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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20161019 03:00:00

don lemon. hillary clinton in las vegas where they ll go head-to-head in the final debate. live pictures you re looking at now, in true las vegas side show, of donald trump, in quiting the kenyan born-brother of president obama to be in the audience. donald trump s troubles over allegations of sexual misconduct are far from over. people magazine reports six people have corroborated sexual assault claims made by one of the former writers against donald trump. cnn s jessica snyder joins us with more on that. jessica, we re talking about natasha stoynoff and donald trump continues to denies these allegations. what s the fallout? the fallout has been sudden, it s been swift, and in hours of stoynoff posting this, donald trump discredited her very publicly at a rally, even called her looks into question, as to why he couldn t have possibly
sexual assaulted her and went on a twitter tirade, asking her why she didn t come forward, special fe and feeling now she needs to tell her story and bringing forth six people who are corroborating her story. she is let s see, former journalism professor and long-term mentor, paul mclove lynn, right, what is he saying about this? he s part of the story in. i talked to him on the phone tonight. he says it was back in 2005, hours after stoynoff was allegedly attacked when she called him from her hotel room. he said that she was dismayed, distraught, shaken, angry, but in large part, she also felt betrayed. she felt she and donald trump had this professional business relationship, and all the sudden in her eyes he turned into a predator, so it was a very difficult time for her and the first person she turned to was her mentor and her journalism professor and he actually spoke
out tonight to cnn s aaron burnet saying he will support her then and will always support her. take ali listen. a man what he did to natasha and says what he says, it takes what he did and adds another despicable level to it. i know what she told me was true. she wasn t in 2005, calling me in anticipation on doing somethingti something negative to him in a presidential campaign. that s preposterous. at the time, he advised her not to take any action. why is that from. paul was really worried about this. he thought if she spoke out and went to her editors, donald trump would retaliate and blacklist her as a journalist and do things that would destroy her career, so his advice to her that she ended up taking was to
and to get taken off the donald trump beat, to no longer write about him, and as we know, she had no further by lines relating to donald trump. let s talk about the melania trump andand coop anderson coop interview. there was a claim she bumped on to her on fifth avenue, and melania trump is saying that never happened. what is stoynoff saying? she s staying pretty much above the fray, but what s interesting is people magazine has put forth someone who was with stoynoff when this happened, and they ran into melania, and stoynoff chatted for a bit and the one thing this friend remember business that occasion is that melania trump was carrying baron as a baby and wearing high heels at the time, so she seems to have a very vivid recollection of this happening. stoynoff is only still peaking out about donald trump himself. in fact, issuing this very biting quote about him in people magazine today, i ll
what does it mean for donald trump and the donald trump campaign? it s not good news. the allegations she has corroborated in some parts because she had told people of them at the time that they had occurred and didn t just come out with a story to try to takedown his candidacy. this is a very damaging and difficult thing for donald trump to deal with because in one respect, he has to deal with it publicly, because he has to try to put an end to it and another respect though he has to deal with the fact he needs to talk about other issues, and policy issues, he needs to try to move beyond it. so this is a very tough spot for donald trump to be in and not only her but all the other women who have made allegations against him. bob, melania trump spoke out to try to contain the damage about allegations of sexual assault and groping. here s what she said to anderson. i believe my husband. this was all organized from the
happened? sure. i think overall, melania doing the interview was a good thing for donald trump, i think it would have been better if donald trump was with her during the interview. but you have it s the same thing that hillary clinton, she can t shake the e-mail issue, he can t shake these accusers of he said she said, and i don t think it s going to be ending any time soon and you really look at donald trump s numbers with women. he needs to improve them if he s going to win this election. these type of desires, stories know who is telling the truth, but they don t help him. it sort of reminded me of the 60 minutes interview with i m not some little tammy wynette standing by my man and we realize some of the things against bill clinton turned out to be true. looking back if we re talking to each other ten, 20 years into the future we ll be looking back at this melania trump and possibly thinking the same thing, bob? i don t i think it depends
on who wins on november 8th. but because there have been so many women that have come forward in the wake of the access hollywood tape, which was very damaging to trump, you never know, but at the same time, this is what this is what politicians do. they re accused of stuff. we don t know who is telling the truth, but accusation, after accusation, it does add up, it leads to bad headlines, and that s bad for trump. and mark, it is showing up in the polls because five national polls published within the last couple days shows clinton with a significant lead. how much pressure does that put on donald trump to try to get this, you know, allegations of sex abuse or groping behind him, and then how much does it put on him to win tomorrow? how much pressure? let s just say by this time tomorrow, donald trump will put his campaign on track or he ll
be derailed. he has one last opportunity to hit upwards of 50 million, to 60 million people, and try to d discredit. he needs to not talk about ex-sexsex u ual allegations. he needs to talk about how he s going to change washington. he was no colorado just a few hours ago and he didn t talk a whole lot about the sexual allegations. he talked about he was going to drain the swamp and bring change to washington, d.c. that s a much better message for donald trump, and anybody running as an outsider like donald trump is, a, get your base solidified again and he s got to get the middle of the road voters. the rigged election part of the strategy tomorrow? it s crazy if it is, because it s something that while it plays well in these big rallies that he s doing, at some point when you have everybody going out there, including president
obama, some would say it s predi predictable to dismiss it, you have the ohio governor who is going to vote for donald trump, saying donald trump is wrong, as well as republican leaders. it s not a withnning strategy. what s a grand slam for donald trump tomorrow? a grand slam is he shows he s presidential, he does not take the bait when hillary clinton says something, that he talks about what he wants to talk b talking about trade, talking about the economy and mark i definitely agree if you want the status quo, you vote for her. if you the want change, you vote for me. if he can do all of that he hasn t shown he can, he can win this debate. what s a home run? i think a home run is anything that isn t a big loss. if she loses narrowly, she s looses looses on points that s still a win because of her points right now. she s got to play it safe, go to a four-corners offense and run out the.
she can t be too tepid, and has to fire back. i think they are going to shake hands because i think she ll try and set a different tone. we ll come back trump speaking out in the accusations against her father. will it help his campaign? . when coughing keeps your family awake. breathe easier with vicks vaporub. soothing cough relief that starts working instantly.
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the tape was released, my father s comments are clearly inappropriate, and i m glad my father gave an apology to the american people. is this statement enough? no is this sort of i think the nice thing about the way elections work is every american e eve , every man and woman decides if this is the person we want in the white house. and i m not going to judge ivanka, or her and trump s relationship what else would you say? exactly. that s his daughter, and that s their relationship. i do believe in spite of the mess that s become we should let private family issues be family issues. the thing here is the voting public and whether we are going to accept a man who has brag body sexual assault, who has a history of public misess ojonny do we want him as our leader.
free world? absolutely not. it doesn t help one bit. do you agree with what her assessment of what mel knania tp said, we should let family issues are priefevate? there s not a whole lot of room for privacy. having ivanka and and melani speak, they put a softer side on him, and melania s interview was good, first and foremost, what a lot of people wanted to hear is donald trump apologized to her, she accepted his apology and she said she hopes the american people do. i think the mistake was a couple things, going on to say this was boy talk let me play some of it and you can go on with your response. i said to my husband the language is inappropriate, it s not acceptable, and i was
surprised because that is not the man that i know, and as you can see from the tape, the cameras were not on, it was only a mic and i wonder if they even knew that the mic was on, because they were kind of boy talk, and he was leading on like egg on from the host to say durirty and bad stuff. pardon me, i didn t mean to interrupt you, but blaming billy bush and saying it was boy talk. they see it for what it was. it wasn t boy talk. it wasn t locker room talk. this was aid gro grown man, run for past of the united states and that s how people see it. for her to blame or anyone to blame it on billy bush egging it on, it s a tremendous mistake
because it leads the appearance that he s not actually taking responsibility for his own actions and that s exactly what he should have been doing. actually, this interview should have been done ten days ago. you ve done this a time or two. my question, the same thing i anded about and asked about ivanka, what would you have melani assaa say? basically understanding the american people understand personally he s apologized and they re moving forward. other than that case closed, leave it at that and move on to more important issues. i think that s what the american people want, and i think he needs to move on. we could have had an entire week of talking about issues that are strong for him. i think talking about draining the swamp, doing away with washington as usual, that s going to be a good message moving forward and reminding
american people who he won the republican nomination leading on the economy and immigration and issues like national security, and those are the things that we need to spend the next few days talking about and not talking about these issues and certainly we don t need to be blaming the women because hell hath no fury like a scorned donald, and that also is a tremendous mistake. i appreciate your candor. how do you not though when people say don t talk about these things and you tell someone, don t look at her hair, you re going to keep staring. do you think people are going to continue even though he s try ago is he going to talk about it? when s he going to say something? is she going to say something? do you think that s going to be part of it, sally? the unfortunate thing about this election is we ve talked about issues apparently about 11% of the time, at least those numbers were through july of this year. 11% of the time spent on issues
at a time when we have still a struggling, recovering economy, when we have concerns of security and isis and all of these things. 11%. so this is a tabloid election. we talk about this stuff. we re going to continue talking about it. i do think the issue though is it can t be separated from donald trump and his character. he you re electing not just a person for the ideas and he doesn t have any so what else do we have him left? we judge him on his character. i want to play this. manu raju, our reporter in washington said, i was an athlete and no one talked that way donald trump and billy bush did on the access hollywood bus, watch this. we have now ten women that we know that have come forward that he sexual assaulted them. that s a crime. do you think he s committed a crime? i don t know. you know, you have to have somebody file a complaint, you know, you can t do it without someone having these are
people who are trapped. they are with this man in public places and like an airplane, puts his hands under somebody s skirt in an airplane. the woman moves her seat. i mean i for me, i can t understand i don t know about a crime, but it is kind of a sickness. so alice quickly because i need to move o. i have to ask you something else that s just as important. that s a pretty serious thing for him to say. the. a it is. in terms of whether these instances are true or not, it s disturbing and unfortunately, to harry reid s point, unfortunately a lot of times when situations like this happen, women can t come forward for whatever reason, for their job, or they feel intimidated by a man in power, so i think these are all issues that are side issues that can and should be talked about at some point, but
in terms of the presidential election, i think we need to look at the bigger picture in terms of this happened, he s apologized for it, he s trying to move on and i think further for the good of this and let people judge for themselves. i want to play this is ed rollins chair of the pro donald trump great america pack. he said this today. itf somehow trump pulls a miracle, which would take a miracle at this point, and obviously his party he can do what he wants with it. if not i think we begin from ground zero with lots of different facts and candidates. is he right? will it take a miracle? i love ed rollins and he s my political mentor. it s a difficult situation. hillary clinton is trying to run out the clock. the latest polls show him down 20 points amongst women in the key battleground states one month ago, hillary was just up
five points amangst women, now she s up 15 points amongst women. women take up 53% of the eli electora electorate, so donald trump needs to try and make up ground in the last three weeks and has his work cut out for him. it s a difficult road ahead. it s never impossible. never rule out donald trump. he s been counted down and out before but it s going to be a difficult road. alice speaking the truth tonight. go ahead here. he insulted duo you think it s a miracle do you think it s a miracle if donald trump if he can come back. yes, i ve been praying for it every night. i m losing myself in double flegtives. it will take a miracle for donald trump to win. listen, then i ve stopped making predictions about this election,
you know, because he s defied everying iss every single one of them, but this is the miracle i hope for, the american peel aople are bet than this, not the insults of everyone under the sun, but please be better than this. please. please. thank you, ladies. thanks, don. when we come back we ve been hearing a lot of locker room talk in the wake of the lewd donald trump tape, but wait until you hear what donald trump has to say about what goes on in the locker room.
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course howard stern. he s what he said today. this idea of locker room talk, i have to tell you something, all the times i ve been around guys and believe me when i m around guys 85% of the time you re talking about pussy. but i have never been in the room where someone has said grab them by the pussy. in other words i ve never heard that term before. no one has ever advocating getting that step you re going to invade someone s space. locker room talk to me is guys are talking about who s hot, or what they ve done to chicks or what they re hoping to do to chicks. andy, even howard stern says trump s language isn t locker room talk, what s your reaction? don, i don t know if i m the right guy to analyze locker room talk. i don t know. to me, the howard stern stuff, this is from the 90s when he was on the show, five ten years ago, and to me, to analyze in a political setting i ll just
level with you, it doesn t seem right. even howard stern i m nota howard stern fan. bababuoy. trump went in there and it was an entertainment program and to kind of all the sudden now it s on cnn, i just feel like this is apples and oranges so i really can t comment on it. van jones i saw a side eye there. l jui just wanted to say the reason i feel this tape has been different than everything else with donald trump is everything else he s done that s been controversial, that s gotten people upset could be put into one of three categories. it was either political conviction, he actually believes this stuff, even if it s outrageous, he could say, he s an authentic guy, or it s political calculation, trying to play to a certain base and say, maybe he s just being smart politically, or it s comedy, he s being an entertainer. this is not the first time it s not political calculation, or
comedy. this is him by himself in a hot-mic moment with somebody else just talking and being his actual self and his actual self is disgusting and appalling. and we could go back, boy talk, locker room talk, et cetera, this is sexual assault talk, this is criminal talk. i can t go and grab donald trump by the crotch and try to kiss him. that s an assault. i d go to jail, and so it s not about the talk, it s about the deed that the talk describes. that was a visual fur most of the audience, but any way scottie, you re shaking your head. i don t know how i can follow that one. i m going to try to pivot just to clear all of our minds. it s pivot time. and you know, it s funny. i think it s hilarious that van says political calculation.
we already have nbc saying they sat on these tapes. they actually wanted to release them 48 hours before the debate, to cause the maximum amount of damage but because of the hurricane that went through they ended up getting leaked out. this is all political calculation. it does not dismiss sort of like the wikileaks. that does not apologize for the works of themselves. if this would have come out six months nine months a year ago, they would have had the conversation but the reason we re talking about this is going into this month hillary clinton had not been able to mobilize the female vote. donald trump was leading by 17 points with female married women. let me and you asking, scottie. that s the reason why this came out. scottie, you think the clinton campaign is behind this. do you think the clinton campaign are in cahoots with nbc news and anybody else, and it s really? it s already been shown nbc wanted to cause maximum damage with this.
now whether that was at the allegiance we ll have to wait. maybe that was an e-mail that was lost in the deletion of her 30,000 e-mails. we ll find that out next year. that was good. thank you. you cannot sit there and look at the timing of all of this coming out they re calculated and once again we re distracting from the issues most men and women in america want to find out about these candidates and nbc for some reason schochose to sit on these tapes three weeks before the election in order to cause damage you ve made your point. the character of the candidate, that s very important when you re running for president and as i said, i think i said this the night before, peoples characters are often revealed when they are when they don t think anyone is listening, and so when you re in the public, you have a microphone, you re in front of these cameras, you re going to be on your best behavior, but when you re on the bus and you re hanging out with your buddy, that may be your true character that comes out. do you agree with that, bakari? i don t agree with it, but
but even more importantly, don, i think we re looking at this tape in the wrong manner. i think we we re looking at it in a vacuum. we have to look at it in the totality. donald trump from the get-go, we ve said this over, and over, and over again, but it can t be stated enough, he targeted hispanics, he targeted muslims and african-americans. he targeted the disabled. he targeted pows, he targeted gold star moms and now he s talking about sexual assault on women. this is not anything new when you look at it in the totality of the circumstances. now i had two major issues with melania trump s interview. first was that she simply stated that he speaks real, he s very honest and what he says is what you can believe, you can take it to the bank. all trump surrogates say that. if heed that on that bus, can we take that to the bank, as well? is sexual assault to him something that he believes in his core and his heart? that s first and the second thing is, she said billy bush made him do it? if billy bush made him do it,
what is putin, what s the iranian regime going to do to him? if you can t stand up to billy bush that s going too far. 11 years ago, i would love to see bakari ywhat you were sa 11 years ago. that s ridiculous. those are very good points f. he s saying billy bush was 20 years his senior that s an absolute stretch. if we re going to take the hidden tapes, the videotapes that have come out about james o keefe, and are we looking at the wikileaks, the racist, and the homophobic james o keefe is not running for president. we re talking about the person running for president. he s encouraging. let s talk about what they call bernie sanders himself that s come out in all of this. like i said
scottie, i do have to say hold on, bakari. you re making very good points but it s not you re not answering bakari s questions and i thought those were two really great questions. if billy bush can sort of goat him into saying those things what s going to happen when a world leader does the same thing? if we can t believe what he said on the bus on an un-guarded moment, why would he say you can take what he means and take it to the bank? i think those are great questions. i think it was two guys peacocking in front of each other, try fing to show off and figure out who was the bigger manually man. it happens all the time. don t agree with the word choice, but most men may not go to that extent, but a lot of guys try to beat one another. bakari, you ve never said that listen, i ve never said anything about sexual assault tow any of my friends. in fact, if you say something like that in the conversation, that s a quickest way for to you get jacked up and somebody to have a serious conversation with you. there is a line that is guy talk
and what donald trump did i mean he s a habitual linestepper. he jumped over that line to what s inappropriate. no mother, sister, daughter, aunt deserves any of that. to me what this is revealing what trump is talking about with media bias. anyone with the right mind, including melania trump, has said this tape is not good, he apologizes but we re on day ten of this scandal and the balance you forget last night his wife came out to support him for this tape doing a long interview his wife was on cnn last night, and fox today. we would not have been talking about it had she not agreed to do those interviews. she is standing by herman. i disagree, don, with all due respect. and an important point, when donald trump is reeling against the big media and you call is a conspira conspiracy, it s a very real phenomen phenomenon. the center for public integrity looked at the money that was given to presidential campaigns
and 96% of the money went to the hillary clinton campaign. so i agree with you that, yes, this is a bad tape we get it, donald trump did not look good. they re talking about the media they re talking about food critics and movie critics, they re not talking about journalists, so the numbers are skewed. my question was i m going to let you get in, van. to be more specific, just so you know, andy, my question was about melania trump s response, that was what bakari said, and what came out of her mouth, yeah, and so that s what we were responding to. but any way, van, i m going to let you talk and make your point after the break and andy i ll let you know, as well. we ll be right back. unces a new swiss jr. bacon cheeseburger as an option with the 4 for $4 for a limited time. with 4 nuggets, fries and a drink for just $4 the swiss jr. bacon cheeseburger. now back to america.
his policies are so much more important than his personality and his personal flaws with bill clinton. with donald trump, his personal flaws are so much more important than his policies say on trade or whatever so they can make that case and they can feel comfortable with it. there s problem though. what i think we don t actually get honest about is that it wasn t the tape. it was really donald trump s response to the tape that left a lot of people very concerned. it was the tape, van. when barack obama van, come on. hold on a second. can i you have your point. i want to make my point. the tape was horrible. but listen, there was a horrible tape with barack obama, as well, in 2008, when reverend wright came out, the guy who married me shill a michelle and obama said horrible things. he kim ocame out and gave one o
most impressive speeches in american politics and he shows under fire he could take us to a higher place. the problem with donald trump, when the bomb fell on his campaign, he took us to a lower place and started talking about bill clinton and everybody else. for a lot of people they say this is not the kind of person they want in the white house. when he gets in trouble he takes us low, not high, and that s a big part of why the media isn t moving off of this. he s not apologized or risen to the occasion yet. all right. i agree with van what was that, don? i said all right, deacon jones. don i was going to say, i agree with his point about bill clint clinton, but with the reverend wright stuff, this was somebody that he knew for a decade, he went to his church, you know, he was the individual who married them. that s something that barack obama did consciously for a decade, and the stuff that was
said about the united states of america was so horrific. nobody is proud of this moment, but this is a 15-second, whatever it was that horrible moment before the bus opened with the sccamera. i ve known the man for seven years and if you talk to anybody that knows him, including his wife, this is not the man that donald trump knows, and he s made it clear that s not who he is. told on, bakari, van, as i said deacon, i understand those words, g-damn america that didn t come out of barack obama s mouth, that came out of reverend wright s mouth. the words on that bus came out of donald trump s mouth. if donald trump had sat in a church with a preacher, who said those things, that would be a different story, but i don t think i think it s apples and oranges to compare those two situations. but i ll tell if you donald trump had sat in that church, i ll tell you every night on cnn
around-the-clock, there would be a different member of that church there and it would be on, and on, and on. you don t remember 2008? that s not accurate. what s accurate is that donald trump said that he likes to commit sexual assault because he can do that. he said i just walk up and i grab them because i can do that. i ll put a tick ta-tac in my mo and i ll kiss them and you have women who said he put a tic-tac and he kissed me. but this is the same person who talked about women s appearances, women s flat-chests, the whole plethora, who walked into locker rooms women were changing for pageants. that has not been proven, once again. he said it himself. that doesn t mean he did it. first of all, let me say this scottie, before you respond, scottie, he did say to himself, again on on howard stern, he
said that he walks into the room and he has i have to inspect it is place. but go on, scottie. and a lot of people say things on howard stern, and let me say this howard stern is entertainment. and he wasn t running for president. he was not a politician. i m sorry he doesn t have this well covered. let me point out i m a female, melania trump is a female. we are women. this is where this is going to go dead because the way the media has handled this is starting to back fire, especially the majority of these women s cases are finding out to be hit jobs on mr. trump, tied with the hillary clinton campaign, the dnc having maj majority of them are. there were chaperones that never came forward and said wrong things happened. the details matter. this is your track record, it s getting old. i ve got ten seconds left. who is going to respond? grow up. i have an 11-year-old
daughter. thank you. and i don t care if a chaperone is in the room, if a grown adult man running the pageant or not walks in while she s changing clothes that is a problem. then why didn t the why did he brag about it? it s different. once again it never happened. thank you. we ll be right back. happy anniversary dinner, darlin can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. alarm clock beeping]
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internet. instantly a new hashtag was born, #billybushmademedoit. as in when trump cheated on first dad. or ryan lochte changed his story. you know how trump is always saying this whole election is being rigged? now we all know who is rigging this election. and the hashtag. even noted hillary supporter cher got into the act. how can trump stand up to putin? couldn t stand up to billy bush. this four-year-old puddle tweeted billy bush made me put this paper towel on my head. john olver did a segment. about billy bush being creepy
with everyone. now they can add the 2005 bus scene. melania had a name for what husband engaged in on that bus. boy talk. with a 49-year-old boy? blame it on the 23-year-old, president trump, why did you nuke brussels? hashtag. come on billy. let s go. that s better. cnn new york. thank you very much. that s it for us tonight. appreciate you watching. see you right back here thursday night. unforgettable, wherever you go the scents you can t forget. from herbal essences, blooming now!
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I-cant-go-and-grab-donald-trump , One , Writers , Jessica-snyder , Allegations , Fallout , Natasha-stoynoff , Cnn , Question , Rally , Posting , This

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180803 06:00:00

that don t s say that, but we ll do it any way. let s not be honest with the american people. we want open borders. and obamacare. that is all the time we have left. always fair and balanced. never the destroy-trump-media. let not your heart be troubled. ingraham standing by. laura: hey, i m just writing eric trump a thank-you note for mentioning me during your show tonight. [laughter] sean: i m sitting here, and he goes, you know who is great at defending melania? laura ingraham. i m like, what am i, chopped liver? laura: listen, this is why you and i i have been friends for 18 years. you re number one in cable, you are number close to rush in radio. a little mention of someone else, you are like, what about me ? typical man. sean: [ laughter ] you know why? let s be honest everyone in this business, you know this is true is overpaid, lazy, and narcissistic. and most of them are all agenda. we are honest. we are talk show hosts. we do journalism, we do straight
interviews, commentary, opinion, we do it all. laura: radio. we do this i mean. sean: by the way, how great was it? rush 30 years, paving the way for all of us? laura: unbelievable. 18 years i got into radio. you and i started the same year in national radio. 2001, i never would have imagined. sean: i was with the guy in santa barbara in 87 and then huntsville, alabama and then atlanta. you started at thehe top. i m so sorry it was so hard for you. laura: i was a lawyer. i was a lawyer. have pity for me as a lawyer. > sean: we ll fill the show with us bantering back-and-forth andg bickering like a children. laura: one friday when you are not taking a vacation day, we ll do that. sean: you and tucker take more vacation than anybody! laura: when you live in a
Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
reprehensible comparison. we won t talk about steve scalise. we ll talk about that later. i don t recall the same level of concern over the violence at let s say, berkeley, whenn conservatives speak, or outside the trump rallies in san jose during the campaign. remember when that guy was pummeled? when the left engages, in not just harsh language, but criminal acts of violence, destroying property, putting police lives at risk, the media work overtime to understand the underlying anger and upset. i see a lot of people expressing their humanity in the face of a candidate who has really built his candidacy on denouncing their humanity. yeah, there are a few people out there who were not out there to actually protest, but at the end of the day, they accomplished their goal. they got on tv and they gotre their issues aired. they have grievances. it s not like his mindless or they just want violence. they are speaking out about somebody who is attacking their communities. our hearts are out there marching with them. o
laura: did any of them bemoan the vile nature of the commentary or the signage at, let s say, the women s march? i didn t know devils could be resurrected, but i feel hitler in these streets. yes, i m angry! yes, i am outraged! yes, i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. laura: remember when madonna did all that yoga? i thought that was supposed to make you calm and zen-like. l where were the liberal complaints about this rhetoric? and with this kind of inspiration, i will go and take trump out tonight. i wish i could take it behind the gym. that is what i wish. how dare he say the things he does.
of course i want to punch him in the face. laura: where was the media outrage about that? did president obama or other well-known democratic leaders decry that approach, that language, that vitriol, that incitement to violence? of course they did not. because after all, president trump, the people whos supported him, continue to support him, they all deserve that and worse. and where where the media condemnations when women who were affiliated or supported the president were harassed at restaurants, driven from movie theaters? the liberal media don t have any difficulty finding tough words to describe trump supporters, though. it is truly dangerous. we keep referring to his base. well, i m sorry, but the people we saw, at that rally, if that s his base, it is deranged. ha laura: deranged?
see them as backwater, intolerant, and yes, even racist. this just made them furious and resentful. but then came donald trump. our economy is soaring, our jobs are booming. factories are pouring back into our country. they are coming from all over the world. and the forgotten men and women of the united states are forgotten no more! [cheers and applause] laura: you can almost hear the peals of laughter at certain cable news at studios after he says stuff like that. but most in that crowd in theca audience, across america, they like what they hear they are. they don t want to be forgotten. my friends in the media, you cannot ridicule and attack a major part of the american electorate. you can t disparage them and the
understand if someone only watches another channel every night. it s very possible that you are not 100% right, you, being fox. and that cnn is not 100% right. there is somewhere in between. but you don t get any of that. there is no comment i m not going to be cutesy about common ground but we were talking earlier about different conspiracy theories. there is nothing i could say tou debunk one because i would say, well, here, look at this associated press story, or here, look at this fox there is nothing we all agree upon. so you have, yes, the toxic environment. i don t think it should be on tv anymore. but you also have a president who is lying, he is lying multiple times a day, he is lying at a rate more than anyone ever has. it is true. he has lied 4,229 times that is the slime from left-wing outlets.29 that s exactly what you re talking about. we can agree on truth. we can agree on truth. there are good reporters. t
but that does not help fact-check organizations that all these people are all paid by your leftists. that shouldn t happen. there is truth, laura. there is right and wrong. all politicians should be held to that standard but i agree with you, you can t go out there as a journalist and say you are objective and then be on your twitter feed making fun of me and my friends and my family on a regular basis. you don t get to have it both ways. laura: do you think that the polling on the way the people feel about the media in general, whether they approve or disapprove of the coverage of the president, the majority, it s not a fox poll it s, the the thehe the majority doesnt agree on how the president is covered. the majority not a fox poll the majority, they do not approve the way they cover the president. the majority believe they are biased toward the liberal side of the equation. i know you have your views about the president. i m trying to keep this argument focused on this conflagration between the media and
conservatives and the media and his administration.. victor david hanson, you just wrote a column today about this. the culture that we live in. your reaction to what you saw and heard over the last few days and the angle ?ct well, i think there is a certain people that feel that their aims are so virtuous or they are so well educated, that there means are okay. take jim acosta, and reaction to that, a reporter at politico said people at that rally had no teeth and they were garbage. we haven t heard that since peter strzok said that people smelled at walmart. you get into this deplorable and irredeemable, your political activist that talk about her twitter, they go across the white house and make noise so the president can t sleep. it s all predicated on this attempt on my contempt they have a geographical or sociological or cultural subset of america and they are imbued with it, and the irony of it, laura, is that when you take this member of the new york times editorial board, she is a product of
berkeley county is a product of harvard law school. yet, she s voicing sentiments that are right out of the middle ages. the same thing with ocasio-cortez. she s a boston university graduate but she s clueless on the middle east are on basic economics. so red state america is presented with this paradox that this really well educated, enlightened elite know everything but they really don t. they disparage people on the base of class and we are reaping the whirlwind of that. we need to step back. laura: yeah, you re talking about the new you re talking excuse me you reing you re talking about the new editorial board member of the new york times, sarah jeong, who said among the most hateful things about white people, i guess, when you re not right, you say hateful things about white people, the new york times will hire you if you delete your tweets and say you are sorry. i am for redemption, i think that s great, but wow.atueue i can imagine people tweeting other things that are directed to conservatives, they would
never hire them at the new york times. he made a point we don t know what the rules are. laura: the rules are different. we say the elites. it s not about where you go to school, it s the way you look down upon regular people. i see people at the trump rallies, they don t go to fancy clothes stores and buy the fancn clothes, certainly not like paul manafort does. they don t get the cool clothes. they don t speak in the same highfalutin terms of other people. but they are good people. they think america is in trouble and i think donald trump has more answers than the in crowd. that is why they voted for him. they believe he fights for him.c the media don t get that. they are focusing on the media.y do you believe that they are giving the policies of this administration a fair analysis, philippe? i do. i think you are defining unfair as coming up with a negative outcome. that is assuming president trump never makes any mistakes. laura: of course he does.
i call him out for mistakes. immigration, all the time. i think the problem is, elite is code for looking down at someone. soy boy. calling someone beta male. low iq. this is not one group looking down from a mountain saying the other group is scary.g laura: i think people get offended and then they strike back. it s a bad cycle. you have 100% of the country angry at itself and the media, to some extent, is one of the ways to hash it out. and they have been neutered. you have been neutered. the same way you talk to your crowd, jim acosta talks to his crowd. laura: but he s not an opinion journalist. i am!ot i m not a reporter. i m a commentator. i worked for the reagan administration and clerked for justice thomas. i don t pretend to be objective. i m an opinion journalist but i think i am fair and i think there are great reporters but the impact on fact and story, sean hannity is single-handedly given incredible credence to some of the worst conspiracy
no no. laura: first of all, if you are going to come on this network and attack fox, philippe conspiracy theories. you know what i think it is a conspiracy theory? saying garbage people, jeering at another person, falsely accusing them, flipping them off mark caputo, who says the most horrific thing, as a political reporter i don t know laura: mark caputo? sara young person. everyone said things they should regret, whether they do or not. laura: these people are reporters! they are supposed to be calling balls and strikes, correct? and they are. and when sarah sanders lies, they call it out. when jim goes to a trump rally you will have trump supporters and conservatives these are americans. the audience they are trying to whyy doesn t cnn listen to
what the american people want? the ratings will do better. i think they do, actually. final thoughts? center ininterested harvard says 90% of the press coverage was slanted antitrump. this idea on the one hand and the other hand is disingenuous. whether we like it or not, the media is for a particular subset of american life. they feel it s their odyssey and their journey to delegitimize this president and the people who support him for a variety of cultural and class reasons, and i m not saying that trump is an angel, but the coverage is not it s really laura: all right, gentlemen. thank you so much. stay with us. we have an exclusive interview with white house insider kellyanne conway next.- we have an exclusive interview with whi we have an exclusive interview keep it comin love.
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started hearing these reports that they wanted me to walk up they wanted me to walk up and go like this whatever happened to fair press? whatever happened to honest reporting? these horrible, horrendous people. laura: well, that was president trump tonight in wilkes-barre, pennsylvania to discuss the press and a a lot of hot news. let s bring one of our close friends, at least mine, for too many years to count, and the president s closest advisor, white house counselor kellyanne conway. kellyanne, thank you so much for joining us tonight. we ve been discussing the relationship with the press, and the crybaby response, which i think is feigned, phony moral outrage, the horrible things said about this president, the horrible types of violence, anti-trump protests, smashing windows, and beating people up
who have a cap on that says make america great, but now the press is upset because some 70-year-old lady yells at jim acosta. i mean, i don t get it. i thought press secretary sarah sanders handled it beautifully today when she really read it, an entire litany of facts. things that have been said about her and some violence that has been incited against her, she is the only press secretary in u.s. history to hear her say it thatt she needed bodyguards andst secret service. i had secret service when i got there for much the same reason. laura, i have a slightly different take on all of this. i know that it may be annoying, it may be irritating, and may be unfair, it may even be biased at times, it certainly is. but i am also not sure it s particularly relevant or consequential. the media is overall the approval rating is at 17 or 20%. i will give the range, i saw a low of 17, high of 20%. the president s approval ratings are ticking upward.
particularly on matters that are of consequence to the american people, like his handling of the economy. trying to forge peace and prosperity around the globe. people know what they see and what they see are their bonuses, their raises, that the deregulation andnd the historic tax cuts. they have confidence inn this economy, and they are spending more of their money. i was at that rally tonight with the president. i participated in the round table ahead also. people are absolutely brillianto buoyant. they know that beginning with hillary clinton, they referredre to as irredeemable and deplorable, and looked down upon, they know that barack obama, when he was running for president, said these people who cling to their god and their guns just always dismissing them, and this is why it is very important point. i m not sure they care anymore. i speak to these people all the time. you know what they care about?
the care they have a president who respects and takes actionha daily for the military, for the veterans, and for them. look, let s not mistake was going on here, too. a lot of these journalists have very expensive seven-figure contracts, go on late-night tv where they can yuk it up and c they just laugh all day long, particularly about the women in the trump administration, and then they can go and giveic speeches i mean, they speak for free every single day, and half the country doesn t want to listen to them. somebody pays them a lot of money to give speeches, so they are raking it in. listen, donald trump is right.t. president trump, laura, is correct, when he says nobody has been better for the media than him.he certainly, the revenues, the popularity laura: but, kellyanne, i got to jump in here, because when i talk to my radio listeners every day and i did a thing a couple of days ago, i said, tell me how the trump economy, is affecting your business, your family, you know, don tou sugar coat it. if it s not working, i want to
hear from you. i did this for three hours. we did, too. laura: three hours! people literally talking about truck drivers, salesman, people in medical devices you know what they say?k people are happier. people are happier because they are not worried about waking up and saying, oh, my god, i will lose my job tomorrow. i was i knew the economy was great. - but until you hear from the regular people, just saying, i don t know what these media are saying, everyone is unhappy, people are angry. people are happy because the economy is doing well. the hill has a great piece today, kellyanne, but other about how the tariffs that are trashed by the media and the democrats, let s talk about the democrats, the media are getting that wrong, too.ev the tariffs are very popular with businessmen across the united states and they want more tariffs to level the playing field with china. so they are missing the story. it s going to your point. the president said today that china is way down now and he told everybody to be patient.
i wanted to mention something else. bias is not just it doesn t come in the form of overtly, one-sided, lopsided reporting. that is easy to detect. bias is also a selectivity of what gets covered and what does not. the pool reported from the new york times saying there was no news made when the president and ivanka trump and high school students were in tampa bay at tampa bay tech, soo excited that the perkins legislation had been reauthorized, it s going to benefit upwards of 11 million students across this country. no news was made. just today! in the briefing room! this was so important. just today in the briefing room, we had cabinet members come and talk about what they are doing in 2018 to stop meddling in interference in our elections laura: but, kellyanne, guess what happened? no. no. guess what happened?
not only did they not cover it, kellyanne, listen to what chuck todd said. again, four, five top intel national security officials saying russia meddled, we ll stop it, for the next time. what president trump is doing.ti laura: this is what chuck todd said. let s listen.n. we begin tonight by trying to make sense of what happened this afternoon. perhaps more importantly, why? for some, it s going to take more than one surprise briefing to convince them that what we heard today about cracking down on russia has the full backing o of the president. that it was not an effort by a white house communications team desperate to turn the page from the other headaches they have been asked about all week. laura: damned if they do, damned if they don t. your reaction to chuck s point? here s my reaction. in 2016, the president at that time, clapper and comey and brennan, everyone on their team had information that russia was meddling in
trying to enter the election. they sat on it because i m with her also meant that i will bury the information they have about meddling. fast forward, this president is untried, his entire team is on task. the security of homeland security said she s got a 50 state effort on way. they are investing cyber and election security. secretary nielsen, they were in new york city, for all the public to see. the media hardly covered this entire conference on cyber security, election security. but for this mainstream media, who, as you pointed out, coveren the russian story more than anything, this calendar year,an when it came to speaking from the podium, about what this president s administration will do to stop it, try to stop it,pr they are not covering it because it s not coming in the manafort trial, not coming in the mueller report, not coming out of the mouths of someone else. it s coming in a cohesive and positive fashion from this president, what he s going to do. it s complete hypocrisy. laura, if the mainstream media truly cared about election
interference, they would be able to write a story, or finish a sentence without mentioning donald trump s name. they can t do it. laura: all right, we re out of time. thank you so much for joining us tonight. thank you. having fun in the rain.n. thank you. laura: we ll continue to cover this one more. stay there. stay
i thought we were supposed to be away from labels and gender the only thing that matters is merit in what you bring to the equation. why are we now labeling the election a year of the woman? why isn t this the year of great issues? i think it is the year of great issues. i don t know why it is being labeled the year of the woman. i just think that one reason wht people were referring to it as the year of the woman is because you have more women candidates than ever before. m so that would be one reason. i don t think people are just going out and saying, she wears a skirt, so i m going to vote for her, won her ideas are so far-fetched and they are different from mine. i don t think people really do that. at home and we will do that think that is tantalizing fact that pollsters do to make people come to their side of the equation. ra laura: i want to play this michellero obama sound bite from september of last year when she
talked about the women who turned out for donald trump. let s watch. women who voted against hillary clinton voted against their own selves, why does it mean for us, for women, that we look at those two candidates, as women, and many of us said, that guy, he s better for me. his voice is more true to me. laura: harmeet, again, it seems to look down on women who voted for trump. if you vote for a conservative republican, you are voting against your interests. with this booming economy, every level of the economy is up, female employment, optimism, manufacturing, all of it, up, up, up. how can you say that this year, after all these results are already in?af laura, they see it because they are out of ideas. they got nothing for the year of the woman was 2016, by the way, didn t work very well for the democrats. they tried to use gender to catapult an otherwise bad
candidate across the finish line and it didn t work. i am a woman business owner and i can tell you that woman or man, everyone who is a business owner who works for a livingan looks at their 401(k), their rising salary, job competition from people who are not in the country, not citizens, andar everyone factors those things in. it is very passe for leaders to say that women should be voting according to their lady parts, as opposed to with their brains, their pocketbooks, and voting for their futures. a party does need to do a good job, though, after finding of defining those issues that americans all care about. particularly people who have households, caring about health care, caring about safety, and we can do a better job in congress are making sure that we pass obamacare, making sure that we get border security, the issues like that. that is what women, men care about. we all care about it. that is what people care about, laura. i don t think it is so much this gender focus, as people want to make a make it about.
i think it s about the issues. i got to worry about what is going to happen, if, god forbid, something happens to my daughter, if she s raped and you can even get a way to deal with that way that is a problem. laura: when you say a way to deal with that when you sayt, a way to deal with that you re saying abortion. that s the word you re searching for? abortion. just say it. because i don t want to. i say it the way i want to! laura: pam, you believe in this election psychois that up with of the pre cycle is that one of the preeminent issues on the minds of the voters is the ability to get an abortion? you think that ll be outlawed in the united states?, all 50 states? why do youha think that? i think it becomes dangerous when it s outlawed in some states. i think it should be a policy across the united states. laura: for abortion?
a choice for women. for abortion. that is not the top issue, at least for me, laura: it s not the top issue for any american. i don t think abortion is in the top ten. i don t think so, either, laura. laura: why d you bring it up? i brought it up because i wanted to make a point. laura: what point? i m not finding it let me read you the comment from hillary clinton. we are talking about, a lot of women candidates, they are doing really well. the democrats are fielding a lot of female candidates who are doing well so far in the pulling out a lot of open seats. polling and a lot of open seats. this is what hillary clintons said, she said, we do not do well with white men. we do not dohi well with marrie, white women. and part of that is an identification with the republican party, and a sort of
ongoing pressure to vote the way your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should. pam, do you agree with what mrs. clinton said there? you read between the lines, you don t even have to read between the lines. these women are kind of stupid. they vote the way their men want them to vote. no. i don t think that the vast majority women are stupid and vote the way their men want them to vote. but i think there are some people who do that, just like there are women who might just vote for women because they are women. i think the issue is, what is the importance of the majority of people in america. for me, it s a pocketbook issue. i am a business owner laura: right. so you should be for trump? no, i would never be for trump! i ve got very serious issues with him laura: how s your business doing? it s doing ok. it was doing better insure george bush. i ll put it like that. laura: was it doing better under obama? my business is doing great! i don t have that type of i m a lawyer, ok? h laura: ok. so is harmeet. so am i. i m recovering. harmeet, last word.
the type of the democrats the democrats are fielding in this election are extreme. these younger women, standing o for socialism, ocasio-cortez, women who are far left, women who are open borders, women who are abortion extremists. frankly, i don t think that message will resonate with the majority of the voters. the majority of voters are somewhere in the middle. i hope that i m correct that these young women are attractive, good-looking candidates, not necessarily going to get the vote in november but that depends on republicans to field people with gbetter ideas. laura: can i just say that i don t care what party you like or if you don t like trump, you like trump, you have to like this economy. i can tell you this, it s not going to get better than it is right now. it might get marginally better but this is a great time. if you want a job in the united states, i can t think in my lifetime of a better lifetime to be an american citizen. we really appreciate both of you joining us. actually, it wasn t bad with obama. it wasn t bad.
it s terrific now. laura: the gdp, taking china to task it s it s i mean, this is a factual argument at this point. the american people give him very high marks in the economy. thankfully, about 55%, and that is a good thing. good for all americans. whoever was president, providing over these policies, these are good policies for the american people. i really appreciate both of you joining us tonight. harmeet and pam, thank you so much. still ahead, herman cain on the brewing battle between the president and former president obama. glenn greenwald on president trump versus the old world order also. stay with us. greenwald on president trump versus the old world orde
president trump s foreign policy. that is a shock. you heard that right. president trump has both sides of the swamp so riled up they are not collaborating. they re now collaborating. during me now for reaction, glenn greenwald, journalist at the website intercept who has written about the recent alliance between the bush era neocons are liberals. glenn, it is good to see you tonight. this is wild. for us conservatives who took a step back after the iraq war, said, this is a mistake, we got to be much smarter on military interventionism, i guess it is not all that surprising but it is just now out in the open, what we thought is now true. yeah, i think it is one of the most under covered stories of the trump era, the ideological shift. when i started writing about politics in 2005, the root of all evil for liberals was theng american enterprise institute. bill kristol, these are the
people who are now joining with the establishment ring of the democratic party to defend this very militaristic, internationalized institutional assertion of military force. they see president trump in a lot of cases, rightly, as well as people on the left, as opposing. this predates for trump. a lot of neocons were preparing to support hillary clinton before trump became a candidate because they found her brand of hawkish and nice, she criticized hockingishness, and she criticized obama for being insufficiently belligerent, quite attractive. this shift is profound. laura: he s doing it in other ways, too. trump has blown up a lot of old alliances. the koch brothers, you are seeing that split. richard trumka, i think it is good to make this up. all these old alliances, theye didn t deliver a good resultsll come on foreign policy, a mixed results, vis-a-vis united states versus china on the economy, and trump is like, well, i ll work with anybody who will work with me, and i guess his enemies are
saying the same thing. absolutely. the view of trump, for example, that i ll meet with any leaders without preconditions was obama s flagship position at horrified hillary clinton. on these international trade agreements, like the wto, nafta, tpp, opposition to those, which has become trump policy, was orthodoxy on the left for a long time, and that, too, is driving the establishment wings of the republican and democratic party is crazy because they are financed by the same banking interest, corporate interests, that love is globalized industries that have been terrible for the american worker but great for american hedge funds, and banks, and that, too, is causing a remarkable shift and a lot of coalitions. i think it will endure long after trump was gone. laura: i think the old f order is forever disrupted. i don t think that is ever coming back, as much of the kict
no matter how much they kick and scream. h speaking of unholy alliances, glenn, i want to get your thoughts on something the intercept has written about former los angeles times writer and current nbc darling,i intelligence reporter, ken delanian. tell us more about thete relationship with the cia and why we probably see him on tv so often? delanian is an l.a. times reporter and what he had to share with the cia? well, it is really amazing because we at the intercept didl a foia request where we askedre the cia to turn over there communications with reporters. they turned over emails that had all kinds of communications between the cia and ken dilanian, where he would say, i m about to report on you, here s the draft, what are you guys thinking? what should i change? we published all those emails, lots of liberals said, dilanian is the worst, a servant of the
cia. he got pushed out of the l.a. times, ever since then, he s kind of climbed up the ladder, and now he is the star reporter at the msnbc and nbc, where that is all he does, just blindly and mindlessly repeat what the cia tells them to say, gives them anonymity, essentially their puppet and mouthpiece, that is called journalism over at msnbc. laura: but he s an expert. i mean, they hold him out as a real expert on brennan, clapper, the whole crowd, and so he speaks with authority, because he covered it for that much time , but until you did that foyer request, no one knew the back story. i think american journalism for a long time has been far too deferential. these intelligence operatives who operate in the dark, they give them anonymity. that was why we got the iraq war. i think ken dilanian takes this horrible practice, he is the world champion of benefiting his
own career by just acting as a stenographer for the intelligence committee and he s become a hero of democrats and liberals who watch msnbc because now the cia remarkably if the is the agency that they venerate and review more than anyone else and therefore, a journalist with their spokesperson is kind of a tv star for them. it s really remarkable and bizarre and surreal turn of events. laura: oh my goodness. it s wild. thank you so much. president obama is returning to the political fray in a big way. herman cain joins us next to break down the heavyweight matchup between obama and president trump. are you ready to take your wifi to the next level?
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they love him. you see these bumper stickers, i miss barack, it s kind of sad.. he seems to be having fun in retirement. he s wading back in. will this make a difference? no. that s because president former president obama is a lightweight. he presided over the president donald trump is a heavy weight. he s leading the nation. that is the difference. if you compare the results side-by-side, even though president trump isn t even two years into his leadership yet, r the results are startling. so former president obama s endorsement won t mean a thing in my opinion. now the list of people use that that you said he endorsed, the democrats, and the ones he left out, here s the difference.
he endorsed closet socialists but he did not endorse open socialists. that is a difference and i don t think it s going to make a difference. laura: well, i think what the democrats are trying to sell this time is you re undoing. all the great progress of barack obama, environmental regulations, that s going to be big in places like california. p they are really going to sell c the abortion issue, that we lose another seat on the court, we don t put a real roadblock in front of trump, it s going to be goodbye to abortion and that is going to threaten women s reproductive health. you can hear it already building.dy it s environmental, it s women, it s you know, the animals. that is kind of where they are going. clean air, clean water, he s going to poison your kids and your dog. that is where they are going, laura. but that dog ain t going to hunt. i know from the people i listen to every day like you, the people there to support donald trump are not leaving donald trump.
the democrats that believe in this malarkey, some of them are believing it, but some of them are saying, maybe i need to take a second look and here is what donald trump is really going to pick up ground, with the independent, correct thinking people in the middle. all of the noise that has been generated by the liberal noisese chamber, the liberal news chamber, it is the narrow lensal of the media, and as one of my callers said today, it feels like they are talking about the twilight zone. that is exactly what they are talking about. they are not talking about the americans that you hear every day on your show, the people that i hear from every day, they are not listening to y others. they are creating their own n narrative that is not in touch with reality. you ve got a lightweight, a former president, versus a heavyweight who is the lead in the nation, versus someone who was presiding over the nation. laura: herman, i want to
get your reaction to this other story that s causing liberals to go bonkers.y afl-cio president richard trumka reportedly has not yet ruled out endorsing president trump in 2020. you re reaction? the union leaders do this every election cycle to try and squeeze more out of thehe democrats, the liberals, and the progressives. they would never do it but they threatened it to see if they can t squeeze a little bit more. laura: all right so you re not buying trumka? i knew i would get the truth from cain. thank you, herman. when we come back, vogue will feature something coming up in september. you won t believe it.. or maybe you will.

Laura-ingraham , Man , Friends , Radio , What-about-me , Someone-else , Cable , Number-one , Liver , Mention , Number , One

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180803 02:00:00

we are honest. we are talk show hosts. we do journalism, we do street interviews, commentary, opinion, we do it all. laura: radio sean: by the way, how great was headed, rushed 30 years, paving the way for all of us? laura: unbelievable. 18 years ago, you when i start to the same here a national radio, 2001, never would have done hundreds. sean: santa barbara, 1987, huntsville, alabama, atlanta, you started at the top. i am so sorry it was so hard. laura: i was a lawyer. have a little pity for me. i was a lawyer. sean: we ll just build or share with us bantering back and forth and figuring like childre. laura: one friday when you are not taking a vacation day, we ll do that. sean: you and tucker take more vacation than anybody! laura: when you live in a palace, you don t have to go anywhere. the rest of us live in ramblers. sean: i can t win this
debate. laura: you can t. you had a great show tonight. talk to you later. welcome to washington. i m laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle. a very busy thursday night. the president wrapping up a roc rock s rally. amid new bad blood between the u.s. and the media, kellyanne conway will be here to react to both. herman cain will stop by later, and he ll break down the looming battle between the president and former president obama and the midterms. but first, partisan reporters and faux outrage. that is the focus of tonight s angle . for the past few days, a search in cable news reporter has been dining out and whining about this scene from tuesday s trump rally. [chanting] no, ma am.
Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
voters. for much of the past three years, many in the press have been either underestimating or ridiculing both trump and his supporters. raise your hand if you are tired of journalists making themselves the center of every story. i tried to calmly talk to a lot of these folks at the rally last night, say, listen, hey, tell me what you want to talk about. why are you guys so upset with us? they would kind of go through a list of questions, most of the questions were about, why don t you guys report positive news about the president? laura: why don t you report positive news about the president? i wonder why these people are so understandably upset. according to the media research center, and the first two months of 2018, 91% of broadcast network coverage eric trump was negative. the favorite story, of course, was the russia investigation. at the time devoted to covering the administration, one fourth
of it, 24%, was devoted to the mueller probe. no other administration topic received that much attention, not even close. when they do cover another topic, like immigration for instance, it is 92% negative, only 8% positive. and you wonder why people are ticked off. it is not surprising that in a new survey by the research firm, fox news is near the top of the trusted names in news. cnn, down near the bottom. of course, the media may not be great at objectivity, but they are total pros blame diffraction. these opinions that they have at the rallies, they are shaped by what they see in the prime time hours of fox news. it is very unfortunate but it s a painting of american against american and honestly, it means just operates because the erosion of basic standards, stability, human decency, continues not just a republican
Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
somebody who is attacking their communities. our hearts are out there marching with them. laura: did any of them bemoan the vile nature of the commentary or the signage at, let s say, the movements marked? i didn t know devils could be resurrected, but i feel hitler in these streets. yes, i m angry! yes, i am outraged! yes, i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white hous white house. laura: remember when madonna did all that yoga? i thought that was supposed to make you calm and is unlike. where were the liberal complaints about this rhetoric? and with this kind of inspiration, i will go and take trump out tonight. i wish i could take it behind
you can t disparage them and the president they voted for every day and then expect gratitude and cordiality in return. but i hope everyone will take a breath and learn to treat each other with civility and respect. the protesters, the president, and the media, and the way they cover them all. and that is the angle . joining me in every action, here in studio, two political heavyweights, matt schlapp, the american conservative union side, and philippe reines, former advisor to hillary clinton, and in california, a man who has written extensively about me to have hypocrisy, when it comes to violent rhetoric, victor davis hanson of the hoover institute. good to see all of you. philippe? i don t even know where to start. what do you want me to laura: your laughter is what i was writing about. you are laughing about the america or the supporters? i m not laughing at america. i m laughing because i see what happens as someone watching this
we can agree on truth. we can agree on truth. there are good reporters. but that does not help a fact-check organizations that all these people are all paid by your leftists. that shouldn t happen. there is truth, laura. there is right and wrong. all politicians should be held to that standard but i agree with you, you can t go out there is a journalist and say you are objective and then be on your twitter feed making fun of me and my friends and my family on a regular basis. you don t get to have it both ways. laura: do you think there is polling, the way people feel about the media general? whether they approve or disapprove of the coverage of the president? the majority not a fox poll the majority, it they do not approve the way they cover the president to bring the majority believe they are biased toward the liberal side of the equation. i know you have your views about the president. i m trying to get this argument focused on this conflagration between the media and conservatives and the media and his administration. victor david hanson, you just wrote a column today about this.
the culture that we live in. your reaction to what you saw and heard over the last few days and the angle ? well, i think there is a certain people that feel that there answers are virtuous or they are so well educated, that there means are okay. take jim acosta, and reaction to that, a reporter at politico said people at that rally had no teeth and they were garbage. we haven t heard that since peter strzok said that people smelled at walmart. you get into this deplorable and irredeemable, your political activist that talk about her twitter, they go across the white house and make noise so the president can t sleep. it s all predicated on this attempt on my contempt they have a geographical or sociological or cultural subset of america and they are imbued with it, and the irony of it, laura, is that when you take this member of
the new york times editorial board, she is a product of berkeley county is a product of harvard law school. yet, she s voicing sentiments that are right out of the middle ages. the same thing with ocasio-cortez. she s a boston university graduate but she s clueless on the middle east are on basic economics. so red state america is presented with this paradox that this really well educated, enlightened elite know everything but they really don t. they disparage people on the base of class and we are reaping the whirlwind of that. we need to step back. laura: you are talking about the new editorial board member of the new york times, sarah young, who said among the most hateful things about white people, i guess, when you re not right, you say hateful things about white people, the new york times will hire you if you delete your tweets and say you are sorry. i am for redemption, i think that s great, but wow.
i can imagine people tweeting other things that are directed to conservatives, they would never hire them at the new york times. he made a point we don t know what the rules are. laura: we say the elites, it s not about where you go to school, it s the way you look down upon regular people. i see people at the trump rallies, they don t go to fancy clothes stores and by the fancy clothes, certainly not like paul manafort does. they don t get the cool clothes. they don t speak in the same high polluting terms of other people. but they are good people. they think america is in trouble and i think donald trump has more answers than the in crowd. that is why they voted for him. they believe he fights for him. the media don t get that. they are focusing on the media. do you believe that they are giving the policies of this administration a fair analysis, philippe? i do. i think you are defining unfair as coming up with a negative outcome. that is assuming president trump
never makes any mistakes. laura: of course he does. i called him out for mistakes. immigration, all the time. i think the problem is, elite is code for looking down at someon someone. calling someone a beta male. low iq. this is not one group looking down from a mountain saying the other group is scary. laura: people get offended and they strike back. it s a bad cycle. you have 100% of the country angry at itself and the media, to some extent, is one of the ways to hash it out. and they have been neutered. you have been neutered. the same way you talk to your crowd, jim acosta talks to his crowd. laura: but is not an opinion journalist. i am! i m not a reporter. i m a commentator. i work for the reagan administration and for justice thomas. i don t pretend to be objective. i m an opinion journalist but i think i am fair and i think there are great reporters but the impact on fact and story, sean hannity is single-handedly given incredible
credence to some of the worst conspiracy laura: first of all, if you will come on this network and attack fox, philippe conspiracy theories. you know what i think it is a conspiracy theory? saying garbage people, jeering at another pearson, falsely accusing them, flipping them off marc cavuto, who says the most horrific thing, as a political reporter i don t know laura: marc cavuto? at sarah jeong. everyone said things they should regret, whether they do or not. laura: these people are reporters! they are supposed to be calling balls and strikes, correct? and they are. and wendy sarah sanders lies, they call it out. speak up when jim goes to a trump rally you will have trump supporters and conservatives these are americans. the audience they are trying to get. he can see the hostility and how they cover things. why doesn t cnn listen to what
the american people want? their ratings laura: i think they would do better, actually, final thoughts. the best interest harvard give us a number of reports that 90% of the press coverage was slanted into a trump. this idea on the one hand, the other hand, is really disingenuous. whether we like it or not, the media is a particular subset of american life and they feel like their odyssey and journey to delegitimize this president and the people who support him for a variety of cultural and class reasons, and i m not saying that trump is an angel, but the coverage is not it s really pathetic. laura: gentlemen, thank you so much. he stayed with us. we have an exclusive interview with white house insider kellyanne conway next.
and everybody said, wow, that was great. a couple of hours later, i started hearing these reports that they wanted me to walk up they wanted me to walk up and go like this whatever happened to fair price? whatever happened to honest reporting? these horrible, horrendous people. laura: that was president trump tonight, in pennsylvania did as good as the president s relationship with the press and a lot of hot news. let s bring one of our close friends, at least mine, for too many years to count, and the president s closest advisor, white house counsel or kellyanne conway. kellyanne, thank you so much for joining us tonight. we ve been discussing the relationship with the prospect, and the crybaby response, which i think is feigned, phony moral outrage, the horrible things said about this president, the horrible types of violence,
anti-trump protests, smashing windows, and beating people up who have a cap on that says make america great, but now the press is upset because some 70-year-old lady yells at jim acosta. i mean, i don t get it. i thought press secretary sarah sanders handled it beautifully today when she really read it, an entire litany of facts. things that have been said about her and some violence that has been incited against her, she is the only press secretary in u.s. history to hear her say it that she needed bodyguards and secret service. i had secret service when i got there for much the same reason. laura, i have a slightly different take on all of this. i know that it may be annoying, it may be irritating, and may be unfair, it may even be biased at times, it certainly is. but i am also not sure it s particularly relevant or consequential. the media is overall the approval rating is at 17 or 20%. i will give the range, i saw a
low of 17, high of 20%. the president s approval ratings are taking aboard. particularly on matters that are of consequence to the american people, like his handling of the economy. trying to forge. peace and prosperity around the globe. people know what they see and what they see are their bonuses, their raises, that the regulation, the historic tax cuts, they have confidence in this economy, and they are spending more of their money. i was at that rally tonight with the president. i participated in the round table ahead also. people are absolutely brilliant. they know that beginning with hillary clinton, they referred to as irredeemable and deplorable, and looked down upon, they know that barack obama, when he was running for president, said these people who cling to their god and their guns just always dismissing them, and this is why it is very important point.
i m not sure they care anymore. i speak to these people all the time. you know what they care about? the care they have a president who respects and takes action daily for the military, for the veterans, and for them. look, let s not mistake was going on here, too. a lot of these journalists have very expensive seven-figure contracts, go on late-night tv where they can yuk it up and they just laugh all day long, particularly about the women in the trump administration, and then they can go and give speeches i mean, they speak for free every single day, and have a country doesn t want to listen to them. somebody pays them a lot of money to give speeches, so they are raking it in. listen, donald trump is right. president trump, laura, is correct, when he says nobody has been better for the media than him. certainly, the revenues, the popularity laura: kellyanne, i got a jump in. when i talk to my radio listeners every day, i did nothing a couple of days ago, i said, tell me how the trump economy is affecting your business, your family, don t
sugarcoat it. if it s not working, i want to hear from you. i did this for three hours. okay, three hours. people literally talking about truck drivers, salesman, people in medical devices you know what they say? people are happier. people are happier because they are not worried about waking up and saying, oh, my god, i will lose my job tomorrow. i was i knew the economy was great. but until you hear from the regular people, just saying, i don t know what these media are saying, everyone is unhappy, people are angry. people are happy because the economy is doing well. the hill has a great piece today, kellyanne, but other tariffs that are trashed by the media and the democrats, solve the democrats, the media getting that wrong, too. the tariffs are very popular with businessmen across the united states and they want more tariffs to level the playing field with china. so they are missing the story. it s going to your point.
the president said today that china is way down now and he told everybody to be patient. i wanted to mention something else. bias is not just or doesn t come in the form of overtly, one-sided, lopsided reporting. that is easy to detect. bias is also a selectivity of what gets covered and what does not. the pool reported from the new york times saying there was no news made when the president and ivanka trump and high school students were in tampa bay at tampa bay tech, so excited that the perkins legislation had been reauthorized, it s going to benefit upwards of 11 million students across this country. no news was made. just today! in the briefing room! this was so important. just today in the briefing room, we had cabinet members come and talk about what they are doing in 2018 to stop meddling in interference in our elections laura: kellyanne, guess
what happened? not only did they not covered, kellyanne, listen to what chuck todd said. again, four, five top intel national security officials saying russia meddled, we ll stop it, for the next time. what president trump is doing. laura: this is what chuck todd said. we begin tonight by trying to make sense of what happened this afternoon. perhaps more importantly, why? for some, it s going to take more than one surprise briefing to convince them. what we heard today about cracking down on russia has the full backing of the president. that it was not an effort by a white house communications team desperate to turn the page from the other headaches they have been asked about all week. laura: damned if they do, damned if they don t. your reaction to chuck s point? comey, john brennan, everyone on their team, had information
that russia was meddling in trying to enter the election. they sat on it because i m with her also meant that i will bury the information they have about meddling. fast forward, this president is untried, his entire team is on task. the security of homeland security said she s got a 50 state effort on way. they are investing cyber and election security. secretary nielsen, they were in new york city, for all the public to see. the media hardly covered this entire conference on cyber security, election security. but for this mainstream media, who, as you pointed out, covered the russian story more than anything, this calendar year, when it came to speaking from the podium, about what this president s administration will do to stop it, try to stop it, they are not covering it because it s not coming in the manner mt trial, not coming in the mueller report, not coming out of the mouths of someone else. his coming in a cohesive and positive fashion from this president, what he s going to do. it s complete hypocrisy.
laura come after mainstream media truly cared about election interference, they would be able to write a story, or finish a sentence without mentioning donald trump s name. they can do it. laura: we are out of time. thank you so much for joining us tonight. i had fun in the rain, thank you. laura: will continue to cover this and more. stay there. or. around the yard. on the shelf. or even. out in the field. your mom knew she could always count on us. and your grandma did too. because for over 150 years, we ve been right by your side. advancing the health of the people, plants and pets you love. so, from all of us at bayer. thank you for trusting in us. then. and now.
this condition has not been reported with entyvio. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn s treatment isn t working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. laura: the democrats keep talking about blue waves this year and once again, they ve labeled it the year of the woman. wasn t that 92? not so fast. according to a new poll by the independent women s voice, candidates gender makes no difference to 83% of likely 2018 voters. joining me now to discuss this, make sense of it, harm me to dylan, rnc committee woman from california, and the former hillary clinton campaign organizer. great to see both of you. let s start with you, pam. why should a person s sex matter
and election? i thought we were supposed to be away from labels and gender the only thing that matters is merit in what you bring to the equation. why are we now labeling the election a year of the woman? wise investors the year of great issues? i think it is the year of great issues. i don t know why it is being labeled the year of the woman. i just think that one reason why people were referring to it as the year of the woman is because you have more women candidates than ever before. so that would be one reason. i don t think people are just going out and saying, she wears a skirt, so i m going to vote for her, won her ideas are so far-fetched and they are different from i m dumb like mine. at home and we will do that think that is tantalizing fact that posters do to make people come to their side of the equation. laura: i want to play this michelle obama sound bite. this is from september of last
year when she talked about the women who turned out for donald trump. let s watch. women who voted against hillary clinton voted against their own selves, why does it mean for us, for women, that we look at those two candidates, as women, and many of us said, that guy, he s better for me. his voice is more true to me. laura: harmeet, again, it seems to look down on women who voted for trump. if you vote for a conservative republican, you are voting against your interests. with this booming economy, every level of the economy is up, female employment, optimism, manufacturing, all of it, up, up, up. how can you say that this year, after all these results are already in? laura, they see it because they are out of ideas. they got nothing for the year of
the woman was 2016, by the way, didn t work very well for the democrats. they tried to use gender to catapult an otherwise bad candidate across the finish line and it didn t work. i am a woman business owner and i can tell you that woman or man, everyone who is a business owner who works for a living look so their 401(k), their rising salary, job competition from people who are not in the d everyone factors those things in. it is very passe for leaders to say that women should be voting according to their lady parts, as opposed to with their brains, their pocketbooks, and voting for their futures. a party does need to do a good job, though, after finding those issues that all americans care about. particularly people who have households, caring about health care, caring about safety, and we can do a better job in congress are making sure that we pass obamacare, making sure that we get border security, the issues like that. that is what women, men care about. we all care about it. that is what people care about, laura. i don t think it is so much this
gender focus, as people want to make a make it about. i think it s about the issues. i got to worry about what is going to happen, if, god forbid, something happens to my daughter, if she s raped and you can even get a way to deal with that way that is a problem. laura: when you say a way to deal with that, you mean abortion. that is the word you are searching for. why couldn t you say it? laura: so pam, you believe in this election cycle, is that one of the preeminent issues on the minds of voters is the ability to get an abortion? you think that will be outlawed in the united states, all 50 states? why do you think that? i think it becomes dangerous when it s outlawed in some states. i think it should be a policy across the united states. laura: for abortion?
a choice for women. for abortion. that is not the top issue, at least for me, laura: laura: at the top issue for any american. i don t think abortion is in the top ten. i don t think so, either, laura. laura: why did you bring it up? i brought it up because i wanted to make a point. laura: what point? i m not finding it let me redo the comment from hillary clinton. we are talking about, a lot of women candidates, they are doing really well. the democrats are fielding a lot of female candidates who are doing well so far in the pulling out a lot of open seats. to both of you, this is what hillary clinton said. she said we do not well with white men and we do not do well with married white women. part of that is an identification with the republican party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should. pam, do you agree with what mrs. clinton said there? you read between the lines, you
don t even have to read between the lines. these women are kind of stupid. they vote the way their men want them to vote. now. i don t think that the vast majority women are stupid and brought the way their men want them to vote. but i think there are some people who do that, just like there are women who might just vote for women because they are women. i think the issue is, what is the importance of the majority of people in america. for me, it s a pocketbook issue. i am a business owner laura: so you should be for trump. i would never be for trump. i have very serious issues with him. laura: how was your business doing? it s doing okay. it was doing better under george bush. i ll put it like that. laura: was doing better under obama? my business is doing great. i don t have that type of business. i m a lawyer. laura: i was a harmeet, so am i, but i m recovering. maybe i should get a job like
yours. laura: harmeet, last word. the type of the democrats the democrats are fielding in the selection, or extreme. these younger women, standing for socialism, ocasio-cortez, women who are far left, women who are open borders, women who are abortion extremists. frequent, i don t think that message will resonate with the majority of the voters. the majority of voters are are somewhere in the middle. i hope that i m correct that these young women are attractive, good-looking candidates, not necessarily going to get a vote in november but that depends on republicans to field people with better ideas. laura: i don t care what party you like or if you don t like trump, you like drum, you have to like this economy. i can tell you this, it s not going to get better than it is right now. it might get marginally better but this is a great time. if you want a job in the united states, i can t think in my lifetime of a better lifetime to be an american citizen. we really appreciate both of you joining us.
actually, it wasn t bad with obama. it wasn t bad. it s terrific now. laura: the gdp i mean, this is a factual argument at this point. the american people give him very high marks in the economy. thankfully, about 55%, and that is a good thing. good for all americans. whoever was president, providing over these policies, these are good policies for the american people. i really appreciate both of you joining us tonight. harmeet and pam, thank you so much. he still had come herman cain on the brewing battle between the president and former president obama. glenn greenwald on president trump versus the old world order also. stay with us. now i m doing more to lower my a1c. i take tresiba® once a day. tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. (woman) we d been counting down to his retirement.
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find yours. (vo) ask your health care provider about tresiba®. covered by most commercial health insurance and medicare part d plans. speed when you know that old saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. if the enemy is president trump, it sure seems so by the neoconservative think tank american enterprise institute and the liberal center for
american progress recently joined forces to publish a report blasting president trump foreign policy. that is a shock. you heard that right. president trump has both sides of the swamp so riled up they are not collaborating. during the natural reaction, glenn greenwald, journalist at the website intercept who has written about the recent alliance between the bush arrow neocons are liberals. glenn, it is good to see you tonight. this is wild. for us conservatives who took a step back after the iraq war, said, this is a mistake, we got to be much smarter on military interventionism, i guess it is not all that surprising but it is just now out in the open, what we thought is now true. yeah, i think it is one of the most under covered stories of the trump era, the ideological shift. when i started writing about politics in 2005, the root of all evil for liberals was the american enterprise institute. bill kristol, these are the
people who are now joining with the establishment ring of the democratic party to defend this very militaristic, internationalized institutional assertion of military force. they see president trump in a lot of cases, rightly, as well as people on the left, as opposing. this predates for trump. a lot of neocons were preparing to support hillary clinton before trump became a candidate because they found her brand of hawkish and nice, she criticized obama for being insufficiently belligerent, quite attractive. this shift is profound. laura: he s doing it in other ways, too. trump has blown up a lot of old alliances. the koch brothers, you are seeing that split. richard trump could, i think it is good to make this up. all these old alliances, all these they didn t deliver a d results come on foreign policy,a mixed results, vis-a-vis united states versus china on
the economy, and trump is like, well, i ll work with anybody who will work with me, and i guess his enemies are saying the same thing. absolutely. the view of trump, for example, then i will meet with any leaders without preconditions was obama s flagship position at horrified hillary clinton. these international trade agreements, like the wto, nafta, tpp, opposition to those, which has become trump policy, was orthodoxy on the left for a long time, and that, too, is driving the establishment wings of the republican and democratic party is crazy because they are financed by the same baking interest, corporate interests, that love is globalized industries that have been terrible for the american worker but great for american hedge funds, and banks, and that, too, is causing a remarkable shift and a lot of coalitions. i think it will endure long after trump was gone. laura: i think the old order is forever disrupted. i don t think that is ever coming back, as much of the kick
and scream. speaking of unholy alliances, glenn, i want to get your thoughts on something else. the intercept has written about former los angeles times writer and current nbc darling, intelligence reporter, ken delaney end. tell us more about the relationship with the cia and why we probably see him on tv so often? as an los angeles times reporter, what to use to share with the cia? well, it is really amazing because we at the intercept to build a foia request where we asked the cia to turn over there communications with reporters. they turned over emails that had all kinds of communications between the cia and candace dilanian, where he would say, i m about to report on you, hers think, what should i change? we published all those emails, lots of liberals said, dilanian is the worst, a servant of the
cia. he got pushed out of the l.a. times,, ever since then, he s kind of client up the ladder, and now he is the star reporter at the msnbc and nbc, where that is all he does, just blindly and mindlessly repeat what the cia tells them to say, gives them anonymity, essentially their puppet and mouthpiece, that is called journalism over at msnbc. laura: he s an expert way they hauled him out as a real expert john john brennan, clapper, the whole crowd. so he speaks with authority. he covered for that much time. until you do that for your request, i don t think no anyone who back story. i think american journalism in for a long time has been far too deferential. these intelligence operatives who operate in the dark, they give them anonymity. that was why we got the iraq war. i think ken dilanian take this horrible practice, he is the
world champion of benefiting his own career by just acting as a stenographer for the intelligence committee and he s become a hero of democrats and liberals who watch msnbc because now the cia remarkably if the agency that they venerate and review more than anyone else and therefore, a journalist with their spokesperson is kind of a tv star for them. it s really remarkable and bizarre and surreal turn of events. laura: oh, my goodness. it s wild. thank you so much. president obama is returning to the political fray in a big way. herman cain joins us next to break down the heavyweight matchup between obama and president trump.
okay, herman, president obama is a rock star for democrats. they love him. you see these bumper stickers, i miss barack, it s kind of sad. he seems to be having fun in retirement. he s waiting back in. will this make a difference? no. that s because president former president obama is a lightweight. he presided over the nation. president donald trump is a heavy weight. he s leading the nation. that is the difference. if you compare the results side-by-side, even though president trump isn t even two years into his leadership yet, the results are startling. so former president obama s endorsement won t mean a thing in my opinion. now the list of people use that he endorsed, democrats, the ones he left out, here is the
difference. he endorsed closet socialists but he did not endorse open socialists. that is a difference and i don t think it s going to make a difference. laura: i think with the democrats are trying to sell this time is, you are on doing all the great progress of barack obama, environmental regulations, that s going to be big in places like california. they are really going to sell the abortion issue, that we lose another seat on the court, we don t but a real roadblock in front of trump, it s going to be goodbye to abortion and that is going to threaten women s reproductive health. you can hear it already buildin building. it s environmental, it s women, it s you know, the animals. that is kind of where they are going. clean air, clean water, he s going to poison your kids and your dog. that is where they are going, laura. but that dog ain t going to hun hunt. i know from the people i listen to every day like you, the
people there to support donald trump are not leaving donald trump. the democrats that believe in this malarkey, some of them are believing it, but some of them are saying, maybe i need to take a second look and here is what donald trump is really going to pick up ground, with the independent, correct thinking people in the middle. all of the noise that has been generated by the liberal noise chamber, the liberal news chamber, a is the narrow lens of the media, and is one of my collars inside today, it feels like they are talking about the twilight zone. that is exactly what they are talking about. they are not talking about the america that you hear every day on your show, the people that i hear from every day, they are n. they are creating their own narrative that is not in touch with reality. you ve got a lightweight, a former president, versus a heavyweight who is the lead in
the nation, versus someone who was presiding over the nation. laura: herman come i want to get your reaction to this other story that s causing liberals to go bonkers. afl-cio president reportedly has not yet ruled out endorsing president trump in 2020. cook reaction? of the union leaders do this every election cycle to try and squeeze more out of the democrats, the liberals, and the progressives. they would never do it but they threatened it to see if they can t squeeze a little bit more. laura: see you are not buying trumka? i knew i would get the truth from cain. thank you, herman. when we come back, vulgar will feature something coming up in september. maybe you will believe it.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20140724

men, full bodied, bitter and costs $10. i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. and his eyes can see to your soul which and ironic because he doesn t have one. it is tv s andy levy. and my pleasure to welcome back tom kotter. i admit that was pathetic. you have a thing in your ear. and next to me man who can kill you with his nostril hairs, it is terry sappert. a block, the lede. that s the first story. oh. are their faces disgraces? it is another crisis sparked by isis. fresh from telling christians in the iraqi city of mosul they must convert or die, the islamic state has said all mannequins yes, man new kins, must be veiled. the sunni extremists took control of mosul last month and according to the ap, shop owners have been told to cover the faces of male and female mannequins due to interpretation of shari a law that forbids statues or art work depicting the human form. progress. here in the land of the free and the home of the brave, we like our mannequins totally uncovered. that makes me want to enlist. i want to go to someone who spent a lot of time battling the forces of radical islam. joanne? just kidding. i totally looked. terry, you did three tours in iraq. can you believe they are now targeting they have killed so many people that they are now going after the mannequins. that goofy religion of peace. they always pull out surprises. the mannequin thing, and i m tired of reading of them doing things to christians. the syrian christians have been there for years and they are gone president starved, killed, cutting off the water supply. isn t there anything we can do the way we helped the muslims of bosnia or kosovo? enough. i don t think we can do that. you know what, if i was in a different situation i would lead a group of people over there and stand in front of the church and say come and get me. it has to be stopped. what about the mannequins? they are bad. we try to find something unusual about every store. islam, god bless them, it is the most insecure ideology i have ever seen. you can t do anything with them. it is like that drunk dude at the bar that if you look at him wrong he hits you. you look at his empyreal friend and he hits you. you you walk by and he hits you. no matter what you do you can t succeed with them. i am a woman and he hits me. what s that from? i made that up. that s pretty good. tom, welcome back. thank you. welcome back carter. haven t heard that one before, have you? sorry. are they going to start veiling everything that might have a face? well have you never worn a male veil when you go banking or anything? i wear mine when i go banking. let s cover them up and make them more creepy. even the mannequins are creepy. everything is a ninja over there and they have to stop this. about the insecurity thing, if we left and went to a restaurant in manhattan and i said praise jesus, a couple of people might roll their eyes and one guy may say amen. if i said allah everybody would be jumping under the tables and dialing 9-1-1. they have hijacked the religion. it is crazy. there is a large measure of discomfort when you are around anybody that might say that. absolutely. andy, i go to you because you want to defend your heros in the islamic state. first of all you tried to make the islamic state look bad because they told christians to convert or die. somehow you left out the fact that they gave them a choice of paying a tax a if they want to remain christian and alive. second, it is important to note that this is for all mannequins. it is not just females. kudos to them for not being problematic about this. if only this society was as gender neutral as they were. in addition to this, there is a shop keeper who sells women s underwear and told routers he was told to stop doing that and only a woman can do that. a cigarette vender said he was told to stop telling tobacco. this is bloomburg s iraq and i don t like it. all right, joanne i am kidding. c s joanne. it is joanne. mannequins have been getting sexier. i have seen some downtown that would make your head spin. do you think they are legitimately worried about the temptation of these plastic sex pots? i am surprised they have not just cutoff their heads. there are headless man gnaw kins everywhere. mannequins everywhere. that s the new thing. some even have bear heads on them. you could totally do that. put anyone else s head on there. i am nervous for the commercial sector, definitely. my shopping, i won t be able to do it the same. i can t shop with my gay best friend. he has to be related to me if i want to go shopping with a male. and i don t have a brother. and also not gay. being gay is a problem too. or he would be beheaded like the mannequin. what about robots? good question. i have to end every segment what about robots? if robots have a face will you veil the robot face? what about goats? what if you are into beastiality? will you veil the goats because it could be tempting? the answer to that is it is not an image of humanity that would cover that. i am glad you answered that seriously. why do they even take you seriously. still talking while i am looking at you. it happens a lot. on wednesday, the fighting in eastern ukraine continued to escalate as pro russian separatists shot down two ukrainian fighter jets. the first was reported since the malaysian airlines plane. the ukrainian government claims the shots came from russia and has approved a third wave of troops for the army. meanwhile, the often shirtless russian president vladimir putin continues to pass the rubble and blame ukraine. he told the russian security council that these scenarios are absolutely unacceptable and destabilize the existing world order. don t believe me? have a listen. don t worry. we will add in all of the closed caption translation later. if it is not there you know what, i knew what he said. why do i care? a horrible russian accept. he sounded hollywood. he was born in toledo. you could hear the twang. putin will get away with this because he knows he can, right? this is what happens when you have weakness and total lack of global leadership. i know we are not supposed to be the world police, but i am always losing time with my family. i lost friends. i get the struggle, but this is what happens when you think that words actually do mean something. i hate to say this because i am an employee of it, but we are a paperer tiger. putin is not afraid of us? it is like telling a kid to get out of the cookie jar or you will be mad. you look over and he is like this. he does it again. the next time he eats cookies you say, i will seriously get mad at putin why not do what i am doing? take the cookie jar. you take the cookie jar and say what are you going to do now? there will be a strong wordett e-mail strong-worded e-mail. this is what happens a when you are weak. we would get a good hash tag campaign saying bring back our cookies. that would be nice. # stop diabetes. i like how you add something to that. it is just to make the balance correct. we are a healthy nation. we are a healthy nation. tom, are we entering another cold war or is it a tepid one? as far as the investigation into the plane crash he is stalling. the guy the he is saying he is waiting to find out who the real culprits are which is like o.j. simpson. tomorrow mark my words he will shoot down the flying nun and the spotted owl and anything. this guy has huge tess testicles. we were talking back stage in the green room. jay we were talking back stage. you know, you said this. his approval rating is sky rocketing in russia. and here is why. right or wrong, good or bad, the russian people see a leader who actually is fiercely defensive and pro them. won t it be nice to have a leader who has veer ross tee like that a veroc tie y like that a? i don t want them to shoot down planes. i am clarifying for you. yes, no planes getting shot down. but it would be nice to know that your daddy would kick the neighbor s ass if they threaten you, and we don t have that. that s an interesting point. in russia, they actually don t like him. but his popularity goes up when he is threatened. in a way he is darth vader. he is their father, but he is evil so they still like as you know, i know a lot of russians. when you talk to them about it, you have to be careful. it is not they are defending him, they perceive you are attacking them. russiansrussians are national lis stick. i don t even know what my statement was. how fun are the conversations at home. my wife is russian. they are interesting. she is because what has happened is the state-run media there and the situation itself believes putin is a victim. putin is being blamed for something he didn t do. the funny thing is there may be an element of truth to that because it was an unintentional shot down of a unintentional shot down of a plane, but if he supplied the weaponry yeah, i don t think he gave the order to do it. he didn t mean to do it, but he put the hardware in the country and said go at it. look, we started doing some asset freezing.]3÷ i think we have to continue to freeze their assets off, if you will, greg. somehow i saw that joke coming. the weirdest thing is i didn t even write that. that is a joke you would never steal. that was the joke you would plant. paul mccu ri o would steal that. paul mccurio would steal that. we are talking about putin and yet we are talking about mccurio. you have to you have to make them mad. otherwise we will wake up and it will be sov yet 2.0. the 19 richest russians lost 14.5 billion this year. it has to be a lot more than that. they have to start sweating. they are the only ones who can put heat on putin. they are the only ones that putin will listen to because they have to. i think you just gave me my monologue on the five. joanne, what makes him tick? it was not a happy time for me. just like all of my exes he says one thing and then he does another. you are like his plan gnaw lana delray. do you ride horses with him? i don t ride horses after that awful accident. how could you bring that up? you didn t know, did you? awkward. definitely all of the media propaganda over there, i see how people are, like you said, his approval rating is going up and there is that nationalist tendency to have the pride and all of that. if it wasn t russians and if it wasn t the ukrainian government and the rebels, who is responsible? somebody needs to be held accountable a and who will hold him accountable? if the policeman is asleep, who will galvanize the world. that s a good article you wrote by the way. i dropped that in there on purpose. the dutch lost a lot of people. cameron said some important stuff for england. aren t you tired of people talking? i am freaking tired of it of the i am tired of like you said we are not going to war with them. but the only way you beat somebody is you make it hurt to continue. as long as it doesn t hurt to continue, there you go. that s how i endmost relationships. this that has been the most unfunny show for me so far. it is a grim world out there and we can t shy away from it here at red eye. should actors on stage make a living wage? he thinks they deserve the same economic recognition as other low paid workers. speaking of radio times the lord of the ring star said, quote, most actors are not rich. they are poor indeed. they had to turn down good roles because they are not paid enough. it is hard. the one thing you can ask is actors get paid a living wage. it would make a huge difference. this would be ago a teres in theaters. only one in 50 of those actors in london make above $20,000 pounds which is above $6 million a year. we had our red eye intern tryouts yesterday. scott did a great job there and a lot of those skills will come in handy. i take it back. this is the best show ever. if we give actors a living wage, what a is next? acting is a dream job if you dream of poverty. i am in the field. on behalf of all stand up comics i would like to say to all of the other actors, suck it. you have to have a day job when are you an actor. that s what they all do. you have to have another job. the waiter said he was also a writer. i said write this down. i want the onion soup and the lamb chops. have another job. joanne, are you in theater and isn t the problem that nobody likes theater? it is not appreciated, definitely not. they are getting all of these celebrity stars to come in and head these broadway shows. and then they still aren t selling tickets. what is a shame is these tickets are so expensive, but the paychecks really don t equal what a film star s paycheck is. i have had a lot of friends who were servers and some collected unemployment while they are not working which i say get a job. there are millions of serving jobs around. get a job while you are auditioning. joanne gnaw makes a good point. there is a lot of immense income inequality. you have somebody like this tom pitt character making $100 million a film. and then you have joanne gnaw who can barely eke it out. joleen made a good point, but it is good to remember that actors are great when they are acting and they are good at it. but you have to remember that they spend their lives pretending to be things they are not. many of them are crazy people. coupled with that is if you watched the oscars they all think they are national treasures. they all think they deserve to get something from us besides our ticket money. i couldn t tell if they said the living wage needs to be guaranteed by the government or these theaters should pay a living wage. in which case, fine. my guess is he was saying, month , we as a society as a government need to give them money which no we don t. he said to me, boy, you ve got it. i am making that up. that was great. he is an awesome actor. great guy. but here is the thing about the whole great guy. yeah, like i know him. we go way back. the whole problem with the living wage bit is that his agent does not bargain for a living wage. he bargains for the most he can get for ian mccowan. he makes millions of dollars. by guaranteeing a living wage a for these other actors is he going give part of his salary to that? that drives the cost of film and theater up. ian, living wage? give it up. it is redistribution among the actual ago a teres who will make more actors who will make more sense than anybody else. don t do accents. he is getting a day job. you are all welcome for your freedom. use your accent for good. be right back. they made a deal with a doll. last year girl scouts of america partnered with the toy maker mattel to give scouts a chance to earn a barbie be anything, do anything patch. that sounds disgusting. soon a girl scout barbie will be available in stores. that s the subject of tonight s wow. the girl scouts first ever corporate sponsor has concerned citizens, very concerned. i wonder isn t barbie basically a terrible role model for girls? barbie is basically a terrible role model for girls. she is not about what the girl scouts principals are which have to do with leadership and courage. then again, girls and moms alike associate the doll with the outdoors and camping and giving back to the community. girls and moms alike associate this doll with the outdoors, camping, giving back in your community. and we think that those are really positive messages to be sending to all of our girls. looks like war. i am disturbed by the partnership, and many of our studio audience panel here are as well. look. their fury is palpable. i look forward to hearing from each and every one of you out there. i just want to let the audience know another thing. underneath underneath your seat is a special gift. at the end of the show if you look under there you will find something interesting. first let s talk to the people here. tom, this wouldn t have happened under bush. no. i love when you say under bush. when i was a kid we had the girl scout gi joe. they called it the green beret gi joe. we called it brown knee with nuts. brownie with nuts. why can t the girls have i can t get why one is mutually exclusive. they can have accessories and the kerchief and the barbie shovel. the barry ken. i don t feel comfortable being between terry and tom right now. i was kidding. i would like to back away slowly. how come he is a comedian and i was not offended. you have every right. i am defending my right to put you in the ground forever. the problem with this whole thing because it is obama s america, more and more people are getting angry and they have a really normal, boring home life so they candy vote time to being angry. i like it. and the judge, awesome. why are we getting spun up about barbies and the merit badge. they are not mutually exclue you sigh. mutually exclie sigh. exclusive. i think she was in a pink pant suit. that ruins it. i m sorry we are out of time. i m kidding. joanne, this is kind of your area of expertise. dolls and whatnot. are you saying i m a living doll? i am saying you are close to one. i have said this before and i will say it again. barbie is made of plastic. last time i checked inanimate objects are not role models. barbie doesn t count. miley cyrus doesn t count. there are mothers and daughters in other areas of the world that are clinging to their lives. they are not worried about barbie and the message she is sending to her kids. you are sponsored by sadness. what do you make of this doll crisis? isn t she a little old to be a girl scout? she looks 55. i am not sure you ever stop becoming a girl scout. this is creepy, grow up barbie, seriously? i was thinking about something heather on the audience panel said. i don t think there is a lot of outrage over this. the today show found the one woman outraged about this and they put her on tv so there could be a balance to the story, and now we are doing it to cover the outrage of one person. there is one person. it is just one person. i am jealous to people who candy vote their time to can devote their time to such things. it is okay now. you can check under your seats for the special gift i left to you. they just discovered this ain t oprah. jay they are not checking under they are not checking under the seats. they are not going to show them again? okay, great, thank you. thank you floor director and director. looks like they are not checking under the seats. that was a good bit. we are going to wait until they check under the seats. good bit. i am not leaving. check under the seats! look under the seats! free gifts. look under the seats! coming up, they were arrested for having sex on the beach. here is a word from our sponsor. tonight s c block is brought to you by the talking pillow. squeeze to hear one of the free programs. it is like a furby, but sexy. not available in canada. it is an amazing thing. is sex on the beach an etiquette breech? a florida couple was arrested after having a public roll in the sand on sunday. on sunday no less! witnesses say ben and elisa are there and below having sex in a bubble. they went at it for 25 minutes which is impressive. it is impressive for that s a good day. that is such an old joke. 24 happened in full view of dozens of people including, yes, the little ones, the children who are our future. they took a dip in the water with their nasty things before returning to their beach towel. a grandmother who filmed them of course described what happened next. they laid on the beach and they totally passed out for hours. we really wondered if they were dead. when they did wake up, they cuddled for a long time and then they started into the same thing they were going to do before. this story will be all over the paper tomorrow. that s when witnesses had seen enough so they joined in. i kid, they called the cops. the pair were booked on lewd behavior after the grand mother showed her video to the police department who were extremely shocked. tom, what s wrong with two beautiful bodies doing what comes natural in a natural setting? nothing. sex on the beach is not just a crime, but a delicious beverage and leads to sex on the beach. i can t believe an old woman, a grandmother, knew how to operate a video camera. terrible. i have seen the video. it is called invasion of sandy shore and i recommend it. how do you expect florida is a state that is shaped like part of the male anatomy tining lig on cuba. it is a sexual place. a lot of weird things happen in florida, terry. are you surprised it took so long do you think people do you think people were enjoying it and then got bored? grandma was watching it for awhile. she was outraged. there were kids there. they don t need to see two muscular bodies propped up against each other in a sick satanic ritual. why i ought to freaking no, sex on the beach and they were in trouble. don t have sex on the beach in the daytime. it is not even cool. it is sandy. i never got that. i thought it was overrated. it probably was with you. joanne, you told me in private this was always a dream of yours, on the beach with an aging personal trainer with a grandmother. i said this grandmother is lying. if you take a look at that picture of the guy he is a body builder. i am assuming he likes the roids. how are you lasting would 5 minutes with that in your system? and she filmed the whole thing, grandma? something is not right. something is not right. do you think they were in kahoots to make them famous? a reality show. dating, naked and having sex on the beach. you came up with the premise. good for you. you have to commend the local fox affiliate for blurring just the right amount of the tape. i would still get mildly aroused even with the blur. i m sure the editors figured out what was the right size blur to use. first of all to the two people having the sex, i would just say, come on, guys, knock it off. i think that s a new segment. come on, guys, knock it off with andy levey. i have questions for grandma. she says when they came back from the water they passed out for hours. we thought they were dead. and you did nothing? you sat there thinking they were dead for two hours. did you poke them? and you did nothing. i would say she is probably worse than the two of them. i would like to see charges filed against her, and what happens she should spend the rest of her natural life behind bars. that s a strong stance to take. i like when i read that one. the guy got mouthy to the cops. he got aggressive toward the woman who told them to stop. he is not a nice fellow. these are not role models. it is the roids. roid rage. i just want to comment before we move to the next story. i am fascinated by the amount of blurring used in tv these days when they decide how much to blur. what if there is a segment of society that is aroused by blurry things. how great must it be for you? this is actually more arousing than what we would find arousing when you see blurry people doing stuff. it is like putting a veil on a mannequin. a minnesota man claims he and his two kids were asked to get off a southwest airlines flight because of something he tweeted. apparently that s him talking in the weird shirt. he had priority boarding, but his 6 and 9-year-old did not so the tikes were told they would have to board later. dad was not happy and fired off a tweet because he was mad, something to the affect of wow, rudest agent in denver. kimberly, gate c9 and not happy at swway. soon after getting to their seats he and the kids were asked to de board. the agent felt threatened by his tweet and he cooperate board until couldn t board until he deleted it. what do you think of this? he hospital have de boarded. who is worse? he is. i believe in freedom of tweet, but if you get on a plane andy andy and you are on the a list. first class which we hate because they can board the plane and we have to do our poverty parade past them. i am annoyed by that. no tears. i am all right with that. the thing is those people of all of the airlines are supposed to have the best sense of humor. they all think they are stand up comics. they do jokes in their in flight thing. she had no sense of humor. i like that. what do you call it a poverty parade? generally what you do is look at your phone. no, i look people in the eye. i do. i want to shame them. and tell them one day they will fall from the throne. one day they will be serving me warm nuts on an airplane. thank god you said on an airplane. that goes back to the beach in florida. anyway. you interrupted with nothing. you forgot to bring a bag. gill wrong. so southwest, a, they are using using they are cool. and two, two, how is this flight attendant why is she checking her tweet when s she is getting ready to take off? you should be buckling people in and saying turn off your freaking cell phone. instead she is up front going that guy just wrote a tweet about me. how did she see it? she was a gate agent. so i don t know if that meant she got on the plane. you should be doing something. why are you looking at your cell phone and looking at twitter? she felt threaten ited by this tweet. she is a gate agent. he is on the plane and going away from her. don t get him off the plane. she said if you delete it you can reboard. vow suddenly no longer threatened? if it was a threatening tweet you would want him to keep it up there to show as evidence if he made a threat. he didn t use her last name. she needs to lighten up. and they got a $50 voucher for him trying to board early. for southwest that is an around dash a round trip around the world. the audience was the real loser here. all right, coming up, a lady loses her leg in a fight. not cool, order it at g order it now. you look like gg allen. you do look like gg allen. google gg allen. i am glad you knew the name. she lost her head and threw a leg. we have just been witness to the apex of reality tv. it happened on last night s finale on the housewives of new york. she was upset about something. you say that you have never lied to any of us at the table and you find us really hurtful? i find that laughable. the only thing that is artificial or fake about me, this. sick of it. sick of you all accusing me. everything else is real. everything else. everything else is real. i am going to vomit. go ahead. it is just a fake leg. that s so disgusting. you people make me vomit for wanting to vomit because she only has one leg. drink tossing and table flipping have been replaced with limb removal. again we are joined by our studio audience panel and i want to ask them was she justified in reacting the way she did? raise your hands if you think so. well played. they will never know where we got that idea. tom, a great moment for television. she whispered it is just a flesh wound. and then she was hoping hopping mad clearly. you have two more after this, right? not a pushover. these jokes are lame. she was about to go oscar pistorius stop! here is the problem i have. she said that was the only fake thing on her. she glared at them through her tinted contact lenses. she raised up her fake nail and shook them in front of her fake breasts and she said i am real. here is the thing, andy. i was disgusted by the reaction to her. they reacted like they were going to throw up. what was so sick about it? i just thought she wasn t there to make friends. she made that clear. if you are going to watch a show real housewives fake leg is a good show. it doesn t get better than that. joanne, this may be one of the best moments on tv. i just felt for her. i like ramona on the show. apparently when this happened she says we will have two more glasses of pea pino-grecio. all of the people standing in the back work for one of the women there and they are all laughing. all of the women at the table are disgusted. they are bigoted. terry, last word? i don t have one. people watch these shows for that kind of moment and it makes it worth it. i think these shows are awful the way they treat these people. she should have been saluted as an american hero. i want to thank our studio audience for being here. i m sorry we didn t get to hear from you. that s nice they are applauding. we didn t get to hear from any of them. i am not sorry. coming up, all aboard the racist train. when you run a business, you can t settle for slow. that s why i always choose the fastest intern. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn t i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. last story. that s the last story. all right. on thomas the tank engine, the good engines pump out white smoke and the bad engines pump out black smoke. it makes us wonder is this racist? i couldn t find my sign. a writer for the accused thomas the tank engine for being a bigot and corrupting kids mieppedz. minds. they call the thomas and friends show racist. note thaght villain noting that the villains spew black smoke and the good guys have white wisps of smoke. the white icing on the cake is lack of female trains make it sexist. let s go around the horn. joanne is thomas the tank responsible for your drunken, racist rants? at least some of them. the trains get me going. this is dumb. i don t i don t have to say that, but i just did. this poor kid. kids are color-blind. kids don t fat shame. they are taught these things. they are taught to be cruel and they are usually taught by their parents. shame on you. shame on who though? the paints. shame on the parents. that s not part of the story. you are shaming somebody that is not even here. she is shaming the person who wrote the article. tom, you can make anything sound racist if you try hard enough? yes, you can. i won t let my kids go bowling. that s a little racist. i think they will change, the little engine that could. he used to say i think i can, i think i can. to yes we can, yes we can. and that will make everybody happy. that s an amazing thing there. and now you gave them the idea. being this woman s kid has got to be a blast. what a fun life he s got in store. is this real or was she trolling? i think it is real and spectacular quite frankly. the only part i care about was learning who the fat controller here. there is that song here comes the fat controller. i never knew that was an actual thing. the katherine wheel? no the fat controller. i don t know what he is doing. are you mad at me for saying that? you said something. i don t remember. i just want to make sure. we have 45 seconds. you can say something. those kids are going to be such interesting people when they get older. having a mom raise you like that. where are you headed next, terry? i go to central america a couple days. finishing my show. excellent. tom? i go to rehab right after this and then i go to i am in arizona in august because my agent hates me. i am going to stand up live in phoenix. phoenix is a great town. it is, in december. check out ted. he is great. joanne gnaw, terry safford. i am greg gutfeld. hello, everyone. i m kimberly guilfoyle along with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfield. it s fib:00 in new york city, and this is the five. secretary of state john kerry landed in israel today as the country continues its campaign to dismantle hamas. while israel has attempted to avoid civilian casualties, even going so far as to announce their bombing targets. hamas has turned pools and hospitals into military command posts. now, instead of condemning this deplorable action, the council of american islamic relations is calling for israel to stop their military action. the reaction is a far cry

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20190207

for about a decade, and she deserves the opportunity to have her story heard. also new tonight, the accuser is breaking her silence with graphic details. it may shed new light on why the top man, governor ralph northam, has been refusing to resign after his unlikely scandal. kristin fisher has you covered with a late-breaking news of the old dominion. plus liberal senator elizabeth warren s upcoming presidential announcement overshadows brand-new developments come to light about her claims of native american ancestry. she is the latest democratic presidential hopeful embarking on the 2020 apology to her. in the field expected to grow even bigger this weekend. hello and welcome to fox news @ night. i am ed henry in again for shannon bream. we begin with correspondent kristin fisher, as we promised, the latest on what is nothing short of political disaster for democrats in virginia. good evening. it sure is, ed. ed: take a deep breath. one of the more remarkable aspects of the story there is a lot of them one of the more remarkable ones is that virginia s attorney general has now admitted to doing the very same thing that he sent governor northam should resign over just four days ago. as a statement from attorney general mark herring. in 1980 when i was a 19-year-old undergraduate in college, some friends suggested we attend a party just like rappers we listen to at the time. it sounds ridiculous but because of our ignorance and glib bad truth, we dressed up and put on wigs and brown makeup. virginia s democratic senators were stunned. i m shocked. incredibly disappointed. this has been an awful week for virginia. this week has just made me sick. it s just made me sick. from friday to now, it s been one bit of bad news after the next, and it s all been shocking. asked for governor northam, he is still weighing whether or not to resign, after admitting that he come too, wore a base. many congressional democrats have already for his resignation while others are reserving judgments. we ought to let due process take its course, and then we ought to then act once that s done. take all these allegations seriously, investigate them, and then make a decision afterwards. and then there s the lieutenant governor, justin fairfax, who is facing sexual assault accusations from 2004. just two hours ago, abc news reported that virginia democratic congressman bobby scott was aware of those allegations over a year ago when he was made aware of this allegations by the alleged victim herself. fairfax describes the encounter is consensual but today the accuser put out a statement that said, what began as consensual kissing quickly turned into a sexual assault. mr. fairfax but his hand behind my neck and forcefully pushed my head toward his. as i cried and gagged, mr. fairfax forced me to perform oral sex on him. he responded saying, i cannot agree with a description of events that i know is not true. in a sign of the times, fairfax is now retained the same law firm that represented justice brett kavanaugh and fairfax is the accuser has hired the same law firm that represented christine blasey ford. so there is a lot on to impact their prey just to recap, there are no calls for the top three democrats in virginia to resign. if they do, that would mean the speaker of the house of delegates, a republican, would become virginia s next governor. it is a bad day. ed: it was literally a conflict between republican and democrat. and so now a republican, if all this falls apart, could become a governor. truly incredible. thank you for staying on top of it. on saturday, democratic senator elizabeth warren is expected to formally announce a bid for the white house. that video of her cracking open a beer was apparently the informal announcement but she is not celebrating with beer, champagne, or much of anything else tonight. instead she s apologizing after evermore questions about your heritage. she s not the only 2020 democratic presidential hopeful seemingly to stumble out of the starting gate. trace gallagher is on the case with not a beer to be seen in his hands. trace? not yet. good evening, ed. democratic senator elizabeth warren as apologizing for listing her race in american indian, on a 1986 texas registration card. the card, a team for the washington post, marks a previously unknown instance of war and she s native american. it appears to be the first known document that she made the claim in her own handwriting. today she was asked if there might be similar documents. watch. all i know is during this time. , this is consistent with what i did because it was based on my understanding from my family s stories, but family stories are not the same as tribal citizenship. warren claims. boston globe investigation supports that claim. on the president of navajo nation has accepted her apology. watch. i m sure the cherokee nation accepts her apology as well. we look forward to working with senator warren in the future on native american issues. one of warren s democratic opponent, kamala harris, was asked about the matter and said there are bigger issues facing the nation. in the meantime, why democratic representative and 2020 contender tulsi gabbard was widely criticized for saying this on msnbc. listen. do you think assad is an enemy? assad is not an enemy because syria does not pose a direct threat. assad has been accused of using chemical weapons against his own people. tulsi gabbard, an iraq war veteran, later noted that al qaeda, not assad, attacked the u.s. on 9/11. in 2017, she drew bipartisan criticism for meeting with assad during a fact-finding michigan. this week, former kkk grand wizard david duke endorsed her. she rejected the endorsement. senator amy klobuchar set to announce her 2020 plans on sunday, has now had three staffers abandon her upcoming campaign. telling the huffington post that she mistreats people. the clamping spokesperson says she loves her staff and they are the reason she is gotten where . finally, former stormy daniels attorney and admitted trump hater michael avenatti went on twitter and praise to the president s state of the union speech. saying it should be a wake-up call to democrats, not to underestimate trump, and to find a fighter to challenge him. ed? ed: thank you. time off for tonight s power panel. it s extra-large. a lot of great people. cohost of the five, juan williams, former press secretary for the democratic policy committee gauges committee, rochelle ritchie, fox news contributors lawrence jones and katie pavlich. good to see you all. rochelle, i want to start with you. what caught my eye among other things, the daily caller tweeted out, if you are virginia democrat and you have not worn black base, please contact us. what is going on with your party? i think it is really unfortunate, ed. i think this is a bigger conversation. when i saw the black face in the ku klux klan robe, i was very disturbed by it. but i think it was a result of this country not doing a better job educating people on black history. so i think a lot of people have really become very insensitive and they have had insensitive conversations as far as black history and what is offensive to black people in this country. so because of the lack of education, when it comes to african-american history, there has not been this sort of we have not learned enough about black people. you hear about black history, we were, freed by lincoln, civil rights, and that obama became president. it seems like that is pretty much how wide it goes. and i think we really need to do a better job at educating people so that these kind of things do not happen in the future. ed: i want to bring in katy, you make a fair point. on the other hand, haven t democrats made this worse instead of better, perhaps, by some of the ads that render the virginia governor s race, that accused ed gillespie, the republican, president trump, of being racist? a guy in a pickup truck with a confederate flag trying to rundown minority kids. how does that help the conversation about that? there is an argument to be made about having real conversations about the judgment about people being ignorant about maybe some of the things but in virginia, and the capital of the confederacy, i don t think that ralph northam or any of these are the democrats are now admitting saying they are not admitting to it, as northam has are necessarily deserve the benefit of the doctrine and then it comes to what was offensive. when it comes to the double standard here, ralph northam ran people on his behalf can fugitive them, as against republicans, accusing them of racism falsely. the left set them up about whether they want to follow the new rules of they said in terms of identity politics and using race as a weapon. there is room for forgiveness here. i think you can look at it from a respective of the ball apologized, with the exception of ralph northam, he admitted it and then lied about it. that has to go on both sides. the left can continue to falsely accuse republicans of racism to shut down debate i too would make an argument. rather than having us move forward with ed: fair point. let s bring in juan, we ve had long dinners and talked about race and other serious subjects. we should have a serious conversation about this, not just a food fight. when you hear the points being made by katie and rochelle, what goes through your mind? i think this is clearly beyond sensitivities of black people. there is a long history of black lace being used to dehumanize black americans, and goes back is even before the civil war, certainly afterwards, the whole menstrual ideology. the second thing i would say here is i m listening to katie, and there is a lot of sense on the republican side of, oh, you guys have stepped in the mess that you made in terms of hypocrisy. i guess there s a little bit of schadenfreude, saying that you are suffering from this issue now. to me, it s a little bigger. i think that for democrats right now, to deal with someone like ralph northam, you have to understand, as katie said, he has changed its position on this. he sacrificed all moral authority by first saying, oh, that is not me, and apologizing and then subsequently saying, that s not me. at this point, the argument is, oh, if he gets out, it will mark him as a racist former governor for life. rather than dealing with the real issue, which is his need to apologize, to deal with moral authority, and the fact that he s damaging the democrats nationally in the area of trump when there is lots of accusations about racism, misogyny. now the democrats look like they are open to charges of having having heart greasy. ed: gave juan a lot of time. lawrence i can t believe that hell has frozen over. i agree with my brother juan. i ve been telling republicans to calm down. allow them to keep these people in office because we know it s going to happen in 2020. they will be accusing donald trump of racism, just like they do and every other election. the democrats started this mob mentality of calling people out, and not allowing due process to happen. you have to deal with the people that are in your party. this is what i have always told people from the very beginning. there is no party that owns racism. there is going to be people in every single party that is going to do things that we don t like and we should all call them out. the problem is with democrats, they try to say, it is just a republican issue, only the republicans, and they use it during every single election. now it s going to bite their tail. they ve made that accusation without evidence, as a way to not have deeper discussions about the way that policies affect everyone. ed: just throw around the words you re a racist parades because they stopped it. rather than having a real conversation about the issue, and the problem is virginia, they have repeatedly accused republicans, zero evidence of racism, and they themselves have very clear evidence of racism, whether it was now or 30 years ago. ed: rochelle, go ahead. ed, this is a problem i have with this. racism is defined differently by people. so because we saw northam and blackface or possibly a ku klux klan robe, we ve been able to see evidence of racism because of something we ve seen. there are times where we are rhetoric can also be racist. it s unfortunate that in this country, unless you are and blackface, unless you are in a ku klux klan robe, and unless you use the n-word, you can escape being considered a racist, because it s not that clear evidence that i think people want to see when someone is labeled racist. ed: let me turn the conversation to another thing that was alluded to about due process, another serious issue. me too and all the rest. why, when i see what has developed tonight with congressman bobby scott, i wonder, and the case of brett kavanaugh, you had dianne feinstein sit on an allegation of sexual assault for months. republicans it said it was because she was holding it for maximum political benefit, she said it couldn t be corroborated. we can debate that. now you move forward to this month, with the lieutenant gove, a democrat in virginia, a democratic congressman, bobby scott, knew about this a year ago. why didn t he come forward, if democrats are saying believe all women, why didn t he come forward? according to bobby scott, he didn t realize there was sexual assault involved. he admitted today that he knew the woman had come to him and he was fully aware of it. so subsequent to that, i think kind of monday morning quarterbacking it, i think everyone would say, you should have acted. in the case, the other case, by the way, that woman in the kavanaugh case had gone to a congresswoman in california when she was the one who sat on it before forwarding it to the senator. ed: the top democrat on judiciary. that is a different dynamic. i would also say it s a different dynamic in terms of the washington post knowing about the case involving this woman who is making the charges against lieutenant governor fairfax. there was no really investigation of the woman in the kavanaugh case. ed: lawrence and katie, quickly make your points. speak at the bottom line is, it seems like the democrats, when it comt to process, the facts to come out, they want a little bit of grace, they worked so hard for women, worked so hard for civil rights but what happens to people on the right, they rush to judgment, quick to go i will say this. the press was so when it came to kavanaugh, they wanted and investigation there might be other women. they are not doing the same thing in the situation. hypocrisy. ed: katie? the dangers of identity politics, using things like sexual assault in a political way because instead of judging people based on the facts aren t going through due process, we are having this conversation in the public arena, where we don t involve the facts, going based of accusations from either side. we shouldn t believe someone has a woman anymore than you believe them as a man. you should believe them based on what the evidence shows because in america, that is the way that people can get justice. when you start lumping in, we ll believes that one so based on gender or race, then it really conflates. ed: rochelle, i ll go to the final word. real quickly, i don t think we should be using sexual assault victims as political pawns. i think we saw that was dr. ford. i think we are saying that now with this woman whose accusing tenant governor fairfax. ed: serious issues to attack you, i appreciate this intelligent conversation. juan, rochelle, lawrence, katie, great stuff. house and tell democrats like adam schiff have been looking for russian collusion for many,y months now. they haven t seemed to find it. why are they now expanding their investigation one day after the president s call for unity? if there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be for and investigation. ed: democrats took that as a threat. tonight, they are doubling down on investigating the president. plus mr. trump mentioned health care and the ongoing problem of skyrocketing premiums last night in his speech. does he have a plan to fix that? will present a top republican senator who is here live right after the break. - i think the best companies succeed as a team, and our shirts from custom ink help bring us together. we just upload our logo, and if we have any questions, customer service is there to help. - [male] custom ink has hundreds of products to help you look and feel like a team. get started today at to help you look and feel like a team. uh uh - i deliverberty the news around here. sources say liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. over to you, logo. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. at&t provides edge-to-edge intelligence, covering virtually every part of your manufacturing business. & so this won t happen. because you ve made sure this sensor and this machine are integrated. & she can talk to him, & yes. atta, boy. some people assign genders to machines. and you can be sure you won t have any problems. except for the daily theft of your danish. not cool! at&t provides edge to edge intelligence. it can do so much for your business, the list goes on and on. that s the power of &. & this shipment will be delivered. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? we know that when you re spending time with the grandkids for all-day, all-night protection. every minute counts. and you don t have time for a cracked windshield. that s why we show you exactly when we ll be there. saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. kids: safelite repair, safelite replace what s a gig of data? well, it s a whole day s worth of love songs. [ baby crying ] or 300 minutes of baby videos. a gig goes a long way. that s why xfinity mobile lets you .pay for data one gig at a time. and with millions of wifi hotspots included, you ll pay even less for data. or if you need a lot, we have unlimited, too. you could save hundreds of dollars when you switch to xfinity mobile. it s simple, easy, awesome. click, call or visit a store today. ed: president trump slamming the top democrat on the house until panel, calling him a political hack after congressman adam schiff said he is launching a brand-new wide-ranging probe into the president s personal finances and his ties to russia. this coming one day after the president decried partisan investigations during that state of the union address. correspondent gillian turner has elitist. good evening. we are not going to be intimidated or threatened. we will do our proper oversight. speak with a brand-new if you d be brewing between president trump and the herrmann domain chairman of the house intelligence committee. eric adam schiff making new promises duplexes oversight muscles and he said when it comes to his committee s investigative powers, the sky s the limit for a spigot we ll be announcing the parameters of our investigationd russia, but in some, it will allow us to investigate any credible allegation that financial interests or other interests are driving decision-making of the president or anyone in the administration. president trump is standing his ground. he has no basis to do that. he s just a political hack. he is trying to build a name for himself and i think that is fine because that is what they do. there would be no reason to do that, no other politician has to go through that. it s called residential harassment. it all began last night during the state of the union when president trump called out democrats ridiculous partisan investigations in his speech. if there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigation. democrats responding in force this morning with schiff leading the pack, toting a new intel investigation he claims to open into the president, his team, and alleged collusion with russ. the difference between those investigation and ongoing special counsel robert mueller s, schiff promises to leave no stone unturned. he said he will look into anything and anyone he sees fit. democratic leadership was quick to rally around the idea. the president spoke about the honor of being in the house chamber but at the same time, he threatened the united states congress not to exercise its constitutional responsibility oversight. president trump s comments about the mueller probe in his speech last night or drawing criticism now from some major outlets, as well as some unflattering comparisons to former president richard nixon. just months before nixon resigned, he appealed to lawmakers in his own 1974 state of the union address. he said then that after a year of probes into his administration and his reelection campaign, enough, ed, was enough. ed: jillian, thank you. let s bring in the chairman of the republican foreign policy committee. john barrasso of wyoming. i thought republicans said they would do these kitchen table issues, not focus on impeachmen, economy, infrastructure. there are enough investigations going on now, the intel committee, the senate is doing that, the mueller investigation, which i think ought to really wrap up quickly. that is with the american people want. but the house is going to have to decide whether they want to legislate or investigate. if we want to focus on quality of life for american people, we ought to be focused on the things that have goddesses great economic news right now. the tax cuts on the regulatory relief, that is what people are happy about, the fact that wages are up, jobs are up, and opportunities are increased. we when we don t pay attention to the snap falls after receipt of the union because address the people who watch, not the entire electorate. something caught her eye. cbs news, he revealed they had done a poll. here s the results. following the president stated the union, 76% of streetwalkers said they approved of what they heard, 72% said they approved of the president s ideas for immigration. but there were some controversial ideas, we would expect to see more supporters of the president watching the address tonight but 76% number is notable. ed: 76, notable indeed the immigration, the bipartisan committee met and a lot of people liked what he had to say. they did like with the president had to say because it is not much good news. we have a strong, healthy, growing economy, we are strong economically, strong politically, strong militarily, there is good news for america. this age of the union is strong. with regard to the committee, it did me today, the 17 members, people who can get a deal done. i talked with chairman shelby, the chairman of the committee, this evening, he s cautiously optimistic. he says is moving in the right direction. they met with the expert on border security, not the politicians, but actually the professionals. they said if you want to secure the border, and we do, and the president is committed to us, you need three things. manpower, boots on the ground, technology, and in certain locations, you need a physical barrier. that is with the president is asking for. they have come up with the ten locations that are key, that is all the president ed: you and i both know, senator, if this committee suggests something and nancy pelosi is not on board, she has vast power in the house and has said, no, no, no, on a wall. are you confident of the president will get something close to the $5 billion he wanted? i m convinced they will get to some solution. i hope it s everything that the president wants, but as ronald reagan taught us, sometimes you have to take it a slice at a time. the president has other opportunities to get the rest of the loaf. this committee, i think, is able to come to a solution. you got to follow what the experts say. we need to secure the border, the president is committed to getting it done. what nancy pelosi said it was immoral, it was him tomorrow when barack obama built part of the wall, wasn t immoral in her mind when president bill clinton did or when they voted for the wall. ed: last question, just over a minute. you have been a leading expert on health care for a long time. he wanted to repeal and replace obamacare, there s been fits and starts on this, got fleeced of individual mandate. democrats had republicans pretty hard on the idea that you are not doing enough to protect people with pre-existing conditions. not doing enough to control costs for the president said he wants to control costs. my last question, where is the republican plan to actually follow up on that and actually, now that you ve taken all the individual mandate, how do you make sure this doesn t spin out of control for families? allow people to buy insurance it is affordable and appropriate for them so they can get the care they need from a doctor they choose at lower costs. you need the lower cost for insurance, doing that with the president s approach to these association health plans, ed: nancy pelosi s never going to go for that. drug cost, my president as a physician and he has, i know how important it is to make sure that everyone with pre-existing conditions is allowed to give their insurance. they have that insurance. what we are concerned about, clearly, is this so called medicare for all, which is a complete government takeover of health care in the country, eliminates private insurance, for the 150 million people, and there is no way they re going to pay for it. you re talking about higher taxes, fewer choices, and longer lines. the american people will never go for that. ed: senator john brasa, thank you for coming in. more reportedly, we hope your wife is doing well. thank you, senator by the political upheaval in virginia changing by the hour. the state attorney general and lieutenant governor now fought up in their own scandal after the government got the ball rolling, they say, last week. it was horrifying to me. it literally shocked me, and i just felt it important to reach out and let people know that i was sorry. ed: is saying sorry enough? wheel discussion redemption, political and otherwise, with pastor robert jeffers on the other side, i mean the other side of the break, not literally on the other side. [cell phone rings] where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won t call an exterminator. can i call you back, mom? he says it s personal this time. if you re a mom, you call at the worst time. it s what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it s what you do. where are you? it s very loud there. are you taking a zumba class? to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it s best to make you everybody else. means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. does this sound dismal? it isn t. it s the most wonderful life on earth. 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( ) juvéderm it. talk to your doctor about the juvéderm collection of fillers. ed: multiple virginia state lawmakers saying they believe the state attorney general is sincere in his apology after revealing he, too, had to don black fleece in college at least once. it was virginia s democratic governor facing his own scandal. looming over these scandals is a question of redemption, which the wall street journal tackled on special report. he s apologized. i think people are forgiving. i think tolerance is part of forgiving people. and he said he was sorry for what he did. ed: joining me now, pastor robert jeffress from the first baptist church, also a fox news contributor. he had dinner with the president tonight so i will get to that in a moment where they want to know all the details. we ll get the inside scoop. the situation in virginia, its biblical almost, the top three officials, all democrats, mired in scandals. how do you react to a jason riley said about political redemption? redemption is the basis of christian faith. i would love to see governor northam ousted from office but not because of mistake he made 35 years ago that were announced. he ought to be thrown out of the office for his barbaric views on abortion. ed: how do you explain this, when he said these comments, they barely covered it. and then this, rightly so, the blackface controversy should be covered and has been covered. but the late-term abortion issue, the president talked about last night, has not gotten attention. that is what is truly horrific. we all make mistakes. the bible says that sin is a bipartisan problem. republicans soon, democrats sin. we all need forgiveness. but we need to understand, forgiveness does not riff consequences, ed. the severity of consequences for students depends upon severity of the offense and frequency. let s face it, put it putting on blackface in 1984 is wrong but it s not as horrific as sexual assault of 2004. we can t apply the same death penalty role in politics to everyone. i think about the saying, ed, he who refuses to forgive destroys the bridge over which he much travel one day. if we want to be forgiven, and i know i do, we want to express this redemption. ed: the sexual assault allegation lodged against justin fairfax. in fairness, let s hear him monday. what i know is that the truth is 100% on our side. i read the bible, and i put on the full armor of god. that allows the deal with the devil s schemes and tricks. ed: how do you react to that? i think he ought to have the same standard applied to him that kavanaugh did. we need to be fair in this and hold people to the same level of accountability but we also ought to demand the same level of proof for those who are convicted or at least ed: for the democrats fair against kavanaugh? of course not. tremendous hypocrisy on their part to come after kavanaugh like they did but you want to brush this aside, or at least subdue, not all. ed: last question, mentioned that you had dinner with the president. want to know that, or the national prayer breakfast, a chance to address thousands of people at the hilton in washington but also a nationwide audience. did he talk about what he wants to talk about tomorrow? tomorrow, my guess, you will hear him reiterate what he talked about in the state of the union about his pro-life stance. what has been proposed in new york and virginia ed: hanau law in new york. it s not just terrific, it s barbaric. we talked about this tonight. i think a tipping point to the 2016 election was that final debate with hillary clinton when he even as he rated her over her abortion stance that she would have no limits on abortion whatsoever. evangelicals who are on the fence, those that were, they tipped to the president s side when he said what he did. i think it is a winning issue for the president, it s a right issue to stand on the side of life. ed: the other thing he talked about in the debate with the supreme court. the nominations that he may have, and he is now had two. i ask you this because every time we talk about, critics come out and say, you are a republican, and you are applying the bible in a way that is about attacking the democrats, and that you are excusing the president s own sins. we all have sins in our lives. we all need forgiveness. but i support this president strongly because he is delivering on exactly what he said he would do as president. the exit polls from 2016 show that the number one reason evangelicals supported him was for his commitment to a conservative judiciary. the it s the candidates policies that counts, not what may be in their past. ed, i m a pastor, i can tell you, we all have things in our past that we hope nobody ever finds out about. we need god s forgiveness. ed: pastor robert jeffress, thank you. pathway to victory, his book, we appreciate you coming in. good luck at the breakfast. good to be with you. three when the republican party still has a deep imprint of thee president ronald reagan. today would have been his 108th birthday. tonight, we ll celebrate his life and long lasting legacy. you probably saw the reagan esque flourishes in his speech. but did you see the reference in the super bowl? we have a tribute to the late president you cannot miss. woman: this is your wake-up call. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. vo: humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where 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most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. ed: tonight to remember the life and legacy of president ronald reagan, who would have been 108 years old today. thanks for the new england patriots and tom brady, we know president reagan s name is still synonymous with, yes, the right. let s bring in pagan grandy to explain by the author of the president will see you now my stories and lessons from ronald reagan s final years . good evening, peggy. thanks for having me on the show tonight. ed: you have a wonderful operator that talks about the life and legacy of ronald reagan, and i had no idea that he not only played football, but he played a position that seems appropriate. he did. very fitting and foretelling of his future that he played for dickson high school and played for eureka college right here in central illinois, and he played the position of right guard. ed: [laughs] tell me about tom brady and the super bowl, what is it like for you as an author, someone who works so close with president reagan and his final years as his personal assistant, watching the super bowl, and the world famous tom brady is about to get his sixth ring, calls a play, and it s an audible, he changes the play at the line of scrimmage and starts screaming, reagan, reagan, he will hand off the ball, and he wants the runner to go to the right. absolutely. what a surreal moment, because the world is watching, and in that third quarter, tom brady does yell an audible, reagan, reagan, tony romo and the commentators both come is that if he is calling reagan, he must mean run to the right. what i love about that moment, collectively as a nation, you laughed and smiled at a political reference. for the first time in a very long time. there is nothing that ronald reagan would have loved more especially on the week of his birthday. ed: also comes on the rico course of the president s state of the union. listen to the president and some of those reaganesque flourishes i ve mentioned a moment to go. second holocaust survivor was here tonight, joshua kaufman was a prisoner at dachau. i began this evening by honoring three soldiers who fought on d-day in the second world war. one of them was herman. herman and joshua are both together in the gallery tonight, seated side-by-side here in the home of american freedom. ed: seems like one of the best moments of the night. ronald reagan loved our military, he made them strong and confident and we were proud of americans on the world stage, for shunning the torch of liberty to dark corners of the world where oppression still existed. for so many reasons, i think we loved ourselves and america one reagan was president. it wasn t because he was on the right politically, but he was on the right personally as well. he represented civility and patriotism and kindness and optimism. ed: is president last night invoked d-day and of course one of the most famous beaches, we are seeing video there, the president reagan on the 40th anniversary of the d-day invasion. listen to this. you all knew that some things are worth dying for. one s country is worth trying for and democracy is worth trying for because it s the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. ed: mass which is something that still resonates. it is. ronald reagan is somebody who has stood the test of time, not because he s gone but because of how he lived. he represented a time of goodness and patriotism and civility. we were proud of ourselves and who we were on the world stage, and tom brady is such an ironic way, on sunday, really remindede football field, and as you mentioned, some people may remember his iconic line as he played the role of a football player, he said, win one. we were all winners on sunday. ed: even if you are not a patriots fan, you can get behind that audible. i m from l.a. so i can enter it on my chair for an audible. ed: the new york post called it the silence of the rams. sorry about your rams. we appreciate your appearance. thank you for coming in. thank you can, ed. ed: the birthday of a missing mother, sadly, has come and gone. we have new information and the continuing search for savanna spurlock in kentucky. fox news is on the ground with the search grooves. details coming up. to the cafeteria and just chow down midday? -you mean, like, lunch? -come on. voted most likely to help people save $668 when they switch. -at this school? -didn t you get caught in the laminating machine? -ha. 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[man on other line] i can t tell from this photos. .i need better shots. thank you for flying turkish airlines. taxi! you waiting for someone? no. just. looking. your favorite restaurants now it doesn t matter dash. where you are. it doesn t matter what you re hungry for. it doesn t even matter how many you are. restaurants come to you. delicious at your door. download doordash. first order, no delivery fee. and accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. - ( phone ringing ) - get details on this state program visit right now or call during business hours. ed: tonight to search in kentucky is widening for a missing mother of four, savannah spurlock. crews turning their focus to rural fields and streams. fox news matt finn is on the ground investigating the story and getting a clear picture tonight of her last known location. savannah spurlock turned 23 years old on tuesday. her devastated family and friends marked the young mother s birthday without her. is very, very difficult. it s just the worst nightmare. savannah spurlock ex-boyfriend of the father of their 2-month-old twins and also her best friend now tell fox news they think the three men savannah was last seen with no ratios. shakeel smith told fox news, i do think the guy she was with knew exactly where she is. she s out there somewhere worried and thinking about her kids, family, and friends. police tell fox news the night savannah went missing, she ended up inside a home in rural garrett county come about an hour south of lexington where she was last seen. garrett county has become the epicenter of the search. so far, police have searched at least two homes and seized a car. now multiple neighbors in the small town of lancaster kentucky tell fox news they spotted the e linked to one of the men at this home on price courts. the house is described as abandoned. police say they ve identified in question the three men last seen with savannah but have not publicly named them or most of them as suspects. a volunteer canine group, the cajun coast search and rescue, drove 900 miles from louisiana, and have taken tips and directive from police and neighbors on hot spots where savannah might be. it s a process of elimination. we will go to outlying areas and try to clear them. heavy rain and the lexington area stalled the search crews bt tomorrow they plan on taking the boats back out of the kentucky river and we will bring you updates. ed? ed: thank you. the venezuelan military is preventing humanitarian aid by entering the country, by barricading a bridge. a border crossing with columbia. the opposition leader, wong white oak has had food and medicine will begin floating into venezuela despite objections by nicolas maduro. one of president president trump the state of the union guests go viral. you don t you want to see why young joshua trump no relation is lighting up social media. - in a crossfit gym, we re really engaged with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. i love the custom ink design lab because it s really easy to use. they have customer service that you can reach anytime. t-shirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. from the moment clients walk in, they re able to feel like part of the family. - [spokesman] custom ink has hundreds of products for your business and free shipping. upload your logo or start your design today at upload your logo or start your design today uh uh - i deliverberty the news around here. sources say liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. over to you, logo. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. yeah right. iand the earth is flat. ahhh!! treat your cough seriously with robitussin cf max. nothing lasts longer and treats more symptoms for your cough, cold and flu. robitussin. because it s never just a cough. 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[kno king] memories. what we deliver by delivering. ed: by the way, an 11-year-old boy from wilmington, delaware, who was bullied because his last name happens to be trump was invited to the state of the union as a guest of president trump and that was a nice gesture because this kid was bullied for no good reason. other than the coincidence of his last name matching the presidents. this was a happy ending to a sad story. then it took a comedic turn. it s hard to pinpoint exactly when, but the young trump fell asleep during the speech, winning hearts on social media, gaining some streak read with his classmates back home for going viral for something cool and set up that mean, ugly stuff from before. don t pick on him this time, he got some much-needed rest because it was after all a school night. we hope you get some rest as well but don t sleep too long, we ll be back right here this time tomorrow filling in for my friend shannon bream. good night from washington. got to get some rest, see you tomorrow. tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. the president did his second state of the union address last night. hit a panoramic range of topics. everything from economic growth to childhood cancer. notable what he said was, more interesting was the reaction he got. even on topics where you would expect to find some bipartisan agreement, record low black unemployment or the country s thrilling totally unexpected energy boom democrats as they heard these words sat in angry silence, watch this response to the suddenlyro controversial suggestion that it s w

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