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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240612

sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left set it on dvr so you never ever miss the episode of hannity monday through friday 90 eastern let not your heart be troubled because greg gutfeld is standing by the idea to put a smile on your face next. [ cheers and applause ] greg: i expect nothing less. happy tuesday. historic day for the first time ever hunter biden did not to get off. found guilty of 3 felonies facing up to 25 years behind bars the good news if he goes to prison his family visits and conjugal visits could be done at the same time unlikely maximum sentence since his first conviction community services likely he shown a interest in working with unwed mothers not the kids. biden froze for 30 seconds at white house event calling it the longest he is gone without saying something stupid he then exchanged of fist bump his hand it should heal in 4-6 months. s&l talking with the biden campaign to reach voters biden s campaign raiders are asking s&l to write comedy. aoc and rachel maddow claimed if trump elected they will be locked up even more terrified is the view of going to fat camp. researchers using ai determine elephants call each other by names in their own language i thought we already knew that. trace gallagher shannon bream the canadian cancer society apologized for using cervix instead of the trends friendly front hold. not to be confused with the word ass hole. south dakota governor kristi noem says trump choosing a woman vp would help in wynne especially if he needs help shooting bleep bleep and books mentioning butts and farts can t be banned in public libraries good news for my new book. you know it s coming. you know it s coming. so prior to a jury finding biden guilty and has gun trial as defense found an unlikely ally the second amendment the thing democrats hate more than they hate soap. last week in a last-ditch effort hunter asked that as the questionnaire he said violated second amend meant rights of the argued the question asking if he was a drug addict was unconstitutional in the state had no right to infringe on his second amendment s rights just because he did a little dope and buy a little dope i don t mean george stephanopoulos i mean so much coco scarface would ve recommended rehab. is still the defense has a point so why is it unconstitutional well they argued historical intoxication statutes can t stretch far enough to justify disarming a sober a citizen based on past drug use and that i m sorry but make sense is a constitutional for the government to remove the secondment meant rights of a person based on an the conflict let s forget about hunter the same law would borrow wounded that who uses cannabis for pain from exercising his right to self defense imagine a person in recovery who now owns guns should he go to jail never mind the ruling people from going to treatment or seeking mental health help i need it. now did hunter break the law sure but it s an unjust law you can disagree with me you are disagreeing with the second amendment it shall not be infringed but if that sounds familiar to you then you must be paying attention to our very own kat timpf rolled the flashback flashback dude. you can make the argument and said this is unconstitutional because the second amendment doesn t have an exception in for if you re addicted to something you can make the argument that is secondment meant rights are being violated which it would be funny to see joe biden asking the court to make that argument her next book now the rules say estate you should only applied for me during the monolog but her next book should be called how i tried to keep hunter out of jail but imagine that the sun of a democrat president suddenly puts on an nra part saying politics makes strange bella bedfellows but for the second amendment s state i daresay get hope hunter were a condom because i don t want that getting genital warts. so while the verdict maybe bad news for hunter it s also bad news for the second amendment he was found guilty of being in possession of a firearm as a drug user or addict but there is many americans who fall into that category. but it offers trump a golden opportunity to condemn it but the democrats in a box if trump calls unconstitutional the democrats agree suddenly they are on the side of the second amendment but if they don t it forces them to applaud the guilty verdict of the president sent i bet his dad would love that what if the commander dims commander and soiled briefs he said he wouldn t pardon him but the odds abide in remembering that are the same as michael loftus wearing underwear it s a headache for joe but that assumes he has feelings about the neckline hears him at an event last night. was that joe or a statue of joe. if he was any more frozen maas protesters would ve spray-painted on his face. at this point the best they could do for him is unplugging with 5 minutes and reboot before calling tech support you want to hear something worse years joe today had a gun summit gun-control summit talking about you gun owners. by the way they want to take on that if we get out of line mr talking about they need f-15s they don t need a rifle what did he just say i kind of know what he said but still still is not about what you need it s your right to have a rifle this is the guy you believe january 6th was an insurrection apparently we shouldn t worry because he has f-16s or after 15 sees aft up and so his approval ratings dropping faster than his boobs when his bra comes off. even liberal election forecasters suggesting the unthinkable that biden drop out just he did in 1988 democrats what was a marketable candidate michael dukakis he says in biden just hit an all-time low and approval 37% dropping out would be a big risk but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk democrats would ve been better served if you decided a year ago not to seek a second term and give voters a say among the many popular democrats across the country the many popular democrats what i hope he doesn t fill out a gun application soon because apparently he is high as well who do they have this guy it looks like a tennis pro gave the entire country club committed chlamydia like this chuckle monster i ve seen whoopee cushions with more depth this guy s transportation secretary ellie transporter was illegal immigrants on midnight flights talk about a shallow bench they make fox and friends look like the supreme court what does joe think. no no luck nobody steps down i m not going anywhere. if you re going to beat me after run against me and nobody wants to do the right who do they have the california debt guy at the hearing the teeth really when he likes him is him get the vp lady good luck with that mayor gaye judge booty pete he can t beat me nobody respects him and it s not because he s gay either. it s because he s not a real judge let s welcome tonight s guests. she can use to handstands will she grandstands. [ cheers and applause ] he puts the half and half i m homeless michael loftus. her bumper sticker says food is for losers new york times best-selling author and contributor kat timpf and he doesn t wear hawaiian shirts he wears hawaii as a shirt new york times best selling author, comedian and former and debbie way world heavyweight champion tyrus. kat i would go to you first even though you re not a lawyer but i m interested what you thought of the verdict given your verdict feet of fillings on the secondment creek. you know how i feel because we talked about it this morning we also know i agree with everything in your monolog i think that what i read about is the way partisanship can do divide us and convince us to argue in favor of giving up her own rights this is a good example about that because everybody who wants to see the biden family go down i understand where that comes from i certainly think they been involved in corruption i don t think this is the thing to slammed him on because based on the data we do have on drug use in gun ownership tens of millions of americans could be guilty of felonies and faced decades in prison over the exact thing what i argue he was a responsible gun owner i would not but there was no victim here in the law doesn t designate that somebody who uses marijuana who s a veteran or a wounded veteran for chronic pain could fall under this and what you need to do to avoid it having partisanship clad your thoughts is take the biden s out of ask yourself do you agree with and is a constitutional debbie or second amendment s rights which shall not be infringed nothing what so ever do you want that to be up to the subjective standard of what doesn t doesn t qualify as an addict and have the government be the ones allowed to make that determination and the answer if it s no as it is for me then yet to be against us and also even if you like the law if you think it s a great law you have to say he can t really argue it s constitutional there s a difference between a statutory law unconstitutional you can t argue it s constitutional regardless i you feel about it. emily in the greenroom you said you hope biden fries. rereading my thoughts? no. geographic at orgy think it s a different thing how do you look at it. is a great point let s have that is the foundation over which let s put historical statutory applications bottom-line in 1968 the gun control act was passed where congress said you can t possess a gun if you are under the influence of you re addicted to these controlled substances then the controlled substances act which defined what that meant to be omega go for a whole decade here they make gutfeld stop it. the reasons many americans are vulnerable and that hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters and parents and uncles have been incarcerated is because of those lawes going all those decades back so currently over 157,000 people are incarcerated federally it s a federal prosecution 10% of them second-most is for firearms offences number 1 is drug offences so i also feel when the jury when they were pulled from the beginning they said over half of them direct family members they sought as being 1 more person just that being your last name you won t get away with it i saw them get incarcerated as well i cite taken away also so at the end of the day on the president released a statement saying we love her son were going to appeal and his family in court look so angry i feel it s welcome to the real world there are 157,000 american families going through the same thing right now he just went through today. can i just say some thing superfast i would love to see this actually get overturned on appeal and then it can strengthen second amendment rights for all of us. it would have to be the supreme court like for circuit courts and stuff. greg: you legal ladies pop pipe down i have to get the homeless guy in here. greg: whoa-mac he was she could go to prisons you could have a roof over your head? as a homeless lesbian i do and i realize now that i have developed a cardboard and shellfish allergy so no more sitting around eating clamps from a box. no more freak lamotta juice a want to talk about joe locking up you have to to keep them away from bright lights they are calling them home that s where he went he was just standing there going uncle bo z is that you did the un have an uncle bo z. you can t even clap at that point. as to the gun thing. [ snoring ] it s a good point in its true and is not what i want hunter to go to jail for what about the rest of the. [ bleeps ] laptop. it s like sweet jesus i m tired of the crimes where it s like yet to be careful about pulling that down like when trump as his attorney do something that s 34 felonies that you are slinging guns around high school dumpsters and doing drugs and that s just a 3. it makes zero cents the only thing good about this is a gives hunter a better story when he meets his fellow inmates right if he s like i opened up several shell companies and i was taking money from ukraine and putting that in the shell companies 10% would go to my father you might as well just suck a dude off their. greg: tyrus finish this out for us. he wouldn t to got that far. really disagree with you guys but if you like your examples are flawed like when you talk about the veteran. prescription lead is legal so he s not an addict the skylight about being an addict he s taking controlled substances yet to commit the crime to get it anyhow he is again there s a reason that simply as anybody who lives there it s a reason he was so he is lucky when he left the gun in the car it was someone in his family who got it he lifted there someday took it or there s a reason why we put these things in place of crack was legal he wouldn t be an addict unfortunately alcohol is legal because it was first it s 10 times worse than most drugs but you can drink all the beer you want and say i m not an alcoholic and you aren t lying. he asked if she was asked if he was an addict they check the box and 7000 people testified he lied so. [ bleeps ] send him to jail like the rest of us who commit crimes. crack is illegal. [ bleeps ] you you are going to jail. if you get arrested for a felony you can t vote you can t own again there s a reason for. greg: that was a spirited discussion alright. up next nancy pelosi admits fault in the january 6th assault. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles. what s missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they d rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we re not very athletic. 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( ) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly. while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services greg: nancy makes a clear will the national guard wasn t near here s footage from januare frozen face nancy pelosi taking response ability for not having the national guard and the capital that day watch. we have responsibility and there wasn t any accountability for what was going on there. we should have. it is ridiculous. they ve already breached should be called the capitol police i mean that the national guard i were they there to begin with. they don t know. they clearly didn t know with responsibility there because it s stupid in a situation like this they thought they had a wet thought they would act as civilized. even with the mask even with the mask she sounds hideous. emily what is going on here why is this out now. why is she taking responsibility for this there is something going on here. her daughter s making a documentary that s part of the file turned over after everybody found out about it the irony is that after the video was released the pelosi spokesperson said 3 years later house republicans are trying to whitewash january 6th it s shameful unpatriotic empathetic what i think is pathetic is the findings from the gop january 6th committee that returned it 10 p findings among them house democrats like speaker pelosi were concerned with optics after the summer of love it so want to the play the national guard being too afraid to have any form of law enforcement ready because they didn t want it to look bad when the streets are being burned down so that s her fault not trump s. didn t vindicate trump called for the national guard. it vindicates trump and that they should release all those january 6th people right now. and i am with you why are we seeing this now. nancy must have felt bad because both claws were going so sober as they had the ability to talk again crap the back of that dan gave terry we other responsibility i don t know how them going to buy stocks and do insider-trading now. it felt like a performance. low me get this straight she knew they were going in the building and did nothing about it locker up. 20 years is what you get. 20 years. what do you make of this iec conspiracy why are we seeing this now? and her daughter is filming this that s what i m struck by her daughter filmed she s making a documentary what s going on with this family like i would give anything a bravo reality show for nancy pelosi s family. greg: it s creepy the january 6th committee as that should be in there but the 2 republicans were. [ bleeps ] republicans. gold the great they saw something and it s going on getting worse we ve got him. they put people s lives at risk to get rid of trump they could have made the call they didn t because that s how we get them that s what it is. another hoax. up next as they declare trump making her scared. on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins. with rapiddry technology. that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. let s get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! ( ) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection go with simparica trio. a story in 5 words. we ll trump send rachel maddow camping. when asked if worried trump could target her she told the reliable sources newsletter worried about the country broadly if we put somebody empower openly of bowing to build camps to hold millions of people what convinces you these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants i m worried about me only as much as i m worried about all of us she should be worried about any kind of camp she would talk about how to build a fire and the history of fire all day long and she would starve to death. the most of boring my goodness i would watch a show she goes to camp but no 1 is going to go to a camp because conservatives don t want to waste of money on rate you have to higher dti counselors and brainwashing people of all spectrums and gavin newsom can t buy a homeless tent for a guy under 500 k know she wants to an episode of naked and afraid i d watch where are my clothes i m rachel maddow i m naked. and afraid. greg:, i like how they think of trump wins their careers in jeopardy their careers explode if he is in power because he gives them so much material it reinvigorates their careers. remember the tax returns they were drawing it out the whole time and it was nothing i remember watching that this you not remember how much fun she had with that also i can t decide if she really believes things are not like it she actually is afraid or just saying that or just thinking about it because i don t know how you could really believe that i think there s a lot of ratcheting up the rhetoric that happens it s ernie been ratcheted up quite high they just had to keep going and then you re not even thinking about it like a lot of the people i talked about who support trump this is top of the list of why is there just like wow this is why i shouldn t. and it sighing objectively stupid. the self-importance is a turnoff to the average person where it s like you really think he s going to take same from you so dangerous he will put you in a cage shut up. greg: it s true it s an ego thing is he is within a hundred to entertainers it would come for me next. no be cares about any of these idiots don t people he watch them are their own echo chamber do you think they will waste time i disagree if you work the first time because people thought there might be true to the russia thing we put up with this bowl. [ bleeps ] for 8 years that s likely going to say now why would else do you have it s passed that they overplayed their hand in their worried about consequences everybody who try to get away with stuff and lied and push false narratives are now afraid they re going to get their comeuppance and they call revenge are gonna me a camp signal you shouldn t be allowed to call yourself a journalist when you peddle lies narratives if anything once he wins where you going to do now because no matter what you do he s gonna finish his 4 years in the winds again absence like always going to lock me up at the celtics when the championship jayson tatum and jaylen brown are going to come to my house and beat me up. greg: by the way how does she think he s going to lock her up like what could be the crime like she leaps from a he becomes president i go to jail she leaves at all the stuff in between i was like is it because she s a journalist like whatever she is i don t know because it s so preposterous and if it s being a journalist but year paolo barack obama if you want to see the high volume of journalists imprisoned it s like they are in a space capsule they haven t evolved so outdated like listening to robert de niro when he was ranting and raving recently the thing coming out of his mouth trump s not going to accept the results fascism and he s wearing a mask is like watching somebody from 2016 and you re like we are so past that i don t know who listens to her but it makes me as lame as it sounds there are camps with millions of people in them and they are in china if i would her i would steward or time and platform a little better because the trump delusion derangement syndrome is stupid and i wish she would use it for sighing actual. greg: well put. maybe they would go on tv and say she has to go oh, no,. greg: coming up a coach to a slam dunk a question which stunk. for my patients. it really works. with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. fastsigns. make your statement™. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. this is steve s stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don t take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b-12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won t go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. home inspectors, general contractors, roofers; all kinds of pros recommend leaffilter. why? 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the journalist come on we need to stop using that term more watered-down than a racist in these days. when joe came and i thought he was too young didn t have experience but then he pulls a stunt like this you heard the race baiting pin just drop and nobody had a follow-up question they re trying to get him a gotcha moment glad to see a brother stand up and say it has nothing to do with my coaching ability or anything it s my work ethic and faith they got me where i was at and just ended it. forget the fact that we are up 2-0. i invaded his podcast dropped a bit and the full went for like it s a bin prank calling him a week but again it goes to the point where most of us just like the funny blackeye get field the skin is knowing to do with character and jokes. some glad her prominent black eyes because a lot of times psycho that school and he said enough of the seas done this before he did with the rowe family is like what was it like sing next to the prince he was like jesus is only king i serve so just murdered them all the time kat as a devout christian and sports however how do the comments make you feel great. like i could be a sportswriter. yahoo sports. i m serious because i could have known he would have answered this way there are a few things i follow lasted then basketball because you know what i did i googled him but to think you re going to go into an interview the same person when asked about meeting at the royal family answered like o chiese as mary and joseph this is a christian man gaia prioritizes his fave talks about his faith you could ve known he would answer this way if you bothered to google so sportswriters don t need to know sports or even pretend to google it if things don t work out here i ll just go to espn i guess. do they put basque ballgames on at the shelter? they do fro chicken wings from a distance to catch me where they actually from chicken? completely rowe seo and have to fight to kill the chicken with your single can of pork and beans the question was crazy is like for the first time since 1975 okay it was settled in 1965 are we seriously arguing about lack of diversity in the nba okay. let s out of the fight arrow lysed trans people having coached a single team in aussie let s get in there and fight for the ball and help me change my address. you are insane tonight mr loftus taking special outrageous bills last to you emily. only because of them. what you think. my point is do your research on the person you re covering but the promise we lived in an anti-christian anti- judeo-christian society is wei harrison becker i would say but to us and i know that s not right why he was vilified for speaking out for his faith at a catholic college in a filet no problem pray for them being a twitter handle when you tragically dropped on the field prayer is only okay when everyone else doesn t so i applaud this coach irrespective a sports team skin color or anything for being a bastion and beacon for being a christian man in the social environment. up next a texas court overrules banning books on butts in schools [ ] nobody is watching the news. [ ] gary: almost 11 on the east coast let s talk about butts and farts ruled houston area schools and libraries kennel longer banned books that mention but and farts like i broke my butt. and larry farley leprechaun. tyrus, are these books a gateway does shakespeare and chaucer? i think this is a gateway for your new tv shows where you have afternoon shows about farts and butts. gary: that s a great idea emily, as an adolescent boy in my past, i loved about farts and butts. if this is what gets a little boy to read, i love it. it is hysterical that there is this category but at the end of the day the ruling that you can t ban the book because you don t want to see the message but you can ban if it s unpopular so for those communities who do not want them to read about butts and farts. trace: my dream is to be number 1 on amazon in the category i don t know if there is a button fart category but i want to be the trailblazer. i m glad this ruling has been made those on staff picking up the slack and you been a way lobbying for this. gary: it was tough. being a homeless guy, you come in contact with smelly butts and terrible farts and that s how i know i m alive but it unites people rather than divides. farts are always funny and as long as they re not teaching little kids sex stuff and those are the books you want to have and here s who s riding these books because i wrote a book doing well at because you have to do the follow-up and it s don mcmillan is our whole thing she s written five books exclusively about butts. what s all that about and they all have the pseudo-porn titles that, hey, ladies slow down. we get it. greg: we need a second but. i glued my butt. greg: will talk about that will b e right back. s how do you find the perfect father s day gift? simple. just type weathertech has hundreds of premium products that will keep dad s vehicle looking its best. like laser-measured floorliners, cargo liner and seat protector for extra interior protection. sunshade blocks harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father s day. greg: thank you emily, michael and the audience. i love you and good night. [applause] trace: good evening. i m trace gallagher and it s 8:00 and los angeles and this is america s fox news at night. [ indiscernable crosstalk

Each-other , Names , Language , Elephants , Trace-gallagher , Shannon-bream , Visual-effect-lighting , Light , Laser , Magenta , Disco , Technology

Transcripts For CNN Laura Coates Live 20240612

told. that s fascinating what you re saying there again, the book is called white poverty. how exposing myths about race and class can reconstruct american democracy. reverend dr. william barber. thank you very much for joining us thank you and thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now tonight a. new batch of secretly reported audio supreme court justice samuel alito, the activists behind the reporting s will share it with us in just minutes from now, plus, hunter biden convicted the new reporting about the reaction from inside the trump campaign and say it ain t. so why joey chest that s reign as one of the top dogs at coney island is coming to an end. good evening anja lithosphere now i ll go good evening. i m jim acosta and for laura coates on this busy tuesday night for months, donald trump and republicans have tried to make the case that there is a two tiered justice system one system of justice for trump and one for everybody else. there are tax goes something like this that the justice department is being weaponized against donald trump. and donald trump only at direction of president biden. never mind that trump and his allies are also claiming that biden is slipping mentally while at the same time orchestrating that conspiracy set that aside. just consider the trump-world allegation that biden is behind this plot. two persecute the former president just so you understand this is all done by biden and his people maybe as people more importantly, democrats across the slide they ve crossed the line in which now the court system is a political weapon. this department of justice, the biden department of justice he is the most partisan department of justice in our nation s history today that same biden department of justice secured a conviction against the president s son, hunter, guilty on all three counts for lying about his drug use when he purchased a gun here is david weiss, the special counsel leading the case no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions. i want to thank attorney general garland for providing the support necessary to fulfill our mission. that s why it s thanking the attorney general for ensuring that he has independence. the same attorney general that the former president and his allies have relentlessly accused without evidence of conspiring to get trump s today. some of those trump allies accused the biden administration of pursuing a conviction of hunter basically accusing the president of sacrificing his own son to continue that conspiracy. former trump white house adviser stephen miller posted this. take a look at this. the gun charges he says are a misdirection, don t be gasland. this is all about protecting joe biden don t be gaslight. indeed, new tonight, the new york times reports hunter biden s conviction not only undercuts trump s narrative, but also hurts his campaigns fundraising efforts, citing a person familiar, the time says, quote, there had been discussions about how much an acquittal of hunter biden would help mr. trump? potentially raising tens of millions of additional dollars as they plan to cite it as more evidence. the justice system was rigged oops it s an ai, democrats on the hill noted their response to the biden conviction was different. we re not here contesting the results. were not here trying to defund the fbi or the department of justice because we don t like the outcome of a of a given trial we respect the judicial process, which we respect the outcome of it for his part, president biden two, it says he accepts the outcome of the case, and we ll respect it. he issued that statement before he changed the schedule to be with his son, fleming fine. to wilmington, delaware, where he remains the night photographer. you can see right? they re capturing their embrace hey, shortly after the president landed on the tarmac. now i want to get to brandy harden, a criminal defense attorney, liam donovan, former national republican senatorial campaign committee aid and karen funny a cnn legal commentator. brandy, i so let s let s jump right into this. republicans still saying that doj is a big weapon but against them, does that hold up anymore? let s listen to a speaker johnson. he was talking to our manu raju and other reporters about this verdict will talk about the other side every case is different. and clearly the evidence is overwhelming here. i don t think that s the case and the trump trials and all the charges that have been brought again, obviously brought for political purposes. hunter biden is a separate instance separate instance. the speaker say separate incidents, and so i think, look, this convictions certainly undercuts the theory that there are two there s a two tier justice system in reality, there s not one system for donald trump in one system for other folks in reality, we see that this conviction stands that when the government sets their sights on you, when they think that you ve committed a crime, they re gonna go after you and just like what happened here, a jury of your peers is going to listen, is going to figure out what happens. and here there was a guilty verdict yeah. and leon, the new york times, reporting that the trump campaign plan to raise millions of dollars off of 100 biden acquittal, i guess that s oh, well, i guess that s not gonna work out now what do you make of that? well, i mean, it s certainly makes sense if you re trying to play into the cynical idea that the system is rigged, that would certainly be prove it. i think well, with the punches though, if you start with that premise, then you can use that to any anything can come back and affirm that. so there s there s nothing that can prove the negative the system s not rigged, not a conviction of hunter biden. i mean, look, this would never should have gone to trial was supposed to be a plea deal. the plea deal fell apart. this also doesn t resolve because there s going to be a tax trial that comes up in september. it s just a mess. nobody s actually satisfied the president. but what do you sent through a tax trial to get help right? exactly what where does the conspiracy end? all the way up and then sanity begin? but here s this so cynical and discussing about that anybody who is dealt with addiction or it has people that they know deal with addiction it is a journey to stay clean, right? and the idea that the president would want to risk his child sobriety for the presidency. i get why in donald trump s mind that might make sense because that s how he thinks about things, right? is how do i work the angles to get the result i want, but the thought of joe biden doing that after again, i think what s important about today, i think about the contrast here you have a man who has this is a guy who has taken punches throughout his life. joe biden and he gets back up and he s resilient and he has figured out how to say, look, i love my son, but the law is the law versus trump, who acts like a spoiled brat, who just doesn t get his way yeah. i mean liam, the trump campaign saying in a statement, we put this up on screen. this trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family and limb. people buy this stuff. i think there is a separate issue. i mean, truly if you look at this, this is kind of the it s the bragg case of the hunter charges. it really is small potatoes. i mean, i don t think republicans truly do believe there are other things that foot here they. haven t produced the goods though. they haven t been able to put together a case in the house of representatives that would that would be able to pursue this. i know that the oversight committee is tried, but there are big things that you re going to call the biden crime family. should you have are tied to the president, wears we re doing we re doing hot dogs later ron, those out. we ll look at for the nothing now, you know, that s why i think we are where we are. they talk a good game. they talk like there s going to be something else. but in reality, this is it. this is what they have. this is the case that they have and ultimately it s resulted in a conviction. yeah. and brandie, a juror ten, spoke to cnn about the decision all 12 jurors did agree that yes, he know and laying bought a gun when he was an attic or he was addicted to drugs yeah. i know everything gets thrown into the political meat grinder in dc. but again, this is further validation of the jury system that we have in this country. it s, it s not perfect. it s flawed. our justice system is why there s no doubt about that but in the trump case, you had a jury of men and women doing their job, doing their civic duty. they came to a verdict. they issued that verdict. same in this case, saving this point in new york one and delaware, you know, it s really important that we rely on the jury system. i mean, we call it a jury of your peers, whether it s actually your peers or not, it s 12 people who listen to the evidence and make get decision. one of the things that i think is so problematic here though, is that why is this? i mean, you shouldn t be able to lie on an application, but with respect to whether or not he was addicted, i mean, that just takes it another step and i think it s sad that he was struggling with addiction is sad ultimately that he said what he said on the application, but i do think that the jury system i m has 12 people decide what the evidence is and i listened to what the juror said the jury seem to say the fact that he s in the biden family had nothing to do with the case although in reality, everyone knew it was joe biden son and so even if it was in the back of their minds, they may have been at the front of their mind, but certainly it was something that everyone was aware of apparently it didn t, impact the verdict. this ties back to this larger theme about democracy that we ve been talking about, right? because there is a part of democracy that is a leap of faith. you have to have a leap of faith that you go into the system 12 people are going to listen to the evidence and make a decision and you abide by that decision, you have a right to appeal, you have a right, you write, you have plenty of rights, under house that hunter has that right there s rather, you know, exactly. and so but that s democracy that and when some of the commentary that we re seeing from republican let s the whole fact that the trump campaign initially put out a statement that had sympathy for hunter and then pull that back. i mean, all that does is undermine people s belief in our democracy and in our systems at a time when we actually should be reaffirming into your point, it s not perfect. there s so much work we need to do. but this is our system and we ve got to work with it. and by undermining it actually makes us less safe as a country tree. and the jury system works. i mean, at the end of the day and we re gonna for a long time, it worked and so regardless of how perfect it is, one way or the other, 12 people look at the evidence, they listen, sometimes say they get it wrong, sometimes they get it right, but the jury system works and leave just very quickly. there s a bob menendez trial going on henry cuellar trial going i mean, there are other trials of prominent democrats going on right now. i think the tricky part is and you re exactly right, but i think the tricky part is if you look at these piecemeal, you can say, well, this just proves the democrats are corrupt in this case of menendez or whomever. i think the tricky part is, as you say, i think there is trust in these institutions. but when we start to, when we start to talk about the supreme court, we start to talk about judge cannon and we pick apart things that maybe it looks like it s not on the level in other areas. i think it s hard to make these cases that we need to trust in the system if we re not bringing that across the board fair point, our guys, thank you very much. great discussion. i appreciate it tonight the bidens are huddling together in their delaware home to be with their son, hunter and addressing the verdict, the president said he could relate to families who have had loved ones battling addiction, saying quote, i am the president, but i am also a dad, jill, and i love our son and we are so proud of the man and he is today and chris whipple joins me now he s the author of the fight of his life inside joe biden s white house chris good to see you. i see you studied the bidens for a long time. how painful is this moment for the president yeah, i think it s extremely painful, just heart wrenching and it s impossible to overstate date just how close joe and hunter biden arnon it goes all the way back to that horrific car crash in 1972, which hunter and beau barely survived. it s the reason why we ve been seeing him holding him close through throughout the trial and jill biden has been there and why you see these continuing statements of support? i mean, i think that for joe biden, this is a personal tragedy at a political windfall because i think that politically, i just don t see any downside soup so many people, so many americans can relate to a father, loving and supporting his son why? and chris, we were talking about this new york times piece that s out this evening where the trump campaign has sort of analyze this various different ways of how a biden acquittal or conviction might play out. one of the things that says in that story is that the former president has been talking about hunter biden a whole lot less out on the campaign trail in part because the former president thinks that there s some sympathy out there for the current president because of what his son has been going through. and it is worth reminding our viewers just how much tragedy, personal tragedy, the president, the united states has endured over his life. and it has shaped him. it s made him the man he is. now. it s absolutely true and i think that look, i think a lot of the joe biden s advisers are keeping a close eye on him, not because they re worried about the political fallout as i say, i think that s nothing but upside, but i think they re just worried about him personally. they re worried about having to shoulder this on top of the burdens of the presidency. this is a guy who s got a lot of stuff on his plate but again, politically, i think there s no downside. i thought so even before the verdict and after the verdict, even more so because the guilty verdict gives the lie to the notion that joe biden is some kind of puppeteer who weaponized as the department of justice punishing his enemies it s and freeing his friends, obviously hundred biden never would have seen the inside of a courtroom if that were the case. and i think luck we ve got a debate coming up and i don t think joe biden, would ever go there. i don t think he ll bring it up but let me tell you if donald trump is makes the mistake of going there and spewing nonsense about the biden crime family. i think joe will be prepared. mean can you imagine if that happened? joe biden saying, look, last time i checked you were guilty of 34 felonies i m guilty of loving my son yeah. and chris, the president, has said that he will not pardon his son. what did you think of that? i thought it was extraordinary. i mean, it was it was a moment of just moral clarity on the part of joe biden and couldn t have been in starker contrast to the way donald trump has handled his own conviction so i think it was extraordinary when he was asked will you will you accept the verdict, whatever it is? he said? yes. would you and then again, what would you rule out a pardon? yes. you can t be much more clear than that. all right. for swivel a great discussion. thanks so much for your time. really appreciate it. good to be with you as we were saying earlier, new audio of supreme court justice samuel alito bashing the courts critics, the activists releasing these tapes this audio is here to walk us through it. that s next. say what the assignments are going off. the tornado here you cannot swim you cannot outlet on it. it really doesn t. terrifying experience. it is a stuff of nightmares. you just hear and feel it nick eyes and my throat or brain i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn dad is a legends and his legendary moves might be passed down to you ancestry dna can show you which traits were inherited. where they came from and who he shares them with but get moving. the sale is only for a limited time. how do you keep your teeth so white with all the coffee you drink? my secrets lumen, no way mainstream. i mean, that is why. and because there s no sensitivity, i feel like i can use them more often and you can get this at walmart or target we never thought that with verizon s saving on the best and entertainment was 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uncovered ethics scandals at the highest court in the country is the latest in a series of recordings released by progressive filmmaker who secretly recorded alito while posing as a religious conservative, the next clip was recorded by her colleague, ali said marco, take a listen to this tylee they don t like our decisions, have, they don t like now they the sides of the case that s the beginning and there are groups that are get somebody gets a lot of money now, cnn is not obtained the full video, but we ve reached out to the supreme court and propublica for comment. we have not heard back from the supreme court, but of propublica saying in a statement tonight, propublica exposes abuses of power, no matter which party is in charge. and our newsroom operates with fierce independence. the fact that clarence thomas amended his past filings to formally disclose trips that were paid for by billionaire harlan crow speaks for itself and joining me now, the executive producer of the undercurrent, lauren windsor, she is the person behind those secret recordings. lauren, great to see you again, we talked to you earlier this morning thanks for coming back on. walk us through this. i can first of all, why did you want to get these justices on tape? and was it tough when you walked up to them where they more reserved at first digit to warm them up. how did it work? well, so it went to two different dinners. there s one and 20231 and 2024, at the first one? i spoke with justice alito only there were several justices there, but we had a good conversation. i had gone initially because of propublica reporting on clarence thomas so i thought at the time, will he be there? will he not who knows, but the reporting is it s like one of his favorite dinners so i thought there was a good chance he was not there. harlan crow is not there to my knowledge but justice alito was and so i had a conversation with him about how do we repair this partisan rift in our country that s right. they didn t say partisan rather, sorry. how do we repair the polarization in this country at the time he responded really and newsworthy way it was. i don t know. i don t know. that s not really a role. so he didn t publish that audio. but then this was before he actually went under the glare of propublica is fantastic reporting, right and so i imagined that because of that he might be more aggrieved and i might have a second shot at that this year. and sure enough, when i asked him similar questions, he had a much different response. and let s talk about what he had to say. they re about pro public. i mean, it is odd to say the leaves to see a supreme court justice or hear a supreme court justice go after a news organization which by the way, for propublica did a perfectly legitimate series of new stories on what was going on at the supreme court. and it s raised all sorts of questions about the ethics there there have been calls for ethics, codes and so on, because of that, they ve wonderful is a private one that they did they did honestly, i have no idea what propublica is budget is, but let s just say that what is it 4 million that i think that clarence thomas is accepted in gifts from donors. i would, imagine that given that it s an independent newsroom, that the annual budget probably rivals the amount that clarence thomas is taken in donations that he hasn t reported. do i know for sure? i don t know. i just you know, if you re talking about millions of dollars there that you didn t report and justice alito is saying, oh, they ve spent a fortune on going after clarence thomas. let s look at that relative. were you surprised that he was as candid with you as he comes across and as mrs. alito comes across, i mean, what what surprised you the most? it was very surprised in my so just to give some more context to this, i spoke with justice alito at the cocktail reception before. that s nris spoke with mrs. alito after the dinner? and i was surprised with him because when i went, i honestly thought these justices, they have to exercise discretion all the time. and so it wasn t surprised the first year when it wasn t newsworthy. the second year i go back. okay. we ll try again and see if we get something newsworthy so as i m standing there and having this conversation with him, it s blowing my mind when he says there are fundamental things that can t be compromised. and so to me that s okay. well, wow what are those fundamental things that can t be compromised because it s clearly is going to affect how you rule on really critical decisions that are impacting the lives of americans every day yeah and i know you and i talked about this earlier this morning, but just in case the viewers have missed that, are watching now let s talk about tactics and the way you went about doing this when i was talking to you earlier this morning, you said spare me the pearl-clutching but what about the folks at home who might be saying, oh, you know what, she shouldn t have misrepresented who she was, she should just go in there and say, hey, i m i m doing this investigation, talk to me well, you know, if i were to walk up to someone and say, hi, i m a journalists, would you please tell me that you have a lack of impartiality. that s not something you re really going to be candid about. and it really goes to the genesis. i ve done undercover reporting for a long time back to a huge scoop that i had in 2014 with the koch brothers it s reserved for events or situations where you re not going to get information. really any other way. and in this particular circumstance, they re not forthcoming. there already evading any accountability measures whatsoever. and so is it worse for me too? tend to be a fan girl or is it worse for them to not disclose millions of dollars worth of gifts from gop donors let s talk about relative ethics violations here. i think that what i m doing is in service of knowledge for the public good, the greater good for all of us congress needs to take action this i shouldn t have to do this it should be congress and this should be the media holding these justice. justice is two accounts is say your public service as part of the problem, the supreme court is unaccountable course. it isn t accountable. they can get ethics reform passed you know, why are we having congressional hearings into this? i think any reasonable person would say that clarence thomas let s getting his mother s house paid for or his nephews tuition paid for or an rv loan, much of which was forgiven. all of these things, any reasonable person would say there extraordinary. all right. lauren windsor. thanks a lot. you got i got us all talking here in dc. that s for sure. thank you, jim. thanks for your time. i appreciate it. all right. just ahead. a cnn exclusive rare access inside detention camps and facilities in syria where children of isis isis fighters are coming the age. and it s being described as a breeding ground for the next generation of isis plus could trump may military service, mandatory why some and his camp are pushing that idea. we ll talk about them the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one state very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max. hey, you ve seen this hi was the dish everyone you re telling me you can get directtv, vogue good stuff, and you don t need a satellite dish i used to love doing i d business on those things. yeah, won-sik pigeon, then dishes kept the rain off our beaks. we just have different priorities is satellite free directtv never thought i d see the day well, our lifespans are quite short. extreme directtv without a satellite dish, you gonna do this thing with my neck just for a bit dan made progress with his mental health, but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and 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all protected from scary oner s day, and get free shipping anywhere nationwide hydrozoa alvarez at the white house. and this is cnn also tonight seen in his learning that federal agents have arrested eight nationals from tajikistan who were inside the united states over suspected ties to the terror group isis versus say they entered the us or the southern border. and it was later discovered they had popped possible links to isis members overseas. they were monitored for more than a month and eventually arrested before it possible plot could develop those arrests coming as the us grapples with a growing problem in syria tens of thousands of children have suspected isis fighters, many now becoming adults held in detention facilities and camps controlled by us ally hi as an american general describes one of those camps as a breeding ground for the next generation of isis. cnn s clarissa ward got rare exclusive access to these sites including a prison that holds some of the most dangerous isis members. and here s what she saw. cnn has found that boys as young as 14 had been held here at the notorious panorama prison with an estimated 4,000 inmates. it is the largest concentration of isis fighters the world no journalist has been allowed in sayyed panoramas since 2021 until now. so the head of the prison has asked me to put on a head scarf what we walk through here because these are some of the most radicalized prisoners they have a senior us official told us the number one concern at pan panorama is a prison break the fear that was realized in 2022 when hundreds of inmates managed to escape and i look inside 25 men sit cross-legged in silence cell is spotless. the men we see appear to be indecent physical condition. but tuberculosis is rampant in the prison. and we are only allowed to look inside two cells versus your where are you from? a british man approaches the great, but does not want to show his face i know advocacy groups called the us funding did panorama illegal black hole worse than guantanamo bay in an interrogation room, we he made 19-year-old stephane ux charloux from suriname. he tells us he was brought to the prison when he was 14, along with more than 100 other miners have you had a lawyer ever you talk to a lawyer? well, i don t know about the big guys. you speak about the kids assume we re all feeling know the truth. you don t know even my we re always punished is like five years in prison. i were punished we don t even know what he s done. like we ve been imprisoned because of our clients at the sdf intelligence headquarters. we made british pakistani dr. mohammed socket accused of joining isis. he claims he was the victim of an elaborate kidnapping plot. it says panoramas. inmates are abused so we live in torture. i live in fear we say, you live in torture, do you mean that you are actually physically being tortured? this happens on and off. what kind of torture, like beating by the stick by the gods. to be honest, i m just waiting for my death. is no getting in out of this prison. belle-v never the warden at panorama called psaki claim of abuse false, saying, quote, all parts of the prison are monitored by cameras and no prison guard can act this way the sdf and the us are pushing countries to repatriate their citizens from syria, saying it is the only solution to this complex and dangerous situation. but the process has been slow and many including western allies are dragging their feet in the owl rose, can we meet brits, canadians, belgians, australians, and a couple of americans? survive basically 30-year-old hoda methanol has been stuck here with her seven-year-old son for more than five years. i have to ask you, i m seeing all of the women here are fully covered. a lot of them covering their faces you re not covered, you re wearing a t-shirt is that hard it was hard when i first took it. i would say for the first 23 here s people were not accepting of it, you know, and they harassed us a lot. they stole our stuff in i had to stay strong and show example for myself. born and raised in the us. hoda became radicalized online at the age of 20 and left her family in alabama to live under isis a decision she quickly regretted if you were to be able to go back to the us and you had to go on trial, potentially serve time in prison have you reconciled yourself without possibility i always tell myself that i m going to prison would be a step forward in my life if i had any time to serve, i d server and not come out and begin my life with my son for now. that is not an option. while the us advocates repatriation, it ruled hold is us citizenship invalid on a technicality, i didn t write down. she lives in fear for her son s future what do you miss most about america? i just want to breathe at moroccan air and be around people i loved the people of america. they re very open and they re very forgiving and they re vary. their people who gives second chances and i think if they were to sit down with me and listen to my story from the beginning, they would give me a second chance and clarissa ward joins us, dow, chlorus are great reporting as always, i want to ask you about hoda the american we saw there, the us just completed one of the largest repatriation is from syria to date last month. why wasn t she part of it well, this is an interesting one gym, so we did actually reach out to the state department and ask them about hoda and they basically told us and i ll just read you the statement. the department has does not changed its position with regards to ms methanol citizenship status as the state department determined, and the courts agreed she is not and never was a us citizen. we ve also heard from who does lawyer who said the us has taken a high and mighty approach and lecturing other countries that they need to repatriate hello to them athena is not a us citizen than she is stateless. and that is a violation of international law that directly contradicts what the us government has stated that other countries cannot and should not do the lawyer also raises the issue of who does 7-year-old son, whose grandparents are american? again, so this is a complicated case it is continuing efforts to try to resolve it, and i should add, jim, that is senior us official told us there are about a dozen other americans who are also still in those camps. in syria. the difficulty with repatriation is that some of them don t even want to go back. we spoke to one woman. she didn t want to be identified she said that she doesn t want to put up her hand to go back to the us. she s fearful of whatever punishment or recrimination she may face there for her actions. jim all right. fascinating report. clarissa ward. thank you very much just ahead. one of trump s cabinet secretaries pushing for mandatory military service if the former president gets a second term. but what does former trump defense secretary mark esper think about all of that? it s not his ideas. other cabinet members idea. we ll talk about that last convex older chains is cold calculating, cynical and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn from real quality that starts in our factory to real performance in your backyard. steel tools, or as tough and dependable as the people who use them. this fathers de give them the gift that s built for dab right now, save $30 on the fs 56 rc gas-powered driven real still the best things in life come into two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up, and now by any phone, when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free that s right. two months free, all the fast, reliable nationwide coverage make this switch today you have chronic kidney disease. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars sega because their places to be for circular can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract 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the era of voluntary service, trump denied that he wants to revive mandatory service posting on truth, social quote, the story is completely untrue and he never even thought of that idea. he says, but the report highlights a concern all military leaders have in the united states plummeting recruitment staffing levels have dropped in every branch except for the space force is raising fears about military readiness and security with me now cnn global affairs analyst and former defense secretary under trump, mark esper of us secretary. great. grateful to have your time. this late tuesday night christopher miller says that mandatory service should be quote, strongly considered. what do you think of this idea well, jim, we do have a problem in the united states when it comes to recruiting and the numbers seem to be getting worse, we have when i was army secretary in 2018, only 71% of america s youth qualified to serve and now 56 years, years later, 78% are unqualified to serve. then the number who are interested in serving who remain has decreased from about 13% to 9%. so look out of a cohort of 34 million or so, 17 to 24 year-olds we can only seem to generate 500,000 or so that are qualified and interested in serving. so this is, this is a matter i m deeply concerned about. it s not going to bite us today or tomorrow. but if these trends continue in their cultural there lifestyle trends, if they continue, we re going to find ourselves in a bad situation when it comes to the all voluntary force, 5810 years from now let me ask you about the political dimensions of this, because trump says he doesn t. this is not his idea, but he famously calls some american veterans who died in we re losers and suckers does trump s past comments about the military make recruiting more difficult i mean, can you imagine something like this happening in a second trump term after what he has said about fallen american heroes there are a number of things that have made recruiting difficult coming from both sides of the aisle, frankly, but i think it s the bigger issues in our country. i mean, the bottom line is that america s youth just are not familiar with americans military, with the one-half of 1% that serves and defense them. and that s the challenges we had to grow that with a close that knowledge gap among america s youth. so i think there are a number of ways to address that. measures that are far less radical than then reinstating a draft. things such as expanding j rotc and making sure that recruiters are guaranteed full access to high schools too. to simple things like bringing back physical fitness to high school students every day. and when they go to school and high school, things like that, they could really improve the pool of applicants. because right now, they just simply don t know that these are credible career fields and we don t want to go the way of mandatory service because what s really made the american military great since the draft was ended in 1973, was affected, they re all volunteers. they re professionals who want to serve. they want to be there. they want to do right by their country. and that s makes our military so capable and so great you and i were talking before the segment about various things and i asked about d-day. and, you know, my thoughts. i mean, there s still with those amazing veterans that we saw on june 6, last week. you know, these these men who and women who we are in their late 90s and 100s, just a stunning and just stirring example of bravery to americans all over the country have you been able to put your finger on what has been lost in and why? maybe americans just don t have the same reverence for military service that we have for the greatest generation for the people who fought on d-day know what i mean yeah, there are tremendous generation toughened by the depression of course. and then brought together by the spread of naziism. and of course imperial japan in world war ii they re just remarkable and they thought that war for four years and then came back home and went straight to work and raised families and built america into what she is today. but look i think that ember is still there in the hearts of america s youth. i see when i visit the academies, when i used to go to visit basic training or units out in the field, i think it s still there but again, they re a distance is grown between the american population and the military that serves them. and we have to bring them back together and we need our national leaders to go out there and talk about the virtues of military service, about what it means to help one another to serve one another. and i do think there is also a virtue and bring them, bringing the americans together from all democrats graphics from all ethnic groups, from all religious and racism, bringing them together that would go a long distance to helping bring our country together, make us more cohesive. as cohesive as the greatest generation was nearly 80 years ago now. yeah, and i should note, you and i both though after 911, we saw the same kind of patriotic response. inside this country. and so does somebody extent what chris miller is saying is that maybe we need to bring back mandatory service because that doesn t exist anymore. but if there were to be a national crisis, international crisis, i agree with you. i think americans, young americans would respond in the same fashion. we have to keep fostering that kind of spirit in this country secretary mark esper, great to talk to you as always. thanks so much for your time. really appreciate it thank you, jim alright. just ahead. a big shakeup for a fourth of july tradition. a reigning champion, joey chestnut he has been banned from nathan s hot dog eating contests. that s right. he has been banned and it s all over. vegan frankfurter s. are harry ensign our very own frame further here and cnn as here to explain this coming up next this election season, stay with cnn with 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when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. now and see how much you can save the cnn presidential debates june 20 at nine live on cnn and streaming on max closed captioning brought to you by thunder shirt, constant gentle pressure for a calmer pet. if your dog s suffers from fear of thunder, fireworks separation, or any other anxieties. thunder shirt can help. thunder shirts find at retailers like pet smart and petco all right talk about a major beef. the iconic nathan s hot dog eating contest on 4 july will be missing a famous hungry face, joey chestnut, and 16 times champion will sit out this year s feast because he s sponsored by a rival brand and plant-based company impossible foods. nathan says it has a longstanding rule banning competitors sponsored by rival brands, but major league eating says in a statement, quote, joey chestnut is an american hero. we would love nothing more than to have him at nathan s famous international hotdog eating contests, which he has dominated for years just not tweeting. he s gutted and argues the organizers are changing the rules from past years and regard to partnerships and cnn senior data reporter harry ensign is here now, eating a hot dog, though less hairy. what i figured we d be talking to you about this so where s the beef here and all of this? what s going? but on this is going to open up the competition. i suppose. and a pretty big way how dominant has chest not been hizon this thing. he s absolutely owned it. just look, joey chestnut to record he is when 16 nathan. no, no, no, no, not another always said don t speak with you while you re chewing your food. but anyway, anyway my mother is not here. that s what s most important. all right. he s 11617. last contests these in a total of 1070 hot dogs, the most at once. a world record 76. this dude eat hotdogs and his sleep, if he was here right now instead of just taking one byte, he would have finished all of the hot dogs that i have on this desk. so this dude is amazing he is an athlete. there s no question about a world-class athlete. and this is a tradition along the coney island boardwalk in new york harry wax poetic here. how did it start? this? there s a lot of myth-making with this particular contest and i actually went in, i thought maybe it started in the 19-teens, but no, it s only been every year since 1978, maybe a kind of start in the early 70s, but it s been consistent since 78. it s really been a competitive contest since 1997 when major league eating first sponsored it. and that s when we really started seeing the crowds and those competitive eaters, sometimes 40,000 plus people turn out to watch this thing. my goodness, gracious. you ve got 40,000 people to watch. anything yeah. and i don t want to think about what was going into those hot dogs back in 1918, but all move on. hairy chest on sponsorship change reflects this, i guess shift towards a vegan products plant-based meat. i eat some of this stuff every once in awhile. it s good stuff what are the number say in terms of what s more popular now, meet or plant-based alternatives. i mean, meet, it s still so dominant i mean, you just look at the profits and over the last year and you see, you know, look at the animal meat, 122 billion plant-based meat, only 806 million, far less. but you know, jim, you mentioned plant-based and i wanted to do it the taste tests right here, i got a plant-based impossible hot dog right here. all right. i m going to take a little bite here. all right it looks tasty so it s nothing compared to this. i mean, this is where you want it that is where you want it. that is where you are right now. it s where i am. i am in heaven, jim, i m in heaven right now. fantastic. i just love hotdogs overall. there s nothing that says some are more than a nice hot dog especially one that s made in the finest city in the world at a baseball game. there s nothing better. i harry answered, i ll let you finish your food, please chu and shoe everybody and swallow and please don t show up. we re still on the year. all right. i ll be fine thanks a lot see a light, wash it down with a good beer. all right. see you later. and thank you for watching. i ll see you tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn anderson cooper 360 is next tonight on 360. what happens now that the president s son is a convicted felon and why supporters convicted felon who is running for president are still complaining about the criminal justice system, keeping them honest. also, a cnn exclusive course award goes inside a searing detention camp. were families, vices, fighters are being held and some fear of the next generation may be being born. plus we have breaking news tonight. a bus

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Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240611

denticola thinks kennedy can bring americans together and isn t worried about him taking votes from biden or trump a person like bobby kennedy who is really a messenger of unity, a message for all people i think that s why he s going to actually pull a lot of voters from both sides that s back on deal s farm. i shared desire for unity to address a deeply divided country. if we don t make some changes and find somebody who has creative solutions and somebody we can trust who wants to bring us together? we re gonna be on a world of hurt even rfk junior seemed to be pulling more votes away from biden or trump based on who you spoke to anderson kennedy s coalition of voters, they ve really span the political spectrum polling data does indicate the largest contingent could actually be those who didn t support either candidate in 2020. a lot of his support comes from the so-called double-haters. those holding unfavorable views of both biden and trump anderson, even mechan thanks the news continues here on cnn front next the breaking news, trump s interview with a probation officer wrapping up the first first of its kind in history, we have new details about the questions he faced and how his answers could affect his sentence, as well as who was in that room. plus a secret new recording tonight is supreme court justice samuel alito. this is the former republican governor kristi todd whitman breaks her silence about the man that she had publicly supported an introduced to the united states senate she now. regret backing alito, and it s the hottest stock on the planet. a little known company forcing apple today to play catch up we have a special report. let s go outfront and good evening. i m erin burnett, outfront tonight. the breaking news, former president trump, just wrapping up an interview with a probation officer. this is a first never in american history has a former president had to sit down with a probation officer well, because a former president has never been convicted of a crime. but here we are. this meeting was mandatory for trump as he is now a convicted felon in the state of new york. trump answering questions from his home and mar-a-lago. now, according to a source, the question answers lasted about half an hour and trump was asked we understand some of the basic questions that other convinced it did felons must answer those questions for regular felon would include questions about family background, financial status, living situation, and crucially, it chance for the defendant in this case trump to say why he thinks he deserves a lighter punishment now there is no pleading. the fifth year and the answers trump gave will influence judge juan merchan, who will formally sentence trump in july. here s the range trump is facing anywhere from probation two up to a maximum of 20 years in prison after being found guilty of all 34 counts in the new york hush money case. now, one of the most important drivers into whether which extreme this ends up on or where it ends up in that in that band is whether trump expresses remorse. and that of course is not happening trump today posting online, i truly wish people would remember that all of these trials in quotes are concocted and run by the crooked joe biden white house and doj for the purpose of election interference and damaging crooked political opponent me as much as possible. of course, it always bears noting in a moment when he says that the biden doj could have prosecuted this case and explicitly chose not to. and the white house, the white house officials privately call this case the run to the litter. but trump is going to melt this trial for all its political worth. and it comes as his top political ally today, rudy giuliani is now facing some justice of his own, charged with allegedly conspiring to overturn arizona s election. this just came out moments ago. what you re looking at on your screen is the mug shot of giuliani america s mare turned into trump s fall guy, and that is his mug shot in the state of arizona, maricopa county tonight brynn grasp begins our coverage outfront live in new york and brynn, you ve got new reporting about this interview between trump and probation officer so what are you learning yeah, that s right. so aaron is interviewed, took place around 330 today, as you said, it lasted for about a half an hour, a bud source in new york city s who was familiar with the actual interview that took place over a virtual meeting telling are john miller that trump was described as polite, respectful, and accommodating, answering all the questions asked of him. now, we ve reported that todd blanche trump s attorney was with him in mar-a-lago on that side? the virtual meeting by here in new york are understanding from this source is that the commissioner of the new york city probation department would need a homes was present. the general counsel for that department was present, as well as the probation officer that is assigned to trump s case. of course, this probation officer now will likely stick with trump and this will be the person who does the follow-ups. this are saying though that as of now, like i said, he answered all of the questions that were asked of him. and right now, there doesn t seem to be a follow-up, but of course there is always that option to should they need it. so one of my more details of how that probation interview went as we ve described before, many questions could be asked of certainly about trump s background, his financial history, has he abused drugs or alcohol in the past? it s certainly not much ground covered in a 30 minutes, but of course, we re talking about a defendant like the former president here. now what happens next the defense it s her attorney, todd blanche, his team. they re going to submit a sentence recommendation to the judge. the probation officer, who conducted this interview is going to conduct. it s going to compile hello report. and these are just two elements that are gonna be factored into judge juan merchan s decision when he makes that sentencing done, which of course we know the days next month in july 11, aaron, are i brynn? thank you very much. in new york outside the courthouse, michael jacobson and our team join me here. michael, let me start with you because you are the former new york city correction and probation commissioner. so when need homes now doing that now. so what s your take of what happened today? we ve been obviously probation or regular probation officer assigned to the case, but it sounds like the commissioner herself was in the room as well as the general counsel will certainly expected someone more than just a probation officer to be in that interview. i mean, it s so unusual for 1,000 reasons. most of them obvious but just the fact that it was remote. and that trump s attorney was there. those are two very odd things in enough themselves. so given all that, it certainly made sense that you would want someone other than the probation officer it certainly makes sense to me for the general counsel to be there the sort of equivalent of trump s attorney on the probation? and the commissioner runs the agencies. so i think she thought it was appropriate that she was there. now, i know these can often go up to 90 minutes or two. i then go longer. this went less than 30, and obviously this isn t a case where the judge needs to be reminded about the details of the defendant or anything like that as would be the case in normal situations. but what do you think they got out of it? well, it s just the beginning of what can be a pretty long and sometimes intrusive process. so you shouldn t take too much that it was just a a first polite interview. probation officer has wide berth here to get into, as you said alcohol and drug use. talking to pass as victims can examine trump s behavior in terms of the violation of the gag order revisit the finding that he sexually assaulted jean carroll. all that is open, fodder for a pre-sentence investigation. they wanted to sort of paint a broad picture. so this was the start of something at certainly not the end, which is important thing, right? it s not as if this is done and then we wait a month, right, terry, this is this is a part of it, but you ve watched the judge so closely in that room, judge, that trump had referred to looking like an angel, but he was really the devil was the way trump put it but a judge who his demeanor was always positive, serious, he never never betrayed any sort of emotion how much weight do you think he will give this report, this interview that s the report that s going to come out of the interview that michael s talking about. i think he s going to take it very seriously, but like you said, aaron, he knows this defendant, he knows trump. he saw him every the day he saw trump violate the gag order ten times and he imposed the fine for that. and i think he s going to really want to see whether there is remorse and he s going to take what s been going on in las vegas, the rally, what he s saying and all of the things that he saying now really don t show remorse. and i think that is going to have an impact. i m not saying he s going to incarcerate him, but i do think as to whether it s probation or house arrest or community service he s going to go with something that s a little more serious. so mark the way that it was described, brynn reporting, the way that trump handled himself today was that he was polite and respectful and accommodating to the probation officer. and the obviously the commissioner in the general counsel, who were also present for the new york parole commission. i m sorry, probation commission. but this is the first time of foreign presidents ever been in a situation like this. mark, you ve been in situations like this hundreds of times with clients. so does the judge already have his mind made up when you hear a accommodating, polite and respectful. does that mean anything considering what trump says about this, judge? pretty much daily i think it was a pragmatic approach that he should be respectful to probation officer interviewing him. i ve never had general counsel show up at the hundreds that i ve ever been on. i ve also never had the commission shouldn t have department of corrections show up. so obviously, everyone s looking at this very, very carefully. but aaron, as we talked about last week, i do think that this judge as most judges who sat through the trial before sentencing, have most of their mind made up 90% or so. this is not going to, i think move the needle very much because everyone knows who don t trump is. everyone knows about the facts of the case, which really interesting is whether or not they took this opportunity to give a written statement or a verbal statement of his position. i m almost surprised if he didn t just because of who he is, although i tell my clients never to give a written or verbal statement at this stage wait until you get in front of the judge all right. well, we ll see the mark. i want to ask you about one other thing here because it trump obviously was in this interview today means i m rudy giuliani, right? who was at the helm of this, his efforts to overturn state election results was he had his mug shot taken america county and arizona a process in phoenix after pleading not guilty to charges of trying to overturn the election, they re just looking at this picture and he s got a blue and a white star tie on. i tried to smile, i guess. i mean, mark, what s your reaction looking at that mug shot? it s insulting to the process to be honest, i remember rudy when i grew up in new york and all of that good stuff, america s mayor, like you mentioned, it s just sad that we re getting to the point where on the same day from a president, maybe a future president is getting your probation interview. and the former mayor of america is getting a mug shot taken heavy, said that he knows the respective should give the process he hasn t done it recently, but he knows and you don t smile, you don t look away from the camera. you give the respect even at the process of a mug shot, to respect the process that quite honestly, he was sworn to protect for decades and it s when will you say right? i mean, he s mocking it by the smile. it s not, not of a state of mind, it s a mocking. my goal when we talk of trump allies, it s actually very relevant here in the context of the probation conversation because florida governor ron desantis, they obviously were rivals for a time. they were allies, then rivals. and now here we are but desantis could actually be the one who oversees whatever sentence trump gets, right? right. so the way this works is a little known part of probation national e coli interstate compact. and if you re sentenced in a jurisdiction, but you happen to live in another jurisdiction, which is the case here, right. sentenced in new york lives in florida most of the time through the interstate compact, the supervision of that case will be done in a jurisdiction that the person lives in. so under normal circumstances, if he was sentenced to probation, they would make a request to be transferred to florida probation. right? those requests are normally fulfilled. i think this one there may be a little more of a discussion then they re normally is, but that agency is, as you say controlled by the governor and floor. so how he really has to check in or the way he s treated that would could potentially be the decision of governor to potentially the that compact gives wide berth to the receiving agency as they re called and the general rule is that agency treats this person as they do similar people there are no services, no similar people and it s a terrorist. what s the process here is my mega is point out this is the first step. it s a month from tomorrow that we re actually going to get the sentencing unless it s delayed. so the process here is what then trump s team files for what they think the sentence should be. and there s a whole lot of back-and-forth exactly what one of the things that the probation officer will be doing. they don t just have to interview some thinking interview family members. they can talk to prior victims if there were any victims in this case, it s victimless, so to speak, but they re going to be continuing to do their investigation. the judge is doing his research by the way, he is looking at how many similar people have had these types of charges and what has been their sentence. so he s doing that. and meanwhile, the attorneys obviously are working on their recommendations. both the prosecution and the defense. all right. well, thank you all very much. next we do at breaking news on the jury, deliberating in the hunter biden trial tonight, his family turning out in force today. the prosecution warrants the jury about by this family presence in the courtroom plus protests, breaking out tonight after one of america s top allies suffers a shocking defeat at the polls. tonight. far right s candidates across europe gaining ground and justice samuel alito, listen to this secretly recorded on tape what. the difference the most anticipated moment this election and the stakes couldn t be higher, biden democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot trump, there is nothing we cannot do who will make america powerful again, the president and the former president, one state, two very different visions for america s future. the weight only cnn can bring it to you moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th at nine live on cnn and streaming and backs life is better with the credit gods on your side. rewards. once available to the view, are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback or was it lives large discover our newest resorts, sandals and vincent and the grenadines. now open visit sandi it s dot com or call 1800 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they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. future for normal guy like me have given myself a small raise, join me at trying five good things listen wherever you get your podcasts breaking news, a hunter biden s future at this hour in the hands of a jury. that jury deliberating for nearly an hour today. so they are in deliberations then they were sent home for the night that we back tomorrow morning could have a verdict biden facing three charges tied to the purchase of a gun while abusing narcotics. if the jury finds them guilty of all three counts, the president s son could serve up to 25 years in prison he could also be forced to pay up to $750,000 in fines now, when you think about that, just speak declare here as father or the president, the united states has made it clear that he will not pardon his son if he s found guilty. i ve impressed has been following this trial since the beginning. he s out from the courthouse and obviously you ve spent nowadays in days inside that courtroom, evan so the jury has this now, what can you tell us tonight well, aaron, i was in the courtroom this afternoon as both the prosecutor fusion and the defense. did their closing arguments, you could see some jurors nodding off during the 90 minutes defense closing arguments abbe lowell the lawyer for hunter biden, really focused his arguments on trying to direct the attention of the jury on things that he says shows showed shortcomings in the government s case, who pointed out that because there is no direct evidence that hunter biden was using crack cocaine in october of 20 me 18 when he bought the firearm that that is reasonable doubt as to whether he knew he was lying on the form that he filled out when he bought that gun. now, in response to that, there are kinds the prosecutor said someone who holds a crackpipe to his mouth every 15 every 15 minutes knows that they re an addict. so that s really the concise nature of this case. this is a very simple case and so now that the jury has it, we anticipate this is not going to take too long. however what we know is this, once he wanted we get a verdict from this hunter biden faces up to 25 years, possibly under this law, we don t expect that as a first-time offender, if he is convicted that he would get that much. we also anticipate that the that the judge will take at least a few weeks to set a possible sentencing. again, if there is a guilty verdict, again tomorrow, the jury is back here at 9:00 a.m. and we expect that there ll be here all day tomorrow. alright. evan, thank you very much. i mean, we ll see when that verdict comes. and that could be tomorrow, and evan will be there in that courtroom, which was packed today and notably, a number of people in the room were related to a hunter biden, including the first lady, jill biden france over the weekend, she was back. prosecutors have been telling jurors not to be swayed by the president, the presence i m sorry, of the president s family in the courtroom saying, quote, this is not evidence tom foreman s out front as the jury headed into deliberations, hunter biden s family was there in force his mother, his wife, and others packing the first rows of the courtroom this even after a brutal week of testimony, full of painful details of his infidelity, divorce for this drug addiction, and grief, all of which he acknowledged long ago i made mistakes in my life and wasted opportunities and privileges. i was afforded for that i m responsible. women in his life had played a big role in court. ex-wife, kathleen buhle, testifying that she searched hunter s car before their daughters got in and found drugs or paraphernalia on approximately a dozen occasions, his former girlfriend, zoe kestan, whom he met when she was a dancer at a club, said he appeared to be smoking crack on their first evening together. his daughter naomi tearfully took the stand in her father s defense, only to be asked by prosecutors about this text to him. i m really sorry, dad. i can t take this and first lady, jill biden has been in court to holding hands and the family line. i love hunter and i ll support him. and i in any way i can. and that s how i look at things hunters, deceased brother beau has also loomed large. witnesses have talked about the devastating impact of beau s death or cancer in 2015 hunter has said the grief was so intense it spurred or romantic relationship with beau s widow, hallie and that grief turned into a hope for a love that maybe you could replace what we lost. and it didn t work it didn t work. indeed a trial, haley said hunter introduced her to crack it was a terrible experience. she said, i m embarrassed, i m ashamed. i regret that period of my life through it all the unstoppable refrain, drugs, drugs drugs with segments of his own audio book played as evidence i possessed a new superpower, the ability to find crack and anytown at any time, no matter how unfamiliar the terrain, it was easy. and of course, president joe biden is hovering, not in person, but in spirits. his decision already made will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? yes. and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes this would be a difficult bit of testimony for any family in this country to endure. i am sure, but with a member of that family seeking to hold onto the white house knowing the whole nation is watching, just makes it more so. aaron, tom, thank you very much. and ryan goodman is here, so ryan just going through that, how many people were in the room when you think about it ex-wife, sister-in-law, former girlfriend his his stepmother, joe biden, all of them in that room. what does that do to the jury? so, i, think it can make the defendant to look like a more sympathetic character, especially because you ve got this audio tape, which i think some of what they re playing, it makes him seem very creepy. and he s talking about criminal conduct in a sense. but here you have the family that s showing love and support for a person who is giving the image of being rehabilitated and so that could be sympathetic to the jury, and that s why the prosecutors maybe felt like they had to say something to try to defuse that, to say that s something separate from whether or not he s criminally guilty of the alleged right, which they re trying to say, don t look at who s in the room. it s not about the case, but is defense attorney abbe lowell as devin was referring to, said during his closing closing statement that hallie biden, who was bows wife, who at one point, as hundred talking about was hit dated hunter after beau s death, did something incredibly stupid. that s how abbe lowell put it when she threw out hunter biden s gun and your source, with the things you do for love in that instance, is that a good move with this jury? do you think i guess the context here is they were nodding off during his 90 minute closing all right. so i think he might need to say certain things to try to charge them up and focus back in on him. but that s especially using that kind of language against hallie biden that could come across as a sexes trope to identify her as such. and then the defendant is not somebody who s engaging in stupid but the woman someone exactly. and with that many women on the jury, it s not a good move and it s just wide wave and say something like that. they could just say, look, i don t like this. i don t like this. defense council. i don t trust him and part of his narrative that he s trying to sell me on includes that element in it and that s not persuasive. so again, interesting, as evan said, a few of them were nodding off during that closing. one hour of deliberations today, how soon do you think we got a verdict? i think we could get the verdict tomorrow and not in the way in which when if you get a very early verdict, you often think it is they re gonna be a guilty verdict. that s just having a manhattan with donald trump. i think the case is very straightforward. it s only a week s worth of testimony for both sides. and the law is very straightforward as well. so it s three charges all around the same set of facts over lemon day period i think they could come back tomorrow with guilty or acquittal or hung jury, and we surprised that president biden said he would not pardon his son. i don t think so. i think that he really has to the ground of that. he needs to be separate from this and that he s trying to restore faith and the justice department and in some ways, our criminal justice system. so for him to suggest anything other than that would be a mistake, right? right. all right. thank you very much, ryan. next, we have breaking news of massive protests breaking out tonight across one of america s major allies after the far right is pulled off, a major and historic victory could this be a warning sign for biden meet the ceo taking on apple s tim cook and winning. and what he s creating. wait till you see it changed the world this election seasons stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results follow the facts follow. cnn i m getting vaccinated by sir pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine syllabi because i m at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia i m getting prevnar 20 because there s a chance pneumococcal pneumonia could put it me in the hospital if you re 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at 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[sfx] ambient / laughing. scan the code now and ask about the bosley guarantee. high brazil alvarez at the white house. and this is cnn closed captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you cora, i can having utis for ten years. you, cora. we make uti relief products. we also well make proactive urinary tract health product. you cora, is a life s they tried today at your breaking news, massive protests breaking out across france tonight in the face of major victory is by far right, politicians across europe. we ve got new video and to cnn showing huge crowds and paris these far right winds were a shocking blow shocking to one of america s top allies, the french president emmanuel macron, suffering a stunning defeat that could see him lose its majority. the election results becoming clear as macron was actually meeting with president biden, who may face the same fate, a falling to the far right and just months. fred pleitgen is outfront is seizure all done? bother launch a landslide defeat for french president emmanuel macron s party in the european elections is a diesel donc swa less some blurriness, you macone immediately dissolving french parliament and calling for snap elections in france. so this is young the decision is serious, a hard one he said, but it is above all, an act of confidence, confidence in you, my fellow citizens the call came is the far-right as somone, as soon as one around twice as many votes in the election as macron s party sluggish economies in many european countries and the migration crisis similar to the southern border in the us, where the top issues for voters across europe many of the right-wing parties gaining ground, also sympathetic to russian leader vladimir putin like my thinking lappin of the asam, the mona s you now, who s been a kremlin out? for years. they processor. so this premier, the french have spoken and this historic election shows that when the people vote, the people, when she said in germany, chancellor olaf scholz s party also suffered a beat down coming in third behind the right-wing alternative for germany or afd, the afd with big gains even after their main candidate claimed there were decent people and hitler s buffon, ss and employed and accused a chinese spy in his office during the election campaign we had a bumpy start to the election campaign and then really caught up in the final sprint, the party chairman said after all the prophecies of dual after the barrage of the last weeks, we are the second strongest force europe s far-right, often skeptical of relations with the us. will be a strong force in europe s parliament, hungry. and one of former president donald trump s strongest allies in europe viktor orban of hungary, also an eu skeptic at a strong show i guess to sum up the results of the european parliamentary election, we can send in a telegram to brussels saying migration, stop gender, stop the war, stop soro, stop russell s stop. he said and aaron in various european countries, the centrist forces lost ground to those far-right parties and just i ll give you an idea of how dire the situation there isn t some places are here in germany, normally, the green party attracts a lot of young voters, but this time around, the greens actually lost a lot of young voters. and many of them went to the right alternative for germany. aaron, we ll questions and raising real questions here in the us, fred, thanks. thank you. and i want to go out adjacent van tatenhove. he s a former spokesman for the far-right oath keepers group, testified before the january 6 select committee, and he s also the author of the perils of extremism. how i left the oath keepers and why we should be concerned about a future civil war well, jason, i m glad to be speaking with you again because you can put real perspective on this. you know, the far-right movement in the united states. so well how emboldened are they by what we are now seeing happened tonight across europe? well, i think it does play a part. i think you know, what happens here. ripples across the world in that happens back-and-forth those victories are going to be seen as a victory here too, that there s momentum growing and i think we need to take it as kind of a dire warning as to where we really are right now, even with a front runner that is just been found guilty of so many charges it just doesn t seem to matter. there s certainly momentum growing you see it as a dire warning. i mean, we have seen jayson to your point a disturbing rise in rhetoric, violent rhetoric and threats since trump was convicted, axios reported another far-right group, the proud boys, wrote in a website hope these jurors face some street justice and don t be surprised, you know, this was going to happen stand back and standby. this is far from over. we promise. so stand back and stand by. of course, the words that trump himself had used in 2020. and someone told the pro-trump right-side broadcasting network, which is something many may not have heard of who watch this program, but it s out there and at a trump rally over the weekend, they said this we re in a, third world nation now. so yeah, i would expect it at some point that like it ll break out into violence. i mean, at this point there yet they re using the courts against their opponents we ve seen that before, so we know what s next yeah we re a third world nation now, and i would expect it ll break out into violence what are the threats and the talk of violence that you are seeing and hearing right now that were you most you know, really what worries me most is where it s coming from and my thought process. that s from trump this really seems to have evolved past what i would call stochastic terrorism, where you have a message that goes out. it seems to be passing a threshold where i think really he s just putting out this messaging and if you look at the emails that have been going out last week or so, the rhetoric is getting more extreme it s according that line of direct violent action more and more and unfortunately that audience, there, members of that audience consuming those messages that may take action that looked to be preparing to take action and that s a very concerning to me. when you say looked to be preparing to take action, do you really believe that there is sort of i don t know how organized you would describe it as, but that there really are those preparations that stand back and stand, stand back and stand by i think we would be foolish not to take them at their word i think that absolutely there we saw kind of an evolution of tactics after january 6 and during the prosecution s that happened with the people involved where it kinda it moved away from these, these big national groups and big national events to hyperlocal going after the drag storytelling hours and such. but now i think we re seeing a shift again where we re going back and there is a reorganization happening and i think we re going to see more coming from that national, those national groups that they are definitely ready to reappear. i will jason, i appreciate your time sobering warning. as you say, a dire warning that you re putting out are but thank you. next, a secret new recording of justice samuel alito, plus i m going to speak to the former new jersey governor, christine todd whitman. she put her reputation on the leinz. she endorsed alito during his confirmation hearing. she was the one there her face was out there. does she now regret it plus apple trying to play catch up to accompany now, there s a company worth more than the iphone maker and the ceo of that company has net worth is now 100 billion he says he s just getting started devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in faraway lands and it s easy to think it can t happen here if one hits home, will we d be ready silent birth with liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn doug lima someone needs to 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filmmaker who represented herself to alito as a religious conservative and secretly recorded their conversation, which was obtained by rolling stone. now, we have not obtained the full audio here is a part of it that they ve put out for you to hear one side or the other there can be the way of working our. way of living together, please it s different because there are differences. one fundamental things that really it s not like what the difference this comes as a leader was embroiled in controversy after the new york times reported that an upside down american flag flew outside his home in northern virginia in january 2021. it was, of course, a standard flat a standard bearer of january 6 protesters, as well as the second flag, one carried by the insurrectionist on january 6, it flew outside his vacation homes. so two different flags, both used on that day, out front now for republican governor of new jersey, christine todd whitman, who introduced alito at his confirmation hearing back in 2006. recommended him to the senate judiciary committee. so governor whitman, i really appreciate your time and obviously it s been a long time, nearly 20 years since you did that and you publicly vouched for alito you spoke out for him? and now time has passed and you see him things he has done. you see his defiance admits this flag controversy. does this make you see him differently or regret your support? absolutely. without question i mean, i was willing to support him because i looked back at his record and when i was appointing justices particularly the supreme court or any of the judge s. what i look for is how many times said they ve been overturned? did they write clear opinions and were they able to judge cases based on the facts presented to them in that case. and i actually saw a case that judge alito had actually had decided in favor of a plaintiff. it was clearly against what his personal convictions were relative to the matter of choice send abortion. and so my feeling was okay, he s shown that he will put aside his personal convictions to judge and decide a case based on the facts presented in that case unfortunately, since he s gone to the supreme court, that s just seemed to have gone by the wayside. yeah. i mean, obviously i wrote that wrote that opinion in roe v. wade in the letter to congress about the flag, alito said his wife flew the upside down flag because she was greatly distressed. those were his words by disputes with a neighbor and explaining his wife s motivation to fly the flag. he wrote, quote, house on the street displayed a sign attacking her personally a man who was living in the house at the time trailed her all the way down the street and buried her in my presence using foul language, including what i regard as the violet epithet that can be addressed to a woman. now, i spoke to emily baden. she was the neighbor and the dispute she put up the sign alito refers to which he said didn t refer to mrs. alito at all her husband are now husband is demand and alito mentioned in the statement, but she by the way, was the one who used the epithet in alito s presence. it was not her husband, as he said, but i want to play for you, governor, specifically, something crucial. she told me about alitos claim about the flag i just want to emphasize that the interaction that happened on february 15th is the one that they re using as an excuse for why they flew the flag. and i really want to hammer home the fact that that happened on february 15, and their flag went up two or three weeks before that, at best, he s mistaken, but at worst he s just outright lying the flag was flying before the altercation that alito says was the reason that the flag was put up, right? that s what she lays out very clearly. he wrote his version of things, governor in a letter to congress you re not allowed to lie to congress or they re serious penalties to that should he address this contradiction? well, first of all, it gets very tired and you see these guys pulling their wives. i mean, khan really it besides it is disrespectful of the united states of america. that s america slag it s not if you have a controversy with your neighbor, you deal with it with your neighbor, call the police if you want, use the courts, he should know about that. but you don t fly the american flag upside down. and as you mentioned before, it s a very clear signal two people who were part of the insurrection, and then how does he explain the other flag at their, at their other home? i mean, is his wife just doing that without his knowing and without his caring. when you assume a role like such as the supreme court justice you have a certain standard. you set a message, you set a standard for the entire court. the court comes under scrutiny when this kind of thing happens as it has already anyway, for a couple of other issues and they re having and the lack of it seems standards while his wife, isabel, quite for my wife is fond of flying flags i am not. my wife was solely responsible yeah. you find that jarring really? yeah. come on. man up at least. and if your wife did it, you should have seen it when you walked in the door and said, that s got to come down and then make an apology. say that was all a mistake. but say she put it up upside down by mistake for pete s sakes, but you don t you don t ignore it. let it hang and let the other one fly as well. you deal with them immediately. you re held to a different level of it. this is just a basic thing. i don t care whether it s a supreme court justice or not. that is so disrespectful to the, to the american flag. i mean, he won t rigueur some january 6 related cases he did write an opinion in 2021, actually, for the supreme court about a flag outside boston city hall. and in it he said that anybody who is looking at it would conclude that all of those flags convey some message on the government s behalf. he wrote that he was saying, if you fly a flag outside the boston city hall, people are assumed that s the view of the boston city hall government. but yet when it comes to himself, he says, it s my wife s fall it is their real hypocrisy. there is one statement oh, absolutely. i think it s very clear the unfortunate thing is, no one seems to really care and it doesn t appear is if the chief justice is going to do anything about it i mean, they ve adopted supposedly standards of content of conduct, but they re going to be judging themselves and somebody inside they re gonna be looking at each other to say what s appropriate and clarence thomas is a whole another issue. so the court right now is not in the best odor, shall we say with the american people and the real tragedy here is that when the american people lose faith and the justice system, we re going to really dangerous place. and we shouldn t, we shouldn t be here. it s not a good place to be. we have to have faith in our justices we have to assume that they are going to judge cases based on those facts before them in that case. and to have this kind of thing going on on the outside is undermining and demeaning to the court itself. all right. well, governor whitman, i appreciate your time and thank you my pleasure next it started with three friends in a denny s and now their company is worth more than apple. that s right, more than apple today, the iphone maker tried to play catch up. i ll give you the inside story when the competition is it s a nuclear competition, spying is extraordinarily important the russians were trying to spy on us. we were spying on them it s very difficult to determine whom you can trust i was studying right everything got out of control this is a war the secret was secrets and spies, a nuclear game. sunday at ten on cnn when i was diagnosed with hiv, i didn t know who i would be. but here i am being me. keep being you and ask your health care provider about the number one prescribed hiv treatment, big tare the dharavi is a complete one 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johnson, one still leaves the company, is net worth just topped 100 billion. and he s still hungry still thinking can we create a time machine so that we could see the future of climate change. let s see it today. and video survived an early near bankruptcy and eventually succeeded spectacularly on the video games thing with what they called graphics processing units or gpus. they ve dabbled unsuccessfully and smartphones successfully and crypto mining and took a big gamble moving beyond gaming graphics to more general use movies, health care climate modelling with processors that can make multiple simultaneous calculations. turns out they re fantastic for ai. they made a bad break correctly that it s the next big thing and they re making a very similar bet right now in the world of robotics. so as that begins to take off, they re gonna continue to be ahead of everybody. video is value just crippled from 1 trillion to 3 trillion in under a year. but video doesn t actually manufacture anything. they outsource that. they design still this is now the second largest corporation on our the planet with all our futures in its manicured hands toward holding this is the most complex highest performance computer the world s ever made. that that s why you have to care now, in the next few years, the competition is going to heat up in this marketplace for making the chips that train ai. but some analysts say that right now nvidia has maybe up to a 95% share of that market is they ve got a huge head-start on their main competitors intel and amd. amd just launched a new chip in video says are going to launch new chip every year that 3 trillion valuation peaceful world column. just said maybe

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us. this is a time when the peace process is going through a crucial point absolutely. i mean, we ve been hearing from the us was on time now calling for more pressure to be put by their key regional allies on hamas to agree to a ceasefire proposal. we heard from hamas yesterday. welcoming, be you when resolution put forward by the united states. but of course, blinken has also been meeting with key figures in israel as all we know he met with benny gantz, who of course, step down from the war cabinet we ve heard from benny gantz since saying that he wants to see maximum pressure being applied at all parties to come to some sort of ceasefire agreement. but of course we re hearing a lot of mixed messages as well while the united states continues to reiterate that this is an israeli proposal that they believe israel will back this deal. we heard yesterday from israel s representative to the united nations, so that is what he has to say to the cameras. i just met with the families of the american okay so that s a shame, but we re going to try and get that back. he s obviously says he s meeting the families of american hostages. i think that s where he was going. yeah. i mean, getting the hostages out continues to be a key priority for the united states. a key ally of israel that continues to be a key priority. of course, for the israeli government, the israeli prime minister, what we heard yesterday from israel s representative to the united nations is that israel does not want to engage in what they described as meaningless discussions and negotiations with hamas that they will continue with their objective, not only to get all the hostages out from captivity in gaza, but also to completely diminished downgrade hamas to the point where gaza no longer poses a threat going to israel to the state of israel. now of course, that sends somewhat of a mixed message given the fact that biden has presented this peace deal as one that is, and it s really deal that has the backing of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and we ve heard from the biden administration saying that the us assessment at this stage is that they believe hamas has been downgraded the point where they are no longer able to carry out an attack, such as the attack that we saw on october 7. and of course, this is a three-phase deal which does set out the parameters very peaceful exchange of all the hostages currently held captive by hamas in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners. so those parameters are set out in the deal. it is a deal that we ve heard from hamas now saying that they welcome that they are willing and ready to work with mediators and negotiators to secure this peace agreement. and of course, what we ve inherited from the us for some time now is that the ball is firmly in hamas s cool, but we ve also heard from the state department saying that they believe this is a deal which is almost identical to a deal that hamas agree two weeks ago. so the hope is that mediators and the middle east who have been working closely with hamas will be able to secure a firm agreement from hamas whether or not israel agrees to this, that remains to be seen. this is being presented as an israeli deal, but of course prime minister netanyahu is facing mounting pressure from right-wing elements of his coalition who do not want to see this deal approved. they want to see a continuation of the war. okay. i will have more on that. and the security council decision last night. but let john thank you. that. but now to two stories dominating the law and justice landscape us the historic meeting between the former president and his probation officers and the child of the current president s son, jury deliberations will resume today in delaware, where hunter biden faces up to 25 years in prison if he s convicted of gun charges, he s pleaded not guilty for the first time ever. former us president has met with his probation officers ahead of sentencing for is 34 felony convictions. the source tells cnn trump s virtual interview was routine and uneventful. another said the former president was polite, respectful, and answered all questions cnn s a brynn gingras, as the details the former president finishing his meeting with a probation officer were told from a source that it lasted about 30 minutes and his camp calling it uneventful now it s notch clear exactly what sort of questions were asked in this meeting, but what is customary is the fact that this always happens after a defendant has either pleaded guilty or is convicted of the crime. that they re charged with. we know some of the questions that are asked are about the criminal history of that person, the family background, their financial background, did they ever abuse alcohol? for drugs, things like this? what s also not customary in this situation? of course, the fact that there is a former president as the person who is being interviewed by the probation office, but also they happen virtually. we know that the former president at mar-a-lago, he was there with his attorney. that was allowed by the judge in this case. now, what s going to happen next is that trump s defense team is going to submit their own sentencing recommendation and both that along with this report made by the probation officer, will be factored in to judge juan, were sean s decision about what sentence trump should face for being convicted on those 34 counts. just a few weeks ago. so we re waiting. of course for that. happened the sentencing date still said or july 11, brynn gingras, cnn, new york. the judge in trump s classified documents case refusing to dismiss a number of charges against the former president and his two co-defendants, judge aileen cannon did agree that some of the language in the indictment was legally unnecessary and should be removed trump is accused of keeping classified documents. so this florida resort, after he left the white house, he has claimed at various points that he didn t have the documents. he declassified the documents just by thinking about it. and that he had the right to keep the documents. the delaware courtroom, where hunter biden s federal gun trial. meanwhile, is being held, was packed with supporters of the president s son on monday. both sides presented closing arguments during the historic case, making their final appeals to the jurors cnn s paula reid has the highlights from day six of the trial in a major show of support, hunter s family members and pastor taking up three rows in court today have known the family you don t abandon your friends and family tough time. in closing arguments, prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said, those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that, quote, no one is above the law, the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn t know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor, leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned or fathers card him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any evidence of drugs, but why is reminded the jury hunter s former girlfriend, hallie biden, his brother, beau biden s widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it s time to end this case. he compared the trial to a magician s trick trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand, pay no attention to the other one he accused prosecutors of cherry picking thinking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter s drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form. lowell attack, two of hunter s former girlfriends who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018, he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter s car and noted hunter was the one who told hallie to file a police report for the missing after she threw it out. hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case, a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will return to court at 9:00 a.m. on tuesday to continue deliberations now is in court monday morning as the jury heard instructions from the judge, she went through line by line explaining the rules that they have to follow as they undertake this historic decision. paula reid, cnn, wilmington, delaware, joining from new york criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor pinata, via luna. thank you so so much for joining us. why is it historic this case? because it isn t the president? it s still even though it s not the precedent, we re talking about, the president s son eighth, sit president son that s on trial, right now. i just to think that because it s a federal case, max biden, president biden, if hunter biden work to be convicted, he asked her ability to pardon him already said that he s not willing to part is his own son. he wants to make sure that people trust in our criminal justice system and that there s no favorites is but it s a historic moment in the sense that we are dealing with a sit-in president s son is on trial on felony charges and could possibly face jail which way do you think the jury appears to be going based on their responses to the judge so it depends. there haven t been any jury nodes, but it depends on are you judging this case based on sympathy? if you re not judging the case on sympathy and just on plain facts, and if we weren t dealing going with the son of a sitting president, doesn t the prosecution has proven this case beyond a reasonable doubt, not directly, but circumstantially with the testimony of hallie biden, with the testimony of the cocaine residue, haven t been recovered with testimony having to deal with biden s own words in his memory that he is a crack addict, was a crack addict at the time dealing with the text messages, those stories, dealing with a witness testimony, i think in its totality that the prosecution, the government has proven that hunter biden, it s guilty of being in possession of this firearm, haven t been under the influence. i m not a codex and also lying on that formula to update that by r. so what sort of sentence would you get from those parts of the trial so if hunter biden were to be convicted, he can face anywhere up to 25 years if he s convicted on all three of the couch highly own likely that he will see anything near 25 years. the judge has sentencing guidelines where it s recommended what is possible sentence good. because hunter biden doesn t have a criminal record because hunter biden, at this point now he said he has been cleaned because hunter biden also was dealing with a dependency on narcotic dependency, who s quite honestly it drug addiction that s been put on entre i think he can face anywhere from probation up until maybe a year or two years years in jail. my recommendation quite honestly is that this case does not is not deserving of any jail sentence. if anything, we re dealing with a drug program that hunter biden should go through quite nicely. i think this prosecution shouldn t have gone forward initially remained as a deferred prosecution disposition how might the president be implicated as part of this trial were not at all. i mean, he hasn t been mentioned in this trial aside from being a father of hunter biden, here we re dealing with a drug addiction. we know that unfortunately, hunter biden was going through some dark times and even admitted it. that s why he wrote that book. but to try to get others to get some insight as to what it is to go through a drug addiction. but there s no mention of president biting in this case. we know outside of the courtroom there has been mentioned having to deal with that laptop, but inside of the courtroom, he s not playing oh, role. it s not supposed to be playing a role and to deliberations and has nothing to do with the charges itself you ll see in america a, your a legal expert, but you also in america aware of the trump cases as well is there a way that donald trump can use this case against president biden campaign oh, absolutely. he s already using it and he s used it in a past. i ve been to deal with wears hunter biden especially doing his first time when he was running for president, actually a second time when he was running for president to try to take the is a away from what his insufficiencies are. instead focusing on president biden is saying that look, his son is on drugs, his son was participating and illegal activity that his son had some shady dealings with people well outside of america so of course to his people, that is what he s arguing. but of course, when you look at it and the eyes and the legal eyes, there s nothing having to deal with president biden and hunter biden, any illegality that s they re having to stem from these charges okay. pinata villa in new york, as ever. thank you so much for joining us now, spokesperson for giuliani predicts the former trump attorney. i will be fully vindicated. officials in arizona released his mug shot on monday or two, he posted a $10,000 cash bond giuliani and ten others have pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election in arizona prosecutors spent weeks trying to track him down and eventually found him based on some of his own podcast, giuliani was served last month in palm beach, florida. at his 80th birthday party do you have any regrets about what you did in arizona after the election? oh, my goodness. no. why not? i m very, very proud of it. there was a substantial amount of vote for the one on here that was covered up probably one of the biggest conspiracies in american history and i think that s coming out over and over again new bombshell testimony and the bribery and corruption trial in new jersey, senator bob menendez businessman jose uribe, took the stand on monday, claiming he spoke directly to the senator and asked him to help quash a criminal investigation into one his associates who testified menendez agreed to quote, look into it, though he didn t specify what exactly he would do rebate also spoke about a 2019 deal. he made with the senators, then future wife to pay for her mercedes benz and exchange for the senator s help? menendez has been charged with acting as a foreign agent of egypt in government and assisting the government of qatar has also been charged with taking bribes from several new jersey businessmen instructors from an american college have been stabbed in china, will have a live report view next with detail. plus ukraine says it is focusing on rebuilding infrastructure destroyed in russian attack the chief of the country s restoration agency says a government is putting up too many roadblocks the most anticipated moment this election and the stakes couldn t be higher, biden democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot trump, there is nothing we cannot do we ll make america powerful again, the president and the former president. one day. two, very different visions for america s future. the weight only cnn can bring it to you moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th to live on cnn and streaming un-backed attention. former 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inspiration around every corner and through every window client mornings in the sun with porto s to new and fine dining with a view. your window treatments, vas inspiring is your home and the remarkable routine of your daily life feature for a normal guy like me, i ve given myself a small raise, join me at, cnn this morning with kasie hunt today at five eastern for us college instructors have been stabbed at a public park in china in a rare case of violent crime against foreigners, they were attacked in the city of jalen and worked at cornell college, a private liberal arts school in iowa. little is known about the instructors conditions and there s still no word on the motive, but china has now adjust the incident a christie joins us now with that response. kristie yes, it was a shocking incident. again, it took place in broad daylight, public park public holiday in china to place on monday involving these for educators from iowa s cornell college wounded in the stabbing incident while in jilin city. that s in the northeastern china. and china s foreign ministry in the lab that s our has weighed in. it says that the four americans are quote, received proper treatment and are in stable condition. now, we have video of the aftermath of this stabbing. it s bring it up for you and in this video, which was widely circulating on chinese social media, but taken down, you see three people wounded. they re lying on the ground in they can part in jilin city. we have blurred the video because of its graphic nature, but these individuals are covered in blood. they re there waiting for first responders the wounded individual in front is pressing his hand on the back of his waist and the three are conscious. they are awake, they re using their smartphones to try to reach out, get help and to reach others. now, the brother of one of the wounded americans, we have this photograph. his name is david zab nar, the brothers says that the visa abner is doing well now, the condition of the other three individuals at this moment not known, but according to china s ministry of foreign affairs, they say that they are in stable condition now, the ministry of foreign affairs also cited police saying that the stabbing was in isolated incident and investigations are ongoing. now, the president of cornell university, excuse me, cornell college, the four are in china because they re therefore a partnership with beizhan university and jonathan brand sent a statement to cnn. we have part of that statement for you. he said this quote, we have been in contact with all four instructors and are assisting them during this time, unquote, a brand says that they were with a patient faculty member when the stabbing took place and that there were no students taking part in the program. now, the us state department says, it s aware of reports of this incident and it s monitoring the situation. now, the stabbing has been trending high on chinese social media this day with a number of posts getting censored and some netizens have been calling it a terrible incident with some saying this, it s bring up some examples for you, quote, this current in state, a public security is not supposed to let such a thing happen. it will definitely further hinder foreigners from visiting china unquote. now, china, especially compared to the west, has low rates of violent crime, public attacks against foreigners are rare. this incident comes as xi jinping is trying to boost person to person exchanges, get more us students just to come to try to but this is going to have a chilling effect. one more point that we heard from ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson insisting that china is quote, when the safest countries in the world back to you, max kristie. thank you. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is in berlin to attend the crane recovery conference. mr. zelensky says the top priority for the conference will be ukraine s battered energy sector ukrainians have dealt with widespread blackouts for more than two years because russian forces have relentlessly targeted ukrainian power stations with airstrikes. but on the eve of the conference, the head of ukraine s agency for restoration and infrastructure development announce his stepping down. claire sebastian joins us now because this exposes some internal tensions. yeah. and look, it s not the headline that s key. once going into this conference where he s hoping to convince allies and foreign corporations to pay more to find ukraine s reconstructions. so this is most often am he is the head of the agency for restoration, infrastructure, development, and he is saying that the reason he s stepping down is because he feels he was unable to do his job because of all the roadblocks that were put up in front of him by the government. you could talks about bureaucratic nightmares, constant opposition, and resistance, which he says that the delays in getting projects off the ground which undermined ukraine s defense. so some pretty allegations. he also says he was prevented from attending this reconstruction conference this week, which may of course have been the last straw. no response officially from the government on this, but this is just a month after the minister for infrastructure was actually dismissed from his post. so ukraine will likely face some questions on this way. these two key reconstruction officials are not at this conference when as we know, questions of accountability of management of aid have been crucial all along. but because zelenskyy, who is already in berlin, he s met with the german president. we ve seen him now with chancellor olaf scholtz. this will be about the big picture convincing allies that they need not only money for reconstruction, but more immediately for things like air defenses. and of course repairing that electricity grid, which probably couldn t come at a more difficult time because we just have those european elections and chancellor scholtz, like other leaders in france and italy, for example, i ve got a very clear message that many voters aren t happy with the amount of money going into ukraine. yeah, i look, i think that s part of what came out as we saw the far-right do so well in these european elections, particularly in these key countries, like germany and france, is that there is a political reality of donor fatigue, right? and there are people who are now looking at the amount of money that they re having to spend on their daily lives. the result of inflation and all of that. and translating that into opposition towards aid for ukraine. so that is something that lenski we ll have to face. this is the third annual reconstruction conference, but the first one to happen in an eu country. so he will be hoping to really put that message across that ukraine is able to use that aid wisely. and of course this going in as well to the g7. and then ukraine s own peace summit at the end of the week. okay, claire, thank you. so 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designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurrying, they ll be gone in a flash design, a sales that up to 70% are shop today about sin and use hamas false if you re just joining us here are our top stories today are former president donald trump completed his pre-sentencing interview with the new york probation office following his hush money trial conviction. trump s sentencing is set for july the 11th the jury in hunter biden s federal gun trial will resume deliberations today. us president s son faces three felony charges related to a gun purchase. prosecutors say he was using illegal drugs and lied about it on a federal form you are sick, you state antony blinken will soon depart tel aviv for the gaza humanitarian assistance conference in jordan in israel. blinken met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and discuss the urgency in reaching a ceasefire agreement with hamas now to a renewed push for that ceasefire in gaza as the united nations holds a key vote on a plan to end the fighting between israel and hamas. un security council on monday, adopted a us drafted resolution which endorses a proposal for a permanent ceasefire and the release of the hostages held by hamas because elution calls on both parties to implement the terms, quote without delay and without condition. hamas said it welcomed the resolution and is ready to engage with mediators. but whether israel and hamas will move forward remains unclear. colleagues today, this council sent a clear message to hamas accept the ceasefire deal on the table, israeli israel has already agreed to this deal and the fighting could stop today. if hamas would do the same we all learning more about that israeli military operation that rescued four hostages held in gaza. as new video gives us a sense of what that raid looked like on the ground. cnn s kylie atwood has more this is the view from the helmets of the israel defense forces. they unleashed heavy gunfire, searching for israeli hostages held by hamas a during daytime raid that freed four of those kidnapped by hamas on october 7 and held captive ever since. it was an operation that took weeks to plan after receiving intelligence that the hostages were being held hold an apartment buildings inside the nuseirat camp in central gaza on the way out from gaza. all forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks and is rarely air force pilot involved in the mission told the jerusalem post, that is one of the hostages, noa argamani got into his helicopter, has units, quote, mantle of composure melted away the magnitude of the moment struck then he quote immediately reported that the diamond is with us and in good health, some of the special forces were disguised as displaced palestinians and members of hamas military wing, eye eyewitnesses told cnn there were also reports of large gunfire after the hostages were rescued at least 274 palestinians were killed in the operation and hundreds injured. that s according to the gazan authorities who do not distinguish between civilian and military casualties the israel defense forces dispute that number, saying the death toll was under one 100. i want to say thank you. thank god. in israel, the families of the hostages express their overwhelming joy and having their loved ones returned safely after eight months in captivity. i haven t stopped smiling since my mug was returning to me now is work continues for a ceasefire and hostage deal with 120 hostages still held by hamas there are some theories at this rate, could be a setback it s a legitimate question. i it s hard for me to put myself in the mindset of a hamas terrorists. we don t know exactly what it is that they re going to do as secretary of state, antony blinken travels to the middle east to continue ratcheting up pressure on hamas to take the deal. he also isn t sure what hamas will do. i can t put myself none of us can put ourselves suppose on the minds of hamas or its leaders. so we don t know what the answer will be. but wall in egypt, blinken also said that his egyptian counterparts had been in touch with hamas quite recently. i can t go into the details of our conversations today except to say that artists in counterparts were in communication with hamas as early, as recently as a few hours ago now, during his meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu today, secretary of state antony blinken, ria there are rated that the united states and other world leaders stand by that comprehensive proposal that president biden laid out ten days ago, and they say that israel has put on the table people for hamas to accept. but so long as this period of uncertainty is extended, as us and other countries are waiting for hamas to respond to that proposal. the united states is concerned about the possibility of netanyahu changing his mind and deciding to reject that proposal, even though he signed off on it before it initially finally went to hamas joining me, not is back with more and what blinken was saying in the last few minutes. we know that blinken has been holding intensive discussions with his counterparts in the middle east, including of course, in israel with regards to this ongoing ceasefire negotiation. but he also spoke about, of course american families of hostages held captive by hamas in gaza saying that they were hopeful, of course, given the rescue of four hostages. over the course of what was unfortunately a deadly raid in gaza over the weekend, take a listen. 20th i just met with the families of the american hostages in gaza have the option to meet with him many times now on every trip here, the region when they visited but in washington and as always, it s an incredibly powerful thing. it s hard for any of us to put ourselves in there shoes to feel what they ve been feeling these many, many long months they were elated at the the rescue of four hostages just a couple of days ago but they continue to feel deeply power roughly this enduring separation from their loved ones men and women civilian and soldier a lot i ve and deceased. but for me all of the ha students, but especially are eight american family let s who have loved ones in gaza we are determined to bring them home the proposal that president biden put forward is the best way to do that with regards to that peace proposal put forward by the united states, we also heard from lincoln just then going on to say, that he had met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that he had reaffirmed his support for this peace proposal, which the united states has framed as and israeli proposal. we haven t yet heard a direct and public show of support from the israeli government for this peace proposal. in fact, yesterday, we have been hearing some mixed messages at the un security council. we heard from israel s representative to the un saying that israel would not engage in meaningless, endless negotiations with hamas, the objectives the israeli government and military remain the same that they want to see the full destruction of hamas and the full return of all hostages held captive in gaza of course, in this three-phase peace proposal laid out by the united states at the un security council there on the parameters, the provisions for the full release of israeli hostages held captive by hamas it s in gaza. in exchange of palestinian prisoners, but it also calls for the full withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza for the return of palestinian civilians to all parts of the gaza strip. and of course, what hamas wants to see ensured in this ceasefire agreement is the territorial integrity of the gaza strip. and of course, no demographic shifts crucially within the gaza strip. now, what we have heard so far from hamas is a statement yesterday of the back of that resolution vote saying that they welcome the deal. as you mentioned, they want to carry on with discussions with mediators that they are open to those ongoing discussions remains to be seen whether they issue a full and firm agreement to this deal. but we also haven t seen that fall and firm agreement by the israeli government, the us continues to reiterate that they believe that the israeli government will back this deal. but of course we ve been hearing at different messages from those far-right elements of prime minister netanyahu s coalition, who do not want to see this deal being signed thank you before she s in malawi are searching for missing military aircraft which was carrying the country s vice president in line. other people the plane left malawi s capital shortly after 9:00 a.m. local time monday. but never arrived. at its destination and authorities have failed to make contacts in as larry madowo following this from nairobi and apparently whether may be a factor here, larry that is the big thing here are those bad weather yesterday, according to president lazarus, to quadra. and that continues today. we now know that the search and rescue operation has entered de two. it s an air and ground operation. in the last hour, the malawi defense force has given an update on what s going on. they say their search and rescue is getting hampered by this uninhabited area where believed they believe this plane could have crashed. it s a rough and thick to rein in the chikunga forest they re also saying that this morning they had again bad weather conditions. the arrows foggy access has been difficult, but they have 200 soldiers actively searching for this plane carrying malawi s vice president and nine others. they also have the malawi police civil aviation authorities, and some forestry service officers. all actively involved in this operation. they using aircraft, fixed wing and roger aircraft, as well as some drones to try and locate this aircraft. this should have been an hour-long flight from the long with them allowing capital tomb zoos in the northern region but what happened next? here s president lazarus chakwera overnight explaining however, upon arrival and mzuzu, the pilot, was unable to land the plane due to poor visibility occasioned by bad weather and the action authorities advise their craft to return duly long way but they authorities soon lost contact with the aircraft. but i want to assure you that i am sparing no available resource to find that plane and i am holding on to every fiber of hope that we will find survivors it s been more than 24 hours now, so sadly, those chances of finding survivors, looking increasingly slim malawi has reached out to neighboring countries for assistance and also to the us, to the uk, to norway, into israel. and so far the us embassy in malawi says it has offered all its support, including a sea of military aircraft to help up in this search and rescue operation. but in malawi, defense force author saying one of the other problems is so much misinformation around social media, around this accident max yeah, absolutely. i larry in nairobi. thank you the port of baltimore s shipping channel is now fully reopened more than two months after that cargo ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge. the accident or killed six construction workers. and caliph access to the crucial waterway. crews had to remove about 50,000 tons of wreckage from the river. the container ship was stuck in the channel until it was hauled away on may the 20th, insurance experts estimate replacing the bridge could cost more than 1.2 billion those column a. woman in texas recounts her struggled to get routine care after what she called a horrifically painful miscarriage due to the states strict abortion laws this election season stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business hello though voters follow the results follow the facts, follow. cnn you ve waited all week for this, mr. saturday morning, so rise and shine. your chariot awaits you didn t get a green one you ve just to hurt your 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more much more take your business to the next stage. when you switch to shopify violent earth would liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn a new figures show violent crime is on the decline across the us and could be heading for its largest annual decline ever. fbi reports, violent crime from january to march dropped while the 15% compared to the same period last year murders fell more than 26% and rapes decreased by more than 25%. us murder rate has been dropping since 2020, where the covid-19 pandemic brought a surge in homicides of nearly 30% across the country. a criminal justice experts say it s surprising that we re only now starting to see the level of gun violence going back to pre-pandemic levels now this month marks two years since roe versus wade was overturned changing the landscape of abortion access in the us, it also affected access to miscarriage care in states with abortion bans such as texas, so many lower-cost clinics they ve closed down sin as material speaks with a mother who suffered a miscarriage but struggled to find affordable options for care due to the strict abortion laws in texas two years ago, you were able to get into this yeah now, i can t believe it s closed marlena stele came to this abortion clinic and houston in the fall of 2021 after a miscarriage at 9.5 weeks pregnant, she needed a d&c a procedure to remove pregnancy tissue. the same procedure used for surgical abortions, but because texas had just passed a law banning most abortions after six weeks, she said doctors refused to provide the procedure at her hospital possibly fearing being sued. a story she shared two years ago with cnn, i get so angry that i was treated this way. again 123 in may of this year, still lost another pregnancy we were having a boy oh, so it s a little fuzzy outfit. so that s what hurt even more because that s what we wanted dr. say, texas law is clear that dnc procedures are legal in cases like steles. and she hoped to have one to treat this miscarriage. but as she hadn t planned get pregnant again, she didn t have insurance that covered it like i wanted to have that dan see, i didn t want to have to go through it at home knowing that it was gonna be horrifying, you thought that you d be able to schedule this at your local hospital up the road? then you checked the estimate they sent you? yes. i was shocked at how high it was. it s to be exact $14,368. and that s it with a discount. if i pay out of pocket and that s when it hit me like a break like okay, this isn t happening for me here so your doctor then said, look at a clinic. yeah. she said she actually said go to planned parenthood. it ll be much less expensive. that s your best option. and then i started google searching abortion clinics in the area and i was looking for the clinic. i went to last time then having that loss and searching for care. you looked here again thinking you d at least go back. and then i had no idea it was closed what s it like for you seeing imported up like this it s sad it makes me a little angry that clinic was one of 22 brick-and-mortar abortion clinics operating in texas in 2021, within a year after roe v. wade was overturned, only 12 were still in operation providing other services than abortions more latest start looking outside of texas. she ultimately booked flights to los angeles and an appointment at an abortion clinic there. that s able to perform d&c procedures at a lower cost than hospitals. all of it including the travel. she estimates for a quarter of the cost at her local hospital in houston. but before she left, she started bleeding and feeling extreme pain at home. that meant she couldn t travel, prompting fear over what she would then endure. this is the changing table we had for my daughter that we save and then in the end, not only not getting it, but going through something. so horrifically painful. and so traumatizing like i will for the rest of my life have to live with that image of what i saw when i miscarried at home some described as one of the most impactful social justice leaders of the 20th century has died. reverend james lawson junior was a civil rights icon who trained activists in nonviolent protest he died on sunday in los angeles at the age of 95. loss was imprisoned in 1951 after refusing to register for the draft. after his release, he traveled to india where he studied mahatma gandhi s use of nonviolence, which he later taught to students and activists in the southern united states lawson served as pastor of haldeman united methodist church in los angeles in 1974 to 1999 us president joe biden held in early juneteenth celebration at the white house. on monday, telling the crowd black history is american history, juneteenth is a federal holiday marking the end of slavery in america. mr. biden invited gladys knight, patty lewbel, and others to perform in a star-studded concert ahead of the actual whole day on june the 19th, vice president kamala harris also spoke saying this year s juneteenth would be a day of action for voting rights. biden signed a bipartisan bill into law in 2021. make it official federal holiday. thanks, joining me here on cnn newsroom. i m exposed to london. cnn this morning up after this short break one of water. i want you work in which and to be with my family i want you. to join your brothers in the rank. welcome to the show i just love being out there with you guys one thing that matters to me iron claw, read it or no streaming exclusively on max. when you re cooking on a black stone you get a better cookies you ll have bigger adventures. a bucket, part of the outdoor cooking rebel do with your blackstone jolla every breakfast, lunch, and dinner you create from fast and font to low and slow anything, any time anywhere go to your nearest black stole retailer or blackstone now and make everything better on a blackstone name s eric and i am 39-years-old. i ve started thinking about getting botox cosmetic for the 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Transcripts For MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki 20240611

thank you for watching. we were just talking about the summer olympics, it s worth noting, that minutes from now, we will officially be two years out from the 2026 world cup that will take place right here in the u.s. after 30 years, and you can stream all the action live on telemundo and peacock so get your countdown clock started now. on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late with me. okay, there is a lot going on tonight. the former president of the united states and presumptive republican nominee had a meeting with a probation officer today which is a thing we have to get used to saying. we will talk about what may have come up and how it could impact his sentencing coming up in a month. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro will talk about one of the biggest political questions of the moment. how should joe biden and democrats talk about trumps conviction and how much? we will start at the supreme court and a mountain of ethics scandal sick out much bigger and it got bigger because of a woman named lauren windsor. she is a progressive actavis was known to approach important republican figures every 10 she s an ally and make lettering statements and then record her targets making candid comments. comments reported at the historical society annual dinner, supreme court justice samuel alito offered his assessment of the political and ideological struggle in america. i don t know that we can negotiate with the left in no way that needs to happen through the polarization to end. i think it s a matter of winning . i think you re probably right. on one side or the other, one side or the other is going to win. i don t know. i mean, there can be a way of working a way of living together peacefully. it s difficult. there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised. they really can t be compromised. it s not like you can the difference. one side or the other is going to win. we heard in a vacuum by someone that those comments may not seem particularly striking but remember alito is one of nine justices on the supreme court. it is supposed to conduct itself with utmost fairness and impartiality in interpreting the constitution and adjudicating the laws and one of its justices, samuel alito, is telling a stranger at a crowded event that he believes one political side is going to win. that there is no place for compromise. following his time on the court, it s no secret which side he believes he is on. look at the past few weeks. justice alito has refused to recuse himself from a january 6 case and the trump immunity case currently sitting before the court even after reports that his home displayed flags with right-wing political symbolism including ago upside down american flag in the days after january 6. alito who built a reputation over the course of years as being tough on crime and unsympathetic to criminal defendants also voiced a newfound empathy for january 6 defendants of all people and donald trump during oral arguments in two cases. take for example the case of a january 6 defendant. alito questions the justice department use of obstruction stature to rescue people involved in the capitol attack. he suggested that if the court does not intervene, prosecutors could also seek to use it people involved in peaceful demonstration like those that take place in a courtroom from time to time. peaceful protest is clearly not the same as people smashing windows and doors to invade the capitol and causing members of congress, never mind the republican vice president of the united states to flee for their lives. in the face of multiple ethics scandals we ve all been talking about involving undisclosed is from mega-donors to members of the supreme court, the 11th hour has been unapologetic telling the wall street journal, quote, no provision in the constitution gives congress the authority to regulate the supreme court period. fairness and impartiality in appearance and action are the principles that judges are supposed to follow. especially in the highest court of the land, and at least at some point samuel alito knew the. this into an answer to his confirmation hearing in 2006. do you believe there s any room for a judge on value or personal believes when he or she interprets the constitution? judges have to be careful not to inject their own views into the interpretation of the constitution and for that matter into the interpretation of statutes. that s not the job we are given. it s not authority we are given. it s not the authority we are given. that s not the job we are given. alito at least knew then what his job he entailed. despite all his actions and statements he also apparently cannot stand those who claim he s not living up to those standards. as he told the wall street journal, everyone is free to express disagreement with our decisions and to criticize our reasoning as they see fit. saying or implying the court is becoming an legitimate institution are questioning our integrity crosses the line. he wants to be revered as an impartial judge. as this new tape and his time on the bench has shown, especially the last several weeks and months, he s more of a player, actively engaged in one side struggle to win. he has given every reason to expect this from him given these actions that also doesn t mean it s something we should or need to accept. the formal president of the naacp defense fund and the chair in civil rights a howard university and she joins me now. i always want to know what you are thinking but as i listen to these tapes, i wanted to know what are you thinking as you are listening. we are all guilty of becoming numb two things. how big of a deal is this? i think it s a big deal. it s a big deal and the cumulative cents, as you point out, this is not a colloquy that floats around in the air not surrounded by plenty of context. we have seen these statements from justice alito, not only in his decisions, but when he went to rome after the dobbs decision, we have heard him in similar ways. what is it that s disturbing about this particular excerpt of this conversation, there are two things i think. one, the way in which he was bantering back and forth with this woman who we didn t know was taping him in a way that suggested sympathy to her position. she was saying some pretty extreme things. probably the worst of it was when she said we have to work to move this country back towards godliness. he said, i agree with you. that to me is a very shocking statement. i do not think that is his charge as a supreme court justice to suggest he believes the country needs to move toward godliness. she spoke often of what it was like in the past and we need to return to some period in which things were more moral and he was agreeing with her. i do not know what period they were referring to. a period in which there was much more religious talk in american life but there was also talk of keeping black people out of schools. what was the time period? i think all of this, the reason why it s important is because the standard is a reasonable person standard and justice alito raised it himself when he refused to recuse himself from a variety of cases. he said because a reasonable person knowing all the facts, that s what he said about the flag controversy. when we probe, we realize we do not know all the facts and the facts he has told us are not necessarily the accurate facts. we learned that from the flag flying issue when justice alito gave a line that does not add up. now, the reasonable person would reasonably believe perhaps that this justice is not impartial. that is the standard for recusal, but we will never get there unless parties actual file motions to recuse. that s why i am hoping this will show the united states which is the party and trump privilege case and others that they have to have the courage to demand that these justices come forward in the context of recusal and explain themselves. we are not going to get it from sending letters to the justices and we will not get it from having the justices just recuse themselves because they will not do it. we need to get serious. we also need hearings from the senate judiciary committee to get to the bottom of this. this is quite serious. quite disturbing. quite alarming, and it s not illegitimate to question the legitimacy of the court when we have had this barrage across the line conduct and misstatements and disclosures that would call into question the impartiality of any court. yeah. one of the things it was striking to me too is how he blames the erosion of trust in the court. he blames it on all sorts of things. i was reminded of this today that he said in 2023 and then talk about it with you. it s easy to blame the media, but i do blame them because they do nothing but criticize us. and so, they have really eroded trust in the court. i mean it s pretty rich given his actions and his own words. it s not the first time he s blamed someone else. his wife, everyone attacking him. what is that about? i want to ask you, what should people be doing if they are outraged about this as well? i find this mortifying. i am embarrassed for the court. we hear it with clarence thomas when he talks about the nastiness in washington, d.c. and we hear what alito. it s the media that eroded trust in the supreme court. no, s the stream preet supreme court that eroded trust. this teenage refusal to take responsibility for their actions is incredibly alarming and disturbing. i put that at the feet of chief justice roberts. he is running the court. if i were running an institution and something extraordinary happened that like the dobbs case which is something that never happened before in the history of the court, a decision was leaked to the public. i wouldn t just be trying to get to the bottom of who leaked it. as vigorously as possible. i would want to understand what we created in our culture that encouraged such a breach of culture and protocol. all of these things should require the court to self reflect, look at themselves. why you have a justice on the court like clarence thomas who is not making the appropriate disclosures? he s making them now that he has been found out. it has nothing to do with the media. the media is doing its job. the media has been quite kind to the supreme court including around the flag issue which we didn t hear until three years later. it is not the media and the justices have to stop being stubborn teenagers and take responsibility for their actions. this is where the leadership of the chief comes in. when the chief allows a code of conduct, a voluntary code, as he allowed several months ago, a code so much weaker than the code that holds all other federal judges, he is essentially allowing and creating this culture of impunity in which they create rules that accommodate the actions they have already taken. we have a real problem, ethical problem on the supreme court. i blame us. i blame congress. we have failed. we have counted on the good behavior and the norms of the supreme court instead of putting in place real rules they have to follow and congress does have the power to be able to issue a code of ethics for the united states supreme court, and they should do so. we cannot blame this on the justices. we can t blame it on trump. we can t blame it on anything else but the belief that norms are not. they are not they are not enough and we have to get serious about what kinds of protections we need in place for the integrity of the nation s highest court. the norms are no more. lots of homework including from chief roberts. sherrilyn ifill, thank you for joining me. coming up, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro joins me to talk about terms conviction and his promises of revenge. the former president of the presumptive nominee had a meeting with his probation officer today. it doesn t get normal to say. we will tell you what he was likely asked about and how it can affect his sentencing. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol s extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. today, trump met with a probation officer ahead of his sentencing first 34 felony convictions. as biden campaign chair, this is one of those times when we need to reflect on the extraordinary moment we are in. can we stop and the fact that i ll talk about the debate, but a guy who wants to be president first has to sit down with his probation officer. that is an astounding statement that sometimes people walk by. i do not think most americans will walk by that. he is completely right. we can t breeze by this stuff. is interviewed today happened virtually from mar-a-lago which is not typical because meetings usually happen in person but is not a typical person. the interview is standard procedure for anyone convicted of a felony in new york. one standard question he may have been asked is whether he associates with criminals. other convicted felons like paul manafort, roger stone, steve bannon, all his buddies. we should not forget how extraordinary this moment is. kristy greenberg the former deputy chief of the criminal division of the southern district of new york and joins me now. you tweeted today that trump would try to convince the probation officer not to recommend a jail sentence, but you said probation should reject that argument. how does that conversation go down during one of these meetings? i think what you probably saw, and it s only 30 minutes. it s a short interview, but you probably saw todd blanche taking the lead to trotta highlight positive aspects of donald trump s character that they think are mitigating circumstances and things they think are going to show he is dashes supervision. his criminal conduct which he denies, there s no victim here. i think the probation officer needs to look closer because her are victims. the american people were victims by not getting information that he was paying off the adult film star that could have affected the election outcome. other things he will focus on, i was a former president of the united states. i performed a great public service and should take that into account and that s mitigating. he committed some of this crime , signing those checks, to reimburse michael cohen from the oval office. you can argue it s an aggravating factor. he will say he s a first-time offender. who else is a first-time offender? michael cohen and he was sentenced in jail for the same conduct. he will point to the fact he is old. allen weisselberg is essentially the same age and he is in rikers. a lot of the factors i expect todd blanche trotta highlight in this interview and its going to be on the prosecutors to make their case separately to the probation office in presenting the facts, the trial record showing all those gag order violations, to show he is not following the court s ureters and he will not follow the orders of probation so sentence him to jail. a lot of things to argue. i mentioned one of the standard lines of questioning, i believe, during one of these meetings is whether the person convicted of a felony associates with criminals. trump has a number of people who fall into that category. i presume he will say no. i do not know what he said but what if he does associate with convicted criminals? are the repercussions? there are. if he were sentenced to a term probation, there would be terms to that. among them is he cannot associate with other convicted felons. steve bannon for example is somebody was convicted for criminal contempt and has a trial that will start in a few months before judge merchan on a separate fraud case. with someone like that, who he has not pardoned because he pardoned a number of other criminals, he has not pardoned, he would not be able to associate with and these are people that likely involved in his campaign and he would want to associate with. figure he will do that through intermediaries if he is sentenced to probation. thank you for explaining this to us and helping us understand it. donald trump is not going to be able to end democracy on his own. he will need help and lots of help is available. we will introduce you to someone who could be his chief of staff who has chilling plans. josh shapiro joins me to talk about the ways in which the rule of law will be on the ballot in 2024. ever since a jury of 12 americans convicted donald trump on 34 felony counts, trump and his republican allies used it as an opportunity to spin up their plans for revenge. you know. justifiable retribution against their perceived enemies. what s good for the goose is good for the gander. i encourage all my colleagues as a member of congress to aggressively go after the president and his family. is every house committee controlled by republicans using subpoena power in every way it needs to right now with every republican da starting every investigation they need to now? should democrats be in jail. should he lock them up in jail? would that be a terrible thing. but they want to do it. it s a terrible terrible path they are leading us to and it s possible that it will have to happen to them. so, in their description, as you heard, it s about karma. fighting fire with fire. that is the story they are telling over and over. it s the one far too many writers are running with. in the media, the story tends to be framed as follows. will trump seek revenge for his legal travails or won t he? but that framing unwittingly lets trump set the terms of the debate and applies he is vowing to do to democrats what was done to him. you see, obviously, there s a big difference between what happened to trump and what he is promising to do to democrats or anyone he is mad at. despite what he and his allies claim, trump was legitimately investigated, indicted, tried, and convicted unanimously by a jury of his peers. 12 everyday americans. there was a legal basis and evidence for all of it presented during the trial. what trump and his allies want is not that kind of deliberative due process. they are not trying to hold people accountable for actual wrongdoing. they are trying to reshape the american justice system to make it a tool to go after democrats or anyone who has done trump wrong. political prosecutions were major goal for the maga movement longer for trump got indicted or convicted. i was reminded this weekend, the washington post published a eye-popping piece on influential figure in trump eye orbit that you might not be familiar with. i had never heard of the guy he there. is a former director of the office of management and budget and his name is russ vought. according to the piece, he s a potential chief of staff in a trump term and could wield a lot of power. a self-proclaimed christian nationalist who departs at the heritage foundation project 2025 on how to remake the executive branch in a trump presidency. in september 2022, before trump got indicted or entered the presidential race, he wrote an essay saying the left dragged american 28, quote, constitutional moment saying it was time for the right to reinterpret the constitution and a radical new way. he encouraged conservatives to, quote, throw up residents and legal paradigms that have wrongly developed over the last two 200 years. in their place he laid out plans for, quote, donald trump to deploy the military to quash civil unrest, seize control over the justice department, and this is the power to withhold congressional appropriations. is just on his first day back in office. he s not calling for accountability through due process of the law to hold people accountable. he wants to reshape the system for the purpose of punishing trump s perceived enemies. last year, he told the heritage foundation crowd, quote, the department of justice is not an independent agency. if anyone brings it up in a policy meeting, i want them out of the meeting. this is the larger picture outside of the news cycle and latest public and cash republican reactions. the republican line of fight fire with fire you hear over and over again is really cover for a frightening plan to overhaul the justice system and the executive branch at large. by the way, it predates trump s convictions and indictments. it s what they ve had in mind all along. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro joins me next. switch to shopify and sell smarter at every stage of your business. take full control of your brand with your own custom store. scale faster with tools that let you manage every sale from every channel. and sell more with the best converting checkout on the planet. a lot more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. oooh! i can t wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn t care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there s nothing like a day out with friends. that s nice, but shingles doesn t care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing! guess what? 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the system where every american is accountable to the same set of laws or we would we prefer where the president can prosecute whomever he chooses simply because he does not like them. the election will be about a lot of things. that is definitely one of them. joining me is pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, previously the state attorney general. i am grateful you are here. i want to start with i laid out. this idea that donald trump and his allies are bowing but they are telling supporters is simply fighting fire with fire. you did something it to our guy and we will come after you. to me, when you look at the specifics of their plans, it feels like that s not the right description. it s not just revenge but a plan to reshape the system to go after their enemies. last week you said something that struck me. you said i am scared to death the fees in charge of the system. i want to ask you what you mean by that or what do you expect, what worries you what could happen to the system? i am deeply concerned by this system. it s why we should not put the country at risk by putting donald trump back in charge, back in charge of the justice system, back in charge of our military. donald trump came out of those 34 convictions doing what he always does when he gets in legal trouble. a cut and paste job if you will. i remember this from my time as attorney general, he complains, he bemoans the fact that he lost and makes up excuses and tries to pivot away from personal responsibility. i was the attorney general in pennsylvania where he and his allies took us to court 43 different times to stop certain people from voting and stop vote from being cast. he went sero-43. we protected the will of law and the people. trump wants to come back and as he said exact revenge. the idea he would be put in charge of the justice system and have people surrounding him that are trying to get his perceived enemies should scare all americans. it s another example of the kind of chaos that he would inflict on the country if he is given the opportunity to lead this nation again. we have always been a nation that respects the rule of law, respects our institutions. trump tried to undermine our faith in one another and faith in the institutions. we didn t let him get away with it in 2020 and i hope we don t let him get away with it in 2024 and i will do everything in my power to ensure he is not successful and our institutions stand and hold. let me ask you about something you alluded to which is the takeover of the justice system. i think when people hear that, they think it s a reshuffling of the government. what does it mean? i talked about russ vought, this figure in trump s world. he could be his chief of staff. who s. this is a man who has openly said he does not believe the department of justice is an independent agency. i want to ask you, what is the danger of that? sometimes it feels like bureaucracy but it s more than that. it s a lot more than bureaucracy. it s dangerous if he controls the bureaucracy as well. think of the justice department. he would have the power to criminally prosecute people who did not do anything wrong but are his enemies. go after companies that he disagreed with. the products they are selling the manner in which they are conducting themselves. to use the justice department to strip away people s liberties and rights and freedoms and undermine the constitution. ignore the courts. essentially, have his way with the good people of this nation, which should scare everybody. in 2016 after donald trump was running, he and most people didn t know what they were doing and there were a few people around him the provided guardrails for his chaotic conduct. now those people who might provide those guardrails, they are gone and a lot of the dangers people around him know how the bureaucracy works. knows how the justice system works and knows how the military works. if he is given the opportunity to lead the nation again with this people around him who want to do real danger and take away your fundamental freedoms, that should scare the hell out of everybody and that s not the chaos we want in this country. it s the people who know how to manipulate it and the plans being written and a lot are online. keeping with the legal discussion, want to ask about the supreme court. we talked about the supreme court and justice samuel alito and this audio where he agreed there should be a fight to return the country to a place of godliness. this comes on the heels of reporting of a flag outside his house that s associated with january 6 and serious ethical scandals around thomas. lots of things. it feels like there is a credibility crisis for the supreme court. i want to ask you, what is the solution? remember, this is the court that donald trump packed in order to take away a woman s right to choose. in order to meet my daughter and other women out there have fewer rights today than they were born with. this is purposeful on donald trump s part to pack the court with these people that want to restrict our freedom. people who have their own agendas. justice alito is showing his agenda. by the way he flies his flags and apparently the way he runs his mouth as well. what the american people need to do is take that into consideration when they go vote this november. you want to give donald trump the ability to appoint more samuel alito s and clarence thomas s to the court? you want to give him the ability to put more people on the court who will take away our fundamental freedoms? justice thomas wrote in that opinion that abortion is really just the beginning. the fundamental reasoning, foundational reasoning used to overturn it could be applied in other ways. could be used to restrict your ability to marry who you love and undermine her ability to take the medications that you and your doctor want you to take. i fear this was just the beginning and of donald trump is given the ability to lead this nation again, but more those justices on the court, it will not only set us back for 40 years. the stakes are so high in this election. while donald trump and joe biden s names are on the ballot, and it s a binary choice. don t let anybody tell you there are others on the ballot who have no chance of winning. it s a binary choice between donald trump and joe biden, but in many ways it s not about those two. it s about the country we want for ourselves whether we value freedom, whether we care about our institutions, whether we believe that we have to move forward to brighter days are go back to a very dark time. this election is a referendum and reflection on all of us and we have a responsibility to turn out and get others to turn out who will stand up against the kind of extremism we ve seen on the supreme court and in the white house with trump and instead stand up for freedom. stand up for our fundamental values that continue to move the country forward. i have to ask you about pennsylvania. in addition to a legal expert, you are a governor and you know your state well. it has not been that long since these convictions stash we have seen impact in the polls. there s a lot of things on the ballot and on voters minds. is you talk to voters, do you think trump s convictions is going to be an issue that will influence people to are on the fence or have it come to joe biden at this point in your state? i don t know how the conviction will ultimately play out. the good people of pennsylvania, they care whether in rural or urban or suburban communities about basic things. they want good schools. safe communities. economic opportunities and they want their freedoms to be protected. you know what? i think they want to be led by someone who is honest and decent. someone who is on their side like joe biden. all they hear from donald trump is a bunch of whining about this country. i think trump has to quit whining and trying to divide us. we are producing more energy than ever before in this nation. we have the strongest economy in the world, and we are beating china for the first time in decades. more people went to work this morning in america than at any other time in the nation my ski history. i ve got a message to donald trump and his negativity and whining, stop talking about america. it s the greatest country on earth and it s time we start acting like it. the good people of pennsylvania understand this is a great country. understand we ve got a whole lot going for us, and it s time to continue this path of progress that joe biden has laid out and not go back to a negative time. not listen to the whining of the former president and instead focus on a positive future for all of us. quit your whining. that s a good message. thank you so much. i always enjoy talking to you. big story to tell. i take once-daily jardiance at each day s staaart. as time went on it was easy to seeee, i m lowering my a1c! jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is really swell the little pill with a big story to tell! we don t know how many americans will be moved by donald trump s conviction when it s all said and done. there are some early signs that the verdict be swaying some former trump voters. this is what we heard from two time trump voters in a focus group. criminals should not be in charge. if they violate the laws, then they should be subject to exactly the same rose that all of us expected to abide to. he should serve jail time. penalty for the crime. they will negotiate and renegotiate and maybe he won t serve time, but he will get more time on television right here at election time. to underscore, that s two time trump voters saying lock him up. you just saw sarah, she conducted the focus group you just heard. dan is a former communications director for president barack obama. i want to start with the thing stash we only played one clip but that was from the two time trump voters who want trump held accountable it sounds like. the big leap year is they want him to be held accountable but are they turned off by trump or will they vote for biden instead or do we know that yet? in this particular group, five of the nine people in the group all of them two time trump voters, five were going to vote for biden. i think there s a lot of people who think somebody who voted for donald trump twice seem like a long shot for getting them to vote for biden. it s important to understand that for a section of voters who held their nose and vote for donald trump twice, and then saw what happened on january 6, saw donald trump s claims and lies about the election, they were already that was a redline for them. they were pretty far out. what the conviction does is it moves them from, and i hear this a lot from two time trump voters who are really upset by january 6, i m not going to vote or i will leave it blank. for some voters with the conviction did as he got them to a place where they said this guy is unfit to be in the white house so i will vote for biden not because i want to vote for him or because i want to vote for a democrat because i will vote for anybody that will keep donald trump out of the white house because he is that dangerous. you are always in the selection especially with swing voters who are center-right, for them you re not building a pro joe biden coalition. you re building a anti-trump coalition. as trump gets back in people s consciousness which is a lot of what s happening with the conviction, people are remembering, i don t like that guy. you are seeing a shift in voters before they were focused on negative things they thought about biden and now they are remembering the negative things they do not like about trump. it so interesting to watch her focus groups. dan, you and i know well there s big moments in campaigns. we have seen the campaign sharpening the rhetoric around the convictions. there s a difference between what the campaign says, and what the candidates say. when you look to the debate coming up, a couple weeks from now, what should the president be saying? he is trying to appeal to those voters and base voters who are not excited. what is the right framing of language? the conviction is the elephant in the room. you have to talk about it. calling him convicted felon as many times as possible and trying to win again points. that s not a good use. the conviction is a critical data point in the story that a lot of the polling and focus groups tell us we should be telling about trump which is he is in this for himself. he is running for office to protect himself from further legal jeopardy and help himself and his rich friends and exact revenge on enemies. that me first attitude is what got him in trouble to begin with. you have to take this conviction, it caused people to break out of their anti- politics bubble for a few minutes and pay attention then tell it to use to talk the broader story. use it in a disciplined, calm way that does not allow trump to drag you when the mud. that makes sense to me. sarah, i want to ask a similar question. there s a couple different audiences biden has to appeal to. is there anything that the president could say during the debate about the convictions that would turn them off? anything that would be a trigger about it? when it comes to swing voters, the thing for biden is not the message. it s how he says it. for them, they want to see joe biden can do this job. you have to get people over this hump that they think joe biden is too old. this is where trump wins often times. he has lunatic energy that makes him seem more the fishes, more aggressive, and sometimes when you listen to voters as they get into the strong weak framing where trump is bad and strong but biden is okay but weak. he has to show some strength. he cannot just say conviction over and over but he has to go on offense. the whole campaign right now has to go on offense. we are in the moment to push. we have to stop talking about democracy being at stake and the campaign has to campaign like democracy is at stake. joe biden has to show he is ready to go. it s not the name-calling of convicted felon but able to say this man is unfit and i am good to go. you ve got to show that and not just tell it. state of the union energy. it s about the vibes i am hearing. i want to ask about your sub stack encouraging people not to be stressed. everyone should subscribe to it. it. hi, i m amanda and i lost 37 pounds with golo. so i m a hair stylist and i m on my feet all of the time. with golo i have more energy. i m able to work and stand on my feet 10 hours a day and to me golo means a happier life a more successful life. a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. that does it for me tonight. tonight. much appreciated. thanks to you at home. really happy to have you here. we have an interesting show for you tonight. particularly glad you re here for it. we re going to start a ways back as we sometimes do. when allied soldiers came ashore on the coast of france on the beaches of normandy for the d-day invasion, they opened up a new west

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240609

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will set parties will set out their manifestoes. thousands of motorcyclists arrived at the end of a mammoth right from london to cumbria. and in sport, joyful we go in a day of commemoration at wembley where rob burrow was paid tribute to, ahead of their challenge cup final. a sunny start for many of you, a more cloud, increasing, thickening and patchy rain as well. details on breakfast. good morning. the main story, israel has been criticised by the european union s matheny diplomat over the key kneeling of dozens of palestinians in an operation to rescue four hostages in gaza yesterday. josep borrell called the report another massacre of civilians. a woman and three men were rescued in a mission involving airstrikes around a refugee camp. hamas claims more than 210 palestinians were killed, is report the number below 100. a dramatic rescue and she s free again. 25 year old noa argamani, captured by hamas on the 7th of october, and taken to gaza, is finally back in israel. this is her being reunited with her father after a dramatic rescue. translation: father after a dramatic rescue. translation: ., , ., ., ., translation: please do not forget there are another translation: please do not forget there are another 120 translation: please do not forget there are another 120 hostages - translation: please do not forget there are another 120 hostages in i there are another 120 hostages in captivity. we must release them and make an effort in any way to bring them to israel and theirfamilies. either way, them to israel and theirfamilies. eitherway, it them to israel and theirfamilies. either way, it is my birthday. look at my gift! also freed, andrei kozlov, who is 27. shlomi ziv, 40, and almog meirjan, 21. eight months ago, they were in the nova music festival in southern israel when hamas gunmen attacked. more than 360 people were killed here. the four hostages, it said, were found at two separate locations in the heart of the camp and were brought out under fire. special forces went in. the military said this was a complex operation and based on intelligence information. the four hostages, it said, were found at two separate locations in the heart of the camp and were brought out under fire. israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. they underwent intensive training. they risked their lives to save the lives of our hostages. but the mission brought even more suffering to gaza. there was chaos and desperation at the nearby al aqsa hospital. doctors were unable to treat many of the winter, many arrived dead. translation: we were at home. a rocket hit us. my two cousins died and my other two cousins were seriously injured. they did nothing. they were sitting at home. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited the freed hostages in a hospital near tel aviv. he s being urged to reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal with hamas. rescue was considered a success by israeli authorities and change the calculation of a leader under pressure. campaigning continues ahead of what is likely to be a busy week in the lead up to the lith ofjuly general election with another scheduled election tv debate and manifestos set to be published. 0ur political correspondent ian watson has the latest. the prime minister is in a market for votes, the main westminster parties will launch manifestoes in the week ahead, rishi sunak will be hoping ms the focus for emily on chip policy, not hoping ms the focus for emily on chip p°licy, not personality. hoping ms the focus for emily on chip policy, not personality. it will be keen to move on from the dd apology and so will his party, and his candidates have been out campaigning this weekend and we have been speaking this weekend. some of spoken about anger and disappointment and one of them is firstlings that whatever will happen next? all the trousers fall down? 0thers next? all the trousers fall down? others say they have not raised the issue at all in one candidate said they were so vexed by it, they have already defected to labour or the reform party. the prime minister will be hoping to keep hisjob and he wants to get more people into work, promising to spend £700 million to help people struggling with mental health to rejoin and stay in the workforce. but he s also repeating previous announcements to toughen up benefits rules. the conservative claim they can save £12 billion of the welfare bill by the end of the next parliament. labour says existing jails are bursting at the seams and the government has failed to provide the 20,000 more prison places promised. if elected, the party says it would deliver that prison building programme and change the planning laws to make it a priority. those that give offenders more help to get into employment. the state of the nhs has been prominent in the lib dems campaign, saying they want to take pressure off the ambulance system by expanding urgent care systems and providing more than a thousand more beds. response time information will also be made readily available. today we get a sneak preview of the manifestoes but it is not until the full range of policies are published that we will know how well they connect with voters. the wife of the missing tv presenter michael mosely says his family refuses to lose hope, and the last few days have been unbearable. efforts are continuing to find the 67 year old, on the greek island of symi, where he s been missing since setting off for a walk on wednesday. new cctv footage has been released of his last known movements. joe inwood, has the very latest, from symi. india s prime minister, narendra modi will be sworn into office later on sunday. he ll be sworn in alongside his cabinet as he leads a coalition of 15 parties following last week s election results. it makes him prime ministerfor a historic third consecutive term. an 11 year old gold is one of those injured after a ride malfunctioned at lambeth. what more do we know about the situation? at lambeth. what more do we know about the situation? lambeth council have described about the situation? lambeth council have described what about the situation? lambeth council have described what happened - about the situation? lambeth council have described what happened as - about the situation? lambeth council have described what happened as a l have described what happened as a serious incident. let me step away from the camera and i can show you the funfair, butjust behind that, you will be able to see the funfair where the incident happened. we do not know what ride it was on but the police were called yesterdayjust before 630 in the evening. the council have confirmed there was a malfunction with one of the fairground rides, four people were injured and an 11 year old girl, a man and woman in their 405, and a man and woman in their 405, and a man in his 505. there was a big emergency response, as you would expect, air ambulance, ambulance crews with paramedics, they were crew5 with paramedics, they were treated at the scene and then taken major trauma units. we understand their conditions are not thought to be life threatening but we do not know what injurie5 they have sustained the council has said there will be a thorough investigation following what they describe as a serious incident. thank you. an american veteran who flew back to france for the d day celebrations got married near the beaches where the allies landed eighty years ago. harold teren5, who is one hundred years old, married his ninety six year old fiancee, jeanne swerlin. harold visited france as an air force corporal, shortly after d day. they then attended the state banquet in paris, thrown by emmanuel macron forjoe biden. i’m in paris, thrown by emmanuel macron forjoe ewen- forjoe biden. i m 100 years old and m forjoe biden. i m100 years old and m bride forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is 96 forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is 96 and forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is 96 and to forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is 96 and to be forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is 96 and to be married, i my bride is 96 and to be married, it s my second, normandy is my second favourite place in the whole world. i could live here for the rest of my life and be as happy as could be. do rest of my life and be as happy as could be. ,, ,, ., ., could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, i could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, ifeel could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, | feel like, could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, i feel like, my - could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, i feel like, my god, - could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, | feel like, my god, i. yes! at 96, ifeel like, my god, i -ot yes! at 96, ifeel like, my god, i got butterflies, just like the young people! got butterflies, just like the young people! it is notjust the young people. people! it is notjust the young people, love, you know! we get butterflies we also get a little bit of action! butterflies we also get a little bit of action! ., , ., butterflies we also get a little bit of action! . , ., , . butterflies we also get a little bit i of action! and of action! that is a bit cheeky! and wh not? of action! that is a bit cheeky! and why not? definitely of action! that is a bit cheeky! and why not? definitely walking - of action! that is a bit cheeky! and why not? definitely walking on - of action! that is a bit cheeky! and why not? definitely walking on air. congratulations to them both! she was saying they feel young and they seem young and sprightly. i thought the not seem young and sprightly. i thought they got the seem young and sprightly. i thought they got the ages seem young and sprightly. i thought they got the ages wrong! seem young and sprightly. i thought they got the ages wrong! and - seem young and sprightly. i thought. they got the ages wrong! and someone else looking fabulous for his age, matt, good morning. else looking fabulous for his age, matt, good morning. bless you! life beains matt, good morning. bless you! life be . ins at matt, good morning. bless you! life begins at 102. matt, good morning. bless you! life begins at 102, who matt, good morning. bless you! life begins at 102, who knew? matt, good morning. bless you! life begins at 102, who knew? hope - matt, good morning. bless you! life begins at 102, who knew? hope you| begins at 102, who knew? hope you are having a great weekend and it s lovely today weatherwise and this is just a short while ago in eastern scotland, blue skies across central and southern england but it is chilly, parts dropping as low as one degree. a cold start but for many, the sunshine is good, and some cards spilling in around some areas and patchy rain to go with it as well. the car has been streaming out across the north atlantic and here it comes, it will be sitting across northern ireland for much of the island, parts of northern england and north wales and spreading southwards and eastwards. lots of clear skies to begin with across the south and parts of scotland, continuing with sunny spells but a few showers over the mountaintops will be wintry. damp at times in north west england and wales with the odd shower elsewhere. sunny throughout the day, channel islands, parts of devon and cornwall as well is dorset in particular, temperatures up to 19 but there will be high pollen levels across much of england and wales. lower further north. we finished the day with a persistent rain in northern ireland, that was spread its way across england and wales are some of the garden, you may not have to water the pots tonight. clear skies later tonight, maybe some parts of scotland down to three degrees into monday morning but holding up, and not as cold in the south because of this weather system. it will clear away to start monday and sitting across is impulsive england, producing heavy rain at times and parts of yorkshire and lincolnshire, east anglia and the southeast, and that would take a while to shift away from parts of yorkshire and east anglia and may be lingering for some in the afternoon. west of that, a day of sunshine and showers. particularly in areas of scotland and for monday, northerly winds, making it phil cooler than today. temperatures around 12 15 and actually start to the week. the northerly winds bringing colder and down, crossing into tuesday, temperatures well down for where you want this stage injune. the cloud will build up eventually and a few showers brewing particularly across central and eastern areas and the core behaviour showers on parts of tuesday afternoon. further west, brighter and drier throughout but temperatures 10 16 degrees, 5 8 down for some of you on what we normally have at this stage of the year. call for the rest of the week, some showers around but there will be dry weather as well, so a bit of a washout of a week, even if it is not an especially warm one. the ressure not an especially warm one. the pressure on not an especially warm one. the pressure on public services is a key election issue and in an effort to understand the challenges, we will be reporting on three key areas over the coming days, education, courts and social care. this morning we are focusing on schools and their struggle to address a range of social issues beyond teaching. we have been to one primary school in telford where teachers are helping with potty training and basic communication. asimple a simple maths lesson a familiar part of the school day for most pupils. increasingly in classrooms are children who struggle to simply be at school. are children who struggle to simply be at school- be at school. early years have a number of be at school. early years have a number of children be at school. early years have a number of children who - be at school. early years have a| number of children who struggle be at school. early years have a - number of children who struggle with basic communication, stringing a sentence together, please can i go the toilet, can i have a drink, sentences we had to teach the children. ., ., ., ~ , sentences we had to teach the children. ., ., ., , , ., children. london and academy is a small primary children. london and academy is a small primary school children. london and academy is a small primary school in children. london and academy is a small primary school in a - children. london and academy is a j small primary school in a relatively deprived area of telford, almost half the pupils are on free school meals. the lack of skills means the school has to teach a basic form of sign language. we school has to teach a basic form of sign language- school has to teach a basic form of sin lanuae. ~ ., ., sign language. we have intimate care lans for a sign language. we have intimate care plans for a number sign language. we have intimate care plans for a number of sign language. we have intimate care plans for a number of our sign language. we have intimate care plans for a number of our children, i plans for a number of our children, we change the children, we also try to teach them to go to the toilet as well so we try to do some of that potty training but we still have children are nappies in our early years environment. lafit children are nappies in our early years environment. last september of the 27 children years environment. last september of the 27 children who years environment. last september of the 27 children who joined years environment. last september of the 27 children who joined the - the 27 children who joined the reception class, eight were a nappies. louise says her son was not potty trained when he started school. he potty trained when he started school. . , . potty trained when he started school. ., , ., ., , school. he was quite late, he was not ready- school. he was quite late, he was not ready- and school. he was quite late, he was not ready. and then school. he was quite late, he was not ready. and then we school. he was quite late, he was not ready. and then we felt - school. he was quite late, he was not ready. and then we felt when | school. he was quite late, he was i not ready. and then we felt when he was ready, school helped. they helped with that. had was ready, school helped. they helped with that. was ready, school helped. they helped with that. had you tried to net him helped with that. had you tried to get him toilet helped with that. had you tried to get him toilet trained helped with that. had you tried to get him toilet trained before - helped with that. had you tried to get him toilet trained before he . helped with that. had you tried to i get him toilet trained before he got to school? ., , , ., to school? there was ust no interest from t to school? there was ust no interest from him to school? there was ust no interest from him at h to school? there wasjust no interest from him at all- to school? there wasjust no interest from him at all to i to school? there wasjust no| interest from him at all to try that. ,., , interest from him at all to try that. , ., ., , that. the parents have nothing but raise for that. the parents have nothing but praise for the that. the parents have nothing but praise for the school that. the parents have nothing but praise for the school but that. the parents have nothing but praise for the school but a - that. the parents have nothing but praise for the school but a chat - praise for the school but a chat reveals why schools increasingly struggle to focus solely on educating children. my oldest dau~hter educating children. my oldest daughter i educating children. my oldest daughter i order educating children. my oldest daughter i order out - educating children. my oldest daughter i order out of - educating children. my oldestj daughter i order out of school educating children. my oldest. daughter i order out of school i educate her. how old is she? 14. she was self harming, bullied due to her mental health, now she is at home she does the work and she is happy. happy- he is work and s the does she my she does the work and she is happy. my wife died when i first started, a lot of my wife died when i first started, a lot of stress and emotional health, that was lot of stress and emotional health, that was affecting the children with the what that was affecting the children with the what was going on. we have had help from the what was going on. we have had help from social services. my wife is back help from social services. my wife is back where she wanted to be. and that was is back where she wanted to be. situc that was through the is back where she wanted to be. fific that was through the school? london academy as part of a 13 school multi academy as part of a 13 school multi academy trust, the head says long standing challenges caused by tight budgets have been exacerbated by covid 19 and cost of living pressure. by covid-19 and cost of living pressure- by covid-19 and cost of living ressure. ., ., ., . pressure. coming out of the pandemic children are quite pressure. coming out of the pandemic children are quite often pressure. coming out of the pandemic children are quite often more - children are quite often more anxious about large social situations because people were out of that for a while and at a quite informative stage in their education and own personal development. i think ultimately, when children are coming to school or hungry, that s having a bigger impact as an ongoing thing, we would have recovered quicker if it hadn t been for those issue. to quicker if it hadn t been for those issue. ., , ., , ., issue. to help families the learning community has issue. to help families the learning community has a issue. to help families the learning community has a food issue. to help families the learning community has a food bank- issue. to help families the learning community has a food bank run - issue. to help families the learning community has a food bank run by| community has a food bank run by nikki morrison. i community has a food bank run by nikki morrison. community has a food bank run by nikki morrison. i went out to have a visit myself. nikki morrison. i went out to have a visit myself, the nikki morrison. i went out to have a visit myself, the children nikki morrison. i went out to have a visit myself, the children were - visit myself, the children were having weet bix with tap water. she having weet-bix with tap water. she leads the having weet bix with tap water. she leads the team who provide a lot of time providing emotional and psychological support to hundreds of peoples, she wonders what will happen to them once they are older. a lot of support is in place for children through the school system, but when they leave school, that support starts to beat, they will have to pick up for when the children leave school and put the support and so they can be productive and functional members of society. the productive and functional members of socie . . . , productive and functional members of socie . . ., , ., ., society. the challenges and telford are nationwide, society. the challenges and telford are nationwide, how society. the challenges and telford are nationwide, how to society. the challenges and telford are nationwide, how to help - society. the challenges and telford are nationwide, how to help many. are nationwide, how to help many children who cannot open school. cope with life. michael buchanan, bbc news, telford. the time is coming up to 19 minutes past six, time to have a look at the papers, the observer leaves of the report is a future labour government would promise to establish 80 new rate courts in england and wales as part of wide ranging plans to tackle violence against women and girls. they say the policy is expected to be unveiled on the party manifesto next week, as we have mentioned, we expect to see the manifestoes unveiled from all parties. the sunday express unveiled from all parties. tie: sunday express reports on a quote 6 year master plan from a reform party leader nigel farage to in his words reshape politics and carry out what the paper calls a hostile takeover of the conservatives. the meal male takeover of the conservatives. the meal male leads with the search for former broadcaster michael mosley, it reports rescuers are focusing on a dangerous cave complex known as the abyss and we willjoin our correspondence live on the ireland later this morning. the mirror focuses ireland later this morning. the mirror focuses on ireland later this morning. tie: mirror focuses on the recovery of the princess of wales following her recent cancer diagnosis, it carries comments made by catherine in a letter to the irish guards when she said she hopes to return to public duties very soon. she apologised for not being there to take the salute at the drooping of the colour. let’s at the drooping of the colour. let s look inside at the drooping of the colour. let s look inside the at the drooping of the colour. let s look inside the pages, at the drooping of the colour. let s look inside the pages, this is in the observer. it talks about how treehouses have gone from the childhood favourite to the height of clamping luxury. when i was younger i was desperate for a treehouse, i thought it was most magical thing. after reading the magic faraway tree by enid blyton i wanted to be up in the trees but i never got one from my parents. 50 the trees but i never got one from my parents- my parents. so you are now living our my parents. so you are now living your treehouse my parents. so you are now living your treehouse streams? - my parents. so you are now living your treehouse streams? now - my parents. so you are now living your treehouse streams? now i i my parents. so you are now living i your treehouse streams? now i need to ask for a your treehouse streams? now i need to ask for a glamping your treehouse streams? now i need to ask for a glamping treehouse, - your treehouse streams? now i need to ask for a glamping treehouse, it i to ask for a glamping treehouse, it is notjust a wooden shack put together it looks incredibly fancy now, some have a built in sauna inside which is very impressive, that takes a lot of logistic, the height of engineering.- height of engineering. sturdy branches- height of engineering. sturdy branches. you height of engineering. sturdy branches. you can t - height of engineering. sturdy branches. you can t have - height of engineering. sturdy branches. you can t have any| height of engineering. sturdy - branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. you can t have any flimsy branches- if branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. if you branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. if you are branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. if you are trying - branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. if you are trying to - branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. if you are trying to find i branches. if you are trying to find a wa for branches. if you are trying to find a way for such branches. if you are trying to find a way for such a branches. if you are trying to find a way for such a fancy branches. if you are trying to find a way for such a fancy treehouse| branches. if you are trying to find i a way for such a fancy treehouse you might hope for some kind of find like this, a book bought for £1 at a car boot sale is expected to fetch £15,000 at auction because it is a rare first edition of the debut james bond novel. rare first edition of the debut james bond novel. ., , , , , james bond novel. that s impressive was that a car james bond novel. that s impressive was that a car boot james bond novel. that s impressive was that a car boot sale? james bond novel. that s impressive was that a car boot sale? 1953 - james bond novel. that s impressive was that a car boot sale? 1953 copy l was that a car boot sale? 1953 copy of ian fleming s was that a car boot sale? 1953 copy of ian fleming s casino was that a car boot sale? 1953 copy of ian fleming s casino ryall, - was that a car boot sale? 1953 copy of ian fleming s casino ryall, onel of ian fleming s casino ryall, one of ian fleming s casino ryall, one of only 4,700. of ian fleming s casino ryall, one of only 4,700. . . of ian fleming s casino ryall, one of only 4,700. .. some people don t know what of only 4,700. .. some people don t know what they of only 4,700. .. some people don t know what they have, of only 4,700. .. some people don t know what they have, could - of only 4,700. .. some people don t know what they have, could you - know what they have, could you imagine getting rid of that? 0nto what was once a common sight in our countryside and gardens, but now the willow tennessee to be at risk of extinction are the numbers declined by 90% after the past five decades. in response team of conservationists and have hatched a plan to rescue the reclusive species as our correspondence explain. these tiny birds were once correspondence explain. these tiny birds were once regular correspondence explain. these tiny birds were once regular visitors - correspondence explain. these tiny birds were once regular visitors to l birds were once regular visitors to our gardens but not anymore. manchester alone, there are nowjust 120 breeding pairs after suffering a huge decline over the past five decades. we huge decline over the past five decades. ~ ., ., ., ., ., decades. we have got a lot of witness here, decades. we have got a lot of witness here, what decades. we have got a lot of witness here, what on - decades. we have got a lot of witness here, what on the - decades. we have got a lot of| witness here, what on the side decades. we have got a lot of - witness here, what on the side and brought on that side damp, wet woodland is what willow titx like. now volunteers are being asked to rescue them. we now volunteers are being asked to rescue them- now volunteers are being asked to rescue them. we want to survey the -o - ulation rescue them. we want to survey the population once rescue them. we want to survey the population once we rescue them. we want to survey the population once we understand - rescue them. we want to survey the population once we understand thel population once we understand the population once we understand the population we will use the information to design habitat intervention. information to design habitat intervention. a , , intervention. ashley maas has been identified as intervention. ashley maas has been identified as an intervention. ashley maas has been identified as an area intervention. ashley maas has been identified as an area that intervention. ashley maas has been identified as an area that could - intervention. ashley maas has been identified as an area that could be l identified as an area that could be restored to help the willow tip population. we restored to help the willow tip population- restored to help the willow tip oulation. ~ ., ., ., ., population. we need rotten, deadwood like this in a woodland population. we need rotten, deadwood like this in a woodland for population. we need rotten, deadwood like this in a woodland for willow- like this in a woodland for willow titx to excavate, this living tree is very hard, a willow tip could not excavate that for its nest.- excavate that for its nest. these birds are elusive excavate that for its nest. these birds are elusive and excavate that for its nest. these birds are elusive and hard - excavate that for its nest. these birds are elusive and hard to - excavate that for its nest. these | birds are elusive and hard to spot we did not see any today but they do have a distinctive call. thea;r we did not see any today but they do have a distinctive call. have a distinctive call. they are often in places have a distinctive call. they are often in places really have a distinctive call. they are often in places really close - have a distinctive call. they are often in places really close to i often in places really close to people 5 houses like in bolton and trafford, you have them write on the scruffy pockets of the land behind people 5 houses and they are an elusive bird so people don t know where they are. fit! elusive bird so people don t know where they are. elusive bird so people don t know where they are. on the edge of the sark where they are. on the edge of the s - ark we where they are. on the edge of the spark we have where they are. on the edge of the spark we have a where they are. on the edge of the spark we have a woodland - where they are. on the edge of the spark we have a woodland habitat. | spark we have a woodland habitat. volunteers spark we have a woodland habitat. volunteers are working with the wildlife trust with funding they will work with landowners to increase the habitat of the willow tip, benefiting a host of other creatures into the bargain. it’s creatures into the bargain. it s tuite creatures into the bargain. it s quite often creatures into the bargain. it s quite often a creatures into the bargain. it s quite often a habitat overlooked by people or undervalued, it s a bit scruffy looking, it is untidy, a bit wet and boggy, it s a bit unloved. there are a number of factors for the willow tip to climb. quite possibly climate change is playing a part, some of the weather habitats potentially might be drying up in the longer hotter summers. it is a bird that does not move that far and we need to create these pockets of habitats like steppingstones on the way across the landscape so they can move around and connect up. the wet willow wildlife move around and connect up. the wet willow wildlife project move around and connect up. the wet willow wildlife project aims move around and connect up. the wet willow wildlife project aims to - willow wildlife project aims to boost the willow tip s chance of survival and halts the alarming decline in this once common entry should bed. taste decline in this once common entry should bed- decline in this once common entry should bed. we want to make sure there is always should bed. we want to make sure there is always a should bed. we want to make sure there is always a home should bed. we want to make sure there is always a home for- should bed. we want to make sure there is always a home for the - there is always a home for the willow tip in the west, it is a really iconic species and it needs our help. really iconic species and it needs our hel. , , really iconic species and it needs our hel. , ., , really iconic species and it needs ourhel. , “ , our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovel to our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovely to hear our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovely to hear the our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovely to hear the efforts - our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovely to hear the efforts to - our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovely to hear the efforts to help | lovely to hear the efforts to help support that endangered species. i don t know if you ve seen the don t know if you ve seen the documentary on the rob burrow, that bbc breakfast has done, it is a really emotional watch. it was a boy can and time, a tribute to him, wasn t it? can and time, a tribute to him, wasn t it? , ., . , , wasn t it? yesterday at wembley since the death wasn t it? yesterday at wembley since the death of wasn t it? yesterday at wembley since the death of rob wasn t it? yesterday at wembley since the death of rob burrow i wasn t it? yesterday at wembley since the death of rob burrow s| wasn t it? yesterday at wembley i since the death of rob burrow s on sunday night of last week, we read a lot of words, we have heard a lot of words and seen the personal connection he had with a lot of people. viewers of this program will know especially the strong bond he built up on those people who had been supporting over the years of his motor neurone disease order struggles, it was something else to see it wordlessly as it turned out for a good minute at wembley, they were overwhelming to see, unanimous support and commemoration for rob burrow at wembley yesterday. it was remarkable, the pictures in addition to everything we have had, the personal, intense relationships described over the last few days, just to have all of those people doing the same thing and as i say. a powerful, wordless tribute. you are correct. a powerful, wordless tribute. you are correct. a a powerful, wordless tribute. you are correct, a poem date wembley as rugby pay tribute to one of its grades, on its perch saint helens women were challenge cup challenges. a game benefiting the memory of the great rob burrow. great rob burrow. wigan warriors challenae great rob burrow. wigan warriors challenge cup great rob burrow. wigan warriors challenge cup winners, great rob burrow. wigan warriors challenge cup winners, a - great rob burrow. wigan warriors challenge cup winners, a momentj great rob burrow. wigan warriors i challenge cup winners, a moment of celebration the combination of a day of raw emotion. 0n the game 5 grandest stage the sport had come together to remember an inspirational champion. fans from across the rugby league cup community gathering to pay their own very personal tributes to the late rob burrows who passed awayjust a few days ago after the battle with motor neurone disease, tributes that would continue throughout the day. he meant everything, everything to me, to the club and the mnd community, just amazing. tithe me, to the club and the mnd community, just amazing. community, ust amazing. one thing that ru:b community, just amazing. one thing that rugby league community, just amazing. one thing that rugby league cup community, just amazing. one thing that rugby league cup does - community, just amazing. one thing that rugby league cup does is - community, just amazing. one thing that rugby league cup does is look l that rugby league cup does is look after our that rugby league cup does is look after our own and we all come together, after our own and we all come together, no matter what club you are from together, no matter what club you are from everyone can see what he did as are from everyone can see what he did as a are from everyone can see what he did as a player and as a human being afterwards did as a player and as a human being afterwards. he did as a player and as a human being afterwards. . , did as a player and as a human being afterwards. ., , ., , ., ., , ., afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the men s afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the men s showpiece - afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the men s showpiece final- star. the men s showpiece final warrington star. the men s showpiece final warrington against star. the men s showpiece final warrington against wigan - star. the men s showpiece final- warrington against wigan beginning after a minutes of impeccable silence. we can already raining super league and club champions took the first half lead, bevan french twisting and turning his way. that s their second try captain liam farrell rampaging through to extend the lead and from there warrington would not find a way. wigan warriors, wembley winners once again. earlier, there was no fairytale win for leeds. beaten comprehensively by saint helens for the third year in a row. so glory for saint helen s the third year in a row. so glory for saint helen 5 women and for wigan warriors men on a day when the whole sport of rugby league came together to celebrate one of its own. adam wilde, bbc news, wembley. northampton s 10 year wait for a league title and rugby union is over they won a dramatic new ship final at twickenham, alex mitchell scoring the winning try against bath down to 14 men with 17 minutes left as they claim their second championship and gave a perfect sendoff to the parting courtney law after his 17 years with the club. it parting courtney law after his 17 years with the club. years with the club. it has not really sunk years with the club. it has not really sunk in years with the club. it has not really sunk in yet, years with the club. it has not really sunk in yet, we - years with the club. it has not really sunk in yet, we were i really sunk in yet, we were so focused on this for so long, during the game, it was get the one, however you can. you get there and you are like we have done it! it is fast, can t put into words. i think we deserved it, over the season we have been the best team, sometimes you have to find a way to win. , . . ,, , ., sometimes you have to find a way to win. , . , ., ., win. english cricketers are without a win at the win. english cricketers are without a win at the t-20 win. english cricketers are without a win at the t-20 will win. english cricketers are without a win at the t-20 will cover- win. english cricketers are without a win at the t-20 will cover after l a win at the t 20 will cover after losing to australian bob artist, putting their chances of getting to the next stage in doubt. travis head made a flying start 70 without loss of five overs, australia reaching to hundred and one seven, 13 sixes in that innings, captainjosh butler top scored with 42 but they lost those wickets at regular intervals and fell well short of the target, losing by 36 runs. the situations we find ourselves losing by 36 runs. the situations we find ourselves in losing by 36 runs. the situations we find ourselves in as losing by 36 runs. the situations we find ourselves in as the losing by 36 runs. the situations we find ourselves in as the situation - find ourselves in as the situation we find ourselves in, we have to be confident keeps heads up and look forward to the next one and keep up in the chest out and playing some good cricket which we know we are capable of. good cricket which we know we are ca able of. good cricket which we know we are caable of. ~ .., good cricket which we know we are capable of capable of. south africa are top of the a-rou capable of. south africa are top of the group up capable of. south africa are top of the group up to capable of. south africa are top of the group up to a capable of. south africa are top of the group up to a scare capable of. south africa are top of the group up to a scare against. capable of. south africa are top of| the group up to a scare against the netherlands, chasing 141, 12 four at one stage but there after they managed the run chase well and were beaten from 51 balls from david miller, south africa one x four wickets, after a disappointing start to the british open they won the men s wheelchair doubles title, another serial winner in paris was iga swiatek she is now french open singles winnerfor a iga swiatek she is now french open singles winner for a fourth time, she continued her recent dominance on the clay with a straight sets win againstjasmine paolini obviously, against jasmine paolini obviously, it againstjasmine paolini obviously, it is her third title in a row in paris and herfirst it is her third title in a row in paris and her first grand slam triumph overall. i m paris and her first grand slam triumph over all. paris and her first grand slam triumph over all. i m really proud of m self triumph over all. i m really proud of myself because triumph over all. i m really proud of myself because the triumph over all. i m really proud i of myself because the expectations obviously have been pretty high from the outside, and pressure as well, i am happy ijust went the outside, and pressure as well, i am happy i just went for the outside, and pressure as well, i am happy ijust went for it the outside, and pressure as well, i am happy i just went for it and the outside, and pressure as well, i am happy ijust went for it and i was ready to deal with all of this, and i could win. it is the turn of the men this afternoon. it is the first time that either of the players had reached the final length paris and they are hoping tojoin an the final length paris and they are hoping to join an illustrious list of spaniards to have one in roland garros. i of spaniards to have one in roland garros. ., ., , , ., ., garros. i want to put my name on the list of spanish garros. i want to put my name on the list of spanish players garros. i want to put my name on the list of spanish players who garros. i want to put my name on the list of spanish players who have - garros. i want to put my name on the list of spanish players who have won l list of spanish players who have won the tournament, not only rafa nadal, ferrero, koster, and many have one from the sport and i really want to put my name on the list as well. i think in a grand slam final there are no think in a grand slam final there are no easy matches or opponents. if you are are no easy matches or opponents. if you are in are no easy matches or opponents. if you are in the are no easy matches or opponents. if you are in the final roland garros you are in the final roland garros you deserve to be there and that goes you deserve to be there and that goes for you deserve to be there and that goes for him as well. he played a fantastic goes for him as well. he played a fantastic match and tournament in general fantastic match and tournament in general. i m expecting a very difficult general. i m expecting a very difficult match. general. i m expecting a very difficult match. general. i m expecting a very difficult match. looks like the mercedes difficult match. looks like the mercedes formula difficult match. looks like the mercedes formula 1 difficult match. looks like the mercedes formula 1 team - difficult match. looks like the i mercedes formula 1 team could difficult match. looks like the - mercedes formula 1 team could be challenging for wins again after george russell claimed pole position for the canadian grand prix. he recorded a time of one minute and 12 seconds exactly on his first run qualifying and montreal. max verstappen posted exactly the same time but because george russell did at first, he gets to start from the top spot forjust at first, he gets to start from the top spot for just the second at first, he gets to start from the top spot forjust the second time in his career. great britain have won their first medals at the world athletics championships in rome. the race was won by marceljacobs in a time of 10.02 seconds as he successfully defended his european sprint title, and italy 13 medals but it is the competitors first met all. i but it is the competitors first met all. ., ., ., , all. i wanted to get the gold but i needed to take all. i wanted to get the gold but i needed to take the all. i wanted to get the gold but i needed to take the positive - all. i wanted to get the gold but i needed to take the positive and i | needed to take the positive and i want very much to be in the olympics are positive things you take from here and go back and look at the video and work on my race. george miller has one video and work on my race. george miller has one silver video and work on my race. george miller has one silver finishing - miller has one silver finishing behind the first place, and he has his sights set on the paris 0lympics next month. i his sights set on the paris olympics next month- his sights set on the paris olympics next month. ., ., ., next month. i want to run the 15 and the five in paris next month. i want to run the 15 and the five in paris but next month. i want to run the 15 and the five in paris but hopefully - the five in paris but hopefully tonight has done my chances of selection no harm but we are still a month out in three weeks until trials and back to training as of tomorrow and we will get stuck in. michael dunlop has secured victory in the super sport and super twins races of the week and it takes the total number of victories to 29, three clear of the previous record, belonging to his late unclejoey. he had it for 24 years in the fourth time he has won four races across the week. whether it is dunlop or mills, a couple of stories about how you can send your sporting progress down the gene pool! absolutely! around 20,000 bikers completed aim mammoth ride in memory of dave myers who died of cancer in february. the procession made its way to his home town of barrow after setting off from the ace cafe in north west london. sharon barber has been following the journey. it isa it is a big night in barrow, a celebration of the life of dave myers. tens of thousands have arrived, many of them hairy bikers. they are riding in all the way up the m6, thousands of people on every bridge, unbelievable. fits the m6, thousands of people on every bridge, unbelievable. bridge, unbelievable. as were coming in throu~h bridge, unbelievable. as were coming in through the bridge, unbelievable. as were coming in through the towns bridge, unbelievable. as were coming in through the towns and bridge, unbelievable. as were coming in through the towns and villages - in through the towns and villages leading in through the towns and villages leading into barrow, the streets were leading into barrow, the streets were lined and it was amazing! the roar of tens were lined and it was amazing! the roar of tens of were lined and it was amazing! tie: roar of tens of thousands of motorbikes heard across england today, began to arrive late afternoon. the procession at times was 16 miles long, and the route was lined by supporters. leading the cavalcade that left london this morning was dave s best friend and fellow hairy by car. fellow hairy by car. what a remarkable fellow hairy by car. what a remarkable reception! - fellow hairy by car. what a j remarkable reception! just fellow hairy by car. what a - remarkable reception! just mind blowing! all of the bridges all the way from london, people waving and showing kindness, courtesy and it was unbelievable! the showing kindness, courtesy and it was unbelievable! showing kindness, courtesy and it was unbelievable! the tv chef died in february was unbelievable! the tv chef died in february after was unbelievable! the tv chef died in february after he was unbelievable! the tv chef died in february after he was was unbelievable! the tv chef died in february after he was diagnosed | in february after he was diagnosed with cancer. he was 66. sharon barber, bbc news, cumbria. what a lovely thing to have done. very touching. we will be back with the headlines at seven but now it is time for the travel show. this year, all eyes are on the french region of normandy as it prepares to celebrate the major anniversaries. it may not be as well visited as paris, or as funny as the south of the country but if you come here and explore, you will fall in love with this part of france, it was a place that gave us a king, that change the course of history. it us a king, that change the course of histo . . , us a king, that change the course of histo . ., , , , us a king, that change the course of histo . ,, history. it has inspired the painter who started history. it has inspired the painter who started a history. it has inspired the painter who started a movement - history. it has inspired the painter who started a movement that - history. it has inspired the painter| who started a movement that took history. it has inspired the painter- who started a movement that took the artwork by storm. he painted the light up there. artwork by storm. he painted the light up there- artwork by storm. he painted the light up there. while 80 years ago, the coastline light up there. while 80 years ago, the coastline was light up there. while 80 years ago, the coastline was at light up there. while 80 years ago, the coastline was at the light up there. while 80 years ago, the coastline was at the forefront i the coastline was at the forefront for the fight for freedom. i the coastline was at the forefront for the fight for freedom.- the coastline was at the forefront for the fight for freedom. i want to sound an enormous for the fight for freedom. i want to sound an enormous sentinel - for the fight for freedom. i want to sound an enormous sentinel to - for the fight for freedom. i want to i sound an enormous sentinel to those of taken part, it was a team effort. this is the region that has seen it all. and it s stories have all been woven into the tapestry of time. this is so cool! i will release the road until it is slapping. so the flapping starts and then from the flapping, we bring it in. just to stop? look at me! i m a sailor! france and england may be neighbours but in the middle ages, they were bitter rivals, mainly thanks to this man, william, the duke of normandy, who history would come to know better as william the conqueror. in the year 1066, he left the shores to invade england and set it on a new course of history. william was descended from the fears that vikings, or northmen, who gave normandy its name. in 2027, normandy will mark the 1,000th anniversary of william s birth. but the preparations for this big occasion have already begun. la mora was the flagship of william s invasion fleet. and now, a historical society in the port town of honfleur are busy recreating the viking style longship that would have carried william, his most trusted knights, their horses, and 60 oarsmen to the brutal battle of hastings. and there s not a power tool in sight. this is me splitting wood in what would be the norman way of doing it. yeah, and with this technique, you can split any tree. yeah, good. and that is how you split wood norseman style. jean marie is the president of the society and has some big plans for la mora when she s finished. so, it s all about timing. you start now so the boat is finished for the anniversary. oh, wow! we hope, we hope! yeah! we hope that. wow! the team made their plans for the new look la mora by studying the 70 metre long bayeux tapestry. so all of this is the battle of hastings? yes, it s all the battle. here is the famous death of king harold, which marks the end of the battle. where s the eye? where s the arrow in his eye? harold isjust here. you can see it with the arrow in the eye. yeah! the tapestry was completed in the decade following the battle of hastings. martin is a historian at the bayeux museum, whose job it is to study and interpret this priceless a rtefa ct. and on the next scene, you can see that william is taking off his helmet to being recognised by the helmet to show that he is alive and the battle have to continue to the victor. the story starts with the dying king of england, edward the confessor, promising the throne to william. he sends the message to william in france via a trusted nobleman called harold godwinson. but when edward dies, harold is offered the crown by the governing council of england and takes it for himself, ensuing william s rage. how factual is it? how factual? it s a representation, you know, of the events of the year 1064 1066. so, it s a story written by the victors, you know, and there is a lot, of course, of what we can call inaccuracy, and so mistake or choice to show some.only a point of view of the history. yeah. it s like. we can call it propaganda, you know? now over 900 years old, the bayeux tapestry has survived major events like the french revolution and even acted as a potential crib sheet for those looking to invade england as recently as world war ii. then it was confiscated by the germans. so it did end up in german hands? it did end up in german hands here in bayeux for they study it, and also to know how to invade england, of course. really?! yes, of course. so germany were taking tips from william the conqueror s story? dives sur mer is the town william left from to invade england. though i must admit, it s hard to imagine a full blown invasion force gathered here today. wow, look at this place! where are all the knights in their suits of armour? i m meeting francois, an archaeologist who, like many other normans, is in love with his history. wow! hello, steve. francois, bonjour! salut. nice to meet you. but what is it that separates normandy from other regions in france? what s so special here? there is so much history here. in dives sur mer, the past isn t just consigned to books and museums, it s part of everyday life. even the weekly market takes place in a hall that dates back to the 13005. this all looks so nice. yes. what have we got here? that doesn t look french. yeah? when i think french food, i think cheese, bread not this. yeah? oh, really? i d love to, please! thank you. when the baker finished with his oven, the villagers would make this? 0ui. 0h, amazing. that s nice, eh? that s nice. look, all of these names, the people it s bizarre. you thinkjust william the conqueror. notjust soldiers archers, stable boys. 0ui. there s lots of people involved. the names featured on the wall are william s top brass the ones who helped him rule england, and that would later become the cornerstone for the country s aristocracy. william the conqueror a national hero? was he a tyrant, a kind king? what kind of person.? normandy s countryside is well, let s face it picture perfect. and there s only one way to see it in the passenger seat of a french classic car. the citroen 2cv. french culture has an abundance of style and a certainje ne sais quoi. so it s no surprise france has produced some of the world s finest artists. 2024 is a really important anniversary in the world of art. it s 150 years since the movement of impressionism was founded, giving the world artists like monet. i ve come to the norman village of giverny. it s famed worldwide as being the home of french artist claude monet, who lived here from 1883 all the way up to his death in 1926. the gardeners here do an amazing job. they must go around with one of monet s pictures. it s identical! patricia is a local artist, and with giverny being a major tourist attraction in normandy, she has a sideline running tours around monet s house and gardens. patricia, this place is as pretty as a picture. i think i recognise it. really?! yeah! is it possible? he painted this place more than 250 times. yeah? yeah. so, tell me, why did he paint it so many times? because he made series of the light, yeah? so, you see today we have wonderful reflections, and this is what he loved. so, he created this garden being inspired by the japanese art, because at that time, in europe and all over the world, japan was the new fashion. and monet became a fashion victim. 0h, right! so, that makes sense. we ve got the bamboo, we ve got the very japanese style bridge. yes. impressionism was groundbreaking. the year 1874 was a time of great change in france. claude monet and a group of his friends decided it was time for art to change too. with the opening of new train lines and the invention of paints in tubes, they could leave their studios in paris and capture places like normandy on canvas. when they set up their own radical exhibition on their return to the city, a notable critic of the time compared their work to a sketch for a wallpaper pattern a mere unfinished impression which gave this movement its name. but looking around this museum in giverny, it s clear to see who got the last laugh. how does yours already look better than mine? laughing: because i m a painter. - because you re a painter, yeah. so, tell me a little bit about monet s relationship with normandy. normandy became one of his major subjects because he loved the light changes. you know, monet always used to say, here the light changes every seven minutes. and if you look at that today, i think that s true. yeah. claude monet never painted any water lilies. what?! yes! he painted the light on top of the lilies. 0h. you get it? mind is blown! i ve come to that reflection part now, and i don t really know what i m doing. in fact, to paint the reflections, you should do vertical lines. this is what monet made. and look, it s vertical. can you see? no. they both laugh. how is yours so different from mine? i don t understand. because you have a different style. i don t have a different style i can t do it! patricia chuckles. it s starting to rain. i think we should better stop. what do you think? because otherwise, our paintings will be messy. we will never be able to sell them for $1 million. they both laugh. ok? ok. normandy s ever changing weather has put an end to my lesson, but that is my first and possibly last effort at impressionism art. it s no monet, but it s a steve brown. back here on the coast, scars from normandy s more recent history can still be felt today. 0njune 6th, 1944, 80 years ago, the d day landings happened on a stretch of normandy s beaches. the objective of d day was to secure a foothold in nazi occupied europe. it was the largest naval, air and land operation in history. on that fateful summer s day, the allies used over 5,000 ships and landing craft to carry more than 150,000 troops to normandy s beaches codenamed utah, 0maha, gold, juno and sword. 4,414 allied soldiers died on d day itself. in 2021, the british normandy memorial was opened overlooking gold beach. to mark the 80th anniversary of the d day landings, dan and his team of volunteers from the arts group standing with giants will place 1,475 handmade silhouettes at the memorial to mark the number of servicemen who died on d day itself under british command. applause. hey, look at that! give it a wiggle, ed. get your toes on it. so, that s the first one up, then. do they all look the same? no, we ve got 11 different designs, all representing different groups that came over the beaches on that particular day. yeah, you don t want to leave anyone out, do you? well, no. we was told, apparently we ve left out frogmen. oh, no! do you know, my great uncle was a stretcher bearer on d day? 0h, right. you know, it s amazing, isn t it? everyone s got their stories. and did you meet your great uncle? um, no, i didn t, and if i m honest with you, my understanding and the facts that i ve got from family are quite sparse. but, do you know, standing here with you, looking out across the beach that he would have been helping on, i m certainly going to go back and find out more about him. because everyone played their role and the stretcher bearers and the nurses, i mean, they were witnessing horror continuously just continuously. and, you know, it was just so hard for them. and because of that, we ve also designed two nurses. there were two nurses on one of the boats that hit a mine, and they got blown up and killed. so we ve actually brought with us two giant nurses, laser cut in steel, to represent the nurses and the ladies that took part and that worked so hard behind the scenes. i m. i m lost for words. dan chuckles. i m lost for words. cafe gondree was the first french home to be liberated on d day. it s so good to meet you. thank you very much. it s still run by the same family. and i m meeting arlette, who was just four years old in 1944. but what a cafe! i mean, look around. there seems to be so many bits of memorabilia. it seems like everybody wants to share things with you. that s absolutely right. they want to come in because it s a house, a little house from the surface, that has lived history. we were woken up, or half asleep, by a tremendous crashing noise and then different movements around the house. and then suddenly the shutter from our dining room was being forced open and window panes were being broken, and we heard footsteps above our head. we thought the germans had come in to get us, but fortunately. that is. ..fortunately, daddy left us for a short time, walked up the little steps and was faced by soldiers saying to daddy, it s all right, we ve arrived. we re british. so he brought them in the cellar. and naturally, i was very frightened, so i went to hide behind the barrels. but then one of them took some chocolate out of his jacket with some biscuits, and so i came forward. mummy started kissing them. and then after that, daddy said, it s all for you, this house, and opened the door. and by then, casualties were brought in. i want to say an enormous thank you. all those who have taken part. it was a team effort. here, it s the british, but within the british army there were other nationalities that were trained together. and this is to be commemorated for the 80th anniversary. and i can see you mean that, as well. i can see you mean that from the bottom of your heart. d day didn t end world war ii, but it was the beginning of the end, and there were still dark days ahead, and many more lives would be lost on all sides. the final stop on myjourney through time is the german war graves at la cambe. above the cemetery is a statue of a mother and father. it was placed there to watch over the sons that are buried below. history isn t just about buildings and museum pieces, it s about people. when you come to somewhere like normandy and see the places where it all happened, you start to realise that every name on a stone or in a textbook is a real person, and that offers you a perspective like no other. you thinkjust william the conqueror. good morning. welcome to breakfast, with luxmy gopal and ben boulos. 0ur headlines today: the eu s most senior diplomat has condemned the killing of palestinians in an israeli operation to rescue four hostages. the mission was to bring home the captives who had been held in gaza since the hamas attacks eight months ago. election campaigning continues across the country ahead of a key week, in which parties will set out their manifestos. after new cctv emerges of the tv presenter michael mosley, who vanished on a greek island on wednesday, his wife says she will not lose hope . in sport, england s defence of the t20 world cup is in danger. they re still to win in the tournament after a hefty defeat by australia in barbados in their second game and while it should be a sunny start for sunday for many of you, a lot more cloud and some patchy rain. details here on breakfast. good morning, it s sunday the 9th june. our main story: israel has been criticised by the european union s most senior diplomat over the killing of dozens of palestinians in an operation to rescue four hostages in gaza. eu foreign policy chief josep borrell called the reports another massacre of civilians . the mission to bring home the captives involved air strikes around a refugee camp. the moment she was made free. 25 year old noa argamani, captured by hamas on the 7th of october, and taken to gaza, is finally back in israel. this is her being reunited with her dad after a dramatic rescue. translation: please do not forget there are another 120 hostages in captivity. we must release them and make an effort in any way to bring them to israel and theirfamilies. by the way, it is my birthday. also freed, andrei kozlov, who is 27. shlomi ziv, 40, and almog meirjan, 21. eight months ago, they were in the nova music festival in southern israel when hamas gunmen attacked. more than 360 people were killed here. the four hostages rescued in a major operation by the israeli military carried out at a refugee camp in central gaza. the military said it was a complex operation based on intelligence information. the four hostages, it said were found at two separate locations and were brought out under file. israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. they underwent intensive training. they risked their lives to save the lives of our hostages. but the mission brought even more suffering to gaza. there was chaos and desperation at the nearby al aqsa hospital. doctors struggled to treat all the wounded. many arrived already dead. translation: we were at home. a rocket hit us. my two cousins died and my other two cousins were seriously injured. they did nothing. they were sitting at home. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited the freed hostages in a hospital near tel aviv. he s being urged to reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal with hamas. the rescue was considered a success by israeli authorities and could change the calculation of a leader under pressure. hugh bachega, bbc news, tel aviv. 0ur correspondent, jon donnison, is injerusalem. jon, what has the reaction been in israel? i think it has been one of celebration and huge relief, especially for the families of the hostages who were released after being held for some 246 days. i also think it is given a boost to benjamin netanyahu because it allows him to say, look, his strategy is working. he believes the only way to get hostages out, or the best way, is to continue to put military pressure on hamas. contrast that with the mood in gaza, which is one of outrage at the number of civilians killed, many women and children. we have also had the eu s most senior diplomat, josep borrell, calling this another massacre and saying the bloodbath has to end immediately. the israeli mind ministerfired back immediately. the israeli mind minister fired back and said to josep borrell, shame on you, instead of condemning hamas, for holding hostages in civilian areas, he was attacking israel for rescuing its citizens. . ~ attacking israel for rescuing its citizens. ., ,, ., attacking israel for rescuing its citizens. ., ., ., campaigning continues ahead of what is likely to be a busy week in the lead up to the general election, with another scheduled election tv debate and manifestos set to be published. 0ur political correspondent, iain watson, has this report. the prime minister is in the market for votes. the main westminster parties will launch manifestoes in the week ahead. rishi sunak will be hoping it moves the focus onto policy, not personality. he will be keen to move on from his d day apology and so will his party, and his candidates have been out campaigning this weekend and we have been speaking to some this weekend. some of spoken about anger and disappointment and one of them said whatever will happen next? will rishi sunak s trousers fall down? others say voters have not raised the issue at all. 0ne candidate said they were so vexed by it, they have already defected to labour or the reform party. the prime minister will be hoping to keep his job afterjuly 4, and he wants to get more people into work, promising to spend £700 million to help people struggling with mental health to rejoin and stay in the workforce. but he s also repeating previous announcements to toughen up benefits rules. the conservatives claim they can save £12 billion from the welfare bill by the end of the next parliament. labour says existing jails are bursting at the seams and the government has failed to provide the 20,000 more prison places promised. if elected, the party says it would deliver that prison building programme and change the planning laws to make it a priority and give offenders more help to get into employment. the state of the nhs has been prominent in the lib dems campaign, saying they want to take pressure off the ambulance system by expanding urgent care centers and providing more than 1,000 more beds. response time information will also be made readily available. today we get a sneak preview of the manifestoes but it is not until the full range of policies are published that we will know how well they connect with voters. we are nowjoined by our political correspondent, jessica parker. jessica, it s going to be a busy week for all of the parties, isn t it? absolutely! what we have had so far in the campaign is we have been essentially drip fed policy ideas and announcements and a couple of tv debates but it can feel like there is a lot of noise, charter, a bit hard to keep up with, but as we start to get those manifestoes over the coming weeks from the main parties, that will change a little bit because what a manifesto is as many will know, is a political party s programme for government, a blueprint for what it would do if that party was in power. i think what will be particularly interesting as well is that while we are not necessarily expecting major surprises from at least the two main parties, although of course you never know, i have not been the manifestoes yet, although there have been plenty of leaks and a announcements made, and a lot of discussion about how will parties pay for pledges? a lot of scrutiny and back and forth between labour and back and forth between labour and the conservatives and costings should be in the manifesto, so that will be very crucial. it will move the campaign onto the next phase after the first few weeks we ve had so far. . ~ ,, ~ after the first few weeks we ve had so far. ., ,, i. . , so far. thank you. we will be discussing so far. thank you. we will be discussing this so far. thank you. we will be discussing this later- so far. thank you. we will be discussing this later in - so far. thank you. we will be discussing this later in with i discussing this later in with political pundits. the search for the tv presenter michael mosley will resume on the greek island of symi after he went missing while out on a walk on wednesday. 0ur correspondent, joe inwood, is in symi. joe, what will the search teams be focusing on this morning? it seems they will be looking at roughly the same area as they were yesterday. this is a big, rocky outcrop going north from the main village, the last known sighting of michael mosley, we saw new cctv shortage showing him walking at two o clock purposefully towards the hills. the suggestion is he did not take the most direct route, the town where i m staying now, symi, but instead around the mountain and over the top and all the way back that way. if he had decided to do that, that with a very long walk in incredible heat and my legs are burning from standing in the sun too long! it is really hot and it s only nine o clock in the morning! at 130 in the afternoon it is seriously hot! that is why they are trying to find him quickly but as the days go on it is becoming a more consenting situation. , ., ., , situation. and his wife, claire has said they would situation. and his wife, claire has said they would not situation. and his wife, claire has said they would not lose - situation. and his wife, claire has said they would not lose hope? i said they would not lose hope? absolutely. she put out a statement yesterday describing the time since michael had left is the most difficult period. also thanking authorities but it is keeping that core message that they will not lose hope and authorities have said they will continue to search and look for michael mosley until he is found. the longer it goes on, the more they hope will dwindle, i m sorry to say. it s another thing we have lent this morning is the search and rescue squad on the hillside has been sent to athens, which could be a sign they are winding down but it has been reported that it is so hot that the dog has been burning its paws on the dog has been burning its paws on the hillside that they cannot search because of the heat. so that is a development we have had in the last hour or. it development we have had in the last hour or. ., , hour or. it does highlight temperatures hour or. it does highlight temperatures there. - hour or. it does highlight i temperatures there. thank hour or. it does highlight - temperatures there. thank you. hour or. it does highlight temperatures there. thank you. we will return to symi to keep you updated throughout the morning. south korea says it will resume propaganda broadcasts against north korea for the first time in six years. seoul s national security council said its decision to install loudspeakers and begin broadcasts was in response to pyongyang s campaign of sending balloons carrying rubbish across the border. the council added that any attempt at causing distress to the people of south korea was unacceptable. narendra modi is set to be sworn in as prime minister of india for his third term today. he ll be sworn in alongside his cabinet as he heads a coalition of 15 parties following last week s election results. it makes him prime ministerfor a historic third consecutive term. an 11 year old girl is among four people who were injured after a fun fair ride malfunctioned in lambeth in south london. 0ur reporter helena wilkinson is at the lambeth country show where it happened. helena, what more do we know? it was a serious incident is what lambeth council are saying. let me step out of the shot and show you the fairground where the incident took place just before 630 yesterday afternoon. we do not know which rider was where the four people were injured but as you mention, the council confirming that a malfunction happened on one of the fairground rides. there was a huge emergency response, the air ambulance, four ambulance crews and paramedics came treat the four injured, an 11 year old girl, a man and woman in their 405, and another man in his 505. they were taken from here to major trauma centres. it is not confirmed what injuries they have. we are trying to find that out. we do know their conditions are not life threatening. the council say a thorough investigation will take place to work out exactly how that fairground ride malfunctioned. thank you. people in countries including france, germany and spain go to the polls in the european elections today. it s the final and main day of voting for the eu s 27 members with the first results expected tonight. damien mcguinness is in berlin. damien, what impact could this vote have across europe? could the results signal a shift to the far right? could the results signal a shift to the far right? yeah, the big story this ear the far right? yeah, the big story this year does the far right? yeah, the big story this year does seem the far right? yeah, the big story this year does seem to the far right? yeah, the big story this year does seem to be - the far right? yeah, the big story this year does seem to be a - the far right? yeah, the big story this year does seem to be a shift| the far right? yeah, the big story i this year does seem to be a shift to the right and in some cases indeed the right and in some cases indeed the far right. what we are thing across europe in many countries is a rise in popularity of either the hard populist right or extreme right. in germany it is slightly different because the far right party had been hit by a number of scandals that they may not do as well as others, but in countries like france, italy, the populist right is surging, meaning the european parliament will have a bigger chunk of eurosceptic meps there, having a big impact on eu policy because the eu does a lot of transborder issues and anything to do with migration, to do with climate change, a lot of stuff to do with supporting ukraine, is all decided by the eu, and all those laws have to be passed by the european parliament. so if you have one fifth or 20% of that parliament made up of eurosceptic and in some cases far right meps, that will have a big impact on whether those issues move forward or get blocked. i think that s what we will see and that s why people all over europe and indeed outside of europe or look at these elections and see whether the eu can make decisions when it comes forth a climate change migration and what those decisions may look like. in berlin, the polling stations have openedin in berlin, the polling stations have opened in the first few voters have walked in and the other big question is what will turn out be like? last time five years ago, it was relatively high but this time it could be even higher, and that is connected to the idea that the far right is doing well because that is also mobilising a lot of people in the centre and left to say they do not want to hand the european parliament over to the far right. lots to look out for today as the results start coming out tonight. thank you for the update. some poor ignorant moments in the coverage of the d day 80th anniversary of the past week especially on breakfast, here is one that may have escaped your attention. a world war two veteran has married his bride on the 80th anniversary of d day near the beaches of normandy in france. harold terens, a 100 year old us army air force veteran from florida, tied the knot with 96 year old jeanne swerlin at a ceremony in carentan les marais, in northwestern france. originally from new york, harold visited france as an air force corporal shortly after d day, when he was just 20 years old. to top off the extraordinary day, the newly wedded couple then attended the state banquet in paris thrown by president macron for us leaderjoe biden. here is what the happy couple had to say. i m 100 years old and my bride is 96 and to be married, it s my second, normandy is my second favourite place in the whole world. i could live here for the rest of my life and be as happy as could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, ifeel like, my god, i got butterflies, just like the young people! it is notjust the young people, love, you know! we get butterflies we also get a little bit of action! i love them. that is so brilliant, that still puts a smile on my face however many times i see that. look at that stunning however many times i see that. look at that stunning blue however many times i see that. look at that stunning blue sky over saint pauls cathedral. tia at that stunning blue sky over saint pauls cathedral. pauls cathedral. no cloud action above the city pauls cathedral. no cloud action above the city of pauls cathedral. no cloud action above the city of london, - pauls cathedral. no cloud action above the city of london, blue i pauls cathedral. no cloud action - above the city of london, blue skies and a lovely start to sunday across many central and areas, its go further north to northern england, this is just outside further north to northern england, this isjust outside bradford. shower clouds, lots of clouds streaming its way in, many will take a step into the cloud as we go through the day even if you start with some sunshine, cloud has been streaming from the north atlantic overnight, here it comes, to the north cool conditions, blustery and a few showers to the south, clear skies, through northern island and parts of southern scotland north west england and wales the cloud is thickest, central and southern ranges start with sunshine but cloud over, parts of devon, cornwall and dorset and south wales will stay sunny, to the north a mixture of sunshine and showers. let s look at that area of the cloudiest weather, across parts of island and northwest england and wales in the west of northern island, rain more persistent into the afternoon. temperature still well down on where you want at this stage injune, 10, 11 degrees for some in northern scotland, 18 or 19 for the south, this evening and overnight the rain will clear away from northern island and spread across england and wales giving some gardens a welcome soaking after a few dry days, the rain linger across eastern areas into tomorrow morning but clear skies for scotland and northern ireland, temperatures well down into low figures in rural areas, there are northerly winds from scandinavia this weather system will move eastwards overnight giving a wet and windy start across parts of lincolnshire, yorkshire, east midlands, east anglia on monday morning, rain lingering across eastern counties but away from that brighter weather around, a mixture of sunshine and showers, more cloud than sunshine in northern scotland, where ever you are a northern northerly wind and feeling chillier and cloudy moments, temperatures down on what we had this weekend, cool into tuesday, the northerly breeze brings a tear from the arctic in fact, you won t feel like that in the sunshine, still quite present out of the breeze and the sunshine. is the cloud builds up during the day it will feel cooler and we will see shells developed, central and eastern areas prone to showers on wednesday and eastern and western areas could stay dry, temperatures 10 - 17 areas could stay dry, temperatures 10 17 degrees, well down on where you want for the stage of the summer. as we grow through the rest of the week, it will stay on the cooler side of things, one of those weeks that won t be a washout, there will be dry and bright weather but a view showers around the forecast stop not feeling like june. view showers around the forecast stop not feeling likejune. taste view showers around the forecast stop not feeling like june. we will seak to stop not feeling like june. we will speak to you stop not feeling like june. we will speak to you later. stop not feeling like june. we will speak to you later. time - stop not feeling like june. we will speak to you later. time now - stop not feeling like june. we will speak to you later. time now for l stop not feeling like june. we will. speak to you later. time now for 27 minutes past 7 a blue badge past 7 can be a lifeline for people with disabilities or health conditions, helping them to park closer to their destination but the number of badge thefts in london has more than quadrupled in the last decade. last year, more than 6,000 were stolen in the capital alone. some blue badge holders are being forces to take extra precautions to keep theirs safe, as paul hawkins reports. another blue badge stolen in the capital. 6415 last year up 400% over nine years according to figures from the metropolitan police. here is the car, you come down and find it and you go oh no! the badge is gone. michael has had his badge taken four times is now paired locking it to his steering wheel. times is now paired locking it to his steering wheel. what i had to do to sto it his steering wheel. what i had to do to stop it being his steering wheel. what i had to do to stop it being stolen, his steering wheel. what i had to do to stop it being stolen, is. - his steering wheel. what i had to do to stop it being stolen, is. get- to stop it being stolen, is. get one of these, you have to put it inside the metal holder. then you have a piece of pvc over the top. it fits so you can be seen, then, you put that through and then you block it to your steering wheel. since having this it has not been taken yet. you will see on the street there are two other blue badge over there are two other blue badge over the road that have got padlocks on. the blue badge is part of being liberated, if i come down and find my car has been robbed of my blue badge and i m suddenly much more restricted and that is really what a blue badge is for, to open my welder will stop what would be your message for the people selling them? fitpplr; for the people selling them? apply for the people selling them? apply for one that for the people selling them? apply for one that is for the people selling them? apply for one that is in for the people selling them? apply for one that is in date for the people selling them? apply for one that is in date which - for the people selling them? apply for one that is in date which is what for one that is in date which is what they for one that is in date which is what they are going for? then surely that s what they are going for? then surely that s a what they are going for? then surely that s a lot what they are going for? then surely that s a lot of parking, you would have that s a lot of parking, you would have to that s a lot of parking, you would have to park a lot. we that s a lot of parking, you would have to park a lot. have to park a lot. we asked the olice for have to park a lot. we asked the police for an have to park a lot. we asked the police for an interview have to park a lot. we asked the police for an interview but - have to park a lot. we asked the | police for an interview but no-one police for an interview but no one was available but they sent us a link to one of their webpages called prevent theft from a vehicle. there are 11 steps number set is take it with you or hide it, if it is valuable hide it from view or take it with you. how useful is that for you? it with you. how useful is that for ou? ., , ., it with you. how useful is that for ou? ., ,, , it with you. how useful is that for ou? ., j ,, you? not, you can t keep your blue badue out you? not, you can t keep your blue badge out of you? not, you can t keep your blue badge out of sight you? not, you can t keep your blue badge out of sight because - you? not, you can t keep your blue badge out of sight because it - you? not, you can t keep your blue| badge out of sight because it allows you to park. that s ridiculous. what you to park. that s ridiculous. what would be your you to park. that s ridiculous. what would be your advice? you to park. that s ridiculous. what would be your advice? one - you to park. that s ridiculous. what would be your advice? one of - you to park. that s ridiculous. what| would be your advice? one of these adlock would be your advice? one of these padlock systems would be your advice? one of these padlock systems seems would be your advice? one of these padlock systems seems to - would be your advice? one of these padlock systems seems to be - would be your advice? one of these padlock systems seems to be the i would be your advice? one of these i padlock systems seems to be the only way forward. the only thing is we need to have a redesign of the blue badge system, my photograph and designs are on the back of the blue badge which means everybody, the public, traffic wardens and fleas can t see if it is meant to be used by me, stealing people 5 blue badges is one of the things as we know is getting and more prevalent, it is disabling people more. pauli it is disabling people more. paul hawkins, bbc it is disabling people more. paul hawkins, bbc news. we are joined now by paul slowey, who is the founder of blue badge fraud investigations a community interest company who work with local authorities investigating badge fraud. good morning to you, thank you for joining us. itjust sounds absolutely disgusting behaviour. why has there been an increase in this, why are people taking such drastic action to get hold of the badge? thanks getting a stolen badge enables the criminal to a park for free, there is very little detection, i am quite shocked at the police advised to see you book disabled people to do something to prevent the crime rather than the police investigate the crime or solve the crime or prosecute people. the serial numbers on the front of the badge and there is a national database of badges and it is easy to put on the serial number into that database and detect it is stolen, and we seized a badge north of leicester square yesterday that was stolen, and speaking to the driver, he said he bought it on the street, and leicester square yesterday. we were talking among ourselves about this earlier this morning. if the cars can be registered to a database for the tax does, could there not be a similar system where car numberplates could be registered on a central database and parking enforcement could check that and removes the need to have a badge on display. the removes the need to have a badge on disla . , , , ., removes the need to have a badge on disla. , ,, ., ., display. the badge is issued to an individual not display. the badge is issued to an individual not a display. the badge is issued to an individual not a vehicle, display. the badge is issued to an individual not a vehicle, mick- display. the badge is issued to an i individual not a vehicle, mick might go in a different car, go out with his friends, lots of disabled people don t have a car, they are driven around by friends or family. don t have a car, they are driven around by friends orfamily. and family will use different cars. the badges are issued to an individual not to a vehicle. however, there is a national database with all the badges on it, and it has the six and a half thousand badges stolen last years and the serial numbers that database, it is a simple task of checking the badge against the database and if it comes up stolen the badge can be seized, the car can be seized. some authorities are brilliant at this and doing a great job. the majority are doing nothing stopping the police are doing nothing. there were two cars parked outside a police station with stolen badges and police walking past them all day. badges and police walking past them all da . ~ ., ., badges and police walking past them allda .~ ., ., badges and police walking past them allda . ~ ., ., ~ all day. what do you think the solution is, all day. what do you think the solution is, how all day. what do you think the solution is, how can all day. what do you think the solution is, how can it - all day. what do you think the solution is, how can it be - all day. what do you think the - solution is, how can it be stopped? it needs to be enforced, if you enforce the law people will lose the appetite to use a stolen badge, there is a real risk of people being prosecuted for fraud which is the fence they will stop seeing them. the courts have got powers to ban people from driving, power to seize vehicles, and in some authorities they are doing that, in some authorities they are prosecuting two or 300 people a year, and others they are doing nothing. people need to raise this with the councils, with mp5 and say, what is my counsel doing? fits with mps and say, what is my counsel doinu ? , , ., with mps and say, what is my counsel doint? a with mps and say, what is my counsel doint? ., , with mps and say, what is my counsel doing? as you say the owners should be on stopping doing? as you say the owners should be on stopping the doing? as you say the owners should be on stopping the crime doing? as you say the owners should be on stopping the crime rather- doing? as you say the owners should be on stopping the crime rather than| be on stopping the crime rather than expect thing blue badge holders to prevent and themselves, we saw in the piece by paul some of the strange advice such as take the badge with you which obviously doesn t make sense because it has to be on display. what other advice do you have for blue badge holders to try to minimise the risk? the you have for blue badge holders to try to minimise the risk? try to minimise the risk? the first thin is try to minimise the risk? the first thing is mick try to minimise the risk? the first thing is mick said try to minimise the risk? the first thing is mick said lock try to minimise the risk? the first thing is mick said lock the - try to minimise the risk? the first thing is mick said lock the badge l try to minimise the risk? the first. thing is mick said lock the badge to your steering wheel, don t display it overnight because a lot of their happens overnight. the emphasis should not be on disabled people to change their behaviour the emphasis should be on police and local authorities to enforce the scheme and eradicate the use of stolen badges. that will solve the problem. i will give a quick example. when i was younger, they did not have barriers to travel on trains, they did not have inspectors on the whole. a lot of people used to travel on the trains for free. they introduced barriers and inspectors, they started to enforce the scheme by giving out fines and compliance went up. we can increase compliance with the blue badge scheme, notjust stolen badges but the misuse of badges if the scheme is enforced, in some places it is not being enforced and it has been around for over 50 years, some councils have never enforced the scheme which is a shocking. it needs to be enforced. thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us. paul slowly found blue badge investigations. andrew malkinson had been branded a monster after being convicted for the rape of a woman in 2003. but police had got the wrong man. after serving nearly two decades in prison for a crime he didn t commit, mr malkinson was released last year. speaking on a bbc documentary, he says he is still haunted by the ordeal, as our correspondent lindsey smith reports. 0rdinary people should be aware that they could be taken, it could happen to anyone. fish they could be taken, it could happen to an one. ., ., , ., ., to anyone. an ordinary man from grimsby who to anyone. an ordinary man from grimsby who suffered to anyone. an ordinary man from grimsby who suffered an - extraordinary miscarriage of justice. extraordinary miscarriage of ustice. , ., ,. , ., justice. these are describing a rape is especially justice. these are describing a rape is especially vicious. justice. these are describing a rape is especially vicious. in justice. these are describing a rape is especially vicious. in 2004 - is especially vicious. in 2004 andrew malkinson is especially vicious. in 2004 andrew malkinson was - is especially vicious. in 2004 - andrew malkinson was convicted of the rape of a mother in selford. when i said when he said i am taking you down i said i am completely innocent. so everyone could hear it, i was frightened. how will i survive in here for any length of time? will i survive in here for any lenath of time? , ., , ., length of time? the news devastating his famil in length of time? the news devastating his family in grimsby. length of time? the news devastating his family in grimsby. as length of time? the news devastating his family in grimsby. as much - length of time? the news devastating his family in grimsby. as much as - length of time? the news devastating his family in grimsby. as much as i i his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want to say his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want to say this, his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want to say this, i his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want to say this, i did - his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want to say this, i did not - don t want to say this, i did not want don t want to say this, i did not want anything to do with him which affected want anything to do with him which affected me. because it was like how can he affected me. because it was like how can he be affected me. because it was like how can he be like that to a woman? others can he be like that to a woman? others always believed his innocence. i others always believed his innocence. others always believed his innocence. ., ,, .«r ., ., innocence. i don t speak about it to eole innocence. i don t speak about it to people because innocence. i don t speak about it to people because the innocence. i don t speak about it to people because the reaction - innocence. i don t speak about it to people because the reaction is i people because the reaction is you will believe them because you are his mother. the you will believe them because you are his mother. are his mother. the documentary reveals how are his mother. the documentary reveals how four are his mother. the documentary reveals how four years are his mother. the documentary reveals how four years into - are his mother. the documentary reveals how four years into his i are his mother. the documentary| reveals how four years into his life sentence, another man s dna was found on the victim sjumbo. but he was refused an appeal. he served 17 years injail. 0n release he worked to get his conviction overturned. mr to get his conviction overturned. ii malcolm s and having waited so many malcolm s and having waited so many years you leave the court a free man of. no longer subject to the conditions. i of. no longer sub ect to the conditions. of. no longer sub ect to the conditions. ., ., ., ., ., conditions. i am not a liar. i am not in denial. conditions. i am not a liar. i am not in denial. when conditions. i am not a liar. i am not in denial. when he - conditions. i am not a liar. i am not in denial. when he came i conditions. i am not a liar. i am i not in denial. when he came back conditions. i am not a liar. i am - not in denial. when he came back to grimsb i not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did say not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did say to not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did say to him not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did say to him i m - not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i i grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i nevercame grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never came to grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never came to visit grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never came to visit you grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never came to visit you in - grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never came to visit you in prison. i never came to visit you in prison. i m never came to visit you in prison. i m so never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased is never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased is back never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased is back in- never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased is back in my- never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased is back in my life. | never came to visit you in prison. | i m so pleased is back in my life. i wasjust i m so pleased is back in my life. i wasiust so i m so pleased is back in my life. i was just so emotional. i m so pleased is back in my life. i wasjust so emotional. he - i m so pleased is back in my life. i wasjust so emotional. he is i i m so pleased is back in my life. i wasjust so emotional. he is free. | wasjust so emotional. he is free. greater wasjust so emotional. he is free. greater manchester wasjust so emotional. he is free. greater manchester police - wasjust so emotional. he is free. i greater manchester police apologised for the failings of their investigation, as yet nobody has been charged for the 2003 rape and attempted murder. lindsey smith, bbc news. you can hear more of andrew malkinson s story. on the wrong man: 17 years behind bars, which is available to watch now on bbc iplayer. sunday with laura kuenssberg is on bbc one at nine o clock this morning. let s find out what she has in store. good morning. it is busy and week three of this frantic election campaign and the pace is getting quicker and quicker and quicker. this morning will be asking how the tories can come back from the prime minister s disastrous blunder over leaving d day early, the tories have been rattled by that and panicking to losing votes of reform uk, and nigel farage shall be with us live this morning along with politicians from the tory party, labour and the s&p and a cracking panel as well! look forward to seeing you at nine o clock. more than 80 nautre conservation groups have come together to launch a legal bid to force the next government to do more in tackling the decline of wildlife in england. organisations including the national trust and the rspb are also calling for politicians from all parties to pledge to do more to boost bio diversity. 0ur rural affairs correspondent, malcolm prior, reports. water fails, waterfails, one of water fails, one of the waterfails, one of the most endangered species in the uk, but entering a comeback in this nature reserve in the cotswolds, a welcome success story when uk wildlife is in decline. it takes hard graft to bring nature back to life. it is hoped networks of small sites like these will kickstart a wider wildlife resurgence across the countryside. wildlife resurgence across the countryside- wildlife resurgence across the count side. ., , , countryside. the idea is then these areas can then countryside. the idea is then these areas can then expand countryside. the idea is then these areas can then expand into - countryside. the idea is then these areas can then expand into the i countryside. the idea is then these i areas can then expand into the wider countryside because we know that you re trying to manage a small nature reserve does not work. managing one reserve cannot work, we cannot do it on our own, we are small and charities and we need more political thinking, people higher up making the decisions to really improve nature. but making the decisions to really improve nature. improve nature. but to the volunteers improve nature. but to the volunteers believe - improve nature. but to the i volunteers believe politicians improve nature. but to the - volunteers believe politicians share their passion to protect nature? the state of their passion to protect nature? tie: state of nature report last year says nature is still in decline and it needs to be something they are acting on immediately. we it needs to be something they are acting on immediately. acting on immediately. we need commitment acting on immediately. we need commitment from acting on immediately. we need commitment from whatever i acting on immediately. we need - commitment from whatever government takes us commitment from whatever government takes us to commitment from whatever government takes us to the future to improve wildlife, takes us to the future to improve wildlife, to takes us to the future to improve wildlife, to improve peoples access to green wildlife, to improve peoples access to green spaces. you wildlife, to improve peoples access to green spaces- wildlife, to improve peoples access to green spaces. you cannot combat climate change to green spaces. you cannot combat climate change without to green spaces. you cannot combat climate change without also - to green spaces. you cannot combat climate change without also looking | climate change without also looking after the climate change without also looking after the wildlife. climate change without also looking after the wildlife. but climate change without also looking after the wildlife. after the wildlife. but this is about more after the wildlife. but this is about more than after the wildlife. but this is about more than election i after the wildlife. but this is i about more than election prattle pledges and promises. there are already legally binding targets in place to protect more sites like this and to stop the decline of wildlife by 2030 but there s also concerns that we are far from achieving that. a coalition of more than 80 wildlife conservation and countryside groups are now launching a legal bid to force whoever is in power next month to step up efforts to fight nature decline in england. there has been a long time decline of wildlife we see no sign that the policy in place right now will be able to halt and reverse the decline so we need whoever formed the next government to step up and make the investment, the legal changes and take the action necessary to start to turn things around. the department to turn things around. the department for to turn things around. the department for environment, food and rural affairs would not comment on any future legal action that current policy did not need to be reviewed until the end of january 2028. this is a uk wide issue, all four of the nation s administrations are committed to protecting 30% of lancia nature by that 2030 but three of the uk s biggest conservation groups, the national trust, the rspb, and the wildlife trust have joined forces to column politicians to more. irate joined forces to column politicians to more. ~ ., ., , ., to more. we feel passionately that the nature crisis to more. we feel passionately that the nature crisis in to more. we feel passionately that the nature crisis in such to more. we feel passionately that the nature crisis in such an - to more. we feel passionately that the nature crisis in such an extent| the nature crisis in such an extent that none of another political parties are taking the challenge seriously so why here to ask them to think about that and show us their response. irate think about that and show us their resonse. ~ .,. ., response. we need action within the first ear response. we need action within the first year of response. we need action within the first year of the response. we need action within the first year of the next response. we need action within the first year of the next government, i first year of the next government, nieaning first year of the next government, meaning they need detailed plans of how they meaning they need detailed plans of how they will turn things around, restore how they will turn things around, restore the abundance of nature, get it working restore the abundance of nature, get it working again. this restore the abundance of nature, get it working again- it working again. this coalition of rou -s is it working again. this coalition of groups is calling it working again. this coalition of groups is calling on it working again. this coalition of groups is calling on their- it working again. this coalition of groups is calling on their 8 i it working again. this coalition of| groups is calling on their 8 million plus members deport election candidates on the spot over nature decline. ., , u, candidates on the spot over nature decline. .,, u, , . candidates on the spot over nature decline. .,, , ., candidates on the spot over nature decline. , ., decline. people can play a part in this. absolutely, decline. people can play a part in this. absolutely, people - decline. people can play a part in this. absolutely, people should l decline. people can play a part in. this. absolutely, people should be asking candidates turning up on their doorstep and telling them what they want to see for this nature restoration programme. the conservatives restoration programme. the conservatives have - restoration programme. the conservatives have said they have clear policies to protect 30% of land by 2030, while labour launched a new countryside protection plan that it says will create new species rich habitats. the lib dems say they would double the amount of land would double the amount of [and protected for nature by 2050. like primary says more public investment is needed to support nature recovery while the s&p is also committed to halting biodiversity loss by 2030. no detail budgeting has been produced by any plans to protect uk wildlife. election promises are one thing but it is on the ground where the real work begins. malcolm prior, bbc news. election and the environment one of the key issues in this election. in the key issues in this election. in the meantime, here is some sport. and a focus on cricket? the meantime, here is some sport. and a focus on cricket? england are in a bit of trouble and a focus on cricket? england are in a bit of trouble in and a focus on cricket? england are in a bit of trouble in the and a focus on cricket? england are in a bit of trouble in the t-20 - and a focus on cricket? england are in a bit of trouble in the t-20 cup. l in a bit of trouble in the t 20 cup. they were beaten heavily by australia last night, meaning england has started one draw, and high and they are running out of games, they have to be tomane and namibia heavily and hope australia beat another, scotland, namibia heavily and hope australia beatanother, scotland, in namibia heavily and hope australia beat another, scotland, in the same way to make sure they have a chance of getting through to the same stage. scotland are now in a position where they could stop england progressing. == position where they could stop england progressing. england s start of two matches no wins has put their chances of making the next stage in doubt. put into bat in barbados, david warner and travis head made a flying start 70 without loss in the 5th over australia reaching 201 7 from their 20 overs. in reply, england started strongly, captainjos buttler top scoring with 42 but they lost wickets at regular intervals and they ultimately fell well short of their target, losing by 36 runs. the situation we find ourselves in is the situation we find ourselves in. we have to be confident. keep our heads up and look forward to the next one and keep popping our chest out and play some really good cricket, which we know we are capable of. south africa remain top of their group after surviving a scare against the netherlands. chasing 104 to win, they were 12 for [i at one stage. but they managed the run chase well. an unbeaten 59 off 51 balls from david miller saw south africa win by four wickets. while, overnight, uganda were bowled out forjust 39 in their defeat to west indies. nearly a week on from the death of a rugby league legend, the sport had what is traditionally its biggest day of the season and the challenge cup finals at wembley provided a poignant backdrop to the commemorations of rob burrow. tributes were followed by the trophies for wigan s men and st helens women, as adam wild reports. a game and a chief befitting the memory of the great rob burrow. wigan warriors rugby league challenge cup winners, a moment of celebration and the culmination of a day of raw emotion. 0n the game s rangers stage, the sport had come together to remember an inspirational champion. fans from across the rugby inspirational champion. fans from across the rugby league inspirational champion. fans from | across the rugby league community gathering to pay their very own personal tribute to the late rob burrow, who passed awayjust a few days ago after his battle with motor neuron disease, tribute that will continue throughout the day. he meant everything, everything to me, the club, meant everything, everything to me, the club, the mnd community, amazing the club, the mnd community, amazinu. ,, ., the club, the mnd community, amazinu. ., ., , amazing. one thing rugby league does is look after its amazing. one thing rugby league does is look after its own amazing. one thing rugby league does is look after its own and amazing. one thing rugby league does is look after its own and we amazing. one thing rugby league does is look after its own and we come - is look after its own and we come togethen is look after its own and we come togethen no is look after its own and we come together. no matter is look after its own and we come together. no matter what- is look after its own and we come together. no matter what club i is look after its own and we come. together. no matter what club you are from. together. no matter what club you are from, everyone together. no matter what club you are from, everyone could - together. no matter what club you are from, everyone could see - together. no matter what club you i are from, everyone could see what he did as are from, everyone could see what he did as a are from, everyone could see what he did as a player are from, everyone could see what he did as a playerand are from, everyone could see what he did as a player and also are from, everyone could see what he did as a player and also as are from, everyone could see what he did as a player and also as a - are from, everyone could see what he did as a player and also as a human. did as a player and also as a human being did as a player and also as a human being afterwards. did as a player and also as a human being afterwards. he did as a player and also as a human being afterwards. did as a player and also as a human being afterwards. he was a star, he was a star- being afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the being afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the men s being afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the men s showpiece i was a star. the men s showpiece final, warrington was a star. the men s showpiece final, warrington against - was a star. the men s showpiece final, warrington against wigan i final, warrington against wigan beginning after a minute silence, and it was weekend already raining super league and while club champions who took the first half lead, bevan french twisting and turning his way over. turning his way over. french, dazzling! turning his way over. french, dazzling! that, turning his way over. french, dazzling! that, their - turning his way over. french, dazzling! that, their second l turning his way over. french, i dazzling! that, their second try, the captain rampaging through to extend the captain rampaging through to extend the lead and from there, warrington would not find a way back warrington would not find a way back. wigan warriors, wembley winners back. wigan warriors, wembley winners once again. back. wigan warriors, wembley winners once again. earlier, there was no fairytale winners once again. earlier, there was no fairytale windfall- winners once again. earlier, there was no fairytale windfall leads. i winners once again. earlier, there! was no fairytale windfall leads. was no fairytale windfall leads. leads, beaten comprehensively by st helen s for the third year in a row. gorry for st helen s women and for wigan warriors men on a day when the whole sport of rugby league came together to celebrate one of its own. adam wild, bbc news, wembley. northampton s 10 year wait for a league title is over after the saints won a dramatic premiership final at twickenham. alex mitchell scored the winning try against bath, who were down to 11! men, with just seven minutes left as northampton claimed their second championship and a perfect send off for the departing courtenay lawes after 17 years with the club. not really sunk in yet because we have been so focused on this for so long, and during the game, and i just wanted the win, however you can. then you get there and you re like oh! have we done it? do you know what i mean? cannot put it into words. i think we deserved it. over the season we have been the best team and sometimes you have to find a way to win. team and sometimes you have to find a way to win- a way to win. apparently the goggles are because a way to win. apparently the goggles are because of a way to win. apparently the goggles are because of the a way to win. apparently the goggles are because of the champagne i a way to win. apparently the goggles| are because of the champagne spray! after a disappointing start to the french open for british singles players the tournament ended on a high with alfie hewett and gordon reid winning the men s wheelchair doubles title for a fifth successive year. another serial winner is iga swiatek. atjust 23 years of age she s a french open singles winner for the fourth time. she continued her recent dominance on the roland garros clay with a straight sets win against first time major finalist jasmine paolini of italy. it was swiatek s third title in a row in paris and a fifth grand slam triumph overall. it s the turn of the men this afternoon, with carlos alcaraz taking on germany s alexander zverev. it s the first time either man has reached the final in paris. zverev is searching for his first grand slam title whilst alcaraz is going for his third and hoping tojoin an illustrious list of spaniards to have won the title at roland garros. i wanted to put my name on that list of the spanish players who have won this tournament, not only rafa nadal, ferrero, moya, cluster, a lot of the spanish players and players from all of the players on the spot he won the tournament and i really want to put my name on the list as well costa. there are no easy matches and if yodre there are no easy matches and if yodre in there are no easy matches and if you re in the final at roland garros, you re in the final at roland garros, you deserve to be there and that went garros, you deserve to be there and that went for him as well. he played a fantastic that went for him as well. he played a fantastic match and tournament in general a fantastic match and tournament in general and a fantastic match and tournament in generaland i m a fantastic match and tournament in general and i m expecting a very difficult general and i m expecting a very difficult match. it s the final few days of pre euros friendies and spain appear to be in good form although it was northern ireland that bore the brunt of it. not immediately though, sunderland defender daniel ballard gave northern ireland a shock lead just 67 seconds after kick off in majorca. but things soon turned as they conceded four goals in the first half and eventually lost 5 1. northern ireland should have an easier game against andorra on tuesday. spain face a far sterner test in their opening match of the euros against croatia on saturday. great britain have won their first medals at the european athletics championships in rome with romell glave taking bronze in the 100 metres. the race was won by olympic champion marceljacobs in a time of 10.02 seconds as he successfully defended his european sprint title on a golden night for hosts italy in rome, who won three medals. it s glaves first senior championship medal. it is incredible. i wanted to get the gold but i have to take the positive on top of that. positive things to take from here and just go back and look at the video and work on my weaknesses. george mills won silver in the men s 5000 metres, finishing behind norwegian starjakob ingebrigtsen. mills is the son of former england internationalfootballer danny mills and he s now got his sights set on the paris olympics next month. some want to run the 15 and the five in paris and hopefully tonight has done my chances of selection no harm. we will see. we re three weeks out until trials and straight back to training as of tomorrow and then get stuck in. )and it looks like the mercedes formula one team could be challenging for race wins again after george russell claimed pole for this evening s canadian grand prix. the briton recorded a time of one minute and twelve seconds exactly on his first run in the final session of qualifying in montreal. championship leader max verstappen posted exactly the same time in his red bull but because russell did it first he gets to start from the top spot forjust the second time in his career. that race is on later. you can listen to it on radio 5 live, coverage starting at 630. time for a check on the weather and it s not feeling particularly summary. what is going on with the temperature? good morning. it feels like spring has kept on giving at the moment! to give you an idea of where we should be in terms of average temperatures, generally around 16 20 degrees across the uk but all parts of the uk below that, even caller on monday and tuesday, even some areas around five degrees lower than we expect. this chilly round of whether will continue and it could fill caller as we start the coming week and it s down to this area of low pressure. it is moving eastwards and drags down air from the north and some complication today is this cloud rolling in on a weather front, outbreaks of rain which are persistent in the west today and that will run into parts of southwest scotland, northern england and patches of rain and drizzle throughout the day. some sunny spells and showers but quite a cool breeze and to the south of it, blue skies overhead for many. more car through the afternoon. sunny throughout the channel islands and parts of the far southwest and temperatures down where we should be and similarto temperatures down where we should be and similar to what they were yesterday. the rain this evening will gradually clear and spread across england and wales overnight and persistent parts of northern england and midlands and east anglia by the morning and clear skies by the end of the night sees the temperatures dropped lois down to three degrees in some valleys. this area of low pressure pushing its way eastwards and opened the floodgates to even more northerly winds. temperatures will drop a little bit more. could be a foggy morning across parts of yorkshire, east midlands, lincolnshire, anglia, and clearing parts of east anglia and away from that sunny spells developing and shower clouds brewing in the afternoon and anyway could see a shower pastor on the northerly breeze. cloudier without later on in the far north of scotland. the northerly wind strengthens further into monday evening. still feeling a little bit like spring. we ll be back with the headlines at eight but now it s time for this week s click. we choose to go to the moon in this decade. not because it is easy because it is hard. decade. not because it is easy because it is hard. one small step for man. because it is hard. one small step for man- one because it is hard. one small step for man. one giant because it is hard. one small step for man. one giant leap because it is hard. one small step for man. one giant leap for i because it is hard. one small step i for man. one giant leap for mankind. 52 years for man. one giant leap for mankind. 52 years ago for man. one giant leap for mankind. 52 years ago we laid our last footprint on the moon. as the crew of apollo 17 left the surface they did not know gene simmons would be the last person to walk on another world. we re on our way, houston. but now, in this decade, finally. ..we re going back. mission control: and lift off of artemis 1. nasa s artemis programme will, in the next year or two, return us to our neighbour. part of its mission to land the first woman and the first person of colour on the moon. another part to use what we learn here to send the first astronauts to mars. this is where it all began florida s kennedy space center named after the president who made the original pledge to go to the moon. and now, this place is at the centre of even grander plans, because this time, we re notjust visiting the moon we want to stay. this is gateway, humanity s first space station that will orbit another world. it will go round the moon every seven days. and, like the international space station above earth, astronauts will call this place home . although, where the iss can accommodate up to 12 astronauts and is comparable to a five or six bedroom house, gateway will be.more cosy. gateway is a studio apartment. it s. we re going to have room for our four astronauts, multiple docking ports, so we can bring our orion crew transportation ship, we can bring logistics, and we can dock a lander. these four explorers won t all be cooped up on board for the whole time, though. two will actually be spending a week or two on location, down on the lunar surface. it s a chance to further study the landscape and hopefully find a location for our next giant leap a permanent moon base. gateway will be there before we put a habitat on the surface. gateway allows us to access any point on the lunar surface. when we went with apollo, we had to pick that spot on the moon and go to it. gateway will give us the opportunity to go down at different locations. the first section of gateway could be launched as early as 2025, with new modules then being added from 2027. a lunar base is admittedly further out and it comes with risk, but also reward. so, how do we make that a reality? to find out, it s time for me to take one small step of my own. oh, wow. i can instantly see the dust kind of kicking up. yeah. it s really fine, isn t it? it leaves the footprints like you d expect. oh, my gosh. that s brilliant. and this is how moon dust behaves, itjust puffs up like that? it does, yeah. it s so fine. welcome to swamp works. ..the dusty, dirty lab where they work with simulated moon dust. now, the loose soil that covers the lunar surface is called regolith. it s extremely fine, very sharp on a microscopic scale, and it gets everywhere. so when we landed with apollo 11, we didn t know what the surface of the moon exactly was going to be like. you ll notice from some of the footage, the landing pads are quite huge on the landing legs and the ladder s far away from the surface. there was a lot of concern of, how much will this lander sink into the surface? how fluffy is this regolith? the surface is fine and powdery. i can.| can pick it up loosely with my toe. in fact, it s because the eagle lander didn t sink in as much as expected that neil armstrong had to take such a giant leap from the bottom rung of the ladder. today, swamp works is developing robots that can cope with and take advantage of lunar soil. and it will be very useful. see, moon dust is made of materials like silicon dioxide and calcium oxide, which all contain a lot of oxygen. if we could mine the regolith and use chemical processes to extract the oxygen, we could make our own breathable air and our own rocket fuel. the way space flight exploration has been working right now is imagine you re going on a holiday with your family, you re going on a long road trip, thousands of miles, right? right now, we are bringing a trailer behind us with all the gas, you know, that we need with us, all the fuel, everything that we need comes with us. so we want to change that paradigm. we want to. and one of the biggest things that makes the biggest impact is the fuel, right? if we can source some of that from the moon and eventually from mars, that will allow us to bring more and to go more often. making our own fuel makes regular trips to and from the gateway space station much more viable. now, mining moon dust is called isru. and, because they love an acronym round these parts, the robot to do this will be called the isru pilot excavator, ipex. we had to really reinvent how you do excavation for doing mining on the moon, and eventually mars. the challenge is the technology we have for mining here on earth relies on a lot of mass and a lot of weight, right? the more steel you put on an excavator, the heavier it becomes and the better it digs. we can t launch something as heavy as we want on a rocket. it s still very expensive, right? so we have to reduce the mass of what we put on rockets. and then when you land it on the moon, it weighs one sixth of what it does here on earth, right? imagine, like, trying to dig as if you were on ice, right? it will just scoot across the surface. the scoop will not engage and you won t be able to collect anything. so the way the robot scoops up the dust is using this thing called a bucket drum. and it s got a kind of spiral in there. and if it turns it one way, it scoops the soil, which gradually works its way towards the middle and stays there. like that. and then when it wants to unload. turns it the other way and it all comes out again. we put them on opposite ends of the robot and when it excavates, it s using both sets of drums at the same time, but they re digging in opposite directions. so one is pulling it that way and one is pulling it that way. right. ..and pulling itself down to the surface. yeah. one of the main dangers faced by extraterrestrial rovers is getting stuck. so, as an added bonus, ipex s scoops and arms can also help it to get out of a hole orflip it over if it takes a tumble. one of its other defences will keep its cameras free from all that electrostatic dust, now, just like the fuel situation, we can t take building materials with us to the moon either we have to make our structures from moon dust. these bricks and blocks and bars have all been made by mixing and melting regolith with plastic. in the future, giant 3d printers will build shelters to protect those living on a world with no atmosphere from radiation, asteroid and micrometeoroid impacts, moonquakes and temperatures ranging from +100 to 200 degrees celsius. even replacement parts can be made from regolith. so this is a wheel that has been printed with regolith and polymer. ok. this is another example of what we can do if we capture the resources from the moon. now, do you know, i ve seen and held wheels for rovers before, full size wheels, and they re really light. right. but this is really heavy. yes, this is the opposite. because those wheels that are light, especially if you re sending it on a rocket, they need to be light because it s expensive. this is heavy because it s made on the moon. and heavy wheels are a good thing, i guess. it s better, right? especially for a digger like that. like the more weight that we have on the excavator, the better it s going to perform. would you believe you can even make rope out of regolith? this is made from basalt glass really, really thin fibres, a bit like optic fibre. so you could even make rope out of moon dust. these are hopeful times for space exploration, but it s always been a risky endeavour. im 1 odysseus lunar lander separation confirmed. this year, we ve seen three probes sent to the moon. two made it, and both of those had, shall we say, awkward landings. and the artemis mission to put boots back on the lunar ground has been pushed back to 2026 at the earliest. but nasa says space explorers need to take these setbacks in their stride. i don t see it as a disappointment. it s very cliche to say space is hard, but what we re endeavouring to do is highly complex. we expect challenges along the way so this doesn t surprise us and we re pushing forward. it sounds really expensive to do space exploration. is it, and is it worth it? so, yes, it s really expensive. it was really expensive for us to explore this planet, really expensive to lay rail infrastructure, to lay highway infrastructure, to put the infrastructure in place that allows us to travel in air traffic around this globe. it s absolutely necessary for us to lay that critical infrastructure for going to space, because what we learn in that endeavour is tremendous. the exponential growth that we ve seen in the world in technology is because of great endeavours like this. it s absolutely worth it. here in the united states, every year the general population is spending as much money on potato chips as our budget is every year to go out to the moon. that s a good figure. this has been a fascinating trip to nasa. motivation may be different to the space race of the 1960s. but the size of the ambition is just as great today. as we shoot for the moon, once again. good morning, welcome to breakfast with luxmy gopal and ben boulos. our headlines today. the eu s most senior diplomat has condemned the killing of palestinians in an israeli operation to rescue four hostages. the mission was to bring home the captives who had been held in gaza since the hamas attacks eight months ago. election campaigning continues across the country ahead of a key week in which parties will set out their manifestos. after new cctv emerges of the tv presenter michael mosley who vanished on a greek island on wednesday his wife says she will not lose hope . in sport, england s defence of the t20 world cup is in danger they re still to win in the tournament after a hefty defeat by australia in barbados in their second game. whilst there ll be a sunny start to sunday for some of you, a lot more cloud around today. that cloud increases, thickens, and we ll see some patchy rain, too. i ll have all the details here on breakfast. good morning, it s sunday the 9th ofjune. our main story. israel has been criticised by the european union s most senior diplomat over the killing of dozens of palestinians in an operation to rescue four hostages in gaza. eu foreign policy chief josep borrell called the reports another massacre of civilians . the mission to bring home the captives involved air strikes around a refugee camp. our middle east correspondent hugo bachega reports. the moment she was made free. 25 year old noa argamani captured by hamas on the 7th of october and taken to gaza is finally back in israel. this is her being reunited with her dad after a dramatic rescue. translation: please don t forget that there are another 120 - hostages in captivity. we must release them and make every effort in any way to bring them to israel and their families. by the way, it s my birthday look what a gift i got! also freed andrei kozlov, who s 27, shlomi ziv 40, and almog meirjan 21. eight months ago, they were at the nova music festival in southern israel, when hamas gunmen attacked. more than 360 people were killed here. the four hostages were rescued in a major operation by the israeli military in the nuseirat refugee camp in central gaza. special forces went in. the military said this was a complex operation, and based on intelligence information. the four hostages, it said, were found at two separate locations in the heart of the camp, and were brought out under fire. israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. they underwent intensive training. they risked their lives to save the lives of our hostages. but the rescue mission brought even more suffering to gaza. there was chaos and desperation at the nearby al aqsa hospital. doctors were unable to treat all the wounded. many people arrived already dead. translation: we were at home. a rocket hit us. my two cousins died, and my other two cousins were seriously injured. they did nothing they were sitting at home. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited the freed hostages in a hospital near tel aviv. he s being urged to reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal with hamas. the rescue was considered a success by the israeli authorities, and could change the calculation of a leader under pressure. hugo bachega, bbc news, tel aviv. our correspondent jon donnison is injerusalem. what reaction has there been? certainly do need here in israel has been one of celebration and relief, not least by the relatives of those four micro hostages who have not seen their loved ones for 246 days and i do think, as hugo suggested, it eases the pressure on prime minister netanyahu because it allows him to say, look, his strategy is working. he believes the best way to get the remaining hostages out, and there are some 116 people captured on october seven still being held, 40 on october seven still being held, a0 or so of whom are thought to be dead stop he believes the best way is to apply military pressure on hammers. hamas. there is outrage at the number of civilians killed. we have seen really discerning images from the two main hospitals in the centre of gaza, with scores of casualties being brought in, many women and children. there has also been strong condemnation from the eu s most senior diplomat, who said this was another massacre, and called for the bloodbath to end immediately. an israeli minister fired back, saying shame on you, instead of criticising hamas for holding civilians in civilian neighbourhoods, he was targeting israel for trying to rescue its citizens. ., ., ., citizens. for the moment, thanks very much- citizens. for the moment, thanks very much- jon citizens. for the moment, thanks very much. jon donnison - citizens. for the moment, thanks very much. jon donnison in i very much. jon donnison in jerusalem. back here. we are hurtling towards the general election. now less than a month away. so the battle to win votes intensifies. campaigning continues ahead of what is likely to be a busy week in the lead up to the general election, with another scheduled election tv debate and manifestos set to be published. our political correspondent iain watson has this report. just when you get a bit stressed. the prime minister s in the market for votes. the main westminster parties will launch their manifestos in the week ahead. rishi sunak will be hoping that this moves the focus firmly onto policy, not personality. he ll be keen to move on from his d day apology, but what s the mood in his party? his candidates like him have been out campaigning this weekend, and we ve been speaking to some of them. some have spoken about anger and disappointment. one of them despairingly said, whatever is going to happen next? will the prime minister s trousers fall down? others say that voters haven t raised the issue at all, and one candidate said that those who are so vexed by this have already defected to labour or reform. the prime minister will be hoping to keep his job after polling day onjuly the ath, and he wants to get more people into work. he s promising to spend £700 million to help people struggling with mental health to rejoin and stay in the workforce. but he s also repeating previous announcements to toughen up benefits rules. the conservatives claim they could save £12 billion from the welfare bill by the end of the next parliament. labour say existing jails are bursting at the seams, and that the government has failed to provide the 20,000 more prison places that it promised. if elected, the party says it will deliver that prison building programme, and change the planning laws to make it a priority. they ll also give offenders more help to get into employment. the state of the nhs has been prominent in the lib dems campaign they say they want to take pressure off the ambulance system by expanding urgent care centres and providing a thousand more hospital beds. information on local ambulance response times would also be made readily available. so today, we get a sneak preview of the manifestos but it s not until the full range of policies are published that we ll know how well they connect with voters. iain watson, bbc news. we are nowjoined by our political correspondentjessica parker. good morning. this week we are expecting more detail as the parties set out their policies. yes. set out their policies. yes, absolutely. set out their policies. yes, absolutely. the set out their policies. yes, absolutely. the key - set out their policies. yes, absolutely. the key week, | set out their policies. yes, | absolutely. the key week, i set out their policies. yes, - absolutely. the key week, i think, in the election campaign. because what we have had so far are glimpses of what is going to be in the manifesto, and a drip feed of policy announcements from the different parties. and that can, i think, feel like there is a lot of noise going around, it can be hired to keep track of exactly who has said what. what the manifestos do, as many will know, they are documents where parties lay out their promises or at least their intentions for government, if they were to win power. and crucially, as well, costings should really be provided and people might have noticed there has been a lot of back and forth, wrangling, particularly between the conservative party and the labour party about how they are actually going to pay for things and the public finances. manifestos really allow fresh scrutiny of that. they aren t that holistic package of they are a package of promises from they are a package of promises from the parties. as we expect to get them from the main parties over the next week or so, it will be a gear change to the campaign, a key moment in this general election campaign. thank you. we will be discussing policies in a bit more detail shortly. the search for the tv presenter michael mosley will resume on the greek island of symi after he went missing while out on a walk on wednesday. our correspondent joe inwood is in symi. the temperatures have affected the search. in the temperatures have affected the search. ., , ., ., ,., search. in the last hour or so we have heard search. in the last hour or so we have heard that search. in the last hour or so we have heard that a search. in the last hour or so we have heard that a police - search. in the last hour or so we have heard that a police dog i search. in the last hour or so we | have heard that a police dog that came over, we saw it coming over on the ferry, has been sent back to athens because it is just too hot for it to operate. apparently it was getting exhausted in the heat and burning its paws on the rocks. it doesn t indicate, we don t think it indicates they are changing the search, just that it seems the dogs are not able to operate on a hillside for long periods of time. despite that, the search is continuing, it is going on. they are basically working their way methodically across this stretch of land. it is a significant area they are trying to cover, though, and though there is not much cover there, there are caves, places that michael mosley could have tried to take shelter so they are obviously trying to search every inch of this hillside. trying to search every inch of this hillside. . , ., ., , hillside. and his wife clare has said that the hillside. and his wife clare has said that the family hillside. and his wife clare has said that the family would i hillside. and his wife clare has said that the family would not| hillside. and his wife clare has i said that the family would not lose hope. said that the family would not lose ho e, r , , said that the family would not lose ho e. , ,., , , said that the family would not lose hoe. , . ., said that the family would not lose hoe. , , ., ., hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed by hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed by the hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed by the mayor i hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed by the mayor of i hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed by the mayor of the | that was echoed by the mayor of the town, symi, who said they are going town, symi, who said they are going to continue searching for as long as it takes to find michael mosley. that statement from clare also thanked the people of this village, of this island, the greek authorities and the british consul for all the work they are doing, saying these have been the most terrible days. i am sure we can all imagine. terrible days. i am sure we can all imauine. ., ~ terrible days. i am sure we can all imauine. . ,, i. terrible days. i am sure we can all imauine. ., ~ ,, . terrible days. i am sure we can all imauine. ., ~ ,, . ., imagine. thank you, joe inwood in 5 mi and imagine. thank you, joe inwood in symi and we imagine. thank you, joe inwood in symi and we will imagine. thank you, joe inwood in symi and we will update imagine. thank you, joe inwood in symi and we will update you i imagine. thank you, joe inwood in symi and we will update you on i imagine. thank you, joe inwood in| symi and we will update you on any updates in the next hour. south korea says it will resume propaganda broadcasts against north korea for the first time in six years. seoul s national security council said its decision to install loudspeakers and begin broadcasts was in response to pyongyang s campaign of sending balloons carrying rubbish across the border. the council added that any attempt at causing distress to the people of south korea was unacceptable. narendra modi is set to be sworn in as prime minister of india for his third term today. he ll be sworn in alongside his cabinet as he heads a coalition of 15 parties following last week s election results. it makes him prime ministerfor a historic third consecutive term. an 11 year old girl is among four people who were injured after a fun fair ride malfunctioned in lambeth in south london. our reporter helena wilkinson is at the lambeth country show where it happened. good morning. what more can you tell us? ., , good morning. what more can you tell us? . . , , ., , good morning. what more can you tell us? . , , ., , . good morning. what more can you tell us? are really serious incident took lace here us? are really serious incident took place here yesterday us? are really serious incident took place here yesterday just us? are really serious incident took place here yesterdayjust before i place here yesterdayjust before 6:30pm. the fairground isjust behind me. iwanted 6:30pm. the fairground isjust behind me. i wanted to show you and live aerial view of the fairground itself. you will be able to see some of the rides in the fairground. there is some tarpaulin around one of them, but it is not clear, and we don t know rather, which is the ride that suffered that malfunction yesterday. what happened was a huge emergency response, as you would imagine. the airambulance emergency response, as you would imagine. the air ambulance arrived here. also four ambulance crews and paramedics. they treated an 11 year old girl, a man and woman in their a0s, also another man in his 50s here. they were then transferred to major trauma units. we know that their conditions are not life threatening, but we don t know what injuries they sustained during the incident here yesterday. the council says a thorough investigation will go on to establish why a ride here at the fairground malfunctioned, and the health and safety executive is also going to be informed. health and safety executive is also going to be informed. thank you, our correspondent going to be informed. thank you, our correspondent helena going to be informed. thank you, our correspondent helena wilkinson, i going to be informed. thank you, our correspondent helena wilkinson, andj correspondent helena wilkinson, and there is more on the bbc news website, as well. a world war ii veteran has married his bride on the 80th anniversary of d day near the beaches of normandy in france. harold terens, a 100 year old us army air force veteran from florida, tied the knot with 96 year old jeanne swerlin at a ceremony in carentan les marais, in northwestern france. originally from new york, harold visited france as an air force corporal shortly after d day, when he was just 20 years old. to top off the extraordinary day, the newly wedded couple then attended the state banquet in paris thrown by president macron for us leaderjoe biden. here is what the happy couple had to say. i m100 years old and my bridge is 96. i m100 years old and my bride is 96. and to be married in carentan. it s my second favourite normandy is my second favourite place in the whole world. i could live here for the rest of my life and be as happy as could be. do you feel young again? oh, yeah! at 96, i feel like. my god, i got butterfliesjust like the young people. - i mean it it s notjust for young people, love, you know? - we get butterflies and we get a little action also! laughter oh, that is brilliant, i love that. 96 year old jeanne and if i could have a fraction of the amount of energy she has. may be tying the knot, it s a good outfit for a. his knot, it s a good outfit for a. no wonder knot, it s a good outfit for a. in; wonder they have smiles on their faces! let s get the weather. blue skies over one part of the post dinner glucose but they will be looking with envy. they certainly will. lighting the smile they certainly will. lighting the smile across many in southern and centrai smile across many in southern and central areas. a few in eastbourne a short central areas. a few in eastbourne a short while central areas. a few in eastbourne a short while ago, looking mediterranean but let me take you north mediterranean but let me take you north towards anglesey and close to hotyhead north towards anglesey and close to holyhead. different colour of sky. the cloud holyhead. different colour of sky. the cloud has rolled in and it is that the cloud has rolled in and it is that which the cloud has rolled in and it is that which will become a bit more dominant that which will become a bit more dominant overhead for many as we go through dominant overhead for many as we go through the dominant overhead for many as we go through the coming hours and into the afternoon. a lot of it has been streaming the afternoon. a lot of it has been streaming out of the north atlantic, this strip streaming out of the north atlantic, this strip here, pushing its way, bringing this strip here, pushing its way, bringing outbreaks of rain and drizzle bringing outbreaks of rain and drizzle to bringing outbreaks of rain and drizzle to northern ireland, parts of southern scotland and north west england of southern scotland and north west england and north west wales. breaks up england and north west wales. breaks up at times england and north west wales. breaks up at times across south east scotland up at times across south east scotland and north east england, so there scotland and north east england, so there will scotland and north east england, so there will be some sunshine in the sunshine there will be some sunshine in the sunshine in there will be some sunshine in the sunshine in south wales, the midlands, southwards, that will give way to midlands, southwards, that will give way to a midlands, southwards, that will give way to a lot more cloud, parts of devon, way to a lot more cloud, parts of devon, cornwall, dorset, channel tines devon, cornwall, dorset, channel lines will devon, cornwall, dorset, channel lines will stay sunny all day. still some lines will stay sunny all day. still some sunny spells by the north but a few showers. here is the cloudy is to spot few showers. here is the cloudy is to spot where the rain and drizzle will keep to spot where the rain and drizzle will keep coming and going and in northern will keep coming and going and in northern ireland, particularly to the west. northern ireland, particularly to the west, is where the rain is heavier the west, is where the rain is heavier and more persistent into the afternoon heavier and more persistent into the afternoon. it will feel rather chilly afternoon. it will feel rather chilly here, ten to 13 degrees. simitar chilly here, ten to 13 degrees. similar story in northern scotland. elsewhere. similar story in northern scotland. elsewhere, around 13 to 16 for many, maybe elsewhere, around 13 to 16 for many, maybe 19 elsewhere, around 13 to 16 for many, maybe 19 and some of the brighter spots maybe 19 and some of the brighter spots in maybe 19 and some of the brighter spots in the south. a wet evening in northern spots in the south. a wet evening in northern ireland, the rain then spreads northern ireland, the rain then spreads across much of england and wales spreads across much of england and wales. there will be some southern counties wales. there will be some southern counties not seen much of anything at att~ counties not seen much of anything at all. persistent rain by the end of the at all. persistent rain by the end of the night for some eastern parts of the night for some eastern parts of in the of the night for some eastern parts of in the. scotland and northern ireland, of in the. scotland and northern ireland, it of in the. scotland and northern ireland, it will clear and with clear ireland, it will clear and with clear skies and shelter from the breeze, clear skies and shelter from the breeze, some valleys could see temperatures down to 2 or three degrees temperatures down to 2 or three degrees. not helped by the fact you have northerly flow into monday, low pressure have northerly flow into monday, low pressure continuing to pull eastwards. the weather system you saw in eastwards. the weather system you saw in the eastwards. the weather system you saw in the chart, here it is, parts of of saw in the chart, here it is, parts of of yorkshire, linkage, east midlands, east anglia will stop a wet and midlands, east anglia will stop a wet and windy and cool start to monday wet and windy and cool start to monday. outbreaks of rain continuing in east monday. outbreaks of rain continuing in east anglia, brightening to the afternoon in east anglia, brightening to the afternoon. elsewhere, sunny skies will develop quite widely through the morning and then shower clouds will develop. some on the heavy side will develop. some on the heavy side. wintry in the scottish mountains and a bit more cloud to take away mountains and a bit more cloud to take away some of that sunshine in the north take away some of that sunshine in the north of take away some of that sunshine in the north of scotland. temperatures drop further into monday, a cool start drop further into monday, a cool start to drop further into monday, a cool start to the week, 5 or 6 degrees lower start to the week, 5 or 6 degrees lower than start to the week, 5 or 6 degrees lower than normal thanks to the northerly lower than normal thanks to the northerly winds and that cool it feel certainly there on tuesday, as wett~ feel certainly there on tuesday, as well. bright start for many, there whitst well. bright start for many, there whilst it well. bright start for many, there whilst it will feel cool it is not will be whilst it will feel cool it is not will be particularly wet. many places will be particularly wet. many places will be dry. even in a northerly places will be dry. even in a northerly wind we will see some showers northerly wind we will see some showers develop, central and eastern areas showers develop, central and eastern areas most showers develop, central and eastern areas most prone. some of the heaviest areas most prone. some of the heaviest of those. look at those temperatures, ten to 16 or 17 degrees. temperatures, ten to 16 or 17 degrees. certainly doesn t look, or will feel. degrees. certainly doesn t look, or will feel, like early summer, that is how will feel, like early summer, that is how it will feel, like early summer, that is how it goes for the rest of the week is how it goes for the rest of the week. temperatures are fairly sinritar week. temperatures are fairly sinritar a week. temperatures are fairly similar. a few showers around at times similar. a few showers around at times but similar. a few showers around at times but equally a bit of sunshine. thank you. short changed the temperatures but at least a bit of sunshine. thank you. even though the temperatures may not feel like it we are not far off in july. with under a month to go until the general election it s been another busy week in politics with headlines domimated by party manifestos and d day commemorations. here to discuss what we can expect over the next week is aubrey allegretti, the chief political correspondent from the times and sonia sodha, a former labour advisor and observer columnist. good morning to you both. thank you forjoining us. aubrey, one key development in the past week is nigel farage and he was obviously part of the election debate, he will be on laura kuenssberg later this morning. the key question, how does he change the dynamic and the pressure on the conservative party? reform has been polling around 12% to 15% reform has been polling around 12% to 15% over reform has been polling around 12% to 15% over the last few months and i suppose to 15% over the last few months and i suppose there has been a question about i suppose there has been a question about whether or not that was the ceiling about whether or not that was the ceiling at about whether or not that was the ceiling at which they might reach. nigel ceiling at which they might reach. nigel farage has come into the fray both to nigel farage has come into the fray both to lead the party and stand as a candidate, that has rattled lots of conservative mps in a mostly red wall of conservative mps in a mostly red watt areas. of conservative mps in a mostly red wall areas, who think the reform vote is wall areas, who think the reform vote is most concentrated. they have said, vote is most concentrated. they have said. as vote is most concentrated. they have said. as the vote is most concentrated. they have said, as the election was getting closer. said, as the election was getting closer. the said, as the election was getting closer, the minds of voters were being closer, the minds of voters were being narrowed around the two opportunities they thought would be most likely to lead country as prime minister. most likely to lead country as prime minister, rishi sunak and keir starnrer minister, rishi sunak and keir starmer. but since nigel farage s announcement, the reform vote has heightened again and they are concerned it could take lots of votes concerned it could take lots of votes of concerned it could take lots of votes of the conservative party without votes of the conservative party without necessarily leading to reform without necessarily leading to reform making the breakthrough is it might reform making the breakthrough is it might need in the first past the post might need in the first past the post system to get seats in parliament. post system to get seats in parliament. ., ., , , post system to get seats in parliament. . . , , . parliament. sonia, it has been a busy week- parliament. sonia, it has been a busy week. what parliament. sonia, it has been a busy week. what is parliament. sonia, it has been a busy week. what is your - parliament. sonia, it has been a busy week. what is your take i parliament. sonia, it has been aj busy week. what is your take on parliament. sonia, it has been a i busy week. what is your take on the key moments we have seen? i busy week. what is your take on the key moments we have seen?- key moments we have seen? i think the conservatives key moments we have seen? i think the conservatives have key moments we have seen? i think the conservatives have had - key moments we have seen? i think the conservatives have had about i key moments we have seen? i thinkj the conservatives have had about as bad a the conservatives have had about as bad a week the conservatives have had about as bad a week of the conservatives have had about as bad a week of election the conservatives have had about as bad a week of election campaigningl bad a week of election campaigning as it is bad a week of election campaigning as it is possible bad a week of election campaigning as it is possible to bad a week of election campaigning as it is possible to have bad a week of election campaigning as it is possible to have and - bad a week of election campaigning as it is possible to have and that i as it is possible to have and that is because as it is possible to have and that is because of as it is possible to have and that is because of two as it is possible to have and that is because of two things. - as it is possible to have and that is because of two things. first i as it is possible to have and thatj is because of two things. first of all, is because of two things. first of all. the is because of two things. first of all. the hay is because of two things. first of all, the d day commemorationsj is because of two things. first of- all, the d day commemorations and the prime all, the d day commemorations and the prime minister s all, the d day commemorations and the prime minister s decision- all, the d day commemorations and the prime minister s decision to i the prime minister s decision to leave the prime minister s decision to leave no the prime minister s decision to leave no eartv, the prime minister s decision to leave no early, before - the prime minister s decision to leave no early, before the - leave no early, before the international leave no early, before the international leaders i leave no early, before the i international leaders serine leave no early, before the - international leaders serine only, i think international leaders serine only, i think we international leaders serine only, i think we witi international leaders serine only, i think we will look international leaders serine only, i think we will look back international leaders serine only, i think we will look back on - international leaders serine only, i think we will look back on that i international leaders serine only, i think we will look back on that as. international leaders serine only, i| think we will look back on that as a really think we will look back on that as a really defining think we will look back on that as a really defining moment think we will look back on that as a really defining moment of- think we will look back on that as a really defining moment of this i really defining moment of this election really defining moment of this election and really defining moment of this election and the really defining moment of this election and the reason - really defining moment of this election and the reason is i really defining moment of thisj election and the reason is that really defining moment of this . election and the reason is that it reveals election and the reason is that it reveals something election and the reason is that it reveals something very - election and the reason is that it. reveals something very important about reveals something very important about the reveals something very important about the prime reveals something very important about the prime minister s - reveals something very important i about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t see about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t see how about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t see how important - about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t see how important it- about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t see how important it was. he didn t see how important it was for him he didn t see how important it was for him to he didn t see how important it was for him to be he didn t see how important it was for him to be there he didn t see how important it was for him to be there alongside i he didn t see how important it was| for him to be there alongside other international for him to be there alongside other international leaders for him to be there alongside other international leaders at for him to be there alongside other international leaders at that - international leaders at that ceremony international leaders at that ceremony to international leaders at that ceremony to commemorate | international leaders at that i ceremony to commemorate the international leaders at that - ceremony to commemorate the war dead. ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as aubrey ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as aubrey has ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as aubrey has said, - ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as aubrey has said, the i ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as aubrey has said, the reall dead. as aubrey has said, the real significance dead. as aubrey has said, the real significance of dead. as aubrey has said, the real significance of nigel dead. as aubrey has said, the real significance of nigel farage - dead. as aubrey has said, the real significance of nigel farage we i dead. as aubrey has said, the realj significance of nigel farage we are assuming significance of nigel farage we are assuming leadership significance of nigel farage we are assuming leadership of significance of nigel farage we are assuming leadership of reform, i assuming leadership of reform, standing assuming leadership of reform, standing for assuming leadership of reform, standing for parliament, - assuming leadership of reform, standing for parliament, is- assuming leadership of reform, standing for parliament, is that| assuming leadership of reform, i standing for parliament, is that you will see standing for parliament, is that you will see them standing for parliament, is that you will see them take standing for parliament, is that you will see them take more standing for parliament, is that you will see them take more seats. i standing for parliament, is that you will see them take more seats. the other will see them take more seats. the other big will see them take more seats. the other big difference will see them take more seats. the other big difference from will see them take more seats. the other big difference from 2019 i will see them take more seats. the other big difference from 2019 is. other big difference from 2019 is that reform other big difference from 2019 is that reform are other big difference from 2019 is that reform are putting - other big difference from 2019 is. that reform are putting candidates in conservative that reform are putting candidates in conservative held that reform are putting candidates in conservative held seats - that reform are putting candidates in conservative held seats so - that reform are putting candidates in conservative held seats so the l in conservative held seats so the conservatives in conservative held seats so the conservatives are in conservative held seats so the conservatives are very in conservative held seats so the conservatives are very much - conservatives are very much protected conservatives are very much protected from conservatives are very much protected from that - conservatives are very much protected from that reform | conservatives are very much - protected from that reform effect in 2019 because protected from that reform effect in 2019 because they protected from that reform effect in 2019 because they were protected from that reform effect in 2019 because they were not - protected from that reform effect in 2019 because they were not facing . 2019 because they were not facing those 2019 because they were not facing those candidates. 2019 because they were not facing those candidates. this 2019 because they were not facing those candidates. this time - 2019 because they were not facing those candidates. this time they. 2019 because they were not facing . those candidates. this time they are and i those candidates. this time they are and i think those candidates. this time they are and i think aubrey those candidates. this time they are and i think aubrey is those candidates. this time they are and i think aubrey is right, - those candidates. this time they are and i think aubrey is right, we - those candidates. this time they are and i think aubrey is right, we will. and i think aubrey is right, we will not necessarily and i think aubrey is right, we will not necessarily see and i think aubrey is right, we will not necessarily see that and i think aubrey is right, we will not necessarily see that translate i not necessarily see that translate into seats not necessarily see that translate into seats for not necessarily see that translate into seats for reform not necessarily see that translate into seats for reform but - not necessarily see that translate into seats for reform but they. not necessarily see that translate i into seats for reform but they will take votes into seats for reform but they will take votes from into seats for reform but they will take votes from the into seats for reform but they will take votes from the conservativesi take votes from the conservatives and make take votes from the conservatives and make it take votes from the conservatives and make it easier take votes from the conservatives and make it easier therefore - take votes from the conservatives and make it easier therefore for. and make it easier therefore for labour and make it easier therefore for labour to and make it easier therefore for labour to win and make it easier therefore for labour to win it and make it easier therefore for labour to win it so and make it easier therefore for labour to win it so they - and make it easier therefore for labour to win it so they will - and make it easier therefore for| labour to win it so they will give labour labour to win it so they will give labour arr labour to win it so they will give labour an advantage labour to win it so they will give labour an advantage in - labour to win it so they will give labour an advantage in labour. labour an advantage in labour conservative labour an advantage in labour conservative marginal- labour an advantage in labour conservative marginal seats. i labour an advantage in labour. conservative marginal seats. the labour an advantage in labour- conservative marginal seats. the net effect conservative marginal seats. the net effect of conservative marginal seats. the net effect of nigel conservative marginal seats. the net effect of nigel farage conservative marginal seats. the net effect of nigel farage will conservative marginal seats. the net effect of nigel farage will probably. effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost the effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost the size effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost the size of effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost the size of the - effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost the size of the labourl be to boost the size of the labour majority, be to boost the size of the labour majority, so be to boost the size of the labour majority, so att be to boost the size of the labour majority, so all in be to boost the size of the labour majority, so all in all be to boost the size of the labour majority, so all in all a be to boost the size of the labour majority, so all in all a very- be to boost the size of the labour majority, so all in all a very bad . majority, so all in all a very bad week majority, so all in all a very bad week for majority, so all in all a very bad week for the majority, so all in all a very bad week for the conservatives. - majority, so all in all a very bad week for the conservatives. aubrey, one of the phrases week for the conservatives. aubrey, one of the phrases we week for the conservatives. aubrey, one of the phrases we hear - week for the conservatives. aubrey, one of the phrases we hear a - week for the conservatives. aubrey, one of the phrases we hear a lot, i one of the phrases we hear a lot, awful phrase, is cooked through. how much of the chat in the westminster bubble and all of this actually reaches people at home cut through. not least rishi sunak s absence from the latter part of the d day celebrations but also the election debate. how much do you think the debate that was broadcast on friday actually made a difference to voters minds? it is on friday actually made a difference to voters minds? to voters minds? it is a really interesting to voters minds? it is a really interesting question to voters minds? it is a really interesting question and - to voters minds? it is a really interesting question and to i to voters minds? it is a really interesting question and to be honest interesting question and to be honest both parties are asking themselves it because the poles have been stubbornly not moving the bolts been stubbornly not moving the bolts have been stubbornly not moving the polls have been not moving for 18 months polls have been not moving for 18 months since rishi sunak became prime months since rishi sunak became prime minster. during the heat of the election campaign, and certainly the election campaign, and certainly the conservative party were hoping they would have narrowed that breed. the thought that more people would like rishi the thought that more people would like rishi sunak s forensics style and people would buy into his claims but that and people would buy into his claims but that has not been borne out in the potting but that has not been borne out in the polling so we suspected probably take three or four days for the major take three or four days for the major news events, including things like rishi major news events, including things like rishi sunak singh the final part of like rishi sunak singh the final part of the d day commemorations and tv debates part of the d day commemorations and tv debates devoted to the public consciousness and for us to be able to measure. consciousness and for us to be able to measure, has there been an impact? to measure, has there been an impact? probably slightly too early to tell, impact? probably slightly too early to tell, but certainly aren t rishi sunak s to tell, but certainly aren t rishi sunak s actions there was a conservative mp who said this will realty conservative mp who said this will really stick in the point of people i really stick in the point of people i spoke really stick in the point of people i spoke to really stick in the point of people i spoke to. theresa may in 2017, commemorating victims of grenfell tower commemorating victims of grenfell tower fire, commemorating victims of grenfell tower fire, the queen stepped into the breach tower fire, the queen stepped into the breach and in this case it was rishi the breach and in this case it was rishi suhak the breach and in this case it was rishi sunak keir starmer meeting people rishi sunak keir starmer meeting people rishi sunak could have otherwise done on wednesday. this will be otherwise done on wednesday. this will be remembered as a really significant moment. the tv debate is interesting significant moment. the tv debate is interesting. mostly about whether we are irr interesting. mostly about whether we are in post interesting. mostly about whether we are in post tbh for these debates. i beobte are in post tbh for these debates. i people much more attuned to social media people much more attuned to social media and people much more attuned to social media and getting their news that way? media and getting their news that way? the media and getting their news that way? the political market is probably way? the political market is probably very grateful that the social probably very grateful that the social media clips are being picked up social media clips are being picked up but social media clips are being picked up but i social media clips are being picked up but i people getting tuned in and making up but i people getting tuned in and making up up but i people getting tuned in and making up their minds question at three making up their minds question at three weeks to go so i suspect most people three weeks to go so i suspect most people witt three weeks to go so i suspect most people will still be tuning in. picking people will still be tuning in. picking up on that point from aubrey , sonia sodha. , sonia a picking up on that point from aubrey , sonia a lot of the impact is through those very short meme clips for example that labour has been putting on tiktok, getting traction. some of the conservatives videos have had a significant number of views. in a week when the manifestos are launched, how much difference does the detail, the fine print that we get this week, make, given that attention spans are perhaps shorter than they were? attention spans are perhaps shorter than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a lot than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a lot what than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a lot what is than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a lot what is in - than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a lot what is in the - also depends a lot what is in the manifestos also depends a lot what is in the manifestos and also depends a lot what is in the manifestos and whether- also depends a lot what is in the manifestos and whether there i also depends a lot what is in the i manifestos and whether there are also depends a lot what is in the - manifestos and whether there are any surprises manifestos and whether there are any surprises i manifestos and whether there are any surprises idon t manifestos and whether there are any surprises. i don t think manifestos and whether there are any surprises. i don t think there - manifestos and whether there are any surprises. i don t think there are - surprises. i don t think there are going surprises. i don t think there are going to surprises. i don t think there are going to be surprises. i don t think there are going to be you surprises. i don t think there are going to be. you have surprises. idon t think there are going to be. you have both- surprises. i don t think there are . going to be. you have both parties trailing going to be. you have both parties trailing policies, going to be. you have both parties trailing policies, potential- trailing policies, potential policies trailing policies, potential policies that trailing policies, potential policies that we trailing policies, potential policies that we might - trailing policies, potential| policies that we might see trailing policies, potential. policies that we might see in trailing policies, potential- policies that we might see in the manifestos policies that we might see in the manifestos this policies that we might see in the manifestos this weekend. - policies that we might see in the manifestos this weekend. you i policies that we might see in the - manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite unusual, manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite unusual, i manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite unusual, i think, manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite unusual, i think, for- manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite unusual, i think, for a - it is quite unusual, i think, for a manifesto it is quite unusual, i think, for a manifesto to it is quite unusual, i think, for a manifesto to really it is quite unusual, i think, for a manifesto to really make - it is quite unusual, i think, for a i manifesto to really make someone think. manifesto to really make someone think. oh. manifesto to really make someone think. oh. i manifesto to really make someone think, oh, i might manifesto to really make someone think, oh, i might vote manifesto to really make someone think, oh, i might vote for- manifesto to really make someone think, oh, i might vote for this - think, oh, i might vote forthis party think, oh, i might vote forthis party now think, oh, i might vote forthis party now. we think, oh, i might vote forthis party now. we saw think, oh, i might vote forthis party now. we saw in - think, oh, i might vote forthis party now. we saw in 2019 - think, oh, i might vote for this l party now. we saw in 2019 there think, oh, i might vote for this - party now. we saw in 2019 there was a very party now. we saw in 2019 there was a very packed party now. we saw in 2019 there was a very packed manifesto party now. we saw in 2019 there was a very packed manifesto for - party now. we saw in 2019 there was a very packed manifesto for labour, l a very packed manifesto for labour, promising a very packed manifesto for labour, promising lots a very packed manifesto for labour, promising lots of a very packed manifesto for labour, promising lots of things a very packed manifesto for labour, promising lots of things including i promising lots of things including free broadband promising lots of things including free broadband and promising lots of things including free broadband and the promising lots of things including free broadband and the voters i free broadband and the voters decided free broadband and the voters decided labour free broadband and the voters decided labour couldn t - free broadband and the voters decided labour couldn t deliver free broadband and the voters - decided labour couldn t deliver it. i decided labour couldn t deliver it. i suspect decided labour couldn t deliver it. i suspect the decided labour couldn t deliver it. i suspect the labour decided labour couldn t deliver it. i suspect the labour manifesto, . i suspect the labour manifesto, published i suspect the labour manifesto, published next i suspect the labour manifesto, published next week, i suspect the labour manifesto, published next week, there - i suspect the labour manifesto, published next week, there are| i suspect the labour manifesto, . published next week, there are not going published next week, there are not going to published next week, there are not going to be published next week, there are not going to be surprises published next week, there are not going to be surprises in published next week, there are not going to be surprises in it. - published next week, there are not going to be surprises in it. labour. going to be surprises in it. labour has been going to be surprises in it. labour has been very going to be surprises in it. labour has been very deliberately - going to be surprises in it. labouri has been very deliberately running guite has been very deliberately running quite a has been very deliberately running quite a risk has been very deliberately running quite a risk averse has been very deliberately running quite a risk averse incremental- quite a risk averse incremental campaign. quite a risk averse incremental campaign, very quite a risk averse incremental campaign, very cautious - quite a risk averse incremental. campaign, very cautious because quite a risk averse incremental- campaign, very cautious because it wants campaign, very cautious because it wants the campaign, very cautious because it wants the country campaign, very cautious because it wants the country to campaign, very cautious because it wants the country to trust - campaign, very cautious because it wants the country to trust the - campaign, very cautious because it| wants the country to trust the party when wants the country to trust the party when it wants the country to trust the party when it comes wants the country to trust the party when it comes to wants the country to trust the party when it comes to handling - wants the country to trust the party when it comes to handling the - when it comes to handling the economy when it comes to handling the economy and when it comes to handling the economy and every when it comes to handling the economy and every policy- when it comes to handling the economy and every policy will| when it comes to handling the . economy and every policy will be fully costed, economy and every policy will be fully costed, it economy and every policy will be fully costed, it says. economy and every policy will be fully costed, it says. there - economy and every policy will be fully costed, it says. there won t be any fully costed, it says. there won t be any big fully costed, it says. there won t be any big surprises fully costed, it says. there won t be any big surprises in fully costed, it says. there won t be any big surprises in it- fully costed, it says. there won t be any big surprises in it but- fully costed, it says. there won t be any big surprises in it but i. be any big surprises in it but i don t be any big surprises in it but i don t think be any big surprises in it but i don t think they be any big surprises in it but i don t think they want - be any big surprises in it but i don t think they want there i be any big surprises in it but ij don t think they want there to be any big surprises in it but i. don t think they want there to be because don t think they want there to be because they don t think they want there to be because they want don t think they want there to be because they want the don t think they want there to be | because they want the electorate don t think they want there to be i because they want the electorate to look at because they want the electorate to look at the because they want the electorate to look at the manifesto because they want the electorate to look at the manifesto and because they want the electorate to look at the manifesto and say - look at the manifesto and say they re look at the manifesto and say they re are look at the manifesto and say they re are good look at the manifesto and say they re are good ideas - look at the manifesto and say they re are good ideas but - look at the manifesto and say. they re are good ideas but they look at the manifesto and say - they re are good ideas but they are incremental they re are good ideas but they are incremental and they re are good ideas but they are incremental and i they re are good ideas but they are incremental and i believe - they re are good ideas but they are incremental and i believe that - incremental and i believe that labour incremental and i believe that labour can incremental and i believe that labour can deliver incremental and i believe that labour can deliver them. - incremental and i believe that labour can deliver them. so. incremental and i believe that labour can deliver them. so i| incremental and i believe that - labour can deliver them. so i doubt the manifestos labour can deliver them. so i doubt the manifestos will labour can deliver them. so i doubt the manifestos will change - labour can deliver them. so i doubt the manifestos will change very - the manifestos will change very much the manifestos will change very much 0n the manifestos will change very much 0n the the manifestos will change very much. 0n the debates, - the manifestos will change very much. 0n the debates, i- the manifestos will change very much. 0n the debates, i think. the manifestos will change very - much. 0n the debates, i think they can affect much. 0n the debates, i think they can affect an much. 0n the debates, i think they can affect an election much. 0n the debates, i think they can affect an election campaign - much. 0n the debates, i think theyj can affect an election campaign but very few can affect an election campaign but very few people can affect an election campaign but very few people will can affect an election campaign but very few people will watch - can affect an election campaign but very few people will watch a - can affect an election campaign butj very few people will watch a debate and make very few people will watch a debate and make up very few people will watch a debate and make up their very few people will watch a debate and make up their minds based - very few people will watch a debate and make up their minds based oni very few people will watch a debate l and make up their minds based on an houror and make up their minds based on an houror90 and make up their minds based on an houror 90 minutes and make up their minds based on an houror 90 minutes of and make up their minds based on an hour or 90 minutes of tv. and make up their minds based on an hour or 90 minutes of tv. i and make up their minds based on an hour or 90 minutes of tv. ithink- hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when they hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when they do hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when they do make hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when they do make a hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when they do make a difference i hour or 90 minutes of tv. i thinki when they do make a difference is when when they do make a difference is when there when they do make a difference is when there is when they do make a difference is when there is a when they do make a difference is when there is a big when they do make a difference is when there is a big news - when they do make a difference is when there is a big news story- when they do make a difference is when there is a big news story out of it and when there is a big news story out of it and i when there is a big news story out of it and i think when there is a big news story out of it and i think the when there is a big news story out of it and i think the one when there is a big news story out of it and i think the one thing - when there is a big news story out of it and i think the one thing that| of it and i think the one thing that people of it and i think the one thing that people will of it and i think the one thing that people will have of it and i think the one thing that people will have noticed - of it and i think the one thing that people will have noticed about. of it and i think the one thing thati people will have noticed about this last week people will have noticed about this last week of people will have noticed about this last week of debates people will have noticed about this last week of debates between - people will have noticed about this i last week of debates between leaders was the last week of debates between leaders was the row last week of debates between leaders was the row about last week of debates between leaders was the row about the last week of debates between leaders was the row about the £2000, - last week of debates between leaders was the row about the £2000, what l was the row about the £2000, what labour was the row about the £2000, what labour says was the row about the £2000, what labour says is was the row about the £2000, what labour says is a was the row about the £2000, what labour says is a lie was the row about the £2000, what labour says is a lie about was the row about the £2000, what labour says is a lie about their- labour says is a lie about their spending labour says is a lie about their spending plans~ labour says is a lie about their spending plans. that- labour says is a lie about their spending plans. that was - labour says is a lie about theirj spending plans. that was what dominated spending plans. that was what dominated the spending plans. that was what dominated the news spending plans. that was whati dominated the news headlines. spending plans. that was what . dominated the news headlines. i think dominated the news headlines. i think it dominated the news headlines. i think it may dominated the news headlines. i think it may make dominated the news headlines. i think it may make a dominated the news headlines. i think it may make a difference . think it may make a difference through think it may make a difference through a think it may make a difference through a vehicle think it may make a difference through a vehicle like - think it may make a difference through a vehicle like that. - think it may make a difference through a vehicle like that. aubrey, lookin: through a vehicle like that. aubrey, looking ahead through a vehicle like that. aubrey, looking ahead to through a vehicle like that. aubrey, looking ahead to the through a vehicle like that. aubrey, looking ahead to the manifestos . through a vehicle like that. aubrey, | looking ahead to the manifestos and the policies being set out, what do you think is going to be the issue that resonates most with voters, notwithstanding the points sonia made about perhaps the detail not reaching people. do you think cost of living, climate, immigration, what do you think are going to be the key point is that all parties. we have talked a lot about labour and the conservatives, but all parties, what do you think will be the standout one? the parties, what do you think will be the standout one? parties, what do you think will be the standout one? the cost of living and the economy the standout one? the cost of living and the economy still the standout one? the cost of living and the economy still polls - the standout one? the cost of living and the economy still polls highestl and the economy still polls highest as a due and the economy still polls highest as a due container voters. labour manifesto, as a due container voters. labour manifesto, public services at the heart manifesto, public services at the heart of manifesto, public services at the heart of the office, 40,000 more gp appointments every week, and trying to boost appointments every week, and trying to boost the number of teachers in schools. to boost the number of teachers in schools. as to boost the number of teachers in schools, as well. obviously the backdrop schools, as well. obviously the backdrop to all of this is that there backdrop to all of this is that there is backdrop to all of this is that there is quite a difficult economic context there is quite a difficult economic context. so whichever party goes into government afterjuly the 5th is going into government afterjuly the 5th is going to have quite limited room for manoeuvre to be able to do things for manoeuvre to be able to do things they want to. the conservatives have been talking a lot about conservatives have been talking a lot about tax cuts about their next agenda, lot about tax cuts about their next agenda, and while we saw the cuts to national agenda, and while we saw the cuts to national insurance in the november budget national insurance in the november budget last year and again in march this year. budget last year and again in march this year. it budget last year and again in march this year, it was not quite clear that this year, it was not quite clear that that this year, it was not quite clear that that was resonating with voters that that was resonating with voters. they certainly have concerns about voters. they certainly have concerns about the voters. they certainly have concerns about the cost of living and the economy about the cost of living and the economy but i think they are looking to political economy but i think they are looking to political parties to be quite serious to political parties to be quite serious and tell them the truth about serious and tell them the truth about the serious and tell them the truth about the extent of the difficulties they will about the extent of the difficulties they will face if they come into office. they will face if they come into office, and what they can and cannot fix. office, and what they can and cannot fix~ if office, and what they can and cannot fix~ if they office, and what they can and cannot fix. if they cannot fix it, how long it will fix. if they cannot fix it, how long it will take fix. if they cannot fix it, how long it will take to do that even if it is not it will take to do that even if it is not in it will take to do that even if it is not in a it will take to do that even if it is not in a single parliament. aubrey is not in a single parliament. aubrey allegretti, chief political correspondent at the times, and sonia sodha, a former labour adviser and observer columnist, thank you to you both. the pressure on public services is a key election issue and in an effort to understand the challenges they re under, we re going to be reporting on three key areas over the coming days education, courts and social care. this morning we re focusing on schools and their struggle to address a range of social issues beyond teaching. our social affairs correspondent michael buchanan has been to one primary school in telford where teachers are helping with potty training and basic communication.. which column do i start with? you add these for me. a simple maths lesson a familiar part of the school day for most pupils. fantastic. move onto the next one. but increasingly in classrooms are children who struggle to simply be in school. 50p! in early years, we have a number of children who struggle with basic communication, stringing a sentence together. please can i go to the toilet? , can i have a drink? they re sentences that we have to teach our children how to say. london academy is a small primary school in a relatively deprived area of telford. almost half the pupils are on free school meals. the lack of communication skills means the school has to teach makaton a basic form of sign language. but that s not all. we have intimate care plans for a number of our children. we change the children. we also try and teach them how to go to the toilet, as well so we try to do some of that potty training but we do have children still in nappies in our early years environment. eight were in nappies. louise says her last september, of the 27 children who joined london academy s reception class, eight were in nappies. louise says her son wasn t potty trained when he started school. he was quite late in everything, really! he wasn t ready, so. and then we felt when he was ready, then school helped with that. had you tried to get him toilet trained before he came to school? i had, yeah, and he there wasjust no interest at all from him to try that. the parents have nothing but praise for the school, but a chat with them reveals why schools increasingly struggle to focus solely on educating children. my oldest daughter, i ve just i ve pulled her out of school. i home educate my eldest one now. how old is she? 14. cos she was self harming, bullying, due to her mental health. right. but now she s at home, she does her work. she s happy, she s eating, she s sleeping. it s great. my wife has borderline personality disorder. all right, ok. so there s a lot of stress and emotional mental health. so that was affecting the children, their upbringing, the things that were going on. so we ve had help from the social services, help my wife get back to where she wants to be, but also guide the children into a better life. and that was through the school? through the school, yeah. london academy is part of a 13 school multi academy trust. its head says long standing challenges caused by tight budgets have been exacerbated by covid and cost of living pressures. coming out of the pandemic, children are quite often more anxious about large social situations because people were out of that for a while and at quite formative stages in their education and in their own personal development. i think, ultimately, when children are coming to school more hungry, that s probably having a bigger impact as an ongoing thing. i think we would have recovered quicker if it hadn t been for those issues. so this is our food hub. to help its families, the learning community trust has a food bank run by nikki morrison. i went out to do a visit myself. the children in the house were having weetabix with tap water. she leads the trust welfare team, who spend a lot of their time providing emotional and psychological support to hundreds of pupils. but nikki wonders what ll happen to them once they re older. a lot of support is in place for children through the school system, but when they leave school, that support starts to peter off. somebody s going to have to pick up that group of children when they leave school, and then try to put the support in then to enable them to be productive and functional members of society. the challenges in telford are, of course, nationwide how to help the many children who can t cope with school cope with life. michael buchanan, bbc news, telford. it is coming up to 833. sunday with laura kuenssberg is on bbc one at 9:00 this morning. let s find out what she has in store. the pace of the race for number 10 is getting quicker and quicker and quicker. after a terrible few days for the tories, we ll be asking this morning how they can turn things around or if they can. the man who s making so many conservatives nervous is nigel farage the leader of reform uk. he lljoin us live along with labour, conservative and snp politicians, and a fantastic panel to boot. so join me over on bbc one at 9:00. see you then. as the uk election campaign continue we want your help in how we cover it. the bbc has launched your voice, your vote so you can tell us the issues that matter to you. our reporter amanda parr has been to kingswood to speak to first time voters and hear their thoughts on the election.. thanks for having us. first time voters. so have you registered. you registered yet? not yet. but you know your deadline. yeah. yeah, ok, good. i have. you have? brownie points to you. so you wanted to talk to me today about mental health. why is this a burning issue for you all this election? so it s such a relevant topic to everyone it affects everyone and it really impacts young people in their school life, in life in general. so it s really important that it s, like, more covered. i feel like the lack of support, or i feel like as life goes and, like, families, and obviously there s, like, a lot of negative things happen in people s lives. a lot of it kind of builds up to, like, what happens in the future and it really impacts the social life whether they re doing, like, more knife crime orjust out more on the street. so there s not really enough support from the government and just education itself. lack of nhs funding with, like, mental health support. there s so many, like, really long waiting lists for mental health support, counselling, therapy. it s. it s got to change, you know? we want it. we really want it to change. i would sometimes link it to crime. and, you know, seeing as crime has become a really big issue in the recent years, i think there s a lot we could do to prevent it, rather than stop it - preventing it better than the cure. so i think that s something . we could focus on, especially putting counsellors in schools - and helping them identify students that could be vulnerable to, - you know, mental health conditions and even criminal environments. so what do you want to see from the politicians? what do you want to hear in terms of policies things that will make you vote for them? increase funding in schools to allow younger people to be able to find . other ways out instead of being, you know, picked up by gangs and violence. and really, like, say what they re going to change instead ofjust kind, saying in a such a general way. i think being specific with it will really help people understand what they are voting for. you re obviously very switched on, and you re giving this election a lot of head space. how important do you think it is that young people do as you are doing? really important, i think. because, i mean, it s the future of our country and our lives. i mean, what s more important than that, right? and i think if we make our voices heard, we could make so much positive change to so many people. young people don t get, you know, the attention| of many of the policies in their manifestos. i and that means, you know, - we lose out in the end if we re not voting and we re not- making our voices heard. well, guys, it s great to meet you today. good to talk. and thank you for adding your voices to the debate. no problem. thank you. that report from amanda parr. you can find a full list of the candidates standing in the kingswood constituency on the bbc news website. and if you have a question for a politician or perhaps an issue that you re concerned about.(tx you can get in touch as part of your voice, your vote by scannig this qr code or go to on your phone, tablet or laptop. time now for us to get the sport and hewittjoins us. focusing on cricket. england against pakistan later and they only play each other in these global tournaments because of all of the issues that everyone watching will understand. thea;r of all of the issues that everyone watching will understand. they are -la in: in watching will understand. they are playing in new watching will understand. they are playing in new york. watching will understand. they are playing in new york. they ll- watching will understand. they are playing in new york. they ll be - playing in new york. they ll be 30,000 plus people watching there. scotland play in a manner later on and that is important to england who lost their big rivalry match last night to australia. it means that they are in some peril as they want to defend this trophy successfully because they might not even make the next stage because currently the start that england has had of two matches and no wins has put their chances of making that suit a stage in doubt. put into bat in barbados. david warner and travis head made a flying start 70 without loss in the 5th over australia reaching 201 for 7 from their 20 overs. in reply, england started strongly, captainjos buttler top scoring with 42 but they lost wickets at regular intervals and they ultimately fell well short of their target, losing by 36 runs. the situation we find ourselves in is the situation we find ourselves in. we ve got to be confident, keep our heads up, and look forward to the next one, and keep puffing our chest out and play some really good cricket which we know we re capable of. south africa remain top of their group after surviving a scare against the netherlands. chasing 104 to win, they were 12 for 4 at one stage. but they managed the run chase well an unbeaten 59 off 51 balls from david miller saw south africa win by four wickets. while overnight uganda were bowled out forjust 39 in their defeat to west indies. northampton s 10 year wait for a league title is over after the saints won a dramatic premiership final at twickenham. alex mitchell scored the winning try against bath. who were down to 14 men. with just seven minutes left as northampton claimed their second championship. and a perfect send off for the departing courtenay lawes after 17 years with the club. it s not really sunk in yet, i think, because we ve been so focused on this for so long. and then during the game i thought, let s just get the win whatever, however you can, kind of thing. and then you get there and you re like, oh. have we done it? do you know i mean? but, no, its class. can t really put it into words. and i think we deserved it i think over the season we ve been the best team, and sometimes you got to find a way to win. social media tells us that those goggles were there because of all of the champagne that was spraying in the champagne that was spraying in the dressing room post match. traditionally rugby league s big day of the year. the challenge cup final was a fitting occasion to pay tribute to rob burrow. and as the sport said goodbye to one of its legends. on the pitch wigan warriors beat warrington wolves at wembley to win the trophy for a 2ist time. after two first half tries captain liam farrell took wigan out of reach as he touched down to help seal an 18 8 win. matt peet s side now hold all four major honors in the league leaders shield, the super league title, the world club challenge. while they rejoint top of the current league table too. pretty surreal. we haven t really spoken about it, truthfully, until the beginning of this week. to hold all four trophies i think there s only a couple of other teams ever done it, so a very big achievement for ourselves. and, yeah, we re in a great place at the moment. look, the year s not over we ve got. there s a lot of rugby left in us, so. don t get me wrong, we ll celebrate this rightly, next couple of days, but then it ll be back to business after that. st helens made it four straight women s challenge cup final victories as they comfortably beat leeds rhinos. rob burrow s old side were looking for inspiration on the wembley stage but came up short. saints running in four tries without reply to lift the trophy once again as they beat the rhinos for the third final running i think the only thing better than doing it the first time is going to be doing it the second time. like that. that is an amazing leeds side to stop them from scoring with the pressure they had early on honestly, i couldn t be prouder. we said. we spoke about, we were doing it for each other. every time you couldn t think of taking on the ball and you re doing it for the person next to you. there s people out there that didn t win it last year, and they ve done it now and they re going to be champions. after a disappointing start to the french open for british singles players the tournament ended on a high with alfie hewett and gordon reid winning the men s wheelchair doubles title for a fifth successive year. another serial winner is iga swiatek. atjust 23 years of age she s a french open singles winner for the fourth time. the pole continued her recent dominance on the roland garros clay with a straight sets win against first time major finalist jasmine paolini of italy. it was swiatek s third title in a row in paris and a fifth grand slam triumph overall. it s the turn of the men this afternoon with carlos alcaraz taking on germany s alexander zverev. it s the first time either man has reached the final in paris. zverev is searching for his first grand slam title. whilst alcaraz is going for his third and hoping tojoin an illustrious list of spaniards to have won the title at roland garros. and i wanted you to put my name on that list of the spanish players who won this tournament. not only rafa but ferrero, moya, costa a lot of the spanish players that are legends from our sport won this tournament. and i really want you to put my name on that list, as well. i think in a grand semi final, there s obviously no easy matches and no easy opponents. and if you re. if you re in the final of roland garros, you deserve to be there. and that goes for him, as well he played a fantastic match today. you know, played a fantastic tournament in general, i think, and i m expecting a very difficult match. it s the final few days of pre euros friendies. and spain appear to be in good form. although it was northern ireland that bore the brunt of it. not immediately though. sunderland defender daniel ballard gave northern ireland a shock lead just 67 seconds after kick off in majorca. but things soon turned. as they conceded four goals in the first half and eventually lost 5 1. northern ireland should have an easier game against andorra on tuesday. spain face a far sterner test in their opening match of the euros against croatia on saturday. great britain have won their first medals at the european athletics championships in rome. with romell glave taking bronze in the 100 metres. (tx the race was won by olympic champion marceljacobs in a time of 10.02 seconds as he successfully defended his european sprint title on a golden night for hosts italy in rome. who won three medals. it s glaves first championship medal. george mills won silver in the men s 5000 meters, finishing behind norwegian star jakob ingebrigtsen. mills is the son of former england internationalfootballer danny mills and he s now got his sights set on the paris olympics next month. so i want to run the 15 and the five in paris, and hopefully tonight is my chances of selection. no harm. but, yeah, we ll see there s still a month out or three weeks out till trials, so straight back to training as of probably tonight and tomorrow, and then we get stuck in. primoz roglic looks like he s coming into form just in time for the tour de france. the slovenian. who s recovering from a serious crash during a race two months ago. won the hardest stage of the criterium du dauphine. it was his second stage win in two days. and he leads byjust over a minute going into today s final stage. dutch cyclist lorena viebers claimed victory on stage three of the women s tour of britain which started and finished in warrington. her team mate world champion lotte kopecky retained her 17 second lead over britain s anna henderson. and it looks like the mercedes formula one team could be challenging for race wins again after george russell claimed pole for this evening s canadian grand prix. the briton recorded a time of one minute and 12 seconds exactly on his first run in the final session of qualifying in montreal. championship leader max verstappen posted exactly the same time in his red bull. but because russell did it first he gets to start from the top spot forjust the second time in his career. it feels amazing, i mean, so much hard work back at the factory. so much hard work over all of these years, i ve sort of been zigzagging around and changing the philosophy and concept and over the last 26 months those zigzags have got a bit smaller and narrower. the upgrades we brought last week in monaco and a few more bits on the car this week, really have transformed the car and it is feeling great. and, so good to claim this poll. that race plus indeed the men s final is part of your radio listening for the day. thank you very much listening for the day. thank you very much for listening for the day. thank you very much for that, listening for the day. thank you very much for that, hugh. - listening for the day. thank you very much for that, hugh. time now 846 and they very much for that, hugh. time now 846 and they were very much for that, hugh. time now 846 and they were once very much for that, hugh. time now 846 and they were once a very much for that, hugh. time now 846 and they were once a common l 846 and they were once a common sight in our countryside and gardens but now the willow to it is said to be at the risk of extinction after numbers declined by as much as 90% over the last five decades. in response, a team of conservationists and volunteers across the north of england have hatched a plan to rescue the reclusive species, as our correspondent judy hobson explains. these tiny birds were once regular visitors to our gardens. but not any more. in greater manchester alone, there are nowjust120 breeding pairs after suffering a huge decline over the past five decades. so we ve got a lot of wetness here, water on this side and water on that side. damp, wet woodland is really what willow tits really like. now conservation volunteers in the north west are being asked to help rescue them. the project is called wet willow wildlife. so we re going to engage volunteers in surveying the willow tit populations across the north west. and once we ve understood that population, we re going to use that information to design habitat interventions. astley moss has been identified as an area which could be restored to help the willow tit population. we need rotten deadwood like this in a woodland for willow tits to excavate, whereas, for example, this living tree here is pretty hard. so a willow tit wouldn t be able to excavate that for its nest. these birds are elusive and hard to spot. we didn t see any here today but they do have a distinctive call. willow tit beeps. willow tits are often in places really close to people s houses like in bolton and in trafford. you ve got willow tits right in these scruffy pockets of woodland right behind people s houses and people just. they re an elusive bird so people don t know that they re there. this is a lowland rain bog site. but on the edges of it, we ve got this kind of woodland habitat. volunteers are working with the wildlife trust with funding from the government species survival fund. they ll work with landowners to increase the willow tits habitat, benefiting a host of other creatures into the bargain. it s quite often a habitat that s overlooked by people or undervalued. it s a bit scruffy looking, it s untidy, it s a bit wet and boggy, and it s a bit unloved. there are a number of factors for the willow tit to climb. quite possibly climate change is playing a part. some of the wetter habitats potentially might be drying up in the longer, hotter summers. it s a bird that doesn t move that far and we need to create these pockets of habitats, sort of stepping stones in a way across the landscape so that willow tits can move around and connect up. the wet willow wildlife project aims to boost the willow tit s chance of survival and halt the alarming decline in this once common bird. what we want to do is to make sure there s always a home for the willow tit in the west. it s a really iconic species and it really needs our help. judy hobson, bbc news. we did see some warm layers of clothing there because even though it is june we clothing there because even though it isjune we have not been able to put the jackets away just yet because it does not feel like summer! when do those bird watchers get some slightly night said temperatures matt! i ve been looking at the chart and there is not quite decided yet on the horizon. we will get there. things will get a little cooler over the next few days, can you believe it? just put it into context, the temperatures at this stage injune should be somewhere between 16 and 20 degrees but as we go through into the start of next week, they are going to be about four or 5 degrees below what we expect this time of year. when you have got the absence of any sunshine, so important for adding strength and warmth into the atmosphere, it will feel even chillier than that. we ve got it all to blame with its area of low pressure, as it slowly meanders across the north atlantic and into scandinavia. as a more northerly wind develops. a weather system today which is going to take away some of the morning sunshine some of you have already been enjoying. the best of the sunshine across the central and southern areas but even here it will cloud over. north and central belt of scotland some sunny spells and a scattering of showers but that cloudier zone are particularly across the north of england, north midlands, north wales, patchy drizzle, south west scotland to bet northern ireland the patchy drizzle replaced by the end of the afternoon. temperatures similar to yesterday but when the sun is gone it will feel cool. rain this evening in northern ireland but tonight some wetter weather spread eastwards across england and wales were some heavy bursts at times especially across north england and north midlands. and especially towards east anglia. it will clear up towards east anglia. it will clear up later on and will be a chilly night and temperatures in rural areas will get down to two or three degrees. northerly winds developing bitter cold and wet star developing to that week. rain lasting longer in east anglia but away from that, sunshine during the morning, some clouds building into the afternoon and some areas will stay dry. but it will feel chilly in that northerly breeze. whatever your plans for the weekend, enjoy! thanks very much, matt, see you. it s been incredible to see the outpouring of emotions and tributes for rugby league legend rob burrow who died of mnd at the age of 41 last week. it is hard to believe he is gone and if you have not seen it already do watch the documentary on iplayer at the moment. inspired by rob, a doctor diagnosed with motor neurone disease himself is taking on an epic challenge to raise money and awareness of the condition. our reporter katharine da costa met up with luke hames brown during his training. initially, my symptoms started in my legs. it s progressed to my arms, my hands, my shoulders. luke hames brown s already seeing the slow decline in his muscles, making it difficult to walk. he was only diagnosed with motor neurone disease in april last year. it s a fairly rare condition it s not something you see a lot of in general practice.but certainly very aware of what that diagnosis meant. pretty devastating to hear that. certainly took some time to process that news, and what it meant for us and ourfamilies. having been an active snowboarder, surfer and walker, luke s used to challenging himself. but at 35, he s decided to leave his career as a gp to spend the time he has left with his wife and family. some of those numbers are very scary in people dying within two, three years of the diagnosis. the thing that we can try and do is pack in as much as we can in the next couple of years and hoping that it is slow and it continues to be slow and we have years rather than months. thank you. the couple is preparing to walk the length of hadrian s wall covering around ten miles a day over eight days. this isn t about having to do it in the fastest possible time, it s about showing that i can still do these things i enjoy, and about hopefully helping other people to realise that, with adaptations, you can keep doing them. i can tell it will be really hard for him mentally and physically. so, as a team, i know that we ll get through it together probably with lots of sweets and chocolate and tea breaks. they re raising money for the charity my name s doddie foundation, set up by the former scottish and british rugby legend doddie weir, who died from mnd in 2022. they re also donating funds to the mnd association of which rob burrow was the patron. the rugby league star and his wife lindsey had agreed to meet with luke to offer support and advice before rob passed away. the way that he approached his diagnosis, and in being so open and candid about it in the public eye. ..has raised enormous awareness, which is so needed. and on a personal level, was inspirational to me. luke and kate will celebrate their second wedding anniversary while they re away making memories and raising money for research into a cure along the way. katherine da costa, bbc news, in oxford. we wish him well with that challenge. a young lego fan has designed a spaceship which lit up the new york city skyline. ten year old lotty was one of six winners across the world who won a competition to design a spacecraft which was recreated by drones. corinne wheatley has more. mysterious lights over the new york skyline. not from outer space but definitely inspired by it. in fact, one of these designs came from somewhere much closer to home a dining room table in kippax, west yorkshire. we had to break them ones to rebuild, but with what you ve got on the table. you had to make a lego creation i would want to go to space in. you had to, in turn, tell it why you d want to go in your creation. my design was a bed with butterfly wings, and fire coming out of the back, and then a snack drawer underneath it. both: five, four, three, two, one. lego mad lottie won a trip to see her design lit up by drones helping her dreams of space travel come alive. there s loads of planets that no one s been to, and i would want to go discover some of the planets and see if there s life in any of them. not a lot of, like, girls have gone to space or been anywhere on the moon. and then it s always boys who go. er. you re doing it for the girls, aren t you? yeah. so how to build, then you can rebuild. when she s drawn on the piece of paper and it s gone from the paper to a real life thing flown in the sky it was just amazing. like you say, there was no words, you had to just stand in awe and look at it. she strives to do whatever she wants. but, yeah, it s just nice to see that she does want to go and push, don t you? follow your dreams. definitely. around 20,000 bikers have completed a mammoth ride from london to cumbria in memory of the tv chef dave myers, who died of cancer in february. the procession made its way to dave s home town of barrow after setting off from a famous biker hang out, the ace cafe in north west london. our correspondent sharon barbour joined them on the journey. cheering. it s a big night in barrow a celebration of the life of dave myers. tens of thousands have arrived many of them hairy bikers. they re riding all the way up the m6. there was thousands of people on every bridge. it s unbelievable. as we were coming in through the towns and villages leading into barrow, just streets were lined and it was just amazing. the roar of tens of thousands of motorbikes heard across england today began to arrive late afternoon. the procession at times was 16 miles long, and the route was lined by supporters. leading the cavalcade that left london this morning was dave s best friend and fellow hairy biker remarkable reception! just mind blowing. all of the all the over bridges, all the way from london to barrow in furness people waving and showing kindness and courtesy and oh! unbelievable! the tv chef died in february, after he was diagnosed with cancer. he was 66. sharon barbour, bbc news, cumbria. are perfect tribute. that s all from us this morning, but breakfast will be back tomorrow from six. enjoy the rest of your day. goodbye! who is on their way to number ten? the prime minister s had a dreadfulfew days after his d day blunder. but the tories are still trying to torture labour with their disputed claims about tax. the power of the smaller parties has been centre stage. more antics on the trail, and full on farage making conservatives nervous. in the latest of our leader interviews, he joins us from essex. stephen flynn, the leader of the snp in westminster, joins us from aberdeen. and with all of us in the studio, mel stride, close ally of rishi sunak, the work and pensions secretary. and shabana mahmood, who d be thejustice secretary if labour moves into number ten. welcome to you both, a rough week for you guys. welcome to you both, a rough week for you guys- for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks to for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks to go for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks to go and for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks to go and the - for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks to go and the only . are four weeks to go and the only poll that matters is on the 4th of july. i poll that matters is on the 4th of jul . . . poll that matters is on the 4th of jul . . , ., , poll that matters is on the 4th of jul. . , ., , july. i agree, it s the only poll that matters july. i agree, it s the only poll that matters and we - july. i agree, it s the only poll that matters and we are - july. i agree, it s the only poll that matters and we are out l july. i agree, it s the only poll - that matters and we are out there fighting that matters and we are out there fighting for every vote for is why i look forward to hearing from you later look forward to hearing from you later in look forward to hearing from you later in the look forward to hearing from you later in the programme. john curtice will give his 60 seconds on sunday need to know on the polls. now, as many as one in four 2019 tory voters are saying they will back reform. and our team at the desk for the next hour this week, amber rudd, former conservative minister and veteran of tv debates. matt wrack, the boss of the fire brigades union. and john caudwell, former tory donor billionaire. a warm welcome to all of you.

Parties , Manifestoes , West-london , Thousands , Motorcyclists , The-end , Mammoth , Crowd , Person , People , Protest , Public-event

Transcripts For CNN CNN This Morning Weekend 20240609

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with jake tapper, we days at for on cnn wildfires i have covered a lot of them. they are fast and deadly disasters. cnn s original series, violet earth with lives schreiber takes a look at if there is a way to protect homes and families. here s a look paradise, california burned from an ember attack, from a plume miles away from paradise this is like 9:00 in the morning and its pitch black given the smoke, it almost appeared as though it was the middle of the night and it was snowing ash and embers began to rain down we re in the middle the stapes, dan here like that i don t know to say if anywhere the fire was moving at a football field per second what in the way it did that, of course, was by jumping ahead and starting these fires they would immediately take hold and rapidly grow into its hundred acre, 200 acres spotfire that was happening all through town that resulted in the town starting to burn all at once, 30,000 people were trying to be evacuated while being overran by fire. go if i were to turn around to go north this is bad the cnn original series, violet earth with lives schreiber, heirs tonight at nine eastern right here on cnn hello? everyone, and welcome to cnn this morning it is sunday, june 9. i m amara walker. i m victor blackwell. thank you for joining us. here s what we re following this morning for israelis taken hostage by hamas, are back with their families after being rescued by the idf. but the operation of free them left more than 200 palestinians did the new details about the rescue effort and the impact it could have on ongoing ceasefire talks. president biden is wrapping up his visit to france after being honored with a state dinner yesterday, what he had to say about the state of the us relationship with this oldest ally balloons carrying trash loudspeakers the layering propaganda and thousands of flash drives full of k-pop music but for tat, between two neighboring countries, plus water safety experts say the color of your child s bathing suit it could be one of the most important decisions you make. this summer. the ones you might want to avoid as next we are learning new details about the rescue of four hostages from a refugee camp in gaza. but there are questions about the israeli operation to get the hostages back, as well as the number of palestinians reportedly killed. now, the four former hostages are set to be in good medical condition this morning after more than eight months in captivity, they were taken to hospitals for medical exams and to have reunions with their families israel carried out heavy airstrikes and shelling and central gaza during this hostage operation, one witness called it, held on earth saw lots of juno s increasing bombardment started hitting everywhere i must have missed something we never witnessed before maybe 150 rockets fell and less than ten minutes while we were running away no more fell on the market i m laying on her children torn apart and scattered in the streets they wiped out nuseirat. it is hell on earth hospital officials in gaza raised the number of palestinian casualties. now to at least 200 274 palestinians killed nearly 700 injured. the idf says the number killed was less than 100. cnn cannot verify the numbers from either side. we ve also learned new information about u.s. involvement in the operation. there were no as they re called, boots on the ground, but officials say us forces provided planning and intelligence support to israel well, let s be or to speak with elliott, god-given, who s been following the story from london. le, what do we know about the rescued hostages and how they are doing i m or as you said physically, according to the hospital authorities in israel, they re in pretty decent shape. the hostages and missing families forum says that they are in their words are relatively good psychological and physical state, but they are carrying out further further medical tests. and of course, after being captivity for eight months are also be more psychological tests and it will no doubt take time for them to ria climate ties back to their normal lives in terms of the hostages themselves i suppose first is noa argamani, 25-year-old young woman who became are almost the face of the october the seventh atrocities as she was filmed, being sped away on the back of a motorbike by militants pleading for her life as her boyfriend was being frog marched away by militants at the same time, she also subsequently appeared in propaganda videos put out by hamas during her captivity. obviously, a very emotional reunion for her with her father. was also her further father s birthday on saturday as well, on top of that, they ve been a number of calls from her mother other who is also a chinese citizen. her mother pleading even with president biden to do everything that he could to bring her daughter home because she s suffering from terminal brain cancer and her dying wish. she said was to see her daughter back safe and sound in israel. she s now had that wish granted in terms of the other hostages, the other three hostages, rural man, there was shlomi ziv, he s a security guard he was been living on a mosh have an agricultural settlement for 17 years with his wife, andrey kozlov at only just moved to israel a few months earlier. his family flew in from russia and then finally, there is our almog meir, jan 20 two-year-old. tragically, when the idf went to tell his father the news of his rescue, they found that his father had died on saturday itself. i m victor la. gucken. thank you. let s go now to cnn has been we d admin ben, tell us more about what we know about the operation well we. understand that the death toll at this point for that operation in the nuseirat camp in central gaza was 207 monday four with 898 wounded. that is the largest single death toll since the war began in gaza, or rather since the 10th of december. and that really underscores just how bloody this operation was. normally these operations take place under the cover of darkness it began at about 11:00 in the morning local time on a saturday where when many people were out and about shopping and whatnot. and as usual well, in gaza, there were children everywhere. the video we received from our cameramen inside the al-aqsa martyrs hospital shows there were dozens and dozens of people desperate for medical care. many of them women and children that the morgue was completely full and they would they were simply putting bodies on the ground outside the hospital, keep also keep in mind that because of the israeli operation in rafah in the southern part of the gaza strip, where according to the un, 1,100,000 people have left that area seeking safety elsewhere. many of them were in nuseirat, many of them were in central gaza when this operation went down. so there were many civilians and that explains perhaps partially why the death toll is so high amara, victor, then wiedemann in beirut. thank you, ben let s bring it now. aaron david miller, a former state department middle east negotiator and retired brigadier general mark kim. welcome to you both general, let me start with you. the latest numbers 200 274 killed multiples of that reportedly injured does that suggest to you that that s something did not go as planned or potentially there was a lack of a plan no not at all. for better or worse? i think it was intentional the way they conducted this operation probably the pandemonium that they created as part of the bombing within the nuseirat camp itself. they thought would actually make things to their advantage and it should say conducted this operation. so no, i think that they were very clear-eyed that israel is very clear-eyed about not only the tactics that they were going to be using, but also the consequence it would have as they conducted that, particularly brazen operation so when you say intentional use, am i understanding you right? that they knew that hundreds of people were going to die if the number from these medical officials in gaza is correct, and that hundreds would be injured. they knew that going in i think they took under consideration the amount of collateral damage and civilian deaths that would be caused by conducting a daylight operation in a occupied extremely busy city? yes. erin. so how does this then change the climate for the ceasefire potential? we know that the secretary of state is heading back this week into the region and the variables have changed. now with the rescue potentially emboldening netanyahu who benny gantz has not departed what now is the table set for blinken i mean, i think it validates the prime minister s narrative which i think it s unfortunate that the longer the work continues the more intelligence israelis gathering gaza, the greater the changes of the rescuing hostages. but keep in mind if you re carrying seven were now i m the eighth month of this war, nine month beginning next month. you have seven hostages were rescued hundred and 21 remain israelis believe maybe 46 were either killed on october 7. their bodies brought to gaza to trade or they died in captivity i think it does two things. number one, i think it is a certainly it was a day of hope for israelis who ve been living in sort of collective ptsd since october 7. but it puts a premium. it seems to me in a focus on hostages. and it also reminds the israelis, i think that the largest return of hostages november 105 can only come through negotiation and here s where i think there is a real problem because there are there s an irreconcilable set of objectives between israel and hamas. in this negotiation. if i were to make a prediction, i don t like doing it i think there is an opening perhaps but only for a phase one that is to say return of 2030 hostages to women, the elderly, the infirm in exchange for a six-week fire, they cease fire in return for palestinian prisoners and the surging because it ll be quiet of six weeks of quieting kazaa, which would be a win for the biden administration. i just don t see if victor right now the pathway out of this to end the war there is that increasing domestic pressure there were celebrations in the street and the afternoon at the report that these four hostages had been released and then protests in the evening calling for more and to prioritize bringing the rest of the hostages home. general to you. we know that the us offering the planning and intel support. can you be a little more specific based on like, what does that look like look, i think that there s a significant amount of intelligence that we can package in hand over to the israelis, whether it s the ince, the intelligence human, human intelligence satellite intelligence, image intelligence probably able to tap into the phone systems as well. all of those different types of intelligence sources provide more clarity to what s happening on the ground, more clarity on to the location of the hostages. and this was obviously one of those situations where probably primarily human intelligence provided by the israelis themselves located the site of the hostages. but i would suspect that the american intelligence added to engage in many cases. second, insert, third source validation of where their locations we re erin, does it matter that benny gantz has not left this war cabinet yet? he s not been effective in got the demands that he offered to netanyahu. those have not been fulfilled. how much does it matter whether he stays or goes? i mean, i think it matters, victor, but it s not determinative with respect to the knesset arithmetic. i mean, 120 seats in the israeli parliament, you need 60 plus one to govern. nothing. you have 64 and i think your strategy is very clear. the knesset goes into recess july 25th. he will not resume until a week to ten days. victor, before the us elections and i think that daniels was playing for time here. if he makes it through july 25th, we know he s coming to the united states to address congress besting churchill. there ll be the here what you ll address congress four times churchill, three on july 24. so i think benny gantz is an infix. you d like to remain in the government. he brings a sort of moderating hand, but he does not have the potential right now to bring down the government if he goes aaron david miller, general mark kim. it thank you both president joe biden as hailing the power of allies as he gets ready to wrap up his trip to france at the visit to the american in cemetery, honoring world war i troops lab report from paris. this next, plus north korea has sent more trash late and balloons to its southern neighbor how south korea plans to respond the increase in wildfires is exponential controllable with overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent slightly with we have schreiber tonight denied on cnn what the biggest companies the liver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is 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saturday at the point of the visit was to show the close partnership between the two countries on global security issues and easing of past trade tensions that later today, before today returned to the states president biden and the first lady are expected to lay a wreath at the end marne american cemetery that is a cemetery that donald trump notably skipped visiting when he was president back in 2018 a cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche, as live in perez. hi there, kayla. what else did president biden have to say about his trip good morning amara and victor last night, president biden thanked france for helping secure u.s. freedom in 17, 76 and said the us was returning the favor 170 years later at the end of world war to president biden also reiterating a mess such that he has had all week here in france that we re at an inflection point in history and that the actions that countries like the u.s. and france undertake right now will have repercussions for decades to come. now, the white house is also hoping for the president s actions to communicate in and of themselves back to american voters, back home. that is why it is so symbolic that president biden is visiting the end. martin sarah cemetery just a few hours outside of paris later today before he departs. because of what you mentioned at the top, that president trump did not visit that cemetery at the time citing weather concerns back in 2018 and coming under wide criticism for not doing that. so president biden has been trying to distinguish himself on matters where the military is concerned his campaign, releasing two ads slamming trump s record on the military and on defense concurrent with the visit this week. so this is yet another opportunity for biden to seek out an opportunity to make a contrast between himself and his gop opponent. and he s going to be doing that before he goes home later today, victor and amara okay. let s how she in paris, kayla, thank you so much. millions of americans feeling that inflation frustration could get some good news this week. and of course there was that very strong jobs report that showed more people are getting jobs. and there are higher wages will talk with the acting secretary of labor next on cnn this morning we can i voted buttons that remote kid. it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone yeah puke rainbows when taken now, adt professionally installs google nest products they re all set on this system. we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt. if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars sega because there are places we d like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infection sections in low blood sugar. a rare 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faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? sign and make official start your will at trust and we ll dot com and make it count. this is a secret. war, secrets and spies tonight at ten on cnn closed captioning brought to you by rule or law. i kind of brands up to 70% off retail at rue la at rubella you never faithful these the deals on top before their current jobs we ll get a better read on inflation on wednesday when the latest consumer price index is released. and that same day, we could find out if the fed will lower interest rates or keep them the same. and there is good news when it comes to job and wage growth. friday s jobs report was record hot the economy added you ll 172,000 jobs blasting past economists expectations of 180,000 wage growth is also up for the first time in months, but so is the unemployment rate now at 4%, i asked acting secretary of labor, julie su about it. econ was one of my worst subjects in high schools, so i m so glad i m talking to you. you re obviously much smarter than i am. if you could help make sense of these numbers. so the headline is the us added 272,000 jobs, which is way above what the economists were predicting. but the unemployment rate rose just barely. but from three-point 9% to 4% what s going on here? so what s happening is if we take a look back to where we were just three years ago before the president came into office. covid was raging. there was no national strategy to get it under control. unemployment was extremely high. people didn t know if they went to the store, if they bill to find toilet paper if you fast forward to where we are now, the president has said, from the time he came into office, we can and must build an economy in which we see real job growth and where its good jobs, right? we re working people can get ahead. and that s exactly what we have done. and so this latest jobs report, we don t just look at one month as we look at an entire trend and we ve just seen month after month jobs getting created. you ll 15 million jobs since the president came into office is 15 million more individuals getting to use their, their talent, their skill, their drive, their hunger to contribute to their communities, and to make a decent living. and when i talk about real wages being up, right, that is demonstrating that we re not just creating jobs, we re creating jobs that really allow people to make a decent living to afford the basic things in life and that s not happening by accident. none of this was inevitable. it was because of strong leadership and strong economic policies and we re just seeing the benefits now in communities across the country and will continue to do that simple way to think about it is we re not looking at a shrinking pie that needs to be divided into smaller and smaller pieces, we re looking at a much bigger pie that s being created because the president is committed to real jobs, good job growth, and the well-being of working people. so you re going to have some good news to deliver when you embark on this nationwide tour to promote good jobs, you re gonna be hitting the road hitting battleground states, very important ones like georgia, florida, michigan, pennsylvania. tell me what is a good job and who will you be targeting the employers or employees with your message? everybody. so that s exactly what this tour is about. it s good job summer. i just announced this in phoenix, arizona, where cities and unions and community-based organizations signed onto these good jobs principles and a lot of what a good job is, is fairly funded the mental, it s making sure that you have a living wage for making sure you have good benefits. so you can go to the doctor when you need to. knowing at the beginning of the work-shift that you re going to come home healthy and safe at the end of it. the right and ability to have a voice on the job to organize, to form a union and sort of basic things the write-up, retire with dignity and to see growth and opportunity so we re really laser-focused on creating those kinds of jobs in communities all across the country. whether it s rural or urban, big stays small states. and going around the country to talk to working people and their families about what having a good job means for them, what the presence investments are meaning and communities, and what some of the ongoing challenges are. so we can continue to do our best to meet them i m curious what you will tell the people who see this really hot job market and understand that that may mean that the fed s, the fed may not i actually cut interest rates to help continually cool inflation because there is this disconnect between the economic indicators which shows that the economy is on the up and up when it comes to the unemployment rate and job and wage growth. but at the end of the day, people vote about how they feel, and how will you reconcile? it s especially those who are concerned about rising food and housing costs. how will you help them reconcile their reality with these numbers? yeah. i mean, i think that s why the battle gets inflation remains one of the top priorities of our president and of our entire administration. at the same time we i think working families know that the cost of things as one part of the equation, the other part is how much you make, how much you have to spend and that s why having a good job is so important. having a good job that doesn t just let you get by, but really lets you get ahead. that s what the good job summer is all about. it s also what the president s entire investing in america agenda is all about. we want safer roads and bridges and all communities. we want every family who turns on the faucet to get clean drinking water. we want high-speed, reliable internet everywhere across the country. and we also know that those are opportunities to create good jobs in the communities that need them the most and a big thank you to acting secretary of labor, julie su for taking time to talk with me well, in a tit-for-tat exchange, south korea says it will restart loudspeaker broadcasts in border areas after north korea center more trash-filled balloons will have a live report from the north-south border. next the most anticipated moment this election and mistakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday june 27th, nine live. i d cnn and streaming on max and less time making cocktails and more time making memories introducing cartesian premium cocktail the touch of a button and shop for dad and get $50 lot with slash dad oh, karni isolde, it s got an answer. that s what i said. god-man, saada gotten need gotten me, got jews fade. you wise old. take xyz on when she with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the edge take medication delivered right to 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muscles, problems, thinking or sweating. common side effects include inflammation kind of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness ask your doctor for us, said, oh, xr shingles, some described it as an intense burning sensation or an unbearable edge. this painful, blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family shingles could also lead to long-term debilitating nerve pain. they can last for months or even years. if you over fifth day, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases don t wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today i m melies nonna in washington and this is cnn this morning. south korea s national security council held an emergency meeting to figure out how to respond to hundreds of trash-filled balloons sent from north korea. north korea s vice-defense minister claims they sent the balloons as a direct response to south korea sending balloons with anti-north korea flyers for so many years. cnn s microfilariae is in puzzle south korea, which is near the dmz as an area separates north and south korea. so you ve confirmed that the south korean response happened just a little while ago, talked to us about it well, victor, we ve been able to confirm through the south korean joints chief of staff that date for the first time in six years resumed. what s been called a propaganda broadcasts. and let me say propaganda broadcast as tamarind viktor, we re not talking about cold war old tiny stuff. we re talking about south korean soft power, loudspeakers. we have new video in early this morning of loudspeakers coming up from the roofs of about nine or ten military vehicles here in south korea. this video being shown in preparation for this exercise, what the south can do the south said that they sent a broadcast of k-pop music blared over the speakers again, south korean soft military power directed towards the north and also news reports from south korean media detailing human rights abuses from north korea perpetrated by north korean leader kim jong-un what exactly lead to this point? south korea is saying, we did this one broadcast and it s up to you. north korea, whether or not we do another one of these. again, we rewind 2:11 p.m. on saturday night. that s when we were all out. we get an alert on our phones similar to an amber alert and the united states with public safety officials saying that more trash balloons were coming from the north, 300 total, about 80 of them made their way to south korean territory. some of them landing in the heart of the megalopolis that is soul. and if we rewind a little further back to thursday of last week, that s when a north korean defector who run it s an advocacy human rights group in south korea decides to send ten balloons to their neighbors in the north, having slices of life tied to those balloons like k-pop, k-dramas and little flash drives leaflets denouncing the north korean regime. so before that balloon launch, before this, that for tat, we were for able to speak to the founder of that group. here s what he told us just before the balloon launch now me will one. we send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love but to send filth and trash in return. that s an inhumane and barbaric act. so we are standing right here on pod you on the unification bridge. this is the only bridge that leads from south korea to north korea. it s the site of a few high-profile reunification between north and south koreans that are fewer and fewer in this day and age, it s notable victor and amara, where we re standing lot of military personnel, a prominent military base. we were not able to hear that propaganda broadcasts. it could have happened. miles and miles away from here. but the question is how will the north respond? well, the south just have this one broadcast or will things quietly, quiet lately simmer here on the peninsula? victor and amara back to you will see microfilariae force there. thanks so much tonight s episode of the cnn original series secrets and spies and nuclear game looks at how one russian agent put everything on the line as tensions between the u.s. and soviet union ramped up. here s a preview read or i always i think the early person, at least from the agency who really had a pretty good understanding of how the kgb worked there are no other seen the profile of a mobile phone every day it was good luck he d write these studies. everybody would read them and say, oh, that s really great work, rick and then that would be the end of it. you know, they didn t really send it anywhere the cnn original series secrets and spies, a nuclear game airs tonight. attend pm eastern right here on cnn dangerous heat is bringing sizzling temperatures to the west coast will look at how high temperatures are expected to get after the break qizan life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts, the idp disrupts cid p derails. let s be honest 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meteorologist allison chinchar is with me now. so which parts of the country are going to be sizzling? yeah, so i mean, if that s really kinda z because it s several different areas. take for example, where we have the heat alerts you ve got sundown in portions of florida, others in axis, then the southwestern states you ve got several different areas here that are going to be feeling the heat, the real focus, however, is going to be in the southwest. so areas of arizona, nevada, portions of california, although it does stretch into portions of northern california. but look at some of the records that we had on saturday, three of these were actually in florida. then we also had one in utah and one in texas. here s a look though at the next couple of days, you ll really start to see these numbers begin to shoot uptake. for example, las vegas going from 103 today to 108 on tuesday sacramental also getting back into triple-digits by tuesday, phoenix starting to see their temperatures get back into the one tens by the time we get to tuesday. here s the thing about las vegas weekend it s a hot place, especially this time of year. but even for them, this is extreme. their normal high still is not yet in the triple digits. they d be about 98 degrees, but every single one of these next seven days is expected to be in those triple digit temperatures, one area we re not really seeing the heat that s going to be where we re seeing a lot of this heavy rain. here s a look. you can see a lot of these showers across portions of southern missouri and a lot of rain has already fallen in these areas. you re talking at least three to five inches. that s why we have the potential for excessive rainfall and flooding risk, not just for missouri, but a lot of this area, even stretching back into colorado, texas, as well as new mexico oh. of course, speaking of hot summer days, a lot of us are going to want to be near a body of water, a pool here as an important warning for parents, as summer gets underway, the color of your child s swimsuit may help save them from drowning. that is according to water safety experts who say there are certain colors that are easier to spot in the pool or open water than others. cnn health reporter jacqueline howard is here with us to talk about this. i mean, this is so important and i m so glad that we re doing this so basic question, what are the safest? let s colors for your children to wear, right? well, a lot of safety experts say it s the bright neon colors like something in this color scheme, they say is the safest, most visible under the water. you want to avoid swimsuits that are light blue or white like this is a children s serp suit, something like this. this is not as visible because it blends in with them a lot are some yeah, exactly. and i did speak with a company called alive solutions. they tested different swimsuit colors to see how visible they were under the water. and they found these differences. if you look on this chart, the white suit, which is on the far right, almost disappears under the water. yeah. and those bright colors stand out the most the american lifeguard association, they said that they re happy people are now talking about this. a spokesperson for the american lifeguard association why it werneth. i spoke with them while he was patrolling beaches in florida and he said that swimsuit colors definitely mentally play a role in safety. have a listen shubi, very important to make sure that you brush your child in a bright-colored, something that stands out to me environment. the dominant colors that blend in with the ocean. more mature in or even even black. kids lie on the black line. you can t see him we want to be able to see them especially like just a crowd yeah. of course, swimsuit colors are one tool and the safety toolbox, but amerant drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages one to four. so this is so important to talk about very aware of that because my child when he was one fell in the pool, but obviously he s doing okay. yeah. so scary. that is very scary and i m listening to what your advice here. so white and black and blue probably not the best colors, but bright colors like oranges and reds and yellows and neon exactly most visible. is there anything else we can do to make sure their kids are safe? oh, absolutely. because swimsuit color, just one tool in the toolbox. it definitely enroll your child in swim lessons. of course, supervise them while they re in the water, make sure they re wearing a life jacket, and make sure that you yourself know cpr and you know what? doing case they do need help that s a good reminder. i do need to have gotten a little rusty on cpr skills and it s important because like you said, i mean, drowning is a huge cause of death for little children. yeah. and that rate has increased. it has the cdc just put out a report saying that more than 4,500 people a year die due to drowning here in the united states. and that number is higher than what we ve seen in previous years. and this involves children and adults to amara. so again, it s something that s a public health issue really, really important things to keep in mind. thank you so much for bringing that to us. jacqueline howard. absolutely victor reach for the gold or reach for the viewers. that s a decision in the us women s basketball team will have to make reportedly they re deciding whether caitlin clark s should be at the paris olympics next month? tonight on the whole story, how to drag becomes such a target for the political right? do you think drag queen story hours can? in the family-friendly? know, if they don t want to world of tolerance state should be afraid the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on cnn, you re calling some people find it there s at an early age, others later in life are calling was to build trucks. and that s why trucks are what we do we put are everything and every truck so that 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again, but the former college phenom has been off to a little bit of a bumpy start and the pros so far, she s put up 30 points on a couple of occasions. she s also had games where she s been held the single-digits, she struggled a turnovers. she struggled with the leeks physicality, and every player on team usa does have senior level international experience. eight have played in the olympics still, only 22. clark has created an absolute frenzy of interest in women s basketball, which has already led to this tangible boost in the wnba s developed litman. her entry to the pros has come with an extremely divisive undercurrent. and this is just the latest thing that she s going to have to navigate now, as everybody figures out what the official roster will look like. yeah. i m sure we ll continue here about that and that controversy carolyn manner. good to have you. thanks so much. and thank you for spending a part of your morning with us inside politics sunday with manu raju was nice. we ll see you back here next weekend. have a good day.

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