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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20130311

quattro!!!!! license and registration please. what s this? uhh, it s my geico insurance id card, sir. it s digital, uh, pretty cool right? maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i m a pig driving a convertible? tail light s out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app. the tsa gives a thumbs up to small knives on airplanes. it s getting a thumbs down from many lawmakers. you can t even bring a cup of coffee on to an airplane and we re allowing small knives? a billionaire space pioneer gives us a glimpse at the future of space flight. we have brand new video of space x s cutting edge roster. the government controlling what you eat. and drink. now the new york mayor is looking at how people listen to music. mayor bloomberg should but out. is this the nanny state at work? we re asking, do you think we re stupid? are we? all that and more just ahead. good evening, everyone. facebook ceo cheryl sandberg s 60 minutes interview about women in the workplace coming up. let s get you up to speed about the big stories happening. six teenagers were killed and two injured when their suv crashed into a pond. it hit a guardrail and flipped over before landing in the water. no one was wearing a seat belt. the grieving man talked about the tragedy. his cousin died in that crash. we have to come together as a community, because we can t just lose each other like this and people need to be responsible before they get into any type of vehicle. the victims range in age from 14 to 19. chuck hagel is trying to smooth over new trouble with afghanistan. he held a working dinner tonight with hamed karzai. hours after he accused the u.s.p collusion with the taliban. they want a continued american presence in the country. hagel says he tried to pressure karzai, the u.s. has had no back channel talks with the taliban and is still on track to leave by the end of 2014. outrage in pakistan today over a tax on christians. hundreds of christians took to the streets in protest after a mob burned more than 100 homes in their neighborhood. it all started with allegations that a christian man made derogatory remarks about mohammed. many christians have fled the area over fear of being killed. the first vote for the next pope will be on tuesday. the 115 voting cardinals will gather for the papal conclave in vatican city. they will keep voting until the winner emerges. white smoke will pour from the chimney of the sistine chapel. tiger woods won his second title of the year today in miami. he made 27 birdies, one short of his personal record in the tournament, he s now a favorite to win a fifth green jacket in the masters in april. for more than 10 years, the tsa stood by its rule, no pocket knives on a plane, not even those tiny ones, not even nail clippers. that changes next month, when the rules relax and you ll be allowed to bring small knives on board. airline officials don t like it, flight attendants don t like it. some lawmakers on capitol hill don t like it either. the tsa says it s trying to prevent things like a bomb an explosion or a takeover of an aircraft. it says small knives with the current safety precautions on cockpit doors could not cause such a catastrophic problem. but lawmakers, including chuck schumer say small knives are still too dangerous to go on planes and schumer issued this threat to the tsa. the tsa refuses to go along. we would very much consider legislation and my guess is it would have large bipartisan support. i don t know anyone who s defended the tsa on this, because it doesn t make any sense. you can see what this change is. starting april 25th, can you carry knives this size under 2.6 inches, on to a plane s cabin, the tsa believes with cockpit doors more secure these knives can not bring down a plane. this petition on white is against the new knife policy. so far as you can see it has 17,000 signatures. now, flight attendants are worried about their personal safety, the risk from knives to them personally. but what does the tsa say in response? tsa s decision was driven by a threat assessment as part of our overall risk based security approach. we concluded that removing small knives from the prohibited list would not cause catastrophic damage to the aircraft. that is the key. catastrophic damage versus the threat to individuals here. this issue is not the only thing to be watching this week. also, this is a huge week for small and medium sized airports. about 200 of them are sitting nervously on a list for control tower shutdowns, that s part of those forced budget cuts also known as the sequester. they do not have enough money to staff all the airports full time now through the end of the fiscal year. these airports, 200 of them, more than that, have until wednesday to make their argument for keeping their towers over. here s one of them. this is hagerstown, maryland. their tower is slated for closure starting april 7th. closing a tower doesn t mean an airport will close. in some cases, pilots can fly in without talking to a control tower or they can talk to another tower nearby. how big of a deal is this? the faa says these towers combined handed just under 6% of commercial flights last year. not a huge number overall, don, but for people who travel in and out of these locations, it will be a very big impact. don? lisa, thank you very much. a book by facebook s number two in command comes out tomorrow. it s already angered a lot of one big group of readers, women. and congressional squabbles are nothing knew, but actual fighting? why this congressman is in the ring, next. email marketing from constant contact reaches people in a place they re checking every day their inbox. and it gives you the tools to create custom emails that drive business. it s just one of the ways constant contact can help you grow your small business. sign up for your free trial today at lookin good, flo! feelin good! feelin real good! [ engine revs ] boat protection people love. now, that s progressive. call or click today. it is less than two months since president obama s inauguration. of course we re already talking about 2016. jeb bush dodged a question about a possible presidential bid today when he talked with candy crowley. when you asked me before 2012 was i going to run in 2012, i said no. i western the through the process and said it wasn t appropriate. now i ve decided to defer any consideration of it until the proper time to make those kind of considerations. which is out, you know, more than a year from now for sure. the former governor seemed less tolerant when asked the same question by david gregory. who are we more likely to see in the white house? you guys are crack addicts, you are really obsessed with all this politics. marco rubio is a great guy. okay, heroin addict. we have big challenges. being florida s governor was one of the greatest thrills of his life. a congressman known for putting up his dukes on capitol hill stepped into a real ring for some real rope-a-dope last night. that is new york republican peter king. he says he likes to box, he s been training for several years. last night he put on some gloves and went toe to toe with a kickboxing champ, almost 40 years younger than him. congressman king is 68 years old, 23 pounds, he wore no head gear and threw punches pretty aggressively for two rounds. they really went at it, no sparring, but it was just an exhibition. there s a lot of buzz right now about a new book by facebook s number two in command. work and the will to lead hits shelves tomorrow. tonight s 60 minutes aired an interview with sandberg, and susan candiotti explains why the words of this billionaire businesswoman are drawing praise and a healthy dose of criticism. cheryl sandberg wants women to succeed and says it s alarming how far they haven t come. the very blunt truth is that men still run the world. in her first televised interview to debut her new book, lean in. leadership roles for women are alarmingly small. only 21 female ceo s in the fortune 500. this is deeply personal for me. i want every little girl who someone says they re bossy to be told instead, you have leadership skills. sandberg lays a good deal of responsibility on women themselves. facebook s 43-year-old chief operating offer says women don t compete for promotions because they re worried about the future. they lean back and say i may want a child one day. or i m still learning my current job. i ve never had a man say that to me. she does blame lack of affordable child care, her views have made her a lightning rod. instead of saying that doesn t work for women, and it won t work, and let s change the system, she s kind of going backwards and saying, let s change you instead. that s probably where most of the anger is coming from. sandberg isn t apologetic. i m not trying to say that everything i can do, everyone can do. but i do believe that these messages are completely universal. the things that hold women back hold women back from sitting at the boardroom table and speaking up at the pta meeting. sandberg a mother of two also says leading at work requires men to share the work load at home. i m saying there s a lot we can control and we can do for ourselves. to sit at more tables, raise more hands. challenging women to lean in and listen. susan candiotti, cnn new york. after yahoo s ceo caused a national outcry by banning work from home, the conversation about women s career and home life balance has grown even louder. beginning tomorrow, cnn will focus on various aspects of this conversation throughout the day. watch what women want, work and family beginning tomorrow on cnn. an attorney for former tennis star jennifer capriotti denies a report that there s a warrant out for her arrest. what she s being accused of next. you re thinking of the 1.6 million daily customer care interactions xerox handles. or the 900 million health insurance claims we process. so, it s no surprise to you that companies depend on today s xerox for services that simplify how work gets done. which is.pretty much what we ve always stood for. with xerox, you re ready for real business. and his new boss told him two things cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn t know it yet, but he ll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he ll start investing early, he ll find some good people to help guide him, and he ll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn t rocket science. it s just common sense. from td ameritrade. so we created the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. a collection of innovations designed around a bed with dualair technology that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs - each of your bodies. you ll only find sleep number at one of our over 400 stores nationwide. where queen mattresses start at just $699. and right now enjoy the lowest prices of the season on our most popular bed sets. sleep number. comfort individualized. police in florida are seeking an arrest warrant against former tennis star jennifer capriati. she s accused of punching and stalking her ex-boyfriend. there is no arrest warrant, and the allegations are an overexaggeration says her attorneys. a california animal sanctuary is back open after an intern was tragically killed. she was killed by a lion while she was cleaning a fenced in enclosure on wednesday. that lion was killed. her death was an accident and she died doing what she loved. according to a new survey, u.s. household gun ownership has continuously fallen since the 1970s. from a high of 50% to 32% in 2010. a 2% rise from 2010 to 2012 is not surprising. these numbers come from a public opinion survey where people answer yes or no to whether they own a gun. survey tracks households not the number of guns one person may own. it s new york mayor s michael bloomberg. it s his crusade, you probably heard about it, a ban on those large sugary drinks to help fight obesity, depending on how you look at it, it s either a great idea or one that impedes on your civil liberties. is it fair? i broached that question with a panel. they re ineffective laws, they reflect how government thinks they have a right to involve themselves in your life in every aspect. so it reflects something larger that s corroding our government, because they re busy telling us what to drink rather than taking care of real problems. wendy, you re the human behavior expert. maybe people need to be saved. go ahead, wendy. here s what you should know. in our anthropological past, there was sugar, salt and fat. and we have an unfetterred desire and craving for these things that many of us can t control. but america has capitalized on that, and made sure they put a large dose of that in everything they give us. how can we be making free choice when we re addicted. we re addicted to everything from sex and gambling to salt, sugar and fat. and lest you think this is a nanny state. this is finally, consumer protection, we don t have socialism here, we have neo-futilism, we re about 20 grams over before i let jerry respond i want to play devil s advocate here. there a guy like bloomberg. maybe he s raising awareness. remember giuliani 10 years ago, many thought the smoking ban went too far. a lot of people seem to think they ll like it. maybe they ll like it, and realize this is good for me, i m healthier now, their weight will go down and their health will get better. i call it creeping incrementalist. it s easier to go after cigarettes, tobacco and drinking. they want to worm their way into every nook and cranny of your english muffin life. i smoke cigarettes, it s stupid, when you light something on fire and breathe it in, your first reaction is to cough and shoot your eyeballs across the room, it s probably not good for you. i pay a premium on my health insurance for that, i m going to die sooner than i should. i cull myself from the herd and save people money. it s my right to smoke, drink so it s my right, it s my life. if we start to take away the individuals ownership of their own lives, what down the line does the government then say they have the right to regulate? that large sized drink ban in new york city takes effect on tuesday. the stars of a new movie about magic talk about glittery outfits and shaving their chests. that s ahead. music plays thank you orville and wilbur. .amelia. neil and buzz: for proving there s nowhere we can t go. but, at some point. giant leaps gave way to baby steps. and with all due respect, you re history. if you taught us anything, it s that you can t cling to the past. if you want to create the future. that s why, instead of looking behind. delta is looking beyond. pushing u.s. aviation to new heights. all 80 thousand of us. busy investing billions in the industry s boldest moves. it s biggest advances in technology. bringing our passengers the best, the most spacious fleet in the sky. and earning more awards than any other airline. to show for it. so rather than simply saluting history. we re out there making it. > oz: the great and powerful has raked in more than $150 million worldwide in its opening weekend at the box office. james franco plays a carnival musician who is swept into the land of oz. jason bourne could make a comeback to the silver screen. matt damon tells entertainment weekly, he s not ruling out a return to his blockbuster franchise. another movie steve carell plays a tacky magician named burt wonderstone in las vegas. his nemesis an edgy new magician played by jim carrey. the film premiered in austin, texas. nichelle turner sat down with the stars and asked about the outrageous magician costumes. i liked it because for the first time it wasn t the woman in the movie having to do the wig and the tan and all the glitter. we were her the men got silent. i tend to think there s something you took. for once i didn t have to shave my chest i let it grow, but steve you did. i shaved it this time as opposed to pulling the hair out. we re glad about that, but we all love you for taking one for the team. yeah, i took one for the team a few years ago, i wouldn t do that again. i wouldn t do the waxing thing again. up next, the creator of space travel, it s a rocket that can be reused. you ll want to see this.

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Transcripts For KQED Nightly Business Report 20130313

hampton pearson in washington. as hampton pointed out, health care costs were a big focus in the house proposal, coming up, we ll talk to howard dean and journalist steven breaux about proposing costs. the winning streak extended to an a little session in a row. it sent the blue chip average up nearly three points closing at 14,450. that s another all-time high and the nasdaq lost ten points and the s&p down four points ending seven straight days of gains. blackberry was the most heavily traded company on the nasdaq today. more than 80 million shares changed hands while above the average daily volume there. shares were off theerly 3% this on a day when pre-orders where the company s z10 smartphone began. some are looking that the product as a potential make or break product for the smartphone pioneer. john ford explains. the blackberry, it used to be shorthand for coolest phone in the world. wall street types were obsessed with them and government workers, too. less than four years ago fortune named it the fastest-growing company, and now blackberry is on the ropes with the hopes pinned on this phone, the z10 which customers can pre-order online and come pick up at these at&t stores on march 22nd. what happened? the mainly the iphone. when it came out six years ago the iks phone started small, unlike the blackberry and every other smartphone it had a big touchscreen and one button in front. now the iphone is the best-selling model in the country and every other popular phone looks a lot more like this than like this. the names to beat in today s phone game are apple and google who together took more than 90% of the smartphone market last holiday season. blackberry managed just over 3%. the company hopes the z10 gets it back in the game, but there are bigger challenges. the new phones won t bring in the same highly profitable services revenue investors have come to expect and it s not yet clear whether blackberry will be able to sell new phones to make up the ground the old phones are losing. we don t deny that internationally this has been a successful device, it sold out in the middle east, and sold out in asia. doing very well in europe and surprising a lot of critics and we don t expect the same response in the u.s., but a better-than-expected launch. have you ever had a blackberry? no. did you ever think you would get a blackberry? no. why not? what do you think a blackberry is for? nothing negative. i just wanted something unique. blackberry hopes that s what this phone will deliver with its corporate friendly security features and new software for sharing photos, videos and apps. by next month, t-mobile and verizon will be offering the z10, too, and then we ll see whether blackberry can regain its cool. for nightly business report i m john ford. shipments of apple ipads will fall behind the growing variety of tablets running google s android platform for the first time this year as smaller sized devices catch on, ipads are expected to account for 46% of the pad market while devices running android are expected to grow their share to 49%. apple shares down more than 2% again today. big box retailers are at the top of tonight s market focus. walmart s chief financial officer saying it hasn t seen any drop in spending related to the payroll tax increase, though higher taxes are showing up as a concern in customer surveys. shares rose fractionally today and they re up about 8% year to date. strong earnings from costco up 39% and that s thanks to an increase in quarterly profits and helped by increasing sales and gained market share during the quarter. shares more than 1% to more than $103 a share. two dow component pharma stocks headed in opposite directions. continuing the okay to continue the safety and effectiveness of vytorin as the cholesterol-busting treatment. this made by pfizer can cause fatal irregular heart rhythm. merck gained 3% on the day while pfizer lost ground. president obama s nominee to chair the securities and exchange commission says she ll be an investor advocate. mary jo white questioned by senators at her confirmation hearing this morning said that if confirmed the american public would be her client and that she would not back off if there was any evidence of wrongdoing at major institutions. assuming you found wrongdoing, i think you d proceed quite vigorously against effectively anyone that you find evidence of wrongdoing on, but certainly financial institutions at the sec, which of course, doesn t have the criminal powers, those consequences are not taken into account before charging decisions are made so that the sec, there s no institution too big to charge. white is expected to get the okay for that sec job especially after republican senator tom coburn of oklahoma announced he would aggressively support her nomination. there s not a lot of support for h & r block today after a software snag has delayed the returns for a lot of americans who have already filed their 2012 taxes. sharon epperson joins us now with more. what went wrong here, sharon? a lot of folks are disappointed that they re not going get refunds as quickly as anticipated. what h & r block is telling us that between february 14th and february 22nd that a number of filers who were applying for education tax credits were unable to do so because of the way they answered certain yes and no questions on the form. these are folks that were claiming the american opportunity lifetime learning credits and 10% of the total returns claiming these credits were impacted according to the irs. h & r block tells us that any problems that occurred with the form, the form 8863 had been fixed and their clients had no immediate action to take and if they wanted to find out when they could get their refund, they can go to where is my and it can take up to eight weeks and that means they need as much as four to six weeks in order to process the refund. so a lot of folks will be that s terrible news because a lot of people count on these refunds especially students to pay their bills. a lot of students and potential students are waiting to apply for financial aid until they get the returns done and that is causing problems and they should go ahead and apply for that financial aid. sharon epperson, thank you very much. thank you. meanwhile, coming up, how airlines are making it harder for you to cash in on those frequent flier miles and we ll tell you what you need to know. now let s take a look at how the markets around the globe closed this day. it s report card time for the nation s 16 largest airlines and regulators say average on-time arrivals during january fell slightly and there were more complaints about mishandled luggage, but on the bright side, there were fewer canceled flights and only five reports of tarmac delays that lasted more than three hours. the high marks went to virgin american and hawaiian a airline, rather and pinnacle airlines were often at the bottom of the list. meanwhile, if you re the kind of traveler who racks up airline frequent flier miles, not so far, some big changes are coming and they may make the perks that you get a lot less frequent when you fly. phil lebeau has more. reporter: for frequent fliers change is in the air. it s quickly taking more flights and more money to achieve higher status with certain airlines, and increasingly, cashing in your miles for an upgrade or a free ticket is becoming tougher. gone will be the days when you re measured by how many miles you fly. hello to the days when you re measured by how much money you spend. right now virgin america, jetblue and southwest award frequent flier miles based on how much you spend on a ticket and not how far you fly. it s a move delta will also be making next year. so delta frequent flyers who achieve different levels of status after flying just 25,000 miles will eventually need to not only fly that far, but also spend at least their 2500 with the airline to reach the highest level of loyalty, diamond status, you ll need to fly 125,000 miles and spend at least 12,500 in a year. now you can t earn based on models flown on cheaper tickets. it will take more expensive tickets to earn the higher levels required for elite status. why are airlines making it tougher to become an elite flyer or cash your flyers. blame it on carriers having fewer seats and frequent flies are. you re competing not just with frequent flier, but for frequent buyers and that makes it difficult for anybody to be called an airline s best customer. meanwhile, if they cut capacity by eliminating flights or using smaller jets, there are fewer seats open for award redemption. remember, airlines are trying to max mriez fit from every seat on every tliet. so getting an upgrade or free ticket will be tougher. for the average person, even though they ve been trying to save up miles for the low redemption awards they ll have to plan enough to redeem at the medium or the higher level of redemption rewards. with frequent flyers holding 9.7 trillion unused miles, there are plenty of people with plenty of miles. in pack, it s estimated 307,000 frequent flyers have at least 1 million miles in their account. phil lebeau, nightly business report, chicago. flying those friendly skies. earlier in the program we reported on congressman paul ryan s gop budget proposal which takes aim at spending. he spent sen months putting u.s. hospital bills under the microscope to find out why health care american style costs so much. his findings are in the march 4th issue of time magazine. howard dean is a physician who during his six terms in office kept costs in check. gentlemen, welcome. i look forward to this conversation. thank you. you spent 21,000 words, longest article in time s history. it was an amazing piece with some amazing reporting in it, but i ll ask you to boil those 21,000 words down to about 20 and tell me why you think principally health care costs as much as it does. i think i can blow it down to four words. the price is too high and the reason the price is too high is there isn t a free marketplace. the typical health care consumer whether it s the person who is uninsured or even the largest of the insurance companies doesn t have the leverage in the marketplace. we live in a world where we think this is a free market. we like everything to be a free market in this country and there is no free market when you go to the emergency room. there is noey from market when you have to buy a cancer drug, and i m sure that governor dean will testify to that from his experience. governor dean, let me ask you that question in a different sort of way. in so many industries we ve seen costs trend down over time and the price we used to play for a flat screen tv or for a cell phone, those prices are a fraction of what they used to be, but not so in health care. why is health care different? the more facility you had to deliver the higher the price goes. the problem is that the fee for service system that we have encourages us to spend as much as we possibly can. we only get paid, we get paid when someone is sick and we don t get paid to keep them well and in order to fix this problem you have to do away with the current way we pay providers and pay them by the patient and not by the procedure and until that happens it doesn t matter what kind of supposed health care cost control you have, it s not going to work. i would like you to pick up on what the governor just said, but also address one of the things i found fascinating in your article. a lot of the political conversation lately has been about raising the eligibility age for medicare. you argue conversely that if we really wanted to reduce overall cost and though not the kind of government pays you would lower the eligibility age for medicare. explain why and what you think the effect would be. it would reduce the cost that the government is going pay under obama care, too. the only efficient buyer of health care is medicare and if you moved more people into medicare and away from either not having insurance or using the insurance companies that they have they would be paying a premium to medicare that would be much liss because medicare s costs are a fraction of what everyone else is forced to pay. the reason being that medicare a lobe has the market leverage to buy health care at a reasonable price, and it s sht a matter of moving people away at fee for service and the way you do that is you have a balanced market or you have to intervene in some way in that market. governor, steven keeps talking about market forces so let s talk about the market and the role that the consumers and the american people can play in all of this. do you see that the health care industry is going to bring the consumer along or are consumers going to be pushing for the changes whether it s on price or any other innovation? first of all, i don t agree with steve about putting people in medicare. i do think it s a good idea for putting people in the lower age because it s true they re a lower cost provider and they re efficient. the problem is their costs are out of control, too. as long as you pay us to do procedures we ll do a lot of procedures and that is the fundamental problem. i think it s great if you put people over 55 into medicare instead of 65. it s cheaper for the insurance companies and the government pays more than 4% instead of 20%, but that is not the ultimate solution. it does not work because you simply pay us to do as much as we possibly can. as long as you have a system that does that, it doesn t matter what consumer pressure is on. they can buy insurance well. they can t buy health care well. the fact is though, you re talking about one aspect and what the doctors do. if you talk about the cost of drugs, and the cost of durable medical equipment and the cost of so many other things and just to stay in the hospital room. you really have to get away from a situation where it s a seller s market and a seller s market only. i think you have to do both, but i think you have to start by looking at the prices which is what i did with this article. the simple fact is that we live in two economies in this country. all of them lived in one economy which has had a lot of trouble over the last decade and then there is the medical economy which has been booming, just going hog wild booming, and the reason, there is no con proehl on the profits and the prices, and i don t come from i m a left-wing perspective. i look at it from the standpoint of the consumer which & they have no leverage under the marketplace. under the obama care there is hope for this because they ll be big nufr, how health care is the unit price. they all have to be built by the patient. i m not sure we solved it, but we made a veiliant effort and i hely recommend steve s piece and it is one of the best things i ve read on the spiraling cost. court tv founder and former governor howard dean. coming up, catholics around the world waiting for a new pope. why it would be beneficial for him to be a man of god with a head for business, but first, let s take a look at how treasurys, currencies and commodities fared today. on the radar for tomorrow we ll learn how retailers coped in february given higher gas prices and higher taxes, eating into consumers wallets and the weather, the business round table releases its ceo survey of expectations for the economy and we ll get a report from speaker boehner about the president s lunch date with house republican sfoos looking forward to that one. the market for high end art forgery is a $5 billion a year illegal business. with that kind of money at stake, a recent crackdown on selling phony works of art has come up with some surprising results. scott cohn has more. what is a miami pastor with his own you tube channel doing in a manhattan courthouse charged with a temped grand larceny for trying to pass off half a million in counterfeit art. how does a pastor get into the art-selling business. 45-year-old kevin sutherland wouldn t say and his lawyer says there s a logical explanation. the truth will come out and we are confident in our position. sutherland pleaded not guilty to charges he tried to pass off these paintings by british artist damian hearst to sotheby s in new york even though he knew they were fake. sutherland closed the deal at this hotel not knowing the person across the table was an undercover new york city detective. cyrus vance who prosecuted art fraud cases as a young assistant is cracking down. the same art s being stolen the same way as it has been stolen from generations. now our tools to build cases are more sophisticated than they were 30 or 40 years ago. robert whitman who founded the art crime team and now works for private collectors says even with mod eaern technology these cases are tougher than they seem. you have to prove knowledge that this person knew the material was fake and that he meant for it to be sold and he was trying to pull the wool over somebody s eyes. these are some of the damian hearst paintings that sutherland tried to pass off even after prosecutors say sotheby s specifically told him in an email that one of these spin paintings was not authentic. sutherland allegedly told investigators he didn t really read the email. he s due back in court next month. i m scott cohn for the nightly business report. one of, if not the greatest art collections belongs to the vatican. the magnificent frescos by michelangelo, the cardinals cast their votes for a new pontiff. the black smoke signaled no pope was selected. earlier today the cardinals filed into the chapel singing for the saints to help them make their decision. there can be as many as four votes in a day when one cardinal receives two-thirds of the vote, tyler, he becomes the new pope and you know what s interesting about all of this it s not like they re looking for a spir inch all leader and this is almost like a ceo search and the vatican has this vast empire and it has a lot of the same issues as any other vast empire. financial transparency and budget issues and deficits and all of those things we talk about. they have real estate and billions and billions served as customers around the week. and it s an economy unto itself if you looked at that time that way. we have facts here that we ll point out just what we re talking about there. $7.5 billion in the vatican accounts and it doesn t rank among the largest banks in the world, but it certainly has global sweep. they also have a mini hedge fund cha is conservatively invested which means they might have missed out on some of the stock market rallies. i suspect maybe they have. that s it for our nightly business report for tonight and this is the time of year your public television station that makes nightly business report possible. on behalf of the station, thank you for your support. good night, everybody. we hope to see you right back here tomorrow night. your brain is involved in everything you do, yet few girls or women, ever think about their brains. i ll show you five ways to unleash the power of the female brain and the amen clinic s method for radically improving it. it works so well for our patients, i know it can help you too. [music] the information in this program will also help boost your energy, mood and focus and it will help you look and feel younger and more beautiful, no matter what your age. [music] if you adopt the information in this program and apply it with a great attitude, you ll begin to unleash the power of your female brain in a very short period of time. now is the time to get healthy. you and your loved ones literally have no time to wait. [audience applauding] in this program, award-winning psychiatrist, brain-imaging expert and best-selling author, dr. daniel amen, will highlight the unique strengths of the female brain and give each woman ways to optimize her brain to improve every area of her life. [audience applauding] thank you so much. poet ogden nash once said, i have an idea that the phrase, the weaker sex was actually coined by some women to disarm the man she was preparing to overwhelm. my thought exactly. i ve been surrounded by powerful women my whole life. when my mother brought my fifth sister, joanne, home from the hospital, my older brother, jimmy, and i ran away. even though it was just for 45 minutes, as the only boys, we

Miami , Florida , United-states , New-york , Oklahoma , Capitol-hill , District-of-columbia , Washington , Chicago , Illinois , United-kingdom , Americans

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends First 20131111

statement saying she wrote safety rules and went into the wa cage alone. she leaves behind her husband and their baby daughter. the attack is under investigation. the fbi taking down a bonnie p and clyde duo. a man and woman raised accused of robbing 13 banks in florida and two in alabama. they have been committing the crimes since december of last year using december guisguises. if convicted they could each face 20,000 in fines. they weit is veteran s day. kelly wright is live in washington with the latest on the special ceremony. good morning to you. when president obama hosted a breakfast to honor veterans he will meet with the oldest living world war ii veteran. he will likely walk away from the meeting inspired a man who represents part of america s best generation. rich affidavit overton is believed to be the oldest veteran of the military. at 107 years old he says he still have energy to enjoy his life. when he reflects on the service of de p fending america s freedom he says we didn t go off to play, we went off to fight. he volunteered for service in 1942 and fought in the pacific doing a lot of island hopping with the all black army unit. after having breakfast with the veterans the president will later lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown folted by an observance of ceremonies as arlington national cemetery. richard overton was in his 30 s when he volunteered to serve during world war ii. he is proud to be neating with the president today and looks tore wa forward to talking to him. he is praying for the president saying we all need help. it is time to look at whose talking. j in new jersey governor chris christie on a sunday talk show blitz his response when asked about a white house run, who knows. christie says the president should have seen the obamacare disaster coming. any one could see this coming a mile away. we didn t do it because we see the whole program was going to be a problem. the president s big he is problem now is he has to tell the truth. i have told lots of hard truths that people didn t necessarily agree with but they give you credit for looking them in the eye and telling them the truth. let s get to that p point own up tell the truth about what is going on then he can work something out to fix the problem. also responding to the time magazine cover it depicts his silhouette and says the elephant in the room. who cares. seriously. i am on the cover of time magazine. it is certainly not the first weight joke that has been thrown my way over the course of the last four years, chris. it doesn t matter to me. i haven t seen or read the issue yet. it doesn t bother me. if you are bothered by that kind of stuff you don t be long in public leadership. they can say whatever they want that is fine by me. it is belief and nonbelief throwing these people together. more than 400 atheists packed into a los angeles auditorium on what is a sunday service. no mention of god. they started this atheist mega church movement. they launched a campaign to have 10 new sunday assembly congregations in the u.s. they hope to raise 80,000 dollars in donations. i am not a racist. for the first time a miami dolphins player of the nfl scandal gives his side of the story. ritchie incognito was suspended indefinitely by the team for bullying jonathan martin. fox sports jay glazer says the week before the allegations started flying martin sent him a text message said he would murder incognito s entire family. he knew the text was a joke and part of the football culture. what i want people to know is the way jonathan and the rest of the line how we communicate, it is vulgar, it is not right. when the words are put in the context i understand why eyebrows get raised but people don t know how john and i communicate to one another. martin is expected to meet with the nfl investigators later this week. sunday of course means the nfl football. a look at this week best performances. the saints facing the cowboys. drew brees an nfl record with 41st downs in the game. throwing four touchdowns including this one to make it 42-17. they win 49-17. the ravens hosting cincinnati. the bengals down a touchdown with two second on the clock. and de dalton let s sun slide it gets tipped into the end zone. this one goes to over time. but in ot the havens justin tucker hits the 46 yard field goal for the win. ravens prevail 20-17. they beat san v san francisco. a 2,000 pound satellite broke up on re-entry. any debris probably harmlessly landed in the ocean. it ran out of fuel about three weeks ago turning it into space junk. it was launched back in 2009 to match the earth s gravity. while you were sleeping the 2014 winter olympic torch returned to the earth. it landed in central kazakhstan russia. thursday the torch was taken on a historic walk out side of the space station. it will continue on the four month relay run ending in february when the olympic cauldron was lit. it is beginning to look a lot like thanksgiving. check it out the macy s parade balloons under going a test flight in the meadowlands in new jersey. it began 89 years ago. this year s parade will feature four new ones including spongebob square pants and a new snoopy float. snoopy is the most season character in the parade. it turns out that even on sunday they will be at your front door with your amazon order in hand. more on this story p and other top business news this morning. starting now shoppers in new york and los angeles can order items on friday and receive them on sunday. making a deal with u.s. postal service to make sunday deliveries. other cities including dallas, new orleans and phoenix get the new sunday service next year. it seems a win for the cash strapped usps. it has been delivering fewer letters but more packages. no additional workers will be hired. it is christmas come early for drivers. gasoline prices have fallen $0.15 over the past week. the new average 3.22 a gallon. winter blinends of gasoline are cheaper. businesses across the nation are offering you perks today. stop into denny s for free pancakes, certain massage envies are giving complimentary massag massages. wells far go are giving boost social security benefits. free stay at red roof in and tall brewed coffee for you p and one for yourself at starbucks. oo one or you and one for your spouse. it could get colder in some areas to the north. snow with temperatures reaching 10-20 degrees below average. let s head over to maria molina live on the uss new york. hi, good morning. you are absolutely right. it is going to be a full day. i want to show you this coming up in a few minutes. i want to establish where i am which is peer 88 along the hudson river in manhattan new york. we are aboard the uss new york. this is an active war ship with the u.s. navy and specifically it s an amphibious war ship. we will be recording through out the rest of the morning hours on fox and friends take you through different areas of the ship. i want to ask you for your names. gsm 3 north, gsm 3 will am yeahs. thank you for waking up with us bright and early today. amphibious assault ship, what does that mean? what we do is we bring range and air equipment from ship to shore to support their mission. we take equipment from here and marines to land and this ship is on the ocean obvious. this is pretty incredible. we will continue to report from here. but i want to show you the maps and he is centrsen shally we ar looking at a quiet picture in terms of the radar. there s a little bit of snow flying around parts of the great lakes. temperature wise well below average. it will be a in the midwest and parts of the great lakes. send it back over to you. it is now 11 minutes after the top of the hour. a significant health risk what you need to know about the recent chicken recall. miley cyrus sparking controversy with another racy award show performance. how they are latest show went up in smoke. before we go to break, a look at some of the pictures honoring veterans on this special day. we like these much better. keep sending them on facebook, twitter, instagram and e-mail. we will show them through out the show. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job and i don t have time for unreliable companies. angie s list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we ve helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pai it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away, if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. it s not the limit the cash i earnvery month card. it s not the i only earn decent rewards at the gas station card. it s the no-games, no-signing up, everyday-rewarding, kung-fu-fighting, silver-lightning-in-a-bottle, bringing-home-the-bacon cash back card. this is the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on eve purchase, everywhere, every single day. so ask yourself, what s in your wallet? before you pack up the chicken salad california based glass onion catering pulling the prepared salad after the fda linked an e coli problem to the product. the salads are sold in trader joes, walgreens and whole foods. customers can return the product for a full refund. mullally was shot and lived to tell the tales. her book, i am malala wis not allowed in the library. the memoir doesn t show enough respect for i say slam one of the reasons sited. pop star miley cyrus creating controversy image that once again. this time at mtv europe music awards. moments after taking the best video she took a puff of what looks like a joint on stage. i couldn t fit this award in my bag, but i did find this, so thank you guys very much. that leads us to the question of the day. is this a strategic publicity stunt or a real try for help. you can tweet them to us at foxfriendsfirst or shoot us an i mail to fox friends first we will read your comments later in the show. it is 17 minutes after the top of the hour. a up to go moment war heros are able to visit memorials that pay tribute to their sacrifices. my co anchor takes us inside a flight a heartwarming moment straight ahead. ainsley take a look at this also. a man who has no hesitation when he is a robber tackling into a roll of potato chips. more on this surprising event when we return. but first on this day in history back in 1980 private benjamin starring goldie hawn it was number one at the movie theater. come on move it benjamin. welcome back on this veteran s day. it is important to remember the heros. honor flight network makes sure as many of them possible see their memorial in washington, d.c. before it is too late. every veteran flies for free. i recently had the privilege of joining a southeast florida honor flight. this memorial is so great to say wow i have been lucky enough to be a part of this. (inaudible) they are part of the greatest generation. for many that first moment seeing their world war ii memorial can be overwhelming. i would never ever expect it to be like this. each of vez veterans have been waiting for months, some a lifetime for this trip. we are going to parachute you in. nbc the first stop the marine corps memorial. he fought at the battle of iwo jima. (indiscernible) for many the memories are difficult to share. myself and my other gi s. that is robert clark at the tomb of the unknown soldier. he received a purple heart after being injured at the battle of the bulge. you are a hero. you know that, right? but these are no ordinary men. it was the first vivid sign of the american will to victory. i ran off from home when i was 15 years old. they said i was way too young. i had to get my mother s signature. i paid a bar made $0.50 to make my mother s signature. i was actually in pearl harbor when the aircraft struck. you saw the first one and then the first bomb fell. the world war ii memorial site is massive. it s the size of a football field. at the freedom wall of gold stars they commemorate the 400,000 americans who died and did not make it home. when you have lunch with these guys you are on the radio with them you go into combat with them and you go home and they don t. it s a tribute to our nation, a tribute to the people who made this nation. it s not only huge but it s so red white and blue. golly. i am struck with patriotism. god bless america my home sweet home god bless america my home sweet home (applause) proffering w proving why is true a hero s welcome home. (chanting usa) a lot of tears on that journey and a lot of big thank yous. the southeast florida honor flight one of 127 honor flight hubs across the country. for more information on how you can get involved go to our web site at fox friends and be sure to click on the as seen on tab to see more behind the scenes footage. one of my favorite stories i have ever done. 26 minutes after the top of the hour. european airports set to lift a ban on liquids carried by passengers. could the u.s. be next? a deer found with a hunter s arrow piercing both sides of his head. the latest on the condition of that deer. he is sending them to us facebook, twitter, instagram,wee will show them through out the show. so if you have a flat tire, dead battery, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico s emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh. yeah, can you find a take where it s a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it s good. good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. i m kirk cameron, and i believe those words, but freedom from political tyrants was not a new idea in 1776. i have a 450-year-old book that you need to read. it s called the geneva bible. it was printed before the king james bible, and the government had nothing to do with it. it was truly a bible by the people, for the people. the patriotís edition of the geneva bible contains not only the biblical text and notes, but also our declaration of independence, our constitution and george washington s rules on civility and decent behavior. with every order of the patriot s edition of the geneva bible i m going to give a free copy of my dvd monumental: in search of america s national treasure. visit or call 888-98-geneva. thank you fox and friends first starts right now. patriotic music this morning. welcome to fox & friends first . a little yankee doodle dandy. half past the hour on this veteran s day. we begin with a fox news alert for you as the philippines real from typhoon haiyan s devastating damage. the storm plowed into vietnam packing powerful winds and forcing hundreds of thousands to evacuate. david typer piper is live in thailand. what s the latest there? hi, heather, yes. it was feared that vietnam was going to be hit next by typhoon haiyan. there was a mass evacuation from the coastline. but overnight the typhoon hit land fall between the chinese and vietnamese borders. it has been downgraded to a tropical storm. it is turning into a humanitarian disaster in the philippines. hundreds of thousands of people are in need of medical supplies there. inds of 200 miles per hour and with death and destruction in its wake. as many as 10,000 people may have died in one city. it was struck by storm surge caused by the typhoon. houses were demolished. the airport is operational again and u.s. marines have arrived in the c 130 aircraft with supplies. the u.s. military has made aircraft in the relief effort. it is part of a major international reliever fort that is underway. reports 300 people have died on a nearby island with another 2,000 missing. the philippines government is saying the span is overwhelming. hundreds of thousands are surviving in the open without food or water. there are reports of wide scale looting because people are desperate for food. back to you, heather. david piper reporting live from the devastation. live at this hour the police are on the manhunt for two suspects after a gunman opened fire at a birthday party outside of houston, texas. two high school students were killed dozens hurt either shot or caught in the frantic rush to escape the scene. it happened saturday night. police called it a party gone wild. someone discharged a firearm in celebration at a birthday party someone else decides to pull theirs and shoots into the crowd. the host had security who were searching guests at the door. police believe the suspect went in through a back gate. police arrested four divers after they were spotted looting the shipwreck on the costa concordia. the men were all employees of the company that raised the ship off the side. they were caught red handed the suspects told the officers they were looking toer a few souvenirs and had no intention of taking anything expensive. john kerry will brief congress this week on the status of nuclear arms talks with iran. three-days of negotiations produced no deal for the nuclear enrichment. they will keep pressure on iran amid serious concerns on both sides of the aisle. we are not blind and stupid. we have a strong sense of how to measure whether or not we are acting in the interest of the country or the globe particularly in israel or gulf states or others in the region. he is optimistic a deal can be reached within the next few weeks. today we give thanks to those who have served in our country s litt military and at the white house the nation s oldest veteran will appear at the tomb of the unknown soldier. good morning, doug. our thoughts turn to veterans especially those who have given their lives in service to the country which means there will be a lot of focus on arlington national cemetery. the president will go there to visit the tomb of the unknowns to lay a wreath but he will also focus on a warld war 2 vet who has fwiquite a story of his own tell at 107 years old richard overton is believed to be the oldest living veteran of the war. he spoke to usa today about the meeting he will have with president obama at the white house. he will have reference he served in the 188th aviation engineer battalion part of an all black unit and saw combat in the pacific. he felt as though he had to serve. what has been his secret to a long productive life? he gave a hint to usa today saying it helps with a tablespoon of whiskey in his coffee each day and a dozen cigars a day as well. i am not sure that comes with the recommendation of his doctor. but it worked for him. doug luzader live from washington. thanks, doug. the obamacare rollout. it has been a disaster. faulty web site shths low si sign up rate. it goes on and on. debbie schultz says obamacare will be an asset for democrats in the 2014 mid term election. we believe democrats will win running on obamacare in 2014? i think because they reject the tea party extremism and want people to focus on create ing js and they build the benefits of obamacare. some red state democrats facing reelection prospect have become increasingly nervous since the rollout. last week president obama apologized to americans losing their healthcare coverage. despite this promise they could keep their existing plan. a miami dolphins player the center of the bullying scandal gives his side of the story. ritchie incognito was suspended indefinitely by the team in the wake of the allegation he bullied jonathan martin. the weeks before allegations started flying martin sent him a text message saying, he, martin, would murder incognito s whole family. incognito says he knew the text was the joke and it is just part of the football culture. what i want people to know is the way jonathan and the rest of the offensive line how we communicate it s vulgar. it s not right. when the words are put into context i understand why a lot of eyebrows get raised people don t know how john and i communicate to one another. martin is expected to bheet wi meet with nfl investigators. tom cruise compares him being away from his daughter shooting a movie to soldiers being away. cruise s layer says unpublished sections of the same document paint a clearer picture. he was asked do you believe the situations acting and fighting in a war are the same. he tells tnt cruise replied, oh, come on. in honor to those who fought for our freedom andrew cuomo signed a bill that would give families the fallen soldiers the flag at half staff to honor the memory and their courage. the bill was named after colonel todd clark killed in afghanistan on june 8th. it has been blustery and chilly all across the country. but it could get even colder in some parts of the north. some areas with temperatures 10-20 degrees below average. wow. that s cold. for the first degree weather update let s check in on maria molina live on the u.s.s. new york on this veteran s day. we are aboard the u.s.s. new york which is an active war ship in the u.s. navy, and specifically we are located in pier 88. this is along the hudson river in manhattan new york. people can come aboard the ship today and visit until 4:00 p.m. eastern time. it is only open for today. come on out if you are in manhattan and you would like to take a look he it ship. this is an active war ship in the u.s. navy. we are in the well deck of the ship. you can see behind me several military members and also some equipment that is used to fight several wars. otherwise i do also want to mention the ship was named at the after the tragic events on 9-11 after those who per michiganed. 700 tons of steel from the world trade center is used in the bow of this ship. just like i mentioned we have very cold temperatures across parts of the great lakes parts of the upper midwest well below average and even some snow flying around across parts of the great lakes. heather and ainsley as far as accumulation goes with the snowfall several inches are possible. when we talk about lake-effect snow we are not talking about a blockbuster event. many of the people are used to the amount of snow 3-5 inches of snow. let s head over to you. okay. thank you so much. it is now 4 1 minutes after the hour. a big change in security. european airports set to lift the ban on liquid. could the u.s. be next? we all know makeup can transform your looks. could it also change how people feel about you? the surprising effect that lipsticks can have. as we take a break we look at some of the pictures honoring veterans these days. please send them to us on facebook, twitter, instagram and e-mail. wisest kid, am i forgetting something? no holiday s complete without campbell s green bean casserole. wish you were here. [ doorbell ] [ gasps ] [ gong ] [ wisest kid ] m m! m m! good! afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it s earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa s commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. target is in sight. yes, dad, i see him. now pour some chloroform into a white rag and.. no. hi. i unrstand you re looking for a hotel with a pool. with priceline express deals, you can save big and get exactly what you need. do i have to bid? use the stun gun. he s giving you lip. no! he s just asking a question. no bidding. awesome. get the grappling hook to. dad, i. no? ok. it will be used to create beaches for campers and sandbars and protect archaeological sites. the amount of water used is equivalent to filling a football field size pole. is it the ban on liquids like t likely to change here? diane mass is heed tcedo joins . they can test the liquid passengers bring on the planes. don t te the device developed by an ohio company uses are radio vehiclesy and an ult sonic pulse whether they have explosive capabilities. will it cape out in time for the lift on liquid bans which is set to kickoff? january. while the paper reports u.s. transportation officials are exploring technologies for liquid screening the tsa says in a statement liquid explosives are a serious threat and not ready to move away from the ban on liquids. heathrow is expected to start with medicine and duty free stuff bought at the airport. phase in other liquids gels and aerosols within about a year. it takes 2-5 second per container. it will be interesting on how much extra time it adds to the screening process and if passengers think it is worth the tradeoff or not. you will have to keep track of it and let us know what they think. now you can change people s perception of yourself just by wearing a little makeup. a french neuroswer scientist sa imperfections effects the brain. those who wore makeup were seen as more likeable trust worthy attractive and competent. even women with thicker makeup were thought to be more attractive and competent than those wearing nothing at all. 47 minutes after the top of the hour. you want a brighter baby? you have to work for it. what you have to do before your child is born to boost the brain. giving a voice to children of our fallen heros. we will go inside gold star children. first time to check in with brian kilmeade to see what s coming up on fox & friends. welcome to a brand new week. we have a big show planned in 13 minutes. we are honoring heros on veteran s day. the band were west point performing life. we go on deck of the u.s.s. new york. bret baier live at 8:00 and 7:00 eastern time donald trump. all of the news out of washington including the latest attempts to fix obamacare. he wowed americans at the world series now navy petty officer first class wilson singing right here on fox and friends. the update on typhoon the latest on the rescue p and recovery efforts all marines leading the charge all coming up on fox & friends. today is veterans day and a very special documentary is premiering tonight honoring children who have lost their parents in war. it is based on an organization called gold star children. it links kids who recently lost a parent in iraq or afghanistan with an adult who lost their parent years ago in vietnam. one woman, jennifer denard whose father died 40 years ago connects with teenager sierra becker who lost her dad staff sergeant shane becker in iraq when she was seven years old. i had the pleasure to sit down with 14-year-old sierra as she shared her story. the hardest thing for me to face is that he s not here anymore and my sister didn t get to know him. it s a reality for the 4,600 gold star children. we spoke with the founder of the organization and director and producer of the documentary. smitty also is a gold star child who lost her dad the day she was born. it wasn t something children were allowed to talk about. there was a lot of discourse and angst about the situation and the children got the message to not talk about it. she founded gold star children so the children could talk about their loss and heal together. the documentary airs tonight on the pentagon channel. a young deer walks around with an arrow in his head for a week. a new jersey wildlife official removed the arrow saturday while the animal was trafrpbg lied. they tranquilized. they say the deer must have been shot by a hunter. after a short recovery the deer was released back into the wild. new research claims that women who exercise during pregnancy boost the brain development of their newborn baby. a baby s brain they showed more mature patterns of activity when their mothers exercised at least three times a week. the findings are the first from a random controlled trial that a pregnant mother s exercise routine could have an impact on her baby s brain. it is six minutes till the top of the hour. a sting operation to get to the bottom of strange things happening outside a house. new evidence reveals when the culprit is caught on camera. miley cyrus is caught on camera again this time for smoking pot on stage at an awards show. publicity stunt or cry for help? we re airing your comments next. more of your pictures celebrating our veterans. keep sending them to us on facebook, twitter, instagram and e-mail. thrusters at 30%! i can t get her to warp. losing thrusters. i need more power. give me more power! [ mainframe ] located. ge deep-sea fuel technology. a 50,000-pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extreme conditions. our current situation seems rather extreme. why can t we maximize our. ready. brilliant. let s get out of here. warp speed. [announcer] .every wish for a wabed that could feel perfect under every part of your body. [man]ask me about our tempur-pedic. [announcer] they re sleeping on the newest tempur-pedic bed. the new tempur choice. [man]two remotes. [announcer] firmness settings for the head,legs,and back. these real owners get that famous tempur-pedic comfort how they like it. [woman]ask me about the lumbar button. [man]lumbar button [woman]lumbar [announcer] tempur-pedic.the most highly recommended bed in america. now the fun begins! it means trying something new. [ woman ] that uncertainty of what to come. it is about three minutes till the top of the hour. before you leave the house here s what s happening. typhoon haiyan continues to pummel the philippines. as many as 10,000 people feared dead. video shows the trail of devastation left behind. houses and buildings leveled. prepared grilled chicken salads being recalled sold in store chains like trader joe s and whole foods. american s oldest veteran will receive a hero s ceremony at the white house today. time to look at the good, the bad, and the ugly. first the good. an incredible shot. nothing but net. look at that. next the bad. a hungry bear picks a florida family s house to find some snacks. caught on surveillance video the bear is seen destroying the family s trash can before leaving through the backyard gate. finally the ugly, what happens in vague no longer stays in las vegas. the city installing new lights that records your conversation. many residents worry this is another attempt by authorities to invade their privacy. now it s time for your brew on question of the day responses. earlier in the show we were telling you about miley cyrus, her latest controversy smoking a joint on stage at the mtv europe video awards. we want to know is this a publicity stunt or a real cry for help. bill e-mails saying regardless whether it is publicity or a cry for help i m sickened my daughter loves hannah montana. i would like to give her a swift kick in the pants assuming she was wearing any. everything she is doing is a publicity stunt. obviously she is working. she is in the news every day. and thanks to everyone who responded. have a great day. thanks to all you veterans out there for your sacrifices. fox & friends starts now. bye. good morning. it is monday, november 11. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. 10,000 people are feared dead after a typhoon in the philippines. -l this morning u.s. troops are on the ground henning piece together the damage. where is the storm headed next? stay here for details. days after a second-term winner, new jersey governor chris christie goes on an all-out media blitz slamming the obamacare debacle. anybody who has run anything in their lives could see this coming a mile away. more on the jersey governor s advice for the white house. like they ll listen. miley cyrus

Vietnam , Republic-of , Kazakhstan , Alabama , United-states , Arlington , Texas , Haiyan , Yunnan , China , California , Washington

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20131109

and shocking statements from tom cruz igniting a firestorm of controversy. he says being an actor on a film is as hard as being a soldier on tour in afghanistan. hmmm. really? fox & friends begins right now. hey, this is joe biden and you re watching fox & friends. and we re all friends among. thank you so much, joe. did you see, i don t know even know what the segment is, but there was a naked man down the hall. very inappropriate. you never know wa you re going to find on fox & friends. here, unbelievable setup we ve got. first, we ve got some headlines. we ll get right to that. overnight, a security breach at the seattle washington airport. police say a man believed to be on drugs crashed through airport security. then ran away and somehow ended up on an american airlines plane. he was taken into custody after putting up a fight with police officers and tsa agents. he is now facing several charges. also happening while you were sleeping, a jury finds a utah doctor guilty of killing his wife. we tell jury having reviewed the evidence and testimony in the case find the defendant of count one murder guilty. and to count two, obstruction of justice, guilty dated this 9th day of november. family of michelle macneill crying out in the courtroom as the guilty verdict is read. it took 1 is hours for jurors to convict martin macneill of drowning his wife in the bathroom. prosecutors alleged he knocked his wife out with drugs after having cosmetic surgery, put her in the bathroom and held her head under the water. the motive? a mistress he was seeing on the side. macne will i l faces life in prison. and a georgia has now indicted 11 bikers relate to the road rage assault case. charges include gang assault and criminal miss which i hachief. they are still looking for more people in that attack. the skylight afire in one world trade center building is lighting up the sky with red, white and blue. the light can be seen up to 50 miles away. those are your headlines. we have a clear sky this morning. you can see it coming across the water. cleanup efforts under way in the philippines after typhoon haiyan decimated the country. reports are more than 100 people are dead, another 1100 are injured after one of the strongest storms on record slamming into the island. winds reaching up to 150 miles per hour and nearly 800,000 people were evacuated, many of them already living in makeshift shelters after a major earthquake last month. rick. that earthquake was very close to that exact same area just about three weeks ago, so unfortunately a lot of people not in stable housing yet. this was the strongest landfalling typhoon hurricane we ve seen anywhere on the planet. the one prior to that was hurricane camille, a 190-mile-per-hour storm back in 1969. take a look at the storm and what happens with this at the center. you talk about that eye of the hurricane. this is it, and incredibly well defined, cutting in here through an area that has about 3.5 million people. that town right there you see, tacloban, that s a town where there are now just in the last couple of hours a report of over 100 bodies lying in the streets. most of these towns have been completely cut off from communication and that s just one of the first reports that we ve seen come in here. so there s a lot of fear that the death toll is going to rise dramatically once communication is reestablished and once people are able to get into all these islands. it s a chair in a series of a bunch of small islands, so it s difficult to get in and get information out of that. they re still dealing with the storm. a category 3 type storm. it s going to hit vietnam sometime tomorrow. we re going to talk about a lot of area in that. it s going to hug the coastlines. potentially a big flooding and life threatening situation again as the strong continues. guys. thanks, rick. thanks a lot, rick. the president gave something of an apology the other day, at least something that go ahead look like an apology. but did he have just tell another lie while apology guising for the first lie? president obama claims it s just 5% of people that are at risk of losing their health insurance. but his administration predicted in 2010 that as many as 60% of large companies and 80% of small businesses would be forced to give up the plan they like because of obama care. if you missed the president s apology on thursday, take a listen to what he had to say. we ll dive more deeply into these numbers. listen. first of all, i meant what i said and we worked hard to try to make sure that we implemented this properly. but, obviously, we didn t do a good enough job, and i regret that. we re talking about 5% of the population who are in what s called the individual market. they re out there buying health insurance on their own. so the news agency broke down these numbers. it turns out it s not just 5%. would be over 41 million people, which breaks down to about 17% of the population. karl rove, numbers man himself, did he see what he said about this? it wasn t a good apology. you do not apologyize for a lie by telling another lie. the affordable care act was designed in a way that meant that people were going to lose their coverage. in december of 2009, the congressional budget office estimated between 7 million and 8 million people would lose their coverage in a public letter sent to the majority leader of the united states senate, harry reid. should be in march of 2010, in a letter sent by the cbo to nancy pelosi updating their estimate, they repeated that they thought that a minimum of 7 million to 8 million people would lose their coverage. in april the health and human services department said, no, no, it s going to be 14 million. there have been a whole series of reports since then that have said no, no, the estimate from the group of 17 million, from the american action network of 35 million, from the national center of policy analysis, 1 00 million. and why? because the law is designed in a way that says if you have a policy that does not meet higher standards, more benefits and these exacting requirements, it has to be canceled. so basically, karl rove there saying covering up one lie with another lie and we have the paper trial to prove it. 2014 is right around the corner. i imagine you re going to start to see some democrats saying, wait a minute, mr. president, you are backing us into a corner with this. if you remember back in 2008 when people were really upset with the way things were going and started voting with their wallets, similar to what s going on with this, what did they do? they went into the voting booth and it had ripple effects across the country. you ve got about a dozen or so incumbents in the senate who voted for obama care and many are not only backing away from it, they re demanding that people like can keep their insurance. the problem is implementation. the president says we didn t implement it right. no, the problem is the bill itself in that it requires healthy people and young people to subsidize people who are unhealthy. that s the basic problem with it. and if we re going to crunch the numbers later in the show, because some of the people that have signed up, it s ridiculous, the number of people who have signed up in north carolina. the young people, though, are not signing up at all right now. it s the older folks who are signing up. maybe they re hoping the young people are procrastinating like they wait until the last minute like they do a paper in college. they re not signing up. well, think of it this way. washington, d.c. is the most democratic place in the united states. 94% for obama, the first time roughly the same in the mid 90s. how many people signed up for oh bam in ma care in washington, d.c.? any idea? five. five people in the most democratic place in the country just tells you the dogs aren t eating the dog food. this is not an appealing program for ordinary people, even for people who love obamobama. did you hear about this y? tom cruise, he s working right now, he s been kind of quiet over the past couple of years, trying to rebuild his career after the falling out of katie holmes, the scientology, remember him jumping on the couch on oprah s set. he s been trying to rebuild his career when we get word of some back .forth discussions with lawyers in a sealed court case. remember, he was furious about being defamed by in touch magazine and eye life & style magazine because they said he was basically ignoring his daughter. so he went after them with this $50 million defamation lawsuit. now we re get something startling conversations that came out of those meetings. apparently the top gun actor is saying he was respond to go a lawyer s question when he was comparing the extended time away from his daughter, suri, with a soldier in afghanistan. that s what it feels like, cruise responded. now his attorney is coming back and saying the assertion that tom cruise likened maybicing a movie to being in war in afghanistan is a gross distortion of the record. lawyer burt fields e-mailed the statement was tom said laughingly is that sometimes that s what it feels like. oh, so laughingly makes it better when these folks are at home just hoping that bullets intended for their heads and bombs are not going off and this is what happens when nobody tells the truth. you see this with the president and actors and people who are always sucking up to you. you wind up with a grotesque sense of your own importance and totally isolated from reality. i m just like a soldier. i m like a member of s.e.a.l. team six away from my own family. i ve got my own trailer, it s difficult for me because i can t get the m&ms i wanted. and then you meet a veteran like we had on last week who had part of his leg shot off, had part of his hand shot off, had part of his face and reconstructive surgery sitting right here on the kuch, a remarkable man, one of the most humble people you d ever meet to see something like that. what was your message be this morning to tom cruise? on our facebook page, what message would you have? was it taken out of context or was it totally in context? sign up for obama care and you could be setting yourself up for identity theft. even worse, the government may have known this was a possibility all along. and you still need to on pick up your thanksgiving bird? really? do we have to do that already? oh. make it a tipsy turkey. we re going to meet the farmer who is feeding his foul beer. what? yeah. thirsty turkey. farmer: hello, i m an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we re going to go find it. it s out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we d really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? life with crohn s disease ois a daily game of what if s . what if my abdominal pain and cramps end our night before it even starts? what if i eat the wrong thing? what if? what if i suddenly have to go? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you re not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to connect with a patient advocate from abbvie for one-to-one support and education. if you sign up for obama care, you could be exposing yourself to identity thieves. that s because of a new document that shows state insurance depends are able to security security when they launch. good morning to you. good morning to you. basically, we re starting to see documents that say the website isn t ready security wise, but let s go ahead with it. i spoke with cms yesterday and they declined to comment on the state side of things. what they did tell me that the federal exchanges and the data hub are compliant with national security standards and that they have done independent assessment and security is an ongoing concern for them. i spoke to a source on the matter on the state exchange side and they said this is really a state by state, case by case analysis. so they ve done internal security analysis and they do have reach plans in place in case something were to happen as far as hackers were concerned, and that these independent assessments have to be done and it s up to the state to have them done. so on they have until march 31st to complete these. the exchange launched on october on 1st. so if you enroll in the intrimt, it s possible you could be putting yourself at risk. and there s an indication people have put their data at risk. this is an ongoing issue here. they could have concerned on the data security side of things. is this legal? i spoke to analysts yesterday and they said calling it illegal is kind of touchy. it s not smart is what they said because if hackers were to get ahold of your information, obama care is a huge high profile hack. we put our security at risk all the time, but if a hacker were to get ahold of something and hack into the obama care exchange, that s a huge win on the hacker side. big companies with a lot at stake, personal data banks, for example, spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year protecting themselves from hackers because they re at risk for it. and yet it seems like the obama care site launched without real concern about that. exactly. we saw earlier this week when kathleen sebelius testified that navigators weren t necessarily given background checks. she said it could be possible for an excon to be operating as a navigator. so that s another concern for consumers here. you have to be careful when you re signing up, be aware that your personal information could be at risk and keep an eye on your social security numbers, your date of birth, your social security number, your name, they re home free. katie, this is mind boggling for a lot of people at home going, you know what? for the job that i had, i had to have a background check. we have a kwoek from hhs and the privacy of security and consumer information is a top priority for us. when consumers fill out their online application information, they can trust that the information they are providing is protected by stringent security standards. but haven t we heard reports for some people coming out saying just the opposite? yeah. people are saying their information has been compromised, put at risk. so you definitely need to sign up for those alerts, make sure ta you are keeping track of your credit card information, your social security, see if anybody if opening up credit cards in your name, using your identity for different, unvafry information. you have to take it upon yourself to be smart because it looks like some things are falling through the crack here. it certainly does. a shrink telling a custody judge a father is an unfit parent because he wouldn t take his son to mcdonald s. now, that father is suing. does he have a case? we have a legal debate, coming up. and then before you sign that next e-mail with a best wishes or sincerely, it turns out your e-mail signature says a whole lot about you. if you re coming across mean or even too friendly? we ll dive into that. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie s list, i don t know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie s list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie s list. join today at stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum. new from philips sonicare. how do you react when you first see this? it looks kind of like a dancer? reality check: some 4g lte coverage maps don t really look like maps. seems like maybe. a bunch of berries. this one feels more empty. what do you see here? clearly a picture of thunited states. check the map. verizon s superfast 4g lte is the most relile, and in more places than any other 4g network. i should switch to verizon immediately. that s powerful. verizon. the lg g2: featuring an intuitive rear-key design and 13-megapixel camera. see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn t usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i ll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don t like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you. that s health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. welcome back. here s the quick headlines for you now. miami dolphins tackle jonathan martin will meet with nfl officials next week to talk about his allegations of being harassed in the workplace. the player endured daily bullying that went far beyond locker room hazing. and ford is recalling ram trucks because of a steering rod issue. it sounds like something most parents would applaud, a father stands his ground and refuses to take his 4-year-old son to mcdonald s after a temper tantr tantrum, but a psychiatrist told the judge that decision made him an unfit parent and now that father is suing the shrink for defamation. for a fair and balanced debate, we are joined by defense attorneys anna spillbore and deazo. you say this father should be outraged. why? he should be outraged and he should get a trophy. why do we need a court appointed shrink to decide how to time share this 4-year-old little boy because he wanted to get to mcdonald s and the father put the cabosh on that? that is ridiculous. if a parent can t make a decision about where a child is going to eat, we should move. if he s not feeding the child at all, then maybe he s an unfit parent. but to say you re not going to get a happy meal today, timmy, that s not an unfit parent. to be clear about this, he did say normally i take my kid to the corner cafe on third avenue. he said we can go anywhere but mcdonald s or you re not eating dinner. then what ends up happening is the mom takes the kid to mcdonald s after throwing the temper tantrum. it may be bad, but you re saying there s no grounds to sue. definitely no grounds to sue. this is a court appointed evaluator. this child, maybe it s mcdonald s, maybe deprived a happy meal.but this isn t one decision that is being based by the evaluator to the court. this is a compilation of decisions. they have to interview parents, they have to interview significant collateral people in the child s life. and probably what really you re seeing is you re seeing a pattern of withholding. a lot of times we see parents withholding things from children in matters like this, really, to get back at the other parent. okay. so something else is going on here. and this guy, he s a manhattan father, degrees from nyu he s a lawyer, yeah. so he at least has a lot going on. what is his defense going to be with this? well, he s suing for defamation, which it s going to fall flat because this is a court proceeding. you can t really go there with a court proceeding. but he s going to have to say in the judge in this custody battle, she s a quack. don t listen to her opinion. he can go .hire his own shrink to re-evaluate things and then a judge is going to say, which one am i going to believe? but at the end of the day, you hit on something more important. always love your children more than you hate your ex. what s really going on is a power play between these two parents over this little boy and that s the sad part, but that s lady courts. thank you very much, ladies. that dad, man, it seems like he was trying to do a good job. 27 minutes after the hour now. coming up on fox & friends, a student body president at a christian university makes a shocking admission. he s an atheist. wait until you hear what was said about that. plus, wine being made in the ocean? using that process, does it match up? we find out next. avo: the volkswagen sign then ive sales event is bk. which means it s never been easier tget a new passat, awarded j.d. power s most appealing midsize car, two years in a row. and right noyou can drive one home for practicallyust your signature. get zero due at signing, zero dn, payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends december 2nd. for details, visit today no longer in uniform,. but still serving. on the job and in our communities. whose dedication and commitment to excellence continues. in every mission, whatever it may be. affecting our lives every day. for your continued service, we salute you. this message of appreciation to our nations veterans is brought to you by paralyzed veterans of america and unitedhealth group. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we ve added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we re sharing what we ve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness. .from the stevia leaf. [ camera shutter clicks ] now, that s cardworthy. [ n ] all right. here we go. cardworthy. [ female announcer ] this holiday season, visit for all your cardworthy moments. for the first time in more than 30 years, butterball is hiring men to answer questions on its thanksgiving hot line. it used to be women, now it s men. for the most competent advice, call dominos. my brother-in-law deep fries the turkey. he goes out, he has the big rubber gloves on. i think a lot of men cook the turkey. he deep fries outside? i thought you were supposed to do that inside. no. it s a fire hazard. it s too cold outside. this year, we decided to deep fry it in our living room. wonder why the house caught on fire. we do two turkeys. my mom does one and then my dad deep fries one outside. he burns it usually so we have to have the extra with the stuffing. do you guys use that google e-mail service? it turns out a new study shows the way people have set signatures when they sign off, if you just prepopulate it, when you re e-mail signature says says a lot about you and your personality, actually. what are some of them? regards, come ra, the pros and cons. formality gives you a professional feeling, a blank slate says this study, but some may find regards cold. i think regards sounds like a british way to sign off. yeah, it does. here is another one. best. it s like this is not much of an effort, right, if you just write best. pros and cons, can sometimes feel abrupt, but good for anyone from acquaintances to strangers to bosses. sincerely. that s the one i remember to write in cursive in third grade. pros and cons. ubiquitous, emily post calls it the best end to go a formal social note. i m suspicious. anytime you announce your sincerity, i have doubts about it. how could you read that much into well, whatever. i cover politics. whenever i hear a politician saying, honestly, you re lying. and then when you just write your name, it says, i have no time for nonsense. i don t want to waste your time for nonsense or i m too indecisive to think about a proper signoff. how many e-mails do you think we send around here on fox? hundred necessary a day, probably. when i first got here, i used to write thanks, exclamation point and then my name. and i got tired of doing it. just prepopulate it. it s always there, you never have to type it. it just exists on your slate. so do you put your phone number at the bottom of it, too, and all that? oh, no, no. but these are the ones that are prepopulated. cheers. i used to write cheers a lot. it s friendly, but makes it sound like you need a drink. i don t use that any more. now i just use thanks, which apparently is better than thank you, according to this report. how do you sign off in your e-mail? there you go. first, we need to get to some headlines, as well. the family of a woman killed during a mass shooting at the washington navy yard is suing the government for $37.5 million. mary knight s family says red flags about the killer s mental health were ignored. it was picked up by the newark rhode island police and they saw that he was delusional and crazy and hearing voices. and so they faxed to the navy the report of this delusional crazy man. what did the navy do? well, they took a look at it. they just blew it off. knight was one of 12 people killed by aaron alexis on september the 16th. the student body president at a christian university in oregon makes a shocking admission. he s an atheist. eric brahm surprised classmates at northwest christian university by revealing to the newspaper that he does not believe in god. school officials say they wish he was a christian man, but praised brahm for his character. the 21-year-old says he enrolled at the university despite his religious doubts because of its strong communications program. a machete wielding robber chases men through a parking lot demanding money. first he droep bif the two victims in a car. minutes later, he showed up with the machete. the guy looks like he s just waiting out there, sees these people, desperate for money. they tell him he doesn t have money. he thought he lied to them. then they realized they didn t have money so he walks them with his machete. the would-be robber is still on the run. call it marinating your turkey from the inside out. a farmer in new hampshire is feeding his turkeys beer which he says will make them taste better on your thanksgiving table. he says he discovered it by accident when he spilled a beer and the turkeys gobbled it up. dude, i told you, she s moved on and so should you. so go ahead get yourself a beer and forget about it. ladies, last call. you don t have to go home, but you can t stay here. these animals aren t the first to love beer. some japanese farmers are said to feed it to their cows. why not? they eat grain. beer is grain, right? let s check in with rick now, an expert. yes. just a little putter down the line. it might help them with what s about to happen to them, as well. here s your temps as you re waking up across the country. cool apart parts of the northeast, coolish across the northern rockies. but get ready. it s all about to change. there s very cold air on the way for all of us. right now, we have a little bit of lake-effect snow showers, some light rain across parts of the deep south. but this is the next storm bringing more lake-effect snow tomorrow across the great lakes. this morning bringing snow across parts of minnesota, in towards the u.p. of michigan. most of this is light. the west coast, you re looking fine. what we are about to see is big changes in our temperatures. go forward to monday as you take a look at fargo, 22 degrees for yao high temperature. and this air moves across the east coast over the next couple of days. atlanta, by the time you get to wednesday, looking at temperatures in the 40s. 40s for pretty much everybody. 40s, is it wine time, tucker? 40 degrees, you want to drink some wine? i think that s the right temperature, but it turns out we have someone with the answer. people who have gone to great depths to make the perfect wine. they ve submerged bottles at the bottom of the sea. now, mirror wine is the first winery in america to age wine in the ocean. joining us now to share their story are jim dike, the president of mira winery and david gonzalez. this is an incredible concept of taeg your wine and putting it at the bottom of the sea to age. it started with fantastic grapes from napa valley, the best in the world. an exceptional winemaker. and then we tried to play with the process and thought sucking wine has been extremely successful. we thought charleston harbor, wine, impact of the motion, the light. the people who have had it say it is the best. what is the effect of saltwater and motion on that aging process. we found the wine evolved more, it tasted much more open and broad and the flavors come out sooner than they do than the wine that hasn t been in the ocean. we started with 48 for three months, four cases, really just to test the process. there was a difference in the land age wine and the ocean age wine. last wednesday before we started our seventh city tasting tour, we put down eight more cages. that s amazing. are you worried? here s the flute of on your labor, this wine, and you leave it in the ocean. are you worried some lobster men are going to pull it up? we had a little bit of crabs that made it their habitat. we weren t too concerned. the cool part to me is the way you guys package this. the if somebody purchases these, you get the land bottle and the ocean bottle? right. it s an xwirmt. you have to taste the ocean age versus the land age. ultimately what we learned is we may not able to improve our processes on land foraging. people question american innovation, but wine is the one place where we started with nothing and we are leading the world thanks to people like you. mira winery, you guys are the best. thank you. thank you. chaton, anna, toss it over to you. this is for us. keep your mitts off it. you have to stay tuned for this. it s been nearly 50 years since the assassination of jfk, but there are still many unanswered questions. coming up, we ll hear from a man who was one of three people hit that day and hurt. the others being jfk and governor conley. looking forward to that. and then, patriotic or in poor taste? these uniforms sparking a whole lot of controversy. some say these red stripes look like blood. here to set the record straight, the uniform creator and a wounded warrior. 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[ male announcer ] that s great, big world frieny. i d put these on a salad. these would be perfect for cookies. delicious and nutritious sunsweet, the amazing prune. on the table by not choosing the right medicare d plan. no one could have left this much money here. whoo-hoo-hoo! yet many seniors whoompare medicare d plans realize they can save hundreds of dollars. cvs/pharmacy wants to help you save on medicare expenses. talk to your cvs pacist, call, or go to to get your free, personalized plan comparison today. call, go online, or visit your local store today. i need a newn t investment pn. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. ishares core etfs are low-cost funds. so you can keep more of what you earn. get started with the new ishares core builder. design a personalized plan that can help you achieve your investment goals. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. medicare open enrollment. of year again. time to compare plans and costs. you don t have to make changes. buit never hurts to see if u can find bettoverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care la open enrollment ends december 7th. so now s the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare good morning. thanks for waking up with us. the owners of a bakery in kansas city made a bizarre early morning discovery. a guy in their ceiling. they don t know how long he was up there, but they called police and he was arrested for trespassing and property damage. and researchers discover a rare new species of shark by accident. it s called the carolina hammer head. it looks just like other hammer heads, but it s genetic makeup is completely different. the university of fish experts stumbled on the find while researching shark hubs in the base. 1963, the day begins with an excited welcome for president kennedy outside his ft. worth, texas, hotel. in nearby dallas, oswald is going to work with a hidden rifle. he kept it in ruth and michael payne s garage. the blanket looked like camping equipment. i think it never occurred to michael that there might be a gun. it is 8:45 central time. in less than four hours, president kennedy will be dead. that s a sneak preview of the special airing tonight, called 50 years of questions. the jfk assassination. one man who shares his story was a witness to what happened that day. in fact, he was injured by the same gunfire that may have killed president kennedy. the experience changed history. joining us now is james teague. he s the author of this excellent new book called lbj and the kennedy killing. james, nice to see you this morning. take us back, if you will, to that fateful afternoon as you re standing there and arrive on dealey plaza. what did you see? i didn t plan to see the president. i just innocently got stopped in traffic and got out of my car to see what was going on. and i hear the pop of the fire cracker and i was thinking, wa kind of idiot is doing fire crackers. and then there was the crack, crack of two rifle shots and something stings me. so something stings your face. and the sheriff interviews you, you re bleeding from your cheek because presumably you re hit from a bullet fragment of a piece of the curb below your feet. is that right? that s correct. and because of that shot, you and many investigators believe that there was another shooter that day, right? because the bullet fragment, the pieces that were embedded in that curb side were not the same as the bullet fragments found on the president. is that right? well, now, the interesting part is that the fbi covered up that shot for six months. and the warren commission announced on june the 5th of 64 they had already done their investigation, going to write the report. that s when i raised my hand and i said what about the missed shot? it turned out they called me to testify. and when i testified, they a problem. that s where they invented the magic bullet going through two men, which did not happen, an impossibility. so the magic bullet theory conveniently excludes you, another man standing by, who ends up get ago shot that hits his face. i understand also part of the curb, they removed the curb to do analysis. what happened to that piece of curb? it s setting in the national archives now. but from the time raised my hand on june the 4th, jim larrett was the man who wrote the story and went across the country on the curb. and when they reopened the warren commission. anyway, the curb is now sitting in the national archives. where that bullet hit the curb has been patched. it s been patched and they put chemicals over it so no one else could analyze it. very convenient. the point where the bullet hit is more like a mortar substance rather than concrete. you cover so much ground in your excellently researched book. among the areas, you spoke on madeleine brown and lyndon johnson. why was she so pivotal to this whole story? well, she started me off. i was proud of lyndon johnson being president. he was a texan, i was a texan. i m on a plane one day going to new york and the lady next to me, it turns out, is madeleine brown, lyndon johnson s mistress for 21 years. well, she told me the god awfulest story i d ever heard about him. and i really didn t believe it at that time until i started running into other people telling me the same stories. they were insiders to johnson. unbelievable. james, unfortunately we re out of time. i could talk to you all morning. can we cancel the rest of the show? you have to read the rest of it in his book. thanks so much, james, for joining us right now. he s already part of 50 years in question, it airs tonight at 9:00 eastern time. thank you so much, james, for waking up with us. i appreciate it. thank you. coming here on the show, keep your eyes up at the sky this weend. a defunct satellite the size of a chefry suburban is heading straight for earth. and patriotic report, these uniform res sparking a whole lot of controversy. some city s red stripes look like blood. here to set the record straight, themaker of that and a wounded warrior. both maxwell and ted have hail damage to their cars. ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he s on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about. with ted s now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on we are the thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we ve made our passions our life s work. we strive for the moments where we can say, i did it! we are entrepreneurs who started it all. with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we re here to help start yours. this week, northwestern university s football team showed off some specially worn uniforms meant to honor our veterans. but some critics say the uniforms look like the flag is streaked with blood. walker jones, grassroots at under armour and speak of the wounded warrior himself, thank you both very much. so explain this criticism. it s totally confusing to me. streaked with blood? we understand there s a group out there that has a difference of opinion and interpretation of the uniform than what was intended. wa i will say is that, you know, we take honoring our military very seriously, that burden, and we go through an extensive vetting process when we do that. both internally and with our partners when we do that. and through that process, we came one a pattern which is meant to symbolize a flag that has flown proudly abroad over harsh periods of time. and we think this design accurately portrays the sacrifices that these men and women make for us every day. at the end of the day, through all this press, both positive and negative, we feel like next week we have an opportunity to raise more awareness and more proceeds than any wounded warrior under-armour freedom game we ve ever done, which at the end of the day is the most important thing. it certainly is the most important thing. do you understand the criticism inspect i m baffled by it. i don t necessarily understand it. but i look at that and i think it s beautiful. i do, too. this surely understands what it s like and they are a proud partner of ourselves and everything that they do is xleemly ? tell us what they have done for you. oh, my god. everything. they re one of the best partners you can imagine for a nonprofit that serves this generation and their families. over 7,000 backpacks filled with comfort items. we deliver to the wounded at their bedside. they hired wounded warriors to put on job fairs. they ve raised millions of dollars all without the blink of an eye and not looking for any press or anyone else. they do it because it is the right thing to do. that is a powerful endorsement. that s a touching endorsement, actually. so are you plannin to make any changes? no, we re not. we stand by the design. we re a very patriotic company and we re in it to pay tribute to these heros. and, you know, we re a sports driven society and it provides a great platform to be able to honor these men and women that have paid tremendous sacrifices for us. so we forward to this opportunity next week and many opportunities down the road to continue to raise awareness and proceeds for i guess that is the one good thing about a controversy like this. it raises the profile of what you are doing. thank you very much. we appreciate it. thank you. want better insurance rates on the affordable care act? you may feed to get a divorce. the shocking slap in the face obama care delivers to married couples. and actor ash ton kutch eer says he knows what s wrong with our country. but the answer my surprise you. it s out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we d really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? the physical damage was pretty bad. the emotional toll was even worse. our daughter had nightmares. what that robber really took from us was our peace of mind. with adt, we got it back. 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(coffee be ng poured into a cup.) save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. good morning. it is saturday, the 9th of november, 2013. a fox news alert. while you were sleeping, a verdict is reached in the murder case of a utah doctor. we tell jury, having reviewed the evidence and testimony in the case, find the defendant as to court one murder so did the jury find him guilty of killing his own wife? the breaking details, ahead. and it s not what you d expect from an actor. there s, you know, an entitled an entitlement that is start to go emerge that i think is unhealthy for people and unhealthy for our country. so is the american dream dead? couples, we ll tell you which will make your marriage better if you break them. ahh. marriage counseling. fox & friends this morning hour two starts right now. if you like fox & friends, you will keep fox & friends. that is true. yes, it is. who was that, clayton? that was i don t know. somebody who knows our voice mixed together with president obama. welcome into fox & friends on a saturday morning. we need to get to your saturday morning headlines. overnooim night, a security breach at the seattle washington airport, police say a man believed to be on drugs crashed through airport security and then ran away and somehow ended up on an empty american airlines plane. he was taken into custody after putting up a fight with police officers and tsa agents. he is now facing several charges. also new overnight, a jury finds a utah doctor guilty of killing his wife. we tell jury having reviewed the evidence and testimony in the case find the defendant as to count one murder guilty. as to count two, obstruction of justice, guilty. dated this 9th day of november. thank you. please be seated. that s the family of the victim michelle macneill crying out in the courtroom as the guilty verdict is read. it took 11 hours to convict martin macneill of drowning his wife on in a bathtub. prosecutors argue he knocked his wife out with drugs after kos on mettic surgery and helped her into the bathtub and held her head under water. the motive? a mistress he was seeing on the side. sentencing is scheduled for january. mac neill is facing life in prison. is a nuclear weapons deal with iran in reach? top diplomates are working to scale down the program. here is what we know. the u.s. wants iran to limit its uranium enrichment. iran wants the world s biggest countries to losing economic sanctions. there is no deal in sight. benjamin netanyahu says he rejects the idea of an agreement. this is a bad deal. a very, very bad deal. it s the deal of the century for iran. it s a very dangerous and bad deal for peace in the international community. trying to ease tensions, president obama reached out to ben na minute netanyahu to assure them that he is committed to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. a satellite ran out of gas last month and has slowly been falling to earth. scientists say sometime between sunday and monday morning, the satellite will enter earth s atmosphere. they say it will break into pieces, the biggest ones likely landing in the ocean. we hope so. i hope so. remember that, rick, when we had taco bell? taco bell ended up putting that big target out in the ocean and if the target broke up, we would all get a free taco. i don t remember that. i wanted that dollar taco. gl. rick. i m not paying a dollar for a taco, a taco bell taco. this is, of course, that typhoon, the getting under way this morning. what do we know about where this is headed and what it s left in its wake. it s a scary situation. yesterday, there were reports of four fatalities and it seemed very low. now there s the town tacoban and there are reports now coming out of over 100 bodies in the streets. there s a lot of places that had been completely cut off from communication. it will take a while to get estimates of the some of the damage that was done. it s the third typhoon that hit the village this year. this one, if it verifies and likely it will, will be considered the strongest typhoon that has made landfall anywhere across the earth. the prior record was back in 1969. this is a look at the satellite image over the last 48 hours. now it s getting closer here. this went through a pretty populous area, about 3.5 million people right where the center of this went through and communications are completely cut off. guys, i have to tell you, i just looked at the models also and there are indications that there is another storm building wind this and will take the same path which would be really, really devastating. into the same area? yeah, into the same area. that s some of the indications coming up now. hoping that doesn t happen. let s turn our attention this morning to obama care and the numbers. we talked about this earlier in the show that we were going to break down and crunch some of these numbers for you when pressed at the podium a few weeks ago. jay carney was answering the questions as to how many people signed up because of the website in the first day, that only six people had signed up. now we re getting a better look at how this is spread out across the united states and in different states, specifically. yeah. we kept hearing we ll find out in mid november about everything. well, the number, according to a gallop poll that have gone to or attempted to go to the health exchange website since october the 1st, 18% of all uninsured adults who plan on or got insurance through an exchange and only five obama care signups we want to tell but going on in washington, d.c. and it s even worse in north carolina. one person has signed up for obama care in north carolina. who is that person? i don t know. but feel free to call into the show. the president himself in his semi apology the other day blames the implementation of obama care for these problems. but the truth is, the law itself isn t working. even if there were no glitches whatsoever, you still would have the same core problem, which is healthy people are not signing up to subsidize the unhealthy. and, you know, there s no getting around that. members of congress, by the way, atting surprised because they never read the bill before they voted for it. democrats running for re-election running away from it. but there s no running away from this. you voted for this bill. it has been wa, five weeks now? right. young people, your point about the structure of it, is that young people .i think they re just hoping that they re procrastinating like young people do. you wait to turn in that paper until the last mip, that they re suddenly going to start to sign up. it turns out the old people are the ones who may be starting to sign up. the young people are not. so more on that. but the president on a bit of a campaign yesterday to try to turn the attention back to the economy. let s stop talking about obama care, let s start talking about the economy because you got a better than expected jobs report yesterday. you see, we could have been doing so much better pointing the blame at those who have stalled the economy. listen to the president. we learned yesterday that over the summer our economy grew at its fastest pace in a year. that s the good news. the bad news is that the very day the economic quarter ended, some folks in washington decided to shut down the government and threaten to default on america s obligations for the first time in more than 200 years. and it s like the gears of our economy, every time they are just about to take off, suddenly somebody tab tap tess brakes and says, not so fast. so the most powerful man in the world is actually a victim. that s what he s saying. it s not my fault. five years in, more money spent trying to goose this economy through the stimulus, multiple stimulus packages than ever spent in american history and yet the economy isn t soaring because a small group of republicans are crazy. according to the stimulus. and we ve seen the shrinking workforce and we ve seen it in young people. you spent all of this money, you would expect an expanding workforce. so that s leaving many critics to say is this idea of the american dream one worked hard, you can earn a solid paycheck, is this idea of the american dream dead? lou dobbs last night had some interesting thoughts on this idea of the american dream. listen. i think that there is a very good case to be made that we are looking at the prospect of civil unrest. we are looking at a population of on americans that have never had to deal with the fact that 50% are living in poverty, that 50% of the folks out there, 50 million of the folks entitlements. are on food stamps. this isn t the american dream. lou dobbs brings up a big point to put it back on obama care, too, when many people are living paycheck to paycheck and then they realize how much more money their health care is going to be costing them double, triple sometimes what they were paying them before. but you could see them taking to the streets and the actually having civil unrest, just as you mentioned there and it s another problem associated with obama care, all these unintended consequences. well, and i think what he s talking about, there s some precedent for this over in europe. we saw what was happening on the streets of greece when you take entitlements away from people, people don t get upset. well, when mass intercedes, it s jarring for people because they ve been told, by the way by both parties, i hate to say is, that you re entitled to these programs. they re your birth right. we owe these to you. it s not true, but they ve been told by generations of politicians that you ve already earned this. and to take them away is a shock. right. and that s why, you know, it s called the third rail of politics. ashton kutcher, we bash hollywood because they so often live in a bubble. ashton seems to know what s going on. listen to what he says about our entitlement generation. i think that so much of what we see in the world today is this sort of propaganda machine around fame and around the celebrity and i actually think that there are some kids in the world that grow up today that think, when i grow up, i want to be famous instead of when i grow up, i want to do something, i want to create something, and there s an entitlement that is starting to emerge that i think is unhealthy for people and unhealthy for our country. maybe some of the steve jobs stuff wore off on him. did he really just say that on ellen? what did ellen say? i m not a big ellen viewer, but that s amazing. it s so right. it s the second time wheelchair heard him get on a soap box, though, and fought be the playboy from two and a half men and, dude, where s my car? he did that great commencement speech, too. and he said i never quit a job until i had another job. he was playing off the steve jobs movie that he played steve jobs. but, yeah, it s pretty shocking to see. i think we should book him. yeah. i ll tweet him right now. he s on social media. if you would. he has more twitter followers than anybody else. coming up here on the show, want better insurance rates understand the affordable care act? you may need to get a divorce. the shocking slap in the face delivered to married couples. it is saturday and yet brian is here. brian has all the juicy details from his fantastic new book. always has a book. ooh, homemade soup! yeah. 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and did the members of congress who voted for this bill understand that it included a disincentive to marrying? well, i think that people anticipated this and it s not surprising. if you look at our current tax code, if you look at social security, we find that marriage penalty happens very often. in the tax code, you know, if a single woman is working the same job as a working mow mother across the street, she s bringing home more money than that married working mother. similarly, we have the dual income tax in the social security system. this penalizes women who choose to work outside of the home and who are also married. so there s lots of snapses in which government is actually discouraging americans from creating that very stabilizing force. and i don t think it s terribly surprising why. well, it s grotesque. being married is the single most predictive factor in kids lives. if your parents are married, you re less likely to go to jail, more likely to go to college, less likely to be on drugs and drink. this is established. we know this. why in the world would they want to be discouraging marriage? i think you hit on the most important point. you and i are both married and have a pile of kids at home. but no longer is marriage being connected to that child rearing process. for democrats, who is their most important voting block? it is the unmarried women. why do you need a spouse when you can run into the comforting arms of the state. they can take care of everything from cradle to grave, early childhood education, your health care, your social security. so more .more, we are discouraging marriage and you re right, it has serious ramifications to in this society. yeah. i believe in political differences that, you know, don t get bitter. but in this case, you re destroying the country when you encourage this. yeah. it is bitter. sabrina, thanks for joining us this morning. thanks for having me. couples, forget the marriage rules you ve been told to follow all your lives. this morning, we ll tell you which ones mistake your marriage better from you break them, or so say some experts. plus, brian is here on a saturday. why? to spill the secrets of america s first known spies. a closer look at his terrific new book, coming up next. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we ve added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we re sharing what we ve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. good morning. george washington s secret six has been on sale for three days and it s soaring to the top seller list. the book details the secret six spies who would become the american revolution s most effective intelligence gathering operation. here to give us an inside look at the group is the author of george washington s secret six and fellow fox & friends host brian it s so weird to be her on a saturday when the sun is up. it s the only way to get brian to come in and do a show is to write a book. right. i had to do it. this subject has fascinated me for years. why did you decide to write about this secret spy ring? i don t think most americans had any idea about this. that s one of the roens. i found out about it in 89. i was relatively angry. this took place on long island and i never knew about it. think about the field trips i took to watch former radio city oregon on and know what dumb trips i could have went and saw what washington spies were laid out, where they went, what they were and what they did. and i thought, wow, if i could bring this to the forefront and write about it in a way that wasn t a niche audience. then i realize it new york was the center of the 13 colonies, new york was violates to whether we were going to win or not. and when i saw america had a thirst for this by looking at bill o reiley s book, killing lincoln, b and not only that, take the so-called costars, the major names around them, washington, hale, that was daunting. now we need to know who these six are. they are the every day man and the every day woman. you have a woman who is a socialite. we know her at agent 365. we ll have a definite idea of who the identity is. people are helping me around the country right now. i m getting e-mails from everywhere from rhode island to northern california with different theories on it. to crack the code. and for those of us audience who aren t familiar with what the code even is, what s the mystery point? great point. what happens is there is so much nervousness among the spies of not being caught, nathan gets hanged in two days. they know if they re caught, their families are wiped out by the british and they are killed on the spot. so washington, feeling responsibility, says, okay, i have this john jay guy to give us some invisible i happ visibv. you would have a number, you wouldn t have a name. so, for example, washington was 711. abraham the farmer was 712. robert townsend the dry goods owner was 714. so they had numbers. so even if you read the letters as washington preserved them, you can t understand what the heck they mean. so you would have to get the incredible inpotition. then when you read it, you still don t understand. the level of advancement they had at that time beyond things that we do now in counter intelligence in our cup. it absolutely is. what i did is i went to the spots and, you know, lauren said go to these spots, let people know they still exist today. robert townsend, the british took over his house. well b the house is still there today and it s mini museum. it s really nice. that s what it looks like. you can go in there right now and walk around and it s preserved the way it is. they also told me if i really wanted to do something, go into basement and dig around. they found robert towns yebd s papers along with spy letters in the attic which you can still open up today. then there s roast tavern. alston row was the owner. he would go 55 miles by horse. he s running a tavern, put someone else behind the bar and he would go to pick up supplies in the city. he had a cover story. that s the exact row tavern. they moved it three blocks away off the main road, but that s what it looks like. someone lives there today. what really motivated me to do is i wanted to give these guys and this woman who we believe we know who she is some credit they deserve. look at this grave site. this is robert townsend s grave. it s the original headstone. it s behind a barn, in between four houses. the townsend family is there, but that s what it looked like in 1933 when he passed away. here is the key spy that washington never met. he never wanted to meet washington after the war. he lived and died a nondescript life, but he did heroic things. this is so cool. and at the opening of the washington library in mt. vernon, i was able to put your book in the contemporary section and there it will sit. and it really seems like you are changing way the kids are going to be learning about history, you know, and it serm is adding a new list of characters to the cast. thank you. you told me when brad melzer came in and did a thing on history channel, that ignited in you. and in august, i showed the book to you and you were kind enough to jump on board and review it right away. are you kidding? donald rumsfeld and donald trump both love this book. right. it will be the trivia question of the day. brian, check it out. the book is out now. the most important question of the morning is can i get a free copy? absolutely. free significant. by the way, it s so odd to see my body as a man kin here on the week ynd. look at that. it s so weird. wait a second. am i on already? i saw that man kin before they had clothe on and they got some of it accurate. all right. brian killmy. very cool. coming up here on the show, shocking statements from tom cruise. he says being an actor on set away from your family is as hard as being a soldier on tour in afghanistan. our facebook question of the day this morning, what would you send to tom cruise? share your thoughts with us. plus, christmas might seem far away, but there is only a little over a month still to go. up next, stop in santa s wonderland. she s always had a playful side. and you love her for it. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you ready anytime the moment s right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical hel for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tonguer throat, or diffilty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. customer erin swenson ordebut they didn t fit.line customer s not happy, i m not happy. sales go down, i m not happy. merch comes back, i m not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i m happy. repeat customers, i m happy. sales go up, i m happy. i ordered another pair. i m happy. 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of course not. and no, apparently you re not supposed to because that will lead to more happiness if you don t know. but who would even consider doing something like that and torturing your spouse with details about a previous relationship? like, hey, i want to tell but the time i went out to dinner with to so-and-so. no, here s another one. never vacation without each other. seems like sometimes it s okay to have a guys fishing trip or a girl s weekend, get your nails done or something. once you have children, they come first. break that rule. if you put your children first, according to the study, then you ll be miserable. that sets a precedent, right, because the children believe they are the center of the universe and they should have your attention at all times. it s better so is, hey, we have a baby-sitter tonight. we love you, but mommy and daddy are going to have the most important thing to kids is the stability that comes from a happy marriage. they want their parent to be happy, period, and it makes them relaxed. even in adulthood, even after they go off to college or what have you, then what are the parents going to do? they ve poured everything into the kids. yeah. because if you put the kids first, then the marriage, you have problems because you haven t put the marriage first. it s a whole cycle, right, for the kids. here s another one on the list, you should never sleep in separate beds. now, i don t agree with this. i don t, either. you get married because you want to sleep next to your spouse. are there any circumstances where maybe you shouldn t snt if the person is six, if the person is a nurse and works weird hours or in television. i know some of our anchors here do that with your husband. i guess if you re getting up at 2:00 in the morning, but, you know, that s part of the deal, right? it s what you signed up for. it would hurt my feelings. physical affection is at the heart of a marriage. i agree. and this one is the last one. partners should think up their hobbies. does your wife go out and fly fish with you? she does not. smart move. i would love it if she did. or maybe once in a while it s okay, but you have to have your separate things. i don t think there s anything wrong with that. what sort of tips and tricks do you have for your success? do you agree with them? send them in and tweet us at fs weekend. we have some headlines to get up fop. he s facing felony charges and his attorney doesn t know why. joshua macaroni is the second man arrested and chargesed after three people were seriously hurt on the vortex ride at the north carolina state fair. now, macaroni s attorney is saying his client wasn t even there when the accident happened. he also says prosecutors have not provided enough evidence to support the charges. timothy tutterow is facing tellny charges for last month s accidents, accused of tampering with that ride. tucker. macaroni is being grilled. on this next story getting a lot of attention this morning, tom cruise under fire for saying his time away from his daughter while shooting a movie is just as hard as a soldier booel being away from his family while being in afghanistan. they report, quote, the top gun actor was respond to go a question compared the extended time he spent away from his daughter while film ago movie. that s what it feels like, cruise said. cruise s attorney responded with this statement, the assertions that tom cruise liked making a movie to being at war in afghanistan is a gross distortion of the record. what tom said is that laughing ly was that sometimes that s what it feels like. we asked you to comment on our facebook page. scott says, no more tom cruise movies. he s the new jane fonda in my book. it took them to put him over the edge, i guess. barbie is get ago makeover. mattel releasing a new version of the doll called violin expert barbie. more and more parents are turning to skills like playing a musical instrument. i guess it s better than nightclub barbie. i love it. barbie speaks mandarin and got in early to duke. hi highly achieving barbie. impressive. let s check in with rick who is outside with a look at the forecast. hi, guys. take a look at the weather map. we want to talk about a big storm on its way where a big blast of cold air. monday, there s cold air that is scattered across parts of canada. tuesday and wednesday, it dives down across much of the eastern seaboard. there is a potential for a bit of a snowstorm. one of the models we like has been showing the threat for snow. at sometimes times, it s been big snow. the other model we look at is much more offshore. i m leaning towards that solution. i don t think it will be a big snow efbt, but there will be people seeing snow for the first time. it s measurable snow wednesday across the east coast. get ready. today, it will get colder by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday. down to the southeast, we ll see mostly sunny skies, morning showers across parts of arkansas. that will begin to taper off. and a little bit oh snow that we re dealing with across the u.p. or michigan and out across areas of the west. it s mostly sunshine except for a few snow showers across parts of the northern rockies. so you know what time it is. it is hard to believe it is that time of year again. the countdown has begun for another christmas season with all the spending, gift giving that takes. it is a nice way to enjoy some free fun. sydney fryer is with bass pro shops. every time this happens, i think what? we have christmas happening here again? i happen. it s maybe early to some people, but at bass pro shops, we believe that christmas is a time for families to just get together and enjoy some good, old fashioned fun. that s exactly what santa s wonderland is all about. santa s wonderland official a at bass pro shops begins today. it begins today. we start off things with a grand wagon ceremony and, of course, a visit from santa himself. you can check out all the details at bass so one of the things you guys do is your kids can get pictures with santa claus. that s exactly right. there are tons of free activities. you can get free photos with this guy behind us and partake in lofts arcade games, free gifts and activities. hese crafts that we have going on here, as well. we have anna over here doing some of these crafts with the kids. she said look at my kids. i think the kids are decorating themselves, also. these weekly crafts are a huge success. every year, our families love and they are free, right? they are completely free. we do something different every week. this merry christmas wooden tree ornament is the craft we have this week. on this tree, you can see we have a delightful rain filled bag and a stuffed santa. check out the full list and schedule on our website. bass pro and, in other words, you want to get people there every week. exactly. well, and it s free so why not come week after week? this guy, i can t believe he s here. can you believe santa claus is here? sit on santa claus s lap. do you want to? santa is here all morning. much more coming up with these guys in the next hour. right now, we ll send it back in to you clayton and tucker. that s awesome. the bullying allegations against dolphins guard richie incogny toe heating up. was it all in good locker room fun? and our country is history than $17 trillion in debt. that s not stopping the government from sending our tax dollars on swag. the shocking amount they have wasted at the justice department. details, ahead. so if you have a flat tire, dead battery, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico s emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh. yeah, can you find a take where it s a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? 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[ female announcer ] it s known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactio or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor t away if you have these, new or worsening depron, or unusual chaes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effes are dizziness, sleess, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don t drink alcohol while taki lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having less pain it s a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it s specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of phyllis s story, visit and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we re going to go find it. it s out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we d really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? find out why over one milliusinesses have trusted legalzoom to hp them get started. when you re ready to open the doors to your business, wel have a personalized legal solution that s right r you. start your business today with legalzoom. hey there. quarter till the hour now. some quick headlines for you. the climb to glory, it needs a hand. the symbol of the army s mountain division is out of commission after being knocked over by high winds. officials say a giant tent set up for veterans day was dislo e dislodged and slammed into the 1800 pound statue. it is expected to be repaired within a week. and internal documents show the department of justice shares no expense or spares no expense for the annual attorney general awards ceremony. it indicates that eric holder spent more than $400,000 on fancy plaques and crystal statues for three ceremonies over a three-year period. and if you re wondering what movie to check out, we might have the answer for you. it s the highly anticipated film based on a best selling novel by the same name, the book thief. take a look. mama, they re coming. they re checking basements. if anyone saw him, they will take you away from me. should you watch it? we step into the spot like with michael who has all the details. i love this movie. dow? it is a fantastical alternative. it s the story ooh a young girl who has everything in life going against her, but she finds hope in escape, learns to read and write and transforms the lives of the people around her. it stars oscar winner jeffrey rush, newcomer sofia louise and emily watson who described the best script ever read. this is what she had to say about taking the part. i thought it was a fantastic story, a love letter, the power of words, i feel that words are my things. different gravy, as these for me, and i relished the idea of playing somebody unpleasant and unattractive. tell me about how this is different than any other nazi germany books and movies. it s from the point of view of the little girl. and just the average people in germany who are just trying to survive and get by. it s a little different. it s not really political. earlier in the week, it was screened by barbara bush hosted a special screening with her and the former president and three other friends. both of them found it to be incredible. she loved the idea that it was this older man teaching a young girl how to read. yeah. so speaking of reading, we all on twitter what you guys are reading and these are some of the responses. kim reads ning by karen russell. barbara says killing jesus and rereading killing kennedy, both recommended. and reading george washington s secret six. find me on twitter at fox. wow, we need charles s book on there. coming up here on the show, traditional locker room hazing or down right bullying. we re going to take a look at richie incognito and the surprising every day items in your home that could kill your dog. what every pet owner needs to know. we have the details, coming up. [ male announcer ] campbell s homestyle. mmm! this is delicious katie. it s not bad for canned soup, right? pfft! [ laughs ] you nearly had us there. canned soup. [ male announcer ] they just might think it s homemade. try campbell s homestyle soup. that s the sound of car insunce companies these days. here a cheap, there a cheap. everywhere a cheap. you get it. so what if instead ofjust a cheachoice, you could make a smart choice? like esurance for example they were born online and built to save people money from the beginning. that s what they ve always ne. not just somhing they.cheep about. that s insurance for the modern world. esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call. we re going to the dogs this morning. your dog could be one bite away from disaster. not talking about a bite talk. pet toxins lurking in just about every room. yeah. it s something we made it to be thinking about. it is. dr. heather lindzer sees cases of pet poisoning every day. she joins us as she often does. always great to have you here. great to be back. awesome dogs. aren t they great? this is amazing the number of poisons that we don t even recognize as poisons but that can be deadly. i know. it s not that people aren t good pet parents, they just don t know. yes. i learned this the hard way in vet school with jasper. my awesome dog. he s an awesome dog. he got into ibuprofen and tylenol and aleave in my purse. i left it in my purse. they re kanded coated kind of. they were. very often they re drawn to that. exactly, he was in icu for several days because he had serious stomach bleeding. a lot of people don t realize that. actually, alleve is even more toxic than ibuprofen or advil is. a quarter tablet of naproxen, the active ingredient in alleve, could kill a dog willie here, ten-pound dog. shocking. and grapes and raisins? i know. that s a relatively new one. about ten years ago, we learn good that. we don t know what the cause is. learned about that. we don t know what the cause is or what the toxic dose is. even a small amount of raisins and grapes can be a huge problem. my dog just doesn t like grapes. good. we keep them i m a mom. i keep raiseins in my purse. of course. that s an easy thing for them to get into. and sugar-free gum. a girlfriend of mine they okay? no, her dog ended up in like some type of they had to pump its stomach. yeah. we had to induce vomiting. the the sugar substitute is called xylatol, starts with an x. fine for us, but it can cause a dog s blood sugar to drop really low, cause liver failure. unbaked bread dough. isn t that cool? that actually you make your bread dough. you sit it on the counter to let it rise. if your dog gets into it, which is actually what lily did here, she came to my hospital. she ate about a coup of bread dough. and it expanded inside of her to fill about her whole stomach. we induced vomiting in her. but the cool sort of odd side effect is with bread dough? it produces ethanol or alcohol. and if we didn t treat her with a day of i.v. fluid, she could have had alcohol poisoning. wow. we ve heard about chocolate, but dark chocolate in particular? the worst is baking chocolate. and it s all about the percentage of cocoa or cacao in the chocolate. baking chocolate is 100%. and four ounces, a regular size chocolate bar of baking chocolate could kill jasper. and little lily here could have serious heart problems and seizures if she just ate an ounce of it. again, baking chocolate. not milk chocolate. unbelievable. not a little bit of chocolate chips or brownie. but just baking chocolate. just an ounce, a tiny bit. and daffodil bulbs? it s fall planting season. yeah. there s a toxin inside some bulbs especially daffodils and tulips, called an alkaloid. and it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. in larger amounts, it can cause liver failure. are there things we need to keep in mind during fall planting season? there s bonemeal. if you put bonemeal on top of your bulbs, it can it draws the dog to the bulbs, but if they eat too much of the bonemeal, it can clog their stomach. wow. yeah. things like antifreeze because we re doing stuff to our cars that s the worst. it s really sad. there s safer alternatives to the ethylene glycol antifreeze. some are made with propylene instead. call your veterinarian? call the aspca poison hot line. they re the gold standard. thank you very much. we ll get you a tick t tac, oka? coming up, the best reasons to keep more of your paycheck in your pockets. and tom cruise sparking outrage with his controversial comments comparing his job to a soldier in afghanistan. we ll let you weigh in. and governor mike huckabee up on deck. what s he doing there? save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. that isn t the least bit over thtop. it s thoughtful, considerate, well-planned. it s the best gift ever. nothing says happy holidays like the photos y love. create your personalized photo gifts on of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn t get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it s taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adultth type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which may be fatal. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if youtis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn t giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it s covered by most health plans. hey there, good morning. it is saturday, the 9th of november, 2013. we start with a fox news alert. while you were sleeping, a major security breach at a big airport. a man bolts past the tsa and into the dock at this time of an airplane. how into the cockpit of an airplane. how does that even happen? details coming your way. the president says he s sorry, sort of. during the apology, did he lie again? we ll play the tape and give you the facts and let you decide. and tom cruise says this is just like being in afghanistan. in the name of love pour some sugar on me similar. the actor under fire for comparing his career to the battlefield. governor mike huckabee standing by live with his reaction to that. fox and friends hour three starts right now. you re number-one cable news show in america. when you hear that, you know it s the case. it is the case. hour three. yeah. why is our set covered in dog hair? i know. covered in dogs just moments ago. we try and bring you a dog segment at least once a weekend. our favorite vet, heather lindzer, on. we needed to get a vacuum and lint roller like crazy out here. it s okay. a little dog hair s good for you. we ll go right to the news headlines on this sudden. we start with that alert. overnight, a breach at an airport. police say a man believed to be on drugs crashed through airport security, then ran away and somehow ended up on an empty american airlines plane. he was taken into custody after putting up a fight with police officers and tsa agents. he is now facing several charges. also new overnight, a jury finds a utah doctor guilty of killing his wife. the jury in the case finds the defendant as to count one, murder, guilty. as to count two, obstruction of justice, guilty. the family of the victim, michele macneill, crying out in the courtroom, you heard there, as the guilty verdict was read. took 1 hours for jurors to 11 hours for jurors to convict martin macneill of drowning his wife in a bathtub in 2007. prosecutors argued the defendant knocked his wife out with drugs after cosmetic surgery, then helped her into the bathtub, and held her head under water. the motive a mistress he was seeing on the side. sentencing is scheduled for january. he is sentenced to life in prison. this week s northwestern university football team unveiled special uniforms designed by under armor. uniforms were created to honor our veterans and raise money for the wounded warrior project. some critics say the uniforms look like the flag is streaked with blood. earlier we spoke with wounded warrior, staff sergeant daniel nevin, about the uniforms. we came up with a distress pattern that is meant to symbolize a flag that s flown harley over a period of time proudly over a period of time. we think this shows the sacrifice these men and women make every day. the double amputee, staff sergeant nevin, hopes the uniforms will help raise awareness and proceeds for the wounded warrior project. a gorgeous sight on the new york city skyline. the fire on top of one world trade center lighting up the sky for the first time in red, white, and blue, giving new yorkers a glimpse of their skyline. the new skyline, of course. it s packed with nearly 300 modeels, and lights can be seen from up to 50 miles away. looks like we had a nice, clear night for that. want to check in with rick now because cleanup efforts underway still in the philippines this morning from what an area decimated. do we have an idea yet of how bad this was there, sflik. yeah. new numbers are just coming in. now they re saying a thousand fatalities. the number s rising rapidly. yesterday they said four. we knew there were a number of communities that had been completely cut off from any communication. a lot of small islands there. and those slonislands, once communication is gone, you don t know. they weren t getting word out. they re saying at least a thousand. and a well-respected stormchaser that i know of here was there to document this storm. and he s saying from what he s seeing in the town he is, he s calling it mass casualties. so the the effects of this are getting much, much worse. the storm is now getting close in toward vietnam. we re still dealing with it. a category 3 strength storm. and it s going to continue to pull in and hug the coast of vietnam and impact a lot of people. i think we re going to be seeing possible casualties and a lot of very heavy rain. guys, i i just mentioned to you also that some of the models are indicating another storm. this right here is a track of haiyan. that s where it is now. look at what the models do the next couple of days. another storm, doesn t look as strong at this point, but early to say on what that would be. we re talking about tuesday time frame. another storm right here at the center, going right over the same path. so if you potentially have casualties lake this and these fatalities and the damage is done there, another hurricane-type storm, typhoon, going through there in four or five days from now, it would be devastating. all those people already displaced, too. rick s keeping an eye on that storm. as we keep our eye on washington this morning, governor huckabee joins us. nice to see you this morning, governor. good morning. the president, we ve been parsing, of course, the president s so-called apology the other day. when dive more deeply into some of the numbers, what is the president telling a bit of another lie? will he have to come out with another apology? what we re specifically talking about was the people he said, people who would not lose their health care plan. the 5% was the number. 5%. seems like we re learning that that s not the number at all that will la loose their healthe plan, what do you make of those words? it s not something that s a surprise. he said, we have no idea, they had good idea. the senator from wii e-mailing, in from wyoming, three years ago, predicted the numbers would be astronomical. that there would be tens of millions americans. ultimately there would be no private individual health care market because of the way that obama care is structured. frankly, i think a lot of us were saying four years ago, common sense says you can t add 30 million sick people into a system, no pre-existing condition exclusions, no annual or lifetime benefits and somehow make it less expensive. the only way actuarially to do that is you have to greatly raise the deductibles, raise the co-pays, increase the cost to the consumer, and protect the insurer. there s no way this can work. you have to force other people to pay for it because it student come from nowhere. you are see being a dozen democrats running for re-election in the senate, all of whom voted for obama care the first time. almost every one is saying, i can t believe this! well, are they allowed to get away with that? no. they should go home and re-enroll in the seventh grade math course. this was not so difficult to see coming. i honestly said even four years ago when they were talking about, it look, this is like saying you can buy a car insurance for a car that s been totaled the day after it got totaled. obviously, you could create a policy like that, but who could afford it? how much longer can the president continue to, as some are saying, cover up lies with more lies? i meteorologist at some point, is he going to have to say, maybe we should wait, maybe we should delay this at least somewhat? i hope the republicans don t say that s okay because the problem with the delay is that it gets you past the 2014 election. right. it lets the democrats pretend that there s not a problem. there is a problem. i think they ve got one of two options fully implement it immediately as the law of the land says, that s what they keep telling us, right? the law of the land. no more exemptions. stop these special treatments for unions, big businesses. if it s great, then implement it. and i think there need to be a harder pressure on asking the president why he and his family are not willing to eat the first bowl of this that comes out of the kitchen. when they put their fork in it, maybe the rest of america will believe it s worth having. right. why is the white house staff not uniyoonized, by the unionized, by the way? if unions aren t so great, why doesn t the white house and congressional staff union do as we say, not as we do. it s a hypocrisy, though, that is just stunning. no question. you want more hypocrisy? another bowl of hypocrisy? why not? i got one for you. this comes out of hollywood. tom cruise, who s been trying to rebuild his image after, of course, the jumping on oprah s couch and going crazy, all the scientology talk if i jump on this couch, i wonder if that could do something for me? it won t do anything, it will hurt your career as it did for tom cruise. according to the daily news, he as part of a lawsuit, he s going after newspapers. was sitting there and this is what he said, the top gun actor was responding to a lawyer s question comparing the extended time away from his daughter, suir, while filming a film in afghanistan, he said, according to legal papers obtained by the daily news,. he said, that s what it feels like, being away from his daughter for a year, being in a movie. even if it was an off-the-cuff remark, and it probably was, don t know he was literally saying i m as in danger out on the movie set. it was a very poor choice of words because people coming back from afghanistan come back without their sight, without arms, without legs. they don t make any money out of it. some of them will struggle for the rest of their lives. tom cruise will come back from his movie. he will be in great shape. he won t have lost a limb or his sight. he will deposit a huge check in the bank and live happily ever after. there s no comparison. i think what he should have said is, you know, it s tough being away from my daughter. that s tough. but it s nothing compared to the people who go and fight in the war because they re not just away from their family, they very well could put their lives on the line. i m just pretending to be brave. they really are brave. i pretend to be a hero. they are heroes. next time he should think governor huckabee that s lost on an actor. the reality/fantasy. who s on your show in real life? speaking of afghanistan, we have billy and karen vaughn whose son was killed in a chinook helicopter. he was one of the navy s.e.a.l.s that was involved in the osama bin laden raid. they believe that one of the reasons he s dead today is because of the spiking of the football that the administration had after the death of osama bin laden identifying the s.e.a.l. team, one of our many guests. a great show. powerful. 8:00 p.m. on the fox newschannel. thank you. don t miss it. thank you. coming up on the show, he was there the day that jfk was shot and killed. the man hit by debris, an extra bullet that was meant for the president, is telling his unbelievable story. and want more money in your paycheck? of course you do. it depends on where you live. the states will that keep more cash in your pocket next. my customers can shop around. but it doesn t usually work that way with health care. with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and cost estimates, so we can ke better health decisions. that s health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. 14 minutes passed the hour. are you hungry to find more work, desperately trying to keep more money in your paycheck? it could depend on where you live in these united states. they re explain is the author of how money walks, travis brown. travis, nice to have you here. welcome back. nice to be here. this is fascinating. we had you on before to talk about where our money was going in our country for a different purpose. now you looked at data about where our income was going. tell us about your math. what we re seeing is the previous 18 years on how taxpayers and their families have moved with their feet from where they re locating to generally from high tax states to low tax states as we see in the animals. okay. let s start with texas. there are so many great things about the state of texas. people moving there all the time. big companies relocating. what s going on in in texas? well, the lone star state is one of nine states to put a zero price on work. as a result, we see in the analysis, nearly $25 billion of taxpayer income net of all transfers moving interest the state. wow. what are they doing specifically that s working so well? well, for starters, no personal income tax. incredible job growth, income growth, labor participation going up at the same time labor participation is going down, the 35-year low. incredible what they re doing in their economy. we heard rick perry talk about that during the election. let s talk about florida. what s going on there? florida has the most gain in the last 18 years. $95 billion, $10,000 every minute, moving into florida versus those people moving out. and this is because people are moving there? and they they don t have a sales tax, as well, or don t have a state income tax. no personal income tax, incredible job performance. over 134,000 jobs created just last year. the state of florida cut taxes 24 times there. i heard tennessee, a lot of auto companies moving to tennessee. and other big companies moving there, as well. what s going on in that state? tennessee shows us an example of what can be done in the middle of america. a gain of $10 billion in the last 18 years. no personal income tax. repealed inheritance tax recently. they re on a path to attract even more income from states like illinois, california, and michigan. i see a bottom line here. i see a common theme. no personal income tax. remarkable that that ends up being one of the big drivers of their economy. and we see that across different places and different climates. different areas to retire. washington state, not a good place, or a good place? washington state gaining $12 billion on the pacific coast. companies likeamazon, microsoft, building big industries there. and a clean, educated work force. what what state stands out? i know we don t have them on the list. what s the worst state? we re all thinking best over there. what was the worst one? the states losing the most actually is right here in new york. the empire state, $68.1 billion lost. a new york minute now costs i m sorry, $7,100. states like california losing big, as well. $45 billion the last 18 years. and you can see that in california. i talked to business owners moving into arizona, into nevada, and parts of utah, as well. that s right. just next door, nevada, california, two states with very different policies on price on work. families know it s not what you make, it s what you keep. wow. remarkable. you want more information on this, go to travis, great to see you. good to see you. coming up on the show, you ve seen adults do it, but just how young is too young for mixed martial arts? meet the 7-year-old that s already fighting. and his dad here to defend it. the mayor of trny to the mayor of toronto s troubles keeps piling up. caught on camera, drunken tie ride. a big update. 21 minutes past the hour. oh, now 22 minutes past the hour. here s quick headlines for that s how time works. malls across the u.s. are getting ready for the busiest shopping day of the year by beefing up security. the move comes from the department of homeland security to make sure the shoppers of the country s 109,000 malls and shopping centers are safe on black friday. after admitting to smoking crack, the mayor of trny to may need to be going to rehab. that s what rob ford s lawyers say. this comes after new video of ford in a drunk enrage, threatening to kill someone. tucker? very spirited canadian. the latest sports craze for kids mixed martial arts or mma. an estimated three million american children are doing it. how young is too young to participate? chris manzo and his 7-year-old son, evan, an mma fighter, hire to discuss the risks and benefits of the sport. chris, thanks for joining us this morning. thank you. thank you. it s unusual, obviously takes a ton of commitment. it s admirable, in my view, that way. of course, there are concerns, though, from the outside looking in, that it looks dangerous. is it dangerous? how dangerous is it for kids? well, first i d like to clarify that what they do is it s not mma. it s it is a mixture of martial arts. there is a there are a lot more rules than regular mma. first of all, do not strike to the head. anywhere above the collar bone is illegal to strike. they do what s called panceation which dates back to 360 b.c. it was one of the original olympic games. it s practiced off over and sanctioned by fila. people love to call it mixed martial art, but 90% of the time it takes place on a map. people ask, can we do this in a cage, and they did. everybody ran with it. as far as the darngs concerned, it s definitely factualliy in more dangerous than wrestling, traditional grappling lightning jujitsu or sparring, sparring, boxing in a gym. we re looking at pictures i don t know if you can see them on your screen of pancration. evan, that s you. you re the fiercest 7-year-old i ve seen. do you like hitting people, or do you worry about getting hit? no. you don t worry about it? you re not scared about it? no. huh. do you enjoy it? yeah. wow. that s apparently. so how big is, you know, the field for this? are there a lot of other 7-year-olds involved? there are a lot of kids involved. the thing is, i grew up in traditional martial arts, and to me it s almost like an evolution of martial arts. the kids that train are really good kids. they re not kids that get in trouble. as a matter of fact, if they get in trouble at school, which usually doesn t have anything to do with any kind of violence or anything, when they do get into some trouble at school, their parents come straight to me. you know, parents are different scenarios, but they re martial arts coaches and disciplinarians. i do hand down discipline, pushups or extra exercise and things like that when they re in the gym. it s just a culture of people that that believe that mma is wrong. that s okay. and i understand that these kids doing it. they re kids as young as there s kids 4, 5, 6 years old and want to do this. however, we don t let kids unless they can show us a degree of proficiency, i guess is a good word for it. and if they can show us that degree of proficiency, then we ll allow them to go in there and compete. but there s also beginner levels. they look proficient from the video. i doubt they re getting bullied in school. chris and evan, thank you for joining us. appreciate it. fox news reporting the red cross saying the death toll from the typhoon could be up to more than 1,200 people. we re live with the a limit development. we ll bring them to you in a moment. and a student body president at a christian university makes a shocking admission he s an atheist. wait until you hear what the school has to say coming up. be remember when christmas was magical? let s get back there. santa s wonderland at bass pro shops has what we ve all been missing. with the arcades, elves, and even a picture with santa. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness. .from the stevia leaf. i need a newn t investment pn. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. ishares core etfs are low-cost funds. so you can keep more of what you earn. get started with the new ishares core builder. design a personalized plan that can help you achieve your investment goals. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. now the death toll from the typhoon in the philippines could be up to more than 1,200 people. the red cross saying that number well could rise. yesterday s typhoon was one of the strongest storms on record. slammed into the islands with sustained winds reaching 150 miles per hour. nearly 800,000 people were evacuated, and many already living in makeshift shelters after a major earthquake last month. joining us now on the phone from the philippines is fox news reporter mike cohen. mike, we ve watched the numbers go from four it 100 to now 1,200 woeshl deat potential deaths there. what s it like on the ground? on the ground, all we re seeing on the ground is just a continuous stream of reports, images, bodies piled up. some video so gruesome we can t show it obviously on television. what we can tell you is that in some places like this city, there were evacuation centers where people thought they were safe and a storm surge 25-feet high, over the school buildings, came in and drowned people literally inside. that is how bad it is. the areas are being inundated by that storm surge that hit, and now the grisly task of identifying these people. a lot of them, the bodies that they re finding, they don t even know if they re from the area or from a completely different group of islands. on this is how difficult it is for authorities there. it sounds like chaos may be the word to describe what s going on. you re in manila, a couple hundred kilometers away from where the epicenter made landfall. communication in and out of that area, how are you able to get information like this out of the areas, telephone lines, all that sort of infrastructure gone? telephone. power, you name it, it s gone. the airport, it s gone. it came in and ate up the buildings. control towers, radar, everything. the runway is the only thing left. this are people with phones that are communicating out. a department store in the town, people are out of food, they re nervous, scared. they just went in and took everything they could. some of it was strange because, you know, these were electronics. they didn t really need them but got them anyway. there s looting going on because the police are gone. they re flying in more police officers, flying in troops, doing what they can to secure the area. nobody s trying to hurt anybody. people are trying to grab anything they can in order to survive. 1,200 is the estimate. it could if much higher? reporter: i believe 1,-200 would be more accurate from what we re seeing of images from news teams able to make it in or out. that would probably be close to it. and from one city, m, this place is six provinces. six island groups as it moves east to west, the pacific to the south china sea across the philippines central portion. thank you very much for your time. good luck out. there you be safe yourself. more bad news as you were pointing out one of reliable computer models is indicating that for tuesday, there could be a storm, doesn t look like a superstorm, but with the infrastructure and recovery efforts that will be going on, any kind of additional rainfall there will cause very significant problems. this is a look exactly at what we re seeing. you see the yellow city that he was talking it. that s where that possibility thousand-plus figure of fatalities is. the town of about 200,000 people. and this general area, there s around 3.5 million people. and that s exactly where that storm cut dealing with the storm. a category 3 equivalent storm now. winds about 120 miles per hour. it s going to move toward vietnam by tomorrow evening. and it s going to cut all up along the coast of vietnam, bringing very heavy rain. spots will likely see 20 inches of rain. then it moves to china. we re going to see heavy rain from this, as well. the next storm we re talking about will give an indication, this line, that red line, that s the that of haiyan. there it is toward vietnam. move forward in time here, you see the storm to the south of that haiyan pass, potentially bringing another storm. the least case, we ll see more rain brought into the area by tuesday and rain and flooding with that and potentially all sorts of things. what a sad story. sounds like it will get a lot sadder. thanks. you bet. 35 minutes after the hour. we have other headlines now. this month marks the 50th anniversary of the kennedy assassination. and earlier this morning, we got a chance to talk to a man who was injured by the same gunfire that killed the president. i was didn t to see the president. i was just innocently stopped in traffic. got out of my car to see what was going on. and i hear the pop of a firecracker. and i m thinking, what kind of idiot is throwing firecrackers it was the first shot. then there s the crack, crack of two rifle shots. his injuries forced investigators to construct the single bullet theory. he s written a book about that day and mysteries that followed called lbj and the killing of kennedy. as we mark the 50th anniversary of that date, fox news is airing a special tonight called 50 years of questions: the jfk assassination. that s tonight at 9:00 and midnight here on fox newschannel. the student body at a christian university, christian university in oregon, making a shocking admission he s an atheist. eric frawn surprised classmates at northwest christian university bay revealing to the school newspaper that he does not believe in god. school officials say they wish he was a christian man but praised him for his character. the 21-year-old enrolled despite his religious doubts because of its strong communications program. benji, the dog, is finally reunited with his owner after being missing for two years. it s all thanks to facebook. benji s owner stumbled across a shared picture of benji after someone asked if anyone recognized the dog. benji left his home and was found 156 mil 16 miles away. like you lose your best friend and you got your best friend back. was heartwarming. love that little doing to death. benji will be getting a new i.d. tag and also get microchipped. those are your news headlines. well we re going to hand it out to yes, i believe clayton is in santa s wonderland. are you there? reporter: we are out here in santa s wonderland, the north pole, seeing what there is to do and see at bass pro shops. showing us everything. it is santa s wonderland beginning today. it is. we re glad to have you at santa s wonderland. this is truly a winter wonderland filled with free games, crafts, and activities for kids. every child get a free photo with santa. it kicks off today. it kicks off today. when you come in, they get the bass pass. what s this? you set the time and you can go through, you know what time you ll see santa? that s right. you stop by the ticket depot, pick up the pass. it s like saving you a spot in a virtual line. it s not quite an appointment but cuts down the time in line significantly. you don t have to pay for that. not like when you go to disneyland and pay the extra exactly. again, it s all free. and the great thing about it, too, is this year we anticipate giving away over a million free photos with santa. this is going to cut down the time significantly. let s dive into the toys. while you re waiting for a chance to seessistant ayou goet to see the toys. the elf on the shelf, we started this tradition last year with our family. my son loved it. it s a hugely popular christmas gift. but it s so much more. the parent can read about the elf who watches over to see if your child is being bad or good. then move the elf while your child is sleeping. brings the story to life. a tradition in the making. the elf moves. exactly right. the self moved. you never know where he s going to be in the morning. exactly. sometimes he has to bring sidekicks. we ve got plushy pals that are sidekicks for the elf on the shelf, as well. those are also new this year. now we ve this i want to get one of these. who wouldn t love a ford raptor remote-control truck? $69.99 at bass pro shops. pretty awesome. what could be better dish. what s better than a remote control driving car and kids? are you that good of a driver in real life? don t judge my driving skills unless you want to race because i will take you up on that. i do. my kids would love this. you have the nascar super speedway set up with the slot cars, right? that s right. check this out. it is 28 feet of track that you can rearrange in all different ways. and it comes with bass pro shops tony stewart, number 14 race car, and danica patrick s number ten race car. but it can expand to race up to six cars at a time. you mean you can expand this out wider yes, race up to six cars at a time. i m going to let you do. you re danica, and you re tony. let s see what you ve got. all right. let me undo my jacket. you ready? one, two, three, go. am i green? that s you there, you re still at the starting point. thank you. it s okay. it s okay. they re going there we go. he s taking driving tips from me. there we go. this is awesome. i like the bank at the end. you can actually get this, bring nascar into the living room for $249 at bass pro shops. awesome. we ll have more with you and tucker and anna. you know that you re never seeing clayton again for the rest of the show. and i can see why. that does look fun. to be honest, they don t care. meanwhile, millions of trucks are being pulled from the road. we ll tell you details of a major recall now underway. then, the bullying allegations against dolphins guard, richie incognito. was it all good locker room fun? a former dolphins player with the inside account. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn t fit. customer s not happy, i m not happy. sales go down, i m not happy. merch comes back, i m not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i m happy. repeat customers, i m happy. sales go up, i m happy. i ordered another pair. i m happy. 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let s ask former miami dolphin player himself, randall hill. nice to see you this morning. nice to see you. as a former nfl player, when you first heard about this, this bullying scandal, the story, did you what do you say to yourself? i didn t think that it was bullying. maybe a little bit of too much fun, you know, going overboard. but you know, i just really wouldn t term it as being bullying at this particular point. so really, i mean, people asking the question, though, is he just whining? is this the kind of thing that happens in the nfl locker room all the time and something else is going on here? is that what you suspect? yeah. goes on all the time. you know, even on the the collegiate level. you know, some of the racial comments that were made, definitely not called for. that needs to be investigated. but you know, as a grown man, you know, sometimes you have to stick up for yourself. my parents, you know, told me, you don t have to go through physical confrontation. but you know what, talk to the chain of command. talk to your coach. talk to other players. you know, find out how you can be more comfortable in your own locker room. okay. you bring up a great point, the chain of command here. was protocol followed? it seems that some are suggesting if you watch espn and others, suggesting that maybe the team went to protect richie incognito rather than try to protect jonathan martin when he raised some of these issues. what do you think about that? well, you know, i i don t necessarily agree with that. you know, i think the team is going to protect itself. but you know, with that said, you know, richie incognito and jonathan martin have to be accountable for themselves. jonathan martin definitely could have talked to other players. definitely could have talked to his coach. you know, even at that, you know, talk to your mom and dad. and get, you know, a better understanding of what you should do. and richie definitely, you know, i think he went overboard with some of the comments that he made. but you know, again, at the end of the day, you know, you you should be teammates, you should be able to work things out. not go beyond the locker room and become a a media fanfare and the hysteria going on now. you re plugged in to the miami dolphins community. are we going to hear some other crazy stuff coming out of this? you know, i i think that, you know, the story is still untold. and because there s an investigation that s still going on. so stay tuned to the rest of the story. yeah. i think you answered it for me. i want to give you a statement before we go. this is jonathan martin s lawyer. he says this jonathan martin s toughness is not at issue. it s the treatment by teammates. he endured harassment that went far beyond the hazing, well beyond publicized voicemail with the racial epithet. he endured a vicious physical attack by a teammate and daily vulgar comments. what do you say to that? well, you know, i think we have to see what the investigation says. you know, i have to ask his lawyer, you know, how many years did he play in the nfl to actually be able to qualify his statements by saying what goes on in a courtroom? how many times did he put on a helmet and actually spend time in an nfl locker room. you know, let the investigation take care of itself. and i think everything will come to light. bottom line here, handle hill saying there isn t randall hill saying there isn t all there is to say about. that thank you for joining us. you bet. coming up, we play at the start of our days on fox and friends weekend, newschannel. star spangled banner. turns out it s not patriotic but a war anthem. should it be banned? a former member, retired member of our military here with reaction. plus, air fare is up. there are ways to save when backing flights for the holidays. is it a good dime to do that? up next, the best time to book your holiday travel for the best deal. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one s around, it does make a sound? ohhh.ohhh.oh boy! i m falling. everybody look out! ahhhhh.ugh. little help here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you.well, you know. anybody? top of the hour and it is that time of year again. airfare is up this year, but there are some ways to save. we ll give you the skin fwhi on that. here with insider tips including the best states and where to book, courtney scott, senior editor for travelocity. the rates have gone up this year. what can we expect to pay going to grandma s house? this year we re seeing $450 as the national domestic airfare for the christmas holiday. that s up 7.5% year over year. internationally we re a little lower, $1,016, only 2.5% increase. that s good if you re traveling aboard. the holidays tend to be more popular for domestic travel. part of it is because very remote areas that are causing this average to go up. remember, this is a national average including all the airports across the country. you may be able to find a cheaper route, the more popular defendant n shorter destination periods. we ll put this graphic up on the screen where we can show you the cost of holiday airfare costs. the average is $314 at eight weeks. seven weeks, $320. 16 weeks is $352. then it starts to go up. you say actually tuesday is the cutoff, right? the magic date is november 12th which is tuesday. our trends and holiday booking barometer show after that period, after the six-week-out mark, prices will increase. if you have not booked your trip yet, you don t have any plans to build by tuesday. you re a procrastinator, you may have a good window on the three-week-out point, that s december 4th where we ve seen prices dip. given this is a really busy time, i wouldn t take the gamble. if you can at all plan ahead, book this week by tuesday. what if you re somebody whose boss hasn t let you know if you re going to be off for which holidays or things like that? what are the cancellation fees like that are associated? cancellation fees can really get up there, anywhere from $100 to $250. the key is to be flexible this holiday season. whether or not you ve booked already, when you re in the actual travel period, fly out on monday the 23rd if you can. we ve seen the weekend prior to the holiday is going to be a pri priceyer time. if you can extend your trip a day to maybe new year s eve or coming back on the 28th, being flexible with the destination yous ear traveling to, the airports and the days, all going to help you save this holiday season. i m sure the family will appreciate you staying longer. of course. courtney, thank you so much. 55 minutes after the hour. a fox news alert now. while you were sleeping, the death toll from the monster typhoon in the philippines rising draw mat click. we re live with the latest from this one. lights at the new world trade center are being shown off for the very first time. we ll give you a look coming up. (coffee be ng poured into a cup.) save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. you. it is saturday the 9th of november, 2013. i m anna kooiman. a fox news alert. the devastation growing overnight. the red cross estimates as many as 1200 people killed after one of the most powerful storms ever slammed the country. we re live on the ground with the breaking details. the star spangled banner unpatriotic, a war anthem? those remarks from an espn panelist. now he wants it banned. reaction from a retired u.s. army lieutenant colonel ahead. all he wanted to do was bring his action figure in for show and tell, but didn t. his mother got so upset about the reason he left it at home, she vented on the web. and now she s under fire. that mom and son are here to explain themselves. fox and friends hour four starts right now. this is the united states marine corps, you re watching fox and friends, erh! welcome to fox and friends. hour three. it s hour four. ding, ding. good morning everyone. we re going to get right to your news headlines. we start with this fox news alert overnight. a security breach in the seattle, washington, airport. police say a man believed to be on drugs crashed through airport security, then ran away and somehow ended up on an empty american airlines airplane. he was taken into custody after putting up a flight with police officers and tsa agents. he is now facing several charges. also breaking while you were sleeping, a jury finds a utah doctor guilty of killing his wife. we the jury, having reviewed the evidence and testimony in the case find the defendant as to count i murder, guilty. as to count two, obstruction of justice, guilty. the family of the victim, michelle macneill there crying out in the courtroom as the guilty verdict is read. taking 11 hours for jurors to convict martin macneill of the drowning death of his wife in a bathtub in 2007. prosecutors argue the defendant knocked his wife out with drugs after cosmetic surgery, then helped her into the bathtub and held her head under water. the motive? a mystery he was seeing on the side. sentencing is scheduled for january. macneill faces life in prison. a grand jury has now indicted 11 bikers including the new york city police detective on charges related to the motorcycle road rage assault case. the indictment says charges against detective boy check braz zach include gang assault and criminal mischief. police are still looking for more suspects in connection with the attack. we re getting a brand new preview of the new york city skyline here. the speier on top of one world trade center lighting up in red, white and blue for the first time last night. the beacon is packed with nearly 300 modules and can be seen up to 50 miles away. nice and patriotic. amazing. i saw it last night. it looks great. now to the other fox news alert. the red cross is estimating the death toll so far from the typhoon in the philippines could be more than 1,200 people. they say that number could rise. estimates say a thousand people have been killed in one town alone. the typhoon was one of the strongest storms on record slamming into the islands with sustained winds reaching 195 miles an hour. joining us on the phone from the philippines is fox news reporter mike cohen. nice to have you back with us at the top of the hour. what are the latest reports coming into to you in manila? reporter: at this point in time, they re saying the philippine red cross has their estimate of 1200 they fear are dead. they believe the situation is dire. there is an immediate need for communication. we do know that allied countries of the philippines like the united states do have a military assessment team in from the air base, they re on the ground and trying to help do what they can along with the philippine military and, of course, local authorities. they re trying to recover, also, people alive who may be trapped in some of these buildings that have collapsed because of the storm surge and the winds. the wind was the killer here. it is what caused the speed, a kilometer in, 3/4 mile inland. it was like a tsunami just ripping into that city. mike, you re telling us, too, that some of the video that we have in house we can t even show because it s so gruesome. so we can only imagine what communication is even like there at the moment. how are rescue teams even communicating with one another to try to reach these people? they re using basically walkie-talkies, small hand-held radios to communicate. that s only good for a few miles. you re talking about a relatively wide area, several cities. we re talking large towns by american standards, maybe in the hundreds of thousands in population. and many of these areas badly affected, badly hit by the storm, all lines down. you won t find a power line or a telephone line or a cell phone site that s still functioning in many of these places. we ve got rick here who has been following this carefully. i also wanted to ask, a lot of the information and the fatality numbers potentially coming from the town tacloban. any word coming from those smaller towns and the other outlying areas? you ve got all the areas along the islands. to an older generation of americans, this is where macarthur returned to. this is a very famous part of american history. after d-day this was the largest military landing in world war ii. a lot of americans are very familiar with this area. there are a lot of american citizens who actually live there as well. you ve got these outer areas, many people getting through anyway they can, twitter, social media, e-mailing somehow. a lot of people using sat phones and satellite internet access to get the information out. in some cases they re actually physically bringing notes on little fishing boats to the next town that has a cell site that works and relaying information. the philippine government has flown in some initial satellite communications equipment so people are being able to talk from tacloban city hall. that s about it. thank you very much for that information. incredible information. you re going into nighttime now and there s many people hoping to work on the recovery and rescue efforts. this is a look at the storm as it moved right through this area. tacloban is the biggest city in the area, the capital of that province, about 200,000 people living there, they were on the wrong side of the storm with the strongest winds around 195 miles an hour, incredible storm surge going on as well. this storm continues to pull to the east. we re not done with it. the philippines is done with it. now it s taking aim at vietnam. we re watching a certain landfall across the vietnam coast. but i think it s going to hug the coastline. that means a lot of areas along the coast being ripped up on the vietnam coastline and a lot of very heavy rain there, potentially some 20 inches of rain. moreland slide for vietnam. guys, as we ve been saying, the threat possibly also models indicating another storm coming this week for the philippines. guys. sad. thank you, rick. the president is continuing to try to convince americans that obama compare is a good idea, but it looks at this point like they remain profoundly uncon vinced. we ve got a new gallup poll on who is signing up. of all uninsured adults in america, this is the group for which obama care was created, only 18% have signed up. among the 18%, the young people are one out of every five visitors at the state and federal level. most of the people they need to be signing up are not which are the younger folks. only five obama care sign-ups in washington, d.c. by, by the way, the most democratic city in united states. 94% for obama in 08, almost that number in 12. these are people who love obama and they re not signing up. five people there. how about this? blue cross blue shield, the largest insurance provider in my home state of north carolina, they re having some issues, too. we can tell you it s even worse in north carolina than in d.c. only one person has signed up. they haven t even quite been able to enroll so they haven t paid yet. we had governor huckabee on the show earlier this morning to talk about some of these numbers. the president apologizing this week for some of it, but he says they should have seen this coming a long time ago. listen. he can t say we had no idea because they had a good idea. mike kinsey, the senator from wyoming back in 2010, three years ago, predicted these numbers were going to be astronomic astronomical, there would be tens of millions of americans. ultimately there would be no private individual health care market because of the way obama care is structured. frankly, i think a lot of us were saying four years ago, common sense says you can t add 30 million sick people into a system, no pre-existing condition exclusions, no annual or lifetime benefits and somehow make it less expensive. okay. so the midterm election is a year from this week and this will be the defining issue. you ll see democratic incumbent after democrat incumbent all of whom voting for this, claiming they had no idea and they did. the president talked about the economy, went to new orleans and talked about the growth and the economy. he got a better-than-expected jobs report on the day he was standing there, although shrinking job force. he said this could have been much, much better if those other guys didn t stall the recovery. listen. we learned yesterday that over the summer our economy grew at its fastest pace in a year. that s the good news. the bad news is that the very day the economic quarter ended, some folks in washington decided to shut down the government and threat ended to default on american s obligations for the first time in more than 200 years. it s like the gears of our economy, every time they re just about to take off, suddenly somebody taps the brakes and says not so fast. the evil republicans doing that. we can hear the spin all the way here in new york city from new orleans where he was, trying to capitalize on the momentum that the democrats had really coming out of the shutdown because republicans had to shoulder so much of the blame for that. but really everybody you can t ignore the elephant in the room which is obama care, the debacle of the roll-out of the website, not just that, it s a problem of the program as a whole that was not sold to us the way that we re taking it in. imagine that. the most powerful man in the world playing the vic tick. the factories aren t working because trotsky sabotaged them. it would have worked. it would have worked, but unpatriotic saboteurs. take some responsibility for your economy. you ve been president for five years. he s still got a few more years he can still point the fingers back a couple years. when does that wear off? by the way, this is the only morning show where you ll get a trotsky reference. sorry. we ve been talking about the president saying he s sorry. but anna colter says that wasn t an apology at all. she s here next. forget the marriage rules you ve been told to follow. the ones that will actually make your love life a lot better, if you break these rules. we want to hear from you. weigh in on facebook and twitter. check us out. suffering from the flu is a really big deal. with aches, fever and chills- there s no such thing as a little flu. so why treat it like it s a little cold? there s something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source. so call your doctor right away. tamiflu treats the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you re pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. so don t wait. attack the flu virus at its source. ask your doctor about tamiflu, prescription for flu. president obama apologized this week or appeared to for his botched obama care rollout. i am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. we ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and that we re going to do everything we can. do you buy it? was the president s apology me. joining us the author of never trust a lab riberal over 3. do you buy the apology an ann coult coulter? he s acting as if he had nothing to do with the fact that he had nothing to do with people being thrown off their insurance. it s like bernie madoff saying, wow, i m sorry people s investments went down based on assurances from me. no, you did it to them. your obama care is what threw people off insurance. i knew it. you knew it, tucker. people complained about the bill itself trying to be nearly 2,000 pages long. we knew that most of the bill would come out in regulations written by that arrogant and smug kathleen sebelius. there are now something like 15,000 pages of regulations. all of the hoo-ha over sandra burke and her birth control, i think we knew birth control and abortions would be covered. they prevented illegal immigrants from getting obama kaefrmt of course insurance was going to go up. you d be required to cover things that no normal person would want to insure against so people would be thrown off their plans. as we know from the federal register, the hhs knew in 2010 and predicted about 93 million americans would be thrown off their current insurance plans, the ones they shopped for, the ones they liked, the ones they re beginning to be thrown off now. exactly. there was with moment every once in a while you see a piece of tape that reveals the truth about something. here is the president explaining how he got burned in obama care. watch this. having said that, given that i ve been burned already with a website more importantly the american people have been burned by a website that has been dysfunctional. i ve been burned, me, me, me. it was really an apology to himself, not to us because he was the one who got hurt here and no one is more frustrated than he is. just the arrogance of these people. i think obama and the people around him thought he would get away with it the same way he got away with benghazi, the same way he got away with the irs being used to harass obama s political enemies. he has been able to count on what i call the non-fox media until now to treat him like some cult figure. i don t think it s going to work this time because people are going 93 million americans roughly are going to continue to see their premiums go through the roof and be thrown off their insurance for the next couple of years. how do you stop people from noticing that? it s very noticeable. you re going into the lion s den this weekend, doing a book signing at university of southern california. good luck, ann. ann coulter. thanks for mentioning it. the star-spangled banner in the nation, we know how you feel about your car. so when coverage really counts, count on nationwide insurance. because what s precious to you is precious to us. love, love is strange just another way we put members first. because we don t have shareholders. join the nation. baby. nationwide is on your side welcome back. a time-honored tradition, playing the star-spangled banner before sporting events. one espn analyst says it s time to stop. his reason? take a listen. if you sell this along with me, you should be selling the rest of the military symbolism embraces in sports, whether it tease singing of the war anthem before every game, going to get a hot dog and signing up for the army at the same time, the nfl embracing the mythology of the patil man story. it s been going on since it was played in the world series back in 1917. it s time for people to back away. that s kevin blackstone, likening our national anthem to a war anthem. joining us for reaction is former army lieutenant and linebacker for the detroit lions, kevin campbell. you sit from a unique spot as a former service member and former football player. when you hear words like that, do you agree at all or do you think, you know what, this is something that unites us? i don t agree with the term used here, war anthem. here you are talking about a national anthem. it takes us back to the roots of who we are as a country t war of 1812, the battle of baltimore. if that battle wasn t won, historians were saying we wouldn t be speaking english today. so to say it s just a mere war anthem does a great injustice. it s so much more than that. like you said, it you nighunite your race, your background, your color, your religion. this allows us to come together as one people as one nation. it allows us to really express who we are, where we come from and where we are going as america. it reminds us, you look around at the players faces during the national anthem, the people standing around the stands, we take off our hat, put our hand over our heart, you see the look on paem s faces, not only on the field but off the field. it does unite us before you do battle on the field, right? absolutely. it also serves to inspire us. just like in the war of 1812, the american forces were facing insurmountable odds. we as a nation face challenges every day. we face terrorist acts, we face circumstances, and this national anthem serves to inspire us as americans. right after the boston marathon bombings, i think it was at a hockey game, if you hear that national anthem, you can go back and listen to the anthem sung in that arena that night, if you weren t crying or didn t have goose bumps, check your pulse. you might not be breathing really. it serves to inspire us. it allows us and reminds us that we are one nation and, yes, we are still under god. kaleb, this is something that blackistone stands by. it s not the first time he attacked the national anthem. back in 20121 he said but if our lawmakers don t sing it every day to begin the country s business, spectators of a mere sporting vechbt shouldn t be be forced to sit through it either, especially during the time we are living through right now. is that how you ve ever felt? wouldn t you start to hear the notes of the song being played, are you fighting to not get up fast enough? right, right. there s two points he makes. if the lawmakers don t start our days you bring up a good point. maybe our lawmakers should start the day with singing the national anthem. maybe we should make adjustments there. furthermore, also, when they say we have to sit through it, i don t know how about you, but whenever i m getting ready to sing the national anthem, i can t get on my feet fast enough. i m snapping to attention right away to sing the national anthem. that really the a symbol of who we are as america, who we are as a people and who we are as the greatest democracy in the world. kaleb campbell retired u.s. army lieutenant and former linebacker with the detroit lions. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. thank you for having me, thank you. 26 minutes after the hour. up next, tom cruise says this is just like being in afghanistan. pour some sugar on me oh, boy, you are fired up on social media. the actor under fire for comparing filming a movie to being on the battlefield. tell us how you feel. head to our facebook page. have you ever wished you could just disappear? now you can. it s the invisible gear invisibility gear used by the military that you can use, too. ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ho ho ho green giant it s beginning to look a lot like christmas. this is your shot of the morning. the rockefeller center christmas tree now set in place. the norway spruce brought into new york city from connecticut standing tall at 76 feet. that s taller than 13 radio city rockette dancers head to toe. how do we know the height of all of them? my mom wanted to be a rockette. i think she still does. that was her dream as a child. she speaks for many girls in that regard. here is advice for married couple, ignore the advise you eve heard. according to a new study a lot of the advice that married people receive before and during marriage is false. here are some examples of rules that researchers say you ought to break. number one, always be honest. apparently this is advice that married people get. it s obviously false in some cases. be honest about the big things, of course. if your wife says does this make me look fat, the answer is 100% no. is dinner good and you think it s not good, you still say yes, it s delicious, honey. in this study that talk about not giving details about exes, things that may hurt your spouse s feelings. whenever you talk about another person you re inevitably comparing to another person. someone s feelings will get hurt. never let honesty be an excuse for cruelty. never vacation without each other. break that rule. they say sometimes it s good to do a little vacation without each other. a fishing trip. club med? i don t think so. head to cabo for beach week. maybe fishing trip or girl s get away. don t go to vegas. third on the list, once you have children, they come first. no, no, no, no. according to the study, don t put your children first. it s interesting if you think about it. the children see the husband and wife, mom and dad happy, they then later in life are lukely to be happy in a relationship because they saw their parents that way. what leads to happiness is maybe leave the kids at home with a babysitter. lead by example. kids feel protected and at peace when their kids are happy. here is another one for you. you should never sleep in separate beds. this study says you should break that rule. guys, you disagree. i disagree. that s why you get married, you want to lay and be intimate with your wife in a bed. there s a difference between a wife and a roommate, you d hope. maybe you can be intimate with you roommate? no. a lot of people who have weird schedules like nurses or even i know some of our anchors here they sleep sometimes i don t judge, but i m not into it. please reveal the anchors that sleep separately. no, no. i ll get in trouble. let us know what you think. raleigh writes us and says my wife enjoys vacations without me, reconnects with high school and college girlfriends and likes to get away from me. i have tried reason, common sense, logic, none of it all matters. if men come to realize this, the marriage will last. that whole don t go to bed mad sometimes, it s better to sleep on an issue before you say something you regret. it s okay to go to bed mad. sleep helps sometimes. say fewer coruel things. this next story is firing up our viewers this morning. tom cruise is under fire for saying his time away from his daughter while shooting a movie is just as hard as a soldier being away from his family while in afghanistan. the comments come from legal documents obtained by the daily news. those documents come from cruise s deposition in a libel suit. cruise s attorney responded this way, quote, the assertions that tom cruise likened making a movie to a war in afghanistan is a gross distortion of the record. what tom said laughingly is sometimes that s what it files like. we want to know what you thought. one writes, join up, go serve at the front lines without your bodyguards and limos. you wouldn t make it through basic without crying like a baby. tamara says i don t care what the hollywood crowd says or does, they live in their own little world and are oblivious to what real life is like. jeff posts on facebook. go serve a real tour where you don t get paid millions of dlarps and your life is really in danger. craig says tom, do your acting classes include playing the part of an idiot? because you nailed it. oh, man, talk about cruel there. moving on this morning. miami dolphins tackle jonathan martin will meet with nfl officials next week to talk about his allegations of being harassed in the workplace. martin s attorney says the player endured daily bullying from teammates including guardrich chi incognito that went far beyond the usual hazing. earlier on fox and friends we spoke with former miami dolphin randall hill about the incident. at the end of the day, you should be teammates, be able to work together and work things out, not go beyond the locker room and become a media fanfare and this big hysteria that s going on now. . the clerk who fired at an armed robber has been fired from his job. an armed suspect attempted to rob the convenient store while jerry was working. he fired three shots and the gunmen fled. authorities cleared him of wrongdoing but the assistant manager was given a separation notice from his employer for, quote, poz session of a weapon on company property. my life is more important than the job. you can get another job but you can t get another life. the douglas county sheriff s office says there have been no arrests in the incidents and their investigation is still on going. a european satellite the size of an suv is on a crash course to earth. experts say they don t know where it s going to land. apparently the satellite ran out of gas last month and has slowly been falling to earth. scientists say sometime between sunday and monday morning, the satellite will enter earth s atmosphere. they say it will break into pieces and the biggest ones will likely land in the motion. those are your news headlines. rick, what are you up to? i heard the word likely. i think i would like something a little more certain. we ve been talking this morning about the philippines, obviously, with the damage and destruction and fatalities there. let s talk a little about the u.s. weather. take a look at your maps and see what s going on. cold air on the way. this is your monday temperatures. a high temperatures in fargo of 22. 29 in minneapolis. that cold air is going to dive all the way down towards the south. temps even across north florida only getting into the 50s and 60s for your wednesday. dealing with by far the coldest temperatures. there is also the threat of a little snow. this is where you see your average time where you get your first measurable snow. most of the locations across the coast are towards mid december or so. we could be dealing with a little measurable snow by the time we get towards wednesday. at least across i think parts of the mid atlantic and towards the higher elevations of the central appalachians. i think a better chance a storm stays offshore. the cold air is coming for all of us no matter what. get ready for that, guys, tuesday and wednesday. send it back to you inside. can you see me, rick? can you see me? you re invisible. the suit is part of optics planets invisible man kits where anywhere from 1,000 to 20 ground consumers can buy gear that our military uses on the battle gear. her is alex berry, war games columnist for i ll trade you a head. there you are. tell me what this is for exactly. it s a lot of fun. the idea of the kit, it s put together by optics planet. lots of different vendors creating the stuff in it. they have a range from $1,000 through to the big spenders with deep pockets, $20,000. it s all tech that some is ranged by our military, some are inspired by it because you can t put the same level of tech in the hands of civilian. i m wearing the sniper camouflage. i can see you pretty well. but i can t see you. literally these are worn in the field. how close would i need to be to see someone? looks like moss on a rock. there s different versions. this is not camo for a fox news studio. it does blend in. like pheasant hunting. thank you to the marine corps. this is the scout sniper school. to give you an example of what it looks like down range. we have a couple photos. this is kind of your foundation. then you want to personalize it and taylor it to your exact location. down range, of course, that can be the difference between life and death, choosing the right vegetation to blend in. stick it on your person. exactly. for hunters they ll get that as well. looks like you ve got binoculars. you want really great optics to sneak out snipers. you remember we did that invisible man kit and people were asking what if someone has a kit, how do i find them? the first thing you re going to want to use is fantastic binoculars. this is very popular with people into birding. people into birding, they don t mess around. they want their best optics. the first time i can read the teleprompter. i used this hunting once. it s so effective, i m not even sure if it should be allowed. should we put you behind the wheel of a remote? yes. this is an amazing thing and it calls in different animals. when this tail wags, i did this in texas and a mountain lion showed up. it s amazing. all-in-one solution. you ve got the coyote food fight as well. almost seems like you re cheating. it kind of does actually. i m not going to pass judgment on itteth think, but i ll say it works. what about this. the shovel, what is this? i don t know how to turn it off. let me say this is the handiest latrine shovel ever. it s fantastic. coming up, all he wants to do is bring his action figure in for show and tell, but he didn t because there were animal sounds in the background. his mother so upset about the reason, she left it at home. vents on the web. she s under fire. mom and son join us next. adult cat, beta male. millions of chrysler trucks being pulled from the road. details on the recall ahead. first a check with neal tore the business plog. tweet this. twitter s wall street debut going off without a hitch. a lesson for the white house. from the young and the restless to the young and insuredless. why new obama care numbers could have all ages paying more. unemployed? some advice from the square guy under the sea. i kid you not. the cost of freedom at the top of the hour. who is she? that s flobot. she s this new robot we re trying out, mostly for, like, small stuff. wow! look at her go! .ty g . . uh-oh, flobot is broken. the name your price tool, only from progressive. call or click today. when you do what io, iyou think about risk.. i don t like the ups and downs of the market, but i can t just sit on my cash. i want to be prepared for the long haul. ishares minimum votility etfs. investments designed for a smoother ride. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. happy saturday. let s get up and get going. chrysler is recalling 1.2 million ram trucks to fix front end problems that could lead to steering trouble. the automaker saying the steering tie rods may have been miss aligned during assembly. a 9-year-old ohio boy will return military dog tags to a veteran s family. the third grader got the tags as a gift, but he wanted to know who the original owner was. after a google search and help from a historian, he found they belonged to jack b. robbins from wichita falls, texas. robbins served in 1944. he passed away in 1969. clayton, over to you. a mother s blog post that her kids are not the center of her world has taken the web by storm and sparking controversy as you kim imagine. it s about raising kids in today s society. it all started over show and tell. mommy blogger stephanie metz and 4-year-old son hendricks are here to explain. welcome, good morning. your son wanted to bring a toy to school. this prompted this whole thing. first of all, let s see this toy. can i hold this? this little toy he wanted to bring to show and tell. what happened after that? he brought it to me and told me he was going to take it to show and tell. you could see him blinking, i better not take it. my teacher will think it s a gun, so he put it back and chose something else. you just wanted to show your classmates your toy, right? you didn t really think it was a gun. it looks like a ray gun from some sort of alien thing, not even a typical looking good. you set about to write a blog post that took a life of its own. what did you write? it did. it sparked the whole thing. it got me thinking about the society that we re living in today and how,, we re living in such a pc, politically correct society. you said, look, my kids are not the center of my world, and that s what i guess we even talked about that a few minutes ago on the show, that that s better for relationships, for them to not be the center of your world. i totally agree. why did you write that? i feel that kids are being raised to constantly be victims. they don t know how to problem solve. they aren t able to deal with adversity when bad things happen to them. i just think it s creating it s going to create a big problem when they have to go out into the real world and deal with those things. at some point letting a boy be a boy. are you worried we re becoming too politically correct? we are. seriously i m scared for the generation. he s just being a boy. what if that gets him suspended from school just for fighting, play fighting with a friend or whatnot. are we coddling our kids too much? i think so. what has been the response to your blog post? most of it has been very positive. there have been negative comments. if everyone agreed with me, i wouldn t have had the post to write in the first place. where is the post, if our viewers want to what is the website again? the mets family it s the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don t use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it s clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you re more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it s not about keeping my dentures in, it s about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. ask me what it s like to get your best night s sleep every night. [announcer] why not talk to someone who s sleeping on the most highly recommended bed in america? ask me about my tempur-pedic. ask me how fast i fall asleep. ask me about staying asleep. [announcer] tempur-pedic owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. now sleep cooler with extra cooling comfort on our bestselling tempur-breeze beds. visit to learn more, and find a retailer near you. how am i doing? am i doing ok on this? no? no? no, i m not. this kid wants me out of here. we re back in santa s wonderland. we have everything you need to know about when it starts, what to do, what to see, all of the bass pro shops. sydney prior is back with us this morning. where are you? over here, serving the lincoln log wonderland. i m doing a pretty terrible job. you re doing a great job. lincoln logs are just some of the toys you can get there. these are classics. right now you re in santa s wonderland. it s full of games and activities. check out the details at beca e i think i broke the train track. he s stuck in the tunnel. who didn t want a classic train? there it is. there it is. it s a legit train. it is so cool. it has two bass pro race cars on the flatbed. who didn t want a toy train as a kid? i notice the lake it has. there s reflection in the water. very realistic, right? much different than it was when i was a kid. from the train set to the power wheels camo. where is that? we have our friend over here. we have all of the classic toys like the lincoln logs and the train. but this is a toy i would have loved to have had as a kid. you re kidding me. she s a better driver than i am. i d like to point that out. that s not saying much. let s be honestment that can be purchased at bass pro shops for $99.99. that s it? that s it. now over to tucker and anna. watch your eyes, everyone. this is $34.99? this is honestly the coolest toy i ve seen in a long time. should i do it? should i do it? so these are $34.99, right? these are actually $29.99. these are the bows we use at all of our arcades. these are the bass pro shop air hunter. $29.99. they shoot up to 125 feet. how far does the oh, thank you. right. and then we have the more oh. we have the other level one for $34.99. it s incredible. we re going to have more you guys are good. more with bass pro shop in two minutes. don t go anywhere. here you go. it s a bow. throw it. online but they didn t fit. customer s not happy, i m not happy. sales go down, i m not happy. merch comes back, i m not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i m happy. repeat customers, i m happy. sales go up, i m happy. i ordered another pair. i m happy. (both) i m happy. i m happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we re going to go find it. it s out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we d really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? join us tomorrow on fox and friends weekend. we are starting our veterans day celebrations a little early. also southern comfort, and what s hot at the box office. this is the best toy ever. you have to get one. our stage manager is right there. and i think it s time for a little payback. no! go to for more of this. sound the alarm. because americans are fired up. not just over broken obama care promises, but over obama care forcing people to buy coverage they don t need, like maternity care. well, man up, says a top democrat in the senate. somebody said, well, gee, now i ve got i have to take this policy that covers maternity care. but my wife and i aren t having any more children. and i got to thinking about that. i thought, well, you know what? maybe because my wife and i don t have any more children, and they re grown up, maybe i shouldn t have to pay property taxes to pay for my local scol

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Transcripts For KQED PBS NewsHour 20130315

government, during the arab spring of 2011. the spark came in the southern city of daraa, where security forces beat a group of teen-age boys. their crime: scrawling anti- assad slogans on their school wall. from there, the protests spread, the regime cracked down violently, and fighting erupted. it s since grown into a full- blown civil war, with the rebels seizing large chunks of territory. in all, more than 70,000 syrians have died. russia its warships seen today docking in beirut before moving on to syria continues to supply arms to the syrian military. other nations have called on assad to step down, but been reluctant to intercede. today in brussels the european union rejected a push to lift its embargo on arms to the rebels, over the objections of france and britain. assad is still in place, he is still being strongly supplied and strengthened by others and we need to put pressure on to bring about the transition that is necessary for the syrian people, necessary for the stability of that region and in our national interest, too. brown: last month, the u.s. announced it would for the first time provide food and other non- lethal aid directly to the rebels. but the obama administration has held back from sending weapons, citing the influx of foreign extremists into rebel ranks. the president could confront questions about that policy when he visits the middle east next week, with stops in israel, the west bank and jordan. time is of the essence here. brown: frederic hof, formerly the president s special advisor for transition in syria, is now at the atlantic council, a washington think tank. it is probably time for the united states and its allies to engage directly in strong relationships with these armed rebels, the ones we ve been able to vet, the ones who share our basic values. some of those relationships may involve arming. brown: the u.s. and others also face the challenge of helping more than a million syrians who have fled to surrounding lebanon, turkey, jordan and iraq. even more are displaced inside syria. today, in beirut, lebanon, the u.n. s high commissioner on refugees warned, again, of ripple effects. the syrian conflict is more than a humanitarian tragedy, the syrian conflict became a meaningful threat to regional and global peace and security. there is a real risk of seeing the syrian conflict spilling over. brown: and also today, as if to bring home that point, syria s foreign minister warned his government may launch attacks on rebel safe havens inside lebanon. woodruff: still to come on the newshour : conservatives regroup; shields and brooks; contaminated water and the e.p.a. and j.p. morgan in the hot seat. but first, the other news of the day. here s hari sreenivasan. sreenivasan: the securities and exchange commission says it has reached the largest insider trading settlement ever. under the deal announced today, the hedge fund c.r. intrinsic investors will pay more than $600 million. it will not admit or deny any wrongdoing. regulators charged that one of the fund s managers illegally made trades on an alzheimer s drug, based on confidential test results. there was word today that u.s. senator robert menendez of new jersey is under investigation by a federal grand jury in miami. the washington post reported the panel is looking into his role in advocating for the business interests of a wealthy donor. the veteran democrat has already reimbursed the government for two flights he took aboard the donor s private jet. in a statement, his office said his actions have always been appropriate. the vatican is attacking claims that pope francis never confronted a brutal military dictatorship that ruled argentina from 1976 to 1983. some human rights activists say the former jorge mario bergoglio acquiesced in the face of torture and murder. but a vatican spokesman lashed out today at the allegations, calling them a defamatory, left- wing campaign. ( translated ): the anti- clerical accusations against bergoglio are known and obvious. they refer to a time when he wasn t yet a bishop, but a jesuit superior in argentina. it concerns two priests who were kidnapped and he allegedly did not protect. there has never been a concrete and credible accusation made towards him. he denied the accusations and provided proper documentation to support him. sreenivasan: francis is due to be installed as pope next tuesday. the head of a u.n. investigating team charged today that u.s. drone strikes in pakistan violate the country s sovereignty. the official said the pakistani government told him it does not consent to the strikes, something u.s. officials have disputed. president obama has stepped up c.i.a. drone strikes in pakistan s tribal region since 2009. the pakistani government says it has confirmed at least 400 civilian deaths. president obama has put a new timeline on iran s progress toward building a nuclear weapon a little over a year. but, he says the u.s. has significant capabilities to prevent that from happening. he spoke in an interview that aired on israeli television last night, ahead of his middle east trip next week. we think that it would take over a year or so for iran to develop a nuclear weapon, but obviously we don t want to cut it to close, and what we re going to be doing is to continue to engage internationally with iran, understanding that we ve set up the toughest sanctions ever, it s having an effect. sreenivasan: iran maintains its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes. it was energy of a different kind that took the president to illinois today. he called for cars that go coast to coast without gasoline. mr. obama toured the argonne national laboratory outside chicago and talked up his proposal for new auto research. the focus would be on bio-fuels and better batteries for electric cars. the president wants congress to authorize $2 billion over the next decade for the research. north dakota may become the first state to ban abortions as soon as a fetal heartbeat is detected. that could be as early as six weeks after conception. the state senate approved the ban today and sent it to republican governor jack dalyrymple. he opposes abortion, but has not said whether he would sign the bill into law. gay marriage has picked up a prominent new supporter, senator rob portman of ohio. it makes him the only republican in the u.s. senate to take that position. portman explained his change of heart in the columbus dispatch . he said it began two years ago, when his college-age son told his family that he is gay. wall street backed up a bit as the week ended. that ended a ten-day winning streak by the dow jones industrial average its longest in 17 years. the dow industrial average lost 25 points to close at 14,514. the nasdaq fell nearly 10 points to close at 3,249. for the week, the dow gained just under 1%. the nasdaq rose a tenth of a percent. those are some of the day s major stories. now, back to judy. woodruff: thousands of activists gathered this week for one of the conservative movement s biggest events. newshour congressional corresspondent kwame holman was there. reporter: for four decades the conservative political action conference known as c- pac has served as a barometer for republican politics. and this year, the g.o.p. s future direction is the issue for more than 10,000 delegates who ve been meeting just outside washington. at the last few gatherings of c- pac, the focus was on taking back the white house from president obama. but with last november s defeat of mitt romney, this key bloc of conservative enthusiasts has set its sights on a new goal: reshaping and reenergizing the republican party. romney offered his own assessment today, in his first public address since his concession speech on election night. each of us in our own way is going to have to step up and meet our responsibilities. i m sorry i won t be your president, but i will be your co-worker and i ll work shoulder-to-shoulder alongside you. ( applause ) reporter: romney may be stepping away from the stage, but his running mate wisconsin congressman paul ryan is back in the thick of fiscal fights on capitol hill. today, he addressed the deficit. by living beyond our means, government is sending us a message. it is saying, if you plan ahead, if you make sacrifices for your kids, if you save, you re a sucker. it is brazenly stealing from our children and our young adults and it has to stop. reporter: amid the stickers, tchotchkes and people in costume, the conference also showcased other rising republican stars, calling for a fresh approach. kentucky senator rand paul is a tea party favorite mulling a 2016 presidential bid. fresh from an attention-getting filibuster, he warned conservatives must stand on principle if they are to win nationally. the g.o.p. of old has grown stale and moss-covered. i don t think we need to name any names here, do we? our party is encumbered by an inconsistent approach to freedom. the new g.o.p., the g.o.p. that will win again, will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and personal sphere. reporter: florida senator marco rubio tailored his message to addressing the everyday concerns of middle-class americans. our people have not changed. the vast majority of the american people are hard-working taxpayers who take responsibility for their families, go to work everyday, they pay their mortgage on time, they volunteer in the community. this is what the vast majority of the american people still are. reporter: those not invited to speak illustrated the divisions in conservative ranks between tea party adherents and traditionalists. new jersey governor chris christie was excluded after he praised president obama s handling of superstorm sandy last fall. and then, criticized congressional republicans for blocking emergency disaster funding. also snubbed was virginia governor bob mcdonnell, who is raising taxes to pay for a transportation plan in his state. all of which leaves conservatives facing a key question: how to unify behind a central message that moves the republican party forward? veteran republican pollster whit ayres says it will take more than tinkering. it is delusional to think that we had the right message and we just haven t communicated it effectively. you don t lose five of the last six presidential elections in the popular vote if you have got the right message. so we need new message, new messengers and a new tone. reporter: francesca chambers is editor of the conservative blog red alert politics. she says the effort must involve more outreach to young people and minorities, but she acknowledges that will take time. that is not necessarily going to happen in three months time. i think that it s unfair to say, oh, the election was in november and we don t see big changes, sweeping changes happening yet. i think that everyone needs some time to make these things happen and we have got four years to make that happen. reporter: in the meantime, even as c-pac delegates focus on the next generation of conservatives, they re also listening to voices that were prominent in the past. the list includes 2008 vice presidential nominee sarah palin and former house speaker newt gingrich, both scheduled to address the conference tomorrow. woodruff: and to the analysis of shields and brooks, syndicated columnist mark shields and new york times columnist david brooks. good to see you both. thank you. woodruff: so mark, looking at the cpac conference, what a way to make the republican party the conservative movement. well first a indication rea note. the cpac is not representative of the republican party by any means. the poll in the past in presidential candidates is elected president, giuliani president steve forbes and president ron paul. just outside of the mainstream. but i think the republican put his finger on it when he said the republican have lost five of the last six presidential elections popular vote. that obviously includes the 2000. and judy, the most revealing thin to me was the response that ryan paul got. he was the rock star of this gathering. in part it s because i think the discid over the last 12 years republican foreign policy game plan which is let s go in first and ask questions later, has been really undermined and sabotaged by both the american experience in iraq and the american experience in afghanistan. there s been a long tradition of the republican party but i think there s now a reluctance a caution that hasn t been there in the past about foreign intervention. woodruff: ron paul has struck a chord. he has at the moment. this is american leadership in the role believes america has an important role to play as a world leader including global order, free trade, free water ways, free commerce. that happens because of u.s. military. the idea of the party is not going to be that party. it happen. in the 19 20 s the party shifted. for them to go back i have to sate. right now the move from the president of the other party, move intervention, move os tear taught, war exhaustion. when there s a threat from iran i still believe the republican party is a defense party and interveneionist party. he is leading the party one way, marco rubio is leading another. as we hit sheer has not hour and-a-half jeb bush will give a speech which is the meaning he s reformist in one way. let s pull back. marco rubio said something to me phenomenally stupid we don t need new ideas. that s never a good thing to say but nonetheless he s more mainstream than moderate. jeb bush is pushing the other direction we really got to change our message for the poor and working class. you re beginning to see the splits even though the cpac. jeb bush, it s interesting he hasn t won an election since 2002 and his rustiness was on display when he had to change his position three times in the space of 24 hours on immigration. he wrote a book about it and he had to move away from his own book before the book was basically autographed. i mean so i agree with you, he had credentials going in but it s been a long time. this is a tough sport, politics is a contact sport. jack was fond of saying it ain t bean bag and i think the question of accepted. woodruff: you agree with mark s initial call this is not representative of most republicans. they had the most prominent republican speaking. people show up to this event. it s become an event where people show up every year. you can never measure anything by what they re applauding because this is a group that s one wing of the party, a more hard core, probably more mill tainer, older and college kids. so this is not the republican party. so michele bachmann is fine with this group, sarah palin fine, those people are not nominated. don t measure the audience pay attention to the speeches. i would just add this. that any group that doesn t invite chris christie, the most popular politician in the country let alone the republican politician, bob mcdonald, governor of virginia who had showed bipartisan skill in getting transportation bill through, major plan that required raising taxes. and instead invites documented trump. you have to question the seriousness and where it is on the political compass. woodruff: talking about the president he continued david this week, this charm offensive outreach to congress. why is he doing this and does it look like it s working? so why he s doing it. a simple explanation which i would never stoop to is he s a little down in the poll. the pausive implications are he s got a new chief of staff is an outreach kind of guy and maybe he thinks he can get something done. is it working, i d say yes it is. has the lion laid down the lamb no. woodruff: which one is the line i ll let mark answer that question. we ve got two jackals actually. let s be honest. here s what happened. the people i ve spoken to said we re going to have fights but we re not going to take them to the nuclear level. we re just going to switch metaphors and hit some signals. we re not going to do tax reform or grand bargain but some small deals going and make the government a little less dysfunctional so it s less impinging on the economy. you keep hearing the economy is ready to take off. if we can get the government out of the way for a couple years we can get some really nice growth and that will change things up and i think they are sceeding in denuclearizing our conflicts. no fiscal cliffs, no debt defaults. let the economy grow for a change. woodruff: what are you hearing. the government has to get out of the way, i love that. that s a great one after what we ve been through in this country with absolutely no control. and we just learned again this week that the bank s too big to fail, too big to be reprimanded, controlled by the federal government. but i d say this, judy. there s an old line in politics you dance with the girl who barack obama didn t do that. for the past seven years he s gone into hundreds if not thousands of rooms, people with large egos, people with great accomplishments, people who are great skeptical toward him and he went in and he charmed them to the point not only they supported him they wrote checks for him. he comes to washington and that stopped. he never spent any time, effort or charm on members of congress. and now in the twilight of his presidency he says well maybe what worked in duluth and des moines and detroit and dallas and all over the country, beverly hills maybe i can try it on capitol hill. i think first of all dinner went well with the senators. i will say this you ve got to bring them into the whitehouse. it s great to go up to the hill. jefferson hotel is fine. but i mean the whitehouse, nobody talks about going to the whitehouse, you know, without a sense of awe. i went to the white house i met met the president. woodruff: would they go. of course they would go. if they get a conversation going between republicans and democrats. he s right in saying some people will have trouble supporting anything i m for that they can t be for. i just think listen, the other stuff was outgoing names, campaigning on an issue and checking areas being on tv and kicking the daylights, that wasn t working and was hurting his numbers. woodruff: you re saying you need to get the parties together. they need to meet with democrats separately. i think he can be the catalyst for doing that. but i think you know, it can t be something like they said that national journal, this is just a joke. it s got to be sustained. it can t be a one hit wonder. woodruff: mark says this is the twilight of his presidency. it doesn t feel like the first year of his administration the first few months, it feels kind of exhaustion. the interviews are in whitehouse and congress. it s not as different as they think. there s a lot of mythology on the other side. having these meetings is a good thing, personal relationships. we ve begun to see a little change i would say. secondly they ve created space for some deals so the people right now, they are sitting in capitol hill doing immigration. they re making incredible progress, really good progress. and i think part of the tune. if i could just defend this idea we ve got 24% of the economy as a government, we re not shrinking into hong kong wonderland here, but it s without question just in a cyclical sense. i m certain about washington whose fiscal cast fee these debt ceiling and overnight things that s had an unnerving effect on investment investment. if we could stop that. aren t you guy who championed the search, infrastructure education. where is that coming from? i m not talking about doing all that stuff. i m talking about woodruff: i m out of this. have at it. that s not be dysfunctional. you can have good government, i m all for that but let s not have dysfunctional government which has been so unnerving. do you know anybody who has spent as much yes, i know who is running on that ticket. okay you had another question. woodruff: i m going to wrap this up by asking you about the pope. the catholic church has chosen a new leader, francis of argentina, jesuit, somebody who is a humble person. he was thrilled. i found his humanity enormously appealing. i love the fact he has spoken about income and equality, about the thin of the misappropriation in society where people are poor that s an offense against common decency. it s a little bit like gerry ford succeeding richard nixon. there was a sense of grandeur and he comes and lives in a simple apartment, takes a bus where people can come up and talk to him. to me it s encouraging as a catholic. my church is hurting from arrogance. it s indifference to the suffering of children that were abused and the inclination of the leadership to protect the institution rather than the children. and i just, i m encouraged. so when your institutioned under threat, you feel you have a lot of hostility, you feel things are slipping away you ve got internal problems, there s a tendency to turn inward and focus on yourself. one of the things he said, he hasn t really seed that much. one of the really nice things he said he would prefer a church that goes out and have accidents in the street than to be self referential and sick. that s exactly the right attitude. when your institution is under assault, you re feeling the weight is on it like the republican party don t turn inward go outward and i think his instincts are exactly right. woodruff: david brooks, mark shields, thank you both. brown: and mark and david keep up the talk, on the doubleheader recorded in our newsroom. that will be posted at the top of the rundown later tonight. also online, you can find kwame holman s blog with another take on c-pac and a video profile of one of the conservative activists attending. brown: now, part two of our investigative look at the safety of america s drinking water. science correspondent miles o brien reports on the toxic chemical made famous in the movie, erin brockovich. its potentially harmful effect on human cells and the agency charged with regulating it. his report is the result of a partnership with the center for public integrity. there is some lead chromate in here and some zinc chromate. reporter: at the wise laboratory at the university of southern maine, they are very wise indeed about a widely used heavy metal that gives millions of americans, shiny bumpers, vivid paint, and possibly, cancer. it is hexavalent chromium or chromium 6. as you can see there s a lot of different colors to chromium, and there are many shades of gray to the story right? yes. reporter: chromium 6 was also used as a coolant here at a natural gas pumping station owned by pacific gas and electric in hinkley, california. the utility dumped 26 tons of the chemical into unlined holding ponds in the 1950s and 60s. it leeched into the groundwater, poisoning the wells. the health fallout and the david and goliath legal battle against p.g.&e. became the basis for the 2000 movie erin brockovich, starring julia roberts. hinkley is not alone. public utility testing records reveal more than 70 million americans are now drinking tap water tainted by chromium 6. wise researcher amie holmes showed me what scientists can say for certain about the link between chromium 6 and cancer. these are slides of human lung cells in the midst of replicating a process called mitosis. in normal cells, there are two centrosomes the orange dots. they search and capture 46 chromosomes each, then pull apart making an identical daughter cell. you want to make sure that each cell has the same amount of d.n.a. in each. reporter: take a look at these lung cells exposed to chromium 6. notice the orange centrosomes; instead of two, there are four. what s going to happen, when this cell divides, instead of dividing into two, it could potentially pull the dna into four or it s going to unevenly separate the dna. reporter: with four centrosomes, it s not going to end well. it s not going to end well. reporter: scientists call this centrosome amplification. they suspect chromium 6 changes the chemistry of the proteins in our cells and that creates the extra centrosomes. the resulting defective cells, that survive, are what we call cancer. yeah, it causes cancer. that s the biggest health concern. reporter: we know that for sure. right. yeah. reporter: there s no doubt about that. there s no doubt about it. it s considered a human carcinogen by all the major regulatory agencies in the world. reporter: lab director john wise can say that with certainty in cases where chromium 6 is inhaled, occupational exposure in factories. but when chromium 6 is ingested in the stomach, it is a murkier picture. sandy wise offered me a demonstration. water that is heavily contaminated with chromium 6, like this, turns bright yellow. now watch what happens when she adds vitamin c, which is acidic not unlike the human stomach. the water turns green as the chromium 6 is transformed into something else. the acids in the stomach and the other biological stuff that absorb trivalent chromium or chromium 3 as they do chromium 6. so the human stomach offers a natural antidote to chromium 6 in water. but what are the limits of this alchemy? john wise says we can t say for certain. reporter: what more science needs to be done? i don t think we have enough studies to tell us clearly whether it s a drinking water carcinogen or not. reporter: but there are studies that make the link. in 2008, the national institutes of health weighed in with an eye-opening rodent study. it uncovered clear evidence that high doses of chromium 6 in drinking water cause cancer in rats and mice. reporter: does it settle anything in your view? i think that starts the conversation as to perhaps maybe it is a drinking water carcinogen but it s just one study that needs additional work. reporter: in 2011, wise joined eight other scientists on a panel that advised the e.p.a. on what a new standard for chromium 6 contamination in u.s. tap water should be. the current standard, set 20 years ago, is 100 parts per billion, 5,000 times higher than the state of california s public health goal for chromium 6 in drinking water. wise was among panelists who voted to delay a decision, allowing time for more study. even though the e.p.a. has been agency initially said it needed four more years. reporter: good afternoon and welcome to iris public stakeholder meeting the chromium standard is bogged down in iris, the integrated risk information system, which aims to insure the best science is employed as the e.p.a. considers regulating risky chemicals. that s the idea. but the national academy of sciences has blasted iris for using faulty methodology, and not being clear and transparent. and the government accountability office criticized iris for moving way too slowly. the g.a.o. estimates it takes the e.p.a. an average of about seven years to complete a scientific assessment of a chemical. anger and frustration over the logjam boiled over at this iris stakeholders meeting in november. richard denison is with the environmental defense fund. these delays have profound real world consequences. they allow continued exposure and harm to health from the subject chemicals. because decisions that provide on iris are also delayed. simply put a decision delayed his health protection denied. reporter: so why is the process so bogged down? the first clue comes from who showed up at the stakeholders meeting. my name is kathleen roberts, i am with the north american metals council. my name is kimberley squires, i am with the american chemistry council. my name is nina homa, i am with t.k. chemical. rick becker with the american chemistry council. nancy beck, american chemistry council. reporter: representatives of chemical manufacturers and their trade association, the american chemistry council, dominated the meeting and as the newshour and the center for public that chemical industry is close to the scientific review process as well. although john wise says he hand accepted any funding from industry in 15 years, two of his colleagues on the chromium six panel work for pg&e during the hinckley legal battles. and one of them, joshua hamilton of the marine biological lab at woods hole, got a call from pg&e asking him to work as a consultant while he was serving on e.p.a. s chromium 6 review panel. they met on on may 12, 2011. to address a town hall meeting at the regional water board that governs hinkley on june 8, 2011. i am an independent toxicologist asked by pg&e to come here and speak about chromium health issues. reporter: the peer review report was released a month later. dr. hamilton declined our requests for an on-air interview. he later told us he reported his potential conflict to the government contractor that manages peer reviews for the epa and that they decided this did not represent a conflict of interest, particularly since he would participate in the panel before engaging with p.g.&e. in the town hall meeting. we did speak with p.g.&e. sheryl bilbrey is director of the chromium remediation team. his role has been to explain the toxicity of hexavalent chromium. he does not discuss any part of the regulatory process. p.g.&e. expects anyone that works for us, that they will maintain their professional integrity and be completely independent of any regulatory process. so we wouldn t expect josh or dr. hamilton to change any of his advice. reporter: sometimes, though, the appearance of a conflict is a conflict, isn t it? i don t think so. i think as long as everyone knows that dr. hamilton does work for us and he is very well respected, so i think his credentials really speak for him. reporter: at the stakeholders meeting, the acting director of iris, vincent cogliano, vowed to make some changes in the program. we will post the names of potential reviewers before the meeting so that we can get public comment on the expertise and the conflicting interests of our reviewers. it is a shame that we don t have the highest quality peer review and the most impartial peer review that we can get. reporter: in a written statement, the e.p.a. claims it is committed to using the best science, working to improve the, iris peer review process and reduce any potential conflict of interest by increasing transparency and public input. despite that vow, the e.p.a. refused our repeated requests for an interview. during our five month investigation, the agency made a new promise to decide on an updated chromium 6 standard in another year, instead of four. but what are they waiting for? a $4 million study funded by the american chemistry council, which represents the chemical industry. ann mason is also a senior director at the american chemistry council. right. but you re writing the check for the study? we re writing the check for the study but in the process of putting these together we ve got a study director who is in direct link. we do not have any contact with the researchers nor with the peer review process. so we are trying to be as arm s length away from the actual conduct of the work as possible. reporter: in the u.s., industry does not need to prove a chemical is safe before it is used commercially. the chemical, not the people, get the benefit of the doubt. and so delays inevitably favor industry. what s the matter with setting a level and then continuing the science? and if the science tells you, hey, we can raise it a little bit later, do so. that is certainly an approach one could take. it s just the way these things are done, i guess it s not levels don t change all that often. it seems to be a fairly cumbersome, slow, expensive process. reporter: slow and expensive. in washington, that seems to be just part of the chemical equation. woodruff: online, you can watch miles first report, explore a graphic that tracks chromium levels across the country and find tips on how to remove the chemical from your drinking water. that s all on our science page. brown: we ll be back shortly with a look at the problems at the nation s largest bank. but first: this is pledge week on pbs. we re taking a short break now to allow your public television station to ask for your support. that support helps keep programs like ours on the air. woodruff: for those stations not taking a pledge break, we take a second look at a california program designed to get help for the mentally ill, potentially violent patients who often don t get treated. newshour correspondent spencer michels reports. i wanted the world to know what a wonderful, incredible person she was. reporter: for more than a decade, nick and amanda wilcox have been advocating timely treatment and early intervention for the severely mentally ill in the hopes they wont become violent. 12 years ago, their 19-year-old daughter laura wilcox, a college sophomore, was murdered by while she was working over christmas break at a mental health clinic in nevada county, california. at about 11:30, a client at the clinic came in and shot laura four times at point black range through the glass. what we know now after the fact is he had late onset paranoid schizophrenia. reporter: helen thomson, a former psychiatric nurse, was a california legislator at the time, working on a law to get treatment and social services like housing for reluctant and sometimes dangerous mentally ill individuals people who were not covered by existing laws. they were resistant; they didn t want to go to the clinic, or they didn t want to take their medicine or they just simply weren t willing to participate. we were answering the reporter: thompson named her law for laura wilcox. after much contentious debate it passed in 2002. a major aim is to provide aggressive treatment for those existing laws miss; people who may not have committed a crime, yet, but have a history of prior hospitalization and appear to be on a downward spiral. laura s law provides court ordered outpatient treatment for the seriously mentally ill for up to six months. the court must find the patient is likely to become dangerous to himself or others. the patient must have a history of not complying with treatment. the process can be requested by parents, roommates, siblings, a spouse, as well as mental health workers and police. for patients who don t comply, the court has the power to send them to the hospital for an assessment, which is a threat designed to convince them to comply. legislators never funded the law; they said that supervisors in each of california s 58 counties had to implement and pay for it. only one county, nevada county, where laura lived has opted in. with fewer than 100,000 residents, it sits in the foothills of the sierra nevada mountains, a center of mining during the gold rush. nationwide, 43 states other than california have laws permitting some form of involuntary outpatient commitment. involuntary treatment is familiar ground at the non profit turning point community programs in nevada city, which provides services for the county s mentally ill, including those who fall under laura s law, and many who don t. some of the patients, like 36- year-old jonathan maurer here for a long acting injection for his paranoid schizophrenia, and to meet with a psychiatrist resent being ordered to receive treatment. today maurer accepts voluntary treatment, for his paranoia; though he claims to have been mistreated previously. they gave me a catheter, and strapped me down naked on the hospital bed and then sedated me. they strip you of all your rights. i just don t see how they expect to logically assume that treating people with violence is going to cure violence. reporter: but debra simmons mother of a very disturbed son who gets treatment here praises laura s law and involuntary treatment for essentially saving his life. she didn t want his name used. he gets angry and agitated, doesn t sleep, doesn t eat, just goes through a whole cycle of events that just kind of spiral downward until he s become a concern to the society if he s out in public. we had to call the police, and he struck my husband; physically we ve had to lock ourselves in our room. he s torn our house apart. reporter: her son, she says, refused treatment until it was ordered under laura s law. he doesn t think he s ill. he doesn t recognize even when he s at his worst. he doesn t recognize that he has an illness. he thinks everyone else in the room or the community has a problem, not him. reporter: for simmons, laura s law, has been a game changer. without that, i believe he would have injured someone else, or himself, and i don t believe we would have him today. reporter: still, many in the mental health community like rusty selix say the law builds up false expectations. selix, executive director of the mental health association of california, says it applies to very few people. the belief that every single person out there who has a mental illness and doesn t, you know, seek treatment for it is going to be helped by laura s law is just nonsense. they re not a danger to anybody. the irony of course is it wouldn t have applied to any of these mass shooters. none of them were in that situation, or if they were, they were very good at hiding it from everyone around them. reporter: selix says nevada reporter: but at the nevada county courthouse, presiding judge thomas anderson says the law has been very effective with two thirds of the cases, avoiding time consuming court hearings. it s saving tons of time, getting people into treatment when they need it, and the results have been very, very good. in the first couple of years we saved a half a million dollars in our small county, which is a huge factor. this is a tool that s been missing forever from our mental health providing statues. reporter: the california legislature recently extended laura s law, but still hasn t funded it. outside nevada county, los angeles has started a very small pilot program to implement laura s law, and several other brown: the california legislature has recently taken up this issue again. in june, it will consider a resolution to put money in place for laura s law and to implement it in more counties. and online you can find our complete coverage of mental health issues and their role in the current gun violence debate. woodruff: finally tonight, the u.s. senate turned it s attention to huge trading losses at j.p. morgan chase, the country s largest bank. ray suarez has the story. the fact that these mistakes happened on my watch has been the most disappointing and painful part of my professional career. suarez: former j.p. morgan- chase executive ina drew testified at a senate hearing today, speaking publicly for the first time since she resigned ten months ago. drew was the bank s chief investment officer. she oversaw the british unit that ran the so-called london whales trades, involving risky derivatives, which lost $6 billion. today, she said her oversight was reasonable and diligent, but she insisted she was lied to by subordinates. some members of the london team failed to value positions properly and in good faith. they minimized reported and projected losses. and hid from me important information regarding the true risks of the book. suarez: c.e.o. jamie dimon initially dismissed reports of major losses. later, the bank said the figure was $2 billion a sum that ultimately tripled. the senate launched an investigation last july, and yesterday released a report of more than 300 pages. it blamed drew and others for high risk activities and troubling misconduct. michigan senator carl levin fleshed that out, at the hearing. it exposes a derivatives trading culture at j.p. morgan that piled on risk, that hid losses, that disregarded risk limits, that manipulated risk models, that dodged oversight and that misinformed the public. suarez: in a statement, j.p.- morgan-chase said it has acknowledged mistakes, but denies hiding any losses. for more on all this, i am joined by dawn kopecki of bloomberg news. she s been covering this story for months and was in the hearing today. for someone who is as read in as you are, dawn, did the senate report and the testimony fill in some of the blanks of the j.p. morgan saga. absolutely. j.p. morgan came out with their own report a couple months ago and that was like 60 pages. weren t a whole lot of details. today s report shows some pretty damaging evidence about the fact that top executives knew that this portfolio was breaching risk limits, that they tried to gain the risk limits by changing the models used to determine what the limits would be. it shows that diamond had knowledge and was actually trying to withhold information from regulators. it shows a very combative tone with j.p. morgan and its primary regulator. let s quite a bit in the report and in the hearing today that lawyers are going to be looking and shifting through for months and months and maybe even years. suarez: and of course someone that s been wanted to be heard from for a long time and the person is ina drew. did she bring out anything new in her testimony? she deflected all blame on herself. it s really interesting because these executives make a lot of money because they are, you know, they are paid to know what is going on in these institutions and she said that she was not aware of the deceptive contest of her subordinates until after she left the company. i find that a little bit hard to believe considering that she was in the meetings with them working on trying to redo these risk measures, trying to make sure that they weren t triggering certain breaches that would, you know, justify some sort of internal review. she was there with them. she knew what some of the losses were earlier on. that came out in the report but she said at the hearing today that she had no knowledge of how bad it was until after she left. suarez: she was sitting at a witness table with many of the senior officers past and present in the j.p. morgan empire. were they in essence blaming each ought for what had happened. there was a lot of blame going around. they were actually mostly blaming the people who have left. they just absolutely threw the three traders and manager in london completely under the bus. the three who couldn t or didn t or wouldn t speak today. extradition does not apply to the senate committee today so they weren t able to subpoena them and bring them over to the u.s. to testify. but it was bruno his manager there was a lot of blame going on, a lot of them throwing them under the bus. suarez: more than just inadvisable strategies, more than just mistakes, does this expose something more serious? criminality, laws that may have been broken in both countries. there s a lot of analysis going on about that. there are some suggestions that there could some criminal transgressions going on here. the traders were mismarking their books and mike cavanaugh who are still executives at the company were trying to parse that issue because they really wanted to flex any kind of criminal charges or wrong doings from the companies themselves and others i ve spoken to said they might. suarez: could the material in the senate report and in fact some of the testimony taken today be used against these people in some down stream legal action. absolutely. and that was the key goal of defense attorneys today was to keep that from happening. but it was very tough hearing the problem was he came out in april after he knew that a lot of these risk measures were breached, after he knew that the losses were in the billions of dollars and told everyone they were comfortable with the book and everything was okay. this was after achilles told them they were in crises mode in london. you know that your london unit is in crises mode and you tell your investors everything is okay told investors it was a tempest in a teapot. that is what s going to be troublesome. the conference call assured everyone it wasn t a big deal and everything was fine when they knew for months the losses were growing when they knew they had violated the breaches. suarez: dawn koepecki from bloomberg news. thanks a lot. thank you. woodruff: again, the other major developments of the day: rebels in syria vowed not to stop fighting until president bashar al-assad is gone, as the conflict marked a second anniversary. the u.s. securities and exchange commission announced a major hedge fund will pay more than $600 million in the largest insider trading settlement ever. and the vatican lashed out at claims pope francis failed to confront military rulers in argentina in the 1970s and 80s. a spokesman said left-wing critics of the church are mounting a defamatory campaign. brown: online: seven foods you think are healthy, but sorry for this are not. hari sreenvasan has the details. sreenivasan: author and journalist melanie warner takes a look at the preponderance of processed food in her new book, pandora s lunch box. you can find my conversation with her on the rundown, plus seven food products that may not be as nutritious as advertised. we have a dispatch from hong kong, where beautiful views of the city are obscured by air pollution. read about how that region is starting to address those concerns on our world page. on art beat, jeff talks to paul hoover, editor of postmodern american poetry, about the status of writing and poetry today. all that and more is on our website judy? woodruff: and that s the newshour for tonight. on monday, we ll look at the newly formed coaltion government of benjamin netanyahu, ahead of a trip to the region by president obama. i m judy woodruff. woodruff: and i m jeffrey brown. washington week can be seen later this evening on most pbs stations. we ll see you online and again here monday evening. 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provided with arms from the west? that debate was center stage at a meeting of the european union government today. french and british efforts to lift an existing arms embargo ran into opposition, but after two years and tens of thousands of syrians killed, the issue is far from settled. two years on, and fighting is still raging in syria. at least 70,000 people have died. the government forces have far greater access than the opposition. huge imbalance. in europe, france and britain argue it is

West-bank , Nevada-county , California , United-states , Nevada , Nevada-city , Sierra-nevada , Turkey , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , Syria , Russia