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Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240612

in better than better-than-expe cted, the market good love if futures way up right now, we have the latest moments ago, us secretary of state antony blinken suggested that hamas is moving the goal posts on ceasefire and hostage hostage negotiations. so where do things stand now and just in italian media reporting, the pope tuesday, homophobic slur behind closed doors again, this is a second and consecutive months sara sidner is out. i m john berman with kate baldwin in this is cnn news central all right the breaking. news that type of in-flight inflation data that a lot of people were hoping for. let s get right to cnn s rahel solomon with the very latest on this. what are the numbers show real? yeah, john, it may be somewhere outside, but it is cooling off in the inflation report, at least this inflation report. so this is cpi, the consumer price index. and what it shows is a better-than-expec ted measure on really every level, john. so let s talk about headline annual inflation that came in at 3.3%. this index increasing at 3.3% that is better than we saw the month prior. that is better than economists were expecting when you look at it on a monthly basis. and we haven t seen a figure like this since july of 2022. i want to say, and so inflation did not increase on a monthly basis. you like to see that now cpi is a basket of goods and services and the government sort of measure jurors that the price difference over time. so that s what we re talking about here. but john, even if you were to remove volatile categories, categories like food categories like energy, you get what s called core inflation. and this is a better underlying indicator of inflation and what the federal reserve has control over that also came at better-than-expected, both on ahead blind annual basis and on a monthly basis, really quickly to talk about some of the sectors which we re showing you here. gas prices, energy prices, those fell, food prices did tick up slightly ever so slightly and shelter, which has been especially stubborn has also increased in the month widget continues to do. now, let me tell you why futures are popping on this news are so happy about the zoo s investors welcoming this news with open arms because john, as you might remember earlier this year, we had a string not sure if the dow is correct because a moment ago when i saw the dow, it was actually up about 220 points, so we ll work on that for you. but the reason why futures were largely up, at least they were a few moments ago, is because we had gotten a string report after report after report, whether it was inflation, whether it was a labor market that was coming in stronger than expected? what that did those hot reports essentially through water on the idea that we might see rate cuts anytime soon. and so you get a report like this. i ll pull it up here. you get a report like this from the bls, which suggests that, okay, inflation is starting to cool again, it is starting to accommodate, be accommodating. well, that and puts rate cuts back on the table. there are four right. meetings. the rest of this year after this meeting, we will obviously here from jay powell and about six hours. but after this meeting, there are four meetings and so do we see more than one rate cut again? and so it just makes that conversation more active again because after these really hot inflation reports, it started to feel like, well, maybe we won t get any rate cuts or maybe we will only get one. and so we re back in the game, john, for all of those who were hoping for a rape gut, they are back in the game after a report like this, back in the game inflation slows down more than expected. what people want to see were hell solomon, thanks so much for explaining it so well, thank you. so president biden is headed to italy today. he s about to take off. you can see air force one right there. he s headed to italy for the g7 summit. there biden will be sitting down with world leaders with huge issues on the agenda, including the israel-hamas war. and moments ago, secretary of state tony blinken made his first substantive remarks after hamas offered its response to the us backed hostage and ceasefire deal approved by the un security council. this week. listen to tony blinken hamas has proposed numerous changes to the proposal that was on the table. we discussed those changes last night with depression colleagues and today with the prime minister some of the changes are workable some are not blinken, not immediately providing detail on what changes hamas once what the numerous changes are that they re proposing, seen as robertson is in italy ahead of the g7 summit. and nick tony blinken when out of his way to say g7 liters are among those who have all voiced their support for this hostage and ceasefire deal yeah, they have. so when they meet here where president biden everyone gets into town late tonight and i began meeting tomorrow perhaps this is not going to be a central ticket item on the planned agenda. but because of the bumps and the road getting to where we re at on these talks that egypt and qatar interlocutors on. undoubtedly, there s gonna be some discussion about how the g7 nations can help me please the ball forward because the narrative has been put pressure on hamas, put pressure on hamas it doesn t matter which diplomats in which country you re talking to either in the region or in europe that s the narrative at the moment. so you will have here the leaders of the ua and turkey who are not members of the g7, but will be undoubtedly consulted in conversations about how they can use their influence over hamas luck. we know that they re hamas leaders, the political leaders who live outside of gaza so they ve been to turkey, they ve met with president erdogan, the uae. has, has an influence in the region as well. saudi arabia, crown prince it s mohammed bin salman s still not clear as of yesterday because of the health of the king back in saudi arabia, whether or not he ll be here, but he s also invited and a key stakeholder and the humanitarian support and the rebuilding of gaza when there s a piece they ll, so these countries do have implements and do have a voice. so perhaps there ll be brought into the conversation, but it s not clear how they are actually going to leverage hamas who have already been under a lot of pressure already, who are clearly holding out for they think they re in a better position. we heard that indicated from the hamas leader yahya sinwar he thinks that they have israel, right where they want them according to documents seen by the wall street journal. so it s not clear what pressure can be applied, but conversations here that will be the question asked, how do we do and how do we move the ball forward? yeah, quite a moment in this one of many important issues that the world leaders are going to be hitting on great to have you, nick, thank you so much, john. with us now, max boot, a senior fellow at the council on foreign relations, washington post columnist and the author of reagan, his life and legend, max, it is great to see you. i just want to read you again with the secretary just said because his words were carefully chosen and i think reflect the moment we re in the ceasefire and hostage discussions. the secretary said you get to a point where if one side continues to change its demands, including making demands on insisting on changes for things that had already accepted you have to question whether the proceeding and good faith or not. he says hamas is changing as demands. he says, the gaps he thinks are bridged able. but what do you make this? well, i m doubtful that the gaps are actually bridge evolving. we ve seen this going on for many months where the us has been searching for a ceasefire. it seems like there s progress being made, but at the end of the day, it falls through on in this case, it s falling through because of hamas and obviously israel it gets a lot of international criticism and understandably so because of all the civilian casualties being inflicted in gaza, but let s listen to what secretary blinken, president biden, and other g7 liters are saying, which is that right now, the fault lies with hamas. they could stop the war tomorrow if they would just agree to these ceasefire terms. they refuse to do so because as nic robertson was pointing out there s every indication that the hamas leadership thinks that s in their interest to see more dead palestinians, because that puts more pressure on israel. this proposal has the weight of un approval. you also think egypt, qatar, other nations, or more invested. seems like they re more invested in at this time maybe then they had been before. does that have any soy with hamas? sure doesn t look like it. i mean uis sinwar, who is hiding probably in some tunnel and in gaza has just rejected these terms. and the biden administration had some hopes that they could use egypt and qatar and other arab states to pressure him clearly, it has not worked. sinwar is playing his own game and he doesn t seem to care how many palestinians pay the price for continuing this war? so president biden on his way to europe right now for these g7 meetings hell of a lot is going on in europe over the last few days. these european parliament elections where the far-right parties have done very well extremely well in countries like france where emmanuel macron has called the snap elections. how do you think that will impact? the discussions over the next few days? well, clearly this is going to be something that all of the g7 liters can commiserate over aside, of course, from prime minister meloni, the host of italy, who is herself from the far-right. so she doesn t see this as a threat. i would just put what happened in europe and a little context, john, which has yes, the big story certainly from france in particular, is the very strong showing of the national rally, the far-right party. but keeping having it all in perspective, they re also a lot of countries where the far-right did not do so on that end of the day, the far-right is stilled, only going to be something like the fifth largest party in the european parliament. it s still the center right? in the center left, which are the largest party. so let s not exaggerate and let s keep in mind that and in a few weeks time in the uk the labour party is almost certain to win a massive landslide election victory. so i would not say that the far-right is taking over all of europe, but clearly they are resurgent in france and germany in particular. and that is something that is of mutual concern not only to president biden, but his fellow g7 liters, in part because so many of these far-right parties are sympathetic to russia. some of them have been financed by russia. and so they are not going to continue to support ukraine if they reach power you have this book on ronald reagan, which is so interesting in such an interesting moment because president biden for the anniversary of d-day, the 80th anniversary, just spoke in places and spoke in ways very reminiscent of where and how ronald reagan spoke 40 years ago in a way. and i don t think it was a mistake. i think this is very much on purpose suggesting that his foreign policy binds is much more similar to ronald reagan s than donald trump s is to ronald reagan s. yeah. so and i don t think that was a coincidence. that was the message you wanted to convey without coming out what i m saying so and it s one of these great ironies of history. in 1984 when, when ronald reagan was in europe for the 40th anniversary of d-day and gave of course, is very famous speech about the boys upon to hawk. he was really talking about the need for transatlantic unity for strengthening nato in the face of the soviet threat. and now president biden is trying to deliver a very similar message about strengthening nato in the face of the russian threat knowing of course that ronald reagan s own party has largely abandoned the very positions that he espoused in the 19. and i think he s trying to drive home. the fact that in fact, as you say, his foreign policy has a lot more in common with ronald reagan s than it does with donald trump s next food. great to see you looking forward to reading the book, i appreciate it. all right a special election overnight with the republican candidate underperforms where donald trump was before. so how significant? is that and then a supreme court ruling, could that end up helping hunter biden after his conviction on doug charges? and one of america s greatest athletes. i mean a legend. no one is like this man will not compete in the preeminent contest in his field. how can we let this stand hi, i m hearing music check to check. one-to-one to check, check i do not hear myself that i do not hear any echo myself. no. everything sounds normal. just so your music hey, thank you hortness of breath and your regular 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this morning, hunter biden is a convicted felon. he is expected to appeal his conviction on these felony gun charges, and is supreme court ruling on a separate case. might be in his favor, or at least it s certainly something his lawyers are going to cite. let s get right to cnn senior supreme court analyst joan biskupic, the author of nine black robes out now in paperback so what are hunting a hunter? biden s lawyers looking at when it comes to the suffering in court sure. good to see you, john. it s just a coincidence that right now this case of hunter biden will be proceeding on appeals as the us supreme court is clarifying the rules for when a defendant can challenge a federal gun regulation right now, the justices are resolving just what those standards should be and the whole or deal with the court traces to a ruling two years ago that greatly expanded second amendment gun rights. the justices world in a way that said that a gun regulation could be upheld only if it s part of america s historical tradition of firearm regulation. that is very high standard to make meat. and it s also a confusing standard for lower court judges who have tried to look at what about gun possession for someone who was a drug addict or a drug user as in hunter biden s case, or in the case the justices are deciding right now, what about someone who is is subject to a domestic violence restraining order and under federal law would be prohibited from owning a firearm that individual man by the name of rahimi has challenged the case. the justices are now deciding and john, they could even give us an answer as soon as tomorrow. and the question is, how does that standard from two years ago tied to the historical tradition of firearm regulation, play out. now for what you would think would be more modern regulations, for example, for someone subject to a domestic violence restraining order. so we ll get more clarity from the justices. on that part of federal firearms law. but at the same time, there s also a case up there that really is similar to a hunter biden s where a defendant is challenging a part of the federal law that prohibits gun possession for someone who either was a drug user or addicted to drugs at the time. and a lower court has ruled that under the supreme court s test of two years ago, that federal law can cannot be enforced. the federal government is defending that law in the case of another defendant not at all related to the hunter biden case. but as you can see, john, however, the justices begin to clarify this will affect how hunter biden might be able to appeal his gun conviction, john? yeah. no question about that. the lawyers we pouring through the ruling word by word jump is keep a great to see this morning. thank you. kate. and joining us right now is democratic strategists keith boykins. he s a former clinton white house aide and cnn senior political commentator, david urban, republican strategist and former trump campaign adviser, david, there is the legal reaction and the legal future when it comes to hunter biden s case. and then there s the political reaction to this case. i want to play for you how the room so get republican house speaker reactant to this verdict but mr. speaker, you ve been saying two tier system of justice for some time. here s the president said, be convicted on three counts as that undercut your client it doesn t every case is different and clearly the evidence is overwhelming here. i don t think that s the case and the trump drop and then there s this from james comer. today s verdict is a step toward accountability, but until the department of justice investigates, everyone involved in the purported scheme, mr. comer said statement, it will be clear. department officials continue to cover for the president reiterating what remains baseless claim that president biden has been involved in bribery scheme. david is, yes, but a strong strategy on the tail of this now a look, i think that is case stands by itself if republicans just can t acknowledge that the justice was served here, this case was brought. it was a strong case, a hunter biden faces yet another case coming up september 5, he s being tried just as anyone else would be tried i think that it s just it s reality. there are two things can be true here, kate donald trump was found guilty by a jury in new york, which was overwhelmingly voted against donald trump in the general election, and 100 biden was found guilty in a state where his family is love and beloved. i mean, you saw the jurors the jury pool here. lots of folks ties to the biden family, and he was convicted. so i don t believe that the statement by the by the speakers hundred percent correct. that there are two systems of justice here. i think this case kind of illustrates that point. if the president had something to do with it, you think it let his son is lost, one son to tragic death and he s got a sudden now whose face some serious, serious substance abuse issues clearly what it put his thumb on the scale if he could ve right to preclude this from happening, and it didn t happen. so i think republicans need to figure out a different talking point. for this specific case. yeah. qizan apply for you then reaction from democratic congressman jamie raskin on how his take on how democrats are responding. listen to this and i m not heard a single democrat anywhere in the country cry fraud cry fixed, cry, rigged a cry. kangaroo court. you don t hear a single peep out of any democrats saying that why we believe in the rule of law when they go low, we go high is the oldest new strategy going to work for democrats when it comes to this contrast between donald trump and his response, and the democrat response to what happened with hunter biden is stark and dramatic. it s a reflection of what american politics excuse to be where we believed in the rule of law and we respect to the outcomes of jury trials. that s what a president and a presidential candidate. it was supposed to do the idea that donald trump was accusing biden of weaponizing the legal system against him in a case in new york that biden had nothing to do with this is outrageous and david urban made the point, i think precisely that why would he, of all people in the hunter biden case, if why would you because some republicans, by the way, when making the argument that somehow biden is using this case to prosecute hunter biden to somehow suggested that means that he s doing hello, guys donald trump junior being one of them. yeah. right. it somehow they misused. do we it because he wants to prove that the system is fair. it s double back yeah. and it s so complicated, it s even hard for me to explain and it just doesn t make any sense and it why would he prosecutors own sunday to prove the point? why would he make a sudden the fall guy to prove a point doesn t make any sense. the other point is just ridiculous is that they keep moving the goal post because at first they were saying that he would never be you ve never been prosecuted than he was prosecuted. then they said he would never be convicted in part because they said because they were black jurors and the black jurors would never convict a biden in delaware. and now they re making up other conspiracy theories. i think david urban is right that they need to move on and start talking about things that we can actually make sense for the american people. like, what are you going to do about, about jobs they re gonna be about wages and health care and where they re going to do about housing and things that people care about. not about donald trump trials. david irvin making sense, not on my show. that s not allowed data urban oh, come on i was just gonna say real quickly there were some people yesterday or the day before talking about how this case wouldn t be brought against hunter biden if he wasn t the president s son? hey well be true, but i think at the same time i need to acknowledge that what what your colleague fareed zakaria hit publicly stated that the case in new york city, what had been brought against donald trump, if if the defendant wasn t named donald j. trump. so i think that instance both things can be true as well. yeah. david, this morning, we are seeing the power of donald trump s endorsement truly, i mean, after it was put to the test and big republican primaries last night, six candidates, these six candidates all endorsed by trump, all victorious. so here you re going to do our price door number one. this is a sign that trump s endorsement carries more weight even though his rocking endorsement record has more to do with general election, not primary is carrying more weight now, nor number two, trump has gotten better at picking winners, meaning he s actually listening to his strategies and tacticians around him were doing number three, something else altogether i like three, i like all three of them. kate there s just like do i have to pick what i think look, i think he s gotten better at picking winners. i think his endorsement matters now more than ever, his popularity is soaring is through the roof poll after poll shows that donald trump it s not just dominating in republican polling, is dominating across the nation and especially in republican primaries. and three, candidates matter when you have good candidates running in elections, they win. and so in these republican primaries, trump, donald trump has been with the help of some allies and colleagues, bint picking better candidates. it s time endorsing better candidates. they have better candidates running and his populated is an all-time high. so i think all three-year points are valid. kate door number all i didn t give you an all of the above choice, so i don t know where this ends. again, david urban not making sense is where we re going to end this program. it s good to see you both biggies alleged keep it s great to see you so coming up for us secretary of state antony blinken, speaking out for the first time on the moss response to the us backseat ceasefire deal deal. blinken now questioning whether hamas is negotiating in good faith. his words, even as he holds out, hope that the gaps are bridge the vote next hour to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress what s at stake o we there yet so many ways to save life ready? while it has 365 by whole foods market deliveries happen ordered that this happens that happened, get out of there happened there with rain, learn more at first time. no baby. we recommend to exfoliate the night before when you come in, relax, don t be nervous come for wax teens before. smooth er, skin. lesson grown hair, less irritation in and out in under 15 minutes then our product amazing. how long does deodorant right now and not only is your skin going to think, you re going t norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got 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me. sorry, i wasn t on my mic down there. this is the first us response to that hamas response to the proposal that was on the table, the secretary of state saying that numerous changes were put forth by hamas. some of them are workable and some of them are not clearly trying to strike a tone of hopefulness, but also frustrated with the fact that hamas has come back questioning their legitimacy, how seriously they are engaging in these talks, because some of the things that they have put forth in this counterproposal here. the changes they are proposing are positions that they have previously taken and effectively the united states believed that they had moved on from that point, but the secretary of state made it clear that they are determined to try and bridge the gaps here, the secretary said in his view, they are bridged able, but he s just not sure if there ll be able to get there, but made the case that a deal here is in the benefit of both the palestinians and the israelis listen to what he said single most effective and most immediate way to end the suffering of people in gaza to end the suffering if palestinians and israelis like to tackle the humanitarian assistance crisis to prevent the conflict from further escalating and spreading to other places. is to get a ceasefire that allows us to get to work toward a more durable end to the conflict here again, qatar has been a tireless pardon? during the prime minister personally a tireless partner in working to mediate a ceasefire now he said that in the coming days they re going to be engaged in what he called an urgent push to try and get both of these sides to bridge the gaps. and also in the coming weeks, he said that the united states and the there partners, it has been working with are going to roll out proposals for the day after plans in gaza with regard to governance and how gaza will look after this conflict is over. he said that will be key if they re going to be able to take a ceasefire and make it into an enduring peace. but of course, john, in order to get there, they ve got to get a ceasefire agreement and they simply are not there today know and it seems like the situation getting even more precarious in terms of these talks, but we will see what the next few days break highlight, what great to have you there. thank you very much for your report. we have brand new economic data released this morning, future soaring are as there are signs that inflation has cooled, more than expected then russia is sending warships, including nuclear-powered submarine to the water s not far from the coast of the united states. so what is the us response alder james is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money, not only was the cia compromise, he also was comparable secrets and spies, a nuclear game. sunday at ten on cnn. this is a futurama go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts in minutes ai, ai like it who wants to go see that get your business online in 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lauren fox. you ve been assigned to go count those votes. lauren, where things stand right now? yeah it s been a moment to moment situation. we did hear from republican leaders as they were entering their gop conference meeting this morning, steve scalise the majority 40 liters said it s really important that republicans get this passed, get this out of their chamber today. he said that that is the hope that is the expectation. meanwhile, tom emmer her would not say whether or not the votes were there. he of course, is the republican vote counter that is his gig and he made clear that they plan to vote today, but he would not let s say whether or not the votes would be there. you re going to expect that behind closed doors as we speak, republicans are wrestling with what to do. there had been some concern but there might be some moderates who were on the fence and leaning against voting for this proposal. but again, it just all matters because of such a narrow majority 40 in the house, the speaker can only afford to lose two republican votes. that means they have to count very carefully when they have these close votes coming to the floor. so we ll see whether or not they ultimately put that on the florida de the rule vote happening at 10:30 a.m. john and looking at them, i don t mean to be glib here, but counting is hard. it has been hard for this particular group of republican leadership, but that s because of the way the members have been behaving on fox. thanks so much. keep us posted. news is say, okay, this morning there s also some welcome news on the inflation front, consumer prices rose 3.3% in may compared to a year earlier, slowing even from april s rate of cooling off and on a monthly basis, prices were flat, slower, which means better pace than april. this read on the us economy also is coming just hours before the federal reserve makes its latest interest rate announcement. meaning this is a big day on the us economy front, joining me now is one of president biden s top economic aids. well brainard. she s the director of the national economic council. little thank you for being here with the full understanding you all take a lot of qarrah, to not weigh in on the fed and respect the feds independence would you expect the data out just this morning to have a demonstrable impact on what we learn this afternoon yeah. so i don t speak about the fed s policymaking the president respects the independence of the federal reserve. i will say that today s report on inflation, which showed zero inflation in the month an inflation down by two-thirds is welcome news, particularly for families that are feeling squeezed by the cost of living grocery prices down or flat for four months in a row and gas prices below $3.50 at the pump, those are prices that are very important to american families and you re talking about how families are feeling squeezed. and in general, when it comes to the us economy how people feel about the economy is a huge issue it, but how they feel about the overall economy, how they feel about their personal economy. the president s approval rating, and how people feel about the economy remains underwater. we ve showed, we re going to show everyone a graphic kind of tracking his approval on the economy over the course of the year really, from since march of last year. and now it s kind of remaining in the low 30s. if the data is showing improvement and that is what you see with this report today. why aren t people feeling it the. president knows that families have been true. a lot with the pandemic inflation went up with the pants no and he knows that the cost of living is just too high for a lot of families. and he is fighting really hard to lower those was costs and health care, of course, he secured important legislation bringing the cost of prescription drugs down like on insulin to $35 a month. those are real savings. grocery prices. he s been calling on grocery chains to bring prices down. they ve kept their profit margins pretty high in now you see grocery stores answering the call price reductions on thousands of items. grocery prices flat or down from the past few months same on gas prices where we are seeing record production and gas prices coming down, going into the summer driving season. but look, we know for that in coming months, that s the kind of choice that s going to be in front of us whether to keep fighting, to lower costs for middle-class americans, which is at the center of the president s agenda or to be fighting for tax cuts for the ultra wealthy and corporations that s really where the republicans are focusing with all the data that you all are tracking. would you say that the us economy has achieved a soft landing? so i would certainly say, if you look at where we are today with inflation down by two-thirds and continuing to come down unemployment below 4% for the longest period in 50 years, robust growth very high levels of investment meant factory construction. those are all positives, but we really need to keep working on bringing costs down. that s going to be our focus in terms of grocery, housing, gas prices, health care. that s what s going to be important to american families. so you re saying you don t think think a soft landings yet been achieved or you re not comfortable saying, yeah so i think that we have achieved good labor market more imbalanced and inflation coming down, but we have more work to do and so we re going to keep working to keep the labor market at the good place that he is today and continue to bring costs down because we have more work to do there ai is a topic. biden is going to be discussing g7 liters in italy. it s also a big topic when it comes to ai s future impact on the us economy and jobs. sam altman, who is the founder of openai, he said last month later, one of the the things that annoys me most about people who work on ai is when they stand up with a straight face and say, this will never cause any job elimination. this is just an additive thing. this is just about to be great. all been says, all been goes on to say this is going to eliminate a lot of current jobs. this is going to change the way that occur that a lot i m current jobs function and this is going to create entirely new jobs that always happens with technology what are you planning for on this front and elimination of how many jobs on balance yes. so this is an area where the president was really outfront early on lead in the g7. on recognized seeing the promises of ai. but also that there are some downsides to ai and to put a framework in place where we really we grapple with those comprehensively put safeguards in place. and in particular, on workers thought it was very important to work with labor leaders business leaders, to come out with some principles about how to make sure that ai enables workers. workers are trained aim to take advantage of ai tools to enhance their work enhance their productivity. but that there are safeguards against, for instance surveillance that would impinge on privacy and that workers are given an opportunity to use ai tools as opposed to seeing the kind of displacement impacts. so i don t have updated estimates, but i will say we put out a set of principles and we re going to want to work with labor, with business leaders to integrate ai in ways that american workers have the capability to use ai to enhance their jobs and their productivity low, brandon from the white house. thank you so much for coming up so far. pope francis facing new criticism today after he allegedly repeated a homophobic slur in this march time you press rewind with neutrogena rapid regal repair. it has durham proven retinal expertly formulated to target stem cell turnover and fight not one, but five signs of aging. physical results in just one week, neutrogena. i brought in a juror, max protein with 30 grams of protein those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i ll take that. i m sure not to protein 30 grams protein one frame, sugar, 25the most anticipated moment of this lecture and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one stage to vary different visions for america s future. this cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max knew this morning the pope is drawing criticism after he allegedly used a homophobic slur again, but some italian media is reporting that he was quoting a phrase said by a monsignor. let s get right to cnn, vatican correspondent christopher lamb with the latest on this. what are you hearing well john, these remarks from the pope are causing quite as surprising as because he s a reported two views, the same anti-gay slur that the apologize for two weeks ago. so this is causing a lot of surprise. now there is, as you mentioned, some context to this italian newspaper corriere della sera is saying the pope was effectively quoting back in this meeting with priests, quoting back what a monsignor, a senior member of the clergy, had told him. now, look, there are some people in the vatican and the church say francis, who s 87, is a little bit like an uncle or a grandfather who says an inappropriate remarks at the dinner table, but doesn t completely understand the offensive nature of what he s saying. that nevertheless, this is difficult for francis because he is the pope who said, when it comes to gay people, who am i to judge, he s offered blessings to same-sex couples. he s modeled are very different approach for the church when it comes to lgbtq plus catholics. and so the reports of these remarks and they are just reports because we haven t gotten an official transcript from the meetings. but the reports, these remarks are damaging to the pope s efforts, which have been very sustained over the last few years. now, i asked the vatican for response. they put out a statement about the meeting, but the pope allegedly made these remarks and they said, and i quote, the pope spoke of the danger of ideologies in the church and return to the issue of the admission into seminaries of people with homosexual tendencies, reiterating the need to welcome and accompany them into the church and the prudential indication of the digraphs for the clergy. so the vatican saying this was about the admission of priests or men into the seminary. but of course these questions of this reported remarks are damaging for france s efforts when it comes to lgbtq plus catholics. john all right a lot going on there. christopher lamb. thank you very much for that now, a beef over imitation beef major league eating, which is a real thing and is the organization that oversees the famous july 4 nathan s hot dog eating contest and coney island. now says joey chestnut is out this year all over his sponsorship deal with impossible foods, the league apparently has a long-standing rule that competitors cannot represent rival brands even if, even if it is imitation beef. joey chestnut himself, not happy posting on social media that he s disappointed to learn his band from the contest. that s what he says here. really is a phenom. he s won the competition 16 times. he also has the world record for hot dog eating 76, even in ten minutes back in 2021, the mla says they would welcome joey chestnut back once he no longer is working with a competing hotdog brand, truly is one of our country s greatest athletes and it s a shame to see him missing out on this premier competition. i somewhat famously interviewed him last year prior to the hot dog eating contest john verbit, whatever i say, this random thing happened jaume, like i did a story all right, on that one. he told me he goes into competitions, loose an empty. so we leave you with that. thank you so much for joining us. this has been seeing a new central see at a news room, a gym acosta is up next

Support , Gaza , Countries , Health , Stakeholder , Piece , Rebuilding , King , Saudi-arabia , Hamas , Us , Ceasefire

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom 20240610

you are done with this? yeah, maybe, or maybe need some plastic surgery, who knows? you never know. it s usually settled by an arm wrestle. we should mention special guest on the tour is john wait is on first and then foreigner or stix depending on the night and who wins the coin toss. it is lot of hits on stage. i think there are four or five number ones and just a lot of great songs that you certainly will know. four hours of classic rock which is amazing to unfold over the course of 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. steve: we love both of you. the renegades and juke box hero tour kicks off tomorrow in grand rapids. kelly and lawrence, thank you very much and good luck to you. want to make sure everyone goes to live nation or ticketmaster. dana: and breaking news on the hunter biden gun trial. we re waiting to find out if the first son will take the stand. good morning. i m dana perino. bill is off today. good morning to you, john. john: good morning. i was surprised to see foreigner and stix. i will see them in hershey, pennsylvania in july. stix are good friends of ours. america s newsroom a live look at the delaware courthouse. this as the president s son tries to avoid conviction for allegedly lying on a gun application. dana: also in delaware president biden and first lady jill biden. they returned there after their visit to france for d-day and the first lady this morning is back in court to support her son. john: team fox coverage today. andy mccarthy is on deck but let s go to rich edson in wilmington, delaware with news out of the courtroom. we just got an update from the courtroom. what s going on now, the jury is not seated yet but there are some preliminary discussions underway right now. in it there has been an indication from the defense that hunter biden will not testify. that is not fully confirmed yet. we re still waiting to here if he will or will not testify. he arrived for his second week in court with his wife, melissa. jill biden is here and his aunt and uncle. james a business partner of hunter s. if hunter declines to testify it would have closing statements as early as this afternoon. if hunter biden testifies it will go deeper into the october. prosecutor allege in october of 2018 hunter was a drug user but he produced witnesses and passages from hunter s own audio book to try to prove their case. called hunter s ex-wife and ex-girlfriend and sister-in-law hallie who hunter had a relationship with after beau died in 2015. the defense has drawn testimony that none of the witnesses actually saw hunter use crack the week and a half he possessed the gun. if convicted the charges carry a maximum of prison and fine. hunter would be a first time non-violent offender. once this trial wraps it s september in los angeles. his court date on federal tax charges. we re waiting to see if he takes the stand here today. john, back to you. john: rich edson with the latest. the very latest coming out of the courtroom in delaware. thank you. dana: thank you, john. let s bring in andy mccarthy. you know if it s a monday we have more trials to talk about. today is hunter biden. with this decision it indicates that hunter biden will not take the stand. i don t think that would be a surprise to you. but his lawyers had really presented quite a bravado going into this case but it is unlikely he will testify. do you think that s a good decision? it is a good decision, dana. i think looking at his potential sentencing guidelines it looks to me like even if he gets convicted he has a good chance of avoiding a prison sentence. that calculation can change if a defendant takes the stand, gives a version of events that the jury obviously rejects, especially what we just heard is true, the government would come back with rebuttal witnesses. the consequences of that under the sentencing guidelines would be to add additional points to computing his offense level as it is called in the guidelines, which would lean closer toward a prison sentence. i think it is a smart move. john: they took the weekend to decide what to do. the way i looked at this on friday and turley and others have talked about jury nullification. members of the jury who know someone addicted to drugs or alcohol at one point. if hunter biden were to testify he could potentially present a very sympathetic character that the jury might look at and have sympathy for and say you know what? let s not convict him on this. what do you think the decision tree was over the weekend as to whether or not to have him testify? i don t disagree with that analysis, john. i think they may feel like they accomplished that with calling his daughter last week. i think factually in terms of the evidence in the case, that was not a great strategic decision but if what you are trying to do is gin up sympathy for hunter, i think his daughter s testimony may have done just that. my own view of it is, of course they are trying for a nullification decision from the jury but also tee up their appeal. the second amendment is a very live issue in the appellate courts on the federal level. and i think what they are trying to show is that his kind of cocaine use was more like alcohol abuse than mental illness because in this country, there is not much history for regulating drug use in terms of gun possession but there is a lot of history of taking rights away, including gun rights away, from people who are adjudicated to be incompetent. they are trying to set this up and why the stress on the fact that no one can say he was using crack with certainty in the days around the time that he purchased the gun. that s where they are going, i think. dana: listen to president biden last week. he did an interview with david of abc news and asked if he would pardon his son. as we sit here in normandy, your son, hunter, is on trial and i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution. but let me ask you will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? yes. have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. dana: all right, give you a final word on that revelation. he says he is not going to pardon him. and i believe he won t right up until election day. there is nothing enforceable what he just said. that s about as enforceable as saying i can t do anything about the border because congress won t pass the legislation and then they don t pass the legislation and he issues this cockamamie order he did a week ago. it s the position he has to take in the run-up to the election. john: he also didn t say he would commute his sentence. dana: that s true. john: anti-israel agitators haar hasing police officers and defacing statues at president biden s front door calling on his administration to pull support from the top ally in the middle east. but one republican lawmaker is now pushing for an investigation into alleged crimes committed on lafayette square. they didn t get inside the fence to spray graffiti but did a lot of damage across the street. that s right. beyond yelling about a cease-fire in gaza there was also vandalism beyond the white house gates. statues outside the white house including one of andrew jackson were vandalized on saturday, desecrated by protestors, red paint hand prints and spray paint graffiti. national park service officials are assessing the extent and cost of the damage. arkansas republican senator tom cotton had photos of statues. free gaza sprayed on a number of the statute. it is a blatant violation of federal law and calling on the justice department to investigate. if not d.o.j. will next year. you have anti-american pro-hamas loon particulars desecrating the statues of our great veterans, which is a plain violation of federal law. but joe biden s government allowed it to happen and i bet we re not going to see any arrests or prosecutions for violating that law. saturday s protest was a combination of pro-palestinian and anti-war groups. protestors wearing red were forming a human red line around the white house with some saying they stand with hamas. white house spokesman andrew baits responded to that. president biden has been clear that every american has the right to peacefully express their views but he is also always been clear that anti-semitism, violent rhetoric and endorsing murderous terrorists organizations like hamas is repugnant, dangerous, and against everything we stand for as a country. his statement does not condemn the vandalism of those statues, john. john: all right, thanks very much, we ll see what happens across the street and whether or not the investigation results in any charges. a lot of people might think that s a foregone conclusion. thank you, now this. we re going to make our country great again and greater than ever before. it is going to be special. and the world is going to look up to us with respect. they aren t going to be laughing at us. they right now are laughing at us. dana: donald trump goes west on a campaign swing. it was hot out there. he made a major promise and hauls in a boatload of cash. we have that next. idf going deep behind enemy lines rescuing four hostages from the hands of hamas in gaza. retired four star general jack keane on how it all went down. and critics accusing usa basketball of shooting an air ball for leaving caitlin clark off the olympic team. i ll root them top win gold. hopefully in four years i can be there. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. don t wait, use promo code 25now to save. book at today. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog s food to the farmer s dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there s no magic involved. 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[shouting] dana: a buck wild scene at an oklahoma rodeo when a bull leaps over the arena fence and into a group of spectators. you can see it right there. they immediately descended on the action and eventually able to restrain the bull and put it back in its pen. four people suffered just minor injuries in the process, which is amazing. thank god. they are expected to make a full recovery. john: that s something. former president donald trump wraps up a four-day campaign swing out west including fundraisers in donor-rich california where the cash tap was on full blast. trump also made a no tax pitch to millions of people who work off of tips. senior correspondent alicia acuna live in vegas with more. that had to go over well in sin city, alicia. the crowd really loved it, john. he had a big weekend here in las vegas. former president trump also made a much-anticipated endorsement ahead of the gop senate primary race in nevada. after he left las vegas he endorsed leading candidate retired army captain sam brown who was injured in an explosion while serving in afghanistan. trump writing on truth social i have gotten to know sam and his beautiful wife, amy, first lieutenant and i know in the next chapter of their life of service together they ll continue to make us all proud. sam has already proven his love for our country being horrifically wounded and making a comeback of a lifetime. tuesday s primary winner takes on democratic senator rosen in november. rosen said donald trump endorsed my extreme maga opponent sam brown. banning abortion, gutting healthcare and slashing social security is wrong for nevada. we ll defeat maga extremism in november. on sunday trump also made that campaign promise. for those hotel workers and people who get tips you ll be very happy. when i get to office we re going to not charge taxes on tips. people making tips. the culinary union that represents 60,000 hospitality workers responded, relief is needed for tip earners. nevada workers are smart enough to know the difference between real solutions and wild campaign promises from a convicted felon. congress has the power to change the tax law. a trump spokesperson later told fox president trump will ask congress to eliminate taxes on tips. biden has stepped up the i.r.s. going after tip workers. we ll see where this goes, john. john: i wonder who the culinary workers union is backing in this election? alicia, thank you. dana: want to bring in kevin o leary, chairman of owe leery ventures joining us on the five once in a while. it would be popular for people who make tips but economically i love lower taxes, so what do you think? it is a very interesting proposal. congress has to approve it. tips have been controversial at the taxation level for decades because some of the tips they still are coming in cash are never put onto your form. a tremendous amount of leakage in terms of what s really due to the i.r.s. why not abandon these small amounts? tips are ten to 20% of a bill, maybe 150 or less for a meal in las vegas and so instead of going after these small amounts which for a i.r.s. are really $20, give it up, put some relief on these people squeezed by inflation both in their costs and labor costs for restaurants causing a lot of them to shut down in states like california. politically i see the point. it works. obviously if you are helping them out. a lot of these jobs are transient. you don t want to be a waitress in a fast food location for the rest of your life or waiter. and it s kind of helping young generation move forward. i like it. dana: let me ask you this. you are right on the politics. president trump at 50%, biden at 45%. i have a friend in democratic politics tell me they re writing off nevada at this point and thinking that trump will win it. i also wanted to ask you this looking forward the way the economy is going, there are many more people putting together their income based on the gig economy. a lot of that is based on tips. you re right, that s true. uber drivers, etc. that is a big boost. a tax gift, a giveaway. it may be political. in terms of changing the outcome of the election, i don t think anybody can call this election now. i ve never seen it tighter. dana: no, i just meant for nevada itself because it s looking really good for trump. i don t write off any state for any candidate. the polling has been so volatile over the last two election cycles i don t believe any of it. you have to show me the actual data the night of the election and then i ll believe anything. i would say the biggest issue for both candidates one way or the other is inflation and definitely playing up nevada on home and protein on energy. it s than issue. calling a state now impossible. that s certainly as an investor i m not doing that. dana: it was just a chat with my friend about politics. okay. let me ask you about home and auto insurance. this is the wall street journal earlier today in its editorial saying a politically-made insurance panic. auto and home rates are soaring and the causes are inflation and lawsuit abuse. look at the rates of insurance. it increases in homeowner s insurance. arizona a battleground state. a lot of this has to do with outside influences. listen to senator elizabeth warren and why she is blaming the insurance company. the insurance companies have kind of been playing every part of this game and now when climate risks are rising, they are trying to hang american families out to dry here and demanding either higher premiums or get out of the market all together. so there is a lot going on that poses risk to our economy. dana: i wanted to ask you about that. i ve been watching the costs of car insurance and home insurance really hurting people. while they re dealing with inflation they see at the grocery store. 100% right. 100% right. let me say out of the gate my family grew up in massachusetts. we don t live there anymore. a lot of it is because of elizabeth warren. a great politician, very successful. i don t like her management style and policies. she is wrong on this. the actual facts why inflation has hit insurance so hard is not just weather. there is a tremendous amount of contingency litigation going on here where a lawyer can take down capital from a hedge fund and litigate until the cows come home and get winnings. that policy should be changed. if you lose you pay the legal costs. weather is a factor as well. one sector in our economy that benefits from a.i. this is one of the biggest. so much investment going on trying to write policies from data to a micro level of your street address that it could bring some relief to people in the next 24 months. i m in the insurance industry and consumer goods industry. we look at this like a hawk. i have to buy insurance for my restaurants. are costs are up higher than our food and labor. we want relief there. elizabeth warren is not being helpful bashing the insurance companies. that s never useful. you have to look at why the rates have gone up. there are multiple causes. dana: i feel vindicated. i am obsessed with this issue and wanting to talk more about it and glad we did. kevin o leary, thank you, have a great monday. this whole thing, this whole tragedy could be over. all the hostages could be home. there could be a cease-fire if hamas would step up and say yes to the deal. john: a celebration of freedom after israel rescues four hostages from the clutches of hamas. new details on the daring raid and why the anti-israel mob just won t give up coming up next. plus potential crunch time in hunter biden s federal gun trial. will the president s son take the stand? we re watching. customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! 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(laughing) call 1-800-977-3322 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! dana: we re learning new details about israel s dramatic rescue of four hostages in gaza over the weekend. the raid in gaza bringing home one woman and three men. the largest hostage rescue operation since the war began last october. trey yengst live in tel aviv with the latest. this morning i listened to a podcast where they had wonderful detail about how all this happened. tell us more. good morning. it was certainly the happiest weekend in israel since the war began, four hostages were rescued from hamas captivity. tears erupted across the country from the streets to the beaches of tel aviv. at a hospital here the israeli civilians were reunited with loved wonder. embraced, laughed and cried. part of what the daring operation to save them looked like. israeli special forces engaged in intense gun battles with militants as they stormed two apartment buildings. they later took the hostages to safety. one mother describes what her reunion was like. very happy to see he is healthy. he looks himonty and happy. he is infinitely happy he is back home and very happy to see him. for israelis it was a day of hope, for palestinians a day of death and destruction. hamas-run palestinians health ministry stays nearly 300 people, mostly civilians, were killed during the operation. videos showed a hospital overflowing with injured and dead patients, as we gather new information about the raid over the weekend there is some political instability in israel. two members of the israeli war cabinet resigned from their positions in the emergency government. dana: also secretary blinken is heading to tel aviv this morning expected to meet with president netanyahu? absolutely. he just made some new remarks on the tarmac in cairo before heading to israel. there is a deal on the table and israelis have accepted the cease-fire deal and now up to hamas to sign on. dana. dana: trey yengst, thank you. john: let s bring in marc thiessen. former speech writer for president bush and fox news contributor. here is what the national security advisor jake sullivan said over the weekend to free the hostages. we should point out that they released the woman seen being taken away in the back of the motorcycle. literally without incident. the idf tried to free the other three hostages a gun fight ensued and all hell broke loose. here is what jake sullivan said about that. civilians were killed and it is tragic. the whole tragedy could be over. all the hostages could be home. there could be a cease-fire if hamas would step up and say yes to the deal that the israelis have accepted and that president biden elaborated a week ago. john: could be over if hamas would surrender and give up all the hostages. we don t hear the administration calling for that. i ve been stunned by the response to this hostage raid in the media and other places. if your response to heroic rescue of israeli hostages and the scenes of these hostages being reunited with their families after 245 days is to blame israel and be outraged an israel you may be an anti-semite. the reason why were civilians killed? because they were holding hostages in civilian areas. that s why civilians were killed. when you hear the news that israel carried out a raid to rescue hostages in a palestinian refugee camp the first question should be why were hostages being held in a refugee camp? that should be the outrage. one other thing. one of these this young lady was being held by a wealthy palestinian family who used her as a housekeeper. they would call her out of her room after family dinner and make her wash the dishes. i m sorry, in the 21st century the days of used being used as slave labor is over. israelis were right to rescue the hostage. wall street editorial said. haters of israel will blame and excuse hamas every time. media are manipulated to playing along. has the west loss lot the moral instinct for self-preservation to defend itself in a world of killers? hamas could not survive if not for its enablers around the world. experts say hamas will not unconditionally surrender or agree to any cease-fire where it would lose power is because it is holding out long enough for the outrage to grow against israel and the pressure from this administration on israel to accept the cease-fire is great and finally everybody caves and hamas stays in power. as a p.r. strategy it s working. keep in mind these civilian casualties here were intentional on the part of hamas. they are responsible for every one of them through their decision. it was hamas who made the decision to start this war and massacre and rape israeli civilians. it was their decision to take israeli civilians hostage and bring them into refugee camps and hide them among the civilian population using palestinian civilians at human shields. hamas s decision not to agree to a cease-fire and release the hostages and hamas s decision to take weapons into the palestinian refugee camp and when the israeli rescuers come, to open fire forcing the israelis to respond. people blame israel for the civilian what hamas understands is that there are millions of anti-semites out there who will give them a pass and blame israel for every action it takes to defend itself. unfortunately this administration cowering and the israelis aren t listening doing what they need to do to protect their country and not allow another holocaust to happen and their people to be massacreed. john: the video of the woman being kidnapped and taken away on the motorcycle and the look of terror on her face. for her to be back home is a miracle. dana reads sports. dana: two heroic plays in men s college baseball yesterday as the florida gators stun the clemson tigers 11-ten ending their season. clemson center fielder making an unreal over the head catch at the bottom of the 10th. the catch saved the game with a 9-nine. it was michael robertson who played hero for the gators punching a ball for the win at the top at the bottom of the 13th inning. and sending his team to the college world series that takes place in omaha. i felt i was on a high wire without a net with that read. john: the top is the first part of the inning the bottom the last part of the inning. the catch was amazing. dana: you don t see that every day. john: we ll talk next hour about my favorite topic, caitlin clark being snubbed from the u.s. owe ole owe limb particular team. patrol agents are being told something far different. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love him? biden helped us. ild diagno sed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it s awesome. [music playing] it s time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer s dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog s needs. it s an idea whose time has come. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges. who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple.with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. dana: a landslide causing part of a major highway at teton pass in wyoming to collapse. it forced the closure of a key transit route between idaho and the beautiful town of jackson, wyoming. state officials describe it as a catastrophic failure and it is not clear how long it will take to reopen the road. that s a tough one as we go into the summer. john: that s a big one. maybe the landslide will bring you down. not even a week into president biden s border action we capture migrants illegally pouring across the san diego border sector. border patrol agents getting word to let those people into the country. matt finn is live along the california border with the latest for us. matt. all weekend long we saw migrants illegally cross right here coming from places like china, india, egypt, africa and beyond and just last week president biden promised that his new executive order would suspend illegal migrants from being released into the united states. but now a new border patrol memo obtained by fox news seems to contradict what the president promised. that memo reads in part that agents here in the san diego sector should continue mass releasing single adult migrants into the united states from all but six countries in the eastern hemisphere including russia, moldova and bill: others are being released on the honor system. it reads border patrol agents are ordered to refer to ice single adults from hard or very hard to remove countries. all other migrants are processed and released with a notice to appear on their on recognizance. here in san diego we are talking to migrants coming from all over the world. many tell us they fly into mexico and are smuggled into the united states. did you pay anyone to help you get here? no, i just searched the internet and then follow those guy. can come here. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love biden? because biden, we love. why do you love him? biden helped us. many of these migrants tell us that they pay $10,000 and beyond to find these cartel coyotes or human smugglers to help them get into the united states, john. john: wow, anybody who thought this executive order was going to change things is sadly mistaken. matt finn for us in california. thank you. dana: want to bring in retired border patrol chief chris clem. curious let s put up the memo again about releasing not releasing from those countries in the eastern hemisphere. why would they do that, chris? this is first of all it s a great topic, very telling about the administration. since day one they have been about catch and release. hard to remove or hard countries, those are mandatory referrals to ice. it doesn t mean it s a mandatory detention. border patrol is not going to release those themselves. it is ice that is supposed to put them in longer, sometimes indefinitely. but as we know and what we ve seen most likely they will be released if nothing has come up. i want to say it s very interesting that we are a week into this executive order, nothing has changed. the numbers continue to rise in san diego. it s another pull factor. if you are a single adult and not listed in those countries you ll be released. so guess what? they ll keep coming. dana: here is what mayorkas thinks about the timing of it all. what has the impact been? how many migrants have been turned away between those ports of entry? we re at a very early stage. implementation as you noted has just begun. our intent is to really change the risk calculus of individuals before they leave their countries of origin and incentivize them to use the lawful pathways that we have made available to them and keep them out of the hands of ex employ station smugglers. it s early. dana: he says it s early. the new york post says it s already failed. the headline, the border crack down has failed as illegals flood across. how do you see it and where do you fall? it s early and already failed. he uses fancy words that don t make sense. reality is this. they ve known since day one this has been a problem. they ve been working on catch and release and doing this the whole time. now they say it will take time. what have they been doing the last six months when mayorkas and blinken went to mexico and the foreign policy expert that sits in the white house who hasn t made arrangements. one last thing i ll say specific to the memo, it is not uncommon to have some specific efficiency directives in those correspondence going to the field. ice is not going to take certain people. let s not waste the time and process them. one particular pathway if it is not going to result in a detention. so there is some efficiency rules in that memo but at the end of the day what should be alarming to everybody is that single adults are being released if knee aren t from those six countries. who has been committing the crimes around the country have been single adults released out of border patrol and ice custody. we need to detain these folks. they have had years to plan for this. to sit there and say it will take time. how many more lives and migrants have to be exploited because this administration will not secure the border and hold people accountable? dana: chris clem, thank you for joining us today. we ll continue to watch it because the migrants continue to come. thank you. as i was turning, a shark grabbed ahold of my hand i looked down and there was a shark attached to my hand. i started punching it. john: a streak of shark attacks putting the florida panhandle on high alert. what authorities are telling swimmers. usa basketball under fire for leaving caitlin clark off the olympic team and how the superstar is responding. no disappointment something to work for. it s a dream. hopefully one day i can be there. they get it. they know how it works. more importantly, it works for them. i don t have any anxiety about money anymore. i don t have to worry about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. linda, dinah, joanne, very different people. but they do have a couple things in common. they love their home, and they know their stuff. they all talked about the counseling they got, so they knew how a reverse mortgage worked. and how it could be a real financial solution for their retirement. if you re 62 or older and own your home, find out how you could access your home s equity to give you cash now, and when you need it in the future. a reverse mortgage could put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher-interest credit cards and covering medical costs. a person like me needed to get a reverse mortgage it changed my life, it was the best thing i ve ever done. really? 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listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won t let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. john: fox news alert. firefighters in miami working to extinguish a three alarm fire at a multi-story apartment building after a person was found shot inside that building. police also investigating. more details as we get them. dana. dummies, for the first time in the history of basketball you have arguably a player the most popular player in the world. and you leave her off the olympics team? dana: basketball fans are slamming a decision by usa basketball to leave caitlin clark off the team for the paris olympics that takes place in eight weeks. mike tobin has more from chicago. what happened? the biggest name in women s basketball won t be on the u.s. team this olympics and indications that the decision to not include her on the roster didn t really have to do with who would play the best in the olympics. moment i million dollar sensation and name drawing eyes to the wnba caitlin clark is left off the olympic roster. she was excluded from team usa because there was concerns she would not play as much in the olympics as she does in the pros and concern her fans would have a negative reaction. they wrote it s an admission of tension that the old guard in women s basketball harbors for the rookie who has drawn worldwide attention to women s basketball. clark took the high road and took the disappointment in stride and says the snub from team usa gave her something to work for. the most competitive team in the world and it could have gone either way. i m excited for them. going to be rooting them on to win gold. i was a kid that grew up watching the olympics so yeah, it will be fun watching. the coach of the indiana fever for which clark plays says behind the scenes clark s reaction was more competitive. they just woke a monster. women have been dominant in basketball. they have won every gold in the olympics since 1996. dana: thanks. lots a chitchat on that today. appreciate it. john: weird changes coming up in europe. the european parliament swinging to the right as conservatives win elections in france, italy and germany. alex hogan in london has more on the shift. what s going on? we re starting to see these results roll in from the european unions parliamentary elections and results showing this right-leaning shift especially in countries that hold a large number of seats. let s look at france, for example. the right-leaning party is projected to get more than double the share of french president macron s pro-centrist europeans. m he called for a new election. they will take place at the end of this month set to take place before the country hosts the olympics. looking at germany, chancellor schultz social democrats saw their worst-ever result of 14% losing to the conservative opposition. and in austria, the right-leaning freedom party out performed the conservative party as well as the social democrats. meanwhile looking at italy, italian prime minister conservative brothers of italy s group doubled their seats in the e.u. assembly. why it all matters is the 720 seats will really determine the state of affairs of what takes place within the e.u. over the next five years and new data from today from the e.u. suggests those voters who made their way out voiced concerns, three main concerns at this point in time immigration, international conflicts and economy. definitely making those voices heard this weekend.

Hunter-biden , Defense , Jury , What-s-going-on , Indication , Discussions , Guest , Plastic-surgery , Arm-wrestle , John-wait , Lot , Stix

Erin Burnett OutFront

Cocaine and drug paraphernalia. she went on to testify about when she found the gun saying, i was afraid to touch it. i didn t know if it was loaded. the prosecution then produce video evidence of her tossing the gun into a grocery restored dumpster. i was so flustered. i realized it was a stupid idea now, the prosecution also introduced a text messages between the two including when hallie asked where hunter was the night after he bought the gun, he responded, now, off maryland av behind blue rock stadium, waiting for a dealer named kooky. but how they also testified during cross-examination, that s sometimes hunter would lie to her about his whereabouts the last witness that the jury heard from today was an older gentleman coleman, who found the gun in that dumpster. now, he testified he was rummaging through the dumpster trying to find recyclable materials to sell, to earn some money when he came up across the firearm at the center of this case, prosecutors say they ll have

Prosecution , Gun , Cocaine , Video-evidence , Drug-paraphernalia , Grocery , Gun-saying , Tossing , Testimony-today-in-hunter-biden , Dumpster , Idea , Text-messages

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240604 16:11:00

Do not judge from a distance, i am not a doctor, neuropsychiatrist, or medical expert, but this is a common sense question, would you let him drive you to the grocery store? would you let your grandfather? that is my point. look, one last point, i just got back from africa, i was on vacation, speaking to people in south africa, zimbabwe, others, even they are asking questions about joe biden. people are paying attention. people are talking about this not just an american problem. kayleigh: foreign citizens are asking about joe biden, and maybe there fearful of trump but anyway, onto this. hunter biden and the federal gun trial is underway right now, at the girlfriend is testifying as we speak, we have a live report and hundreds of infamous laptops that made their debut yesterday.

Point , Neuropsychiatrist , Grocery , Distance , Common-sense-question , Grandfather , Joe-biden , People , Questions , Others , Vacation , South-africa

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240604 16:10:00

Maybe a sneeze or something, but you want to hear the full context of someone s reference point. if you think about it, this is a administration that goes back to obama that spies on reporters, you have the representation of agencies against the press, you have social media, you ve got collusion, real collusion between the tech giants in the white house. you have the force of federal regulation being used, this is modus operandi for the democrats and the government. joe biden, they are just protecting him to protect their power. their goal is america. their goal is not just donald trump of the republicans. they want control. when you have someone who is incapable, i asked the american people this question, would you let joe biden drive you to the grocery store? no. david: people can analyze i

Someone , Something , Administration , It , Context , Reporters , Reference-point , Sneeze , Representation , Obama , White-house , Press

Transcripts for MSNBC The Weekend 20240604 13:47:00

Democracy. and what specifically happened to you on the front lines on january 6th. how are voters responding? particularly voters that might be a little bit like i m not sure. i don t think the choice could be more clear about what we do november. when i ran my own campaign, i had to come up with policies for inflation in my thoughts about the border and things like that. now working for biden, i can go out there and push back about the narrative about what did or didn t happen on january 6th and the actual threat. when i was knocking on doors, people were telling me, we are worried about donald trump being in office again. not just inflation or grocery bills are high. not just that. but the single biggest threat to our democracy is donald trump and it resonates with people and worries people. i think we need to continue to get out there and pushback and talk about the threat that exists your people are aware of

Democracy , Voters , Lines , January-6th , Choice , 6 , Things , Inflation , Joe-biden , Thoughts , Campaign , Policies

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Fox News at Night 20240604 03:44:00

Like that the california globe says the following after forcing california grocery shoppers into reusable plastic bags at ten cents apiece, flighty lawmakers are trying to ban them out right now. california lawmakers have voted to do away with reusable plastic bags. you can t even bring your own bags in anymore because they are like, are those plastic, you can t bring those in the door, it out of here. typical, you know, backwards bureaucracy. is the owner of one of the first four start certified green restaurants in california and the former director of sustainability for the seafood for the future program, this is my area. the lifecycle of plastics is actually the best environmental choice in the perspective of resources, energy, water usage. this will idea of plastics, it s a scam. it s alarmism, let s get as much money as possible and scare people and banned paek s plastics in order to underscore that. it s all a scam. it s not good for the environment to reject plastics.

Op-ed , California , Bags , Lawmakers , Grocery , Globe , Ten , One , Plastic , Owner , Door , Backwards-bureaucracy

Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240604 08:24:00

election interference would be. joining me now, norta h dakota governor doug burgum. governor, they want all the roadblocks, governor, to trump s incarceration removesome on d. hi some on the left are even demanding that he should lose his secret service protection. u your reaction tonight? well t laura, you know this better than anyone. this has been an eight-year-old progressiorogressin from the dan that donald trump beat hillary clinton. there s been an effort, one after another, escalating to try to stop him and it doesn t. the good news is it doesn t matter. i was very sad yesterday. yesterday was a sad day for america today. i m optimistic because you look at the response from people that are outsidse from fc bubble of dc and they they canan see right through it.. they can see that president trump is out there working on the issues that matteu went . because if you went to bed last night worrying about this abd you woke up today and you still can t pay your bills for food, for grocery, if you worried about openr city, ie

Donald-gbein-trump , Mike-huckabee , Protection , Left , Governor , Doug-burgum , Election-interference , Secret-service , On-d-hi , Incarceration-removesome , Norta-h-dakota , Roadblocks

Reducing Grocery Spend A Top Priority For Consumers, Study Finds

Reducing expenditure on groceries remains a top priority for consumers across all income groups, a new study has found.

Retail-industry-update , Partner-disruptive-index , Grocery ,