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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240613

maybe they could do an exhibition where he does some backflip that the open. maybe nancy pelosi will do that tonight of the congressional baseball game. no that s when trump visits tomorrow. is there a lightning bolt that s going to hit the capital? trump is coming. they said populism was over, that it was over in europe. trump was over. how many times can they declare trump politically over or populism is over? they ve been wrong and wrong again. the tide is rising internationally and i think trump s return to washington, this will be quite a day. you all stay tuned for that tomorrow. speaker-01: raymond arroyo, great to have you. that s it for us tonight, follow me on social media, thank you for watching, jesse is next. welcome to jesse watters primetime . tonight,. jesse: [ inaudible ] jesse: we finally figured out what they are going to do with joe. four more years, pause. [ chanting ] jesse: arab spring break, not over yet. [ crowd noise ] shot fired. jesse: crime is down. [ laughter ] jesse: new hoax alert. plus. jake paul. [ ] jesse: politics is like a game of cards, you don t pick the cards, you play the hand you are dealt. after using up their dictator on day one card in the lock him up card, democrats are down with only two cards left to play. joe biden and come in layers. around the democrat poker table, the question is, what s the next play. the obvious answer was joe biden he won them the first poker game, why not go for a repeat? the question is, everybody sees the play coming and the biden card, no guarantee. he s lagging with debate prep, skipping out on g-7 dinners and now his conviction is hanging over his head. sources inside the white house tell the new york times biden has grown more resigned and worried than ever about what the future might hold for his son. the media is starting to question the play. the people close to him say that this is the thing that more than anything else he wakes up, you know, if he s briefed by aids on gaza, the next immediate thing, constantly in contact with his son, they speak at least once a day. so this is something that is going to add more weight to the presidents mindset. i think it s a very heavy burden and by staying in politics, by being as exposed as they are in some ways, it has put pressures on hunter biden and i think that weighs on the president. jesse: like any poker game it s all about the odds. a prediction model gives biden a one in three chance of winning and after biden s approval rating just hit an all-time low, even the democrat numbers guru nate silver is a joe needs to drop out. or else it s a longshot. most americans they get biden is reelected, he will die in office. now the question is, do you take the risk or do you make a swap? i think a lot of voters have trepidation about whether or not joe biden will make it through a second term and so they tune out these other things. is this because they have issues about his vice president? also issues about kamala harris coming into the office, absolutely. whether that s racism, whether it s because of her track record at not being great at public policy. at someone new in? a convention would require do you think you should? we should watch for the first debate. jesse: what good does a harris candidacy do? she s less popular than biden and no one thinks she can beat trump. but she s still here because no one has told her no or maybe she just won t listen to it. i eat no for breakfast. i don t hear no. and many times in your life, you are going to here no. someone is going to many even many people will say to you, it s not your time, nobody like you has done that before, they are not ready for you. and then i love this next one, that s going to be hard work. really? jesse: democrats have a better shot of winning the white house with the guy that s about to die than with kamala harris. as machiavelli says in the prince, to maintain power you have to be prepared to act immorally when it comes necessary. that s what the democrats are preparing to do. charles cook in the national review says biden s candidacy is nothing more than a decoy biden is operating as a stand-in, a widget or a macguffin whose primary purpose is to make it to november 5th of this year without expiring. the most powerful man in the world has been transmuted into little more than a game token in a game that narrows down to this , biden must win because donald trump must not. the only way biden wins is if he s not seen as too old are too incompetent or too misguided. that means he cannot be seen as who he is. the media has to lie to you about him. the job is simple, boomerang every trump attack on biden to better the odds. for all his calls for president biden to undergo some kind of cognitive test, it s clear to say mr trump s remarks are not at all coherent and these rallies. mr trump s remarks have never been super coherent in his rallies. this split screen has always been there, will always be there. they are different people. jesse: it s risky when your candidate looks like this. i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] come on! i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] [ ] banning books about black experiences. [ inaudible ] jesse: so plan b, change the subject. i think you have to stop making it about gold versus not old versus bit versus unfit and it s very simple, you keep putting on the graphic fit and you show biden at the state of the union. unfit, you show trump. fit, unfit, and each one of trump s is very funny and then you go it s all fun and games until it comes to nuclear weapons. we can t have unfit. jesse: this guy might be a little old but his hand on the button is okay. this guy s hand is not on the button and i would bring it back to end of world stuff. jesse: notice how the democrats don t have a winning message. it changes every day and that tells you they are in trouble. as soon as biden is reelected, cook says that is when you will see a shift. 23 seconds after he has won, this will change and when it does the reversal will be astonishing in both speed and scope. instantly all of biden s senile ticks will be visible to all. within seconds of his inauguration got the scene will begin to cast doubts on the ability of any octogenarian to do such a demanding job and when the last weight falls, it will become clear as day that joe biden wasn t a presidential candidate, but a lumbering decoy . the media will turn in the kingmakers will go to work. hunter gets pardoned, biden gets pushed out and the torch gets past took kamala harris in the first year. whose presidency will look like this. to aspire to create wealth is a good thing as far as i m concerned. if that is what one chooses. i on the other hand have chosen to live a life of public service. but i am all for you getting yours if that s what you want. we dry in. that s what those tours about jesse: every day for four years it will be a dei victory. the media will celebrate the first black the mill president and the deep state will run a lock because kamala harris is easier to control that joe, just like joe she will be a macguffin to washington s poker game and when 2028 rolls around, they can say thanks for playing, kamala. would like to introduce you to someone, maybe you ve heard of him, gavin newsom. former house speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now. do you see this? i see it. year one, joe is gone, kamala is in, that s the play, that s the decoy. you know why it s so true? they ve already played it once. it was a hunter biden laptop. the first thing they did, they had it since 2019, they go out and tell people it s not real and then they told immediate you can t print this or talk about it and then once the election is over, it s real. the wall street journal did a story recently, and i told them, i watched this behind the scenes working with this president, is all the moments he s not there. i never hid from the fact and they are acting like this is a big shock. but if you follow the democrats, remember axelrod who ran obama s campaign? he started a year and a half ago trying to get him not to run. then clinton s tried to get him not to run. now they finally decided we can t get him off the ticket. kamala can win. jesse: so they have to lie to all of us about how great he is, how sharp he is, how he can outhustled the whole country just to get him over the finish line and then the switcheroo. ogc, they literally have the top people in hollywood working on it. those sunglasses. the problem is, he has to walk to the podium. he walks to the podium and everyone walks around like what are you talking about? when he starts to talk, then you are in trouble. they tried to hide him the last time and this is the play they want to do. they have to get through this last bit. jesse: when we see him swallow words or say things completely incomprehensible at these public events, or not clap to the beat, when you were behind the scenes negotiating, what did you see? he would always go with the cards. what i learned early on, he has to read from them. once he starts reading, i was would interject and he would not know what to do. then he would close it and just stop. kamala would have to start talking. so it was a player used every time. there was one time we were sitting there and he s taking us on a tour and all of a sudden he goes, you want to go out to the pool? and then jill is on the other side of the table and she goes know, they don t want to go out. he goes you don t want to go out? then he opens the door, it s wintertime, and he walks is down to the swimming pool into the changing room. and then we walked back up and he s created this little room outside the oval office to be a little office for him. president trump had it as a gift shop but clinton used for something else. [ laughter ] but he s made it an office for himself like 10 feet away from the oval office. why? jesse: like a mini office. not the grand oval office, a little cubbyhole. between you and i. all it does is have a desk in their and then it has one of those ballets when i walked in. a blue dress shirt all wrinkled. why does the president take his shirt off and there? then we come walking back and i m thinking oh my gosh, please don t show this to any other world leader. i will tell you, democrats. jesse: kevin, i can t believe you showed you the pool in the middle of winter, but not just the pool, the dressing room when he got to the dressing room, what did he say? first he got to the door and it was locked. [ laughter ] secret service comes and opens it up. i m like what are we doing? jesse: do some laps. all right. you are doing laps around him. we just mentioned hunter. and someone just floated the idea of a pardon but not who you think it would be coming from. watch this. i d like to see president trump coming out with a statement saying if hunter biden commits to a program of sobriety and inpatient or maybe outpatient, shows up got keeps his sobriety, i will partner him. i love to see president trump say that. mack not on his part, it shows humanity and flip the tables on the democrats magna minutes. i like it for this, it means trump is president. it also shows the democrats are fearful of trump to become president because they are fearful he will do what they are doing to him. and you know it s interesting, they run on bidenomics which fails because inflation, because than they run a democracy. npr did a pool of independence and by a vote of 53-42, they think the biggest threat to democracy is him having another four years. so what i think from this is it s not bad. trump shows that the greatest retribution you can do to anybody is be successful. jesse: i think that s the move. revenge is success. you want to go see the pool? [ laughter ] jesse: kevin mccarthy, thank you so much. more primetime ahead. [ ] if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what s on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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[ ] [ ] jesse: biden said his executive order which i don t the border but it s been a week and thousands of illegals are still pouring through. bill melugin has more. reporter: jesse, president biden s executive order is pretty much having zero impact whatsoever in the busy san diego sector where adult men from really all around the planet continue crossing illegally nonstop with most of them released into the u.s. fox news cameras have witnessed mass illegal crossings in california several days in a row with every day in the last week averaging over 1000 illegal immigrant apprehensions down in that sector. one border patrol agent is now voicing his frustration. doesn t frustrate you when you hear the narrative like why aren t border patrol doing anything? if i don t allow them to cross, they call and complain and i m in trouble and i lose my job. reporter: meanwhile at boston international airport, the baggage claim has been turned into a shelter for a legal immigrants with hundreds camping inside the sanctuary city s airport. at san antonio airport, a reporter posted this video showing americans having to wait in a long line at tsa while illegal aliens released from dhs custody with their notice to appear paperwork had their own much faster line. we reached out to tsa for comment and they said they are preparing a statement but as of this newscast, we have not heard back from them yet. meanwhile today fox news questions democrats about eight to g augusta national s with ices ties being arrested by ice and the fbi after they were caught and released at the southern border. to me, it s just a reminder that republicans need to stop opposing additional resources for more border patrol agents and other dhs personnel to help continue to enforce the law. they have the personnel and let them go. they need more. republicans need to stop getting in the way. reporter: and just a little reminder for your viewers, democrats held the white house, the senate for the first two years did not the about the border. jesse: thank you bill. trump has been clear when he gets into office he s going to get revenge but what does that look like? my revenge will be success. and i mean that. but it s awfully hard when you see what they ve done, these people are so evil and at the same time the country can t come together. can come together. jesse: revenge through success. everybody wins, even trump s enemies. jesus told his disciples that i say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and prey for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. what would jesus do? revenge through success. some people heard the word revenge and thought trump is going to put me in gitmo. maddow, wallace, will be goldberg and aoc worried about been thrown in solitary. stelter says that s just the beginning. jail of course is an extreme part of the spectrum. imprisonment is a sub extreme part but think about irs audits, government pressure, other forms of government interference. there are a lot of pressure points and rachel maddow is not the only one thinking about this. i ve talked to the heads of news organizations, they are thinking through not in dramatic fashion, because they are afraid of going to jail but because they want to know what could trump do to use his power in a second term to punish the media. jesse: trump doesn t want to put the press in prison, he loves them. he loves them so much that he talks to them even when he should not. and the press should love him back. he made them rich and famous. during his presidency, cnn and msnbc ratings were double what they are now. deep stators got huge tv contracts. million-dollar book deals being handed out like halloween candy. today biden runs away from the press. there s mass layoffs, no book deals and cnn is losing to reruns of martin. he s coming, he s coming! [ laughter ] jesse: the media is catching a case of arrest and be. they saw what happened to trump when he got arrested, legendary mug shot, 24/7 coverage, millions of dollars in donations and they want a taste of martyrdom. they are baking trump to arrest them for attention. it s the only way anybody will know they are still famous. they want their own trials like trump. gag orders, de niro showing up. but none of that is going to happen. of trunk trump locks up all the reporters, will he joust with? but there s a different revenge path trump could take. legal scholar says there s only one way to stop the political prosecutions, prosecute democrats. only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutual assured destruction. without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders, democrats will continue to charge future republican presidents without restraint. john is a former deputy assistant attorney general. john, what would that look like, prosecuting democrats, be specific. thank you for having me on. i have to say, that was a great article you were just reading from. jesse: thank you. what a wonderful scholar. [ laughter ] this is what it would look like. you would have to have republican das indict hunter biden or indict joe biden just in the way that blue state das have been indicting president trump. and would it be for it would be for things like corruption, fraud, bribery, because that s the only way i think you can get democrats to stop abusing the legal system, to stop breaking the norms that they have. i was listening to your introduction to the segment and look, the democrats are so scared because they have broken all of these rules. they have crossed the rubicon and now they are worried because once they ve destroyed these norms in the way they ve gone after trump, they realize republicans can turn around and do the exact same thing to them. jesse: we heard a guy at the top, a consultant to trump in 2020, say that trump should promise to pardon hunter back preemptively back as a kind of way to rise above things and flip the script on democrats. you are saying trump wins, local das go after joe and hunter and go further than that. what other avenues or areas do you think republican das or prosecutors could legitimately do in order to get accountability? well one thing they can look at his influence peddling beyond just the biden family. are there other democratic politicians who engage in the same kind of conduct? they get their brothers hired, their sisters hired, their kids hired by foreign governments, foreign corporations or even u.s. corporations. and then try to help those companies out. look, the justice department actually goes after a lot of american companies when they due exactly the same thing abroad. if you were in exon and you hired say the sun of the head of saudi arabia, he would be prosecuted like that. so why can t republican das do the same here in the united states? and look, i don t want this norm to have been broken. i wish we were not using the criminal justice system to interfere in politics, but how else could you deter democratic das from doing the same thing? if you don t, they will just keep doing it and doing it worse and worse. jesse: insider-trading could probably be an area where prosecutors would have a field day. just look at nancy pelosi, look at some of these members of congress. could the sec get involved there? it could be the sec but it could just be, and this is the thing that the democrats really started, it wasn t just the justice department, it was leading any sitting county da go after trump. there are 2500 elected das in the country and so to really establish, and this is all to rebuild the norm, to get people to stop doing this, then you would allow republican das and in say texas or florida to ask why does a democratic senator or democratic congressman go into office and then 20 years later they seem to have millions of dollars and multiple mentions like bernie sanders? jesse: so don t do what jesus would do. don t love my enemy. [ laughter ] play the long game. jesus wasn t running for president. [ laughter ] jesse: john yoo, thank you so much. new hoax alert, right back. 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[ ] arab spring break might be over by the occupiers are still at it. over 100 hamas lovers marched into ucla holding fake dead bodies in looking to set up a new campus caliphate. but this time the cops weren t having it and started arresting the ecology hotties before they could pitch their tents. watch. [ crowd noise ] [ bleep ] [ chanting ] no racist police! [ bleep ] jesse: if they can occupy campus, they occupy a subway. a horde went underground, they love tunnels, fighting with cops, vandalized trains and demanding any jews identify themselves. [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ] [ chanting ] shut it down! raise your hand if you are a zionist. this is your chance to get out. jesse: a mostly peaceful commute, unless you happen to be jewish. crime so out of control looters are back and there s not even a reason to riot. [ crowd noise ] jesse: the whole mop recorded the rampage. one arrest. in seattle where they told johnny there s no crime, there s gang shootouts in residential neighborhoods. [ gunshots ] jesse: in new york, maniacs with knives are lunging at cops. let go of the knife! give me another taser. all right, all right. jesse: and in san francisco it was just another day that ended in the letter y. [ engine roars ] jesse: a sideshow with fires, burnouts and roman candles, those are fun. blatant and outrageous crimes occurring on a daily basis coast-to-coast but biden is running for reelection so the fbi is telling you crime is down. attorney and retired nypd inspector paul moreau. the fbi comes out and says crime is way down. is that true? no. let s just break it out in a simple way from the get-go. forty% of the nations police departments don t report to the fbi with their crime numbers. what a coincidence. let s do the roll call. new york, la, chicago, baltimore, washington, dc which is federal themselves. consequently, what do they have in common? big blue cities with high crime rates and those numbers are not going into the crime reports. furthermore, the fbi has a habit of trying to extrapolate those numbers. nothing is more dull than statistics but it s interesting what they do. for instance, this quarter when joe biden is claiming violent crime is down, he s focusing on murders, murders are down the nypd and the fbi murder number for this year are different by 44%. jesse: wait a second. and it looks like the new york city number is a little higher than the fbi is telling. and by the way, they use the same definition so it s not like the devil is in the details, the same order definition, they are off by 44%. you can t trust these numbers and just consider this, the videos you just showed, most of what you just showed would not be captured in any crime numbers. jesse: why not? that was a knife attack on a police officer, we saw i believe a shoot out in a residential neighborhood. that is legitimately classified as a shooting. they probably got that for in new york for instance you have to hit someone for that to be a shooting incident. jesse: i can empty my clip but if i miss, they don t count that? that s right. [ laughter ] and look, the bottom line is, quality of life is not captured in any of the fbi numbers and if you live in the blue city, walk outside and use your eyes. and by the way, what with the arrests be for those people who were yelling about jews on the train? where the hate crimes? where are the fbi hate crimes task force and all these other none of that gets captured. jesse: zero he crimes on that subway. just a handful of arrests. it looked like a music video in san francisco with the fires and the skits. and joe biden is talking about how he s supporting law enforcement, all-pro law enforcement. the day he came to town, he went to radio city, he had five hours before that event, he did not pick up the phone and call the family. donald trump went to that wake. if you don t think america s law enforcement sees that and will vote commensurately, you are not paying attention. jesse: thank you paul. jake ball joints primetime , next. 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[ ] jesse: young voters used to be la up for democrats on election day but now they are heckling joe biden, voting trump or straight up disappeared. why is that? war, high prices, biden is 140. so the democrats came up with a new plan to win back young voters, free beer and birth control. the washington post writes, a group of democratic donors think they may have found a cure for what ails you. they want to make politics looked different, like a dance party or comedy show or just a place to chill out. sometimes there will be free beer, manicures, boot shines, rent check sweepstakes, a handout of contraceptive pills or cooling towels, whatever those are. and if the booze, birth-control and boot shines don t work, maybe hollywood marketing well. won t pack down, get it? hired millenial and gen z directors back writers and producers to help craft pro biden content that is specifically engineered does sell an octogenarian candidate to typically disillusioned and hard-to-reach voters under 30. biden paid off their school loans and they still hate him? what a waste of money. professional boxer jake paul joins me now. so jake if the democrats gave you free beer, would you vote biden? man, it will take more than that, but it does not have to do to me it does not have to do with democrat or republican, it s about which president is going to fight for us and who is going to represent us the best way possible. and that s really what the young people in america want. we won t solutions, we don t want all of this marketing, we don t want all of the the yes. this is the smartest generation. we ve had the most access to information and knowledge out of any other generation, so you can t fool us. we just want the truth and we want authenticity. jesse: what are the solutions you want for, what s the problem? man, there s a lot to name. jesse: we only have a couple minutes. that s not necessarily my area of expertise, but i know people are struggling with jobs, mortgages, too much for people to afford. inflation, prices are going up and is minimum wage rising? people are having trouble paying off and going to school, and then they are feeling like i have this college degree but what has this gotten me? i believe there s a massive problem with our food. the stuff they are putting into our bodies and allowing a grocery stores is causing massive health problems. i think there needs to be a massive conversation with a national institution of health. that s why i created it gotta try this stuff, it smells delicious, but i wanted to make it, a product that took out all the weird stuff for young men and boys across the world because it matters what we are putting in an on our bodies and so definitely there s a lot of things. jesse: wait, jake, was that just body spray? yes. this is w body spray deodorant and body wash. i ve been working on this for two years and it s available in walmart nationwide right now. jesse: you gotta send over the skincare line to primetime . we will sample it and give it a review. your brother was just with trump let s watch the clip. explain what was going on here. jesse: what was that? yeah, no, i thick my brother is having trump on his podcast and i think that s what s important to young voters, is the president showing up, speaking their mind, saying how they are going to help. my brother has invited biden onto his podcast, the last i ve heard, and let s see what happens. i ve invited biden to my fight. i want both donald trump junior and biden to come to my fight but who knows which president is actually going to show up, talk to the people, it into the weeds and meet the young voters where they are at, give them that representation and give them that voice and somebody who will fight for us. jesse: so what s the deal with the fight? i heard mike had heart problems and it was postponed. what s next? he had stomach issues. but the fight is rescheduled to november 15th. same everything, dallas, texas, at&t stadium, still historic night live on netflix. mike says he will still knock me out and i just bought a little bit of extra time. jesse: well send that body spray this way. i have to sit next to dana perino and i have to be smelling good, if you know what i mean. jake paul, everybody check him out, and the skincare line w. no relation. [ ] jesse: time for waters mack cooler. let s bring in cat and friends watters cooler legendary hot dog eating champ was banned from this year s nathan sauder david and contest after he signed a deal with a vegan wiener brand. is that fare? you sign a deal was someone, we have that here at fox. we can t just go on cnn. coral, he s freelance so he did not sign anything, he s just a guest. jesse: so carl can go on cnn. if he wanted to. but if i were joey chestnut, i would be petty. i would compete along anyway. i bring my own hotdogs and i would sit there at coney island and fill myself film myself doing it and beat everyone anyway. jesse: ute the impossible dogs. that might give them a tactical advantage. go in the crowd into it anyway. win from afar. don t get mad, get petty. jesse: wise words. next up, a mom says she charges other parents who bring their kids over for a play date. are you ready? this mom charges three dollars for a bag of goldfish, two dollars for yogurt, one dollar for three squirts of soap. one dollar. four dollars for two juice boxes, four dollars for markers, five dollars for electricity, four dollars for meat sticks, three dollars for an ice cream bar and a ten-dollar cleaning fee. she s billing the other parents for the play date at her house. i don t think this is real but for the sake of television i will pretend that i do. jesse: i ve never done that before. not without the disclaimer. i think she s a troll and it s a good thing. that makes me want to have kids so that i can have my kids friends over and then send the bill. send it over and see how they handle it. i think it would be a really good test. if somebody said what is this, what are you doing? that s how you know you have a real friend. if someone says no problem, you know that person is talking about you behind your back. jesse: you have strong moral character. i do they when a lot of people don t realize but you do. next up, kit cats with catch up is all everybody is talking about. sounds disgusting. probably is but we have to try it. you squirt yourself. are you going to eat it? your not any need it. he just put a little squirt on their. right on there it. i never have agreed to do this. jesse: i m gonna go. let s go. cheers. it s not good. jesse: not good. that s so bad. i don t like this at all. so bad. jesse: do something with it. throw it at johnny. i don t like it. jesse: well, tell me about your dog. my dog is named karl. he has and instagram and he s greg s dogs uncle. i got the stock first. jesse: so greg stole your idea? they are biologically related got is the nephew of my dog carl jesse: a family tree. of dogs. jesse: a beautiful dog. i kind of like yours better than cost. shots fired. thank you for entering the ketchup and kit kat. the spartan race, that s next. [ ] when you re in the military you re really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how s it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he s always coming over. when i go to jack s house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning and ski with my fa when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. mily, i can t put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i m still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don t mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that s probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they re going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now choose advil liqui-gels and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. jesse: the spartan race you have to see this you know what it is 5 k through mud that s a killer. under barbed wire you have to crawl. monkey bars you have to swing. rope climb there s gerrit a 75-pound barrel there. wall climb it s like an hour or 2 hours and all day event. we ll let part 2 tomorrow with video a bunch of fox people involved with the primetime tear crew was there they wanted me to do it i pretended like i didn t hear them lets do some text messages. how we from new jersey says give biden a break maybe he watches waters window and uses his will for daily ice plunges. gary from tallahassee the last time biden brought someone to a pool he wrapped a chain over there and neck mccarthy is lucky he s breathing. alan from grove city pennsylvania trump pardoning hunter blessing those who kirsten a start of healing and uniting that america needs. is that possible? donnie from eugene, oregon. it you think they would pardon eric or donald trump junior? that s a no. stewart from colorado, jesse please don t laugh at jesus he s the only 1 new has it together. i didn t laugh at jesus i laughed with jesus. and andy from albuquerque new mexico. waters what s with you read hoping for a sob gate there soft daisies sound like opera man up. jesse: it s for sporting claves get it. sean: kamal khera seats know for breakfast. what you eat for breakfast? sean is next remember that i am waters and this is my world. sean: welcome to hannity. tonight and biden s attorney general merrick garland has rightfully been held in contempt of congress will you be held accountabl

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hypersonic missiles it is when those modern russian navy ships that vladimir putin has in his navy and is at this moment bring havana harbor, one of four of these ships, including nuclear-powered submarine that is expected to arrive today in cuba, arrived in the next few hours into havana harbor. you see it just coming up behind that statue there as it makes its way into the port of havana. and there are russian ships, russian naval ships that come to cuba over the years. i don t remember what a convoy as large as this, a convoy that has the latest weaponry that vladimir putin to has at his disposal. so while it may not be a direct threat to the united states, it is very symbolic because vladimir putin has been talking recently about how if the us will deploy weaponry his borders. he could do the same to dus certainly. meaning countries like cuba or venezuela. the cuban armed forces that can government have said that they, these ships are not carrying any nuclear warheads that they re not a threat. this is a friendly visit, but we all know the history. of course, it s only 60 years ago that of course, we re rushing water heads up based in cuba. no one expects that to happen now, but certainly this is a message that behind me right now, this morning you have russian warships coming into havana harbor. some of the most modern, the vladimir putin has. you couldn t have expected, couldn t ask for a more quad profile visit in this limits taking place right behind right behind me as we speak yeah. it s wild to see it right over your shoulder, patrick, it s so great to have you there and it s great to see you as always. thank you so much. a new rmc and a new central starts now president biden on his way to approve, she ll overseas trip we are standing by at joint base andrews where for the first time it is possible he could speak on the criminal conviction of his son, hunter. confusion over the status of khan hostage and ceasefire talks in the middle east as a barrage of missiles is fired into israel, we are expecting to hear from secretary of state antony blinken shortly today, a vote that could change the future of the country s largest protestant denomination sarah signer is out, i m john berman with kate bolduan and this is cnn news central president biden. it will be making his way for italy where he will be attending the high stakes meetings of the g7 summit. biden heading up first from delaware, where he was spending time with his family hey, after his son hunter was convicted just yesterday on federal gun charges, that guilty verdict is one of many things you could expect is on the president s fine as he is heading off to meet with world leaders, which huge issues on their agenda the israel-hamas war, supporting let me a huge loan for ukraine and also the impact in future of ai for these major economies, among many other topics, another interesting fact, five of these eight liters that will be meeting in italy are all facing serious election challengers. joe biden included, cnn s priscilla alvarez, nic robertson, joining us with both on this. priscilla what is on the mind and the mission of president biden today okay. as you just mentioned elections in the united states and around the world could really change the geopolitics. and that is it s top of mind for president biden, just as it was last week. and this time around, donald trump s shadow will loom large over this g7 summit and some similar ways that it did when the president was commemorating d-day in france last week, the president is going to be arriving three years almost two the de, of when he attended the g7 summit in his first term. and at that time, us official said that the president was met with world leaders with relief and enthusiasm that he had won the election. and this is going to be part of what is part of the president s argument moving forward because the us is trying to strengthen its alliance and reaffirm its leaves your ship on the world stage and it becomes quite clear when we re talking about ukraine that has been top of mind for the president last week, including this week and that is something that it s going to be discussed among the leaders because there is, as the president says, the need to preserve democracies around the world. and that is clearest with ukraine. now, we know that the united states is pushing for a $50 $50,000,000,000 loan to ukraine using frozen russian assets. so the aid will be something again, top of mind as the president publicly apologize and a rare move last week to the ukrainian president because aid had been stalled, given what had occurred in congress. so all of this is expected to come up. the president and ukrainian president zelenskyy are going to participate in a news conference, but of course, this is not the only thing happening around the world. you have this situation in the middle east, climate change china combating their influence around around the world. and of course, ai. so all of that is on the agenda for the president to discuss with world leaders. pope francis also will be there to talk about ai. so the president meeting with all of them over the three-day visit to italy priscilla, thank you so much, nick. you re in italy take us into that agenda. those agenda items and what s at stake for all of these world leaders yeah, one of the big issues for the italian prime minister giorgia meloni, who s hosting this event is of course, the massive amount of migration immigrants that have arrived in italy over the last several years. and one of the ways that the g7 nations have typically try to address this in the past is looking at development projects and sub-saharan africa. so the first issue on the agenda will be africa, will be development as well as the climate because of course, the changing climate is a driver for people to leave their homes where the economies are becoming less stable and move. in many cases out of africa towards europe. so that will be a big issue. and of course, migration a familiar issue for president biden, but the context in europe is a little different. there will be on the second day, a specific agenda item of migration. the second item, ukraine, that funding of ukraine through a $50 $50,000,000,000 loan to be financed from frozen russian assets. there are technical details here about how do you do it. do you sort of push it all off on the eu to help underwrite it. they have collected budget about one point 2 $2 trillion there are about $300 billion of frozen assets. how do you really finance it? united states looks like it s going to shoulder some of that some of that burden along with the european union to underwrite it, if you will not, to put forward the money itself it s great to see your neck and so great to have you there for these meetings, priscilla. thank you so much. much more to come on this jaume. this morning. 200 missiles fired into israel how, how will that impact ceasefire and hostage talks? secretary of state anthony blinken will speak in any moment. quote. it throws a bit of sand in the gears of people suggesting the biden department of justice has been engineered to go after from what some republicans are now saying that the president s son has been convicted of federal gun charges and then three comedians and the pope walk into a bar. okay, it s not a bar and it s actually more than three comedian stephen colbert, chris rock will be goldberg and others, all with pope francis. why the. most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmet, winning a bond on this project. i asked mark, do you want here s an idea let s ask markham. that s good now. now, launch a couple ones were the people with all the answers get all the answers. ask markham, accountants and advisers. you ve 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that helps let s treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don t take if allergic to nurture echo dt allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time. we all do or health care provider about nortech ott from pfizer? the athletes in awe or pushing the limit of what i m capable i m ready to show the world good. i am, i ve trained all over the globe and that s what you re going to see an awl whole different b, c, w wednesday night dynamite tonight at eight i tbs all right. you are looking at live pictures from dot doha in qatar, these empty podium right now, we are waiting to hear from the us secretary of state anthony blinken, amid confusion over what is happening with the ceasefire and hostage negotiations in the middle east. and israeli official described the hamas response to the most recent proposal as a rejection, but a diplomatic source tells cnn that hamas is neither accepted nor rejected it. let s get right to cnn s oren liebermann live in tel aviv with the latest. so where do things stand as we re waiting on us secretary of state john, this will be an incredibly important statement from secretary of state antony blinken because it will give us the us perspective and whether blinken sees a path forward here, that is what we need to hear as well as from the countries. how do they view the boss response? president joe biden put forward a us back proposal 13 days ago hamas finally responded yesterday according to a source familiar with the talks, they offered some amendments to the proposal israel, according to an israeli official view that as a rejection of the proposal, but it s unclear how blinken the country s the egyptians, the crucial negotiators here view that and whether there s a path forward, that is what we hope to to learn, or whether once again, this entire effort has fallen apart when it comes down to the details as it has so many times before. meanwhile, in the midst of this blinken diplomatic flurry throughout the region, the un has issued a report of the first months of the war the most in-depth investigation carried out by the the un commission of inquiry to this point. and it concludes that both israel and palestinian militant groups, including hamas, have committed war crimes and violated national humanitarian law at the beginning of the war, the investigation looks at october 7 to december 31st, the end of last year. so the first two-and-a-half months and in it, the un concludes the both israel and palestinian militant groups carried out acts of torture committed sexual violence and intentionally attacks civilians. the findings are based on interviews with witnesses, victims media reports, as well as open in source material that they were able to verify. perhaps not surprisingly, the hamas portion of the investigation focused on october 7, and that is where the un found that hamas intentionally targeted civilians, carried out acts of murder and torture, outrageous upon personal dignity, dignity, and taking hostages, including children. now it has to be noted that the un found that israel has in systemic and widespread way targeted civilians in its campaign in gaza. and it s bombardment of gaza. israel did not cooperate with the report and dismissed it or rejected it earlier. today as anti-israel discrimination coming from the un. john in oren, it s been an intense several hours between israel and hezbollah inside lebanon over israel s northern border. what hundreds of missiles fired into thrill approximately 200 rockets at this point, this is some of the most intense fighting we have seen across that border. and sometimes it gets even close to this level, the fear of course, is even further escalation in a region that has already seen escalation question over the course of the past couple of weeks. so last night the idf says it carried out a strike in southern lebanon that took out a hamas hezbollah commander. abu tallied in response, we are seeing this barrage for some 200 rockets that have sparked fires in northern israel enforced evacuations. the fear here is a further escalation can open up another front in the war. and that s exactly what we re watching right now. and to see where this goes from here, john wright, oren liebermann for us in tel aviv, a lot going on this morning or i thank you very much for that new information about the man accused of hijacking a plus and killing a passenger while leading police, police on a chase in rush hour traffic and the reaction for right-wing media has been noticeably different to hunter biden s guilty verdict compared to a another recent try i voted buttons dragging my remote kid. it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone yeah chins, pew rainbows there 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727289, or visit my back join me a like it s hard besides this morning president biden s son, hunter biden, wakes up a convicted felon, and despite that, after the news broke yesterday, donald trump s staunch supporters for right media personalities still maintain justice was not served. donald trump junior even suggesting that the case was done in order to create the illusion of equal justice under the law, students a desk gold has much more on this hadassah. you re tracking all of the response from the halls of congress to the halls of right-wing media. what is going on here? we saw sort of two themes really emerged. one was this was a case finally of justice served a lot of praise for the judge who was a trump appointee. but then there was sort of more sinister conspiracy theory emerging that this was actually all sort of cover up for larger crimes. and that s what you saw, don junior are pointing to, but i want to start with that. this was a good trial, quite a different reaction from this right-wing media sphere to what we saw in reaction to the trump trial, which was also guilty verdicts also brought by a jury of their peers, but just take a listen here. this is fox news host janine, period. the difference between how she reacted to the trump trial to how she reacted to the verdict yesterday? this is a new error in america, and i think it goes against the elc of who we are as americans and our faith in the criminal justice system this will be very difficult to get a reverse alon. it was handled by judge noriega, who is an experienced judge who didn t play any games. she was as fair to the defense as she was to the prosecution so quite a different sort of tone there over the exact same verdict from a jury of their peers. but then you go into further into the right-wing media sphere and you get something else, you get what they say is essentially a larger conspiracy theory, even though this was a guilty verdict. here is right-wing talk show host early kirk in a tweet, he says, hunter biden, guilty. jan, the true crimes of the biden crime family remain untouched. this is a fake trial trying to make the justice system appear balanced, don t fall for it. this is also something that donald trump campaign tout. it s pushing the conspiracy theory that president biden has taken money from foreign governments and that this whole trial was just to try to cover up for it, tried to give something to take away from what they say is a larger, unfounded conspiracy theory in this sunday of that donald trump junior also spouting in a live conversation on x saying it s not even close to justice, saying it s trying to create the illusion of equal justice under the law. and this goes to show you how the far fringes of the protein trump media world. they have drifted into just sort of automatic conspiracy theories that the default is a conspiracy theory when the do s does not justify their point of view that image of hitting the automatic conspiracy theory button is stuck in my head right now hadassah it s good to see you. thank you so much, jaume. with me now, democratic strategists, former senior adviser to bernie sanders 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns. chuck raja and former trump administration official, matt mauer in gentlemen, what s so interesting here, there was a piece and politico this morning in their playbook where you had both democrats and republicans saying the quiet part out loud when it comes to the hunter biden trial in mat, i want to go to you first with jason wrote like a republican strategist two does real republican campaign says, quote, it throws a bit of sand in the gears of people s suggesting the biden department of justice has been engineered to go after trump. we have this. i think we re going to graph pick it up one feature of the modern republican party is ignoring facts that don t support the argument in sometimes embracing the conspiracy theories that do what about that? although it can be, i know we just played the two clips from fox news, but i imagined if i wasn t watching msnbc last night because of course i was watching cnn. but if we had, i got to match them just noticeably more quiet than it would ve been two weeks ago after the conviction, new york. and so look, both sides are going to play the politics it s the way they feel they need to on this. clearly the trump campaign s going to try to highlight the inadequacy they felt in their case and downplay what happened yesterday, the same way you re hearing pretty much silence outside of a pretty basic statement out from the white house yesterday about hunter biden s conviction yesterday here s the truth of it. all this race between donald trump and joe biden right now. so static that both of these have had relatively little impact on the actual results of any poll right now, this election at the end of the de is gonna be decided by a very, very, very narrow set of swing voters. and those swing voters are likely going to say the talks and all their houses, they ve already disapproval, both candidates, this just adds to that fire are going to ultimately vote on what they believe is in the best interests for them and their families in november. and i think the first campaign to recognize that and grab onto that is likely going to be the candidate that wins in november i will say the reaction for most democrats has been respect the rule of law and to the trump verdict, it was respect the rule of law. and with republicans, the response to the trump verdict was outraged and the response to that hunter biden verdict is conspiracy. there is a vast difference here in those reactions. i do want to ask you, chuck joe crowley, if former congressman from new york, it as far as making a statement, democrats saying the quiet part out loud says, quote, it s the silver lining. they weren t looking for maybe suggesting in some ways this helps president biden in his reelection i think that it s distinguishable because the younger biden is not the president. and so what you get to see is joe biden be a caring father for a son who had a substance abuse program who was in one of those who i think gets sympathy, people always run to their corners on the right or the left and that tried a small group of folks would decide the outcome. but when you can personalize the president, whose demagogue on the right all the time because of his age or anything else they can find and he can become more human as a political consultant who runs campaigns every single day those are the little moments i m looking for when a president can be more human and not just this thing that we see on the news all day long or i want to get your reaction to something that paul i think we have the paul ryan sound all so do we have paul ryan talking on fox? we don t have paul ryan. well, paul ryan, the former speaker of the house, went on fox news, matt yesterday and said the types of things that paul ryan has really said, frankly, since 2020, he said that donald trump isn t fit to be president. and he said it right on fox news for many conservative viewers to hear this upset i should say, supporters of donald trump, including congressmen troy nehls, listen to what he said paul ryan, you re a piece of garbage. you re a piece of garbage. and we should kick you out of the party for paul ryan to say he s not vote for donald trump. that s the problem with some of our republicans. its guys like that. don t go spout in your mouth often, same euro conservative. your spit in the face of the leader of our party, donald trump. i m grow up a little bit doesn t really sound like big ten. they re mad no. i mean, look, if you you mentioned that this foot paul ryan been saying since 2020, that s been made, been saying it publicly since 2020, but it s essentially what he s been saying even privately since 2016. and there s been a literal books written on on that, so i don t think this really comes as much of a surprise to anyone. there are certainly going to be a sliver of the party which is going to say they re knocking support donald trump as the nominee. and what s going to be interesting by nicely looking at polling every single day what i m looking for is, which can t is going to be able to hold onto the larger share of their own party, going november, it s amazing, despite talks like this, despite discussions at division and the republican party, despite high profile republicans saying they want support doctrine, he still maintains actually much stronger course of work from registered republican voters than joe biden does from democratic voters. and that just gets the core of one, the bigger political challenges for the white house right now now is that it s upwards of over 20% of their core based right now, it s saying they may not support joe biden or donald trump is holding almost anywhere between 85 to 90% of his own party right now. so despite paul ryan basically saying ways been saying for almost a decade now, not much has changed that i ll trump s still as of today as a stronger fold on the republic welcome party than joe biden does on the democratic party. and that s why you re seeing in the head impulse right now? yeah. chuck, what about matt s point there? paul ryan saying what he says, who does that actually convince well i would push back on that just a little bit. we ve had elections last night in ohio and every tuesday we ve had an election and all these states were republican primary motors got to pick on who they wanted and about 80% have picked trump to his point but 20% of pick nikki haley, who ain t even running for president no more. so i wouldn t say he s got that consolidated. we got our own problems with democrats but our base is pretty secure with joe biden s one has been getting about 90 or 95% and what do you see for paul ryan represents a lot of common sense economic driven republicans in the suburb who were sick and tired. of donald trump. there was a primary internationally, a special election in ohio yesterday, ohio s sixth congressional district in a district any trump won by like 29 points where the heavily finance republican candidate, one. but by around ten points or even a little bit less, any source of concern there, matt no. i mean, look, yeah, you re seeing a bit of a juxtaposition compared to special elections almost ten years ago, republicans traditionally have had habitual voters on their side, older voters, voters with college degrees. lately, those are two groups have been shifting to democratic party while the republican party is doing much better with voters without college degrees and even younger voters who are much harder to turn out in a special election scenario like we saw in ohio yesterday. i think you re going to see likely a republican carry that district again by 20 plus points in the november general election. it is an interesting dichotomy though you go back just a few cycles ago. chuck and i probably on opposite pages about looking at these special election results. it is the scenario right now we re republicans are doing better in presidential elections because they re pulling out different voters who may not show up outside of the big, the big show every four years. now, there is really something happening interesting in the special luncheon with the high and low propensity voters there. thanks for pointing it out that mauer is great to see you chuck wrote that culture as always nice to see you as well right now, president biden is headed to italy ahead of the g7 summit. big issues on the agenda, of course, include the israel hamas war, the war in ukraine, the impact of ai on the world. that with all the political term let me, while we will talk about that gold one second, but let s go to doha right now. secretary blinken speaking there now as you heard him say, we were together just yesterday in jordan, had a conference to work to rally more international support to address the dire humanitarian crisis in gaza. qatar has already shown remarkable generosity and helping people in such urgent need providing 4,700 tons of food medicine and other life-saving aid at yesterday s conference in ounces $400 million more in additional support from the united states too. the palestinians that brings the total amount that we ve provided to $670 million in additional us assistance to the yeah. palestinians any eight months that this war has been going on we ve long been the leading provider of support to palestinians. and we we will continue to do everything we can to support them particularly in this time of need we re also continuing to work every single day on it pre-seen the flow of assistance into gaza and making sure that it gets to people who need it within gaza working to improve civilian protection working to secure the release of hostages now single, most effective and most immediate way to end the suffering of people in gaza to end the suffering of palestinians and israelis alike to tackle the humanitarian assistance crisis, to prevent the conflict from, further escalating and spreading to other places is to get ceasefire that allows us to get to work toward a more durable end to the conflict here again qatar has been tireless partner in the prime minister personally, a tireless partner in working to mediate a ceasefire and a hostage release something that the prime minister and i first discussed here on october 13th and many times since 12 days ago president biden s set out a ceasefire proposal rooted in core principles of releasing all the hostages surging assistance into gaza guaranteeing israel security providing a path to an enduring and to war. and starting the massive reconstruction for gaza the entire world almost without fail has been behind this proposal and we heard it again and again and again. individual countries pronouncing themselves in support in this region and beyond. important groups like the g7, the honorably palestinian authority israel and of course just two days ago, the united nations security council leaders in the region that i ve met with over the last couple of days they have reaffirmed that. again and again and again so we re waiting on one response and that was the response it s from hamas and as the prime minister said, last night, we received a response hamas has proposed numerous changes to the posel that was on the table. we discussed those changes last night with a different colleagues and today with the prime minister some of the changes are workable. some are not here in a nutshell is where we stand a deal was on the table that was virtually identical to proposal that hamas before on may the sixth a deal that the entire world is behind a deal israel is accepted hamas could have answered with a single word yes instead hamas weighted nearly two weeks and then propose more changes a number of which go beyond positions that had previously taken an accepted as a result, you heard the prime minister say this the war that hamas started on october 7. but this barbaric attack on israel and on israeli civilians we ll go on more people will suffer. palestinians will suffer more, israelis will suffer but in the days ahead we are going to continue to push on an urgent basis with our partners with qatar with egypt to try to close this deal. because we know it s in the interests of israelis, palestinians. the region indeed, the entire world and we all three that the deal has to be grounded in the principles at the ceasefire proposal that the entire international community supports there s something nelson s critical and the prime minister alluded to it it s also crucial that we get from the immediate ceasefire that we re working personally to achieve to an enduring end and in order to do that and to do that effectively we have to have plans for the day after the conflict ganzen, gaza, and we need to have them as soon as possible for months. we ve been working with partners throughout the region on such a plan and that was also key focus conversations i ve had over the last couple of days in the coming weeks, we will put forward proposals for key elements of the day after plan, including concrete ideas for how to manage governance security reconstruction that plan is key to turning a ceasefire into an enduring end to the conflict. but also turning an end of war into a just and durable peace. and using that he s using that piece as a foundation for building a more integrated more stable more prosperous region over the course of but what s now my eighth visit to the region since october 7 everyone that i ve engaged with has made clear that this is the path they want to pursue. now i can t speak for hamas or answer for hamas and ultimately, it may not be the path that hamas wants to pursue. but hamas cannot and will not be allowed to decide the future for this region that s people enough dialogue and majorly less. so i lower zero on had known have numbering connected jazeera what we ve just been listening to is secretary of state tony blinken can he in doha and these are his first remarks. first real response since they have received the response from hamas to the hostage and ceasefire proposal has now been on the table. the reaction from tony blinken important. he says that hamas in its response proposed numerous changes. some are workable, some are not. he says tony blinken, though, making very clear that this is on hamas at this point because he went into detail on how many nations, how many regions of the world have come together to agree and support this proposal? just this week, the un in security council giving its endorsement to this proposal, the g7, the arrow league, israel, all saying yes to this proposal. and tony blinken saying hamas could have ended this essentially and start to bring about to bring an end to the suffering with a simple yes but now more changes are being proposed and asked for requested and demanded by hamas for this to come to an end. we re going to continue to cover this, but this is an important development in what has now in what is now been this kind of waiting period to see what was going to come and how much hope to put behind this proposal that president biden laid out 12 days ago. jaume anti-bullying, very careful with words there, but suggesting that hamas is moving the goalposts. we do have brain picking economic news, new inflation data just out showing it came in cooler than analysts were expecting. how much good news is this for the economy? the sirens are going off the tornado here you cannot out swim this. you cannot outrun it really is a terrifying experience. it is the stuff of nightmares you could hear it and feel it. nick eyes and my throat were buried. i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it. along with earth, with leah whenever sunday at nine on cnn bombast makes absurdly comfortable underwear made to move with you. not on you. because your basic 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t have to. when you sign up at shining through cid, you ll find inspiration and real patients stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more see idp can be tough, but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up is shining through be heard, be hopeful the eu with fast sides, create factory great visual solutions it s perfect. your process cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19 the greatest general in history his body and his tomb are missing expertise, you know? the new season begins with the hunt for alexander the great s tomb. next wednesday, if nine and discovery and stream on max bragging moments ago, the latest read on inflation, just in inflation cooling off last month for health here with much more on this good news, i come bearing some better news this island rating for the caveats, but please exactly takeaways. so yeah. so cpi, the consumer price index, of course, a basket of goods and services. the government tracks the change in price. so this coming in, this index, coming in for may at 3.3% on an annual basis certainly better than the peak. but a reminder that this is the fed s goals. so this is where we re trying to get to. but 3.3% that is slightly better than we saw at the month prior. it is also better than expectations. so we like to see that when you look at cpi on a monthly basis, this is where the real good news cause this is where the gift is 0% remaining unchanged on a monthly basis, right? so the index pretty much remaining flat. the last it s how we saw this, you d have to go all the way back to july, i think of 2022. so you certainly like to see that. i want to talk really quickly about sectors on a monthly basis because this gives you a sense of where prices are still rising and where they re falling. so shelter which has been really stubborn shelter, you think the price to put a roof over your head, think about rent. you think about there s a component for mortgages. so that increased again on a monthly basis and food slightly increased. but as you can see on this graphic here, just so slightly on the other hand, we saw prices fall for gas in a pretty big way. we saw prices fall for apparel as well, and airline fares also came down. so the reason why this is really important in general, but certainly on a day like today when we re getting hit with a double whammy effect of economic event is it just gives us a sense, not just of where prices have been, but also where rates are going. and when we hear from jay powell, the federal reserve chairman, and about six hours from now, we don t expect this softer inflation report to necessarily change what we hear from him, then we re not expecting a rate cut. this meeting, but perhaps now that we re getting more welcoming inflation data, maybe that means a rate cut. maybe later this summer, maybe early this fall, which after the string of inflation reports that we have been getting, that we re actually hotter than expected that was even a big question. so for change, i come with some are better than expected news, inflation cooling for the month of may, we ll wait a few hours to hear what j power has to say about this. i m sure he will have something to say. and quite a day getting this report this morning, and then the announcement the fed policy this afternoon, it s great to see you. thank you. likewise that inflation, that a whole bunch of investors are looking at that going oh, really liking that this morning, 6 million people across southern florida are bracing for a new round of flooding. this after sarasota saw nearly a month s worth of rain last night, last night alone. and it comes as heat waves out west are bringing triple digit temperatures there. it is hot meteorologist elisa rafah with us this morning, very hot out there. lisa yes. an incredibly early in the season for it to be this hard. we ve had multiple consecutive days in las vegas and phoenix with those temperatures over 100 degrees, these places hit their earliest 110 degree temperatures on record about. a week or two ago. now that heat is going to start to slide east as we go into the weekend and going into next week, we re going to start to find extreme measures of heat risk as we go into monday. now this is a new map, a new product that we have that s with the national weather service and the cdc to convey his sickness and heat risk when you re looking at the symptoms of heat sickness, you re looking at maybe dizziness, headaches, some cool and pale skin. is that could be a sign of heat exhaustion. you want to watch out for that if it gets worse, you could even be working at unconsciousness and confusion for symptoms of heat stroke. so these are things that we need to watch out for. again we ve had this extreme pete pretty early in the season. so you ll want to make sure that you re looking at exercising either early or late to avoid that pq, you wanna wear lightweight, light-colored closed drink lots of water. remember to check on children, elderly and pads, and remember that these cards could get incredibly hot. it only takes minutes for these cars two get to a level that can be deadly. now, heat is the biggest killer in the us on average, me look at that, how it sticks out, not hurricanes, not tornadoes, flooding is right behind it, but heat is our biggest killer and that s important because as our climate continues to warm our extreme heat days are getting even hotter. this is becoming an even greater risk that doctors and medical agencies have come out calling climate change a public health crisis. you have 32 more risky heat days in phoenix since 1970. again, just exacerbating this problem. john. yeah, graphics like that, charts like that just so concerning lisa rafah. thanks so much for being with us. the southern baptist convention just kicked out a church in virginia for having female pastors. another vote, vote of the convention on the role of women and in the church is happening today health, this morning brought to you by amgen, learn more about thyroid disease at, is it if you have graves disease, your eyes symptoms could mean something more that gritty feeling can be brushed away even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious maybe behind those itchy eyes up to 50% of people with graves it was could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor see an expert, find a ted is specialist at is-it the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america s future cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, denied life on cnn and streaming on max they cracked the code on shopping for auto insurance, experian compares your current coverage with over 40 top providers i saved over 800 bucks. we do the work. you saved the money free at slash car if we weren t proud of the craftsmanship and level of 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with female pastors are standing. is this is likely to pass the band seen ryan young joins us now with the latest ryan, what are you hearing? john this is likely to pass from what we re learning just last year, they had a preliminary vote and it seemed like the members went along with this, but i should tell you this is big news because you re talking about some 13 million members who are part of this church organization. and what we know, the 10,000 members will be having that discussion today. there will be a debate something that will be monitoring throughout day. but what we know is almost 47,000 churches are linked to this association. on top of that, women working in pastoral roles at about 100 churches. and this could affect black church across the country. but one of the things that people want to talk about is the fact that supporters believe this is biblically necessary. listened to to pastors talk about this breakdown and why this vote could go one way today women have had a prominent role within the ministry and pastoral positions within the leadership of first alexandria for over 44 years first alexandria stands before you today as a testament that we can maintain a fruitful partnership with churches. the take a different stance on women and ministry we find no joy in making this recommendation, but have formed the opinion that the churches egalitarian beliefs regarding the office of pastor do not closely identify what the conventions adopted statement of faith yeah. john, obviously i said we will still monitor this throughout the day last year that preliminary vote was cast and it looked like this will pass. sometimes they now again, like i said, this could affect 100, hundreds of churches. they ll have to make the decision how they want to move forward. but something we should also say, this is in their constitution, the doctrine actually states that only men can be pastors at one church. you had women pastors only doing their pasturing to women and children. so there s big discussions about how this breakdown will happen, how it will move forward, especially in this changing, changing landscape across the country when it comes to people going to church. but this debate will happen today. the vote should happen later on, and we ll bring it to you john alright, ryan young. thanks very much. kate joining us right now is referencing victoria rob powers. she s the first female senior pastor at the royal lane baptist church in texas. reverend, thanks for being here and just to bring everyone up to speed, your congregation is an autonomous baptist church, not affiliated with a southern baptist convention but your experience is so important here because this is not the first time a church has been ejected from the southern baptist convention over female pastors why do you think they are doubling down on this? yeah that s right. thanks for having me i think one of the reasons why they re doubling down on this is because they re trying to maintain power. i mean, studies show that to maintain power, you have to constantly exert power. i think they re doing this in an effort to exert power. the irony is the southern baptist convention is losing power because it s losing influence. a decision like this will inevitably lead to the disfellowship of hundreds of churches, which means the convention will significantly dwindle and size rafat, this feels very strange to ask, but i shall, which is have you ever witnessed any negative impacts? of having a female pastor in a church yeah. i actually grew up in the southern baptist convention, which is funny that you should ask that. and as i, as you mentioned earlier, royal lane is not part of the southern baptist convention, but we were in fact we left the convention in the early 90s because of their discrimination of women and ministry. so in many ways what we re seeing is not new. the convention has a long history of excluding women administrate, especially from leadership roles. i think the point i was trying to make have you ever seen having a female pastor leader church and a senior role that it s been a problem for a church in terms of actual spiritual faith and leading a congregation for separate from its connection to the, to the convention sure. thanks for that clarification. no. i haven t seen that. i mean, i think our church in particular has seen a lot of fruitful ministry from the result of having a female and a pulpit. it s also helpful to just expand the number of voices that we hear from. so to. choose to only reserve the office of pastor for men is to limit ministry and limit the possibilities of what god can do the reverend, we heard the reverend of the man who is leading the alexandria church. his name s robert stevens speaking there saying this is a sad moment for us. but we also recognize that god has a future for first baptist church. and i had read, used speaking to, i believe as a local community newspaper earlier this year and talking about women women in clergy and the impact and you say often i tell people, you can t be what you can t see what does this movement from egalitarian beliefs mean for young kids growing up in the southern baptist churches all over the country right now yeah. i can t help but think about all those young girls in these churches who will never know what s possible for them. because as you said, you can t be what you can t see. so it s disheartening to think about the ways in which we re limiting their imaginations but i actually remain hopeful because if my religious experience tells me anything it s that god is bigger than the walls we tried to put around god. so i m confident this won t be the last word for women in baptist life i wanted to ask you if you could speak with the clergy of the first baptist church in alexandria today, what would your message be? reverend yeah, i would tell them to keep going to be courageous in their prophetic witness and to remember that there are many examples of women and leadership throughout the bible of a southern baptist just convention likes to hold that the office of pastor is reserved for men alone. and at that somehow is qualified by scripture. but that s just not true. we see women in leadership roles across the bible as they serve as judges, prophets, apostles, the first witnesses to the resurrection were women. so we wouldn t even have a church today if it weren t for women. so i would tell them to press on to keep going and to remember that if the son of god can come from the womb of a woman, then surely the word of god can come from her mouth now that is a perfect note to end on a perfect message to end on here, reverend. thank you so much for coming on this morning. thank you. they knew are in a new central starts now all right cool is cool, breaking news, brand new inflation data just in better than better-than-expe cted, the market good love if futures way up right now, we have the latest moments ago, us secretary of state antony blinken suggested that hamas is moving the goal posts on ceasefire and hostage hostage negotiations. so where do things stand now and just in italian media reporting, the pope tuesday, homophobic slur behind closed doors again, this is a second and consecutive months sara sidner is out. i m john berman with kate baldwin in this is cnn news central all right the breaking. news that type of in-flight inflation data that a lot of people were hoping for. let s get right to cnn s rahel solomon with the very latest on this. what are the numbers show real? yeah, john, it may be somewhere outside, but it is cooling off in the inflation report, at least this inflation report. so this is cpi, the

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Business Today 20240611

hello and welcome. this is business today. after months of speculation, apple has revealed its plans for artificial intelligence in a move that chief executive tim cook has called the next big step . the tech giant is to boost its siri voice assistant and operating systems with openai s chatgpt as it seeks to catch up in the ai race. it s part of a new personalised ai system called apple intelligence. here s our north america business correspondent erin delmore. the hardest abereaviation in tech these days is easily ai. now, apple is taking its shot at redefining artificial intelligence into apple intelligence. the company unveiled a series of ai related announcements at the world development conference on monday. chief among them a partnership with the artificial intelligence juggernaut, intelligencejuggernaut, openai. that will allow apple to integrate the start up s cutting edge chat bot, chatgpt, into its including a superpowered siri. apple s signature voice assistant will be available with chatgpt features for free later this year. other new additions include ai generated images and emojis and help with toning improvements. this is apple s big stand in integrating the ai features that have captured users attentions and company s big bucks. wall street has spent the year rewarding firms that have not onlyjumped on but rewarded it, like nvidia. last week, it overtook apple itself to become the second most valuable company in the world by market capitalisation. microsoft, which has its own long standing partnership with openai remains the most powerful. lets get the view of carolina milanesi president and principal analyst at creative strategies. what did you make of the big reveal? i what did you make of the big reveal? ~ ., , ., , reveal? i think what people were surprised reveal? i think what people were surprised about - reveal? i think what people were surprised about is - reveal? i think what people were surprised about is thei were surprised about is the fact that apple intelligence is actually home grown. so that is not what chatgpt is powering. so that is something that apple has created on its own merit, with its own technology, its own silicon and its cloud, to keep everything personal and private. where chatgpt comes in, it becomes a bit more like a table stakes of general queries that we have been accustomed to do and play with, which chatgpt and other services, is on its own chat bot. so if you like, you were talking about it becoming smarter. apple is making siri smarter. apple is making siri smarter and chatgpt makes siri more knowledgeable. 50. smarter and chatgpt makes siri more knowledgeable. more knowledgeable. so, the oint more knowledgeable. so, the point you more knowledgeable. so, the point you made more knowledgeable. so, the point you made about - more knowledgeable. so, the point you made about apple | point you made about apple intelligence, it is its own software chips, etc, etc. yes. do ou software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think that software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think that people - software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think that people willl do you think that people will therefore, think that it is more superior? it is more secure and safer in some way? i think that they re certainly going to believe that privacy is at the core of what apple wants to deliver, and is more personal. there s no question that consumers across different countries trust the brand of apple. apple doesn t monetise from consumer s data. it monetises through hardware, so it is in their interest to bring hardware back. so the di phone for example. and we ve seen that apple intelligence will be available only on the latest devices that are running either an m1 on mac and ipad, or on the iphone, the iphone pro and pro max. or on the iphone, the iphone pro and pro max. how does this com are pro and pro max. how does this compare to pro and pro max. how does this compare to what pro and pro max. how does this compare to what microsoft - pro and pro max. how does this compare to what microsoft or i compare to what microsoft or google are offering? i mean, apple has been seen to be behind? does this now bring it up behind? does this now bring it up to speed? is it now possibly going to move ahead? your thoughts? i going to move ahead? your thoughts? thoughts? i think it s a very different thoughts? i think it s a very different business - thoughts? i think it s a very different business model. l thoughts? i think it s a very - different business model. both google and microsoft are in the cloud business, so they are in the large language model business, and they are monetising from services like co pilots and duet. for apple, everything is free because they monetise from the hardware. so it s hard to make a comparison. there is no question that being more personal will drive more engagement from a user perspective. engagement from a user perspective- engagement from a user perspective. 0k. well, it s aood perspective. 0k. well, it s good to perspective. 0k. well, it s good to get perspective. 0k. well, it s good to get your perspective. 0k. well, it s good to get your take. - perspective. 0k. well, it s i good to get your take. thank you for your time. well lets stay on the theme of ai the ceo of morgan stanley, ted pick, has said the use of ai could companies financial advisers between 10 and 15 hours a week. he told a conference it s potentially really game changing . lets explore this with will walker arnott, director of private clients at charles stanley. good morning to you. good morning- good morning to you. good morning. so, good morning to you. good morning. so, can good morning to you. good morning. so, can you - good morning to you. good morning. so, can you see l good morning to you. good - morning. so, can you see this? would that morning. so, can you see this? would that be morning. so, can you see this? would that be the morning. so, can you see this? would that be the case, - morning. so, can you see this? would that be the case, for- would that be the case, for example, in your line of work? you could save 10 15 hours a week if ai you could save 10 15 hours a week if al was really implemented where you are? we re actually own bid an american company called raymond james, and they really see the role of ai as not replacing human roles but augmenting and increasing productivity. so the first thing rolled out is access to co pilot, which is a microsoft product which helps us to review long documents and analyse them very quickly. but also, we have some preparatory called opportunities, which is released by raymond james, which when we get in, in the morning, we ll review portfolios and prompt us to react. and finally in the back office, we can improve productivityjust office, we can improve productivity just through things like when we re processing documentation. so i think that it will save time and will be a game changer in the wealth management arena. now, let s talk about apple from the market perspective. shares actually went down after this big launch, as it were. and yet, the snp500 closing at a record high. five of the so called magnificent seven stocks doing well yesterday. why was apple not riding the wave of this reveal of the ai plans? i wave of this reveal of the ai lans? ~ ., wave of this reveal of the ai lans? ~ ., , ., , plans? i think to be honest, it had a very plans? i think to be honest, it had a very strong plans? i think to be honest, it had a very strong recovery - plans? i think to be honest, it. had a very strong recovery over the last three months. if you go back to the turn of the year, there was a lot of concerns around the company surrounding chinese demand and the like. and the share price has since had a strong sense of due won earnings has rallied hard. so a little bit of profit taking after the announcements, but you re quite right, the big technology companies are really supporting growth in us market, and that s really down to the strong earnings we saw in the recent results season.- recent results season. now, it s a busy recent results season. now, it s a busy week recent results season. now, it s a busy week for - recent results season. now, it s a busy week for you - recent results season. now, it s a busy week for you and | it s a busy week for you and others watching financial markets. we have the federal reserve meeting starting today. of course, they wrap that up on wednesday. lots of thoughts of where they re headed. oil prices spiked on monday as well. brent crude still above $81 a barrel. and then us inflation numbers out this week as well. it s going to be busy, isn t it? ., as well. it s going to be busy, isn t it? . , ., as well. it s going to be busy, isn t it? . , ., , isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, busy week- isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, busy week. and isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, busy week. and you re - isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, i busy week. and you re quite right all surprises did spring up a bit yesterday. but over the year, they ve been pretty flat. we re about to enter the driving season in the us, which traditionally means there s a lot more demand for oil. but i think the fact that president biden will not want to see oil prices rising ahead of an election means that he s going to continue to release his strategic reserves and keep a cap on that. so i think that the oil price will remain range bound. and looking for, yes, we have inflation data from us. we also have the federal reserve where markets are still expecting interest rates to go up expecting interest rates to go up one or two times possibly this year, which seems about right. this year, which seems about riuht. ,, right. all right, goodness me! thanks for right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking to - right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking to us. - right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking to us. have j thanks for talking to us. have a good day. we ll see you again, soon. here in the uk, we will get the latestjobs data in around 90 minutes time as pressure mounts on the bank of england to join other major banks in cutting interest rates. but economists expect to see wage growth of around 6% in the three months to april an acceleration which could leave a rate cut less likely over fears of the labour market fuelling inflation. toby fowlston is chief executive of the recruitment company robert walters group. good to have you on bbc news again, tony. so tell us what you re expecting? what will we learn about uk jobs market today? learn about uk “obs market toda ? ,., ., learn about uk “obs market toda ? , ., ., ., learn about uk “obs market toda ? ., , today? good morning, sally. well, it wouldn t today? good morning, sally. well, it wouldn t surprise - today? good morning, sally. | well, it wouldn t surprise me to see perhaps a small drop in terms of the number of vacancies, orat terms of the number of vacancies, or at best, terms of the number of vacancies, orat best, it perhaps staying flat. vacancies, or at best, it perhaps staying flat. and from our perhaps staying flat. and from your point perhaps staying flat. and from your point of perhaps staying flat. and from your point of view, perhaps staying flat. and from your point of view, as - perhaps staying flat. and from your point of view, as a - your point of view, as a recruitment company, what are the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. so the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. so we the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. so we operate . we re seeing. so we operate in the professional services space. we ve sort of gone from what was deemed the great resignation coming out of covid in 2021 and 2022, and then we moved into the boomerang people realised that they needed to work and went back to employers now we ve sort of entered this phrase being coined as the big stay . and it really comes down to just a lack of confidence. a lack of confidence on clients, obviously cost of hiring, and also a particular lack of confidence with candidates, who are obviously seeing what s going on in the world and they are choosing, albeit anecdotally, looking to move the actual physical movement of people. we rejust the actual physical movement of people. we re just not seeing that happening as it was previously. that happening as it was previously- that happening as it was reviousl . , ., ., previously. does that mean we re in previously. does that mean we re in an previously. does that mean we re in an unhealthy - previously. does that mean i we re in an unhealthy position in the ukjobs market? because also, of course, the number that the government is looking at quite closely all the time is the so called economically inactive those who are not in work that could well be in work for various reasons? for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen an for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen an increase - for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen an increase in - we ve seen an increase in long term sickness in the workplace. i think we re up to 2.8 million in february 2024 were the numbers. down to various reasons long covid, nhs delays, interest in people working from home and not set “p working from home and not set up properly in term of equipment. so that has increased. so we re also seeing a lack of confidence with candidates who. .. a lack of confidence with candidates who. and let s not forget, they went into the job market in 2021 and 2022. salaries were at a premium. we had inflation. that inflation got to inflection point of around 10%ment and then we started to see that clients couldn t keep up that rate of inflation in terms of real pay. so today what we ve got is low unemployment, candidates sat on relatively high salary premiums in the professional services space. why would they move at the moment? so we need confidence to come back. we need to start seeing enter prize businesses hiring and we need to see some stability in the marketplace. the marketplace. and, of course. the marketplace. and, of course, all the marketplace. and, of course, all the the marketplace. and, of course, all the political. course, all the political parties are talking about this, aren t they? how uk economy will be given a boost post election. we ve got the conservative manifesto coming out today. are you hopeful that whatever the outcome of the election, it will mean policies in place that will help to boost uk economy? in place that will help to boost uk econom ? . ., boost uk economy? yeah, i mean, i ll leave the boost uk economy? yeah, i mean, i ll leave the politics boost uk economy? yeah, i mean, i ll leave the politics to i ll leave the politics to politicians. but from a working perspective, firstly we need stability. we need a decision. then we need a government that s going to start looking at how we can encourage workers back in. so examples of that would be greater learning and education. we know there s going to have to be a huge reskilling of the workforce with the increase in al. and actually, we re looking at perhaps half of the professional working force having to reskill by 2030. i think things around how we can support employees as well in terms of cost of living right now are going to be really important. now are going to be really important- now are going to be really imortant. . ., important. thanks, toby. good to net important. thanks, toby. good to get your important. thanks, toby. good to get your take. staying in the uk the lack of affordable housing is a big issue and with an election imminent this problem is getting a lot of attention. the uk has the highest housing costs in the english speaking world with typically more than a quarter of disposable income spent on housing. so what are the wider issues in the housing sector across the uk and why aren t enough homes being built? here s our economics editor faisal islam. as the cost of living squeeze from energy and food costs starts to settle, there is no such luck with housing. mortgage and rental costs are still rising the latter by record amounts. this is a long term issue basic supply and demand as you can see at this new housing development in warwickshire. many of these new homes are going forjust over £300,000. that s bang on the average house price in this country. and we can see how that s changed over the past three decades or so no surprise to see that line going up and up. what has changed has been the relationship with affordability. back in the late 90s, five years worth of annual average income was more than the average house price. now, it s crossed over, the gap is massive and looks very difficult to bridge. it s all about house building. successive governments over years, over decades, have made big promises on house building, often not met. this is what s happened for england, over the past ten years, broken down per three month quarter. a similar pattern across the united kingdom. the conservatives made a promise in 2017, a manifesto commitment in 2019, to meet a target of 300,000 homes per year by the mid 2020s, so that s about 75,000 a quarter. it s only even nearly met in a single quarter, and that s because of a rush on green targets, then it falls quite sharply in the second half of last year. now, the government argues it has met a separate, lower target of a million new homes in the past parliament, but we don t have the full figures for that yet. the labour party say it will continue that target for the next five years if it wins 1.5 million new homes over that five year period. the financial crisis, the pandemic, rising interest rates and inflation all can be blamed, but mass house building has only historically been done when government funds it, and the parties seem to agree there isn t the money. in the 60s, local authorities were building a lot of social housing, and that has died down in the 90s, and without this push, we can never get enough new builds. and then there s planning. yes, 50, planning permission has therefore been refused. up and down the country, in lengthy councillors meetings just like these, now recorded on council websites. applause. ..there are the familiar sight and sound of new homes not being built, planning permission refused repeatedly. the two main parties do differ here. labour says it s willing to build on specific areas of the green belt that are not so green they call the grey belt. ultimately, both for buying and renting, supply not responding to demand means higher housing costs, the most enduring aspect of the cost of living crisis. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. singapore airlines has set aside more than a million dollars in compensation for the injured passengers of a flight which suffered severe turbulence last month while flying from london to singapore. the flight diverted to bangkok. at the time passengers recounted scenes of absolute terror and one british passenger died from a suspected heart attack during the incident. live now to nick marsh in our asia business hub. tell us more about the offer. what does it mean to the passengers? what does it mean to the ”asseners? ,, ., ~ , passengers? sing apore airlines have off offered passengers? sing apore airlines have off offered $10,000 - passengers? sing apore airlines have off offered $10,000 to - have off offered $10,000 to each passenger who received minor injuries. i ve reached out to singapore airlines and asked firstly, what does minor mean and how many passengers are we talking about? they haven t responded as of yet. i ll keep you updated when they do. but we do know that more than a hundred people were treated in hospital after that flight diverted to bangkok following that turbulence. so we re talking about at least a hundred people entitled to this $10,000. for people who sustained more severe injuries, they ve been offered an initial advance payment of $25,000 us. and that s actually subject to negotiation depending on how bad your injuries were. in terms of the actual flight, sally, i ll remind people watching what happened. it was a flight from london to singapore. it hit really bad turbulence over myanmar. the plane dropped 178 feet more than 50 metres in less than five seconds. when through all kinds of g force changes. people said it was an absolutely terrifying experience. one man, obviously, sadly died. and bad news for singapore airlines who had been doing really well financially up doing really well financially up to then. now they ll have to she“ up to then. now they ll have to shell out all of the compensation money. 0k, compensation money. ok, thank you for the latest. the oil giant, bp, has tightened its rules on workplace relationships after its former boss was dismissed for failing to disclose details about his personal relationships with colleagues. senior managers must now report any intimate relationships that have taken place with colleagues in the last three years. with more, here s david waddell. bp s chief executive was sacked in december, accused of certificate yours misconduct serious misconduct. he lost his jobs along with millions of pounds of share allowances and bonuses. in december, the firm accused its former boss of providing inaccurate assurances as part of 2022 investigation. they said he knowingly misled the board. at the time, mr luney said he was disappointed with the way the situation had been handled. this week, bp said it had updated its conflict of interest policy after looking at comparable organisations and good industry practice. previously, employees were only required to disclose and record family or intimate relationships at work if they felt there could be a conflict of interest. but this policy goes much wider. about 4,500 managers have been asked to submit any reports in the next three months whether or not they feel they represent a conflict of interest. the company said the changes reflect the influ especially that leaders have, and any failure of compliance could lead to disciplinary action. the chartered institute of personnel and development said that any relationships between managers and employees would be a clear conflict of interest, and should be reported as they could create risks around confidentiality and fairness. now will you be popping out for a run after this programme? maybe you are on the treadmill now. this week in the uk, it is bike week, and many use one of a number of fitness apps to track progress against goals when they re doing such activities. so the fitness world has delivered a number of devices and apps to allow users to take part in a growing community. strava is one of them. it currently has 120 million users around the world. joining me now is the company s ceo michael martin. i assume that you are a strava user. i i assume that you are a strava user. ., ., i assume that you are a strava user. . ., , ., user. i am, i have been for the last seven user. i am, i have been for the last seven years user. i am, i have been for the last seven years what - user. i am, i have been for the last seven years what is - user. i am, i have been for the last seven years what is that? l last seven years what is that? running, hiking, cycling? soi primarily go on runs, often with my dog, as well as walks, swims and cycling. swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike week- swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike week in - swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike week in uk. i swims and cycling. ok, this i week is bike week in uk. the whole point of is to encourage people on to their bikes, to change their transport option from maybe going in a car to cycling. that kind of thing, increasing health, wellbeing. do you see. do you notice a difference during the weeks in strava. do you see a surge of activity? strava. do you see a surge of activi ? ~ ., ., ., activity? we do, although those surues activity? we do, although those surges during activity? we do, although those surges during weeks activity? we do, although those surges during weeks like - activity? we do, although those surges during weeks like this i surges during weeks like this are actually relatively minor versus the overall trends in growth on cycling overall. specifically in the uk and also specifically to commute. ok. specifically to commute. 0k, and ust specifically to commute. 0k, and just talk specifically to commute. 0k, and just talk us specifically to commute. ok, and just talk us through how artificial intelligence is changing what you offer? i presume you re going to be moving in that direction? absolutely. one of the things that we announced recently is our first products using ai. i ve worked with artificial intelligence and machine learning for almost a decade now. i ve never been particularly interested in the novelty of the technology, but i ve been amazed by its ability to solve real problems. and combining artificial intelligence with the world s. .. intelligence with the world s. with the data from the world s largest active community, i believe is going to unlock new types of motivation and get more people on their bikes more frequently. so, it s a win win from your perspective. there are those who say that there are cheats on strava. this is something i ve been hearing, in the sense that you ve got your leaderboards and it can be quite competitive in terms of who s the fastest on a particular route, etc. how do you counter that? how do you make sure that someone is genuine in terms of the data that they re putting in? that s a problem that they re putting in? that s a problem that that they re putting in? that s a problem that strava - that they re putting in? that s a problem that strava has - a problem that strava has frankly had for quite a while. it s one of the most requested fixes that the community has asked for. and given my background in tech, it s actually a perfect example of a problem that al is suited to solve. before it was very, very difficult to actually discern with great precision and accuracy what was a false record versus somebody who was just doing better than everybody else. but that is tailor made for artificial intelligence, and that was one of the other announcements that we made recently. that s the second way that we re going to be deploying ai second way that we re going to be deploying al to help people on strava. ., . , be deploying al to help people on strava- on strava. how many of your users are on strava. how many of your users are free on strava. how many of your users are free users? - on strava. how many of your users are free users? and i on strava. how many of your i users are free users? and how many are on paying you a subscription? what s the percentage? brute subscription? what s the percentage? subscription? what s the ”ercentae? ~ ., ,. percentage? we don t disclose that. but percentage? we don t disclose that- but i percentage? we don t disclose that. but | will percentage? we don t disclose that. but i will say percentage? we don t disclose that. but i will say that - percentage? we don t disclose that. but i will say that we ve i that. but i will say that we ve been seeing growth, both in terms of the free usage, but also growth in terms of our subscriber base and we re really excited. that growth has continued following the pandemic. and it s actually accelerated within the last year. accelerated within the last ear. , ., ., year. and i understand that ou re year. and i understand that you re moving year. and i understand that you re moving to year. and i understand that you re moving to try - year. and i understand that you re moving to try to - you re moving to try to encourage more women to use so what s the plan from that point of view? ~ , ,., , ., of view? absolutely. the women are under pen of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated in of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated in terms - of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated in terms of. are under pen rated in terms of their activity in sport overall. and i believe that strava has a true opportunity here to actually make sport more inclusive, specifically for herself. so we ve announced a number of features intended to help with some of the challenges that she has, specifically things that would allow women to feel more safe as they go for a run or for a ride. give them more control of the information that they share. and i think that s going to be great for them. we re seeing the early data right now. just this year in the uk, for the last six months, we re seeing womenjoin strava for the last six months, we re seeing women join strava at twice the rate of last year. but then i think that those tools and those capabilities will also broadly applicable to others in the flat for as well. 0k, others in the flat for as well. ok, interesting on the platform as well. ok, interesting. thank you for joining us on the programme. thank you. thank you. thankyou. thank ou. ., thank you. so whatever you re u . thank you. so whatever you re u- to thank you. so whatever you re up to today. thank you. so whatever you re up to today, maybe thank you. so whatever you re up to today, maybe you re - thank you. so whatever you re i up to today, maybe you re going on your bike or going for a run enjoy. thank you for your company. i ll see you soon. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 14 or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change, as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. good morning welcome to breakfast withjon kay and sally nugent, our headlines today. a promise to cut another two pence from national insurance as the conservatives launch their general election manifesto. labour say the prime minister is desperate good morning from taunton in somerset, one of the new constituencies in this election. we have been talking to voters about what matters to them most and whether they have decided where they will be putting their cross on the 4th ofjuly. former rugby union player ed slater pays tribute to rob burrow and says thank you for supporting people with motor neurone disease. in sport, scotland are already there. now, after a royal send off england are, too. gareth southgate s squad arrive at their euros base in germany with the tournament starting on friday. good morning. we are seeing some sunshine today but generally there will be a lot of cloud, some showers. showers especially in eastern areas and it

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS HARDtalk 20240611

well, not necessarily. my guest is the renowned colombian novelistjuan gabriel vasquez, who weaves powerful stories out of fact and fiction. is there anything magical about colombia s current reality? juan gabriel vasquez, welcome to hardtalk. thank you for having me. it s a pleasure to have you. now you inhabit two different intellectual worlds. you are a political commentator. it is yourjob to have instant, strong opinions for newspapers. on the other hand, you re also a novelist who writes complex, nuanced novels that are sort of riddled with doubt and uncertainty. which of these two mental attitudes comes more naturally to you? well, i m first and foremost a novelist. iwas. i began writing fiction at a very young age, and it was always my ideal to write the kind of novels that i had grown up with. but in south america, a novelist is also a citizen. and so you develop very quickly the need, the compulsion sometimes, the feeling of obligation to comment on the political reality. so in a sense, there are two different and opposite ethics. erm. you write fiction out of uncertainty and doubts and questions. novels are written to ask questions, not to give answers. but at the same time, you re a political commentator who tries to have certainties, who tries to shed doubts. are you faking it when you come up with those certainties for your columns? no, but there are few. there are very few, very few moments during the week in which you are absolutely sure about something and you write to convince, you write to do a kind of proselytism. uh, you write to try to get answers. interestingly, you dig deep into your home country, colombia, and yet you spent a significant part of your adult life out of colombia. yes. would it be correct in a way to say that you became confident in your voice, you know, exploring your home country once you d left it? yes, yes, ithink that s quite accurate. erm, in a sense, also, i was following a very old latin american tradition of leaving our countries to write about them, to understand them better. this is something that has been happening since, uh. ..since the nicaraguan poet ruben dario lived in paris and madrid in the early 20th century. and then, of course, the generation that i grew up as my role models, the latin american boom, and. and garcia, gabriel garcia marquez. ..garcia marquez. yes. ..perhaps the most famous south american author of our times. yeah, yeah. he belonged to a generation that, erm, that wrote, that retold the history of our countries from abroad. so we have this very strange situation in south america where the best novel about colombia 100 years of solitude was written in mexico, and the best novel about peru by mario vargas llosa was written in paris, and carlos fuentes, the great mexican novelist, wrote in washington and london. erm, so it is a kind of necessity, perhaps, that we find to, you know, get a little removed from the places that we are discussing. it s interesting to just reflect on garcia marquez, cos. yeah. i know it s become a bit of a cliche, but this this phrase used about his work and, indeed, 100 years of solitude was magical realism . you do something very different. yes. you use a lot of recent history, of facts, and you weave personal stories around those facts, and it s often quite brutal and it s quite violent and difficult. yes. was your writing a deliberate reaction against that sort of quote unquote magical realism ? no, no, my writing isjust the recognition that my world is different. my world view comes from a different place. i was born in a big capital city in the middle of the andes, so 2,600 metres over sea level. whereas garcia marquez was born in a very small town, caribbean town, with a very different culture and outlook. so his, his demons, his obsessions, his ghosts were quite different from mine. and you were also raised at a time of horrible violence, instability, chaos. yes. your home city, bogota. yeah. i mean, did that. do you reflect on that and think, you know what, i was actually quite traumatised as a kid, as a young adult, by what was happening around me ? yes. well, when i left colombia in 1996, i was 23. erm, i thought i was leaving because i wanted to become a certain kind of writer, and that was the latin american tradition. with time, i understood that i was also fleeing the violence. i was also fleeing a, erm, a particular situation. this was the years of drug wars and drug related terrorism. erm. narco traffickers like pablo escobar were at the height of their power as you were a teenager and a young adult. exactly, exactly. napoleon says somewhere that, uh, in order to understand a man, you have to understand his world when he was 20. and i turned 20 in 1993, which was the year in which pablo escobar died at the height of his threats to the colombian system. so that s that. do you, do you think, when you reflect on it and of course, i m mindful you were writing in europe about this colombia of corruption, of chaos, of violence do you think you were, erm, expressing in a way, a sort of deep fear and anger about what had happened to your homeland? em, frustration in a sense, but mainly, uh, mainly uncertainties, maybe mainly the feeling that, the stories that were being told were not complete. i think i write out of a sense of darkness, of shadows in the collective story of my country, and i think of fiction as a way to shed some light, particularly, on that, on that very special place in which the historical meets private lives, in which private individuals, erm, as brothers and sisters and lovers and, uh, and fathers and, and siblings, they have. they suffer the consequences of politics and history and those forces that we have never learned quite how to, how to control, but that do change our lives. and this is the territory of our human experience that i try to tell in my novels. you call it fiction, but of course you fill your books with facts, sometimes very personal facts. yes. i mean, i m thinking of one of your most successful novels, the sound of things falling, which involves a plane crash. and in fact, you really did find, i think, the transcript of the recording of the last moments of a plane, which i believe was carrying a family friend, which crashed. that s right, yes. and you very literally took these horrific final moments and wrote about them. yes. you also included some other bizarre facts, like the hippo that escaped from pablo escobar s infamous zoo and which was then hunted down years later. and that was the beginning of your book. so i guess, you know, your audience might be sometimes quite confused about these blurred lines between fact and you re a journalist, so you deal in facts but then fiction, which is where you as a novelist come in. yes, i ve understood with time that in my work. my work always begins with meeting an actual person who has a story that seems to me interesting, uh, or who is hiding something, who has evidently some kind of secrets. and i start asking questions. so i always begin writing as a novel. as a journalist. i m a journalist first, and then, since my novels often deal with the colombian past, with our collective past, i turn into a historian ifind documents, i go into archives, and then the last, uh, the last person to come into the process is the novelist. and the novelist s only task is to try to say something that neither the journalist nor the historian has said. but in so doing, you twist and bend the truth. or do you not believe there is such a thing as truth? i do believe there is such a thing as truth. epistemologically i do believe that, but i don t think it s accessible through one story. i don t think one story can.interpret it fully. so you need several stories coming from several parts. and this is particularly true in my country, where we are trying to, uh, deal with a recent history of violence. and we are all trying storytellers, journalists, historians, novelists who are trying to open a space in which different stories about these last 50 years coexist, have the right to exist. but if, if your perception that, actually, truth is complex and it requires the understanding of different people s perspectives and memories. yes. ..and they can recollect the same event in very different ways. yes. where does that leave colombia s attempt to reach, you know, what in south africa was known as truth and reconciliation ? is it possible in colombia? that s what we are trying to do. the peace agreements that were passed in 2016, which i think is one of the great successes in the history of my country, these agreements between the colombian government ofjuan manuel santos and the farc guerrilla. yeah, it should be said it was with the farc group, which was the dominant insurgent group. only one of them. ..but there are many other rebel groups who have not made peace and who are not part of that agreement. exactly. but it was the biggest guerrilla, perhaps the oldest one, and the strongest one, certainly. so it was a success story to make peace with this guerrilla movement. erm, now, part of the. part of what the agreements created were two institutions, the commission of truth and the transitionaljustice tribunals. both of them are, among several other things, in charge of telling stories, opening spaces in which people can come and, uh, tell their story, be recognised as victims of violence, or as perpetrators who ask for forgiveness. the victims may or may not forgive, but the most, the most wonderful human situations have been created or allowed by this, by the institutions. and they all go through the same phenomenon of telling stories. but is it really healing wounds, or do those wounds still fester in your country? that s, that s a great question. you never know if remembering can be sometimes, erm, exciting new resentments or keeping hatred alive. erm, i do have i do have faith in the power of remembering correctly and accurately the past. carlos fuentes, the mexican novelist, said there is no living future with a dead past, and part of our role, i think, as novelists and storytellers in general, is keeping the past alive, trying to keep it true, keep it honest, so that we can understand it and move forward. ah. i mean, something pretty extraordinary happened in 2022 when the colombian electorate voted into power. yeah. ..president petro, who in a previous life, not so very long ago had been a committed guerrilla fighter in the m 19 group, and now he sits in the presidential palace. but that clearly sticks in the throat of many colombians. and ijust wonder, as you look at your country today, whether you fear that petro, who came to power pledging, quote unquote, total peace with all of the different armed groups in his country. yes. ..whether in fact his presidency is deepening polarisation. well, uh, i m very critical about president petro. i think he is a populist and a demagogue, uh, of a very old latin american tradition. but he had this unique opportunity of and this is why i thought his election was good news of implementing the peace agreements of 2016, which had been, uh, disregarded or actively sabotaged by the last conservative government of ivan duque. erm. he hasn t. it s not looking so good right now, is it? i mean, as i understand it, of the different armed groups. because he seems to be saying that he wants a, you know, an ultimate peace and a disarming of all the groups, including criminal gangs as well as insurgent rebel groups and paramilitary groups, he wants them all to be in this umbrella of total peace. yes. well, of the 20 or more different armed groups, only about five are currently engaging with the government. yes, and not only that, to me, the bad side of the whole project is that he is taking away from the 2016 agreements, all the attention and the resources and the rhetorical energy of the government. so he is forgetting them, leaving them to die a slow death through inattention, through negligence, concentrating on his own projects. erm, whereas we, we looked forward during his election to the first serious implementation of those wonderful agreements that we managed to pass in 2016 after much polarisation. it s not, it s notjust a question, is it, of the men with guns. it s also the politicians who for decades and decades, at the very least, turned a blind eye and sometimes were actively complicit in the violence, the murder, the chaos and the mayhem in your country. do you think there will be an accounting of those politicians one could say the old political elite in colombia will they be held to account? well, i certainly think they re one of the. one of the main objectives of the peace agreements and the peace negotiations has to be to find the truth, to have people speak the truth and, and accept some kind of truth as the only way for which we. a reconciliation of the country. but there has to be a reconciliation. it s absolutely no use to go through these difficult processes that have, uh, divided us and polarised us as a nation. so as you say that and you talk about your hopes for the future of your country i m just looking at my notes where i noted down that right now, opposition leaders in bogota are saying that they have plans to launch national strikes to paralyse the country if petro attempts to establish this talk of a constituent assembly, assembly to bypass parliament and the courts. there s allegations of corruption being bandied around involving close family and associates of petro, including charges that his son is facing of bribery with allegations that it was linked to campaign finance, which of course, he the son and indeed the president himself clearly deny all involvement. but nonetheless, it looks in a way like colombia is sinking back into something very dark and dangerous. i think we are not strangers to a certain kind of dynamics in the whole of the continent. 0ur continent, our continent in south america is being divided into different kinds of populisms right wing populisms such as bolsonaro in brazil some years ago and milei in argentina and the left wing populisms active in nicaragua and venezuela, which are turning their countries into failed democracies. in the middle, we have this negotiation between two kinds of extreme ideas, extreme erm, projects, political projects in colombia. and in the middle there are some looking for a way to create a new political centre of a progressive kind, and this is turning into one of the most difficult things of all. because of the current situation of that tension between what the government of petro is doing, a populist demagogue, erm. on that spectrum of latin american politics with the populism, as you describe it, of both the left and the right where do you see the greatest danger lying for colombia? which way do you believe it might. it s very clear to me that the greatest danger is that petro s government will open the way for a right wing or rather, extreme right wing populism, which is already in the making and gathering force as a reaction to what is going on from the government. that is the most worrying situation for me. underpinning much of the violence in colombia and we ve talked about politics and insurgency but underpinning much of it has been drugs. yes. narco trafficking. yeah. ..and the vast amounts of money and indeed the power that come with controlling the drugs. you have suggested that the only way out of this for a country like colombia is the full legalisation of currently illegal narcotics. yes, for any country, i would think. but particularly. what do you think that would do to colombia? erm. i think drugs are a double problem. you have public order problems linked to the violence and the corruption and the instability created by criminal gangs who try to vie for control of the trade. and on the other hand, you have public health problems linked to consumption of drugs and what that does to. the burden that places on health systems. if you legalise, every experience tells us that legalisation would get rid of the first problem violence, corruption, mafias, criminal gangs are a product of the illegal character of drugs, not of drugs themselves. and we saw that during prohibition in the united states only during prohibition did we have not only alcoholism and private problems, but also mafias and corruption and violence, which are the results of illegality, of the criminal world that is built around the protection of an illegal business. you legalise, you get probably rid of all these things, and you can devote the insane amounts of money that we use in drug wars to prevention and education and treatment of addiction. when you, as a journalist, write about the narco traffickers and the scourge that drugs represents in your country and you write about corruption and the corrosive nature of corruption you re in very dangerous territory. journalists and writers get targeted in colombia. yes. some of them occasionally get killed. do you worry about that? well, this is. this is a trend in the whole of the continent. journalists are being persecuted and imprisoned in venezuela and nicaragua. there are networks closed there. they re being actively persecuted by the government. i m interested in your personal story because we discussed you moving to europe to get a distance where you could write about colombia, but you then moved back in around, i think, around a decade or more ago. 2012, yes. yeah, so you have a presence inside colombia now. do you feel constraints on what you can say? i d rather not think about that maybe. erm. surely, you have to. well, i, uh. i do believe there s a kind of, erm.obligation i have as an intellectual, as an observer, and as a novelist. we have a certain kind of take on colombian life, novelists, erm, and it is, it is very difficult to. not to do what albert camus, who is a big figure for me, said it is the role of the journalist to say things are so when you effectively see that things are so, and this is what i try to do. and i know you are friends with many writers around the world, including salman rushdie. when you see what happens to writers who take on, uh, those who don t want their voice to be heard on certain issues, does it make you become more careful about what you say and write? well, salman, salman rushdie is a great example of somebody who has spent the last 30 years defending the freedoms the rest of us take for granted and thriving. i think he is an example of, of courage and of resilience. erm, and it s. .. for me, it s a source, it s an inspiration and a source of admiration in many senses. and you will continue to write about your country from inside your country? i have never, except for one book, i haven t written a page of fiction that is not obsessively about my country, about trying to understand its violence and trying to, uh, explore it and illuminate it. and as a journalist, i only try to defend our right our right to peace, to have a peaceful country. which is, you know, hopefully in the making, but not there immediately. juan gabriel vasquez, thank you very much forjoining me on hardtalk. it was a pleasure. thank you. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 1a or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change, as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. live from london, this is bbc news. the united nations security council adopts a us resolution supporting an immediate ceasefire in gaza here in the uk, campaigning continues as the conservatives launch their election manifesto today. jurors have started deliberating in the trial of president biden s son, hunter. later in the program, we ll be finding out how elephants call to each other using their names. and coming up in business strava is one of the worlds most popular fitness apps. i ll be speaking to its chief executive on this programme. hello, i m sally bundock. a very warm welcome to the programme. the united states is making a major push to pause fighting in gaza, with diplomatic efforts taking place both in the region and at the united nations. the un security council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza on monday. it is the first time the council has passed a resolution demanding a stop in fighting, after eight months of war. the resolution urges both hamas and israel to fully and quickly implement the three phase plan. 1a countries voted in favour, and russia abstained. us ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield says the resolution shows hamas that the international community is united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear message to hamas. accept the ceasefire deal on the table.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240611

teaming up to launch a super pac focused on attracting disillusioned young voters. will it work in italics? ainsley: plus. [laughter] ainsley: gosh, my voice cracked. [laughter] ainsley: seasonal allergies, right, steve? plus, supermodel nomani campbell message for young women skipping motherhood over economic. it will change her mind. as a study finds more trump supporters than biden supporters say marriage and children should be a priority. steve: look at that speaking of parents. this sunday s is father s day. we have the top of the line ideas for kids. ainsley: what is that? steve: waterproof. lawrence: what a tease because we are all interested. the second hour of fox & friends starts right now. and remember, mornings are better with friends. brian: get dressed. lawrence: make sure you are already dressed. so president biden hosting an early juneteenth celebration at the white house yesterday as his support among black voters continues to go down. brian: now one polling guru is suggesting that joe biden should drop out of the presidential race with less than five months to election day? steve: peter doocy just back from france joins us from washington. peter? good morning. and the president came back to the white house last night after a few days in france and a few days in delaware to host an early juneteenth celebration there on the south lawn. we have got some video of it. i don t remember ever seeing president biden try to dance on camera. last night was not going to be the night. did he briefly address the crowd on the south lawn though who accuse republicans of trying to take away black americans right to vote. trying to do anything to reverse this trend. he has shed 7% of his black voter support since october of 2020. trump has gained in that time 9%. things are bleak with young voters, too. so now we have got this headline from the wrap. snl and parks and recreation writers pitch ads to help biden reach gen z and young millennials. these ads are going to come out next month in july. and the organizer is claiming in this interview that it s not your average celebrity endorsement. rather they are creating content with millennial and gen z writers for millennial and gen z voters. at the same time, the pollster, nate silber is warning, biden just hit a new all-time low in approval. 37.4% at 5:38 yesterday. dropping out would be a big risk. but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don t know but it s more than fair to ask. we have no indication president biden is planning to drop out. is he going to go talk about gun safety before heading out to europe italy where the talk will turn, last week to russia v. ukraine. back to you. brian: peter, i was pretty stunned to say how much jill biden s trips back and forth across the oceans. ainsley: how expensive they were? brian: $345,000 it s cost taxpayers. peter: sounds like the dnc is going to reimburse the cost of some first class tickets. brian: that s like a few thousand dollars. ainsley: remember, peter, you told the story and you said how much is this going to cost the taxpayer? peter: you are welcome taxpayers for getting reimbursement for first class tickets. steve: nate silver, they should have liivesd to me in february. he should have dropped out last year. nobody at the white house or at the campaign saying okay we re going to lay low and just before the convention is he going to drop out. nobody is suggesting that he is going to say, you know what? i had a good year. so long. peter: no. there was a lot of talk about different prominent democrats months ago putting themselves in a position if biden decide he had he was going to bow out. that is all done. they are all systems go with biden at the top of the ticket and harris has the vice president and honing for the best. lawrence: peter, i m hoping can you put this into context. when you look at the numbers he is under water when it comes to young voters, obviously losing support amongst minority voters. and voters point to the economy. they say all of this is impacting them. they can t get a house and all that stuff. the white house already has some of the best hollywood people to produce their messaging and all of that. is it the position of the white house that people just don t understand the story of the administration? that they have actually done more and if they could just get these producers to make these little ads that they will understand more? i mean, i m just not understanding. peter: it is, lawrence, a lot of people you talk to at the white house or a lot of people from delaware have been say for a couple months now well, a lot of voters are just not paying attention, they are not as plugged into politics as we are, but, at some point, it s too late. at some point people do have to start paying attention because we are like two and a half months away from people forming opinions and then applying for ballots to get sent to their house. and so, it s the time for people to start paying attention is coming up quickly. steve: peter, here s date. june 14th, 2017. you were supposed to go to the congressional baseball practice that day over in virginia but you had an assignment and you couldn t make it. and now you have got a special on fox nation called strike zone, right? peter peters yeah, we have spent a couple months on this new project. this is the first time we are talking about it. nobody has done in the seven years since this congressional baseball practice shooting, nobody has done a documentary about it. and so, with the whole team at fox nation, we put together a three-part series and they are all my wife and i watched it last night. it was her birthday. this is what we did for her birthday. it is gripping the way that the story has been put together. we talked to the heroes of that day. we talked to some of the victims. and we were actually able to, with the input from the people who were at the shooting, including officer david bailey, who was one of the officers engaging with the gunman, we were able to go back to the baseball field with permits and recreate the shooting to give you an idea. steve: with real guns. peter: with real guns. they were out there just a couple days ago. the finished product it looks more like something you would see in a trailer for bad boys than in a trailer for something about a congressional baseball practice. but, it really shows how violent this action was. and we can you stream the whole thing now on fox nation. we also, for the first time on camera. took steve scalise back to second base on that practice field where he almost lost his life. and to hear him tell the story right there at second base is one of the most moving experiences that i have had in 15 years of doing different assignments. so, please do go watch it on fox nation. any time now. but start during the break. [laughter] peter: all right. ainsley: that sounds fascinating. i can t believe it s been seven years. we were all together reporting on that. steve: live on the couch. ainsley: yeah, we were. thank you, peter. he has a great wife who is also in the business and on her birthday they are watching peter on tv. lawrence: that s awesome. steve: honey, i have got a special get to see the fox nation three part series one day early. happy birthday, hillary by the way. secret recording by a liberal filmmaker captures samuel alito and john roberts discussing whether they believe compromise between the left and the right is possible. brian: wow. look at this. brooke singman is here with more. brooke: this is a wild story. this liberal documentary filmmaker who lied and represented herself as a religious conservative to get into the supreme court historical society s annual dinner last week secretly recorded a conversation with justice samuel alito and chief justice john roberts discussing the current political climate in america. so in the audio obtained exclusively by rolling stone, justifiable alito is heard questioning whether compromise between the left and the right is even possible. he said one side or the other is going to win. adding there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully but it s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised. the filmmaker justified her decision to intentionally mislead the justices telling rolling stone that she did it because, quote: the supreme court is shrouded in secrecy and they are refusing to submit to any accountability in the face of overwhelming evidence of serious ethics breaches. meanwhile when pressed by the filmmaker chief justice roberts says the polarization in today s society is nothing new. citing high tensions during wars of the past. however roberts focus might be elsewhere right now as senate democrats are currently debating whether or not to subpoena him in the fight over judicial ethics reform. at the moment, democrats seem to be divided on the strategy of issuing a subpoena as they acknowledge it s unclear whether they can even get majority support in the senate judiciary committee. guys? steve: all right, brooke. thank you very much. brian: there is all out attack on the supreme court justice. the flag controversy. what is justin thomas doing on vacation? what is justice alito think when being surreptitiously recorded. lawrence: that recording didn t even get anything. brian: didn t get much. lawrence: no one disagrees with the statements. steve: john roberts disagreed with what she said. ainsley: said he wasn t able to compromise her. some things you can t compromise. steve. lawrence: even if the statement is true nothing wrong with that statement. ainsley: we have ha h. a lot of the people. brian: they are attacking them. ainsley: what about her credibility as a journalist. if she lied to get into this event. steve: it looks like she had an agenda. it looked like she was trying to get that she got it. it was revealed. i m kind of curious about the circumstances. lawrence: they want to destroy the court. steve: meanwhile, talk a little bit about this. you know there is going to be an elections, first tuesday in november. and, you know, look at the polls. we were talking about them a little while ago. right now donald trump is leading in the swing states. and that is causing a number of people on the political left to say my hair is on fire. and their hair is on fire. because they are terrified that donald trump would be returned to the white house and there could be some revenge as well. ainsley: here is rachel maddow talking about her concerns if donald trump is elected. steve: she said this, is a quote. ainsley: i m worried about the country broadly. if we put someone in power who is openly avowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people, and to root out what he describes in subhuman terms, as his enemy from within. what convinces you that these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants? so, yes, i m worried about me. but, only as much as i m worried about all of us. steve: going to the camp? brian: andy mccabe, the fbi guy who was caught putting together a master plan to have this russia hoax put forward. lawrence: lisa page, peter strzok. ains. brian: he said the same thing. chris matthews said the same thing. i watched over the weekend the president was asked by sean hannity, dr. phil in another interview, do you plan on revenge for all the lawfare that has been put out on you. he said i m going to be too busy. you can t blame me if i did and people are mad because i didn t last time with hillary. took the second half he said and put a montage and said the president is out for revenge, why? because they are out to stop the president. they are not out to cover an election. they are out to stop donald trump. lawrence: it s so ironic that the people that has attacked not only the president of the united states, but all of his supporters, whether you are talking about donald trump or just mothers expressing some concern about their kids going after school board moms that are upset with the system, to then say they re going to be targeted, also, the former president has also said, ainsley, that part of his goggle is to make sure that no one else gets targeted. ainsley: where were they when this was happening to donald trump the weapons of our government, our justice system? they all loved that they loved that they were seeking revenge against donald trump, just for having properties in new york. they were running some of our elected officials here were run obligor then issue that i will take down donald trump. that s the weaponization of government. that s what they fear if trump gets elected? brian: that s why james carville came out and said the lawfare is not working here s what trump actually said. sean: on those that want people to believe that you want retribution. that you will use the system of justice to go after your political opponents. number one they are wrong it. has to stop. otherwise, we won t have a country. look, when this election is over, based on what they ve done, i would have every right to go after them and it s easy because it s joe biden and you see all the criminality all of the money going into the family and him. all of this money from china from russia. from ukraine. lawrence: you know, i think it s important. because it s been a quick four years. but, remember where we were four years ago when this came to the campaign back and forth. and you had the 40-plus intelligence former officials come out and say 50, right? it was russian disinformation the hunter biden laptop. and now right now four years later almost, we are in a court of law where they are using that same laptop and the judge has said that it s actually legitimate and not only that. the fbi knew that it was legitimate. but, because it s a campaign, all bets are off. let s scare the american people, let s use people with fancy titles, a part of the community. to say weaponize against and then donald trump can t even suggest? maybe we should undo some of these agents. that s what they are worried about. maybe break up. so agencies. maybe root out the political corruption. it s not like there is proof or anything that they have attacked the former president while he was president of the united states they said they weren t going to take the orders from him. read the goat from rachel maddow worried about a camp. not just people on tv. a.o.c. a congresswoman from here in new york she is worried that apparently trump will arrest her because she has been a big, you know, anti-trump person through the last. lawrence: so ridiculous. one day maddow is afraid of the former president as if he went after one day during the first four years. it s not like we don t have a record to see of the guy they said this the last time he was going to go after the political opponents go. after the journalists. last time i checked it was barack obama s administration spied on journalist spied on our own people at fox news. there is no reports about that. brian: all right. well, we ll see what happens. i just know this, 62% of the country is in favor of rounding up illegal immigrants into camps and sending them back. and that s margaret brennan of face the nation. still can t get her jaw off the ground. steve: she was shocked. it is 7:16 in new york city. carley has the news. carley: unbelievable scene unfolded. chaotic anti-israel protests rocking new york city. [chanting] carley: that s activists chanting long live intifada. victims of the nova music festival murdered by hamas on october 7th. protesters set off flares chanted anti-israel slogans. demonstrators could be seen carrying around a banner that said long live october 7th if you can believe it. maize praising the mass killing left bide hamas left over 1200 israelis dead. at least 120 hostages are still in the hands of hamas. a young missionary couple ongoing unrest in haiti have been laid to rest in home state of missouri. their parents joined us earlier on fox & friends first. all about sharing the love of christ with others. and just helping those that are in need. and they did that during their time there in haiti. it s truly beautiful to see what they did there and how much they loved the culture and the people. it is a dark place, but, you know, i believe that the darkest places need the light. and that s why davey and natalie were there. davey and natalie lloyd were married just two years ago. they had spent the majority of the last few years of their life devoted to god and serving others. an arrest has been made in northern china after four americans were stabbed in a park over the weekend. chinese police say a 55-year-old man is in custody for attacking four instructors from iowa s cornell college on sunday. the victims are now recovering. their conditions are not known at this time. this just in former president trump s legal team is filing a new motion to dismiss the classified documents indictment. this move comes as house democrats launch a group to respond to a possible second trump term. california congressman jared huffman is helping lead the effort. he said, quote. this stuff is going to be coming at us at light speed. and we are on our heels and reacting to it. we could lose our democracy according to that congressman. florida governor ron desantis is raising teacher pay. the governor announced 1.55 $25 billion in new education funding yesterday. while also take swipe at the state s teacher s union. salaries for teachers would increase f 40,000 per year to 47,000 per year. across the country and around the world. that s the one thing you hear about florida they don t pay their teachers a lot. ainsley: in florida. they used to now. brian: they just gave them a raise. steve: thank you, carley. apparently the teacher s union is talking about how carley is number 50 when it comes to teacher pay. ainsley: then i think it changed to 16 now. steve: 16th in the country. ainsley: 16th in the country. steve: i just saw what the teacher s union had said and they said that says florida is 50th in u.s. overall in teacher s pay and teacher short damage. brian: maybe after this increase. ainsley: we were talking about it before the show. you and i were on that with the producers say making them number 16 in the country. lawrence lawrence i just wonder for all the criticism of ron desantis, this is something that he has done and the teachers union, they have not been friendly to him. steve: no. brian: but you know, why, right? school choice. lawrence: 100 percent. steve: and books. lawrence: will they give him credit for signing this bill into law to give them the increases that he needs. so at least is he fighting the culture war as well as taking care of the teachers as well. ainsley: my mom was that teacher for 33 years. my sister is a school teacher in south carolina. i m all for this. they don t make the amount of money for the amount of work they put into it. steve: they do not. brian: i agree. steve: speaking of children naomi campbell has two children at home now. ainsley: her first one at 50 years old. steve: they were born by a surrogate. she talks in the london times now about, you know, i don t think she saw it coming. how much of an impact and how her life changed. she says, my children are my 110% priority. and she loves parenting. and she worries that a number of younger women who are not having children right now because of economy or for some other issue, they are going to some day regret not having a kid. ainsley: i know. she said i have heard a lot of young girls saying that it s too goive have children. they may not want them. and i have said you will change your mind. you will want to be a mom. i understand economically it s tough. but my mom, she is from england, had nothing. and she made it work. it s worth it. it is so amazing. i agree with her. i understand for women out there a lot of single moms, some people making decisions whether they want to raise a child by themselves. if you decide to be a parent, it is the greatest joy. jesus christ, i tell my daughter all the time, getting saved, knowing jesus christ was most important day of my life. my number two day was on november 6th, 2015. the moment that doctor put her in my arms, it changes your life forever. there is nothing sweeter, nothing better. everything you do is for someone else now. you come to work for someone else. it teaches you to be selfless, and it is such a joy. when she walks in that room. i light up. when your children walk in the room, when yours do, there s nothing better. brian: i will find out how much they like me on sunday on father s day. i will look at value that i get back and i will find out what i mean to them. ainsley: you love being a father you talk about it all the time. steve: brian, do you think they are going to be recycling that scottevest. brian: scottevest that guy got outed big time. remember? the leaked audio of him putting downtown fox viewers. attention family, no scottevest. i got enough pockets. lawrence: i will just say as the only one on the couch without children, i do think there is a legitimate fear, especially if you grew up in a family that struggled of what the right time is. ainsley: right. i agree with that. lawrence: we could do better job elders lived through some things to educate. we look at our parents and say they struggled and we don t want our kids to struggle the same way we grew up struggling. i think naomi was trying to do that of trying to say hey, you can make it. i know it s not the glamorizing thing but just put back a little bit more. you will be able to do this. i think my generation that s a lot of what we think of. ainsley: did i change my mind. i was probably like 34 when i said okay, i have done the career thing for so long. i definitely want to. lawrence: ainsley you are saying there is still time for you to change your mind l.j. ainsley: you will be a parent. you will be a great dad. brian: naomi campbell was married to david bow j y.? ainsley: no imam. lawrence: get them mixed up. brian: supermodel collection. ainsley: they are all gorgeous. brian: hard to know who they are married. to say. ainsley: we have a fox news alert. in 90 minutes jury deliberations resume in the hunter biden federal gun trial. we are live outside the courthouse. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. steve all right. 90 minutes from now 9:00 a.m. eastern time. day two of deliberations will start in hunter biden s gun trial in delaware. the fate of the president s son could be decided by a jury today after federal prosecutors told the jury to ignore the first family s presence throughout the proceedings. rich edson is live outside of the courthouse in wilmington. rich, yesterday, inside the courthouse, it looked like a biden family reunion. it did. we have seen a lot of that throughout the week. biden family members out of the courtroom first lady nearly every day. the jurors the next hour and a half. [chanting] deliberate berated for hour and 10 minutes yesterday when they began resuming here. prosecutors began closing telling jurors there is overwhelming evidence against hunter biden. they accused him of using drugs, lying about it on a federal form to buy a gun and illegally owning and possessing that weapon for 11 days in october of 2018. i don t think this guy is a juror. [man shouting] rich: referring directly to biden family. jill biden saying people in the gallery are not evidence. nobody is above the law. prosecutors highlighted testimony from hunter s exs detailing drug use and recapped messages. the defense basically says that the prosecution s case depends on, quote, a magic trick of relying on evidence of past. when he bought that gun. no photos or proof that he was doing so in october of 2018. brian, we will throw it back to you. brian: thanks so much, rich. i appreciate it. i know there is screaming behind you but nothing can rattle you. that s tremendous. awesome job. rich: not at all. brian: got it. let s move ahead. president biden is gearing up for a meeting g 7 in italy later this week to talk on the continued support for ukraine. and as a european union continues to count votes for parliament, get this, right wing parties have made significant ground across the continent, in countries like france. in countries like germany. and elsewhere. taking over a third of the country s seats. here to react, iowa senator joni ernst, senator, it s pretty stunning, i was just jotting this down before the segment. snap elections. right wing make huge progress with france and germany and other nations. what s the message they are trying to send? as you see in europe you will see that in the united states as well, brian. you see the folks in europe really pushing back against a lot of the migration that has happened. many of these countries just opened their doors to migrants that were sweeping across europe. we see that same thing here in the united states with an open southern border. the folks in those countries are so tired. their own government can t support their own people now they are expected to support migrants. we see that in the united states of america, you also see this huge push for green energy to bow to the idol of green climate ideas. of course, people are tired of that as well. you will see that here in the united states, too. with all of the regulation that president biden has been shoving down our throats. and just as we have seen in europe, i can expect that we will see that in november here as well. brian: i don t know if it applies but perhaps it does. remember in 2015 brexit happened and they bucked everything and england broke away. one year later donald trump happened. right. brian: that bucked tradition, too. it made the establishment extremely upset. we know at this point that it looks like france has about half of support of the le pen party. which is right wing. don t love how cozy they are with russia. but the right wing conservatives and in germany it looks like the socialist party took a beating, too. let s move on and talk about what is happening here. earlier we talked about in politico, the first story, talks about how wall street is lining up behind former president donald trump, big numbers. and then you cecil con valley huge $12 million raised for former president trump and does that play into where they think the economy is right now? absolutely it does, brian. you would not see wall street executives lining up to support the former president unless they knew go back, compare the four years of the administration under donald trump and how well our economy was doing then. compare that to today under joe biden. his administration has put so many regulations out there. the impacted to business over $400 billion worth of costs to businesses in new regulations. that s just with joe biden. small businesses are being strangled out of the marketplace because of these regulations. under donald trump, we saw a thriving economy. we can expect to see that again. people are really anxious for the november election. they are even more anxious for january of 2025 when donald j. trump is our next president. brian: the president is going to be addressing business leaders on thursday so that s going to be big. joe biden was invited but he has got to be in italy. oh well donald trump will have a captive audience. brian: absolutely, he answers questions. and he does other thing of listening to what the problem is. exactly. brian: senator, thank you so much. thank you, brian. brian: hundreds of migrants crossing after joe biden s so-called crackdown with one even saying he loves president biden. a live report, next. this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] meanwhile, at a vrbo. when other vacation rentals aren t what they re cracked up to be, try one where you know what you ll get. i m not a doctor. i m not even in a doctor s office. i m standing on the streets talking to real people about their heart. how s your heart? my hear s pretty good. you sure? i think so. how do you know? you re driving a car, you have the check engine light. but the heart doesn t have a hey, check heart sign. i want to show you something. put both fingers right on those pads. there you go. in 30 seconds we re going to have a medical-grade ekg reading. -there it is! -that is you. look at that. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it s the only personal ekg that s fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this device costs? probably a thousand. $99! wow! that s impressive. this year, give dad peace of mind for father s day with kardiamobile for just $79. check out our father s day sale at or amazon. lawrence: so it looks like the biden administration is reportedly looking at more border action, including a proposal to shield illegal immigrants spouses of u.s. citizens from deportation. this as hundreds of migrants from countries around the world continue streaming into the u.s. despite biden s recent executive order. griff jenkins is live at the white house. griff, it doesn t seem like it s working. griff: no, it doesn t seem like that at all, lawrence. good morning. the white house tells fox they are continuing to explore a series of policy options but they are apparently elaborating on that to the new york times who writes this today. the biden administration is considering a proposal to protect undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens from deportation and allow them to work in the country legally. according to four officials with knowledge of the discussions and such any such program could also provide some spouses an easier route to obtain u.s. citizenship. the times says it s unclear how many people this could effect in the no final decision has yet been made. but it comes as you mentioned, lawrence, a week ago today, the president announcing he is cracking down on asylum seekers. so farther numbers have simply shown no decrease illegal crossings. and in places like the san diego sector, they are continuing to release migrants from eastern hemisphere countries that are hard too send back. fox news capturing these images of hundreds crossing in jacumba, california. turkey, india and yemen. one migrant told our colleague matt finn he believes biden is helping him. did you pay anyone to help you get here. no, no, no, no. i just searched the internet and then follow those guides. i searched the internet. a way you can come here. what do you think of president biden? biden, i love biden. why do you love him? biden helped us. griff: caribbean illegal crossers not so lucky. the u.s. coast guard says they returned a combined 305 migrants to the bahamas and haiti on sunday and monday. this was all a part of operation vigilant century where they are trying to crack down on merit me illegal crossings. lawrence: how could they hate him at least on that side of the border. griff, thanks so much for joining the program. griff: thank you. lawrence: los angeles is set to open what could be the world s fanciest homeless shelter and it s costing taxpayers. the 19-story apartment complex in skid row cost $165 million to build or almost $600,000 per unit. joining us is one taxpayer in l.a. business owner paul gentleman van know. paul, everyone wants to help the homeless get them off the st street. doesn t seem like a money issue. what is your thoughts about this program. it certainly isn t good morning, lawrence. it certainly isn t a money issue. this building is being built being built through what is known as measure h, which was it s maybe 6 years old now which was a bond measure to raise $3.75 billion over 10 years city hhh and counter measure h. another $3.75 billion half a percent sales tax increase in the county. combined $7.5 billion over 10 years and if do you that math, that s $2 million a day for 10 years. and that s just those two measures. maxine waters is in congress right now and i don t have the members but she has got two resolutions pimping for $150 billion for homeless and $100 billion for housing for five major cities around the country, los angeles, san francisco, denver, you know, so on and so forth. it is not a money issue. it s they i think what he are doing is artificially no what they are doing is artificially maintaining these monstrously high numbers to justify all this spending. but, it needs to be broken down because we don t have 100 if you use their numbers, we don t have 175,000 homeless people. we have, you know, thousands of homeless people, but we also have tens of thousands that are just drug tourists. we have tens of thousands who are not homeless. they have homes. they just don t like their parents anymore. so they come here and just live in a tent and live off the grid. the numbers you get to build $600,000, 900 square foot apartments because you have endless supply. you have endless supply of money because you have inflated numbers. and it s being being done [inaudible]. lawrence: paul, they keep taxing people like you. i have been down there. i have sat down with the homeless. i sat down on the beach and talked with them. i asked them where do you get the needles for the drugs in the government. give it to them on the street. where do you get the food in the government gives them the food. i asked them where do they get some of the enhanced drugs, the fentanyl and all that yeah, just a local supplier. they don t want to leave because there is really no incentive. so, we re praying for you guys. hopefully some things can turn around. lawrence, the biggest tax that they are taxing us is the effect on the streets. the effect on the retail scene. if it were a money issue, i m happy like, i will buy buildings like that all day long as long as the locks are on the outside. lawrence: you guys have a big heart out there. unfortunately, at love the businesses there are shutting down because they just can t take the taxes anymore. paul, thanks so much for joining the program. thanks, lawrence. lawrence: so, father s day is right around the corner. and skip bedell is here with gifts that any dad would love. we just trying to catch a good time even if it takes all night pass that bottle around theedr camp fire-f ig that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i d buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh.ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. life s daily battles are not meant to be fought alone. - we re not powerless. so long as we don t lose sight of what s important. don t be afraid to seize that moment to talk to your friends. - cloud, you okay? because checking in on a friend can create a safe space. - the first step on our new journey. you coming? reach out to a friend about their mental health. seize the awkward. it s totally worth it. janice: good morning, everyone. a beautiful day in new york city. i have some friends here from arkansas. wave to everybody at home. yea. take a look at the maps. the heat is still a big concern in the west and throughout the southwest where we have excessive heat watches and warnings in effect. temperatures soaring well over 100 degrees. that s going to be continuing throughout the workweek. i mean, these are the types of temperatures you see, you know, into the summertime like july-august. we are getting them in just before summer. and it s really causing issues, you know, people are heat related illness are urged to stay inside. that heat is going to travel across the eastern u.s. over the next couple of days. so we will enjoy that. a little taste of summertime. but very warm in areas that i just mentioned across california and the southwest. also want to make mention in florida, heavy rainfall. this is not a three-point line system but it is deep three-point line moisture. we could get anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of rain friday through saturday. keep that in mind. fox for all of your latest details. look who is outside steve, ainsley, brian and l.j. and skip bedell. steve: thank you very much, janice. lawrence: thanks, j.d. steve: sunday is father s day this weekend. and if you are looking for the best outdoor gifts, have you come to the right place. brian: skip bedell is in the right place. skip: hi, guys. i have curated the best list for dads. starting off with montana knife company. hand crafted from master knife smith josh smith. look at the presentation on this. super quality. such a beautiful gift for dad. hunting knives from a hatchet and all the way up to the sweet piece culinary set. even when magnetic wood block dad can display his knives. steve: great. montana knife unbelievable. brian: or skip bedell. skip: rapid radios. communicating nationwide one touch radios. right in no bills, no contracts, no monthly service fee. $50 a year and nationwide communication. like a one touch walkie talky. lawrence: brian goes dallas this week can i communicate. skip: one push to talk nationwide radio. no monthly bills no contract. rapid unbelievable. steve: earlier, you i thought this was a fan. it s a speaker. skip: ultimate bluetooth speaker turtle box. check this out. loudest outdoor speaker. it s super adorable. it is 100 percent waterproof. marine grade. so this is a true waterproof outdoor bluetooth speaker that dad can take camping, take continue othe boat. best thing it s durable and 100 percent waterproof. brian: i don t know something like this existed. skip: i m wearing brunt work wear. dad works on the job site. any trade. trust me he will love if you give him from grunt work. real texas steel leather. unbelievable pants that are flexible. what you are hold something a uv protection shirt. like i have on. super soft. the fabric. feel, this brian. tell me it s not the softest shirt you ever felt. right? brian: first time i felt a man s shirt. skip: unbelievable work wear. steve: are those abs? skip: you felt that, right? a pencil holder on your hat. brunt work dad is going to love if you get him anything from brunt. this is a firestorm. check this out. this is a portable fire pit. this thing packs up flat, goes into a backpack. it is the only fire pit in the world that packs up and go into a case dad can take his fire pit with him anywhere. it s made 100 percent out of powder coated steel right here in colorado. steve: just need a can of propane. skip: smokeless. best part it goes into a case. steve: less than a minute the lightning round. skip: chill couth 15 by stone glacier. top of the mountain ultimate in sleeping bags. dad is into adventure, camping and hunting. going to keep dad warm and dry for days all the way in the back country. it s all about light weight and compact. this whole thing packs up into this tiny little bag. stone glasure,. brian: dad is sleeping alone in the backyard again. skip: couple different models available at stone glacier, check it out. ready wise pro-meals take camping and hunting, add hot water. they are delicious meals one month emergency food supply all from ready wise. going to make it easy for dad to have food wherever he goes. brian: this is what we gave to the ukrainians during the obama administration. mres. skip: pro-meal by ready wise. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier. apoquel. the trusted number one treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it! lumineux is the first fluoride free toothpaste i ve ever found that actually works. my dentist was blown away with how clean and white my teeth are. my gums and teeth are so healthy. it s crazy. you can get lumineux toothpaste at walmart and target. this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts. in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo hi, i m gina. i ve tried so many things to lose weight. none of it worked. i would quit after a few days or a week at the most. golo is not like any of those. with golo and release i not only met my goal i ve surpassed it. and i m keeping it off. ainsley: it s 8 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, june 11, this is fox and friends . we are expecting to see hunter bide

Steve-scalise , Brian-goes-dallas , Lawrence , Friends , Mornings , Fox-friends , Tease , Waterproof , Person , People , Photograph , Product

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240611

from 1 trillion to 3 trillion in under a year. but video doesn t actually manufacture anything. they outsource that. they design still this is now the second largest corporation on our the planet with all our futures in its manicured hands toward holding this is the most complex highest performance computer the world s ever made. that that s why you have to care now, in the next few years, the competition is going to heat up in this marketplace for making the chips that train ai. but some analysts say that right now nvidia has maybe up to a 95% share of that market is they ve got a huge head-start on their main competitors intel and amd. amd just launched a new chip in video says are going to launch new chip every year that 3 trillion valuation peaceful world column. just said maybe that s an undervaluation medical. all right. thank you very much. nick watt. thanks for joining us. the situation room starts now property now, israeli police have just released video the moment hostages were rescued during a daring and deadly raid inside gaza. i get reaction from the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas-greenfiel d, chief standing by to join us lucidly, just minutes from now. and there s breaking news. the hunter biden case is now in the hands of a delaware jury the historic trial against the president since son potentially nearing an end as the panel waste three felony gun charges plus donald trump is taking the first step toward his sentencing. i m 34 felony convictions. the former president, holding a virtual meeting with a probation official this afternoon, and that interview could be a key factor as judge juan merchan decides on potential punishments for trump welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i m wolf blitzer, a urine the the situation room let s get straight to our top story tonight. the daring bloody israel kelly raid inside gaza, that operation successfully rescuing four hostages. but exacting a heavy toll on palestinian residents nearby the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas-greenfield, is standing by live will have a lot to discuss, but first, let s get all the latest developments from cnn s paula i hancocks in tel aviv new video from the israeli military shows the rescue of israeli hostages from central gaza. it says hundreds of personnel were involved in this rare daytime operation three hostages locked in an apartment in one multi-story residential building. another held in a flat 650 feet away in a densely populated neighborhood. models of the buildings were built weeks before to train in forces this is how israel s hostage rescue mission looked from the ground airstrikes explosions residents running to find safety. that doesn t have to exist in gaza hostages were flown by helicopter back to israel israel remains with family who had dreamed of this moment for eight months. families you only heard about the mission once their loved ones were safe. i haven t stopped smiling since my mug was returned to me, but the remaining hostages needed deal to get home safely there is a deal on the table we ask the israeli government to move forward with the deal the doctor who has treated the hostages since they arrived tells me, despite appearing in good condition, all for a malnourished or masses are extremely wasted. is damage to some other systems because of that, he says, they were moved frequently and beaten by their captors it was harsh, harsh experience with a lot of abuse almost every day, every hour both physical, mental, and other types and that is something that is beyond comprehension. dr. pessach also treated some of the hostages released in november and says the psychological damage of these four is significantly worse. all of them had faith but losing that faith. i think is where you get to the breaking point. and i m happy that this guy because i hear but there are others losing the faith in us. and human kinds residents in nuiseirat central gaza are in a state of shock, struggling to deal with the aftermath of saturday, which neighboring countries and the eu s top diplomat have called a massacre i m going to miss out this woman says, most of those trapped under the rubble of women and children. holmes s a filled with displaced people. israel committed a massacre the united nations security council passed a resolution votes this monday on a us proposal for a complete ceasefire in gaza. and the release of all remaining hostages. their work 14 votes in favor, zero against, and just one abstention from russia will follow. hancocks reporting from sylvia. thank you very much, sir. when i was in israel last november, i had a chance to meet with the family of almog meir, jan, one of the hostages just released by the idf i ll mugs a mother. all right. told me about the last time she spoke with their son as the hamas attack was underway. if you re me up and said to me, mom, they are rockets all over. and shooting. i don t know what happened. what is going? hey, non am i doing i ll call you every half an our mom, i love you i m so happy. of course, but i ll mug is home now with his loved one, sadly almost father yossi die just hours before his son s return to israel, authorities found yossi meir unconscious. and they went to notify him of all mugs rescue. he was later declared dead. i want to send my deepest condolences to the mayor family as they grieve yossi is passing and welcome almog home joining me mydata discuss all of this and more of the new united nations and to discuss the du, united nations resolution on a gaza ceasefire and all the other top stories from the region, the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas greenfield, ambassador. thank you so much for taking a few moments to join us. as you know, this is the first-time the un security council has officially endorsed they ceasefire plan. why now, after eight months of war we have been working on this for eight months for eight months. we have pushed for efforts to achieve a ceasefire. this resolution brings us the closest to getting that done. then we re ever been. and we thought it was important that the council s speak in a unified voice on that. and the boat today s show that if 14th or nothing with one abstention, that would be russia, president biden says this ceasefire plan is israel s, but prime minister netanyahu hasn t publicly accepted it, neither has hamas president biden has said it s time for this war to end. what will this resolution ambassador do to get both sides? to accept this deal? that s currently on the table i think the resolution is actually the opportunity to pressure hamas to accept the deal. israel has accepted the deal. the president has said that and now all we need is to have hamas, this deal, release hostages that they are required to do in phase one and move forward on an extended ceasefire this is an important effort that was made with the support of the qatari government and the egyptian government working with us on the ground as you said, you say, the israeli government has accepted this deal. that s currently on the table. but does the israeli leader, prime minister netanyahu, need to accept it himself he s avoided that but i can t speak for prime minister netanyahu. i can only speak what the president has conveyed and he has conveyed competence in the israeli acceptance of this. still, what we need dallas hamas to accept the deal, they welcomed the resolution immediately after it was passed. they need to take the next step and accept the deal and start to release hostages. as you know, ambassador this weekend s israeli operation freed four israeli hostages, but came with a steep to, of at least 274 palestinians killed. that according to gaza officials. are you comfortable with that trade-off luck? i can t get into the numbers for me. a singles civilian, innocent civilian killed is way too many. but what we cannot ignore the fact that hamas hides behind civilians they were holding hostages in civilian areas. they are firing at idf from civilian areas. so it is hamas that should be held accountable for any actions that are taken that lead to civilian deaths. they don t care about their palestinian billions. as long as they continue to use civilians as, as cover. but does this level of carnage ambassador risk? isolating israel even more so out there on the world stage. and is the us risky? it s international credibility by letting israel operate in gaza virtually unchecked well, if our international reputation is very strong and we have worked very closely with our israeli allies. they are not operating unchecked. we re engaging with them on a regular basis. du we agree 100%, not always but we re working very, very closely with them. israel has a right to defend itself from a terrorist group whose main purpose in life is to ensure that israel does not exist and all jews are killed. so we have continued to support israel s right to defend itself against these terrorists. ambassador, have there been any conversations inside the biden administration to try to negotiate what s being described as a unilateral deal with hamas to free the remaining american hostages who are still being held but we re trying to get all hostages released every single one we care very much about the american hostages who are being held. but all hostages should be released for hostages released who were actually brought home on saturday is just one small group. all of them could be brought home if this deal gets accepted by hamas ambassador linda thomas-greenfield, thanks so much for joining us and just ahead, there s more breaking news. we re following donald trump just finishing his meeting with a probation official in new york. what we we know about what the former president it was likely asked and how his answers will factor into his sentencing next month. plus a live update from delaware. the jury now deliberating in the federal case against hunter biden, stay with us during the situation henry james is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secret in spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn before abigail chewable for allergic edge, giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wanted to hear foolish game. he s gone, totally gone it s relief just got easier apa quell the trusted number one treatment for allergic, which is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day, do not use in dogs with serious infections may cause worsening of existence let s think parasitic skin infestations are pre-existing cancers and serious infections. new neoplasia is have been observed, do not use an dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for epa called chewable to it ms outdated, dmv has two forms of my id think of all the places that can expose your inference. lifelong monitors millions of data points for identity. if there s a problem, we fix 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vet help call 1807, 10000. do you have an invention idea, but don t know what to do next. collin van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called i ll now 800 100020 the following more breaking news, donald trump has just wrapped up in an interview with the new york probation official, a key step just ahead of his july 11 sentencing hearing our chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller, is here to break it all down for us. john we know, first of all, about this interview. well, this interview was conducted virtually via zoom meeting between the new york city department of probation which is run by a commissioner and has probation investigators their job in this meeting, which was attended by donald trump on the screen and his lawyer, todd blanche, was to gather personal information in background, which is interesting because there isn t an awful lot that is not known about donald trump his life and so on. but to gather the kind of background that they could put in their report that psr pre-sentencing report to the judge? so he can consider their findings about whether donald trump would be a better candidate to be sentenced to jail or prison, or whether he would be a better candidate for probation given his his crime. so they go into things like his personal life has financial background, education, family s situation ration, things like that. but it was a relatively short meetings. cnn s kristen holmes tells us that this meeting lasted not much longer than than half an hour and covered the basic information was uneventful. yeah, very interesting. only half an hour. interesting indeed, john miller, thank you very much. want to get some analysis? it s from our legal experts who are here with me in the situation room. at least adamson is with us former federal prosecutor, at least walk us through what you expect. actually happened during this half-hour meeting yeah. i think it s important to note that this was a psi that was conducted after a jury verdict. so when a defendant pleads guilty, i think you can expect these introduced to take longer because at that point, most defendants, but they ve already accepted responsibility. they re going to show some remorse. they re going to explain why their actions are bad. they re going to use that time as advocacy to tell the judge probation through the judge threw probation, why they should be giving a more lenient sentence. i think it s not unexpected that today s interview was very short because the former president wants to maintain his fifth amendment right. he s going to appeal. he is going to maintain his innocence so i think today it was just simple questions. he was not going to go into the conviction. todd blanche was there with him, so he was just going to talk about his education, his his characteristics, how long he had lived in the state of new york, probably as residency in florida and just very basic background because really that s all he could safely share it s interesting, tim, because todd blanche s attorney was there with them coaching and presumably about this probation interview that was going on, how do you think trump is handling it? what do you think he s trying to do? well, i mean, he s obviously he s not happy about the conviction itself. and so i think that todd is trying to keep him on task of let s just talk about the issues here at hand and is released. just said when i have a case like this where it is a verdict after trial you would tell the probation officer, hey, don t ask him any questions. he s going to invoke his fifth amendment rights. so just stick to the history of biograph biographical information. so i think that the idea of donald trump being interviewed by a probation officer about where did you grow up tell us tell us your parents names and things like that i m sure that he finds it somewhat direct, degrading, but it is the same thing that every criminal defendant in that courthouse go, sir yeah. that s an important point as well. judge. grass. so what do you make of the fact that this interview lasted what, a half an hour? well, i agree with what the other panelists said. we wouldn t really have expected donald trump to go on at length about a sense of accountability and the things he s learned from this type of a situation. i think it was pretty perfunctory i mean, if he wanted, he could have tried without it without admitting anything or accepting liability for the offenses that he s still going to appeal on. he could have tried to maybe couch and in terms of while i don t think i did anything wrong, maybe we could have done things better along the way. some sense of humility or something like that, because the bottom line is this probation officer, is going to be making a recommendation to the judge on sentencing. the probation officer could very well recommend jail or prison time in this case so theoretically, a defendant might try and appear contrite. i doubt that happen here just from what we ve seen being in court every day and the general persona of this defendant. so putting all of that in context a half-hour is not surprising at all at least i didn t think today s interview that trump had with his probation official will impact judge varchar decision on july 11 to announce sentencing. yeah, i don t think it ll have that great of an impact these sentencing recommendations are meant to be persuasive. so i think judge merchan will take it into consideration. but once again, since this wasn t a very fulsome interview, the defendant wasn t sharing a lot of information that the judge will take into account. and then i also understand from new york legal expert tim, that the psr is in new york state are not as robust as they they are in the federal system, in the federal system, the probation officer does their own investigation. they colored their own understanding of the facts, and they use that as the basis of the recommendation. it s my understanding that that s not the same here. so given the relatively short duration of the interview and the fact that judge merchan presided over the entire jury trial and is very aware of the facts and the defendant and its behavior. i think while it might be helpful, i don t think it s going to impact his ultimate decision-making to trump s team is scheduled to submit its sentencing recommendation. is this coming thursday? what do you think they re going to ask where there are clear then asked for some type of a probation in this case. i mean i think that what they would be smart to do is to focus on not just this case, but the history of what donald trump has done in new york city, they should be talking more about what he did for woman skating rink, what he did for revitalizing the area around grand central terminal, all of the things that he did for the decades before politic some of the positive thing exactly, exactly. they should talk about all the positive things that he s done for new york city and say, in light of all these wonderful things that he s literally changed the skyline the line of the city versus these false business records. this is not something that even accepting the facts as the prosecution claims them is something that he should get jail for, especially for class e felony with a cooperating witness who admitted to a class c felony during the trial, where somebody is no criminal history. so i think that they have a very good argument for some type of probation the difficulty is going to be of course, the prosecution is going to point out everything that he s done as far as violating the gag order the statement city made about the judge just minutes after the verdict. it s it s a very unique case. will know on july 11, what the judge decides everyone. thank you very much. just add a live report with hunter biden s fate doubt in the hands of a jury following a dramatic day of closing arguments in the federal trial of the president s hey, mom, how many 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taking up three rows in court today have known the parameters you don t abandon your friends and family in closing arguments, prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said, those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that no one is above the law. the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period, adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn t know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor, leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned or father s car to him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any the evidence of drugs, but why is reminded the jury hunter s former girlfriend, hallie biden, his brother, beau biden s widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it s time to end this case. he compared the trial to a magician s trick, trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand pay no attention to the other one. he accused prosecutors of cherry picking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter s drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form. lowell attacks, two of hunter s former girlfriends who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018. he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter s car? and noted hunter was the one who told hallie to file a police report for the missing gun after she threw it out hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case. a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will return to court here in wilmington tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. to resume their deliberations. but it s notable the prosecutors pointed to the first lady and other supporters who are there for hunter and reminded the jury that they don t matter, that suggests that perhaps the justice department is a little worried about that let s show of force for hunter and what it means for their case. but i was in court earlier today and watch the jury. they followed by line by line is the judge went through the instructions but they ll have to follow for this historic decision. wolf paula reid reported for us, paula. thank you very much. let s discuss what s going on with cnn, legal analysts. carrie cordero, and our senior political analyst, gloria borger carry lab. you start with you based on the closing arguments. what do you think are the best strongest points of each sayyed that they made? well, from the defense perspective, the biggest thing that they have going for them is that the prosecution, if it s going to prove its case, is doing so by info in other words, there does not seem to have been at the trial specific evidence of a witness or documents like a video, for example, in actual physical piece of evidence demonstrating that hunter biden was using drugs at the specific time. what there is is there s sort of tangential evidence of circumstances that would lead the jury to infer that he was using at the time. and so that s that s really what the what the defense will point to the prosecution on the other side is going to say, well, look at all these different circumstance dances. those all add up to a conclusion that he was using and therefore, he knowingly falsified the form. well, it was interesting, gloria, in reference to the biden family. yeah. the prosecution said during their closing arguments, they said this, i m quoting people sitting in the gallery are not evidence. you may recognize them from the news, but respect thankfully, none of that matters. what do you make of the optics of the first lady, jill biden and other family members showing up almost on a daily basis. well, i think that the prosecution might be a little concerned that the jury would have a lot of sympathy for somebody with that kind of family support. don t forget a lot of members of the jury have gone through issues in their own lives with drug abuse and you have the first lady flying back from france to come sit at this trial. you have his children, you have his pastor you have friends, family. they took up three rows, i guess and that s something that jerry pays attention to. and so it helps in the portrait of hunter biden as not an evil, a drug addict. it portrays him as somebody deserving of your sympathy and your empathy. and i think that helps him think you re probably right. did you think it was the right move for hunter biden not to testify? he could have testified if he wanted to. his lawyers presumably said don t do it. but what do you think? i think that s right. i m certainly any defendant has the right not to testify. and i think in this case, probably it would have opened the cross-examination would have open him up to delving into so many other areas that are potentially would have been counterproductive. so i think most defendants don t testify on around behalf, and i think in this case, it probably makes sense that he followed the advice of his defense counsel not to, you know, in an odd way though, you did hear from hunter biden because you heard from his book in which he audio books, his audio book. he wrote about this. he wrote about his drug addiction and that was used during the trial against him. but it was used. and so you don t voice you did here, right? and you did here? voice. so he didn t testify. but you did hear him talk about his addiction. you know, it s interesting. the president has vowed to accept the verdict, but is ruled out a pardon for his son very definitively, if he s convicted, though, how s this going to play out politically? you know, it s, it s really hard to say. i m not sure that it plays out that much at all. what congress is worried about. its financial and propriety that may have been committed between joe biden and his son, and they ve presented no evidence for that. if you notice, they ve been a little quiet during this trial. and if a hunter biden is convicted, i think that there will be some sympathy for for joe biden and for the family and all of this. but i m not sure that it plays out in a large political way other than the fact that it will affect joe biden himself. i think sure. it will gloria borger. thank you. carrie cordero. thanks to you as well. coming up. attorneys, preparing sentencing recommendations for donald trump after his meeting with a probation official earlier today, we re taking a closer look. at the options the former president is now facing the assignments are going on and the tornado here. i m thinking, i m going to die. and i thought that was it violin earth with liev schreiber, sunday at now i know on cnn nine out of ten people don t get enough fiber. bennett fiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. it s plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut, working with your body to promote digestive health with so many ways to enjoy benefit here is your fiber, your way look in the to find your perfect somewhere. ocd is more than what you see on tv. and in the movies, it comes with unrelenting intrusive images, thoughts, and urges. if you have ocd and need help, you can get better. who specialized treatment go to know to learn more? for me. it was that trouble losing weight and keeping our same discover the power of week-old denom 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comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! 090121. now chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts or this just in to cnn, look at this. officials in arizona have just released rudy giuliani was mug shot. giuliani has pleaded not guilty to charges of allegedly conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election in that state. prosecutors accused giuliani and other trump allies of scheming to use fake electors to subvert the election there s more breaking news with donald trump taking a key step towards his july 11 sentencing today, judge juan merchan now is just over a month to determine how he ll punish the former president for his 34 felony convictions. cnn s bryan todd is taking a closer look at all of this for us, brian, what factors is judge merchan weighing as he decides sentencing? he s weighing several factors. wolf, including what trump might have just said at that pre-sentencing interview tonight, we have new information on the many possible forms of punishment the judge more sean could impose on donald trump i just went through a rigged trial in new york now that donald trump has completed his pre-sentencing interview with a probation official, a report on the interview will be sent directly to judge juan merchan, who has a few options for sentencing. trump, the most serious one, prison time, the crimes for which trump s been convicted, falsifying business records could carry sentences of up to four years, each, with a maximum of 20 years. but realistically, it s unlikely that someone convicted of this type of felony in new york with no prior criminal history would see much if any, prison time trump s advanced age experts say would also be a factor in not sending him to prison he turns 78 this week. another sentencing option, probation analysts say, well, that might be a more realistic choice. it would come with a host of inconveniences and indignities for the former president have it be drug tested, having to check in with a probation officer, there could be random visits by probation officers to your home, not with a search warrant, but they can come knock on the door. you need to let them in. home confinement also might be part of a probation sentence for trump, or maybe a restriction on out-of-state travel. if he were going to fly off to another state wisconsin, arizona, he would have to get explicit permission from the probation agency. trump could simply be fine for his convictions or he could do community service where he has to pick up trash on the subways. experts say a conditional discharge could be a sentencing option is a condition of your discharger, your release and you have to abide by those conditions. the court will say, don t get arrested, going, don t get in trouble for the next year or during the pendency of your saenz or for stated period of time. and that s it. you re not checking in? no one s following up with you. there s no probation is no oversight all options, experts say reflective of the striking uniqueness of this situation for the probation department, this is uncharted waters. they have never interviewed someone of this statute before. they know that their work their recommendation is going to weigh heavily in the judgment and decision by judge merchan legal analysts say acceptance of responsibility is often a key factor when a judge considers a sentence. and the fact that donald trump has shown no remorse for the actions he s been convicted of, and has repeatedly publicly attack the judge and witness in this trial could bring him a stiffer sentence. wolf, july 11 is a big day. we ll see what happens on that day, brian. thank you very much coming up back to politics with donald trump out there and the virtual campaign trail today, speaking today to an anti-abortion group but what it s what he didn t say that is making some news you 19th, cnn celebrates junzi with special performances by john legend hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do g10, celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn before abigail chewable for allergic edge, giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wednesday or foolish game. he s had gone totally gone. it s relief just got easier. apa quell the trusted number one treatment for allergic, which is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day, do not use in dogs with serious infections may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations are pre-existing cancers and series infections, new neoplasia as have been observed, do not use in dogs less than 12 months old, ask your vet for apical chewable to it billy, the kid to try to take over the town what it needs is clean it up they ve appointed a new sheriff, pat garrett means something to you. sure does no use they re really with billy now it s your job to haunt them down the law doesn t take this an end 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former president address a group of christian political activists today we ve done things that nobody thought were possible to have gotten done. you just can t vote democrat. they re against religion there, against your religion in particular, you cannot vote for democrats or let s get some more analysis now from republican strategist. sure. michael singleton and democratic strategists, maria cardona, she s a cnn political commentator what do you think should michael he was speaking to a group that calls for abortion in their words to be eradicated entirely. direct quote eradicated entirely without ever saying the word abortion. yeah, i m familiar with the group. i understand why the former president s spoke before the group. this is obviously a very dicey and touchy topic for republic blinken s. on mature, maria will talk about, we have two years worth of electoral data that showcases, we just don t do well on the issue of reproductive rights with that said, in that clip, you showed a lot of evangelicals. we ll do believe the cultural behavior and customs of behavior in the country are changing particularly as it pertains to their religiosity and the religious views. and they sort of do want someone to be a protector or defender of those views, even if that person is the imperfect individual to do so, how do you think this is going to play with moderate voters out there? certainly that s a group that trump is trying to win over moderate voters, suburban women, for example, how s it going to play? not well at all. will fan this is where i think trump is trying to have it both ways. and while it s no question that christian groups, christian conservative groups, who are completely against abortion are going to support him because he is responsible for overturning roe v. wade and he brags about it every chance he gets, especially in front of these conservative groups. but then suburban women, moderate voters, and frankly, the vast majority of americans who believed that women should have the right to do what they feel is best for their own bodies and their families they don t support this. they think that roe v. wade should not have been overturned they believe that women should have this right. and they are going to continue to punish republicans and donald trump at the ballot box if they continue to push this massive goal of taking away women s rights and freedoms. and that s how the biden campaign s smartly is messaging this whole issue let s just get your thoughts, your mic alone. i have you vice president harris called out congress, republican congressman byron donalds for his controversial comments on jim crow. during an interview with politico. that s first watch what he said. listen to this during jim crow. go back family wants to get during black not just conservative, by who always a pink conservative library more black people voted conservatively vice president harris responded to that by saying this and i m quoting her now. it s sadly at another example of somebody out of florida trying to erase or rewrite our true history i went to florida last july to call out what they were trying to do to replace our history with lies. and apparently there s a never-ending flow of that coming out of that state. what are your thoughts on what he would this congressman were saying? congressman jim crow. the jim crow era. yeah, i ve watched several interviews wolf with the congress and i m going to take him at his word that his intent was not to romanticize the jim crow era. this is a black man i m really going to presume that he s very aware of our history. and in this country, i hope that isn t but, but i do think the point that there are some areas within our community that we as a collective group have to focus more on. i wouldn t disagree with with that should we do some things? a strengthened a family? absolutely. can you do that through the policy realm? i think so, but i do think as you talk about the past, you do have to be careful not to have the appearance that you re romanticized and something that was very horrible for the black community. i have grandparents that are still alive who went through segregation. my grandmother was the first to enter into her high school in new orleans and first-time desegregating the school. and so i think there are people that are still among us who have those very real and raw my experiences. and i would hope that republicans, whether they re black, white, or anyone else for that matter, would be sensitive to the experience of those individuals who are still among us that s interesting on another subject, trump is launching what he s calling a latino americans for trump campaign to reach out to hispanic voters. what do you think? noise when a wolf whole issue of wanting to launch a program called latino americans for trump a couple of days after he brings onstage in arizona sheriff joe are pio, who has the most racist, the most xenophobic v, most anti-immigrant current sheriff, i think ever at least in modern history. and for donald trump to bring him on stage and hug him, and kiss him is he hiring him to be the head of latino americans? for tropics? that s what it looks like. and it is just indicative of how empty and how wrong-headed and misguided donald trump s focuses when he talked it s about latinos in this country and that i think just gives the biden campaign more ammunition to make the contrast between a 34 times convicted felon who is the most racist and the most xenophobic president we ve had ever versus president biden, who has had record job creation in the latino community. record business growth in the latino community, and they have a record with which they can make that contrast and that at the end of the day is going to win joe biden, the latino vote oh, sorry, maria. sure. michael, to both. out of time. thank you very much coming up details on why a meeting at an italian restaurant in new jersey, is taking center stage 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constipation really tries seneca. it works differently than others laxatives, because it s made from the center flat and natural vegetable active ingredient, gentle, dependable seneca also available in delicious gummy he s like minute 30 minutes okay one, remember, i don t want surgery for my duper trends contraction to i don t want to wait for my contract i m sure to get worse. three, i want to treatment with minimal downtime for i want to non-surgical treatment. good boy. and five and if not surgical treatment is an opera i ll get a second opinion let s go take charge of your treatment. if you can t lay your hand flat, visit, find a hand to get started. i m jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington and this is cnn we re following the federal bribery trial of democratic senator bob menendez on the stance at a key witness for the prosecution, detailing the alleged scheme to trade favors for influence soon as jason carroll is joining us from outside the courthouse right now, jason update our viewers. in another dramatic day of testimony yeah. more testimony coming from jose uribe. this is the man who s already pleaded guilty to bribery charges. now cooperating with the prosecution and today we ll he gave more details about specific conversations he has. he says he had with senator menendez directly related to bribery. he spoke about one in particular, a dinner in 2019 at il bellagio restaurant in new jersey. he says, i get to ask again for the first time and explain what is worrying me so much. i asked him if anything in his power to stop an investigation. i ll explain about that in a moment. menendez is answer he would look into it. of course, you rebate was worried about these criminal investigations going on in new jersey wolf that could have implicated people that he was close to. so he told jurors what he did was he paid nadine menendez $15,000 so she could buy a brand new mercedes in exchange for the the senators influence. he then talks about another meeting at nadine menendez, his home, where he says he wrote down the names of people who were possibly implicated in this designation, put it on a piece of paper. he said senator menendez folded up the piece of paper, put it in his pocket, then in october of 2019, he says he got a call from senator menendez. he told jurors that he felt as though this situation had been resolved and he choked up. juror he choked up wolf as he was speaking about what had happened saying that this situation had been over, and he felt he was at peace then there was this

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Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240610

on this new hour of diamond, a key member of israel s core cabinet has resigned. what does this departure mean for netanyahu s war on gaza? also, tonight, extremism on the rise, hate group surge across america and why are migrant family still being separated at the u.s. border and being left in limbo. here with is live, let s do it. we began with an important seismic shakeup in the israeli government. benny gantz, one of the three core members of israel s war cabinet and vitamin netanyahu s top clinical rival has resigned. in a press conference today, he said, quote, netanyahu prevents us from moving forward to real victory and accused his far right coalition of prioritizing political considerations over war strategy. last month, gantz gave netanyahu an ultimatum, present a plan for the day after the war in gaza, by june 8th, or else. it was one of the most visible signs of division within the emergency wartime government, a team of political rivals who had until recently projected unity. but netanyahu has not produced a plan for gaza s future beyond rejecting a two state solution and insisting on israel s long- term security oversight over gaza and the west bank. so gantz followed through on his threat to step down, delayed by one day due to the brutal israeli attack to rescue hostages in gaza. today, netanyahu, for a second time, publicly urged gantz to stay, posting on x, quote, israel is in an x essential war on several fronts. benny, this is not the time to abandon a campaign. this is a time to join forces. with gantz s resignation, it will not merely think netanyahu s government but it does mean that he now needs the far right members of his coalition more than ever to stay in power. already, the national security minister highly controversial figure, ben-gvir, one of israel s most radical nationalists and is now demanding a seat in the war cabinet. he is saying he was the power of his party to be given expression and not as it has been until now. gantz was asked today whether his resignation leaves the israeli government without any adults in the room. here is what he said. i was very privileged together with my friends to bring to the cabinet room all the experience we have. i know that the other people, mainly off-balance and they know it should be done hopefully they will stick to what should be done, and it will be okay. this is the biggest shakeup to israel s leadership since october 7, and comes at a critical moment in the war. a comp room hostage deal is on the table right now. the world is waiting for a response from hamas, but it is not clear if israel will also accept the terms outlined by president biden. netanyahu says there are gaps between the proposal biden described and the one he approved, and even ministers like ben-gvir have rejected it. netanyahu will make his case for what he describes as israel s just war when he comes to speak before the u.s. congress. we must ask, will gantz s departure result in real fundamental change for the war in gaza? the problem does not lie singularly with netanyahu but with israel s ideological and institutional approach to the palestinian issue, largely speaking. the policies preventing, for example, palestinian statehood and liberation are deeply entrenched in israeli society and the resignation from one so- called moderate cabinet minister will not necessarily change that. joining me now to discuss this ambassador alan pincus, the formal israeli consul general in new york and chief of staff are four is really foreign ministers and eastern africa studies on the council of foreign relations. he is also the offer of the book, the end of ambition, america s past, present, and future in the middle east. gentlemen, it is great to have both of you with us. ambassador, i will start with you and get your take on this is recognition. does any gantz is recognition change anything about how israel conducts this war in gaza or these talks for a cease- fire and hostage deal? high, good evening. it looks like a drama. it looks like a political earthquake. it is not but it does have the potential to evolve and do something very dramatic if mr. gantz resignation. which is according to most of his critics was related by at least five or six days months. to a large extent, any guest in decision-making and the cabinet was marginal. his ability to affect change in both the prosecution of the war and in developing and crafting a strategy for postwar in gaza was marginal. he essentially became an enabler. i think if you read stephen cook s article on foreign- policy yesterday, even the americans got him wrong in terms of thinking he is some centrist, even left of center. in terms of policy, he is a decent man. there is no malice there. he meant well when he joined the government. it was a time of emergency. effectively, he enabled netanyahu. he is complacent and he is an accomplice to every mistake, every strategic fluid assumption that this government made. now, in terms of how this will affect the war, it doesn t change the fundamental element, the fundamental parameters of what needs to be done. israel still faces a binary choice, except the plan or not except the plan. it sounds bizarre, i m in, netanyahu rejects israel s plan. it is like, you know. 1994. george orwell except that it is netanyahu s 2024. so in that respect, nothing changes as a result of his departure. stephen, there is an interesting element in his press conference, i should say, a fact that came out and that is he is honestly calling for new elections in israel this fall but that was somewhat echoed by chuck schumer here a couple of weeks ago. senate leader chuck schumer, the highest making jewish official american history demanding that netanyahu step aside and calling for early elections, as well. first of all, do you see that happening? what are the chances that the next reiteration of the israeli government does not move further to the right, if you do bring in somebody like ben-gvir or give more power to the more right of netanyahu elements in the government and society. there is pressure coming from the outside for a new elections, and certainly from within, from benny gantz. the other major figure in the opposition. but netanyahu, even with gantz s decision to leave the government has a solid majority in the knesset so he can stick it out as long as he has the support of his partners, the radical right. think of a. this government is likely to move further to the right, as a result. however, it is true, any gantz has played essentially a marginal role. now that you have ben-gvir demanding on a greater say in the war effort, that is likely to move things to the right in ways that are not good for the palestinians, obviously, and the israelis, as well. gantz poss resignation is actually quite puzzling to me and ways. if he is concerned with national security and israel, if he is concerned about the war effort, it strikes me that he would want to remain in the war cabinet and insert himself rather than take himself out and let the country continue its march to the right. and who knows what will happen. ben-gvir and most of us want to resettle the gaza strip. that is an ultimate disaster so it may be that gantz thought he could save himself but fight for another day and improve his political chances. but it leads to a suboptimal outcome for everybody else. what does that mean, stephen, for the united states in the situation? you got the secretary of state, antony blinken now heading to the region for the eighth time since october 7th. they are on the cusp of waking up to an israeli government that is more extreme and, as you just said, potentially calling for the resettling, the full reoccupation of gaza and the displacement, perhaps, of the palestinians. if you do bring in people, or not bring in, but to give people like into mark ben-gvir more power over the conduct of this war and gaza policy. i was perhaps the least optimistic person in washington when it came to a cease-fire anyways. and i am even less optimistic about this. there is no basis for agreement at this point. unfortunately, it seems, after all this terrible bloodshed, that the conflict is not yet ripe for a resolution and secretary of state tony blinken is going to find the same problems that he found on his previous trips. ambassador, your thoughts on what america should do now? as you probably heard my previous hours, spoke to former u.s. army major who resigned saying that america actually does have a lot of leverage over israel. perhaps more so than any other country in the region. he needs to step up and exerted to change course. as a diplomat, former diplomat, i should say. what you think america should do now as it sees this israeli government, and even just consistently moved to the right and to the extreme right with no fundamental change in policy, vis-@-vis the palestinians? in president biden s credit, to president biden s credit. he warned mr. netanyahu, the government was informed that this is an extremist government and then when mr. netanyahu instigated a constitutional coup in january of 23, it was followed by biden not refraining from inviting him to washington, to the white house for nine full months, and then the war rocha, et cetera, et cetera. so yes, the u.s. has all kinds of levers that it can use. it chose, until now, not to use them. and i heard your interview with major, and you made actually, you presented, submitted two premises, and you are right on both. both has letters and chooses not to use them, and, to a large extent, most of its lovers, because mr. netanyahu has been entranced and defiant and is actually seeking confrontation with biden. his plan right now is to try and stall and waste time and wait until america is sucked into its election cycle, full force. around september. and then he hopes that mr. trump will be elected. there is no question and there is no doubt about that. what the u.s. needs to do now is one of two things. it needs to do its basic calculus of how much our american interests being sergeant here. and that pertains to a possible escalation in lebanon and direct feed, rather than what the palestinians or pull out, meaning, you know, say to mr. netanyahu, do what ever the hell you want, but leave us out. which is obviously not a reasonable or realistic option. but what they can do. i know we don t have time. the u.s. can do and has not done until now is for president biden, not anyone else, not secretary of state link in, not national security advisor sullivan. for biden himself, for the president himself to stand out, stand up, and make a speech differentiating, drawing a distinction, a clear distinction between israel and mr. netanyahu and calling mr. netanyahu s bluff, if he believes that is going to be a blow. i don t know. will have to wait and see if the president is watching this, maybe he will heed your advice. ambassador, i noticed very late in israel. thank you so much for staying up for us. i really appreciate it. we appreciate it. we greatly appreciated. stephen cook, great to see you, as well. my friend, congratulations on the book next up, why a man dressed up as an exterminator started a hateful conspiracy theory that is spreading like wildfire ahead of november s election, then later on, caitlin clark left off with team usa. was she snubbed? a treatment ca. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 17 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies before surgery when you have early-stage lung cancer, which can be removed by surgery, and then continued alone after surgery to help prevent your lung cancer from coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ, tissue, or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation or have a nervous system problem. keytruda is an immunotherapy and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it s tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. i use febreze fabric refresher everyday. to make my home smell amazing. on my bed. my couch. my jacket or jeans in between washes. even shoes. febreze doesn t cover up odors with scent, but fights them. and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. 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first, thanks for having me on. i think it is right on target. what we saw after january 6th, 2021 was a period of time where you know, extremists kind of went into a short period of trying to regroup obviously the arrests and prosecutions had some substantial impacts on that world. but arrests and prosecutions aren t enough, and when you re not dealing with the root causes of the problem, these groups are able to kind of essentially regroup and then re- emerge even stronger. and i think that is exactly what we are seeing and what the southern poverty law center is pointing to. how does conspiracy theories play into the activity and rise of hate groups right now thinking about the harassment we saw play out at a migrant shelter in san diego. what led people to the january 6th insurrection, how is it that these baseless theories are resonating so much with people on the far right driving them to make these both online and real-life threats, even things like pizza gates that we saw several years ago? and menus, conspiracy theories are kind of a defining feature of extremist hate groups. one of the things that they do that is so important for them is that they offer a bridge of sorts and that conspiracy theories can reach a much broader audience. of course, we saw that on january 6th, in terms of the attack on the u.s. capitol. lots of different sorts of folks that ended up showing up by the thousands at the capitol that day. you had the proud boys, you had the three presenters. oath keepers, neo nazis, neo- confederate, a lot of folks that weren t necessarily affiliated with those groups. one thing they had in common is they all believed in this conspiracy theory about the stolen election. and you know, these kind of ideas are really, provide people a special sense that they are aware of things that the average person isn t aware of, and provides them with this kind of special knowledge, secretive knowledge, special insight. it really goes along with the idea, the that extremist groups offer to their adherents, that you re a part of a special population, special culture, special country, special race, special religion that is different and, quite frankly, superior to other groups. when you look at this record number of anti-lgbtq+ and white nationalist groups in 2023, numbering 186 and 165 respectively, why are these groups specifically, in your opinion, growing so significantly as they have grown? has there m.o. shifted and having this kind of hatred towards the lgbtq+ community? that is 18 many hot button issues that these kind of groups are good at identifying and then targeting and really spending a lot of time directing disinformation towards and propaganda and really trying to highlight the supposedly dangerous and risk a so that go along with, from their perspective, these hot button issues. immigration has been one for years, as well. and frankly, right now, they have at their fingertips, some of the most powerful technology in human history, in terms of social media platforms and the problems that you mentioned, the root problems that we are really not addressing, social media platforms, the lack of regulation around those. that will certainly be one of them coupled with national leadership that is helping essentially espouse some of the same ideas using literally, in the case of donald trump, the language of nazi germany to help promote these ideas. so they had these megaphones, whether it is national leaders or social media platforms at their disposal, that really empower them to a substantial extent. do you think that we have the adequate legal tools to take on these organizations x when you think about, as you were just mentioning, the issues of social media. it obviously rubs up against the issue of free speech in this country, that is always a find point when you re trying to go after these groups, he almost kind of have to wait until the free speech becomes actionable and they go out and carry out some kind of attack or potential violence. at which point it violates the law but up until the point of actually doing something about it, it falls, some would argue, under free speech. we have the legal tools the way that we have designated foreign terrorist organizations to go after isis and what have you? do we have enough adequate resources and tools to go after domestic terrorist organizations? i think we do have, i don t think a new statute is the answer, per se. i do think essentially utilizing resources that we have, being more aggressive, understanding that arresting and prosecuting is an important part of it, it is a necessary part of it but it is honestly not the only part of it. and then a civil issue, in terms of talk about the law. i do think that it needs some changes in that realm as it relates to social media platforms and being able to hold them more civilly accountable for the material that they are publishing and, of course, that means congressional changes to section 230. and i do think it is clear that social media platforms are not willing to take the kind of aggressive actions that are necessary to essentially cleanup their platforms. all right, professor pete sent me, it is a pleasure, thank you so much for joining us. i greatly appreciate your insights. thanks for having me. next, families are still being separated at the southern border. and why. and why. the best way to solve a problem is to keep it from happening. ( ) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly. while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin . no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it s easy. (kev) . i guess we re movin . [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. last october, a peruvian family was taken into border patrol custody in the san diego area, during the process the parents were separated from their 18-month-old son, then released without him, according to a report from prison. if it wasn t for several military organizations that stepped in to help, that family may have never been reunited. they were able to track the boys whereabouts to a detention center hundreds of miles away, in texas. according to this february reporting from prison, legal advocates have accounted for at least 1000 instances of family separation across san diego county under this tactic known as street release, where migrants in custody are released without resources or shelter. at the start of his presidency, joe biden officially rescinded trumps zero-tolerance policy in the reunification task force that, according to dhs, has reunified 795 children with their parents, as of march. but despite those efforts, families are still being separated under a president who campaigned on a humane approach to immigration and strongly denounced the policies of his predecessor. now despite that, biden has signed an executive order this past week that drastically curtails humanitarian right to seek asylum. joining me now to discuss this, and more, is president and ceo of global refuge and a former policy director on the obama admin, and msnbc contributor who has done a lot of reporting on this and many other issues. it is great to have both of you with us. i will start with you, under a settlement reached in december with the families who were separated under the trump administration, border officials can still separate families in limited circumstances, such as if an adult poses a danger to a child or to national security. that didn t appear to be the case with the family that we just mentioned. to what do you oh these types of policies still taking place today? i think most people would be hearing about this now and still be shocked that this policy is still happening in this country? i think part of what we are seeing is a situation where policy does incentivize family separation. and that is true not just on u.s. soil but at the u.s.- mexico border, as well. when you think about even the new executive order, which exempts unaccompanied children, what that means is that a family that is fleeing for their lives, makes a possible choice of either allowing their children to travel unaccompanied across the border so that they can reach safety, or to remain in mexico obviously, families have experienced assault and far worse. in terms of the specific case that you are describing. i think this is where you know, there still some confusion on how policies are being implemented. we care for unaccompanied children and, obviously, it is horrific to see that even under this administration, we have echoes of what we saw as a real policy under president trump, which was essentially government sanctioned kidnapping. this report the site a difference between the family separations under trump versus biden, under trump federal immigration officials separated small children from their parents, whereas under biden, officials separated different family four nations, mainly parents and their adult children what does this say overall about our immigration system, specifically that these policies are continuing under a democratic president? is that just the result of vague policies and the lack of clarity as to how this should be implement it? or is it because there is something different at play here? i think what you re seeing is a biden administration that is falling into a political trap i do think we have to be very clear when we are talking about zero-tolerance, going back in history, that was such a dark chapter in our history, we had a trump administration that made decisions out of cruelty and made decisions out of the action of dehumanizing others. and here we have a biden administration that is falling into a political trap. over the last four years we have seen this admin that has made promises and that suddenly, it is shifting to the right. as you pointed out, ayman. i want to remember that the very very last week of the 2020 november election, the biden campaign released a video call separated. and in that video, just five days before everyone went out to vote, he specifically highlighted trumps zero policy initiative. he highlighted the cruelty. in here we are, just five months before the election, and as we have been discussing, he has been starting to sound and use language that does sort of remind us of donald trump. and at the end of the day, that is a political trap because the bottom line is, you cannot out trump trump when it comes to immigration and the border. what worked in 2020 was that humanity, as you described, anything that tries to shift to the right of donald trump is a failed political strategy. so to that point, krisher. makes a really good point with this flaming framing of a political trial when it comes to the issue of immigration. i do want to turn to biden s new executive order. any any time the seven day average of a legal border crossings reaches 2500 migrant entering the u.s. between legal ports of entry, with some exceptions, will be banned from claiming asylum and deported talk to me about how this is implemented. several department of homeland security officials responsible for carrying out the actions. on the condition of anonymity to msnbc, there is concern that the tension facilities across centers for migrants could quickly become overcrowded. what are you hearing about this and why? it is such an important question because for organizations like local refuge who work with asylum-seekers, the executive order raises a number of concerns. for one, there are very significant questions about its ultimate legality and enforceability. you know, the trump administration used the same authority to shut down the southern border and that was also really locked by federal courts. also raises some serious locations for asylum seeking families who are trying to seek protection because of these arbitrary numerical limits. i think the final important point is just understand that we know from trump era policies that were hard-line restrictions. they don t actually deter people from crossing the border. so we are perplexed by a policy that isn t going to actually be effective, that is harkening back to the trump administration, and i think it is a result of congressional inaction. but the administration could put in place a system that respects our border, but also respect our humanitarian and legal obligations. back in april, reported on how migrant women are being targeted by cartels as they wait and limbo at the mexican border to hear back about their asylum claims. i remember talking to you about it back then. how do you see biden s new order exacerbating this specific issue? i mean, as all of us know, the desperation isn t in there. what we are seeing is simply a more dangerous situation. what this means on the ground is that more families, their lives will be in the hands of the cartels. they will be held hostage. they will be exposed to sexual violence and sexual assault. many families will be sleeping in tent cities. many families will go hungry. many families will be repatriated to countries that are death sentences. many families will set a suddenly be staring into the united states at this time them, no matter the violence that they are facing, no matter the inhumanity, no matter the cruelty. no matter how many attempts there are by the cartels to end their lives, in this country, or try to make it harder for them to seek asylum. we all know that that desperation will only mean that these families will literally put their lives in the hands of the cartels to find other routes to cross into this country. that is what we are facing. a troubling situation for every one involved. thank you so much for the both of you, greatly appreciated. coming up, far right extremism spreads across israel, sanctioned by one of the country s top government officials. i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well jardiance! it s a little pill with a big story to tell i take once-daily jardiance at each day s start! as time went on it was easy to see i m lowering my a1c! jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is really swell the little pill with a big story to tell! it s never a good time for migraine, especially when i m on camera. that s why my go-to is nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service. made possible by t-mobile for business. with t-mobile s reliable 5g business internet. employees get the information they need instantly. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog s food to the farmer s dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there s no magic involved. (dog bark) it s just smarter, healthier pet food. it s amazing what real food can do. this week, israeli extremist marched through the streets of jerusalem they were celebrating jerusalem day, which marks the conclusion of the june 19th 1967 war, that is when israel and conquered and occupied the territory including the west bank and east jerusalem. israelis claimed it to be a reunification of jerusalem, despite east jerusalem largely being inhabited by palestinians, and all attempt at a peace accord envisioning jerusalem as a capital for both israel and palestine. while marching through densely popular to palestinian neighborhoods, some of them are tours chanted death to arabs and may your village burn and other racist and violent slogans. the most troubling things were attacks on journalists. these are palestinian journalists, clad in a press pass, being threatened and physically attacked by a mob right wing israelis. he was kicked and pummeled by the mob, had objects thrown at him and sustained a head injury. even more troubling, it was the journalist who was detained by police, who confiscated his equipment after he was attacked. i known right-wing activists contacted the police and claimed that he was a hamas operative. that is all the evidence the police needed to detain him. also reported that the police did not arrest any of the at at attackers. intimidation from the palestinian sections of jerusalem not new. this mart has been and will for decades. we re not just dealing with outlaws or a fringe group this is appearing at the core of israel s power structure. take for example, national security administer, ben-gvir. here that this week s march and visited the complex that palestinians referred to, israelis called the temple mount. israeli journalist called the move a, quote, shattering of the status quo, since the rules about who is allowed where at this compound are extremely delicate. in the far right israeli leader marching through the muslim holy site is typically seen as a provocation of violence. case and point, september 20th, 2000, right wing opposition leader in the and infamously made the same track. a move that helped spark the second palestinian intifada. went on to defeat labor months later, which ended any hopes of an israeli-palestinian peace accord and ushered in years of increased violence. so been here knew exactly what he was doing. when the u.s. government continues to give israel unconditional financial military and diplomatic support and aid, american should know exactly who and what their tax dollars support. more ayman after a quick break. ak. will if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum 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season, the first wnba clash between former college rivals, and now start rookies, angel rees and caitlin clark. the most notable moment came in the third quarter, when chicago sky guard kennedy carter hit checked caitlin clark before the ball is inbound, essentially pushing her to the floor your average fan but what a cheap shot, it is also the kind of hard lay one occasionally sees in pro sports. regardless, the incident sparked hot takes galore across the sports world. with many mostly male commentators calling on league officials to protect caitlin clark. other reactions were plainly inappropriate. espn host called mcafee called her, quote, a white b word. he later apologized. the chicago ran an editorial calling a hip check to sold. the median meltdown is part of what the atlantic dubs the one downside of gender equality in sports, a movement in women s basketball means more commentary from men who don t know what they re talking about. join me now to discuss this is the author of that piece, contributing writer for the l.a., jamel hill. it is great to have you on the show. you know, so much to unpack here. let me start with charles barkley and other male commentators who accused the wnba layers of being jealous of clark s popularity, the carter foul seems to have supercharged that view. what do you think that type of criticism gets wrong about how veterans are treating clark? well, one, thanks for having me on. one, i think a lot of them and who are commenting, they seem to come at the same time, forget about how they competed if they were former players in the way that charles barkley was , forget about how they commentate and frame a lot of the story lines that happen on the men s side, whereas when men challenge each other, when a new rookie comes in and there is some kind of. were, of course, you have want to see how misses person really who they say they are, it is often considered a competitive and natural part of the game. yet, with women, they seem to reduce their level of competitiveness to something that is very triggering, particularly when we are talking about a leak that a 70% black. they go with these code words, petty, jealousy. making it sound like we re talking about a real housewives reunion on bravo. this is not what this is, this is a competitive fire. and naturally, of course, when you are the talent, the generational talent that caitlin clark is, there s going to be a lot when you come to the next level. the women in the wnba are the escalators of the world at their sport. it is a reason why the olympic team has won seven gold medals in a row. it is a reason why they are 70 and three and they haven t lost a game since the 90s. where did the thing is women were coming from? this leak. if they re that good that would me naturally for any rookie, there s going to be a bit of a learning curve where they can understand the physicality and the way the game is played. it is very natural in men s sports when you go from college to the pros, that in college, you can t get away with in the pros. that is what makes it the pros. but the men who commentate seem to forget all of this when it comes to caitlin clark. you bring up an interesting point. i do want to ask you about that. there has been an obvious racial component to some of these debates. carter and angel rees, who were seen cheering after the foul are both black. and people are talking about that and explained that point how does race play into the media s explosive reactions to the story lines? will this is a collocated question, and a complicated answer. so let me go back and sum it up correctly. okay, again, the wnba is 70% black. so the face of the caitlin, they made out to be black. one of the tropes, and many of the tropes about the black women is that there confrontational, aggressive, petty, jealous, all the things. so when those traits are ascribed to women in general, when people want to talk competitively about women. i think, in this case, particularly sticks because you have that object of black versus white. let s be honest, another white player had done, it would not merely have been as inclusive as it was. because you have the dynamic of her and angel rees, a black player and a white layer having a personal rivalry, it becomes racially charged by the optics. i m old enough to remember when johnson, when they were college rivals came over to the pros. a lot of what people talked about then, how their talents are characterized was based off racial perceptions in this country of both of them. i don t know why people think that this wouldn t be alive and well in this rivalry, but it is. and angel rees has bore the brunt of a lot of this because she chose to, you know, sorta be confident about the level of play that she has when they were in college. and listen, i don t agree that she should have been clapping when kennedy carter took her down but at the same time, within the context of a broader rivalry. they took some cheap shots at each other, that s what happened. again, it is interesting how the same things that are celebrated, marketed, and that fans love on one side of the game, a totally different gender, they are suddenly clutching their pearls on the other side. i grew up a little bit in detroit. i know very well what a violent or tough basketball game looks like. but to ask you about something you brought up really quick. we are almost out of time, though. the debate that was parked this weekend about caitlin clark being left off the u.s. olympic rascal team. some describe it as a snub. she is still a rookie, though. she s a two-time nieces mentor winner. has not included the standout rookie before or any rookie is before, what is your reaction and do you agree with calling it a snub? i don t think it is a snub and i honestly wasn t surprised. i thought this months ago. i think she is going to have a pretty hard time making the team. and that is not about her ability. i think eventually caitlin clark, i think this is almost a guarantee. about the transition, she went from playing college ball to play in a professional league within a matter of weeks, when they were holding the child in their camp, she wasn t able to play in any of that. she has some international experience but not a lot. she is at a position where it is a little bit tougher because you are a guard a little bit on the slight side. she is adjusting to the physicality where the international level is more. it is a very successful team there is a lot of people that do not get on this team and work this time around. and so i think if we just take the caitlin clark nests away from it and people will probably better understand the decision. like you said, the women s team is the most dominant team in the sports. it is tough to break into at any level, let alone your rookie year. thank you so much, greatly appreciate having this conversation with you tonight appreciate you. always. that is it for me tonight. thank you for joining us. make sure to catch ayman, follow us on x and instagram. after the break , and encore presentation of prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. until we meet again, have a good night. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don t take ingrezza if you re allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. 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Transcripts For BBCNEWS HARDtalk 20240610

my guest is the renowned colombian novelist juan gabriel vasquez, who weaves powerful stories out of fact and fiction. is there anything magical about colombia s current reality? juan gabriel vasquez, welcome to hardtalk. thank you for having me. it s a pleasure to have you. now you inhabit two different intellectual worlds. you are a political commentator. it is yourjob to have instant, strong opinions for newspapers. on the other hand, you re also a novelist who writes complex, nuanced novels that are sort of riddled with doubt and uncertainty. which of these two mental attitudes comes more naturally to you? well, i m first and foremost a novelist. iwas. i began writing fiction at a very young age, and it was always my ideal to write the kind of novels that i had grown up with. but in south america, a novelist is also a citizen. and so you develop very quickly the need, the compulsion sometimes, the feeling of obligation to comment on the political reality. so in a sense, there are two different and opposite ethics. erm. you write fiction out of uncertainty and doubts and questions. novels are written to ask questions, not to give answers. but at the same time, you re a political commentator who tries to have certainties, who tries to shed doubts. are you faking it when you come up with those certainties for your columns? no, but there are few. there are very few, very few moments during the week in which you are absolutely sure about something and you write to convince, you write to do a kind of proselytism. you write to try to get answers. interestingly, you dig deep into your home country, colombia, and yet you spent a significant part of your adult life out of colombia. yes. would it be correct in a way to say that you became confident in your voice, you know, exploring your home country once you d left it? yes, yes, ithink that s quite accurate. in a sense, also, i was following a very old latin american tradition of leaving our countries to write about them, to understand them better. this is something that has been happening since, uh. ..since the nicaraguan poet ruben dario lived in paris and madrid in the early 20th century. and then, of course, the generation that i grew up as my role models, the latin american boom, and. and garcia, gabriel garcia marquez. ..garcia marquez, yes. ..perhaps the most famous south american author of our times. yeah, yeah. he belonged to a generation that wrote, that retold the history of our countries from abroad. so we have this very strange situation in south america where the best novel about colombia 100 years of solitude was written in mexico, and the best novel about peru by mario vargas llosa was written in paris, and carlos fuentes, the great mexican novelist, wrote in washington and london. so it is a kind of necessity, perhaps, that we find to, you know, get a little removed from the places that we are discussing. it s interesting to just reflect on garcia marquez, cos. yeah. i know it s become a bit of a cliche, but this this phrase used about his work and, indeed, 100 years of solitude was magical realism . you do something very different. yes. you use a lot of recent history, of facts, and you weave personal stories around those facts, and it s often quite brutal and it s quite violent and difficult. yes. was your writing a deliberate reaction against that sort of quote unquote magical realism ? no, no, my writing isjust the recognition that my world is different. my world view comes from a different place. i was born in a big capital city in the middle of the andes, so 2,600 metres over sea level. whereas garcia marquez was born in a very small town, caribbean town, with a very different culture and outlook. so his demons, his obsessions, his ghosts were quite different from mine. and you were also raised at a time of horrible violence, instability, chaos. yes. your home city, bogota. yeah. i mean, did that. do you reflect on that and think, you know what, i was actually quite traumatised as a kid, as a young adult, by what was happening around me ? yes, well, when i left colombia in 1996, i was 23. i thought i was leaving because i wanted to become a certain kind of writer, and that was the latin american tradition. with time, i understood that i was also fleeing the violence. i was also fleeing a a particular situation. this was the years of drug wars and drug related terrorism. erm. narco traffickers like pablo escobar were at the height of their power as you were a teenager and a young adult. exactly, exactly. napoleon says somewhere that in order to understand a man, you have to understand his world when he was 20. and i turned 20 in 1993, which was the year in which pablo escobar died at the height of his threats to the colombian system. so that s that. do you, do you think, when you reflect on it and of course, i m mindful you were writing in europe about this colombia of corruption, of chaos, of violence do you think you were expressing in a way, a sort of deep fear and anger about what had happened to your homeland? frustration in a sense, but mainly mainly uncertainties, maybe mainly the feeling that the stories that were being told were not complete. i think i write out of a sense of darkness, of shadows in the collective story of my country, and i think of fiction as a way to shed some light, particularly, on that, on that very special place in which the historical meets private lives, in which private individuals, as brothers and sisters and lovers and fathers and siblings, they have. they suffer the consequences of politics and history and those forces that we have never learned quite how to, how to control, but that do change our lives. and this is the territory of our human experience that i try to tell in my novels. you call it fiction, but of course you fill your books with facts, sometimes very personal facts. yes. i mean, i m thinking of one of your most successful novels, the sound of things falling, which involves a plane crash. and in fact, you really did find, i think, the transcript of the recording of the last moments of a plane, which i believe was carrying a family friend, which crashed. that s right, yes. and you very literally took these horrific final moments and wrote about them. yes. you also included some other bizarre facts, like the hippo that escaped from pablo escobar s infamous zoo and which was then hunted down years later. and that was the beginning of your book. so i guess, you know, your audience might be sometimes quite confused about these blurred lines between fact and you re a journalist, so you deal in facts but then fiction, which is where you as a novelist come in. yes, i ve understood with time that in my work. my work always begins with meeting an actual person who has a story that seems to me interesting, or who is hiding something, who has evidently some kind of secrets. and i start asking questions. so i always begin writing as a novel. as a journalist. i m a journalist first, and then, since my novels often deal with the colombian past, with our collective past, i turn into a historian ifind documents, i go into archives, and then the last the last person to come into the process is the novelist. and the novelist s only task is to try to say something that neither the journalist nor the historian has said. but in so doing, you twist and bend the truth. or do you not believe there is such a thing as truth? i do believe there is such a thing as truth. epistemologically i do believe that, but i don t think it s accessible through one story. i don t think one story can.interpret it fully. so you need several stories coming from several parts. and this is particularly true in my country, where we are trying to deal with a recent history of violence. and we are all trying storytellers, journalists, historians, novelists who are trying to open a space in which different stories about these last 50 years coexist, have the right to exist. but if, if your perception that, actually, truth is complex and it requires the understanding of different people s perspectives and memories. yes. ..and they can recollect the same event in very different ways. yes. where does that leave colombia s attempt to reach, you know, what in south africa was known as truth and reconciliation ? is it possible in colombia? that s what we are trying to do. the peace agreements that were passed in 2016, which i think is one of the great successes in the history of my country, these agreements between the colombian government ofjuan manuel santos and the farc guerrilla. yeah, it should be said it was with the farc group, which was the dominant insurgent group. only one of them. ..but there are many other rebel groups who have not made peace and who are not part of that agreement. exactly. but it was the biggest guerrilla, perhaps the oldest one, and the strongest one, certainly. so it was a success story to make peace with this guerrilla movement. now, part of the. part of what the agreements created were two institutions, the commission of truth and the transitional justice tribunals. both of them are, among several other things, in charge of telling stories, opening spaces in which people can come and tell their story, be recognised as victims of violence, or as perpetrators who ask for forgiveness. the victims may or may not forgive, but the most, the most wonderful human situations have been created or allowed by this, by the institutions. and they all go through the same phenomenon of telling stories. but is it really healing wounds, or do those wounds still fester in your country? that s that s a great question. you never know if remembering can be sometimes exciting, new resentments or keeping hatred alive. i do have i do have faith in the power of remembering correctly and accurately the past. carlos fuentes, the mexican novelist, said there is no living future with a dead past, and part of our role, i think, as novelists and storytellers in general, is keeping the past alive, trying to keep it true, keep it honest, so that we can understand it and move forward. ah, i mean, something pretty extraordinary happened in 2022 when the colombian electorate voted into power. yeah. ..president petro, who in a previous life, not so very long ago had been a committed guerrilla fighter in the m 19 group, and now he sits in the presidential palace. but that clearly sticks in the throat of many colombians. and ijust wonder, as you look at your country today, whether you fear that petro, who came to power pledging, total peace with all of the different armed groups in his country. yes. ..whether in fact his presidency is deepening polarisation. well, i m very critical about president petro. i think he is a populist and a demagogue of a very old latin american tradition. but he had this unique opportunity of and this is why i thought his election was good news of implementing the peace agreements of 2016, which had been disregarded or actively sabotaged by the last conservative government of ivan duque. he hasn t. it s not looking so good right now, is it? i mean, as i understand it, of the different armed groups. because he seems to be saying that he wants a, you know, an ultimate peace and a disarming of all the groups, including criminal gangs as well as insurgent rebel groups and paramilitary groups, he wants them all to be in this umbrella of total peace. yes. well, of the 20 or more different armed groups, only about five are currently engaging with the government. yes, and not only that, to me, the bad side of the whole project is that he is taking away from the 2016 agreements, all the attention and the resources and the rhetorical energy of the government. so he is forgetting them, leaving them to die a slow death through inattention, through negligence, concentrating on his own projects. whereas we we looked forward during his election to the first serious implementation of those wonderful agreements that we managed to pass in 2016 after much polarisation. it s not it s not just a question, is it, of the men with guns. it s also the politicians who for decades and decades, at the very least, turned a blind eye and sometimes were actively complicit in the violence, the murder, the chaos and the mayhem in your country. do you think there will be an accounting of those politicians one could say the old political elite in colombia will they be held to account? well, i certainly think they re one of the. one of the main objectives of the peace agreements and the peace negotiations has to be to find the truth, to have people speak the truth and, and accept some kind of truth as the only way for which we. a reconciliation of the country. but there has to be a reconciliation. it s absolutely no use to go through these difficult processes that have divided us and polarised us as a nation. so as you say that and you talk about your hopes for the future of your country i m just looking at my notes where i noted down that right now, opposition leaders in bogota are saying that they have plans to launch national strikes to paralyse the country if petro attempts to establish this talk of a constituent assembly, assembly to bypass parliament and the courts. there s allegations of corruption being bandied around involving close family and associates of petro, including charges that his son is facing of bribery with allegations that it was linked to campaign finance, which of course, he the son and indeed the president himself clearly deny all involvement. but nonetheless, it looks in a way like colombia is sinking back into something very dark and dangerous. i think we are not strangers to a certain kind of dynamics in the whole of the continent. 0ur continent, our continent in south america is being divided into different kinds of populisms right wing populisms such as bolsonaro in brazil some years ago and milei in argentina and the left wing populisms active in nicaragua and venezuela, which are turning their countries into failed democracies. in the middle, we have this negotiation between two kinds of extreme ideas, extreme projects, political projects in colombia. and in the middle there are some looking for a way to create a new political centre of a progressive kind, and this is turning into one of the most difficult things of all. because of the current situation of that tension between what the government of petro is doing, a populist demagogue. on that spectrum of latin american politics with the populism, as you describe it, of both the left and the right where do you see the greatest danger lying for colombia? which way do you believe it might. it s very clear to me that the greatest danger is that petro s government will open the way for a right wing or rather, extreme right wing populism, which is already in the making and gathering force as a reaction to what is going on from the government. that is the most worrying situation for me. underpinning much of the violence in colombia and we ve talked about politics and insurgency but underpinning much of it has been drugs. yes. narco trafficking. yeah. ..and the vast amounts of money and indeed the power that come with controlling the drugs. you have suggested that the only way out of this for a country like colombia is the full legalisation of currently illegal narcotics. yes, for any country, i would think. but particularly. what do you think that would do to colombia? i think drugs are a double problem. you have public order problems linked to the violence and the corruption and the instability created by criminal gangs who try to vie for control of the trade. and on the other hand, you have public health problems linked to consumption of drugs and what that does to. the burden that places on health systems. if you legalise, every experience tells us that legalisation would get rid of the first problem violence, corruption, mafias, criminal gangs are a product of the illegal character of drugs, not of drugs themselves. and we saw that during prohibition in the united states only during prohibition did we have not only alcoholism and private problems, but also mafias and corruption and violence, which are the results of illegality, of the criminal world that is built around the protection of an illegal business. you legalise, you get probably rid of all these things, and you can devote the insane amounts of money that we use in drug wars to prevention and education and treatment of addiction. when you, as a journalist, write about the narco traffickers and the scourge that drugs represents in your country and you write about corruption and the corrosive nature of corruption you re in very dangerous territory. journalists and writers get targeted in colombia. yes. some of them occasionally get killed. do you worry about that? well, this is. this is a trend in the whole of the continent. journalists are being persecuted and imprisoned in venezuela and nicaragua. there are networks closed there. they re being actively persecuted by the government. i m interested in your personal story because we discussed you moving to europe to get a distance where you could write about colombia, but you then moved back in around, i think, around a decade or more ago. 2012, yes. yeah, so you have a presence inside colombia now. do you feel constraints on what you can say? i d rather not think about that maybe. surely, you have to. well, i, uh. i do believe there s a kind of.obligation i have as an intellectual, as an observer, and as a novelist. we have a certain kind of take on colombian life, novelists, and it is it is very difficult to. not to do what albert camus, who is a big figure for me, said it is the role of the journalist to say things are so when you effectively see that things are so, and this is what i try to do. and i know you are friends with many writers around the world, including salman rushdie. when you see what happens to writers who take on, uh, those who don t want their voice to be heard on certain issues, does it make you become more careful about what you say and write? well, salman rushdie is a great example of somebody who has spent the last 30 years defending the freedoms the rest of us take for granted and thriving. i think he is an example of, of courage and of resilience. and it s. for me, it s a source, it s an inspiration and a source of admiration in many senses. and you will continue to write about your country from inside your country? i have never, except for one book, i haven t written a page of fiction that is not obsessively about my country, about trying to understand its violence and trying to, uh, explore it and illuminate it. and as a journalist, i only try to defend our right our right to peace, to have a peaceful country. which is, you know, hopefully in the making, but not there immediately. juan gabriel vasquez, thank you very much forjoining me on hardtalk. it was a pleasure. thank you. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. live from london. this is bbc news. french president emmanuel macron calls a snap election after his alliance is heavily defeated by the far right in a european parliament vote. translation: i decided to put back in your hands the choice of our parliamentary future. in a few moments i will sign the decree convening the legislative election. they will be held on june 30, the first round, and july seven, the second round. the israeli war cabinet minister benny gantz pulls his party out of the israeli government, accusing benjamin netanyahu of making empty promises over the war in gaza. 0n the campaign trail across the uk, the parties begin setting out their manifesto promises this week with the liberal democrats launching their manifesto later this morning. and coming up in business we ll be exploring the rise of swiftonomics as the billionaire pop star s eras tour gets under way in scotland. hello, i m sally bundock. a very warm welcome to the programme. we start in france, and in what s been described as a huge political gamble, the french president emmanuel macron has called a snap parliamentary vote after his alliance suffered a big defeat by the populist right in european union elections. mr macron said he couldn t ignore the result and dissolving parliament was an act of trust in the french people. the national rally party led by marine le pen is on course to win a record 32% of the vote

Juan-gabriel-vasquez , Sense , Reality , Feeling , Obligation , Citizen , Compulsion , Need , South-america , Two , Fiction , Fact

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240610

her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. the raw to 369369. today this source, but kaitlan collins, week nights at nine right? so the european level as a result of the european elections held over the weekend we are ready to rebuild the country, ready to revive friends you moon me. tell one regrettably netanyahu is preventing us from advancing toward true victory, which is the justification for the ongoing and painful cost of war. we didn t have any us forces on the ground. second, we ve been working for months to support israel and its efforts anything that it s an illicit activity, they re going to engage in for a profit. the fbi el paso can confirm that members of brynn have crossed into the united states from london. this is cnn newsroom with max foster hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers, joining us from around the world. and max foster is monday, june the 10th, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 10:00 a.m. in paris brussels, and berlin as europe s starts the week on a shifting political landscape that seems to be moving further and further as well to the right, results are coming in for the next european parliament and far-right parties are projected to win a record number of seats after four days of voting in 27 countries. exit polls show the mainstream center-right european people s party will remain the largest group. european commission chief ursula von der leyen celebrating her party success, whilst acknowledging that extremes on both ends of the spectrum are gaining traction. the center is holding but it is also true that the extremes on the left and on the right have gained support and this is why the result comes with great responsibility for the parties in the center we may differ on individual points but we all have an interest in stability and we all want a strong and effective europe will protesters in paris express their outrage at gains for french right-wing parties, which took more than one in three votes cast according to the official results french president emmanuel macron has dissolved parliament and called snap elections in the coming weeks, johnny s now claire sebastian, we re focusing on france because it s the most dramatic story but if we take the top three mayes, germany, france, and italy whilst the bigger picture is that the center ground held their position in key countries. the right surged, yeah. i mean, obviously particularly dramatically in france where the national rally, which is a big yes, far-right party, took more than 30%, more than double what emmanuel macron s renaissance party took. but the afd in germany, they ll turn to for germany party also was second place. this is a party that has been deemed so far, right. that marine le pen of the national rally actually kicked them out. you can say they re of the id grouping which was already seen as the most the extreme right grouping in the european parliament today. now gained seats in germany and in italy, giorgia meloni s brothers of italy, he had a really strong showing as well. so it is, as you say, these key, these key countries, these key parties that are now really mainstreaming these far-right policies. and in terms of those policies, take a listen to it. marine le pen said in france after this result ready to exercise power if the french justice during these future legislative session, we are ready to rebuild the country, ready to defend the interests of the french, ready to put an end to mass emigration, ready to make the purchasing power of the french a priority? pretty ready to begin the re-industrialize creation of the country. overall, we are ready to rebuild the country, ready to revive friends ready to put an end to mass immigration. no surprise that, that is always been the sort of core focus of the european far-right, as at, as it has been gradually rising over the past years and decades, purchasing power interesting one there. this is of course, an appeal to people in europe who have been suffering under the weight of a cost of living crisis are worried about the cost of policies like the green deal support for ukraine, things like that. so i think this is a real show of where we are, right? we ve seen five years where we ve seen increasingly more europe with this green deal with the joint approach to covid with the solidarity. have ukraine, these parties and are looking not to exit europe like we saw with brexit, but to control europe from within and to reduce its influence over these kinds of, these parts of life. and the most profound immediate impact is this french general election it s not as if macron is gonna be out completely, but he may end up having to deal with a far-right prime minister effectively. and this is just ahead of the olympics. why on earth did he choose to call this election? many people are baffled by it. yeah, i mean, the eyes of the world will be on france at this point. he says that he s looking for clarity, right? he needs to have clarity for the people effectively for the legislature to reflect the will of the people given the strong showing for the far-right, but it s a gamble, right? he wanted to go his way and it leaves a source telling cnn that convinced, convinced, convinced will be the approach in the lead up to the election if it does go his way, he then we ll gain a greater mandate among it for his liberal agenda right now, he has lost the already has absolute majority who s already struggling to get policies through. so in that sense, perhaps it has nothing to lose, but if not, he then has to, perhaps if the far-right gain the most seats in parliament, cohabit with the far far-right prime minister. and then we look ahead. of course, the 2027 when francis having presidential elections, when marine le pen has her sights clearly set on that i think claire. thank you wasn t just emmanuel macron, but faced a stinging rebuke in germany, as claire says, the social democrats of chancellor olaf scholtz score their worst ever result, just 14% that was the moment that the far right party alternative for germany learn the exit polls show it winning 16% of the vote to take second place. they re the party known for its anti-immigrant policies has risen from a fringe group to a huge mainstream presence. now now, let s even do maury is the head of the us and america s program at chatham house joins us from london because lesly a lot of people suggesting that without trump, none of this would have happened well, i think that might be a stretch. i mean, if you really think at the global context which is driving so much of what we re seeing the covid, pandemic, low growth in europe the effects of climate change, the pressure on the energy transition in the aftermath of russia s invasion of ukraine. the far right has been gaining traction for some time in europe. this is clearly at a different level, and there s no doubt as you ve suggested, max, that that donald trump and those around him have worked in insignificant ways below the radar, above the radar to try and give a voice to far-right elements across europe and certainly we ll see this as a success story for the conservative movement to which they re committed. but i think that they, as we ve said with donald trump and with trumpism, there is an argument to be made that trump is a symptom of a number of underlying causes that are leading. many people to suffer much more harshly the effects of those, those constant, those sort of global factors that i ve just outlined. the unequal effects of low growth are significant and the ability of the far-right to displace that frustration onto immigrants, which in fact what we need is a sound immigration policy to help solve some of the problems of labor shortages that europe will face two and the us is obviously needing to think about this instead, we re seeing quite the reverse that even the center is tacking to the right because of the pressure from this far-right s it would strengthen though. donald trump wouldn t it arguably in terms of foreign policy, because lead is like marine plant will lappin would be expected to closer to his alignment. and work more closely with him. and many of the far-right leaders du, identify with a lot of what trump says. so if he becomes president, he would have more allies in europe i think that s right. i think it s clear that donald trump has last i ve said ben a fan of those. he was quietly and sometimes not so quietly supportive of brexit and the far-right in the uk, certainly in europe. but if you look at the broader a european pushing right now, some of it in light of the anticipation of a possible trump election, is to work together to build strategic autonomy and coherence within europe. this will see anything but that right now we re seeing really a pull inwards france is going to be focused very much internally two days before the washington summit, before the native summit in washington, dc france will be admired and in a domestic elections. so the focus internally this will inevitably make it more difficult for europe to think strategically about the possibility of a trump election. but yes, you re absolutely right that for donald trump and those around him, this is a movement that they would like to see a focus more on sovereignty, on nationalism anti-immigration, and especially pushing back against the climate change agenda, oil and gas being absolutely critical to the trump s supporters so that, that movement i think is one that the former president we ll, certainly welcome you ve mentioned environment, you mentioned immigration, one of the key elements of the right-wing campaigns appears to be inflation as well, cost of living and that s appears to be what has tapped into this election. a tapped into people and got them a lot of support, something that the mainstream moderate parties haven t really managed to do. and then this second issue, which was ukraine, which ties into it because of the cost of supporting ukraine. we don t know exactly where trump s stands on ukraine, but where does all that tie together? well, as you rightly pointed out inflation, low growth, stalled growth, the effects of that are highly unequal. we re seeing that even in the united states where the growth has been much stronger when jobs have been a job creation has been very good for the whole. but the effects are still so highly unequal and it s those voters that are suffering the effects not only of the invasion of ukraine, of the sanctions of the so-called poly crisis are our voice finding their voice through leaders that are mobilizing them around and gender that isn t clear will actually deliver for that the benefits that they need to see the question of how you invest in a way that distributes goods more across the whole of society is an absolutely critical when it s one that people on the left are thinking very seriously about. but the right has been much more effective in certain corners at mobile slicing, those voters were simply not seeing the benefit they re experiencing, the hurt of those problems of growth and they re attributing it to the migrants that are coming across the borders they re seeing climate change is increasing their cost of living. so that message has been very powerful and one that europe is struggling with asieh is, is president biden in the united states to communicate a new way of thinking that can really put forward and broad and longer-term agenda very difficult to see those games if you re on the bottom end of the income scale. yeah, let s even geomorphic in london really appreciate time has ever now in the coming hours of probation officer is set to interview donald trump as part of the sentencing phase of his hush money trial. the meeting will be virtual with his attorney present as trump is back on the campaign trail, trump s advisers are eager for him to leave, talk of his legal troubles out of his speeches. but so far, that s not the case. cnn s alayna treene reports former president donald trump in his first campaign rally since being convicted in a manhattan courtroom last week surprisingly, did not talk about that trial specifically during his speech. instead, he spoke about his legal troubles more broadly. he also criticized special counsel jack smith, who was not part of this case referring to him it s a quote, dumb son of a and also claimed that the weaponization of the justice department in this country is worse than what you would find in a third world country. take a listen to how he put it i tell you what. no third world country has weaponization, where they go after political candidates, like we have either this guy can t get elected anything without cheating. the only way he can get elected is to cheat. now, despite that rhetoric, i will tell you that from my conversations with donald trump s campaign, they really do want him to leave this weekslong trial in the past and really begin turning back to a general election and pain message that includes talking about immigration, something he spoke about at length on sunday as well as the economy and crime and he did make one new announcement on sunday. he said that in a second administration of his would eliminate taxes on tips and that s something particularly important to voters here in nevada, especially given in the state s reliance on tourism and transportation. now, just looking ahead, to monday, donald trump is set to have a pre sentencing hearing with a probation officer. now this is pretty routine. following a conviction like his however, what s not normal is that it is going to be virtual will towed. he ll be at his mar-a-lago home with his defense attorney, todd blanche that alayna treene, cnn, las vegas, up next a shakeup inside israel s emergency government after key official says he s quitting the war cabinet, the announcement of blow to israel s prime minister even as he celebrated a rare rescue of hostages, why that operation in gaza is now drawing scrutiny. a reaction from across the globe ahead, how the us national security adviser responded to questions about the death toll in israel s latest operation i m out here telling people how they can say you ve money with experience, you got subscriptions. yeah, netflix, hulu, retrial, forgot to cancel it. they re hoping that actually mean what am i told you that experience has description cancellation we re you can just 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are leaving the emergency government today with a heavy heart, but with full confidence i call on netanyahu, set an agreed election date. don t allow our people to get torn apart the announcement came a day after israeli forces rescued four hostages in an operation in gaza where officials say scores of palestinians were killed, were tracking all these developments from here in london not as here also, elliott, not if i can just start with that operation we ve had more detail about the wider effects of it effectively. yeah, absolutely. and this has been described as perhaps one of the deadliest days that we have seen in gaza in months. gazan authorities saying at least 274 people were killed over the course of this operation, nearly 700 others injured. and we have seen the graphic and again, distressing images emerging from they know said refugee camp, this was an area of course where we knew thousands of civilians had been sheltering. it has of course, come under heavy bombardment as we have seen in recent days and weeks. and of course, we ve been hearing from civilians on the ground have described the chaos and carnage which took place afterwards, the heavy bombardment, the lack of anywhere really to escape to for safety, we ve also seen images emerging from the nearby al-aqsa martyrs hospital, as we know, this is a hospital which was already severely overrun given recent airstrikes that we have seen in the area. but again, bodies piled up in these overrun malls. we ve seen casualties being treated on the ground according to some eyewitnesses on the ground, ambulances weren t actually able to get into the area to provide support for those injured because it had been deemed a military zone in that environment had a contingent, of course. this is really stoked concern over really what the actual purpose of this operation is. in terms of the protection of civilians. we ve seen those warnings from world leaders at calling for the israeli military to do more to protect civilians over the course of their military operations, be that targeting hamas are trying to rescue of hostages held captive by hamas in gaza. but again, this is one of the deadliest attacks that we ve seen in recent days and weeks earlier to play into gantz s resignation. it did. he was due to announce his resignation on june the 8th. that was the deadline that was saturday. as a result of the rescue of four israeli hostages, which you ve just been talking about, of course, on the other effects of it, gantz postponed it by a de sunday evening goes before the cameras and announces his resignation interesting, because at the beginning of the war, ganz joined the government. he formed this national unity government because israel, he said, you know, we needed to be united now in this war against hamas. and they form this war cabinet, again, specifically insisted that he be a part of the war cabinet is basically him, defense minister yoav gallant and prime minister netanyahu. there are a couple of observers as well and specifically ensured that the far-right ministers in prime minister netanyahu s governing coalition. we re not in the war cabinet, so all of what we ve seen in the war, the decisions have been made by israel in the actions have been a result of the israeli war cabinet. now gantz has gone from that. we ve already got national security minister itamar ben gvir hey, who never even served in the israeli military, by the way, because his views were considered to be two extremist. he s now clamoring for inclusion in the war cabinet. and i suppose what we ve had until now is that ganz provided an element of cover for netanyahu to say to his right-wing coalition members, look, this is the way that we re doing things because this is our war cabinet. now that cover but has gone. i think that you could see the war cabinet taking decisions which may be gantz would not have approved netanyahu is beholden to the right-wing more than he was quite because he d still has the numbers in the knesset, the parliament, his government is not under threat. his position as prime minister is not right now. the threat, unless his coalition parties leave the government, he s got 64 out of 120 seats and the coalition right now, next election, elections are planned for october 2026, but now, absolutely, he s more beholden than ever to those right-wing members of his government. and i think in addition to the war, the other thing that way of course, paying attention to is the ongoing hostage talks. now we had president biden come out couple of weeks ago with that ceasefire plan, which the americans say israel has already accepted. and the ball is now in hamas has caught israel likely to go forward with a deal that those right-wing minister s have already said would cause them to leave the government, leaving prime minister netanyahu the unpalatable prospect of elections, which opinion polls say that he would lose well, it s one would imagine that given what gantz has been saying that netanyahu is now acting more out of his own personal political self-interest. that that is something that would come into play even more with his peaceful, a peace deal or israeli proposal becomes more right-wing it makes it less likely to be achieved absolutely. and i m sorry, these ongoing attacks that we re seeing targeting areas or we know civilians are sheltering. i m making it more difficult. of course, when it comes to hamas is perspective on those ongoing ceasefire negotiations that s been the warning for some time now from regional leaders who ve been playing a key part in mediating talks between hamas and of course, israeli officials and the united states. we ve heard from egyptian officials just yesterday saying that because latest round of strikes on the nuseirat refugee camp will have a negative impacts on those ongoing discussions. we heard that previously, of course, with regards to the situation in an offer that any sorts of ground operation in rafah would scupper ceasefire negotiations. and what we ve seen, this supposed peace plan put on the table by president biden supposedly with the approval of the israeli government, calling for a peaceful exchange of hostages for palestinian prisoners. clearly, what we ve seen now is released. thankfully of israeli hostages. but at the cost of more than two hundred lives. of course it in gaza. and so that has really put concern four regional leaders, particularly in the middle east, who have been pushing for this piece band, the united states of course. but in more pressure on the israeli government and on hamas to both accept this peace proposal. but if we continue to see these rounds of strikes that we are seeing in gaza, where we aren t seeing these significant civilian casualties as a result, that is likely to suffer any sort of ongoing peace negotiations. and of course, we ve got blinken now traveling to the middle east, meeting with officials in both egypt and of course in israel and of course there is that mounting pressure from the us government, from the biden administration for both sides to come to a lasting agreement but clearly we are not seeing those movements on the ground with regards to any sort of attempt to actually push towards that peace plan. okay. matter, elliott. thank you both very much. us national security adviser says the an enduring ceasefire deal between israel and hamas is the only credible path forward and is calling on hamas to accept the latest proposal. those comments from jake sullivan coming just a day after the israeli military operation that rescued those four hostages from gaza, where officials say scores killed as nauta was saying, sullivan was asked about that during an interview with cnn we didn t have any us forces on the ground. second, we ve been working for months to support israel in its efforts to rescue and recover hostages from gaza. civilians were killed, and that is tragic. it is heartbreaking. i ve said before that the palestinian people are going through hell in this war. their caught in the crossfire hamas hides among civilian infrastructure hides underground, and puts the palestinian people in harm s way. and this whole thing, this whole tragedy could be hoover all the hostages could be home, there could be a ceasefire if hamas would just step up and say yes to the deal that the israelis have accepted in that president biden elaborate did a week ago. so the world should call on hamas to take this deal. the united states will support israel and taking steps to try to rescue hostages who are currently being held in in harm, held by hamas. and we will continue to work with israel to do that, we will also we ll continue to reinforce the point that all of their military operations, including hostage rescue operation, should take every precaution to minimize the amount of civilian harm arm or civilian casualties that is a point we will reinforce in all of our engagements with the israelis after the break, hunter biden s trial set to resume hours from now, will the president s son take the stand in his own defense? we ll have more on that plus a venezuelan gang has so to terror in several central and south american countries now, us officials warned they are entering the united states russian, her trying to spy on us. we were spying on them. this is a secret war secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn attention former marines and family members stationed to camp plus june. if you lived or work that can t lose you in north carolina for at least 30 days? he is from august 1953 to december 1987 and has been diagnosed with cancer, neuro behavioral effects at a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with fertility issues are more significant compensation may be available, called legal injury advocates. now, to discuss your case, got 1805 013636. that s 1805 013636 called now, why is no novi is perfect for allergies, people who have allergies will have lots of problems if 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274 palestinians israel says it estimates the number of casualties from the operation to be under 100 cnn can t independently verify either sides. bigger s former us president donald trump is stepping away from the campaign trail today for a pre-sentencing interview with a probation officer, trump was convicted of falsifying business records in new york as part of a hush money scheme is sentencing is scheduled for july the 11th on to biden s federal gun trial resumes today, but is not yet clear if the president s son will testify in his own defense, hunters accused of having a gun whilst being addicted to crack cocaine and lying on a form about his drug abuse soon as marshall cohen has more president joe biden s son, hunter biden has a huge decision to make. will he testify in his own defense at his criminal trial? that s currently underway in wilmington, delaware. he s facing three felony charges for allegedly lying about his past and continuing drug use in 2018 when he bought a gun, it s against federal law for a drug user or a drug addict to buy a gun or possess a gun in this country. so why might he want to take the stand? because it s a very risky move. there are so many things in his past that the problem prosecutors could throw at him if he s on the stand. well, for his part, the defense attorneys that have been representing hunter throughout this case have said that one of the things they want to make sure that the jury hears, if he does testify is that he can tell them that he has been clean and sober and law abiding since 2019. the jury in this case has heard so much about his rampant and almost unstoppable drug abuse in the years, including when he bought that gun in 2018 18 that s a big part of the prosecution s case. so the defense might try to rebut some of that by telling the jury about his subsequent sobriety and how he was trying to get sober not too long after he bought that gun. now, the prosecutors have said in pretrial court filings that if hunter does testify, they might want to ask him about his discharge from the navy in 2014 because he tested positive for cocaine back then and also they said they might try to undermine his credibility. you might try to impeach his credibility they said, when they charged him, that he loved biden federal background check forums about his drug use. they said in these filings that if he testifies, they might also try to convince the jury that he lied. also about his taxes. they have charged him in a separate federal indictment in california all about his taxes and alleged tax evasion. and the prosecutor said that they may try to bring in some of those allegations into this case. to demonstrate to the jury that in their view, he cannot be trusted on the stand on his tax forms are on a gun form, either so we ll find out monday when the proceedings resume in delaware at 9:00 a.m. eastern we should learn pretty soon. if you ve got going to testify, if he doesn t, then we will probably be heading straight to closing arguments in this historic case. marshall cohen, cnn, washington the governor of, texas says president biden is gaslighting americans with his new action on the southern us border. mr. biden s executive order bars migrants crossing the border illegally from seeking asylum. if that number exceeds a daily average of 2,500. but greg abbott says that policy and now it s less than a week ago, isn t aggressive enough all this new button policy is going to do is to actually attract an invite even more people to cross the border illegally. and you ve seen on videos now, ever since that biden order went into place, there s no slowing down of people crossing the border in fact, is just accelerating. and so this, this is gaslighting less, pardon, as soon expected to follow up on this order with another move, this time focusing on providing legal status to long term undocumented immigrants married to a us citizens us officials say members of venezuela s most notorious gang are taking advantage of southern migration routes and now established in the united states, the trend are gu again, is allegedly running a multistate human trafficking ring attacking police officers and dealing drugs. rafah romo tells us how they entered the country and how law enforcement is trying to counter the threat for the last several years they have terrorized multiple south american countries police so the region see, i ve been a swollen gang known as that in their agua has victimized thousands through extorsion, drug and human trafficking kidnapping, and murder. and now you as law enforcement including customs and border protection and the fbi, say the gang has made their way into the country the fbi, el paso can confirm that members of thread day have crossed into the united states is about a vasa a former venezuelan police officer now living in florida, says he fled his country in large part because the gang had become so powerful, they could kill law enforcement like him with impunity. boza says, a fellow police officer who refused to cooperate with the gang was shot 50 times. its enable you refused and was murdered. he tied his body to a motorcycle and dragged it throughout the san vicente neighborhood to demonstrate the power of the tren de aragua. they have followed the migration russian paths across south america to other countries and have set up criminal groups throughout south america as they follow those paths. and that they appear to have followed the migration north united states. you as border patrol chief jason owens, who has confirmed multiple arrests of our members over the last year, issued a warning in early april after reporting yet another arrest, watch out for this gang, he said, it is the most powerful in venezuela known for murder, drug traffic king six crimes extortion, and other violent acts. the challenge for law enforcement officials is that it s very difficult to know how many members of friendly aragua are already here in the united states. what somebody venezuelan immigrants are telling us here in florida and other states is that they are already beginning to see in there the communities, the same type of criminal activity they fled from in venezuela. will they do have their hands and prostitution contract killing, selling of drugs selling of arms you name it. they just all types of criminal activity that they can engage in. anything that s an illicit activity. they re going to engage in for a profit trend, de, aragua, a violent venezuelan street gang it is operating in the united states. a judge in miami-dade county sit in a hearing that one of two suspects in the murder of a former venezuelan police officer in south florida, allegedly is a member of the gang and more recently, a new york police source told cnn the 19-year-old who allegedly opened fire of two officers there s after they tried to stop them for riding a scooter in the wrong direction. has tattoos associated with the gang illegal yet no north sadducee boza, the former venezuelan police officer says the us government has no way of knowing if we re going to swell and immigrant asking for asylum at the southern border is in reality, a criminal. because venezuela, as a matter of policy, does not share intelligence with the united states our biggest concern would be making sure our partners are aware to be on the lookout. and that s the key federal officials say when it comes to making sure this new thread than the united states, that s not growing to the national security challenge. it s become in several latin american countries rafael romo, cnn me now coming up, north korea is sending more trash balloons over the border to south korea and seoul is weighing its options details ahead the. most anticipated moment of this election, and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and 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card. call today! i m can measure you right now. i m taylor on ios or android as he looks to washington s nato summit in the lion us president joe biden is warning against isolationism, is back in the us after wrapping up, is five-day visit to france a chip that kicks off a diplomatic blitz that s also going to include the upcoming g7 gathering in italy on the last day of his visit, president biden s stress the importance of alliances whilst playing, paying tribute to the world war one cemetery. he says that stop was a symbolic show support for partnerships that can prevent future conflicts and the idea that we were able to avoid been engaged in major battles in europe just not realistic that s why it s so important that we continue to have alliances. we have continued to be be fulfilled continue to keep names so strong. continue to do what we ve been able to do for the last since the end of world war ii us officials are trying to persuade the g7 to approve a massive loan to ukraine using profits from frozen russian assets $50 billion will become available to ukraine for use in the war with russia. but some details must still be worked out before the deal can be finalized. sources say us president joe biden tried to fast track the process. so an announcement can be made in the g7 communicate this week us officials say the deal would send a message to moscow that it won t outlast international support for ukraine. ukrainian forces say they ve destroyed a state of the russian stealth fighter jet. meanwhile, in a drone attack over the weekend, there are only a few reportedly income that and it was nearly 600 kilometers from the front lines in the war the decades old balloon feud meanwhile, between north and south korea, picking up speed over the weekend, north korea sent dozens of trash balloons into south korean territory. and south korea responded with loudspeaker broadcast. but one south korean politician is urging both countries to stop the quote childish chicken games might valeriia joins us now from sold, we ve had another update as well about a response from north career, i believe max it s right and we were able to confirm through south korea s joint chiefs of staff that they have seen indications that north korea appears to be preparing loudspeakers of their own along the border of the dmz to blair propaganda messages from the northern side to here and the southern side i d, of the dmz. so again, max, if you re just following this whole drama, this is all resulting from dueling balloons from south korea for years, sending slices of life, slices of freedom via balloons to north korea and north korea in recent days responding by calling those deliveries filth and sending trash balloons here to the soul metropolitan area. and in different parts of south korea. so yesterday, we saw south korea respond with loudspeaker propaganda broadcasts for the first time in about six years. and max, it s worth pointing out when we say propaganda broadcasts coming from south korea, we re not talking about old cold war stuff we re talking about a song from bts that played on these huge military loudspeakers emanating from the roofs of these trucks that you re seeing on the screen right there. other k-pop songs. so we re talking about soft power blaring from south korea to north korea also, south korean news reports detailing human rights abuses perpetrated by kim jong un and his regime in north korea. north korea for its part kim yo jong, the sister of the northern leader, saying that this could be a prelude to a very dangerous situation, warning of more consequences. but max earlier last week we were able to speak to the founder of a south korean group. he defected from north korea in 2000 and he justified sending these balloon deliveries north. and what was sent in those deliveries. here s what he told us now, me will one we send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love. but to send filth and trash in return that s an inhumane and barbaric act. so max, a lot of mixed feelings about this. the main opposition leader here in south korea, ej him young, a saying that this is essentially a game of chicken from his point of view. and it could lead to a localized conflict or very absolute worst-case scenario and all-out war that seems to be mu during the points of views of many constituents we, we ve been talking with over the past few days, specifically farmers who live near the dmz, who have said, you know what, we re just trying to live our lives here and we want this all to stop. but in some max, we here at cnn have counted 1110 trash balloons from north korea to south korea everybody living here in seoul just wants it to stop. they ve said that this is getting old really fast, but it s all about the tempo of how this for tat increases, or hopefully slows down over the next few days, max okay. my malaria live in seoul. thank you so much now a bit arrivals india and geopolitics on that in a much-anticipated and 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to washington abuse women have won gold at seven straight olympic games. going back to 1996, they ll play their first game in paris on july the 29th there s a new king of clay, carlos alcaraz of spain won his first french open title on sunday, the beat germany s alexander zverev in five sets to claim his third grand slam victory overall at age 21 out grass is now the youngest man to win a grand slam title on every surface he won the us open in 2022 and wimbledon last year is the youngest man to win at the french open since rafael nadal back in 2000. 2007? bugs on cricket fans and jude heartbreak and the t20 cricket world cup in new york on sunday as india edge to win by just six runs in the bitter rivals nail baiting, nail-biting encounter. after a rain delay in gia batter is batted first managing our getter ball, total of only 119 runs. but in response, with pakistan leading 18 runs from the final over, they came up just shot parks on. now have lost two matches in a row, which means their fate will depend on results of the us. the usa team who dealt pakistan a shock defeat in that previous match my god, oh my god. oh my god in the spotlight, officials in florida s panhandle are asking beachgoers to exercise caution after three people were injured in two separate shark attacks over the weekend are 45-year-old woman was suing with her husband when she was attacked on friday two teenage girls were also attacked on the same day, according to the local fire department, the south walton fire district said yellow and purple flags are being used to warn people of the hazards but apple wants to hang with the big kids in the world of artificial intelligence. the tech giant is expected to announce a partnership today with chatgpt maker openai, and unveil its first generative ai tools for iphones. those tools are expected to be called apple intelligence and they re likely to be used to ramp up series usefulness thanks jaume here on cnn newsroom. i m exposed to in london, cnn 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Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240610

that does it for me today, but we ve got a big show planned for tomorrow night. my guests will include pennsylvania governor josh shapiro and new york congressman dan goldman. i m very excited to talk to both of them. in the meantime be sure to follow the show on twitter, tick tock, and instagram, and a reminder you can listen to every episode of the podcast for free. we ll see you back here tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern, but stay right where you are because there s much more news coming up on msnbc. . jill > . jill jill and i wanted to pay our respects. it means a hot. everybody was worried about you and they nerve mentioned me. i m up here sweating like a dog. there s no quit in america. none. there s no quit in america. secret service says we have to keep everyone safe. i said what about me. they said we never thought about that. the best way is to stay strong with our allies. to not break, do not break. do you feel the breeze because i don t want anybody going on me. we need every voter. i don t care about you. i just want your vote. president biden wraps up a visit to france honoring both world war i and world war ii veterans while donald trump campaigned in las vegas post-criminal conviction. we ll have more on the split screen from over the weekend. plus, israeli forces rescue four israeli hostages kept in captivity. what we learned about that operation and the emotional reunion that took place. plus, will hunter biden take the stand today in his federal gun trial? we ll go over what to expect when court proceedings resume later this morning. good morning and welcome to way too early on this monday, june 10th. monday again, folks. i m jonathan lemire. thanks for starting your day and week with us. president joe biden is back in the united states after a very busy week in france that focused on reaffirming america s commitment to its allies and commemorating 80 years since d-day. yesterday the president and first lady capped their trip with a visit to the american cemetery, the resting place of more than 2,300 war-dead with over a thousand names missing inskrieshed on the interior wall of its chapel. the low caution saw heavy fighting nearby during world war ii while the chapel still bears a hole caused by an artillery shell which is left as a reminder of what took place there. the president finished his trip by paying his respects to the fallen. afterward he spoke to reporters about the sacrifice those troops made and the importance of standing by our allies. we stopped the germans. we stopped the germans. and the idea we were able to avoid being engaged in major battles in europe is not realistic. that s why it s so important to continue the alliances we have, continue to keep nato strong, continue to do what we ve been able to do for the last since the end of world war ii. so i just wanted jill and i wanted to come and pay our respect. more marines were lost than any battle in the middle of world war ii. the idea that i come to normandy and not make the short trip here to pay tribute, it s the same story. think about it. america showed up. america showed up to stop the germans. america showed up to make sure that they did not prevail, and america shows up when we need it, just like our allies show for us. mr. president, what do you hope americans take away from you coming on this interest in? that the best way to avoid these kinds of battles in the future is to stay strong with our allies. do not break, do not break. this trip to honor d-day was also about establishing an implicit contrast with donald trump. biden never mentioned trump by name, but he touted alliances, allowances that trump has threatened. he s promised to stand strong with ukraine while trump has time and time again sided with russia and then even yesterday he concluded his trip with a visit to that world war i cemetery. it was the same one that trump skipped when he was president because it was raining. and while the president was saluting the veterans over the weekend, trump was delivering an off the rails campaign speech in las vegas. in sweltering heat yesterday trump struggled to speak and dealt with teleprompter issues throughout the afternoon. that caused him to go off script, results in some revealing and some confusing moments. he just came up and i said, did the teleprompters not work? he said not a bit. and then they came up with a story and said, trump doesn t pay. i don t paycor tractors that do a [ bleep ] diop. that s a [ bleep ] job. that s a [ bleep ] job. this is the worst border in the history of the world. no third world country has a border like that. i ll tell you what. i hope the military revolts at the voting booth. i went to a boat company in south carolina. the boat i said, how is it? he said it s a problem, sir. they want us to make all electric boats. i said, let me ask you a question. he said nobody asked the question. it must be my relationship to mit. very smart. i said what would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery s now under water and there s a shark and there s a shark approximately ten yards over there? did you notice that? i watched some sharks. well, they weren t that angry. they bit off the young lady s leg because of the fact they were not hungry, but they misunderstood who she was. these people are great. hi said there s no problem with sharks. they just didn t understand a young woman swimming. a lot of people were in shock. i said, so there s a shark ten yards away from the boat, ten yards over here, do i get electrocuted if the boat is sinking and water goes over the battery. do i stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do i jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? he didn t know the answer. he said, nobody s ever asked me that question. i said i think there s a good question. i think there s a lot of electrocution in the current. i ll take electrocution over the shark any time. really not sure what he was talking about there. we move on now to far more important news. israeli forces have rescued four hostages from hamas captivity. on saturday they found noa argamani, almog meir jan, andre kozlov, and shlomi zee you. the hostages were being held by armed captors. no argamani was in an apartment alone while the three male hostages were held together. on the ground troops provided heavy shelling to provide protection for the forces trying to rescue the hostages. one was killed in the raid. more than 200 palestinians also died during saturday s operation. it s not known how many of these were militants. four four had been kidnapped during the nova music festival on october 7th. the hostages were found in good medical condition. they were taken to an israeli hospital for evaluation where they were reunited with their families. some beautiful scenes there. joining us now retired cia officer mark papadopoulos. marc, first of all, tell us about this operation, how difficult was this. do talk to us about the civilian toll, and do we the it could foreshadow other similar rescue operations. good morning, jonathan. a really extraordinary recovery operation. it s going to go down in my history of the world of terrorism. they had their undercover police tactical unit infiltrate into the area. they went in there, they recovered the hostages. upon exfiltration is when they had contact with hamas and that s when a lot of casualties ensued, but that s after they were removing the four hostages. it s reallying they assisted with this. they used three september services for this. of course, one part of this is that the commander of the israeli tactical team was killed in the operation. it reminds many of us of what happened in 1976 in an airport in uganda where they rescued hostages back then. the older brother of the prime minister was killed in the special forces utility. huge relief in is real. there was joy. tv commentators were crying. my contacts were absolutely relieved and overjoyed. one key point on this, jonathan, the us raleys that i talked to said while this was a one-off, the real way to get back the hostages is through the cease-fire deal which we know is still pending right now. let s talk about that. in moments secretary blinken is set to touch down in ee 1yi79 to try to push for that. benny gantz is resigning from israel s war cab it citing prime minister netanyahu is not capable of going forward. talk about that seismic development. it s interesting. there was a sense of relief and you forrial, but the political reality of what s happening with the israeli fast has now crept back into the equation with benny gantsz leaving. what does this really mean? he s left the war cabinet. another observer also resigned and now you have prime minister netanyahu really reliant on much more extreme kind of nationalist hard-liners, even harder to come by. secretary blinken arrives in the region amongst this political dysfunction. let s not forget it s actually an israeli deal that they re backtracking from now. you can use all sorts of words to describe what blinken has done. it s pretty damn difficult, but the administration is right to try. that s a deal hanging over the israelis. they have something historic at their fingertips. can netanyahu deliver now? it s skeptical. good on the administration for trying. you said that well. euphoria about this rescue operation. retired cia officer marc polymeropoulos diop lus. still ahead, manhattan attorney alvin bragg, he sets his own timeline. plus, we ll take a look at election results from overseas as far right parties make big gains in the european parliament. those stories and a check on sports and wler when we come right back. we come right back so this is pickleball? it s basically tennis for babies, but for adults. it should be called wiffle tennis. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about. with e trade from morgan stanley, we re ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i d rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that s a pretty good burn, right? got him. good game. thanks for coming to our clinic, first one s free. missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don t stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it s right for you. ( ) new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. ( ) daily zz for quality sleep. ( ) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. it s derm s day off, but neutrogena ultra sheer sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it s light, but it s working hard. unlike me. neutrogena ultra sheer sunscreen. welcome back as we turn to some of the morning s other headlines. alvin bragg will testify in connection to former president trump s hush money trial conviction. bragg responded to requests from trump ally and judiciary committee chairman congressman jim superior is dan on friday saying he s willing to testify but not before trump s sentencing date next month. jordan had originally requested a hearing next week. bragg s response counters that date saying the court proceedings are simply not yet over in the case. the d.a. s letter also asked to speak to the committee about the scope of the proposed testimony. congressman jordan and numerous other republican lawmakers have publicly blasted trump s hush money trial corrupt despite finding him guilty on all charges. turning overseas, early forecasts show that far right parties have appeared to have made major gains in the european parliament elections. they will still maintain a majority of the parliament, but conservative groups in france, germany, and austria appear to be making major inroads in those nations. the results in france were so significant president emmanuel macron hot off the heels of a meeting with president biden called for snap electionings at the end of the month. meanwhile the leader of awe try ja s right wing party gives them momentum for a national race, adding, quote, one election influences the other. to india now where narendra modi has been sworn in for a third consecutive term as that nation s prime minister. modi and his cabinet took the oegd of office yesterday at the presidential palace in new delhi. the 73-year-old leader narrowly won his position by relying on coalition parties after his party failed to win the majority. modi is only the second to retain power for a third five-year term. next up here, we ll turn to sports and the winners of the men s and women s french finals over the weekend. plus we ll bring you the recap of game two of the nba finals before the game shift this week to dallas for games three and four. those highlights and a check on monday morning forecast when way too early returns. n monday morning forecast when way too early returns. but no matter what business i m in. my network and my tech need to keep up. thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (waitress) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life. man, the fish tacos are blowing up! so whatever s next. we re cooking with fire. let s make it happen! (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. this isn t charmin! no wonder i don t feel as clean. here s charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom s been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. i m jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance and less effort. through the colonial penn program. if you re age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p s. what are the three p s? the three p s of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can t increase, and a price that fits your budget. i m 54. what s my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i m 65 and take medications. what s my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what s my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you re age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. options start at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate-lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information, and you ll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it s yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. blocked, jones, reserving. a buzz. what a buzz from white. derek white s chase-down block preserved a five-point lead for the celtics in the final minute, helping seal another boston victory last night over the dallas mavericks in the nba finals. great play. jrue holiday s 26 points led another all-around effort by the celtics to overcome a triple-double over the mavericks to take a 2-0 series lead. the team is traveling to dallas for a game on wednesday. the celtics have not lost on the road this whole postseason. they didn t even play that well last night. they shot terribly from three, yet, they win. 2-0. meantime tonight in the nhl the florida panthers host the edmonton oilers. the panthers have a 1-0 series lead after shutting out the oilers, 3-0 in saturday s opener. to tennis now, carlos alkaraz is the french open champion. the 21-year-old spaniard won a five-set thriller against alexander to win the third grand slam title of his career. he eclipses fellow spaniard rafael nadal who collected championships on three major surfaces. this trumps the che and on grass at wimbledon last year. such an exciting young player. on the women s side, iga swa tech expressed her dominance, taking just over an hour on saturday to complete the three-peat for hur fourth french open title in five years and fifth major. wimbledon, a few weeks off. turning now to major league baseball, the dodgers were looking to sweep a three-game sweep at yankee stayed you. bottom of the sixth, yankees trailing by one with runners on the course. they took on the lead. aaron judge added his league-leading 24th home run in the eighth. lots of dodgers fans in the bronx all weekend long, but they beat them to avoid the sweep. time now for the weather. let s go to meteorologist bill karins for the weather. i know you re rooting hard for the celtics. by the numbers, this is one of the best teams ever in nba history, a top 15-20 team ever. those of us who watch all the time knows that s not quite trier. but this time of season, they tend to blow at thend. dallas has luca. sometimes irving. perry was not good last night. boston has four all-stars. holliday is a legit he s on his way to a second title. so, yeah, are you going to go to the parade downtown? we re not there yet, bill, come on. a lot of areas are going to have a beautiful day, but the problem areas are going to stay problematic all week long. so here s all the rainfall we re going to see in florida. today isolated. but watch what happens. this is not a tropical system, but it is going to pour. if you chose this week, it s going to be umbrella weather like on and off every single day. these are the rainfall totals. it could rain ten inches. florida has sandy soil, so hopefully the flooding won t be too bad. urban flooding will be a problem. in the west t heat will be back on. it s going to be one of those summers, almost like last year, endless heat. so phoenix to tucson, expect hot temperatures in the middle of this week. 110 to 112. even today, california, reading, 104. sat lake city not bad at 8 8. we do it again. great weather. low humidity. beautiful morning in the great lakes. no problems whatsoever. and as we go into tuesday and wednesday, it starts to get warmer. we should be looking at our first 90s later this week. be prepared for that. can t say i m looking forward to it. bill karins, thank you so much. still ahead on way too early, we ll turn to politics and donald trump s potential vp contenders hit the sunday morning talk shows as the rate for the number two spot on the gop ticket heats up. we ll take a look at who may be at the top of the list as well as some possible dark horses. we ll be right back with that. ks we ll be right back with that. in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr a once-daily td treatment for adults. as you go with austedo austedo xr significantly reduced kate s td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds (kate) oh, hi buddy! 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(old spice mnemonic) welcome back to way too early. it is coming up on 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this monday morning. i m jonathan lemire. thank you for being with us. the auditioning for donald trump s vice presidential pick continued yesterday with several of the contenders hitting the sunday talk shows. senators j.d. vance of ohio and tim scott of south carolina both answered questions about the veep stakes. take a look. have you sent the necessary paperwork inin terms of vetting, the vice presidential spot. yeah, i haven t spoken with donald trump. until i do, this is a lot of media speculation. do you think you satisfied the requirements and could help him win and become president. there s no question we have a great republican party. president trump doesn t need any help. what he needs is amplifying his voice. joining us now, national politics reporter for the hill julia manchester who s watching the veep stakes so closely. in a minute we ll talk about them. give us a sense right now as to people you talked to. where do they think things stand? look, right now at the top of the list is south carolina senator tim scott. he s seen as someone who might be more of i don t want to say more of a moderate voice, but someone who could reach out past conservative circles and maybe bring outside voters in, a person who could particularly play well with the suburban female, for example, or even black voters. we re unsure of how big of an impact that will be. that s the logic i ve gotten coming from some republicans. them you have doug burgum. they say he doesn t have as big of a chance as scott, but he s someone who s proven himself to be a good fund raiser and he s built his public profile in recent weeks. he s been a regular on cable news and conservative media, also seen as someone who could be palatable to a voter outside of the maga or very conservative circles. then, of course, you have senator marco rubio, one-time rival of the former president going back to 2016. but the issue for marco rubio is that he is from florida and we know that former president trump is now a florida resident, so there would have to be some way to skirt the 12th amendment or some sort of a loophole, but that seems to be the biggest issue for the senator from florida. so let s talk now about the potential dark horses. share some of names. the number one person is nikki haley. we know this has been a very, very contentious primary between donald trump and nikki haley, but things appear to have somewhat smoothed out in recent weeks. we know haley said she would vote for trump, saying he was a better ailtive to biden. trump has said she would be an integral part of the trump team, she served in the trump administration. just as i was saying about marco rubio before, trump has a history of having these very contentious primary competitions and then essentially smoothing things over with those former rivals. so we ll see what happens there. then you have a few lesser known names like, for example, congresswoman maria salazar from florida. she s been a name that s been floated, someone who could play very well with the latina vote. once again there s that 12th amendment issue. if there s someone who s going to be looked at from florida, it s going to be marco rubio. then there s the candidate from new york. he s very important because he s very much a very good fund raiser and he s someone that certainly made inroads in a very blue state, losing to governor kaly hochul in the 2020 midterms by less than ten point. that s sort of an improvement for republicans in that state. you ve heard his name quoted. there are some like trump s last vice president, threat of being hung. trump seems in no hurry to make a decision. julia manchester. thank you for joining us this morning. still ahead we ll go live to cnbc for an early look at what s driving investors as the feds meet on interest rates. that s going to be held later this week. we ll be right back with busy news. right back with busy news nice to meet ya. my name is david. i ve been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it s effective. does not require a prescription. and i ve been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, david, that really works so good for me. makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. 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yeah, good morning, jon. certainly it would be a question mark of the repercussions, how they make this marketable move. so far you re seeing a little bit of a downtrodden week. it manned to move up. significant gain. passed $3 trillion in market cap. just last week they re losing its place to apple at some stages when it valuation. but those tech counters are the ones to look out for. there s the fed putting out their interest rate decision this week. it s not going to be about this decision. what happens in the future? will they be cutting any time soon? so job growth in the u.s. shot up much higher than expected last month. we got that data during morning joe on friday. so what does that mean for the state and trajectory of the economy, arabile? yeah. so it actually falls hot and cold a little bit, jon, believe it or not. it was more than the 190,000 anticipated at best. it means it s still a fairly hard labor market in that respect. you saw the jobs numbers head out to 4%. that could be perhaps a little bit worrying for the fed. they didn t want that figure to ultimately reach there. it shows the level of buoyancy in the labor market that still kept up and remained below 4%. could this weakness ultimately mean they now have to begin to cut interest rate as little bit in order to ease the pressure on that labor market? so those are key questions the fed will have to answer this week as they kick off the fomc meeting. lastly, according to a new study, the u.s. has outpaced the rest of the world in making new millionaires. tell us what fueled that growth and commonwealth last year. yeah. so, i mean a lot of growth has been seen just out of stockmarket growth. that s pretty much what happened. a lot of people are investing in equities all over the world and particularly the united states. a lot of that growth, particularly the tech shares that have been able to move things quite significantly, they have invested quite significantly in artificial intelligence. you re seeing they have invested, your nvidias, the likes of your microsofts and apples, all managing to move significantly higher as you have seen as well with even the billionaires whose growth has happened over the last four years or so. that has continued to be at play. you re seeing 6,000 new millionaires out of the united states. cnbc s arabile gumede live from london. thank you as always. next up here, donald trump is reportedly set to have an interview with a probation officer today. what that means for the former president as he awaits sentencing for his criminal conviction in the new york hush money case. way too early will be right back with that. ney case way too early will be right back with that and keeping it off? 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jonathan, let s start in the reverse. i think hunter biden would not testify. i think the law he s being charged with is so straightforward, it s going to be difficult absent any other testimony we would not know about to have him take the stand and it would be beneficial to him. i think if there is a proto him testifying at all it s possible that he could human ietz himself in front of the jury, but i don t see how he would do that without taking the fifth a number of times in which he criminalizes himself, but he runs the risk in front of the jury of looking like a guilty man. ultimately a his attorney i m advising this would not be a good idea. walk us through the case. so far you ve mentioned the evidence seems somewhat clear. give us a sense as to the timeline as to when this may wrap up, when we may get a verdict, and your sense of how the prosecution has done? i think the prosecution had a relatively low bar given the elements of the crime. it s a straightforward case and has essentially two elements. the first is that hunter biden possessed a gun while he was addicted to a controlled substance and the prosecution is establishing that through circumstantial evidence. the other is he lied in order to get the handgun. two straightforward charges. they don t need hunter biden s testimony to refute that. whatever it is they re putting on regarding the gun store owner handling the app indication, those things should be sufficient if it s compelling. this is a case that should wrap up at least in terms of the cases both by the defendant and the prosecution this week along with closing statements. so we could be looking at a case going before the jury before friday. donald trump has got a presentence interview with the probation officer today. you re familiar with these things. give us a sense as to what that s like and we, of course, can only imagine how unhappy trump will be to participate in such an event. listen, jonathan, these are probation officers who handle things in volume, so it s going to be very straightforward, and these questions are relatively routine. you alluded to a lot of it. they re going to want to know who the contacts are, who s living with you in terms of income. they re also going to want to know what your propensity is for a flight risk and also what respect you have for your the law in general. so done is going to have to toe a particularly tight line given everything he said publicly and basically feign respect for the law, feign an understanding of his conviction, and basically convince this person he should not be put in some sort of 40e78 confinement or more serious custody. all right. msnbc legal analyst, we appreciate you helping us out this morning. up next here on way too early, donald trump continues to offer his sympathy for those who stormed the capitol on january 6th. we ll play for you his comments at a rally in nevada yesterday. and then coming up on morning joe, a radio host is raising awareness about antiabortion with the story of his wife s devastating miscarriage and the treatment she was denied. plus, we ll bring you live reporting from israel just days after forces rescued four hostages in gaza. the latest on that operation, and the political turmoil within the israeli government as a key member steps down from the war cabinet. what that means for prime minister netanyahu. also ahead, oscar-nominated actor jude law will be live in studio with a look at his new film fire brand. morning joe just a few moments away. you won t want to miss it. just w moments away you won t want to miss it. 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it s going to be really important for the biden campaign and other democrats to remind people what the trump years were like, including how they ended. president biden was in france for several days last week, and his team really set about creating an implicit contrast with donald trump. biden was there for all the d-day events praising alliances. we know trump has tried to sabotage nato and other american alliances. president biden reiterating commitment to ukraine. we know trump frequently backs russia and not kyiv. then even yesterday, president biden was at the world war i cemetery that trump, when he was in office, skipped a ceremony there because it rained. do you think this messaging is breaking through? the biden campaign is going to be about contrast. they ve been very, very clear about that. lifts it upside by side. one guy who is serious, one guy who is stands for the gravitas and great things america is about. another guy is about negativity and tearing it down. i think you ll see a lot of this, one side talks about how america sucks, and the other side talks about elevating america and the greatness of america. i think the message is going to resonate. you re an expert on branding, advertising, and breaking through. no doubt, it was noted in wilmington by the biden camp this biden trip did break through. they acknowledge, a lot is because the eyes of the world would be on the 80th anniversary of d-day. they were pleased how front and center the president was. talk about the challenge they re going to have keeping him front and center going forward. look, they have to. the american public has a great sense and a great sniff test. if all of a sudden he s not around, they re hiding him, and only doing certain events, and we re going to coddle him this way, he s got to be out there, aggressive, front and center. this all, of course, leads up to june 27th and the debate, which is going to be huge. president back on the world stage in a few days, heading to italy for the g-7 later this week. let s talk about the debate. still three weeks off, two and a half weeks off. he has time to prepare. what are some of the things he needs to accomplish that night? first and foremost, and there s not a close second, and it happened in the state of the union, he has to answer the question, is he too old? has he lost his fast ball? does he not have his punch anymore? i don t want to say substance over style, but he has to come off as full of vigor and ready to go and answer that one, oh, well, you know, he s too old, and just answer this off the bat, the same way he did state of the union. second thing, and this is why the style plays with the audience, it s about content and about who has a better grip on things. i think trump does not have the bells and whistles around him, so i think this plays to biden. first and foremost, he s got to come off full of vigor. lastly, donald trump has a probation officer interview today, something he deeply detests. just talk about how you think he ll take that, and what sort of impact you know, sentencing, month off how is that weighing on him going forward and how it may impact what he says. i think it is weighing on him. obviously, the sentencing is going to be interesting. most people don t think he ll get a prison sentence. neither do i. look, you know all this just eats away at him. probably, he ll be sitting there like this at the probation meeting. we know his court stance. he certainly ain t loving this. the good news is, he s back on the campaign trail, saying the things he says. i think the great news about the trial was a guilty verdict, and he is back on the streets now. biden team thinks that, as well. the trial sheltered him. yes. now that he is out and about, americans will be listening to him and turned off by what he says. the biggest moment is the debate, underscoring how large that looms. donny deutsch, thank you so much. we will talk again later this morning on morning joe. thanks to all of you for getting up way too early with us on this monday morning. morning joe starts right now. i wanted to come and pay respects. it matters a lot. everybody was so worried yesterday about you, and they never mentioned me. i m up here sweating like a dog. there s no quit in america, none. none, there s no quit in america. secret service said we have to make sure everyone is safe. i said, what about me? oh, we never thought of that. the best way to avoid these battles in the future is to stay strong with our allies. do not break. do not break. you feel the breeze? because i don t want anybody going on me. we need every voter. i don t care about you. i just want your

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