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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20170110 03:00:00

feel your party, the democratic party does not pay attention to them any more you are more concerned with what bathroom people go into, to how they earn a living? what is the message. very fair question. one, you give me credit. it s about 1:10. it s not a bad rate for me. look, if we were going back in history to the 30s and 40s, and you asked the average working person, which party is the party of the working class in america? overwhelmingly, people would have said it was the democratic party. today people do not say that. and for good reason. no. when we talk about the greed on wall street, it wean the the republicans alone who did it, they did it with democrats. it was a democratic administration, not a republican
administration, that brought forth nafta, i think the democrats have got to make a fundamental choice, chris, that is which side are they on? you cannot be on the side of wall street, of the drug companies and the insurance companies and the big money and go to working people and say, hey, i m on your side, they re smart enough, they re not going to believe you. what we have got to do is come up with an agenda that speaks to the needs of working people, that is creating millions of decent paying jobs, making public colleges and universities tuition free. raising minimum wage to $15 an hour. creating jobs by addressing the crisis of climate change. dealing with the need for immigration reform, et cetera, et cetera. i think the american people understand that there s something profoundly wrong in this country when you have a small number of billionaires that have so much power. and i believe they want to see a government which represents all of us, that s what the democratic party has goat to stand for.
we get to the issues, was it a serious discussion about serious things? our thanks to vermont senator, bernie sanders. happy new year to you. for everyone who made this town hall possible, and it s more than you may just be thinking about what you see up here on the stage. this is just the beginning of a special week at cnn. tomorrow, we have president obama s farewell address, wednesday, you have president-elect donald trump, holding his first full scale news conference in months. and later on wednesday night, van jones is going to host another edition of his town hall series, the messy truth. thursday, you have my colleague here at the george washington university with the republican speaker of the house, representative paul ryan. our thanks to our host, to george washington university, and to all of you in the audience tonight at home and watching. don lemon picks up our coverage right now.
thank you very much. very nice job, my friend. you and the senator both. you just saw our town hall with bernie sanders. and he his senate colleagues begin confirmation hearings tomorrow for donald trump s cabinet picks. thanks for joining us. one president getting ready to move into the white house, the other getting ready to say good-bye. president barack obama hard at work tonight on his farewell address set for tomorrow in chicago. as president-elect trump prepares to take the oath of office, his daughter and son in law have become d.c. s newest power couple. jared kushner named a senior exec. the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back.
we have so much to get to tonight. i want to begin with jim acosta. emily jane fox, also here, richard painter, chief white house ethics lawyer under george w. bush joins us. and jon meacham historian. quite a fascinating hour, jon meacham. i want to get your reaction to bernie sanders town hall. trum assembly his administration. they re regrouping to try to figure out what happens with the democratic party. you should be worried about the issues at hand instead of what happened. every action produces a reaction. if trump is an answer to the obama years, there s going to be given the speed of the american pulse. there s going to be a moment where the democrats are going to be rethinking. it s striking to me still that senator sanders, given his age,
elites, but who are the elites when you have so many billionaires in power. this is a pivotal moment for the campaign. they re making it official his son in law is going to be an adviser. what are you hearing. people have been comparing this to hillary clinton running health care reform under bill clinton, i think jared kushner coulding more powerful than hillary clinton was in that white house. he was probably donald trump s most trusted adviser throughout the entirety of the 2016 campaign. and what they re envisioning for jared kushner is sort of the senior adviser who overseas everything. he was down at the capitol today meeting with paul ryan to go over tax reform. he s been meeting with donald trump and other foreign leaders. they looked at this, the legalities of all of this on a conference call one of jared
asked questions of lawyers who represent various people who are up for positions in the administration, and i ve given my honest opinion on that. it s debatable. whether it applies to an appointment by the president in the white house it certainly applies to the president making an appointment outside the white house. one point i ve emphasized with all the lawyers representing anybody appointed in this add men stras, it s critical to comply with a financial disclosure law and also the financial conflict of interest statutes. these are criminal statutes that prohibit a government official from engaging in any official action that has a direct predictable effect on their financial holdings. this means for mr. kushner, he s going to have to sell quite a lot of holdings, and if he holds on to some real estate, some bank loans, he may have to recuse from some important
issues, such as the regulation of the financial services industry. it s going to be very important that he follow the rules like everybody else. i hope he will persuade his father-in-law to divest conflict creating assets, to disclose his tax returns and follow the same rules that everybody else does. richard we have a lot of billionaires in this administration, they are not they don t necessarily understand the needs of working americans, but at least they can zoo their jobs free of conflicts of interest. you were reading everyone s mind on this panel, probably every viewer at home is saying, if jared kushner has to do this, what makes a president-elect so different? why doesn t he have to do it if he s going to hold the top office in the land? well, technically, the feenl conflict of interest statute does not apply to the president, there are other provisions that do. such as the constitution will
prohibit any foreign money coming into trust with the united states government. that applies to kushner and the president. they have to make sure there s no foreign government money coming into these businesses that are still owned by president trump or by jared kushner or anybody else in the united states government. we need to look at wilbur ross, who s a billionaire going over to the congress department. betsy devos going over to the education department. a lot of billionaires here, they need to file their financial disclosure reports and let the american people know what s going on. those who expect senate confirmation, need to file those with the senate before they ask for hearings. i want to get jon meacham back in, the meacham team believes these anti-nepotism laws. should they be able to get around this? right. you know, the law was passed in 67. it was a rider to a bill that
president johnson cheerfully signed, to say that president johnson and senator kennedy, the former attorney general were not close is something of an understatement. and so this was seen as pay back for years of rivalry between lbj and rfk. it began to some extent when bobby went down to sound johnson out in 59 about whether or not he was going to run for president. and johnson gave bobby a particularly harsh rifle that knocked him down. you know, son, have you to learn how to shoot a gun like a man. that was the beginning of that romance. when kennedy became attorney general, he was harsh toward johnson. when the tragedy of dallas happened, that tension rose. so there are technicalities here that seems to me the courts, that there probably is a way, obviously for kushner to do this, i think one of the questions, if i were mr. trump,
which is quite a sub junktive. how do you what if you don t like the advice you re getting? can you fire your son in law? can you move him out? it does raise an interesting question on both sides, both outside the ethical questions and on the inside, which in terms of the family dynamic. that will be interesting to watch, if it doesn t quite work out, what happens, speaking of that family dynamic, i think what s important, and a lot of people aren t talking about, ivanka, who has a very robust business. is she planning to divest, and what s going to happen with her business? she s planning to she announced today that she s planning to take a step back from her role at the trump organization and her own brand of fashion, line accessories. jewelry. she s moving to washington, she s moving her whole family, she s going to settle her whole family there. she s taking a step back. it s not to say she s not going to get paid by the trump organization.
she won t be paid if her brothers decide to make a deal, she won t necessarily get a cut of that specific deal, but she ll get a share of the overall trump organization revenue. she is going to be involved in that new d.c. hotel built in the old post office pavilion, down the street from the white house. and according to transition officials who are on this call today, if a matter comes before the white house, that is involving that hotel, jared kushner is going to have to recuse himself, there are going to be some cases here and there. he s not divesting himself of all of his holdings and all of his investments neither is she. jared kushner is going to have to step back. how do we know. we don t even know. jared has said that he s going to comply with federal laws about what he has to disclose about his financial statements. we don t know what kind of holdings he has. we have no idea what kind of holdings she has, the president has, all of these things are steps in the right direction, but it s still just so opaque.
i don t know if it s a step it sounds good. how do we know that jared kushner is recusing himself or ivanka trump is not getting a cut on some deal. how would the american people know that? queer not going to know for sure. but we re going to get a financial statement from him, he s going to be a senior white house employee, and he s going to be subject to a criminal conflict of interest statute, which is a lot better than we are with carl icahn who they claim is not a government employee. though he will be. at least we have the final disclosure forms, and the criminal conflict of interest statute that apply. the department of justice will enforce the criminal conflict of interest statute, they have in the past, they have good prosecutors there, i expect him to comply. that hotel, they have to get rid of that hotel, they have foreign governments coming in there, foreign government money coming
into that hotel. no person holding a position of trust with the united states government can be receiving profits from dealing with foreign governments. we have lobbyists who stay in that hotel. including the ncaa coaches, athletic directors want to go in there and lobby the president while staying in his hotel. that hotel is going to be an ethics nightmare for the next four years. if they don t get rid of that hotel, change the name, they have one place on pennsylvania avenue they ought to be focused on, and that s the white house. john, you ll get the first word on the other side of the break. please bear with me. i m a little snifflely, you may hear some of that during the show tonight. i apologize in advance. if you re gonna make an entrance.
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normal expectations, i think trump has every intention of making his own political rules. the interesting tension is going to be where the law trumps the politics. if the job numbers get strong, if in fact, people feel that the country is getting better under a president trump. the political appetite for the raising the kinds of questions, and making these questions stick is going to be fairly minimal. jar ed and ivanka are follows the rules. why the double stand aud? i don t think there s a double standard. there s a difference in ambition here. jared and ivanka are 35. they re half donald s age and twice as ambitious. they want to have a long career in washington, or at least in
power. they re taking steps that look good and appear to comply with ethics standards and rules. donald is 70 years old, do you think he s going to have a political future down the road. this is important to people who have been incredibly ambitious. why do you think it s tough for him ivanka and the two sons who are running the business. as it is already, why is it tough to have him untangleal of his en257k elments. we were supposed to have a press conference about all of this in december. will that come wednesday. nine days before the inning august ouration, is how we re going to find out how trump is going to do all of this. he descended into the lobby of trump tower today and took a few questions from reporters, and dodged a few. one of the questions he took was about this conflict of interest. he said, this is simple, i can
do this, it s not going to be that tough. it sounds like a donald trump answer to a complex question. as mr. painter was saying earlier, there are no conflicts of interest when you re president of the united states. those conflict of interest restrictions don t apply to you. the clause does apply to you. he is going to have to demonstrate how he s going to disentangle himself from all of these hotels, properties, all over the world that have russian interests and chinese interests. and countries that are not friends of the united states. he s going to have to make it crystal clear to the american people, this is not a problem. yes, he gets the economy going again, he does more of these car company announcements, people are going to be jumping on the bandwagon, there s still the question of the constitution, and if questions of violating the constitution are raised, they re going to be pursued, no matter how popular he is in that oval office. if there are ethics conflicts, who s going to hold the president accountable? you talked about who would
hold the advisers and jared kushner and ivanka trump accountable. who would hold the president accountable? it depends on the type of conflict, if he holds on to these businesses, we re going to have the mix that people are mixing trump business with the united states government business. and conversations that look like a quid pro quo. there could be an investigation by the department of justice under the gratuity statutes. with respect to the monuments clause, which simply prohibits foreign government payoffs for united states government officials through profit earring or anything else, that is something that the house of representatives might very well look at, and if somebody refuses, to stop taking illegal payments from foreign governments, they would have to resort to impeachment. we re not there yet. i hope this can be resolved. and the vast majority wanted a
president who represents the interest of the american people. if you can make $15 million an hour, and call it the art of the deal. he s already coming at this from a different perspective. there s only so much of this in charge that voters are going to put up with. i think this is going to sink in quite quickly. i have to run, do you think that donald trump thought about this, about all of this disentanglement and xi vesting before he ran for president? i think he thinks he can get away with anything. an i he said it himself, he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and his numbers would go up, there s been nothing that s happened in the past during the transition, it seems to me, that would undercut that central view. he believes in intuition, in his gut. he believes in himself, and i think that s what we re about to deal with.
john, emily, richard, jim, thank you so much. will democrats try to slow down the confirmation hearings and would that make a difference in the long run. now, get 15% off making your company stand out. staples. make more happen. c mohappy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i m doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i m taking brilinta. for people who ve been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix.
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they hold a series of confirmation hearings on donald trump s cabinet. a columnist for usa today, she s doing double duty. kevin madden, who is a republican strategist, and jack kingston a former senior adviser to the trump campaign. hello, to all of you, thank you for joining us, i have to ask you all about the moment in the bernie sanders town hall, he had some choice words for trump. we are dealing with a man who in many respects is how can i phrase this. a pathological liar. and i say that without any i have many conservative friends and i disagree with them, they re not liars. time after time after time he says stuff which is blatantly absolutely untrue. he s basically calling he s saying, van joins, that the president-elect is a liar, what s your reaction?
he s telling the truth, he can t deny. it doesn t give me any great joy to say it, in a few days, he s going to be the president of me, of you, of my children, but he has a pattern of saying things that are not true. and then and then he won t apologize or retract very easily or very often and that is a bad thing. we should not adopt to absurd identity and pretend that blue is green and green is plaid. it s a true statement. not that i m putting democrats first, but go ahead. i think probably what s almost as bad or worse, is the gaslighting component of it which is not telling the truth, and telling us that we imagined he didn t tell the truth. for example, that he wasn t imitating that reporter, the disabled reporter, just telling us the things we re looking at are not happening, that is the
sort of crazy making aspect to it. that he doesn t ever people make mistakes and say things that aren t true. but they come back and say, i misspoke. that s not what he said. i m sorry about that, i didn t mean to mock you. he just says it didn t happen. you next. i think it was a nostalgic tour down the golden oldies of birney sanders. efrg was corporate greed, 1%. he opened up saying this election is about sexism and racism and xeno phobe yo, and other tried and failed campaign rhetor rhetoric. to me, one of the bright moments, i have worked with bernien sadders on legislation before. when he said he would work with donald trump on repealing or reforming nafta, he meant that. i worked with him on a drug
reimportation issue. he will work with somebody if he believes them. it was rhetoric pulled out one more time. there was a retread quality to what we saw in the town hall. but i think if i look at this clinically, what he said about donald trump is a collarian call for what the progressives want to see they don t want to normalize trump in anyway they wan the to goo directly, actually, in a personal way, at you know, his veracity. have you ever seen it this personal? yeah, the 2016 race has desensitized a lot of us so much of our outrage, those of us who have worked in politics for a long time, we look at the race,
and so much of it is a departure from the past p.m. this is the personalization of so many attacks right now, it could potentially be the new normal. it s interesting van. there are four things that i think progressives are concerned about, his personality is one of them. there s a concern that he s not just a bad role model but a dangerous, air addict person to have on the trigger. there s the personality, then there are the appointments, the personnel. he s putting people in place that progressives have a very hard time with, especially when you re talking about putting people in charge of the epa, who don t believe in global warming. that s and then third, there s a question of the policies, the sort of rolling back obama care without any real help for 20 million people. the most important thing to me is not the personality, not the personnel, not the policies, it s the principles and the values that we should be one country, we shun the be picking on people because of how they dress or their faith or whether
they re disabled or not. the principles and values i feel, that s what s under threat for progressives, progressives are there for wanting to fight harder than ever, to defend our principles and values. you said, all of those things were said on the campaign trail. now the two years that we re from this moment where we are now, and none of it seemed to make a difference. one thing is different. one thing is different, there was a hope. and i think a false hope, one that even i had, maybe the man you saw on stage during the primaries was just an act and he was going to change for the general election. then there was the hope at the general election. once he is elected and he is the man, that then he s going to become presidential. now there s a fading, dwindling hope that he puts his hand on the bible. i think this is it. this is a populous, this is what they do, they rub the feathers the wrong way of the
establishment. bernie sanders was a populace as well. and there were other people who were popula ulists and they did handle themselves this way on the campaign trail. i think the idea of going to twitter is great, he goes straight to the american people. donald trump jumped on it today. to me, he spoke to the heart of somebody who s simple minded like me, i understood what he was saying. here s this woman that s extremely wealthy and wineny donald trump goes straight to the heart of the american people. he goes to the heart of. you were saying donald trump, you thought he would change. when someone shows you who they are. fool me once, shame on you.
fool me twice. we ll talk, we ll be right back, don t go anywhere. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? control suits me. go national. go like a pro. with sleep number, there s an adjustment for that. just a swipe to realign your spine. does your bed do that? come into a sleep number store where the c2 mattress is now $699.99. it s a no brainer.
kevin, jack kingston said he s simple minded. that s what i heard. he was did you say you were i didn t want to put words in your mouth. he didn t like the merrill speech last night. he didn t ask give himself enough credit. there s not a lot of people in the country that liked the speech. i think. go ahead. i danced in small circles. a lot of people on my side of the political prism did not like the speech. i think it was a cliche right now for someone in hollywood to stand up and criticize somebody who s a republican. i do think there was there definitely were some heartfelt moments in the speech. it resonated with that
particular audience. there were things that seemed out of touch with middle america, saying that without them, all we would have is football or mma. this is something that i think continues to sort of dwemonstrae the red state blue state divide we have. i would agree with you. except that he is the apprentice, and he is hollywood person son phied. you were criticizing her for being a rich celebrity. season the that what donald trump is. well, he it s a yes or no question. i don t think that s right.
i think she was what s interesting about what kevin said, i didn t see it as a conservative versus a liberal. i think anyone could have given that speech. anyone who s concerned about what she is talking about, someone who is in the position of the president of the united states, who s beating up on people and humiliating people? i saw, the first part of it, yeah. i agree the mma stuff was a bridge too far, i didn t see her as being a victim. i saw her as standing up for victims. and using her strength to come to the rescue of people who feel vulnerable. i do think this idea of the hollywood elite would sit down and be quiet, the republicans would be happy. they want to feel victimized by the hollywood elite. this whole elite thing. what are we talking about
elites. donald trump is a self-proclaimed multibillionaire. it s probably they re richer than he lives in manhattan. why are we using this term elites to apply to a certain group of people, aren t elite people just people who have privilege? that could apply to a lot of people? as a football fan, she s talking about my people. i thought that was tongue in cheek. i m a football fan. and an mma fan, i didn t take offense to that. if hollywood doesn t stop wining, epa is going to have to declare it a wetland. they need to move on and please, could you tell the friends out there that you have. i know you re well connected. no more videos instructing us how we should behave. just with the cowboys and the westerns. the people who are in the middle of the country watch
movies. consume music and they consume a lot of the arts. you may say these people are disconnected from the arts someone s buying that music, someone s going to the movieses. i think that s right. i don t want do interrupt. i ll get to you real quick, i think that s right, i think what they don t like is the idea of being preached to. they re not cultured enough to make up their own mind. to address the issue of elites, i don t think it s about wealth or how much wealth you ve accumulated. it has more to do with a mind-set, when a lot of these folks feel like they believe, they know better than others i think that is where there s a backlash toward that type of it s a level of hypocrisy on this point is almost laughable, in that everybody on this here tonight. we spend our lives trying to
influence public opinion. for some reason when hollywood people do it, well known celebrities and artists do it. those people are terrible because they re telling us what to do. we re all telling people what to do, and what to think. it s how they do it. how they do it. this whole idea, remember the idea of american exceptionalism? what happened to that? i thought that conservatives were the folks who wanted american exceptionalism the most out of everyone. any time someone fights to be the built what is wrong with that, i stwaen wasn t that cull touche ali aware maybe some people are just not in certain places. what is wrong with admitting that what s wrong with aspiring to that. when someone does aspire to that, why do you call them an elite. i want to know. remember, donald trump likes
the arts, he wrote a book about it, it s called the art of the deal. let me say this. he lives in a culture capital of the world. to somebody who has been in policy making, i find it frequently offensive when some hollywood actor comes in and rungs their mouth. they have a huge bully pulpit. they often engarj in debates they have no idea what they re talking about. i had this i have to go, the producers are telling me to go. i had this conversation with a friend just last night. she had this bully pulpit, and he wasn t there to defend himself. donald trump could hold a press conference and knocked the golden globes off the air for as long as he wanted to. i digress, i ll get off my soap box know. the elite capital of the world next to hollywood and washington, d.c.. and chicago maybe. thank you, everyone.
i appreciate that. don t miss the messy truth with mr. van jones, carly fiorina and jennifer grand holme. make sure you tune in. senator versus senator. one of the witnesses against jeff sessions is his senate colleague. and a face. this is nice. and does it come in a california king? getting roid rage. hemorrhoid. these are the worst, right? i m gonna buy them. boom. i ll take them. impulse buy. ommmmmmmmmmm. with the blue cash everyday card from american express you get cash back on purchases. it s all happening. with no annual fee. here we go! it s more than cash back. it s backed by the service and security of american express. it s more than cash back. what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts.r? the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts.
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drama ahead for donald trump s pick for attorney general. cory booker and john lewis are each scheduled to appear as witnesses against him. meanwhile, senator sessions is deep into his preparation for the hearing. dana bash has more. don, i m told jeff sessions spent the weekend with his team in his senate office doing final prep for tomorrow s confirmation hearing. for years, sessions has been a member of the judiciary hearing that will decide his fate. it s the same committee who was blocked from being a federal judge three decades ago 37.
jeff sessions was the first u.s. senator to endorse him. this is a moment. look at what s happening. the kbam bam republican gave the new york reality tv star credibility with the gop base. because jefferson beauragard sessions the third is from the heart of alabama. 30 years ago, when ronald reagan nominated sessions to be a federal judge, democrats blocked him. something sessions rarely talked about, but did with us in 2009. it was not a pleasant event, i have to tell you. it was so heart breaking. he was accused of racial insensitivity, calling a black lawyer boy. i am not a racist, i am not insensitive to blacks. sessions was pounded by democrats, including then senator joe biden. they may have taken positions
that i consider to be adverse to the security interests of the united states. does that make them unamerican? no, sir, it does not. that was not fair, that was not accurate, those were false charges and distortions of anything that i did. # i never had those kind of views. now, the son of civil rights activists, who sessions prosecuted for voter fraud is coming to his defense. i don t think he s a racist. he s worked extensively with sessions, who was elected senator 20 years ago. when i talked to senator sessions about historical black colleges and trying to get historical black colleges assistance and funding, he list listened. i can go on and on about the particular irish yous that jeff
sessions and i have discussed. susan collins was elected the same year. you don t agree with him on a lot of issues? we don t agree on a host of issues. she plans to introduce sessions at his confirmation hearing for attorney general. i don t know what happened more than 30 years ago, i do know the jeff sessions i have worked with in the past 20 years, i want a person of integrity and experience. and jeff sessions has all of those characteristics and qualities. sessions spent two decades in the senate fighting for conservative causes. did team up on a bill with this high ranking democrat. dick durbin was trying to reduce the penalty for crack cocaine, which was 100 times higher than powder cocaine, he saw sessions
in the senate gym. we re putting our clothes on, getting ready to leave. jeff, give me a number. if you can t do one to one, i won t go for 100 to 1. what is it? it was 18. we agreed. durbin says he disagrees with sessions on most legal issues, which makes it hard to support him for attorney general. other democrat s sessions got t know in the gym agree. if he made you trade head of the trade representative, we d be working together very well. you keep these positions on immigration, you keep these positions on civil rights and voting rights, it s going to be hard for me to support you. from democrats about bonding with sessions in the senate gym, he s part of the senate club, however, you could also hear from those democrats who know and like sessions, they are unlikely to vote for him, since they disagree so staunchly with him on issues that he would oversee as attorney general.
thank you dana, we ll be watching, we ll be right back. if you re told you have cancer, explore your treatment options with specialists who treat only cancer. every stage. every day.. at cancer treatment centers of america. learn more at isjust wanna see ifa again? my score changed. you wanna check yours? scores don t change that much. i haven t changed. oh, really? it s girls night they said business casual. i love summer weddings!

People , Party , Message , Democratic-party , Living , Bathroom , Attention , Question , One , Rate , 10 , 1

Transcripts For CNNW New Day Sunday 20180729 10:00:00

mber. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go online today. get out of here as quick as you can. the fire ran with such thrust. whole neighborhoods have disappeared as a result of this fire. leave when we ask you to leave. this is almost apocalyptic. we have determined the fact he can t michael cohen, himself, is not a reliable narrator in this
still growing. thousands of homes and businesses are threatened. officials say residents shouldn t wait for an evacuation order. if they don t feel safe, leave. if you feel like you need to leave and nobody has told you, leave. is there a reason the hair on the back of your neck stands up sometimes. cnn s paul verkammen is joining us. it s a sad day. you pointed out the young children passed away along with their great grandmother in the fire. you might wonder, well, how in the world could they not get out? if you look at this devastation tht not their house but another completely ravaged neighborhoods in west redding. the fire will tear through and take everything to the ground. the progress has slowed a little
bit. the last update we had on numbers of acreage burned, almost 84,000. 536 homes destroyed, just like this one. of course, the numbers go up because the swath of destruction is so wide that firefighters go into these neighborhoods and start counting them. as for those firefighters, lots of fatigue there. horrible conditions. 108, 110-degree temperatures. their boss is urging them to stay hydrated, get food, get sleep. some of them working 24-hour shifts on, then 24 off. but it s not just the firefighters that are suffering from a form of fatigue. they are having massive equipment failures throughout this firefighting effort. let s listen to what a sacramento battalion chief and safety officer had to say about this firefight. we are used to hot but, you know, 116, 17 degrees on the
pick up debris. instead of pieces of wood and cars, what it s taking with it are the embers and putting them back out and spreading that fire possibly to places where it never existed before. that is a very big concern. but one of the other concerns we have is also the topography that we have here in california. you ve got valleys, mountains, you ve got a lot of slopes to deal with. that is a big concern. sheer why. a 20-degree slope after hill, fire travels about 20 miles per hour uphill. but if you change that slope by only 10 degrees, you ve now upped that speed double. it s now 40 miles per hour. this effectively means the top grove there makes it harder for the firefighters to fight these fires than it would be if these fires were in a flat place, say, like florida or oklahoma. it s the topography that is at play here and that is another big concern. also, keep in mind, with all of that smoke that goes out from
A morning newscast featuring breaking news and weather reports.
we heard rudy giuliani had already accused trump s former attorney michael cohen of being a liar after cohen signaled his willingness to tell investigators that trump knew in advance of that infamous 2016 meeting at trump tower involving his son in a promising dirt on hillary clinton. last night, rudy giuliani accused cohen tampering of a recording he made of a 2016 conversation with then candidate trump. we should note no evidence to suggest the tape was altered but here is what giuliani had to say about it. i hope it exists. this could be a recording of a recording. we are not sure yet. that, they can probably determine. and then you re right, we may never be able to determine that, but we have determined the fact that he tampered with the tape in the sense that he abruptly, mid conversation, turned it off.
reporter: now the cohen camp is responding by mocking giuliani. a source close to michael cohen said this to jake tapper. you think he is wild speculation as if he were unhinged? obviously, it s a lie. shocking. he is touting academic growth and campaigns to extensively for republicans this fall. as the president heads back to the white house tonight he has to confront questions about cohen when he meads side-by-side with the italian prime minister tomorrow night at the white house and maybe see him address the controversy before then but so far trump has been uncharacteristically quiet on social media as well this week. he has been extremely quiet. thank you, sarah westwood. joey jackson is with us and julian zeleny now.
disgusted frankly by mr. giuliani s representing. lawyers are advocates and hit hard but rules of engagement. like boxing. a sweet science and not mma you do what you want and you say and do whatever you want. back up a minute. giuliani is the person who says that the president knew there was reimbursement for stormy daniels and then he says well, he didn t know. he is also the guy a week ago was it who was saying cohen has always been an honorable man and truthful and now on the attack that cohen has no credibility at all. as lawyers what we have is our credibility and giuliani at this point has zero. that is troubling to me. to the tape and to your question, the fact is that sh, you know, look. the lawyers want to question the authenticity of a tape but to suggest we have proof, it s altered, and tampered with. the fact this is a distinction to be clear, between tampering with, which suggests and implies an alteration of something, and
abruptly shutting it off, which might suggest that it s being viewed not in the context in which it should. and so if you want to make that representation and argument, fair game, please do so. but don t throw out these wild conspiracy theories. the last thing i ll say we are living in altered reality. i ve never seen it this bad. alternative facts and people can throw out theorys what they want and the president telling lies every day. let s level with the american people. law is about getting in the arena and people have different perspective and different point of view and make your argument and advocate for your client and let s not confuse and deflect and disregard and make up things and mislead the american people. it s just wrong. this is what is interesting. rudy giuliani is ian as doing that right now but cohen is seen doing that in the past. cohen at one point said i would take a bullet for president trump, julian. when you look at these two
people, rudy giuliani and michael cohen, who is more credible? neither is particularly credible. president trump surrounds himself with many figures who say many things, who are not truthful in front of the public, or even behind the scenes. and so you have this chaotic moment where people without credibility are making all kinds of accusations. that said, cohen has tapes and tapes are very different in that you can actually hear the principle special and i think that has the trump team so scared. it s not a surprise they are going to go after his credibility. this is what president trump and his allies do to everyone who is antagonistic to them. i want to ask you, joey, about some news out this morning also from rudy giuliani who confirmed that the joint defense agreement that president trump s legal team had with cohen s legal team apparently has been dissolved. what do you make that have?
i make of that that it s a very public and very bitter and very nasty divorce and the fact is that, you know, the reality is that cohen is doing what he said he would do. is that it s about my family and country first. and i think perhaps there were over tours pardon me, what do you want to do? he was left hanging in the wind and now fending for himself. just one thing. it begs the question if cohen is such a dishonorable person and such a liar and he has no credibility, why the president keep him around as his fixer for 15 years? generally, people around this, who we dispute their credibility, we don t think they are good people, we don t think their veracity and truthfulness is something we don t want to associate with, we break ties. you don t break ties and with him a decade and a half and now he is the worst person of mankind. it doesn t make sense from a common sense perspective.
cohen is looking out for cohen right now and trump is looking out for trump. i think in the mix of it we should keep accusations and all kinds of accusations but make them upon credible elevation not wild speculation. julian w that said, is there speculation or is it possible when he served with president trump, then, you know, citizen trump for 15 years, did he see him as loyal or did he just see him as maybe knowing more than anybody else knows about him behind the scenes? well, i think they both could be true. you know, president trump, at the time, or citizen trump saw him as useful. they knew who he was, they knew what kind of law or fixing he practiced but he was in their inner circle. as a result, he was very close to whatever they were doing. he knows a lot about everything from the business to the politics but now he is no longer useful so they are going after
him. the problem is he was there. he does have a lot of information, a lot of knowledge and this is what is causing jitters in president trump. how admissible are the tapes we keep hearing about? they could be very admissible. something is admissible in court if it s relevant if it tends to prove or disprove any fact but then you have to authenticate it and stab if it s an actual authentic recording of the party. when we hear all of the tape maybe it was abruptly cut off to be fair but say that. look, it s played out of context, not it s tampered with which sends a far different message. tapes are admissible in court every day in the week and twice on sunday. how they are viewed and evaluated is another matter. and if you want to state what is on the tape and, you know, spin what s on the tape, that s one thing, but to just throw out things it s altered, we have evidence, it s just problematic. julian, any possibility that
what giuliani is doing is employing a tactic of distraction here. distraction and discredibility and what they do time and time again and i think what is he doing with cohen. it s not facts but it s politically attacking your opponent. we appreciate you both for joining us. thank you. thank you. russian president vladimir putin showing off russia s new warships in his annual navy day parade. we will show you what this display of military might mean for the u.s. ahead. it is a powerful earthquake. at least ten people have died on an island in indonesia. details ahead on the search for survivors right now. also, a manhunt is under way in new orleans after gunfire near the french quarter leaves three people dead and several others injured. hit into the crowd and striking all ten individuals.
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[ sobs quietly ] president trump is hitting campaign trail this week. he is also hosting italy s prime minister tomorrow. but let s not forget that trump s former campaign chairman paul manafort, his trial begins this week. so, of course, that means we have got a lot to discuss here. let s bring in once against julian zeleny, cnn political analyst, and kelly jane torrance, deputy manager editor for the weekly standard. good morning to both of you. good morning. kelly jane, the president is meeting with italy s prime minister and there usually a q & a session at some point. normally he will also about
cohen. how do you think he is handle that? when he has seasoned leader by himself, he sometimes has difficulty handling it. the prime minister is a bit of an outsider like trump, himself. and so it s very hard to say how he is going to handle it. you know, he is probably going to be a little angry but i still wonder if he is holding back a bit, you know? as i was saying yesterday on the station, you know, he has not given michael cohen one of those crazy nicknames. we knew the break with steve bannon was complete when he called steve bannon sloppy steve on twitter. he has not done that yet with michael cohen. i wonder is he still hoping for something i m not sure. it s interesting. if you don t get a nickname, there is a still of threat of hope for you? exactly, exactly. julian, i know the president was very quiet this weekend. it s possible he was still hoping the new cycle would positive on the academic figures that came out on friday. you wrote an interesting article
which is to say historically, that doesn t necessarily bode well for a president even with the midterms around the corner. that s right. midterm lexs good economic news does not bring good political news and many mid terms the economy was doing well like 1966 but the party of the president does poorly. the news about this ongoing scandal often overwhelms the good news that the administration can be boasting. so there is no reason to think what we heard about on friday will translate into good results for the gop in november. we know, kelly jane, he is going out on the campaign trail this week, going to florida and pennsylvania. my question is they seem to be wanting to get him out of town and get him out to where he is very comfortable, which is in front of his supporters. do you think that is part of the strategy here? you know, that s a great question, martin. we saw even you know, even
shortly after he had been elected, people started talking about some things were that not comfortable for trump and he started having campaign rallies. you know, i understand that in america, people are always campaigning and, you know, the day after the election, you re already thinking about the next one but this was a little unprecedented where he was selling tickets to events right after he was elected because he feels very comfortable. i mean, as we know, he as we think we know from fire and fury, he was a little surprised he was elected president and i think he does feel most happy on the campaign trail, surrounded by people who love him. and washington, d.c. facing tough reporters with tough questions like those from cnn. not as comfortable for him. so, yeah, i think part of is to get out of town and, of course, you have people covering those rallies and when you hear he s speaking and people are cheering him on, he wants that kind of coverage and it s not what he is going to get when he is in
washington. exactly right. julian zeleny and kelly jane torrance, good to see you both and thank you. thank you. have a great day. listen. don t miss state of the union with jake tapper today at 9:00 a.m. eastern. he is going to be joined by president trump s academic adviser larry kudlow and anthony scaramucci and mitch landrieu. john lewis is in the hospital and expected to be released today. cnn s local affiliate wsbt is lewis became ill on a flight and he is under routine investigation. he has represented georgia since 1986. a manhunt under way in new orleans after two people opened fire into a crowd, killing three people, wounding several others. we are going to hear from the police chief. sleep disturbances keep 1 in 3 adults up at night.
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now, i ll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america s largest gig-speed network. it is good to see you. 32 minutes past the hour on this sunday. i m christi paul. i m martin savidge in for victor blackwell. a search under way in new orleans this morning after two people opened fire, killing three people and wounding several others. three miles from the french quarter. police say the suspect
approached the victim from behind and they just started shooting. what we know right now is that we believe there were two individuals clothed with what we believe to be hoods that approached from behind to right front of the shop behind us and opened fire. one with, we believe, a rifle and one with a handgun on the crowd shooting multiple subjects and ten in total. a lot of people were out here tonight. a lot of people we know saw what happened, heard what happened, and we need, more than anything, for people to come forward to help the n.o.p.s. right now come and solve this case by helping us find more evidence and find out who is responsible for this, so we can hold them accountable. the other victims were taken to several hospitals in the area. one is currently in critical condition and we will bring you more information the moment we get it. parkland student activists are traveling across the country and speaking out against gun vils as a part of road to change
bus tour and the mission to get young people involved and empowered. they are hosting a rally in atlanta today and town halls and voter registration events and barbecues to get more people to register to vote. two students who are attending the rally are with us. jacqueline cody, a senior this year and recent douglas stoneman graduate. as you were at these rallies and these events that you re coordinated, i m wondering you must talk to a lot of people, they must ask you a lot of questions. what stands out, daniel, to you, about what people ask about? is there any particular story? any particular question someone asked you that has stayed with you. something that comes up is a
message of what we are trying to push. we have ten policy points on our website that exists what we are trying to do. people say are you trying to take a lot of the gonzalez? no, we are not. we want to have universal background checks and something very simple that 97% of your americans are agree on. so we just talk to people and clarify exactly what we are talking about. jacqueline, i know you re starting school on august 15th. with that said, you re back in school. daniel, i know you re going to college. what is the next phase of this movement for you? what comes next? well, asking for change and we will be active for this march for our lives and so many people around the country to reach out
to and especially college students. we essentially will be traveling to colleges and have voter registration parties and concerts there. because, obviously, the student population is very dense at colleges and a lot of people are qualified to register to vote there. we will be teaching people what absentee ballots are and reaching out to more young people. we are not stopping our travels once the school year begins. daniel, do you get the sense that congress is listening to you? we see some of the pictures of the people coming out to your rallies. what about any congress members? has anyone reached out to you? has anyone spoken with you? on social media, we can see a lot of congress members are reaching out and actually coming to some of our events which is very nice to see. we are just hoping that what we are doing actually gets their attention and that they are actually paying attention and that we are actually being heard up there in washington. jacqueline, as i said, i know that i believe it s august 15th you start school again. yes? yeah. you re going into your senior year as senior class president.
congratulations to you. did you have any hesitations? how are you feeling about walking in that school at about the six-month mark from when this happened? i really don t have any hesitation at all. i think school is really welcoming environment at this time just because i like feeling empathy, because every day we feel sympathy but it s nice to be surrounded by people who understand the pain and what we are going through. it s a very welcoming environment and everyone is just really going through the same thing so we can be there for each other. but at the end of the day, we have to continue our education. we have to continue as normal students. and in order to go to college and make it in our lives, you know? jacqueline and daniel, we appreciate that you took time to talk to us in between your travels, i know, as you re on this mission. thank you for being here and best of luck to both of you as you continue.
thank you. we want to [ inaudible ]. we understand that hospitalized today and we hope he can recover with speed. john lewis, yes. he is getting out of the hospital today so we will see if that happens. thank you both. take good care. a mississippi police department has fired appear officer who used a stun gun on a handcuffed suspect. authorities say meridian starks hit the suspect with his forearm and pressed his stun gun into the man s back while arresting him. they say the victim was cooperating. other officers did not step in at the time but a spokesman says they did report the incident almost immediately. stark has not been charged with the crime and can appeal his termination. the department has reported the incident to the fbi civil rights investigators. vladimir putin at the navy
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holding navy day parade and vladimir putin is there. it is featuring russia s newest warship and they say has advantage over its u.s. counterpart. frederik pleitgen is live from st. petersburg. hello, freneleiend. seeing how vladimir putin is showing the military promise and hardware here, does he really mean it? reporter: i m not sure if he means it but he did show off russia s new military today. you re absolutely right, martin. it was interesting to see the boats on display here. on one hand a new surveillance ship that is targeted at the u.s. and nato and especially in the baltic theater. then a submarine which is called the aircraft killer which is designed to actually hunt down u.s. aircraft carries and hit them with long-range missiles. something that many people wanted to see or had been
looking to see for a very long time is a stealth ship that is supposed to be difficult for the u.s. to combat for the u.s. to track as well which is on display for the first time as well. not all of these ships went past here but all a part of this large parade. vladimir putin did speak a couple of feet from where we are standing right now and interesting to listen to some of his speech. the past couple of days, vladimir putin has said nice things about president trump which president trump has acknowledged as well saying he wanted to invite president trump to moscow and he wants to go to washington to prevent an arms race. at the same time listening to the short speech he gave here today he did say that the navy was stronger than it had been in a very long time and it had achieved what he called parody in the international theater. that is something aimed directly at the united states. the russians are saying we are willing to talk about this but at the same time we are going to continue to strengthen our forces that we have and those are forces that can challenge the united states, not only here
in this area, but certainly they believe in places around the world. it s a heck of a parade as we see the pictures of what you were seeing there this morning in russia. this is in russia, of course. however, his message, as you said, he spoke to the united states but what other message do you think he is sending and to whom with this display? he wants more people to watch than just those lined up there that we see. reporter: yeah. you re absolutely right, christi. one of the things we saw is that this was really a big naval parade but staged managed production and cameras everywhere and drone cameras and cameras on cranes and everything you can imagine so this was, obviously, meant to sent a message to the russian audience saying our navy is strong and getting stronger but also to the u.s. allies and u.s. nato partners. look that surveillance ship. that is something that is aimed directly at nato nations and the
submarine on display and the swedes believe was in their waters and trying to hunt. russia is saying you can try to contain us but we will continue to get stronger and stronger. it s interesting to see some of the things they have been putting on display here at this parade because some of the vessels that we have seen here are vessels that the russians have been saying are going into it was sfofs a very long time and some have had delays but the russians are saying already. it s also interesting the timing. a couple of days the russians putting out video of missile they launched from a big 31 aircraft. the russians clearly, saying they want this armament but, on the other hand saying their military is more combat ready and stronger than it has been in a very long time. so interesting. frederik pleitgen, thank you so much for walking us through that. thank you, fred.
so patriots are used to some controversy, right? not unheard of that swirls around their training camp but a little bit different this time. we will hear the question that caused tom brady to do just that. storm off during an interview! go figure. sleep disturbances keep 1 in 3 adults up at night. only remfresh uses ion-powered melatonin to deliver up to 7 hours of sleep support. number 1 sleep doctor recommended remfresh your nightly sleep companion. available in the natural sleep section at walmart. our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. (buzzer sound) holiday inn express. be the readiest.
and a lot of connected it to alex guerrero. what is your reaction to that? i. i have no comment. it s just ridiculous. i m out! brady abruptly ending that media session saying, i m out. edelm edelman took responsibility. what is in the past is in the past. ultimately i m worried about just going out here and playing football. i m not here to talk about making a headline on something, you know? i m just here playing football. edelman is suspended the first four games of the seen and patriots are still favored to win the super bowl. we will see if this story line continues to play out. chipper jones may not make it to the ceremony for the baseball hall of famer he could get thrown a curveball. the brave legend and his wife taylor are expecting a baby boy due this weekend. they have named their son
cooper! they are ready for a change-up! just doing well. still pregnant. still with child. hopefully, little cooper will wait until we get back to atlanta but if he was to be born here this weekend, it would be pretty cool. check this story out. angels catcher francisco garcia taking full advantage of his moment. after spending 12 years fighting his way through the minors, the 28-year-old from venezuela set the all-time record for the most rbi in his first two games! ten of them! six on friday and four more last night. he may not ever become a hall of famer, but for a few days, he is a legend. imagine going to watch your kid play youth basketball and king james shows up and jumps into warm-ups with the kids! that is what happened in vegas. lebron went to see his son play in a game and he hopped in the layup line and just put on his one-man dunk competition in fronts of the fans! they started going crazy. he throws down this hammer right
here! and remember, guys, this is the guy who said, i kind of wish i didn t name my son after me because it brings too much attention to him! there he goes out there puts on a show. i wonder what his son thought about it? dad? give me my space! exactly, right? coy, thank you. i love lebron james. i do love him. ahead, more on the deadly 80,000-acre wildfire in california. we are update on the size of this fire. it continues to grow, doubling in just 24 hours. -and we welcome back gary,
-not today, ron.

Mber , Homes , Residents , Leave , Businesses , Thousands , Evacuation-order , Safe , Officials , Reason , Cnn , Back

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180730 21:00:00

A roundtable ensemble discusses and debates the day s news.
program. other quality shows, like mine. i thought you could tell us about yourself. thank you for having me here today. i m excited. thank you. i am a 12 theater attorney and i still practice. i practice in california and washington. the majority of my career was spent with the federal government and criminal law. i had the pleasure of cheering in the nfl for the the oakland raiders. i went on a uso tour in kuwait and iraq visiting troops. that remains this day my greatest honor. me and one of the black hawks. dana: i like that. jesse: you are doing so well. emily: chased a squirrel with that hat on. that s my car.
greg was telling me about his car. i pick my engine is bigger. greg: 72, right? dana: dude drive that everywhere? does seattle give you the steam guy when you drive around her neck? emily: i got more negative looks. in seattle, i just said dana: beautiful car. greg: haughty make of the idea of anxiety? could it be a class action lawsuit against trump? emily: they could certainly try. we saw that a suit about caffeine and coffee in california. i feel like it s one more thing where the reality, people want to be outraged rather than informed. the whole thing is ridiculous. to me, it s an oversimplification of the matte matter. i have trump anxiety syndrome so it must mean x, y, and z. what is that the root of? fear and fright is usually from lack of education.
if we could talk about things, people wouldn t be so frightened of the positive news coming out of the administration. greg: if you are offended, you are complicit in the outrage. i got that from a producer. donald s isn t making you sick. it s you are letting him get you sick. you have to learn how to manage the emotions and turn it into something productive, correct? juan: i think donald plays on emotions every day. he plays on the fear factor. he likes sister up his base. he likes to mock people and intimidate people. look at it from the democrats point of view. the base is anti-trump and energized to turn out in the midterms. all the numbers are going towards the democrats because the democratic basis so energized. they are upset about trump. greg: deranged. juan: people look around
those people are mentally weak. we had people storming beaches and now they are crying in the streets. the media is so negative. they are saying that the sky is falling. trump is taking down institutions, fighting with people. he is on twitter. we ve never had a president like that before and people can t process it. people are frustrated because they haven t been able to take him down. they have thrown everything of this guy and he is still at 45 space coda 45%. they need to say a shrink. greg: lets ai come and i have all this anxiety. dana: are you in action oriented person or you need to turn off the tv and turn off water? some people say i don t like to watch the news. it s too negative. or it s too violent. they don t want to watch it.
you have a choice. in the serenity prayer, you ask for wisdom for the things you cannot change and the courage to know the difference. i think the other thing is, and i do think the democrats have done this, so have trump supporters. channel the energy into something else. run for office, donate, decide to turn something into action so you can get involved. if you feel like you are more involved and you re able to do something on either side, then you can deal with your anxiety better. greg: to what jesse said, i think the stress israel and it has to do with time compression. the fact that trump has packed five incidents in one day. it seems like to him shuffleboard. if there is a news item, he will hit it out with another news
item. we are constantly racing and racing, and i can kind of see where that gets exhausting, even for us. emily: the rapidity of the media cycle can be exhausting. part of the issue is focusing on the fright and fear of what hasn t happened yet. we are ignoring to our detriment the negative. california has the highest poverty rate if you take into account cost of living. we have 125 billionaires living in that state with $500 billion among them. l.a. county leveraged $430 million worth of debt to combat the homeless problem that is growing by the day. it s almost a shell game where we are focused on what the media, the headlights, oversimplification, and ignoring what really needs our attention. greg: i am stealing those stats when i do talk are later. media keeping it at a doomsday level.
they re going to fork out millions in the midterms with the hope to win both houses and impeach. is that the realistic goal? juan: no. but i think realistically they have a shot at the house. i m struck by this conversation because to me, you say it s the hollywood elite. it s the media. it s everybody but donald trump and i think if i am anxious, if the american people are anxious, and according to what i saw, they are more anxious. apparently you can measure this. they are more anxious. what about donald trump s repeated lies? what about the idea that he stands next to putin like a submissive puppy and says i believe putin, not the americans. wait a second. what side is this going on? i thought he was our president. jesse: i think people are more resilient on the right. during the administration, there are racial riots and domestic terror attacks, gas price spike spikes. there was a lot of uncertainty
and volatility. conservatives didn t rush to see a shrink. they had a drink and went to work. greg: they created the tea party. dana: and there was isis. that was anxiety producing, you are worried about the future of the world. part of this is celebrities and hollywood have said they are going to be more engaged now than ever. the president, yes, for president trump, he does better if he has someone or something to work against. i think if hollywood really wanted to help the democrats, it would be better to sit back, write checks, and register new voters rather than giving him something to run against. greg: clooney said he wouldn t hang around obama because he didn t want to tarnish obama with the hollywood stench. dana: they just met behind closed doors. greg: president trump and his legal team launched a new wave of attacks against robert mueller and michael cohen. the war of words, that s next.
are you in good hands?
with an interview with the special counsel. rudy giuliani on tv today going after robert mueller and trump s former lawyer, michael cohen. here are some of the highlights. my client didn t do it. even if he did, it s not a crime. ives event over an hour. collusion is not a crime. they re not going to have a sit down until they are not what they want to do. we will advise the president and he decides. he has always leaned in favor of doing it. right now i am telling him no way. interfering with the ability to govern. it s a horrible thing mueller is doing. you tell me a lawyer is taping his clients. i have to say he made a mistake. he s unethical. he s a scumbag. he s a horrible person. jesse: rudy is off the leash today. greg: he has a dog in his jaws.
jesse: what s the strategy? greg: it is a mess. the more you clean it, the messier it gets. his strategy as he sees a spill on carpet and dumps a wheelbarrow of soup on nights. trump is from queens. nothing goes down without a fight or name calling. this is not brentwood, bel air, or madison, wisconsin. these are new yorkers. you have giuliani, trump, and michael cohen one. the streets of new york and new jersey. we are watching an ongoing episode of the sopranos. juan: did you mean that as a complement? greg: i did. i m very skeptical of the attention being devoted to this. i can t take it seriously. when the ifs become ours, i ll take it seriously. right now it s background noise. juan: giuliani said that
cohen is an honest guy i trust. now he says, i don t want to repeat what he just said. but he thinks he s a lowlife. jesse: because he taped the president. juan: on a host of issues. he thinks the guy is a lowlife. he keeps changing his story. greg, would you want rudy representing you? greg: this is how life works. somebody is your lowlife until they are no longer your lowlife. then they are just a lowlife. he s a jerk. they say he s a jerk but he s my jerk. that s how they look at lawyers. sorry, emily. [laughter] you just looked at me. juan: take it easy. this is full combat. mma of the debates. jesse: as a lawyer, what do you think? is it a p.r. game to discredit the mueller investigation by saying all these things are happening? he stacked the deck with a lot of democratic lawyers. mueller has a conflict. i m not going to be treated
fairly so when the investigation comes to a conclusion, there is doubt in the air. emily: that s one argument for sure but there s been question as to come is there a strategy? always thought today might be evidence it s more reactionary even though it s always trying to get in front of the new cycle and the statement to put out the narrative. should he sit down with mueller or should he not. the strategy behind that would be to help frame the narrative. obviously it has more potential for detriment. if i could throw in my two cents about cohen. people keeps repeating. his lawyers as he recorded the conversations because it replaced him taking notes. because there s so many, almost 200, it speaks to that but you have a duty of fall a duty of confidentiality. you vile not to do harm to your
client with the confidence they ve given you. privilege was waived by that tape and it was a smart move because the conversation doesn t continue about there must be something in that tape. there must be something recorded that s nefarious. it takes out the fight the government could have argued a it is privilege or b there is a crime fraud exception. i think it was wise but i also think purposeful or not strategy, mired in the details, it s taking us away from the bigger picture. juan: giuliani says he wants all the tapes to be heard. he says it helps the president. i have to think as i am sitting here, people giuliana comes out and says yes, we paid off oh, the president do about it. now we know that the president knew about karen mcdougal. is he helping this president? jesse: it is less about the cohen thing and more about mueller. now we believe the mueller thing, if we are to believe
rudy giuliani, it may conclude around september and the president doesn t want to talk to him. dana: that s not what they said. rudy giuliani says he doesn t want his client to talk to him but the president has always maintained he wants to talk to him but his advisors are saying no. rudy giuliani says hard pass. i feel like mueller might be i don t know if he s completely wrapping up but it feels to me like every time we get this ramped up rhetoric, something is coming. it might be another indictment that you might see soon. i m not going to say what i think might happen. jesse: now you have to say it. dana: are not going to say it. cohen use to, let s say you would say you mind if i tape this? i won t tape it anymore. pushed it off. he had another device that was recording you the entire time. if you want to be sympathetic towards somebody, even president trump. if you don t like him. it s pretty underhanded.
it s what you were saying, emily. for a lawyer to do that. remember, why did the southern district of new york go to his hotel room, knock on the door and say we need all the stuff. they headed to p was about to destroy evidence. i imagine the tapes were on the list. greg: i don t think cohen was hired for his credibility. everybody s got to have a fixer. jesse: that s right. emily is a fixer. up next, president trump making a major threat against the democrats who don t want to build a wall. wait until you hear this. still a chance here.
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concerned and personally if we don t get border security, after many, many years of talk within the united states, i would have no problem doing a shutdown. juan: some on the left not budging. anti-trump critic representative maxine waters launching this new attack on the president. this president is a bully, and he will try to intimidate all of us. he is not going to shutdown anything. as a matter fact, people will remember he said he was going to build this wall and he was going to make mexico pay for the wall. they said they weren t going to pay for anything. now he wants the american citizens to pay for this wall. juan: waters to watters. i thought mexico was going to pay for it. jesse: they still will. be patient. it looks like it s going to be built one step at a time.
we had a deal for 25 billion in an exchange for legalizing dreamers. then we have the s-whole country comment, shutdown schumer situation. they didn t want chain migration and lottery. it fell apart. i don t think the centage is going to do this because it takes 60 votes. they can get it through the house but not the senate. a shutdown in the fall. there is a hand grenade in there. you have to confirm cavanaugh, run for reelection. i don t even think o connell wants the wall. i don t think ryan wants his lasting swan song to be a government shutdown and then losing the house. i don t think it s going to happen. but if the democrats take the house, they are not only not going to fund the wall, they are going to abolish i.c.e. juan: did you just say it s not going to happen? jesse: i don t believe it s going to happen at this point right now. but they re going to have to fund it piecemeal. juan: emily, majority
leader mitch mcconnell says i m not having a vote on this before the midterms. ron johnson, head of homeland security, says it s a bad idea. people in the house are saying we are republicans than we are not into this. what do you make of it? emily: i agree with jesse and personally i really don t like the threat of the government shutdown or using that as a tool. we re not getting much out of a lot people there anyway and secondly is a federal attorney, i was a managing attorney and acting director. the amount of resources it takes to prepare for a furlough and execute on it. it s inordinate. to me, it s a tremendous hemorrhage of those resources and the sub importer issue, we cannot overstate or underestimate the power of the corruption in mexico and the central american countries and the transnational drug cartels.
almost 150 politicians have been murdered in mexico ramping up to their election and five since the election this month. if we could have a little bit more dialogue i think from those borders, the district along the borders by those reps, though southern border senators and have a more engaging conversation in detail, we can get out of the hyperbole, especially coming up to the midterms. if we could have a collective, cohesive strategy with the facts at hand. it would be way more fruitful than volleying back and forth. juan: dana, tell us about the politics. sounds like republicans and the politics are not good. dana: they are not sure. democrats touched the hot stove and said never mind and there were those embarrassing headlines, and the liberal base was mad, saying why aren t you going to fight? they don t have anything to fight with. the shutdown was a terrible idea and president trump absolutely won on that and he was able to ride it for about eight weeks
afterwards. but this is different. he is he is going to shut down the government, could it turn out better? he knows the economy is good. it is not what is driving voters to the pool. he needs to turn on his base. will they show up? i don t think the members of congress actually believe him. they are like, he is just threatening. he won t do it. but i think the president should do if he can is sent to the congress exactly what he would veto. so they know what they are dealing with so they can try to get it done. avoid a government shutdown. he might be just spoiling for a fight. may be. juan: mitch mcconnell and the republican leadership that they had a deal with the president not to shutdown the government over this. greg, 60% of the american people saying they don t want a wall. greg: a government shutdown is the world cup of politics. dana: it is the worst.
greg: massive buildup. here comes the world cup. you turning on those boys just kicking a ball around. and then it ends with penalty kicks. okay. let s skip it and get to the penalty kicks. it is the same thing with the supreme court. just get to the penalty kicks. trump is having a lot of success in a year and a half, two years. but this is his birthday pony. gdp, unemployment, north korea. if he doesn t get the pony, he s not going to be happy. he wants the birthday pony. they wall is a visual metaphor about enhanced border security. he has made it an issue. people are listening. he has made it the issue that people weren t talking about, maybe he will get something out of it. juan: i think his strategy is go after emigrants. greg: illegal immigrants. juan: no, he wants to cut legal immigration.
jesse: he wants chain over. lotto over. merit-based. bring in the best and the brightest. juan: please. jesse: not some guy s uncle zimbabwe. juan: zimbabwe. thank you. the other thing, go after the nfl players. greg: he wants to deport nfl players? juan: deport? no, he just wants to mock them and stir up his base. as a former cheerleader for the nfl, are you upset over trump s attack over nfl players? [laughter] at jesse: this is about the wall! emily: any policy that the nfl has about kneeling during the anthem. greg: how do you feel about trump destroying isis, juan?
juan: i wish it was true. emily: is become a more polarized situation. but now they are sitting down in front of an independent arbiter coming to an agreement behind closed doors and that s all we need to focus on them. juan: is an eagles fan who hates the dallas cowboys, i heae hearing the convoy say we are america s team and we will be standing. a stunning number of millennials walking away from cushy jobs. they don t even have a backup plan. what is going on? the surprising reason for that straight ahead. if you re turning 65, you re probably learning
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quitting their lucrative jobs and not worried about what they will do next. a new survey says 43% are ditching their careers after two years, to travel and have a better work-life balance. 28% plan to stay in their current jobs for more than five years. we are going to discuss. i want to say i m kind of jealous and envious. they have no cares in the world. they get to travel, see the world what we are working here. when you come back, do not expect to get the managerial position of a 26-year-old. you ll start in the 22-year-old position, the entry-level one. work experience is great. travel experiences great but it s not going to get you to leapfrog. dana: somebody is a little angry. dana: you know how many calls i get a week asking for mentoring advice? this is one of them. greg: i am skeptical of stories like these. they have anecdotes. they find a 20 something who scaled a guatemalan volcano.
for everyone, you have 10,000 who work their off but you don t do articles about them. we pile on millennials because we think they have it easier but why are their lives easier? we invented the technology that makes their life easier. every subsequent generation has it easier because we paved the way. build the wealth, create the wealth. millennials traveling more than ever. why? because i invented the plane. dana: emily, you are not a millennial. you are on the cusp. greg: want you just ask her how old she is. emily: what frightens me is it seems like there s no investment. whenever one comes back from doing whatever, what happens when that generation starts aging? you talked about jobs for them. we are also seeing total vacancies in industries that depend on that kind of young
entry-level jobs. one of them is the restaurant industry. they are experiencing literally like vacuums and hostessing positions. greg: if only we had emigrants. dana: there is a legal shortage. emily: it worries me because i don t know what s going happen when they need greg: robots. dana: robot hostesses. jesse, how do you feel about the youngsters? jesse: i look upon them with disdain. because i am 40, and it makes me feel better. it s easy to drop out of the workforce and eat fish tacos by the beach and take instagram pictures. that s easy to do. but you need to develop skills. so you can make money. you have to be able to live a comfortable life. when he returned to the workforce and you go to an
interview and they go, i see a 15 year gap. what were you doing? you can t say i was scaling a whatever in guatemala. you re going to work for another millennial. dana: i think maybe we are being a little unimaginative. you can kind of work from anywhere with this technology. maybe they have figured out a way to work from bali. jesse: i don t think that s what s going on. i think they treasure going to bali. i think there s a psychological thing in play. i believe it is the case we felt like we were going to hustle, pick up skills, calling people like dana perino for career advice. we are thou college costs a. income is stagnant. home ownership is down. even to get married, marriage is down. i don t know if i can make it. i don t know if i will ever make as much money as my folks are have a house as nice as my
folks. not playing the rat race. i m going to bali. for a lot of them, that s what they want to do. jesse: you need a competitive young generation to go out there and hustle. juan: i agree but i think what we are not discussing is income inequality. it is so difficult now to get your foot on the ladder of upward mobility. jesse: i aspire. i don t drop out and go to bali. greg: it is in the quality but its status inequality. what they are plagued with now is going to they are on instagram. the reason they are traveling s because they are see their on instagram. it is status. jesse: they are going to bali and they are in debt. juan: you are talking about rich kids who can even afford to go to bali. greg: or go wherever.
dana: men, listen up. another reason for you to eat meat to. it could help your love life. we will explain next. e music) (burke) abstract accident. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. save $200 on this dell laptop i just want to find a used car without getting ripped off. you could start your search at the all-new that might help. show me the carfax. now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah. ahem.
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emily: hay, single guys. the quickest way to a woman s heart is through your stomach. a new study from italy finds that when ladies were showed fake bios of potential mates, they were more attractive to those who ate meat than vegetarians or vegans. that study came from italy. greg, i see you are wolfing that down. i hear your diet is mostly meat. greg: it is almost entirely pork and cow. my favorite is barbecued ribs. i call it kyle. 100 years from now, how are they going to look at people like me? i am an earthling eating and earthling. this could be seen in seen as a form of cannibalism. aliens could say they eat each other. the solution is to eat the space
aliens. but not a high carb alien. emily: dana, would you be less attracted is your husband a vegetarian? dana: no. [laughs] not in any way. my family has cattle ranches. i encourage everyone to eat meat. i got to go on safari in africa. we had a guide who explained if you have eyes in front of your head, you are meant to chase. you are meant to chase so you can get meat. that s what you re supposed supposed to eat. animals with eyes on the sides, they are supposed to gather. greg: that s crazy. dana: makes total sense to me. emily: jesse, have you taken a bite? jesse: no, i was waiting. dana: self-restraint. juan: can we tell the audience they told us we should
order meat for this segment. greg ordered ribs. i ordered chicken. tell them what you ordered, jesse. jesse: a strip steak with béarnaise sauce. greg: nothing changes. juan: it goes back to hunters and gatherers. women are attracted to men that can go out and stab something with a spear and throw it over a fire and eat it. plus, it has protein and women like men with muscles. steak is expensive, and that also attracts women. and if if you are a vegan or yu eat salad, you are a little softer. it s not the most masculine thing. it s as simple as that. greg: it is literally simple. emily: you have chicken. juan: i try not to eat meat. jesse: that explains a lot. juan: the funny thing happened. i was living with an african tribe. i was a teenager. the other boys would make fun of
me. they would say you smell like meat because they don t eat meat nih needs. jesse: what do they eat? juan: all kinds of things but not meat. they eat fish. they didn t eat that much fish. they were very healthy. dana: they were manly. juan: i don t eat a lot of beef because doctors have said to me, especially after prostate cancer, slow down a little bit on it. jesse: more meat for me, juan. emily: one more thing is up next. g, but now it s time to find my dream abode. -right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. -keep going. stop. a little bit down. stop. back up again. is this adequate sunlight for a komodo dragon? -yeah. -sure, i want that discount on car insurance just for owning a home, but i m not compromising. -you re taking a shower?
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depending on his 40 time he could be an early second round draft pick. [laughter] yes. looking forward to football season. you better stand for the anthem. dana s one more thing video, i m going to kick it up a notch. this is a real one more thing dog video. watch this dog steel a go pro and chase everybody around the backyard. harrowing video. that s what dogs do and that s why people like dogs. that s what you do a one more thing. but you don t like dogs. i ve learned to tolerate them. like liberals. it s got to be jasper. is it my turn? jasper loves everyone, even jesse. get this.
26-year-old david, originally moved to silicon valley with the hope of finding a job in the tech injury but as you told us, it s extremely expensive. it was so expensive it forced him into homelessness. however, it didn t stop him from looking for work. on friday a photo of him handing out resumes and assignments and hungry for success were shared on twitter. it was shared by over 130,000 people and since then he has received hundreds of job offers, including some from industry leaders like google. they have provided him with temporary living quarters so he can go to interviews. so he didn t go to bali. nicely done! saturday it was girls gone wild in d.c. my twin granddaughters and their fellow first-graders had a throwdown party. pepper and wesley turned six on august 1st.
my daughter created cake magic, baking two fantastic cakes. they tasted even better than they look. or you can see one cake with hula girl on top. really it s just crushed peanuts. the other cake, even more amazing, look at this. it s a pig ready to roast at a luau. that is cultural appropriation. happy birthday girls from your old pop pop. great kids. strawberry cake? it was confetti cake inside. what is confetti cake? it s like vanilla cake with dots inside it. i don t like that. i like chocolate cake i like duncan hines. i hear you, emily. your turn. i have to say i m still reeling from your don t like dogs common. to me that s worse than being a vegetarian. i m reeling from some of your
comments. holy smokes, take it easy. she s a guest. sorry, i m out of line. on july 10th last year we lost seven u.s. marine raiders and nine marine aircraft crew members akc 1:30 in a tragic crash in mississippi while they were on transit to deployment training. on the first anniversary of the crash of the theme of 30 marine leaders and special and phidias comments comments made a corpsman undertook an 11 day, 900-mile rough march in mississippi back to north carolina. this was called the marine raider memorial march and it honored the marines who died symbolizing bringing them back home on the voyage they were unable to make in the march was just completed this friday. that s impressive and very important. here that millennials? real americans right there. emily is one more thing was the best one. set your dvrs, never miss an episode of the five.

People , Donald-trump , Border-wall , Millions , Behavior , United-states , World-war-iii , This-is-it , Race , Catastrophe , The-end-of-world , Feels

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180803 01:00:00

and every night to the show that is the sworn enemy of of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. have a great night tonight. sean hannity is next. sean: great show. good to sigh. hang. fix your button. all right. [laughing]. welcome to hannity. busy news night. zero evidence of trump and russian collusion, 442 days into the mueller and partisan witch hunt. the corrupt media is searching for a new crisis every second of every day. focusing on their favorite topic themselves. and the anti-trump fake journalist at cnn is so openly concerned that the president s
rhetoric with endanger members. media. but sarah sanders decimated this person. that in a minute. we will help remind the anti-trump fake news cnn network why so many americans chant at you that you suck. the president s poll numbers are going higher and higher. that comes as the administration is combating russia election meddling something some obama failed to do. he said this can t happen in this country. trump needs to focus on getting voters and stop whining. the president wrapped up a rally in pennsylvania. we will have the details day 3 of the paul manafort trial of the century. the 2005 tax case. buckle up.
Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions.
too hitler before it was cool. that s the new york times. why would be the american people trust any organization that hired that person. trump tweet ed. they asked my daughter ivanka if the press is the enemy of the people? she said no. the approximately president calling them out for the lies they tell. when a network is feeding lies and misinformation every second of every minute of every day, year after year, they are right to call them out. one news network is so blinded by this anti-trump derangement rage they have, they don t even remember how destructive and how aggressive and insane and
pathological their own rhetoric was even before day 1 of the trump presidency. we have the videotape to remind you. take a look. what he s done is create a lot of hatred between groups in this country after a half century of us trying to bring people together. the talking heads are missing something when they pin it all on the economy. how about racial anxiety? there are death threats are an example of how overheated this is and the fire bombing of a gop office. we need to have the fire come down. unfortunately donald trump is raising the. it. one thing that donald trump could do now that might calm some people. weer track for a tragedy.
i am the first press secretary in the history of the united states who required secret service protection. the media is ratcheting up the verbal assault against the president and everyone in this administration. the medias has a role to play for the discourse in this country. sean: checkmate sarah sanders. harassment happens every day. there are a lot of nuts out. there i know personally. i have had numerous death threats and white powered mailed to my office. everybody has a right to freedom of speech but saying you are a liar and calling out fake news is only words. nobody is supporting any violence. don t make accusations that are untrue. many in the media they are too happy to play down violence that have been perpetrated against
i want you to argue with them and get in their face. sean: sean hannity goes high and they go low. tear me up? get in their face? wow! all of the out rage is concocted by the fake news media. hell bent to wake up every day to malign the president. and despite all of this the president is polling better than ever before. a poll out today. the president s approval rating is a solid 50% which is 5 points higher than obama during the same time frame. this is huge news with the mid-terms around the corner. earlier tonight during his rally in pennsylvania, the president and the biassed press, he took them on and so much more. take a look. we are doing better in all of
these states than we did on election night. [cheers and applause]. much better. despite only negative publicity and the negative stories from the fakers back there. what happened to fair press? what happened to honest reporting? i was asked to have tea with the queen who was incredible. i was 15 minutes and waiting with my wife. it s the queen. we can wait. we go up and we have tea. it was supposed to last for 15 minutes. it lasted for like an hour because we got along! we got along. here was the story by the fibs. fake news. the president was 15 minutes late for the queen. [booing]. and then here s the rest of the story. no, here s the rest.
the rest of the story. they said i was late. i was actually early. number 2, the meeting was schedule for 15 minutes and it lasted for almost an hour. the president overstays. but they can make anything bad. because they are the fake news, disgusting news. [cheers and applause]. sean: the president addressed immigration. a shout out to rush limbaugh and yours truly. i was shocked. take a look. we are fighting a war on drugs. they are bringing in drugs. they are bringing lots of bad people. we are getting the hell we are stopping it. we are going to be taking tough actions. i don t know if it s before or after the election. a lot of republicans say and they are good. we need more republicans. they are friends of mine.
they say, president and some are tough guys. they said, sir, we are better off if we wait until after. i say it s better before. let s do it before. sir, we are better off. you know who thinks it should be before? rush limbaugh thinks it should be before the election. [cheers and applause]. you know who else? sean hannity and a lot of them. [cheers and applause]. a lot of them. [cheers and applause]. great people. sean: do it before. 96 days away. this is real. the single most important mid-term election in our lifetime. look at your screen. that s their agenda. take a look. they want to impeach in president. don t say it. they want their chrism crumbs back and block the supreme court nominee and end the investigations into the corrupt deep state. it s only been 18 months.
obama gave us 13 million more americans on food stamps and lowest labor participation since the 70s and worst recovery since the 40s. accumulated more debt than ever ever president combined. tries to bribe iran with 150-billion dollars in cash, and russia was left unchecked. nobody can affect our elections. president trump needs to stop spining. whining want many in the media today are obsessing about russia and russia. the trump administration has been 10 times stronger than anything obama did. after 8 years of ignoring the hostile regime of russia, and the bad actor putin, this president is taking election
meddling seriously. look at the presser from earlier today. since january 2017, the president has taken action to defend our election systems from meddling and interference. this includes measures to heighten the security of election systems and confront russian and other foreign influence in the united states. the nations elections are more resilient today because of the work we are doing. we must continue to ensure our democracy is protected. the russians are looking for effort opportunity regardless of party and radaress of whether or not it applies to the elections to continue their efforts to undermine our fundamental values. any moment is just a moment before the dial can be turned up one. much like we saw in 16 and 0. 2016.
with penetration of voter registration data bases. sean: the corrupt media is focussed on covering the trial of paul manafort because of a tax issue. not about russia or president trump. it is not about collusion. robert mueller, what is the hell is this? chances are they high. they can get a ham sandwich guilty. that you they are facing tough push back from the judge. the prosecution would not call their star witness. they said they can t prove conspiracy without him and pushed back on the prosecution s criminalization of the fact that the guy is wealthy. it s not a crime to be rich or spend money. we will monitor this trial.
ellis said they are putting the screws to manafort so he can sing so they can prosecute or impeach president trump. mueller tried to turn the screws on manafort and nothing. joining us from the trump organization the son of the trump eric trump. sorry, i made you sit through this. every day they lie about your father and twist and turn. they wake up and feign moral outrage. as a son it s hard but you know they are lying. the hypocrisy is unlike anything you can imagine. attacking baron and our entire family and spewing garbage on cnn. covering nonsense but not
covering the lowest unemployment in history and jobs are coming back to the country. sean: got out of iran. jerusalem is the capital of israel and rock man is not firing rockets. and little jim acosta gets belittled at a rally. it s really incredible. sean: has your family been threat threatened? we all had white powered show up at our house. sean: they had to quarantine an assistant for 8 hours before that. there is no moral outrage about that. let the man have freedom of speech. let him speak to people. when it happens to them. when they are offended by a message, all of a sudden. sean: did you see what they
said about melania and both of your sisters. and the comment on melania which was the most disgusting. what they said about that? nothing. the only person was laura ingraham. and you. no one else in the media did anything. sean: she is the loveliest woman. your little brother is a great kid. why does he have to turn on the tv set with a decapitated bloody severed head of your father? that person was employed by cnn at the time. no one says anything about that. people chant cnn sucks because of their biassed coverage and everybody starts crying. sean: cnn sucks. i try to give them advice. they won t listen. it s like i was watching peter
strzok and believes he is a super patriot and he knew better than the american people: we will have stop them and have an insurance policy. we will get to the bottom of that eventually. it s like the media. they never thought he could win. he beat the hillary clinton machine. even with the fix in and the investigation and one against h him. now they down play it. my father said if i achieve 3% gdp growth i would love it. now he is at 4.1%. the new york times said he will never achieve 3% gdp growth. they don t compliment on 4.1%. sean: if he cured cancer they would not give him
the deal he just struck. sean: imagine things are getting better. the democrats and the left wingmedia they are mad because they are proven wrong. they should be mad. right now they have nothing to run on. they have no leadership. they have no message. they don t stand for anything. he is doing well by every measure. the only thing they can do: he is a racist, sexist, the same sound bites they used for 3 years that did not work. they stand for what? high taxs? they stand go obamacare and getting rid of ice. brave men and women fighting for the safety of our families and children every day. is that what they are going for? they will lose all day long. sean: congrats on the baby. very cute. thank you. sean: when we come back
former speaker of the house newt gingrich and mark levin straight ahead.
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gingrich. you know districts as well as if not better than anybody i know. i reminded this audience i was the mc the night you became speaker. it was the first time that the republicans took the house in 40 years. in mid-terms, the party in power at the white house usually loses 15 seats. some years it s more. some years it s less. there are 100 competitive races. 86 are deemed republican defend districts. that s a lot of defending. they have to win 61 of those seats does 3 of the 14 democratsic seats in play. look, we have 2 futures this fall. back in october of 2016, when you and i were among the very few people who thought donald trump could win and all the of these same exerts talking about the blue wave were convinced
hillary clinton would win. pull up the quotes. it s embarrassing. now what happened? what happened was trump had the guts to fight it out. he had the guts to go nose to nose with hillary and take on the elite media and the guts no matter what the polls said to campaign 7 rallies a day. this is not complicated. i have done this for my whole life. joe gaylord and i who helped design the 94 campaign. to house republicans, suck it up. if you are prepared to go nose to nose with the left and tell the truth and wage a national campaign want you want open borders or control who comes in the u.s. including ms-13 gangsters? do you want a great economy and growth or do you want to go back to food stamps, and big government? go down the list. we have a chance here for a historic election to give the
american people an honest choice between a radical extremist directic party in which the progressive wing, is being destroyed or appease the elite. if they were on a district by district campaign, they will lose the house. it s impossible in the modern era. you are proof of it. rush limbaugh is proof of it. you are in 435 district every day. republicans have to decide they will win the fight and the win the argument. they have all of the issues on their side. the question is: do they have the courage? sean: the president tweets out about robert mueller and jeff sessions and the witch hunt. he was very clear in saying that no it s fake news. most media is not the enemy of the people but the fake news are because they don t tell the
american people the truth. what does the president do how should he be dealing with this cloud over his head with no evidence whatsoever? for example, paul manafort, nothing about the campaign or collusion. it was a 2005 tax base was hillary clinton was never indicted. how does he navigate an unfair witch hunt leading into this mid-term? look, i think he can do 3 things to be decisive and change the whole picture. the first is, everybody in the audience, 99% of what he is doing not covered by sessions recu recusal. sessioning could intervene tonight or tomorrow within his
authority. he should. number 2, the president should take every example we are talking about and decrassify i want to see yet obama team lie to the american people. i want to see all of the decision memos about hillary clinton. the president can order them released. he can say i want them out by next thursday. don t tell me it will take 22 years. 3rd, we ought to look carefully at what this case is all about. mueller has a bunch of left wingdemocrats. they are a hunting party. the president should challenge mueller head on. say to mueller, i dare you to hold a press conference. and tell the american people any evidence you have that you think is relevant? give us any evidence you have. i don t think mueller has any evidence.
i think it would be embarrassing. he s gone over there. sean: i think the manafort case is embarrassing. a 2005 tax case. the judge said put it the screws to him to sing to prosecute or impeach trump. the judge said that to mueller s team. mr. speaker, thanks for joining us. when we come back. the great one. mark levin he wants to weigh in on all things mueller, manafort and much more. straight ahead. (man) managing my type 2 diabetes wasn t my top priority.
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complained about the fact that germany is paying billions of dollars for a ridiculous pipeline coming into germany. paying billions and billions of dollars a year to russia. i complained about it. sean: what was the president at a rally in pennsylvania. president trump arrived moments ago in new jersey. reaction to this and more is the host of the number 1 rated cable show 10 o clock on sunday eveningin eveningings. who has an entire network named after them cent you. except you? for 5 seconds i want to join
you in celebrating rush limbaugh s 30 years who made it possible to do what we do. it s a great honor to call him my friend and what he s done for this country is inicalcuable. sean: let s talk about jim acosta and the cry babies calling hus fake news. they have freedom of the press to lie like they do. i would say this. a lot has been said about the president calling fake news the enemy of the people. i have a different take on this. why do the press hate the american people? over 65 million people voted for donald trump for president of the united states. i wrote this down. press outlets and reporters and
hosts and guests called millions and millions of americans nazis, racists, deranged, deplorable and even worse. how do the press in this country justify calling tens of millions of people outrageous names? we conservatives have watched as the press seeks to destroy trump, palin, bork, reagan and the liz go on. the d.c. press corp is the least professional in my lifetime. they sabotage the president and advance the cause of the rogue prosecutor named mueller. the press needs to take a look at itself. it this won ts. as long as they put clowns like
jim acosta out there who like to talk about themselves and it s impossible to tell a late night comedian from jack tapper and the porn star. this will be the reaction of the american people. sean: [laughing]. thank god the american people have choices. we are part of it. it s an honor. i feel blessed to it do this. as i know you do. let me ask you this and put on your attorney s hat. you were the chief of staff for one of the greatest attorney generals ever. why would they ever allow an illegitimate investigation run by mueller and democratic donors when there is no evidence, it s been a witch hunt from day one. look at what they are doing with manafort. the attorney general meese at this point would have stepped
down. newt gingrich was on to something. much of the power exercised by the deputy attorney general has nothing to do with jeff sessions recusal. he won t be attacked by the media as long as he is quiet. the minute he speaks up, he will be attacked. the manafort trial here s what i don t get. if he did all of these things. bank fraud and tax fraud and he did it during the obama administration. who was the fbi director? mueller. mueller was the fbi director. he did nothing about it apparently when he was the fbi director. apparently they didn t know anything. now manafort is the campaign chairman for donald trump and they throw 17 left wing democratic prosecutors at the guy who worked for the special. that s a matter for the u.s. attorney general s office in the eastern district of virginia. that s number 1. now mueller is pushing the other case into the southern district of new york.
then at a set up the lieutenant general. then they have fewer lesser people they get for false statements. what the hell do we have the special counsel for? he wants trump. he wants to get trump on obstruction of justice. sean: a perjury trap. he wants to pull the president in front of a granted jury. mr. mueller, you are not the king of universe. i hope the president s lawyers are listening to me. have a meeting with mr. mueller and tell him you are unconstitutional. what you are doing is unconstitutional. we won t bow to you. this is the office of the president of the united states. you are a rogue prosecutor. get the hell out of my office and make sure the doctor didn t hit you in the ass ass. i will see you in court. that s the beginning and the end of it as far as i am concerned. sean: i am watching this
thing on manafort. i don t know what paul manafort did in 2005 but i don t think donald trump knew who paul manafort was in 2005. well, mueller didn t and he was the fbi director. sean: i don t think anybody knew him. they pulled it out of moth balls to put the screws to him to prosecute or impeach trump. in this tax case from 2005, there will be no talk of russia. no talk about the campaign. there will be no talk about his work for donald trump. there will be no talk of collusion. this is just a cheap attempt to literally go after a guy they never would have gone after because they are trying at all costs to get the president. so the question is, rod rosenstein who gives a rubber stamp to this and created this by appointing his dear friend in
the justice department, mr. purely mueller who was best friends with comey. what a disaster. mr. mueller can t hide behind his 17 left wing democratic donor prosecutors. where the hell is congress? i want to know what mr. mueller thinks he can do under our constitution and under the department of justice memos. sean: when i say tick-tock. something big is coming that will blow this all out of the water. thanks for joining us? the great one, mark levin. scott will join us saying the president is the most pro-african-american president in his lifetime. we have the numbers next. it s the ford summer sales event
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you heard this but i will say it over and over because i am proud of it. remember i said: what do you have to lose? what do you have to lose? african-americans, so many others. what do you have to lose? you have high crime rates and measurable education. i went through a list of ten. that s what happened. african-american, hispanic, asian. you have to the lowest level of unemployment in the history of our country. how does somebody fight that, right? [cheers and applause]. sean: the president earlier tonight talking about how unemployments for african-americans, hispanic americans and asian americans
are the best. pastor darryl scott who is the ceo of the national diversity coalition. he said this about the president. to be honest, this is probably going to be this is the most pro-black president we have had in our lifetime. i try to analyze the people i encounter. this president wants to it prove something to our community. our faith based community. the last president didn t feel like he had to. he got a pass. this president, this administration will be more proactive in prison reform than any president in your lifetime. sean: he joins us now with an attorney. attorney, the numbers are if.
in. are they doing better under president trump or under 8 years of obama? [laughing]. sean: i m sorry! [laughing]. no, no, i asked you a question. no diversion. is the african-american community and the other minority communities are they doing better under trump or obama? sean, historically black colleges are not doing better. sean: how about the economy? trump or obama? here s the challenge. sean: forget the challenge. pastor, when you don t want to answer a question that means i put him in a corner called checkmate? i play chess. he can t answer this question. he knows the answer is trump and
not obama. pastor scott? listen, unemployment is at an all-time low. i lived through 12 different presidents. and contemplating that fact. this president is the only one i am aware, he is focussing and concentrating on making a concerted effort to improve the quality of living for black americans. it s easy for me to say what i said yesterday. i lived through a lot of different presidents. i have never seen any other take a pro-active chance for black americans like this president is doing. this president has not appointed black judges. show me the numbers. sean: in the obama years when
you look at the millions more in poverty, food stamps, out of the labor force. not buying homes. the black and hispanic communities were impacted. now the opposite happened and you can t even say, good job, president trump. it s good for everybody. good job, president trump. but we have other issues. i want to see president trump put more black faces in the administration. sean: pastor? when people asked me why are not more blacks in the administration? were those blacks during the campaign? the blacks that were with him were called uncle tom and sellouts. you had black people told to say away from trump. now you are saying where are the black people? he could still appoint black people to his cabinet. there is no reason they should not be represented in u.s.
government. it s only right. i am working with him. what do you want? we need more than one. sean: pastor scott let me preach at his church. i did terrible. when we come back more of the president s speech at his rally in pennsylvania. woman: it felt great not having hepatitis c. it s like a load off my shoulders. i was just excited for it to be over.
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President , Journalist , Cnn , Person , Members , Rhetoric , Network , Fake-news , Checkmate-sarah-sanders , Corrupt-media , Administration , Americans

Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20180810 00:00:00

Chris Hayes discusses the day s top news.
spent an entire week at one of his golf course. it should not be that hard to find out whose interest the president is serving if own the congressional leaders would say subpoena his tax returns. more likely to support a candidate who promises to be a check on the president. fresh off another round of encouraging election results on tuesday, democrats have a message of their own, they are in the words of nancy pelosi clean up corruption. what does that mean? cleaning up corruption. how do you do it? we have to make sure that we can get big money out of politics. what we have seen is dark money
risk of not getting kavanaugh confirmed. it is not a matter it is a matter of timing. that sounds like they support in impeaching rod rosenstein but not doing it now. the plot which is to go after rod rosenstein but allow the senate to jam the supreme court justice. do that work and then return after the midterm elections to try to jam up rod rosenstein. most people can remember that the clinton impeachment took place in the aftermath of the midterm election. it appears they want to go out and do the same thing. it was in 1998 midterms breaking with history. a stunning rebuke of republicans who lost seats in congress and continued in that lame duck
session. do you think that is what they would do? it wouldn t shock me. if they lose the house and well, a few months left, let s impeach rosenstein. of course, that is what they do. the so-called chairman of the intelligence committee is a complete embarrassment. what is worse is that you have the number four-person signing off on this and we can t believe what the leadership is saying. when we know what donald trump wants to do is get rid of rod rosenstein because he wants to get rid of the investigation. nunes is a special case in terms of the extraordinary lengths he has gone to. that is basically most of the way the republicans feel about this. significant members of house republicans are what i call the
cover up caucus. their sole objective of life is to deny the fact that we have a criminal conspiracy that appears to have taken place to sell out our democracy. they want to turn a blind eye to that and distract the american people in part by doing things like going after rod rosenstein. they are not spending a ton of time legislating. we want to lower prescription drug prices and raise pay. for more on the mounting corruption scandals joined by chris lew and former u.s. attorney harry litman. is it surprising to you that
how little investigative work the oversight has done. it is about ferreting out waste, fraud and abuse. scott pruitt, only one of them being done by the house oversight committee. any one of those things would have tripped him up. there was no issue that was small enough that the republicans would not investigate an obama cabinet member for. i remember back in 2011, this thing about $16 muffins used at a department of justice conference. that was an issue. that was a three-day story. i remember it. now talking about
$120 million with wilbur ross that likely would never be investigated. one of the things that comes through with the tapes is the control of the house is everything in terms of what happens, what is exposed and what we could get to the bottom of independent of the mueller investigation. totally right, as chris says a sea change and it is not simply that the shoe is on the other foot. much stronger bipartisan tradition among both the house and the senate committees that nunes in particular has demolished. remember, that fundraiser is for a member of the leadership of the house who is going along with the whole kind of program. it is clear that they placed themselves as vessels to the white house as protective for to
them and one corollary is that it makes them important that one force in town going after truth without fear in favor robert mueller be allowed to do his job. particularly bad not only trying to protect the president but demonize mueller. weird broken government. working in concert with the white house against a part of the executive. i want to get your response to giuliani talking about this back and forth with the mueller which again, take it with a grain of salt. i have no idea what is going on and this is his concern about why he doesn t want his client to testify about a perjury trap. he knows the answer to every question that he wants to ask. he is going it ask him did you tell comey to go easy on flynn. the president is going to say no i didn t. hey, bob, you know it.
why do you want to get him under oath? do you think we are fools? you want to trap him into perjury. we are not going to let you do that. how great is this? and the other one, chris, is even better. the other question that giuliani says is a paradigm of a perjury trap is why did you fire comey. as to that, we have heard eight different answers from the president of the united states. they have shifting and inconsistent and seven of them are lies. the gotcha strategy by the prosecution to want to hear the truth on this question on which criminal liability and the sort of integrity of the government rests is ludicrous this is exactly the opposite of a perjury trap. this is mr. president, what were you doing and why. what was your state of mind which by the way we do not know contra giuliani and don t know
what he is going to say. he said so many different things so far. this is down the center of what a legitimate prosecutor wants to find out. not just for criminal conduct but for the country and history. can you imagine pressure on the president from congress for him to actually talk to mueller? no. not under this current environment and that will be the issue coming down the road as to having the democratic congress that conducts oversight and doesn t impede a lawful investigation. i find the giuliani statement is amazing. and one of the favorite tweets today, tweeting it is only a perjury trap if you are a liar. there is no perjury trap if you tell the truth. i find giuliani slightly hard to follow and i will confess, and maybe that is me.
the president is going to lie, the premise of that thing is the president is going to lie. and lie about important material things not about was it a tuesday or wednesday which is what a perjury trap would be about. thank you both. thank you, chris. the manafort trial, day eight why the judge had to apologize to the mueller team. and how desperate paul manafort was when he entered the trump team. with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast. .and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can t do anything about that. now that you know the truth. are you in good hands?
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the courtroom. i was probably wrong in that. that s big of him. the judge had in fact been wrong. told the prosecution at the beginning of the trial, an expert witness could attend a trial unlike most witnesses allowed in the trial and yesterday lambasted the prosecution for doing that. i don t care what the transcript says, maybe i made a mistake. i am joined by national security and justice reporter julie ainsley. and judge nancy gertner. nancy let me start with you. you have run trials and lots of people reacting to judge ellis s disposition. what is your read on this? this particular one is interesting. the trial begins with a
government saying can we have this expert in the courtroom. the judge says yes, and puts him on the stand. the judge goes on and essentially criticizing the government in front of the judge for having welch in the courtroom during the testimony of other witnesses. the government did something interesting which they haven t done about other comments. literally filed a motion in front of him overnight showing him a transcript of what he had said and the motion he had approved. when the judge gave this curative instruction, it wasn t ambiguous, he was flat out wrong, wrong to admonish the government. never clear what impact that has on the jury. ordinarily, the judge looks to the judge as their representative in a way. he is the one who is the neutral in the case and so when the
judge leans on one side in a critical way, that could wind up hurting that side. sometimes it has the opposite effect. sometimes it could be that the jurors would look at the judge and saying you are going to hard on one side. can t really tell. but from what i understand from the reporting, this wasn t the first example of his. no. of his criticizing the government. julie, you were in the courtroom today, what was it like? that is exactly right. there were times when there were light heartedness from the prosecution. she had to read an emoji, the jury laugh and the judge stayed stone face and any time the defense wasn t ready, a lot of times when they were shuffling pages and he would say go ahead take all the time you need.
so there is clearly a heavy handedness here in one direction and that is against the prosecution. i think it would be hard for the jury not to pick up on that and have that opposite reaction that we just laid out here. it seems to be definitely one-sided. let me ask you about the testify was today. focused on the bank fraud stuff, financial documents, property owned in soho. early 2016, is that right? this was right when paul manafort was in his biggest financial crunch and starting to lie on loan applications, trying to refinance his mortgages and take out another loan for $5 million out of a bank in california with his son-in-law at the time. that was eventually written down to 1 million when it was find they couldn t use a house in bridge hampton because it was in
his wife s name. took investigation on account of the bank to figure it out. to figure out that paul manafort wasn t being forth coming. in some cases they couldn t figure it out because paul manafort had people lying for him and that was one person, cindy laporta. she has immunity. it was one of the dryer days being in the court because the prosecution really did go over a lot of the same evidence they have done before particularly on this howard street residence in new york. you could see the jury yawning and stretching in their chairs the psychology of a district trial judge in a case that you know was a huge deal. the nation is watching this and also from an appeals perspective, you know there is going to be appeals. how does that affect how you run a courtroom when you are dealing
with high stakes, high profile trial. it is hard to say in general, but what you would do, if you were concerned if one side was going too slowly or concerned about the scope of the evidence, what you would do is wait until the jury leaves the room and then admonish one side or the other. what you don t do is do this in front of the jury. but let me put the shoe on the other foot. i have no doubt and this is for after my years as a lawyer and my years as a judge. that if the defense was the focus of these kinds of comments they would be moved for a mistrial in a nano second. you avoid that by making comments if you have to and have to control the proceeding out of the presence of the jury. i understand today that he also said he thought attempted bank fraud wasn t very important. and that is a direct comment on
the evidence which you are not allowed to do. yeah. you are just not allowed to do that. that is a point that i would love to go back to. a part where the prosecution just finished questioning a witness and the defense just got up for cross examination, and he says i hope you focus on a loan that was actually approve. in other words, why did we just waste our time listening to that witness and whole 25, 30 questions that the prosecution laid out. essentially discrediting the case they made. yes? it is not just a question of doing whatever you are going to do, don t do it in front of the jury, number one. and what you do has to do with legal issues and not comments on the evidence. and this sounded like comments on the evidence. he should get anonymous
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including the third district of kansas which was ranked leaning republicans until yesterday. and that race pits yoder against davids. yoder missed no time in attacking her. they have been battling out to see who is most out of touch with this district, lived here the shortest amount of times. it is amazing. they don t know kansas. they don t know our values and neither of them should be our voice in washington d.c. here with me now is sharice davids. yoder continued with a spiel on this front. moved her a few months ago to try and help nancy pelosi win
back the house majority. she doesn t share our values. what do you say? well, i definitely would say that you know, having really seen so much opportunity in my life because of the shird distri shird district, i started out at johnson college community college, going from there to co cornell for law school. to say that i don t know the third district or kansas is laughable. you have an interesting bio. you were in mma for a while, is that wbr id= wbr19720 /> right? yeah, i have been a martial artist for a number of years /b>
since i was 19 and i did compete in mixed martial arts. it has been a big part of my life. and then you went to cornell, you were in the obama administration. what prompted you to run for congress? it was about that i don t feel like the third district has been represented well in do.c. and i want to see someone represent our voice and have a decision maker who wants to listen to people in the third district and not just the special interests that he is making sure he stays in office. if you win, what are you going to do when you get there. you get to work on three things your first day if congress, let s say you have a democratic majority, what do you want to wbr-id= wbr20320 /> do? the key thing that i am hearing over and over every time i talk to people, is the people
in the third district are concerned about access to affordable quality health care and that is the number one thing that i constantly hear from folks here on the ground. so definitely that has to be part of what i work on. and you know, education, education. public education has one, given me a great foundation and then two, it has for so long in this district been the reason that we have been able to thrive. i think that is something of course all of ckansas is concerned about. and secondly education. and the third one, there are quite a few things that people are concerned about. the environment is one. certainly, tax, you know, the tax implications of the last bill are another thing. and then immigration issues consistently come up. do you see yourself, they are
going it try to make this race about nancy pelosi, already made that clear. what is your response to you are going to be a proxy for nancy pelosi speakership? well, my response is, look, my entire life has been about trying to make progress and opening doors that have not been made open to people like me, and the lived experience. to say i can be a proxy for someone else when i come from a background that has not been represented in congress before is laughable. i am running for congress so the third district can have a strong representative. thank you so much for your time tonight. thank you. still ahead, tech giants reckoning a right-wing
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yemen. it has prompted what is called the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world. i quote here, indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilians. the horror of this specific attack prompted a howl of outrageous from chris murphy. he wrote u.s. bombs, u.s. targeting, u. midair support and we just bombed a school bus. we need to end this now. he is right. our government, hour public dollars are paying to kill yemeni children and our government and our representatives that can stop it. fidelity is redefining value.
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pg&e has allowed us to be the most sustainable organization we can be. any time you help a customer, it s a really good feeling. it s especially so when it s a customer that s doing such good and important work for the environment. together, we re building a better california. as you probably know by now, alex jones is a notoriously vile figure. the supplement hawking conspiracy theorist whose
accused school shooting survivors of being actors claimed barack obama and hillary clinton are literal demons pushed the theiry john podesta was running a child ring if a pizzeria and said that the gay bomb has gotten into the water and turned frogs gay. alex jones is not a joke. he is being sued by some of the people he has targeted including the families of the victims, the massacre at sandy hook elementary school which he claims was staged. as a result, those families have faced harassment and abuse from jones fans. that didn t stop trump from appearing on jones show where he praised the truthers amazing reputation. and jones has depended on media platt forms like youtube, and twitter. his youtube channel alone has more than 2.4 million subscribers and earned more than 17 million views.
that was before this week. after months of equivocating on apple, youtube and spotify booted film the platforms, as well as expressions of grerns some citizen risk who have are no fans of jones. notably he was not banned by twitter. the ceo saying jones had not violated twitter s rules. he elaborated on twitter policy on sean hannity s radio show. any sort of violent speech, encouragement toward violence, harassment is directly against our materials of service and we take immediate action. i wish somebody would just punch hannity in the face. what do you do then? in all the considerations, not to get into specifics, we have to take the context. we have to really understand what the context of the conversation is. late today, noting the content that appears to violate twitter s rules does appear
repeatedly on his page. less than an hour later, more than a dozen videos and tweets were deleted. joining me, barry lynn, executive director, expressing concerns about whose contend should be allowed. as someone who has led these campaigns, how do you think about what the lines are? who is on one side of it and who isn t? actually, there s right and left. there s right and wrong and there s confenlt promotes violence. there s content that passes white nationalism and white supremacy as legitimate political rhetoric. and all of our campaigns are really rooted in this message of
the first amendment. alex jones has a first amendment, spotify and twitter have a first amendment, and at color of change, we have a first amendment. and they have the right to put alex jones on the air and we have a right to mobilize our people and hold them accountable and to tell corporations, if you play footsie with alex jones, you support his content, we are going to hold you accountable. for folks who believe in the market place, freefl speech, this is very much in the best interests of us holding those institutions accountable. did you an interview. you ve talked a lot about the threat of monopoly. in youtube and facebook and they re wrestling with what to do with all their monopoly power. but alex jones seems like low hanging fruitful he is in a special category, isn t he? he is kind of in a special category. you re absolutely right.
he is a pretty vile human being. personally i would pray that alex jones sort of burns in hellfire. but the question is, how, now that we have these corporations, like google and facebook, that have become essential facilities, essential communications net works within our nation, we have to have a conversation that goes beyond sort of asking google and facebook to shut this guy, people like alex jones down. we have to remember, he was to a very large extent a product of the power of google and facebook. you ve got now, youtube, facebook, google, you can watch anything on this and we ll take
some of that profit money and we don t have to police it, we don t to have deal with all that. we re just a neutral platform. alex jones is one example. these platforms are not neutral. as someone who has campaigned for years to force these corporations to actually adhere to the terms and services, they use all sorts of algorithms to serve up information. if i go now and google, for instance, things about white national i or david duke, i will be served up at some point maybe more information on that. so these platforms are not in any way neutral. when they tell you that they are, they are lying to you. we go back and forth. with spotify about alex jones and in particular, about them pulling some of his shows, by pointing to the terms and servicesful i will agree, these platforms have made alex jones, just like some tv networks have
made some really vile people in our society as well. that doesn t mean we should tolerate it. the thing i was struck by, like you, a little uneasiness about how these big tech giants will navigate this going forward. it was the collectiveness of it. they sit around and take no responsibility. alex jones is making them tons of money. they sell ads against him and apple leads the charge and then they all fall like dominos and you wonder when it will rear its head again. that s why we need to make a decision collectively about these corporations. we don t who know they ll do it to next. and this is really, it has been something, this is not the first time we ve seen this problem in america. we saw it in the 19 century with
the telegraph system. the owner of the telegraph system. jay gould tried on gain it for his own profit. but time and again we ve seen this problem and time and again the american people have learned to deal with these communications platforms and make them truly neutral and making sure they re serving us as opposed to serving up vile propaganda to us. please. yeah. before black folks, women, lgbt, these platforms are not neutral just like society is not neutral. four years ago, folks at ferguson were tweeting stories that the main stream media was not covering. and they raised their voices. and america focused its attention on ferguson. at the same time twitter has not been able to get itself together with how it deals with all the attacks on black lives matter activists. there is a long way to go. i agree. but every day, people standing

Administration , Parents , Immigration , The-first-lady , Democratic-congress , Citizenship , All-in-with-chris-hayes , New-york , Majority , Republican , Scrutiny , Chris-hayes