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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20141208 17:00:00

shannon and i will be back in an hour. outnumbered starts right now. this is outnumbered. here with us today and today s hashtag one lucky guy, tv personality and veterans advocate, montel williams. he s back and outnumbered. welcome back. good to be back. it s great to see you. you guys have been firing up every day. as much as i can catch you, i catch you. that s nice. that s great. i want to make sure i m prepared if you ever did ask me
back. that s what i said last time, too. just a couple of weeks ago with the release of sergeant and montel, you played a huge role on that and i think on behalf of everyone in the studio, thank you. thanks to all the fox viewers. were it not for you guys putting extra pressure on and believe me, the mexican government understood that. lawyers involved understood that but i just talked to andrew yesterday. this story is not over and i have to make sure america remembers, there s another 2,000, 3,000 andrews. they may not have been in jail but they re suffering. this young man is diagnosed with combat ptsd and now he truly is that s stockholm syndrome and we haven t had anybody treated for that in this country for 25 years. this man is sitting in limbo right now. i talked to him yesterday and i m trying to talk to him every day. a lot of marines are sending hope and help and we re trying to reach out to different
the c.i.a. report despite word from a phone call from secretary of state john kerry to hold off. john kerry warning this is going to jeopardize men and women in the field now as well as relationships that we have with our allies. is this intelligence and this alleged torture tactic getting out? rock and a hard place. so sorry. this whole country is in between a rock and a hard place on this issue. we have to remember that we signed on to treaties years and years ago that said we wouldn t do certain things. i m not going to argue whether they were done or they weren t. what i m going to say is right now, we re sitting in a position where even administration, when we come back to the central issue, that central issue is, had this never happened, we wouldn t have to worry about releasing reports. let s just say one thing about this. those who would give up central
liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. that s benjamin franklin. in the last hour we talked about the fact they puts people in imminent danger and that to him as someone who has been there, who has been in the field, who is so respected, that is illogical. it makes no sense. it s hard to ignore that opinion. i ve been in the field, too. these techniques have been stopped, these are techniques allegedly used in the bush administration so why now if they ve been stopped? i have some questions about that. i want to go straight to senator dianne feinstein, though, because she s exiting her role as the chairperson of the intel committee as you mentioned. it isn t just getting the report out. she s pushed against the white house because they wanted to redact 15% of it. she wants people to see what she had to say on the reported. i would ask, is this personal?
why the timing now? the other part of this, though, and you talk about the general that i spoke to this morning. he said they didn t talk to one person who was doing the interrogating about this report. if they put it out there and it endangers us, is it worth it if it might not be as fact ral as it could be? brit hume called the timing of this inhe c ehe ca ehe ca eh inexplicable. they could be trying to get this off her desk or changing the narrative. the last time democrats were screaming about this, they were winning elections. they defeated tom delay s electoral map to take the house with this exact discussion. are they trying to return to that? i think so and i think the fear is that if it s delayed and she s no longer heading the committee, is this dropped altogether and then will she be
held accountable by some members of community that you didn t handle this correctly? this is a promise, remember, barack obama has been talking about it for a long time. my key point is the justice department investigated this. they found no criminal charges. they filed no criminal charges. why are they doing this now? and the issue here, people keep saying this is the wrong time. they should delay this. when is it a good time to release it? never going to be a good time. look in the 1970 s. i talked to k.t. mc far mand mc farland right now. you had a similar situation and you also gutted the c.i.a. such that in the 1980 s for the first time, we saw people plotting in caves against us, ala al qaeda. her big question is not only about timing but when would a good time ever be? i remember one of the first things administration did when president obama came into office was pursue legal action for
techniques. this is a return to that even though the techniques had been stopped. it makes you wonder, why now? united states has transferred six guantanamo bay detainees to uruguay. this is the largest grup to leave the prison since 2009 and the first to be resettled in south america. group includes four syrians, one palestinian and one tunisian. that brings the number of prisoners now hit at gtmo down to 136. once administration gets that number below 100, it s believed the president will push to bring the remaining detainees to a u.s. facility. i want to go on this one. this is a little different than what we saw with the birdall transfer. this is a release. former federal prosecutor was on earlier and he said there s no preconditions with this one. not like in qatar where they have to watch the detainees. they are free to go today, the
he wants to make sure they understand at the end of this, he wants to get stuff done that he promised initially and he wasn t forgetting about them. i would take it a further step than that. it wasn t just a campaign promise. first week of his presidency in 2009 he signed an executive order to make this happen. so it was more than just i might get it done. i am going to get this done. it s 2014, almost the next year. 2015. it still hasn t been done yet. so my question, is this a slippery slope? are we looking at a situation where he s going to expedite the closing of gtmo and then how do we hold the other countries responsible and accountable for when these guys leave their soil and go do horrible things? and we get rid of the most dangerous. that was the concern with the birdall flop. they got rid of the most dangerous ones. you can almost justify, the really dangerous ones are out of there. low level offenders are not as big of a deal. no preconditions. they can walk today. why send them to a country that can t at least keep them on house arrest or monitor them?
not saying qatarg to do a great job but i have no idea why the president thought he could do this. i get what you re saying by attempting to close this. it s impossible for him to close guantanamo bay in the next two years. it s not going to get done. here are six people they put back out in the field to go back to work. right. and they ll be heros when they return. with regard to other countries watching, if we couldn t keep up with the brothers who, you know, suspected of pulling off the boston bombing, if we couldn t do that on our own soil and we have an n.s.a. that it practically look at each naval on the couch, if we can t do it, why do we expect other countries to? it will be easier for him to end it if he doesn t acknowledge what they re doing. new questions about an explosion ive article on roll stone
magazine that sparked demonstrations on one college camp us and shut down the greek system. now the magazine is apologizing for the story but how did the mainstream media get duped so easily? and you ve seen the protests in response to the recent grand jury decisions of the police killings. the law school is now allowing students to postpone their final exams if they feel traumatized by what happened. and right after the show, catch more from the couch on the web. join us for the famous outnumbered overtime by logging on to fox comments, anything you would like to hear more about. fox out for a bike rid
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information, there s discrepancy in the account and we ve come to the conclusion that the trust in her was misplaced. that sparked outrage from activists saying the magazine was blaming the victim. then rolling stone said given all the reports, however, we ve come to the conclusion we were mistaken in jackie s request to not contact the university. meantime, groups representing frats and sororities, urging u.v.a. to end the suspension of greek organizations saying it s hurt the reputation of students who had nothing to do with the allegations. this story has been incredible to me. how they released this without investigating it properly is beyond me. that s a whole other conversation about journalist. but at this point, the apology, which they ve just changed, is this enough? they originally blamed the victim and now they re saying it s our fault. rolling stone was had. they were had. big time. they re a mess. they re an absolute mess.
we talked about the death of legitimate journalism on this couch. this is evidence of that. what rolling stone did by essentially being lazy and all too quick to jump to push this narrative of rape culture forward is it turned rape on a serious the worse thing a woman could go through into a national joke and trivialized this. i think this reporter, sabrina, should be fired immediately and never aa aa neverallowed to write again. the washington post said two of her friends were not consulted. they didn t even bother talking to the friends. the friends were asked last night if that was their account and they said, no. that s not what we said. what about the editors? where were the editors? i ve been a journalist for a long time. you never run a one source story. that was just incredible to me, especially on something so serious that is going to cause
so much reaction. you know, if the reporter was sucked in and didn t want to check the sources, there should have been several editors saying if we re going to put the name of our may go sglen on the line and our reputation, we have to at least talk to the other side. i mean, this is honestly unheard of in journalism. i want to talk about the effect of this on sexual assault victims around the country. will this make them less likely to speak out or what is the effect on them? this is a problem that exists around the country. this is a real scary problem. we want people to feel comfortable coming forward. the fact we re asking a question, there s some woman sitting at home, if something happened to her last night, she s going, i m not going to pick up the phone. somebody s daughter feels that way right now listening to this discussion right here. now we re not judging the victim but judging whether or not the victim was telling the truth or whether or not i m not commenting on what we re talking about. i m just selling you, there s a girl at home who heard this conversation and said i m not
going to say a word to anybody. and now she suffers in silence. what do we do? maybe change the narrative from one of whether or not, you know, rolling stone they got it wrong. they were wrong. and the public should let them know by not buying the may gazm. any young lady out here right now today, even listening to this conversation right here among four women, if you were abused yesterday, you have the right to come forward. skip the news report. go see somebody. go to the police. let s also talk about the fact that it s 2014, maybe 2015 and we still allow police departments, municipalities called university polices, police officers to investigate these crimes on campuses. these are people some of these people don t even have a job, have been university police officers for 15 years and that s the person who is going to investigate the rape of your daughter? never been in the field? i think a lot of these universities take this issue
very seriously. a lot of them don t take it as seriously as they should. i think they feel a very, very huge amount of pressure from the white house and this administration to take it seriously and i think schools like u.v.a. to think that they did nothing about this. if the story was true, which it s not. i m not going to the story. i don t think there s women saying they re not going to come forward because of the conversation we re having right now. no. i disagree. i think rolling stone put someone out there who didn t have a credible story. it s rolling stone s fault that someone at home is having second thoughts about this. if you re going to come forward, you should come forward and you shoulding telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. what about the university here and what about these fraternities that have been tarnished that are saying we did nothing wrong and now we re labelled as x, y and z? what should they be doing? right now they re trying to get a repeal on the moratorium on them. they haven t been able to operate as they had been before
the article came out. they re appealing the process with the university so i ve read as of yesterday, it hadn t been revolved yet so they could open their doors on the way they usually operate. a couple of things come to mind about this whole thing with the journalistic end of it. this young woman according to the two friends you mentioned and others that they ve since talked about because the washington post now talked with people, have said something happened that night and it may not have been the way that jackie said it did but they witnessed a change in her, that something happened. and that is my concern. that throughout this whole process, because rolling stone didn t do its due diligence, they didn t get to the truth. maybe she just simply couldn t tell it. maybe she was bad at telling it. she was drunk that night. whatever the situation is. but they fell down in two counts. not just in journalism but they let her down, too. the hope is that someone will get to the true story and it won t deter anyone who is suffer to go come forward. rolling stone is now fiction. you can categorize in the
fiction section at libraries. protests not to indict white police officers in the deaths of black men turning violent over the weekend and it comes as a new poll think that relations between white and black communities have gotten worse since president obama was elected. is it really his fault? speaking of the grnd jury decisions, one of the top law schools in america letting students delay their finals if they re suffering, quote, trauma from all of this. is that any way to treat future lawyers, columbia? you re driving along,
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california, police firing tear gas after they say protestors threw rocks and bottles at them. president obama addressed racism during his weekly address. watch. this something that is deeply rooted in our society, in our history but the two things that are going to allow us to solve it, number one, is the understanding that we have made progress and so it s important to recognize as painful as these incidents are, we can t equate what s happening now to what was happening 50 years ago. and from that interview, we go to this. a new poll finding 53% of adults say race relations have gotten worse since president obama took office in 2009. it s worth noting, 45% of blacks agreed with what you re looking at there. i want to go to you first. i really have one overarching question. we ve moved weeks beyond the first non indictment, grand jury non indictment that was ferguson, missouri and now we ve
had a second here in new york city but we re talking days from that. what do people in the streets want? if you look at what happened in berkeley and oakland, those people weren t even out there because of this issue. lights start to get ba to where we should probably attempt to do this for the first time in reality in this country and have a real discussion about race. we don t do it. we keep pointing at our directions, believing our people and making sure that you have to be wrong and you have to be wrong. we can t even stop for a second and have a discussion. until we do, this is going to happen. it s going to get worse. again, this was occupy. remember, let s look at the faces. zoom in a little bit. about three weeks ago in ferguson, you saw a majority of black faces. now you see multi ethnic, multi facial. so again, the discussion is not about are we more racist today
than yesterday? do we hate more black people today than yesterday? why don t we have a discussion about what s the problem? and discuss it. i think one of the bigs big problems is financial. it has to do with the federal reserve policy. the main thing that s increased has been the stock market. that s obl benefitted people who are wealthy enough to invest there. i think that the income gap has widened dramatically. this is what i m talking about. this is excuse. we will not talk about the problem. you don t think money is part of the problem? no. look. if money is the problem, how about the fact right now we have over 53% of congress that are millionaires plus and 28% are multi millionaires and 15 years ago we didn t have that. so what s going on in despairity in this country, maybe the people passing some laws don t give a damn about the people no matter what color they are. i think we re making the same point. i don t think we were disagreeing there. let s talk race.
race is the problem. in this country right now today, there are certain cities where blacks stand a chance of being incarcerated at 100 times more than any other race. in this city alone. you bring up the point, though, and it s you don t think that s financially motivated either? you don t think it s about people trying to make money? money drives all these things. it s just a game. seems like the only time we talk about this is when people are rioting in the streets. correct. something right now the narrative has become, how many buildings are they going to burn rather than let s get back to the actual thing. if people are upset about the court system in the country, i don t hear anybody talking about that. the problem is when i was in the midst of these protests in new york, though, what i saw from a lot of people, people taking selfies, people partying. there was a segment of the population that protest just to protest and aren t really interested in having a discussion. it s easy to blame president obama for this but it s not his fault. this is a community based
problem. it has to start at the dinner table, among families. disrespe there s the word. family. the breakdown of the family. this is not something that s just in the black community. the breakdown of the american family among whites, hispanics, go down the list. and i do agree with you on the money perspective but i think family and the breakdown of family is a huge part of a lot of this. that s a huge issue. as long as we don t talk about the issue, it won t get solved. we ll shift over to the alma mater. columbia university is allowing its law school students to postpone their final exam if they feel like they re taum tied by the eric garner and michael brown shootings. it may be too much for them to bear. i m dying here z. we have arranged to have a trauma specialist next monday and wednesday for anyone interested
in participating to discuss the trauma that recent events may have caused. students who feel their performance on examinations will be sufficiently impaired due to the recent events may have a petition to have their examinations rescheduled. are you okay? i can see me walking up to my professor right now and saying, sir, last week a crane broke in the middle of the street and i can t study for my exam right now because i don t understand why that crane broke. i m trying to do the math and i m so traumatized. are you kidding me? i think that makes more sense. they are claiming they re going to build high powered attorneys out of this program. what lesson are they teaching kids at this level that you can cry if you don t like a decision? drop out and major basket weaving. don t defend me in court.
i want to go back to something melissa said. it isn t white, black, brown. it s grown. the despairity in wealth and creating jobs is a big issue here. i would challenge the universities, rather than letting the kids off the hook, have them a way to create jobs in this country and give extra credit for the exams they want to miss. if you re a parent as well, wouldn t you be ticked off? you re paying like $60,000 a year to go to columbia and your kid is given a break. if anything, that f that were my major, i would be more empassioned. i would be more ready to go. turn my life over to you. and to your point, harris, be a little creative in you re a professor. go to the constructive end of semester final exam. isn t this why you get into law? because you want to go out there and forge ahead and make the right thing happen, whatever side you believe in this? it should make you want to get
in there and dig deeper. not take a break because you re traumatized. by doing all of this, by setting the reading groups to formulate a response to the implications, they re saying we didn t like the decisions and columbia university should not put that out there in their classrooms. that s not for them to decide and not to dictate policy on. we have to go but some people are saying bah hum bug to a dazzling display of good lights in one neighborhood.
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that makes sense. a santa s workshop and more. but despite all the joy, neighbors have complained about the traffic and the litter and the city reportedly says the so-called hyatt extreme christmas poses public safety concerns. but to some visitors, christmas wouldn t be the same without the annual display. we love to share this with our family and kids every year. what are some of your favorite things? the lights and the jesus scene over there. it is lovely but ladies and gentlemen, i have to say, 200,000 lights. they keep it all within their fence but there s a lot of people coming to look. the police say they re un un-bridled zeal. what a bunch of grinches. when i was a kid, i used to have my dad and my mom get in the car and drive around to see all the christmas lights. that was the highlight of my holiday season. if people want to have a go
ahead time and you deal with extra traffic, it s the christmas season. smile and be gritful. a lot of people are driving around and around and around this house. the neighbors don t like t. police came up and set up a line so you have to walk to see it. then the family shoots back and they say, what about the disabled? what about people in wheelchairs? facebook some people are saying bah humbug. you should do with the cry baby neighbors instead. somebody else said, again, move in next to these people and watch strange men pee on your lawn. hello. whoa. there always was that house and i remember growing up, i remember the house and we always used to drive by it and it reminds me a lot of bob bickell s house. he does thousands and thousands of lights and because he s bob it s hard for me to remember.
i can t imagine people i was there. there are no facilities outside. that s the problem. no bathrooms. i was right with you until you mentioned the bushes. i can feel for the neighbors. this is like the griswolds, though. how much does it cost to light that? i tried to look into it. because they have 200,000 light bulbs. it s got to cost a fortune but they made a lot of money because it s been featured on various shows. do they charge? i don t think they charge. they let people in but they ve made a lot of money off shows and other things. online somebody said, what does a ferris wheel have to do with christmas? why not? i think they have it in the north pole. i saw it on the north pole movies. there s always like teddy bears and stuff going around. i watched the movie. think about this, though. people next door, you have guys standing in the bushes.
maybe it can be set up for certain hours. how about a viewing stand? i don t know. also concerns i remember back in our how many town that around the lights, people would smoke marijuana and drive by. all kinds of great christmas traditions. thank you for that, andrea. the expiration dates on happy marriages may be happier than you think. why the seven year itch is revised upwards. uh-oh. here s some news you may find surprising.
another record high. today a bit of backsliding and new revelations about the giant hack attack on sony. dow is such a flirt. it is. jon scott, good to see you. thanks, harris. i may be outnumbered but now it s my turn for this story. watch this. marital bliss may last longer than you think. seven-year itch has been a popular theory since marilyn monroe starred in the same movie in 1955. she became the love interest of a married man and since then psychologists have said some women begin to hit the rocks after seven years as couples get the roving eyes. a new study finds that a 10-year itch is actually closer to the truth. i m going to throw it to you guys but i m in my seventh year of marriage and i couldn t be happier in my life. no itching? not itchy in the least. okay. one thing i liked in the study,
it said that couples begin to bibbingary the 10 years but then hit a new crescendo at 15 years. i ve been marry 15d years because i got married when i was 12 and so i was like, rock on. i ve made it. like i m through to the other side. there you go. 10 years, is that when stress comes to hit? you have some munchkins running around, you re saving for college, working, have daycare, i m wondering if that s 10 years of all that s precious. we ll be in the 12th in april. when we hit the 10th year, it s like with your body every 10 years, you do a reassessment of the things that are working, not working and i think marriage is the same way. there s decade points when you really start to take stock of what s working and what s not. if you love each other, you work on those things. if not, just take separate vacations. now the body analogy, i keep thinking about the body and how
it gets sage and wrinkly. what are you talking about? you have to work at it. marriage spanx. there we go. andrea, we have come up with something. marriage spanx. patent office? it s christmas time. how about we help everybody how to make their relationships a little better right now. i have a tip for you. write this on the refrigerators today and before you discuss, you have a conversation with your discuss, read these lines. speak without offending and the second one is listening without defending. if you have a conversation, getting ready to happen over the holidays, grab your spouse by the hand, walk to the kitchen, look at the card and go, okay. speak without offending. listen without defending. that can defuse any kind of argument because you never point anybody out. i want to build on your theme. my husband always says never email before breakfast.
i have low blood sugar. if there s a contractor or somebody that needs to be talked to, he says please email phil before breakfast. i know what that means. but i have to have coffee and a little something in my stomach before i can speak without offending. for good marriages? or relation shis. are you married? no. but i m saying she s like not after this i m not. people get itchy after a year, two years. are you asking if i have a saying? yeah. do you know what rhymes with friday? vodka. that s what s on my refrigerator. goodness. i guess i could help that. that helps. back to the theory, montel, some have a theory you change so much. i m not the same person i was when i was 20. you look the same. thank you.
you re a very kind woman. you also need glasses. what about the theory that says longivity is not possible? it s not realistic because partners change so much. try to embrace the change rather than look at it as something that s offensive to your relationship. i embrace every change my wife has and i m lacking forward to the ones she s going to have five years from now. hollywood romance movie. it s about the first couple. their first date. actress has already been picked to portray michelle obama but who will be cast to play a young barack obama in his days of courtship? hmmm. you re driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn t there and the next second.
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tika hunter will play michelle obama. who do you pick for barak obama besides yourself? i am just in shock that they are going to do a movie about that point in time. chadwick bosman. he made a career out of the doing biographys. and right there in action and super hero kind of have it all. i can t believe they haven t settled on him. tyler james williams is age appropriate at the time barak and michelle met. and i was doing a research. the back up dancer, we do have a picture. i love that song. we have a photo.
i will take your word for it. i need a time machine so we can go back. we need denzil who was my fake boyfriend. he is to old now. why did you pick him? he is denzilwashington. you are welcome. you could have said anything. i pick lance gross. you know him? he s most famous of playing calvin pa yne in tiler peri. i think he is really good looking. there is nothing wrong with that. you are yelling at me for den zil? come on! and he locks like it.

Shannon , Release , Thanks , Role , Studio , Montel , Everyone , Sergeant , Behalf , Fox , Story , Guys

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20141218 00:00:00

they don t know yet how far with this. but people are were tired already of this not having a relationship with america and now they will see an opportunity to increase business and things will come from america that will create jobs. people in cuba believe that we have so much in common with america. and with americans. and so this is certainly good for both partners we believe. cuba plays a very important role and now they are expressing how happy they are and they see america with different eyes. so it opens a new market for american producers is good for the american business with the
congressman, your thoughts as alan gross comes home and the possibility of normalization with cuba. first of all, we re always elated when an american gets to come home, so i congratulate alan gross. he got his freedom, he got to spend hannukah with his family. that s wonderful news. what is not wonderful news is that the families of the brothers to the rescue shootdown, those four wonderful american patriots, they are spending yet one more christmas without their loved ones and they died at the hands of fidel and raul castro. what is sad is that tomorrow the cuban people will wake up and they will still have no political freedom. they will have no human rights to be expected. there are no political parties that exist in cuba, that has not changed. obama has given away the store. has given everything to the castro regime. of course the regime is happy. we got nothing in return. congressman-elect carbello,
you are a new generation of cuban american. your generation, does it feel in south florida, does it feel the same way as the older generation or are they looking forward to some sort of normalization? we all wanting the same thing for the cuban people. we all want the same thing for the united states and that s a strong america that leads and a free cuba. nothing that happened today gets us closer to those goals. the president of the united states has made every american serving abroad less safe today. he s provided a blueprint for dictators throughout the world. if you want to extract unilateral concessions from the united states, all you have to do is hold an american hostage and be patient. we have given cuba everything at the president s disposal for alan gross. we re happy that he s back. we re happy that he s back. but alan gross wins today, that s a good thing. the cuban government wins. but u.s. national security loses. freedom and democracy throughout
the world lose. congresswoman, was our foreign policy with cuba working? we have this 1996 act where we have this embargo and i guess the president is trying to sort of soften up some aspects of it. i m not even sure if the law allows him to do it but that s a wh whole other debate. was our foreign policy working? you bring up a good point about him possibly breaking the law. i believe he has broken the law. there are three laws that he has violated. we re going to do an investigation about the clarity of how he got the mission to do this. but what it shows, greta, when you ask a key question, has our policy been working. well, the policy of 190 other countries who have been wheeling and dealing and going to tourist trips and doing everything with castro, they have not brought cuba any closer to freedom or democracy. so it s not that the united states policy has not worked, the other policy of engagement
has not worked. and in fact what president obama has done today, normalizing relations, that will not bring the cuban people any closer to democracy either. the one that will not change is the cuban communist dictatorial regime. these guys are not going to change. congressman-elect, i started to ask you before about men and women ine. you re in your early 30s if i remember from the last time we talked. do they feel the same way you do about it or is that more of an older generation thing as we look towards cuba? yeah, greta, i told you our generation wants the same thing that all generations living in this country want. we want to see the cuban people free. my parents were born in cuba. they had to leave. my grandfather served a political sentence, prison sentence in cuba. so we feel it in our hearts. and today we are very sad because we feel that for the
first time in this 56-year-long drama that the cuban people have lived, for the first time the person in the white house is on the wrong side of history. we want the president of the united states to stand with the cuban people. we want the president of the united states to stand with those heroes that are sitting in castro s jail today, and we want the president of the united states to stand for a strong united states that leads with a clear voice and with moral authority, and that is not what happened today. and we shouldn t be surprised, greta, because this is the same president that s at the table with the iranians. this is the same president that draws red lines and ignores them. so what happened today is alarming, but it s not surprising. thank you to both of you for joining us. thank you, greta. thank you, carlos. congressman chris van hollen has more on the government plane that lifted alan gross out of cuba after a very tough five years in prison and landed back on u.s. soil.
he joins us. nice to see you, congressman. before i get to the question about how the flight was, what did we gain out of this? what we gained is a change in policy that might finally have a chance might finally. to enpower the cuban people. what we know the policy has been a failure. what was the failure at spent of it? the failure was that by isolating and punishing cuba, you were somehow going to get a change in regime from the castros or have an opening in cuba clearly failed. what it did help do is sustain the castro regime. the castro brothers have survived eight presidents. except that we re sort of getting to the end of this biological clock with the two castros. i mean they can t last forever. they re both getting to be pretty elderly gentlemen. and cuba isn t a threat to us in any way. but we now have an opportunity to empower the cuban
people because the one thing that they re probably most afraid of is more engagement, more travel from americans, more trade, more communication, opening up the world to the cuban people. no one is talking about the castro regime changing their mind, that s not the issue. they didn t change their mind with 54 years of the failed policy we have. more engagement with the cuban people, a little more taste of free market and free ideas will, i think, encourage more demand for change from the cuban people. what was that plane ride like? did alan gross when did you first see him? we first saw him when we walked off the plane and the tarmac into a build in havana. as you can see from the pictures he s lost a lot of weight, he s very fragile. where was his wife at that time? she was the first to come in the room. that s why his face lit up. judy has been fighting for five years to bring alan home. you see that picture?
it s a great picture. i can tell you he was in great spirits. obviously even greater spirits when he got on the plane and it lifted off. he s maintained some strength, even though he s wiry and gave everybody a big bear hug. this is not new to you. he campaigned for you years ago. alan was one of the people who helped go door to door in my first campaign. after he was taken prisoner, i worked very closely with his wife, judy, and his entire team to try and make this day come about. but there were lots of ups and lots of downs you got a good phone call the night before this election, i hear. one of the things that happened is as we got over the years we were ail to get alan more privileges, including calling. it used to be once a week and then he got to be on the phone so, yes, i got a call from him in october saying best wishes in the election. so he did bring me luck. it mm-hmm been amazing after you left cuba airspace.
when they leave that airspace and enter the u.s. airspace, what a thrill that is. it was. you can see a great weight lifted. did they announce that? and he kind of said yeah, you know. so it was a great moment. it s always great to have an american home who was held overseas. congressman, thank you. i imagine it was a great trip and lots of fun. it was fun, but everyone was very, you know, on edge until we actually got alan on the plane. i don t doubt that. congressman, nice to see you. thanks. thank you. while alan gross finally got his freedom today, so did three cubans. many republicans and some democrats are calling it prisoner swap. the white house denies it s a prisoner swap. ed henry joins us live. ed, what difference if we call this a prisoner swap or not? i know the white house denies it, but what s the big deal about this? well, the deal, greta, is the white house is saying getting alan gross out was separate from the swap. they don t want to be tied up and look like there was a trade there. they re saying that cuba on a
humanitarian basis let alan gross out, then the u.s. was able to make this swap of three cuban spies, as you say, let out of american prison and then there was an intelligence asset to the u.s. government, we believe a cuban man, who was helping the u.s. from cuba thrown he was caught by the cuban authorities at some point and thrown in prison, been there for some 20 years. so that was the swap. look, that might be a distinction without a difference. all of this was happening around the same time. it was a deal between the president of the united states, the dictator from cuba. i think the big question moving forward, you ve got democrats, not just republicans but democrats like bob menendez saying they think it was a direct swap and how that might matter moving forward. will someone like bob menendez go along with formally lifting the embargo with cuba. he s saying no. while there are republicans not normally aligned with the
president, congressman plake wants to see the embargo lifted so this is scrambling the parties a little bit. ed, thank you. while some are jumping for joy, some are blasting president obama for the plans to normalize economic and diplomatic things with cuba. lindsey graham said i will do all that i can to block the use of funts to open an embassy in cuba. even senator robert menendez is not wild about president obama s plan. he said trading mr. gross for three convicted criminals sets an extremely dangerous press denting. and joining us john, what did we get out of this? we got a chance, an opportunity to turn the page. for what, though? he s talked about this going
back to 2007-2008. he d wanted to say let s get rid of the old policy and start a new policy. that wasn t possible as long as alan gross was held captive. releasing him gives you the chance for the new page but there are limits to what he can do. senator graham is going to try to hold up funding. the idea of full normalization, a lot of lift has to happen and that s where the give and take has to happen with the castro regime. you wouldn t see that at all without these first steps. susan, i m all for making friends with everybody and i think it s important everybody be friends, but the fact is that this regime, they re monsters. i mean we re not talking about the human rights violations going on in cuba right now. i d love to have a great place and everything. but they have the worst record for freedom of the press, they lock people up for political opponents. so i m not quite sure is the idea that maybe if we re a little bit nicer they re going to release prisoners and they re going to stop locking people up and all of a sudden let newspapers flourish? i think the point congressman
van hollen made is a good one. no one is expecting the castro regime to change. but no rights are going to be added to people s lives because of what happened today. but they are getting near the end of their biological clock as you said and there may be an opening in the future where people will want freedom and a freer society will evolve. but the points made today by rubio and menendez and others who are opposed to this are that this is not going to change anything. people aren t going to get more rights. they re still going to be human rights violations. whatever freedoms are provided by the u.s., the internet or travel, the cuban government will control tightly. that s a really important thing to be aware of. so essentially, john, susan is saying we re trying to get our foot in the door for when the castros die. we re trying to get ahead of the game. that s the theory, but i mean what the people who support the embargo have always said is this is our last and always leverage
point for when they re gone. that is when we want to negotiate with their successors and say you want normalization, you want greater economic interaction, then give some more freedom to your people. let them speak freely, worship freely, move freely. you got none of those things today. i don t really see there s the theory if we engage a little more, they will be inspired. i hope that s right, i fear it s not and i fear the cuban people will be owe pressed longer than they would have. i think they think the cuban people themselves will force change in the government by having more exposure. we ve had some bad luck with the arab spring where we have the expectation. it s really hard to predict what people are going to do. panel, stay with us. straight ahead, former florida governor, jeb bush, and he s a potential presidential candidate. he says the obama administration s decision to restore diplomatic ties with cuba undermines america s credibility. you ll hear more from him. plus a long-time friend of governor bush goes on the record
next. also there s developing news. sony cancelling the release of the film the interview. that s coming up too. patented sonic technology with up to 27% more brush movements. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. that s all i crave.e that s where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that s why i only choose nicorette. dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you re a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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governor coming out one day out of the gate and skewering the president? well, jeb bush just a few weeks ago said the problem with the restrictions on cuba is that they re not tight enough and we should be tightening the screws, not loosening them. with this, this goes back to a feeling he s had for a very long time that we cannot give an inch. we cannot give anything to cuba until castro gives freedom to the people of cuba. keep in mind jeb bush s background. he moved to south florida in the early 1980s, established connections, friendships, worked closely with cuban exiles who have very strong feelings about this. oppose the castro regime. later when he got into politics he worked very hard to bring them into the gop fold in florida and he s succeeded to great extent. this became a very important part of his political base and later the gop political machine
after he left office. that said, the political climate here in florida, polls do show a shift of opinion in favor, more people wanting to see us improve relations with cuba. but you have to keep in mind those who oppose the direction that we saw the president take today are very fervent and very passionate about this. they tend to be very loyal voters and often can be single issue voters when it comes to this. we only have 20 seconds left. what does this mean having if governor bush gets in, what does that mean for senator marco rubio? it s going to be a problem for marco rubio. if this debate advances to the senate, it can elevate his profile. but keep in mind they re very much aligned in terms of how they believe with respect to this issue and in terms of donors and support with jeb bush out front. this continues to be a problem for marco rubio if he chooses to run for president. craig, thanks. all eyes on florida, of course, as always as we approach 2016 in two years now. thank you, craig.
sure thing, thank you. our next guest is the chairman of the american conservative union and he has been friends with former governor jeb bush for decades. good evening, sir. greta, good to be with you. i noticed you ve told us about the fact that governor jeb bush might run for president. you said you have mixed feelings and you go on to say but he ll be a difference maker. what did you mean by that? a difference maker meaning, look, we live in an area of gridlock, less people turn out to vote than they ever did before. more people are registering no party affiliation. folks don t seem to be happy with either party. so jeb bush, who s a conservative problem solver, is coming and saying, look, it s time we get together, we heal our nation, we move forward with a positive vision, but we ve got things to do. we ve got energy policy to put together. we ve got tax reform. we ve got to balance our budget. we ve got to deal with our
entitlements. i m going to be the candidate with ideas. i m not going to go out there with a strategist telling me precisely how to win. i m going to share my vision and i hope the american people buy into it. i hope they do. if they don t, i ll go home in peace but i m not going to be led by a group of strategists who tell me what to say, what not to say and end up in a process where i m part of this toxic environment that politics is all about today. he s just not going to do that. i can tell you, i hear the consultants in these races all the time and so i get the frustration that candidates can have with the consultants but i m curious, there s a big difference from being a great governor or great president than being a great campaigner, which office. in iowa, you ve got to go door to door, you ve got to be in kitchens, you ve got to talk to the people. some people are better talking to audiences. is he the kind that can sit in a kitchen and is he willing to do that? i ve seen jeb bush walk down a street with me in the dark of
night and stop to see a homeless man and see how he was doing. this is a different kind of candidate. one of the most caring, one of the most compassionate candidates you re going to see in the trail in your lifetime. i m curious, what s the downside for him? what s going on in his mind why he might not? it sure looks like his toe is in the water, but why might he not run? well, look, he s proud of his family. he s got one son who just won statewide office in texas. he s got another son who s by his side every day in business. he loves his daughter, loves his wife. he travels a lot but is more at home than he was before. he s dangled a bit in business, he s done well there. he gets to play golf on sundays. he s going to give up a lot of this life to try to help america get back on its feet and to heal our country, and that s a major sacrifice and he s giving up a lot to do that. does he have the fire in the belly to do that? he s the most competitive guy i ve ever met.
i ve been with him and two campaigns for his dad, three campaigns for him, two campaigns for his brother and he s the most tireless worker, most compassionate and competitive guy i ve met in the process, so he ll be ready for anything and anyone if he decides to do it. we just saw a picture of the two of you and of course i hope you ll come back because if he does get in, we ll need to talk to you a lot and find out what s going on in the governor bush campaign. thank you, sir, for joining us. my pleasure, thanks, greta. and you can see our complete interview with al cardenas. executive orders by any other name. president obama finding another way to bypass congress. that s coming up. here at fidelity, we give you the most free research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed 1-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions
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so tell me your thoughts on this. yeah, i think this is a big victory for the bad guys. i think that s the dangerous precedent in this. this was essentially a terrorist act and by sony now giving in after equivocating a little bit, you go back to the original making of this movie, if you re going to make the movie and not stand by it at the end. my colleague talked to president obama even today and the president s advice is go to the movie. obviously this was the intended effect was to squelch this movie, to make it not happen and it s worked. you know what, i ve told both of you during the break, i actually i ve been to north korea, as you know, three times. north korea looks at this they have nuclear weapons and they are so erratic, you can t even point at a picture of kim jong-un without risking going to some prison camp. i don t know why sony didn t make this a fictionalize movie about some make-believe country
because we re not dealing with normal people. we re not dealing with a normal situation. we re dealing with people who see us as complete enemies and we re trying to kill them every single day. i m noticing on social media people are joking can they make requests to producers about what kind of pictures sony can produce because it looks as though they re being dictated in terms of what they are going to put out there. i think that s the sad fact about all of this. we should not have a foreign country dictating the terms of what comes out, no matter who they are. of course we shouldn t, but we re not dealing with a full deck on this. i mean that s the problem is that, you know, this is a predictable response. if you ve ever been there, literally they think we are training seven days a week, all three of you and i m training every day to try to kill them when we re not doing any of that. but they see that and see this as such an insult, they re going to go nuts. but what does going nuts mean? this, this. are producers upset about the hacking.
it s a terrible thing to hack. look, they did a terrible if they re the ones that did it, it s a terrible thing to hack. it s a terrible thing for us to bow to the pressure. it s a terrible thing to have the terrorists act on the movie, but it s all going back to the judgment of making that movie, knowing that we were dealing with a situation that wasn t quite normal. i mean i think north korea is the most brutal regime in the world. it s run by a totalitarian psychopath. i think if hollywood had any decency, they would make a serious film detailing the brutality that is going on. that s a great idea. an i think right now i hope they re just delaying this. we don t know all the details. maybe there is some credible threat we don t know about. imagine if isis isis is actually carrying out terrorist attacks against americans. what if they threaten an american mall or football game? i know, it s terrible. they caved to pressure because they feared people would not show up on one of the most profitable days for movies.
i am not defending north korea. i m just saying it s a very dangerous situation sony got into without using good judgment to begin with. i am not defending north korea in any way. they made a movie they aren t prepared to stand behind. does it even look funny? what exactly is the joke in all of this? i think sony has a lot to explain to the american people and to the world community about the making of this movie and of course this halting and contradictory response. and all their embarrassing e-mails too. we didn t even get near their e-mails. anyway, panel, thank you. if you are outraged over president obama s use of executive action, brace yourselves for this. turn out it is not just executive orders. president obama also using something called the presidential memorandum to bypass congress. according to usa today, president obama has issued the memorandum more often than any other president. gregory courty joins us. nice to see you. we have presidential memorandums and executive orders. what s the difference?
the differences can be subtle. executive orders are what we re probably all familiar with. they re numbered. executive order 1033 or something like that. mem memorandums are called by scholars executive orders by another name. they re more regulatory in nature but very similar and both carry the same force of law. they re essentially the same then, right? they re used a little differently. but you could you could use them interchangeably? there are some areas where previous presidents have used an executive order. for example, nixon had an executive order on let s get rid of some of these federal properties we re not using and save some money. president obama did that by memorandum. so the fact is that all these things that they re doing by executive order or presidential memorandum, are there instances when they can only use one and not the other? they tend to only use
executive order but there is any restriction? if you re going to amend an executive order, you re going to use an executive order to do that. neither of these terms are defined anywhere in the law much less the constitution. so it s precedents. president obama says the truth is even with all the actions i ve taken this year, i m issuing executive orders at the lowest rate in over 100 years. he s not mentioning the presidential memorandums so i m wur wondering if that s a slippery quote. he said people didn t have a problem with george bush when he uses executive action. he uses the terms executive order and executive action somewhat interchangeably. so slippery, transparent and deceptive? i have no evidence to suggest this is a deliberate misdirection by the white house. he must know the difference between presidential memorandum and executive order. he s got to know the difference. he signs them. and when you add presidential
memorandums and executive orders together, is president obama on the low end or has he done more? he s certainly signed more presidential memoranda than others. when you call them both executive actions, he s on pace to take more than any president. the reason i ask this because as i read this, it seems that they re essentially the same thing. whether they have historically been used for different purposes or not. you can amend executive orders with executive orders. it seems when the president says i m issuing executive orders at the lowest rate in more than 100 years, he s being a little slippery because he s not mentioning the presidential memorandums which he does so much more than other presidents on the presidential memorandums. no. these are precise terms that even the president, even the president s press secretary sometimes slip up. josh earnest said he s issued an executive order on immigration. there was no such thing. the immigration executive action
that republicans are so upset about were not done by executive order, they were done by memorandum. last year when he took executive action on gun control, those were not executive orders, those are presidential memoranda. if he s going to tell the epa how to enforce the clean air act, that s done in a memorandum not an executive order. right now are democrats on a desperate search for a message for 2016? plus we re trying to solve a mystery that has to do with the release of alan gross and sergeant tahmooressi finally released from a mexican prison. celebrate what s new, the bigger, better menu at red lobster! with more of what you love! try our newest wood-grilled combination!
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it s one of those things i think that went away from that democrats didn t do a very good job of in the 2014 election. we talked about everything but the economy and that s still going to be it s still going to be a driving issue in 2016. there has to and change has to happen. we have a changing economy. there have got to be some new ideas out there about how to effect its impact on the american people. like what? how do you convince the middle class america that something good is happening? what s the message to them? it s about how we re going to adjust to it. kodak when kodak went bankrupt, it had 187,000 employees. when instagram sold itself to facebook for a billion dollars, it had 13 employees. both parties are not addressing the how technology and how fast paced we re moving forward into the future is actually
hollowing out jobs there. it s not just attacking wall street. like that s one of the things that is a go-to populist liberal you know, elizabeth warren attack wall street. wall street does need to be reformed. republicans may offer tax cuts. the tax system does need to be reformed but no one is addressing the economic consequences of where this tech economy is taking us and how do we get the american people to participate in it and whether that s job retraining, other things, but somebody has got to speak to it. but that requires a long vision. it seems to me the voters are looking more right now. can i put food on the table and pay the tuition, so that s the problem. that s right. and, you know, everybody is going to offer up really quick, simple solutions that no one believes anymore. or you ve got to take a step back and really talk to the american people with what we have to do to be competitive, to move forward and to get
people it s not the same old, same old. a lot of the ideas look, i was a ted kennedy liberal and, you know, there are a lot of populist liberal progressive economic ideas i believe in but a lot of the ideas on both sides are obsolete now. you need to take those principles but apply them to the issues that are for us right now economically and lead the american people there. joe, thanks. good to be with you. remember that outrageous convention government employees spending your tax dollars on themselves, face hotel suites and mismatched wine glasses? you didn t like that. you need to stick around for our next segment. soy buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it s out there somewhere spreading the word about america s favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes
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gsa s lavish las vegas convention, complete with photos of the gsa s regional commissioner that fancy bathtub on your dollar? well, after outrage was over the abuse of your tax dollars, omb issued stricter requirements for spending reports. makes sense, right? but listen to this. the cfo of hhs now says accurate spending reports won t help taxpayers. really? sarah westwood joins us. nice to see you. nice to be here. you wrote the article. why does hhs s cfo say that? well, what happened here is the hhs inspector general discovered millions of dollars in unreported conference funding, and in defense, pushing back on the inspector general s findings, the cfo ellen murray said the cost of. getting the right information? right would outweigh the
benefit to taxpayers. how does she figure that? how could it possibly be we don t want exact information? well, she cited difficulties in actually gathering the information and keeping track of it. and said, basically, you can either have an accurate report or a timely report, but you can t have both. okay. so why can t we at least change the time requirements a little bit? i think most taxpayers want to know whether or not they re partying on our dime again. right. it s essentially the bureaucratic answer of we can t get this data because we don t have it because these services are being provided by contractors. i read your story and it said that hhs had 140 conferences last year. that seems like a lot. i don t know why they re having all these conferences. go figure on that one. the ig, the inspector general, looked at only four of them. so out of 4 out of 140. and out of the four the ig looked at found hhs had failed to list $1.4 million. so is there a discrepancy in each of the four? yes. each conference had a discrepancy. and that 140 number that you just cited, those are just the
conferences that cost $100,000 or more. they actually have more conferences than that. and hhs actually spent $56 million on conferences alone in 2012. it s stunning, though. if you look at four conferences, if you sort of the inspector general looks at four of them and finds 100% mistakes, they have 136 more at over $100,000 a year a conference, and nobody is going to bother to look at those? right, exactly. you can only imagine that there is similar waste in all of the other conferences. and keep in mind that this was two years ago. so there was, you know, two years of additional conferences that we don t know where the money went. and the cfo at hhs doesn t see this as a problem? evidently not. it s just kind of evidence of the bureaucratic culture that leads to so much waste in our agencies today. but it s worse than bureaucratic culture. it s our money. la-di-da. why does she get to decide that? exactly. she cited the fact that there are already guidelines in place
to produce reports that have estimates. so she said that sufficient accurate reports aren t necessary. well, there is our government working for us. anyway, sarah, thank you. thank you. and coming up, after the release of american allen gross from cuba, i m not trying to solve a mystery. i ll tell you what i mean, off the record next. but here is a hint. it has to do with sergeant andrew tahmooressi. at 10:00 p.m., senators marco rubio and ted cruz talking about cuba. tonight 10:00 p.m. on hannity. people with type 2 diabetes
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you don t need to think about the energy that makes our lives possible. because we do. we re exxonmobil and powering the world responsibly is our job. because boiling an egg. isn t as simple as just boiling an egg. life takes energy. energy lives here. let s all go off the record for a minute. there is something that absolutely mystifies me. but before i tell you, let me say this. i am very happy alan gross is home. it s been five years too long. it was wrong that cuba held him in prison. so how did he get out? because president obama s administration held secret meetings in canada with cuban officials and cut a deal. then today president obama sent a government plane to pick him up. the obama administration packed that plane with members of congress. and as he landed at andrews air
force base, secretary of state john kerry was there to hug and meet mr. gross. but that s not all. president obama even placed a call to mr. gross on that plane as he flew back to the united states. and while i m absolutely thrilled he got that treatment, i m thrilled he is home where he belongs, i don t get it. i would love to know why didn t president obama help sergeant andrew tahmooressi when he was held in a mexican prison? i know a president can t help everybody. but a u.s. marine who got hit with an ied, did two tours for the u.s. in afghanistan and just made a wrong turn? not only did president obama not help, but he never called sergeant tahmooressi s mother, or even sergeant tahmooressi after he got home. maybe there is a reason, but i remain left in a big mystery. why didn t president obama help our marine? and that s my off the record comment tonight. thanks for being with us. we ll all see you again tomorrow night here at 7:00 p.m. eastern. and follow me on twitter at the handle @greta. and a reminder, go to greta check out our complete interview

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20141214 00:00:00

and putt against leaders of his own party like congressman nancy pelosi and senator warren. liberals are quick to condemn the spending bill calling it a broib for banks and donors. mike emmanuel is live on capitol hill with us. mike, the senate so manies stuck on the extension, they did do something successfully, right? reporter: no question about that. they passed a short- term government funding to buy senators more time. it was scheduled to be quiet today. and there are conversations taking place about cutting the deal on the government extension and we ll so if it pans out. earlier harry reid sounded aggravated. regrettably the republicans
pulled the legislation off. and now, we are regulated to watching the time tick away on the clocks. reporter: at this point the senators are in session seven hours and counting, julie? what have they done all day long. a voteramma. and look at the names. murphy to be surgeon general and car lincolman for social security commissioner. and this is getting the ball rolling on the nominees considered for file confirmation in the senate. and conservatives are not backing down. reporter: not at all. we heard from the conservatives slamming on the brakes on the senate. we are going to have a vote
in time, on this omnibus bill, but part of that vote critical in that vote should be a vote on president obama s illegal emnasty. the american people have grave concerns on the president s decision with regard to executive amnesty. this actions unprecedented and unsupported by the law. reporter: other republicans want to fight the president on immigration when they feel they have a chance to win when the republicans control the house and senate, julie? thank you, mike. thousands of protestors flooding the streets in new york city. the protestors held signs and chanted as they walked along
sixth avenue all to express the rage over the recent grand jury decisions not to indict the police in the deaths of michael brown and eric garner. day long. what was the protest like? julie, we are talking about tens of thousands of protestors and covering dozens of city blocks in manhattan. look at the march from the aerial shot. it started at 2:00 p.m. and went back north and then south. it is the head quarters for the police department. and the protestors shouting hands up don t shoot and black lives matter and racist cops have to go. today is called the national day of resistance specifically in new york. and they are demanding the
creation of a office. and firing of nypd police commissioner. and families of victims of unarmed black men killed including ron davis, 17-year-old shot and killed by a white man for playing loud music in a florida gas station. we don t want to lose our family members in vain. we come out and help them protest and make change to america. the nypd said there are no arrest or incidents and organizers planned protest in 50 cities today. this was not only eric guarder and michael brown. organizers say they want more than just reform? they want big reforms or changes to a criminal justice system that is systemically racist. and protestors were also out
there for kye gurley who was shot in brooklyn and ta mar rice shot by the officers while holding a toy gun. it body cams are band-aids and they want reform. we can t compete with the violence. we have to talk about changing system. there are good cops, right. but what does it mean that your goodness is in a system that is broken and needs to be fixed. protestors say it is the beginning of more protest yet to come. security in the afghan capitol was tightened as the rash of deadly military attacks grow. the latest assault was carried out by a suicide bomber on boary
there was holiday placed on the headstone. and the event is kicking off at a ceremonial wreath laying in the tom of the unknown soldier. right now new developments in the journalist ongoing fight. and will the justice government force james riven to give up a name. and violent storms that swept through the region in los angeles, next. that flexes ins for the perfect shave at any angle. go to to save up to $40. innovation and you. philips norelco. came out of the cupboard. literally.
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shooter and they believe he has ties to a gang. murphy was picked up after stopping his vehicle at 1 o clock a.m. they found a handgun inside. police are looking for two other suspects on the run and it the shooting took place outside of an alternative high school. and three people were seriously injured including a 16-year-old girl that remains in critical condition tonight. and a new york times reporter will not be forced to identify his source for a book. on the cia s effort to sabstage the nuclear program in iowa ran. the justice department is backing off. but risen could be subpeonaed. and here s more from washington. julie, a federal judge gave
the justice department until $ h face jail time. now eric holder decided against that option. risen insisted he would go to jail rather than to reveal his sources and said that the obama administration turned it as a show down. there is no way to conduct investigative reporting without a reporter s privilege and confidential sources and i don t believe you can have a democracy without aggressive reporting and freedom of the press. and justice department officers said jeffrey sterling
leaked it to risen in iran in the clinton administration and risen used that information in the 2006 book. sterling s lawyer said if the result of attorney general not issuing a subpoenas and compelling him to reveal the sources that his department of justice fought for all the way to the supreme court, then three year was mr. sterling s life is wasted. and so should journalist like james risen held more accountable or forced to reveal sources. would it put us in harm. tweet me and we ll read the answers in the show. america s best is pausing to remember a milestone in world
war ii. it was 70 years ago of the battle of the bulge. and that is from both sides of the atlantic gathered in belgium to honor thousands of heroes. and the ceremony took place in the town nearby where many shops and windows are decorated with american flags. it was 1944 when u.s. soldiers raised a horrific battle in germany. and when it was over 10000 americans were dead and 47000 wounded and led to the nazi surreppeder and the end of world war ii in europe. the battle of the bulge symbolizes the forces of america not to give up in face of adversity. and the international event
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brazil, a 26 year old killed for the fun of it. and mostly targeted woman and claimed that he killed a toddler because he feared that the child s cries would attract neighbors. police arrested him. so far his claims check out. and the gaza strip, an explosion rocked the french cultural city in the gaza city. it is one of few diplomatic outpost under hams control. a security guard suffered minor injuries in the crash. and violent clashes in the central region in chile. they are outraged over the amount of fish they can catch. officers responded with teargas
and rubber bullets. south africa. nelson mandela walk. the anti- apartheid leader decide december 5th at age 95 today. in the capitol and around the country, americans are marching against the police brutality after high profile grand jury decisions. and violent winds and flying debrie. a tornado touches down in the middle of the day in an unlikely day. we have the video next. glass the shattering and electrical cords popping. all of that in one. greenline do for you? just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional.
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hepatitis c is a serious disease. left untreated, it can lead to liver damage and potentially liver cancer. but you haven t been forgotten. there s never been a better time to rethink your hep c. go to to register for more information. then talk to your doctor about scientific advances that may help you move on from hepatitis c. this is the fox report and time for the top of the news. the senate approving a temporary spending bill to fund the bill through wednesday. law makers are grappling over a 1.1 trilliop spending package last night. and in afghanistan taliban attacks are increasing. two american soldiers among the casulties. a bombing on a bus carrying
troops. the taliban warning more violence lies ahead. and millions march here in new york city. a pieceful demonstration today. protestors expressing qh2léoutr over the grand jury decision not to indict the officers. family members of eric guarder calling for change. it started in freedom placea and walked down pennsylvania avenue and held a rally in the steps of the capitol. rich edson was in the thick of it. reporter: thousands, passionate and peaceful and gathered in protest in washington s pennsylvania avenue. the latest after the grand
jordeclined to indict police officers in the deaths of black men. they say that congress should take the power to investigate and charge police officer involving deaths from the local officials and grand it to the federal government. washington is going to be silent, they are not part of the solution. we need the laws to bring the change. marchers stopped a few hundred yards away from the capitol where they addressed crowds of thousands more than two hours including the widow of a woman whose husband died in a police choke hold. this follows smaller protest. in some cases they stopped traffic and some wondered why president obama failed to make an appearance.
he came to support the protestors. and more fallout for new york cityñm=1@5e=i in the wake of t eric garner case. the police union and urging from attending the officer s funeral. it would insult their sacrifice. and many of new york s finest feel that deblasio has not supporting them. the grand jury decided not to indict the officer. mayor deblasio called the funeral ban deeply disappointing. the first female firefighter killed in philadelphia. joyce craig is a 36-year-old mother of twochlt she died when she was trapped in the basement of a burning home on tuesday. hundreds of firefighters and
policemen and family and friends attended the funeral. craig will be promoted to lieutenant. and officials on hawaii are keeping an eye on the lava flow. it has widened 200 yards and advancing to a high. on the bright side, it is creeping through wet vegetation and there is little or low danger of brushfires. evacuation could happen in the nor future. the lavastarted to flow from the hawaii volcano. drought areas in california got what it needed over the past several years. the massive storm is gone, but it is leaving behind death and destruction and residents are
scrambling to recover before the next storm hits. will car joins us for the latest. and where is the worst damage? reporter: it was spread out all over in the west coast. two people died in oregon and damage in california. and the number of residents pulled out cell phones and captured breathering parts of the storm. a man videoed the tornado. it is so rare for tornados to be in the l.a. no one was hurt. but according to u.s., it is the first tornado in los angeles since 2004 and had winds of 65- 85 miles per hour. and check out the water spot. a tornado over the water. jason and his girlfriend nina
got a great shot south of la yesterday afternoon and saying you could so the funnel come out of the sky. there was right and debris. and mud pilled up ten foot high. and the process, dozens of homes were damaged and ten were red tagged. there was severe flooding and forcing firefighters to perform swift water rescues. will, thank you. and a plan ripped apart in a crash landing and all of the passengers are expected to be okay. our top story as we go across americaning. missouri, four people survive a plane crash yards from a college campus in springfield,
the small plane clipped a cell tower just missing rush hour traffic. several homes and a playground. two passengers rushed to the hospital with minor injuries and two others checked out at the scene. the fa an is investigating. illinois,a chaos in a college campus. state and local police responded to a fight at western illinois university. and firing pepper spray when crowds refused to break up. throw people were arrested and two ended up in the hospital. arizona. a rare sight every one of earth s national wonders and this happens when the warm air is trapped inside by the collar air. they have vow once every few
years. and in kansas, christmas came early. they went to pick up lay aways to find that their act accounts were paid in full by a secret sant a. he wanted to help out families and holidays. you know, somebody can step in and you not know it. the do gooder asked them to pay it forward with their own acts ofuw kindness. that s the fox watch in america. that is an amazing story. bipartisanship in our nation s capitol, former arrivals bringing the olympics games to washington in 2024. james rosen has more from dc. i am in. i am in. a bipartisan cast starred by
the promotional video. the nonprofit is working over time to secure the olympics games. you surely cannot know it. and that purposele strategy. u.s. olympics committee and boston and san francisco. it is a stigma that is associated with a partisanship that defines official washington. bipartisan spirit extends to the top ten. and bofth whom sat down with fox news to explain why they are donating talents to 2024. i don t think there is anything that jim and i agree on except for the dc olympics.
as far as partisanship goes. it is bringing everyone together in this town. we think the olympics. there is the most rockable city. and they point to president obama s first inaugural. and it is hosting the the event and benefit on the capitol. and well beyond what visitors spend. look at london in 2012. and they had the olympics as a hub and they can do that for the rest of the city. and if washington prevails in what was jokingly called the
primary. it was 2017. and the international olympics committee makes the final selection. in washington, james rosen fox news. warrors on the front line of bull ebola. and police nab a suspect in the disappearance of a texas woman. the experience that led to capture. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it gave me the power to overcome the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get
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equipments legally. there is new proposals for regulations and that has some fuming. reporter: 16 million american children can purchase e- cigarettes according to the estimates from the centers of disease control and prevention. ten states and washington d.c. have yet to ban sales to minors. the a erosolis showed harmful ingredients and the contention that the products emita harmless water vapor is not true. the food and drug administration extended a rule to cover ecigarettes and products have to undergo premarket approval.
john boehner sent a letter to(f the health and human secretary impose unnecessary regulatory burdens on the fda and regulated industries. the grandfather date is what will kill thousands of small and medium size businesses. many e- cigarette proponents support banning to minors and prove taps. but at odds over the science and what it said about the potential affects of the vapor. a 24-year-old man faces charges in the disappearance of a texas woman. she was charged for aggravated kidnapping. he was last seen with christina
morris. they were two friends from high school. they were spotted walking a parking garage together. the arrest comes as a result of dna samples. and suspect maintains he had nothing to do with her disappearance. ebola fighters are named 2014 person of the year and several gracing the cover of time magazine. and the magazine chose them for tireless acts of courage and mercy. the toll continues to rise. dr. mark seeingle sat down with the herroric that fight. the number of new ebola patients in liberia is down thanks to the coordinated work of the u.s. military and world health organization and cvc and
as doctors without borders. we see kids suffering from ebola don t feel well. the nurse from doctors without borders returned from sierra leon. you are wearing the ppu. can tear through your protective equipment. you are unable to carry them. one of the thousands of the directors. and the biggest challenge is that ebola is a moving target. they are in different forms. doctors without borders admitted more than six this happened patients and shipped 1200 tons of equipment to fight the disease. it is the coordination of
services that is essential and education and awareness. and virus hunter joseph has been on the front line for months. turning the corner on the epidemic, there are significant changes in awareness. we went from half of the population believing it was not a real disease to a hoax and everyone acknowledging that the disease is real and people are learning how it is transmitted. reporter: the special advisor to sierra leon s healthñ ministry, said the biggest outbreak of ebola taught us that the virus is more of a stomach bug. new knowledge will help to guide treatment. now in the act of shoplifting. but the elderly suspect is not going to jail. how the police officer brought comfort and joy to a family in
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you do with comcast business. and often even more. it s reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. you don t hear about this every day. an obama police officer buying food for a family when a dprand mother is caughtq@1sshoplifting instefd arresting her for stealing eggs. the officer bought them for her and sent her on her way. the video is going viral. he had been to johnson s home on a separate call and she needed to feed her family. it is not shoplifting tis about the kids. the kids needed food. [8 i am the most blessed pfrn in
the world to have people look after me. and not only to protect me but look after me and make sure my family was fed. the donations poured in and they delivered a truck load of food to helen and her family. and the recent years wall street garnered reputation of greedy and cut throat professionals. they are are trying to turn it around with a special problem. they want to change the lives of hundreds of minority kids. lauren green has the story. reporter: washington gets a bad rap. but many in high finance give back to the community with their money and a lot of them donate time and skills. look at xminus y.
reporter: by bay he work in the bank. and two evenings after work he helps jordan with math. he discovered something priceless. working with the kids here is a fantastic opportunity. reporter: he works with big financial companies and for a part of the tutoring program for the jewish child s association. kids falling behind in math and english, are paired. many of our kids are of the first+kz ones to gohq# on to co reporter: it is 80 percent of the organization they are not all jewish. it is a principle meaning heal the world. i am so proud of all of you
and i know it wouldn t happen without our tutors and so a big round of applause forever our tutors. reporter: v#m]svqq)s say it is about invest nothing the future. kids in new york need help and we have smartest people who work here and they have a lot to offer. reporter: wall street tutors put in long hours making money, the dividends can t be measured. a bank hoping to collect on an outstanding debt and owes one family big- time. bank of america is ordered to hand over $1 million. and the new york times reporter not forced to identify his source. should james risen be forced to
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navy victory overarmy final score of 17-1 )f÷ 10. extends navy s winning streak to 13 games. that is the longest in the history of the series that started in 1890. before the midshipmen launched their run. neither one had won more than five in a row. next year they have a middle ground. and headlines before we go. an office holiday party sends 25 people in the hospital. and the catered lunch may have been contaminated with sta ph. they became ill after eating the food. a florida couple wins big in the battle again bank of america. a judge akarded them a million. the couple received 700 calls in
a four year period. i wish i could sue the telemarketers. today is 12, 13, 14. i didn t either. no, you didn t. and it is it the subsequential calendar. next 1, 234. and they hope that today s special day will bring them luck. and should journalist james risen be held accountable? and our sisters right no. the leakers should be but it is not the journalist job to be the internal, fairs of the cia. if it saves american lives yes. and it is it a fine line, who

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Transcripts For MSNBCW In Other News Lost In The Looting 20161023 02:00:00

all. a gunman is holding more than 30 hostages at a high school. eight people have been shot, including at least four students. we can only make an appeal to the gunman. stop. there s been enough already. an all white jury acquitted four white police officers of assault in the videotaped beating of black motorist rodney king. i was scared. i was scared for my life. across the nation, people were paying attention to this. the officers struck him with batons between 53 and 56 times. it was one of the first cases where there was actual video of a case of alleged police brutality. for 13 months, the city of los angeles has been a pressure cooker, building up to the rodney king trial. we, the jury, in the above entitled action find the
from the intersex intersection. and they said, don t go down there. don t go down there. and they said to dana, who s very blond, very white, don t go down there, and that s the worse thing you can say to a journalist is don t go down there. she turns around. she s been hit in the head with a rock. i tell them where the closest hospital is at, and he says come on, let s get out of here. i looked at him and said i live here and i can t go. so i said goodbye and i did what i could do, i took pictures. in the midwest, the story of a notorious serial killer opens another chapter. jeffrey dahmer came back to his hometown today, back to face justice and the family whose son he took from them 14 years ago. already convicted and sentenced for 15 murders in milwaukee, jeffrey dahmer returns to ohio to stand trial, where his killing spree began.
jeffrey dahmer, who had made some incriminating statements, if you will, a confession, that he had actually picked up his first victim back in the late 70s in bath, ohio. he picked up this young boy on the highway and the kid was about 18 years old. steven hicks was hitchhiking. dahmer picked him up and brought him to his house. and when hicks wanted to leave, dahmer attacked him with a barbell and killed him. then he chopp epe eped the k and put him in a garbage bag and then in the back of his car. the police for some reason stopped him. the detective rich muncie made a notation that there was a garbage bag in the back seat of the car and jeffrey dahmer indicated that he was just taking it to the dump. police let him go. he turned the car around, went
like in this new jersey since the lindbergh kidnapping, and it was just something that didn t happen. you are about to see some of the most horrible video to come out of the los angeles rioting. you can see how this fire is really taking off now. people are running back and forth, looting is under way. it was like wildfires that were just sprouting in different parts of the city. a helicopter reporter spotted a man being dragged from his truck and beaten. i don t think anybody anticipated what took place at the corner of florence and normandy. this is just horrendous. the man s name is reginald denny. he s alive, but very badly hurt. when reginald denny basically was bricked in that crucible that took place there, i think at that moment we knew that this was going to be different. los angeles is a city on edge tonight and under curfew as
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to face justice and the family whose son he took from them 14 years ago. the very latest on a city under siege. los angeles is shrouded in smoke from arson fires. like scenes from a nightmare, the television helicopters needed to just turn their cameras on, for it seemed anywhere they were focused there was looting. i see this guy tearing off down the street pushing a shopping cart and looking up going, are those pampers? and it wasn t just south central l.a. large-scale violence broke out in the suburbs too. we went towards the edge of korea town and south central and just filmed people going in and out of the stores and coming out with television sets and stuff. a store overstocked for mother s day, nothing left. why? do you know know? i don t know. they said, we re going shopping. it wasn t just african-americans. it was a lot of latinos.
it was white people, lots of them. they were poor people. then suddenly the story wasn t a racial story. it was an economic story. looters of every race and color. just like their victims. that s not right! that s not right what y all doing! i came from the ghetto too. by late morning, it was clear that if anything, the lawlessness was increasing. fbi agents have joined the search for a missing new jersey executive, sidney reso, president of the exxon international corporation, disappeared yesterday morning. on the second day, exxon received a phone call and the message of the phone call was that a letter could be found in the livingston shopping mall taped to a lamp post. federal authorities say they prefer not to speculate on the conditions or whereabouts of sidney reso while they re still searching for him. they say only that they hope to
find him alive. mass murderer jeffrey dahmer made his return to summit county amidst a mass of security. they drove me to the prison where they were holding him and he was in a cell that was a suicide watch cell. guards behind glass on a little balcony that watched every move you made. we had to do all the paperwork that would probably take weeks and months in less than 24 hours. i spent that evening trying to figure out what i was going to say. it was very difficult. i had no warm feeling for this guy. he had no compassion. he had no emotion. why the cannibalism? it made me feel like they were a permanent part of me. but on april 30th, dahmer s heinous crimes are not
dominating headlines. for the past 24 hours, residents of los angeles have seen their city caught up in a kind of free floating anarchy. gangs of street thugs neighborhoods and the violence spread well outside the core of l.a. the disturbance was moving west toward the affluent areas of the city, and the city s elite were starting to panic. while beverly hills and other west side areas are protected, neighborhoods closer to the turmoil are left to fend for themselves. the store owners in korea town were arming themselves and making outposts on the top of their stores. shopkeepers say all of this damage happened because police ignored this neighborhood and ignored businesses built over a lifetime. 20 years down the drain. i mean, can t people realize what they re doing is wrong? this is not the way to overcome racism. law enforcement simply could
not be everywhere. and quite often, the tv trucks would get there before the police did. los angeles is bracing for a second night of burning, killing, and looting in response to the rodney king verdict. now officials prepare for night fall. i can t predict what s going to happen, but it s going to be worse. good evening, the saga of sidney reso is now a kidnapping case. in the case of exxon executive sidney reso, the fbi is racing against the clock to interpret clues from a ransom letter. investigators have received a ransom note from a group that calls itself the rainbow warriors. rainbow warrior is a name of a ship owned by green peace l.a. the first letter clearly
wanted to make the point that this was in fact in retaliation for the exxon valdes, which had occurred a few years prior to that. they threatened to kidnap additional exxon executives. the fib recovered a ransom letter demanding millions of dollars and a cell phone number for further instructions. they set a ransom demand, which was the highest ransom demand in the united states, $18.5 million. you made the obligatory calls to greenpeace. you called other environmental organizations had you ever heard of such a thing, and the answer is no. first another terrible drama is unfolding in california. a gunman is holding more than 30 hostages at a high school. a horrific story in a small town in northern california is about to play out on live television. in 1992, it s a rare media event, but today all too common. 911 emergency.
listen carefully. it s frank crawford high school, and there s someone with a gun. it was a normal workday. i heard a commotion in the dispatch area, and i asked someone what was going on, and they said there was a shooting at lyndhurst possibly. and my first reaction was i had never heard of anything like that. this was seven years before columbine. i and other detectives took off toward lindhurst high school. makes history selling at just over $30,000. and to think this one actually has a surround-sound stereo. the 2016 cla. lease the cla250 for $299 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
this has been the worst night of violence in los angeles since the 1965 watch riot. a nonstop orgy of burning, looting, and chaos. i don t believe this stuff. i just can t. the number of injuries has reached two dozen and the number of arrests has reached 2,000. los angeles is still a city under siege this morning with scores of fires still burning. as a third day of rioting dawns on los angeles, the mayor and police are slowly securing the city. we have got to make a commitment to have a sufficient show of force that we can gain control over the situation out in the field. good morning. 4,000 additional national guard troops will be sent to los angeles today to beef up the 2,000 troops which are already here. and federal troops regular army have been put on alert.
city officials want a massive show of force to quell the rioting, looting, and burning which has rocked this city for the last two days. the bringing in of the national guard makes some difference in terms of enabling the existing law enforcement resources to be where they needed to be to try to hold more territory. what exactly have they been asked to do? we re re-enforcing law enforcement and clearing areas that have yet to be cleared or have yet to be damaged. in the short term, it had a very useful effect. however, it also added to the perception in low-income neighborhoods among some people that they were like an occupied territory. i was welcomed by some people and i think was resented by others. no justice, no peace! while authorities in southern california are bringing order to the streets, spectators in akron, ohio, are lining up to catch a glimpse of notorious
serial killer jeffrey dahmer arriving to stand trial for the first murder he committed. dahmer is already serving life terms in wisconsin for 15 murders. oh ohio prosecutors say dahmer killed his first victim in ohio where he was raised. part of what made him such a monster was his ordinariness. i think that s what scared people a lot about him is he looked like you and me, and that s pretty scary because his deeds were unspeakable. the trial begins nearly ten months after the nation was exposed to the grisly discovers at dahmer s apartment. what they discovered upon their arrival was almost unspeakable. numerous pieces from as many 15 human bodies, including three heads preserved in a refrigerator. it s been two and a half months since he was convicted of 15 murders in milwaukee. jeffrey dahmer, cannibalism, murders, lobotomies.
now dahmer is facing judgment for the final outstanding murder charge in ohio. as gruesome as his crimes were, many showed up at the summit county courthouse as early as midnight last night to be one of the 35 spectators allowed to see the proceedings firsthand. it s just really interesting to me. it s not often somebody famous comes to akron. i just want to see what s going on and how it s handled and things like that. he had letters from women proposing marriage to him. he got mail like he was a rock star. i haven t seen anything like it. i haven t seen anything since that. while the trial unfolds in akron, it s been three days since exxon executive sidney reso was kidnapped and no one has heard from him. the media wanted answers and a lot of the time we just didn t have them. it s enormously frustrating. frankly, i remembered so many more details about the l.a.
riots than i did about a story i was covering. so dramatic was the footage and here we had no footage. that night, investigators get a new lead. on may 1, around 9:30 at night, we had received a call that directed me to morris park. they said that a second letter could be found under a white rock near a fence. we did in fact find a letter. they wanted a plane. they wanted the money put in eddie bauer bags. and obviously, our concern was we wanted to make sure that sidney reso was alive. we had a lot of concerns about sidney reso s well-being. while the fbi s behavioral science unit pours over the letter this is an nbc news special report. president bush addressed the nation regarding the l.a. riots. i want to talk to you about
violence in our cities and justice for our citizens. two big issues that have collided on the streets of los angeles. george h.w. bush went on television. i assumed at the time he was going to make a statement to try to restore order in los angeles. what we saw last night and the night before in los angeles is not about civil rights. it s not about the great cause of equality that all americans must uphold. it s not a message of protest. it s been the brutality of a mob, pure and simple. the speech that bush made seemed to make things worse. the violence will end. justice will be served. hope will return. the president s words echo in households across the country. what is your plea to the charge of aggravated murder as contained in count one of the indictment? guilty as charged, your honor.
an attorney spoke for dahmer and his family. jeffrey dahmer is a human being. he is a tortured and sick human being. i just talked about redemption and mercy, and i wanted to say he was sorry for his conduct, and i don t believe he was. for the first time ever, dahmer faced martha and richard hicks, steven s parents. mrs. hicks called dahmer a monster and spoke of the horror her family endured. we saw pieces of our son on tv every night, some smaller than a toothpick. i have always believed in capital punishment. but since the state of ohio didn t have it in 1978, i will not be able to pull the switch on the electric chair, but i know i could do it to this animal. dahmer is given his 16th life sentence and returns to wisconsin to serve out his time. jeffrey dahmer s stay in akron may have been brief, but his effect on the city will last for sometime to come. as one spectator put it, it may be gruesome, but it s history. pamela dennis, 23 news day at
the summit county courthouse. we got word rodney was going to make a statement. you know, can we all get along? the gunman has released 11, but he has shot at least nine people. parents rushed to find out if their child had been released. it is happening as we re going live here. and sprinkles on just the right amount of brown sugar streusel. so that you can spend more time making special moments. .with your family. marie callender s. it s time to savor. unlikeso babies can sleeppampers stasoundly all night.s drier, pampers.
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a hazardous materials team breathing from air tanks confiscated a number of items from the suspect s apartment. among them police say photographs and drawings of dead, mutilated bodies. sidney reso disappeared yesterday, but this case is being handled under the assumption of foul play. at lindhurst high school at this hour the s.w.a.t. team is still in place. parents are waiting to get word. murder, kidnapping, hostages, major stories playing out in america while all eyes are on the riots raging in l.a. at least 27 people are now dead since it all began following the acquittal of four police officers in the rodney king beating trial. on friday, may 1, there were still a lot of hot spots, but the authorities were better organized. and my assignment was we got word that rodney was going to make a statement. an enormous assemblage of media gathered around this yard area around this podium, because we hadn t heard from him.
i just want to say, you know, can we all get along? can we get along? initially, that wasn t what he was supposed to say. he was given a script to read. he felt it was necessary to just speak from his heart. please. we can get along here. we all can get along. we ve just got to you know, we re all stuck here for a while. you know, let s try to work it out. i have always been very proud of him. very much. that s something that s still brought up to this day. i think it made an impact. as king pleas for calm people are still reportedly being held hostage by an armed gunman in the library building at the lindhurst high school in olive hurst. officers arrive on scene and are briefed by a fellow sergeant. they pointed to this big building. they called it building c.
there was one suspect perhaps armed with a shotgun, who was last seen entering that building. shots had been fired. didn t really have time to talk about what the plan of action was going to be. rilg p boeb pe when this door to building c burst open, a burg bunch of kids came running out. 25 students and at least one teacher seem to have escaped what is now a very dangerous situation there at lindhurst high school. first room i went in, there were two victims there. a teacher and a student. that would set the tone for what we have a person who has committed homicide. we know that eight people have been shot, including at least four students. medical professionals are calling this a phase 3 disaster. the highest level of medical alert. on the east coast, days turn into weeks as authorities hunt for missing exxon executive sidney reso. while his kidnappers remain at large. fbi agents are still investigating the ransom letter
and the kidnappers possible affiliation with an environmental organization. that s when we learned about the kidnapping of victor samuelsson. 18 years earlier, exxon plant manager victor samuelsson had been kidnapped by marxist guerrillas. there s no word from argentina today on the whereabouts of an american oil company executive named victor samuelsson who has been kidnapped. after $14 million in ransom was paid, samuelsson was returned unharmed in april 1974, 18 years to the day sidney reso disappeared. we need to know if indeed there is a group that is holding mr. reso. but the fbi s behavioral science unit becomes suspicious of the group s international claims. there were no international calls. i think we had one call from new york and then one call late in the investigation from georgia. all of the phone calls that we were able to capture were all within maybe a five to ten mile radius. in fact, the kidnappers seemed to have intimate knowledge of morris county.
investigators have a hunch the kidnappers are not the environmental crusaders they claim to be. they re locals. mrs. reso says she s concerned about her husband s health. he had a heart attack three years ago, but she says she has faith. he s courageous, he s honest, and he s good. so if anybody can survive any set of circumstances like that, he can do it. the suspect has been identified by the sheriff s department as eric houston. in olive hurst, california, the local community is facing a terrifying hostage situation. tom, are we any closer toward understanding what it is he wants? no, we still know nothing other than he came here with a grudge over treatment here when he was a student. i just remembering about the
teacher that failed him, the teacher that broke up with him, that he had lost his job, so basically his entire life that s unraveling or falling apart so to speak all came back to the one teacher. school authorities and peace officers are trying to establish some sort of contact with the gunman. i don t know if they have been able to achieve that yet. at this time, we re trying to gather intelligence as to the exact location of which room he appears to be moving. come to find out he s directly overhead on top of us. he had placed lookouts on the stairwells. at that point, jim downs started communicating with the student on the stairs. i had probably anywhere from four to six cops with their pistols an on me. then i had eric with his shotgun pointing at me.on me. then i had eric with his shotgun pointing at me. so i had two different sets of people pointing their guns at me. they don t know what to expect in either of us. it was pretty intense. so it was crazy. it is a very tense situation here and we just keep waiting for more news and hopefully more people to come out of that building.
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the national guard is now out in force in los angeles. while the cameras closely followed the l.a. unrest, elsewhere other crises intensified. sidney reso headed to work and disappeared. he s the president of exxon international. in california, a gunman is holding more than 30 hostages at a high school. 6,000 california national guard troops on the streets of los angeles. their weapons will be loaded and they have orders to return fire if fired upon. by 3:00 p.m. on may 1, marines begin amassing south of the city. unless you ve been in the service, you never get that sense of power of guys in uniform and heavy machinery that comes with the army showing up.
the regular army troops and marines ordered up by president bush moved to staging areas. our main weapon is our physical presence, be a visual deterrent. it s the weirdest sight to see a tank kind of roll in up over a hill and kind of drop in and descend over los angeles with the cityscape in the background. that pretty much brought order. you don t argue too much with a tank. there was an interesting mood change in some areas of los angeles neighborhoods as firefighters arrived at yet another store that had been looted and set afire. there were no rocks and throwing bottles, but lots of helping hands. a lot of those people wanted to undo the damage, do anything they could to undo the damage and were extremely helpful to the fire department, the police department, would go on television and make statements and decry the violence and say, this isn t us. i want the people to stop this and really think about what you re doing. you re hting yourself more than you re hurting anybody. as anglinos fight for their
city, a life or death battle is being waged in northern california. eric houston, he may be holding 35 to 40 students hostage. he has released 11, but he has shot at least nine people as we understand, including students and a teacher. i seen a student come out of spanish class down below and he actually was shot in the leg. and me and the other student down below was pretty much like, hey, you ve got a student bleeding out on the floor. eric said, yeah, yeah, get him to the doors and get him out of the building. i opened the door and the cops grabbed me and grabbed the other student and they took us out with them and they wouldn t let us go back in. parents rushed to find out if their child had been released. it was a scene of great fear and anxiety, but also occasional scenes of great joy and relief. i remember my mom. it was good to see her. the gunman says this could be a long night. of course, it could be a very long night for the parents
waiting to hear if their child is inside. authorities said soon after sidney reso disappeared the fbi recovered a ransom letter demanding millions of dollars and a cellular phone number with further instructions. eventually sidney reso s kidnappers tried to set up a ransom drop. they wanted the money put in eddie bauer bags, divided into certain currencies. this was their game plan. the fbi sets up a massive sting operation and intentionally leaves the media in the dark. we were being spoon-fed a false narrative in order to help the authorities lure the kidnappers into a false sense of security and make a mistake. and then they did make a mistake. june 18th, the night of the scheduled ransom drop. the fbi plants over 250 agents
in the morris county vicinity. we had all these agents out and i was wired so the command post could hear the exact conversation. and one of the female agents who were sitting in a car, saw the guy. he had glasses and a fisherman s hat on, and she saw this individual on the phone. the agent observes the man hanging up the phone at the same time the recorded call is terminated. the fbi traces the man s license plate to a local rental company. not long after agents show up to investigate, the agents arrive at his car. the executives and all kinds of pertinent information relative to sidney reso. two people including a former exxon employee were arrested and charged with kidnapping.
reso s fate, however, remains a mystery. well, the situation is still very tense as you might imagine at lindhurst high school at this hour. the s.w.a.t. team is still in place. parents are waiting to get word on their loved ones inside. houston has reportedly told negotiators that he s afraid the s.w.a.t. team will break in and kill him. he seemed real insistent that he didn t want to see any cops in black clothing because to him that meant s.w.a.t. team. he didn t want to hear a helicopter. because the media was flying overhead. some comments were made and he did get a little bit agitated. we heard a radio broadcast that he heard and it listed numbers of people injured, shot, which enraged him. so we made a request of the news media to please don t do those reports again because it s making it difficult for us to keep a peace situation in negotiations. they have asked us not to continue with any more coverage of the story. we can only make an appeal to
the gunman. please, put it down. stop. there s been enough already. the negotiation process begins with houston asking for food about 6:00 p.m. he wanted pizza, so we asked him to give us a count. we took a count. when the count came back, it was 84 hostages, which is astounding. it was it was wow. captain dennis moore telling reporters they have been delivered their pizzas and their food that they requested. the activity has been rather light. the conversations have been minimal on the telephone. he sent down a couple of students, two or three, and said, go down and get the pizza. if you don t come back, i m killing your friends. do you let the kids go back up or do you keep them safe? we ultimately decided to let them back up.
33 years in law enforcement. that s the toughest decision i ve ever been involved in. tracy, sheriff s deputies do have contact with the man by telephone, right? at first he was very agitated and very upset. gunman eric houston releases 15 hostages as an act of goodwill. the students we have seen walking out of here were very badly shaken. many were weeping. they looked stunned. they looked dazed. i just remember seeing my family and just being so relieved to be able to just hug my mom. when they called the kids names as they were being released from the school, we would go over and see if our kids were there. in my heart, i knew something was wrong, but i just kept staying and waiting. woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive.
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recovery in l.a. i don t believe this stuff. i just can t. a hostage crisis and a harrowing kidnapping case are still simmering elsewhere. mrs. reso appealed for the release of her husband of 37 years. she said she and their four grown children wanted their father home for father s day. we can only make an appeal to the gunman. please, put it down. stop. in los angeles, 6,000 looters and arsonists have been rounded up. we just want it to be clean and nice like it was. this awakened los angeles. it broke it out of a slumber it had been in for many, many years. there were reforms that began in the los angeles police department, and i think that was a good thing. los angeles begins the long road to normalcy. it would take weeks for investigators to find sidney reso. the fbi s biggest kidnapping investigation in years has become a murder case.
despite the successful capture of the kidnappers, it was too late to save the victim. reso s body was found in a shallow grave here in this heavily wooded area near the new jersey shore. law enforcement officers were taken there by irene seal along with her husband arthur is accused of kidnapping reso and attempting to extort money from exxon. they were bunglers. it was bungled from the beginning. just wanted to get rich quick. and they were stupid enough to think that a kidnapping at gunpoint is going to be easy. during the abduction, reso attempted to break free and was shot in the arm. he was bound, gagged, and placed in a wooden box. the seals testified it was not their intention to kill reso, but three days after the abduction he died from heat and exhaustion. irene seal provided information to the authorities and pled guilty to extortion and conspiracy. she was released in 2009. arthur seal pleaded guilty to
kidnapping and murder and is serving life without parole. ongoing telephone conversations between the hostage taker identified as eric houston and negotiators. they say he appears to be getting calmer and quieter. eight hours into the siege in california, eric houston is negotiating with the police. i think we did start to feel a little bit hopeful seeing him be more willing to let people go. you could see that he was a little bit more mellowed, a little bit more calm. there was a lot of conversation between eric houston and the negotiating team about you ve got to be the last person to come down. you re not going to come down, you know, surrounded by hostages. just moments ago, those students, some very shaken and very emotional, were loaded onto buses and taken to be debriefed and counseled. the final group of students is released. i remember seeing my mother and my sister-in-law and just
kind of bearing myself. sorry. they were releasing the last bunch of kids and announcing them over the intercom and they stopped. me and my husband just kind of turned and looked at each other and put our arms around each other. when i got home, i had a yard full of kids. and we stood out in the yard for another couple of hours, holding hands and singing and just being together because they all knew too. three students and teacher robert brenz died in the siege that day. eric houston received the death penalty and awaits execution at san quinton prison. in 1992, there was no playbook for this.
what we now call active shooters, which unfortunately is common language in law enforcement, that wasn t part of our vocabulary in 1992. so it s not something we had trained for. the lindhurst shooting wasn t the first of its kind or the last. the teenagers killed 12 students and a teacher at a littleton, colorado school, before committing suicide. 30 people have been killed in this rampage at virginia tech university. just minutes after the shootings at sandy hook elementary school, radio transmissions reveal the scale of the tragedy already unfolding. today a school shooting happens almost every week in the united states. in 1993, officers stacy koon and lawrence powell were convicted in federal court for their role in the rodney king beating. at least he was able to be a symbol of change and a symbol of hope for people. he was our hero, my sister s and myself. the city realized it had to
make stronger connections, and the police department had to make stronger connections with the community. the fact when one of these incidents occurs there s a pretty good chance somebody is going to be taking some video of it and it will go viral, that is obviously making the question of police brutality a different one if people have the ability to do something about it. all of los angeles is under curfew tonight as violence continues in the streets. the murder and destruction in the streets of los angeles must be stopped. when some big thing happens, everything else gets shoved off the radar where it normally would be maybe the lead story. for us in akron, dahmer was the headline for the day and he was killed. dahmer was killed in prison. it happens all the time. there are lots of other really big deal stories that are occurring that are getting no attention at all. the hostage situation is over. eric houston has been arrested.

People , Hostages , Gunman , Shot , All , Students , High-school , Stop , Appeal , 30 , Eight , Four

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live Post Debate 20161020 05:00:00

that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. let s be clear about what he is saying and what that means. he s denigrating, he s talking down our democracy and i for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position. donald trump s comments tonight have already been condemned by jeff flake of arizona, lindsey graham of south carolyn a. will they reverberate by voters? we ll see. i m joined by chris of host all in with msnbc, and former chairman of the national committee, michael steal, and msnbc everybody s a political analyst any way, i shouldn t base that, everything is. he s the host of the how hewitt show, and also msnbc political analyst. who i can start with? chris we ll just go across here. this you know, there is the
i m alfred hitchcoc. he was given the third world of idea, the sort of banana republican idea heads i win, and you get prosecuted, and tales you lose and i m going to say the election is legitimate. he refused and said he ll keep us in suspense. it s not showmanship, it s dangerous his former campaign chair, paul manafort, this is the game they played in the ukraine and this is the game people who work around donald trump, played with it is election, claiming it wass was illegitimate. it s kind of frightening. michael, you re laughing. i m not laughing, chris. this is the party of abraham lincoln, the grand old party who won t accept the results of the election. it s not the party i led. this is not representative of any nominee we ve ever had in
media then you re going to he turnout in great numbers. the two hot ticks as to what michael said, if i were some enterprising reporter, din dino rossi, both of whom lost, in contested elections i think norm coleman was cheated, and din orossi. how was he cheated? they manufactured ballots after the election by the dozens. and washington state they kep kept counting, and counting, and counting until they got the number. both of them conceded at the end of the legal recount. they wanted to make the point, if it was so close this a particular state, i will fight like al gore did. he could have done that. he did not do that. he used language outside the norm. i can say that applies more broadly. it was so striking him talking about the supreme court justices and pro life, right?
most republican candidates don t just say i will point pro life justices because everyone understands that s a subtext. they say i will appoint justices who will up told the constitution, because he s basically reading austin decoff cards, he accepts the top line, i ll appoint pro life justices. i watched republican candidate after can. they don t come out and say that. in fact, hillary clinton did the same thing. that s right, but the republicans she said i had a litmus test. it is the republicans and judicial conservatives a litmus test is ipso facto,il legitimate. who said they there s no one left. he is so unembedded in any sort of fluency is he gives you the top line off the index card.
everything was airplane mode until a certain point. all the sudden, trump s language on the life issue, on late term, certain the idea of aborting a baby a few days before birth, he didn t talk about spina bifida, he didn t talk about the concerns people have when they have tests in the fifth month. he didn t talk about the clinicalcasions th clinical argument that it s bad, first of all, about this particular procedure, it s not just late term, it s a procedure. he i think he rang the bell for the pro lifers today. that s why he did it. the delivery, that procedure describing the nineth month of pregnancy is called a cesarian. it is true, he i think donald trump demonstrated that he has absolutely 0 fluency with anything to do with what happens to a woman. let s everybody judge for themselves.
in pregnancy and hillary did the opposite. was he talking about partial birth? let s take a look. if you go with what hillary is saying in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. now, you can say that that s okay and hillary can say that that s okay, but it s not okay with me. because based on what she s saying and where she s going and she s been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month, on the final day, and that s not acceptable. that is not what happens in these cases and using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate. you should meet with some of the women that i ve met with, women i ve known over the course of my life. this is one of the worst possible choices that any woman and her family has to make, and i do not believe the government should be making it.
okay. i think hillary clinton, apart from the values question, it was surreal, the differences between pro life and pro-choice, the real values differences and sometimes there s conflict and we have to deal with it. hillary clinton never lost focus on who she was going after, women in the suburbs. she talked about the need for gun regulation to protect toddlers. right. she s not talking about the work of marianne wright edelman. trump was working his base. he was working his base and not understanding the human bases of ideology, the idea they re going to rip a fetus at nine months before birth that is a cesarian section. he didn t understand the issue he s talking about. to chris point, he hasn t thought about it enough, to have a conversant point on it. he did that all night tonight, where hillary clinton gave her the oosition to understand empathynd talk about specific
women and demonstrate the basic knowledge of what women in the fact and what they deal with. donald trump has no empathy for women, that s the basic reason he s so far behind. he lacks basic empathy for women. including sexual assault, obviously. i m curious what you guys thought of the heller discussion. chris wallace eye w i was gla started with the court. i m impressed donald trump knows heller. i thought that s a crazy thing to be surprised by. this is the single biggest second amendment case. i heard pennsylvania when he was talking about. that s the one thing he remembered. yeah, yeah. pennsylvania, indiana. what he was talking about on the late-term abortion, the gossnell horror factory, when he was talking about very explicitly to second amendment people, what she considers
reasonable and what her court considers reasonable is not what the court considers reasonable accident and t, and the pivot to chicago made the point. it rang every bell for republican voters. the gossnell horror story, off the book, illegal illegal. completely illegal, horrific murder chamber. the guy in philly. if he would used gossnell, the way he used heller, it would have been very effective. and he did well reminding people the rigged media needs to confront the project veritas tapes. and what s that? that the dnc contractors insighti encited violence in chicago. if they are not talked about and debunked they will play into the media. do you think any credible media outlet is going to use james o keefe who dressed up as
a pretend pimp who was somebody james o keefe he may as well as be from the national inquirer. we ve seen this before. the whole thing was garbage. i want to get the contention out. if they re right if this is legitimate, what does it establish? it establishes that democratic party nominated donald trump and effectively dis that s absurd. delegitimized him early. how would they get 14 million republicans to vote for donald trump? you have to own the people who voted for this guy. in your party, your voter chose him. joy, this goes to that s the end of it. what you heard throughout the campaign particularly members of the 168, the leadership of the rnc who were concerned about the open primary process. the cross over of a lot of voters who have never voted in the republican primary, showed up miraculously in certain
states at certain times. you can look at it and dismiss it, but when you start putting together the story timeline, ju juxopposed to what s coming out let s talk about what s being stipulated. is the stipulation the democratic party engineered donald trump to be the nominee of the republican party? no, it s not. they worked actively to frame him as an extremist by provoking violence at his rallies and if you want to debunk that, you will debunk the rigged media. if you don t talk about it, you played into rigged media. are you going to try to blame democrats for people who behaved incredibly violently at trump rallies? the guy who sucker punched the black guy, you re saying democrats caused them to take those actions? i will tell them to watch the
veritas videos. this is a special edition of hard ball live from las vegas for the final presidential debate. i sat in my apartment today in a very beautiful hotel known as trump made with chinese steal. sprint? i m hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we re talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn t you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don t let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. whoooo! for people with hearing loss, visit
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i m here with my colleges. hillary clinton had a short retort tonight with donald trump after responding about putin. i don t know putin. he said nice things about me. if we got along well, that would be good. if united states and russia got along well, and went after isis that would be good. he has no respect for her, he has no respect for our president, from everything i see, has no respect for this person. that s because he d rather have a pupper as presidet as pr the united states. you re the puppet. it s pretty clear the russians have engaged in cyber attacks against the united states of america that you encourag encourag encouraged espionage against our people, and you are willing to spout the putin line, sign up for his wish list, breakup nato, do whatever he wants to do and that you continue to get help
from him because he has a very clear favorite in this race. i don t know about motive. i hate motive in politics. it s just a stupid argument, but trump makes an argument we d be better off sharing responsibilities in the middle east with russia. and putin will play a role in the assad regime, we ll be better off than this endless war, we re in the middle of with the sunni and shia. i did understand trump tonight, i believe i understood him when he said if we take back mosul, that s the shia-led government of iraq. here we have the wonderful support of and the thing king
abdulla has been afraid of all the time, and the sunis don t have isis, they re going to have some other organization. when are we going to stop believing we can take sides on the shia, who have been moraning itnist more antagonistic. is that how i heard it? it is how i heard it. hillary is just doing the usual. we re going to have no-fly zones. you can t have a flono fly zone you can t put planes in the air that s the problem. there s no full exploration of what the no-fly zone process would look like. where are these airplanes going to be based? where are they going to be based and how do they enforce it, particularly if they re russian planes involved in all of they. here s the other thing i was thinking about. how about any of the other aircraft fire? we have planes flying around over there. who are we shooting at. the enemy of my enemy is my
enemy and my friend. i think it s amazing you were able to take that melage and assembly them into an order where you could understand any i thought it was meandering. they understand trump-ism. he sort of meandered around he was trying to remember whatever the last thing he was told by kellyanne conway. he demonstrated no conversant of the issue. i was thinking back to the 2008 campaign and candidate barack obama talking about how he wanted to have a different relationship with our enemies, that he was going to be the president to sit down with our enemies and negiate a deal, to because george bush, that bad bush, didn t know how to negotiate a good deal that got us into this war and i m sitting there thinking that this is now sort of a flash back to that point. here you have trump and a lot of republicans are talking about opening up a reproach if you
will with russia, recognizing their growth and their expansion in the region. they re now a player, you ve got to play with them, and wanting to sit down and develop the relationship with them, and then you have this new establishment that s been created by obama and hillary, they re like how dare you, how dare you talk to russia. so it s just an interesting- i want to interesting. let me finish my point and i ll shut up. i m not saying that that is the right necessarily the right approach to take, but i just find that our policy in the middle east has changed to such a degree that it is 180 degrees from where it was when barack obama was talking about sitting down with the russians. let me say this and i want to start with this agreement, which is i do think the rhetoric on russia from hillary clinton is probably tactically smart, but i m worried about what it all amounts to after the election. i agree. i think we all don t want to head down the road towards
another code war ld war or war nuclear power. aren t you afraid, chris, joy, that hillary s just nestling up to a war with assad s regime? for talks in the middle east, we are 100% agreement on that. my problem with trump is his greatest passion and his most passionate answer tonight again was in his defense of vladimir putin. i think you can want what you talked about, which is a realignment, a reset, where we take seriously the idea of where putin can be helpful to us in the middle east and not have the passion to defend him and the passion to defend his government and his efficacy let me just finish this point. the other thing is, there are 17 u.s. intelligences agencies that believe in political espionage,
attempting to put their thumb on the scale for the election. it s not crazy that hillary clinton and the clinton campaign are not super psyche body that in this moment. why does he deny what s been established? why does trump lose credibility by saying this didn t come from russia? it was inexplicable. it was russia and the u.s. intelligence agencies say it was russia. it is fact checkable. the active measures by the ffb, otherwise known as wikileaks is a very dangerous cyber a pack on the united states. the argument to be made by republicans is cyber attacks against opm, cyber attacks against the department of defense, which occur every day, cyber attacks against sony pictures v n pictu
pictures have not been responded to, from the meddle in tiddle ef he proposes and i think he s very wrong that we will right this mess by dealing with russia as a great power from the zarast area, as opposed from the soviet union, it is an argument to be made and i think democrats have to deal with the fact for eight years we have not defended the infrastructure or resem believing to allow us to respond to national security. i think we re having a good debate here. thank you, hugh, and joy. you guys have to leave. we re doing a little rotation. any way, you re bringing defense and offense. we re platooning. up next, much more republican reaction, the big news donald trump made here tonight, his refusal to say he would accept the election. he s going to keep us in
suspense, again, alfred hitchco hitchcock. live from las vegas for the final presidential debate. every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is, is rigged against him. trump university gets sued for fraud and racketeering, he claims the court system and the federal judge is rigged against him. there was even a time when he didn t get an emmy for his tv program three years in a row and he started tweeting that emmys were rigged against him. should have gotten. every time i travel, it s the moments that are most rewarding. because if you let yourself embrace them, you ll never forget them. the new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries.
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talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum i want to ask you here on the stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely sir, that i will absolutely accept the result of this election? i will look at it at the time. i m not looking at anything now. i ll look at it at the time. what i ve seen what i ve seen is so bad first of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and the pylon is so amazing that new york times actually wrote an article about it but they don t even care. it s so dishonest and they ve poisoned the minds of the voters, but unfortunately for them, i think the voters are seeing through it. i think they re going to see through it. we ll find out on november 8th, but i think they re going to see through it. welcome back to hardball on the most stunning moment of tonight s debate, donald trump refused commitment to accept the
results of the november election and here s what he said when moderator chris wallace pressed him further. sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact one of the prides of this country, is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner not saying you re necessarily going to be the loser or the winner but the loser concedes to the winner and that country comes together in part for the good of the country, are you saying you re not prepared now to commit to that principle? what i m saying is i ll tell you at the time, i ll keep you in suspense. let me respond to that because that s horrifying trump s refusal in spat of wh spite of what his own running mate and daughter have said. here s mike pence. will you accept the results of the election? we will absolutely accept the results of the election. the american people will speak in an election that ll cucullm
election legitimate, on the basis of 08, when they said in both of those times, president obama was an illegitimate candidate for president, so there s elections in arrow, he s threatening to delegitimize. it is a pattern, and leads to the suggestion that robert costa will not value the election results. pretty scary stuff. it wasn t just what he said that was shocking, it was the way he said it. there was a casual contempt in donald trump s voice for 225 years of american political tradition. donald trump is a force for chaos. he always has been. if he can t taking some and win something himself, he will destroy that thing and make it impossible for other people to have it. what he s what he s really doing tonight among other things, in addition to challenging the whole system, is saying that if i can t have the
presidency, i m going to make it nate worth hillary s time to have it. that s what he s doing. and this will have global i am the global editor. this is top news around the world already. the legitimacy of the american election is something that is not only prized in america, it s prized around the world, because it s a symbol of stability and strength of the world s super power and the light of light of nations. and he s putting that under threat. let s talk about the washington post yesterday, he s a very hawkish guy. he laid out a whole speculative theory this is what vladimir putin wants. yep. he wants to have sort of a mood in this country in the various parts of the old soviet union and to break this thing up and blame the government for a corrupt election and say we were secur secured out of it he wants to get even because he thinks we
did that in the part of the of the soviet union against him. he has this dream of restoring and to blame us. you have to realize what putin s government has been doing is stoking these right-wing movements what s that group? you kip the sort of the new version of kgb, so new kgb, fsb in russia has been using all of these sort of undermining tactics to try to stoke right-wing movements all across europe and it s had a really detabd destabilizing across the continent. they did it in ukraine. i think they re trying to find democratic equality equivalence across the globes. we have problems with our elections, and their elections are joy and i were discussing this actually before, and when i
came on, chris, i stand corrected. i was right that this is about something bigger. i was wrong that it is something so small as a television network. they have much grander ambitions. who s they? steve bannon, the people behind donald trump. why do you see nijel farage, at all the spin rooms? i think they see potential for a movement that in some ways transsends our borders. how they keep it a lie by denying the results of the election? it s multipronged. this is a moment a critical moment of educated republicans who care about our democracy to put aside party and to start speaking out and i think we re starting to see the seeds of that tonight on twitter. i think we re starting to see the seeds of that with responsible republicans like
marco rubio saying of course the election is not rigged and we need to stand together something that began as a reality show spec ctacle we all a mused by it has mo morphed. arizona senator jeff flake tweeted donald trump tweeted he might not accept the election results is beyond the pail. south carolina republican senator lindsey graham, like most americans vicon fiddence in our democracy and election system, during this debate mr. trump is doing the party a great disservice. if he loses it will not be because the system is rigged, but because he failed as a candidate. ben, you wanted to correct something about we talked about earlier with regard to the rnc s position. first of all a real politic observation is what donald trump s remarks will do.
we ll ha will have the exact opposite of what he s intended. he s given the democrats a terrific get out the vote mechanism to make more democrats who are not enthusiastic about hillary clinton and will increase democratic turnout. but in terms of what we talked about earlier on the air, the rnc doing a voter fraud program, that is not true. i ve been told by the top council for both the campaign and the rnc, that rnc is abiding by the decent decrease and it is not the least bit involved in poll-watching programs. what do you think reince priebus will say, because i don t think he s spoken out yet, about trump nonaccepting? i talked to him. i caught him afterwards. he was trying to beat it out of the spin room, if you can imagine, and he was trying to convince us that this is nothing more than just a preemptive positioning that in case the
difference happens to be by about one electoral vote or something minor this is a hair-race, you know, that donald trump wants to reserve that option and he said trust me, that s all this is. then i got kellyanne conway and it was a different what i want to see is is not just reince priebus not trying to get out of the room, and lindsey graham, the usual suspects on matters trump, i want to hear fromimi mitch mcconnell, especially mitch mcconnell who considers himself a states man and somebody who respects the integrity of the system. i want to hear from them tonight. mitch mcconnell, these other going to be looking at 2018, and if donald trump, looks as if
he ll be defeated, his voters, this fashion he s whipped up on the republicans, they ll still be there in their districts and their states and the fear of them is where i think mcconnell is silent, the fear of them is why rubio and reince howard, look, the point is, is that it s important for mitch mcconnell and paul ryan to have the legitimacy of the votes accepted because they re candidates to the u.s. senate and the u.s. house in and tight races need the results. let s hear him saying. i m going to watch the and see when they do. i said that tonight i hope they do. if toomy wins a squeaker in our state, it s likely to say he one. that s right. sticking around with us for a little more, you re watching hardball live in las vegas for the final presidential debate. we thought fibers that help you stay regular
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i will stand up for families against powerful interests, against corporations, i will do everything that i can to make sure that you have good jobs with rising incomes, that your kids have good educations from preschool through college. i hope you will give me a chance to serve as your president. that was like a candidate s night in a regular debate, as if we had a regular debate tonight. welcome back to hardball live in las vegas for what was the final debate. tonight, donald trump again denied all the accounts of numerous women who have accused-im sexual misconduct and he said the clinton campaign was to blame for those women coming forward. here s trump and clinton s response. the stories are all totally false. i have to say that. and i didn t even apologize to my wife, who is sitting right here, because i didn t do
anything. i didn t know any of these women. i didn t see these women. these women, the woman on the plane, the woman i think they want either fame or her campaign did it. donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger. he goes after their dignity, their self-worth, and i don t think there is a woman anywhere who doesn t know what that feels like. so we now know what donald thinks and what he says and how he acts towards women. that s who donald is. richard nixon in the old days i gave them the sword. hillary knows how to do this, she s a woman, and she just says we now know who this guy is, his soul has captured this election. we don t give hillary clinton enough credit for her expert way that she bates donald trump,
calling him donald, reminding him about the things he said about women. why does it irritate donald trump? that rich people in manhattan looked down on him, when he was a rich kid for queens he wasn t up to their snuff. i ve heard the same story of people who lived him in palm beach and makes people call him mr. trump, and this idea that he can call you by your first name, but you c t dot to him. look at chris christie, who he debates by making him call him mr. trump. and needling him. you re making he like him. there s always a group of finding a way of rejecting anybody coming up. george wallace did the same thing. it s not about race. it s about groups social circles, catillions, the palm beach crowd. george wallace said the same thing. whenever somebody said you re not you up to snuff
it bothers them. he dismissed them on the topic of women, the very top of republican strategists told me earlier today on the way in here, that thing that really damaged donald trump ultimately was not just the accusations credible accusations from all the women, but donald trump s answer, when donald trump said, essentially those women aren t good enough looking for me to want to hit on them, and this republican said that that response was what really, really damaged him damaged him and hillary baited him into it and hillary went after it tonight. they must have poll tested it because that response was as bad as the original accusation. it sounds like he s saying if you can t contest for miss universe, you re not really he was also in directly admitting it. i think one of the most notable moments for women s
perspective was that that off the cuff remark that you re a nasty woman. because it s moments like that when all american women have flashbacks to their own moments of being dismissed or insulted simply for asserting yourself or stating a position that is not controversial or even personal and it invites that kind of misogynistic response. his history s doing just that. she did but they trade a lot of stuff like that in the debate. it wasn t anything nasty woman, that was nasty woman. and the keyword, excuse my ignorance, but the keyword is woman. he s not saying you re a nasty person by saying you re a nasty woman, he s tying it to jegende and it res resinated with wo these are first-time moments. chris, there are more of them in this election by a factor of several hundred than any we ve ever covered.
there s are moments in history we wish never happened. thank you. we ll give you more next time. when we come back, what happens in vegas, doesn t stay in vegas. we re going to find out what a top vegas odds maker is saying about his presidential race, and this is hardball live from unlv with the final presidential debate.
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for one late night edition of hardball. we ve got a couple more minutes. since we re in sin city, if you will, why don t we look at the odds in this presidential election. jimmy vacaro joins me now to go over both hillary clinton and donald trump s chances. can you make any money betting on hillary now? no, you can t make it here obviously because you can t we can t take bets here. an ex-caliber. a few of the offshore places and the european places are offering insurance money to buy back half the bet if you bet on hillary because they think she s going to be the winner. right now she s a 6 to 1 favorite. when you wake up tomorrow, she ll be at the same odds everywhere. the needle didn t move anywhere. i want to give somebody some help here. you can get some money if you bet a different spread on hillary, 0 to 5, it s got to be above 0. if you go for the spread you can
make some money here. you can go for the spread if you have a lot of money because if you put up a lot of money. 6 to 1, you d have to put up $6,000 to win $1,000. say it s hillary by 10%, are you going to make some money? no, chris, it s been fluctuating greatly since the beginning of summer when the republican convention in july was, he had such a good convenience, the odds went way down. now naturally since mr. trump has stepped into some potholes in the last 30 days that has shot up at 8 to 1 in some of the books in english. ov money was bet on hillary clinton. when people make a bet that s 4 to 1 or 5 to 1, 5 1/2 to 1, what are they thinking, god s going do this for me? why does somebody think they re going to win a 6 in 1? i m the only person who
booked tyson on a 27 to 1 favorite. thousands of dollars came in on tyson and went up 42 to 1. we made a mint at the mirage that time, but remember he lost the fight. a 42 to 1 favorite lost the fight so we don t know who is going to win this election, trust me, no one knows donald needs a double off the wall to keep the game going. why don t they allow political betting? federal law, it s been that way forever and even the gaming commission, we can t even do local or state elections. it s going to be a long time after we re gone. i had one bet, that s crazy that may go either way. that does it for the live coverage tonight from las vegas. if you missed the debate, stick around, you can catch the whole final debate in its entirety right now. good night.
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Election , Democracy , Debate-stage , Anyone , Denigrating , One , Donald-trump , Somebody , Comments , Kind , Position , Nominee