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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20181121

screened by tsa. the good news, it s humming along. we re looking live at o hare s terminal number 3. you can see that looks like a light day. busy as it got, never got too far out of bounds from a normal wednesday. tsa saw this coming. the lines are moving along. we recommend that you arife two hours before your flight. we re going to have additional hours, we ll have all lanes operational. we re going to have an overtime budget that has been allocated for additional hours and water going to make sure that we process our passengers not only safely but also efficiently. about 48 million people will get in the car. that s a bit down. g was expecting gas prices to to be higher. so then they took a dive. you ll have freedom if you get on the road. charles? thanks, mike. now to lauren simonetti gauging the mood of investors i mean shoppers. we re talking about a different market. she s in westwood, new jersey. lauren? we re investing in the stores today, charles. the official kickoff to the holiday shopping season is literally hours away. so when you re going to the big mall for going shopping in a small town like this one or sitting home on your couch, you re likely hunting for the best deals out there. get these numbers. 34 million of us expected to shop tomorrow, the holiday. thanksgiving. triple that is expected on black friday and the excitement is expected to continue through the weekend. this is a thanksgiving weekend. she s taking me. i m not. too cold for that. you re all doing thursday? yes. what stores? macy s. cooking and just fun. so for those shopping tomorrow, adobe says the best deals are on sporting goods. if you re shopping black friday, you ll find the hottest deals on electronics. if you re shopping online, cyber monday is about the toys. the lol surprise doll, the little live pets like this turtle here. this little guy was $20, by the way. what is crazy about this is that if you look at the numbers this month, before the official kick-off to holiday shopping, $32 billion has already been rung up in online sales. expect to add about $3 billion of that tomorrow on thanksgiving and about $6 billion to that, charles, on the official black friday. all in. we re expecting online sales to top $124 billion this year. so happy shopping. little bit of a concession. i ve been getting black friday deals all week. i did half of my shopping already. thanks, lauren. with millions hitting the roads and stores this holiday weekend, who says the economy is doing lousy? even though the markets, you know, seesaw back and forth, we had a rough few sessions here, the bottom line is it seems like folks feel like everything is okay. we re going to ask how lambert ceo and personal finance guru feels. we re hearing about shopping and crashing crude only. it s all points to a confident consumer out there. charles, i spent most of any time traveling around the country talking to small business trade associations. i see a lot of enthusiasm. they feel good about jobs, feel good about wages. they feel good about the opportunities ahead of them. confidence is way up and we ll end strong this year. hal? a fantastic holiday sales season. consumer confidence is near an all-time high. women, hispanics, black, asians. the consumer confidence number is the key for the employment number. the tax cuts are in full effect. net pay is up and raises coming through. on top of that, the oil prices dropping. lower gas prices. these policies of president trump have put more cash in people s pockets than ever before and they spend it this holiday season. americans have let s face it. they have a lot to be thanksful for this thanksgiving. i feel like every thanksgiving as an american i m grateful but certainly when the economy is humming. larry, we had the consumer sentiment report out. what i found to be compel, the top 1/3 of houses, consumer confidence wendt down 6%. the bottom third rocketed 10%. we ve seen the americans shutout for the economic recovery a long time starting to feel good about themselves. yeah, isn t that a great thing that people who have in the past been at the bottom are starting to feel good about their situation and their circumstances now? it s all because of what he just said. we finally have a group of people that have more money in their pockets than in the past. they re excited about that, thankful about that and going to be spending that money for the first time in a long time. they feel good about their christmas. larry, you re famous for telling folks, it s good to be excited but don t overdo it. we re not just talking about the turkey. talking about spending. are we at a point that you want to put out a word of caution? yeah, i d say on black friday, don t chase a bargain to the point that you lose your dignity along the way. be nice to folks. don t rush through all of this stuff. don t push and shove. and if you re going to charge your credit card up byes christmas presents, be sure you can pay it off in 60 days or less. thanks sure you don t give the security guard the bum s rush. hal, the last word here. this momentum, you see it going through 2019? absolutely. consumers have more money in their pockets. they have a lot to be thankful for. they ll be spending it. value and convenience is what drives retailers. so if you re providing value and convenience as a retailer, you to very well this season. gentleman, thanks very much and happy thanksgiving. the only optical may be the weather. temperatures in the 20s along the east coast. icy, cold. winds. that could even ground the macy s thanksgiving day parade. some balloons may have to be grounded. rick reichmuth has more. i m getting chilly tossing this to you. here s the deal. it s going to be better by friday once you go outside to shop. that s good. the cold day is thanksgiving day. if you re already at moms or grand moms, stay inside and wait it out. it rebounds quickly. i want to tell you, big rain coming to california. the fires we re dealing with, too much rain too quickly. worried about mudslides in the recently burned areas. that said, we need that moisture. you mentioned it. here s the current windchill. feels like 9 in burlington, 19 in albany. along the coast, the i-95 corridor is not bad yesterday. by tonight, the low temperature in new york city, 19 degrees, 15 degrees in boston. cooler once you get up here, single digits across parts of northern areas of new england. this is friday morning. we re going to be dealing with the same thing. a couple of really cold mornings and the day in between that day, thanksgiving day. down across the south, it s beautiful. 60 in kansas city and tons of sunshine. you mentioned the parade. take a look at this. this is 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. it s going to feel like 7-15. the winds right around 10-25 miles an hour. really crucial. the rules for the balloons are, if the sustained winds are more than 23 miles an hour, they re grounded. if it s gusting to 35 miles an hour, they re grounded. they don t put them out. we ll be below the thrush hold in almost all of that case. the balloons will probably go maybe not as high as usual but tether them down a little bit. they ll still fly. if you re thinking about sitting out there, just sitting, not moving in 20 degrees for a few hours, that does not sound like fun. i m looking out the window. there s so many people gathering already. folks want to see the balloons no matter how cold it is. true. it s an amazing thing to so. thanks for the semi good news. we ll watch football, watch the show tomorrow and go shopping friday. exactly. great talking to you. you bet. we ve seen the unrecently in tijuana. all the things they re dealing with when 3,000 migrants aarrived. bus loads more just showed up. what does that mean nor the agents on the border? we re on it. did you ever notice that the very first bite of every great meal is always the potato? that s why it should always be an idaho potato. only genuine idaho potatoes have the perfect taste and texture to get your meal started right. little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not a cream. it s a pill that treats moderate to severe plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla,75% clearer skin is achievable. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you re pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. the pressure cooker that crisps. it s the best of pressure cooking and air frying all in one so in as little as 30 minutes it will be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and on your table. the ninja foodi, the pressure cooker that crisps. charles: as the caravan numbers grow south of the border, the white house approving increase authority for u.s. troops north of it. they can provide protection for the border patrol in some law enforcement duties. hector garza is here with us. this news coming this morning, 58,000 troops to support the 2,000 border guards. we ve seen ugly scenes in mexico, clashes with authorities, local residents. are you happy with the idea that if it comes to that, at least you ll get some support from u.s. troops? so we re actually very happy that president trump is supporting our border patrol agents and putting america first. it s very interesting, charles. we ve never seen this before. we re very appreciative that we have the military at ports of entry have been fortified and we can do our job and try to secure the border. no president has done this before. i met 5,800 troops, not 58,000 troops. that being said, this is a situation that no one has ever dealt with before. there s been a race to put up barbed wire. so many miles to protect. so many unknowns. how do you feel about this now? the moment of truth is coming upon you very quickly. well, like you say, it s never been done before. we do have to take the extreme pressures. if people try to come over the wall or go through the river, we have to stop them, arrest them, detain them, process them and hold them. we won t be able to do that without the help of the military. it s not political. it s about border security and caring about the american public. charles: what do you anticipate? we have a court ruling saying if you can get to this country, get your feet on american soil, you can go through the asylum process which has been criticized by many people and abused as we know. so how do you guard against something like that? we do expect for people to cross the border illegally. our border patrol agents are ready. we have the u.s. military members at the redry to process these people and detain them, as a matter of fact. if it wasn t for the actions of president trump of sending the military, there s no way we could do it. we don t have detention space, the proper transport vehicles. because of the military, we ll be able to handle it. it s not easy. a lot of agencies will be at fault. a lot of criminals here and we have to do our best. good thing is, border patrol agents are properly trained. charles: your agency knows that you can you confirmed there s criminals in this caravan that is approaching now. there s speculation but i have never been heard that it s been proven. there should be no speculation. what is interesting, our u.s. government has great intelligence in this country. we do have confirmed information that there s numerous criminals in this caravan. we know there s people in the caravan that have been deported after serving time. our border patrol agents arrested an alien that had been convicted of murder in austin, texas. days after he was deported, he was apprehended by the loire dough border patrol agent. we know that these criminals, once they get deported, they come from the countries, we know they make it to the united states or going to try. charles: real quick before we wrap it up. the overarching majority of these folks coming in, will it be catch and release or catch and house in the temporary quarters that the military helped build? how are you going to handle them once they cross the border? we re working with president trump to make sure this is catch and detain. do away with catch and release. we had a meeting with president trump. that was the main topic of discussion. we re looking forward to catch and detain. listen. be careful. the world is watching. hope it goes peacefully and everyone everybody is thinking about you and your team. thank you. thank you, charles. charles: chief justice john roberts delivering a supreme slap down to president trump just said. kevin corke is in west palm beach where the president is nearby in mar-a-largo. this is serious stuff. yeah, no question, charles. we re talking about a back and forth over judicial independence and judicial activist. it s dominating the president s first day of vacation. it s an interesting conversation that the american people are ready to this. this all began when the president openly criticized the judge by john tiger for preventing the administration from enacting new restrictions on asylum seekers. that ruling in effect places a hold on the administration s plans to keep potentially thousands of migrants as you just pointed in your previous interview from being granted access to our country. what white house officials have suggested is akin to exploiting a loop hole in our laws. just yesterday, the president said this about that ruling. it s very unfair when everybody files their case in the ninth circuit, they file it for a reason. this was an obama judge. i ll tell you what, it s not going to happen like this anymore. okay. so that broad this response from the chief justice of the u.s. supreme court, justice john roberts who wrote this. we do not have obama judges or trump judges, bush judges or clinton judges. what we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their best to do equal right to those appearing before them. that independent judiciary is something that we should all be thankful for. as you can imagine, charles, if it s out there, the president hears about it, he will head to twitter to make sure he can communicate as quickly as possible. he wrote this within the hour. tweeting sorry, chief justice john roberts. but you do indeed have obama judges. and they have a much different point of view than the people that are charged with the safety of our country. he added this it would be great if the ninth circuit was a judiciary. if there is, why is there so many cases filed there on the border and why are the vast number of cases overturned? study the numbers. they re shocking. with we need protection. very dangerous and unwise. part of the frustration stems from the challenges of trump policies from obama judges in california, also hawaii as in the travel ban and recently michigan as in the iraqi illegal immigration ruling. a very timely conversation, one we re having on vacation. charles? charles: i did read where the ninth circuit, 79% of these decisions have been overturned. judicial activism is a big topic, this won t go away. have a great thanksgiving. thanks. charles: more protests and clashes in venezuela against that country s socialist government. why new york city mayor de blasio may want to pay attention. shoppers getting ready to bust down the doors friday. what about millennials? why stores are pulling out all the stops to get them in. (music throughout) the full value of your new car? you d be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i m gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we ll replace the full value of your car. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. i m begging you. take gas-x.ed beneath the duvet your tossing and turning isn t restlessness, it s gas! gas-x relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort. fast! so we can all sleep easier tonight. whoa! presenting the iwhat s he doing? come on, let s check it out! nice. he s pretty good at this. hm! it s like a game! (gasps) woo-hoo! got it! which car should we get? all of em! ooh, yeah! that one! this one looks nice. yes, and yes. i like this game. i think we re winning! delivery? where? (doorbell rings) (man) it s here! what? (announcer) save $1,000 from carvana black friday through cyber monday. then go see ralph breaks the internet, in theatres november 21st. charles: from city hall to city landlord? new york city democratic mayor bill de blasio sparking new controversy by saying that he wants the city government to control property developments and rents, all of it. he cites a socialistic impulses. charlie gasparino is here. we did invite mayor de blasio on the show. we haven t heard back from him. i wonder why. charles: yeah, it s so nuts. it s funny. juxtapose him from the president. the president says crazy stuff, right? but his policies are conventional normal. this guy sounds normal, but his policies are so out there, he s so radical. he s even radical for new york city. i used to cover new york city government and politics for a long time. he used to own stuff. reverses that trend started with dinkins to guliani. it s unraveling that. it s hard for a government to be this big and operate efficiency. this guy wants to turn back the clock. it s interesting that he wants to turn back the clock as he cuts a crony capitalism deal with amazon. really is a shame that this guy is still mayor. people the new york times did everybody a disservice. when he was running for mayor, running against a moderate business friendly democrat named bill thompson. i know him well. before the election that put de blasio in there, they should have ran the story that they eventually ran when the republican was in there, that bill de blasio honeymooned in cuba, gave aid and comfort to to comies. that would have hurt him in the democratic primary. charles: makes you wonder if it would have been enough. it would have been. it was very close. charles: bill was a good candidate to your point, too. but i think about in the last week, a federal judge rejected a settlement, the new york housing commission, which runs the public housing projects. sure. ran for a decade. they hid problems from rats, lead paint. last winter, 84,000 people went through the winter without heat. it s disgusting. charles: he rejected it. the judge said he spoke to the residents and the squalor that they lived in. it s shocking that he can t manage what he has. my mother lived in housing projects in the bronx. they were much petter than they are now. it s really a cess pool right now. the city government can t manage them right. the guy at the top is giving tax breaks to amazon while kids are getting sick off of lead poisoning. shepard: or grandmothers walking 20 flights because the elevators are broken. 49% probably voted him back in office. problem he did. he has the democratic party locked up and locked up this entire city. charles: have a great thanks 5ing. you too. charles: looks like a happy thanksgiving for nancy pelosi. a potential challenger backs down. are the other democrats opposing her giving up, lettuce, turkey, you name it. health scares are forcing americans to avoid it all. what you need to know next. lifeblood of this town. by 2030, half of america may take after stonington, self-employed and without employer benefits. we haven t had any sort of benefit plans and we re trying to figure that out now. if i had had a little advice back then, i d be in a different boat today, for sure. plan your financial life with prudential. bring your challenges. charles: a major healthcare ahead of thanksgiving after romaine lettuce is blamed for making people sick. what you need to know. we re back in 60 seconds. you wouldn t feel good not knowing the price here. don t let it happen when you buy your diabetes test strips. with the accu-chek® guide simplepay program, you pay the same low price. all without having to go through insurance. plus, they come in a spill-resistant vial along with a free meter. skip the guessing game and focus on your health. not the cost. make saving simple today at i so many interesting details.n ancestrydna was able to tell me where my father s family came from in colombia. they pinpointed the colombia and ecuador region and then there s a whole new andean region. that was incredibly exciting because i really didn t know that. it just brings it home how deep my roots are and it connects me to them and to their spirit and to their history. this holiday, give the gift that s connected millions to a deeper family story. order your kit at charles: nancy pelosi getting some help from progressives inside and outside the beltway. new reports say left wing lawmakers are warning moderate democrats of serious backlash if they vote against pelosi for house speaker. garrett tenney has more from the nation s capitol. garrett? charles, it s important to remember they re that it was the moderate democrat candidates in republican districts that helped the party retake the house in the mid-terms. not voting for vice president was an important campaign promise for a lot of candidates. progressive groups like move on are warning them and other moderates against voting for any one other than nancy pelosi. if they don t get on board, the group will support candidates to run against them in primaries. it s notable that progressive groups did not come out in support of pelosi until after she agreed to give progressive house leaders more seats on powerful committees. that s when move hahn tweeted that we support all members of the democratic caucus to support nancy pelosi for speaker. were it not for her skill and effective leadership, the aca would not where they are today. nancy pelosi is known as a master deal maker. we re seeing a lot of this this week already. today one of the 16 democrats that signed a letter vowing to vote against her announced he s changed his mind. in a statement, new york congressman brian higgins said following conversations with nancy and other caucus leaders, i have renewed confidence that more voices will be heard, that members will have greater opportunities to advance policies meaningful to the communities and country that we love. that is quite a change from earlier this year when he called pelosi a loof and misguided, this is also possibly an indication that with still no viable challenger, a lot of democrats are starting to view pelosi s appointment as inevitable and starting to get on board. charles: now i know what they mean when they say use of political capital. i understand. thanks. so with democrats now moving to the left in congress, that s so divided, the question everybody wants to know, can anything get done in d.c.? who better to ask than former house majority leader, them delay. thanks for joining the show. great to be with you, charles. happy thanksgiving. charles: you know, i have to tell you, we re hearing a lot of saber rattling from incoming democrats on the house side. not necessarily nancy pelosi, but it feels like we re going to be in for some rough days come 2019. yeah, i got to tell you, it s going to be interesting to watch if trump try owe i hope he takes on the house. the house will come after him and come after them with everything they had. we did that when we took over in 1994. we shut down the government because bill clinton wouldn t sign the bills to cut 100 agencies and offices and bureaus. he wanted more spending. we wouldn t give it to him. so the house charles: and didn t work out well, for you, did it? no, it did. you know, the next six years because bill clinton knew that we were crazy and we would take him over the cliff, he didn t get to sign one major bill that he initiated. the entire agenda was set up by the house. welfare reform, balancing the budget. charles: he did react to the message of the people it felt like. even ronald reagan after a mid-term loss seemed to sort of shift gears a little bit, do some things that he was uncomfortable with. at the same time listening to the american public, you have to wonder, legislate or investigate. the dems have one of these choices. i m not so sure they re going to spend so much time digging up dirt on deutsche bank. listen, the investigations are going to be rampant. they re already talking about investigating ivanka trump over her e-mails when she first came into the transition team. it s just ridiculous-type stuff. they re going to do it. i know nancy pelosi. i ve known her for 40 years are. she s very quiet and won t let you in on what she s doing. behind the scenes, all kinds of things are going to be going on. trump better be ready for it. you can t take it for granted. he has to be ready. charles: by the way, there are some senate republicans that want to investigate ivanka. be that as it may, how do you suggest that president trump navigate through this? we saw through plus, the warnings you don t want to hear before your family sits down before thanksgiving dinner. we have that after this. 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(vo) ask your healthcare provider if ozempic® is right for you. that skills like teamwork, attention to detail, and customer service are critical to business success. the kind of skills, that work for you. charles: tech s biggest players losing big. it s been a tough month. deidra bolton here to break it down. it s been a tough month, charles. facebook, amazon, google losing more than a trillion dollars in market value since their record highs earlier this year. for some of the founders, the losses are more than symbolic. so take a look at amazon s founder, jeff bezos. his network has taken a big hit. he owns close to 79 million shares of amazon. so the drop in the stock price since his july high means that he s lost $40 billion. mark zuckerberg under a lot of criticism at facebook. one journalist asked him if he s the right person for the top job. here s his answer. so you re not stepping down as chairman? that s not the plan. would anything change that? i mean, eventually over time. i m not going to be doing this forever. but i certainly i m not thinking that that makes sense. that that interview, zuckerberg pushed back the criticism. he owns more than 377 million shares, class a and b, which gives him power. he would be tough to kick out, which is why we have the structure that way and why people talk about him stepping down versus being replaced. when the stock stumbles, facebook down around 35% since the july highs. for that, that means a $30 billion loss in value. so apple, netflix, google. tons of arguments as you know, charles. as to why investors should buy on the weakness and some holding steady plans of opinions out there. back to you. thanks very much. folks, think of the robo calls. the government unveiling a new crackdown. the question is, will it work? why you might want to watch out for some of the folks in your thanksgiving feast tomorrow after this. once i started looking for it was a no-brainer. i switched to geico and saved hundreds. that s a win. but it s not the only reason i switched. the geico app makes it easy to manage my policy. i can pay my bill, add a new driver, or even file a claim. woo, hey now! that s a win-win. thank you! switch to geico®. it s a win-win. charles: shoppers and retailers getting ready to bust down the doors. are the door busters worth the crowds? mike gunsleman and kristina partsinevelos and jillian are here. are there enough discounts to get people off the couches? i think more people will be going because we crave chaos. like we re missing out. charles: that s like when people rubber-neck an accident. there s something about it beyond the savings just to get in there in a block and tackle. i don t know. is it more like we need the deal? i need the deal. i like the high that i get when i get a deal and you don t. maybe that s what it s about. i can understand that you just got this amazing tv 45% off and i m stuck with this older i m sure a lot of people will be going online, online sales go up. but something about being there and seeing the mess that it is. it s like competitive people watching. last time i went black friday, people were yanking things off of hangers. it s bedlam. we re all lunatics. charles: times when they knock the guards over. it s like the ultimate free-for-all. but you know, people said this would stop. but it s not. speaking of the internet, i have some tips. you know it s cheaper if you go on amazon and look at the sneak peeks or if you buy through echo or put stuff in your cart and don t buy it. they send you an e-mail with discounts. and tuesday seems to be the better day to buy travel. charles: you have it down. yeah. i love a deal. charles: see if you figure this out. the scc rolling out a new plan to combat the robo calls and spam text. is it about time? something had to happen. i m not confident it will work. they always seem to be one step ahead. it s kind of crazy that this elicit market and they re ahead of the learning curve on it. creative destruction and they re moving ahead. i m glad to see something happening about this. the statistic i saw is half of all calls are spam calls. they re getting more outrageous. the lady that pretends she s talking to you and you realize halfway through it s a recording. drives me crazy. charles: are you sure the that whole shopping cart thing wasn t a small text? no, it s worked for me. i m telling you, it works for me. charles: apple you know how to go against the robo calls? don t give your phone numbers to companies or e-mails our give your friend s number. that s what i do. yeah. but that s my tip. put yourself on the do not call list. the do not call list? which is outdated. and i feel like everything they do doesn t work. charles: the bottom line is, we give our information out for free to all the time to the different entities. they have to make money some way. that is one of the big ways they make money. isn t it? you can t be in business offering free services and free stuff without anything in return. charles: it s so obnoxious. i m glad they re doing something about it. some of these calls, like you see the scammy ones we re they re pretending to be the irs or sell you a vacation or the police talking about an arrest warrant. charles: and sounds like you bit the vacation one. did you show up and the hotel was there? and just like don t answer you don t know. i don t. and they call back and call back with a number that is similar to your own. you think oh, it s in my neighborhood. charles: we have to leave it there. so weird. only answer calls that i answer. the only ones i do i don t know if it s an emergency. don t tell your wife that. charles: food recalls across the country and people are flipping out. we have tips for you. we want to keep you and your family safe because we care next. just one number different and you might have a whole other life. different school. different job. different dreams. different problems. in america, the zip code you re born in can determine your future. the y works to change that with programs and services that help everyone thrive- no matter who you are or where you re from. for a better us, donate to your local y today. if you re waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. it s time to get out of line with upmc. at upmc, living-donor transplants put you first. so you don t die waiting. upmc does more living-donor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. find out more and get out of line today. essential for pine trees, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an unjection™ . xeljanz xr. a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don t start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some things. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an unjection™ . means they won t hike your rates over one mistake. see, liberty mutual doesn t hold grudges. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. charles: is that a test? [laughs] in the report says california may be the source of romaine lettuce claimed making people sick. these character comes as americans are prepared to sit down with two for thanksgiving. turkey and cake mix is also being recalled. nyu medical center doctor. tell us what folks can do to protect themselves. we are glad to have you here. it always seems to happen on the eve of thanksgiving. at least it s the lettuce we have to throw away, not the turkey. the difference between the two, there s two major players. one is the bacteria e. coli and the other is salmonella. e. coli is what we are concerned about in the lettuce. the reason you have to throw it away is not just the e. coli itself but it produces a toxin. even if you kill the bacteria, the tocsin can still survive. it can cause kidney failure. charles: what are some of the early signs that you ve had some bad romaine lettuce? you may not have anything for 1 to 10 days but just because you had it doesn t mean that nothing happened, let me serve it to other people. it can take some time to figure it out but you can have dehydration, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. in terms of the tocsin, after that, you have no symptoms, you can get dehydrated severe kidneys are shutting down. that can be much more dangerous. charles: e. coli, salmonella. always felt they were interchangeable in conversations but there is a distinct difference? there s a big difference. this strain of e. coli is what is dangerous. salmonella, i don t want to minimize it but it s really associated with raw or undercooked food. you can protect yourself from salmonella by really cooking or turkey. if you are having cake mix which is also brought up, don t have the raw batter on the side of the bowl that we all like to me too but the real part is what makes people sick. usually even if you do get sick from salmonella, it s not as dangerous. you could still get dehydrated. it s not usually is life-threatening. charles: from planting the seeds and growing the lettuce and getting into supermarkets and on the table, where in this process does this happen? it feels like there s certainly more could be more safeguards. i agree. it s not clear with these particular outbreaks. we used to hear about it more with meat and now you re hearing about it and these other products. seems to be contaminants are getting into the water and affecting their crops. at home in terms of thanksgiving, i would say it can actually be you making the thanksgiving meal that is contaminating things. let s say you take your turkey and you are preparing it in the sink, don t touch your rock turkey and then touch everything else. if there is salmonella, low likelihood but if there is, you are spreading it. charles: you can transfer that way. exactly, yeah. touching it and touching other things. you cook the turkey and you kill the salmonella in the turkey but you ve spreading to other things. it can cross contaminate. wash your hands in between whenever you touch anything raw. charles: i think the cdc warning covers 11 states, mostly on the east coast and i think maybe california. should people not in those states, just as a precaution, if you have romaine lettuce, toss it. exactly. even in our states. they are not sure. it appeared in those states but other ones it could still be spreading because they don t know exactly where it s been found. over a three-week period in those areas but it could appear elsewhere. charles: bottom line, no doubt some people are probably walking around now might have been affected so pay very close attention. even if you have consumed the romaine and you feel great, it may not be great. be cautious. throw away the romaine. cook the turkey completely. charles: nice to see you. don t forget to catch me on the fox business network every weekday at 2:00 p.m. it s been a rough market, ruffle couple weeks for the stock market. i m here to help you. you don t have to lose money. even though jeff bezos lost a lot. thank you very much. have a happy thanksgiving. the five starts now. juan: i am juan williams with jedediah bila, steve doocy, dana perino and greg gutfeld. it s 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. president trump sparking another media firestorm. critics up in arms over a new york times report about the president warning the justice department to prosecute hillary clinton as well as former fbi director james comey. some in the media sounding the alarm about trump s intention. it s a defining moment in the history of the drum presidency. this is a dra

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kristina partsinevelos in new york city with what folks are buying and connell mcshane on long island. kristina? charles, i don t know about you but it s crazy out here. the store opened at 5:00 p.m. and closed at 1:00 a.m. and reopened again. clearly a lot of people behind me. they re restocking the shelves. have to give them credit. you can see how things are going out. people wanted to get the deals. if we re talking about the numbers, what does the national retail federation say? they expect an increase in 4.3% year over year this november. expecting sales to be strong this enough this is a time where i m asking viewers, to get your pen and paper for the best deal. according to adobe analytics, you want to buy sporting goods. a good time today on black friday. if you re looking at apparel or appliances, do that sunday. this is according to adobe analytics. cyber monday, known for the best deals on toys. and travel tuesday. tuesday is supposed to be the best for flights. so you re wondering, i m at a best buy. what kind of deals can you get at this location. we reached out to corporate about an hour ago. they said they just launched 50 more deals, 50% off, launched only tomorrow. some discounts on apple watch wrist bands. we re seeing $150 off of ipads. the 65-inch tvs coming in at $600. not bad. if you re not near a best buy and you don t want to deal with the craziness, there s other deals going on. kohl s has probably the strongest sales right now in terms of the website. based off of what i was looking at, walmart discounts with iphone. best buy here, samsung deals. amazon, of course, they ll pitch their own products. so they re running hot on their own products. they also launched the lightning deals. you can see the crowds. we ll show you before i throw it back to you. self trying to get the deals, but you can shop online if you want to avoid crowds. it s kind of fun to rush here and pick up items like the x box and get it for $187. i don t know. i don t know. i love deals but i don t know if i want to wait in the cold. it s cold in new york. you re the best. have fun at the mall. we re going to the mall. connell mcshane is at roosevelt shopping center in new york. he s gouging the pulse of the shopper there s. connell, doesn t seem as hectic as the best buy. you know, it nearly is. i heard kristina is in the midst of it there. many stores opened last night and are staying open. we ve told the foot traffic is strong, a lot of young people here shopping with friends, out for the experience, that kind of thing. you know, it has been strong. we re hearing similar stories around the country really with the usual black friday craziness. we have new video to show you from nebraska. charles, i don t know if you know this, but kitchenaid mixers are a big deal in nebraska. so big, they were worth fighting over. the pushing, the shoving to get the new mixer for the kitchen and for those folks. that was worth the wait and worth the fight. big picture, talking to people about how this year is shaping up. they say the thing that they noticed the most, the difference between in-store shopping and online shopping, that s all but gone. first to shoppers we spoke to in roosevelt field earlier in the day. listen. it s a tradition of ours to go every year. we get great deals. it s not that bad. no, this year was pretty good turnout. they opened at two different times. it s gotten crazier. we ve been here since 6:00 a.m. now, to the new numbers that i mentioned from adobe on the online shopping, 28% increase as of 10:00 a.m. compared to last year. to the point we re on pace for $6 billion to be spent online this black friday. about the same for signer monday last year. that s where the difference is going away. thanksgiving day, 3.7 billion was spent online. so big discounts, things like tablets being down 33%. a lot of consumer electronics. a lot of deals here in many of the stores. one thing, sad that is not on sale i m told a picture with santa claus that will run you $50. no offense to jolly old st. nick. leland: with the malls that frantic who can blame them. but investors are still selling on wall street. the dow jones industrial average dropped another 178 points. the s&p 500 now officially in correction territory. that means it s down more than 10% from the recent high. the dow not far behind as well. so will a strong holiday shopping season give stocks a lift? let s ask retail analysts in a frigid new york city where the bitter cold may be keeping some shoppers away. connell join us and heather is also also. and hetha, the numbers are huge. went isn t the market reacting? as we discussed a couple days ago, when the market reacts, us usually to earnings. shoppers, especially when it comes to consumer spending are all pent up and they want to go out and shop. if you think about it, if you look at disposable personal income, 29.1 billion. so people have the minute to go out. they want to go out, buy big ticket items. when it comes to weather, people have been at their homes, at their kitchen table spending. according to a study by palpal, 48% of americans have been using computers to go shopping online. adobe analytics reported at 5:00 p.m. on thanksgiving night, $1.7 billion was spend online. in terms of weather, that won t have an impact on shopping. it s an apples and oranges comparison. neil: and that is up 29%. heather, here s the thing. we re seeing strong online sales. we re seeing strong mall traffic. you know, it s not one or the other. they re both strong. they sort of correspond to consumer confidence. wages finally going up. the market is in total free fall. what gives? i think that tech has a lot to do with the markets pulling back. look at facebook, netflix, google. consumer electronics are hot right now. hopefully people are buying smart phones. if you re buying an apple iphone, maybe that will help apple and apple can then lead the market higher. it s down below 20% in bear market or correction territory. it accounts for a big percentage of the s&p 500 and the nasdaq. so if people are out there bying smart phones, that might help the broader markets as a whole, charles. connell, perhaps the irony of this great news, dovetails to one of the series on wall street, this is amazing stuff but this is it. this is the peak. won t get better than this. right. how many teams have we heard the term peak earnings being used. that s the point. are we talking about past tense, future tense. if these are so great, is it because people have the disposable income to spend? the question is, will they continue to have that in the future. we have a big g-20 meeting next week. will trade be resolved. jerome powell will be speaking next week. what does he say about interest rates. all forward. as we go into the retail season, people will continue to spend. we don t know what will happen in january if tariffs are imposed. as of now, the consumer feels really positive about the economy. heather, how are we looking for the stock market? that depends on two things, charles, the fed and trade. tariffs are supposed to increase to 25% on january 1 and federal reserve chair jay powell, as he raises rates a quarter point in december, that may add more pressure to the markets. its all about interest rates staying low and if we get the trade disputes resowed, especially with china. leland: we hear from jay powell wednesday. maybe an answer sooner than later. thanks, guys. thank you. the city of tijuana, mexico declaring a humanitarian crisis as thousands mass near the border. president trump saying we ll shut down the entire border if need be. what would have to happen for that to happen. and people rushing stores and protesters, too. why is target a target? introducing the new capital one savor card. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what s in your wallet? carla is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she s also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. carla calls it her new normal because a lot has changed, but a lot hasn t. ask your doctor about ibrance. the #1 prescribed fda-approved oral combination treatment for hr+/her2- mbc. if you re waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. it s time to get out of line with upmc. at upmc, living-donor transplants put you first. so you don t die waiting. upmc does more living-donor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. find out more and get out of line today. after a scratch so small rocket you could fix it with a pen. how about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. leland: new video from tijuana today showing central american migrants camping out as they wait to enter the united states. jonathan hunt is in los angeles with the latest. jonathan? good afternoon, charles. the migrants don t want to be in tijuana and tijuana doesn t want them there. they can t head north to the u.s. and they don t want to head back to the central american countries from which they came. hundreds of migrants marched through to protest the conditions in which they re living. they headed toward the border which could have led to confrontation with the u.s. border agents. the mexican police stepped in to stop the marches reaching their december nation. many of the 5,000 or so migrants in the tijuana area are crammed into a wet and muddy sports arena. they re desperate the process of applying for asylum is taking too long. the mayor of tijuana says they can t cope and can t afford the $27,000 a day it cost to house and feed the migrants. he wants the u.n. to step in and told reporters at city hall, i will not compromise the city s public services. i will not spend my people s money and bring them into debt. the mayor has been seen wearing a red make tijuana great again hat. this standoff is likely to go on for some time. with the patience of the major and residents in tijuana running out, the mexican police trying to keep control and american troops waiting on this side of the border, the potential flash points are clearly many. charles? charles: thanks very much. president donald trump says he will shut the entire border down if need be. what exactly would have to happen for that to happen? kevin corke is near mar-a-largo where the president is staying. kevin? good afternoon, charles. the president hit the nail on the head. the message is simple. you solve the problem or we will solve it. we prefer to keep it on that side of the border that is the message. we ve seen the pictures from jonathan and throughout the week covering this particular story. the clashes south of the border, charles. this is obviously not something that anyone wants to see. the administration is trying to stop thousands from coming here and overwhelming our asylum system. the president has gone so far to authorize the use of force should things spiral out of control. they have to, they ll use legal force. i ve given the okay. if they have to, they have to. you re dealing with a minimum of 500 serious criminals. i m not going to let the military be taken advantage of. i have no choice. the white house has said that those attempt to run, either wait in line like everyone else ordeal with the military. charles? charles: kevin corke, thanks very much. critics will be short of less a complete shut down. dan brewer said the president need to have that option. for, great seeing you. it s been too long. hi, charles. charles: we know this is we ve never seen anything like this. president trump trying to stand firm, trying to use all the options. many would say it would be economic suicide to shut down all of the board. this is totally out of control. it s been out of control for 40-some years. finally we have a president willing to step up and do his job and protect the people of the united states. to see what s doing on is absolutely astounding. i would think that congress would understand the situation and that they need to do their job. we need or border secured. we need the wall built and we need to be kept sovereign. that s our responsibility of the federal government. they haven t done it, haven t done it for 40 years. we re at the tipping point and i think and believe that the public has had it. i think that there might be a possibility that congress will finally step up and get something done. this of course will be the perfect time to do it when they have the lame duck congress. charles: all eyes are on this caravan that we ve been talking about for a long time. the numbers have ebbed and flowed. it remained at historic levels. you talk about congress. what can president trump do? i thought he s tried the carrot and stick approach. would he offer for daca i thought would have been the ultimate deal. this would have been a situation long gone. seems the resistance towards democrats with respect to the wall more than anything else. even when it comes to the daca recipients and the offer that president trump made them, seems like their resistance to the wall is a major tumbling block here. they want to poke their finger in the president s eye and to the people s eyes of america. i think the president has the authority to declare, you know, that we re going to close the border and economically that could become a problem. charles: but i m asking, with all day respect, would that be it? listen, i know we know president trump, his strategy and he talks stuff and if he has to, he will back it up. the democrats saying do we let the president shut down the border and hope that he gets the brunt of the bad publicity or do we try to avoid all of this nonsense, don t shut down the border or the government and maybe finally come to a deal as the world is watching? you know, i m hopeful that maybe they ll come to their senses and do their jobs and work him. we don t need a 100% solution one way or the other. we need our border secured and we need to enforce the rule of law. that s what our country is all about. obviously mexico has had a taste of it because for years, they were enabling everybody to come across the border. now they have it in their border states. this asylum thing is crazy. absolutely crazy. charles: the mayor of tijuana is upset. thanks, governor. it s been too long. hope to talk to you soon. thank you. thank you. charles: house judiciary republicans slapping former attorney general loretta lynch and james comey with subpoenas what do they hope to find? committee member andy bigs is here. if you want a car from a company that s been building them for 115 years, get a ford. if you want a car with driver-assist technology, get a ford. if you want waze and amazon alexa compatibility, get a ford. if you want a car that doesn t have any of that, get anything. but a ford. otherwise, you re gonna want a ford. [ready forngs ] christmas? no, it s way too early to be annoyed by christmas. you just need some holiday spirit! that s it! this feud just went mobile. with xfinity xfi you get the best wifi experience at home. and with xfinity mobile, you get the best wireless coverage for your phone. .you re about to find out! you don t even know where i live. hello! see the grinch in theaters by saying get grinch tickets into your xfinity x1 voice remote. a guy just dropped this off. he-he-he-he. charles: house republicans slapping republican and loretta lynch with subpoenas. they want answers on what went down during the clinton e-mail investigation and they want them behind closed doors. comey saying it s either out in the open or it won t happen at all. andy biggs is one of the members of congress and joining us now. thank for being here. comey out loudly about the island that hey, you know what? republicans will leak out the wrong information and he wants to make this in the eyes of everyone. let the whole world see it. what s wrong with that? mr. comey is an experienced hand. he understands that when the congress does it, we ve seen them down in committee, everybody gets five minutes a whack. just about the time you think you re getting to some meet, goes over to the other side. not only that, what i have found is there s pontification that goes on. last time i interviewed peter strzok, the democrats were hollering and screaming and yelling and mr. comey knows that. he knows the worst place to find the truth is in a committee hearing where each person gets five minutes and 70 people asking questions. you never get to the bottom of it. so he wants to control this. he s a control freak and here s where he s going. i think we need to do it in a deposition, closed door. the transcript will be made public. that will be made public later. that s what he doesn t want to happen. charles: james comey did tweet that happy thanksgiving. got a subpoena from house republicans. still happy to it is in a light and answer all questions but i will resist a closed door thing because s seen enough of the selected leaking and distortions. let s have a hearing and invite everybody to see it. could there be a compromise? it s agree with you. it s frustrating to watch the five minutes, question, the person dragging their feet, somebody in the other party blocking and tackling. if there s a way to do it with the way you want, presenting the questions in public, would that be the perfect scenario? you can t get around to that. the other party will oppose that. you know what? mr. comey, when he conducts his investigations, he never wanted them made public. he knew the best way to get to the truth is have somebody sit down in a closed door deposition, they re sworn in and they make it. one of the things, charles, it s hilarious that guy that leaked information to the columbia professor a and his buddy is claiming that somebody will leak about it. it s a laugh riot. charles: he does know about leaking. he does. charles: he has expertise in the topic. it s true that while he has the power to do these things, he prefer it behind closed doors as well. i don t think anyone wants to become a circus. we re trying to avoid that. we ll see what happens there. i do also want to ask you because fox news is learning that acting attorney general i m sorry. i m going to let you go, congressman. okay. thank you. charles: happy day after thanksgivi thanksgiving. matt whitaker under investigation by a federal special counsel law office. allison barber has more. the office for the special counsel said they opened a case file to review cases of a hatch act violation involving mat whitaker. the special counsel says that they received two complaints, one from senator sheldon white house, a democrat from rhode island and another from a watch dog group called american oversight. at issue, campaign contributions. whitaker ran for senatener iowa in 2014. according to the filings, the campaign received four contributions in january and february of this year. the department of justice declined to comment. a source close to whitaker pointed fox news to a advisory opinion from osc. it said that federal employees can participate in a fund-raising effort or if fund-raising efforts to get rid of campaign debt before they became a federal employee. the executive director of american oversight says there s more issues because whitaker didn t disclose it on financial forms. whisker has been under fire for russia probe comments. democrats are challenging his appointment as acting attorney general. some democrats say this is another concerning question that they feel needs to be answered. charles: thank you very much. appreciate it. meanwhile, protesters against america s retailers have become something of a tradition in chicago, particularly on this day. i have to tell you, this year is different. why retailer is finding itself a target. president trump hinting he may visit afghanistan soon. is this criticism justify? a former navy seal, rob o neill, is here. n this! savin on this! savin in here. rewarded! learn more at the explorer card dot com. the united states postal service makes more holiday deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. with one notable exception. gimme two minutes. and i ll tell you some important things to know about medicare. first, it doesn t pay for everything. say this pizza. is your part b medical expenses. this much - about 80 percent. medicare will pay for. what s left. this slice here. well. you have to pay for that. and that s where an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company comes in. this type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn t. and these are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement. that s because they meet their high standards of quality and service. review aarp medicare supplement plans and their rates in this free decision guide. call united healthcare insurance company or go online. visit to request yours. even apply online. any time. oh. speaking of time. about a little over half way and there s more to tell. like, how. with this type of plan, you ll have the freedom to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. great for staying with the one you know. or finding. somebody new, like a specialist. there are no networks and no referrals needed. none. and when you travel, your plan will go with you anywhere in the country. so, if you re in another state visiting the grandkids, stay awhile.enjoy. and know that you ll still be able to see any doctor who accepts medicare patients. learn more with this free decision guide. call or go online to request yours. tick, tick, tick, time for a wrap up. a medicare supplement plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn t. you know, the pizza slice. it allows you to choose any doctor, who accepts medicare patients. and these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. whew! call or go online and find out more. charles: can the president shut down the border in mexico? we ll ask congressman darrell issa next. hi, kids! i m carl and i m a broker. do you offer $4.95 online equity trades? great question. see, for a full service brokerage like ours, that s tough to do. schwab does it. next question. do you offer a satisfaction guarantee? a what now? a satisfaction guarantee. like schwab does. man: (scoffing) what are you teaching these kids? ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs, backed by a satisfaction guarantee. if you don t like their answer, ask again at schwab. charles: protesters in chicago taking aim at target. they re upset with recent store closings. mike tobin has more. hi, charles. the demonstrators are calling for the boycott against target because they re closing two stores on chicago s south side in the poor african american neighborhoods and opening new stores in the affluent white neighborhoods. bobby rush says consumers have a moral obligation to do something about it. when they close this target, this whole shopping center is going to be thrown into a crisis. because this abandoned store will leigh a gapping hole in this economically viable community. target issued a statement regarding the demonstrators saying we expect their right to express their disappointment. going forward, we re focused with working with community leaders to make sure the properties are redeveloped in a way to make a positive impact. target is promising to preserve the jobs by moving them to other stores. charles? charles: thanks, mike. it s not just target under fire. senator bernie sanders taking aim at walmart on this busiest shopping they saying america s wealthiest family can afford to pay its workers $15 an hour. joining me, gianno caldwell. listen, it s racial tones, it s underpaying overtones. but there s some economics that target is shutting stocks. the stock is down 17%. they have issues. it s really unfortunate that the stores they re closing are in african american communities, especially when you consider the fact that there s bragging, talking points when it comes to bragging unemployment points. you have one of these retailers shutting down on the south side of chicago. it s unfortunate for those people. i want to see what will happen with this store, that it doesn t just become an empty parking lot and ensure that people can get the jobs and have the salaries that they deserve. gianno, when target made the decision, you think they looked at profit and losses or color? i m going to be honest with you, i think it s profit and loss. this is a target that i know very well. i lived in that community at one time. one thing that i can say about the things that bernie sanders has been saying about walmart and others is so unfortunate a career do-nothing politician would advocate for capping ceo salaries when those individuals don t know what it takes to keep a job, may a payroll, hire employees or even struggle through down terms. so for them to be using that kind of rhetoric is disappointing and disenfranchises the business environment. what i can say what politicians do do, the heritage foundation said the next ten years, it s on average households receive $26,000 more in their bank accounts. if you re going to advocate for policies like that, you need to have corresponding policies that make business environments better. charles: real quick, gianno, in new york city, they give amazon $3 billion to move in to the city. the richest man in the world, jeff bezos. do you think that s fair when there s a lot of black people in that neighborhood that won t in two years be able to afford to live there anymore? i m going to be honest. i m against corporate welfare. if there s an investment that amazon wants to make, it s important to bring it in on the community. community buy-in. that s what they should be aiming for. i want to make a quick point. with walmart, the ceo made $23 million. yet the average salary for the employees that worked at walmart was less than $20,000. even donald trump said in 2015, the salaries of these executives was crazy. he called it disgraceful. there s some sort of incentive here on the conservative side that came out of the president s mouth that these ceos are making too much money absolutely not. charles: this is annish yaw i charles: i agree with you thissish european isn t going to go away and corporate america has to watch out. that s why americans are electing socialists. great to see you i a humanitarian crisis has just been declared south of the border as thousands of central american migrants have dissended on tijuana. san diego is on the other side where it s going down. republican congressman darrell issa joins me from there next. little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not a cream. it s a pill that treats moderate to severe plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla,75% clearer skin is achievable. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you re pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. our big idaho potato truck and we re going to find it. awe man. always look for the grown in idaho seal. oh! oh! ozempic®! 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(vo) ask your healthcare provider if ozempic® is right for you. the full value of your new car? you d be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i m gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we ll replace the full value of your car. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. charles: the mayor of tijuana, mexico, declaring a humanitarian crisis in his city. president trump warning again he may shut down the border over that crisis. californian republican congressman, darrell issa joins us. thanks for joining us, congressman. this is boiling up to something that everyone is on pins and needles. how do you see it playing out? how would you like it to play out? first, i d like to characterize it appropriately. the mayor of a city of 1.3 million is saying he cannot afford the cost of 4,600 people. he s asking for aid. he s saying it s a humanitarian crisis and he s also said that he will not spend his taxpayer s dollars on these people. so when you look at the united states, with we admitted over 22,000 and these people aren t coming for a month, they re coming forever last year, we are taking on a huge burden while the mayor of tijuana is calling ate crisis when he has to put people up for six weeks. charles: what is the moral of the story? what should people be taking away from that? at least the mayor of tijuana is not willing to pay the price of helping people get to another country where they will be taken care of forever at the taxpayer s expense because he doesn t want to spend it s a large city. 1.3 million. he doesn t want to spend his people s money and asking the international community give him aid. there s a crisis here. the crisis is the crisis of what is fair and legal under international law. these migrants are choosing to come to the united states for economic opportunity and spending weeks going through mexico and not asking for asylum because it s not as good a place for them to move to. that s the real story. that s what the president is dealing with, the desire of people to circumvent or system by claiming asylum, in some cases legitimate and some cases not. they re claiming to get to an economic opportunity. there s 7 billion people on earth, 1.2 million are admitted to the country legally every year and these people would like to be among them but how do we allocate it appropriately? that s the discussion that doesn t happen in washington. charles: they re going to come the way they come. i m not sure they want to go through the legal process. to your point, they re not off refugees. you have amongst medium of them, strong able bodied men that don t look like they re repressed at all. doesn t trump have the authority, can he shut down the entire border? yes, he can. he can choose not to allow people to come across. this is the reason that people that pass through legally through the tijuana border every day are objecting to their mayor endangering their ability to participate in commerce that is a real legitimate issue that san diego and tijuana need to face, should we in fact see a solution that we don t see commerce shut down along our border, legal commerce. charles: maybe this is a message to congress say let s fix this thing. it s getting uglier every time. it has. charles: thanks, congressman. from our troops on the borders to the troops overseas, president trump taking heat for having yet to visit a war zone. is that criticism justified? bob o neal is here. heart. or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. on our car insurance when we switched to geico. this is how it made me feel. it was like that feeling when you re mowing the lawn on a sunny day. .and without even trying, you end up with one last strip that s exactly the width of your mower. when you re done, it looks so good you post a picture on social media. and it gets 127 likes. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. charles: president trump under fire for not visits troops on the war zone but maintains that he plans to do so in the future. is this criticism justified? joining me how, a navy seal that shot osama bin laden, rob o neill. thanks for joining us. it s been two years in office for. trump. we have men and women active in war zones out there. you think by this time he should have gone out to visit them? thanks for having me, charles. i think that i ve made a lot of phone calls today and yesterday talking to my friends that have retired and since got out. to them, they don t care if a president visits them in the war zone. when we in the height of the war, the presidents came to see us, it was more work. we had to stop the missions and do more security and beef it up for the president. it s good when a president visits you. if i was advising him, i d tell him to get to afghanistan as soon as he can. with the mid-terms as highly contested and the campaigning the president did, he was busy. he s gone out of his way. he made a few calls to the trump. it would be good to get him out there. but again, this. is not going to get credit for anything. if and when when he goes over there, they ll talk about how much it cost to send him to the war zone. charles: they re calling him a war monger or things like that. but the men and women that i do speak to and know many the military act say that there s free decor as that level hasn t been there in a decade. the amount of money that the president fought for, for modern equipment, to allow the generals to navigate the war and not have to ask for permission to strike the enemy, those kind of things matter so much more they re telling me than a visit would. a common answer that i got from my colleagues that they would rather have him in the white house dealing with the lawyers and the general officers making the rule of engagement to make war fighting more complicated. get the funding the right places like the new ships and the technology. overseeing t overseeing the troop is great. the military doesn t need to waste time talking about it. go over, see people in iraq and afghanistan. people are complaining that they re worried that people want to kill him in a war zone. the battle space owners and the commanders won t let a president get hurt going over there. they will do everything from advanced trips, flying in at night. from this point, still work on air force one, end the conversation. charles: i m going to have a hard wrap. do you think it s right that we should be entering into peace negotiations with the taliban? is that the reality that we have to live with? it s a reality that we have to live with. we spent too much time in afghanistan trying to build a nation and a democracy. we should have left in 2005. keep troops at bagram air field. rehit these camps when they rebuild them. it s going to come to a negotiation. the taliban does want al-quaida there anyway. they want their valleys. we ll have to come down to a negotiation. i don t like it but they don t ask for my opinions anymore. charles: thanks, rob, for your service and thank all the men and women that we know freedom isn t free. they were out there keeping us free yesterday and everybodiry day. thanks very much. meanwhile, all signs are pointing to sales soars. so why aren t the markets doing the same thing? since my dvt blood clot i was thinking. could there be another around the corner? or could it turn out differently? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis. eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didn t experience another. .and eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis is fda approved and has both. don t stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don t take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. what s around the corner could be surprising. ask your doctor about eliquis. you wouldn t feel good not knowing the price here. don t let it happen when you buy your diabetes test strips. with the accu-chek® guide simplepay program, you pay the same low price. all without having to go through insurance. plus, they come in a spill-resistant vial along with a free meter. skip the guessing game and focus on your health. not the cost. make saving simple today at charles: you are looking live at garden city new york where mall shoppers are getting down to business. new projections are coming in superstrong, but investors right now, they aren t buying it. for mcdonald s usa ceo on why that is. serious bifurcation between what we are seeing in the economy, even this week with sales online and off-line, and the stock market that s crumbling right before our eyes. you know as well as i do, the stock market is rationally irrational. i was out and about a number of miles today in several restaurants. people seem very optimistic. i talked to a couple of people in their late 50s. they feel confident that the issues of pre-existing conditions is going to be okay and just seemed generally optimistic. i talked to a number of guys who were in the construction business and they said they ve never been harder at work and their wages are going up. they feel real strong about what s going on. the malls were jammed. i was shocked about how busy they wear. just walking to bigger balls. i m not talking about best buy and target. they were really jammed. i thought in sarasota it was busy. i m pretty optimistic about what s going on. charles: what s interesting to that point, reporters at a variety of whether they were stores, stand-alone stores, best buys or malls, a lot of young people out there, people were under the impression that young people don t want any parts of the mall anymore, but they were out there and they were out there and to your point they were upbeat, they were optimistic like everyone else. it s kind of interesting to me. i saw two significantly different populations. i live in the community that s got a lot of older citizens, but there were a lot of people, young people, that were going in and out of small businesses. it was interesting for me because i m a small business guy in reality. people are talking about the neighborhood businesses and supporting local owners of businesses. i think that s fantastic. i think there is an overall general optimism that s created capacity for all of us. charles: real quick, bernie sanders out there pushing these retailers to go to $15. we ve got a lot of what are your thoughts on that? at this point, how bad would it hurt the industry? it feels like they are going there anyway. you know, with the unemployment being what it is, wages will rise naturally because you are going to have labor shortages. i can see it right now. the average wage of all the fast food restaurants, they are going up pretty significantly. bernie sanders is an idiot, in my opinion. never once created a payroll, never run a business. he has no idea what he s talking about the all he wants to do, tax the rich, ruin trump, and destroy this country. he is incompetent beyond belief. i don t know what we waste our time even talking to the man. charles: a lot of people don t think he s an idiot. he had a lot of success in the midterms and i think he s taken over the democratic party. we did not want to underestimate the man for sure. ed, we always appreciate your expertise. make sure you tune in today for cavuto live, what he expects this season and why he has a message for senator bernie sanders. with all the tensions starting to melt the south of the border, union president brandon judd will be joining david as well. he s going to tell us what he s seeing down there. it all starts at 10:00 a.m. eastern. don t miss me on fox business every day 2:00 p.m. dana: hello, everyone, i m dana peluso, along which ended i ll be no this is the five. we certainly hope you all had a happy thanksgiving with a lot of delicious feasting with family and friends. before we get to the rest of the show, let s go around the table. see how everyone s thanksgiving was. we have to start with you, greg. it was great. the producers asked us if we d supply pictures. so i

Mexico , New-york , United-states , Afghanistan , Iraq , Bagram , Parvan , Nebraska , Idaho , Tijuana , Baja-california , California

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20181024

york city. chappaqua, new york. washington d.c. and florida. this as authorities investigate a series of suspected package bombs to bill and hillary clinton and barack obama and cnn and others. the dow jones industrial average diving more than 600 points. welcome. i m charles payne in for neil cavuto, this is your world. we ll talk to the former fbi agent that helped crack the unabomber case. catherine herridge is on the investigation. blake burman at the white house. catherine? thank you, charles. this afternoon we confirmed through a federal law enforcement official that the working theory of investigators is that a single individual or group has been behind all of these packages. that is based on a number of similarities with the devices as well as similarities with the packaging. let s take a look at the photo of the device that suspicious package found at cnn. you can see it has the excessive postage and the excessive packaging and the unusual or pronounced labelling, this is addressed to john brennan. it also has a returned a dress to debbie wasserman-schultz. that was a returned a dress on at least one other package. the fbi is handling the forensics in this case and they believe they ll get an answer within days if not sooner. let s listen. i want to assure you that the reason that we re here because the totality of the federal state and local authorities will investigate this thoroughly. we will not rest until we find them, stop these hazardous devices from being mailed and bring the individual or individuals to justice. law enforcement officials told fox news that there are similarities with the device that was discovered on monday at the home of bill ordinary george soros a major democratic donor. we re told the packaging, the excessive postage and the labelling was very similar. what is also key, there is a connection that was drawn by the helped of the nypd intelligence unit between the device that was sent to hillary clinton s home in chappaqua, new york as well as the suspicious package that was here to wash damage and the home of former president, barack obama. final point on the florida angle of this investigation. the official told us that a package was sent to the former attorney general eric holder but it was not delivered and sent to that returned a dress which was nor debbie wasserman-schultz, who is a congress woman in florida, charles. thanks, katherine. president trump monitoring the situation closely and vowing to get to the bottom of it. blake burman at the wait house with the very latest. blake? hi, charles. the first reaction from the trump administration came from sarah sanders and then after that, the vice president, mike pence. they said whoever is bind this, whether it s an individual or a group, they described them as a coward. we then heard from president trump and the first lady melania trump in the east room at 2:15 this afternoon. they were there for an event involving opioids, the celebratory signing event. they topped off their remarks, the president saying he s angry, he s sad and upset at what has transpired the last couple days. the first lady saying that we should embrace kindness over hatred. we have to unify, come together and send one very clear strong unmistakable message that acts or threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the united states of america. we cannot tolerate all of those cowardly attacks. president trump describing this as a major federal investigation at this point. the fbi, the department of justice, the department of homeland security and the secret service all involved. charles? the question now, what is the fbi doing to track down this bomber? terry directed the task force that captured the unabomber. terry, walk us through the steps to give the audience of the time line. began october 22, the package sent to george soros. what kind of movement should we be expecting? sure, charles. as they looked at the bomb package that went to soros residence, they were trying to study the origin of it and how it came to be. as that is happening, this happened. so now they re looking for the signature of the bomber and all of these, trying to connect them. catherine had a good report of the forensics part, trying to place this in a particular place, in a direction that they have determined that the forensics are showing that one person or group of people are responsible. so now who will happen is, you have to keep in mind the government has a huge apparatus in place to deal with terrorism. in new york, you have florida, all the locations that are relevant the terrorism task force and people going out and looking at leads. you have people trying to correct information. that information is coming to the command posts being sent up. at that point, people are analyzing the information and see if they can get to the bottom of this quickly. and if they can do that, we might have something tonight. other than that, this will kind of slowly take its cue from i think i would imagine by tomorrow morning, i wouldn t be surprised if the attorney general and the president announced that they have a special task force. then you can bring in specific agencies like the postal inspection service, secret service, agencies like postal you don t hear about but in mail bomb cases, they re vital. they can do almost miracles in finding out the origin of these packages. terry, things have changed a lot since the unabomber and the ubiquity of these attacks. how is it that none of these bombs went off, the similarities in packaging, the postage, large labelling. how much of a role will that play in capturing this person or group? they can get leads from all over the country and try to find out where materials are purchased. that dealing with pieces of debris. so this is a big thing and a big deal. that s why i think they ll be able to in the next 24, 48 hours, they will have put together an amazing amount of information from having these pristine bombs. and i think they will trace it back to an origin, to at least a vicinity. you almost get into the post office or the mail stream and find out the people that might have recollected or remembered something. that said, you have to be careful. now you have to stay away from theories and motivations and pointing fingers at different things and stay with the facts. if you stay with the facts and collect the facts terry, i agree 1,000% and confident law enforcement will be up to the task. we appreciate you coming in. thanks very much. you bet. so as news of these suspicious devices started coming out, stocks moved and big time. the dow went into a free fall. charlie gasparino on how the street reacted to this. it s interesting. as the news came out that they weren t detonated, a crime scene now, as they reopened columbus circle or time-warner center and hear in new york, stocks started doing a freefall again. it s weird. i can t tell you that equity traders don t trade off of a lot of things, but this is terrorism. i think the underlying worries are more broader. i think the underlying worries are trade, are are tariffs going to impact corporate earnings. there s evidence it s starting to happen. they re worried about deficits. is the gdp when are we getting the next gdp number? friday. we ll get a view into how good the trump tax cuts are, whether it s producing enough gdp that s a backward-looking number. the markets are anxious about the future. we have two reporters of gdp. the momentum would be fantastic. if you have two 4% gains in gdp back to back, that is a huge win for the president. the president will say tax cuts are working. it s evidence that they do. if you don t get that 4%, people are going to say we got a little slow down. that will be a problem. we could accept 3.9. if we do 3.5 or less, it s a problem for the markets. president trump has taken on chairman powell. this is where i think he has something right. on october 3, chairman powell made a comment that i think crushed this market. the dow was at the dow jones industrial average was significantly higher. 26,828. they closed at 24,583. what did he say? he talked about raising rates through the roof. we ve been in freefall since. charles as you know, we know we have to have higher rates. we had to unwind the long-term balance sheet of the fed. you can t keep it. you ll have the acid bubble. so to blame it on powell there s some impact, no doubt. but you know, if he s going if the president is going to blame it on powell, he should have taken it on the chin himself. his tariffs are costing this market as well. i ve heard more about the dollar, wages and other things than tariffs. talk to ford. talk to intel. they had earnings. ford and g.m. are hurting because of tariffs. they ve been hurting a long time. they re hurting more. talk to we have to leave it there. a lot of things obviously bothering this market. the dow jones industrial average getting crushed today. big earnings after the close. secret service leading the charge in the hunt for the suspect or suspects. the question, how long will it take? a former agent will be here to discuss. do we need harsher penalties for these suspect in cases like this? the judge is coming up. hi.i just wanted to tell you that chevy won a j.d.power dependability award for its midsize car-the chevy malibu. i forgot. chevy also won a j.d. power dependability award for its light-duty truck the chevy silverado. oh, and since the chevy equinox and traverse also won chevy is the only brand to earn the j.d. power dependability award across cars, trucks and suvs-three years in a row. phew. third time s the charm. of every great meal is always the potato?t bite that s why it should always be an idaho potato. only genuine idaho potatoes have the perfect taste and texture to get your meal started right. at humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. and part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. humana can help. with original medicare, you re covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits when you re sick. but keep in mind you ll have to pay a deductible for each. a medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans. and prescription drug coverage isn t included. but, with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. you get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. and humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals. so call or go online today. find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. discover how an all-in-one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money. there is no obligation and the book is free. charles: the d.c. police department releasing this image of a package used to send one of the potential explosive devices. it s similar to packages found in new york. you re now looking live at aventura, florida where officials are investigating a second suspicious package found at one of democrat congresswoman debbie wasserman-schultz s offices. meanwhile, fox news phil keating has the latest. he s down there. phil? charles, the city government building east of here, that is where congresswoman debbie wasserman-schultz has her smaller satellite office. she still has staff there and sometimes pops in to see visitors. that was the second suspicious package found in the mail this afternoon. right now on scene, our aventura police as well as the miami-dade bomb squad. they re looking at setting up a secure location to keep that device safe. the one that arrives here add 1:30 a.m. is the one that really triggered the big scare, the closing of streets, the evacuation of her main office building. it was also here where we saw all of the fire teams and the broward county sheriff s departments bomb squads showed up by the bomb robot making its way to the building where we believe at this moment that the device, the package, remains still inside with the bomb squad there still trying to make it safe before they get it moved to the fbi s laboratory to have it further examined. hillary clinton happened to be in coral gables, florida outside of miami today. she was campaigning today and yesterday for democrats on the ballot. congresswoman debbie wasserman-schultz was supposed to attend the event with hillary clinton as well as the congressional candidate, donna shalala, former hhs secretary and a 14-year president of the university of miami. she s in a tight race trying to flip the republican seat. we re told wasserman-schultz did not show up for the noon fund-raising luncheon. instead tending to her staff as well as the heightened alarm of receiving one of these packages to her own office. i ll tell you this and catherine herridge reported that the package that arrived here was actually addressed the former attorney general eric holder, but the address for holder was slightly incorrect. so the return to sender address, which actually was debbie wasserman-schultz s office address here, that s what the post office did. return to center. that s when at 10:30 when one of her staffers noted it. highly suspicious and called 911 and trigger add busy afternoon here in broward and dade counties. charles? charles: so the question now, what are authorities looking for? former secret service agent, tom is here. we hear about the signature, all of these devices look similar. we know the race is on. what are the clues? yeah, that s the big question, charles. what routinely happens in the secret service investigation is what happened here. we obviously used remote locations. when something looks suspicious, they give it more scrutiny. in this case, it turned out these packages were in fact some time of explosive device with some of them had some powdery substance in them. so we have a duel threat there. so now that we know it s a broader investigation, it s not just secret service protectees and more people targeted, this case will be eventually transferred over to the fbi and the atf. they will take the lead investigative role in this. the secret staffers will remain on board, but more on a support level for them. we ll continue with the threats against our protectees but it seems like a broader investigation, we will assist the fbi and the atf with their investigation. charles: tom, how much danger were these former elected officials in? we know they were stopped at outside facilities. did any of them come or on their way to their personal mailbox? no, absolutely not. not as far as secret service protectees or capitol hill. anybody getting sent to those locations go to a remote location for this reason. nothing goes to the protectee s home on to the offices of congress people charles: before i let you go, i have a minute. president trump has been very active. he s pressing the flesh. he calls people out in the audience unrehearsed at times. how will protection change for president trump? well, the secret service, their level of protection is as high as we can make it especially when it comes to the president. so we probably will not change any of our tactics as far as how we prevent things coming into sight and how people interact with the president. obviously the farther you re away from the president or any protectee, the less danger there could be. when you are pushing flush with the president, changing hands, the most scrutiny goes to those people. charles: we know again he goes off script. thanks. we appreciate it. the question if there were harsher penalties for something like this, would this stop? judge napolitano next. if you want a car from a company that s been building them for 115 years, get a ford. if you want a car with driver-assist technology, standard, get a ford. if you want waze and amazon alexa compatibility, get a ford. if you want a car that doesn t have any of that, get anything. but a ford. otherwise, you re gonna want a ford. psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats differently. with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you re pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. that everything sticks to stefon diggs s hands?ieve it. no, i can t believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. cool, huh? yeah. he plays football, huh? yeah. believe it. geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. charles: a live shot at aventura, florida. one of the offices of debbie wasserman-schultz. two letters or suspected bomb packages were delivered. one was actually returned and meant for eric holder but incorrect addressing had it go back to her as a returned a dressee. joining me to discuss this, judge andrew napolitano. the first question, of course, how do you deter this from a legal point of view? if there s a person or persons and they re apprehended, what would they be looking at in terms of penalties? this seems to go intrastate, former presidents are involved, active terrorism. there seems to be a lot here. the short answer is, if nobody dies and nobody has, life in prison. if anyone dies, even someone fleeing what they think is a bomb, even if it s not a bomb, the president that sent it still could be executed. we don t know what was sent. we don t know what was in the packages. we don t know if it was talcum powder or a toxic substance. we don t know if they were bombs of capable of being detonated. a lot of this will rise or fall on the facts. we also don t know how organized if it was a conspiracy. we don t know if it s one person or other people. so five people orchestrated to do this and one did the work, the other four can be prosecuted as if they were the one that did it. they could suffer life in prison, too. short of that a variety of crimes here. making terroristic threats, sending a weapon of mass destruction if it was one through the mail that we can t analyze yet until we know what was sent. charles: and not being able to make a good pipe bomb, you re saying that would makes it a lesser sentence? even though well, yes and no. it would make it a lesser sentence with respect to is this a weapon of mass destruction or is it a look-alike weapon weapon of mass. charles: what if it malfuncti malfunctioned? life in prison. but save them the excuse. because federal law is that with the exception of treason, the only exception we have, a person cannot be sentenced to death unless they by their own hand caused the death of another. so if nobody dies, then the maximum penalty is life. you know, even increasing the penalty on this, i don t know what would stop it. this is obviously a mad man. a person heedless of the likely punishment who thinks that he for she can change the politics of the country, the culture of the country or the policies of the government. look at all the targets. at political targets. you re not dealing with a person that is rationale. that says for this i m going to get life or excuse? for this i m going to get 20 years. you re dealing with a mad man. charles: the bottom line is, it s hard to deter someone in this particular case, that wouldn t have been a deterrent. sounds like there s a lot of ways to charge this person where they would be put away for life anyway. and we ll know that. what we re talking is federal law. there s new york state law because a lot of these things happened in new york. there s florida law where congresswoman wasserman-schultz lives. charles: thanks, judge. pleasure. shepard: democratic leaders of pelosi and schumer just releasing a statement on today s attempted attacks and the president s response. mike emanuel. good afternoon. president trump says political violence of any kind has no place in the united states and the president promised law enforcement will get to the bottom of it. a major federal investigation is now underway. the full weight of our government is being deployed to conduct this investigation and bring those responsible for those despicable acts to justice. moments ago, the top democrats on capitol hill, chuck schumer and nancy pelosi issued a joint states we listened with great interest to the president s remarks this afternoon. we all take and oath to support the constitution and protect the american people. however, president trump s words ring hollow until he reverses his statements that condoned acts of violence, this comes as the. and many lawmakers are doing many events ahead of the elections. the president is expected to make a campaign appearance in wisconsin. today a republican senator sounded alarmed about these packages being sent. it s very frightening. i think that the pattern has developed. i think it s a terrorist attack in my opinion. i think that we are taught as united states senators and other public officials to be vigilant. the last hour, a vermont senator, bernie sanders was campaigning in boulder, colorado rallying supporters ahead of the mid terms. sanders did not mention the suspicious packages. the rally went on as scheduled with 13 days until the mid-terms, campaign time is precious. charles? charles: thanks very much. authorities on alert. the secret service on the hunt as suspicious packages are mailed to the clintons, bomb, the time-warner center in new york. a live report from one of the scenes coming up. what are campaigns doing to beef up their security in the wake of this? politicians from both sides of the aisle are here. the mercedes-benz of tomorrow will transform not just the automobile, but mobility itself. an autonomous-thinking vehicle protecting those inside and out. and it s the mercedes-benz of today that will help us get there. the 2019 e-class, with innovations that will change the way we drive from this day forward. visit your local mercedes-benz dealer for exclusive offers. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. a moment of joy. a source of inspiration. an act of kindness. an old friend. a new beginning. some welcome relief. or a cause for celebration. what s inside? [laughter] possibilities. what we deliver by delivering. charles: you re looking at louisville, kentucky where multiple people have been shot at a kroger grocery store. more after this. authorities on high alert after intercepting suspicious packages in new york. the obamas and clintons and others. bryan llenas joins us from chappaqua with more. bryan? hi, charles. the secret service said the clintons never received a package and nor were they at risk to receive it. that s because the potential device was spotted by a screening technician offside where they look at all of the clinton s mail. governor cuomo said he personally visited this home at about 4:30 a.m. to check on the clintons. president bill clinton was at home during the time. former secretary of state hillary clinton is in florida campaigning. this is what she had to say about the threat. it is a troubling time, isn t it? it s a time of deep divisions, and we have to do everything we can to bring our country together. we also have to elect candidates that will try to do the same. former president bill clinton tweeting thank you to the secret service and all law enforcement that responded. they worked tirelessly to keep our country and community safe. i m forever grateful for their efforts. this incident taking place just a mere 15 minutes away from gorge soros home in katonah, new york. monday, a divide and package was delivered to his home and placed inside of a mailbox. we still don t know whether or not it was hand delivered or whether or not that particular package came through the mail. we do know there are striking similarities between the soros package and the clinton package and the one sent to the obamas and to cnn, including packaging. it s all the same. a weighted man nil envelope. here in chappaqua, the security was higher. there s over a dozen cameras here and you can tell here at the home of the clintons, there s an eight foot fence, secret service outside and posted as usual. still everybody here vigilant. charles? charles: breaking news. we just got a statement from the fbi. christopher wray saying the fbi using all of their resources and partnering with the joint terrorism task force to find out whoever is responsible for sending these packages and asking the public, don t hesitate to call with any information. contact the fbi. catherine herridge will have more. we ll be right back. your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small you could fix it with a pen. how about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. as one of the nation s largest investors in infrastructure, we don t just help power the american dream, we re part of it. this is our era. this is america s energy era. nextera energy. charles: president trump heads to wisconsin within the hour for a rally tonight where security is a top concern following today s scare. he will be campaigning for republican senate candidate leah birkmire who joins me. we had a joint statement from nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. they took aim at president trump. they said president trump s words ring hollow and say until he reverses his statement that condones acts of violence, time and time again the president has condoned the violence, he s has divided americans and neo-nazi woman and violence. what are your thoughts? it doesn t surprise me. i heard things like this from senator baldwin all along. look, they re the party that is dividing. president trump is bringing people together. people here are excited to hear his message. i m not looking for ways to bring this president down. i want him to succeed. when he succeeds, america succeeds. right now america is succeeding. that s why everyone is lined up outside this hanger to come in to hear his message. it s a message of economic prosperity. we ve done it here in wisconsin. i want to take that to washington. charles: tell us about the extra precautions you ve taken since this news from the last 24 hours. well, the security here is obviously very tight. you know, what happened should not be condoned. it s awful. this is wrong in america. we have to get beyond this. people want us to solve problems. they won t to solve problems in wisconsin. they want us to solve problems in washington. this is just dragging us back. so security here obviously is very tight. but i feel confident with security here. people don t feel the same at the border. the border, that s where they re worried. they want to see this president and his calls for border security and building up that wall. it s a message that s heard along this campaign trail the last 1 1/2 years. charles: i m really surprised at the reaction from nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. the timeline of it. after scalise was shot, there was a short period of calm. a short period of unity and a short period of saying hey, let s dial it down a notch. it wasn t just them. cnn worldwide president jeff zucker says this naturals on the shoulders of president trump and going after sarah sanders saying words matter and they have shown no comprehension of that fact. the main street media also blaming this on the white house. it s wrong to blame it on the white house. the people that have been dividing are the extreme left. senator baldwin is happy to be a part of that. we watched this happen in wisconsin. in 2011. when we re seeing in washington, in resist movement, is exactly what we went through. people went too far. it s a backlash. we here in wisconsin are seeing it happen all over again. it s ridiculous. it s across the line. people just want us to get the work done. i put this all on the extreme left and tammy baldwin is a part of that. she s not distancing herself. i have yet to hear her say anything to the contrary. charles: we ll leave it there. all eyes will be on your rally tonight. thank you very much. i want to go back down to catherine herridge with moresta. thanks, charles. the last few minutes, we had this lengthy statement released by fbi director christopher wray. he asked the public for any tips or assistance to identified the individual or individuals who are behind these package devices. noticed there could be more in the pipeline. he s not ruling that out. he puts flesh on the bone about the suspicious packages, much of it dovetails to your show. christopher wray noted about the devices, they show this excessive postage, the yellow manilla envelopes with bubble wraps and they have the same returned a dress. it s a misspelling of theesswom wasserman-schultz. he also confirms the devices, suspicious packages, were sent to george soros. that was the first flag that we had on this on monday. former secretary of state hillary clinton, former president barack obama, former cia director john brennan, the cnn package that you see there and former attorney general eric holder. there was some confusion earlier today over the holder package, that there may have been two suspicious devices in florida and from the fbi director s release, it was not delivered. it was return to the returned a dress, which was debbie wasserman-schultz. i want to make a point about the computer generated labels. in the last hour, i heard from a former law enforcement official who reminded me that these computer generated labels can be a real wealth of information. while they may look like it s just solid black type, it has like a pixelation there, identifiable like a fingerprint and dna and can trace back to the photocopier or printer that was use. could have been a slipup by the person or persons behind these packages, charles. charles: thanks. appreciate it. politicians on both sides of the aisle stressing the need to come together after these packages were sent to cnn and numerous democratic officials. congressman john garamendi joined me. congressman congressman, we discussed the statement released by nancy pelosi and chuck schumer on these suspicious bombs and putting the blame squarely on president trump. i thought they were harsh. they said we listen to great interest to the president s remarks this afternoon. with all we all take the oath to support and defend the constitution and protect the american people. however, president trump s words wrong hollow until he reverses. is it too early to stir the pot in the midst of this? we re certainly very early in this entire process. but we do know that the six devices were all directed at democrats and cnn, an organization that the president has said is supporting the democrats. so you know, that s just one part of this. the reality is, this is an extraordinarily dangerous and potentially harmful situation. unfortunately anybody has been hurt and hopefully that will be the case throughout and this will get quickly resolved. the rest of the story is, the rhetoric in this campaign has been extraordinarily hot. in some cases, very directed. whomever has been saying very hot, very directed words, wherever they may be, on whichever side, it has to tone down. words have meaning and there are folks out there that will follow anybody s words or somebody s words. so tone it down. get to the underlying issues and carry forward. charles: you know, low pressure listen, it s early. we don t know the motive. maybe somebody that didn t like democrats or stir the political pot, not that it need more stirring. what do you make of comments, when they re down, we kick them by eric holder and other highly ranked leaders in your party. even michelle obama rebuked this saying this is not the message that she was trying to craft. it seems like it has condoned getting in people s faces, making people, elected officials feel uncomfortable where they re trying to sit down for dinner. doesn t that play a major role in this? we have seen since 2010 and the rise of the tea party very, very heated organizations, attacking one way or the other, both democrat charles: in all respect, it feels like elected officials are encouraging this right now, which is different. that is the case and that letter that was put out by schumer and pelosi did just that, point out at least one elected official that was doing it. and you re correct. holder was incorrect i think doing what was wrong when he was saying that, kick them when they re down. i don t like the idea. i think it s wrong to harass people when they re trying to have dinner at a restaurant. i don t think we ought to encourage people whether you re on the left on the right or in the middle, you ought not to encourage people to engage in violence or intimidation of one sort or another. those are all very harmful things and somebody out there will say yeah, that is a good idea. i think i ll do that. no, don t do that. don t encourage people to intimidate in any way, whether it is a rally or an individual, elected official. don t do that. because somebody is likely to act on it. charles: there s no doubt. a lot of blame to go around. very put the innocent folks in this. hopefully maybe this will be some sort of inflection point or time of intraspection for the country. here s hoping. charles: up next, roberto gonzalez on what federal, state and local officials are looking at right now. standard. lease the 2018 rx 350 for $439 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. iyou may be at increased riskf for pneumococcal pneumonia -a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that can disrupt your routine for weeks. in severe cases, pneumococcal pneumonia can put you in the hospital. it can hit quickly, without warning, making you miss out on what matters most. a single dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. don t get prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. prevention begins with prevnar 13®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. tap one little bumper and up go your rates. what good is your insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody s perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty mutual insurance. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. charles: you are looking at of sunrise, florida, where the broward sheriff s office says they are close to rendering the package save that they will either detonate it or make it safe, they will give the media a 15 minutes heads up when they are about to do that. we will stay on this chart. in the meantime, joining us by phone, former attorney general for president bush, sir, thank you for joining us. it s good to be with you. charles: your thoughts on all of this? it s an amazing situation, it is compounded, the names involved, former president barack obama, president clinton, his wife hillary clinton. george soros, one of the richest men in the world. what do you make of it all? well, it certainly seems to be targeted at people that are democrats or opponents of the trump agenda, the trump presidency. it s a very dangerous situation, obviously. there is still a lot of information that law enforcement does not have. the first thing that needs to happen is to make sure that we render the packages safe and begin the examination of exactly who may have been responsible, and that is going to involve the joint terrorism task forces of major cities, new york, d.c., chicago, examining the packaging to see what is similar, not similar, looking at the packages themselves, the signature. measures or markings that help identify who was responsible for making the bomb, looking at where the packages were mailed from. also on the internet, often times people responsible for this type of activity will post something, bragging about something, look out, but something s coming. there s going to be a lot of that. the fbi, atf, the joint terrorism task forces are doing all of these things, have begun that process, will continue that process until we find out who was responsible for sending these bombs. charles: sarah, we just got word in from debbie wasserman schultz s office where she says, she will not be intimidated by this act of violence, adding, the attack on our must be prosecuted, saying she is disturbed by the way my name was used in the attack, but she will continue her work and congress. this was a deliberate attack as a form of terrorism, intimidation, but we do know the backdrop to all of this, the increase in instability, i call it an instability crisis that is gripping this nation and seems to get worse by the day. what do we do to turn this around? well, i really think it begins with the leadership in our country. i thought president trump s statements were strong. i m a little disappointment in some of the reaction. i thought what needed to be sai said, i think we re hearing some some good, strong statements, condemning these actions, this action should be condemned, but i think as your previous guests pointed out, we are in a very divisive time right now. there is a lot at stake with the midterm elections, and when there is so much at stake, people are going to do things that they normally would not do, and i think it is very, very important in the leadership in our country to condemn what has happened here and discourage this kind of behavior going forward. charles: we have got less than a minute, but the worldwide president cnn jeff stucker waited saying, attacked president trump and sarah sanders saying that words matter and they have not shown comprehension of that fact. does sleeping on the president and sarah sanders at this point help or hurt the situation? you know, what we have seen in the past, when the nation confronts a threat like this, we all come together, we side at pearl harbor, and so to so quickly for critical of the president to me is somewhat surprising and disappointing. i think we are all better off working together and understanding it is a critical situation and we need to move forward together. charles: sarah, thank you much, we ll have more tomorrow on making money. the five starts though right now. jesse: i m jesse watters along with them like in pino, juan williams, dana, this is the five . this is a fox news fox fox newr the hunt is on to find out who is this responsible for sending suspicious packages with a suspected explosive devices to several prominent democrats including former president barack obama and hillary clinton and also to cnn

Miami , Florida , United-states , New-york , Chappaqua , Idaho , Washington , Kentucky , Katonah , Wisconsin , Capitol-hill , District-of-columbia

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20181026

the suspected mail bomber is nabbed after a nationwide man hunt. welcome. i m charles payne in for neil cavuto. this is your world. president trump praising an incredible job by law enforcement. cesar sayoc of aventura, florida is now in police custody. a white van covered with political stickers is seized by police as two new devices are discovered in new york and florida. we have fox team coverage phil keating with what we re learning about the suspect and catherine herridge and how investigators tracked him down. catherine? okay. we just wrapped up that news conference at the justice department in the last few minutes. as you mentioned, one of the headlines is that the suspect, cesar sayoc is facing five federal criminal charges. targeting senior and current and former government officials. the attorney general jeff sessions said there was a message here that regardless of where you fall, you ll face the full force of the u.s. government and the justice system. here s the attorney general. political violence or the threat of violence is antithetical to our system of self-government. it s a threat to that respect for law and process that allows our people to accept legislation, elections, court rulings with which they do not agree. this is the central feature of our system of government. you advocate for your beliefs enthusiastically but we peaceably and lawfully complete with the results. cesar sayoc is 56 years old and living in suit florida where he was arrested today. he has significant ties to the new york city area. we learned from reporting that he had a criminal history and that will be very important in one second in this live report. we saw them take his van into evidence earlier today. that was the vehicle with the blue tarp that a lot of the cable networks were following for several hours. what we understand is there is key evidence inside that van. what we also know from the news conference is that a latent fingerprint was found on an envelope that was carried with the suspicious package targeting the democratic congresswoman, maxine waters. the latent print according to the fbi director was matched up with two other pieces of dna and all of them were positive hits for cesar sayoc who was already in the criminal database because of his prior history. here s the fbi director. the work of the men and women at law enforcement here and the work that was done over the last week is something that should make every american proud and grateful. it s too early at this stage for us to be discussing motivation in this particular case. okay. we didn t get a lot about his motivation during that news conference. we re also hoping for a little bit more about whether they thought he acted as alone wolf or whether he had some other assistance. that s part of the investigation. the fbi director warned quite rightly that there may be more packages. we ve had more suspect packages picked up in california today targeting is a senate democrat, also in new york city, targeting the former director of national intelligence, james clapper who is a cnn contributor. you have the sense that they don t have their arms around all of the devices at this point, charles. thanks, katherine. now to phil keating with the latest on the suspect. this is the miami division of the fbi and where cesar sayoc was brought in here for some interrogation and processing. shortly thereafter that nationally followed as catherine herridge mentioned, the white van covered with the blue tarp, it was brought in here and remains here for evidencery processing. it s been a wild three days here in south florida beginning with the first bomb political package that arrived at the office of congresswoman debbie wasserman-schultz. we have a live picture from the suspect s home of his mother in aventura. according to government records from years in the past, the suspect, cesar sayoc had been living with her for a time. it appears he was living out of his van or a little bit of both. she has not come outside to give any comment, a few minutes ago, the suspect was taken on a perp walk out the sally port and departed the fbi miami division hq and believe he s been taken down to miami to the federal courthouse perhaps where there s a holding cell or to the federal correctional institute to be held until further notice. the auto zone in plantation florida, that is where fbi agents jumped and got him under arrest. cesar sayoc was apparently shopping for something inside the auto zone. perhaps it was a surprise arrest, followed him through the parking lot. it appears the van had parked like any customer would park, between the lines and not pulled over with any flashing lights. the auto zone employee said he shared their video, showing him inside the store with the fbi. the south florida u.s. postal service sorting facility, that is where all mail going into south florida, broward, miami-dade and monroe counties and all mail going out of those counties to go elsewhere in the country goes through this place. 500 yards wide and long, like five football fields. that s where federal investigators expected the packages went through. the homeland security secretary said several bombs did go through the sorting facility. last night they brought in dog-sniffing teams with the miami-dade police and fbi and they did find package number 11 addressed to u.s. democratic senator cory booker. that had not yet gone out to booker s address. it was still being sorted and held here in miami-dade county. charles? thanks, phil. meanwhile, the fib director saying we re not out of the woods yet. could there be more devices? here with us, agent dan ammons. it stands to reason that we should all be on guard and i think the fbi director really trying to drive home that point. that s absolutely correct, charles. you have to assume there s more out there. and in this particular case, the fbi s very first consideration when interviewing this individual should have been how many more bombs out there and who are they addressed to. once they have satisfied themselves that they re all accounted for, they can get into the whys and the wheres and motivations. right now this investigation is far from over because they have a suspect in custody. they have to run down any future or any further bombs out there. dan, we all want to give a shout out and thank you to law enforcement, christopher wray driving that point home. the last thing he said is that president trump is and should be proud of fbi and law enforcement. that was a drop the mic moment. we appreciate it. how to they get this so quickly? how did they get it together so fast? well, first of all, the bombs that were sent out had a treasure trove of clues and information on them. the fact they didn t explode, that provided investigators with a lot of different evidence to go on. secondly and probably just as importantly, all of the law enforcement agencies now work together quite well. it hasn t always been that way. there used to be a lot of turf wars and people claim credit for things and cutting out other organizations. that s not the case today. so now you have the fbi, the secret service, the atf, postal service, all the federal agencies working together in harmony along with state and local. really for that reason, as mink as anything, this came to the conclusion as quickly as it did. fbi director wray talking about the scope. this covered the entire nation. to your point so many law enforcement officials and agencies including new york police department. so parentally they knew 24 hours ago. they really zeroed in on this potential suspect who has been arrested. yeah, you know, didn t surprise me at all that they found him as quickly as they did. then set up surveillance on him to see what he was up to next. i can recall saying to my wife who is a retired agent back on tuesday that i expected an arrest by the weekend. that is not because i m a wizard genius. it s just because this type of crime, the evidence left behind and all of the agencies working together just said to me that they would bring a suspect in in short order. that s what happened. shepard: apparently all of the devices, 6 inch pvc pipe a small clack, a battery and energetic material, something that reacts to heat, shock or friction. those are common police. could be anywhere, anyone. still feels like golly a needle in a haystack. when this happened tuesday, i thought we got lucky the bombs didn t go off sent to hillary or president obama. but none of them went off. i had to start assuming that they were dealing with the world s worst bomb maker of all time ever or someone that really didn t want them to go off. he was simply trying to make a statement. but now that they have discovered who is behind this and they need to find out how many more are out there, who are they sent to and then they can discover if he was work lone, working on behalf of a group or just alone wolf nut case. i want to alert the audience, you can see mayor bill de blasio, the nypd having another press conference mostly thanking everyone for their coordination and effort. it was remarkable. dan as an aside as a law enforcement official, this guy s rap sheet goes back two decades. its horrendous. felony, felony, just just remarkable how someone like this was on the street in the first place. yeah, you know, it s unfortunate. there s so many mentally deranged people with criminal records on the street. unfortunately or fortunately depending how you look at it, we have a criminal justice system that you can t lock people up for what they might do or based on what they have done in the past. you can only lock them up for what the they have recently done. so all of those things though on his rap sheet help lead to him. tough. thanks. appreciate your expertise. thanks. okay, charles. thank you. the other major story this week, wall street. another wild ride, worries about earnings, tech stocks down. everything got hammered. the dow fell more than 500 pounds earlier in the session before cutting the losses. but it was a tough week. want to go to fox business network s susan li. keeping track of it all. susan? it s a day of losses to cap off a long volatile week of trading. in this program driven algorithmic work we live in, yes markets go a long way down but spike up very quickly. we did see a turn around today on this friday. but losses on the week. we re on track nor the worst month for the dow since 2010. worst month for the technology nasdaq since 2008. the global financial crisis. the main drags have been the fangs, the technology valley names like amazon, alphabet, facebook and the like. the same names that lifted the mark in 2008, 2018 up to the record levels. but it s all about global trade tensions right now, higher interest rates and a perception that corporate earnings have peaked as we saw with alphabet and amazon yesterday afternoon the bell. but this morning we did get i d call it an optimistic gdp report for the third quarter. the gdp expanded from the period of june through september. yes, less than the second quarter, but consumers are spending at the fastest rate in four years. that powers 2/3s of the u.s. economy. federal spending up 3.3%. the main drag has been housing. which is a bit of a concern since it counts for a fifth of the u.s. economy. we re on best for the best gdp since 2005. thanks, susan. folks, the fbi, they got him. now what the can we learn from him? a former fbi profiler on what is going on behind closed doors. and president trump heading to north carolina later this hour. he could be speaking to reporters before he leaves. if he does, we will bring it to you live. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with 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three days after the first package was found. sayoc that lived part time with his mother and part time in his van had been busted for petty theft, auto theft, drug possession and sale and one prior felony charge involving a bomb threat to which he pled guilty and received a year s probation. that was a terrorism charge. investigators reserved as many of the explosive devices as they could and it paid off. dna was found on two devices and a print on one of the padded manilla sleeves. they uncovered a latent fingerprint from one of the envelopes containing an eid sent to congresswoman maxine waters. we confirmed the fingerprint is that of cesar sayoc. authorities would not talk about whether the suspect was cooperating or what if any evidence they recovered from his van. despite his checkered past, one of the lawyers that worked with him said that sayoc was one of the nicest guys he ever representand said if he called today, he would help him without hesitation. charles: two. and now to former profiler from the fbi, mary ellen o toole. thanks, mary ellen. brings us to today. what investigators will want to know from this offender is where did he make the devices, who else may have known. where else have you sent devices, where are they stored, do you have any other vehicles. they want to develop intelligence information because they have would have had a public safety issue. they have to get that out of the way right away and then talking about how was it you decided to develop the plan, what kind of triggers your decision to do this. so kind of building that type of time line with him that will give them a better idea how this developed. first and foremost, where are the rest of them, where is your hit list, who else is on the list and who helped you and where are the rest of the components and devices. charles: before i let you go, how important is it that if he s connected to anyone else and if he s alone wolf? on a scale of 1 to 10, finding out that information is a 10. charles: okay. mary ellen, thanks very much. thank you. charles: president trump said to head to charlotte, north carolina after the suspect in the mail bomb probe has been arrested. hold grudges. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty hey. i m sue. and my first call is crunch. delicious 100% real chocolate embracing the lightness of crispy rice. crunch. the chocolate bar all americans love. and i m still going for my best even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there s a better treatment than warfarin, i m up for that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. so what s next? seeing these guys. don t stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of 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charles: thanks, john. even with the suspect in custody, could there be more mail bombs out there and how worried should people be? to retired brigadier general and author of dark winter , greg tata. thanks for being here. thanks, charles. charles: christopher wray said we re not out of the woods yes. how right is he? he s very right. if you re of the brand targeted, we ve got a very sophisticated operation now based upon one of the fortunate results of 17 years of unfortunate war is that we have a very sophisticated ied finding capability. we can attack networks, we can defeat devices. i remember as the one of the leade lead leaders of the counter eid task force, we developed a sophisticated network of dna databases that today has matured across the nation with law enforcement officials into this ability to very quickly find, fix and capture those that do this kind of thing. thank god he was captured. charles: to that point, one of the breaks was the envelope apparently mailed to congresswoman maxine waters, the fingerprint on there and goes to this database and how swiftly they were able to move to florida. that s right. when the war started, charles, in 2001, 2002, there was no database. over time working with our allies and with our other governmental partners, we developed a massive data because of different types of dna that both foreign and domestic we were able to determine where bombs were being made, who was making them and also the supplies that go into making bombs. where you buy stuff and then if you found one, you can probably find others. that store where the purchases were made. so my hat is off to all the law enforcement officials that work tirelessly to prevent this act of terrorism. a phenomenal job. i want to shift gears to the caravan heading our way just moments ago mexican president nieto says he offered the migrant temporary i.d.s provided they register with authorities. feels like mexico is trying harder and harder to slow it down. the u.s. military will also be involved in this. what are your thoughts? i think this is the element of national power at play, a lot of diplomacy going to working with mexico to help slow down this crisis and also the military element of power at play here. you know, 800 troops is about a battalion. you ll have a commander, have the ability to conduct reconnaissan reconnaissance, the able i to gather intelligence and deterrence if necessary. so it s a multifaceted unit that is able to cover a large piece of terrain wherever we see this caravan coming to the border. charles: just quickly, 20 seconds, will they have weapons and are there difference roles they can do beyond the national guard? yeah, you d never want to have troops without weapons, particularly based upon the intelligence that we ve gotten that will are some terrorists in this caravan headed in our direction. so you want troops to be able to have the right to self-defense. charles: thanks, general. appreciate it. thank you, charles. charles: cory booker the latest democrat officially to be targeted by these suspicious packages. the fallout from that from washington next. sometimes bipolar i disorder can really get you going. but mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. help take control by asking your healthcare provider about vraylar. vraylar treats acute mania of bipolar i disorder. vraylar significantly reduces overall manic symptoms,. and was proven in adults with mixed episodes who have both mania and depression. vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia, due to increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a life-threatening reaction or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. side effects may not appear for several weeks. high cholesterol and weight gain; high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal; dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgement; heat sensitivity; and trouble swallowing may occur. you re more than just your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. if you re waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. it s time to get out of line with upmc. at upmc, living-donor transplants put you first. so you don t die waiting. upmc does more living-donor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. find out more and get out of line today. charles: president trump getting ready to leave the white house for north carolina. we re watching to see if he speaks to reporters. there s a lot of news out there. we ll be back in 60 seconds. charles: president trump decrying political violence following the arrest of the suspect accused of mailing packages to democratic officials. will the fallout from these threats impact the mid-term elections? phil wegman joins us. a lot of speculation that all eyes on this and who did it, what was the motivation? perhaps it could change the outcome. we have seen both sides trying to spin this to their political advantage. when there s a situation when somebody is mentally unstable involved, context is very important. it would be wrong for us to blame senator bernie sanders for that gunman that walked on the congressional baseball field and took shots at steve scalise. in the same way, wrong for us to assume that president trump is somehow responsible for the actions of this individual. i mean, this is a man that has a violent past, a crime record and who was who had made bomb threats as early as 2002, years before president trump was involved in politics. so it s going to be interesting to see how this shakes out. i think that the electorate will make that distinction. charles: although we saw the media, cnn on the first day of the bomb found the bombs and nancy pelosi and chuck schumer put out that scathing joint statement together blaming president trump for this. whenever there s a situation like this, it s clear that democrats are going to try to use this to their advantage. you mentioned the statement by pelosi and schumer. clearly they re trying to link this incident with the rhetoric that president trump push forward. we saw him push back on that. the president wants to protect himself from any attacks that this is somehow his responsibility. he doesn t want to fall freewy what the clinton administration did. the voters will get a bad taste when they see that happen. charles: his instincts are to punch back, especially 3:00 a.m. when he s thinking about this. i was shocked. we were in the midst it wasn t an investigation. they re still may be bombs out there potential bombs or ieds. even right now. charles: so also, i want to while i have you here, i want to ask you about the crook political record. they just shifted the race with bob menendez and bob hugan a toss-up. what do you make of this? this is a shock. it s absolutely a shock. this has been going according to plan from day one. i spoke with bob hugan in early september. he said that he s going to run this dark horse race as a knight in white shining armor. he s running or character and good government and miraculously in a state that hillary clinton won by 16 points, he s been able to make this competitive. you know this. new jersey hasn t sent a republican to the senate since the regan administration. so there s reason to be cautiously optimistic. we ll see what happens. charles: real quick, too, we put an asterisk next to this. bob menendez has bad baggage that don t think he can escape. very true. this is an individual that he isn t just facing down allegations that were made recently. these are allegations that the obama department of justice went after him for. bob hugin has a very good case to make that he s the guy that won t let new jersey down in the same way. it s very interesting to see menendez move his way around this. it s something that he s been dealing with for three years now. charles: thanks, phil. thanks for having me. charles: bet you and your 401(k) cannot wait for october to end. halloween was the host month for investors. when will the selling end? when we switched to geico. this is how it made me feel. it was like that feeling when you re mowing the lawn on a sunny day. .and without even trying, you end up with one last strip that s exactly the width of your mower. when you re done, it looks so good you post a picture on social media. and it gets 127 likes. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. charles: scary times for investors. the dow, nasdaq and s&p 500 adding to their october losses. the tech heavy nasdaq on pace for the worst month in a decade. this as we find out the economy is on gang busters, growing 3.5% in the third quarter. the fastest pace in four years. how do we put these things together? let s ask market watcher, melissa armo and teddy wiseberg. i ll never forget years ago when it was worse than this. i said what are you doing? he said i want another seat. so in the teeth of death, you faced it bravely. should we do the same thing again? s seen so many near death experiences, charles, that after a while, it gets boring. the fact is, it hurts every time. unfortunately you never learn from your mistakes. you know, i m not sure where we are here. but clearly this is in a big sense, the case of sell-out in a good news, buy in the bad news. the good news the economy is doing fine. what are we going to do for an encore? we re faced with rising interest rates. a lot of geo political and domestic unknowns. plus, the mid-term election. so i don t know what happens in the next two weeks but until we get the mid-terms behind us, our position is we ve been taking money off the table and keeping our powder dry. very expensive and dangerous trying to catch a falling knife. charles: melissa, a lot of guessing out there and a variety of issues and problems. we learned the commit is a juggernaut right now. it s great but great and it s not inflationary. the fed should stay away. this should be allowed to go on some time and that would be the perfect backdrop for a market rebound. that s one of the things that was good. look at the bright side. first of all, it s friday, halloween weekend. second of all, the market held the uptrend. we rallied and held. google and amazon did not record well last night. but they didn t bomb. thank god they didn t bomb. could have been worse. look to the bright side, apple records. if apple good, the market could recover. you want to see the dow get over 26,000. the gdp number, the most important thing here, that consumer spending is up so what does that tell you? tells you that people are spending more money? why? they re spending money they saved or guess what? they have more money because of the tax savings. charles: teddy, the consumer is 2/3s of the economy and they seem to be smarter, wealthier and spend a lot of money. could that be the key? of all the things you talked about, the geo politics check and the rest, ultimately could the consumer be the one that saves this rally and continues this great economic boom we re in the middle of? i can t argue with the positive aspects of the consumer. charles, i hate to be more cynical than your other guest. i enjoy her enthusiasm. i m a closet bull and i think is glass is half full. the reality is, the stock market never lies. stocks never lie. yes, you know, we could find a bottom here someplace. and i hope we do. we still have a couple months to go to try to salvage the year. but on balance, we have spent the entire year running in place and we haven t made a lot of progress. i just think these are all the signs of a market that is rolling over. doesn t happen in a day. doesn t happen in a week. it s a process that will play out over months and years. don t forget, we re coming off a seven or eight, maybe nine-year what we call a bull market. we can argue about that. but certainly we ve had enough trend which started with the trading lows of march of 09 and you can go back to november of 7 and take the trading highs. either way you look at it, the market has had a big percentage. a huge party. but things don t go on forever. charles: they don t but it s interesting it should end now when things are better, not worse. right. if you re bullish, stay bearish. then ask yourself why. look how strong the economy is. now trump is talking about doing tax reform 202 or whatever he s going to call it. i don t see any reason why you would sell if you were bullish on this economy. true, we ve been running up. but no, we can t go higher forever and ever without pulling back. that s exactly what you ve seen from february till august, we were sideways. then we broke out and the dow made new highs. there s no reason at all why the market wouldn t continue rallying. what the market needs and i ll tell you this one last thing, i would like to see a resolution with china for the tariff issue before that new rate goes into effect on january 1. so if that happens, the market would explode. you would see a huge rally. so we re waiting to see when that will happen. it could happen. it could but we ll be happy the two elected leaders are meeting and going from there. teddy, 15 seconds. you re suggesting a long-term bear market possibly? no. what i m suggesting is the markets have always been a forward-looking, not a trailing indicator. you can t argue with anything your other guest says except that everything she says in my opinion to a large degree is already priced into this market. we re now going back to normalization, whatever that is. interest rates are going up. money is leaving equities, going into treasuries or money market instruments. it s not the end of the world. the low-hanging fruit charles: thanks very much, folks. president trump on tape. i want to compliment law enforcement for having done an incredible job. the fbi, secret service, so many. i mean, they just got together and did a fantastic job. like finding a needle in a haystack. so i want to congratulate them, as you know. i think everybody wants to congratulate them. they did a fantastic job. i m going to north carolina right now. it s raining, so if you don t mind, i ll step out of the rain. i really we re very proud of law enforcement. [inaudible] i did not see my face on the van. i heard he was a person that preferred me over others. i didn t see that. [inaudible] no, not at all. not at all. no. that is there s no blame. there s no anything. if you look at what happened to steve scalise, that was from a supporter of a different party. look at what happened these incidents, there were supporters of others. no. i m proud of law enforcement. they did an incredible job. i ll see you in north carolina. [question inaudible] no, i don t think so. i think they were running a great campaign. people love what we re doing. they love what we re saying. the republicans have tremendous momentum and then this happened where all that you people talk about was that. rightfully so. it was a big thing. rightfully so but now we have to start the momentum again. the republicans have tremendous momentum. think of judge kavanaugh, all the things that have happened. hopefully we re going to do a great victory. we have a lot of senate races where we re leading, races that frankly were going to be uncontested and looks like we re leading a lot of those races, a lot of people in the house. we ll see how that goes. but we re doing very well in the house. [question inaudible] if they wanted me to. i think we ll probably pass. thank you very much. [question inaudible] i think s been toned down. i could tone it up. because as you know, the media has been extremely unfair to me and to the republican party. how? i think the media has been very unfair in terms of the republican party and the way it s been covered. they understand that. they write articles about that. many of them admit that. the media has been unbelievably unfair to republicans, conservatives and certainly to me. with all of that being said, we re winning. so i like that. thank you very much. thank you. charles: folks, that was a toned down president trump. want to go to kevin corke who joins us live from charlotte. kevin? very interesting. i listened to the president. he said he s been more toned down. that s interesting. we ll see if he cranks up the heat now that the bomber has been caught, the alleged bomber and as he makes his way here tonight, we expect a sea of red hats to welcome the president as he tries to drum up the base and get them to turn out to vote in the tarheel state of north carolina. for the folks at home unaware, this state is increasingly purpose. the president hopes to get the base wound up and voting early. by the way, this is part of the effort to really get around the country, charles. we ve seen the map. the president going to texas, wisconsin, here to north carolina and later on to illinois as he looks forward to making his way around the country again. part of the broad-based strategy to not only build the lead for the republicans in the senate and to hang on to leadership in the house to keep it from the hands of nancy pelosi. earlier today, the president at the white house, as you know, a busy day talking about and dealing with the alleged bomber who was captured here today in florida. the president was meeting with african americans letting them know that their votes matter and the white house letting them know that they hear them and they want their votes. he s coming here tonight to talk about a very important race. the north carolina ninth will get everybody s attention. harris versus mccreedy. right now harris leading mccreedy. we ll see how the president has his take on that tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern time live coverage. now back to you. you talked about the schedule, texas, wisconsin, north carolina, illinois. all of the events that the president has on a day-to-day basis. he s been a whirlwind and looks like it s paying dividends. looks like he could be the difference maker if republicans keep the house. that s right. you and i talked about this. you need to look back no further than 2010 when the republicans wrestled control of the house from the democrats. you know the mid-terms, the party in control loses seats. the president knows that and focused on this. we have never seen this rallying, if you will, not been a commander-in-chief. it appears to be paying dividends on november 6. charles: the polls are not an exact science but the momentum has swung. you got the opportunity to be at these events. i watched one the other day and struck me the event in texas. it felt like a convention. i had not seen a mid-term event by a president. felt like a convention by a major political party. tell about the energy there. we can hear the crowd right now. yes. funny you should mention convention. keep in mind if you re a gop, member of the gop, you vote for the republicans. you know that their convention will be here in north carolina for 2020. and i think what you re observing, charles, is a phenomena that we ve not seen before in a mid-term. a sitting president goes out there and can draw on any given 10,000 people. 18,000 in the state of texas. what that does is, it doesn t just sort of drum up the base, it really gives you a window to the strategy and for the party and the white house. if they want that agenda to make it, they need all the help they can get in congress. charles: absolutely. kevin corke in charlotte. president trump is on his way there. he just spoke to a bunch of reporters. thanking law enforcement. we tip our hats to law enforcement. a remarkable job what they did this week. again, saying that he s toned it down. president trump on his way to charlotte. we ll have more for you after this. ) ready to juvéderm it? correct age-related volume loss in cheeks with juvéderm voluma xc, add fullness to lips with juvéderm ultra xc and smooth moderate to severe lines around the nose and mouth with juvéderm xc. tell your doctor if you have a history of scarring or are taking medicines that decrease the body s immune response or that can prolong bleeding. common side effects include injection-site redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, firmness, lumps, bumps, bruising, discoloration or itching. as with all fillers, there is a rare risk of unintentional injection into a blood vessel, which can cause vision abnormalities, blindness, stroke, temporary scabs or scarring. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20181119

the reason why you are seeing vista down that could fall into the tech category as well as an investigation from brazil on friday coming out and looking into that companying. boeing there is an investigation into that company around a deadly crash that killed around 180 people. last, but not least let s talk about apple and concerns over apple and the iphone. have we hit the point of saturation. there was a report coming out today saying that apple reduced orders for three new iphones that it unveiled in september. these are the latest phones and already seeing a reduction in orders. then you have suppliers that are issuing concerns, too, about future shipments for iphones. and so that s been weighing heavily on the stock. you have analysts across the board that are saying hey, you know what? it s going to be a tough time for apple going forward we potentially could see iphone drop. why is that? why are we seeing this market downturn? there is not one particular reason but several to focus on. slowing growth across the globe. we are seeing that with home sales and seeing that with the price of oil. seeing that with iphone. and big question have we hit peek earnings, the top of the cycle. you can weigh in on that too, charles. the high interest rates. fed continuing with that. we must take into account that the u.s. dollar is climbing higher which makes oil more expensive and u.s. products more expensive and then you have the trade concerns this past weekend at apec summit and asian summit there was no communique signed between the u.s. and china there is a lot of pressure for relations to improve between both countries. end on last but not least the price of oil which has seen it fall up today $56.76. reason being is this concern of slowing demand and the fact that the iran sanctions are in place but there is a lot of countries, eight countries to be specific that have exemptions and can continue to do business with iran. back to you. charles: thank you very much, christinena. the question, of course, is there any end in sight. let s ask gary. you went to cash a long time ago. the momentum squarely to the downside. how does the bias shift? how far down do we have to go before it happens? i hate to use my two words but time and price. that s the story here, charles. and my biggest worry, this is supposed to be a seasonally strong weak during thanksgiving and we get this today. and, look, i have always been a big believer that technology leads up and leads down and right now it s leading down. i suspect we are going to seat nasdaq do the 20% plus and people start calling it a full bear market even though tons of names where done more than 20%. charles: you know, kevin, more than half the s&p have been down. months ago it wasn t this great market where you could have thrown a dart. people are getting afraid because it feels like this is more than a corrections that this is an indictment, if you will, or harbinger of the u.s. economy. should would he be concerned about a dramatic slow down in our economy? well, yeah. you should be thinking about you should be thinking about how the u.s. economy would respond to a slowing global economy. because the data that s coming in throughout the last two or three weeks on the u.s. economy is red hot, whether you are looking at industrial production. whether you are thinking about employment. whether it s all of the data that we have seen is just really good here in the united states. where we are not seeing good data is from overseas. most of what we are seeing is bad. so you have got bear markets breaking out all over the place in places like china. have you got industrial protection in china down pointing in the wrong direction. and overall just this sentiment overseas is not good. so it s it s worrisome, if that continues, because ultimately i don t think we can disassociate from the rest of the world completely. charles: gary, how does an investor, even a casual observer of the market reconcile those two things, the economy 7 million job openings, 3.2% nonsupervisory year over year wage growth best in 10 years. corporate profits at all-time record. how do we get that and get what we saw in october and we are already experiencing in november? i think the market is simply forward-looking and has been pretty much forever. just, remember, germany and japan just announced contracting quarters yet europe topped out months and months and months ago. i suspect you are going to see in the next quarter our numbers head south, too. i don t think we are going in any type of recession. when you are pryceed to perfection especially in the nasdaq and nasdaq types. you will get hit on any slowdown. let me be clear, demand is down, inventory is up. you have to clear that inventory and a whole host of technology companies before things can get going again. so i think this is going to go on at least into the first quarter and we will reevaluate. leave no doubt that guidance for a lot of companies are on their way down right now and will continue for at least another quarter or so. charles: kevin, events in the next couple weeks that may change everything. the g-20 summit. president trump and his counterpart in china meet. also the federal reserve, they get to have a meeting and a press conference, maybe they can get some sort of reassurance that they won t wreck this economy. yeah, maybe. but, as far as the g-20 is concerned, who knows what comes out of that there has been a lot of speculation that maybe we get some kind of communique from that. really, let s, you know, let s take a step back and look at even this past weekend. it was not a very good apec meeting, for example. when you think about the fed, if they have to take the foot off the throttle, and slow down what they re doing as far as rates are concerned, it s probably because the data is not doing well and financial markets are not doing well. be careful what you wish for. charles: all right. gentlemen, thank you both very much. the rocky markets coming as washington prepares for a split government back with rick scott now winning in florida. the g.o.p. have actually increased their senate majority. president trump sharing that news. john roberts is at the white house with more on that. the president certainly pulled out all the stops campaigning for the midterm elections no. question about that. he did 30 rallies between labor day and november the 6th. and the fact that going in to the election night on the 6th, election day, election night, both ron desantis and rick scott were down to their opponents and the president did a couple of rallies at the last minute in the 11th hour in florida. and he believes pulled them over the top in particular rick scott. listen here. rick scott won, and he won by a lot. i don t know what happened to all those votes that disappeared at the very end. if i didn t put a spotlight on that election before it got down to t votes, he would have lost that election. okay? in my opinion. they would have taken that election away from him. senate majority goes from 51 to 53. senators very happy with president trump. i m told there are a lot of house members who think that the president s rhetoric on immigration in the closing days of the campaign may have cost them their races. got a happy senate and not so happy house. one thing we should point out, too, charles. this is brand new from the white house. they have said that they are going to restore the hard pass of cnn s correspondent jim acosta. and they are laying down some rules now for how the press has to conduct itself during press conferences. it says here journalists when called upon to ask a question will ask a single question and then will yeeltd floor to other journalists at the discretion of the president or other white house official taking questions a follow-up question or questions may be permitted and where a follow-up has been allowed when asked the questioner will yield the floor. yielding the floor will include when applicable physically surrendering the microphone to white house staff by the next white house questioner. failure to abide by the rules 1 to 3 may result in suspension or revocation of the journalist s hard pass. the president says that it is regretful that it has to come out with these rules, but that what happened in that eastern press conference on november the 7th has really kind of forced their hand here. you know, charles, up until now, all of these interactions that the press has had with the president have been self-regulating. the white house now stepping in, feeling the need to issue some sort of rules of engagement here between the media and the president. which really have kind of a shame. charles: it s a shame but rules of engagement might be time for it for everyone. john, thank you very much. appreciate it. thanks. charles: what does all of this mean for the trump agenda? with me now democratic strategist robert and fox news contributor deneen borelli. deneen, president trump gets more strength in the astronaut. of course, g.o.p. loses the house. very ambitious programs by democrats in the house including heavily targeting president trump. is that going to help or hurt his agenda? well, the democrats want to throw up as many road blocks as they can charles. and with them in charge of the house, now they will be on these committees. so that will be even more chaos coming from democrats. but, also, look at the fact how they were really out there promoting how they are going to subpoena and investigate and just do anything they can to harm this president and anyone that supports him. so, i say expect more chaos and drama from democrats, especially because they now have control of the house. charles: robert, investigate or legislate? which one? i think those are two things you have to do concurrently. one thing that s important to understand that the american people have to have confidence that the electoral process is operating correctly and that we have an up and up, above board government where we know exactly who is influencing it, who has the ability to impact legislation that the american government is working for the people. the-what we saw in the midterms is that the american people are interested in a message of moving forward, not a divisive message about immigrant caravans and this, you know, steven miller, american carnage of america. what they want is young, excited, progressive people to come into office and to move the ball forward. charles: you may have to tell that to nancy pelosi. i get the drift of what you have to say. one of the more contentious midterms was in georgia. stacey abrams has yet to concede that she lost to brian kemp the governor s race. in other words, she knows that she lost but she won t and hasn t delivered a concession speech suggesting, in fact, that the election was tainted and now holiday are getting involved. ron pearlman tweeting all my friends studio network executives if you choose to shoot tv in georgia don t bother to call me. abrams responded by please don t boycott georgia. is the damage already done. the is damage already done. she sent the signal by pouting and giving an arrogant unconceding speech with this election for her. and, listen, this sent a signal to the holiday elite who put tons of money behind her campaign. she sent the signal, holiday now wants to boycott and now she is unable to reign them in. so, really, she caused this problem. charles: roberts, the idea that holiday would take its film equipment and leave because the citizens of georgia didn t vote on the candidate they want, is that the kind of progressive ideas you think america is trying to embrace? no. this is why hollywood needs to stay in hollywood. i m a georgia native. frankly the film industry is here because of the tax incentives they are being provided, have a business friendly atmosphere in the state. if they want to boycott something boycott what s going on in their own state and leave the south alone. as far as what abrams is saying by not conceding, i think it s important to set up electoral commission in georgia where you don t have secretary of states who is overseeing the election also be the candidate for governor in that state. i think that s a completely reasonable set of rules to put in place. charles: is it a good look though, listen, the voters have spoken, the decision has come through. i hear what you are saying and maybe they can do those things in the future. but, you know, it s just not a good look, you know that she won t say hey, america, this is the way it works. it was close, it was hard-fought. we saw what happened with gillum. he gave a really he conceded twice. but she hasn t conceded once. it just seems like it s tainting what was a good run for her. well, what she has done is said that she understands vote totals that brian kemp is our governor. announced his transition team. he has great people on transition team. he is going to help to move the state forward. what democrats want and need is a fighter. they want somebody who is not going to just lay down and roll over. that s the biggest problem people had during the obama years they felt he did not fight hard enough for his agenda and fight hard enough going forward. if there is one thing i think american politics has learned from trump is never surrender, never concede, never take a step back and fight into the end. if democrats pick that up that might what about they need going in to 2020. charles: spike lee said sometimes you have to go off even when the vote is counted. thank you very much. thanks, charles. charles: tensions are flairing in tijuana as the migrant caravan makes its way to the border. is this a prelude of things to come? 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[shouting] charles: the scene of tijuana, mexico clashing with police. the protesters want the migrants to turn around. is this a preview of things to come as the majority of the caravan comes closer to our southern border? let s talk to jeff from the center from immigrant studies. what do you make of it? i was really surprised at the reception there by the citizens of tijuana. they were pretty adamant about their opposition to this caravan. absolutely. well, the caravan is causing major problems, disruptions and other issues in the city of tijuana. they are used to having migrants come there. but they are not used to them being quite so disorderly and aggressive. and the problem is that if the united states does not let them n a speedy fashion, if the president holds the line and says, you know, we are going you know, we are not just going to capitulate and let everyone in, they could be there a while, that could cause some real quality of life problems. public safety problems and other issues. even those migrants who may be perfectly fine people who are just taking the opportunity to get to the united states, they don t have shelter or food and they are going to need support from somebody. so, this is going to be a very difficult situation for that city, and i think it s understandable that they are upset and complaining to their federal government. charles: you know, along the way, there have been many offers and overtures by the mexican government to the folks in the caravan and for the most part they have been turned down. and it makes you wonder, again, if it s asylum, if you are fleeing a certain type of oppression, the opportunities have been rolled out for them, but it seems like they are intent on sort of getting to the american border and then, i don t know what the showdown is going to look like, and i don t think the trump administration is going to back down. what exactly do you think they want? well, they want to get to the united states. i mean, that s pretty obvious. the organizers of the caravan want to make a stunt about open borders and to challenge the sovereignty of the united states and to challenge immigration enforcement. but the migrants themselves simply want to get to the united states. they know that if they make an asylum claim, that they re likely to be released into the country for years to come indefinitely, and they don t, we know from past experience with the other central american migrants half of them who get in on the basis of an asylum claim never even bother to fill out the asylum application. they just want to get into the united states. this is not about oppression or persecution. it s about an opportunity. so, that s why this could get a little ugly if they are not able to do what so many others have done before them who were caught and released. so the mexican government really needs to step in and get control of this before it gets out of hand. charles: we know a big showdown has been promised from the very beginning. i think promises were made to them by certain organizers and unfortunately, to your point, it could get really ugly at some soon. jest jessica, thank you very much. we appreciate it? good to talk with you. charles: president trump visiting devastated california this weekend. as officials today scramble ahead of some bad weather expected to disrupt the search for wildfire victims. we re going to talk to a local mayor who met with the president next. comfort. what we deliver by delivering. if you re waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. it s time to get out of line with upmc. at upmc, living-donor transplants put you first. so you don t die waiting. upmc does more living-donor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. find out more and get out of line today. [ready forngs ] christmas? no, it s way too early to be annoyed by christmas. you just need some holiday spirit! that s it! this feud just went mobile. with xfinity xfi you get the best wifi experience at home. and with xfinity mobile, you get the best wireless coverage for your phone. .you re about to find out! you don t even know where i live. hello! see the grinch in theaters by saying get grinch tickets into your xfinity x1 voice remote. a guy just dropped this off. he-he-he-he. charles: the search for victims after the california wildfires could take a big hit with officials worried about a rainstorm moving into the state making things much harder for rescuers. joining us now on the phone thousand oaks mayor andy fox. he had the pleasure with meeting with president trump over the weekend. i don t know if pleasure is the right word but certainly an honor. tell us about the meeting with president trump if you will. hi, charles. it s good to be with you. i, along with a number of first responders, and ask some of the families involved with the brian incident haborderlineincident ho meet with president trump. it was an important meeting certainly for the families. for the president to convey his condolences. it was a somewhat somber tone as can you imagine under the circumstances the president was kind and gracious and respectful of the families that lost and sacrifice. all in all, i believe it was positive. charles: to see the video and the photographs of gavin newsom, jerry brown and president trump, it really to a degree warmed the hearts, i think, of a lot of people knowing that you could be bitter political rivals when it comes time for americans of all stripes to do the right thing and to focus on saving americans in this case rebuilding from a devastating incident like this it heart heart warming. were there promises made and questions you were able to get in with regard to the federal government s role not only in the cleanup of this but, perhaps in how to prevent or mitigate these fires in the future? the president was very clear he indicated he was going to do all he could to help. as you know, he is a builder by profession. and he had a chance to tour the dramatic scenes of the fire with all the destruction it was 100,000 acres. you have to see it to get a sense of the amount of destruction that went down. so he was all in on helping california, specifically us here in ventura county to make sure that the recovery efforts, the federal assistance is going to be in place. charles: mayor fox, again, once this is all said and done, because of the frequency of these fires and the devastation, it feels like each successive one establishes a new record for carnage. what do you think will happen in your state? what will the state do to sort of try to find a way to cush this? cush curb. this there was a lot of criticism whether it was about the power company there or the management of the forest there. what can be done and what do you think should be done to make sure we don t have to experience it to this degree ever again? well, i should point out that i just recently retired after 38 years as the assistant fire chief for the los angeles city fire department, so i can speak to this with some degree of expertise. and i can tell you that when you have stinsd conditions. you have a drought conditions with respect to very dry fuel and a fire start. it is virtually impossible for any agencies to put a fire like that out. basically fire departments do their best to first protect life and that involves evacuation in terms of protecting the fire wall we do our best. the fact of the matter is, as long as the wind is blowing, it s very, very difficult if not impossible to get a handle on the fire. charles: mayor fox, our thoughts and prayers are with you and good luck as the weather changes it makes even the difficult situation even more difficult. thank you for taking out the time. thanks for having me, charles. charles: congresswoman elect alexandria ocasio-cortez hasn t even been sworn in yet but already looking to unseat democrats come 2020. and an ice plant. but we brought power to the people- redefining what that meant from one era to the next. over 90 years later we continue to build as one of the nation s largest investors in infrastructure. we don t just help power the american dream. we re part of it. this is our era. this is america s energy era. nextera energy charles: well, we told you about apple earlier in the show, the tech giant dipping into bear market territory earlier today. well, guess what? showed some resolve. didn t close there down 19.9%. got to be down 20%. right back. charles: congresswoman elect and self-described socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez is taking aim at her own party. vowing to help candidates in 2020 against incumbent democrats who are seeing an out-of-touch with their districts. the weekly standard kelly jane attorneys joins me now. man o man. listen, can i perhaps understand she ran against a democrat incumbent so arrogant campaign. and but, you know, she is a force to be reckoned with within the democratic party. they better be wear not to write her off, despite how young she is and how many mistakes thee makes. you are right, charles. they should be worried and like you said they were a little you won t have to worry. people think in washington the only people with big egos are old white men. well, that is clearly not true. now, she had a conference call over the weekend with justice democrats which someone of the big groups that put her into power. she actually said to them i need you to run for office. talking to people i need you to run for office. it was all about her. and so, you know, a lot of people, i have to say, would have the super star status that she is getting and not do anything with it she is definitely trying to do something with it. now, whether that s successful or not, as you, i m sure, know remains to be seen. meantime conventional wisdom is that nancy pelosi will get the speaker, you know, the speakership, but, you know, the congressional black caucus now thinking about running their own candidate and they re afraid. and you have the clyburns of them and some of these other folks who have been around for a long time. they feel like they went through these struggles. they were in marches. they got beaten up. they had the fire hoses and only people big jobs. nancy pelosi of the world i think that the politics of id whether it s based on race, gender, coming back to haunt the democratic party. think about alexandria ocasio-cortez, right? she actually was in a protest at nancy pelosi s office just a few days ago about the green new deal that she is going for. i think she is trying to be the steve bannon of the democratic party. and we saw how well steve bannon did. he tried primary some candidates in some cases successful and some cases not. and those didn t work. now, for example, just as democrats, any candidates they ran in areas that were republican held, those candidates failed. i think your average voter is rejecting identity politics. and so the democratic party is kind in a bit of a problem right now because they have a lot of young people who embrace identity politics and they want to take their turn against the establishment and then you have other people who are a little older also against the establishment but it s the establishment that tends to have been very successful with the voters. it remains to be scene seen. i think nancy pelosi if she does keep the job has to make some changes maybe getting rid of seniority thing and letting hot new talent rise above the fravment we ll see. good to see you. nice to see you, charles. charles: again, democratic congresswoman maxine waters is expected to take aim at some of these big banks when she is sworn in as chairwoman of the house financial services committee. fox business network charlie gasparino has been all over. this a week ago i thought i heard you say she would work with wall street. since then we have heard more rhetoric and feels like i m not so sure. do you think that she will work with wall street or is she going to go to war with wall street? first off, i have to say i went to the same high school as ocasio, cortez. i want to throw that out there. charles: 30 years ago. she is going toll will will will relationship with big wall street firms and banks. she is not going to go after them totally in a sort of broad sweeping way. she is going to pick her spot on stuff that matters politically. the two banks i hear crosshairs wells fargo for one and obvious reasons. california bank. she doesn t believe they served her district very well in minority and poor communities through lending and banking activities branch building in these communities. she represents as you know south central l.a. the other bank i hear that s in her crosshairs firmly and this may nit what she said about looking at international banks is deutsche bank. why is deutsche bank in her cross hairs? quite simply that was donald trump s bank. from what i understand those are the two places she is really going to focus on. now, is she just going to let banks go run free and not have to do what she wants? no, she can hold hearings. remember, charles, she can t regulate. you know, she can hold hearings. she can embarrass but she can t regulate. she has very few regulatory i mean dodd frank, the way it s intrepghted now in a very loose fashion by the federal reserve which is run by a trump appointee by the treasury department is not going to be changed by her. there is nothing that she can do. her big focus is from what i understand is on those two banks for the reasons i pointed out. wells fargo because she thinks they are lousy in terms of cra and giving back to the community whether it s true or not i have no idea. that s what i m hearing from her people and deutsche bank because it was donald trump s bank. there has always been a lot of suspicion among democrats that deutsche bank is, you know, has strong ties with russians and trump and, you know, whether this is a conspiracy theory, it could be. that might not stop her from doing an investigation on this whole thing. charles: right. does this social justice narrative that she is going to base her stewardship of the house financial services committee, can we get anything done if it s all about investigating, trump s bank, all about getting back at wells fargo for not treating the bank community the right way. what can move forward main street america? unfortunately, well, first off, there is nothing that she can do to promote that anyway. if you want lending to main street america is a function of loosening bank capital requirements to some extent which i believe trump is trying to do. the trump and the fed needs to lay off. so regulations of the banks, which i believe they are doing. and the economy. so, you know, can she but she can force, i think what she could do, if she really wants to. she could force focus on banks like jp morgan i think wells fargo since in her backyard are they giving back to the community and living up to cra requirements. i think that s something she is going to press the button on. right. i don t think she is going to be holding show hearings focusing on jamie dimon. listen, there is only so much you can do. and there is two big, big things out there. there is wells fargo which obviously has issues aside from this, regulatory issues and there is deutsche bank which has a big fat target on its head association with donald trump. charles: cra community reinvestment act. thank you. i appreciate it. charles: approve matt whitaker to become acting attorney general. three democratic senators are suing to block that move. the united states postal service makes more holiday deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. with one notable exception. of every great meal is always the potato?t bite that s why it should always be an idaho potato. only genuine idaho potatoes have the perfect taste and texture to get your meal started right. there lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. hey, that s me. i barely know where to start. well, start here with me, karen. i m a licensed humana sales agent. well, it s nice to meet you, karen. i m john smith. hi, john. at humana, we know you re unique. so you have different needs from other john smiths. yah, i ve always thought so. and together, we can find a plan that s right for you. great! i go to the doctor a couple of times a year. and i have some prescriptions. but i m never fully sure of what s covered and what s not. with humana s all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. all for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. do you have any more information? 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that s right. 210 days only, unless the president, in the meantime, nominates the permanent replacement for the a.g. in that case, the acting attorney general can stay in that position until the senate deals with the nomination. charles: hans, the notion that matthew whitaker was critical of the mueller investigation at some point in his career, whether it was a week ago or a year ago. right. charles: how relevant is that? it feels like the kind of things you hear during these supreme court hearings or anything elsewhere people have a chance to have an opinion when they re not in a job but we expect them to have a certain level of professionalism once they are, you know, once they ascend to a certain position. i actually think that s the best buy to analyze. this look, he has been criticized for making remarks when he was acting as a political pundit. he was not working for the government. he didn t have access to any of the information that the special counsel has. and the statements that he has made actually seem to be factually true. i just give a quick example. he said at one point and being criticized for this that there doesn t seem to be any obstruction of justice charge to be had here. well, look, it s a long-time policy of the justice department that a sitting president can t be criminally indicted or charged. so if bob mueller actually follows justice department policy, he can t file an obstruction of justice charge no matter what he finds. charles: is it just political theater then? it stands to reason. yes. charles: if matthew whitaker is out, maybe the democrats may be fill bad because maybe the next person who gets the job might be someone that they feel is even more harmful to whatever their agenda might be here. yeah. i think that this is really political theater. i think the democrats would be criticizing anyone that the president had appointed as the acting a.g. i expect that when the president nominates the permanent replacement, they are going to criticize that individual no matter who it is. charles: all right. these lawsuits are just nuts. it s driving us all crazy. thanks a lot, hans, appreciate it? sure thing. black friday four days away some retailers are not waiting. that s next. it out! nice. he s pretty good at this. hm! it s like a game! (gasps) woo-hoo! got it! which car should we get? all of em! ooh, yeah! that one! this one looks nice. yes, and yes. i like this game. i think we re winning! delivery? where? (doorbell rings) (man) it s here! what? (announcer) save $1,000 from carvana black friday through cyber monday. then go see ralph breaks the internet, in theatres november 21st. the full value of your new car? you d be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i m gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we ll replace the full value of your car. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. charles: ahead of black friday shoppers are gearing up to spend a whole lot of green. here with the details to help you snag those door busters ashley webster. hey, charles, you know, it s come down to a fine art these days. it s a science on figuring out where to go to get the best deals. gone are the days you wait for black friday or cyber monday to actually get those deals. these stores will offer some sort of incentive weeks ahead of the big day. here are the stores open. so major stores open on thanksgiving day. walmart will open at 6:00 p.m. on thursday. target at 5:00 p.m. macy s at 5:00 p.m. but, there are big stores that are saying no, it is a day for family. some are staying closed on thanksgiving day. including cosco, dillard s, home depot, lowe s, marshals and nordstrom s. some of the stores that say no, we want our employees and shoppers for that matter to stay at home. a lot of people are not going to do it. one store that is closed on thanksgiving day and on black friday that would be rei. the outdoors specialists who say get outside and enjoy the great outdoors and they don t mean standing in line at a store. we could say that bottom line is what kind of numbers are we looking at? last year some $5 billion was spent in the 24-hours of black friday. between thanksgiving and cyber monday this year, charles, the average shopper is expected to spend a minimum of $420, and by the way, cyber monday could eclipse black friday. cyber monday you go in line for all those deals and sometimes can you do a better deal on cyber monday than you can on black friday. seven and a quarter billion dollars is expected to be spent on cyber monday, which is actually one week from today. so, charles, i know you have got your list. i know have you got your strategy in place. get out there and save some money. charles: football helmet, combat boots and shoulder pads. you need them. charles: thanks a lot. thanks, charles. charles: suing the airline for what he claims are injuries from a tight squeeze. wait until you hear about this one. it s a crazy lawsuit and we have got it for you next. the mz winter event is back, and you won t want to stop for anything else. lease the gla 250 for $359 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. gimme two minutes. and i ll tell you some important things to know about medicare. first, it doesn t pay for everything. say this pizza. is your part b medical expenses. this much - about 80 percent. medicare will pay for. what s left. this slice here. well. you have to pay for that. and that s where an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company comes in. this type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn t. and these are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement. that s because they meet their high standards of quality and service. review aarp medicare supplement plans and their rates in this free decision guide. call united healthcare insurance company or go online. visit to request yours. even apply online. any time. oh. speaking of time. about a little over half way and there s more to tell. like, how. with this type of plan, you ll have the freedom to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. great for staying with the one you know. or finding. somebody new, like a specialist. there are no networks and no referrals needed. none. and when you travel, your plan will go with you anywhere in the country. so, if you re in another state visiting the grandkids, stay awhile.enjoy. and know that you ll still be able to see any doctor who accepts medicare patients. learn more with this free decision guide. call or go online to request yours. tick, tick, tick, time for a wrap up. a medicare supplement plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn t. you know, the pizza slice. it allows you to choose any doctor, who accepts medicare patients. and these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. whew! call or go online and find out more. whew! and i found out that i ma from the big toe alian. of that sexy italian boot! so this holiday season it s ancestrydna per tutti! order your kit now at charles: a british airways passenger suing that airline after being forced to sit next to an obese person on a long-distance flight, claiming he suffered injuries from being pressed against on the side of the plane. joining us to debate it, attorneys. do you think the passenger has a case? the passenger does. you have to throw out common sense and rely on the law. when you re talking about international travel, it s not law. there are treaties. the treaties define airline s liability throughout notions of breaches of care, negligence. once you get in that plane and those doors close, you re in the care and custody of the airline. on an international flight, as long as there is an accident which is also specifically defined, some unexpected occurrence through no fault of the passenger, you don t have to prove negligence. so the fact that you have this unexpected, unusual occurrence, this man sitting next to a much bigger man, big man in the middle, smaller guy on the side. he gets hurt. it is a link in the chain. the airlines knew about it. he complained. the stewardess did nothing. the flight attendant did nothing. you ve got a case. charles: remind me to knock on any any fights with randy. noted. i disagree. i think you would see more these if that s how treaties were interpreted. i don t think you can remove the causation of duty of care notion. this is a tort claim for negligence. at the end of the day what he s alleging is that british airways should have foreseeably and reasonably known that being sat next to an overweight passenger was going to actually cause him physical harm. not just discomfort. we know the airline probably anticipated the discomfort since they keep making these seats a whole lot smaller. we knew that was coming. but they can t be responsible and held liable for any time someone has an accident on the plane. under certain circumstances. charles: written in the fine print of our tickets now? that s a contract claim. he s alleging is more rooted in a tort claim than a contract claim. perhaps he could make a breach of contract claim and say you didn t give me when what i pur. but then you would only be re- re-entitled to the rear enforcement of your cost. charles: we welcome all passengers aboard our aircraft. our crew are trying to assure passengers have a good journey. crew providing pillows and blankets to help mr. stephen prosser have a restful trip. they give him blankets and pillows. is there something to be said for that. respectfully, we have to throw common sense out and negligence the way we typically think about it. the warsaw and montreal conventions, there were treaties that say you don t have to prove negligence on an international flight. it s what we call strict liability. the guy gets hurt, take in each link of the chain. he gets hurt. charles: but wouldn t there be an avalanche of these people, why are there an avalanche of these kind of lawsuits. there are many claims for the most common of which are falling baggage. you don t have to prove on an international flight. charles: is that the key, the international flight? yes. as long as it s an international trial. flight. any time you have a full transcontinental flight, the staff has to make musical chairs, shuffle everyone around? it doesn t make any sense. it s untenable. that s not what these treaties are about or the intentions. charles: you brought up smaller seats. i i have seen diagrams where thy are going to be even smaller. if this is a new way of thinking, we will all have a lawsuit. i m certainly not advocating for the airlines here. but it s a customer service problem. you choose what airline you want to fly. charles: everyone who sits next to me are just going to be looking for randy to hire them. they would be privileged to sit next to you anytime anyplace. charles: i have no choice. i got stuck in those small seats and i had a guy like this. he didn t complain to the airlines. he was just a pain in the neck the whole trip. anyway, two great legal minds. we will see out works out. congratulations on your marriage. charles: that will do it here. it was a rough day for the markets. dow jones industrial average off. apple led the way on the downside. i will be covering it all and more tomorrow. making money at 2:00 p.m. the five . greg: i am greg gutfeld with katie pavlich, juan williams, jesse watters. she snorkeled with a macaroni. dana perino. the five . after nearly two weeks of gripes, goodbye, brenda snipes. she resigns after the florida senate race ends. meanwhile, stacey abrams asked the self obsessed knobs of hollywood not to boycott georgia because she lost. some stars have threatened to boycott the state because the vote that made brian kemp the winner still stands. ron perlman, alyssa milano, bradley whitford, georgia is really going to miss you

Georgia , United-states , United-kingdom , Iran , Brazil , China , Florida , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , Togo , Ventura-county , California