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Transcripts For CNNW New Day Saturday 20170527 12:00:00

stop breathing during sleep. recent studies show two and a half hours of moderate exercise a week, along with two days of weight training, put diagnosed insomniacs back to sleep. improves apnea symptoms. they used to think only early morning workouts improved the snooze. listen to the internal body clock. if you re a night owl, evening workouts can be just as good. what s important, get up and go to catch better zs. jared kushner, proposed setting up a secret means of communicating with the kremlin. white house declined comment. that sounds like colluding with an adversary. doesn t make sense for me. talk to anybody in the russian embassy, get back to moscow very securely. this is jared kushner going rogue. you have a pattern of senior
trump officials concealing conversations with russian spies. why are all these guys doing this, are they doing it to protect themselves or to protect trump? i have a feeling that jared is going to do a great job. he is going to do a great job. well, up and at them on saturday morning. i am christi paul. victor blackwell. new reporting in the washington post, that jared kushner proposed setting up a secret means of communicating with the kremlin. post reports requests came from intercepts of conversations between the russian ambassador to the united states and moscow. but three people with knowledge of the discussion tell new york times that the line was meant to be used to discuss strategy in syria and on policy issues. the post reports he made a proposal to kislyak during a
december meeting at trump tower to use russian diplomatic facilities to shield preinauguration discussions, according to u.s. officials. here s what the washington post reporter that broke the story is telling cnn. basically you had a meeting in new york, kislyak comes up to see jared kushner and to see mike flynn. jared is the one that sets up the meeting, flynn is invited a few days later. during that discussion according to dislee kislyak s account, yo jared kushner proposing the idea of having a secure, private communications channel and jared proposes doing so at a russian facility, specifically the russian embassy in washington, which kislyak according to reporting home, he was taken aback by that. he thought that was a bizarre suggestion. the white house has not commented on the report from the post. at this point kushner is not a target of the probe.
no allegations of wrongdoing. want to be clear about that. all of this as president trump s overseas trip draws to a close today. he spent this morning attending a g7 round table. in a few hours will speak to u.s. troops at an air ba base in cicely. the on-going investigation hanging over the white house as he returns. cnn correspondent jeff zeleny live in cicely. what are you hearing about the headlines we re seeing here in the u.s.? reporter: christi, there s no question that the headlines you re seeing in the u.s. are indeed reverberating here. i am told the president has been following it moment by moment, every incremental detail. it is stacking up and waiting for him when he returns to washington. he is having meetings as you said this morning. he is going through the motions here. one thing about the russia investigation, his reluctance to talk about the country at all
the russians would disclose how they have secret communications to the president s senior adviser, and that the fbi would not see kushner or whomever the designee was to have the conversations may expose some of that naivity. lynn sweet, thank you. we will continue the conversation through the day. thank you, victor. more breaking news to talk about. new revelations that fired fbi director james comey acted on russian intel he knew to be false while investigating hillary clinton s e-mail during the 2016 campaign. cnn chief political correspondent dana bash has details. reporter: victor, christi, cnn learned that then fbi director james comey knew a critical piece of information related to the hillary clinton e-mail investigation was fake, but felt he needed to take action anyway because he was concerned that if the information became public, it
official in classified briefings, comey told lawmakers he was afraid that the information would, quote, drop and undermine the investigation, but comey didn t tell lawmakers he doubted the accuracy of the information, even in a classified setting a few months ago. according to sources close to comey, the fbi director felt validity of the information didn t matter because if it became public, they had no way to discredit it without burning sources and methods. think about the chain of events all of this helps fend off. when comey had a press conference in july, 2016 announcing no charges against clinton, he took an extraordinary and many say inappropriate step of calling her extremely careless. clinton aides are convinced her reputation was damaged with voters and she never recovered. that probably wouldn t have happened without russian interference. also, talking to many officials on capitol hill and elsewhere, dissemination of fake information is still a major
issue. multiple sources tell us russia is trying to spread false information to cloud and confuse on-going investigations. victor, christi? again, thank you so much. three big headlines this morning. all three involving russia. we will take you live to moscow and see what their reaction is this morning. also, two men have been stabbed to death after trying to stop an anti-muslim rant. you ll see the cell phone video recorded in the aftermath. also we know so many of you are hitting the road for memorial day holiday weekend. the trump administration is considering tightening security in the skies. how new regulations regarding that electronics ban may effect what happens in the next few days. stay close.
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this morning, russia is watching headlines regarding president trump s son-in-law and senior adviser. jared kushner contacts with russian ambassador sergei kislyak. the washington post is reporting kushner wanted to establish a secret means of communication with the kremlin. cnn clare sebastian is live from moscow this hour. what are you hearing from russian leaders there? reporter: well, christi, reemphasize that political chaos in washington. the russian foreign ministry spoke this morning, calling the report by the washington post mccarthyism or simply internal political squabbles. we followed up with a question on whether the foreign minister was aware jared kushner had made this request for secret communication channel, secure communication channel as reported by the post. we have seen that the ministry
was since the original report came from an intercept of communications between the russian ambassador and superiors in moscow, she would not be drown on that. we re seeing increasing rhetoric in moscow as stream of russian related news comes out of washington. the same foreign ministry spokesperson warning that the u.s. media should stop spreading lies about the russian ambassador to the u.s. had from president putin the previous week called allegations that president trump had revealed classified intel to russian officials in the oval office, called that political schizophrenia. and all the while, the russians are closely watching to see any coherent strategy or policy as relates to russia come out of washington. we know president trump is wrapping up his first overseas trip at the g7, they ll be closely watching that for any comments as relates to russia,
be it syria, ukraine, or the issue of sanctions. while they continue to dismiss reports of this, they re watching for how the politics and policy behind the situation will develop. no doubt. clare sebastian, thank you so much. lynwood michael cane, son of nominee tim kaine is facing several misdemeanor charges, charged with fleeing on foot, concealing identity in a public place, obstructing the legal process interfering with a peace officer. the obstruction charge carries possible sentence up to a year in prison and fine as much as $3,000. this all comes out of his arrest in march after an incident at a pro-trump rally. some in the group used smoke bombs and mays. police said they were trooid trying to run, caught a block away. now declining to press charges against kaine and others.
st. paul charge came yesterday following investigation. former u.s. national security adviser, zbigniew brzezinski, has died. served under jimmy carter during the iran hostage crisis. president carter described brzezinski as a superb public servant. was dedicated and royal and remained a close adviser to my work at carter center. i will miss her. his daughter calls him the most inspiring, loving father a girl could have. he was 89 years old. thoughts and prayers go out to mika. president trump wrapping up his first international trip abroad, will return to a white house many say is in crisis. can he right the ship and stay focused? the newest challenges facing his administration are next. and world leaders team up to
pressure president trump when it comes to climate change. can they convince him to change his mind? take 5, guys. tired of your bladder always cutting into your day? you may have overactive bladder, or oab. that s it! we really need to get with the program and see the doctor. take charge and ask your doctor about myrbetriq (mirabegron) for oab symptoms of urgency, frequency and leakage. it s the first and only oab treatment in its class.
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former national security adviser michael flynn and russian ambassador sergei kislyak. listen to what cnn national security analyst juliette kayyem told us this could mean last hour. this is not a back channel as people in law enforcement and national security came to sort of understand back channel. back channel is actually a president or president-elect uses the resources of government to sort of secretly start a communication with a country, let s say cuba or burma to begin to lay ground work for more public diplomacy. this is jared going rogue. but the idea the russians were going to open up their own apparatus, intelligence apparatus to a 30 something son-in-law of a president-elect is just it so defies any sort of good explanation, that the best explanation for kushner at this stage is he is incredibly
naive. the fbi investigation into president trump s russia ties has been inching closer to the white house as you know. at this point, kushner is not a target of the probe. there are no allegations that he committed any wrongdoing, want to be very clear about that. but the latest report could serve as yet another distraction as the president meets with world leaders at the g7 summit in italy. last hour sat down for a working lunch, pictures from that. before the president heads back to the u.s., he will speak to american soldiers stationed nearby later today. cnn international editor nic robertson is in cicely. any reaction to reporting on jared kushner from the post and times? reporter: as you know, president trump isn t giving a press conference here, his national security adviser did give an on the record briefing, hr mcmaster when he was asked about jared kushner s connections with the russian
ambassador in washington, he declined to answer that. he said we are here at the g7, focusing on that. indeed shut down that question. we know, however, that reuters is reporting from their sources which are seven former and current u.s. officials that they say between april last year and november last year that jared kushner had undisclosed contacts, yes, undisclosed contacts with the russian ambassador, sergei kislyak in washington that included at least two phone calls. his lawyer has said, jamie gorelick, said that at this time he had thousands of communications with many, many different people at that particular time. again, reuters is concluding this new round of reporting that this doesn t indicate kushner has done anything wrong at this stage, it is another detail layering upon information that
the washington post has already published. as i say from here, hr mcmaster shutting down a question on that last night. same thing from gary kohn. nic robertson interest sit lee. thanks very much. world leaders looking for change on the climate change accord. the president tweeted about the issue. we will talk about that. and two men stabbed to death trying to stop an anti-muslim ranl rant. what the suspect yelled at officers when they tracked him down. you ll see the video. [ dinosaur roars ] onboard cameras and radar can detect danger all around you. driver assist systems can pull you back into your lane, if drifting. bye chief. bye bobby. and will even help you brake, if necessary. it makes driving less of a production. lease the gle 350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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airports. this statement was released from the airline. we apologize to customers facing delays following an it outage. we are working to resolve the problem quickly as possible. all flights grounded out of london. more information as it develops. happy travels to you. we re going to cancel the paris climate agreement and stop, unbelievable, and stop all payments of the united states tax dollars to u.n. global warming programs. that was then candidate trump, determined during the campaign. one of several times he said he would can sell the paris climate agreement. after pressure from world leaders at the g7 summit, aides say the president is, this is a quote, evolving on climate change. moments ago, minutes ago, the president tweeted i will make final decision on the paris accord next week.
this comes after several announcements of decision that have been delayed. really no matter what decision he makes, it is likely to further divide this administration that s already dealing with so many issues. steven moore, cnn senior economist and economics analyst and former economic adviser to the trump campaign, and elizabeth colbert, author of sixth extinction in natural history. both with us this morning. steve, i want to start with you. you advised that the president should withdraw from the agreement. are you confident that he will, that the evolving we re hearing from aides? i hope he keeps his promise. you played that clip of what he said on the campaign trail. heard him say it dozens of times when i traveled with him. i think it is an important promise to keep. the american people want jobs first, high wages, want to rebuild the economy. this is a climate change deal. we have done some analysis at
the heritage foundation that finds it would dramatically increase cost of energy in america. american consumers and families would pay thousands a year more for electricity prices. it would put at risk potentially millions of jobs. we become an energy powerhouse with respect to shale oil and gas, don t want those jobs at risk. if this is going to hurt jobs, then no, we should not do this deal. i think the american people agree with that. elizabeth, something you wrote for the new yorker not too long ago, you wrote that this administration has already passed up the chance to make the right decision on paris. the only choices that remain are different shades of wrong. explain. well, the administration has already taken steps to roll back some of the changes of the obama administration put in place. greater efficiency standards for cars that were part of the
u.s. s commitments under paris. it will be difficult for the u.s. to meet obligations under paris, even if it stays in the agreement, which i think would be a good idea, and i have to beg to differ in that it would cost a lot of jobs, in fact the president s own economic adviser apparently on the plane back from cicely made the same point, we are already in an energy transition now. transition to natural gas is part of the paris accord. let me come to you with the question about jobs. i want to play what the director of the office of management and budget nick mulvaney said a few months ago about the priorities of this administration. let s watch. regarding the question as to climate change, i think the president was straightforward, we re not spending money on that any more. we consider that to be a waste of your money to go out and do that. that s a specific tie to his campaign. and the white house set up
this dichotomy between policies relating to climate and job growth. there are clean energy jobs and that sector is growing, is it not? is that to me? that s to you, steven. on the jobs being created, they re in fossil fuel industry, we re seeing massive increases of people working in oil and gas industry. by the way, donald trump fulfilled one of his promises where he said he would rebuild the coal industry in america. we have seen 45,000 increased jobs since donald trump took office. i traveled around to a lot of coal towns in america that were decimated by obama s regulations that just destroyed communities and families. this is the kind of cost that we would see throughout the economy with this kind of climate change fan at sichl that the left is propagating on america. you look at the opinion polls, it is clear. top two concerns of americans are jobs and the economy and
wages. climate change is somewhere around 20, 25 on the list of what people are concerned about. we shouldn t pay $100 billion, there s essentially a payment america has to make of $100 billion. can you think of how many jobs we could create with $100 billion? elizabeth, i didn t get an answer from steven on the clean energy jobs. i did see, we put on the screen to be fair the numbers of the mining industry, 31,000 since inauguration, about 46,000 since the election. elizabeth, to you, what do you make of that job growth in the mining sector and what s your degree of confidence that the president will withdraw or stay in the paris accord? look, everyone agrees, this includes high level members of executives in the fossil fuel industry that we need a
transition to clean energy and coal is the energy of the past, and renewable is the energy of the future. if we want to prop up jobs, that s precisely what the trump administration vowed not to do, to sort of go backwards. we want to go forwards and propping up coal is just according to all economic analyses the wrong way to go. in terms of what the trump administration is going to do, that is anybody s guess. they have very mixed signals on that. can i say one quick thing. we have to wrap it there. there s a resolution. let the senate ratify this as a treaty. thank you both. police say two men have been stabbed to death after trying to stop an anti-muslim rant. next as public rants seem to be on the rise, one group says the president could help stop them.
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again, it happened so fast. it looked like every punch that i saw was actually a stab. chase robertson thought he was watching a fist fight, but in fact the witness saw two men getting stabbed to death on a commuter train in portland, oregon. this happened after they tried to confront a passenger who was yelling anti-muslim slurs at two other passengers. the suspect, 35-year-old jeremy joseph christian, is facing two charges of aggravated murder and several other charges this morning. police say he may have been targeting two young women, one wearing a hi jab, when several tried to intervene and they were stabbed. one man died at the scene, the other died at the hospital. a third man was also stabbed after he tried to help.
he is expected to survive. the suspect was caught after he left the train and yelled at officers to shoot him. police say they re considering his remarks to be hate speech. adrian hooper is with us now. he is with the national communications director for council on american islamic relations. mr. hooper, we appreciate you being here. thank you. what is your reaction, first of all, to this? i think this is just representative unfortunately of the overall rise in bigotry in our nation within the last months and a year, particularly during the presidential campaign and since the election in november. we ve seen minorities increasing increasing increasingly targeted with violence, american muslims targeted, mosques targeted, african americans, refugees,
immigrants, overall rise in bigotry unfortunately provoked to a large degree by president trump s rhetoric, his appointments, his policy proposals, these things have led to an atmosphere in our society in which it seems to be acceptable to target minorities. mr. hooper, what would you say to the president if you could sit down with him? do you think he could help alleviate some of these problems here? yes. he needs to speak out directly and forcefully against this rising tide of bigotry. when the person at the top sets the tone either in a negative or positive way, it makes a difference, and he really needs to speak out against particularly anti-muslim bigotry as we saw in this case. so often you see american muslim
women who wear head scarves or islamic attire targeted in this way. it wasn t just muslims that were targeted, this person was apparently ranting about different groups as well. and attacked people that tried to intervene to help. we re seeing more minority groups being targeted and particularly american muslims at this time when the president and his administration is really focusing on islam and muslims. ibrahim hooper with council on american-islamic relations. thank you for sharing perspective with us this morning. we appreciate it. sort of a physical violence, maybe you ve seen videos on commuter train or airport or grocery store, more and more of these racist rants seem to be happening in public. not only in public, but then recorded on smart phones and
uploaded online. you might be wondering what s driving this, and could in some way it spark a positive change? here is polo sandoval. reporter: a series of racist rants in public. and on camera. a woman in a virginia sprint store hurled a racial slur at a fellow customer. in arkansas. i said excuse me. reporter: go back to mexico is what this walmart shopper told another. we re in america. reporter: she then fired the n word at a woman looking to interject. stop being ignorant. reporter: then what orlando resident hector torres caught on his phone at the airport last week. shut up. shut up! that is sad. glad to document it.
reporter: he was speaking spanish to his puerto rican mother on the phone when things got heated. explain. talking to that stupid spanish [bleep], english speaking american. reporter: racist rants aren t new says the director of institute for the study of race and difference at emory university. these videos remind us that race has been a constant, persistent problem in the united states. reporter: been a spike in the number of racist rants posted on social media, experts say. as technology becomes even more and more main streamed and more and more people are having smart phone devices and video capability, it is just going to be exploding more and more. reporter: recording these kinds of confrontations may empower people to expose the racism, says gillespie. there could also be a trump factor behind it all. people perhaps feel more embolden to express politically incorrect points of view as a result of president trump s
ability to use that as a tool to be elected president. i think it is important to know these people held these points of view long before donald trump emerged as a political figure. reporter: videos may be ugly. but gillespie calls them a launching point for a larger conversation about race. polo sandoval, cnn, atlanta. with roundup precision gel®, you can finally banish garden weeds without harming precious plants nearby. so draw the line. just give the stick one click, touch the leaves and the gel stays put killing garden weeds to the root with pinpoint precision. draw the line with roundup precision gel®. and be sure to check out roundup® with sure shot wand. another good-for-the-garden product from roundup.
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peop the foundation of beauty products is science. it is about empowering women and technology. that is a smart woman. i love it. that s amazing. i have no need for it. but i think it is yeah, you know, i have a special brush. i know you do. focus on the big weekend. millions of americans expected to hit the road and skies this memorial day weekend. and in what might be a headache for some flyers, the homeland security is considering expanding that electronics ban. any device larger than a cell phone would be banned from inbound u.s. flights but from flights leaving the u.s. as well. cnn aviation correspondent renee marsh looks at what it may mean for travel plans. reporter: travelers are on the move in expected record volumes and the terror risk is as high as it was on september
11th, according to department of homeland security secretary john kelly. what i have learned in the last 120 days is this relentless attempt on the part of terrorists to blow up airplanes. ideally big airplanes with a lot of people. we are watching a number of very, very sophisticated advanced threats right now. reporter: travelers flying to the united states from ten airports in eight muslim majority countries are already under a laptop ban, meaning electronics larger than a cell phone are not allowed in the cabin of the plane over fears they may be used to detonate or conceal explosives. the ban is expected to expand to more countries soon. this heightened language without any policy changes leaves the american public at a disadvantage. that kind of language makes the american public do one of two things. freak out or tune out. neither is a good place to be. reporter: travelers at ten
u.s. airports may experience new tsa screening measures on larger electronics. the agencies testing screening of items separately before allowing them on board. all of this on the heels of a terror attack on concert goers in manchester, england. four months after a gunman man retrieved a nine millimeter handgun from checked luggage at the baggage claim and opened fire in ft. lauderdale. noi secretary kelly warns lone wolf attacks will continue. as horrible as manchester was, my expectation is we re going to see a lot more of that kind of attack. reporter: it is why some are alarmed at president trump s proposed 2018 budget cuts to tsa s viper program. it dispatches 31 teams of law enforcement and explosive experts to soft targets based on the threat level. the budget cuts would leave only 8 teams in place.

Donald-trump , Jared-kushner , Russian , Comment , Anybody , Embassy , Adversary , Pattern , Get-back , Going-rogue , Doesnt-make-sense , White-house

Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20170627 06:30:00

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ever been 12 years old will understand. the court didn t say the government could never have a pony, but it didn t say the government could have a pony either. instead, it said if you still want a pony next october, we ll see. with us tonight, richard painter, chief ethics lawyer to former president george w. bush who now teaches law at the university of minnesota when he is not out in l.a. hanging out with bill mayer. and msnbc s chief legal correspondent, welcome to you both, counselors. ari, you get the math question up top. where did the president get his math on a 9-0 decision in his favor. and how many people, actual people will this end up affecting from now to october? i think he got his math from the most creative lawyer you
could get from the court which doesn t have a head count, which says nobody was actually dissenting from, so i m going to call it unanimous. the actual vote will come later on the merits. how many people? well, we ballpark normally from 150,000 people that would be let in. initially this blocked the travel ban for all of them. and now immigration experts tell us about half may satisfy this new test that the court put out today. meaning that somewhere around you know, 75,000-plus people may still get through, while the other half are now blocked by the partially instated travel ban. and just check me on this, the court has today met a standard that says you just have to have somebody, a person, perhaps a church group, definitely a job, a school that has accepted you. you have to have a real connection to the united states, from these countries, to come to
and the supreme court is going to have a lot of work to do between now and october to figure out what the law really is. is this constitutional or is it not? that is going to be a very challenging decision for the supreme court. and i don t think we ought to be trying to read too many tea leaves today from what happened today. ari, you and richard have been so good today not using any terms like per curiam. what did the supreme court find notable? what virtue did they find that other federal courts did not? well, the other federal courts dug into what mr. painter just talked believabili. the history, right? how do you ignore that when somebody talks so openly about religious discrimination. this court basically didn t go down that road at all. it looked at the who, not the
why. it is likely that lawyers will continue to push the why and say you have to look at this statement and behind the curtain of the bare text of the order. the other point i ll make during the vietnam era, there was the discussion maybe you just declare victory and leave. it s the possibility that when the 90-day deadline runs, the trump administration said we did it for 90 days, we got a victory, and close up shop. two in the meantime lawysmary glad they re on our team. thank you very much. still ahead, what spies around the world can learn from the president s twitter feed. also he served as defense secretary, white house chief of staff, cia director and then some. leon panetta with us when the 11th hour continues. you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin.
earlier tonight i spoke with leon panetta, long-time member of congress in the democratic party of california. former white house chief of staff to bill clinton, former secretary of defense, and former director of the cia. i started out by asking him about something that president trump wrote on twitter. quote, the reason that president obama did nothing about russia after being notified by the cia of meddling is he expected clinton would win, he didn t choke, he colluded or obstructed. what is your response? well, i think the president will take away any attention from what the president not only did during the election but the threat they represent in the
future. i just don t see a lot of credibility by someone who has called the russian interference a hoax, a witch hunt. has blamed it on hackers, has blamed it on the chinese. and i think has used every diversion to try to take attention away from it. and i think this is what the attack is with regards to president obama. just another diversion. mr. secretary, what do you think is happening to our image overseas, especially among allies? what do you fear is happening to our image overseas? well, i worry a great deal about it. because i have always i ve always felt that the united states, since world war ii, has represented strong leadership in the world. and has been an important factor in terms of not only working with our allies but working to
try to preserve the peace in our times. and i think that as our allies look to the united states, as other countries look to the united states they re not quite sure whether that leadership is really going to be there when they need it. and i think there is a great deal of concern, a great deal of nervousness and a lot of questions about whether or not the united states will continue to provide world leadership instead of just retreating intor o intore into fortress america. one of the kinder things you said, in your view, how far off the normal plum line of administrations are they, do they remain, still? well, i worry about it a great deal. look, president trump won the election. he is president of the united states. i think all of us believe that
the presidents of the united states ought to succeed in office, because we all depend on a president being able to do that. but what i sense is a tremendous amount of disorganization within the white house in terms of the ability to provide the commanding control support system that needs to be provided to the president. i think there are too many centers of power. too much competition. too many people who are running around, who do not have specific responsibilities in terms of their jobs. i think the president has to get a stronger chain of command in the white house if he is ever going to be able to succeed as president. finally, a question about health care, mostly because you were a member of congress for so long and you know very well the human toll it can take at the other end. what do you make of the senate
plan today, what we re hearing about it? what the cbo has said about it. and what we know of the house plan and what we re likely to see in this effort to repeal and replace obamacare? in my experience in the congress, any time a major piece of legislation is rushed to judgment it usually winds up failing. and not accomplishing what it is intended to do. i think they re rushing to judgment on a major piece of legislation. we just found out that 22 million people will lose their health insurance as a result of this bill. that is unacceptable. and it s going to create a tremendous amount of pressure on those members who represent people, ordinary people who will lose their health coverage. so i just don t understand the rush to judgment here. because this is a major issue
affecting every american in this country. they ought to take their time and do it right. joining us from the leon panetta institute, former congressman, former cia director, former secretary of defense, leon panetta thank you so much for being with us. thank you, brian. and up next here as we take one more break from twitter with love. what the president s tweets are telling spies across the world. when the 11th hour continues.
the president s unfiltered thoughts are available night and day, broadcast to his 32.7 million twitter followers immediately and without much obvious mediation by diplomats, strategists or handlers. the author of this piece is a former cia analyst with us tonight. s thank you so much for being with us. the first question for those who have yet to read your piece, what are we americans not seeing that could be damaging or revealing, and what are people in your line of work reading those tweets looking for? so more than anything, an intelligence analyst looks for information on world leaders that adds to the information that they are collecting through classified means. so what is so different about trump s tweets and the advantage
that it gives to foreign intelligence agencies is that he is doing this in an unfiltered way and openly in a public forum. now typically, intelligence agencies collect information and they do it covertally a covertl sometimes they re risking their lives to give this information. but this is very unusual as far as a world leader. so your problem is not that he is tweeting about being in florida, or new jersey, or at the white house. most days lately he has been relitigating the russia case. he has gone after his predecessor in office. what are the examples of how the trained eye, of how what he says on twitter is saving our opponents and enemies work? so what it does is expose his priorities. it tells us what news programs
he is watching and listening to. what is he reading? what is top of mind for the president at any given hour? and in addition it also tells us his vulnerablevulnerabilities, instance, he is so worried about the russia investigation, his deleted tweets also give a little insight to how infiltered his tweets. the majority are deleted because of his spelling errors. so if i assigned you to put a binder on my table with a personality profile, some of the information, some of where you would start, you already gained through public domain, doing what we already do reading what he says on twitter every morning?
yes, absolutely. his lag of timing of tweets, for instance, also gives some insight into what is it he is distracted by or finding a priority. if there is a u.s. military action is he tweeting about it right away or sending condolences if there is an accident like the uss fitzgerald. how long does he take an action to do that. and the official potus account is insightful, because that tends to be more formal with the presidents. endlessly interesting tonight, written by our guest, thank you, nada bakos, thank you for coming eon our show. and finally, coming up, ivanka and the west wing of the
white house when we continue.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20170817 18:00:00

authorities are treating this as a likely terrorist event. i want to have bring in to the discussion the information that you have just mentioned which goes to the idea that there was a level of coordination and likely a cell that was involved in this attack. we have the initial event, which was the plowing down of pedestrians, tourists, families on las rambla, which is pedestrianized. it does allow for some vehicle traffic. now a follow-on event in a nearby street with the police, individuals apparently armed. now, as you have been reporting for the last 90 minutes, shepard, they have also shut down the subway systems. based on my experience, covering this area for more than a decade, they shut down commuter systems when they believe they have an ongoing operation. so they are trying to prevent follow-on attacks and they are trying to limit
movement in their effort to identify suspects: on the rental vehicles. renting a van tells you that they wanted to maximize casualties, whatever their motivation was in this particular attack. you noted that an individual has been identified who rented one of the vans. and then we have a second van, which is 40 miles out of the city. there are two scenarios that would be considered here, based on my experience. one is that it was a get away vehicle. but perhaps one of the more likely scenarios is that there had been a plan to have at least two vehicular attacks in barcelona today but for some reason that was abandoned. we have an ongoing situation. the driver of the van that plowed down the pedestrians is holed up there and reportedly armed, now from a u.s. government perspective, i can tell you in the last two hours, you ve seen all of the relevant agencies in
this country gear up and get entirely focused on barcelona. homeland security, the acting secretary there elaine duke has been briefed and is monitoring the situation. the fbi is willing to offer help and engage. though for the time being this is seen as an ongoing situation that s unfolding. but they will assist and provide assets if necessary. the national counter terrorism center or nctc which is the group responsible for gathering information and monitoring information. they are very engaged. until recently the homeland secretary john kelly now chief of staff has been keeping the president up to date. so all of the key agencies, all of the players are fully engaged. now, just as a final point, we don t know who was responsible or what group may have been responsible or their motivation. but what we do know is that isis social media accounts have been celebrating the attack in barcelona.
now i want to emphasize this is not considered a claim of responsibility and these are not what are described as leadership accounts for the terror group. they are called fan boy accounts. they kind of jump in when there is violence around the world. but they are very much engaged. one of my contacts who does social media collection for government agencies has told me that there was an isis affiliated telegram posting in early july, specifically about bars lopena. and i mention this because social media postings from isis accounts about spain are very rare. very infrequent. and for that reason that was passed along to law enforcement in this country. if we learn that has a greater significance than a most on social media, we will certainly bring this to you. what we are seeing unfold right now is something that seems to have many parts, a degree of coordination, and it speaks to the likelihood that this was a small cell that coordinated this mission, shep.
potentially for more suspects and they have one suspect holed up inside a turkish restaurant. this car rammed into. fired at police. we re told escaping on foot whether they were able to track those people down to what degree they were connected to the initial attack. all of those things are left for speculation, so you go ahead if you want. but the police haven t said these two things are related in any way. but, we don t really have to wait for police on that particular matter. new information from john glenn and a new photo from the intersection of the car that hit police. we have on bat 3. that is the vehicle that hit the white ford focus that i described just a short time ago. this is the vehicle that hit the police. our understanding of things and we only have just a couple of lines from the state television there. but this vehicle came and rammed into police. the people got out of the car. and then began firing at the
officers there on scene. incredible that all of this is going down in this tightly packed tourist area. the busiest month of the year. people from all over europe vacationing in barcelona and across the region. and now this really horrendous attack. getting an update from the westminster studios of sky news now. let s listen. attack we are seeing has been arrested by the police. but in addition to that, we have been reporting reports from local media about the possibility of armed individuals making their way into a restaurant or a bar. the police have said in reaction to those reports that there is no one held up in a bar in boston. it may well be the case that we re actually at the end point of this terrorist attack given that one individual is in custody. shepard: in fact, we have just gotten this tweet from
police translated into english. there is no one interspersed in any bar in the center of barcelona. we arrested a man and treated him as a terrorist and then attack #barcelona and #ramblas. this has just come from the authorities there. so, as i was mentioning to you earlierer, it was widely being reported standoff ands who tanks and all the rest. we believe now that the confusion on that and i said at the time, first reports are often inaccurate. sure enough. the confusion was that these people had barricaded themselves inside a restaurant fearing that there might be a gunman out there somewhere. word was transmitted through social media and otherwise to local media, local media were attempting to get to the scene to find out for themselves but the whole area was cordoned off, which is why i said earlier it seems very strange that we re not getting more information on. this well, now, the police
have come forward to say what everyone thought was a standoff was actually people holed up inside a building trying to protect themselves. not as if they were under attack in any way. so the driver of the van that was at the end of las rambla, the driver of that van is now in custody and being treated as a terrorist. the second van is a ways away and 40 miles away. as you heard from the reporting of sky news, getting this just as we were, it appears now, we can hope, that this thing is winding to a close. still left unknown is how this attack on police is related specifically to this incident. of that we cannot be certainty moment because authorities i will show you the ford focus again. it was up on bat 3. the ford focus that rammed into police. this is the scene. we know it happened. we know that according to the police who were there, they got out and started firing on them.
and then escaped on foot. one could presume that they are now trying to find that person. we have just gotten new information about the suspect in this case. the man who has been arrested or at least the one who has been identified as the suspect by the authorities has apparently posted some matters on facebook. remember i told you that the person who rented the van, which crashed there in to the people on las rambla is a guy named chri named dris ouk. our understanding set one arrested as a suspect. we knew he rented the van. it s our understanding now he is the one that has been arrested as a suspect. and he, according to some media reports, he had a lot to say on facebook. he is being widely reported on across spanish media at this moment and i m going to
wait until we hear from authorities specifically on this because this happened two days after jerusalem old city. response to that he was recently railing over the israeli occupation of palestinian lands and has now carried out this attack in spain. so, authorities will let us know soon enough. but it sounds like they are getting to the bottom of who this arrested suspect is. no doubt they are attempting to interview him at the very least. and sky news with some further reporting on this. let s listen. never going to be a shortage of police officers in the vicinity. how they manage the situation zeal to look at in the future, i m sure. pretty much is very difficult was the vehicle is in motion to bring that vehicle to a halt. i imagine that this attack probably only lasted for a couple of minutes in total. so, we mustn t get into the realms of how they done well
or haven t they done well. sure. we will find out when whether we find out this person been arrested. what his history is and whether i should have been stopped before that. there was clearly a priority for the american services to establish a cordon. not simply a 50-meter cordon around the vehicle itself but a fairly substantial cordon in the heart of, you know, one of europe s busiest most metropolitan cities. what is the thinking, the strategy behind that? so what you are trying to do is create and island site which can you control. shepard: they are working to do that even now after this most recent attack on police as reported by state television in the last 20 to 30 minutes. our coverage will continue now and throughout the afternoon on fox news channel, on satellite and cable. for those of you watching on one of our local fox stations on on my network television. we thank you for your time. we will return to you your regular programming. i m shepard smith fox news, new york. and continuing on fox news channel now with the latest
on the let s turn to joseph wilson who is a reporter for the associated press who is in barcelona. joseph, do you have anything on this police on adiagonal there. no. there is nothing official on that. shepard: well, the only thing i m saying is that the state television, public television in barcelona is reporting it. and they have a picture of this vehicle. i guess there is just nothing official from police yet. what can you tell us about the initial attack on las ramblas? what we know is that there was a white van that it started to pick up speed and swerve down the middle of the podest pedestrian street. which at this time in august is if you feel tourists. it seems to have hit several preds. pedestrians. one dead and 32 wounded. the police chief said that that would probably death count would probably go up and the local media report
reports shepard: sounds like we have lost the phone connection. are you still there? yeah, phone connections have been spotty throughout the day. we lost the reporter for the moment. we know a suspect is in custody. shorts have confirmed that to us. we know the name of the person who rented the van. the renter of the van, we have confirmed is dris oukabi. and now local media in spain are reporting that it s dris oukabi the renter of the van who was arrested for driving the van, swerving and picking up speed along that boulevard. but authorities have not confirmed that to us. but it s certainly being widely reported all across spain and europe 312 injured and 10 of them very seriously. that translates to critical in a u.s. english parlance sky news is updating on
this. let s listen. unfortunately almost get worse. however bad this is. it could have been so much worse if the vehicle was contained. it s as simple as that and we have to bear in mind that this is a evolving threat. one that we have to give our police officers protection. still, one imagines that in barcelona there will be as there has been in the aftermath of the london bridge attack. a reappraisal of what measures can be put in place to try and guard against incidents of this type. what we did in 2005,. shepard: get a little bit more information. joseph, we dropped off from your connection when you started talking about the injury total there. yeah, the official count is that there is one person died and 32 have been wounded. although local media reports say that there could be up to 13 dead. and also the regional police
chief said unfortunately due to the number of seriously injured that the number of deaths could go up. shepard: what do you know if anything about the renter of this van who has been identified as dris oukabi? at the moment everything is based on local media reports. there has been nothing official. nothing has been confirmed as of yet. the only thing that is official is that the catalan police arrested one man. a man held up in a bar surrounded by police. right off the ramblas. there is nobody in that bar. so it seems that the man had sounds if the police arrested him. shepard: sounds as if there are others. police are confirmed a van 40 miles away set to have
been use used in this plot. whatever that means. they have gone through that van and there are no explosives there. do you know anything about that connection? it appears. it s still very fluid and very confusing at the moment. at least they suspect that there were other people involved in the attack and, yes, there are reports that there is a second van that has been found. also, the center of the barcelona has been cordoned off in large areas and also it seems that in there where they found the van and the city nearby city as well. that they have blocked off the area to investigate. shepard: joseph wilson reporter for associated press with us from barcelona. we will get back to him as news develops. we certainly appreciate it, joseph. we turn to trace gallagher now who is getting new information from the scene. trace? and just to pick up, shep, on what catherine herridge was talking about and that reporter in barcelona as well. the rented van seems to follow a pattern. because the london attack back in june we did
extensive research on isis and their connection to these attacks. if you go on their social media website you will notice isis is saying to their followers all over the world to use vehicles to attack but they are specifically saying that these things should be rented or stolen. that seems to be the pattern they are following. but it s not just attacking with vehicles. they are also giving instructions on the knives to use once you get out of the vehicle. did you go over as many people as you possibly can and you get out with a knife or a gun and you try to kill more people. if you go back to the london terror attack, it was the same m.o. 1245 happened today in barcelona. the van runs over as many people as possible and the suspect or suspects get out. they go to the nearby bars or restaurants and they try to attack people there. that seems to be kind of what we are seeing here. the terror experts we talked to about then, shep, says there is no coincidence to the fact that this happened in las ramblas which is a very heavily populated
tourist destination or happened at the london bridge or westminster bridge or christmas market in berlin last year. these are all packed with tourists. so this method oriented attack isn t just focused on spaniards or the brits. this is focused on the entire world. the hope is with a lot of tourists that. so casualties might be have various spots around the world. we saw that in the paris attacks, again, a couple of years ago so as you look at these various attacks and you read these social media sites involving isis. you kind of get the feeling that these are, you know, these are inspired and these are promoted in a certain category and all of them, at least that we have gone back the past six or seven have kind of followed a very similar m.o. across the board. shep? shepard: trace, have you gotten anything on this attack on police? this white ford focus that authorities say rammed into a police car and then began
firing, the occupant? we have got nothing except what have you reported. we have looked on twitter and looked on breaking news sites and no specifics at all on that. only what have you reported on this so far. and it s unclear if there was an attack on police one. and two, was it in any way connected to this attack that happened on las rambla. of course, the translation las rambla is the avenue and las ramblas the avenues in barcelona. there is no no bearing attack las ramblas. we have no brand new information except what you have reported, shep. shepard: new information coming in from local authorities.
calalanian government sent out official report, 13 people are now confirmed dead and 50 reported injured. the number in hospitals is said to have been around 50 about an hour ago. as one local hospital that is very nearby had reported exactly that number. and now the catalonian government 50 wounded and 13 killed. first video from the scene that came out, it s just hard to imagine walking upon a scene of this nature. remember, the report is that the van driver came on to this pedestrian area. you have been to european cities where there are thousands and thousands of pedestrians standing around. and here comes this little car through there. it s just kind of how they roll.
so you can get cars in these largely pedestrianized streets. open up for the cars to come by at a very slow pace. our understanding this van got up there starting out very slow and then just hit the gas and went down this pedestrian way for about a third of a mile before coming to a stop at an intersection and then the driver of that vehicle getting out. r. initially the driver kind of got lost in the crowds of tourists there, according to the reporting. and then there was this widespread report across all sorts of media, including from some police on scene, widespread reporting that the suspect was holed up in this restaurant/bar type place. it turned out that wasn t the case. he was arrested not far away from there. we know who the renter of the vehicle is. and we know that they have arrested a suspect, but we don t have a way to know yet whether that s the same person. a lot of some news
organizations are making a connection there. we know who rented the van. but we don t know who was driving the van on that street. that hasn t been confirmed to us. we have not seen a picture of the driver. we can t put the two together yet until authorities go there because that s just not how it works. tara maller is with us again. senior policy advisor. former cia analyst. tara, i don t know the connection between the ramming of this police vehicle and the shots fired there. and this initial scene. but if they are connected as one might suspect, then this is wider than first realized. sure. it seems like there is a very good chance they re connected. but it could also be, perhaps, a copycat situation. we just saw a things happen in a short perst. it suggestions there is connection. i think we have to wait and see. they will be looking at that individual who rented the van rather closely. you pointed out correctly we don t know if that was the driver. could be the case it was rented under another name,
for example. it could be the case another person rented intentionally perhaps the driver of the van or somebody else on the attack on somebodiens radar. rented it through somebody else. we don t know that yet. all of them are parts of the puzzle and looked and investigated into by authorities. as i said earlier, usually within the next 24 to 48 hours we have a lot more complete picture of what actually happened mere. who these people are and where they live. i m sure authorities are going to be looking at their cell phones and laptops, anything thatting can obtained from their places of residence. key to this is apprehending all the individuals that were involved and making sure that they are not part of a large are cell. we know larger cells have been a problem in europe. you know, a lot of focus has been on places, for example, like brussels just because of foreign fighter flows. but barcelona has also potentially homegrown terrorism there as well. so authorities really need to rule out that this is not part of a larger more
orchestrated plot themselves. shepard: i m sure they are working on that as we speak. continuing coverage of the terror attack in barcelona. that s why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing. .what you love. ensure. always be you. with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses and automatically adjusts on both sides. the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. depression is a tangle of multiple symptoms. that s why there s trintellix, a prescription medication for depression. trintellix may help you take a step forward in improving your depression. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood,
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that man has died. and police are calling that man a terrorist. so that would mean one suspect arrested, another suspect. they are calling him a terrorist in a shootout with police who has died. now, was that person the one who drove the white ford focus into the police check point? we don t know. we have these as two separate reports without context. we re waiting for local authorities to give us to bring us some context. and we re confident that at some point they will do that. this is not that point. so, we re left with a series of bits of information confirmed for you. tv 3, state television for the region of cat leona in spain where barcelona is, tv 3 reporting that a man has died in a shootout with police. some three hours after the initial incident on las ramblas. we know that about a half hour ago, maybe a little
longer a white ford focus ran into police check point on a diagonal street there. that whoever was in that vehicle got out of the vehicle, began firing at police. then escaped on foot. we know that there was a manhunt for that person or those persons. now, separately, maybe, there has been a shootout and during that shootout, a person being described by authorities as a terrorist has died. let s listen in first of all, let s go to rich edson at the state department. secretary tillerson spoke on this matter, recidivism. hmatter, rich. he did, shep. u.s. consulate in barcelona issued an emergency message to inform u.s. citizens of the attack. u.s. citizens should have security awareness, monitor media and local information sources. the u.s. stands in solidarity with spain according to this. and crimes like this cowardly attack only reinforce our shared resolve to stop these senseless attacks that target the innocent. this comes just a short while after the secretary of state, after a meeting with
his japanese counter parts here at the state department led off his remarks talking about this attack. he said it has the hallmarks, it appears, of a terrorist attack. that the embassy is assisting americans and others there. and that terrorists around the world should know that the united states and its allies have the resolve to bring you to justice. just to dial back a little bit here on may 1st, the state department updated its european travel warning ahead of the busy european travel season. a lot of americans go to europe and travel and the state department just wanted to warn that attacks like these have been becoming more common please and extremists focused on, transportation hubs, markets, parks and soft targets. they use objects like knives and vehicles as ramming objects. so that warning from the state department months ago ahead of the busy holiday travel season in europe over the summer as the secretary of state and now the state department all speaking on this warning americans to stay vigilant over there.
shep? shepard: thanks very much. rich edson reporting from the state department this afternoon. sky news with some new video. let much listen. as you can see some, understandably enough wishing to get as far away from the scene of the attack as possible. we do have some other pictures. and, again, a warning, these aren t graphic images showing the immediate aftermath of the attack. we see many more seriously injured individuals. perhaps even worse. everyone is surrounded by passers by. not emergency personnel but just ordinary people stopping to help. others standing dazed and confused. and you can understand why. joining us in the studio now, chris phillips the former head of the national counter terrorism security office. chris, thanks for staying around. i know that you have to leave shortly. i just want to get your thoughts as we appear to be in the end moments of at least the active police operation on the ground. your thoughts about the way in which this has been handled? i know this is far too early
to pass judgment whether it has worked or not. clearly there was a plan in place and the plan has been followed by the police. yes. absolutely. let s not forget spanish police are used to dealing with terrorism. that s a good start. there is very little that you can do when a vehicle pavement and runs people over. what you are judged on then, i think, is your ability to stop the vehicle, to arrest the suspects and to bring it all to a halt. that, they appear, to have done. that s great. we also must not jump to any conclusions here that we are hearing that they have been arrested and one has been shot. actually, this still could be ongoing. the fact that two vehicles were rented by the same person at the same time is interesting. and, of course, the police will be wanting to follow up that case. and as to whether there is other people that may be involved in a group or whether this is indeed one person acting or two people acting together. is it not a reality of the 21st century that if you are in a major city
center, on a busy, you know, normal busy day, that one has to start giving some thought to the prospect that something like this might happen? yeah. and i think there is no there is no secret that this is going to be this has been hang. it s going to happen in the future. people should be aware and be looking at how they can protect themselves. but, it s also interesting, again, that this is another iconic site. this is really everyone that goes to barcelona will go to this venue there is a meaning behind that that means it involves everyone from all sorts of different nations. they will probably be injured and dead from lots of different nations. that will mean the press coverage of this will increase across the world. and that is exactly what the tastes want. and it s very difficult for us to try to stop that because actually what he they re doing is succeeding at the moment. we will face this for a few years to come. again. many people assume this is a
relatively recent phenomenon, that this is a new tactic. we are just seeing it increase in frequency. as we will actually you can go all the way back to the mumbai hotel attack and find a similar set of circumstances. this is not a new tactic but it clearly is one being used with greater frequency. it is. isis and al baghdadi came up with this to tell his people to go and do this. so, that s, i think, is where the acceleration has come from. that s where this has suddenly happened more and more. of course, it s a really simple thing to do. kinetic attack with minimal planning and in fact we don t know yet, but the terrorist could say have made this decision to do this just seconds before he mounted the pavement. that s almost impossible for the police to stop. chris phillips, we appreciate you staying with us for as long as you possibly okay let s bring in james brown, director of geopolitical specialist in political and security risk. james, just your first thoughts on what we have seen develop this afternoon
on the sophistication or otherwise of this latest terrorist attack in western europe. well, i think my first reaction was probably pretty similar to a lot of other people s. this isn t a great surprise. we have seen a series of attacks in western european major cities over the last couple of years. particularly vehicle attacks. not surprising at all. we saw the nice attack, berlin attack and also the london bridge attack most recently. one the striking things is that two decades jihaddists have been looking for ways for ordinary, unskilled sympathizers to conduct very impactful attacks with a minimum of training. and what we see now is they found actually the combination that allows them to do that. these vehicle attacks are extremely difficult to stop. it is that move from the skilled, you know, jihad camp trained individual to someone who merely just agrees with an ideology. of course, we don t know the nationality. we do not know the background of the attackers involved in this particular incident.
but, chris phillips was saying a moment ago has been effective in the sense that people have died and people are talking about it. yes. exactly. and the challenged for the security forces throughout west europe and in america as well is going to be the shear success of this attack will lead to further attacks. jihaddists will be watching this footage the same we are thinking this is a very successful attack. easily carried out and can t be stopped. there must be more of them. just in terms of the way in which the police and one presumes in the margins other security services, other spanish security services have operated, what do you make of the protest prots they have clearly had in place and deployed. all the major police and security forces are ready for attacks like this. what we saw very quickly are armed police response units deployed on the streets and so on. very capable, very rapid. at the end of the day, by the time they are on the streets, a lot of time the attack has already taken place.
again, as we look here, it does feel, we have yet to have any confirmation from catalan police. it does feel we may have reached the end point of this particular terrorist incident. but as with the attack that took place in london bridge and market, one imagines that those responsible for governance in the city of barcelona will be looking again at their preparedness and what. shepard: as they talk about preparedness and certainly cities around the world are having to come to terms with that, we have gotten new information on this man who died in a shootout with police. remember we have the picture of the ford focus, which rammed into a police check point about an hour and a half after the initial incident. and this is that ford focus. police reported that the driver of that focus got out. it actually said the passengers got out and began firing at the police. turns out there was but one driver of that car. the driver got away. then ended up, when police
found that driver, on foot, they ended up in a shootout. the driver of that vehicle died that person is believed to be in some way attached to the original incident, where the van came plowing down las ramblas. killing 13 and injuring 50. how they are connected, we don t know. we don t have anything official on a connection from police. we are now led to believe that a news conference will be coming soon. we have translation on stand by and we will bring that to you live as fox news channel s coverage continues this afternoon.
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tweet? well, it s in bat 1. take it off bat 1. study with general persianing of the united states did to terrorists when caught. there was no more radical islamic terror for 35 years. well, that s what the president has tweeted which, you know. helpful? i don t know. u.s. general john j.pershing did not effectively discourage muslims in the philippines by burr killing them and burying their body with pigs. they let the man go and next 42 years there was not single muslim extremist attack anywhere in the world. of course the problem with this is it isn t true. so the president has said watch what general pershing did to try to discourage muslim terrorists. and the premise on which he is speaking is false. by snopes but there is the
president input for today. bring in former commander of the fbi hostage rescue team. they have a suspect in custody. one suspect is dead. they have one in custody, believed to be the driver of that van. i would guess you can get a lot of information out of him now. absolutely. you know, this is a terrible event, shepard, as you know. and very difficult to prevent. an active shooter or an active killer situation cannot be prevented unless you have actual intelligence and by arresting this man. interrogating him. knowing he faces severe consequences over there. he might very well cooperate with the authorities giving them enough information that they can go out and round up more of these guys before they do the same thing. shepard: that or if you believe the reports out of media over in europe, an actually some of in united states now, his facebook suggested that he was mad
about other matters. he was concerned about the jews in palestinian territories and the like. i don t know why. i don t know anymore than that. you know. who the hell knows with these people anymore. you can only protect yourself so far. what they want to do is change our way of life. they would like it so that everything is locked down and we can t live the way we want to live and, you know, already out of barcelona. already out of barcelona we are hearing we re not going to change our way of life. they will be back at it again tomorrow. quick commercial break. coverage tips after this. continues afterd this. roven to, moisturize, and freshen breath. try biotène®. try biotène®. i know when i hand them the it s gonna be but i also know that we re gonna have usaa insurance for both my boys. it s something that they re not even gonna have to think of. it s just gonna be in the family.
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25 miles i should say 25-kilometers. 17 or 18 miles north of barcelona. rented this white van. apparently rented it yesterday. and he is the one, according to police, who drove the vehicle down the crowded tourist street, las ramblas and killed 13 people and 50 others. he is certainly innocent until proven guilty but he is the suspect in doing so from police. now, he had a facebook page up, not long ago. in fact, in the mid part mid to late part of july. i think it was july the 21st, he was railing against israeli occupation of palestine as he put it. and concerned for arab children and upset with israeli occupation. that was on his facebook page. it has since been taken down. his facebook page is not accessible now. they have taken it down since he was i implicated in
this matter. the attack that happened three and a half hours ago, he is one of two suspects. this suspect was arrested by police after he got out of the van at the end of las ramblas, after this one third mile trip running over all these pedestrians on the street there. he got away. then police captured him. and he is the suspect. dris oukabi. we expect to get more from authorities on him shortly. first, let s get to trace gallagher with more details for us. trace. i want to update you, shep, on a story we brought you earlier about the american u.s. men s college basketball teams over in barcelona during this terror attack. we have now checked in and all of those teams, we re talking about the university of oregon, university of arizona, clemson and tulane. we have now gotten reports from all of those teams that their players and associates and coaches, everybody who was traveling with those teams is safe. this was important because
they were all staying in hotels very near las ramblas. and their tournament was being played in that vicinity and there was actually a video sent out earlier this morning around the time of the attack. we can t verify that showing some the university oregon players actually visiting different tourist destinations. there was concern about the safety of these americans. now we know they have all checked in. no injuries, no problems with any of those teams. we have also noted that clemson s basketball game tonight has been cancelled. that team will come home tomorrow. other teams apparently will stay there for the next several days. so good news on that front in a horrific day in barcelona. clearly, this was targeted at more than just the spaniards. they knew this was a tourist destination as we were told earlier on sky news. the m.o. here is to go after and kill as many people from as many different places as possible. so the news media from all over the world has a sincere
and avid interest in covering. this basketball players, men s basketball players from the u.s. all safe and accounted for. shep? shepard: that s good news indeed. trace gallagher. thank you very much. i have been reading up on this suspect for you. if you choose to you can search this man s name on twitter, and you will find a lot of interesting information out there. some that s verified and some that isn t. but this matter of his facebook page, we can vouch for that. the facebook page has been taken down and he is very upset about israeli occupation of palestinian lands. and that was part of it. clearly of arab dissent. i don t know where he has been living. but we re expecting a news conference from police shortly. we know that he is the one who rented the van. rented it yesterday and then is accused of driving that van through these crowds in
barcelona over the last three and a half hours or so. he is from morocco. he lived in spain. and we believe he is well, we believe he is 27. but we know he is in his late 20 s. dris oak oukabir. that s his name. and he is under arrest. we we told you earlier that one person was killed in a shootout with police. and we know that that s the person who ran up on a police check point and began firing on police, according to those authorities afterwards. that person eventually died in the shootout with police. we really don t know his exact ties to the main incident, to the van plowing through all the people. we don t know if has any connection to dris oukabi the suspect in this cases. we don t know yet. the scene on the crash at
the diagonal at the police check point happened there weren t media around there at the time except for the photographer. you saw the picture of the white ford focus on scene there. we showed it to you earlier. just that one picture. that s the white ford focus and previous was the suspect now, the one who police say is alive and brought into custody dris oukabi who is a man in his late 20 s from morocco had been living in spain and he is in spain and in custody and apparently speaking with authorities though we don t know the degree to which he is cooperating of the spanish civil guard as they called it first confirmed this is the man who rented the vehicle. there was no way to confirm he is the one who carried out this attack but they began circulating his picture, it s our understanding to authorities there on scene. they were looking for this particular man and then authorities on scene in barcelona found him.

Information , Authorities , Cell , Coordination , Idea , Terrorist-event , Level , Discussion , Attack , Tourists , On-las-rambla , Pedestrians

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20170827 21:00:00

lavandera on a boat near dickinson texas, between houston and gal ves ston. you ve been talking to brave picture and showing incredible pictures, what s the latest? this is our fivtd chance to get into some of these neighborhoods. this is a neighborhood called bayou chantilly, just off of i-45. you can see how devastating the floodwaters have been seth came up here earlier in the day, he was rescue iing people the last several hours. he did one last pass through the neighborhood. if you can focus in on this home in front of you, take a look at the roof, you can see the axe
seen here throughout the day, who have driven up i-45 and used it as a boat launch. and this is just one of hundreds of boats that are out on the water here in south houston, this is one particular neighborhood where this is unfolding. this is happening all across the city here this afternoon. we re seeing so many cars in drive ways. talk about how quickly the water came up. incredibly quickly. people went to bed thinking this was going to be i talk with one resident. you park your car up close to the right here, if you can point down, theres a car. you can see the car just under the water there, we re you might not see anything. there are cars underneath here p.m. you can see what people have done to get themselves they use these towels as a way to get themselves off that steep ledge of the roof and on to the rooftop of the car, they were probably rescued earlier, if you
look into some of these windows, you can see furniture and furnishings inside the home. floating around in the living rooms and bedrooms of these of this community. so this is a devastating loss, we have not heard of any injuries or deaths that have taken place in this particular neighborhood. still trying to get that information, all of this is incredibly fast moving and still developi developing, it s hard to get a handle on all of that. i ve spoken to people who have been performing rescue missions, and i haven t heard of anyone particularly injured or lost in these floodwaters. so far for this particular neighborhood that we ve been able to report on, that is the good news here. look back over this way, you can see a ladder. a ladder. someone had put outside of
their drive way they used that to get on the roof and on to higher ground. we ve seen that a number of times as we ve floated through this neighborhood as well. you keep seeing cars you can see a lot of cars that are partially submerged. ircan t tell you there aren t cars still under the water. austin was telling us, he ran aground of one on his previous trip through here, and got stuck on top of it. this is all just a devastating loss as you mentioned in your question, how quickly people woke up in the middle of the night to tornado warnings, i spoke with one woman earlier she said she was on her rooftop and they started hearing sir do you need help? you re good. do you know of anybody back here that needs help? i just got here.
he said he was trying to salvage some things if he could. how do people get back into this neighborhood, ed? do you have to get there by boat? a lot of them by boats. we came, literally floated in off a boat off i-45. you can t wrap your head around that. an interstate that is packed with car traffic, and it s being used as a boat launch into these neighborhoods. was there any kind of evacuation order that went out? there wasn t any kind of mandatory evacuation order. officials had been urging people to stay home. what i ve heard repeatedly from this particular area. they ve had neighbors who have lived here for generations, and they ve never been worried about
flooding, it s always with stood the tropical storms that this particular area has seen. they felt confident even though this was a monster storm, they would be able to make it through. they woke up this morning, put their feet out of bed into knee high water and it kept rising. incredibly dramatic, stressful for many people one woman we spoke with earlier, talked about how she was on her rooftop hearing the tornd sigh run warnings going off. the sense of panic, thinking that here i am on top of this rooftop and there s going to be a tornado dropped down in this area as well. that is the kind of stress and pain that many of the residents here in this neighborhood have been dealing with today. and i m curious, ed, as you ve been floating around in this area, have you seen emergency personnel out there as well, hovering above in helicopters? i know there are some 3,000
people who the governor spoke of who are on stand by with the national guard who are prepared to respond in this kind of emergency. we heard of teams coming in from different states, from california to new york, to virginia who are all making their way to texas. when we re looking around in these images, i don t see any emergency personnel. what are you seeing? well, you know, we have to be really clear, we re in one isolated area, so it s hard to kind of sometimes give the entire big picture scene of what is going on, beyond our immediate area. i can tell you there have been a number of local authorities who have been navigating and coordinating with a lot of the volunteers who have shown up with their boats many we ve seen several coast guard helicopters flying overhead. game wardens trying to handle traffic situations out on the roadway as well 37.
there have been a number of local authorities on the ground trying to do as much as possible. at this point, the demand and the calls for help have far exceeded anything that even all of the authorities combined have been able to keep up with, so that is why people like austin seth and hundreds of volunteers who have brought their own boats out here to try to help out, have been needed in this situation. so there s it s an overwhelming amount of need here at this point for people trying to get out of harm s way and into dryer and safer ground. does austin have enough gas? i imagine there s such a panic, a rush to get in there and help as soon as possible. you have to start thinking about the amount of water that s there and the forecast calling for another round that could bring twice as much water as already has been dumped. it s hard to even imagine what
that might look like. this neighborhood is already lost. concern that you also hear from people is that this water all has to move somewhere. there are people downstream in other areas waiting for this we just hit a mailbox driving over this pickup truck. the other neighborhoods that as you mentioned, that rain will continue to fall there neighborhood is already lost. there are others who might not have completely flooded today, but are anticipating and very much worried they could be next. everyone monitoring the radar, wondering how much more rain is going to fall. this rain can t end soon enough. no doubt about it, ed lavandera, reporting in dickinson texas in this neighborhood that s been completely inundated with flooding. unbelievable images, great reporting. thank you for sharing that with
us. helping us to have a little bit of a sense of the devastation and emergency that that city, that state is under right now. i want to take everybody to downtown houston, this is the nation s fourth largest city, almost completely under water as well. forcing schools to close all week long. the rising water has been creeping up. now it s so high there s nowhere for it to go. reporter: that s right. the areas we were talking about yesterday, are completely submerged in water. this is a major intersection in the downtown of houston, it s submerged in water. you can see that some vehicles are in water.
all the people in submerged vehicles in this area have been rescued. you can see there s another vehicle to my left. the water is high, it s difficult to show you here, and keep at a safe distance. that individual was rescued as well, and is safe. and this building to my left is the harris county criminal courthouse between five and ten people were rescued from this building earlier because the water started rising inside the building. i talked to one gentleman who was inside, rescued by four first responders who said that he had an injury, separate, not related to this tropical storm or hurricane. but he wrapped his leg in a plastic bag, four first responders lifted him above the water to make sure that he was lifted to safety.
and he said that the water rose so quickly that they had to be evacuated. evacuated from a courthouse in downtown houston. it s difficult to fathom how much water is here. beyond those vehicles, that you see at the in the distance, that s where buffalo bayou runs through, ana. that s where we were to the left of those cars, that s where we were talking to you yesterday. we can t go there any more because the bayou is now a raging river headed toward the gulf of mexico. here s the scary part of all of this. houston still getting pummeled. if you just speak about the geography in this area. all of this water has to flow out into the gulf of mexico, we were hearing these amazing harrowing stories from a cnn
correspondent looking at that community. all of this water has to go in that direction, that s what s so devastating, all of those people that live between houston and the gulf of mexico, that s where this water empties out. there s so much worry about where this water is going to go. so long as it s raining, it s not going anywhere. you think about the people in the most vulnerable positions, we just got this statement from one of the big hospitals there in houston. our life flight program is currently grounded given the winds that are relentless what is needed is specialized vehicles for the high water. they are desperately needed. no way for some people to even get to that hospital. i understand another texas hospital was forced to evacuate? you re right.
reporter: that s right. water started rushing into the basement of that hospital. evacuated critical patients first, and then to other areas in this community. the reason why is because of these waters, you see all of this water piled up behind me. and you really wonder how long is it going to take? this hurricane now turned tropical storm really testing the infrastructure here in houston. testing the drainage and the decisions made here in houston as we continue to get pummeled by rain. and we re expecting more of it. rosa florez in houston, stay safe. thank you, my friend.
some of the most vuler in an are the elderly. this was taken in galveston county earlier today. the owner and residents about two dozen people all together were rescued. the county commissioner says some were found up to their waists in water, those you see in these pictures who were wheelchair bound were found up to their necks in water. in ten minutes, i m going to talk to the owner s daughter about this desperate situation. let s head over to cnn in atlanta and tom. i m worried about those folks there, as i know you re looking at more rain in the forecast? believe it or not, we re not even close to the halfway point. we are watching unfold what will most likely be a one in 1,000
year event. it could be greater than that. the system will stall on us, without a steering current, it s unfolding before our eyes. many are wondering, why is it still a electron cal storm, hasn t it been on land long enough? shouldn t this be called the remnants of harvey? when they are over land, they really fire up. it s feeding off its own rainfall, it s called the brown ocean effect. it s just feeding on all the rain that it s already dropped on the ground. it gives it s energy and sustains its strength. we re watching in the brighter colors of push el and red, the heavier rain fanning to the east now, that s going to add moisture to the ground and provide possible flooding in louisiana. the feeder bands continue to pummel the houston area. we had rainfall rates just last night at 4 to 6 inches per hour south of houston. 10 inches in an hour and a half.
and we just had another band move through, you ll see it on the last couple images, give it another couple hours, i think you re going to get a little bit of a break, we re looking at this system to regenerate as it makes its way offshore. the national weather service has been busy, handling tornado warnings. right now, nothing, that s great news. we still have the watch in effect, and flood emergency continues until 7:15. here s what you have to know. it slides off monday afternoon over the gulf. it could generate a little more strength. then where does it go? it goes to the north, leaving on friday. if you look at all the computer models have been in great agreement they agree. let s pull it back off. the center could be close to
where landfall was made. that could keep electrical crews from restoring energy. most models and we concur, most likely it will be houston which will double the amount of rainfall that they ve already picked up. so not only will the waters continue to rise in eastern texas, they re going to be slow to go away. we watch the mess start to move toward louisiana. the computer models have been on this system, it s unfortunate we re watching this event unfold. look for more rainfall to come back into victoria, corpus christi, the heavier amounts continue to stay from galveston to houston. our problem spot is now expanding. that s going to be a big problem, rivers continue to rise rise rise. oh, my goodness. tom, you talked about the watches and warnings in effect. ed was talking to people on their rooftops, hearing tornado
sirens. obviously people would normally go to lower ground, with the floodwaters, what do people do in a situation like this? it s a great. they tell you not to get into the attic. i mean, the possibility of getting a tornado if you re on top of your roof is slim to say the least. the rescue workers are doing what they can to get you down, they re not going to go up in a tornado warning either. if you can go back down, that s probably the best. do not stay in the attic, they do not want you there. once you are in the clear, you should get someone s attention. hunker down in a doorway if it s not flooded. the tornados are few and far between. i know we ve had 112 already. there will continue to be more. most folks, it will be best for them to get the attention of anyone with a 911 call, getting
out there and waiving towels, doing what they can to get someone s attention. the amount of rainfall that s going to double. the tornado threat should slide a little bit. that will be more toward the houston area, when it makes a secondary landfall. don t miss tonight at 7:00 eastern, texas governor greg abbott will join us live, so stay tuned for that. still ahead, we showed you the heart breaking photo a moment ago, elderly residents at this texas nursing home stranded and up to their waists or beyond in floodwaters. details on how this picture went viral. and eventually led to their dramatic rescue. the owner s daughter will join us live. on things like struts, brakes, shocks. all kinds of automobile parts.
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the life threatening flooding is only expected to worsen in the coming days. the elderly, especially those who cannot move by themselves are the most vulnerable before the break we showed you a picture. the residents sitting up to their waists or even their chests in floodwaters. around noon today they were rescued. not before the owner snapped this photo, sent it to her daughter desperate for help. the owner s daughter is joining us live right now on the phone. i couldn t believe it was real as well. my mother sent it to me. i don t think anyone thought there would be a problem.
when i texted her in the morning to check in, i was totally shocked. at that point didn t know what to do, i asked her what i could do to help her, and she said, they were waiting on the national guard, and if we can contact anybody, her phone went dead. we were so upset thinking that we were in imminent danger, that s only we were calling emergency management, deciding what to do. to try to get as much attention, find somebody who lived near them. get there with the boat. when we saw this pictures on social media is this real? i thought it was it was my mom, but i recognized the popcorn machine in the photo for sure.
she uses that. i couldn t believe it. i was of the same opinion when i saw it. i knew she was desperate. everyone there is her family. she spends more time with them than she does her kids and grandkids. she loves earn there. she spent the last night with them there at the house. rather than go home. she has a disaster plan in place, i mean, she had it in place, i spoke with her days before. they told her to shelter in place, that s what they did. i know a lot of people are watching this are relieved everyone there made it out okay. take me behind the scenes and the emotion you were feeling from hearing what was happening on the other end of the conversation with your mom walk me through what they were doing prior to the rescuers getting there?
it was a quick text maybe the power was out or something like that, to get those pictures in response very brief. but she needed help. at that point we had to try to do whatever to save them she said the water was rising. they re going to be dead within hours. at that point we tried calling emergency management, we tried everything we were really grateful, dallas county emergency management office took our call and we told them we couldn t call 911, we were in tampa, we needed them to help. they were very good. they gave us updates at that point, we were very grateful to the national guard and galveston
emergency management we were stressed out trying to make sure they got help. there were reports on twitter they had gotten help, we did not confirm that until hours later. have you been in touch with your mom since they were rescues? just my stepfather. he texted me to let us know he did he was in the back of the national guard truck and they were five. there were a total of 15 residents, 11 of them went to area hospitals. everyone is okay. once we knew that, we felt 10 times, 100, 1,000 times better. it s a helpless feeling being in florida and not being able to help when we know the people were could have easily died. and just again to reiterate that, we spoke with the local public information officer there for the department of emergency management who confirmed they
all made it out we know the worst is yet to come for folks in that region. we re wishing you the best, thank you for spending time with us to do what you could to help by putting it on social media. that is the bright spot with social media being available. we re thankful everyone was able to get out safe. fema is gearing up for a year s long effort the immediate focus is still on rescuing people on the aftermath of this storm, the agency has pledged a long term effort to help the state recover. fema s going to be there for years. this disaster recovery, this is going to be a landmark event and we re already in the stages while we re focused on a
response right now. we re pushing forward, recovery housing teams. we re already pushing forward, force us to be on the ground to implement national flood insurance program policies as well we re setting up and gearing up for the next couple years. we ve learned nearly 5,000 people from the federal government are on site in texas and louisiana, including the coast guard which has been directing hundreds of search and rescue operations. brian todd is witnessing a rescue operation as we speak. as you can see, some dogs have been rescued here, we re told some of these boats these are private rescuers, the omni hotel. we re told between 60 and 80 people are stranded. they just pulled some of these people out. this is brittany hayes, she was staying at the omni hotel.
they just came and got you. it flooded to the second floor, it took this morning, probably 6:00 a.m. the hotel lobby started filling up, they brought all the kitchen stuff up to the second level, and that was about it. are they trying to get people to upper floors? yeah, upper floors, there s no power, there s fumes in there because of the diesel from one of the generators. the fumes from the diesel is fuming up. is there anyone injured? no one s injured people are just, come get us. the hotel staff is calming people down, they gave us as much water as they could, they re trying to keep us calm, but there s definitely people there. i m going to narrate here,
they ve come in every 10 or 15 minutes, they re going back over to the omni to pull people out. there s a neighborhood behind the omni where people may need some rescuing. these are private rescuers deploying their own boats and they re about to push off again. they told us they have a lot of work to do to pull people out of here. you told me you re from l.a.? what are your impressions of houston? i probably won t be back any time soon. everyone is nice. people care and they re coming to help. with the hotel, have they told you they re going to try to put you guys somewhere else? they re going to take us to the other omni that has power. that s where they re taking us now. the sense inside the hotel, are people panicking or are they is the hotel calming people down.
the hotel staff is awesome. no one should stay the night there everyone needs to be out of there for sure. good look at the new hotel where you can be staying. you can see from her explanation here, there some people that need to be pulled out. we may get over there with some of these rescuers in a poet to see what those conditions are. we asked them earlier, they said they couldn t take us. we may talk to people as they re coming off the boats. hard to believe, the hotel, they re so tall, they have to be evacuated. keep us posted on the ground. worth noting, we got a note from officials in galveston county. and to brian and ed s point. what we re seeing. emergency officials put out the
call again on social media to ask people if they had boats and were able to come with their boats and with some gas, and try to aid in the rescue operations they were encouraged to do so. we re told 25 to 35 private boat owners showed up to assist. you can see how deep the floodwaters are in houston and tom sater saying they re not even halfway through this event yet. up next, the latest on houston s airports and how flooding is impacting inbound and outbound flights. uhhh and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee? guarantee? where we can get our fees and commissions back if we re not happy. so can you offer me what schwab is offering? what s with all the questions? ask your broker if they re offering $4.95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee.
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let s talk more about the impact of this catastrophic flooding in southern texas as we show you images of a coast guard boat getting ready to head out in the floodwaters. we know there are thousands of rescuers who have arrived. a lot of volunteers on scene. this one in particular, we ve learned is a coast guard crew rescuing what appears to be a mother and her young son. now, the airports in terms of travel, they re not doing any better. bush intercontinental is currently at a halt. harvey airport is at a standstill. no flights will be allowed in or out. even if there were flights taking off today, it would be
difficult. every airport in the houston area is underwater. this is a tractor-trailer sitting abandoned almost completely submerged. that was from earlier today at some places street signs are covered. in some cases, cars are entirely submer submerged how serious is the situation where you are? reporter: my colleague ed lavandera took you into a neighborhood in houston. let me show you the highways leading into houston i m standing on the access road here, you can see much of it submerged. turn around head the other direction. the issue here is much of the interstate, at least this one is open, we are seeing people
driving on the highway, if you want to get off that highway, you can make out that offramp off in the distance, it leads you directly into what looks like a lake. that s going to be an issue. the water you see behind me appears to be spilling out of one of the bayous on the city s southwest side. i want to show you the video we shot earlier today. speaking of some of those coast guard rescues. there were coast guard rescuers, having to drop that basket and be able to pluck that individual from a neighborhood and fly out of the area, that s something we ve seen before, we ve seen quite a bit, and we expect to see even more of in the coming days. folks, try to avoid these spots right here. that will video you showed a little while ago, that s what we
see now, will it get worse? officials think it will. ana. a lot of people have asked, why weren t people evacuated ahead of this. they knew the rain was coming. ask people to evacuate, could have made for an even greater nightmare situation as he put it, so thank you for that reporting and giving us a look at the highways and interstates nearby. up next, the devastation in rockpo rockport, our martin savage is there, they took the brunt of the hurricane when it made landfall. we ll hear from a swiftwater rescue team about how they re going out saving people from these floodwaters. r premium plu. the best you can buy starting under $25. only at the home depot. pepsoriasis does that. it was tough getting out there on stage.
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much of rockport is covered in water like houston and other areas. one of two deaths blamed on harvey so far. i understand, martin, people are trying to put some of their lives back to together even though the storm hasn t completely subsided there. what are you hearing in terms of what they re preparing for next? reporter: well, what they re trying to do right now is simply get over the shock of what has happened to their county. a massive amount of devastation that you see when you come into this town or even approach it. it s just such a huge scale and it s everywhere you look. just like what you re seeing behind us here, magnify that
block after block. they have many, many homes they have to go through. and it s not just homes. it s boats. it s a waterfront community. the other worry they have is natural gas. because of the massive amount of damage, structural damage, you have a lot of broken pipes. so they re trying to secure those and cap those off. so they re still dealing with a number of dangers and hazards. they did not have any reports of anyone missing. and as you pointed out so far one person so far here has been killed. have you learned anymore about that person who died? reporter: it was a fire. apparently people say how does a fire start with the downpour and the winds, well they don t know
exactly yet. but it could have been done pour lines or gas. people said all night long there were frantic calls coming in. they will never forget those terrible calls they couldn t respond to. martin savidge in rockport, thank you. we are now told 1,200 at least have been taken to safety. in galveston alone that s over a thousand rescues reported over night. you can actually see deputy sheriffs swimming to someone who appears to be up in their neck in water. and it seems this is becoming all too common. 600 vessels have been activated. and 3,000 national guard members have been coming. this is part of the state s
urban search and rescue team in houston which has been deployed. thank you for spending time with us. your team is on the way to houston right now. they specialize in water rescues. what s the plan, exactly, when they get there? well, they ll get there, with they hit the ground they ll get a specific mission. they ll setup a base of operation and all the things necessary to get ramped up right away. i d anticipate unquestioningly they ll get to work right away with respect to doing search and rescue missions. so your team employs swift and search water rescues. what does that involve. that water fills up very
quickly, has nowhere to go, and where a street may have been dry one minute, the next minute it has flowing water of several feet that goes very, very quickly. and the team that we sent along with other teams from around the country are specially trained, equipped and certified to deal with any rushing water, as well as any still rescues. again, someone could be walking along and then no water and then water may appear or all of a sudden they get pushed up by water. they re well-trained, well equip would, well prepared. and they re self-sustaining. they will not be a draw on the resources there. we heard from fema officials this is storm that has not been
seen before. what s your assessment? it seems very catastrophic and very reminisce want of some of the catastrophic situations with tutrina. 30 plus inches of rain, i mean that s unfathomable. it s unquestionably something that s very, very difficult to deal with. on a day-to-day basis in challenging enough in the law enforcement business. but now add this especially at night where there s no electricity, pitch-black, rushing water, standing water. and we ve heard before house fires starting from wires down, things igniting. it just is a major, major challenge and catastrophic situation. real quick what is the best
way for people who are stranded right now to signal for help? well, certainly if they re fortunate to have a phone, have a flair, have a flashlight, certainly their voice, anything of that nature. and obviously the most important thing is to get to the highest place they can if it involves a roof or anything. it s so important right now so we can get to you. those first responders are right are in that area as well as those coming in. we want to get to you by helping you. but try to help us by helping yourself right now. thank you so much for spending some time with us. these are live images, by the way, of a rescue happening as we speak.

South-houston , Pictures , Picture , Ona-boat-near-dickinson-texas , Latest , Gal-ves-ston , Neighborhood , Neighborhoods , Some , Bayou-chantilly , Fivtd , Floodwaters

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170713 04:00:00

something is bogus in new york and it s not the cops. that s it for us tonight from washington. we are here every night at 8:00. the five is next. dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino. with juan williams, jesse watters, greg gutfeld, and kimberly h guilfoyle. it is 9:00 in new york city and this is the five. tonight, new reaction from president trump with the firestorm surrounded around his son and russia. the president is telling reuters tonight he only learned about the controversial sitdown a couple of days ago and doesn t blame his son for having the meeting. saying many people would have. democrats want the treason charge, other people say that s nonsense.
there s been soop much overwrought claim. there are people talking about treason. i can t believe the new york times had an op-ed yesterday in which treason was mentioned. people are saying it could be treason, which is facially absurd. it just doesn t rise to that level. dana: corey lewandowski thinks the white house needs to get much tougher on cracking down on leaks. anybody and i mean anybody who is not on the president s agenda working in this administration should be removed immediately, i don t know who the leaker is. if someone was speaking to the media or leaking information which could potentially be detrimental to the president and his administration, i would fir them on the spot. dana: juan, if i would go to your first you would think donald trump, jr., s meeting was wrong, possibly unethical but to jump to treason, does that underminena the democrats point?
growth dana: perhaps congress needs to clarify the law about interactions between campaigns and foreign government. right now, this is just not there. kimberly: people are trying to run with this. i think they are trying to smear donald trump and any kind of political aspirations. remember at the rnc how well he did? a lot of people talked about his political future. this is trying to do generational and reputational damage for the trump family. they are starting happily and aggressively with donald jr. they tried to take a hit with ivanka. she s been very passionate onon behalf of coming out with women s issues. eair pay for women, and health for working women as it relates to health care, syria, the chemical weapons attacks. when i say something like this, i just wonder what the motivation is behind us, in terms of someone going after him
like this. perhaps this is really the perfect time to find some clarification, some clarity as it relates to what is appropriate and what isn let me tell you, if my father was running for president of the united states, i would sit down and take a meeting and find out if there was information against anin opponent. compare this to what hillary clinton did to the women that accused bill clinton of sexual misconduct or assault against them. et cetera. what did she do to smear them and investigate them? i find the hypocrisy from the left really appalling. dana: jesse, some on the right have been saying well, why isn t anybody looking into and investigating and charging hillary clinton s team with the ukrainians? they got information that was against paul manafort. if that s the case isn t that also admitting that this meeting was wrong? jesse: if you want to
trying to help his father. if there s something wrong with trying to help your father, then i guess we are all guilty. dana: cory lewandowski was getting to that. the leaks are actually coming from the inside.. they established that the white house is not under any they don t think they have a legal problem but the p.r. problem is sort of internal sabotage. greg: yeah, i don t care. i honestly don t care. the more alarmed the press becomes, the more i believe america is becoming exhausted. these stories are becoming so intense and over-the-top. they are so interested in reiterating the past. we know as americans that is not about collusion, it s about settling the score. yeah, we might do the same thing
because s we would be angry over an election but at a certain point, you ve got to let it go. i can redefine collusion as the collusion between the media, academia, and the entertainment industry, who have been trying to brainwash us for decades over the dumbest ideologies. we ve been victims of collusions all of our lives. the narrative here is that the trump presidency is in disarray. that s what we know. that s what we elected. we k are okay with disarray. we elected somebody because they don t have experience in politics. therefore, he sct surrounded by people are not adept at controlling the narrative. maybe that s their fault and maybe donald should have known better but the bottom line is this: if you wanted this not to happen, you could have had a rubio, kasich. dana: you would probably have clinton. kimberly: and now we have less isis.
shut up greg: you have the good. it s a phenomenon. trump is a phenomenon. if you are seeing things happen like isis. the downside is, you are going to have this stuff going on forever because they don t know how to deal with it because they are not insiders. you elected ann outsider. this is not a bug in the system. this is the system. we just have to deal with it and over it. the hyperventilation on other networks is insane. have you see them lately? i worry about their health.nt jesse: yesterday you saw a fever pitch you can see the temperature come down ates least half a degree. greg: they will find something new. this wall street journal piece that came out, everyone is screaming about it. there s nothing in at least, i couldn t find anything. dana: it s basically sayingth that the russians were trying to infiltrate into the campaign to see they were trying to listener in. we found out the russians were talking about the trump campaign but we ve known that.
greg: that was the tick tick boom on twitter. juan: i think there are two other stories that are interesting. in fact, there are concerns that the russians were given information a about various districts where there were vulnerabilities for clinton. weaknesses. those districts saw an increase of the kind of hacking and emails being sent in, specifically targeting at blacks, women, to decrease hillary votes. that would be cooperating and urging on a foreign power. it s not to say that there is not real problems here. for me, as a democrat, i looked to see what are republicans thinking. when are republicans going to become critical? today, you had national review saying basically russian collusion is no longer just a tinfoil conspiracyic theory.
no american, republican or democrat, should defend the intent of donald trump s meeting. dana: even donald trump, jr., said he would have done it differently. hindsight being 20/20. juan: jesse said he was duped. he wasn t duped. jesse: the only reason he did it was because he was boys with the guy that had to hook up. juan: the email said that she was coming with informationk directly from the russian government. kimberly: this party is going down the toilet. they don t get it. now people within your party, juan, are saying this russian story is a total loser. if you don t have the senate, the house. you certainly don t have the oval. if you keep story. we have bernie sanders, he s not a closer, either. hillary clinton is going to hide out with scooby snacks in the van. if i was you guys, i would be freaking out.
[laughter] juan: i don t care what your political affiliation is. this presidents white house is not doing his job. kimberly:wh he needs to get some better people into be able to deliver what he promised the working men and women. juan: kimberly guilfoyle just said she thinks donald trump should get better people? en kimberly: yes. he needs to filled thee positios that are there. he knows that. jesse: they are going to run for the hills, at the smallest whiff of controversy. i ve watchedd them all day. juan: they are not turning away from donald trump. greg: i will ask the dumbest question. kimberly: you are good at it. greg: how come a citizen cannot engage in a practice that a reporter can?
a reporter can go to a meeting and if you get some information he s a whistleblower. it s snowden, everything. but trump, jr., a citizen it s collusion. he could have been chelsea manning. a reporter is a hero, they make a movie about you. dana: if a foreign government comes to you with information to damage another american, i would not do it. greg: i would in a second. i would say you re going to tell me you would say i wonder what it is. dana will get on the phone and say hello, fbi? dana: i would never do anything to if they had information on you, i am taking that call. [laughter] dana: a breakup announcement, next. and not the kind that you might be thinking. one that you might
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greg: joe scarborough has announced he s leaving the republicanth party. reactions pouring in from all over the world. [laughter] greg: it s too easy. joe scarborough, morning joe, told this shocker on colbert last night. this was well before donald trump was elected htpresident that my party has betrayed their core values. time and time and time again, they turn the other way. they are doing the same thing now. it s actually disgusting. you have to ask yourself, what exactly is the republican party willing to do? how far are they willing to go and how much of this country and values are they willing to sell out? but aren t you a republican? i am a republican but i m not going to be a republican anymore. i ve got to become an independent.
greg: okay, weird. we go to the republican party for reaction. [laughter] greg: so, joe calls it an exit but for republicans, it s really an enema. he played both sides as a teenager. thankfully, not joe s. greg: oh, man, is that awkward or what? he seems to be the only one
there enjoying the song. thee rest of them are just waiting for the check to clear. all decisions are driven by a need for attention. chases the spotlight, and thenh he moves on. after all, he does tend to leave things. he did resign from congress, after all. for something sanctimonious about leaving a group that isn t clamoring to keep you. if it s because of trump, fine. but joe indulged and flattered him and used him to gain access and ratings. to woo him away from fox & friends. then when he saw donald outgrow him, he imploded. i wish him luck. i welcome his independence, even if it s just another stab at relevance, to be noticed at the next hamptons cocktail party. i bet he s going to bring his guitar. kimberly: [laughs] greg: did his announcement move you to tears? dana: no.
when colbert asked him, are you still a republican? it s such a planted question. they probably were able to get booked on colbert saying they were going to make thiss big news. a it is a little hard to take in, watching the primary pretty closely, we all lived it. they loved donald trump. it was like wait, i don t understand. what about all these conservative principles? greg: he compared him to reagan! he said he was the next reagan. jesse, it takes such talent for leaving your party to seem phony. jesse: when i saw the story, i was like why are we doing this story? i now know why we are doing this story. i don t have anything bad to say and i have no animosity with joe scarborough. i want to congratulate him on hisre nuptials.
they are riding the wave. that s fine, let them do their thing. the band is getting back together. i don t know what that was. i don t think anybody cares and the republican party that he s leaving. i think msnbc, a talkingn point now, you can t say joe scarborough and morning joe. you can t even say that. [laughter]ay > kimberly: that s true. greg: juan, people are being broken emotionally by trump, they go through this thing and then something happens and they are never the same. is that what happens here? he s just emotionally broken by this victory? i don t know. juan: i don t know if he s emotionally broken. i think he s behaving in an expedient manner. he is capitalizing where he can
for the moment to get attention. i took him seriously. i wanted to know exactly what his argument is. donald trump says i don t know what the kkk and david duke are. because he has hispanic heritage he can t be a judge in my case. he goes on about values. heon says why are republicans continuing to make excuses for donald trump? greg: i don t think he said he didn t know who the kkk was coming he said he wasn t aware if they were supporting him. so what if some freak supports you? kimberly: this is old juan: take it seriously. it is very critical, as we sat in the first segment. what point do republicans say you know what? donald trump, this has gone too far. greg: you ve convinced me. now that joe has left, he has convinced me. trump is evil. kimberly: are you joining the unicorn party? i love the hairdo.
jesse: yeah, can we talk about that? i want hair like that. kimberly: yours is short in comparison. his is like a chia pet. miracle-gro. he wants to sell albums and he said that and that s fine. he s into this whole thing. i am happy for him. good for them. good. he wants to go and play and record and play for his kids but here s my thing. donald trump, the president, f s very good to them. very loyal. offered them to get married in mar-a-lago or at the white house. was on their show, a whole deal. and then they were hitting him in d the face. i don t live like that. greg: in the music performance, he reminded me a lot of the partridge family. you know you re not really musician if you are constantly looking at the people around you while you re playing.
it sounded like he ripped off pete townsend. dana: he s done a lot of these songs. monkey house? jesse: what kind of instruments do you play? greg: i play everything. i was in a band. i can t say the name of the band but it was a death metal band. kimberly: was lou dobbs in it?? dana: they were actually good, right? greg: we were okay. let s let it go. dana: russia, if you have the tapes greg: i was 20 years old. kimberly: how did you look? greg: i looked great. up next, why is a liberal magazine editor who considers herself a feminist criticizing ivanka trump for her clothing? we will tell you, up ahead. cizing can we at least analyze customer traffic? can we push the offer online? legacy technology can handcuff any company.
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kimberly: ivanka trump accompanied her father for the g20 summit in germany. the presidential advisor launched an initiative and sat in for her dad at a meeting from world leaders. one magazine editor is saying that ivanka trump is not a feminist. not for something she said but rather what she wore. i don t mean to sound sexist, it can be dangerous commenting on what women wear but she sat in for her father wearing a dress that was so ornamental. it sdr a pink dress with big bos on the elbows. there s something incredibly ornamental. that s not a dress made for work or to go out in the world and make a difference. that is a dress that is designed to show off your girliness. god bless her. show it off.
but don t then tell us that you are crusading for an equal place for women at the table. because you are not. kimberly: gross. dana: i can barely breathe. this is exactly what the didn tt movement you want to be judged by your looks. you wanted to be judged by your thoughts, capabilities, work. when you say i don t mean to sound sexist but. it s like when you say i don t mean to disrespect but. don t even say that. the democrats could not change maternity leave. ivanka trump is actually changing it. she s going up there on the issues that she cares about. today, she was able to announce that the president is going to put in more money towards humanitarian aid for the famine being exacerbated in africa. she has created this entire worldwide push for women and
girls around the world. what else could be feminist? and they make fun of her outfit? this is why young women don t want to call themselves feminist and that this is whyhy that movement is dying and it should. greg: after seeing this, i am no longer a feminist. are we sure she s not an evil white male? it was so patriarchal. dana: it sounds like it would have been set in the 70sri or mad men. greg: i m not surprised she s a predictable ideologue. if somebody gave you two of her beliefs, you could predict the third one. she sat predictable. she has never strayed from this ideological hard left stance. all of us here are unpredictable in the things we believe in. you are a conservative here or a npliberal here. that does not exist in her
world. she s an ideologue dogmatist and really predictable. kimberly: jesse? jesse: i was told never to start a sentence when you say this might sound sexist but. that s like 101. it was a very spiteful comment. i thought women were supposed to boost each other up, not tear ryeach other down. it always seems like the left thinks the worst of the trumps. trump, jr., has a bad meeting. he s a traitor. ivanka takes her father s seat it s because she s an ornament or a piece of property. donald trump praised symphonies and that makes him a racist. everything this family does, everyone on the left thinks he has the worst intentions. i m getting sick of it. kimberly: there s nothing anybody in the family can do to get some honest evaluation or
statement about what they do.e she s an entrepreneur, very charitable. i ve known her for over ten years. it s sad because what also she kexpected to even do? she s trying to serve the country. she s very passionate about women and children and equale wage and good health care and being murdered and genocide that s happening, she s created ave vey affordable clothing line. nothingh. is good enough. this woman is setting back other women, by diminishing her accomplishments, by complaining aboutwo what she s wearing. shame on you. what have you done for women, joan walsh? juan: i have a different viewpoint. dana: you are siding with joan walsh? juan: i will say this for joan walsh and people looking at the trump family i don t
think anybody is all down on the family. jesse: are you watching the news? juan: i think you guys enjoy the idea if you haven t noticed, the women around donald trump, they all are very stylish, extremely beautiful dana: everyone just praised ymichelle obama s outfits. juan: they talked about her muscle tone, everything. that s fair. kimberly: what are you talking about? that s a compliment. oh, my gosh. juan: she said she looked ornamental. kimberly: that s not a dress that s made for work. that s a dress designed to show off your girliness it is sexist. juan: i don t think it s sexist about what she s saying and what dana said, look at the woman s work.
look at what she has done.e. kimberly: are you better than me because you can wear that outfit and i wear a dress? no.he juan: she t saying let s have more money for this or paid leave, that s not making the argument or winning the argument in congress. that s not changing our national values. dana: she s been very active, she s gone to senator rubio, she s written to the wall street journal because they don t like the idea. she s taken them on. she s actively trying to do something. juan: okay. you can praise it but the ideaea that you have her sitting in at formal meetings at the g20 that s kind of unusual that you have your daughter kimberly: that showsd that president trump champions women and believes in his daughter. it s an example for the rest of the people in the country to do that for their daughters. the only thing that would make the left happy is if she was screaming like a lunatic and throwingng things.
dana: and don t forget, wearing a hat. greg: you can make those jokes now. i can make fun of how chelsea dresses. everything s on the table, right?no no, i wouldn t. because i am a classy guy. juan: you are. you are. greg: am i? kimberly: i m done with this. illegal immigration and the long promised wall, next. tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass, you get a text when we re on our way. you can see exactly when we ll arrive. i m micah with safelite. customer: thanks for coming, it s right over here. tech: giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. take care. kids singing: safelite® repair, safelite® replace.
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[vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you now that the summer of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month s lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. jesse: today, jeff sessions gave an update on the administration s efforts to stop illegal immigration. we are finally getting serious about securing our border. this is a matter of national enforcement. we are seeing positive resultser with m illegal border crossings, falling to their lowest s monthy
figure in 17 years. this is a real improvement but we are not there yet. jesse: there s also an update on mr. trump s big, beautifule wall. yesterday, a house panel unveiled legislation for a down payment. likely to start a spending fight that could lead to a shutdown. steve king backs the measure but thinks it should go even further. i would throw another $5 billion on the pile and half a billion dollars right out of planned parenthood s budget and the rest of it could come out of food stamps and the entitlements thatom are being spread out for people that haven t worked in three generations. we have to put america back to work. this administration will do it. jesse: wow. what do you think about steve king s inflammatory greg: this is not a persuasive argument. building a wall, you have to be practical, not political. this is a guy saying ifot you he
the idea of the wall, you are going to hate this idea even more. g you are supposed to broaden the appeal of stuff. this is a salt in the wound kind of thing. you want people on the fence or on the wall to come to the wall. you don t want to say hey, guess what? we will take money from this and this and other causes that you like. make it the world s longest strip mall. it could be nail salons. chinese take-out. dry cleaners. always the karate studio. they always have a karate studi in strip malls and no one is ever in them. jesse: just a lot of trophies. is this donald trump s way to negotiate? steve king saying we will do thisy and this and this? and then when they negotiate back from there, they will get the funding? dana: maybe the white house could put steve king up to that but my talking point was not the most persuasive argument for the wall. greg: i saw that.
kimberly: it could be top line. dana: consistently, across the board, polling for the wall is 60% against. polling for planned parenthoodg is like almost an 80% popularity rate. not that i think it should be funded by the federal government but basically, he s bringing up two very difficult things. on the food stamp point, if they can prove they can t get those roles t down they should do that in a demonstrable fashion. and then instead of saying people that haven t worked in three decades, we will take their food stamps away jesse: i don t think the wall can be chipped away at all. they can t be slowed down or defunded. t if donald trump loses the wall or momentum on the wall, that puts a huge chink in the armor and the base. kimberly: the moneyal would be better spent securing the borders than ending and shortening the lives of thousands of babies. wouldn t t it?
juan: are you kidding me? first of all, planned parenthood does so much more than abortion but if you want to have the abortion argument, let s have it. greg: they shouldn t be doing abortions then. juan: why can t they i don t want to get into it and it s so emotional. when it comes to the idea that you would kick people off of food stamps and you just say oh, it s just those undeserving, degenerate people who have been taking advantage? what is going on? steve king thinking those mexican immigrants have calves the size of cantaloupes, well, stevem king looks like a big old halloween jack-o -lantern. the two-thirds of the people getting food stamps in our great country are either children, the elderly, or disabled. why would you go after this group? i don t get it. one more point, jesse. guess what states would be hardest hit, jesse? states that voted for
donald trump have the highest population of this needy group. ii don t think it s respectful r loving for anybody to go after children, the disabled, and the elderly. jesse: maybe the able-bodied people that are getting food stamps can work for the wall. a funeral for the officer assassinated in new york city last week. trying to end hatred towards police, up ahead. you totanobody s hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they ll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you d get your whole car back. i guess they don t want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™,
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juan: a lot of people have this sentiment. this is a very intriguing moment. this woman is a latina. a lot of people talk about black and blue, brown and blue, what happens when you have officerst who were shot, assassinated, who are protecting the community? kimberly: i ve seen this type of story over and over again. to that family and her children, this is raw. real. unacceptable. something like this is happening but it s part of this sickening cultureng where people are not respecting the men and women that faithfully serve in blue. they try to beat them down, they try to make them look like they are the enemies. the police that serve every morning and try and do this job are the ones that are hunted and disrespected. it s really appalling to me that this is going on in this country. it s been going on for a while. we know where it started and what administration, bill de blasio should be thrown out.
juan: jesse, in fact, there was some young kid playing nwa s blank the police. i get people would say look at all the police officers cleared in the shooting of people, the philando castile it s hard for police any police to get convicted of killing someone unarmed. jesse: yes, you would never want to blast that song at a funeral. it s inexcusable. kimberly: it s part of the ferguson effect. jesse: real, average americans are trying to take care of their families, going to work. they have commitments. there is a silent majority out there. the silent majority that talks to their friends, neighbors, families about something like this. and then they talk at the ballot box and i think that s what counts. the silent majority make their
voices heard. the young people, black lives matter, the open borders activists those people are going to get out there because they don t have a lot to do. theyey don t have jobs or a lot going on. that s when you see the hatred and animosity. they don t have the passion to be fair. you won t see a lot of hard-working americans coming out for this because life moves fast, unfortunately. juan: we saw police come from around the world to this funeral. it was on the grand concourse. it was flooded with blue. dana: the hardest job in the world is being a single mom and second hardest job is being a police officer. it does show you why the new york police department consistently recruits s and retains america s finest. juan: greg, your pal, big bill de blasio spoke at the funeral. greg: there was a demonstration they are, after all.
hundreds of cops turned their backs on them. that s a demonstration. in terms of why there aren t other demonstrators coming out of this like black lives matter, they ignored this injustice because it doesn t fit their narrative. perhaps if they actually did , listen to this, it would force them to look in the mirror and question their own complicity in this. there is complicity in this. the police have been demonized. the narrative on various networks have demonized the police, making the ferguson effect. making them on capable to do their jobs. juan: this is a conflict between police and black lives matter but there s no doubt i think everyone at thee table understands that what happened to officer miosotis familia it was an abomination and should never happen. one more thing up next.
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role of ms. cooper. pick the book up. if you are going to love it. dana: president trump promised to aid money in africa. the united nations world food program called the pledge a godsend. president trump led the effort to allow a group of afghan girls into the country after they had been previously denied entry. soso they could partake in an international robotics competition. they t had initially been denied and theth national security advisor said the u.s. is proud of these girls who represent the best of the afghan people. jesse. jesse: i ve made a fashion statement last night on the ffive. people went crazy.
that s called a burgundy blazer. we call it that for a reason.y. because everybody on the internet set i looked like ron burgundy. a stay classy. and a mustache. i did not do that. that s not my mustache. juan: there is a new area and photography, look at the winners of this contest. it looks like someone is falling off the edge of a building but a closer look, you will see it s a man in the picture laying on the edge of a tennis court. here s the secondd one. looks like vibrant pink standing out, a sea of green lilies. greg: it s my turn, juan. i have a great article at you should read it. i ve got a great new podcast with ariel pink, of brilliant musical artist.

Something , People , Meeting , Democrats , Son , Doesn-t , Couple , Treason-charge , Nonsense , Treason , The-new-york-times , Claim