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Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20181026

suspect now in custody in florida and scheduled to appear in court on monday. 56-year-old cesar altieri sayoc is charged with five federal crimes including mailing explosives and threatening two former presidents. tonight, the fbi is stressing that all 13 bombs sent to prominent democrats and other public figures were not hoax devices. sayoc s van, which was towed away, was plastered with pro-trump and anti-democrat images. a little while ago president trump said he heard that the suspect is a supporter of his, but he refused to say whether he bears any responsibility at all for any of this because of his inflammatory rhetoric. this hour i will talk to the former u.s. attorney and our correspondents and analysts are standing by. first, let s go to our senior investigative correspondent drew griffin in south florida for us right now. drew, we have new information about the bombs and the suspect s background. reporter: on the bombs, wolf, they were not ha hoa hoax becau according to the fbi they contained most if not all of the components of a bomb. it is unclear at this point if they could have detonated or were designed to detonate. the suspect in custody now. he did cooperate initially with authorities, telling them he had no intentions of harming anyone. he now has a lawyer and questioning has ended. tonight authorities have a suspect in custody they say is responsible for at least a dozen package bombs discovered across the u.s. each device consisted of roughly six inches of pvc pipe, a small clock, a battery, some wiring and what is known as energetic material, which is essentially potential explosives and material that give off heat and energy through a reaction to heat, shock or friction. reporter: fbi director chris wray indicating a fingerprint found on one of the packages led fbi investigators to 56-year-old cesar sigh jok who is facing five federal crimes and up to 48 years in prison. based on their analysis they uncovered a latent fingerprint from one of the envelopes containing an ied sent to congresswoman maxine waters. we have confirmed this fingerprint is that of cesar sayoc. there is also a possible dna connection between samples collected from pieces of two different ieds mailed in separate envelopes and a sample previously collected from sayoc in connection with an earlier arrest down in florida. reporter: 56-year-old cesar sayoc is in federal custody, arrested in south florida. authorities also impounding this white van, taking every precaution, unaware of what may be inside. yeah, we just took him into custody. there s concern, reference signal 46, and we want the road shut down and then we ll start evacuating. reporter: according to law enforcement officials, sayoc had been living in the van recently after being kicked out of his parents house. that van, covered in political stickers with images of president donald trump, targets on prominent liberals as well as a sticker says cnn sucks. here he is at a trump campaign rally last year holding a sign saying the same thing. sayoc s social media accounts post numerouses from tru trump sayings. he trolls president obama tweeting about bobby kennedy. he mocks former vice president biden s 9/11 message with a photo of his delaware home and pictures that suggest fire bombing it. i blames former attorney air holder for the murder of border patrol agent terry, threatening death. he vilifies congresswoman maxine waters, tweeting bad memes and encouraging his like-minded followers to attend an event. he accuses george soros of funding a coverup. public record shows he has an extensive criminal record dating back as far as 1991. the most notable offense, a 2002 charge of threatening to discharge a destructive device at a florida utility company. just recently, a package addressed to democratic donor tom stire was found in california. earlier today, one intended for former director of national intelligence, james clapper, addressed to cnn in new york, was intercepted at a new york facility. another addressed to new jersey senator cory booker was found in florida. wolf, sayoc now being held in federal detention in downtown miami, awaiting his first court appearance. wolf. drew, thank you very much. drew griffin reporting for us. let s bring in our justice correspondent evan perez and law enforcement analyst josh campbell. he s a former fbi viesupervisor agents. josh, what do his social media posts say about his political motives? it is additional clues. obviously as we build a picture of who this person was, authorities want the know everything about him including what he has written, what he has said. if you think about what these kind of posts are, these are outward manifestations of your beliefs as are the stickers on his van. again, he is not hiding that these are the things he believes. one thing that s interesting, i know we had former u.s. attorney coming up who has worked a number of different cases and he will tell you in different instances sometimes criminals try to hide what they re doing, what they believe and their moe motives are. here he is signaling, these are the things i believe. this will be key for the investigators as they piece things together and they draw a line through the clue to build a case. what do we know about his record? he has been arrested several times over the years. right. he has been arrested at least nine times dating back to the 1990s, wolf. one particular 2002 arrest was for making a bomb threat to a utility down in south florida. so he had a pretty extensive criminal record, which was a huge help when the fbi was doing began doing the investigation. one of the things that happened certainly by yesterday, they had identified a fingerprint on one of the devices that was being sent to maxine waters, a congress woman. secondly, they found dna belonging to this man also on one of the maxine waters bombs and one being sent to former president barack obama. those two things they were able to go back to the state of florida where they found obviously they had his fingerprints on record and they were able to identify him fairly quickly, certainly by last night. he has a court date set for monday, right? had. he has a court date, federal charges he is facing in miami. he has to first get removed from the state of florida. we ll see whether or not he fights that or not, but it is pretty routine in normal circumstances before he goes to new york to face charges there. five federal charges, potentially 48 years. remember, he is 56 years old right now. josh, tell us how the arrest went down. what are you hearing? reporter: yeah, wolf. we are piecing together how this all began, and obviously authorities have been on high alert since these packages starting coming in the mail, trying to track this person and identify him. we are told there was cellphone communication devices that were used in order to help track, you know, determine where he was. one thing that s interesting, wolf, in these type of situations law enforcement officers will try to arrest someone in the early morning hours or at some point in time where law enforcement has the benefit. we are told one factor that was key here was they had an address for the person, but they didn t necessarily want to hit that house and arrest him or attempt to, you know, locate him and arrest him because they weren t sure if there were possibly explosives involved, if that was inside, if it would pose a threat to officers. they wanted to do it outside an actual residence. we have learned details that he may have been living in his vehicle. again, that explains why it went down at this time of day. we understand law enforcement officers were surveilling him and made the decision to take him down. what can you tell us about the ieds, which director wray tells us, how they were made, where the material came from. these are not, quote, unquote, bombs. director wray made clear they were not hoax devices, they could have hurt people. once he was arrested he said to law enforcement that these weren t going to hurt anyone, i wasn t trying to hurt anyone but that s now how the fbi sees them because they believe there are the makings here, the components that someone could have been hurt. these ieds were clearly bombs. they were bombs. nobody should try to use quote marks around them because that s what they were. the president did use quote marks around them in a tweet earlier in the day before the arrest. i m aware. he says now this, quote, bomb stuff happens, as if he was belittling the nature of these serious bombs. this is serious. fortunately no one was hurt, but a lot of people could have been injured or killed. keep in mind, wolf can i say, wolf this man, for all of the apparent craziness that surrounds this, he was apparently good enough that he was you know, he tried to make clear that his dna wasn t going to be there. he made mistakes however, and that s how the fbi was able to get his fingerprints. he was careful enough they were only able to find his fingerprints on one of the devices and dna on two of them. they found the fingerprint on one of the packages sent to congresswoman maxine water. go ahead, josh. make your point. i was going to say, wolf, obviously investigators keep an open mind as we do, journalists and the public should. but as we started to learn details about the targets and these clues came together, it appeared as though it was leading in one direction. it is important to hear officials on the record standing at that press conference basically knocking down some of the narratives, counter narratives we have seen, saying they re not hoax devices and this person was likely partisan. that is leading in one direction, that this person was acting based on political beliefs we have seen on the social media postings and the like. i need both of you to stand by. there s more breaking news we are following tonight. the president acknowledging the bomb suspect is a supporter of his. mr. trump refused to draw any connection between his rhetoric and the 13 mail bombs sent to people. he has targeted with divisive words. our senior correspondent jeff zeleny is in charlotte, north carolina where the president is getting ready to hold a political rally. a huge crowd already has gathered. jeff, the president at least so far is not accepting any responsibility. reporter: wolf, good evening. he has not. as the president was leaving the whouts white house a short time ago he was asked specifically if he holds any blame. he said, look, no, there s no blame, there s no blame for anything. he asked if he disavows support from that florida suspect, and he said he would not actually answer that question. but, wolf, this comes after earlier today the president said he is committed to stopping political violence. the question is what will he do about it. president trump urging americans to unify tonight, refusing to acknowledge how his divisive rhetoric contributed to an overheated and dangerous political climate and may have motivated the bomber suspect. the bottom line is americans must unify and show the world we we are united in peace, love and harmony as fellow human citizens. reporter: those words so far are just words, not followed by action. we must never allow political violence to take root in america. cannot let it happen, and i m committed to doing everything in my power as president to stoop it and to stop it now. stop it. reporter: that s teleprompter trump with a carefully scripted message 11 days before the midterm elections. these terrorizing acts are despicable and have no place in our country. no place. reporter: but officials tell cnn the president does not believe he s complicit in contributing to the red-hot political atmosphere where an apparent supporter allegedly sent package bombs to more than a dozen trump critics. cnn has learned that the president is telling allies and ad advisors he does not believe it is fair to link it to his rhetoric. leaving the white house for the rally the president said this. i did not see my face on the van. i don t know. i heard he was a person that preferred me over others, but i did not see that. does it bother you at all, sir? no, not at all. i mean not at all. there s no blame. reporter: the president did not say whether he would change his tone and painted himself as the victim. i think i ve been toned down, if you want to know the truth. i could really tone it up because, as you know, the media has been extremely unfair to me and to the republican party. reporter: this morning, even as authorities in new york discovered another package bomb and were closing in on the 56-year-old suspect in south florida, the president diminished the threat, suggesting the serial bombing attempts were politically inconvenient. republicans are doing so well in early voting and at the polls and now this bomb stuff happens. the momentum greatly slows, the president saying on twitter, news, not talking politics. unfortunate what is going on. republicans go out and vote. while the president put bomb in quotation marks, tonight fbi director christopher wray made clear the severity of the threat. these are not hoax devices. reporter: at the justice department, forceful words from officials reflecting the assassination attempt of the obamas, clintons and others. the president was airing his grievances in the middle of the night on twitter at 3:14 a.m. writing, funny how lowly-rated cnn criticize me at will, even blaming me for the spate of bombs. while trump never shies away from calling out hillary clinton, barack obama and others by name lying, crooked, he is a terrible president. with biden you go like this, whew, and he goes down. reporter: he routinely attacks cnn. you watch the clinton news network, cnn, it is a joke. reporter: he mentioned none of the targets by name today. on the packages and devices that have been made to high-profile figures throughout our country and a media organization reporter: attorney general jeff sessions who is often publicly belittled by the president said the suspect s partisan leanings appeared to lead to his actions. this is a law-and-order administration. we will not tolerate such lawlessness, especially not political violence. reporter: now, some of the strongest words today from the administration were indeed coming from the justice department, calling out exactly what this is, a political violence and saying it was partisan in nature. now, the president has not gone nearly that far, but, wolf, the question is tonight when the president arrives here in charlotte, which he is scheduled to do within the hour, what tone will he take in the final 11 days of the midterm election campaign. he seems much more interested in talking about that. he believes all of this this week has slowed the republican sort of drive, if you will, and their spirit going into the midterm elections. he said they need to get their energy back. wolf, tonight here in charlotte in this arena, which is already filling up it holds about 8,000 people or so he is campaigning for a house seat. that s how targeted his campaigning is. we will see what tone he takes, if he addresses this at all. we are told air force one has now landed in charlotte, so get redy ov ready over there, jeff. jeff zeleny reporting for us. joining us, cnn legal analyst, former u.s. attorney, fareed ferrera. let me get your initial reaction. is it an open and shut case? nothing in life is an open and shut case really. fingerprint analysis is good. it is not infallible. it sounds like they have a clear match with respect to one of the ieds. there was also according to statements made by chris wray and what i read in the criminal complaint, there was a possible dna match. you have the fingerprint connection. i am interested to hear and understand what the results of a search warrant executed today yield. the report i saw said there was a residence associated with the defendant that was searched. ordinarily, as we ve been hearing over the last few days from lots and lots of experts and in my own experience you might find bomb-making materials of a similar sort, envelopes, labels, you might find stamps that link him further to these activities, and then i also heard he has been living in his van that had all of the politically-charged stickers on them and you would expect to find things in the van as well that connect him to the various bombs that were sent. prosecutors don t like to say open-and-shut case because anything can happen. it seems strong at this point and it is only just beginning. we saw video of law enforcement searching the home of his mother down in florida. he apparently, the 56-year old had been kicked out of his mother s home, was living out of the van. i m sure they re searching the van. i m sure they re searching his mother s home as well. we have a lot of information about his political ideology, preet. what does it tell you about his list it targets? to answer that question you don t need to have had years and years of experience as a federal prosecutor, nor as the u.s. attorney. common as soon as tells you he was a partisan, as the current attorney general of the united states, jeff sessions, said at the pre the press confronerence earlier today. he decided his victim by his political belief system. it is evidenced by the targets that received the ied devices but by his activity over a number of years, who he complained about, who he criticized, who he didn t like. there s a matching of one-to-one between who he didn t like politically and who he decided to send a device to do potentially kill them. the suspect will be prosecuted we are told in the southern district of new york, in new york city, where you served as u.s. attorney. what more will prosecutors be looking for to build their case? well, the first thing you want to make sure to be doing is working alongside law enforcement. i want to commend them all and i m proud of my former office for being on top of it and getting it done so quickly. we had new active terrorism cases in my office involving explosive devices, some of which went off and harmed people as well, but first you want to make sure you have all of the devices. that s a job prosecutors and law enforcement agents work together on to make sure of. with respect to the case, as i said, you want to see what the take is from the search warrants. you want to see what his communications were. you want to get a download of his devices, his cellphones, any computers he may have been using. there s no evidence here right now that i ve seen because conspiracy has not been charged that he was working with concert with other people. that s one of the first things you care about. even if he wasn t working in concert with other people, was he in communication with like-minded people that may think of doing something in a copy cat fashion or independently do something like this guy was doing. lots of times people with a particular kind of grudge or a political feeling about something or an association with drugs or anything else, they associate with other folks like themselves. even though they may be lone wolves unto themselves with respect to a particular act they engage in, you can often find evidence that lead you to other people. you want to think about making sure there s no remaining threat to anyone, to see if there s anyone else he can connect you to with respect to the case. i think you see what the take is. you see if other people have evidence of him saying things that indicated he was intending to do these things. i am assuming there s lots and lots of surveillance tape from various places where he went, either to buy materials to make the bombs, to mail the bombs, to put them together. so i m expecting you will see lots and lots of additional evidence. maybe you don t need all of it because it is pretty strong, but the folks in my old office are thorough and will leave no stone unturned. they said they have five criminal charges against him. potentially he could serve 48 years in prison. does that seem like the bare minimum of charges to you? do you expect more charges to come forward? yes, i do expect that. i was thinkings of other statutes that could come forward and there are a number. this was authorized by a magistrate judge in florida. at some point, depending on what rights the defendant waives, the prosecutors have to come up with an indictment that requires 23 americans and a grand jury to decide if they approve of the charges. usually at that time you have a few more days to think about the evidence and look back at the law. lots of other charges could be added, so i expect it to go up because other things could be charged with respect to the use of what he made use of, these destructive devices, yes. acts of terror, as you know, they re always a test for the leadership of the country, specifically the president of the united states. what do you make of the way the president has been handling this situation? the president on a number of issues doesn t handle this kind of situation well, particularly when there s violence or a threat of violence. we saw it in charleston and we are see in charlottesville, i m sorry, and we are seeing it here again. i understand politically he thinks it is death to admit blame or responsibility or a failing in any way, shape or form, and that has been good for him i guess in some ways. to my mind it shouldn t be that difficult for a politician of any stripe to in simple, straightforward words condemn violence, especially condemn violence for political reasons, against news organizations in particular, people who are only doing their jobs in politics. it is i think it sends a massive bad signal not just to the country generally, but also to other people that might be thinking about these things. i m not saying there s a direct line between what donald trump has said and what he seems to be able to accept and this person doing these terrible things. this person obviously as the reporting has shown has a long record of criminal conduct. he has for a long time before president trump became president of the united states had a political viewpoint that has targeted people with his vitriol if not violence. so it wasn t initiated with president trump, but in an environment where people are increasingly separated by their tribes, you have people like this guy out there. maybe they re set off further and maybe they re inclined to do something further when their leaders make it seem like it is okay and make it seem like the press is the enemy of the people. i mean i m sitting here in washington, wolf. i am sitting in the time warner center, at the very place this person tried to send devices that were intended to kill people. so it is not a joking matter as the fbi director said a short while ago. these were not hoax devices. notwithstanding the fact that the last couple of days supporters of the president and the president himself in a tweet suggested it was all nonsense. he used the word bombs in quotes in one of his tweets. it is a serious business. the president is the leader of all americans and he should condemn and not use dog whistles. especially when a former secretary of state, former president of the united states, former director of national intelligence, members of congress are specifically targeted by these kind of improvised explosive devices. thanks for joining us. sure. thanks, wolf. we are getting new information into the situation room . we will take a quick break and update you on the latest news right after this. that skills like teamwork, attention to detail, and customer service are critical to business success. like the ones we teach here, every day. vo: costs are rising.e squeeze. and customer service are critical to business success. it s 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devices. here is more of what the fbi director christopher wray told reporters. each device consisted of roughly six inches of pvc pipe, a small clock, a battery, some wiring and what is known as energetic material which is essentially potential explosives and material that give off heat and energy through a reaction to heat, shock or friction. though we re still analyzing the devices in our laboratory, these are not hoax devices. let s bring in our analysts and correspondents. phil mudd, at one point you worked at the fbi. what jumped out at you from what we heard over at the justice department? well, there are two pieces. first the immediate piece, people are talking about what the devices looked like. there were people in danger for the last week. these were real devices. there s debate about this. no one can dispute chris wray. he is an appointee of president trump working for the attorney general. we had a real threat here. there s a lot of negativity in this country, wolf. step back, friday night, pop a bottle of champagne, the system worked. nypd put out the images, people knew about this stuff. we got dna, we got fingerprints, we found the mail sorting facility partly by postal inspectors and the takedown was smooth. you got to love it. it worked. david chelan, this suspect made it clear he was a huge supporter of president trump. i want you to watch how the president responded to that. listen to this. i did not. i did not see my face on the van. i don t know i heard he was a person that preferred me over others, but i did not see that. not at all, no t th, that th no blame, anything. if you look at what happened to steve scalise, it was from a supporter of a different party. you look at what happened numerous of these incidents that were supporters of others. why can t he reflect on the fact that his words may have inspired this guy even inadvertently? why can t donald trump do x is a question we have been asking for a year and a half on some of these things, wolf. i don t have an answer for that except that that has not been his pattern at all, and i don t anticipate he will ever have that introspective moment or in some ways speak about his role in this. by the way, collectively there are all of the political actors from both sides, from the media, we could all take a step back and look at how do we shape the political atmosphere. that might be a healthy thing, but donald trump is the president of the united states. he is the leader of the country, and as you noted, as we ve noted over the last couple of days, everybody on the target list is somebody donald trump has singled out in a rally or a tweet or what have you as a political target. it is impossible to ignore the nexus and donald trump is doing just that, ignoring the nexus. he is not to blame for what this guy did, but it would be refreshing leadership if he could have an introspective moment. i don t anticipate it. it is not his style and i don t think we should wait for it. dan, i want you to look at this video. this guy posted video of himself at various trump rallies. you can hear him chanting, trump, trump, trump. also at one point chanting, cnn sucks. what do you make of this? look, it is not surprising given what we saw on his van and the not to mention the number of people and the kinds of people he sent these potential deadly bombs to, the package bombs to. sara can speak to this more than i because she has been to probably more of these rallies than you can count, but this is the atmosphere. this is the atmosphere we have been talking about, this is the atmosphere we have been dealing with. i agree with david, the president it is certainly not his fault, but it is true that all of us and especially the president has rhetoric he can tone down and he is not going to. you attended a lot of those rallies and maybe you were there when this guy was there as well. at one point the president used the phrase, enemy of the people, referring to the mainstream news media. enemy of the people. clearly this guy was influenced by that. well, you know, that s right. i think what we have seen is the way the president talks about the media, the way the president talks about cnn has really permeated among his fans and his followers. you know, even tonight at this rally that jeff zeleny is at people are still chanting, cnn sucks, in the same week that explosive devices were sent to our office in new york. so it has clearly resonated with them. it happens constantly throughout the rally. there s merchandise that says, cnn sucks, cnn lies, cnn is isis. the president a no point, not even in this week has said, okay, i may have gone too far, or even if i have disagreements with this media outlet or any media outlet, i m never condoning violence. i don t want my followers to act on this. express your grievances about their coverage but i don t want you to resort to violence. there were warning signs involving the suspect out there for years, long before donald trump decided to run for president. in 2002 he was arrested for making a bomb threat. so what led him to act now and follow up and allegedly make these specific not just a bomb threat, but send out these bombs? yeah, you know, there s no doubt this is an individual that had some extreme anger against the people he sent these bombs to. we know he had made these threats in the past, but as far as we know up until this point he had not acted on any of those threats. so the key question we have to ask ourselves is what was the trigger that caused him to wake up one day and say, today is the day i m going to engage in terrorist activity, i m going to try to assassinate two former president of the united states and, as several people said on the panel here, look, we cannot blame the president for this, but we have to ask ourselves whether or not the divisive nature of our current political rhetoric played some role and what triggered this individual to decide that today was the day he was going to do this. that doesn t mean it was the president. you can have a situation where someone has mental health issues, but they also can experience what is happening in their environment and be triggered by that. that is certainly something we have to look at. i just you can see how uncomfortable the president is just watching that tape, that it is a supporter of his. i think two things here. one, the president himself said just politically, the republicans have lost their momentum, we need to get our momentum back. clear acknowledgement he doesn t think this story is politically advantageous story to him in any way whatsoever. i wonder how the president would have been answering questions today if it was a liberal supporter or a democrat or soros donor who this guy ended up being. i imagine it would be a very different tone, and that is the problem. it shouldn t matter who this guy supports either way. it was a terrorist act and it should be condemned at all levels and it should spark this kind of intro spacspection, butt the president would have had a different response if his politics we are getting new information on social media posts that are very telling. we will have that and more right after this. hi, my name is sam davis and i m going to tell you about exciting plans available to anyone with medicare. many plans provide broad coverage and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. these are affordable, all-in-one plans that help pay for doctor visits, hospital stays and emergency care. but they also include prescription drug coverage. in fact, last year humana medicare advantage prescription drug plan members saved an estimated $6,900 on average on their prescription costs. call a licensed humana sales agent or go online to find out if you could save on your prescription drugs. this plan delivers coverage for the three things you may care most about; prescription drug coverage, doctor visits, and hospital 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media, attacking prominent democrats and news media, particularly cnn, his abc rear tweets and posts at times reading like a conspiracy handbook. cesar altieri sayoc seen here at president trump s rally in florida last year holding up a sign calling for cnn to be ban. in addition to repeatedly slamming cnn, sayoc was a frequent online critic of the very people federal prosecutors say he targeted with 13 pipe bombs sent through the u.s. postal system in the last few days. the 56-year-old registered republican has been active across social media where he has posted multiple images of himself attending trump rallies or wearing a make american great again happen, even wishing trump a happy birthday in june. he has tweeted pro republican messages like it is tike to take our country back, vote republican, and the swamp to be drained, a post that includes pictures of prominent kihei maekawas and logos of all major news networks except fox news . his online persona and activities echoing conspiracy theories and themes popular on right wing web sites, posting on website this photo of hillary clinton in may 2016 with a caption, i preside over six billion dollars lost at the state department, sold uranium to the russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records and murdered an ambassador. on twitter, this string of posts about president obama, including this message about his, quote, real father, and posting weeks before the presidential election, clinton is worse on terrorism. her and obama have made american weak and open to world terrorist attacks. a facebook spokesman telling cnn the company previously removed multiple posts from sayoc s account for violations of its community standards. at times following complaints by other users. the company would not say how many posts were removed, but said the violations were not severe enough to prompt them to shut down sayoc s account until after he was named a suspect. sayoc maintained at least two twitter accounts. just this week tweeting about president obama and two billionaire democratic activists, tom stire and george soros, after authorities found the pipe bomb he allegedly sent to one of sore rose s homes, the first such device to be detected. he tweeted about former vice president joe biden in last september, two days later posting this message about cory booker. sayoc, who had multiple run-ins with the law and a string of arrests dating back to the early 90s tweeted about california representative maxine waters in april. his van, which investigators seized, was decorated with pro-trump imagery and a cnn sucks sticker, a reference to a chant heard frequently at trump rallies. cnn sucks! reporter: and this tweet falsely saying cnn was hillary clinton s eighth largest donor even though cnn does not make political donations or take political positions. sayoc also posted a series of threats to cnn, its anchors, correspondents and contributors, tweeting, go cnn, you re next. you over enemy of america, cnn, you re next. so the corrupt con john media like make threats, april and don lemon next. among the many ramblings of a prolific social media user who was clearly pro trump saying on the president s birthday, thank you for all you do against everyone and not be stopped ever. straight ahead. get it done. awesome. build wall. we are learning a bit more about this man, this suspect, cesar altieri sayoc. his former lawyer telling cnn today that sayoc has struggled for years with a, quote, lack of comprehension of reality. wolf. excellent reporting, athena. thank you very much. i want to get back to our correspondent it and analysts. phil mudd, at one point this guy tweeted a threat to you. it was horrible to see that today. the president also has verbally attacked you by name. you know, you are someone who served your entire career in the cia and the fbi. you tried to do some public service. what does it feel like to see all of a sudden you re being attacked by this guy, this guy making a direct threat to you, but over these past months the president of the united states also verbally attacking you? well, i only did 25 years, wolf. i guess it doesn t count. the president has done, what, 20 months? look, something happened today that resulted from what i witnessed in august. on about august 20th the president attacked me publicly on twitter. 96 hours later this roughly, this individual arrested today uses my name in a tweet and suggests he wants to kill me. that s coincidence? i don t have the profile of a movie star. how do you think that guy got my name? meanwhile, i got a call. my 86-year-old dad and my sister and then contact my girlfriend and tell them they re going to hear about a death threat against me tonight because the president attacked me on twitter. meanwhile, i also called the local police department to say i m going home to washington tomorrow. if there s a bomb in my house because this guy sent one before he got arrested, i will give you a ring. 25 years in and that s what you get. the president s playing with fire. 55 million twitter followers, i m not suggesting he is responsible for the acts of a de ranged individual. i m saying when you got 55 million twitter followers and you say, lock her up and cnn sucks and you take a shot at people personally, somebody is going to look at it and say, i wept to a rally where people are really aggressive and now i m going to act on it, and finally we saw it hatch thppen this wee. i am irritated, wolf. as you should be. our heart goes out to you and everybody else this guy threatened. he threatened a bunch of people. this is why it is unacceptable that the president refuses to discuss his rhetoric. this is why it is an unacceptable spon unacceptable response from sarah sanders, the white house press secretary, to dismiss it as a viable topic to talk about, because of exactly what phil is saying. you have to be ignorant of reality to not see the impact of the rhetoric, and so that s why when you are the leader of the free world and the president of the united states, it is an incumbent responsibility on you to speak to this very thing. he said today, i have toned down my rhetoric. you know what? he has in several of his public appearances this week, but he has also taken to twitter and slashed the media again and destroyed and has a crowd chanting, cnn sucks before he gets there. is the president going to arrive on that stage and say, don t chant that again. there s a lot you can do even if you re not the president. the president has his people on the ground at that rally right now, and it is not hard for someone to go to the mike and say, you know what, this chant is really inappropriate. obviously, you know, we have knocked cnn before, but they received explosive devices this week. cut it out. it is not appropriate, cut it out. this is a conversation we have had for a long time, that it only takes one crazy person to act on, you know, this sort of idea that president trump has fostered, the idea that the media is the enemy, the idea that he supports candidates who have physically assaulted journalists. it does not mean, as you pointed out, the president is responsible for sending the explosive devices. he is not. but he is responsible for the words that come out of his mouth, and right now he is choosing once again not to take any responsibility. and this is a conversation we have had publicly, you said it on the air and i don t have any problems saying we have had privately with people in that world. let s have these discussions. let s have these potential somebody is going to get hurt. it doesn t take a rocket scientist to go from a to b. i think one of the most important things that phil said here is he made the connection between when the president attacked him on twitter and when this individual attacked him on twitter, and everyone s right here. we can t say that the president was responsible, but i think we re going to be able to go back and we re going to be able to recreate instances in which the president attacked many of these individuals who received bombs and we will see this kind of characteristic attacking of these individuals in twitter, and so we can t dismiss outright the possibility that there s a connection here. clearly, the president s not responsible, but the rhetoric has to be in some way contributing to this. because phil, you know, i ve been worried as our viewers know, for a long time when the president of the united states says that we, the media, the mainstream media, are the enemy of the people, you know, most people will just hear that and move on, but there are some crazy people, a very small number of people, who will say to themselves, you know, if they are the enemy of the people, we got to do something about that, and clearly, this individual thought he had to do something about it. well, i ve saw that through 25 years in my career. when there s people out in revolutiona revolutionary organizations overseas, when someone issues a call and they ve got 55 million followers, a few of them are going to say, i m going to take that to a new level. there s a personal piece to this, wolf. i probably shouldn t do is this. i m out last night and somebody comes up to the bar and offers to buy me a glass of wine, my first question is what s in this person s hands? are they going to hurt me? i m not afraid. i don t feel under threat but the president has created an environment where all those individuals you ve seen on photos who were sent bombs have to look around and say, when i go into a restaurant, is somebody going to walk up and do something. that is some place we can t be. all the president has to do is to say, maybe we should be more polite. just as mrs. mudd would have said to me when i was 6 years old. i think we should go back to what david said. everybody needs to take a breath. everybody does. and what you re seeing and hearing from the people who work here and from our colleagues at other media outlets is frustration that is boiling over that this was preventable. and unfortunately, given the atmosphere that we re in, it was potentially inevitable that something along these lines would happen and what phil said, which should also be repeated. thank goodness the system worked. it is remarkable the way that not only the reaction on the day of and the next day when these packages were found, but the speed with which law enforcement got this guy. yeah. wolf, you know, in order for everyone to take a breath, someone s going to have to step out front and lead that effort. you know, the president has the power to step away from the teleprompter and speak to the american people from a place of sincerity and say that this is not who we are. and that we need to tone down this rhetoric and he needs to say that i m going to do what s important and i m going to lead by example. i m going to be the first one to do that. if the president were to do that, he has to be consistent. he can t say that and then go to a rally and say the polar opposite of that because then we don t know what s sincere and what s not. but john, the president he would see that you know, he would see that as conceding to his political opponents and conceding to a media frame that is out there now, and to so that s why we see him doubling down on the attacks against the press right now. and i also should just sad he doesn t want to give ground. and he s not the only one who has said outrageous things. the democratic side, we ve seen it too. what maxine waters said was rightly condemned by her own party leadership. calling on people to go out and go after republicans. and even eric holder said he was misunderstood but when he said kick them, he was condemned and that should have been the case. she s not the president of the united states. but it s still not proep. absolutely not appropriate but remember we have one president, one commander in chief, one leader of the free world who has a responsibility. all right, everybody stand by. i want to go to our cnn chief media correspondent, brian stelter. he s at president trump s rally right now in charlotte, north carolina. brian, tonight, the president is claiming that he s toned down his rhetoric but these rallies are where he unleashes his strongest attacks on the news media and his opponents. what are you seeing so far? reporter: this is where he shares talking points with his most loyal supporters and aisle really struck here, wolf, by the reactions in the crowd to the reporters in the room. you know, as a media reporter talking to the folks in the crowd, the rally goers, a lot of them are in on it. they think it s theater. they think it s, like, pro wrestling. when they chant, cnn sucks, some of them, then come up to me afterwards and say, hey, brian, nothing personal. we re glad you re here. but not everybody here feels that way. not everybody here is joking around. some are very serious. and i wonder at the end of this week if trump is able to control the forces he has unleashed. is he able or willing to tamp down the fire that he has started? will his crowds continue to chant, fake news, and will he continue to encourage that? or will he show leadership? because absolutely, those of us in the news business have a responsibility to be fair and to be accurate, but he has a responsibility to be a leader and show leadership. so let me just show you real quick, wolf. this brand-new statement from the committee to protect journalists. i was really taken aback by the strong language here from robert mahoney, one of the leaders of the group. he said, look, while we cannot say that trump s speech directly incites violence, it is clear that some people are influenced by it. influenced by the rhetoric. he said journalists across the country feel unsafe because of the constant hostility and the belittling of their role in our democracy by the head of state. and the statement finishes by saying, this needs to stop. as you know, wolf, news rooms across the country have stepped up security this week as a result of the bombs. all right, brian, thank you very much. brian stelter on the scene for us in charlotte, north carolina. quickly want to turn to another major story that s breaking right now. israeli war planes and helicopters striking gaza after at least 16 rockets were fired at israel. cnn is working the story from jerusalem. i take it a sharp escalation unfolding tonight. reporter: and just about two minutes ago, i got another rocket alert from the gaza periphery, indicating that this escalation isn t over yet. we ve seen outsiders step in, other organizations, including egypt and the united nations to step in and pull back both israel and gaza from these escalations. each time they attempt to, it brings us closer and closer to the brink of war between israel and gaza. this starts earlier today. israel says gaza fired a number of rockets, more than a dozen at this point, some ten of which or more perhaps at this point have been intercepted by israel s iron dome aerial defense system. as you pointed out, wolf, israeli aircraft and helicopters striking targets in gaza. we expect a summary of those targets from the israel defense forces, the israeli military, little later on tonight. we will certainly update you when we get that list of targets. this follows protests, clashes earlier in the day along the gaza fence. we ve seen those clashes weekly. they ve been almost daily now. israel says some 16,000 palestinians participated in those protests along the gaza border. we ve seen those protests become violent. part of that israeli response is a response to those protests, air strikes carried out earlier in the day. the palestinian ministry of health says four palestinians were shot and killed during the protests. are egypt and the united nations able to step in and bring israel and hamas, israel and gaza back from the brink? that s the critical question at this point as the exchanges continue, as the escalation continues. very quickly, is there fear right now that this could escalate into a full-scale war between the israelis and the hamas at gaza as occurred in 2014? reporter: that fear is always there. is it ever present right now? is it imminent at this point? i wouldn t say it is at this point. both israel and hamas have said repeatedly that they don t want a war. now will they act on not wanting a war? orrin, thank you very much. we ll stay on top of that story as well. finally, tonight, if you ll indulge me, i want to say a few words about this week, a historic week indeed. the people who work here at cnn do their very, very best to report the news fairly, accurately, and responsibly. of course we make mistakes, but when we do, we acknowledge them and we fix them. that s the role of journalists. cnn isn t just made up of people that you see on camera, like me and our other correspondents. it s made up of thousands and thousands of very hard-working, very dedicated people here in the united states and indeed around the world. people just like you, men and women who have children, men and women who have families, men and women who have lives just like all of our viewers. people want to go home to those children. people want their lives back after working hard all day and it can be very, very tense. those were the people who were put at risk by these improvised explosive devices, people whose names and faces you ll never see, people who work in our mail rooms, handle our deliveries, and work so hard to keep all of us safe. many others were put at risk as well, postal workers, clerks, mail carriers, inspectors, police officers, bomb technicians. we are so, so lucky they weren t hurt. i think i speak for all of my colleagues here in the united states and around the world when i say thank you to those folks, those people you never see for discovering these devices and for keeping us safe, and i can assure you, cnn will keep doing what it does, reporting the news undeterred, unafraid as we do every night, including tonight. thanks very much for watching. erin burnett outfront starts erin burnett outfront starts right now. captions by vitac breaking news, the alleged bomb maker linked to at least 14 bombs now is in custody tonight. who is cesar sayoc? a former coworker who says he was, quote, crazed, is my guest. plus president t

Miami , Florida , United-states , New-york , Charlotte , North-carolina , Acton , Egypt , Israel , Washington , Delaware , Gaza

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Hallie Jackson 20181211

out there. let s take a second and remember that the biggest campaign promise from then candidate trump, the number one thing is that donald trump would build a wall and that mexico would pay for it. mexico will pay for the wall, believe me. they will pay for the wall, 100%. mexico in some form will reimburse us. one way or the other mexico is going to pay for the wall. i believe that mexico will pay for the wall. it s in the a question of who is going to pay for the wall. mexico is not going to. you, the taxpayers, are. the only question is how much you will have to pay. i went to get to jeff. jeff, the president is popping off some tweets today. that is not necessarily news that he is tweeting. what me is signaling could be news. it seems like he is trying to lay the ground work to talk himself out of a wall brawl. you re right about that. the one thing we know is his connection always derived from the single issue of border security. he wants the built one way or the other. the latest evidence are the five tweets he sent this morning. these tweets riddled with inaccuracy. you said it. remember, donald trump said all along that mexico is going to pay. in another one he said if democrats do not give us votes to secure our country the military will bill the remaining sections of the wall. the constitution makes clear that the administration needs funding to shift funding around. he said we already fully renovated others making them like new. no new wall has been built although service members have been there for the past six weeks laying wire so people have pointed out that is certainly a wall of another sort. we got to chance to talk to the president s counselor. i asked her if the president will be open to accepting anything less than the $5 billion he says he wants. take a look. you would be open to accepting let s see what happens in the meeting today. maybe something big will happen. maybe nothing will happen. the president is steadfast on his duty of keeping this safe. he is doing that in many different ways. so as we watch for this meeting today remember the last time they sat down that deal blew up without even an agreement about what the agreement was. the question is will they be in a mood to make a deal and can the president s word be trusted? jeff, thank you. we heard from the president. we are also hearing from the other side of the aisle. nancy pelosi right before the meeting. here is what she said a couple of minutes ago. what is going to be your plesza message to the president today? let s stick together for the american people. that s our responsibility. do you think you ll be able to come to a compromise? i m joined now by political analyst michael steel. here with me is gabby and nbc news national political reporter jonathan allen so it could be a big deal. it could be not. nancy and chuck are in the drivers seat. i don t think he anticipated he would be in this position. i find it ironic he is meeting with nancy and chuck and not ryan and mcconnel. so need 60 votes in the senate on this. clearly he understands. it goes to something i have said far long time. he will work sitting across from him. do you read his tweets this morning? she like hey, maybe back off of this. he knows she not going to get it. the number will probably be 3 billion. i am hearing she extremely dug in on this issue. one said that 65% of republicans don t want him to compromise. those numbers are probably right. they probably don t want him to budge. and 63 don t want him to budge at all on the $5 billion figure. this is is something we are willing to go to the map for. once he gets in that setting he sort of deviates from his original plan. it could very well happen today. i think after the election with the last chance before democrats take control this is an issue he has doug in on. it could lead us to a shutdown. we are learning now next monday and next tuesday. the calendar shrinking a little bit. the reason it is so incoherent is because he is setting himself to go up either way on this. i spoke to drew, the deputy chief of staff earlier today. he said what the big take away is the president said the border is secure. it was one of the lines and set of tweets, that it is secure now anyway. the president has been setting up for months to have a shutdown and also get the wall funding. he has said not shutdown or wall funding. i want to force them to do the wall funding. he doesn t have enough support from republicans. they still control congress. it is still up in the air. and this is not going to fall on nancy and chuck if it shuts down. to talk about that i want you to stay right there. let me bring in james, soon to be majority with congressman. it is good to have you. thank you for having me. let me bring you into this conversation here. given what you heard from president trump are you confident that when we see them walk out of the oval office they might say deal, no partial shutdown we are all good? well, i am cautiously optimistic that we will come to some kind of agreement. the fact of the matter is we on a democratic side have offered $1.6 billion. he is asking for $5 billion. 5 billion is a no starter for us. yeah. it seems like the number will have to be somewhere in between. we ll ask you about a couple of other topics. momentum when it talks about impeachment of the president. they have been raising this increasingly since the mueller memos came out. is that going to be a leadership priority for you? no. it s not. i have made it very clear throughout the campaign. i made it clear since the election that we ought not get out in front of the mueller report. we ought to be doing everything we possibly can as democrats to support mueller. to support the product that he produces or protect the product that he produces ch. for us to make decisions on findings and maybe other court findings that may be taking place. i would not want us to go out in front of those investigations. okay. at all. i believe very strongly that we ought to build the record, make our decisions that will be based upon that record and that way it will be last to get out in front will be a mistake. okay. there is a report that is is saying that nancy pelosi and what house democratic rubbles are working on a deal to limit her time to speaker to four years. it would also put the same limits on you. are you good with that four-year term limit? well, i understand that that s true. i have not seen anything in writing. i have had discussions last night with my colleagues, especially those in the congressional black caucus who were very very upset with that kind of a deal. they not at this point not supporting it. so i suspect we ll have a discussion in our caucus that is the democratic caucus in a few minutes. i will then react to whatever we come out of that caucus with. right now i have no idea exactly what all of this is about. i will say once again, personally i don t have a problem with it. okay. it s not about me. it s about people up and coming and whether or not the rules are being changed just in front of their opportunities we have seen that before. i appreciate you coming on the show. thank you. also happening right new on capitol hill the google ceo just walked in testifying publicly before congress. the latest to answer questions about your data and your privacy. this was early last year and asked about google. all of us are very upset somebody could have influenced their elections. any part we have played we want to understand it. we have more elections coming. we are all working hard. joining me now is dylan of the buyers market newsletter. we are seeing kevin mccarthy. you re getting an early look at what you think will come up. yes. it will strike a cooper tifr te cooperative term. it is that he supports federal privacy regulation. ton key issue which is why this hearing was called in the first place about whether or not google suppresses conservative opinion he will say we are a politically neutral company. by and large i think what he is going to do is he is going to look at zuckerberg going through the ringer and say how do i navigate these waters? how do i take control of the ship from the get go. that is going to be being cooperative and giving them what they want. i think realizing he has the advantage in so far is google is a powerful company. they have dozens of lawyers that prepped him for this. she dealing with lawmakers, many of whom don t understand what it actually does. we saw that a little bit when it cam from facebook leaders, questions that had tech experts going really? yeah. and really and truly we go into the hearings. we are thinking this is going to get put through the ringer. it is going to be a pivotal moment. at the end of the day what is so often on display is lawmakers when it comes to understanding and therefore being able to regulate the social media giants. roger stone and alex jones have been spotted in the room. that is dwiquite the picture. it highlights the degree which is a circus. there are so many legitimate issues that google does need to address ranging from the control over digital advertising to the work in china. plans to start a search engine there. you know, the issue of data privacy and how much control it has over toour data which is fa greater than the control facebook has. it is being packaged around this notion. i know you re keeping a close eye on that. we ll look at updates from you on that. okay. getting thanks but no thanks from more top contenders. who is the front runner now? who are these ten or more people the president says are going for the job? talk about it next. only fidelity offers four zero expense ratio index funds directly to investors. and now we have zero account fees for brokerage accounts. at fidelity, those zeros really add up. so maybe i ll win, saved by zero but he has plans today.ain. those zeros really add up. hey dad. so he took aleve. if he d taken tylenol, he d be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. .and i found out that i ma from the big toe lian. of that sexy italian boot! so this holiday season it s ancestrydna per tutti! order your kit now at only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. tylenol® and just like you, the further into winter we go, the heavier i get. and while your pants struggle to support the heavier you, your roof struggles to support the heavier me. crash! and your cut-rate insurance might not pay for this. so get allstate, you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. mayhem is everywhere. so get an allstate agent. are you in good hands? 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he is seen as an attack dog inside of the white house. he used to work on investigations and help fend off subpoenas. you also have kushner talking about that. she mostly talking about prison reform but also asked about the scramble. the president will make the right choice for chief of staff. it is someone that will help navigate through the good opportunities that immerge to keep pushing forward. the interesting piece is how much of a force both kushner and trump have been in this election process. it seems to me what i hear nobody is getting that job unless he wants him to. that s right. that lines up with our reporting as well. they have certainly had their ups and downs in terms of their power over the past two years. because they are family and a president sees politics as a family operation they are highly influential telling the president they are in the white house for the long haul. anyone to succeed in this will probably have to have a strong relationship. what flames pnames pop up fo? none of them. we have to stop acting like we care. this is somebody that will have to deal with a lot of stuff. yes. and all of the stuff they have to deal with what s the one thing they have to deal with the most? donald trump. exactly. why are we having this conversation? he will be his own chief of staff. he is not an attack dog. you don t bring a chief of staff to be an attack dog. he plight. you re making my point. this is the end of the year christmas show. this is better than the rockettes in new york. everybody is going who who who? no one cares. donald trump will be his own cle chief of staff. segment is over. no. this is great. i get it. it s a game it s still a job. it s still a job that will get dictated to by donald trump. that s why the last have not worked. no. it s like everything with the trump administration. you may not like what s going on inside. we have to give scrutiny to people in power. they will be dealing with cabinet officials, a major policy that effects all americans. so you re saying it is irrelevant. at the end of the day john kemly got diminished every day to where he is leaving a year into the job. there are people that say the president could only be his kplun cases director and yet bill shine has made significant changes behind the scene. yes. the message is still donald trump s message. the president is always going to be the face. i wonder if that s a function of expectations here. there was the expectation after he came in. when john kelly came in he was going to put a cage around donald trump the president. that was never going to be john kelly s job. the public had a different expectation of what that role would be. the problem is and part of the problems is the larger problem is it s hard to find anybody that would take this job who is fit to serve. what he proved by deciding not to take the job is he was probably fit for it. he is probably the right kind of person to be the chief to have staff. he has the instinct to know there was very little opportunity to succeed here. mark meadows would disagree with you on this. this is what he told us about that exact piece of it. certainly there are some components where i believe that i can serve this country best in congress. there are other components where certainly serving the president, you know, in a chief of staff role would fit in nicely with some of the things i have been doing. he is an ally, somebody that talks to him act topics. we saw that with president obama. we saw that with president clinton. at the same time mark meadows is the chairman and founder. he is not facing a republican majority. he is facing divided government. can meadows help navigate and cut deals? that remains to be seen. quick final thoughts. i agree with bob. my pushback is that i look at this in a way that i m not going to get that excited. he is ultimately calling the shots. that s very different from what we have seen. will you come back ton show? always. thank you. i will ask them to stick around. lawyers for two men are back in federal court today. you have manafort that he lied to prosecutor, lies that prompted mueller to pull the plug on his plea deal. also responding to the special council sentencing hearing, how both think they might be able to wiggle out of this one. i m at this wing joint telling people that geico has been offering savings for over 75 years. that s longer than the buffalo wing s been around. dozen wings. and did you know that geico. (lips smacking) offers mo. (coughing) motorcycle insurance? ho-ho. my lips are burning. 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lies. lawyers cannot knowingly lie in any court document but i think it is going to be very very difficult to imagine anything that paul manafort s lawyers will be able to say today that will change anything for paul manafort. he is already a convicted felon. she convicted on several counts of essentially lying. he then after entering a plea agreement lies repeatedly according to mueller s team. there is no reason for them to make that up. they will have coop akoob ratin. they will show it in camera. we won t see it. they have had to redact a lot of information because of ongoing investigations. they will continue to try to protect those investigations. the bottom line is it is over for manafort. nothing that could sort of put the pieces back together again for him in his plea deal? s he is done? yeah. he is not getting put back together. i would be curious to see if we find out who the trump administration official is. big outstanding question. yes. he had interacted with as recently as 2018. i don t know if he would put that into plea, if it benefits him today. it is a very important point. we are connecting the personal and political and business ties of donald trump all to russia. that s a big piece. now we are getting the political and governmental connections tied in. there is a huge disincentive. he is going to pay a big price. this is pretty cracked. there s no other way to put it. he was talking about the other case we are watching today, the one of michael flynn. watch. i think what is a little chilling for the white house about this is that he obviously is giving a great deal of information to the special council. they recommended no jail sentence, a pardon, if you will. there was a lot of material redacted. it goes to the heart of what relationship, if any, there was between the campaign and the russians. so senator king there, this should chill the white house. i ll ask you the same question. what do you expect from him and his lawyers today? i expect him really to use what the mueller team has already filed which basically said look, this is a guy who did the right thing. he came forward and cooperating fully. we are very happy. he stands in stark contrast to manafort. he has been extremely important and not just during the transition team. quickly, let me pull that big picture here that trump allies are starting to worry about all of these investigations. people should have raised concerns and been friengted about investigations years ago. the fact that maybe the numbers are taking a small dip i don t know. the president has spent two or three years undermining the special council, justice department, attorney general and on down a list of political constitutions. it is sticking with this part of the country. you know, who flows what is actually going to break this. i just don t see maybe i m cynical but i don t see anything magical happening in spite of all of this legal trouble the president seems to be getting hi himself in right now. please come back so we can continue this conversation, both of you. thank you have are much. a sad update on a story. the five marines still missing after the midair crash off of the coast of japan have been declared dead. they stopped the search operations overit operations over itnight. two planes collided. two were rescued. the other survived and is out of the hospital. they are asking americans to keep the friends and family member of fallen marines in your thoughts. hey dad. if he d taken tylenol, he d be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. tylenol can t do that. aleve. all day strong. all day long. now introducing aleve back and muscle pain, for up to 12 hours of pain relief with just one pill. discover card. i justis this for real?match, yep. we match all the cash back new cardmembers earn at the end of their first year, automatically. whoo! i got my money! hard to contain yourself, isn t it? 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( ) juvéderm it. talk to your doctor about the juvéderm collection of fillers. the dow is up 224 points. so what s happening overseas in europe there are three big leaders there. two are in deep trouble. you have theresa may trying to avoid disaster. she is meeting with leaders fighting to save her brexit deal. law make es we lawmakers were supposed to be voting on it today but she called it on because she knew it would fail. it is clear while there is broad support for many of the key aspects of the deal on one issue there remains widespread and deep concern. play is trying to work out something that has a better chance of passing back home. the eu said it is not interesting in renegotiating. it is three months before this divorce is supposed to be official on march 29th. joining me now is cohost at msnbc. both friends of the show thank you for coming on. thank you for inviting me. we will look at some of the options here that could happen. we have this graphic made up. you could have her asking for changes. she could lose political support resulting in making her rez cig nation. you could have par lliment or nobody agrees meaning no deal, nada. what do you see is the most likely? it is in the process of a nervous break down. there isn t a majority for anything. the people are unable to agree. they thought it would be easy to get a brexit deal. it turned out to be much more complicated than that. she gets some kind of new wrapping paper around that deal. the other one is there will be a hard crashing brexit will be chaos. the other one is she kind of r surrenders. but each one of those is filled with parole. so they are stuck? yes. we are seeing reaction from that here at home? yes. you re seeing a bit of an uptake in markets today. let me give you an example. if france decided it didn t want to be part of the eu they could do it. britain has a uniquely different problem you heard theresa may talking about. we ll show you this. northern ireland is part of the united kingdom. you can see it there. it could go along with the united kingdom. the republic is staying within the eu. there is no solid border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland. in some cases it is impossible to discern. there is a whole lot of trade and a lot of people sips the troubles ended in northern ireland who kplut between the two places. they live in one, buy stuff in one, take it to the other. it would become contraband if they don t figure out a way to solve this problem. the people ton left don t want it to happen. the people on the right want a cutoff but there s a practical implication as it relates to ireland and northern ireland. not that many years ago there was fighting on people on both sides. that is something the republic of ireland or northern ireland want. so he is laying out the nitty-gritty out there. there is a threat connecting this very big news coming out of europe that we are talking about this morning. wall street journal writes we need to talk about what s happening in france. large street protests are exposing discontents that echo some of those behind brexit or a decade after the frnl crisis still straightened households feel abandoned by politics and business whose culture, speech, press seem in globalized stis than prevenn shl towns where most people live. that is a threat. it is the same threat that lead to donald trump s victory in 2016. there are people that feel dispossessed. people would go up to the edge and they would peer over and look and think it doesn t look very flinice down there and tak three steps back. we see people were prepared to jump with donald trump who was inexperienced with politics. we are seeing it with the national front in france. we are seeing it with the pop list movement in italy and in germfully. where ever you look people are considering that what was politically thought impossible before. so the idea that politics was governed from the center has moved on. people have clangehanged. yes. and macron hoisted the white flag. yes. he was the strong man of europe. the old saying, the laws are made on the streets. all of those weeks of rioting. thank you. you to come back. we ll pay you to come back. thanks. we ll see you later this afternoon. iowa caucuses are coming up in about 400 days. blink and you ll miss it, right? maybe not. considering how they would staff up, who they are talking to, where they are going and how close we are to official announcements. new reporting on that next. in baltimore, a community sees new life rise from ruin. in southern california, a small family business becomes a beacon of hope. in seattle, people with disabilities create success and shatter barriers. day in, day out, people prove that when we work as one, we have the power to create better futures for us all. we have the power not in this house.? cause that s no ordinary family. that s your family. which is why you didn t grab just any cheese. you picked up new kraft expertly 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gabby and allen. so brian, let me start with you. sure. 2020 is a ways off but peopl got to make some decisions. they got to start staffing up, right? there s reporting that o rourke is set to meet with elizabeth warren s close adviser mindy myers. what do you make of that? mindy myers is somebody that will be a huge benefit to anybody that s able to sign her. i think she would be on the short list. there s only so many people capable of running a truly national campaign. mydy myers is one of those people. i don t think she s ever lost a race. won several statewide races successfully. it will be interesting if she ends up departing the warren camp. warren has a very seasoned team. that s one of the strong big assets she has. people like roger lau in massachusetts, she has a top flight team. you ve noticed it because we keep getting these readouts of these political calls elizabeth warren has been making. a team is putting her in the right positions reaching out to the right people. is politico, you re talking about how warren has contacted some 100 people in these early presidential states. as you point out, making those calls, getting her staff together, how important is it now for that to be happening? or do you think people have more time? they can go into the first quarter of 2019 if they need to? you want to be starting to do those touches now. beto o rourke doing outreach to key leaders on the african-american side, and let me be very clear about this. the democratic primary runs through african-american voters. s that a lesson hillary clinton learned, and that was the decisive factor for her in racking up that delegate win with bernie sanders. bernie outdid her with a lot of o younger voters. the place she put distance is knees states where there s an overrepresentation of african-american voters. if you re running in 2020, you need to have african-american staffers at the senior leadership of your campaign at the table making decisions. you need a dedicated strategy for reaching out to those voters, and if you happen to be an african-american candidate, all the better. if you re not, you better have a real aggressive outreach strategy. john, gabby, you ve got beto, bernie, joe biden going into bernie sanders s backyard into vermont recently here. i think the more you hear from the beto o rourke s and the andrew gillums and the younger set the harder it is to invisenn the older set becoming the nominee of the democratic party in 2020. and that s it s a long way off. but if you re one of these candidates who s in their late 60s or early 70s or their late 70s watching the grass roots energy go on and you re thinking to yourself about how do i talk to these, you know, party bosses in the states versus how do i compete with beto o rourke s grass roots enthusiasm, this is a tough challenge i think for the older candidates right now to try to take a message of the future to the party. jonathan makes a great point. not only is it harder to envision elizabeth warren or bernie sanders getting the nomination, it s also harder for them to make the case they should be the nominee versus one of these young progressive candidates, especially after this democratic wave we saw. the new york times today points out that superpacs will be a poison pill or weapon for democrats in 2020. somebody you know well, robbie from the clinton campaign said everybody democrat should approach the super pac with caution. i think you have a super pac priorities usa is going to exist out there. guy cecil has said he s going to dedicate himself to functioning in the way the dnc has trying to soften up donald trump. that s important. if you are a candidate, the idea of outsourcing the apparatus of your campaign to a super pac, that s what jeb bush did. it didn t work out well for him. i don t think you re going to see the field aspects of these campaigns, be outsourced to super pacs. it also has a bad stench. brian fallon, thanks for coming on. gabby, jonathan stick around. after the break, we will be right back with today s big picture, and it s an interesting one. is now in session. and. adjourned. business loans for eligible card members up to fifty thousand dollars, decided in as little as 60 seconds. the powerful backing of american express. don t do business without it. you re in the business of helping people. we re in the business of helping you. business loans for eligible card members up to fifty thousand dollars, decided in as little as 60 seconds. the powerful backing of american express. don t do business without it. if your moderate to severeor crohn s symptoms are holding you back, and your current treatment hasn t worked well enough it may be time for a change. ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn s. entyvio® works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. 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year s person or in this case persons of the year. the guardians the magazine calls them, journalists like jamal khashoggis, two reuters reporters behind bars for trying to report on genocide, the capital gazette of annapolis, maryland, and maria ressa. gabby orr and jonathan allen are here. guys, this was revealed on nbc s today show. these people were chosen for taking risks in pursuit of greater truths, for facts that are central to civil discourse for speaking up and speaking out. the quote is from russia to riyadh to silicon valley, manipulation and abuse of truth is the common thread in so many of this year s major headlines, an insidious and growing threat to freedom. it s so easy to get caught up in what s happening in the united states between the press and this administration. when you look through these profiles, reading about these people. i was reading maria ressa s journey and it s remarkable what these journalists abroad face. i think this is a really important reminder. it puts into perspective a lot of the difficulties, the circumstances that foreign reporters face that we sometimes get so caught up in our own challenges here in the united states that we don t even think about. i truly appreciate the fact that time did this. such an important point gabby makes, closer to home, i m a maryland native. the capital gazette in annapolis really struck me, in particular you ve got these local reporters working very hard and not safe in their own community. we ve had such a tremendous buildup of angry rhetoric in this country, and a feeling that the press can be a target, and you know, their memory is so important. persons of the year, the guardians from time magazine, jonathan allen, gabby orr, thanks for coming and hanging out with me on set. i ll turn it over to my colleague kasie hunt in for craig melvin. and a very important note to end on, and we do sit and remember all of those journalists who have been killed in the line of duty while fighting for the truth. thank you. good morning, i am kasie hunt in for craig melvin here in the nation s capital. let s make a deal. democratic congressional leaders will face off with the president moments from now over border wall funding and the budget. can they reach a deal to avoid a partial government shutdown? hail to the chiefs, the white house scrambling today to find a new chief of staff to replace john kelly. despite the president s claims that more than ten candidates are vying for that coveted position. two former chiefs of staff weigh in. and grilling google,

New-york , United-states , Japan , United-kingdom , China , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , California , Russia , Northern-ireland , Craigavon , In-court

Transcripts For MSNBCW Andrea Mitchell Reports 20190111

workers since the shutdown began. for hundreds of thousands across the country, instead their pay studs read zero dollars. the real pain is now being felt even more than before. joining me now is white house correspondent jeff bennett, security and justice reporter julian ansly, phil rucker and let s go first to jeff. jeff, you at the white house. how eminent might this be of an emergency declaration. there s some within the white house who don t think the president should take the steps, but what we just heard from lindsey graham shs the first prominent republican friend of the president saying, yeah, go for it. reporter: it s the source of debate not just in republican circles but here at the white house. you have folks like jared kushner, the senior adviser and son-in-law, who is said to be urging restraint. if the president declares a national emergency, it should be for something more than just winning a messaging war with democrats. then on the hill, you have senator chuck grassley, who is a trump ally, saying it would set a bad precedent. remember, you have years of republicans alleging that barack obama was guilty of executive overreach, so if the president were to declare a national emergency as a means of circumventing congress to get this boarder wall money that he wants, that would go against decades of republican orthodox. y. so the question is what s the end game? the president killed what had been the last living negotiating point, last deal on the hill and that was to broaden the scope of any deal to include protections for daca. the last exit for this president is to declare a national emergency. we re not there yet, but we have seen white house officials lay the groundwork brick by brick for the president to do it if he so chooses. but again, at this point, just more politicking and posturing as the shutdown drags on. and julia, you had reported exclusively that not only with maybe if they declared an emergency, taking money from pentagon funds, but taking money from disaster relief to puerto rico. how can they get away with that? that s a good question. but this is money that has been set away for disaster relief funds that would be used by the army corps of engineers to go into places after flooding, both across the country and in puerto rico where we know they are still trying to recover from a hurricane that came through there over a year ago. the relief of the hurricane is something that the president faced a lot of criticism over. that he didn t go far enough. remember the famous. pictures of him throwing out paper towels when he went to puerto rico. this would be taken from two fiscal years. so it would be $14 billion. that s more than the president has asked for from congress and it would build more of the wall. it would build over 300 miles rather than the 230 he s asked for so far. so this would go a step further. so we know the president has been briefed on this option, but it s not clear that this is the one he would take. even if he went with the national emergency, there may be other options on the table. but right now this has a lot of detail, a lot of work has gone into this. and it could be something that the president decides to go with. if he does, i m sure we ll hear a lot of pushback not just politically, but legally about whether these funds could be used this this way. they have been promised for this purpose, but the checks haven t been written yet. phil, you were with the president all day yesterday in texas. you were one of the small groups traveling with him on air force one in the white house pool. and what vibe are you picking p up? a lot of what he said yesterday, he seemed to be undercut iting y legal case they might have to say this is a real emergency by saying, well, i might do that if all else fails. if us don t get what i want, that s saying that it s a fallback plan or a negotiating strategy or what you do if you can t work out a deal with the hill. president trump said his threshold for declaring a national emergency would be if he s not able to work out a deal with democrats. but the other point at the border trip visit yesterday was to help lay that predicate for a national emergency to underscore the sense of crisis and urgency. there was a briefing that the president sat through more than an hour the at the border patrol station where border patrol officers in charge of that station showed off the contraband they had seized, the methamphetamine and drugs, a big sack of cash, guns, pictures, all images to try to reenforce to the president how dangerous illegal immigration has been in that region and across the border. you heard from the president again and again, crisis, we have a crisis. we need to do something about this. the wall is the only solution. those are all efforts by the president all weeken colluding the oval office address on tuesday night to check some boxes for the lawyers. if he does declare a national emergency, the administration attorneys can point to all these past instances where he and vice president pence and others have told the american people that the situation has reached a crisis level. and i know that lindsey graham and several other republicans had hoped there was a way to broker a bigger deal. if not with daca, at least to include the tps people. the people who came here after the haitian earthquake a. they have been here for years, and if they could be given a five-year extension or ten-year extension, that might have brought over democratic votes. but now it doesn t seem as though lindsey graham is looking to do that kind of deal. what he said yesterday in a tweet was mr. president, the democrats are not working in good faith. declare emergency, build. the wall now. and as jeff alluded to, even gra grassley and others on the republican side disagree with that posture. we re hearing a lot of mixed messages from the president and the administration on that front. separately, the president said yesterday that he wanted a broader immigration reform deal right away. he was open to some sort of deal on dreamers for daca. and yet at the same time, we heard from vice president pence that was not really on the table and that was going to be negotiated and so it seems like not everybody is is singing the same tune here in terms of what is up for negotiation at this moment before. the president decides to write a national emergency, which seems to be the exit plan that the administration is forging some sconsensus around. jeff, let s talk about the political heat. now it s really when the rubber hit the road. people are not getting paychecks today. according to people i have spoken to who are federal workers, they are getting mixed messages. come to work, don t come to work, come back tomorrow, i mean, every agency is different. this is not a well-organized shutdown, as we have seen in previous administrations where omb has a game plan. it s not. we ll have to see as the shutdown drags on whether or not that changes the calculous. as people feel the effects of this more intensely. i ll tell you ma what. the conventional wisdom of a shutdown has not apply ied to donald trump in this third shutdown on his watch. usually a president at some point will compromise. they will give in to use the phrase. because it matters more to them to be seen as capable. to be seen as competent. to be seen as having a federal government up and running as a means of providing for the safety and security and the paychecks of americans. but at least in this instance, it has appeared that the political win has mattered more or as much to president trump as reopening the government has. just another sign of republicans cracking in their solid support that the president has been bragging about but wouldn t have gone to the hill for their lunch if he had such solid report. but we re seeing people on the floor. she signalled she was not happy and wanted more questions answered. she tweeted, count me in as one of those who want to address these issues, but one who says shutting down the government is not governing. now she s on the floor. i m not sure whether we can hear her if we dip into this for a moment. let s listen. they are writing checks to contractors because they need to make sure that they are going to have a boiler to get through a cold winter or make sure that the foundation in the home they want to get back into, that they are going to be able get back into it sooner rather than later. what do you do if you re not sure if that paycheck is coming? you have written the check to the contractor. there s a lot of anxiety out there. and so i hear from them. a lot of these folks that are dealing with unexpected household expenditures after that earthquake and i shouldn t say it s just after that earthquake. we just had another one yesterday 4.2, i m told. excuse me, 4. yesterday. this is the fourth earthquake we have had since the first of this year that has exceeded 4.0. so we had the big one and then we have had thousands afterwards. we re still dealing with a lot of this stuff. and so when people hear that the requests for fema assistance or small business assistance ma delayed because the government is not open, think about how we re compounding their stress, their anxioety. she s referring to several alaska earthquakes, not just the big one on the scale that came about a month ago. but also some recent aftershocks indicating they have real needs for constituents and she s talking about people around the country. this is significant because she s the first republican to take the senate floor and speak out. not just speaking as senator collins did in the hallway and not just speaking as kory gardner did on several interviews. this is significant separation from the mitch mcconnell leadership. phil rucker, the president went on that rescue mission to the senate republican lunch, but i think as the days proceed, he s going to find it much harder to hold that senate group together. i think that s right. this is something the white house has been concerned about all week. the possibility of republican defectio defections. it s why president trump went to the capitol on wednesday. he usually doesn t make the trip up there, but he did personally. it s why mike pence has been meeting with lawmakers and working the phones as well. they are trying to keep republicans together and keep them unified. that s proving challenge iing. as et we just saw with lisa murkowski, impossible. there s starting to be a break here. the challenge for the white house is that they are facing a democratic party that is rather united and emboldened in their position to oppose this wall on both moral grounds and in saying it s just not necessary in their view for border security. so trump and the white house are trying to keep their party together. phil, we re going to be talking to you about a couple other issues coming up. thank you so much to the other two. prime witness, more on michael cohen s decision to testify publicly before congress. what s he going to say? what could it mean for the mueller investigation and mean for the president? the top democrat join iing us, next. stay with us. oin iing us, next stay with us the question isn t whether he should be impeached any more. he s the most corrupt president in american history. and we all know it. the question now is, how fast can we move past this president so we can build a more just and prosperous future? please, join the more than 6.5 million americans who are demanding action now. because there s nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. together, we will make this happen. need to impeach is responsible for the content of this ad. essential for pine trees, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an unjection™ . xeljanz xr. a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe 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two years ago when people would watch from bars and stop what they were doing at work to pay attention. this could be that moment all over again with michael cohen when he goes to testify before congress simply because of how much he knows about the president and how intimate their working relationship was and how deeply personal the nature of the allegations about the president s affairs with the porn star and playboy play mate and that hush money payment. matt miller, what are the risks here? he has acknowledged lying to the special prosecutor, lying before and now coming before congress. the republicans can just try to beat him up in the public forum. what are the rewards for the democrats and the mueller team potentially in what he can say? he s certainly a complicated witness, as you mentioned. i think what democrats will be trying to find out are questions about the mueller probe. but we saw this statement from the chairman that a lot of that won t be public. some may do a follow-up session behind closed doors with the intelligence committee. i think some of the bigger questions we may get the answer to relate to the southern district of new york probe. i found it pretty interesting that they talked to the justice department and were going to wall off some of the mueller questions but didn t say about the new york probe despite the fact that it s ongoing. whose name approved the payments to michael cohen? it seems to be one of the trump children. we could find out the answer to that. then there s a whole other set of questions. michael cohen was donald trump s fixer for 12 years. we know two areas because those are the subjects of criminal investigations and some of the information has come out in court filings. we don t know anything else about what he did for donald trump and there s no reason democrat cans or anyone else on the committee have to confine their questioning to just those two areas. they can ask about everything under the sun. the other big action on the hill yesterday was the treasury secretary for the first time being brought into this whole russia probe. he was actively involved during the campaign as a campaign official, but never before mention ed in any really major way. now being brought to the hill to testify or to answer questions in a classified setting about why the treasury decided to exempt from sanctions that were reluctantly forced upon the white house because of the involvement in the campaign. he very closely involved with manafort. and this is what nancy pelosi had to say coming out of this classified hearing. this stiff competition is one of the worst classify ied briefings we have received from the trump administration. the secretary bare ri testified. he answered some questions, but he didn t give testimony. i was somewhat surprised to see the speaker s comment. i was available not only did we accommodate them and waited while they were voting, but we sat through and gave them close to an hour and a half and answered all of their questions. apparently, they gave them unclassified documents. in. a classified setting. nice of him to wait while they were voting. possibly not the best way to get off to a good start with a new democratic majority in the house. so one thing that we know is that they asked him these questions. they were unsatisfy ied with th answers. it s a whole new world now. they get to ask him questions again and ask other people questions about how this happened and how he rather inexplicably got off this list. so welcome to the new world, secretary. so what he also what the hill wants to know is whether the career people in treasury had objected to exempting the sanctions. i think that s right. that s one of the questions that they are going to be looking into. this could be a difficult line of inquiry for the administration. until now the treasury has not been a part of this investigation and creates a whole new sort of area for the investigators to be probing. thank you, all. and joining me now is democratic senator mark warner in virginia today where he s just met with federal workers and joins me now. what are you hearing so far, senator? what i just heard from about 15 federal employees was really heartbreaking. i really, really wish that donald trump or someone from his administration could have been here. we heard stories of folk who is had to dip into their ira where they are getting a tax penalty now. they will have to pay that penalty to draw down their savings. we heard folks who took advances against their credit cards who are going to have to pay those fees. someone who works in the department of justice who had a 7-week-old child with health issues who was trying to get on the health insurance plan but the person processing it was furloughed and they couldn t get their kid on the health insurance plan. then we heard workers say processed food stamps saying they are not essential. they can t go out and do that. this shutdown needs to end. the damage we re doing to the 800,000 federal employee, the hundreds of thousands of other contractors, to the small businesses who work around our national parks, this is not going to be repaired even when the government is reopened. but every day that goes on, i think this crisis builds. frankly, i think ab awful lot of these workers, air traffic controllers here working overtime without pay, i wonder if they are going to keep showing up. and frankly, while you were there, we had senator murkowski, the first republican, to my knowledge, going to the senate floor saying this has got to end and recounting how in alaska they have had another earthquake. so this is the third one not as severe as the first one, but they have problems out there as do people across the country. if we want to do national security, shouldn t we pay our coast guard? while the coast guard, as you know, we were talking about this yesterday, they had an official document telling coast guard employees they should consider babysitting, dog walking, driving cars. it s just plain insulting. we had some folks come in and brought their pay stubs that had zero on them. i was a business guy longer than in politics. one of the things you know is you have to treat your workforce well. the remarkable thing is over the last decade, every time we have cut government spending, it s been what we call domestic discretionary. which are things like the issue around coast guard. it s issues around the air traffic controllers. it s issues around folks who do food stamps. if we continue to ask our federal workforce to do more with less top line resources, you don t treat them so disrespectfully the way this white house is. senator, i want to bring tom costello in if you could wait for a moment to react because we have some breaking news. the air traffic controllers union has filed suit against president trump. that s the headline. the national association of air traffic controllers, 13,000 of whom are working to secure the nation s skies, keep them safe, but doing so without a paycheck. they have filed suit against the trump administration. essentially for having employees work without pay and also, in their view, controllers are being deprived of heaard-earned compensation without due process. they are responsible for ensure ing the safe routes of thousands of flights working overtime shifts and to do so. the job is so demanding it requires rare skills that the faa maintain a full compliment of certified air traffic controllers, even under normal circumstances. so the air traffic controllers union now suing the trump administration to end this specific kwli as it related to them to end the shutdown. one note and that is that there s always a struggle to ensure there are enough air traffic controllers and funnel all of them through the air traffic control academy in oklahoma city, but. the academy is shut down because of the shutdown. so the controllers in the towers without pay. let me respond to that. we have the leadership with the air traffic controllers here. i think they are right to file suit. this is outrageous. not only have we stopped the new flow of people coming in because a lot are eligible for retirement. being an air traffic controller requires 100% concentration. do you really want air traffic controllers spending 20% of his mind thinking about, oh my gosh, how am i going to be able to pay my mortgage? how am i going to make sure the tuition check is paid. you want that air traffic controller focused on keeping our air spaces safe. they are not able to do that with the kind of ongoing uncertainty. the stories we have heard from people who grew up when a family thinking many of them being veterans saying i believe that public service was a national calling. the fact they are being locked out. federal employees don t have a right to strike. yet this is in a sense the government almost locking them out from doing their jobs or forcing them to do their jobs and not receiving compensation. i just can t get over the fact that i would have loved to have had somebody from the white house, somebody from this administration in that room today trying to respond to these very legitimate concerns. again, candidly, these are folks that have no idea what their political background is. they were incensed about the idea that donald trump presumes everybody is one political party or not. when they go to work for our country, they take off any colored jersey, red or blue, and they are there to protect america. and again, it was a pretty moving morning. wow. i just want to quickly ask you about two foreign policy questions on your plate as a top figure in senate intelligence. first of all, the reporting by david ig nation today has been confirmed by others here at nbc. the crown prince in saudi arabia, contrary to the sanctions that the u.s. has imposed on one of the the key players involved in the killing of jamal khashoggi, is, in fact, a immediamedia adviser still wo hard not only on crackdown but advising the crown prince. so he s been apparently flying around the gulf dealing with top issues for mbs. i m not going to comment on anything that i have been briefed on in a classified setting. but suffice it to say, i think we need to hold saudi arabia accountable. i think there needs to be a penalty paid. i was at a memorial service with a number of bipartisan members yesterday for jamal khashoggi. the truth of the matter is one of our strongest parts of american society is support for free and open press. it really is unfortunate that 2018, 2019 we don t have an american president that stands up for those principles. the secretary of state was in cairo praising the religious freedom in cairo. now he s heading towards riyadh this weekend. what should he say when he sits down with the crown prince? i think it is extra oordinar important that we make clear that our relationship with saudi arabia is more than based upon how much military equipment they are going to buy from the united states. that any ally of the united states has to represent and recognize our commitment to human rights and our commitment to a free press. i believe there needs to be a level of accountability that we have not put in place yet for saudi arabia. i also think one of the most important things we need to do and i voted for cutting back on the military assistance is we need to see the saudis, one of the most important things they could do is bring this war in yemen to ab end. it is disproportionately being driven by the saudis. there are concerns about the connections to the iranians. this war would end if saudi arabia cared to have that come about. senator warner, thank you so much. thank you for what you re doing with the federal workers as well. coming up soon, u.s. troops start withdrawing from syria amid-confusing statements from the president and national security team. we ll be right back. and national security team. we ll be right back. heart. your joints. or your digestion. so why wouldn t you take something for the most important part of you. your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. if these packs have the same number of bladder leak pads, i bet you think bigger is better. actually, it s bulkier. always discreet quickly turns liquid to gel, for drier protection that s a lot less bulky. always discreet. yeah, this is nice. mmmm how did you make the dip so rich and creamy? oh, it s a philadelphia- -family recipe. can i see it? no. new philadelphia dips. so good, you ll take all the credit. today more mixed messaging about american troops in syria when they would withdraw. the military says it has started the process for withdrawal of troops, but sunday in israel john bolton said no troops would be taken out until turkey s president promises now to attack the kurds. joining me now is military reporter courtney cuby at the pentagon. and rick substantiation the. welcome both. courtney, there s been so much mixed messaging ask we have this time line, if et we could put that up, of first the president tweeting on december 19th that he was pulling out all the troops. then on christmas day, jim mattis resigning, then on christmas day in iran the president saying he will give the military more time. then the president agreeing to give the military four months to withdrawal. then the u.s. will not withdraw from syria until turkey gives guarantees it won t attack the curds. two days later, turkey s president rejects the conditions and calls them a mistake and tells the parliament that america is on the wrong side and says he s not in agreement at all. lots of questions being raised around the globe about who is in charge. and now we see these signs of early withdrawal. is this just the advanced teams, is this the contractors, is is this an attempt to say the president really is is in charge and not being undercut by his national security adviser? these are actually the teams that will be there moving out before the advanced teams. so i keep comparing this to a move. when you re moving out of your house, you do all these things in advance. you have your plan in place, you bring in movers, they start packing up all the things. that hasn t even started yet. so what s happening is the people who will be moving the u.s. troops out, they are moving into places in the region, but they are not in syria yet to start moving the u.s. troops out. so what s true here is if the u.s. military statement says that they have put the plans that have been developed for withdrawing troops from syria, they are done and the very early stages of the process for that withdrawal have begun. but to say that u.s. traps are withdrawing from syria, that s a step too far from where things are on the ground. and rick, this information makes so much sense but what about the confusion the way this is being read around capitals around the world. i m going to tell you something no one else is saying. the timetable doesn t matter. what matters is the fact that the commander-in-chief has said we re out of there. either early or sooner or later, and what that does is it sends a message to vladimir putin and president assad to say we re gone, guys. but this whole territory is yours now. those 2,000 troops are not on their own going to defeat isis no matter how fantastic soldiers they are. they are a symbol of america s commitment and they are evidence that we have skin in the game. when the president says we re leaving because we defeated isis and the job is done, he s saying we don t have skin in the game anymore. and when an american president says we don t have skin in the game, all the other folks realize, hey, we can surge in there and get done what we want to get done. that s the message. it s also the message to britain and france and others who very quietly did have troops on the ground there. and by the way, as you know, the anti-isis coalition was formed by president obama and secretary kerry. they did the lion s share of the work fighting against isis. side by side with allies and including some of our sunni allies. they look at this and go, hey, what is happening here? you re pbetraying us. and you re betraying our allies in the region and the kurds who lost blood and treasure fighting with american soldiers against isis. to protect american citizens here. and courtney, all of this confusion cannot be great news for the pentagon, where mattis is gone, his chief of staff has been forced out as well. joe dunford is a lame duck. who is in charge? well, acting secretary shanahan is in charge, but it s a lame duck period. one important thing that rick said is that the president has made the decision that u.s. troops will withdraw. the time line might not be clear, but that decision and that order still stands. so within days of president trump putting out that video and saying troops are going to withdraw from syria, the pentagon issued what they call a way forward that tells the joint chiefs of staff to come up with a plan for how that s going to be done. that s actually what s begun. nothing has changed on that. what s important to point out is the process of withdrawal is continuing, but for securitien reasons, they are not going to tell us exactly how that s going to play out. but they will focus on b how they can do it in the safest way possible for the troops on the ground. thank you both. coming up, a reality check. the government shutdown hitting home for hundreds of thousands of federal workers missing their first paycheck today. nbc nightly news lester holt spoke with a group of workers inclouding this training instructor about his uncertain future. you re going to look on your bank statement and there won t be anything there. the probability, yes, there won t be anything there. i take care of my four children, my fiance. it s scary to know where my next pay is coming from. i have an 11-year-old and she asked me. she said will you ever get paid again. ever get paid again. did you know you can save money by using dish soap to clean grease on more than dishes? using multiple cleaners on grease can be expensive, and sometimes ineffective. for better value, tackle grease with dawn ultra. dawn is for more than just dishes. it provides 3x more grease cleaning power per drop, which cuts through tough kitchen messes, pre-treats laundry stains, and even tackles grease build-up on car rims. tackle tough greasy messes around your home, and save money with dawn ultra. brand power. helping you better. let s take a look at some numbers: 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and heart disease? preventable. and 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. we re life line screening. and if you re over 50. call this number, to schedule an appointment. for five painless screenings that go beyond regular check-ups. we use ultrasound technology to literally look inside your arteries. for plaque which builds up as you age- and increases your risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease. and by getting them through this package, you re saving over 50%. so call today and consider these numbers: for just $149 you ll receive five screenings that could reveal what your body isn t telling you. i m gonna tell you that was the best $150 i ever spent in my life. life line screening. the power of prevention. call now to learn more. the supreme court saying just now that justice ginsburg will continue to work from home as she continues to recover from cancer surgery. pete williams has the rest of this news. the statement just out is that the doctors that have been examining her found no further incident, no further evidence of any cancer. the cancer that they found in november and operated on her in december for three cancerous lumps on a portion of her lung that caused the doctors to remove that portion of her lung on december 21st. here s the whole statement. it s the last part that s the key. it says post surgery evaluation indicates no evidence of remaining disease, and no further treatment is required. we had suspected this was the case. this certainly was the direction in which the initial statements from the court were right after the surgery. we were wondering whether justice ginsburg might come back for the second week of oral argument that is scheduled for next week monday, news and wednesday. the court has a pattern of two weeks on, two weeks off. so we thought maybe she might try to come back. but doctors say the normal time to recover from this surgery is a month. now if surgery was december 21st, we re not out of that window yet. and she s 85 years old and you d assume she d need all that time to recover. now the supreme court will enter its what i us call its long winter nap. they traditionally take this break after hearing argument in the fest two weeks in january, the court will not be back in the courtroom until february 19th. and the reason they do this is they have these initial cases that are argued in early october. this gives the justices a chance to work on decisions before they start hearing argument again and head for their end of the term. so presumably, she will be back by the time the court is back on february 19th. the court is saying she s still participating in the cases. she s reading the written briefs. she s read iing the transcriptsf oral argument and voting on the cases. so she s still going to vote. she s still going to be a part of the supreme court s decisions. she just won t be a part of the justices conference when they initially discuss and vote on the cases. but she s voting and will be deciding. it s extremely good news. we know how important it was for her to have kept up her record of 25 years never missing a day just by two previous cancer surgeries and experiences in separate cases. but at least this means no further treatment and she s in good shape and on a road to recovery. i don t know if you get a long winter nap ever. it doesn t seem so. presumably, rather than rushing back she wants to be sure that she recovers fully. because she wants to stay on the court as long as she can so why rush it. ab sloutly. pete williams, thank you so much. 800,000 federal employees officially missed their first paycheck today. day 21 of the government shutdown about to become the longest in history. the bills won t get paid. i have heard there s a letter circulating that you can send to your creditors. i don t know a creditor that is going to want that letter because the first thing they say is, hey, i got bills to pay too. my husband is on disability, so i m prime money in our household. and right now i m furloughed with no pay. had money to cover this month. come next month, who knows what s happening. i don t know what i will be able to do. if i exhaust my savings. all i care about right now is i want to go back to work. my focus right now is i want to take care of my wife and my soon to be daughter that s going to be born next week. joining me now is congresswoman jennifer wexton, democrat from virginia. congresswoman, you know better than any of us. we ve heard from your conspencer christian wentz and we see people all over the country. 80% of federal workers are not in d.c., but you have 170,000 in virginia according to the former governor i was speaking to yesterday. what are they telling you? their stories echo those of the people you had on earlier. they are worried about how they re going to make ends meet. many of them have been working with no pay, incurring expenses for commuting and child care with no end in sight. and they really are calling on us to help. this is your first experience with anything like this because you re a new member of congress. this isn t what you signed up for. well, you know, we re here to the democrats here in congress have been passing bills that would reopen the government, you know. we started with the big appropriations bill which had passed unanimously out of the u.s. senate and now we re breaking it down into its component parts to give mitch mcconnell an opportunity to do the right thing, take up these bills and send them to the president for him to do the right thing. there s been a lot of argument out of the white house that democrats should just agree to vote for money for the wall, and that that would dissolve this. what say you? well, $5.7 billion plus is, you know, just a down payment on a wall. and after this, then what is the next extraction going to be? you know, the people of virginia sent me here to do a job, to spend their money wisely. there is the appropriations bill we passed included well over a billion dollars for border security. and there are much smarter ways than building a big giant concrete wall. and tell me some of the things people have told you about, how they are coping with this emergency. i have been repeating, just because it just drives me crazy to think about it, that the coast guard officially sent out a document telling people to maybe take care of children, you know, work as a baby-sitter, dog walk, do these kinds of odd jobs to try to get through this. turn your hobby into income. become a mystery shopper. whatever does that mean? right. well, i actually have a constituent who has a professional-level job and, you know, looked into potentially becoming a server at a restaurant and was told by the manager, i m not going to hire you because you re going to leave in a few weeks probably. so, you know, there s no point in hiring you. so it s not like people can pick up and get a job in retail and do another thing. you know, what they shouldn t have to. they want to go back to the jobs that they love, to follow the mission that brought them there. and let s keep in mind that many federal workers, a lot in my dril district, including all my t.s.a. workers, air traffic controllers which i have two very large facilities in my district, they re all working but not getting paid. what about the safety and the faa issue? safety inspectors are telling the washington post, one in particular, he doesn t believe this will be resolved. i don t have a lot of faith this will be resolved even if they do fund the wall or the president ends up allowing funding that has been put forward. someone said, we re probably going to have to go through this again later. it s starting to make me feel i have a better shot switching back to the industry, private industry. what do you say to people like that? that s a real problem because people people take a lower pay here in the government sector than they do in the private industry because they believe in what they re doing. but when they re treated to poorly by their government, it s hard for them to maintain that morale. i share the concerns, that this is a real problem and we need to do right by these folks. jennifer wexton, congresswoman, thanks for being with us. thank you. thanks for all of your reporting and president trump s border briefing meanwhile, included a lesson in how criminals in mexico are working around existing sections at the border. sorry, i thought we were going to play a bit of that segment. john is former acting director of i.c.e. u.s. immigration and customs enforcement and former general counsel at the homeland security. we ll bring that tape to you in a moment. john, good to see you again. not under these circumstances, but talk to us about the importance of the wall. you know, the funny thing, andrea, the wall is not going to be effective to for for what the president is calling the crisis. what we re facing today, we have a total lower number of people crossing that border unlawfully. the total is much lower than historically, 15 years ago. more importantly the composition is changed. a third of the people are families. parents with children or just the children themselves fleeing violence in central america. all the people want to do is get their foot into american soil. they don t need to infiltrate. they want to get their foot on the soil to make an asylum claim. the rio grand valley, it snakes its way, that s our border. it it s not like the wall is going to be on the that border. it will be inland. if it could be built tomorrow it can t it will prevent the essential americans to get their feet on american soil. they re not going to put a shovel on the ground for as much as a year or more. yeah. even if he got this money. optimistic, incredibly optimistic to think there would be miningful construction in a yearment even if he declares an emergency setting aside litigation, people suing about this. you have to understand, i don t want to discount the litigation. there s going to be a lot of litigation. a lot of this land is privately held land by ranchers and farmers on the borderline themselves. they re not going to give it up easily to let a wall go through there. let s show you. part of this briefing yesterday seemed to be undercutting the president s argument about a wall as he was told the existing sections of the wall can be tunnelled under. let s watch. here, this is just a couple of miles from here from where we re standing. this is a tunnel. this is the second tunnel that recently we have located. this is an area that we actually have wall. that piece of area was really important to the criminal organization. we are doing such a great job utilizing the right resource in that particular area that they ve become so frustrated they re using other tactics. they re actually digging tunnels. i m not sure that s what the president and secretary nielsen wanted to hear at that photo op. it s the truth. i ve been in those tunnels before along the san diego/san ysidro area. rail lines, ventilation lights. they come through the land ports primarily, seizures at the land ports are ten times higher than the ports. aviation environment. they come up the maritime environment. look, a wall is not a panacea. i ll tell you what, what s really disturbing is what we re facing today is the lowest level of security crisis along that border in decades, and it s going to do nothing you re suggesting this is not an emergency, justifying an emergency order and the transfer of pentagon money away from, let s say, puerto rico and reconstruction? i am suggesting that shockingly enough. what we re facing today is an influx of family members, an infrastructure, a legal system that s not funded adequately to deal with that. just five years ago the shift began when you started seeing the family. we have not adequately funded the immigration courts ahs or dhs. to the president s credit, he s asking for more money for them. he wants 75 judges. the democrats would approve that quickly. it s the wall that s an issue and it s not going to be effective. what are you hearing from the career people you know who are still in government? frustration, concern about their paychecks. the folks i ve worked with and tended lots of briefings, they want this technology, mobile technology. they know fixed infrastructure, the spots we needed it, we absolutely needed walls and fencing in san diego. we have extensive walls there. those were built ten years ago, in 2006. what they want is mobile technology. technology that lets them detect the intrusions and make apprehensions. what s funny about this current influx, these people do not want to escape capture. all they want to do is get their feet on american soil and make a claim. not a lettering percentage, but a significant percentage of these people are walking up to the ports of entry. they re not even trying to cross the border unlawfully. they want to get their feet on american soil so they can make a an asylum claim. we need the judges and humanitarian to deal with it. some of the policies they put in place are creating the bag logs. absolutely, and shutdown exasperates them further. the backlog is getting deeper at the immigration courts. they re working and not getting paid. the backlog is getting even deeper. john, thank you so much. appreciate your expertise. and that does it for us it for this edition of andrea mitchell reports. remember, follow the show online and on facebook and on twitter. here are stephanie ruhle andal ali velshi for velshi and ruhle. thank you, andrea. i m stephanie ruhle. and i m ali velshi, january 11. let s get smarter. we have a right to declare a national emergency. this is security stuff. time line before you think you have to go the route and declare a national emergency? i think we re going to see what happens over the next few days. nbc news has learned one option prepared for the president would allow him to redirect some money from the army corps of engineers to build 315 miles of border wall, money intended to help, for example, people recovering from hurricane maria in puerto rico. i don t think he should do that. i think it s a bad precedent. what would your reaction be if the president declares national emergency to build this wall? if and when he does that i ll let you know. today is the first missed pay day for 800,000 federal workers and hundreds of thousands of moreed

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Weekends With Alex Witt 20190127

roger stone s media tour, what he said about the possibility of cooperating with robert mueller plus, why a dozen employees at the trump national golf course were shown the door. and open for now it is less than three weeks, though, from the next deadline to keep the government open. whether a deal is really possible coming up, you will hear the new and curious spin from the white house. a very good day to all of you from msnbc world headquarters here in new york. welcome to weekends with alex witt we begin with donald trump s long time friend and adviser roger stone. he is now shifting his tone on whether he will cooperate with special counsel robert mueller his indictment goes further in trying to answer mueller s core question did donald trump or his campaign attempt to clued with russia quote, a senior campaign official was directed to contact stone about future releases from wikileaks and dirt on the hillary clinton campaign stone said he won t testify against the president on friday. then earlier today he said this. any chance you will cooperate with special counsel robert mueller if he asks you know, that s a question i would have to i would have to determine after my attorneys have some discussion if there is wrongdoing by other people in the campaign that i know about, which i know of none but if there is, i would certainly testify honestly i would also testify honestly about any other matter including any communications with the president. it is true that we spoke on the phone. but those communications are political in nature. they are benign. the chairman of the house intel committee reacting to the new revelations. these are very specific allegations of lies and witness intimidation they are matters that will be easily provable. these are not ambiguous statements they are very detailed and i think he is going to need a much better defense than the one you just heard. joining me now, barbara mcquaid. welcome to you on a sunday you just heard the former trump adviser changing his tone on cooperating. what do you make of that and how dangerous that could be for the president? he did. he seems very open to it he has had a chance to think about it perhaps and is not foreclosing the possibility. yesterday what he said is that he wouldn t bear false witness against anybody. prosecutors aren t going to ask him to bear false witness. what they are going to ask him the do is tell the truth about criminal activities of others. sometimes when people have lot baggage it makes them difficult to be witnesses because they lack credibility with someone like roger stone the only way for him to be valuable is if he can provide information to robert mueller that can then be independently corroborated in that way he could be valuable he could tell them about phone calls they didn t know about before, individuals involved in things they didn t know about before if they can duplicate that information by talking with other witnesses or confirm it with documents or records or surveillance or other things that could give him some value as a witness. he appears pretty confident by saying his false statements to congress weren t something he intended to say. listen to how he spun this i did forget on some occasions that i had text messages and e-mails that are entirely exculpatory i will prove in court that any failure of memory on my part was without intent. as a former prosecutor, does step to s theory hold up in court. it could in some cases. if they were relying on minute details or the word of someone else against him maybe but not in this case fwhib who actually read this indictment he may be gailt gaming on the fact that not everybody read the document i don t think it is going to hold up one thing he did is memorialized his faults states in e-mails and text messages. for example, on one of the days he denied to congress he communicated by text with someone uhl he actually communicated 30 times with that person the idea that it slipped my mind, on the very same day, 30, it doesn t hold up and the threats and other things are there this writing in e-mail and texts. i see this as a strong case. coit be stronger? or is it less strong because conspiracy was not included in the charges? he described the whole thing as being thin i think you have to think about it in two different ways the charges that are here are narrow but strong. could you then charge a broader case involving conspiracy? the answer to that is yes. because these charges were filed do not preclude additional charges were being filed later on why not charge that now? could be a couple of reasons joyce vance had the theory of holding back discovery so they could continue investigation also i think it gives them negotiating power to say to him you know we could charge with you a conspiracy to defraud the united states by interfering with the fair administration of elections which would bring some significant penalties. you can plead guilty to what you have been charged with now and corate and earn a reduced sentence or we can add these charges. either theory makes sense to me. barbara, don t go far, you will come back and talk to me in a bit. let s talk now with betsy woodruff, and jeff mason betsy, your take on roger stone trying to change his tone now on whether or not he would cooperate with the special counsel. how do you interpret that? it is a rapid and significant tonal change that said, the comments he made certainly were not unequivocal essentially what he said has been consistent with what he has been saying the last year or so as he publicly speculated about his legal woes that is he is willing to the the truth and the truth will not be damaging to president trump. he reiterated that message today but the change that i heard is the way he is talking about mueller s investigators. a few days before he was indicted i was texting with roger on the record about how he viewed his involvement in the mueller investigation. and he told me that if he were charged with anything, he said it would be a setup. and he also said that he would use his moment to reveal wrongdoing on the part of mueller s prosecutors to try to argue that he was illegally surveilled and that mueller s lawyers were engaged in sort of egregious violations of justice department norms the fact that now a couple of days later he is leaving the door open to working with them and perhaps working with them as they build other cases or providing information that could be eggs culpatory that strikes me as an interesting change here from stone it is thatrd to say what that means long term going forward. he kind of says what he thinks it can change from day to day? i am looking at your article in the daily beast, some of the colorful things that were written in the exchange with stone and credico. how does this add to what we know about who roger stone is? the e-mails that we have we are the first publication to publish the full e-mail that mueller cites as evidence that stone tried to engage in witness tacherring stone s relationship with randy credico is a small but important component of the indictment. credico is on the left of the political spectrum s talk radio host in new york the indictment doesn t name him of he is the radio host who interviewed julian assange the messages are foul mouthed. he is also threatening the dog. the emotional support dog. i can t even say i can t say any of the words in that sentence. that s right. the dog is a very small, cute, fluffy white critter named bianca randy credico took bianca with him when he testified to mueller s team because he was anxious. now we see stone threatening to take the dog away. what is important, the conversation they were having i reviewed the e-mail chain. the conversation they were having where stone threatens the dog was not a conversation about mueller s testimony. he was talking about upcoming media appearances, about openly discussing his relationship with roger stone. then stone comes in with this extremely graphic and offensive language going after credico and his dog. yeah. publicly, jeff, the white house is pretty quick to distance the president from stone s indictment saying it had nothing to do with the president is the white house as confident privately? that s a good question. i think we will have to see the way that that i think the best way to answer that is to watch them in the coming days as pressure mounts, perhaps, as more information comes out from roger himself as he continues to give these interviews. and as we see what other developments come from the mueller investigation. this comes at sort of a nexus for the white house having reopened the government on friday there is a focus on whether or not there will be a deal with congress the next few weeks and there is focus on the investigation of mueller s and the indictment of stone. we will talk about the government reopening in a moment i know that reporters were eager to ask the president about roger stone. we were. were you surprised he didn t take any questions what do you think is behind that. i was surprised it is hard to tell when president trump is going to take questions and when he is not more often than not he is willing to take questions. i was in the rose garden just a few weeks before when he was in sort of a similarsituation and went around sort of down the line and took questions from all of us. uh-huh. the stone one was definitely at the top of my list if he had called on us or called on me he didn t. he ended up walking away and not taking any questions but i know that there were certainly some people who thought that he did that appearance to sort of distract from the roger stone news that day. he wouldn t have distracted if he had taken questions on. perhaps that was the thinking behind it. both of you stay with me as we get to the other big headline of the day, that being the government slowly lee reopening as members of congress are trying to avoid another shutdown the national mall and national parks resuming normal operations today but the effects of the shutdown is still going on the white house is vowing to pay back as soon as possible those two paychecks that workers missed during the shutdown but the clock yet again ticking with just 20 days to reach a border security compromise and this morning, the acting white house chief of staff defending the president s decision to back down without getting any funding for a border wall. he did what he did because many democrats had come to us, some of them privately, many spoke out publicly that they were actually starting to agree with him on the necessity for a barrier on the southern border they had come to us and said look we agree with you, you are winning the battle on the importance of a barrier on the southern border but we cannot work with you while the government is closed that s a marked difference from where the democrat leadership was. they said they wouldn t talk with us about the wall ever. i think the president saw a chance the try to take the democrats at their word. betsy and jeff. jeff, you first here really do you know that democrats came to the president saying, hey, you are definitely winning on the message here, but we can t work with you unless there is an open government. let s put our heads together and do some big kumbaya moment did that happen? a spoke to an administration officials on friday who said they had seen hesitation or movement among democrats who had won close races in districts that president trump won in 2016 and that they were showing some willingness to work on the wall. so there may be some truth to what mick mulvaney is saying there. that said, i think it is kind of hard to sort of reconcile that with suggesting that president trump was winning the messaging war. the democrats stayed very, very unified during this entire time. and that was, you know, in large part because of nancy pelosi saying we have to stick together, we have to stick together and they did in the end, the acting chief of staff can say that but the bottom line is on friday the president didn t get a down payment for the wall like he had said just the day before was required instead, he just backed down. mick mulvaney s statement there, betsy three options in your answer either it was true, or it was spin, or as jeff is intimating, it may be some big exaggeration. what do you think? it sounded to me like pretty classic spin and there was probably a certain element of exaggeration incorporated as well i think jeff s point is a really important one, which is while democrats remained publicly united about opposing giving trump any money for husband wall there are a number of new freshman democrats in the house who have a tenuous hold on the seats they won they won in part because there was such a national backlash against trump s policies for many of those members they are looking for ways to position themselves as moderate, as willing to cooperate with the administration, as willing to be bipartisan and open to working across the aisle did any of those come to mulvaney and say you guys are winning the messaging war. color me skeptical what i think is more likely that as white house officials are reaching out to some of the freshmen democrats they are having conversations that are poe tpgsly slightly different in tone than their conversations with house democratic leadership does that have any significant impact on the way that money becomes available from congress to the president for border security i doubt it it is important to remember that even though the democratic caucus is united it is not a monolith. jeff your piece layings down what went on behind the scenes of the president s announcement and you write that the outcome of the agreement was last-minute? one of the thing that happened is the vice president and jared kushner brought a series of about four options to the president. one of them included the option that he ended up choosing on friday morning the other option, one of four, was to go ahead and declare that national emergency they said that he sort of slept on it on thursday night, and then on friday decided to go with the route of letting congress give it another go and that one of the key factors that ended up helping to influence that decision was seeing that law enforcement, including the fbi, were not able to do their jobs at full strength. so he sort of weighed do i keep pushing for this wall, which i am trying to do to help law enforcement and help border security while at the same time it is hurting law enforcement right now. that anyway was the story that came from one of the sources to whom i spoke and in any case he ended up deciding on friday that that was the way he wanted to go, at least for now. jeff mason and betsy woodruff always love talking to you guys. questions from the to be russia probe investigator in the house. why so many lies and what do they all mean? 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should we proceed? should we wait i have great confidence in adam schiff, a top-notch prosecutor before he was in office also elijah cummings is a man of incredible integrity i think the big change is going to be starting in a few weeks we are going to do investigations unlike my republicans colleagues have done while they were in charge elijah says we are going to follow the facts to the truth. that will change those numbers people will see we are not politicizing it. we are doing what the congress and the house were supposed to do, and envisioned as the founding fathers, being a coequal branch of government and finding the truth. what investigations do you want to take place at least which do you first want to delve into? i work closely with our staff. we have a great staff on the oversight and government committee. i will support the chairman. he wants to go through this methodically just today the issues of security clearances and mr. kushn kushner, that s a big concern. elijah responded to that nbc reported that. uh-huh. we have a lottan our plate. but we have to take a deep breath as adam and elijah will do and be objective about going after the truth. we want to show the public we are not the republicans, what they did to benghazi and how they politicized that. we have to be a cocall branch of government. i want to pivot and talk about the temporary government shutdown your state has daca citizens, what are your demands in a border security government would you fund some type of a border wall in exchange for permanent daca and tps protections? i have to say after this last incident it is very clear that the president and many of his associates are sociopaths, or at least in that kind of behavior i have been to the border. i have met with federal workers who haven t been paid. sociopaths don t have any empathy for the cruelty that they impose on other people. they are pathological liars, clinically and they have a great sense of grandiosity. that fits exactly what i have seen the president do during this shutdown. so we need to focus on the real issues we don t have the capacity at the border i have talked to judges. i have talked to border patrol people at the border to handle the influx of people seeking their legal right for asylum they need more help. where we can do cost benefits and see where there is a need to secure the border better, then i am all in for that what happened is we created this political narrative developed by mr. bannon and mr. mueller in the white house to drive americans apart rather than focusing on the challenge and the problem at the border. how temporary do you think this three-week reprieve is? how confident are you some deal can be struck in 20 short days. i think there is a deal between people on both sides of good faith, if they focus on the real issue only a heartless fool would shut the government down again after what we have been through. i support a bill that democrats and republicans should not shut the government down. it is cruel to the families. i have seen them here in northern california. they are trying to pay bills i had constituents calling me. i had a young woman who is pregna pregnant, she and her husband bought their first house and they are worried about cash flow that s ridiculous. we shouldn t do that to federal employees. we know michael cohen has postponed his testimony before your committee and cited quote threats by the president and his lawyer you wrote, sir, on twitter that if it is true that the president or anyone of his team threatened cohen it would be a clear violation of the law and a blatant attack on our democratic process. do you think your committee should subpoena cohen? absolutely. that sounds like obstruction of justice and tampering with a potential witness of congress. these are the things that you are going to have to be as you noted in your introduction, we are going to have to be of a demeanor where we are just following the facts to the truth. clearly there are a lot of facts, as mr. schiff just explained to you. what are the most pressing questions you would ask of him if he gets to you, if michael cohen gets to you via subpoena i would want to hear from him how many instances he was told by any of his clients, including the president of the united states, to not tell the truth, including under sworn testimony. so this is the basis of our whole system is you can t perjure yourself when you look at the roger moore indictment it is unredeemable. these are the things we have to get to we have to assure the american public that we are doing it in their best interests not in our political interests. democrat from california, representative mark desaulnier. the new report about the 12 employees let go from president trump s golf club. were they in compliance with the law or an attempt at cover-up? 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i think that s wrong. alex, fact check there. chuck shumer in 2006, we think mccarthy is referring to the secure fence act which possibled congress and resulted in several hundred miles of wall and fence being built. pelosi didn t photo that are that secure fence act. meanwhile, joakim saying this could be, quote, unquote, enhanced fencing in a final product final agreement. we will see what comes nm the next days. new reporting from the washington post says a dozen of undocumented employees at the president s golf club have been fired because of their legal status barbara mcquaid is back. the, woulders allegedly worked at the club at least a dozen years. is the organization legally liable for this? because it appears it wasn t necessarily checking important documentation properly or is it a problem if they knew that these employees were not of legal status and yet they employed them nonetheless. it is a crime to hire ten or more individuals who are here without permission, undocumented immigrants but the law does require actual knowledge of the person s undocumented status. now, the law also says that to prove actual knowledge you cannot engage in what s known as willful blindness. that is if there are all kinds of clues standing out at you you can t ignore those and say oh, i didn t know. if the person lacks documentation you are supposed to he can which you are supposed to fill out a form and check the box as to which piece of identification you looked at to confirm they were eligible to work in the united states. there are a number of ways that that can be proved, that actual knowledge. i want to put up a quote from eric trump who says the organization is make an effort to identify any employee who has given false or fraudulent documents to unlawfully gain employment but there was some reporting in december that federal investigators were investigating allegations that the president s new jersey club provided some workers with fake green cards. i mean, how long would an investigation of this take it could take some time to figure out how that ring was working. but if that s happening, that is actually a very serious crime, to create false documents and provide them with workers is far worse than the crime i just described of maybe being duped by employees or maybe not being careful. because that law does require actual knowledge but if you are proactively creating false documents so people can work illegally, that is a serious crime after 9/11 that crime became even more heinous because the hijackers used false documents to gain entry into the united states. the border wall argument is putting the president s re-election. and it is not just the democrats who might be putting him in peril. every day, visionaries are creating the future. so, every day, we put our latest technology and vast expertise to work. 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my first thought was there were two people in the country who want hillary clinton to be president. one is hillary clinton the other is donald trump. it would be a great gift for donald trump to be able to relitigate 2016 all over again it would unify his base immediately because hillary clinton is this sort of demonic character that s been cast into that role for the gop. i had my hand in doing it over the years in the generations it would be a way for trump to reframe all of his failed presidency and all of his corrupt presidency and go back and say what about her e-mails wh what about this what about the and relitigate this with a a guy that it becomes a bondfire for fox news and the info war asks the crazies around him to reboot that and she doesn t do something for the base, i think, at this point that sufficient anymore. i don t think she gets the base as riled up as they need to be they need a change we had a long arc in politics of clintons and the obamas, dominating the political landscape. there are a new landscape of democrats out there addressing the rising base in the democratic party. john, do you agree with this take i do. i love secretary clinton in a just world she would be two years into her presidency right now. it is probably not the best cycle for her to run the thing that bothers me the most about her considering it is the one thing that reasonable folks could hold against her was some sense of entitlement. the entitlement that president obama derailed in 2008 and she was cheated but defeated in 2016 this feels like that entitlement like this is my spot meanwhile we have a young exciting diverse crop of candidates in 2020 i think it is time to pass the baton. amy, you get the last word on this from the female politician perspective, kamala harris, elizabeth warren, gillibrand all having declared their run for the presidency or their speculation and looking a the possibility of doing so. talk about that legacy at least that hillary clinton has. sure. well, as a republican, i actually favor the most qualified not just based on gender but since we are talking about females running for president, i do know that there are people out there who are excited about possibly a gabbard run and these are democrats that i have been speaking with. senator warren as well she has been heavily campaigning on finance reform. uh-huh. and then of course not a female, but people do love joe biden. i think it is time for hillary to step aside and let these democrats have their shot. okay. i didn t want to get your reaction because we were just getting that report coming in to us now, as we look at the president s challenging week overall, you have roger stone being indicted you have him really getting nothing in terms of the, quote, deal that was made to reopen the government which of these issues, rick, ends up being worse for the president? i think the major loss for the president this week was that the fraud and the con of donald trump, that he is the master negotiator, that he is the king of the art of the deal, that he always wins when he sits down at the bargaining table was finally shattered. this is a guy who spent who threw our government and economy into chaos for 35 days and who insists, absolutely categorically that under no circumstances would he stop this shutdown unless he got $5.7 billion for his wall, his physical barrier he walked out of the room withing no he didn t even have his pants on by the end of this negotiation he has been humiliated, been shamed, he was knocked down hard he got spanked hard by nancy pelosi and it still hurts so much he can barely sit down. amy, your take? well, i disagree with rick on that it was a tough pill to swallow i will not lie there were a number of republicans that were very disappointed and felt that he capitulated. however, i think that either side, you know, they were actually both duking it out and digging their heels in and not willing to compromise and come to the table but in the end we still needed to have somebody who was going to be the bigger person and unfortunately, or fortunately, whichever way you want to look at it, it was president trump. what do you think don in terms of the issues the president faced this week? i know you want to respond to amy right there. which one do you think is worse. they are both bad we talked about it in the last hour i think that the stone indictment is back because of what it pour tends for futur indictments, particularly the non-cooperation indictment non-conspiracy count but also i think that the pelosi victory is huge because we still have two years this presidency this is january. to he mome it shows the presidet is a new day there will be no rolling the house for two years. you know the president isn t really loving the job. the house is here to make sure he despises the job he has to get up and do every day for two more years. last word to you. 15 to 20 days to get this job done what about the chances they will come to a deal that will keep the government open? i think the chances are pretty good. because i think president trump has been, looking at his poll numbers realizing that 32% of the american electorate who has been with him through thick and thin that base is starting to decline and erode and a lot of it has to do with the fact that he was responsible, solely responsible, with all due respect to amy, for the government shutdown. so i think his side, and democrats have every super to not allow the government to shut down again by the way, there is a simple way to do this, to give dreamers a full path to citizenship and we can also have stronger security measures. democrats made it clearly we will work with president trump on this but we have got to keep the government open and keep it open in order to negotiate the policies. thank you all for weighing in i will see you all again. next to flip or not the flip roger stone changing his tune whether or not he will testify against the president. someone who has known him for 30 years weighs in next s say is number one in the nation? sure, they probably know what they re talking about. or the one that j.d. power says is highest in network quality by people who use it every day? this is a tough one. well, not really, because verizon won both. so you don t even have to choose. why didn t you just lead with that? it s like a fun thing. 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well, one thing he told us was that stay tuned. there s going to be dirt on hillary clinton coming out when my wife heard that, she thought, oh, this is news. but he had been tweeting the same thing at the time look, stone and i i ve known him for as you mentioned 30 years. he was part of a political consulting firm called black manafort and stone black was an operative we know who manafort was what these guys did was they defended the sleaziest foreign dictators in washington, represented them as lobbyists. there s no honor among thieves so it s not entirely sure that, you know, he won t flip on trump. and that last indication from george stephanopoulos program suggests he s leaving the door open to it but i think he s more likely to be a g. gordon liddy type who plays to the republican base by going down flags flying, doing a little bit of time and coming out the other end with a big radio show that can help him get some of the money back that he s lost you know, he s been through so many incarnations. he was over the cover of swingers magazine dressed in leather. okay. this guy is a real character. and you can t predict where he s going to go. okay. look, i want to talk about your film not going to have time to play clips, but i want to get to this, it s called brez lin&ham mill deadline artists. you were intrigued by these two? how so they were the swashbuckling journalists who lived large in our culture in ways that are unimaginable now jimmy breslin was so famous that he hosted saturday night live at one point pete hamill was dating the most famous woman in the world and shirley mcclain at the same time can you imagine print journalists now days who could do this? i co-directed and co-produced this film. what we set out to do was conjure a day in american journalism when things were really different we were able to have it be very relevant, trump is in there because they stood up to trump 30 years ago. you think they would have done that today, too absolutely. they were speaking truth to power. what more important message for today than remembering these great journalists who did so we have a ton of celebrities in this film talking about them and so it airs tomorrow night on hbo. we cannot wait to watch it. hbo, i already have it taped i m going to sit and watch it as well can t wait thank you so much, pete. we re looking forwards to it breslin&hamill thank you, jonathan. 20 days until the government may shut down again if the president and congress can t strike a deal. the expectatio nnsext. we all mae things we don t want to do. but when it comes to colon cancer screening. i m not doin that. i eat plenty of kale. ahem, as i was saying. .with cologuard, you don t need an excuse. all that prep? 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former ceo of starbucks, howard news and asked about being more speech to the jewish coalition, that starts in a little while at moderate compared to the other schultz. 2 p.m. eastern. dems running for president. also tune in tomorrow to fox news channel s media buzz. he says there s plenty of room howard kurtz will talk to rudy and need for someone like him welcome to america s news among voters. guiliani at 11 a.m. eastern headquarters here in washington time. i think what the voters are on this beautiful day. plus, bill hemmer is in for looking for is actually get things done, right, i care chris wallace this week on fox i m gillian turner. deeply about climate change, i leland: beautiful indeed. news sunday. he ll talk to the assistant have the right plan to deal with spring is officially here on the house speaker, congressman ben climate change, i think it s east coast and among much of the incredibly important that every area here, i m leland vittert. american have health care in the country. i have a much better way of making that happen. good to be with you. gillian: president trump ray lujan check for the time and renewing his push for stronger we are expecting senator bernie sanders to begin his talk at any moment in iowa to take a border security this week. listing there. look at the live pics, he like leland: april 2019 and a central campaign issue for his vice-president joe biden isn t kamala harris spent time in new 2020 reelection bid and he officially a 2020 candidate, but york speaking at national he s facing front runner-like action s network conference claims that the immigration attention not just allegations among several key topics, both system is overwhelmed. of making women feel casey stegal is in el paso and uncomfortable, but also making senators pledge to vote on jokes about it. creating a commission, alison barber is joining us. separation for african he has the latest there. vice-president biden tried to americans, now, senator kirsten gillian, good to see you. make light of it. it didn t go over so well. on a typical saturday this time, gillibrand and cory booker will and this is the first be in new hampshire as well for custom borders and officials appearance since the allegations events today, leland. would be hard at work at one of surfaced. rying to the international crossing bridges in el paso where on a and he joked that he had correspondent al sharpton s typical saturday they say they permission to touch others on endorsement in new york before stage. listen here. i just want you to know that process upwards of i have permission to hug lonnie. 400 18-wheelers full of cargo jeff, gillian. by the way, he gave me being imported into the united permission to touch him. begin begin states. the number of trucks getting in after the speech lucie flores today, zero because the cargo lane has been temporarily closed the first woman who came forward gillian: joining us presidential because officials say they have and said that he made her feel no real resources to staff it contender howard schultz, howard, thank you very much for your time this afternoon, i want uncomfortable, said it s clear to get you to jump right in and because they had to divert about weigh in on former president joe joe biden hasn t reflected at 750 cbp officers to assist in biden, he issued this week a all how his inappropriate and kind of sorry, not sorry unsolicited touching made women response to women who have other locations where border feel uncomfortable. to make light of something as accused him of sexual inprop agents are getting slammed, especially with large groups of serious as this degrades the migrants, presenting themselves in search of asylum. conversation. inpropriety, are you buying it? family unit apprehensions have and mr. biden said he felt badly i have no reason to believe that the women are making the jumped 1700% in this sector claims are not telling the alone so far in fiscal year if he made anyone feel truth. uncomfortable and reiterated i know vice president biden that was not his intent. well, i respect him, i think the 2019. officials say they re running out of places to house the understand more, i m not voters will have to decide and sorry for any of my intentions. he will have to decide whether migrants coming in and some or not given the situation believe it will get worse before i m not sorry for anything that there s room for him in i have ever done. it gets better. i ve never been disrespectful democratic primary. now we have customs and intentionally to a man or a gillian: howard, sounds like border protection officers you re in believe all the women assisting us as well. woman. for now it does not seem like camp? that s going to impact the city. it has impacted the city with these allegations are hampering certainly, i have no reason not to believe the women. biden s political ambitions and wait times at the bridges. vice president will have to decide for himself but the he s close to deciding whether so it s the community now, voters will make the decision. definitely is feeling the impact or not he ll run for the oval office in 2020. of what it is we re going i m told by the lawyers that gillian: yesterday at the border president trump said that thanks to the failures of joe biden and through. now, the bridge here does barack obama that he s now i ve got to be careful what i remain open for predator food president of the united states, say so that i don t start a in effect, he owes them his traffic and regular cars. you see all of the hustle and clock ticking and change my bustle, people going back and forth from juarez and el paso his position today. status, but it is i am very here where we are. how do you look at that close to making a decision, situation, he said, the however, we re told that because president essentially said that of these major delays through obama was a failure, he failed the week, sometimes a ride that the american people, where do what s the hold up, putting you come out on that? could take 20 minutes to cross the border now taking several everything toge putting everything together. well, i certainly don t agree and my intentions if i announce. with that, president trump says hours. a lot of things most of them not so we could seriously have this true, for example, i mean, he s ripple effect or domino effect blaming the mexicans right now. especially when you talk about the president is not in the trucks full of goods not being the facts are about this able to get into the united immigration crisis which does position of pointing fingers, states. exist is we have a crisis of gillian, leland, back to you that he s been accused of much leadership. guys. gillian: thanks for that, casey. we also have a crisis of not leland: president trump waking telling the truth. worse. up in las vegas, out west today and tweeted i see you re on the the truth is there s more mexicans who are leaving the job and as always. country than more that are to deliver remarks to republican jewish coalition s national leadership meeting. coming in. he s up early and tweeting. leland: whether he does or not people who are trying to alicia acuna in las vegas where illegally cut in are from it s about 9 a.m.ic about with to be seen. democrats are 0 are on the road central america and he cuts the the tweets and what to expect. aid is a mistake. hi, alicia. gillian: would you increase to those countries, to méxico, hi, leland and don t be and mayor buttigieg is in new guatemala, honduras, el surprised if the president continues on what appears to be salvador? yes, i would, i would one of his 2020 campaign themes hampshire. and john delaney here in d.c. increase aid because the reason these people are trying to and that is that the democratic we are going to ask the former escape is because of the party is becoming more violence, the the issues, maryland congressman what sets anti-jewish according to him. him apart from the pack and joe threats on their lives and we and he arrives off the need to support the countries to biden. and we ll show you live images u.s.-mexico border in california provide a safe haven for those where he met with u.s. border from the tidal basin. people but if we are not going it s about 65 degrees and to do, the real question is patrol officials. while there he complimented beautiful as thousands of and this is i think this is packing d.c. to get a look at mexico on what he says is the vitally important. recent progress in stemming flow the crisis of leadership is the president, the democrats and the the cherry blossoms in full republicans have not been able of immigrants in his country which in turn he says helps the to solve this immigration bloom. u.s. and why he gave them one problem. i don t keep track of regrets. why? year before he closes the border all of these democrats who are running for president who have and/or attaches tariffs to cars held national office, where have they been on this immigration made in that country. we stop them at the southern issue? and when i said this week on the border of mexico, which right town hall which i will repeat is i m quite convinced that nancy now mexico s doing. pelosi will not do anything that would be a fantastic thing and i think that s happening. until 2020 to provide the i think never been before. nobody s ever seen anything like president or republicans with any kind of victory on it. all of a sudden, mexico s doing immigration. gillian: do you think, how warped, to get to the heart of terrifically. they have to. this here, do you think president trump s initiative at the southern border is immoral, the president went to do you think he s an immoral calexico, california for the new president? i think the issue is one of illegal immigration which is renovated barrier and 400 mile real but real issue of humanity here and i think the vast majority of americans when border. polled have said, we would like to see a common sense solution 20 have tried to block the to this immigration problem which concludes by the way a pathway to citizenship for the construction. been tweeting about robert dreamers, a pathway to mueller and the phone any citizenship for the 11 million who were here illegally, unauthorized, and once and for dossier. all solve this problem. and we ll cover that live as it the problem has been going on happens. gillian. gillian: for more on what to i never count the wrinkles. for 25 years but the president expect from president trump today in a little while when he and i don t add up the years. but what i do count on, has exacerbated with false speaks out in las vegas, i want is staying happy and healthy. to bring in press secretary to narrative and they are using the the 20 reelection campaign, so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet issue and weponizing it as an issue rather than trying to with boost®. solve it for the american people and that s why i m considering caley, thank you for being here boost® high protein nutritional drink running for president because with us. has 20 grams of protein, both parties ideology prevents before we get to the nuts and along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals bolts of this speech, i want to them from solving this problem, focus on what the president is your body needs. all with guaranteed great taste. 22 trillion-dollar national debt, the healthcare crisis and focused on this week. the upside- i m just getting started. the border, border security i can go on. boost® high protein specifically. tell me about his proposed be up for life. gillian: question there, howard, solution. because while he s been very essentially when you if you focused on the issue, he s not throw your hat in the ring and been quite so focused when it run, you will be asking millions comes to defining the solution this week. of trump voters, another backtracking away from threats to close the southern border candidate who is a altogether. multibillionaire, hopes to bring well, the very obvious their business expertise, why solution is constructing the southern barrier on our border. we will see, as we heard were they going to vote to fix something that s not broken, the yesterday from the army core of economy is doing well at the engineers, 450 miles of that construction by the end of 2020. moment? that is the key to solving this. the economy is doing well for those people who participate in stock market but in your earlier we also need more border patrol agents. segment which i watched and i we also need congress to step couldn t believe that the man was saying, the people in the ag up. they feel like they have to drink a lot of water. patients that i see that complain about dry mouth, the president on his own to close the settlement agreement, medications seem to be the number one cause for dry mouth. business, they are satisfied to close the loopholes that with the president, i m in allow the family units in dry mouth can cause increased cavities, kansas next week, i can promise you the people in farming society. industry are not satisfied we need congress and that means bad breath, oral irritation. we need democrats and so far, seeing the fact that they lost i like to recommend biotene. nancy pelosi has derelicted her markets and these markets are biotene has a full array of products that replenishes not coming back as a result of a the moisture in your mouth. foolish strategic mistake with china on the tariff and trade duty to act. biotene definitely works. gillian: what caused the issue. it makes patients so much happier. president to change his mind mid i mean, and so the questions that you re being that we are week and closing the border being asked about whether or not republicans will look at me is a altogether. was it bipartisan pushback he very interesting question received from capitol hill? because if they have a choice i don t see the president as between trump and sanders or backtracking. i see him as saying this option is still on the table along with left-leaning democrat they will many others like the tariffs. probably reelect donald trump he doesn t want to use this because the country does not option. it s a last resort, but look at wanting to to the issue of what this has done. socialism, however, there are by talking about closing the border. life-long republicans on the by talking about auto tariffs, issue of character and morality who do not want to reelect the mexico stepped up. president and on the town hall they re keeping thousands of last week i asked an audience of people in their country nonprofit and reporting more 400 people can you raise your detentions in mexico than we ve hand if any one in this audience seen before. what he did to great effect was would like to see their child or to force mexico to come to the stable and step up. their gapped children emulate you mentioned the commitment he reiterated yesterday, which the behaviors oerson raised the. is to get 4 or 450 miles of new border wall constructed over the the character issue alone in 2020 next two years, but how gillian: character will be a big issue, who you are, realistic is this when the administration hasn t constructed one mile of brand question, howard, when we spoke last time about a month ago, new wall in the past two years? we ve seen 87 miles updated. democrats embroiled whether or not and how to condemn we re going to see 97 miles anti-semitism. constructed this year and 450 in total by 2020. yeah. gillian: you spoke to me on your we just now got this funding via own experiences as jewish the emergency check declaration, american, do you feel confident that the american electorate is look at the cost with a porous ready for american president, do you think that can happen? border. i certainly think the americans dying of illegal american people are ready for drugs, 500 billion of the welcome back. jewish president, i have been traveling the country now for 10 illegal drugs crossing the the u.s. attorney s office now border and consider on top of weeks, i recognized there s been that, enough fentanyl to kill announcing an arrest has been ant semitism in the country made and a charge against a new every american in the country which concerns me but i m running as an american, i will four times, this president has york man who threatened a wrap myself in american flag and congressman. values and do everything i can patrick w asking called the to preserve the promise of the went over veto. some democrats are talking country and the american dream about border security. for everyone. the attorney general of california floated an gillian: i hate to point it out to you but you said i m running. interesting proposal last night office and asked if they worked on cnn. for the muslim brotherhood. take a listen to what xavier well, i said and i want your reaction. he could face ten years in prison, a $250 fine or both. [laughter] well, that s a good point but the most logical way to use i will decide gillian: anything you tell us before you want to go. resources if you get authorization is to help reduce the backlog of these asylum gillian: several democratic 2020 what i will say before i have to go, this is the bifurcating contenders are now hitting the cases. the more that people don t have issue, the republicans on the a case adjudicated, the more campaign trail this weekend. far right and the democrats on they re making stops in key the far left have created such a people are hearing back in the home countries, guess what? early voting states trying to pull out ahead of the pack. level of ideology steeped in the person got into the country, our own jeff paul has got the claimed asylum, as far as we know six months lat they re self-interest and this president details on who is out front so is not leading the country and still there. gillian: they re in essence far this weekend, good are standing in the way in which saying get these people countri afternoon. the values of our country are good afternoon, another busy being preserved and come 2020 i weekend for democrats vying for the 2020 presidential bid and believe there will be a great will begin in new hampshire. opportunity for someone like me that s where south bend indiana who is a centrist common sense mayor pete buttigieg is hosting solutions who can bring the country together if i decide to run for president. a meet and green in concord. gillian: howard schultz, thank you very much for your time, we he s talking about health care spoke that we will speak to you and foreign policy and his time in the military serving overseas soon. thank you, thank you gillian. in afghanistan has helped shape leland: we will mark the tape, his views. and it was more personal when he i m running. president trump could close the southern border and place brought up the domestic policy tariffs on cars coming from and talking about his husband. méxico unless the country does that marriage of ours that more to stem the flow of illegal exists by the grace of a single migrants and drug trafficking, vote on the supreme court is a casey steigel on the ground in daily reminder every time i get up in the morning and every time i go to bed how politics affects el paso as it affects trade, us in our everyday lives. leland: former texas congressman beto o rourke was in iowa hey, casey. yesterday speaking to a krout of hey, leland, part of partial voters. and the el paso native saying he border closure, it is still not wants to reinstitute president business as usual and a lot of obama s clean power plan. and what issues he won t the ports of entry and a lot of compromise on bringing up equal the international crossing bridges getting from méxico into rights for women and the lbgtq the united states like the bridge of the americas back here community. it is legal to legal not in el paso, the cargo traffic lane you see it s temporarily closed, not enough cbp officers to staff it on a saturday since to hire you for sexual 750 of them had to be reassigned to other places to assist border orientation. as president i will patrol, so normally you d have anywhere from 350 to 400 commercial trucks processed in the act that protects civil this spot on a saturday but with operations now temporarily rights. leland: and others spent time in new york speaking with black suspended it s adding to the voters at the national action backlogs of goods being imported network conference and harris into the united states but president trump maintains all of pledged to double the department this is necessary and now he of jifl rights, and study the says it s up to méxico to help do their part. reparations for african-americans and the sa we had a great 4 days and it sanders is hosting a town hall only started when i said we are going to close the border and i that begins in less than an h r will close the border or i will put the tariffs on the cars they make and send into our country essential tax-free and i will hour. senator gillibrand and booker put tariffs on there and close are in new hampshire. the border after that if that gillian: and lbgtq and civil doesn t work. rights sound like they re the now, there very serious top menu items. economic fears over what leland: and the maryland shutting down the border, méxico congressman and the first is the third largest trading democratic candidate to throw his hat in the ring, john partner of the united states and largest supplier of agriculture delaney, good to see you. products like fruit and appreciate it. vegetable but the president leland: we ll start there. adding when he sort of changed the big ideas we re hearing from course on that this past week that he doesn t play games and the progressives on the trail. that he will close the border you re more moderate. is there a place for that? down if not off the table i think voters are looking to entire, it s just he is giving get these things done. i think i have the right plan to méxico an opportunity, one-year deal with climate change. deadline, leland, as you know to i think it s incredibly important that every american have health care in this try and help curve the country. i think i have a much better way situation. of making that happen. i ve got a history of leland: the president said at you re not promising least in the begins the mexicans seemed to be helping, casey on everybody free stuff out there. that s what seems to be the the border, thank you so much. democratic talking point. i think that most americans a little bit more on the understand that things aren t president s interview with griff free that you ve got to show how to pay for things, how you re jenkins. president trump standing by his going to bring people together decision to cut aid to several and that s what my campaign is central american countries about. i don t think that we have time unless they do more to stem the to keep talking about these flow of migrants coming north to things anymore, i think we have to start getting them done and the united states. that s a big theme in my campaign. how do we take these things i already stopped the money, we pay them over $500 million, we re striving for and make them honduras, guatemala, el actionable and get them done. leland: you ve run on this idea salvador, we stopped the money, of being a pragmatic capitalist, some people say, oh, you should give them more money, the democrats say give more money. not a socialist, were that you were active eschew and others do leland: one republican that disagrees with the president, florida congressman francis, nice to see you, sir, as always. not. right now there are articles the president seems to think that we should give latin about $25 minimum wage and american counties more money or construction couldn t find you re okay with the same anyone unless they pay $25. amount? i think these countries have weak and corrupt governments and your what are you going to fix lacks strong civil institutions, as a capitalist that president are aided a lot by foreign aid trump isn t doing. programs that go help strengthen the job numbers are doing, the civil institutions, most of the aid if not all of it goes to i m happy about that. ngo s in the country and not the stock market. government. leland: connect the dots for us. 50% of our citizens can t afford a $500 expense. if i m a taxpayer and my money is going down to el salvador or as i travel all over the country honduras, how does that help the i ve got events in all over the crisis at the border? states in this country. you hear so many people need two to three jobs to get back. well, we we are going to some of the headline statistics continue to have floods of are great. i m happy that the jobs report migrants because their economy was great, that s terrific, but is bad, because they have gangs it really doesn t tell the story about what s going on with your and murders, they have no strong civil institution uightses and average american. your average american who high unemployment. if we could couldn t afford a $500 expense. somehow help the countries get half the country, by the way. on their feet and sort out their half the country of them, governments and deal with their they hear things like this, take a listen and then we ll get your problems, those people would like to stay in their own country. reaction. leland: all right, that s one by the way, he gave me option. where does this go for the permission to touch him. we are going to create a president s point of view, does he have the full authority to medicare for all single payer cut this aid from usaid and program. health care is a human right, not a privilege. repurpose it or does he have to i have proposed what will be get congress approval? the first in the history of our you know, i m not sure about that, this is one of the areas country, federal investment in where i don t know enough about the government maybe that i should, but i do think he has closing teacher people. if you are elected president wide authority to to hold and such a bill was passed would back money as long as it stays within a given appropriation. you sign the bill for repa that s what george bush did some ration? of that too. yes, i would. one more comment leland: please do. if we cut off all of this aid i m afraid china will come in leland: to people who don t, and do it instead, they are buying italy now, they are trying to buy greece for that plans sounds pretty good. we actually have universal 500 million, buying the 3 countries would be a pretty good health care and do the democratic primary voters want to hear the nuance? bargain. leland: seems like they are also if you go to americans, we trying to buy panamá while they are going to have new health are at it. care and a government-only plan. they don t like that idea. yeah. leland: anything the u.s. can do do they think that everyone to prevent that, the scenario you re throwing out? should have health care as a right. i think our aid program and yes, do they realize on some strong relationships with western hemisphere have level, we have health care, you can go to an emergency room and by law you have to get taken important, effort to buy a piece care of. that s universal health care. it s a dorm form of universal of property in el salvador and health care. leland: quickly i need you on put large port, china is the record. we played the clip of joe biden building ports all around the quickly, hugging folks and world and i find that they have making light of the accusations against him. fairly dangerous potential uses. take a listen. by the way, he gave me leland: i think there s some people who agree with you on permission to touch him. that including some in the white house. real quickly, though, if you re too early? not going to standby the too early for what? president and his words of to be joking about it. trying to cut aid off, what leverage do you have over these countries to get them to try and i wouldn t recommend that he joke about it. keep their people from heading i think the vice-president is coming to grips of this. north? leland: do you think it s well, just last night i was talking with salvador business disqualifying? no, i don t think it s leaders in miami, friends of disqualifying. i think there s a difference what the vice-president has done mine and they fully agree with some of the comments that the and obviously offended a lot of people. white he needs to learn a lesson and house has made in making sure that the money is spent in best we all do, and sexual assault. possible manner to keep the leland: thank you, congressman, government down there out of it. good to see you, sir. we have to make sure this all of the taxpayer dollars go to gillian. gillian: still ahead, president strong groups like iri and other trump touting strong numbers from the march jobs report. democracy-building free-press our guest will debate what building institutions in the country. leland: they have a lot to work practical affe to build democracies and free presses in some of the practical effect those numbers will have on the economy. countries. a look towards 2020 especially and three historically black in florida, things have tighten, churches in louisiana have you look at 2016 numbers donald burned all within one parish in trump versus hillary clinton, the last two weeks. we ll bring you the latest versus 2018 ron le desantis updates as they work to determine a motive and whether and andrew gillum. these three incidents are the latest. and within that time, have we know that gillum will try to work to register a number of new three churches burn like that. voters, 1.4 million felons who you ve got to know somebody are now eligible to vote for 2020, how worried are you that that s purposely being done. florida becomes back in play and potentially turns blue again? well, you know, that for a republican to win florida t have to run very strong in northern countries and panhandle and where i am in leon county, we turned 50 more thousand votes for donald trump than mitt romney. i think the president s 1.1 billion that he s give to go rebuild everglades project shows commitment to florida. leland: something you ve been vocal on. congressman, we appreciate your time as always, we will see you back here in dc. thanks for having me on, leland, have a good day. leland: have a good saturday. gillian: president trump to set stage in las vegas where he will address republican coalition national leadership meeting in about an hour when cravings hit, hit back. choose glucerna, with slow release carbs to help manage blood sugar, and start making everyday progress. glucerna. springtime in washington d.c. the cherry blossoms in full bloom. a friend of mine used to say if you had a thermometer or a thermostat on a tree you wouldn t change it it s no nice outside. unemployment under 4% in america right now. wall street on a bull market run. but democrats vying for the 2020 nominations say america is in bad shape. there is something fundamentally wrong in this nation. justice means recognizing domestic terrorism, including white nationalist extremism. the cold old jim crow is a new jim crowe. and we bring in ross, we appreciate it. welcome back to the show. no question that those lines play well in a place like boulder. the president s lines play well in colorado springs. who wins denver? well, denver is a very blue place these days, leland. so i d have to think the president will have a hard time in denver, itself. the rest of the state and the rest of the country though, in a way, it reminds me of eight years ago when the economy was basically okay and the republicans were saying that under obama it wasn t. and people go with their real experiences and i think that trump has an even better economic case to make than president obama did, so, you know, i think it s a mistake for recommendations made to great ag democrats to be arguing, no, who found no obstruction, 13 don t believe your own eyes, angry dems later brought don t believe your own experience, don t believe the fact. leland: it s a question that ronald reagan asked, if you re better off four years ago, vote $30 million, no collusion, no obstruction, the democrats, no for jimmy carter, if not, vote matter what we give them will for me. never be satisfied. they voted for ronald reagan and top democrats full unredacted mueller report be released to four years after that chose public, the house judiciary reagan against because the economy turned around. committee issued subpoenas to john delaney brought up the get it, ag at the center of what issue, 54% of the americans can t afford a $500 expense and will be released to congress and people quibble on the numbers public this week, became top here, but do republicans who are target for democrats. out there touting these great after the attorney general, job numbers and things are whatever he wants to do but everybody waited for the mueller fabulous, do they understand the report and turns out that there s no obstruction, no economic hardship and pain that so many americans feel, even if they do have a job? collusion, no anything and now the rest is up to the attorney it s a good question. i m not sure whether the general. republicans completely understand that, but i also schiff and nadler keep running think it s important to realize games, they can t get off it and that the people you re talking about, they re not just looking they were disappointed but it was an easy decision. at president trump, they re looking at what s the this morning representative alternative. and it may be true that a large one of if democratic leadership, number of americans can t afford he says he believe that william an unexpected expense, but that barr is withholding certain parts of mueller report in order doesn t mean that they ll think to protect the president but that bringing in the other guys will make it better and actually we ve also been seeing over the last couple of weeks especially as the democrats will be underneath a lot of these economic numbers is actually preparing for this release of the report, they also have a really large improvement for lower income folks. whole host of own investigations blue collar workers are doing to try and get as much mueller incredibly well in percentage on their own so they can get it out to the public and try to wage gains. so we can look at that. keep pressure on the white house the new york times reporting ahead of 2020. that some construction jobs now have to pay $25 an hour before leland: we also have the fight they can fill basic construction going on over the president s tax returns as well and how that possibly ties in to all of this, jobs in various cities, there s garrett tenney, garrett, thank so much construction manufacturing going on. specific communities you talk about. you. gillian. let s look at the numbers for gillian: coming up the president black unemployment and black set to address the republican wage growth. jewish coalition in the next hour, our political panel is unemployment rates, black here, they ll weigh in on the unemployment now down to 6.7%. state of america under president wage growth up about $37 a week trump. plus california man making grand on average. is this enough to chip away at the democrats lock on the by picking unusual spot democratic on the black vote? i switched to miralax for my constipation. i guess it depends your definition of chip away, right? it maybe maybe it will go from, you know, 20 to 22. or whatever the number is. something very small like that. so on the one hand, i don t think you re going to see a stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate large shift of african-americans the nerves in your colon. miralax works with the water in your to president trump. operate other hand, if you look body to unblock your system naturally. at the fact that president trump and it doesn t cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. won michigan and wisconsin and miralax. look for the pink cap. pennsylvania by such small margins, peeling off 1 or 2% could be an important political difference. leland: you re talking in michigan about 10,000 votes there. the president yesterday, quickly and then we ll get your reaction. we have the greatest economy in the history of our country. we have the best job numbers we ve ever had. more people are working today in the united states than ever before. paying less tax than just about ever before. we had the biggest tax cut in the history of our country. leland: when people who feel left behind heard that don t they instinctively look for an alternative. the democratic middle of the road alternative than the far left, that the republicans could have an issue? i do think that s possible. the question is whether democrats are over estimating the number of people who actually feel left behind. i think we don t really know that and again, yes, that democrats, if they offered a middle of the road alternative, president trump would have a problem. it s not clear that they re going to. it s not clear who they have other than joe biden. i think tim ryan from ohio could be an interesting one to look at in that mold, but then it comes down to the question, leland, are democrats, are base democrats the people who choose the nominee, are they in the mood to nominate a moderate? i kind of don t think so. leland: we certainly can tell based on the talking points of the big block of democratic contenders where they believe the democratic party was, we played some of that in the beginning of the segment. we appreciate your insights. we ll have that soon. good to see you. gillian: three historically black churches destroyed in one louisiana parish in the span of two weeks. the fbi joined the investigation into the fires. as the officials look into the details of the cases they re now being left with more questions than answers. this is inconceivable. when you look at these churches. places like this of worship is not just a building of god. these are buildings that people worship in on a regular basis, but there s been weddings here, funerals here, children who are raised here and i take that very seriously and we immediately reached out to the community. i never count trthe wrinkles.s. gillian: officials haven t yet and i don t add up the years. been able to determine whether but what i do count on, these fires were racially is staying happy and healthy. motivated, nor do they yet have so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet any suspects or a motive. with boost®. they also haven t ruled out the possibility of arson or that the boost® high protein nutritional drink fires may be interrelated. has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals leland: president trump and the your body needs. all with guaranteed great taste. president of egypt getting the upside- i m just getting started. together again for a second boost® high protein white house visit. be up for life. a former top national security advisor inside the trump administration about what this means for american security abroad. plus, record floods devastating a wide swath of the farm belt across the midwest. what can be done to stop the record number of farm bankruptcies. i can t believe it. that there s a lobster in our hot tub? lobster: oh, you guys. there s a jet! oh.i needed this. no, i can t believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our car insurance with geico. we could have been doing this a long time ago. so, you guys staying at the hotel? yeah, we just got married. oh ho-ho! congratulations! thank you. yeah, i m afraid of commitment. and being boiled alive. oh, shoot. believe it. geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance. that guy s the worst. did you eat all of your treats? help! i need somebody help! not just anybody help! you know i need someone run with us. on a john deere x300 series mower. because seasons may change. gillian: president trump set to address the republican jewish .but true character doesn t. coalition national leadership meeting today in just under a half an hour, this is a live look, excuse me, at the venue in wow, you ve outdone yourself this time. las vegas where he will take to hey, what re neighbors for? it s beautiful. the stage the speech comes just nothing runs like a deere™. after his trip to calexico, run with us. save $300 on x330 and x350 california where he spent select series lawn tractors. at participating john deere dealers. surveying the progress on the border wall. let s turn to our political where he actually asked meon i be mommy what s wrongr, with your teeth? panel to weigh in on all of if i would ve known that i was gonna be 50 times happier. that, chairman and gop i would ve gone into aspen dental much sooner. strategists david and democratic campaign consultant and fox news it was a very life changing experience. contributor doug jones. and it felt like i was me again. gentlemen, thank you as always for being with me. that s when i realized i hadn t been for three years. thank you. at aspen dental we re all about yes. gillian: david, you first, tricky week for the president in terms of messaging on the like yes to flexible hours and payment options. border, he kind of opened the week by saying he was going to yes to free exam and x-rays for new patients without insurance. shut down the entire thing, then and yes whenever you re ready to get started, we are too. he backtracked and now he s call now at 1-800-aspendental. saying he s not going to do that for the next year anyway, what he s going to do instead is auto tariffs on mexican import, it s a little muddle? first of you must be elated that avocado toast will still stand, something that s driving representative cortez who has a media narrative and the democrats focus these days, enjoy breakfast tomorrow. [laughter] more significant, though, it is gil tbil we will, david, i will enjoy my avocado toast, thank you. more significant move by the president has been to start holding latin american leaders accountable whether through punishment or encouragement that they start addressing some of the issues. certainly u.s. citizens have spent millions, billions of dollars to latin american countries to help improve their conditions so people don t have to come to the u.s. that hasn t helped. we need to look at different approaches and that s what you see the president working on including taking aid away from latin american countries. gillian: doug, i spoke to howard schultz, he told me that he runs he would advocate, méxico, guatemala, honduras, el salvador, is that the answer? well, i don t think there is one answer, i don t think it s a question of less aid or more aid, it s to be smart and strategic, one of the countries that david didn t mention where i think we need a more robust presence is venezuela, we put all options on the table and meanwhile there are least 100 russian special operations troops in there as advisers, more are coming, the government of maduro is socialist and illegitimate, 50 nations around the worth world support guiado, we need to make sure democracy, liberty are restored, drug traffickers gillian: when cravings hit, hit back. doug, what is there left to do, choose glucerna, with slow release carbs to help manage blood sugar, and start making everyday progress. the trump administration to do glucerna. tighter sanctions on the russian leadership, potentially open up the country for humanitarian aid it needs, we president trump s slated to cannot just sit and say, you meet with egyptian president el-sisi at the white house this know, everything is on the coming week, this as tensions table, look, i worked in continue to rise israel and venezuela. i wish my party, the democrats spoke out as i ve tried to do palestinians on the gaza strip. and the national security now. gillian: i want to get you both advisor to president trump. to weigh in, take a look at what good to be here, gillian. howard schultz said about gillian: so egypt trip is coming president trump in china. up and prompts me to wonder if these markets are not coming back as a result of foolish, egypt still matters that much as strategic mistake with china on an ally to the yoo it s? the tariff and trade issue. it matters a lot, egypt is a mayor player in promoting gillian: all right, david, maybe you are not going to go with a security in the region. we have to look at how president trump repaired a relationship foolish mistake but do you think it s fair criticism to go at badly damaged by the last president trump over the situation with china right now? administration, because of the the u.s. economy is as strong as it has ever been, we are in obama administration endorsing the exact position that we need morrissey and spurning president to be in to be tough with china and doug mentioned something on el-sisi. the last segment that he has not president obama would not let president el-sisi into the white said enough about what is going house. and president trump by embracing on in central america. el-sisi has fixed this relationship. they re still too close to the russia and china are on the move russians, but he s improved it to make inroads in country after country, that s why the border significantly. to be fair, president obama security issue is so much more sort of shunned el-sisi in large part because he s not a great than immigrants while a big factor coming into the country, guy. most countries in the world have it s what s going on there with in one form or another condemned russia and china, whether it d be china which is getting more and more control in panamá, whether it d be moves that si-si. but president trump decided to russia is making whether it d be kind of throw in his support in venezuela or cuba, we have to behind him. be aware that at our doorsteps how does he make that calculation and why? well, i don t think that that s fair. our biggest rivals are trying to we ought called out si-si for make inroads and that s why the president needs to be tough on the states department human economic sanctions. rights report and this will be a factor in our talks, we re in gillian: isn t it yesterday s news russia, russia and chinese complex difficult world. when you say it s an actor, influence in latin america is a problem, haven t we known that? it s something that upping that president trump will talk to i don t think it s him? it s always an issue in yesterday s news. i think it is an urgent problem that we are facing, not only in bilateral talks, but we have to deal with nations with human latin america as david correctly rights records. it s a dangerous world. if we re talking about cutting said, northeast and southeast asia. them off, it s a jimmy carter we need to have weapon systems policy. president trump doesn t have one of those. gillian: tell me the trade-off. with the problem and on the tell me how president trump in trade point, look, these this one-on-one will he wants to get certain negotiations are going on. deliverables from him, but at the same time, he s kind of on i think mr. schultz would do best to hold his tongue until the hook to call him out for some pretty terrible behavior. the negotiations are done and we see where we end up, but as to a so how does he phrase that. there are terrible human more gillian: i hate to rights and we know egypt is too interrupt you, guys, i feel like close to the russians and we we could talk all hour long but we have to leave it there. want them on the peace process. thanks. we want david, next time i will cut you off instead. backing assad in syria. [laughter] leland: i was looking forward to they re not objecting too much avocado toast, made me hungry. on the pa he is peace optimistic about reaching a deal to end the deadlock over brexit, process. the worst thing that we could do is to alienate egypt and drive kitty joins us from logan them into the hands of russians london as deadline continues. and president trump is making progress on that front. gillian: you mentioned a peace plan. that s right, leland, talks it s something that the administration in one form other between government and another has been teasing for a opposition have broken down, long time. there s no agreement, no president trump said on the surprise but labour party says campaign trail, middle east peace is a big issue for him. he has jared kushner, his isn t flexible, key elements of son-in-law leading the pack in terms of efforts with the british s relationship, palestinians and the israelis, membership of the custom s union. but we haven t seen publicly, we it will offer future talks no date set, so far brexit deal haven t seen a single line item from that. remember which was agreed with do you have a sense when we re going to see something? eu last november, that has the plan is standing, if possible, it s going to be failed to pass parliament on unveiled after the israeli three occasions and many members election. the plan is complicated. gillian: talking about this of parliament from all parties week. so do you think it could be as are opposed to it but they early as the week after then? cannot agree on any i don t know that. that s my guess. alternatives. i d been hearing day after day, every proposal so far has been broken down, whether that s eu it s a plan that requires compromises on all sides. customs union, leaving without a i have to tell you i m not deal or holding second optimist it can because i don t think that hamas is going to referendum. on friday, amid delays and accept a plan. chaos, theresa may, formerly i know that jared kushner and requested a second extension of the deadline for britain to exit others are putting on pressure the eu, she wants now until june to get them to play ball. the 30th to try to find a i don t think it s good because of the hamas. solution to this crisis. gillian: critics of the president s important policy would say the chances of there are report that is the eu could be willing to offer a flex extension up to you year and uk palestinians, getting them to the table, he s made clear his will have to participate in overture to the israelis and upcoming parliament elections which could be a political taken all kinds of moves to show embarrassment for the bias government. the president has not shown bias towards israel. britain set to leave march 29th, as stalemate continues, growing he ll repaired a relationship momentum for second referendum left to him. or even perhaps what is called and it was bad because of softer brexit. president obama s hostility to netanyahu. two are becoming increasingly and the sovereignty of the golan concern and frustrated with the heights, this is an act of leadership by the u.s. and uncertainty over future trading ties with europe but polls president trump, it was a gutsy move. showing that the country remains we re embracing a friend politically divided over brexit, at the same time you ve got just as many people wanting to to admit it does send, moving leave the eu immediately with no the embassy and declaration on deal and no trading ties with golan, this sends a message to europe and if they the eu the palestinians. sends a message the time is refuses extension next week, if up. that s not agreed, that scenario we ve given you decades, peace could become reality as soon as plan after peace plan you ve april the 12th and that s next, rejected. why should we wait for the back to you. palestinians to deal when leland: all right, kitty logan they re firing rockets at israel in london. and refuse to negotiate in good gillian. faith. i think that they could get a gillian: this 5-finger discount good deal if they want a good takes a lot of precision, stuffing the chain saw blade, yes, right down his pants and deal, but i m not sure there s a using jacket to hide the motor, caught the eye of california willing to come to agreement. hardware store owner after he gillian: fred, thank you. checked the security tapes pictures from washington looking for his missing state. how first responders were able inventory, he put this video out to rescue two people when poles, on social media hoping that it you can see, came crashing down would leave to some leads of any and tensions between china and kind on the robbery. the united states on leland: i want to say he got through that really well. tenterhooks. this is my question, okay, if president trump promising a deal you re willing to risk stuffing with the chinese. a chain saw down your pants, what it would mean for your pocket book. we switched. what is it that you have to cut down that is so important that you re willing to do that? gillian: that s a fair question, very good question. leland: he s found on social media, we will ask him. i switched to chevy. i switched to chevy. there you go. we switched to chevy. coming up, a sheriff out of i switched from ram to chevy. california said he will go to see why people are switching to chevy. jail before he imposes state we love our chevy. firearm deal if he says goes why did we switch? just look at it. against the second amendment, switch into a new chevy today. current competitive owners get 20% below msrp that s next. on most equinox models when financing with gm financial. that s over eight thousand dollars on this equinox. to address my fellow veterans, on most equinox models when financing with gm financial. because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. which lets you buy a home with no down payment. now there s no reason to rent when you can own. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. helping veterans buy homes, that s newday usa. call 1-855-678-9927 (gasp) (singsong) budget meeting! sweet. if you compare last quarter to this quarter. various: mmm. it s no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with fresh milk and real cream. with the creamy taste one hourgot it. order? 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sheriff, i think this is a decision you have not made it s very bad in nebraska and the midwest right now. lightly? no, in reading the bill and it s historic disaster there. getting thorough understanding, there s been over a million you know, i talked with my legal cattle lost. advisers and my county human life lost. commissioners far before i ever not only has property been lost, made the statements that i felt but their livelihoods have been the bill was unconstitutional lost. so, these people, they need help but that s what it comes down to and they need help now. and so my decision to not leland: so many farmers reported enforce it is based on being on the brink of protecting the citizens of my bankruptcy. reports of record bankruptcies in the upper midwest among county s constitutional rights. farm s families. leland: what has been the are we going back to the 1980 s response to this stance you ve when things crashed and so many taken? well, obviously the media has families had to make the been pretty interested by it and difficult choices that yours i ve gotten feedback from all did? well, it s not quite the same over the country, actually all as the 1980 s. over the world at this point. the land prices are still many people saying thank you for holding and the equity and such, what you re doing, it s about but the commodity prices are at someone said enough is enough, historic lows and there s been there are a few people upset with my stance and i understand this natural disaster. that. it is a very challenging time those people are generally ones who don t believe in the second for farmers and ranchers and it amendment, though. is approaching such, like it was leland: one one of the people ts in the 80s. upset with your stance is the governor of colorado, take a there s more people losing their listen. farms, and that affects the the sheriff is also not a law-making position in our state, it s a law enforcement rural communities. and the businesses there, yes. leland: farmers are different division. a different breed of folks. leland: too dismissive of a sheriff s role? they don t often ask for help, whether it be out of pride or you know, i have to go out just out of their own sheer and balance the constitution and the laws of colorado in thought of self-reliance, but either way, are they getting the accordance with the u.s. help they need? constitution on almost every are the options out there for call and so do my deputies so to america s farmers, or are they assume that, you know, we are on their own? well, these people need a lot of help in the area right now just enforcers, enforesters of because of this historic the law is short sale to all law disaster. i would like to hope that in enforcement. washington they would pass a this bill is named after a member of law enforcement, federal disaster relief bill, not just to help the farmers, deputy perish, douglas county, a but to help other natural little bit south of denver, disasters around our nation, you re north. also. but these people, farm rescue is stepping forward to help them a case that s thought that this right now, along with other bill would have prevented his organizations like the united veterans organization. his death with the person of we re partnering with several having firearms that killed him, nonprofits to help these farm what s the balance there, sir? families and if people want to help us do that, they can go to i don t think this law would have prevented deputy perish s farm to make a death, unfortunately i think monetary donation or we re there are changes that could be looking for volunteers right now or hay donations to feed their made, a lot more meaning, same cattle. these people are in desperate need right now. they ve not only lost their confrontation to occur, maybe property, they ve lost their livelihood and it s a very, very difficult time. some time of engagement point. leland: very difficult in several pays and we probably don t know in terms of the leland: sheriff, do you think effect as people are getting back to their farms and go ahead. realizing how much has been leland: we are seeing this destroyed. happen in rural states, you have a big urban center in denver, this brings up an important political question. farmers and parts of the upper seattle, urban city that s midwest were co-supporters of primarily liberal and rule parts president trump. of the state where you re from have folks you talked to started to give up hope and faith in the and there s a divide of what so president or are they willing to much of america is about and stick it out even though they what people believe in, whether haven t gotten this disaster it s the second amendment, first relief money? from the people i talked to, amendment, et cetera, et cetera, they re still willing to stick are we reaching a breaking it out. the people understand that these point, sir, all of a sudden you are part of the negotiations and have sheriffs we re not willing to enforce the laws that are on part of the process in the books? washington d.c., sometimes it well, i hate to use the term breaking point but you do have takes longer than we would all 33 counties in colorado that like to see, but they re still, have said we don t like this from what i can see, behind the bill by declaring themselves a president and what he s doing, along with negotiations for second amendment sanctuary. trade and such. there are some challenges ahead, but we would like to think that leland: real quickly, a lot of people on the right that don t it s for the betterment in the particularly like sanctuary cities, they say that s going around, why is your moral stand different than the sanctuary long-term. leland: we re seeing farm rescue city who is are on the other trucks with wheat and hay for side? i think what you re seeing is we are saying you want to stand those left high and dry and so up and protect the constitution, many people s herds didn t make on the other side of that, when you declare an area, immigration it. farm rescue, you can donate on sanctuary what you re saying we are not going to enforce the law we appreciate you being here, that will help protect the counties, it s two different arguments, really, one is in protection of the constitution and the other is a violation of our of our country. godspeed. thank you. gillian: and in iowa, bernie leland: sir, we have to run, no sanders is set to hold a town doubt this would be litigated in courts and years to come, we hall in the next hour. will have you back to talk about what he s expected to say about it, thank you, thank you for your service. the democratic competitors out thank you. on the trail this weekend. plus, president trump is leland: gillian. doubling down on what he s now gillian: coming up big delivery calling the immigration crisis. to 9/11 memorial in new york he talked to fox news griff city today, details next. jenkins about his plans for the next two years. gillian, modification to 9/11 but allstate actually helps you drive safely. memorial dedicated specifically who died sick or died in the with drivewise. aftermath, we will show you the it lets you know when you go too fast. installation that s going up .and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. paying one dollar y a giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can t do anything about that. out of pocket for closing costs. call 1-855-224-5282 now that you know the truth. if you re a veteran paying 1500 dollars are you in good hands? 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that s why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. your perfect hotel room for the perfect price! you might or joints.hing for your heart. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. leland: waiting to hear from him in about an hour, america s news headquarters in washington. i m leland vittert. gillian: leland, great to be with you. after visiting the mexican border on friday speaking to fox news, president trump is now in gillian: our own jackie is las vegas where he will speak to the republican jewish coalition this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. there, she s got all the latest on this very special delivery, leland: plus, 2020 presidential contenders including bernie jackie. sanders on the campaign trail well, gillian, this is a modification to the memorial this weekend. specifically in remembrance of the people who got sick or died waiting on bernie s event in in the aftermath of 911, for iowa, former starbucks ceo many of those families the turmoil lastedhey. howard schultz is here, throwing fallen ill and had to prove illnesses from toxins expose today after the terror attack. his name in the hat officially. the memorial glade is pathway gillian: brand new hampshire new where 6 stone point skyward, symbolism of determination and memorial is now close to strength, hand chiseled in completion. vermont, weighs 18 tons and president trump now in las vegas today, today to speak to the republican jewish coalition national leadership meeting in less than an hour, alicia acuña installment 600 ton crane. on the ground there with what to provided access to the bedrock expect from the president s during recovery period. address, hi, alicia. they have not named victims since the list is constantly hi, gillian, the president will be taking the stage, 5 to changing as more people fall ill. according to world trade center, 10 minutes after the top of the more than 2100 people have died hour. in related illnesses and more as you mentioned after trip to than 90,000 are sick. southern border. meanwhile lawmakers to get more our country is full, the funding in compensation fund, right now it doesn t have money to pay out current and projected sector is full, i can t take it claims and drastically cut anymore, i m sorry, turn around, payments, people who filed that s the way it is. before february 1st of this year are facing 50% cut in 2020 if you look at our southern border, the number of people and the number of the amount of expiration date, after february 1st u facing 70% drugs, human trafficking, human trafficking is something that nobody used to talk about. cut. a lot are making sure that the i talk about it. compensation gets full funded and look forward to dedication terrible thing. of this site, that s happening on may 30th, 17-year anniversary the president also complemented méxico for stepping up recently, he says by sending of the official end of the back immigrants crossing that recovery efforts. country s southern border. gillian. méxico now has one year to stem gillian: jackie, thanks for the flow into the united states that. leland: michael mccarthy on the stage right now speaking to the if not close the border. crowd, live coverage on the he spoke with army corps of other side of the break from new engineers. now, 20 states have filed motion to block the administration from york. diverting federal money to construct the wall and, gillian, when asked to reporter, he we wanted to respond and did say i can t believe it. no, and you never know what s going to happen. gillian: thank you very much. you can watch president trump s speech right here on fox news channel. it s scheduled to begin in just under an hour. leland: pictures in iowa, get that we just hit the motherlode of soft-serve ice cream? used to it as 2020 campaign i got cones, anybody wants one! begins, vermont senator bernie sanders takes stage for town hall event soon there. oh, yeah! get ya some! we will monitor it for news, no, i can t believe how easy it was to save hundreds meantime sanders is not theount, of dollars on my car insurance with geico. ed! ed! we struck sprinkles! [cheers] believe it. geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ensure max protein. to give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don t. (straining) i ll take that. (cheers) 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. ensure max protein. in two great flavors. we are waiting for donald trump to speak a few minutes from now. he will hit the stage of the republican jurist coalition in las vegas just as he will double down his push for stronger security on the southern border amid the ongoing crisis. you are looking at matt schlapp addressing the crowd. kevin mccarthy, i am sorry. he will be discussing and approaching the podium. we bring that you live of course is the president to push for mexico and several central american countries to curb the flow of

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