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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141202 11:00:00

we will hear from the girl and her mom this morning at 7:20 eastern. eric holder is making new announcements. is he adding fuel to the fire? log on for his debate. fox & friends starts now. bye. good morning. it is tuesday, december 2. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. it was a meeting of the protesting minds. president obama holding discussions on the ferguson fallout at the white house all while launching a plan to retrain cops on the taxpayers dime. that s you. is this really the answer? we report, you decide. why is al sharpton there? meanwhile the president threatens to shut down the federal government if republicans the bad guys do not fund his amnesty action. but how much will that cost us? we re crunching the numbers straight ahead. moses an inspirational icon in nearly every major faith but hollywood actor
christian bale wonders if he was more like a terrorist. and if we should send in the drones. mornings are better with friends. hi everybody. i m huey lewis. stand by for the news. it s funny. he always laughs in the same spot there. it s amazing. yesterday i had no idea it s only four blocks from our house here at 48th and 6th. but u2 without bono was down the block. how come no one said anything? you didn t try to get into the show? it was a wide open show. bruce springsteen played the role of bono. number-one fan. i heard about it earlier. you knew? in addition to that gee began particular meeting of the minds in addition to that gigantic meeting of
the minds musically, at the white house the president of the united states said i m going to do something about ferguson. so he did yesterday. he had a meeting. he called in clear why he called in clergy and cops and talked about what happened in the wake. the president did not offer an opinion, however, on the grand jury decision, which many in his party do not like, but instead he came up with a plan to keep it from happening again, he hopes. it is a four-point plan we can outline here for you. 50,000 police body cameras will be instituted here. it s going to be reviewed and implemented. the white house report a police militarization executive order on military-style equipment acquisition. we have military equipment. the military says why don t we give it to some of the police forces in some of the bigger cities in case they need t. for example, there is a nonstop terror attack and terror alert in
our country. you might like some of this military equipment. should some of these dirty bombs go off or should there be widespread root rioting. the president said we ve got to address the problem. i would love to see someone say something positive about law enforcement. law enforcement is being thrown in the street as if everybody is bad and they all need to be massively retrained. they get more training for their job than 99% of americans get for our jobs. is any of the money being invested really by the taxpayers, is any of that going to be pointed to abiding by the law and maybe improving relations from both ends. it seems a little one-sided at one point when you look at that outline. president obama says he s deeply invested in this problem. a solvable problem but is one that unfortunately
spikes after one event, and then fades into the background until something else happens. what i try to describe to people is why this time will be different. and part of the reason this time will be different is because the president of the united states is deeply invested in making sure that this time is different. that s great that he is deeply invested in it. i think we all are. the new york post this morning on their op-ed page has this editorial. it says in part, if the president wants a solution that will save lives, tell people not to resist arrest or assault. they want 50,000 body cameras. that s a good idea. i think it is a great idea. i don t see much push-back on law enforcement either. to spend $260 million on retraining. how many police forces out there are so bad they need to be retrained? that is an interesting point. that does infer that the training they have had is not enough? that says the cops out
there don t know what they re doing. of course if you listen to al sharpton over on msnbc, he pretty much sounds like that all the time. there he is extraordinarily in the eisenhower office building sitting opposite the president of the united states. it is extraordinary that this guy who does host a show offense at msnbc was invited. but the lieutenant governor of the great state of missouri, peter kinder said this regarding reverend al. i cannot imagine any previous american president of either party welcoming an inciter of mobs like reverend sharpton into the white house, into his inner councils for sober advice. you re not going to get it from him. that may true especially people in new york. the one thing is he does pack the place. he goes into a congregation
on sunday. the church is mobbed and he is considered by many a leader in the african-american community. but is he considered a peacemaker? he s a race baiter. you look at his history. you look atty what look at tijuana brawlly. you look at the fact that he owes millions on his taxes. how do you get away with that? i get a letter every week to pay $72. how do you get away with saying the fight is not over when you re in the white house, on the back of the president saying we should have peace on this. this doesn t seem to make sense. you either want someone who is going to help you maintain the peace or you don t. but the person in the oval office was al sharpton. a little concern by the lieutenant governor. al sharpton said this. we live in a country where we must support law enforcement but law enforcement must support justice. reverend al the grand jury did not indict officer
wilson. if you re going to support justice you ve got to support that. one of the great sports personalities out there, he speaks his mind a lot of times controversially. you tell me if you think this is controversial or right on the mark. i m talking about charles barkley yesterday. we have to be really careful with the cops man. if it wasn t for the cops we d be living in the wild, wild west in our neighborhoods. i think we can t pick out certain incidents that don t go our way and act like the cops are all bad. you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn t for the cops? there s no excuse for those people to be out there burning down people s business, burning up police cars. and stopping traffic and blocking bridges when you ve got to get to work. listen. governor christie, whether he knew everything or nothing about what s happened on the george washington bridge he was vilified for his administration. people were fired for blocking one bridge on one day. every city in this country that is a major city in
this country has been somehow diverted because of so-called peaceful and not so peaceful protests. don t stop us from getting to work or getting home and say i have a cause. you can hear from charles barkley which, where s the action for citizens to maybe perhaps get in line with what the police officers are trying to do in terms of keeping things civil? where s the training and budget for that? is it in there? we re all looking for it. is it a race thing or is it a crime thing? imagine if the police protested and didn t show up? what charles barkley is saying it would be utter chaos. if you re upset the rams came out and showed how they are supporting michael brown in ferguson? are you supportive of charles barkley speaking out like he did yesterday on the radio? do you want your sports stars to speak out about the news? weigh in, we ll be hopping
on-line. we can t wait to read those. the cost of amnesty. president obama saying he s willing to shut down the government if republicans won t pass funding for his immigration policy. doug luzader is live in washington in the bureau with a breakdown on how much that is going to cost us. good morning. we re talking about the cost of legalizing these folks. we know illegal immigration brings with it huge costs of its own from enforcement to health care to actual tax evasion. that s the point the white house likes to jump on, as well as immigration activists saying if you legalize these folks all of a sudden they will be working above the table and that will help with u.s. tax receipts. we see that, a total of about $350 billion of economic activity would basically be taken out of the shadows and be essentially legalized. in terms of wage increases, we re anticipating about $12 billion a year. so will it be a net gain
for the economy? the folks at the migration policy institute crunched some of the stats as far as who these individuals are. half have less than had a high school diploma. half do not speak english well or at all. 35% are unemployed or not part of the labor force. the illegal population overall has on average about a tenth grade education and earnings wise are probably going to be well below average. that s why most likely just as anybody with an average tenth grade education will probably not be a high earner and will end up paying less taxes than they receive in government services and benefits. one of the issues has to do with what s called the earned-income tax credit. that s for relatively low-income individuals. many of these illegal immigrants would qualify for the earned-income tax credit which means when
they file their taxes at the end of the year, instead of sending money to the government, they get money back which is obviously a net drain on the treasury. steve, brian, and elisabeth back to you guys. in many cases it can be thousands of dollars per family. ainsley earhardt with her huge salary is with us today. you have a lot to bring us. let me start with this headline. the suspected serial killer wanted for murdering four people in west virginia is dead. police found 39-year-old jody hunt in his truck in the woods. they say he turned the gun on himself after an hours-long manhunt that
supporters want students in north dakota to pass a citizenship test before they graduate high school. back to you guys. as long as we don t have to take a test. i think you d do okay, steve. i hope we all would. coming up on this tuesday morning, attorney general eric holder making bold guarantees on the heels of ferguson, missouri. this will institute rigorous new standards and robust safeguards to help end racial profiling once and for all. but what did the death of michael brown have to do with racial profiling? we re going to talk about that. no dolls or trucks for christmas? the new idea called no gender december attacking the toys right under your tree. how dare you.
when you take advil you get relief right at the site of pain. wherever it is. advil stops pain right where it starts. relief doesn t get any better than this. advil. in the coming days i will announce updated justice department guidance regarding profiling by federal law enforcement. this, this will institute rigorous new standards and robust safeguards to help end racial profiling once and for all. that was attorney
general eric holder yesterday in atlanta discussing racial profiling in the wake of the fallout in ferguson, missouri. this as the president announces a taxpayer-funded plan to retrain police officers across the country, and reverend al sharpton urges a continued fight for justice. is this really making matters better or maybe worse? joining us is milwaukee s county sherrif david clarke. good morning to you, sherrif. good morning, sir. how are you doing? doing fine. thanks very much. why the sudden push by the white house to do something about ferguson? what is the white house doing here? it s all theatrics. the white house understands the optics of this situation and so they create this flurry of activity and people mistake activity for accomplishment. i will resist any attempt by eric holder and the president of the united states, with all due respect, to try to run my office here at the local level. policing is a local issue. we do not need federal involvement. all they re trying to do is create this situation where
the neighborhoods at the local level that need policing the most will get it the least because it will cause people to back off when they really should be aggressive in terms of taking care of business. i think it s a shame that the attorney general paints this broad brush of law enforcement officers all across the united states of america. the cops at the street level and i love street cops they don t have a voice e right now. i think it s time to push back. i think every chief and sherrif in the united states of america and all these organizations like the national sherrifs, major county sherrifs, major county chiefs should begin to push back at any attempt of the federal government to run local law enforcement agency. absolutely. chief, let me ask you this. so many are trying to make this about race. is this a race thing or a law enforcement, a crime thing? i don t know that it s either of those two. i don t look at it as an either-or proposition. the president held some
summit at the white house yesterday and invited, he said law enforcement and other people. i wish he would have invited me because i would have looked at him and i would have pushed aside the thee i can t theatrics and say mr. president our people in milwaukee can t find meaningful work. you spent $1 trillion on a package you said would create jobs. where are the jobs? why do our kids in these urban centers have to attend failing public schools where they are shackled to a life of crime and violence? these kids will not reach their potential. we need better schools for our kids. those are the issues. the creation of the welfare state has not helped this thing. it s created a growing underclass and we saw the behaviors of the underclass on display last week. i would say why don t you issue an executive order and have it audit programs that have made it worse
because they keep people addicted to handouts. that is what is wrong in these ghettos. it is not the police spoivment you got you got it right. sherrif, always a pleasure. thank you for your straight talk. more in a minute.
memorabilia including scripts, props and war droap. wardrobe. ask people who moses is and they will probably say he parted the red sea. but ask actor christian bale who plays him in the movie exodus, he has a different answer when asked that. absolutely seen as a freedom fighter. hebrews but terrorist in terms of the egyptian empire. what would happen to moses if he arrived today? drones would be sent out after him. here to weigh in is fox news religion contributor father jonathan morris. interesting take. moses a terrorist? i think he said in relationship to the egyptian empire and the egyptians were holding the hebrews as slays.
slaves. in today s terms? then the drone thing, it makes it sound like the big bad guys are the ones who use drones. of course that would be the u.s. and the west against terrorism. i don t like the comparison. put it that way. do you believe that is fair to what moses did? no. he certainly wasn t thinking about drones. he was a freedom fighter, no doubt. but a freedom fighter called by god to go up against an empire that was keeping the hebrew people enslaved. i guess when you hear the word terrorist now. because you re saying drones. you re looking in the past, not looking at now. it doesn t seem to people he was alluding to how they would have seen him then. he was describing modern terms. he also referred to moses as a schizophrenic. when you go back to the director, he talked about religion being the greatest source of evil. this is a few years ago. but religion being the
greatest source of evil now. i don t think they re going after religion here and i think there is a lot that could be gotten out of this movie. i love the fact we re going back and doing epic biblical films. think of noah was there some good in that? yes. could it have been great? yes. was it? no. what was missing? the spirit of faith. i think there s three elements of a great religious film. one is great art. great art, great acting and then, third, a perspective of faith. the bible s not just a history book. it s not a history book. there s history in it, but it is a book of faith. when you get those three elements you re going to have an epic film. let me ask you about the film you re consulting on, a.d. does that contain those three elements? it absolutely does. otherwise i wouldn t be involved in it. the fact that they brought me in to be a part of it means they re trying to get it right from that
perspective. i think a lot of organizations and directors could learn from that and say we re going to make this right. we re going to make epic films that have religious elements. give me a couple of words to describe moses, in your opinion? first of all, he was a humble man who listened to god and u the big things god was calling him to. he had a speech problem and he had to speak to the farrow. what am i supposed to tell him? i ll tell you when you get there. what kind of faith is that? dr. jonathan morris, always good to have you. thank you. this coming up, sorry? not sorry? the st. louis police say the rams apologized during this protest but the team is telling a dinner story. what is going on there? we re going to look into it. this boy scout is more than prepared. he went above and beyond to earn all 135 merit badges. he joins us live to talk about that rare feat next. good morning. first we re going to wish happy birthday to green bay
packers quarterback aaron rodgers. he is 31 years old today. i m angela, and i quit smoking with chantix. people who know me, they say i never thought you would quit. but chantix helped me do it. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it gave me the power to overcome the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures. don take chantix if you ve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems,
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children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. so don t wait. attack the flu virus at its source. ask your doctor about tamiflu. prescription for flu. the white house christmas tree arrived this weekend. it is a 19 foot tall white fir from pennsylvania and first lady michelle obama was the first person to come out and take a look. watch. this is a big one. are they sure they can get this in the door? the secret service started laughing and said this is the white house. anything can get through the door. do they just throw the tree offense the do they
just throw the tree over the fence. they re thinking about bending the fence out and having gymnasts try to get over the fence. set personal records. to have people try to hop in and see if they can stop them. why not? inch by inch. got to do some dry runs. we re going to run right now over to ainsley. let me tell you what s in the headlines this morning. thank you, elisabeth. a reward for any information about missing college student shane montgomery now raised to $25,000. but this morning still no sign of him. montgomery disappeared after leaving a bar in philadelphia on thanksgiving eve. that irish pub now kicking in $10,000 for any information. bar owners say montgomery was respectful when he was asked to leave after bumping into the d.j. table adding he was not acting drunk. is it an apology or is it not? st. louis county police and st. louis rams are now at
odds over whether the team officially apologized for this hands up, don t shoot gesture. st. louis county police chief claimed the rams c.o.o. kevin demoff apologized for his players but demoff denies that: the police officers association called the gesture profoundly disappointing. a new campaign wants to make sure no little boys see these toys under the christmas tree this year. g.i. joe no gender december calling for a ban on toy favorites like g.i. joe for boys and barbies for girls. the movement calls on toy companies to be more inclusive asking supporters to only buy gender neutral toys this christmas. what is gender neutral in their opinion? one of last year s
bestsellers, an eazy bake oven. here s a weather report that literally goes to the dogs. hey, king, how are you? live tv. how are you buddy? it s not your turn yet. you have to wait one more segment. that could on youtube later. miami weatherman ryan phillips getting interrupted by king the bulldog. king was supposed to be the on the show later in the segment called pet of the week but clearly king could not wait to become a celebrity. those are your headlines. is that a pit bull? it looked like it. he wants to come up and we said bulldog but it looked more like a pit bull. and that didn t look like an e-z bake oven. it looked more like a radio. let s see how we do with the weather.
maria molina joins us from the streets of new york city where currently outside it s 38 degrees. it s a chilly morning. hello, everyone. speaking of a chilly morning, we expect a bit of a wintry mix across portions of the northeast. look at this system moving through. we have early this morning areas of snow and a wintry mix across portions of the mid-atlantic. later today into tonight we re going to see a more widespread wintry mix and even more snow from areas of new england spreading down to virginia and portions of ohio. accumulations are going to be very light so not a huge concern but it will be an issue on the roadways. farther west in california the story is the ongoing drought, extreme drought conditions in place still but we re getting much-needed rain in places like san francisco and also los angeles. temperature-wise much colder across the northeast. look at caribou, maine action highs in the teens. 40 degrees in new york city, a cool-down compared
to yesterday. we were looking at temperatures into the 50 s. in texas also on the chilly side. highs there only in the 40 s and 50 s. let s head back inside. maria, thank you very much. brian, that is an e-z bake oven. meanwhile from american business to wood working, one 14-year-old in the washington, d.c. area has taken to heart the boy scott boy scout motto of be prepared as he achieved a rare feat. he earned every merit badge there is, all 135 of them. that boy scout josh mc coy joins us now. it is an honor to have you here. congratulations. thank you. what was your final patch and what was the most difficult one to get? the last merit badge that i earned was bugling merit badge. the one that was most difficult is a close tie between serving and
bugling. you wouldn t happen to have a bugle there with you this morning, would you, because it is almost sunup in washington. yeah, i do. okay. let s hear something. as if we haven t already worked this out. what are you going to play? i m going to play taps. okay. [playing taps on bugle] very nice. i think he just woke up fred fare. impressive. it took you two years to learn all the songs, 15 songs to get that badge. well done. josh, why does it mean so much to you to get all these merit badges? a lot of people say it s enough just to be an eagle scout. i would say it means a lot to me to earn every single merit badge because, first of all, i hadn t chosen a career that i wanted to do before i joined scouting.
second of all it was a lot of fun for me. that s great. what is the career you chose? i ve now chosen, i want to go into engineering. congratulations. that s terrific. while that will be a great business for you when you grow up and a great vocation, let me ask you this. the fact that you went after all 135 of the merit badges and i know your brother zach has 102 doesn t this have something to do with your father and the number of badges your dad got when he was your age? yes, it does. my dad got 82 merit badges. i m just an overall competitive person, so i wanted to beat him. by the time i had gotten to 83, there were just tons more merit badges that were fun left to do. and i just wanted to keep going. what did he say to you when you got your last? he said congratulations, and the deal was that if i beat him in merit badges,
he would pay for me to do my scuba diving. congratulations. always cutting a deal. we know what you ll be doing next now, josh. i m going scuba diving with some of the people in my troop. is there a scuba merit badge? yes. i earned it. of course you did. all right. you have a badge for getting up early with fox & friends here, josh. congratulations. wish your brother well as well. he s right behind you. just for the record, it s an emotional badge. what is your troop number? i m from troop 1145 out of prince of peace lutheran church in springfield, virginia. thank you. well done. he s going to be a great engineer? sure is. a police chase starts with a car and ends with a
skateboard. you ve got to see how this one ends. businesses supporting obamacare now being sued by the feds for complying with obamacare. how does that work? judge napolitano is here next. he says you can t make it up. i read his lips.
i have $40, $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don t think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. two words: it heals.e different? how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let s review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you.
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nobody was hurt. but he made our highlight reel. the most excellent airline for 2015 is somewhere near middle earth. air new zealand was named the top airline for its reputation as a trend setter and in-flight renovation. they are also responsible for bringing the cast of lord of the rings into the country for filming. that s some of the news. once big supporters of obamacare some of america s leading c.e.o. s threatening to turn against the law. corporations offering wellness workplace programs are now being sued for complying. a government agency claiming the incentives violate americans disabilities act. what legal recourse do businesses have against the affordable care act? we re going to ask fox news senior judicial analyst and author of a new book suicide pact judge andrew napolitano. thank you for being here. this is the mark of a
government out of control when it writes laws that are so inconsistent with each other that in order to follow one law, you have to disobey the other. and the government enforces both, so you really are in a conundrum. what do you mean by that? if you re the owner of a corporation of 50 or more employees, you re required to encourage wellness among employees for chronic ailments like depression, hypertension, obesity. yes? but if you ask them if they are depressed, hypertension or obese, you violate the americans with disabilities act. if you follow obamacare by trying to find out if your employees need long-term assistance for chronic ailments the government will sue you for violating the americans with disabilities act. what kind of a government writes laws unless it didn t read the law before it became the law that are so inconsistent with each other and enforces them in such a manner that by obeying one you violate the other? this government and this obama administration.
it puts the corporations in a position that s impossible. that s the interesting political part about this. a lot of corporate c.e.o. s went along with obamacare because they they wanted to go along to get along. a lot of insurance companies loved it. guess what? they re find out they hate it in large measure because of this particular conundrum. did the obama administration have to sue these corporations for asking their employees if they need some help with long-term health care? of course not. this was a discretionary act on the part of the obama administration. it s insane in the manner in which these laws are being enforced. how many times have we talked about selective enforcement on a myriad of issues? this government is excellent at it. let s talk about your brand-new book. it s called suicide pact. what s it about? it s not about suicide. it argues when the president takes a law into his own hands and the congress lets him, that is a suicide pact. suicide for our liberties.
i didn t write this at the time president obama decided to change the immigration laws. obviously this book was written before that. but it s helping me to sell the book, because his presidency is an example of a president stealing power from congress, rewriting the laws, declaring war, doing it on his own and the congress letting him get away with it. relations with cuba could be next on deck as well as e.p.a. regulations, bypassing congress. hasn t this always been the case? haven t we always had an executive pushing against congress and vice versa? yes. in each presidency it s worse. the first half of this book is a history of presidential law breaking and lawmaking from george washington to bill clinton. the second half of this book looks at every executive order that we could get our hands on from george w. bush and barack obama post-9/11, all the things they did, both parties, both presidents exceeding their power under the constitution. but president obama has taken this to an entirely new level.
in the book and this is the exit question, so you don t have to answer it in toto, just so we can help you sell a book, but who is the most lawless of our presidents? the present one. really? yes. to brian s argument, that may always be the case because they each rely on the behavior of their predecessors to justify legally and explain morally what they re trying to get away with. but within the pages of suicide packet the president present, barack obama, more than anybody else claimed he can kill americans without any due process. no president ever claimed that. check out the new book. it s called suicide pact. it s available everywhere. thank you. coming up straight ahead, is disney letting go of god? the disney website is under fire this morning for blocking a little girl s post saying she s thankful for god. i don t know if we can let that go.
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show them who is boss. here to show us how to protect yourself, former nypd detective and fox news contributor. welcome. i cannot believe a block away after you said good-bye to sean and geraldo, you ended up in trouble. it wasn t really trouble. i waited for sean to get in his car. then i start walking down the block, right here, 47th street. there was a big demonstration that night, if you remember down by times square. they were demonstrating on the shooting of st. louis, ferguson. so as i m walking down, my car was on 48th street. i had to go to 6th avenue, come around. i m walking. all of a sudden i saw these young guys milling around. i didn t think nothing of it. of course, they had hoodies on. so i still didn t think i limp because i broke my leg in my ankle. i limp a little late at night. i have a suit on. next thing is i walk in there, the one guy comes around front of me, he was tall, about 6 2.
he came in my face and goes, where are you going? at that time i felt i knew what was coming down. remember, i was a decoy. i got mugged 500 times. on purpose. yeah, i had been stabbed, shot at. i felt it coming down. my initial reaction was how did i let them get so close to me and he was going to punch me. i looked in his eye and next thing was a shot in my face. moldly i put my hat under my jacket, i carry a gun legally. and i said to him, if you don t get out of my face, i m going to pop a cap. i used some vulgar language. but it was a street language where it s understood exactly what i meant. they knew i was armed. and they didn t want to do anything with it. how do we you re a tough guy, been through this before. but for many us, we have not had that happen before. you have basic hints that we could have if we re not armed. first, trust your instinct. right. if you re walk down the street, you feel like something is not right, cross the street.
if you see someone standing there, be aware of your surroundings. don t be texting. that s the most important thing for people to be aware of their surroundings. also if you are confronted by someone, look right in their eye. let them know, i m not going down easy. so if you re going to rob me, you re going to have a problem. but most important thing is be aware of your surroundings. with christmas coming up with all the ferguson cash, all that, don t worry about that. worry about your surroundings. and don t walk into something if you uncomfortable, you re 100% right, it s not right. this is men and women. oh, yeah. if you have kids with you? yeah. this woman i saw on the news, she had a baby and they knocked it down and knocked her cell forelast night. the big thing is around christmas is the fact that be aware of your surroundings. when you shop and be aware of your pocketbook, your wallet sitting this, your cell phone. don t be not aware and then you won t become a victim.
you got to drop geraldo and sean. they re nothing but trouble. let me tell you something, honestly, i m just glad it worked out the way it did. so are we. thank god you re okay to tell bus this story. when we come back, the latest on the ferguson protests.fer, don t go away.
let it go let it go can t hold it back anymore a whole new world of censorship from the family friendly company. we re going to tell you about that as we re freezing here in new york city. freezing, frozen, get it? it s tuesday, you re watching fox & friends. this is sherry shepherd and you re watching fox & friends with my best pal, elisabeth hasselbeck. and those two other guys. that hurts our feelings. i thought she was nice. she doesn t mean it. you sure? she loves you guys. joining us to apologize, sherry shepherd, go ahead. nothing? i know she s actually watching. she watches in the morning. all right. let s talk about the news of the day. yesterday the president of the united states, so many people were saying, mr. president, you got to do something about ferguson. well, he did. he had a meeting there at the executive office building, the eisenhower building. he brought together clergy, as
you can see there, police officer next to him, politician talking about the simmering tensions. what can the president do? well, you know what? he s got a four-point plan. it s $263 million in actual program push here for 50,000 police body cameras, a task force on police practices, white house report on police militarization executive order on military style equipment acquisitions. those are four prongs of the plan, which is costly for the taxpayer. 263 million. i feel like law enforcement had a very bad day yesterday because people were talking about all the changes that need to be done to their jobs to the way they go about it, the way they re even trained. the attorney general, while the president is having this meeting on how to make law enforcement better or modernized, he had the attorney general in atlanta pretty much convicting the cops of ferguson, saying that of course it was racial profiling that got this whole thing started on the wrong foot. listen to him.
in the coming days, i will announce updated justice department guidance regarding profiling by federal law enforcement. this will institute rigorous new standards and robust safeguards to help end racial profiling once and for all. this is about racial profiling? keep in mind, that was never decide that had the case with officer wilson involved racial proceed filing, not once. it absolutely was not. just about an hour ago issues we had on this program milwaukee s sheriff, david clark. we asked him why the white house was doing this particular event and other things across the country and he was very clear. he said simply it is theatrics. they re just doing this right now to make it seem like they re doing something when, in fact, he sees what s going on in this country as an assault on police
officers and sheriff clark is very clear, every police officer in the country should stand up now and be heard. here he is. policing is a local issue. we do not need federal involvement. all they re trying to do is create this situation where the neighborhoods at the local level that need policing the most will get it the least because it will cause people to back off when they really should be aggressive. it s a shame that the attorney general paints this broad brush of law enforcement officers all across the united states of america. the cops at the street level, and i love street cops, they don t have a voice right now. and i think it s time to push back. the black caucus weighed in yesterday, as well as marshal faulk, said everything has to change the think how bad everything is. on a if i m a street cop, making very little money, i know my life is on the line every day in the smallest and biggest city, i m saying, do i really need
this job? if i m not going to get support from the highest level or from my police officers or from my sheriff who feels pressure from above, i don t know if it s worth the risk. think about it, with sheriff clark, he said it s theatric, that s why they re doing it now. i asked if it was a race thing or is it a crime thing, because michael brown roughed up the cop and assault and other things as well. he said it s not that simple. he said, you got to look at the bigger problem. the problems are in the black community, unemployment. you got to look at education. you got to look at opportunity as well. those are the things the president should be worried about. the trap of government handouts is something he noted. school system, which has them handcuffed to poverty. interesting to note that entire interview was excellent. it s beençó two weeks since n election, let s talk about the next one. 2016. senator rob portman says don t ask me to be president. and you have rand paul saying i m going to be a senator and
probably running for president. the bigger news happened yesterday where jeb bush spoke. that s right. this is what he said about what it would take to have a republican leader step up. i m thinking about running for president and i ll make up my mind in short order. not that far out into the future. i don t know the exact timeline. it s the same decision making process that i ve always had. i don t know if i d be a good candidate or bad one. i know kind of know how republican can win, whether it s me or somebody else and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more willing to be practical. he s essentially laid out his blueprint, if he were to decide in short order. among his priorities, overhauling education, immigration, and the tax code. he also had some tough love for the incoming republican congress. he said stop trying to make a point. last year remember famously they
are blamed for shutting down the government. he said, forge compromises. pass legislation and stop trying to repeal the affordable care act. instead come up with some alternatives when it comes to health care. that s right. let us know what you think about jeb 2016. we ll read it here. facebook, twitter. you can t argue with his resume for sure. ainsley, you have the latest news. i saw you working there. i do. let me tell you what you missed if you were sleeping. a suspected serial killer wanted for murdering four people in west virginia is dead. police found 39-year-old jody hunt in his truck in the woods. they said he turned the gun on himself after an hour s long manhunt that forced the lockdown of several schools in that area. friends identifying one of his victims as this lady. this is an ex-girlfriend of his who filed a domestic violence case against the suspect just last month. before his deadly rampage, he wrote this chilling facebook post. you will not hurt me anymore. you will not destroy my stolen
heart as you tried so hard to do. a fox news alert now. the wife of the son of the isis leader being questioned in lebanon. two senior officials saying they captured them more than a week ago using fake i.d. cards. officials saying the woman believed to be one of the wives of isis leader al bagdadi. he was believed to be critically injured during an air attack back on november 8. but just days after, a new audio tape of him surfaced, calling for an increase in lone wolf attacks. there could be an immigration showdown in washington today as homeland security secretary jay johnson testifies before congress about the impact of amnesty on border security. president obama s new policies let 5 million illegal immigrants stay in our country. johnson argues removing illegals is not a priority. he calls the president s action common sense, by intense criticism from a band of republicans. even though injuries from a bike accident kept bono from
performing on world aids day, he had some pretty good understudy ies. bruce springstein himself turning out for the free concert in new york city, performing with youtube. chris martin also filling in. he springstein and martin saved the event from being canceled after his injury. those are your headlines. bruce springstein for bono does not do it for me. he s still good. it was nice to stand in. best concert, u2, if you have a chance to go. great call. thanks for all that. ten minutes after the top of the hour. we told you the white house wants more spending to retrain police in the wake of the ferguson tragedy. is that really the answer? philadelphia mayor michael nutter who was in the room with
the president yesterday joins us next. and government employees getting paid hundreds of thousands of your taxpayer dollars not to work. how does that make you feel? let me throw something across the room.
hearing young people feeling marginalized and distrustful even after they ve done everything right. that s not who we are. and i don t think that s who the overwhelming majority of americans want us to be. president obama meeting with civil rights leaders at the white house following last week s fallout in ferguson. the president asking for $263 million to retrain police officers and fix what he calls a mistrust between law enforcement and the public. is more money, though, really the answer? joining us now, philadelphia mayor michael nutter, who attend yesterday s meeting with the president. mr. mayor, we thank you for joining us here. good morning. we continue to hear that the
community feels marginalized, that there is a mistrust when it comes to the police. but what do you have to say as the mayor, to your law enforcement officials who feel marginalized and attacked by the efforts in the past week to really retrain their thinking and what is deemed as an attack on the black population? well, first and foremost, i have an incredible level of respect and appreciation and show support for the philadelphia police officers here in our city. these men and women risk their lives each and every day to make sure the rest us are safe. crime has been going down consistently in philadelphia during the seven years almost that i ve been in office. they have a tough and dangerous job. at the same time, we all work for the citizens here and the taxpayers. so treating people with dignity and respect has to be a part of their job and awful us as public servants. so at times there can be a disconnect.
in communities, in any city, including our city, between how residents feel about the service that they get, how they are treated in their own community, and if that gap in trust grows, then you have a dangerous situation. citizens need the police. they re going to quality police. but at the same time mr. mayor, you used the term disconnect. is it a misperception that you think law enforcement has a different set of rules for the african-american community or minority community as opposed to the white community or is it the reality, in your mind? i think all of us come to our station in life with things that we ve grown up with, things we have in our mind, things that we see, things that we ve experienced, things we see, no disrespect to any of you, in the broader sense of media and movies and all kind of things, are going through our heads at any particular moment. so if you feel i mean, as i said yesterday across the table
from president obama, why is it that black men in particular feel afraid when they are driving their car, maybe not doing anything issues but hear sirens go off behind them? there is a constant struggle of what is going to happen next. so whether it s real or it s a perception, it s the reality for that person and awful us have to deal with that. people don t want to feel that way. they want to call 911, know they re going to get good service and they want to see an officer walking down the street, or a car next to them and not have their heart start to racing because they don t know what s going to happen next. we have to deal with that as americans and come to grips with it. acknowledge that it s a problem and then take action. problem of feeling and perception what i m hearing, mr. mayor, right? 2012, 326 white i think for some in their own communities, it is the reality. they know someone who has possibly been abused. they know someone who may have been shot. sure. and so it s not just a
feeling and a perception. for some people, whether in philly or halfway across the country, it is their own reality. mr. mayor, the president laid out the four-point plan, spend all that money on retraining. one of the new york papers wrote if the president wants a solution that will save lives, tell people not to resist arrest or assault police. well, i didn t see that particular piece. that s nicely written. but doesn t that make a great point? is there something to that? it s one point. but it s also about how officers interact with citizens. everyone has a responsibility here. every police officer is not how about having citizens react with the police officers. i mean, vice-versa. so everyone has a role to play here. i was taught i had the conversation, we call it mr. mayor, we have very little time. my father, a long time ago, about how to interact with police officers. so there is a mutual
responsibility. great. you see, i agree with you, mr. mayor. i want to get a question in. it seems like the four-point plan is all about the cops changing. what about the community changing? what is the president s plan for the community? is it there? well, i think that the president did talk about not only 21st century policing and i m proud commissioner ramsey is the co-chair of that effort, but also the listening sessions of that attorney general holder just started literally yesterday in atlanta. some of those conversations will take place about what is the community s responsibility? how do we better interact with police officers? what is the right way to engage? so i think the president has been balanced in this effort. all of it may not have been completely laid out in the four points. but i think those four points are the right points. having community listening sessions, training police officers, engaging from the justice department in local communities, and also
reevaluating how we give out the kind of equipment that we get from the military, which i support that program. but it needs accountability. i think all those elements will be there. the work of my brother s keeper, which we re strong supporters of here in philadelphia, so there is a community component to this and a responsibility to better understand what is policing about? why do officer december officers do what they do? but a lot of them do an unbelievable job and feel disrespected today about what s been happening over the last two weeks because they do an incredible job. thank you for joining us. we don t want them to feel that way. all right. thank you. 20 after the top of the hour. is disney letting go of god? its web site blocked a little girl s post, saying she s thankful for god. that girl and her mom are here next to tell their story.
they must be bored over there. let it go, let it go can t hold me back anymore let it go well it looks like disney s frozen out god. when one little girl tried to post what she was thankful for on, she was blocked because her reference to the almighty. apparently disney considers god s name a profanity. joining me now, lilly here with her mom. thank you both for being here. good morning. i know it s early. good morning. good morning. julie, i m going to start with you. i know lily by the way, happy birthday. i know it was this past weekend. we re excited for you. when lily went online to post what she was thankful for, what did she type in exactly? she typed in that she was thankful for god and her family and church and her friends. when she did, when she hit
submit, it came up in red letters and the message that it said was please be nice. so she came and got me to let me know that something wasn t right and we started looking at it together and kind of playing with it and change words around a little bit to see what it was that it didn t like. and we found out that when we removed the word god from the post, the web site would allow it. so until you removed god, the word god, the web site would continue to tell you to be nice? that s correct. lily, how did that make you feel, when you just said what you were thankful for, and that was really nice note you wrote. how did it make you feel? it kind of made me feel a little bit confused about why it wasn t letting me send my message. sure. and that s what you were thankful for. i think that s a sweet message. we re excited you re sharing it here with us on fox & friends. julie, did you contact disney?
what happened? here is your girl, she just turned ten, writing the sweetest thing on line. did you reach out to disney? i have not heard any response from disney. i reached out to todd sternson fox news and he s the one that did the write-up and shared her story for us so that we could get some sort of answer cause i just don t want children to feel like there is something wrong or something that they should be ashamed of in sharing their faith with their peers. lily, did you feel bad that they made you feel kind of bad about posting the word god? they made me feel a little bit bad because i couldn t write it. god is the reason that we have all this stuff that we have. you got a good heart. we did get a statement from disney. so i m gog read it here. maybe it will make you feel little better. it says, quote, because so many people attempt to abuse the system and use the word god in conjunction with profanity, in abundance of caution, our system
is forced to catch and prevent any use of the word on our web site. what s your response to that, julie? you know, in a way it s understandable that what they re trying to prevent. but a big red message that tells a child that it s not nice to be thankful for god might not be the best way to handle that. lily, before we go, we will not censor you and we already know that you re a nice girl. so why don t you go ahead and tell america right now exactly what you re thankful for the way you wanted to the first time. go ahead. i m thankful for god and my family and all my friends cause he is the reason that i have all this stuff. you re an exceptional young girl. julie, you re a great mom of the we thank you for sharing your story here and for voicing your thanks to america loud and proud, lily. great work. thank you. thank you.
you got it. she s got a good heart. this coming up, a reporter gets a little too close to his story. we re going to start with the hardest question of all. [ bleep ] my god. yikes. he was covering a shooting and almost became a victim of one? how that all happened next. talking hollywood politics and the president, up next. brian is joining him on the way to the curvy couch. good morning.
the first ever interactive white house holiday card. see that? it s really cute. the way it works is you open the card, you enter your name and your social security number, and then you ll sign up for obamacare. happy holiday, suckers. amazing indeed. joining us on the curvy couch is steve gutenberg. he s got a new book out. good morning to you. another book. what s going on? i like to write. a little scribbling. what did you think of jimmy fallon taking a shot at the president? i know you have been a vocal supporter of the president in the past. well, we have a great country and the liberty that we have to be able to do that is fantastic. there are so many countries that you can t do that. it s great. there was emphatic support largely by hollywood early on. it seems it tapered a bit. what s your opinion about that? maybe shifting to hillary for
2016? i don t really see that. i don t think it s shifted at all. i think that everybody supports our president. it s the toughest job in the world, obviously. and you got to give the guy a lot of credit. he s got a lot to go up against. sure. but he s got critics when he does stuff that people don t appreciate. well, of course. we re always going to have critics. they re everywhere and that s what society is built on. do you something and everybody has an opinion about it. but i think we all love our country. not getting into it because i m just an actor. my opinion is just a single guy. you re an american. but i do believe that we re all fighting for the same thing. we have real troubles. we do. if you look at all the situations going on, we ve got a lot to go up against. it s important to have bipartisan, but at the same time, we ve got to work together. i think the biggest problem is personal ambition in government
is taking over what we really have to fight for. interesting. just to make ourselves a great country. instead of the word service. it should almost be a sacrifice. i m putting my career on hold to serve. that s what the original intent was. it s not to get out and then make money. and i think that we ve sort of forgotten about that. but also just too much fighting. it s become uncivil. yeah. we got to put it together. i find there would be less fighting with me if people would agree with me more. i find for me to disagree. i find people would be happier if they went back to the days of disco. what are the odds, you got a book called the kids from disco. yeah. wait a minute. i m a kid from disco. i ve always wanted to write a book about uncles. people write books about children. that s the man from uncle. that s right. he wasn t an uncle. and i have two nieces and two
nephews that i love very, very much and i m a great uncle. i m a very good uncle. and came up with this story about an uncle who becomes a super hero and employs his two niece and nephews to fight melvis pelvis. fantastic. because not many people fight the pelvis n no. until now. what are the keys to being a great uncle? nobody ever writes about that. the key to being a great uncle is to show the kids that you love their mother or their father, your brother or sister. i think that s the most important part of being an uncle is that they see i have two sisters how much i love my sisters and how you treat your sisters. so they can grow up and be like that, too. at the same time, they come over to my apartment and they can do whatever they want. free rein.
yeah. good message. i want to bring up one thing, steve. you said something which is so insightful. casual give and at the same time but it really cut to the heart of the matter. what did you tell him before? which part are we talking about? when you went up to him and said, have you hung out with brian yet? that s right. the last time you were here, you said you both were from massapequa. there is no reason why you shouldn t be friends. that was two years ago. what the heck happened? well i don t want to hear excuse. we were hot and heavy. we went fishing fishing and boa. was it disco inferno hot? hold on. we might go clubbing. it s an uncle date. we ll take pictures and send them to steve. sunday, we ll go to
christians. in massapequa. thank you very much. congratulations on the book. go get it. great message. the kids from disco. you ever toss to ainsley? no. here she is with the news. here she is with the news. what a great segment. y all are having so much fun. here is what s happening in the headlines. a 13-year-old boy found behind that fake wall in his father s georgia house is speaking out. doing great. i thank god. i downloaded an app. i called my mom. what a sweet young man. gregory, all smiles now, explaining how he escaped his father s house. he was held prisoner there away from his biological mother for four years. the teen-ager now telling police that he was beaten by his father and his stepmother. they re both behind bars and their bail was denied. meanwhile, the son is living now with his biological mother once
again. tv cameras capturing the terrifying moments a reporter covering a shooting almost becomes the victim of one. he was interviewing a woman outside a store in west virginia when gun fire rang out. we re going to start off the hardest question [ bleep ] was there a shooting? yes. the two quickly running for cover behind a car. when i heard the first shot, my whole body got stiff. it was when i got behind the car that i realized how close it was because you could hear that zip. one man was hit, but he is okay this morning. police are still looking for the suspect. grayco in hot water over its latest safety recall. federal regulators are investigating a possible delay in reporting a safety defect which led to the biggest recall of children s seats in the united states. the buckles can get stuck, making it very hard to remove your child from the seat. the government says grayco was
aware of the complaints as early as 2009, but never informed federal regulators. grayco insists it has been cooperative. imagine getting shocked every time you do something bad for you. that s exactly what happens when you wear one of these, padlock wristband. if you re in a bad habit, if you re doing something like spending too much time on line, not enough time at the gym, it will give you an electric jolt. it is nown sale for $200. so people pay to feel that? who controls that? otherwise it s like the invisible fence that the dogs use. thank you, ainsley. thanks. 20 minutes to the top of the hour. this coming up next. a fake hero learns the hard way if you re going to impersonate a u.s. army ranger, make sure there aren t any real ones nearby. i ve worn that uniform and i ve had friends get killed in afghanistan in that uniform,
stolen valor, right here. wow. the real hero will be here next.
right? thanks. one fake hero learns the hard way if you re going to impersonate a u.s. army ranger, better make sure there is not a soldier nearby. you re in rangers? there it is. where is your combat patch at? i gave it to a little kid. why is your flag so low on your shoulder? should be up here. got me on that one. why don t you just admit you re a phony. you know it s illegal, right? let me tell you something, i m a phony? yeah. then i wouldn t be wearing this uniform. you wouldn t? no. cause you are a phony. i called you out on ten different things. it s illegal what you re doing because i ve worn that [ bleep ] uniform and hive had friends get killed in afghanistan in that uniform. stolen valor right here! soldier burke, u.s. army veteran that confronted that phony is with us right now. thanks for your service. thank you. set the scene for us. looks like you re in a mall, you spot something and what did you do? i spotted this guy in an army combat uniform. he went into a store. i went in for a closer look
because i like talking to fellow service members. as i got closer, a noticed a couple things were off with his uniform. his flag was low, boot lace were untucked. the badges on his chest were offcenter. so i took a step back and i just watched and talked to a little boy and kind of tell him stories about being in the military and this and that. and as he came out of the store, that s kind of when i initially confronted him about his uniform not being properly worn. we re hearing it. you have it you had your iphone and taping him. if you had the right earnings you would have backed off, correct? correct. initially did he have what could have been correct answers. when he approached me, i noticed he had two stars above his badge which would indicate he served in three different wars, which is almost physically impossible for his age. why does it bother you so much? well, i served in afghanistan and i ve had several friends get seriously wounded and a couple
were killed in action who wore that same uniform, who put all that on the line and sacrificed that. to see somebody try and claim that type of sacrifice or dedication that my friends did really irked me. what about with your family? don t you have a my grandfather served in world war ii. he was also in the army. and just that legacy of wearing that uniform, so many guys put their lives on the line and have lost their lives wearing that same uniform. somebody to pose as an actual soldier when they haven t sacrifice as much as those guys have, it s just wrong. you also get discounts and praise when you don t deserve it. that bothers you on top of that. what has been the online response since this has been posted out there? generally in the military community especially, it s been positive from my end. i d say fort most part, everybody supported what i did and they agree with it. there has been a couple negative responses, but overall, i think everybody was on board with me and thought i made the right
choice. and what happened to him now? as of right now, the video on line has millions of views. the law enforcement officials are actually in the process of contacting him to investigate further if this guy should be prosecuted or not. it is a crime. it s been posted on facebook, says i worked with him. always called him out and he always stuck to his story. thankfully there is someone with more military knowledge than me that could pinpoint the lies. i could not. thank you. this made my day. yeah. it means a lot. like i said, i think there is more than just this guy walking around posing as a service member, claiming that they sacrificed as much as some of my friends have and i think when it s seen, it needs to be called out and these guys need to be prosecuted. you dropped out of penn state to go serve. now you re back, ready to graduate. what do you want to do next? hopefully law enforcement is my main goal here. at 26. what a life you ve already had. thanks so much for your service and thanks for doing what you did and everybody else serve
notice, don t steal the valor. this is only for the select few. appreciate it. who is on your wrist? private first class anthony nunn, killed in may of 2011 and sergeant summers, also killed in july of 2011 in eastern afghanistan. wow. and you are making sure their memory stays alive. appreciate that. thanks so much. coming up, how do you turn that seasonal job into a permanent one? cheryl casone is here with that way to make that permanent next. but first on this day in history, 1938, new york s la guardia airport opened for business and immediately every plane was lifted. in 1965, turn, turn, turn by the birds was the number one song in america. and in 1976, castro in cuba
[sound of crickets] brii,brii,brii
[male narrator] we ve all heard how military veterans adjusting to the civilian world may have. certain. issues. 2. 30. 70. if only everyone had this issue. no matter what challenge they face, easter seals is here for america s veterans.
the business of christmas shopping already in full swing. that means employers are looking for people to do the ringing up at the cash register. cheryl casone from our sister network, fox business, is here with the top five companies hiring today. i ve looked at the list, i heard of all of them. i love all the companies. they re look for workers. let s start are amazon. to be clear, they re all still hiring and look for people. yesterday with cyber monday, they were very strong for cyber monday. excellent. everybody is in the amazon and you can work for them. 80,000 holiday positions available at amazon. thousands of these jobs will turn into full-time jobs. amazon has been on a hiring tear. yesterday you did a segment about how they ve got a bunch of robots. but they still need actual people. they need people for sorting, for package, labeling, things like that. those fulfillment centers. they re opening more and more, including some here in this
area. so that s the first one. next up, i love this company, nothing says a holiday like a honey baked ham. food. i love it! so this is the spiral honey baked ham. the founder actually invented the spiral, like the way that you cut the ham. i hope he made a lot of money. anyway, 10,000 jobs, production, preparing glaze in the hams, customer service agents. a lot of their managers were seasonal hires. they like to promote from within. it s good culture, i will say. absolutely. you just said that cyber monday was a very busy day. fed-ex is a place that s looking for people. yeah. 50,000 seasonal positions. all these companies are still hiring. don t think they re not. a majority of the seasonal workers will have the opportunity to go full time, continue working even if it is part-time after the holidays and fed-ex has really good benefits. if you can get full time with that company, the health care, the retirement, everything is really strong at fed-ex. they re pretty busy now. let s take a look at target.
so they re this huge price war right now with wal-mart. they re really kind of going head to head. 70,000 jobs, 40% of last year s hires went full time at target. you get a discounts as well. they ll continue to hire. they re expanding. they re kind of fixing up the stores. and finally, sports authority, which is right next to target in my town. is it really? yeah. very cool. if you need some weekend work, a little part-time i m off here at 9 request in the morning. you ve got the time. yeah. all right. so 50% discount if you like sporting goods items. 3500 jobs that are open. store managers, merchandising, sales, things like that. several hundred of those workers will become permanent. i think it s an opportunity you should consider. absolutely. and once again, i m sure today on the business network you re going to be talking about how so far the sales are looking better than on black friday?
we re going to be covering retail sales because a lot more and more americans are doing their online shopping. and that s where everything is going. everything is listed at cassiniex casoneexchange. you could literally, if you walk into a stocks be hired that day. every day is christmas at casone exchange. don t miss cheryl on the fox business channel. thank you. thank you. coming up on this tuesday, the white house wants more spending to retrain police officers in the wake of the ferguson tragedy. retraining the cops? is that the answer? laura ingraham s got an opinion. she s next. and quiz time. what do goats and harlem globetrotters have in common? the answer next. that s baaad. ñi
good morning. it is tuesday, december 2. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. the white house wants hundreds of millions of dollars to retrain cops. what about how the community treats police? where are those points in the plan? laura ingraham weighing in on that straight ahead. and the president threatens to shut down the federal government if republicans do not fund his amnesty plan. but how much is that going to cost? we are crunching the numbers and they are big ones, straight ahead. and caught on camera, wild police chase starts with a stolen car, then ends with a skateboard. not before a reality tv star jumps in to save the day. every word in that tease was true. it sounds like i made it up. but mornings are better with friends. it s time for fox & friends
. that isn t sweet georgia brown, is it? this is giving tuesday. this is the harlem glebe trotters with some goats, a alpaca and llama. in the past we have told you about an organization remember a couple years ago, he have time it was my birthday, my wife would buy me a cow that would be donated to people in another country. they ve got a similar program, in fact, we ve been keeping one of the cows here in the studio they ve got a program where you can actually donate an alpaca and goats and fresh
water. it s a wonderful program. it s a great program. on this giving tuesday, it s great way to share i could see how a cow could help. how about an alpaca? for the wool. it gives it up willingly. the alpaca is now offended. i want to make sure we weren t having alpaca for lunch. no. he s going to alpaca punch you. all right. we mentioned this a moment ago. the cost of amnesty, president obama now saying he is willing to shut down the federal government if republicans won t pass funding for his immigration policy. doug luzader has a calculator in washington, d.c., figuring out how much all that is going to cost. reporter: good morning. i need my green gadget this morning. a lot of numbers have been thrown around of the economic impact of the president s plan. let s talk about a couple of them. $40 billion. that s what the conservative heritage foundation estimates will be the cost to taxpayers of the president s new immigration plan. on the other hand, we ve got
this number, $350 billion. one immigration advocate says that s how much economic activity will now be done above board. these are very strong net positives for the economy, particularly on the fiscal side. continued to pay heavily on the tax side and are the lowest users of government services. but is that really the case? you really have to look at illegal immigrants in general, the migration policy institute came up with this analysis of illegal immigrants. 50%, they say, have less than a high school diploma. 31% live below the poverty line. 51% don t speak english well or at all. 65% either unemployed or not part of the labor force. just as anybody with an average tenth grade education, will probably not be a high earner and end up paying less in taxes than they receive in government
services and benefits. and that leads us to the earned income tax credit. generally low income earners don t pay an income tax to the government at the end of the year. instead the government actually sends them a check and the administration has been clear about this, that these illegal immigrants will, in fact, qualify for the earned income tax credit. back to you guys. because they paid in. doug, we thank you very much. great report. laura ingraham joins us live to discuss all that s been happening in ferguson and post. tensions rising across the nation. now a meeting in the white house. good morning to you. good morning. $263 million in ferguson spending to retrain law enforcement. is that a great way to spend the taxpayers money? first of all, let s look at what that whole scene looked like in there. when i just looked at the image, the screen shot of that, it looks and reminded me of one of those like thursday night
seminars in college where everyone kind of sits around the table and talk about the world s problems and in the end, they just come up with the same conclusion, basically that the system is rigged; that minorities can t get ahead and that we need to spend more money. and indeed, that s exactly what happened yesterday at this meeting. there is never anything that happens in the country that the president doesn t believe can be fixed with the spending of more money and getting america deeper into debt. indeed, when you see the $263 million that he s proposing, i guess we could find that money somewhere. i don t know. we never talk about where we re getting the money. we print it. just take it from the military. that s what we re good at. and guys, i was thinking about this. body cameras, i think that s an interesting idea and i think obviously it would have vindicated officer wilson early on in this process. but maybe, why not put a body cam on the president, because i know a lot of people would
like to know this how much time does he actually spend during the day on the u.s. economy? i m talking about jobs, opportunity for people, expanding economic opportunity, and running the government, versus doing the community organizing around the table. that body cam would be fascinating. so i m all in favor of spending money on that body camera. you know when would run all that, all his video would probably be the golf channel because he does a lot of that. great idea. they need some fresh programming. about an hour ago we had michael nutter, the mayor of philadelphia on. he was in the meeting with the president yesterday. essentially what he was saying is that the police need to be retrained so they know how to deal with the community. what about the community and their dealings with the police? listen to this exchange we had with him. treating people with dignity and respect has to be a part of their job and awful us as public servants. there can be a disconnect. in communities in any city, including our city between how
residents feel about the service that they get, how they are treated in their own community, and if that gap in trust grows, then you have a dangerous situation. i think the president has been balanced in this effort. all of it may not have been completely laid out in the four points, but i think those four points are the right points. what do you think? how about self-reliance versus self pity? how about conforming our behavior to the law instead of bitterness? how about actually the principles of truth versus the principles of rabble rousing and spreading distrust, which i think this administration has done? actually speaking basic truths. i know that s a crazy concept in america today, but if you punch a cop, if you try to get into his car, if you walk down the middle of the street and rob a store, it s not going to end well. you re either going to end up in jail or someone is going to get
hurt. it would be nice if the president of the united states with all of his education and all of his wisdom and all of his experience actually spoke truths to people and had the community really represented there. there was one police official there, but there were no shop keepers at that meeting yesterday and again nobody from ferguson. he always goes political at these meetings. he never goes pragmatic. and the pragmatic thing is people need jobs. stop giving opportunities away to illegal immigrants. actually focus on getting the communities at work because guess what? when you have to wake up in the morning and you have a job or child to really take care of, you don t have time to be out on the streets burning down buildings. sure. charles barkley, to your point and adding on there, said why don t we get practical here and imagine what it would be like without law enforcement doing the job that they re doing? be a wild, wild west. take a listen. we have to be really careful with the cop, man, because if it wasn t fort cops, we d be living in the wild, wild west in our
neighborhoods. i think we can t pick out certain incidents that don t go our way and act like the cops are all bad. do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn t for the cops? there is no excuse for those people to be out there burning down people s businesses, burning up police cars. laura? i would argue that the who has been more damaging and paid less attention to the true needs of minority communities in the country? the obama white house or state and local police? i would say state and local police has done more to help and assist minority communities than this administration has in the last five-plus years. so if you want to be mad at someone, i d be mad at the administration that hasn t spend really any time on getting real job, good-paying job noose this country. and instead is more recrimination, none of this is going to help the average minority in this country or working people. the attorney general hasn t left yet, was yesterday in atlanta and he was speaking out
and he wants to end racial profiling, which i don t know how that figures into this case, but he came out and said once and for all, he wants to end it and that s the problem with policing today. do you think that was on message or off? well, i mean, this is the way they view the world. the racial prism is how the obama administration viewed the world at t very beginning of this administration and apparently it s worked so well for them, not, they re going to keep doing it until the 2016 election. again, i think people are fed up with this. i know a lot of people watching this right now are trying to figure out ways that they can actually buy christmas presents for their children this year. the people who are shutting down those stores, who are blocking the freeways, they re not the modern day rosa parks. most of them are very selfish and most of them don t really care about michael brown. they care about anarchy, chaos, and doing the whole anti-capitalist thing. that s what they care about. the president should have spoken about the dangers of what some of these people are doing on the streets and he didn t.
yeah. maybe that s the message today, don t hold your breath. laura, thank you very much. have a great radio show. starts in about 50 minutes all across the country. thank you. we turn now to ainsley earhart, a lot to bring you this morning. what s going on this morning? thank you. the wife of the leader of isis now being questioned in lebanon. two senior officials saying they captured her and her nine-year-old son more than a week ago using fake i.d. cards crossing the border from syria. officials saying the woman is believed to be one of the wives of isis leader al bagdadi. he was thought to be critically injured during an air attack on november 8. but a few days after that, a new audio tape of him surfaced, calling for an increase in lone wolf attacks. a suspected serial killer wanted for murdering four people in west virginia is dead. police found 39-year-old jody hunt in his truck in the woods. they say that he turned the gun on himself after an hour long manhunt that forced the lockdown of several schools in the area. friends identifying one of his
victims as an ex-girlfriend who filed a domestic violence case against the suspect just last month. before his deadly rampage, he wrote this chilling facebook post: you will not hurt me anymore. you will not destroy my soul and heart as you tried so hard to do. a reality tv star saves the day after a wild police chase near l.a it began when a suspect driving that stolen bmw slam noose a car stopped in traffic, then jumps out with his skateboard, as you can see. he skated away for about half a block with cops on his tail. it all came to an end when operation rico star in the red pick up truck cuts him off. police then took him into custody. see exactly what happened, see the guy running with his skateboard and running from the cops. they re right on him. there is six or seven cops. and he got on the skateboard and started moving and it s just instinct. blocked the guy off and slowed him down a little bit.
apparently the star lost 150 pounds in the past year, so no one even recognized him. those are your headlines. back to you. you recognized hip. we all did. thanks. this coming up, the rioters in ferguson are running wild. but one group of armed volunteers patrolling the town from roof tops is being threatened with arrest. is that fair? one of those volunteers joins us next. and this wasn t on the radar. a weatherman caught by surprise when a playful pup takes over his weather report. good boy.
oath keepers. who are you guys and gals? oath keepers are individuals that come from first responder backgrounds, military, law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics. they re the individuals that put themselves in harm s way to keep others safe. so when we hear this, this is a statement i want to read to you. it s from the st. louis county police department saying that you re not obeying the laws. quote, individuals from the group did not adhere to the st. louis county ordinance regulating security officers, couriers and guard. that ordinance prohibits anyone from providing security without first obtaining a license. what is your response to that? well, the rest of that has to do with being paid to be there. that wasn t the case with any of us. we re all volunteers. sure you are. and i know that there are a number of business owners forget about what the officials say. people who own some of those businesses and buildings were thankful that you guys showed up because you showed up when a lot of people wouldn t.
that s true. there was a lot of hugs and tears. they couldn t believe that perfect strangers would come and do that for them. why did you do it? that s what we do. while others run from danger, we run into it. it s part of who we are. that s how we re wired. if indeed you are stopped from doing what you are meant to do, what you re wire to do do to help others, what will be the result, john? we won t stop. why? because no one else is there to stand in the gap. no one is there to do the job. that s why we had to roll out and do what we did, because everybody else was standing by. those that were in roles that were supposed to protect the town, they did not. i read a statistic that every building that you guys protected
is still standing today. so that s a salute to the fact that the oath keepers were op the roofs keeping an eye on things. thank you for joining us. thank you. you bet. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, while illegal immigrants make themselves at home in the united states, american students now have to pass a citizenship test to graduate. does that make sense to you? would you pass? and a football player suing his high school, saying it didn t protect him from concussions. could the case be the end of high school football? arthur and ablow walk not guilty to take on the legal insanity next.
a kid. i m just overall a competitive person, so i wanted to beat him. by the time i had gotten to 83, there were just tons more merit badges that were fun left to do and i just wanted to keep going. he did, but he ran through all of them. he says the bugling badge was the hardest to earn. but he got it last. brian, over to you and the guys. all right. former high school football player now suing the illinois high school association, claiming it did not do enough to protect him from concussions. standards, the ihsa has implemented are still fairly below the standards that we think are now the norm in the industry given the state of knowledge that we possess. wow. suing. could this spell the end of high school football? here to react, fox news legal analyst arthur aidala and dr. keith ablow. you like this suit, arthur?
i like the purpose of it. i like what they re trying to do, they re trying prevent injuries on young people. from a very practical point of view, this is a class action lawsuit. that attorney you just showed, he could get multi generational wealth for him and his family if all of these high school players start popping up from generations past saying hey, i was hit in the head, i had a concussion, now i get headaches every day. by the way, how do you prove if someone really has a headache every day? i m not sure. if they know they re going to get a check? the attorney is a attacking joe, who has his heart in the right place. this class action suit, i know him. i talked to him. i did my homework. i know him everybody knows, everybody knows that hitting your head in football and the fact that you get blurry eyed and concussions, this was a risk. so the fact is, if you knew that and you were the people putting
on this game, if you re the organizers of the game, that s called negligence. it s like i have to take the lawyer to school. the protocols in 2003, didn t play past high school. were they in place like they are now in the nfl? they re not. but the way the doctor opined, that everybody knew what the dangers are of a concussion, they re going to have to prove that everybody knew that there was a risk and that the risk was this suit is not just about money. here you impugne the reputation of a great attorney. i m not impugning it. i can tell you one thing don t misquote me. the nacc case as well, in that case, he was very focused on achieveing change. there are 8 million high school athletes, football players. 140,000 will get concussions on an average basis. so eight high school students did die playing this game. so it s a risk that you have going in.
if these schools have to pay out this money, you have thoroughly destroyed the sport. i don t think you have. and guess what? i don t know if it s such a terrible thing if you do medical checks after somebody has a terrible head trauma on the field and you sideline the kid for the game. what s so bad about that? here is what the lawyer is saying. everything doesn t have to be accomplished through a lawsuit. you could accomplish this same goal through a series of meetings lawslaws are made this way. it doesn t have to be all the time. how can you get that pocket square? the suit has to be a very expensive suit. i will say this. everyone s heart is in the right place. everything doesn t have to be a lawsuit. the biggest take away is there is a target on football at every level. let s make it safe. absolutely. arthur, thanks so much. you guys are a handful. unbelievable. i can t watch him and argue with
him and everything else. they actually like each other, believe it or not. coming up in the next 35 minutes, ray rice free o play in the nfl and now he is speaking out. if i never play football again, i ll be honest with you, i would sacrifice more so she could have a better future. more from his newest interview out this morning. and quiz time, what do goats and globetrotters have in common? elisabeth has the answer and she also has a coat.
bought 17 books. including the laughing monsters, being mortal and heart of darkness. or as the cashier put it, are you okay? chicken soup for the presidential saul? you want to get that? that is quite a book reading list. did you hear what he said about chuck todd s book about him? he said sad. a sad picture of the president on the cover. is that what he meant? not that it s sad he wrote a book? maybe not. from sad to happy a great smile is just around the corner right there with ainsley earhart ready to bring us the headlines. you re so sweet. thank you so much. here is what you missed while you were sleeping. the reward for information about missing college student shane montgomery now raised to $25,000. but this morning still no sign of him. he disappeared after leaving a bar in philly on thanksgiving eve. that irish pub now kicking in $10,000 for information as well. bar owners say he was respectful when he was asked to leave after bumping into the d.j. table,
adding he wasn t acting drunk. ray rice now free to play in the nfl with video surfacing of him punching his fiance. now what he thinks it will take for an nfl team to give him a second chance. one thing i think that they will have to be willing to, you know, look deeper into who i am and realize that me and my wife have one bad night and i took full responsibility for it and one thing about my punishment and everything going along with it, anything that happens is that i have accepted it. i went fully toward it. i never complained or i never did anything like that. four teams expressed some interest and rice is now a free agent. is it an apology or not? st. louis county police and the st. louis rams are at odds over whether a team officially apologized for this hands up, don t shoot gesture. st. louis county police chief
john bellmar claims the rams coo apologized for his players. but the coo denies this, saying he expressed regret the players he actions were seen as offensive burks never officially apologized. the police officers association called that gesture profoundly disappointing. and here is a weather report that literally goes to the dogs. when i have it to reopen it hey, king. how are you? live tv. how are you, buddy? it s not your turn yet. you have to wait one more segment. is this going to be on youtube? miami weatherman getting interrupted by king, that one-year-old american bulldog mix. king was scheduled to be on the show a little later as the pet of the week. but couldn t wait to become a star. those are some of your headlines. maria has weather here. have you ever had a dog interrupt your weather? no, but bring it on. bring the dogs overt we have had dogs on the set and i have done
a weather forecast with a dog next to me who did not interrupt me. let s look at the radar. we have areas of rain and even a little wintery mix across portions of the mid-atlantic early today. as we head into later this afternoon and this evening, we re going to be looking at more widespread areas of snow and also wintery mix developing across parts of new england all the way down to the mid-atlantic. 2003 have a number of winter weather advisories and freezing rain advisories out there across parts of pennsylvania and ohio. so be careful on the roadways. it will get slick out there. across california, much needed rain coming in to areas like san francisco and los angeles. temperature wise, you re much colder today across areas in the northeast. texas, also chilly. highs in the 40s and 50s. and across places like minneapolis, high temperatures there, only in the 20s. now let s head over to elisabeth and brian who are about 20 pete pete feet to my right. today is giving tuesday and to celebrate the harlem globetrotters have teamed up with christian organization
world vision promoting the importance of giving back this holiday season. here with us now are two members of the globetrotters, alex and herb, along with a few friends. nice to see you. i thought it was reverse. i thought you could outjump him, but i m wrong. actually he can at this point in my career. but not in this weather. you are freezing. he was still able to teach a couple of tricks to us. talk about why you have furry friends with you today. we partnered up with world vision, so why not team up with somebody like them. we want to encourage our fans to give to underprivileged communities and a way to do that is going to the world vision catalog and you can find out more about the catalog at you can find life-changing gifts such as llamas, cows, alpacas. you can get two soccer balls for 16 bucks. whatever you have more of in
your wallet. whatever you can give, you give a lot of joy and you also keep people smiling throughout the year with some tricks. can you teach us one before you go? oh, yeah. you want to try something? sure. here we go. all right. i want you to go around your back, underneath your leg, off the knee. okay. around my back, underneath my leg. that s pretty good. you seem less than impressed. all right. for you you want to go around the body. okay? like that, back and forth. i think duke it. i saw you working on it. i ll try. there you go. like that? that was very good. let me trio get the ball from you guys. see if you can trio do that.
i need a llama to help me. you need a llama? thank you for coming down. world vision, a great cause. always providing a smile with great talent. giving back to the community. jog it in. steve, take it away. thank you, brian. coming up, how are we dealing with the new isis threat against our military? by telling them to scrub their social media? really? is there freedom of speech, the latest victim in the war on terror. peter johnson, jr. weighs in on that next. and no dolls or g.i. joes for christmas. the new idea called no gender december attack the toys under your tree already. say good-bye to g.i. joe, barbie.
god is the reason that we have all this stuff that we have. i just don t want children to feel like there is something wrong or something that they should be ashamed of in sharing their faith with their peers. disney s response says it was because of censoring software that catches people who abuse the system by adding god to profanity. that was their answer. steve? the f.b.i. has issued the strongest warning to date about possible isis attacks against members of the u.s. military. in a memo from the department of homeland security, the f.b.i., service members are told to scrub their social media accounts. quote, for any information that might serve to attract the attention of isil and its supporters. is free speech now the latest victim in the war on terror? peter johnson, jr. joins us live. it may be, but it may be necessary. this is first reported on fox back in october. let s talk about the joint bulletin. what it does is strongly urges service members to scrub their
social media accounts, like twitter and facebook. removing anything that might bring unwanted attention or help extremists learn their identities or their families identities or locations because officials fear copy cat attacks like the attacks that we saw in can did and frankly, what we ve seen at fort hood in the past. radical extremists acting against service members here in the united states. sure. and it was in october that an air force guy and his son were targeted by social media. they said hey, go after these guys. absolutely. the issue becomes is this the first amendment going by the boards because of isil, because of al-qaeda, because of terrorism generally? do our service members and their family have to limit what has become really the face of the first amendment in the 21st century, their participation in social media? obviously it has a point. obviously locations, sensitive
locations shouldn t be given away. obviously family members and military shouldn t say i m here, i m over there and then become subject first to internet attacks and then potentially slaughtered by terrorists, which is the fear of the f.b.i. and the department of homeland security. we ve had this in the past in our culture, in our history. look at world war ii. there were posters of the government put out, loose lips sink ships. meaning if you spoke about troop movements, if you spoke about where people were, then we might lose ships in the war against the axis powers. then also invoking the stetson hat, keep it under your stetson hat. keep that information under your stetson hat. but at the same time, though we understand that this is a great, great infringement on who we are as a people, that somehow a military officer, a veteran, someone who is a blue star or
gold star or a silver star member or family should somehow disguise their service or be ashamed of it for fear that they or their family will be struck by terrorism. that s the balance that we re facing in this society now. and so i hope that our honoring of service, that our public acknowledgment of service in this country doesn t go by the boards, that there are ways that people can fly the blue star flag of service and that we can honor our patriots in this country without fear of being attacked by terrorists. i think we should spend as much time ensuring that they are safe as warning them about engaging in social media. obviously they need to be smart as we all do. but we don t need to succumb in a total way to their terrorization. otherwise the terrorists win. and they can t win and they won t win. all right. well said.
thank you very much. 12 minutes before the top of the hour on this tuesday. still ahead, attorney general eric holder said he s going to end racial profiling once and for all. one sheriff says racial profiling not the problem at all. his message to the attorney general and your comments pouring in next. first let s check in with hem who are has got the show in 12 minute. how you doing? good morning to you. homeland security secretary testifies in the president s move on immigration. there is a big republican meeting this morning at the same time. what is the best way forward for the new majority? we re all over both stories. and a ordained drops out of the race for 2016. so who is in today? is iran helping the u.s. bomb isis? there is evidence apparently. we ll show it to you. martha and i will see you at the top of the hour on america s newsroom .
welcome back. we ve been talking this morning about how the president of the united states has been told you got to do something about ferguson and yesterday he convened a meeting at the white house of religious leaders, civic leaders, and police officers. that s right. one individual who should have possibly been there ho had something to say to the president about leadership, law enforcement and communities and how things could actually get better is sheriff david clark out of milwaukee, the county sheriff there. this is what he had to say about his message and what it would have been to the president. policing is a local issue. we do not need federal involvement. all they re trying to do is create this situation where the neighborhoods at the local level that need policing the most will get it the least because it will cause people to back off when they really should be aggressive. it s a shame that the attorney
general paints this broad brush of law enforcement officers all across the united states of america. the cops at the street level, and i love street cops they don t have a voice right now. i think it s time to push back. law enforcement did not have a voice yesterday. not in washington, not in the meeting that they had and not in atlanta with the attorney general where he came back and said, hey, we have once and for all got to stop racial profiling. instead of saying good detective work or we understand what you re up against, there was none of that. there was a lot of protest. he supported the protest that he had to walk through and deal with in his speech, said, i m not even mad at you. it has been decided that this case in ferguson, the death of michael brown that led to the nonindictment of officer wilson there involved racial profiling. nothing has been decided as it relates to that. in the new york post today on the editorial page, they said that last week the president said we need to accept the decision that where he said the grand jury was was the grand jury meant to take. it was their decision.
if that s the case, they say that the attorney general should probably stop trying to make this a federal case. eric holder, who is out there saying that he s going to stop racial profiling once and for all. and come up with you have the president meeting with some leaders on coming up with a four-point plan, plus that s going to be on the backs of the taxpayer, $263 million, putting cameras on police officers moving forward. but then when you hear from those real boots on the ground, sowf the sheriff, the local feds going in there in terms of police work, their voice were not heard. but yours are on facebook. one stays, the less you have the feds involved, the better it is for the states, counties and our cities in the nation. the locals know what is best for the citizens of that particular state. the mayor of philadelphia was in support of the meeting which he was invited to. on facebook, one says, i m tired of all the criticism of law enforcement. unless you have put a uniform on, put yourself in harm s way, you have no idea what it is
like. joanne is on facebook and she wrote this: bravo, at last a brave soul that is willing to tell it like it is. why wasn t he invited to the white house? the sheriff also said that what the white house is doing complete theatrics. that s it. one more post, at this point, i agree, they are making it more difficult for the police to protect themselves. thus protect our citizens in the long run. thanks for sending those in. keep them coming. also something that was curious is if you re going to have a meeting at the white house, talking about the problems with ferguson so they don t go forward in the future, you would have thought they would have invited somebody from ferguson. and invited some of the protesters, but none of the people in authority of ferguson, which seemed like they left somebody off the list. one of the individuals there said that the protests should have happened even before the verdict. that people should have opinion out there they said riots. they should have been lots of riots before the verdict. strong language.
yeah. we ll see what happens in the aftermath of this and what are the president s four-point plan gets implemented. we ll see. more fox & friends in just a moment.

President , Reverend-al-sharpton , Government , Republicans , Faith , Moses , Christian-bale , Numbers , Cost , Amnesty-action , Icon , Hollywood

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Thomas Roberts 20161104 18:00:00

as we see this splits. yes, let me walk you through donald trump s strategy over the next three days to do the ten state splits. we are calling that hillary clinton s blue firewall, the states of wisconsin and pennsylvania. that s one region and then you know donald trump has to be able to win the must-win florida and north carolina. if he does not win any of those states, this race is over. he has to be able to hone onto that. he wants to be able to go out to the west and see if he could pick off a state like colorado, for example, that helps him out. just to kind of show you then, you know, hillary clinton s
holds. pennsylvania is critical to that. michigan is critical to that. that s a reliably blue state and she will be here later today. and campaigning later on tonight with jay z, she s adding a stop this weekend. the polls are all tied up. she s battling for every vote and not taking any vote for granted, thomas. kristen, standby, lets go to our katy tur. this rhetoric that trump is using that clinton is likely under an investigation for a long time, america deserves a president who can go to work on day one. is this red meat where the folks already supported? well, it is. it is aimed at those republicans that are out there that are uncomfortable with donald trump and trying to get them to get up and get out and go to the
polling booth and cast their ballots for trump and instead of somebody like a third party candidate or somebody they made perhaps write in and as we saw, some folks say they re going to write in a third party candidate including john kasich who wrote in john mccain when he was? ohio. what they are trying to do is paint hillary clinton as somebody that s so questionable and somebody who has so many issues in office and including an investigation and they within the to say it will end up with a criminal indictment even though they do not know that s going to happen. so they can scare those republicans into coming home. mit romney enjoyed a lot more republican support than donald trump has at the moment over 93% or 94% or 95%. in order for donald trump to be competitive or any democrats for that matter, he s going to slit f solidify all the republican votes as they can.
there is some indications that is working. i was talking to sources in new hampshire who tells me the polls are tightening in that state. republicans are coming home to donald trump in a way where they have not seen before this past week. they re still unsure that he will be able to pull it off in new hampshire but hopeful than they were a week ago and above anything else of what this is happening, of kellyanne conway and new hampshire and pennsylvania and others across the country including marco rubio and florida. they are going to don t do this and they hope that donald trump stays on message and we see him on the campaign trail and he acknowledges this and at oftentimes he can be his own wor words. we know that toomey you katie and kristen welker, has
team trump responded about upcoming indictment for clinton? reporter: no, the trump campaign has not responded to that. they have been using that and saying that just came out and hillary clinton is going to be criminally indicted and they use this fox news reporting but they have not commented since brett bearer have backed off of it. yesterday, he said this was artful terminology. today he s apologizing that it is not just artful but inaccurate. kristen what about how is team clinton responded of a false story? reporter: no reaction to that. you remember in the wake of
comey coming forward and announcing that he s looking into newly discovered e-mails, clinton campaign turning the pressure on comey, hey, if you are going to do this, release all the information. we saw that from her top surrogate. clinton is not talking about this issue anymore. she s trying to turn the page. you will hear some of her top circuit taking this on. it is friday, the e-mail from comey came out on friday, the access hollywood came out on a friday that hurt donald trump. what will happen this friday? anybody s guess. katy, and kristen and mark and jacob, everybody thank you very much, appreciate it. i want to follow on this case of chris christie. bill baroni, chris christie will be campaigning for trump.
he released this statement that reads in part. let me be clear, once again, i had no knowledge prior to or during these lane realignments and had no roles of authorizing them and anything said to the contrary over the past six weeks in court is simply untrue. i want to bring in our legal correnspo correnspondent, ari melber. well, we have been following two cases and this is a jury to your question decided that there were something rotten there that this is what this administration did and convicted to christie s aids. that s not good. nine counts and of wired fraud. the problem with chris christie is how that looks and if he had former aids singling him out.
the good news for chris christie is that this case is finally over. he was not ever charged to be fair and clear and thus in that sense, the legal chapter appears closed. all right, i have halie touched on this at the end of last hour of the rolling stone verdict and the fact that there is three people, defendants in the defamation trial and how this has moved forward. this is a story that ran rolling stone, alleging a rather graphic gang-rape at a fraternity on campus. the administrator from the school sued and said not only your story was false but you defamed me along with others in doing it so recklessly. people often say i am going to sue, i will sue for defamation and you lied about me. very rarely those cases go to
court and when they do, rarely you will get these major guilty verdict. with this jury found just in the last hour, no, there was recklessness and there were actual malice, these people did not just do their jobs poorly, they did their job incredibly recklessly, they did not get the basic fact-checking and the basic stories that a reporter is supposed to do. we are not talking about jail, we are talking about money damages up to $7 million. that chapter would come later. this is a huge blow to rolling stone which i should mention and people probably know at home has published a great number of issues and music and cultures and rights over the years. this story is a blemish for that. did rudy giuliani knows
about last friday s, of october s surprise two days before the story broke. i mean i am talking about some pretty big surprise. yeah, i heard you said that this morning. what did you mean? you will see. you are lucky because we got to go. i am out of town. we are not going to go down. we are not going to stop fighting. we got a couple of things off our sleeves that should turn us around. why agents reportedly are against hillary clinton and what these new claims could mean for the race going forward. first, a reminder our coverage begins tomorrow eastern with a live one hour show hosted by your own joanne reid and tuesday tuned in on our msnbc election beginning at 9:00 a.m. eastern. .
(friends gasp) the app where you put fruit hats on animals? i love that! guys, i ll be writing code that helps machines communicate. (interrupting) i just zazzied you. (phone vibrates) look at it! (friends giggle) i can do dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs. you name it. i m going to transform the way the world works. (proudly) i programmed that hat. and i can do casaba melons. i ll be helping turbines power cities. i put a turbine on a cat. (friends ooh and ahh) i can make hospitals run more efficiently. this isn t a competition!
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investigation into hillary clinton s private server and making that information public. those reports suggesting that fbi agents have a highly in favorable view of hillary clinton. a fresh story that s out today. spencer, it is great to have you with me. you spoke to fbi agents that s serving into the organization. take us through your reporting and what you uncover. i want to see what fbi agents thought about comey s decision putting the fbi front and center days before people going to the polls. what i found was an extraordinary climate. some people were saying that no matter of the support for trump, some were serious and kind
of there is a tremendous towards hillary clinton. did you find folks wanted to speak out on this on background and give you the kind of insights and look at what the climate was like? it was extremely difficult. people were reluctant to criticize an agency that they feel they are personally attached to. has comey put himself in an in possible position? he s extremely in a difficult position. some point presuming that she s elected president. comey is going to have to find some way of working with with her and that may under mind the relationship between the white house and the fbi. we played this earlier of rudy giuliani raising eye brows of what he said last week about
this and what he said today. you are going to hear about it the next few days. i am talking about some pretty big surprise. oh yeah, i heard you said that this morning, what did you mean? we ll see. we got a couple of things up our sleeves that should turn this around. a couple of days before this broke and you looked and you said look out, something is coming down and certainly it did. what did you know and a lot of network pointed that out. i am not part of it at all. all i heard was former fbi agents telling me that there is a revolution going on inside the fbi and now is at a boiling point. so there are people in the fbi leaking information into trump s team. that s what it sounds like. rudy giuliani , he had a history of playing politics. i am a native new yorker.
it is going to be difficult to manage and put rank and file fbi agents trying to do their job with integrity in a difficult situation. spencer, great work. national security for the guardian. today our pulse question, reports say the u.s. government is concerned hackers from russian may try to under mine the election, are you worried your vote may be compromised? coming up in the case, the fight to finish, which gives us the best idea on what could happen when those ballots are all in and experts weigh on the other side of this break. my name is barbara and i make dog chow natural. now that i work there, i value the food even more. i feed it to yoshi because there are no artificial colors,
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it really is turning into a true fight. we got both nominees in the battleground with their running mates these final few days. hillary clinton has made campaign stops to florida 25 times to donald trump 37. she made 15 stops in ohio today. trump makes his 26th visit to that very posimportant state. trump travels there for his 24th time. clinton has made 15 stops in north carolina and donald trump of 21. the trump campaign relies on their nominee s star power out there, clinton has the power of the president and elizabeth warren and formal president, bill clinton on the trail for her. how is early voting coming out.
we got our democratic strategist and peter hart. gentlemen, it is good to have you with us. we have 36 million votes are being cast. is early voting a good predictor when we get to tuesday evening for the results. well, you cannot use early voting to predict how people are voting. the most poimportant thing is lk what we are seeing in the electorelec electorate. so peter, the pulse captures something that cannot be determined by early voting data. the early voting data as steve says is exactly right. it tells you about the organization and that s going to make a difference on election day. you will learn that.
the polls will cross section of americans. as we can see the election is very close and as you pointed out, thomas. you look at the states where hillary and trump are going and essentially what it shows you is michigan is going to account for a lot and they re closing out in pennsylvania. well, it is where they are going and going and seems to continue to make these trips to the same old spots. we are seeing wild fluctuations in polls. this is a good example of the washington post polls where we saw hillary clinton leading by 12 points and leading by two of the following week. what do you say of the volatility and what s driving? this is the strangest election cycle of our history and voters just kind of reacting to it. it is interesting though and i know peter knows this more than i do. i think that s important to keep in mind that we are fighting over four or faive states.
really, it has not moved since labor day. this does come down to which one of these campaigns going to grind it out in four or five states. peter, are we going to see a total redefined and folks like yourself are going to look at this and wonder of 2016, we just got this new free press michigan polls. this was done on the first and the third, the four point margin of error, that s a tie. the fracture is within the blue wall and the blue fortress and how this can all flip and redefine for 2016. you look ahead and it is changing and donald trump made it change. he reached out the voters. he lost the expanding l electorate. the news that you bring out of
the michigan poll is the best news that hillary clinton s campaign will hear today. and it will be maybe hopeful? the day is still young and we have seen a lot of friday s surprises. our strategists and our peter hart and steven shales. thank you gentlemen. the security that its plan to protect election day. says it won t let up for a while. the cadillac xt5. what should we do? .tailored to you. wait it out. equipped with apple carplay compatibility. now during season s best, get this low mileage lease on this cadillac xt5 from around $429 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing.
i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you re totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit they re planning unprecedented security on this year s election. cynthia mcfadden. officials in the department of the homeland security, military and the intelligence community tell nbc news the u.s. government is gearing up for an unprecedented effort to protect
the country on election day. according to multiple intelligence sources, u.s. officials are deeply concerned about and preparing f some sort of cyber chaos next week. an attack on critical infrastructure including the u.s. power grid is one of three worse case concerned. so we have cynthia mcfadden, we should point out that there is no reus thomas hock the integrity of the vote itself. joining me is our executive director and an author of defeating isis. malcolm, thank you for joining us. how probable is this? well, it is a question of who s the actor that would want to do that or paralyze the
united states. i have another book called the plot to hack america. that was oriented to russian te intelligence. they can do that and slow down the united states. the fundamental vote will not be corrupted. that s calculated on a white board there is this chaos and the noise that goes around it and gets people undone. what does the cyber community and cyber security expert is being enhanced to make sure that this is plausible. v verified russian intelligence and their version of nsa and the department of homeland security and the director of national e
intelligence, all came together. almost all states and i believe 45 was the number of states have consulted with dhs which means national security agency is assisting as well and they are making secure that the computer switch actually tabulate the vote. the plot to do all of this. what security expert has to do to stay ahead of what could happen. that s what it is all about sfooch, we got to stay ahead of those of what cause the kay yochaos. we had this noise on the campaign trail saying that the russians may have something to do with it. you have to first believe that the enemy is out there and they re going to carry out some sort of a ferry s blood. if you don t believe that the russians have done this then you cannot make the offenses against the cyber weapon systems that they employ. that s what the states are doing
now. they believe that russia and other actors can come in and interfere with the electorate. to handle it or shut off if they are attack. that s the big game. malcolm stance, thank you. i want to give you an update of the pulse. are you worried that your vote maybe compromised? even though it cannot happen but fears are real. 60% say yes and 40% say no, check out tonight, who ll take the stage in cleveland to rock the boat for hillary clinton. the man on your left, jay z, will be there. what about beyonce? say no that it is not going to be beyonce. stranger things have happened
before. one person cons to rally voters for clinton is her former boss, president obama in the final stretch before election day. i was working in the yard, my chest started hurting
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that he s almost done for his former secretary clinton this time in fayetteville, in north carolina. the clint the enthusiasm people have for president obama. here is the president in one of his two stops for clinton on thursday. if you are registered, you can vote right now. [ cheers ] there is early voting location just ten minutes away. our ron allen is in fayettevil fayetteville, the president is giving a lot of attention in north carolina. is he trying to do what can do for clinton what he could not do for himself. reporter: exactly, he lost in 2012 but he won in 2008. every vote counts. that s what the president have been saying there is numerous
stops here. he s going to be back in north carolina, durham, on monday. debra ross is up, warming up the crowd. the president should be here in a moment. some of the people here have been waiting since 5:00 a.m. this morning outside in the rain for the president to get here. that s how popular he is here. you are right, at this point, the early voting figure, the african-american turn out is lower and the enthusiasm gap is that plclip that you just played, president obama gave the address of the early voting place. that s how intense it is and where they need to be. the other issue here is intense voting rights battle, there are thousands of people waiting for a federal judge s decision. 70,000 people have been purged.
they want to vote on tuesday and they re waiting to get that right. that s the issue here. we ll see the president coming out there shortly. just a programming note for you. we ll have a one on one sit down interview with the president tonight. that ll air in with chris hayes on msnbc. blacks are indeed fired up. it is read wrong even if there is a slight difference between the early vote then and the early vote now. don t let that fool you. blacks are going to turn out on election day in north carolina.
i can absolutely convince you, i hope i can of what i know and understand about the black community. not only the black community respect hillary clinton but believe in hillary clinton but they got a second incentive and that s we cannot tolerate donald trump. he s dangerous and we know that we got to stop him, we know that this country cannot be led by him. he s demonstrated who he is. and not only is he dangerous he has burglarized this campaign in the way that he has not only limited himself to a certain constituent. mariana had a chance to speak with running mate tim kaine about what perceived to be this slow start. take a look. well, it certainly started
slow and a lot of states have done things since 2012 to make it harder to vote. we are worried about that. we are also seeing while the participation at some areas started a little slow, it is picking up. when we heard ronald talking about what s going on in north carolina with voting rights and a decision that s coming down. do you think in a larger scalp picture that the clinton s campaign have taken the black votes some what for grant it or is that a myth? that he is are remarks on the other side who s trying to convince black that they should not be so supportive. that kind of generalization does not play well with most blacks who understand the difference. democrats and republicans and certainly donald trump and hillary clinton. i would not pay any attention to that. the fact that the matter is, if blacks go to the polls, if there
are any attempts from keep them voting. they ll get the ballot that ll allow them to vote so that decisions can be made on them later. i am not worried about that at all. what i feel in my heart is that blacks are goi to vote and they re going to vote in large numbers and they re going to get out in the polls and hillary clinton is going to win this election. all right, congresswoman, i want to get you on the record with this. the leak of the fbi, it under mind the clinton s candidacy. i think the disappointment in the fbi director is profound. i think that he made a mistake that he interfered with this election and he caused us to have a little bit of a pause and a little bit of a drop off that we have not recuperated from that. the leaks that have gone out and division appears to be in the
fbi is unprecedented. nobody expected that you would have false information coming out of the fbi. rudy giuliani needs to be investigated also because he had a role in this. congresswoman, maxine waters, thanks for your time. you are so welcome. could she turn the tie in georgia? our new polls is showing the dead heat, our chris jansing is talking to the people at the polls, next. on this side of the road is virginia. and on this side it s tennessee. no matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on car insurance by switching to geico. look, i m in virginia. i m in tennessee. virginia. tennessee. and now i m in virginessee. see how much you could save on car insurance. or am i in tennaginia? hmmm. [dance music playing]
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our nbc chris jansing is in georgia speaking to the man leading the soul to the polls effort. chris, what are they say happening this sunday? reporter: well, they got ambition and some one saying at the ebony church in atlanta, that s turning out 100% of its parishioners. that s about 4,000 votes. obviously, it makes a difference to hillary clinton who s looking up to black votes here in georgia. joining me now is our pastor here, rafael, you can get 100% of your people to show up. listen, welcome to georgia and witness the georgia miracles. i am a preacher, somebody has to bring in the water. these people behind me are bringing in the water, our congregation showed up in a powerful way over the last few weeks. yes.
this is ebeneezer s votes. i asked people who already voted to stand up on sunday and most of the congregation already voted. reporter: you think 90% so far? that s right, you are shaming the 10% that have been voting. i am shame lessly shaming people in the voting. it is that important. reporter: it is a one point race. what is it going to take in our mind for hillary clinton to pull it out which is what you want. we are in the margins of error. i think we can win, georgia is a blue state. we need people to believe and act on it. the signs so far are great. in 2012, we saw 1.6 million early voters. right now we are already at 2.1 million. we have not seen the full tally for today so i think the signs are good. we are seeing outstanding voter s registration and mobilization and education and
that s the recipe to turn georgia blue and that has broaden implications for our polls. reporter: they could make record here that would be extraordinary given the fact that in most of the country the clinton campaign said look, we do not expect to hit 2008 or 2012 record, we like to keep it close here. it maybe a different story whether enough to turn the state, we ll see. chris, thanks so much. looks to be a beautiful day in decatur, georgia. one last look at our pulse question. we have been asking you of concerned hackers from russia may try to under mine our election. are you worried that your vote is compromise. check out the it is time for your business of entrepreneurs of the week.
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Donald-trump , Hillary-clinton , Strategy , Yes , State-splits , Splits , Three , Ten , States , Pennsylvania , Firewall , Region

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20161013 02:00:00

access hollywood video. jessica leeds told the times she was assigned the seat next to donald trump in first class on an airplane 35 years ago when donald trump was still flying on commercial airplanes. she said he politely introduced himself. but then after the meal was served and the trays were taken away, donald trump started putting his hands all over her and grabbing her. here is some of her video interview with the new york times. if he had stuck with the upper part of the body, i might not have gotten i might not have gotten that upset. but it s when he started putting his hand up my skirt, and that was it. that was it. i i was out of there. the other woman in tonight s new york times report is rachel crooks, who is 22 years old in 2005 when she was working as a receptionist in a company
located in trump tower. here is how the times describes what happened the first time she saw donald trump in the building and introduced herself. they shook hands, but mr. trump would not let go, she said. instead he began kissing her cheeks. then he kissed me directly on the mouth. both women said that watching the presidential debate on sunday was infuriating, especially this moment. just for the record, though, you saying that what you said on that bus 11 years ago, that you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent? i great respect for women. nobody has more respect for women than i do. so for the record you re saying you never did that? frankly, you hear these things said. and i was embarrassed by it. but i have tremendous respect for women. have you ever done those things? and women have respect for me. and i will tell you, no, i have not. in a telephone interview with the new york times, donald trump said none of this ever took place. shouting at the times reporter who was questioning him.
mar el lago in florida where she was working as a photographer s assistant. ray charles was performing. tasha dixon, a contestant in the 2001 miss teen, let me say that again, miss teen usa pageant said this today about donald trump. he just came strolling right in. there was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or something. some girls were topless. other girls were naked. to have the owner come waltzing in when we re naked or half naked in a very physically vulnerable position, and then to have the pressure of the people that work for him telling us to go fawn all over him. and tonight robert costa is reporting from washington post that donald trump intends to make good on his threat to the new york times. he says that donald trump s lawyers are drafting a lawsuit against the new york times that could be announced at any moment. and nancy giles, a lawsuit that
still sort of seems like a he said-she said in a way. but these women did tell people contemporaneously what happened. we also have a pattern of behavior from trump that is pretty clear. the thing about these october surprise series that they re not surprising at all. right. donald trump issued a statement tonight in which he said the campaign anyway said to reach back decades this, by the way, please listen to every word of this. this is so ironic in light of what the trump campaign has been up to. to reach back decades in an attempt to smear mr. trump trivialized sexual assault. and it sets a new low for where the media is willing to go in its efforts to determine this election. maria teresa, that s the guy who reached back decades sunday night to invite women from decades ago in bill clinton s life to the debate. tonight the trump campaign says you must never, ever reach back decades. well, and he did it purposely
to intimidate and humiliate his opponent in the most grossest of ways. because she could not control what happened 30 years ago that had nothing to do with her but her husband. that s what is absolutely obscene. but what donald trump has, his hardest part is actually taking ownership of when he does something wrong. the fact that we have types of him, decades long tapes of him going on howard stern, degrading women constantly, even making fun of how he actually can interact with his own daughter can make us feel uncomfortable. this is a pattern. this is who he is. if americans want to vote for him, let s be clear. this is the person who he there. is no plan b and there is no other donald trump. this is the person that we are seeing every single day. and most recently, lawrence, i think you saw he was at a pennsylvania rally, and he said look, you know that i m a snake. you voted me in. you nominated me. so he knows who he is. and now he realizes that it s women who are going to get him to the white house. i said this before. it s going to be ironic that now
we have muslim american military family that is going bring him down. we have a latina beauty queen that is going to bring him down and women are going to bring him down. i want to read another piece of the statement because it is just breathtaking. he says it is absurd to think that one of the most recognizable business leaders on the planet with a strong record of empowering women in his companies would do the things alleged in this story. and nancy giles, this is the campaign that firmly believes catherine willie s story about bill clinton in the white house when he was rather recognizable as president of the united states. oh, yeah. if you re going with the unrecognizable guy won t do this theory, how do you explain what they re saying about bill clinton every day? you don t. because it doesn t make sense and it doesn t follow any kind of logic. i guess roger ailes could say the same thing about his network where he employees a lot of women and he is also you know, it brings up a couple of things for me. and i want to echo something maria teresa said.
and that s how gross it is he tries to conflate his action was bill clinton s. i am in no way condoning anything bill clinton did. but hillary is the candidate. and there is something kind of sexist about him kind of bypassing her and going to bill as if there is anything going there that can balance his reckless actions. anybody that watches law & order knows that if you re a defense attorney, you re going to defend even people that have done horrible things. so what is he trying to say about hillary? he s got nothing to say about her, and any kind of actions she might have done that are equating to what he did. everyone should be reading this new york times piece tonight or tomorrow. but i want to read one passage of it. because it takes you into the life of someone who has this kind of thing happen to them. this is rachel crooks. and it s her boyfriend at the time who is describing what he came home to that night. he said i asked how was your day, mr. hackenberg recalled. she paused for a second and then
started hysterically crying. after ms. crooks described her experience with mr. trump, she and mr. hackenberg discussed what to do. i think that what was more upsetting than him kissing her is she felt she couldn t do anything to him because of his position, he said. she was 22. she was a secretary. it was her first job out of college. i remember her saying i can t do anything to this guy because he s donald trump. and anna marie, that is one of the looks inside one of these horrible stories. i mean, i don t know where to begin. you brought me back, quite honestly. i mean, i have to say, i am very concerned for a lot of women out there. because i was brought back by that statement by something that happened to me when i was a young woman. i would be so shocked if the other two women you re speaking to haven t had something similar happen to them. something like that happened to me when i was young and i couldn t do anything about it. that is what happens to women. that is why this is so
preposterous that if donald trump wants to go to war on this, this is such a different animal than what happened with bill clinton. for one thing, as we are saying, bill clinton is not running for office. for the other thing, donald trump is a predator. he is a predator who thinks that his so-called celebrity can allow him to do anything. there are women that want to show that s not possible there are women that want to say, no it doesn t allow you to do anything, and i m going to show you by voting against you. what i just want to follow up one thing with anna marie, and then i ll come to you. i want to hear you all on this particular point that i m about to ask. i want to go, anna marie, to this perception that mr. hackenberg, that her boyfriend had at the time. it was his perception in the passage i just read that he felt that she was more upset, more upset by the feeling of powerlessness after the fact than the actual moment in his company. i think that describes
perfectly what happens for woman when this happens. in the moment, you actually have some physical agency unless it s somebody a lot bigger than you, which does happen. but you can kind of turn away run away. it s afterwards when you realize you can t do anything about it and if it happens again you also can t do anything about it. this is toxic. this is completely toxic for trump s campaign. he will not recover from this. maria teresa, please go ahead. this is the silver lining. people across the country are having these conversations with their husbands, with their spourks with their sons. these are the limitation. this is when you have to have consent. this is the only thing i think will actually bring to the top how pervasive this is in our culture, and the fact that no one is going to be getting away with it is i think fantastic. i have to applaud the athletes. the athletes have come out and said this is not wanter in the locker room. this is not acceptable. you actually see men coming forward and saying we have to stop this and making sure that women feel safe in their own
agency. i have appreciated that so much, hearing the athletes saying what we talk about in the locker rooms are stocks and bonds. right. what the traffic was like on the way to work. and i also have to say how much i really hate that part of what is being said by his campaign is these aren t matters that interest women. this isn t what is important. women want jobs. yeah, they want jobs, but they want to feel safe in the workplace. they want equal pay, and they don t want to feel like someone in authority can bully them or sexual assault or harass them. so this is one of the most important things i think, one of the most important issues facing this country and facing the world, frankly. so i m glad that it s getting out there and getting some steam. we have a lot of video to get to tonight, and a lot of ground to cover. so we re going to have to go to a break in a moment. i just want to nancy has made the point that on howard stern, donald trump, and we don t have the time to play this right now. we re going to play it later in the show. donald trump bragged about the fact that he owns the beauty pageants and the teenage girl beauty pageants allows him to
walk into the dressing room whenever he wants, to and he picks the time to walk in there that is most exploitive. and ana marie, we have that on video. that s another donald trump confession on video that he is joking about with howard stern, that he never thought was going to come back to him in his life. but there is the confession already on video for what he is accused of tonight. yeah, there it is. this is a pattern for him not just in the way he talks about women, but the way he talks about almost everyone. i know you have been very observant about this. probably the other women on this panel have been observant. he exploits whoever he can when he can. he thinks less of people who are not as powerful as him. that means women, minorities, people who are disabled. he manipulates and controls whoever he can. and he thinks he can get away with it. i think the stern stuff is just another sign of him thinking he get away with it. he was so open with stern because he thought it didn t matter. he thought his power and his celebrity and his money would
allow him to say whatever he wanted. go ahead, maria. he also and it s not just women and minorities and people of color. it s also small businessmen. right. anybody he feels that he can trample with and basically get away with it. there was a piece where a man who sold him $100,000 worth of pianos and came back and said sorry, i m just going to give you 70,000. the idea that he is above the law. he understands tax code enough to write these things off is really it s not only unappealing. wait a second, you have learned how to play the system so well that you feel you don t have to be accountable to anybody. i think that this 18-month cathartic exercise we ve been doing with donald trump is actually very good. because we actually now can have conversations on when people talk about white male privilege, he is the epitome of that. nobody else would be able to get away with what he is doing. hillary clinton is taking the stage in las vegas. we will go to her as she gets into that speech. but i just want the make the
point, nancy, that donald trump has always thought this is funny. that s what you see on the tape with billy bush. it s funny. he thought it was funny with howard stern. and it s not funny. to echo what ana marie just said, not only it is not funny, but it s rude. it s disgusting. and he has gotten away with it. that s the thing. he continues to get away with it. so i think it encourages him to exhibit the same behavior as he gets way with it again and again and again. and it is not locker room talk. as if even if it was just talk, it wasn t a painful, horrible thing to lobby at someone. but locker rooms across the country have said nah-ah, we don t talk about that. i was in a lot of sports. i have never heard anybody, and i know a bunch of crude guys. and i have never heard anybody brag about sexual assault, ever, nothing like what that guy was talking about on that bus.
and the rush limbaugh today discovered that the problem and he really did discover this today. he said the problem is consent. ana marie, he said the only thing liberals care about in terms of sexual behavior is consent, that liberals are okay with everything else, as long as it s consenting adults. and rush limbaugh didn t realize that yes, that is correct that is precisely the position. as rush is thinking there are all these other things that should be condemned like homosexuality and all these other things, the only things they seem to care about is sent. and he was offended. i. i think and there is a silver lining here. i remember i actually heard rush
limbaugh say that live. i happened to be somewhere where he was on. he did say this in this astonished voice. another person could read that same statement much as you did and it s a statement. whereas he was shocked by it. it s really stunning. nancy giles, maria teresa kumar and ana marie cox, thank you all for joining us. i appreciate it. thank you, lawrence. we re going to continue monitor hillary clinton at that speech in las vegas, and continue with more of our guests joining us. i think he is a very dangerous man for the next three or four weeks. those interest words of the reporter who has been covering donald trump longer than anyone else. wayne barrett was the first reporter to take on the myth of donald trump in the village voice way back in the 1970s. donald trump tried to stop wayne barrett every way he could think of, including trying to bribe him and threaten him. but wayne barrett stayed on the trump beat and paved the way for so much of the investigative journalism that has been done on
donald trump since then. we re joined now exclusively by wayne barrett, the author of trump: the greatest show on earth, the deals, the down fall, the reinvention. also joining us david corn and msnbc political analyst. wayne, i ve been wanting to talk to you about this for a long time. and just the simple question. as donald trump said or done anything in the last year of this campaign that has surprised you? grabbing the pussy surprised me. even those words come out of his mouth. and i was a little stunned by that, lawrence. it s great to be here with you. certainly the stories of today do not surprise me. this ability to roam the earth looking for someone to grab is not surprising at all, but saying i grabbed them by the pussy, that surprised me.
and wayne, you knew him and were covering him before his big rise to fame, and certainly before he had his own tv show. do you sense that giving donald trump his own tv show, that was a kind of heroin for him, that it took all of his worst traits and amplified them? yes. i think his worst trait obviously he objectifies women. but what he really has done is objectify himself. that s why he talks about himself like trump. trump did this, trump did that. the process of objectifying yourself is totally connected to the camera. because that s his that s his lifeline. and i really think that one of the reasons he tweets at 3:00 a.m. is because there is no camera around to talk to. so the camera has become the camera has become his lifeline.
and he has turned himself into an object, which is basically the great story of his life. d it s it s as if he is so disconnected from human emotion other than anger, he is so disconnected from human any form, including the children. i mean art of the deal he mentions them once in his first memoir. tony schwartz who wrote it said they were never around and he never talked about them and never interacted with them. of course they didn t live with them. ivanka was 8 when they moved out. and yet he gets great credit for raising these kids. but they haven t been close to until they could make money in his company. and so i think that the disconnect between him and the
life most of us live is really profound and deep. and i want to bring david corn in for a second. david, i just wanted to read a report from bloomberg today that says bannon, steve bannon told trump staffers according to advisers who are present, this has nothing to do with consensual sexual affairs and infidelity. this is bill clinton. we re going turn bill clinton into bill cosby, meaning that s why they re not using any of the women who were allegedly involved in consensual affairs with bill clinton. they are simply using the ones who say that bill clinton behaved with them the way donald trump admits to behaving on that access hollywood video. you know, i was talking to some trump people over the weekend before the new allegations emerged. and we were just talking about the video. and they said trump has only one play, to go nuclear.
and the interesting thing to me is the only nuclear play that they saw was attacking bill clinton for behavior from 20, 30, 40 years ago that had been reported, litigated, that, you know, only marginally is connected to anything you can say about hillary clinton when you had to know, this is not a surprise that donald trump was as vulnerable or somewhat is vulnerable on this front. even before these women came out. there have been already cases that had been published in the guardian, the new york times and elsewhere where these allegations against donald trump. and i think wayne makes a great point about trump objectifying himself. trump is a commodity. he is a brand. he is not a human being in a lot of ways it seems. and that s how he has been selling himself. and he seems oblivious to anything that goes on in the world outside of his own concern with his own brand, his own
commoditification. and therefore i could easily see him running to wage the very type of attack that he would be vulnerable. to one last point. i wrote a story a couple of months ago that he that people around him in the start of his campaign wanted to have a vetting of him. have opposition research conducted on trump, which is kind of common for most national campaigns. he said no. now we know why. wayne, i have to say, you know sorry. we re going go live to hillary clinton now, her speech. well, he has doubled down. he doubled down on his excuse that it s just locker room talk, and i got to tell you, after he said that in the last debate, the most amazing thing happened. athletes and coaches started speaking out. from the nba, from major league
baseball, from the nfl. they re coming forward and saying hey, not in our locker rooms. that s not what happens. but he is not just insulted women. he is an equal opportunity insulter. he has insulted everybody. he insulted a distinguished federal judge who was born in indiana, and he said well, he couldn t be trusted to be a judge because his parents came from mexico. he has targeted immigrants, african americans, latinos, people with disabilities. he has targeted p.o.w.s and muslims. he has also targeted our military. he has called our military a disaster. now how can you be the commander in chief if you don t respect the men and women who serve in the united states military? i think he has shown us who he is.
now the question for all of us is who we are, right? what are we going to do to show i want to go back to wayne barrett as hillary clinton continues her speech there in las vegas. wayne, a point i wanted to make is i had consistently predicted that donald trump would not run for president. and i was right every time, except the last time. and the reason i was saying that is that i had been reading your reporting of back i guess when i just got out of high school. and all the reporting about donald trump in the meantime. and i saw what was there. and just your reporting alone is an opposition file unlike we ve ever seen on a presidential candidate. and i just i know donald trump knows that it s out there. i just couldn t imagine him leaping into this. were you surprised that he decided to run for president finally? yes, i was. but keep in mind even when this video emerged, part of the trump defense has been well, he wasn t
running for president. yeah, yeah. and so he said and did reckless things. in fact, he ran for president for four months in 2000. roger stone ran that campaign. he tried to get the reform party line. he pulled out. and as i wrote in the book in 1988, he was flirting with it. he referred to marla as his southern strategy. he didn t think ivana would be presentable in a national campaign. and he thought that marla maples could help him carry the south. patiently he doesn t need marla to carry the south now. race will do it for him. but he has been talking about this, thinking about this. roger stone, who has been with him for 30 some years the night he was nominated, posted that this was a celebration of over 30 years of work together. and so they ve been thinking
about this. and yet he would still behave while he was considering being a presidential candidate most of his adult life, he would still behave in this totally reckless way. wayne barrett, thank you very much for joining us tonight. i really appreciate it. really appreciate your perspective on donald trump. and david corn, thank you for joining us also. sure. really appreciate it. we re going to stay monitoring hillary clinton s speech. i think we re going to squeeze in a break here. and we ll be right back. ces in y life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthmcontrol medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won t replace a rese inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose
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we re continuing to monitor hillary clinton s speech in las vegas. these are her first public remarks since the new allegations have come up tonight against donald trump. the behavior that donald trump admitted to on the access hollywood video that appeared on friday is tonight being corroborated by several home with have come forward today to say that he did indeed touch them and kiss them without their consent. let s take a look at what donald trump admitted to in that access hollywood video. use tic tacs in case i start kissing her. i m automatically attracted to beautiful. i just start kissing them. it s like a magnet. you just kiss. and when you re a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. whatever you want. grab them by the [ bleep ]. do anything.
joining us now, michael steele, former chairman of the republican national committee and an msnbc analyst. also with us tim miller, a member of the never trump movement and a former communications director for jeb bush s 2016 campaign. gentlemen, i d like to listen to what is now a more relevant tape than it was even yesterday. and that is we re going to hear donald trump with howard stern admitting that he does indeed when he owned those beauty pageants and the teenaged beauty pageants, he would indeed walk in deliberately on the girls when he knew they were undressed. let s listen to this. well, i ll tell you the funniest is that i ll go backstage before a show and everyone is getting dressed and ready and everywhere else. and you know, no men are anywhere. i m allowed to go because i m the own over the pageant. i m inspecting it. is everyone okay? they re standing there with no clothes. is everybody okay? and you see these incredible
looking women. and so i sort of get away with things like that. michael steele, it s only october 12th. yeah. which means we don t yet know what the october 13th surprises are or the 14th or the 15th. yeah. no, there is clearly a lot more to come. there as you noted earlier, lawrence, a long history here that has been reported on. and now in light of these new accusations as well as what we got from last friday, i think this funnel opens up. and it s a huge, huge problem for the party. it is a huge problem for the campaign. there is no walking around this gingerly. there is no putting a good face on it. this has been dealt with, confronted directly. and i don t know how this party or the campaign does that. i just want to play something john boehner said earlier this evening where he basically was
on fox news saying he didn t see how this could get worse. let s listen to this. what more could be said? in this election cycle than has already been said? so you seem to think that we kind of already know what donald trump is all about, and that nothing further could come out that would make any difference? it can t be any worse, could it? well, that s a good question. what do you think? i don t think so. and tim miller, that was minutes before the new york times posted this story tonight of these two women coming forward saying yes, he did to us what he says he did on that access hollywood video. i love speaker boehner, but this line of thinking was way, way too common within the party. and donald trump told us all we needed to know last year. the very first question of the very first debate was megyn kelly to donald trump going through all of the nasty,
demeaning, harsh, cruel comments he had said about women over the course of his life. and obviously worse and lower comments have come to light since then. but we knew that. and a lot of washington leaders, including speaker boehner unfortunately said oh, ted cruz is the devil. he can t be that much worse than ted cruz. now we re stuck with this guy. and it s a major, major problem for our party. and it s going to be something we have to rebuild from for years to come. gentlemen, if you can bear with me, we want to try to fix our break structure here. so we re going work in a quick break here. we went quite a distance without a commercial earlier. a quick break here. we re going to continue to monitor hillary clinton s speech in las vegas. we will come back to that if she responds to in any way to the news about donald trump tonight. we ll be back with michael steele and a tim miller after this break. mom,
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tonight, this time from people magazine. people magazine has a report on a december 2005 incident involving a people magazine writer natasha stoinoff. she is driving what it was like for her when she was working on a story in 2005 that brought her to mar el lago and donald trump. there came a moment where she found herself alone in a room with donald trump. people magazine carries this account from natasha stoinoff breaking what happened. she said we walked into that room alone and trump shut the front door behind us. i turned around and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. i was stunned and i was grateful when trump s long-time butler burst into the room a minute
later as i tried to unpin myself. the butler informed us that melania would be down momentarily. and it was time to resume the interview. we re back now with maria teresa kumar who has rejoinedteresa, w the october 12th surprises continue almost by the minute. here is people magazine, obviously this has been a legally vetted, carefully legally vetted report. they would not publish it without that. reporting that this reporter alone with donald trump at mar el lago with melania his wife upstairs, and donald trump shut the door behind us. i turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. that is precisely what he said
to billy bush was his modus operandi. it s what he tried to do with the woman on the airplane and the receptionist. this is clearly a pattern. but your just reading that statement, lawrence was gut-wrenching. i can t imagine any viewer right now not even in tears or feeling uncomfortable. he is taking us to a very dark place. and the fact that these women are sharing their bravery with us of sexual assault, i have to applaud them. because it s something that cannot be easy. and it s finally giving voice to so many people out there that feel that they have been alone for so long. and i feel that this is we re on october 12. but not only is this a pattern, but i can expect more. and hopefully things that are not more ruthless on his ability to prey on women. and i just want to read another passage in this. it s a long report. i just want to stress, this is
people magazine. that means this has been vetted by very high powered corporate lawyers who know exactly where the libel laws protect them and where they don t. they are lawyers completely unwilling to take the slightest risk with this kind of report. she says that an hour later, i was back at my hotel. my shock began to wear off and was replaced by anger. i kept thinking why didn t i slug him? ana marie was saying the same things. when women get into places where they re vulnerable, you end up feeling that you did something wrong. and that is precisely what a predator wants you to do. that s about what someone that basically practices sexual assault wants you to do. but again, i cannot put my arms around any republican that can possibly stand by his side. this is not leadership if they continue feeding this monster
and saying he is okay and fit to be president. the fact that he preys on the most vulnerable, that he encounters, you can only imagine what he would do not only to the rest of the country, but now the world. there was j.r.rowling said a tweety she did want his hand on the nuclear weapons and someone said but you re not an american. but i m the world. a country which is incredibly diverse, which thrives on entrepreneurship and thought and differences. a loug someone who has clearly shown his stripes to us from the very beginning to come in and try to basically distort and destroy our balance of power. he has been a ruthless going more recently as you mentioned earlier, threatening the new york times for suing him on a story that is clearly increasingly validated, being a predator towards women. the fact that he went after a
federal judge saying that once he is in office, he would basically strip him from his judgeship, and going after hillary clinton saying if he wins that she is basically going to be put in prison for a political opponent. this is not america. this is much more closely tactics that you see in russia. and something of a dictator such as putin that many folks in russia would agree than something that is done by a person running a country that has checks and balances, that has a judicial branch, that has a congressional branch, and that has the oval office. and anna ma marie, there is here about this reporter s reaction to this natasha stoinov is her name. and i just wanted to read some of it. it s too difficult to read some of it. she said why didn t i slug him. why couldn t i say anything? the next morning anger became fear. i had been up all night worrying about this.
and ana marie cox, the pain that s being expressed in the aftermath of these incidents is so deep. and it s hard to read. oh, we don t have ana marie cox. nancy giles here with news the studio. this is the part where you ve seen me trying to read this. it isn t easy. it s awful, it s awful. as woman who has grown up in new york and has lived through kind of rude things that guys can sometimes say in the street, construction workers, being on a packed subway and feeling somebody pressing up against you, they re bad enough. what these women are describing is just god awful. and, you know, i can only repeat and agree with what the other two women on the panel have said. it almost doesn t seem like america. you wonder how somebody that started his campaign with such horrible things said about mexicans and the accusations, the claims that all black people are dodging bullets and living
in hell and taking a judge, with his own ego and his own remarks kind of coming back to choke him, it s almost shakespearean because his ego in the end and his need to be on tv and on the radio and throughout and publicized, and a big important person, those are the exact words that are going to come back. and actions i think will haunt him. we re to be take a break. we re waiting for donald trump s threat to sue people magazine over this report. he has already threatened to sue the new york times. the times article, the people article, those articles are vetted by the very best lawyers that exist in this country. the likelihood of there being an opening for a libel suit against either one of these articles is very unlikely. we ll be right back.
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statement from an unnamed spokesperson of the trump campaign saying, quote, this never happened. there is no merit or veracity to this fictional story. why wasn t this reported at the time? mr. trump was the biggest star on television, and surely this would have been a far bigger scoop for people magazine. she alleges this took place in a public space with people around. this is nothing but politically motivated pile-on fiction. of course there is a lie in the trump statement. she does not say it took place in a public place. she specifically describes the door being closed. and no spokesperson at the trump campaign has any authoritative capacity to say, nancy giles, this never happened. how do you know? you weren t there. you know what i think has really brought it out is there he was at the debate, asked specifically about this. and at the debate, with millions of people watching on
television, he said he never did it. and i think for anyone who was in a situation where he did grab or grope or anything like that, it must have been like a slap in the face. like the whole thing being experienced again. and i think that s why you re going to have more and more people coming out saying this happened to me. tim miller still with us, republican campaign professional. tim, is there anything they won t do for money over there at trump tower? is there anyone on that payroll of the trump campaign that when they read a story like this refuses to say this never happened? is there anyone there who knows none of them have the moral authority to make that statement? no. look, with the exception of one or two people, all these folks were hired after the convention this summer. kellyanne conway is the third campaign manager. she saw all of the op about donald trump over the last year. she saw all the nasty comments he made about women. she saw all the nasty comments he made about the disableded and hispanics and veterans.
all of these people are completely, you know, in league with him and enabling him. so now they re going to have to spend the next 27 days either in hiding or continuing to put out statements like the one that you just read that lies and defends him. i don t understand what they get out of it at this point. michael steele, i guess there is just a template over there for this never happened press release to put out for whatever the next accusation is that comes out. well, yeah. they re kind of used to it by now. kind of roll it off the desk and put it out there. you know, that statement i suspect probably came probably from trump himself to say it, even though it was anonymously given. that s how they can say that. but the fact of the matter is this is just the beginning of the floodgates. you put it i think very aptly, lawrence. you know, what is tomorrow, the 13th going to offer us?
what is going to be the surprise on the 14th? this is not a good space for anybody in the country. it s particularly the party in this campaign. someone is going to have to put an end to it. and the only person who can do that is donald trump. and david corn, any other women out there who had been thinking about maybe telling their stories when they see other women coming out, that can only be possibly an encouragement or possibly give them the sensation that, well, at least they re not alone if they do tell this story? every reporter who has worked on the trump beat the last year has gotten tips and leads about women and this sort of treatment. it s not a secret. and as we ve seen in the bill cosby case, the once people start coming forward, there tends to be more, not less of that. but i got to say for all those republicans out there, anybody who may be surprised, this guy for years has shown his
misogynistic, racist, bullying, bigoted side. so a person like that engaging in this sort of behavior really comes as nothing other than in keeping with everything we know about him for years. and so all those conservatives who are still on the trump train and the people in congress, you guys knew. you gals knew. and there is absolutely no excuse. i salute people like tim miller. i disagree with him on almost everything else for knowing that character counts and you can see what type of guy trump was from a mile away. maria teresa, let me get a quick last word from you on this. i think it s exactly what david corn is saying. how can we as americans actually stand by and allow this person basically a free pass? every single woman that is coming out, if you notice, it s the exact same pattern. and my hope is that those women keep coming out and that they re brave and they keep having these conversations. but also we recently did a posted something on voto latino

Donald-trump , Confession , Times , Jessica-leeds , Airplane , Access-hollywood , Airplanes , Class , Seat , Meal , 35 , All

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20161019 08:00:00

jason carroll, thanks so much. donald trump did have a new policy proposal. term limits for members of congress. he s calling for a constitutional amendment. it would take a constitutional amendment that would restrict members to six years of service, senators, 12 years. on monday, they proposed an ethics on when the executive branch leave office. cnn has learned new details about donald trump s preparation for the final debate. a source tells us that rnc chair reince priebus played the moderators with new jersey governor chris christie playing hillary clinton. this is a bit of a change doing mock scenarios. we had been told in the first debate, he did not do this. did not want to do this, apparently coming in nor prepared. hillary clinton, she s been off the campaign trail for several days, raising money and preparing for tonight s debate. in the very first debate she
seemed to be trying to bait trump. at 9:00 p.m. eastern, she is expected to employ a different strategy, according to cnn s jeff zeleny. that s right, hillary clinton is getting ready for her final debate with donald trump. she s preparing in a different way. now, she s been actually familiarizing herself with all of those campaign e-mails and previous positions and statements unearthed through the stolen hacked e-mails published by wikileaks. it is a new development in this campaign. something she is preparing for. something she expected donald trump will go after. she will also, i m told, go after what donald trump is did calling a rigged election. pushing back hard, perhaps as a way to get under donald trump s skin. she s also going to make the case for why she can be the president for all americans. of course, that message is aimed at getting some republicans some moderate voters who may not have
been open for voting for her. but they simply cannot be there for trump. she s trying to make the case today, a, she s presidential, and b, even if you don t love her, you still may want to vote for her because donald trump in the eyes of the clinton campaign is simply not fit for president. of course, donald trump will be getting his last licks in. this is the last time before a big audience raising case about honesty and her trustworthiness. with the campaign less than three weeks away from election day. john and christine. jeff zeleny for us. the third installment of the debate trilogy is tonight on cnn. we are here now. we ll be here all day long. christine romans. thank you so much, john berman. president obama has a message for donald trump, quit whining. the commander in chief calling out donald trump for his repeated claim that s election
is rigged. listen to him mock the gop for what he calls the unprecedented and dangerous attack on the nation s election system. that is both irresponsible. and by the way, doesn t really show the kind of leadership and toughness that you want out of a president. you start whining before the game s even over. if whenever things are going badly for you, you start blaming somebody else? then you don t have what it takes to be in this job. the president hosted his final state dinner last night welcoming italian prime minister matteo renzi. in his toast on the south lawn he borrowed a line from yogi berra telling the crowd it ain t over til it s over. heavyweights for v.p., an e-mail allegedly sent by gop
mike pence. has a list, tim cook, bill gates, mary barra, howard schultz and muhtar kent. with tim kaine this was an early list along with kaine, elizabeth sanders and others made the cut. much snarking on social media. podesta said he organized the list by food groups. those groups were gender and race as well as professional background. will they or won t they? a lot of speculation whether donald trump and hillary clinton will shake hands before tonight s third and final debate. we already know who won t be shaking hands. details ahead on early start. credit karma, why are you checking your credit score?
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hewlett-packard ceo meg williams and 345shg cuban. donald trump has invited president obama s kenyan-born half brother malik. and he will be bringing kristin smith, the mother of sean smith who has held hillary clinton responsible for her son s death. we do not know if hillary clinton and donald trump will shake hands when they walk in. there will be no hand shakes between the candidates family members. the clinton camp reportedly suggested a new setup at the start. according to the the new york times, family members will now enter the hall in their assigned seats instead of crossing the stage like you saw there. bill clinton and ivanka and the trump boys. clinton worried about trump pulling off a stunt like packing the audience with bill clinton s
female accusers. people magazine is standing by the article that bill clinton sexually assaulted her in 1995. family and friends who corroborate natasha stoynoff s story. look at her, i don t think so. john and christine, people magnifiering back at donald and melania trump after both of those vigorously denied natasha stoynoff s account of donald trump sexually assaulting her. stoynoff s mentor and former journalism professional paul mclock ineven tweeting this. in 2005 natasha phoned me crying saying trump assaulted her. she is telling the truth.
hash tag natasha stoynoff. when at mar-a-lago, and writing in a people magazine article this. she said, we walked into that room alone and trump shut the door behind us. i turned around and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. stoynoff said she asked her editors to be taken off trump coverage but never came forward publicly until now. she also wrote that she later ran into melania trump on fifth avenue and asking her why they didn t see her anymore. melania denying that to anderson cooper. that never happened. she interviewed twice, and for that story, that s it. i did not see her on the street or ask her why we don t see her name. people releasing a quote for a friend saying she was with
stoynoff for that exact encounter. a friend said they chatted in a friendly way. what struck me the most was melania was carrying a child and wearing heels. melania stands by her denial of this ever happening and still demands an a retraction and apology from people magazine. 17 minutes after. the operation for the fight for mosul. iraq s second largest city. how long will this take and are americans forces in harm s way here? we ve got a live report from iraq next.
the operation to liberate mosing could take two months, that assessment from a kurdish military commander after day two of the offensive. nearly 100,000 troops are marching on iraq s second largest city. their mission to bring an end two more than two years of isis rule there and push the extremist group out of the country for good. we want to go live to erbil, iraq, michael holmes is at the front. reporter: yeah, christine, it s moving well, the iraqi and kurdish leadership and also the americans, they re all saying this advance on mosul is on schedule or even ahead of schedule. it s a very are deliberate methodical advance, though. they re taking and clearing territory as they go. and then having to hold it as
well. iraqi forces say they re continuing to liberate towns and villages on route to mosul. in fact, the commander of one division telling cnn that his forces have destroyed, in his words, dozens of suicide vehicles. also saying they ve cleared a large number of ieds. and have killed at least 50 isis fighters over the last two days since this offensive began. they also found, and we had heard an these, too, they found networks of tunnels used to transport weaponry. and they found food in one of those tunnels that was still warm. those iraqi forces and kurdish forces working to take on the areas they ve taken before moving on closer to mosul. there are perhaps some units perhaps within 10 kilometers of mosul. so they re getting ever closer. as you said, the estimate is perhaps two weeks before
everything is in place. and coordinated to begin the assault itself. and then once inside the city, it really gets tough. it could take two months, perhaps more to defeat isis in that city. isis reportedly has anywhere between 3,000 and 5,000 fighters inside. of course, we have to remember, there are up to 1 million civilians still inside that city and in a pier littlous situation, christine. absolutely. thanks for that report, michael holmes. breaking overnight, caught on video, police ramming into protesters injuring several. this happened at an anti-u.s. rally at the american embassy in manila. look at this, video footage showing demonstrators hitting the vans with ba tons. they had taken the batons from police. they gathered to put an end to u.s. troops in the philippines and to support a call by president duterte for a foreign policy not dependent on the u.s.
an out-of-control wildfire burning in southern colorado has destroyed at least five home, it threatens hundreds of other, putting people on notice to evacuate. the state s governor deploying the national guard to help fight the fire which has burned 25,000 square miles. it s zero% skeined. advantage, los angeles. dodgers shutting out the chicago cubs for the second straight game. l.a. now leads the series two games to one. game four tonight in dodger stadium in the alcs. to avoid elimination, cleveland still leads three games to one and can close out the jays and advance the world series with a win in game five this afternoon in toronto. a nail-biter right now for baseball fans. we re also counting down the final hours to tonight s third presidential debate. is this donald trump s last
chance to resurrect his campaign? will hillary clinton do it? live with john berman right after this. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that s right for you. the clock is ticking. the final countdown to the final debate. huge stakes here in las vegas. this could be the final chance for donald trump. to get back into this race. hillary clinton staying out of the public eye. preparing for tonight s showdown. what s the strategy? will she go on the attack? will she be forced to explain those e-mail leaks to tens of billions of voters? welcome back to early start this wednesday morning. i m christine romans in new york. i m john berman, about 30 minutes past the hour, i think.
i m live at the university of nevada in las vegas. but, we actually have people out here now to watch, to watch this show to join us as we count down to the third and final debate between hillary clinton and donald trump. this could be the last best chance for donald trump to right his ship. to claw his way back into the campaign. you can see the excitement building here on campus. donald trump he is behind the latest round of national polls by a lot in some of those polls. he s also trailing in most of the key battleground states. he made two stops in battleground colorado on his way here. urging his supporters don t believe the polls. and he delivered a kind of dire warning about a possible clinton victory. history will record that 2017 was the year that america lost, truly lost its independence. truly lost its independence. and, by the way, this is our
final shot, folks. in four years, it s over. you re never going to be able to win. you re never going to be able to win. it s going to be a one-party system. this is your final shot. donald trump is also renewing his pledge to build a wall along the border with mexico. he describes himself to voters in colorado as a unifier. let s get more now from cnn s jason carroll. reporter: john and christine, donald trump had very little about the debate to the crowd here in grand junction, colorado, he did say that the debate would be, quote, interesting. certainly, a number of his supporters want him to stay on message during the debate. and while he s out on the campaign trail, having said that a number of gop leaders pushing back on donald trump s unfounded claims that the electoral process is, quote, rigged. they certainly want him to stop talking about it when he s out on the campaign trail. but donald trump kept pushing the idea anyway. the moment is going to be
november 8th. it s very simple. and we will we ve just begun to fight. they even want to try and rig the election at the polling booth where so many cities are corrupt and voter fraud is all too common. then they say, oh, there s no voter fraud in our country. there s no voter fraud. no, there s no voter fraud. take a look at st. louis. take a look at philadelphia. take a look at chicago. then i have even the republicans saying, oh, this is a wonderful look. look. if nothing else, people are going to be watching on november 8th. reporter: trump holding the media responsible for what he calls that rigged system. saying that the media has been, quote, lying, cheating and stealing, again these are donald trump s words. he also said that the media at this point is worse than his opponent hillary clinton. john, christine.
all right, jason carroll, thanks so much. donald trump will unveil a new policy, term limits for congressional amendments that will restrict house terms to six years, senate members to two terms, 12 years. on monday trump proposed a series of ethics reform including a five-year ban on lobbying when members of the executive branch leave office. cnn has learned new details about donald trump s preparation for the final debate here at the university of nevada in las vegas. a source telling us that rnc chair reince priebus played the moderator in final sessions with new jersey governor chris christie playing hillary clinton. this is a mock debate format. the kind of thing he did not like to do before the first debate. interesting that he s doing it now. hillary clinton has been off the campaign trail for several days raising money and preparing for tonight s debate.
in the first debate, she seemed to be trying to bait donald trump. when they square off tonight in several hours from now, she s expected to employ a different strategy. let s get the latest from cnn s jeff zeleny. reporter: that s right, hillary clinton is getting ready for her third and final debate with donald trump she s preparing just as much as she did for the first two but i m told in a very different way. now, she s actually familiarizing herself with all of the campaign e-mails in previous statements that have been unearthed through the stolen hacked e-mails published by wikileaks. it s a new development in the campaign. something she is preparing for. something she expects donald trump will go after. she will also go after what donald trump is calling a rigged election. she ll be pushing back on that hard, perhaps as a way to get under donald trump s skin. she s also going to make the case for why she can be the president for all americans. now, of course, that message is aimed at getting some republicans, some moderate
voters who may not have been open to voting for her but they simply cannot vote for donald trump. overall, that is her objective in tonight s debate trying to make the case, a, she s presidential. and b, even if you don t love her, you may still want to vote for her, donald trump in the eyes of the clinton campaign is simply not fit to be president. donald trump will be getting his last licks in. this is the last time before a big audience for raise his case. raising questions about her honestly and truft worthiness without question. tonight s debate will set the stage for the rest of the campaign less than three weeks away from election day. john and christine. thank you so much. debate number three is tonight. cnn here now and all day long. christine romans. all day and all night. we don t even know what time it is in vegas. we don t even need to know. president obama has a message for donald trump, quit
whining. the commander in chief calling out trump for his repeated claims this election is rigged. obama mocking the gop for what he calls a dangerous unprecedented attempt on the nation s office. michelle kosinski has more. hi, john and christine, in case you haven t noticed president obama is happy to speak his mind on donald trump. it s clear that he sees opportunities. listen to what he said yesterday when asked about donald trump s recent comments on a rigged election. that is both irresponsible, and by the way, doesn t really show the kind of leadership and toughness that you want out of a president. you start whining before the game s even over? if whenever things are going
badly for you and you lose, you start blaming somebody else? then you don t have what it takes to be in this job. president also took a heavy shot, not just at donald trump s praise of russian president vladimir putin but also again for republicans who continue to support donald trump. and as we wind down the days before this election actually happens, we can expect to see, again, president obama and the first lady out on the campaign trail this week. john and christine. all right, michelle kosinski. top issue for millennial voters and their parents. stupid loan debt. brand new report shows grads are leaving college with more debt than ever before. here are the grim numbers. the average student loan at graduation is now $30,100. that s up 4% from the last year. that amounts in $300 a month. think about that, these kids are graduating $300 in debt payments every month for ten years.
those averages are higher because that does not include students at for profit colleges. most students at for profit colleges do take out loans and they tend to borough higher amounts. private schools cost families an average of $26,400 last year. v% of median income. the amount of students taking automatic loans for college may have plateaued though. right now, 68% of kids have taken out loans in in 1983, less than half. and top that at 24% at 2012. and hillary clinton inviting two billionaires. real billionaires, not fake billionaires like donald trump, donald trump is bringing a relative of president obama needling the president about his half brother. more on earl early start next.
john berman here at the university of nevada in las vegas. where the anticipation is building, along with the crowd. we have at least three, four, five people here maybe. i expect we could get to a dozen by 5:30 eastern time. as the excitement building for tonight. the third and final debate between hillary clinton and donald trump. our thanks to the students for sticking to their study plans and being here to support us on this debate. both candidates, they will be bringing guests to the debate tonight. hillary clinton bringing a couple of billionaires. mark cuban will be there owner of the dallas mavericks. and hewlett-packard ceo meg whitman will be there as well. donald trump invited president obama s kenyan-born half brother malik who is reportedly
supporting donald trump. and donald trump also inviting patricia smith the mother of benghazi victim sean smith. saying she holds hillary clinton responsible for her son s death. donald trump and hillary clinton they did not shake hands prior to the second debate. we do not know if they will or will not tonight. but we do know there will be no handshakes between the candidates family members beginning at the debate. that is because, reportedly, the clinton campaign requested a new setup. according to the the new york times family members will now enter the hall closer to their assigned seats, instead of crossing each other s paths on stage like you re seeing right now. sources tell cnn that the clinton team is worried about a stunt like donald trump pulled in the second debate, seating in the crowd. people who have accused president clinton of past sexual misconduct. christine romans, back to you. a new undercover video
appears to be going democratic operatives of how to have trump supporters in acts of violence. the video suggests that the operatives hired by the dnc may have had a chance in instigating violence. now, two people now out of their jobs as more questions are raised. snrch investigative correspondent drew griffin breaks it all down for us. reporter: the undercover videos produced by discredited conservative activist james o keefe suggested that democratic operatives hired political activists, working in coordination with the dnc to instigate violence and incite reactions at trump rallies. and one of the under cover videos, scott phobele, a subcontractor for a dnc hired firm supposedly describes how he does it. it s a script, script of
engagement. sometimes the crazies bite and sometimes the crazy don t fight. the mediaological cover it no matter where it happens. initiating the conflict by having leading conversations with people. and honestly, it is not hard to get some of these assholes to pop off. right. it s a matter of showing, once you get into a rally in a planned parenthood t-shirt. or trump is a nazi. you know, a you can message to draw them out and draw them to punch you. reporter: according to the undercover video it was this man that the democratic national committee turned to, bob creamer is the hunt of jan schakowsky. s he, too, was caught on
undercover video, here is how he was hired by the democratic national committee to stage press conferences wherever the trump campaign showed up. wherever trump and pence are going to be at events. okay. the. we have a whole team across the country that does that, both consultants and people from the campaign. and, you know, my role in the campaign is to make it go away. reporter: creamer stepped down from the campaign today and announced his subcontractor scott foval was no longer working for his firm. both the dnc and the clinton campaign denied any coordination with anything involving the incitement of violence. creamer herself told cnn his former contractors were committing barroom talk, insisting none of what is described by foval actually happened. in a statement, creamer writes
we regret the unprofessional and careless hypothetical conversations that were captured on hidden cameras of a regional contractor for our firm. he is no longer working with us. the clinton campaign respond, while project veritas has been known to offer misleading video out of context, some of the language and tactics referenced are troubling. we support the democratic national committee appropriate action addressing this matter and look forward to continue waging a campaign of ideas worthy of our democratic process. james o keefe is a convicted criminal, they add, with a history of doctoring video to advance his ideological agenda. drew griffin, thank you for that. the dnc says there is no evidence that anything described on the tapes actually happened. they will investigate whether james o keefe broke the law to get the undercover recordings. and the partnership said it was
breached and betrayed in all forms. if you ve ever wanted to own a piece of trump real estate. tonight may be your chance. you ll have to outbid the competition. that s right, donald trump slept here when we get it next on money.
rbil from michael holmes. reporter: christine, as both iraqi and kurdish forces move closer to mosul what they re doing is a very deliberate, methodical advance taking in villages as they go. what we re hearing obviously shows such clearing is not an exact science. we just had a disturbing report in the last hour or so. that some iraqi soldiers, we don t know exactly how many have in fact been surrounded by isis fighters. this is near a village about 15 miles south of mosul. we re still checking into the details of that. the feeling is that they went through some villages, kept on moving, but isis fighters were left behind. perhaps fighting in those villages. came up behind them, surrounding them at the moment. still obviously a very dangerous situation and waiting to get more information on that. however, the iraqi command this is that they re going to
continue to liberate towns on their way to mosul. in fact, the commander of one division told cnn that his forces have destroyed dozens of suicide vehicles. they ve cleared a large number of i ed and bobby traps and killed at least 50 fighters in the last two days. they ve also, and this possibly ties into what happened with these soldiers now reportedly surrounded. there are these networks of tunnels that are in these toungs and villages, reportedly right throughout mosul as well, used to transport fighters and weaponry around the battlefield. reports that food found in one of those tunnels was still warm. so you can get a sense of what s going on underground. and the key now is to hold those areas they ve taken, before they can move closer on to mosul. as you said, it s perhaps two weeks before they re told everything is likely in place to assault mosul itself. and then once inside the city. the battle itself to retake it could take two months and
perhaps more. anywhere between 3,000 and 5,000 isis fighters said to be inside mosul. christine. michael holmes here for us. thank you for that. breaking overnight, caught on video, police van rammed into protesters leaving several injured. this happened at an anti-u.s. rally at the american embassy in manila. you can see the footage showing demonstrators hitting vans with batons. those are ban tons taken from police. at least 1,000 protesters gathered to demand an end to u.s. troops. and support the call of president duterte for foreign policy not dependent on the yoous. dow futures slightly lower right now. investors awaiting earnings from morgan stanley, american express, ebay and others. oil is rising. goldman sachs crushed estimates on higher gold.
the consumer price intext ticked up last month. prices are 1.5% higher than this time last year. a problem for the federal reserve not because it s rising quickly but because it s rising too slowly. food and energy prizes rose 2.2% from this time last year. silver lining, paychecks are growing faster than your grocery bills except if you re on social security. the government says the typical retiree s monthly check will grow by $3.90 next year. the average retiree s monthly benefit is a little more than $1,300. this piece of historic trump real estate could be yours. his childhood home goes up for auction tonight. the tudor-style house in queens. 2500 square feet. five bedrooms, 4 1/2 bathrooms. the suggested bid is $849,000. it would be a relative bargain for a house in this location.
you won t find the shy end finishes with gold ceilings. i wish i could show you the video like a pink bathroom there it is. there it is. it s not like his current gilded penaltyhouse. this house may need a little tlc, a little work. there s it s bink bathroom, depending on your tastes. check out the money stream app. the story, tweets you want, all in one feed download at the app store or. early start continues right now. just a few hours to go before the final debate of 2016. hillary clinton, donald trump could this be a decisive moment in the race? hillary clinton stay ogg out of the public eye to prepare for

Donald-trump , Members , Amendment , Jason-carroll , Term-limits , Service , Policy-proposal , Calling-fora-constitutional-amendment , Congress , Six , Cnn , Details

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20161025 01:00:00

mean it. car stereo blowout blitz. communications on sale now! crazy eddie prices are insane! like i said, his prices are insane! starting in 1975 and running through the end of the 1980s, there were more than 7,000 of these various, deliberately manic screaming crazy eddie ads. they all end with that tag line, his prices are insane! the guy who actually appears in those ads was not crazy. he was an actor. there was a real crazy eddie. there was a real crazy guy named eddie running the company. his name was eddie antar. i think it s fair to call him crazy not just because of the name of his business but because eddie and his cousin cooked the books at that company really terribly. they ripped off something like
$100 million in cash out of that company. crazy eddie, according to court documents, he would tape wads of cash all over his body and then fly overseas and stash the money he was stealing from the company in cash in all sorts of various foreign hidey holes. they were ripping tens of millions of dollars out of the crazy eddie stores for years. in the end, the worst thing about it for crazy eddie himself, when they got found out, when their scheme was uncovered, when they got caught, eddie fled the country but his cousin did not. the cousin with whom he had been stealing all the money, the cousin stayed behind and the cousin ultimately went state evidence against crazy eddie. he also found time to do this crazy eddie s crazy cousin interview on cnbc. it was one of the most
successful electronic chains in the u.s. blowout prices are insane! crazy eddie, controlled by the brash eddie antar dominated the market. but there was a dark side. built on deceit. behind the scenes, eddie s cousin sam antar was cooking the books. what i did was pure evil. i m probably going to fry in hell for many years before i get upstairs. they scammed shareholders more than $100 million. eddie fled with the cash. sam turn s state s witness. you turned around and turned on your family? yes. i put them all in jail. he did put them all in jail, including crazy eddie himself, his cousin, who got seven years in the pokie. now, speaking of pokey, stick a pen in that for a second. you know how donald trump s sister is a federal judge it
hasn t really been a big point of discussion in this campaign but his sister is a federal judge. it came up a little bit during the republican primaries. he asked who he wanted to put on the supreme court and the first name suggested was his sister and then we all had to check to see if he was joking. he said he was joking. but his older sister is a well-regarded moderate federal judge on the circuit court of appeals. donald trump s sister, the federal judge, was married to the man who was the lawyer for crazy eddie all through the crazy, crazy eddie scandal. his name was john barry. he did white collar defense and corporate litigation. he s passed away now. but he was crazy eddie s lawyer through the wads of cash, taped to crazy eddie s body and the cousin narking them out and the whole thing. crazy eddie s lawyer was married to donald trump s sister. crazy eddie s lawyer was also donald trump s personal lawyer
for years. and on top of all of that, john barry was also the lawyer that is freaking out the party right now. new jersey is one of those states that holds its statewide elections in off years. their race was not in 2012. it was in 2013. the next one will be in the fall of 2017. they hold their statewide elections in odd number of years. new jersey has been that way for a long time. virginia is the same way. there aren t many states who do that. one of the consequences of being an off-year election state is when they elect their governor in these weird, odd numbered years, they don t have a lot of competition for attention, right? there are not a lot of big ticket races going on to compete for everybody s dollars and the national parties to get involved. just by virtue of the weird schedule. they can get a bunch of national
attention and that s what happened in 1981. so in context, that was a year after ronald reagan was elected to the presidency in 1980. the year after that, november of 1981, new jersey had its governor s race. and in that governor s race in 1981, the national republican party newly energized from that huge win with reagan and how they took the seats in congress and the senate, republican party decided they had another shot to go for another big race and they decided to basically flood the zone in that new jersey governor s race in 1981. the republicans flew in national political operatives. they launched this very aggressive scheme where they challenged the registration of thousands of new jersey voters who turned up to the polls in newark, camden and trenton. and in about 75 minority heavy precincts across new jersey that year in that race, they put up these four-foot tall warning signs. when i first saw images of these
signs online and in old newspaper articles and stuff, i thought these were like flyers and the piece of a paper and put them on telephone poles or something. they were sandwich board posters, four-foot tall signs that they put outside of polling areas saying, warning, this area is being patrolled by the national ballot security task force. it s a crime to violate election laws. and they were not bluffing. the rnc did actually invent something called a ballot security task force and put these guys on patrol in minority heavy precincts. it s interesting. nobody had advanced warning that they are coming. they just showed up on election day and nobody knew to expect it. they had off-duty police officers and sheriff deputies carrying walkie-talkies wearing
ballot security task force arm bands. many were openly carrying guns and they stalked around polling places in minority-heavy districts while they demanded that election workers strike these people off the election rolls. several of these signs were reported at polling places at newark s fourth ward. poll watchers, some of them off-duty policemen wearing guns and arm bands were also near the polls as part of the task force set up by the republican and national state committees to guard against fraud but democrats charge it was a scare campaign to intimidate voters primarily in minority neighborhoods. yeah, you think? who knows how many people were blocked or intimidated from voting in that election in new jersey in 1981. but as voter suppression schemes go, this one clearly worked. both parties would claim that it definitely worked. there were 3 million votes cast
in that governor s race. it was decided by less than 1800 votes. and the republican won. and then the democrats sued. the democrats sued the republican party over this ballot security task force stunt. and you know who the republicans used as their lawyer to defend them in that case? donald trump s brother-in-law. the crazy eddie guy who was married to donald trump s sister. he was the lawyer for the republican party in that case in new jersey. and he got creamed in court. i mean, the damage was already done in terms of that governor s race. the republicans won that election by this many votes, right? and the democrats weren t going to be able to get that election back. but what the democrats did get was something called a consent decree, which bans the republican national committee from doing this kind of thing again, from doing anything like this, that problem hib bits them from being involved in any poll-watching shenanigans that
targets minority voters. and now today, in 2016, now the snake starts eating its own tail. in 2016, it s not donald trump s brother-in-law, it s now donald trump who is losing that exact case all over again for the republican national committee. go down to certain areas and watch and study and make sure other people don t come in and vote five times. so important that you watch other communities because we don t want this election stolen from us. so go and vote and then go check out areas because a lot of bad things happen. when i say watch, you know what i m talking about, right? you know what i m talking about. take a look at philadelphia, what s been going on. take a look at chicago, take a look at st. louis. every time he says that, you can go ahead and picture reince priebus hiding under a desk, because that s a really
dangerous path for the republican party to be on legally. the republican party is still bound by that consent decree from that case in 1981. that case that was lost by donald trump s brother-in-law on behalf of the republican party. because of that case, the republican party has promised they are legally bound to not do the kind of racially charged poll watching they got caught doing back in the battle days in new jersey in 1981. they ve promised not to do it. they are legally bound not to do it through the end of that consent decree and that consent decree was put in place by one way or another since the early 1980s. it is finally set to expire next year. in 2017. the republican party would desperately like to get out from under that consent decree that they have been under since the 1980s but they will not get out from under it if they get caught violating it. they won t get out from under it if they get caught doing
racially charged, racially targeted poll watching again like they used to do and that they got caught for. they will not get out from that consent decree if they actually do what donald trump is now asking all republicans to go do now on his behalf. go down to certain areas and watch. watch other communities. go check out areas. when i say watch, you know what i m talking about, right? you know what i m talking about. take a look at philadelphia, chicago, st. louis. or don t. or don t. or don t. thanks to that old case, lost by donald trump s brother-in-law in the early 80s, one of this year s more unexpected freakouts within the republican party is now officially under way. the republican party has issued a special request to all rnc members to please not do what donald trump is asking them to do, to please not gather around polling places in philadelphia and st. louis and chicago or
anywhere no matter what the republican presidential candidate is saying on the stump. the national party sent a whole the whole rnc a memo to, quote, remind you of the restrictions placed on the rnc by the consent decree. quote, you are encouraged not to engage in ballot security activities even in your personal state party or campaign capacity if you elect to do so, please be aware that the rnc in no way sanctions your activity. i mean, right now, as it stands, the republican party is legally bound to not do any racially specific poll watching through next year, through 2017. if they get caught doing it, though, the consent decree gets extended until 2025. and the republican party does not want that. they really do not want that. crazy eddie s lawyer is now long gone. but it is kind of amazing that it is now his brother-in-law, the republican nominee for president this year who s the one screwing up that big case,
that john barry lost for the republican party back in the 80s. i mean, in the waning days of these elections, in the last two weeks, donald trump is telling his supporters that he doesn t trust the polls anymore and neither should they. he tweeted this this morning. we have not edited this in any way. see if you can figure out why i m saying this. major story that the dems are making up phony polls in order to suppress the the trump. we are going to win. democrats are making up phony polls to suppress the the trump. is that the the so? anything could happen. election day may be a hulla-ba-loo. if they do go try to have a task force or what have you, anything
could happen. but right now, the new york times probability that the the trump will lose this election is 93%. the 538 probability is more conservative. they put it at 86%. those are pretty high numbers. it may be that the actual drama in this case is moving down. 538 says there s a 74% chance. the democrats are going to take the senate. new york times puts that probability slightly lower at 67%. because of those kind of numbers, democrats are thinking about long term, right? democrats are thinking about how they can make this a big win for the democratic party beyond winning the white house for hillary clinton. we ve got a bunch of interesting reporting on that subject still ahead tonight, including one race that the democrats are really screwing up. on the other side of the aisle, though, republicans are also thinking long term. republicans are looking at donald trump and thinking about
what else it is that they have to lose this year besides the presidency. the republicans basically know now that picking donald trump to be their presidential nominee has almost certainly cost them the white house. what they have to worry about now is whether that s it, whether the price of choosing donald trump might actually be sort of insane. we ve got more ahead tonight. stay with us. his prices are insane. hit me, hit me. ha, ha. whenou he cold, you just want powerful rief. ly new alkseltzer plus fr oarfici dyes d presvative liquid gels delive towerful co symptomelief you needithout thennecessa dives you don t. store manager: cln up, aie alkaeltzer plus liquidels.
on this show a couple of days ago. i ll correct it this evening. there s something that i think the democratic party is currently getting very, very wrong but in that case i have no expectation that they will correct it because i don t think they think that they are wrong. but i do. and that story is next. ing 60,000 points from my chase ink card i boug allhe frark. wire. and plants needed to give my sh. a face. neededno oneill forget. e what the power of poin can do forour business. learn more at
e t the best place toren castart is in the forest. ku: i y somethin beginnin e t the best place toren castarbeetle: snow.orest. kubo: . etle: snow covered trees. monkey: nothing to do with snow. narrator: head outside to discoverncredible animals and beautifuplants that come together narratorto can outside to diunfoettae adnture.imals kubo: wow! and beautifuplants that come together narrator: so grab your loved ones monkey: n t even. narratorand explore a world of possibilities. ku: comen, this way. narrator: visit to find the closes forest or park to you. he thinks that because he has money, that he can call women fat pigs and bimbos. he thinks that because he s a celebrity that he can rate women s bodies from 1 to 10. he thinks that because he has a mouthful of tic-tacs he can
grope any woman within groping distance. i ve got news for you, donald trump, women have had it with guys like you. [cheers and applause ] and nasty women have really had it with guys like you. yeah. and get this, donald, nasty women are tough. nasty women are smart and nasty women vote. and on november 8th, we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever.
elizabeth warren i think coining nasty feet for the first time in political history. we keep saying things are unprecedented and then we keep saying, oh, yeah, in the 1860s. i think nasty feet is first. i think that was a first. elizabeth warren on the campaign trail with hillary clinton. this is the first time they have campaigned together in the same place since the democratic convention. as you saw there, elizabeth warren scorched donald trump but she saved some of her other best bolts for one of the senate colleagues for kelly ayotte of new hampshire who is up for re-election who may not survive. donald trump, call latinos rapists and murderers, trump stayed with him. trump called them thugs and kelly stuck with them. trump attacked a gold star family and kelly struck with
him. trump even attacked kelly ayotte and called her weak. and kelly stuck with him. i mentioned at the top of the show that the chances of the democratic party taking control of the senate are pretty good right now. that s 67% from the new york times, the highest probability the times has put on that yet all year long. and that is just one number for an overall probability that the democrats will win control of the senate. but it s not just one election, right? taking the senate doesn t happen in one fell swoop, it happens race by race and candidate by candidate. that s why the top campaign events now sound like this. marco rubio said donald trump is a con man and donald trump is dangerous. therefore, i support whoa, whoa, whoa. wait a minute. how can that work? if he won t stand up against donald trump and there are plenty of republican who is are standing up against donald trump
and calling him out. marco rubio won t. and patrick murphy will be a great u.s. senator. tim kaine taking some shots at republican senator marco rubio who is up for re-election in florida. senator kaine there also talking up the democratic candidate in that race, congressman patrick murphy. and you would think things would be going reasonably well for patrick murphy right now. the polls have definitely tightened in that race. the latest poll in florida shows him within two points of marco rubio. last week, patrick murphy got the endorsement of marco rubio s hometown paper, the miami herald. he s been endorsed by all four of florida s largest newspapers, three of which backed marco rubio when he first ran for the senate. also, the prevailing climate looks good for democrats in florida. hillary clinton leading trump by about four points at the top of the ticket. democrats running a huge ground operation in that state. and so, mystery, here s the
mystery. why is the democratic party just pulled its money out of the senate race? last week, the campaign arm of the senate democrats canceled millions of dollars of florida ads they were going to run against marco rubio and for patrick murphy. that followed by a couple of weeks the biggest democratic super pac doing the same thing. why is that? i mean, i know that the democrats have to make choices. i get that, obviously. democrats want to win as many seats as possible advertising florida as expensive. the amount of money it takes to advertise a week in florida, you could spend the same amount of money and advertise in two or three cheaper states, states like north carolina or missouri. the timing and strategy of this is still weird. florida would really appear to be a winnable race for the dems. these are the last three polls. they ve either shown a tie or it s within two points. early voting has started in most florida counties. democrats are psyched with where
they are. they believe they are ahead of where they were four years ago when romney beat obama in florida. the latino vote in florida is up, oh, i don t know, 99%, from this same point in the race four years ago. 99% increase in the latino vote. how do you think donald trump s going to do with the latino vote? by all objective measures, marco rubio would appear to be beatable in florida in a race which could determine control. he got shellacked there in the presidential primary. now, he s going to win there while donald trump likely loses the state? really? why are democrats giving up on this race? does it make sense? joining us now is steve, former state director for the 2008 obama campaign in florida and senior adviser in 2012, now a democratic strategist. mr. shell, it s really nice to have you here. thanks for having me on, rachel. do you think i mean, first of all, am i describing the
democratic calculus here right, that it s so expensive to spend money in florida that maybe you re better off spending that money in the same states in is that basically the map that they are doing here or have they got other factors? they viewed this very anti-septically. the reality is, patrick murphy shouldn t be standing and i think they were right in september when down 7 or 8 points to slow walk the race. but the last four polls have shown even two and down one in two polls and down in another. we re basically in a dead heat. 14 days out, it s like it was and i don t understand the decision at this point. well, and is this the sort of thing where in these last two weeks money from the democratic party is what he needs? obviously you think that he s in shooting distance but in terms of what he needs to do to win,
would tv ads and radio ads be the sort of thing that would make the difference here? yeah, absolutely. there s an old saying in florida that the win state you have to lose statewide and it comes from name i.d. or without money. murphy really shouldn t be standing. he s out 4-1 since the primary but he is. and what he needs is help with hispanics, which the president has cut an ad in spanish for him and needs help with name i.d. and the i-4 corridor. places li places like tampa and orlando and i think with the clinton turnout operation, today the early vote numbers and major i-4 counties are phenomenal for us. i mean, really almost shockingly good. i think he s right in this thing. in terms of the more personal picture here, it s also not that it s just any senator. it s marco rubio. yeah. and i wonder, within florida,
having been beaten so badly in his home state primary, i mean, he lost the republican presidential primary badly but he really lost at home, what s marco rubio standing in the state and what are his long-term prospects as a politician coming from florida right now? well, i think there s two ways to look at it. first of all, if you look at our u.s. senate races, in the same term as presidential elections, our democratic nominees are usually within a point or two of the top of the ticket. the only exception is bill nelson who outperformed president obama in 2012. marco rubio is no bill nelson. he didn t get a majority of the year when he ran and, you know, we go into this thing and republicans acknowledge it s a race at this point and, again, i don t really want to have this conversation with you in 2019 and say, wow, if we had only spent 4, 5 million more, we could have taken him out when we had the chance. senior adviser, 2012, democratic strategist, steve, thanks for being with us.
nice to see you. thanks again, rachel. all right. still ahead, some surprising and slightly nauseating news from a person who i think is the most surprising senate candidate of the year. that s ahead. stay with us. miles per ho. to wboth on the track matters. d thousands of miles away. wi t help of at&t, red bull racing can sha critical information about every inbrakes a gettingarm.tually anywhere. coirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. vi tm the agility to hek 2ally spee& precisn. becae no one knows & l at&t.
[a[oer] i m lindsey. i m the shipfounder ofzpz.and i veet my accouant. .hs almost like my dad in this wrd way. yeah, i m proud of you. you actually did some of the thgs i asked you to do the otheday (laughs). [owner, , ha. [account i ve been able to say,kay. the otheday (laughs). e s the chalngesou re [owner, ,into have. and wean get it confmed rough our ickbooks. and what ste are we going to e toeat the obacles before they really become problem. [announcer] t 30 days free at quickbooks.c [baby talk] [child giggling] child: look, m nhas. children: i j , k . [bicye bell rings] [indistit chatter] [telephone rings] man: hello? [boing] [lghter]
man: you may ks e bride. [applause] woman: ahh. ndistinct conversation] announcer: a full lifemeasus starts with the righ early on. car crashes are a leading iller of children 1 to 13. learn how to prevent dehs and juries bysing the right c seat for yourhild s agand size.
the ku klux klan. despite being a well-known, full-on white supremacist, proud racist, wearing a bed sheet with arm holes, david duke really did win a seat in the louisiana state legislature in 1989. he served just a single term. since then, he s been to prison for a good long stretch but now he s back in politics and running for a united states senate seat in louisiana this year. it s the race to replace republican senator david vitter. there s a giant field of 16 candidates in that senate race. david duke, for his part, says he has benefited in this race from having donald trump as the republican nominee at the top of the ticket. he says trump voters are duke voters. naturally. well, now we have news that david duke, former imperial wizard of the ku klux klan and republican hopeful, he has qualified to participate in the next debate for that louisiana senate seat. he needed to clear 5% in a
statewide poll to make the stage. he made it with 5.1%. that debate is going to happen next wednesday, including the klansmen. if your stomach is turned by that news, it s about to turn further when you hear the rest of it, which is at the location of that senate debate is an issue here. that senate debate is going to be held at dillard university in new orleans. dillard is an historically black university. michelle obama gave the commencement speech there a couple of years ago. now it s 2016 and the former klansmen is on the way to the black college that did agree to hold the debate but honestly they did nothing to deserve this. this election is going to be over before you know it this year, but in a lot of places, its stink might last longer than a few weeks. watch this space.
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if you re former speaker of the house john boehner, retirement looks a little bit like this. this is the coolest wine opener ever. i don t remember the last time i did an interview with a glass of wine. [ laughter ] cool. he s pouring like fish bowls full of red wine there. the key to a happy retirement, everybody says, is to keep busy. now that john boehner has escaped washington and floor votes and object stin nant caucus goers, he can drink wine and take care of his lawn. also, hitting the open road in his rv on his youtube channel he says he s out in freedom one in this clip, that s the name of his rv, freedom one. he says he s, quote, somewhere upon america s asphalt prairie. retirement looks different for everybody, right? president obama is about to have
his own political retirement, forcibly thrust upon him as of late january. we ve now got word that his retirement is apparently going to involve a lot more politics than what john boehner has been doing. we ve got some of that reporting ahead. stay with us. have fun with your replaced win. run away! [ grunts ] leave hi leaim! [ music continues ] brick and ar, what?! [ music continues ] [ tires screech ] lahs ] [ doorbell rings ] when you bundle home and auto insurance with progresve, you get more than a bigiscount. that s whayou get for bundling home and auto! jamie! u get sneaky-good coverage. thanks. we re gonna live forever! i m one unluckyuy. the chance of being involved in a robbery is 1 in 757. the chces ofeing struck by lhtning. [thuder] [coughs]
1 in 750,00 [ding] woman p.a.: please fasten ur seatbelts for uxpected tubulee. the chces of being iold in a carrashre far greater than lightning strikes and plane crashes. and if y are texting ile driving, no i may be an unlucky guy but i don t have to be part of that statistic, and her doou drive reonsibly.
2008, republican political operatives started a project they called the redistricting majority project, red map for short. the idea behind red map was to flip as many state legislators from blue to red. and the timing was important because every ten years when they do the census, state legislators get to redraw election districts. in the lead-up to the 2010 midterm election, red map starting raising money to flip districts, to flip legislative seats, to approach that whole problem systematically. they raised a little over $30 million and that s a lot of money. it s not a ton of money for a political project. but here s the genius. instead of pumping that $30 million into high-profile senate and congressional districts and all of the big races, instead, they put all of that money into states where the legislators would have the most control over the redistricting process that was going to happen after the census.
they focused scientifically on finding flipable seats in key legislatures around the country and because they were obscure races, they had to spend very little money to flip these seats. they flipped a bunch of these seemingly obscure seats in places like new york where they ended up losing control at the new york state senate and alabama, where they flipped the house and the senate from democratic control to republican control and they picked off these key seats that they targeted around the country, they executed this plan that basically had them strategizing all the way down the ballot, specifically so they could get control over redistricting. so by doing that in that low-profile way out of that one election, they were able to impact the results of their congressional districts for at least a decade, until the next census, in 2020. you want to know what everybody keeps saying, the way the house
districts are drawn, even if the democrats have a huge night on november 8th, this is why. because the districts are drawn in the way they are drawn and they are drawn that way because of some genius political strategizing went in to who would be in power to redraw those districts. at a certain civic level, you probably hate this, right? redrawing congressional districts along party lines feels flat-out wrong but it is, in most cases, how the system is built and republicans really did pull off this amazing trick in 2010 with very little money and no hoopla and republicans have had nothing equivalent to this in their toolbox. after president obama won in 2008, republicans mobilized this little thing, they were able to mastermind it and execute this plan. it was political genius. mr. jankowski, welcome to genius week. i think you were a genius. president obama has 87 days last in office. he s almost done. we have now learned a little bit about what he s going to do next
after leaving office. and so, behold, the national democratic redistricting committee. he s going to be focused on redistricting reform for democrats. they are going to organize initiatives and legal challenges to redistricting maps and push for democrats winning in down-ticket races. president obama s former attorney general eric holder is going to chair the group and president obama has decided he wants this to be the main political focus of his post-presidency life. redistricting. what a better time to start than now. and as of right now, president obama is taking his first presidential jab at those key down-ticket races. he s doing something he s never done before. this week, president obama is endorsing 150 candidates for state senate and senate assembly across 20 different states. he specifically is targeting state candidates who win might flip a state legislature. this is a huge effort. this is something that president obama has never done.
it s something no president has ever done. but what does this mean for democrats down-ticket in this election cycle and in election cycles to come? is this a good answer which republicans did so effectively after president obama was first elected in 2008? how effective will this be? joining us now, steve kornacki, host of the 4:00 p.m. hour here on msnbc and an all-around smart man. how you doing? president obama is am i right to say that president obama is doing something that presidents otherwise haven t done? we ve never seen this kind of an effort systematically. yeah. we ve entered into a new era. it s on people s radar in a way it hasn t been before. it s a strategy and on the minds of democrats and they feel they need to do something. there s a structural component of this, too, where republicans can come up with a plan they came up with and they are sort of running downhill. they are at an advantage when you start talking about redistricting, when you start talking about congressional
district lines or state legislative lines. this is the legacy of the obama era, how the two political coalitions have evolved. the democratic coalition right now probably has the numbers to win a national election. you talk about it all the time. it s young people, single women in particular, nonwhite voters, white collared professionals. those people more and more ever are packed more and more tightly into cities in metropolitan areas. the geographic reach, if you re talking about square miles, if you re talking about land mass, area, the geographic reach arguably has never been smaller. so the numbers are there but they are increasingly packed into smaller and smaller really into smaller numbers of districts. uh-huh. it s much easier, if you re a republican and want to draw lines to give yourself control of the state legislature or congressional map, it s much easier to do that because you don t have your voters aren t in these rural areas, you might not have 90% but you ve got 60%. democrats are sitting on 90% in
a lot of here s the stat that i think explains the evolution of politics better than anything else. go back to 1988. michael dukakis got wiped out in a landslide loss. a solved victory for barack obama. he wins 690 counties. the gentlemen graphic share shrinks that much that in a big win they lost ground. if em democrats don t want to concede, that geographic is destiny. if they want to roll that stone up that hill, is this the way to do it, to try to be strategic about winnable seats, to try to flip legislatures in a way that s advantageous? absolutely. it s a longer-term question and the best news for democrats on that front is, look, in 2010, which is the legislatures that
were seated is a result of the 2010 election. it was an off-year election and a mid term election with a democratic president. this is a democratic president. that recipe is the best thing republicans could ever hope for. . the next time that s going to happen, 2020, not a mid-term year. they have maybe more of an opportunity in 2020 than in 2010. and maybe by starting it in 2016 they ll get their training wheels on. exactly. lots more to come, stay with us.
and i could take him behind the gym, that s what i wish. i westeish we were in high sl and i could take him behind the gym. apology presumably coming from the vice president s office in three, two let s check it. for saying on friday that he wishes he could take donald trump out behind the gym and teach him a lesson, joe biden would soon issue an apology. was that true or was that false? very false. not only did vice president joe biden not apologize for saying that, he said it again today in toledo, ohio. i ll get myself in trouble and say something like i d like to take him behind the gym if i were in high school. all kiddin aside, wouldn t you? i mean, for real. can you imagine a guy in the locker room talking that way and your sister s out there watching
the game? not a joke. if i were in high school. i want to make it clear. i understand what assault is. i m not in high school. if i were in high school. i ued to be, i used to have a temper in high school. i don t have a temper anymore. i don t ever, nothing ever bother the me. look, folks. i get it, no. no. vice president clearly working it today, restraining himself, having a little fun, but in no way apologizing for saying that he wants to take donald trump behind the gym to teach him a lesson. our playfully pugilistic vice president. i was very wrong about that. we don t know who the next vice president will be. but tomorrow night we will have a chance on this show to get a really close look at the leading contender. democratic vice president nominee tim kaine will be joining us exclusively here in
studio. senator kae eoe eor kaine has b before, but we ve not talked to him since he s running for vp. i m very much looking forward to that. that s tomorrow night. stay with us. using 60,000 ps fr my cse ink card i bought all the framework. wire.. and ts
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suppositories for reef in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard odulcolax, desied for dependable rie we ve been keeping track here at the show of newspaper endorsements in the presidential race. it s been a weird year for that. the names listed on the left are a selection of hillary clinton s formal daily newspaper endorsements. she has a lot of them. the last time we reported on trump endorsements, he had three, one each from tiny papers in santa barbara, california, waxahachie daily light in texas. you guys have been super helpful at tracking these endorsements, particularly, when they re really tiny papers. send us tips, please. it s been very helpful. tonight thanks to you guys we can add the times gazette.
there s also for the first time, a big one. shelton adeleson, a big league republican donor, funded the gingrich campaign all by himself in 2012. this winter, when a paper got a mystery owner, it was the las vegas review journal s own staff who was forced to ferret out their own owner. that was sheldon adeleson. it s not at all weird for super rich people to give money to political candidates nor weird for them to buy newspapers. it was weird that he tried to buy and run a newspaper anonymously, but his reporting staff caught him. he went into this election cycle planning to donate $100 million

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