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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170825 04:00:00

green writes candidate trump seemed indifferent but changed his mind when he tried it out in a speech in january of 2015 and the place went nuts. the u.s. economy may hinge now on a throwaway catch phrase that just happened to catch on. more from cnn s sarah mur rich. has the white house offered any more information following the president s threat about shutting down the government? aside from what you saw from sarah huckabee sanders today, they haven t really given us an indication of why the president decided this is something he would be willing to shut down the government over. they also didn t offer any real explanation as to how he squares and acts like this with what you showed was a regular campaign promise. a notion that this wall was going to be built and american taxpayers wouldn t be on the hook for. since he became president, the president of mexico has made one
thing very clear to president trump. they re not paying for that wall. the last time the government shut down was 2013. what happened if the administration follows through with this? the republicans are urging the president not to move forward with a plan like that. they paid the political price for this in 2013. they led to the government shutdown and the headlines were brutal and they came out every single day, stories about preschools that were closed, kids that couldn t go to preschool, programs that doled out formula for infants for low-income mothers. soldiers were killed in afghanistan who came back to the united states and their families couldn t get death benefits and couldn t get the government to pay for their funeral costs. that s the tiny sample of what happens when you shut down the government. that s the reason they re telling the president, this is not going to go over. joining us to talk about the wall, and mexico not paying for it, is jorge ramos. hor ray, for this president who ran on the whole idea that
mexico was going to pay for the wall, to now be talking threatening to shut down the u.s. government, should congress not provide funding for the wall, i mean, that is a huge flip-flop. it s a big change. but i think president trump hasn t told the truth to the american people. he has to tell the people that on january 27th, according to the washington post, he had a conversation with mexican president. president pena nieto told him many times that mexico is not going to pay for the wall. and then president trump said, according to the transcripts,
that he preferred that this was not going to be discussed in public. unfortunately for nieto, he didn t agree to that. right from the beginning, mexico said they were not going to pay for the wall. that s where we are right now. and on the other hand, the wall is really a stupid idea. because there s no invasion coming from mexico. the undocumented population has remained stable for over a decade. over 45% of undocumented immigrants come by plane or with a visa. even if you have a big, beautiful $20 billion wall, it s going to serve no purpose. if is interesting that in that call with the mexican president, that the president had, as you said, leaked to the washington post, the transcript of it, president trump seemed more concerned about the mexico president just publicly talking about mexico not paying for the wall, saying it would look bad for president trump. he seemed almost more concerned about the optics of it, and sort of the political ramifications for him. exactly. it was a matter of perception. and he even threatened president any eta. he said. there will be problems with the trade between mexico and the united states. that s where they are right now. they re negotiating the deal. the fact is that mexico from the beginning, everybody knew, i
knew, that mexico was not going to pay for the wall. that was done during the campaign. now president trump has to tell the truth. the president s supporters will point out that crossings, across the southern border, have dropped dramatically, apprehensions have dropped dramatically since president trump took office. you and i have talked about this before. i think in the past you said fear works in stopping people from coming across. does the president deserve some credit for using the bully pulpit to reduce people crossing over? i would say two things. first of all, fear works, yes. i think president trump is incredibly unpopular in america. among some of the most hated people in latin america might be president trump and sheriff
arpaio. on the other hand, it was before president trump arrived to the white house when we saw a declining in the number of mexicans coming into this country. so much, that right now, more mexicans are leaving the united states than coming to this country. it is not entirely because of donald trump, but yes, i have to admit that the number of immigrants trying to cross illegally from mexico to the united states has been reduced, of course. in the president s speech, you mentioned joe arpaio, he spoke about joe arpaio in his speech in phoenix, strongly suggesting that he will pardon sheriff joe arpaio, or the former sheriff, who we should point out, his immigration
crackdowns led to a federal conviction for federal contempt of court. if the president does pardon sheriff arpaio, it certainly played well in the crowd in phoenix. i m wondering what it says to latinos across the united states many who see arpaio as a lightning rod in immigration issues. first, sheriff joe arpaio is not another fine person. sheriff arpaio violated the constitution. sheriff arpaio discriminated against latinos. sheriff arpaio has been accused and proven guilty of racial profiling. in other words, he s been accused and proven guilty of racist behavior. it s also startling to many people he s talking about pardoning joe arpaio just days after drawing a moral equivalence between, you know, neo-nazis and those who were protesting against them. i mean, how much moral capital has he lost, do you think, in the recent days? well, a lot. you know, we are not the problem. it is not the it is not us that we are making up things. here we have a precedent when the past has made racist, sexist and xen ohphobic remarks. this is a president who equated
white supremacists to those protesting racism. this is a president who described very fine people, those marching with neo-nazis. so clearly, the problem is not with us, it is with president trump. you know, i ve been hearing people saying that he s unfit to be president. and that he shouldn t be in the white house. well, in a democracy like ours, the one who wins the election, stays in the white house, and he won the election. but i m getting ready for four years with president trump. but this means also that we as journalists, we have the responsibility to call him out if he lies. and he lies a lot according to the washington post, more than 1,000 times since last january. we have to say he s lying. if he makes racist statements, we have to say he s making racist statements. the deal is this, when in doubt, more journalism. if he attacks us, then more journalism. that s what we should do.
jorge ramos, appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. just ahead tonight, call it republican warfare, sism and what it signifies when it comes back. update on the white nationalist when he was armed to the teeth. well, cried a lot when facing the consequences for his hateful acts. there are 24 hours in a day. tempur-pedic helps you get the most out of every one of them. only proprietary tempur material precisely conforms to your body. you get up to twice as much pressure relieving power, so you won t toss and turn. and tempur-pedic is the best at minimizing motion transfer from your partner. you ll sleep deeply. and wake up, feeling powerful. now through september 17th, save up to $500 on select adjustable sets. find your exclusive retailer at over the course of 9 days sthe walks 26.2 miles,. that s a marathon.
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senator corker recently had this to say about president trump, and the head of his own party. the president has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability, nor some of the competence that he needs to demonstrate in order to be successful. he also recently has not demonstrated that he understands the character of this nation. white house spokesperson sarah huckabee sanders was asked about senator corker s critique. i think that s a ridiculous and outrageous claim. plenty of complaints that the president is alienating some of the people he may need to make his presidency a success. i want to talk to former obama senior adviser and campaign adviser jason miller. jason, sarah huckabee sanders saying corker s statements were ridiculous and outrageous. the comments came from a sitting republican senator in the white house. i wish they had picked a bigger fight here today. this really goes to the culture war that i think helps sweep president trump into office, where you have the washington elites on one side and the rest of the country on the other side.
look, in washington, if they don t like the way that you talk or act, or you don t sit around all day studying roberts rule handbook of order, they start launching these vicious attacks against you. i m not saying president trump is immune from criticism, not at all. but they re attacking the stability or competence, or comments like fitness, this is making it a personal attack well above and beyond. i think these it s important to keep in mind that president trump, not only defeated the democratic establishment in the
general election, he also beat the republican establishment in the primary. so this really sets up what s going on here. now, we do have to bring it together because we do have republican majorities in both the house and the senate. and i think this is pivotal as we head into the fall. the folks on the hill need to get with the program and get behind our president. van, is this just a problem of washington no, it s sad to hear him say that. somebody s got to be able to give the president real feedback here. i think the problem you have now is anybody who gives critical feedback automatically becomes a part of the establishment and therefore, you don t have to listen. bob corker is not a part of any establishment that you would be against. he is a i m from tennessee. had eis a strong conservative, but also a no-nonsense common-sense kind of conservative which we used to celebrate in america. he s basically trying to give the president some honest feedback. you have somebody trying to give president some feedback and say, listen, you re not meeting the criteria yet. this guy now gets thrown under the bus? if corker is not conservative enough and doesn t have the heartland credentials to critique the president, nobody
does. bob corker wasn t insulting, going out of his way to insult the president, i don t think. do you think he was? do you think his critique was that harsh? he was essentially saying that it was kind of a gentle critique, if anything, saying the president hasn t yet done this. and more in sorrow than in anger, and in grief than attack. jason? anderson, i think i viewed it a bit differently and i think a lot of trump supporters did as well. it didn t seem to be, say, a criticism of a specific issue or maybe criticism of particular remarks. i think it was in the wake of charlottesville, i think that s what the general time frame was. but the way that the remarks were delivered seemed to be an overall rebuke of president trump s character. that s the way that it came across to me. if senator corker didn t mean it that way, he should clarify that. that is definitely the way it came across. putting all that aside for a moment, here s the bottom line. for the past eight years or so, ever since president obama came into office, and the democrats were in control and republicans
got both chambers back, we ve been wanting to pass tax reform. we ve been wanting to repeal and replace obamacare. we now have a president in the white house who will sign all of those. so republicans need to pass these bills, they need to get it done, get it to the president so he can sign it. these are all things as republicans we ve been running on for years. now we ve got to go do what we ve been promising to do. van, has the president helped that effort to get those things done by going after certain senators? what he said makes perfectly good sense. the president has been doing everything but focusing on tax reform. he s been tweeting, kind of like apologizing for, you know, weird nazi stuff. the president has not done himself a good service. i think that s what you ve got people like corker listen, i would vote against corker 12 times a day if i could. i m no fan of corker. but corker is saying, you are letting us down. his surrogates amplifying that.
not doing character assassinations against corker. one more thing to say is simply this. if the president were as focused on this tax stuff as we re talking about, the new cycle would be totally different. and corker would be applauding him. corker would be the main one saying, thank you very much, sir. you just validated corker s concerns. update on america s most famous weeping white nationalist. talking tough in charlottesville right after the melee that killed heather heyer. i would say it was worth it. we knew we were going to meet a lot of resistance. the fact that nobody on our side died, i d go ahead and call that points for us. the fact that none of our people killed anybody unjustly i think is a plus for us. and i think that we showed our rivals we won t be cowed. well, it s easy to talk tough about not being cowed when you re surrounded by your fellow fans of fascism. not so easy to talk tough when a few days later you re back at your home, wanted on several
felony charges, you re scared and you re lonely. that s when christopher cantwell turned on the camera and began sniffling about his fate. the whole entire point of this, i m watching cnn talk about this as violent white nationalist protests. we have done everything in our power to keep this peaceful. you know? what options do we have left. if somebody would like to inform me of that, then i will be grateful to you. i really will. christopher cantwell turned himself in last night. today was arraigned on two counts of illegal use of tear gas. bond was denied and a preliminary hearing set in mid-october. a lot more ahead tonight.
the president also went after james clapper today. in a moment, i ll ask former cia michael hayden what he thinks about this, did clapper go too far or is he spot-on. hurricane harvey heading to the texas gulf coast. the latest on when it may hit, where, and how hard, when we continue. it s the sears semi-annual blowout event! save 10 to 70% off on all clothing and shoes. and up to 70% off on outdoor life for him and simply styled for her! plus hot deals on jeans for kids, starting at 8.99. hurry - sale ends september 4th. theso when i need to book tant to mea hotel room,tion. i want someone that makes it easy. gets it. and with their price match, i know i m getting the best price every time. visit booking.yeah!
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change the way you wifi. xfinity. the future of awesome. as we ve been discussing, the president did what he thought should be done which is attack on twitter. the president went after james clapper who criticized him for his rast in phoenix on tuesday night. this is what clapper said on cnn which got under trump s skin. i really question his fitness to be in this office. i worry about, frankly, you know, the access to nuclear codes. joining me tonight retired general michael hayden who
served as nsa director and as you might expect, knows clapper well. first, i wonder what you make of clapper publicly questioning president trump s fitness after his speech in phoenix. he said the event was downright scary and disturbing. i actually saw jim s comments live during your coverage after the speech in phoenix, anderson. i probably wouldn t have gone there, certainly with the language that jim used. but, you know, truth in lending here, i signed a letter about a year ago along with about 50 other people like me questioning the competence and stability of then candidate trump to do the kinds of things we expect a president to do. so i understand the concerns that jim raised there. as the president has your concern increased, does it remain the same? has it decreased? we were concerned going in. and i have to say, anderson, in all honesty, the performance of the first seven months, particularly when the president s a bit on his own, and not relying on the structures of government, really hasn t done much to make me feel
better about the decision-making process, the experience, the appreciation for both history and consequences, that you d expect a president to have. as someone who worked in intelligence throughout their entire career, and has studied the unraveling of government, the unraveling of societies, how countries fall apart, how they rebuild, i m wondering what was going through your mind in the last week and a half or so in the wake of charlottesville? i m not just talking about the president s comments about it, or lack of comments about it, but just about the fact that there is, you know, there was a torch-lit march of hundreds of what appeared to be young american men chanting, jews will not replace us, and other, you know, literally nazi slogans. and the response to it. so, most of the countries in the world that we care about also have those fringe elements.
so i think they recognize that. more importantly, i think they re looking more broadly at the response of our government and society. intelligence folks, anderson, respond to the priority intelligence requirements of their presidents and prime ministers. and i m saying this without exaggeration. i can imagine in both adversary and even in some friendly countries now, intelligence chiefs are being given new priorities by their political masters. what are your thoughts on the stability of the current administration? who in the american government speaks authoritatively for the american government? what are the possibilities of political violence in the united states? and anderson, those aren t predictions. what i m simply saying is, is that the range of possible outcomes for these foreign intelligence services, the ones they have to look for, the range of possible outcomes has shifted. and these are now included in them. those are the kinds of questions
that other intelligence services are now looking at us to determine answers. that s really extraordinary. that s the kind of thing the u.s. intelligence services would look at for, you know, i don t know, moammar gadhafi, or any foreign government that had internal strife and internal issues. that that is now on the table that is something that foreign governments would want to examine in the united states, who really speaks for the u.s. government. that s a stunning idea that and i understand why it would be a question. because the president says one thing in a tweet, and the secretary of state says something else, then you have general mattis having to travel around and say other things to other countries. sure. and anderson, again, i wasn t trying to be predictive here. or even suggesting they were trying to be predictive. but you know, intelligence services are inherently pessimistic.
they always look to the dark side, because that s where they get their questions. so i m telling you, my judgment is, other services are beginning to kind of go through their files and try to draw judgments on those kinds of issues here in the united states. and anderson, we ve had this conversation before. the veneer of civilization can be pretty thin from time to time. we are not immune from the kinds of things you suggested we look at in other countries. general hayden, i appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. president trump gets his information from watching television or maybe something someone whispered in his ear. we learn how kelly is trying to control that flow to the president. white house chief of staff is attempting to control what information gets into the hands of the president. a move designed to eliminate internal competition and help the president make decisions. all according to a new reporting
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and reports before they get to the president. the president still wants to access his smartphone, twitter feed and news reports. a white house reporter who wrote the story, nancy, is general kelly s new system a way to get the president to conform to tradition or the staff to conform to tradition, or both? really, it s both. this idea of having a clear policy-making process is not new. it really dates back to both democratic and republican administrations. the thing is, it s just taken the trump administration seven months to get to this point of setting up a process to get all the ideas to the president, to make all the make sure all the stakeholders are heard. and that wasn t something that kelly s predecessor reince priebus was able to do. it was something reince priebus tried to do, but didn t have the power. it seems general kelly just commands more respect in the white house. i think he s also instituted some things that priebus wasn t able to institute, like access to the oval office, who s going to vet the information. and so far, the entire west wing staff, including the president s children, are really listening to him and following his orders. it remains to be seen if this process will stick. it seems like it s much more disciplined right now. some people in the white house, particularly policy experts, are feeling much more optimistic that their ideas will be heard
and personality won t necessarily trump these decisions that real policy could filter into the decision-making of the president. kelly can t control all information of the president, particularly this president who clearly reads his twitter feed, because he s retweeting random strangers, watches a lot of tv news, a lot of cable news at all hours of the day it seems like. you re right. no one can control what the president decides to tweet, what kind of television he watches, which advisers he calls late at night and on the weekends. what kelly can control are the people around the president and that hasn t been done before.
if you can control 99% of the white house, that s a victory in this particular white house, to have information go through him. at least for him to feel like he s in the loop, and that he s vetted what s reached the president s desk. nancy, stay with us. i want to bring in david and paul. paul, you worked in the clinton white house. this is the way most white houses work. it came out of the military for eisenhower, chief of staff, military position. process matters a lot. this president seems to have little regard for process. i think what general kelly is doing is very important. the most important square foot of real estate on the planet is this, between the president s ears, what goes into that head. the most important person in the world, most powerful person in the world. the problem you raised, though, even if people and paper are controlled by general kelly, which they must be, and i hope
they will be, information coming from twitter, from cable news, from the guys at the locker room at the country club, that s still going to be impossible to get your arms around. david, all presidents absorb information differently. some like more images, more data, long essays. clearly the way this president seems to absorb information, i mean, a lot of it is from television, is stuff from twitter. so even if the if general kelly s controlling the position papers that are going in to the president or what lands on the president s desk, there are all these other things he can t control. correct. you have to learn how you learn. and that people either learn by reading or they will learn by essentially talking and watching. president trump is clearly in the latter category. he does not read very much at all. everything is distilled down. i do think whether or not you are for trump, this is an
important step forward to get more order in the white house. paul is absolutely right. the white house is still the most powerful office on the earth. you want it to be as well organized as possible. will this system work? let s wait and see. it was tested last week, frankly, when this system produced the statement that the president read on monday after charlottesville. and then he broke loose on tuesday. and it destroyed everything he said on monday. i do think that if i might say one more thing that the system of general kelly, the person he s appointed to run this system is rob porter. rob porter is a first-class guy. i ve known him for a long time. i ve known his family. just a fascinating father/son story. rob porter now does the domestic and will be doing all the
vetting for president trump. his father did the same thing basically for president bush sr. rob porter was a rhodes scholar. his father, roger porter, is a good friend and professor at harvard, rhodes scholar. they re the only two father/son duos in history to be rhodes scholars. david, can i ask you, can he tell the president no? i think general kelly probably can t. they have to go to him. i remember this, probably before you even joined the clinton white house, in the first couple of months, president clinton wanted to call the deputy assistant secretary. john podesta, awesomely powerful job. he stood face to face with president clinton and said, no, sir, no, you re not allowed to call that guy. we re working through a process and then it will come to you when it s ready. it s not your job to circumvent that process. which was terrific. i hope mr. porter and mr. kelly will do that with this president.
i do think that general kelly has more leverage than anybody else who s been around. if he walks, it will be so destructive of the trump presidency. everybody knows that. nancy, you talked about this a little bit. how is the rest of the white house staff i mean, if you know through your reporting reacting to the system that kelly s put in place? you re say ivanka trump, jared kushner, what, do they make appointments through kelly to see the president? i ve talked to a bunch of white house officials in the last few weeks about the changes kelly has put in place and the process. the president s children are behind this. there s a sense broadly in the white house, not just with ivanka trump or jared kushner, but broadly throughout the white house with gary cohen, with national security people, with policy experts, that they are honestly a little bit tired of the chaos. and they want to see ideas presented in a more coherent way. they want to feel like their ideas are heard. that they have a chance to make their case as well as other people. and i feel like people are looking for a change. so far they re willing to
respect kelly, because they re tired of it, too. that was one of the concerns, about having ivanka trump and jared kushner, family members in the white house, in an office setting, if the boss kids were there. you wonder, are my ideas going to be heard because the kids have much more direct access. we ll see how this works out. nancy, thanks very much. coming up, we ll tell you about hurricane harvey bearing down on the coast of texas. people preparing for the worst. which cities could be hid hardest and when. a watchdog group is asking whether a government trip was a cover for something else entirely. you push yourself every day. tempur-pedic helps you recover every night. tempur material provides up to twice as much pressure relieving power. so you won t toss and turn. through september 17th, save up to $500 on select adjustable sets. tempur-pedic sleep is power.
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tom sater joins us with details. so, where is this storm headed and how strong is it going to be? anderson, the latest advisory from the national hurricane center that came out at the top of the hour puts it about 270 miles southeast of corpus christi. the winds remained steady, still a category 1. it getting stronger. our concern is here. if you look at the gusts at 10 a miles per hour. this will reach gcategory three status. 16 in warnings, blue tropical storm but well inland from houston to austin and san antonio but this gives authorities a better idea where ground zero will be. after midnight friday night into dark hours of saturday night north of corpus christi, this will be the first major hurricane to make landfall anywhere in the u.s. in the last 12 years. the problem is not so much landfall, it s what happens
afterwards. notice we got a little kink here. this is concerning. all the models are in good agreement. where do we evacuate people? we lost a dominate steering current. look at the computer models. they go around in this bird s nest. the last thing you want to see a hurricane of this magnitude stall for days. if it makes landfall friday night, it s possible we may still talk about this tuesday and so instead of just going south or north, some models bring it back offshore to regain strength. everything you see here in purple is ten inches and white is 20 to 30. that s significant. we re going to be following it very closely, tom. it s not a hurricane, perhaps an eclipse, at the center of this next story. an instagram post is an example of what not to do on social media. also probably better not to then
attack a mom from oregon who left a negative comment. all of that free advice holds even if you re not the wife of the secretary of the treasury. was that whole trip a rouse to get a good view of the solar eclipse? randi kaye has more. reporter: it was billed to a trip to kentucky and on board the government plane, treasury secretary steve mnuchin and his wife. they were joining senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. i will be only the third secretary of the treasury that s ever actually gone inside ft. knox. reporter: as exciting as that sounds, government plane included, may have been a rouse so the mnuchins could view the eclipse, all compliments of u.s. taxpayers. this was the first eclipse in a contiguous path since 1979. ft. knox had 100% totality. it s being investigated by a
watchdog group. citizens for the responsibility and ethics in washington is requesting all records xerng plane ride. the group suggested the government plane was used for a trip that, quote, seems to have been planned around the solar eclipse to enable the secretary to secure a viewpoint in the path of the eclipse s totality. worth noting, this instagram post from mitch mcconnell s press team showing the two men at ft. knox. look closely, notice the pair of special viewing glasses in mcconnell s hand? the watchdog group is digging to find out how often secretary mnuchin has used government planes for travel in lieu of commercial planes and the justification for that use. this marks the second time this week that mnuchin and his wife are taking heat for this very trip. upon landing in kentucky, his
wife posted this photo on instagram, flaunting her wealth and tagging a series of luxury designers. that led to an instagram spat with an oregon mom who was offended by linton s post writing in response, glad we could pay for your little getaway. #deplorable. just seemed ridiculous, and quite frankly, offended me as someone who paid for part of their trip. reporter: instead of letting it go, louise ripped into the mother of three calling her adorably out of touch, suggesting she go chill out and watch the new game of thrones. there s probably a better way for her to spend her money than make me feel bad about my cute, simple life. reporter: she once played maria antoinette on this party episode seen on csi. she s since changed her instagram posting to private.
she said, i apologize for my post on social media yesterday as well as my response. it was inappropriate and highly insensitive. has the treasury department said anything to defend this trip to kentucky and the eclipse viewing? we checked in and the spokesperson for the treasury department said this was official business to discuss tax reform and that later in the day the majority leader, secretary mnuchin, kentucky s governor and a few others visited the gold depository at ft. knox. we re told this is a planned trip previously scheduled for august 2nd but was postponed. there was no statement about this eclipse viewing and the treasury told us that secretary mnuchin is reimbursing the government for his wife s travel, which apparently is a
long-standing policy when civilians travel on military aircraft, anderson. randi, thank you very much. tonight, the incredible story of elian gonzalez who at the age of 6 was at the center of the most famous custody battles. 17-year-old elian is speaking out now. you may be surprised at what he has to say. that s going to be at 10:00 p.m. tonight on cnn. coming up next, the gop infighting. the president firing back at republican leaders on capitol hill. the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed, plus free home delivery. ends saturday! there s nothing more important so when i need to book a hotel, i want someone who makes it easy. gets it. and with their price match, i know i m getting the best price every time. visit booking.yeah! it s the blowout event!ual save 10 to 70% off on all clothing and shoes. and up to 70% off on outdoor life
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Us- , Place , Speech , Candidate-trump , Economy , Mind , Josh-green , Throwaway , Nuts , Catch-phrase , January-of-2015 , 2015

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20170928 00:30:00

thank you. tonight, your money, your taxes. president trump s new plan. what it means for you. after several efforts to repeal obamacare fail, the president now turns to a major tax overhaul. proposed cuts for middle class families, also major cuts for corporations and wealthy americans. also tonight, the crisis in puerto rico. a full week after the hurricane hit, more than a million people without power or drinking water. the mayor of san juan tonight saying people are starting to die. the deadly showdown. the police video just released. the suspect jumping from his pickup, firing at police. officers responding. tonight, abc news obtaining some of the russian ads bought on facebook. you will see them for yourself. posing as an american group, the ads say, we need trump. the massive explosion,
30,000 forced to evacuate. authorities now asking, was this an accident or not? and the first airline to offer free text messaging while you re flying. are phone calls next? good evening. and it s great to have you with us here on a wednesday night. and we begin with the president s sweeping new tax plan, and what it could mean for middle class americans, corporate america and the wealthiest americans, too. late today in indianapolis, the president promising a revolutionary change for middle class families. but still unanswered tonight, how will he pay for it? and even some republicans this evening saying this will be even more challenging than their efforts to kill obamacare. abc s chief white house correspondent jonathan karl, leading us off. reporter: after failing yet again to get a republican health care plan through congress, president trump is now promising to deliver on something even more ambitious a massive new tax cut. there s never been tax cuts
like what we re talking about. reporter: details are still sketchy, but the plan calls for slashing the tax on corporations, now 35% to 20%. for individuals and families, reducing the number of tax brackets from seven to just three. doubling the standard deduction for families. that would mean no income tax whatsoever on the first $24,000 of income. the president insists his plan will benefit the working class, and not the wealthy. they can call me all they want. it s not going to help. i m doing the right thing, and it s not good for me. believe me. reporter: of course, it s impossible to know how any plan will affect the president because he still has not released his tax returns. but there s one big provision that would clearly benefit the wealthy. he wants to eliminate the estate tax. something that is only paid on estates valued at more than $5.5 million for individuals, $11 million for couples. while congress will surely make changes in the plan, the president insists there s one
the target, claims the taliban, the aircraft defense secretary jim mattis had flown in on hours before. at the time of the attack, mattis was meeting afghanistan s president. but not only did the taliban take credit, but so did isis, releasing a video they claim shows the attack in progress. afghan special forces raided a nearby house. they were backed up by a u.s. air strike. a missile from an apache helicopter malfunctioned, killing one woman and wounding several others. this was mattis s first visit since the u.s. announced it would be adding 3,000 american troops to the 11,000 already there. this attack is a stark reminder that even after 16 years of trying to defeat the taliban, and the loss of thousands of lives, they still remain a formidable threat. david? martha raddatz from washington. martha, thank you. next tonight here, abc news obtaining some of those ads bought on facebook by russian agents.
facebook admitting they were paid more than $100,000 by russian companies during the election. tonight, you re going to see the ads for yourself. and were the russians at it again, just within the last week, during the debate over the nfl? abc s chief investigative correspondent brian ross with what those ads said. reporter: tonight, abc news has obtained some of the posts and ads congressional investigators say the russians planted on facebook as part of the kremlin effort to help get donald trump elected. americans would have no idea what they were reading was written by the russians. they rail against illegal immigrants. this one warns against so-called refugees jeopardizing our national security. this ad uses a popular cartoon. dora the explorer knows how easy it is to cross the u.s. border. it s like a children s game. with this line we need to stop this madness. we need trump. the ads supposedly come from a group called secured borders, but congressional investigators
say there is no such group, that they were, in fact, created by russian companies which paid more than $100,000 to facebook to post them during and after the election. their goal was to spread dissension, was to split our country apart, and they did a pretty good job. reporter: many of the ads, investigators say, came from an operation in st. petersburg, russia, in this building where young russians are hired to send out fake news. a former employee says she took this undercover video inside when she worked there in 2015, hoping to expose the operation, where the so-called trolls worked 12-hour shifts. the former employee, lyudmila savchuk, told abc news, facebook was one of their main platforms. according to investigators, the ads show their slant, pro-trump, anti-clinton. their targets? voters in specific areas of key swing states. of specificity? that s one of the questions we need answered. that is the question tonight.
brian with us. who helped the russians target those ads to particular swing states, swing voters that were so important in this election? and today, there was one republic senator who even said there s a possibility the russians are still at this, even weighing in during the nfl debate. reporter: yes, david. on capitol hill today, senator james lankford, member of the senate intelligence committee, says russian trolls have been tweeting on both sides of the issue, trying to raise the noise level, he said, and push divisiveness in the country. by the way, this morning, president trump tweeted that he considers facebook to be anti-trump. brian ross with us tonight. brian ross, thank you. next tonight, to a major new fallout from the scandal rocking college basketball. famed louisville head coach rick pitino placed on unpaid leave. the highest paid coach in the ncaa. his attorney saying pitino has yote, in effect been fired. abc s linsey dis tonight on why. national championship, the louisville cardinals! reporter: tonight, legendary coach rick pitino, out at the university of louisville.
effective immediately, coach pitino has been placed on an unpaid administrative leave. reporter: it comes just one dar ryteafegllco and corruption case, announced by the fbi. these defendants conspired to secretly funnel six-figure payments to the families of three high school players. reporter: an adidas executive charged with funneling money to a top high school recruit to make sure he committed to louisville, a school adidas sponsors. three years ago, pitino himself complained about the influence of shoe companies in recruiting. i never thought that shoes would be the reason you recruit players. reporter: louisville is already on probation after another scandal involving escorts for recruits. while this may be a dark day for the university of louisville, better days are ahead. reporter: tonight, coach pitino says he s effectively been fired, and the matter will now follow its legal course. but he also says that he has
done nothing wrong, and that the facts will exonerate him. david? linsey davis, our thanks to you again tonight. next, this evening, to new images just released of a deadly showdown with police in sacramento. the encounter with a murder suspect, showing what happened in the moments after they pulled him over. here s abc s senior national correspondent matt gutman tonight. reporter: police began following eric arnold, because he was wanted in connection with a double murder. the seconds after the stop, it became clear what he seemed capable of. [ gunshots ] tonight, sacramento police releasing 15 dash and body camera angles of the september 7th shooting. after the stop, you can hear the officers give arnold explicit instructions. drop the keys out the window. reporter: and then, from multiple angles, you see arnold burst out of his truck, spin and fire. getting off six shots from his semiautomatic. police respond with over 30 bullets. arnold is hit over 14 times. but some of his six shots
hitting their mark. two officers wounded. this officer, badly limping. david, both of those officers were released from the hospital and are recuperating. that suspect was pronounced dead on the scene. david? all right, matt gutman, thank you. and we do have one more note from overseas tonight. a massive explosion that officials now say may be sabotage. a huge blast in ukraine tearing through an ammunition depot at a military base. 30,000 people evacuated from the nearby town. ukraine has been fighting russia-backed separatists for three years now. there is still much more ahead on world news tonight this wednesday. the highway standoff at rush hour. traffic backed up for miles. shootout on a major highway. news coming in now about the suspect. also, the murder mystery unsolved for nearly three decades in this country. now, there is a major break, in what had been called the case of the killer clown. and the first u.s. global airline to offer free text messaging while you re flying. so many asking today, will phone calls on planes be next? we ll be right back.
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a major break tonight in a 27-year-old unsolved mystery. police in florida arresting a female suspect in what had been called the killer clown case. accused of killing a woman while dressed as a clown, then marrying the victim s husband. here s abc s linzie janis. reporter: the crime was as bizarre as it was chilling. police say marlene warren opened the door of her florida home to find a clown, who handed her balloons and flowers, then pulled out a gun and shot her to death. for 27 years, no arrest until now. this is the woman who detectives say dressed as a clown. reporter: police in virginia arresting sheila keen-warren, who has been married to the victim s husband, michael warren, since 2002. at the time of the murder, investigators suspected couple s used car dealership.e police re-opening the cold case three years ago and doing new
dna testing. took us 27 years to bring closure to the victim s family. reporter: tonight, the victim s son, joe, who says he saw the clown drive away that day in this white convertible, says, i m happier than i ve been in many years. as for his step-dad, michael warren, he says, there s no doubt he was involved. however, police are not saying michael warren is a suspect. david, keen-warren is behind bars in virginia tonight. she will soon be extradited to florida, where she faces charges of first degree murder. david? linzie janis, thank you. when we come back, free text messaging when you fly now? also, the passenger dragged off the plane today, struggling with police. she said she had an allergy. and the deadly standoff on an american highway at rush hour. the new details coming in. every day people are fighting type 2 diabetes. with fitness. food. and the pill that starts with f. farxiga, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes.
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homicide suspect. authorities say the driver was shot and killed after jumping out of his suv. then, the passenger dragged from her flight in baltimore. the southwest crew says the passenger demanding two dogs onboard be removed because of her severe animal allergy. they said the passenger did not have proof. they then say she became belligerent. free texting when you fly. delta airlines says beginning sunday, passengers on most flights will be able to send and receive free text messages in the air. texting only. no calls. not yet. when we come back tonight, the family recording their family members and their friends, all saying the same line into the phone, but the very different reactions. very different reactions. you got to see this. are you on the right path? g bones, we have postmenopausal osteoporosis. ..and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors. .we chose prolia®. .to help make our bones stronger. only prolia® helps strengthen bones. .by stopping cells that damaeh . .with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant,
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the charlotte couple with a surprise for their family. tammy and drew waltz from charlotte, north carolina. taking in four siblings, three boys and a girl, ages 8 to 11, over christmas last year. they are orphans from eastern h rope, who came to li w itthem temporarily during the holidays through a nonprofit. together for five weeks, they instantly bonded. and when it was time to say good-bye, the waltzes say their home, their lives, felt empty. they stayed in touch and began to talk about adoption. the kids were overjoyed. and when tammy and drew decided to give them a permanent home, they began t friends and familyo , and irthey rllech each of their responses. this soon to be great-grandma came first. you re going to be a great-grandma. times four. we re adopting. reporter: family friends. in some cases, tammy and drew gave them a line to say on camera, but they didn t know why until it hit them. congratulations, you re adopting.
you re adopting! you are? oh, my gosh! i m so happy. i m aunt dar, i m your aunt dar. you re going to love me. reporter: the reactions, surprised, stunned, overjoyed, overcome. and tonight, those new parents getting ready. hey, david, it s drew and tammy checking in. we re so excited to be on your show tonight. reporter: we re excited, too. after le tngnihose c holidays. we really just did this video to show the kids how much we love them, but not just us, but our friends and family love them. can t wait for the big arrival. i ll see you here tomorrow. good night. a stand off that i think with a suspect s death shuts down westbound lane of i-84
eight hours. the lanes opened about an hour ago. investigators explain what led officers to shoot. the driver accused of killing her sister in a crash captured on facebook live appears in court. how the offers mistake is effecting her case. a death at one of the most popular hiking spots in yosemate. reporter: live where you live this is abc 7 news. i saw the guy go buy with a bunch of police cars behind him. that one guy has caused a commute catastrophe in the bay area after leading police on a chase end being deadly consequences. thanks for joining us i m christian sze in for ama baez. and i m dan ashley. westbound 80 lanes opened up less than an hour ago. eastbound lanes opened after 11:00 this morning. here s a look at the reason

Showdown , Police-video , Jumping , Ads , Police , Group , Abc-news , Officers , Facebook , Some , Russian , Say

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20170923 00:30:00

hostage situation unfolding at this hour inside a bank. several reportedly trapped inside. good evening. it s great to have you with us on a friday night. we begin with the urgent headline from puerto rico at this hour. a dam at imminent risk of failure, a life-threatening situation. a mass evacuation under way. some 70,000 people across the island. catastrophic flooding and mudslides already. the governor saying it s time to get people out. we begin with abc s rob marciano on the scene to get tens of thousands to higher ground. rob. reporter: a disastrous development happening in puerto rico. a large dam is beginning to fail. two towns and tens of thousands of people in danger downstream. a flash flood emergency in effect right now. officials urging people to get to high ground. this is a life-threatening situation happening now.
tonight the new emergency in this unfolding disaster. the battering of hurricane maria and her 40 inches of rain causing this major dam s failure. flash flooding forcing 70,000 people to evacuate immediately. officials saying a crack is forming in the guajataca dam. authorities with a stark warning, people s lives are in danger. utter devastation being felt throughout the u.s. territory. the chaos and desperation etched into caregiver maria ortez s voice. we can t let them die. we can t let them die. we need all the help we can get. please. reporter: we first met her thursday as she struggled to keep 11 nursing home patients alive. their generator low onue fl. i see when that runs out what we going to do? what we going to do? reporter: those patients in sweltering conditions inside. some clinging to life. when we returned today help had not arrived. the generator out of fuel. power gone. it s been 20 hours since we
called the governor s office on her behalf. calling again today. we had trouble getting through and we re not alone. communications nearly impossible across the island. drivers lined up here as far as the eye can see to access one o towers. maria hasn t seen or heard from her mother since before the hurricane hit. some relief knowing her parents are okay. then the son of one of her patient s shows up with a diesel that the care center desperately needs. how long does a tank last? eight hours. reporter: another temporary fix. elation with knowing there s enough fuel to at least get through the night. rob marciano is back with us. from puerto rico. we re glad to see the nursing home at least got some fuel. we ll stay on that. the other major concern you reported on the dam, tens of thousands told to get to highe ndougr reporter: yeah.
dangerous situation, so much so that the governor cut his press conference short to head out there. the military vehicles trying to get people out right now. it s going to be a dangerous night ahd david. the meantime the possible paths for hurricane maria as it moves towards the east coast. they seem to shift night to night rob. reporter: we didn t give the u.s. the all clear and now they re shifting closer to home. right now it s a cat 3 and will weaken farther north and a cat 1 by wednesday. just abreast of north carolina, the forecast getting close to the u.s. and our spaghetti models spread out. some uncertainty there and there could be some direct impacts from maria in the u.s. by the end of next week. david. rob marciano on the ground in puerto rico again tonight. thank you. to mexico city at this hour. days after that earthquake and the cheers erupting at a factory that came down during the earthquake. abc s matt gutman with the moment that another person was found alive. reporter: tonight amidst the
flattened buildings there are spikes of hope. cheers erupting at this flattened factory where another person was found alive. those rescues dangerous as we saw firsthand. debris crashing down around us. watch it watch it! moments later officials clearing the scene fearing another collapse. we joined the search and rescue team at this pancaked office building gearing up for a grim search. fire rescue teams say that those six stories collapsed so densely that there s no void space and concern is nobody could have survived. and yards from the rubble the families of the dozen or so missing prayed. it was after those prayers that we met fabiola. her brother is in that building. she showed us around the improvised tent where families had been living for the past four days. they re all there. cousins, siblings, friends.
and then that call for silencio, silence. shh. reporter: now they call for silence because that s when they try to listen to something in the rubble. these are the moments of hope. she told us they need to show strength. but after four days even iron will can snap. she says her brother is very strong. reporter: and eveeerwh solidarity for mexico. reporter: on the rubble of this building a salute to the mexican national anthem. and matt from mexico city. the scene of that apartment building and matt you re hearing they re bringing in a crane to lift up sections of the building? reporter: that s right david. the crane is going to lift layers of that building where you see that swarm of rescuers. which is a sign that this could turn from a rescue operation to a recovery operation. for days we have been asking
mexican officials for the list of the missing but in the scope of this devastation they say they still don t have one. david. matt gutman on the scene. thank you. the major headline, a major blow in the new effort to kill obamacare and it comes from the same senator who killed the repeal the last time. senator john mccain declaring he will vote no. mary bruce with the two key senators who will break or make this repeal. where do they stand tonight. reporter: it s been just eight weeks since the country watched john mccain walk onto the senate floor, shocking his own party, with this defiant thumbs down. [ gasps ] reporter: his vote delivering the final blow to the president s attempt to repeal and replace obamacare. tonight, with one more chance at a repeal before next week s deadline, john mccain stunning the party again. announcing today, i cannot in good conscience vote for the latest republican plan. he says a bill of this impact requires a bipartisan approach. mccain might have just killed
this new repeal, because they can only afford to lose two votes. rand paul has already said no. and mccain did this, even though his own best friend in the senate, lindsey graham is one of the architects. i don t expect him to vote him to vote for what s best for the country. reporter: the bill would give states more flexibility to craft their own health coverage, but with far less federal funding. and with no guarantee of how they would cover americans with pre existing conditions. experts say it could leave millions more without insurance. all eyes now on two key senators. senator susan collins of maine, and lisa murkowski of alaska. collins tonight is leaning no. i just have to do what s right of the people of maine and our country, and if i don t do that i can t look at myself in the mirror. reporter: and outside
murkowski s office protesters camped out urging her to protest this bill like she did the last time. i said in january we should not repeal without a replacement. just an indefinite hold on this just creates more chaos and confusion. mary bruce back with us from washington. and jimmy kimmel whose own baby boy needs several operations, and fought for other families to have coverage if they re in the same situation. he tweeted senator mccain. reporter: yeah. kimmel with a tweet of praise saying thank you john mccain for being a hero again and again and now again. and john mccain s wife responded tweeting thank you for the kind words about my husband and god bless your sweet baby. david. as we head into the weekend, mary thank you again. meantime next to the new threat from north korea. kim jong-un saying president trump will quote, pay dearly for his speech at the u.n. and north korea warning of the
biggest ever hydrogen bomb test in the pacific. here s martha raddatz tonight. tonight a dramatic escalation of tensions. north korea now threatening to test a hydrogen bomb above the pacific ocean. their response to president trump. the united states has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no oic north korea. reporter: for months, the president s heated language has so far failed to stop kim. 3 missile tests and an underground h-bomb test since trump warned of fire and fury. but detonating a nuclear bomb over the pacific would be kim s most provocative move yet. a hydrogen bomb, a thermo nuclear weapon is going to have a lot of radiation. if it hits the water, there is going to be contamination for hundreds of miles around.
reporter: on gma david continued to press secretary of state rex tillerson about the us response. but if we see this detonation of an h-bomb in the pacific, what will the u.s. do? well, we will continue our efforts in the diplomatic arena but all our military options, as the president has said, are on the table. reporter: the two leaders themselves, trading a volley of insults. responding directly to trump, calling him mentally deranged. the president branding the north korean dictator a madman who will be tested like never before. martha you and i have both been talking to colonel steve ganyard and he makes the pointer everything they said they would do and now they re talking about testing a hydrogen baum in the pacific. do they have the capability to pull that off? reporter: they have already tested a hydrogen bomb and an intercontinental ballistic missile. we don t know for sure whether they could arm an icbm with a
bomb but this has to be taken seriously. this would be an extraordinarily alarming and dangerous move and the administration would have to rethink what it is doing. all right. martha raddatz tracking the situation with north korea ever step of the way. thank you martha. president trump responding tonight after facebook revealed thousands of ads were bought by russian agents during the election, ads that praised donald trump or attacked hillary clinton. mark zuckerberg saying he will turn those ads over to congress. today president trump tweeting the russia hoax continues, now its ads on facebook. next to your money. taxpayer money spent on flights on private jets. another cabinet secretary under scrutiny for his travel habits. health and human services chief tom price taking private jets dozens of times from d.c. to philadelphia. cecelia vega with the price tag. how much you have spent already. reporter: tonight health secretary tom price under
investigation for dozens of official government trips on luxury private planes. the american people need to know that their tax dollars are being spent wisely. reporter: as a congressman, price once tweeted congress doesn t need to have private jets. but now according to politico, his penchant for private planes has cost taxpayers more than $300,000. last week alone, on a luxury jet like this, he took five flights. one of them, a short 30 minute round trip to philadelphia. the cost, $10,000. compared to about $700 for a commercial flight. it s just not right, it s just not right. reporter: today in a scathing letter, the top democrat on the house oversight committee tells price, the amount of taxpayer funds you spent on just one single flight is more than some of my constituents make in a . ar i just say to the secretary, mr. secretary you can do better and you need to set the example for the entire administration.
reporter: at least three trump cabinet secretaries now under investigation for expensive travel on the public dime. tonight, abc news has learned that after one meeting with the president at trump tower, treasury secretary steve mnuchin flew back to washington on an air force jet, costing taxpayers at least $25,000. an official trip on a government jet trip to kentucky, where mnuchin and his wife viewed the eclipse is also under review. on top of mnuchin s request to have a government plane fly him and his wife to their honeymoon overseas, a request he ultimate withdrew. cecelia vega, secretary price, secretary mnuchin both under scrutiny. how are they responding tonight? reporter: mnuchin s office says they welcome this investigation. price s office says he uses the private planes in order to accommodate his demanding schedule. they say he has taken commercial flights but you heard the democrats. they are callings hi ta
millionaire mind-set too common in this administration. cecelia vega thank you. still much more ahead this friday. the major american company announcing a hiring boom. the hostage situation unfolding inside a bank. several people trapped and s.w.a.t. teams on the scene right now. a new sinkhole. the second one on the same street this week and it is a dangerous scene. amid so much devastation this week, you need to hear the story of frita. the life-saving labrador. we sure need this tonight. much more news ahead. next tonight, your money and life saving labrador. much more news ahead. us. i write them a poem instead! and one for each of you too! that one s actually yours. that one. regardless, we re stuck with the bill. to many, words are the most valuable currency. last i checked, stores don t take words. some do. not everyone can be the poetic voice of a generation. i know, right? such a burden. the bank of america mobile banking app. the fast, secure and simple way to send money.
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farther testing a new service. the driver enters a one-time use code. reporter: the company partnering with lockmaker august home. place an order online and walmart s delivery person can use a one-time code to gain entry to your home, even stock your fridge, all while you re watching in realtime on your smartphone. i think for younger folks working and putting in all kinds of hours and having a large commute it s a tremendous idea. reporter: but raising questions, too. not so sure about them coming in my home when i m not there. reporter: bottom line, david, this is one more step in the major competition between walmart and amazon. both retailers dueling to increase convenience and of course, profits, too. david. > rebecca, thank you. when we come back tonight, the company hiring 95,000 people and of course that wild moment today on the price is right . and ahead, the developing headline i mentioned, several people reportedly held hostage inside a bank, s.w.a.t. teams on the scene and we ll have new reporting right after the break. nd we ll have new
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to the index and a hostage situation in tennessee. police responding to a bank in the city of columbia where a man armed with a machete is holding several people inside after a failed bank robbery attempt. four hostages released. s.w.a.t. teams on the scene. a second sinkhole after hurricane maria. measuring 30 feet across in the hard hit city. no homes currently threatened. that s good news. it s on the same road where a sinkhole earlier this week caused a partial home collapse. ups is hiring expecting to hire 95,000 seasonal employees to help this holiday starting in november. over the past three years 35% were hired full time. the price was very right for three game show contestants all three nailing $1 on the big h $ then two of those contestants hitting $1 again in the spinoff. each earning a bonus and $80,000
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who we paired with a humana team member to help address his own specific health needs. at humana, we take a personal approach to your health, tno matter what your name is. asiq and finally tonight, amid so much devastation this week the story of frita, the dog leading teams through the rubble. she has saved lives before and many of them.
this week in mexico those moments of heroism giving so many renewed hope that more lives would be saved. firefighters rescuing this woman pulling her out through a hole in the ceiling. her hand to her face in disbelief. [ speaking foreign language ] school. rescuers and neighbors pushing through the rubble. reaching behind this wall to lift them out. and among the first responders at that school, frita. the 7-year-old labrador is part of the mexican navy s canine unit searching for trapped survivors. she has saved a dozen lives in her career. and those goggles protect her eyes from the dirt and debris and the booties to protect her paws. she is part of a team, a dozen dogs. they have been crawling into those dangerously tight spaces for days now. the corners rescuers cannot get to. tonight as hope fades so many trying to focus on the lives
saved. and the first responders and ininitanswing the ose dogs call again. cannot forget frita and those dogs with all of those rescue teams. those first responders. thank you for watching this week. i m david muir. i hope to see you on monday until then have a goodnive eng. go see you on monday until then have a good evening. good night. yes, it is really going to
happen. b.a.r.t. in downtown san jose. a million dollars and counting. paying up for another round of free speech events on campus. starting this weekend. the show stopper at disruptr puppies, of course. what these little doggies were doing there. this is an unsettled campus right now. the countdown is on yet again as cal prepares for a conservative speakers and the inevitable points they attract to campus. thanks for joining us. we learned today, uc berkeley will spend at least a million dollars on security to keep people safe during an event called free speech week. it begins suns and runs through wednesday. all events are succeed to be at sproul plaza outdoors.

Bank , Hostage-situation , Us- , Several , Ona-friday-night , People , Dam , Situation , Risk , Headline , Failure , Island

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Beat With Ari Melber 20170928 22:00:00

the first indications the winds are shifting at the state level in a way that could turn into a major storm nationally. like early weather forecasting when you see the low pressure developing off the coast of africa. anyway, mini canaries. we re claiming we re coining this phrase. that s all for the tonight. we ll be back tomorrow. the beat starts right now. is this butter fly theory like weather? or baby canary? we re going mini canaries. wait a minute. a canary is already small. but hey, they re state legislative seats. we feel like congressional seats are the canaries. i wanted to go with finches personally but that annoyed some people. getting darwinian. chuck todd with the analogy and watching the races as a leading indicator. thank you. president trump s approach to law enforcement is under scrutiny after he snubbed the swearing in ceremony for his own fbi director today. and we can tell you, that s
as deputy attorney general, of course, she was previously the boss of the fbi director and trump fired her over the travel ban west later learned she warned the white house about michael flynn who is now under investigation by yes, bob mueller. it is hard sometimes to keep track of all the fbi veterans involved in the criminal investigation of this trump presidency. as for russia, a new phase of the investigation underway. interviews with white house aides are being scheduled. people have to commit to their stories. they would be creating a new crime if they lied to investigators. now what is the view from the trump white house on all of this? sometimes it is hard to know. today i did speak with white house special counsel ty cobb. he didn t say a lot on the record. because that s not part of his job. he didn t deny these interviews are going forward. and he also wanted to emphasize the white house is cooperating. telling me, today, while the white house doesn t comment on specific witnesses or interviewees, it remains
committed to full cooperation with the special counsel. as for jared kushner, his lawyer has gotten a little more expressive. at least when he thinks he is speaking to his own the client. abby lowell was apparently, accidentally forwarding an intel letter that kushner failed to disclose the existence of. this is the second time a top white house lawyer has fallen victim to these pranks. cobb was disclosing some information to another person pretending to be a colleague this month. the i m joined by natasha, david from the layatlantic. i want to start with you. the kushner e-mail is a big deal and a lot of e-mail talk in the 2016 campaign right now. the committee here, senators burr and warner on, a bipartisan
basis say they are concerned to learn of his personal e-mail frkt the news media rather than from him. they write, please confirm document production that you made to the committee includes the personal e-mail accounts. what are they concerned that? once the politically hypocritical use of e-mail is now hitting the russia case. this was a huge gaffe by the lawyer. he had been speaking to him earlier in the week thinking he was kushner. they are concerned that he made this private e-mail account in december and did not disclose it to the senate intelligence committee when they interviewed him earlier this sum better all of his ties to russia about, what he experienced during the campaign. they want to know, have you really handed over everything or is there more information you re keeping from us? right. the legs of the e-mail
hypocrisy. put that in the context of donald trump hitting another first. the first president to snub the swearing in of his own fbi director today. we don t i don t know he did it. he may be unwell. he may be unhappy about going to an event where he is not the center of attention. i don t think he s ever shown himself bashful about personal interactions with people he doesn t like. he is pretty assertive and is willing to do that. this was not the person he wanted as fbi director. he wanted to go. farther outside the chain of command. he went through a lot of people had would be much more politically loyal to him. chris christie and rudolph giuliani were floated around and he is daggers dwrarawn with thi agency. all great points. and i take your caution. we don t have a white house explanation of why he made this very unusual break with
protocol. let s take a look at the fbi swar swearing in today. his judgment and integrity will always lead him. he has no hidden agendas. we ll follow the facts independently no matter where they lead and no matter who likes it. it might have been easier to not have the president there. what did you think? two things. one, if i were trump, i would stay as far from that swearing in agency as possible. first of all, if he goes and it is a positive event, he is essentially endorsing this guy who is investigating him. if the president wants to come back as he has in the past to try to discredit what the fbi is doing or what it finds in the future is a lot harder to do if he stood there clapping and smiling at the installation of the new fbi director. what you re saying sounds logical. but i guess it is my job to point out the hole. didn t he already endorse him of
giving him the hugely powerful job? i think the more likely answer is probably, stay away from the agency whose agents are investigating you. just don t get involved. it can t look good either way. probably the more likely thing is they figured, it s a mess. stay away. which is the donald trump view of all of this. the jay-z saying, love me or leave me alone. right. and he is still characterizing the entire russia investigation as a hoax. for him to show up at the swearing in ceremony, granted some of the people he had run-ins with like comey were not present but it would have been extraordinarily awkward. do you want to weigh in? it would be awkward. i don t know that would be enough to deter him. but i think one of the things we have noted, trump seems to have these cycles of hyper manic and
sluggish activity. we hear from him a lot and then he sort of falters. and i think, i ve always been mesmerized. one of the things you can learn what trump is about is by noting the things he most accuses other people of. that he would use jeb bush, of all people, the energizer bunny, of being low energy. the golf cart at the meeting with the g-7 leaders. so it may not be fbi specific that cause him to miss an event. he may be on the ebb cycle of his ebb and flow. now i have to ask you, the president you served, george w. bush, was he more even keel? i know he believed in exercise and scheduling. bush will the most predictable schedule of any human being you ve ever met. he started really early in the morning. he ate luncher and if he could
have he would have eaten the same thing. he went to bed early. he was an extraordinarily physically fit president. which donald trump is not. i want to give you a pop quiz. put you on the spot. can you name the most senior official who served in the obama administration and now is serving in the trump administration? the most senior? no. i can t do that. i can probably do it as soon as the camera is off. that was newly appointed. not the holdovers. it is jon huntsman. i ll sure some would argue how we define it. he was newly picked by this president, sworn in today here. he told the senate relations committee there was no question russia interfere onned in the presidential election. just walk us through significance of this and the role he plays here with a boss that won t say what i just read. it is a very odd appointment. jon huntsman, pretty widely admired, was ambassador to
china. he speaks chinese, he knows china well, had been ambassador to singapore. he is someone with a deep knowledge and steeping with chinese culture. bold and wise to send him to china. he does not speak russian. it is a strange pick. this is a high conflict situation, potentially. and you look at the super specialist who held that appointment under past presidents. under president obama, reagan, the bushes had reagan special the i haves. people, he could speak to people directly without interpreters. again, great pick for many, many roles. and it is good that he s in this administration bust a strange job for him to have. thank you. how is bob mueller potentially
pursuing new avenues against paul manafort? an anti-corruption law that could be a powerful tool in this case. and who is to blame for the mounting republican obamacare failures in congress? paul ryan has a few thoughts. and the health care insider who got this e-mail from the trump administration. we ll explain. you re watching the beat on msnbc. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they ll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you d get your whole car back. i guess they don t want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we ll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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paul ryan was ready, so ready he brought charts. to the interview. we passed 337 bills in the house as of this week. and you have the different this is more than obama, more than bush, more than clinton, more than h.w. bush. so ryan s hand held chart shows the house passed more bills which are stuck in the senate. but this was not an impromptu motel. sean hannity accidentally gave the game away. he cut away from paul to reveal a fox graphic with the same data source to speaker ryan s office. so ryan apparently knew hannity s question was coming and fox apparently had all the chart info in advance. this was a planned effort to blame mcconnell. adding that mcconnell is tainted, echoing trump s frustrations. the house is tainted by the inaction. i ll very disappointed in
mitch. well, i ll tell you what. if he doesn t get repeal and replace done, if he doesn t get taxes done, then you can ask me that question. here s why this is important. this fight isn t just a political civil war. it is a test of a key claim conservatives have been making for years. they say it doesn t really matter who republicans nominate for president. at the conservative cpac conference, it was famously put like this. we just need to president to sign there stuff. we don t need someone to think it up or design it. pick a republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become the president of the united states. this is a chance for republicans to realize the body of where we ll be is louse and senate work the president s signing bills. say what you will about donald trump. he does have enough working digits to handle a pen and he
says he ll sign any obamacare bill. but so far this theiry congressional republican there s lead is failing under donald trump. to assess this, we have the ultimate paul ryan guest, the house speaker s former chief of staff and ron clain, chief of staff to both vice presidents biden and gore. gentlemen, good day. ron, does this show that grover norquist digit pen theory doesn t work? i think he thought trump would use his digits to work the twitter machine. it is very hard to pass health care legislation without presidential leadership. hard to do tax reform without presidential leadership. while paul ryan was busy throwing mitch mcconnell tunneled bus last night, the real problem is donald trump. the weekend before graham/cassidy went down in the senate, was he lobbying senators?
no. he was busy tweeting about the nfl that weekend. so he has to get in the game. he has to provide the leadership if he is going to get these things done. otherwise, it is a blame game. and ryan mcconnell can blame all he wants. your boss is giving to it mitch mcconnell. what is the strategy to blame the obvious lack of legislation on mcconnell? well, i think, one of the things that s happening is that paul is defending the house and the fact they have been doing things. and that s an important thing to do. i don t think there s much throwing mcconnell under the bus, saying they haven t gotten themselves in order. does anybody the control the vote? surprise, surprise. john mccain is the only one who controls john mccain s vote. so speaker ryan is hitting mcconnell, you re hitting mccain. do i have that right? no. i m saying that senator mccain will do what he wants and
senator mcconnell can t control him, donald trump can t control him, paul ryan can t control him. have they had a bad sfwheek they , a bad week? it s obvious that they ve had a bad week. many of the things they wanted to do they won t get. what you need to do is be disciplined, consistent and work together to put the next issue they ll work is tax reform. it is a better set up. a better situation for republicans. they talk about tax reform all the time. they see it as basis for the growth we need. we covered that last night. you also made the assertion that ryan is not attack mcconnell in the senate. he is attack the house. i m hearing both. paul ryan, the same message he had. maybe a little less prepped,
less coordinated. here he is bringing up the senate. we re all frustrated in the house. the senate has rules that perplex us. that frustrate us. it is the way their system works. and they had a razor thin majority. if you re talking about the rules of the other body, it sounds like you re not winning. that s true. what is more, they lost this big vote. president trump said, it would be easy to repeal. he said he would do it on the first day he was president. they lost not because of the filibuster. they lost on a 51-vote, vote tleflt couldn t get 50 republicans to vote for this. and senator mccain s independence is part of that. the fact ryan zinke threatened the senator. she wasn t going to vote for it. they re the game that can t shoot straight. i agree that they re a little more in their depth on taxes and maybe they ll do better on
taxes. on the president sitting back, throwing out principles, leaving it to the hill. that s not how complicated things happen. you need presence leadership. to be fair no, one knew it would be this complicated. that s true. that s true. it is fair. and indeed, president trump said himself. no one knew it would be this complicated. real quickly. one of the problems was they didn t have enough work that was done in committees and regular order. what they re doing right now is getting set to go through ways and means committee. then the house floor. the senate finance committee to do the things they need to do. you can hardly blame they will for doing more of the procedural work to set up success on the tax bill. thank you both. a lot of experience.
next, our original report. a powerful anti-corruption law you may not have heard of could be used against key pieces in the case. new revelations about twitter and the election hack. are tech guys putting profits ahead of our political process? my colleague will join us live to discuss straight ahead.
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the hacking of american institutions by a foreign power is a crime. that sterm conspiracy. there could be a potential conspiracy charge against any one of them or all of them. in this case, the potential crime involves action coming from russia to the u.s. like russians hacking in here. maybe americans helping them do it. there s another theory of the case. legal experts telling the beat tonight that they may use a federal law to probe action coming from the u.s. toward other countries. this anti-corruption law prohibits bribing officials with money or giving them something valuable. breaking that corruption law carries up to 20 years in jail. the law makes it illegal for an american to bribe people in china, which is something this law that trump used to rail against. what are we prosecuting people to keep china honest? every other country goes into these places and they do what
they have to do. it is a horrible law and it should be changed. we are like the policemen for the world. it s ridiculous. congress the didn t think it was ridiculous. it made the u.s. the policemen for the world which gives them extra power. mueller has hired two prosecutors with specific experience using this very law. and here s what else is new. showing paul manafort offered private briefings to a russian oligarch during the 2016 campaign, an offer linked to a contentious business deal and newly leaked deals. now, the state department said he is one of the top three oligarch that s putin uses. let s be clear. that alone would not produce enough evidence that manafort broke any lauflt prw. prosecutors would have to go further. in our reporting, experts tell
the beat that they could make the case in two ways. one that the doj has long said, you can break this law just by bribing someone close to a foreign government. that the foreign official doesn t have to mean a technical employee. that it is much broader. and two xrgs earth that say that russia issued him a diplomatic passport and he has represented the kremlin abroad before. so this new theory of the case could pursue manafort for reaching out to russia rather than pursuing him for how russia reached out to the u.s. and all of. could be potential for mueller. though it is no easy case. .to manafort about all of this today and he said, paul manafort did not collude with the russian government to undermine the 2016 election and it is no secret he was owed money by clients after his work he believed in the 2015. saying it was innocuous.
saying there s no thing of value that was given and he said paul is not responsible for the sinking of the ships in the bermuda triangle. welcome to all of you. talk about the facts and then i ll ask for the legal analysis. i think you ve done a great job with the legal team to put a spotlight on this. what is really intriguing about this deripaska/manafort situation, he is an oligarch but something else. he s been a diplomat relativing the russian government with an official title. that may have been a way some believe for him to get around a ban. he was banned from the united states over his ties to organized crime. so he comes on a diplomatic
passport. representing an international body. that makes him an official of the russian government. now we have these e-mails that show that paurt, while he was campaign chairman last summer, offered private briefings on the inner workings of the trump campaign. could they be construed as a thing of value? and what was manafort seeking in return? he said something cryptically about wanting to be made whole. we know that he had given $15 million for investment purposes and was coming after an accounting of that money and there s no evidence that case was closed. so was there a corrupt arrangement? that seems to be something that mueller would be interested in. given that it has 20-year prince sentence, it is a novel interpretation of the law. and we know about on the list of federal laws, they re not investigating collusion. they re investigating potential
felonies and intelligence issues. tunneled felonies, you start with the hacking. we ve had reports of obstruction. you go down this list and look at someone like greg andres. not a household name. i want to show how they ve used this law to put people in jail. we re also vigorously pursuing individual defendants who violate the s the department has made the prosecution of individuals a critical part of its fcpa enforcement strategy. we understand well that it is an important and effective deterrent. that man now working for mueller. give us your view of all this. so the statute is the foreign corrupt practices act. it was enacted in 1977. the goal is not as president trump says, to be the policemen for the world. business who s play by the rules find themselves at a competitive
disadvantage if people are allowed to bribe foreign officials to do business in foreign countries. in an effort to deter that behavior, to level the playing field, it is a crime is that there is vigorous enforcement. there has been, at least, at the justice department when people are paying bribes to engage in business in a foreign country. that can include not only cash which is what we traditionally think, but the statute is broader than that and is a thing of value. it could be a presidential briefing. it could be access to the president. it could be a visa. which we know this oligarch was seeking. so there are a lot of ways that that could be violated. so i think there s enough smoke here for mueller and his team to be investigating a violation of this statute. you are an expert on this law. we ve relied on your expertise in our reporting here. how do you view this given the public leaks and the fact pattern around manafort?
again, in fairness, what his folks are telling me today, people owed us money and we didn t even do anything. how do you square that with the potential way that someone like greg andres, this tough prosecutor that mueller has hired, might look at this issue? a couple of the finer points. under the statute, the manafort team wouldn t have had to give a briefing. it is enough that they offered a briefing. something of value. it doesn t have to be limited to money. let s pause on that. you re saying that just the offer is enough for prosecutors to pursue? that s correct. that s correct. so the statute sets forth that giving something of value can be prosecuted. but also, offering something of value. so whether it is the valuable briefing, all of these things of value, just offering it.
directly or indirectly can be problematic. so when you look at that and what paul manafort was doing, this is not the first time he s worked foreign officials. his argument would be, i m in business with people representing foreign governments. it is not illegal and people knew about it. that s right. i think one the of key questions is, did deripaska have the russian government to offer money? was that connected to the government? the lawyers would be better suited to speak to it. and i ll throw out, manafort worked for other foreign governments over the years. including the developed world. including kenya and nigeria where bribery is rampant. so there s the potential that that is being looked at as well. for folks watching at hole, thinking of you as someone who was a federal prosecutor, is it a check list?
some are stronger than others? how does this go down? forrer one of those stats use they re looking at, fraud, money laundering, campaign it s finance laws, they would break they will down and see what kind of evidence they have to satisfy each of those elements. i m sure the teams get together. they ve probably divided the work based on what they re looking at. they would look at documents, interviews, i m sure the e-mails are part of it. and don t forget there s reporting that manafort was the subject of some fisa coverage. there may be e-mails to support it. at the end of the day, they ll make an assessment about whether they have sufficient evidence to have a reasonable likelihood of success at trial. to see which of any of the
statutes. thank you all for walking us through this. interesting stuff. appreciate it. ahead, the russia probe is putting tech giants under the microscope. twitter shutting down hundreds of accounts they say were linked to russian operatives. chris hayes will be here to discuss it. you know who likes to be in control? this guy. check it out! self-appendectomy! oh, that s really attached. that s why i rent from national. where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. which makes me one smooth operator. ah! still a little tender. (vo) go national. go like a pro. hey. what can you tell me about your new social security alerts? oh! we ll alert you if we find your social security number on any one of thousands of risky sites, so you ll be in the know. ooh. sushi. ugh.
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developing news on russia and social media. 200 accounts were shut down. congressional investigators calling on tech execs to testify. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg continues to backtrack on his past denials that facebook spread fake news which he once called crazy. this is a story about how the internet works and how corporations want it to work. this is why we ve asked chris hayes to join the beat for a deeper look. every time they re busted, they deny wrongdoing, they slowly take down the ads long after the damage appears. it is the same with pirated music or hate speech. some of the reasons are based on the foundation of the internet itself. a cyberspace that values freedom and remixing and treats it as open highways. not regulated gardens. congress saying they can act after violations during and take them down after rather than
prevent or even censor in advance. that approach does lead, of course, to more clicks which makes the companies more money. maybe russian meddle should get a tougher standard than pirated music. i wanted to ask but this. this is something you re steeped in. the first thing i would say is from talking on people inside the tech world, some people inside facebook particularly, i don t think it is disingenuous when they don t know how big the problem is. facebook is a billion people. if you went to amazon tomorrow and you said, how many russians ordered lawn mowers last year? it is like, that data does exist somewhere. but that, it s not like just hanging there. so they re going through a huge amount of data to find this.
all the ad purchasing is automated. i can create a facebook page and i can start running ads and they have no idea who i will. you re dealing with companies who are operating on a scale. and with a level of influence into our attentional spectrum that is unprecedented in human history. that s the case for facebook. what we re seeing in some ways is the ungovernability of that. wow! so then you talk about scale. here s the new report from twitter s statement. twitter is the source that r.t. spent 274,000 on these american ads. that of course is a group that is now being fingered by u.s. intelligence. the counter argument which you mentioned to me, they operate in plain sight and that s not that much money. r.t. is in a little different category. i don t know if they re associated with them. people blank r. tshs is.
the weirder shadier stuff is all the subterfuge like setting up fake accounts, pretending to be an american with a backward baseball cap. the question here is scale. we re talking about $150,000 that facebook found. $174 here. the degree of scale that the russians were apparently operating on makes that seem are we just seeing the tip of the iceberg? or was this a fairly ancillary part of what they were up to? i guess the policy question, we had the fcc commissioner on who said they haven t updated the rules for the internet since 2006. so policy from a starting point, wait a minute. now that we know how big of an effort this is from our adversaries, does the takedown notice, deal with it later, remix cultural thing, this is special.
when you look at some of these groups set up on facebook that were running ads, secure borders of america. right. they re running ads explicitly talking about hillary clinton. if they were any other actor in an election year, that s a violation. and what is true is that facebook does not have any safeguards at the point of purchase or anywhere to regulate essentially what is already law about disclosure. it is foreign money as well. so there s a real question about how you, how facebook gets serious about creating an ad. that it has the necessary legal disclaimers. and that compels the disclaimer. it was only flying toasters.
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until he received this new e-mail that says they re pulling out of marketplace efforts in the regions. mitchell is now blowing the lid off this, releasing this e-mail and saying it shows an effort to sabotage obamacare in the field after republicans failed to repeal it. and there s evidence for that. the administration has already slashed advertising, cut funding for the people who guide it and cut funding for navigators and cut open enrollment period by 50%. an hhs person gave a response that sounds a lot more political than policy focus. saying the american people ang bad deal when they see one and predicting that people will not sign up for washington knows best health coverage that they can t afford and asserting that obamacare continues to collapse.
with me now, roy mitchell, executive director of mississippi s health advocacy program. he s been working with health and human services to get people to sign up for obamacare. tell me what happened and what you think this means the trump hhs is doing. sgl sure, this was essentially the most minimal effort they could make in mississippi. attending meetings convene d by nonprofits to get the word out about the aca enrollment period. and as you know, the l enrollment period has been cut in half. the funding for advertising is cut 90%. navigators are real. their budget has been cut by 60%. so this was the least they could do is go out with us throughout the various regions of mississippi and explain what aca enrollment was going to look like this year.
sgl this all comes on the same day that tom price is apologizing for all of his money spent on private jets. how do you contrast that with what you were told by hhs wb sgl it s hard for me to fathom. we could have certainly used $400,000 for outreach and enrollment in mississippi. we sorely need that. mississippi has the highest uninsured rate in the country or close to it. we have a low per capita income. we have a lot of uninsured people that need health care for not only their health security but their economic security as well. sgl council to the mayor de blasio. you look at this, roy was saying this is the law of the land. what does it tell you and the concern of the administration s lost the senate vote to try to,
fix it, change it, whatever their view is and now they are doing this. sgl if you want to kill a program that s working, starve it. and that s really what this is. an attempt to make a prediction as you read in terms of the trump administration s response here. a e prediction that enrollment will be down by suffocate iing sarveing the stability to get numbers up. it s going to cause a life and death issue for some of our people in this country. sgl i want to play donald trump talking about obamacare. this is a complex problem p p what we re seeing and why it ses so interest ing is this isn t about what s naturally happen g happening. this is, as you both just mentioned, active efforts to create a reality.
here s donald trump. listen to him on obamacare. obamacare is a disaster. it s failing badly. you look at what s happening with reviews from people who can t afford obamacare. it s a disaster. it s a train wreck. in dealing with hhs, do you think what he s saying is what they are trying to achieve to engineer. i m very concerned. i m wondering what s next. what kind of sabotage could we see in health care website. it s hard for me to laugh when i hear those statements because we have the lowest insurance rates in the country since 1960 as a result of the reforms that were made in 2010. now that s not to say that there
may be ways to improve the program. one improvement would be all the governors that have refused to expand medicaid insurance for all the residents of their states that can t afford coverage would be one of the ways. california actually cut their uninsurance rates in half between 2014 and 201. that s a success that we should build on. we even have new research that shows people s medical debt is lower and they are getting screened earlier which means lower mortality, less ill nenes and frankly lower costs. but the primary is a moral one. which is we have people who are healthier as a result of this. that s the scale and the question is what are the pressure points on the administration. particularly those doing this work. not in the media, not doing, but sharing with us some of what you re finding and learning.
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if it s severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. he just keeps rolling along that was lin-manuel miranda.
the actor there on the hill. we asked you what songs are getting through your political moment. we got hundreds of responses. christoph is saying that he s optimistic in the trump era channelling i will survive for motivation. susan says she s listening to what s going on. and from new york, a beatles song asking for help. rob chose throwing stones and it s all too clear, we re on our own. i guess that s how he may feel right now. amanda nominates a reference to the controversial topic of unmasking surveillance targets. not sure if that s how future meant it. david from orlando nominating the beat goes on. we feel you on that one. this is proof we read your e-mails and what you send in

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20171011 07:00:00

earlier today that weinstein sexually harassed them. other actresses are telling the new york times that weinstein was making unwanted advances. heather graham is also speaking out. she told variety that weinstein said if she had with him, he would get a movie deal in the movie role. and weinstein s wife georgina chapman told people magazine she is now finally leaving her husband. according to the daily mail, weinstein is taking a page out of the clinton playbook. he s hiring a top hollywood lawyer in an attempt if you read it to discredit his victims. only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to allegations against harvey weinstein. with even more disturbing is the fact that people, many of them in hollywood knew what weinstein was doing and they knew it for decades and they did nothing about it. some in hollywood are even being accused of helping to cover this up. according to a former new york times reporter, there
is a 2004 story that she was working on about weinstein. allegedly point paying a woman to keep her silent after he sexually harassed her. that was killed with the help she says from actors matt damon and russell crowe. david is denying he played any role and says the conversation he had with the reporter was not about weinstein. there s also a fashion designer, want to be outraged? donna karan has apologized today after saying on sunday that weinstein s accusers were asking for it. there s also the fact that as we highlighted last night, weinstein is a huge, massive, major democratic donor. their estimate is that he contributed over $2 million to democrats since the year 2000. very key top democratic names and players. including an estimated $44,000 to hillary clinton. that s in addition to the
$15,000 that weinstein gave to her super pac. weinstein also donated over dollars to the obama victory fund. maybe that s why took clinton and the obama s five days to begin to speak out. that s not all. the hollywood executive dished out over $97,000 to the democratic national committee. he wrote checks for over $76,000 to the democratic senatorial campaign committee. some democrats to their credit giving the money back. others are donating to various liberal groups. really? not every single democrat isn t doing that. even though they should be. remember during the campaign? i made such a big deal about all of the money that hillary clinton, or foundation, was taking in from countries like saudi arabia, qatar, oman, kuwait. the uae. they treat women horror to make horribly. in some of these countries gays
and lesbians are put to death. christians and jews are persecuted. five days after the scandal broke, we want to remind you what the women who accused bill clinton of sexual misconduct said. i don t remember hollywood stars speaking out against clinton or talking about his issues that he had to deal with. or how hillary defended him. you may remember this. it he described a scene when he was biting on your lip and when it was all over, he was leaving. inside you better put some ice on that. yeah. and casually put on his sunglasses and walked out the door. it was a terrible ordeal for me. no woman should be subjected to it. sean: he assaulted you. he touched, grabbed, fondled and kissed you against your will. an allegation not made by one woman. it s made by many others.
next thing you know, she pulled down his pants, everything. he was exposed. and i said i am not that kind of girl. and i need to be getting back to my bed. sean: remember what hillary said? she said their accusations were part of the vast right-wing rig conspiracy theory. the ever so eloquent statement she put out about weinstein today. i was shocked and appalled by the revelations about harvey weinstein. the behavior described a women coming forward cannot be tolerated. their courage in the support of others is critical in helping to top this kind of behavior. really, hillary, really? three genetic sentences and your silence over the years? here s the truth about the clintons and weinstein. they ve known weinstein for years. they ve been more than happy to take all of his money and run
campaigns. is reporting that weinstein donated $200,000 to that clinton foundation. maybe that s why she waited to condemn weinstein. she never criticized those countries that treat women, gays and lesbians, christians and jews horribly. finally at this late hour, the obama s finally put out a statement about weinstein that reads this. michelle and i have been disgusted about the recent reports of harvey weinstein. any man who demeans or degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable regardless of wealth or status. we should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories and we all need to build a culture including by empowering our girls in teaching our boys decency and respect so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future. okay, a obama loves to opine
have spoken out about the treatment of women, gays and lesbians, kristen s aunt jews under sharia. hollywood is a perfect example. we ve been hearing about this type of behavior, that weinstein is being accused of. he s definitely not alone. it s bigger than anyone is going to tell you. we will be investigating. people have been talking for years. ever hear the phrase the casting couch in hollywood? we ve all heard that phrase. guess what? hollywood has turned a blind eye to the systemic abuse. they just accepted it. all while attacking conservatives as being anti-women, feeding moral outrage, selective moral outrage any time a conservative is caught up in a scandal or an alleged scandal. hollywood does not care about the issue that they talked about because if they did, someone would have spoken out about weinstein sooner. people have known for years and they did not do it. hollywood, what do they do in the movies? they romanticize violence and
sex. and of course, cartoon characters. they slant left. this is why it s bigger than anyone will tell you. i have a video from 2003. remember? a guy accused of rape and even admitted to part of it? roman polanski. he went back and oscar for best director. the left its audience, how did they respond? he was in the 40s when the accusation took place. the girl was 13. the same polanski accused of raping a 13-year-old girl after giving her champagne and quaaludes. he fled to europe before he got the full sentence he deserved. which is why he was absent from this award ceremony. now that you know this, close attention. how did the hollywood oscars
crowd, how did they cheer for this accused child rapist? watch this. roman polanski for the pianist. [cheers and applause] sean: seeing that after knowing what roman polanski did to a 13-year-old girl? should we really be surprised that hollywood leftist liberals did not expose weinstein sooner? we also have to point out that some in hollywood, they still support polanski. back in 2009, he was arrested in switzerland. people wanted him extradited to california on the 1977 case. but over 100 leftist hollywood celebrities, we will show you some of the notable ones right there. they all signed a petition. demanding the guy that did this
to a 13 euro girl be released. there are also reports that harrison ford and harvey weinstein himself signed that petition. this hypocrisy is stunning. it s shameful. beyond disgusting. here s my prediction tonight. this harvey weinstein scandal is only the tip of the iceberg. for example, after terry crews, he announced he was sexually assaulted by high-ranking hollywood executive, we will have a lot more on the days and weeks ahead. here with reaction, fox news correspondent geraldo rivera. radio talk show host larry elder and monica crowley. i want to start with you. you knew him. in 2001, he worked as an editor and writer for talk magazine. it was half owned by harvey weinstein. and his first movie studio, miramax. he controlled half of the magazine. while i never experienced or witnessed sexual harassment
myself, i did witness extremely abusive behavior on the part of harvey weinstein directed to the editor in chief and others who worked at the magazine. he would come in that office once a week, a couple times a week. screaming. the vitriol that he spewed was so abusive. rather than being productive, it actually had the contrary effect. we all heard whispers about the other part of it. it s the abusive behavior in one area certainly tells us about abusive behavior in other areas. sean: how is it possible, geraldo? i have friends. they told me the same thing that live in los angeles. everybody knew. everybody knew and is far more pervasive than anybody knows. the guy in new zealand whose hiring attorneys to expose all of these people. i think this is going to get bigger. it s huge.
nobody can pretend to be surprised. you mentioned the expression casting couch. i ve done at least a dozen exposes on the casting couch over the years. in 2013 when seth mcfarlane, the very gifted comic was presenting the nominations for the academy award for best supporting actress, he said of the five nominees, now they didn t have to pretend to like harvey weinstein anymore. this was a generalized this was general knowledge. furthermore, to your political point, i don t think the progressive side of the political agenda, the liberals can in any way denied that they dropped the ball regarding these specific allegations. there s no doubt but if this was one of us, if it was bill o reilly again or if it was bill cosby, the left would have had it. it would have been the lead in the saturday night live monologue or the weekend update.
it wasn t even mentioned. the late-night comic didn t even mention it at all. it s a lamentable that a person who is a predator like this a pig but if you are a right-wing pig, they would have been all over this on friday. not waiting until tuesday. sean: so true. larry, you lived in l.a. it s different in this sense. everybody i know that lives out there, there are so many people, young people that go out there with dreams and aspirations and they want to be actors and actresses. and models and all of this. i am told by my friends there, this is so pervasive. it s worse than anybody knows. what do you hear from other people in the industry? that s why this is so appalling, sean. it s one thing for a young starlet, naive, the casting couch in the behavior of harvey weinstein.
it s another thing for an accomplished, established actors like glenn close to say yeah, i knew about this for a long time and never said anything. knowing about it all this time and not saying anything, knowing full well he s doing this to younger actresses? my goodness, where have you been? we are not to be surprised by this kind of hypocrisy. paula jones, she works at the national organization for women. she was told i m sorry, you are in bed with the wrong people. she told me she called gloria aldrich s office twice and they didn t even return the phone call. sean: the clintons got a pass. because they are liberal. all the things i ve been thinking about the money they take from countries that have sharia, the clintons got a pass on all bill clinton s garbage and they all knew that was true. sean, one more thing, there s a book called no one left alive too. it was written by douglas brinkley, a very respected
historian. by christopher hitchens. he said that bill clinton has been accused of greg: ser twice but three times. sean: it didn t stop them not a peep out of hillary. go ahead. hillary clinton said over the last year that these kind of women make these accusations should be believed. harvey weinstein in the first day of this scandal was telling people this was going to blow over because he believed as a good liberal throwing his money around that he would be protected. for a long time, he was, sean. it shows a very deep, corrosive moral degradation. not just in hollywood but in the culture. sean: i m not going to cast dispersions on one group of people. i m not going to cast dispersions on women that were afraid to talk. but so many waited and then thinking if you are waiting,
you ve got to know in the back of your head this guy is not changing his behavior. some were very rich and powerful. when it s happening to you, you think you are alone and it s only happening to you. that this kind of thing was only directed to you. sean: good point. when you walk out of a situation like this, you are terrified to tell anybody because you think you re the only one and you are not going to be believed. sean: geraldo. the partial solution to this as this emerges one harvey weinstein paid off these people, i have no doubt that he and his privately held company of which he and his brother own 42%, they deducted those payoffs, the silence money from their income tax. as a legitimate business aspect. that s a violation of tax law. the frustration that the new york county d.a. voiced
about the inability to prosecute him for the groping of the actress, because she may have been unreliable or whatever it was now the tax man can unpeeled a lot of this nonsense and hold people accountable for clear violation of the irs tax code. a felony, by the way. that s the way to go. many of the complainants coming forward, in the bill cosby case, many of the alley vacations were 20-30-even 40 years old. i suspect in the weinstein case, there are fresher allegations in which the statute of limitations is not so old. sean: i promise we ll get to the bottom of it. young people deserve better. the casting couch crap has got
to stop. i m sorry about what you went through, too. roger caddell, a huge announcement on the national anthem controversy. you re going to want to hear this. newt gingrich and studio as we continue tonight on ah, dinner.
sean: welcome back to hannity. nfl commissioner roger goodell finally responded to the national anthem controversy playing the league. hello, roger. in a letter he wrote. the current dispute over the national anthem is threatening to erode the unifying power of our game and is now dividing us and our players and many fans across the country. he continued. like many of our fans, we believe everyone should stand for the national anthem. we need to move past this controversy and we want to do that together with our players. meanwhile, dallas cowboys owner jerry jones repeated his position that he will bench players who disrespect the flag. good for him. watch this. the policy is if you do not honor and stand for the flag, a lot of the fans feel that you should.
if that s not the case, then you will not play. sean: remember, people fought bled and died under that flag. unfortunately, those on the left in this country were quick to accuse jerry jones of being racist. this is pathetic. watch this. jerry jones displayed leadership but i need to be with my players, he got down and linked arms. i understand that. it seems like that s where he was going. now it seems like it was as phony as a three dollar bill. the word that comes to mind, i don t care if he doesn t like me using it, plantation. the players are here to serve me and they will do what i want, no matter how much i pay them. they are not equal to me. jerry jones his decision in many ways, smacks of the plantation mentality. sean: what about nfl players?
are we restricting their free speech rights? and when they put on their cleats 9/11 oh oh two meg zero? they were forbidden from doing that. you can t twerk or taunt or do a fake bow and arrow in the end zone. author of how to turn good men into whiners, weenies, and wimps. burgess owens is back with us. there are plenty restrictions on free speech in the nfl. can t remember 9/11. you cannot honor dead police officers assassinated in the line of duty. one player wanted to honor his mother with pink but it wasn t the month of october. he was denied this request. why can t they make rules here without being called racist? here s the problem, i think
the nfl commissioner had it right. we have to remove the barrier and move forth and find a way for america to come together. i think the players should stand for the plaque. sean: this is about low ratings and revenues walking out the door. this is not about principle. people aren t watching it. the disrespect of the brave men and women who fought, bled, and died for that flag. to play its part and they get paid a lot of money. we need americans who stand with us for the flag to stand and erase the racial divide in our country. we have issues monday through sunday. sean: burgess, i mentioned this. robert kraft said to all his players, i will match you dollar for dollar. let s do something in our communities and help people. i am so excited about this conversation we are having. what we are seeing in the black community, as we pull back the
underbelly of socialism and marxism, you see people that don t have any hope. at the end of the day, we have a chance to have the conversation. where are the black leaders? all these guys who are now complaining, talking about racist owners. where have they been as we fed the misery for black people for all these years? it s been total silence. i m glad we are having conversation. americans do what we do best. we are going to give these kids hope. give money to the right organizations. not naacp. those are front doors for marxism. april giving these kids hope. doing the right thing for them. sean: i am all for i make my living with freedom of speech, daryl. it s a shame that no one paid attention in obama s adopted hometown during his presidency and 39 people killed.
18,000 shot. the final six years of his presidency. where was everybody? where was everybody when kids are dying? god s sons and daughters are dying. i ve scrawled their names. you need to hear from the nfl players. they are saying to america and our president we have a racial issue we need to talk about. we need to have that conversation. until we have that conversation, i don t think we ve properly responded to these players. the president owes it to the country into players in the league. all americans are going to stand for the flag, make sure we have this conversation to address the issues that so many of these players have brought to our attention. sean: burgess, last word. ever in the history of mankind, the black community, these people are telling these kids for 20-30 years that they can t make it. the conversation needs to be had but we need to tell them what the real deal is in our country
and not let the socialists run this. sean: we ve got to leave it there. i appreciate it. roger goodell statement about players standing for the anthem, a big win for president trump. we will asked newt gingrich about harvey weinstein, whether or not republicans can get anything done and the battle between senator corker and president trump. we have a lot of ground to cover on this busy breaking news
your wife has a new book out. she s going to beat you in ambassador to the vatican. remember the ladies. she now works for the american people. sean: congratulations. i think it was right to bring this debate on the nfl in the anthem. one of the things driving the elite media crazy is that trump has this instinct for taking the side of the american people in taking the side of american history. and being willing to stand up to every politically correct left-winger there is. he s gradually beginning to break through, i think. it s not measurable in traditional terms. if you go back and collect all the columns about how wrong it was for trump to do this, the
american people said no, that s exactly right. and winston did their poll and found out that the nfl had collapsed sean: dramatically. i m sure roger goodell in the moment of deep patriotism desired not to to go broke. sean: now you mean when the revenue is sinking and the ratings go down? they decided that they too wanted to stand for the flag. sean: they too. very clever. i want to go back to this harvey weinstein issue. it s a huge political component here. you ve known me all these years. i met you in 1990. the first time, a holiday in in decatur alabama. the thing that frustrates me,
that republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. every election cycle. poor met romney had resumes of women and was accused of misogyny. could not meet the nicer guy in your life. right? now, all the hypocrisy, hilary takes money from countries that practice sharia. they take money from weinstein. everybody i know in hollywood says this was an open secret. how abusive and horrible this man was. the the casting couch is not w concept. it did not matter that bill clinton treated women horribly. they still voted for bill and hillary. why the double standard? there s a great daily blog, pointed out two things. if hillary had won, this was still not be a story. they would have smothered it. it was so directly brings back
bill and hillary. this is a story that could only emerge when you had somebody new in the white house. in the old days, people like weinstein. this would make an amazing movie or novel, it s not just him. there were people who had the power they could go to the various publications, the women s publications and say i can get a start to be the cover of your next magazine. you really want to pick a fight with me? sean: they owned them. the democratization of media, there are too many small people out there to bribe. someone comes along and says sean: twitter, facebook. i am willing to report this and you can t do anything to me. what s interesting is, this is part of an ongoing process. you re going to see hollywood come apart at the seams.
just as you ve seen silicon valley. it becomes inappropriate for economic power to coerce and blackmail and bribe people it s been exploiting. sean: there is an ugly, hypocritical underbelly here, though. the left will tolerate the sins of the left. hollywood celebrities tolerated the sins of the clintons because of what their politics were. any conservative, even if it s not true, they will go forward with the fierce feigned outrage. what gets to people like you and me and the most of our audience is the left is determined to say they are morally superior. they have to come in and say whatever the topic is, you are a bad person. you are a bad person.
as you said, they come up with these nasty, big terms. i just saw a study that says the next generation of college professors, it s 12-1 democrat. 12-1. it says to me that campuses are gone. people that walk around smugly saying i am morally superior and you must be inferior because after all, you don t believe what i believe. sean: do think deep down in their hearts they know how hypocritical they are? no, that s what s frightening. they are totalitarians. this is what george orwell in 1984 wrote about. sean: they will tolerate the sins of their own. it s like leonardo dicaprio. a big green guy. not enough to celebrate new year s eve once with a private jet to australia. and that a private jet to fly back to vegas, you get to celebrate it twice.
of course, you can buy carbon offsets. the equivalent of buying a diamond watch, ring, and necklace if you are unfaithful to your wife and say it s just an offset, honey. no problem. that ll work. a carbon offset i can send all i want. put out all the admissions but you ve got to get rid of your caravan and drive a bicycle. you are not going to jump from there in a mean-spirited way and talk about al gore s swimming pool. sean: [laughs] i have a video of him getting off on goma street. it s only him and his wife. [laughs] i am the only person in life they can throw you off. i am sorry. i have no idea what i was about to say. sean: there s double standard hypocrisy. what drives him crazy is, and candidly, one of the things that saved bill clinton was that he knew he was a hypocrite. he s kind of cheerful about it.
it was the people around him who worked. it s a guy who went down and talk to a group of people and said i think i did too. he had this arkansas country boy all shocks, here i am doing the best i can. there is is not what these people are. these people would destroy you. not just you, sean hannity but but sean: any conservative. anyone on a college campus that speaks superficially. sean: i want to talk about the battle between corker and the president and the agenda and whether it can get done. and your new book. i don t know if it will do as well as understanding tromp. you can t do better than 30 weeks in a row. it s about north korea and terrorism. it leaps off the pages. i think it s going to do very well. sean: i will pull it up in a second.
i will start reading it tonight. and i have an ..
or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn s medication isn t working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. sean: as we continue, i actually got my copy right here. vengeance, he is upset because i said it s not going to do as well as understanding tromp.
this is a very important book and it s it s very important things about national security. sean: this is your passion. you aren t really a commentator. although you are one of the best speakers integrate political visionaries, you actually can give a course to these idiots in washington today. had to have urgency and get things done. this is your passion. it models right from today s headlines. i worry about our national security. i think it s the most dangerous period since the 1962 cuban missile crisis. i think it s partly a problem because we think okay, we are going to deal with north korea but it s not north korea. it s the terrorists and iran and russia. you have to think networks of behavior. in the point we make is what if terrorists got to swapped it to make dirty bombs?
sean: that s a possibility. or the old-fashioned way, building official. building a missile. and the marine major, or third volume. she works with a mossad agent. the three of them are assigned before this stuff can get to the u.s. or to israel. sean: can i get the movie rights? i have my first movie coming up. we have this battle going on. i know most people when you became speaker, you also would take out of your pocket a piece of paper, first 100 days we are going to do these ten items. you did them and kept your word. repeal and replace, seven and a half years. do you know how aggravated i am? now it appears they may not be ready for this moment in terms of the tax bill, the forgotten
men and women need. and bob corker, in a war with donald trump. this isn t going to help the country. by the way, they hate him. let s be honest. i talked to people in that senate room. what was exactly said by lindsey graham, senator mccain, mitch mcconnell and bob corker, they don t like this president. by the summer of 1940, the only american president to be elected four times was so disliked by the congress that he turned to general george marshall and said if we are going to get an extension to the draft, you have to go get it because none of them trust me. this was the president who arguably was the most effective politician in american history. sean: at least he had three terms by that point. we haven t gotten through the first year.
founding fathers designed a system for independently elected people in three places and it s really, really hard. i want to say something about patterns. he was a good example of what we were talking about. the paul ryan postcard that you could fill out. 85 or 95% of americans will be able to do all of the taxes on a postcard. it saves about 5 billion hours of paperwork and probably $100 billion a year. sean: the house has sent over 280 pills. it s only gotten a third of the presidents appointments. it s a year. what are they doing? part of what the problem sean: the brother talk. calm hannity down. i m not trying to calm you down. defending democracy, which is people i may do a course on how to legislate. sean: for them or for us?
for the country. including them. sean: especially them. that includes the white house. the first and you have to understand, this is a system designed to be hard and if you screw it up, it becomes impossible. sean: why am i having a hard time yet i think i speak for a lot of people, you ask for the house in 2010 and you get it. in 2014, you get it. 2016, you get it. you ve got it all and then you have all this lead up time. you are right. people have every right to be frustrated with the republican party, which institutionally has been unable for ten months to get its act together. sean: how is that even possible? you have a brand-new president who has never served in public office. a whole bunch of senators that are skeptical. sean: did you hear how pompous and arrogant and how
much of a jackass bob corker sounded in the interview? those are my words. those are your words. all i can say is. people when they get unleashed, there are moments that night i set a whole bunch of stuff about the fact that hillary and bill were mcgovern knights. that becomes page one on the new york times. why would you say that? i would say my advice to senator corker who was a very bright guy and president trump is sean: keep your promises. not just that. call each other. have lunch. decide that serving the country is more important. sean: thank you for being with us. we will see you soon.
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sean: a couple of reminders before we go, you know what? i m so sick of hollywood. about two years ago, i had a meeting i got involved as an executive producer. my first movie, i think i m out of my mind. the project is down and is, in out. it s not formulaic. it actually has values that you and your whole entire family can go see. it s got a great story. it s going to be in theaters october 27th. take a look a look. the basic tenets of christianity. timeout. don t you dare tell me about the love and compassion of your so-called god. if you felt like sacrificing his only begotten son. that s his business. he should have plenty well keep his hands off off of mine!

Harvey-weinstein , Heather-graham , Actresses , The-new-york-times , Advances , Variety , People , About-weinstein , Hollywood , Georgina-chapman , Deal , Page