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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends First 20140523 09:00:00

they their windows. the hail makes it look like a strin spring snowstorm. hello everybody. severe weather pummelling portions of the country yesterday and today. in the carolinas and mexico and western parts of texas we could be looking at more large hail and strong winds and tornadoes in these areas. thunderstorms are firing up this afternoon and evening hours. as we head into the afternoon the first half of the weekend we have a holiday weekend and across texas and mexico we could be seeing strong to severe thunderstorms. heads up if you live in san angelo and lubbock, texas. you could be looking at severe weather on saturday and sunday. it could be a very slow moving weather pattern out here across the plains states. we are expecting areas of heavy rain. locally more than 4-6 inches of
rain is possible in texas, oklahoma, also parts of missouri. flash flooding could be an issue into the weekend and anna and ainsley take a look at the temperatures for today heating up across parts of the southeastern united states. temperatures into the upper 80s, 90s widespread in florida and it s going to stay warm to kickoff the week on saturday out there in the southeast. the northeast cool in the low 70s. let s head over to you. maria molina thank you very much. brand new information about the massive beef recall. we have learned the beef tainted with e coli was shipped to stores in ten different states, florida, illinois, indiana, kentucky, michigan michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, tennessee, wisconsin and north dakota. included on the list gordon food service marketplace, georgio s italian dell kau tess sant and butch el food mart.
it will has the number 2574 b. nearly 2,000 pounds of beef from wolverine packing company after people in 11 states got sick. for a full list you can head to fox & friend fox & friends first the administration breaking its silence about the war hero locked up for over a p month over a simple mistake. what is the state department saying this morning? although they are not going into extreme detail the state department acknowledged john kerry raised it in meetings in mexico city. this as u.s. lawmakers are getting more involved and bringing attention to andrew tomarese has been jailed in mexico since the first of april after accidentally crossing the mexican border with firearms in his car. at the time he told agents he
was not only logged but he volunteered the information about the legally obtained and owned guns. officials say there has been progress. since his arrest he has been visited 11 times by consulate m officers. we have been very engaged and the secretary did raise this issue yesterday during his meeting, but i don t have anything to update you on beyond that. the critics say representative duncan hunter tried to bring national attention to the case. they say it is a good development but it is still not enough. many argue it is time to move forward calling for the administration to move more aggressively. i think it now moves this case to an entirely different and much more appropriate level. the basic function of the state department that can t do anything else is help protect americans overseas forget international agreements that get you noble peace prizes.
the foreign ministry has to protect citizens. it was may 9th. he does have a hearing coming up. we will stay tuned. anna, back to you. elizabeth prann, thank you so much. breaking news from syria. at least 20 people are dead in an attack by a rebel group. 11 civilians including a child were killed at mortar hit. a third seven year term for president assad. although opponents say the election is a facade. in the wake of a nationwide shortage of
u.s. just blocked to the senate. senate democrats say they want more time to go over the three-page document. meantime the head of the largest federal employee union calling for more money to fix the system. pentagon spokesperson jd gordon says it doesn t makes a difference. they have plenty of money to do their job. there s no sense of urge again t see / urgency at the va. having this government gone wild type mentality in the va is hurting our veterans and it s not fair. our veterans deserve a lot better than this. 33 percent blaholder rick
shinseki responsible. 17 percent say it s our president s fault. the president now is how do we fix our problems for the veterans? adam kin singer and columnist charles krauthammer weighing in on this. how do you attack the problem right now? you give everybody on the list a voucher to go anywhere they want and they will get their care within days. if the budget won t hold it you do a separate appropriations. how about a hospital administrator to come in a ceo of the company somebody who knows how to fix the backlog and get what s done. how about eric holder the attorney general of the united states convening a lot of grand juries. gone from incompetent which is bad to criminality. i want to prosecute the people who come up with a secret waiting list that is wrong illegal and ir reprehensible for
the veterans of our country. one step closer to banning the nsa from spying on americans. vote to go restrict the agency from collecting and storing phone records. it still allows the nsa to get court permission to get lan line if it is part of an interrogation. after being rushed to the hospital paul mccartney expected to make a full recovery. the 71-year-old beatle was forced to cancel his entire japan tour for what his publicist says is a virus. he has been receiving treatment. his out there tour is expected to resume june 14th in texas. before you break out the chips and dips this memorial day weekend, a popular dip being recalled over fears of deadly listeria. check your fridge everybody. 7 tons of humus recalled over
fears of deadly wisteria. many of the archer farms humus as well as trader joes and giant eagle brands. it is a voluntary recall. it comes after a single tub tested positive for the bacteria in texas. no sicknesses have been reported but it can be deadly. more deadly than salmonella and e coli especially for pregnant women. do toyota recalling 30,000 cars in three separate recalls in the u.s. the first 370,000 minivans sold in cold water states. road salt can core road the spare tire under the vehicle and the tire can fall off. the secondary call more than 10,000 2013 lexus.
highlander and hybrid suv s because the car may not properly calculate the size of the front passenger when firing the air bag. ebay personal information may be up for sale. data said to be stolen from the hack attack now making its way on-line. the good news is that the information put on the data bases is real. we seem to be okay after that hack attack. thanks lauren. have a great weekend. 11 minutes after the hour. no arrests in the terror attack at benghazi. the secret waiting list allegedly. why are the washington redskins at the top of the prior the l priority list for congress. they are taking out almost all of the games in field day. good idea for the wussification of america? we report, you decide. if you are preparing to hit
the road this weekend here are the new gasoline prices 3.64 is the average today. clear [male vo] inside this bag exists
this very second. this exact moment. [woman] that s good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee. i m d-a-v-e and i have copd. i m k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don t want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that s why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won t replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis,
and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at a man charged with kidnapping. garcia s lawyer claims his client didn t do anything wrong. he says the alleged victim who is now 25 is lying because the couple is separating. garcia is accused of abducting his then girlfriend s daughter in 2004 forcing him to marry her and have a baby. she just alerted police this week after finding her sister on facebook. michael j. charged with the murder of his wife. if convicted he faces 50 years in prison. jace who played a police officer on the shield was in court
yesterday. the couple s two sons were in the house at the time of the shooting but police aren t sure if they witnessed the shooting. he told the emergency dispatcher he had shot his wife. 50 united states senators urging the nfl to change the name of the washington redskins. in a letter sent to commissioner roger godell senate majority leader harry reid and 49 other democrats said the team name mocked natety americans and compares it to donald sterling as racist remarks. the despicable comments made by sterling opened up a national conversation about race relations. we believe this conversation is an opportunity for the nfl to take action to remove the racial slur from the name of one of the marquis franchises. fox news contributor jim gray says there is no way the name bh will change. i don t think the league is going to do anything.
the folks i have spoken to through out the league across the board are more irritated with congress with an eight percent approval rating. the one thing that sports fans hate they hate when politics gets involved in sports. the nfl response the team name has never used in a disrespectful way. here is another reason to raise your glass this weekend. red wine is apparently good for your teeth. a brand new study finds it helps protect us from getting cavities. researchers say the grape seed extract and wine stop the growth of bacteria which damage your teeth over time. that s the long-term. short term red teeth not good. it s an iconic american company but harley davidson making an unamerican claim about riding with the stars and stripes on the back of their bikes. it is where the wild things are. some paddle borders get too
close for comfort with one of the largest animals in the world.
narrative for the attack that left four americans dead. a story at odds with conclusions reached by the people on the ground. the united nations approving sanctions against boko haram saying the terrorist group is creating chaos in nigeria. they abducted 304 girls last month. the sanctions are an important acce step to support nigeria and hold the murderous leadership accountable. they are assisting with surveillance hoping to find the group. islamic terrorists verses christians leading many to renew their plea for president obama to fill a gaping hole in the roster of ambassadors. shannon green goes ini d to get the answers. as religious persecution continues around the world many are asking questions about why the administration isn t doing
more. rae pub can senator roy blunt to the growing chorus of voices demanding to know when the president will nominate a new ambassador at large for a international freedom. from christian churches bombed and parishioners killed in the mid eels to wore shirps being harassed jailed and beaten in places like north korea and china. and boko haram and a death sentence for a pregnant sudanese woman simply because she is christian. minorities are under attack. we are a super power in this place of history which we occupy seoully. we have the responsibility to stand up for the needs of those around the world. president obama first nominated someone to the post a year and a half into his first term. susan johnson cook was elected in 2011. president obama noted u.s. efforts to protect religious
minorities around the globe. i look forward to nominating our next ambassador at large for international religious freedoms to help lead these efforts. months later still no nominee. the white house and state department are, woulding to nominate someone as soon as possible. we neglect this issue in the geopolitical callous at our considerable grow. the vast majority of deadly conflicts around the world are based on intersection of religion and politics the u.s. can no longer appear to be disengaged on the issue. says he believes if the president were serious he could name a nominee and get the person confirmed quickly. # 24 minutes after the hour. all students are inwithers. that s the message from officials at a michelle elementary school about their annual field day event. a letter was sent home to parents at north hill saying in
part the need for athletic ability and competitive urge to win will be kept to a minimum. the real reward will be the enjoyment and good feelings of participation. is that fair? experts are split on this issue. it is success shaming. i don t know why any one would want to bring this abuse on a child teaching them winning isn t a healthy good thing. we are not trying to shame those children that may not be as athletically inclined as the others. folks, what do you think? is forcing kids to curb their urge to win contributing to the wussification of america? send us a twitter or facebook or to share. the juice trying to squeeze another chance out of the justice system. why this time he deserves a day
in court. as you pack up for the memorial day weekend there s a reason to rethink your destination. the best speech in america just named. take a live look outside at our plaza where fox & friends summer country series about to kickoff with country star sara evans.
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extreme weather every where from twisters tearing apart homes to massive hail forcing a plane to make an emergency landing. will she let up for the three-day weekend? i am sorry, sort of. marc cuban stirring up more controversy about apologizing for just some of his comments. a car stuck on the track. the women behind the wheel with only seconds to spare. the surprising ending to the crash you have to see to believe. fox & friends first continues right now.
little marvin gaye this morning. it is friday we thank our veterans out there. it is may 23rd, anna. i am ainsley earhardt. i am anna kooiman in for heather childers. 31 minutes past the hour. extreme weather pounding the country. a u.s. air buys flight making an emergency landing because of hail. a tornado leaving a trail of damage. homes completely torn apart and reduced to piles of wood. in the u.s. drivers near denver, colorado having a hard time seeing out of their windows during this intense storm. the hail makes it look like more of a spring snowstm. will the weather cooperate for memorial weekend? maria molina is outside where the summer concert series is about to kickoff.
a lot of weather, but the american concert series kicks off today and conditions through out the summer every friday on 48th and 6th. today we have sara evans and of course free barbecue. great news across parts of new york city. we want to take a look at the areas that are expecting severe weather because across the carolinas and across parts of texas and new mexico you could be looking at severe weather. as we continue into the weekend saturday and sunday we have a chance for more severe storms across texas and parts of mexico. those states are going to be looking at several days of not only possible severe weather but heavy rain. flash flooding across the southern plains will be a concern. 1230 not just there but parts of mexico. there is possibility to see flooding out there for member cal day weekend. temperature wise we have temperatures heating up across parts of the southeast well into
the 90s across the state of florida. that is very widespread in the state. also saturday and sunday. you want to be warm down there. for your family if you are packing up and heading out aaa says you better be on the road by 9:00 a.m. to avoid the traffic. doug luzader is cruising around the nation s capital. doug, what are you hearing? oo we are heading for the dc beltway which isn t always that great of an experience. aaa may be right. traffic not too bad. it is still early in the morning. if you are getting ready to hit the road or heading to the airport today you may be in for sticker shock. they hope the economy will get a boost. the plane is more packed
today and if the nations highway seems more tedious you can thank this. winter. it plablanketed the country t is driving the hot demand for summertime travel. aaa says 600,000 more americans will be traveling over this weekend than the year prior. even the president was talking travel yesterday meeting at the white house with tourism industry ceo. his pitch continued at the baseball hall of name cooperstown new york. it translates into jobs and economic growth. when visitors come here they don t just check out the home they rent cars, they stay in hotels, they eat in restaurants. the president is talking about making life easier for air travelers and for foreign visitors. of course it is easy for him to
travel aboard air force one for one thing it doesn t cost him anything. for the rest of us it is pretty expensive. air fair is up hotel prices are up. gas prices expected to be steady through the summer. gas praises have been more and that s a drain on the economy each an every day. doug luzader live. such a cool live shot. the u.s. marine jailed in mexico, the administration finally breaking its silence about the war hero locked up for more than a month ore a simple mistake. elizabeth prann is live in washington. what s the state department saying about this? oo the state department acknowledged secretary of state john kerry did raise the issue during his meetings this week in mexico city.
u.s. lawmakers across the board many are getting involved in the situation. he has been jailed in mexico since the first of april after accidentally crossing the mexican border with firearms in his car. officials say there has been progress. the consulate and embassy talked to numerous mexican officials including the authorities at the prison and mexican foreign ministry about the case. we have been very engaged. critics say representative dunc such as duncan hunter tries to bring national attention to the case. it is not enough. they call for the administration to move more aggressively. i think he should call on the authorities over there including the president of the country and make this a priority. again, they are going to argue they have their own judicial system they have to work there
but this gentlemen doesn t fit the profile of anybody who is dangerous. tahmooressi s last visit by any one in the states waudz may 9th. have a great memorial day weekend. you, too. fox news alert in syria. 20 people are deaden in an attack by a rebel group. 11 civilians including a child were hit after a mortar hit a campaign event. next month election is expected to bring a third seven year term for the president. his opponents say the election is a complete farce. the electric car returning at the wake of a nationwide shortage of lethal injection drugs. they will allow the state to electrocute death row inmates if prisons can t get the drugs if they are scars or too many
boycotts. lawmakers want to bring back the firing squad in utah. both will have bills in the legislature. the road to restoring accountability at the va stall. a republican attempt to pass the bill making it easier to fire officials responsible for the recent healthcare scandal in dozens of hospitals in the united states just blocked in the senate. senate democrats say they want more time to go over the three-page document. they are planning to review the legislation and hold a hearing when the senate returns from recess next month. lawyers filing another appeal to the nevada supreme court over his conviction in a 2007 armed robbery. his trial was biased by notoriety after the acquittal in the death of his wife s and his wife s friend. a couple of paddle borders in california, the men were in the san francisco bay when two gray whales popped up out of the
water. one bumped into the side of the board and splashed him a bit. they can grow up to 50 feet long and weigh 40 tons. amazingly the two didn t get hurt at all. hang 10 the list of the best beaches in the united states are out. honolulu comes in at number one. florida and saint georges island and saint park in the florida panhandle are in the top three. two other hawaii beaches round out the top five. they are based on cleanliness, safe conditions and amenities. maybe we need to do a were ro on that. 39 minutes after the top of the hour. a fast moving train slams into a car stuck on the tracks with the driver still inside. an outcome you won t believe. bon jovi banned from bars. why the rock star is getting the boot?
worse spot. it slammed into the car at 35 miles an hour. marc cuban apologized to trayvon martin s family abofter making comments about black kids wearing hood des. we are all prejudiced in one way or another. if i see a black kid in a hood de it s late at night i am walking to the other side of the street. if i am on that other side of the street there s a guy that has tattoos all over his face, white guy, bawled head tattoos every where, i am walking back to the other side of the street. starting a social media firestorm in the fallout after the racist comments made by donald sterling. some branding cuban a racist. he says everyone has quote prejudices and bigotry on some level but offered an apology for his choice of words. in hindsight i should have used different examples. i didn t consider the trayvon
martin family. beyond apologizing the martin family i stand by the words and substance of the interview. can a company blame old glory for voiding our warrantee? harley davidson says yes. lawmaker david dean says harley davidson voided the repair warrantee because of the patriotic flag he let fly from the back of his chopper. the company says the bike was not made to handle the wind resistance for multiple flags at high besides. therefore the claim on his power train was denied. before you grill out this memorial day weekend we now know which stores sold beef contained wi contaminated with e coli. if you are grilling burgers be sure you know the source of the ground beef. the food safety inspection service is recalling 1.8 million pounds of ground beef for fear it is contaminated with e coli.
so where is the beef? ten states including florida, illinois, pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, indiana, wisconsin, tennessee, kentucky and north dakota. among the large er retailers selling the potentially contaminated meat the agency named gordon food service marketplace, blairsville seafood market and barger foods. check out fox & friends .com for more information. it is all on the web site. 46 minutes after the hour. a 6th grader gets the graduation gift of a lifetime. why this memorial day weekend is one he will never forget. the hottest woman in the world, hold tight, the answer is straight ahead. we are not telling you yet. speaking of hot we have famous dpaif s right here. it is the first friday in the summer. that means we are going to
kickoff our all american summer concert series. today we start with sara evans. she is in the green room right now. if you are in the neighborhood 48th and sixth avenue stop by. also stop by the va in baltimore to try to get answers for the vets. also wynona judd today, geraldo rivera, we have chris wallace. it s fleet week so if you are in the neighborhood stop on by 48th and sixth avenue. we are going to buy you breakfast if you like barbecue. [ male announcer ] people all over the world know us, but they don t yet know we re a family. we re right where you need us. at the next job, next adventure or at the next exit helping you explore super destinations and do everything under the sun.
12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. so wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do, chances are we re already there. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at
here we go. are you with me? hey, maria. are you with me? i passed out. she is going to hate us for showing this again. that was our maria molina flying with the blue angels in march. quite a wild ride. today the blue angels will fly again after budget cuts grounded them last year. wnyw in long island. is it going to be the same for you? good morning. good morning. any excuse to use that maria molina video; right? we found another excuse today. i am sitting in a b-17 bomber. there are about 14,000 of these manufactured. there are only ten of them still flying. we will be seeing one of them, the one i m sitting
in now flying this weekend at the bethpage show. that will take place at jones beach. we mentioned the blue angel as it relates to maria. but the blue angels will be returning this year. they made a thunderous return as they flew in. this is always a huge draw here in new york. hundreds of thousands of people expected this weekend to see planes like the one i have the honor of sitting in right now. that is the latest. live from farming dale, new york. be careful, robert. it looks like bon jovi s plan to buy the buffalo bills is hitting some resistance. that rocker who reportedly wants to buy the
new york team and move them to toronto is being banned by local businesses. a tpwraoup calling themselves the 12th man thunder started a petition to make buffalo a bon jovi-free zone. more than 80 businesses have agreed to ban and more than 7,000 people signed the petition to keep the bills in buffalo. guys, this is the story you have been waiting to hear. maxim released its annual hot 100 list. so who made the cut? number three, katy perry, number two scarlet johannson and the one who snagged the number one spot, victor victoria s secret swanepol. one school is taking out almost all the games on field day. good idea? we report, you decide. a baby falls out a
window and survives. the amazing catch. you have to see it to t it s great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it s got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it s just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! captain: and here s a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. when you save money on hotel rooms, it s just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins.
from td ameritrade. it s just common sense. it s the trusted resource. and now, has a whole new way to help you decide on your next new car by showing you what really matters. use 5-year cost to own to compare the long term cost of maintenance, insurance and gas. read reviews. woman: gas milage is awesome. from actual owners and kelley blue book experts. and get the full picture on what it s like to own the cars you re considering
friends if you re hitting the road this holiday weekend, you should be on the road, they say, by 9 a.m. otherwise be prepared for a lot of traffic according to triple a. they say more than 36 million of you are going to hit the road. time to look at the good, the bad, and the ugly. first the good. two heartwarming reunions. a sixth grader in colorado gets a graduation surprise. his big brother, a senior airman, returning home for the first time in three years. he was stationed in italy. a marine reunited with his war buddies. one says they were inseparable while in afghanistan in 2010. a police officer in russia gets run off the road while trying to stop a drunk driver. the guy ran the cop car, flipping it off the road into a ditch. the officer wasn t hurt badly. finally the ugly. surveillance cameras in china capture the moment a one-year-old is caught
after falling from a two-story building. the baby had gotten through an open window and slipped. luckily this man with a great pair of hands happened to be walking by and caught that baby. earlier we were telling you about a michigan elementary school not allowing winners at their annual field day event. officials sent a letter home to parents saying in part the need for athletic ability and the competitive urge to win will be kept to a minimum. the real reward will be the enjoyment and good feelings of participation. so we asked you, is sports and kids, to curb their urge to win contributing to the wussification in america. dan says if they win, congratulate them. if they lose tell them they did good for at least trying just like the real world. waylon says wrong. if there is no drive to compete what are they going to do later in life to reach their goals? what thanks to everyone who

Hail , Everybody , Windows , Strin-spring-snowstorm , Summer-country , Weather , Parts , Texas , New-mexico , Winds , Tornadoes , Portions

Transcripts For MSNBCW With All Due Respect 20161011 22:00:00

often out of pure petulanc yeah. but he also lashes out at people to send a message to other people, do not cross me. that is a thing that can work if you re six months out and trying to get people in line. but 30 days out? and if you re on the rise? not if you re flailing. 30 days out, all he s doing is making more enemies, all he s doing is sending the message of disarray. i totally agree, and not getting back the republicans you were talking about. and another thing people are still talking about, on this very topic, is house speaker paul ryan s telling house republicans yesterday that they should feel free to flee from donald trump, if that is what s necessary to save their skins and thereby help their party retain its majority in the lower chamber. we are told that ryan, despite what he said yesterday, still hasn t ruled out rescinding his endorsement of trump at some point in the future, but ryan so far has shied away from public spats with his party s nominee. donald trump has not. today, during that social media rampage, trump targeted ryan by tweeting, quote, despite winning
out to vote for house republicans. i agree with you about that. but it s not just that he wants to save the majority. i think that if ryan looks down the road, that could yield the outcomes he wants, a clinton presidency with a republican house, and either chamber, whatever a mixed bag. mixed bag. trump has rejected all of the things that he would want him to embrace on policy. not all of them. not conservative judges. most okay, all but that. fair enough. there are other things, too. on the flip side of trump s tribulations, i give you hillary clinton. she is whistling a happy tune these days. her poll numbers are up. yesterday in columbus, ohio, she drew what is said to be her largest crowd of the entire campaign. take a look at this new york times photo. it looks almost like a trump rally or bernie sanders. this is from last night on the campus of the ohio state in columbus. secret service says there were more than 18k in attendance. clinton s outdoor event yesterday was well-timed. it was a show of strength when the campaign needed one, because
her campaign usually holds events during the day, when there are fewer people there, because they re at work. so this was a big rally to keep her momentum going. they had another big rally today in miami, where clinton appeared alongside vice president al gore. more on that later. meanwhile, however, for the second day in a row, wikileaks dropped additional half e-mails allegedly from the inbox of clinton s campaign chair, john podesta. lots of new revelations here, including an e-mail from march that suggests that donna brazil, who was then a paid commentator for cnn, is the interim chair of the democratic national convention, ticked off clinton s campaign about a question that was coming at a cnn town hall. in other circumstances, leaks likes this would be making much bigger waves in the political world. again, there s more in there that s being digged over now. but most of these things are being drowned out, including on this program, to some extent, by all the dysfunction that trump is creating within the republican party. so john, as we continue to look at some of these wikileaks
questions, including the one involving the chair of the dnc, donna brazil, and other people of clinton s orbit, what would it take for clinton to lose a news cycle? i m going to go super simple here. i don t know what it would take, but it would take a controversy that s not inside baseball. everything that s coming out of these weeikileaks things so fars inside baseball. the reason trump has been a potent force in the last six months is because he talks about issues in a big, bold way that s not always about this inside stuff. all this clinton stuff is stuff we might be interested in, that politico might be interested in. it s not stuff, when trump hammers on it, it seems so small, compared to the controversies in his campaign. the problem republicans have with this stuff, first of all, there s a lot of stuff, but all of it is kind of medium grade. and all of it speaks to you know, inside stuff. like the clintons, you know, the clinton team strategized. peep complained about other members of the team. now, there s some questions
about the state department and the functions there. there s some questions about whether there s improper conduct with the justice department. there s some serious questions to be looked at. but, again, it s, as you suggested, it s so much smaller in the way this campaign is covered. the freak show media circus that donald trump fighting with the speaker of the house, himself, not hillary clinton, because it all involves her staff for the most part, it s going to be it s hard for trump to win a news cycle right now, as unfair as republicans see this as being, it s going to be hard for her, unless the polls come out and it turns out that all of this speculation about trump being damaged, if he starts to be even in polling, she could win a news cycle and he could lose one. i ll say again, you read the new york times account of what these e-mails have revealed, it s fascinating. i m really interested, i love that stuff. but arguments about how to leak her keystone position. donna brazil dropping a question or something. we could obsess all day.
but compared to intimations of sexual assault the speaker of the house and john mccain fighting and the republican anarchy, the whole party melting down, it s just nothing. all right, when we come back, the sights and sound of hillary clinton s day with al gore after these words from our sponsors. something new has arrived. uniquely designed for the driven. iinfiniti. empower the drive. infiniti qx30 crossover. the search for relief often leads here.s, introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a highntensity tendevice that uses technology once only in doctors offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source new aleve direct therapy.
is to be here with one of the world s foremost leaders on climate change, al gore! those 30 years of leadership led al gore to be awarded the nobel peace prize in 2007. i was very proud. there isn t anybody who knows more, has done more, has worked harder. i can t wait to have al gore advising me when i am president of the united states. hillary clinton will make solving the climate crisis a top national priority. your vote really, really, really counts. you can consider me as an hibit a of that proof. with hillary clinton, we ll build on the progress made under
president obama, with the paris agreement. she has proposed a terrific plan. i went through that with a fine-tooth comb, and i will tell you that her plan on solar panels and expanding renewable energy, it is right at the limit of what we can do and that is exactly the kind of ambitious goal that we need from the next president of the united states of america. so, mark, i would say, with all due immodesty, that the two of us kind of have phds almost in gorology. we ve been studying that guy and hillary clinton for a long time. so give me your cosmic thoughts about what went down today? well, they were rivals in the white house from the beginning of the collin/gore administration and over the years, they have not been close. the gore family felt that bill clinton s conduct in the white house really hurt his chances of winning more soundly and they were disgusted by
it. and today was a sign of all hands on deck for the democrats and the desire of hillary clinton to use al gore to not necessarily appeal directly to millennials, but kind of a bank shot to appeal to two groups, millennials who care about climate change, and get immediate change on that. stunning to see them together, but no doubt that al gore continues to have a jaundiced view of the clintons. and let s unpack it a little bit more. they were rivals because of the fact that gore believed he was vice president and hillary clinton believed she was vice president. he believed as vice president, he should be the second most powerful person in the country. so they both fought for bill clinton s ear throughout the time. as you said, the gores had a very jaundiced view about hillary clinton about bill clinton, because of his behavior. hillary clinton also had a jaundiced view about al gore, in
a lot of ways, thought he was politically maladroit and not ostensibly liberal. so they have never liked each other. gore was miserable in the white house, and a lot of his misery has to do with her. but he really cares about this issue of climate change. his reputation has taken a beating after he sold current tv to the qatarries, a lot of people on the left thought it was hypocritical to sell it to an oil-producing nation. and he s so bitter over what happened in 2000 and his feeling that the election was basically stolen from him. and he like all democrats regard trump as a menace. so he wants to be out there. he does not want to see this thing happen again. his message today was that, and i think he really feeling it in a very heartfelt way. you have to understand part of the psychology of al gore is, he won the popular vote. more people went to the polls in florida, he should have been president by his judgment. and so, he has dabbled in presidential politics since
then, but he has largely stayed out of it. and to see him come back today, i think this event might not be a total one-off, but you can imagine a world he would be out there a lot more for her. and the fact that he s done one is testament to the all hands on deck. and i ll say the other thing we both know about al gore is he hates politics. he s the guy more than almost anybody i ve ever met desperately wanted to be president, but never wanted to do anything it would take to get there. to get him out on stage gives you a sense of what he thinks the stakes are in this election. even once, because he hates doing this. when we come back, a clinton adviser and trump adviser walk into the core club here in gotham city. we ll show you what happens next, right after this.
a bit earlier today, john and i hosted an event at new york city s core club with two important political fund-raisers for the leading presidential hopefuls. we were joined by anthony scaramucci, who is the founder of an investment firm and a trump adviser. and mark lasry, a hedge fund manager and adviser to hillary clinto here is what scaramucci had to say about what he thinks of donald trump s chances of winning the presidential election. i would say that right now, and i think mark would probably agree with me, there s a one in five shot or one in ten, somewhere between one in ten and one in five. because what you know about politics is that anything can happen. you look at the polls, i would say 20% so what i m hoping he has a higher chance than that. the much later took to
twitter saying that his political forecasts was based on polling and prediction markets, but that trump, quote, always exceeded those expectations. so what do you think of one of donald trump s supporters suggesting that his chances are not more of a lock. i thought scaramucci was being honest there and he was fairly to be totally fair to him, he defended donald trump throughout the thing, made a lot of arguments in favor of why he was still with donald trump, made an extended argument for why he was still with him, even after what came out in these tapes, but he can read the polls. these guys work with numbers all day long. they re looking at numbers. and he is looking at the prediction markets and he s looking at the polls we ve all seen, and making a pretty accurate assessment of anybody who s actually in touch with reality would think the race is right now. part of the problem for donald trump right now goes back to something we discussed before. every trump surrogate is going to be asked about the controversies surrounding the trump campaign, but everyone is hearing about they involve donald trump himself.
but democratic members of congress, they re not being asked about every clinton scandal, in part because reporters can t keep up with the minutia of every one of them. and in part, because not everyone s going to have an opinion about it or should be called on to have an opinion about it. as i said before, they re not as relatable. you can ask scaramucci, what does his wife think about trump? what does he say to his daughters? but if you ask a clinton surrogate, what does your husband think about donna brazile it s just not the same. it s hard. it s not fair to the republicans in some ways, but i so ee the dynamic and why it exists. that s not all what anthony scaramucci had to say about this election. here s what he told us when we asked him what donald trump should do between now and november if he wants to win the election. what i would be focused on right now is i would get a balance sheet out and i would get those 90-second clips that he did, the one he did on friday night or the apology and i would say, okay, here s where i stand on these issues. this is why it s beneficial to working class families and the
middle class. this is where the secretary stands on these issues. this is why these issues will be debilitating to the middle class. and i would stream it and go right over the top of the mainstream media, right to the american people. more so than he can with the 20,000 or 30,000-person crowd. and i would lay out each thing. whether it s immigration or trade, any of these things. i would also get his surrogates to be better coordinated than they currently are, so when that message is coming o out from him, they can go out with a message that s similar to the message that he s beaming in on the 90 seconds. of course, scaramucci there making an argument for trump being basically policy focused at the very moment that trump was releasing the ad, attacking hillary clinton on her health. so an interesting prescription, but fantasy land. again, yesterday watching mike pence giving policy speeches, they have an argument that revs up the base and the broader base than the tact trump is taking now, but he s not going to pursue a campaign based on policy and the new ad today makes that very clear. during the event, mark lasry
also talked about his idea that centrism has shifted to the left. i think what you see now, especially with what happened with bernie, what was center, isn t where it was four years ago or eight years ago. you are going to nee more government intervention. i know the feeling is for it to be in the center, it s less government invention, but with the issues you have out there, you ll need more government invention. i asked him as i do a lot of clinton surrogates, what position she s taken in the center and he didn t really have an answer. right. and i don t know if the center has shifted, because clearly the right has moved farther to the left and the left has moved farther to the left. but what mark lasry is talking about as far as economic things, there s no doubt that the democratic senator has moved to have the left and cultural politics across the country have moved to the left.
economics, you never hear her talk about reforming entitlements, reinventing government, eliminating waste. those are 90s arguments. those are 90s new democrat arguments and the party s not it s not like that anymore in the democratic party. it s moved to the left. fascinating to hear those two guys who are friendly with each other agree about a fair amount especially both of them thinking about that a speaker ryan could get a lot of work done. very smart guys. coming up, we talk to a trio of political titans about the state of the presidential race. won t want to miss that. stay tuned. we ll be back with more with all due respect right after this.
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former campaign strategist, dave cotchel. and in los angeles, we re joined a senior adviser to the aforementioned al gore s presidential campaign, robert shrum. gentleman, what an incredible trio you are. you guys can t see us here. you re lined up ideologically in an odd way, but i ll ask gary bower, then bob shrum, and then gary gotchel, where s the race at now? is this race basically over? it ain t ever over until it s over. whether it s sports or politics, you get up every morning and fight as if you can win. and it s important for the ticket, for trump/pence, to approach the rest of the campaign exactly that way. you go out and make your points. there s a tremendous amount of vulnerabilities for hillary clinton, one of them being, which has gotten kind of buried
in all of this, is that a good bit of the industrial base of this country has been devastated, and that people that have been voting democrat for years feel that their party has abandoned them. those are new people for the republican party. if it s got enough of a brain to accept them. and i think they need to keep making the case for those people, and for clinton corruption, and what that would mean for four more years in washington, d.c.. all right, gary bauer, pro-trump republican says the race is not yet over. bob shrum, i know what you re going to say, but i m going to ask you, anyway. is the race over, bob? should we stick a fork in it? i thought it was over on labor day, said it on your show, thought trump was in a democratic cul-de-sac they couldn t get out of. made it worse since then. and if you look at a state like pennsylvania, the latest polls show him losing that state by 12%. in fact, if you go state by state in the battlegrounds, she s ahead in virtually every one of them. i don t see what he s going to do to recover.
i think what he did in the debate was get himself a few more republicans who really dislike the clintons, but he s stuck at about 39 or 40%. he can t win the election with that 39 or 40%. it s true, you did say the race was over labor day. you told me that. you re being consistent. now we move to the tiebreaker here, dave cotchel, republican, but not a big fan of donald trump s. give us the clear, unbiased view, dave. is the race over? yeah, i ll be the tiebreaker. the race is over. time of death was about 10:00 the night of the first debate. it s been downhill ever since. and you know, you can t bring one or two peep into the front door of the party while you re pushing 20 or 30 out the back. so it s over and it s been long over and we re just on the slide now to see what happens in the last 30 days. i want to ask all of you a question go ahead, gary. i m sorry. go on. i ll start with gary, but i want you all the to address
this. you ve all supported candidates who have done bad things in their personal lives, every one of you has. gary, you re supporting a candidate now who on friday was revealed to have done things that horrifies a lot of people, disgusts a lot of people. what would donald trump have to do for you to withdraw your support, if it wasn t that tape? look, i i don t even think in those terms, in all due respect. everybody i know this might be news to some folks, but everybody that has ever run for any office in america and every voter that has voted for them, three lo theologically, according to my beliefs as christians, are centers. they ve all said things, done things, violated various but gary let me just finish the thought. okay, go ahead. it s policy that matters. and the fact of the matter is that donald trump has the right positions on growing the economy, shrinking government,
lower taxes, pro-life, defending religious liberty, and hillary clinton is engaged in a cover-up of her corruption and an polyester f apologist for her husband. so gary, why don t you forgive that? if you re personally and theologically it s not me to forgive. i don t oppose them because of their activities. i oppose them because they re wrong philosophically. but you ve her mishandling many reporters of donald trump have been critical of president clinton, for instance, for his personal failings. why are you less forgiving personally and theologically for that? i don t speak for every evangelical or every value voters. i understand. i m trying to understand. the issues ought to be the differences on policy between the candidates. it s night and day have you ever by the way, al gore was down in florida campaigning for hillary clinton today.
i seem to remember that al gore was publicly accused of being a sexual assaulter by multiple massagers in multiple cities in and she campaigns with him in florida today. would you forgive him for that and say he s a sinner and forgive him? i m pointing out the hypocrisy of the left acting like a ten-year-old tape is somehow horrifying when the left in this country has been associated with radical social policies. bob, let me ask you to critique gary s answers. well, i think it s absurd. i think it s entirely unfair to bring up that charge against al gore, which was never substantiated. the what donald trump did, what he said, has come out of his own mouth. what he said. what he said. gary, i didn t interrupt you, so why don t you not interrupt me, okay well, this guy gary, don t interrupt!
you can t win the argument by interrupting. what donald trump said 10 or 11 years ago when he was, by the way, a 59-year-old man, not some college kid, was outrageous. but he s said things like it over and over and over again pch he s said them in this game to megyn kelly. he said them in the first debate he just does it over and over and over again. i mean, i could go through all the quotes. piggy, i mean, we ve seen them all. this is who he is. and i think it makes it very anything but the issues, right, bob? to take somebody that unstable. it s not just about his private sexual conduct or his private sexual comments or his attitudes towards women, it s somebody who is so unstable, so anxious to be vengeful, so ready to strike out, that makes him unacceptable as president of the united states. dave kochel, how do you think speaker ryan mishandling classified information, appeasing iran
stop it. stop it. how would you evaluate how speaker ryan has handled the last 48 hours? well, he s in a difficult situation. i mean, it s lose/lose. what are you going to do at this point? the strategy they needed was a few months ago that mike coffman in colorado used, which is, look, don t give hillary clinton a blank check. they ve known for a long time the direction this campaign was headed. and gary bauer can twist hills into whatever kind of pretzel he wants to. the truth is, we re going to have to come up with a whole new definition of hypocrisy to, you know, to talk about how, you know, the religious right is supporting a guy like donald trump, even after what s come out. and by the way, we haven t seen the last of it. there s plenty more. i would say run for your lives. what i can t i understand what donald trump is doing right now. i understand, you know, the situation the campaign is in. what i can t understand is anybody defending him. he s going to napalm the whole village and, you know, to try to win a battle that is lost
already. the problem is, you know, nobody survives in the village when it s all over. we ve got to get as far away from this thing as we possibly can, as republicans, and define what the party is on november 9th. that will probably be the most important day of this election. that would be great to define what the matter is. two-thirds of republican voters felt betrayed by the republican party. get together, i ll support mr. trump. but the truth is, we can t win an election this way. we ve never seen a candidate implode like this 28 days out from election. gary, i ll ask you a couple of questions, but while i do it, i ll ask you to please do not talk over the other guests on the show. it s not helpful to our viewers. i guess i watched too much of the kaine debate. i understand. a minute ago, you were asking about how this should all be about policy and then launched
anned a homon ed ad hominem att gore. so do you want to talk about policy, or a former presidential candidate who s done one campaign event in this presidential campaign so far? i m trying to figure out whether the left is serious about sexual assault i don t want to hear about the left, gary. you said you wanted to talk about policy and literally the next words out of your mouth were, al gore, masseuses. policy do you want me to answer your question or filibuster your own show? well, it is my show, so i m trying to figure out whether these issues of personal conduct actually matter or not to the left? that s the only thing they re raising about donald trump. they re afraid to fight on the issues of open borders, trade deals that gut our economy, appeasement of iran. go down the list. if the campaign was about those issues, hillary clinton wouldn t see the light of day. so gary, let me so all the left has with
their with their republican friends, is to try to smear the republican candidate. and by the way, i can t ever imagine harry reid or nancy pelosi bailing out on a democrat presidential candidate. in fact, they didn t say a word when hillary clinton spent the last three years obstructing justice and destroying evidence that was central to an investigation of her mishandling of classified information. bob, there s a lot to work with there. i m going to i m going to let you pick and choose what you would like to respond to there. gary, if you can just let bob speak, please. one, these are completely baseless attacks on hillary clinton. she said using a private e-mail server was a mistake. she s not going to make excuses for it. there s no evidence that anybody got hold of any confidential information because of that. the fbi director, who s a republican, said there s no basis to move forward here.
that s number one. number two, the recipe that gary is offering for the republican party to go forward is a recipe that would doom that party for a long time. if you look at the polling data, it is absolutely clear that americans are far closer, by a good majority, to hillary clinton s positions on immigration reform than they are to donald trump s. if the republican party is going to go out there and say, we want to take away a woman s right to choose, we want to restrict the rights of women, we don t respect women, we don t believe in equal pay, or we re going to take away lbgt rights and religious freedom is their kind of euphemism for that, that republican party will lose with the rising american electorate, not on thi year but for years and years to come. okay finally, i just have to say, al gore is one of the most honorable people i ve ever met. those allegations are entirely unsubstantiated. and gary is just throwing mud to try to make a case for somebody for whom you cannot make a case. it was donald trump who smeared
himself. no one else smeared him. let s finish with some metrics here. i wanted to start with dave, then bob, then gary. tell me, who s going to win and what percentage of the overall popular vote they re going to get. dave? hillary clinton s going to win, overall percentage of the popular vote is going to be around 47, 48. and electorally, it will be, you know, over 100 electoral votes. although, i will say that there s a possibility that donald trump could win a state or two that governor romney did not win. there will be that many states or many that he will lose that governor romney did win. bob, i know you think hillary is going to win. what percentage of the popular vote is she going to get? i think dave s about right. i think it s 46, 47, 48% of the vote. and i think she s headed right now for around 340, 345 electoral votes. gary, tougher for you, because your guy is currently behind. what number does he need to get,
will he get to win? yeah, you know, i m not even going to go down that road. i m not a political prosticater, but i do believe, god forbid if hillary clinton wins, it will be a failed presidency, because it will be the same policies of the last eight years that have devastated our economy and weakened us abroad. um, gary bauer, bob shrum, dave kochel. heretofore known forever more as the three amigos. with that, you guys were great. we ll have you back here on the show. it would be great to have you in the same room, because there would be fisticuffs. and we love fisticuffs. up next, two reporters on this show talking about hillary clinton s attempts to convert republican voters. we ll be right back with them. from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, creative business incentives, infrastructure investment,
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only those who dare drive the world forward. the cadillact6. now two political reporters who have been covering this campaign oh, so closely. ann guerin from the washington post, caitlin hughey burns from real clear politics. thank you both for being hear. and tell me you re currently wondering about regarding this campaign. what are you wondering about? i m wondering how hillary clinton is going to fill 27 days of active mostly active campaigning and do so without, you know, either opening up a controversy, making a mistake, but keeping the momentum going. she tried today, to do a little bit of that, by introducing a new policy proposal.
she actually hasn t introduced any new policy proposals. and trotting out al gore. there you go. it was a twofer. so al gore and climate change in florida and also a middle class tax credit. that was the sort of thing she was doing months ago, to do at this late in the campaign when it really doesn t actually draw any discernible new demographic or voter group to her, suggests to me thathere looking for some ways that they can start to make the argument, look, i m actually going to be president and here how i would govern. here s a few things i would do right off the bat. caitlin, they ve been very cautious in brooklyn saying, we re just trying to get 270. we re not trying to win in a landslide. is it possible they re rethinking that now? i think they have to. looking at the polling heading into the weekend, before all of this news broke, donald trump was behind nationally and in key battleground states. now we re seeing the polling widen, actually. the nbc/ wall street journal
poll had 11 points before the debate. now it s nine. the trump campaign is saying that s an improvement, of sorts. that they think the debate for them was a will have a rallying effect among their debates among some republicans and we ve seen that play into the calculations that paul ryan is thinking about. but this is in our real clear politics average polling, clinton is leading in every state except iowa. leading in places like, you know, obviously, virginia and colorado, but also pennsylvania by wide margins. florida now. this is a really tough race. so you have been writing about what s going on capitol hill right now with paul ryan and this whole kind of anarchy in the republican party. mark and i are old enough to remember covering the 1996 race, where there s one precedent when something like this happened? what s different and similar between the 96/dole precedent and the ryan precedent? the only thing that s similar is if you re thinking about
shifting resources and focusing on congressional races, what s different, though, dramatically and significantly, is you had bob dole going along with that plan in 1996. donald trump has no part in this plan. he is not, as we know, a cheerleader for his own party, as we saw today. bob dole was very much a person of the party. that s a huge, significant different. and that s why you re seeing the backlash that paul ryan is receiving from trump supporters that i ve talked to on the campaign trail, but also through people e-mailing and saying, we re leaving the republican party, because of this. but then on the flip side of that, you have donald trump lashing out at people who he says are disloyal to him. so hillary clinton will be in pueblo, colorado, tomorrow, which is republican colorado, not democratic colorado, and there s been a long-running debate about trying to cleave them off of trump and trying to rev up the base. that s an argument going on for
six months. where are they in trying to find that balance? i think they re still trying to find the balance. it s interesting the place she s going tomorrow is in the republican part of the state, but it is a classic swing county, voted for bush twice and obama twice. that is exactly where they have been focused for the last six weeks or so, on counties like that, certainly pennsylvania, some places in ohio, it seems that she s actually made some headway there. she s now in your average, you know, less than a point ahead in ohio, after being 3 to 5 points behind. and in colorado, where she s actually been doing pretty well, i see this as a sign of confidence and hope that at least, within states even where she s already doing pretty well, that they can even do a little better. our colleague, mark liebowitz of the new york times magazine story, in an interview with hillary clinton, she seems i wouldn t say giddy, but pretty
confident and loose. you ve watched her as closely as anyone. is she faking it or does she seem confident and loose? she s definitely confident and a little looser after the debate the other night. she came to the back of the plane and us with pretty jocular and loose and relaxed. and she did not, you know, she didn t get universally great notices from that performance, but i think is she s feeling that even if she didn t knock it out of the park, at the debate, that they re riding pretty high. all right. anne gearan, thank you. caitlin huey-burns, thank you. hope you both come back soon. we ll be right back with more with all due respect right after this. we started doing animation. with the surface book, you can do all this stuff. you can actually drawn the screen. so crisp. i love it. it s almost like this super powerful computer and a tablet had the perfect baby. it s a typewriter for writing scripts.
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he s finding out if i have a speedboat! nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. ally. do it rit. negative on the speedboat. afoot d light-heard i take to the openoad. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. woman: how do we protect them from $4 billion in new cuts to california schools? man: vote yes on proposition 55. woman: prop 55 doesn t raise taxes on anyone. man: not on working californians, not small businesses. no one. woman: instead, prop 55 simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. man: so those who can most afford it continue paying their fair share. woman: .to prevent new education cuts. man: .and keep improving
california s schools. woman: vote yes on prop 55 to help our children thrive. so gary bauer was the standout guest, in some ways, that he talked a lot and he seemed to embody the fundamental contradiction that s going on in trump s world. they all say we want to talk about policy, but he immediately goes after gore in a totally personal way. but you can t just say it s
one side. because the democrats who in the 1990s said, well, bill clinton is a good man who did a bad thing, both parties want to basically say, well, our side, we can forgive them because their policies are so great, but then they both criticize the other side. democrats were in high dungeon about what donald trump said. there are plenty of democrats who have done worse in their lives and they re willing to forgive that. both sides have adopted this attitude. and they all say, well, we really want to talk about policy, but then they don t. and i like gary bauer, i want to have him back on the show, but the starkness of, i want to talk about policy. oh, by the way, al gore with those masseuses. without a doubt. but you can have a lot of democratic examples on this program and many others. peace. we ll be back with more in just a moment. if you re watching us in washington, d.c., you can listen to us on the radio, f.m. 99.1. we ll be right back. using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework.
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People , Thing , Message , Rise , Line , Pure-petulanc , 30 , Six , Paul-ryan , House-republicans , He , Doing

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170502 00:00:00

media, if people don t believe us. one of the reasons they don t believe us is because of the way the last election was covered, which was overwhelmingly in favor of one candidate over another. that is not surprising given that there is no politically diversity in the press corps. politico did a study on this. how many registered republicans in the white house press corps? zero. that s a huge problem, don t you think? i m a registered independent. i think it is important to be neutral when you are covering politics in the white house. tucker: do you i agree with you. you think of the people covering the white house are objective? i do. we went to read their twitter feeds? i can t speak for every member of the association. s i think it is very important to be neutral. i think it is important to report the facts, it is important to report robustly with the president is doing. i think you should do that regardless of whether the president is a republican or a democrat. tucker: i agree with that vehemently. let s drop the pretense.
here is the pretense. the pretense of objectivity or the press in washington hates donald trump. he baits them. it s a two way deal. he doesn t like them and he goads them. but they rise to debate every time. in so doing, they reveal what they really think politically and that undermine their credibility. you have to see this because we are marinating and it. do not acknowledge that is happening? i would acknowledge it is important when such reporters, be they correspondence on television or print reporters of the new york times or reuters or any other news organization, to make a mistake, they should correct it. i think it is important. i think having bias is not acceptable. i think it s important, however, also to know when a consumer of news, whether you are looking at a program that is biased or is not. there are avenues, as you well know, act places like fox come at that place is like other networks, if you watch tv, you will get a certain angle, you get a certain opinion. tucker: know what you are watching, know what you are reae
correspondence need to stay in their lanes. tucker: i do an opinion show. do you think the people that watch you know it s show? tucker: i don t know why they would think that. i never say that. in contrast to the people standing in the briefing room, who are telling us on camera, i am just here to report the facts. then, you read their twitter feed, and it says i hate trump. they are out in the open libera liberal. do you have a specific example? tucker: we have done like 15 shows on this. i know a lot of these people. they have always kind of been liberal. but it s totally open. the new york times correspondence, for example, we had the ombudsman for the new york times, read all these tweets from these people, her correspondence, she couldn t defend them. i am just saying, is that of the association, don t you feel the
credibility of the report as you represent is undermined when they wave their opinions run a public? i think it is important to report the facts in the news and to stay neutral. tucker: you would encourage your members not to reveal their political biases in public? was not the correspondence association s job to tell her members how to do their jobs. it s not. we stand up for the values of truth, the values of reporting the facts and values of the first amendment, which is to have acted to the president, to be able to do our jobs and that is why we advocate for it. tucker: the idea that your readers or viewers believe you is a central not just business model if you had a white house press corps that was 100% middle aged white men, there would be a full-blown outcry about the lack of diversity. i bet you 100 bucks, doesn t look at america. if you have not a single registered republican, and a country in which the congress, the majority of governorships, the white house, held by republicans, but doesn t like america at all. yet, i don t think he would wring a thing about it, are you?
the white house correspondents organization has no impact over who our members hire. i can t tell fox, which is a member of the white house correspondents association, you need sent this person or that person crispy when i m not you to there was no racial or ethnic diversity, presumably, you would say this isn t right. do you think it s okay that there are zero registered republicans of the white house press corps according to politico? i think what is important is that we have a press corps made up of journalists who report the truth and who robustly report on the president in united states. tucker: diversity doesn t matter? of course diversity matters. tucker: but not political diversity? diversity is important to me. it is important to me in a row that i play. tucker: [laughs] we are almost out of time. his political diversity important? is diversity important? tucker: political diversity. speak of my job is to tell what they do is report the news,
regardless of what political party controls the white house. tucker: i wish i believe that, i don t. jeff, thank you. my pleasure. tucker: time now for news abuse, we highlight the excesses of of the american media. president trump sat down with eric bolling a fox and said that despite his rhetoric on saturday, he doesn t actually hate the press, except sometimes he does. watch. not all of the media. i will tell you, that is unfair the way they cover. they say that the media, i am against the media, i am not against the media. i am against the fake media. if you look at cnn, the way they cover me, no matter what you do, it is negative, hits, hits. so, i love the media. i think the media is great. if i do something bad, treat me badly. but they don t tell it like it is. tucker: a media reporter for the hill. he was there on saturday at the correspondents dinner and he
joins us. what do you think? what i think of the white house correspondents dinner? tucker: yeah. first, i would like to comment on jeff mason s interview. he spoke there that night. i am utterly curious and confused here. he admitted to you that under the trump administration, tucker, that there has never been better access. all i know is when i watch the daily press briefings, sean spicer takes more questions than josh earnest ever did, there are more reporters because of skype another press passes have been given out to other different kinds of reporters and ever before. i know that president trump gave nine major interviews last week, including without lady it s like the washington post, cbs news, reuters, wall street journal. then i hear them on saturday night to say there are threats n united states. we must remain vigilant, the world is watching. i got a first amendment pen when i walked into the dinner. wait. i don t get it. on one hand, the trump administration is totally about access, and on the other hand, they are a press their first treatment is being threatened.
how does that square, tucker? i think the references changing of libel laws. you think that is going to happen? comments were made by reince priebus on sunday. jeff mason raising his comments on saturday. i think they will be change? i don t know. i don t know. i can t answer that question. it s hard, it s very hard if you are a public figure, to sue an outlet if they reported negative news about you that is completely false. you have to show damages. you have to show that there was actual damages that occurred and you hardly ever see anybody won outside of hulk hogan, who sued gawker out of insistence. otherwise come you don t see it happen very often. tucker: i wasn t there. i was on the other side of the continent. i usually go. but watching the tape of it, as i did today, it seemed from beginning to end, hostile to the president. let me be totally clearly still not clear. i think reporters job is to hold the powerful to account, but this seemed personal.
absolutely it seemed personal. no question about it. there was vitriol toward donald trump, tucker, that we have never seen with any other president. i base that our numbers. media research center. i get they are conservatives but i did a study that showed 89% of stories are negative toward donald trump. okay. let s go to the swedes. they have a company called media tenor research firm. 97 out of 100 stories by the cbs evening news and the nbc nightly news were negative toward donald trump and his first month. i get at that 65, 35, it will skew negative. for 97-3, that tells me that there is probably an agenda there. by the way, a threat to the first amendment doesn t happen when a president is mean to the press. when he is nasty to them. that is exercising his first amendment rights. you could say it is beneath the presidency. what we are confusing trump beig made to the press with first amendment being suppressed. the first amendment, tucker, was under threat under the obama
administration. they spied on james rosen. not only that, at this network, james rosen. they designated him as a flight risk so they were then have to tell them about their surveillance. they secretly seized associated press phone records. they rejected a record number of foia request, freedom of information requests. those are threats to the first amendment. jeff mason should have been speaking out to that at other white house correspondents dinner s. parties should have been canceled, boycotts should have happened under the obama administration. actions, obama, words, trump. that is a difference here. tucker: we actually have just mason still in our studio. would you like to respond to any of the things that judges that? the first thing i would respond to, joe, sort of like at the top clip of the show, you cherry picked my words and you guys are critical of how reporters report. you are leaving out a good chunk of what i said. i talked about access. i said that. i said you said there was good access. what you did not say, when i talked about the
first amendment, the first amendment being under threat, i talked about the rhetoric that has come did you ever make that comment under the obama administration of the first amendment was under threa i m the president of the white house correspondents association now. tucker: let me ask you guys really quick did you ever ask about that? tucker: do you think of tomorrow, the graduating class of byu, brigham young university, came to washington and got jobs in the white house press corps, 80% of the reporters working in the briefing room were graduates of byu, du, jeff first, do you think the coverage would change it anyway? i have no idea how the coverage would change. tucker: of course you do. [laughs] of course it would change. i think it is important for journalists who come to be part of the white house press corps have the objective of reporting the truth. mack. tucker: do you think that if people that came from a
different, diverse background were brought here to washington? not like everyone else? would it affect the coverage? the problem is, tucker, i don t think they would be hired. [laughter] they wouldn t get the chance to do it in the first place. tucker: gentlemen, thank you both. coming up, today is made a come of the great state for labor protests around the world. instead of marching for workers, today, actavis demanded open borders. real talk to a protest organizer about what that means exactly. stay tuned. when you have allergies, it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there s powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear.
tucker: international made a protest got violent in paris but the french were the only ones taking to the streets. across the united states, protesters marched against immigration laws. in the bay area, marchers demanded open border, shouting no ban come a for all. executive director of the coalition joins us now. thank you for coming on. thank you for coming on. tucker: i am 47. i have watched a lot of may day protest. imagine my surprise watching and international workers day protest that was designed over 100 years ago to highlight the concerns of workers, wages, arguing on behalf of policies that would lower wages. i thought, boy, global capitalism is pretty tricky. i got you guys to advocate on
behalf of the chamber of commerce. how did they do that? tucker, it had nothing to do without. tucker: really? yeah. i was a 500,000 people in foley square and we were there to make a statement about the shared values that we have as a country. that is that immigrants are part of the solution. immigrants have been making america great for centuries now. immigrants are workers, they are business owners, they are employers, they are neighbors, families, and friends. we wanted to join with hundreds of thousands of people all across the country in peaceful protest to make that statement that we will rise up and that we will fight back. tucker: okay. i kind of agree with what you said. i am for immigrants and they are all those things. they are great. but they are also one of the reasons that the wages for american working class families have stayed stagnant or declined because when you have an overabundance of something, and this case labor, it its value falls. there is no controversy about that. you are advocating for that. you are advocating for lower wages for workers.
i just don t know why. that is not what i am arguing for. in fact, we said today that it s important to pay fair wages for everybody. here is the fact. the facts are that immigrants contribute so much to the american economy. here in new york from the state comptroller s estimate they add $230 billion in economic value. they pay $10 billion in taxes here in new york city. new york city happens to be one of the biggest cities in the emigrant capital of the world. we know that emigrants add tremendous value as workers but also has employees and small businesses. tucker: for sure. i want you to track with me, steve. these are average working people. let s say i work for 12 bucks an hour and someone comes up to work for seven. to my wages go up or do they go up? they go down about happens across the country. there is no debate about it. a lot of studies show wet. the chamber of commerce have a big employees are for it. you are forward, to? i m confused. are they paying you to be forward? why would you before it? it doesn t help working people.
they certainly aren t paying me for it. tucker: are you sure? i m very sure about her. here s what i would say, tucker. the fact is, it s not that simple. we live in a global economy. we don t live in a simple equation where one person s wages go up and the others go down. it s not a zero-sum game. when you look at the impact that immigrants have come it is tremendous. this is something that people see not only here new york city, but all across new york state, as well. in buffalo, rochester, even in places like utica. those are all places that are deeply in trouble, as you know, but a class is dying. the middle class is dying in new york city as you may know. i think you follow this since you are on tv arguing on behalf of it. let me ask you some questions. we have about 1.1 million people come here illegally every year. what is the optimal number, how many want to lead in their workers that you represent? i m not an expert in the number of specific immigrants coming in.
here s what i will tell you. these cities that you just mentioned, not only those cities, but buffalo, albany, rochester, though cities are in dire economic straits not because of immigrants, but immigrants are part of the way forward. that is been proven time and time again. immigrants add value. they stabilize neighborhoods, they pay taxes, their great workers and business workers. we should figure out how to get more immigrants. tucker: you don t know how many. you are making the case but you haven t actually thought through how many is a good number because you are not going to get into the economics. you were arguing the economics. let me ask you one more simple question. how is it, if i work in a depressed postindustrial town, and say the service industry, for a bunch of people come and who are willing to work for less than i am used to working for, why is that good for me? it s good because immigrants will commence, we have actually seen this upstage. immigrants will, and, they will help to stabilize neighborhoods, they were, they patronize local businesses, and they spend their
money, as well. it is absolutely unquestionable. tucker: hold on. let me ask you a simple question. why haven t unemployment rates gone down in those places? picket town. how about lewiston, maine. a ton of somalis. they are immigrants. employment rates have gone down. unemployment has gone up. why is that? immigrants are part of the solution but they are not the solution in and of itself. a place like new york city camo you look at the economy, over the past 25 years, the economy has gone up at the same time the immigrant rate has gone up. tucker: no, actually, the financial services industry floats all of new york city, as you know. it has nothing to do with immigration. okay. i just wish the left were more serious about economics. they used to be. i don t know what happen. steve, think about it. we can talk about economics any time. tucker: coming up next, at least one member of congress has moved on from wanting an
investigation into president trump s ties to putin and his going all the way right to impeachment. do not pass go, impeached. his congressional letter becoming even more demented. we ll tell you. take on the mainstream. introducing nissan s new midnight edition. hey. pass please. i m here to fix the elevator. nothing s wrong with the elevator. right. but you want to fix it. right. so who sent you? new guy. what new guy? watson.
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last week of a democratic congresswoman maxine waters of los angeles speculated that congressman jason chaffetz is retiring because he fears exposure is a russian agent. this past weekend, she went further than matt, believe it or not. she said is it it is already time to talk about impeachment for president trump. watch. this pressure connection is a serious issue. i have been talking about it for a long time. each day, we learn more and more about it. the guardian article brings us even closer to the facts. something took place, meetings have taken place, conversations have taken place. i have always said that i believe that there was collusion. if we determine the facts, if the dots are connected, that there has been collusion, then i really do think that this president could be impeached. tucker: we have asked congressman waters many times to come on the show, begged her staff and every time she has declined. we are still helping. instead, we turned to a former
dnc, sr., advisor. he joins us tonight in the studio. great to see you. great to see you too, tucker. tucker: my question if you come for those of you who are really on the wavelength, really understand the rush of conspiracy, why impeachment? why not life imprisonment, the death penalty. it seems weak sauce. let s be clear. not a lot of us are talking about impeachment. the word we are talking about s investigation. we need an independent investigation i can get to the bottom of this because the fact that we know right now are very and very scary and we need to get to the bottom of it. tucker: wait, you are not telling me that you want to find the extreme to maxine waters of los angeles? by the way, how long before she calls for a life in prison? first off, congressman waters his well-equipped to defend herself. tucker: really? other democrats defend her. why not now? i am a big fan of hers.
the letter i word we should be talking about it is investigation and independent commissions that can get to the bottom of this potential tucker: there is an fbi investigation already going on. unless you think the fbi do you think the fbi has been penetrated by russian intelligence? i think we should treat this scandal likely what other scandals. there are multiple lay of investigation. we need investigations, we need independent commissions to get to the bottom of this. tucker: i am confused. if the fbi has not come as you alleged, been penetrated by vladimir putin s secret servicea tool of the kremlin, too, that is an open question to you. weight. i am sorry. what is an open question for me? tucker: the fbi s completely on the level, then, we don t need a series of why does this scandal deserve less scrutiny than other scandals?
the iran-contra scandal? why does this not deserve an independent commission? tucker: [laughs] because there is no evidence that anything happened? it kind of insane? that would be one reason. they had 181 senate staffers in the intelligence committee working on that investigation. there are seven that are here. tucker: i have already looked that up. when i saw her say that, you were the first person that came to mind. thought zach is on this frequency, you are getting the radio waves. [laughs] tucker: i was wondering, has she gone too far even for you? my theory is that maxine waters is the voice of the democratic grassroots, the radicals. i wonder if they are so far out on this russia thing that they are going to make you look moderate by comparison, if they will force democratic leadership to treat this like a war crime. when you talk about where we are right now. there is an active investigation going on right now. if the fbi is looking as to whether or not there was collusion. the facts we have right now, in
terms of the communications between top aides of donald trump and russian spies, we know that that happen. carter page talked to a man in moscow that runs the division that deals with u.s. elections. tucker: i m sure he did. paul manafort. tucker: you are saying carter page was in top aid to donald trump? [laughs] by donald trump was asked who his foreign policy s advisors would become a carter page. tucker: he said he never met the guy or talk to him in his life. i have asked this to every guest on the subject. most other channels are ignoring the russia thing because it edges embarrassing ruffle. i will never let it go because it i enjoy it. now, that we are moving toward war with russia based on the decisions of the trump administration, do you think it it is possible to claim he is a russian puppet? i think it is absurd to say we are on the path to war with russia. tucker: that is what russia claims. that is with the foreign minister of russia just said. number one, if you are
talking with a tomahawk missile strikes, they were a couple of deescalated moves right after that. for example, putin said he would retaliate by cutting off communications between russian planes and american planes. he ended up not doing that. tucker: it s a ruse? i knew there had to be. this is a fake. i think we should take eric trump s tweet at his word after the syrian strike, when he said, now, this proves there is no collusion between russia and syria. i think that this was done at a time when there was a lot of scrutiny. the rhetoric tucker: eric trump is also a russian agent. as ivanka to? i didn t say he is a russian agent. if he is, he is a pretty bad one. tucker: i want you to come back and fill us in it new installments as a conspiracy deepens. any time you want baby. [laughter] tucker: today and not standing there best news, the
previous deported illegal aliens has been arrested after he allegedly sexually assaulted a 9-year-old girl. his name is santiago martin as florist. he is a criminal history stretching all the way back to 1994. he was deported back to mexico in 2001, 16 years ago. in the not so shocking development, he was able to sneak back into this country. he made his way to oregon. once there, he was pretty safe. portland is famously a sanctuary city, where the liberals in charge regard immigration law as unworthy of enforcement. guess what happened next in february? police say he broke into a family s apartment and attempted to sexually assault the young girl. she was able to escape with the attacker got away before the police arrived. he was only captured a few days ago while trying to flee back across the mexican border. sound predictable but awful? of course it is. we don t attempt to draw a connection between the crime and the immigration policies of the left, or else you are against diversity. by the way, immoral. coming up next to my public school principal is on leave
tonight for screaming out teenagers who dared to oppose abortion. watch this. these children are being murdered in our society. they are not children, they are cells. go home! tucker: those teenagers will be here after the break to tell us what this guy is like in class. stay tuned. and hey, unmanaged depression, don t get too comfortable. we re talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won t rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done.
talking about about a holoco into the inner city. these are god. you can don t talk to my students. do not understand what i say? do not talk to my students! sir, you need to turn to jesus christ and be free from your sins. [laughs] listen here, son. i am as as the day is long and twice as funny. i don t give a [bleep] as what you think i should be doing. tucker: apparently, this guy is an actual person, he has been placed on leave. connor and lauren hayes join us tonight. thank you for coming on. do you go to the school? at the scene for us a little bit. how did this happen, who is this guy? we don t go to that school. we are homeschooled. we decided to go out to downingtown west high school because they had a holocaust symposium so we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to talk about abortion, which we consider the holocaust of our
day. tucker: lauren, did you all attack this guy or did he just come out you? passivity represent what happened? we were not planning on going there, we are planning to go to the other high school. god had his hand in that situation and he wanted us ther there. we were standing there and he came out about 5 minutes after we had been standing there. tucker: for you all using profanity or attacking anybody or doing anything? that would offend a person? no. besides the fact that jesus christ is offend people, no, we were not cursing or banging on windows or anything. our goal in being out there was just to engage with students about the gospel of jesus chris jesus christ. if they repent and believe in jesus christ, they can be set free from their sins. we were out there talking about that and also about abortion,
because there is a lot of high school students involved in fornication, so we could talk to them about abortion and how it is wrong, it is murder. just to be able to engage with them. that is why we were out there. tucker: did this guy intimidate you? whatever people think of your message, of course you have an absolute right to express it because it is america, or was any way. did this guy intimidate you? a little bit. honestly, that stuff, people have yelled at me before, especially when i have been out in philadelphia and stuff. it wasn t anything that i was too surprised by. it was a little bit intimidated but definitely not too much. definitely, i mean, as christians, we are promised practically that we will be persecuted for the name of christ. tucker: now, connor, you are wearing a shirt that says abolitionist on it. what does that mean? i m not a pro-lifer or
anything like that. i want to totally abolish human abortion. it s a group called abolish human abortion. we speak not to regulate abortion, but to call it murder and what it is and to completely abolish it in the united states of america and in doing that, bring the gospel into conflict with child sacrifice. that is why i call myself an abolitionist, just because i m not a pro-lifer trying to regulate abortion. it needs to be completely abolish. to be within a pretty countercultural message. you have an absolute right to express that. thank you very much, connor and lauren, good to see you. up ahead, britain s national student union is implementing a ban on clapping and cheering. why? because they are offensive to the deaf and those of the anxiety disorders. it s a real story. this is the weirdest story of the day? wheel debated when we come back.
we will debate it when we come back. stant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums remember when you said men are supeyeah.ivers? yeah, then how d i get this. .allstate safe driving bonus check? .only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you re accident free. silence. it s good to be in, good hands.
up in arms or hands, and the now, they are being accused of being white supermarket cysts, and basically tucker: why? because it is a hand symbol that is basically associated with white supremacy. tucker: a okay is now racist? to go like that? especially if you are white. tucker: [laughs] i thought i was well versed in this. is it real? what happened to the old-fashioned bird? tucker: [laughs] i think this is okay around children. it means good job. your teacher says it. good job. it also looks like a turkey. tucker: that s bizarre. it s bizarre. tucker: katie pavlich. they also across the pond in the u.k. are completely out of control. there is a liberal political student group they are called the national union of students. they proposed that at any school event or any of the events they have had for this union meeting,
that they ban clapping and cheering. because it is sensitive to people who cannot hear. therefore, deaf people are not included in the festivities. so, this should be used instead just celebrate things. tucker: jazz hands instead? [laughter] they say that clapping can trigger clapping-based anxiety and therefore, they should not be cheering or clapping at these events. tucker: that s insane. what about blind people? where does it end? i would say it is patronizing to people who cannot hear to be pointing them out and saying the reason we are not cheering and doing this, embarrassing like five euros, because you are ostracizing us in making sure all the attention is on our disability. imagine if they spent the amount of energy on stuff like this raising money to help research for deaf organizations or something like that. instead, they are just focused on making sure you use the gesture. tucker: all of these stories, we will find out in the
end, are funded by some covert right-wing group to his credit liberals. it is to stupid. i don t even believe your story. i know enough to believe yours, catherine. you win. here is the hand dressed her praise. when you get the cover ted participation trophy. everybody gets a trophy. [laughs] you are a special flower. coming up, the award from variety was not enough. chelsea clinton just got another award in her honor. of course, he wants to know all about it. we will tell you how she is being honored at this time. stay tuned. just part of a day? aleve, live whole not part. you want this color over the whole house? say no to this because of my bladder? thanks to tena. not anymore!
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let it sink in. shouldn t we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can t go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now. you may sometimes suffer from a dry mouth. that s why there s biotene. and biotene also comes in a handy spray. so you can moisturize your mouth anytime, anywhere. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms. tucker: chelsea clinton has received it yet another award honoring her profound achievements in the rarefied field of being the president s daughter. we should start a whole weekly segment about celebrating chelsea. she has been given the city
harvest award for commitment in her efforts to help new york s hungry. she earned this award by personally packing 25,000 pounds of grapefruit to distribute to the city needy. sheet impact pack that, personally. she had the entire staff of the clinton foundation help her. maybe that s what chelsea things for people ought to be eating, grapefruits. grapefruit, let them eat grapefruit. in any case, there s a lesson here for any of you out there hoping to be honored as great humanitarians. take your families gigantic foundation and use it to do reportedly good deeds for which you take all the credit. others work while you bask in the glow. it is all upsides. would have been a lot easier. that s about it for us tonight. tune in every night at 8:00 for the show that is the sworn enemy

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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170419 00:00:00

so what have you learned? reporter: well, anderson, u.s. officials tell cnn that last year the u.s. intelligence used a dossier as part of a justification to get a warrant to secretly monitor carl as one of the sources of information that the bureau has used to defend or to support its investigation. this includes approval from the secret court that oversees the foreign intelligence surveillance act known as fisa, to monitor page s communications. the fbi and the justice department would have had to present probable cause that he was acting as an agent of a foreign power, mobile engaging in foreign intelligence gathering for a foreign government. comey and other fbi officials would have had to sign off on
russian spies. pai page denies he knew these were russian agents. page says he took a trip independently, that he expressed his own views and overall, he has disputed anything was illegal in his interactions with the russians. he sent us a statement that reads in part, i look forward to the privacy act lawsuit that i plan to file in response to the civil rights violations by obama administration appointees last year. the discovery process will be of great value to the united states as our nation hears testimony from them under oath and we zee disclosure of the documents. pa should also point out carter page when i interviewed him said he did get permission from the trump campaign, he didn t mention who he got permission
from to travel to moscow and give that speech and he also met with several people. joining us to talk about it is our panel. philadelph phil, let s start with you, you ve been with the fbi, you ve been with the fisa courts, what did the fbi have on trump besides this dossier? i don t think this takes us a great deal forward, if you re going to go to a fisa court, that judge is going to you re going to go in with intercepts, directly from the russians with the national security agency would have picked up. you might have even sources, i want someone who i can identify who s directly in contact with you. if you contrast that with what we have here, a former british officer has an informant in moscow, maybe with a sub
informant, passing that information up to the fbi, that s a game of phone that goes three or four links down the chain, the court is not going to look at that and the department of justice would not look at that as an important source of information in this case. what it means is that the fbi had a number of things they could present to the judge, this unverified dossier was a minor part of it perhaps. knowing what we know about the fisa court and how, any judge, these are serious judges that push back pretty hard when you come to them with a warrant. it suggests to me they either had corroborating information from that information in the dossier, or they had something that lent it credence. and phil you agree with that? absolutely. if you ve got a department of justice attorney, he s got a reputation for years in the fisa
court. he doesn t want to have the judge to say get out of here and then go in tomorrow a. we do know from other reporting that the fbi has looked into the allegations in that dossier and did confirm some stuff and not other stuff. maybe that was part of that process. in order to obtain a fisa warrant in the first place, the fbi would have had to present probable cause that carter page was participating in intelligence gathering for a foreign government, right? the fisa court rarely turns down his applications, it s less than 1%. it s not probable cause like we state in the constitution, the fourth amendment of probable cause of a crime, it s probable cause that you could be a foreign agent. it s a standard that s easy to meet. i certainly agree that this
would not do that. this is a city quite frankly that is awash in russian money, there s so much russian money on capitol hill with both democratic and republican operatives and surprising the ruble isn t accepted at mcdonald s. there s a lot of russian and chinese money in this city. so when i read in report, it doesn t distinguish him in terms of potential criminal conduct, was he an agent of russia or was he perhaps a convenient conduit to the trump campaign. these are questions that are not answered by this evidence. your point is a good one, is there still a live torpedo in the water that s not in this dossier. it is interesting that part of the problem for the trump administration is donald trump himself did say carter page was one of his five national security advisors early on at a
time when he was under pressure to name somebody. you would think if there had actually been some vetting, maybe they would have rethought naming him, but clearly, it points to just the kind of, i don t know if chaos is the right word that was in the transition team at the time, they were just desperate. if you remember, most of the national security community came out against him and wrote a letter saying that they, you know, not only were they not endorsing him, they were coming out to oppose him, so he had this hodgepodge of a few people, and it s unclear how instrumental they really were to the campaign. the trump campaign says he wasn t that instrumental, he was a volunteer, he wasn t someone who was actually paid on the campaign. but the thing about the dossier, the only part of the dossier that s relevant would be the allegation that he was there on behalf of the trump
administration, having conversations, quid pro quo conversations about sanctions and business opportunities. so if it s brought up in any context, does it suggest that the court bought that? it suggests to me, as anderson was saying earlier, that the fbi had something before hand that led director comey, after the embarrassment of the admission on hillary clinton, to come out again, as the fbi never does, and say they had a case open. they had their own independent investigation, and came out and said maybe there s a bit or two here, but it was not the primary source. but it may not have been the primary source, but assuming they included it in the fisa package. if carter page, we know according to carter page, he says the trump campaign cleared it for him to go to moscow, it was very possible that page was
bragging in moscow, saying he had been in meetings with donald trump, he was using the russian term for the word meeting, and the rally that thousands of people were in that we all saw on television. but he never actually met with the president. but isn t this just a case of a guy who was in the campaign, but he wasn t essential, just kind of bragging in moscow about his connections to the campaign? you know, i don t think it does. and let me a name that occurred to me tonight, and of course the other side of the story is that you ve got people on the republican side saying that the obama administration was spying on the trump campaign. believe it or not, the name that flashed into my head tonight was james mccord, and for those who don t remember the name, james mccord was one of the original watergate burglars, after his conviction, he was a minor figure as it were.
he sent a letter to the judge saying he was pressured to do a, b, and c and it eventually led to the resignation of president nixon. in this case, carter page is coming forward with a lawsuit which he has said tonight he s going to definitely pursue, if you think as a number of republicans do, that there is a conspiracy, was a conspiracy of the obama administration to look into this part of carter page s lawsuit is that he is claiming hate crimes against him saying that the hillary clinton campaign was against him because he was a man. we don t know if he has attorneys or can afford attorneys. i grant you all that, i m saying that once you start that actually, that s not much of a threat, when i read that statement, he s going to run smack dab into military and state secrets privilege, i ve
litigated that painfully over the years. it s not like a civil case where you can go into discovery and find out who said what to who in an office. all of this is coming out of the most secret court, in some of the most classified areas of the governments, he s going to hit the state secrets privilege. he s going to find it very hard to get information. one of the things interesting about carter page is that he is desperately now trying to reposition himself as a victim, as a traitor, not as someone who s committing treason doing bizarre stuff, but he s a hero of american privacy, he s somehow going to go out here and expose all these terrible things that have happened. the problem is that this particular move makes no sense. if in fact the obama administration was going to spy on these people, shouldn t they have said something before the election? the part of the story that they continue to spin that makes no sense is, why would the obama
administration go to all this trouble to spy on this campaign, to violate their privacy, do all these terrible things and then just say nothing until donald trump won? the whole thing is bizarre. the independent commission, let s get to the bottom of it. to wax tom cruise, i want the truth. i can handle the truth. where do you see this going? look, jeffrey has a good point about an independent commission which could get this all out on the table and i think the senate and house are going to go their best to get some of these facts. those who don t want an independent commission say it just takes too long, you got to get people clear, you got to get them read up, this is going to take months to go through. i just read an article in new that the three witnesses on the democratic witness list that s been agreed to with the republicans in theory at least, carter page,
roger stone and paul manafort, so we are going to hear from carter page susan rice? what i reported is all names on the republican list are obama officials, all the names on the democratic list are trump campaign officials who are related to the russian hacking campaign. so the rudemocrats want to investigate putin s intelligence service, the republicans want to investigate obama s intelligence service. we ll bring you the latest up to date in just a moment. also how a carrier battle group which was meant to sent a message to north korea, instead wound up heading south, literally heading south. details ahead. (de p breath) (phone ringing)
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if not, it goes to a runoff. in any case, democrats are treating this as a chance to try to send a national message and the president s been following it closely sending out dozens of tweets, today posting, republicans must get out and vote in georgia 6. david, how much should we or shouldn t we read into tonight s results? let me assure you, anderson, even if jon ossoff wins he s not going to win by 70%. so that number is going to go down. this district has portions of three counties that touch it. this is just the early and absentee vote from dekalb can, a big democratic county overall, we would expect knowing that the democrat reporting did quite well in the early vote, it actually is one of the things
that started giving republicans pause and concern about this race. we expected him to have this early lead. i would not read much more into it than that. his number is going to come down, it is likely that the republicans did a bit better perhaps on election day voting. we ll see as the night goes on as more numbers come in. we talked about this yesterday, newt gingrich held this district for 30 years, trump won it by 1 percentage point. this is a district that republicans salivate over, because they think this is precisely the kind of distribute they can flip in 2018 and maybe take back control of the house. and you look at this district that david was talking about, it s more diverse, it s higher educated, it s wealthier, and it s younger. and all of those things put together are a nice target for the democrats. i mean having said that, they have a young, inexperienced and unexciting candidate here, but
who s got 8 million $8 million million of mostly outside money behind him because they also know how symbolic this would be, of course if they were to win. it does say a lot about the fact that president trump has taken a personal interest in the election, just tonight he tweeted, just learned that jon ossoff doesn t even live in the district, republicans get out and vote. he s also aware of how a loss could work. he probably just learned that since the national congressional campaign committee have been pushing that back for a long time. but you are right, it look like donald trump is placing a bet here that oss orks oroff is goi come just below and he can come out and say, hey, republicans, i helped keep him under 50%, let s
go to the runoff now, i can help you win that as well. no one has to tell donald trump that this is really about him. and he believes it s about him and in many ways it is about him. because this is high profile, it s a district that he really won by just 1%. hillary clinton won in that district, it was the first time a democrat won that district since jimmy carter. so, you know, i do think that he understands that everybody s going to extrapolate here. he does, but i think also, jon ossoff the democrat, as much as he has raised money like you said on that democratic fervor, on that democratic energy, he s campaigning heavily because it s a heavily republican district. he s careful not to do all frump bashing, some of his advertising definitely geared toward trump bashing to make his base enthusiastic. but much of it is about cut
wasteful spending, get government working again, a message that has nothing to do with donald trump. and the hss secretary who they re trying to replace won by 62% of the vote. he s got to walk a really fine line here as do the republican candidate. do we have a sense of when we might know the results here? that s a great question, as soon as they count them is really the answer. my sense is we re starting to see them trickle in now, my sense is over the next hour and a half or so, we will probably see where this is going, and remember, we may know that it s headed to a runoff, let s say, before we know necessarily who the republican candidate might be. so there are different pieces of tonight. the first threshold is does jon ossoff look like he s going to be below 50%, and if so, who does he face in the runoff? where in the world is the
uss carl vinson tonight, not in the sea of japan. remember when the white house said it was steaming toward north korea to send a message, it wasn t. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. and now. i m back! aleve pm for a better am.
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tonight the uss carl vinson is not where everyone expected to be. the white house made a big show of ordering it to the sea of japan last week in the wake of north korea conducting missile tests. here s what president trump said on april 11. we are sending an armada, very powerful, we have submarines, that are very powerful, far more powerful than the aircraft carrier, that i can tell you, and we have the best military people on earth. and i will say this, he is doing the wrong thing. talking about kim jong-un. that same day white house secretary sean spicer drove home the fact that the white house armada was headed to the sea of japan to send a message to north korea. when you see an armada going
forward like that, it s almost always in every instance a huge deterrence. it turns out the uss carl vinson was not heading to the sea of japan. the facts came to light after the navy posted a photograph showing the vinson near tunisia on saturday. how did this happen? whether it was miscommunication, or intentional misleading, what is the administration saying? reporter: let s look at the bottom line here, the u.s. navy always knows every day where all it s aircraft carriers are, right? so they had announced that this carrier group was going to head north. the implications standing in the air from both the white house and the pentagon was it was going toward the korean peninsula to be a deterrent, to be a show of force, it was never
going to have any offensive capability really against a north korean threat. but not so fast, the carrier stop stopped long the way, did a number of preplanned exercises with australia jn forces, was hundreds of miles away from where everybody thought it was in that show of force. does it make a difference attend of the day? it doesn t change the military calculation, but if they were trying to message north korea, perhaps that message falling a bit flat, because it s taking that carrier a while to get anywhere near there, it s expected to be there by the end of the month. anderson. it perhaps makes a potential enemy not believe when the u.s. says a message can deteriorate into something not all that factual, the president calling it an armada, when is the last
time the u.s. navy called itself an armada. and the carrier, this is a president who said he didn t want to signal what his military months are. not only did he talk about a carrier, he talked about submarines going along with it. and he talked about the submarines being stronger, more powerful, if you will, than an aircraft carrier. that s an extraordinary statement in public from a president. submarines are generally covert, they engage in covert action, they are able to spy on north korea, their communications, their intelligence, really extraordinary, for a president who didn t want to signal his months, signaling them, not getting them exactly right and also putting out a covert asset like a submarine was on the way. want to talk more about this with senior military and diplomatic analyst admiral kirby? admiral kur by, how do you know
or don t know this is happening? i think there s been a little bit of a misunderstanding of exactly what was said and why. the pacific command was very clear that the carrier strike group was going to move towards or near korean waters, but they never said when, and they wanted to get this exercise done with the australians, as a matter of fact they curtailed the exercise, accelerated the start date so they could move the vinson and other ships up north. they were pretty open and honest about this. i believe it was between the pentagon and the white house in terms of filling in those kinds of details, it s easy when you see something of a statement when they say we re going to send the vinson to the waters off of korea, to think that s going to happen immediately. when ships are deployed like this, there s lots of other things they need to do and they want to knock this out as quickly as possible. is it possible that the
president and the press secretary did not understand what was going on? because they were talking about it. . i know they were, and frankly so was the pacific command, they put out the fact that the ship was going to those waters, i don t think it was fully understood up the chain of command what the schedule looked like, leaving singapore, heading up to australian waters. i don t know exactly where the breakdown was, but i think that was where the breakdown was, not that anyone lied or tried to mislead. not that they were not going to get into the north korean waters, just what it was going to do in between. what message do you think this sends to north korea? do you think it has an impact? i think it s certainly an embarrassment that it was ant clear cut move in rapid fashion as to what was conveyed. the bigger message is that we
have a strong naval presence here and we re not afraid to exercise it and operate it where we need to. and clearly they got that message, because as you saw, they acted quickly and vigorously as to any suggestion that the carrier strike group was going to be off their coast. coming up, there s breaking news tonight that bill o reilly may be out of fox news after his latest sexual harassment claims, a source says that exit talks are under way. we ll talk about that nec. we are sikhs
sikh americans we believe in equality tolerance and respect for all. because sikh values are american values. we are doctors pta moms patriots we are americans we like game of thrones im obsessed with star wars ive seen every episode of sponge bob because thats what my daughters like to watch we we are sikhs.
o reilly s advances. joining me now is cnn media correspondent brian stelter, and cnn media analyst bill carter. brian, what are you learning? that there will be a board meeting on thursday, involvng the murdocks, the men who control 20th century fox. and by the end of the week, we ll know if bill o reilly is going to be back on the air or not. there s clearly a sense inside fox that this is coming to a conclusion quickly and that o reilly is unlikely to come back to his program. nothing s official until we hear it from rupert murdock or his sons. o reilly is a it s crazy that o reilly wouldn t be helming his show on fox. and that advertiser boycott, those advertisers abandoning his show, all of that adding up to a
situation that s untenable for the murdocks. if it s true that o reilly is on the way out, it shows how important ad dollars are when push comes to shove. is this just about ad dollars or the atmosphere inside fox? you have fox worrying about getting access to sky tv in eveni england. i think it s extraordinary, but i think the pressure on fox has just mounted to an incredible degree, almost an unbearable degree, because even if they re to bring o reilly back, people are not going to let up. people are picketing outside the building, i don t know how they get out from under this, and another woman adding to the mix, it just goes on and on, the drip, drip of this, and they feel like they have to get out from under it. the new accusations that are being made, your client says that this occurred back in 2008? yes, she says that she was a clerical worker back in 2008,
she did not work directly for bill o reilly, she worked for a different broadcaster, she said he treat ed her very, very well. she said that bill o reilly would call her hot chocolate, she s african-american, she found that very offense. he would leer at her, at her cleavage, at her legs, he would say yeah, baby. he would make comments about her after she got off the elevator. she told me about this eight days ago, we talked to three witnesses who corroborate back in 2008 she told them, she would come home from work and tell them that bill o reilly was sexually harassing her. by the end of the time she was there, she was very depressed and it was taking a toll on her.
there was a hot line people could call, they could raise objections, that s the obvious question, was anything said at the time? i talked to a fox news employee today, i want to call the hot line, i don t have the number. the reason i have the hot line, is because i had another case against fox news. so we called the hot line, and again today, with my new accuser, she and i together called the fox news hot line. so i want to thank fox news for that invitation to call the hot line and i hope other women who have been harassed call the fox news hot line. you know, i want to say while i can be a little sarcastic about it, this is very, very difficult for the women. you know, i spent yesterday and today with a new accuser. she was very stressed, crying,
she couldn t eat, she couldn t sleep. this is very hard on women. and that s why i m doing all of this at no charge. these two women are not asking for a penny, they re doing it because this is about accountability, enough is enough, stop hurting women, stop damaging women s career, stop inthreatening women that if they don t sleep with you that you ll end their career. this is obviously something the board is considering, what would it say about fox news, about the culture there? it would say one thing that o reilly has tremendous lawyers, he s got lawyers lined up with him tonight who are saying there s a left wing smear campaign happening trying to tear him down, those people would be fighting with fox to remove him. there s this contract, this legal language, fox believes it can if it wants to remove o reilly right away.
they renewed his contract a short time ago? but that new contract has what fox says is more leverage against o reilly, an easier way to remove him now that there s new allegations against him. but fox has prided itself on not being like everything else, about not bending to pressure. his sons do not like the stain that they feel is being placed on their brand. for fox news, as brian was saying, a while ago, it would have been inconceivable that bill o reilly would not be on fox news, the amount of money that he s made for that company, the amount of time he s worked there, the ratings that he gets, but in tv, no one is in dispensable. bill o reilly is going to have a new gig, as i understand i mean
we re all ultimately expendable. and i include myself in that as well. i do think fox has really had one signature star from the beginning. right. it s bill o reilly. this is really a remarkable situation to have your signature star. and i think the one thing that s maybe under appreciated here, is that the fox audience is not going to like this, they re not going to take well to this, that it looks like fox is giving in to what they think is a feminist plot or a left wing plot to get rid of their favorite broadcaster. i think they ll be a backlash of sorts. i mean fox will plug in some other star, but the audience might not like that they caved into this kind of pressure. president donald trump has been support ty of bill o reilly, saying that he doesn t think o reilly did anything wrong. my phone is ringing off the hook and we re not going to stop
until we get accountability. in the latest statement that i saw from o reilly s attorney, as brian mentioned, he s making allegations that this is a left wing plot, that there s a political organization behind this. are you being funded by some left wing political organization that is out for bill o reilly? if only, anderson, my clients are not asking for a penny, i am not charging any of my o reilly accusers. i flew out here on my own nickel. and mr. o reilly s attorney is being highly paid for defending an accused serial harasser. the search is over for the man police say posted video on facebook after having killed a 74-year-old grandfather in cleveland, how the search ended next.
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east of cleveland. units, psp is behind a white ford fusion on buffalo road heading out of wesleyville into erie. reporter: this video captured by a local business s surveillance camera. police ended up ramming his car with one of their vehicles. instead of surrendering, he shoots and kills himself. i want to officially announce that the search for steve stephens has ended. reporter: how was he caught. an employee as a mcdonald s was his undoing. the employee that was working at the time recognized him or thought noticed the car was ohio tags on it and it was a white fusion. took his money and he pulled to the next window. she stepped out of there and called the state police right away. reporter: the killer ordered chicken nuggets and french
fries. told him it would be a minute for the fries, which it wasn t. he didn t want to wait, which was fine. he took his six piece and didn t want money back and headed out on to buffalo road. the mustninute he turned right buffalo, the state police were behind him. reporter: there was suspicion he might be in erie because of a ping from his cell phone in the area. as far as the pennsylvania state police, we had no knowledge of a ping. reporter: a more solid lead, this casino where he had been seen. this statement issued before he was located. the gentleman has been here on property one time so far this year based on his play. reporter: where the murder happened in cleveland, a woman witnessed the killer getting away and feared for her safety. i feel a little better. i m think eing he might come ba
and terrorize everybody, so i feel better. reporter: the fear is lessened. the sadness for family members of robert godwin is not as they prepare for his funeral. authorities do not think stephens killed anybody else despite his saying on facebook he did. the potential for more violence from him over because of the quick thinking of a mcdonald s employee. i m very proud of my staff and how they handled it. gary joins us. you say authorities don t think he killed anybody else. is that possibility going to be actively investigated? reporter: absolutely. law enforcement want to make sure they re not missing anything. they have extra forensic evidence. they have his vehicle. they have his weapon. they re going to be interviewing people. they want to find out, for example, if anybody harbored him over the 45 hours between the time he committed murder and the time he committed suicide. i do want to mention that mr. godwin will be laid to rest this saturday. our thoughts are with his
family. i talked to two of his daughters last night. they are extraordinary people. another incredible note to the story. i spoke with two of his daughters, a son-in-law who talked about what an mazing man he was. in the midst of their pain, they said they forgave the killer. watch. he taught us about god, how to fear god, how to love god and how to forgive. yes. each one of us forgive the killer, the murderer. you do? we want to wrap our arms him. we absolutely do. we don t i honestly can say right now that i hold no no animosity. in my heart against this man. extraordinary to say that. they met with the killer s former girlfriend at her request we understand today. the on the video the suspect posted on facebook, the killer made robert godwin say the name of his former girlfriend. said it was her fault that he
was about to kill mr. godwin. today she met with the godwin s family, his daughter says they hugged and cried together. she told she was sorry and they told her they didn t blameler h at all. the fbi investigation into russian meddling into the election and connection to trump associates. what we learned tonight next. moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. with 8 grams of natural protein, and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. with all the things you ll provnever learn from a book. expedia. everything in one place, so you can travel the world better.
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we re topping this hour with breaking news. a special house election with potentially national impact. john ossoff, a front runner right now with 38% reporting, he is leading several rivals with 60.6% of the vote. if he finishes tonight with 50% or more, he avoids a runoff and does send a message to republicans nationally, including the president. we will update you throughout the hour and throughout the night on cnn. we also have a significant new development in the trump russia investigation. it centers on the dossier compiled by a former british intelligence officer on the subject. as you may know, cnn has not and will not be reporting on the contents of the dossier. we never have because we have yet to verify it. however, we do have new reporting that suggests the fbi

Dossier , Anderson , Reporter , Part , Us- , Officials , Cnn-go , Intelligence , Information , Investigation , Warrant , Sources

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Victor Blackwell And Christi Paul 20170513 14:00:00

commencements since becoming president. it comes after the white house fallout of the sudden dismissal of james comey during the fbi investigation into possible ties between the trump administration or rather trump campaign, i should say and russia. now this is as four candidates prepare to interview today for the fbi director job. we have a team of political reporters and analysts standing by here. let s begin with cnn washington correspondent ryan nobles who is at the commencement. you see him there on the left. what are you hearing from the crowd there? i understand there s about 7,000 students and families who will be watching. what are they saying? what do they expect? reporter: well, this is expected to be a pretty friendly crowd for the president. this is a group of people and voters in particular that generally supported him during the election and, of course, here at liberty university their president jerry falwell jr. a very influential evangelical leader that allowed the
thank you. right there on the right-hand side of your screen we see from moments ago the president as he arrives taking some steps down to the waiting car and on his way to liberty university. as the president prepares to speak there in lynchburg, some waiting to hear from him are still conflicted over their support for the president. let s go to another part of the city there, lynchburg, another cnn correspondent spoke with a family that is mixed on their support. not all of them supported him, the president. reporter: hey guys, good morning. there seems to be, many constituents in the heart of the bible belt who are not sure what to make about president trump s recent tweets and behavior. what we did find the president still enjoys the benefit of doubt from many of those in the heart of the bible belt and we found that was at play under one family s roof. they call it the white house of
lynchburg. the white family tackles everything at the dinner table from projects to politics behind the controversial firing of fbi director james comey. those who are, which is the majority here, those who are pro trump voted for trump, i think something like this doesn t, isn t going to shake them one bit. reporter: larry white and his wife kathy are raising their family in lynchburg, in the center of virginia but leaning right more than 50% of the city voted for donald trump. we all basically have the same world view. a christian world view. but when it gets into politics there s certainly going to be some variation. reporter: the whites are highly conservative but also conflicted when it comes to their views on president trump. i didn t actually vote for him. reporter: 23-year-old ana white is one of the few in her family who didn t cast a vote for president trump. recent trump tweets have reassured her of her decision. her president trump voting
family members still stand by their choice. i don t think there will be any one time oh, okay shouldn t have voted for him, he was not the her joy thought he was. like he wasn t a hero to begin with. you didn t vote for him thinking avenues hero. i have trust issues with the former president. and the president before that. so the idea of trusting this president, or not trusting is not new. reporter: this is the kind of dialogue you ll find at the white s dinner table. intense. we get very intense and passionate. there s a lot of us so it s hard to talk at the dinner table. reporter: this weekend it s trump s turn to talk in lynchburg a place that welcomed him as a candidate and now as president. this part of virginia is home to some of trump s steadfast supporters as the city republican vice chair. he was part of the reagan revolution. it s important for people to come to lynchburg, meet voters,
meet people and see what it s all about. reporter: over 100 days into trump s presidency griffin and fellow republicans seem unphased by the controversy swirling over the white house. i want to support the job he s doing. i want him to be a good representation of america. i love this country reporter: the white s faith in president trump is being tested but their faith in the office is unshakeable. a feeling shared by many in this brass buckle of the bible belt. and the white will be in the audience waiting to hear president trump speak. the comey termination has dominated the conversation at the dinner table. people here say they are questioning the timing. others felt it was the right thing to do. there was a consensus with one question among the white family and that is president trump should stop tweeting.
thank you. let s bring in our panel to discuss. cnn commentator, cnn political analyst, cnn presidential historian and former clinton campaign media director. welcome to all. we re just a few minutes away from the president speaking today. first to you, adams, our presidential historian. this president first choice here liberty university. the significance and what you expect to hear from him? first of all i m always interested when the president use as prayer address. i m interested in the themes he focus on. we re going to see some shift if any in his message. i m also going to be looking for statements by the president president likes to interact with the audience. maybe he ll say some things off the cuff that s not in his prepared remarks. it would be interesting if he were to refer to the last week
and talked about how he understands leadership. be interesting if he talked about rule of law. and it would also be important if he doesn t refer at all to the controversy of the last week. so, i ll be listening intently. ron, what do you anticipate we ll hear? are we going to hear something that will make news today? are we going to hear a message of unity as we have gotten word that at least it will in part be something along those lines and how will he do that? i ll be surprised if he addresses the issues that are front and raised by his dismissal of the fbi director. evangelical christians are a corner stone of the republican coalition based on issues, you know, especially when conservative christian movement started it was often described as values voters. it s hard to see how donald trump with everything that s swirled around him in the
campaign was an example of values, you know, defined in that way. it was more about issue position and particularly the appointment of a fifth republican justice on the supreme court which has been his biggest policy achievement so far. he won 80% of white evangelical christians. this is right at the corner stone of the coalition and i think he ll be talking about the policy positions that kind of connect him to those voters. i think that will be the principle message i think today because as i say, it is not really a values connection, it s a policy connection and that was made very clear in this campaign. you see on the stage the president there arriving to his, his left, your right on the screen. this is jerry falwell jr. head of liberty university there. as we watch here live pictures, the president preparing for the commencement address his first commencement as president of the united states, not all of these students are supportive of the president.
during the campaign we know there were protests today. but during the campaign there was a petition online and a letter liberty united against trump. i want to read just a portion of this to give us maybe some color about some of those in opposition. because our president has led the world to believe that liberty university supports donald trump, we students must take it upon ourselves to make clear that donald trump is absolutely opposed to what we believe and does not have our support. we re not proclaiming our opposition to donald trump out of bitterness but out of a desire to regain the integrity of our school. they go on to say we don t want to champion donald trump we want only to champion for christ. so, the narrative that this is in full an audience that is friendly to the president, maybe not 100% accurate. i think that s true. i think that certainly if you re an evangelical who believes that lying is against what the bible teaches, if you believe that
committing egregious acts of sexual assault against women by groping them that s against what the bible teaches then you re going to be in opposition to donald trump and i think that, you know, the students who wrote that certainly were concerned about a number of different things he said during the campaign whether they be racist or sexist and i think that coming out against donald trump shows that they believe in the tenets of the bible and what it teaches and they have integrity in that regard. don t go anywhere. we see them putting hand to heart. most likely saying the pledge of allegiance. we ll be right back as we have word from the president as he was on air force one on his way to make his commencement speech. we ll play that for you after the break. stay close.
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and job creation with the power vested in people you re looking here at the liberty university commencement as it gets under way. the president not in your screen there but shortly as he delivers the first commencement speech to liberty university. the first extended appearance we ll see from him after the firing of fbi director, now former africa director james comey. this comes during that period, the question now was the firing of james comey directly related to the fbi investigation into russia s immediate knowledge to the 2016 election? here s what the president said a few moments ago on air force one on comey s replacement. watch this. do you think you might make a decision or an announcement? these are outstanding people that are very well known.
highest level. before the trip next week important,ly? even that is possible. our panel is back with us now. let s start with andre. we didn t get you last time. just now potentially days away, andre, from the announcement of the next potential fbi director. that s exciting. you know, i have my own favorite but whom ever is i think it starts a fresh start to a new presidency. many people were concerned about the former fbi director s different ties and allegiances. so part of it in the administration is cleaning it. and keep in mind part of donald trump s big sale to the american people he was draining the swamp. i m a firm believer in term limits not only for members of the united states congress and senate but so many of these agency heads. it needs turn over from time to time. if you look at the list of people who are being considered these are fresh faces from outside of washington.
let s put up the four faces if we can. go ahead, andre. well, my hope is that we do get somebody that has a nonpartisan background. but outside of that it s time for some turnover in so many of these different positions not just fbi director. i know when i was a state senator i got rid of the magistrates and put new ones in. people elected me over the person that had been there for a long time and i came in with a different idea and different approach to government. there were some growing pains but that s part of continuing this wonderful electoral system we have and if people didn t like that they didn t have to vote for me next time as they can with donald trump. i want to ask you, adams, we had some reporting from cnn here from some senior white house  officials that there s a sense of dejection that most were
caught offguard by the decision to fire james comey and even vice president mike pence was rattled by the events this week. what do you make of that characterization of the morale in the white house this early on in the presidency? well, this president seems to be winging it a lot of the time. and the decision to remove the director of the fbi at a time when the fbi is under take an investigation of the 2016 campaign creates at the very least leaving aside legal and political issues. terrible optics. and the president normally works with his inner team, i mean previous presidents, republican or democrat would have worked with their team to come up with a communication strategy, a messaging strategy to prepare the american people, to explain why such a potentially controversial decision was made. and, obviously, it didn t happen in this case.
we saw that with the scrambling, the fact the explanation of why comey was fired changed and the president himself upset or undermined the white house s explanation. i don t know whether the morale was high or low. i wouldn t be surprised if it was low. what i think will be interesting to watch is the extent to which the white house team can be consistent over the next little while. has the president learned anything from this? will he? can he learn from this? the impression that the united states, the american people got last week was a country that was led by a white house that is in disarray. and if the morale is low there, it s not surprising to me at all. let me come to you, ron from the air force one there we heard from the president that it could be potentially a few days which means we go from firing of james comey to now the path to confirming the next fbi director. is washington ready to pick the
next guy or woman without knowing how or why the previous fbi director was let go? i think your question answers itself. there are many, many questions to be answered about how the previous person was let go. i can t andre s point kind of misses the central issue here is that whatever the other motivations, other justifications were for removing james comey, the president fired the senior law enforcement official overseeing the investigation of whether his campaign was colluding with the russians in an effort the destabilize the 2016 election. that s the core issue. that hangs over whoever comes into the job. whoever he points no matter how independent, no matter how well-respected is coming in to office with the knowledge that the president fired their predecessor while they were pursuing this investigation and to tim s point acknowledge that that was part of his thinking in the interview with lester holt after sending out the white house or allowing or encouraging
the white house staff to go out with a completely different story that they undermine and made not true from the beginning. that s there. that s part of this legacy going forward, no matter who steps into this job they know their predecessor was removed by the president while they were investigating. now, we ve had legal scholars today in the newspaper debating whether that amounts to an obstruction of justice depending on the mine set of the president. all of that is a very serious cloud over this next appointment and the idea that we re going to turn the page and move on to the merits of another person without fully investigating here i think is kind of unlikely. a lot of people think this investigation can t move forward without hearing from comey himself. and we re getting word from the new york times reporting this morning that comey does want to testify, but he wants to do so publicly. let s listen to senator mark warner here from last night talking about james comey and
testifying. we just heard from the director that he s not able to make it tuesday. it s my hope we can find a time, i think it s really important that the congress and more broadly the american people hear director comey s side of the story. what do you make of the news this morning that comey wants to testify, he wants to do it publicly. do you think that will happen? i do think it will happen. i think eventually we ll see director comey take an oath and testify before the congress in an open hearing because i think that he believes in transparency and in some points in history, you know, it was to a fault i think that he s been criticized for the way he handled the e-mail investigation and almost trying too hard to appear transparent in that regard so i think it s important that he testified in front of congress
under oath because we do need to get to the bottom of not only the hacking but now this new issue that s been raised this week which is why the president would all of a sudden in the middle of a ten year term now what was mentioned earlier is that there should be term limits. there are. there s a reason why there s a ten year term for fbi director. they are supposed to be apolitical. be able to go across more than one administration so they are not partisan. the fact that the president in his own words admits he fired director comey because of the russian investigation into his own campaign we need to know more about that specifically and also ensure that the investigation continues in earnest in the fbi and senate and house and i don t know how we do that without a special prosecutor. i think that this process actually has been too politicized. i do hope we hear from information director jim comey. stay with us. you see on your screen now this
is jerry falwell jr. president of liberty university. we re just minutes away from hearing from president trump, his first commencement address as president of the united states. we ll take a quick break and we ll be right back. ponent was.. pe blood clots in my lung. it was really scary. a dvt in my leg. i had to learn all i could to help protect myself. my doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®. to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner. .that s proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. in clinical studies, almost 98% of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. here s how xarelto works. xarelto® works differently. warfarin interferes with at least six blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective. .targeting just one critical factor, interacting with less of your body s natural blood-clotting function. don t stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, you may bruise more easily,
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go to jerry falwell jr. president of liberty university, another president, president of the united states will speak in just a moment there at the university. it s his first commencement speech since taking office. and coming after a tumultuous week for the white house. they ve been dealing with the fallout from the sudden firing of fbi director koem. the president spoke about finding a replacement for him on air force one a little bit earlier. let sist end to this. do you think you might make a decision before saturday? these are outstanding people that are very well known.
highest level. we could make a fast decision. before the trip next week possibly even that is possible. i think the process will be quick because almost all of them are very well known. they ve been vetted over their lifetime essentially but very well known, highly respected, really talented people and that s what we want for the fbi. i ll see you over at the school. have a good time. thank you very much, mr. president. hearing from the president as opposed to one of the surrogates whom we ve heard a lot from. let s play sean spicer at yesterday s daily briefing there at the white house. i m going to play this for our panel as we welcome them back in. again, let s listen to sean spicer, a bit of sound, a match up from yesterday s briefing.
i m not aware. i haven t spoken to him about it about the reason. identify not asked him about the deputy identify not asked him about general lew i don t go through the list of employees and ask him. so identify not asked him specifically about that. the number of times yesterday, ti adamt we heard se say i don t know, but more than we ve heard in the past. how has the president s, i guess, 180 on how he came to the decision to fire james comey affected that relationship potentially between the president and his communications director, the press secretary, deputy press secretary? well, i don t know about their personal relationship but i ll say this, which is that the white house communications director, or director of communications, his job or her
job sometimes is to support the president and clean up the president s messes if that s required. i think the problem last week and this gets back to something ron said is deeper than that. the president just didn t change the rationale the public rationale for firing comey. the way he explained himself put himself in joe jeopardy. i m not saying yet legal jeopardy but he actually he actually deepened suspicions that he did this because he was worried about the direction that the russian investigation was going. i m not saying that was the reason he did it. but the way in which he explained himself. and the letter that he sent to mr. comey. both of these are tell tale, and give you a sense that s what motivated him. if that s what motivated him there will be enormous pressure
on whoever he selects. let s listen here to the president of the united states, his first commencement speech. [ applause ] thank you very much, everybody. and congratulations to the class of 2017. that s some achievements. [ applause ] this is your day and you ve earned every minute of it. and i m thrilled to be back at liberty university. i ve been here, this is now my third time. and we love setting records. right? we always set records. we have to set records. we have no choice. it s been a little over a year since i ve spoken on your beautiful campus, and so much as changed. right here the class of 2017 dressed in cap and gown, graduating to a totally brilliant future. and here i am standing before
you as president of the united states, so i m guessing there are some people here today who thought that either one of those things either one would really require major help from god. do we agree? [ laughter ] [ applause ] and we got it. [ applause ] but here we are celebrating together on this very joyous occasion, and there s no place in the world i rather be to give my first commencement address as president than here with my wonderful friends at liberty university. [ applause ] and i accept this invitation a long time ago. i said to jerry that i would be there. and when i say something, i mean it. [ applause ]
i want to thank president jerry falwell and his incredible wife becky. stand up, becky. for their kind words. their steadfast support. and their really wonderful friendship. let me also extend our appreciation to the entire falwell family, trey, sara, leslie and caroline. thank you for everything you do to make this university so exceptional. truly one of the great schools. most importantly to our new graduate, each of you should take immense pride in what you have achieved. there s another group of amazing people we want to celebrate today. and they are the ones who have made this journey possible for you, and you know who that is? nobody. you forgot already. you re going to go out and do whatever you re going to do. some of you will make a lot of
money. some will be even happier doing other things. they are your parents and grandparents. don t forget them. [ applause ] you haven t for got them have you? never ever forget them. they are great. especially this weekend let s make sure we give a really extra special thanks to the moms. [ applause ] don t forget our moms. because graduates today is your day. today is your day. but in all of this excitement don t forget that tomorrow is mother s day. right? i had a great mother. she s looking down now. but i had a great mother. i always loved mother s day. we re also deeply honored to be joined by some of the nearly 6,000 service members, military veterans and military spouses who are receiving their diplomas today. would you please stand. please stand.
[ applause ] wow. [ applause ] that s great. thank you very much. great job. we re profoundly grateful over tory single one of you sacrificed to keep us safe and to protect god s precious gift of freedom. it is truly a testament to this university and to the values that you embrace that your graduating class includes so many patriots who have served our country in uniform. thank you very much. to the class of 2017, today you end one chapter but you are about to begin the greatest adventure of your life. just think for a moment of how blessed you are to be here today at this great, great university. living in this amazing country,
surrounded by people who you love and care about so much. then ask yourself, with all of those blessings, and all of the blessings that you ve been given, what will you give back to this country and, indeed, to the world? what imprint will you leave in the sands of history? what will future americans say we did in our brief time right here on earth? did we take risks? did we dare to defy expectations? did we challenge accepted wisdom and take on established systems? i think die, but we all did. and we re all doing it. or did we just go along with
convention, swim downstream so easily with the current and just give in because it was the easy way, it was the traditional way, or it was the accepted way? remember this, nothing worth doing ever, ever, ever came easy. following your convictions means you must be willing to face criticism from those who lack the same courage to do what is right, and they know what is right, but they don t have the courage or the guts or the stamina to take it and to do it. it s called the road less traveled. i know that each of you will be a warrior for the truth. will be a warrior for our country. and for your family. i know that each of you will do
what is right, not what is the easy way, and that you will be true to yourself and your country and your believes. in my short time in washington, i ve seen firsthand how the system is broken. a small group of failed voices who think they know everything and understand everyone, want to tell everybody else how to live and what to do and how to think. but you aren t going to let other people tell you what you believe, especially when you know that you re right. [ applause ] and those of you graduating here today, who have given half a million hours of charity, last year alone, unbelievable amount of work and charity and few
universities or colleges can claim anything even close, we don t need a lecture from washington on how to lead our lives. i m standing here looking at the next generation of american leaders. there may very well be a president or two in our midst. anybody think they are going to be president, raise your hand? [ applause ] in your hearts are inscribed the ovals of service, sacrifice and devotion. now you must go forth into the world and turn your hopes and dreams into action. america has always been the land of dreams, because america is a nation of true believers. when the pilgrims landed at
plymouth, they prayed. when the founders wrote the declaration of independence, they invoked our creator four times because in america we don t worship government, we worship god. [ applause ] that is why our elected officials put their hands on the bible and say, so help me god. as they take the oath of office. it is why our currency proudly declares in god we trust. and it s why we proudly proclaim that we are one nation under god. every time we say the pledge of allegiance. [ applause ]
the story of america is the story of an adventure that began with deep faith, big dreams, and humble beginnings. that is also the story of liberty university. when i think about the visionary founder of this great institution, reverend jerry falwell sr., i can only imagine how excited he would be if he could see all of this and all of you today and how proud he would be of his son and of his family. in just two days we will mark the tenth anniversary of reverend falwell s passing. i juiced to love watching him on television, hearing him preach. he was a very special man. he would be so proud not just at
what you ve achieved, but of the young men and women of character that you ve all become. and, jerry, i know your dad is looking down on you right now, and he is proud. he is very proud. [ applause ] so congratulations on a great job, jerry. [ applause ] reverend falwell s life is a testament of the power of faith to change the world, inspiring legacy that we see all around us in this great stadium, this is a beautiful stadium, and it is packed. i m so happy about that. i said how are you going to fill up a place like that. it is packed, jerry. [ laughter ] it is a beautiful campus.
it s a world class university for evangelical christians and i want to thank you because boy did you come out and vote, those of you that are old enough. in other words, your parents. [ cheers and applause ] boy oh, boy you voted. you voted. no doubt many people told him his vision was impossible. and i am sure they continue to say that so long after he started at the beginning with just 154 students. but the fact is no one has ever achieved anything significant without a chorus of critics standing on the sidelines explaining why it can t to be done. nothing is easier or more pathetic than being a critic, because they are people that can t get the job done, but the future belongs to the dreamers.
not to the critics. the future belongs to the people who follow their heart no matter what the critics say. because they truly believe in their vision. at liberty your leaders knew from the very beginning that a strong athletic program would help this campus grow so that this school might transform more lives. that is why a crucial part of reverend falwell s vision for making liberty a world class institution was having a world class football team. much like the great teams of notre dame. great school. great place. in fact, vice president mike pence is there today. doing a fabulous job as he always does. [ applause ] a few years ago the new york times even roa story on the great ambitions of the liberty
flames. that story prompted a long time president of another school to write a letter to jerry. it s a letter that reverend falwell would have been very, very pleased to read. jerry tells me that letter now hangs in the wall in the boardroom of your great university. it came from the late father theodore hesper who was the beloved president of the university of notre dame, 35 years ago. like this school s founder, he was a truly kind-hearted man, of very, very deep faith. in the letter the father recounted recount ed notre dame s own rise to a football powerhouse and he wrote something so amazing and generous, he wrote i think that
you are on that same trajectory now and i want to wish you all the best and encourage you from the start, and from being able to start very small and arriving in the big time. thanks to hard work, great faith and incredible devotion those dreams have come true. as of february of this year, the liberty flames are playing in the fbs, the highest level of competition in ncaa football. [ applause ] don t clap. that could be tough. don t clap. that could be tough. i m a little worried. i don t want to look at some of the scores here. swrerry, are you su jerry are you know what you re doing here. those other players are big and strong and fast. from the most humble roots you ve become a powerhouse in bothation and sports and just wait until the world hears the
football teams you ll be playing on your schedule starting next season. president falwell gave me a list of some of those schools, the ones you ll be playing in 2018. would you like me to read the names, just came out? would you like hear them? i m a little bit concerned. [ laughter ] u-mass. virginia. auburn. jerry, are you sure you know what you re doing? [ laughter ] jerry, auburn. i don t know about that, jerry. this could be trouble, jerry. rutgers. old dominion. brigham young. army. i might be at that game. who am i supposed to root for? tell me. that s a tough one, jerry. i don t know, jerry. i ll have to think about that one, jerry.
buffalo. troy. virginia tech. oh, no, jerry, ole miss. and wake forest. those are really top schools. maybe in four or five years. maybe you ll build it up. the success of your athletic program arriving on the big stage should be a reminder to every new graduate of just what you can achieve when you start small, pursue a big vision and never ever quit. you never quit. if i give you one message to hold in your hearts today, it s this. never ever give up. there will be times in your life you ll want to quit, you ll want to go home. you ll want to go home, perhaps to that wonderful mother that s sitting back there watching you and saying mom, i can t do it. i can t do it. just never quit. go back home and tell mom, dad,
i can do it. i can do it. i will do it. i ll be successful. i ve seen so many brilliant people, they gave up in life. they were totally brilliant. they were top of their class. they were the best students. they were the best of everything. they gave up. i ve seen others who really didn t have that talent or that ability and they are among the most successful people today in the world because they never quit and they never gave up. so just remember that, never stop fighting for what you believe in and for the people who care about you. carry yourself with dignity and pride. demand the best from yourself. and be totally unafraid to challenge entrenched interests and failed power structures. does that sound familiar, by the way? the more people tell you it s not possible, that it can t to be done, the more you should be
absolutely determined to prove them wrong. treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation. relish the opportunity to be the outsider. embr embrace that label. being an outside serrefine. embrace that label. because it s the outsiders who change the world and make a real and lasting difference. the more that a broken system tells you that you re wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead. you must keep pushing forward. and always have the courage to be yourself. most importantly, you have to do what you love. you have to do what you love. i ve seen so many people, they are forced through lots of
reasons, sometimes including family to go down a path that they don t want to go down. to go down a path that leads them to something that they don t love. that they don t enjoy. you have to do what you love, or you most likely won t be very successful at it. so do what you love. i want to recognize a friend who is here with us today, who can serve as an inspiration to us all. someone who doesn t know the meaning of the word quit. real champion. a true, true champion. both on the field, off the field, he s a hall of fame quarterback for the buffalo bills, really a good friend of mine, amazing guy, jim kelly. where s jim? he s here some place. stand up jim. [ applause ] what a great man. [ applause ] jim kelly.
he was tough. jim, do you have any idea how much money you would be making today? they would hit jim, it was like tackling a linebacker. they would hit jim and keep going down the field. he was much more than a quarterback. he had tremendous heart and he knew how to win. jim is tough and his toughest fight of all was that he beat cancer not once but twice. [ applause ] and i saw him and his incredible wife as they were in a very low moment, jill. very, very low moment. and it was amazing the way they fought. it didn t look good. i would have said maybe, maybe
it s not going to happen. but there was always that hope because of jim and jim s heart. but i want to just say it s great to have you here today, jim, and these people are big, big fans. if you can get a young version of jim kelly, you ll be beating a lot of teams, jerry. so, interestingly, though, i said i wonder what jim is doing here. his daughter erin crosses the goal line to you and today with you. so erin, stand up. where are you, erin? where is erin? congratulations erin. congratulations. graduating from liberty. [ applause ] great choice. thank you. liberty university is a place where they really have true champions. and you have a simple creed that you live by, to be really
champions for christ. whether you re called to be a missionary overseas, to shepherd a church or to be a leader in your community, you are living witness of the gospel message of faith, hope and love. and i must tell you i m so proud as your president to have helped you along over the past short period of time. i said i was going to do it and, jerry, i did it. a lot of people are very happy with what s taking place, especially last week. we did some very important signings. [ applause ] right, james? very important signings. america is better when people put their faith into action. as long as i am your president, no one is ever going to stop you from practicing your faith, or from preaching what s in your heart.
[ cheers and applause ] we will always stands up the right for all americans to pray to god and to follow his teachings. america is beginning a new chapter. today each of you begins a new chapter as well. when your story goes from here, it will be defined by your vision, your perseverance, and your grit. that s a word jim kelly knows very well, your grit. in this i m reminded of another man you know very well. and who has joined us here today. his name is george rogers. liberty university cfo and vice president for a quarter of a century. during world war ii, george spent three and a half years as
a prisoner of war. he saw many of his fellow soldiers die during the death march. he was the victim of starvation and torture as a prisoner of war. when he was finally set free he weighed just 85 pounds and was told he would not live past the age of 40. today george is 98 years old. [ applause ] great. [ applause ]

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