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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20140731

good morning. i m carol costello. thanks so much for joining me. we begin with the rising death toll in the middle east and new efforts to stem the flow of innocent blood. right now the united nations security council is holding a session in new york. diplomats will focus on recent military strikes on gaza schools where civilians have taken refuge and often died. there have been six such attacks including one this morning. cnn s carl is with us. good morning, carl. on the one hand we ve heard the israelis are warning their citizens to be ready for a prolonged campaign and here in gaza we ve heard the military wing of hamas saying there can t be no middle ground. all the while things for civilians getting much worse. that s having an impact on water utilities to pump water to homes, and then the rising body count. let s take a look at what s been happening. breaking overnight in gaza, shellings early this morning landing dangerously close to a u.n. school for girls. multiple casualties on the street sparing those inside. it s the second incident in 24 hours in an area where people thought they would be safe. rounds tore through this u.n. school turned shelter wednesday after the u.n. said it repeatedly notified the israeli military in hamas of the school s coordinates and the school was being used to shelter 3,000 displaced palestinians. it s the sixth time their schools have been hit according to the u.n. one problem, weapons have been turned up believed to be placed there by hamas. it would be extremely irresponsible for us to have militantses in that school and under our people assure us there was no such presence whatsoever. reporter: the u.n. says they have strong evidence that israeli shells are to blame for the lives lost in wednesday s attack. more blood was shed during what was supposed to be a four-hour cease-fire wednesday, sparked, israel says, by hamas firing 26 rockets just two hours into the truce, israel firing back, but apparently little this crowded open air market. as we capture the devastation that follows the camera dropped as the photographer is wounded in the attack, but a colleague continues filming. these images, a chilling reminder of what life here has become. now, as if all that wasn t enough we re hearing the united states is getting ready to release more tank shells to its ally israel. the united nations clearly says enough is enough, but it seems that the warring sides haven t gotten that message, carol. karl penhaul reporting to us from gaza. now let s head to the united nations where the emergency session is getting under way. richard roth is our correspondent. what might they decide, richard? reporter: once again they re going to be listening. this security council has not moved forward on the toughest action possible here, a resolution the way things are going, but basically here at the u.n. they will be hearing valarie amos who will talking about the carnage that s occurring in gaza. also the relief works agency where they re housing thousands, maybe more than 200,000 people from gaza in u.n. facilities. they ve sought refuge there. and, of course, five to six different school facilities have been hit by israeli attacks. three other schools run by the u.n. had missiles hidden in them, presumably to be aimed back at israel. the u.n. s command here, maybe the angryiest i ve seen them. the u.n. secretary traveling, all be pointing the finger at israel. the deputy at a loss for words as the u.n. people get kill and also pounded. carol. you probably don t know the answer but i ll throw it to you anyway. how do the missiles get to a u.n. school? doesn t the u.n. monitor the scho scho schools? reporter: these schools were abandoned. in the second school one security guard was then placed at the school and somehow within the next 24 hours the missiles disappeared. richard roth. i know you ll be following this special session. we ll get back to you. thanks so much. no matter what is decided at today s u.n. meeting a solution to the violence cannot come soon enough for those living amid the bombs and rockets. mohammed omer has been quoting what it s been like. nighting is the worse. that s when the bombing escalate. nowhere is safe. not a mosque, school, church, of ve a hospital. all are potential targets. mohammed omer joins us by phone. thanks for joining us, mohammed. thank you very much. you say some of the nights have been the worst. tell us what it s like. indeed it s some of the most terrifying nights. they have bombed continuously. people have to be ready to evacuate their homes. some who have evacuated their homes they ve been shot at by f-16s and drones. there s nowhere to hide. absolutely total dark for the third day in most of the gaza strip and there s nowhere to run to basically. when you go to the borderline of the south or east, you re being shot at. even if you re in the center. now, the israeli military has asked the people to evacuate their homes from the east of gaza city and the northern part of the gaza strip. where? to the middle of the gaza strip and people gather and they were shoot at and killed inside in schools. the west of the city is supposed to be a safe place but unfortunately it s not a safe place. i m in part of gaza city where the bombing is constantly hitting residential areas. let me remind you one thing which is important that the majority of people who are being killed are civil yaps and this is the united nations who say that. so far the situation is getting much more worse. there is over 1,363 people killed. among them there are 353 children and 166 women in addition to 58 elders. and then there s more than 8,000 people who were injured. the majority of them are children. mohammed 16 journalists sorry. i just want to ask you about this. there were these three abandoned schools were missiles were found and israel says it s tough to find them. hamas is really to blame for some of these deaths because they plant missiles in schools and israel doesn t know if the schools are full of people or not, but those are where the weapons are and sadly that s their target. so is hamas partly to blame for the carnage in gaza? i don t thing you can buy this argument. i mean can you bomb the whole population because there are rockets? i ve seen records being filed and then they say, okay, there are these rockets but i haven t seen these rockets myself. and you cannot justify killing women or children who are just basically trying to take refuge and they see the u.n. flag to be sitting there where they will be protected. those are civilian people. why not target militants. they have not targeted militants. the only ones who are targets are the civilians. constantly. look at the humanitarian crisis that s caused by this. there s a growing number of charges. there s a shortage of water. you can t imagine having something as simple as a shower in a week once a week. i do understand. the other allegation out there is we re not sure who hit these schools. maybe it was an errant missile fired by hamas. we just don t know yet do, we? yes, we know because if we use our mind, we will know, definitely. i think how many israelis were killed in the last 25 days. okay, the majority of them are soldiers inside gaza and very few who were killed by hamas rockets that were fired directly from gaza to israel. why? that tells you that these rockets are only by works. there s nothing in comparison with the u.s. made rocket fired on the gaza population. those are rockets that have killed people. i have seen arms and legs and fingers of people scattered in the road. people are killed like this, like just basically chicken thrown in the road and this is something which i find quite terrifying, the types of weapons that israel is using. unfortunately unfortunately what the hamas rocket does. is it possible that hamas used rockets or explosives on their own people? i doubt it. i do know, mohammed i understand, mohammed, and the united nations is investigating all of this. and thank you so much for being with us. i appreciate it. mohammed omer, palestinian journalist who s living in gaza right now. we ll keep you posted on what the united nations finds out. as you also know hamas has been guilty of violating cease-fires. israel says, yes, there is a cease-fire, hamas fires a rocket and israel retaliates and the war goes on. israel appears to be preparing for a long time. they have called 15,000 in addition to the 6,000 already in uniform. they say the military campaign is the criticism of israel is it s reacted disproportion atly. you say i don t know what in that case is the propulsion. imagine you seat a child on your knees at hamas and somebody is shooting at your child and yourself. what is the proposal? not to shoot back? i mean before they put before us an impossible question, but we cannot escape it. we wish we didn t have to do it. we have nothing against the people. we don t like to see anybody getting killed. it s not our purpose. but if they put it in the homes, with the children, and there they plant the rockets and the different weapons they collected, what can we do? perez has drawn criticism from his own fellow israelis by suggesting that it s time to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict. many if not most in israel say they support a continued bombardment until hamas is eradicated. still to come in the newsroom, you ve been tweeting your questions about ebola to us. our chief met cal respondent krr gupta is here. we ll answer those questions right after the break. when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a s! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won t cause me discomfort. exactly, because it s milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it s real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort. come on, would i lie about this? frommy family and is to love ice cream. however some of us can t enjoy it without discomfort. so we use lactaid® ice cream. it s 100% real ice cream just without the lactose. so now we all can enjoy this favorite treat. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america. talking about medevacing two americans infected with ebola back home from liberia. this comes as humanitarian groups are pulling volunteers from the region and the death toll, well, it s topped 650. dr. kent brantley and nancy writebol were working with a charity when they became ill. they re in serious condition but we hear this morning they are improving. writebol s son spoke about her earlier this morning. less than an hour ago and mom continuing in stable condition, but it s very serious, and she is she s still fighting as my dad told me. she s weak, but working through it. one good news piece of good news is that yesterday they were having a very difficult time getting an i.v. into her for proper fluids and dad told me this morning one of the nurses that s part of the team that s attending to my mom and dr. brantley was able to get an i.v. in on the first try. so we re really happy about that this morning. take a look at this map. flights out of major airports, they go to 39 other cities. that 3 other countries rather. that includes three airports here in the united states. i know you ve got questions about the ebola epidemic. you ve been tweeting them all morning long and i appreciate that. we have our own chief medical correspondent here sanjay gupta to answer your questions. good morning, sanjay. good morning, carol. i i m going to start with my own question. patrick sawer who got off the plane in nigeria and collapse and died within six hours of getting sick, is that typical? that s fast. it s accelerated for sure. but we asked people the same thing. is it possible he got on the plane, would not have been stopped by any screening methods, seemed perfectly healthy and by the time he landed would collapse and subsequently die and people who have treated this disease say that is a possibility. that can happen. this can move very, very quickly. if someone has a weakened immune system for some reason, it can move more quickly. so abbie tweeted this question about cultural competency. she says it s a huge barrier for western doctors overseas. she tweets culture controversy is difficult for treating patients overseas. is this affecting the outbreak? i think it is. that s not to say many going in, certainly those already there, they have significant cultural competencies. they have difficult times treats patients for example people when they bury their dead in many of these remote villages, there s a laying on of hands with the body. with regard to ebola that s a big concern because you can still transmit the virus even at that time. so understanding the cultural competency, understanding it s a part of one s culture and being able to explain mere s why in this particular situation this is a real problem, here s why entire families if not entire villages are getting infected. it s because of some of the cultures and we have to stop some of that. another viewer question, we know the death rate is really high. how can someone survive after contracting ebola? we know in previous outbreaks the death rates have been as high as 90%. in this particular one it seems to be closer to 60%. it s a little bit better than in times past. what typically happens, the reason someone would die with this sort of infection is because they re losing so much of their body fluids and because their body loses the ability to clot and that s why you have so much bleeding. the goal is why the body is trying to fight this infection, can you support those other two things, can you give enough fluids back and can you give clotting factors back to the body so they don t continue to bleed. it s sort of like you re just keeping up until the body fights the infection itself. there is no anti-viral, novak seen. that s what happens. when people get to medical care quick enough, they re going to have a better chance of getting treatments. that brings us to our next question. there have been other ebola outbreaks. why is it so hard to find a vaccine? this is a tricky virus, carol. it goes in, immediately turns off the immune system and the clotting system in the blood. it s a really sneaky virus and it makes it hard to vaccinate against this. having said that i spoke to a researcher from texas. they ve been working on a vaccine for some time. they ve had some success with non-human primates so fafrmt they tried it once with a human being and it appears to work. it was under a passion of care circumstance and it s possible they may fast track something like this given what is happening right now in west africa. it s in the works, but it s not quite ready yet. it hasn t been approved yet. dr. sanjay gupta, thanks so much. i m sure our viewers appreciate it. we do too. international investigators have finally made their way to the crash site of flight 17 but in the two weeks, the risk of losing critical pieces of evidence grows by the day. we ll talk about that next. 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(train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. all right. i told you at the top of the show the united nations is meeting in an emergency session right now to meet about the situation in gaza. on the phone speaking to those gathered in the room at the united nations is pierre from the united nations relief and work agencies. he s doing work in gaza. he ll telling the people there that the biggest problem is with displaced people, people who have nowhere to go to escape the bombing. let s listen to part of what he told the united nations. a number which has grown every day of the conflict and at ant accelerated pace in the last week. it is four times higher than the peak of the displaced people during the conflict in 2008 and 2009. i am not here referring to the tens of thousands of displaced in gaza that have found temporary shelter with whole families, only to those that are registered in one of our schools. we are doing everything possible to provide the displaced with minimum needs, food, mattresses, and blankets. but we are now into the fourth week of mass displacement in facilities unequipped to shelter large numbers for such a duration. conditions are increasingly dire in the shelters. there is no water for hygiene, very few showers, and latrines are totally inaccurate. disease outbreak is beginning with skin infections, sky bys, and others. there are thousands of pregnant women in our schools, deliveries are precarious and we re sheltering newborns in these deplorable conditions. we are gravely concerned about the situation. equally we are gravely concerned about any possible additional displaszment that will drive up the numbers in our shelters. with as many as 2,500 displaced people residing in schools and an average of 80 people to a classroom, we have exceeded the tolerable limits we can accommodate. it is therefore with alarm that i have received new instructions from the israeli military to them to evacuate. in view of these facts and of the shelling affect the schools on six occasions, i believe the population is facing a precipice and the appeal of the international society to address the extreme situation. should further large-scale displacement indeed occur, the occupying power according to international humanitarian law will have to assume direct responsibility to assist these people. members of the council, the new reality being created before our lives in the occupied territory of israel is not sustainable under any circumstances. the humanitarian and political costs grow by the day with each death and injury with the continuing destruction of infrastructure vital to the life of the palestinian people in gaza and with the continuing violations of international law. as i have stated on previous visits to gaza, the rocket firing on israeli cities and endangering the israeli civilians is unacceptable and must cease. we all want to see an environment where they share each other s interests and a general commitment for peace, justi justice, and security for all in the region. this cannot happen under the conditions of military occupation and those caused by the conflict now unfolding. it is past time for an immediate and unconditional cease-fire to be agreed on by the parties and called for. allow me also to add my voice to those calling for the redress of the underlying conditions that fuel this conflict and the violence that repeats itself in full view of the world. in other words, a cease-fire while immediately required to save lives is not enough. it is not conceivable to simply return to the situation existing before this conflict. not withstanding israel s legitimate security concerns, the illegal blockade of gaza must be lifted. this small territory is home to 1.8 million people who face the prospect that it will become unlivable in the manner of only a few years unless urgent steps taken by the international community to enable the development of gaza and the ensuring security for all in the region. eun rah, truthful to its mandate will remain steadfast to its commitment and operations whether during the terrible emergency or in the recovery phase once the fighting has ceased, but much more is required to ensure lasting peace and stability in the region. i thank you, mr. president. all right. and with that, that emergency session did adjourn, but that man was speaking from gaza. he s a member of the united nations. you saw that. he was talking about the terrible problems right now that the people of gaza are facing with these shelters. there s no clean water, not enough latrines to go around. he said disease is starting to set in. and, again, he called for an immediate cease-fire. not only that, some long lasting solutions. so the sykesle of warfare won t continue. we re going to check in with richard ross i hope on the other side of the break with more about what the united nations plans to do. we ll be right back. when you run a business, you can t settle for slow. that s why i always choose the fastest intern. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn t i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. all right. we told you what was said at the united nations emergency session before the break. they testified to this meeting about the dire situation that now exists within gaza as the fighting continues. richard ross was listening to it all. tell us more, richard. this was more than the worker. it was the commissioner general of unra taking care of at least 200,000 palestinians now inside u.n.-designated facilities. he on the ground exasperated, frustrated, outraged over what is happening to civilians who thought they could be protected inside these u.n. buildings. yes, he condemned rocket attacks by gaza, by hamas aimed at israel and the fact that missiles have been stored inside three u.n. schools but primarily his remarks were hoping that the international community would somehow be able to put pressure on the players to stop the fighting. earlier amos said even wars have rules and demanded that combatants be separated from civilians, that surely the military experts know the difference as to where fighters might be and where thousands of families, women and children who have been kill and injured along with u.n. staff. carol. so what kind of action can united nations take, richardsome. it seems that no action is being taken other than a statement at midnight sunday into monday which for some people was an advance. the palestinians have a resolution. that was circulated more than two weeks ago prior to many attacks that have now ensued, but for different complicated political reasons the security council is watching and waiting. the palestinians and them may have prmted it. they were happy washington got on board with a statement, the first one in years on the middle east which included words against israel. so they re watching and waiting here, but there s no action despite the puzzlement of many. all right. richard roth reporting this morning. i m going to take a break. we ll be back with more in the newsroom. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that s how you ll increase market share. any questions? can i get an a , steve? yes! three a s! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you ll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! wouldn t it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? 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surely, this is what republicans and democrats are focusing on just before they go on a month-long recess with no agreement on immigration reform? let s talk about this. donna brazile is also a cnn commentator and democratic strategist. welcome to both of you. good morning. good morning. so, anna, as a republican strategist i ll ask you this question. is this a wise move? well, i don t like it, though i recognize that the house has a legitimate concern about abuse of power by this president, it is a result and a symptom of the broken system in washington where they can t get anything done so they resort to suing each other. i don t like it because i see it as a distraction. i don t like it because there s bar to be met on whether the house has standing. and, frankly, i don t like it because it lends itself to being exploited by the democrats and feign and turn and pretending to be impeachment and then used as a tool to raise money. they raised over $2 million over it. so i m not much of a fan of this lawsuit strategy. well, donna, some people might say that the only reason the house republicans didn t go for impeachment because public opinion polls are totally against that. i don t know what their strategy is, but i have to agree with anna who said that it has no standing. the president is using his lawful authority as the chief executive of the united states of america. the house republicans seriously don t want to really work with this president. they don t want to even work with each other. there are so many internal divisions that they cannot come up with any agreement on major issues like immigration reform and unemployment insurance for those looking for work or raising minimum wage. it s a stunt, it s shameful, and i wish they would spend time figuring out how we can grow our economy, stop focusing on what we can disagree but figure out what we can agree upon to make sure america is strong and secure in the 21st century. i think, though, there is one thing to come out of this that both sides can agree on, that this impeachment lawsuit thing can raise money. democrats say they ve raised more than $7 million since boehner first talked about a lawsuit. at least they agree on something, anna because i m sure republicans have raised money on this issue too. you know, carol, let s stop calling this impeach mnlts lawsuit thing. they are two completely different things that democrats have conflated as a stunt to raise money. i think that s part of the reason why the american public is so disillusioned with washington and congress because of these cynical stunts flank by both sides. impeachment is a very different thing than a lawsuit. and let me remind you, democrats tried to bring impeachment articles against george w. bush. individuals did. not i remember that. okay. well, donna donna, all right, but, donna, john boehner has been more than clear as many times as he can that he is not talking impeachment, that there is no impeachment talk. there s been five or six republicans who frankly couldn t get anything passed through congress if they tried, who have been talking about this. it s been unhelpful, but at no point has anybody of any responsibility, authority, or leadership in the republican parties been talking about this seriously, so it s a very similar circumstance that happened when democrats brought it. my home state congressman said, look, the republicans have been talking about this from the day president obama was elected to office. they agreed not to work with him. that i tried to make him a one-term president. he was elected with over 50% of the vote. the truth of the matter is you know what? if democrats are raising money off of it, fine. that s all members of congress do these days, raise money to try to get re-elected. we need to focus on the issues that the american people elected them to do, which is to solve problems to help ordinary citizens get ahead in life, get education, get health care, and i think this lawsuit is a shameful political ploy to motivate the base of the party and to distract as anna said in the beginning from real serious issues that members of congress should be focusing on right now. i m going to ask about the important bill in the house. do you think it s going to go anywhere? apparently they re going to put two bills on the floor. if one doesn t you know, if the border security supplemental request doesn t pass, then they don t go to the second bill. if it does pass, they go to the separate bill which are two separate bills and it s something, frankly, that john boehner has had to do to deal with the lack of republicans supporting the border bill. i also think that s not a smart strategy. and what we ve soon is nor ted cruz who can t get much done in the senate go and be the pied piper in the house and get a you know, some of the republicans there who are lem y lemmeys following him off the cliff that has no strategy, no exit, no real way to get anywhere because it will not pass the senate and it will not be signed by president obama and it s likely something most republicans doan want to do. i m going to have leave it there. anna navarro and donna brazile. so much to do. i ll be right back. can i get my actual credit report. like, the one the bank sees? [ male voice ] sheesh, i feel like i m being interrogated over here. [ male voice ] she s onto us. dump her. [ pay phone rings ] hello? oh, man. that never gets old. no, it does not. 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New-york , United-states , Malaysia , Australia , Texas , Alaska , Turkey , Georgia , Liberia , Washington , District-of-columbia , Gaza-strip

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20171212

department official ran deeper than previously known. wife of bruce ohr worked for fusion gps last year. journalists make honest mistakes and that doesn t make them fake news. there is a big difference between making honest mistakes and purposely misleading the american people. they don t correct it and apologize for it. they hold everybody else to one stand and everybody else to quite another. brian: good morning, everybody. straight to a fox news alert. we are learning more about that port authority bomber we telling you about live yesterday who carried out his botched attack in the name of isis u turns out he was known to be a real jerk. huge attitude. stunner. ainsley: police swarming the wanna be terrorist brooklyn house has his family lashes out at police. steve: they don t like the treatment. that s where we find todd piro live. todd, what do we know about the motive as of now as you report live from brooklyn? steve, ainsley, and brian, good morning. that is the big question at this point in time. right now this brooklyn neighborhood is extremely quiet but yesterday, like you said, investigators were here in this neighborhood poring every single detail of the terrorist life in an attempt to tried to find that i am motive. he lived in brooklyn after he entered the u.s. in 2011 from bangladesh on a chain migration visa. preferential visa for those family in the u.s. he was a cab driver from 2012 to 2014. his taxi limo license was not renewed. he was inspired by isis but did not appear to have direct contact with the group and likely acted alone. reports say the 27-year-old was upset with the way muslims have been treated by the u.s. and by recent israeli actions in gaza. and i reportedly became radicalized by islamic state media. neighbors here in this brooklyn neighborhood describe him as a hermit and a loner. the guy himself always had an attitude. i have a detail shop in the back. he would chase the driveway. i would try to chase him. he would have an attitude. he was cocky. how so? just like he was better than everybody else. like we were below him. ing. he allegedly packed 5-inch up by palm and battery pack into the right side of his jacket before setting it off at the nation s busiest tunnel. he made it at his work electric company. three people have been released from the hospital. through their lawyer, the suspect s family says it is outraged by police behavior following the incident in the hours following the incident, specifically, the way that family members were interrogated by police. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. steve: thank you very much for the live report. indeed. the family says that apparently the cops pulled a high school kid out of class and interrogated him without a lawyer. also apparently. ainsley: trying to save lives and find out ainsley. they don t have much time. brian: and one was complaining that a 4-year-old was out in the cold. meanwhile, let s talk about how this guy got here. i m a little curious why he seemed so angry to be in america. in 2011 he had a visa. how did he get that because three or four of his siblings scweengtly obtained a green card and scweengtsly became residence. he arrived in a visa and gets to stay because he had family members here. ainsley: it s called chain migration. the president was talking yesterday. he wants to end this. today s terror suspect entered our country through extended family chain migration which is incompatible with national security. congress must end chain migration. congress must also act on my administration s other proposals to enhance domestic security. the terrible harm this infliction on america s security and economy has long been clear. i am determined to improve our immigration system to put our country and our people first. steve: so the bomber came here on an f-4 visa. he has permanent residence status in the united states which means he has due process rights. apparently it was his aunt or his uncle who applied for citizenship, was granted it, and here s the thing about chain migration u no restrictions on how many immigrants a citizen can sponsor. family reunions get priority over other forms of sponsorship. as for bang ges bangladesh is ne of the countries extreme vetting. ainsley: they bring the whole group. brian: won the lottery again that s still out there. in terms of people who come here. not that there is anything against freedom bang decial we should know who is here and how many. 141,000 bangladesh who have come here since 2006. that is the size of the population of dayton, ohio. about 9.3 foreign nationals have come to the u.s. as chain my grants over the last 11 years. so we should understanding who is coming here. one person applies or wins the lotto through an application process. next thing you know have you dozen who follow in the wake. i m asking you this. are you okay with that? because it doesn t seem like the process that leads to a secure america. ainsley: during the time period between 2005 and 2015, the government decided to count the green cards. 70% of those immigrants that came through during that 10-year span, 70% of them were family members, were part of the chain migration. they weren t the ones that actually got in. they got to come in because a family heb was here. 70%. steve: we will be talking to sarah its gore from the it isgo. shortly after he detonated a bomb made with christmas lights. ainsley: electric company. steve: sought stuff on the internet from inspire magazine. he detonated it 7:19 yesterday there were some cops nearby. and they took action because they saw him reaching for his cell phone. they saw that he had wires running from his shirt to his pants and they thought a cell phone. that s a good way to detonate another bomb. so those are the four hero cops who sprang into action. brian: first one that comes in anthony, is he 28. ainsley: the guy on the far right. brian: this is how frew from a o fortuitous to have him. he was a bomb technician. he radioed for help and he saw the wires. ainsley: he saw the panicked commuters. he goes over to the guy with the pipe bomb he sees the cell phone and knows that could be a detonating device. another guy in the army three tours in iraq. another one is also an attorney. thank you to hero cops. steve: they were able to arrest him. they secured the area, evacuated it and stayed way past quitting time yesterday. brian: from the army with army experience. sean gallagher 265 mooner. and jack collins doubles as a lawyer. how fortunate is it for us in new york to have people this qualified walking the streets. i always thought if you want to straighten out washington more people who serve in the military should go serve as lawmakers. how about in new york city where the first line of defense, the tip of the spear are law enforcement. ainsley: i have always appreciated law enforcement, of course. living in new york, i guess it s after 9/11, they are a family here. steve: sure. ainsley: they sit together and they protect her citizens in a mighty way. steve: these are not new york city police department officials and officers. these are port authority officers who just patrol the airports, the ports, and the bridges here in new york. indeed they were right in the right place at the right time yesterday. meanwhile, it s judgment day down in the state of alabama. in just a couple of hours, voters there are going to head to the polls to choose a new u.s. senator. ainsley: roy moore and doug jones are facing off in nail biter that has a lot of nationwide consequences. brian: griff general kansas is live in washington, d.c. with a fight to the finish that brought out barkley and bannon. that s right. the last time they elected a democratic. roy moore finds himself trailing doug jones by 10 points in fox news latest poll as president trump tried to rally the base yesterday can w. that robo call. last night white house strategist steve bannon flying in for a final rally. moore who has defiantly denied the allegations against him took to the mikes with a message for his detractors. we talk about draining the swamp. it s difficult to drain the swamp when you re up to your neck in alligators. i wants to make america great again with president trump. meanwhile jones got some outside help from former president obama and vice president biden recording robo calls. former nba star charles barkley. as jones continued to frame this as referendum on something larger than just one candidate. i think it s time to that we say no more to putting people down. no more to treating people as second class citizens. it s just time, folks, that we say no moore. here we go. polls open in less than two hours. 7:00 a.m. local. a race that has immigrations. democrats have not faired well so far in niece special elections. steve: let s see this time. griff jenkins in our nation s capital. brian: jillian has been waiting to tell us. even though the eagles lost their quarterback. jillian: i m very heart broken about, this brian. you didn t have to remind me. ainsley: back up good? jillian: we don t have a backup to the backup. we will see what happens. we do have a fox news alert to get to. breaking news right now. new york city boosting security in reaction to the port authority bombing there will not be increased police presence at high profile locations. other big cities across the u.s. are following suit. in boston there will be increased police presence at all transit stops. and in philadelphia, police are stepping up patrols across mass transit lines. new overnight, the department of justifiable requesting an emergency stay to halt the acceptance of transgender recruit into the military it comes months after president trump tweeted the military could not be burdened with the medical costs and disruptions. last month a federal judge ruled against the change. the department of justifiable is currently reviewing the legal options to ensure that the president s directive can be implemented. pentagon says as of now transgender enlistment will go on starting january 1st. hanukkah begins tonight at sundown. the festival of lights celebrates the recelebration of the holly temple in jerusalem. the menorah burning for 8 days even though there was only enough oil for one night. hundreds will gather this evening for the national menorah across from the white house. last night president trump hosted hanukkah al day after recognizing jerusalem as israel s cap will tall. those your headlines. i will go back and cry now as brian so kindly reminded me. steve: worked the sports into the news. ainsley: if you are jewish and watching happy hanukkah. steve: first night. how can we get answers from that wanna be port authority terrorist? he was a terrorist. dr. james mitchell interrogated the mastermind of 9/11. he is going to join us next. brian: the chief is blaming millennials. you have got to hear why. for adults with advanced non-small cell lung cancer, previously treated with platinum-based chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene who ve tried an fda-approved targeted therapy, here s a question: who wouldn t want a chance for another.? who d say no to a.? who wouldn t want. a chance to live longer. opdivo (nivolumab). opdivo demonstrated longer life versus chemotherapy. over 40,000 of these patients have been prescribed opdivo. opdivo works with your immune system. opdivo can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. this may happen any time during or after treatment has ended, and may become serious and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you experience new or worsening cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; diarrhea; severe stomach pain or tenderness; severe nausea or vomiting; extreme fatigue; constipation; excessive thirst or urine; swollen ankles; loss of appetite; rash; itching; headache; confusion; hallucinations; muscle or joint pain; flushing; fever; or weakness, as this may keep these problems from becoming more serious. these are not all the possible side effects of opdivo. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, or if you ve had an organ transplant, or lung, breathing, or liver problems. because who wouldn t want.that? 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probably not. i would say though you can t connect the dots if you don t collect the dots. and one of the problems that we have cutting back on surveillance like we are, is we really don t know whether this is it or not in a lot of the cases because we are not collecting the same kinds of materials we used to collect. i doubt this is it is too amateurish. brian: evidently speaking enough to say i made the bomb. this is what ticked me off. this is how i came here. is he giving us certain amount out. where do you go from here if i put him in front of you? i would be interested really in pair liberal information. information that you could use to create actionable intelligence. i would not to know to ho his contacts with in pleasure. bangladesh. australia issued a warning because of the number of isis cells over there. he has friends in bangladesh. he is probably communicating with people in bangladesh. i doubt his radicalization happened simply from a youtube video. i would want to be following up on that sort of stuff. are there additional bombs? are there additional people? stuff because you don t want people dumping their cell phones. destroying their sim cards. wiping their hard drives. changing their address books. you will want to get that pairable information as fast as you can. brian: how does a guy come here and drive a cab because his relatives are here already and goes back and forth to bangladesh. who is financing that? that would be one of the questions that i would be asking, right? because if you find the answer to that, and it turns out that he is being funded by one of these terror groups u then have you got a way in to their finances and you can start following them. the thing that s distracting about this is that the focus in a lot of cases is really on the crime that he has committed, right? he has tried to set off a bomb. and now he appears to be confessing. well, one of the things that we noticed when we were interrogating people like khalid sheikh mohammed they have no problem telling you about their past crimes because as long as you focus on the past crimes, you are not focusing on information to stop future attacks. so i would take that information that you need to take to be able to prosecute this guy. but i wouldn t be distracted by that. brian: 20 seconds. can you tell me if you would read him his miranda rights and put him through our court system and put him into the bringing and question him for a great period of time? i think he is swore an oath of allegiance to the united states. if he is on a green card this doesn t apply. i think is he unlawful enemy combatant. he should be treated like unlawful enemy combatant and see a military commission if they can ever get that straightened out and punished for that. brian: i 100 percent agree. we will talk about that a little bit later. dr. mitchell, thanks so much. thanks for coming having me on. brian: next guest says is he doing exactly what he campaigned on. marathon racing collapsing at the end of the race. the. incredible show of sportsmanship you will want to watch again and again you can count on me it feels good to be back. advil liqui-gels minis. our first concentrated pill that rushes powerful relief. a small new size that s fast, cause it s liquid. woohoo! you ll ask, what pain? new advil liqui-gels minis. we re on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it s time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that s it. so rich. i love it. that s why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you re describing the coffee and not me? ainsley: quick headlines for you. new overnight a u.s. service member is dead and two more injured after a vehicle incidents in afghanistan. military officials say they were not engaged with an enemy. the fallen service member has not yet been identified. and the conditions of those injured in the incident are not yet known at this point. hate that especially at christmas time. houston teenager are s. facing 20 years in prison for alleged ties to isis. the 18-year-old wanted to launch an attack on u.s. soil after two failed attempts to join the terror group in syria. he is also accused of distributing instructions for how to make bombs and assault rifles. steve? steve: thank you very much, ainsley. in a new op-ed our next guest challenges democrats who are calling for president trump s resignation. it s titled why would we abandon trump? he is doing what he said he would do. the op-ed argues democrats were once putting of sweeping under the rug the same behavior they are now accusing the president of. here with more is the publisher and editor of the hillsborough times gazette out in ohio gary abernathy who is skyping us from his office. good morning. good morning, steve, how are you? steve: good. your paper endorsed donald trump before the election in november, a lot of people say okay, you have seen what he has done so far, do you regret your endorsement? what do you tell them? well, that s exactly right. we get that question a lot. you would get people writing op-eds saying when are trump supporters going to desert him and my responds is anyone who voted for president trump in the last election has been given no reason to desert him? what has changed about him? the tweets, what some people consider the over-the-top behavior, and then on top of that, he has actually tried to keep his campaign promises. so as a newspaper, no, we have been given no reason to endorse trump. if you supported him, why wouldn t you support him now? steve: you in your op-ed, gary, write donald trump is a different kind of president and takes getting used to because he actually does, as you mentioned keep those campaign promises. out on the campaign trail he talked about the border. he talked about jerusalem which he did last week. he talked about the affordable care act and taxes. so we shouldn t be surprised that it s all happening. no. not at all. i mean, again, as someone who has been an observer for along time, i worked in politics for a while, it s refreshing to see someone actually campaign on something and then when they become president, try hard to do it. and i think that s what upsets a lot of critics. a lot of people thought, steve, when he was campaigning, that trump would pivot. he would become a different kind of president. if he did that he would be like everybody else and probably lose his base of support. steve: never trumpers are waiting for his supporters to wake up. hills supporters with the never trumpers don t get is supporters like what he is doing, you say? yeah, i think they do. i think that s why they voted for him. you know? the fact is a lot of criticism that has come president trump s way from a lot of people on certain issues that we now see kind of the hypocrisy on, you know, none of that is going to hurt president trump. so, again, i think that it s refreshing to see someone actually come in, hasn t always been successful because congress hasn t yet always cooperated. hopefully on the tax plan it s going to be different. to see someone come in and try to do what they campaigned on, doing what they said they were going to do. receive steve sure. gary, you mentioned this in your op-ed as well. many people mentioned the tweets. sometimes they don t seem very presidential. but you argue they seem very donald trump. that s the point. yeah. they are very donald trump. i mean, i m like everybody else. sometimes he tweets things that make me cringe. i wish he wouldn t do it. and part of me starts to say gee, i wish he would just kind of become more like other candidates or more presidential. that seems to be the favorite phrase. but the fact is that wouldn t be donald trump. that wouldn t be the guy who people voted for who won the populist vote in 30 states out of our 50 states. steve: he is the publisher and editor of hillsborough times gazette out in ohio. gary abernathy thank you for joining us live. thank you, steve. steve: coming up live on this tuesday. shortage of officers. blaming young people. the millennials. you have to hear why coming up. all eyes are on alabama for the special senate election. pete hegseth is live there talking with voters who are hungry. pete: spot of tea here in mobile, alabama. if you are here, come on out. i m at a table of roy moore supporters. two of which are going out to the polls to vote for him. one is a poll worker. the other would go but she is still a junior in high school and not able. to come on their vote counts, too. we will see if there is enough of them to turn alabama blue. we will find out today on fox & friends. david. what s going on? oh hey! that s it? yeah. everybody two seconds! dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald s helps more people go to college. it s part of our commitment to being america s best first job. steve: all eyes are on the state of alabama as voters head to the election to fill jeff sessions vacant senate see. roy moore facing off against democrat doug jones. ainsley: what do the voters think? pete hegseth is live at spot of tea taps restaurant in mobile alabama, alabama. hey,. pete: pete good morning, ainsley, if there is one thing we have learned in the last year, it doesn t matter what the pundits and hosts think in new york city, what matters and the people think on the voters on the ground think as they cast their ballot. a very consequential senate vote here in alabama today. polls open in just a couple of hours. we have got two tables. we have a pretty mixed restaurants here. we have your doug jones supporters and roy moore supporters who we are going to get to. first we are talking to dr. john dixson and webb who are supporting doug jones. sir, if you would tell me why you support him. the issues are education, jobs and healthcare. doug jones speak to those ryu teenly. roy moore is talking about that yearbook. pete: is he talking about that yearbook which means for the first time in generations maybe not generations in a generation this is a senate seat democrats could actually win. is that why there is so much enthusiasm? there is great support for doug jones for that reason. he is also a great candidate. pete: got it. web, why do you support doug jones. if i wasn t a far left of the democratic socialists of america. i wouldn t vote for roy moore. is he a pedophile. i don t think isn t fit to be episode. let alone being in the u.s. senate. pete: you are not mincing words here. not at all. pete: chance to pete a republican in a state that s gone red for decades go. to roy moore supporters well this is a chance to maintain a seat the balance of the u.s. senate sat issue. i m here with donna. donna, stefanie and courtney, thanks for being here this morning. donna, you are going to work a poll. you are supporting roy moore. a lot of accusations about roy moore. that s what s at stake here. let me tell you roy moore is a man of integrity he has been vetted in this state for years. this is something that, you know, when all these accusations came out, i looked into it and i looked at his second personal secretary, his sent a, women that he dated, they have all follow forward and said he has been very respectful to people. these accusations are a political hit job. pete: do you feel like the accusations are going to hurt voter turnout for republicans here in alabama. possibly. but you can see women in alabama are not stupid. we are very smart. and we most of us that have conservative values and that really love our president and want somebody to go in there and support our president. that s really what it comes down to. doug jones is not going to support our president. pete: stefanie, that s a great point, how much of this election is about president trump and his agenda and making sure it happens? well, you know, alabama showed. we showed up for president trump. and i just really think that we ll show up for roy moore. pete: what do you support. he has conservative value. i m going to stand up for someone who is pro-life. pete: you can t vote. what do you make on a senate run in alabama. i think it s really interesting to see how people are very much in to what s going on in alabama even though they are not here and not experiencing it for themselves. i think the people of alabama very much may not just fall into what they think is going to happen. pete: i think, guys, that s a common theme we are hearing from that table and this one. listen, there is plenty of noise nationally about this race. what matters, the only thing that matters is what happens when donna and stefanie and others and the doctor over there and web walk into the voter booth and make their choice. that s ultimately who they will send to washington to represent them. they don t want pundits telling them who should be their u.s. senator. both sides very passionate this morning. voter turnout will matter a lot here in alabama. here in mobile. if you are at a spot of tea or around here come out and join us. brian: at love people don t say who they are voting for. they certainly don t tell the pollsters the truth if last election was any learned moment. ainsley: do you see people say i don t want to go on camera i don t want people to know who i m voting for? pete: some people have used this visual. i m going to hold my nose and go in the ballot box and vote for the values and not the person. other people are passionate about roy moore. brian: it s not anti-pete hegseth. pete: there is some of that, too brian. steve: reporting live from spout of tea in mobile. pete, thank you very much. ainsley: let s hand it over to jillian she has a fox news alert. jillian: breaking right now we just learned the mayor of san francisco he had lee died early this morning at the age of 65. the city says he was surrounded by family and friends in the hospitals when he passed away shortly after 1:00 a.m. no cause of death was reported. lee was the city s 43rd mayor. a woman caught smoking in an airplane bathroom threatens to kill passengers when flight attendants tell her to sit down. i swear if you [bleep] land, i will [bleep] kill everybody on this [bleep] plane. i will kill everybody on this [bleep]. plane. that is a frightening scene. the southwest airlines crew forced to restrain the woman until they landed in sacramento. police arresting her for tampering with a smoke detector. that s a federal offense. she claims she was smoking to calm anxiety. i m not sure it worked. the chief says millennials are partly to blame. we have nights, weekends, and holidays and those are some of the things that are not necessarily attractive to the millennials who want all days off and to be the chief in six months. jillian: she needs to hire 250 recruits this year so the department has to come up with new strategies to make the job more appealing to young people that could include accepting candidates with minor drug history. a teen becomes a hero carrying a collapsing marathon winner across the finish line to win the race u arianna was running with chandler self-in the marathon when she collapsed. arianna purensd her forward so self-would come in first place. that s not the teen s only selfless act. she also raises money for homeless children and honored as one of texas top volunteers. cool story. a look at your headlines, bark down to you guys. steve: all right, jillian, thank you. it s the most wonderful time of the year. also very historic. the white house historical association releases a brand new christmas tree ornament honoring one of our past presidents. brian: this one laurens our 32nd president franklin delano roosevelt. ainsley: here with the white house historical association stuart. thank you. it s wonderful to be here again. we have five of hour 37 ornaments we introduced sings 1981. get them all on our website white this one honors franklin delano roosevelt. steve: we will weigh in on it? it was 1933 inaugural uniform it has his monogram beneath that two flags with the 48 stars. and it s in the same of the vintage table top radio that millions of americans listened to the fire side chats. brian: with the gold i m thinking trump. i m feeling trump in that. we are nonpartisan and nonprofit organization. every president and first lady since we were founded by mrs. kennedy in 1961. we do have a wonderful relationship with mrs. trump and her team. janice: how long does it take to design them. a year in advance. next year is truman. we honor them sequentially. last year was herbert hoover. the wonderful story of the christmas eve fire at the white house in 1929. commemorative one. we pause every few years and honor a significant day or individual related to the white house. this honors the irish architect james hoban and crushed into that resin is actually stone from the quarry of virginia where the stone from the white house came from. ainsley: who do you use the funds for? we are a nonprofit organization. and we support conservation, preservation, and restoration at the white house. those beautiful state rooms. we keep them that way. we acquire art and furnishings for the permanent white house collection. and we are a private partner. these are nongovernment funded. brian: last two real quick? lineal con 1999. george healey portrait that hangs above the man tell in the state dining room. call village coolidge was the first president to light the christmas tree that one lights up on the back little switch. steve: not only this year is available but all. a lot of people now get a separate tree and have all 37 ornaments. each one comes with a booklet that tells the history of that ornament and that presidency. brian: we have a tree shortage. this year let s combine it with one. on the booklet this year with you have president roosevelt. steve: my wife has been collecting these since reagan years. steve: that would go great on that tree. put it right up there. janice: very nice. brian: saying to himself how do you get this. steve: cost about 20 bucks. 20.905. order today and get them by christmas. the would be port authority bomber got here on chain migration visa. something thousands of others have done. just how dangerous is that? judge napolitano always seems to be walking or drinking when we introduce him. he will be out here. steve: atheists sounding the alarm on the salvation army. what s that about? stick around. everywhere you go take a look at the slight of hand why do you put up with it? believe it or not you actually like what you do. even love it. and today, you can do things you never could before. you re working in millions of places at once with iot sensors. analyzing social data on the cloud to create new designs. and using blockchain to help prevent fraud. so get back to it and do the best work of your life. and using blockchain to help prevent fraud. this s electricity. this is a power plant. this is tim barckholtz. that s me! this is something he is researching at exxonmobil: using fuel cells to capture carbon emissions at power plants. this is the potential. reducing co2 emissions by up to 90%. while also producing more power. this could be big. energy lives here. $107.00 at.doggie lovers warehouse? [woman] an alert from wells fargo? no. i would never. doggie lovers ? please! you know me. i don t even know where that is! look, i m replying deny. see? oh, come on! [phone rings] hello? wells fargo. i did not make that purchase. i didn t do it! i m so glad you caught that. uh huh. steve: a fox news alert. president trump demands an end to the controversial chain migration visas that gave the new york city city subway bomber a one way ticket here from bangladesh along with a bunch of family members. ainsley: since 2005, 141,000 bangladeshis immigrated here on this controversial system. what kind of a threat are we facing as a country? brian: i wants judge andrew napolitano to weigh in. judge? we know this is legal. we know it s been upheld by the supreme court. and the vast majority of these people that come here, through this system, come to join family members that are here. here s the issue. does the government drop the ball when it comes to vetting these people? just because they get to move up online because they have relatives here, does not relieve the government of the obligation to vet them no matter which country they come from. we ll don t know yet if this guy was vetted. if he was vetted and found nothing wrong. if he wasn t vetted at all just because he had relatives here. then the government has in the obama administration seriously dropped the ball and jeopardized public safety. ainsley: for the last 10 years we have .3 million new immigrants that have come through this many is. i night sound like a nay sayer. how do we vet 9.3 million over a 10 year period? we do. most of the vetting takes place in the country of origin. they have been more serious about it. look, this is for the congress to change. the supreme court has upheld this as a procedure that is you have a relative here, you get ahead of the line. congress can change that president wants it changed, i don t know. brian: can he through doo it through executive order? no he can ratchet up the vetting through executive order. steve: has to change the law. law written by the congress upheld three times by the supreme court. only congress could change it. steve: because he came here in 2011 on f-4 visa he has legal resident status. he has due process rice rights there are a filibuster of people including senator lindsey graham says he should be held as enemy combatant and he should not wind up with due process. listen to this. he was trying to commit an act of terrorism. he should be held as a suspected enemy combatant and interrogated under the law of war. he is apparently solely a soldier of the caliphate. steve: what do you think about that, judge? i think it s a dangerous and slimry slope to attempt to remove constitutional rights. steve: that has never been done before. it has never happened in measure history. one time in american history a person arrested by civilian authorities was taken away by military and then returned. otherwise, it simply hasn t happened. brian: is he a citizen. no, he is not a citizen. ryan brian what s the problem? the problem is constitution protects persons. it doesn t distinguish between citizens and noncitizens. brian: even if they are trying kill us. yes. international terror organization they still have rights? yes. brian: that is wrong. suicide packet. he saying he wants to change the constitution he doesn t like the country. ainsley: they put him in the hospital where is he being treated for his wounds are they questioning him before they treat him. he can t question him before they read him his rights. brian, before did you go crazy, he is answering questions any way. steve: he is sting singing like a canary. we know so much about him. brian: we don t know if he is telling the truth. we need to corroborate what he is saying. we need time. correct and the fbi and nypd are far better at that than the military in cuba and prosecutorial record and the record of the civilian prosecutors are better in the new york and in d.c. than they are in guantanamo bay. ainsley: does he have an attorney. i don t know if he has an attorney. i m going to guess he has rejected an attorney because is he singing like a bird. brian: judge i know for a fact that s not true you need ininternational interrogation experts not nypd counters terror. i m telling you that s what these people are trained for. they need to be talking to this guy to stop the next attack. i would bet on the fbi more than any other entity backed up by the nypd to find out the information they need. ainsley: right. i will bet on the constitution to protect the people we hate. brian: not terrorists? steve: we ll be right back. but when we brought our daughter home that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it s the best thing that ever happened to me. can you say thanks nicoderm cq? every great why needs a great how. we re on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it s time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that s it. so rich. i love it. that s why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you re describing the coffee and not me? breathe freely fast wmy congestion s gone. i can breathe again! i can breathe again! vicks sinex. breathe on. hello there friend! hi! hey there. i m an imaginary friend of a kid just like you. you re going through a lot right now and i know you re scared. but you re stronger than you know. but look, we ll get through this together. and remember. we at the imaginary friends society always have your back! it is a sound that is synonymous with giving. the salvation army christmas bell. don t you love it? this morning the red kettle tradition is turning into a caldron of controversy for one volunteer. connecticut state senator george logan is now under fire from an atheist group for collecting donations for the charity outside of his local wal-mart. the republican state senator mr. logan, senator logan joins us now. senator, thanks for being with us. good morning. happy holidays to you. steve: you are at the walmart. you have done this for two years now. this is with the senate republican calculation. that s correct. ainsley: state of connecticut. you have raised $5,000 for the salvation army. what happens? all of a sudden we receive a letter out of wisconsin inc. indicating i should consider refraining from working with groups with christian ties. that organization in wisconsin dolls this in every state. they don t know anything about connecticut and traditions there. why is it important there to help the salvation army? we are trying to help people in need during these times. we are talking about adults that have problem with shelter and clothing. we very children that don t have coats to go to school. and so we are trying to raise money and we are getting a lot of support from the community to help those in need. and we think that s what s important. they have used this issue of separation of church and state but that does not mean that politicians or legislators need to turn their back on religious groups. turn their back on their faith and certainly not turn our backs on any organization that s looking to help the people of our community. and hamden area and valley area of connecticut. ainsley: this is the letter. making a practice to limit charitable ties to secular organizations. they will don t want you to do anything religious. avoid the appearance of support ago secretly christian nation and alienating nonreligious and non-christian constituents. do you have any constituents that maybe aren t christians but still are okay with this? oh, i m sure they are in my district. i have seven towns in my district. it s not an issue at all. this is an issue of helping people in need. and i think, to politicize charity work is just a sad state of affairs. ainsley: pc thing has gone too far. senator george logan thank you for joining us. merry christmas. thank you. ainsley: a vigil for kate steinle trashed. one of the students who helped plan that vigil is here to react in the next hour. what happens to that port authority bomber now. will he be tried as enemy combatant? we will ask sarah flores. she is coming up next. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. .isn t it time to let the real you shine through? maybe it s time for otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. .with reduced redness,. .thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has. .no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased. .risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have. .a history of depression. .or suicidal thoughts,. .or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla. .reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper. .respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. .and if you re pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. i cannot imagine managing my diabetes without my dexcom. this is the dexcom g5 mobile continuous glucose monitoring system. a small, wearable sensor measures your glucose every 5 minutes and sends the data to a dexcom receiver. dexcom helps lower a1c and improves quality of life. if you re over 65 and you have diabetes, you should have a dexcom. if you get a dexcom, you re going to be very glad that you did. visit to learn more. the ford year-end sales event is in full swing. 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steve, ainsley, and brian, good morning to you. that is the question that investigators are trying to figure out all day yesterday. here in the neighborhood behind me. and as the sun comes up today, we are about 24 hours from the moment that this suspected terrorist tried to take part in an alleged attack here on the homeland. but, again, this is the neighborhood where they were trying to do their investigation yesterday. let s go into the facts of this individual. his name, akayed ullah lived in this neighborhood in brooklyn after he entered the just in 2011 on a chain migration visa. that s a preferential visa for those with family in the u.s. he was a cab driver from 2012 to 2015. his license was not renewed. he was inspired by isis but did not appear to have direct contact with the group and likely added alone. the 27-year-old was suspect upset by the way muslims were treated by the u.s. became radicalized like state media. is he described as a hermit and a loner. the guy himself he always had an attitude. i have a detail shop in the back. he would block the driveway. why would try chase him. he would have attitude. he was cocky. how so? just like he was better than everybody else. like belittled. ullah allegedly packed a 5-inch metal pipe bomb into the right side of his jacket before setting it off at the nation s busiest bus terminal right in the heart of yesterday s rush. he told police he made the bomb at his work reportedly an electric company. get this: he reportedly told investigators that he chose the location for his attempted terror because of the christmas themed posters that hang on the walls near the times square subway station. pretty chilling right there. in addition, the suspected terrorist family has told the news that they re upset with the way they were treated by police and, in fact, the way that their family members were interrogated by police. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. steve: thank you, todd. that s right. the new york chapter of the council for islamic relations outraged that the police have treated the family as they have. ainsley: just trying to find answers. steve: the guy is a terrorist. go to his house and ask questions. brian: focus on members of the islamic communityny new this guy as a clown would be terrorist. never mild smiled, always angry. maybe they should have taken care of things in their own community. take care of this guy and how he got here and bring in sarah isgur flores director of public affairs for the department of justice. how did he get here and can we stop this so-called chain migration that brought him to brooklyn? this is what the president ran on during his campaign. this is about changing our immigration system. it s about securing the border so we no longer have illegal immigration and about fixing our legal immigration system. we are not bringing in people with the most likelihood of success in this country like merit based systems like canada and australia. instead you guys referenced this earlier 9.3 million people have come n the last 10 years and 70% of those have been through chain migration. meaning they just had some family tie to this country, not that we have a merit based system where, for instance, we give points for someone who speaks english or is highly educated or has special skills based on their age or any number of things that congress could pick. the president ran on this. he won. and he has asked congress to fix this system. this is why it s just not an economic problem. it s a national security problem. steve: sure. have you got to change the law. ainsley: sarah, i know that doj is having a press conference this morning at 10:30 in the morning. what can we expect to learn? attorney general sessions and new secretary of home land security nielsen will poet be speaking in baltimore this morning. they will be talking about the events of yesterday and this attempted terrorist attack. it s something that both departments take very seriously. national security is a number one issue for the whole country but particularly the department of justifiable and homeland security. it will also be on our i immigration priorities. again, we have got to move to this merit based system in order to protect our national security. end illegal immigration and fix the legal system. steve: all right. sarah, let s talk a little bit about the prosecution of this guy. i mean, he has already pretty much it sounds like confessed to why he did it. he was inspired by isis. he sought christmas pictures and stuff like that in the walkway. senator lindsey graham there in washington says, you know, he should not wind up with the regular rights of an american citizen, which he is not. he is a legal resident of the united states with a green card. he does have due process. lindsey graham says try him as enemy combatant. is there? i suggestion by the department of justice that that s a good idea and they would follow through with that? i don t want to get ahead of any announcements i think judge napolitano explained this well a few minutes ago. that being said, we have prosecuted 500 or so terrorism-related suspects since 9/11. 70% of those have been preliminary reports have shown that 75% of those have been foreign-born. so i do think that when we want to look on how to prevent this moving forward, which has to be our number one homeland security goal, preventing terrorism is about fixing our legal immigration system. and bringing in people with the highest likelihood to flourish in this country. brian: any first year law student could make sure to convict this guy. they caught him with the bomb. four cops found him. we have him on video. we need to know what he knows. and if we read him his miranda rights and don t delay that prospect. we probably will never know. don t you agree and if so, what are we going to do about it? well, that s not always true. some people are read their miranda rights and still wants to tell us everything that they have done. their exact reason. brian: why take the risk. i thought judge napolitano explained that pretty well that you know, oftentimes when someone is found in this country, you will. brian: jag officer and dealt with this thing 25 years. he has a different point of view. we have prosecuted these cases before. have you some of the best prosecutors in the world in the southern district of new york. and some of the best officers in the nypd and the fbi. brian: we re not talking about prosecution. we are talking about interrogation. to stop the next attack. well, i think prosecution dolls that as well. again, we have prosecuted over 500 of these cases since 9/11. and so i think that we have a pretty good track record of that. but if you wants to look to preventing it, look that merit based immigration sum. the president is absolutely on the right track here. ainsley: sarah, there s a guy we have been talking about in the news, his name is bruce ohr. doj official. worked at your agency. and he was demoted last week for having connections to that dirty dossier. obviously you can t have connections. can t meet with people writing the dirty dossier if you work at the doj. nellie and she worked for fusion gps during the election. just more plirks. what s your reaction? well, as you said, he was removed from the office of the deputy attorney general last week. and various congressional committees have asked to speak with him. we re going to make him available for that so i expect he will talk to congress in the next week or two here. brian: has the justifiable department been a disappointment to the president? you would have to ask the president that. but i think that attorney general jeff sessions has followed through on more conservative policy than any other department. we have ended third party settlements, cracking down on violent crime. the opioid epidemic. supporting our law enforcement again and increasing morale out there. brian: he might have recused himself from this investigation for no reason. it turns out there is a email showing the fbi told him flat out you don t have to reveal these conversations with this russian ambassador. and it turns out he recused himself because of that. no, no, no. i think this is actually really important. the fbi email you are referring to is what he need to put on fs 86. security form that cnn then wrote that he needed to have all of those meetings on. that was incorrect. because he was following the advice from the fbi. his recusal, however, was based on the fact that he was a senior advisor to the trump campaign and that is specific in the department of justifiable regulations that if you are a senior advisor in the campaign, you have to recuse yourself from any investigation into that campaign. so it had nothing to do with any meetings with russians. brian: you are saying he could never preside over a russian investigation? not into the campaign in which he was a senior advisor. brian: i wonder why he took the job then. steve: sarah, let me ask you a question regarding andrew mccabe, is he a top guys at the department of justifiable. he was supposed to appear on capitol hill today. he canceled at the last minute. there are a number of people who say he was worried about being asked about bruce ohr and bruce ohr s wife. chad pergram tweeted that out and added something more sinister. why did he cancel? i have seen the emails myself. this turns out to be, you know, why email is the best/worst form of communication. what happened was the fbi had planned to have two witnesses testify. one on the 12th and one on the 19th. when they sent the email to the committee, they flipped the two witnesses. and so mccabe was supposed to testify on the 19th. they told the committee the 12th the alleged handler was supposed to testify on the 12th but they told the committee the 19th. we are trying to sort that out right now. the fbi sincerely regrets the error, obviously. steve: so a scheduling problem. huge scheduling problem in this case u. steve: unbelievable. all right. well, people are talking about t sara, thank you very much for joining us today from the department of justifiable. ainsley: thanks, sarah. still ahead. more on that within wanna be pt authority terrorist. steve: you thought safe spaces were bad, right? wait until you hear this. one college campus is using care bears to calm down stressed students. ainsley: that s good. we haven t seen them in a long time. steve: yeah. i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it s the best thing that ever happened to me. can you say thanks nicoderm cq? every great why needs a great how. ( ) more people shop online for the holidays than ever before. (clapping) and the united states postal service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. 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they burn very hot. and if a charge is even a 9-volt. a small charge is connected to the filament in those lights it s notify to set off explosive. they use it as detonator. steve: that s what they used in boston as well. right. steve: the commissioner in new york had a warning essentially for the people of new york today on twitter. it was, what, ed? he spoke ben gauges the public and getting the public to cooperate with the police more often. to tighten up their surveillance and to help them identify any suspicious activity situation as we go into the christmas holidays this threat is real. is he asking for help. steve: see something, say something. yesterday was the coldest day of winter so far. everybody in new york city was wearing a coat. you couldn t tell if the guy had a bomb under it. right there. are some things we are going to miss in a free society. we are not screening people getting on trains or subways. we can t do that right now. you know, if someone had seen him at his place of employment putting that bomb together. if someone had seen him as he entered the train looking around and acting suspiciously and it triggered something, those are the kind of things that we need to hear. the police want to hear people think they are bothering us. that s not the case at all. steve: that s right. apparently there was a big blow up at the guy s house in brooklyn on sunday night a lot of yelling and screaming. that s what the neighbors are telling the police now too bad they didn t mention it then. troubled because he saw all of the christmas posters and that reportedly reminded him of isis s threat that we re going to visit new york city before christmas. right. anything can trigger these guys when they are on the fringe. sounds like this guy had attitude problems around his home and neighborhood. is he just an angry man that has seized on to this philosophy. it s amazing to see what triggers them. steve: one of the things since we are talking about potential terrorism here in new york city. one of the things that your friends in the communities, law enforcement are worried about drones. explain why that is something we need to worry about. threatens to have been utilized to spacekly drop hand grenades on troops. there is the technology becomes more reliable and the pay load becomes larger for these devices which can you buy easily on the internet. the problem is that we have nothing in our arsenal to stop them from coming in. so, it s really a problem. there are some companies working on drone technology to try to seize them and capture them. but, right now we are very vulnerable. since they are used in the theater of war we expect they may come this way. security people are very nervous about this right now. steve: something else to worry about. ed davis boston s top cop thank you for joining us today from boston. thank you, steve. steve: 7:20 in new york. coming up, a vigil for kate steinle trashed on one of the most liberal college campuses in the country. one of the students who helped plan that vigil here to react coming up next. dennis rodman says he can help solve the north korean crisis. he has one demand though for president trump? what is it? stick around. we ll be right back. you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should ve done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. it s what s insiden t the person who opens it. give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions. save 30% for the holidays at jillian: good tuesday morning. back with headlines. starting with a fox news alert. oscar pistorius hurt in a prison brawl in south africa. former olympian and double ampue getting into a fight with another inmate while waiting to use cell phone. is he currently serving 13 year jail sentence for murdering his girlfriend. prosecutors more than doubled his original sentence last month. new overnight the department of justifiable emergency stay halt accept taps of transgender troops into the military. it comes months after president trump twreeted the military could not be burdened with the medical costs and disruption. last month, a federal judge ruled against the change. department of justice is currently reviewing the legal options to make sure the president s directive can be implemented. jillian: pentagon says as of now transgender enlistment will go on starting january 1st. ainsley? ainsley: thank you sowch, jillian. attacks on conservatives college campuses continue after a vigil for kate steinle set up by u.k. berkeley college republicans is destroyed. a poster of kate steinle, young woman killed by five time deported illegal imgrant found torn and thrown in the trash the morning after the campus candlelight vigil. joining me now is one of the students who hemmed plan that vigil. u.k. berkeley student troy warden. troy, thanks for being with us. thank you for having me on. ainsley: you re welcome. you had the vigil last week. tell me why and what happened. well, we wanted to hold a vigil in order to honorable the memory of kate steinle who was a victim of legal immigration. her killer was just acquitted. and we wanted to make a statement that we really remembered her. that we weren t going to get her be forgotten she has been forgotten in most of the mainstream media. and so that s what we wanted to do we wanted to honor her memory and basically communicate what she stood for and who she was to students on campus. normally vigils aren t contentious at u.k. berkeley. can you wave isis flag around on campus and no one will bat an eye. this has been detailed in campus reform articles before. u.k. berkeley is not a stranger to outlandish or unique things. the moment we held a vigil for kate steinle, an antifa organization refuse fascism sent a paid activist to basically desecrate the memorial to. interrupt it to call us fascist, biggests, et cetera. our message of honoring kate was totally lost in this protest. ainsley: it s hard to see that we have all been following this case for so long. i had the opportunity to sit down with her family and interview them. i saw firsthand the pain that they re going through. and then to see kate steinle s poster, her face thrown in the trash. we have been showing those images all morning. what happened there is one of the pictures right there. what happened to the memorial? we also saw some pictures of all of the candles on the steps of the hall on your campus and all of the candles are written out in the word kate. and we have seen these posters in the trash. what else happened? you had flowers, candles, esell with large picture of her. we decide you had to leave the picture and other materials out just so when students were coming to campus in the morning they would be able to see what we had done and maybe take a moment to reflect on what she had stood for and what ear live meant. some people took it upon themselves to take those things and either get rid of them or tear them up and put them in the trash can. this isn t a unique occurrence previously a few days before the vigil put up posters with kate s face on them saying she had dreams, too. unfortunately those were almost immediately taken down and put up with posters of my face on them with the label so i warden which is a play on my name troy warned. we knew that antifa alt left activists were taking pictures of us putting up posters and took them down almost immediately. there are people at u.k. bentley who are basically hell bent on stopping any kind of memorial for this victim of illegal immigration. ainsley: thank you so much, troy, for being with us. that s unbelievable. god bless you. thank you for doing. this forget safe spaces one college is using this to help calm down snowflakes care bears countdown and send a wish out through the air. ainsley: care bears on campus? seriously? and the polls are about to open up in alabama for today s special senate election. pete hegseth is live in mobile, alabama, talking with the voters. hey, pete. pete: good morning, ainsley. no care bears here just fox & friends. we make friends quickly at these diners a spot of tea here in mobile, alabama. great folks. the dish of the day is eggs cathedral. a little grouper a little crawl fish. what else is in there? crab cake. pete: eggs, sauce, it s amazing. election in alabama as well. very consequential for the balance of the senate. roy moore, doug jones. we will ask voters shortly here on fox & friends. - [narrator] imagine a shirt that actually makes you feel better. introducing tommie copper s all new shoulder centric posture shirt. they re biggest breakthrough yet. advanced engineering promotes healthy posture and relief for achy shoulders and back. visit to see the entire line of wearable wellness compression. they have you covered from head to toe. go to right now and find out how you can save 25% on your first purchase, plus first shipping. life hurts, feel better. ainsley: this is a fox news alert. it is judgment day down in the state of alabama. and less than an hour, voters are going to be heading to the polls to choose their new senator. brian: roy moore and doug jones facing off on nail biter that has nationwide consequences. steve: jonathan serrie has been covering this race for a while he is live in montgomery, alabama with a fight to the finish. jonathan? fight to the finish indeed. get out the vote is the name of the game today. both candidates had major get out the vote rallies last night. we re up to our neck in alligators. we are up to the neck in people that don t want change in washington, d.c. they want to keep it the same. keep their power, keep their prestige and keep their position. and we have got to change that. roy moore held a drain the swamp rally where he was joined by lowey gohmert former milwaukee sheriff david clarke and former white house chief strategist steve bannon. described the election as a referendum on president trump. it s an up or down vote tomorrow. right? right. between the trump miracle and the nullification project. democrat doug jones did a little counter programming to answer moore s rally. he brought in some star power in the form of alabama native charles barkley. , i mean, listen, i love alabama we have to throw a line in the sand we are not a bunch of damn idiots. and people are looking at us like they are actually thinking about voting for this guy? i am going to tell you, folks it is time and i think we are going to see it tomorrow that the majority of the people of alabama say that it is time that we put our decency, our state before political party. he and the polls open at 7 central time. brian: wow, throws out barkley. steve: who does low voter turnout help? who does high voter turnout help? it s all about which candidate can rally the base. so, if there s a high turnout of social conservatives, that favors roy moore. conventional wisdom suggests that if you have a high african-american turnout, that helps the democratic national committee democrat in this race. steve: all right. jonathan serrie live in montgomery, alabama. brian: i wonder who wins and is going to benefit from the elections. at lot of people would think the democrats would benefit not having roy moore in here. donald trump wants him in there. most likely going to go to republican next time. steve: we ll see. stay tuned. ainsley: that was montgomery. now let s go to mobile, alabama that s where pete hegseth is talking to voters there at a little restaurant called spot of tea. hey, pete. pete: my ears perk up when i hear charles barkley. he played at auburn. a lot of folks in alabama love him i i m here with alabama voters three of which going straight to the polls. one after work. very enthusiastic going out. you were a mo brooks supporter in the primary. not originally a roy moore supporter. now you are. why are you casting your vote for roy moore? it s about the supreme court for me. it s a big decision. and there s a lot of people ha that are, i guess, going to be retiring at some point. i just it s a moment in time. pete: is it more about the agenda, president trump the country than it is the particular candidate? absolutely. absolutely. pete: so those in new york say how dare you vote for roy moore, what do you say to that? they live in new york. [laughter] pete: well said. randal, likewise, you are also a mo brooks supporter. don t tell us how to vote down here. i supported mo brooks during the initial primary. but, you know, when it came down to roy and luther strange, i think like a lot of move brooks supporters we went to roy instead of going to luther. pete: why did you do that? well, i think we all really felt like roy supported the more conservative agenda. luther seemed to be more in line with the sort of establishment republicans and i think a lot of people in alabama really have conservative values. so a lot of people were willing to overlook any reservations they had with roy moore because it was more important to him that he would support what the people of alabama wanted to see. pete: sure. > as opposed necessarily in new york. you are a doug jones supporter. i am. pete: you will be casting a vote for him today. i will. pete: why do you support him? the main reason is our country is very divided. doug jones is a uniter. a bringer together. he can work with both sides very, very well. i have known doug for a long, long time. he and i worked on a campaign together back in the 1970s to elect senator hal heflin. he is a fine lawyer and fine man who can work together with a lot of people. pete: are there enough? a lot of people say it will hinge on turnout. are there enough democrats to elect him today? yes, there are i believe the democratic base of alabama which is very, very large, will turn out today and i do believe that doug jones will be elected. pete: mike, it does hinge on turnout. you understand the political land escape here well. you support roy moore but what s your bellwether today? i think it s going to be literally getting out the vote. republicans going to get out in strong numbers. the democrats, i think the question at least i. have in the state is will the democrats turn out? there is a lot of signs out and things like that. for doug jones. and you don t see a lot of roy moore but you didn t see a lot of donald trump signs around here and you didn t see a lot of them in the state of alabama but he won by, what, 28 points, 32 points, something along that line. i think you will see the same thing today for roy moore. pete: interesting. so many dynamics here. are the polls right or wrong or hidden vote for roy moore that is not revealed when you are talking to a pollster. a lot of people think. so polls open here in a half hour or. so we will keep bringing it to you on fox & friends. steve: we will know tonight. pete, thank you very much. ainsley: thank you. pete. jillian i think is upstairs now. she has headlines for us. hey, jillian. jillian: that s right. good morning from upstairs. we will get your fox news alert. he had lee, mayor of san francisco died this morning at the age of 65. he was surrounded by family and friends in the hospital when he passed away after 1:00 a.m. no cause of death was reported. lee was the 43rd may. he held the office since 2011. you remember the care bears, right? jillian: how could we forget? one college enlisting them to help out stressed out students. an honors dorm at the university of massachusetts amherst putting up this display. a sophomore posting a picture you have each bears giving add vees like surroundings people with supportive people, make time for fun and get enough sleep. basketball player dennis rodman is ready to help president trump solve the north korea crisis. he has inside information on kim jong un, the manual he calls the marshall, telling the guardian newspaper, quote: i have been trying to tell donald since day one, come talk to me, manual, i will tell you what the marshall wants more than anything. it s not even that much. rodman would not say what it is. the nba star has visited kim jong un in north korea several times. a look at your headlines. guys? brian: so he knows that kim jong un wants something. it s not much. but if donald trump asks he will only tell donald trump? steve: jillian, thank you so much. we didn t realize that kim jong un s nickname ways the marshall. now we know. new marshall in town. janice: hi. ainsley: janice has weather for us. janice: i do have little. first i want to introduce what s your name where are you from. andrew couch from houston texas but i live in bellville now. janice: i like your hat. i do, too. i m jane couch from bellville, texas. janice: you guys. kate and harold behrman. look at this. he is wearing shorts. i hope you don t mind we are looking at your shorts, my friend. this is awesome here in new york city it s like 35 degrees and is he wearing shorts. take a look at the weather. we are dealing with cooler temperatures. 47. let s wear some shorts. we do have a clipper system moving across the great lakes and northeast. bringing in a little snow not a huge deal. it could cause some commuter problems. what s your name. bonnie pittman. where are you from. greenville, south carolina. cat scan january do you want to say hi to steve, ainsley and brian. we hope to see them this morning. nice to see you. steve: janice, 47 is shorts weather. my u.p.s. guy wears shorts until it s way below zero. janice: can we interview him? steve: you have to go to my house. janice: gladly. steve: still ahead on this tuesday the failed port authority bomber got on a chain f 4 visa. is it time to end that program? the debate is coming up next. ainsley: funerals are a celebration of life. why not serve booze in the funeral home causing a lot of buzz this morning. that s next. you better get this party started. brian: first the trivia question of the day born in 1975, this actress plays a scientist on tv. neuroscience in real life. who is she? email and you will get two things let s get the big guy in place. the ford year end sales event is here. i can guide you in. no, thanks , santa. i got this. santa: uh, it looks a little tight. perfect fit. santa needs an f-150. that s ford, america s best selling brand. hurry in today for 0% financing for 72 months across the full line up of ford cars, trucks and suvs. for a limited time, get an additional $1,000 cash back on top of 0% financing for 72 months. get these exclusive offers during the ford year end sales event. [ click ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ clacking continues ] good questions lead to good answers. our advisors can help you find both. talk to one today and see why we re bullish on the future. yours. talk to one today and see why we re bullish on the future. i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early. or too late. or make me feel like i m not really there. talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. breen brian here we go. back with a fox news alert. yesterday s suicide bomber almost 24 hours from this moment. 141,000 bangladeshians who immigrated here on a quote chain migration. visas available to certain relatives of u.s. citizens. president trump demanded an end to the controversial program. more on that at 10:30 today. what needs to change right now to keep americans increasingly safe? here to debate is huston institute fellow and foreign policy rebecc rebeccah heinrichs along with state department spokesperson, fox news contributor and great person marie harf. rebecca, let s start with you. what needs to change about chain migration. stop it in its tracks. yeah. stop it in its tracks. we need to end any single immigration program that doesn t allow for the slow, and intentional vetting of individuals who want to be here and who have nothing but love and affection for americans and what it means to be an american. this particular individual should never have been here in the first place. brian brian right now reknow marie the procedure. you know it intimately because you worked at the state department. they screen the would be chain migration immigrants at their home country. do you agree that needs to be bolstered at the very least? absolutely. i don t think we need to end this program. look, the con september behind it, keeping families together, that s a good idea. i think most of us agree. so, let s make the vetting tighter. and, look, we don t know yet where yesterday s would be suicide bomber was radicalized. if there was tightening vetting, would that ever have shown up? we don t know yet. he may have been radicalized in the united states. let s get the facts here before we jump to policy recommendations. we can all agree let s make it better. brian: rebekah how much? should it be the second cousin? should it be just the brother if it happens? let s take a look at the guy. walked around sullen. always angry. seemed aloof. does that seem like a guy who is embracing freedom, rebecca? h. no it seems like a guy who could have been easily vetted if he was asked a couple questions. we are compassionate nation. i understand desire to bring in people who want to be here and participate in the american dream. this individual was not one of those people. until we understand as a people what we actually need to do to vet, symptom all of these programs that are unnecessary. we just need to stop them. brian: why so many? marie, why so many from such a country? 124,000 in 10 years, that s the size of dayton, ohio. dayton, ohio, and my home state. i like the reference. no, look, i think the united states has always said that we welcome immigrants. but we need to do so lawfully and we need to do so by vetting them. people who get visas under this program do get vetted. they don t just get airplane ticket and get to show up hire. can we do better? that s what we should be looking at. looking at the travel ban president trump put in place, that would no have impacted this country we can t do this one off policy. let s do it better. you would love to see vetting online. part of drop is embassies. part done by sharing information online with the fbi u if there are known threats back here. and let s see if we can do that better. i m absolutely open to that conversation. but let s not stop welcoming people here who just want to be with their family. brian: just how many and from where. exactly. marie make it better and rebecca stop it in its tracks. republicans on the verge of passing major tax reform. our next guest says it s not just important for small business but hispanic small business owners as well. we will explain. and sean spicer may be out of the white house but he is not done putting up a fight when it comes to defending president trump. that s what it s all about momma, it s that s moving up then i m moving out tada! hello there friend! hi! hey there. i m an imaginary friend of a kid just like you. you re going through a lot right now and i know you re scared. but you re stronger than you know. but look, we ll get through this together. and remember. we at the imaginary friends society always have your back! brian: answer to affleck trivia question. ainsley: his mike your mike is not working, brian. start over. brian: all right. the answer to the question of the day is myan ball loc ainsley s book through your eyes. they are separate. not related to each other. steve: it s two for tuesday. brian: yes. steve: brian, thank you very much. ainsley: thank you, brian. the republicans are on the verge of passing major tax reform. new op-ed says it s not just important for small businesses but important for hispanic small business as well. ainsley: here now is former hispanic advisory council member steve cortes. hey, steve. good morning. thanks for having me. tell us why this is so important for hispanic comiewpghts tax reform. of course let me say it s important for all business, big, small, whatever demographic. the reason i do believe this is hispanic issue is hispanics thankfully, i m very proud of, this hispanics are the most entrepreneurial demographic in america. we are on average about twice as likely to start businesses as compared to other groupings in america 24 is other great news. last friday jobs report trump agenda hispanic unemployment fell to all-time low. so, great news we have a hard-working, indust instruments demographic. hispanic households have 10% the wealth of white households on average. it s not because they are not working hard or entrepreneurial. i believe it s because of bad policy. because of too many hurelingszs in their way. primarily regulation and taxation which keeping those small businesses from growing. right. we have talked, steve, you have talked touts about the fact that the president is getting rid of a lot of regulations with the power of his own pen. that s a step in the right direction. so now if congress is able to pass some sort of tax reform, if it is what they suggested, it s going to help everybody a lot. including the hispanic community. absolutely. listen, i think it s hard to overstate, steve, just how big this can be for small business in general. but, again, i m most focused on the hispanic community and i would say this too politically. number one it s the right thing to do to lift hispanic prosperity. number two, i think we as republicans and those of us on team trump can also reap the political benefits because the democratic party has had stranglehold on minority voters in general and certainly hispanics for the most part in decades. have they delivered prosperity to hispanics. i would argue they have not. if we do two things on the hill in coming weeks, if we show compassion on daca and if we deliver on taxes and we propel hispanic growth and hispanic prosperity forward that the president, and i told him this personally he is going to win the hispanic vote for re-election in 2020. steve: bold prediction. all right. steve, thank you very much for joining us. ainsley: thank you. good to see you. you two. steve: white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders firing back at mainstream media reporters accusing them of reporting false information on purpose. ainsley: ari fleischer knows what it s like to be in her spot and is he going to join us next. dallas police shortage of officers and chief is blaming millennials. you have to hear why and what she is saying about millennials and i m wiser and i m older all this time i was finding myself un-stop right there! i m about to pop a cap of mmm fresh in that washer. with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. and if you want, pour a little more. ah, it s so fresh. and it s going to last from wash to. .wear for up to 12 weeks. right, freshness for weeks! unstopables by downy. for a fresh too feisty to quit. as soon as i became a parent i changed as a person, drastically. i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it s the best thing that ever happened to me. can you say thanks nicoderm cq? every great why needs a great how. we re learning more about that port authority bomber who carried out a botched attack in the name of isis. he lived in brooklyn after he entered the u.s. on a chain migration visa. i think he s an unlawful enemy combatant who should be treated like an unlawful enemy combatant. the president s policy called for a end to chain migration. if his policy had been in place, then that attacker would not have been allowed to come into the country. if he was not vetted at all, then the obama administration seriously dropped the ball. steve: it s judgment day in the state of alabama and in just a couple of hours, voters are headed to the polls. i want america to be great and i want her to be good and she can t be good until we go back to god. ainsley: doj official is married to nellie ore and she worked for fusion gps. was removed from the office of deputy attorney general last week. i expect to talk to congress in the next week or two here. makes honest mistakes. there s a very big difference between making honest mistakes and purposely misleading the american people. ainsley: straight to a fox news alert. we just learned that the port authority bomber who you see there who carried out that botched attack was not on the fbi s radar. but it turns out that he was known for being a jerk with a attitude. steve: that s what his neighbors say. meanwhile, his family lashing out at the feliciaccomplice and the fbi as they swarm the want to be terrorist brooklyn home. brian: that s where we find todd piro. todd, have you learned anything about his background? we have new information, guys, to start off the 8:00 hour here. we just learned that the attack will be arraigned in his hospital room today. we also roomed according to an nypd official like ainsley said, the attacker was not on the fbi or nypd watch list, meaning an attack like this is very difficult to stop. so yesterday, investigators from all branches of law enforcement were here trying to figure out as much information about the attacker s background as possible. his name, he lived in brooklyn after he entered the u.s. in 2011. that was on a chain migration visa. available for those with family here in the u.s. a licensed cab driver from march 2012 to march 2015 but his taxi and limo license was not renewed after 2015. he was inspired by isis but did not appear to have direct contact with the group and likely acted alone making those comments about him not being on watch lists more apparent. reports say the 27-year-old was upset with the way muslims have been treated by the u.s. and by recent israeli actions in gaza. and he reportedly became radicalized by islamic state media. neighbors here in this brooklyn neighborhood describe him as a hermit and as a loner. the guy himself, he always had an attitude. i have a detail shop in the back. we would try to chase him, he would have an attitude to move his car out of our driveway. he was cocky. how so? just like he was better than everybody else. like, we re belittled. packed a five-inch metal pipe bomb, 9-volt battery and christmas tree lights before setting it off in the busiest terminal in the heart of the rush. he made the bomb at his work reportedly an electric company. and get this. this, to me, is the most chilling. he reportedly told investigators that he chose the location for his attempted terror because of the christmas-themed posters that hang on the walls near the time square subway station. now, through their lawyer, his family says they were very. upset with the way police interrogated them. police say that their interrogation yielded a whole heck of a lot of information. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. steve: todd piro in brooklyn, thank you very much. that s right. the statements that he made after the arrest were very, very helpful. they learned a lot. but because he apparently became radicalized looking at videos and things like that on the cell phone, he does not follow the traditional al-qaeda cell set up where, you know, somebody is radicalized and then reports back to a base. it was just him in his parents house over in brooklyn. brian: but he went to bangladesh multiple times, at least five times since 2011 through chain migration, which is going to be talked about i think at 10:30 today when the president has into your doj. brian: doj and homeland security. ainsley: thankfully, this could have been a lot worse and thankfully it was not. the few people injured, they re going to be okay. nothing life-threatening. this guy s in the hospital, and he can be questioned. we can find out more information about him. brian: and his lawyer may shut him down. steve: first he has to be arraigned. here s what chain migration is. people from other countries apply to be u.s. citizens and let s say you re in bangladesh and accepted into the united states, then you are able to bring your brothers, your sisters, their children, et cetera. it is believed that this particular terrorist was came in on a f4 visa because his aunt or uncle will not specify essentially won the lottery, got the united states citizenship, and then brought the whole country over. the president of the united states brian: the whole country. steve: it looks like the whole country. the president of the united states put out a statement at 5:00 yesterday and said today s terror suspect entered our country through extend family chain migration, which is incompatible with national security. congress must end and act on my other proposals to enhance domestic security. terrible harm that this flawed system inflicts on america s security and economy has long been cleared. i am determined to improve our immigration system to put our country and people first. there will be a press conference with the department of justice at 10:30 this morning about immigration. ainsley: the president said it needs to be a merit-based system because you can have a family of 50, one person apply, and bring the whole family in. steve: bring the whole country. ainsley: you saw the scale of that. it s unbelievable the number of people coming into our country. 9.3million over ten years came into our country, knew immigrants based on family ties, and 70% of the immigrants that came in over a ten-year period, a recent ten-year period were because they had family tuesday. not because they were handpicked. it was not a merit-based system. brian: bangladesh, i think that s a challenging country with the weather and the economy. 141,000 between 2005 and 2016 not including those that came this year, 141,000, that s the population of dayton, ohio. if we re doing this with a clear head. but a lot of this i found out is done online. steve: sure. by the way, the yellow graph in the middle, that was the year that he came into the country. so what are they going to do today at 10:30 at the department of justice? their spokesperson says it s going to be about immigration. it could be about merit-based stuff. watch this. this is what the president ran on during his campaign. this is about changing our immigration system. it s about securing the border so we no longer have illegal immigration, and it s about fixing our illegal immigration system because we re not bringing in the people with the highest likelihood of success in this country with merit-based systems like canada and australia. so the president ran on this. he won, and he s asked congress to fix this system. this is why it s not just an economic problem, it s a national security problem. i have said that this attempted suicide bombing yesterday. i shouldn t say attempted. he did injure people. he injured himself too. steve: he set off a bomb. right. it would not have happened under the president s policy. even that attack on the west side highway. the guy who ran over and got the u-haul truck. steve: same thing. the most troubling aspect of chain migration is that there are no restrictions on how many people somebody who wins the lottery to come into the united states can bring with them. it could be two people, it could be 200. ainsley: when you go through the airport, now you have. steve: and they re all vetted. but it s just a lot. ainsley: all of that changes after 9/11. now with all of these terror attacks, we have to change it and make it stronger. brian: let s talk about this why this wasn t worse. we have great port authority cops. sean gallagher, 26, he s also a marine. drew preston, 26, three tours in iraq. he s army. and anthony is a marine bomb technician he s a marine with bomb technician experience. he was first on the scene. how lucky are we to have them in new york? ainsley: anthony said he saw these panicked passengers and so he runs over there, and he sees the guy who has just detonated the pipe bomb on his chest on his stomach, and he sees him looking for his cell phone, and he goes, oh, my gosh he s going to detonate another bomb because he was training. so all four of those guys prevented him from grabbing that cell phone. they took it away from him. steve: and as soon as there was that explosion, it was a stampede out. so they helped evacuate people, they arrested the guy, and that s some of the video. that s the instance it happened. that is on that walkway between the port authority and time square station, and that is along the wall where apparently that guy, and you can see how badly he was burned, saw those christmas ads for apple and other companies, and he said he told police that s what made him push the button to detonate. ainsley: saw the christmas posters up in port authority, so he wrapped him up with pipe bombs and christmas tree lights and then detonated it wanting to kill other people himself. brian: he s upset we re bombing in syria isis because he is a pledged member of isis. i just wonder if this is that attack that isis promised in time square with santa claus on video before the christmas holiday. steve: maybe that was just the signal. that was the go signal. somebody try something. at least he did yesterday. thank goodness he was a bad bomb maker. ainsley: that message we meet at christmas in new york city soon. and that was superimposed over that picture of santa. you re right. jillian has more. that s right. good morning to you at home. let s begin with a fox news alert because we following this story. a brand-new video out of alabama where polls just opened moments ago. voters now deciding whether to elect roy moore or doug jones to the senate. roy supported by president trump despite sexual misconduct allegations. former white house strategist steve bannon rallying for the republican last night and hall of famer getting a last push for democrat jones. several early polls show the race is neck and neck. we will keep you posted. allegations of sexual misconduct leading to suspensions at the nfl network. new reports the hall of famer marshall faulk, keith evans all analysts are named in a lawsuit by a former female employee of the league-owned channel. ranges from groping to inappropriate texts. another explayer and former network employee donovan mcnabb also named with a former executive. requesting an emergency stay to halt the acceptance of transgender troupes into the military. it comes months after the president tweeted the military could not be burdened with the medical cost. last month a judge ruled against the change. department of justice is currently reviewing the legal options to ensure that the president s directive can be implemented. the pentagon says as of now transgender enlistment will goeas of january 1st. and wants you to honor your loved one with a drink or two. they just got a liquor license so they can serve booze to mourners. before funeral services start. employees will keep an eye out to make sure the drinking doesn t get out of hand. i can t decide if that s a good idea or bad idea. ainsley: great idea. it s going to make more people cry. steve: it is. probably. but at the same time, people are so anxious, it takes the edge off. ainsley: that s true. some of the lines are so long, you need to have drink while you re waiting. brian: we ll find out if it works. steve: thank you. coming up on this tuesday, the chief is blaming millennials. brian: yeah, you re going to hear those details. and white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders accusing them of reporting false information on purpose. knows what it s like to be in that spot. he joins us now. shostakovich playing from our family to yours. may all your wishes come true this holiday season. copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. i say, i ll go my own way with anoro. go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won t replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest 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american people. something that happens regularly. steve: you have white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders fighting back accusing members of the media of reporting false information on purpose as networks real from a series of mistakes in their coverage of the president in the last week or two. ainsley: our next guest knows what it s like to be in the hot spot in her seat. fox news contributor, he served as white house press secretary under george w. bush, and he joins us now. good morning. ainsley: good morning. how do you think she s doing? i think she s doing great. look, that job is the best job in government. it s the hardest job in government. and i think she s doing just fine at it. it s a contentious job, especially in the era of trump. brian: right. yesterday, they were going at her about the inaccurate news over the weekend. so there are has been a force negative president trump stories. i agree people make mistakes. but do you find it interesting that they all make mistakes in indicting the president and this administration? yeah. the mistakes seem to be all coming in one direction. antitrump. but i think the team has the right to throw pressure on the press. there s nothing wrong with that and the press is used to it. they do it often. and they re doing it. i don t think they deliberately go out of their way to make mistakes. they don t like trump and they put their guard down when people give them antitrump information so they don t filter it. ainsley: one man put up a picture hours before and said he couldn t from the seats. that wasn t the case. well, he wasn t there. he took that picture off of somebody else, and then he promptly apologized when the president called on him to do it. but it belies the bigger issue and that is the press let s down their professional guard because they don t like the president. brian ross at abc. and cnn still owes the world an explanation for how it could have two independent sources giving wrong information. reading an e-mail in the case of donald trump jr. and wikileaks. steve: one of the reasons this was done is suddenly he does refer to things being fake news. yeah. steve: i think people are skeptical when they hear something whether or not that s accurate. i personally don t use the word fake news but this is the president throwing inside heat and the press can handle it. they can always handle these types of things. brian: what about the decision to take on the press? the bush administration didn t. one was critical of president obama for taking us on. he said you don t think that we wanted to take on abc, cbs, and all the others? but we held our fire. look, president bush is a guy who famously walked across the south lawn with ernie goldberg s book facing the reporters showing the cameras. and it was just a different era. it wasn t amped up. and we didn t have social media the first half of the administration. ainsley: aren t you glad? president trump is more of a counterpuncher, as he says. so they re tougher today. but the press is tougher on pressure today too. steve: bernie sanders has that image of the president walking across the south lawn with his book. steve: bernie goldberg. steve: and so does bernie sanders. bush doesn t have that book. steve: still ahead we told you about the russia probe hiding his meeting from fusion gps. now we know his wife actually worked for fusion gps. president trump s legal team weighing in this morning. that s next. ainsley: and honeymoon horror. the groom films his wife being attacked by a shark. steve: what? my experience with usaa has been excellent. they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we ve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we re being handled as people that actually have a genuine 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writing a book now and in it he s going to blast what he calls the media s blatant bias against his former boss. and it s due out next director and the former acting director of the cia who endorsed hillary clinton during the 2016 election now admitting that he made a mistake. in an op-ed michael said that he thought then candidate trump posed a threat to national security. he has now told politico that he recognizes the downsides of breaking the tradition of the intelligence community remaining nonpolitical. brian. brian: all right. thanks, ainsley. this morning, president trump s attorney calling for a special counsel to investigate bombshell allegations of political bias in robert mueller s special council and the russian probe. last week we told you about a doj official dismissed from the investigation for concealing his firms about the anti-trump dossier and now we know his wife worked there. in a new op-ed the media focusing too much on obstruction of justice rather than obstruction of congress. here to explain wall street journal extraordinary. kimberly, welcome back. what do you mean investigate the special counsel because of all of this? yeah. look, i think i m not a big fan of special counsels and not special counsels for the special counsels because they tend to just become black holes where you can t find out anything that s going on. what does need to happen, though, is there needs to be order from very high up whether it be the president himself organized the fbi and the justice department to comply with every congressional demand and investigation that s going on so that the public can finally know what s going on behind the election. brian: i ve never seen this before. the judicial or investigative committees ask the fbi to appear, ask for documents. they just basically don t do it. and then we saw on friday the new fbi director are had no interest in answering these questions about the use of the dossier to give to a fisa court and to unmask people like michael flynn. no. it was an extraordinary statement made in front of the house judiciary committee. has primary oversight of authority over the justice department, the fbi, and the foreign intelligence surveillance court. and yet christopher looked at it and said what you know? i m not going to hand over documents to you because they re classified. think about that. that would be i mean, that in essence is the fbi saying we can do whatever we want to any american at any time. and when congress tries to exercise some due diligence, we ll just tell you you have no business looking at us because it s classified. it s not on. but this has been their excuse all along, and they ve continued to stonewall congress for months now. brian: so we don t know why we know bruce was demoted because he concealed those meetings with men behind the antitrump dossier. i guess he shouldn t have done that. i guess we agree on that. and then we find out his wife worked there for we don t know exactly what she did. and we don t even know. we know that the deputy director mccabe whose wife ran for office and was supported by a democrat, he, again, has a scheduling conflict. he can t appear in front of the committee. so we just seem to be slow walking this. what s strange is this is president trump s justice department. this is his fbi director. has he hired the wrong people? well, we still don t know that but what we do know is there appears to be a enormous effort by the justice department and the fbi to not come clean about their actions in 2016. we know that christopher who was the author of the dossier, he was in the fbi. we now know he was in it. the justice department bruce ore and his wife s connection to that firm. also peter, don t forget him. the man sending antitrump texts to his mistress. there s nine of 15 team appear to be democratic donors. some have defended hillary clinton personally in lawsuits. the only way that the american public is going to trust what the mueller s team is doing in this is correct and right is for us to understand what happened and all those biases and that means the justice department under order from the white house has got to start handing over information. brian: kim, thanks so much. appreciate it. always great to see you. got to see you more. you too. brian: meanwhile, 29 minutes after the hour. straight ahead, the port authority bomber has just been charged. what he is now facing, next. he s going to be arraigned today. dallas police have a shortage of officers and the chief is blaming millennials? wait until you hear this. and the polls are now in. alabama the polls are now open in alabama over today s special election session. pete is at the diner talking to average everyday voters. pete. i blame millennials for everything. it s pretty safe, actually. not here, though, at the spot in mobile, alabama. they re about to go right after we have our conversation and cast their ballot. it s doug jones or roy moore here. the ballot of the senate at stake and really the trump presidency. it s what you hear from a lot of voters. they re hearing from roy moore because they support donald trump. it will be interesting to see what happens tonight. we re going to ask more voters when we come back on fox and frs yo, check it out dawg. that was just a ight for me. i mean, you got the walk. you got the stance.. but i wasn t really feeling it. you know what, i m not buying this. you gotta come a little harder dawg. you gotta figure it out. eh, i don t know. shaky on the walk, carriage was off. randy jackson judging a dog show. i don t know dawg. surprising. what s not surprising? how much money lisa saved by switching to geico. wow! performance of the night. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. what is this? when we love someone, we want to do right by them. but some things we can t control like snoring. (snoring) introducing theravent anti-snore strips. clinically shown to reduce snoring. theravent. the answer is right under your nose. more people shop online for the holidays than ever before. and the united states postal service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. because we know, even the smallest things are sometimes the biggest. even the smallest things let out your inner child at the lexus december to remember sales event. lease the 2018 es 350 for $319 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. steve: well, it s judgment day down in alabama. they re trying to figure out who s going to take the vacant seat in the u.s. senate that jeff sessions stepped aside to be the attorney general of the united states. and right now, you re looking at mountain brook, alabama. ainsley: yeah, doug jones is at the polls. that s why you see some of the cameras there and people gathered around because doug jones is supposed to be appearing at any minute, at least, to go vote in mountain broke. brian: in a traditional alabama election, the republican normally up by 20, 25 points, not the case now. pete at the spot in mobile, alabama as he gets the polls from the people. hey, pete. that s what we ve heard a lot. usually alabama races, at least in the last couple of decades have been layups for republicans. in this year because of the circumstances, it s a toss up. so voters are motivated on both sides and what happens today will be voter turnout, which is why as always we re talking to people on the ground as opposed to pundits in washington, d.c. and we ve heard that all morning long. i m here with diane, jim, and marianne. you came out to see us this morning. you re also going to support roy moore. why? well, i want to support the president, and i feel like that while, you know, i have some questions about roy moore, i believe those will come out later, and i feel like i have to vote for him. so even theresslations you may have, you re willing to look past them. correct. and what do you want to see the president accomplish most? he s turning around the economy already, and i want him to continue. and, of course, i want the senate to support him on health care. sir, as a republican, is there anything doug jones could have done to won your vote or is it automatic that even if roy moore is flawed, you re going to go that way? i cannot vote democratic because i feel like their only agenda is to destroy donald trump, make sure his policies don t work, and they don t care if the hurts the country or not. they re not going to try to do anything the president wants, and i just can t support that. so how many republicans do you think feel that way and are they enthusiastic for coming out? because a lot of people think this election is about turnout. will republicans come out to pull the level? i know in my neighborhood people have contacted us and said get everybody you can to come out and vote because this is so important that we need everybody to vote. don t be complacent. don t stay home and then you can t complain later. so they re trying to get people out to vote. i know that. great point. marianne, you said you re part of the me too movement but yet you re supporting roy moore. tell me how that works. yes. i am. i have left seven executive level jobs because of sexual harassment. this is where i draw the line. at election, the american people elected donald trump after they heard what he did and what he said on the bus. it was our choice. if he did something like bill clinton did in the oval office and embarrasses the office of the president, then i am all for impeachment. but since we have elected him to the highest office, he has done what the american people want him to do, and i give him a pass for that as i do roy moore for something he did 30 years ago. have we not all matured in 30 years? if he does anything to embarrass us as a senator, then we will deal with that. do you think he will pull it out today? absolutely. we ve got your back. there we go. well, there s been a lot of that this morning as well. i m going to go to arthur also on this. what s your take this morning on the election? well, you know, i m going to hold my nose and vote for moore because i m an independent. but then on the other hand to wait 30 days before republicans could do anything, come on. you re saying the timing of these accusations and some of it. yeah. moore has been doing his stick for what? 20 years up north alabama. and nobody never says anything until now? and then it s, like, you know, they just want another democratic to impeachment trump. that s why they re spending all of that money down here. there s certainly a lot of money coming here. i m sure if you re in alabama you re going to see one of those commercials today. we ve heard a lot today and i m sure maybe for democrats in alabama, this is their year to steal a senate seat until there s another election. but a lot of roy more support for folks saying, hey, a lot of questions understand those accusations, but we want to vote for roy moore because we want to vote for donald trump. we hear that time and time again at the diner. back to you. steve: live down there in mobile. thank you very much. this time tomorrow morning, we ll know the answer. ainsley: we ll know. yeah. tune into fox and friends. we ll tell you. brian: and hopefully in a few hours we ll watch bret baier bring the election results in. steve: it s 22 minutes until the top of the hour. let s get you caught up on breaking news. the want to be new york city suicide bomber is officially charged. 27-year-old a chained migrant from bangladesh is facing through counts. support active terrorism and making a terroristic threat. he s in the hospital right now after a bomb detonated on his chest at the height of rush hour in what is new york city s busiest transportation hubs. no one else is seriously hurt in the isis-inspired blast. another fox news alert, the mayor of san francisco died unexpectedly this morning at the age of 65. the city says he was surrounded by family and friends in the hospital when he apassed away shortly after 1:00 a.m. no cause of death has been released. lee was the city s 43rd mayor. he held the office in 2011. the dallas police department is facing a shortage in officers and now the chief says millennials are partly to blame. we have nights, weekends, and holidays. and those are some of the things that are not necessarily attractive to the millennials who want all days off and to be the chief in six months. chief rennie says she needs to hire 250 recruits this year so the department has to come up for new strategies to make the job more appealing to young people. that could include accepting candidates with minor drug history. so stay tuned for more information on that. back to you guys. steve: thank you very much. meanwhile, it s almost 50 degrees here in new york city. it s much warmer today than it was yesterday. where are you guys from? lafayette, louisiana. where are you from? southern california. you. texas. minnesota. you guys want to do some weather with me? yeah. what s your name. justin. and kate. let s take a look at the map real quick. take a look at those temperatures. it will be 45 in new york, 30 in boston, and 7 in minneapolis. a little bit of snow across the great lakes. and a little bit of snow across the great lakes. fantastic. how did she do, everybody? [applause] okay. wave to everybody at home. ainsley: where in southern california? north augusta southern california. ainsley, your favorite; right? ainsley s my favorite. and she s from south carolina. come on. how many hats do you have? every day, my friend. tune in. we will. thank you. ainsley: thanks, janice. steve: democrat doug jones campaign spending these sending these radically-charged fliers to alabama voters. and our next guest says that sends the wrong message to the voters. he desperately needs. we re going to talk about that. ainsley: and country star is about to kick off the special holiday tour. but first, he s here to perform for you. steve: good morning, phil. sometimes a cough gets in the way of a good night s sleep. that s when he needs vicks vaporub. proven cough medicine. with 8 hours of vapors. so he can sleep. vicks vaporub. goodnight coughs. bp s natural gas teams use smart app technology to share data from any well instantly. so they can analyze trends and stop potential problems in their tracks. because safety is never being satisfied and always working to be better. brian: quick headlines now. so let s get started. aim low this holiday season. that according to the faa warning popular christmas light display. they re putting millions in danger, it turns out. specifically laser light displays which could distract and blind pilots. hopefully it s not mine. now making sure that the lights are hitting their home and not shining up into the sky. next, a horrifying shark attack during a couples caribbean honeymoon. capturing the moments on camera. i ll pause. wow. the woman snorkeling in clear, blue water when a five-foot shark bites her right arm. at first thought it was her husband playing a prank on her. nice prank. nice try. not a land shark, ainsley insights a big one. i know. thanks, brian. well, the democratic nominee for alabama senate doug jones sending racially-charged fliers to voters in this state. think it s a black man for high school girls. anyone try to make him a senator? steve: our next guest sounds off by writing jones either think so blacks aren t worthy of the same policy conversations as white voters or he has no policy that would lead to better outcomes for them. ainsley: here now to discuss is writer and commentator jeremy hunt. you wrote this op-ed about the importance of the black voter in alabama. why did you write this op-ed and what do you want the reader to pick up? well, really the point behind the op-ed, basically, i was using the senate campaign alabama as an example of a pattern that we see around the country when candidates need black votes, instead of engaging voters on issues that are important to them like the economy, their schools, their businesses. instead, we get these racial these kind of race-baiting fliers instead of actual engagement on policy issues. and so that s what i was kind of raising an alarm about is, hey, we should actually start treating black voters like any other voter and talking about the issues that matter. steve: absolutely. you also write democrats think we only care about racial issues to your point right there. and who is the least racist candidate? does that seem to be the standard now? exactly and a lot of different elections at least i m not as racist as the other candidate. but that s not platform. platform is our policy decision that will lead to better outcomes for americans. but instead, we kind of get this racially-charged competition, and i think it s it ultimately ends up leading to bad outcomes in the black community. ainsley: jeremy, how about that flier that he sent out? think of a black man in a high school went after high school girls. anyone would try to make him a senator? yeah, exactly. it s like you have to link all of these different things to race and basically the implication black voters won t care about certain issues unless it s somehow tied in with racism. so that s raise an alarm in this particular article. was that, hey, black voters like all voters care about the issues, and they should be treated the same as any other voters in alabama and the rest of the country. steve: folks would like to read the op-ed, go there. jeremy hunt, writer, commentator, guy on fox and friends. thank you very much for joining us live. ainsley: thank you and thanks for serving, jeremy. god bless you. steve: 12 minutes before the top of the hour. phil rocked the summer stage in our concert series. well, now he s back for a winter encore. he s coming up next with a performance. ainsley: but first, let s check in with sandra to see what s coming up at the top of the hour. hey, sandra. hey, steve and ainsley, we are awaiting a new conference this morning. the latest on the terror attack in new york city yesterday. we have a jam-packed lineup for you. america s newsroom top of the hr for those who know what they re really building. always unstoppable. steve: he has been top of the charts for decades and recently rocked out on our all american summer concert series stage in front of the building here. ainsley: and guess what? now he s on a special holiday tour with kelly pickler for his new single the noddy list. brian: it was hot last time you were here. i know it was like 1,000 degrees. steve: are you in christmas spirit in new york city? when i walked in, i looked at it for a while and i said this is great. i want to be there. steve: yeah, what are you doing in new york? well, i m playing at the uso tonight. we do a lot of stuff there. we re happy to be here and figured we would drop by and say hi to you guys. brian: and kelly pickler is with you. well, kelly is not here tonight. ainsley: what are you going to sing right now for us? american soul. y all ready? y all sing with me if you want. people getting ready. , oh. hey, you. hey, me. hey, you want to be. heartbeat true. baby, apple pie and crawfish stew. all an american soul. packed down to six bucks. my city girls. whoa. , hey, you. hey, me. hey, what you want to be. country s road. apple pie and crawfish stew all mixed up in a big ol super bowl of american. cold and diamond rings. popping high heel shoes. , hey, baby take my hand. let s watch the sunset in the promise land. me and the radio. , hey, you, hey, me. hey, you want to be. hall mixed up in a big ol super bowl of american. with most airline credit cards, you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. is this where you typically shop? 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phil, introduce your guests in is my daughter haley. presley, my other daughter is watching. she doesn t like country music. she does, too. she does, too. you have your own record deal, right? she is working on her own record now. writing and recording and teaching me. friends forever. he is a lot older than me. thank you very much for joining us. pleasure to see you all. merry christmas and happy holidays to you guys. bill: fox news alert now. breaking news at this hour in the new york city bomber. moments ago he was charged with terrorism. police saying he strapped a bomb to his chest and tried to kill in the name of isis. right about 24 hours ago. this as we wait a major news conference on the future of the very immigration policies that allowed an eventual terrorist into our country. day two. i m bill hemmer. sandra: i m sandra smith. new information about the suicide bomber and how he managed to get into the u.s. bill: the f.b.i. identifying him 27-year-old akayed ullah lived in brooklyn from the

Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , Louisiana , United-states , Australia , Alabama , Afghanistan , Chad , Brooklyn , New-york , Green-mountain

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180619

were taking people to showers and they never came back. donald trump increasingly looks like hitler in nazi germany. the tactics used through history by the worst purveyors of pure evil, including slave traders, nazis, terrorists. the images suggest those of concentration camps, families being cut apart. greg: let s not forget general michael hayden s tweet saying other government separated families too, ie nazi germany. temporarily housing kids makes the united states the third reich. and our agents the assess. by other governments, does he mean obama? here s a headline. mexican kids held for months as punishment for border crossing. here is the president in 2014. the message absolutely is don t send your children unaccompanied on trains or through a bunch of smugglers. we don t even know how many of these kids don t make it and may have been waylaid into sex trafficking or killed because they fell off a train. greg: he is absolutely right which is why trump stepped up the arrest for adults for violating immigration laws and busting child sex traffickers. no one compared president obama to nazis but now they offend holocaust victims survivors and americans in charge of taking care of these kids while they are here. you understand the controversy. any comparison to the holocaust. yes, the kids were brought on trains to their birkenau. my grandparents were murdered at auschwitz. my dad survived. his brothers and sisters were killed at auschwitz. they weren t separated to go to some other facility. they were separated to die. greg: well done, wolf. this problem is born from a larger broken system. we are trying to solve long-term and short-term crises at once. it s like plugging a hole in a boat while you are rowing. some people saw it coming. remember when we tried to help countries under their thumbs anticapitalist? the folks who stopped that are now shocked to see people fleeing those very countries. not everyone is alive with condemnation, but pressed for an alternative, they ve got nothing. and we are waiting for one. something no white house before has actually produced. so we all agree separation sucks but when faced with child sex trafficking and pretend families, where is your answer? the media uses children to maintain the narrative trump is evil even though he reduces the threat of nuclear war. and with no memory of what they reported when their guy was president. donna, do you agree, i think the white house is saying this is an emotional, political ploy. donna: first of all, i looked at the president s favorite newspaper today. this is the new york post. greg: it changed, donna. donna: this is about the separation of children from their families. while president obama did have a policy that basically send people back across the board, it was very rarehat he separated children from their families. this is a policy change that the trump administration put in place six weeks ago. they should change it. the u.s. chamber of commerce today came up with a bold statement. these are not your typical liberal progressive papers or organization. everyone is saying it s time to end this policy, mr. president. let s figure out a way to have comprehensive immigration reform. let s bring more judges to the border. let s bring more border patrol. but let s end the policy of separating children from their parents. greg: here is the issue. if we can t separate them, that s what we do in america when someone goes to jail. you have to separate them. no one is offering a solution. i think we are making the wrong comparison here, dana. the alternative is the possibility being with a child trafficker. this may not be this is a terrible alternative but this is a world worse alternative. dana: some alternatives will be to plan ahead. there is money to be allocated and try to house these families together. or your idea. everyone goes back together on a boss, you don t want to be separated, fine. you do it again, it s a felony and you ll be separated. we don t want to do that. the people being tasked with carrying out this policy, they don t want to have to do it. but they are carrying out the request of the president and the policy. and also i do think there s a narrow path. ted cruz has an option, i guess the president will probably talk about it. he doesn t like it because it just deals with this particular issue but he might have to be for what s going to happen here. get that off the table. maybe get some additional judges because i think the other thing is that we should talk about and it s difficult to talk about for me i think is the asylum process. what is the bar? was very easy to say that my claim asylum and then you have a huge backlog and you have this problem. i also think if you re going to have this policy and you want to own it, then plan ahead and figure out what s the process of getting the children back in touch with their families because the reports of them not being able to do so is difficult. the last thing i would say is we have to figure out a way to collectively go after the drug cartels. and not each other. it s the drug cartels that are stealing a lot of this. greg: jesse, it s hard to defend separation but it s preferable to an increase if you don t know if these are real families, what can you do? you ve got to separate them before you find out if they are legitimately a family. jesse: whether the democrats realize it or not, doing what they want to do actually helps the child smugglers. no one wants that. ted cruz has a bill. it s right here. it s piecemeal. he says families get united. we doubled the number of immigration judges, and on the silent case takes 14 days. that keeps everything together. why don t the democrats like chuck get on board with the bill and subject to the presidents desk where they could do it right now but they don t want to do because they want to exploit it. dianne feinstein has legislation that s absolutely ridiculous. she says border patrol agents can t even arrest and detain an adult with a child within 100 miles of the southern borde border. what s that going to do? it s going to encourage more people for bringing in children into the southern hemisphere. kate steinle was also separated by her family with a bullet fired by an illegal alien felon who was deported five times in the democrats didn t really say much about that. when they complain now, it s hard to take it seriously. no one wants to see family separated. i don t want to see families separated. but fix the law. fix the law. he s not going to end catch and release. that s not happening. donna: jesse, in december of last year, i don t know if you are planning your holidays. but look president trump put in place in december was a policy that, as you know, attorney general sessions announced six weeks ago. to prosecute everybody. and then find out later if they are part of a gang, part of a cartel, trafficking. what senator feinstein and others are saying would keep families together is, keep them together. jesse: there are laws that say you can t do that and you know that. donna: this is a policy change. jesse: no, no, no. the 97 loss as you can hold a minor for more than 20 days. you can t house them in federal detention facilities together. donna: keep the family intact. it s a simple strategy. keep the families intact, and then you go through the vet process. greg: let me get kimberly on this because you know the la law. kimberly: there is a concerted effort to distort really what s going on here for political purposes. i mean come at the heart of it, people do care about children and we care about families but you have to understand how we arrived at this position. people breaking the law. even if we put them on the boss, who s to say they are not with the sex trafficker and you turn. what were trying to do in a responsible, careful way is to identify who the child is, the minor, who is the adult accompanying the child and make sure that in fact they are relative and should be in that person s custody, so to speak. parental rights. this is very difficult. i have a hard time, though, accepting it s okay to demonize i.c.e. agents and border patrol and the president and the administration, all saying they are mean-spirited and they want children abused or they are nazis in cages and all these things. this is a very tough problem. that s why immigration is important for them to address in a responsible way. again, the laws must be upheld, and there must be some procedure by which they are identified properly so as to not make mistake. can you imagine the outrage if we went ahead and let somebody go with a sex offender and encouraged and were acting in concert aiding and abetting sex trafficking. how irresponsible. if you don t care about children. they let them go with anybody and then the child god forbid ends up raped or tortured or murdered. greg: they should have zero tolerance on that. donald trump had comments today regarding this issue and the media bias. those who apply for asylum legally at ports of entry are not prosecuted. the vague news media doesn t talk about it. they are helping these smugglers and these traffickers like nobody would believe. when countries abuse us by sending their people up, not their best, we are not going to give any more aid to those countries. why the hell should we? someday they are going to vote for democrats. because they can t win on their policies which are horrible. their only policy was that donald trump is a bad guy. hundreds of millions of dollars of negative ads. nobody s ever been hit like that. i used to go home. i started disliking myself. greg: it is hard to believe, dana. kimberly: almost impossible impossible. donna: one bob corker, orrin hatch, lamar alexander, john mccain, susan collins, ben sasse, i have a whole list. greg: you don t think all the ones doing the outrage signaling all over twitter. i won t mention the politicians. they are outrage signaling and they are so solemn about it. they hate it, which we all do. the second part, what do you do about it? silence. dana: did numbers the numbers she listed, they are supporting the cruz bill. donna: i want to go back to what you said at the top of the show. american slavery and the holocaust. they were evil events. while people often use this to describe the pain or describe the degradation, dehumanization, these were absolutely evil events. what people are saying now is that they think that this compares to that. i try to tell people don t do it. don t go there. but at the same time, we have to call this an outrageous act because these kids are being abused. separated from their families. you have children. you are a father. jesse: in most cases if someone comes across with a minor, they are only separated for a day. you apply for asylum, it s going to take longer than 20 days in the law says, based on the clinton administration upheld by the ninth circuit court of appeals, you can t hold a minor longer than 20 days. that s why he lowered it to 14 paired with the obama administration got whacked for as they were sending these young kids to sponsors or uncles somewhere within the interior of the united states. these kids were being abused, made to work slave labor jobs. and malnourished. donna: it was rare. jesse: it was happening. we want to take care of the kids, that s the most important thing. greg: i am trying to figure out, what s the solution that prevents the separation? i m trying to figure it out. if 10,000 of these kids are unaccompanied and they are already separated, that leaves 2,000. what are they doing now? jesse: right now and simone crosses with a minor and there s no prior history of anything like that and they are not claiming asylum, they detain the them, reunite them with the kid and then send them back. if you apply for asylum, process, it s going to take them forever. asylum cases take forever. kimberly: they get to speak on the phone with the parents. donna: the president needs to understand this is a crisis he can resolve tonight. greg: everybody could resolve it. donna: the president. he has the pen. greg: he is the first guy to actually try. dana: what do you mean? people have tried copperheads of immigration reform before. greg: this issue is directly related to a porous border. correct? donna: it is a strategy. unfortunately it s a strategy to try to get a compromise, and this is a bad strategy. greg: you can disagree with the strategy but you can t disagree with the five of this guy is trying to tighten the border. donna: we all know we have a problem. competence of immigration form, we need it. greg: i agree. we can all agree. let s go for drinks. president trump had a death capital for a major meeting. we ll bring it to you live. michael horowitz getting grilled by lawmakers on the second day of the testimony. it s just a burst pipe, i could fix it. 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i think as we have found, it clearly shows a biased state of mind. peter strzok said trump is abysmal, he s an idiot. hillary should win 100 million to 0. sounds like he hates the president. his text messages would leave that is the implication. jesse: horowitz confirming to congress he is investigating whether peter strzok, anti-trump bias factored into the launch of the bureau s russia probe. strzok s lawyer is firing back saying his client is not a conspiratorial but instead, ready? a patriot. kimberly, we are getting word from strzok s lawyer. apparently he has been escorted out of the fbi office building. kimberly: i hope after listening to trey gowdy today that he speed dialed the best washington, d.c., defense lawyer and i mean that seriously. you listen to trey gowdy earlier today, it was quite compelling and persuasive. he was insistent and fired up about the whole thing. i was listening to him. wow. he s made the case against not only strzok but comey and mccabe and page. it s bad, really bad for the united states. bad for the fbi, this is system of justice. trey gowdy made the point that there can be no fairness in the process with this level of inherent bias. jesse: very biased. we were learning their more fbi agent sending anti-trump texts. maybe one or two of those lawyers wound up in the mueller team. dana. this mueller team is packed full of these people at this point and they were removed for anti-trump bias. by mueller. three or four months ago. dana: can i tell you something? i didn t follow that particular piece because i was following immigration all day. i did note for today catherine herridge said peter strzok could willingly testify in front of congress at the end of the week. i will pay attention to that, i promise. jesse: greg, what do you think about the ig hearing? greg: i believe strzok s texts are more incriminating in terms of conspiracies that anything in the rush of collusion think that i was trying to think about this. what would be comparable to writing stop trump, would be trump texting: call putin. we ve got to stop hitler. that would be the smoking gun. the big story to me as always when to be trey gowdy s ever-changing hair. he is like martin landau in mission impossible. he s got to go somewhere. he is a russian agent. dana: say cia or something. greg: i think he works for the russians. donna: national man of mystery. i think the beard is very becoming. politics sometimes is not so becoming. i actually did watch. it s better than watching soap operas in the middle of the day. the reason why i watched it is because underneath all the partisan rhetoric about that, we learned that once again we have an agency that has some dysfunction. whether you focus on those emails, texts, disgusting. i m a former federal employee. disgusting. let s say. it s disgusting. whether you re saying those things about mr. trump or saying those things about mrs. clinton. they are not hired to text each other about their personal dislike of a particular candidate. that being said, the office of professional responsibility must now do their job and remove those who are still in the employ of the federal government. beyond that, i think this report tells us a lot about mr. comey state of mind, the fact that he was insubordinate. he believed he alone could deliver the so-called message to the american people. didn t have to check with his boss. there is a lot to learn in this. i haven t read all of it because as you know there are no pictures. i read faster when i see pictures. but it is a story that we need to know. by the way, you and i can have a conversation about the russians. i can speak a little bit of the language now because i do believe that we need to get to the bottom of what happened. greg: i am married to a russian so i can speak a little. jesse: speaking of comey, the inspector general confirms comey s handling of the classified memos is under investigation. everyone is under investigation. greg: we will be soon. donna: can we do another kumbaya at the end of the segment? greg: these things are like soccer. it is like 0-0 at halftime. it s like soccer. 0-0 at halftime. jesse: i don t know if this was a tie. i think it was a slam dunk. greg: the next one will be. donna: you wait until 1:38 and the guy scores, you re like thank you. jesse: i think trey gowdy scored today. not so popular, nancy pelosi. the surprising world leader republicans say they prefer over nancy. next. when we were dating, we used to get excited about things like concert tickets or a new snowboard. matt: whoo! whoo! jen: but that all changed when we bought a house. matt: voilà! jen: matt started turning into his dad. matt: mm. that s some good mulch. i m awake. but it was pretty nifty when jen showed me how easy it was to protect our home and auto with progressive. 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[laughing] what year is it? as long as stuff gets lost in the couch, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. five this is a fox news alert. secretary of state mike pompeo announcing that united states is pulling out of the united nations human rights council. breaking the news moments ago. human rights abusers continue to serve on and be elected to the council. the world s most inhumane regimes continued to escape scrutiny. and the council continued politicizing and scapegoating of countries in attempt to distract from abusers in their ranks. we take this step because our commitment does not allow us to remain a part of the hypocritical and self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights. kimberly: for more on the story, stay tuned to special report at 6:00 p.m. tonight. a week after the landmark summit in singapore, surprising things emerging about america s partisan divide. new poll finds democrats view president trump more unfavorably than kim jong un. 88% to 81%. the north korean dictator is more popular the nancy pelosi among republicans. 19% to 17%. greg, chew on that. greg: i don t like it when people compare trump to hitler. pelosi, she s unpopular. maybe she s out of touch, but she is no dictator. i am not a big fan of these. but she is the master queen of a majestic dystopia. she lives in this cloud castle in california way above the overpass shanties that reek riddled with disease. you have hollywood doing the handmaid s tale in these dystopian jewels. why don t they do something on this because this is real. in california she oversees a horror world of hell. i came back from san francisco. it s not a pretty sight. it s getting worse. dana: they have a new mayor. greg: i am from there. it is so depressing. donna: people vilify nancy pelosi because they don t like the fact that she s a strong leader, effective leader. she is tough. you want to get in the ring with somebody? get in the ring with nancy. i will bring you the band-aids. she s effective. greg: i might enjoy it. donna: i m not going to go there. you called me a brazil not. look at how wikipedia she has no scandals. no scandals. greg: she scrubbed it. she scrubbed the page. donna: she is tough. she is an admirable person and she s going to leave the democrats to victory. jesse: i don t think she has that tough because she wouldn t do an interview with me. [laughter] she has an entourage the size of north korea and they won t let anybody near her. the poll is a garbage poll. they pull these people independently and then they mashed up to make everyone look like monsters. there is a problem, though. demonization in this country. i am a victim of it. greg: [laughs] jesse: people on the left think i am a crazy menace to society. greg: you are! i think you are a menace to society. [laughter] donna: you are smiling more. you need more democrats around you. you are smiling more. jesse: you are bringing out my smile? donna: i am. jesse: i know something you don t know. donna: he is going to separate me from my joy. she is a great leader and i think the democrats are lucky to have her leadership. jesse: so are the republicans. donna: that is not to say this fall we are going to elect a whole new group of democratic leaders and we will see what kind of change they bring. kimberly: dana, what do you think? dana: put me firmly in the camp with nancy pelosi over kim jong un. i think you re right. it s a garbage comparison because you don t really have to choose. it s like the poker in the eye. kimberly: not saying it s highly scientific. greg: we do the weird poll. our puppies better than kittens? kimberly: we have done that segment. in anti-trump senate candidate comes out blazing to prove a point. will democrats major messaging go up in smoke? you re turning onto the street when you barely clip a passing car. minor accident-no big deal, right? wrong. your insurance company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different insurance company. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. benjamin franklin capturedkey lightening in a bottle. over 260 years later, with a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, we re not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, we re storing it. as the nation s leader in energy storage, we re ensuring americans have the energy they need, whenever they need it. this is our era. this is america s energy era. nextera energy. why people everywhere are upgrading their water filter to zerowater. start with water that has a lot of dissolved solids. pour it through brita s two-stage filter. dissolved solids remain? what if we filter it over and over? (sighing) oh dear. thank goodness zerowater s five-stage filter gets to all zeroes the first time. so, maybe it s time to upgrade. get more out of your water. get zerowater. dana: president trump arriving at the capital to meet with republican lawmakers amid growing controversy over separating migrant children of the border. democrats are gearing up to use president trump s immigration agenda as a rallying cry for the midterms. will there strategy work question read new gallup poll shows the president s job approval hitting a new high of 45%. meanwhile, richard painter, democrat running for senate in minnesota, fans the flames of discontent in his campaign ad. watch this. some people see a dumpster fire and do nothing but watch the spectacle. some are too scared to face the danger. or they think it will benefit them if they just let it keep on burning. there is an inferno raging in washington. but here in the land of 10,000 lakes. we know how to put out a fire. sb five oh, my gosh. dana: richard painter is going to run as a democrat in minnesota for the senate seat. how are you feeling about this? donna: as somebody who grew up admiring walter mondale and hubert humphrey and many other leaders of minnesota, it is strange. [laughter] we have a lot of people who can foot put out the fire. he s going to go up against tina smith appointed by the governor. she has done a phenomenal job since coming on board these last couple months. it s going to be a tough race. overall, 139 days until the midterm and i have to tell you, it s going to be a hard race. this time the democrats are not facing what i call a headwind. there is a little bit of what i call a cool breeze backing these new democratic candidates into what i call the victory zone. dana: the weird thing, we don t know what the issues are going to be. even the week before the election. you think about it, a week ago today, we did a segment about the north korean summit. it feels like a lifetime ago. we don t know what s going to happen. when do you think things will start to firm up for either party? kimberly: in this political day and age, no. you can t predict it. every day there is something that s explosive story, something going on. for sure i think the economy is going to play a big role. i think the democrats would like to really seize the opportunity to push this immigration issue forward. and say there is a war on children, et cetera, try to do that to really motivate their base to get people out to vote. dana: it might not work. it might have the opposite effect. greg: seems like everything that is directed at trump ends up having the opposite effect. it s amazing. because he is a counterpunch her. we ll be right back. that painter thing was highly visual but that s not the story. it was his insane delivery. it s like he was clenching a pencil between his butt cheeks. is that how he talks? pretty intense. if he was talking to me like that, i would leave. dana: how do you think he would do in a debate, jesse? jesse: i don t care. i think you will go down in flames like that dumpster fire he is. if anything is a dumpster fire, it s the democrats. i think not since eisenhower have they been this out of ideas, money, out of touch. the president is in the strongest position he s been since he was inaugurated. 45% approval. can you imagine how well he would be doing without the special counsel in the media and their constant attacks? he s in a better position politically than president obama was two years and at this point. i think the headwinds ucr going to be glowing in blowing in a different direction. donna: the democrats have flipped 47 seats. we are going to flip more seats. there is a welcomed new candidate running. they they are being self-fundedy the grassroots support out there. i feel confident this year not because of the polls. i feel confident because we have a message. jesse: what is that message? donna: we deserve better. we want a country. kimberly: how do you get a better economy than this? donna: an economy that works for everyone, lifts up wages. an economy that brings us from the outskirts of hope to the circle of opportunity. democrats have a strong red and butter message. kimberly: that is pretty good. you have a record low on the planets for black, minority, women. that sounds like winning. dana: i m going to get the last word. richard painter in the ad, you know what is on tonight at 8:00 p.m. with tucker carlson? richard painter. must see. our millennials as bad as everyone thinks they are, jesse? or are they getting a bad rap? the answer is next. you might take something for your heart. or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. donna: have you ever wondered if millennials are turning into a generation of misfits? there is data suggesting they just might be. a new study says this group of americans are the worst when it comes to tipping. nearly two-thirds of millennials typically leave below the standard 20% when eating out. out of those survey claims the i.q. scores of millennial men are plunging to new lows. people in their 20s and 30s are on the track to be less happy and healthy than their parents. by the time they reach middle age. my god. jesse. jesse. i know you are not a millennial but babe, if you and i go out, i know you re married. i want you to make sure you do the tip. jesse: that s right, that s right. i am paying. i will tip 20% because i have to tip a lot because people might know me. i don t want to get a bad rap. dana: that s true. donna: that s a good one. what about this i.q. thing? i teach at georgetown and my kids are really bright, both the guys and girls. i don t know about this i.q. thing. they say something is happening with millennial men. jesse: i don t big for millennials. when you live in your parents basement, you might not be performing up to expectations and your dating life or professional life. i think that s having an effect on their brainpower. kimberly: like the guy who was on your show. greg: i am not a millennial, donna, but i have to defend them. there s too many stories out there bashing millennials. by the way, the headline was millennial men were getting dumber, right? i imagine the headline millennial women are getting dumber. that person would be fired. but you can say that men are dumb. every generation. and we will take it. here s my point. jesse: mail rights advocate greg gutfeld. greg: every generation has it easier because the progress his hands them by the previous generation. where always a little bit jealous of them because they ve got it easier but we made it easier. the next people, millennials will laugh at them. donna: all i know is this new generation of americans will have an enormous political power. there are more of them than ever before. if they turn out and vote. kimberly: so it s going to be a bunch of dumb men? jesse: dumb men that don t tip. donna: i am saying please tip. dana: i love them, i think they are eager and earnest. they drive me crazy on several different things. if i were to give them advice, i was a waitress for a long time. for example, if you go to breakfast, always double the tip. make it 40%. because breakfast is the hardest meal. everybody wants their coffee a certain way. eggs. and it is so cheap. jesse: not if you have a liquid brunch in midtown. dana: i do think millennials are driving this idea that maybe we should all do away with dipping policy altogether. greg: no. that s a big mistake. dana: terrible idea. we should do a segment on the economics of it. it s a bad idea. greg: it s what keeps restaurants alive. kimberly: maybe they just have as much money. jesse: the obama economy really hurts a lot of these millennials. kimberly: we could turn anything that way. [laughter] jesse: there it is. donna: what i like most about this generation is they care about this country, and they are a service generation. i am proud of them. greg: they will be serving us when we get old. and robots. donna: turning 29 for the second time, i feel there power. dana: you get to say the fabulous thing. donna: oh, one more thing is coming up next. i am so happy i am a millennial today. experience the thrill of the moment with the lexus is. lease the 2018 is 300 and is 300 awd for these terms. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? i can do more to lower my a1c. and i can do it with what s already within me. because my body can still make its own insulin. and once-weekly trulicity activates my body to release it. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. it works 24/7. trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. don t use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don t take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, you re allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite. these can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i choose once-weekly trulicity to activate my within. if you need help lowering your a1c, ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. by staying in rhythm. and to keep up this pace, i drink boost optimum. boost optimum with 5 in 1 advanced nutrition helps support muscle, energy, bone, normal immune function, and vision. boost optimum. be up for life. greg: time for one more thing. kimberly, did you speak somewhere this weekend? kimberly: thank you for asking and being so absorbed with my life. greg: well, i stalk you. kimberly: true story. i was in dallas this weekend. coming out to confetti, dancing at the young women s leadership summit. it was fantastic. turning point usa. there was 1,000 young woman there. i am somewhere in the center, taking pictures with them. they were amazing. it was wonderful to see young women so engaged and excited about the political process and their beliefs and millennials. yeah, female millennials. donna: did you cut a rug? kimberly: you know i did. they were chanting. greg: i don t know about you, jesse, but i find this sexist. what about men? kimberly: jeanine pirro, kellyanne conway. jesse: ben shapiro was there. greg: jesse. jesse: i guess jimmy kimmel challenged senator ted cruz to a basketball game. it was probably the worst basketball ever. they actually had to stop. they were going to 15. they stopped. they got so tired. cruz ended up winning and beating him 11-9, i believe. it was a pathetic display. i m going to suspend the strategy. i m going to criticize jimmy kimmel even though i might appear on his show. that was not good basketball. you challenged cruz and you lost to ted cruz in basketball. not a good look. dana: but it was for charity. greg: just because it was for charity doesn t make it good. dana: got it. greg: that s a great slogan for a t-shirt. dana: i i need a new graphic of dana s reading list. do you you know conor powell? his wife has written a novel called a land of permanent goodbyes. it was spectacular. it s about the refugee crisis. it follows a fictional character but it is based on a lot of research of his harrowing escape because of isis and leaving turkey. there is a surprise in who the narrator is. it s very creative, very effective. greg: is it a dog? dana: it is not a dog. i encourage you to read it. really good. greg: weights, donna, how dare you? donna: baby, you invited me. greg: hold on. i hate these people! i killed my one more thing. can i show you a picture of something? that is my mug. i found out my mug has been stolen. i am not going to accuse donna brazile even though coincidently she is here in my mug is missing. i m not going to accuse you. i think it was a guest on fox & friends because they have anybody on that show and they show up. we share the green room. they see my mug. i know it s a guest from fox & friends. i will find you. i will hunt you down. it will not be pretty. kimberly: you are saying that, it s not like hammer and sands are there in a different studio. one of their guests. donna: first of all, the last thing i want is a mug. i ve got a lot of those. i will bring you one next time i m here. this is a great story because chadwick bozeman, a great actor. black panther. remember that? anyway, he received a wonderful award from mdd mtv. movie and tv award. guess what he did? he gave his award to james shaw jr., the young man who wrestled the gunman down in antioch, tennessee, at the waffle house. he gave his award to mr. shaw. kudos for recognizing this wonderful young man. thank you, james shaw. you are a real hero. greg: such word dvr straight never miss an episode. who needs wherewithal when you have bret at the capital? bret: good evening. i am bret baier. this is a fox news alert. we are alive tonight on capitol hill where the fight over the president zero tolerance immigration policy, its effect on children, the republican effort at a reform bill sharing a very crowded center stage. president trump is right now here on capitol hill meeting with house republicans one floor down, not far from where we are standing. it comes as many of his fellow republicans are demanding an end to what has become the public relations nightmare just months before the midterm elections. we have fox team coverage tonight. john roberts at the white house with what the president is saying and doing about all of this. off with cheap congressional correspondent mike manual on capitol hill with me with the latest on today s big meeting. were keeping in mind

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20190209

democrats or frankly, by the public. but to the latest including some moves towards impeachment hearings. while matt, we go to ellison barber life enrichment, ellison. th ellison: if the lieutenant governor does not step down by monday, he plans to enter that impeachment, this is what he had to say. there is no question that violent sexual assault clearly qualifies as a high crime.l the house of delegates will have to grant unanimous consent. i would hope that no member could stand in the way of this process getting underway. laura: lieutenant governor has not been charged or convicted of anything and denies wrongdoing. he is facing sexual assaultre allegations from two different women and one forced to perform oral during 2004 dnc convention and another said her in 2,000 when students at duke university. there lieutenant governor said i deny this latest of its r.stantiated allocation and demonstrably false and i ve never force myself on anyone ever. i need unsubstantiated impulseen allegations investigated. and two fbi background checks he passed in his past and the allegations did not come up. he said this is a coordinated t smear campaign effort and that he will not resign. the law firm representing the second most recent accuser says, mr. fairfax attack was premeditated and aggressive and that ms. watson shared her account of the raped with emails and facebook messages now in the possession additionally. we have statements from former classmates cooperating ms. watson told friends that mr. fairfax had rape her. laura: thank you so much. we will talk about all of this, the dnc chair donna brazile and aa lot of topics in a matter of moments but first from a perspective from virginia tonight and for that we go to tim hannigan the chairman of the fairfax county republican party, now, tim, we still don t have any hard evidence that fairfax indeed committed these acts, both assaults. yet the democrats are jumping all over each other to call for his resignation tonight. now, how did the state g.o.p. leaders feel about this, especially given what we saw with all of jumping all over kavanaugh in those allegations came up. now, do democrats see in any irony in all of this? tim: well i can t speak to the democrats, but i dare say, that many republicans believe in exactly what you just said now. which is that these are serious allegations. and that require serious attention. and due process. but i think there is an angle here that may be is being overlooked. and that angle is that the start of this soul unraveling of our state government, which is so embarrassed virginians is a bill that was proposed by a delegate from fairfax county, from where i mal from. which called for a third trimester abortion. and what was really it s been has kind of been swept under the rug while everyone is focusing on the decade-old issues come up where sexual assault as important as those are too many americans, that is interesting. and without the revelation of what the heck is happening in virginia among the democrats with this late term abortion, infanticide. none of this other stuff probably would have come to light, not now an end that way it has. one afteraf the other after the other but i have to ask you, tim, i m watching the comments. i will bring this up with on a later, donna brazile, but i m looking at some of these comments online every time there is an article about blackface were this person dressed up of. people online are synced virginia is a racist date. virginia, you know, still t believes in the confederacy. all going after virginia, alabama, florida, that hatred being cast. the commonwealth of virginia which i m a proud resident is really disheartening to a lot of us. and it s uncalled for. tim: right. laura: it is uncalled for. tim: and it doesn t reflect reality. i ve lived in virginia for 27 years, and that is not the way virginians are. virginians feel let down by these democrats in positions of governing right now. the one well tim: and the reason i mentionn infanticide, help for the democrats have moved away from the main issue. laura: tim, i hate to cut you off because we have to go but everybody has to take a breath here. don t convict people until some type of due process were evidence it s actually in. we really appreciated. when we come back, special award for hearing impaired democrats. democrats on thehe house judiciy committee embarrassed themselves today. having languished in the minority 2011, they have been itching to sink their teeth into anything and anyone trumpp related to. now, forget the important oversized function of the committee. there were two men knew too many political points to be scored. too many to furnish, too many opponents to burn. the fact he will only be and his job for another week or so, acting attorney general matt whitaker in the hot seat recalled thato he only stepped into this role three months ago attorney general sessions was fired, but every democrat without exception grand standard.. for the most part, they asked questions that had nothing tonc do, zero relevance to their proper oversight role. so the only purpose was to hit him with cheap shot after cheap shot after cheap shot, knowing that whitaker was rightfully going to assert what is called the deliberate due process refusing to answer questions about conversations he had with other doj staff with the president himself. total expected. so given the democrats over the top performance today, and it being a word season, after all, we thought tonight we would give out our own award. so, for most frustrated inquisitor, the award goes to representative mary kate scanlan. congressman, ongoing litigation. congressman i don t disagree. you may be confused here. general sessions asked. the subject of ongoing litigation. so we will let the record reflect but again you re refusing to answer the question. during my first term of obama administration know running out the clock. nice job. laura: for best question and answered, the award goes to democrat congresswoman sylvia garcia. how many children are separated for the families as we sit here today? that is a number only dhs and hhs would no so you have no idea how many children. again those are different departments. how many children have been torn away from the arms of their mother. i would have to repair you to hhs and dhs. laura: i guess she doesn t know the doj does not deal with children after apprehended at the border. now, for speed reading of an overly long question, the award goes to democrat representative joe. i want to talk another policy matters with respect with respect to cannabis. do you know the department of justice nda to support cannabis research to help the safety of our citizens question must be when we had to speeded up because otherwise it would last to the end of the show so bear with us. special award for the stretch of the day goes to democrat congresswoman debbie mark housel powell who asked whitaker about hiske pregovernment servi, the work he did. i haven t worked for a fact in 16 months and in preparation thank you mr. whitaker. thank you, mr. whitaker. where they are only three board members and this infantry? i have some other questions here and all this time i m waiting and i can t find the question.e this contains and i will finish close and dear to my heart lgbtq issues. laura: no, no, no, this is good. for revelation of a radical idea, radical idea that no one ever come over they really going there? the award to democrat congressman veronica escobar. i represent el paso, texas. unfortunately, my community has been ground zero for many of this administration s cruel anti-immigrant and anti-american mill the department of justice ensure that a salem secret have access to counsel in mexico in order to allow to appear for their hearing, yes or no? we will continue to follow the policies of the work currently in place. laura: okay, wait a minute, she thinks that we are supposed to now give the illegal aliens lawyers and other countries? anything else? let s keep it going. for honorable mention of time, well just in the nick of it. the award goes to attorney general acting matthew whitaker. have you ever been asked to approve any request or action to be taken by special counsel?es mr. chairman i see you re 5 minutes is up so [laughter] laura: i love it. okay, this is one of my personal favorites. the winner in the category of leased time spent reading witnesses bayous goes to democrat congressman jeffrey. we are trying to figure out who are you, where did you come from and how the heck did you become the head of the department of justice. laura: he was named by the president. okay. well, then there was always energetic sheila jackson lee who wins the award for best bullying of a former college football player. and you have not appeared for an oversight hearing, yes or no, yes or no? the member only has 5 minutes. if we just discovered yes-or-no answers, she is entitled to it. i will not allow the member to waste time. i m sorry come i don t know if your time is over or not. mr. attorney general, we are not joking here. your humor is not acceptable. laura: i hope no one ever tells me my humor is not acceptable. i m waiting for that. in the category of best use of props in lieu of an actual question, it goes to congressman ted lieu. there is no sentence and the constitution that says the citizens of the united states cannot be correct yes or no. i have it right here. it s not, correct? i m not trying to trick you. ties it say that in the constitution? mr. chairman i will submit the constitution and say that sentence is not in favor of. laura: okay, all right, and forka complete lunacy in a recurring series, we have a time my friends. this has never happened in the awards, eric caldwell and jerry nadler. does your one-stop origin organization received contributions from foreign donors? mr. chairman out of order the general state point of order. is it outside the scope of the hearing? you can go sit down they are, but you re not his lawyer. gentleman is suspended. you can sit down they are,l both gentlemen are suspended. laura: okay, we have to suspend too. i m sure that won t last will be the last award this season. too many things happening.ti a democrat starting all manner of trump investigation. you can rest assured there will be lots of dramatic and absurd performances, twist and turns in the days of ahead. and that is the angle. still ahead of them i go one-on-one with former dnc chair donna brazile. she is or to respond what is going on in virginia tonight, plus increasing creep of pc puritanism. i discussed in last nights angle. stay right there. (vo) this is the avery s. this is the avery s trying the hottest new bistro. wait.and the hottest taqueria? and the hottest.what are those? oh, pierogis? and this is the avery s wondering if eating out is eating into saving for their first home. this is jc. (team member) welcome to wells fargo, how may i help? (vo) who s here to help with a free financial health conversation, no strings attached. this is the avery s with the support they needed to get back on track. well done guys. 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for some answers we are joined by my friend up too many years, donna brazile, former chair of the democratic national committee and coauthor of the book for colored girls who consider politics. donna brazile great to have you tonight. thank you for joining us. donna: black history monthn, and you are wearing all black. laura: yesterday for the green new deal come i was wearing green. i m in somatic stress. donna: we love. laura: donna, what do you make of all of this the problem in virginia but the corporation sang white shoes are racist. donna: i remember a couple of years ago, selling white sheets during black history month was also racist. look, this is not about symbolism only, this is the substance of the conversation that perhaps we need to have as americans. it has been almost 400 years now since the first group of africans arrived on the shores of virginia. 400 years is a long time to have a conversation where they have a great nation like ours. and i think we often put it aside, you know, the moment and just deal with the controversy and say, this is a great moment for you and i to talk about race. where are we in the 21st century?en can we at least agree on the language we must use in order to address these big issues whether it s white, males appearing in blackface, which clearly is objectionable, no matter the appearance because we know what it symbolizes, or, you know, talking about white tennis shoes during a time when, you know, time to celebrate black history month. what are we going to celebrate our senior citizens? laura: know grace makers allowed. donna: at a better dye my alir now, oh, my god. laura: you think about this ralph northam the governor ofor virginia, democratic governor, who gets up there, and he talks about this photo and doesn t really say he s in one of the pictures but then it comes up the next day and he says i was not neither picture.pi he gets himself in trouble kind of two times once for the photo with a kkk guy halloween thing, neither person is myself but then move on to justin fairfax. we have more allegations about him today which i will get to. then we get the next in line, also said, i dressed up as a rapper, and then we have the majority leader who is a republican. donna: it is not partisan issue. laura: no come i don t like it is some republicans trying to make it partisan but democrats jump on republicans something they did 30 years ago and now republicans think i will get you back because a double standard. my point is, and you talked about this, is they are in a safe space where we can have this conversation? i know you as a person and you know me as a person we know each other for a long time. we don t agree on a lot of stuff but you can have a reasonable conversation as adults and the rest of the country watching the show taking income i get along with people. what is this that is happening? where do we go from this amnesty you are safe space? donna: i love to use the word amnesty because i believe there is a path to redemption. i will give you a good example. back in the 1990s i was a congressional staffer. robert byrd, the former leader of the united states senate and a former klansman. laura: a grand wizard and the clan? donna: and a recruiter, all of the above. robert byrd went to the floor of the united states and anna announced his engagement with the clan. ass involvement with the clan. i thought that was a moment that we should have this conversation and yet john lewis and many others went and said, thank you, thank you for not only denouncing that racist laura: but that would not be good enough today. donna: that is a start. acknowledge the past. laura: he was next thing actual member of kkk and robert byrd library, robert byrd everything in west virginia. and so today, given the new standard mode people got to resign immediately. they ve got to get out of public life, whether he apologized for not robert northam apologized. donna: not only spearhead rit legislation voting rights act but endorsed barack obama in 2008. laura: today none of that matters. there is no redemption for anybody today. donna: what i him saying there is a path forward to. laura: if only a liberal you can get redeemed? donna: no, if robert byrd was a republican, whatever, independent. the point is, we should have an individual path. look, there are many times in my life. look at this, i got a rocking chair, there are many of those. this is too early for me. there are many times, several moments in my life when i had to say, you know what my was wrong. and i apologize for it. you know what it made me a better human being because i had to lower, humble myself. laura: i do that every day, donna. donna: i do that too. laura: i m a virginia resident and went to the university of virginia. but instead of just moving left, more toward socialism. this piece title from the national journal, democrats boosting trumps clear reelection process.. one democratic strategist alarmed by the rise of socialism within theis democratic party commits as this. we are on an out-of-control roller coaster going 100 miles an hour and no functioning break. no one is bleeding and the boys could not be more clear. donna: we have ways to profile one dynamic young woman just elected to congress who ili do believe it is a mover and a shaker. aoc. what i like about her, peopleop are talking about these issues now. talking about green fuel, we are talking about issues democrats haves been talking about for years. we went the democrats timing signing on to something that is a resolution to eliminate cars, eliminate planes and give people jobs who are unwilling or unable to work. unwilling to work. standard living. is that the democratic party? donna: we have several proposals and i told someone six proposals on how to strengthen our health care system. laura: and nancy pelosi doesn t like that. donna: my mama said it best, it s not what they call you but what you answer to. i think most democrats would answer to s be when they don t want to. donna: a we have americans who believe each and every american a healthy start in life. laura:t but that s not i want to resolve aoc but general concern and the democrat party you think you have tromped on the ropes but all of a sudden, whiplash to the left and wait a second, waitin a second, wait a secondnd i have to ask about northam. do you think you should drop? donna: he s not going to. laura: he wasn t going to do it today. donna: company the democratic party said we will talk to the officials. in a path forward to. laura: so you don t have a feeling whether he should go or not? donna: i don t believe we know the answer because as you know friday night, he said one thing and then on saturday night you may have to wait until tomorrow afternoon. laura: i have somebody onck my show friday. i have somebody who said he s a racist and i love joe, i don t think he s a racist. i m getting he as a republican for standing up for democrats. it would be nice if the paper were returned. conservatives unfairly attacked, but there is like three people and you can count them on one hand who will defend me. donna: a few years after the election he signed the bill that made martin luther king a national holiday. we need a path to redemption, every america. laura: what about fairfax and allegations against him has lieutenant governor? donna: i am deeply alarmed of these allegations. laura: the second woman came forward to. donna: i am deeply alarmed and i talked to justin and he denies it and he someone i know very well. laura: he denied it and said it didn t happen and she told people but we don t know much more. donna: you know what, weea need an opportunity to hear more and to have due process and an investigation, but i support these women coming forward to. laura: donna brazile, it is so much fun. i haven t talk to you in donna: women history month and all of the things i might have. laura: i can only invite donna during this month. donna: it must be a hot chick depot month. laura: the only person that doesn t age over two decades, thank you so much for coming on, we really appreciated. donna: thanks. laura: still talking about these people. coming up with if your name doubles as offensive term? should you put it on your license plate anyway? a whenen did the friendly skies become too friendly, spittle and other things on those blankets. friday foleys is next. - [voiceover] this is an urgent message from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union. - this is a fight against time. what we re dealing with is coming out, meeting someone who s 85, 90 years old, can t get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. and that s where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [voiceover] for just $25, we ll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - in ukraine, there s no supper network. they don t have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. they re turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [voiceover] your gift is a life line to help these elderly jewish holocaust survivors, help them to live out their final years with dignity and love. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - what i pray is that you won t turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. - [voiceover] with your gift of just $25, we can rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. laura: it is friday. that means it is time for it friday follies. a canadian man tonight putting name on a license plate andre delta walking back a creepy marketing campaign. joining with the details, blinding us with wisdom, fox news contributor and of course your comes best-selling author of the upcoming book, my kids just got their copy, erymond, let s start with controversy over a napkin and what delta thought was a good idea. the napkin came with complimentary beverage from okay but it read in very small print, via little old school. write down your number and give it to your plane crash.. you never know. now, there was a space to write your phone number. some were outraged by this. people tweeted to, they thought it was creepy. one woman said she felt stigmatized. delta and coke apologized. i don t mind this, but people laura: what is the big deal? you are close to other people on a plane anyway so you might as well talk to someone interesting to you. raymond: encouraging, butdo my feeling is laura: if you don t want someone to all goal. ogle, don t come in with short shorts, with entire area showing for the whole plane to seeing see hanging out of your clothes. maybe we will not ogle you. raymond: name your favorite book and then you leave a place for the person to pick their favorite book or tv show. conversation is good and a little romance in the air come i don t mind that, but not for me, anyway. they only romance i m having with my wife. laura: i ve read some interesting people. raymond: oh, you have from anything you would like to talk about? laura: yes, okay. raymond: better to get a date then to keep you warm in those airplane blankets. according to travel leisure, dil you let that transition? they will they provide clean blankets on originating flights. tl the other blankets are just refolded. and by the way, don t let the cellophane baggage fool you. this is no, a flight attendant blogger sarah cagle said they just repackage them with every day in everybody s terms. now, laura, have to share this with you. there was a tweet emerged the comedian went on a delta flight when she unfurled load her blanket, she claimed she found this good in that, human. i don t even know what to say. laura: that must be diapering that may be raymond: they do sometimes foldip them on for a fold down tray. laura: she had whites, let me tell you, never put your hand in the seat back per compartment. it went into a dirty diaper. that is nasty. nasty. raymond and i traveled, and we bring wipes. people are looking at us, can you wipe my fee too? i m happy. raymond: hazel? laura: i will, but i often do help other people clean their seats. raymond: wall street journal claims blankets are only clean every five to 30 days. oh, my gosh, avoid the blankets. don t touch any. where your hazmat. laura: that is a lovely transition to the neck story. dave osman of saskatchewan from canada attempted to put his name on a license plate. what happened? well, the osmonds, that is how you pronounce it, some who quite a story in history commit9 days distant relatives appeared on david letterman show in 1995. and something of a local celebrity. watch. we were kind of taken by the man s name as man. i don t know that i ve ever met a guy named as man. and just spend a minute or two getting to know asman, hello, who is this? okay, first of all i missed that favor david letterman. but this barks something called and his relative dave cannot get local authorities to put his family name on his license and they claim, the committee must abide by a set of guidelinesf regardless if the word in someone s name is pronouncedrs differently than the offensive version so because aes a it appears offensive to people they will not put on the license but i m deeply offended for misters asman because what if your name is buba man. you can t have a license? b1 apparently, you know what i m offended by? i m offended by, well, offended by people who do vanity plates at old. raymond: seinfeld had a similar episode in effect the same asman reference. asman, these don t belong to mehe i m not the asman come i think there is a mistake. what is your name, cosmo kramer? you are the asman. [laughter] no, i m not the asman. well, as far as the state of new york is concerned, you are. laura: . ca laura: welcome my parent late saskatchewan a real asman cannot put his name out there. i say be a proud asman and put our name on your license. he should take it to the high court. media hype. laura: after a batch of thank you, raymond. friday follies, my god after a batch of stolen with a sultry affair hery was having amazon co jeff bezos said leveling a charge of extortion against the national enquirer. so why calling him a hypocrite? up next. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it s ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. laura: caught with extortion, between one of the wealthiest men on the planet and the most famous tabloid in american history. trace gallagher has the story tonight from the west coast newsroom that is buzzing, trace. trace: high matt, laura, the richest man blackmailed by the famous tabloid it tends to generate buzz and nowow you have the beds involved. first bezos on a medium posting details of the alleged extortion including messages sent from the national enquirer, parent company american media and american media david packer threatening to release instant photos of bezos and his girlfriend lauren sanchez unless bezos agreed to one call off his investigation of how they inquire about the private pictures and text and issue a statement saying the investigation uncovered his affair with sanchez was not politically motivated to. well, bezos refused writing of course i don t want personal photos published but i won t participate in the well-known practice of black male political favors, political attacks, and corruption. i prefer to stand up, roll this log over and see what crawls out. america media has responded saying it was not blackmailing bezos and the message was good faith negotiations to resolve the matter. america media believes fervently acted fervently in the reporting of the story of mr. now, that said, ceo david david pecker will conduct own investigation if what you and the action needs to be taken. and the government is also getting in on the action, federal prosecutors are now looking into the national enquirer handling of the bezos extramarital affairs story. as for how the intimate photos were leaked in the first place, aa reporter for the washington post owned by jeff bezos said he has spoken with bezos lead security consultant gavin do becker. watch. gavin told us he does not believe that jeff bezos phone was hacked. he thinks it is possible that a government entity might have gotten a hold of his text messages. trace: even though earlier cap and he thought the brother of bezos mistress lauren sanchez played a role in leaking those private photos and texts. we shall see, mark. laura: trays commit great job. the next guest finds invasion of privacy complaint from bezos warrant to do also hypocritical peter schweizer with a new documentary with how operate in stolen and manipulated information. that is your information, by the way. peter joins us now and peter the national enquirer seems to be in the wrong care after they came after abuses. it is kind of ironic, crying foul about stolen tech and tech companies can be guilty in the end of much worse. peter: yeah, that is exactly right, laura. about a decade ago, google declared that privacy was dead. and that tech tightens essentially have been selling everybody s information. what is troubling they don t just use that information, our information to sell usts advertising and sort of things like that, but they also use it against us and so to me it s quite ironic and i sympathize with jeff bezos but quite ironic the raising privacy concerns when the high-tech industry primarily google, facebook but t selling information and invading our privacy on a regular basis. laura: peter come another point, employees of the washington post who ultimately work for a visa so one blog post, basically planned out the national enquirer and celebrating him as a national hero. let s watch. there is ace certain amount f bad this about jeff bezos that makes us all proud to work for . bad. that is where we are. i want to play one more thing. this is dylan byers of nbc. this all could be good in a waye for visa, let s watch. to me, it s not so much whatg national enquirer have on jeff bezos describing the story. what i wonder what jeff bezos may be have on national enquirer. what does he have about the ties to trump. he has earned his journalism wings with this move. so he has pulled up a masterstroke in terms of recasting his own image, in terms of making himselff look likegu a good guy again. laura: that isre a pretty interesting turn, a good guy can make a hero, the guy just like you and me. donny deutsch said on morning show, so it is imagery cast. but then again, david pecker has thought immunity deal from euler. he is working with mueller on killing the stories about trump deal. so i don t get where any of these people are going and what they have to hide and ami have to hide to come i don t get it. peter: look, it is interesting, jeff bezos is in this story kind of the victim, right? that will help him, but i think most people will look at the tech tightens and ultimately not view them in a sympathetic light. in my book a lot of money and more power to them. they create these great companies, great products and s services, but because of the invasion of privacy. with all these online companies including amazon from a big part of the revenue stream is selling information about you. they use that information against you. some of them, google, and others, talk about the fact that their goal is not to just sell you information, but to actually change and manipulate your values and your views. so look, i sympathize with jeff bezos in this case, but to paint him as a victim like the rest of us i think is patently ridiculous. laura: peter before you go i want to get your quick, quick thoughts on hillary clinton who i guess, maybe they need a woman to get the job done over there running for president. she is still dangling out the prospect of running. and it looked a little more likely today that she was actually going to throw her hat in the ring. everything you exposed about hillary in the email server, how good would that be? peter: i think it would be a enormous gift to president trump if hillary clinton were to run. what i m betting on terry mcauliffe, the former governor of virginia will be the stalking horse for the clinton machine. the long time associate. he raised the money for him when bill was president. they helped him get elected governor of virginia, so they will try to live vicariously through terry mcauliffe and go up against obama machine. in 2020 with their candidate. malcolm i think it will be quite the slugfest. laura: while matt, peter think is much we appreciated. we have highlighted a number of funding ideas to help build that wall over the last couple of months. up next tennessee lawmaker who says he figured it out. he is here next to tell us how. one hour pickup order? got it. ran out of ink and i have a big meeting today. and 2 boxes of twizzlers. yeah, uh.for the team. the team? gooo team. order online pickup in an hour. and, now save big at the buy 2 get 1 free event. at office depot officemax. and, now save big at the buy 2 get 1 free event. with uncontrolled modor atopic dermatitis,a, you never know how your skin will look. and it can feel like no matter what you do, you re always itching. but even though you see and feel 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are not fully supporting supporting president trump as i feel they should and propose this legislation. laura: name some names congressman. i don t want to find this like michael bloomberg. i m telling you mike rogers and alabama recommended the same thing. he pushed this bill back in the summer 2017. it was focused on honduras. honduras,nd hunter and immigrans to the united states, send back $4.3 billion just in the year 2016-$2,174.3 billion. and 2% over two years and they were sure while bingo $20 million. he pushed the back then but didn t get any attraction. i think it is a no-brainer. i agree with you and i don t know why it hasn t been done before and i just felt like i m a freshman legislature in the state of tennessee.o i want to do my part to support the president and efforts to build a certain death a secure border wall. social media off the topic but the concern now about these black vase and racism and what people did in their past and pictures and language come i feel like there is a new focus on the south in general. and entire streams of messages about how certain state should basically not be part of the united states anymore. now, tennessee is not one of them but alabama, florida, now virginia, maybe even mississippi that they are so filled with a bunch of white, southern racist that they can t be redeemed. i kid you not that is where the conversation has gone online. bruce: i t understand. it is unfortunatete but one of e bright spots of this may be the conversation to come out and show that a lot of these democratic congressman and governors and so hypocritical. it is frustrating. the old democratic that i used to know about is not this current democratic party. and i certainly wish we could get back to serious discussions and democrats and republicansou come together. let s work with the problems to come up with best solutions for americans. laura: think it s much for joining us. interesting idea to build the border wall. we will take what we can. my final thoughts on the busy week next. ..ek next. this is jc. 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Honduras , Montana , United-states , El-paso , Texas , Alabama , Washington , Florida , Saskatchewan , Manitoba , Canada , Virginia

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20190717

frankfurters ted. jillian: burgers and hot dogs to teams that win. come on, they served hot dogs to royalty. steve: to the king and queen of england. look at that. ainsley: it reminds me of america. it reminds me of baseball games and hot dog eating contest. brian: what decided we needed a bun with hot dog. ainsley: bread always makes everything better. it s sand wished around the meat. build build tried to build on your statement. steve: nathan hand worker and the recipe was developed by his wife s grandma. ainsley: the recipe of the nathan hot dog? brian: nitrates had a place to go with the invention of the hot dog. ainsley: eat the rest of the cow and throw the rest in the blender. brian: it s like this. did you go over there and make the hot dogs, i promise not to look. ainsley: that s what it says in recipe card. put that in your cookbook, steve. [. brian: let s talk about what happened yesterday on the house floor. like so much going on over the last 10 years it s unpress tent k. dented that we can remember. the speaker of the house thought it would be a good idea to condemn the president s remarks and put the vote on the house floor. the problem is she violated some ethics of house rules in doing so. ainsley: i know by wanting to take this vote it was actually overshadowed by this dramatic floor fight. brian: unscripted. steve: we are going to show you nancy pelosi where she uses racist in this conversation which breaks the rules. and steny hoyer saying she broke the rules and house parliamentarian said she broke the rules and vote should they strike it from the record and emanuel cleefer the democrat from the great state of missouri look out at all of the chaos he actually drops the gavel and abandons the chair. he walls presiding over the house. it was extraordinary. it was chaos. here we go. every single member of this institutes, democratic and republican, should join us in condemning the president s racist tweets. to do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values and a shamefu shameful advocation. i was going to give the gentle speaker of the house if she would like to refrain that comment. i have cleared my comments before the parliamentarian. i request they be taken down. we don t ever ever want to pass up, it seems, an opportunity to escalate and that s what thi this is. i dare anybody to look at any of the footage and see if there was any unfairness. unfairness is not enough. we want to just fight i abandon the chair. [gavel] that never happens. steve: a member of congress. brian: voice of congress flat out fed up. he should not be fed up with congressman collins. congressman collins is going by the manual of parliamentary practice that thomas jefferson put into play. personally not 130eze supposed o use language personally offensive to the president. i believe calling a president racist is personally offensive that is my judgment. cannot accuse the president of making bigoted or racist statements. collins is 100 percent right. ainsley: he is going to be on our show 8 a.m. hour. four republicans did vote with the democrats. fred upton, susan brooks, brian fitzpatrick and will hurd. the rest of the republicans voted against that. steve: after nancy pelosi was dressed down by the parliamentarian and steny hoyer they said there was a vote to should we strike these comments from the record and there was a vote. the comments actually stand. but nonetheless the president of the united states was delighted to tea see so many republicans stand with him despite those four that ainsley just mentioned. he tweeted this out. so great to see how unified the republican party was on today s vote concerning statements i made about four democrat congresswomen. if you really want to see statements, look at the horrible things they said about our country, israel, and much more. they are now the top, most visible members of the house democrats who are now wedded to this bitterness and hate. the republican vote was 187-4. wow. also this was the first time since 1984 that the speaker of the house was ruled of order and broke the rules of the house. quite a day. brian: yeah. steny hoyer was the one that had to rebuke the speaker. they don t get along anyway. i m sure he didn t want to do that. and he had to amend comments. they had a vote and allowed it. fantastic. nancy pelosi has put out a quote, says the fact is as offended as we are we are offended about what is said about our sisters. he says that people people every day and feel it s someone in our family. what he has done has put the squad and the speaker on the same page. the question is does the speaker want to be on the same page as the squad because the squad nationally has very little appeal, especially in battleground purple states and what they stand for is pushing all the presidential candidates to the left. is the speaker now going to be on the left unless they want to come out and start rebuking the freshman. ainsley: this is why people are so frustrated they are spending so much time trying to rebuke the president and ilhan omar made those anti-semitic comments and they didn t rebuke her with special legislation. people are fed up with this and so much infighting and not focusing on the issues. brian: liz cheney is one of the leaders of the republican party. has to make a decision whether to run for the soon to be vacant senate seat. she is a power in the house. this is what she said. have you had democratic leadership completely unwilling to condemn their own members particularly for really vile anti-semitic remarks. today you watched as nancy pelosi showed total utter contempt, disregard for what is really the heart of our constitutional republic. for the floor of the house of representatives. she violated the rules. she stormed off the floor. she refused to come back. you know, she is acting as though she thinks this is nancy pelosi s house. when it is the people s house. and it s really important for us to focus on what they stand for and what they stand for is a socialist agenda that would be devastating for this nation. steve: so going forward, the next election, if this continues the way it is, it is going to be a binary choice. one party clearly stands for this. the other party clearly stands for that as we talked yesterday about how, given the president of the united states has united the squad with nancy pelosi, you would think everything was terrific between them, right? not so much. take a look. the squad was interviewed yesterday by gayle king of cbs. and they had this comment about nancy pelosi that s going to have you going wait, what? are you speaking to nancy pelosi? our teams are in communication. our chiefs. shouldn t it be a face-to-face. she is the new member. not the speaker. she has every right to sit down with her at any moment at any time with any of us. she is speaker of the house. she can ask for a meeting to sit down with us for clarification. the fact of the knowledge is and i have been racial justice work in our country for a long time. acknowledge the fact that we re women of color when do you single us out be aware of that and what you are doing. especially because some of us are getting death threats some of us are being singled out in many ways because of our background, because of our experiences and so forth. but i think. are you interested in having a conversation face to face. absolutely. with house speaker nancy pelosi. why wouldn t she sit down with her. absolutely and we have reached out. steve: i think i saw an interview last week or the week before that said that aoc, i believe, had not spoken to the speaker since february face to face. brian: here s the thing. the president of the united states never came out and said anything about race. talked about them and what they are saying. talked about them and what their agenda is. the president did get some support from mitch mcconnell basically says i don t love his tweets but the president is not a racist. got the same thing from the senator from louisiana. the president is not a racist. i don t think he helped himself with those tweets. but the administration is pushing back. i think you have a huge problem on the left. i look at them as freshman congress people not of women of color and i think that they want to always they are trying to categorize themselves that way. ainsley: right. brian: instead of legislate. ainsley: young progressives. their agenda is different than the folks that have been in there a long time. here are my observations by watching yesterday. when i saw nancy pelosi stand up there and try to condemn the president, i felt like she was thinking i have to do something. these four had a press conference the day before, and they are looking like they are running the show. i have to do something. they are running the show. and so that s why she had to come out strong yesterday. ended up back firing on her, however. my second observation yesterday, i was watching martha s show and sean hannity s show they kept saying first it was collusion. then it was obstruction. neither one of those worked. now they are trying to find something else for reason of impeachment. and now they are trying to call racism. steve: it s interesting since this debate has broken out over what the president has said in the last week, according to national reuters ipso s poll. the president s poll numbers with republicans has actually gone up 5 points. brian: only 3 in 10 independents though support the president and he had 4 in 10. steve: well, his base up 5%. we are going to break that out a little bit. in the meantime yesterday, what was going on outside the ice headquarters in washington, d.c.? there were anti-ice, a particular group called never again action marched to the dc building, linked arms and made it almost impossible for people who worked at the ice hq to get into the ice hq. ainsley: they were arrested. 11 jewish activists and human rights activists arrested. they started at the national mall. they walked over to that building. linked arms. they stood, they clapped. they wouldn t let people in the building. brian: they would be protesting on capitol hill, the asylum rules, lawmakers will not get together on are forcing unbelievable amount of stress at our border and over 100,000 going to come in again this month. over 100,000 over in june. and in may was even against. they have symbolic votes that they can t even pull off effective symbolic vote. and now our border is still in chaos. the people who are getting condemned are the one who deserve it the least and that s border patrol. ainsley: people trying to get to work. many people in that building protecting children smuggled across the border. working on fixing the drug problem at our border. brian: everything is upside down. steve: speaking of upside down. remember a couple days ago aurora ice facility somebody took down the flag and flipped a flag upside and took down the united states flag and put up mexican flag. put up images of the people of interest who they were looking for. and they tweeted out they said there were crime stopper rewards available up to $4,000. but then one of the pictures and see that blacked frame right there. that picture was an image from the denver post that the police department had included. and then the denver post sent the aurora police department a cease and desist letter saying have you got to take that picture down. don t know why. but they didn t want their image used by the police, apparently. ainsley: police department then tweeted out after receiving a cease and desist letter from the denver post about the picture with the man with the u.s. flag. we must delete the above tweet. we still need public assistance in identifying these individuals. please see new tweet coming shortly. steve: all right. anyway, there are still some images in there asking the police zarrell can you please help us identify these people of interest. ainsley: they said there is a reward of $4,000 if you know who these people are. brian: jillian mele you have other breaking news. jill jiggle that s right. breaking overnight the alleged master mind of the 2008 mumbai terror attacks arrested. the assault left 166 people dead as gunmen stormed hotels and city landmarks over four days. he founded the terror group believed to be behind the siege. his arrest comes just days before pakistan s prime minister visits washington. the u.s. had a 10-million-dollar bank accounbounty onhis head. kentucky police officer shot dead after getting shot overnight. he was responding to a domestic dispute when a man opened fire from his car parked outside that home. the suspect then ran into a patrol car head on before speeding away. he was arrested later. found hiding out in a nearby cemetery. john paul stevens has died. navy veteran appointed to the high court by republican president gerald ford in 1975. he served more than three decades eventually becoming one of the leading liberal voices. my philosophy is to ask questions when i think the answer might give me a little help in deciding the case. the questioning should be designed to help understand what the arguments on both sides are. jillian: chief justice john roberts saying quote he brought to our bench a blend of kindness, humility, wisdom and independence. his unrelenting commitment to justice has left us a better nation. president trumped aing in a statement, quote: his passion for the law and for the country will not soon be forgotten. stephens died in florida after complications from a stroke. justice john paul stevens was 99. steve: a long life and a long legacy as well of service. thank you very much, jillian. brian: 15 minutes after the hour. national debt crisis growing by the second. more than $1 trillion will be added this year alone. steve: how worried should you be? we will crunch the numbers with the expert coming up next. under pressure at visionworks, we guarantee you ll see great and look great. guarantee . we say that too. you gotta use these because we don t mean it. if you don t love your glasses, we ll make it right. guaranteed. visionworks. see the difference. lick fast like a cookie dough ninja. apply that same speed to the ford hurry up and save sales event. for the first time ever get 20% estimated savings on select ford models, plus earn complimentary maintenance through fordpass rewards. it all adds up. don t you love math? so get here asap because tasty deals and summer go fast. get in or lose out on 20% estimated savings on select ford models, plus earn complimentary maintenance through fordpass rewards. plus earn complimentary maintenance through look limu. a civilian buying a new let s go. limu s right. liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh. yeah, i ve been a customer for years. huh. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. xfinity mobile is a designed to save you money. whether you use your phone to get fit or to find the perfect gift, you ll use less data with a network that automatically connects to millions of wifi hotspots and the best lte everywhere else. so you save hundreds of dollars a year on your wireless bill. xfinity mobile has the best network. best devices. best value. simple. easy. awesome. click, call or visit a store today. steve: new white house budget projections show the united states will add a trillion dollars to the national debt this year. levels of annual federal funding and borrowing only seen during times of economic crisis for the most part. this comes as the total national debt sits around $22 trillion. $22.5 trillion. here to break it down is editor-at-large at the wall street journal and host of wsj at large on fox business jerry baker. good morning to you. good morning, steve. steve: that s a big number. that is a very big number. the old joke is a trillion here and a trillion there and pretty soon you are talking about serious money. roughly half the size of the u.s.s. economy. that s a stock of debt. that s the stock that s been accumulated over years and years of borrowing is roughly equivalent to the entire size of the u.s. economy. that s high by historical standards. it s not something that people need to be terribly worried about. steve: why? because right now people, i think of markets tell us there is a willingness to borrow government for the government to be able to borrow. for markets to be able to take on that debt without worrying about the government s ability to repay. the government interest rates are incredibly low so the government can take on a huge amount of debt. right now 2%. 2.5% interest the government can repay that debt over 10, 20 years. like you and i take on a big mortgage. if the interest rates are low we can manage that mortgage. right now the mortgage rates are incredibly low so we can manage it. steve: what s your minimum monthly payment and right now we can make it. we have a graphic on the big wall that shows the national debt when past presidents left office. as you can see reagan had 2.7, fast forward bill clinton had 5 trillion. george w. bush 10 trillion. barack obama really ran things up close to 20 trillion. and now donald trump as of july $22 trillion. it s a big number and for the people at home watches, they think, you know, why is it when people go to washington they always say we are going to cut the debt and save money left and right. that never happens. it s true, look. there has been a tendency especially since 2000, since the debt actually started to climb, last 20 years debt has been increasing. again i think it s prudent. i don t think it s unreasonable for the government to borrow when interest rates are very low when the economy is growing. the key thing is what the level of interest rate is and what the government what the level of growth is again, back to the mortgage analogy. if we have got reasonable income and our income is slower than it s growing and low interest rates we can afford to do it. that s exactly the position u.s. is in it can afford to take on this debt and repay it. steve: good thing about gigantic number with the debt is that the fact that washington is spending our money so wisely. [laughter] yes. that s always a concern. the bigger concern i think reasonably is in the longer term the core elements of borrowing which of government spending, if you like, which are social security and medicare. they are going up long term. we are getting older, the population is getting older. as we get older we spend more on social security and healthcare. medicare in particular. that s not going away. over the next 20, 30, 40 years we do have to watch that. that is a big concern because we will take on more debt and we have to address that right now, you know. steve: you are not freaked out right now. nobody is freaked out. the markets would tell you if they are worried about it. right now interest rates are going down which tells you the market is sustainable. steve: jerry baker first person in the newsroom at the wall street journal in about five minutes. a few of my colleagues are there already. steve: somebody had to worked overnight. thank you, jerry. thank you. steve: he pass portrayed in hit movie unplanned. sean carney has saved more than 16,000 unborn children. he joins us live with that story next. going to be hard you got to be tough you got to be stronger you got to be cool you got to be calm you got to stay together all i know at the alzheimer s association walk to end alzheimer s, we carry flowers that signify why we want to end the disease. and we walk so that one day, there will be a white flower for alzheimer s first survivor. join the fight at in an emergency, who do you want by your side? a new proposal in congress wants to put the insurance companies and the government in charge of your healthcare by price fixing. letting the government set prices means fewer doctors and a race to the bottom when it comes to quality care. insurance companies and the federal government getting in between you and your doctor. call congress. make sure doctors and patients are making the most important medical decisions and keep the insurance companies and 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this in a heartbeat. i want one of these. that is sharp. the all-new chevy blazer. speaks for itself. i don t know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. here we are back with quick headlines, please take note. texas mayor loses bid to make sanctuary city for the unborn. voting against the ordinance that would ban abortion services. city council claims their vote was to prevent costly lawsuits. california city bans facial recognition technology. oakland city council members voted unanimously to prevent city employees including police from using the software. vote on the ordinance set for september. i m out of stuff. ainsley take it from here. ainsley: the hit pro-life movie unplanned features the moment when prayer helped planned parenthood director abby johnson have a change of heart. abby johnson is in the other room. here we commend the souls of these hundreds of children and, lord, we pray to end abortion. ainsley: sean carney is the man depicted there and since that moment has helped dozens of other workers leave their jobs at planned parenthood. his organization 40 days for life has saved the lives of 16,000 unborn children. he is also the author of the beginning of the end of abortion. 40 inspiring stories of god-changing hearts and saving lives. sean carney joins us now. hi, sean. good morning. good to be on. we are so glad that you are here. thank you for coming on and telling your story. tell us about your organization and how you prayed for abby johnson. tell us why you started this organization and what you have done so far. 40 days for life is peaceful. we hold peaceful vigils outside of abortion fittings around the world. in 56 countries and it started in texas and started outside of abby johnson s abortion facility in college station, texas. so i knew her for 8 years when she worked in the abortion industry. she was the 2008 planned parenthood employee of the year. and as 40 days for life has grown, we have been fortunate to help 200 abortion facility workers who have had a change of heart and decided to get out of this industry. and it s been a tremendous joy to use our free speech, and our right to assemble to go out there, to peacefully pray and to help the women who, you know, don t grow up wanting an abortion but often are looking for a sign that last day that they are not supposed to be there. we are often that sign. it s been beautiful work that is not only done out of love of god but love of country. ainsley: you often say that the conversion gate swings in one direction. what do you mean by that? it does. you know, we don t have people who women who have five kids and run a local pregnancy research center who all of a sudden wake up and say i should have been running a planned parenthood abortion facility my whole life and write a book and go on speaking circuit. we don t have that approaching nearly 50 years of legalized abortion. and the abortion industry has lost people in droves, not who are just mad or want another job but have actually had a change of heart. the most powerful voices in the pro-life movement are those women who themselves have had an abortion. those are the ones that who lead the march for life in washington, d.c. and i think it s so awesome to see that the pro-life movement not only gets larger but it gets younger every single year. ainsley: and there is some irony here. tell us about your office, what it used to be. yeah. so our headquarters, planned parenthood has been closing abortion facilities in droves the last 10 to 15 years. and so our office is one of those planned parenthoods that their business dried up, and they closed. they won t remain open unless they can sustain a viable abortion business. and our facility was one of those. so the place where 40 days for life first began, it s now gone over 800 cities around the world, that now serves as the headquarters of 40 days for life. and the medical side of the building is operated by two former abortion doctors. ainsley: that s so interesting. okay. planned parenthood, the president, who hasn t been in office for even a year, was just ousted by the board. tell us what happened there and what your response is. yeah. she was fired yesterday and according to her it was a secret meeting which is usually how people are fired. you are not there. and it s no surprise. i didn t think that she was a good fit. this is the worst job in america. they do over 330,000 abortions a year. they hired dr. wynn she is a doctor. she came in trying to legitimize planned parenthood as a hurricane provider. they are, as she found out, driven by abortion. you will not see a doctor at planned parenthood unless you are having an abortion. and so she was wanting to talk more about healthcare. but this is a terrible time for planned parenthood. they have closed many of their locations. they poured $30 million trying to get hillary clinton elected. and now they are the advocates for late-term abortion and infanticide that we are seeing spread across the country. so their focus is abortion. they are very worried about the future of abortion. they should be. in america. and they fired her. and now they are looking for their third president and ceo in the last 18 months. ainsley: so dr. lena did release a statement i m leaving because the new board chairs and i have philosophical differences over the direction and future of planned parenthood. it has been an honor and privilege to serve alongside our doctors, nurses, clinicals staff and volunteers who are on the front lines of healthcare in our country. i will always stand with planned parenthood as i continue my life s work and mission of caring for and fighting for women, families, and communities. shawn thank you for weighing in on all of this and thank you for saving lives. god bless you. thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. san francisco has a new plan to fight new growing crisis. let them live in city parking lots. tomi lahren sounding off on this next. todd piro is there having breakfast with friends. hey, todd. todd: good morning to you, ainsley. check out this patriotic pancake. look at that red, white, and blue on the food. red, white, and blue on the discussion. a very patriotic chat when fox & friends returns right after this. what it is don t miss your golden opportunity to experience the luxury you desire on a full line of utility vehicles. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2019 rx 350 for $389 a month, for 36 months, and we ll make your first month s payment. experience amazing. dealing with psoriatic arthritis pain was so frustrating. my skin. it was embarrassing. my joints. they hurt. the pain and swelling. the tenderness. the psoriasis. i had to find something that worked on all of this. i found cosentyx. now, watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are getting real relief with cosentyx. it s a different kind of targeted biologic. cosentyx treats more than just 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a fantastic day. one of the biggest holidays, obviously. national hot dog day. janice: how popular are hot dogs this year? more than ever. janice: really? who doesn t like a hot dog. janice: i love hot dogs. i would like one now. janice: that s a hint. we would like one here. nathan s synonymous with hot dogs. how did that happen. 1916 in coney island nathan hand worker and his wife developed the nathan s famous hot dog recipe. for 103 years we have had that same amazing original formula. janice: it hasn t been perfected. it was already perfected. janice: what is watt secret ingredient. i will tell you later just between us. janice: you will whisper it in my ear. i will whisper it in your ear. janice: who would like hot dogs. oh my gosh already had a crowd of hot dog lovers here on fox square for national hot dog day. we will be here all morning long on fox square giving out hot dogs. hi nathan s hot dog lady. how are you? hi, guys, how are you? very nice, very nice. come down and see us on fox square all morning long. that s for you. i will get you some more. do you guys love hot dogs? [cheers] steve: thanks, j.d. stop by and get a free hot dog this morning. ainsley: bring in tomi lahren our friend and fox nation host and author of never play dead. how the truth makes you unstoppable. good morning to you. good morning. i m excited to be here on national hot dog day. what an exciting day to be on. ainsley: i know. they are having a lot of fun out there. we will join them in a minute. we wanted to ask you about san francisco. you live in california. we just lrnd that they planned to reserve a parking lot so that homeless people who live in their cars can be safe and just park in this parking lot and and live there. what is your reaction? welcome who hotel california if homeless are not living on interstates they are living in our parking lots. the state of california doesn t believe in actually solving the homeless problem, even though the state allocates hundreds of millions of dollars to solving the problem. instead, they decide to reserve parking lots that are supposed to be used for transportation employees, mind you to now house homeless people in their vehicles. that is hotel california. that is san francisco. and that s the democrats that run this state and what they have created. brian: you have a lot to do there they have to give up free healthcare to illegals. got to be able to finance repay parking lots for their homeless. and who knows what s happening to, as we are finding out now, the public sewer system and the waterways he a this use the city as their toilet. well, of course. and our lawmakers are touting our extraordinary budget surplus. but i have to ask with the state with the kind of resources that we have and the budget surplus that we have, how come we still have these problems? how come our homeless population is ballooning. how come we are having to set aside parking lots for people to live in their cars? it s very simple. democrats have run the state into the ground. unaffordable for most middle class americans. and now we are seeing the ramifications of that. it s only going to get worse the more democrats we elect. brian: so many are mentally ill. steve: according to san francisco right now 35% of homeless people live in their cars. that is up from 13% in 2015. it s just an awful situation out there. we did reach out to city officials in the department of homelessness and housing for a statement, we have not yet heard back from them, tomi. brian: we will check our voice mail on the break. steve: meanwhile did, you see these images that we showed at the beginning of our program today there was some activists who blocked the doors to the ice headquarters in washington, d.c. they were trying to make a statement about the conditions at our southern border. they kept a lot of people from going to work yesterday. tomi. well, the left has really demonized not only law enforcement but those immigration officers that are out there doing their job day in and day out. i do believe it s a direct response to people like alexandria ocasio-cortez to go down to the border and they spread lies not only about border agents and immigration agents and normalized this whole thought of abolishing ice. it s very problematic. we are starting to see it more and more because of that. brian: let s talk about your series on fox nation called no interruption. you talked to a presidential candidate. a guy i never really heard of. ben gleeb about, i guess, what he is up to. let s listen. every democrat s obligation to run for president, otherwise, you don t show that you care. i applaud anybody who says i want to make a change in the country. so i m going to stand up and do it. my main reason for running in all seriousness is to bring a true outside voice to the race because all the other 23 other candidates running are all career politicians or multimillionaires. i think i have skillings to help take down trump that most of them. i m as good as trash talking as he is if not a little better. brian: so, are you sold? well, listen, i m firmly in the camp of trump 2020. i have been very vocal about that. i will say my favorite democrat in the race is ben gleeb. at least he is a professional comedian where the rest of the democratic candidates are just a joke. i have to love ben gleib for what he is doing. i appreciate anybody who throws their hat in the ring and fight for what they believe in. brian: with swalwell leaving leaves a huge gap. is he also in california so he saw his opportunity. absolutely again. ben gleeb is a professional comedian. he is actually very well educated on the issues whether we agree with them or not. i always enjoy a comedian in the race. it was great to set down and talk to him that episode is on fox nation right now. steve: excellent. download it if you don t have it and watch it. if you have a good week. ainsley: it actually would would be fun if the president were a professional comedian. brian: the ukraine did. actor comedian. ainsley: we had ronald reagan the actor but not the comedian. brian: he did have a trial run as governor. ainsley: jillian has the headlines. jillian: i m envisioning a comedian as president and right now i m thinking of you. brian: you could be my running mate. jillian: update on story we have been following for quite some time. 22 ms-13 gang members charged in nearly 200 crimes including several brutal murders. several suspects accused of hacking victims to death with machetes even carving a rival gang member s heart out. 19 of them in the country illegally. a woman and child miraculously escape a violent bus crash. watch this. security footage showing the bus getting hit by another bus before suddenly speeding off. this happened in india. the woman and child sent flying out of their seats but they were able to get up. both appearing to be unharmed. but, wow, that is scary. actor chris pratt under attack on social media for a t-shirt. social media calling the marvel star a white supremacist after he was seen wearing a shirt with a snake on it and the slogan don t tread on me. the controversial symbol was used during the revolutionary war. this isn t the first time pratt was claimed on social media. faced criticism for religious views and being a conserving. did you see this yesterday going all over on social media. a u.s. border patrol agent dubbed icdub ice bae getting sld for being a latino that works for ice. i don t let the negativity get to me. i want to inspire somebody to be, you know, a strong, educated, hard working woman, man, anybody. jill kiara cervante providing security for mike pence. the registered democrat from texas i would like to say i was just doing my job providing security for the visit of the vice president. it was an honor and i take a lot of pride in my job. as we all should. steve: and now she is famous. thank you very much. brian: famous todd piro is at the egg yolk cafe in greenville. where the president will hold a rock style appearance tonight. hi, todd. todd: brian, quick polling for you. everybody at this table is all in for kilmeade 2024. i asked them before we went to jillian. i think you need to do this. brian: all right. i was thinking 2020 but i will put off my campaign for four more years. todd: understood it. makes sense. let s get to the issues. shall we? stacey a small business owner, in fact, he goes to me even before i asked him a question the economy is great. why did you yell that at me before yo i walked in the door. he is the president. doing a great job. used to be you would hold onto the money in the last administration because you didn t know you would have money for groceries. now you want to spend money. todd: you are in the golf cart business. you don t need a golf cart. you need to eat. in a situation like that when people have extra cash you are doing pretty well. yes. not everybody needs a golf cart. everybody wants a golf cart. now is a chance to get them because they have more money in their pocket because of president trump. todd: stacey, thank you. hanna is headed to the university of south carolina in the fall. ainsley earhardt s alma mater. how do you think the economy is doing. i think the economy is doing great. it s better than it has been in a while for sure. manufacturing jobs have been brought back to the states. high stock market. lower unemployment rate. lower than it s been in a while for minorities and for everyone, actually. todd: do your fellow young people, 18 years old, that s what you are. do your fellow young people get that? they really don t. they haven t been out in the working world long enough, i think. and they haven t they don t have as many connections. i think people that are parents and the working field can really see that. todd: handna, thank you. patty, patty worked in law enforcement on the budget side, which is interesting. so you are a numbers person. what do you make of the economy? the economy is doing well small businesses are doing well. there are jobs out there. people are working. taxes are lower and it s all due to this president. evidence is for the common man like us. we worked all our lives and ii mproud of what he is doing with the economy. todd: you told my you were worried about medicare for all, why? we have put into the system all our lives and the elderly have, and now they are not being taken care of and they want to do medicare for all these illegal immigrants and i don t want the government in my business and who is going to pay for this? we are. we are going to be taxed and it s not fair to the american people and to the citizens. todd: patty, thank you for your time. two more segments coming back here on fox & friends. for now toss it back to new york city. steve: looks great there at the egg yoke cafe in greenville, north carolina. ainsley: key state. go gamecocks. brian: some say that war with china is hurting. one farmer will explain us when he joins us next. thank you for your service. happy hot dog day. thanks. steve: let s do some trade talking. president trump accusing china of breaking a promise to buy more u.s. farm products and is he turning up the pressure for a trade deal with the talk of, that s right, more tariffs. we have a long way to go as far as tariffs which i think concern if we want. we have another $325 billion that we can put a tariff on if we want. brian: yeah. because they are not coming through. ainsley: what do farmers think of the president s tough stance on trade. brian: owns south mountain creamery in maryland. first off, have you felt the hit and the pinch since the president has taken on china on trade? dairy industry we have been feeling it for four years before trump ever, you know, hardly got started. brian: why? because prices of milk have been in 1908 price range for four years. it s been tough actually, if it lowers the price of grain it helps the livestock because we have to buy it to feed our cows. brian: you are okay? no, we are not okay. brian: you are okay with the president s trade war. i m definitely okay with the president s trade war. i mean, he knows what he is doing. he is a businessman and he can see what s happened over the last 30, 40 years how that trade has hurt the american. not just the farmer but every business in america and it s going to take some time. i think, being a businessman and not a politician, he knows what we are up against. i m not sure he has talked to enough farmer yet to figure out what we re up against because, you know, america is the heart beat farmers is the heart beat of america. steve: right. we are dropping over every day and people concerned about veterans is committing suicide. farmers are committing suicide every day, too. ainsley: really, wow? trump, i mean, he don t owe anybody anything. and is he putting that lid on the honey pot that people had for years. a lot of people making money off that trade going on. and farmers are down there in the lower part of that totem pole and we get what s left after everybody else gets what they need. they try to keep us enough to keep us moving because they can t make money if we are not producing. we re not doing good out there. steve: yeah. and you depicted it. you said for the last four years your dairy prices that you get paid have been at 1980 s levels. yeah. steve: you are at 2019 prices and have to pay everything. if you were going to give the president a message regarding you and your situation and farmers like you, what would it be? come to talk to me or another farmer like me and let us tell you exactly what we are going through. the banking industry has turned their back on us. they are promoting big ag and not the small family farmer and that s going to hurt everybody because in the big ag takes over it s going to be like everything else. you are going to pay 50% of your income for your food not 15%. ainsley: he does care but guys. i know that farmers and ranchers rural america and the president overwhelmingly won in rural america. 52 voted for him and 42% for hillary clinton. steve: sir, good luck to you. what does eric trump think of the democrats push to formally condemn the president? brian: there he is. ainsley: he is in our studio. hey, eric. ice mint. layered with flavor. it s the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. for an amazing taste. .that outlasts your craving. new nicorette ice mint. book now and enjoy free unlimited open bar and more. norwegian cruise line. feel free. you ever wish you weren t a motaur? sure. sometimes i wish i had legs like you. yeah, like a regular person. no. still half bike/half man, just the opposite. oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top? yeah. yeah, i could see that. for those who were born to ride, there s progressive. yeah, i could see that. did you know congress is working to end surprise medical billing? that s when patients are hit with medical bills they thought would be covered by insurance. the problem is big insurance companies want a one-size-fits-all approach that lets them decide what they ll pay doctors for yocare. letting insurance companies decide means it could be harder for you to see the best doctors when you need them the most. tell congress, end surprise billing, and don t let insurance companies put profits over patients. paid for by physicians for fair coverage. still fresh. unstopables in-wash scent booster downy unstopables hey, let s party like we are on vacation. steve: nathan s hot dogs has been a landmark out at coney island here in new york city for generations. and they are on our plaza today serving up free hot dogs. walk on by. get a free hot dog breakfast because it s national hot dog day. ainsley: that s what we do. we serve hot dogs for breakfast. steve: why not? ainsley: seems very ordinary, right? [laughter] brian: what is the key to eating hot dog quick where it s pair where you keep your esophagus open. steve: they dip them in water. brian: are you allowed to do that? ainsley: apparently slides down. brian: teeth are the enemy of the hot dog eater. steve: all about speed. ainsley: i believe they do chew them up before they swallow a whole hot dog. steve: they have had that competition on july 4th for a very long time stop by if you are this way. ainsley: we appreciate you waking up with us. it is one minute after the top of the hour. president trump praising americans for staying united after the house condemns so-called racist remarks against the squad. brian: so, so dramatic last night their decision following hours of chaos on the house floor. kevin work joins us live with a recast. and it was quite it was quite a spectacle and chaos on capitol hill. you know what? to be honest with you you don t see days like this often here in washington. it was certainly a spectacle. one led by the house speaker nancy pelosi listen to what she had to say yesterday on the hill. these comments from the white house are disgraceful and disgusting. and his comments are racist. every single member of this institution, democratic and republican, should join us in condemning the president s racist tweets. oh, but it wasn t just a simple vote. there was drama as you pointed out over in the chamber as republicans challenged the speaker. can i ask it be taken down. the words are unparliamentary and ordered to be taken down. the chairman will remind all members please, please do not make comments. you heard representative doug collins challenging, asking that the speaker s remarks be taken down that would be the first time since 84 that happened. then this happened. you see emanuel cleaver there who had stepped in is he a referenced and congressman from missouri acting as the chair. he dropped the gavel and then walked away vacating the chair in frustration. as can you imagine the president took it all in from the security and safety here at the white house presumably. here s what he tweeted yesterday. so great to see how unified the republican party was on today s vote concerning statements i made about four democrat congresswomen. a white house source saying to me there was never anything the president said about race or about a country but that was certainly how it was presented and that was certainly how it was interpreted. it made for an amazing day to be honest with you here in washington. should make for an interesting night tonight in north carolina. a rally never greenville. of course we will have all the details. for now back to you. brian: thanks, kevin. so amazing too that steny hoyer actually took the side of congressman collins because he said she is in violation of thomas jefferson s ethics rules. steve: he said the speaker was out of order and cleaver dropped the gavel and abandoned the chair. from the chair to the couch eric trump is executive vice president of the trump organization. and also the son of the president of the united states. eric, how do you describe what is going on between your father and the so-called squad and now all the democrats? i describe the squad as absolute [inaudible] back up two weeks. you had kamala harris call biden a racist. flight then all of a sudden you had, you know, the squad call pelosi a racist. and then all of a sudden they ask my father is pelosi a racist? no, of course she is not a racist. it s a term they like to use every day. two nights later she is calling my father. i mean, this is what is happening to the party. totally feeding into our hands. i hope they keep on doing it. they are not getting anything done. they throw out a ward. if anybody speaks differently than them, if anybody looks different than them, if anybody acts different or has different beliefs or thoughts, they have no message. what do they do? you are a racist. you are a this. you are a that the name-calling is not going to work when you have the greatest economy that s ever existed in the u.s. you have the lowest unemployment. people are doing awesome. america is doing awesome. this is the most hate-filled group i have ever seen before. they are letting, you know, ice offices get stormed and have the american flag ripped down and have the mexican flag put up. they say an anti-semitic things every day. they re constantly attacking. steve: would it got started with your dad s tweet about go back. was that appropriate? some republicans are saying i wish. i love the tweet if you don t love our country, get out. leave. you know, if you complain about our country. you know, go to somewhere go experience somewhere else in the world. i have seen a lot of the the world, right? we have it so great in america. america is doing so well. we re the best at absolutely everything we do. did you go see some of the conditions around the world. i m not saying america doesn t have certain problems. go see the conditions around the world. and you will be so fortunate you live here. we are blested to live in this country. if you are not happy about it, i like his message. leave. ainsley: you know it s interesting that they re calling your dad out on decorum yet they are breaking house rules and breaking decorum. it s on both sides. but if you look at the issues, one of the issues that your dad stands for, i heard jim jordan yesterday on martha s show and he was going down the long list. you might not like. so tweets and messaging. look what he is doing for your paycheck and household and reminded all of us of what those four ladies stand for. it s abolish ice and it s abolish homeland security it s called what s happening on the border concentration camps. what s your response. attack israel and many other things they do and accomplish nothing. throw out the race card all day long and accomplish nothing. the amazing thing i have seen about my father he is the greatest fighter in the world. is he willing to fight. i have said this time and time again. america didn t have a fighter. both on the republican and democratic side we haven t had somebody in there fighting. we haven t had somebody fighting against china. we haven t had somebody fighting against mexico. bad trade practices. immigration. no one has been fighting for our military. no one has been fighting for our vets. no one has been fighting for our economy. no one has been fighting for jobs or manufacturers or farmers. i can go on and on. no one has been fighting for american pride and standing up for, you know, the national anthem and standing up for our flag. and not allowing our flag to be burned in the streets. right? no one has been fighting for these things. my father is in there and fighting every single day. he has to fight against the media. he has to fight against these lunatics. guys, i m telling you will 95% of this country is behind him in this message. people love this nation. brian: certainly the republicans. and with this evidently his approval amongst republicans ticked up to 72% in some polls up to 90. steve: up five points in one week. brian: it did drop with independents. you know as. as everyone because you dive all over these numbers. independents and undecideds will decide the election. you know how phony all of these polls are. his polls have never been better. his polls are better than obama exact same time. polls better than bush at the exact same time. is he killing in the polls. we know how phony these polls are. we saw testify single day. sampling sets where they are sampling three times as many democrats than republicans. sampling two times as many college educated people. these are suppression polls. if anybody ever tells me that the polls are there and not intended to suppress votes. steve: what does that mean? they put out fake numbers. just go read the back of these polls. they put out phony numbers. steve: are you saying demoralize somebody from oh he has already lost, i m not going to vote for him? abc, the washington post put out a poll two days before the elections that my father was down 13%. they oversampled democrats in that poll by 11%. guys, it s crazy. it s crazy. the average person doesn t take the time to go read the backup to these polls. brian: eric, how do you feel about people who say the president s watching pelosi and the squad kill each other, call each other racist. say they are not even speaking and, again, they don t even speak, right? yet they are getting all the publicity? who are these people small directs in heavily democratic districts. 9% approval. president assert himself in and when opponents are killing each other, why put yourself in the middle of it? what about the strategy of him putting himself in the middle of it? he came to the defense of nancy pelosi last week when they asked him is she is a racist and he said no, i don t think she is a racist. how they are trying to label her for their own political gain. it s really amazing. if you look at nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi used to be the far left fringe of the democratic party. now she is like a moderate. and, guys, of the reason we are going to win again, the reason my father is going to win again, this isn t the party of jfk anymore. this isn t the democratic party. i mean, this is literally a radical socialist party that does not relate to every day americans. brian: here is what is different about your campaign this time. evidently huge focus on small donors spent $7.9 million digital advertising get smaller donors involved unlike last time and up to 39 million. why is it important to go after small donors. it s the heart beat of this country. they are always with our people. we never did well with the wealthy guys you would think because is he a billionaire we would. we never did well with the wealthy. we always did these rallies. i will be there tonight in north carolina but we always had these rallies, 30, 40, 50,000 people chanting u.s.a., u.s.a., u.s.a. make america great. keep america great. that s the heart and soul of our nation. and those are the people my father ainsley: i never understood that why the wealthy wouldn t vote for a fiscal conservative. i have seen it all my life. ainsley: why is it though? if you talk to the democrats they want universal income. they don t want the wealthy to make as much as they do. he has always been a blue collar billionaire. phony term somebody once phrased. sums him up perfectly. always did much better with the worker on the construction site than the boss of the construction company. he always had more respect for the person. he always related to that person much more. steve: one person the average person relates to is how they are personally doing. we have seen all the metrics. the economy is doing great. the stock market is at historic highs and things like that. one of the criticisms i ve heard of the administration is they are not doing a good enough job talking about how great the numbers are. you know what? , because the media doesn t want to cover it. 92% is negative coverage. the scary thing for me is and the reason our family fights as hard we do collectively. if one of these lunatics get in office watch what happens. pull the money out of the bank and put it under your mattress. our economy in our country would crater if these guys get. in that s why we have to win again. we are doing so well as a country and we are going to win again. brian: nobody talks about the rivalry with you and don jr. yo you he has how many kids. five. how are you in closing the gap. baby watch four or five weeks. i will be on lockdown. laura is out there doing events every single day. she is incredible. ainsley: she ll be running marathons the day after this baby comes. you know who won t be? [laughter] the rest of the trump family. ainsley: first three months as you know are kind of rough. brian: exciting time for the trumps all around. good luck tonight. are you going to speak. yeah. we will be out there and probably say some words. ainsley: have you announced if you are having a boy or girl. we haven t. we re going to hold on names. brian: i think we should tell jillian. go ahead and tell him. jillian: let s begin with this fox news alert the trumps decided to name their baby. jillian that s a beautiful name. steve: that was tap. i don t know. or i could name it brian or i could name it steve. brian: absolutely. ainsley is so a beautiful name as well. steve: eric, thank you for joining us. jillian: we do begin with a fox news alert though. get you caught up on this story. the alleged mastermind of the 2008 mumbai terror attacks arrested. the assault left 166 people dead as gunmen stormed hotels and city landmarks over four days. halnow facing charges in pakistan. he is believed to be behind the siege. arrested and released several times in the past. the latest capture comes just days before pakistan s prime minister visits washington. the u.s. had a 10-million-dollar bounty on his head. the estranged hulls of a missing connecticut mother hires an investigator who helped oj simpson and casey anthony. dulos bringing on makenna s. on his page says he helped win acquittals on murder charges for anthony and simpson in the trial of the century. dulos and his girlfriend are facing charges in jennifer dulos disappearance. in just hours the world s most notorious drug lord will face his fate in federal court. facing life behind bars. prosecutors are requesting that sentence plus 30 years. they also want the king pin to hand over nearly $13 billion of his drug money to the feds and restitution for his victims. el chapo was convicted of murder and drug trafficking earlier this year. a 6-year-old viral coaching sensation completely loses it after getting ejected from a baseball game. watch this. caught. and he is gone. oh, no. the honorary kalamazoo assistant coach tossed. leading him to throw bats and balls onto the field before storming off. he went viral last week after his much calmer debut. giving a pep talk during a visit to the pitching mound. isn t he adorable? steve: genius. now people are going to go to see if the young, the short pint sized manager comes out. ainsley: i love how passionate he is. i love his walk. throwing everything. brian: if he does that in the house he actually gets grounded. if he does it for the team he gets applause. ainsley: that s true. brian: thanks so much, jillian. meanwhile follow that eric trump story if you don t mind. 15 minutes after the hour. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez rocked the political landscape with midterm victory. remember that? she inspired our next guest to run against her. ainsley: that s right. you will meet the former police officer challenging aoc coming up next i m back back in the new york groove back to the new york groove my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they re always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we can t beat usaa we re the webber family. we re the tenney s we re the hayles, and we re usaa members for life. get your usaa auto insurance quote today. here, hello! starts with -hi!mple. how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let s send to everyone! [ camera clicking ] wifi up there? -ahhh. sure, why not? how d he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we re here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. brian: congresswoman aoc alexandria ocasio-cortez sent shock waives through the political establishment after 2018 midterm victory defeating long island long term new york congressman joe crowley. a lot of people thought he would be the next speaker. next guest is a bronx resident who says the one-time bartender inspired him to run against her for the 14th house district seat. joining us now is high school government teacher and former police officer john cummings. john, why are you in. there are several reasons. one of the reasons i got in was at the prompting of my students. for a long time they asked me, you know, mr. cummings why don t you run my answer is i think it s impossible to defeat an incumbent so firmly entrenched like congressman crowley was. and the present congresswoman ocasio-cortez obviously ruined that excuse for me as my students pointed out to me. it was pretty lame. it s not easy. certainly going to be uphill battle. there is great organization. mike does a great job up there organizing the bronx g.o.p. and certainly queens is 65% of the district and they are well organized. i think we can actually do. this this transcends party. i think people are really interested in local representation and that s something that we have seriously lacked in that district for a long time. brian: it took her a long time to open up an office in new york. she is more than 25% into her term and we haven t gotten a newsletter yet. we really don t even know what exactly she is doing locally. we haven t had any word at all. brian: you were a police officer in the district. you are a teacher in the district. you went to school in the district. i live in the district. brian: you live in the district. so you actually understand the district. you understand that republicans have not gotten much of a foot hold. the second republican to jump in. what is your message? i think that education is extremely important. that s one of the things that i m going to focus on. obviously i have been a school teacher for 21 years. i think that s important. i also think that socialism, i despise socialism. i despise everything about it. when you look at what s going on economically right now, for many years the democrats have flirted with socialism or what i like to call it the s-word. now they are almost knocking each other over to see who can grab the socialist ring first. when you are doing so in a climate where the economy is really chugging along i don t have to tell you unemployment is low. everything seems to be moving in the right direction and now flip the script? i think it s outrageous. people know that at the local level they won t want to be taxed 50, 60, 70%. aoc stop amazon from opening up a plant because it would have gotten tax breaks to do that in long island city. how is that going to resonate? how did it resonate with your community. it didn t go over well at all. as can you imagine that was a lot of job both amazon-based and affected all the aren t the community service industry jobs wasn t just the 25,000 jobs in amazon the buzz economically that it would have created and it s not there now. brian: what makes you think you can wins a a republican in a time in which there is almost no republican presence in new york? i think the whole idea that my message is i am you. i have lived and/or worked in that district my entire life. i shop where the people shop. i live where they live. i eat where they eat. i know where the good restaurants are i sit on the cross bronx like everyone else. that message resonates. i think people are tired of being ignored in that district. i think i can lend real representation for the people in queens and the bronx. brian: see if the yankees can have win another championship and i will know you have some poll and get another lane on the bronx. john taking on the aoc. thank you, brian. appreciate it. brian: one man is tipping his cap to president trump by making america great again hat. he even met the president. what was that like? we are going to ask him next. everyone s crazy about a sharp-dressed man brian: now i believe unless i m way off for your news by the numbers. let s begin firs 76 billion. pills contributed to over 100,000 american deaths from 2006 to 2012. i m going to read from here next. $34,000. that s how much cocaine a man was trying to smuggle underneath his do you pay, police stopping the columbian man barcelona airport after noticing his massive hair piece. finally 10 minutes. that s all it takes for your furry best friend to brighten up your new day. a new study by washington state university claims petting a dog or cat for that long specifically is proven to lower your stress levels. i have no idea where that cat is but i m going to go find one. steve: brian, thank you. our next guest supports our president but he made that crystal clear to a plane full of passengers. watch. this overhead bin is available. bags as possible. your ainsley: that man is david harris jr. and he joins us live. david, have you actually met the president. you are coming back from d.c., i understand, wearing that hat. why did you want to turn it around? well, thank you guys so much for having me first and foremost. and i absolutely love sharing my passion and love for this president. he gets such a bad wrap from the mainstream media. i m the unicorn as far as most of the mainstream media is concerned black conservatives and black trump supporters don t exist. so every time i travel, i make sure i wear my hat. and i got upgraded to first class and so while everybody had to watch me and see me when they got on the plane, afteare behind me they are not going to see my hat anymore. i turned it around to make sure they all get a nice reminder all the way home that black trump supporters do exist. steve: there is always good and bad with every story. the good you were upgraded. the reaction you get and i know you get it every day when you wear that hat. and you are very clearly a trump supporter. tell us about the good reaction and some of the not so good reaction. and, in particular, when you landed. at the airport in dallas. yeah. the good reactions is people will it s always kind of funny. they will kind of whisper or lean in and say i like your hat. and then so i know where they stand. and then the other people just will look me up and down and look at my hat and me and they don t know what to register before that registers in their head. when i landed from that flight where the president re-shared my video which i found out in the air. my phone was blowing up. my friends are like oh my gosh the president of the united states just reposted your video on his instagram feed. i m flying high as a kite. i m so excited i land. i go to get my luggage. as i m getting my luggage a woman walks up behind me and she says you looked like you have a higher iq if you took the hat off. i had the phone in my hand i clicked my camera to record it and then started to talk to her so basically you are walking up to a stranger in public and telling them you think they look stupid. well i just said you look like you had higher iq. i said you are basically calling me stupid. that s exactly the problem with americans today. is they are assuming things about other people and it s not because of the race. it s not because i m black because it s because i m a trump supporter. but the negativity and the vitriol that people feel and experience from the left from liberals today to me it s like what blacks used to feel when it was racist based on their skin. it s disgusting. but it s just something that we have to deal with in this fight. ainsley: so, i know you have been accused of being racist. who is calling you racist? you know, it s funny. that i don t get it from white folks. i get slurs and slandered and coon, uncle tom, the sell out to porch mon monkey and other explicatives on tv. black folks and hispanics. i have actually gotten it from white people as well. it s disgusting. it s disturbing. it s something that shouldn t be taking place in today s society in america. steve: but, david, you are putting yourself out there. you are wearing the hat. you are wearing the memorabilia so people know my question to you is it worth it? absolutely it s worth it. i will do it until trump is no longer president in another six years and we ll see if there is another trump that will be president. donald trump actually also shared one of my tweets. it s on the top of my page david harris jr. all my social media handles david harris jr. he reshared one of my tweets at the women s march in los angeles. there is a gal there that was going crazy at a friend of mine and then i started of talking to her and i had a red keep america great again hat on. i always try to be very nice and very polite to people when they re emotionally inept it seems like. the conversation actually ended with her giving me a hug. but, you know, it s like i have to defy what the mainstream media continues to try to portray about this president. he is not a racist. he is not any of the negative garbage that they say. and people that believe the way that i do should feel courageous enough to stand up for what they believe and show their support in public. ainsley: david, sport support is fascinating. grew up in a strong christian home. pro-life. wrote a book why i couldn t stay silent. you and your wife supplement company uncorked what s your handle again if people want to follow you. david j. harris jr. and my website is david harris that s where they can get my book. that s where they can find out more about me, follow me. and i m deal with my share of shadow banning. i have friends that are sending me videos trying to say they search my handle and it doesn t each come up. finding my handle on website seems to be the main way. steve: i heard from the social media companies they don t do that you must be mistaken. yeah, yeah. i m the wrong one in the bunch. they do it all the time. i was at the white house for the social media summit. they do it to president trump. they do it to diamond and silk and people they don t agree with. it s sad but we still got to fight. ainsley: all right. i know you are a father. you are one of those that just moved your family from california down to texas. enjoy the southern barbecue. thank you so much for being with us. thank you so much for having me. you guys have an amazing day. steve: you as well. meanwhile, have you heard about the face app.? newest challenge. ainsley: brian? that s before and after. ainsley: very presidential, brian. what do we look like? carley shimkus just aged us. she will have that coming up. ainsley: oh no, botox. when the hot sun hits your ice cream lick fast like a cookie dough ninja. apply that same speed to the ford hurry up and save sales event. for the first time ever get 20% estimated savings on select ford models, plus earn complimentary maintenance through fordpass rewards. it all adds up. don t you love math? so get here asap because tasty deals and summer go fast. get in or lose out on 20% estimated savings on select ford models, plus earn complimentary maintenance through fordpass rewards. (burke) at farmers insurance, we ve seen almost everything, plus earn complimentary maintenance through so we know how to cover almost anything. even a parking splat. fly-by ballooning. (man) don t.go.down.oh, no! aaaaaaahhhhhhhh! (burke) rooftop parking. (burke) and even a hit and drone. (driver) relax, it s just a bug. that s not a bug, that s not a bug! (burke) and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum my mom washes the dishes. .before she puts them in the dishwasher. so what does the dishwasher do? cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, the first time. wow, that s clean! cascade platinum. because i m happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. steve: why are they happy? shot of the morning national hot dog day and you know who is dancing outside. ainsley: janice is out there. nathan s famous hot dogs. they are here passing out hot dogs all morning long. brian: right. hot dogs, i would be be surprised if it s eventually a cereal because it is a great breakfast food. going back to the original prices for only one day offering 5-cent hot dogs. that s babe ruth rates. that s what he used to pay to get them delivered to the dugout. ainsley: do you think about baseball when you serve hot dogs. brian: absolutely. steve: steve, hot dog down. ainsley: fell out of the bun onto the floor. steve: five second rule. here you go, brian. carley shimkus joins us now on national hot dog day. carley two big stories one see what we look like in 50 years. carley: oh good. oh joy. steve: talk about an american icon flag and an american icon actor. okay. so chris pratt he was spotted wearing a t-shirt with a flag on it image of coiled snake with the words don t tread on me. brian: they got married? carley: they got married. the history of the flag has to do with the revolutionary war created by christopher gaddson brigadier general in the continental army don t tread on me a clear reference to anti-british sentiment 13 colonies. flag adopted by loot of different groups in recent years. the u.s. men s soccer team metallica as well as some pro-gun groups and the tea party. steve: is he getting blow back for wearing it. yes. carley: he hasn t responded this is patriotism. people are bullying him because is he wearing an american flag t-shirt. they are saying that he is racist and he is a member of an extremist right group. this is exactly what happened with the betsy ross flag. there is just a group of people in this country that are hell bent on protesting anything patriotic. and now they are doing it to chris pratt. brian: patriotic or law enforcement. that seems to be the ongoing theme. people should push back and he should take your advice. ainsley: what about this age app. steve: face app. carley: brian, have you seen what you look likes a an old person? brian: i have not. steve: first go to steve. this is a big trend. everybody on social media using the face app. to turn their current picture into an old version. steve: i look like my uncle phil doocy. absolutely. ainsley: you look great. steve: ainsley, ready for yours? ainsley: no. carley: let s look at it. ainsley: find me a good plastic surgeon already. steve: let s see. carley: you look gorgeous. barely anything. interesting picture. that s not fair. brian: those russians are dead. brian you look very presidential. i think the men end up looking better because men with the gray hair they age well. carley: not a good look. ainsley: beautiful. i think we have janice dean, too. let s see. these are not bad. they aren t bad. jillian just walked into the studio and i think we have a picture of her coming up too. ainsley: why is this so fine? we love. this jillian s looks gorgeous. brian: a russian app. to destroy our country. carley: i hope not. ainsley: there is jillian. carley: that s an old picture of you jillian. there is a bit of controversy with this app., too. it is a russian-based app. steve: russian developer. two-year-old app. they just updated the technology going viral right now. ainsley: they don t ask you if they can access your camera roll and questions about what other information can they get in your phone. rob: send your picture to rob schmitt. no one will download it on our phone. carley: are you guys still going to be best friends when you get to that age? steve: what age would that be? is that 45 years from now? half a century. regarding the face app., it s 1999. carley: that s expensive. i have never spent that much money on an app. before. thank you, rob, for taking one for the team. carley: so glad we have it. carley: i m going to lather myself with antiwrinkle cream. ainsley: wear your sunscreen. steve: jillian was making those images as well. steve: on rob s phone. carley: is he all about it. jillian: you get a three day free trial before you pay the 19.99. ainsley: make it impossible to cancel. carley: these photos working studio photos doesn t work. use an actual picture. ainsley: are you saying those pictures are air brushed, jillian. jillian: may be or may not be. ainsley: carley, thank you. jillian: we have really sad news to talk about a little girl is dead after a freak accident on a golf course. the 6-year-old was hit in the head by a golf ball. it was actually hit by her dad. police say she was sitting on a golf cart about 20 yards from where her dad teed off. officials adding though that the cart was between 45 and 90 degrees to the left of the girl s dad and not directly in front of him but how tragic is that and now this. an suv unexpectedly plunges into a river. the terrifying moment of course caught on camera. the driver accidentally hitting the gas instead of the brakes while leaving a car wash in new jersey. look at that an employee running over to help, he got the driver and passenger out of the sinking car. both are okay. fire crews pulled the suv out of the water. jeesh. in new hampshire, they are giving the green light to nonbinary gender options on licenses. republican governor chris sununu allowing the bill to become a law without his signature it. allows drivers licenses and state issued to be marked x who don t identify as male or female. goes into effect on january. joins 12 other states and washington, d.c. who allow the nonbinary option. and he might be a businessman in the making. a young entrepreneur catching the attention of utah police with a sign for ice cold beer. when they got a little closer, they realized the sign does say root in small letters. the bringham city police department writing on facebook his marketing strategy has resulted in several calls but apparently paid off as business is good. steve: brilliant. jillian: good for him. steve: that s bait and switch, isn t it. ainsley: thank you, jillian. steve: the president has a rally tonight in greenville, north carolina. that s why we have dispatched todd piro to the egg yolk cafe there to find out what the folks are thinking. todd? hey, good morning, guys. we are about 12 hours away from the president s speaking to this community here in greenville. we will speak to the folks here. before that, get their opinion on the major topics of the day. we begin with donna. donna is interesting. she works with seniors coordinating things like meals on wheels. you say you worry about the future of healthcare when it comes to seniors. why? i do. our senior citizens have built this country. built the armed forces, built families, built manufacturing, and now when they need us most, we re going to give healthcare to everybody. that will greatly diminish the amount of benefits afforded to each senior citizen. todd: you told my you have got to give merck to american citizens before you give it to illegals, why? absolutely. those of us that are immigrants have come here legally. so, just stepping across our borders doesn t make it right. todd: donna, thank you for your time. danny, listen to this. danny has had seven surgeries in the last 8 years. he told me while medicare for all would benefit him it wouldn t benefit the country, why? because we just can t afford it. everybody can t have medicare for all. there is no way we could pay for everyone. todd: all right. thank you so much, danny. austin, austin run as nonprofit that helps hurting families. you say a country without borders is not a country at all. but i ask you how do you reconcile that immigration view with somebody who is in a nonprofit trying to help needy families. it seems like to many that wouldn t work together. it would be contradictory. how do you respond? i didn t realize that following the law was actually now heartless. i mean, we have to follow the law. we can help people, but the bottom line i they need to come here legally and we will help them when they come and come here the legal way. the bottom line is republicans and democrats in congress need to work along with the president to craft effective legislation. on this topic of immigration and i believe the current democrats playbook is going to ensure a trump 2020 victory. todd: we will see, austin. thank you. finally ken, air force veteran. served in vietnam, thank you for your service. you call our immigration system broken, why? i think it s under-funded, it s under-supported. thank you god we have president trump looking after us and doing the things he can to keep, you know, the border safe and secure. todd: great job, everybody. thank you all for your time. what a great group of people. i will add that i, too, did that facebook app., stain gram app. and rob schmitt did my picture. that picture that came up that man is going to yell at your children. steve: get off your lawn. todd: is he not nice. ainsley: go to greenville north carolina. not greenville south carolina. todd: let me tell you something. it s north carolina. don t tell people south carolina or i will hit you. steve: wrong state. todd, thank you very much. ainsley: thank you. brian: meanwhile on this show 12 minutes before the top of the hour and that will be our final hour. senator josh holly grills a top google executive about political bias. watch. any product. with your basic values i would imagine you would say. inconsistent with our values. except for when you do it in china, right? we have brian: yeah, that s the problem. google and china. senator hawley will join us live. hard work leaves a mark. it shows on your clothes. grit, dirt, and every stain the job throws at you. new tide heavy duty. designed for impossible stains. your testimony that you never use moderation to ideological agenda; is that correct. yes, senator it is both contrary to our mission, contrary to our business interest and it would be incompatible with the systems that we build to work political bias. inconsistent with your basic values i would imagine you would say. inconsistent with our values. except for when you do it in china, right? we have brian: oops. ainsley: google is back on capitol hill facing questions over the tech giant s alleged crernship and bias against conservatives missouri senator josh hawley s questioning left google s vice president searching for answers. brian: senator, did you get the answer? did he admit that google was working with china on some level? no. you know, what was really remarkable is that he insisted first he acted like i have no idea what talking about. we don t do business in china. wait a minute you had a search engine in china for years. you censored results in accordance to what the chinese government wanted. why should we believe anything you say now about crern shop when we know that you have engaged in it in the past? steve: so if they are doing it in china, you suggest maybe they are doing it here, too. exactly, exactly. what their line is that we never engage in ideological censorship we know they have done it for years whenever they think it benefits them, whenever it profits them. you just can t believe anything google says. ainsley: so how can you change what s happening? because we have had so many guests on that have said that they are shadow banned. we had dennis prager on yesterday if you look at videos on his site prager u about history. if you are a parent that has blocked your kid from watching pornography your kids can t watch history levies on show ask why he said because i m conservative. they don t like us. it s time to hold them accountable, google, facebook and twitter. we say special immunities that google and other companies get. exemption from liability that only these big platforms get only under the law. they shouldn t get those if they are going to censor. they shouldn t get those if they re going to discriminate against conservatives or other political viewpoints. if they want their special government deals, they should be even-handed and neutral. brian: senator, the before the united states is very curious about this. he wants to take a look at this. after your probe yesterday, and this was not a cursory show trial. this is something your staffers had really researched. what did we learn? what should he know? what we learned is that google is not being honest. what we learned is that there are studies out there showing that google in this country right now is discriminating against conservative viewpoints, is discriminating against those who support the president. and we know google has a history of ideological censorship and ideological discrimination. we can t take their word for it. we have got to hold them accountable. steve: senator, they say time after time it s not us. it s the a algorithm. but they wrote the algorithm. the algorithm will do whatever they want it to. that s right. they also say that they have actual human individuals who are applying that good apply al. steve: who are those people. and how do they make their decisions. why don t you submit to a third party audit? if you are really doing what you are saying you are doing if you are really neutral. open up your books and let us all see but they won t do that. brian: they have to google some type of audited company and actually screw with that algorithm so therefore they will get somebody who knows google. steve: all right. well, this is why it s time for accountability. it is time to quit taking their word for it. we have seen what happens when you just take google s word for things. they censor. they discriminate and then they come and lie. the dishonesty before congress is really remarkable. brian: major decisions have you got to come to you have to make them soon. senator, thank you so much. thank you. steve: meanwhile, it s the exchange that sparked chaos on the house floor yesterday. wow. join us in condemning the president s racist tweets. i was just going to give the gentle speak of the house if she would like to rephrase that comment. i have cleared my remarks with the parliamentarian before i read them. > can i ask her words be taken down? 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(announcer) if eligible, you may pay as little as $25 per prescription. ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. getaway deals starting from 15 percent off so their tacos are 15 percent tastier they re scooting 15 percent smoother and their kids love them 15 percent more with getaway deals with at least 15 percent off, you can be a booker at steve: we have a whole bunch waiting for you. i had two. they are delicious. ainsley: how much are on the ground? steve: enough for everybody watching. drop by our world headquarters in the next 59 minutes, i get a free hot dog. brian: justin timberlake with the repetitive lyric. ainsley: you can play the game big. is that out on coney island? brian: i don t know. i haven t been there since 1942. still has a wood roller coaster. steve: the cyclone. brian: that is something that was old. what i saw last night was totally new. chaos on capitol hill big time when a condemnation of the president s remarks went off the rails really thanks to a few politicians that know about history. steve: what you re about to see, you will see nancy pelosi break the house rules by calling the president racist. then you are going to see republicans say, hey, you want to redo that? she does not. steny hoyer will rule she is out of order and then congressman cleaver of missouri extraordinarily will abandon the chair and drop the gavel. watch. every single member of this institution, democratic and republican, should join us in condemning the president s racist tweets. to do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values and a shameful abdication of oath of office to protect the american people. i was going to gift gentle speaker of the house if she would like to rephrase that comment? i have clear the remarks with the parliament tearian. i made a point of record with the parliamentarian request they take them down. racist is not in order. chair relies on the precedent of may 15th, 1984 and finds that the words should not be used in debate. we don t ever, ever want to pass up it seems an opportunity to escalate. that is what this is. i dare anybody to look at any footage to see if there was any unfairness. unfairness is not enough. we want to just fight. i abandon the chair. brian: he left. steny hoyer walked in. ainsley: joining us congressman doug collins, republican from georgia, who asked approximately to rephrase those comment. she did not. why did you request those comments be taken down. they were against frankly how we re supposed to talk on the house floor. it may seem trite to everybody in the world, everybody saying how they want to say it, when you come to the house floor, it s a place of dignity, decorum, a place where we debate most serious of our time. i don t believe this issue was there any other reason except a political jab at our president. if we don t maintain decorum on this floor we devolve into something we don t want to be. she is like everyone else, subject to the rules. she broke the rules. that is why we did it. brian: congressman, did you believe she cleared her remarks with parliamentarian number one, number two, did you know this was coming up and knew you had to stand up? i m not sure if she did or not. she said she did, obviously using the words she didn t it was clearly undone. we ve been preparing for this, they have been pushing the limits, pushing limits the entire time. so we were just sitting there, frankly there was some questionable remarks she made early in the speech, when it came to this it was clearly over the line. what is sad for the american people, political vendetta they passed a resolution they cannot read on the floor of the house. brian: what do you mean. that means they can t read the title of resolution which her words were based on. brian: it would condemn the president. condemn the president s racist tweets. you cannot motive or personality to the president, calling him racist on floor of the house is not allowed by our rules. the resolution itself has problems. we pointed this out in the rules committee before it came to the floor. this is nothing to get the president to make a mockery of their own leadership abilities because they don t like this president. that is all this is about. ainsley: the title you re talking about, house resolution 489, the title is, condemning president trump s racist comment directed at members of congress. that is correct. steve: they can t say it. congressman after steny hoyer came out and dressed down the boss, said she is out of order, then they had a vote whether or not to strike her words from the record. and while it clearly was against the rules, the democrats, this is party-line vote decided you know what? we re going to leave those in the record, right? this is the sad part about this whole thing. she could have shown leadership which she did not. she could have said takes down her own words. could have let it stand. she forced her party to actually join her in violating the house rules so that no punishment attached. what kind of leadership is that, miss pelosi. you re speaker of the house. you should be epitome of the rules and dough core rum of the house, you basically made your members allow to you stand and speak again. that shows the ultimate disrespect for the office she holds. brian: congressman, we have to raise the debt ceiling or not. we have to get asylum rules changed because there is chaos at border. usmca is supposed to be looked at. you re not doing anything productive, all it is symbolic vote that embarass the country. talk about embarrassing nancy pelosi has to be embarrassed about the lack of communication with four powerful freshman, proof of a fracture between them on cbs the squad talking about the speaker. listen. are you speaking to nancy pelosi? our teams are in communication, our chiefs shouldn t it be face-to-face? i want to know she is not new member. any moment, anytime with any of us. she is speaker of the house. she can ask for a meeting to sit down with us for clarification. the fact of the knowledge, racial justice work in our country a long time, acknowledge the fact we are women of color. when you single us out, be aware of that, what you re doing especially some of us are getting death threats. some of us are being singled out in many ways because of our backgrounds, because of our experiences and so forth but i think are you interested in having a conversation face-to-face with house speaker nancy pelosi. why wouldn t she sit down with her. absolutely. we reached out. what a mess. that is amazing to me, members of her own party were refusing to talk to the speaker. this is a two-way street of communication. i never seen communication not be a two-way street. i know as member in my own party if i wanted to talk to the speak i would talk to the speaker. the idea their teams are talking this shows the chaos. if you see the chaos in the house of representatives, that clip shows you we can t get anything done on the border, accept yell about it. this is why the house is broken. why we in the house continue to maintain the decorum we have. steve: it was nancy pelosi versus the squad, during one of their congressional breakfasts she made it very clear if you a problem with me you talk to me. you don t tweet something out on twitter. then it all came to where it is and now after the president made his go back comment, it seems like the entire democratic party has had to unite behind the squad. politically, what does that do for the balance of the democrats? i think the interesting thing happened here the democratic party has embraced socialist aspect of their party. they have embraced the big government aspects. they have embraced the idea america is not as good as it should be. they want to fix it making government better this is communication breakdown. if the speaker of the house said if you have a problem, come talk to my, the interview you aired said they don t have desire to do that, that there is communication gap. they have no desire to work within the system. they have desire for themselves and self-centered position. ainsley: did you think the president s tweets were racist? no i did not. that was talked about yesterday. steve: what did you think about the president s message yesterday doubling down. regarding my to back tweet, if you don t like the country, leave? i think what is happening here, let s have honest conversation what is happening in america. you may like the ideas. you may not like what is happening at the border. instead of condemning not being silent, my question why are they silent a mexican flag over raised by american facility? why are they silent about someone who attacked a facility in seattle. why do they conveniently ignore that. steve: what is the answer? why, why,. they don t like what is going on. they would like open borders. they enjoy a socialist perspective more than freedoms in america. brian: there is motion to impeach today. how is the speak he can going to deal with that? it will be interesting to see. the speaker, having almost cospeakership with the four freshmen and their self. they will discuss how to do it. they will figure out to table it or put it up there. al green has been doing this for months, for years. they don t like the november 6 election. they don t like the president. don t like the economy. they believe the november 6th election was a farce. the president is still president. we re moving forward and they re in chaos. brian: next week is robert mueller. that should be also quite interesting. it will be. brian: do you think it will happen? i believe it will happen. we ll see the answers that come from it. ainsley: congressman, thank so much for joining us this morning. always good to be with you. brian: very busy night. steve: another calm day on capitol hill. we ll see it live on fox. we saw it today, now live on fox, jillian has the news. jillian: good morn. this is happening today. the house is set to vote to hold commerce secretary wilbur ross and william barr in contempt ignoring subpoenas. the democrats want to know why the administration wanted to add the citizenship question to the 2020 census. a federal judge in new york issued a order to permanently block the trump administration from adding it. the alleged mastermind of the mumbai terror attacks arrested. the assault left 166 people dead as gunmen stormed hotels and city landmarks over four days. he is now facing terrorism financing charges in pakistan. the radical cleric founded the terror group believed to be behind the siege. he was arrested and released several times in the past. the latest capture coming days before pakistan s prime minister visits washington. the u.s. had a 10 million-dollar bounty on his head. reverend jesse jackson asking president trump to consider a pardon for former illinois governor rod blagojevich. the reverend and his son are writing a letter, saying they quote, stand with his family. he was sentenced to 14 years behind bars in 2011 on corruption questions. president hinted last year he that he would commute his sentence calling it unfair. a remote camera alert ad break-in at their rhode island home. it wasn t a burglar. the camera curious german shepard trying to figure the thing out. the video is so doggone cute. the video is 57,000 views. he is a cutie. steve: that is a camera. ainsley: they turn their heads like that. cute. steve: talking about the feud between president trump and the so-called squad. he does not embody a true president. i m dealing with the biggest bully i had to deal with in my lifetime. ainsley: former trump family aid lynne patton is here to respond. how are you? 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ainsley: so-called squad of democratic congresswoman not letting up in their feud with our president. our next guest firing back this morning, lynne patton, former long time trump aide, now works with the administration. joins us in that capacity. when you hear these freshmen who really don t know the president, i don t think have met the president. no. brian: call him a racist over and over pen, and a bully what is your response. let me begin by saying you have a squad of congresswoman who haven t done squat for the american people. they haven t passed one piece of legislation. they haven t done anything in their own districts. what i personally find most offensive they have accused the president attacking women of color. they accused of nancy pelosi attacking women of color. yet these women of color were the first ones to attack me, label me a token and simply because i choose to vote based on policy, not my skin color. ainsley: they tried collusion. yeah. ainsley: tried on instruction. couldn t impeach for that. now they are trying racism, to impeach for that. you know the president for a long time. is he racist? zoo absolutely not. i could go on and on. i have in your past. he pave me amazing opportunity in the trump organization. he made me the highest ranking black female in the trump administration now. you have the opportunities zones. you have hbcu funding. i could go on and on about disparate sentencing. all the things he has done for black communities. never mind lowest unemployment in history. ainsley: what did you think about his tweet? the only people in my opinion about making this about color are them. the president is making this about patriotism. these women have made multiple anti-semitic, anti-law enforcement, pre-antifa statements on twitter, interviews. where is the outrage about that? where is the twitter outrage about that? omar two years ago, asked for leniency for nine suspected isis members. two days ago she refused to condemn al qaeda. al qaeda who we now know knocked down the twin towers. she refused to publicly condemn. you have pressley, who is threatening to unseat several black caucus members simply because she said, and i quote, we don t need more black faces if they re not going to vote the way we want them to. then of course no different than our absentee mayor here in new york who is out there making america trash and urine again, you have absentee congresswoman aoc cares more about the border than the own crisis in her backyard. i want to say brian: what crisis in her backyard? there is public housing. there islessness. as a new yorker she is are issues that matter to my. if she doesn t she might be challenged by somebody like me. brian: you might run against her? i never count anything out. it is so infuriating focusing on building a high-speed train to hawaii. cow flatulence. this is ridiculous. ainsley: abolish i.c.e. problems in public housing. they need our help. they are hard-working, tax-paying americans who deserve better. ainsley: what is going on in public housing? you lived in public housing for a month here in new york? yes. ainsley: what was the experience like? it was horrific, ainsley. it was everything we knew it would be and worse. it is a humanitarian crisis. talk about the crisis at the border, aoc has one in new york. when was the last time she had a meeting or a town hall with public housing residents? when was last time she had a meeting about mta or homelessness? i heard one of her offices isn t even open yet. it is ridiculous. i see her constituent every day. they tell me they re unhappy. they appreciate the fact i m fighting for them every day on the subway. they stop me. it is really sad that they put this woman in office who hasn t done anything for them. brian: there is a tunnel needed from new jersey to new york. plenty of things federal fund could be lobbying for. instead they are at war with the president. she cares more about her twitter followers than the actually followers. brian: what about the opportunity zones? ben carson serves as a chair of the urban counsel on revitalization that is literally investing over $100 billion in urban and rural communities through opportunity zones. tons of funds are popping up all over this country every day. scott turner just to the appointed to run the program at the white house. he is an amazing guy. he started a tour across this country. i would love to have you guys come out and see. brian: private sector funds revitalizing working class housing. absolutely, absolutely. every single public housing zone in new york falls in one. ainsley: lynn, thank you for coming in, never a dull day. never a dull day. brian: thank you, lynn. 22 minutes after the hours. it s a landmark case that could hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for the opioid crisis. ainsley: it s a sad story. the story of a mother who lost her college football player son to an overdose. she will join us live next. my joints for the long term. osteo bi-flex - now in triple strength plus magnesium. offers free so bookers can book now. and ask their boss later. 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[definitely breakfast.] how good is that? be a booker at brian: all right. back with headlines right now, royal caribbean cancels a cruise to puerto rico amid protest in the capital. they are heading to the virgin islands again. they are calling for the governor s resignation after leaking messages showed him sending offensive texts about politicians. he said he was sorry. disney is spying on customers. bloomberg is reporting disney world and disney land use magic bands to follow spending habits. great. they say they use the bands to make the parks more efficient. steve, take it away. steve: meanwhile all eyes on the state of oklahoma where a court case could be fist to hold a pharmaceutical company responsible for the opioid epidemic. the case against johnson & johnson, and it now rests in a judge s hands. during the seven-week trial the father of austin box, an oklahoma football star who died of a drug overdose got emotional on the stand. from the university of oklahoma this saturday before he died. he was one of those kids people graph tated to him. steve: this morning austin s mother joins us live from oklahoma city. good morning to you. good morning. steve: tell us how you wound up in the case. tell us the story of your son austin, how he got hooked on opioids. my son austin suffered many athletic injuries from the time he was 14 until his death and during that time he handled that in a, in a healthy way by physical therapy. but then in his final year i think playing football i think he became emotionally unwell in regard to having to deal with another injury and he had a ruptured disk in his back. that injury led to one prescription of opioids. steve: yeah. i know your son was a linebacker for the great oklahoma sooner team and, there we see him right there, number 12. did you have have any idea that these opioids had such a grip on him? i did not. as i said he was, he went home from his ruptured disk injury with one prescription. and, we did not know that he was finding prescription opioids other places apparently. he became addicted during that time frame, or thereafter. steve: right. after he died, you know, the natural inclination is to be completely frustrated and heartbroken and angry. who were you angry at? the doctor who prescribed it, the company that made it, tell us that angle of the story? well, in the beginning, you know we were just numb. we did not know that he was abusing prescription medications and austin had excellent doctors. i never blamed his doctors. as i said, he just had one prescription but as time went on, and i began learning the epidemic i learned how opioids were just being flooded on to the market by pharmaceutical companies. they were marketing them especially heavily in oklahoma. the year that austin i m i apologize. steve: go ahead. please, gail. going to say the year that austin passed away, 2011, the marketing practices in oklahoma for johnson & johnson were at the height. steve: yeah. in the year 2017 the last year we have data for, gail, the number of overdose deaths in this country, 70,000, and of those almost 50,000 involved opioids. all right, so, we do, we do have a statement from january son pharmaceuticals, which is a i believe a division of j&j. johnson & johnson. they say in this litigation the evidence showed our company responsibly marketed and promoted our prescription opioid medicines appropriately following the law and regulatory process. we did what a responsible company should do. you were there at the closing argument on monday. i understand it was very powerful because the state made a poster of a lot of little pictures, right? that s correct. it was a poster with 6,000 small, 6,000 small pictures. they represented the 6,000 oklahomaance who have died from opioid overdoses. there was a large picture of my son superimposed over those small pictures. i thought, my son gets to speak out in this courtroom. he had the opportunity to, to represent those six thousand people and don t discount the families that were affected by this. steve: right. and, it was, i mean it was a very emotional, for me. steve: sure. i was prouder of him than i have ever been in my life to think that he was, he was leading this fight. steve: people certainly are talking this week about your son, austin. gail box, thanks for telling us your story the we ll keep folks posted what the judge decides. thank you. absolutely. steve: all right. 8:32 here in new york city. protesters lined up outside of i.c.e. headquarters in d.c., blocking employees from going to work. 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reaction all the protesters need to watch brian kilmeade s show on fox nation to learn more about american history. i don t say that to be funny or just to promote brian s show. the reaction shows they don t understand history. that our country is not only, not teaching our history to young kids and to college kids, but we re losing our whole sense of patriotism and love the country. that is what should unite us as americans. that s why you re seeing all these battles going on in congress and at i.c.e. detentions centers overtaking down our flags. there is a cultural battle over what it means to be an american, to love an american, i think a lot of the source of the problem is, we don t even know our history anymore. steve: we do know there was a traffic jam outside of i.c.e. headquarters in our nation s capitol yesterday as a group called never again action, marched to the building, linked arms. it was hard for people to get in and out of the building. demonstrators carried signs likening i.c.e. to the kkk and nazis. what do you make of this? it s terrible. and again, you wonder what they re thinking. i said, it was, some people on the left thought it was controversial. if you don t want i.c.e., you don t think we should have border security, if you think that we should not arrest people or decriminalize people who come over to our country illegally, don t follow our rules, you re doing work of the cartels. you re doing the work of, this is the wish-list for human sex traffickers. if you want to protect our country, you have to support i.c.e., you have to support cpb. doesn t mean you can t call for better conditions. they re calling abolition of i.c.e., decrimization of our border. open borders. ainsley: remember what happened in the aurora, colorado. they took down the american flag. replaced with the mexican flag. they took the law enforcement flag, flipped it upside down and wrote abolish i.c.e. on it. law enforcement authorities are trying to find out who did this, it is illegal to do this. the aurora police department, got a cease and desist letter because they put on social media a picture of the individuals who did it. they used a picture from the local newspaper, the local newspaper got mad, said you need to take it down. they had to black out the picture. aurora police departments tweeted this out, receiving a cease and desist letter from the denver post about the man with the u.s. flag, we must delete the above tweet. we need public assistance identifying these individuals. see new tweet coming shortly. what do you make of that? why would the dep very post tell them to take down the picture when they re trying to find a criminal? what should happen there should leave no question that the media is liberal. used to be the media would help law enforcement by helping to find criminals. they re on the side of the thugs. this brings back so many questions. why are people supposedly on the side of immigrants, illegal or not who want to come to the united states, hoisting the mexican flag? we have president trump putting out a tweet, saying if you don t love our country, if you re not grateful to be here, then you should leave. if you desecrate our flag, if you put up the mexican flag instead, you should leave. this is much bigger than this event. we as a country, i think, you know the president is getting a lot of heat because i think he is hitting a nerve here. there are a lot of silent majority americans who are going right on, president trump. stand for our country. stand for our flag. stand for our law enforcement. stand for law and order of the by the way, the people who leave central america, all these dysfunctional, horrible corrupt countries, they are leaving places where there is no law and order. they come here and they are enabled and supported by others who are anarchists. they don t want law and order. they don t want what is best for the country. this is an important debate what we re teaching our children. what kind of rules and a simulation we want for people who come to our country as immigrant. i m the daughter of an immigrant. i will tell you there is no one more disgusted with representative omar comment and the taking down of that american flag in aurora than my mother who is the most patriotic person you ever know. often it was immigrant the most patriotic. that is my mom. she taught me to love this country, to be grateful, know i m blessed to be an american. we re seeing something happen here that we absolutely need to have this conversation. brian: rachel, kind of interesting, because the trump camp believes got increased hispanic vote, have hope for even greater one this time because the hispanic community seems to appreciate those who come here the right way as opposed to the illegal way because it makes all those people who did it the right way look like suckers. true. and americans in general, legal immigrants and those born here, we have a sense of justice an fairness. it is just not fair. there is a system. there is a line. there are people who have been waiting for 10, 20 years to come to our country. brian: yeah. so it is just not fair to do it this way and to allow this to happen. by the way, it s dangerous! it is dangerous for the children. it rewards criminal cartels and sex traffickers. it enriches them. if you want to put an end to all of that ugliness, you have to get behind doing this the proper and legal way. brian: rachel, just because you, not just because you promoted my series on fox nation i will do the same for you. catch rachel all the time on the channel but also on fox nation on the app. fox nation at her series is called moms which she knows a lot about. ainsley: moms. you re having another one soon. congratulations. thank you so much. i love your series. thanks. thanks, ainsley. ainsley: you re welcome. steve: 15 minutes before the top of the hour and jillian joins us with news from the biden camp. jillian: that s right. good morning. start with this, joe biden turning a familiar advisor after the first democratic debate. biden s presidential campaign hiring the speechwriter who coached presidents bill clinton and barack obama. election filings reveal 5300-dollar payment to michael she happen s consulting firm. biden was widely criticized for his performance. drug users in west begin are turning to wasp spray for a cheap high. the bug killer may have played a role in three overdose deaths the last week, according to state police. they have seen up tick as so-called wasping as alternative to meth. they are turning to poison control to stop the alarming new trend. nevada towns are preparing for one million people pledging to storm area 51. they urge users to go to the top secret place on september 20th, to quote, see them aliens. over a million people have decided to come storm area 51. they said so little about area 51. people are just tired of it. they want to see for themselves. jillian: the u.s. air force warned people not to visit the active base, hotel rooms nearby already booking up. we ll see what happens on september 20th. brian: get taken out by a stealth bomber if you go. so don t go. steve: they did the alien autopsy of the space alien, right? ainsley: you ve seen that video with the alien on the bed? brian: more on this, alien life on our planet and others go out to janice dean. janice: did you guys know it was national hot dog day today? are you guys excited? [applause] nathan s is here. it is fabulous. what are your names. mattie. lucy. jeannie. janice: where are you from? rochester. janice: do you like hotdogs? i love them. janice: i think nathans will call you. it is hot dog eating weather, my friends. it is hot in new york city. it will get hotter. here is the current heat index. it feels like 86 degrees. we ll have dangerous heat not only today but heading into the weekend, it will close to, surpassing 100 degrees. everybody needs to be careful. make sure you take care of the elderly and kids, bring your pets indoor. this will be a big story for much of the country today. regardless of that, are we excited? it is hot dog day?! [applause] are you excited to be on fox & friends ? yeah. janice: everybody is coming outside, we ll have a good old-fashioned hot dog eating contest. stay tuned. [applause] ainsley: thanks, janice. steve: president trump holding a rally in north carolina. brian: todd piro went down there early to talk with voters and have breakfast with friends. we ll talk to him in a moment. here, it all starts with a simple. hello! -hi! how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let s send to everyone! [ camera clicking ] wifi up there? -ahhh. sure, why not? how d he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we re here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. steve: president has a rally tonight. he is already tweeting about it. big rally in greenville, north carolina. a lot of great things to talk about, including the economy is best it has ever been. employment and stock market numbers ever. i will also talk about the people who love and hate our country, mostly love. 7:00 p.m. herely he is going to talk tonight about the squad. ainsley: and nancy pelosi. brian: todd piro is at the egg yoke cafe in greenville, north carolina, ahead of the rally. todd: hey, guys we ll talk about the issues of the day. julie, you said we can t handle this, why? we can t handle this. it is like throwing mud in a swimming pool. we don t know who is here, we can t control the safety, security, can t control our budget. i don t care what department you re talking about. education todd: it s a financial struggle? it s a financial struggle. our health care, education, kids coming in. it is not about being discriminating. let s do this in orderly fashion like ceo of a company, just like commander in the military. you have to know your people. todd: thank you. tony you re retired from sales. you know about money. you know about the economy. what is not to like about the economy? everything is doing exceptionally well. people are working. blacks lowest unemployment rates in the history of the country. we re turning nafta around. what can you say bad about the economy? todd: thank you, she works in health care, you say medicare medicare for all would be a disaster. why? anytime you have a single-payer system it removes competition. any business needs competition to be successful. we don t need a single-payer system in this country. todd: we have to wrap it up of the this gentleman had the line of the day. a great transition to the next segment, make america grill again. back to you. ainsley: egg yoke cafe. don t ask for egg white, right? you can t ask for egg white? steve: i bet they got them. i bet they do. ainsley: we re celebrating national hot dog day on fox square with a hot dog eating contest. that is coming up next. limu emu & doug what do all these people have in common, limu? 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[ gargling ] [ coins hitting the desk ] yes, and they could save a ton. you ve done it again, limu. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. cake in the conference room! showing em you re ready. to be your own boss. that s the beauty of your smile. crest s three dimensional whitening. .removes stains,. .whitens in-between teeth. .and protects from future stains. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. coming through the skies near you, a flying soldier. this one flying over bastille day celebration. actually the ceo of the country that made that device. it can reach speeds of up to 10. from special forces are looking into using it. kind of reminds us of this. brian kilmeade. he stole my idea. not fair. that s awesome. i fight crime with that. your aquaman right there. i love it. take that. meanwhile, we are out on the plaza. celebrating national hot dog day on fox where. this guy is on tv. not only for the hot dogs but also the hot dog eating contest. competitive eaters. contest qualifiers. we have julie goldberg. george. they are behind us. so, julie, tell us a little bit about i know that you are one of the big champions in town. how many can you eat generally and one minute? that s a good question. i try to push for three. how about you? i would say five or seven. what is the key? dunking the bond. the key to doing this. what does dunking the dash what do you don t get in? warm water. we are going to put one minute on the clock. start when you want to. this is the first ever fox & friends nathan s hot dog eating contest. we are a go. george. he s eating two at a time. just watch him. meanwhile, he s soaking the bun. he s getting all of the bun. doesn t make it go down faster? the world record for hot dog eating is? unbelievable. how did you start this contest? how did you come up with seeing how many someone kenny? in 1916, they had the first contest. we are down to it. three, two, one. who is winner? right here. i think both of you are. everyone is on winter here. see you tomorrow. bill: good morning everyon everyone. president trump goes to north carolina for a campaign rally today after house democrats vote to condemn his attacks on four progressive lawmakers. they are firing back. good morning. it s wednesday. i m bill hemmer live in new york city. we ve got a good show for you today. what do you have on your hotdog? sandra: bill, i m from chicago. chicago style dog. everything is on it. wrigley field. best place to have a hot dog. we will leave it there. i am sandra smith. congressman doug collins challenging nancy pelosi over her use of the word

Louisiana , United-states , Nevada , Wrigley-field , Illinois , China , California , Greenville , North-carolina , Russia , Connecticut , Ukraine