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indeed talk about his commitment not only to the second amendment, but also to the u.s. constitution and all talking about the speedy confirmation of supreme court justice neil gorsuch. so we expect that speech to get under way momentarily, harris. harris: we re listening and watching to the left of our screen. lee greenwood leading in song. jonathan, before we move away from you i want to ask you just one question about the mood in the room. this is the thorax what s happening today. 30 years since we saw a sitting president. what is the mood? reporter: there is a lot of optimism that you have a gun rights friendly white house. they ve already seen some changeses that were enacted within the first 100 days, rolling back some obama era policy. they re hoping for additional policies to stream line gun laws to remove some of the bureaucracy. harris: jonathan serry live at the nra. for more on this, let s bring in charles perk, washington times opinion editor. great to see you. drudge report editor and fox news contributor david goodfried is here. good to have you both. good to be with you, harris. harris: let s start with the anticipation jonathan just talked about from this crowd that the president will lean in on his support for second amendment. charlie, we ll start with you. when you go back to the beginning of the campaign a year ago when the nra endorsed donald trump very very early in the process, you know, it was a huge deal. and i think in a lot of ways it changed the trajectory of the late primaries. it changed the trajectory of the campaign. but he has paid them back handsomely in terms of not only the selection of neil gorsuch to the supreme court, which will pay dividends for literally decade, but also by the fact that he beat hillary clinton. and by beating hillary clinton he managed to beat a person who would arguably have been the biggest threat to the second amendment rights that the nra cares so much about as any president we ve ever had. harris: all right, david, i ll let you weigh in on that. i also want to bring up the tommic, too, this being a historic moment and let you react to that as well. well, sure. first of all it s historic because it s the first time since 1983 that a president has addressed the nra convention. at the time it was ronald reagan. i see a parallel between president reagan and president trump. when president reagan had been governor of california in the 60s he was very much in favor of gun control. he said there were radical groups like the black panthers that he was afraid of being armed and dangerous and he felt like gun control was necessary. by the time he got to the white house, he had reversed himself and became a strong proponent of gun rights. donald trump in 2000 said the republican party is too much captive to the nra. that was 2000. then during the campaign he did a complete 180 and said i m all in favor of the nra. i think there s a parallel here. in both cases it was a political calculation. i think the interesting thing to me is donald trump has done a rashable job with his base, but has not expanded his popularity outside of his base. harris: charlie, i mentioned this topic. i have heard some of the left who say this is a 180, this is a flip, but i challenge that with the journey that the current president has made from supporting things that look like they might have been a good idea if gun control rights were not already, or gun control laws were not already so tight in areas like chicago and urban cities. president trump wanted to concentrate on their economy and understands that even though the gun laws are tight there, the crime, the violent crime, is out of control in those areas. it s been his focus. so is that more of a journey to you? i think it is. he s a guy from new york city who grew up there. that s where he s used to being. i think one of the things that mattered to him was the fact that he is usually surrounded by armed guards. that s a great luxury that he has that other people living in new york city or chicago or wherever, they don t have that. the other thing that i think is important, and you touched on this, is what you just said. is the fact that donald trump is a fast learner. and he is always listening. the reason he won the republican nomination is because he s an acute listener and he listens to everybody. it s why he did so well to defeat 16, 18, however many republicans that there were in the primary and then go on to win the general election is because he listens. harris: all right. i want to turn everybody to the president of the united states, who s walking across the stage right now. i want to thank the panel, charlie and david, thank you very much. we may come back after the president s remarks, but right now we re gonna concentrate on the stage. the last time we saw a sitting president, we ve been talking about it this hour, to take the stage before the nra, a group that was all in for this president very early on. even ahead of some republicans in his own party establishment as we sometimes call them, the nra gave their early support. now since ronald reagan, the first sitting president to talk with this group. let s watch together. thank you, chris, for that kind introduction and for your tremendous work on behalf of our second amendment. thank you very much. i want to also thank wayne lapierre for his unflinching leadership in the fight for freedom. wayne, thank you very much. great. i d also like to congratulate karen handle on her incredible fight in georgia 6. [ applause ] the election takes place on june 20th. and by the way, on primaries, let s not have 11 republicans running for the same position again. it s too nerve shattering. she s totally for the nra and she s totally for the second amendment, so get out and vote. you know she s running against someone who s going to raise your taxes to the sky, destroy your healthcare and he s for open borders, lots of crime, and he s not even able to vote in the district that he s running in. other than that, i think he s doing a fantastic job. right? so get out and vote for karen. also my friend, he s become a friend because there s nobody that does it like lee greenwood. wow. [ applause ] lee is the purpose description of the renewed spirit sweeping across our country. it really is indeed sweeping across our country. so, lee, i know i speak for everyone in this arena when i say we re all very proud indeed to be an american. thank you very much, lee. [ applause ] no one was more proud to be american than the beloved patriot, you know who i m talking about. we remember on gatherings like today your former five term president, the late charleton heston. he was out there fighting a long time. he was a great guy. it s truly wonderful to be back in atlanta and back with my friends at the nra. you are my friends, believe me. [ applause ] perhaps some of you remember the last time we were all together. remember that? we had a big crowd then, too, so we knew something was happening. but it was in the middle of a historic political year and in the middle of a truly historic election. what fun that was. november 8th. wasn t that a great evening? you remember that evening. [ applause ] remember they were saying we have breaking news, donald trump has won the state of michigan. they go, michigan? how did that donald trump has won the state of wisconsin. whoa. but earlier in the evening, remember, florida, north carolina, south carolina, pennsylvania, all the way up, we ran up the east coast. and you know, the republicans have a tremendous disadvantage in the electoral college. you know that. tremendous disadvantage. and to run the whole east coast and then you go with iowa and ohio and all of the different states. it was a great evening. one that lot of people will never forget. lot of people. [ applause ] not gonna forget that evening. and remember they said, there is no path to 270. for months i was hearing that. you know, they re trying to supress the vote. so they keep saying it so people say, i really like trump, he loves the second amendment, he loves the nra, i love him, but let s go to the movie because he can t win. they were trying to supress the vote. hundreds of times i heard there s no route, there is no route to 270. and we ended up with 306. so they were right. not 270. 306. [ applause ] that was some evening. big sports fans said that was the single most exciting vent they ve ever seen. that includes super bowls and world series and boxing matches. that was an exciting evening for all of us and it meant a lot. only one candidate in the general election came to speak to you, and that candidate is now the president of the united states standing before you again! [ applause ] i have a feeling that in the next election, you re gonna be swamped with candidates, but you re not gonna be wasting your time. you ll have plenty of those democrats coming over and you re gonna say, no thank you, sir, ma am, it may be pocahontas. remember that. [ applause ] and she is not big for the nra. that i can tell you. but you came through for me and i am going to come through for you. [ applause ]i was proud to reces earliest endorsement in the history of the organization. and today, i am also proud to be the first sitting president to address the nra leadership forum since our wonderful ronald reagan in 1983. and i want to thank each and every one of you. not only for your help electing true friends of the second amendment, but for everything you do to defend our flag and our freedom. with your activism, you helped safe guard the freedoms of our soldiers who have bled and died for us on the battlefields. and i know we have many veterans in the audience today and we want to give them a big, big, beautiful round of applause. [ applause ] and like i promised, we are doing a really top job already. 99 days, but already with the veterans administration. people are saying a big difference. we are working really hard at the va and you re gonna see it and you re already seeing it. it s my honor. i have been telling you we re gonna do it and we re doing it. thank you. nra protects in our capitals and legislative houses the freedoms that our service members have won for us on those incredible battlefields. and it s been a tough fight against those who would go so far as to ban private gun ownership entirely. but i am here to deliver you good news. and i can tell you that wayne and chris have been fighting with me long and hard to make sure that we were with you today. not somebody else with an empty podium. because believe me, the podium would have been empty. they were with us right from the beginning. [ applause ] the eight year assault on your second amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end. [ applause ] you have a true friend and champion in the white house. no longer will federal agencies be coming after law abiding gun owners. [ applause ] no longer will the governments be trying to under mind your rights and your freedoms as americans. instead, we will work with you by your side. we will work with the nra to promote responsible gun ownership, to protect our wonderful hunters and their access to the very beautiful outdoors. you met my son. i can tell you both sons, they believe the outdoors. frankly, i think they love the outdoors more than they love, by a long shot, fifth avenue, but that s okay. and we want to ensure you of the sacred right of self-defense for all of our citizens. [ applause ] when i spoke to this forum last year, our nation was still mourning the loss of a giant. a great defender of the constitution. justice anton scalia. [ applause ] i promised if elected i would nominate a justice who would be faithful and loyal to the constitution. i even went one step further and publicly presented a list of 20 judges from which i would make my selection. and that s exactly what we did. and by the way, i want to thank, really, heritage and i want to thank also all of the people that worked with us. where s leo? is leo around here? he s got to be here. where is he? he has been so good. all from heritage, jim demint has been amazing. those people have been fantastic. they ve been real friends. the federalist people. where are they? are they around here someplace? they really helped us out. i kept my promise. and now with your help, our brand new justice, and he is really something very special neil gorsuch sits on the bench of the united states supreme court. [ applause ] for the first time in the modern political era, we have confirmed a new justice in the first 100 days. [ applause ] the last time that happened was 186 years ago. the credit is in the audience. can credit is in the audience. all of those people. they won t give us credit, but it s been a long time. we ve also stood up for america s sports man. on their very last day in office the previous administration issued an 11th hour rule to restrict the use of lead ammunition on certain federal lands. have you heard ab that, folks? i m shocked to hear that. you ve all heard about that. huh? you ve heard about that. on his first day as secretary of the interior, ryan zincke eliminated the previous administration s ammunition ban. [ applause ] he s gonna be great. ryan s going to be great. we have also moved very quickly to restore something gun owners care about very, very much. it s called the rule of law. we have made clear that our administration will always stand with the incredible men and women of law enforcement. [ applause ] in fact, countless members of law enforcement are also members of the nra because our police know that responsible gun ownership saves lives. and that the right of self-defense is essential to public safety. do we all agree with that? [ applause ] our police and sheriffs also know that when you ban guns, only the criminals will be armed. [ applause ] [ applause ] for too long, washington has gone after law abiding gun owners while making life easier for criminals, drug dealers, traffickers and gang members. ms-13. you know ab ms-13. it s not pleasant for them any more, folks. it s not pleasant for them any more. that s a bad group. get them the hell outta here. right? get em out. we are protected the freedoms of law abiding americans. and we are going after the criminal gangs and cartels that prey on our innocent citizens. and we are really going after them. [ applause ] as members of the nra know well, some of the most important decisions a president can make are appointments. and i have appointed people who believe in law, order and justice. [ applause ] that is why i have selected as your attorney general, number one, a really fine person. a really good man a man who has spent his entire career fighting time, supporting the police and defending the second amendment. for the first time in a long time you have a pro second amendment attorney general. his name is jeff sessions. [ applause ] an attorney general sessions is putting our priorities into action opinion he s going after the drug dealers peddling their poison all over our streets and destroying our youth. he s going after the gang members who threaten our children. and he s fully enforcing our immigration laws in all 50 states. and do you know what? it s about time. [ applause ] heading up the etch for the to secure america s borders is a great military general. a man of action. homeland security director john kelly. [ applause ] secretary kelly, who used to be general kelly, is following through on my pledge to protect the borders, remove criminal aliens and stop the drugs from pouring into our country. we ve already seen, listen to this. it s never happened before. people can t even believe it. by the way, we will build the wall no matter how low this number gets or how high. don t even think about it! don t even think about it. [ applause ] they re trying to use this number against us. because we ve done unbelievably at the borders already. they re trying to use it against us. but you need that wall to stop the human trafficking, to stop the drugs, to stop the wrong people. you need the wall. but listen to this. we ve already seen a 73% decrease. never happened before. in illegal immigration on the southern border since my election. 73%. [ applause ] you see what they re doing, right? why do you need a wall? we need a wall. build the wall! we ll build the wall. don t even think about it. don t even think about it. don t even think about it. that s an easy one. we re gonna build the wall. we need the wall. i said to general kelly, how important is it? he said, very important. it s that final element. we need the wall. it s a wall in certain areas. obviously where you have these massive physical structures you don t need and we have certain big rivers. but we need a wall. we re gonna get that wall. [ applause ] and the world is getting the message. they know that our border is no longer open to illegal immigration. and that if they try to break in, you will be caught and you will be returned to your home. you re not staying any longer. and if you keep coming back illegally after deportation, you will be arrested, prosecuted and you will be put behind bars. otherwise it will never end. [ applause ] immigration security is national security. we ve seen the attacks from 9-11 to boston to san bernardino. hundreds of individuals from other countries have been charged with terrorism related offenses in the united states. we spend billions and billions of dollars on security all over the world, but then we allow radical islamic terrorists to enter right through our front door. that s not going to happen any more. [ applause ] [ applause ] it s time we finally got start. it s also time to put america first. [ applause ] usa! and perhaps i see all of those beautiful red and white hats. but we will never forget our favorite slogan of them all. make america great again! keeping our community safe and protecting our freedoms also rekwaoeurgs the cooperation of our state leaders. we have some incredible pro second amendment governors here at the nra conference including governor scott of florida. where is governor scott? where is he? great guy. doing a great job. governor bryant of mississippi. what a wonderful place. governor bryant is here. governor deal of georgia. [ applause ] we re all joined by two people that, one i loved from the beginning, the other i really liked, didn t like, and now like again. does that make sense? senator david purdue. he was from the beginning and senator ted cruz. like, dislike, like. [ applause ] where are they? good guys. good guys. smart cookie. each of these leaders knows that public officials must serve under the constitution not above it. we all took an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the united states. and that means defending the second amendment. [ applause ] so let me make a simple promise to everyone of the freedom loving americans in the audience today. as your president, i will never ever infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. never ever. freedom is not a gift from government. freedom is a gift from god. [ applause ] it was this conviction that stirred the heart of a great american patriot. on that day, april 242 years ago. it was the day paul reveer spread his alarm the famous warning that the british are coming, the british are coming. right? you ve all heard that, right? the british are coming. now we have other people trying to come. believe me, they re not going to be successful. nothing changes right, folks? they are not going to be successful. be serious hurt on them, not on us. next came the shot heard around the world, then a rag tag of god fearing farmers, frontiersman, shop keepers, merchants that stood up to the most powerful army at that time on earth. most powerful army on earth. we sometimes forget what inspired those every day farmers and workers in that great war for independence. many years after the war, young men asked captain levi preston, age 91, why he fought alongside his neighbors at con cord. was it the stamp back? was it a work of philosophy? no, the old veteran replied. then why, he was asked? young man, the captain said, what we meant in going for those red coats was this. we always had governed ourselves and we always meant to govern ourselves. [ applause ] captain preston s words are a reminder of what this organization and my administration are all about. the right of a sovereign people to govern their own affairs and govern them properly. [ applause ] we no longer want to be ruled by the pwaour crafts in washington or in any other country for that matter. in america, we are ruled by our citizens. we are ruled by each and every one of you. but we can t be complacent. these are dain rouse times. these are horrible times for certain obvious reasons. but we re going to make them great times again. every day we re up against those who would take away our freedom, restrict our liberties and even those who want to abolish the second amendment. we must be vigilant. you are all up to the task. since the first generation of americans stood strong and conquered, each generation to follow has answered the call to defend freedom in their time. that is why we are here today. to defend freedom for our children. to defend the liberty of all americans. and to defend the right of a free and sovereign people to keep and bear arms. i greatly appreciated your support on november 8th. in what will hopefully be one of the most important and positive elections for the united states of all time. and to the nra, i can proudly say i will never ever let you down. thank you, god bless you, god bless our constitution and god bless america. thank you very much. [ applause ] harris: well, there you go, history being made. the president wrapping up his speech to the nra talking about a whole host of top eubgs. he actually started with the republican candidate to fill the seat of tom price, who now, of course, is the health and human services secretary, who vacated his congressional seat to become that for president trump. and he is backing karen handle, a republican there. and he lauded her successes. he talked about the fact that she is pro second amendment, she is pro nra. that is where he started. he then dipped into some familiar things, thanking people in that room for their early all in buy in for his presidency. he thanked them for their support. he thanked them for his continued support. he kind of wrapped up with something similar here. he said, i will never infringe upon the right of people to bear arms. that got a huge response. let s bring in ari fleisher who served for president george w. bush. ari, always a pleasure to have you, especially on this 99th day of this presidency. your thoughts from that kind of felt like a stump speech, but definitely a huge point of gratitude from this president. it s a check the box political speech. a plug for karen handle. what was missing was something i would have recommended. two policy plugs for donald trump. where s the policy here asking nra audience saying i really need your help, i need your help, we need tax reform. call your congressman. those policy elements often are missing from donald trump speeches which are entertaining speeches but they re about himself and they re a lot about political story telling. harris: that s really interesting. in terms of policy though, he did include a couple of points that he considers victories by his members of the administration. so not maybe necessarily himself. he talked about ryan zincke who is the secretary of the interior. all those places that represent the u.s. wild life and fishery. he talked about that. also said you now are living at a time where you ll see the first attorney general in a very long time who is second pro amendment. he talked about the things that are important to them. he should do that. he s got a group that loves him. in politics when you have a group that loves you, ask them to do something for you. where he needs help, on some of those nonnra policy initiatives. harris: he may get some criticism for visiting those familiar themes, as i mentioned before, of how he won and the flavor of things that used to be and how they re different now, but basically looking back. but that is what his base maybe still appreciates. i don t know. he s doing well in some polling of people who would vote for him again. i don t begrudge anybody from doing reminiscing with the people that helped make the election possible. barack obama would do it. it s a nice touch. it s a human touch. he wanted to express gratitude and talk the language of the people who helped you win. that s meaningful. i wouldn t have done to it the exclusion of those other issues. that s the point i m making. harris: one big.he made off the top. i want to quote him. a big big beautiful round of applause for all of the veterans in the room and beyond. that is huge to him. continues to be and obviously a big part of why he is where he is. also important to the nra audience. that s right. one of the things politicians and donald trump is becoming one is who do they touch? he touched veterans. he touched the nra, of course. he also touched the police. went to thank them. when you hear the president of the united states talk about you, talk about the issues you care arbgt it really enriches your support for that president, that politician. that s why he does it. he s right to do it. harris: it s interesting to hear you say he s a politician. i don t think he d call himself that as he goes on his 100th day tomorrow, back to the people. a rally in harrisburg, pennsylvania. i think he d argue with you on that point. but if he is going a bit in that direction, where is he doing well, ari? he is an unconventional politician. as soon as you run for office, you become a politician. that s a source of strength and paofrt his weakness. where i think he s done really well is in four areas. one, the economy is coming back stronger since his election. consumer confidence is up. markets are up. manufacturing index is up. today s gdp report is a flashing red light though. there has to be more work done. two, the drop in illegal immigration at the border. huge success. that s attributable to him. three is foreign policy. america is leading in the world again. four, the position of neil gorsuch on the supreme court. all four are 99 day accomplishments. harris: let s start with the economy. that was something that we saw this week with only 19% of people. that s the lowest in more than a decade. saying that they saw the economy as poor. that s brand new fox news polling. the big chunk of people fair all the way to excellent. that is a huge.for this president to at least talk about if not really check that list as you say on a score card and put that out for messaging this weekend. what s happened since the election, when two thirds of america thought the country was on the wrong track, donald trump has turned much of that around. people have confidence they didn t have before. but what s missing now is legislation. he has to make sure we don t have a 1%, 2%, growing economy. that is a warning sign to donald trump and republicans everywhere. if it persists what was the advantage of electing don ted a trump? congress has got to get that message seriously. they better start passing legislation, otherwise, what good is it? harris: it s a big question whether this president can motivate them. they had enjoyed the lowest popularity rating below the media congress. real quickly, you mentioned the drop in illegal immigration on our border. he mentioned it today, too. he mentioned the number, 73%. he touted that time and time again in the speech. something he considers to be the hall mark of his presidency. i would imagine based on the words that he used today. real quick, last thought. there s really common sense to this. if you want to come to america and you threu think it s a game of tag, more people will come. if you fear you ll get caught, you ll get thrown out or go into prison, you don t come. it s that simple. that s what donald trump did. he changed the mentality of those who would break our laws to come here. we need people here. we want people here. they should come in accordance with the law. they ll find no more welcoming country than america. harris: all right. day 99, making some news. ari fleisher along for the ride. thank you very much. always good to see you. thank you, harris. harris: well, president trump is warning major conflict could be coming with north korea. what else he s saying about that nation s dictator kim jong-un. stay close. harris: from policies to a challenging situation abroad in north korea, the president knows a lot about kim jong-un, telling roeuters he s 27, his father died, took over a regime. say what you want but that is not easy especially at that age. i m not giving him credit or not giving him credit. i m just saying that s a very hard thing to do. and to whether or not he s rational, i have no opinion on it. i hope he s rational. secretary of state rex tillerson also gave some thought to kim s psychological stability. watch. all indications are that he is not crazy. he may be ruthless. he may be a murderer. he may be someone who in many sprebgts we would say by our standard is irrational but he is not insane. reporter: mike prejint is a former intelligence officer. great to have you today and get your perspective on this. let s start with the crazy. you ve always heard this about this dictator. you back away from that language i would think because you don t want to give somebody an automatic out if you think you re going to have to fight them. that s kind of the underlying thing that i see. what s your take? well, thanks for having me, harris. yeah, you don t want him to believe that you re going to do something because he may, in fact, be crazy. it s a good out reach to kim jong-un to say, listen, i know it was tough being 27 years old and becoming a dictator with all the knives out. let s talk. let s talk about your nuclear program. it s interesting that in 2016, kim jong-un increased his nuclear test and also missile launches in hopes of getting an iran deal like benefit. meaning you could keep your nuclear program and you d get a wind fall of cash. the obama administration ignored him. i think he miscalculated with the trump administration because they are looking at an imminent threat. i think it s a good message to him. harris: do you know what s interesting? it s completely opposite of some of the tough talk you heard from our u.n. ambassador, nikki haley, at the united nations. then the tougher talk from the secretary of state rex tillerson who basically said not only is the military on the table, but have you seen what we did over there? have you seen what we went through? we got a step coming your way. right. when you assess what would have happened if we would have taken out iran s nuclear facilities. if you look at what hezbollah would have done to israel. in the case of north korea, if we take out their nuclear facilities. we look at north korean artillery decimating the military zone. they re two different calculations. this is a positive message to the north korean dictator that, hey, we don t think you re crazy, but don t do anything crazy. harris: i wonder about this. in the eight years under president obama, we heard words whenever north korea would do something, ah, they re saber rattling. i have yet to see an actual saber in someone s hand, so i don t know how much rattling people do. that s not what this president is saying. the language has shifted. how significant is it? it s significant because if you look at the repositioning u.s. naval forces in the area, what japan s doing, what south korea is doing with their training missions, then what we re seeing from north korea, this is brinkmanship. this is what brinkmanship looks like. it s time to lessen the rhetoric and start seeing if there s a solution. china s probably influencing trump as much as trump is influencing china on how to deal with north korea. so i wouldn t be surprised if this is china telling the trump administration, hey, let s stop calling him crazy and try to look at what a crazy man would do with a nuclear arsenal. harris: lot is made about the first 100 days of a presidency. lot of main stream media and sometimes all of us catching ourselves talking about that. but this actually is impressive, to have gotten to this point on the 99th day, where you is such a huge shift in the coming out of the biggest house in the land, the people s house. it really is. yeah. it s sending messages to everyone. pyongyang, moscow, beijing, tehran, demascus, baghdad. all the places you want the message to go, that the united states is different now. thaoe first 100 days have not been like the last eight years tpp you re gonna be held accountable for your actions. harris: any risks? what are they? reufbs are, what does a crazy dictator do if he believes there s an imminent u.s. strike? and that s the main concern. especially with north korea s ability to punish south korea. the other risks are what messages does i send to other capitals if we don t do anything? harris: mike, thank you for your time. we ll be right back. at lincoln financial, we get there are some responsibilities of love you gotta do on your own. and some you shouldn t have to shoulder alone. like ensuring your family is well taken care of, today and tomorrow, no matter how life unfolds. visit today to learn how we can help you plan to protect your family s financial future. harris: gop leaders are delaying a vote on healthcare after republicans were unable to gather enough votes. the white house put pressure on republicans to pass legislation this week ahead of president trump s 100th day in office tomorrow. peter ducey is live on capitol hill to explain what s going on. as i understand it, what they re trying to do now is give themselves enough time so they can actually get this done cleanly. reporter: but the talk initially, harris, was that they would try to do this next week. but we now know there are no plans for that. we caught up a little while ago with the house majority leader kevin phmccarthy who said theres nothing scheduled. earlier today another member of the house from the conservative freedom caucus said that he thinks his party is just about ready to approve repeal and replace. i think we re gonna get to yes on it. i think we re about there. there s some folks that are still weighing it, but i think once they get the certainty right, there s some nervousness ab preexisting conditions, but the state gets the choice to opt out. people would have to lose coverage. people who maintain coverage are 100% safe. reporter: another very conservative member of the house congressman ted yoho now said he is a yes, but under duress, so the focus still is on these moderate members. leadership is having a hard time getting them on board which is the reverse what happened the first time they tried to repeal and replace it. harris: also from texas pete sessions was saying they will slow down this timetable or speed it up, however they need to to make sure this has a chance of going forward. why would democrats care about how long this would take? reporter: it doesn t sound like they really do, harris. if anything, they think the longer it takes it s going to help them because chuck shumer said he thinks the longer the process goes, the worse the republican bill gets. president s healthcare bill rose from the dead and moved further to the right. it s hard to think of a bill worse than the first, but trump care 2.0 has all of the terrible aspects of round one with even more cruelty placed on the american people. reporter: and president trump did tell our martha mccowan in an interview that airs tonight that he is disappointed with how slowly things have been going on the hill. harris harris: thank you. we re coming right back. ces. and when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. ready or not, here i come.ek.) anyone can dream. making it a reality is the hard part. northrop grumman command and control systems always let you see the complete picture. and we re looking for a few dreamers to join us. anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips colon health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips colon health. oh, this will make you look twice. dash cam footage showing the moment a jeep flipped over multiple times on an alabama interstate. amazingly the driver after that can be seen walking away. he and the passenger were hospitalized with nonlife threatening injuries. we understand they ll be okay. the driver in the other car was not hurt. wow! the crowd-pleasing kiss cam setting their sights on a pair making for the awkward moment at the milwaukee bucks game. it started with the camera focuses on an unsuspecting man and woman in the crowd. they weren t able to play along. the man says that s my mom, dude. that s my mom. dude! dude, that s my mom. anyway, former h.w. bush has been released from the hospital. he was released from the hospital for bronchitis. thanks for watching. president trump speaking minutes ago at the nra convention. talking about his views on guns and which democrat he could face in 2020. he talked about north korea, saying we could have a major conflict with that nuclear nation. from one leader to another, the president noted the young dictator took over a difficult job. president trump acknowledged being the leader of the free world is harder than he expected and revealing the personal side of life in the white house. it s coming up in this hour.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20170607

earlier the president named his choice to replace james comey at the fbi. christopher ray is a career attorney. now we re just getting a look at what james comey may say tomorrow as his testimony. chief white house correspondent john roberts joins me now. we want to know about christopher ray. we also want to know about what may be on the bill during the hearing tomorrow. reporter: where would you like to start, harris? i have been going over the testimony. here really is the kruk of it. he talks about the february 14 meeting in the oval office when the president was there along with the attorney general, the vice president, the fbi director, many others. he asked james comey to stay around because he wanted to talk to him privately afterwards. this is comey s testimony. when the door by the grandfather clock closed and we were alone, the president began by saying i want to talk about mike flynn. the president began by saying flynn hadn t done anything wrong in speaking with the russians but he had to let him go because he pht led the vice president. he also added he had other concerns about flynn which he did not specify. he goes on to talk about something else. then says the president then returned to the topic of mike flynn saying, quote, he s a good guy and he s been through a lot. he repeated that flynn hadn t done anything wrong but had misled the vice president. he then said, and this is the meat of it. this is what we ve been waiting for. quote, i hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting flynn go. he is a good guy. i hope you can let this go. i replied that, quote, he is a good guy. i did not say that i would let this go. he then goes on to say a couple paragraphs down. i immediately prepared an unclassified memo of the conversation about flynn and discussed the matter with fbi senior leadership. i had understood the president to be requesting that we drop any investigation of flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the russian ambassador in december. i did not understand the president to be talking about the broader investigation of russia or possible links to the campaign. i could be wrong, but i took him to be focusing on what had just happened with flynn s departure and the controversy around his account of his phone calls. that really, that is the key section of this testimony, harris, because what has been floated around, when we got piece meal sections of james comey s written sources, seemed like the sources were now inside the fbi report, was that president trump was asking him to drop the russia investigation of mike flynn. comey says in his testimony that he thought that it was only about the phone calls and not about the entire russia investigation. so that changes the direction of this, i think, harris, quite dramatically. harris: i want to talk about the senate intelligence hearing that is right now as we speak and is private, but not public, private behind the closed door meeting. one of things that came out was about that washington post article that pointed to the intel, the top chief intel all perhaps having had some conversations with the president regarding michael flynn. i m wondering from the testimony that you have there. i know, john, you re still making your way through it, how that might play a role, too. because whether james comey comes online and says any more detail about his conversation with the president, now you have something else cooking out there. reporter: you do. definitely. looking ahead to tomorrow s testimony, this is just his opening statement. it s eight or so pages long. could be wrong about that. believe it s eight pages long. seven pages. sorry. obviously he ll be asked a lot of questions about this as well. the opening statement tells one story, but under probing from the senators we may start to get some more of the finer parts of the story. it is possible though that comey will say i can get into that because it might conflict with robert mueller s investigation. the two of them have had talks with each other, deconflict shun talks making sure comey doesn t stray to areas of the investigation that could make it difficult for mueller. we heard a couple things that were very interesting. the first was that, to a person, all of the members of the intelligence committee community who were there say that they didn t feel any pressure to shape any investigations. but they also refuse to disclose the contents of private conversations they had with the president in the open session. so we don t know what they re going to say in the closed session. we may get an indication of that from leaks that occur afterwards. that s the big question. what were the conversations in private between the leaders of the intelligence community and the president? harris: yeah. it does matter with regard to what s coming up tomorrow because that would again be a whole other set of conversations that happened separately from james comey. perhaps when senator mccain pressed the intel chief to lean on that for a second ab the validity of the washington post story. let him weigh in on that. director of national intelligence coats didn t weigh in on that. he said that in his experience there have been some things that haven t always turned out to be true. but it is interesting. i want you to get through those seven or eight pages. i thank you for getting through as much as you can. we may come back to you as the news warrants. john roberts, we appreciate it. we have an opportunity now to talk with south dakota senator john thunu. he joins me now. senator, thanks for being with us. we will get to health care in a moment because i do want to focus on that, as is the president in ohio on the ground meeting with victims of obamacare. that in a second. i first though want to get your initial thoughts. we re learning some of the testimony potentially from james comey tomorrow. i don t know if you ve been able to watch and listen, but we re getting a flavor of what will come forth. your thoughts? right. well, i think that s why it s important to get director comey up here, harris. the intelligence committee is working on a bipartisan basis to get as much information, to follow the facts wherever they lead. director comey s testimony is critical to that. now that we have a copy of his written testimony and your folks are analyzing, as are i think a lot of people right now, we ll be better positioned probably tomorrow to ask questions and to get some of the answers people are looking for. that s why this process needs to move forward. it s unfolding, as it should be, with the intelligence committee. first with an open session now a classified session this afternoon trying to get the facts. harriharris: how important i for the president not to have tried to block director comey s testimony? i give him credit for that. it was important for members of congress to get as much information as they can. it will lend to a more complete investigation. frankly, the more information the better off it is. seems to me at least that the president would want to have those facts out there and that s what this process ultimately leads to. harris: james comey has come out. you were watching and listening. is there anything in particular that leads you to want to ask a first question or give you pause? first off, what s important is what you re reporting as they started to analyze the testimony is concluding and that there wasn t a specific etch for the at least, according to director comey an what we see and know so far to try and influence the russia investigation. or attempt by the president to impede that. i think that s important factoid that a lot of people are going to be looking at, trying to drill down on tomorrow. i think the main thing right now for a lot of people is just what did the conversations with the president and how the director characterizes those, what the context was. i think it gives us a fuller picture of what happened. harris: when the door by the grandfather clock closed the president said he wanted to talk about general flynn. those were the comments today as our john roberts is working through. he s a good guy, the president, according to comey said. didn t do anything wrong. i hope you can let this go. i want to give you a last word on this as we get ready to watch what they re calling the hottest ticket in town inside the belt way. it really is. it s amazing the amount of attention that s focused on this right now. again, i think until he actually comes up and can respond to questions tomorrow from members of the intelligence committee, it s important that we not jump to any conclusions about what was said. and what the conversation, the private conversations between the president and director comey were. as you begin to analyze the written testimony and he appears tomorrow, again, we ll get a better sense of that. i think it s important that he be there, that he talk openly about this. i think that s good for the president and administration. it s important that the president told the director to proceed and to allow this process to go forward. harris: let s move forward you and me. health care. the president today met with families and business owners in ohio, particular opportunity he said to talk with victims of obamacare which is imploding. he all said something and i want you to watch it with me now about needing democrats. we re having no help, it s only obstruction from the democrats. the democrats are destroying healthcare in this country. we have had no help. we will get no votes. no matter what we do. if we gave you the greatest plan in the history of the world, you would have no democratic vote. it s all gonna be republicans or bust. harris: i m curious as to why democrats are even part of the conversation then. you have it. you ve got it. you ve got the majority on the hill. many americans though expressing, why do you need democrats? welsh it would be nice to have democrats involved to try and fix a problem and a mess that they created. this is really, we re on the job now. we have to try and fix the mess that was created by the democrats. it would be nice if they would recognize that this is a failed system and that we need to rescue the american people from a failed system. status quo is unsustainable. you have sky rocketing premiums. information that came out last week from the health and human services department. premiums over the last four years have more than doubled on average, more than doubled everywhere in this country. this has got to be fixed. i think the president is making an observation that i review to be very accurate. that is there is no interest from democrats trying to participate in an exercise that would rescue this failing system. i think they view it as a political opportunity and right now they have no interest in being part of the solution. harris: any friends among them on this issue? i don t see that. i always hope there are some that you can talk to that are reasonable and that look for opportunities to do things in a bipartisan basis, but i think on healthcare their leadership has laid down the law and basically said we benefit politically by not being part of this process. that s precisely where we rat the moment. harris: i m giving my team a signal that i have one last question before i know you have to get back to work. and that is how much does it help to have the president s personal touch on the ground talking about health care and driving the narrative about this issue? i think it s really important for the president to be out there, to be as engaged as he can be and to be personalizing this issue. there are people, victims all across this country of this failed healthcare system. we need a system more patient centered, more affordable for the people of this country. that s what we intend to do. the fact that the president is out there engaging with the american public and highlighting why we have to fix this system is great for us because it continues to build momentum for us to get to a solution. harris: all right. i want to draw everybody s attention to a live picture of air force one taking off. the president leaving cincinnati, ohio, after having talked about healthcare, which senator thune was gracious enough to talk with me about. thank you very much. the president also on the ground talking about infrastructure. lot of news happening right at the top of the hour. we appreciate the senator s time. a contentious senate intelligence hearing today. it did get chippy. president trump s national security team grilled by lawmakers as former fbi director james comey prepares to face them all tomorrow. the sun ll come out tomorrow. for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, tomorrow. i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don t take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you ve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don t take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure. .kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow ask your heart doctor about entresto.and hel. you re only a day away. harris: fox news alert. we are learning more because we re looking at our phones and wherever we can read about it. the written comments james comey is expected to make at the very start of that hearing tomorrow in front of the senate. and what he may say about his conversations with president trump about all sorts of things. general flynn, russia. this comes to mind. we have our whole journalism team working on this. the first section which jumps out is that comey said he met alone with president trump, then candidate, or incoming president, january 6th to, quote, brief him on some personally sensitive aspects of the information assembled on russian interference. he goes on to say comey was added to tell the incoming president the intel community thought, quote, there were some effort to compromise an incoming president, but we could blunt any such effort with a defensive briefing, end quote. a lot to get through. let s bring in john roberts. john, i know you re looking through this. thune thought you might be doing this work, too. everybody is watching to see what is in this document. seven or eight pages. what you finding? reporter: seven pages. i made it thrul the way through. he talks about the oval office february 14th when the president brought up mike flynn. again, james comey said i did not understand that the president to be talking about the broader investigation into russia or possible links to his campaign. he asked him to let the flynn matter go. i could be wrong, but i took him to be focused on what just happened with flynn s departure and the conversation about his phone calls which would seem to shoot down the reporting or speculation that the president was asking comey to drop the entire investigation into flynn and russia. comey does go on to say though, quote, regardless it was very concerning given the fbi s role as an independent investigative agency. he said the fbi leadership team agreed that it was important not to infect the team with the president s request which we did not intend to abide. he said they did not bring it to the attention of the attorney general because they knew that he was going to be recusing himself in connection with the russian investigation. comey said after discussing the matter, we decided to keep it very closely held resulting to figure out what to do. then he gets into the march 30th phone call. the president said he was told three times by james comey, once at dinner and twice in phone calls, that he was not under investigation. here s what comey says about that march 30th phone call. the morning of march 30th the president called me at the fbi. he described the russia investigation as a, quote, cloud, that was impairing his ability to act on behalf of the country. he said he had nothing to do with russia, had not been involved with hookers in russia and had always assumed he was being recorded in russia. he asked what we could do to, quote, lift the cloud. i responded that we were investigating the matter as quickly as we could and that there would be great benefit if we didn t find anything, our having done the work well. he goes on to say further down, i explained that we had briefed the leadership of congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and we had told those congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating president trump. i reminded him that i had previously told him that. he repeatedly told me we need to get that fact out. so there, corroboration from the former fbi director as to what the president said about being told at least now twice by the fbi director that he was not under investigation. harris: i want to step in real quickly. we have to go to a break. what you said to me was so significant. what comey is saying seems to shoot down the idea that the president was pressuring him to back off of general flynn. did i get that right from what you said? and if so, wouldn t that be the point in all of this? this actually then would substantiate and help the president in what he s been saying all along. reporter: again, that i think is the main point here. the fact that james comey, though he was troubled by what the president was saying to him at that dinner, did not take to it mean that the president was asking him to back off from the entire flynn investigation and the entire russia, either connection to the trump campaign or russia influencing the election. it was specifically the details surrounding his firing, mike flynn s firing, and phone calls and whether or not he had been truthful about those phone calls. he does detail the results of the april 11th phone call that the two of them had in which he again said that he is not personally under investigation. that is the president. james comey said the president is not personally under investigation. so the president was told once at dinner and twice in phone calls according to comey that he was not under investigation. that completely corroborates what the president said. harris: john robert, thank you very much. the headline there though, comey seeming to shoot down this idea that the president was pressuring him to back off of the investigation into his former national security adviser. we will get into this more. stay with us. new bike? 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because our phones have evolved. so isn t it time our networks did too? introducing america s largest, most reliable 4g lte combined with the most wifi hotspots. it s a new kind of network. xfinity mobile. harris: fired fbi director james comey is set to take the stand center stage tomorrow. he s released some prepared remarks. president is making a hard push to kick start his stalled legislative agenda and a flurry of activity. president had a very busy day. i think his focus will be on pursuing the agenda and the priorities he was elected to do. harris: president trump is the zone. he was talking ab obamacare. we showed you air force one. he s now left ohio. he announced his choice to take over head of the fbi as well. yesterday he met with republican leaders to talk about health care. all on the list of getting things done, flooding that narrative, that zone, if you will, he announced a speech later this week at the faith and freedom coalition. chris plante is the syndicated radio talk show of the chris plante show. leslie marshall is the radio talk show host of the leslie marshall show and a fox news contributor. chris, leslie, good to see you. this is a very busy hump day. lot of sizzle to go along with it. the president flooding the zone, getting out his narrative, chris, with some strong domestic issues and agenda and policy. your thoughts. he s doing what he should be doing rather than allowing the democrats to wag the dog on this and the news media. but i repeat myself, he s doing what a president would do. the idea that he s being criticized for going to ohio to talk about the failings of obamacare is re ridiculous. he names his pick to the fbi director. somehow destroys the media narrative and the democratic party narrative. it would be funny if it weren t so absurd. harris: but an of the list, i could go on to add the list. he talked ab infrastructure, that $1 trillion plan. he was in ohio. he s met with gop leadership talking about healthcare yesterday. there are a lot of things going on, yet i still hear the drum beat that nothing is happening except for russia and james comey. well, i don t think that it s just democrats saying that. the focus this week is on i think you said harris earlier the big act, if you will, in august. all eyes are on this testimony tomorrow. i will agree somewhat with what chris said which is this is what the president is supposed to do and should have been doing all along. as president, it shouldn t be anybody or any party that stops or distracts him from doing that. however, i think the timing is to be a bit of a distraction. i also think it s amusing that he was in ohio regarding obamacare and that he s pushing that to repeal and replace yet. in republican districts in ohio and throughout the united states as we re seeing at town hall meetings, more and more republicans, more and more trump supporters are now liking obamacare the longer it stays in place. i m not sure it was a good choice for him. harris: so, you know, their last insurance company pulled out of the obamacare exchange in ohio this week. right? anthem. there are businesses and families on the ground with whom the president met right there on the tarmac and talked about healthcare. there are some, if you will, juicy examples of what is imploding about that healthcare plan from the last president, if you will, to get him to go to ohio and put his personal touch on this issue. chris? this is a real issue affecting millions of americans including myself. in ohio there are 20 counties that have no options, zero options because of the structure of obamacare. in my house hold personally we went from $550 a month for two of us to more than $1750 a month for premiums alone. now, if that s a success story, then i d hate to see what a disaster would be. that s a disaster. this is what the president should be talking about. he needs to name an fbi director. the idea this is taking the democratic party off their message with this, what are we coming up on a year now of russia conspiracy theories based on anonymous sources where there s no smoking gun as democrat after democrat has admitted including senators that are show boating. leslie, what did you kaeult, the big act? it is. harris: i called it the hottest ticket in town. that s what many inside the belt way are calling it. i don t normally focus on the president s tweeting unless it s becoming to be news. democrats may be making a little ground with this mantra because now behind the scenes some of the staff are saying please don t, you re not helping things in terms of tweeting so much. it talks to the base directly. it also donors like it as well. we lost leslie s live shot. chris, are you still there? i am. i have plenty to say. sure. look, the president should obviously i think be more judicious in his use of tweeting. i appreciate the fact that he can circumvent the new york times and cnn and get his message directly to the american people. but when it comes to terrorist attacks in london and some other issues, it would be helpful i think if there were something of a filter on the president s twitter account. harris: that s very interesting. again, donors say they like it. we talked about it this hour yesterday. we shall see if the president will be unfettered going forward or if he will put in some gates in his comments. james comey will be testifying tomorrow at the same time the president will be at events as well. we ll move on. chris, good to see you. also, thanks to leslie. we lost her because of our satellite. sometimes technology works out that way. intelligence is the news of the day. the former fbi director just released prepared works. you know we re covering it here as it break. but three of the trump administration s top intel officials testified on capitol hill for hours today. now they re in private session. that was public this morning. they were talking about surveillance, russian election meddling and leaks. katherine herridge was there for it. she joins me next. i have never been directed to do anything. in my three plus years as the director that i felt to be inappropriate nor have i felt pressure to do so. have you ever been asked to do something that wasn t true? i stand by my former statement. 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reporter: well, if you go through the seven pages of prepared testimony, several things jump out. what jumped out at me on the first go around is the former fbi director documented virtually every interaction with the incoming president from phone calls to meetings. he described at one point sitting in the fbi limousine outside trump tower and getting onto his laptop to document the nature of the conversation. this was simply not something he did with president obama. when you look at the testimony that will be delivered here in the room behind me tomorrow, the fired fbi director says really without verification that when they had that conversation about former national security adviser mike flynn, the president said to him, i want you to let go of an investigation that looks at whether mr. flynn lied to the fbi about his contacts with the russian ambassador. and james comey said very clearly he did not in any way take that to mean that he wanted him to drop the entire counter intelligence investigation. but the one element of flynn and this is the first time that i have seen testimony that alleges that flynn lied to the fbi about his contacts with the russian ambassador. and lying to the fbi is an automatic five years if convicted. that s another little piece of news there if that is, in fact, the case, harris. harris: real quick, yes or no if you read the seven pages and had a chance to take it all in. is there anything that is a, i m just going to quote senator warner, that might be a smoking gun since democrats say they don t have any evidence and don t have a smoking gun? reporter: what i would caution people is this is prepared testimony. director comey will be taking questions on it tomorrow. what we don t know right now is whether he has been asked by the special counsel, robert mueller, not to go beyond what s in the black and white of the prepared testimony because these other issues remain of investigative interest to the special counsel. so we have to see whether he takes questions on these matters or whether he deflects questions because of the request of robert mueller. but when you read the seven pages what you come away with is that the fbi director, james comey, never felt that the president was pressuring him to drop the entire fbi investigation. he was focused on flynn. and that is director comey who offered to the president that he was not under investigation. harris: okay. reporter: he said he did that willingly and that he spoke with others within the fbi as to whether that might be appropriate during one of their first meetings. harris: catherine, thank you very much. you mentioned robert mueller. puts us right on to the next thing. we ll bring you back. the former director of the national intelligence claims clapper has been making some pretty bold statements concerning allegations that the president colluded with russians. watch a bit. i have to say though that i think you compare the two that watergate pales really in my view compared to what we re confronting now. harris: and yet we are confronting no evidence to date. the nation s top intel officials today, as catherine was just telling us about, testified before that senate panel. they never felt pressured by the president regarding the russia investigation. there seems to be a theme today with that. joining us now attorney jonna philborn. i mentioned robert mueller. because now he s in charge of this investigation. and i know that he, what, would be talking with the white house counsel, hoping to gain some information. yes. harris: is that protected information? so, this is interesting. in terms of who is the white house counsel s client? the white house counsel s client is the office of the white house i, e, the president. a lot of what this investigation will include happened before donald trump, the man, became the president of the united states. so insofar as any statements donald trump would want to discuss with white house counsel that happened before he got into the white house may not be privileged information under the attorney/client privilege. harris: that s interesting. you ve been watching all of this unfold. if you could, tell me if there is any bombshell in this. the testimony seems to be from james comey s own statement that there was no pressuring. i want to get to the heart of it. i think the bombshell is that there is no bombshell. everybody wants there to be a bombshell. there s four different investigations going on as we speak. and so far nothing. there s no evidence of collusion. there s no evidence of anything. so if you want a bombshell, there it is. harris: we appreciate it. dropping it right here. thank you very much. all right. iran is blaming the united states for two deadly terror attacks in tehran today. what this could mean for the already strained relationship. stay with us. how old do you want to be when you retire? 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harris: we will keep watching it. jonathan, thank you very much. terror in tehran, iran. isis claims responsibility for a terror attack inside tehran s borders. so why is iran blaming the united states? it s ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it s fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. harris: iran is lashing out at us in saudi arabia after a pair of terror attacks in tehran. the islamic state is claiming responsibility. it would be their first successful attack inside iran. the state department has condemned the attack, even as tehran issued a statement blaming the united states. it reads, quote, the public opinion of the world especially iran recognizes this terrorist attack which took place a week after a joint meeting of the united states president and the head of one of the region s backward governments which constantly supports fundamentalist terrorists as very significant, end quote. virginia congressman scott congressman, thanks for joining us. great to be with you. harris: what do you make of iran blaming us? well, iran, they have their own domestic political needs and need to shore up their base. i think it s a mistake. the fact that the islamic state. you have to have thoughts and prayers to any innocent victims of terror around the world. you have the iranian government, they probably don t want to admit that they ve been penetrated by the islamic state right in their capital. at the same time, they should be cautious and careful because that rhetoric against saudi arabia, as we know, is one of the rivals in the region. that s an act of war. they have to be careful about that rhetoric. that could lead to some unintended consequences and potential violence. harris: that s a good point. i said saudi arabia in my leading comments, but they call them a backwards government, saudi arabia. well, there s no question that the iranians and the saudis, they fight for sort of regional dominance and they re constantly issuing, you know, insults like that against each other all the time. this is much more harsh and has much more potential again for escalation. so they should be cautious about it. i understand they re dealing with their own domestic politics in trying to show that they wrrpb penetrated by the islamic state. but that s dangerous tharb kind of rhetoric. harris: you pointed out the irony, too, of iran actually talking about supporting terror groups. let s pop up on the screen while their hands are not clean. hezbollah, hamas, hezbollah in iraq, shia fighters, brutal crackdown inside syria. the list goes on and on. we ll leave it up on the screen and get your thoughts. well, there is no question about it that iran, via their proxies that you just named, many of them, are trying to increase their influence and trying to be regional groups in the middle east. quite frankly, they have. they have increased their power certainly in the past decade or so. but their hands are not clean, of course, in financing and influencing terrorism around the region to advance their own political interests. harris: well, we brokered a deal that put some more money in their hands, congressman. well, in my opinion, obviously, very overtly against the deal. i believe in the short term we have helped them finance these proxies. they have gained regional influence in the short term and the long term i think we put them on a path to be able to get nuclear weapons. i think it s the wrong deal and is bad and we should do something about it. harris: part of your resume is as a navy seal. you have been in that area. isis, 30 countries plus now. generals are telling me they are, even though we re hitting them inside syria and other places, they re still grow. what is the latest on the islamic state terror group which i call the savages? you have i like your strength in that statement. you have a network group, right? so this is unlike anything previous to ten years ago in terms of them having the ability to grow via the internet, of course. being able to influence folks from some countries into other ones. we have to have increased communication between not just states, but even cities as well, between each other as well. there are certainly fiscal things we have to do. we have to kill folks in certain areas and not let them have safe harbor. we need partnerships around the world to be able to do that. harris: representative scott taylor, always great to talk to you. you, as well. harris: we ll be right back. it s not just a car, it s your daily treat. go ahead, spoil yourself. the es and es hybrid. experience amazing. ykeep you that s why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing. .what you love. ensure. always be you. of being there for my son s winning shot. that was it for me. that s why i m quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. okay. so this happened. that s a peacock causing hundreds of dollars of damage. the big bird strolled into a liquor store in arcadia, california. that s an animal control guy finally dropping a net on the peacock. i said i wasn t going to do this, but i am. perhaps he was looking for some wild turkey. the liquor store. give me a break. i m harris faulkner. tomorrow, the big hearing. james comey takes the stand. we ll have special live coverage all day long. here s shep. shepard: the comey statement released. it s noon on the west coast. 3:00 in washington. now we know what the former fbi director james comey plans to say tomorrow under oath on capitol hill. the president of the united states demanded his loyalty, he will testify. he re-assured the president the feds were not investigating him personally at the time. we ll go through the prepared remarks ahead. also, extraordinary moments today on capitol hill as senators quiz the intelligence officials about how president trump handled the russia investigation. would it be in any way typical for a president to ask questions or bring up an ongoing fbi inve

Georgia , United-states , Iran , Washington , Kentucky , Turkey , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , California , Virginia , Syria , Russia

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wearing fake bomb vests to insight more fear. police moved in at lightning speed and took down the three killers. people who saw it are talking about it. yet two armed marked police behind the black x5. get back! people lying on the ground and a taxi driver with the window down shouting at people to run. we ran for like 100 meters and there was a period of quite intense gunfire. running away and managing the door, and when i open the door, i see three dead people on the floor. garrett tenney is in washington, d.c. with the latest on the intelligence around the threats. that s an important component because we know there could be more. first, let s go to mike tobin live in london with the latest from there. mike? reporter: and harris, we re watching a crowd of defiant people at the emirates old travert cricket ground where, ariana grande took the stage to deafening cheers of 50,000 fans, despite the attack two weeks ago, they packed the grounds to see ariana grande and litany of other pop stars to watch her retake the stage. we saw defiance of people around london, if you went away from the crime scene. the cafes, the pubs were packed on a sunny day. as people say if they alter their lifestyle, the terrorists win, harris. i mentioned the first crime scene, the iconic london bridge, we feather out from there because there was more than one crime scene. reporter: essentially one large crime scene if you look at the way it s cordoned off in london. the attackers ran with knives, pretty much a location where i am now. what we know from the crime scene, they towed away the van used in the attack. police going slow and methodically through the crime scene gathering up all the evidence they can. we know they took what appear to be fake suicide vests, the apparent motivation of the suicide vests particularly in an area where you have a lot of soccer hooligans who would be primed for a fight. they would try to tackled attackers and take away the knife. harris. they are trying to get through the 12 people they arrested. some of them women, some they have let go without charging. what is the thinking with the way the attacks were able to get help? support? what? reporter: that is the big unknown right now. we heard that from the police on the record earlier today. they believe they have killed all of the people who directly participated in the attack. what they don t really know at this stage is how extensive the support network was. as you mentioned a couple of boroughs that were raided, the barking neighborhood and the east ham neighborhood. that s where they picked up the 12 individuals. as you mentioned, some released. our sister network sky news reporting an additional four women were picked up. it s possible they weren t picked up under suspicion, they were picked up for their own protection. harris? thank you very much. we mentioned at the top of the hour that isis is claiming responsibility, but always with this investigators want to figure out exactly what happened to trigger this and who was behind it. because they often can take responsibility for whatever they want. as british intelligence works on, that the leaders are racing to stop similar or copycat attacks. terrorists have been going after soft targets, things like concerts. open area with less pinpoint security often like crowded streets or concert halls. those spaces present special challenge for police. former fbi special agent in charge ron hoslo earlier about preventing this thing. the fbi has spoken for a couple of years in terms of what s the distance between flash and bang? how much time do i have to intervene between the moment you are actually inspired and the moment you take action? that s what the fbi is trying to get in front of and get in the middle to do the interdiction. such a special way of putting it, garrett tenney joining us, the idea of flash and bang, between the inspiration and carrying it out. what more are we learning about the investigation? british security forces are indicating very early indication suggests the attacks pulled together on very short notice. that s a big reason why police are quickly trying to determine if the attack was a one off or part of a larger plot with additional attacks that could be coming. london police said they are working to confirm the identities of the three attackers, but they have already begun digging into backgrounds to learn everything they can. we are making significant progress in identifying the three attackers. and confirming the fact that there were no other suspects at the scene when the attack was carried out. work is ongoing to understand more about them. about their connections, and about whether they were assisted or supported by anyone else. reporter: as investigators look into the attackers connections, they are trying to find out if the attackers were acting alone or part of a larger cell that s planning addition willa attacks. that s why additional devices found on the attackers are key to the investigation, learning who they were talking to, getting help from and any connections to terror groups? police have not said if any of the attackers were known, were on the radar prior to the attacks. that s something they re going to be finding out as they fully identify the attackers. garrett, you re talking about the electronic signatures, looking for human signatures, too. isis is coming forth, we need to know who is behind this to thwart any other copycat attacks. we have to know who s on the ground? reporter: exactly, we ve seen this before, the terror group will claim responsibility for attacks it wasn t directly behind. that s going to come out in the course of the investigation, whether the individuals were simply inspired by isis or part of an isis cell. counterterrorism analysts have told us, though, that just before the attacks, a message was posted to dozens of pro-isis channels on the telegram messaging app calling for muslims to kill christians during the holy month of ramadan using knives, guns and trucks. we don t know if it was opportunistic. i wrote down the difference between isis inspired and isis supported. we ll get it because of you, garrett tenney. thank you for your reporting. manchester is trying to heal. ariana grande held a concert, raising money for victims of the attack on one of her shows last month. and security was tight. defiant music fans packed the stadium, so many young faces. one particularly moving moment because it was streaming live, the black eyed peas rallied the crowd behind the event s namesake. one love. all the people who are fearless and came for love, we will not be separated! bryan llenas is reporting for us now. this streamed live all over youtube, a lot of different places, the parameters for being able to watch this, and it felt it drew you in more because you had it in your hand. this wasn t just manchester, the entire world backed by the world s biggest stars, sending a message of joy, inspiration, and defiance in the face of evil. 50,000 people at this stadium, at the old cricket grounds in remembrance of the 22 killed and 100 injured at ariana grande s pop concert. many moms and girls cried together, others danced with british first responders and really ariana grande spearheaded this concert. days ago, visited injured young fans at a children s hospital. the 23-year-old, she sang her hits, also duets with others in a particularly emotional moment, she embraced and sang with a young girl in a children s choir behind her. i love you guys so much, and i think that the kind of love that we re playing is the medicine of the world that we really need right now. i want to thank you for being just that. and i want to thank you for coming and i love you so much. reporter: justin bieber and miley cyrus were among the stars. bieber was particularly emotional, he sang love yourself and just listen. i just want to take this moment to honor the people that were lost or that were taken. we love you so much. your families, we love you so much. put both hands up to honor those people right now. everybody say we honor you! we honor you! we love you! we love you! thank you so much for having me, guys. love you. [cheers] reporter: in a time of darkness music heals and coldplay, pharrell williams and robby gallagher made appearances and all proceeds go to the victims families directly. we re expecting millions. last time i checked on facebook over $250,000 on the live facebook stream on ariana grande s page. it was hard to miss, all the red, white, and blue from here at home and walked out our love, thousands of miles away from america. i caught it justin bieber changing whom we lost to whom were taken, a very different message, they were taken from us. security, there were 50,000 people? 50,000 people there. at the same time, there was a manchester united soccer match. we re talking about 150,000 people. this was a big security issue, they had security checkpoints. everyone was checked. lots of armed security officers. they were told not to bring bags. so this was a big event but luckily the greater manchester police said there were no major incidents today. yeah, so one of the pieces of video that we show because we re going to get into this later in the hour. i want to touch in on it with you. ring around the rosy ring, they were gleeful with the one manchester police officer. when you talk about what happened in london and how fast the officers moved into take down the people who were driving that van and stabbing the people on london bridge and talk about the response in manchester as well. there is a different tone when you see a police officer now and the united kingdom. you see people embracing them. we see this in our own country after things have happened. reporter: we felt it here after 9/11 and boston, and it was a beautiful thing to see there. the officers haven t seen anything like this recently. back-to-back in this way. and i think also the fact that the victims were young people, children, in many of the cases in terms of the first concert really hit home tonight. it was interesting and beautiful to see the young girls with their parents there tonight. many parents said they were nervous, especially parents of the choir members that were there. they were nervous of going. i wanted to call my son or daughter and text them but it was important they were there. i think that was a great show of strength tonight for the entire world. thank you for bringing that. we appreciate it, bryan, always good to see you. right now, sharing intelligence among countries. a crucial piece of the puzzle. why our next guest says leaks, leaks from the white house are hurting the fight against terrorism. and we ve seen an increase in using cars and vans and trucks as deadly weapons. how do we protect against these kinds of attacks? i m harris faulkner, you re watching a special fox report, stay tuned. all businesr for tech advice. with one phone call, i get products that suit my needs, and i get back to business. ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables. went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. i got a leaf right away. a leaf is a hint that is connected to each person in your family tree. i learned that my ten times great grandmother is george washington s aunt. within a few days i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, i m related to george washington. this is my cousin george. discover your story. start searching for free now at say no to this because of my bladder? thanks to tena. not anymore! only new tena intimates has pro-skin technology designed to quickly wick away moisture. to help maintain your skin s natural balance. it goes beyond triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture. so you can feel fresh and free to get as close as you want. for a free sample call 1-877-get-tena . harris: investigators have picked up a dozen people in raids and arrests since terror struck london less than 24 hours ago. the investigation is progressing at a pace from the counterterrorism command and the national counterterrorism policing network are working with uk intelligence partners relenlessly to piece together exactly what happened last night. we ve already made good progress, and, of course, there is much more to do. harris: u.s. officials tell fox news, the threats targeting europe right now are among the worst they ve seen in a decade. joining me is a former intel officer and adjunct fellow at hudson institute. good to see you. thank you for joining us. thanks. i want to start off with a comment you made to one of our producers about how the leaks in the white house and those classified leaks then making it into the bloodstream of the press, members of the press not being responsible with the material and leaking classified material further is hurting the fight against terror. it is, and thanks for having me on, harris. one of the most important things is, intelligence sharing with our allies, our allies weren t concerned that trump shared a credible threat of isis plan to attack commercial airlines with lavrov. they were upset they were hearing members of our intelligence community with top secret clearances leaking information to the press, and then after the manchester attack, our intelligence community and law enforcement leaking salman abedi s name and leaking details about the bomb and the detonator before they had a chance to put the net around salman abedi s people. it s very important. harris: okay, so may 25th, right after the manchester attacks, we saw british police and through their prime minister saying you know what, the leaks hurt our ability to share information. theresa may, the prime minister said she had a word for our president. what changed after that? because i m thinking now from our reports they re sharing information, something must have changed? they got reassurances from secretary keldy of department of homeland secretary. reassurances from mcmaster and mattis and also from the president. it s very important. like you said, the chatter from the terrorist organizations has been at a decade high level and we need to be able to share that information with our allies as they face this terrorist scurge in europe. harris: i want to be careful how i word it. these are not my words, the president called certain members of the media enemies because of the information that flows through them to the public. how difficult is it? you re fighting and trying to capture and harness one enemy on one side but also your own homeland press at times is working against you through the leaks, and feathering them out to the public. what are your thoughts on that? it seems like there are individuals in the intelligence community that are more concerned about hurting the president than they are concerned about protecting our national security and more important, the relationships we have with foreign allies. you cannot defeat terror, it s hard enough as it is, if you can t share intel with our allies because allies are worried about the u.s. press exposing assets in the field, the assets in raqaa, in mosul and other isis-controlled territory. you can t have that rest. there should be no person holding a top secret clearance willing to share information with the press that hurts our efforts against isis and hurts national security and more importantly our relationships with allies. harris: what needs to happen now that isn t happening? i ve heard you say we re facing now some of the worst threats against europe than we ve ever seen, why? we also have to weigh intelligence, turkey s provided intelligence in the past to european allies, because it came from turkey, it wasn t weighed correctly, even though the intelligence was about an attack. harris: why? we put more weight on u.s. intelligence and intel from the cia and less weight on something generated by iraqi intelligence service or iranian intelligence service or afghan intelligence service. we need to see who s right about an attack. intelligence sharing, if you can t action it, to make it actionable, there s no reason you re not doing anything with it. that s one of the biggest problems. we sit on it because between the want to share it and nothing happens. that is interesting, the different rating or grade that you give intel based on the country, i have heard about, but to doubt that, that s very interesting. i want to give you the last word on that? sure, the abauda bad raid against bin laden. they were the afghan intelligence service, we put a different rate on that. we thought they were being political and telling us what we didn t want to hear because they didn t like the pakistani government. we did that in iraq and we were effective. you have to do that everywhere. you validate sources based on the information and you assign appropriate weights based on the percentage of being right. harris: this is so fascinating. before i let you go, quickly, this is time consuming, are we able to and quick enough pace to do the intel vetting for lack of a better word, that it takes to act on the information and prevent what we saw in manchester? prevent what we saw in london bridge and god forbid have to do it time and time again here? the issue is even if it s 100% accurate, sometimes they are inundated with intel, they don t know what s right and don t have the resources to find out. a lot of the times we knew the individuals were on the radar and couldn t do anything about it because we can t track anybody. we have too many people associated with isis and our law enforcement is not able to keep up with that. that needs to addressed. harris: michael, i could talk with you all hour. thank you very much. thanks a lot for having me. harris: you have on another time. thank you, harris. harris: we have an opportunity to bring in general jack keane on what michael is schooling us on. we ll be doing that coming up. days after the trump administration asked the u.s. supreme court to reinstate the travel ban, what these attacks could mean for our travel and airport security, coming up. we ve already bought the tickets for everything and so, you know, you can t stop living, you just have to go and hope for the best. 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well, it s easy to use. you don t have to construct a bomb, you don t have to find an assault rifle. grenades are more difficult to come along with, and isis is onto that. i don t think you need me on here to talk about why they re using vehicles. the major problem we re facing here is strategic issue. and the strategic issue is the failure of leadership in these national leaders who do not have the political will and the moral courage to talk honestly to their own people and also to commit themselves to defeat this threat. we ve got a global jihad on our hands. we have, five, six years ago, 3,000 people killed on average by the radical islamists. today it s almost 30,000. we have three, four countries involved. they ve declared jihad against the western civilization and they are at war with us, they are committed to it. they ve got fighters to it and tens of thousands of sympathizers and supporters. what is happening? every one of those european leaders, except when may today seemed to change her tune a little bit, but i m still skeptic, most of the leaders in the world, the fact is that they re not at war with isis. they don t have their population on the footing. there have been 33 attacks in 8 nato countries and nato is not at war with isis, that s pretty shameful. harris: yeah, and i appreciate what you re saying. we don t need to go to you to talk about the truck situation or the van situation, but we did see something a little different last night, that was like a deployment of these savages getting out of that van and stabbing people, hand-to-hand combat, general! that takes it up a different notch as well, and then you see isis come out and claim responsibility. there s nothing particularly sophisticated about it. what s particularly sophisticated is when they can go into someplace and kill 90 or 100 people with bombs. that is sophisticated. and wound 400. a truck, why there s no barriers on the bridge like there is in new york city and every other bridge that we have. why there s no police, there is no explanation for it. if you want to get into the tactical situation, i ll talk about it. you have to encourage the population, when the terrorists have knives and guns, fight back, don t hide behind a chair, use it, use a bottle, a knife, fight, fight back, those who are willing to will encourage others to do it. that won t solve the problem. this issa leadership problem, a strategy problem, a commitment of resources problem. the fact we have muslim neighborhoods in european communities that are bona fide safe havens, they are supported by tens of thousands of sympathizers. we have to use good police work, penetrate madrassas, penetrate intellectual centers, penetrated and get the good people in the community to work with us. we ve got figure out why in manchester is the unemployment rate 12.8% when in the uk it s only 5. why is it 25 to 30% in the no go areas in france and belgium when it s considerably less in the rest of france and belgium? the reason is the mainstream youth cannot get access to education. harris: interesting. so these are some of the same things that were said, and talking about belgium where we saw the paris attackers massing in that community when authorities were looking for them, and right there in open sight some of them. but i want to move onto this country and talk a little bit about what s happening in america, because i visited minneapolis, i was on the air there for many years, i knew about certain neighborhoods in minneapolis and what they ve done to attack the things you re talk about to get people in the communities to actually work with police. it s very difficult to do. you brought up theresa may saying finally enough is enough. we want to play that and bring you back in. let s watch together. since the emergence of the threat from islamist inspired terrorism, our country made significant progress in disrupting plots and protecting the public. but it is time to say enough is enough. everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. our society should continue to function in accordance with our values. but when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change. harris: all right, so she s in the position to change them, what do you think she means? what needs to be changed? she needs to have education with the population about radical islam. educate them, what s wrong with it. what s the characteristics of it so they can all identify with it, and also commit the nation to the fact that we are now at war because they are at war with us, and as i said something has to be done about the muslim communities. most all of them are muslims. they come from muslim communities and known by the police to some degree. that we have to penetrate them in that area but we also have to befriend the good muslims in that area so we don t let youths be drawn into the radicalization, we have to be involved in those communities if we do that. these communities are failed policies that the europeans have. we don t have them. open borders. mass immigration. harris: the last presidential election they were calling for open borders. okay? it is certainly something that we can talk about in this country and be aware of. real quickly, before i let you go, general. i ve not had a back-and-forth with you in a while, you are very impassioned, i want to get your thought, we ve gone beyond the methodology and strategy of fighting the enemy. we re going down the road this is policy with you, it s a good place to be because i can ask you about the travel ban. do we need 120-day stay to vet better, to learn how to do this better? is it okay to focus on the six muslim majority countries? do we need to add more to the list? your thoughts. that depends on the intelligence community to determine that. the reason why the six countries are on the list, we can t do extreme vetting there because there s no way to vet. the problem is either you shut it all down. the problem is we have no embassies in those countries, there s no system, no procedure there. that s why they re on the list, obama had them on the list but didn t call it a travel ban. yes, we have to be able to control people coming into our country that are a threat to us. harris: do we need to broaden out the list. you know the 9/11 attackers didn t come from any of the six countries. it gets complicated. it s not complicated. no, it s not. harris: can we add to the list. of course not. we have the second best intelligence cooperation in the middle east is with saudi arabia, the first with israel. we have a huge vetting system in israel. was it a 9/11 issue, they were in afghanistan, they happen to be saudi arabians who committed to radical islam. we got the issue all mixed up here. that s not the issue. the other thing we have to do from a policy perspective, when radical islamists have a geographic safe haven like they have in syria, and they ve had it, harris since 2012. harris: that s a long time. five years. we should crush that with a sense of urgency and passion and be very violent about it. it s territory that holding . harris: can we get it done? should have had it done in 2015, and the arabs in the region offered it to president obama a couple of times and he always said no. why? it would have meant u.s. combat troops on the ground. we should have done that, get on with it now. it was out of that area that came the motivation and inspiration for these attacks. it s from syria they grew into 30 other nations. harris: wow. general keane, thank you very much. we ll talk again soon. take care, bye-bye. harris: the white house and homeland security monitoring the events out of london. president trump offering condolences to british prime minister theresa may and pledging u.s. support. kristin fisher live at the white house. deep conversation with jack keane to follow, take it away. reporter: harris, keep in mind, this is the third time in less than three months that president trump has had to call the british prime minister and talk to her about a terror attack in her country, and remember, the two of them had just sat down at the nato summit in brussels ten days ago to talk about the bombing in manchester. now this. today he s offering her the full support of the u.s. government and so did his national security adviser, h.r. mcmaster about an hour ago. listen to this. what i d like to do is reiterate america s heart felt condolences to the british and the afghan people, and also to reiterate our unshakable resolve to stand with them in the face of recent terrorist attacks. these latest atrocities underscore the urgency of our shared challenges. to our british and afghan brothers and sisters, you re in our thoughts and in our prayers. reporter: right now president trump is at the white house, but tonight he ll be heading out to speak at an event in d.c., so he could speak about the terror attack for the very first time in a few hours, harris? harris: kristin, thank you very much. we all heard british prime minister theresa may condemning those behind the attacks in london. calling for new action, increased measures to stop the attacks. you heard general jack keane weighing in on what that ought to look like. what more can any government do? of course, we re faced with the threats as well. we re going to talk about it with my next guest. stay close. getting key nutrients from food alone. let s do more. add one a day 50+ a complete multi-vitamin with 100% daily value of more than 15 key nutrients. one a day 50+. to refinance your home.eding through financial documents or, you could push that button. 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[whisper: rocket] . harris: let s bring in our political panel and focus on the domestic issues and worldwide issues going on right now. ed rollins, former campaign manager for the bush ticket in 1984. former chief white house political adviser to ronald reagan and a fox news contributor. always good to see you, ed. also judith miller, adjunct fellow at the manhattan institute for policy research. pulitzer prize-winning author and fox news contributor. a horrendous weekend in two senses full. one, british said something was imminent and they were right. the other is these were citizens in a soft target-type situation as these men drove across the london bridge, which is iconic and might be a hard target but into another area. ed rollins, i want to come to you first and talk a little bit about the response last night. the response was superb, and judy wrote a wonderful article how effective the police have been and how quickly they responded, but the problem is this potential is there everywhere. terrorism is something we have to learn to live with until we destroy it and have to destroy it over longer period of time. we have to educate people. police in great britain acted very quickly. 8 minutes after the first call they finished off the three terrorists. in the meantime they did a lot of damage to people. terrorism they make everybody nervous and unruly, whatever it take for intelligence support, for law enforcement support, we as americans have to support that. harris: judy, you know, ed talked about what you ve written this weekend. it is phenomenal in this sense as well, not just recognizing the police, but reading reports they were thin because they re spread so thin, so much going on in the imminent nature of more attacks since manchester and the arianngrande concert left them feeling that way. you stepped up and wrote about it today. some of the details that you want to point out? well, this is, harris, as you said and ed was kind enough to mention, the very slender silver lining of this latest terror attack, but an effective response from the police, the fact 8 minutes pasted from the time the van was spotted on the bridge starting to mow people down to the confrontation and killing of three terrorists is an astonishingly quick reaction from, as you point out, a group of people who have been very thinly stretched. now they are aided by the presence of 500,000 surveillance cameras in london. existence of surveillance cameras is very, very controversial in our country, but i think in london tonight and in manchester, you will see it rather a consensus developing that this kind of surveillance enhances the police s ability to chase terrorists once they commit their act. everything now depends on the brits stepping up their intelligence as we have done in new york city and throughout the united states to prevent the kind of attacks that we re seeing not only in manchester and london but also throughout europe, germany, france and sweden. that s one of the things theresa may was talking about today. harris: one of the things too that we learned about the fake bomb vests they were wearing. you know people your response, emotional, panic response goes up. you re thinking even if i can get away, if somebody s got a fake bomb vest, great if it s fake, if it s not, that has collateral damage. we saw that in manchester at that concert. so this was a layering, ed. you re asking people to run, hide and tell. that s what the brits were asking. general jack keane is saying if you can fight, fight! first of all, you have to have due diligence, looking, when you send your kids to concerts or graduations, have them be aware of surroundings and always in their head, if something happened, where can i escape, run to and protect myself? sad state of affairs. these are suicide people, the mind-set we don t understand. we value life. idea that you can kill yourself because you think you re going to get to a higher place in the world or afterworld is contrary us to and that s what the people do. terror is exactly that. it s a longtime use of a threat and it s a whole different thing for us, they re going to come back here, there s a lot of people in this country already plotting and scheming and doesn t take a whole lot, a car, basically a bunch of knives and they killed seven, probably another 20, 30 will be severely wounded and may die before this is over. we have to basically be on our guard is support our law enforcement and support intelligence. harris: the politics of this at home and the president with his immigration pause that he wants to reinstate, executive order second time around. your thoughts, ed? he s not doing this because he doesn t like muslims. he sees this as president obama did before that there s a terrorist activity that goes on and we have to protect ourselves at the border, and no better place. harris: is there a better way to sell it? he hasn t sold it very well. i hope the court gets this thing through. it s they re taking his rhetoric. this is partisan politics at his worst. at the end of the day harris: we re caught in the middle of it. we re all caught in the middle of it. it s too important to do what s right for the country. harris: i want to give you, judy, the last word. i don t think it was appropriate for the president of the united states who should have been offering condolence to the british public and saluting the british police to start out promoting, using this event to promote his muslim ban. i would simply point out the terrorists in manchester was a bomber, a sophisticated attack unlike what happened in london. that man was a british citizen born in britain and the muslim ban would not apply to the uk. harris: first of all, we don t call it a muslim ban, it is a pause in immigration, okay, yeah, we ll start there. we ll leave it there as well. we ll see what the courts have to say about that. we ll see. harris: president trump pushing for courts to reinstate pause in immigration for 120 days to vet people coming into the country better. we ll talk about it. stay close. i love that i can pass the membership to my children. we re the williams family, and we re usaa members for life. the opioid my doctor prescribed for my chronic back pain backed me up-big time. before movantik, i tried to treat it myself. spent time, money. no go. but i didn t back down. i talked to my doctor. she said: one, movantik was specifically designed for opioid-induced constipation-oic- and can help you go more often. number two? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20170714

counting heads at this point, trying to make sure they have 50 votes to at least debate it on the floor. there is tremendous pressure, pressure being applied by president trump. writing on twitter so important republican senators get healthcare plan approved. after seven years of o care disaster. one praised the work of leader mcconnell. he s been working pretty hard at this. he s been a really good individual trying to get to yes on this particular piece of legislation. some of us have little different ideas but at this point the conversations have been consider consider good. i would anticipate continued conversations with him throughout the weekend. reporter: this morning another key republican senator was asked if they will get to 50 votes to pass this bill. i don t know. i hope so, because mitch s new idea is much better. it repeals the individual mandate, repeals the employer mandate. ted cruz provision is a good one that you re not locked into buying just an obamacare policy. if you re 22 and you want to buy another policy, you can. there are still concerns about the bill. reporter: a significant paoegs of information will come early next week when the congressional budget office weighs in on the price and impact of this legislation. harris? harris: will democrats be all about just no on this or is there any bipartisanship at this critical hour to report? reporter: they seem to be hoping that this bill will fail and it will force republicans to the negotiating table to fix obamacare. so they are essentially continuing to rip apart the bill and also continue putting pressure on the senate majority leader. given how unpopular the original bill was, how the heck does leader mcconnell hope to get this bill, which is virtually the same thing in so many ways, through the senate? not on the merits, but on political muscle. for the sake of the american people, i hope that political muscle fails. reporter: and if the bill fails, mcconnell has warned they will need to sit down with democrats to at least stablize the health insurance markets in this country. harris? reporter: i m sure it will be a very busy interesting weekend as they head into next week. mike emanuel, thank you. a court has ruled in hawaii loosening up president trump s immigration clause. it expands the list of family exemptions from those coming in from the six muslim majorities on that list. william la jeunesse has the story. reporter: harris, it s not just family, but potentially a much larger pool of permanent refugees. the decision really guts much of the president s travel ban which is why, in just the last two minutes we have gotten word that the administration will appeal directly to the supreme court. they re appealing last night s ruling that the u.s. cannot ban immigrants from six terror related territories if they, quote, a close relative here in the u.s. the white house interpreted that to be only parents, children, spouses and fiancees of u.s. residents. hawaii appealed and a federal judge derrick watson agree dz that was too narrow. he called the administration s interpretation, i m quoting, cherry picking. of course, watson said, close family members should include grandparents. most of us are simply baffled why the administration would exclude grandparents. it invited another challenge. if they hadn t left grandparents off the list, i doubt we would have had this appeal. reporter: so judge watson said the ruling should appease critics who he says close families should include grandparents and aunts, uncles, nephews, brothers and sisters in law. also said they should allow in most refugees from these six mostly muslim terror related countries, iran, libya, somalia, sudan, syria and yemen. that have ties to the u.s. organizations and most do, so the administration is now going to go back to the supreme court and ask them to reinstate that ban. i have a statement here from the attorney general jeff sessions that was just issued a few moments ago. i will quote, the supreme court has had to correct this lower court once and we will now reluctantly return directly to the supreme court to again vindicate the rule of law and allow the executive branch to protect the nation. so, that will happen momentarily. we ll have to see when indeed the court takes this up. they are supposed to hear the case in october so they ll basically, the administration is trying to get something in place now that allows it to ban refugees and this expanded family members. back to you. reporter: so this has happened just in the last while. we are watching it moment by moment. william, we ll check in with you to see if it moves. for more on this let s bring in steve king. he s a member of the house judiciary committee. thanks for being with us. i m so glad you are along as the news is developing. i want to get a quick thought from you as we welcome you to the 2 p.m. eastern hour. what is your first take on what is happening with regards to hawaii? and what attorney general jeff sessions just said. we ve had to correct the lower court once. we re willing to do it again, basically. i saw in the clip earlier in the day and the image of judge watson is stuck in my mind s eye from his previous decision. but what strikes me is this. i support the statement made by attorney general jeff sessions. he s a stellar individual. we couldn t have a better attorney general. he has to temper his words a little bit and i ll temper mine, too. i am the chairman of the constitutional summary of the judiciary. judge watson, as far as i know, made no reference to the constitution or the law or the rule of law. the statute that congress has passed to grant that authority to the president to determine who comes into america, who comes in on the various processes. he has, the president has, the authority to lock anybody out of america he chooses. these decisions are not made on the law, they re made on the personal opinion of skwrupbl watson. so grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, i suppose whole or half blood. he stretched it as far as you possibly could. i think it s a ridiculous decision. i d like to have a chance to chat with him under oath in public myself. harris: okay. we ll move on. thank you for that candor. you said you were going to temper your words. you were straight forward. let s talk about sanctuary cities. that s another place jeff sessions weighed in today. it s become a bigger issue this week than it has been. we are seeing on the record a challenge to those 300 jurisdictions, cities and towns that may be walking outside immigration law in this country. walking outside the customs law. what is the attorney general seeking to do with this latest decision and how do you think that s going to play out? i don t know that i have been privy to the strategy that has been formulated within the doj. i m looking at these 300 jurisdictions and essentially they are defying the federal government and federal law. that has got to be resolved in this administration. if not beaoed evolve into a third world. think of sanctuary cities as the hole in the wall gangs where criminals could go and be protected by the law. mayor deblasio would be one of them. rob emanuel would be another. i hope they would understand that these grants that come out of the doj will be cut off at the discretion of the doj for these sanctuary cities. i grew up in a law enforcement family and i have always looked at law enforcement as cooperating at every level, from city police to county to state to the fbi and federal government all the way to the doj. we can t have the rule of law in america unless we do cooperate at all levels. all of them work together to enforce all laws. that s necessary and the immigration laws that are needed today. we ve got to restore the rule of law in this country if we re going to remain a first world country, harris. harris: one of the ways critics have gotten around this is to make this about a money issue. but the way you re laying it out and the attorney general is that this is also about most importantly safety issue. you brought up hole in the wall gangs. he brought up gangs in a different way. let s watch together. since they refused to cooperate with the federal immigration authorities regarding illegal aliens who commit crimes even ms13 gang members. these jurisdictions are protecting criminals that under the law should be deported. harris: what s at stake here if we don t get this right? well, our streets are already really bad in the inner cities in america. but the ms-13 gang we ve dealt with in congress here. i believe i saw this data correctly, there are about 13,000ms-13 gangs in america. about 30,000 gang members in el salvador. that s where their connection is. el salvador is the most dangerous country in the world. has the highest violent death rate in the world. that is pro-live rating in our inner cities. we know that from preuens in california, ms-13 gang members have ordered murder hits as far away as virginia. i think that our justice department will get ahold of that when they hear that we are determined to focus in on ms-13. take the worst criminals off the streets. we have to keep going until we have an anywaying of law abiders not rewarded law breakers within these sanctuary cities. why would you want to be mayor of a city that was protecting crime? you must have a majority of criminals to support your re-election. harris: you ll have to ask mayor emanuel of that in chicago. i m going to have to let you go, but i m so glad we got to cover this topic together. it s been one behind the talk of healthcare because we ve been focused on that. but this equally an important issue that s being talked about per the attorney general and others. congressman steven king of the great state of iowa, thank you very much for being with us. i appreciate it. harris: a deadly shooting at a holy site in jerusalem has left two israeli police officers dead. it s stoking fears that more violence may come. and president trump taking a leadership role, getting the house health care bill passed. it s a huge story as we head into the weekend and some sort of vote promised for tpebgs week. something is different this time around as senate republicans struggle to get enough votes. we ll talk about it. stay close. enough of a framework that with a few amendments for adjustments here or there, we believe we can pick up a few moderates, maybe a few conservatives to make it work. obviously these next 72 to 120 hours are going to be critical as we try to fine tune that. for your heart. your joints. or your digestion. so why wouldn t you take something for the most important part of you. your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. depression is a tangle of multiple symptoms. that s why there 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israelis and palestinians after a deadly shooting near an important holy site in jerusalem. authorities say three palestinians opened fire at israeli police from inside the temple mountain of jerusalem s old city killing two officers before themselves being shot dead. palestine s president denounced the violence. for republicans pushing for health care reform and also a moment of truth for president trump who made it very clear a central part of his campaign. remember this. back then he was saying we. now as president he seems to be putting it on the backs of gop lawmakers. we have to get this done. repeal and replace. mr. mcconnell is a tactician of great skill. he can pull it off. is it his job? he s got to pull it off. mitch is working very hard. he s got to pull it off. harris: chris stirewalt is the editor of halftime report. chris, great to see you. we are on the precipice of seeing the other side of congress. we saw it with the house friday afternoon. are they going to vote to debate to go forward with the bill? it s deja vu all over again. signs may be of positivity. you re hearing some of the senators say we re talking, we re listening. that s movement. the argument here is all we have to do is take this one politically damaging vote and then on the other side of this, we will get into a space where we can start amending the bill an making deals. all of the training and all of the back room stuff, all of that sausage making that people hate. but that s the part that actually works to get legislation passed in the senate. once they agree they were not going to repeal obamacare, then basically the house came to that conclusion first. now the senate has had to come to the painful collusion for republicans. that s never going to happen. the president just wants something to sign and he wants something that will prevent the explosion in the individual market next year and the republicans can at least say they did something. they say give us this first vote, it s gonna hurt, but then we can help you out. harris: the president s capital is on the line, too. he was tweeting from france. ar all thaoe years of suffering through, we can pop that up on the screen. after suffering through obamacare, republican senators must come through as they have promised, exclamation point. so important that senators under leadership of senate majority leader mcconnell get health care plan approved after seven years of o care disaster left happen. when does he start to push either harder or back away from this if it looks like it s not going to happen. i assume he ll blame them whatever happens. seriously. in the end no one is going to particularly like this legislation. this is castor oil. nobody really wants to take this. republican leadership says it s necessary, you have to do something to prevent catastrophe next year for 20% of americans. huge premium increases. gotta do something. so they re gonna pass this. but in the end nobody s going to be happy with it. i assume what the president will do, if they do send something to his desk, later he ll say they didn t do a good job coming up with it. if they don t do something, he will say, well, i did my best, i tried but mitch mcconnell and these guys just aren t good at their job. harris: you hear john mccain saying if he tried harder they could get more democrats. senator rand paul saying no no no it s not a repeal. those are yeah. i feel like we re inside a blender a little bit. you got to peel off 52. first you have to feel off 50 to talk about, then 52 to pass it. they just need to get to 50. 51 will give them the vice president in the chair to cast the deciding vote. harris: i m talking about just to debate it. here the deal. in the end, the people who tell you that only donald trump engaged and sold this, then it would pass. they re not telling the truth. there s no reason that democrats are going to vote for this. they re not going to help the republicans out of the jam they put themselves in. democrats know it is in their political interest to wait until the end when republicans are desperate and say, my god, can you help us, please? democrats will say, yes, for a price. they ll get more spending and stuff in the deal. harris: some of them will help barack obama get them through the midterm elections. remember his salvo, don t you help republicans. he told them what to do an they re doing it. harris: always good to have you, sir. thank you. a murder trial is under way for two cartel members accused of murdering an ice agent and injuring another some sick years ago. the surviving agent is telling his story for the very first time. and former president jimmy carter is out of the hospital. remember, in this hour yesterday we were learning about that dehydration that he was suffering from hospitalized. now he s out and right back in the swing of things, we are told. stay with us. at panera, a salad is so much more than one thing. more than one flavor, or texture, 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stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. harris: china is closely watching a recent u.s. missile test. the u.s. officials told fox news the chinese spy ship was only 100 miles from kodiak, alaska. that s where our military launch of anti-ballistic missile earlier this week. it was the first of its kind to be seen in those waters. all the spy ships from china are no stranger to the koefrt line. china sent five ships over when president obama visited the state in 2015. it s been six years since the murder of an ice agent. the trial for the two killers begin this week. two cartel leaders are accused of ambushing them as they drove outside mexico city. in a fox news exclusive, aliva goes on the record ab the harrowing ordeal. katherine herridge joins us live from washington. reporter: thank you, harris. this is the first time we heard from the survivor of the 2011 ambush on american television. he s sharing new details about that ambush that killed his partner and nearly cost him his own life. two shooters introduce two weapons on my passenger side window. the window had rolled down approximately, the armored window had been rolled down approximately 2 inches. i see jaime get hit on the side, on his torso. very chaotic. initially you can hear anything because of the gun shot. you had been hit? yes. i had noticed at that time that i was hit. i was tending to jaime. i was applying pressure to his leg. i was shaking him. i remember even slapping him at times to keep him awake. he told me that he was going to die. reporter: after his medical treatment, avila said he felt unwelcome at work and left government service. as his search for answers uncovered uncomfortable stats including a security warning that prohibited travel on mexico s highway 57 the same highway they took that day. he said his supervisors knew ab the warning but ordered the mission to go ahead, harris. harris: is there any connection to the gun locking operation fast and furious in this? reporter: avila is going to capitol hill asking the homeland security committees to investigate the 2011 ambush contacting the offices for congressman mike mccomb and senator ron johnson who have oversight. since the shooting a lot of ef has come to light including government records and an atf ballistics report that show some of the weapons found at the scene of the ambush were originally purchased in dallas, texas. we contacted the atf whistle blower who went public on fast and furious and asked him to review avila s case as well as the government records and he told us the evidence does point to a connection in this case. harris: wow. that is a huge deal. reporter: it is. that s what reporting gets you. harris: great reporting on your part. thank you very much. reporter: you re welcome. harris: jimmy carter has been released from the hospital. a spokes person telling fox news the 92-year-old former president suffered from dehydration in canada. it was rolling out as breaking news ab this time yesterday. president carter was volunteering for habitat for humanity. that s when officials say he became dehydrated and they took him to the hospital. carter was released earlier today. president trump set to return to american soil any moment now. that s what we re watching for. he will be arriving at newark airport in new jersey where he will attend the women s u.s. open at his golf club in bedminster new jersey. and donald trump jr. may end up on capitol hill as a committee wants him to testify about his connection to a russian attorney. now there was another person in the room. he said he wants to testify, donald jr. does. he said that on hannity s show. he s welcome to come to the judiciary committee. i want to know all things ab russia, if the ukraine was involved in helping clinton, i want to know about that. you don t let anything lkeep you sidelined. come on! that s why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals. best one ever! for the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you love. ensure, always be you. we were in a german dance group. i wore lederhosen. so i just started poking around on ancestry. then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. it turns out i m scottish. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. wheyou wantve somto protect it.e, at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. reporter: harris, good afternoon to you. another startling twist in this whole story about donald trump jr., jared kushner, paul manafort and who they met with to hear some damaging information about hillary clinton. we know he met with the russian attorney slutskaya. now we understand another person, who was a russian-american lobbyist, he had dual citizenship, was in that meeting as well. now, he was a member of the soviet army from 1986 to 1988. according to court papers that were filed in a case that he was involved in, in new york city, he was a member of soviet counter intelligence, though he denied that he was ever trained in intelligence. certainly didn t have any current connections to russian intelligence. we don t know what he was doing in the meeting, other than he may have been helping to do interpretation between russian and english. and then there s potentially another person that we don t know about at this point who was in that meeting, donald trump jr. s attorney told fox news earlier today that he has spoken to another person who was not mentioned who said they were in that meeting. they were a friend of slutskaya. also a friend of the russian pop star who is a friend of donald trump jr. whose fare was said to know about this information regarding hillary clinton. we don t know what he was doing in the meeting either, although we are told he is a u.s. citizen and has no connection to russian intelligence. as you can imagine, the democrats are having a field day with this. adam schiff, democrat on the house intelligence committee, said in a statement, quote, today s reports that a former russian counter intelligence officer was all present during the meeting with donald trump jr., jared kushner adds another disturbing fact about this, showing deceit when it comes to the campaign meetings with russian officials and intermediaries. listen to what nancy pelosi said ab this earlier today. now we know counter intelligence were in a meeting as well, it s important that we see all electronic communication, whether direct messaging, twitter, e-mail, text, whatever it happens to be among the members of the trump family and within the trump administration. reporter: now, the problem for donald trump jr. may be that there was nothing wrong. he certainly insisted there was nothing wrong. his father backed him up on that. it s just the fact, harris, that this story keeps changing. it changed twice over the weekend, with more information coming out. and now it has changed again. looks like there may have been as many as seven people in that room when initially we thought there was four or five. harris: that was going to be my next question. this was not a huge room. we should be able to get a number of people who were in the room. the only reason this makes a difference at this point, john, how hard could it be just to lay it out? put your tweets on twitter. next step might be just to say who was in the room or am i getting that wrong? reporter: welsh well, part of the problem according to donald trump jr. s attorney, the principles who were in the room, donald trump jr., jared kushner, paul manafort were so unimpressed by what was said at the meeting that it wasn t the sort of meeting that you would remember. by the time the principles had left the room, they had forgotten many of the details about who was in the room and what was said. that s what the attorney is telling us this afternoon. harris: real quickly before i let you go i know there is a flip side to all of this because the president brought it up. i have heard others talk about it with slutskaya an how she got into this country. nefariousness there or maybe she had a visa and overstayed her welcome. what s the truth about the obama administration did to let this russian attorney into the country? reporter: president trump blamed loretta lynch for her getting into the country without a visa. we did some digging. we found out from tkaopbld trump that she was allowed in under immigration parole in september of 2015 because the u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york appeared to the department of justice and the state department to allow her in so that he should represent a client in court. she was paroled in several times between september of 2015 and february 2016. that s when her parole ended. then she was allowed back into the country under a nonimmigrant visa that was issued by the state department in june. 2016 that s when she came in to lobby against the meninsky act and that s when she had the meeting with donald trump jr. harris: thank you for taking my many questions there. i had so many for you. reporter: you bet. harris: as the president touches down at newark airport, we ll bring it to you live. there are new details emerging about donald trump jr. s meeting with a russian attorney. aside from trump jr., there was that fifth, maybe sixth or even seventh person in the room. we don t really know. jared kushner, paul manafort. the fifth was a russian counter intelligence officer. now the senate judiciary committee wants trump jr. to explain it. russia tried to destroy democracy, trying to destroy democracy all over the world. they did interfere in our election an i want to get to the bottom of it. donald trump jr. said he wants to tell his side of the story, i think that would be a good idea. harris: jessica tarlov senior director of research for and a fox news editor. great to have you both. i was reading some of the things you said in an e-mail back and forth with our team today. one thing that hit me, we are on day 7 of the story. i know that the democrats are like thirstier than anything we have seen when it comes to russia now that it doesn t have anything to do with what they can control when they were in office in the white house. given that, normally a story doesn t have this kind of life unless there s new information. there seems to be. there seems to be a lot of information coming out daily. the big problem is the white house and donald trump jr. did not get out in front of that new information. on saturday the explanation was, well, it was just a meeting to talk russian adoption. then it was the pretense of some damaging presentation. harris: that wasn t the white house. he didn t say there was a crime committed here. i worked in the federal judiciary. i would tell you that every u.s. attorney i have spoken to would be hard pressed to bring charges. it was terrible judgment. it was not wrong it was not criminal. i have heard discussions swirling around what could potentially continue to come out because we don t know yet. i think the charges would have brought if there were charges to be brought because there are plenty of people chomping at the bit. harris: why is your party so thirsty about this issue? the party is so thirsty about this issue there are a lot of republicans who are up in arms about this. not just democrats. why are they so serious about it? they think the case is coming to fruition. they ve been talking about it for over a year now. finally there is evidence of it. we know bob mueller is working really hard. it implicates a lot of information. at worse illegal activity. harris: article of politico that i invite everybody to read. it s not my own. i just think it was interesting. behind the scenes there was someone pressing to do one thing that republicans in the white house haven t done. that is to put this in a combat. to go against it. to come up with a narrative. jared kushner has wanted to do that behind the scenes. has not been able to get some of the communications people to do that. people say they are afraid they might have to lawyer up. i think the white house, while you can be combative. when you re getting engaged in combat, you re not able to do tax reform. harris: they re not doing it anyway. they re saying this wasn t a big deal, let s move on. harris: can i ask you one question? sure. harris: we saw this in the campaign. is the establishment ready to really get behind this republican president, this american president? are they ready yet? the establishment is quite sure. when you are going out and having energy week but don t propose to have any senators proposing legislation and 50 co-sponsors for that bill, you re doing the marketing gimmick for something that doesn t exist. harris: what about healthcare? seven years. go ahead. that s their fault. everybody owns that. in their defense, there are bills that have come out of the republican side there that is not enough to get the votes they need. that s what they re still facing. i don t know how you compromise between susan collins and rand paul. i don t know how you get the two of them to like a bill. you need to talk to those red democrats. but to your point, the overall point about trump an republicans working together, they under cut each other at every turn. i think donald trump is being worse to them than they are to him. they protect him all the time. harris: to do what they promised to do. look at the don jr. e-mails, paul ryan. even orrin hatch. i wouldn t do it. there s more to say than that. there are a lot of republicans who are deeply concerned about this. harris: it will seem like they were buddies perhaps all along. they will have an absolute party in the rose garden. another rose garden procession. harris: have a great weekend. moments ago police confirm the 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crabfest lasts. red lobster. now this is seafood. shepard smith. how many people were at the trump meeting at trump tower. donald trump jr., jared kushner, paul manafort and today we learned, today we learned there was another player. none other than a former soviet military counter intelligence man, a lobbyist trying to get sanctions reduced again russia. what came of that meeting? we ll have comprehensive coverage and analysis, we ll speak with chris wallace. top of the hour on shepard smith reporting. harris: here it is. president trump is back on u.s. soil. arriving aboard air force one at newark liberty international airport. we do know that at trump national in bedminster new jersey started yesterday, goes to the weekend, is the lpga u.s. open being held at bedminster. lot of people going to be going there. we heard reports that the president will be, too. but he is back from france, now, where he met with his counter part macron. he and the first lady abore air force one now. can republicans get healthcare done? tax reform? budget? the senate has lengthened out its work schedule to wipe away part of its august recess. will the house do the same on certain issues as well? and have a more working summer for congress? we ll have to see if that happens. but the president of the united states is home. a 20-year-old man with four counts of murder in pennsylvania. cosmo dinardo has an attorney who says he has confessed to police. this, after four men vanished last week. and now we ve learned another man is being charged in three of those killings. senior correspondent rick hrefp levinthal was at the latest news conference. reporter: this in buckingham township where they will be arraigned in just the next few minutes on dozens of charges related to the murders of those four men who went missing here in bucks county. dinardo faces 24 counts including four counts of criminal homicide and conspiracy to commit criminal homicide, four counts of robbery to intphreugt serious body injury and four counts of abuse of a corpse. his alleged accomplish also 20, shawn michael kratz of philadelphia faces three counts of murder and conspiracy and abuse of a corpse and more. this coming after dinardo confessed yesterday to authorities revealing details of his crime spree, including the location of the bodies and the identity of his co-conspirator who authorities say helped dinardo shoot and kill three of the victims and helped bury him on dinardo s parents 80 acre farm. we have so much more to do to bring justice in this case. but i am very very relieved to say that we brought four young men one step closer to their loved ones so they can rest in peace. reporter: all four of the victims have been positively identified. the charging documents allege the four men all went to meet up with dinardo to buy marijuana an he and kratz decided to rob them and kill them instead. harris: every time they hold a news conference and these details come out, they are tougher and tougher. thank you very much. reporter: yeah. harris: drones are taking over the sky. soon everything from crop dusting to surveillance to package delivery. i like that part. but who s watching the people operating those to make sure they are safe? this is live with a reporter who is going to come up with a story. that s kind of cool. they re sharing space with planes as you see in the background. again i ask who s there to make sure the operators are keeping those things safe in the skies and the rest of us? stay with us. with hydrogenated oil. .but real joyful moments are shared over the real cream in reddi-wip. reddi-wip. share the joy. hi..and i know that we have phonaccident, so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight- four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won t go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. binders, done. super-cool notebooks, done. that s mom taking care of business. but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. this week, get this ream of paper for just one cent after rewards. taking care of business. harris: more drones are doing more things in our skies and sharing space with planes, obviously. from crop dusting to amazon package delivery, we are seeing commercial drones become part of every day life. it s more of these unmanned aircraft. how can we prevent them from crashing or causing problems for planes or invading someone s privacy? jonathan serry is live for us in starkville, mississippi. we showed you a live drone. that was cool. these are two separate issue, privacy and safety. reporter: yeah, indeed. yet researchers here at mississippi state are helping the faa to answer all sorts of questions, questions regarding privacy, questions regarding safety. up in the air over my head, you can see our own fox drone flying here. let s take the live feed from that drone. standard practice on most commercial drones these days provide a live video feed giving operators on the ground a birds eye view. the faa generally requires commercial operators to keep their drones within eyesight for safety reasons. researchers are looking into how safe it would be to allow drones to fly beyond line of sight. once you can do that, you ll be able to do all sorts of stuff, like drones delivering packages to your home. mississippi state leads a group of institutions called assure. the faa asked this group to answer a few safety questions such as what happens when small drones bump into people. assure is all looking at what would happen if a drone were to fly into a jet engine or some other part of another aircraft. we have to better understand what happens if in fact there is some sort of collision or impact. we need to better understand that. at the end of the day this is about avoiding that collision in the first place. reporter: the trade group predicts once commercial drones are fully incorporated into the national air space, they ll create more than 100,000 u.s. jobs by the year 2025. faa is trying to keep up with the technology that s moving at lightning pace, while balancing safety in skies that are becoming increasingly crowded. just in the last 18 months we ve registered twice as many unmanned aircraft than we registered all aircraft in the previous 100 years. reporter: so as you can see, there s a very good chance that drones will be part of our every day lives in the very near future. harris? harris: jonathan, thank you very much. we re right back after this break. if you have bad breath and your mouth lacks moisture, you may suffer from dry mouth. try biotène®, the #1 dentist recommended dry mouth brand. it s the only leading brand clinically proven to soothe, moisturize, and freshen breath. try biotène®. you don t let anything lkeep you sidelined. come on! that s why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals. best one ever! for the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you 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confirmed that he attended a meeting at trump tower during the campaign. ahead, what we know about that lobbyist. his background, his admitted links to soviet military and russian spies and his reported connection to a global hacking case. also, what he says the president s son requested during that meeting. as president trump right now returns from his trip to paris, he s facing more headaches. lawmakers now asking whether the trump campaign worked with russian to distribute fake news stories befor

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20170711

to reporters from a british journalist and published donald trump, jr., do not totally connect. here s the question. why would they send the trunk campaign to a lady who knew nothing? i want to know about that too. it is an odd way to suggest the russian government wants to help by sending you to someone who does not have any evidence at all. what we have heard from senior democrats on the hill today but these emails and the promise of intelligence directly from the russian government goes past previous allegations. to meet with an adversary to try to get information to hijacked moxie, it is more than destruction of justice. it is more than perjury. it is a treason investigation. senator graham are not going as far as senator kane, but the emails that a new allegations underscore the need to get donald trump, jr., presidential advisor, jared kushner, and paul manafort on the record. the russian lawyer told nbc news, those are the three at the 2016 meeting principally, they said they will cooperate with congress. spewing what about the white house? this hour, we re waiting for the press briefing. if they had a neck or stomach added that, it will be audio only today, but in the noontime, we had statement from a spokesman from the trumpet legal team, he told fox news the president was not aware or attend the meeting. spokesman for the vice president said, he was not aware of the meeting as well. adding that he is not focused on stories about the campaign, especially those that have been before he joined the ticket. harris: thank you very much much. that s its up the facts let s go to tennessee congresswoman, always great to talk with you. i know from this is from what you said, a fluid situation going back with the most today with 13. i am curious now is a move towards this white house, first time on the record with this, reaction to donald trump, jr., and his dumping of own files on twitter. where are we? we are in a very fluid situation. we want to wait and see if we can get to the bottom of all of this to do with russia. harris faulkner, i have to tell you. it has taken the democrats 50 years to admit russia is a bad actor. we all know that. i remember being a teenager, and hearing about what the communist and the russians wanted to do to the united states. these things have not changed. now, when it comes to the situation that have occurred around the campaign, we know that russia always is trying to influence activity in the united states. they are not a good actor. they are not our friend. let s find out more about the clinton foundation, hillary, uranium-1, president obama and vladimir putin, more flexibility after the election. let s look at all of it holistically, and get to the bottom of what transpired with this, and figure out, if donald trump, jr., if there was something that was wrong doing or if you was duped into taking a meeting on another issue. harris: congresswoman, how frustrated are you for those on the hill trying to get business done? to have a white house that is constantly under attack by the eight ball if you will? sunday night insane, they should have their own opposition research to see what is juicy for them and political adversaries, so they can get ahead of some of the stories, putting this aside, but totally the barrage of what they have been under since inauguration day. yes, and i think that is exactly right. the media is never going to give up, and the democrats are never going to give up on donald trump, because they want to delegitimize his administration. eventually, yes to recognize and say, that s not give them anything to talk about. let s focus on the good work that this administration is doing to keep its promises but let s focus on health care and celebrate, the senate has said, okay, house, we will date and work for another couple weeks to get the job done per let s focus on tax reform. let s focus on jobs, jobs, jobs, and get the economy rolling and celebrate the things that are beginning to happen. that s what i want to do, and i have to tell you, it is frustrating when you hear the what ifs, and couldn t possibly be, all the time, it is frustrating to her constituents. they want opportunities. they want access to high-speed internet. they want to see an infrastructure bill. they want tax rates to be lower, and they want the affordable air canada connect they will be able to afford the same doctor. it is unaffordable right now. harris: something that americans are scene play out in regards to news this hour and what we fully anticipate the white house just begun via the press briefing with saga b sanders is the interviews that this attorney, that met with donald trump, jr., s game today, and all the things you need to be worried and working on, i know you are, but this is the shiny object that is taking some form. i want to watch a clip with you, and you will be able to hear, and then let s talk a little bit more. from the woman that is the russian attorney. they had the impression it appears they re going going to be told some information that you had about the dnc and how did they get that impression? it is possible that they were looking for such information. they wanted it so badly. harris: donald trump, jr., is not an employee. he is now working in the white house. donald trump, jr., he can make whatever statements separate. he ll be on hannity tonight exclusively. i don t know the players that are there. this woman or the relationships or any of that. it would be inappropriate, really, for me to speak to that. i ve never been in a presidential campaign. in that capacity. that is not an interface that i would have. i think what it speaks to is the frustration of the american people in the way you see all of this vicar, baker, personal attacks and campaign , and what the american people want is for us to make freedom important, keep this country free to hand up to future generations, and we respect that freedom. we treasure it. we do our part to make certain that freedom is going to stand at the end of the day. i think this is the time for us again to look at things that are happening from the left, the right, and for us as members of congress to say, commit ourselves to the quorum, civil conduct, get the people s business done. they want to see done, done into the president trump s desk to sign. the media, i would like it if they would focus on the work we are doing and not focus on issues like the shiny object of the day. harris: a while back. marsha blackburn, we have gotten news this afternoon that the senate is going to delay its august recess and we will see some of that getting down to business that the american public is so hungry for. i appreciate your time, congresswoman. so good to be with you. thank you, harris. harris: a fox news alert, and let s talk to you about that august recess. senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell, will delay the august recess as they worked to get the needed votes on health care and even more than that. mitch mcconnell worked a lunch with mike pence trying to move the ball forward on a whole bunch of issues. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is on the hill. mike, what so many have been saying and i have been saying for well over a month, how do you build a house and go home before you put the roof on it and let the rain come and? they have work to do, in officially, they will be doing a. maybe they have been listening, however bottom line, republican senator saint, we need more time, we should work through the august recess, so senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell responded with r august recess will be bumped. that is to get health reform done. it is time to vote. put it out there. let them offer amendments. let s hit it head on. it is not going to get less complex a formal act is not innate change. s donald trump, jr., s interactions with a russian lawyer, some lawmakers have expressed them losing focus. does exactly what we need to not be distracted by. we have things we need to do here. we have to come up with a health care outcome. we have to come up with attacks planned. we have to come up with the spending strategy, and we have to be disciplined and not get distracted by things that may be due legitimate about but right now interlace. they are wrapping up their working lunch and expect questions about all of the above, harris. harris: i would think finishing your job is a bipartisan issue where where do democrats stand? they will get to the reese s being bumped back, it later in august, bottom line there, still fighting for health care reform, four senators writing to donald trump, jr., connect mitch mcconnell, sandy want to work with republicans to address the insurance markets. lower premiums, and some other senate democrats have expressed concern about what the impact will be if indeed republicans succeed with health care reform. every democrat in my state, everyone gets hurt by any changes they re making. without that being said, we think improvements can be made in the private market, and into the expansion. all are watching to see if or when republicans can get reform done. harris: i tell you, you ve a couple things coming. they are going to set some pricing and price hikes for insurance companies that have been anticipating to happen this month, mike. possibly the next couple weeks. enrollment will come really fast in november. there s a lot of pressure. harris: thank you very much. we are awaiting today s white house press briefing. we have been talking about it with sarah huckabee sanders. what they have to say about the president s son and that he met with the russian attorney with the understanding he would receive incriminating evidence against hillary clinton. you call it opposition research. where watching that when kids rowing, it will be get the audio, will play. but we have to wait. stay close in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. searching one topic. that will generate over 600 million results. and if you ve been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers like where to treat, can feel even more overwhelming. so start your search with a specialist at cancer treatment centers of america. start with teams of cancer treatment experts under one roof. start where specialists use advanced genomic testing to guide precision cancer treatment. .that may lead to targeted therapies and more treatment options. start where there s a commitment to analyzing the latest research and conducting clinical trials-to help each patient get the personalized cancer care they deserve. start at one of the cancer treatment centers of america hospitals near you. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. 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leadership asking him to cancel the august recess. this morning, we had a press conference to talk about it we just finished the caucus lunch. the leader had decided we will work the first two weeks of august. i would prefer to say the month of august, but i will take half a month. it is not just about health care. it is tax reform infrastructure. it is debt ceiling. it is the insurance bill. as the budget. to claim that we can accomplish all that in the amount of time we have left, it is a testament to the power of human denial. it cannot be done. we need to face that. this was not a unanimous decis, some people think we are making a mistake, but i want to thank the leadership for doing this, and for saying what most americans know, that we have a lot to do, and we do not have as much time as we would like, and we need to work. i don t know many working-class families in louisiana back and take a whole month off, and i don t think it is unreasonable for us to work through august or do i prefer to stay the whole month, but i will take two weeks. harris: amen to that. so may times on social media, we can gauge our own lives. it is difficult to justify not giving your total job done, and i can imagine, when you have had such a juggernaut, such a stalemate previously for eight years, you re starting to move ahead and get some things done. buy camera leadership is republican now. you have a real advantage. the present in the white house. a lot of opportunity here. is not just about health care. i don t think we will be working with health care. we will vote on next week. does the plan. i certainly hope so. some changes have been made to the bill. will get the actual bill thursday. the bill will be brought to the floor and everyone will vote to proceed with the bill, and if they want to offer to mimic, they can. this bill or nothing, there is i amendment process, and if people do not like what is in the bill, they are to offer amendments. it is time to vote. we have spent i personally spent a hundred hours in meetings, studying the bill, doing my own independent research it is time to fish or cut bait, and everybody is to stand up and take a position. harris: that is some of the strongest talk i ve heard yet of moving forward on health care. the justification for august it s not going to get any less complex. there s no question the affordable care act, obamacare, is failing. they can pretty it up all they want to, but it is not working for the american people. the democrats proposed solutions is a single-payer system. they want to have the federal government take over all of health care in america and regulate hospitals, doctors, nurses like utilities. i ve lived in england. i went to school in england. i lived under the british system. i visited canada. the american people are not going to like a single-payer system run by the government. given what we have, obamacare, given that it is failing, my position has been the same from day one. first chance i get to repeal obamacare, i am going to do it. if what is proposed in its place is an improvement over obamacare, even though it is not perfect, i am going to vote on it. now, i don t know what that replacement is yet. this bill has changed since the first draft, but it s time for everybody to fish or cut bait. harris: wow. you need 52. you have a motivational voice. you have it there. we will see what happens in the next week. the justification as i understand it, relaxing of the date before the august recess, had to do with health care. you re sane, no, we will do that next week. the plan right now is to vote next week. i say, i am ready. soon it sounds like you are. the american public is also. senator kennedy, thank you. here s what we are waiting on. sarah huckabee sanders will be giving that white house press briefing. cameras are not allowed today. we will monitor this and bring you whatever news comes out. if there is audio to share, we will do that as well, but for right now, no cameras allowed. it s about to happen. we will take a quick break. come back to us. tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass, you get time for more life. this family wanted to keep the game going. son: hey mom, one more game? tech: with safelite, you get a text when we re on our way. you can see exactly when we ll arrive. mom: sure. bring it! tech: i m micah with safelite. mom: thanks for coming, it s right over here. tech: giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. take care! family: bye! kids singing: safelite® repair, safelite® replace. the future isn t silver suits anit s right now.s, think about it. we can push buttons and make cars appear out of thin air. find love anywhere. he s cute. and buy things from, well, everywhere. how? because our phones have evolved. so isn t it time our networks did too? introducing america s largest, most reliable 4g lte combined with the most wifi hotspots. it s a new kind of network. xfinity mobile. yogig-speed you know what s 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unusual for a plane like this to crash midflight. normally, crashes occurred during takeoff or landing. rain aircraft has had a trouble history as of late paired we were surprised to learn after visiting units that 70% of marine strike aircraft cannot fly due to a short of gimmick to make shortage of parts. they have been aging and not refurbished after years of war. the marines are conducting an investigation and have not released the name of those killed. this is the worst marine crash since 2005. 15 marines and one sailor. spoon it is heartbreaking. something else that is making news. has to do with the hawaii soldier, who was arrested in supporting the islamic state. what have we learned? sergeant first clapped ikaika kang was arrested late on saturday night in hawaii for providing material as part of isis. he is 34 years old. we learned that the army first tip the fbi after he was pulled from secure declares paired the soldier from the 25th infantry division serves in iraq and afghanistan, and korea as an air traffic controller. he told undercover federal law enforcement agencies, he wanted to come to kill a bunch of people. he offered to train the isis soldiers overseas paired his lawyer said he is servicing from service related mental health issues paired his father says he might be suffering from post-traumatic stress. he is also praised adolf hitler as well as the pulse nightclub shooter. harris: jennifer, thank you. a massive search is underway for four men who disappeared in a philadelphia suburb. taken into cut my custody who has a shady past as a continueo search his farm. the audio white house press briefing is underway. we are expecting news about donald trump, jr., and a document on his twitter feed. it is going on right now. usually starts with a statement from sarah huckabee sanders, and then they will get into the questions paired we are all over over. stay close the roles you play in life are parlet s dance grandma! you. and you re not going 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cannot play it because there is no camera allowed to read the question has come about whether the white house has disputed donald trump, jr., having a meeting with the russian attorney. this reporter saying to his knowledge, the white house has not disputed. why not? sarah huckabee sanders is representing the white house, she says all matters with regard to donald, jr., i will refer you to his attorney and outside white house counsel. he is not an employee of the federal government. he does not work in the white house. donald trump, jr.. he has his own attorney. they re looking separately, and that is how she s answering that question. i m continuing to monitor it for you and also at that sitdown that we are talking about now between donald trump, jr., and others, then chairman campaign chairman, paul manafort, the son-in-law, jared kushner. they released an email chain about him was set up with person he was set it up with, and he knew russia was offering to help his father. in one email he writes, if it is what you say, i love it. let s bring it to match lap chairman for the american conservative unit gimmick gimmick to make met, i want to start with you. you say, this is smart to release those email documents and twitter. why? as soon as we all right about that this meeting happen, my advice to the trump teen along is to put out all the information, all the emails, all the scheduling items that you have and turn it over to the council. there is even more democratic and given to all of us. i think it is the right thing to do. the only thing to cover here is to drip, drip, some other tiny detail that comes out. there s still nothing to the central charger. we have a special counsel, not because of members of the trump team met with someone who was russian paired we haven t because of the idea that those inappropriate collusion between the trump campaign and find putin. we are nowhere in that vicinity, so put out these details paired with their outcome of the press has nothing left to cover. harris: richard, i ve heard you say certain things about that. back when the hillary clinton campaign was going on. the drip, drip is killing us on the other side of the aisle. that is a hundred percent right. the white house is messy handling this. a couple months ago, when this whole thing started, the moment they announce a special counsel, if i was the white house, i would have boxes and boxes of paper being pushed out of the west wing to the special counsel office in the idea that we re being transparent, accountable, we want to get it done for the american people. they do not do that, now you have does drip, drip, drip. here s the thing. for democrats, we are over your talking about treason and collusion. we are not sure we re there yet. for republicans, date saying it s a big nothing-burger, but there is not and nothing burger. if you look at this email, the one marked from 4-20, i had this discussion with you in the russian tourney coming this is problematic. mike pence has been put in harm s way, because he said there was never any interaction, and last month, donald trump, jr., said there was never any interaction between them and russia. harris: let me stop you there, because actually, matt, it is true that is been members of the republican party leading up to this and including members of the campaign that have said, there was no sort of meeting or anything going on with russian officials. i am still not clear what a crown prosecutor is. i don t know what a link to the kremlin those are some lucy- lucy-goofy words. best the whole point. we have a special counsel because there is this charge that there was collusion with the russian government to change the outcome of the u.s. president election. now, it is turning into people saying, somebody on the trump team and his son met was someone who was russian. they close ties to the russian government. we have democrat saint, this was potentially a spy, the new york times talked about she had something to do w. my question back to the obama team, if she is a spy, what is she doing in the country? goes to the question. it seems like the obama administration was loose on protecting our election, cybersecurity, and they re trying to change it to the fact that, because donald trump, jr., met was someone who was russian, what matters is this. the underlining charge is whether inappropriate or illegal activity on behalf of team trump happen. today, there still nodded to tele of evidence they are not, harris. matt, i love you. douse quite a pivot there. doubt quite a pivot. i do not pivot. that was a pivot. put it on the obama administration, wind the trump associates met with russians and decided not to report it. i am a democrat same, this is treason, i am not doing that. this is not impeachable paired i am the democrat same, there are questions here, and the american people deserve answers on this. this white house. ask anyone involved in the trump campaign, everything in the power to make sure that their name is cleared. harris: last word, match lap. we can get to this underlining word. pretty quickly. we went on about this for months. we could put a time limit on it and give the american people what they know paired what do they know? they see no evidence of wrongdoing. it can come to an end very soon. donald trump, jr., knew he met with the russian official, but comes out month after their investigation started. harris: you to having a bunch of moments. i had one ago when senator kennedy said with more optimism than santa promised me a bike, we will get health care voted next week. if we continue to talk about russia, can we get to mother things done? that is the question on capitol hill. they re going to stay for longer and august. glad to have you both. the u.s. and qatar signed to tie up relations. they have accused qatari leaders of donating to terrorism. now from the state department, bring us up to speed. it is. is on the context of that double medic issue that is going on that has been dragging on now into its second months. rex tillerson is traveling to qatar. he announced that the two countries have signed an agreement that addresses terrorism financing. the u.s. and qatar will intensify information sharing in the way they will cooperate to interrupt terrorist financing. the memorandum lays out a series of steps the two countries will take over the coming months and years to interrupt and disable terror financing flows and intensify counterterrorism activities globally. the agreement includes milestones that both countries are accountable to their commitments. bahrain, united arab emirates have blockaded qatar more than a month ago now, claiming that qatar was financing and enabling terrorism paired they haven t denied that. also qatar has been quite clear and they have been reasonable. lastly, the countries presented to qatar a list of demands they wanted in exchange for ending their blockade. qatar rejected those commands. rex tillerson has been speaking with leaders in the region to try to end this crisis between u.s. allies paired the secretary has been in quite as well, as they have been trying to mediate this crisis. tomorrow, the secretary travels to saudi arabia. qatar says since it has signed this terrorist agreement, they are expecting saudi arabia and its allies to do the same. secretary of state previewing his trip tomorrow says, he wants to take the temperature at that side of this discussion and argument to try to figure out what is going to take to move things forward and finally in this crisis. harris: thank you very much much. republican senators setting in motion. the august recess is and cut to to business. senator kennedy premised us. health care is not going to be the focus in august, because they possibly could get that done before that. he wants to talk about tax reform in the budget and so many other issues. will they? just like the marines did. at one 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please whoever your daughter brings over last minute for dinner. hebrew national. we remain strict. i am shepard smith on the news deck. the email revealed that the president s son agreed to meet with the russian national with the understanding that he would receive information from the russian government about the now presidents and political opponent credit was about the support of the now presidents. regarded that information, the first son replied, if this is what you say, i love it. the white house now holding and off coming camera briefing on e matter will bring your reaction from capitol hill, plus, we will speak with a a reporter at the top at shepard smith reporting. harris: they are going to work for the money. the dime we are paying them on capitol hill. senators, halfway through august now, delaying the august recess. plan to work on a plan that all republicans can get behind in a host of issues. now the freedom caucus is calling on house leadership to follow suit. rodney davis of illinois is a member of the moderate tuesday group. thanks to have you. let s talk about the conversation about getting more work done the summer within the house. thanks for having me on. first of all, we have done our job in the house paired we passed our version of the health care reform. we have to fix our health care system. we have 29 million people who do not have health insurance, even though the law requires them to. another 31 million that cannot afford it. we are hoping the senate does there legislative work to get it, and i d be glad to come back in august to catch the boat. harris: talk to me if you can about what changes you anticipate coming in to the senate. when i know we do not have a final bill from them, but when you have been watching, senator kennedy felt pretty strong they could get something done next week. the house will have its chance to change things too. what are the sticking points for the house on health care? it is to be determined whether the house is going to have much of a say depending on the legislative process that the senate uses. i m glad senator kennedy is anxious and excited about passing a bill that we have past months culprit i want to see their version paired i would love to see what they are going to put towards the house again. we hear a lot of talk about just a repeal or repeal and replace obamacare, like what we passed. this is no different then the debate we had in the house just a few short months ago. it when we came together without any democratic help, and the senate is going to have to do the same. harris: what role do you think the president will play to help us question might you saw him tweet about what the senate needs to do to get things going. he passed people to the white house who have been hurt or damaged by small businesses and families by obamacare per he went to ohio to talk about it on the ground. this is exactly what president trump does best. he had us over right after our first version did not get voted. we got back to work. president trump was personally engaged in many of the meetings i went to. vice president pence, his team, wanted to get us to a bill to pass. through my experience, i am sure he is just as active with the senators too, harris. harris: rodney davis of illinois. i d love to spend time, but we have a white house press briefing. that audio only briefing wrapped up, which means, we are now allowed to play it. let us listen together. with that, i will take your questions. kevin. i will point did the president with donald trump, jr., have you had it chance to see how he feels about this story as it continues to unfold? what is your stance? i have a quick statement that i will read from the president. my son is a high-quality person, and i applaud his transparency. beyond that, i will refer everything on this matter to donald trump, jr., s counsel and outside counsel, it will have nothing else to add on that today. the end, i am sorry. if i can follow up, how soon afterwards did the president learn about what happened was my close that tick-tock in terms of that. did he get immediate word or i didn t get information on the exact process. i am sure he is aware of the situation, briefed on it, and continues to get updates on it. i do not know the exact tick-tock. someone who is i didn t fight as russian government to meet with him, being told in the email that the russian government is trying to help the president when the election. can you standby statement you made yesterday that our position coming nobody in the come campaign was inclusion. again, i don t have anything beyond yesterday and today. you know the last time that the president spoke to donald trump, jr.? i do not. does the white house had they disputed any of the following that donald trump, jr., and the son-in-law ahead with the meeting and receiving damaging information about hillary clinton and now with the russian government to supporting chumps campaign? how is that not collusion? speak i know you re going to get tired of it today and i don t celica broken record, but on all questions related to this matter i would refer you to done juniors counsel. i am civilly referring you to people that can answer that question. in january, he said nobody was in touch with the russians. the white house stood by that statement. was the president not truthful? to repeat myself, i will refer you to the outside counsel, and they do not have anything else to add. why are you interested in answering questions yesterday and why was the president not answering questions himself? what change from yesterday ad today? the present gave a statement on the matter, and like i said, i do not have anything else to add. the special counsel on capitol hill to work as soon as possible and wants to the white house to cooperate? that has never changed from day one paired we would love to get this matter closed and focused on the big priorities of the american people period by not answering questions directly or through you, is that expediting the investigation? i am not going to get into the back and forth on that. they say there s no collusio collusion. what is your definition? i said all we are going to say on that. anything else, you have to reach out to outside counsel. the word collusion and it could be treason, perjury. what does the white house have to say about new terms brought into this? i don t know how many times i have to address this. it s because i m not asking about donald trump, jr., . the white house wants his investigation to be gone. i think those new words rb u.s. two questions. first, specifically about the actions taken by white house staff in the last few hours. that should not require you to have a special counsel. we talked about what in the white house has been involved and goes on in this is the president has done with the chief of staff and the administration. you looking into potential communications with the white house staff in regards to this matter and similar matters question mike albeit property may connect the same question, jared kushner for the same emails. does he still is he still valid and a question mark we never talk about security matters. the status on how the president views the russia-american relationship. are they friend or foe? i ve not had that direct conversation paired i have been preoccupied. i will certainly check on that. has the president through h.r. mcmaster that these meetings have leaked, afghanistan, reported that he be given to the pentagon as general mattis to increase troop numbers with the strategy. now subsequently has been reported that h.r. mcmaster has said, now limited at 3900. no more troops regardless. can you tell if it that is true? i m not sure about that memo. i will check into the details and circle back. can you talk about how serious the president thought about using private contractors on the ground in afghanistan as opposed to u.s. military personnel? i know we feel it is important to get input from all perspectives, and all of the right people were part of that process a part of any conversation. use contractors over the last year s coming. currently, there are tens of thousands of contractors that are bravely serving alongside the u.s. military and coalition forces. we are finalizing the review fully of afghanistan policy, and it only makes sense to consult those leaders in the field as well. that is all part of the review process. i m sorry, from our inside internally. all the right people will be part of that process as national security. security about the contractors question mike i cannot at this time, but i can check. since you read it, what transparency is the president applauding? the willingness on behalf of everyone within the administration or anything beyond that. what about donald trump, jr.? let me finish. anyone beyond that that may be asked questions, the willingness to do so and be fully transparent and open and answer any questions through the correct process, whether that is through special counsel or anything beyond that. speaking of the transparency of his son that he only released his email after finding out the new york times was going to publish it. let me ask more broadly about what we spoke about yesterday about appropriateness and campaign. why is it appropriate for presidential campaign to accept a meeting with and russian national after being given high sensitive information as part of russia and its governments support for president trump. i will not get into the details surrounding the spirit i will refer you to donald trump, jr., s counsel. as i mentioned, i stand by everything i said yesterday. particular stories about the time. by many people, is her distance between the president and vice president on this. not at all. there is absolutely no distance between the president and vice president. i know they have spoken today. a lot of people would like to know why this is off-camera today? is our rationale? as we said many times before, we are always looking at different approaches and different ways to communicate the president s message and talk about the agenda. this is one of the many ways we choose to do that. does go let s not break precedent. the stock market dropped today sharply with the news on donald trump, jr., . are you concerned that these revelations are going to affect investors after they get this news crush mark at the president as he has done, not just an office, but thought the campaign, spoken to his son to strengthen and grow our economy, and that surely has not changed today. at any point as president. to applaud his son, transparency now that is closing in between the russian nationals and from campaign. nothing that i am aware. yesterday you talked about helicon s campaign. those are different between russia, brain or anything? i think it would depend on the nature could i cannot speak about any hypothetical situatio situation. in what way are they equivalent? spewing we re listening to the audio from the white house press briefing, and this just in from mitch mcconnell, senate majority leader while that was happening. he said, descendant intel committee will get to the bottom when asked about donald trump, jr.. talk about still on capitol hill. that news conference, we are bringing you the audio from the news conference, because the camera was on the wall. you re gaining here on fox news pair thank you for joining us. 2:00 p.m. our eastern, now let s head over to shepard harris shepard: it s noon on west coast. 3:00 in washington. an extraordinary news day. donald trump released the e-mail in which he agreed to meet with someone identified as a russian lawyer. it was indicated it was part of the russian support of candidate donald trump. today the e-mail itself. we ll bring you donald trump jr. s explanation. we ll hear what lawmakers are saying now and look at what this means for investigators looking into trump team ties to russia. the president has just issued a statement on his son. we ll play that for you.

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