also shifted the axis, it changed how quickly the earth rotates and conception chile moved by about 10 feet. so different towns also moving in different directions, not everything moving in the exact direction. that quick jolt changes the mass of the earth and when you get the change of the mass of the earth makes it spin at a different speed and that s what we saw here. and by the way, the earthquake in sumatra in 2004 that caused that tsunami made the earth speed up .6 or about 6 microseconds, which is 6 one millionth of had a second. alisyn: i felt it. and aftershocks, 228 have happened since this initial earthquake and pre-earthquake, so a dangerous situation there and rough conditions going on across the u.s. and haven t talked much about the last couple of days. we ve seen record flooding across parts of the northeast and wherever you see the green there s flood warnings going on and dangerous conditions occurring again in parts of new jersey, this is the third out of five years we ve seen flooding across parts of new jersey and same in pennsylvania and the water will crest today and begin to recede the next couple of days and then we ll continue to see more major flooding across parts of the ohio river valley and moving forward the next couple of days and pictures, also, of that boat. the restaurant both moved across the ohio river valley with the flooding going on there. thank you very much. and let s get to the rest of headlines. libyan state television reporting that leader gadhafi s forces have taken, retaken the oil town of brega. and asked the u.s. in bahrain asked to fire tear gas at demonstrators blocking the highways and the efforts successful and thousands rally for a greater voice. and three american hikers who were held in iran. they were arrested in iran in 2009 for allegedly entering illegally. they were being charged with espionage in february court. and shourd released in december did not appear in court and the two are still in prison in iran. and investigators are trying to determine if criminal wrongdoing led to the crash of this tour bus that overturned on i-95 in the bronx killing 14 passengers yesterday. it was returning back to new york city after an overnight casino trip in connecticut crashed into a pole and nearly took off the roof. the driver said he tried to avoid a tractor-trailer others think he might have been speeding. those are the headlines. clayton: scary stuff. dave: coming up we ve told you about the potential for a nuclear disaster in japan. if the same massive quake were to happen here, how safe are america s nuclear plants. clayton: and in libya, gadhafi forces continue to fight the rebels. and taken the town of brega. next, anchor chris wallace. . it treats the real problem. reducing swelling due to nasal inflammation. new advil congestion relief. welcome back to fox & friends. as fears continue to grow about the nuclear situation in japan. what does that mean for nuclear power here in the united states? joining us is fox news sunday anchor chris wallace, good morning, chris. good morning, guys. alisyn: is the the nuclear power or gaining moment tum. after a decade a bad word and suddenly people were revisiting it. how does this change that dialog now? oh, i ve got to think it s a total game changer here. you re exactly right, alisyn, obviously, republicans have been pushing nuclear power for some time, but now democrats were getting on board and in fact, in the latest budget, president obama called for 36 billion dollars in loan credits to help build new nuclear power plants and the president and democrats on board the idea of nuclear power is safe, green energy, no carbon greenhouse gas emissions. of course, now, we re seeing something in japan a whole lot more dangerous than carbon emissions, radiation. i would think it s going after three mile island we had about a 30 year moratorium on the building of any new nuclear power plants in this country. we ll have to see how this plays out in japan and this could be another 30 year hold. clayton: yeah, major concerns of course about the radiation, poisoning there. although we ve been hearing reports this morning maybe it s overblown and after all survived a 9.0 magnitude earthquake they upped the charts on that earthquake. here is a plant that survived not only 9.0 earthquake, it s a 40-year-old reactor, of the four reactors, 40 years old and survived a tsunami and at this point only 160 people have been treated for radiation and only three sick pd. so it s a pretty good track record. i think you re jumping the gun there, guys. i wouldn t say it survived anything given the fact we ve already had an explosion in one of the reactors and the possibility of meltdowns and nor one of the reactors and i think this is still a very active situation. so i wouldn t say anything about a good track record at this point. i think that the situation at new nuclear power plants, multiple racqueters at both is still very much in play. and we had jack klein from a heritage foundation and those were his words, not to jump the gun. dave: and the libyan situation, come out with a no-fly zone and arab league on saturday signaled a support of the no-fly zone and the list goes on. john kerry supports that if in fact they have the support of the arab world. does the president have the backing he he needs to take it to the u.n. and argue for a no-fly zone. i don t think the u.n. is going to be a place he will have approval. it has to go to the security council and no indication that russia or china, both of whom holland a veto at the u.n. security council, are going to change their mind about the idea of a no-fly zone. it might allow n.a.t.o. to ask. but you know, a lot of people are wondering, is a no-fly zone going to make that much difference? you know, that gadhafi and his forces hold such an advantage in artillery, in tanks, in military experience, in the amount of weapons that they have, that even if there are no airplanes in the sky, is that going to be enough and you know, what happens to n.a.t.o. let say they impose a no-fly zone and doesn t turn the tide. gadhafi continues to advance and then does n.a.t.o. take another step, another military step and get more militarily involved? i think those are serious questions that the president and the other western leaders are trying to weigh as they decide how deeply to get involved in libya. clayton: the news of the morning, of course, we have been reporting the town of brega has been taken by gadhafi forces and is it too late right now. alisyn: and tell us who you have on the show. first of all, we are going to be talking to a nuclear expert and ask him about the situation in japan. joe from georgetown university, and also talk to mitch mcconnell and he s been one of the supporters of nuclear power, as i say, as have almost all elements of the political spectrum in washington and ask him whether he s having second thoughts and ask him about libya and about the budget and then talk to two members of congress who were actually trying to come up with a bipartisan plan on the budget you see him on the screen. mark warner of virginia and chambliss of georgia. clayton: a full show over at fox news sunday. i was going to say, other than that we ve got nothing. clayton: maybe talk nfl. dave: maybe a little charlie sheen there at the bottom. we appreciate it, chris. check your local listings, thanks, sir. see you guys. alisyn: and obviously, it s not over in japan. there are more aftershocks that keep rocking that country. the latest, a 6.2 magnitude tremor. they say there s been 275 and more on the way. dave: and 500 cars stranded on a major highway during a white-out blizzard. the icy rescue efforts coming up. your advertising mail campaign is paying o! business is good! it must be if you re doing all that overnight shipping. that must cost a fortune. it sure does. well, if it don t have get there ovnight, you can save a lot with priority mail flat re envelopes. one flat rate to any state, just $4.95. that s cool and al.. but it ain t my mone seriously do not care. so, you don t care what anyone says, you want to save this company money! that s exactly what i was sayi. hmmm. ority mail fat rate envelopesjust $4.95 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. we re all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life. welcome back to fox & friends, a couple of quick headlines for you. an american professor stays at home this morning after being kidnapped at gun point in mexico. veronica perez was visiting her mother in mexico when masked men reportedly grabbed her while walking to her car. police say it could be an express kidnapping, usually involves an exchange of cash for release. more than 800 people stranded on a highway in north dakota after a blizzard. 500 vehicles were abandoned in 60 mile per hour winds created white-out conditions and stranded motorists taken to nearby schools and businesses and even bars to wait out the storm. ali. alisyn: new this morning, we re hearing that u.s. experts are working closely with japan over fears of a nuclear disaster at the fukushima power plant and those are raising questions about the safety of our own nuclear reactors here in the u.s. and whether they would be able to withstand such a powerful earthquake. joining us, is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. i know you ve combed through the records of our nuclear plants. yes. alisyn: to determine if it could sustain a 9.0 earthquake like in japan. probably not. i spent the entire day looking at this yesterday and i believe nuclear energy is efficient and effective and necessary in this country, but at the same time it needs to be safe and it needs to be consistent with the risks that we face. and we have new technology that is able to show where you faults are and seismic activity is and so if you look at the facility in california near camp pendleton, that can only withstand 7.0 magnitude earthquake five miles away. look at diablo canyon in california and san lewuis county. and 40 miles north of new york city 6.1 magnitude earthquake. so, at 8.9 magnitude earthquake, there would arguably be issues that would occur at these three facilities near millions and millions of people. and what i m saying is we need to make a risk assessment whereby you multiply hazard times assets and vulnerabilities. and we have an issue, i believe. let me tell you what the nuclear regulatory commission said. they put out a statement this morning and the u.s. nuclear power plants are built to withstand the environmental hazards including earthquakes and tsunamis, even those outside of areas with extensi extensive seismic activity. i m suggesting prudence and planning. we know, based on geological surveys there s a 46% chance of a magnitude 7.5 earthquake in california in the next 30 years. we also know in 2008 colombia, discovered a new fault line north of new york frand i m suggesting when we look at the fukushima experience it calls for reevaluation and reassessment and national leadership. again, i think we believe, i believe in nuclear power. and i think we should have it, but at the same time, i also believe that we should be responding to attend threats. we need to know that from 2004, to 2008, at the nuclear facility near camp pendleton in san diego county, that the diesel fuel backups systems, to stop a nuclear meltdown, were not connected. they were not connected for four years based on the finding of the nuclear regulatory commission and they kept that plant under a watchful eye another two years as a result of that. alisyn: that is obviously troubling information, thank you peter johnson, jr. we need to look at it. not crisis, we need to look at it. alisyn: some relief on the way. the help that the u.s. military is delivering now for the people without food and water in japan. that s next, and the flood swamps the u.s. and the latest on the evacuation effort coming up. 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[ male announcer ] accu-chek aviva. born in the usa. welcome into fox & friends on this sunday morning, thank you so much for waking up with us. we have a fox news alert for you now. japan s prime minister called the earthquake and tsunami the country s greatest since the crisis of world war ii and urging them to conserve power. officials here a partial meltdown could already be underway and one at least at least 170,000 people evacuated from the area. clayton: and police believe the death toll could climb to more than 10,000 one per sector and many without water and power and many roads are closed two and a half million households, not people, still without power 48 hours after. as david piper talked about one of the prefectur s, people have gone missing. and who works for the wall street journal in tokyo. 275, i mean, they keep, that number has gone up. 275 after this morning of magnitude five or greater and we talked yesterday it s traumatic enough to live through this and every hour. and what else is going to be around you. clayton: she referenced from the wall street journal. she was on a train and imagine individuals caught on trains watching this come at them. she was on the way to work this morning and one of the aftershocks shook and stopped the train cold. dave: and this video is all new, this is stuff you have not seen in from japan in the last couple of minutes. and if we go back to some of the shocks again. alisyn: and obviously the military. dave: rescue and recovery underway, 100,000 japanese troops, but look at this. can you imagine sitting in your home, sitting on a building, sitting on the coast and seeing this and somehow mange control of a camera. and then that. that the devastation. look at the river of destruction that carries with it homes, buildings, neighborhoods, entire communities, three trains swept away and are still missing 48 hours after the the quake and you cannot tire of the video though it is devastating. right. and just like the large screen, it s like movies. and that is, that what you just mentioned about the trains that are disappeared. it s such a haunting detail. there were four passengers trains. alisyn: on a bullet train that have now been washed away, wiped away, they can t find the trains. look again, we call your attention to the devastations and houses that look like lumb lumb lumber strewn around the villages. clayton: and at this hour, millions of people are without food and we understand the rationing they had of noodles they would add the hot water. those supplies are running thin at this hour and major power to the country. and the shelters, schools, homes, churches and those are without power and they re into other places that have no power, also. dave: if you remember in the wake of the haiti earthquake, drinking water is absolutely essential. some of those people survived an extra day, extra two days because they managed to find drinking water and that is a very, very short supply. oh, my gosh. more than a million people without drinking water and here are some of the latest images coming into the news room. as we told you u.s.s. ronald reagan is key in providing some drinking water and the reagan has arrived in japan with aid, essentially a floating hospital an enormous nuclear powered carrier and military ramped up response to help recover from the event. and live from washington d.c. with more details about this, what will it accomplish? alisyn, operation tomodashi, japanese for friendship and the name of the relief effort and the u.s. carrier is near the coast of honshu and flown 20 missions to and from japanese ships and delivered food and supplies already to 3000 in the next few days, the u.s.s. ronald reagan we re told will move closer to the shore to activate platforms for refueling choppers from the japanese authorities and secretary robert gates says we re prepared to keep helping out. i did talk to the ambassador in japan. our ambassador to japan called me this morning and we talked about what we are able to do and i told him that we would do whatever was asked of us by the japanese or whatever was needed by the embassy. reporter: there are about 160,000 americans in japan right now. 1300 in the areas affected most by the earthquake. that s according to the u.s. ambassador to japan, john russe and because of the time difference, it s already evening over there and ambassador russe said the u.s. embassy is working to send to the affected areas tonight to help the americans who are there and we also know now that the u.s. aid disaster assistance and response team are in japan. they are a highly trained group who assist with international catastrophe from fairfax, virginia and los angeles, 150 people and 12 dogs to help them find live victims and they re right now working with the embassy in japan to figure out where they re needed the most, back to you guys. peter doocy live from washington d.c. concerns about future tsunamis as we keep hearing about the huge aftershocks. alisyn: good point. clayton: and rick, we have the military vessels who are assisting in recovery and how concerning are the aftershocks and tsunami warnings. you would potentially see a tsunami if you get an earthquake underground, underwater over 7:.0. so the 6 s and 6.3. 7 could and if any of those boats are right on shore, that s when you run the risk. if they re out to sea they don t really feel any of the effects of it, maybe a big swell. but ne don t see the damage, it s the boats right on shore. did that answer the question. yes, with the open ocean, that helps. exactly, and the thing to look at they re getting in there right now. temps looking good for today. monday and tuesday are worse, rain to deal with and dropping to the mid 20 s and daytime highs, 40, 41 with a little bit of snow mixed in. that s not good. temps at 41 and winds out of the west and any radiation would be blowing out to sea not moving toward the populated areas. which is great. we want to take a look at conditions across the u.s. a little bit of snowing across the northeast and video coming out of new jersey, patterson, new jersey, dealing with incredible flooding the past couple of days, with snow melt and the rain coming the last couple of weeks and yesterday the national guard was called in due to a state of emergency to help people evacuate, and now, these waters will crest today, and then begin to recede slowly over the next couple of days, and hey, this is new jersey has been hit three times out of the last five years, of the five record floods, three happened in the last five years, so, kind of insult to injury unfortunately for these people here. and across the west a major storm pulling into the pacific northwest, a lot of rain and mountain snow. snow looking pretty high over the next 48 hours or so and higher elevations maybe one to two feet of snow. the high temperatures across the country today. not bad cooler toward the north and nice and spring-like across much of the south. back to you. dave: good point on new jersey, man. they had the money spent on the snowstorm, the blizzards, their budget was already a mess, big issues for them. alisyn: meanwhile, let s get the rest of your news. here are your headlines. of another search in el paso county, hopes of kinding the two brothers, from their home around 2003, but in 2005, their adoptive parents, linda and edward bryant, without reporting them missing. two were arrested, nearly 275,000 dollars in government payments even though they weren t living with them. and the state senate in west virginia, passed a bill making it illegal for anyone to protest at a funeral despite the supreme court ruling protecting those protests under the first amendment. the measure aimed at the westboro baptist church with regularly protests funerals and recently the coal miners from the upper big branch coal mining disaster. get ready for health care to skyrocket. asking another hike despite raising rates in october and january. premiums could now hit as high as 80% for some customers, when the company sends out notices about the potential hike it said it miscalculated and forgetting to factor in the first hike from 2010. those are your headlines. clayton: and coming up on the show, libyan rebels battling for control in libya this morning and moammar gadhafi s on the rebels strong holds in benghazi. . dave: efforts from american christians next with father jonathan morris. can getting enough vegetables make you feel good? oh, yeah. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables. v8. what s your number? the motorola xoom tablet. the first tablet powered by android 3.0, with a 3-d interface and a widescreen hd display. grab it and it grabs you. only at verizon. i was 18 years old before i had my first fresh bun. the invention at i came up with is the hot dog ez bun steamer. steam is te y to a great dog. i knew it was goi to be a success. the invention was so 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we are seeing response from denominations, largely christian, but there s a strong in the christian relation of helping your neighbor. we re seeing organized groups from presbyterian to baptist to catholic. people throughout the united states who are really coming together and saying we are going to help japan in this hour of need. that s a very good thing. just when we see the devastation of the ocean, when it s at its worst coming in and destroying, we re seeing waves i would say of charity and goodness in response to this terrible tragedy. clayton: you know, it s interesting because a lot of parts of asia over the past many decades have seen quite a surge of christianity and catholocism in parts of japan and certainly china as well. it s interesting to me the connection, they re almost instantly mobilized, faster in some instances than other organizations and churches rise up to get there more quickly. how is it possible? it s true and same time we look at japan. probably the most areligious or nonreligious nation in the world today. and it s going to be interesting to see what the response is going to be. normally we see the churches in for example, katrina, in the united states, the churches were full, or 9/11 the churches were full. but it will be interesting from a spiritual point of of view also to see how japan comes together and finds solidarity and comfort in a way that s not traditional to us, at least. dave: father jonathan, thank you very much. it s great to see solidarity between china and japan. absolutely, a lot of good things coming for the. and a guy i know, saying, listen, i have life today. dave: more perspective. without a doubt. dave: that s a good point. clayton: thank you, father jonathan morris, great to see you. coming up on the show, wisconsin sees the largest pro union rally yet as the missing state democrats return to a heroes welcome. why are they being celebrated for hiding while lawmakers who stuck around are getting death threats. dave: it s going to take years for japan to recover from this horrific earthquake and tsunami. so what is the u.s. government going to do to help? policy experts from the bush administration next. 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[ squawking ] breaking news we want to tell you about. the u.s.s. reagan has just arrived in japan to begin its search and rescue operations there. this as the japanese prime minister says the country is facing the worst hardship since world war ii. clayton: and what other aid can the united states and united nations be ready to offer? joining us is the director of communications and public diplomacy for the united states, representatives to the united nations during the bush administration. rick, nice to see you this morning, thanks for joining us. sure, thanks for having me. clayton: we saw the initial wave of navy ships obviously heading to the region and obviously, we had father jonathan on talking about the international response from the religious organizations headed there. what other united states aid can we expect to be sending to japan? you know, this is such a devastating catastrophe that s happened in japan, but we really have to take the lead of the japanese government. japanese people are resourceful, the economy is strong. they re certainly going to need a ton of private donations like the churches that are getting together, the japanese-americans will undoubtedly take the lead in private giving, but in terms of the united states, financial giving, the united nations financial giving, it s going to be a sensitive subject for the japanese. much like it was for the united states. you know, u.n.i.c.e.f. and world program limited resources and the japanese know that and they re not going to want to take scarce resources from the u.n. organizations if they really don t need it. so, initially right now we re waiting, we re letting the japanese government take the lead, tell us what they need. and right now, we ve got world food programs on stand by in malaysia, which is the regional hub. u.n.i.c.e.f. is on stand by, the u mhumanitarian organizatio is on stand by and expertise other countries can give will be welcome, like search and rescue operations. alisyn: rick, it s interesting here at home after so much of the conversation in past years, dominated how broke, frankly the u.s. government is. how then does the u.s. government figure out how much it can give in a crisis? well, that s a great question and certainly, i know even on facebook and online i see a lot of people discussing this. it s a very philosophical discussion, when we are broke are we able to help. and look, my attitude is we ve got to cut spending and get government lean so we can respond in emergencies and respond when somebody like the japanese are having such a catastrophe that they need help with. we have to remember one thing, japanese are a great ally of ours. if you look at the u.n. voting record, they are more closely in line with us than the united kingdom and great britain. so we need to respond appropriately with our allies and offer the search and rescue teams at that we have offered. i think the obama administration did a good thing in that it immediately said, what do you need, we stand ready to stand by you, our great ally. and we also, you know, i d like to see hollywood get moving on private donations and japanese-americans who really take the lead to remind us that we should give and make it easy to give. clayton: during your experience, obviously, and during the bush administration, what was the japanese relationship there? i mean, you know, were they forth coming with information when they were facing a crisis? there s been some concern that they were not going to reach out for help and that we would have to sort of sit back and wait for them to comen and ask us. well, i think it s very similar to what happened with katrina and how the united states was saying, you know, u.n.i.c.e.f. and world food program have limited resources, i m not sure we should be taking up the limited resources, if we have enough resources on our own to take care of this problem. this is a test for the japanese government, a relatively new government. prime minister kan is really going to have to show that he can respond. i think our u.s. ambassador to japan, john russe, is really going to have to show that he can make private donations come through and we ll see what happens, but the japanese can handle this, then we should all respond as much as possible. alisyn: thank you so much for coming on. clayton: and we should also mention apple itunes set up an account for red cross donations which they usually do in a disaster. alisyn: and an unbelievable satellite image shows what a city in japanese looked like before and after the tsunami hit. the stunning images showing how powerful this is coming up. announcer: naturals from purina cat chow. delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. forty years ago, he wasn t worried about retirement. he d yet to he of mutual funds, iras, or annuities. back then, he had something more important to do. he 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reactor is being treated with sea water to cool it down as hundreds of thousands are evacuated from the area around the nuclear facilities there, because the country is trying to prevent obviously a nuclear disaster. dave: the estimates for the death toll continue to climb. the official number is more than 900 but the number is expected to climb exponentially, perhaps, to the tens of thousands, a live report from japan, is moments away. clayton: and a satellite image showing how powerful the earthquake truly was, in japan. you can see the entire island move 8 feet. fox & friends, continues, right now. alisyn: good morning, thanks for joining us. we have had breaking news, really all weekend long and this hour is no different. rolling blackouts, will begin across japan, tomorrow. because millions are without power, this comes as japan s prime minister asks his citizens to conserve energy in places that still have electricity and now we learn sea water is used to try and cool down the third nuclear reactor. clayton: we turn to david paper with the latest on those developments. have there been any blackouts in tokyo yet? reporter: well, actually they are going to introduce the blackouts tomorrow morning and will continue through the day, bringing down different areas. mainly because they are trying to regulate the grid, it is under extreme pressure. 6 of the 11 nuclear reactors in northeastern japan which supplies power to tokyo are shut down because of the cooling tips being affected and that is affecting the area here. so, they really need to control that, and, perhaps, get some electricity up to the northeast as well, because, we know, people are struggling there, with no power supply. back to you. dave: obviously the nuclear situation of utmost importance when a chief cabinet secretary in japan said it is highly likely a melt down is under way. are there contradicting reports? reporter: that is what we are hearing from the japanese government. basically one of the units, the fukushima plant, actually exploded yesterday. the walls around which was holding the reactor, we don t believe the containment vessel was cracked in any way but, they are suggesting that the hydrogen may be released from another unit, which will cause another explosion. but, the talk about a partial melt down, they can t give any kind of guarantees, because, they are saying they cannot get into any of these reactors to find out exactly what is going on. alisyn: it is confusing, because that partial melt down announcement, statement, came from their chief cabinet secretary, so, obviously that aroused a lot of fear and the japanese ambassador to the u.s. tamped it down and said, there is no melt down happening, not even a partial melt down but as we are reporting at this hour, now, three reactors are being treated with sea water? they ve lost their cooling abilities? reporter: yes, there are actually 6 reactors, that continue to be in trouble. across that northeastern region. and that is the real concern, one of these reactors could go into a partial melt down, it is going into the wording, a partial melt down and what exactly does that mean? dave: it is difficult to sift through the multiple reports coming out of japan, david piper, thanks for joining us live this morning, you understand why they would be hesitant with these estimates, whether the death toll, whether the nuclear situation, you don t want to incite panic there, in japan, but this is not a government prone to be forthright when it comes to estimates. when it comes to reporting the full truth there in their country, they actually over the years have spun it rather positive, always wanting to remain calm. clayton: we re getting new death tolls which are expected to reach as high as 10,000, as rescue teams rush to japan to try to find out where some of these individuals are trapped, david piper telling us earlier that 1300 americans are also right now, trying to be contacted, and officials are having a difficult time getting ahold of them, some of them trapped in the hardest-hit regions of japan. alisyn: and the death toll will go up. they are fluctuating, but will go up because the 10,000 number is woefully inadequate because there are 10,000 people missing in just one village. two villages, the one i am thinking of is the coastal northern village, i guess both of them are and half of the people as i understand from reading heard the sirens, the warning and ran to higher ground and half, for whatever reason, didn t heed it and 10,000 are missing. clayton: or ran to the rooftops and this happened and you can see how widespread the damage was before and after the earthquake. this was the japanese coast, and you can see, the shift, the geological shift as we look at these images of the coast, here we go, and, so, there it is on the left, which was the before , and then you see the shift, movement, completely different and if you lived along the coastal areas, you would pay $400 a night in hotel rooms, beautiful, beautiful tourist towns that are wiped away. clayton: it is interesting, it was a nice smooth, clean, line an after, not so much. the earthquake, if you are joining us this morning has been upgraded from an 8.9 to a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, the 5th largest ever, largest ever in japan. and, again, 8 feet moved the coastline, it sped up, the reation of the earth. alisyn: all of these pictures, i think are what not so much that was more rural than the other places we have seen but the ones dotted with houses, as this one, here you see houses, buildings and afterwards looks as though it is a rural area, but dave: it is all gone. clayton: look at the obviously you can see the flames as well. look at the airport. the before and after of the airport as well. when we did manage to show you dave: the airport in sendai. chris: the agricultural area, one of the hardest hit in all of japan, wiped away and you can imagine how difficult it is with the railroad tracks and airport wiped out and roads washed away to get to individuals in those regions. heather: and dave: and a crucial time for the rescue effort and now, here we are 48 hours after the quake. rick: scary thing is you have the most crucial time is the time you can t get there. and a few days they clear stuff out and then it is too late. dave: it is recovery. rick: the cold irony to this and the quake raised to 9.0 and in the history, since 1900, is the 4th strongest earthquake. they don t happen often and we have seen the last 7 years, we have seen two of those now experiences and both with the devastating tsunamis. so, i want to look, also at the stuff we have going in across the u.s. as we have had so much weather especially the eastern part of the country and all the snow, this winter and so much rain the last couple of weeks, brute brought flooding concerns and we have flood warnings going on and the rivers in the northeast will express today and tomorrow and then recede and the good news: no real significant rain, come in across parts of the northeast for at least 5 to 7 days and will help the waters to recede. we have snow across parts of the northeast and will not cause any major problems, out across the west, guys, big storm pulling in, northern california, oregon and washington, continuing to deal with rain and mountain snow. alisyn: thanks, the rest of your headlines. libyan state television reporting this morning that libyan leader muammar qaddafi s forces have retaken the oil town of brega in addition to the oil-pitch report city of ras lanuf as the arab league asks the u.n. security council to impose a no-fly zone and in yemen, police fired bullets and tear gas into a crowd of angry protesters, demonstrations demanding the end of their president s 32-year rule. overnight a roadside bomb killed four civilians driving in southern afghanistan, it happened in the kandahar province and police discovered two devices left on the road and defused them. and, investigators are trying to determine if criminal wrongdoing led to the high speed crash of this tour bus, overturned on i-95 in new york city s bronx borough and killed 14 passengers on board. it was returning back to new york city from an overnight casino trip when it slammed into a pole that nearly sheered off its roof, police are trying to verify the bus driver s claim that he lost control trying to avoid a swerving tractor-trailer and other people believe he was speeding. the obama administration is demanding that cuba release american contractor alan gross, a cuban court found him guilty of crimes against cuba and he was sentenced to 15 years behind bars and, the state department said he was working to improve internet access and he was arrested for trying to overthrow the cuban government. dave: what a scene on saturday in wisconsin. the capital, madison, where the 14 democratic state senators who fled alisyn: fled. dave: and the legislation stripped unions of collective bargaining rights. and, they returned in what was described as a hero s welcome, a. clayton: and the protest, by the way, eye witnesses are saying that the protest, well over 100,000 people and could be one of the largest protests in u.s. history, since the vietnam war. we are seeing reports of this protest, coming in on-line, and, there are protesters there, asked about this size of the crowd and it was spilling over onto main street outside of the capital, hard to get an assessment and here s what protesters had to say about this: great. amazing. and is wonderful. impressive. much bigger when i was here a couple of weeks ago. amazing. especially, when we were supposed to have been kicked down and put in our place. alisyn: you can imagine how confusing it to the state republicans who stayed and did their job in the capital and basically believed their democratic colleagues were cowards or fugitives, or left at an important legislative moment in time and are amazed that the democrats, upon returning home got a hero s welcome, and we spoke to one state senator, scott fitzgerald, about this very phenomenon. i think they totally misunderstood what the republican senators have gone through, the death threats, the that still exist, our inability to really, i think, repair some of what this institution, wisconsin state senate, has stood for for more than 100 years. clayton: and we should be clear sit in the budget bill, it was the collective bargaining side of the bill and there were a number of lawsuits filed, one of whip is expected to take place, and be heard on wednesday, and, whether or not of course the protesters believe this was a maneuver that was outside of the realm of the state constitution and is fought with lawsuits an recall elections being pushed now. on both sides, and, you remember what happened in california with the recall elections, right? it was sort of hysteria there. you had all sorts of people jumping in, recall election and that is where arnold schwarzenegger rose to prominence in california with the green davis recall. dave: 8 democrats an and 8 republicans targeted for recall, and death threats facing the republican senators. alisyn: and everyone digging in their heels and redo you believe redoubling their efforts. japan, again, there are reports of a possible partial nuclear melt down, at multiple sites there. is it a wake-up call for america s own nuclear policy. clayton: and we re bringing you the incredible pictures of damage in japan, taken by people experiencing the disaster first hand. these are from twitter and other social media sites throughout the show. we ll show you more. 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i think this is a wake-up call for not that we have anything directly to worry about, but the thing is, the nuclear power plants and what is going on there, it should be of grave concern for two reasons. first, the four plants in california we have here are on similarly set fault lines and are considered a high risk zone and of the 55 reactors, only 11 have gone down and the other thing i keep listening for is a word called scram, the moment you hear scram it is time to panic regarding the japanese plants, that means that they have tried to slam on the brakes, and, there is something badly wrong and so far we see their attempts to maintain the plants on-line. japan gets 1/3 of its power from nuclear plants and that is why you will see the rolling blackouts and they ll take them off line to get them fixed. clayton: they don t have the power. that s right. clayton: to be able to sustain themselves without the plan and it is interesting you brought up california, peter johnson, jr. on the show did a massive amount of research on the problems with some of these plants and found 7.0 magnitude earthquake could in fact incapacitate these plants and have massive implications in the u.s., and geology experts say we could have a massive 9.0 earthquake in the u.s. in next few years. that is we have to consider that. and i was in california a few weeks ago and you can see the fault line, it s not like it s not coming and the other thing we have to consider is the president s science advisor talked about other threats to our infrastructure. power is the key. we depend on power for everything and, one of the biggest threats we in our country have not accepted is electromagnetic pulse, solar flares. and the solar high point is coming next year and, i looked two lived two days without power over a blizzard and it is not easy to do and the japanese people are about to go through with the rolling blackouts, we could see here because our own power grid, both from degradation from earthquakes and loss of power plant and, more importantly, from solar flares which could devastate our entire infrastructure needs to be examined. and we could have similar bad things happen here. clayton: i m glad we have you on the show, it is a perspective we haven t heard on fox & friends, lieutenant colonel anthony schaeffer thanks for joining us from dayton, ohio. tense fighting in libya, this morning as rebel forces fight to maintain their strongholds. a live report from benghazi and, the middle east unrest, spiking u.s. prices and the president says he could open the strategic oil reserves. could that cause a bigger problem? congressman landry on that, next. with homeowners. since 2009, we ve helped over 250,000 americans keep their homes. and we re reaching out to small businesses too, lending them more than $10 billion last year. we re also giving businesses the opportunity to ask for a second review if they feel their loan should have been approved. this is how recoveries happen. everyone doing their part. this is the way forward. hello sunshine sweet as you can be i love waking up [ chuckles ] to your morning melody i can tell it s gonna be a sweet day [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey for a yummy sweet taste that s just right. and the 100% natural whole grain oats treat your heart sweet. because they can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. you re sweet to me bee happy. bee healthy. alisyn: all the unrest in northeast is having a huge impact on oil prices here in the u.s. just over the past month, gas prices have surged 24%. president obama says the u.s. will be able to weather this storm. president barack obama: here s the good news. the global community can manage supply disruptions like this. other oil producing nations have committed to filling any gaps. and we will continue to coordinate closely with our international partners, to keep all options on the table, when it comes to any supply disruptions. dave: is now the time to tap the u.s. oil reserve to provide americans with much needed relief or will that cause more problems? joining us now is louisiana congressman jeff landry, good morning to you, congressman. good morning. dave: the president also said on friday we are producing the most oil in our country since 2003. is that because of actions from his administration? or decisions made prior? no, it is disingenuous for him to take credit of that, that is from prior odd administrations actions. it is an increase in one project in the gulf of mexico almost made up for that amount of increased production. since he has taken control, production has actually predicted to decline, instead of increase. alisyn: you heard what the president said. he said, listen, other oil producing nations can step up and fill the gap. does that give you comfort? no, it doesn t. we have the best strategic reserve and it is in the gulf of mexico and it comes at little cost to the taxpayers. and that is what we should be tapping into. dave: we should not tap the strategic petroleum reserve. what are your thoughts on the future of nuclear power here in the u.s., considering what is happening, right now, in japan. you know, my prayers go out to everyone in japan, certainly, concerns and we want to do everything we can to help them, being from louisiana i know what it is like to have natural disasters occur in your backyard, but again, this is another opportunity, where the nuclear industry will be safer in this long run, after we learn the lessons from what happened in japan. i mean, in america, we always believe that the impossible was possible. we need to quit shying away from these fears and solve those types of problems. alisyn: you know how political debate works in this country. don t you think that this will be a major set back? again, i certainly hope it is not. i think that america should lead on this and learn from examples and see what went wrong there, and we have got the brightest and best engineers in this country and solve the problem and move forward so we can produce affordable energy for our economy. dave: we hope $4 a gallon gas is not in our future. congressman jeff landry, from louisiana, thanks for being with us. alisyn: thanks, congressman, a house demolished by a massive explosion and police don t know why. yet. but they have some ideas, more, next. dave: the quake hitting japan did more than damage you can see. here s the before and after at the sendai airport. do you know it also changed the earth s axis. more coming up. alisyn: and incredible pictures of the damage in japan, taking by people experiencing the disaster first hand, and these pictures are from twitter. more of them throughout the show. i m not just someone who s quitting with chantixnd support. our kids go to school together. -we work together. -i m in your cooking class. welay ball together. 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back to fox & friends, breaking news out of japan, this morning, we re learning that sea water is being used to try and cool down a third nuclear reactor, as the fukushima plant. as rolling blackouts will start across japan tomorrow. millions are without power. we turn to david piper in tokyo, with the latest developments. it is what now, i guess, 10:30 p.m., what are you hearing tonight? reporter: well, we re hearing from the japanese government as they fear there will be another explosion at that same fukushima plant. basically, the hydrogen seems to be building up on one of the four units and they are trying to cool down the reactor with sea water and, cooling agents and the japanese government is suggesting there may already be a partial melt down in one of those reactors. so, very concerned here, the japanese people, also, they will be suffering from rolling blackouts here, in and around tokyo, and the region. mainly because the japanese government wants to bring down the system, the electricity system so they can regulate it, because there is a lot of pressure on it and we know six of the 11 nuclear reactors in the region, have been brought down, they are actually shot down, and because they are their cooling systems have broken down. so that is a major concern. and, at the same time there is a massive effort going on at this time, 100,000 japanese troops have been mobilized to try to help the people suffering in northeast japan, where the tsunamis hit the shore. we do know the u.s. military is helping also, the carrier, the ronald reagan, is offshore, it is the helicopters are being used to transport goods and supplies, and, also, japanese troops to the worst affected areas. back to you. alisyn: we also understand, at least you reported yesterday the government was preparing to distribute that potassium iodine tablets because they were trying to combat radiation poisoning and do you know if that started or how widespread they think they have to distribute it? reporter: there were reports they had been releasing those supplies to the population and i haven t heard any more about that since. i do understand that they brought out, perhaps, over 170,000 people, from around that fukushima plant. and, over around 160 people have suspected radiation sickness. so, it is likely they will be distributing those tablets now. back to you. clayton: david piper live for us in tokyo. a lot of information is coming over the internets and, we haven t talked about this, japan s internet infrastructure and a lot of videos coming over youtube and twitter and japan s internet remained remarkably intact. there were small pockets of outages but where you had massive power outages and obviously infrastructure damages, japan s internet infrastructure remained incredibly robust and look at the images, of course that came in over twitter. look at these damaged homes, which were sent up via mobile phones, people up loading these images, remarkable images you didn t see with news crews flying high overhead. alisyn: this blows my mind because of the people who were trying to escape the tsunami. or the earthquake up on top of the building there. and, that is all that is left is that little rooftop detector utter devastation and look at this: that is not a small boat. it is a large ship thrown into the middle of the community which appears to be all but swept away. not only the way people communicated and got in touch with loved ones and got on the person-finder on google and there you see cars are strewn about, as one writer said, it looks like sea shells thrown about a beach. gravity, and up ended. alisyn: the cars on rooftops is always a hair-raising picture and this one, got us all this morning, because, back to that radiation poisoning, in any area, around fukushima facility, they are having to test even toddlers to see if they were exposed to radiation poisoning. dave: now learning 450,000 people have actually been evacuated because of the potential risks of the nuclear melt down. clayton: look at the plane, aircraft this is youtube video here. of. alisyn: right, the ship is not supposed to be on the street and look at how the cars are just picked up, and, floating. clayton: look at the skyscraper. this is remarkable, from tokyo. obviously these skyscrapers have done a remarkable job, of remaining intact. because of the building codes there. but look at these skyscrapers, just shaking. imagine if you are in a city, here in manhattan and standing there, as a earthquake hits, and you see this. these buildings sway back and forth, wondering if there is nowhere to run, when something like this happens and you wonder if they will come down and collapse. dave: thankfully they have a tremendous structure and building codes were redone in 1981 to withstand a very strong quake and as we bring in our chief meteorologist, rick reichmuth i see on local news reports out of japan they say there is a 70% chance of a 7 magnitude quake or greater in the next three days, and, that is the point that you said of which, another tsunami could be triggered. rick: a tsunami could be triggered and wouldn t trigger that kind, the one triggered by a 9.0 but it could trigger a small tsunami and when close to shore it causes all the problems and obviously so much of the shore is devastated already and not like people are out there living. or doing their lives, running their lives at this point. and, the buildings you see shaking is good, that is by design and the retrofit, to be able to handle an earthquake and allows it to sway and if it is rigid, the ridged structure stands a better chance of falling, and you see it sway, that is what it is supposed to do and the aftershocks, very clustered around, where the center of it was, the yellow is the initial earthquake and aftershocks from around 100 to 300 miles away from the center, we ll continue to see them go on, likely, actually for years, you can have aftershocks from a earthquake like this. here is your forecast, as for monday. waking up and people out there, good news for monday and a nice day, temps in the 60s and plenty of sunshine, tuesday and wednesday, condition get worse and it gets colder and you see rain move in and wednesday, a little snow, at points which is certainly not going to be good news. 38°, right now, and winds have shifted out of the southwest, and they were out of the west earlier, now the southwest and is still good news and means it is pulling any kind of radiation that could possibly be leaking would be pulling away from the coast, not back in towards the populate areas. across the west, temps not bad, cool off towards the far north and a blizzard yesterday and across parts of north dakota, today, a cold one, tomorrow you will start to warm up and be in the 40s by the time you get to tuesday, east coast looks good and a little light snow across parts of the northeast and snow this morning, and across nebraska, and, this will be the next weather maker across the west and heavy rain and mountain snow continuing for the next number of days. all right, guys. alisyn: thanks, your headlines, right now, rebels in libya continue to lose ground, for the power of muammar qaddafi s forces, as ribs weebee forced out of brega and leland vittert joins us live. what is happening at this now. reporter: good morning, we have pulled back now to the town of benghazi, because you cannot count on these rebels actually holding any kind of defensive position. brega was the best chance to stop them, muammar qaddafi s katyusha rockets and tanks were no match for the rebels and the other thing muammar qaddafi has going for him is the air force which we were out, yesterday, as the air force continued to pound away. just went off next to the checkpoint and we don t know if anybody is injured. unbelievable, the second day in a row they ve hit the checkpoint and you can see the smoke coming across, and everybody now, running for cover. and, it was just five minutes or so ago, and we were down at this check point, and moved back here, for safety. we have another air attack right out there, earlier muammar qaddafi bombed the town here and you can see where the bomb just got dropped. and, right out there, the anti-aircraft fire are going up and the plane is gone and you can see, though, where it ended up, the bomb right out there. looks like they missed this time. and each bomb that went off at the rebel check point everybody is now retreating and the rebels are flying backwards towards their rear positions, and it goes to show you how these rebels don t have the command and control to stay and fight a real battle. to give you an idea of how quickly the rebels are retreating, how fast the muammar qaddafi forces are advancing, our photographer, just pointed out the location we were at, was an hour s drive, almost 60 miles into what is now muammar qaddafi territory. outside of the town of brega yesterday, where the air attacks were and now muammar qaddafi forces have pushed through the town. and you are talking about them moving nearly 80 miles in one day. it will not be long, ali before they go all the way through the eastern part of the country. to quash the rebellion, once and for all. alisyn, back to you. alisyn: incredible video that you have shown us there. please be careful while you are out there. thanks for the update. now, to the rest of your headlines, the three american hikers who were held in iran will face a second court hearing on may 11th. josh fattal, shane bauer and sarah shourd were arrested in iran in 2009 for allegedly entering the country illegally and were later charged with espionage and february an iranian court held a closed door trial for the three, and sarah shourd who was released did not appear in court and the others are still in prison in iran. a manhunt is underway for two dangerous fugitives, a 33 and 36-year-old, escaped from a prison, while on a work detail and then killed a man in mississippi and stole his car, investigators say they were pulled over by police in a stolen car and somehow managed to escape. and police combed the arlington, tennessee area, after a tip from a store clerk who said one suspect came into buy survival gear and, that tip turn toed out to be a false alarm. turned out to be a false alarm. if you have any information, call your local police. two stunt pilots survive a fiery crash, caught on camera, at an air show in texas, the terrified watched that s plane s engine caught fire, leaving a trail of smoke and it plummeted to the ground. the stunt team, husband and wife, were together, one of them was performing a stunt on the wing of the plane when it started to go down and she was able to get back inside before the crash, both pilots suffered severe burns, but they are expected to survive. fire officials don t know what caused the massive explosion, that leveled a five bedroom home in missouri. 59-year-old man who lived inside the home was there at the time of the blast. but escaped with only minor nurse and, neighbors say that he has made fireworks in his basement, as a hobby. which may have been somehow connected. clayton: i wonder if there is a connection. alisyn: those are your headlines. clayton: coming up, congress battling over the budget for this year and how do americans feel about the debate. pollster frank luntz with the voters pulse of the nation. dave: and the disaster in japan sparks a serious debate in the u.s., is this a wake-up call for america s nuclear policy? everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who s your someone? campbell s healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it s amazing what soup can do. 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[ squawking ] dave: the potential nuclear disaster in japan serving as a wake-up call in the u.s., and sparking some debate about the future of nuclear energy here. joining us now, to weigh in, frank luntz, pollster and author of the new book win, the key principles to take your business from ordinary to extraordinary. good morning to you, frank. into good morning and you know, they ll need effective language, now 20% of our energy supply comes from nuclear and we had the chance to do research in december, of last year, three months ago, and, overall the american people are very much in favor of nuclear energy. in fact if you pull up the first chart the numbers are basically better than 3-1 in favor of using nuclear power as you can see, only 19% are opposed to it. and, over time, because you have to look at this over 20 years, the support for nuclear energy has been increasing, and if you pull that slide up, it is yes, the majority of americans, their opinions have not changed but among those who have you have a 34% improved, only 6% worsened. we ll have to look at this, based on what happened in japan, but, going into it, the american people believe that nuclear energy is this right energy for this country, right now. dave: you ll have to redo those polls in a couple of days because the next 24, 48, 72 hours are absolutely, i think, pivotal for the future of nuclear energy in this country and around the world. we want to switch to the debate going on back here about our own budget. and, the language is not one that you would recommend. i mean, continuing resolution, terms that neither side seems to have a good handle on terms that really resonate with the american people. and what are they doing right? what are they doing wrong. first they should read win not because it gets them to the budget debate but they d understand certain words work and i want to show you one clip, senator joe manchin of west virginia. he attacks the democrats, he attacks the republicans, but most importantly, he calls on president obama to lead, and, both republicans and democrats dialed him incredibly favorably, so let s look at the most effective democratic communicator on the budget, right now. bottom line is this: the president is the leader of this great nation and when it comes to an issue of significant national importancthe president must lead. not the majority leader or speaker. but the president. he must sit down with leaders of both parties and help hammer out a real bipartisan compromise. that moves our nation forward an establishes priorities, that represent our values and all hard-working families. that s the best there is, joe manchin saying, hey, you have to work together and he s calling on the president to do what he s not doing right now. he s calling on the president to engage. to lead. to interact. very very, effective language. dave: to sit down at the table and hash it out with both sides, over the weekend the president called the budget three-week extension irresponsible and that is clearly not the leadership joe manchin is calling for. frank luntz, thanks for being with us. thank you, a pleasure. dave: coming up, a race against time, in japan. as officials try to avoid a possible melt down, multiple nuclear reactor sites. coming up, a nuclear energy expert with the latest. and here s another incredible picture. from our friends on twitter. as you can see, the ground is split and in this case, cars crushed. there we go. some of the im manse, just coming in, we ll show you more, we ll be right back. 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[ male announcer ] so don t blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. alisyn: we ll leave you with the gripping images we have seen via twitter as a result of the whole japanese earthquake and one that can you tell us just took our breath away

Arkansas , United-states , Vietnam , Republic-of , Louisiana , Arlington , Texas , China , Juarez , Méco , Mexico , California

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20100927:05:22:00

The pentagon says it destroyed 9,500 copies of a new book in the name of national security. defense officials say the first version of operation dark heart by lieutenant colonel anthony schaeffer contained classified information, including names of american intelligence officers. that s according to the new york times, but the author who serves in the army reserves says his book was fully vetted before printing. it s his memoir about his time leading a covert operation in afghanistan. we did go through a very lengthy review process, and that process included interviews by a researcher to make sure that we had information from original sources as well as research from public sources which put it all together into the thing, and keep in mind, don, this is not simply a memoir.

Pentagon , Copies , 9500 , Us , Information , Officers , Names , In-the-name-of-national-security , Anthony-schaeffer , Version , Operation-dark-heart , Defense-officials

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20100927:02:24:00

Version of operation dark heart by lieutenant colonel anthony schaeffer contained classified information, including names of american intelligence officers. that s according to the new york times, but the author who serves in the army reserves says his book was fully vetted before printing. it s his memoir about his time leading a covert operation in afghanistan. we did go through a very lengthy review process, and that process included interviews which a researcher to make sure that we had information from original sources as well as research from public sources which put it all together into the thing, and keep in mind, don, this is not simply a memoir. we wanted to make this a lessons learned and a path forward so the idea was to give the reader an idea of what it s like being on the ground running this stuff and at the same time learn what happened regarding the tipping point for the war in afghanistan and areas we stayed away from. technology, any areas with names

Information , Us , Author , Officers , Names , Book , Anthony-schaeffer , Version , New-york-times , Operation-dark-heart , Army-reserves , Printing