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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Stossel 20160313

bye-bye. bye-bye. all right, thank you. by the way, what do they do? do they arrest these people? what happens? do they arrest them? or do they just put them outside? i hope they arrest these people, because they re really violating all of us, okay? and i hope they re arrested. i hope they re arrested, because honestly, they should be. and you don t see this stuff happening at other rallies, at let s say liberal rallies. you don t see it happening. it doesn t happen. you guys don t go to their number one, you d get very bored very quickly, i ll tell you. all right. i hope you arrest these people, because i ll tell you, they deserve to be arrested. and some of them are very violent, but i m going to ask that you arrest them. i ll file whatever charges you want. who the hell knows? but you know what? if they want to do this, i say to the rest of the room, because we re going to go strongly for your arrest, and i m going to do this from now on let s ruin the rest they re going to ruin the rest of their lives. if they want to do this, let them have a big arrest mark. they got arrested for whatever it is. and by the way, some of these people are swinging. you know, we don t swing. they re swinging, meaning this, they re swinging. and you know what? that s not right. it s not right, folks, okay? and then if you swing back, it s like, oh, we were terrible, we were terrible. so, i hope you arrest them and do whatever you have to do. and you know what, once that starts happening, we re not going to have any more protesters, folks. we re not going to have any more protesters. so, in chicago, we had 25,000 people. we had 3,000 or 4,000 protesters. they all came at the exact same time, which means it s an organized deal. and it s organized by the group that endorsed bernie. and you know, they said, oh, well, no, but then they came out and they said they did it,, third-rate organization. they finally think they have some power. bernie, by the way, doesn t draw nearly as well as we do, folks. that i can tell you. that i can tell you. but so, we had 25,000, and i had a decision to make. do i go and speak and watch an unbelievable riot, where a lot of people are going to get hurt and maybe killed, or do i say i m not going to do it? and i said, you know and i was totally safe, but the people are going to be fighting, it would have been horrible. i said, you know what, let s not do it. and it turned out to be a great, great decision. nobody was hurt. listen to this. nobody was hurt. i got great credit for good reaction under pressure, which is always nice, right? you have to react under pressure. our president doesn t know how to react under pressure. our president is incompetent. he doesn t know what the hell he s doing. and then one of these people from that organization, they re on one of the stations last night. they said, i think we made a mistake. trump got more publicity because of this than he would have ever gotten by speaking to 25,000 people. but safety is important. so, today, let me just so, that was yesterday, chicago. really worked out well. and a lot of we all got a lot of credit. and frankly, so good. people weren t i mean, within reason, they weren t even hurt. it was amazing the way it worked out. everybody dispersed. and then i m watching a couple of the programs, by the way, and i m watching shots from four hours before, like it s live, like it s going on. then i said, well, it can t be live because they re all dispersed. i call up, they re all dispersed. then i say, wait a minute, wait a minute, i just saw that 20 minutes ago. they kept running it over and over and over and over like it s live television. dishonest reporting, dishonest media, very, very unfair. okay. so, today today we went to cleveland second and they were incredible. we had a tremendous 25,000-27,000 people in this incredible, incredible place. but before cleveland, we were in dayton, dayton, ohio. and the crowd was unbelievable. in fact, really incredible. we didn t have anything like this. we had very little disruption. it was going along, and all of a sudden, the people in the front row start screaming, be careful! watch it! watch it! i m speaking, i say what s this all about? i look back, and there s a guy charging the stage. and i mean charging. he put on a bull rush. charging the stage. and i have to tell you, folks, the secret service was unbelievable. unbelievable. stand up! look at these guys. they were unbelievable. you know, we have to give credit where credit is due. you know, the secret service, they got a little bad publicity. they don t deserve it. this is a great group of people. i ve gotten to know them. the crowds have gotten so large, they said we have to have secret service, and i ve gotten to know so many of them. these are incredible people, incredible individuals, and they are tough. so, this guy, he charges. the people are screaming from the front row. this guy is charging from behind. because we were in this hangar. it s a massive hangar, much bigger hann this. the room was full. we moved the stage way back. it kept going back. and then we just put people in back of it. the place was packed. but this guy jumps over a railing that s this high. in fact, the people next to him couldn t believe it. and he was clapping like this, the whole thing, clapping, clapping. and then all of a sudden, boom! he jumps out. and they re screaming look out! and i look out and i see this guy charging. now i m elevated, but he s charging. he s got his girlfriend in the back screaming like crazy, screaming like a total maniac. and this guy is running, and the secret service guys he just got to the stage, and the secret service guys hit him like you wouldn t believe. they took him out. man! and he was a tough guy. he was a strong guy. in fact, the people couldn t believe that from a standing jump he was able to get over a 50-inch railing. that s a hard thing to do. so, in a certain way, i guess he was in pretty good shape, but strong. but he got over this railing. and you know, just phony people, clapping, clapping, clapping. says, you ready? jumps over, tries to make a rush at me. now, i was ready. i don t know if i would have done well, but i would have been out there fighting, folks. i don t know if i would have done well, but i would have been boom, boom, boom, i ll beat that so, you probably saw on television today, i m turning around. i m saying, what s going on? and i got it from and those people were so great. the heart. you know, they really they were scared, they re looking watch out, mr. trump, watch out, watch out! and i turn around, and i see this guy just totally rushing the stage, and he gets to the thing. he actually had his hand on or a couple hands on the stage. and i will tell you, he got taken down. you would not believe it. he s got to have he has got to be one very sore person. but that s not the terrible part. the terrible part i m going to tell you, right? so, they bring them into a court and they process him, and the judge lets him go. okay. all right. now, let me tell you, if he would have gotten on stage, it would have been a problem, to be honest, because it would have been a problem, because he was looking to do harm. this wasn t a guy that was looking to, you know, have a little fun. this is a guy who was looking to do harm. so, the judge let him go. and then one of my people said, wow. they found his name, and it was probably isis or isis related. do you believe it? and then they go on my people found this. then they go online and they find the guy is playing all sorts of very let s say music that you wouldn t be liking, dragging an american flag along the sidewalk, making all sorts of gestures, having all sorts of things on the internet, and he s probably or possibly isis related. now, let me just tell you where i have some real problems. number one is that should have been found out, okay? it shouldn t be found out by one of my internet people. number two, this guy should be in jail right now. he shouldn t be out. this guy should be in jail. he should be in jail. and for a judge to let him go is incredible, but he should be in jail. law and order. it s called law and order. who said that? that man. now what you said is a terrible thing. people said, law and order, that s a terrible thing to say. law and order, you re right. you re right. so, they let him go. and after they let him go, they found all this stuff about his real love and where he comes from and the whole thing. now, who knows what s going to happen when they go back to get him, who knows if they re ever going to find him again, folks, but our courts have to get tougher and sharper and smarter, or we are very, very we re going to be in a lot of trouble as a country. we already are. we already are. i mean, even here today, i said to the police today, look, you re going to have some protests. because i know this. i mean, i m pretty good at this stuff. and i said, you re going to have some protests. and by the way, in dayton, other than him, it was so beautiful. in cleveland it was beautiful. it was so beautiful, the hall. the crowd was massive. you know, this one is packed, but it s a much smaller venue, and that s why so many people can t get in. they re outside. i hate to waste seats on these people that we take out. i hate i just hate to waste the seats. i hate to waste the time. but think of this. look, so, you get this guy out there, he s isis related, all sorts of stuff back and forth. and i m saying to myself, who would let a guy what country would let a guy and i mean to tell you, he went through and he was a tough cookie, and he came through that thing. and if these guys weren t trained, tough, tough, strong professionals, he would have gotten through easily, okay? he would have gotten they were all over him. man, did he get taken down. he got taken down like a sack of potatoes. it was, wah! i mean, amazing. but honestly, the secret service, they were so incredible. but now the judge lets him go, and now they find out he s isis related or could be isis related. certainly, he s not in love with our country, that i can tell you, okay? so, there you have it, donald trump s continuing rally there in kansas city. and as expected, protesters were expected to gather outside, and of course, as you just saw, several got inside, as donald trump spent the better part of the last 30 minutes kicking them out. but of course, we ll continue to monitor this event. this is the fox report. i m julie banderas. 72% of women say they often make healthy choices. but up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients . . from food alone. let s do more. add one a day women s . .complete multivitamin. with vitamin d and calcium to help support bone health. one a day. trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated? use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief i m julie banderas. this is the latest from america s news headquarters. protesters disrupting donald trump s rally in kansas city. he at one point calling for them to be arrested and charged. protesters interrupted his other events today in ohio as well. one man tackled by secret service after charging at trump during an event near dayton, ohio. meantime, voters going to the polls in wyoming, washington, d.c., guam and the northern mariana islands. 37 delegates are at stake. we re expecting the very first results out of washington in about an hour from now. meantime, the other republican canned dais dates storming the campaign trail ahead of tuesday, the all-important day. super tuesday two with winner-take-all primaries in ohio and florida. keep it here for the latest political news and headlines. i m julie banderas. we now join hannity already in progress. keep it here on fox newschannel. of course, we continue to monitor all of the campaign events. welcome back to beautiful orlando, florida. it s hannity on the road as we continue for the entire hour. we ve got senator ted cruz with us. i want to go back, because you talked about a flat tax. i have asked every candidate in every interview, 95 million americans out of work. yes. we have 40 million americans on food stamps, 50 million in poverty, median income down over the last eight years under obama, and he will leave office accumulating more debt than every other president before him combined. that to me is an insurmountable amount of money we re talking about. news came in today, we took in more federal revenues, $1.25 trillion in the last five months, but still have a $353 billion budget deficit for that period of time. yes. government spends too much. look, and our problem we don t have a debt because we re undertaxed. we have a debt because washington is spending money it doesn t have. right. and digging us into a hole. how do you get washington to spend less? i ve always liked plan because it s simple. you cut one cent out of every dollar every year for six years and get to a balanced budget, but that s part of it. what would you do? the only way you could do it is with strong conservative leadership in the white house backed up by the people. and you know, one of the striking things last night, in the entire course of the debate, it became very evident that donald trump has no solutions to any of these problems. you brought that up a lot last night, but i think the question most americans want to know is how do you get to a balanced budget? but the key eliminate baseline budgeting. all of that matters, but the most important piece, if you want to turn around the deficit and the debt is economic growth. if we stay at 1% and 2% economic growth can t do it. the math doesn t work. you can t cut enough. and donald at the end of the day doesn t understand where growth comes from, because donald you know, he s said a lot of times, listen, nobody knows the system better than he does. and he may well be right, because donald is the system, he is washington. and notice his perspective. donald s perspective is government is the answer to everything, that whatever the problem is, we need more government. and to every issue, he doesn t really disagree with obama and hillary on substance, he just says, they re not doing a good enough job. he ll negotiate a better deal with socialized health care and obamacare. and here s the key. if you want economic growth you know two words that never come out of donald s mouth? small business. because to donald s perspective, the economy is about giant corporations, new york billionaires sitting down with politicians, whether it s hillary clinton or john boehner, and suckling off government and getting rich at the expense of the working men and women. listen, to heck with big business. the focus of growth has got to be small business. there seems to be a two-prong approach we need, and that is, one, i think government needs to spend a lot less. absolutely. i would cut a lot of government. maybe not the military. i think our military is deteriorated. and then the other part is the growth factor. energy independence would add to that. hugely. corporate inversion, allowing corporations to repatriate. there are trillions of dollars overseas. so, those are solutions to me, and those are part of your economic plan. explain how the flat tax gets people out of poverty and back to work. all right. so, let s start with spending, because that was the first part of your question. i ve laid out a very, very detailed spending plan, $500 billion in specific spending cuts. did you notice last night in the entire debate donald was not willing to list a single thing he would cut? he wouldn t list an agency, he wouldn t list a program. i asked him, when have you ever stood up to a washington lobbyist on anything? he couldn t point to a single instance. donald donald and hillary are the flip side of the same coin. they are washington. they are power. they are big business. they are disruption. and instead now, listen, why do other candidates not do what i ve done, which is specify exactly what i d cut? because you d tick off all the lobbyists. all the people getting the money are real unhappy when you say i m cutting your money. and they don t want to get attacked. and if we re going to turn washington around, you ve got to have you ve got to demonstrate the courage to take on washington. it s not being an insurgent simply to yell a lot and to curse and insult people. that doesn t make you an insurgent. it just makes you ill-mannered. i want to focus as much as i can today on solutions, but you brought up donald trump a lot. when he says he s going to build a wall, when he tells me he s going to make america energy-independent relax, all right? and he supports the penny plan. do you just not believe him? do you think he s for example, do you not think he would build a wall? do you think that s all talk? well, it s interesting. i mean it was reported that donald told the new york times editorial board that he wasn t going to build the wall that he wasn t going to deport anyone, that he said he went to manhattan just a couple months ago and told the new york times, he said guys well, it was flexible. no, that s what he claimed he said, but he hasn t released the tape. what was reported is that he told them, listen, i don t believe the language i m using of anti-immigration. i m just saying it because it scares people and makes them vote for me, but i don t intend to do it. he s since claimed all he said was he s flexible. but if he releases the tape, we can all see. the fact that he won t release the tape, donald is telling us he s lying to us. let me ask and here s the difference. as president you know, donald said he ll be a completely different person the day after he s elected. he ll be the most politically correct person on earth. sean, i will be the exact same person the day after i m elected that i am today. we ve got to take a break. we re in beautiful orlando, florida. we re with senator ted cruz for the entire hour. he has a special guest he ll be bringing out here and much more as we continue hannity on the road, straight ahead. does the smell of a freshly bound presentation fill you with optimism? 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it will be to get the federal government off of your back. please. thank you. i d really appreciate that. and i know everyone here would. let me ask you, the issue of islam, the issue of islam came up last night. yeah. i don t say it the way donald trump says it. i m my own person. but there is a huge cultural divide. we have supposedly, we have an alliance with saudi arabia, but i think they ve been gouging us for years on oil. i think they have been duplicitous, have played both sides of the fence. the same with egypt. they even elected mohamed morsi at one point, the former head of the muslim brother hood, a guy who once refers to jews at the sentence of apes and pigs. on the one hand, it seems we have radical islam. that s easy to talk about. but we really have a problem with islam considering women are second-class citizens, you are not free to practice your religion, you don t have freedom of speech in these countries, and you were talking last night about how we ve got to involve them as part of the solution. aren t they all combined as states part of the problem, especially under sharia? well, listen, whether it is keeping this country safe and fighting radical islamic terrorism, or whether it is restarting the economy and bringing back jobs, we need a president who knows what he s doing. you know, if you have a car that s broken down, your car s broken down in the driveway. you have one of two options. you can go outside of your car and start yelling and cursing at your car and hoping that will somehow fix it, or you actually get in there and fix the engine so that it runs. so, here s the problem, how do we deal for example, we have the president wants to take in now 65,000 syrian refugees. the president s envoy to defeat isis, general john allen, our national intelligence director, james clapper, fbi director james comey have all said isis will infiltrate like they did in paris of course they will. they ve said they re going to. so, if anybody s coming from a country that practices sharia, don t we have to worry that they are radicalized in their views and think women should cover themselves and not drive a car and can t go to school or work? absolutely, yes. it s why i ve introduced legislation to ban any refugees from countries where al qaeda or isis control any country at all. what about saudi arabia? and it s why i ve been leading the fight to stop sharia law here. no international law has any authority in america. but the critical thing, sean, people are scared. they re scared. we see these terrorist attacks. we have this president, president obama, who acts as an apologist for the islamists and people get more angry. so, donald s insults, i get, they re cathartic. it feels good to yell when you have a president who doesn t keep you safe, but i have problems with donald trump s policies that i think he is far too weak on radical islamic terrorists. when donald says, as he did last night, he would keep in place the nuclear deal with iran, that is fool-hearty. and the problem is, donald thinks he will just magically negotiate a better deal. that s the same thing he said with castro. keep in place with castro, negotiate a better deal. listen, we have had a policy for centuries we don t negotiate with terrorists. iran wants to kill us. i agree with that, and it s scary what the president has done here. what about states like saudi arabia, countries like egypt, that play both sides? haven t we been played enough by these countries? there s a difference between the saudis and egypt. i agree with you, saudi has had a terrible history of the royal family funding islamists, trying to buy them off, buy the crocodile off so they eat them last, and we need to stand up and exert real force over saudi arabia, demand that they behave as allies and not be funding those who are killing us. well said. i will say, egypt is different. listen general seal sisi is differe. he has demonstrated a courage. you know, i wrote a book last year, time for truth. i actually quote a speech that president al sisi gave at cairo university, the same it was january 1st, a year ago. al sisi stood up and he called out radical islamic terrorists. he did that as a muslim leader. he s literally putting a bounty on his head. the islamists, the jihadists want to murder him because he said as a muslim, we have got to stop these radical islamic terrorists, and his army is tracking them down, they re imprisoning them, they re fighting that s someone we can work with. why is it that egypt s al sisi is stronger at going after radical islamic terrorism than barack obama is? or hillary clinton. or hillary clinton. one other thing. i meant to bring this up earlier when we were talking about process. marco rubio earlier today told his supporters in ohio to vote for john kasich, to stop why are you laughing? listen i m just, i have to ask you about the news, you know. i know. i m just laughing because it s the washington establishment s last gasp. let s divide things up, let s play games. it s real, real simple. how do you beat donald trump? you beat him. you beat him at the ballot box. and at this point, sean i think they want to stop you. i believe the establishment does not want this man or donald trump to win. i just believe it. there s no doubt about it. i think there should be a fair fight, a good debate. let the american people decide. but i believe they want a brokered convention thaend say, oh, this will be the consensus candidate. i believe that with all my heart. at this point, our campaign has beaten donald eight separate times. we won a landslide in iowa. we won a great victory in oklahoma. we won an incredible landslide in my home state of texas. a lot of delegates. we won as geographically varied as from alaska to maine. we won both of those. we are winning. we won idaho. we beat them in minnesota. we are winning over and over and over again. time to take a break. all right, we ll take break. we ll come back. when we come back, a special guest that recently endorsed senator ted cruz, as we continue from orlando, florida. it s hannity on the road. red lobster s lobsterfest is back. so come try the largest variety of lobster dishes of the year, like lobster lover s dream or new dueling lobster tails. it s a party on every plate, and you re invited. so come in while it lasts. you both have a perfect driperfect.ord. no tickets. no accidents. that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? 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well i kind of like ted. let me flip this one. no, let me tell the story. so, i see my own name on the ballot, i think that s kind of cool. and i think about all of my supporters and think for a moment, maybe i should cast a vote, not for me but for my supporters. and then i thought about why did i run for president? because i think we need a real conservative in the white house, because i think we need someone who s actually going to challenge the system, because i think we need someone who s going to stick to the substance, not talk about spray tans, not talk about body parts, actually understands that these are serious times and serious issues, and they need serious solutions. and when i thought about all that, i thought, this is a man who i know the kind of nominees he s going to put in the supreme court. and let s face it, the supreme court hangs in the balance. this is a guy that i know is going to reform washington, whether it s the irs or repealing obamacare or the veterans administration. and here s something else i know from personal experience i have led change all my life. and when you do that, you challenge the status quo. it s actually what leadership is about. and when you challenge the status quo, you make enemies. it s part of it. it s why most people won t lead. it s why most people don t have the courage to challenge the system. so, you know what? we re known by the company we keep. he is known by the enemies he s made. good for him. good for him. you know, i said this to you privately, and i think i ve said it on the air. one of the things i really admired about how you ran your campaign, and senator cruz, i think you would agree with this, i think you were one of the most effective prosecutors against hillary clinton and how bad a president she would be. so, i think that s a big endorsement. senator, i know you re happy about it. is she on your short list for vp? look [ cheers and applause ] you know what, let s get him the nomination first. we keep jumping ahead here. well, it s my job to jump ahead. i get paid to do that. sean, i ll say this, carly is extraordinary. i mean, she is a was a remarkable business leader, you know, ceo of a fortune 50 company. that is a big, big deal, one of the world s most respected companies. and she has been an she ran an incredible campaign. she is a serious thinker. and you re right, she s standing up and fighting for conservative principles. i ll tell you, i m really humbled to be here with her and have her support. let me throw a whole different question out here, because, you know, i ve had the honor of getting to know all 17 of you in a pretty intimate way. and i have deep respect. trump is right about one thing, it s hard running for president. there s nothing easy about it. i know the long hours on the road and time away from your family and speech. you don t even know what cities you re in some days. let s be honest. so, it s really hard it s orlando! i know, we re having a magical time. although i continually have nightmares of waking up in orlando and saying good morning, cleveland. it hasn t happened yet it might happen. on the road, there are moments where you worry it might. there won t be that tmz moment for somebody. here s my question, there were so many talented people along the way. if you do win the nonomination, how many of those 17 people do you want to reach out to to be part of a unity government, almost, with the purpose of you know, all these people that are out of work are suffering. sure. all those people in poverty are suffering. all of the people on food stamps are suffering. all of the people paying 50% more for health care are suffering. our country is suffering, our kids are suffering. i don t like the trajectory of where we re headed. right. do you think that could happen, something that s never happened before? i think about that. what do you think? absolutely. i think one of the incredible things you look at the 17 people who started. i mean, we had a depth of talent. we had people who were young, dynamic, charismatic, passionate, principled. bob aevenl jindal, scott walker, john kasich. incredible leaders. and i ve said from the beginning, back when there were 17 of us, i said any republican president would be a fool for the men and women standing there not to comprise a significant portion of the cabinet. i mean, we ve got phenomenal talent. and what is important, sean, is that we fix these problems, that we put in place leaders for whom it s not lip service. solutions. solutions to the problems and leaders who understand we work for you. it s why i don t like donald asking people to pledge support to him. this is not about us. it s not about a candidate. it s about the american people, and we need to pledge our support to you. all right, here s my question. you know, we ve heard you last night. i ve interviewed you a lot. i ve gotten a lot of specifics from you. how firm are these promises? flat tax, wall at the border, your plan to carpet-bomb isis, all of the health care repealing-replacing, and all of these other things? is there any room for negotiation or this is your solemn pledge to the american people? listen, this is my solemn pledge. there are many criticisms that have been lobbed at me, but being overly flexible is not one of them. i ll ask and anyone who stands up now, listen, there is always there are areas on which you can have room for compromise marginal tax rates. if we sat down and battled like crazy and fought to reduce the tax rates and i couldn t get it to 10%, i m going to fight tooth and nail for 10%, but if we end up cutting it to 12%? reagan said what do you do if they offer you half a loaf? answer i ll take it. you take half a loaf, celebrate and then you come back for more. so, there are areas to compromise, but the key point is you don t compromise on principle, you don t compromise on the constitution, on the bill of rights, on the second amendment, on religious liberty. principle you don t compromise away. we ll take a break. we re in orlando, florida. it s hannity on the road. more with senator ted cruz and carly fiorina. and when we come back, we ll hear from this wonderful audience, straight ahead. wildlife rescue workers open up a lot of dawn. tough on grease.yet gentle. dawn helps open. something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. test. test. back on the road. we are in orlando, florida, to continue the 2016 republican presidential candidate. senator ted cruz and carly fiorina who has endorsed him. sir, you re up first for questions. as a former service member, and an airman, i d like to know what you plan on doing for v.a. health care. sir, let me start by saying thank you for serving. but the second change that i think is critically important is that veterans should have the right. and that s the fundamental change. listen, you want to go to the v.a. hospital, that s your right. you ve earned that right. but the local hospital down the street, you should have the right to do that. you have the right to go to that hospital. why should we treat our veterans worse than those in the private sect sector? it doesn t make any sense. let me ask this question. let s say that the fbi makes a criminal referral to the justice department and you become president, statute of limitations has not passed. would you aggressively go after hillary clinton if you believe, if the fbi believes she committed felonies? absolutely, ye absolutely, yes. and there s a principle here that matters. this country was founded on the principle that no one is above the law. and whether it is the clintons or whether it is some in the republican party that think the law doesn t apply to them, that s not how it works. we are a nation under god and under the constitution and the law needs to apply fairly to everyone. hi, senator cruz. my name is erin. i m a volunteer who drove from texas to campaign for you and i wondered how electing you compared to the other candidates in the race would impact the supreme court and the other federal great question. court. thank you, erin, for being here and your passion and hard work. the supreme court hangs in the balance. we are one liberal justice away from a radical left wing corps that woulde our religious liberty and undermine our second amendment to give away u.s. sovereignty making us subject to international law in the world court and there s two candidates effectively in this race. donald trump and me. donald said he will negotiate with harry reid and chuck schumer and compromise on the supreme court on justice scal scalia s replacement, anything that harry and chuck sign off on is a left-wing activist and i give you my word, every justice i appoint to the court will be a principled constitutionalist, who will ferociously defend the bill of rights. senator, thank you so much. appreciate it. carly, great to see you. thank you, orlando. thank you, orlando. we really appreciate it. unfortunately for you back home, that s all we have time for. we have a magical time and don t forget, florida will be voting, ohio will be voting, illinois will be voting, missouri will be voting. we will follow it here on the fox news channel. we ll see you back here on monday. we want our freedom back. we have a real plan. the fight for the nomination could all come down to this. america is ready to make its choice. a special america s election headquarters, march 15. you focus on making great burgers, or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we ll be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. we re legalzoom and we ve already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that. check us out today to see how you can become one of them. legalzoom. legal help is here. this woman. this cancer patient. christine. living her life. loving her family. moments made possible in part by the breakthrough science of advanced genomic testing. after christine exhausted the standard treatment options for her disease, doctors working with the center for advanced individual medicine at cancer treatment centers of america suggested advanced genomic testing. the test results revealed a finding that led to the use of a targeted therapy that was not considered for christine before. now, they re helping fight her cancer on another, deeper level. the genetic level. this is precision cancer treatment, an approach to care that may help patients like christine enjoy the things that matter most in their lives while undergoing treatment. the evolution of cancer care is here. that s definitely something worth celebrating. learn more about precision cancer treatment at appointments are available now. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to her current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer s. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer s treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20160305

let go after two men storm his store. that veteran is fired up and joins us live this morning. fox & friends begins right now you are going to be so tired of winning you will say please, please, let us have a couple of losses. i m going to say no way am i going to let you i m going to say make america great again and you will say okay. i m asking people to caucus for me because together if we do what needs to be done, why are going to leave for our children what our parents left for us, the sing is gel greatest nation in the history of all of mankind. he wouldn t survive a super tuesday and then look at where we are. i m the last governor standing. there is four of us. i m the little engine that can. believe in us. because of you, we re winning. and because of you, we are going to win and turn this country around and beat donald trump for the nomination. [cheers and applause] good morning, everybody. welcome in to fox & friends on a saturday. it s a big saturday. let their voices be heard as they head to the polls. we re back together to the polls because we it s election day. we just reconnected on facebook and here we are. we all still have good hair, too. at the reunion. we have races today. it s super saturday. the republican primaries and caucuses in four states there are kansas, kentucky, l.s.u., and the proud state of maine. look at these delegates up for grab states, 329 so far. 40 dels in kansas. these are the closing times by the way, 4:00 p.m. there kentucky. 5:00 p.m. eastern time. 7:00 p.m. in maine and 9:00 p.m. in louisiana. let you see where everybody stands at the moment. trump is the frontrunner with the delegate count. that number for him is 329. senator ted cruz 231. senator rubio 110 and governor john kasich at 25. today is important but of course march 15th is all eyes on ohio and florida and winner take all states. and those delegates up for grabs in florida and ohio. and where those will shake out. this is also the final day of cpac, outside washington, d.c., that s the annual gathering of conservative activists. donald trump is supposed to speak to the group today. he has given 150,000 to do so cpac over the last several years. a controversy around his speech. and at thee last moment yesterday, he pulled out and said i m not going. i m going to go campaign in kansas. as can you imagine the chairman of matt slapp is not happy about that he went on the record last night. listen. i i had they figured sings they are the leading candidate they should be able to come and speak for as long as they want to speak but not have to answer questions megyn, one of the things we changed if you are going to come to conservatives and give them your pitch why you should lead them, you should also take your questions. they didn t want to do that so we decided that we would not change our rules fordj4(p&c@ them, even though he is the frontrunner. i think it s a big mistake for him not to be here. i think it was a political whiff. donald trump says the reason he isn t coming is he worried about being booed if you saw sean hannity when he he welcomed donald trump after the debate he was at cpac. half the crowd was for trump and half the crowd booing trump. the spokesperson came forward and says donald trump has been booed by more people than any other candidate. he is he not worried. he is not worried about a food fight but, at the same time, he wants to be in kansas to pick up those votes and i don t know that these are his people at all. any of trump supporters going to cpac? that s what this is about. i will say trump is the easiest interview to get of anybody. he will talk to anybody any time. that s one of the reasons he hasn t spent much money on his campaign. he hasn t had to. i think this is a direct rejection of the conservative establishment in washington. they don t like trump. trump doesn t like them. he wants to start something completesly new. this is important symbolic moment. i don t think it s not about wanting to answer questions. answering questions is not ad( problem. newt gingrich agrees. he tweeted this yesterday said trump was right to skip cpac. the votes are in kansas. not washington. why give the anti-trump activists a target was donald trump right to skip cpac? mitt romney continues out on the stump doing tons of radio shows yesterday attacking donald trump. here is part of what he said on the cavuto program yesterday about the republican frontrunner, listen. i m someone who cares very deeply about the country and my party. i have watched from the sidelines playing the role as the umpire and calling some foul balls now and then. i couldn t sit back and not say nothing as i have watched donald trump be more and more outrageous. you are crashing the party they say you are trying to destroy the party donald trump is having a serious effect on the party. while we still have a chance, the republican party stands for something. it s interesting watching businessman to businessman. ocju$e main lines i took away from his speech is attacking him about his businesses. whatever happened to trump steaks? whatever happened to trump vodka? whatever happened to trump airlines. trump university. is he a failed businessman. of course trump fires back and says well, he is a failed presidential candidate. watch. mitt romney doesn t have a clue. this poor guy, i watched him yesterday, and the internet is exploding what s he doing? he is making a fool out of himself. i watched him yesterday, and it was sad. this is the problem with the republican party. he choked. he should have won the election. he should have won it easily. he was running against a failed president. that was an election and i backed him. i gave him money. did i everything for him. very loyal guy. i backed him. and he lost. he lost. he lost big. he didn t lose close, he lost big. he didn t inspire people. they stayed home. thissed republican party is this a good or bad thing? it s vitriol. governor romney laid out a way for republicans who care about the republican party in his mind to stop donaldó trump. voters, you have got to go to the polls in ohio and vote for governor kasich because he has the best chance there and florida, marco rubio if you want to stop donald trump. stop the frontrunner getting the most votes is that a good thing or bad way? the argument against donald trump that romney is making that the republicans in washington is making is he is too chaotic he causes chaos wherever he goes. don t vote for any one candidate. vote for any candidate which would stop which would lead us to the ohio convention in july which would lead to actual candidate out of which romney hopes that he would be chosen. he described himself as the umpire as a the candidate. this is all about romney s, in my view, want to be candidate. i m not attacking romney. i think this is more about self-interest than we are giving it a credited for being. let s play that out a little bit. why wouldn t he back up a candidate? what s his message? back anybody but trump? that s not the way it works. he could have thrown his support behind cruz or rubio or kasich and said this is the alternative but he didn t. convention. millions of people would have voted for donald trump in the candidate in a back room cigar smoking deal the party elders would get around and say no, i know millions of people voted for you. marco rubio win in florida and john kasich in the ohio and therefore we ll put the candidate in we want to work. the guy with the most delegates is going to be the nominee. if you are upset about trump and i get why people are why not try to win him over, isn t that what politics are about. send someone down to mar-a-lago and whisper in his ear. he said the same thing yesterday if this would lead to republican revolt if there was a broker the convention. we re fired up this early, aren t we? some other stories making headlines on a saturday. we will start with this one. shocking developments in o.j. simpson s decades old murder investigation. police test ago knife for d.n.a. found on simpson s former estate. according to tmz the construction worker found the knife in 2002 and gave it to off duty cop who kept it for years in a personal toolbox. only when he contacted the police in hopes of framing by authorities. casual call. the guy he called said are you crazy? he said you shouldn t have this knife the l.a.p.d. forced guy to return it, to give it to him, to give it to the l.a.p.d. when we say framing the knife. we mean putting it in a frame and putting it above the mantel. simpson was acquitted in the stabbing death of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. asp new effort to destroy isis. the united states will now be sending powerful b-52 warplanes to fight isis in syria and iraq. the nuclear capable bombers will be replacing the b 1 warplanes that have returned to the united states for repairs and updates. they are set to start attacking targets in april. however, it is still not clear how many b-52 bombers or airmen will take part in the& deployment. and fifth time is a charm for the spacex launch. 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. liftoff. the unmanned falcon 9 rocket blasted off from cape canaveral yesterday placing a broadcasting satellite in orbit. however the spacex team didn t consider it a total success becau!) the rocket crashed and landed on a barge right after touchdown. the camera cut out as it came in for a landing. spacex launch has failed four times in the past week and a half. joey feek has passed away. 40-year-old singer died after a long battle with cancer. her husband rory announced her death on the couple s blog my wife s greatest dream came true today she is in heaven. he said joey had one last wish and that was to live to see the grammys and their daughter s second birthday. both of which she was able to do. still ahead, hillary clinton wants you and the rich, she says, to pay more taxes. when candidates promise trillions of dollars in tax cuts that go mostly to the rich, this needs to change. this needs to change. but what exact solid is her plan? we have it and we are going to break down the numbers for you coming up. then whole foods is trying to make it easier owe-make your life a whole lot easier by selling pealed oranges. so hard to peal an orange. but they better stop because! environmentalists are freaking out about it. we will tell you about the whole foods controversy. baby, i go crazy. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. i ve been blind since birth. i go through periods where it s hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit dad, yoh no, i ll take you up to me off rthe front of the school. that s where your friends are. seriously, it s, it s really fine. you don t want to be seen with your dad? no, it this about a boy? dad! stop, please. oh, there s tracy. what! [ horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] [ car braking ] bye dad! it brakes when you don t. forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. available on the newly redesigned passat. from volkswagen. we d like to open a savings make account for him. yes yes. great thanks to mom and dad and their safe driving bonus check from allstate. oh. look at this. safe driving bonus. are you a safe driver? lucky little fella. only allstate gives you two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safe. see how much more an allstate agent can do for you. call 877-644-3100. like in most families, dad s always the last to know. that s why accident forgiveness was the first thing he asked for when he switched to allstate. michael james! middle name. not good. get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an accident. find out how a local allstate agent can help better protect your family. call one right now. and if you re a safe driver, you can save up to 45%. just a few more ways the good hands are doing more than ever before. see what the personal service of an allstate agent can do for you. call 877-644-3100. when candidates promise trillions of dollars in tax cuts that go mostly to the rich, this needs to change. american interests have to come before specialyt interests. and the american worker and american jobs have to come first. that s hillary clinton sending a clear message about her economic agenda while campaigning in detroit yesterday. it appears she is sticking to her word new study tax policy center reveals plan to raise taxes on the wealthy will raise 788,000 per person and create trillions in revenue. brian brethrenberg joins us this morning. good to be here. let s dive into the specifics of her tax reform. walk us through the screen here. clinton is talking about a number of different things, 4 surtax on $5 million or more. wealthy taxpayers those making more than a million dollars are paying a minimum income tax rate of 30%. call that the buffet rule in the past. capital gains is to 6 years raising the rates to align more with income tax rates there and then raising estate taxes both the top rate the 45% but also lowering the exemption of the estate tax to $3.5 million. you will be eligible at0[ lower level and pay a higher level estate tax. these capital investments this would really help the middle class. let s break this down and go through cap dal investments reduced by 2.8% over 10 years, what would that do for the middle dras? the problem here is she says we are going to levy these taxes on the wealthy. 75% are paid by the top 1%. important thing to understand when you tax the rich, it doesn t just effect the rich, it effects everybody else, the wealthy invest their money. they don t stuff it under a mattress. they invest it in businesses and invest it in startups, that creates jobs and economic opportunity. when you tax the wealthy, what you are saying is don t do that as much, that ends up flowing down to businesses who needi that capital. flowing down and impacting workers as well. that s the real issue here. you say this would help eliminate 300,000 jobs over 10 years as well? again t rks all comes down to what s the economic impact of raising taxes? if you raise taxes and it hurts economic growth, that can be a problem for workers. they are depending on businesses to grow and to hire. if businesses aren t doing that, workers wages aren t going up. there is not going to be jobs available. again, that s assuming that these taxes have a negative impact on how wealthy investors use their money, i think the chances are good that glel she also wants to raise the capital gains rate and for real estate investing, right, this has a big impact. absolutely. you have the housing markets which$v is still shaky and trying to struggle to come back. investors who flip properties or do work on these properties and want to flip them to retail buyers, that really effects them, too. you want visitors to sell an investment when it makes the most economic sense. what happens when you raise the capital gains rate on sales between is 1 and 6 years. you are asking verse to make sales decisions based on tax rules and not on what s economically most beneficial for them and the economy. you want people to make efficient investment decisions. taxes can get in the way of that that s the real problem with the capital gains increase there. instead of the builder trying to get done in eight months they might stretch it to 12 months. all sorts ofen intended consequences here. brian, thanks for diving into some of the details. coming back to the show. ologic, could a knife found on the property could it hold evidence. do you have a doctor s appointment today? turns out some tests and procedures may actually do more harm thanqx good. dr. marc siegel breaks down the most unnecessary exams. he s up next. can t touch this why are you standing there, man canned touch this make a dep vo: it happens so often. (box smashing) you almost get used to it. (voice on phone) main menu. representative. please hold representative! hello, retirement account number 61414 here s a retirement plan built just for you. vo: which is why being put first you built this just for me? that s how it works. takes some getting used to. not always. join the nation. nationwide is on your side (toilet flush) if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go .except you. ipation, oic, is a different type of constipation, which may need a different approach. longing for a change? have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. some quick illegal headlines for you this morning. first up, alarming revelation, el chapo s daughter says the mexican drug lord snuck into california twice when he was on the lamb. rosa guzmanor ortiz told the guardian he did this after the interview with sean. caught an undocumented brazillian man hiding inside the gas tank of an suv. he was trying to enter this country illegally from mexico. an imaging device showed some inconsistency in the fuel tank under the back seats which turned out to be a human being. anna? all right, tucker, thanks so much. 24 minutes after the hour. here is a new excuse to skip your next doctor s appointment. turns out some medical tests and procedures may actually do more harm than good. which common procedures should you skip? let s ask dr. marc siegel of the fox news medical a team. good morning. good to see. you you will save cash and timing for a lot of the people. the first test that some people could skip are blood test its, why? to your doctor and don t have blood tests. the problem is anna they get lumped together. blood tests go. in and ordering the same panel all the time. testing your kidneys. testing your liver, your closeácoalesce i. unnecessary testing. doctors need to worry about what exactly you are ordering. maybe i want to check your though rode and cholesterol. it was normal last time i don t have to do it this time. i need to be thinking as i go along. cardiac stress test. somebody healthy not exhibiting any symptoms of any heart problems could you skip this? that s overtime big time. $500 million is spent on imaging stress test nuclear stress tests every year. unnecessary. people who have low risks. normal ekgs, having no symptoms don t need a stress test. and even if you have cardiac risk factors, anna, and i do a stress test, it s normal, i don t need to repeat it every year. believe the results you get. females, older women in particular are at risk for osteoporosis we think we need to get bone density tests. smokers especially need it, drinkers especially need it. people who have weight problems need it. if5i get a baseline after the age of 65 and it s normal. i don t need to be repeating that every year or every two years or every three years. maybe five to ten years is enough. if it s abnormal. i may want to track it and put you on medicines for it but i should not be doing that test rye routinely. the radiation we could get from pet scans could be harmful for us. we want to make sure we only get them when we need to. i get patients who come in and says do the whole body cat scan on me i want to make sure i don t cancer. guess what even less than 1% of the time could you even be hiding something. what am i going to do if i find it it you don t want to find a cat scan except in a heavy smoker i might do a cat scan of the lungs. i have had stress fractures in. doctor said need to do ct scan. that was going to cost hundreds of dollars what s the treatment you are going to be in a boot either way. i will just take the boot is that okay thing to do? you are a brilliant patient. that s exactly a great example of how overtesting comes. in you knew the treatment was going to be the same. you knew youz work out all the time and why you have stress fractures and you got the treatment. you didn t need a ct scan in this case. if it s not going to change my treatment, i should not do the test. dr. marc siegel thanks for clearing up all that stuff for us. great info today. thank you. 27 minutes after the hour. here is what is coming up on be a saturday. you know how some guys have really close friends, right? i will be across the hall. he we can do all the same stuff. we won t be able to get up in the middle of night and have long talks about our feelings and the future. not once did we do that. [ laughter ] you know, like really close friends. well, it turns out a bromance is good for your health. we re going to explain that one. plus, is the republican establishment ignoring the will of the american voter by trying to dump trump? a heated debate with our political panel is next. from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don t tough it out, knock it out, fast. with abreva. when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren t prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it s going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we ll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. so i like to live it healthy. i like to make it fun! a lot of clients become like family. she s a good friend. she s honest, she never tries to sell me something that she doesn t believe is good for me. i tell my clients, there s always value in putting good products inside your body. that s the reason that i work for gnc for 25 years. what can help you live a healthier life? just ask. we make it simple. gnc. 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here to discuss our political panel kareem john pierre former obama campaign staff. catherine taylor. and president of strike inc. scott, first to you, romney says the voters don t really know who donald trump is my impression is they kind of do know who donald trump. yeah. they also know who the republican establishment is in fact, it is the response to the republican establishment that has created the support for donald trump. and the republican establishment has been ignore voters for a very long time. republican voters in particular. if you think back four years ago, one of the issues that really energized the base, hatred of the bailout. but, there was a president and vice presidential candidate who supported the bailout. this is why voters on the the republican side are saying we have got to do something different. that is a really good point. it seems to me republicans need to agree on what they believe and there doesn t seem to be much agreement on that. is that the core problem? you know, i don t know. because i think actually around beliefs. into the the equation is the fact that donald trump isn t consistent in his republican beliefs and that doesn t seem to matter. and so now it becomes. so maybe the voters don t agree with what the establishment thought they agreed with? i think there is a difference between beliefs and values. and i think this is becoming an election about values. it doesn t necessarily matter so much if you are conservative on this issue or moderately conservative on this issue if you share a value. they say look, the tea party, many of whom support donald trump who were the most ardent conservative supporters on issues throughout the last couple of years. so that belief system and that value system need to marry together. karina i think as a democrat, you are seeing the works class which the. you must be tempt to do get on board. this is what the people wanted. well, i have to tell you, it is it s actually pretty scary. it s been scary to watch on our side because he you know, donald trump has hijacked the republican party. for sure. w and there is nothing, almost 80% of primary voters voted for him. i mean, it s a high number. people are coming out. the establishment needs to figure out what it is. why is the will of the people scary? i thought the democrat party was organized around the idea that will of the people is a good thing. the will of the people is a great thing. even trump. trump has caused, look, the hatred that he espouses is so dangerous. and i don t i don t think that that s the way that this country should be going at all. so, for us, for democrats, yeah, we will take him on. we will definitely take him on and we will push back and do the best that we can to save our country, for sure. scott, trump pulled out of his cpac speech today. conservatives from washington are saying this is a watershed moment. is it. it s not a watershed moment. it s going to be overbehind in discussions like this all through the day. i think donald trump was facing a lose, lose situation. if he skips it. he gets a lot of flack. if he shows up and there is a big walkout, there is also a lot of flack. that s a bad thing for him. what donald trump did was pick the lesser two of evils, because if there won t be video footage of people walking out on speech at cpac it s a one day story andfv hear some grumbling about it in debates. let s keep this in perspective. it s the least bad choice for donald trump. least bad thing to skip cpac if you are running for the republican nomination. if trump gets the nomination a lot of professional conservative cans are going to be out of work. [ laughter ] is that playing a role here in their response to him? they always say never let politics be the hand that feeds you. everybody has to keep that in mind both sides of the aisle. the g.o.p. needs to keep its friends close and enemies closer. be the marketing strategy has not work. bad decisions around that was mitt romney s speech. as scott said, we as a party need to be the party that we are. that this country was founded on. there is nothing more american than conservative principles. we need to be listening to the voters and a reaching out to people and bringing them in. this with a moment donald trump, i think, missed regarding cpac. i was there. there were a lot of people very excited, particularly enormous millennial population excited to see him. he should have honored that commitment. careen short changed you but we will reassembling on this show. thanks. anna kooiman. wegc have headlines we want to tell everybody about. start with developing news out of san bernardino, california. the district attorney there says the controversial iphone of terrorist syed farook may contain clues of a third shooter. the fbi has been trying to crack into the phone since the deadly attack in december. well, apple is now involved, as you know, in a legal showdown with the fbi over iphone security. syed farook and his wife malik. bomb threats in new jersey, and maine force to do go on lockdown after getting threats through automated phone call a situation all too familiar. similar phone calls put schools on lockdown in january. officials say none of the calls were credible. they are working to track down where they came from. and whole foods is the absolutely torn to sheds online selling prepealed oranges in notñ environmentally container, showed this image showing them on sale for a .99 dollars. many think it s a waste of plastic. not everybody agrees. one twitter user says this is terrible there are a lot of people who for many reasons arthritis for one would have great difficulty appealing an orange. another says i was surprised at the mocking there are some daysv+ my hands hurt so much i could not peel an orange. they leave oranges in their natural packaging from now on. they will leave it in the peel. and, can having a bromance be good for your health? just when i think you couldn t possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this. and totally redeem yourself is. a new study from stanford university shows strong relationships between guys can have the same health effects of a romantic relationship. bromances help with stress, helping you to live longer. those are your headlines. we all needs need friends. no one likes to be alone, right? you are getting pretty deep this morning. i am. all that yoga. rick and i have gone on dates. you and i have gone to see some man movies together. what was the man movie you and i went to see. like the bachelor? i don t know what it was. i do think it was that movie. mandate movie. the one that went to vegas. paul rund. the hangover. that s a bro man s bromance movie. it was the hangover, clayton. it was. we need to do that again. that was fun. i miss our connection. hey, take a look at the maps. talk about the weather going on. here are your temps as you are waking up. caribou, maine, minustake a loot today. one you will see snow on the map flying across parts of the great lakes today. that s going to be out of here quickly. big changes. the warm-up begins and by midweek we are going to be talking about temps into the 70 s as far as north as new york city. so, a big taste of spring coming. down to the southeast, we have a beautiful day. tons of sunshine pretty much everywhere. and look at those temperatures. into the 70 s, you remember 70 s in dallas. get ready because on monday a chance for severe weather coming in. into the northern plains, also looking at really warm temperatures. these temperatures blowing away again. and then finally out across the west, where we have been dry, take a look at this the rain and snow moving into california and we are going to watch some flooding and big pattern change that brings rain to southern california. finally, great news. all right, guys. back to you. thanks, rick. well, back to the bombshell. the potential bombshell anyway inhl the o.j. simpson case. a knife possibly found at his former property in brentwood could still have d.n.a. evidence on it some say that others say it s a total hoax. forensic expert dr. michael baden testified at the trial he joins us next. tried to stop people from stealing drugs from his cvs store. what did the store do? this fired him. that veteran joins us live in minutes. i m holding out for a hero to the end of the night he s got to be strong and he s got to be fast when you think what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. could protect you from diabetes? what if one sit-up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13® may help provide additional protection. prevnar 13® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. get this one done. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13® today. welcome back. this is crazy. new developments in the case that has gripped the nation s attention for more than two decades. investigators are now testing a knife that was reportedly found on o.j. simpson s former brent wood california property. and a the retired l.a.p.d. officer who turned it in has been apparently holding on to the weapon for over avq decade. could this new finding change the controversial case? here to weigh in forensic pathologist who testified at the trial, dr. michael baden and attorney eric guster from the law side of this. all right, guys, let s dive into. this first of all people are questioning whether or not if they find it 20 years later it s been in dirt or something could it hold any evidence? yes, a knife that s buried can still hold lots of evidence, especially this kind of a folding knife because mechanisms in the handle that will hold on bits of blood, for example, if it s there. even with all the weather conditions. and d.n.a. is very stable. and if there is any blood there, they will be able to find d.n.a. from the law side of, this you think that this is convenient, a matter of timing. why? well, from the law side of this, they couldn t do to o.j. anyway. if they found tapes of o.j. confessing to this, they couldn t charge him again. very convenient with the fx series comes out in this knife appears: it s aamazing. let me put up the goldzan family statement here until the l.a.p.d. completes investigation of the knife the validity of the knife as it relates toe ron and nicole s murder is speculative it. not a shock to our story that stories like this making headlines again. at trial, doc, it was fascinating because the testimony point to do aer is rate sara serated knife. there was a owner of cutlery store single edge knife. he asked to have it sharpened. that s an interesting point of contention. the knife wounds themselves could all be done by a non-sereated thin blade. i think there were many knives found in bushes and other places in brentwood, brought, in tested, none of them panned out. and the first thing that s looked for when you get a knife like this is does it match the stab wounds in the body? the length? the width,g the thickness of the stab wounds. i m sure the crime lab has done this already. that s the first step in ruling out whether or not ruling in or out whether it s possible. it sounds like and for the pictures that a buck knife kind of thing that it is not the a knife that s compatible with the stab wounds described and photographed at autopsy. okay. but on the legal side of, this eric, o.j. may not be up and couldn t be tried again in any kind of capacity for this with this new life revelation. however, what about this l.a.p.d. officer who held on to this knife for more than a decade before the home was demolished. this person is already retired they can t do much to him. it shows that some officers just don t care. he had possible evidence. he knew it was possible evidence because he asked a friend to get the case number from o.j. s case to put on the knife. so it shows that he did not have any regard for what really was. what do you make of it? do you think it was like a souvenir. it was a susan souvenir. he took it home as a trophy. he thought it may have something to do with the caseá49 he held on to it until someone ratted him out. amazing how many people take trophies from famous cases. cases with police, with doctors with medical examiners, with judges holding on to evidence in a trial because it s a nice trophy to show to friends, to talk about and it s illegal, it s immoral, it s unethical, but einstein s brain was kept as a trophy. x-rays from martin luther king s stabbing in new york. people evidence rooms all the time after a case is over. that s a whole other segment. it s unethical, illegal obstruction of justice really but people do that. doctor, nice to see you this morning. good to see you. all right, coming up here on the show, the battle with the g.o.p. over donald trump shows as voters head to the polls today. is the never trump movement already failing in the lead spokesman for that movement to answer questions joins us straight ahead. plus, a veteran tries to stop two people from stealing drugs at a cvs store. what did the store do? they fired him. that veteran joins us live to share the outrageous story. that s next. >, t. rowe price. invest with confidence. hey how s it going, hotcakes? hotcakes. this place has hotcakes. so why aren t they selling like hotcakes? with comcast business internet and wifi pro, they could be. just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and you ll reach your customers where their eyes are already - on their devices. order up. it s more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. you don t see that every day. introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. built for business. i provide for my family. i will use my education to help my community. i will inspire our next generation of leaders. i am a college student, but i am only 1%. only 1% of college students are american indian. donate now, and help our numbers grow. two men stormed a cvs in maryland this week attempting to take prescription drugs, whatever else they could steal. but it was the store manager, an army veteran, who sprang into action attempting to stop the men from fleeing. you went believe what happened next. well, sergeanth-9÷ joe mauricey joins us now to tell his story and thanks for being with us. i understand you lost your job. but explain how all the events unfolded. what happened? what did you notice with the shoplifters? well, good morning. yeah, so i was in my office and my office has windows that overlook the entire store. and i happened to look up at the right time and noticed that two men were jumping our farmer s counter. so at that point i immediately ran downstairs. i went to my cashiers and i said hey call 911. the store is being robbed. went to the pharmacy where the two individuals were coming towards me in one of our aisles. one of them pulled out a large screwdriver tried to hit me with it i had blocked it and we passed each other. at that point i turned around, chased them back after them, caught them up at the front door. pinned one of the guys against our front door. while disarming the other guy of his screwdriver. and at that point they were dropping all the narcotics that they had stolen. and the door safety feature at that point kicked in between the weight of the guy trying to get out and mine pushing him on the door. and they broke open and they were able to get out. okay. so this wasn t shoplifting. this wasn t teenage girls stealing nail polish. this was a full on robbery. they jumped the pharmacy counter? that s really really threatening. you obviously did the right and heroic and manly thing. good for you. you got fired for it? why? yeah, so in those situations we re just kind of9t supposed to let things play out the way that they are. and i get company policy and i get they are are looking out for the safety of everyone. but, in those instances you are not thinking okay, what am i going to rationally do here. it s split seconds decision-making and fear of everyone in the building. i reverted back to, you know, my military training. wait a second, what if they were rapist. should you sit back and let the crime take its course? what do you mean that s the company policy? why is that a good idea? i didn t make it, so is i can t speak to it. you know, at this point, they. you know, it s a lawyer s world. i know you were worried about everybody else and a not just about yourself. but the customers and your fellow employees that you were looking after. you are the manager of the store. store. if this would you do it again? yes. wow. what are you going to do now? you are out of a job. your former military, so that tells me you are probably hard-working, patriotic, disciplined. you take accountability for your actions. do you have any idea what you re going to do next in using that skill set? yeah. actually, that day when the prince george s county police department came in to do their investigation, i was joking around with a few of them oh are you guys hiring because i m probably going to get fired for this? they are like yeah, we are hiring. so they reached out to me and sent me the application process, which i have done. i have applied for a few other law enforcement agencies. now. plus a couple other retailers. but the outpouring of the country has[ been everyone has been contacting me for interviews for potential positions. it s really nice to have everyone s support. amen, amen. what a cowardly position cvs has. they should be ashamed of themselves. i m glad you are going to come out on top doing heroic thing. good for you joe. good to talk with you this morning. thank you. you too. a massive brawl breaks out inside a prison. chick-fil-a wants you to put down the phone and just eat. the new feature coming to restaurants around the country. eat nor chicken. soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn t know about. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. but i only had a salad. it was a buffalo chicken salad. salad. thwith aches, chills,g. and fever, there s no such thing as a little flu. and it needs a big solution: an antiviral. so when the flu hits, call your doctor right away and up the ante with antiviral tamiflu. prescription tamiflu is an antiviral that attacks the flu virus at its source and helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu, tell your doctor if you re pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild tanti-flu? go antiviral vomiting. with tamiflu. legalzoom has your back. for your business, our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. let s get moving and grooving. 5th of march, 2016. i m anna kooiman. voters in several states will make their voices heard about who should take the next step to the road to the white house. this as donald trump suddenly drops out of the cpac. was it the right move? and there is yet another twist in the 21-year-old saga of the o.j. simpson murder case. the l.a.p.d. testing a knife allegedly found on the grounds of simpson s old brentwood estate of. is it a bombshell piece to the puzzle or could it be a hoax. brand new details on the knife at the center of the controversy. and likefh fleetwood mac once wrote don t stop believing don t stop believing hold on to that feeling. waiting to see if you were awake. the heart warming reason these cops jammed out to journey. see, anna? you are paying attention. fox & friends hour two starts right now. when i i win, i feel like a warm spot. i m self-funded. you have got to get out and vote. i promise you will be happy. oh will you be happy with me. if he is our nominee, it will split the republican party, and it will be the end of the modern conservative movement. i have not just been a conservative for the last year and a half. i have been a conservative for 15 years. we are going to fix the border. we have immigration taken care of. i will restore our relations with our allies. and that s what we are going to do in the first 100 days so buy a seat belt. what we are seeing is more and more of those republicans uniting behind our campaign. more and more peopleé5 supporting other candidates. the only way to beat donald trump is for us to continue to unite the stand together. hey, friends, good morning, it is super saturday with the g.o.p. primaries and caucuses going on in kansas, kentucky, louisiana, and maine today. 329 delegates rupp for grabs. we have the band back together. tonguer carlson, anna kooiman. elections bring everyone together. right. so much love right now across the country. you can feel it. especially in the republican party. it s all about the delegates and there are a lot as anna just said 320-something. up for grabs. through tuesday, exactly right there. are four contests today on the republican side and we will tell you when they close. the first up is kansas. that closes at 4:00 p.m. today. we ll know who won and then kentucky 46 delegates at stake 5:00 p.m. donald trump out in kansas. maine 7:00 p.m. latest one stays open open late like taco bell 46 delegates up for grabs in louisiana tonight we will know who picks up those votes. this is important saturday to pick up delegates but also looking ahead to march 15that in florida and then ohio. and then winner take all. even tuesday with michigan, governor kasich is trying to use that as a springboard into ohio which he really has to win. look, yeah, he has 25 delegates right now. he is in single digits in michigan from the last check of the detroit freep free press poll. well, it s the final four, trump, rubio, cruz, and kasich now duking it out to take to d.c. the frontrunner is skipping out on a potentially major turning point in the campaign. and our reporter garrett tenney is hot on the trail at the cpac in maryland. the latest on the shakeup. good morning, garrett. good morning, y all. that s right. yesterday the biggest news out of cpac came from one of the candidates who wasn t even speaking here. of course, that s donald trump, who announced he will not be attending the conservative gathering. instead, trump said that he will be holding campaign rallies in kansas, which holds its primary today as well as in florida, which, of course is about a week and a half away. ú major primary there he is looking to keep his wins in those primaries going and organizers here very unhappy with his decision and said that by not attending, he is sending a clear message to conservatives. if you are going to come to conservatives and give them your pitch on why you should lead them, you also need to take their questions. and they didn t want to do that andhú so we decided that we would not change our rules for them, even though he is the frontrunner. i think it s a big mistake for him not to be here. i think it was a political whiff. it has nothing to do with questions or boos. come on, donald trump is the one candidate that has taken more incoming than anyone. more questions, more protests. he is not afraid to take questions at any rally. guess what? tomorrow is an election. the campaign decided to go and campaign in kansas and then go to florida. fed cruz did not waste any time in dancing on cancellation. phony doesn t understand principles that would actually make america great again. ben carson officially suspended his presidential campaign as well. you know, there is a lot of people who love me. they just won t vote for me. but it s okay. carson did not endorse any of the other candidates but said he would remain heavily involved in pushing conservative principles across the country later this morning marco rubio rally in puerto rico, which holds its primary tomorrow. back to you all in new york. thank you, garrett. is it a smart move for donald trump to skip the cpac appearance? we remember him coming out a few days after iowa. when he skipped the debate it probably did effect the turnout in iowa. if i had to do it all over again i would have held that veterans event. he was willing to concede not being on debate stage that night. this is not his base, is it tucker? let s be totally honest here. trump is not a conventional conservative. is he trying to redefine what it means to be conservative. he has basically attacked every pillar of the modern republican party s ideology. he came out against the iraq war. he attacked george w. bush on 9/11. he has come out against hedge fund managers. he has come out for imminent domain. the list kind of goes on. he has also been for and against a lot of things which came out in the debate. most recently we saw him change his mind almost before our eyes immigration policy with skilled workers and torture and the next day his people came out and backtracked on it. sure. he is clearly systematically trying to redefine what it means to be a republican.+g clearly. we asked our viewers earlier this morning on twitter. was donald trump right to skip cpac appearance going before this group of conservatives? 611% of you said yes, it was right of him to do that we got some emails as well. herb wrote in mr. trump was right to stay away from cpac. the republican party should be working with mr. trump to defeat hillary clinton and not telling us who to vote for. absolutely he needs to campaign not it s about the american people not the establishment trump knows what he is doing. 830 he still would have had plenty of time to campaign in those states. meanwhile, mitt romney is still out there on the stump campaign. not clear who for but against donald trump. the possibility of a broker the convention. listen. i would rather see june else pee sides donald trump become nominee from the ballot. if that doesn t happen, i would like to see an open convention where there is more give and take between the candidates and someone else besides donald trump becomes the nominee. think about how much chaos that would create. millions of people cerát out in primaries and caucuses and vote for donald trump. then you get to the convention and then somehow in some back room cigar i don t know if they smoke there anymore. get together over scotch and a they basically say you know what? those votes don t matter, we re going to throw those votes out and on the second ballot we are going to put in someone like a mitt romney or someone else who comes out of the woodwork. here is not what is going to happen, that. the guy with the most delegates is going to be the nominee. so the plan needs to be either make sure cruz or kasich or rubio has more delegates than trump. or try to convince trump to come to your side. but, this idea that it s going they are going to take it away with the guy with the most delegates at the convention is not going to happen, period. reasons priebus said 8 a to 90% chance that will happen. so you re telling me there s a chance. ted cruz thinks it would be sluts absolute disaster if they had a brokered convention. any time you hear someone talking about a brokered convention it is the washington establishment in a fevered frenzy. there really frustrated because of all of their chosen candidates. all of the golden children, the voters keep rejecting. thawp. so they seized on this master plan. we go to a brokered convention and the d.c. power brçiujuj will drop someone in who is exactly to the liking of the washington establishment. if that would happen, we have a manifest revolt on our hands all across this country. see here is how you know that almost everyone is lying about. this guess who is conservative? ted cruz. they are not getting behind ted cruz. why is that? because he doesn t like them. because like trump, is he a threat to their jobs. to they have. comfortable living they made over these years not making america you are saying cruz would be the lesser of two evils. if they really want to do make sure the republican nominee was orthodox conservative they would have jumped behind ted cruz and they didn t. this is exact complaint governor huckabee had. it s so obvious. let us know your thoughts about that will we see a brokered convention that 10% chance? do you think it will happen? mean meanwhile we have headlines. decades old murder investigat1n. l.a.p.d. test ago knife for d.n.a. found buried on simpson s former estate. according to tmz construction worker found the knife in 2002 and gave it to off duty cop and kept it for years before it was discovered by police. a doctor who testified in the trial reacting to the possible new evidence just moments ago. like and for the pictures of a buck knife kind of thing that it is not the knife a knife that s compatible with the stab wounds described and photographed at autopsy. okay. this morning the owner of construction company that demolished simpson s house finds the knife find, quote, a joke. simpson was ehe quitted in 1995 and could not be retried. two suspects charged in the fatal shooting of a las vegas mother last february pleaded guilty. eric naush is accused of shooting and killing 44-year-old meyers. he faces possibility of parole after 40 years. get away car driver faces 15 years and possible fine of $15,000. new security cameras were installed at maximum security jail in california. dozens of inmates flooded common areas. rushed in with pepper spray breaking up the fight. the sheriff had just bought and installed security cameras the day before. this after the county told her it would cost too much. no one was seriously hurt. two cops jamming out to journey to honor their fellow brothers in blue some will win some will lose some are born to sing the blues enjoy lip sync b-zq1ñ they made the video to keep spirits up. so far 16 law enforcement officers have been killed this year. it s important to remember that the brotherhood spans across the entire country. those are your news headlines. thank you, anna. well, establishment republicans are trying to stop the donald trump phenomenon. i would rather see someone besides donald trump become the nominee outright on the first ballot. if that doesn t happen, then i would like to see an open convention. it s called the never trump movement. and it s big in northwest d.c. and suburban virginia. is it winning or is it losing? a lead spokesman for that movement joins us next. and one police officer responds to a very unusual emergency. it was basically a 911 hangup call. the door opened up and she comes running out to the front with half a pant leg on. and she is just like hey. the little girl s story will have you smiling all morning long. here i am here we go oh! this is so good. if you re trying to teach a kid about a proboscis. just sketch it on the screen. i don t have a touch screen on my mac, i m jealous of that. you put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view. [ laugh ] one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there s no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. announcement: thisbiggest of the decade.the with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell s soups go great with a cold and a nice red. made for real, real life. put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident s unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. unless you have allergies., then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. interesting battles kin within the republican party. attacks on the party s frontrunner growing as time and delegates run out. the never trump movement is in full flower. former spokesman for jeb bush joins us live from miami to explain its aims. tim, thanks for joining us this morning. hey, tucker. the overwhelming likelihood is that thisq will come down to a contest between donald trump and hillary clinton. of those, who would make a better president, do you think? well, look, they both make terrible presidents, tucker. here s the thing if it came down to a contest between donald trump and hillary clinton. hillary clinton would be the president. she might as well sit around her house in chappaqua and drink mimosa iss. she won t have to campaign. loves to talk about polls. here is a poll that came out yesterday from gallup. they asked about famous people and what you think about them. donald trump s unfavorability rating was worse than serial date rapist bill cosby and just barely better than genocidal maniac bashar al assad. he cannot win a general election. i saw those polls. however, it looks like he is going to be the nominee and in light of that because he is going to have the delegates by the end of the process. how can become the nominee that doesn t work in a democracy as you know. you are doing a lot of work to further discredit trump even more than he has discredited himself. how does that not help hillary clinton? well, look, the thing that would most help hillary clinton is nominating donald trump. because she would crush him. and when you talked about letting the voters speak, 71% of republican voters have not even had a chance to vote in this primary yet. 71%. so what s the path? make us all feel better those of us with misimifings about donald trump. who is going to be the nominee who how does that work. what is that path? exactly. as the ration stands, if you add up cruz and rubio together they are more than trump. those row r. two people. yes. as a you look forward next two weeks before winner taken& all states. if cruz and rubio stay on similar tracks to where they are, they are going to be in striking distance of trump whether when we get to the winner take all states. one of those guys, cruz or rubio, most likely maybe kasich, less-likely is going to have to start beating donald trump in winner take all states. hold on. you are not answering the questions. you are trying to anoint him. i am hardly trying to anoint donald trump, that s ludicrous. you are spending tens of millions of dollars a atlantic at that time frontrunner. i want know what the plan is faith based scenario where one good will happen. get behind a specific candidate and make that guy the nominee. why aren t you doing that. plenty of groups out there that support ted cruz and marco rubio. why aren t you doing it. and that s their job. what our group was was a group of people largely conservatives, who came together and said we can t have donald trump as the nominee. so we are going to focus on that part of this job. this is a campaign that has a lot ofmç elements. what we are are doing is trying to prevent him from winning the big delegate states, florida, illinois, ohio, north carolina. if you keep him from winning those big delegate states and whether it s ted cruz or marco rubio or john kasich. it s very easy to beat him. tim, one of the reason. of course you are despite winning all these deficits. they are mad at the establishment. mad at people who say illegal immigration is an act of love. do you think that it s still an act of love and do you regret that your candidate said that. mad at the establishment is support ted cruz because if you ask karl rove or mitch mcconnell the real people who are the establishment and who they hate, they hate ted cruz. that s true. that s a good point. i m sorry we are out of time. he doesn t suck up to the establishment. i m sorry we re going to go to black. tim miller, thanks for joining us, we appreciate it? thanks, tucker. more fox & friends coming up. and change their world view. [ laugh ] when you think what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. hey how s it going, hotcakes? hotcakes. this place has hotcakes. so why aren t they selling like hotcakes? with comcast business internet and wifi pro, they could be. just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and you ll reach your customers where their eyes are already - on their devices. order up. it s more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. you don t see that every day. introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. built for business. welcome back. people eating at chick-fil-a are not only get a side of waffle fries, they are getting a dose of family time. a coup for you to put your cell phone in while you eat and distraction free meal. amazing. chick-fil-a franchise owner brad williams joins us with more on how the challenge works. good morning, how are you? i wish you could have shipped in. so chicken nuggets. or breakfast sandwich. tell us how you gotted idea. i have been a chick fillet owner operator for 25 years in the atlanta area. in the past 2 a years going through dining room and engaged with gusts we have seen decline in dij room of chatter and lawftder and conversationeñ between customers. i was talking with kyle johnson and challenged out-to-figure out a way to improve this connection piece. we thought of three things we are trying to improve. one, how can we get guests to take technology time-out take a few minutes from their phones. i love. this how does it work then? because, is it are you just handing out cell phone coups with every meal or does the customer have to ask for it? yeah. so the way it works is, let me say real quick is that we originated the idea in our store up in swanee, georgia. it wasn t a national campaign. it was just something we started locally. and now we over 500 chick-fil-as across the country started doing it. you come in. we call it the if i cankl fillet family challenge. work colleagues, family friends can come, in the coup is sitting on the table. you put your phone on silent and put it in the box. and then enjoy each other and your meal distraction-free. if you do that then we will you will let a hostess or team member know and we will reward you with a free ice cream cone at the end of your meal. you are paying people to talk to each other? [ laughter ] absolutely. and we are actually a big deal out of it. we will probably celebrate you and we even have a cow bell that we ring sometimes for people. and we just feel like people just need more cow bell in their life. hooray. human interaction, woo hooh. exactly. when people see that the world didn t endyy in those 15 minutes while their phone was in the coop at chick-fil-a they will do this when they re out with nice dinner too you see people with their phones out. absolutely. even yesterday. we had a lady came in with 4-year-old son. this is pretty amazing. and as they were walking away from the counter, the 4-year-old boy literally said to his mom you know, mom, while we are in here you have to turn your phone on silent and we have to have conversation. that really happened yesterday. that was really awesome. you are making me cry that a boy would say that that we have to have conversation. they are aware of that. that buzz and they pull it right out. it s just them. not us. we don t ever do. it right. i don t think i have ever been more pro-fast food. brian williams you are a total star making america better. thank you. i appreciate that thank you very much. have a great day. we want to know your family time. email us tweet us or facebook us some of your tips. spread the love and catch on. 27 minutes after the hour. coming up on fox & friends. the fight over foreign workers inside the united states taking center stage in the republican debate. it s very, very hard to get people. but other hotels do the exact same thing. donald trump not alone in using foreign workers. i will take to you one farm using a similar program to hire workers legally. plus, in the market for a new luxury suv? well, we have got the top five deals for you, including lexus.:k at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancée, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. don t just eat. mangia! bertolli. people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn t get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it s taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. vo: victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn t giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it s covered by most health plans. [cheers] come quick to your tv screen. it s the shot of your morning. best shot you will see all day. donald trump receiving help on stage from a young supporter. he starts to cry. but, you know, the kid with the huge mohawk getting all the attention in the arms of trump at a rally last night in new orleans, louisiana. looking at a still shot of it. the fight over foreign workers in the united states is now taking center stage in the republican race. it was right there in the republican debate the other night. donald trump arguing that certain visas are actually necessary for business. here s what he is said. it s very, very hard to get people. but, other hotels do the exact same thing. just so you understand, just, again, this is a legal process. this is a procedure. it s part of the law. [bell] i take advantage of that there is nothing wrong with it. we have no choice. no choice. he says the argument started over trump s use of h 2 b visas which he uses to fill seasonal jobs, housekeeping, maintenance and landscapers at his club mar-a-lago in palm beach, florida.x use visas to hire people legally from other countries. i spoke to some of them. take a look. the troy family farm in albany, new york, has weathered a lot of storms over the last 200 plus years in agriculture. i m the 11th generation to farm in america. the toriys are pushing for change in what many agriculture experts call a cumbersome guest worker program. it s so unreliable. it s so complicated. it s so expensive. around since the 1950s, the h 2 a program allows u.s. employers to bring in foreign nationals to fill temporary and seasonal agricultural jobs. only 7% of the agricultural workforce takes advantage of the program. it s hyper regulated. the department of labor is going to dictate what these workers can do and what they can t do. i mean down to the fact that if you have brought somebody in to pick vegetables, they are not permit to do go paint the barn. 2016 g.o.p. presidential will contenders say the border needs securing and the labor programs need improving. we need to have a legal here following the rule of law. i favor a guest worker program. i think it s practical. domestic labor pool isse aging up and then there is this. americans do not want to do farm labor. they don t look at it as glamorous work. and it isn t. it s hard. you have to show up every day. you have to pick that crop every day. maureen torrey alabama began using the h 2 a program seven years ago after getting into hot water in two raids and audit. we still have the scars from that. this year torrey farms is using workers to pick crops. cucumbers, green beatens, cabbage, potatoes, onions, miniature pumpkins. when farmers go through the process they are force to do ask themselves questions in many cases can t be answered precisely like exact date when the crop will be ready for harvest or exactly how many workers will be needed. so much depends on motor nature, and c program allows for throilts know deviation. under the h 2 a process, you have to start about 60 to 75 days before the work actually begins. another one of the challenges is that you have to go through four different governmental entities to be able to hire a foreign worker. the next generation of torreys is weary of continuing the family tradition. it s hard to watch she is working more trying to stay in business than try to better our business. people writing the regulations have never even stepped foot on a farm. average american not in farming, how does this effect their grocery store bills and economy. higher prices for the consumer. that could mean a product that s imported instead of locally grown. it s also a national security issue because we need to be able to produce your own food supply. and once you lose the ability to do that, you become a weaker country. and a i guess the question is do we want to import our workers or import our food? so the h 2 b says like we are talking about here temporary seasonal guest workers and used for jobs that typically do not need a degree. also discussed in the debate though was the h 1 visa program. h 1 visas are for specialty workers with subsets for people in the tech industry and nurses. and this was the big issue that donald trump appeared to flip flop on according to his critics like marco rubio. because on his website he said that having these skilled workers coming in from around the world would disseminate women and minorities looking for jobs and we should be worried about the domestic pool. during the debate he said we need to think about having these skilled workers here because we need their bright minds. but then after the debate his people came out and said no, actually, we re going back to the way that we were before. he did seem to either flip flop or lose sense of what he was talking about for sure. i do think legal immigration is the next great debate. you haven t really seen it in public so much. it really does, i mean 1.1 million legalgs immigrants into this country every year, most low skilled. that has a massive effect on the country. there hasn t been a public debate on it. as far as h 1 a and h 2 b visas. donald trump was saying on stage to make sure that the businesses hotels are able to keep going and farmers able to get food at affordable price. can i say h 1 b what s the insen toif make educational system better if business owners say there are no people capable of doing this job to support them. it doesn t give us much of an incentive to produce our own highly skilled labor does it. argument is that americans don t want to do these jobs. therefore they are left to let these crops spoil in the field or don t have skilled labor to do those jobs. americans are saying they don t want to talk it. i m talking it jobs like disney forcing its it employees to train their replacements from abroad because they get to pay them his. i don t know. huge influx. 30% of foreign workers come in and make the money andaa turn right around and leave. after a few years. all right. 38 minutes after the hour. developing overnight. two people accused of gunning down a veteran new mexico arrested. matthew chavez and veronica trimble in custody nearly a month after police say they approached 24-year-old army veteran tyler lackey while he was getting money from an atm. refusing to give them the case, lackey pulled out his gun, forcing the suspects to run. as they drove away, they opened fire themselves fatally wounding lackey. in the case of road rage pits each other outside of cars. fists start flying in the middle of a busy southern california intersection. passers by jump in and break it up before the men go their separate ways. neither men were seriously luret. wardrobe emergency for one toddler and very real. the little girl calling 9111. because she couldn t get her pants on. responding south carolina deputies were more than a little surprised when they arrived to the scene. it was basically a 911 hangup call. the door opened up and she comes runningy out to the front with half a pant leg on. and she is just like, hey. the 2-year-old s mom says she didn t know the girl even knew what 91 is 1 was. she said she didn t mind the comical detour. have you ever tried to put pants on kids it s a bear. drop them into them. happening up the pants. [siren] they keep grabbing for other things like a comb. no, ava, put your pants on for crying out loud. sometimes i want to call police. we only wear bath robes at my house and slippers. watching at home put your clothes on. you know who only wear as a bath robe at this point picly rick reichmuth standing by. that s what i m wearing thunder coat. creepy. welcome to fox. you guys are baking fan. yes we are every weekend we watch you guys and we love you. and now you are here. and we are here. girls weekend in new york. yes, we are. welcome. we are glad you are here. thank you. keep up the work. hi clayton, tucker and anna. take a look at the weather picture right now. the action is going to be across california this weekend. it s good news. el nino, we expected to get a lot of help with the drought out there. month of february. dried up. we had the great start to the season and then we dried out unfortunately. now this week, the precipitation comes back. this is this weekend. we are going to see a lot of areas picking up 2 or 3 feet of snow in the higher elevations and rain in the lower elevations. stormy pattern continue for a while. another storm on monday and we could see some spots maybe in the 7 and 8 inches of rain. great news. we need more but get some in the next couple days. little bit of snow flying to start. this is the end of a little bit of colder air and then get ready for big warm-up this week. going to be the case all across the east. in fact, nice across the southeast. starting off to chillier morning across places like atlanta. warm up quite nicely. warm up into the 70 s pretty much everywhere. into the northern plains, chillier start. not the that bad for this time of year. take a look at these breaking records and looking at tempsz into the 60 s and 70 s. guys, send it back to you inside. thanks a million, rick. all right, are you red jr. to the most incredible video you will see today. buckle your seat belt because we have it a cop saves a child from being run dramatic dash cam video you need to stay in bed to watch. erin andrews 75-million-dollar stocker lawsuit now in the stands of the grand jury. she claims they gave out room information. would your hotel give your room number without consent and are your hotel privacy rights up for grabs? kurt the cyber guy with what you need to know when come back. ú= like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card we d like to open a savings make account for him. yes yes. great stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. thanks to mom and dad and their safe driving bonus check from allstate. oh. look at this. safe driving bonus. are you a safe driver? lucky little fella. only allstate gives you two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safe. see how much more an allstate agent can do for you. call 877-644-3100. like in most families, dad s always the last to know. that s why accident forgiveness was the first thing he asked for when he switched to allstate. michael james! middle name. not good. get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an accident. find out how a local allstate agent can help better protect your family. call one right now. and if you re a safe driver, you can save up to 45%. just a few more ways the good hands are doing more than ever before. see what the personal service of an allstate agent can do for you. call 877-644-3100. when your cold makes you wish. .you could stay. .in bed all day. .you need the power of. new theraflu expressmax. new theraflu expressmax. the power to feel better. quick headlines for you. not just any headlines. caught on camera edition. first up, a cop s heroic life saving actions in bella seconds before a mini man crashes into them. he onlyhh had minor injuries amazingly. the boy totally unharmed. and a failed shoplifter. a man caught on camera running out of a south carolina wal-mart with stolen meet right before he thought it was safe an suv nearly runs him over. he trips and falls before getting back on his feet with the meat and running away. the man is still on the tucker jury will decides whether erin andrews will receive $75 million. andrews attorney argued the hotel released information about her room and allowed andrews stalker michael barrett in the room next to hers. is it normal for a hotel to give out guest information? kurt the cyber guy joins us with what we all need to know. we hope when we check in that our information is private. we know that they don t write or speak outloud room numbers anymore, right? we have heard those problems. they write them down. we hope they don t, right? one thing we do know about this particular case that goes to deliberation in nashville on monday is the fact that the guy was really a creepola. he took the peephole of a door and inverted it so he could put his cam rawp to it to see like a fish eye a wide angled lenz in the room and then 17 million people apparently watching online the video that was recorded from her inside the room. you may not have a stalker, but it doesn t mean you shouldn t really go after being mindful about your privacy and security and safety when you stay at a hotel. it s so important. think about checking out at grocery store. we know some thieves are watching you type in your key card information. so checking into a hotel is also just as important. what you can do to keep you re private information private. you don t2% know. this first of all before you get there, call the hotel and ask them hey what is your level of security? do you have a camera in the elevator? are you watching out for me in other areas that i don t know about. can guest rooms be accessed area where guest rooms are located? those are real normal questions to ask. make a point to say as you are checking in that you are not expecting any visitors. and to please not give out your room number to anybody. and then this is a common turn in the hospitality industry. they all know what it means if you say i d like to go incognito. that means nobody at the hotel should ever utter your name outloud. and the universal symbol in the hotel systems would be your name inside a parentheses, so they know not to discuss it amongst themselves. name wouldn t be published on a roster and don t know that you are there. also ask for alias to be used. when you are in the room personal effects. walk in the room number one thing to do is first of all, use common sense here. look around and see what might be in the room that could expose your privacy. second thing is, pick up that phone, call the operator and say i would like a do not disturb put on h0%ujj$u(u calls coming in and i don t want calls going out. use your mobile phone. that s much, much smarter. and then look at in room monitoring. there is a lot of sophisticated technology today that should be in the room. for example, power sense sores and motion detectors that allow the hotel to know when your room might serviced when you are not in the room. it can tell the occupancy of the room. it isn t a spy device. it s a sensor to offer a better guest experience. kurt, great to see you this morning. you bet you. you leave your laptop in the room and this is something i do at a hotel. free app. that is called i alert you. you are met like a car alarm. right now if a laptop moves or someone tries to fiddle with it while it s in the hotel. [siren] the alarm goes off on that. it does that. it also sends a photograph to you on your phone when you are away from your hotel room and you can say ah-ha, someone is in the hotel, they are messing with my laptop. you can find that of course find me there, we posted it already. also do that with certain aches on smart phone as well take a picture of your face. prey is an excellent one for that as well. i m not touching your laptop. that s for sure. donald trump skips cpac. the conservative gathering in d.c. and some are up in arms about it it. did donald do the right thing? does he even care? we re getting reaction from former speaker of the house newt gingrich straight ahead. are you looking to buy a new sports car? how about one under 40 k? top deal on wheels including this brand new me i can t miata. that s next. and the families that have supported them, we offer our best service in return. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. my opis slowing my insides to a crawl. that s opioid-induced constipation, oic, a different type of constipation. i m really struggling to find relief. paint a different picture. talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. when you re on hold, your business is on hold. that s why comcast business doesn t leave you there. when you call, a small business expert will answer you in about 30 seconds. no annoying hold music. just a real person, real fast. whenever you need them. great, that s what i said. so your business can get back to business. sounds like my ride s ready. don t get stuck on hold. reach an expert fast. comcast business. built for business. your motor running. friends at home if are looking for brand new car. automotive specialist there good morning, thanks for being with us. good morning. this is one of my favorite cars. i used to drive one of these when i lived in north carolina. this is is a a brand new model. tell us about this. consumer reports luxury suv luxury rx. we lo this suv because it has a beautiful interior. very comfortable. very quiet, great lexus reliability. 29 miles per gallon overall for the hybrid model. which is pretty good. best in the segment. right. great for an suv. next up we have the mazda miata this is a cute little car over here. you are thinking 299 degrees in new york city. it s so cold. here s the best part about this car. you hop in, and with one hand, you can slam dunk the top. it s like sunshine outside. no, it s still cold out here. still cold but then blast the9/ heat. consumer reports topic for a sports car. 34 miles per hour. overall and you are still having all this great fun. terrific handling. we love this car. it s safe even though it s so tiny? airbags, stability control. it has all kinds of great stuff. give us a cost. it s pretty affordable. starts about $25,000. this is a really high end model so you have leather seats. you have a nice touch screen system. it s got automatic transmission. the man shifter is actually one the best in the industry. look, heated seats. bun warmers. that s all you need. f-150. always at the top of these lists but the crew cab? this is massive. ford f-150 is consumer reports topic for a pickup truck. this has got the best reliability of any domestic truck in consumer reports reliability survey. this is a platinum version. this is like a high end, almost5 a luxury car. beautiful leather seats. with heating elements and cooling elements. platinum version, does this drive like a truck or does it have a smooth ride? it certainly drives like a truck but among the trucks the ford f-150 is quieter than the others. has a very nice ride. good handling. a turbo charged v-6 englenn. people think trucks v 8 s. the v 6 is very responsive. mike convincey, thank you so much. we are going it turn it on the heat because it s so cold outside. we are dreaming of spring but it s not here yet. thanks a lot. coming up, back to that bombshell in the o.j. simpson case. a knife possibly found in his former property. former l.a.p.d. detective mark fuhrman joins us live to react next hour. that s definitely not unleaded. what is this man doing in a car s gas tank? huh? if legalzoom has your back.s, over the last 10 years we ve helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. they say you shouldn t spoil your kids. but your grandkids? how about front row seats to the best show in town? and that is why you invest. the best returns aren t just measured in dollars. td ameritrade®. you are going to get so tired of winning. you are going to say please, please, let us have a couple of losses. i will say no way am i going to let you have. we will make america great again and you will say okay. i m asking for your vote tomorrow. i m asking for you to get people to caucus for me. because, together, if we do what needs to be done, we are going to leave for our children what our parents left for us. the single greatest nation in the history of all of mankind. it wouldn t survive a super tuesday. and then, you know, look at where we are? i m the last governor standing. there is only four of us. and we are the little engine that can. so is believe in us. because of you, we re winning. and because of you, we are going to win and turn this country around and beat donald trump for the nomination. [cheers and applause] hay, everybody, welcome in to fox & friends on a saturday morning. it s a super saturday with g.o.p. primaries and caucuses going on in kansas, kentucky, louisiana, and maine. more than 300 delegates up for grabs today through tuesday. it is a super saturday. will one of these states be donald donald trump s cryptonite or will he have a full, clean sweep once again in all of these caucus or primaries. that would be a big deal considering that the entire republican establishment, the last two republican presidential candidates every think tank employee in d.c., the employees of cpac everybody has come out against trump in washington, d.c. if he wins these states anyway boy they will have to get used to it. he is he in kansas where there is 440 delegates up for grabs in the republican caucuses. thyne will close tonight at 4:00 p.m. eastern time. 46 delegates up for grabs in maine, louisiana the primary there 46 delegates up for grabs. let s take a look at the current count. here is the leaderboard. 329 is what donald trump has right now. ted cruz at 231. marco rubio 110. john kasich 25. it all comes down to math. look, it does come down to math, look at those numbers. so if you are trying to stop trump and a lot of seasoned republicans don t like trump, i get it. why wouldn t you be coalescing around ted cruz? because is he clearly the best positioned mathematically you to get the position. about florida though if marco rubio won that winner take all. if he doesn t do well on today and tuesday lose momentum. tough mathematically for for the rubio campaign to get enough delegates to be the nominee before the july convention but it s just interesting. what about kasich? what about kasich? he said this last night on hannity. he said it s not impossible after i win ohio i will still have to win 68% of the remaining delegates. marco has got to win 64. ted is 59 or 60%. i mean, really, if you are going to stop donald trump it s going to be at a brokered convention according to some thinking. perhaps or to your point if the establishment coalesces around ted cruz, he has 231. he is not that far behind donald trump at this hour. you know, we have four states up for grabs. another 300 delegates up for grabs today. then you have then, you of course have florida and michigan. the establishment also doesn t like ted cruz. let s be honest. everybody is seized with a steel of nihilism right now on both sides. yeah our candidate doesn t know that much, we don t care. our efforts are actual going to help hillary clinton, would he don t care. you are hearing a lot of republicans, i have talked to at loft them saying i m voting for hillary clinton. i have heard the same thing. youmçsésaw one of the top foreign policy advisors for the marco rubio campaign max bude who says i would vote for joseph stalin before i voted for donald trump. stalin who killed scores of millions of people voted anti-semite i would vote for him first. there is a a lot of heated rhetoric. that s pretty heated i would think. karen tumulty has a piece point out where republicans are. strongest, conservative clan of candidates we have ever had. the strongest field we have ever had. now look where we. well, because there were so many. it depends on how you define conservative. that s what this is really about. on the democratic side it s not about ideas. it s about power. democrats wanted to take office so they can have power. they are very straightforward about it whoever can win gets the nomination. the republicans want you to believe something is. they care about ideas. which is, i think, touching and impressive but it s clumsy when the party can t agree on what those ideas are. who is at cpac today, this weekend? donald trump skipping that big event. the people in the crowd. it was, you know, they were planned protests. get up and boo donald trump. that s what they were arguing the donald trump scared of us. he didn t walk in because we were going to walk out that s why he didn t show up. the chairman of cpac was on the kelly file last night said that s the reason why. do you agree with this? listen. i think they figured since they are the leading candidate they should be able to come and speak for as long as they want to speak but not have to answer questions. megyn, one of the questions that we changed about cpac is if you are going to come to conservatives and give them your pitch on why you should lead them, you also need to take their questions. and they didn t want to do that.s÷ and so we decided that we would not change our rules for them, even though he is the frontrunner. i think it s a big mistake for him not to be here. i think it was a political whiff. the signals were there to following the debate when trump went won sean hawnt and he was at cpac there were supporters for him and some booing too katrina says donald trump will take a question from anybody. he has been booed more than anybody out there. there is truth in that i mike matt slapp. great guy, i am conservative. taking questions. i was debate in new hampshire. a lot of other candidates went home trump went and did interviews with different people. he had no idea who who they were. talking to al jazeera, bob s cable network. he dual interview with anybody. which is one of the reasons he has spent money on this campaign than did you on spring break last year because it s all free. he said he is right to skip cpac. the votes are in kansas not washington. why give the anti-trump activists a target? twitter polls asked you what you thought about this. was donald trump right to skip the cpac appearance? 61 percent said yes. 39 percent said. no we have got viewers who wrote in as well rj had written in and said it was shaping up to be anotherxn attempt to take trump down. he was smart to avoid that no win situation. timothy writes cpac should have never extended the invitation to trump is he is not a conservative. winning not going to a convention which is not going to produce nor delegates. the establishment2át accept the reality that for so many years they have failed us. you this is all starting to freak me out. getting too crazy for my point of view i m worried. but the one thing you can say is that if trump is the nominee or even if he is not, there are an awful lot of professional conservatives who are going to be out of jobs pretty darn soon. all the people that donated. do you think that s part of the motivation. of course. and by the way speaking you were just talking about h 1 b visas i think these think tank people could be replaced by foreigners who would do a better job sheeper is america more conservative than it was 30 years ago after spending billions on nonprofit conservative think tanks? no, they failed. replace them with people from honduras. i m serious. or worry more about our education so we breed our on young bright minds. our own conservative think tank. should be replaced under the h 1 b visa scheme i think. development, decades old murder investigation. los angeles police test ago knife for d.n.a. found>i buried on simpson s former estate. according to tmz, a construction worker found that knife in 2002 and gave it to off-duty cop and a kept it for years before it was discovered by police. this morning the owner of the construction company that it helped demolish simpson house calls it a joke. dr. my call baden reacting to the new evidence. it sounds like, picture evers of the buck knife kind of thing it is not a knife that s compatible with the stab wounds described and photographed at autopsy. okay. simpsons was acquitted in 1995 in the stabbing death of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman and cannot be retried. coming up in 30 minutes former l.a.p.d. detective from the trial will join us live. developing news out of san bernardino, california. the district attorney there says the controversial iphone of terrorist syed farook may contain clues of a third shooter. the fbi has been trying to cracked into the phone since the deadly attack in december. apple, as you know, is now involved in a legal showdown with the fbi over iphone security. syed farook and his wife tashfeen malik gunned down. schools in virginia, new jersey and maine all force to do go on lockdown after getting threats through automated phone calls. similar robo calls put schools on lockdown all up and down the east coast in january. none of the calls are credible andñú are working to work down where they came from. and a smuggling attempt towarded. u.s. border patrol capturing man hiding in the gas tank of an suv. he made his way all the way to the mexican border. officers using imaging device to make this discovery. the tank was under the backseat. you can hardly even makeout what that is. in not a lot of head room in a gas tank. makes you happy we live here. am i right it s 30 degrees outside? i thought warming up is supposed to be happening. next weekend a little preview. your favorite day, daylight saving time begins. spring forward and lose an extra hour of sleep. that s the part we lose an hour of sleep. more sunlight in the afternoon. going to make a lot of people happy. that s a sign that things are about to change. we still have cold air at least for today and little bit of show flying across parts of the great lakes this morning. it s going to move through here and not cause any problems for anybody. the rest of the country, good. except take a look at this. a lot of moisture coming into california. great news. we will see this patternas with a few systems moving on in a very big tropical connection. we call that a pineapple express because the moisture hawaii. there is is a lot of moisture there and1ñk2& some spots are going to get rain and snow and that s great news. take a look what s going to happen here. we will see the rain this weekend here. another storm comes in on monday. i also want to show you. this get ready for a lot of rain across parts of areas of texas and parts of the mississippi river valley. we could be looking at major flooding event here happening this week as well as some severe weather. but, clayton, you are worried about temperatures. take a look here. we are very warm today and tomorrow across parts of the plains. but this warm air begins to move on towards the east coast. and take ar look at this wednesday. there you go, clayton. 70 in new york city. what? groundhog was correct this year. it is coming. going to be a big warm-up. this warm-up coming is going to stick around for a year. does the groundhog make you feel insecure predicting the weather. groundhog percentages like 18%. that s sour grapes. he wasn t until he found out we just hired the groundhog. under the h 1 b program, actually. all right. coming up here, donald trump continues to talk tough about illegal immigration. the border is a disaster. it s like a piece of swiss cheese and we re going to stop it we re going to stop people from coming into our country illegally. does this hurt his chances of winning the latino., vote? while our next guest says no. and then here s an infuriating story. the manager of a cvs in maryland tries to stop an armed robbery at his stores. what do you think the store did to thank him? they canned him. you will hear from that vet just ahead. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, where imagination is in production. let us help grow your company s tomorrow - today - at only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don t tough it out, knock it out, fast. abreva. the flame is out. the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude. your mother. antonio. antonio. que? the stove. it s not working. campbell s microwaveable soups. made for real, real life. save big during bass pro shops dog days event and sale. like savings of 20% on a hyper pet k-9 kannon ball launcher. and new balance men s 608 trainers for under $50. plus bring your dog friday and saturday for free photos, giveaways and prizes. heywhether to stay or go?re when it s go, the new choice privileges gets you there faster. and now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. book now at we d like to open a savings make account for him. yes yes. great thanks to mom and dad and their safe driving bonus check from allstate. oh. look at this. safe driving bonus. are you a safe driver? lucky little fella. only allstate gives you two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safe. see how much more an allstate agent can do for you. call 877-644-3100. like in most families, dad s always the last to know. that s why accident forgiveness was the first thing he asked for when he switched to allstate. michael james! middle name. not good. get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an accident. find out how a local allstate agent can help better protect your family. call one right now. and if you re a safe driver, you can save up to 45%. just a few more ways the good hands are doing more than ever before. see what the personal service of an allstate agent can do for you. call 877-644-3100. i m not i m playing to the fact that our country is in trouble. we have a tremendous problem can crime. the border is a disaster like a piece of swiss cheese. we re going to stop it. we re going to keep people from coming into our country illegally. we re going to stop it. that was donald trump continuing to push for tougher immigration policy during the debate. 27 million hispanic voters expected to participate in this election. does talk like this hurt his chances of winning latino vote? a lot of people say obviously it does. next guest says no it doesn t necessarily. a republican political executive director of the republican national political committee and he joins us now. gus, good to see you this morning. thanks for having me. faith not just every were this is a disaster with mile-per-hour voter you say it s not necessarily, you say why? tucker, he won 4 4% of the hispanic vote in nevada and what s more important is our republican candidates are all actually they have the capability of winning the hispanic vote. in fact, if you look at it, what s going to be very important this fall is the youth vote. the biggest subsection of this youth vote is young hispanics. in fact, if you look at it, almost all of our candidates have won the hispanic vote hispanic vote but young hispanic vote in different contests so far. so i actually argue that all of them, if you put them against hillary clinton they all win. in fact during the debate even john kasich was saying that he beats her by 11 points. john mccain, obviously was not able to do this in the past. and mitt romney wasn t either. any of these guys do it. wait a second, gus. you have not been listening to hillary clinton or john mccain mitt romney or anyone else in d.c. making the same point. the single most important issue to every single hispanic voter is that the border remain open and illegal immigration remain basically accepted. that s not true? i can tell you hispanic voter myself i truly care about illegal immigration as well. i care about having border security. having a safe border that, you know, we can actually control. and all the hispanic voters as well. i think it s very important to look at it that way as well. like you said is, what s more important really is the youth vote. they are going to comprise about 20% of the vote in the general election. it s very important that hispanic voters actually, excuse me, our candidates talk to hispanic voters about the importance of not only having a secure border because, like i said, they truly care about that as well. so you mentioned the past efforts of previous republican candidates to win over hispanic voters. the trend line is moving in the wrong direction. let s put it up on the screen. so bush won 44% of hispanic voter. mccoin down mccain down to 31%. romney 27%. this does suggest it s time to try something new. exactly. if you look at it obviously we haven t had the best chance because we don t communicate with them. that s the same problem we have with the youth vote. it s the biggest growing subsection is hispanic voters. very important that we actually talk to them. in fact i was on the show yesterday and ip talked about in the fall how we are going to have a problem with hillary clinton but, the true problem for her is that people don t trust her. they call her a liar. my friends are calling her- [spanish] i got a text from my call her. [speaking spanish] she will go wherever the wind blows. truly speaks to her problems in the general election. you will see that mexican rapist line everywhere. that s going to be on spanish languish radio and everywhere in the general. that s not going to hurt? i think actually if you speak to them in mediums that they do understand, and you tell them, look, we want to maintain the border safe, there are drug dealers and problems in the border and actually, if we work to secure them, to maintain your family secured, that s something that will resonate with them. all right, gus, making a case almost no one else is making. if you are right, we will save this tape. i hope you will come back. thank you. coming up, it s the bombshell development everyone is talking about. a knife, possibly, potentially, maybe connected to the simpson murders of 22 years ago it was found on o.j. s former property. we will get reaction from former l.a.p.d. detective mark fuhrman he was of course at the center of that case. that s justf ahead. miranda lambert? what if you could live where celebrities do for a fraction of the price. would you? a real estate expert shows you how to do it coming up i m going to make this place your home italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn t know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at welcome back. buying real estate is all about location, location, location. what if you could live where the celebrities call home for a fraction of the price. a real estate expert anthony moore joins us this morning from san francisco with some affordable a-list style listings. a list and expensive san francisco. so i imagine not in san francisco. so let s start with austin. no. well, hey, how is it going clayton? let s start with austin because that s a happening rae market;/2qiu)u now. it is and it s where matthew mcconaughey lives. so i got the inside scoop. you get it from a local expert. in fact, how about a realtor because they know what s going on in the community. mcconaughey has a 9 eric estate on lake austin. just off of lake travis which is 15 minutes away is custom three bed, two bath home. granite counter tops in the kitchen. 350 k. what s great about austin is even the celebs that don t live here they flock to the city all the time. south by southwest festival next week. tripping over the4p stars when it s on. nashville and a listing just like miranda lambert s house that we showed before the break. tell us about this one. she has 400 eric secluded spread after she got after breakup with blake shelton. it s really in the sticks. real country fan would prefer something a bit closer to the nashville scene. covered porch balcony. hardwood floors are stunning only 399. just like 10 or 15 minutes from the big studios. not to mention my favorites, taylor swift, reese witherspoon all in nashville. see some acts playing at the stapling. stop by and get beverage at tootsies four you are talking. absolutely. how about in new orleans like angelina and brad pitt s home. if you have $5.66 million you can actually buy this house. 1830s french quarter home and they actually just put it on the market about three months ago. now, look. that s not everybody s price range but about five miles away iqe found this cute little 1500 square foot cottage it was lovingly remodeled, in move-in condition. again, 349. hardwood floors are original. i think they are gorgeous. what s best is the backyard has this great gazebo with a bar and table. you can have matter did i gras there all the time. with it beds, one bath. new orleans still on my bucket list. a place i have never gone torvettle let s talk about charlotte and living like ache threat and friend of the show angie harmon? well, so charlotte i think is a sports fan nirvana. angie actually moved out not too long ago after her breakup with her ex. he is an nfl veteran jason seehorn who is on espn u there. he has the house there. i found ad four bedroom three bathhouse. grand living room. bonus room upstairs. all these pictures just show how much space you get in charlotte. this is in a riverside community. it s got a marine, a pool, a clubhouse. you will feel like a celebrity even if you don t see one. and it s the least expensive of the homes we have have seen this morning only $345,000. it s really not hard it find a celebrity if you know somebody who is an insider, as i said before, and, you know, could be the postman but if you are looking to move. just find your realtor and i bet they will tell you who is living near you. that s right. so many people move into charlotte, north carolina. can you see why. anthony, great to see you this morning. you too, clayton. nor more on these listings go to which is owned by the fox news channel. thank you anthony. a veteran and ceo csi cvs manager are gets fired wait until you hear why. how do you keep dinner time family time? we will reading your emails coming up. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. got to get out and vote. if he is our nominee, it will split the republican party. and it will be the end of the moderate conservative movement. we re going to fix the border. we re going to have immigration taken care of. i m going to restore our relations with our allies. that s what we are going to do in the first 1100 days. so buy a seat belt. the only way to beat donald trump is for us to continue to unite, to it stand together. oh, it s super saturday. that s what we are calling it anyway. from here on out with g.o.p. primaries and caucuses being held across the country in four states, more than 300 delegates up for grabs through tuesday. 46 in kansas, 46 in kentucky can. 46 in maine and 46 in the louisiana primary&sñ polling places just opened moments ago. they closed at 9:00 p.m. in louisiana. people like to stay up late in louisiana. here s how it all stacks up at this hour. donald trump out in front, 329 delegates. you know, if he runs the table on super saturday, he would double his number. ted cruz with 231. marco rubio 110. and down the line john kasich there with 25. so we will be watching. pretty close cruz and trump. closer than i think most people realize based on the delegate count. beat him in five states. won in four. beat him in five states. that s why ted cruz is trying to rally the other supporters of rubio and kasich come in under my tent. not happening yet. no, it s not. might be the smartest move if they are going to try town seat trump. keep it here on the fox news channel today. watching the polls as they close throughout the afternoon. following other stories making headlines this saturday morning. first up, scam artists trying to rip people off by pretending to be police. orlando police say the culprits are are calling people from a number that appears to be the police departments on caller i.d. and then they are asking for money. if payment isn t made they even threat to arrest the victim. police say at no time will law enforcement ever ask for payment over th0 phone. veteran fired for fighting crime, joe morrici intervooned when robber stole drugs from the cvs where he worked. he locked them inside the store threatening to shoot. one of them got away. instead of applauding him. his boss told him to pack his bags. in those instances you are not thinking okay what am i going to rationally do here. it s split-second decision-making and in fear of everyone in the building i reverted back to my military training. even though he lost his job there, morici has been flooded with other offers. after a year in space, astronaut scott kelly says he has sore muscles, joint pain and more. i also have an issue with my, you know, my skin that because it hadn t touched anything for so long, like any significant contact, it s very, very sensitive to almost like a burning feeling on wherever i like sit or lie or walk. that s so interesting. kelly says it was easier for him to adjust to space than it is adjusting back to earth. he had aches and pains gab a day after hopping out of the space capsule when he landed in houston. as for the culture shock of being back on earth. kelly says he expects that will hit soon. big sacrifice he made away from his family full year. if you at the present time to get taller go to thing called gravity. rupert murdoch and new bride jerry hall. two married at a palace in london. the two got engaged in back in january. murdock tweeted he is the luckiest and happiest man in the world. family and friends including michael cain and andrew lloyd weber celebrated this morning at saint bride s church which is nicknamed the journalist church. a big congratulations to him and his lovely bride. those are your headlines. thank you, anna. can tornadoes be predicted a weeked in a advance. victor found links between tornado activity and strong weather patterns that shift every few months. last year he predicted the nation s overall tornado activity accurately more than 60% of the time. so, rick, what do you think about all of this? it s interesting. and i love that there are more and more studies and a lot of research being done on something like this. we are getting a much better idea of global weather patterns in a way that we didn t have before. a lot of satellite information is more readily available in more detail. and we know of a lot of different osillations weather patterns. a lot of things are predictable. scientists expect the next three weeks to;u have above average tornado activity across the eastern part of the country. in the very short-term we will get an idea if there is accuracy to that i do think there is something to it because we have a lot warmer air coming into the eastern part of the country. when that happens the colder air coming in from the west certainly helps matters. here have r. your temperatures waking up this morning. not that bad anywhere. a lot of warm air moving in. every day we get warmer and warmer. by the time we get tuesday and wednesday pushing 70 degrees as far as in to the manhattan and new york. southeast beautiful day today. tons of sunshine. 80 in abilene. 78 in corpus, christie. here are those warm temperatures across the northern plains right now. this is that warm air that is going to be spreading toward the east and setting the stage for some of that severe weather and a monday i think we will see the start of it across parts of the plains. guys? all right. thank you so much. q let s talk about chick-fil-a because they are fired of seeing people in their dining rooms sitting there on their devices not engaged with the person across the table from them, looking at twitter, playing games and not having an actual conversation. right. they are trying to create a more family friendly environment. called the chicken coop family challenge. what they have done at least at one chick-fil-a in atlanta. see that thing there. they are calling it the chicken coop. less noisy and messy than that stick your cell phone while you enjoy your nuggets and chicken fries and polynesian sauce. they re paying to you talk too it each other with free ice cream. there is free ice cream in thisv+ world. brad williams is the franchiseee who thought this up. here is what he said. a lady came in with 4-year-old son, this is pretty amazing. and as they were walking away from the counter, the 4-year-old boy literally said to his mom, now, you know, mom, while we are in here you have to turn your phone on silent and we have to have conversation. what you do is you come in. we call it the chick-fil-a family challenge but really work colleagues, family friends can come in, the coop is sitting on the table. you put your phone on silent, put it in the box. and then enjoy each other and your meal distraction-free. if you do that then we will you will let a hostess or team member know and we will reward you with a free ice cream cone at the end of your meal. brilliant because you are bribing the children who then will of course remember and instruct their parents to turn off the cell phone, mom, i want that ice cream. we ask you at home what do you think of chick-fil-a s idea and what are the ways you preserve your family time. donna posted on facebook page i like that idea. we can t even have a family get together without my kids being on their phones. a chicken coop is is a fun idea but really now parents want chick-fil-a to raise their children? good point. pam posted this on facebook i will turn my off but not handing it over to anyone. one things we need to do to preserve our time extends get together we play charades. you have the nicest family. the idea of a kid on a cell phone during a meal. i would rather my kids can like lit cigars at the table. anything but that it s literally unimaginable to me. i just wouldn t tolerate that for a second. not like one second. it seems in. at our dinner table. no electronics no, devices. sit there, talk about your day. that s the whole point of getting together with the family. dinner challenge where everybody has to put their cell phones in the middle of the table. whoever reaches for theirs first. meals are not about eating. there is a reason that jesus on last night on earth had a meal. it s a deep thing. it s communion with the people that you love. the idea that you destroy it because you are on snap chat is so offensive. i just can t even deal with it it. email us your thoughts about family time. how do you preserve it at home? we will read them coming up. meanwhile, everyone is talking about in this morning, the knife possibly found at o.j. simpson s former property before it was demolished. we have former l.a.p.d. detective mark fuhrman at5 the center of that trial. join us with his reaction next. the dog falls into an icy river. man is there to save his best friend. dramatic rescue caught on camera. uh, hello geico?. yeah, i was just talking about your emergency roadside service and how it s available 24/7 and then our car overheated. what are the chances? can you send a tow truck please? uh, the location? you re not going to believe this but it s um. it s in a tree. i wish i was joking, mate, but it s literally stuck in a tree. 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is this something that we all to be paying attention to or are we just fascinated by this case and we are looking for morsels even when we shouldn t be? i kind of wonder why the los angeles police department felt compelled to do a press conference on an item of possible evidence that they could quite easily eliminate just by viewing the knife. you don t need forensics. certainly the knife has to meet certain size requirements to actually have inflicted the wounds on nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. and that being it can only be certain width, length, and thickness or it simply isn t the weapon. the autopsy results, especially on ron goldman were very specific. so, this is something that l.a.p.d. didn t need to do and i just don t believe in the coincidence of the timing. well, what about the construction worker that apparently found iáand gave it to this police officer? he had it just as a souvenir and was going to frame it, and that s when all of this spilled out to authorities. and now also to the general public. shouldn t this guy have come forward? well, i believe there is information that came out yesterday. you know beings whether the source of that information is correct, there is supposedly in the l.a.p.d., detectives involvedwx with this investigation, of this traffic officer, motor officer that had the knife, that said it wasn t 1998. that it was 2002. and when the construction worker gave him the knife, he immediately called west l.a. detectives. he was put on hold. a supervisor came on the line and said that case is closed. simpson was acquitted. we re not interested in it. so, if that s the facts, then the traffic officer virtually did everything correct and did absolutely nothing wrong. do you know this guy? i don t know. i haven t heard his name. okay. and i don t know a lot of motor officers. that would be kind of, you know, kind of an uninteresting point if i did or didn t. look, americans are just so still fascinated by. this many think o.j. simpson got away with murder. even his book how did i it if i did it kind of thing. a4uáát sort?blicity stunt of what is this? well, as i said, i don t believe in coincidence. certainly this motor officer didn t need to call the l.a.p.d. to get a number for the case. it s all over the internet. that s not too difficult to do that if you re going to have it engraved. you know, it s really suspect to me, considering the timing. and it s also suspect that l.a.p.d. would even do a press conference. it s really no information. it s uninterestingny and they can eliminate it almost immediately. yeah, well, you have got sources very close to it. you were very connected to that case. so we do thank you for joining us with your perspective this morning on fox & friends. mark fuhrman. thank you. appreciate it 12 minutes off the top of the hour. coming up on fox & friends. national security is a top issue this election season. when and how do the candidates get bereaved on the campaign trail? a former cia officer is going to explain that next. parents in one country could be sued for posting about their kids on social media. should they really be bentized? our parenting panel weighs in just ahead i always feel like somebody s watching me and i have no privacy i always feel like somebody s watching me tell me is it i won t. (cannon sound) i won t. my school could be fast. could be a blast. can t find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won t be the same without you bro. when it s go, the new choice privileges gets you there faster. and now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. book now at . welcome back. when our presidential candidates introduced into the world of national security and how and when are they briefed while campaigning? a new book explained all of it. the untold story of intelligence briefing from america s presidents from kennedy to obama. it was written by david press. he joins us now. thanks for being with us. good morning. so yeah, are the four candidates on the gop side and the two on the democratic side, have they been briefed? they probably will be brought in eventually but a couple of them are already familiar with the crown jewelled. hillary clinton received the president s daily brief every day for four years. marco rubio served on the intelligence committee in the senate. very soon the candidates will start to get breefgs. certainly after the convention and the cia briefers take great care, to make sure, through history they have, to make sure that they get the same information and there s no bias. let s go back in history. start with true man on this and the genesis of the daily briefing. he was out of loop on knowing about the atom bomb. he assumed the presidency and found out about it. he vowed in the future other presidents would not be as caught off guard as he was so he started the tradition of briefing the major party candidates, usually after the convention but occasionally before the convention to make sure that they would be up to speed. jimmy carter was ignorant of foreign intelligence generally. he asked for and received a cia briefing even before the democrats nominated him to be president. it must change the way some of these guys look at the world. they re campaigning on certain issue and they find out information that contradicts their own views. does that happen? yeah, there s a dangerous idea here. without these briefings a presidential candidate may do or say something that either exposes an on going intelligence operation or boxes him in once in office. john f. kennedy, 1960, he was attacking richard nix softon on campaign trail. there was a action that did that and ended up leading to the bay of pigs invision. kennedy didn t know about it. vice president nixon had to shut up and not say anything to avoid exposing the covert operation. how indepth do these briefings go? you don t want the losing candidate to have highly classified information do you? the briefings are informational. overviews. after a president is elected but still not in office then they get introduced to the president s daily brief and all the top level secrets within that. what sort of secrecy surrounds these briefings and what are they allowed to say, do, carrie to their staff members when they re campaigning. we don t know the details of every briefing but through history what has happened is these candidates have not exposed the intelligence they have been receiving and that s been a good thing for everyone. the voters deserve to know what they re going to do with their intelligence for many reasons but in terms of the content of the briefings we re all better off not knowing what secrets are within those. we probably are. i d still like to know. thanks for joining us. your book sounds great. the president s book of secrets. four minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, some republicans want a broken convention to stop donald trump from becoming the nominee. what are the odds of it actually happening? and would it work? and you wanted to buy a new pick up truck? how about one for $30,000. we have the top deals on wheels. like this grand new ford f150. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. legalzoom has your back. for your business, our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. yeah? then how d i get this. [ voice of dennis ] .safe driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands? silence. (toilet flush) if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go .except you. opioid-induced constipation, oic, is a different type of constipation, which may need a different approach. longing for a change? have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. you got to get out and vote. i promise you ll be happy. you ll be happy with me. if he s our nominee he will split the republican party and it will be the end of the modern conservative movement. i ve been a conservative for 15 years. we ll fix the border and have immigration taken care of. i ll restore our relations with our allies and that s what we re going to do in the first 100 days so buy a seat belt. more and more of the republicans uniting behind our campaign. and more and more supporting other candidates. the only way is to continue to unite to stand together. welcome into fox and friends welcome. we ll call it super saturday with gop primaries and caucuses in kansas, kentucky, louisiana and maine. more than 300 delegates are up for grabs. they re pretty confident about maine. these contests we ll find out by 9:00 p.m. where the louisiana primary closes but they ll answer the key questions which is how will trump with stand the attacks from everybody in the republican party who works for a conservative think tairng. holds office. once ran for president. there all against trump. will that have an effect? his voters seem to think not. you have mitt romney coming out and making speeches and attacking donald trump. trump supporters love it. they stand by their man and they go further. i think some are feeling disrespected even by the gop establishment and by mitt romney coming out and laying out a ground work to stop trump. kasich has to win in ohio and rubio in florida and there s this chaos and we can pick who we want. it s almost like saying your vote isn t as important as the other vote. it s not almost saying that. it s saying that. and what the elders in the party wants and the establishments wants. we don t think donald trump can beat hillary clinton. that s why we re doing this and if we have hillary clinton taking over the chance of having the supreme court swayed is good too. a surprising amount are saying we think trump would help get hilary elected therefore we re voting for hillary clinton. you ve seen a lot of republicans say i m voting for hillary clinton other than trump. i think this is hurting trump. i don t think he had a particularly strong debate this week and if everybody s against you, does it help you? maybe it does. we ll know tonight whether these attacks are working. that s true. well the front runner donald trump is making an announcing. he s not going to cpac this weekend. instead he s staying on the campaign trail. the very latest on trump s disappearan disappearance. in case we needed any more evidence that this is not your typical election donald trump announced he would not be attending cpac which has been a requirement for any republican candidate to come and win over conservative voters. this comes after earlier this week activists here announced they were planning a massive walk out during trump s speech but his campaign says the cancellation comes simply because trump wants to focus on campaigning. but organizers say there s more to it. they say this decision came after they refused to give into trump s demands for more speaking time and to not to have to answer questions after his speech. they say that his absence sends a very strong message to conservativ conservatives. if you re going to come to conservatives and give them your pitch on why you should lead them you also need to take their questions and they didn t want to do that and we decided we would not change our rules for them even though he s the front runner. i think it s a big mistake for him not to be here. it has nothing to do with questions. donald trump is the one candidate that s taken more incoming than anyone. more questions. more protests. he s not afraid to take questions at a rally. tomorrow is an election. the campaign decided to go and campaign in kansas and then go to florida. ted cruz immediately jumped on that announcement though using it as an example he says of how it is that trump is a phony conservative. there was news outside of trump here yesterday, though. dr. ben carson made his official announcement that he is suspending his campaign and here s how he explained his campaign s failure to gain traction. you know, there s a lot of people that love me but they just won t vote for me. but it s okay. marco rubio will wrap up the convention here this morning with his speech. after that there will be a straw poll here this afternoon which has always been a big deal though without trump. this year we ll see if that will be the same. as far as dr. ben carson goes he says he does have a job lined up. a nonpartisan organization trying to get christian americans to get out to the polls to vote. he s not ready to make an endorsement yet but he will. trump will talk to literally anybody and you can t complain that he got too much media attention but he s too afraid to talk about what he thinks. that s the whole point. has he ever shied away from questions? no. i think some of his interviews don t go very well but he keeps do you think there s merit that he needs to be out on the campaign trail. i also think cruz is right. he s redefining what it means to be a conservative. whether you like it or not. it s real. do you think it was proper or in his best interest to skip the cpac appearance? 61% of you on twitter put out there this morning said yes he should have skipped it and 39% said no. remember when he skipped the fox debate in ohio and he says he thinks it may have hurt him. he would have done the veteran s event anyway. he played by the rules. trump is unfairly getting it from all corners. he wants to be with the people that want him to be president of the united states. go trump. wendy writes trump was wise to skip cpac. he s making up new rules for the political game and winning with them. the others are trying to keep up while using old methods. that s true. one more, skipping cpac shows trump is not a conservative and shouldn t be trusted. what do you think? let us know your thoughts. following the debate on thursday night i got the first interview with donald trump and his beautiful wife. i asked her because she had been speaking with greta about his language and she told him to tamp it down a little bit. especially when he repeated the p word and all the insults and everything. well we saw a lot of insults during the debate coming from all sides and she said that she thought he did act presidential and he was just giving back what he was being handed. i asked her also what her cause would be if she is the first lady. here s what she said. are you starting to feel like you could be our next first lady? we will see what will happen. how would you be? what would your cause be? well, many problems in the 21st century and we need to take care of many, many things. so i will focus on helping women and children. they are our future. they need our help. education. and maybe some charities as well. of course. what about the military. that would be nice too, yes. i have many ideas but if it comes to that, we will discuss. she also admitted after the big super tuesday victory or after one of the big caucuses in south carolina, the next morning, at that debate or at the event he asked her just to jump up to the microphone and start talking. he didn t give her any heads up ahead of time. you are starting to see his family be a lot more present. we ve had eric trump on the show many times. donald trump jr. ivanka who is about to pop with the baby. but you re starting to see the whole family get more involved. if by the way a year ago you predicted something like this would happen, give us a call. we want to meet you. you re the only person in the world that did that. 9:08 is the time on the east coast. we re turning to other stories making this one. developing news out of san bernardino california. the district attorney there is saying the controversial iphone macon tan clues of a third shooter. a third shooter. the fbi has been trying to crack into the phone since the deadly attack back in december and apple is involved with a legal show down with the fbi over security. they both were gunned down by police. the lead pipe removal in flint michigan has begun. more than 8,000 residences that had their lines removed. it s a $55 million effort to replace the lead pipes linked to illnesses replaced with copper ones. all are expected to be replaced within a year. this comes as a u.s. senate in utah put a hold on a bill to provide federal funds to help. it s because the state has an enormous budge surplus this year. and hope is being shredded online. the twitter user from california showed them on sale for $5.99. many think it s a waste of plastic. not everybody agrees. one twitter user says this is terrible. there s a lot of people that for many reasons arthritis for one, would have great difficulty peeling an orange. another user said i m surprised with the mocking. there are some days my hands hurt so much i could not peel an orange. whole foods apologized and said they ll leave oranges in their natural packages from now on. the whole point of an orange is to peel it. it s such a pain. but no one is outraged about the fact that there s this thing called $5.99 for an orange. that s whole foods for you. which is a cult and not just a super market. we re selling cucumber water for $20. who is washing the oranges? much of the east coast not a bad day. not going to amount to much. don t worry about that snow and get ready for a big warm up. a lot of rain coming on shore. it s big news. february was dry across california and we re in this el nino season and we need to get the rain and march is shaping up to be really wet. a lot of spots maybe 5 to 8 inches of rain and probably over 5 feet of snow across the sierra, nevada. that s good news this week. what s not as good is a lot of rain across parts of the central plains. this weekend and starting monday here severe weather possible. tornadoes likely starting on monday and into tuesday and some flooding with some spots. might see an excessive independence from lands of rain. but big temperature chang as well. incredibly warm across the high plains the next number of days. another warm one. 60 by monday in fargo and then the warmer air across parts of the east and by wednesday 68 degrees in boston. whoa. we re going to start talking about spring a lot which is a great thing to talk about. it s already spring. i love that you know that. and daylight savings is coming up when? all the signs are stacking up. it s going to get better. we like it. coming up next some republicans want a brokered convention. they say it could stop donald trump. they re really frustrated because all of their chosen candidates, all the golden children, the voters keep rejecting. could there actually be a brokered convention? and who would broker it? and don t stop believing. the reason these cops are jamming to journey. hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go? when it s go, the new choice privileges gets you there faster. and now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. book now at i d rather see someone besides donald trump become the nominee out right on the first ballot. but if that doesn t happen, if that doesn t happen then i d like to see an open convention. we go to a broker s convention and the d.c. power brokers will drop someone in that is exactly to the liking of the washington establishment. if that would happen we will have a man fest revolt on our hands all across this country. republican candidates from this election and last have mixed feelings over whether a brokered convention would be a good idea to prevent donald trump from gaining the nomination. what are the odds that it happens and how will it work? joining us now is a man that watched politics and he joins us livement they can t have a brokered convention and it is democracy right. that s why i call it a contested convention. if they did have a brokered convention i hope they take applications because i would apply and you would too to be a broker. at the very least it would result in an ambassadorship to a warm country. i d take that. but we don t have brokers anymore. who would do this? who isn t tainted by one dan date or another or one ideology or another? there s no one, quote, universally respected in this very devicive contest. is it possible that donald trump doesn t get the magic number of delegates? that 1,237. it s possible. i don t think it s probable. it s more possible this year than in any year since the last truly brokered convention which was on the republican side in 1948 which produced thomas e.dewy who lost the general election. but if it did happen to get back to tucker s second question, suppose donald trump gets 1100 delegates. he s short of the 1237. what do you think is going to happen if cleveland if he is denied the nomination and somehow, some way, that has never been explained. all of the other delegates are going to be able to unite behind some other candidate. number one, you ll have a great number of the trump delegates walk out and number two i m old enough to remember 1968 chicago. i was actually in chicago the week before that convention and i remember it was an armed camp. i really think that there is the potential for some unpleasant things to happen and i m going to leave it that general. i completely agree with that. you made a bunch of smart points so all the geniuses causing for more chaos on this process and figure out ohio in july, what is that? well, they re thinking exactly one thing. they do not want donald trump. they re willing to do absolutely anything to make sure that he is not the nominee. they have already conceded the presidential race. they re either going to get another, quote, real republican nominee for the gop by dislodging trump or trump will get the republican nomination and then almost inevitably there will be an independent, quote, real republican ticket and that guarentees hilary s election. it does do one thing for the republicans. it probably saves the senate for the republicans and the house. creates a run off. it s interesting they ll vote for the congressional nominees. the promise that all the candidates took was to back whoever the front runner was. whoever won the nomination. but you run as a third party candidate. promises are operative on the day that they re made. they have to be renewed day hi. you know that. that s amazing. larry sabato with an insight on what s going to happen. thanks for joining us. thanks a lot. man saving his best friend. a dog falls into an icy river and struggles to stay afloat. it s caught on video. we ll show it to you. could posting on social media about your kids get you sued? we have a debate with our parenting panel. they re up next. customers ask if all vitamins are the same. i tell them the difference is quality. gnc formulas exceed the highest standards. now buy one get one half off select fish oils, probiotics, multivitamins and more. what s right for you? just ask. we make it simple. gnc. brace yourself for some animal headlines. we ve got them. a dramatic rescue in new hampshire after a dog falls into an ice covered river. watch this. come on buddy. once back on dry ground another team was ready with towels to dry them off. the dog is cold but expected to make a full recovery. the race is about to get underway they ll be part of the nine day nearly 1,000 mile journey to gnome. it s a town 50 miles north of anchorage. far from being the only one right now. they wanted to stay away from posting them on facebook in france. it s cracking down on the practice warning parents that they can face 1 year in prison for $50,000 in fines for putting the photos online without your child s approval. so are the french going a bit too far? keisha is an attorney and mother of one daughter. david is a father and attorney and donna is a parenting expert and mother of two sons. just trying to keep all the kids in order here. the french going too far. what do you think about this? you re posting a lot of pictures on facebook. i post pictures of my daughter almost every day. i think they re going too far and i can see that it s an issue. once you post a picture on book it s no longer your property. it s facebook s property and they can do whatever they want to do with it. later on down the line if a child becomes an adult they may say i don t want pictures of me in a tutu floating around and now i m running for governor of new york. but look, facebook now owns these photos. that s at the heart of the legal issue here. when you sign up for facebook, terms of service, what you own is now facebooks. i agree. these are public photos now. i am not a big facebook poster but i like to use it every so often. but i believe criminalizing the act of posting your children on book is way beyond the bounds. as parents as long as we act in a legal manner we have the right to raise our children anyway we want. as a mother, are you going to ask your 2-year-old if this is okay if i talk this to social media. they re not going to know what you re talking about. what you have to do is alert, alert parents we re posting too much and we need to be mindful of what we re posting. think about it. would you want a naked picture of yourself on the internet? would you want a picture of you at your worst. it s a good way to look at it and covered in cake at birthday party is embarrassing. what else is there on facebook? it s posting of your kids pictures and pet pictures. without that there is no social media. it s boring. my daughter loves seeing how many likes she got. did you post a picture of me getting this award? how many likes did i get. knowing her if she s watching this segment she s going to say i want to sign a document saying i give you the right to post my pictures. but aren t we going too far with the amount we re relying on social media? posting all of these things? we saw a separate story about interacting with our devices too much and not interacting with family. now we re more worried about likes and all of these differ things. it s unhealthy. it s become an absolute obsession. this facebook and the likes, it becomes very obsessive and obviously families should be speaking to each other at the dinner table and not be obsessed with their iphones and devices and social media. however, again to criminalize it and also to create a private write of action on behalf of a child with a parent that s completely out of the bounds. final word. we re only posting either the best versions of ourselves on social media or the worst versions. we don t post average. i m having an average day today. we post about things that are fantastic or we post about when we re really down in the dumps. but i think that you ve got to keep it, you got to keep it simple and you don t want to embarrass your kid. you to really think about it and you don have to post every single thing going on in your life. just because it s on book done mean that it s this amazing event. life is going on behind the scenes and that s what is most important. great point. great point. great to see you. you too. now get back to facebook. all right. coming up here on the show, still ahead, bombshell or bust. was brand new evidence just uncovered in the o.j. simpson murder case? we re joined with what the nice discovery could mean for the murder case. that s next. plus don t stop believing. the heartwarming reason these cops are jamming to journey. we re going to meet these officers next. if you re running a business, legalzoom has your back. over the last 10 years we ve helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like vacations equal getting carried away. more proactive selling. what do you think michal? i agree. let s get out there. let s meet these people. a knife reportedly found now being tested for dna. the knife apparently was found originally by a construction worker that gave it to a retired cop many years ago but he didn t turn it over to the lapd until about a month ago. he held it for ten years. that can be a problem for him. many experts are skeptical of the evidence. is it a bombshell or a total hoax. let s bring in the judge. nice to see you this morning. great to see you as well. i m interested in a number of angles. one of which is the police officer that held on to this almost seemed like a souvenir for ten years. is he going to be in trouble and does it even matter? is there any kind of evidence we could glean from this knife in the first place? well, to answer the second question first, if it turns out to be the murder weapon which i seriously doubt it is, yeah there could be a lot of evidence. it s been described as a folding buck knife type of knife which would have a lot of creases in it where the dna is very resilient could still reside and it could confirm that o.j. simpson is the murder although i think that is probably a foregone conclusion in most people s minds nowadays anyway. it could of course point to somebody else. i think that s highly unlikely. i think it s unlikely that is the knife. lapd with all the mistakes they made scoured that property pretty well and it s more likely this knife was left behind by a gardener or somebody else in the years that followed. what it does indicate is the outrageousness of this police officer s conduct. whether or not it turns out to be the knife he clearly believed it was the knife because he kept it and wanted to frame it. knowing that it was a critical piece of evidence in his mind he didn t turn it in. that could subject him to concealment of evidence charges. well, former lapd detective mark furman is on earlier. he s skeptical about the timing of this and why there was a press conference to begin with. it s suspect to me the timing. he didn t need to call lapd to get a number for the case. it s all over the internet. i wonder why the los angeles police department felt compelled to do a press conference on an item of possible evidence that they could quite easily eliminate just by viewing the knife. you don t need forensics. so it s really no information. it s uninteresting and they can eliminate it almost immediately. so why would there be a press conference and what do you make of the fascination that america still has for of t.j. simpson? well it was the trial of the century. that was probably if you think back the first taste of reality television. he is such a charismatic and likable character that people were medicizmerized that he cou create such a horrible crime. i don t think lapd is involved in a master conspiracy here for any reason. they were probably trying to feed the masses clamoring to find out information about the knife. it shouldn t take a lot to eliminate or include the knife. in an autopsy they take very detailed measurements as to knife wounds and the type of knife and length of the blade and things like that. you could either say this knife is not long enough to make the depth of incision that was made or it is. i guess we ll find out soon enough. i m skeptical as well about it being the knife. i want to ask you at florida where you live and you have lived for a long time, its the definitive state in the republican primary calendar. rubio the most famous politician in the state. trump beating him by double digits in all the polls. will we see that change. do you think senator rubio has a shot to win his state? he certainly has a shot but i think trump has the much better shot. people that think there s no way trump wins florida i think are very mistaken. he has shown resiliency all throughout the country. he s won state after state that people predicted his death in repeatedly. what you re miss as good the disgust that voters have with politicians. this year is not like any other year. they re tired of being lied to. they re tired of going to washington and doing something else. we see every politician highing. they are going to skew to the left or skew to the right to get the primary voters and come to the middle. they re lying to either one group or the other and the public is now filled up with it and donald trump is filling that void in their mind. good or bad. and look at the other person that was doing amazingly well in florida was carson. the other outcider so i think he absolutely could take florida and that would probably seal the nomination for him. what about the latino vote. trump holding up signs hispanics for trump saying look the hispanics do love me. i think that people are also misguided on the fact that they think that hispanics are a monolithic group. that s like saying whites will never vote for trump. they don t think as a block. i think it s his appeal crosses over all kinds of boundaries whether they be race, religion, we saw w that with the evangelical vote he s stealing from cruz. we ll find out pretty soon. thanks a lot judge. we appreciate it. 38 minutes after the hour on a saturday morning. the erin andrews case is now in the hands of a jury. they ll decide whether a national marriott was negligent in letting andrew s stalker book the hotel room next door where he filmed her through a peephole in 2008. her life hasn t been the same since because the nude videos are posted online. she s suing the hotel for $75 million. and life saving actions caught on camera. while dash cam video shows the cop grabbing the boy and shielding him seconds before a mini van smashes into them. the officer only had minor injuries. the boy was unharmed. we ll try to find the video for you and two cops jamming out to journey to honor their brothers in blue. well, the cops made the video to keep law enforcement spirits up. at least 15 officers have been killed in the united states this year. it s important to remember that the brotherhood spans across the country. those are your headlines. let s get outside. you know where there s a beautiful world, it s mississippi. mississippi is the best, well kept secret in the country. it s true. not such a secret anymore now that you just said that. more and more people every year. there you go. mississippi. there s your chamber of commerce ad for the day. take a look at the map. show you what s going on for wednesday. take a look at this. i want to give everybody a look toward wednesday because it s going to make a lot of people happy with these temperatures. 68 boston. 75 atlanta. sunshine for so many. there will be rain showers across parts of the south but at least the temperatures are going to be good. look what happens here. we see a little bit of snow flurries across the great lakes and into the ohio valley. nothing that s going to cause major problems and just think of what s coming with the warmer temperatures. down in the southeast look how your day shapes up. really nice conditions across the southern plains. temperatures into the 70s across texas and oklahoma and in toward the northern plains a little bit of a cool start but still warmer than normal. back into the upper 50s as far north as north dakota and out across the west we need the rain. california has been so dry in february. well, take a look at this. a very rainy day today. localized flooding. we ll see the snow levels start higher around 8,000 feet. dropping to around 5,000 feet by tomorrow and another system pulls on in by monday so a lot of rain coming. all right guys. there you go. thanks a million, rick. good news. well, coming up, some say conservatives should reject donald trump because he is not one of them. he only earned about 30% of the republican vote so far. does the math add up or is the establishment ignoring the wills of the voters? our political panel debates it next. from big cars to trucks to suvs we have the top deals on wheels. straight from consumers reports coming up. i have asthma. .one of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you re eligible for 12 months free at marco rubio says that trump does not have the support of the majority of voters. no doubt donald has done well. his numbers also say two thirds of the people that cast the vote in the republican or primary caucus voted against you and the reason why is we are not going to turnover the conservative movement or the party of lincoln or reagan to someone whose positions are not conservative. it s a battle between trump and his own party or the establishment that runs it. who is going to win? here to discuss it is the founder and president. it s great to see you all. i ll start with you. so you heard senator rubio s point which is that trump is not a conventional conservative. a lot are shouldn t that give you heart as a democrat? he s someone that turned the republican party into a joke. when you can t even watch the debate with your kids or your family because you re worried about what he s going to say but here s the problem. but republican establishment for many, many years decides who is going to be on the menu, right? voters have spoken and they have decided and they want someone different on the menu. they don t want that. so this is not democracy in action? isn t this great? aren t you psyched? not at all. i m worried and i m scared. those voters. we love the voters in the abstract. the will of the people. but we don t really like the voters do we? in washington. they are washington and they are the country. i ll disagree in that the democrats have a huge super delegate number. if anybody dictates who is going to be on the ballot it s the democrats but what they teach you in third grade is true. math matters. the 9 million or so votes that have already been cast, 65% of them, just about two third versus gone to candidates other than donald trump. so what is going to be very interesting is the math in terms of voter turnout, who votes where and when and whether he can walk the line he s done in the past if he makes it to the general election between republican and democrats. so here s my exception, people are saying that they re not going to vote for trump. hilary first. they have a conventional conservative in ted cruz but they re not supporting him either. which suggests it s not about ideology. it s the threat they perceive to their own livelihoods. absolutely. four years ago or 8 years ago a majority didn t want the even actual nominee. they didn t want john mccain or mitt romney but they didn t mind that much when they won. that s what they expected to happen. several months ago i wrote a column and said that the ultimate end result of donald trump s campaign would be to make ted cruz acceptable to the establishment. i don t think that s happening. they just really dislike him. they really do. so if you think is only going to happen to the republican party, think again. here you have on the democratic side the party totally defined by a socialist. you think there s not going to be an explosion like this next cycle when hillary clinton is out of this? it s going to be. there s very similar things happening on both sides of the aisle. for sure you have the social and democrat sanders and you have trump. it s an interesting cycle, right? the people are looking for something different. they re looking for someone who is not a politician. who is not perceived as a politician. there s an anger and angst and that s what we re seeing. really quickly there s a third party of challenge to trump from the republicans. what are they going to run on? open borders? more foreign wars? what s their platform. i don t think there will be. 70% of americans who are dissatisfied transcend both sides of the aisle. we have to remember that. tell us really quick, will there be a challenge? no, there will not be a challenge. it s not what people are looking for. right now they know what they re against. they hate politics in washington. really glad you came this morning. thank you for joining us. anna joining clayton outside. are you there? hey, baby, do you want to step into my kia sorento? we ll show you the hottest cars. suv pick up trucks? the top deals on wheels when fox friends weekends return. don t go anywhere. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. you have changed the rating scale for cars. explain what goes into this new rating system. we have an overall score which not only takes in our road test score but also takes in consideration consumer reports reliability surveys, owner satisfaction and all the available passive and active safety features. let s start with a ki kia sorento. take everything you thought about kia in the last ten years and throw it out the window. the interior of this kia is gorgeous and then has well above average reliability. it starts at $25,000. let s move to our next car. it s a chevy impala. this is the steecond year in row it s the top pick for a large sedan. it has steering and handling that rival even some of the best luxury sedans in europe. if you re rooting for the home team you have to love the im impala. it s a new ball game now. it s pretty posh with this saddle leather inside. you don t normally think of impala and luxury and comfortable. the seats are gorgeous and the interior is beautiful. we love this car. it drove really smoothly. talk about the ford f150. nice bells and whistles in this bad boy. the f 150 is our top pick for a pick up truck. this is a luxury model. one of the cool things. you open the door and the running boards deploy. there s a time when pick up trucks when there s crude and heavy duty work things. so the f-150 these days you can really get lots of luxury features in it. ford put a lot of work into this redesign. extensive use of aluminum. talk about 700 pounds compared to the last one. this is one of the features. it comes down ally nice and smooth. look how nice that is. it s like the utensil drawer in your kitchen. we re tailgating. yeah. you got the right idea. this particular one is about 60 grand but that s top of the line. starts about $27,000. this is a real workhorse. one of the most popular vehicles sold in the united states even over the last 30 years. radar on this too. lots of safety features. adaptive cruise control. lane departure warning. this truck does it all. these actually beat out some pretty top contenders as well. making great trucks. the ram is competitive. the chevrolet and silverado is competitive so it takes something extra for ford to reach the top of consumer reports rating. good for american companies this year. great to see you. thanks for having me on. we ll be back in two and two. oh, we re on right now guys. thanks for telling us. national sleep week kicks off tomorrow. to honor it we ll sleep in and skip the show tomorrow. bye, everybody. this is a fox newschannel special election presentation. dash to the clash. welcome, everybody. well we meet again. another weekend of busy activity to and fro as the major candidates that want to be the states criss cross this country. you are looking and will be at a live event going on right now. donald trump in wichita kansas. separately john kasich getting ready to address a crowd i

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Way Too Early 20160331

put them in jail? i m asking you, because you say you want to ban it. what does that mean? i m against i m pro-life, yes. how do you ban abortion? how do you actually do it? you know, you go back to a position like they had, where people will perhaps go to illegal places. yeah. but you have to ban it. but the churches make the moral judgments but you re running for president of the united states will be chief executive of the united states. do you believe in do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes for no? the answer is there has to be a form of punishment. for the woman? yeah. ten cents, ten year? i don t know. why not? you take positions on everything else. i do. it s a complicated position. a fine? imprisonment for a young woman who finds herself pregnant. that has to be determined. what about the young man, is he responsible under the laws different feeling, different people. i would say no. it drew a swift and bracing backlash. and trump said, quote, this issue is unclear and should be put back in the states for determination. like ronald reagan i m pro-life with exceptions which i have outlined numerous times. and two hours later, trump took out a second clarification saying if abortion was outlawed by congress or the states, quote, the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon a woman would be held legally responsible. not the woman. the woman is a victim in this case, as is the life in her womb. my position has not changed. like ronald reagan i m pro-life with exceptions. well, here s the presidential field disavowing the comments. should women who get abortions be punished? of course not. and donald s comments today are just the latest demonstration he hasn t thought seriously about the problems facing this country. that he s willing to say anything to try to get elected. absolutely not. and i mean, i do have exceptions for rape, insist, life of the mother, but women shouldn t be punished. i m sure donald trump will say he didn t say it, misquoted or whatever. but i don t think so. what donald trump said today is outrageous and dangerous. you know, i m constantly just taken aback at the kinds of things that he advocates for. you know, maya angelou said when someone shows you who they are, believe them. once again, he has shown us who he is. women have the right to control their own bodies and they have the right to make those personal decisions themselves. but to punish a woman for having an abortion is beyond comprehension. i don t know what world this person lives in. groups like planned parenthood and march for life alike spoke out and they re using the comments to attack the competition. one said in part, quote, it s not surprising given that she and trump are cut from the same anti-choice cloth. and ayotte said that women should not be punished, i m glad that mr. trump retracted the troubling comments. in is the food and the drug this is the food and the drug eased access to the abortion pill. they can use it with fewer visits to the doctor. it affects ohio, north dakota and texas whose laws adhere to the older protocol for the abortion inducing drug that was approved in 2000. the other big headline from the town hall with trump had to do with nuclear weapons. take a look at this exchange. they hear a guy running for president of the united states, using nuclear weapons. why do we make them? because it s i would be the last one to use the nuclear weapon, sort of the end of the the world. can you tell the middle east we re not going to use the nuclear weapon? i won t take it off the table. you might use it in europe? no, i don t think. so. well, change it. i m not taking the cards off the table. well, this comes as after trump told the new york times he would use nuclear weapons only as a quote, absolute last step and he said he supported the idea of japan and south korea developing their open nukes. a reversal of the nuclear disarmament. later today leaders from 50 nations will gather in washington on preventing nukes from falling into the hands of terrorists. the president is out with a washington post op-ed where he says the u.s. is is on track to meet the benchmarks with russia. he s ruled out developing new nuclear warheads and touted the success of the iran deal. last night, ted cruz stood by the controversial suggestion of monitoring muslim communities and he accused president obama and hillary clinton of political correctness to a fault when it comes to labelling, quote, radical islam. if you look at what happened in europe, many of the it can be traced to the fact that the vast numbers of muslims have been allowed in europe. and many are living in communities that are isolated, the law enforcement doesn t even go there. you know, one of those in brussels is called molenbeek that s been traced over and over again to many of the terror attacks that we have seen. and what happens when you don t engage is you get radicalization. and as republicans are fighting for wisconsin, the marquette university law school poll has ted cruz up 21 points since last month. john kasich is up 13% to 21%. meanwhile on the democratic side the poll shows bernie sanders leading hillary clinton by four points in wisconsin. 49% to 45%. that s signed the margin of error by the way. senator sanders also performs better in head to head match-ups with republicans in that state. clinton trails john kasich by nine points, ties ted cruz and beats donald trump by ten. sanders meanwhile beats kasich by two points, cruz by 13 and trump by 19. and while clinton and sanders trained their attacks on each other and out on the trail, both focussed their attention on the republican side in back-to-back interviews last night on msnbc. the republican party today has moved very, very far to the right. they are way out of touch with where the american people are. you know, going after mexicans as rapists and criminals, insulting women, barring muslims, you know, that reflects a certain strain of belief within the republican party. i think to be honest with you, i just don t you know, say this rhetorically, this is a fringe party. they may express it in different ways and some are more colorful than others certainly. but when you really strip it down, they are peddling the same failed policies that they have for the last 30, 40 years. and clinton went on the they she feels a sense of responsibility to speak out against trump and cruz. when i talk about trump or cruz, i m not turning my attention to the general election as though the primary is not still going on. but i also know how the rest of the world is hearing trump and cruz. i know how other americans are hearing them. you have trump talking about racially profiling muslim communities. and cruz talking about policing muslim communities. i can t let that go unanswered. you know, i m fighting to unite our country and i don t think you wait and then take on these outrageous, offensive, dangerous statements. you take them on as they happen. for a long time, you know, i think the media just was in awe of the ratings spikes and the amazing number of eyes that were willing to watch trump do anything. and so he was basically unchallenged. he has not demonstrated that he can really broaden his appeal, but i don t want his views to be appealing either so i m going to keep raising my voice about him. well, let s go now to severe weather, lashing parts of the south and midwest. there are reports of five tornadoes around tulsa, oklahoma, yesterday. the weather channel reports at least nine people have been taken to the hospital, one in kit critical condition. the officials are going door to door in the affected areas to make sure everyone is okay. bill karins says more than 27 million people are at risk of severe weather again today. we ll get an update in a few moments. turning oversea, a frenchman arrested last week has been charged with plotting a terrorist attack. inside the man s apartment, prosecutors say police found a cache of explosive material, including tatp which was used in the suicide bomb set off in paris and brussels, five stolen passports still in the packaging. meanwhile, new photos show some of the damage following last week s terror attacks in brussels. nbc foreign correspondent keir simmons has more. reporter: a new look at the devastation inside brussels airport and an explosion at the check-in desk, blood on the floor. this is where the third bomb blew up after the airport was evacuated. but were the isis terrorists planning to target a head of state? the new york times is reporting that the men behind the brussels bombing had a floor plan and photographs of the belgium prime minister s officer. they were found on ibrahim el bakraoui s computer laptop left in the trash can. we have learned the identity of the third american killed in the attacks. gail martinez of texas was traveling with her husband and their four children at the time of the bombings. we are still waiting to learn the identity of one more victim from the brussels attacks. and things are looking up for 19-year-old mason wells. one of the american mormon missionaries injured in last week s attacks in brussels. after suffering burns and a severed achilles tendon he s on his way to recovery. his bandage is gone and his spirit is up. you may remember that wells is no stranger to tragedy. in 2013 he was close to the boston marathon finish line, but he was unharmed. he was also in france during the paris terrorist attacks, but two hours from the city. up next, drama in l. afrment. it has nothing to do with the hollywood. what d angelo russell is saying about the video he released. and plus that severe weather was enough to force this plane to make an emergency landing. this guy behind me, he s saying are we going down, are we going down? and he goes, i ve got kids. it s a husband and wife sitting behind me. i looked back and i said, sir, i said, i promise you this aircraft is 100% safe. that was good to hear. the plane did land safely, but the bad weather just keeps on coming. bill karins is here with an update. it s not a quick fix. it s my decision to make beauty last. roc retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it the better it works. retinol correxion from roc. methods, not miracles. we believe in the power of active, by debating our research to find the best investments. by looking at global and local insights to benefit from different points of view. and by consistently breaking apart risk to focus on long-term value. we actively manage with expertise and conviction. so you can invest with more certainty. mfs. that s the power of active management. 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let s show you the pictures. the scary scene started near the tulsa airport and continued on the ground for a while. it was a pretty intense tornado. it did damage numerous homes, destroyed a couple. one person critically injured. tulsa schools are closed because there s still power out because of this tornado. as it knocked down power lines and everything else in its path. but no fatalities. so that was one piece of good news. also the heavy torrential rains have caused numerous problems in arkansas. this is in little rock, where they picked up around three to five inches of rain. that s continued during the overnight hours. as you see, water will pick up just about anything. let s talk about what we re dealing with now. we have one tornado watch in effect for southern portions of louisiana. and soaking rain in northern portions of mississippi and central tennessee. as far as the tornado watch it doesn t include new orleans. it s hattiesburg, mccomb, into covington. we haven t had any tornados in a couple of hour, i don t expect to see many. maybe an isolated one over the next hour or two. later today, the storms will regenerate. 27 million people are at risk, it goes from southern portions of the great lakes, almost near chicago. all the way down to new orleans. but the area greatest risk of tornados appears to be this area of northern mississippi, from memphis down to birmingham. that will be late this afternoon into this evening. the other story is of course the heavy rain we re getting. we saw the pictures near little rock. we have flash flood warnings in memphis and in greenville. we have our flash flood watch that goes back to atlanta into central georgia. not only do you have to worry about the severe threat, but the heavy rains that are coming with the storms. rainfall totals up to six inches locally possible. but definitely two to four inches here throughout areas of alabama, georgia, and eventually into south carolina. then finally, for everyone just loving the story of our warm spring, it comes to a crashing end this weekend. 6:00 a.m. sunday, windchill down to 19 in washington, d.c. so don t put away the hat, the gloves or any of that stuff yet. very cold. even monday morning, 6 windchill in burlington. negative 3 on tuesday, and alex yesterday i showed you a snow map. thankfully the european model has backed off. it will still snow, but not be horrible. thank you very much, bill. we ll be right back. my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it the better it works. retinol correxion from roc. methods, not miracles. and we are theic plays) hbug and i m jess. we are a nano-business. windows 10 really helps us get the word out about how awesome bugs are. kids learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug. hey cortana, find my katydid video oh! this is so good. 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(laughs) it s realizing beauty, doesn t stop at my chin. roc s formula adapts to delicate skin areas. my fine lines here, visibly reduced in 4 weeks. chest, neck and face cream from roc. methods, not miracles. now let s get a check of the other morning s headlines, louis burgdo burgdorf? let s start with ted cruz, he was on the west coast with jimmy kimmel and he was met head on about the frayed relations between he and his fellow republicans. just a week ago, lindsey graham hosted an event for me. i joked at the beginning i said, listen, this is a first. this is the first event i have ever had hosted by someone who three weeks earlier called for my murder. that s interesting. you kind of held out until they found someone that they liked less than you. there you go. listen, that s that s what you have to do. it is a powerful strategy and compared to donald, i m the quiet, shy, soft-spoken one. now, massachusetts senator elizabeth warren stopped by the late show with stephen colbert. when asked about donald trump, she didn t hold pack. you have tweeted a few things. you have gone on the warpath here. you tweeted let s be honest, @real donald trump is a loser. count all his failed business, see how he cheated people out of like a scam at trump university. @real donald trump is a serious threat. the way i see it it s our job to make that @donald trump stops his campaign every bit the loser as he started it. but some would say why are you getting down in the schoolyard with donald trump? isn t this just name calling? look, come on. this isn t name calling. this is taking the credential that he claims he s running on, and that is his business success and saying no buster, we re not buying that. he is not a business success. he is a business loser. tough words for donald trump there. now senator warren wasn t the only big guest on colbert last night. cartoon trump, how do you respond to anderson cooper comparing you to a 5-year-old? anderson cooper is a dumb dumb. he s a stupid head. a total poopy pants, it s sad. you re sounding a little immature. i know you are, but what am i? come on. you sound like an idiot. stephen, i m rubber, you re glue, i have a lawyer and i will sue. well, what about the videotape? it clearly shows that your campaign manager grabbed a reporter roughly. no, he didn t. yes, he did. no, he didn t. yes, he did. no, he didn t. infinity. infinity. does that settle that? infinity settles it? that settles it. that s all i ve got for you, alex. i can t take any more. anyway, thank you so much, louis. that does it for me and way too early. coming up on morning joe we ll dig into why donald trump wasted no time back tracking on his stance that women should be punished if abortions were banned joining the conversation this morning, john kasich, former candidate mike huckabee and mayor bill de blasio. morning joe just moments away. o make beauty last. roc retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it the better it works. retinol correxion from roc. methods, not miracles. what if 30,000 people download the new app? we re good. okay. what if a million people download the new app? we re good. five million? good. we scale on demand. hybrid infrastructure, boom. ok. what if 30 million people download the app? we re not good. we re total heroes. scale on demand with the number one company in cloud infrastructure. which allergyeees. bees? eese. trees? eese. xerox helps hospitals use electronic health records so doctors provide more personalized care. cheese? cheese! patient care can work better. with xerox. at s it. how was your commute? good. yours? good. xerox real time analytics make tnsit systems run more smoothly. and morning chitchat. less interesting. xerox realtime analytics. with xerox. kick your style goo gear. right now at men s warehouse taken a extra 50% off clearance items. staying in rhythm. it s how i try to live. how i stay active. so i need nutrition. that won t weigh me down. for the nutrition you want without the calories you don t. try boost® 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you. 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. so it s big in nutrition and small in calories. i m not about to swim in the slow lane. stay strong. stay active with boost®. it s my decision to make beauty last. fix. roc retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it the better it works. retinol correxion from roc. methods, not miracles. who do you like better, obama or trump? [ cheers and applause ] i dislike obama s policies more. i see. but donald donald is a unique individual. [ laughter ] i will say i was watching the early part of the show and if i were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw donald in the backup camera [ laughter ] i m not confident which pedal i d push. all right. wow. willie, ted cruz getting laughs there. i was going to say, when ted cruz becomes the darling of the comedy late night

Arkansas , United-states , Louisiana , Alabama , Russia , Washington , District-of-columbia , Tulsa , Oklahoma , Mexico , New-orleans , South-carolina

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20160222

passengers between killing? good morning. welcome to early start. i m john berman. i m christine romans. it is monday, february 22nd. and donald trump riding high in the big win in the south carolina primary. turning to super tuesday on march 1st. trump has donors, pundits and candidates grasping for ways to stop him. based on a rally last night, trump is sticking to the strategy that brought him huge success. we have cnn s jeremy diamond with one of those super states. georgia. reporter: good morning. fresh off the victory in south carolina, donald trump rolled in atlanta on sunday with momentum on his back. the crowd responded in kind as he hit his key notes. donald trump did not really bring in his current rivals, marco rubio and ted cruz, who came in second and third place in south carolina. he did, however, bring in one of his former rivals. i ll give you a story. one of the candidates, i won t say who yet, one of the candidates, the head of the major, major, owner of a major, major pharmaceutical company is in charge of his campaign. you know that. in charge of his campaign. raises hundreds of millions of dollars. they raised a fortune. a fantastic like a lot of money. a friend of mine comes to me. a doctor. dona donald, i don t understand it. united states is the biggest purchasing of drugs in the world. they are not allowed to negotiate prices. as i checked it, i realize he is right. reporter: that is a line donald trump uses whethn he tal about jeb bush. it looks like donald trump used jeb bush as his foil on the campaign trail. john and christine. jeremy diamond, thank you. and ted cruz is trying to recover from the third place finish in south carolina. the unofficial count has cruz trailing marco rubio by hundreds of votes. cruz calls that a convenient tie for second. now ted cruz putting focus on marco rubio making the case in the long run, only he, ted cruz, can beat donald trump in the republican race. gets let the latest from sunlen serfaty with ted cruz in nevada. reporter: good morning, john and christine. the cruz campaign is trying to present the image they are still on track and charge ahead in nevada. the senator will have a series of events working a caucus event tomorrow night. so much out here on the campaign trail is around the postmortem of the south carolina primary. what does this mean for the campaign going forward? he was asked about that here yesterday and quickly pivoted to the new favorite target. marco rubio. he was asked what state can you win? you were not able to win in iowa or in new hampshire. when can you win a state? the answer he gave is i think we could win florida on march 15th. that is an amazing admission. apparently they don t believe they will win any states on super tuesday. they are writing off march 1st and 8th. i would point out even in florida, his home state, he is polling in third place. reporter: ted cruz on the ground in nevada wasting no time laying into marco rubio. this is a key part of their message in going forward. they will argue and question where marco rubio can actually win and argue in opposition to that that ted cruz is the only one that has been able to beat donald trump. john and christine. thank you for that. an illinois voter gets his day in court over why ted cruz should be disqualified. he questions whether cruz who was born in canada to an american mother is a natural born citizen. joyce says he fears the chaos that would ensue if the democrats get cruz disqualified after he has already been chosen as a republican nominee. john kasich has signed a bill effectively blocking more than $1 million for planned parenthood. the planned parenthood cecile richards says this is having consequences for women across ohio. the money will be redistributed to other health services groups. a political event this thursday with the race shifting in the new gear. five face-off in houston. this cannot be overstated. this is huge. wolf blitzer moderates the debate thursday night. i m not used to seeing so few pictures. this morning, hillary clinton trying to consolidate her return to frontrunner status. she enjoyed a close, but comfortable five point-win over bernie sanders. rejecting the claim of the nevada latinos arguing the precinct data is more reliable. the battle for minority votes continues as the democratic campaigns move to south carolina. that primary is set for saturday. clinton and sanders both speaks to b.e.t. about what they will do for african-americans. i have not been as sensitive as we should be to what goes on in black communities in terms of policing i issues. i plead guilty to the fact i have not been as sensitive to that issue. it is an issue we have to be sensitive to. some decisions were made during the eight years of my husband s presidency that we have to learn lessons from. and i m very clear about that. yes, i supported my husband s policies. my opponent voted for them. i did not have an avenue to express myself independently. he did. clinton and sanders come face-to-face for the final time this tuesday night right here on cnn. a democratic town hall live from columbia, south carolina. 8:00 p.m. chris cuomo moderates that on cnn. a somber day ahead at the u.s. supreme court as justices return to the court for the first time without scalia. scalia was a conservative force. now leaving the court with four liberals and four conservatives. if the court deadlocks, they could take the case again once a replacement takes over. time for an early start on your money. stocks had the best week in three months. it is looking like a positive start to the new trading week. dow higher. oil is the reason. it is helping. crude prices are higher. oil and stocks are moving in lock step. stock markets in europe and asia are higher as well. two big rallies and investors took a breather on thursday and friday. i want to give you context. the dow down 5.9% for the year. it had been down 10% before the recent rally. nasdaq is down 10%. s&p 500 is down 6.1%. you are down on the year, but a big bounce yesterday. is that bounce a signal there will not be an official correction or a pause. the answer? i don t know the answer. thanks for the question. i don t live on a caribbean island. what a story out of michigan. a stunning killing spree in kalamazoo. six people dead. police say the killer, uber driver, picked up and dropped off passengers between the attacks. new information coming in this morning ahead. in just a few hours, the alleged shooter in the kalamazoo killing spree will be charged in a court arraignment. the 45-year-old is suspected of killing six people on saturday night. allegedly in between picking up fares as an uber driver. at this point, the shootings appear to be random. investigators also say they are at a loss for any motive. let s get more from nick valencia. reporter: john and christine, it is sickening when you consider the details. this suspect, a 45-year-old man from kalamazoo was casually carrying out the shooting spree and in between each shooting, picking up passengers and working as an uber driver. he was eventually taken into custody at 12:30. investigators seized a semiautomatic handgun. they are working to figure out if any weapons were used in the commission of the crimes. investigators are scratching their heads. unsettling to them is that this suspect was for all intents and purposes, according to the chief, an average joe with no criminal history or no indication that he would have the ability to carry out something like this. he was aware of what was going on. he was able to carry on his normal routine. these were very deliberate killings. this wasn t hurried in any way. they are on the video. we watched the video with law enforcement. they were intentional and delibera deliberate. i don t want to say casually done. but cold by. reporter: two people are wounded still in the hospital recovering from the wounds. a mother of three children first to be shot. she is recovering. as is a 14-year-old girl. she was in surgery sunday morning, but still very critical condition. as far as the suspect, he is expected to face murder charges and will make his first court appearance monday afternoon. john, christine. nick, thanks for that. a terrible story there. a hearing in connecticut, a judge is expected to decide if a lawsuit brought by the families of the sandy hook massacre can go forward. the weapon that adam lansa used. the case is hinged on whether it is shielded by the federal law. apple has until friday to appeal the judge s order to help investigators gain access to encrypted data on an iphone used by syed rizwan farook in the san bernardino shooting. james comey is trying to downplay the dispute. in a statement, the fbi director said the fbi is not out to break anyone s encryption, but added decisions involving protection from terrorists is should not be left in the hands of corporations that sell stuff for a living. a last ditch legal attempt to stop a deposition by bill cosby s wife. camille is to be deposed in a defamation case after eight women came forward. and residents hit by the water crisis in flint, michigan get this meet congress today. a small business round table will be held and they will visit a water distribution site. new details emerging about the zika virus. doctors say the surge in the deadly paralysis condition could be linked to zika. cases of the symptoms known as guillan-barre syndrome. isis increasing attacks in syria just before u.s. and russia backed cease-fire was supposed to go into effect. we are live after the break. welcome back. developments in syria. secretary of state john kerry says a cease-fire there could begin in a few days. the truce put together by a dozen nations was supposed to go into effect friday. that didn t happen. meantime, the violence has raged on. isis has claimed responsibility for several attacks over the weekend that left more than 120 people dead. cnn s jomana karadsheh is for us in jordan for us. it is an interesting situation on the ground. jomana. reporter: absolutely, christine. devastating violence on sunday morning in the city of homs. two cars packed with explosives striking a busy area killing more than 30 people. this is an area that is from the sect of bashar al assad. as you mentioned. claimed by isis. this is the fourth attack by the group in the same area in three months. later on in the day, a triple bombing in southern damascus in a shi a area there in the capital. first a car bomb detonated and first responders and crowd s gathered to the scene and a suicide bomber struck wounding and killing people. this comes as secretary of state john kerry speaking in the jordanian capital on sunday. said u.s. and russian officials reached a provisional agreement on the cessation of hostilitie hostilitiesihostilities agreement. they are trying to iron out the details over the past few days. secretary kerry saying it is not a done deal yet, but they have agreement and in the coming days, we would see president obama speaking with russian president vladimir putin to agree on the details of their agreement. again, more cautious optimism from secretary kerry after we heard the agreement was supposed to go into effect friday and it did not. the violence we saw unfold in syria on sunday is unlikely to cease anytime soon. this violence is carried out by isis, the terrorist organization, isis and affiliate nusra, are not part of any peace talks. jomana karadsheh with the urgent situation as they are trying to get that cessation of hostilities in place. thank you. the pentagon concerned about the growing isis threat in li a libya. the isis commanders sent from syria to libya to establish a new caliphate. they have estimated 6,500 fighters. last week, dozens have been killed believed to be training for attacks there. donald trump and hillary clinton. they emerge as frontrunners, but the race for president is only about to begin. we have probably the most exciting ten days in politics ahead of us. new challenges the frontrunners face ahead. b s leading job bo with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. and now you can use zip recruiter for free. go to donald trump, he s got the status for frontrunner for president. the battle is intensifying. and hillary clinton reasserting herself as the frontrunner. what her new plans to take on bernie sanders as this race shifts to south carolina. and tragedy here. an uber driver arrested accused of killing six people in one night. picking up fares in between deadly attacks. welcome back to early start. i m christine romans. i m john berman. 29 minutes past the hour. donald trump is headed to nevada. one day ahead of the next battle ground in the republican presidential nominating circus. he is wearing a south carolina smile. trump s victory there has many grasping for a way to stop him. based on a rally last night, it seems donald trump is sticking to the strategy that brought him success so far. cnn s jeremy diamon with the latest. reporter: good morning. fresh off the primary victory in south carolina, donald trump rolled into atlanta on sunday with the momentum at his back. the crowd responded in kind roaring in approval talking about trade and border security as he typically does. but donald trump did not really bring in his current rivals, marco rubio and ted cruz who came in second and third place in south carolina. he did, however, bring in one of his former rivals. i ll give you a story. one of the candidates, i won t say who yet, one candidate, the head of the major and owner of a major, major pharmaceutical is in charge of his campaign. raises hundreds of millions of dollars. they raised a fortune. they have a fantastic, a lot of money. a friend of mine comes up to me. a doctor. he said donald, i don t understand it. the united states is the biggest purchaser of drugs in the world. they don t negotiate price. i said that can t be. i checked it. he is right. reporter: that is a line that donald trump has consistently used when he talks about jeb bush and influence of special interests. however, jeb bush out of the race. dropping out on saturday night after a poor showing in south carolina. it looks like donald trump who consistently used his foil on the campaign may be missing him a bit. ted cruz as a new target as he tries to recover from the third place finish in south carolina. the unofficial count has cruz trailing marco rubio about 1,000 votes out of more than 700,000 cast. cruz is calling that a tie for second. cruz is track his fire on rubio. making the case that in the long run only he can beat donald trump to win the nomination. we have the latest from sunlen serfaty in nevada. reporter: good morning, john and christine. the cruz campaign is trying to present the image they are on track and charge ahead in nevada. senator will have a series of eight events working a caucus event tomorrow night. so much on the campaign trail is centering around the postmortem in south carolina. why he did not do better in south carolina and what this means for the campaign going forward and what red flags he could take from that. he quickly pivoted to the new favorite target. marco rubio. he was asked which state can you win? you were not able to win in iowa or new hampshire or south carolina. when can you win a state? and the answer he gave is well, i think we could win florida on march 15th. that is amazing admission they don t believe they will win in nevada. they believe they don t believe they will win any states on super tuesday. they are trying to wait until march 15th to finally win a state. i would point out in florida, his home state, he is polling in third place. reporter: ted cruz on the ground in nevada wasting no time laying into marco rubio. this is a key part of their message going forward. they will argue and question where marco rubio can actually win and argue in opposition to that that ted cruz has been the only one to beat donald trump. thank you, sunlen serfaty. as long as marco rubio and ted cruz go after each other. it is good for donald trump. on friday, a voter gets his day in court in illinois. lawrence joyce agree was donald trump. he questions whether cruz was born in canada to an american mother, is a natural born citizen as required by the constitution. joyce says he fears chaos would ensue if democrats get cruz disqualified if he has already been chosen as republican nominee. ohio give and republican candidate john kasich signed a bill effectively blocking more than $1 million for state funding for planned parenthood. cecile richards says this will have devastating consequences for women across ohio. the money will be redistributed across other groups in the state. that leaves five republicans running for president. all will meet head-to-head in the next gop debate thursday night in houston, texas. our very own wolf blitzer will nominate the debate at 8:30 p.m. thursday night only on cnn. big week this week. huge week. that is a big moment. these debates have been important. that is a few days before the march 1st primary. hillary clinton trying to consolidate her return to frontrunner status. she enjoyed a close, but comfortable five-point-win in nevada over bernie sanders. the clinton team rejects the claim that sanders won big among nevada latinos. claiming precinct data is more reliable. the battle for minority votes continues as the democratic campaign moves to south carolina. that primary is saturday. hillary clinton and bernie sanders spoke to b.e.t. about what they would do for african-americans. they admitted the democratic party has not done enough. the white community, including myself, have not been as sensitive as we should be to what goes on in black communities in terms of policing issues. i plead guilty to the fact that i think i have not been as sensitive to that issue. it is an issue we have to be sensitive to. i am well aware that some of the decisions that were made during the eight years of my husband s presidency that we have to learn lessons from. i m very clear about that. yes, i supported my husband s policies. my opponent, sanders, voted for them. i did not have a position where i could express myself independently. he did. now, another huge moment in the campaign. hillary clinton and bernie sanders will come face-to-face with the voters of south carolina for the last time. it is this tuesday night here on cnn. a democratic town hall live from columbia, south carolina. that is 8:00 p.m. tuesday night. moderated by chris cuomo. here on cnn. a somber day ahead at the u.s. supreme court. justices return to work for the first time since the death of antonin scalia. the supreme court is scheduled to hear two cases. scalia was a conservative force and now leaving the court with ideological tie. 1 million walmart workers are getting a raise as bernie sanders is ratcheting up his system. minimum wage now $10 an hour in the u.s. the average wage now up to $13.38 at walmart. bashing walmart is standard fare for bernie sanders. and the reason that the workers in walmart are on medicaid, food stamps and subsidized housing is because the walton family refuses to pay their workers a living wage. he makes comments like this about every single stump speech. i asked walmart and they declined to comment on the political process. in addition to raising wages, they are putting forward more paid time off. it is resonating. no one wants to be the target of an entire presidential campaign. it has to sting. 38 minutes past the hour. stunning killing spree in michigan. six people dead. uber driver accused of picking up and dropping off passengers in between the killing. we have the story next. welcome back to early start. in a few hour, the alleged shooter in the kalamazoo killing spree will be formally charged at court arraignment. the 45-year-old is suspected of killing six people at three locations saturday night in between picking up fares. the authorities say the shootings appear to be random and investigators are at a loss for a motive in the case. we get more from cnn s nick valencia. reporter: john and christine, it is sickening when you consider the details. the investigators saying the suspect, 45-year-old man from kalamazoo casually carrying out the shooting spree. between the shootings, he was working as a uber driver and picking up passengers. investigators seized a semiautomatic handgun from him and found more weapons in his apartment. investigators are really scratching their heads. what is unsettling to them is this suspect was for all intents and purposes, an average joe with no criminal history or record or indication that he would have the capability of carrying out something like this. that he was aware of what was going on. he was able to carry on his normal routine. these were deliberate killings. this wasn t hurried in any way. they are on video. we watched the video with law enforcement. they were intentional and deliberate. i don t want to say casually done. coldly done. reporter: six people dead as a result of the shooting rampage. two people wounded in the hospital. a mother of three children was the first to be shot. she is still recovering in the hospital. as is the 14-year-old girl. investigators are worried about her outcome. she was in surgery sunday morning, but critical condition. the suspect is expected to face murder charges and will make a court appearance monday afternoon. john. thank you, nick. a hearing in connecticut today. a judge is expected to decide if a lawsuit brought by the sandy hook families go forward. the ar-15 weapon lawsuit will be decided if it can go forward. the judge is deciding if the gun industry is protected from legal claims. and helping investigators to gain access to encrypted data with the iphone used by syed rizwan farook in the san bernardino shooting. director james comey says no precedent would be set if the fbi gets its request. he says the fbi is not out to break any encryption. a federal judge has rejected a last ditch legal attempt to stop a deposition this morning by camille cosby. lawyers for cosby have been trying to shield camille by eight women who sued cosby for defamation. to flint, michigan. residents hit by the water crisis there get to meet members of congress today. delegation led by michigan dan kildy will be held by a round table. flint s mayor is opposed to the no-bid contract to assess the lead pipes. the news last week that flint, michigan residents were paying the highest rates in the country for water which was undrinkable. severe storms heading to the south. let s get to meteorologist pedram javaheri for the latest. john and christine, good morning. let s show you across the country. we are watching active weather in texas and louisiana. severe storms that are going to push farther east. by the afternoon hours, major metro cities from atlanta to charlotte get anything on wet weather in the afternoon and evening hours. the storm system is a quick moving disturbance. the secondary one we are watching tuesday. potentially into wednesday as well. it could put a severe line of weather across the south. as it tracks in to the middle of the week, it will rise into the tennessee valley and ohio valley. the wintry mix could happen in the mid-atlantic. you check your calendar. spring is around the corner. this weather is more routine in the coming couple weeks. here is the trend. new york makes it to 50 today. drops off sharply to 39 and rebounds back again to 50 for mid week s high temperature. thank you, pedram. details about the zika virus. doctors say a surge in the sometimes deadly paralysis condition may be linked to zika. cases of the condition have been on the rise in colombia and brazil. 47 minutes past the hour. stocks had the best week of the year. what does that say for this year? a very big week. i ll tell you why when we get an early start on your money next. new developments in syria. secretary of state john kerry says the cease-fire could begin in a few days. the truce put together by a dozen nations, including the united states. it was supposed to go into effect friday. it did not happen. isis is claiming responsibility for the several attacks over the weekend that left more than 120 people dead. cnn s jomana karadsheh is in amman, jordan with details. good morning, jomana. reporter: good morning, john. violence in two major cities on sunday. in homs, two cars packed with explosives detonated in a commercial and residential area. in the center of homs there, more than 30 people killed in the attack. the same neighborhood, this is a neighborhood which is the same neighborhood sect where bashar al assad belongs. this is the fourth attack in the last few months. later on in the day, john, we saw attacks taking place in damascus in the southern outskirts in the shi a area. a major shi a holy shrine in the area. a car bomb detonated and as first responders and crowds gathered, two suicide bombers struck there. more than 80 people killed in that attack and more than 100 others injured. we have seen several attacks also in that area. the last one we saw three weeks ago. repeated attacks claimed by isis. this coming on the same day as we saw secretary of state john kerry here in the jordanian capital speaking saying that russian an american officials reached what he described as a provisional agreement in principle for that cessation of hostilities. as you recall, they agreed earlier this month to implement the cessation of hostilities on friday. that did not happen. this time, we are hearing from secretary kerry saying that this cessation of hostilities could go into effect in the coming days. the next step we are going to see, he says, president obama speaking with russia president vladimir putin to agree on the details of the temporary truce before it goes into effect. secretary kerry saying it is not a done deal yet. john, this violence we saw unfold in syria on sunday is unlikely to cease anytime soon. violence claimed by isis and nusra. two organizations that are not party of any peace talks or agreements. john. given that isis and nusra are not part of the cease-fire or cessation of hostilities. how will they get the aid to the people if isis and nusra are still fighting? reporter: absolutely. if you look at what happened over the past week, they reached areas that are besieged by the regime or besieged by rebels. these are areas in damascus and idlib in the north. one major area, that is under siege, john, the eastern part of the country. that is besieged by isis. 200,000 people in the city and they have not yet received aid. united nations is possibly looking at air drops to get them aid. we heard from secretary kerry addressing that point that isis saying it is not a military solution to have affecn effecti way of dealing with isis. we heard from the u.s. over and over again that does not have bashar al assad at its head. something that is complicated and they are far from reaching any agreement. jomana karadsheh for us in jordan. thank you. the pentagon increasingly concerned about isis threat in libya. commanders from syria to libya to establish what they call a new caliphate. isis is estimated to have 6,500 fighters in libya. air strikes killed dozens of jihadists training for new attacks against western targets. this morning, conflicting reports on potentially historic necessi negotiations to formally end the korean war. preliminary talks were under way, but when the nuclear weapons, they balked. let s bring in paula hancocks. she is live in seoul, south korea. what do we know about this? reporter: christine, what we know from the state department is interesting. the fact that north korea and the united states were in contact to talk peace. it didn t go very far, but responding to the report that you mentioned, the state department said that pyongyang discussed a peace treaty. the denuclearization had been part of that. pyongyang refused and that was the end of it. back in 1953 when the korean war ended, it ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty. north and south korea are still technically at war. we heard from kim jong-un in the past. he has no indication he wants to give up on nuclear ambitions. quite the opposite we have seen over the recent months. it is unlikely we are going to see any potential talks between the two sides in the near future. kim jong-un over the weekend had military drill. we know in the next couple weeks, the u.s. and south korea will have their military drills. the drills every year without fail anger pyongyang. pyongyang believes they are dress rehearsal for invasion. washington and seoul say that is not true. they are defensive in nature. it is unlikely we are going see any closer coordination between the two sides in the near future. there was a satellite launch earlier this month, again, angering the international community. we know that the new military chief in north korea. according to state run media. he is named as jong su. john and christine. back to you. so many things happen in the dark there. those recent executions getting a lot of attention. thank you for that, paula hancocks. let s get an early start on your money. the biggest rise for stocks in three months. dow futures set to pop again. oil boosting markets around the world. oil and stocks have been moving in lock step. stocks in asia closing higher overnight. let s talk politics and money. how much cash? ted cruz has $13.6 million to spend. rubio has $5 million. donald trump is funding his campaign. gives loans to himself. his financial picture is different. he is not relying on the cash on hand. john kasich is last at $1.4 million cash on hand. hillary clinton started february with $32.9 million. that is more than all of the candidates combined. bernie sanders raising money among small donors. bernie sanders unloaded $34.9 million in campaign funds in january. hillary clinton with $20 million. ted cruz spent the most at $12.6 million in january. trump and rubio close behind with $10 million each. january was a huge month for campaign spending. they raced through iowa and new hampshire. with super tuesday more than a week away, presidential hopefuls are entering busy and expensive period. you can t spend as much. you can t saturate the markets like south carolina and new hampshire. they have to pick and choose. all non donald trump candidates have to pick and choose. that is what it comes down to? yes. early start continues right now. the race for president shaking up. donald trump is solidly a frontrunner here as marco rubio and ted cruz battle out for number two in what is becoming a three-man race. hillary clinton reasserting herself as a democratic frontrunner after a big win, close, but comfortable in nevada. now she is looking ahead to south carolina with new plans for how to make her case against bernie sanders. and an uber driver arrested accused of killing six people in one night and picking up fares in between

New-york , United-states , Louisiana , Pyongyang , P-yongyang-si , North-korea , Nevada , New-hampshire , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Texas

Transcripts For MSNBCW Way Too Early 20160321

staff for their service. young american children, young cuban children, by the time they re adults, our hope is that they think it s natural that a u.s. president should be visiting cuba. they think it s natural that the two peoples are working to the. their future is what we work for so hard, and i m so grateful to all of you for making it happen. thank you very much. thank you. the first family went on a walking tour around old havana in what was clearly pouring rain. they visited the historic havana cathedral and later had dinner at the privately owned san cristobal restaurant, a symbol of the communist nation s growing private sector. the trip was not without controversy on either side of the caribbean. from what it means to be a cuban dissident to the president s reception by the cuban government. it s very chic, it s very chichi for leftists to celebrate vicious communist dictators. my father fought in the cuban revolution. my father was imprisoned and tortured as a teenager by batista. and my aunt was imprisoned and tortured by castro s goons. now when president obama is in cuba, you know who he s not going to meet? he s not going to meet the dissidents who were being tortured right now by raul and fidel castro. who are being silenced for daring to stand up. he s not going to meet the ladies in white. and so, when president obama is there with hollywood celebrities and rock musicians, drinking mojitos at the embassy, the political prisoners who are languishing are left behind by this president. president obama flew the 747 over to cuba today, and i don t know if you heard this, it just came out an hour ago, he landed in cuba, and raul castro, or fidel castro, but raul castro, who s the head of cuba, wasn t there to greet him. folks, what are we doing? what are we doing? what are we doing? can you imagine if i were in that position and i landed and nobody was there? they would say, donald trump must be incompetent to allow a thing like this to happen. the head of cuba, who was there for the pope, and he was there for other dignitaries that come in, but he wasn t there for the president of the united states. i mean, we are amateur hour, folks. amateur hour. and honestly, obama should have turned the plane around and left. no, he should have. he should have turned it around. he should have said bye-bye. we ll have much more coverage on the president s trip to cuba when chris jansing joins us live from havana on morning joe. now, it was also an unsettling weekend on the campaign trail. donald trump faced intense protests, including protesters in arizona blocking off the highway to one of his rallies. cabling themselves to cars, and chanting shut it down. but, the trump campaign s actions at the highest levels also came under scrutiny this weekend. nbc news gabe gutierrez has this report. reporter: this weekend, the anger boiled over. are you pushing me? reporter: in tucson, a protester in a white hood escorted out by police. another one, behind him, repeatedly punched and kicked by men in the crowd. that protester, brian sanders, spoke with nbc s jacob rascon. this political movement has gotten to the point where you may get beat to death inside of a rally. i just got my [ bleep ] kicked. reporter: but it s this video that s raising even more questions. trump s campaign manager, corey lewandowski appears to grab the collar of another protester who s yanked away by a member of trump s private security. trump strongly defending him. security at the arena, the police were a little bit lax. and he had signs, they had signs up in that area that were horrendous. i will give him credit. reporter: last week a reporter from the conservative website breitbart filed a police complaint accusing lewandowski of assault. but he s not been charged. the longtime gop operative once took a break from politics to work as a new hampshire state police officer. it s very unusual. unprecedented for a campaign manager to be out in the crowd, being involved in security. trump had more to say yesterday, condemning his media coverage. we don t condone violence. but why aren t they showing the klan outfit walking up the stairs? why aren t they showing that? and you had this this is a real supporter, this was an african-american man and a family that were there to listen to me speak. they couldn t hear me speak because of the commotion that was being made by a very few people. you know you talk about first amendment rights and freedom of speech. you couldn t hear. and now they re walking these two people out, the klan outfit is still on the one person. and this man became incensed that somebody would wear a ku klux klan outfit and did some swinging. okay? again, i say it for everybody, especially for the media, we don t condone violence. why didn t they show that? all it showed was this wonderful i mean, because i hear he s a very, very fine guy, this wonderful african-american man swinging, swinging, swinging, and nobody knows why he did it. and i think it s very, very unfair. how come a group of people is allowed to use horrible language, hold up horrendous signs, scream at the top of their voice, close roadways, close an entrance to a facility that i rented so it s my facility for the day, i mean, they re not supposed to even be in it, okay? how come we re the bad people all the time? okay. what about the people that are using horrible profanity, horrible words, and closing up highways? why are they never the bad people? it s an incredible thing. now donald trump s unconventional campaign is making some conventional moves today. trump is heading to capitol hill to meet with two dozen influential republicans at a nearby law firm, according to the washington post. the guest list is mostly unknown, though politico reports that senator tom kind of arkansas will be there along with senator jeff sessions of alabama who endorsed trump last month. robert costa reports that anti-trump super pacs will be staking out the meeting for footage of republicans who attend. watch out if you re going. this as republicans take part in a 100-day dash to halt trump s march to the nomination. good luck with that. and as planning begins on an alternative ticket should they fail. the weekly standard editor bill kristol is circulating a memo suggesting potential third party candidates, including former u.s. senator tom coburn, and ex-presidential candidate rick perry. coburn, according to the new york times, has privately considered a bid but says he doesn t expect to be the candidate. meanwhile, perry s former campaign manager says the governor wants the gop to unite around senator ted cruz, whom he has endorsed. and today, nearly all of the remaining presidential candidates are scheduled to speak to the american israeli public affairs committee known as apac. hillary clinton, john kasich, ted cruz, and donald trump will all be in washington today addressing an expected crowd of 18,000. wow. several groups are expected to protest trump s remarks this evening. with a group of rabbis planning a walkout after he is introduced. while others are advocating a less disruptive boycott than the rabbis i guess. despite his typical off-the-cuff style politico reports that trump has quote taken input from a number of very significant jewish influences who have reaffirmed to him the importance of this particular speech. trump has said he would like to broker a deal between the israelis and palestinians. something he says his speech will address. i think making a deal would be an issue of interest. i tell you what, i don t know one jewish person that doesn t want to have a deal. a good deal. a proper deal. but a really good deal. define a good deal. well, i ll define that tomorrow, because i ll be defining it tomorrow. i m not going to define it now. i m going to define it tomorrow. but we would like to see, and everybody would like to see a real deal being made. not a deal that s going to be broken. a real deal being made. something that can be lasting. now hillary clinton is scheduled to address the apac conference just before 10:00 a.m. eastern this morning. meanwhile the only presidential candidate not attending the event happens to be the only one who is jewish. john kasich no just kidding. bernie sanders. the senator told apac in a letter that his schedule conflicts prevent him from going. instead his campaign says he ll deliver a major foreign policy speech today in utah. ahead of those remarks sanders sent out a flurry of tweets about the war in iraq, a topic he s repeatedly used to criticize clinton all cycle long. quote, in 2003, i voted against the war in iraq. it was a hard vote to cast when so many were calling for war. quote, unfortunately what i ve predicted at the time about the destabilization of the region came true. quote, americans need a president who will think about their future ten, 15, 20 years down the line. someone with judgment. senator sanders had a busy weekend out west, as several states in that region hold votes tomorrow and this weekend. ahead of tomorrow s arizona primary, sanders visited the u.s./mexico border in that state before holding a rally in phoenix attended by over 3,000 people. he then traveled to washington state which caucuses on saturday and turned out more than 7,000 people to an event yesterday in the city of vancouver. not the one in canada. after that he held a massive rally in seattle where he addressed a crowd of more than 10,000. and his day ended in spokane where he spoke in front of another huge audience. this one between 7,000 and 9,000 people. meanwhile here s what he had to say about his opponent earlier in the day. we need real change in this country, and between you and me, i do not believe that real change is going to come from a candidate like secretary clinton, who receives millions of dollars from wall street. who receives who has a super pac that receives 15 million bucks from wall street, money from the fossil fuel industry, money from the drug companies. clearly not laying off the charges there. now speaking of money, february fund-raising totals have been released by the spains and once again sand erz outraises clinton. in february the sanders campaign reported raising a whopping $43.5 million. compared to just, just, over $30 million for clinton. just $30 million. but the sanders campaign also outspent its opposition. meaning it entered the month of march with less cash on hand than team clinton. over the weekend, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, this is on supreme court now, tried to shut down the idea that merrick garland, president obama s nominee for the supreme court, would be confirmed during a lame duck session. the same time minority leader harry reid expressed doubt that the republican blockade of the nomination would hold up. the senate s not doing nothing during this election season. but we re not giving a lifetime appointment to this president on the way out the door to change the supreme court for the next 25 or 30 years. it s not the person. it s the principle. who ought to make this lifetime appointment? it s the next president, not this one. i don t know why mcconnell s done this to the senators. he s marching these men and women over a cliff. and i don t think they re going to go. well he said we re not going to meet with him. we re not going to hold hearings. we re not going to have a vote. but that facade is breaking as we speak. we now have about eight or nine senators who said oh, yeah, i guess we will meet with him. seems like they re close to an agreement there. turning abroad, another morning, another missile launch from north korea. just in pyongyang has fired five short-range missiles in to the east sea. by embassy s count that makes 15 different projectiles on four different dates, just since last month the launches are a protest to joint drills between the u.s. and south korea. meanwhile, investigators in belgium continue to question newly captured suspect in the last november s paris terrorist attacks. according to belgium s foreign minister salah abdeslam may have been planning another attack. believed to be the last surviving attacker he was arrested on friday during a raid in brussels after months in hiding. belgian s justice minister said yesterday that abdeslam will make an initial court appearance on wednesday. we re also learning new details about the night of the paris attacks, and the depth of their preparation. according to the new york times, which says it has seen a police report, the ten members of the isis team behind the attack never sent a single e-mail or text message to each other, but made heavy use of disposable cell phones. inside the concert hall, the attackers reportedly stole phones from hostages and used them to call police and access the internet. the times also reports that witnesses described orange sneakers worn by one of the attackers. those distinctive shoes helped police identify abdel hamed abaaoud the suspected ring leader of the paris attacks. now let s turn to business where apple is expected to make some major product announcements today. cnbc s hadley campbell joins us live from london. hadley, what can we expect in today s unveiling. good morning, sam. good morning. a lot of excitement and speculation surrounding apple s announcement later today and many industry insiders now expect of course that the company is going to unveil a smaller and even cheaper iphone. and that iphone, the iphone se could have features very similar to the iphone 6. now of course all of this coming just one day ahead of the company s encryption battle. they re due in court over that big encryption battle with the fbi. so a lot of conversation happening now amongst industry experts. wondering if apple s going to address that later today, as well. hadley gamble live from london. thank you very much. now still ahead the sweet 16 is all set. we ll have full highlights from a weekend of march madness. plus bill karins is tracking snow. snow in new england. and a super coker on the west coast. the forecast when way too early comes right back. when your type 2 diabetes numbers aren t moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. but what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. with over 6 million prescriptions and counting, it s the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it s a once-daily pill that works around the clock. here s how: invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in to the body through the kidneys and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it s not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, 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back-to-back sweet 16s. four ties, three lead changes. dorsey, in! how about one more to finish the evening. no time-outs for the panthers. throws it into the hands of the aggies, lays it in. tie game 71. less than a minute to go in double o.t. makes it again and now they re on to the sweet 16 in anaheim. ten seconds. switch. jackson. off the glass. august. no! tip. yes! notre dame wins it. two to go. trip to the sweet 16. rises up, the shot, it s good! it s good! wisconsin has won it! wow. that was some of yesterday s action on the college court to cap a very wild weekend in the ncaa tournament. the acc is proving to be the dominant conference after two rounds. becoming the first-ever to send six teams to the sweet 16 in the same season. we showed you notre dame s tip-in to beat stephen f. austin and joining the irish are north carolina, duke, syracuse, miami, and top ranked virginia. for now we take a short break from the madness as the sweet 16 tips off on thursday. and as was the case in 2012, all four top seeds are still in the running for the national championship. i happen to pick michigan state to win it all. my brockate sucks. let s get a check on the weather now with nbc meteorologist bill karins. i hope your bracket s better than mine. i m doing okay. i m all right. i had northern iowa winning that game they really blew it. they did. they were up by ten with 40 seconds left. to do great finishes were friday night, and then last night and of course with our early hours i missed all of it. so thanks for the highlights. the highlight today is the snow getting out of here. even in the boston area later this afternoon, it will be a full melt going on. it will end in the boston area probably about mid to late morning. already two to three inches of snow on the ground from boston southwards down to the cape and over rhode island. long island has been mostly pretty warm, it s on the grassy surfaces. new york city roads are just wet. philadelphia, d.c., you are done. so this is mostly going to be a storm eastern new england for the morning commute. i know schools are already closed today in boston and all the way on the maine coastline a lot of schools will be closed because this is where we re going to pick up an additional six inches on top of what we already have. here s the additional snow. connecticut you re about done, maybe another inch or two in massachusetts and up in maine you ll get your snow right throughout the daylight hours. it s not just in new england. it s cold everywhere this morning. freeze warnings in louisiana, all the way through alabama, through tennessee, and missouri. these are a lot of areas where you re complaining about the pollen. and now you got temperatures this morning in the 30s. we re not seeing a hard freeze anywhere. so a lot of the plants are doing okay. but oklahoma city is down to 29 this morning. and hopefully this is the coldest we ll be until fall or maybe even early winter later this year. today we re going to warm it up with a nice, warm march sun. 60s in the middle of the country. even new york city gets up to 51 after the snow last night. and then tomorrow, we re almost into the 80s in the middle of the country. even boston will jump up to 50. sam, this is it. hopefully this is it. i m not even going to say hopefully. this is it. your classic first full day of spring. just a few inches of snow. we need the pictures, right? the tulips with the snow surrounding them. i don t think i need those pictures. thanks, bill. all right, still ahead it s not only president obama, the tampa bay rays are also in cuba. called ball park diplomacy. that and more coming up on way too early. the future belongs to the fast. and to help you accelerate, we ve created a new company. one totally focused on what s next for your business. accelerating innovation. accelerating next. hewlett packard enterprise. advisor and team who understand where you come from. we didn t really have anything, you know. but, we made do. vo: know you can craft an investment plan as strong as your values. al, how you doing. hey, mr. hamilton. vo: know that together you can establish a meaningful legacy. with the guidance and support of your dedicated pnc wealth management team. well i won t be afraid no i won t be afraid just as long as you stand by me come on so donald, donald stand i can t, i can t, i can t. that was donald trump being serenaded after speaking to the west palm beach republican party. some nice moves there as well. you can see dr. ben carson was also in attendance. this campaign. actor scott baio, meanwhile, known for starring roles in the sitcoms charles in charge and happy days endorsed donald trump for president on fox news saturday night. probably worth two or three percentage points in the polls. baio did not shy away from expressing why he is voting for the outspoken republican presidential front-runner. when he speaks, i understand him. he speaks like i speak. he communicates with people very well. we need somebody who relentlessly, relentlessly attack hillary. and it s the only way we re going to win. because this getting above the fray and not getting in the dirt, we re better than that. doesn t work anymore. and i m sorry, i try to be a classy guy and a good guy but to win elections nowadays the democrats and the liberals attack viciously. all right. turning back to the worlds of politics and sports, both will collide tomorrow when the tampa bay rays play the cuban national team. first major league baseball team to play on the island since the orioles in the march of 1999. tampa bay players expressed their excitement over social media. yesterday left fielder cory dickerson posted a photo to instagram with the caption, quote, headed to cuba with the boys. we are excited to have this opportunity. ryan webb took to twitter adding packed for cuba, excited to represent the u.s. and the rays and share in this experience with cuban fans. president obama is expected to attend tuesday s game. mlb special guests are also expected to include joe torre and derek jeter. now that does it for me and way too early. coming up on morning joe, nbc s chris jansing joins us live from havana with what to expect during the first fall day of president obama s historic visit to cuba. plus the latest efforts to stop donald trump after another violent weekend on the campaign trail. and a look at where tomorrow s contests in arizona and utah now stand. morning joe just moments away. oh, look. .another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works. .in one week. with the. fastest retinol formula. .to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. who don t have access thto basic banking,on people but that is changing. at temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. everywhere where there s a phone, you have a bank. now a person is 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[ laughter ] president obama flew the 747

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