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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20171216

that s the focus of tonight s angle. okay. do you remember wha what i told you just a few nights ago. female politicians and activists should also be really careful where they take this because some day, maybe, men might decide to turn the tables on them and start launching their own maybe it s called #men too moment with wild decades old complaint against women in positions of power. you don t think it could happen. just watch. that didn t take long, did it the first tragedy is. democrat in kansas. dropping out of the race after the kansas city star asked her about allegations in a 12-year-old lawsuit. the suit claimed ramsey sexually harassed and retaliated against a male subordinate who had rejected her advances. according to multiple sources, the man who filed the case reached a settlement with the company and court documents show that the case was dismissed after mediation back in 2006. look, people settle suits all the time. they settle them for things that aren t true as well because they are just a nuisance and they would rather not bother them. but drop out of the race more than a decade later for this? i think that s ridiculous. but, this is the climate that democrats have created. it is a trap that they themselves are now falling into. believe me i probably agree with that candidate on nothing. he she is a favorite of emily s list. i m sure she and i wouldn t agree on most issues but that situation is appalling. nancy pelosi and the rest of the new liberal more rattle brigade on capitol hill are feeding on their own members. they have opened up an ethics probe into a nevada democratic congressman reuben could youen over allegations of sexual harassment. now, pelosi and others have asked could youe couldcuem to s. is he refusing. he vows to claim his name. another democrat. the witch-hunt continues. he questions pelosi s new found me too morell morality. he says that pelosi and the democratic party knew about the allegations against him a year ago. he said they looked into them. they didn t find anything they continued investing millions in my contain. he told that to abc news. they went out there and campaigned for me. we invited him on the show tonight but sadly he declined. my friends, this me too madness is spinning dangerously out of control. and i think the people get it. here s some of my listeners today on the radio. i definitely think that this has gone to the extreme and they have to do something to stop this. i m very sensitive to any type of sexual assault, but i feel that this #this and #that has become almost a fad. from personal experience, people who have been really abused, sexually abused, are so upset about this movement, the me too movement because they are making a joke out of people who have really been abused. laura: by the way the phone lines today were jammed with female callers. speaking of jokes, now democrats are calling for the put to resign over misconduct allegations, you know, the ones you heard before the 2016 election. but as the washington post pointed out this morning, the democrats may be overplaying their hand ahead of 2018 and 2020. this is the way i look at it. the left in their blind rage against trump are unable to seat obvious. their near constant demonization of trump is starting to wear a little thin and i think it could end up back firing big time. think about it. after tax reform is passed, the economy continues to grow, and more americans are able to keep more of their own money, how much residence will old accusations, partisan leaks and identity politics really end up having? will voters other than like the really hard core activists in the donor class really have the appetite for the growing calls of trump s resignation on these old allegations? smack dab in the middle of one of the greatest economic booms we have seen perhaps since reagan? i doubt it. especially now that we re learning that women were being offered cash to tell their tells of alleged misconduct by trump. what a crock this entire thing is. oh, in this small, i would say i call it like this small craft advisory goes out to everybody in the media. watch the current course you have charted lest your own boats get swamped by the waves you create. your reporting on the so-called russian collusion has been as biased and misguided as the mueller investigation itself. you need to offer more than 24/7 demonization of our president through leaks from obama and clinton partisans or from old accusers whose stories were already heard before election day. are you ever going to do real reporting on how the president is reshaping our entire trade posture to boost u.s. manufacturing? or maybe look into how small business omnipotent michelle is skyrocketing duer to the president s slashing of onerous growth-killing regulations? and by the way, another question. why does it take a group like judicial watch to beat so many of you in the media to stories about the mueller investigation? you know, where are your foia requests. or maybe you only dig deep when it can hurt the president? i don t know. and since it looks like they have gotten nothing on the president and the war on men is already back firing, expect them to deploy even more desperate tactics in the new year. and that s the angle. so how about it? are the democrats badly overplaying their hand here? let s throw that up for discussion with my first two guests, fox news corinther and 2012 presidential candidate herman cain in georgia and antwon see wright is here with me in washington. all right, herman, let s talk to you about this. a democratic congresswoman now in kansas city. she is out. 12-year old claim against her that was settled in a mediation. and then you have the other congressman they already looked at his allegations, apparently they want him to leave. are the democrats overplaying this? yes. accusations, speculation, and fabrication is all they have. they have no hard evidence on this president and as a result, they are trying to turn this over to the courts of public opinion. because,ing in a couple of instances the court of public opinion has painted a bad enough view of somebody that maybe they were defeated or they came in real close with the person who won. that s all they have from their playbook. ignoring the results of this president and this administration. lowest unemployment rate in years. lowest black unemployment rate in 17 years. a booming economy and we don t even have a tax cuts yet. regulations, two for one in terms of regulations that hes is eliminating and the list goes on. but they don t want to look at results. they only want to look at accusations, speculation, and fabrication. they are over playing their hand. laura: anton, let s go to you on this. is there a positive agenda for economic growth or is it the old accuser parade. first of all, for no disrespect mr. kaine, but i think the republican party for 8 years ignored the economic boom we seen under the obama administration. so let s deal with that first and foremost. second of all, i don t know if you can call these accusers, he is coming up as if they are wrong or bad people. look, we have evidence, there were tapes out there with mr. trump said things that we know were not appropriate. laura: yeah, which he apologized for. that doesn t make it right. that doesn t mean that women are rying and fabricating their stories. laura: paid, offered $300,000. laura, not one time did any of who accused mr. trump during the campaign say they were paid. laura: but my question though is a serious one for the democratic party. the focus is for the democrats. is this all you guys have? what else do you have? you have identity politics. have you mueller and you have the accusers. what else do you have? we have a message that worked in places like virginia and new jersey just a few weeks ago. we won in alabama on tuesday night. so here s the message. however, we can t. laura: you couldn t have won in alabama against any other candidate other than roy moore you know it and i know it. we can t press the ignore button on these women. what message do you want to send to little girls who may be watching. laura: how many democrats have given the harvey weinstein allegations back. how many bill clinton accused of rape over the years. what does that have against donald trump? laura: it has everything to do about it. leading by example, laura. laura: really? > so the democrats who have linized ted kennedy for decades. the democrats who build. conyers. franken are going to resign. laura: going to continue to take money from the hollywood pornifiers shocked there is sexual harassment behind closed doors. message out of hollywood is sexualizing and objectifying and misog lyrics and words. what are you saying to these women president trump? are you saying they are wrong? laura: i have no idea whether they are wrong or right. american people voted on it all i know is the democrats have no message because you still vngts said any message. i just gave you one. laura: what are the three steps to economic growth in the democratic party. first of all we have to provide healthcare for people. laura: that s economic growth. yeah, because a healthy population. laura: they got no economic plan. go ahead, herman. i mean, you gout no economic plan. clinton economic plan. i m sure you just don t want to hear it. antwon, i let you talk. now, let me talk, okay? i want to rebuke some of the garbage that you threw out there. i don t think it s garbage. don t go talking on top of me i said. absolutely. i said let me talk. i m. let me talk. i did not interrupt you. laura: go, one at a time. laura, this is what liberals do. when they have no message. tell the truth. they have no plan, they like to talk over conservatives with facts. now, let s go back to one factor he threw out there. when he said well, what about the economic boom of under president obama. allow me to correct you antwon and please don t interrupt me. 2% is not. please tell the truth. there he goes, laura. 2% is not the new normal which is what we interned for 8 years. we have already seen 3% plus in the consecutive quarters under this president who has set a positive tone from the top. the business community is very excited and positive. consumer confidence is up. we are going to get this tax package passed. that s going to continue to add to this economic boom and all you and the other liberal democrats can say is accusation, speculation, and fabrication. that s where you are missing it. and the american people are not stupid. laura: we are out of time. antwon, we will have you on my radio show and have you back on tv soon. tonight a bombshell report just came out today. according to the hill attorney lisa bloom attempted to arrange major payments to women accusing president trump of sexual harassment. claims mr. trump vehemently denies. she wanted a cut of the money, typical lawyer. oftentimes coming from hillary supporters and tabloid media outlets. walls this a violation of campaign finance laws? joining me now for reaction from miami beach, of course, is alan dershowitz and emeritus professor of harvard author of the new book trumpsd up he joins us now. professor d. let s talk with this. these are wild allegations. one woman got her mortgage paid off. where do i go to get that? got her mortgage paid off 30 k out in queens. others wanted as much as 750,000. $2 million. could this be a violation of campaign finance laws if this came from donors who influence an election and it wasn t reported to the feds? i don t think so. i think you ought to be very scrupulous before you start accusing people of crime. it s a close question. but could but i do think it giva very important pause in terms of me too. most women tell the truth. most women have no lie about being sexually assaulted. but there are some women out there and some men who will lie for money. i know that from personal experience. because i was the victim of a woman who falsely accused me. a woman i never met. never heard of. accused me. we were able to learn and prove that she had a very strong multi-million-dollar motive for making the fails accusation and was pressured to do so. by her lawyers. and now her allegation has been totally disproved by documentation. it just shows that there is no such thing as all men tell the truth. there is no jerntiond gene fogender gene fortruthfulness a. we have to be scrupulous in questioning everybody s accusations and making sure that everybody, the president, as well as everybody else, is afforded due process of law when accused of serious sexual misconduct. laura: campaign super pacs, the super pac money, big money affects the election results, try to have it affects the election results. if that money was used in whole or in part, offer it up to women to tell their stories, i think that s a big problem. i m not trying to speculate here but we need to certainly learn more about whether any of this money, any of it went or solicitations, even solicitations for that money ended up going to women no wanted to tell a story or had an inkling about telling a story. i find that to be really troubling. i m sorry. $750,000 they were about to pay this one woman? let s put the shoe on the other foot. we know now that democrats are trying to find violations of campaign laws in the trump administration taking information from wikileaks or from the russian government if that occurred. interpret the campaign finance laws consistent with the first amendment. the first amendment applies not only to media reporting but also to campaigns. i do think you have to be very careful about trying to find criminal conduct. based on the effort to get information. laura: all i know dinesh den d souza had no chance of winning. i was on his side in that case and i helped. laura: all right, professor. helped with a fair prosecution. prosecution. laura: by the way, when food is good and clean and real, it s ok to crave. and with panera catering, there s more to go around. panera. food as it should be. but on the inside, i feel like chronic, widespread pain. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i m glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. and improves function. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who ve had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more with my family. talk to your doctor today. see if lyrica can help. laura: the establishment media s disdain for the trump administration is no secret. but, recently one of their biggest targets has been white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders. case in point, this particularly personal broadside from msnbc s mika brbrzezinski. those briefings are useless. she does not say anything that is truthful. and she does not intend to. she is the one protecting a president who does that every day. who watches tv every day and tweets stupidity. what she is doing is helping damage this republic. laura: those are just the nice things she said. joining us now with reaction is white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders who is freezing out there. merry christmas. great to see you. how are you doing. it s great. a little cold but other than that we are doing great. laura: big news on tax reform. big, big day i ve been watching you for months in briefing room. with patience and an ability to deal with the cra at you on a minute-by-minute basis. have you more patience than i would ever have. then you hear comments like that from another female, a female journalist. how do you process that? that particular comment which i found, of all of them said lately, particularly objectionable? look, it helps that i have three toddlers at home. so i m pretty good at having a lot of patience in sometimes dealing with things that you don t always want to deal with. look, this is a president who was elected by the forgotten men and women of this country and a lot of liberals have contempt for these people whether they re men or women. they want to attack us. i think it s a great reminder of why this president was elected. we are here to do a job. we are here to get big things done. that s what we are focused on. if they want to focus on pet a tacks. that s fine. let them have at it while they are doing that we will get tax cuts passed in this country. we will continue to grow the economy. continue to create jobs. 2 million new jobs since this president came into office. i m sure a lot of those are going to women. and maybe we will get to replace some of those female journalists out there that don t like us very much at some point. the bottom line is this is a president who is focused on getting things done. focused on getting things done for the men and women that frankly a lot of the liberal elites in this country don t like, have contempt for, and he is focused on empowering women and he is doing that and the way he puts people in place in his administration. and i think it s sad that they are attacking a lot of us while claiming to champion women s causes and women s issues. laura: i have gotten on the receiving end of that. i wear it as a badge of honor. the more they are attacking the better job i think you are doing. let s talk about role. i think a lot of the people fox viewers watching now. they watch you out there doing daily combat and they think to themselves okay. what if she is talking to the president and he says go out there and say. this but it s not something you are comfortable with. i m not talking about any specific issue. but would you say to him boss, that s not something that s not something that i m comfortable saying but you know, maybe get someone else to go out there and say that has he ever done that? look, if there was ever a moment that i wasn t comfortable doing something, i wouldn t do it. that s part of who i am. and this president is not going to ask me to do something i m not comfortable with. if i get to a place can i talk to him and come it a place where we can agree on what the talking points and what the message is, but that s just not something i m ever going to be part of. i don t think or expect him to ever ask me to do anything that i m not going to be comfortable in doing. look, i believe in what the president is doing. i believe in the agenda. i believe in what we are fighting for and the way we are trying to spend every single day making america a better place. i think we have done a lot in the first 11 months. i look forward in helping the president put that message over the next seven years. hour lawyer 32% approval rating in a recent poll. monmouth poll. the other polls show the president in the high 30 s. why do you think at least now he hasn t gotten so far he wasn t gotten the credit for the dereg he has done. for the tax cut obviously everybody is going to get in the new year, the judges on the federal appellate court? record pace for putting judges on the courts. why is the number still so low and how do you get that number up? look, i think a lot of the times of the reason the numbers might be lower than they probably really are is because people are getting. they are not getting all the good news what s happening in administration, what s happening in this country. i think a lot of people are going to start to see this impact when the tax cuts go through. that s going to happen right away. they will see the bigger paychecks starting as he shallly as february. i think there are a lot of things you are going to see. changes in the deregulation process. you are going to see the impact of that even more than we already are at the first part of next year. i think one of the big problems is that stuff doesn t get coughed. we are so focused on talking about the negative and trying to attack this president. trying to delegitimize him. laura: it s over the top. some of the big things that are happening aren t being covered. laura: it s beyond over the top. it s 90% coverage is bad. he could come up with a cure for lung cancer tomorrow and they would say why didn t he do it a year ago. i mean, this is where it is. let s talk about daca. because what i m hearing from my little sources on capitol hill, is that the president may move to do a, quote: daca fix, which could be amnesty for hundred thousand people brought here as minors. what s that race act detached without getting rid of chain migration and visa lottery system and without reducing illegal immigration and the wall and all that stuff. people like scott taylor of virginia are obsessed about doing this daca before the end of this year. don t you think the base of this party, sarah, will go crazy if that is what the president pushes through when we have so many bigger priorities here? look, the president is focused on making sure we have responsible immigration reform. we have been talking about it ending chain miation. reasonable doubt according to funding for the border wall and increasing an tiesier. we laid out the principles things we want to see and shake sure that s part of any pang that moves forward. that s what we are making sure happens complete and responsible immigration reform. laura: you won t do any clean daca quote fix that some of these republicans want. will you? look, as i just said we have laid out what our priorities are. laura: that would be a disaster. that s not our plan. this is a president who has talked about, campaigned and won on doing big things when it comes to immigration. specifically funding border wall. greater interior enforcement. better vetting and just, again, making sure that we have a responsible immigration system. something we don ter currently have and something this president wants to make sure we don t tinker with it and fix small parts of it but we fix all of it. laura: sarah, when you see a judicial nominee up there yesterday, mr. peterson, i believe, who was nominated d.c. district court, struggling with some, you know, questions about evidence and procedure issues that you know when you are a litigator. does that give the president pause about the way some of these lower court judges are being picked and selected? look, i haven t talked to him specifically about that. but what i do know is this is a president who is focused on making sure we have judges in place that understand what their role is. and that s not to create law. that s not to change law. but it s to be actually focused on the constitution and making sure that we have judges in place that understand their place. laura: that was a bad deal though. that was a viral video nightmare. i m sorry. but, i mean, his judges have been great. he is, i m sure, a nice person. he is good at the fcc. as a district court judge, someone who clirkd on the federal court of appeal he is, that was a brutal series of questions by kennedy. i hope done mcgahn and the crowd takes a look at some of the procedures for the dricket security. sarah, do you make. if you had my pecan pay i could shake your mind. i have might have won over april ryan for a day or two. in connecticut we call it pee-can. you have the right renunciation down south. have a great christmas and thank you for spending time with us tonight. thanks, merry christmas, laura. laura: take care. adam schiff is all about adam schiff is all about this holiday, the real gift isn t what s inside the box. it s what s inside the person who opens it. give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions. .and open up a world of possibilities. save 20% for the holidays at this s electricity. this is a power plant. this is tim barckholtz. that s me! this is something he is researching at exxonmobil: using fuel cells to capture carbon emissions at power plants. this is the potential. reducing co2 emissions by up to 90%. while also producing more power. this could be big. energy lives here. hey! yeah!? 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(phone hangs up) yeah i love you too. i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early. or too late. or make me feel like i m not really there. talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. laura: if you re dying to see california congressman adam schiff, just turn on the television at any point in the day, any time. any channel. because the top ranking dem on the house intel committee is the main proponent of the russia collusion narrative. all have you right now is a circumstantial case. more than that. one of the messages that this russian advocate may have taken back to moscow is the trump administration will be very amenable to repealing the minute miss ski act. the russians gave help and the president made full use of that help. that is pretty damning. laura: here is the problem. he is a carnival barker. not a shred of evidence backing up. that doesn t stop him from playing the mainstream media like a fidel. we will discuss this with michelle malkin. let s go to chief national correspondent ed henry with more. hed. the fact that they re turning up the heat on schiff may help explain why today the top democrat on the house intel committee tried to point the finger elsewhere. schiff tweeting i m increasingly worried republican also shut down the house intelligence committee investigation at the end of the month and it appears that republicans want to conduct just enough interviews to give the impression of a serious investigation. well, how serious has that investigation been? let s dive deep on what happened when donald trump jr. arrived to testify for over seven hours. while he was still behind closed doors ahead testimony, cnn was posting stories suggesting that donald trump jr. was testifying to something nefarious. cnn reporting that according to multiple sources familiar with the testimony, that was still going on. quote, donald trump jr. told house investigators he did not communicate directly with his father when confronted with news reports about his june 2016 trump tower meeting. instead, trump jr. said he was speaking to white house aides about how to respond to reports that sparked a flurry of reports maybe the deeper unspecified role in a collusion narrative even though it was not clear there was anything criminal or anything inappropriate about those conversations. well, the new information i m told tonight by republicans close to the committee is donald trump jr. sand his attorney were asked toker is surrender their phones before he went closed doors behind that testimony. during the hours of testimony, they noticed adam schiff was leaving the room at various times. and then these stories started of popping up on cnn and elsewhere about the testimony. leading them to believe the leaks were coming right from the top. but since donald trump jr. s team didn t have their phones they didn t find out about these stories popping up on cnn and elsewhere until several hours after the testimony started. that s why they re demanding the justice department investigate whether it was adam schiff himself or other top democrats that did the leaking and they think that s why schiff came out today, laura and started to try to shift the blame and say the republicans are trying to shut down this investigation. they are saying donald trump jr. was testifying to what he knew and during the testimony leaks were springing up everywhere. laura: i love that leaving the room. it s like kids in class. they are leaving to like get the notes they stored under the toilet or something in the bathroom. ed, i appreciate it thanks so much. and joining us now with reaction from colorado springs, michelle malkin, the host of michelle malkin investigators on crtv. michelle, i mean, you cannot make this up. it is so patently obvious what s been going on. there is zero to the russian collusion story. schiff is trying to fannie ember that s out there and he runs out of the committee meeting. that s what he had to to be doing. i m sure is he not going to the bathroom that much unless he has some undisclosed prostate or urinary problem we are not aware of. what do we make of this perpetual tease by adam schiff. there is a leak problem and it may not be urological in nature. certainly the question here is, laura, will as that old world war ii used to say loose lips sink ships. i m glad heat is being turned up on him. i would like to know how blabby mcblaber mouth in russian. because thi diversionary tactic tweet storm is indication is he quite worried that it will be traced back to him. it is interesting, isn t it, laura, that when mr. blabby mcblaber mouth goes on the collusion narrative network that they never ask him about all of these botched stories that clearly seem to point back to whoever is liking false stories to begin with. house ethics rules. you are not to be giving this information to the press or anyone when it s a closed door session like this. and, yet, somebody and i don t know who else it could have been. i mean, i guess i it could be someone else. he is the only one kept leaving the room. only one out there day after day after day, teasing as you saw with chuck todd not just circumstantial evidence, he said, but we have other evidence of russian collusion. and then there is never, again, it s a perpetual tease. there is never any payoff. yes. i mean, adam schiff has fired more duds than the north korea missile program over the last year and the question is just as much about his culpability at the very least as you say with the ethical violations from the house ethics committee. but, there is also all of the enablers in the media who have put him on nonstop. there is records of the amount of time that he has spent shilling for the collusion narrative. so what happens to all of the layers of and layers of fact checkers? where is the extreme vetting from all of the other networks that put him on nonstop to blab like this? laura: where is cnn and msnbc saying okay, like where are the goods? i mean, you have been promising this since march. give it something. you said your sources will be confirming, friday, next week, the week after. and then there is nothing that s cop. michelle, i wanting to move on to another topic that i know you and i have spent a lot of years talking about. that s immigration. there is a lot of concern thought trump administration might have its hand forced on a daca fix before the end of the year. that will not include the key provisions of ending chain migration. ending visa lotteries. everify, the wall. all the things in the reyes act which would be critical. i am very worried about this. i m not sure that the president is aware of these forces that are working behind out scenes to get this done. i was wondering what your thoughts are on this. especially border crossing going up again from october to november. there was a big surge cropping. and individuals crossing at the border and. as you say you and i have been warning faction within the republican party for a long, long time. they are very good that is why there needs to be a forceful push back from grassroots conservatives to make sure that president trump knows exactly what s happening. when you have got 34 house republicans who have signed a letter that tells you how twisted the legislative priorities are for the chamber of commerce wing of the republican party. fix upwards of 800,000 illegal aliens than they are in fixing the obamacare system that has harmed millions of people in the individual market. let alone fixing all of these stupid programs that you and i have been talking about for years now. whether it s diversity visa or chain migration. where is the stand alone bills and stand alone legislation for those? laura: and the president has to understand people like scott taylor from virginia. i know he is a former navy seal and all of that, but he is absolutely obsessed with pushing this daca thing through. absolutely obsessed. i know this mary jones woman is going to be challenging him next year. good. laura: there is a group of people pushing this. i hope the president is aware of it michelle, have you done great work on this. we appreciate it obviously the president is none to pleased with the fbi right now. so he ended up offering a if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. .isn t it time to let the real you shine through? maybe it s time for otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. .with reduced redness,. .thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has. .no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased. .risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have. .a history of depression. .or suicidal thoughts,. .or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla. .reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper. .respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. .and if you re pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. let out your inner child at the lexus december to remember sales event. lease the 2017 is turbo for $299 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. the market.redict but through good times and bad. .at t. rowe price. .we ve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. laura: the fbi is being rocked by shocking revelations of partisan bias by president trump by investigators looking into hillary s emails and russia. while heading to quantico, virginia today to give a speech to fbi academy graduates, the president delivered a blunt assessment of the situation. it s a shame what s happened with the fbi. when you look at what s gone on with the fbi and with the justice department, people are very, very angry. laura: but he struck a very different note during his address to fbi graduates. the president of the united states has your back 100 percent. i will fight for you and i will never ever let you down, ever. now, more than ever, we must support the men and women in blue. laura: joining us with reaction is former fbi national spokesperson john girgrade the president s speech today at the fbi. i thought it was a plus. he said all the right things. is he supportive of the fbi and law enforcement. that s what we need in this country today. have you these controversies surrounding andrew mccabe deputy director much the fbi given peter strzok. how he managed to get into that investigation. lead the investigation. hillary s emails, also the flynn interview. helped to edit that comey non-indictment/indictment of hillary. and i and others are calling for mccabe to go. what s the thought on that? >him? he is in a tough spot. negative press with what s what is going on. the new director decides who stays and goes. i think people will eventually move on and director wray will have other people in place. laura: seems like the president is trying to strike a different note that leadership versus the rank and file. and whether you see him with police officers or first responders and sometimes the political operatives or political people at the top. it could be different. but i saw that reaction today. they were going crazy for him. they just loved him at this event. he has been brutal in his texts about what happened at the heart of the fbi and dealing with his own russian investigation you and people like myself and others on this network and beyond have also really unearthed what s happened there. that s the thing about this president. he is not afraid to say how he feels. but i will tell you when it comes to the fbi. the men and women. everybody in the fbi is a leader. that s why they were recruited to do what they do. and likewise, there is an importance to remain objective. you can have all the opinions you want. when it comes to work, you have to make sure you are reporting the facts as the facts are seen. laura: if you are doing an investigation into some high profile event, as an fbi agent, and you re texting with another fbi agent. you happen to be having a romantic relationship with and you are like this guy is a nightmare and i hope he doesn t win and we need an insurance policy. that s kind of not the run of the mill thing you would do knowing the sensitivity of a particular investigation you might in the future be involved in. absolutely. agents, while we re human beings and we have opinions, we are expected to keep those opinions to our selves. agents can t even have a flag on the front lawn displaying pro-candidate in one race or another. laura: is that right? absolutely. you cannot express your political opinions as an fbi agent. you can t do anything that your neighbors will. he is an fbi. he supports this candidate or that candidate. you have to be unbiased. laura: quickly, this eli lake writer said we might have violated the privacy of peter strzok and lisa page by looking at their texts. are you worried about their privacy given what we have gownsd out. anybody is ho is using a bureau device texting has no privacy. it s the government s. laura: pc my experience with usaa has been excellent. they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we ve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we re being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we re the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today. but it might be hard to handle like the flame that burns the candle the candle feeds the flame topped steak & twisted potatoes at applebee s. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood. we re on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it s time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? 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why do that? well, of course, slavery we all know was abominable and eesm. what do we learn about the past by forgetting the past? america paid a dear price in blood to overcome her original sin. and our children have a and our children have a right to their ent you won t see these folks at the post office. and our children have a right to their ent they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. laura: before we go, for a true understanding of what s for a true understanding of what s happening in the white house and the challenges ahead, there is no better gift of knowledge that my new book, billionaire at the barricades. it s the gift that will keep on giving in the new year and it s [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] > we are getting our first look at the final version of tax reform legislation agreed to by house and senate negotiators. overall $1.5 trillion tax cut. the biggest in over 30 years. i think that we are going to be in a position to pass something as early as next week, which will be monumental. bombshell new report on the hill claiming that attorney lisa bloom may have tried to set up paydays for women accusing president trump of sexual misconduct. reports the president s attorneys will meet with special counsel robert mueller next week. the president just called the fbi s actions on the russia probe disgraceful. if you look what s gone on with the fbi and the justice deparen

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20171202

reported story whether hillary clinton got special treatment from the fbi in that email case. and how house republicans are digging for the truth now. we ll speak with the congressman leading the charge to hold the fbi accountable and it s about time. plus, more on that black lives matter plot of a christmas boycott against white-owned businesses? that s a merry christmas. but, first, the growing fallout over the kate steinle verdict. and the shock and outrage over the acquittal of her killer on murder charges. it all boils down to this. kate s killer should have never been in the country. jose gutierrez zarate deported from the u.s. five times was in a position to kill only because of a san francisco insane sanctuary city status. and, by the way, he is hardly alone. 22% of the federal inmate population in california are suspected illegal immigrants. 121 criminal aliens released by ice between 2010 and 2014 were later charged with homicide. that s blood on their hands, my friend. and 2139 daca recipients have lost permits because of criminal or public safety concerns. now, everybody wants to say dreamers represent the best of the young people in the country. every dreamer is a valedictorian or saves cats from trees but is that true? well, they have experienced the painful and personal consequences of loss and death due to our insane immigration policy. i m talking about the victim of crime. because they have experienced these personal consequences of loss and death and life and death lost dawn rosen burk is joining us in westlake virginia, california. he lost his son 25-year-old drew when he was killed in 2010 by honduran who entered of the country illegally but entered protected status. joining us from chicago, brian mccann s brother, dennis, was killed in 2010 by a drunk driving illegal immigrant. and in phoenix steven ronan beck son 21-year-old grant was working overnight on a shift at a convenience store when he was basically executed by illegal immigrant over a pacific cigarettes. gentlemen, i wanted to talk to all of you since this kate steinle verdict came down. i think, steve, i want to go to you first bowers as i understand it, your son s murderer is awaiting trial at this moment. your reaction to the kate stein acquittal yesterday? i was absolutely stunned. and after that it was just heart broken for the steinle family. i know that i can speak for dawn and brian and all the other victim s families and hearts go out to the steinle family. it s just a travesty. you know, this man gave several different stories as to what actually happened. he never gave an honest answer. they still don t know exactly how he got the gun but then they acquit him of murder or even manslaughter. it s i don t know. i can t wrap my head around it. laura: bob, i want to go to you. the loss whether it s a drunk driving illegal immigrant, a hit and run illegal immigrant, involuntary manslaughter, although this creep didn t even get that in the steinle case. he is getting off basically scot-free and a couple more months after time served. what does this tell you about daca and all the concern now about the daca recipients in the united states? you saw those figures. you know them well. well, i have got to tell you. me, laura? laura: let s go to bob on that. brian, you want me? laura: i m sorry, let s go to brian on that. i m sorry, brian. yeah. well, it s outrageous. and could have happened here in chicago as well because we are one of the leading sanctuary cities that became a model for the country i met the steinles a few years ago. they are wonderful people. my heart goes out to them. they fought the good fight as we all have. just a travesty of justice. it s so many of us can lay claim to the proverbial insult to injury. and it continues almost every day. there is hundreds of thousands of american family members every day that mourn the loss of their children and their siblings and their spouses. so with the steinles our prayers with them san francisco, god help you out there. i don t know what s going on. i went to that pier last summer with my wife just to try to get some sense of what it was like. and it was tragic, indeed. laura: let s go to you, speaking of san francisco, your son went to law school in san francisco back in 2010. he s no longer here to enjoy a holiday season. your reaction and then what about we ve heard nothing from nancy pelosi. we ve heard nothing from hillary clinton. nothing from prominent democrats on this case. zero. well, i will tell you i wasn t actually shocked in the least bit. i expected this to happen. i live out here. i see what happens every day. so i wasn t shocked at the two acquittals on the murder charges. i was marginally surprised that he didn t get the involuntary manslaughter, particularly since that s what the defense was using as their claim that it was an accident. best of your recollection even with that, you know, it s san francisco. and the jury, you know, it s o.j. simpson jury. we re not going to convict you no matter what. i will tell you though, you know, you mentioned nancy pelosi and you can lay it on all the democrats. it s inconceivable to me and i find it reprehensible that they are worried about daca recipients. the worst thing that would happen to any of those guys would be that they would get deported. the worst thing that s happened to steve and brian myself and so many others is they have lost a loved one. so, our position and, you know, there is an organization we started called aziak act in june we put out a position that daca should not be discussed until all the other illegal immigration issues are dealt with so, for them to talk about shutting down the government is just absolutely incredible. laura: yeah, chuck schumer threatening to shut down the government because he cares more about handling and caring and the feeding of illegal immigrants than protecting the innocent lives of american citizens and legal immigrants in the united states. because there are plenty of other perspective victims out there because of san francisco s sanctuary city policy, california s state policy, chicago sanctuary city policies and it goes on and on and on. and to all three of you i will say this tonight. my heart breaks for you. our viewers hearts break for you. my radio listeners. the fact that parties don t build this border, seal this wall and get this stuff done to protect success abomination. it has been for years and now with this latest verdict, it s even worse. laura, we can t rely on the politicians out in california. they made out mess. i m actually announcing a little early earlier than planned we are going to initiative to repeal the sanctuary state bill that was passed but also create law that requires law enforcement to cooperate with ice and with the federal officers. laura: good. if anybody wants to look, the fight is not really completely done yet. it s fight sanctuary excuse me. fight sanctuary and we can use people s help. laura: fight sanctuary i will get it on facebook and twitter. don t worry. i do that too late at night. thank you very much. laura: we have to get the word out. people have to take the power back from the politicians who won t listen. steve, i want to go to you. i think about you. you are not too far from phoenix, correct? correct. laura: okay. so you are not too far from the border. what do arizonans? the average person on the street. i don t care if you are hispanic, white, black, what does the average person on the street think of special treatment people who break our laws come into the country come back and commit crimes and then get a slap on the wrist. any sense from people in arizona about this? you know. a lot of my friends and people that i work with even people that i meet that recognizance me they are fed up. they are tired of it it s not just the murder of my son or don or brian s, it s the drugs that are coming across. human trafficking, all of it? the ones that can coming across the border that are taking advantage of social service systems. laura: having multiple children here. we can t call them anchor babies. i m sorry, but they are here. it s nine months pregnant. they have their child and then no one can ever deport them. yeah. laura: gentlemen, we are out of time. i want to say to all of you. we are with you, the people of the country are with you. it s probably of little comfort to you now given what s happened. but thank you so much for joining us. and we re going to be following every aspect of this case and others like it, sadly. as the days and weeks go on. the impeach trump media, boy, they are going to tell you that the flynn guilty plea is the most important story ever. we re going to tell you why they re perhaps possibly and i think probably wrong next on the ingraham angle. cannot live without it. so if you can t live without it. why aren t you using this guy? it makes your wifi awesomely fast. no. still nope. now we re talking! it gets you wifi here, here, and here. it even lets you take a time out. no! no! yes! yes, indeed. amazing speed, coverage and control. all with an xfi gateway. find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. laura: welcome back to the ingraham angle. most of the media went into a feedy friendsy mode today when former advisor mike flynn pled guilty to one count of lying to the fbi over his contact with russia s u.s. ambassador during the transition. but we already knew about that single lie. it s what cost flynn his job after just a few days in the position back in february. so, what s the white house reaction tonight? joining us now with the latest is fox news chief washington correspondent james rosen. james, what s going on? laura, good evening. clearly white house officials tonight are bracing for general flynn now actively cooperating with the special counsel to say all matter of things. and with that in mind, the lawyer for the president has already begun painting flynn as unreliable witness noting he only served 24 days as white house national security advisor and describing him as, quote, an obama administration official. the false statements involved said presidential attorney ty cobb in a statement mirror the false statements to white house officials which resulted in flynn s resignation in february of this year. nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than mr. flynn and cobb added the conclusion of this phase of the special council s work demonstrates that the special counsel is moving with all deliberate speed and clears the way for a prompt and reasonable conclusion. flynn now admits he falsely told fbi agents in january that in his phone calls with the russian ambassador the month before during the transition period he never asked sergei kids lederasked se. subsequent call kislyak had indeed refrained from inflation as insisted. he never asked the russian ambassador on a separate occasion to vote against a pending u.n. security council resolution that was targeting israeli settlements. flynn falsely told the agent he never received from kislyak any indication of russia s response to that q finally the special counsel got flynn to admit that he made, quote, materially false statements and omissions on federal disclosure forms about his work as a lobbyist on behalf of turkish interests. and those admissions paradoxically could work against the special prosecutors if they seek to place flynn on the witness stand against more senior figures like the president. because as ty cobb s statement shows any defense counsel will seek to impugn flynn s credibility on the grounds that he has already admitted lying in the past to federal agents on federal forms. so how should jurors feel comfortable believing him when he is on the witness stand? laura? laura: james, thanks so much. and today s flynn news has the media, of course, going absolutely bonkers. and they are excited about the possibility that this could be curtain for president trump. there aren t many more dots after mike film, right? your dots go to kushner and then the president. there really have no other dots here. they re is a case that reaches directly in tout heart of the trump administration. into the oval office. people now who have believed that the president sort of loose way with information and facts was his best defense now think that the president is in danger and exposed. i do agree, this is a big moment where if you are on the fence you start to think, jeez, is this whole thing going down? is it watergate? laura: so the contrary. everything is watergate. nothing is watergate when everything is watergate. here is how famed federal prosecutor andy mccarthy put it, his own perspective in national review. he said for awrlt fewer roar, we have furor we have a so plea just as we did in papadopoulos case despite extensive collusion evidence. joining us saul wisenburg deputy independent counsel in the white water investigation of bill clinton. is the truth somewhere between this is worse than watergate and this is small potatoes? where are we on this? well, it s very important to realize that general flynn did exactly what papadopoulos did. he pleaded guilty to conduct that was legal. he lied about conduct that was legal. laura: explain that. all of flynn s conversations with the ambassador to russia were perfectly legal during the transition period and even before. it s not a crime to communicate with an ambassador of a foreign country about foreign policy when you are the foreign policy advisor to the incoming president. so, i don t know why he lied. it s inconceivable to me. if he had told the truth, there would be no crime. other fan the fara stuff. laura: foreign agent. this is a nothing-burger. after all this time this is what he gets out of flynn? it tells me that there is note much there. it certainly can t involve the president. because the president has the authority to do all the things that he did. and as far as kushner goes, if there is anything with kushner, it involves transitions involving real estate deals 10, 15 years ago. laura: saul, you ve felt it all day long building, building, building, jared kushner directed, you know, calls to russia. first of all, even if that were true, if they were sitting around a table somewhere jared kushner and a bunch of people said we should probably reach out to russia to find out what s going on with all the security council members on israeli sanctions thing. none of us want israel to have more sanctions put on them. big deal. so what if he did. there is nothing wrong with that. you can do that all day long when you are a transition team official. well, there is nothing wrong with, quote, communicating with the russians. in fact, in most instances, there is nothing wrong with a private citizen communicating with the russians. now, if you believe what is in the factual basis or statement of the offense of the flynn papers, they did violate the letter, conceivably there was a violation of the language of the logan act. you re hearing a lot about the logan act. as you know, the logan act has never been successfully used against anyone. and the last time anyone was even indicted under it was 1852. so, if mueller is thinking of indicting anybody under the logan act, to me and i have been a defender of mueller, i think he is an honorable guy. but if he is even thinking of prosecuting anybody for violating the logan act, i will instantly denounce him because it will show such bad faith that it s unbelievable to me. i would agree with that except here s the problem for mr. mueller. you can t violate the logan act when you are in the transition team. laura: you are an authorized agent. you are a government employee. you get a green check. when you are on a transition team you are a special government employee. they can communicate with anybody they want. i agree with sol the logan act never enforced if logan were to use it in this place if i everywhere the president i would fire him. brian: if there was some big scheme here they wouldn t allow him to plead to one count of lying to the fbi which is a great point. if there was evidence of a scheme of collusion, they wouldn t have had to do the plea this way and they would have gotten a lot more. his view is that it is so far at the very least so far they don t really have anything on conclusion, conspiracy to influence the election front. they got flynn for whatever reason, he decides to lie about conversations he could have done anyway. that s the weird thing. i have got to make you guys laugh on a friday. get ready. i know some has a great sense of humor. joy behar heard about the news of the flynn plea reading an abc report toted alleged the van de the view. let s watch. breaking news. oh my god. breaking news. abc news brian ross is reporting michael flynn promised full cooperation to the mueller team and is prepared to testify that as a candidate donald trump directed him to make contact with the russians. yes! [cheers and applause] yes! laura: like she just won a publisher s clearing house. abc had to come out immediately and say this was not during the campaign. this was actually during the transition. but, this is the level of, there it is, clarify read the whole thing. whoops? sorry. it wouldn t even matter if it was in the campaign. sorry to interrupt. it wouldn t matter if it was in the campaign. there was nothing wrong, quote, with talking to the russians, all right. it depends on what you say. but the earlier point you made, laura is very important that annie mccarty made. flynn is only protected from future prosecution based on items that are in the statement of offense. that s the key document. there is nothing in the statement of offense about collusion during the campaign. nothing. so, unless there is a completely separately sealed, completely stand alone plea agreement for flynn that is sealed, which would be almost unheard of. i think joe will agree with me. it means that flynn has no knowledge. flynn who was a key figure in the campaign has no knowledge of any collusion with russia during the pain any illegal collusion. laura: you heard nothing burger. the well respected bob mueller is coming up with very little in my opinion. the pipe her bowl lick response by the media, these people are completely unhinged. the facts are irrelevant. analysis irrelevant. just jump right to the gallows for trump. that s where they are going. gentlemen, thank you. and sol, i knew i could make you laugh. i get it out of you. thanks, guys. and we by the way laura: wait, sorry, this is a special alert. tommy is telling me. we actually stick around for this. we have some live footage of special counsel robert mueller leaving a d.c. christmas party tonight. there it is. oh, okay. he has lost some weight. oh, yeah, he actually-oh, okay. well, there they go. up next, president trump wants to make christmas great again. and on the other hand there are those dreaming of a are those dreaming of a black only spread a little love today spread a little love my-y way spread a little something to remember philadelphia cream cheese. made with fresh milk and real cream makes your recipes their holiday favourites. the holidays are made with philly. their holiday favourites. having mplaque psoriasise is not always easy. it s a long-distance run. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just four months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. join over 250,000 people who have chosen humira. ask about the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. humira & go. you won t see these folks they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. laura: all right. ready for some humor? black lives matter. that s the humor. no, sorry. black lives matter thinks it can bring down white capitalism by creating a black christmas. and their idea is for black consumers to boycott any white-owned stores? so, tell me, how is that not racist? and don t people like hillary clinton and former president obama ultimately share some blame for helping legitimize such a radical organization? just listen. black lives matter simply refers to the notion that there is a specific vulnerability for african-americans that needs to be addressed. when people say black lives matter that doesn t mean blue lives don t matter. we do have to stand up and say loudly and clearly black lives matter. laura: joining us now for radicalization is attorney anthony tall. all right, anthony, you ve got to educate me on this one. i do not understand this at all. how do yo do you determine, fora factual matter. if a business is owned by indian guy in a partnership with a white woman and then maybe has a black, like co-owner as well maybe three people own a business together, does that business get boycotted because there is an element other than a black element in the ownership structure? how do you determine that. i don t know if that s how you focus on the problem. i think you pretty much just focus on what they are saying is that there are black businesses in the black community that need to be supported and need to be encouraged. you know, this is a day of oprah. this is the day of blackish. black economic power means something. so what black lives matter is saying let s just invest in black businesses for this christmas. let s make sure we spend our dollar the way that a lot of other groups have spent their dollar for years. i don t know if the focus is so much on whether or not there is a diversity for excluding whites. let s make sure our economic dollar is spent in our community and build entrepreneurship which is a republican idea. i m surprised you don t like that, laura. laura: i actually think if people want catholics go to catholic businesses. you know, i don t have any problem with that my problem is when it seems to be based in a very kind of a negative thing. christmas is about christ and the birth of christ and of course retail is important. but i think businesses need consumers. they need customers. so why penalize a business that just happens to be owned in whole or part by a white person, maybe that white person or indian person or asian person, maybe hold himself or herself by the boot straps. came from nothing. started a business in a minority community. don t we want to encourage white and asian and all sorts of people to come into black communities to bring more dollars and investment? that way black people can come work there and maybe become a manager and ultimately take the shop over? isn t that something good? well, yeah. that s good. but i think because black people in this country have had such an economic struggle, you remember, this is nothing new, going all the way back to black wall street tulsa. rose wood where blacks would try to start their own businesses which could expand and could express the diversity that you are talking about and a lot of those communities were destroyed. so, with that being the case, we re still here in 2017 where now we realize out black dollar has economic power. laura: what s a glak dollar? i see green dollars. what s a black dollar. i definitely understanding green dollars. i guess what i m saying? laura: what i m trying to say a dollar spent at any store, retail outlet that dollar goes to spend in the encourages more jobs that s great. it just seems anti-get particular call to me to helping a community where people are coming in from all races and background, whether it s st. louis or detroit, isn t it about welcoming people of all colors and background into different under privileged and under served. not like you are black and you aration go to separate stores in separate places. that s just wild after everything we have been to. i don t think that s the point. i know, young that s the point though. i think the pointed what they are saying and let me go back to the black dollar theng thing. black people who have money which is obviously green that their dollars go into black business there is nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with saying if you live in a certain community, let s support the businesses in the black community. laura: that s different. but you are making it about race. and i think this is the stuff. i m not making it about race. laura: black lives matter has made it about race. i haven t made anything about race. laura: when you say black people should shop only at black-owned stores, that is a racial statement at a time where our country is supposed to be uniting and coming together, especially at the holiday seasonal. if it was going to be really focused on black businesses, why just focus during christmas? make it all year long forever. only go to black-owned stores. only going to black owned businesses. do it all year long. i think it should be that way. laura: oh we have made progress. i think you are missing the point. laura: no white own stores ever? no, no. that s not what i m saying. who i m saying there should be a diversity of dollars spent. but because of those people who are at low economic level to build their dollar, value up in other communities, they need to learn how to invest in their own business. i know you agree with that laura. laura: everyone needs to learn how to have a work ethic, save, save for rainy day. and be open to people of different background and i just think the racial line is wild. i think it s like the opposite meaning of christmas. at least to me. but, you know. that s my view. i think that s how you see it. laura: i appreciate it thanks so much. and while flynn s plea deal dominated the headlines, the fbi may have to investigate a new suspect in the clinton email case. we re going to tell you why. up next. it s a small finger.a worm! like, a dagger? 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(ding) time! sorry, it s a tandem bicycle. what? what?! as long as sloths are slow, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. laura: the left is probably hoping the hubbub over the mike flynn guilty plea will drown out over this story. a group of congressman is demanding that the fbi investigate alleged special treatment of hillary clinton during its investigation into her private email server. congressman matt gaetz of florida sent a letter to fbi director christopher wray asking the bureau to explain its decision to investigate clinton with a, quote, small team what does that mean. congressman joining us now. congressman gate, you have been all over. this people are saying oh you don t understand when they say special investigation in small team that s just routine kind of lingo. so you are making a big deal over nothing. well, laura, we now have smoking gun evidence that hillary clinton got special treatment and it s important to provide context. we ve got loretta lynch on the tarmac with bill clinton. we ve got loretta lynch telling james comey to call this a matter and not an investigation. then we have got james comey sucking this up to headquarters and keeping the investigators in the washington, d.c. office away from the clinton investigation. and then he drafts the exoneration statement before even conducting the interview. in six days the fbi director christopher wray will be before the house judiciary committee and we need answers because hillary clinton didn t deserve special treatment. she should have been treated like every american and now we know shes would not. laura: do you think that when they say special treatment and the way they designated it, it was just, from what you can see from the things you just laid out it was soft pedaling it or shortcutting it or we know the conclusion? let s just put some window dressing on it so it looks like it s official but let let s wrap this baby up as soon as possible. is that what you are getting at? that s what the evidence suggests. when you look at the recent documents released about the tar pack meeting between loretta lynch and bill clinton, the fbi was more worried about spin control and public relations and punishing the person that released this information than they were about the improper conduct of the attorney general of the united states. and so time and again, we see from the obama era that they were determining the outcomes before actually conducting the investigation. that s not what the american people deserve. that s why we will fight for a real investigation. laura: congressman, weren t they also desperate to find out who leaked the clinton meeting on the tarmac with loretta lynch? absolutely. recently discovered emails show that the fbi was very concerned about who let the american people know that loretta lynch was meeting with bill clinton but they weren t at all concerned about the fact that the meeting had occurred and had jeopardized this very critical investigation. so, we re really seeing a circumstance where the fbi, the loretta lynch department of justice was engaged in a coverup of their activities all at the same time they were determining the outcome of the hillary clinton investigation before actually doing it. laura: all right. congressman gates, thanks for that update. sara carter good to see you from circa news. you have been all over this story. there is some concern what gates is saying is not quite right. they dedicated a special investigation can be used interchangeably in some cases with major investigation. special inquire i have a major inquiry. correct. laura: can that be what s going on here? we don t really know until christopher wray talks. we don t know whether that was designated special meaning major investigation but what we do know is this, there were 110 confidential, secret emails that were passed through 52 email chains. 8 of those emails were considered top secret. and if you just look at what inspector general mccullough said in his interview recently with catherine herridge, she said well, if anybody else would have done this, if you would have done, this where would you be? he said leavenworth. so, a lot of fbi agents who were working at the time beating, you know, on the ground, collecting information, not the pop dog, not director comey, not mccabe, they said that they felt that the rug had been pulled out from under them. that she was treated differently. that, i can tell from you extensive interviews i have done. laura: from your sources. david, we have been talking about this for a long time. are you at all convinced by what you heard from the congressman that designating this as a special investigation, the tarmac, you heard all the elements you laid out, that that s significant in your mind at all. have you got to kind of feel bad for congressman gaetz. he is trying to get attention for fbi investigation and thenned over a year ago on the same day that a major thing happened in the special counsel investigation which is the former national security advisor pleaded guilty to crime. that investigation is going forward. now finding evidence of crime, finding indisputable evidence national security advisor engaged in crimes. congressman gaetz talking about something almost irrelevant now. going over the same information that s been gone over many times. he mass the right to make inquiries and not germane to what s happening now. very important to address this special issue of. if congressman gates talked to anyone in the fbi, he would have told them. it s a term of point. use to describe an investigation high level person. laura: i got it. it was odd the way comey decided to come out, right, with first the amendmen national anthem of thfirst with theannoup the investigation. i agree with you maybe the special designation is not such a big deal. right. laura: it s the other facts that make the thing just odd. you are right, it did wrap up a we re ago. didn t mean that things happened during that investigation that wasn t wacky. there were no notes taken during hillary clinton s questioning. that s just weird. comey wasn t even there during her questioning. if it s a really major investigation of a major american figure. don t you believe he would have been there present. why wasn t he present? never had a good answer to that flynn did plead guilty to one count of lying to the fbi. more importantly is he now cooperating with the special counsel. that is probably going to lead to president trump or katyusha anywhere and others? we shall see where it leads. we talked about this in the previous segment. let s talk about possible entrapment. speaking of this flynn thing. they knew they were surveying ambassador kislyak, the russian ambassador. they were surveying him so they knew who he was talking to and what he said sara. why did decide to go to fbi and interview matt flynn about matter they already had transcripts of. isn t that interesting? you already had the transcript and knew what they talked about. that is fascinating. you would have to look at this whether this was criminal or counter intelligence. because if they had a fisa on kislyak, right? they would be watching kislyak. this is my question. how did they know to unmask all these specific numbers? this is what a lookout of people don t understand. when you are looking at these type of investigations, this is what youfield have to know that number specifically. you would have to have a reason to unmask it. i m tending to agree with you on this. you already know what he said. did you have any conversations? yeah, we already have the at this particular time of the conversation was it the russian dossier that helped unmask certain individuals leading up to this? we don t know this yet. it s definitely thought a happy day for the trump administration. i m not trying to underplay it but not trying to jump to these huge i object inflammatory conclusions either because i don t think that s smart. thank you both. always great to have you on. and straight ahead, will congress drop a tax cut in our christmas stocking or will they be grinches? we will take you live to capitol hill where it s all happening liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad. liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. my dad says our insurance doesn t have that. don t worry - i know what a lug wrench is, dad. is this a lug wrench? maybe? you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. or a little internet machine? [ phone rings ] it makes you wonder. shouldn t we get our phones and internet from the same company? that s why xfinity mobile comes with your internet. you get up to 5 lines of talk and text at no extra cost. so all you pay for is data. choose by the gig or unlimited. and ask how to get a $200 prepaid card when you buy any new samsung device with xfinity mobile. a new kind of network designed to save you money. click, call or visit today. laura: you may be getting a christmas gift from uncle sam this year. wouldn t that be nice? the senate is poised to pass a tax reform bill. that s what they are calling it it s a do or die agenda item for the trump administration and for more on where we are now, chad pergram, fox news senior capitol hill producer joins us from capitol hill. chad? good evening they are a couple of hours away, laura from actually voting on this bill. what we are looking at right now in senate language is called the voter roma. this is a series of votes that sometimes takes hours. just role call vote after roll call vote after roll call vote as they get closer to a final vote on this probably 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning on capitol hill. we are expecting this to pass. we believe they have 51 yeas on the republican side of the aisle. bob corker the republican senator from tennessee appears to be the only no. and vice president pence is going to come to the capitol here in the next couple of hours. his vote is not expected to break a tie. you know, the vice president in his capacity as president of the senate can only vote if there is a tie. i m told that he just wants to come to preside over the senate when they presumably pass this sometime after midnight, laura. laura: okay, chad. thanks so much for that update. and, when we come back, i attended the white house christmas party today for the press. and we ll share or two and answer sean hannity s christmas card challenge when we return. that one daddy! it s beautiful. i m the world s greatest douglas fir. i m the perfect shape. i m the perfect color. my scent- like making love to a lumberjack. but halfway home, my twine gets loose. and your cut-rate insurance might not pay for this. so get allstate. where you can save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. mayhem is everywhere. so get an allstate agent. are you in good hands? i m watching a shot of all those senators mulling around the floor. they are playing pokemon. you have the house, senate, presidency all in their hands. isn t it nice to have a cleaner and more transparent really aggressive tax cuts. even to understand the symbol for almost. it s amazing. it should be that way. it s better than nothing and they need to chuckle but when. i wanted to show you a few shots from the white house christmas party today. they are i am. with the fox & friends crew. and my former boss ronald reagan. i got a little emotional. and there is raymond and a lamb chop. several lamb chops. i only got one there. that was pretty fun. we had a blast. sean hannity challenged me to pick my christmas card photo this year. check them out this week. he offered that cover. check mine out. you can help me vote on facebook and twitter. there s me on the left. [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] yeas are 51 and the nays are 49. the tax cuts and jobs act as amended is passed. this is a great day for the country. the stench rising in this chamber. there was not a single democrat who thought this was a good idea. so we re going to take this message to the american people also a year from now. the illegal imgrant acquitted for murder in the shooting death of a san francisco woman is now the subject of a federal arrest warrant. it s time for this country to get its head on straight. these cities should not be protecting criminal aliens. flynn pled guilty to making false statements to the fbi

Honduras , United-states , Chad , Roma , Lazio , Italy , Israel , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Kislyak , Arkhangel-skaya-oblast- , Russia

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20171216

tonight s angle. okay. do you remember wha what i told you just a few nights ago. female politicians and activists should also be really careful where they take this because some day, maybe, men might decide to turn the tables on them and start launching their own maybe it s called #men too moment with wild decades old complaint against women in positions of power. you don t think it could happen. just watch. that didn t take long, did it the first tragedy is. democrat in kansas. dropping out of the race after the kansas city star asked her about allegations in a 12-year-old lawsuit. the suit claimed ramsey sexually harassed and retaliated against a male subordinate who had rejected her advances. according to multiple sources, the man who filed the case reached a settlement with the company and court documents show that the case was dismissed after mediation back in 2006. look, people settle suits all the time. they settle them for things that aren t true as well because they are just a nuisance and they would rather not bother them. but drop out of the race more than a decade later for this? i think that s ridiculous. but, this is the climate that democrats have created. it is a trap that they themselves are now falling into. believe me i probably agree with that candidate on nothing. he she is a favorite of emily s list. i m sure she and i wouldn t agree on most issues but that situation is appalling. nancy pelosi and the rest of the new liberal more rattle brigade on capitol hill are feeding on their own members. they have opened up an ethics probe into a nevada democratic congressman reuben could youen over allegations of sexual harassment. now, pelosi and others have asked could youe couldcuem to s. is he refusing. he vows to claim his name. another democrat. the witch-hunt continues. he questions pelosi s new found me too morell morality. he says that pelosi and the democratic party knew about the allegations against him a year ago. he said they looked into them. they didn t find anything they continued investing millions in my contain. he told that to abc news. they went out there and campaigned for me. we invited him on the show tonight but sadly he declined. my friends, this me too madness is spinning dangerously out of control. and i think the people get it. here s some of my listeners today on the radio. i definitely think that this has gone to the extreme and they have to do something to stop this. i m very sensitive to any type of sexual assault, but i feel that this #this and #that has become almost a fad. from personal experience, people who have been really abused, sexually abused, are so upset about this movement, the me too movement because they are making a joke out of people who have really been abused. laura: by the way the phone lines today were jammed with female callers. speaking of jokes, now democrats are calling for the put to resign over misconduct allegations, you know, the ones you heard before the 2016 election. but as the washington post pointed out this morning, the democrats may be overplaying their hand ahead of 2018 and 2020. this is the way i look at it. the left in their blind rage against trump are unable to seat obvious. their near constant demonization of trump is starting to wear a little thin and i think it could end up back firing big time. think about it. after tax reform is passed, the economy continues to grow, and more americans are able to keep more of their own money, how much residence will old accusations, partisan leaks and identity politics really end up having? will voters other than like the really hard core activists in the donor class really have the appetite for the growing calls of trump s resignation on these old allegations? smack dab in the middle of one of the greatest economic booms we have seen perhaps since reagan? i doubt it. especially now that we re learning that women were being offered cash to tell their tells of alleged misconduct by trump. what a crock this entire thing is. oh, in this small, i would say i call it like this small craft advisory goes out to everybody in the media. watch the current course you have charted lest your own boats get swamped by the waves you create. your reporting on the so-called russian collusion has been as biased and misguided as the mueller investigation itself. you need to offer more than 24/7 demonization of our president through leaks from obama and clinton partisans or from old accusers whose stories were already heard before election day. are you ever going to do real reporting on how the president is reshaping our entire trade posture to boost u.s. manufacturing? or maybe look into how small business omnipotent michelle is skyrocketing duer to the president s slashing of onerous growth-killing regulations? and by the way, another question. why does it take a group like judicial watch to beat so many of you in the media to stories about the mueller investigation? you know, where are your foia requests. or maybe you only dig deep when it can hurt the president? i don t know. and since it looks like they have gotten nothing on the president and the war on men is already back firing, expect them to deploy even more desperate tactics in the new year. and that s the angle. so how about it? are the democrats badly overplaying their hand here? let s throw that up for discussion with my first two guests, fox news corinther and 2012 presidential candidate herman cain in georgia and antwon see wright is here with me in washington. all right, herman, let s talk to you about this. a democratic congresswoman now in kansas city. she is out. 12-year old claim against her that was settled in a mediation. and then you have the other congressman they already looked at his allegations, apparently they want him to leave. are the democrats overplaying this? yes. accusations, speculation, and fabrication is all they have. they have no hard evidence on this president and as a result, they are trying to turn this over to the courts of public opinion. because,ing in a couple of instances the court of public opinion has painted a bad enough view of somebody that maybe they were defeated or they came in real close with the person who won. that s all they have from their playbook. ignoring the results of this president and this administration. lowest unemployment rate in years. lowest black unemployment rate in 17 years. a booming economy and we don t even have a tax cuts yet. regulations, two for one in terms of regulations that hes is eliminating and the list goes on. but they don t want to look at results. they only want to look at accusations, speculation, and fabrication. they are over playing their hand. laura: anton, let s go to you on this. is there a positive agenda for economic growth or is it the old accuser parade. first of all, for no disrespect mr. kaine, but i think the republican party for 8 years ignored the economic boom we seen under the obama administration. so let s deal with that first and foremost. second of all, i don t know if you can call these accusers, he is coming up as if they are wrong or bad people. look, we have evidence, ere were tapes out there with mr. trump said things that we know were not appropriate. laura: yeah, which he apologized for. that doesn t make it right. that doesn t mean that women are rying and fabricating their stories. laura: paid, offered $300,000. laura, not one time did any of who accused mr. trump during the campaign say they were paid. laura: but my question though is a serious one for the democratic party. the focus is for the democrats. is this all you guys have? what else do you have? you have identity politics. have you mueller and you have the accusers. what else do you have? we have a message that worked in places like virginia and new jersey just a few weeks ago. we won in alabama on tuesday night. so here s the message. however, we can t. laura: you couldn t have won in alabama against any other candidate other than roy moore you know it and i know it. we can t press the ignore button on these women. what message do you want to send to little girls who may be watching. laura: how many democrats have given the harvey weinstein allegations back. how many bill clinton accused of rape over the years. what does that have against donald trump? laura: it has everything to do about it. leading by example, laura. laura: really? > so the democrats who have linized ted kennedy for decades. the democrats who build. conyers. franken are going to resign. laura: going to continue to take money from the hollywood pornifiers shocked there is sexual harassment behind closed doors. message out of hollywood is sexualizing and objectifying and misog lyrics and words. what are you saying to these women president trump? are you saying they are wrong? laura: i have no idea whether they are wrong or right. american people voted on it all i know is the democrats have no message because you still vngts said any message. i just gave you one. laura: what are the three steps to economic growth in the democratic party. first of all we have to provide healthcare for people. laura: that s economic growth. yeah, because a healthy population. laura: they got no economic plan. go ahead, herman. i mean, you gout no economic plan. clinton economic plan. i m sure you just don t want to hear it. antwon, i let you talk. now, let me talk, okay? i want to rebuke some of the garbage that you threw out there. i don t think it s garbage. don t go talking on top of me i said. absolutely. i said let me talk. i m. let me talk. i did not interrupt you. laura: go, one at a time. laura, this is what liberals do. when they have no message. tell the truth. they have no plan, they like to talk over conservatives with facts. now, let s go back to one factor he threw out there. when he said well, what about the economic boom of under president obama. allow me to correct you antwon and please don t interrupt me. 2% is not. please tell the truth. there he goes, laura. 2% is not the new normal which is what we interned for 8 years. we have already seen 3% plus in the consecutive quarters under this president who has set a positive tone from the top. the business community is very excited and positive. consumer confidence is up. we are going to get this tax package passed. that s going to continue to add to this economic boom and all you and the other liberal democrats can say is accusation, speculation, and fabrication. that s where you are missing it. and the american people are not stupid. laura: we are out of time. antwon, we will have you on my radio show and have you back on tv soon. tonight a bombshell report just came out today. according to the hill attorney lisa bloom attempted to arrange major payments to women accusing president trump of sexual harassment. claims mr. trump vehemently denies. she wanted a cut of the money, typical lawyer. oftentimes coming from hillary supporters and tabloid media outlets. walls this a violation of campaign finance laws? joining me now for reaction from miami beach, of course, is alan dershowitz and emeritus professor of harvard author of the new book trumpsd up he joins us now. professor d. let s talk with this. these are wild allegations. one woman got her mortgage paid off. where do i go to get that? got her mortgage paid off 30 k out in queens. others wanted as much as 750,000. $2 million. could this be a violation of campaign finance laws if this came from donors who influence an election and it wasn t reported to the feds? i don t think so. i think you ought to be very scrupulous before you start accusing people of crime. it s a close question. but could but i do think it giva very important pause in terms of me too. most women tell the truth. most women have no lie about being sexually assaulted. but there are some women out there and some men who will lie for money. i know that from personal experience. because i was the victim of a woman who falsely accused me. a woman i never met. never heard of. accused me. we were able to learn and prove that she had a very strong multi-million-dollar motive for making the fails accusation and was pressured to do so. by her lawyers. and now her allegation has been totally disproved by documentation. it just shows that there is no such thing as all men tell the truth. there is no jerntiond gene fogender gene fortruthfulness a. we have to be scrupulous in questioning everybody s accusations and making sure that everybody, the president, as well as everybody else, is afforded due process of law when accused of serious sexual misconduct. laura: campaign super pacs, the super pac money, big money affects the election results, try to have it affects the election results. if that money was used in whole or in part, offer it up to women to tell their stories, i think that s a big problem. i m not trying to speculate here but we need to certainly learn more about whether any of this money, any of it went or solicitations, even solicitations for that money ended up going to women no wanted to tell a story or had an inkling about telling a story. i find that to be really troubling. i m sorry. $750,000 they were about to pay this one woman? let s put the shoe on the other foot. we know now that democrats are trying to find violations of campaign laws in the trump administration taking information from wikileaks or from the russian government if that occurred. interpret the campaign finance laws consistent with the first amendment. the first amendment applies not only to media reporting but also to campaigns. i do think you have to be very careful about trying to find criminal conduct. based on the effort to get information. laura: all i know dinesh den d souza had no chance of winning. i was on his side in that case and i helped. laura: all right, professor. helped with a fair prosecution. prosecution. laura: by the way, what i want, you ve got, but it might be hard to handle like the flame that burns the candle the candle feeds the flame topped steak & twisted potatoes at applebee s. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood. this s electricity. this is a power plant. this is tim barckholtz. that s me! this is something he is researching at exxonmobil: using fuel cells to capture carbon emissions at power plants. this is the potential. reducing co2 emissions by up to 90%. while also producing more power. this could be big. energy lives here. or a little internet machine? it makes you wonder: shouldn t we get our phones and internet from the same company? that s why xfinity mobile comes with your internet. you get up to 5 lines of talk and text at no extra cost. so all you pay for is data. see how much you can save. choose by the gig or unlimited. xfinity mobile. a new kind of network designed to save you money. call, visit, or go to laura: the establishment media s disdain for the trump administration is no secret. but, recently one of their biggest targets has been white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders. case in point, this particularly personal broadside from msnbc s mika brbrzezinski. those briefings are useless. she does not say anything that is truthful. and she does not intend to. she is the one protecting a president who does that every day. who watches tv every day and tweets stupidity. what she is doing is helping damage this republic. laura: those are just the nice things she said. joining us now with reaction is white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders who is freezing out there. merry christmas. great to see you. how are you doing. it s great. a little cold but other than that we are doing great. laura: big news on tax reform. big, big day i ve been watching you for months in briefing room. with patience and an ability to deal with the cra at you on a minute-by-minute basis. have you more patience than i would ever have. then you hear comments like that from another female, a female journalist. how do you process that? that particular comment which i found, of all of them said lately, particularly objectionable? look, it helps that i have three toddlers at home. so i m pretty good at having a lot of patience in sometimes dealing with things that you don t always want to deal with. look, this is a president who was elected by the forgotten men and women of this country and a lot of liberals have contempt for these people whether they re men or women. they want to attack us. i think it s a great reminder of why this president was elected. we are here to do a job. we are here to get big things done. that s what we are focused on. if they want to focus on pet a tacks. that s fine. let them have at it while they are doing that we will get tax cuts passed in this country. we will continue to grow the economy. continue to create jobs. 2 million new jobs since this president came into office. i m sure a lot of those are going to women. and maybe we will get to replace some of those female journalists out there that don t like us very much at some point. the bottom line is this is a president who is focused on getting things done. focused on getting things done for the men and women that frankly a lot of the liberal elites in this country don t like, have contempt for, and he is focused on empowering women and he is doing that and the way he puts people in place in his administration. and i think it s sad that they are attacking a lot of us while claiming to champion women s causes and women s issues. laura: i have gotten on the receiving end of that. i wear it as a badge of honor. the more they are attacking the better job i think you are doing. let s talk about role. i think a lot of the people fox viewers watching now. they watch you out there doing daily combat and they think to themselves okay. what if she is talking to the president and he says go out there and say. this but it s not something you are comfortable with. i m not talking about any specific issue. but would you say to him boss, that s not something that s not something that i m comfortable saying but you know, maybe get someone else to go out there and say that has he ever done that? look, if there was ever a moment that i wasn t comfortable doing something, i wouldn t do it. that s part of who i am. and this president is not going to ask me to do something i m not comfortable with. if i get to a place can i talk to him and come it a place where we can agree on what the talking points and what the message is, but that s just not something i m ever going to be part of. i don t think or expect him to ever ask me to do anything that i m not going to be comfortable in doing. look, i believe in what the president is doing. i believe in the agenda. i believe in what we are fighting for and the way we are trying to spend every single day making america a better place. i think we have done a lot in the first 11 months. i look forward in helping the president put that message over the next seven years. hour lawyer 32% approval rating in a recent poll. monmouth poll. the other polls show the president in the high 30 s. why do you think at least now he hasn t gotten so far he wasn t gotten the credit for the dereg he has done. for the tax cut obviously everybody is going to get in the new year, the judges on the federal appellate court? record pace for putting judges on the courts. why is the number still so low and how do you get that number up? look, i think a lot of the times of the reason the numbers might be lower than they probably really are is because people are getting. they are not getting all the good news what s happening in administration, what s happening in this country. i think a lot of people are going to start to see this impact when the tax cuts go through. that s going to happen right away. they will see the bigger paychecks starting as he shallly as february. i think there are a lot of things you are going to see. changes in the deregulation process. you are going to see the impact of that even more than we already are at the first part of next year. i think one of the big problems is that stuff doesn t get coughed. we are so focused on talking about the negative and trying to attack this president. trying to delegitimize him. laura: it s over the top. some of the big things that are happening aren t being covered. laura: it s beyond over the top. it s 90% coverage is bad. he could come up with a cure for lung cancer tomorrow and they would say why didn t he do it a year ago. i mean, this is where it is. let s talk about daca. because what i m hearing from my little sources on capitol hill, is that the president may move to do a, quote: daca fix, which could be amnesty for hundred thousand people brought here as minors. what s that race act detached without getting rid of chain migration and visa lottery system and without reducing illegal immigration and the wall and all that stuff. people like scott taylor of virginia are obsessed about doing this daca before the end of this year. don t you think the base of this party, sarah, will go crazy if that is what the president pushes through when we have so many bigger priorities here? look, the president is focused on making sure we have responsible immigration reform. we have been talking about it ending chain miation. reasonable doubt according to funding for the border wall and increasing an tiesier. we laid out the principles things we want to see and shake sure that s part of any pang that moves forward. that s what we are making sure happens complete and responsible immigration reform. laura: you won t do any clean daca quote fix that some of these republicans want. will you? look, as i just said we have laid out what our priorities are. laura: that would be a disaster. that s not our plan. this is a president who has talked about, campaigned and won on doing big things when it comes to immigration. specifically funding border wall. greater interior enforcement. better vetting and just, again, making sure that we have a responsible immigration system. something we don ter currently have and something this president wants to make sure we don t tinker with it and fix small parts of it but we fix all of it. laura: sarah, when you see a judicial nominee up there yesterday, mr. peterson, i believe, who was nominated d.c. district court, struggling with some, you know, questions about evidence and procedure issues that you know when you are a litigator. does that give the president pause about the way some of these lower court judges are being picked and selected? look, i haven t talked to him specifically about that. but what i do know is this is a president who is focused on making sure we have judges in place that understand what their role is. and that s not to create law. that s not to change law. but it s to be actually focused on the constitution and making sure that we have judges in place that understand their place. laura: that was a bad deal though. that was a viral video nightmare. i m sorry. but, i mean, his judges have been great. he is, i m sure, a nice person. he is good at the fcc. as a district court judge, someone who clirkd on the federal court of appeal he is, that was a brutal series of questions by kennedy. i hope done mcgahn and the crowd takes a look at some of the procedures for the dricket security. sarah, do you make. if you had my pecan pay i could shake your mind. i have might have won over april ryan for a day or two. in connecticut we call it pee-can. you have the right renunciation down south. have a great christmas and thank you for spending time with us tonight. thanks, merry christmas, laura. laura: take care. adam schiff is all about yea, so, mom s got this cold #stuffynose #nosleep i got it. #mouthbreather yep, we ve got a mouth breather. well just put on a breathe right strip and. pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone so you can breathe. .and sleep. go to today to request a free sample. laura: if you re dying to see california congressman adam schiff, just turn on the television at any point in the day, any time. any channel. because the top ranking dem on the house intel committee is the main proponent of the russia collusion narrative. all have you right now is a circumstantial case. more than that. one of the messages that this russian advocate may have taken back to moscow is the trump administration will be very amenable to repealing the minute miss ski act. the russians gave help and the president made full use of that help. that is pretty damning. laura: here is the problem. he is a carnival barker. not a shred of evidence backing up. that doesn t stop him from playing the mainstream media like a fidel. we will discuss this with michelle malkin. let s go to chief national correspondent ed henry with more. hed. the fact that they re turning up the heat on schiff may help explain why today the top democrat on the house intel committee tried to point the finger elsewhere. schiff tweeting i m increasingly worried republican also shut down the house intelligence committee investigation at the end of the month and it appears that republicans want to conduct just enough interviews to give the impression of a serious investigation. well, how serious has that investigation been? let s dive deep on what happened when donald trump jr. arrived to testify for over seven hours. while he was still behind closed doors ahead testimony, cnn was posting stories suggesting that donald trump jr. was testifying to something nefarious. cnn reporting that according to multiple sources familiar with the testimony, that was still going on. quote, donald trump jr. told house investigators he did not communicate directly with his father when confronted with news reports about his june 2016 trump tower meeting. instead, trump jr. said he was speaking to white house aides about how to respond to reports that sparked a flurry of reports maybe the deeper unspecified role in a collusion narrative even though it was not clear there was anything criminal or anything inappropriate about those conversations. well, the new information i m told tonight by republicans close to the committee is donald trump jr. sand his attorney were asked toker is surrender their phones before he went closed doors behind that testimony. during the hours of testimony, they noticed adam schiff was leaving the room at various times. and then these stories started of popping up on cnn and elsewhere about the testimony. leading them to believe the leaks were coming right from the top. but since donald trump jr. s team didn t have their phones they didn t find out about these stories popping up on cnn and elsewhere until several hours after the testimony started. that s why they re demanding the justice department investigate whether it was adam schiff himself or other top democrats that did the leaking and they think that s why schiff came out today, laura and started to try to shift the blame and say the republicans are trying to shut down this investigation. they are saying donald trump jr. was testifying to what he knew and during the testimony leaks were springing up everywhere. laura: i love that leaving the room. it s like kids in class. they are leaving to like get the notes they stored under the toilet or something in the bathroom. ed, i appreciate it thanks so much. and joining us now with reaction from colorado springs, michelle malkin, the host of michelle malkin investigators on crtv. michelle, i mean, you cannot make this up. it is so patently obvious what s been going on. there is zero to the russian collusion story. schiff is trying to fannie ember that s out there and he runs out of the committee meeting. that s what he had to to be doing. i m sure is he not going to the bathroom that much unless he has some undisclosed prostate or urinary problem we are not aware of. what do we make of this perpetual tease by adam schiff. there is a leak problem and it may not be urological in nature. certainly the question here is, laura, will as that old world war ii used to say loose lips sink ships. i m glad heat is being turned up on him. i would like to know how blabby mcblaber mouth in russian. because thi diversionary tactic tweet storm is indication is he quite worried that it will be traced back to him. it is interesting, isn t it, laura, that when mr. blabby mcblaber mouth goes on the collusion narrative network that they never ask him about all of these botched stories that clearly seem to point back to whoever is liking false stories to begin with. house ethics rules. you are not to be giving this information to the press or anyone when it s a closed door session like this. and, yet, somebody and i don t know who else it could have been. i mean, i guess i it could be someone else. he is the only one kept leaving the room. only one out there day after day after day, teasing as you saw with chuck todd not just circumstantial evidence, he said, but we have other evidence of russian collusion. and then there is never, again, it s a perpetual tease. there is never any payoff. yes. i mean, adam schiff has fired more duds than the north korea missile program over the last year and the question is just as much about his culpability at the very least as you say with the ethical violations from the house ethics committee. but, there is also all of the enablers in the media who have put him on nonstop. there is records of the amount of time that he has spent shilling for the collusion narrative. so what happens to all of the layers of and layers of fact checkers? where is the extreme vetting from all of the other networks that put him on nonstop to blab like this? laura: where is cnn and msnbc saying okay, like where are the goods? i mean, you have been promising this since march. give it something. you said your sources will be confirming, friday, next week, the week after. and then there is nothing that s cop. michelle, i wanting to move on to another topic that i know you and i have spent a lot of years talking about. that s immigration. there is a lot of concern thought trump administration might have its hand forced on a daca fix before the end of the year. that will not include the key provisions of ending chain migration. ending visa lotteries. everify, the wall. all the things in the reyes act which would be critical. i am very worried about this. i m not sure that the president is aware of these forces that are working behind out scenes to get this done. i was wondering what your thoughts are on this. especially border crossing going up again from october to november. there was a big surge cropping. and individuals crossing at the border and. as you say you and i have been warning faction within the republican party for a long, long time. they are very good that is why there needs to be a forceful push back from grassroots conservatives to make sure that president trump knows exactly what s happening. when you have got 34 house republicans who have signed a letter that tells you how twisted the legislative priorities are for the chamber of commerce wing of the republican party. fix upwards of 800,000 illegal aliens than they are in fixing the obamacare system that has harmed millions of people in the individual market. let alone fixing all of these stupid programs that you and i have been talking about for years now. whether it s diversity visa or chain migration. where is the stand alone bills and stand alone legislation for those? laura: and the president has to understand people like scott taylor from virginia. i know he is a former navy seal and all of that, but he is absolutely obsessed with pushing this daca thing through. absolutely obsessed. i know this mary jones woman is going to be challenging him next year. good. laura: there is a group of people pushing this. i hope the president is aware of it michelle, have you done great work on this. we appreciate it obviously the president is none to pleased with the fbi right now. so he ended up offering a it s a small finger.a worm! like, a dagger? a tiny sword? bread.breadstick? a matchstick! a lamppost! coin slot! no? uhhh. 10 seconds. a stick! a walking stick! eiffel tower, mount kilimanjaro! (ding) time! sorry, it s a tandem bicycle. what? what?! as long as sloths are slow, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. laura: the fbi is being rocked by shocking revelations of partisan bias by president trump by investigators looking into hillary s emails and russia. while heading to quantico, virginia today to give a speech to fbi academy graduates, the president delivered a blunt assessment of the situation. it s a shame what s happened with the fbi. when you look at what s gone on with the fbi and with the justice department, people are very, very angry. laura: but he struck a very different note during his address to fbi graduates. the president of the united states has your back 100 percent. i will fight for you and i will never ever let you down, ever. now, more than ever, we must support the men and women in blue. laura: joining us with reaction is former fbi national spokesperson john girgrade the president s speech today at the fbi. i thought it was a plus. he said all the right things. is he supportive of the fbi and law enforcement. that s what we need in this country today. have you these controversies surrounding andrew mccabe deputy director much the fbi given peter strzok. how he managed to get into that investigation. lead the investigation. hillary s emails, also the flynn interview. helped to edit that comey non-indictment/indictment of hillary. and i and others are calling for mccabe to go. what s the thought on that? >him? he is in a tough spot. negative press with what s what is going on. the new director decides who stays and goes. i think people will eventually move on and director wray will have other people in place. laura: seems like the president is trying to strike a different note that leadership versus the rank and file. and whether you see him with police officers or first responders and sometimes the political operatives or political people at the top. it could be different. but i saw that reaction today. they were going crazy for him. they just loved him at this event. he has been brutal in his texts about what happened at the heart of the fbi and dealing with his own russian investigation you and people like myself and others on this network and beyond have also really unearthed what s happened there. that s the thing about this president. he is not afraid to say how he feels. but i will tell you when it comes to the fbi. the men and women. everybody in the fbi is a leader. that s why they were recruited to do what they do. and likewise, there is an importance to remain objective. you can have all the opinions you want. when it comes to work, you have to make sure you are reporting the facts as the facts are seen. laura: if you are doing an investigation into some high profile event, as an fbi agent, and you re texting with another fbi agent. you happen to be having a romantic relationship with and you are like this guy is a nightmare and i hope he doesn t win and we need an insurance policy. that s kind of not the run of the mill thing you would do knowing the sensitivity of a particular investigation you might in the future be involved in. absolutely. agents, while we re human beings and we have opinions, we are expected to keep those opinions to our selves. agents can t even have a flag on the front lawn displaying pro-candidate in one race or another. laura: is that right? absolutely. you cannot express your political opinions as an fbi agent. you can t do anything that your neighbors will. he is an fbi. he supports this candidate or that candidate. you have to be unbiased. laura: quickly, this eli lake writer said we might have violated the privacy of peter strzok and lisa page by looking at their texts. are you worried about their privacy given what we have gownsd out. anybody is ho is using a bureau device texting has no privacy. it s the government s. laura: pc this is not a cloud. this is a tomato tracked from farm to table on a blockchain, helping keep shoppers safe. this is a financial transaction secure from hacks and threats others can t see. this is a skyscraper whose elevators use iot data and ai to help thousands get to work safely and efficiently. this is not the cloud you know. this is the ibm cloud. the ibm cloud is the cloud for business. yours. but it might be hard to handle like the flame that burns the candle the candle feeds the flame topped steak & twisted potatoes at applebee s. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood. laura: soviet dictator joseph stalin knew how to get rid of history he didn t like. he just erased it. that s one history lesson the left has learned very well. the obsession with scrubbing america s past is an overdrive. this time even in texas. the dallas school board voted yesterday to change the names of three elementary schools named after confederate generals. robert e. lee. stonewall jackson and william. and/or wellian use of double speak. one school trustee said dropping the names was needed in order to acknowledge history. no, replacing historical names and toppling statues isn t acknowledging history obviously it s erasing it why pretend these historical figures even the confederacy just never existed? why do that? well, of course, slavery we all know was abominable and eesm. what do we learn about the past by forgetting the past? america paid a dear price in blood to overcome her original sin. and our children have a and our children have a right to their ent this is electricity. and our children have a right to their ent this is a power plant. this is tim barckholtz. that s me! this is something he is researching at exxonmobil: using fuel cells to capture carbon emissions at power plants. this is the potential. reducing co2 emissions by up to 90%. while also producing more power. this could be big. energy lives here. laura: before we go, for a true understanding of what s for a true understanding of what s happening in the white house and the challenges ahead, there is no better gift of knowledge that my new book, billionaire at the barricades. it s the gift that will keep on giving in the new year and it s wowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow. you can always reach me on twitter and hit me up on facebook over the weekend, let me know what you think of the show or ideas for other shows. and now shannon bream end of the team are up next. shannon: as his were attorneys prepare for another face to face with the special counsel robert mueller, president trump reps bad apples within the country s top law enforcement agency. we will get reaction with former fbi counterterrorism agent to the president s harsh criticism. are there a few more items on it? sure. shannon: what does it mean for your wallet, we are investigated the fine print. when the night court convenes, a

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20171128

according to politco, rabid open borders zealot. congressman louise gutierrez will not run for re-election. the reason is not clear. it s odd. surprises me if it s true. we ll update you if we learn later on. the last time i saw him, he was arrested at the white house in august representing illegal immigrants. his community, the illegal immigrants that he says he represents. that s great news. in another story, another shocker, racializing the royals. that is the focus of tonight s angle. harry and meghan blew brexit off the front page by announcing their engagement. they traveled to africa and found true love. usually refreshing to get to know someone who isn t necessarily in your circle, doesn t know much about me, i know much about her. so the start afresh from the beginning, getting to know each other and taking the huge leap of two dates and getting together in the middle of know where and sharing a tent. it was fantastic. laura: how sweet. when buckingham palace announced the harry markle engagement, prince charles couldn t be more pleased. they re very happy indeed. that s all i can say. laura: i feel like i need a translator. he was happy. expecting a proud father. it was the reaction on social media. i read this on the way in to work. i was screaming, laughing and scribing. it was a shocker. moments after the engagement was announced, the social media was awash in racial overtones. this is all because meghan markle s father is white and her mother is black. so tweets and facebook posts were harping on her racial identity. warning, you have to forgive me here, a lack of basic grammar and punctuation as in many tweets. here we go. some folks in england are about to lose their minds. meghan markle is biracial. she s older than she is and she s an american actress. #blackroyalty. another one. good time to remind everyone that meghan markle is black. since i know you ll try and whitewash the out of her. another. meghan markle s mother is a black african american woman, social worker from l.a. with sista locks. man look, if that s blank, don t make you smile big. congrats to the royal fam bam. you couldn t be more lucky to get both. another one, meghan markle is white passing. she looks white. she s not someone that likes jasmine sanders who has light eyes and very light skin, but you can tell is black biracial. i straight up thought that was a tanned white woman. another. how much black is meghan markle? i just want to know so i know how much blackness to expect from the wedding. is she black enough for the cupid shuffle waddle? #royalengagement. another to torch. you with. ya ll, meghan markle is a mixed race. we have a black princess. actually, meghan markle will not be a princess. she ll be a duchess. i know we re fascinated by royalty, but must we transfer our racial hangups on this young happy couple? can t we just celebrate and be happy for their engagement and leave it at that? as for the racially obsessed and point of fact, markle will not be the official black royal in europe. that would be this woman. the beautiful princess angela lickenstein that married in 2000. meghan markle s race is probably the least interesting part of this story. why am i saying that? it turns out the queen is permitting harry to we d not only a divorcee, but a woman that was raised catholic. so let s forget about the race and how she identifies. we ve had a biracial president of the united states about now to have a biracial part of the royal family. it doesn t always have to be around race. let s get back to my cyber monday shopping. a royal wedding medallion and plate that i can order. it s apparently 75% off. i don t care about the color of the plate. that s the angle. joining us now to analyze, horace cooper. the co-chair of project 21 and from new york. clay king, from sirius xm radio. horace, let s start with you. the morning, going to work, going to do my radio show. i start seeing there were some tweets that were so profane as is twitter is want to be that were so over the top. like get ready, bees. this is our bee who will be in buckingham palace. getting things wrong about that. why does everything have to be about race here? why is it relevant to this? it s not relevant. it s actually sad and pitiful. here s the thing. if this were 1955 and i saw some of these kind of comments, i d go, which segregationist racist said this today? they noticed in the 1940s and the 1950s every single aspect about anybody s race as their primary attribute. it wasn t is this person going to pay their bill, is this person going to buy this house and be a good neighbor. it was what color was their grandmother? that kind of weird fixation. and we got away from it, but all of a sudden progressives have brought it back. too many times i don t hear anybody on the left saying stop that. don t do that. they condemn a lot of white americans and many republicans who weren t even around actively holding office in the south for their silence while this misbehavior was taking place. we re here now. people are around. why aren t we seeing condemnations? some of the things you said, that was outrageous. not just bad, outrageous. laura: clay, let s go to you on this. the future duchess actually has said before when she was dating harry, she said she found it disheartening and discriminatory that some in the media were focusing on her racial identity and not just on their relationship because it centered on her racial background. why the obsession with her race when it s just a happy couple? aren t we supposed to be about the content of our character, not the color of our skin in aren t we there yet? what you re talking about is a comment she made to the british press. they called her like an l.a. gangster, straight out of compton. the british press made her race an issue. prince harry said stop doing that. i feel like horace is saying that we re post racial. that race doesn t exist. for a lot of black mixed race people in britain, this is something to be about. i can find tweets that are calling meghan horrible names. it s a good thing. it s to be celebrated. if you know the history of the royal family, this is a bit of history like when you have somebody breaking ground, you can celebrate that. pulling out random silly tweets from somebody, whoever they are, is ridiculous. horace always acts like racism is over. it doesn t exist. it does exist. it s celebrating progress. laura: what does this has nothing to do with racism. that s the point here, at all. it s a happy couple. so you say your breaking ground. she wasn t elected. she fell in love with someone. why is that breaking ground? if you know the history of the royal family, you don t see many black or mixed race people in the royal family. again, you re laura: that s not why harry is marrying her. it s still symbolic. laura: no, it s not. it s important. if you don t think it s important, you re not a black or mixed race person laura: okay. i have to ask both of you a question. i want to be fair and balanced here. horace, there s a sentiment here that certain black people aren t authentically black. i ve seen it directed at my old boss, justice thomas, other african americans that don t think a certain way about race or act a certain way. is there something about being authentically black? is she not authentically black? i saw that all over social media today. that is the nasty idea that race is who we are and not simply an attribute of who we are. the fact is, if there were some tweets that happen to say we like the fact that this wonderful woman has this background and we have read that, we might have said there were several tweets like that, horace. my point is, there s no condemnation of the kinds of comments that have no basis in reality and show a fixation on race. we re never going to get to the point where people are human beings as long as we revel in this fixation. laura: i ll give you the last word. acting like race doesn t exist is not going to make race go away. it s not going to make racism go away. we have to see color and sack september it. see color and talk about it. acknowledging that she s a black mixed-race woman is not a bad thing. i don t why that threatens you or scares you. it s a good thing to be celebrated. it s progress in the royal family. for a lot of mixed race people in britain, it s a good thing. maybe you can t relate to that. i can t understand a racial fixation celebration is not fixation. no, it s not. saying she s a black mixed race woman in the royal family is not fixation and can t compare it to 1950 laura: i don t think that s what she wants. i don t think so either. laura: she s a young woman getting married. why are we why is so much a lot of this came out of america. and the british press, too, laura. laura: a lot of these people are in the al sharpton, jesse jackson mindset. al sharpton didn t say anything. laura: why are we placing our hangups on this happy couple? i imagine prince harry is in love with her, doesn t have to do with her skin color. he fell in love with her. it s a celebration, it s not fixation. laura: all right. great to have you on. we ll have another conversation about this, i m sure. coming up, democrats are mostly staying quiet about john conyer s sexual harassment scandal. what is that about? that debate ahead. ancestrydna is the gift of the season. and it s now just $59! but the real gift isn t what s inside the box. it s what s inside the person who opens it. give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions- and open up a world of possibilities. save 40% at the lowest price of the year! ends monday. when you re close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now s your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz. casual fridays at buckingham palace? now s your chance at complealright, off you go. surprising. what s not surprising? how much money nathan saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. laura: welcome back to the ingraham angle. as the john conyer s sexual harassment engulfed the democratic party, nancy pelosi is trying to put out the p.r. disaster by gasoline. was it one accusation? is it two? there has to be. john conyers is an icon in our country. he will do the right thing. is the right thing what? resign? he will do the right thing in terms of what he knows about his situation. that he s entitled to due process. women are entitled to due process as well. laura: i can t even diagram those sentences. i try every day. sean: laura: pelosi s comments are creating blow-backs. democrats are fear a party with politics and protecting women. let s face it. for the war on women talk, their message is always talk. as the president declared in a state of the union address when women succeed, american succeeds. that s not just a phrase. it s a statement, a fact. house democrats agree. when women succeed, america succeeds. that s our agenda. we know one thing for sure. when women succeed, america succeeds. when women succeed as my colleague said, the world succeeds. laura: that s nice. now pelosi put out a statement late today trying to walk some of those other comments on meet the press back. the question is, do the democrats stand behind women or only when it s politically convenient? joining us, scott bolden of the democratic party and congressman steve russell, a republican from oklahoma. even gregory meeks thought that john conyers should step down. even nancy pelosi, i couldn t follow her on meet the press. she said and we cut this out of the sound bite, she said she s not really familiar with the cases. she gets really familiar really fast with allegations against republicans, this is john conyers who has been in congress for 52 years. yet nancy says he needs due process, all due process. nice to hear that men get due process. the republicans and the democrats on the hill believe it as well. i think when nancy pelosi in her inartful way is trying to say, he can be the icon, he can fight for women and have the sexual allegations. none of it is good, none of it is appropriate. i think that behind the scenes before the deal was cut, she was really she knew that he was going to step down. if she walked back, it s because she s inartful about it. she supports resources to investigators and supports nondisclosures going away and supports the public funds shouldn t go to settle lawsuits. that s the important things. laura: congressman, nancy pelosi never talked about this shush fund as we called it her, the settlement for the bad actors. don t know who these people are still. now it s getting traction. we talked about it first on cable and now it s everywhere. john conyers has been in there 52 years. this is like a lifetime appointment in congress. that s a separate issue, obviously. nancy pelosi is willing to give iconic status to him. if you re an icon, you can get away with this stuff and resign away your ranking position? it didn t matter much with justice thomas. i m glad to see that we have miss pelosi, that cares about due process now rather than just statements. that s very important to establish. look, where the american public is outraged, there s allegedly $16 million of government taxpayer money that is going to hide laura: did you know about this? absolutely not. laura: it s only $17 million. even if that money were set aside, you can t use your mra office funds to pay off somebody for some allegations. this has laura: my question is, why aren t if he s admitted these settlements already, al franken admitted his conduct well, the photos laura: yeah. and we re concerned about women in general. women s reproductive rights. we re for women. violence against women. here we have sexual harassment against women. why aren t both parties getting together and saying, guys, you admitted to this conduct. that s it. i mean, that s it. that s it. you admit it. that s it. both parties should this is the party of bipartisanship that should be obvious at this point, shouldn t it? i ll let you go on this. i certainly think laura: it s the context of iconic status. laura, the fact that he s iconic status, he can be iconic and be a sexual abuser ? clarence thomas is the only second black supreme court justice. he never got he just not got into the african american laura: he s got no context, he got another time, another place. let s be transparent about it, right? all democrats, all republicans, sent it to the ethics committee or not. let s start with donald trump. why aren t they investigating he denied his misconduct. he admitted it on the air. went isn t he laura: it s not going to happen. the world of reality went are the democrats and republicans like joe we can take a typical play out of the communist playbook that says admit nothing democrats or republicans? here we have senator franken with photographs before he was elected okay. now we re going to use a double standard with other people seeking election that are allegations. wrong is wrong. we re in agreement there. but you cannot use taxpayer funds to hush people up. laura: we ve established that. i think there s a raging double standard. there is. laura: a lot of congress women and congressmen that are pro women. i hear the old war against women. when there s individual women that have been in situations where they feel powerless and they feel like they can t act on they re stuck, who they have no voice except through this ridiculous panel that was set up. congressman, you didn t know about it. i m not blaming you. we didn t know about it. it s insane. makes people wonder watching fox, what else doesn t congress know about? it s crazy. it s unsane. needs to be investigated and we need to get to the bottom of it. democrats and republicans have to have credibility and that starts with both of them being investigated, including donald trump. laura: you want trump investigated? i do. he has 19 sexual accusations against him and admitted it on the air. no what he s going to do but what he s done to women? laura: we re out of time. the press likes to say the president s ratings are low but they re not as low as the mainstream media. we ll tell you about that when we come back. guess what i just got? uh! i used to be spellbound hello again. i used to be spellbound hi. i used to be spellbound that s a big phone. in your arms. [screams] ah, my phone. you built the flame that warms my heart, but lying and cheating has torn us apart and i m moving on. i want ycome on mom!t easy. go slow. let s go! mom! slow down! for the ones who keep pushing. always unstoppable. we re on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it s time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that s it. so rich. i love it. that s why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you re describing the coffee and not me? full-bodied. they appear out of nowhere. my secret visitors. appearing next to me in plain sight. hallucinations and delusions. these are the unknown parts of living with parkinson s disease. what stories they tell. but for my ears only. what plots they unfold. but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson s will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. and these can worsen over time, making things even more challenging. but there are advances that have led to treatment options that can help. if someone you love has parkinson s and is experiencing hallucinations or delusions, talk to your parkinson s specialist. because there s more to parkinson s. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. learn more at they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we ve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we re being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we re the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today. laura: the press has no trouble attacking the first lady or the president. they re good at that. when he fights back, suddenly the first amendment is in peril. are trump s attacks on the press an attack on our democratic norms? daily beast it or the and cnn political analyst, john adwan seems to think so. we shouldn t normalize the spectacle. it s a serious constant attack at our democratic norms. going after the press, going after individual entities. laura: joining me now, fox news senior political analyst, brit hume. his first time on the ingraham angle. hi, brit? how are you? you got me here past my bedtime. laura: great to see you. is our first amendment in peril because donald trump sent out the tweet about cnn international and his comments about fake news? well, certainly not because of that tweet. i would say broadly speaking that trump s criticisms of the media, which have been pretty consistent, pretty frequent, still haven t added up to anything that would threaten our first amendment freedoms. we in the media in this country enjoy a level of freedom and pro december that is rarely available almost in where else on earth. we re invulnerable to government officials and politicians. there s not much they can do to us. the supreme court is there to safeguard our rights and has consistently done so to the point where for example if someone was to sue for liable, they have to prove that the offending party has committed either a reckless or a willful act of falsehood. it s hard to prove. in my own career, laura, i ve been spied on by the cia, i ve been sued for libel, criticized by name. here i am after all these years. that s because we re protected in this country. there s not much donald trump can do to the media. i was sued for libel when i was 19 at dartmouth, a professor sued me. unsuccessful. i was thinking about obama, president obama and he had a seemingly chummy relationship with the mainstream press oftentimes. then we had the james rosen controversy, sheryl atkinson. she said sure computer was hacked into. his comments about fox news. other supporters comments about talk radio routinely belittling fox and conservative internet websites and so forth. i could make the argument that maybe in a sophisticated way or not so sophisticated way, the obama administration was much more hostile to an unfriendly critical press. i would agree with that, laura. what was done in the case of james rosen was grossly improper, shouldn t have happened. it was an abuse. in the end, james rosen is still working at fox news and doing better than ever. cheryl atkinson is still out there certainly. we are just too well protected a position to be knocked off or thrown off of our work by government. it s not just that we have these protections, but we in the media have power. we re pretty safe. laura: they don t like to be a lot of people in the media, especially cnn, they don t want to be cite sized. the idea that anybody will call their wisdom into question or their prognostication abilities into question, they don t like that. they never liked it. they never wanted to be called out, not by other media outlets, media research center, whether it s a website or it s a talk radio. they don t like that. they want to be the invulnerable, invincible folks. i m talking about some of our friends on other networks. we don t always get it right. you know, you re not immune to criticism either. you can dish it but can t take it. i want to talk about president trump s comment today about the code talker s ceremony and play this sound bite. let s watch. you were here long before any of us were here. although we have the representative in congress who they say was here a long time ago. they called her pocahontas. but you know what? i like you. because you are special. laura: brad, i m not sure why the president had to bring up elizabeth warren. we re not in a campaign, in 2020 yet. maybe it was on his mind because of the consumer financial protection bureau issue. we ll handle that later in the show. what about that moment? going crazy. the left is going crazy. i agree with you. it wasn t gracious. grace is not his strength. he s constantly carping about people that are smaller than he is. i m not sure what that accomplishes. but i don t think it s a threat and i don t think it s racist. your earlier segment brought this to light as well that term is flunk around with abandon today and it s a tragedy. because the great achievement of the civil rights movement, greater than the important laws that were passed were the consensus that it brought about that racism is wrong and not to be tolerated. in an overwhelming prohibitive majority of americans feel that way. for that term to be flung around with abandon is an abuse. there s too much of it. i think that for elizabeth warren to call it a racist slur is unfair. it s wrong. she s a big girl. what he said is harmless, if crude. just move on. laura: all right, brit. i appreciate it. it s funny. it s not necessary. i have seen president trump be incredibly gracious towards people. he can turn on the charm when he wants to. he had to hit the dig in to at least he didn t call her focahontas. it could have been more perhaps ungracious. i appreciate it. thanks so much. straight ahead, absolute chaos at a powerful federal agency. one you might not know a lot about that claims to be independent and nonpartisan and yet it seems to be the exact opposite. claims to work for the american consumers, but did it ever really to that? 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[ both laugh ] here, blow. blow on it. you see it, right? is there a draft in here? i m telling you, it s so easy to get home insurance on progressive can t save you from becoming your parents. but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. elusive. shrewd. cancer. is. smart. it pushes us. we push back. we even push each other. to challenge conventional thinking. find smarter solutions. that s what makes us one of the leaders in precision cancer treatment. forging ahead with technology that wasn t available to cancer patients just a short time ago. like advanced genomic testing. a diagnostic tool that lets us see cancer at the molecular level. then helps us find different ways to target it. and immunotherapy, a treatment that actually makes your immune system smarter. trains it to attack the cancer in your body. this is what we live for. giving our patients compassionate care by offering them more precise and less invasive treatment options than before. that s what makes us cancer treatment centers of america. we re not just fighting cancer anymore. we re outsmarting it. the evolution of cancer care is here. ethat s the height ofs mount everest. because each day she chooses to take the stairs. at work, at home. even on the escalator. that can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. scholl s orthotics. clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. so keep on climbing, sarah. you re killing it. dr. scholl s. born to move. laura: don t you think it s hard to find ways to attack first lady melania trump? she s poised, dignified, gracious. attacking her shoes, well, they tried that. didn t work. so the media s latest tact is to insinuate that the first lady is like eva gabor in green acres. the latest hit piece on flotus, a vanity fire writer said a source told her that mrs. trump never wanted to be first lady because of the intense exposure as though she were some wilting wallflower. and ellison jumps the shark by leaping to this conclusion. she says there may never have been a first lady less prepared for or suited for the role. this isn t something she wanted and isn t something that he ever thought he would win, one long-time friend of the trumps told me. she didn t want it come hell or high water. she didn t think it would happen. ellison claims that one told me that it is old news that she and her husband live essentially separate lives. so not only does vanity fire suggest the first lady is miserable, ill suited for the job, but also that her marriage is on the rocks. in a statement today, the first lady s office slammed the story as salacious and filled with false assertions. as far as not liking the role, melania looked perfect today greeting children at the white house. listen to what one child said to her. you look like an angel. thank you. you really look like an angel. well, vanity fair probably won t cover that. she really looks like an angel. she looks like she s hating that job. i don t think so. it s a rank partisan agency masquerading as a protection of american consumers, this barely known agency operates in independence of your ebb che check elected officials. it started friday when an obama appointee announced his resignation and president trump had other plans and named mick mulvaney to fill the post until a permanent replacement could be named. and mrs. english filed a lawsuit saying the lawsuit is hers. there s two people claiming to be the rightful leader of this consumer financial protection bureau. it s unbelievable. what is the cfpb? it was created by the dodd frank bill and targets financial companies in what they believe is unfair and deceptive of practices. here s what elizabeth warren said about the cfpb in 2013. what we know for sure is now this agency is here to stay. no more clouds over what it legally is entitled to do. no more attacks that say maybe we ll be able to undercut it in this way or weaken it in that way. we have a full-fledged watch dog. the one we fight dog. he will be there to fight for us. laura: i love it. i love watch dogs. the employees of the cfpb are not just bureaucrats, according to stats dug up by the washington examiner, since its founding, the employees have given money to democrats 593 times and only once to a republican. joining us to reaction, sean duffy. he sits on the finance committee, right? and here in washington, robert wiseman, president of public citizens. congressman, let s start with you. it s a watch dog that returns billions and billions of money to the consumers. so you know, why all the chaos over there and why do republicans think it s just up to no good? first up, those of us on the financial services committee, we ve been dealing with us for years. and mick mulvaney used to be on the committee with us. you have an agency that can draw $600 million from the federal reserve. you have an agency of thousands of little elizabeth warrens that are wreaking havoc on the free enterprise system. when you have an agency promoting a progressive agenda and not protecting consumers, that s where we have issue. laura: that s a big difference. 593 donations to democrats, one to a republican. i don t care what party you re from. how can you with a straight face say that is a nonpartisan independent agency? you have to look at what the agency has been doing. it s protecting consumers. issued $12 billion in fines. also 30 million americans have directly benefitted from rip-offs and cheating by big banks and other financial institutions. it s doing exactly what it s supposed to do. the banks have tons of their own regulatory agencies. goldman sachs running the treasury department and the sec. goldman sachs is the comptrol r comptroller. they ve been doing their job. laura: and ron ruben said that he was in meetings where he would hear the top people at the cfpb talking about appointees and new hires. one said he was a good liberal. oh, i was just kidding. there s a gate keeper there about the types of people you ll hair and bring in. they might not have it written down but sure seems like a political litmus test that is unspoken for you to get through the door at the cfpb now. it s an agency doing its job. only with democrats. mostly democrats. they re doing their job. mostly democrats. i have no idea. laura: democrats the only gate keepers? i have no idea. laura: you re protecting them, you should know. mick mulvaney thinks the agency is a sick joke. laura: congressman, can you defund it in congress? trump can t shut it down. he can t drain the swamp totally here. laura, the next director can request not $600 million but $10 million. they can actually force democrats to the table to reform this agency. we have a bill that would have absolutely restructured the way the cfpb works. the largest banks were opposed to the bill and the small banks that serve where i live, they supported the cfpb. they have increased the cost of credit, whether you get a mortgage or an auto loan. they have caused small community banks to go out of business that hurts rural america. here they say we want to be isolated from the congress and the american people. well, if you re doing the good work of the american people, laura, you shouldn t be isolated. the american people will applaud you. if you have a progressive liberal agenda, you have to be protected from the american people because they will shut you down. that s why elizabeth warren has to separate them from congress. they knew it had a radical agenda. laura: robert, you think there should be any reform to this at all? any reforms to the agency? i think what you should do, you and the viewers should look at the website of the cfpb. laura: we ll run to that i m sure. if the website doesn t look like other governmental agencies. it s clear. laura: the federal reserve paid for this, right? the federal reserve they re funding it. absolutely. they re doing their job. they explain what they re doing. they re incredibly transparent about what s going on. if people see the plain english laura: and the small community banks don t have problems with this. the credit is not being squeezed no. big banks are report profits and small banks are doing well. the cfpb doesn t have jurisdiction laura: real quick, sean. it s a small bank s biggest complaint is the cfpb. the rules and regulations are passed to them and big banks can deal with rules. small banks cannot. that s why they have to consolidate or go out of business. that s why rural america supports president trump. laura: we made progress understanding a federal agency. a lot of people don t know it exists. thanks to both of you. speaking of free speech, concern is growing that china may be silencing chinese students at american universities pouring billions of dollars into education in this country. so is this a chinese trojan horse infiltrating american higher education? a stunning story and an uplifting nfl story at least it happened at a game. that too when we return. give ancestrydna for just $59- the lowest price of the year. it s the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions- and open up a world of possibilities. save 40% at ends monday. laura: all right. now this is a story you haven t heard much about. i m going to ask a question. you have to think about it. is china hindering free speech on american soil? how can that be? wayne dan, a former leader of the protests in china says the chinese communist party is extending its surveillance of critics abroad. reaching into western academic communities and silencing visiting chinese students here through a campaign of fear and intimidation. beijing is hindering free speech in the united states and in other western countries on college campuses. we have enough problems with free speech. now we have it from china. joining us from analysis from florida, stephen moser, an expert and author of bully of asia and a graduate student at catholic university and a spokesperson for chinese activists. let s start with you, steve. you ve been covering china for years. none of this is surprising to you. i think a lot of americans, however, are shocked to know that red china yes, i call them that red china has a long arm into the u.s. academic community. tell us how they re intimidating speech on campus. well, laura, it has a long arm into the u.s. academic community and the arm is getting longer. i m the poster child for the persecution by china of american academics and american students that criticize the chinese regime for human rights. we talked before ant my reporting on forced abortions in china, which lead the chinese government to demand of stanford, not ask, that i be expelled from the university and stanford complied. that was a long time ago. china is larger and more powerful today than then. laura: more money. and more active in suppressing speech. laura: and more money. they have a lot more money. and what is happening on the college campuses? college students, most of them come from the white collar class in china. most of those people are employed by the chinese state. state-owned enterprises. the students feel pressure when they re here to self-censor. they know their social media is monitored. that has a strong chilling effect. laura: i was looking at a chart. i think the wall street journal did it, of the number of chinese students in 2000 that come to the united states in 2000 versus today. i believe the number today was over 500,000 in the united states. that sound right to you? yeah. laura: the chart goes like this. thank you. there we go. that s where we are today. a lot of chinese students here. more surveillance through social media, more pressure on the upper class, especially chi northea chinese to abide by the communist dictate. does this happen at home and subsidies being removed and educational subsidies? how does it spill over? it s a very sophisticated strategy where they monitor social media and they know that they have they up the pressure where the students know that they might get a call from their parents saying someone from the government visited us or their parents were employed by a bank, which is owned by the government. if they really step out of line, the government would imprison their family laura: how do we allow this? stephen, back to you, this is shocking to most people because we re a free country. we hear about russian s collusion with trump and the attempt to influence our election. i m sure they probably did. but what about this? this is china s attempt through chinese studies at university. some of them are cool, i imagine. but boy, they have a lot of power and money operating right now in the united states for a purpose. they have a purpose. what is behind that purpose? well, behind that purpose is the idea of controlling all of the contribution, all the debate about china. they set up hundreds of confusion institutes around the country. they go to universities and offer millions in return for room on campus. the institutes are on campus. they re named against confucius and not one of a mass murderer. but there s certain things that are not allowed to be talked about at the institute. you can t talk about taiwan, tibet and tiananmen. laura: they shut it down, they do the same thing in hollywood. certain movies won t be made. google, facebook, shutout. we ll do more on this. thanks for joining us. finally tonight, a feel-good story amidst a storm of bad one. the old joke used to go for the no fun league. that s been true this year. players on their knees. you see the empty stadiums? falling revenues. roger goodell that wanted $49 million a year salary and healthcare for life for his family. there was one really redeeming image on sunday. check this out. 98-year-old pearl harbor survivor was ready to take the field. age bedamned. he was honored in the pregame ceremony during the raider s salute to service. they re doing a lot of salute to service because of the blow-back. ganich was 22. getting ready to play football with his pals from the battleship pennsylvania when the japanese attacked and changed history. this honor represented the latest of honor in the last-ditch effort from the league to save face from the kaepernick controversy. god bless him. he s the best of what the country represents and the league is suffering as they should for what they allowed to happen. that s all the time we have left. shannon bream is next. takes it away. shannon: president trump versus one of his top senate rivals, elizabeth warren, over who is now running a controversial, powerful federal agency. if the court decides to issue a temporary restraining order, i will absolutely follow the law. shannon: a bitter dispute over who is leading the consumer federal protection for your leads to court. as we await the decision, senator mike lee joins us to wait and pray top democrats rally behind john conyers and question his accusers. i don t know who they are. he was walking around in his underwear. shannon: there a growing

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20171222

the ultimate kennedy scandal? we ll tell you which one. but, first, trump, the great g.o.p. unio unifire that s the focus of tonight s angle. do you remember those headlines about how trump was going to irreversibly divide and destroy the g.o.p.? oh, there they are. well, it turns out that the president may well be on his way to healing those divisions. well, sure, there are still some policy disagreements, on the big issues, the unity of spirit and purpose is kind of remarkable. and it needs to be acknowledged. you think about where the g.o.p. was in let s say 2008 or 2012, early 2016. and now think about where it is today. once upon a time the republican leadership had little regard and minimal respect for the rae mogul who crashed their party. just remember the kinds of things the g.o.p. leadership had said about trump. our new president of course had not been in this line of work before. and i think had expectations about how quickly things happen in the democratic process. claiming a person can t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment. i think that should be absolutely disavowed. it s absolutely unacceptable. you would think he would aspire to be the president of the united states and act like a president of the united states. but, you know, that s just not going to be the case apparently. so the narrative from the g.o.p. establishment was that donald trump was a divisive figure who wasn t engaged in policy. he didn t understand the ways of washington. oh, really? i was told by multiple congressional sources that the president worked the phones tirelessly to get this tax bill done for the american people. he has been intimately involved in remaking trade policy to benefit the american worker as well. and, of course, his efforts to revive the economy seem to be paying off. home sales hit their highest level in 10 years. stock market breaking all kind of records. and, of course, he delivered that tax break. everybody loves a winner. and nau the president has turned some of his fiercest critics into allies. listen to them now. year of extraordinary accomplishment for the trump administration. something this big, something this generational, something this profound could not have been done without exquisite presidential leadership. i have never ever in my life used the word fake must news. until today i actually understand what it is the president has been dealing with. laura: not only is that a stunning reversal of the view of the president s style, but he has converted them or at least cowed them on a number of key issues. so, for instance, when is the last time a prominent republican really complained about trump s efforts to renegotiate nafta or challenge china? and in case you didn t notice mitch mcconnell now sounds like jeff sessions on immigration. defying expectations again, the president has pulled his party toward the conservative populist movement that swept him in to office. his detractors are now realizing that the trump way is the only way forward. it s finally, finally dawned on them. there is simply no constituency for the g.o.p. of open borders, endless wars, and those lopsided trade deals. you want to know who the dividers are today in the g.o.p.? i will tell you who they are. you see them there. the bushes, jeff flake, mitt romney, and other bitter globalists whose time has frankly come and gone. like the ghosts of christmas past, they re wandering the halls, making noises but no one is listening. this is a trumpian party now. and that s the angle. to discuss, i m joined by fox news contributor and former congressman jason chaffetz and in utah and here in the studio in washington is attorney richard good stein who has advised most democratic presidential candidates going back to 1984. and in new york guy benson political editor of town and fox news contributor. great to see all of you. merry christmas, happy holidays. merry christmas, laura. laura: you just heard the angle. what do you think? he was going to be this guy who ripped the party apart. divisive, brash, all those things. but to see what happened yesterday, with all of these former detractors and you saw just a smarterring of them. what a reversal. i put this under the heading with friends like this who needs enemies in this regard. thanks to donald trump, the party i.d. split is wildly in favor of democrats. thanks to donald trump, republicans lost alabama. he backed two losers. laura: try to focus on the question. look, i give the republicans credit for getting this tax bill done. it was not an easy thing to do. they rammed it through. everything they said, all the tape they ran about obamacare, you could replay now. okay? but they got it done. it s wildly unpopular. just like he is. historically so. so, i mean, you know, in the generic ballot, democrats are way ahead. i think we have to kind of see what s going to happen in the 28 election: plus 20 or so democrats. laura: congressman chaffetz let s go to you on, this the generic ballot in 2016 was a disaster in ohio. it was pretty bad for trump, pennsylvania was going to be his waterloo. wisconsin, there was no way he was going to win. of course he won, and surprised all the critics, the pollsters and so forth. but it struck me yesterday and especially watching mcconnell, ryan, even that little bit of concession from corker. i think they have moved toward him more than he has moved toward them. yeah, look, america wanted a disruptive president. they didn t like what was happening in washington, d.c. on either side of the aisle. and if the democrats only thing that they can really point to as a highlight for their 2017 is a snen nark ballot. you know it was a terrible year for democrats. they lost, they lost big, hillary clinton s numbers are even lower. if the race were won again, donald trump would win by even bigger numbers. he did help unite the party. after the proverbial political face plant by blowing on obamacare. they finally realized that maybe we ought to come together and the president did work hard behind the scenes. should be higher. how dare the republicans cut your taxes. they have got nothing to run on other than generic ballot. laura: hey, guy, let s go to you, you were a never trumper in your day, raised all sorts of red flags about him his demeanor and so forth. but watching him over the last year, setting aside the tweet storms and all of that, the congress blew obamacare as jason said. he comes in and he is hammering people for when are you going to get me a bill? what are you going to do on this? he is always on the phone with ryan, mcconnell and gaggle of other people why can t you get this stuff done faster? contrary to what you hear, he is on these details and he is impatient for change. and the change came. and i think part of the reason that the party is so united at the moment is this is a massive win. not just for the republican party, but for the american people and for long held conservative goals. this a tax cut for 80% of americans. this is major tax cut for corporations to make our numbers way more competitive in the world. that s something even obama was for and democrats all skedaddled trump champions. also getting rid of obamacare s individual mandate. and drilling in anwr. they got it in one bill. laura: looking back. some conservatives, george will, bill kristol, he is not a real conservative. if what he did on anwr, the tax bill, the deregulation, gorsuch, 123 circui 12 circuit s if that s not conservative, i don t know what is conservative. i worked for president reagan. that s conservative. the judges are the absolute highlight of the presidency so far. one other point, laura, i think you have to evaluate everything that the administration does, action by action. there has been a lot of the good things recently today, nikki haley s speech, i know you are going to get to it later in the show. that speech standing up for american interest before the u.n. was like a fist pump moment. that was awesome. that was powerful. that was moral courage and clarity. that s a high point. ending the year for the trump administration. so, yeah, i m a trump skeptical conservative, but i m not going to sit here and close my eyes to big important victories and we have several to care about. laura: richard, let s go to you. it wasn t the ohio point for democrats, it was winning in alabama. it was winning by historic numbers in virginia. the voters are speaking, these are people, frankly, who the ones who were in the streets on january 21st last year. a lot of them didn t vote. you lost five congressional races in a row. you have been in congress. every single one of them went plus 15 or 20 in the democrats direction because they were ruby red districts. to think it s just ballot again, with all due respect you are kidding yourself. have they accomplished something? of course does 2018 look like a good year? no. laura: roy moore and ed gillespie. he is like a guy from new jersey came down to virginia and tried to be a conservative populist even though he a bush guy. that wasn t going to fly. it s the second time he lost running for office in virginia. so i don t know if those two states are great barometer. you are right. the democrats are happy they won those. let s move to what the resistance is planning all of you. there was a hilarious piece in the l.a. times today. i screamed laughing like at 9:00 in the morning when i was doing my radio show. the title is protesters stash bull horns and hot chocolate just in case trump fires mueller. all right. jason, i have got to go to you on this. i m not kidding you in washington l.a. they have resistance headquarters and dashing off their signs and their little supplies, their power bars because they actually think donald trump is going to fire mueller and they want to be ready for the moment. this is what they live for. this is what they hope for. conservatives are kind of working and taking care of our families but they are always ready for a good protest. oh, have you got to love liberal preppers. they are getting their hot chocolate and running to office max to get their markers so they can write out their swear words and beanie caps ready because it s cold outside. the president has said he is not going to fire mueller. the white house spokesperson was quoted as saying a thousand times i have told you we are not planning to fire mueller. they are getting whipped up over fake news. laura: elizabeth beavers is a washington based policy manager for this group indivisible she said the last thing we want to be caught sun prepared. you need the hot chocolate, i guess, to be prepared. i mean, guy, this will be what the president and the republicans face next year as they move forward whether it s daca fix or supreme court nomination which might coming up in june or any of the other things that trump has planned. resistance will drive them all the way to 2018. they will use that to try to drive turnout. the professional left is very good at a jit props. they are practiced at it they will do it again. i like this modern day minute man routine they have going to on here. we have to our gloves by the door and provisions if we have to rush out in the stampede in the streets. i thought we were supposed to be dead from net neutrality being repealed. look, i agree. if trump fires surl, that will touch off protest not just from the hard left. i don t think trump is going to do it. it s not in his interest. it s going to look terrible. all we sit here and talk about is trump going to fire mueller over and over again. republicans keep say don t do it. he shouldn he should let the gus work and move on. laura: this is the fantasy of the democrats desperate for some piece of news good for them. middle of the night he does saturday night massacre on mueller, richard? go ahead. if trump fires mueller, the least of his problems. laura: he is not going to fire mueller. least of his problem is how much hot chocolate. constitutional crisis of the first order because it will show that we have a president who thinks he is above the law. instance dentally i will bet money you, jason, guy, i m on, yes, on whether he fires mueller because, you know, is he like a stuck pig and he is squealing. laura: a pig? it s not a pretty picture. come on. laura: that s a nasty way of referring to the president stuffed pig. i m not talking about him. i m talking about the people arranged him are feeling the heat. laura: i like pigs though. four months from now everybody will be singing a different tune whether that s going to be happening or not. laura: i bet 5,000 for charity right now. you got it. laura: good. national right to life is going to get all that money. isn t that wonderful? i m just teasing. trump is suddenly riding so high guys, that the democrats are in total shock, even richard. he is not going to say that they are setting one big booby trap desperately trying of course to get the president to take the bait. we touched on this but we have a lot more on it. stay there. we re on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it s time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that s it. so rich. i love it. that s why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you re describing the coffee and not me? for her compassion and care. he spent decades fighting to give families a second chance. but to help others, they first had to protect themselves. i have afib. even for a nurse, it s complicated. and it puts me at higher risk of stroke. that would be devastating. i had to learn all i could to help protect myself. once i got the facts, my doctor and i chose xarelto®. xarelto®. to help keep me protected. once-daily xarelto®, a latest-generation blood thinner. .significantly lowers the risk 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or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. .and before starting xarelto®-about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. it s important to learn all you can. .to help protect yourself from a stroke. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. there s more to know™. there s no way he gets fired. white house chuck. listening to republican members talk about a coo and talk about a criminal activity in the fbi. that will encourage the president to think that he can fire mueller with impunity. no, i m not. firing mr. mueller or any of other top brass involved in the investigation would not only call into question this administration s commitment to truth but also to our most basic concept rule of law. for the 1,000th time we have no intentions of firing bob mueller. laura: okay, guys, don t be deceived for a nano second by the democrats dramatic warning that the president better not fire special prosecutor mueller. better not do it. don t do it. they are actually hoping he will do just that. now that the credibility of the russia probe is tarnished after all the bombshell reporting we have been doing on this show. across a couple of great news outlets, the anti-trump bias of the investigators is off the charts firing mueller may be the democrats only hope at this point. there is only one problem for them. the president isn t falling for it. he outsmarts them every time. joining us now to analyze ken starr with the independent counsel and the white water investigation he is joining us from new york and in sunny florida alan dershowitz harvard law professor. author of the book trumped up. you go from martha s vineyard to miami beach. anything else? my goodness. great to see both of you. happy holidays, merry christmas. let s start with you, judge starr. you just wrote a piece that things you are concerned about in this investigation. you still respect mueller and rosenstein. have you some issues. but i want to start on this dramatic dire are series of warnings. said not going to fire mueller. he said it multiple times. drum beat continues. what do you think it s about? i don t know what it s about. it s a cul-de-sac. the president is not going to fire bob mueller. he is being advised to. very wrong headedly you need to fire bob mueller. bad advice. wrong thing to do. i don t think the president is going to fall for it in fact, we hear from the white house. we hear from the white house s lawyers and president s lawyers not going to do it would just be terrible. we don t need another saturday night massacre. should bob mueller have been appointed? it s a serious question. i would say in may we should not have a special counsel. we over criminalize so much of life and our politics together. we need to stop that and so i m also very concerned about the calls for the appointment of yet another special counsel. i think it s all wrong. laura: let s go to alan dershowitz. alan, on this issue of the mueller firing, i mean, you get the sense that the democrats are just kind of running outs of steam. there is nothing happening, at least not yet on the mueller investigation. it s almost as if they have to keep the fumes going and this is all they have. all day on the other networks. that s all they are talking about. right. my liberal colleagues on the left have been proved impaiimempirically wrong. they said he would strike down the travel ban. they upheld it. today the federal judge said nonsensical argument. they were wrong about flynn. they are wrong about firing mueller. they have just been wrong. it s not because i am smarter than they re. i have been right and they are wrong. they put hope over reality. i m an analyst. i m calling it as i see it. it s easy to be right if you are objective and call it the way it is. what s happening the both sides are playing. trump side is playing smarter. keeping pressure on mueller, questioning his integrity. challenging whether he had conflicts of interest. questioning whether he should have gotten a warrant. they are hoping that putting pressure on him, he has such concern about his reputation he may lean over backwards in a close case to report the trump side. and the other side of playing. they are saying if we push hard enough and say he is going to fire him, is he going to fire him, he will fire him. maybe we will goad him in to firing him. right now the trump side is coming off better. they have mueller where they want him. last thing trump should do or would do is fire mueller at this point. laura: no, no, no. the firing comey wasn t the best choice, obviously. that was not a smart move. laura: i want to go to you uranium one reopen of the investigation that jeff sessions has announced looks like they are going to look at that all anew. you are concerned about this because of the number of connections from that deal to the clinton foundation specifically. tell us what the big red flags are. the big red flags are this multiyear process by which now the transaction was completed years ago was accompanied by enormous gifts to the clinton foundation. $31 million was the first gift. after the first part of the deal was signed in kazakhstan back in 2005. then gifts kept coming in from senior officials from this company and went through reorganization and acquisition. so i m very deeply concerned about the timing. president clinton s speech for half a million dollars in russia the russia connection. i have always been in favor of transparency. i think we need to be cautious about criminal, everything moves. in terms of our politics we need to get the facts out. laura: alan. i agree completely. i completely agree. we need transparency. that s why i call for a nonpartisan independent investigatory commission like 9/11 which wasn t pointing fingers at people criminally but its goal was to try to find out everything about russia s involvement in elections. russia s involvement in economy. and then make recommendations from how to stop russia from influencing our democracy. the worst way to do it is through a special counsel behind closed doors of the grangrand jury. all you get in the end is either indictment or non-indictment of some low hanging fruit. laura: alan, do you think it s interesting at the very least that you had comey, rosenstein, you had mccabe and mueller they were all involved in one way or another in that rosenstein investigation when they first approved the deal. they looked into the they were all part of it. five people seem to do everything at the department. remember, they come from totally different background. there is no way they have any political interests in common. mueller is a republican. rosenstein we don t even know what his politics was. he was appointed by obama, having been appointed previously. the idea of clinton getting a half a million dollars, george bush the 1st got fees like that when he spoke in japan. former presidents get, big, big fees when they speak. again, i don t want to point the finger of criminalization on anybody. i want to see like ken wants to see transparency. let all the facts be laid out for the american public to see. that s the way democracy works. laura: when a russian interest through canadian purchase is able to get control of 20% of our uranium interests. went fly this process and all the money is floating through the clinton foundation at the same time with people with interest in the transaction or connected to the transaction. you can ask a person on the street and they would say that s a bad idea. someone who has nothing to do with the law or committee on foreign investment, they would say gosh, that seems really stupid, in my view. i will let you close tout. my focus on fact enormous gifts to the clinton foundation. it s not whether there was a process, nine agencies approve it and so forth. it may have been exactly the right thing to do. why were these gifts enormous year after year after year to the clinton foundation. laura: i don t think it was a good thing to do. have a russian interest. everyone is always afraid of russia. now russia owns 20% of uranium stake. oh that could have been a good thing? i don t understand how you think that could be a good thing. i think it s very clear that countries like kazakhstan and others honestly believe you need to give gifts to get things done. wonderful work, aids, they spend every penny on doing good. what you are looking at is the intention of the authorities. that s very different at pointing fingers at the clintons. laura: both of you have a wonderful holiday. by the way guys, much of the world today at the condemned the president s recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel. where does the president go from here when we come back. (hard exhalation) honey? can we do this tomorrow? 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isn t it disrupting the current narrative. the other narrative where we held back, held back, held back for decades, what did it get us? basically you haven t had a war between the israelis and palestinians for a long time. you have a lot of arab countries in the region who have established relations with israel. the other problem that trump was by threatening people to do stuff and then he is not going to do it. there is no way he is going to cut off aid to iraq or afghanistan. even the israelis don t want him to do that. i think twice you undermine american credibility and ability to get things done. laura: i think people are paying attention to us now. i think it s about time we weren t treated as patsy when we say we are going to do something we actually do it. kerry, it s true that christian cops were against it because they are concerned that their own religious liberty is going to be threatened in the region because the abe palestinians. pope against it pence can t get meetings now with mahmoud abbas or el-sisi, the coptic christians don t want to meet with him. where does this go. it is true that the cops were concerned about this. but christians in the middle east, they have long been targeted well before any of this. i m much more concerned, i actually think this could be a moment where we would say, we will be a moral authority. that s what i heard nikki haley. you heard it here in my opinion nikki haley s speech was the iron lady. it was the american modern day iron lady. i m so proud of her. i hope sh she runs for president in seven years. very incredibly inspiring. we need more like her. more people stand up. laura: what about larry s point this is going to tick off our allies in the region. we do need to help us in the battle of jihadis, saudi arabia, obviously we need them on our side although they still have many, many problems in their society obviously. iran is a big foe, still funding hezbollah and so forth. absolutely. i think larry overstates. go to war over this. i think that s being his tiehysterical. why is he doing this? he is disrupting it. so all talk and no action. that was a mantra throughout his campaign. that s what all the prior presidents said about moving the embassy and recognizing the capital. so he did back up that talk with action lawyer lay i want to show you three of the countries that voted against us. venezuela they are starving their own people. syria, they gas their own citizens and yemen currently engulfed in a civil war. are those the moral arbiters, larry, that we are supposed to listen to? look who voted the british, the french, okay. and as we mentioned here the countries in the iraqis who just defeated isis and moving toward a democracy. laura: do you like trump. basically i worry abou what e says and doesn t do it. he already today said well maybe we will look at other things before we cut off the aid. laura: do you think america is actually stronger and i ask this in all seriousness, in a stronger position today than we were a year ago? no. laura: you don t vis-a-vis russia and china. the president said he is going to do this to china. laura: we are. putting terrorists right now on goods china siphoning through other countries like vietnam. aluminum products coming into the united states. trans-pacific partnership. laura: thank god. a sovereignty killer? you are a globalist. you are a big globalist. you are more of a bushy. you are not a conservative populist. that s fine. that era is over but that s okay. go ahead, carrie. i was going to say he worked for reagan, i m surprised? isis has been disseminated in the past year. china has put on unprecedented sanctions against the north koreans that no president was ever able to get until now. laura, i m with you, i think america is in a position of strength, absolutely. the fact that the french voted against this, i m sorry. laura: i m not losing sleep over this. we are out of time. by the way, guys, did you ever think you would see this, a holiday film is exploring ted kennedy s darkest moments. wait until you see this. ld, stuff happens. { sneezing ] shut down cold symptoms fast [ coughing ] with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. it all starts with a wish. the final days of wish list are here. hurry in and sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complementary first months payment. they feel that they have to drink patients that i see that complain about dry mouth a lot of water. medications seem to be the number one cause for dry mouth. dry mouth can cause increased cavities, bad breath, oral irritation. i like to recommend biotene. biotene has a full array of products that replenishes the moisture in your mouth. biotene definitely works. it makes patients so much happier. [heartbeat] guess what i just got? hello again. hi. get up to $400 towards a galaxy note8 or s8 with qualifying trade-in. only on laura: if you are going to erase part of america s history you better do it under the cover of darkness. that s how two more confederate statues came down last night in memphis. let s bring in best selling author and lead anchor of ewtn news. raymond, another statue grab in memphis, tell us what happened. well, this was a sneaky end around the state law. there is a tennessee historical commission they blocked the city of memphis from moving the two statues, according to them no statue, monument or nameplate that signified a military hero could be removed without that commission s authority. they said no. this is what the memphis city council did. they decided to turn the parks, the two parks where these statues are into private property. they gave the mayor permission to sell the park to a private 501 c 3. they did that in one day in the morning. that afternoon they were lifting the at that time do yous. laura: that s a nifty trick. sold the land. 18 new municipalities considering removing confederate statues that building behind at the at the capitol. jefferson lee and. laura: is there any recourse against this move? this is a sneaky move. laura: any lawsuits that can be filed. people filing lawsuits. laura: why do they do it in the cover of darkness? are they afraid of protest? are they afraid of charlottesville? they don t want it going to the popular vote of people. laura: they want to do an end around. if you want to take down a statue let the people decide. i think our children. laura: nuclear landrieu did the same thing. beauregard going. dark shadows of history that s how learn. erasing it. we deprive past and part of their future. laura: we have a movie coming out about chappaquiddick? is this a dream come true? can i go on fandango and get my tickets? is this from the book. claims to be the true story behind teddy kennedy s big scandal. we have a clip. laura: okay. it was an accident was i driving. stories like this could dominate the headlines for weeks. chief, we have a body. a dead body holds a lot of secrets. those can be the difference between guilt and innocence. we need to be in control of them. there are not a lot of senators charged with manslaughter that go on to be president. what do we do to help the senator? would tell the truth or at least our version of it. laura: oh my gosh. it s a thriller. lawyer you guys get thrilled will star wars. for me. kennedy s day of reckoning. laura: can i do the voice over for the trailer? maybe you should. this is going to be a blockbuster. variety already saw it they said this is a portrait fundamentally of a weevil of a man who decides is he not going to suffer the consequences of thinks actions. this is going to be a doocy. certainly digs in to what the kennedy family did to protect. laura: having been to that bridge chappaquiddick, it looks like it. they rebuilt it but it looks the same. raymond, merry christmas to you and your family and all of new orleans. same to you. laura: classic religious movie with a religious message that would never get past today s censors next. hi. i m the one clocking in when you re clocking out. sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. i can even help with a silent night. does your bed do that? i don t actually talk but i can tell you how you slept. i m the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let s meet at a sleep number store. laura: growing up in the 1970s in connecticut, i couldn t imagine letting this time of year pass without watching the charlie brown christmas special. it was as much a part of our holiday as my mother s ginger bred cookies or cutting down perfect christmas tree or listening to carols on the living room room. the show aired 52 years ago on december 9th, 1965, and it remains one of the most popular christmas specials in television history. do you know the one scene that almost didn t make the final cut because network execs were worried it would turn viewers off. the one that was the most touching, the most moving, and the most enduring of all. the one where lin liness reads the book of the nativity to charlie brown who had forgotten the true meaning of christmas. isn t there anyone who knows what christmas is all about? sure, charlie brown can i tell you what christmas is all about. lights, please. and there were in the country shepard abiding the field, keeping watch over their flock by light. lo the angel of the lord came upon them. the glory of the lord shone all about them and they were so afraid and the angel said to them fear not for behold i bring you tidings of great joy which will be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of david a savior, jesus christ the lord. and this shall be a sign unto you, you shall fine the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in the manger and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising god and saying glory to god in the highest. and on earth peace, goodwill toward men. that s what christmas is all about, charlie brown. laura: i still get tiered utearedup when i watch that evey time without fail. as radio host larry habib reminded us charles schultz pushed back about the network suits upset about that scene and even some of his collaborators and he insisted that it not be cut. schultz was not only a creative genius but he was a sunday school teacher and he knew the american audience. well, immediately after the show aired for the first time, its spawn sore coca sponsa cola was flooded inundated with notes of appreciation with viewers. it was precisely what was needed at the time. a simple message in a child s voice reminding us that the season isn t about fancy trees or gifts beneath them. it s about the birth of the savior. christ the lord. it s doubtful that any major network would green light a special like this today. it would be deemed too offensive or divisive or noninclusive. atheists would probably protest or sue. that s a real shame. for our audience that is craving meaningful programming that speaks to the best of who we are and our most cherished values but at least we will always have lieness. we ll be right back. do you need the most trusted battery this holiday? 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New-york , United-states , Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , Alabama , Iran , Washington , China , Florida , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia