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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20121030

beyond anything he thought he d see. this is as the presidential campaign begin the final week. rick leventhal is on point pleasant beach. good evening, rick. reporter: this storm left 8.2 million homes in the dark tonight. including more than 2 million in new jersey and this entire community of point pleasant beach. the destruction here, up and down the new jersey coastline is de stating. the recovery is only just beginning. the level of devastation at the jersey shore is unthinkable. new jersey s normally unflappable governor chris christie stunned by the devastation in his state. the familiar atlantic city boardwalk in shambles. entire neighborhood washed over, as search and rescue crews scoop up stranded residents by the boatload. crews working around the clock to clear out debris field 7 feet high in some places. i anticipated last night given the nature of the wind and the rain, would be pretty baddism didn t expect it to be that bad. it didn t expect we d see homes off of their foundations. in the middle of state highways. reporter: in new york, wall street still shut down and the subway system remained under water today. leaving the metropolis eerily quiet after a chaotic night. some of the city s worst daniel was not from water but from fire. as flames engulf 80 homes in queens. there was 25 civilians. they were inside. 25 people inside on the roof of the building. fire was spreading. the fire was in the two-story building next door. the fire was coming across the top of the roof. reporter: by daylight, the breezy point neighborhood looked obliterated. up and down the eastern seaboard, the property daniel is widespread. millions of homes that were spared are now dealing with power outages. the storm although weaker is still on the move. knocking down power lines almost faster than crews can get them back up. lake michigan today saw 20-foot swells and the national weather service is warning the storm could produce heavy snow and it hits the arctic air on the way west. parts of north carolina and western virginia are already blanketed but are several inchs of snow. i m never used to it when it hits. like fall to immediate winter overnight. the damage is not just limited to beach front home and businesses. communities are underwear. people can t get back to their homes to see how bad things are. it could cost the economy up to $50 billion. the financial forecasting firm breaks it down to $20 billion in damages and 10 to 30 billion in lost business activity. monster storm is giving president obama opportunity to look presidential and display leadership but he is losing valuable campaigning time. ed henry has the latest. tough time for a lot of people. canceling two more campaign events in ohio, president obama headed to the red cross to continue the role of healer in chief. there is no excuse for inaction. i want every agency to lean forward and make sure we are getting the resources where they need, where they re needed as quickly as possible. looking presidential in the final week of a tight campaign in a role that one rare praise today from governor chris christie. he has been attentive in anything i asked for, he got to me. it thank the president publicly for that. he has done, as far as i m concerned a great job for new jersey. biden has two solo ral his tomorrow in battleground florida and trying to drum up hispanic turnout telling univision talk show host that he and the president are breaking their neck to get real immigration law. clinton was in minnesota. a state that democrats were supposed to lock upped long ago. he tried to use a superstorm to hit republican mitt romney. he ridiculed the president. ridiculed the president for his effort to fight global warming and economical beneficial ways. he said oh, you ll turn back the seas. my part of america we would like it if someone could have done that yesterday. obama camp is also suddenly spending $650,000 on tv ads in pennsylvania. democratic stronghold with 20 electoral votes. they revealed today going on the air in pennsylvania, the obama campaign sees a bluff. stephanie cutter taking a time-out from the bipartisan kumbaya over the storm to tweet romney decision to go up and p.a. proof positive they can t make the current map work to get to 270. throwing out lifelines to pennsylvania, minnesota. #desperate. obama team responds with team romney spending money in north carolina, that battleground may not be locked down as much as the g.o.p. hoped. we ll find out who is expanding the map and who is bluffing one week from tonight. bret? bret: ed henry live on the north lawn. thank you. romney campaign shifted slightly from events focused on the election to one less overtly political. all the while trying desperately not to lose precious momentum in the final seven days. chief political correspondent carl cameron is in tampa, florida tonight. in dayton, ohio, a week from the election, romney tried to retool a prescheduled political rally to what aides dub disaster relief event and charity concert. we have heavy hearts with the suffering going on. romney didn t mention the campaign, stayed off the main stage and spoke in front of the tables piled with donation. part of the american spirit, the american way to give to people in need. we have goods here. more coming in. we will box these things up. play me mountain music scheduled as a victory rally to inveigh rate voters for the sprint, country star randy owens performed but john mccain s appearance was scrapped. in a debate last year, romney was asked about cutting fema s budget and did not rule it out. he ignored reporters questions about it today. romney political director has a memo suggest hag romney surge put pennsylvania in play and the president is on defense saying the expansion of the electoral map demonstrates that governor romney s momentum jumped containment from the usual target states and spread to deeper blue states that chicago never anticipated defending. paul ryan was in his home state of wisconsin to encourage relief efforts of campaign victory offices. the native son popularity helped him surge in 2.3 points of the president in real clear politics average of recent wisconsin polls. thursday he will visit virginia where the top ally is dealing with the clean-up. we are issuing a letter today to all the voting registrar office around the state. asking them to stay open for up to eight additional hours to make up for the time. that a citizen may not have had to vote absentee. over the last two days. i don t think the damage has been massive. not in virginia it appears. especially northern virginia. not necessarily in new hampshire. so, we re not looking at swing states, sustaining the damage. devastation hasn t completely disrupted the campaign. advertisements continue and endorsements continue. today, romney picked up support of former chrysler cio and hal sperling, saying he is the right man to help detroit and fix auto industry. for the next couple days romney will walk a fine line between trying to rally voters and continue the cam pawn stay on the right side of the relief effort. bret? bret: carl cameron traveling with the romney campaign. carl, thank you. a mexican man has become the first to be convicted in the death of the u.s. border agent brian terry two years ago. two rifles known as operation fast and furious found at the shooting scene. the suspect pleaded guilty to first degree murder and faces up to life in prison. animal rights activist and dead fish in california, adds up to an amazing story in grapevine. up next, as the storm passes, the relief efforts gear up. [ male announcer ] this is steve. he loves risk. but whether he s climbing everest, scuba diving the great barrier reef with sharks, or jumping into the market, he goes with people he trusts, which is why he trades with a company that doesn t nickel and dime him with hidden fees. so he can worry about other things, like what the market is doing and being ready, no matter what happens, which isn t rocket science. it s just common sense, from td ameritrade. flavor, meet food. it s time for swanson flavor boost. concentrated broth in easy to use packets. mix it into skillet dishes, for an instant dose of. hell-o! [ female announcer ] get recipes at bret: the worst of the storm has passed in the northeast. now comes the clean-up. and the rebuild. all of that takes time. material and money. chief washington correspondent james rosen looks at the relief efforts. it s going to be a very large response to covering multiple states. the biggest thing i m concerned about is the power outals. it s not home. but it s been made pretty comfortable for us. the national guard and the red cross here have been super. james and kimberly levine joined by the dogs were among the 650 delaware residents who took refuge monday night in seven shelters. the american red cross operates across the first state. this, the del mar station is special needs facility, offering not only a lively kennel, but emotional counselors, nurses, medical technician about full-time physician who treated refugees from hurricane sandy suffering from diabetes, lung disease and dramatic brain injury. many people in the shelter for the last couple of days would never have been table stay here had we not been here. on sandy s first night, 250 red cross shelters spread across 16 states welcomed 11,000 displaced persons. the nation s premier relief agency served 25,000 meals and snacks. and 1700 red cross workers and volunteers mobilized to help from as far away as utah. the storm has caused the cancellation of 300 red cross blood drives in 14 states. producing a shortfall of more than 9,000 units of blood and plaitlet donation. this was an enormous storm and required enormous effort on the red cross. we have done that. we now rely on the american public to help us continue to do that. and probably the simplest way to do that is financial contribution. you can text the one word redcross to 90999. that is 90999. that will deliver a $10 donation or call 1-800-red-cross or visit the agency s website, at bret: important. also important to give blood during this time. absolutely. bret: thanks. the search continues for the captain of the hms bounty, which went down in rough sees off the carom coast monday morning. 14 workers were pulled from the water about an hour afterwards. the body of crew member claw dine christian was found later. she did not survive. the storm s legacy of course pales in comparison to the loss of life. one of the most major inconveniences is transportation. some flights at reagan international. but william la jeunesse tells us in many places, planes, trains and automobiles stopped running. next to 9/11, nothing has been more crippling to america s transportation system than hurricane sandy. airlines, rail, shipping, public transportation in six major cities basically in lockdown. more than 16,000 flights canceled since sunday. the number is rising. we ll see more consolations tomorrow and see them through friday. until airlines get the act back together. i m not convinced everybody will get back to where they re going for five to seven days from now. washington, baltimore, philadelphia, boston airport continue to report cancellations. as i was going through security they canceled my second flight. as i got down to the gate for the third flight they canceled it. because new york airports are international transit points, many passengers cannot get in or out of asia or europe. struggled a few days in the u.s. today, airlines cancel 2,000 more flights for wednesday. waiting lists are long. call centers overwhelmed. because delays are weather-related, many passengers have to pay their own hotel bill. up to $400 a night in new york. amtrak shut down the northeast corridor monday and tuesday. stranding some 750,000 daily riders. there is major damage on each and every one of new jersey s rail lines. while some ships remain stranded offshore, this one ran aground off staten island. officials expect the subway in new york to partially open in the next few days. our administration will move hen and earth to help them so we can get up and running quickly as humanly possible. the brooklyn tunnel 19 feet high and 12 feet high and two miles long is filled with water and must be pumped out. so massive muchs have been brought in used in katrina to train the tunnel. kennedy airport should reopen tomorrow. laguardia is still under water. newark has no power. amtrak could have limited service. for the subways, well, engineers have to walk all 600 miles before the stations begin to slowly reopen. back to you. bret: big job. william, thank you. were you or someone you know stranded? let me know on twitter. follow me. @bretbaier. still ahead, if you live in ohio, the politicians will find you. first, while the u.s. still has not interrogate interrogatey suspect known to be in custody in the libya terror attack. years ago, my doctor told me to take a centrum silver multivitamin every day. i told him, sure. can t hurt, right? then i heard this news about a multivitamin study looking at long-term health benefits for men over 50. the one they used in that study. centrum silver. that s what i take. my doctor! he knows his stuff. 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[ male announcer ] don t just reject convention. drown it out. introducing the all-new 2013 lexus ls f sport. an entirely new pursuit. bret: we have new information tonight about the drones over the u.s. mission in libya on september 11. when terrorists attacked and killed four americans, including the u.s. ambassador. and u.s. officials say they have positive facial recognition that a tunisian suspect now in custody was at the scene of the attack. but there is a problem. national security correspondent jennifer griffin has that story from the pentagon. senior u.s. officials tell fox news that tunisian that a suspect in the attack on september 11 was identified on the benghazi consulate internal surveillance tape recovered after the attack on the come pound where ambassador chrissteins and aide sean smith were killed. the suspect and one other were detained at airport in turkey in the days after the attack. travelling on fox documents. he has now been identified being present at the attack using the images obtained from the consulate compound video. he was transferred to tunisian custody. as of yet, the u.s. interrogators have not had access to him, much to frustration of the u.s. investigators and members of the senate intelligence committee. once the president in january of 2009 signed the executive order saying we re going to shut down guantanamo, any enemy combatant as this individual is, there is no policy in place to take possession of him. interrogate him in a way we can gain valuable information. state department would not comment. the president made clear, the secretary made clear that we are intent on figuring out who did this and bringing the perpetrators to justice. the predator drones deployed over benghazi the night of the attack were unarmed. the first predator was redirected from darna in eastern libya where the u.s. u.s. intelligence sources tell fox al-qaeda has active training catches that the u.s. military has been watching for some time. it arrived? benghazi an hour after the attack began. suggesting the first hour of the attack was not set back to officials in washington. that drone is running low on fuel so a second predator unarmed was deployed from italy to provide backup. it s not clear why the second drone departed unarmed after the attack had begun. senior defense official tells fox, while some may think that armed drones could have made a difference in benghazi, that is altogether unclear. we need good intelligence to drive the use of armed drones. it s not like you can just send hell fire missile to relatively crowded area when you don t know precisely where the enemy is. bret: we ll continue to follow it. thank you. syrian state tv says an air force general has been assassinated in a damascus suburb. it blames terrorists, which is the government s word for rebels there. airstrikes continue on neighborhoods around the capital. eight people were reported killed in one district. 18 in another. monday was said to be the most intense day of bombing. since the war began. you will not believe what animal rights activists want to do in california about some dead fish. and how do you get storm information from the government when the power goes out? bob. oh, hey alex. just picking up some, brochures, posters copies of my acceptance speech. great! it s always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn t realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call on those mugs. can t let em see what you re drinking. you know, i m glad we re both running a nice, clean race. no need to get nasty. here s your honk if you had an affair with taylor yard sign. looks good. 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[ .] bret: fresh pickin picking fm the political grapevine. the federal emergency management agency, fema, urged sandy victims to turn to the internet. that s despite high expectations of power outals an cable tv failures. politico found even fema s news desk did not have any non-internet information readily available beyond suggesting that folks call 911 in an emergency. politico asked what object those who lost power? fema worker said, those people who have a laptop with a little battery life on it can try that way. otherwise you re right. the new york times seems to be changing with the time. when it comes to interpreting the economic outlook. this is an editorial from october 29, 1992. president bush smiled when he learned this week that economic growth during the third quarter reached a surprising 2.7%, almost twice the previous rate. but his smile shouldp be broad. the new figure certainly exaggerates the health of the economy. which continues to creep along at a painfully so pace. even the 7 figure is half the normal rate of recovery and not enough to bring down unemployment. then there was this. from three days ago. this past saturday, octobe october 27. the slow pace of the economic recovery picked up. third quarter, the economy grew at annual rate of #%, beating 2% and beating expectation and the dismal 1.3% growth in second quarter. over the past year, the growth rate has been 2.3%. at that pace, there is enough momentum to keep unemployment currently 7.8% from getting much worse. animal rights group pet ab wants the city of irvine, california, to install a sign. memorializing hundreds of fish killed earlier this month. when a truck carrying 1600 pounds of live fish crashed. ill would read in mem/hundreds of fish who sufficiented and died that spot. to remind tractor trailer drivers of their responseability to the animals who are hauled to their deaths every day. the orange county registrar tells us that peta letter acknowledges signs of this court are typically for human deaths but hopes the city will make an exception. city spokesman says there will not be a fish memorial. the monster storm sandy brought with it a tidal surge that sent many running. dozens had to be evacuated from a develop in the a m.d. community. correspondent steve harrigan is live tonight from ocean city. good evening, steve. good evening. the rescue operations are going on across the maryland. especially in low lying areas mere the coast. we followed several first responders today. yesterday they were rescuing people by boat due to high level of water. toad was by humvee and army truck. combination as police an the national guard. low-tech operation, too. pounding on doors, seeing who needed help and carrying them out. sometimes they carry people over their shoulder an carrying them to safety. remarkable site to see. three feet of water in many cases often enough to imprison elderly couples or families with small children. clean-up underway across maryland to get the boardwalk in shape. this morning there were 300,000 people in this state without power. now it s down to 200,000 five days in. most of the major roads already back open. bret, back to you. bret: already, steve. thank you very much. hurricane sandy has taken some of the attention away from ohio in the final days of the presidential race. we are there for the duration however. correspondent mike tobin tells us you can t watch television, listen to the radio, pick up the phone without being inundated by campaign commercial it. the trippi family in southern ohio can t escape the political ads, through the phone or the mail. they are turned off not from the volume or persistence, but the tone. i have always been a conservative republican, but i consider myself independent now. do like the nastiness on either side. $164 million spent on glaces ohio. conservatives outspending liberals by $8 million. new ad buys are forced deep in the able channels or late at cable channels or late at night. so many, that almost no message cut through the clutter. we stopped listening a long time ago. it s just white noise. state representative denise dryhouse is up for re-election and she not campaigning on the air at all. too cluttered. too much stuff. people tune out. i have done direct mail. primarily talking to people on the doorers. absolute lies. focus group, research have shown shinelight on your own candidate and it doesn t keep. it doesn t stick. sorry, battleground voters you shouldn t expect to hear anything new. especially up toward election day, they reframe the same message with some other kind of window dressing. other person saying it. so much other greenny image or something like that. through the badgers by politicians, parties, the ohio voters like trippis know they are special. i feel like we re having, we really do make a difference. acutely aware, ohioans are voting gnarl record numbers. the ads keep coming. no one benefit mrs. than the local tv stations. bret? bret: mike, thank you. politics of the super storm just one week out from presidential election. how does it factor in? fox all-stars join me next. 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[ male announcer ] shop now. and put it on layaway so you have more time to pay. walmart. chances are, you re not made of money, so don t overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. during the darkness of the storm we saw bright point for america. this is a tough time. millions of folks across the eastern seaboard, but america is tougher. i appreciate the fact that people in dayton got up this morning, some went to the grocery store and purchased things that the families will need. i appreciate your generosity. part of the american spirit, american way to give to people in need. your generosity this morning touches my heart. okay. president obama and for romney and hurricane sandy. how does this packer in with seven days left to go? let s bring in panel. tucker carlson editor of the charles lane for washington post. syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. okay, tucker. you know, listen, a lot of the focus is on the recovery, the rescue, the damage. but a lot of people are thinking seven days ahead. what does this do to this race? well, i think in general, natural disasters have a greater capacity to hurt, for example, katrina than they do to help. typically people don t blame the candidate, any candidate for the storm itself. one did promise to lower the level of the ocean and that didn t work. bret: former president clinton has a problem with that particular a number of people blame it on global warming, including al gore and governor of maryland. on the margin this hurts obama a little bit in that it ads to the sort of general feeling that things are amiss in america. specific terms, you know, one swing state most affected by this storm, pennsylvania, and if there is one place you could see the effect of the hurricane, hurting voting turn-out is in philadelphia. maybe on the margin that helps the romney campaign in state of pennsylvania. bret: let me push back. it hurts because things are amiss in america? i would no sense suggesting that people are going to rationally conclude obama is responsible for the hurricane. of course not. but if you looking at a candidate, incumbent and ask am i happy with the state of the country right now, possible on the margins to effect the tiny group of undecided voters at this stage, you know, the fact there is a hurricane and ugly pictures on television add to the cumulative effect that america is not going in right direction. response and how it, the response has gone arguably you had new jersey governor chris christie who said the president has done very well. it s gone smooth. most of the response is handleed by the governors. state-by-state. but it does require some federal assistance. coordination on the federal level. he said the president is to be mended. the president is going to new jersey tomorrow. chuck? i would perhaps agree with tucker if it were in some way clear that president obama had mishandled this disaster or bungled it. but he is being praised by republican governor and the one that gave the keynote address at the republican national convention. further more, this whole thing is an opportunity to be the president. be filmed in situation room, et cetera, et cetera. if you can t be on the campaign trail, at least you can be doing that. i think more important than pennsylvania is virginia. which is a true swing state and really got clobbered by the thing they had power outages and flooding. in the northern virginia part of the state. they have a freak blizzard out in the coal counties which presumably would turn out for governor romney. i am hearing all of that stuff will be reed by election day, if you look for any impact is on the ability for people to turn out and vote. those would be the areas. my personal view is that by the time this is, you know, next one week from now, everything will be reed enough so normal voting can go on. bret: we mentioned chris christie and his praise for president obama and handling of the federal assistance. just moments ago, apparently new york city mayor michael bloomberg said something about president obama. i want you to listen to what he had to say. i talked to the president today. and i talked to his chief of staff today. particularly about a trip here. what i pointed out to him is that we would throw have him, but we have a lot of things to do. i m not trying to diss him. but i know he had planned a trip to new jersey. i said that s fine. it represents the whole region, people understand the storm and he doesn t have he has a lot of things to do. and i was flattered that he offered to come but i think the thing to do is to go to new jersey and represent the country. bret: charles? well, that was amazing. he managed to diss the president and new jersey at the same type. that is a two-fer. and christie s praise, i don t want to be cynical, but that is probably worth cup hundred million. as a governor why not say what you got to say? in end, it s probably a wash. true that president obama acts presidential but that is what people expect in a disaster. he won t have time to screw it up. i don t think it s a negative. on the other hand, romney is in places he gets to pack caned food and canned food and looks as he cares. he does behe plays in the scenario type for channeler and the president. wash on that. it takes libya off the front page but then again it wasn t on the front pages in the first place. the main stream media who spent hundreds and hundreds of articles on the supposed outing of a c.i.a. agent in the bush administration, ensconced in washington and never in danger. epidemic of incuriosity about murder of an ambassador. so that is also a wash. lastly, will it disrupt early voting? which is what the obama administration wanted? states like virginia or ohio? there is no storms in northeastern ohio, democratic country, as was indicated earlier, virginia, it hitsteamic area and republican arizona. it s probably a washington. it will be a three-day hiatus out of the political counter and will resume in week where we were in the beginning of the week. what about the romney evideneffort and how it transpid today? holding this evident to raise both funds and food stuff, and kind of, you know, talk about giving and how that played today? what else do you do? bret: right. a moment fraught with peril for the challenger particularly. you don t want to be accused and the press is a hair trigger when it comes to accusing romney of misusing the moment. bret: then he did today. of course, but you don t want to be accused. that is fair or unfair. every day i wake up for two weeks and say maybe it s frozen in stone. maybe the race is already decided. i don t know the outcome but the people who don t know who they are going to vote for and/or going to vote could if it in this room and not touch each other. it s possible that none of this matters. bret: yeah. if the race is frozen, you look at how many states say the early vote, chuck, has been overwhelming. some report says 40% of the state early vote. i don t know if it s true that we four are the remaining people to decide. tucker is probably right. you could fit the undecided people in a small space. in that sense, maybe everybody, by changing the subject to something that really matters to people s lives we ll have more full vote. those few undecided will vote with perspective on life. we have six days to report to go to election day, i refuse to accept the notion that election is over. these are crucial days in which we will sway the remaining dozen or so undecided. and that will decide the election. we have work to do between now and election day. bret: next up, the bignate races with a week to go. the panel weighs in. bret: okay, we talk about the presidential race but the balance of power, congress. senate side, a lot of races up. there is the balance of power. democrats 51. republicans 47. but the two i s are the independents that caucus with the democrats. go down the road with interesting senate races. first, massachusetts, scott brown. he won miraculous victory in 2010, against elizabeth warren, liberal line in this race attracted this is the glamour race of the year. bret: the rcpi average has warren 54.5 and brown 46%. right. she has been, each of them raised $50 million, amazing amount. 60% of her money is from out of state. she is an icon for liberalism in the country. brown is suffering from the fact it s not wave election in 2010. he does not have a weak opponent like in 2010. he has a presidential ticket at the top. which for a state that is 3-1 democratic hurts him. however, one thing that happened is romney has better. he was down 30 in the state, he is now down 14. he is not going to win the state. but the closing of that gap helps brown to the extent it was a boston globe poll a couple of days ago that had them dead even. so i think he is gaining. still behind. the odds are she wins. it could be a brown upset. bret: chuck? i just want to say this is going to be a great year for senate races. there are ten tossup in the rcp. raising the prospect of multiple recounts like we had with norm coleman and al franken. i want everyone looking forward to that. my favorite one is in virginia. george allen, the republican, against tim kaine, the democrat. both guys are very, very familiar to voters of virginia. bret: put up the rcp average. very tight. kaine with a slight lead. 48.7 to 46.7. they are both former governors. george allen was the senator until he was beaten by jim webb in 2006. this is a redemption effort by george allen. he has been through the ringer and got heat the last time for associating with the confederate flag. for making some purportedly racist comment on the campaign trail. he is a more subdued, cooler less fiery george allen. and i would say that if mitt romney runs strong, in virginia, he could tug george allen first over the finish line here. bret: tucker? in montana, the incumbent democratic senator john tester is challenged by the state s only congressman denny reburg. this should be an easy race for republican. chester barely beat conrad burns six years ago. the republican is being hurt by independent candidacy. a guy named dan cox, libertarian. interestingly, this week, we reported that the group called montana hunters and anglers come out with the spots attacking denny rieberg not being sufficiently conservative. but the surprise the group of hunters and angleers is power play ord and funded entirely by democratic operatives. guys that wouldn t know the right side of fly rod to cast or where to put a shell in a shut gun. hunters and angleers? it looks like to this race could go tester s race. bret: put up the rcp average in that one. really tight. reiberg 46.3%. tester really flat-out tied. bret: really just tied. charles, second round? missouri. amazingly close. you have would haven t expected. claire mccaskill, incumbent, unpopular, going to be the easiest for republicans to knock off. running against todd akin, ahead of her and then he made the gaffe of the century. early in the century but none will surpass the gaffe he made about forcible rape. sunk in the poll. ostracized by republicans. yet, he is only two points behind. the average of polls includes some earlier polls. that includes about, i guess four or four and four. latest he is up to, the latest has him two behind. part because romney is running so strong. he is up 13 in the state. at the beginning, people thought that akin slipping and bringing the republicans down would put the missouri in play. in the presidential election. it s not. but that akin is in the race, simply astonishing. bret: lightning round. quick, last two. remind everybody of nebraska, thought to be a sure thing for the republican candidate deb fisher running against bob kerry. who is trying to get a second or another shot at the senate seat he used to hold. she was ahead by double digits. the last poll has her up only three. and she is polling below 50% at 49 for the first time. that could be a surprise. if nebraska goes democrat that is a bah thing for mitt romney overall. it could be. yeah. although, kerry because he is a relatively conservative democrat and has a long history in the state may not necessarily be a leading indicator. bret: tucker? status race in the entire country is indiana. open seat and race between joe donnelly, the congressman, one of the congressman from the state, richard murdoch the state treasurerer. this is a seat occupied by dick lugar so popular he was not challenged in the 2006 race. he lost if primary an now looks like to seat may go democrat. i know this is a talking point on the left. i don t care. it s true. this race ought to make the republicans rethink how they do the primary. this is a waste of the seat for republicans. period. you think that there is a chance the murdoch could pull it snout of course. miff point is this wouldn t be a race if lugar was there. fact. bret: we went around the horn pretty quick. it for panel. stay tune for more images from hurricane sandy. ext? he s going to apply testosterone to his underarm. axiron, the only underarm treatment for low t, can restore testosterone levels back to normal in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these signs and symptoms to your doctor if they occur. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. do not use if you have prostate or breast cancer. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet, or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. see your doctor, and for a 30-day free trial, go to marie callender s turkey breast with stuffing is a great reason to slow down. creamy mash potatoes, homestyle gravy and 320 calories. marie callender s. it s time to savor. till you finish your vegetables. [ clock ticking ] [ male announcer ] there s a better way. v8 v-fusion. vegetable nutrition they need, fruit taste they love. could ve had a v8. or.try kids boxes! a hybrid? most are just no fun to drive. now, here s one that will make you feel alive. meet the five-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max says ha. c-max says wheeee. which is what you get, don t you see? cause c-max has lots more horsepower than prius v, a hybrid that c-max also bests in mpg. say hi to the all-new 47 combined mpg c-max hybrid. de and you can help others along the way. a portion of every bottle that they sell goes to fight breast cancer and i think that s swell. the more you take, the more they ll pay, so make them write a big check today. and if you re feeling a little slow, then 5-hour energy will help you go. so buy a bottle of pink lemonade and you can help fight breast cancer today. bret: finally tonight, we left you last night with the soldiers on duty at the tomb of the unknowns through hurricane sandy at arlington national cemetery and we were swamped with hundreds of emails about how inspiring that was to see. we thought we would leave you with more inspiring images tonight. sandy, of course, devastated a number of areas all along the east coast monday night. but we also saw some people coming together to try to help each other. new york city firefighters responded to the collapse of a four story building facade on to the sidewalk at eighth avenue and 14th at manhattan. troops from the army national guard provided assistance to residents and their children at an emergency shelter in new jersey where they are passing out food and supplies. then there were some rainbows after the storm. this one over breezy point in queens. the site of that horric

Montana , United-states , Turkey , Delaware , Minnesota , California , Manhattan , New-york , Syria , Washington , District-of-columbia , Point-pleasant-beach

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20121030

0 pennsylvania. democratic stronghold with 20 electoral votes. they revealed today going on the air in pennsylvania, the obama campaign sees a bluff. stephanie cutter taking a time-out from the bipartisan kumbaya over the storm to tweet romney decision to go up and p.a. proof positive they can t make the current map work to get to 270. throwing out lifelines to pennsylvania, minnesota. #desperate. obama team responds with team romney spending money in north carolina, that battleground may not be locked down as much as the g.o.p. hoped. we ll find out who is expanding the map and who is bluffing one week from tonight. bret? bret: ed henry live on the north lawn. thank you. romney campaign shifted slightly from events focused on the election to one less overtly political. all the while trying desperately not to lose precious momentum in the final seven days. chief political correspondent carl cameron is in tampa, florida tonight. in dayton, ohio, a week from the election, romney tried to retool a prescheduled political rally to what aides dub disaster relief event and charity concert. we have heavy hearts with the suffering going on. romney didn t mention the campaign, stayed off the main stage and spoke in front of the tables piled with donation. part of the american spirit, the american way to give to people in need. we have goods here. more coming in. we will box these things up. play me mountain music scheduled as a victory rally to inveigh rate voters for the sprint, country star randy owens performed but john mccain s appearance was scrapped. in a debate last year, romney was asked about cutting fema s budget and did not rule it out. he ignored reporters questions about it today. over the last two days. i don t think the damage has been massive. not in virginia it appears. especially northern virginia. not necessarily in new hampshire. so, we re not looking at swing states, sustaining the damage. devastation hasn t completely disrupted the campaign. advertisements continue and endorsements continue. today, romney picked up support of former chrysler cio and hal sperling, saying he is the right man to help detroit and fix auto industry. for the next couple days romney will walk a fine line between trying to rally voters and continue the cam pawn stay on the right side of the relief effort. bret? bret: carl cameron traveling with the romney campaign. carl, thank you. a mexican man has become the first to be convicted in the death of the u.s. border agent brian terry two years ago. two rifles known as operation fast and furious found at the shooting scene. the suspect pleaded guilty to first degree murder and faces up to life in prison. animal rights activist and dead fish in california, adds up to an amazing story in grapevine. up next, as the storm passes, the relief efforts gear up. [ male announcer ] this is steve. he loves risk. but whether he s climbing everest, scuba diving the great barrier reef with sharks, or jumping into the market, he goes with people he trusts, which is why he trades with a company that doesn t nickel and dime him with hidden fees. so he can worry about other things, like what the market is doing and being ready, no matter what happens, which isn t rocket science. it s just common sense, from td ameritrade. flavor, meet food. it s time for swanson flavor boost. concentrated broth in easy to use packets. mix it into skillet dishes, for an instant dose of. hell-o! [ female announcer ] get recipes at

Montana , United-states , Turkey , Delaware , Minnesota , California , Manhattan , New-york , Syria , Washington , District-of-columbia , Point-pleasant-beach

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20120427:22:43:00

I am the commander in chief. instead he says i did this and romney wouldn t. that s wrong. he doub know. he s a distortion of what romney said. romney said yes, if you kill one man, good thing. but obviously he will have a replacement. all of afghanistan itself had replacement. ten years of war. now it this has migrated and it lives in yemen and somalia. it s the end of al-qaeda in that area. to imply romney didn t see it is a distortion. romney made fair case.

Commander , Chief , Romney-wouldn-t , All , Romney-campfireed , Thing , Man , Distortion , Replacement , Afghanistan , One , Yemen

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20120427:22:10:00

Told reporters that al-qaeda is becoming more decentralized and threat from biological attack is receding. network affiliate in yemen is gaining ground and recruit numbers in the thousands. bret: thank you. the if it of john edwards is decided. but first, why old clunkers could save the economy. rding to,

Bret-baier , Thousands , Reporters , Yemen , Fox-al-qaeda , Attack , Threat , Affiliate , Numbers , Recruit , Ground , Economy

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20120427

call for investigation of secret service members. we had janet napolitano before us on wednesday. they had gone back two yeah years. ing in has happened. we have the reports coming out. grassley s ire was further inflamed because 48-hour deadline passed without the white house responding to the letter. it asked counsel whether the white house staff was involved in the clum byian affair colombian affair. now the ambassador is demanding apology from the u.s. saying a more clear expression of remorse is required to protect reputation of cartafe cartafena. a senior official tells fox there are no plans for apolog apology. the long-time assistant has one view. i have done thousands of trips with the secret service and i have never seen any reason to doubt their integrity or honesty or character. this security consultant offers profoundly different view. it s almost a what happens in vegas stays in vegas mentality. for some, such disparity suggests a problem of more management. goes much deeper. nothing is changed in washington. the heads don t role. asked yesterday about the alleged military involve in the the san salvador affair. they told reporters in regards to that rumor, we have no investigation. bret: we will continue to follow it. thank you. now to another story this afternoon. it concerns a failed gun tracking operation in what they say is lack of cooperation from attorney general. they are considering doing something about it. ed henry has details. good evening. it appears that the attorney general on collision course with congressman darrell issa contempt citation is the most serious action that he can take. this started yesterday when los angeles times revealed that house republican leader drafted proposed con tempt citation against the attorney general and said they have green light for isa to move forward. isa said that this to fox s megyn kelly. we are to a great extent stalled because of the cover up and the stone walling from the justice department. getting to the truth and the president tanging quick and decisive action will take discovery that we are not getting that justice is holding. after that interview, committee aid seemed to pull back, saying while the committee continues to move toward consideration of contempt, it s important to note that the next step in the process of contempt must be made by the oversight committee. reports on anonymous sources that decision for consideration of contempt on the house floor have been made. r inaccurate. i spoke to republicans that insist contempt is on the table as option. the administration officials say they heard this before. they believe they cooperated with the investigation and this is a ploy. bret: we are close to the operation that killed usama bin laden. the administration an obama campaign would prefer to talk about that. no doubt about that. they want to out the that and they see it as one of the biggest acatch lishments. vice president bide boyd saying there should be a bumper stick they re says general motor is alive and bin laden is dead. is our president, my husband barack obama. [ applause ] visiting to chac down on shady colleges that prey on service member and veterans. president obama alluded to the navy seals who helped kill usama bin laden a year ago this weekend. to the members of the special operations forces community. while the american people may never know the full extent of your service, they will surely speak of how you kept our country safe and strong. that do tails with the re-election team earlier today, capitalizing on the anniversary to release new footage of former president bill clinton reminding voters bin laden raid was a gutsy call. i cannot in good conscience do nothing. he took the harder, and the more honorable path. than the one that produced in my opinion the best result. the irony is rich, because in the 2008 primaries, the obama camp ripped hillary clinton for allegedly practicing the politics of fear. using an immanual of obama in this ad suggesting he was not ready to be commander in chief. while this race is expected to be decided by the economy, today s read report on the gross domestic product at 2.2% is a remind they re issue is a mixed bag for the president. so they are aggressively pushing the bin laden success. with biden boyd slamming the republican nominee mitt romney for downplaying the need to wipe out terrorists in 2008. then went on to say it s not worth moving heaven and earth just to catch one person. the romney campfireed back that beyond bin laden, the president has a weak hand on issues like acran. it s president obama s track record that has sent a message to our friends and allies who are looking to american leadership. who are left exposed, isolated in a way i haven t seen in american foreign policy for years. they gave brian williams yesterday white house situation room to discuss the raid. as you know, it s rare to get the access inside that secure room. the interview will hair next week. timed with the bin laden anniversary. likely to raise eyebrows. bret: nbc has had quite a few interviews. thank you. even though the president is taking a victory lap over the bin laden killing you won t see new images of the bin laden raid or the body anytime soon. chief intelligent correspondent catherine herridge tell us why. the images of isolated and disheveled usama bin laden may be all the american public sees of the final days. in a 29-day ruling, federal judge cited where the obama administration, relesion 5 # immanuals including one video of raid was pose a threat to u.s. national security. picture may be worth 1,000 words and moving pictures bear a higher value. in this case, verbal descriptions of the death and burial of usama bin laden will have to suffice. this court will not order release of anything more. judicial watch was in court suing for images. it was not seeking to identify the seals or compromise the operation method, conservative government watchdog told fox there is no provision under the law to keep documents secret. to we think the court is wrong and the obama administration is wrong. if the obama administration was so concerned about bin laden s kill og fending terrorists why do they make at it centerpiece of their campaign? the april 21st edition, unnamed state department official announced the war on terror is over. u.s. officials told fox al-qaeda in yemen is stronger than six months ago. affiliate in north africa leveraged the arab spring to broaden the base. it took a leader off the battlefield. that is important. al-qaeda is bigger than the core. as part of the anniversary buildup, handwritten memo by the director leon panetta was released. dated april 29, 2011, it describes a white house phone call, the president s decision on code for the compound was made. direction was to go in to get bin laden. if he was not there, to get out. a senior intelligence official told reporters that al-qaeda is becoming more decentralized and threat from biological attack is receding. network affiliate in yemen is gaining ground and recruit numbers in the thousands. bret: thank you. the if it of john edwards is decided. but first, why old clunkers could save the economy. rding to, ford is having some sort of big tire event. i just want to confirm a few things with fiona. how would you describe the event? it s big. no,i mean in terms of savings how would you sum it up? big in your own words, with respect to selection, what would you say? big okay, let s talk rebates mike, they re big they re big get $100 rebate, plus the low price tire guarantee during the big tire event. so, in other words, we can agree that ford s tire event is a good size? big big bret: the american economy grew at 2.2% in the first three months of the year. that is less than hoped for a less than the growth in the last quarter of 2011. the obama administration calls the news encouraging. the opposition calls it underperforming. fox business network senior corp peter barnes looks at the number. the economy grew 2.2% in the first quarter the government said thanks in part to clunkers. consumers have been driving their old cars for so long to save money, that they are breaking down now so drivers are racing to dealers to replace them with new models to save on gasoline and repai repairs. the vehicle sales roared ahead by 2% in the first quarter accounting for half of the boost to gdp. warm weather helped consumer spending, too, and home construction. if you look at overall forecast for motor vehicles and housing, we are not where we should be, we re moving in the right direction. still, first quarter growth fell short of expectations. after 3% growth in third quarter, economists were protecting 2.5% in the first, but government spending fell more than expected. defense spending alone down 8%. business investment hit by expectation of tax breaks. the nation top economists fears the year-end exploration of the big bush tax cuts combined with more planned spending cut. it s no action were to be taken by the fiscal authorities, the size is such that i think no chance that the federal reserve could or would have any ability what so over the offset that effect on the economy. reporter: high gas prices and the european debt crisis helped to stall the recovery last year. they haven t gone away. europe slipped in recession. the debt of spain was downgraded thursday. we will expect to lose $500 to $600 million in europe this year as we make a transition to a better plan to deal with the environment. i think if there continues to be a level of uncertainty that sits on everyone s shoulders. we risk stalling out until we get in smaller months. economists say the weaker than expected gdp keeps more stimulus from the federal reserve on the table. amazing to see the cars dominated that much of growth. half of the growth in the first quarter from car sales. bret: amazing. thank you. wall street didn t react strongly one way or another today. the dow gained 24. s&p 500 was up 3. the nasdaq finished ahead 19. there wisconsin more reaction today to an e.p.a. administrator call oil companies be crucifyed. some are calling for his jobs and others are trying to distance themselves. jim angle reports some came from the top. the e.p.a. administrator lisa jackson gave her first public comment about a key aid who compared it to ancient romans going in a town and crucifying the first five people they found to make the rest of the population easier to manage. in response to questions from fox, they noted the official apologized for his comments. they were inflammatory and they were wrong. they don t comport with the administration policy, on energy, our policy at epa. some think the administrator was telling the truth about epa approach to regulation. a critic has a suggestion for the president. follow the advice of administrator. walk in and fires the first five people he sees and it would become an agency easier to manage. they argue that the crucify comments ring true of allegation of water contamination from fracking. miss jackson acknowledged to fox there are no proven cases of that. in no case have we made a definitive determination that the fracking process has caused chemicals to enter ground water. nevertheless, critics say epa goes to communities alleges contamination and frightens the local populatio population. like range resources in texas, they didn t do anything wrong. they didn t contaminate water. for a year, barrage of insults saying that are out there contaminating water and all that. after a year, he told greta van susteren the epa dropped allegation, part of what he sees as a clear strategy. this is a war on foss sul fuel. fous sill fuel. they can make it noncompetitive. miss jackson puts at it different way and talks about the need to safely expan oil and gas production reducing the need for it. this means reducing the overall reliance on oil through the fuel efficiency. through the use of renewable. keeping with that, oil and gas production was down 13% last year. last year, they required companies to invest $19 billion in equipment to control solution. that is epa all-time record. bret? bret: thank you. more on this with the panel. still ahead, a college in massachusetts puts liberal in liberal arts with a porn star. we ll explain. the soap opera story line of john edwards trial continues. tom, check this out. good gravy, bill. our insurance company doesn t have anything like it. magnificent, isn t it? with progressive, it s easy to cover all of your favorite rides. progressive has truck insurance? number one in truck and motorcycle. is that a golf cart? yep. we also cover rvs, boats, atvs. anything else i can help you with? -can i take a ride? -you need a ticket -i m first! -and that s by the water slide. okay. no running. oh, dear. save on all your rides. now, that s progressive. call or click today. are you guys okay? yeah. [ man ] i had a great time. thank you, it was really fun. [ crash ] i m going to write down my number, but don t use it. [ laughing ] [ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza®. experience love that lasts. bret: the judge in case of the florida neighborhood watch volunteer accused of murder is considering whether to raise his bond. george zimmerman said he killed teenager trayvon martin in self-defense. his lawyer says a website raised $200,000 for zimmerman s legal fees. the judge wants to know more about that before making a decision. to another courtroom, in north carolina, where future of a man who once ran for president is being decided. correspondent jonathan serrie has the latest on the john edwards trial. good evening. bret, for the third day in a row, the defense hammered away at the credibility of the prosecution s key witness. andrew young is the former campaign staffer who claims that john edwards directed him to obtain a million dollars from two wealthy donors to keep edwards pregnant mistress in hiding in the 2008 run for president. in today s cross examination, edwards lawyers produced financial records suggesting young used most of the money in question for himself and the family. lead defense attorney questioned young about a contentious meeting where young threatened to expose the coverup. howell asked did you panic? he replied i panicked before then. he followed up were you afraid of mr. edwards? yes, i was up against a billionaire, presidential candidatech the defense grilled wrong over discrepancy of the recollection of date and key events such as when he first learned that the mistress real hunter was pregnant. they asked about the actions leading up to the former boss trial. lowell asked did the government tell you not to contact witnesses? he said yes. lowell asked did you contact any of the people? he said yes, maybe some of them. andrew young admitted he spoke with three witnesses prior to the trial, asking them how they planned to testify. they answered they plan to tell the truth. he said he couldn t remember what he told them after that. his wife sherry briefly took the stand this afternoon. expected to testify at greater length when the trial resumes monday. bret: jonathan serrie live in greensboro. thank you. in international news now. the pentagon is sending the advanced spider yet to allied base less than 200-miles from iran. the air force strongly denies deployment of the f-22 is meant as show of force. the f-22 has not seen combat. ban ki-moon says the syrian government repression of the civilian population reached an unacceptable and intolerable stage. the violence there claimed more lives today. leland vittert reports on latest indication that cease-fire is not holding. the heart of syrian capital, suicide bomber blew himself up killing nine mostly police officers and injuring 28. state tv broadcast pictures of the body bag from the terrorist attack. the government uses the attack to justify the continued violation of the cease-fire. amateur video reports to slow damage that turned the neighborhood to never ending streets of rubble. cars riddled with too many bullet holes to count. activists report 15 u.n. observers allowed in the country to monitor the failed cease-fire are of little help. video appears to support the claim as the tanks roam freely and the governments continue to round up suspected rebel collaborators in direct violation of government promises. despite violence, protests against the government continue and grown more sophisticated with a massive sign showing the current syria, filled with corruption and op regulation and switch to what the demonstrators want. freedom and democracy. the world condemnation is pouring in over the syrian government tactics. however, there is growing fear about how much pounding the rebels can take before the already disorganized resistance crumbles. bret? bret: thank you. former president george w. bush hosting another mountain bike ride for wounded veterans. the second annual warrior 100k is held at state park outside amarillo, texas. 20 wounded vet from iraq and afghan wars are participating. this is an opportunity for me to say to the vets i care for you, thank you, i honor you. a way to herald the groups that support the vets. bret: that is a tough ride. i can can tell you. did you make or lose money on tarp bail-out it? depends whom you believe. top democrat accuses president obama breaking aromas about medical marijuana. the grapevine is next. to that cainsurance alone just last year. mmm, it s got a nice bouquet. our second car insurance, y. mmmmm, oh, i can see by your face they just lost another customer. you chose geico over the competitor. calm down, calm down. you re getting carried away. having one of those days? tired. groggy. can t seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you re alert and energetic. that s different. you re more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy.when you gotta get stuff done. bret: now some fresh pickingings from the political grapevine. a tale of two stories. the government watchdog agency is pushing back against the treasury department forecast that said the taxpayers would make a profit on the troubled asset relief program. known as tarp. the special inspector general dismisses that prediction in a new report to congress writing it s a wildly held misconception that tarp will make a profit. the most recent cost estimate for tarp is a loss of $60 billion. treasury is sticking by the original estimate telling the huffington post most of the remaining cost is related to a different aid program that it admits was never intended to be recovered. massachusetts congressman barney frank is calling out president obama for cracking down on medical marijuana dispensaries, raids and other tactics forced 200 growers and distributors to seize operations. the retiring democrat tells the hill he is disappointed that president obama is not keeping the campaign promise to let the state laws determine medical use and distribution of the drug. i think it s bad politics and bad policy. it s a grave mistake. finally at the first country at first, the country of colombia laughed off the u.s. secret service prostitution scandal. but thousand now that the counts associated with the sex industry, the jokes are over. the bbc after a low budget usa airline featured a promotion for cardagena flights offering more bang for your buck, with secret service imagery, columbian officials were not amused. the fault lies with the u.s. secret service. prostitution exists everywher everywhere. don t come and tell us it s only cartagena. now officials are demanding appall from president obama. some of the language and subject matter in the next story might be offensive to you. it concerns an invitation by a group of college students to host what might be euphemistically referred to as a representative of alternative media. very alternative. hand there is some resistance. correspondent molly line shows us. colleges and universities have been known to push the envelope when it s inviting controversial figures to campuses. williams college, prestigious private institution in western massachusetts is the lateest to do so, inviting a porn star. the speaker is described as gend perry former, artist and author. tonight it s going to be shown on campus followed by discussion with students. some have been shocked by the graphic description of the porn star s talents. the biggest question is whether it has academic merit or social merit. college officials say they have receiveed half a dozen calls from alumni and a parent expressing concern. critics of the porn star s visit questioned the administration s judgment and funding of te vent tonight. william college officials are quick to point out this the money is coming from endowment, gift to the college given 20 years ago specifically to fund education regarding human sexuality and orientation issues. colleges have all kind of events. hundreds of events each year. some of them are provocative and channeling. provocative and channeling to different people. for those who don t want to take advantage of that opportunity, they don t have to. opponents argue screening may push boundaries but does have value. i think pornography is an issue. is a medium that deserves critical analysis just like many other topics at williams college. i think that this is a really good opportunity to engage in that critical analysis. the event including the video screening is scheduled for 7:00 this evening. williams town, massachusetts, molly line, fox news. bret: the space schultal enterprise made the final flight today. enterprise was mounted aboard a 747 for a trip to the new home in new york. it flew around several area landmarks and touched down atousf.k. airport. enterprise will at j.f. k. airport. with the retirement of the shuttle fleet, russians now have the only means to deliver crews to the international space station. the story had a space capsule carrying two russians an american returned from the outpost today and landed safely in centralcasick stan. the presidential campaign and foreign policy as we approach the one-year anniversary of the usama bin laden killing. the fox all-stars share their thoughts in a moment. 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he knew what would happen. suppose the navy seals had gone in there and it hadn t been bin laden. suppose they had been in captured or killed. the downside would have been horrible for him. but he reasoned. account i cannot in good conscience do nothing. bret: obama campaign web ad continues this as we come up to the one-year anniversary of the killing of usama bin laden. the obama campaign seeing that as a political up-side. obviously. the romney campaign pushing back today and senator john mccain, from arizona, putting out a statement late today. shame on barack obama for diminishing the memory of 9/11 and killing bin laden to turn it into a cheap political attack ad. this is the same president that criticized hillary clinton for invoking bin laden to score political points. this is the same president who said after bin laden is dead we shouldn t spike the ball after the touchdown. now obama is in the only trying to score political points invoking usama bin laden, he is doing a shameless end zone dance to get re-elected. no one disputes the president deserves credit for ordering the raid but to politicize it in this way is height of hypocrisy. again, senator mccain. steve hayes for weekly standard. rick klein, political reporter for abc news. syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. steve, what about this? the ad, just minute and 30 seconds is an effective ad. it suggests that mitt romney would haven t done the same. i think any president in the oval office at that time with that information would have made the same call. particularly as you look at the evolving nature of the relationship we had with pakistani political leadership at the time. this is something the obama campaign wanted out early to have it t debate now about the propriety of using this, politicizing this, campaigning on this. at this early stage, that gets it out of the way. then they make their case later. they re leaving out a lot. a lot of context. no question i think that many senior c.i.a. officials argued that it was the enhanced interrogation techniques that the bush administration favored, detention and interrogation program more broadly that led to some of the information that led to this, to finding bin laden. that is when obama opposed those things. contextual things they conveniently left out. they want to have the debate. bret: we knew, rick, this was going to be part of the campaign, but we didn t know how big a part. a bis part. this is shoving the football down romney campaign throat. this is as bad as you can say, saying he would haven t gone in and done that. stark contrast to draw here. part is defense. they know that romney is trying to undermine the credibility as commander in chief, which is hard to do when he is the commander in chief. going beyond that, they want to cement this image in people s minds and have them associate this foreign policy success with everything they think about with barack obama. democrats historically have not been in a position to out the foreign policy successes as aggressive laze the president is and will. he has wins here. they are doing this in a way that raises questions why he didn t think it was political fair game in the past. we talked about biden yesterday in the speech. the line started with bill maher actually, general motors is alive, bin laden is dead. that seems like a bumper sticker. typical of biden raising the let level of a debate to reduce it to bumper sticker. if biden wants to stick it on his car, what i put on romney a line from rick perry. are you better off today than $4 trillion ago? now it s $5 trillion. i would say that perry bumper sticker trump biden one. there is nothing wrong with the president making positive ad saying i did this. i am the commander in chief. instead he says i did this and romney wouldn t. that s wrong. he doub know. he s a distortion of what romney said. romney said yes, if you kill one man, good thing. but obviously he will have a replacement. all of afghanistan itself had replacement. ten years of war. now it this has migrated and it lives in yemen and somalia. it s the end of al-qaeda in that area. to imply romney didn t see it is a distortion. romney made fair case. today the president was in fort stewart, georgia, talking to troops there and talking about executive order to crack down on shady colleges that prey on active duty troop and veterans but he talked about the navy seals, the mission, this one year anniversary. what about the appearance today, steve? the series of appearances in recent days? this is a huge push around the anniversary. by the way, nbc has interview, brian williams in the situation room. we counted it s at least 25 interviews that nbc has had with the president. you saw biden s speech. he mentioned usama bin laden 12 times. you had a leak today to reuters, presumably a leak about the senate democrats. who have conducted their own partisan investigation in the effectiveness of the enhanced interrogation techniques. not surprisingly concluded what they had said at the outset of the investigation, that these were not effective. that was leaked today. you have a series of things including the release of additional documents captured at the bin laden compound. they are not releasing additional photographs. there is a thought of documents captured. the question is do they release all of the documents and give us a big picture as they should? unless it has media operational concerns? or will they be leaking some of the documents to enhance the political arguments that the president is making on his own behalf? rick, you thoughts how it s framing? they would like to frame it up. if you question his decision-making he says i killed bin laden. the bumper sticker, phrase, statement is there and on the record. there is no question about it. where they have to be careful is how you exploit this. because it is going to be seen as politics for folks watching it. the romney folks think they see a weakness in the sitting president. portraying him as someone who doesn t have experience to be president. obama folks find any way to rebut that. bret: there is a list of now specific things that the president is out thing. student loans. buffett rule. bin laden. it is fitting in a bucket here. right. with obama it s lated items. student loans appealing to young people. he has got suing the arizona law, appealing to his stat on immigration. he has the directed events. bin laden raid is sort of a selected event. when you look at the broader picture, the state of the economy, for example, affecting all americans, hispanic, non-hispanic men, women, young and old. he is in trouble. when you look at the largeer picture in foreign affairs, alienate something many allies, appeasing so many enemies, it s business mall picture. obama wants to shine a light here and there on all areas. if the republican nominee makes a case about the general trend in economic and domestic affairs and foreign affairs he wins the election. can he make that case? i don t know. bret: next up, the friday lightning round. the next revolution in music is happening here. pandora rocks the big board. cording to the signs, ford is having some sort of big tire event. i just want to confirm a few things with fiona. how would you describe the event? it s big. no,i mean in terms osavings how would you sum it up? big in your own words, with respect to selection, what would you say? big okay, let s talk rebates mike, they re big they re big get $100 rebate, plus the low price tire guarantee during the big tire event. so, in other words, we can agree that ford s tire event is a good size? big big bret: every week viewer vote for your choice online. this, the friday lightning round, this week steve s pick won with 40% of the vote. big vote. i m happy. bret: what is the question? mitt romney popped up. there he is. the question is this: if both barack obama and mitt romney were required to participate in one 90-minute debate on a single suggest, what would the subject be? what should the subject be and why? my answer is entitlement reform, because given everything that we talked about with debt and deficits, it s the biggest single driver of our debt. we won t make progress unless we have specific solutions. you can t b.s. your way through a debate if you don t give specific solutions if it s 90 minutes long. i would like to see them both baseball. inherently they re nerds. it d like to see them go through the constitution amendment by amendment. for everything else out there. they have different vision of what the government should be doing. fun to see it play right. rick is right about asking obama how to pronounce komisky park. steve is right don t tell us that you are going to eliminate oil company tax subsidy. give us tax reform and entitlement reform without which we go the way of greece. bret: i was thinking energy would be one of the three. specifically energy. okay. speaking of which, the epa. this administrator who is caught on tape saying his philosophy of going in and making example using the turkish village as the romans went in and crucifyed people to make an example. the epa administrator had a response. they have apologized an he has acknowledged that his comments were wrong. frankly, they were inflammatory and they were wrong. they don t comport with either this administration s policy on energy, or policy at epa on environmental enforcement. nor do they comport with our record as well. the president wants to fix the controversy at the epa. this is a simple solution. follow the advice of the administrator. he should walk in the epa headquarters, fire the first five people he sees and probably become an agency little easier to manage from that point forward. bret: all right. charles? two wrongs don t make a right. look, what is interesting to me is the fact that there has been almost no reporting on this in the main stream media. which means that the media like obama are not in full re-election mode. i think it s obviously bad if you are making any kind of comparisons or suggestions about crucifixion. this sun fortunate language. the kind of thing that anyone should avoid. it s comparing someone to a nazi, unless you re actual nazi. don t do it. i think, i think this is the kind of thing that is damaging, because it fuels the crew teak of the obama administration. those who feel like there is executive overreach, pushing the envelope too far. to have a high ranking officials talk about it in these stark terms is a bad storyline. in time he is gearing up for re-election, and make positive force government is in your lives and have people out there saying it s not good at all. basically, not a crucifixion, but it has been policy of the administration to go after the big oil companies. that is what they are doing. made an example of big oil every time he has an opportunity to target them. he targets them. this will not be the end of the story. house energy and commerce committee going to try to require him to show up. and answer questions at a hearing. we will hear more about it. bret: quickly, john edwards trial in greensboro, north carolina. this is a spectacle, one person lying about another liar and lying to protect himself. approval rating of 3% is a poll with a plus or minus of 3%. do the math. figure out where it may be. if you watch this trial it will be hard for them to get a conviction in this. because the defense is basically saying he is a bad, lying cheater. but he wasn t a bad lying cheating politician. he was just doing it in his personal life. andrew young was not a great witness. hard conviction to secure. bret: two things one about the trial. two, how close john edwards came to being in part of the obama administration. or part of any administration. that makes his behavior the most irresponsible of all. you can imagine what would have happened had he won. it s doing the impossible. the trial. to make it is eliciting some sympathy for john edwards. terrible guy and terrible stuff but idea you criminalize it to use arcane finance laws is something people imagine is a stretch. the question is, is everything all really bad behavior in american life criminal or not? he went from 3-4% in the approval rating. good. moving up. that is it for the panel. stay tuned for an update on north korea s nuclear program. bret: finally tonight, missiles military parade. biggest fear eventually there could be an intercontinental they say they are all fakes. and this video aapparently from north korean state tv seems to back up that assessment. [ laughter ] [speaking foreign language] [ laughter ] bret: just doesn t have it thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. make it a great weekend. we welcome rg iii to washington, d.c. by the way. that s it for special report, fair, balanced, and captioned by closed captioning services, inc. this is the fox report. tonight the military moves the most sophisticated stealth fighter j

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