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Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20130314

vatican. and the response in st. peter s square and around the world shows that change is very welcome. abc s marci gonzalez joins us from rome where the sell brakes go on. good morning, marci. reporter: good morning rob and diana. an amazing night. pope francis is starting his first full day as the leader of the roman catholic church. habemus papam. reporter: with those words history was made. pope francis becoming the first pontiff ever from latin america. echoing the roar of the more than 100,000 people in st. peter s square last night, the overwhelming enthusiasm from his home in argentina. [ speaking a foreign language ] translator: i always said it would be one of the best popes we ever had and thank god he is from argentina. reporter: there they know him as cardinal jorge bergoglio, the humble man known for ministering to the poor. taken the name of st. francis of assisi which shows he wants to show the face of the poor. reporter: at 76 years old considered a black horse candidate his is not the face anyone expected to see last night. yet, following the white smoke and anticipation, this newly named pope emerged and prayed. [ speaking a foreign language ] welcomed by the faithful with open arms. and pope francis will reportedly meet with his predecessor pope benedict later today, the inaugural mass for the new pontiff will be held on tuesday. rob and diana? and, marci, you were there last night, the incredible moment, the first time we saw him step out on to the legendary balcony, what was that reaction like in the huge crowd? reporter: it was very emotional. i think a lot of people were very surprised that the square was absolutely packed. more than 100,000 people and once they started seeing the smoke people literally just ran down the street to be a part of this and to witness history. now, marci, we ve heard a lot about how he lived and where he lived in argentina. by all accounts lives as a poor man. has he been able to move right into his papal apartments which i assume will be completely different from his living quarters now? reporter: actually, no, he is still staying in the santa marta where he and the other cardinals stayed during the conclave because the papal apartment is still under renovation and still could be a few more weeks before he s able to move in. all right, marci working hard for us for many, many hours. thanks for the latest report. abc s marci gonzalez live once again from rome. the world is really just now starting to get to know this man, pope francis. the word humble being used to describe him. francis is known for his work in the slums of buenos aires and said to consider social outreach as the essential business of the church. famous for taking the bus or riding his bicycle to the office. before the vatican he lived in a small apartment where he cooked his own food and by the way he only has one lung having lost the other to an infection as a teenager. for all of his progressiveness francis is very much a conservative. he staunchly opposed gay marriage and adoptions by gay couples. those positions have put him at odds with the current president. reaction to francis elevation is coming in from around the globe and devin dwyer sampled some of it. good morning. reporter: good morning, that s right. catholics all around the globe are really praising the pick of pope francis as a turning point in a church in turmoil. from rome to buenos aires, and across the u.s. an eruption of emotion for the first latin-american pope. when when they said from argentina, i was like, oh, my god, it s incredible. so overwhelmed. this is so good not only for latin america but for the whole world. it s like a new era. reporter: the election of jorge bergoglio as pope francis stunned his native argentina where catholics who know him say he s a living saint. last year he washed the feet of a prisoner, this woman said. in the u.s., francis reputation as a holy and humble leader is seen as reinnovating the church s mission. good that he s supporting not only people from his nation but also a lot of poor people from around the world. reporter: his heritage is already building excitement among american latinos. when i heard he was like he spoke spanish, he was like from latin, i feel so great. reporter: a new pope stirring a new hope for ancient church. i know it s going to encourage the children. reporter: now, vice president joe biden, the first catholic american vice president, will lead the u.s. delegation to rome next week for the pope s installation mass. rob and diana. all right, devin dwyer live for us in washington, thank you. pope francis has a busy first few days of his pontificate. he s meeting with pope benedict and noon eastern celebrate mass with all the cardinals. and schedule doesn t stop there. on sunday he will make an appearance with visitors gathered in st. peter s square and it s there in the square he will be formally installed for a mass set for tuesday. more on rome and more insight about what was it was like inside the conclave coming up on good morning america. time now for a look at weather from across the country. snow showers in northern new england with spring now just thankfully one week away. thank you. cooler air stretches all the way down to florida and also light snow in the upper midwest around the twin city, milwaukee and the windy city. late day showers from seattle to portland and some snow? the cascades. 70 for much of the rockies, ½v 90 of the season in n to detroit, 40s in the northeast. come on, spring. come on. warm up already. we re waiting for you. coming up, some big menu changes at the golden arches. plus new backlash and outrage over the plan to allow pocket knives on airplanes. we return to rome for insight looking live at the vatican, a big difference there in st. peter s square compared to last night when pope francis, of course, was introduced to the world. and we will have more from rome coming up in just a moment but there is other news to report including a deadly standoff in central new york. police say this man, kurt meyers, killed two men in a barber shop then two more at an auto service station. neighbors describe this man as a loner and police believe they do have him cornered in an abandoned building and don t plan to move on him until daylight. a barge fire was still moldering in a louisiana bayou overnight more than 24 hours after it first erupted starting with a tugboat pushing a barge hit i natural pipeline. no oil spilled. tsa chief john tis stolle travels to capitol hill to defend his controversial decision to allow small knives on passenger airplanes. outraged flight attendants met with him yesterday. several airlines have joined in their protest. he says he will not be swayed because he says bombs made of liquids or chemicals are the real danger here and tsa agents have to focus on that. turning now to money, both the dow and the dollar are heading higher. the market once again opens in new territory this morning after gaining 5 points yesterday. it was the ninth consecutive positive session. the u.s. dollar also doing well at or near its highest level in years. both are getting boosts from all the recent good economic reports. and breakfast at mcdonald s is getting a little healthier believe it or not. they launch their egg white mcmuffin sandwich in about a month, the bun made with whole grains as well and clocks in at 250 calories, the regular one was 300. good news for those of us on the overnight shift or the early eaters. live on mcdonald s. not bad. i still like the fries. there you go. well, next on this thursday morning, a high-profile hacking scheme/scandal is spreading. more celebrities and politicians exposed. private financial information posted online. francis isn t just the pope, he s also the bishop of rome. so how are italians reacting this morning to a new world pope? g add a pop of color to your everyday look. new almay intense i-color bold nudes. a neutral palette with a pop of color that makes my green eyes stand out. and there s one for every eye color. i use bounce outdoor fresh sheets because they re just that much fresher and they help keep static off in the cold so my clothes will never embarrass me. mommy, i dressed the snowman! how do you get your bounce? less static year-round. now a look at your morning road conditions at slick spots in parts and now a look at your morning road conditions on this thursday. slick spots in parts of northern new england. snow making for a slippery ride in the upper midwest from chicago to northern minnesota and some wet roads later on in the pacific northwest. and if you re flying today, it should be easy going. we have no major airport delays to report. and now back to the morning s top story, the historic election of a new pope. at this hour, st. peter s square is relatively quiet after that jubilant celebration last night. the choice of pope francis clearly signals change, but how far that change will go is still unknown. earlier this morning, we talked to bill blakemore, who covered three popes as abc news rome chief bureau chief. what was your first reaction yesterday when you heard the big news? there were so many firsts with this pope. he is the first from the new world, the first from latin america, the first from the global south, the first jesuit, which is a big deal, and even more, the first to take the name of francis after francis of assisi and giving the sense of an intention to really do something new. the big question is whether that other aspect of st. francis of assisi, the patron saint of the environment, famous for talking to the animals, preaching to the birds, and, of course, some people are going to say those two seagulls that stood on the chimney before may have been a sign that st. francis was coming up in a way. we don t know exactly whether as pope this new pope will also take that aspect of st. francis into his new pontificate. what we ve heard about him kind of runs the gamut. we ve heard progressive, moderate, conservative, orthodox. what do we know about his personality and what he is going to bring to the church as a game changer? he certainly has the common touch. it was remarkable when he went out on the balcony how he immediately connected with the crowd. he got interactive right away. he brought up a reason right away to say the lord s prayer, the ave maria, so it was immediately back and forth together and asked them to pray for him. his voice is very soft and calm and humble sounding. a remarkable way of connecting to the crowd. so it seems he will have a big popular appeal that way. the question we don t know is whether he will be able to come in because he s a vatican outsider. he spent almost his entire career in argentina, whether he ll be able to come in and take over control of that ancient bureaucracy, which goes all the way back to the roman empire, some of the same terms, the curia the same term as they used in the roman empire. that tradition-bound vatican bureaucracy, will he be able to handle them in a way to get a new kind of control so that they can handle some of their worst crisis such as, for example, the terrible way they ve not been able to handle the child abuse crisis. thank you, bill. and on top of the sex abuse scandal, they have a shortage of priests they re dealing with. they have some operational issues and financial issues just like every leader they walk into a lot. the plate is full. but this is the one thing on this pope s plate that everybody is expected that he will take care of is the child abuse sex scandal. i think everything else can fall by the wayside, and we will be okay as a catholic nation. if he does not take care of the sex scandal, then i believe the catholics of the world will have a problem. making sure some people are brought to justice, making sure the victims are compensated and, of course, in a lighter note, the pr angle of it. some people lost their faith, and he has a lot of i guess repair work to do in that regard but can t ignore demographically the significance of his selection and the shift of catholic population southward and not northward. so it really does speak to a new world order demographically right now. that s right. 40% of all catholics are latin-american. indeed, and pope francis faced his toughest audience in the people of rome but he won them over right from the start. them over right from the start. the former cardinal bergoglio may be from 7,000 miles away, but he is the son of an italian immigrant and speaks the language very well, but he sealed the deet in the choice of his name, because st. francis of assini i m sorry of assisi is the patron saint of italy. still a lot pore ahead coming up and, of course, there is still a lot more ahead coming up later today on good morning america in just a few hours. well, also making news, more famous faces are popping up on this website at the center of that shocking scandal. new jersey governor chris christie and bill gates are the latest victims. the site reveals what appears to be their social security numbers and credit reports. an fbi investigation got under way this week when the first lady, vice president and a long list of other celebrities were targeted. a pennsylvania mom is facing assault charges after forcing her 12-year-old daughter into a fistfight with another girl. michele davenport is seen here on cell phone video egging her daughter on, telling her to punch the girl in her face. her daughter herself ended up with a bloody nose and that girl suffered a concussion. davenport claims she was bullied by that other girl. now we want to check out this video, which is going viral. it s an ad for pepsi max featuring nascar driver jeff gordon in disguise as a car buyer. gordon takes an unsuspecting salesman on a test drive he ll never forget. hidden cameras catch the whole ride as steve the salesman gets more and more freaked out. and when it ends, steve jumps out threatening to call police. only then does gordon blow his own cover, and at that point, yeah, all s forgiven. can t blame him for panicking, though. are you kidding me? oh, my goodness. all right, coming up next in the pulse, and the bird that caused a frenzy at the vatican yesterday. some reading into some symbolism there, yeah. plus, what the late night comics had to say about the new pope. tends to stay at rest. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it s not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don t take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. only hertz gives you a carfirmation. hey, this is challenger. i ll be waiting for you in stall 5. it confirms your reservation and the location your car is in, the moment you land. it s just another way you ll be traveling at the speed of hertz. welcome back, everybody. we offer a pope-inspired pulse starting at the vatican. a seagull perched on the chimney of the sistine chapel was a real star before that white smoke started billowing. and quickly had a couple of twitter fans. plenty pointed out in the church lilt ra tur the holy spirit is represented by a bird but not a seagull. and, of course, st. francis concerned about the environment, some people ran into that. the holy spirit was with them. also something of a side show, oh, in rome. the presence of dennis rodman there with his glorious fluorescent flowers on his coat. digs someone who needs jesus. take a look at that. fresh off his trip to north korea. of course. of course, ambassador to the word. rodman said he was there to lobby for a black pope. well done. in reality his visit was all part of the publicity for an irish bookmaker which was taking bets on who the next pope would be. glad dennis was there for a noble cause promoting gambling on the pontiff. that s noble. are we done with that story yet? can i show my face of journalism again. moving on from thank you, worm. much like a presidential election the selection of the new pope was great material for the late night comics. that s right and they did not let this opportunity pass them by. take a listen. you could tell he was south american because when they announced it they were like we have a pope! congratulations, new pope. now we must all remember that the last pope, pope benedict, will now be known as pope classic. we have a new pope. the vatican has chosen the first ever argentinean pope so once again a bunch of whole white guys got a hispanic to do a job they didn t want to do. oh. the racial undertones. conan, oh, taking a nice swipe. but the papal comedy wasn t just on tv. comedians were tweeting out there, as well. oh, yeah. pineapple express star seth rogen tweeting there s also white smoke coming out of my office and nobody seems that excited about it. bheeden writer albert brooks got a little political tweeting the pope came on the balcony, saw his shadow and realized there were six more centuries of scandals. thank you for that, mr. brooks. in light of all yesterday s seriousness and pageantry a little humor is grateful. your local news coming up. for everyone else we ll be right back. smoke? nah, i m good. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology. quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq. with time release smart control technology. whatever mountain you set outhere s new grape-nuts fit. from the cereal that helped the first man conquer everest. so just imagine where it could take you. grape-nuts original, and new delicious fit. what s your mountain? get younger looking skin fast. with new olay regenerist micro-sculpting cream. with 2 new anti-aging ingredients. visible wrinkle reduction starts day 1. see younger looking skin before you finish one jar. new from olay. live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. thursday morning at 4:28. i am eric thomas. how is the thursday weather? mike? good morning, everyone. we start with live doppler 7 hd. keep the umbrellas away. it is dry. we will look at the visibility. sfo has five miles visibility, the lower ones outside of the coast. there is patchy fog but it is patchy compared to yesterday. there is not so much fog. so it will fade quicker but we will have thicker, high clouds. that will dim the sunshine. it will not be quite as warm as yesterday, but, still, pleasant around the bay. upper 50 s to low 60 s at the coast, warmer elsewhere. the fog is patchy and thick across the golden gate bridge. from the waldo, it is clear and then, boom, you hit it. be cautious. it is patchy fog. there is limited visibility on the golden gate bridge. to vallejo, the ramp from eastbound 37 to westbound 80 is under construction. it will be closed until 5:00 this morning. southbound 101, you will find intermittent lane closings, mostly the left lane to the waldo. breaking news from overnight, a 4.6 earthquake struck the north bay this morning while you slept. it happened at 2:09 a.m., three miles southwest of cobb between chairlake and mt. st. helena

New-york , United-states , Louisiana , Assisi , Umbria , Italy , Argentina , Florida , Minnesota , Washington , District-of-columbia , New-jersey

Transcripts For COM The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 20130312

and i d never heard of this, but they make the guy when they re having movie sex they make the guy wear a thing called a [bleep] sock. it s totally true. it s a [bleep] sock, and, basically, they put a stocking on your wiener, and then they pull it through your legs, which that s appealing. that s like how serial killers [bleep] [ breathing heavily ] snap. you got to break their neck at the end. [ laughs ] oh, come on. you got to. [ laughs ] but i had never heard of the [bleep] sock because i ve never done a sex scene in a movie. done a bunch of movies. no sex scenes. and i know my place. i know i m not gonna get to do a sex scene in a movie. i think if i did, it would be a horror movie, and i won t be the one having the sex. like, some hot, young couple getting it on, hot-young-couple style. and i m, like, the creepy janitor watching them. or the inbred, redneck hotel owner just climbed in through the window. and they re getting it on, hot-teen style over in the corner, and i m over there going, [chuckles] get that [bleep] get that [bleep] boy! and the guy will be like, what the [bleep] then i ll hit him with a shovel. and then it ll be time for some night-digging. you guys have been awesome, man. thanks. [ cheers and applause ] captions by vitac from comedy central s world news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with jon stewart. ( cheers and applause ) jon: hey, welcome to the daily show. my name is jon stewart. our guest is donnie wahlberg going to be joining us later on the program on the. lonnie anderson. that s the woman i would be. ( applause ) if you can be any animal, if you can be any woman but nobody ever asked me are you satisfied with you? (laughing) a little bit of housekeeping. last week we did a very clever bit on our program called 19th century news. within the bit we had very witty fun concerning mississippi s just recently ratifying the 13th amendment. agreeing to end slavery, a mere 148 years after. after the rest of us. as many of you know, if i am bringing up something that we did on the show last week, i m probably about to apologize for it. maybe i m apologizing to mississippi as painting it to some kind of reluctant entrant to modern morality. yes, no. it concerns a former mississippi secretary of state who presided over a 1995 attempt to ratify the 13th amendment. it failed due to a bureaucratic snafu their former secretary of state failed to send a copy of the resolution to the federal registrar. jon: classic. here s my impression of him mailing mississippi s 13th amendment ratification to the federal registrar. so glad we did this. that s really nice. let me just put this in the mailbox. oh, what fun! let me explain what we did just there. we used the gentleman by the name of dick molfuss largely because his name was dick molfuss as an avitar for casual bigotry forgetting that perhaps dick molfuss is a real person with a real record on civil rights. you may be thinking to yourself, couldn t you just look that up? yeah, we could have. or, or we could have remained smugly satisfied with the funny name. we went with b mainly because i am a made 12-year-old boy trapped in a 75-year-old man s body. so as it turns out dick molfuss don t get tickled by the name, johnny boy it turns out dick molfuss has a long and distinguished record of speaking out for civil rights in mississippi. he s an honorable and good man. who in the 90s led the charge on big voting rights reforms there. in 1989 he spoke at a 25th anniversary memorial for the three civil rights activists murdered outside philadelphia mississippi during the summer, a speech that earned mr. molpus death threats. apparently bitter racists live longer than you would think. anyway, we found out all this, i d say, about a half hour after it aired on a thursday night i might add. not the best night for us to make a mistake. sincere apologies to mr. molpus. he did not ask us for apologize. no one contacted us to complain. my guess is they don t even know we re alive and are probably too busy trying to make a difference in this world, to care. we apologize because, well, we like to believe there s still a little dick molpus in all of us. ( cheers and applause ) and that even elitist pricks like me can sometimes still pick up that 3:00 a.m. conscience wake-up call and that. (music). that sounded pretty good, man. what s next on the show? the commonwealth is preparing to repeal a 136-year-old law that makes it illegal for unmarried virginian couples to live together. jon: damn you, south. do not make me [bleep] on you. so you re saying virginia s not really for lovers? next you ll tell me michigan s not for bringing lemonade and condoms to someone who turns out to be nbc s. we ll apologize tomorrow. i guess we ll find out when virginia passed that law in tonight s episode of 19th century news. hello, everybody. my most he s teemed viewers, tis i your humble host. my guest tonight florence nightingale. she s written a new book on something called antiseptics and their role in fighting deadly infections on the irish. first the 1800s people. first, a brief word from our sponsor. when it s friday night and you don t have to be anywhere til tuesday. anyway, our top story tonight, virginia has banned living in sin. no longer shall unmarried men and women terrorize our good state with their privates behind closed doors relationship. in technology news there s a brand new labor saving device on the market called chinese people. chinese people because building a railroad is expensive. and hard. wow. that show is something. isn t it? we have come a long way in this country. i cannot believe we used to exploit chinese labor to build our technology. ( cheers and applause ) of course, that virginia no cohabitation law probably hasn t been enforced for 100 years it hasn t been enforced apparently since the 1990s when day care operator darlene davis had her business license held up because she was living with her man. jon: are you [bleep] kidding me? they had to be stopped? most normal states would just be happy they found each other. virginia, but this is only a start in virginia s effort to stay current with the last century. the statue has been one of those lingering legal curiosities like the law against washing your mule on the sidewalk, no hunting on sundays and our famous anti-sodomy statute sniem your famous anti-sodomy statute? you talk about that the same way masons talked about their hot dogs. virginia, come for the beaches. stay because we incarcerated you forgetting a blow job. and this isn t the first victory for the state senator who spearheaded the repeal adam evan he has targeted old laws before i repealed the law against serving sangria about six years ago. we re working at them one at a time. jon: why is that guy so familiar? wait a minute. is that the same the same man of the sidewalk mule washer stand. virginia, stop that man. ( cheers and applause ) jon: welcome back to the show. as you may know instead of steep budget cuts known as the sequester rapidly approaching is the subject of our new recurring segment. congress passed and the president signed into law the sequester, $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts over ten years that would kick in unless we came up with a cooperative deficit reduction plan. we put this into place because. why did we do that again? when all sides agreed to the sequester a year-and-a-half ago, those automatic across-the-board sending cuts, were supposed to be so painful it would force the president and congress to make a deal. jon: so what happens if this sequester kicks in? just in time for spring national parks like yosemite will see their services cut. jon: all right. i wasn t going there anyway. 700,000 civilian defense department workers to take one day off a week, a 20% pay cut. jon: as long as iran doesn t attack on a thursday, you know. i m sure it will be fine the sequester could devastate our economy. fewer f.b.i. agents kids kicked out of child care program fewer air traffic controllers. nearly $4 million could be slashed to provide males for needy shortages. in texas nearly 10,000 fewer children will receive vaccines for diseases like whooping cough and the flu. jon: holy [bleep]. we re doomed. we re going to have to get jobs feeding sick children to old people. why did i only buy the hat? (crying) please tell me there s still time to fix things. this is the final countdown. we are just four days from the sequester deadline. jon: four days. that s not enough time to do anything. can t even tow a cruiseship of diarrhea to alabama in four days. are they at least working hard on fixing this some lawmakers left town for a week-long recess president obama played golf with tiger woods in florida last weekend sniem i m sure tiger woods has a lot of sequester advice. i don t know, mr. president. did you ever try hitting it with a club? i don t know. for more on the sequester we go to samantha bee in washington. the sequester is four days away. we re staring into the economic abyss. what is going on down there reporter: nothing, jon. everything will work out just fine. no need to panic. not like we re four days away from everything we know as the american way of life being destroyed. which is why i have in no way spent the last eight hours having sex with literally everything that moves. jon: sam, i mean you really sound like the world is ending reporter: that s right, jon. if you were smart you d be bucket listing too. jon: i want to bucket list. the president is bucket listing reporter: golf with tiger woods? before that, the miami heat? an afternoon with the ladies of modern family. you know the first lady s bucket listing too jon: what is she bucket listing reporter: the bangs, jon. nobody over the age of 16 gets bangs unless they know the end is near. that is not all she s been up to. dancing like beyonce with jimmy fallon. giving away the oscar for best picture. personally i would have gone with winning an oscar. you know, it s on my list. jon: if this were true shouldn t they be warning the entire country about this reporter: yeah because this administration is all about transparency. they want us to know everything. benghazi, drones. that room in the white house basement that is full of biden clones. jon: biden clones? forget it. what about the republicans? they have to know about this. why aren t they going bucket list crazy reporter: you mean willfully blocking all the president s ideas. come on, jon. he even went on a state of the union dream date with ted nugent. that is their bucket list. they just haven t updated it in half a century. getting their baseball gloves signed by herman killbrew is still on there jon: that won t happen. just out of curiosity what s next on your bucket list reporter: not talking to you, that s for sure. if you excuse me i am off to shoot a panda with a cross bow. jon: your dying dream is to kill a panda reporter: no, jon. it s to eat one. you have to kill it first. jon: all right. thank you, sam. ( cheers and applause ) jon: welcome back. my guest tonight stars on cbs s blue blood. also the executive producer of tnt s new reality show about boston s police officers called boston s finest i don t want to get up at 5:00 in the morning and go to boxing. i think of being in a foot chase and losing. there s the chance you ll be fighting for your life on the side of the road where your back-up is a minute away. i have to stay on top of my game. it could save my life. it could save my partner s life. dig it in. dig it in. that s a tremendous amount of responsibility that i take very seriously. jon: please welcome donnie wahlberg. ( cheers and applause ) my man. look at you. sharp as a tack, my friend. sharp as a tack. how are you? i m good. i felt the need to dress up tonight jon: can i tell you something? much respect to you. many of our guests come here and they believe it s the last stop, the qaboos. they come in with like a sack, a thing. they don t care. you, sir, i care jon: thank you i care jon: i appreciate that. now, you re playing a new york city cop on your show. you re doing a show about boston cops. i feel like you are getting ready to pull some [bleep] on the east coast. i think i ve been already pulling some [bleep] on the east coast for the last few years. playing a new york cop and being from boston is very, very delicate. it s very delicate. and the writers on blue blood, you know, they love to needle me because they know i m a celtics, red sox, bruins, patriots fan. jon: that s all the time we have for tonight. thank you for being here though. but, you know, they write lines for me like the patriots suck. jon: just to taunt you my partner was date ago guy who was a patriots fan. my only response was dump the jerk. they constantly are needling me besides the fact that the patriots lost the super bowl and they had to come back from the super bowl trying to everyone on set putting posters on my dressing room door and giants banners everywhere and pictures of eli manning jon: i have that in my room too but it s different. i have a bed spread of him. it makes me feel comfortable. you ve had your run though. boston has had, you know, you re dealing in our city we don t want to talk sports all of them. the rangers we have one championship in 90 years. the knicks had a couple in the 70s. i m a mets fan (scratterred applause n) jon: that is the appropriate level of enthusiasm. if it s any consolation when the mets last won it was against my red sox in that very famous bill buckner play. we shouldn t talk sports. i have to say this bill buckner thing. let me clear this up. bill buckner when he missed that ball the game was already tied. it had slipped away. our bullpen was tired. slipping away. the play before that, bob stanley was pitching jon: they never should have brought stanley in i believed stanley would win it for us. jon: of course you would believe that. you re from boston i still wake up some mornings and say, did wexd lose? but bob stanley threw an inside pitch. rich gedman didn t move enough for them. that was the play, the fastball tied the game. i saw rich in interviews later. i love you, rich. he said, i was so cold in that last inning that i couldn t really move. i was kind of stuck frozen. to me that was validation that he didn t get to that ball that bill stanley threw. jon: a boston guy and it must have been 50 degrees that night. i can t believe. i was too cold ? it was october. they didn t play in antarctica. come on! here s the thing. the mets won. and all that suffering we went through led us up to 2004 when we kicked the yankees ass. jon: the detail in which you remember that is the same as the detail in which i remember these things. my wife, whom i love and i ve been with almost 20 years, there is nothing in our world that i have that level of detail remembrance of. like she d be like remember our wedding? i d be like, oh, yeah, there was a cake. when you re talking about baseball. he was wearing a very light sweater. the level of detail that you remember these sports moments is incredible. let s talk about the cop shows. so the boston guys, the boston cops must have been a little reluctant to get involved with this. yes? i think any cop worth their salt don t want to just get involved in a reality show right away. i think for me, you know, i know playing a cop i play one on tv. i don t want to make light of that. i ve worked with cops and probably played 800 jobs in my acting career. i ve had 801 jobs and 800 were cops. that s beside the point. that s helped me and prepared me to be the right guy to produce this show. i think i know. jon: they trusted you by the fact that you re from there. you ve hung around cops. they trust you you with this i m a boston boy. i m sort of known in boston. thank you. i m sort of known. you know, when we first talked to tnt about doing the show, me and my partners went and met with them. they were like we re talking about doing a boston cop show. i said, look, we ll only do it with you, with this network. we can t do it on one of these rowdy networks with billy club smashing. jon: it won t be like the shirtless guys getting pulled out of. once in a while. but it s boston. i have to represent my city the right way. i m not going to make these crazy reality shows that people make. i want to make something classy that shows these cops in boston jon: how difficult a job it is absolutely. so we went to the mayor first. the mayor, he signed off right away. and the commissioner signed off after that. and the chief signed off after that. all the way down the line they were signing off. they all said the same thing. talk to the officers. if they don t feel safe with you in the car, you re getting out of the car and taking your camera and go home. as long as the officers wanted to do. the officers, having played a cop and worked like a new york city detectives, our technical advisors on blue bloods, he s taught me the most important thiblg. all about getting home safely to your family. do your job. protect the street. protect your partner and get home safe at the end of the day. i knew that and brought that to the show. me and the whole. jon: boston s finest. going to premiere on tnt this wednesday at 9:00. blue blood. donnie wahlberg,

Miami , Florida , United-states , New-york , Alabama , Texas , Antarctica , China , Boston , Massachusetts , Virginia , Ireland

Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20130311

we go now to nbc s mike taibbi who is in kabul with the developing details. mike, what can you tell us? reporter: it happened at about 10:30 local time in the kabul suburb of wardock that s just east of this city. according to a coalition military source, a lone gunman dressed in an afghan army uniform was in the middle of a briefing with other soldiers, both coalition and afghan soldiers, turned his weapon on them and opened fire. the source said there were casualties but could not confirm that among those casualties were any fatalities. they re assessing the damage from that incident. now, wardak has become controversial in the past month because of unconfirmed reports of abuses and attacks by coalition special forces and afghan special forces working with them against civilians in that province. and because of that, afghan president hamid karzai had ordered that those special forces withdraw. he gave a two-week deadline. that s now passed. the withdrawal has not happened. wardak controversial for the past month and now controversial for a different reason, a new green-on-green attack, afghan against afghan, afghan against coalition forces. mike taibbi, nbc news, kabul. we ll stay in afghanistan. prior to a meeting with defense secretary chuck hagel, afghanistan president hamid karzai suggested the u.s. was in cahoots with the taliban. defense secretary chuck hagel on his first visit to afghanistan rejected the harsh accusations prior to their meeting in kabul. karzai said that the sworn enemies were actually working together to make afghans fearful of more violence if foreign troops withdraw which is supposed to start next year. the taliban quickly denied those claims. annual war games between the u.s. and south korea have triggered a fresh round of threats from the north. in response to the start of 11 days of military maneuvers, north korea saying it will launch a nuclear attack on the u.s. effectively scrapping the 1953 armistice that ended the korean war. so far pyongyang has reportedly cut off a red cross hotline with the south. the allies say the drills and joint exercises are defensive in nature, and they have no intention of attacking the north. it was the deadliest car accident in ohio in three years. six teens were killed in a tragic crash, investigators saying their suv was traveling at high speeds when it hit a guardrail and flipped over into a pond. two of the eight people in the vehicle survived and were treated for minor injuries and released. state troopers say the vehicle was taken without permission. more program cuts to tell you about this week. courtesy of the sequester budget cuts. members of the military looking to earn a college degree are some of the cuts casualties. tuition assistant for those in the army and marines has already sben suspended. military flight teams will most likely be no-shows at air shows this spring. dozens of host cities will have smaller crowds and smaller dollars. national parks visitors will soon find locked restrooms and fewer park rangers. officials at yellowstone have already stopped plowing snow from some of the roads saving an estimated $30,000 a thing. one thing that is not scaled back is the order of these, the f-35 fighter jets. the price tag for the fifth-generation fighter program is some $400 billion. all this as some republicans seem optimistic of president obama s recent proposal of a renewed call for bipartisanship. i hit it the president s tremendously sincere. i don t think this is just a political change in tactic. i think he would actually like to solve the problems of the country, and it would be to his benefit and certainly every american s benefit if he did that. the last time we went to the white house the president lectured us. i hope that he s genuine, but i don t think we ll do doing the harlem shake any time soon. there s already a move to avoid a springtime budget battle. the house passed a resolution to fund the government through the fall. now for a look at your monday weather, bill karins joins us. it s a monday. do we get to restart everything? it s going to be fresh weather? we d like that. yes. we had a decent weekend even in the northwest, but now the rain s moving in. it s going to be a wet week especially north of seattle. looks like we re going to get really a heavy dose of rain possibly around bellingham. that s about it for the rest. the rest of the forecast looks really nice. already you can see hints of the warm front trying to bring in the rain ahead of it. throughout the day and into the next 48 hours, it s light today and then very heavy amounts of rain especially the northern cascades. these are rough estimates. this gives you a general idea of where the heaviest rains will be focused. the warm is well off the coast. it drapes its way back to the east. and that will be moving up towards the north. now, the way the weather pattern is set up or the high pressure is set up over northern nevada and northern utah, we ll get downsloping winds in southern california, and it s going to be a warm week. we re talking upper 70s to low 80s through your friday. some of the warmest weather in the country is going to be found here from phoenix all the way through los angeles. as we go throughout the middle of march. enjoy that. that s a look tuesday morning in washington state. i guess that s going to be kind of one of those dreary weeks in the northwest. only one day and one night of heavy rain. the rest of the time just showers. good reason for those tech folks to fly south to south by southwest in austin. how low gas prices are heading and why businesses are keeping their profits offshore. plus, two years after one of the modern world s most devastating natural disasters. how japan marks the moment that quake and tsunami changed their world forever. early today is back in two. welcome back. stories making news this morning, a family member of seven people killed in a kentucky house fire says he attempted a rescue but was too late. two adults and five children under the age of 3 were killed when their house went up in flames. the cause is still being investigated. a main suspect in the gang rape of a woman in new delhi, india, has committed suicide in his jail cell. the suspect was accused of driving the bus where a 23-year-old student was raped and fatally assaulted by a group of six men last year. japan marks two years since the devastating earthquake and tsunami. memorial services are being held in tokyo and towns along the northeastern coast where the pacific ocean rushed ashore. nearly 19,000 people were killed in that disaster. and new york congressman peter king, the 68-year-old republican moved from the political arena there into the boxing ring. on saturday night, king fought in a two-round exhibition bout against kickboxing champion irish josh foley. the friendly sparring match that ended in a draw. new studies show stress can take its toll on the heart. researchers found higher rates of card yag problems in veterans with post dramatic stress disorder, in hurricane katrina victims and in greeks dealing with their country s financial crisis. doctors say prolonged stress raises hormones that affect blood pressure and influence other risk factors. meanwhile, the biggest-ever study of mummies found that even without modern-day vices like fast food or cigarettes, people still had heart problems and clogged arteries some 4,000 years ago. early today health is brought to you by vagisill wash. can the dow make it a fifth record day? it closed at 14,397 on friday putting the blue chips up nearly 10% for 2013. the s&p ended at 1551, just shy of a 9% gain for the year. and again, it s only march. while the nasdaq begins the week around 3,244, a rise of nearly 7.5% in just the past ten weeks. a number of national chain stores report this week including dick s sporting goods. urban outfitters and costco. meanwhile, the government will report how strong retail spending was last month. korean electronics giant samsung unveils its new galaxy s4 this week as it looks to take a bigger bite out of apple s market share. good news for drivers. the average price of a gallon of gas has dropped 6 cents over the past two weeks to an average $3.74. it may go lower. a new wall street journal tally finds a number of u.s. companies are keeping more of their profits offshore. and in the process, shielding more than 40% of annual profits from u.s. taxes. the top three stashing cash overseas, ge, pfizer and microsoft. wall street will be watching washington this week as well as budget talks to keep the government running. those resume. current government funding runs out on march 27th. elsewhere in the capital, the chamber of commerce hosts a hiring our heroes jobs fair. that program is aimed at matching military veterans and their spouses with more than 100 prospective employers. they have those fairs all across the country throughout the year. finally, nfl commissioner roger goodell and ge chief jeff immelt have put their heads together, and this afternoon the pair will kick off a new $50 million research and innovation program studying concussions and improving player safety. speaking of sports, we got that for you next. plus, the dramatic rescue of a sailing team moments before their sailboat was destroyed. and jennifer love hewitt is considering insuring her girls for $5 million. yeah, you heard me right. and now to other stories that caught our eye this morning. in california, dramatic video captures the rescue of a sailboat crew after their vessel broke apart during a race. that 30-foot sailboat drifted into a rocky shoreline and issued a may-day call before the crew swam ashore. one crew member died but remaining five were lifted to safety. also in california, a wildlife center has reopened days after a 24-year-old intern was attacked and killed by a lion. diana hanson was cleaning the enclosure when couscous attacked. her family says she was passionate about her work and would have wanted them to continue on with their duties. and in scottsdale, a local alligator dubbed mr. stubbs will have to find a new nickname. a prosthetic tail has been attached to the gator s stub to help the animal with swimming and balance. while this new tail is a big step up, it s still going to take time to get used to. in sports, a college basketball thriller decides the big ten title. cody zeller made a go-ahead layup for a 72-71 win over number seven michigan. it was the hoosiers first outright big ten title in 20 years. and number ten michigan state got 16 points from keith appling including a mega dunk with less than two minutes left in the game there to beat northwestern, 71-61. people on their feet. but the indiana win kept the spartans from sharing the league title. in the world baseball classic, team usa breaks open a game in the ninth inning as eric hasmer doubles to the wall. that scored three runs and the americans beat canada, 9-4, to advance to the second round. former red sox and dodgers slugger manny ramirez will play baseball this season in taiwan. ramirez who has 555 major league home runs hopes to do well enough for a last shot in the majors. it looks like he s fine-tuning his stroke just in time for the masters. tiger woods, his victory at the world golf classic is his second win of the year and 76th pga tour victory. woods sank some tough putts for a total of 27 for the tournament. only one fewer than his all-time best. finally, to switzerland. a ferretlike creature called a martin ran onto a soccer field halting the march. benito tries to take it down before being bitten, but it was a goalie that finally got the fluffy-tailed defender off the field. just ahead, jennifer love hewitt insuring parts of her body. and oz proves great and powerful at the box office. back after these messages. stick with us. welcome back on this monday. let me give you your forecast to get you out the door. we are watching sunglasses almost required in many areas from southern california all the way through southern nevada into arizona. we are watching rain showers in the northwest that will turn into a heavier rain especially washington state, seattle northwards, over the cascades as we go throughout your tuesday. unfortunately, sunglasses will not be needed in the northwest this week. i don t even have a pair right now. i think i threw it out. probably in some closet. i ll get you one of those $5 pairs. thanks, bill. audiences were off to see the wizard in droves. disney s oz the great and powerful raked in $80 million. sensing they had a hit on their hands, disney already commissioned a script for the sequel, something you ll take your kids to. justin bieber falling apart at the seams, maybe. the 19-year-old upon star seen here in london saying a photographer had assaulted him. this caused justin to spring from his car, expletives were exchanges, punches were not. a lot more headlines on the biebs. i took to twitter afterwards saying he s only human and that it s been a rough week, we would say. jennifer love hewitt recently told usa today that she would consider insuring her breasts. just waiting for the insurance invitation to which she d say do it, love it, why not? her words. finally, one direction s harry styles. he got a new tattoo in the form of a giant manly butterfly. though his face cannot be seen in that photo, the band s reps have confirmed it is him. is it real? do you think it s manly i m glad he didn t select a larger animal or sitting there and doing it. it s a lot of pain. i m richard lui, and this is early today, just your first stop of the day on your nbc station. stories leading the news this morning, in the l.a. times, alaska s $78 million ferry to nowhere could land in l.a. a state-of-the-art military vessel diverted to alaska as a ferry has not worked out, and officials are great to be rid of it. that s expensive. and in the washington post, research ties economic inequality to gap in life expectancy. that s about how the haves are living longer than the have-nots. this weekend justin timberlake hosted saturday night live for the fifth time and brought along some of the ledge end gends of snl. welcome. we ve been expecting you, mr. timberlake. i always thought an n sync member would make the five-time club, it would be joey fatoon. this is the hall of portraits, drew barrymore, inducted in 2007, john goodman hosted 11 consecutive years. and of course, chevy. alec baldwin and tom hanks. two wild and crazy guys! ladies and gentlemen once again justin timberlake! thank you to jay-z, dan aykroyd, alec baldwin, candice bergen, krchevy chase and paul l simon. what a show! i heard the first 15 minutes were jam packed. i feel bad for whoever is hosting next. i definitely want to watch that on demand. the first lady takes to twitter to chat about healthy living. mrs. obama is set to take questions on her initiative using her official twitter account @flotus. you re in luck, it s national napping day. okay, it s an unofficial holiday, but a brilliant one created back in 1999 by retired boston university professor and his wife to help people adjust to daylight savings time. i think every day is like that for me. justin timberlake will begin his week-long residency on late night with jimmy fallon to promote his new album. here s what s coming up later this morning on the today show. valerie harper opens up about facing terminal brain cancer. and famed illusionist david copperfield is live to showcase his skills and help search for the next great magician. now, keep it on this channel for continuing local news, weather, sports and more. i m richard lui. thanks for watching early today just your first stop on this nbc station. have a great start to the week. . an overnight disappearance. it is payday in the town. why thousands in san jose will now make almost $100 extra per week. that s the way to start the week and so is this. a look outside at the bay bridge in san francisco. keep it up until 6:00 a.m. this is today in the bay. from nbc bay area, this is today in the bay. good morning, it is 4:30, 4:31. did you change your clock? hi, everybody. i m jon kelley. it is a little bit rough. i think so. such a gorgeous weekend. i m laura garcia cannon. lots to get to. let s check the forecast with meteorologist, christina lauren. we are going to let the good times roll. good morning to you at home. a chilly start to the day. we are headed towards the upper 60s to mid-70s. another beautiful day shaping up. we are going to keep that warmup going for most of this week. . then, the rain arrives. a lot to talk about new week, new seven day. let s check the drive. same old construction. oakland, look over at the flashing lights off to our right. from 66 up, no major construction. the maps, north p

Nevada , United-states , Alaska , New-delhi , Delhi , India , Brazil , California , Washington , District-of-columbia , Kabul , Kabol

Transcripts For CNNW Starting Point 20130314

[ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you ll money. my choice. my meineke. that is early start for this morning. starting point with soledad o brien starts right now. welcome. our starring point this morning, the world welcomes pope francis. he is from the first from the new world. the first jesuit, the first latin american to be elected pontiff. we re live in rome this morning and also in buenos aires to a look at a man who will lead the catholics. one month after a karncarni cruise ship got stuck, another one is stuck as well. we will tell you what passengers are saying right now on their boat. a standoff under way in upstate new york right now. police surrounding the suspect wanted in a t shooting spree that killed four people. we are live on the scene. he s a man who may have led to the down fall of mitt romney s presidential campaign. hear from the bartender who filmed the infamous 47% comment. we ll tell you why he did it. work on the job and work at home, how much time men and women spend working versus doing their chores or raising kids. this new information right surprise you. it s thursday, march 14th. starting point begins right now. okay, everybody. we re team this morning, monsignor is back with us. head of the u.s. conference of catholic secretary of divine worship and bishop david o connell from trenton, new jersey. i guess because we have a lot to talk about this morning with the new pope and, of course, a new era, a new leader for the catholic church to mark the very first day on the throne of st. peter, pope francis will hold a private mass at noon eastern time with the cardinals who elected him. on saturday, the new leader of the world s 1.2 billion catholics is expected to meet with members of the media. then tuesday, it s the installation mass. as many as 200 foreign delegations are expected to atte attend. we re covering this story from all angles. miguel marquez is in rome, dan rivers is in italy, shasta darlington is in buenos aires, and christina plig is in miami beach for us. miguel is coming to us live from rome. hey, miguel. reporter: hello, soledad. i think it s safe to say that romans are pretty darn excited about the new pope today. here s this paper, he came out and said thank you to romans and everybody for coming out last night at the vatican. this is my favorite. it s in latin. even the newspapers here in italy are beautiful. but that moment last night when he went out on that balcony and said hello to the world for the first time as pope was absolutely unforgettable. the anticipation, intense. the crowd, 150,000 strong, jammed into st. peter s square. white smoke billowed and the largest bell in the basilica signaled a new pope. within minutes, the square filled to capacity. and then this is the moment, the moment that tens of thousands of people gathered here in the square had been waiting for. it s electrifying. it s an extraordinary moment. look at this. look at all the cameras snapping a picture of the new pope. reporter: argentine cardinal jorge mario bergoglio becomes pope francis. he asked the crowd to pray for his predecessor pope benedict and then in a dramatic and touching moment he asked for a silent prayer. from the massive crowd, not a word, not a sound. the prayer, he said, was for him, to help him in his ne role. 100,000 people, probably more, and there s silence. i know. i know. i was shocked, too. definitely. it was i think it s just here in the moment, you wanted that one curtain to drop and see who it was. reporter: for his fellow argentines it s a moment not only for their country but the world. he s a very humble person. everybody in argentina knows that. he doesn t use car. he use the metro, the subway. he doesn t like to be called himself monsignor, your excellence. just jorge mario. maximum you can call him is father. reporter: a humble man about to embark on an extraordinary journey. now, that moment, that moment of silence was just incredible and unforgettable. perhaps the most interesting moment of the night is when he left the balcony and came back out almost sheepishly and said thank you for everyone for coming. safe travels home. and get some rest. it was a very sweet and telling moment for a guy who seems h humble and seems to have a good sense of humor. what an incredible experience to be there in person. thanks, miguel. appreciate it. pope francis is already developing a reputation as a pope of firsts. a humble man who is not opposed to turning his back on tradition to do things his way. jim bittermann is live at the vatican for us. good morning. reporter: good morning, soledad. i guess an indication of that is the way the pope this morning went to a church, one of the major basilicas here in rome and said a few prayers to mary. but what was interesting about it is that when he arrived he arrived not in his papal garb, not in papal white but in simple priestley black. he changed later on. but in any case it was another sign of what we ve been talking about all along, his humility. i took a closer look at the new pope in a story last night. translator: begin this journ journey. reporter: his journey began wednesday when cardinal jorge mario bergoglio of argentina was elected to lead the catholic church. he s the first non-european pope since the 8th century and first pope ever from south america. he will called pope francis, in honor of st. francis of assisi. bergoglio was born in 1936 in buenos aires, argentina. the son of an italian i ll grant, a railway worker. he had four brothers and sisters. he studied to brk a chemist before receiving the call to the priesthood. the 76-year-old was ordained a jesuit in december of 1969. and has served as orsh bishop of buenos aires. he was made a cardinal on february 21st, 2001. bergoglio is said to have been the runner-up in a 2005 concl e conclave. and in 2013 he was the oldest of the possible candidate, barely mentioned ad eed as a topic. fellow argentines are looking forward to his new chapter in the catholic church. move forward, hopefully make some good changes. hopefully he will be similar to poep john paul ii in some ways in being very progressive. we ll just have to wait and see. reporter: bergoglio is the 266th bishop of rome, leader of the world s 1.2 billion catholics. but to many, he s known as simply father jorge. so, in fact, there will be a lot of change in style around the vatican. no question about that. in terms of substance, perhaps not so much. many to matters, new pope is pretty much on the same line as benedict xvith, although in some things he may bring out changes but not don t expect him to change on the ordination of women or celibacy for priests. jim bittermann for us this morning, thanks, jim. he s at the vatican. let s get back to bishop david o connell and richard hill gartner. you ve been here for the last couple of weeks. when jim bittermann described how the pope first arrived he said he was wearing priestley black, which i guess is what you re wearing. how unusual would that be for a new pope to come out of the traditional white robe? it s very unusual. a pope once selected, once he accepts the election would appear in anything but the papal white. so it s an interesting kind of move or departure from tradition. how do you read that? now we have several moves and departures. little moments of departure from tradition. what s your interpretation? could be the white didn t fit him too well. could be. comfortable in the black. or we he just fell he was going to dress the way that he has cust customarily dressed. we talked about francis, francis of assisi and he himself was a reformer. message in that. several messages. i think there s two different nods there. certainly the nod to francis of the assisi, father francis, and the great rebuilder of the church, as he had that vision of the lord speaking to him on the cross. but as a jesuit, cardinal bergoglio would have also been intimately close and devoted to francis xavier, a great preacher, missionary, activity, i think that says something about his zeal for preaching the gospel and being in this moment that this church has been describing as the new evangelization. it was interesting i thought when the vatican then had to confirm francis of assisi because there was a point when he wasn t sure he was taking the name of the jesuit and that was the symbol there. you heard a young woman in the piece that jim presented to us saying that he was progressive. she hoped he would be progressive. we know he s a former but might be a reformed but also conservative. what kind of pope do you think he will be from these very early messages that we re getting? of course, we ve only seen him as pope for less than 24 hours. but that doesn t mean we re not going to go out on a limb. define him and put him in a box? yes, sir. i think what we have to look at, and this is jim made the comment that we shouldn t set our expectations too high. we look at his past. we look at his teaching. we look at his preaching. we look at his writings. we see that there s a lot of continuity between pope francis and what has preceded him in the writings of pope benedict and pope john paul before him. he s been consistent. he would be traditional-minded in certainly all the hot button issues. we re going to talk about this for the entire morning. the emotion that surrounded the moment of pope francis is high, of course, in his home country of argentina. shasta darlington is in do you know buenos aires. reporter: good morning, soledad. that s right. the whole atmosphere here really just exploded yesterday because not even argentines expected this. so i m standing right here in front of his arch diocese. there wasn t a whole lot of people wait for the announcement. when it came. everybody came flooding over here to the cathedral. it was as if people had just won a big soccer match. one of the reasons he really hadn t stood out this time around as a contender is because he was such an low-profile person. when he was first appointed archbishop he said he didn t want to live in the official residen residence. instead, he s still living in a third story apartment, cooks his own meals, goes out and buys his newspaper every morning at 5:00 a.m. i was speaking to people who worked there in the apartments and they said he really hated all the ritualists that come with the position he had as archbishop. he didn t like people to kiss his hand. so this is a man who really lives the simple life and i have to say, argentines are just thrilled. this came out of nowhere. there is a bit of controversy around him involving what many people view as his proximity to the dictatorship. they say he didn t do enough to prevent the thousands of disappearances, deaths, and the torture here. on the other hand, he was a champion of the poor. and that s what keeps coming true. he s homeless people i talked to here on the streets said he would always stop and have a word for him, soledad. shasta darlington in buenos aires for us this morning. let s get back to pastor of st. joseph s in miami beach and, of course, miami beach with a large population of argentine-americans. shasta was saying in argentina people are going crazy with joy. how about where you are? reporter: we were all delighted to hear and see what the pope was lebted, number one that he was elected. the whole parish and everyone here in miami beach was excited about the whole idea. not just the argentineans. and then come the second element that he was an argentinean and that flourished everywhere, in every part of the island as well as our parishes. we re delighted to know that the leader from one of the largest centers of catholicism, south america, is able to speak not just spanish but the language of the poor, the language of faith, and the language of new beginnings. much has been made of the first decisions in many ways are firsts. i want to play you a little bit of some of those. listen. francis of assisi and this pope, they are kindred spirits. he is a pope that is going to come in and look at a situation and say get back to basics. this is about the gospel. this is about what we are at our best. pastor came to meet his people and it was beautiful. then he took the microphone again and he didn t follow the book. thank god. we were talking this morning as well and showing up in his black clothes of a priest instead of wearing the white robes of the pope. also, sort of shifting tradition a little bit. where do you think that sort of idea of he s going a different direction could actually end up, i guess, expressing itself in how he leads the church? are you talking to me? yes, sir. do you want me to repeat the question. i m so sorry. yes, no. the choice the choice of the name francis says a lot, as you it speaks about reform because of the history of the church and the status of francis of assisi at the time. he was never ordained a priest. he was only a deacon because he thought he was never worthy of that. however, his influence in the church, in the church s tradition, facing the pope at the times and also bringing christianity back to the holy land was magnificent. so i think the choice of francis speaks about reform, renewal, and the archbishop of miami explained to us yesterday, it s a sign of fresh new, fresh life for all of us in the world, as well as and all of news south florida rejoice with the archbishop on this. so i think the word francis, the choice of the name has a lot to do with his internal desire to serve the church at that level of renewal or refreshing and, of course, new beginnings. father is the pastor at st. joseph s which is in miami beach. thank you, sir. appreciate your time this morning. the name of cardinal jorge mario bergoglio was not really on anybody s short list to be pope but he was on cnn s radar before we saw that white smoke billowing from the sistine chapel. listen. a name we have not heard yet that was offered up to me is cardinal bergoglio. which you may or may not know, john allen reported to us many times that what we believe from the last conclave is that bergoglio was number two to then joseph ratzinger now pope benedict xvi iemeritis. 76 years old. he could be a unifier. that is the case. thanks, soledad. so here we go again. another carnival cruise liner apparently experiencing some problems onboard. this time it s the carnival dream. it is in port right now in st. maartin in the caribbean. passengers have contacted cnn with stories of power outages and overflowing toilets. listen. they said that they were working on the ship and then there was the generators that were having a problem. now there s, you know, human wastes all over the floor and some in the bathrooms. they re overflowing. carnival representative told cnn he was not aware of the problem. several calls since to the cruise line have gone unanswered. we should tell you the u.s. coast guard said there are no reports right now of an incident. new developments out of i think gland this morning. four people under arrest in the british phone hacking askedle that rocked rupert murdoch s publishing empire. they were all jurnists at the sunday mirror. the scandal led to the shut down of murdoch s news of the world newspaper. prosecutors say two high school football stars on trial for raping a 16-year-old girl in steubenville, ohio, treated the alleged victim like a toy. the prosecution said 17-year-old trent mayes and 16-year-old richmond knew the girl was intoxicated and bragged about it to their friends. you will be able to read the text messages that were sent where these boys not only confessed to the sex acts that were performed on my client but they also bragged about their knowledge of how impaired she was. they used the word dead over and over. reporter: trent mayes and richmond deny the rape charge. so president obama meets later today with senate republicans and house democrats a day after he wrangled over budget issues with house republicans. yesterday s meeting the president did receive a standing ovation as he entered a conference room in the capital basement but a nearly 90-minute long meeting left republicans unmoved. last night the president spoke about the talks of the so-called charm offensive that has failed seemingly to change anyone s opinion. over the last several weeks press here in washington has been reporting about obama s charm offensive. well, the truth of the matter is all i ve been doing is just calling up folks and trying to see if we can break through some of the gobblety-gook of our policies here. tweeted a picture from the meeting where several gop house members asked the president whether his motives were purely political. you know, he s the president. he looked tired. he did look exhaustive. he s speaking to his people last night talking about what he s been doing over the last week. he looked exhaustive. there are a lot of republicans as we do say that appreciate the gesture that the gesture itself means something even if he hasn t changed any minds. completely disagree and don t see eye to eye. thanks. police say they have surrounded a suspect wanted in a deadly shooting spree in upstate new york. we ve got details on this story straight ahead. looking for a litter with natural ingredients that helps neutralize odors. discover tidy cats pure nature. uniquely formulated with cedar, pine, and corn. [ sneezes ] you re probably muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec® love the air. on the first day you take it. but that doesn t mean i don t want to make money.stor. i love making money. i try to be smart with my investments. i also try to keep my costs down. what s your plan? ishares. low cost and tax efficient. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. welcome back. a developing story to tell you about coming to us from upstate new york. police are believed to have surrounded a man who is wanted in a shooting spree that left four people dead, two other people critically wounded. the standoff is taking place right now in herkimer county. cnn national correspondent deb feyerick is live on the scene for us this morning. reporter: good morning, soledad. right now police are just trying to wait out the suspect. 54-year-old curt myers. hold up a block away from me. this is main street. this is an area where the police station, the fire station, all within walking distance. so he s picked a very public area in which to do this. the standoff began about 15 hours ago, early yesterday afternoon. there are s.w.a.t. teams on scene. tactical units, sharpshooters, as well as heavily armored vehicles here and just monitoring the situation. they re just waiting. it is very cold. it is very snowy. they do believe that curt myer is inside. they don t know whether he s alive or not. earlier reports that they were going to send in tear gas and going to send in robots. but that right now unconfirmed. that was the plan, whether they decided to end up doing that. they have been keeping us a far distance away. the governor saying that everybody should stay back because it is such a fluid situation and nobody knows exactly what this man will do. what he is capable of doing, police know, is that he walked into two different stores. he killed two barber shop, walked to a local car area, jiffy lube and shot two there. one was a veteran officer. once that happened he jumped back in his car. police did not know where he was for a little while. they thought he was a jewelry store. it was abandoned. right now police say that they really just want to wait and see how this all plays out because they don t want to suffer any more loss of life, soledad. deb feyerick watching this for us as it continues to unfold. deb, thank you for that update. a man who reported mitt romney s infamous 47% comment that in part helped derail his presidential campaign finally speaks out. he ll talk about why he made those recordings. that s coming up. 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[ male announcer ] want to make a great car interior? stop looking at car interiors. get inspired by other stuff. yep. yep. ok. sure. why not? woah. touchscreens. put that in your dash. now, luxury stuff. make your seats like that. that thing has wifi, why doesn t your car? you can t do that. ignore that guy. give it wifi. yes! make it fit 5 people. no, 5 actual sized people. give them leg room, good. destroy boring car interiors forever. and that s how you do it. easy. pope francis a little time getting to work as the new leader of the world catholics. new video this morning of him visiting the basilica am i saying that right? i m going to say it with an italian accent. use you re hands. yes, aappreciate that. later he s going to hold a private mass at the sistine chapel at noon eastern time. and on saturday, the pope is scheduled to meet for the very fist time with members of the media. i m sure members of the media are like, oh, saturday. too much time pass. we want to interview him now. tuesday, it s the installation mass with as many as 200 foreign delegations expected to attend. latin americans rejoicing. christina plig is live for us in miami page. good morning. reporter: good morning, soledad. i m standing outside st. joseph s parish here in miami beach where they re going to be celebrating mass in 30 minutes to celebrate the new pope, mario jorge bergoglio. they are ecstatic that a latin-american pope is one of their own. here are the heedhead lines here. miami herald, new world pope and in spanish, please pray for me. so down here in south florida, the catholics are veriy eies ca tick. joy use. 1.2 billion catholics in the world. 41% of them are from latin america. here miami-dade county at least 50% of residents are also from latin america. so it s a very diverse community. last night many catholics went straight from work to mass to celebrate and to pray for the new pope, pope francis. they are hoping that he will bring about change. they say that the word catholic in latin means universal. even though he does come from argentina, they say that he is the pope for all the world. i am overjoyed because he s a pope for the whole world. and he s clearly a man of great vision. he comes from our part of the world but he s now a father for all of us. reporter: and, also, the largest concentration of argentines are here in south florida, believe it or not, in a little community known as little argentina in north miami beach. they are ecstatic, needless to say. yes, i bet they are today. christina puig for us. thanks for the update. pope francis faces a growing sex abuse scandal that s plagued the church in recent years. a problem that many are hoping he will address aggressively. let s get to the western regional director of s.n.a.p. she s also a surviving victim of abuse within the church. nice to talk with you. give me a sense of your selection of pope francis, considering the issues that matter to you within the catholic church. well, i really believe that for us to, you know, it s tough to predict. i ll make that a simple statement. what will really matter are what actions pope francis takes over the next 10, 15, 100 days. when we see solid action to publish wrongdoers, when we see men like cardinal mahony admonished, that will true action and that is what will make survivors feel a sense of healing, feel a since of pastoral care by the pope and also will be an indication that children will actually become much safer in the catholic church. let me turn to my panel for a second. i think there are people who look at this issue on left hand and right hand. on one hand he has picked the name of francis of assisi, which is telegraphing i m a reformer. on the other hand, if you look at the pope francis history, there s not a huge indication that he s done anything in terms of leadership on this particular issue that certainly has been difficult for the american catholic church. what s the sense of what he will do or what he has to do on this issue? well, no just the name francis but his history and his work in buenos aires, being an advocate of the poor, being an advocate of those who have been victimized in the most broad context, i think is a great sign of hope. and in many ways, even if he simply continues on the trajectory that pope benedict had started but perhaps ran into some roadblocks in trying to accomplish in moving towards zero tolerance and moving towards more transparency in so many things the church in the united states has taken a lot of lead in that in recent years. and it s a problem that other parts of the world are just coming to understand. and that s a frustration for us in the united states to see that the rest of the world, the church and other parts of the world hasn t quite caught up to where we are. so, joelle, you listed some actions that you would like to see the pope do in order to prove to you that this is an issue that is front and center for him. often as you know these things start off as considerations, words put into speeches and remarks. what before direct action would be a hopeful sign to you as we start hearing the pope s first words and masses and messages? well, we keep hearing a lot about pope francis humility. and i believe that is, if it is truly how he is, it is a great first step. because we have found that in the sex abuse crisis, especially in the united states, there s been a great amount of hubris on the part of many of the bishops and cardinals who believed they were more important than the children that they had promised to protect. but a sense of humility will go a long way because someone who reaches out to the poor and to the vulnerable who also ensure hopefully that the church within the catholic church remain safe and that survivors who are suffering all over the world can begin to heal and get some sense of justice, transparency, and accountability. joelle is the director of s.n.a.p., survivors of abuse network. thanks for your time this morning. got a bunch of other stories to get to as well. president obama nominating a new ambassador to libya. debra jones spent three years as ambassador to kuwait, worked in several middle eastern countries. the post has been vacant of course since christopher stevens was killed in an attack last spl september 11th. new information in the cause of last month s deadly explosion that flat tened a popular kansa city restaurant. he hit a two-inch gas line with a boring machine and an hour later gas vapors inside j.j. s restaurant ignited. one person died, is15 others we injured in the blast. we have a story out of colorado and it may be tough to watch. 14-year-old denver girl brutally attacked in her classroom by another 14-year-old girl. the incident was captured on this cellphone video while other students allegedly distracted the teacher, attacked the teen and pushed the victim down on the floor and just wailed on her repeatedly. the victim who does not want to be identified and her mother say the staff of denver s henry world middle school knew about the bully but didn t do anything to stop it. they should like have somebody watch her, make she she doesn t do anything because i asked for help all the time. they treated this situation like every other one they see and it was not the same. horrible. the school has apologized to the victim and her family. the attacker is now on a three-day suspension we re told and could be expelled. charged, you know. as a juvenile. absolutely, right. hate for any kid to do through that. many political experts think that mitt romney s 47% comment was a key turning point in his campaign and now for the first time the man who recorded those comments as come forward. sxwr. i had brought the camera and other people brought cameras for think that he would come back and take pictures. clinton in the past would come back with the staff and take pictures and that was, you know, really my thought. i really had no idea he would say what he said. i thought it would he would say basically the same things he was saying in public. i had no idea it was going to be this big thing that it turned out to be. scott prouty was tending bar last year in south florida. he said he sat on the video for a couple of weeks and struggled with the idea of releasing it. i think he has forever changed what phones will be allowed at events in political fund-raisers. and also thinking carefully that things might be off the record for the people in the room. that, too. staff of people who may not think that off the record means off the record to them. sheryl sandberg has a new book out. we ve been talking about it all week. in the book she encourages women to become leaders in the workforce. she has a message though for men, too. we ll look at my interview with the coo and her controversial new book. we discuss it. the president george h.w. bush was expecting to do a regular photo-op but he got this instead. it was a flash mob, texas students who organized what they called the bush whack boogie. that s ahead. [ man ] i ve been out there most of my life. you name it.i ve hooked it. but there s one. one that s always eluded me. thought i had it in the blizzard of 93. ha! never even came close. sometimes, i actually think it s mocking me. [ engine revs ] what?! quattro!!!!! quattro!!!!! [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing. had made you play. and that. had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it s good for you. we don t let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you re one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day. block the acid with prilosec otc and don t get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. and don t get heartburn in the first place! but that doesn t mean i don t want to make money.stor. i love making money. i try to be smart with my investments. i also try to keep my costs down. what s your plan? ishares. low cost and tax efficient. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. good morning. welcome back to starting point. i m christine romans. could be another high for wall street. dow coming off a nine-day winning streak. that is something we haven t seen since 1996. because of improving economic data and, of course, the billions the fed is pumping into the economy every month. yesterday s introduction of the new pope igniting a social media frenzy. twitter says 130,000 tweets permitted were posted about the new pope. notable considering it wasn t a prime time event. for a short time every trending topic was pope related and only by 6:30 p.m. eastern mentions of bergoglio on facebook were up by nearly 4 million percent. is he on twiter? i think he is. back up, yeah. tweeted last night. he did. a lot of people are following that. i think the last time we had a pope new pope so it wasn t even twitter. this is a whole new phenomenon for catholics to watch this news. meantime, incredible study this morning. more and more parents are stressed out. a new study from pew research. wait a minute. someone put money into a study. that s ridiculous. more than half of working moms are stressed and dads are right behind them. that sounds low. parents take on new roles. more moms are work ought side the home today with moms saying they spent 21 hours per week at a paying job, up eight hours from the 1960s and more men are taking on household chores and caring for children. women are working more outside the home and men are working more inside the home and both of them are stressed out. the net-net is everyone is freaking out. i found it interesting in that study it showed that both men and women say overall they think they re doing a pretty good job. of course. we give ourselves high points. facebook s coo sheryl sandberg talked a lot about that in her book called lean in and in ore interview making waves, this book is in a book about women in the workplace and leadership. called lean in, number one on amazon best-seller list. no surprise there that happened the first day it went on sale because she has been everywhere talking about the book and she s been dealing with criticism for suggesting as some peopler is perceive it that women are to blame. she goes out of her way to say they re mot in the book. but she talks about this ambition gap with men and women competing for leadership positions in corporate america. men could help change things moving forward. here s what she told me. when you talk about your mentors in the book, it s mostly men. i ve never worked for a woman. i have been really lucky and had great mentors and part of lean in is to help people find the right way to develop the men tors and sponsors and saying to every man out there it should be a badge of honor to mentor a young woman. not something you re afraid someone will assume something bad but a badge of honor that you were willing to spend your time giving benefit of your experience to young women in the workforce. they need it. you can watch more of my interview monday morning on starting point. coming up next, my conversation with cardinal timothy doyle and the archbishop of new york who was in the conclave to elect pope francis. take you live to rome right take you live to rome right after this. and be good for your face? 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[ announcer ] beneful. play. it s good for you. like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air. welcome fwook starting point. a quick look at the stop toris. the pope is not the only person chosen to lead a billion people. china has a new president. he will head up the world s second biggest economy for the next ten years. he took over as secretary of the communist party four months ago. one astronaut and two cosmonauts will head back to earth tonight. the crew has spent 143 days in space. that seems like a long time. the station s first canadian commander takes over the next mission. flipper takes manhattan. another dolphin spotted in the city. this one swimming in the east river. officials are trying to figure out if it s healthy and all the sick dolphins died in a brooklyn canal earlier this year. so far this time luckily everyone seems to be doing just fine. all right, thanks. told you this story yesterday when president george h.w. bush was visiting texas a&m, he wasn t exactly expecting this. take a look. that s right. started with one, it grew to two, very quickly, it became a flash mob. it was organized in part by students at the school. the particular school at texas a&m named after the president, the bush school of government and public service who wanted to pay tribute to him. they helped and they both organized the whole thing, nice to have you with us, ladies. carlie, let s start with you, first. walk me through. that seemed clearly to be very coordinated and lots of planning. so where did the idea first come from? and how hard was it to execute the whole thing? right. well, we had gotten the idea because we heard that president bush had never seen a flash mob before. and we as students, we always try to find some sort of way to honor him, to thank him for everything he s done for us, and so that is where the idea of the flash mob came. started working on it last fall. got a group of students together, and really started practicing about a month and a half ago to get everything ready. we had a great support team, our production was through flash mob america. the student, faculty and staff at the bush school were just phenomenal. we had great support and we really enjoyed it. flash mob america. i didn t realize they help with the space and organization. i thought those things just sprung up very naturally. very cora graphed. fun to watch, and fun to watch the president s look as he watched this flash mob happening. this is what he said about it on nbc. it looks like we don t have that tape. it s worth hearing. i ll read it. of all the flash mobs i have ever seen this was the best and jenna says the best? he says, yes, the very best. is this the only one you have ever seen? really, really cute. you guys were in the front row. what was your reaction to his reaction? he was clearly charmed by the whole thing. it was really great. i actually didn t realize i was going to be dancing direct until front of barbara. as soon as we started dancing, she pulled out herridge phone and started recording. i love that. that s awesome. so he actually the president stayed longer, i know he was supposed to come in, what he thought was a photo-op, and he stayed a half an hour longer to hang out with students. i thought that was wonderful for you. what was that experience like? they asked him if he wanted to go back upstairs, he didn t. he wanted to shake hands, pretty fantastic. one of the advantages of going to a school with the name sake of a living former president. he visits the school a lot, right? yeah, as much as he can. you guys are also going to give back. not enough to just do a flash mob. you will give back in another tribute. tell me about that. yeah, last year, we started raising money for habitat for humanity house in honor of the bushes, so the students did all of the fund-raising, cost about $40,000 to build a habitat house. we broke ground the day after the flash mob. where will it be? carlie worked on that. in it s college station, texas. we have this family has been selected and they participate in the construction of the house. that s so great. it should be done in the next couple of months. i love that. love the flash mob and a real tangible changing somebody s life in tribute to somebody who has obviously done a ton of the school. ladies, thank you for being with us. that was hilarious. we watched it yesterday, enjoyed it thoroughly. maybe not as much as the president himself did. but great to watch excellent choreograp choreography, well done as well. thank you. you bet. we ll take a break, still ahead on starting point, pope francis first full day as leader of the catholic church. we ll look at who he is, and what we can expect with the paper acy. we ll take you to rome, to buenos aris. surviving a fall. a skydiver s parachute fails, but the man lives to tell the tale. that ahead. for those nights when it s more than a bad dream, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer. be ready with children s motrin. to book this fabulous hotel. michael, tell us why you used priceline express deals well, you can see if the hotel is pet friendly before you book it. and i got a great deal without bidding. and where s your furry friend? 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i am. for a couple of reasons. every catholic is happy. it s tough for a noncatholic to understand how catholics look to the pope, even those who might be a little disenfranchised from the church. the pope is important to us. we call him our holy father and haven t had one since february 28th. that bothers us. an empty chair at the table. we don t like that whoever it would have been as a catholic, i would have rejoiced. when we hear those words, habemus papam, you want to applaud. tears come to your eye. and this particular one enhances the sense of joy that i feel. you keep pointing out, you and the media have been talking about the first south american pope. you believe there is this athena at play here. even though he is shy and humble as you have already seen, he radiates an interior strength and energy, and it s already clear to me he has a great sense of the power. can i give you a couple? sure. when he came out after getting his white on. comes out from the little dressing room and we all applaud again, he s supposed to go up on the steps to a platform and sit on the white throne, we are to come to him to give him our love and loyalty. as attendants begin to take him by the arm, i am going to stay down here and greet each of my brothers. that s a powerful sign, literally on our level, okay? number two, we heard, we didn t know it because we were locked up. we heard it was pouring down rain, there was a big crowd in the square. he says there met all of the cardinals, and there were about other 100 people. you will be around. we will be with you the rest of the life. i will talk to you afterward. i don t want to keep the folks waiting. let s get out there. powerful symbol, isn t it? you mentioned francis. he said after the cardinal dean says, will you accept? when he said and by what name do you want to be called? he said francis and quickly says after st. francis of asissi, that s a first. no one thought of that. when you think of things, such a beautiful symbol and drama to this, you think who will it be? secondly, what name will he take, when he said francis, you heard the whole college of cardinals went wow. whatever that is italian, i don t know. are you you are in your own with the 115, outside, everyone is speculating, cardinal bergoglio, not in the mainstream. i was fascinated by that, in the college of cardinals, he was a clear candidate. everybody knew of him, he has been archbishop of one of the most diverse, complex, largest archdiocese in the world. and done an amazing pastoral job. there at the last conclave. so the 40% of the college of cardinals in the conclave after blessing john paul ii knew him, respected him. to us, it was no surprise. but are you right, chris, the rest of the world seems to have been startled. so when you look at him now, okay? immediately he will come out, there are all of these beautiful details about what makes him new, new is a very key word for the catholic church right now. a sense for need for renewal. what do you think pope francis can do that will give a sense of renewal to the catholic church? the catholic church is ever ancient, ever new. a beautiful blend. sometimes we look to our church as a grandmother. sometimes we look to her as a young bride. so there has got to be that combination of things immutable and things that are timely. he will do it well. all we can do is look at his track record, okay? and amazingly simple and sincere transparent man. a man who deeply loves the poor. a man who thee logically well grounded in the timeless doctrine of the church, okay? and a man who knows how to govern. we ll begin to see those kinds of things. i think there may be a touch of simplicity, sincerity, openness. i sympatthink he s going to ten the roman coria, which we all said, have you been reporting it well, probably needs some tending too, right? what government doesn t? we look to d.c., we americans are saying there need to be some changes there. i think we ll see some stuff. that s the prospect of him as a reformer, more than on the social, liberal agenda level of what he will do about women, about sell boise, gay meaning? do you think he would move the church on any of those? you think it will not be his best? i don t think he ll do that. he can t as you know, can t really tamper with what s called the deposit of faith, which he gratefully inherits, his job to pass on faithfully to the next generation. he can t change any substance, givens, but, boy, can he ever change the way it s presented, and i think he s shrewd enough. pastor in a huge diocese to say i love the traditional teachings of the church. i m as loyal to them as the day is long, but also recognizing that a lot of them aren t going over. now, i can t change them, i don t want to change them. they come to us from the lord, but we better work on a more tantalizing attractive compelling way to present them. and i think he ll do that brilliantly. i am fascinated. i understand it s secret. what was it like in there for you? i took a picture of you when you put your hand to reflect the oath. don t worry about it, it was on the house. no. you look like he were taking it seriously. staring up at the frescos. who could not? looking around in the sistine chapel. boy. the best known secret process in the world. in there as a cardinal, voting on a man who will be the head, the father. what is it like? i can tell you what it s like. first of all, it s not all fun and games. very intense and emotionally draining, you think about it night and day. this is one of the most important things i ever have to do, to vote for the new successor, so there is a lot of intensity. but yet there is also, chris, balancing that, a remarkable i don t know how to explain this. you know me, a pretty hard boiled guy. people wouldn t call me pius. i think i am holy, but they wouldn t call me devotional or pius. there is a gentleness of the holy spirit. no thunder and lightning, no sledgehammers, no people getting knocked off their horse, but you gradually sense a movement toward a man, and you pray hard, talk a lot to one another, and there is a gradual movement to it that i found just generated a lot of joy and serenity. were you trying to look at anybody s ballots? i may be irish, but i wouldn t stoop to that. walking it up in your hand? to go up and make another oath, you know, and then to put it on this beautiful you put it on the tray and take it so that it goes in, those are those are stunning moments and there is silence, most of the conclave is silent, see. not a caucus, not a convention, almost like a liturgy, an occasion of prayer. you begin and end with prayer, so very quiet. almost like you are at a retreat, where there is a lot of thought and prayer, reflection going on. krard natur . cardinal dolan, thank you for the insight. i will be here until march 19th. is that the mass? can we get a good meal in this town while we re waiting? oh, think so. thank you so much. happy st. patrick s day at home. i can t believe i m missing it. i got a green the green socks? they didn t fit. oh. talking to the cardinal. amazing, amazing interview. and such great insight into all of the happenings. a couple of things i thought were amazing. the story of how he told the pope left the cardinals, you guys going to be around, because i want to talk to the people. that set a tone in the sense of how he ll put people higher arcically maybe. nobody says it as well or as joyfully as dolan. laughing through the entire interview. some of the things he said of the new pope are things that could be said of him. he puts a very good, positive, joyful face on some very difficult teachings, and for some very difficult experiences, and i think that change of tone maybe is the key difference that we re going to see in this particular pontificate. chris, it was interesting i thought when he described, not just who has been chosen as pope, but the idea and the name that was chosen, that was a surprise to the cardinals as well. absolutely. and it s been very fun to hear folks talk about it. and to hear that it s so different than from the political process that you think that there is the silence and this prayer and that there is almost a meditation on who do you choose? and i want to ask you, father, when this happens, what should we be looking for? all of the talk about this new pope what will be like. but you said a positive tone. well, any of the teachings change? are we looking toward reformer in that mode of francis? taking a reformer s name. i think cardinal dolan said it well. the core teachings of what the church teaches and believes will not change. we spoke to pastor darlington from buenos aries, he loves his routine. he would turn down the better housing so he could stay in his third floor important. that s all personally important to him that, of course, will completely change now. not totally. last night, it s reported that he rode on the bus back to the doma santa marta back with the cardinals. had the papal entourage, limousine. he says go ahead. i ll go on the bus with the guys. are ar to what degree can you do that as pope? saw from the very beginning, he didn t wear the traditional vestments when the pope wears when he comes out. didn t have the red cape and stole. and you get little glimpses that he is going to do it the way he thinks it needs to be dub. it will be so interesting to cover him. everything is fascinating with benedict s shoes. it looks like he still had his black suit on underneath. so interesting. beautiful to see him walk into the basilica. such an incredible place with an incredible history. and to see him walk there and to kneel down and pray to the blessed mother as he said he would do last night to really put himself, his papacy, the church in the hands of mary, the mother. very consistent with latin american approach to things. the blessed mother so important in the spirituality of latin america. i hope chris cuomo gets a good meal in rome. he s in rome, it will be fine. i m just kidding. john berman with a look at other stories making news. another carnival cruiseliner apparently experiencing problems this morning. this time the carnival dream in port in st. maarten in caribbean. they were notified of generator issues, but not requested assistance. several passengers have contacted cnn with stories of power outages and overflowing toilets. they said they were working on the ship and then there was the generators were having a problem. and an hour later they said the problem is worse than they expected. there s human waste all over the floor in some of the bathrooms and they re overflowing. carnival representative told cnn he wasn t aware of a problem. several calls since to the cruiseline have gone unanswered. it is day two of the rape trial in steubenville, ohio. two high school football stars charged with sexually assaulting a visibly intoxicated 16-year-old girl and according to prosecutors, treating her like a toy. this is a rape case. this doesn t hinge or even revolve around issues of the alleged victims s substantial xwamt. and what that means as a matter of law. the alleged condition at the time of the condition is a critical part of the state s case. other news, texas equ everybodysearch joining the search for terrilynn monnette. they are looking for any sign of the 26-year-old or her car, last seen march 2nd outside a new orleans area bar where she was celebrating her nomination as teacher of the year. i california skydiver talking about this morning about his terrifying fall after both his parachutes failed. craig s main chute got tangled, and his backup chute, also tangled. he began to spin, hit the ground at 30 miles an hour, and get this, just a few feet from iron stakes that hold up grapevines at a local vineyard. i landed parallel to the grapes, one of my last thoughts before i hit was i really hope i don t hit an iron spike, because it will would be messy. i knew it was bad when i was living it, and and when i saw the video, i m like that s a lot worse than i thought. how did i walk away from that? how did i manage to survive? oh! he suffered just a separated shoulder and bumps and bruises. he will take this weekend off, but he will get back to jumping out of airplanes later this month. someone tweeted to me, the old-style chute actually landing at 30 miles per hour was kind of in the design, that s how years and years ago, that was the speed at which you would land. seems horrific. all of the reasons why you should not skydive. that s one of them. when i jumped, a nice easy landing, not 30 miles per hour. no iron spikes. it could be messy. talking about the understatement. can you imagine? seriously. er in again. that would be a sign this is not for me. over. completely, yes. president obama meets with republican senators after he didn t quite charm house members on the hill yesterday. he can make any steps toward peace? one of the senators will who will be in the meeting will be john borasco. teachers accused of putting sleeping pills in student drinks and even duct taping them? what is going on? those reports straight ahead. hello. 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[ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. welcome back, everybody. today, back to capitol hill. the third day president obama is reaching out. two meetings today with senate republicans and house democrats. last night the president talked to supporters about the outreach. over the last several weeks, the president in washington has been reporting about obama s charm offensive. the truth, all i m doing is calling up folks and trying to see if we can break through some of the some of the gobbledegook of our politics here. we have republican senator of wyoming, john borrasso. nice to see you. thank you for being back us with. nice to be here today. it was interesting to listen to speaker boehner s assessment. he sort of said this and this, which were completely contradictory. a little bit of what the speaker said. republicans want to balance the budget, the president doesn t. the republicans want to solve the long-term debt problem, the president doesn t. we want to unlock energy resources to put more americans back to work, the president doesn t. having said that, today was a good start. and i hope that these kinds of discussions can continue. it s so funny. i was watching that, i literally laughed out loud, he watched all the ways it was pretty terrible and far, far apart, but, you know, a good start. my question, are you hopeful out of this? considering the long list that the speaker has laid out, which seems not very hopeful? well, i welcome the president. i think we ll have a frank and candid discussion about the key issues facing our country. jobs, the economy, debt, and the spending and we need to get solutions. i wish the president had started this four years ago instead of recently. we need to get solutions and need to get the country moving ahead, and i welcome opportunities to work in a bipartisan way to get the country moving. hey, senator, chris frates of national journal here. republicans on the hill tell me meetings that everyone should be watching are the meetings that the president is having with moderate senators. your colleagues, and i wonder, how hopeful are you that your moderate colleagues could get some kind of deal that could drive a piece of legislation through the senate and over to the house? well, at a time of divided government, that s when you have the best opportunities to really accomplish the big things, and we need to accomplish the big jobs now of making sure that medicare and social security are there, just not for people today, but for the next generation. people have paid into the programs and for every $1 people have paid in, getting $3 out in benefits in terms of medicare so we have to reform the programs and the best way to do that is at a time of divided government. the president has to lead his party to agreeing to the changes that have to be made in an effort to save these programs long term. yesterday it was a senator patty murray who released democrats budget version. ending some of the breaks by closing loopholes, cuts in domestic and defense spending. new spending on infrastructure and we have a graphic of what the budget has, some elements in it. $975 billion revenue increase. $975 defense spending cuts. interest savings as well. $100 billion for road, bridge repair and working training. what do you make in broad strokes? another trillion drarz of tax increases on the heels of the president s health care law, a trillion in tax increases. take a look at that american taxpayers are saying that and right now money is being wasted in washington. and the other problem with patty murray s budge the, it never gets to balance. and paul ryan s budge net ten years, a fundamental difference with the kind of debt we as a nation continue to have. i was traveling around wyoming. we go to schools and students know we continue to borrow a lot of money every day just to stay ahead and a lot of the we re borrowing from china. paul ryan s budget balances in ten years because of the big chunk in the middle is killing obama care, which people have said i think recentasonably is going to happen. sure, it balances, but it s not going to happen. paul ryan s budget balances and spending increases every year under paul ryan s budget, it just doesn t increase as fast as the democrat s budget. the federal reserve came out with a report that talks about the impact of the health care law on the economy and on jobs. and it is hurting jobs. this is the federal reserve in their monthly report. talking about the bad impact of the health care law, because of the consequences within the law so businesses, due to the uncertainty, aren t hiring. when they do hire, they are hiring part-time workers instead of full-time workers and that s why we re still at almost 8% unemployment in this country. can i ask you a quick question before i let you go? you are a featured speaker at cpac. two big noninvites are chris christie and bob mcdonnell. what do you make of the omissions? i m not on the committee. i know. but what do you make of it? i am delighted to be invited. this is the next generation, a youthful crowd, and i m looking forward to visiting with them on the issues of health occasicare. very devastating for young americans as they start suffering the consequences and expenses of the president s health care law. i recognize you are not the guy that makes the invitation list. i m curious, those are two big names and quite remarkable not on the list. what do you think personally? well, i m not going to decide on who gets invited and who doesn t. i welcome all conservative ideas and a lot of ideas to come up with the best solutions to move our country ahead. nice to have you, sir. we appreciate your time. thank you, soledad. this just in to cnn. we re learning the shooting suspect, we ve been telling the story all morning. the shooting suspect accused of killing four people and critically wounding four others, is he now dead. federal officers telling officers they got into at ban donned building in herkemeier, new york. kurt meyers was killed and an fbi canine dog also killed. he allegedly set fire to his home before he went on a shooting spree. we ll continue to monitor this story. many questions remain, even with the death of the suspect here. we ll take a break, back right after this. you know we re kinda like twins. [ tylenol bottle ] we are? yeah we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. and i relieve nasal congestion. overachiever. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn t. relieves nasal congestion. (music throughout) why turbo? trust us. it s just better to be in front. the sonata turbo. from hyundai. welcome back, everybody. history unfolding as pope francis gets to work as the new leader of the world s 1.2 billion catholics. he will hold a private mass at the sistine chapel at noon eastern time. along with cardinal who s elected him. and on saturday, he will meet for the first time with world media. and on tuesday, the installation mass. as many as 200 foreign delegations expected to be on hand. the emotions surrounding the announcement of pope francis, filling over from vatican city all around the world, including, of course, his home country of argentina. shasta darlington joins us with reaction. good morning. reporter: good morning, soledad. that s right. it really did take argentina and buenos aries by surprise. no one was hanging out in front cathedral behind me. there were no expectations it could possibly be bergoglio. hundreds of thousands came out to celebrate. people were jumping up and down, singing, shaking flags. a lot of excitement about this also, because this is somebody who people here view as a real champion of the poor. not only helped the poor, but lived that life. he is lived in a small apartment right up here, in fact, on the third floor. instead of the official archbish archbishop s residence, cooked his own meals, took the bus and also greeted the homeless on the way to buy his newspaper. a real man of the poor, soledad. shasta darlington for us. thank you, shasta. so interesting to see the reaction. a big step in the sense of the orlando world versus the new world. one of the things not pointed out. he wasn t ordained a priest since 1969. he was a deacon first. he felt like he wasn t ready to be a priest i understood. part of the jesuit formation would have been a longer period of time. he wasn t ordained until long after the second vatican council concluded. he has always been in the church after vatican two. even those who aren t catholics, but badly read in catholic doctrine. what is the significance of vatican two? it called for renewal of the church on every level. the most obvious changes would have been in some of the structure of governance that led to a new code of canon law. changes in the mass and way we pray is probably the most over either sign. the conversation was different. the traditions, the perceived rigidity of the church. gave way when pope john xxiii announced the council. the opening of the windows, letting in the fresh air. this is the first kind of for ray into the modern world into adopting the church and giving the church some sense of that. that s the vatican council spirit that people talk about. and as mondsignor indicated, he lived in the post vatican era. a very different mind-set as well. we ll get to john with an update of other stories. new information just in to cnn about the shooting spree in a small town in upstate new york. the suspect, kurt meyeyers is d. we are live on the scene. reporter: good morning, john. good morning, soledad. police and fbi and s.w.a.t. teams made entry at about 8:00 this morning. kurt myers didn t pick the building randomly. just down the road from me. he was waiting in ambush as teams made into the beiuilding. sent in a canine dog, and he opened fire, killing that dog. agents returned their own fire, killing kurt myers. entry was made and over in a couple of moments, we are told that the suspect, the man who killed four people and who now we believe was waiting in ambush for a police officer, that he is now dead. and so this, again, over, a lot of tension was here in herkemier county. they had not spoken to him in more than 15 hours. when there was an exchange of fire yesterday, they thought he was wounded, but he wasn t. he was laying in wait. police got him first, john. wow, deborah ferrick, our thanks to you. tsa administrator john pistol is expecting to defend his decision to allow small knives on planes. earlier this week, he said sticking with the plan to take affect next month to reduce waiting time at airport security checkpoints. three major car yores have come out against the machine along with unions representing pilots and flight attendants. a live look now. no live look, this morning or today at the gaylord resort in national harbor, maryland, the start of the annual cpac convention. senators marco rubeio, rand paul, and rick perry, tim scott. sarah palin, donald trump, nfrp ra wayne la pierre, all set to appear. some people who will not appear? chris christie and bob mcdonnell of virginia. and caught up with a corruption scandal at a veteran s charity. jennifer carroll stepped down days after answering investig e investigatinvestigat investigator s questions. carroll not among the 57 people charged with racketeering and money laundering. allegations of physical abuse at this california preschool. a form every teacheer teacher at taping a girl s ankles and wrists. that s insane. the teacher apparently took a picture of this and showed it to coworkers. one of them was the child s mother. who contacted authorities. also in california, a daycare teacher is being accused of drugging toddlers with over the counter sleep aides. a coworker saw her put pills in little white cups. apparents were outraged when they up found out. i would never imagine anybody doing anything to this to a kid. what do you think about somebody doing this to a kid? sickening. sick to my stomach. i work for a daycare too. it s hard. wow. the teacher caught before any of the one or two year old has a chance to take the sleeping aides. she is behind bars, charged with felony endangerment. who gives a 1-year-old sleeping pills? sleeping aids, whatever you want to call them? they can t even take pills at that age. that s insane. so insane. that s the crazy moment. the teachers, they are dealing with youngsters and they are lively and wiry. clearly the wrong field if you can t handle. absolutely terrifying to hear as a parent. oh, my gosh. the crazy segment today. up next, a secret among many parents. a version of this, right? giving their kids medication they may not need in the hopes of making them smarter or more focused. more about this disturbing practice, right after this short break. looking for a litter with natural ingredients that helps neutralize odors. discover tidy cats pure nature. uniquely formulated with cedar, pine, and corn. mr. wiggles and curling irons. for the little mishaps you feel, use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster neosporin. also try neosporin eczema essentials. welcome back. have you ever given your child prescription meds to sharpen them up, give them an edge at school? it sounds bizarre, but there is a name. called neuroenhancement. not only is itly you leg ly yoit wrong. we are joined by senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. this is not so unusual? a group of pediatric doctors say that parents are asking us to prescribe drugs for adhd. the parents want them more focused so they can go from getting bs to getting as. so this group of neurologists says it has to stop and published a position paper. part of the proof they used to show this is happening, they said, look, let s take a look at adhd diagnoses, they have gone up 21% over a period of time, but prescriptions for medicine have gone up 46%. so you don t have to be a mathematician to figure out why we have so many kids taking adhd drugs when they don t have adhd. it stops here. they are reaching out to parents to say don t ask for them, and to doctors saying don t prescribe them. some believe their child hasn t been diagnosed or they are exhibiting the traits. doesn t matter if you have adhd, if you are acting as if you have adhd, wouldn t the medicine be a good thing? no. you either have adhd or you don t have adhd. just because when your child my child does this. sits around doing homework. writing, stares off to the sky. that doesn t mean she has adhd. she isn t focusing at that particular time. i won t drug my child because she is staring off into space a few minutes, or because she got a b instead of an a. these drugs have side effects. not like giving your children a piece of candy. side effects can include things like they can get irritable, insomnia, use appetite. some kids lose a lot of weight. i have seen this first hand. and a relatively small number, get heart arrhythmias. don t want to give a child a drug unless they have the disease, and you don t want to convince your doctor they have it sometimes, unfortunately, that works. you have to make sure the doctor does a thoughtful job of assessing whether or not they have it. children taking powerful drugs. elizabeth cohen, thank you. first lady michelle obama gracing the cover of vowi vogur the building second time. more on that, next. featuring the lexus gs and is performance lines. because control is the ultimate expression of power. get great values on your favorite lexus models, during the command performance sales event. this is the pursuit of perfection. [ nyquil bottle ] just reading your label. relieve nasal congestion? sure don t you? [ nyquil bottle ] dude! [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn t. #%tia[ves nasal congestion. some people will do anything to help eliminate litter box odor. discover tidy cats pure nature. clumping litter with natural cedar, pine, and corn. bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn s small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here s your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what s in your wallet? [ crows ] now where s the snooze button? welcome back, everybody. a couple of stories we re following. the motor city facing bumpy road the next couple of years. a state of emergency in detroit. an attorney from washington will take over as emergency manager. snyder s announcement expected to come this afternoon. probably not the way that students expected to spend their spring break. police in miramar beach, florida, arrested 32 students at a house party. underaged drinking. the house was trashed and along with on a night behind bars, it could affect some students scholarship. in chains. a rarity. usually everybody turns their head and let s it go. pretty aggressive arrest. the first lady, michelle obama, absolutely everywhere these days from late night talk shows to academy awards, and come april, on news stands everywhere, becoming the first lady to grace vogue twice. we got a first peek at the glamorous photos and story. vogue, the bible of fashion, it can get political too. it has featured first lady after first lady, never before as soledad mentioned, has vogue ever featured an american first lady twice on its cover, until now. second term, second cover. first lady michelle obama in vogue again. something so ground breakingly modern about the obamas, first black president and first lady, and vogue is crazy about them. the editor in chief, a massive obama fund-raiser, so it s her friend, the first lady, appearing on vogue s april cover. wearing a sleeveless dress by reid crackoff. there she is in michael kors. but jonathan vnmeter spoke to both of them. the first lady and the president. them as a couple, their marriage, their children, how they live in the white house, how they deal with the bubble. reporter: what struck him? he are so sweet with each other, a lot of affection. if there is any married couple to whom the phrase, they finish each other s sentences applies, it s them. reporter: of their marriage, the president said i think it would be a mistake that my wife when i walk in the door, hey, money, how was your day, let me give you a neck rub. it s much more. we re a team. of his clothes, she jokes this is the man who still boasts about this khaki pair of pants i ve had since i was 20. and i m like you don t want to brag about that. she very effortlessly tells a story that leads to a punchline that can crack you up. and i love that sometimes she and i weren t finished laughing and he was done and ready to move on. the president. and she would sort of look at me and keep laughing with me, like i just love that spirit in her that that jovial spirit that really surprised me. reporter: just a phenomenal photo shoot for the april issue. the president and first lady by the way, also pushed back on the notion that they are anti social in washington. the first lady said, you know when you get a minute, you want that extra energy to go to your 14 and 11-year-old. sasha and malia actually want to spend less time with them these days. you know that age, right, when that happens. and the president said, who knows? maybe you will see us out in the clubs. a little inside, behind the scenes, great stuff i got from the writer. he said when he got to the white house, one of the staffers said to him, you know, this part of the white house has never been so completely taken over by a photo shoot. but that s the way vogue works. and because you love music, soledad. the music playing in the background for the photo shoot was the black eyed peas. where is the love? where is the love? i like the cover shot. probably because her arms are just famous and fabulous. but the gown is so beautiful. the michael kors gown. she chose that, to pair a sweater with a ball girl. end point back in a moment. thank you, alina. on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing. had made you play. and that. had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it s good for you. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain. and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. just in to cnn from the pentagon. a commander warning of new risks of attack between rising tensions between nato and karzai. it could become a catalyst for some to lash out against our forces and karzai may also issue orders that put our forces at risk. the isaf telling cnn, the e-mail, not a formal threat advisory, which in and itself is kind of remarkable, what he s saying private until this e-mail is worry some. that from barbara starr at the pentagon. time to get to end point. so much to talk about with this being the first full day of pope francis. what do we see today? not the rundown of events. what do we see today in terms of him framing what the rest of his tenure will be? i think he s taking this in stride. doing what he needs to do, but he wants to reveal himself, little by little, to the world and let them see he s an authentic person. what you see is what you get. he is not young. he is 76 years old, which means realistically. two years younger than pope benedict when he was elected. realistically, you could be back again. a precedent set of stepping down when you physically don t feel able to move on. is that good for the church or bad for the church? could be. it might set up the possibility of

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20130315

the girl was eliminated but the next day the judges realized their mistake and moved her on in the spelling bee. the ugly: a seasoned sky diver spins out of control hitting the ground 30 miles per hour. luckily he does survive. he was attempting a new stunt but the parachute didn t cooperate. he did make it out alive with just a few bumps and bruises. time for your brew on this question of the day responses. earlier we told you about a recent report that found more companies turning to tracking devices to monitor employees habits and find out how they re interacting with co-workers. we asked you is this fine or over the line. here are responses. betkaz letter tweeted so over the line employees should be judged on results, not how busy they are every second. albert said track the bosses and see if they are running or ruining their business. john from virginia tweeted: scrap the idea and take the money they were spending on the program and buy the employees a cup of coffee. thanks to everyone who responded. have a great day and a great weekend, folks. happy st. patrick s day. wear your green today or tomorrow or sunday. which is the actual day. fox & friends starts right now. i m going to wear it sunday. brian: so am i somewhere else. alisyn: good morning. it is friday, march 15. i m alisyn camerota. meet the survivors. six months after the terror taebgz in terror taebgz in benghazi, we finally meet the survivors. steve: the republicans getting recharged. we don t need a new idea. the idea is called america and it still works. steve: marco rubio wasn t the only one who stole the show at the conservative conference. who else is grabbing headlines this morning? we ll tell you. a lot of stealing. brian: nancy pelosi says the republicans approach to governing is something our founding fathers weren t warned about. president washington cautioned against a party, a political party at war with its own government. steve: yeah, they were friends. brian: is reis that is that really what he meant? george washington is here to answer that. hi, george. fox & friends starts. steve: large from charleston, south carolina, one of the fantastic towns in all america. you can see anna kooiman standing by. we re in lovely charleston, south carolina, a few hours from where i grew up. i m so happy to be able to tell you that charleston has been grated as the number-one city by a landslide. one of those reasons is for the amazing food. we ve got shrimp and grits going for you and amazing history. civil war history and pirate history. we ll be talking about that coming up. steve: shrimp and grits, my most famous food in the whole wide world. brian: we ll find out will anna write off lunch? but she could go home for lunch and save the company money. steve: anna will be down in south carolina all morning long. we ve got three hours to start right now with the news. alisyn: let s get to your headlines. first, it was triumph. then dream, now legend. that s right, a third carnival cruise ship is in trouble this morning. the legend was on the last leg of a seven-day cruise when it started having technical difficulties and it is heading back to tampa now. yesterday the carnival dream was stranded at port in st. martin after a generator malfunctioned. first happened i did notice some panic and some frustration and people vying to get off the ship because they didn t know what was going on. alisyn: carnival flying those 4,000 passengers back to florida. and will give them discounts. i hope actually refunds. last month an engine fire crippled triumph, stranding passengers for five days with no power and few working toilets. two men are in critical condition this morning after a jumbotron fell on them. the accident happened as the workers were hoisting up the giant screen as part of a stage for a music festival in miami. instead the jumbotron crashed down on them. it came down on two of them. one narrowly missed being caught by the debris. one guy who witnessed this whole thing was [inaudible] alisyn: officials say the festival will go on as child who was drowning in a river and now the two people who went in after the boy are missing. the four-year-old fell into the big sioux river in south dakota. witnesses say a man and a woman jumped into the river and got caught in the current themselves. several people tried to help, including this man. trying to pull them out, but couldn t. we had them, though. we had them. he had a kid. he had the kid with him, but just slipped. alisyn: the foam from the waterfall making it incredibly difficult to find them. fox news confirming the pentagon will deploy 14 additional ground-based interceptor amid rising tensions with north korea. this comes as north korea released photos of a live artillery drill. the interceptor were originally proposed by the bush administration but president obama stopped their deployment. former congressman alan west outraged that it means millions of taxpayer dollars will be wasted. now we see ourselves trying to play catch-up to the tune of $240 million, $250 million to get those first response deterrent factors back up to alaska, back on the west coast. we don t have much money. we re going to have to borrow money from china, who is friends with north korea so we can defend ourselves against north korea. that is schizophrenic policy. alisyn: those are your headlines. brian: we ve been wondering for six months about the survivors of the benghazi terror attack. who are they and where are they? we re finally learning some details. we re in washington with more on this. we re finally learning more about the three diplomatic security agents among the americans injured during the terrorist attacks on september 11 at the u.s. consolate in benghazi. a state department official speaking exclusively to fox says of the three who were hurt, two were injured including one seriously at the c.i.a. facility known as the annex. the annex is about a mile from the u.s. consolate and was reportedly under fire for more than four hours. the state department diplomatic security agent who was in the most serious condition, suffered a severe head injury during the second wave of the attack at the annex from mortar and rocket propelled grenades. the third suffered from smoke inhalation. one of the agents injured was visited at walter reed medical center by secretary of state john kerry. he sat down to discuss the condition of those survivors. i can t tell you the answer to that. i can tell you that i have visited with one of the survivors at bethesda hospital who is a remarkably courageous person, who is doing very, very well. and i ve called his wife and talked to her. this while we re learning police are detaining a man suspected of being involved in the attacks. the detainee reportedly a former member of the libyan islamic fighting group that attempted to overthrow the qaddafi regime in the mid-1990 s. it is unknown what if any role this detainee may have played in the attacks. it is also unknown if his detention will develop into any charges. back to you. alisyn: thanks so much. steve: yesterday the president of the united states went up to capitol hill for the final time as he wrapped up his charm offensive/charade. it s interesting alisyn: he is just lobbing the steve: i am not buying what he s doing. kind of funny. when he was concluding his meeting with the senators, the senate sergeant at arms walked him through right here until he got over to the sergeant at arms on the house side. and then the president said it s like moving between east and west germany here. did you hear him say that? brian: he hopped on the trolley. he did afterwards go to see a bunch of democrats on the other side. it was his fourth meeting in three days. so far by far they all agree the better spread republicans, special thanks to susan collins, used a maine lobster to make the lobster salad. the president just stared at the meal. did not eat. is there more to the story? absolutely. it turns out the president is steadfast in saying i m listening but we ve got to begin this talk by raising taxes. and then they got into some policy. alisyn: let s hear more about exactly what was said in these meetings. one of my favorite moments was when one of my colleagues said mr. president, it is not all that helpful to have you publicly questioning our motives, publicly accusing us of wanting to eviscerate medicaid, for example, simply because we want to call for reform or block grants. and his answer was? i don t speak nearly as badly about you as some of you do about me. who asked that? it was jon [inaudible] i thought he did a great job in answering the question. he was deferential in the way he did it. the point needed to be make. the president s response was unsatisfactory. it overlooked the fact that most of the time we criticize him but we generally don t question his motives. we don t question whether or not he generally cares about the american people. that is a problem. that is a difference. steve: you can tell the vicious attacks over the last couple of years really hurt. okay, he s up here now. how do we trust this guy? there is good news for ali and brian. while i think it s a tactic, apparently the president of the united states actually told house democrats, hey, you guys are going to have to move a little to the middle if we re going to get any sort of a deal. alisyn: not only that. they are going to have to move a lot because the republicans are saying they won t bring in any new revenue meaning new taxes unless there s also entitlement reform. so the president reportedly brought that message over to house democrats and side, you guys are going to have to budge. in particular, here s one suggestion that i have: we re going to have to adjust the cost of living adjustment for social security downward. it s called the craned c.p.i. it s called the chained c.p.i. the cost of living adjustment. we re going to have to make that more affordable. but house democrats, particularly the more liberal said no way. it sounds like the two sides are just as far apart. brian: i think the chained c.p.i. is a given. the problem is republicans have no reason to, nor should they raise taxes. if the republicans got entitlement reform and then the sat down with the president and they started saying we need more entitlement reform, that is a nonstarter. democrats just got a tax increase, close to $1 trillion. now they re asking for more. that s a nonstarter. your guy in kansas, pat roberts said this: i think this was much more substantive than i anticipated adding he was pleasantly surprised that the discussion got down to the weeds of fiscal policy. ultimately it is going to fail. when it s time for the mid terms, he can say, look, i tried. alisyn: that is 18 months away. steve: he s got an eye on that prize. seapac kicked off cpac kicked off yesterday in the washington, d.c. area, where conserves meet to be more conservative. people who want to be president kind of test drive the crowd. there are jobs not being created in this country because we have a $16.5 trillion debt and it is scheduled to get bigger. that problem has to be solved. the only real approach that solves it is the combination of fiscal discipline and rapid economic growth. there is no tax increase in the world that will solve our long-term debt problem. as soon as i m done speaking, i ll tell you what the criticism on the left is going to be. number one, he drank too much water. number two, that he didn t offer any new ideas. and there s the fallacy of it. we don t need a new idea. there is an idea. the idea is called america, and it still works. now, i was told i got ten measly minutes. but just in case, i bought 13 hours worth of information. the filibuster was about drones, but also about much more. do we have a bill of rights? do we have a constitution? and will we defend it? [applause] within a few days the president finds an extra $250 million to send to egypt. [boos] you know the country where mobs attacked our embassy, burned our flag and chanted death to america, he found an extra $250 million to reward them. i say not one penny more to a country that is burning our flag. the g.o.p. of old has grown stale and moss-covered. [applause] i don t think we need to name any names, do we? our party is encumbered by an inconsistent approach to freedom. the new g.o.p. will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and the personal sphere. brian: rand paul goes after john mccain. steve: liberals attacking mitch mcconnell s wife because she s asian? his wife, former labor secretary elaine chao here next to fight back. alisyn: advice from the best-looking women on the best-looking women on the planet.s, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study. so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. so i guess my wife was right. an intense burning sensation i woke up with this horrible rash on my right side. like somebody had set it on fire. and the doctor said, cindie, you have shingles. he said, you had chickenpox when you were a little girl. i said, yes, i did. i don t think anybody ever thinks they re going to get shingles. but it happened to me. for more of the inside story, visit you don t decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pk vegetables only when they re perfect. then freeze them fast so they re are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. green giant [ green giant ] some people will do anything to help eliminatlitter box odor. discover tidy cats pure nature. clping litter with natural cedar, pine, and corn. steve: last month a liberal superpac in kentucky attacked the ethnicity of our former labor secretary who is also the wife the republican senator mitch mcconnell, elaine chao. despite the fact that she was born in taiwan, the group kentucky progress tweeted quote this woman has the ear of mcconnell. she is his hash tag wife. may explain why your job moved to hash tag china. elaine chao and the senator are fighting back. are fighting my ethnicity and even attacking mitch s patriotism because he s married to phaoefplt that is how low some people will stoop. mitch works his heart out because mitch loves kentucky. we love kentucky. and personal attacks can never change that. steve: joining us now, the woman from that ad, elaine chao. she is a member of the parent company of fox news. good morning to you, secretary. good morning. steve: when i read that tweet and that could be the first time a lot of people have actually seen it, that s racist. this is the most recent example of this kind of behavior. we ve seen it in the past over the years. and there s ao pattern to this kind of attack. basically mitch s opponents, his left-wing opponents can t compete him on policy issues and so they resort to racial slurs and championing his patriotism because he s married to me. we ve seen, for example, the daughter of the sitting governor of kentucky the sitting democrat governor of kentucky, the same thing a few years back. and another time a former democrat governor of kentucky said the same thing. so once again, you know, mitch does a great job representing the people of kentucky, indeed, against some of the very bad ideas of washington. steve: madam secretary, i m just astounded that there s no outrage. if this were a republican who made that sort of comment, it would be a great big story in the new york times and everything else. instead this outfit, progress kentucky, said quote those tweets do not reflect our values and we re committed to making sure nothing like that happens again. is that enough? it s not just the work of one volunteer who may have left. again, this is a pattern of attacks, a pattern of behavior that we have seen in the past. as i ve mentioned, the daughter of a sitting kentucky governor at the time said the same thing. and a former democrat governor of kentucky said the same thing. in fact, he said it s time to send a real all-american family to the united states senate. kentucky is a conservative state, and mitch, again, does a wonderful job representing his constituents. he s the most conservative senate leader in history. and the american conservative union gave him 100% score over his legislative record. there were only four other senators besides him who received 100%. stove rather than going after his record steve: rather than going after his record, they go after his wife. it s awful. they question his patriotism because he s married to me. i think that s pretty sad. steve: it is outrageous. thank you for joining us from d.c. what do you think about that? e-mail us right now. that is crazy. remember when janet napolitano said the media were making up stories about illegals being released from jail? now the head of i.c.e. said she lied. then nancy pelosi said george washington reminded us about the evil of republicans. really? george washington himself [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i ve been buying ragu for years. 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[ .] [click click] [ .] brian: quick headlines. violence getting way too close to the popular resort area of cancun. gunmen burst into a bar on the outskirts of the city killing seven people and injuring four others. police now saying a movie executive who disappeared a year ago murdered. they found gavin smith s mercedes last month and the condition of the car leads them to believe he was killed. a drug dealer is considered to be a person of interest not found. alisyn: house minority leader nancy pelosi using the words of our nation s first president to take a jab at republicans. the approach that republicans take is that they are there to shrink the role of government to a point where really it recalls to mind the statement of president washington, who cautioned against a party of a political party at war with its own government. steve: what a good setup for this. brian: is this really what president washington meant? let s ask him. steve: joining us now, our nation s first president, general george washington. kind of. general, good morning to you. good morning, sir. steve: last week we started founding fathers friday where we took a look at what the founding fathers stood for. today we ve got a reminder of what president washington general washington stood for. when you heard nancy pelosi right there, would you agree with her? i think i need to clarify, sir. the fact is i spoke against the formation of political parties whatsoever. i felt they would be bad for the country, that they would cause division, and that ultimately it would turn into a competition between factions. you must understand i led the continental army in our war through liberty for many long years of fighting, where unity was necessary in order to achieve our goals. and you must recall that in my time the formation of this new republic, this dream united states of america as noble as it may be, is a very fragile thing. think of the galaxy of brilliant leaders i have around me: benjamin franklin, john adams, alexander hamilton, thomas jefferson. men of great intellect and great ideas who sometimes disagreed with one another, but it was necessary for our experiment in order to succeed, to harness their brilliance and their energies and get everyone moving in the same direction selflessly for this noble cause we call the united states of america. alisyn: now that you see the two parties that have developed fighting so vociferously, you must be disappointed? it is great greatly saddening. greatly saddening. again, i would urge all americans, regardless of party, to remember the spirit of selflessness that energized us at that time. brian: general, we talk about philosophy and foundation, that is your game. we re going to bring up something you re not familiar with and that s credit cards. spy agencies, we re considering giving them the ability to review our finances to look for a terrorist among us. how do you feel about that? sir, i would be very concerned about any government infringement into the private life of a citizen unless there was definitely just cause for looking into that person s life. steve: general, also take a look back in the day when you were president well, the other guy was president there wasn t this kind of debt. now the national debt per person is north of $52,000. sir, there are many things i could say about that. it is very concerning. but let me address just two points that come to my mind. the first would be that there needs, again, to be a spirit of selflessness in government. we did what we did for posterity s sake. that is for future generations to come. when my men marched with empty stomachs and bleeding feet through the snows of the revolutionary war to win you liberty, they did it not only for themselves but for the sake of future generations. and i would urge americans today, both elected officials and everyday, ordinary americans to adopt that same spirit of planning for posterity. it would seem, sir, from what i ve learned of the present situation that we are robbing future generations. steve: general george washington, first president of the united states, thank you very much for joining us on founding fathers friday, just to remind people of how far we have drifted from where we came. brian: now it s back to the white house located in new york city. i was inaugurated in this very city. i know new york is a large city, but it has grown much larger since i was last here. steve: you want to leave town because tomorrow is the big st. patrick s day parade. traffic is a mess. alisyn: tuition assistance suspended for the military because of the sequester but one institution is fighting the feds offering free tuition. brian: one of the top cities. anna kooiman has a tour. we re working on some shrimp and grits on the u.s.s. york town part of the patriot s museum in the mystery city. it s charleston, south carolina. everyone wants to visit here. big happy birthday to 58-year-old dean snyder of twisted sister. 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[ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. washington in the middle of a budget crisis, the white house is facing criticism for spending $250,000 a year on calligraphy. you can tell you re spending way too much money on calligraphy when you spend any money on calligraphy. but you need the neat little note cards. alisyn: they have a little value. steve: a little. brian: do you realize it s friday? steve: it is and it s been another fun-filled week from the curvey watch on fox & friends. alisyn: if you missed a minute this week, you missed a lot. brian: here s a look at the week that was as we remember. you like that? i do. donald trump tie. steve: are you wearing the same necktie right now that you are in that picture? it is okay for a guy to wear the same necktie on more than one occasion. but for the lady to wear a dress gretchen: excuse me. should i get off and take this dress off now then? i didn t realize i could get in such deep trouble on fox & friends. gretchen: you should know, you re half italian. brian: i know. steve: she flies through the ear with the greatest of ease on the trapeze. gretchen: it is national pi day. we would like to hear you recite pi. 3-5-1-8-9-7-9. boston cream. blueberries peach. maybe this would be the time we have a new pope. in new york today, it s drink, drink, drink. steve: in your heart, brian, you believe there s been a change of heart with the president. i think that s cute. brian: my heart s been broken, so i m very vulnerable. ainsley and ali go from anchors to fighters overnight. [music] alisyn: the harlem shake is great for everyone because it shows that everyone can dance. you move however you want to move. steve: is that right? steve: what a week? you miss a little, you miss a lot. alisyn: you miss a lot of dancing and singing. brian: we are the news glee. actually this next spot will be will we have to sing the whole next spot? alisyn: i think so. brian: sorry, we re out of time. when i hold out the words, cut down on our story count. remember when janet napolitano said the media was making up the story about illegal immigrants being released from jail? turns out the media wasn t making up the story. it turns out it is worse than we reported. the immigration and customs enforcement director says more than 2,000 were freed many with drunk driving arrests. the governor of texas outraged. when you have a federally sponsored jailbreak don t get confused. that s exactly what this is, a federally sponsored jailbreak you cross the line from politics to spin to politics as a craven form of cynicism. brian: turns out they let out way too many. they are trying to round some up. some of those freed convicted of assault and theft. steve: a man saw a woman being beaten on the sidewalk, he pulled out his legal-and gun. the 911 tape has been released. if he comes at me, i m going to take him down. steve: charlie blackmoore held down the suspect at gunpoint until the cops arrest. he said the law made that arrest possible. alisyn: let s go to janice dean who is outside dancing to keep warm. exactly. this is my irish jig. let s look at the temperatures because it is still cold in parts of the country. upper midwest, great lakes region and the northeast where we re still in the deep freeze. across the southern plains and into the southwest, it is getting warm. satellite radar imagery not too much to show. we have a system moving across the northern plains and the upper midwest where we re seeing snow. i am out of shape doing this irish jig out here. a little bit of icy conditions unfortunately for the dakotas up towards montana. back inside, everyone is warm. alisyn: come on in and defrost. thank you. now it s time to go on the road and go down south to one of the top-rated cities in america. it is so beautiful, anna kooiman is live in charleston, south carolina this morning. tell us all about it, anna. it s absolutely lovely here in charleston, south carolina. good morning to you and good morning to everybody at home. we re here on the u.s.s. yorktown, a decommissioned naval aircraft carrier. one of the reasons folks love to come to charleston is for the history, this is where the civil war started. black beard seized the harbor we re in this morning joined by eric lavender and captain bob. good morning. why was charleston so vulnerable to pilots? several reasons. mainly because in our early years we were not protected by the british military. we looked out for each other. whenever pirates showed up here, we had to defend ourselves. we did havee had a man who had two ships who would go out and help defend the harbor. they were coming to get the booty because they weren t protected. thank you so much. we ve got to move over here because we ve got shrimp and grits. charleston, south carolina voted number one travel city in the entire world. does this smell good. what are we working on? charleston shrimp and grits, one of charleston s favorite dishes. we like to use a little scallops down here in the south. get them seared in the pan so they get a nice little carmelization. you don t want to do them too long? or they get rubbery. do a little carmelization on them. shrimp and scallops. we add a little tow may to to that. a little tomato to that. just a little butter. keep stirring those. that s the one thing with grits, keep stirring the grits. morning, noon and night you can eat shrimp and grits. we ve got to wrap it up, chef. but can i try these grits? are they done enough? absolutely. if you wouldn t mind just spooning a little bit. just do a little taste test right here. i feel like i m right at home here in the south. um-um-um. oh my gosh, that is cheesy goodness. i ll try to send some back to new york for you guys. alisyn: that looks great. steve: anna, thank you very much. live in charleston. brian: she gets grits. we get three stale coffee rolls from yesterday. did you know that 90% of police officers in philadelphia get their jobs back? alisyn: what happens if bears show up in your backyard? it happens and it s time to it happens and it s time to call urban tarzan. look what mommy is having. mommy s having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. 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[ male announcer ] pain not sitting too well? burning to feel better? itching for relief? preparation h offers the most maximum strength solutions for all hemorrhoid symptoms. from the brand doctors recommend most. preparation h. don t stand for hemorrhoids. brian: no other way to say it. a dangerous trend. police chiefs around the country battling bad apples in their own police department. they are firing troubled officers only to see them get their old jobs back because of the unions. in philadelphia, nine out of every ten fired policemen found their way back in the force with 75% of those regaining their full benefits on back pay. how does this happen? joining us right now is charles ramsey, the commissioner of the philadelphia police department. commissioner, how does that happen that nine out of ten you guys say are not worthy to wear the uniform get the uniform back? nine out of ten is a bit high. i know that s a figure that the union cited. we did a little analysis. it s still high. 2008, for example, 74% wound up getting back. that s still far too high a number considering many of the acts that the officers committed. it s the arbitration process, pure and simple. we re bound by it. these decisions coming out of that process are often very troubling. brian: most police officers do incredible work, stuff not even seen on camera nor is it reported. we see it every day, especially here that i see in new york city. how does this, the bad ones staying on board tarnish the good ones? it does a lot to harm morale and it does tarnish the good ones, because people tend to generalize and look at us as one single population when nothing could be further from the truth. the vast majority of our people do an excellent job, risk their lives on a regular basis and really serve the public. but we have a few bad apples. when we identify them and take disciplinary action, that action should stand. brian: there is another case, lieutenant jonathan josey caught on camera punching a woman in the face. he is on route getting his job back? it is a possibility. the case was dismissed in court which was another issue. it turns out that the judge in that case is married to a police officer and was also supported by the union during his election. but that s a different issue. now it goes to arbitration. and i don t know what will happen there. but i m not confident that the dismissal will stand up. brian: you came up, you were telling me in the break, when you were an officer, there was no unions. that wasn t an issue. now you are police chief. how would things be better without unions in your mind? as it relates to the disciplinary process, i think we can have a lot of improvement. my biggest concern is the lack of operational flexibility that sometimes we have through collective bargaining. i m not anti-union from the standpoint i think we should have no unions at all. they do a lot of good things protecting their members benefits and so forth. but there are some areas where they have too much influence in terms of our ability to run the department on a day to day basis. brian: call this naive but i think the only way unions can be reined in when it comes to discipline is for the other members of the union to say this should not stand. i don t disagree with that. you hear that grumbling and officers will come to me and whisper that, but that doesn t do any good. you have to be able to speak up and let the union leadership know how you feel about it. we do have officers that do not deserve the honor of wearing the badge. unfortunately, they do get back on occasion. brian: it seems like those who are in charge and hand out the badge should be in charge of who gets to keep the badge. it seems logical. commissioner, thanks for everything you do and thanks for scrambling yourself to get up with us this morning. commissioner charles ramsey. good job. we reached out to the philadelphia police union for a statement. they did not respond. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up straight ahead, want to sign up for obamacare? you may need a doctor after you see the paper work. we will explain. what happens when these guys show up in your backyard? call urban tarzan? or do what ali does. make up stories so urban tarzan comes over any way. i d like one of those desserts and some coffee. sure. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream. [ male announcer ] the sound of reddi-wip is the sound of joy. with tasty grilled flavor and goodness to savor friskies grillers blend. feed the senses. no they don t. hey son. have fun tonight. back against the wall ain t nothin to me ain t nothin to me [ crowd murmurs ] hey! [ howls ] what do you get when you mix the concrete jungle of new york city with dangerous and exotic animals? a situation that our next guest understands. he s here with wild critters we wouldn t want to encounter on our own. extreme animal handler urban tarzan joins us. welcome. who do you have here? this is roly and poly, eight-week old black bears that were orphaned. they live in a sanctuary upstate new york. they came in today to say hi to you guys. is this roly or poly? that s roly. brian: is this a problem with animals running into the city scaring them who just want to get to work with their briefcases? we did have a tiger in harlem at one point if you guys remember. alisyn: you have more black bears in new jersey than ever before. why is that happening? they were always there. our homes are encroaching on their homes. brian: it is our problem. steve: it is my problem. i live in jersey, and they have come and knocked over our garbage. do you have secure bar badge cans? steve: we do now. let s bring in we ve got a monkey? macac. brian: what do you do if a bear comes in your yard? you leave it. stay in your house and let it do what it does and it will wander away. this is a macac. this is sally. i have had a relationship with sally for 15 years. alisyn: where did you get sally? she was in a lab. they are used a lot tor testing, which i don t condone but sally was rescued. she is in a sanctuary for animals in upstate new york. i met sally 15 years ago when i was just a little baby tarzan. steve: urban tarzan, what i ve noticed is some of the animals are pulling on your hair. does that bother you as an action figure? the animals can do it. if someone else touches my hair, that s a problem. steve: he patent always been legally he had he hasn t always been, he had his name changed to urban tarzan. brian: that makes sense to fabio who also changed his name. steve: what is that thing? an asian cat also known as an enteron. she is from southeast asia. alisyn: where did we get her? from the sanctuary. some people get exotic pets. she was very cute. she is still very cute but they grow into larger animals. brian: if we end up with an animal on our shoulders, what do we do? call me. alisyn: for somebody who grew up in the bronx, you know a lot about this. steve: can i pet him? urban tarzan premieres tuesday, march 19, 10:30 on spike tv. brian: do you have anybody else? steve: we ve run out of time. brian suddenly thinks he s working at animal planet. he once hated the church now a wise guy has turned himself around. plus eric cantor, dennis plus eric cantor, dennis kucinic and cal ripken. the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on all purchases plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone wants. 50% more doo wop 50% more buckarooooooooos 50% more yeeeaaahhhh!!!! 50% more yeah yeah [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it s the card for people who like more cash. 50% more boogie what s in your wallet? cashhhhh!!! what s in your wallet? i can t believe your mom let you take her car! this is awesome! whoooo! you re crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop.stop. go(mom) i rais my son to bester! careful. hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe. i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it s what makes a subaru a subaru. start right. kellogg s simple grains cereals take you from seed. .to spoon. with jt a few ingredients. kellogg s raisin bran, corn flakes and rice krispies. simple wholesome goodness. start simple. start right. alisyn: good morning, everyone. it s friday, march 15. i m alisyn camerota in for gretchen carlson. meet the survivors. six months after the terrorist attack in benghazi, we finally know what happened to these people, how many were there and where are they now? we have those answers for you ahead. steve: and want obamacare? you might need it after the headache after filling out this 15-page application. and what s worse? your premiums could actually go up 100%. brian: now i know why i m going third. hey, want to date a really hot woman? then you better listen to the best looking women in the world. fox be friends starts right now. steve: you could get in trouble when you get home today. you know what today is. alisyn: the ides of march. steve: tomorrow is going to be the big st. patrick s day parade here in new york city. brian: they re definitely having it, right? steve: a lot of people will be looking for green beer and bagels. alisyn: and they will find it. i will be here to guide you through all of that. meanwhile, let s get to your headlines. there are two big developments in the search for answers in the benefiting terrorist attack. fox news confirms three survivors of the attack were diplomatic security agents. two were hurt in the c.i.a. annex in that second wave of the attack. the third suffered smoke inhalation at our consulate. republican lawmakers have been demanding information about these survivors and access to them. a libyan national has apparently been detained in libya. he s being questioned to see if he was a witness to the attack or had a more involved role. we ll keep you posted on all that. then two men in critical condition after a jumbo tron fell on them. this accident happened as the workers were hoisting up the giant screen as part of a stage for a music festival in miami. it crashed down on them. came down on two of them. one just narrowly missed being caught by the debris and one guy who witnessed the whole thing was traumatized. alisyn: officials say the festival will go on as scheduled. first it was the triumph, then dream, now the legend. that s right. a third carnival cruise ship is in trouble at this hour. the legend was on the last leg of a 7-day cruise when it started having technical difficulties. it s heading back to tampa. yesterday the carnival dream was stranded in st. maarten after a generator malfunctioned. when it first happened, like i said, i did notice some panic and some frustration and people wanting to get off the ship cause they didn t know what was going on. alisyn: carnival now flying those 4,000 people back to florida and reportedly give them back discounts. last month an engine fire crippled triumph with no water, little food and few working toilets. you want to date a hot girl? then you better take some advice from some of the hottest girls on the planet. i always think be a lady, you know. sort of let them come to you. play a little hard to get. when a girl flirts, you have to be like subtle. i don t think a girl should ever pay for dinner. i think that, yeah, that s the boy s job. alisyn: for anything. models recently shared those flirting tips, the dos and don ts while showing off the 2013 swim suit collection. i m pretty sure those girls can do anything and they re popular. brian: yeah. they started life on third base. alisyn: i think so. brian: i meant to say they re leading. alisyn: i know exactly. steve: why are you thinking third base? brian: cause i love baseball. and i will say this, they come on our couch a lot and when they come back, we are going to come with that line of questioning. steve: we ll have to follow up on this investigative report. alisyn: we ll find out if your charm offensive worked because today is the wrap-up. there is president obama, has made three trips to capitol hill to meet with lawmakers to do the outreach to republicans. so yesterday he had lunch with senate republicans, sort of. he didn t exactly eat. steve: they did. alisyn: and he met with house democrats. it would be very discontinuing to know what went on in the room and senator mike lee was on greta s show last night and told us some of the tense moments. one of my favorite moments was when one of my colleagues stood up and said, you know, mr. president, it s not all about helpful to have you publicly questioning our motives. publicly accusing us of wanting to eviscerate medicaid, for example, simply because we want to call for reform or block grants. and his answer was? i don t speak nearly as badly about you as some of you do about me. who asked that. john thune. i thought did he a great job in asking the question. he was did he ever residential. i thought it was a point that need to be made. but the response was unsatisfactory and overlooked the fact that most of the time, sure, we criticize him, but generally don t question his motives. we generally don t question whether or not he generally cares about the american people. that s a problem. that is a difference. steve: so what did he do when he was in the various caucuses? he told the house caucus, i really want a big deal. what that would involve is you ll have to reach across the aisle and get something done with the republicans, which means you are going to have to do something about entitlements. i know about half of you have written me a letter saying we re not going to budge on anything related to the entitlements, but you re going to have to because i want a big deal. so as he concludes his charm offensive, you know, the main stream media will write the president went up to capitol hill and told the democrats they ll have to move to the center. what he has not said is what i think will happen next, and that is when, you know, push comes to shove and they start to work on a deal, the democrats are going to say, we re not going to do that. the republicans are going to say, come on, we already gave you revenue. the president can say, look, i went up there, i tried to lead. brian: that s the fear, that republicans say they feel as though president obama will be forced to sell an unpopular entitlement reform to the public which could hurt the democrats politically because the republicans aren t going to budge when it comes to revenue. however, if do you it inside tax reform, they re already on the record saying they re in to get simplifying tax reforms, but with that comes a reduction in rates. it s up to the house and senate to get into conference, come up with something that the president says is somewhere in the ballpark. one thing about it, some veterans, who have been around the block a few times, like senator pat roberts, are pleasantly surprised by the substance and the give and take of these meetings. another senator said he was dispinted. but they went from the senate republicans to the house members, the problem is, the president has told his democratic house members that i will not give in on entitlements unless there is a tax increase. steve: a show of hands, who thinks the president s charm offensive, who thinks it worked and will result in a big deal? alisyn: i don t know if it worked. but i do believe they were trying to hammer out a deal. that is what we were arguing yesterday. brian: the sincerity of the effort as opposed to the sincerity of the tactic and strategy. so we can not predict the future. but we do know people that can and they are just around the block for $5, they ll read your palm. alisyn: there go. steve: for $10 never mind. brian: i know. steve: meanwhile, let s talk about obamacare. the president said it s going to be much more affordable. you re going to be able to keep your doctor if you want to. now a new report from the associated press actually contradicts the premises that we were sold obamacare on. for instance, there is a little talk about fee that employer also have to pay to the tune of $63 per person. nobody really knew about that. right now there is some pushback from a lot of big companies saying look, we can t afford that. and the uaw, they re saying, we shouldn t have to do that. and you know how washington works. they have probably will get away with that. alisyn: but look at the next graphic we have here. patient premiums to rise 20 to 100%. this comes from a report this week in the associated press. they crunched the numbers and their headline is this: some americans could see their insurance bills double next year as the health care overhaul expands to cover millions of people. you ll remember that it was sold as a health care cost were spiraling out of control and we need to do do something to make sure that we contained those costs and that if you liked your plan, nothing would change. this is really stunning news for lots of americans. steve: sure. and so now we re getting a look at if you want obamacare, you got to apply for it and naturally there is a short little 15-page form you have to fill out that according to the associated press, if you go really fast, it only takes 45 minutes. but nobody can do it in 45 minutes because they re going to ask you a bunch of really hard questions that you probably don t have the answers to at your fingertips. brian: here is an example, what s the name of the lowest cost health plan the employee listed above could enroll in at his or her current job. alisyn: i object to the grammar. brian: i know, his or her. steve: i think i need ted cruz to decipher that. do you know what that means? alisyn: it s not exactly making things easier. so it will be a complicated application. it s just going to be sadly more sort of bureaucratic mumbo jumbo in this application and the hoops you have to jump through. brian: here is an example of other things as compared to what we re dealing with now when it comes to the state and local government. waiting in line at the dmv is one hour in new york. steve: so in other words, waiting in line at the dmv, easier than filling out obamacare form. brian: you might have an easier time doing this. alisyn: sitting in your doctor s office, the average waiting time is 22 minutes that you wait for your appointment. but they say filling out this application will be twice that long until. brian: this is a little like the format, you might be a red neck. you might have an easier time doing this, on the phone with tech support. alisyn: impossible. brian: 14 minutes. alisyn: the application will be 45. steve: the point is we were sold that this was going to be cheaper and easier to do. as it turns out, it s much more ex opinionsive and much more complicated and it s just acoming. brian: and for the person, let alone the business. the small business is paying a fine or decide to go pay out health care. steve: all right. now it is exactly 7:11 in new york city on this, the ides of march. straight ahead, we re more than $16 trillion in debt. but the president says that s not a problem. we don t have an immediate crisis in terms of debt. in fact, for the next ten years, it s going to be in a sustainable place. steve: former democratic congressman dennis kucinich says the president is wrong and he s here to explain coming up next. alisyn: then she was trying to teach her kids a lesson with a t-shirt that read i steal. but their school says she can t do this because it s against the dress code. should it be a parent s decision or the school s decision? we ll debate it [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i ve bought ragu for years. 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[ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. alisyn: the president said this week that our almost $17 trillion of debt is not a big problem. we don t have an immediate crisis in terms of debt. in fact, for the next ten years, it s going to be in a sustainable place. alisyn: that s very different from what he said in 2008 when he was running for president when the debt was then only $9 trillion. number 43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back. $30,000 for every man, woman and child. that s irresponsible. it s unpatriotic. alisyn: so that math didn t add up when he was a candidate. but now we want to do hear what form democratic congressman and fox news contributor dennis kucinich had to say about this. good morning. good morning. alisyn: do you think $16 trillion of debt is a crisis or not? first of all, i looked at the clip and the president was more right in 2008 than he is now. debt and spending are a problem, but we have to ask what are we spending money on? we went into debt to give tax cuts to the top 1%, which accelerated the wealth upwards and also we went into debt for war, which was based on lies. so debt and spending are a problem. you have to ask why we re in the condition we re in. alisyn: okay. so now that we re here, now that we re in this condition, is this something that should be the top of the president s priority list or as he said, it s immediate crisis? well, at the top of the list, i think the issue of private consumer debt should be there because while the $16 trillion in government debt is something that we should all be concerned about, do you know that right now we have about $26 trillion in private consumer-based debt, mortgages, credit card, student debt, and there is a direct cause and relationship between this kind of debt for individuals and recessions and depressions? we ought to be paying attention to this massive private debt, finding ways to help write down mortgages, forgive student debt, and help the economy get going again through creating jobs. that s where the focus ought to be. alisyn: wouldn t it also set a good tone if the government didn t have a spending problem? i understand you re saying average americans seem to have a spending problem. but wouldn t it help if our leaders could tackle this effectively and we all see any example of that? remember in 2008, candidate obama, as we just said, called the national problem, the federal spending unpatriotic. well, i think that we have to look at where we are today. the economy our economy is 70% based on consumer spending. american middle class, median family income is down, wages are flat. they re stagnant. people don t have money, they re not spending. we aren t creating jobs. high unemployment. we have to get the economy moving again. we got to get money into people s hands again and look at the massive private debt which is a direct threat to our economy and puts us on a precipice of another depression. this is where the focus ought to be. so whatever was said in 2008 in the campaign, i know about that. i was on the platform with the president, but the situation today is we have an emergency with respect to high unemployment, the american middle class being in a very dangerous position where they just don t have any money. alisyn: yes. you re framing it in crisis terms, in terms of the debt, be it federal or personal. what s the answer? the answer is to create jobs. that s number one. and then we also have to look at helping people write down their mortgages so we can keep them in their homes. this is something i was talking about back in 2008 when i voted against the bailout and said our focus ought to be keep millions of americans in their homes. now people are starting to wake up and say, maybe that s good idea. also student debt is massive. it s the second source of debt behind mortgages, maybe even about to eclipse the mortgage debt. we have to do something about that student debt and i think write downs are in order there, too. we have to get this yoke of debt off the backs of the middle class and create jobs. why in all this talk about spending and deficits, why isn t congress, why isn t the president talking about creating jobs? we should be getting america back to work, prime the pump of the economy. if the private sector is not creating the job, the public sector will have to do it. alisyn: dennis kucinich, thank you for joining us for your perspective. thank you. alisyn: he graduated fourth from the bottom of his class. he was turned down by 160 colleges. then when he did get accepted, he was thrown out. when our next guest found god, he said everything changed and his new book could change your life, too. then the government just found millions in unclaimed cash. it could belong to you. the clock is ticking. we ll tell you how to collect [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell s healthy request soup lets you hear it. in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm. [ male announcer ] sounds good. it s amazing what soup can do. it s not what you think. [ male announcer ] sounds good. it s a phoenix with 4 wheels. it s a hawk with night vision goggles. it s marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it s big ideas with smaller footprints. and knowing there s always more in the world to see. it s the all-new lincoln mkz. [ male announcer ] you ve reached the age where you don t back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. sowhy let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. steve: time for news by the numbers. on this friday, first, $917 million. that s how much the irs has in unclaimed refunds from 2009. taxpayers must file the returns by april 15 to claim the refunds. next, 15,000. that s how many jobs taco bell added last year thanks to the wildly popular doritos tacos. and 0. offering a free tuition to any active duty service member at any university. tuition assistance was suspended for the military because of that darn sequester. alisyn: how to get a new kid or husband by friday. now this self-described wise guy is taking his readers on a different path. it s a spiritual path with his latest book the way of the wise. brian: joining us dr. kevin leeman. welcome back. good morning. brian: you said at 19 you were a janitor and realized you had to change your life around. what happened? well, actually, yeah. i graduated fourth from the bottom of my class, got a job as a janitor. put the barrel and said don t come in and this beautiful woman comes in and helps this old guy go piddle. i fell in love with her. steve: you met your wife in the men s room? i did. several months later, she asked me, popped the question. she said, would you like to go to church with me? i remember thinking, oh, no, i m one of them. one thing i didn t want to be was a christian. age 21, i became one and i became an honor student, went to college, 13 years, was a dean of students. alisyn: but what turned you around, from 19, when you were injected til you fell in love. but what did you like about going to church? i didn t like anything about going to church. i remember sitting in church thinking no chick is worth this. then she wanted me to come back at night. but at night i had already been there in the day. the pastor guy was talk being who jesus was, in his head, but didn t know who he was in his heart. steve: exactly. your mother, i understand, would write proverbs in books for you. as a child, you didn t understand them and now you do and talk about proverbs in your book. for instance, this one you cite do not forget my teaching. proverbs 3 : 1. you got to be teachable. i wasn t teachable. if you see a turtle on a fence post, you know he didn t get there by himself. steve: that s right. somebody came before you. my mother, told me as an adult, she prayed to god to put one c on kevin s report card as a sign that there was something there. brian: keep my commands in your heart. point to yourself, brian, right now. okay. where do we point? alisyn: our heart. our heart. there is a difference. i love chuck swindoll s story. he goes to a sunday school says and says what s green and says a ribbon? one says, i think it s a frog, but i ll say jesus. there is a misconnect for a lot of us. you can actually talk to your maker. that s what this book is about. getting it in your heart and john wooden, god bless john wooden. he says this: you never have a perfect day until you ve done something for somebody who can t repay you in any way. steve: that s nice. check it out. it s great, as awful his books are. it s called the way of the wise, simple truths for living well. thank you very much. st. paul called himself wretch head. if he is wretched, what the heck is brian kilmeade? brian: that s a great point. steve: is that on the book? it is. alisyn: thanks. great to see you. steve: straight ahead, this sky diver s parachute didn t open right. and somehow he lived to tell about it. you re going to hear from him coming up next. brian: and one of major league s baseball s greatest, if not the greatest. now he s taking on a new role. cal ripken, junior joins us live, in fact, he s almost in the room. last year, taco bell sold over 1 million dorits locos tacos a day. other companies now have taken notice and the new blackberry is coming out in a tasty dorits shell what s droid-smart ? 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. with three of your daily vegetable servings backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. with three of your daily vegetable servings here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s.mile? ching! i like the fact that there s lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i m very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. the longest 4g lte battery in a razr thin profile. with 32 hours of battery life that turns an all-nighter, into a two-nighter. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-endurance. droid-powerful. (we re going to get over to cal ripken in just a minute. first we got some headlines. remember when janet napolitano said the media were making up stories about illegal immigrants being released from jail? well, this morning ice says that made up story is real. brian: and worse than we thought. steve: the ice director says more than 2,000 illegals were freed. many of them with multiple drunk driving arrests. the governor of texas outraged. we have a federally sponsored jail break. don t get confused. that s exactly what this is. a federally-sponsored jail break. you crossed the line from politics to spin to politics as a craven form of cynicism. steve: some of the other offenses by those freed? assault and theft. by the way, apparently they picked up four of them for level one offenders and looking for six others. brian: yeah. i m sure no one in the government knew about it. seasoned sky diver s life flashed before his eyes. he spins out of control heading straight to the ground at 30 miles per hour, i should add. 8,000 feet above. craig stapleton and his partner were attempt ago new stunt when his parachute failed and he plummeted to earth. miraculously, he survived. i knew it was bad when i was living it and when i saw the video, i was like, wow, that s a lot worse than i thought. how did i walk away? brian: stapleton has bumps and bruises and landed on freshly plowed dirt in a row of grapes. steve: man, is he lucky. alisyn: don t mess with this mom or she might try this. one woman in colorado sent her kids to elementary school wearing shirts labeled, i steal and i am disrespectful because she says nothing else worked on them. the school made them cover up, saying this punishment breaks the dress code. so it s okay for the school to do it because they re professionals. they have a degree. but it s not okay for a parent to draw attention to her child to make her child answer for what he or she has done. alisyn: she claims the school is interfering with her right to discipline her own children. no comment from the school yet. brian: all right. it is certainly cold up here. but warm in florida and arizona, right where spring training is. i don t know how that ends up that way. here now baseball hall of famer cal ripken, junior who recently retired. it wasn t so long ago when you were out there playing and every spring belong to do baseball. recent would be 2001, yes. brian: it seems like yesterday! n it does. brian: first off, let me ask you about world baseball classic. the world is coming together. the u.s. lost to the dominican republic. do you think had is a good thing for baseball? i love it. if i was playing, i would say yes every time. but if you do commit, you hto gn form before you actually start aspirin training. i don t know how that s really done. it seems like the injury factor can go way up when you re not in april, may and june form. brian: one player had a rib injury. he hasn t played a day for the mets yet. he s got a lot of hits yet. brian: that s true. he s very confident. steve: you mentioned spring training. bill o reilly has this feature where he sends jesse watters out. here is jesse going to spring training talking to people about if they understand what s going on with the state of our union. we re starting a new baseball season. how is this country doing right now? it s very divided. we re doing all right. we re definitely still reaping the fruit of what our forefathers have sewn into us. i think we re starting to slip away from that. come on, jesse. seriously? what about the president? he s doing all right? he s doing good. he s all right. doing great. he s doing great? keep doing what he s doing. how would you grade him right now? doing a good or bad job? b plus. d minus. how about a c plus. f. f. you guys are all over him! what are you concerned about? at the moment, i m feeling good. you see them gas prices? out of control. out of control. we got to catch the bus to come here. you feel like your taxes are going to go up? anything to help out? that s not my call. you open up the wallet? exactly. you think the president cares about the massive amount of debt we re in? there is so much stuff we re paying for and not seeing what s going on today. i don t think he cares about anything but golf. you have a game tomorrow? oh, yeah, every day. seven days a week. unlike you. you ever see baseball? i think so. got good angle, tall guy. what about the president? you ever see him throw out first pitch? just a bit outside. seen president bush do it. isn t that how they do that? in 86 they did. alisyn: what did you think about o reilley s pitch? he has good form. throws the ball well. ball comes out of his hand quick. brian: do the players know what s going on in the world for the news? i think we re the most sheltered bunch of people. if you re in baseball, you have to be laser focused. so you know nothing about what s going on. steve: i remember back, i had some friends in major league baseball in the 80s 80s and wn when they weren t playing, they were watching soap operas. that was in my day. they only had three stations when i first started. steve: what was your open opera you watched? young and the restless. and bold and the beautiful. brian: would you well up? now i do. steve: what s interesting about you is when you were walking down the hall, i was thinking, that s not cal ripken cause that guy is wearing glasses? what s the deal? it s hell to get old, i suppose. i was in the broadcast booth last year and i couldn t read some of the things that they were putting in front of me. so i went to the doctor and the doctor recommended i take these transition lenses. this lens is a vantage lens. i partnered with them to help encourage kids to go get regular eye exams because one out of every four kids have some sort of undiagnosed learning or vision issue that would affect their learning. alisyn: that s a great point. they re a little embarrassed to get glasses. i was embarrassed, too. brian: you were embarrassed? i wanted to see the stats they were throw not guilty front of me. steve: i had to get glasses because i couldn t read the menu. then my wife got me these glasses that were magnifyiers and had flashlights. alisyn: let s see how bad your eyes were. take off your glasses. can you see steve: let s do a vision test. alisyn: let s do it. we have a vision test here for you. steve: stop right here, right across the studio we ve got a test word, distance vision. i can see the e. alisyn: that s all? no. let me see. pezolcpd is the bottom line. alisyn: wait, wait. is that enough? alisyn: do it again. p, c, n, d, p, c, f, d. brian: you don t need glasses. steve: here is another test we re going to do. cal, come here to the dry erase board. keep your glasses off. take the marker. get a little closer. we re actually going to have you do something. what we d like to you do is look in this monitor. do you have enough acutity to write that on the dry erase board? n this is an art class. brian: we re not really sure. what do i see? brian: yeah. show us what you see. most eye doctors will learn something from this. steve: he s got the eyes down. let s make it a little more complicated. brian: that s very good. steve: now what we re going to do, we re going to put something else up that is a little more challenging. go ahead and draw this. [ laughter ] brian: what is wrong with you people? [ laughter ] what are you seeing there, cal? how are your eyes? steve: his eyes are great! brian: my hair is not like that. alisyn: i like that. brian: this is really going well. alisyn: spitting image. look at this. brian: i look like bert from sesame street. i appreciate it. i look like the president. steve: would you sign that? brian would like to put that in his office. alisyn: cal, your eyes are perfect, it looks like. alisyn: there you go. brian: fantastic. i have never been so insulted in all my life. steve: cal, would you like to put on your glasses now? [ laughter ] brian: much better. steve: speaking of the bold and the beautiful. brian: get transition lenses if what you re saying. if you re a kid, don t worry about being mocked. the parents should treat eye exams like they treat medical exams and we don t. brian: here is the other thing. i didn t catch a fly ball til i was in college. i passed every eye test. i had no depth perception until i got glasses. so i had no friends because i could not judge high flies. you wouldn t be my friend either. [ laughter ] alisyn: cal i that so much. great to see you. thank you. steve: calm down, kilmeade. he s kidding. you got an original cal ripken junior there. brian: yeah. til alisyn erases it. steve: would you like to read this? what am i reading here? women? steve: no. you know what? alisyn: i ll handle it. steve: thank you very much. my pleasure. alisyn: thanks so much. next up, women who report domestic violence could be arrested. that story sounds crazy, but apparently it s true. we ll tell you about it. steve: the republican party getting recharged at cpac. house majority leader eric cantor speaks today, but first joins us with a preview. what do you see? um, i see a duck. be more specific. i see the aflac duck. i see the aflac duck out of work and not making any money. i see him moving in with his parents and selling bootleg dvds out of the back of a van. dude, that s your life. remember, aflac will give him cash to help cover his rent, car paymen and keep everything as normal as possible. i see lunch. [ monitor beeping ] let s move on. [ male announcer ] find out what a hospital stay could really cost you at very logical thinker. (laughs) i m telling you right now, the girl back at home would absolutely not have taken a zip line in the jungle. (screams) i m reallylad that girl stayed at home. vo: expedia helps 30 million travelers a month find what they re looking for. one traveler at a time. expedia. find yours. love your passat! um. listen, gary. i bought the last one. nice try. says right here you can get one for $199 a month. you can t believe the lame-stream media, gary. they re all gone. maybe i ll get one. [ male announcer ] now everyone s going to want one. you can t have the same car as me, gary! i m gettin one. nope! [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there s no better time to get a passat. that s the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. none of us think bad things are gonna happen to us. i m here at my house on thanksgiving day, and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. an artery in your heart, it s called the widow maker. and mine was 95% blocked. they took me to the hospital, and the doctor put me on a bayerspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i m a blue-collar worker. to me, bayer aspirin is another tool. go talk to your doctor. you re not indestructible anymore. you re not indestructible anymore. at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. prego?! but i ve been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonderhat other questionable choices i ve made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study. so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. brian: the stars of the republican party, conservative movement showing off their stuff at cpac. for example i ll tell you what the criticism on the left is going to be. number one, he drank too much water. [ laughter ] number two, that he didn t offer any new ideas. and there is the fallacy of this. we don t need a new idea. there is an idea. the idea is called america. and it still works. do we have a constitution and will we defend it? the new gop will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and the personal sphere. brian: the conference continues today and through the weekend and speak later on will be our next guest. virginia congressman, one of the real leaders on the republican side is majority leader himself, eric cantor. welcome back, congressman. brian, good morning. brian: congressman, can you preview your remarks? we re excited to be going to cpac because we re going to be talk being a message of opportunity. the republican party, the conservative movement has always been about individual empowerment, about saying that it really does come to freedom and it comes to a limited government and empowering the individuals to reach for the future. i ll be talking about education reform. just visited new orleans last week and saw what governor bobby jindal is doing there. a tremendous thing for so many young people, so many kids, so many working moms and dads who all they want is a safe place for their kids to learn and they want to see a future for their families. so we re going to be talking about those kinds of things and really the challenges ahead as we focus on working families in this country and just helping them make their life work again. brian: you really are pushing this skills act. in what respect? well, we ve got a vote on the floor today, a skills act. what it is is frankly good government, but it s saying, hey, we ve got 50 different federal government programs aimed at work force training. we don t need that many programs. what we need to do is focus on helping people who are out of work, getting them trained so they can get back into the work force. so what this does is just get rid of the bureaucracy, cuts the red tape, and says to working people, we want to help you and it is a suggestion from the general accounting office here in washington to get rid of the waste and to go right toward the mission of the program. brian: you re splitting the screen with the maze, the average worker has to go through to get to the right job for them. and to find out about the openings and now we see if you get your way, how we can streamline that process and make it easier to get the job you deserve. it says it right there. it s like cutting the red tape. again, this is the kind of thing we ve got to do to reform washington, to get our country moving again. brian: so this has been an exciting time for people who are tired of gridlock. the president had four separate sessions, three different trips, meetings with leadership and the republican establishment in washington. in your mind, do you know the president better? has the charm offensive worked? brian, i certainly hope that he is sincere in wanting to reach out and work with us because there are some things that we really do share in common and i think most people would expect when you have differences, you learn to set them aside and reach for where you have common interest brian: but do you believe that he is sincere? your gut right now, when the cameras are off and people say what happened in that meeting, do you believe the president is sincere? i hope so. i really do. i don t know what is inside his head and what he s thinking. i hope so, brian, because there are a lot of things we need to do. the house has acted twice to put a measure across the floor to try and begin to solve the situation of the sequester, to go towards a balanced budget. many of the things we re talking about are in the president s own plan and his proposals. so if we know we disagree on raising taxes because the president said that needs to happen first and he wants to hold all other things hostage, we don t think that s a smart thing to do. so let s at least go to where we can work together and have some agreement. brian: right. so let s see if there is. we ll find out soon. you guys get into conference with the senate, maybe we ll hammer something out by easter. who knows? good luck today. we ll carry the highlights on fox & friends tomorrow. i know ali, she s on the show. so i ll put in a good word for you. okay. thank you. brian: thanks. coming up straight ahead, halle barry back on the big screen of the is she worth your money? are weekend previews next. first, on this day in 1994, the sign by ace of base was the number one song. can you tell it was the first time i said that group od castin, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell s healthy request soup lets you hear it. in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm. [ male announcer ] sounds good. it s amazing what soup can do. uh, charles couldn t make it. his single miles card blacked him out here and here. he should have used. the capital one venture card. he s coming to us from home. hey fellas. hey baby, you want mama to iron your undies? nice tightie whities. i didn t know mrs. barkley made quilts. really? looks like a circus tent. is that the best you got? now if you put this, with this, you have a sailboat. what s in your wallet? alisyn: a telephone thriller and manic magicians coming to a neater near you this weekend. steve: joining us, movie critic and fox news contributor, kevin mccar hee. it s great to be on. i m here to talk about the call and it s this new film with halle barry. a girl calls hally halle barry. i wonder who the actress is talking to on the movie. check this out. we did something very necessary. she showed up on the days when i did my on camera and i showed up for her days when she was in the trunk so that we could actually have each other on the other end of the phone. yeah. hally was in a different room and she was talking to her microphone and i had an ear wig. they digitally take the ear thing. put the phone up, you could see the ear wig. the crazy thing about that is that abigail had to put a phone up to her ear. i don t think she expected this to happen. check this out. except one time i accidentally called a girl on the phone. who did you call? i didn t even realize i don t know. there is like a sim card still on the phone. i called her up and she s like hello. as i m screaming and crying. and she freaked out and i said, we have to call this girl out. whose phone are you using? n one of the fake phones. but it wasn t a fake phone. could you imagine being on the other end of that phone call. what s in the movie is very intense for 95% of the time. but there is a five minute scene that completely ruins it and cheapens it. i gave them a 2 1/2 out of 5. now i m giving it 2 1/2 out of 5. wait for the rental. it s not that great. brian: now let s talk about the most overpromoted movie ever. the incredible bert wonder stone with steve carell. i love a good consistent comedy. steve carell, great in the movie. it really does work. it has a good balance of heart. the laughs are great. alan arkin steals the entire movie. i love, love the ending. all i will say is that the ending will make you laugh so hard, you ll be in tears. i recommend it. i gave it a 3 1/2 out of 5. check it out this weekend. not a classic, but definitely funny. steve: all right. alisyn: good to moment kevin, i love seeing a movie where i m in tears. that s great. thanks. thanks, guys. brian: sometimes the seat uncomfortable. steve: straight ahead, liberals attacking senator mitch mcconnell because his wife is asian? really? his wife, former labor secretary aleen chiou fights back. alisyn: geraldo is not happy. he wants to know why it took six months to find out what happened to the survivors of the benghazi terrorist attack. we re going to talk to him in a second. come on in [ male announcer ] how do you make america s favorite recipes? just begin with america s favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell s. it s amazing what soup can do. it s not what you think. plus a valuable coupon. it s a phoenix with 4 wheels. it s a hawk with night vision goggles. it s marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it s big ideas with smaller footprints. and knowing there s always more in the world to see. it s the all-new lincoln mkz. to find you a great deal, even if it s not with us. [ ding ] oh, that s helpful! well, our company does that, too. actually, we invented that. it s like a sauna in here. helping you save, even if it s not with us now, that s progressive! call or click today. no mas pantalones! that work the way you wish they would. like a front-end loader you can detach from your seat? or a mower deck you just drive over and cut through knee-deep grass no problem? yep. we thought the same thing you did. that s why we build them this way. that s how we run. nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or to see the new signature series and 1 family tractors. alisyn: good morning, everyone. it s friday, march 15. the ides of march. i m alisyn camerota in for gretchen today. what a nightmare. first the triumph, then dream. now the legend. a third carnival cruise ship is in trouble. what are your rights as a passenger? geraldo rivera is on the case. steve: meet the survivors. six months after the terrorist attack in benghazi in our consulate, we finally know what happened to them. at least somebody does. how many were there and how many are there and where are they now? we have a couple answers straight ahead. brian: and we re about to take you on a wild ride. oh, crap! brian: this roller coaster is making history. why it s unlike any other in the entire world. then there is a roller coaster geraldo puts us on as we try to move through topics. it will be excitingment fox & friends for the third hour of the week starts now. . steve: the reason you should kiss them, they re irish. they are irish dogs. brian: the biggest dog in the world. steve: it is. the irish setter and a blue terrier in celebration of san antonio patty s day. brian: i think they used to hunt wolves. i m pretty sure. steve: that is the biggest dog i ve ever seen in person. brian: it s bigger than a great dane. steve: you ll see how big they are on this friday telecast of fox & friends live from new york city where tomorrow we ll have the biggest st. patrick s day parade in the world. it s bigger here than it is in dublin. brian: you wonder why all those dogs get along is because they re all irish. because if they weren t irish, they would not be getting along. steve: i had no idea. brian: especially this time of year. steve: i didn t know guiness made a dog food. that s why they re calm. alisyn: let me get to your headlines and tell you what s hang. two men are in critical condition after a jumbotron fell on them. this happened as they were hoisting up the giant screen. this is part of a stage production for a music festival in miami. instead the jumbotron crashed down on them. came down on two of them. one just narrowly missed being caught by the debris and then one guy who witnessed the whole thing was pretty traumatized. steve: officials say the festival will go on as scheduled. fox news confirming the pentagon will deploy 14 additional troop ground based interceptors amid rising tensions with north korea. this comes as north korea released photos of a live artillery drill. the interceptors were originally proposed by the bush administration, but president obama stopped their deployment. allen west outraged that the reversal means millions of taxpayer dollars will be wasted. right now we see ourselves trying to play catch-up to the tune of some, i believe, about 240, $250 million to get those first response deterrent factors back up to the west coast. at a time we have to borrow that money from china who are friends with north korea so we can defend ourselves against north korea. that s schizophrenic. alisyn: the white house defends this as logical timing. they saved a child drowning in a river. now the two people, the heros who went in after that little boy are missing. the six-year-old fell into the river inned south dakota. witnesses say a man and woman jumped in and got caught. several people tried to help, including this man. tried to pull them. we had them. there was three of us that had them. he had a kid. he had the kid with him. he just slipped. alisyn: the foam from the waterfall apparently making it incredibly difficult to find them. we re told the missing woman is a relative of the rescued child, but not his mother. liberal super pac attacked the ethnicity of wife of senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, elaine chiou, despite the fact that she was born in taiwan, the group kentucky progress, tweeted this. this woman has the ear of mcconnell. she s his wife. may explain why your job moved to china. they are fighting back now. the former labor secretary was on fox & friends earlier. there is a pattern to this kind of attack. basically mitch s opponents, his left wing opponents can t defeat him on policy issues and so they resort to racial slurs and questioning his patriotism because he s married to me. alisyn: she s on the news corps board, which is the parent company of fox news. steve: we talked about that story last week. it s awful. it s racist. steve: it is. it s clear what they re attempt to go do here. they re attempting to get this anti-china sentiment directed against miss mcconnell and his race against ashley judd in kentucky. brian: ashley judd has no shot, right? she s a much better singer. brian: which is true. what s interesting is how rand paul has gone after ashley judd. rand paul, who is the maverick tea party junior senator from ken condition has really made common cause with mitch mcconnell who stands for kind of the old guard. so they re united. should be an interesting race. she s very colorful. you know, she has an excellent reputation as a good citizen. rand paul says she s really from tennessee, though. she s a nashville person. steve: and has been living in scotland. doesn t make her a bad person. steve: absolutely not. we re finally talking about the attack on our consulate in benghazi, september 11. four americans died. now we re discovering there were three survivors. three survivors of the security team, one is in particularly bad shape. we know now that we had 37 people in benghazi. the eastern city in libya at the time of the attack. most of them work for the c.i.a. at the so-called annex. their job there was to try to control and reacquire the surface to air portable missiles that we had given to the gadhafi forces. obviously if a missile like that, a hand held missile surface to air got in the hands of the wrong people, it could really wreak havoc at airports, not only military, but civilian across the world. that s why they had a crucial secret mission there. now it turns out of the 37 we obviously lost two of the heros at the consulate itself in the initial attack. that was where the first of the wounded survivors was found, like ambassador stevens and his colleague, the person who survived, state department person, was also succumbed to smoke inhalation, but did not die in serious condition. the other two survivors were at the annex. alisyn: why is it important for us to know this information now? i think what really is the important mission here is to find out what happened. i think as we understand where the survivors are and were at the time, it will give us a clearer picture of what unfolded during the seven-hour attack. brian: the fact that we haven t seen them until now or get their names until now and their families have been said to keep quiet. does that bother you? i think it s part of the administration s attempting two things. i think number one, they are trying to assess themselves what the facts and circumstances really were. but i think also, and i think this is the implication of your question, the administration would like this story to go i way. away. they would like us to move on from benghazi. brian: there was an arrest finally. i think it will ultimately get the culprits, whether judicially. they were a political issue would like this very much to fade into the background. that s my opinion. steve: put on your captain hat. geraldo has a great yacht. well. an old sailboat. steve: the voyager, legendary. so we want to talk to you about this. carnival cruise lines has another incident on their hands. this time, i believe it is the dream, stopped working out in st. maarten and apparently people are flying home. what are your rights when it comes to the legend is the most recent one. that s limping into tampa after they lost power. so they have i mean, the splendor, the dream, the legend. you have to remember also, this is the same cruise line that owns the costa concordia. alisyn: what s going on? i think they have to hire a new chief engineer. what are their rights is an interesting question because as it is when you fly in a commercial airliner, your ticket is really a contract. in the contract is designed, because it s their lawyers who draw it up. you don t have a negotiating position when you buy a ticket on a cruise line, it is page after page after page, limiting their liability. so unless they are guilty of gross negligence, extremely difficult to prove in this or really almost any circumstance, they re limited in most cases to the price of the ticket that you paid. they refund for services not delivered, the ports that were missed, that kind of thing. but you get very little in terms of punitive damages absent the finding of gross negligence. i don t think you have it. it just happened. i sailed around the world. i lost generators and engines and sails and all the rest of it. it happens. people have to understand it s not a hotel with moveable scenery. it s a vehicle in a hostile environment. brian: it seems the odds of something like this happening are growing. it s not that, brian. it s why this particular cruise line, why isn t it that we hear about these incidents on all the cruise lines? how come you never hear about the disney one? i think they really have to maybe spend a lot more money on the maintenance of these vessels that are really so very susceptible to the elements. brian: if the engine light goes on, you should pay attention. definitely. change the oil. steve: pull over. alisyn: let s talk about what happened this week. the new pope was elected. it really is a stunning development for the church. latin america is the home, really, of modern day roman catholicism. 40% of all catholics are spanish speaking. so the selection of pope francis really is a major, major event. now, it comes at a time when the church is really in crisis in the new world. the catholic church, as it is throughout the world. but there is a shrinking market share here specifically. my dad, one of 17 children, was a deacon in the catholic church and when i lived in puerto rico, the summer i turned 16 years old, 100% of his family, some of whom alisyn met when she visited puerto rico, 100% were catholic. but over the decades, for various reasons that i d be happy to explain, there has been an erosion of people who are catholic. they re still very devout christian. steve: they just don t go. they re pentecostal evangelical, like my favorite cousin,he bronks. she s a well-known pentecostal minister up there. they have embraced evangelical, born again kind of christianity over catholicism. brian: find out geraldo s top ten cousins. i have over 100 first cousins. brian: when you own your own island, you ll get more cousins. what do you think about the way this pope is turning out? going back and paying his bill at the hostel he stayed at? his humility, his modesty is in gross contrast to what the church has done in latin america over the last five centuries, where we have embraced military regimes. they have sided with the oppressive governments, undemocratic governments over the flock, over the people. that s one of the things that accelerated this move from catholicism to other forms of protestant christianity. now the church is now set out to embrace evangelical catholicism. much more hands on, charismatic, much more serving the poor. this is the perfect man to symbolize that transition back to the good old days when the church embraced the poor rather than embracing the decadent oppressive government. steve: he ll be installed on tuesday. you ll see it here. live in spanish. alisyn: coming up, the president really turned on the dramatics. you ll remember over the sequester. our next guest says republicans should be taking notes. brian: plus, we are going to take you on a ride unlike any other roller coaster in the world. it s making history today. we ll bring that you history, i hope. look what mommy is having. mommy s having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study. so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he s agreed to give it up. that s today? [ male announcer ] we ll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i ve got to take more pills. yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? for my pain, i want my aleve. [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. you don t decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pk vegetables only when they re perfect. then freeze them fast so they re are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. green giant j dreams of landns meet sea, deliciously friskies surfin and turfin favorites. feed the senses. steve: well, the president s sequester message was dramatic, to say the least. federal prosecutors will have to close cases and let criminals go. air traffic controllers and airport security will see cutbacks, which means more delays at airports across the country. tens of thousands of parents will have to scramble to find child care for their kids. steve: that was during the sky is falling phase. the president has since changed his tune. but our next guest says that in order for republicans to win the battle of the budget, they need to amp up their message by adding a little stage craft. syndicated column is a fox news contributor and joins us live here at the big plastic desk. what you say is the republicans really need to bring their a game and start doing what? the first thing they need to do is remember they do control the house of representatives and they can filibuster sometimes in the senate. i think a lot of republicans on the hill are just terrified and say, we lost the election and nancy pelosi is in control. no. they control the house. they should act that way. so for example, when president obama says, well, i m not really interested in a bill that gives me the flexibility to spend money on things like air traffic control, but instead, spend them on other things that says he s locked into, pass the bill and say, mr. president, we want to give think flexibility. you may not want it, we re going to vote on it in the house, pass it and give you the flexibility so he can t turn on the republicans. steve: once they pass something, this is the stage craft part and it s brilliant on your part, you say john boehner and company, takes the bill in hand, walks through the capitol to where? to the other side of the capitol building where the u.s. senate is. you have all the cameras rolling there. you ve got bainer and cantor and the entire gop conference walking it physically across. they probably should do this with the budget when they pass it as well. and have mitch mcconnell receive it and say thank you. we ll receive this bill. do everything we can to get it on the senate floor and let the entire world see the republican party legislating and doing everything they can to have a fiscally, sane responsible government. steve: because right now so many people think, it s total gridlock in washington, d.c nothing has happened. that is not true. the republican congress on the house side actually passed many, many bills and a number of job bills, but they just send it electronically or courier, nothing. nothing. it s been four years since the u.s. senate under the democrats passed a budget. the house has done it every year they ve supposed to do so. so when they passed the budget, they should carry it over. have all the cameras see them carry it over to the senate, have mitch mcconnell and republicans receive it and say we ve republicans have done according to law what we re supposed to and it s up to the democrats and obama can t point fingers and talk about a do nothing republican congress. steve: many people think that s his end game where he s gone to capitol hill with this charade. charm offensive. steve: and people aren t buying it. they know eventually he s going to say look, i tried my best! the charm will wear off. steve: ultimately, though, this is a contest, the republicans and the house can t can win. they can. they need to stop crying and moaning about we lost the election. they have won the house. john boehner should eat his wheaties and be tough about this. steve: you got to read his syndicated column on the topic. he s has fox news contributor and he joins us on this friday. thank you. thank you. steve: meanwhile, did you know that 90% of fired police officers in philadelphia get their jobs back? the city s top cop says you can thank unions for that! hear from him coming up. then a new study says a popular antibiotic can kill you. is that fact or fiction? dr. siegle up next do we have a mower? no. a trimmer? no. we got nothing. we just bought our first house, we re on a budget. we re not ready for spring. well let s get you ready. very nice. you see these various colors. we got workshops every saturday. yes, maybe a little bit over here. this spring, take on more lawn for less. not bad for our first spring. more saving. more doing. that s the power of the home depot. get three bags of rthgro mulch, a special buy at just $10. got you ! you cannot escape the rebel forces ! ahhh. got you ! got ya ! gotcha ! got . that s all you got, brother ? take that. never having to surrender the things that matter. gotcha. that s powerful. verizon. [ male announcer ] how could a luminous protein in jellyfish, impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it s just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. just begin with america s favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell s. it s amazing what soup can do. brian: quick headlines now. if you report domestic violence, you could wind up in jail yourself? the nypd reportedly ordering cops to run criminal checks on anyone who reports domestic violence. that means if the victim has so much of an unpaid parking ticket, they could get locked up. critics say this will deter victims from calling for help and will empower the abusers. you think so? and note to yourself, don t hire the town sheriff to kill yourself. texas inmate denny johnson was behind bars for assaulting his estranged wife when he tried to hire a hit man to kill her and her boyfriend. turns out the hitman was really the town sheriff. for an unrelated story, here is the girl. alisyn: listen to this medical news. there are new reports that suggest that one of the most popular antibiotics on the market could kill you. it s just one of today s medical myths that dr. mark siegle is here to debunk. hi, doc. good to see you. alisyn: this isn t a myth. z penn pak has been found to actually kill some people. isn t that disturbing? first of all t hasn t been proven that it kills people. but the study did show that came out last year showed that 45 people out of a million courses had an increased risk of dying from this because of a heart arrhythmia. here is the point, 45 out of a million doesn t mean that if you took it tomorrow or i took it tomorrow, it would happen to you or me. it s extremely rare. so i m calling it a myth. all antibiotics have side effects. all have a potential risk. and if people out there say i can t take the z penn pak, they re going to take another antibiotic that also has a risk. we overuse our antibiotics. this could be a wake-up call to not overuse antibiotics. but i m afraid the message will be run away from it. that s the wrong answer. alisyn: the z-pak is troubling for people who have a heart arrhythmia. people who have a very slow heart rate, people who may be potassium or magnesium depleted. those people should watch out for it. the vast majority of us can take it safely. alisyn: i had always heard when you have a cold, treat it with chicken soup. but if it turns into a sinus infection, then it s time to get an antibiotic. myth or not? perfect next myth after the first one. that s the other point. we overuse our antibiotics. 95% of our upper respiratory infections are viral. a study last year showed that over 90% of our sinus infections are viral. i can tell the difference. patients can t always tell the difference. if you have a high fever, if you have green mucus coming out. if your sinuses are tender, if your teeth hurt, those are reasons it could be a bacteria. but usually it s a virus. people go for that z penn pak. they don t need to. alisyn: last, something troubling. there are lots of staph infections in hospitals. they seem to be on the rise. are hospitals loaded with deadly bacteria? that is a fact. that s another overuse of antibiotics we re talking about. people in hospitals get treated so quickly with antibiotics that resistant bacterias survive. they have what s called a survival advantage. we re seeing a lot of mrsa. one out of 50 people arized and the hospital, we have a new super bug called cre that we re very concerned b. it s problematic. it doesn t mean if you re in the hospital you re going to get this. but we can still treat most of these and still isolate people. you got to wash your hands and use those hand sanitizers and we physicians have to isolate you if you re sick and not overuse those antibiotics. we also need to do a better job of disinfecting our hospitals. alisyn: absolutely. thank you so much. the republican party getting recharged. marco rubio and rand paul stealing the show. highlights from cpac for you next. not zpak. and it s one of the top cities to live in and our anna kooiman has a tour. hey, anna. hey, good morning to you. one of the top cities to travel to as well. voting charleston, south carolina, the number one place in the world to travel to. one of the biggest reasons? the amazing food and rich history. the new pirate movie. greatest [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i ve been buying ragu for years. i at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. it shows. we don t run like that. we build john deere equipment the way we always have: the right way. times change. our principles don t. you don t just have our word on it. you ve got our name on it. that s how we run. nothing runs like a deere. discover the full line of riding lawn equipment at or your local dealer. as you know, we have a new pope. he is pope francis from argentina. here is what we though about him. he s a 76-year-old man with only one lung. you know, this could be just the burst of youth and vitality the catholic church needs. brian: but he s got a lot of energy and i predict he will be traveling. he had that one lung for a while. steve: i bet he goes o latin america and the americas in no time. brian: as we gear up to celebrate st. patrick s day this weekend, in spain, another saint is being celebrated, st. joseph. this isn t your typical fiesta. alisyn: now more from valencia. hi, alicia. hi. this one is loud and colorful and flavorful, st. joseph, the patron saint of carpenters, is honored through the display of what are known as fiat. more than 300 all over valencia. we want to give you some perspective. this fyer a is six, seven stories high. if you look down here at the people taking pictures and admiring it, these are made from artists that come from all over spain. they re built with wood and paper machet and they re all over the city. people come here and they vote on them. they pick which one they like best and to win is a huge honor. to win means a portion of the fya goes into the museum, along with a piece of the children s fyas, like this one here. just as intricate and beautiful, only smaller. but their lives are brief because between march 19 and 20, the people of valencia light them on fire to represent a new start because it s spring. back to you. steve: that s new. we got beautiful decorations. let s torch them! [ laughter ] alisyn: that s beautiful. thanks. your setting looks wonderful. that s a good assignment you got there. that s great. thanks so much. brian: the other big story is cpac. conservatives gather in the same place, same, just about every year and say, hey, let s find out the state of the union, the state of the movement and it s note who had is there, who is not there. senator mccain not there. governor christie not there. the two up and coming stars maybe ho differ and possibly running for president, marco rubio and rand paul are creating the most buzz. alisyn: in fact, they both used humor to great effect and they both used props. let s watch them now. the only real approach that solves it is the combination of fiscal discipline and rapid economic growth. there is no tax increase in the world that will solve our long-term debt problems. now, as soon as i m done speaking, i ll tell you what the criticism on the left is going to be. number one, he drank too much water. [ laughter ] number two, that he didn t offer any new ideas and there is the fallacy of this. we don t need a new idea. there is an idea. the idea is called america and it still works! [ applause ] i was told i got ten measly minutes. [ laughter ] but just in case i bought 13 hours worth of information. [ cheering ] the filibuster was about drones, but also about much more. do we have a bill of rights? do we have a constitution? and will we defend it? [ applause ] within a few days, the president signs an extra $250 million to send to egypt. (booing) you know the country where mobs attacked our embassy, burned our flag and chanted death to america, he found an extra $250 million to reward them. i say not one penny more to countries that are burning our flags! [ applause ] steve: okay. that was cpac yesterday. it continues this weekend. you ll see highlights right here on fox. alisyn: by the way, i promised props. but marco rubio had a tray of water in the podium that he showed them that he was going to need a lot of water. steve: wonder why we didn t see that. alisyn: only i know that. brian: next time when he talks to deroy murdoch, you cut the video you want. steve: get down in the basement. alisyn: fair enough. let s get to your headlines. just a few hours from now, the wife of the american pastor jailed in iran will fight for his release on capitol hill. but she s now been snubbed by the state department. a human rights group behind the case reached out last week, but got word late yesterday that no one from the state department would be able to make today s hearing. he s been locked up since september, sentenced to eight years in prison on charges of evangelizing and threatening national security. steve: meanwhile, police chiefs from around the country battling bad apples in their own department. they re firing troubled officers, only to see them get their old jobs back. for instance, in philadelphia, nine out of ten fired policemen found their way back on the force with 75% of those regaining their full benefits and back pay. back pay. how does that happen? earlier on fox & friends, brian talked to charles ramsey. he is the commissioner of police in philly. the arbitration process, pure and simple, we re bound by it and these decisions coming out of that process are often very troubling. the vast majority of our people do an excellent job, risk their lives on a regular basis and really serve the public. but we do have a few bad apples. when we identify them and we re able to take some kind of disciplinary action, that action should stand. steve: it probably should. we did reach out to philadelphia s police union for a statement. they have not responded to us. brian: all right. the record breaking roller coaster opens today in missouri. we ve been previewing it and here is more on that sneak peek. brian: i need dramamine. this is outlaw run at silver dollar city in branson, missouri. the first wooden roller coaster to ever take riders upside down. outlaw run is also the world s steepest wooden coaster with a 162-foot drop. steve: speak of coasters, janis dean is coasting through another telecast. it s a big day tomorrow in new york city! it s saint patty s day. actually sunday. but it s a big parade here. i m going to talk like this throughout the whole forecast. i m going to do a jig as well. let s take a look at your forecast, shall we? for new york city, temperatures around 39 degrees. boston, 40. chicago, 32. and let s see. for boston, they re having their parade actually officially on saint patty s day on sunday. satellite radar imagery, there you go. across the northern plains and upper midwest where we re seeing some snow. a little bit of freezing rain, and then we re going to talk about the potential for a big storm across the midwest. and the northeast into monday and tuesday. so we re going to continue to watch that. we re going to continue to do our irish jig, for all of those celebrating saint patty s day this weekend! woohoo! alisyn: wow. you are putting us to shame. that is the most aerobics she s done, i m guessing n a while. that s the most exercise i m going to have all day. brian: she needs cpr. steve: well done. thank you! alisyn: wow. she may be starting the st. patrick s day festival. steve: we need a breathalyzer on the show. brian: charleston, south carolina is a city consistently ranked as the best in america. we sent anna kooiman to find out why. she was born and raised there against impossible odds. pretty close, brian. i was born in charlotte, north carolina, about four hours from here. it s always been a gem for us southerners. but it was rated charleston, south carolina number one place in the world to travel, which is just an amazing distinction to have since it s so well respected. one of the biggest reasons is because of the food. we have michelle weaver, the chef from charleston grill here cook up some you got shrimp going and crab cakes. it s also well-known for the history. we have got eric lavender from the parrot and the pirate tours. good morning to you. good morning. you brought along captain bob. he s a blue and gold macaw. there is so much history here. the civil war got started here. but blackbeard is really he seized the harbor we re in now. yes, he did. in 1718? it was june 1718. they showed up here. he had his flagship. it was a 40 gun sloop he had stolen off of barbados. he had stopped here for a purpose. he and his crew had been to sea for quite a long time and they had gotten rather sick. in fact, they had shall we call it a nasty socially transmitted disease. oh, yuck. yeah. and they actually came here. they seized five ships and kidnapped all the people and held them hostage until the city coughed up a case of medicine for them. wow. and one of the biggest reasons that charleston was vulnerable is because it was not protected by who, by anyone? the british. because we were a privately held colony for 50 years. we were owned by eight people. pirate and parrot tours, check them out. they have great carriage rides and boat tours and all kinds of things. okay. let s talk about what you re making here and how people can make it at home. absolutely. we re doing one of our famous charleston grill crab cakes filled with jumbo lump crab meat. look at this stuff. it s beautiful. truly there is nothing really holding it together except a little prayer and a little love. then we ve got perfect. a beautiful sauce. we re going to mix the crab with citrus, a little tomato, a little fresh herbs. i love all the colors on the plate. of course, justin wails used to be here. let me just have a bite of this and we ll hand it back to the folks at the studio. i thought she was going to feed me. taste a little country right there. that lemon, i love it. mmm. steve: boy, that looks good. back to you on the curvy couch. alisyn: you re having a good morning, anna. steve: very nice. alisyn: thanks so much. steve: thank you. straight ahead, sounds too good to be true, but this is a real deal. a condo with this view, nice lake front view, for $20,000. there are thousands just like it. you ll find out. brian: then alisyn: the tallest dog you ve ever seen. brian: irish wolf hound. alisyn: there is something else special about him, brian. you re going to have to stick around to find out. brian: it s saint patty s day. that s why the shamrock is dancing carfirmation. only hertz gives you a carfirmation. hey, this is challenger. i ll be waiting for you in stall 5. it confirms your reservation and the location your car is in, the moment you land. it s just another way you ll be traveling at the speed of hertz. 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. alisyn: time for quick headlines. big victory for domino s pizza founder against obamacare. a judge temporarily blocking the government from forcing him to provide contraception to employees at his property management company called domino s farm corporation. he says the mandate goes against his religious beliefs. and park university offering a free tuition to any active duty service member at any university who is no longer eligible for tuition assistance. because of the sequester cuts. it was very sad to me because in my mind, the first thing to go shouldn t be educating our military members, especially after all they do. alisyn: park university also waiving the application fee. let s go over to brian. brian: you might be too young to retire, but you re never too young to grab a great deal. yep. baby boomers are relocating to retirement communities in florida because the prices are flat out sensational. joining us now to explain real estate expert and the author of find it, fix it and flip, mike corbett. can you profile these condos for us? absolutely. this is true. what s happening is these retirement communities are not for your grandparents anymore. late baby boomers are moving in because right now there is a perfect storm. the deals are fantastic. prices are going up in south florida, according to trullia, they ve been up 12 1/2% over last year. people are jumping in now to grab these amazing deals and condos with actually great amachinities in some of these retirement communities. brian: let s take, for example, you found this home of the dell ray beach, the price $28,500. that s right. it s a one bedroom, two bathroom condo. it s about 726 square feet. newly renovated. it s got amenity wise also a clubhouse, golf, tennis, six swimming pools. it s got exercise classes and even transportation to shopping. on this one, your mortgage would be about $124 a month. h.o.a. fees about 350. brian: you also found another place in west palm beach. the price is $23,000. let s take a look at this one. another one. this is in a complex called century village. it s one bedroom, two baths, about 738 square feet. it s a second floor unit with a corner with views, beautiful, sunny, bright. again, great amenities. clubhouse. it s got a feeder. this one even has medical services on the facility. it s a fantastic deal. brian: i never heard of sunrise, florida. but you found this one there for $14,800. an unbelievable deal. again, in one of the complexes, this one has got waterfront views. it s got an enclosed porch, overlooks a beautiful lake. 55-plus community. again, with great amenity, tennis court. the nice thing is you have the gym all to yourself most of the time. your mortgage on this, $66 a month. brian: the only down side, you are got to eat at 5 and be in bed by 8. i m wondering, isn t there a minimum age? i always thought there was they were subsidized by the community and you had to be a certain age. you do. it s 55 plus community. also, keep in mind not all of them are this inexpensive. there are some far more expensive, more athennities. those sometimes also have what s called an equity buy-in. these that i just showed you, they don t. so for a very little amount of money, many people are jumping in to these right now. brian: michael corbett thanks so much. his book is out, go out and get it. thank you. thank you. brian: next up, celebrating saint patty s day this weekend with irish dogs. and unrelated, 9 to 11 you can count on america s news room and a girl and a guy. mccallum, you re irish, right? well, yes. irish and scottish. those dogs are amazing. stick around for that. thanks, brian. coming up here, president obama signals a ramp up in our defense in alaska and california in response to north korea. he s going back to what president bush had recommended there. it s a big story and that s coming up. and why those injured in benghazi have not been able to tell their story about that night. jason chaffetz says subpoenas are on the way. we ll see you at the top of the hour hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it s the honey, it makes it taste so. well, would you look at the time. what s the rush? be happy. be healthy. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study. so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. so i guess my wife was right. until i had the shingles. i have never encountered such a burning sensation. it was like a red rash. like somebody had set a bag of hot charcoal on my neck. i had no idea it came from chickenpox. it s something you never want to encounter. for more of the inside story, visit steve: it is not a dog. it s a pony. because st. patrick s day is this weekend, we ve got three irish-themed dogs. alisyn: i see you. hello, horse. okay. all righty. steve: lisa peterson. alisyn: you re holding the dog i m supposed to be holding. he s happy to be here. he s excited to be here. alisyn: is that excitement right there? yes. alisyn: tell me more about this dog. this is mickey, a blue tearier from ireland. all purpose farm dog, a herder, wonderful family companion, certainly got a lovely coat, as you can see. brian: irish setter is barking at the bill o reilly picture. [ laughter ] alisyn: tell me about the horse that steve is holding. this is willow the irish wolf hound, the tallest of our breeds. 170 pounds. they used to hunt wolfs in ireland and the nobility loved this dog. alisyn: brian s dog is walking him. tell us about brian s dog. this is an irish setter. this is the most popular dog voted on the american kennel club facebook page. he is a high energy dog and a love lima hoglymahogany coat. alisyn: they ve been out here a while. are they happy to be in the city? they seem to be not enjoying the traffic and all the noise out here. they re certainly happy to be here and celebrate st. patrick s day and the luck of the irish. and all that good stuff. alisyn: this show is going to the dogs. brian: let s meet the irish wolf hound. steve: how much does an irish wolf hound that weighs 170 pounds, eat in a day? a lot. steve: okay, thank you. alisyn: he s eyeing this steve: brian! come on. we re going to take a quick time out and tranquilize brian. brian: i m fine! steve: no, you re not! what s droid-smart ? with google now, it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport, how much traffic there is, and can have your boarding pass ready. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-smart. droid-powerful. . .. 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